B&B Transcript Monday, July 26, 2021

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Crickets chirping ]

Ridge: So that means the two of you are gonna be heading home together?

Steffy: Mm-hmm. Just one of the many great things about having paris live with us.

Paris: I cannot thank you enough for welcoming me into your home. It has been driving me crazy trying to find a place after zoe left town.

Steffy: You’ll find one, but until then, be our guest.

Paris: I’m excited.

Steffy: Me too. I know the kids are, especially hayes.

Ridge: Why especially my grandson?

Steffy: He and paris are, like, full-on besties. He was having a meltdown, and then paris sang this lullaby and totally calmed him down when finn and I couldn’T.

Ridge: That sounds like a good setup.

Steffy: Yeah. It is.

[ Chuckles ]

Ridge: Well, at least something good came out of this whole situation. I mean, paris wouldn’t even be looking for a place if quinn and carter hadn’t done what they did.

Carter: We don’t have to define it, put a label on it.

Quinn: It just…happens when we’re together.

Carter: Yeah.

Quinn: [ Sighs ] We’ve tried to say goodbye so many times.

Carter: But I can’T.

Quinn: I can’t either.

Paris: Oh. Hey.

Zende: I’m just trying on some new designs.

Paris: Well, you wear it well.

Zende: Thank you. Makes me feel good.

Paris: Well, I’m feeling pretty good myself. I got some good news.

Zende: You found a place?

Paris: This pretty awesome situation just fell into my lap.

Zende: Hey, congratulations. Tell me about it.

Paris: Well, I didn’t plan on having roommates, but turns out I’m gonna have four.

Zende: Four?

Paris: Mm-hmm. And I’ve been warned that two of them get pretty loud.

Zende: Um, hopefully, you can just ask them to keep it down, right?

Paris: I can try. I’m sure kelly will try, but hayes, I don’t think he’ll understand what I’m saying.

Zende: Wait. Hayes? You’re living with steffy and finn?

Ridge: Well, it was kind of you to give paris a place to stay for the time being.

Steffy: Finn and I are glad that she accepted our invitation. She’s been really lonely now that zoe’s in paris. Like, I understand why she wanted to stay there. I don’t know what I would do if I found out the man I loved was having an affair with the boss’ wife.

Ridge: Quinn and carter did hurt a lot of people.

Steffy: Hmm.

Carter: I’m not ready for it to end.

Quinn: [ Inhales ] Carter.

Carter: And neither are you. I can’t imagine living without this. Never holding you. Never looking into your eyes. Smelling your skin. Tasting your lips.

Quinn: Mmm. I feel it too. It took all of the strength I had to walk out of here.

[ Sighs ] It’s complicated. My plaque psoriasis…

[ Crickets chirping ]

Paris: Steffy and finn are so generous, giving me this beautiful place to stay right on the beach.

Zende: Living the socal dream, huh?

Paris: It’s more than I ever could have asked for. I couldn’t believe it when they offered.

Zende: You said yes right away, I guess, huh?

Paris: Once I realized they were being serious, you bet I did.

Zende: You’re not gonna have a lot of privacy.

Paris: Oh, after living by myself at zoe’s place, I can’t wait to be around people again. I hated coming home to an empty house and eating dinner by myself in front of a computer screen. I like activity.

Zende: Ooh. You will get plenty of that. I’m not saying things are crazy over there. I’m sure that finn and steffy have things under control.

Paris: Oh, yeah. They do. But I thought I could pitch in, you know. I offered to help with kelly and hayes, but they insisted that I’m their guest.

Zende: It won’t be, I don’t know, a little bit awkward living with the boss?

Paris: I don’t think so. Steffy and I really clicked.

Zende: Hmm.

Paris: And I haven’t spent a lot of time with finn, but he seems just as laidback and nice as steffy does.

Zende: He’s made my cousin very happy.

Paris: Yeah. I’m looking forward to getting to know him more.

Steffy: I’ve been meaning to ask. How’s granddad?

Ridge: You know how he is. He’s been over to the house, right?

Steffy: Yeah. He’s great with hayes. He loves his great grandchildren. But I get the feeling he’s putting on a brave face.

Ridge: Well, that’s the forrester way, isn’t it?

Steffy: Yeah. I just– I can’t stand what quinn did to him. All he did was defend her and give her the benefit of the doubt.

Ridge: He loved that woman. Didn’t listen to me. Didn’t listen to brooke. Just believed that she could never do anything wrong. That’s why this affair threw him.

Steffy: I hope he doesn’t think that we’re judging him.

Ridge: He knows we’re here for him.

Steffy: [ Scoffs ] I can’t stand what she did.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday July 26 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Christine

Sharon accidentally said Adam’s name when she meant Rey. Faith noticed Sharon was rattled. Sharon rushed out of the coffeehouse, with an excuse about running errands. Moses and told Faith he was interested in looking into a career in music. Nate told Moses to give some thought to what he wanted to do and think of what he’d be giving up if he didn’t go into medicine. Faith thought Moses should do what made him happy. Phyllis and Billy discussed Sally and Tara. Phyllis was sure that Summer would come home to her family and the love of her life after Tara and Sally were exposed. Billy thought Summer might stay in Milan for her dream job. He wasn’t sure Kyle and Summer were the love of each other’s lives, but Phyllis was confident Summer would return to claim what was rightfully hers. Tara told Kyle that Phyllis didn’t like her and held her responsible for Summer leaving town. Kyle said it was no one’s fault Summer left, and he promised he’d be there to support Tara. Kyle wondered why Summer suddenly had a change in attitude and left town. Being left by Summer hurt, but he felt that she’d done what she had to do. Kyle invited Sharon over to ask how to approach Ashland’s illness with Harrison. Sharon didn’t think it was a good idea to exclude Ashland from the discussion with Harrison or to cut Ashland out of Harrison’s life. Kyle talked Tara into meeting Ashland to try and compromise. Since she wanted to meet Ashland alone, Kyle went and confronted Phyllis about what she was doing to Tara. Adam disappointed Chelsea when he told her that it was time for Connor to come home. He assured her she could spend as much time with Connor as she wanted once she returned to Genoa City. Rey would be coming home in a few days, and Adam wanted him to drive Connor home too. Chloe arrived for her first day at work at Newman Media. Since she didn’t trust Adam, things didn’t go smoothly at first, but they reached an understanding. Adam ran into Sharon. Referencing their talk the other day, she told him not to try and rope her into talking about their history, because it was in the past. She said she felt pulled toward Rey, not Adam. Adam and Sharon seemed affected by their chance encounter. Ashland told Victoria that he still thought the merger was a great idea. She tried to talk him into treatment, but she couldn’t get through to him. Tara and Ashland met, and she told him she was willing to discuss talking to Harrison about the cancer as a team. Ashland felt he and Tara stopped being a team when she went for full custody. Billy overheard Victoria asking Nate about experimental treatments for people with lung cancer.

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Y&R Update Monday, July 26 2021

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Billy and Phyllis ran into each other in the hotel lobby. His meeting just canceled on him. She suggested he let Lily handle the meetings because no one would cancel on her. He agreed, but Lily took a last minute trip out of town to visit Mattie. He suggested he and Phyllis discuss Tara. She thought his theory that Sally and Tara were working together was correct. She was pretty sure they drove her daughter out of town. He wasn’t exactly sure Tara was capable of pulling that off. Phyllis said Tara was relying on Harrison to do that for her. She stated that Harrison was an Abbott that Jack and Kyle didn’t know about. Billy noted that this happened because Tara hid the truth. Phyllis said Jack and Kyle couldn’t see that – they only saw a child who needed their love. Phyllis said Tara was getting close to the Abbotts because she didn’t want to give up her gilded lifestyle. Billy said that made it open season on poor vulnerable Kyle. Phyllis didn’t understand why, but Summer recommended Sally for her job at JCV. That was soul crushing for Phyllis, because she knew Summer hated Sally. Billy asked if Phyllis thought Summer was forced to do it. She didn’t know; they just had to figure out what happened so Summer could come home. He asked if she was sure Summer wanted to come home.

Phyllis said Summer loved Genoa City, and she loved her family. “I inspire her,” Phyllis said. Billy noted that whatever dirty tricks Sally and Tara played, Summer did get her dream job. Phyllis said that was true, but would Summer sacrifice the love of her life? Billy was fond of Kyle and Summer, but he wasn’t sure he was the love of her life, given all the ups and downs. He said Summer left Kyle before. He thought maybe Sally and Tara just hastened the demise of the relationship. Phyllis refused to accept Billy’s pessimistic attitude. She said no wonder his meeting canceled on him, because he was a downer. She was sure her daughter would want to come back to reclaim what was rightfully hers. “She is her mother’s daughter!” She cried that Sally and Tara pushed her daughter out of town, and she could not, and would not let this stand.

At the Abbott house, Kyle suggested to Tara that they take Harrison to a pool party for kids at the Grand Phoenix. She wasn’t enthusiastic, because she said Phyllis didn’t like her. She wasn’t a fan of the way Phyllis made herself welcome at Kyle and Tara’s table yesterday. He advised taking Phyllis with a grain of salt. Tara said that she hated to say this about the woman who was nearly his mother in law, but she thought Phyllis held her responsible for Summer leaving town. “You are responsible,” Kyle replied. She looked shaken, and he said that didn’t come out right. He said Harrison was his kid, and he wouldn’t change that for anything, but it put a burden on Summer, which wasn’t anyone’s fault. Part of him wanted to believe there was more to the story, though. He noted that Summer kept saying she was fine with things, then she suddenly did a 180 and left. He said, in a way, Summer leaving him was honest. She’d broken his heart in ways he couldn’t have dreamed of, but she felt the way she did, and she did what she had to do. Tara said she was sorry, and Kyle told her it wasn’t her fault. She said it wasn’t his job to make her feel better about this. He felt that it was his job to make this okay for all of them, including Harrison. He suggested he have Sharon Rosales come by – she was a therapist who worked with kids. He knew Tara had strong feelings about keeping Ashland away from Harrison after what happened in the park, but Kyle wanted to make sure they did things the wrong way. She gushed about the way he always thought about what was right for Harrison. She said he really was the best.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon overfilled the sugar container, and it spilled on the counter. Faith and Moses walked in chatting about seasons. She liked summer, and he liked winter. Faith couldn’t believe Tigirlily was here the other day. She couldn’t wait for the concert. She asked what Sharon thought. Sharon hoped Adam would be back from Minnesota by then. Faith pointed out that Sharon meant Rey. Sharon said she was just anxious for Rey to come home, and she was frazzled because her employee was late. She abruptly put Faith in charge of the coffeehouse, stating that she had errands to run. Faith was nervous that someone would place a complicated order, but Sharon promised she wouldn’t be gone long. She left, and Faith and Moses exchanged quizzical looks. Once she was outside, Sharon exhaled.

Moses stood in front of Faith, tasting several cups of coffee, as she explained that brewing coffee was a science. Once she’d mastered the classics, she could branch out and spice things up. He asked her not to hate him, but he couldn’t drink another ounce of his experiments – the caffeine was getting to him. She asked about his future plans. He was interested in checking out a career in music. He was excited to go backstage at the New Hope concert and see how things were put together. He said medicine was great, intellectually, but music. Faith saw Nate walk in, and she quickly greeted him to stop Moses before he could say more. Nate told Moses to ask himself if he really wanted to go into medicine and consider what he’d be giving up if he didn’t. Faith thought they could all agree that Moses should do the thing that made him happy. Nate said of course.

Sharon was at the Abbott house. Kyle correctly assumed she saw the video with Ashland and Harrison at the park. He explained that he and Tara were trying to figure out what amount of time Harrison should spend with Ashland and how to tell their son about Ashland’s illness. Tara said they just wanted to protect Harrison. Sharon worried about the impulse to eliminate Ashland from the conversation about his own disease. It could send a message to Harrison that illness and death were unnatural, and he could grow up being afraid of people who had impairments. If they limited contact, Sharon thought Harrison would feel abandoned by his dad and he’d probably blame himself and wonder what he did wrong. She thought Harrison needed to know his father loved him. She thought Tara and Ashland needed to talk to Harrison together and be loving, gentle and above all, be truthful. Kyle said that made so much sense, and it was exactly what they needed, but Tara had a strained expression.

After Sharon left, Kyle asked Tara what she thought. She felt Sharon was knowledgeable and generous to come talk with them, but she said this wasn’t just about that one day in the park. She didn’t think she could reason with Ashland, who was the type of person to smash anyone who got in his way. She said he was already furious with her for filing for sole custody. Kyle thought on some level, Ashland knew he overreacted in the park, and he might even understand Tara’s reaction. He thought they might be able to make a compromise that helped Harrison. She moaned that she hated living her life under a microscope – Ashland resented her, Phyllis had crazy ideas about her ulterior motives, and she worried that Kyle and Jack would judge her too. He promised he and his dad would always be on her side. He said he’d handle Phyllis, but this stalemate with Locke had to end.

Adam and Chelsea video chatted while he was in his office. She told him that Anita was doing well, but she had a long road ahead and would need a lot of physical therapy. Connor was doing fine. It meant a lot to Chelsea that Adam let Connor come. Adam was glad to hear that, but it was time for Connor to come home. Chelsea protested that he just got here. Adam said Connor had lacrosse camp in a few days, and it wouldn’t be fair to upend his entire summer schedule. Chelsea and Connor had already made plans for outings to go on while Anita was at her appointments. Adam said they’d make up for it by giving Chelsea as much time as she wanted with Connor when she got back to Genoa City. She asked how he’d get home. As far as Adam knew, Rey was coming back in a day or two, and he could drive Connor home. Chelsea begged for a little more time. Adam was sympathetic, but he stood firm. He added that Connor went on the trip so that he could be reassured that Chelsea was healthy, and he’d seen that now. He said she and Connor could video chat, and she’d see him soon, and that what was important. “You’re right,” she sadly said. The call ended.

Chloe arrived, and Adam welcomed her to her first day at Newman Media. She wasn’t sure she was brave or crazy. Never in her wildest nightmares did she expect this to happen. He was glad she was on board. She glanced around and said she was checking for booby traps, just in case his offer wasn’t the altrustic gesture he said it was. He didn’t mind, so she looked around a bit more thoroughly. She said it was a good move for him to let Chelsea take Connor. He told her that Connor would be coming home soon. She was surprised he was pulling the plug already. He said he was trying to meet everyone’s needs, not that he owed her an explanation. He thought it best that they focus on work, and she agreed. He told her that he was giving her free reign to hire her own team. He trusted her fashion sense. She asked if he was still willing to let her hire Chelsea when the time came. He said he had no reason to go back on his word. He thought it’d be good for Chelsea. “So, you’re not setting Chelsea up the same way you did with Connor – make a promise then break it?” she asked. He said that wasn’t going to happen. She wondered if this was another one of his mind games and if this new leaf of his was just one big act. She vowed to make sure the whole world knew that his change was a hoax. He agreed and ordered her to get out. She said she wasn’t going anywhere because they had a contract. She had Michael look at it to make sure it it was legit. He told her to go and take that envelope with her. She asked what it was, a restraining order? He said it was the key to her new office. She was speechless. He knew that she’d been trying to push his buttons and get a reaction out of him. He felt that they needed to get that out of the way if they were going to work together. Now that she knew his anger was fake, she chuckled and called him a piece of work. He laughed. He knew she’d never trust him, but he accepted the challenge that she’d come around eventually. He felt that if she could one day see him in a new light, anyone could. She told him not to hold his breath, and she left.

At the park, Sharon called Rey and left a message that she just needed to hear his voice and she hoped he’d be home soon. Adam walked up and said her name, startling her. She smiled and asked if he was following her. She apologized for saying that, because she didn’t mean it. She’d just been jumpy the past few days, then he just came out of nowhere. He teased that it was a public park, in broad daylight that could be filled with crying babies or suspicious butterflies. He asked what had her spooked. She said it was their conversation the other day – he turned it around and made it about them. He thought the conversation had flowed naturally from their discussion about Billy accusing him of putting on a performance to try and get her back. She didn’t see how that lead to the topic of whether she preferred good Adam or bad Adam. She announced that she didn’t feel a pull toward either side of him. She felt pulled toward Rey, who would be coming home soon after looking out for Adam’s ex, of all people. She told him not to try and rope her into talking about their history, because it was in the past. She left.

Sharon went back to Crimson Lights, where Faith was showing her latte-foam heart to Moses. He thought it resembled a pineapple, but it was cool. Faith asked Sharon’s opinion. She barely glanced at it, but she said it was great. Faith asked if everything was okay. Sharon said she was fine, she was just thinking about Rey. Sharon went into the storage room and just stood there.

Adam went back to work and sighed. Chloe entered the office and asked him to look over some designs. He opened his laptop like he’d do it, but as soon as she left, he closed the lid and just sat there, staring off at nothing.

At their place, Ashland said he had a minor anxiety attack, and now Victoria was questioning whether the merger was a mistake. He didn’t know she was an alarmist. She said she wasn’t; she just wanted to make sure they were acting in his best interest. He said that the merger was the most exciting thing he’d done in his career. He didn’t have any regrets. She reminded him he’d just admitted he was having panic attacks because he was giving up things that were important to him. He clarified that he wasn’t talking about his business. He said everything changed – his marriage, the child he thought was his flesh and blood, the illness that would steal his life, the legacy he’d planned to create by passing his business on to his son. He told her that she was the one thing that kept his burden from being so much worse. She thought she knew a way to stop the panic attacks.

Ashland knew Victoria was going to suggest getting treatment for the cancer. He was right. She felt that if he got treatment and controlled his health, it’d help alleviate his stress. She conceded that yoga and breathing would help, but she thought that the real cause was that he was struggling because he felt he was out of control. He didn’t want to keep having this conversation. He said if she were any other person on earth, she wouldn’t dare keep revisiting this same point day after day. He said he’d told her again and again he didn’t want treatment. She replied that she couldn’t let go – this thing between them was getting deeper and deeper, and she knew it was selfish, but she wanted it to last as long as possible. He wanted that too, but he didn’t want to deal with awful side effects just so he could have an extra half hour of his life. She didn’t want that for him, but she just kept thinking about his reasoning. She said he admitted he was having terrible panic attacks that knocked him to the ground. “Do you know that’s a hell of a thing to hear from the toughest man that I’ve ever met in my life?” she asked. She told him he was a control freak in the best possible way, and he was upfront about his power position, and that was how he’d always defined himself until now. She didn’t understand why he was letting the disease define him.

Victoria gave Ashland tea, which he compared to lawn clippings, but he assumed it was good for him. She thought it’d be restorative after his episode. He appreciated it. He felt exponentially better just being around her. She gathered that he wasn’t going to change his mind. She said it was too hard for the great and powerful Ashland Locke was wrong and she was right. She knew she was a bit manipulative before, but she was running out of ways to make him see that he’d made his decision in haste. She said he was a force, and he had so much to give. She wanted to get as much as she could. She promised to personally see to it that any extra time he had was a gift. He got a call from Tara, and he apologized to Victoria, but he needed to take this.

Tara told Ashland that they had a lot to discuss. Kyle nodded in approval. Kyle told Tara that he’d open the door to Ashland then join her on the couch to show they were a united front. She noted that he’d put a lot of thought into this, and she said he was very sweet, but she should handle this on her own. She wondered what she was going to say about Harrison’s custody. She said that depended on what Ashland said when he got there. Ashland arrived and asked where Tara’s entourage of Abbotts was. She said she wanted to talk alone about explaining things to Harrison. She was willing to do it as a team. He said they were no longer a team, which she made crystal clear when she went for sole custody. She told him not to make this harder. He scoffed and asked if he should make this easy for her. She said she was making an effort. The only effort he cared about was the one she made when she tried to keep Harrison from ever seeing him again.

Kyle went to the hotel and confronted Phyllis. “Tell me what the hell you’re doing to Tara,” he demanded.

Victoria met with Nate at Society. Billy walked in and listened from a distance. Victoria said a friend had been diagnosed with small lung cell carcinoma. She knew this wasn’t his specialty, but she was hoping she could learn some things to give him a reason to consider treatment. Nate said he read the news, and he had a pretty good sense of who she was talking about. She didn’t want to use names. He told her that Billy had also come to him with hypothetical questions about a friend’s health. It was clear to Nate that Billy and Victoria were referring to the same person. She wasn’t surprised Billy asked about this, but she didn’t want to get into why he was curious. She knew about conventional treatments, and she knew this wasn’t about a cure, it was about buying time and making the most of it. Nate was glad Victoria had a clear view. With this type of cancer, they were talking small percentages with low odds of success for a small amount of time. She wanted to hear about clinical trials, promising experimental treatments on the horizon. Nothing was off the table. He noted that, as she said, oncology wasn’t his specialty, but he’d be happy to confer with colleagues. She appreciated that. She knew Nate had a lot on her plate, but she had to give her friend something. Anything. Billy left.

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Interview with Tracy Birdsall

TV Interview!


Actress Tracey Birdsall

Interview with Tracy Birdsall of “I Think You Should Leave” and other movies/shows by Suzanne 7/21/21

I admit that I’d never heard of Tracy, or this weird little comedy show, before her publicist contacted me for an interview. Once I started viewing her other work, though, I could see that she’s been around a while and has done many movies and shows. We had a really nice chat.

Suzanne:   So, are you calling from LA?

Tracey:   I am.

Suzanne:   Okay. Cool. You’ve lived there pretty much most your life, right?

Tracey:   I have. Yeah, I mean, I’ve left; I followed projects, but I kind of always come back here. Yeah.

Suzanne:   That’s nice. Yeah, I’m from San Diego originally.

Tracey:   Oh, nice. I lived down there for a long time. I lived in Rancho Bernardo, it’s near Rancho Santa Fe.

Suzanne:   Oh, that’s a really nice area.

Tracey:   Yeah, it’s beautiful.

Suzanne:   I don’t have to tell you that. We always go back. We haven’t lived there in a long time, but we always go back to visit family and friends and everything. So, yeah, it’s so beautiful.

Tracey:   You kind of can’t beat that weather too. I mean, it’s it’s better than LA. You know, I mean, it’s spectacular.

Suzanne:   Yeah, it’s kind of ruined me, even though I’ve lived many other places.

Tracey:   Where are you at now?

Suzanne:   I’m in Arkansas right now.

Tracey:   Oh, wow, believe it or not, I have an uncle in Arkansas. I haven’t seen him since I was a teenager.

Suzanne:   What part, do you know?

Tracey:   I really don’t. I really don’t. Yeah, he moved there, and he hasn’t come back in a long time. It’s my mom’s baby brother, but I keep in touch with him on social media, I hate to say. You know, you do what you can.

Suzanne:   Right. It’s funny how many people say “Oh, I used to live in Arkansas,” or “I know somebody there.” It’s funny.

Tracey:   Yeah, he’s actually the only one I know, and it’s one of the few places I’ve never been.

Suzanne:   Oh, well, it’s very pretty here. You know, like most of the South, there’s lots of trees, so we get lots of rain and humidity.

Tracey:   And beautiful lakes. He’s sent us some beautiful pictures of some lakes and things like that. It’s a really spectacular place.

Suzanne:   Yeah, it does have a lot of pretty lakes; you’re right. Yeah, it’s beautiful here, and we live kind in a town, but it’s a small town. So, it’s kind of woodsy. So, it’s very pretty right around where I live. You can’t beat it.

Tracey:   Did you guys get a big influx of people when the pandemic hit?

Suzanne:   No, and, actually, this was a good place to be during the pandemic, because we didn’t –

Tracey:   That’s what I would think, yeah.

Suzanne:   It’s not my favorite place to live, because I’m a city girl, but it’s been really nice during the pandemic, I have to say, even though cases are up here now, I mean, the relative number of cases, you know, it’s nothing like being in a big city.

Tracey:   Yeah, I’m kind of in between. I’m just outside of LA. So, it’s like, I’m close enough where I can be in town in 15, 20 minutes, but little on the outskirts. I was in Malibu until the fires hit. I lived in the same house for 16 years, and I’m kind of a little off since then. It’s like I don’t really know what to settle into, you know?

Suzanne:   Oh, did you lose your house?

Tracey:   Oh, yeah. All the way down to like, literally – it was a two story, a big house. It was two stories, and you probably could have put a measuring stick into the ground, and the debris was less than, I don’t know, 12 to 15 inches, like, completely gone, everything. It was just nuts.

Suzanne:   So many people lost their homes and stuff.

Tracey:   Like 600 just in our area.

Suzanne:   Well, I’m glad you got to move somewhere else, at least.

Tracey:   Yeah, you know, I’ve been filming so much since the house burned down that it’s like I haven’t really – like I’ve moved into a house, but you don’t get that homey feeling. I went and hung a picture on the wall. I hung it, because I’m always leaving, and then the pandemic hits, and you’re like, “Okay, this is weird”

Suzanne:   So, you started acting when you were pretty young, right?

Tracey:   I was really young. Yeah. I mean, when I was a little girl, I started singing and dancing lessons, and I went right into theater and musical theater, you know, before I can even remember. So, it just it started at a young age, and then I just built it from there, and I just trained and worked really hard. That’s what you do.

Suzanne:   So, how old were you when you booked your first gig?

Tracey:   Professionally, I was 15 when I did my first gig. I mean, I’d done theater and things before that, but my first professional gig was actually a Sunkist soda commercial. They ran for 10 years. You know, they just kept reshooting them and redoing them and re-running them. That was kind of my beginning.

Suzanne:   Yeah. I probably saw it. I don’t remember, since it was a long time ago. You’re you’re about the same age as I am. So, I was in high school.

Tracey:   Well, you know, what’s funny about it is I did one at 15 and one at 16, and the one when I’m 15, I really look like a little kid in it when I looked at it. Then, when I’m 16, I changed so much. I’m like, “That’s amazing.” I would have never known that if I wasn’t looking back at these things, because I still felt like a little kid. But it’s just really funny how when you do TV, film commercials, all these things; there’re all these markers of how old you were when you did certain things, and it’s kind of interesting.

Suzanne:   Yeah, I guess that would be the case. That would be cool. You could put together a little thing with like excerpts of different things you’ve done over the years, like your life in film.

Tracey:   Yeah, maybe maybe when I stop working.

Suzanne:   Yeah. When you have like an anniversary party or something like that you could put it together, or somebody should put it together for you, really.

Tracey:   That’s the plan. That’s the plan. It’s funny.

Suzanne:   So, if you had to do it all over again, would you still choose the same career?

Tracey:   Well, I would, because I didn’t really choose it and go after it. I was drawn towards it, because I love entertaining people; I love the land of make believe. I love training in things. So, it was kind of a natural progression for me, where it was just taking all the things that I love to do and keeping studying them and working on them. Then, it just kept growing. I think that the real pinnacle was when I started getting into sci-fi, because I was a tomboy. So, all the sporting activities that I did, running and stuff like that, really paid off, because not everybody wants to go do that. I kind of thrive on it. So, it’s just, if I look back on my life, it just kind of looks like it was a training field for what it was going to become.

Suzanne:   All right, well, let me come back to your running. I’ve got a question regarding that kind of thing later. But let me tell you, if I ask you a question that you think is too personal, or you don’t want to answer, just let me know; I’m fine with that. So, here’s one that I don’t know if you want to answer it. So, looking at the list of your shows and movies, on IMDB, there’s a gap between 2000 and 2010. What did you do during that time?

Tracey:   It’s actually not a huge gap. See, what happened was it used to be that we [thought] we aged out of of our industry. We were pretty much told when we were younger that you can work as much as you can until you’re 30, and then you have to go find something else to do, and everybody kind of knows that that was the way that it worked. Now, I actually took time off. I love remodeling houses and working on things and traveling. And I looked over my shoulder, and I had friends that were still working. So, you start looking at it, and you contact people in the industry, and they’re like, “Oh, no, it’s changed.” I’ve literally found, I think it’s been at the end of the baby boomers, that every year that I get older, that marker gets pushed older. So, it was kind of hard to get my niche back in, because I had my realm and my people and stuff like that, and then I took time off. Then, I’m like, “Well, I can still keep keep working.” So, I came back, and I went heavily into training. I studied with Margie Haber, and she’s just a real dream as far as a coach. I just kind of gave it my all and got myself back into the industry, but it was kind of a shocking thing and an exciting thing, because we can work forever. We can as long as you’re willing to put out the effort, because everybody knows this isn’t an easy job. As long as you’re willing to put out the effort we can we can pretty much keep going forever now you’ve seen.

Suzanne:   Well, you’ve been in quite a few movies the last eight years. Is there something particular that happened around 2013 or 2014 to get your career going so much better?

Tracey:   I think a lot of it is we get out of something what we put into something. So, I always put some effort in, and I always tried to be in a project and always tried to have something going. And I was a single mom. I mean, I raised two kids, three kids on my own. Then, one day I kind of sat there, and I was like, “Well what do I have? How much harder do I have to go work in order to work consistently again?” And it was pretty much all the time. So, I used to always look at something, and, “Oh, this will take me five hours to prepare for,” and “this will take me eight hours to prepare for;” “this will take me a month to prepare for.” I stopped looking at life that way, and I just started pushing everything aside when I had a project or a really big audition, and [started] really putting everything that I had into it. That was when I really noticed a difference. So, looking back on it, it’s probably that way in every industry, but it was really my effort that I put out more so than that which anybody else [did]. I couldn’t blame it on anybody else. I can’t give anybody else that credit. It just has to do with sheer effort and hours.

Suzanne:   Okay, well, going back a bit, I noticed that you were on Loving for three years playing Amy Sanders. Our site has a lot of soap opera fans. What what was that experience like?

Tracey:   You know, I was really young, and it was wonderful, because I was actually living in New York City. I was with [unintelligible] out there and had a print agent out there and a commercial agent out there. So, they brought me in, and Amy was actually pregnant. I forget who the relative was, but it was one of his later family. So, then, they brought her back again, and she was still pregnant. Now, mind you, this was almost 14 or 15 months later, which I thought was really funny, but nobody picked up on it. And then the storyline continued later on, and the child was supposed to be missing and things like that, but I think that they were at that point into ratings and going with the other storylines, and so that kind of fizzled out.

But as far as an experience, it was amazing. I mean, I just loved it. Everybody was wonderful to me, and now it’s kind of where I got my eyes into the land of soap and how different it is than regular TV or film, which it’s completely different.

Suzanne:   Yeah, and I’ve heard it’s a great training ground too.

Tracey:   It’s a good training ground; it’s very consistent. So, you always know what to expect when you show up, [but], you know, there’s only so far you can take the character development unless you’re one of the main characters throughout the whole thing. So, it was something that I’ve had the opportunity to do.

So, since then, I’ve done a couple little stints, but it’s not the direction that I chose to go in, just because I like really getting into the depth of a character and just really exploring it. But boy, it’s a fantastic job if you just want consistent work within the industry.

Suzanne:   Yeah. And you were briefly on The Young and the Restless. How did that come about?

Tracey:   That was old-fashioned auditioning. So, that was really fun. I mean, that was with Tucker McCall, and that was just a really fun little stint, but it was just, you know, we do so many auditions for so many projects and many of them we forget we auditioned for the time that we book them, because there’s usually such a long time period in between the two. They talked to me about bringing that character back a little bit, and then that kind of fizzled. That was when they were looking at maybe replacing one of the characters, and then that didn’t happen. They renegotiated her contract instead. So, it’s just, I think, soap is such a fascinating world, because it’s so different than the rest of the industry.

Suzanne:   Yeah. And Tucker was played by Stephen Nichols, who’s one of my favorite actors. How was it working with him?

Tracey:   He’s a really nice guy, and I have to tell you, I mean, most of the experience that I’ve had working in any of the mediums, the people are really kind. You get to that level, no matter what the medium, and people are professionals. They’re polite. They’re kind. Everybody’s there to do their jobs. Yeah, Stephen was a really great guy.

Suzanne:   Cool, he always seemed really nice. So, you said there was another soap you were on? I didn’t see that one on there.

Tracey:   No, those are the two soaps that I did.

Suzanne:   So, you recently did an episode of I Think You should Leave with Tim Robinson on Netflix. Can you tell us about landing that role and what you went through for it?

Tracey:   Sure. I mean, again, that is another thing that was traditional auditioning [and] taped at home, because it was during the pandemic. We taped it at the beginning of the pandemic. Then, I think almost a year later, I got the call, and they wanted to make sure that I had all the protocols in place, and I still looked the same, and that was a fun project, especially because we’d all been locked up so much inside. I mean, I did some pickup shots for a couple other projects that I’m working on, but it was nice to have somebody go into production, and it was an interesting production, because of all the COVID protocols put in place. But what a cast. What a great group of guys and what a funny show. I just absolutely love that type of humor.

Suzanne:   Yeah, and that episode, that part that you did with the alien bar or whatever, that was fun.

Tracey:   It was really fun, and Tim was hilarious. Tim Robinson was there. Zach was there that day. So, it was just a really enjoyable shoot. I hope to work with them more next time, because I really enjoyed that type of humor. If you’ll notice in my past, I always try to make sure I keep comedy alive, because it’s something I was trained in a lot when I was younger. It isn’t where the majority of my work is coming from, but anytime I get the chance, I just absolutely love the genre.

Suzanne:   Oh, yeah, I was watching your movie earlier. I haven’t finished it yet. Shoot, the name is escaping me.

Tracey:   Who’s Jenna…?

Suzanne:   Who’s Jenna…? Thank you so much. Yeah, that is cute. Like I said, I have to finish watching it later; I had to stop and do some other stuff, but that was fun.

Tracey:   That was really fun, and [when] I actually shot Who’s Jenna…? – I was lead in both that and Rogue Warrior, and when we shot those, I only had a week off between the two. So, that was an interesting thing to go from a heavy sci-fi action and from a comedy like that, but it challenging. It was fun. One of them is grueling, and one of them is like a dance. I think comedy’s like a dance.

Suzanne:   I was looking for Rogue Warrior, but I guess it’s not in my Roku for free…So, had you watched that show I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson before you were appearing on it?

Tracey:   I’ll tell you the funny story about that is when I got the audition call, I hadn’t seen it. I usually will watch about 10 or 15 minutes of the show, just to get the tone of it before I tape an audition, and I literally sat down to watch 10 or 15 minutes, and I watched the entire season. I was laughing so hard. So, that was fun. I became an immediate fan of the show.

Suzanne:   And now you have all these sci-fi movies coming out. Were you a fan of sci-fi before?

Tracey:   Yeah, ever since I was a little kid. My dad was a sci-fi nut, and so it’s kind of I guess genetically bred into me. So, that’s been when my career got really, really fun. It was always a lot of hard work, and it was always fun, but when it got really fun is when I started to get to play in that genre.

Suzanne:   Do you know what shows your dad liked?

Tracey:   We watch Star Trek with a bowl of rocky road ice cream in our laps constantly. So, that was a big one. Logan’s Run. I mean, there’re just too many of them to even count. Pretty much everything that was sci-fi we watched.

Suzanne:   Big Star Wars fan?

Tracey:   Big Star Wars fan, big Doctor Who fan. I just love it all.

Suzanne:   Cool. And do you have anything else besides these movies that are coming out that you’re working on now or preparing to work on?

Tracey:   Well, The Time War‘s coming out, which is a time travel television series. It’s an eight hour series we’ve been working on for about five years now. So, it’s finally, luckily coming to fruition. Then, Rogue Warrior, there’s a TV series based upon it that’s some backstory and also the future of it, called Age of Darkness that will be out right behind The Time War. They’re both in the end stages of post-production. Then, I have a film called Hotel Underground that I shot in Melbourne, Australia right before the pandemic. Hopefully, that’ll be slated for release soon too.

Suzanne:   Have you finished working on these, or you haven’t worked on them yet?

Tracey:   We finished them all.

Suzanne:   Okay. So, what I meant is do you have something that you’re working on now, or that you’re preparing to work on?

Tracey:   No, actually, I Think You Should Leave is the the second to last thing that I filmed besides pick up shots for The Time War, and everything else is finished and coming out. It’s kind of when I get to take a little break, and then it’ll come back up again. It always does.

Suzanne:   Okay, well, you said you work all the time, so it sounds like you need a vacation.

Tracey:   You know, it will be nice to have just a couple of months off, and then I’m happy to jump back in.

Suzanne:   And I have to say, you look really great for someone who’s close to my age. What is your secret?

Tracey:   That’s really funny. Thank you. Mostly, I don’t know, lots of exercise. I’m a vegan. Even with skincare, like I don’t put products on my skin; I put ingredients on my skin. So, it’s kind of like vegan but for the skin. So, I guess just good healthy eating and staying active and taking care of yourself. Plus, I looked 12 when I was 25, so I kind of had some extra years there.

Suzanne:   Sure. No, I completely understand that, because everybody tells me I look good for my age. I don’t put the work into it you do, so I don’t look as good as you do, but I look a lot younger than I am. So, I understand that completely. We’ve got good genes to make us look younger, right?

Tracey:   I think a lot of it is genetics. I think there’s an attitude. So much is attitude too.

Suzanne:   Yeah, definitely. I completely agree with that.

Tracey:   I don’t plan on ever getting old. I don’t know about you.

Suzanne:   No, definitely not. I’m one of those lucky people where my hair hasn’t started to go gray yet. So, I’m like, “don’t go” every time there’s a gray hair. I’m like, “no.”

Tracey:   You’re like, “No, you must [not] go.”

Here is the audio version of it.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com


Tracey Birdsall, who plays Janeane.
Birdsall and Robinson in "I Think You Should Leave" on Netflix
An award-winning actress well regarded for her versatility, Birdsall‘s many credits include TV’s THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS and ROGUE WARRIOR. She is currently filming the 8-hour sci-fi series THE TIME WAR, in which she has the lead role .
  • Netflix recently premiered the second season of the critically-acclaimed sketch comedy series I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson.
  • Quote from Tim Robinson and co-creator, Zach Kanin: “We are very excited to be working with The Lonely Island, Irony Point, and Netflix to make another season of “I Think You Should Leave.” We are so thankful we get to do it again!”
  • The series pokes fun at life’s most bizarre and mundane situations. The first season saw Robinson and a few of his famous friends navigate awkward workplace drama, host an intervention in a Garfield themed house, talk their way out of a babysitter’s fake hit and run, and much more.
  • The series was created by Tim Robinson and Zach Kanin, and is produced by The Lonely Island and Irony Point.
  • The first season was nominated for a 2019 TCA award in the category of Outstanding Achievement in Sketch/Variety.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Tracey Birdsall in "Rogue Warrior"

Week of 7/25/21 Primetime News and Schedule

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MOST OF THESE POSTS BELOW are just the main part of each bit of news. For the rest of the news, video clips, photos, and links, go to our Primetime Forum!

This Week’s News by Angie and Suzanne!

NOTE: This schedule is always subject to change…


  • Adult Swim RICK & MORTY – Sunday, July 25, 11:00PM Show More
    Rick & Morty’s Thanksploitation Spectacular
    Rick and Morty set out on a perilous but familiar journey in the next episode on Adult Swim. Promo
  • Adult Swim TUCA & BERTIE – Sunday, July 25, 11:30PM Show More
    “Sleepovers” – Tuca is caught up in the love bubble of her hot new romance, while Bertie reminisces about their friendship. Bertie also buys a LOT of milk in this episode. Promo
  • Amazon THE PURSUIT OF LOVE – Friday, July 30 Show More
    Written for the screen and directed by Emily Mortimer, The Pursuit of Love follows the friendship between cousins Linda and Fanny, which will be put to the test as Fanny settles for a steady life and Linda decides to follow her heart. Available in UHD and HDR. Streaming July 30 Promo
  • AMC THE BEAST MUST DIE – Monday, July 26, 10:00PM Show More
    Episode 3
    Staying on as a house guest, Frances must now work out how she’s going to see through her murderous plan. While Strangeways continues his own investigation into the case, he begins to question what Frances’ presence on the island may mean. Promo
  • AMC+ KEVIN CAN F**K HIMSELF – Sunday, July 25, 9:00PM Show More
    Detectives question Allison about the night before. After the trauma of the break in, Kevin searches for meaning by running for city council. Kurt plants a seed of doubt while Allison and Patty deal with the repercussions of their actions. Promo
  • BET The Oval – Tuesday, July 27, 9:00PM Show More
    “Don’t Move”- Barry finds himself in a life-threatening situation. Victoria works to ruin Sam’s life. Priscilla continues to dig about a crime that may have happened in The White House. Promo
  • BET Sistas – Wednesday, July 28, 9:00PM Show More
    Little White Lies – Fatima believes she’s caught Gary in a compromising position and calls Andi to rush home to drop in on him unexpectantly. Promo
  • The CW Wellington Paranormal – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “She-Wolf” – (9:00-9:30 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
    CRYING WOLF – Officers O’Leary and Minogue investigate what they believe are dog attacks, but stumble upon something more mysterious…and vicious. Jackie van Beech directed the episode written by Jessica Hansell (#104.). The CW original airdate 7/25/2021 Promo
  • The CW Dead Pixels – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “The Chair” – (9:30-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    A GOOD INFLUENCE – Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) becomes concerned over Meg’s (Alexa Davies) physical downturn and tries to sway her to a healthier regime. Meanwhile everyone wonders – is Nicky (Will Merrick) ‘Lovesick’? Also starring Sargon Yelda and David Mumeni. Jamie Jay Johnson directed the episode written by Jon Brown (#202). Original airdate 7/25/2021.
  • The CW Roswell, New Mexico – Monday, July 26 Show More
    SEASON PREMIERE – “Hands” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
    SEASON PREMIERE – While Liz (Jeanine Mason) is settling in to her new life and career in Los Angeles, Max (Nathan Dean), Isobel (Lily Cowles) and Michael (Michael Vlamis) are figuring out if the stranger in the cave, with the familiar face, is friend or foe. The episode was directed by Lance Anderson and written by Carina Adly Mackenzie (301). Original airdate 7/26/2021 Promo
  • The CW The Republic Of Sarah – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “Sanctuary” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)
    PRECEDENT – With the government newly formed, Greylock’s fledgling congress must decide their immigration policy now that new people want to immigrate. Sarah (Stella Baker) and Danny (Luke Mitchell) are faced with someone from their past and have different reactions to the visitor. AJ (Nia Holloway) shares a personal secret with Grover (Ian Duff) to encourage him to get the help he needs. Danny helps Corinne (Hope Lauren) with some legal paperwork, but Corrine gets more than she bargained for. Meanwhile, Maya (Izabella Alvarez) discovers that Tyler (Forrest Goodluck) is a talented photographer and submits his photos to an upcoming art show, leaving Tyler upset. Megan Follows directed the episode written by Jessica Mena Esteves (#107). Original airdate 7/26/2021. Every episode of THE REPUBLIC OF SARAH will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW The Outpost – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    “The Gods Thank You” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DLV) (HDTV)
    A GIFT FROM THE GODS – Garret (Jake Stormoen) is set free but must serve a new ruler. Talon (Jessica Green) and Zed (Reece Ritchie) return to save the Blackbloods but discover a tragedy. Falista (Georgia May Foote) tries to make peace. The episode was written by Rebecca Rosenberg and directed by Orsi NagypĂĄl (#3B03). Original airdate 7/29/2021 Promo
  • The CW Burden Of Truth – Friday, July 30 Show More
    SEASON PREMIERE – “River City” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
    SEASON PREMIERE – The Oro North mining project has divided opinion in Millwood, but Joanna Chang (Kristin Kreuk) has firmly chosen a side. She’s taken on the case of Helen Graham (guest star Pamela Matthews), a local farm owner whose land is standing firmly in the way of the mine’s opening. With the tide of opinion turning against them, Joanna arranges for an improved offer, but – after many sleepless nights with her new baby – Joanna makes a crucial error that changes the case, leading to shocking consequences. Billy Crawford (Peter Mooney) is torn between his support for Helen’s case and for Millwood’s future, but after a tumultuous start to their lives as parents, he is mostly concerned with Joanna. Doug Marshall directed the episode written by Brad Simpson (#401). The CW original airdate 7/30/2021 Promo
  • The CW Dynasty – Friday, July 30 Show More
    “Everything but Facing Reality” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DV) (HDTV)
    I’M STARTING TO THINK YOU MAY NOT BE CRAZY – Dominique (Michael Michele) plans to launch her new fashion line as she and Alexis (Elaine Hendrix) once again vie for the same thing, with nothing going as planned for either of them. Meanwhile, as Sam (Rafael de la Fuente) and Culhane (Robert C. Riley) continue their business partnership they find themselves running into a very unusual roadblock. Liam’s (Adam Huber) research turns up some interesting facts and he and Fallon (Elizabeth Gillies) devise a plan to find more information but someone seems to be one step ahead of them so they once again turn to Jeff (Sam Adegoke) for help. Blake (Grant Show) embarks on a new adventure. Also starring Alan Dale, Daniella Alonso and Sam Underwood. (#412). The episode was written by Garrett Oakley and directed by Brandi Bradburn. Original airdate 7/29/2021 Promo
  • Disney+ BUNK’D – Friday, July 30 Show More
    “Moose Queens and Possum Kings”(8:00-8:24 p.m. EDT)
    When Destiny needs someone old enough to enter the Summer Moose Queen pageant, she enlists Parker and Ava for help. TV-G Promo
  • Disney+ Gabby Duran & The Unsittables – Friday, July 30 Show More
    “A Song of Gabby & Susie” (8:24-8:48 p.m. EDT)
    Gabby teams up with her bitter rival, Susie, to masquerade as best friends in order to win a contest to meet her favorite YA book author. TV-G Promo
  • Disney+ CHIP ‘N’ DALE: PARK LIFE – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “Chip ‘N’ Dale: Park Life” follows two tiny troublemakers trying to live the good life in a big city park while having giant-sized, sky-high adventures. Disney’s beloved chipmunks, nervous worrier Chip and laid-back dreamer Dale, make the perfect odd couple. They’re best buddies and they drive each other nuts! In their perpetual pursuit of acorns, these ultimate underdogs are joined by Pluto, Butch and other iconic Disney characters as they face down bullies great and small. Combining classic-style cartoon comedy with contemporary storytelling, the 36 seven-minute episodes are directed by Jean Cayrol and produced by Marc du Pontavice at Xilam Animation. Promo
  • Epix War Of The Worlds – Sunday, July 25, 9:00PM Show More
    Episode 7
    Catherine and Bill are finally united in London. Promo
  • Epix Domina – Sunday, July 25, 10:00PM Show More
    As Gaius’ rivals taste blood in the water, Livia must outwit both them and her husband if the family is to be kept together. Promo
  • Freeform Motherland: Fort Salem – Tuesday, July 27, 10:00PM Show More
    “My 3 Dads”
    Raelle brings Tally home to the Cession, where they struggle with the past. Abigail is confronted with pressure from her family when Adil accompanies her home.
  • Freeform Good Trouble – Wednesday, July 28, 10:00PM Show More
    “Making A Metamour”
    Callie and Mariana work together to figure out what really happened the night of Zack’s death; Malika pumps the brakes on her relationship with Dyonte; Gael learns that his relationship with Yuri is not what it seems. Promo
  • Freeform grown-ish – Thursday, July 29, 8:00PM Show More
    “Daddy Lessons”
    After learning about his expulsion, Vivek dreads telling his parents about his failures. Dealing with the aftermath of Mexico, Dre questions Zoey’s recent choices. Meanwhile, Doug meets Kiela, a new resident at Hawkins. Promo
  • FXX DAVE – Wednesday, July 28, 10:00PM Show More
    The Burds
    Dave has a professional set back and is forced to spend more time with his parents. Family time has never been more eye-opening. Written by Vanessa McGee and directed by Tony Yacenda. Promo
  • Hallmark The Good Witch – Sunday, July 25, 9:00PM Show More
    The Wedding
    Cassie, Abigail, Joy and George come together to protect the Merriwick magic from the mysterious force over Middleton; Cassie and Sam make a momentous decision about their life together. Promo
  • Hallmark LOVE, FOR REAL – Saturday, July 31, 8:00PM Show More
    Hayley and her friend Bree go on a dating show to advance their careers. But bachelor Marco and producer Luke’s plans are for Hayley to stay through the finale. Starring: Chloe Bridges, Taiana Tully, Scott Michael Foster, Corbin Bleu. Promo
  • HBO THE WHITE LOTUS – Sunday, July 25, 9:00PM Show More
    “Mysterious Monkeys”
    Stripped of his gadgets, Quinn (Fred Hechinger) reluctantly takes a scuba class with Mark (Steve Zahn), who’s struggling to process revelations regarding his late father. Hoping to reignite the spark with Rachel (Alexandra Daddario), Shane (Jake Lacy) enlists Armond (Murray Bartlett) to help plan a romantic evening. Tanya (Jennifer Coolidge) leans on Belinda (Natasha Rothwell) for support as she scatters her mother’s ashes at sea. Paula (Brittany O’Grady) keeps a secret from a suspicious Olivia (Sydney Sweeney).
    Written by Mike White; Directed by Mike White. Promo
  • HBO Max JELLYSTONE! – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    Yogi, Boo Boo and Cindy, alongside an epic ensemble cast of Hanna-Barbera characters, are returning to television screens in the all-new animated comedy, Jellystone! The Max Original series helmed by acclaimed showrunner and executive producer C.H. Greenblatt (Chowder, Harvey Beaks) and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, presents a reimagined take on these beloved characters, modernizing them for today’s family audience and introducing them to a new generation of fans. Season one premieres Thursday, July 29 on HBO Max. Set in the charming town of the same name, Jellystone! follows an ensemble of Hanna-Barbera characters as they live, work, play, and (as is often the case), destroy the town in some silly way together. Huckleberry Hound proudly serves as the town’s mayor; Cindy, Boo Boo and Yogi are the town’s medical staff; Jabberjaw works at Magilla’s clothing store where they supply all the bow ties and hats to the town’s citizens; and every character has a specific role in the community. Their paths cross in fun and ridiculous ways, turning everyday activities into hilarious pandemonium. Promo
  • Lifetime YOU’RE NOT SAFE HERE – Saturday, July 31, 8:00PM Show More
    Highly pregnant Ava just got into graduate school! However, her boyfriend Shane, who’s been increasingly violent lately, doesn’t want her to go back to university. She’s had enough, makes a run for it, trying to get to her sister and to safety. On the way, Ava has an accident and wakes up in Valerie and William’s home. The nice, affluent, and childless couple lives isolated in the woods – the roads are closed off and the phone doesn’t work, but William is a doctor and can take care of Ava, they say. Soon, things seem a bit fishy to Ava. She is not a guest – she is a prisoner and they want her baby! On top of it all, Shane is still looking for her, and his violent tendencies escalate… But Ava will not give up without a fight! Stars Haskiri Velazquez, Cleo Anthony, Nicky Whelan, Austin Weyant (2021). 
  • LMN MALICIOUS MOTIVES – Friday, July 30, 8:00PM Show More
    Ashley is a popular high school student in need of a liver transplant. Her social outcast classmate, Katie, is her only donor match but is unable to get her sister and legal guardian, Sasha’s, permission for the surgery. Desperate to help Ashley in hopes of accessing her perfect life, Katie forges Sasha’s signature. But when Sasha finds out, and threatens to reveal the operation as illegal, Katie kills her and frames it as a drug overdose. Suspicious of Katie’s increasingly strange behavior, Ashley begins to question Katie’s motives. Revell Carpenter, Juliana Destefano, Carrie Schroeder, Briana Femia star. (2021) 
  • Netflix MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVELATION – Friday, July 23 Show More
    The war for Eternia begins again in what may be the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor. A new animated series from writer-director Kevin Smith. Promo
  • Netflix THE SNITCH CARTEL: ORIGINS – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    In Cali during the ’60s and ’70s, two brothers juggle family, romance and the joint pursuit of a burning ambition: to rule Colombia’s drug industry. Promo
  • Netflix TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR CYBERTRON: KINGDOM – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    The frantic race to locate the Allspark first culminates on a strange planet as the future comes crashing through to the present day. Promo
  • Netflix CENTAURWORLD – Friday, July 30 Show More
    A hardened war horse transported away from battle finds herself in a land that’s inhabited by silly, singing centaurs of all shapes and sizes. Promo
  • PBS UNFORGOTTEN – Sunday, July 25, 9:00PM Show More
    Episode 3
    Cassie and Sunny interview each of the four suspects, who deny knowing the victim. Boulting discovers Walsh was cautioned three weeks before his death, while Collier locates the rest of Walsh’s body. Promo
  • PBS PROFESSOR T – Sunday, July 25, 10:00PM Show More
    Tiger Tiger
    Professor T helps with a case involving the hit and run of a local jeweller. Promo
  • Peacock DR. DEATH: THE UNDOCTORED STORY – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    Based on Wondery’s hit podcast, DR. DEATH is inspired by the terrifying true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Joshua Jackson), a rising star in the Dallas medical community. Young, charismatic and ostensibly brilliant, Dr. Duntsch was building a flourishing neurosurgery practice when everything suddenly changed. Patients entered his operating room for complex but routine spinal surgeries and left permanently maimed or dead. As victims piled up, two fellow physicians, neurosurgeon Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) and vascular surgeon Randall Kirby (Christian Slater), as well as Dallas prosecutor Michelle Shughart (AnnaSophia Robb), set out to stop him. DR. DEATH explores the twisted mind of Dr. Duntsch and the failures of the system designed to protect the most defenseless among us. Promo
  • Showtime The End – Sunday, July 25, 8:00PM Show More
    Fuck Christmas
    Art has gone missing and Oberon is lovesick. Edie ignites the passions of a married man and Kate crosses a line. 
  • Showtime The End – Sunday, July 25, 8:30PM Show More
    Polar Bear
    Kate clashes with Oberon’s father over his future. Pamela takes Edie on an adventure and Edie tells her a secret. 
  • Showtime The Chi – Sunday, July 25, 9:00PM Show More
    Southside With You
    Emmett and Darnell spend quality time with Jada. Jake and Jemma attend the spring formal. Tensions between Douda and Marcus rise. Kevin makes his move on Lynae. Trig gets caught up in a mess he didn’t create. Promo
  • Showtime Black Monday – Sunday, July 25, 10:00PM Show More
    Mo tries to make his own bachelor party happenin’. A killer is still on the loose and they’ve chosen to celebrate in a cabin…in the woods. Keith enjoys his social status upgrade until someone unexpected returns. Promo
  • Showtime Flatbush Misdemeanors – Sunday, July 25, 10:30PM Show More
    After breaking protocol, Dan and Jess face consequences at their job. Meanwhile, Kevin discovers Dan lied to him about Zayna. The fracture between the two longtime friends drives Kevin to seek Drew’s friendship, all of which culminates in a tragic circumstance. Promo
  • Starz Power Book III: Raising Kanan – Sunday, July 25, 8:00PM Show More
    Episode 2 – Reaping and Sowing
    After a rival crewmember is killed, Raq does whatever is necessary to get the target off Kanan’s back. Promo
  • Starz BLINDSPOTTING – Sunday, July 25, 9:02PM Show More
    Ghost Dad
    Ashley’s struggle with how to tell Sean about Miles’ incarceration is at a fever pitch, so she enlists the Miles in her head to figure out how to tell him. Nancy heard Sean refer to himself as “honey brown”, so she enlists the help of Janelle and Earl to discuss Sean’s blackness. Promo
  • Starz THE DECEIVED – Sunday, July 25, 9:34PM Show More
    Episode 2
    Michael instructs Mary to keep an eye on Ophelia, but she slips away to meet up with Sean – who guesses that Michael is the father of her baby, but promises to keep her secret. An encounter with a local psychic leads to a surprising announcement. Michael travels to Cambridge when he receives word that his father has taken ill, and goes in search of a mysterious visitor. Promo
  • Syfy SURREALESTATE – Friday, July 30, 10:00PM Show More
    For Sale By Owner
    A lovely lake cabin may be haunted or the owner may be faking; a horror novelist seeks inspiration. Promo
  • TBS American Dad – Monday, July 26, 10:00 p.m. ET/PT Show More
    “Comb Over: A Hair Piece”
    Francine and Roger get lost in a good book (or five) after Francine escapes an embarrassing situation. Stan reluctantly hangs out at the library. Promo
  • TBS Miracle Workers – Tuesday, July 27, 10:30 p.m. ET/PT Show More
    “Oregon Trail: Hunting Party” – Ezekiel signs up for a buffalo hunting expedition to prove his manhood. Meanwhile, Benny teaches Prudence how to be a bandit.
  • TNT Animal Kingdom – Sunday, July 25, 9pm ET/PT Show More
    On Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 3, J’s business secrets come to light as Pope mourns the loss of Smurf, and Deran distracts himself from his own loneliness. Promo
  • UpTV HEARTLAND – Thursday, July 22, 8:00PM Show More
    Through the Smoke
    Disaster strikes Hudson when a train derails and causes an explosion that threatens the town; a wild fire quickly spreads toward the rodeo grounds and, Amy rushes to save the abandoned horses there. Promo



  • ABC Celebrity Family Feud: Nev Schulman vs. Jimmie Allen and Paul Reubens vs. David Arquette (7/25) Show More
    “Nev Schulman vs. Jimmie Allen and Paul Reubens vs. David Arquette” – It’s a hilarious faceoff between the host of MTV’s “Catfish,” Nēv Schulman, and country music star Jimmie Allen as they vie to win money for their respective charities. In the next game, actor David Arquette competes against comedian and actor Paul Reubens, joined by their celebrity friends in this all-star episode of “Celebrity Family Feud” airing, SUNDAY, JULY 25 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, D)
  • ABC The Chase: A Great Guess, or a Costly Mistake? (7/25) Show More
    “A Great Guess, or a Costly Mistake?” – This week Brad “The Buzzsaw” Rutter is The Chaser as three new competitors challenge him. Will they be caught, or will they beat The Chaser? Find out on “The Chase,” SUNDAY, JULY 25 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L)
  • ABC To Tell The Truth: 619 (Teri Hatcher, Chelsea Handler and Thomas Lennon) (7/25) Show More
    “619 (Teri Hatcher, Chelsea Handler and Thomas Lennon)” – Teri Hatcher, Chelsea Handler and Thomas Lennon make up the celebrity panel on “To Tell the Truth,” airing SUNDAY, JULY 25 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. Tune in for a jaw-dropping episode with a spirited group which includes a roller derby queen, a dog massage therapist, a jaw harpist, a Ouija board expert and a retired Air Force One pilot.
  • ABC The Bachelorette: 1708/Men Tell All (7/26) Show More
    “1708/Men Tell All” – It’s time for Katie’s former suitors to talk it out. But first, one of the men has an emotional realization about his journey to find love, which leads to a heartbreakingly honest conversation with Katie at the resort. Then, it’s time for the men to get real when they reunite for the first time since New Mexico to hash out all the drama and laugh at their mistakes, all in front of a live studio audience. Plus, a look at the final two episodes of the season. Find out on “The Bachelorette,” MONDAY, JULY 26 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL)
  • ABC The Celebrity Dating Game: David Koechner and Rashad Jennings (7/26) Show More
    “David Koechner and Rashad Jennings” – Actor and comedian David Koechner spills that he asks many questions on a first date and is looking for kindness in a woman. David asks the contestants to describe themselves in one sound while Michael Bolton performs a witty rendition of “To Make You Feel My Love.” Meanwhile, Rashad Jennings, NFL running back and winner of “Dancing with the Stars” season 24, describes his ideal woman as goofy enough to laugh at herself. Rashad reveals he is studying to be a therapist and asks the woman to give relationship advice. Michael Bolton sings “Fly Me to the Moon” to help the women guess Rashad’s identity on “The Celebrity Dating Game” airing MONDAY, JULY 26 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, D)
  • ABC The $100,000 Pyramid: Ana Gasteyer vs Rachel Dratch and Joe Gatto vs James Murray (7/28) Show More
    “Ana Gasteyer vs Rachel Dratch and Joe Gatto vs James Murray” – This week’s celebrity guests on “The $100,000 Pyramid” are “Saturday Night Live” alums Ana Gasteyer and Rachel Dratch followed by “Impractical Jokers” Joe Gatto and James Murray on WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL)
  • ABC Match Game: Horatio Sanz, Marilu Henner, Michael Colter, Ali Wentworth, Justin Long, Drea de Matteo (7/28) Show More
    “Horatio Sanz, Marilu Henner, Michael Colter, Ali Wentworth, Justin Long, Drea de Matteo” – Things are about to get BLANK just the way we like it on “Match Game.” Alec Baldwin is at the helm when Horatio, Marilu, Mike, Ali, Justin and Drea bring the fun and games to the celebrity panel on the season finale episode of “Match Game,” airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL) Produced by Fremantle, “Match Game” features four contestants each week vying for the chance to win $25,000 as they attempt to match the answers of six celebrities in a game of fill-in-the-blank.
  • ABC NBA Draft 2021 Presented by State Farm(R) (7/29) Show More
    “NBA Draft 2021 Presented by State Farm(R)” to Take Place on July 29, (8:00 PM-11:00 PM EST on ABC) Airing on ABC and ESPN
    The first round will be televised by ABC and ESPN, and the second round will air on ESPN.
    20/20 Airing Friday, July 30, 2021 (9:01 PM-11:00 PM EST) on ABC. ‘20/20’ Features Co-Anchor Amy Robach’s Interview With Melanie McGuire, Who Was Sentenced to Life in Prison for Husband’s Murder
    “20/20” features interview with Melanie McGuire, sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her husband.
    “20/20” features co-anchor Amy Robach’s interview with Melanie McGuire, sentenced to life in prison 14 years ago in New Jersey for the murder of her husband, Bill McGuire. Authorities arrested McGuire, dubbed by the media as the “suitcase killer” after Bill’s remains appeared inside multiple suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay. McGuire opened up to Robach about the murder and maintained her innocence. She described a tumultuous relationship with Bill; her affair with a doctor whom she worked with, which prosecutors claimed motivated her to kill her husband; and what life in prison is like for her. She also told Robach about her newfound hope that the explosive podcast, “Direct Appeal,” could help exonerate her. The podcast, hosted by criminology professors Dr. Amy Shlosberg and Dr. Meghan Sacks, questions McGuire’s guilt and suggests there is evidence in the case that never received the legal scrutiny it deserves. McGuire also shared an emotional message to her sons, now young men, about what they should believe about her role in the murder. The two-hour “20/20” also features interviews with Patricia Prezioso, the lead investigator and prosecutor in the case; Chris Henkle, a fisherman who found the first suitcase with Bill’s body; and Dr. Shlosberg and Dr. Sacks. It also includes the secretly recorded conversations during a police sting between McGuire and the doctor with whom she was having an affair. “20/20” airs on Friday, July 30 (9:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (Rebroadcast. ABC OAD: 9/25/20)
    ABC News’ “20/20” is an award-winning primetime program anchored by David Muir and Amy Robach. A proven leader as a long-form newsmagazine for over 40 years, “20/20” features unforgettable, character-driven true-crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. The two-hour “20/20” events air Fridays from 9:01–11:00 p.m. EDT on ABC and are available to stream on ABC News digital platforms and Hulu. David Sloan is senior executive producer, and Janice Johnston is executive producer.
    *COPYRIGHT Š2021 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of Potomac – Sunday, July 25, 8:00PM Show More
    Jiminy Crickets Preview
    Robyn struggles to get her home and work life in balance, while Wendy turns to the Grand Dame for some much needed advice. Mia shares a traumatic childhood experience that has left her with difficulty connecting with her mother. With Ashley days away from going into labor, Gizelle decides to gather the ladies for a Pamper Party to celebrate the mom-to-be. Unfortunately, this spa day becomes anything but relaxing.
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of New York City – Tuesday, July 27, 8:00PM Show More
    Baby It’s Cold Inside Preview
    In the city after their trip to Salem, Eboni and Sonja get back in the boxing ring with Martin. While Luann and Leah plan a joint birthday party for Ramona and Sonja, Eboni continues her search for answers about her family history. The women join Luann to record her new holiday song for charity, but Leah has questions about legalities and the proceeds. Then the group celebrates Ramonja’s birthdays with a grab bag of local eye candy.
  • CBS BIG BROTHER – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    Episode 8 (Season 23) – Airing 7/25/21 (8:00 PM) – From bigbrothernetwork.com: Tonight on Big Brother 23 the Houseguests continue their march to the next target’s eviction after Xavier won the Head of Household and has his plans set for the week. But first, there’s a Wildcard comp to get to tonight on Big Brother and see what that could mean for team safety.
    We’ve got just two last rounds of the Wildcard to go along with the Teams twist and this will give the three losing teams a shot at safety for their team. It’s not that easy though. First week was a gimme with a little wheel to spin and hand out safety. Last week it was a requirement to change teams to be safe. This week? We’ll soon find out.
  • CBS LOVE ISLAND – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    Existing Relationships Will be Put to the Test as 10 New Sexy Islanders Arrive to Begin Their Quest to Couple Up
    You know the saying: All’s fair in love… and Casa Amor! That’s right, the villa of seduction and betrayal will open its doors again on LOVE ISLAND, beginning Sunday, July 25 (9:00–11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on the CBS app and Paramount+.
    The current couples on LOVE ISLAND are set to face their biggest relationship test to date with the tempting arrival of five new boys and five new girls who are ready for a little fun in the sun. All the current couples will split up as the original girls move into a brand new villa called Casa Amor to meet and mingle with five new hunks, while the original boys welcome the new girls into their villa. Can the new Islanders turn the OGs’ heads and form new love? Or are the current bonds strong enough to resist the charms of the perfectly tanned, toned and plucked temptations?
  • CBS LOVE ISLAND – Tuesday, July 27 Show More
    Episode 315 – Airing 7/27/21 (9:00PM) – From screenrant.com: Casa Amor is just getting started, and Love Island USA season 3 episode 15 will show how the OG islanders are dealing with these temptations. Charlie Lynch and Raul Frias are going all-in on Cashay Proudfoot, but she’s been more receptive to Charlie so far. In turn, Raul might pursue Kyra Lizama, even if she’s completely closed off to getting to know these guys. Meanwhile, Olivia Kaiser had a great chat with Kam Mickens-Bennett, so she might finally like a guy on the show! Gabe Sadowsky wants to keep testing the waters with Shannon St Pierre, but he’s open to talking to Olivia as well. With that said, Andrew Philips is still finding his footing on the show.
  • CBS BIG BROTHER – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    Episode 9 (Season 23) – Airing 7/28/21 (8:00 PM) – From bigbrothernetwork.com: Big Brother 23 is back tonight at 8/7c for the latest Power of Veto episode of the season with the new Head of Household, Xavier, and his plans to target one Houseguest with one more hurdle to clear before Thursday. He’s got Brent and Britini on the Block and a high-stakes comp for safety between the overly confident flight attendant and his martial arts rapping co-Nom. Time to see how all the Veto events play out.
    Between the Noms and Veto Ceremony we saw a lot of confidence coming from Brent and I have no idea why other than he’s fooling himself. There was a strange back and forth where he seemed to be worried but that turns out to have possibly just been him trying to play a concerned victim to try and get things to go a way he thought was helping his own game. It wasn’t. Then you’ve got Britini freaking out after being on the Block for “week after week after week” here in her second visit to the danger zone. Good times.
  • CBS LOVE ISLAND – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    Episode 316 – Airing 7/28/21 (9:01PM) – From screenrant.com: Casa Amor is already coming to an end on Love Island USA season 3 episode 16, which means that the islanders must decide whether they’ll re-couple with newbies or stay with their original partners. The fans expected Casa Amor to last a bit longer, but it seems like the show can’t wait to reunite all the islanders under one roof once again. It seems like a given that Cashay Proudfoot is bringing Charlie Lynch with her to the main villa. It is also very likely that Olivia Kaiser will bring someone with her, perhaps Kam Mickens-Bennett. With that said, this may be the end of the line for the other three Casa boys.
    When it comes to the Casa Amor girls, however, things are even more uncertain. Korey Gandy will likely re-couple with one of the girls, but it’s unclear which of them that would be. Isabel Johnson went all-in for Korey, but he seemed less interested than her. In turn, he’s very interested in Leslie Golden, but she seems into other guys. Speaking of Leslie, there is a possibility that Cinco might want to re-couple with her as well. Florence Mueller (a.k.a. Flo Money) was laser-focused on Will Moncada the entire time, but it’s pretty unlikely that he’d risk hurting Kyra Lizama by re-coupling with someone else this soon.
  • CBS BIG BROTHER – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    Episode 10 (Season 23) – Airing 7/22/21 (8:00 PM) – Big Brother 23 Eviction Prediction: Who Is Going Home In Week 3?
    Brent or Britini? That is a Big Brother 23 question no one is asking themselves because we all know the answer.
    If you’ve been paying any attention at all, then you know that Brent has been the target since about four days before Frenchie walked out the door. And no one has wavered. Alyssa did question whether or not Brent should stay, but no one else was interested in entertaining the idea. More
  • CBS LOVE ISLAND – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    Episode 317 – Airing 7/29/21 (9:00PM) – Love Island USA season 3 episode 17 will show the islanders dealing with the repercussions of the time they spent at Casa Amor and the choices they made during the latest re-coupling. At this point, Cashay Proudfoot will have to decide if moving forward with Charlie Lynch is better than sitting with her feelings toward Cinco. Trina Njoroge was happy that Cinco didn’t re-couple with a girl from Casa Amor, but it’s not clear yet if his decision was about her. Meanwhile, Korey Gandy seems to have finally coupled up with a girl he really likes, but Leslie Golden connected with a lot more boys than just him. More
    “Eve” – GRAMMY(R) Award-winning artist Eve returns to Philadelphia to help update the classic row house she grew up in and that her role-model mother, Julie, still calls home. Also, host Nischelle Turner takes Eve on a trip down memory lane when they visit the middle school where she formed a girl group and one of her early recording studios, on SECRET CELEBRITY RENOVATION, Friday, July 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The episode will also be available to stream live and on demand on the CBS app and Paramount+. Nischelle Turner hosts.
  • CBS LOVE ISLAND – Friday, July 30 Show More
    Episode 318 – Airing 7/30/21 (9:00PM) – From screenrant.com: Season 3 episode 18 promises to feature another showdown between Shannon St Claire and Genevieve Shawcross, as well as Cashay Proudfoot’s conflict choosing between Cinco and Charlie Lynch. Shannon and Genevieve appeared to hash things out in last night’s episode, but the previews have us thinking that there’ll be another fallout between these two. Meanwhile, Cash is feeling pretty happy about where things are going with Charlie, but her feelings for Cinco are still lingering. In turn, Trina Njoroge is concerned that Cashay will fall into another trap.The connection between Will Moncada and Flo Money during Casa Amor might keep haunting Kyra Lizama on Love Island USA. She’s willing to listen, forgive, and forget, but her friends aren’t making it that easy for her to overlook the dramatic speech that Will delivered at the re-coupling. In a shocking turn of events, it appears that Korey Gandy did a 180-degree turn from his feelings toward Leslie Golden, and is now willing to couple up with Olivia Kaiser of all people. This feels like a platonic but TV-ready coupling, if we’re being honest, so we shall stay tuned for what’s next.
  • FOX WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – Friday, July 30 Show More
    WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    A unique combination of edge-of-your-seat action, unpredictable drama and world-class athleticism, FOX Sports presents WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN airing Friday, July 30 (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on FOX. (WWE-2331) (TV-PG D, L, S, V)
  • FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT – Saturday, July 31 Show More
    **FOX SPORTS SPECIAL**–“FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT”- (8:00 PM-CC ET Live/5:00 PM-CC PT Live) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT features rising unbeaten heavyweight Michael Coffie squaring off against former world title challenger Gerald “El Gallo Negro” Washington in the 12-round main event. FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT airs Saturday, July 31 (8:00 PM-CC ET Live/5:00 PM-CC PT Live) on FOX. (FSP-2206) (n/a)
  • HBO REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER – Friday, July 30, 10:00PM Show More
    REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER – Episode 571 – This week features a one-on-one, satellite interview with Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President and Democratic nominee for New York City Mayor and author of “Healthy at Last: A Plant-Based Approach to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses.” This week’s in-studio panel discussion will include Senior National Correspondent at Bloomberg Businessweek, Joshua Green; and Democratic Congresswoman representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, Rep. Stacey Plaskett.
    07/25/2021 (07:00PM – 11:30PM) (Sunday) : Men’s Basketball (Group A): U.S. vs. France; Women’s Cycling (Road Race); Water Polo; Canoeing/Kayaking; Swimming; Rowing
    07/26/2021 (08:00PM – 11:30PM) (Monday) : Men’s Canoeing; Women’s Water Polo (Group B): U.S. Vs. China; 3×3 Basketball; Swimming (Qualifying Heat); Beach Volleyball
    Coverage of the final for the men’s canoe slalom, in water polo, the United States women face China in a Group B match, a group stage game in basketball 3×3, qualifying heats in swimming
    Show More

    07/27/2021 (08:00PM – 12:00AM) (Tuesday) : Women’s Canoeing; Beach Volleyball; Women’s Mountain Biking; Women’s Diving (Synchronized Platform Final); Swimming (Heats)
    Coverage of the women’s slalom final in canoe, a group stage match in beach volleyball, the women’s cross country Mountain Bike event, the women’s synchronized platform final.
    07/28/2021 (08:00PM – 12:00AM) (Wednesday) : Rowing (Finals); Cycling (Time Trials); Beach Volleyball; Water Polo; 3×3 Basketball (Finals); Swimming (Heats)
    Coverage of finals in rowing, individual time trial finals in cycling, preliminary matches in beach volleyball and water polo, basketball 3×3 finals, heats in swimming and more.
    07/29/2021 (08:00PM – 11:30PM) (Thursday) : Rowing (Finals); BMX Racing (Quarterfinals); Water Polo; Volleyball; Women’s Canoeing (Slalom Finals); Swimming (Heats)
    Coverage of finals in rowing, the BMX racing quarterfinals in cycling, group matches in water polo and volleyball, the women’s whitewater canoe slalom finals and qualifying heats.
    07/30/2021 (08:00PM – 11:30PM) (Friday) : Rowing; BMX Racing; Men’s Canoeing; Women’s Trampoline; Women’s Diving (Springboard); Women’s Beach Volleyball; Swimming
    Coverage of finals in rowing, BMX Racing for cycling, the men’s slalom in canoe, women’s trampoline, qualifying for the women’s springboard in diving, a women’s beach volleyball match.
    07/31/2021 (08:00PM – 11:30PM) (Saturday) : Men’s Basketball (Group Stage); Men’s Archery (Individual Final); Women’s Tennis (Singles Final); Water Polo (Group Stage)
    Coverage of the men’s individual final in archery, group stage games for water polo, volleyball and men’s basketball, the women’s tennis final and more.
  • USA Network WWE RAW – Monday, July 26, 8:00PM Show More
    07/26/21 – Action from the WWE ThunderDome in Tampa, Fla.
  • USA Network WWE NXT – Tuesday, July 27, 8:00PM Show More
    07/27/21 -From wrestlinginc.com: Tonight’s WWE NXT episode will air on the Syfy network at 8pm ET due to coverage of The Olympics on the USA Network. This episode was taped last week from the Capitol Wrestling Center at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando. You can click here for full spoilers. The following matches were taped for tonight:
    * Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan vs. Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa
    * NXT Breakout Tournament, First Round: Carmelo Hayes vs. Josh Briggs
    * Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro vs. Jessi Kamea and Franky Monet
    * Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner vs. “Top Dolla” AJ Francis and Ashante “Thee” Adonis
    * Adam Cole vs. Bronson Reed
    * Appearances by Samoa Joe, NXT Women’s Champion Raquel Gonzalez, Dakota Kai, and others



  • ABC America’s Funniest Home Videos: 3118 (7/25)(Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/11/21) Show More
    “3118” – It’s weird pets, including a cat that likes taking showers, people running into things while wearing virtual reality headsets and birthday blunders on “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” SUNDAY, JULY 25 (7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG)
  • ABC The Goldbergs: Couple Off (7/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/7/21) Show More
    “Couple Off” – When Barry and Joanne crash Erica and Geoff’s peaceful weekend camping trip, they end up in a competition to see who is the better couple, causing some unexpected shifts in relationships. After learning that Brea thinks Adam has an easy, privileged life, Adam seeks to prove her wrong by getting a job but quickly learns she might be right on “The Goldbergs,” TUESDAY, JULY 27 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/7/21)
    Guest starring is Sadie Stanley as Brea Bee, Kenny Ridwan as Dave Kim, Beth Triffon as Joanne Schwartz, Zach Callison as Corbett and Zane Emory as JC Spink.
    “Couple Off” was written by Annie Mebane and directed by Lea Thompson. Promo
  • ABC Home Economics: Mermaid Taffeta Wedding Dress, $1,999 (7/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/14/21) Show More
    “Mermaid Taffeta Wedding Dress, $1,999” – The Hayworth family is invited to the wedding of longtime family friend Spags. When Connor enlists Tom’s help to write and re-write a wedding toast, things take an unexpected turn between the brothers. Sarah realizes Denise is upset they never had a real wedding, while Marina meticulously plans her drinking schedule for a night out without the kids on ABC’s “Home Economics,” TUESDAY, JULY 27 (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, D) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/14/21)
    Guest starring is Dustin Ybarra as Spags, Nora Dunn as Muriel and Phil Reeves as Marshall.
    “Mermaid Taffeta Wedding Dress, $1,999” is written by Michael Colton & John Aboud and directed by Dean Holland. Promo
  • ABC The Conners: Promotions, Podcasts and Magic Tea (7/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/27/21) Show More
    “Promotions, Podcasts and Magic Tea” – Darlene earns a promotion at Wellman Plastics, while Ben decides on a new career path. Meanwhile, Jackie tries an herbal tea leading to an emotional revelation on “The Conners,” airing TUESDAY, JULY 27 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, D) Episodes can be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/27/21)
    Guest starring is Katey Sagal as Louise, Nat Faxon as Neville, Alexandra Billings as Robin and Timothy E. Goodwin as Hugh.
    “Promotions, Podcasts and Magic Tea” was written by Amy Fox and directed by Gail Mancuso. Promo
  • ABC black-ish: Our Wedding Dre (7/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 11/18/21) Show More
    “Our Wedding Dre” – Pops and Ruby are getting re-married! And Dre’s intimate wedding plans go awry when Pops’ brother, Uncle Norman, shows up unexpectedly for the festivities. Meanwhile, Ruby refuses Bow’s offer to help with preparations until an unanticipated situation gives her an opening to save the big day on “black-ish,” TUESDAY, JULY 27 (9:30-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 11/18/21)
    Danny Glover guest stars as Uncle Norman. Promo
  • ABC To Tell the Truth: 506 (Mike Tyson, Deon Cole, Rumer Willis, Jenna Fischer) (7/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 8/13/20) Show More
    “506 (Mike Tyson, Deon Cole, Rumer Willis, Jenna Fischer)” – Boxing legend Mike Tyson, comedian and actor Deon Cole, actress and model Rumer Willis, and actress Jenna Fischer make up the celebrity panel on “To Tell the Truth,” airing TUESDAY, JULY 27 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, DL) This week’s exciting panel features an original “GLOW” wrestler, a real-life hero, a celebrity baker, the “Queen of Slime” and a 7x World Champion B-Boy.
  • ABC Press Your Luck: They’re Baaaaack! (7/28) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 9/24/20) Show More
    “They’re Baaaaack!” – Legendary contestants from the original series return 35 years later to try to win those BIG BUCKS on “Press Your Luck,” airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) The stakes have never been higher as contestants try to avoid the iconic and devilish WHAMMY again for a chance at life-changing cash and prizes. Host Elizabeth Banks is joined by contestants Theo Cooper (hometown: Hawthorne, California), Pam Kirk (hometown: Apple Valley, California) and Barbara Krant (hometown: Victorville, California).
  • ABC Shark Tank: 1218 (7/30) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/16/21) Show More
    “1218” – Two chefs from Oakland, California, had to make a major pivot when the pandemic nearly derailed their business based on a perishable, rare ingredient. A husband-and-wife duo from Gilbert, Arizona, takes portability to a whole new level with their one-of-a-kind handwashing device. An entrepreneur from Austin, Texas, enters the Tank with her quick and easy approach to drying greens with her space-saving design, while an entrepreneur from Foster City, California, is thirsty for a good deal after presenting his high-tech, self-cleaning water bottle on “Shark Tank,” FRIDAY, JULY 30 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/16/21)
    In a “Shark Tank” update, season 11 entrepreneurs Rachel Connors and Joe Denim update us on their San Francisco, California-based, artisan hammock company with a social mission. Yellow Leaf Hammocks has flipped its traditional business model upside down in order to go directly to consumers during the global pandemic with some help from their investor Daniel Lubetzky.
    The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec and Daymond John.
  • ABC America’s Funniest Home Videos: 3119 (7/31) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/2/21) Show More
    “3119” – Catch birthday bloopers, fishing follies, the whipped cream challenge and funny pranks on “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” SATURDAY, JULY 31 (8:00–9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/2/21)
  • ABC Shark Tank: 1224 (7/31) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/23/21) Show More
    “1224” – An entrepreneur from New York City shows she has all the right pieces for a good business with her new way to experience art. A trio of entrepreneurs from Wichita, Kansas, put a little elbow grease into their presentation when they introduce their innovative cleaning tool to the Sharks. A mother-and-daughter duo from Virginia Beach, Virginia, proves vegan food doesn’t have to be boring or non-indulgent, while a husband-and-wife duo from Edina, Minnesota, light up the room with their portable, rechargeable solar-powered device on “Shark Tank,” SATURDAY, JULY 31 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 4/23/21)
    In a “Shark Tank” update, season 11 mother-and-daughter entrepreneurs Ellen McAlister and Kelley Higney update us on how their insect sting treatment company, Bug Bite Thing, has grown drastically since appearing on “Shark Tank,” despite the many challenges presented by the global pandemic, with some help from their investor, Lori Greiner.
    The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec and guest Shark Daniel Lubetzky.
  • ABC The Good Doctor: Dr. Ted (7/31) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/10/21) Show More
    “Dr. Ted” – Shaun struggles with his role as Lea’s partner after complications arise with the pregnancy and his instincts as a medical professional kick in. Meanwhile, Dr. Park, Dr. Andrews and Asher disagree on how to address an elderly patient’s wishes on “The Good Doctor,” SATURDAY, JULY 31 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/10/21)
    Guest starring is Bria Samone Henderson as Jordan Allen, Noah Galvin as Asher Wolke and Veronice Cartwright as Maxine Stanley
    “Dr. Ted” was written by Patti Carr and Sam Chanse, and directed by Anne Renton. Promo
  • CBS 60 MINUTES – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    CBS 60 Minutes Sunday, July 25 -“The Case Against Curtis Flowers” (Episode aired Jan 3, 2021) Tried six times for a quadruple murder in which no fingerprints, DNA or weapon linked him to the crime, Curtis Flowers’ last conviction was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. Sharyn Alfonsi speaks to him in his first television interview. More  Preview
    “The Wright Way” (Episode aired Nov 3, 2019) A profile of the Wright family of cowboys who have five world rodeo titles among them. More info and Preview
    “Prince and the Revelation” (Episode aired Apr 11, 2021) UNRELEASED PRINCE ALBUM- Five years after Prince’s death, his estate released songs from his previously unreleased album, “Welcome 2 America.” The new music will debut Sunday night on 60 Minutes. Prince wrote and recorded the album before embarking on his 2010 “Welcome 2 America” tour. But he didn’t perform songs from it. Preview
  • CBS THE NEIGHBORHOOD – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “Welcome to the Movement” – The Butlers and Johnsons unite when a member of their community is the victim of racial injustice, on a rebroadcast of the third season premiere of THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Monday, July 26 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/16/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Series creator Jim Reynolds
    DIRECTED BY: Mark Cendrowski Promo
  • CBS BOB ♥ ABISHOLA – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “Paris is for Lovers, Not Mothers” – Kemi leans on Abishola after an argument with Chukwuemeka, disrupting her and Bob’s engagement celebration. Also, Dottie gives Douglas a new job at MaxDot, on a rebroadcast of BOB ♥ ABISHOLA, Monday, July 26 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/23/20.)
    STORY BY: Chuck Lorre, Gina Yashere and Carla Filisha
    TELEPLAY BY: Dave Goetsch, Gloria Bigelow and Marla DuMont
    DIRECTED BY: Beth McCarthy-Miller Promo
  • CBS YOUNG SHELDON – Monday, July 26 Show More
    Melanie Lynskey Guest Stars as Professor Ericson
    “A Philosophy Class and Worms That Can Chase You” – Sheldon’s first day of college is derailed by his new philosophy teacher, Professor Ericson (Melanie Lynskey). Also, Mary and Brenda (Melissa Peterman) live vicariously through Missy’s first day of middle school, on a rebroadcast of Monday, July 26 (9:00-9:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 2/11/21.)
    STORY BY: Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
    TELEPLAY BY: Steven Molaro & Steve Holland & Eric Kaplan
    DIRECTED BY: Alex Reid Promo
  • CBS UNITED STATES OF AL – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “Birthday/Kaleeza” — When Hazel starts planning her 11th birthday party, she learns that Al doesn’t know when his birthday is so she invites him to share the day with her. Also, Riley tries to find a way to deal with Vanessa’s new boyfriend, on UNITED STATES OF AL, Monday, July 26 (9:31-10:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 5/27/21)
    STORY BY: Anthony Del Broccolo, Dave Goetsch, Bobby Telatovuch
    TELEPLAY BY: Maria Ferrari, Ursula Taherian, Habib Zahori
    DIRECTED BY: Marc Cendrowski Promo
    “The Bear” – When a Russian bomber goes missing while flying over U.S. soil, Callen and Sam must track it down in the desert and secure its weapons and intel before the Russians on board destroy the plane. Also, Hetty gives Nell a cryptic assignment, on a rebroadcast of the 12th season premiere of NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Monday, July 26 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/8/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: R. Scott Gemmill
    DIRECTED BY: Dennis Smith Promo
    “Head of the Snake” – Gibbs and Fornell’s crusade to find the head of the drug ring responsible for Fornell’s daughter Emily’s overdose comes to a climax. Also, Gibbs and Vance finally let the team in on a case that has dangerous implications, on a rebroadcast of NCIS, Tuesday, July 27 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 1/19/21.)
    WRITTEN BY: Brendan Fehily and David J. North
    DIRECTED BY: Tawnia McKiernan Promo
  • CBS FBI: MOST WANTED – Tuesday, July 27 Show More
    “Anonymous” – The team searches for a young woman who is heading down a deadly path of vengeance, using ties to an online radical conspiracy organization to further her cause. Also, Barnes must make a life-changing decision, finding it hard to not let the dark side of her job affect her, on a rebroadcast of FBI: MOST WANTED, Tuesday, July 27 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 1/19/2021)
    WRITTEN BY: Spindrift Beck
    DIRECTED BY: Deran Sarafian Promo
  • CBS S.W.A.T. – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “Crusade” – SWAT searches for a group of extremists carrying out coordinated attacks against local businesses. Also, Deacon and his wife, Annie, find themselves at odds when Annie wants to enroll their daughter, Lila, in private school, on a rebroadcast of S.W.A.T., Wednesday, July 28 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 1/27/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Sarah Alderson
    DIRECTED BY: Billy Gierhart Promo
    “The Head of the Goat” – Bull and Benny mount a difficult federal trial defense for a young mother accused of aiding and abetting her extremist husband in an act of domestic terrorism. When the controversial case makes news, Benny’s commitment to TAC complicates his burgeoning political career, on a rebroadcast of BULL, Thursday, July 29 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 1/25/21.)
    WRITTEN BY: Sarah H. Haught
    DIRECTED BY: Mike Smith Promo
  • CBS BLUE BLOODS – Friday, July 30 Show More
    “For Whom the Bell Tolls” – Baez confides in Danny and asks for his help in proving her innocence after she finds a corpse in her front yard. Also, Erin struggles to find a peaceful solution when she receives harsh case notes from her boss, Jamie and Eddie butt heads over the handling of a young cop’s punishment, and Frank makes his whole team attend therapy after Gormley exhibits troubling behavior, on a rebroadcast of BLUE BLOODS, Friday, July 30 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 3/12/21.)
    WRITTEN BY: Brian Burns
    DIRECTED BY: Robert Harmon Promo
  • CBS MAGNUM P.I. – Saturday, July 31 Show More
    “Killer on the Midnight Watch” – When an overenthusiastic neighborhood watch group asks Magnum and Higgins to investigate a shady character living on their block, they are shocked to find that they may have inadvertently stumbled upon a serial killer on the loose. Also, Jin’s new money laundering business leads him to want to help a new friend, on a rebroadcast of MAGNUM P.I., on a special night and time, Saturday, July 31 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 2/5/21.)
    WRITTEN BY: Gene Hong
    DIRECTED BY: Geoff Shotz Promo
  • CBS 48 HOURS – Saturday, July 31 Show More
    Airing 7/31/21 (Sa.) (9:00 PM) CBS “48 Hours” Double Feature on July 31 2021
    The CBS “48 Hours” encore double feature episodes air July 31 at 9PM. You can watch previous episodes of 48 Hours at CBS.com and Paramount+.
    San Quentin State Prison death row inmate Kevin Cooper has maintained for three decades he did not kill three members of a California family and a guest staying at their house in 1983. Now, with new witnesses, lost evidence that could have proven him right and a DNA test that doesn’t link him to the crime, the question remains: will Cooper ever walk free again?
    Erin Moriarty and 48 HOURS investigate the controversial murder case against Cooper and explore the two new witnesses who came forward after watching 48 HOURS, new DNA testing and the California governor who could spare his life. This is a case Moriarty has been reporting on for two decades. Cooper’s case has drawn international attention from the likes of Pope Francis and Kim Kardashian West.
    The heartbreaking story about the brutal assault that left Doug and Peggy Ryen. Plus, their daughter, Jessica, 10; and a family friend, Christopher Hughes, 11, dead in Chino Hills, Calif. It also raises questions about the initial police investigation. The loss of key evidence and whether the real killer remains free. Preview
  • CBS 48 HOURS – Saturday, July 31 Show More
    Airing 7/31/21 (Sa.) (10:00 PM) “The Murder of Anna Repkina” (10PM ET) Moscow, Russia, native Anna Repkina was found murdered on a remote Oregon logging road in April 2017. Just days later, police arrested American Will Hargrove. Turns out, Repkina met Hargrove online and after a whirlwind romance, the pair got engaged.
    What Repkina didn’t know when she relocated to the U.S. to marry Hargrove was that she was moving right into the middle of a love triangle. Now, for the first time, the “other woman” in that love triangle speaks to 48 HOURS. Sneak Peek
    “This Is Gus” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    TAKING THINGS FOR GRANTED – Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) is disappointed because the Legends have forgotten his birthday, so when they track an alien pod to 2024 and wind up at his favorite television sitcom, he thinks it’s really a surprise for him. Feeling guilty, Nate (Nick Zano) and Zari (Tala Ashe) occupy Behrad by keeping up the ruse by attending a taping of the show while Ava (Jes Macallan), Spooner (Lisseth Chavez) and Astra (Olivia Swann) try to find the Alien to get the timeline back on track, which proves challenging. Meanwhile, Rory’s (Dominic Purcell) behavior has been a little off, so Sara (Caity Lotz) and Gary (Adam Tsekham) become determined to find out what happened, but Rory gets some unexpected news from his daughter, Lita (guest star (Mina Sundwall.) Matt Ryan also stars. Eric Dean Seaton directed the episode written by Tyrone B. Carter (609). Original airdate 7/11/2021 Promo
  • The CW Penn & Teller: Fool Us – Tuesday, July 27 Show More
    “Jaws of Death” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, L) (HDTV)
    FOOL ME ONCE – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episode include Blaise Serra, Pierre Ulric, Francis Menotti and Lord of the Ring. Alyson Hannigan (“How I Met Your Mother”) serves as host (#713). Original airdate 10/26/2020.
  • The CW Superman & Lois – Tuesday, July 27 Show More
    “O Mother, Where Art Thou?” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    FAMILY – Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui) reaches out to Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) and Clark (Tyler Hoechlin) when Kyle (Erik Valdez) starts behaving strangely. Meanwhile, Jonathan (Jordan Elsass) opens up to Jordan (Alex Garfin). Lastly, Sarah (Inde Navarette) storms out after accusing her mom of always covering for her dad. Dylan Walsh and Wole Parks also star. (#110). The episode was directed by Harry Jierjian and written by Adam Mallinger. Original airdate 6/15/2021. Every episode of SUPERMAN & LOIS will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW World’s Funniest Animals – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “Episode 107” – (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    PREPARE TO BE AMAZED – OR AT LEAST AMUSED! – Host Elizabeth Stanton (“Popstar This Week”) is joined by the panelists and special guest Murray Jennifer Taylor as they observe animals doing the funniest things ever caught on video. On today’s show we’ve got a diner-crashing deer, a window-washing cat, and one of the boldest baby birds you’ve ever seen. The episode is produced by David McKenzie, David Martin and Laura McKenzie and directed by Brad Thomas (#107). Original airdate 10/23/2020. Every episode of WORLD’S FUNNIEST ANIMALS will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com App the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required.
  • The CW World’s Funniest Animals – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “Episode 108” – (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    GET READY TO HOWL! – Host Elizabeth Stanton (“Popstar This Week”) is joined by the panelists and special guest Danielle Nicolet (“The Flash”) as they observe animals doing the funniest things ever caught on video. On today’s show we’ve got a pampered pooch, some spooked Sharpeis, swimming monkeys, confused pugs, and a deer who’s decided to make himself at home. The episode is produced by David McKenzie, David Martin and Laura McKenzie and directed by Brad Thomas (#108). Original airdate 10/30/2020. Every episode of WORLD’S FUNNIEST ANIMALS will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required.
  • The CW Whose Line Is It Anyway? – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “Adam Rippon 2” – (9:00-9:30 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    FIGURING OUT COMEDY – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Gary Anthony Williams, put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#804). Original airdate 8/24/2020
  • The CW Whose Line Is It Anyway? – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “Greg Proops 5” – (9:30-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    UNLIKE NO OTHER COMEDY – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Greg Proops, put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#807). Original airdate 4/13/2020
  • The CW Rosswell, New Mexico – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    “Hands” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
    SEASON PREMIERE – While Liz (Jeanine Mason) is settling in to her new life and career in Los Angeles, Max (Nathan Dean), Isobel (Lily Cowles) and Michael (Michael Vlamis) are figuring out if the stranger in the cave, with the familiar face, is friend or foe. The episode was directed by Lance Anderson and written by Carina Adly Mackenzie (301). Original airdate 7/26/2021 Promo
  • FOX DUNCANVILLE – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “DUNCANVILLE” – (7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Kyla Pratt (CALL ME KAT), Rachel Dratch (“Mr. Mayor”) and Nicholas Gonzalez (“La Brea”) Make Guest Appearances
    Jack coaches Jing’s little league soccer team, but when he feels he’s too easy on the kids he calls on Duncan to yell at the team to get them to win. Meanwhile, Annie takes Kimberly to work with her after she has a falling out with her friends in the “Crimes and Misters Demean Her” episode of DUNCANVILLE airing Sunday, July 25 (7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DUN-206) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Kyla Pratt as Allison; Rachel Dratch as Sandra/Space Jammer; Nicholas Gonzalez as Shane, Gutter, Angry Driver; Gerald McRaney as Dick Harris; Natalie Palamides as Bradley, Lil’ Joey, Claire; Nick Mandernach as Crazy Guy, Crowd
  • FOX HOUSEBROKEN – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “HOUSEBROKEN” – (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    After Chief eats Jill’s vibrator, he’s taken to the vet where he ends up leading his own version of group therapy. Tabitha goes to live with The Gray One and learns she has to sing and dance if she wants to survive. Meanwhile, Lindsay’s constant lurking gets in the way of Shel’s relationship with Darla in the “Who’s Going to the Vet?” episode of HOUSEBROKEN airing Sunday, July 25 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HBR-109) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Bresha Webb as Nibbles; Greta Lee as Bubbles; Brian Tyree Henry as Coyote/The Warm Wet One; Maria Bamford as Jill/Hoarder/The Scabby One; Dawnn Lewis as The Very Old One; Paula Poundstone as Darla; Nicole Sullivan as Bunny
  • FOX THE SIMPSONS – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “THE SIMPSONS” – (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    Olivia Colman (“The Crown”) Guest-Voices
    When Marge and the kids take a seaside vacation, Homer is unwittingly tempted by a British femme fatale in the “The 7 Beer Itch” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, July 25 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SI-3115) (TV-PG D, L, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Olivia Colman as Lily
  • FOX THE GREAT NORTH – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “THE GREAT NORTH” – (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    While the family prepares for Wolf and Honeybee’s wedding, an unexpected guest RSVPs in the “My Fart Will Go On Adventure” episode of THE GREAT NORTH airing Sunday, July 25 (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GRN-113) (TV-14 D, L)
    Guest Voice Cast: Brooke Dillman as Zoya; Ron Funches as Jerry; Daniele Gaither as Ruth; Aloysius Hootch as Delmer; Charlie Kelly as Drama John; Phil LaMarr as Louis and Judith Shelton as Londra.
  • FOX BOB’S BURGERS – Sunday, July 25 Show More
    “BOB’S BURGERS” – (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    When Tina is forced to listen to Spanish audio lessons in the library to improve her grade, she develops an unexpected crush. Meanwhile, Louise and Gene want to dunk Mr. Frond at the Wagstaff Spring Fair in the “Y Tu Tina También” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, July 25 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BOB-1015) (TV-PG D, L)
    Guest Voice Cast: David Herman as Mr. Frond/Mr. Branca; Will Forte as Mr. Grant; Julio Torres as Rodrigo/Señor Balthazar; Billy Eichner as Mr. Ambrose
    “FAMILY GUY” – (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Stewie gets a mail order bride from Ukraine and experiences domestic life. Meanwhile, Peter and Chris become addicted to free hotel breakfast buffets in the “The Marrying Kind” episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, July 25 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FG-1811) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
  • FOX HELL’S KITCHEN – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “HELL’S KITCHEN” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    For the first time ever, 18 aspiring chefs from across the country, and all aged 23 years old or younger at the start of the competition, will challenge Lady Luck in the hopes of winning big in the “Young Guns: Young Guns Come Out Shooting” episode of HELL’S KITCHEN airing Monday, July 26 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HK-2001) (TV-14 D, L)
  • FOX HOUSEBROKEN – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “HOUSEBROKEN” – (9:01-9:31 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Featuring the voices of Lisa Kudrow, Will Forte, Clea DuVall, Nat Faxon, Sharon Horgan, Tony Hale, Sam Richardson and Jason Mantzoukas, new animated comedy HOUSEBROKEN follows a group of neighborhood pets and stray animals as they work through their issues inside and outside their therapy group. Honey the poodle is thrown into a dog mid-life crisis after the death of her friend and the sudden appearance of a hot, mysterious coyote in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Shel the tortoise finds love from an unlikely source in an encore of the “Who’s A Good Girl?” series premiere episode of HOUSEBROKEN airing Monday, July 26 (9:01-9:31 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HBR-101) (TV-14 D, L, S)
    Guest Voice Cast: Bresha Webb as Nibbles/Big Cookie’s Mother/Daughter/Chihuahua; Greta Lee as Bubbles; Brian Tyree Henry as Coyote/Poseidon/Son; Maria Bamford as Jill/Big Cookie
  • FOX DUNCANVILLE – Monday, July 26 Show More
    “DUNCANVILLE” – (9:31-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    Adam Scott, Aubrey Plaza, Retta and Nick Offerman join Amy Poehler and Rashida Jones for a “Parks and Recreation” Reunion; Finn Wolfhard (“Stranger Things”) also Guest-Voices
    Duncan avoids summer school for the first time, and the family goes on vacation. On their getaway, Annie and Jack are haunted by another vacation couple, while Duncan agonizes over Mia’s Instagram, and Kimberly gets a glow-up in the “Das Banana Boot” episode of DUNCANVILLE airing Monday, July 26 (9:31-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DUN-201) (TV-14 D, L, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Adam Scott as Nick; Aubrey Plaza as Nina; Retta as Makeover Station Employee; Nick Offerman as Zeb; Finn Wolfhard as Jeremy/Norman; Kathy Najimy as Helen Diggins; John Viener as Nick, Arthur; Aseem Batra as Carrie; Marietta Sirleaf as Sandy
  • FOX LEGO MASTERS – Tuesday, July 27 Show More
    “LEGO MASTERS” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Teams put a stunt “minifigure” to the test in an explosive stunt action scene. The duos must think carefully and strategically to craft an immersive build filled with slime, water, glitter and colored dust to create the ultimate action movie moment. Will the hero save the day in an incredible visual spectacle or will the execution fall short of what they imagined? Find out in the “Hero Shot!” episode of LEGO MASTERS airing Tuesday, July 27 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (LEG-202) (TV-PG L)
  • FOX MENTAL SAMURAI – Tuesday, July 27 Show More
    “MENTAL SAMURAI” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Hosted by Rob Lowe (9-1-1: LONE STAR), MENTAL SAMURAI is a combination of game show, sporting event and thrill ride, in which contestants mentally battle each other – and a ticking clock – as they attempt to stay focused and answer a wide variety of fun and interactive questions of knowledge, memory, puzzles and sequencing. All this while being whipped around the arena strapped into “Ava,” a high-speed capsule and robotic arm capable of twisting and turning a full 360 degrees. A competition series that pushes every aspect of human intelligence and mental agility, MENTAL SAMURAI is the first-ever obstacle course…for the mind. Lowe welcomes contestants, including a former NFL player who is out to prove there’s more to him than just his muscles; a teacher and philanthropist; an entrepreneur; a super-competitive gameshow veteran; and a trained knife and sword champion fighter in the “Episode 201” episode of MENTAL SAMURAI airing Tuesday, July 27 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MLS-201) (TV-PG D, L)
  • FOX MASTERCHEF – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “MASTERCHEF” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Emeril Lagasse Joins As Guest-Judge
    With only 15 aprons up for grabs, home cooks from across the country serve up their signature dishes to judges Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich and AarĂłn SĂĄnchez and guest judge Emeril Lagasse to try to win a spot in the MASTERCHEF kitchen in the “Legends: Emeril Lagasse – Auditions Round 1” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Wednesday, July 28 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MCH-1101) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX MASTERCHEF – Wednesday, July 28 Show More
    “MASTERCHEF” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    CRIME SCENE KITCHEN’s Curtis Stone Joins as Guest Judge
    With only nine aprons remaining in the audition round, the search for the next MASTERCHEF continues. The next round of home cooks has just 45 minutes to impress the judges, along with guest judge and legendary Michelin Star chef Curtis Stone, who also is a judge on FOX’s CRIME SCENE KITCHEN, in the “Legends: Curtis Stone – Auditions Round 2” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Wednesday, July 28 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MCH-1102) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX BEAT SHAZAM – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    “BEAT SHAZAM” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Hosted by Jamie Foxx, and featuring his daughter, Corinne Foxx, as deejay, BEAT SHAZAM is the unique and interactive game show that pits teams of two against the clock and each other as they try to identify the biggest hit songs of all time. In the end, the team with the highest score will outlast the competition and go against Shazam, the world’s most popular song identification app, for the chance to win up to one million dollars on FOX. Three teams of two compete in the “Everybody Dance Now!” episode of BEAT SHAZAM airing Thursday, July 29 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BSH-402) (TV-PG D, L)
  • FOX MASTERCHEF – Thursday, July 29 Show More
    “MASTERCHEF” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Paula Deen Joins as Guest Judge
    It’s the final audition round of the season and only five of the 15 white aprons remain unclaimed for the season. The undeniable queen of Southern cuisine, Paula Deen is this week’s legendary guest judge, alongside Gordon, Joe & AarĂłn in the “Legends: Paula Deen – Auditions Round 3” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Thursday, July 29 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MCH-1103) (TV-14 D, L)
  • FOX GAME OF TALENTS – Saturday, July 31 Show More
    “GAME OF TALENTS” – (11:00 PM-Midnight ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Hosted by Emmy Award Winner Wayne Brady
    Taking the awe, wonder and spectacle of a large-scale variety show and infusing it with a clue-centered, high-intensity investigative game, GAME OF TALENTS is a new hybrid series like you’ve never seen. Produced by Fremantle and based on its hit international format, the series pits two teams of contestants against each other as they attempt to figure out the surprising, mesmerizing – and sometimes bizarre – hidden talents of the mystery performers. With more than $200,000 on the line, can the contestants spot the fire dancer from the spider wrangler or the gospel singer from the contortionist? Get ready to put on your guessing hats in the “Floating on Air, Fire and Broken Bones” episode of GAME OF TALENTS airing Saturday, July 31 (11:00-Midnight ET/PT) on FOX. (GTA-109) (TV-PG D)




  • These TV shows come out on DVD July 27th: “American Gods: Season 3” (also on Blu-ray); “Arte: The Complete Season” (only on Blu-ray); “Hot in Cleveland: The Complete” (only on Blu-ray); “Chihayafuru: Season 3” (only on Blu-ray); “Devils: Season One;” “Dexter: The Complete Series” (only on Blu-ray); “Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater: The Complete Season” (only on Blu-ray + Digital); “Family Ties: The Complete Series;” “Fighting General Daimos TV Series” (only on Blu-ray); “Finding Your Roots: Season 7;” “Finding Your Roots: Season 7;” “Hawaii Five-O: The Complete Series;” “The Herculoids: The Complete Orig. Series” (only on Blu-ray);”Hot in Cleveland: The Complete Series;” “Keeping Faith: Series 3” (also on Blu-ray); “Last Exile – Fam The Silver Wing – Season 2 – Essentials” (also on Blu-ray); “Mahoraba Heartful Days TV Series;” “The Neighborhood: Season Three;” “PokĂŠmon: Black & White: The Complete Season 14;” “Professor T.: The Complete First Season;” “Two and a Half Men: The Complete Series;” “Unforgotten: The Complete Fourth Season (Masterpiece Mystery!);” and “The Venture Bros.: The Complete First Season.”

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GH Update Friday, July 23, 2021

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Deb

Nikolas and Spencer enter Metro Court pool area. Spencer tells Nikolas to chill out and enjoy the sun and hanging out with his son, unless that isn’t what he wants. Nikolas says he does, so Spencer tells him to get something to drink while he goes and changes into his suit. As Nikolas strolls up to the bar, Ava and Trina enter and head to the bar. Nikolas looks please to see Ava.

Shawn enters the police station and greets Jordan, telling her he brings some news. Sam is with Alexis in the interrogation room and talking how much nicer it will be for her at the new facility, being able to walk outside. Alexis walks away and Sam realizes how difficult things are for her. Sam apologizes to Alexis and Alexis tells her not to worry, that at least Sam is putting a positive spin on everything.

Lenny enters the Tan-O dining area with Phyllis’s, carrying a beer keg. “Mike” is at the bar and goes around and grabs the keg from Lenny. Phyllis is telling Lenny he needs to take it easy, as that was the instruction from the doctor. Lenny tells Phyllis that he wants things in order before he goes into the hospital. Phyllis looks frustrated and sighs. There is a knock on the outside door, and Phyllis, exasperated, says, “We don’t open for another hour.” “Mike” tells her that he’ll get the door. Phyllis and Lenny exit the dining area as “Mike” goes to answer the door. As he opens the door he says, “Sorry, we’re closed.” Nina is standing at the door, and they both smile. They say hello and they hug each other.

Anna and Valentin are in the Quartermain drawing room. He apologizes to her for not being with her last night. She tells him he needed to be with his daughter, who is an angel. Valentin says, “She doesn’t get it from me.” Anna replies, No.”  He asks her about her new theory, and she reluctantly tells him they should be looking for Peter’s enemy.

Elizabeth and Finn greet each other in the hospital hallway. They discuss how much fun it was to watch Violet at her T-ball game, to do something normal and not over think about Peter Austin. Terry walks around the corner and asks, “What’s this about Peter Austin?”

Britt is walking down the stairs in the hospital, thinking about her time with Jason in the gym boxing ring.  She shakes her head and whispers to herself to get it together. She turns as she hears Jason asking for Dr. Quartermain. She turns her head and sees Jason speaking to a nurse at the nurse’s station. The nurse says she isn’t in her office, but she can have her paged. Jason thanks her and sees Britt on the stairs. Britt continues down the stairs. Britt stops at the nurse’s station and turns toward the desk. Jason asks her if it is okay if he says hello. Britt defensively says, “It’s okay to say hello, as long as you know where we stand.” Jason replies, “As long as you know where to find me if you need me.” Britt replies, “I won’t need you.” Austin enters the nurse’s station telling Britt he understands she has to sign off on everything, and he places a folder down on the desk at the nurse’s station. Britt tells him she’s a little busy, and he says it will only take a few seconds. She tells him, “So will this,” as she looks at Jason. He lightly says okay, then turns toward Jason and says, “Hi cuz.” Jason doesn’t respond and Austin says, “Okay, not there yet. I understand.” Jason turns to leave saying he has to find Monica. Austin watches as Jason leaves and says to Britt, with a small smile on his face, “So, what’s going on with you and that guy?”

Elizabeth tells Terry that Finn was updating her on Anna’s search for Peter. Finn tells Terry that Anna hit a dead end. Terry says she’s so sorry, considering that Peter took Franco away from Elizabeth, and what he did to Finn’s brother. Terry says that if there were any real justice, someone would finish him off and be done with it. Finn looks off to the side with guilt.

Anna is saying to Valentin that they were looking for Peter’s ally, but if it was the opposite, then it all adds up. Anna reminds Valentin that David Hawkins, the helicopter pilot, said that the other man on the roof with Peter scared him off from landing. Valentin says that David was denied clearance, and Anna replies that it doesn’t seem likely that would stop him, given what Peter was paying him. Anna adds that Hopkins assumed this other man was trouble, and he wanted to avoid that. Peter didn’t call Hopkins back to say it was okay, that the man wasn’t a threat. Valentin says, “Because he was a threat.”

Nina enters the Tan-O. “Mike” asks Nina if it was hard to leave her grandson, and she replies that it was, but that this is where she belongs right now. “Mike” tells Nina that it will do Phyllis a world of good with Nina being here. Nina says she hopes so, but to be completely honest, Phyllis isn’t the only one she is there for. “Mike” and Nina look at each other.

Alexis tells Sam she is really happy that she’s being transferred, but she needs to remember that she has to serve her time, like everybody else does. Jordan and Shawn walk in, and Jordan announces that Shawn has some news to share. Shawn tells Alexis and Sam that it is official, all the paperwork is signed, and he is a free man.

At the pool, Nikolas tells Ava, as Trina looks on, that he didn’t know she would be there. Ava asks if that will be a problem, and Nikolas tells her that it won’t be. Trina says she will find her and Ava a spot and walks away. Ava explains that the gallery was slow, it was a beautiful day, and she and Trina decided to play hooky. Nikolas offers to leave it will be easier for Ava, and Ava replies, as she touches his chest with her sunglasses, “Oh Nikolas, what about us has ever been easy?” Ava walks off to join Trina and Nikolas watches her walk away. As Ava arrives at the spot Trina arranged for them, Trina says she will be right back. As Trina approaches the entry way near the pool bar, Spencer is entering. Trina tells Spencer he owes her one. He says, “Hello to you, too.” Trina tells him how it would have been so easy to let Nikolas know how Spencer had been in town for weeks before showing his face. Spencer tells her he is grateful and asks if he needs to thank her again. She says he doesn’t, especially now that she knows how he can make it up to her.

“Mike” asks Nina what she meant, and Phyllis enters and is excited to see Nina.  Phyllis tells Nina she should be with her family, and Nina tells her that she is family, too. Lenny approaches and says that Nina and he have a lot to say to each other.

Shawn lets Alexis and Sam know that the governor signed off, there is no more jail time, no parole conditions, and Judge Carson has been urged to resign or risk the consequences of a judicial review. Alexis asks about the other prisoners that Judge Carson sentenced, and Shawn tells her that the governor is reviewing all of them. Alexis asks him what is next, and he says that his focus will be on finding out who really shot Hayden.

Nikolas looks at Ava as he takes his drink to sit down near the pool. Trina grabs Spencer and tells him she has a plan, she intends to “Parent Trap” Nikolas and Ava, because they are miserable.  Trina tells Spencer that a couple on the brink of divorce who love each other, need to know they belong together. Spencer asks her, “What if they don’t?” He points out that someone hates them so much that Ava is terrified for her daughter’s safety. Trina says they shouldn’t give in, that Nikolas and Ava are stronger together. Spencer points out that the incidents have stopped since they broke up, which means this creep is willing to leave them alone now. Trina responds, “Cool, we’ll just give in to a terrorist.”  Spencer lets Trina know he was never really a fan of her boss to begin with. Trina walks off and says she will do it herself. Spencer looks frustrated.

Britt and Austin are at the nurse’s station. Britt asks for Austin’s support for the Chief of Staff position. He asks her what he gets in return. She tells him whatever he wants. He asks, “Whatever I want?” She replies, “Yes.” He tells her that okay, he is in. Britt walks away from the nurse’s station as Austin smiles.

Monica enters her office to find Jason there and they greet each other. He tells Monica that Spinelli did a deep dive on Austin, and that Austin seems to be everything he claims. Monica thanks him and Jason asks if there is anything else she needs. She tells him that he is able to read her very well, and that she would like to talk to him about his engagement.

Valentin and Anna, still in the Quartermaine drawing room, continue to discuss what Anna has begun to realize. Valentin says there were plenty of people at the hospital that day that wanted Peter brought to justice. Anna says that whoever was on that roof, Peter knew a clean getaway was impossible, there would be a witness. Valentin asks if she thinks Peter took out the other person on the roof. Anna replies that no, because nobody else was reported missing. Anna says, “The only reason that person didn’t come forward, is because they had something to do with Peter’s disappearance.” Valentin replies, “So you’re saying Peter didn’t leave the hospital because he was incapable of doing so.”

Lenny and Nina go sit at a table to talk alone at Lenny’s request. Lenny tells Nina he is so grateful for her connections that he is able to get the surgery tomorrow. Lenny tells her he still has reservations, but it is not about the cost.

Shawn says he owes it to Hayden and himself to get to the bottom of whoever shot her. Jordan tells them she and Alexis need to et going to take Alexis to her new prison. Sam hugs Alexis and Alexis tells Shawn to go live his life, and all that goes with it. Shawn tells Alexis the same.

Nikolas strolls into the pool area, and a waiter brings him a drink, saying “Compliments of the beautiful blonde on the last lounge chair.” Nikolas looks toward Ava. Spencer sits up and looks, while Trina looks on from the other end of the pool next to Ava. A waitress brings a drink to Ava, saying “Compliments of a certain gentleman.” When Ava asks which gentleman, the waitress points toward Nikolas, and Austin is standing right behind him. Ava smiles and Austin looks toward the pool.

Valentin, still in the Quartermain drawing room, asks Anna if she thinks the man on the roof with Peter that day incapacitated him, or worse. Anna replies she does. Valentin says, “And he’s been covering his tracks ever since.” Anna replies, “Yeah.”  Then Anna comments that, as Valentin said, there were any number of people at the hospital who wanted Peter dead, so it could have been anyone. Valentin replies that it could be, but that it is obvious that Anna has zeroed in on one. Valentin says it seems Anna is there because she wants him to talk her out of it, but he can’t do that. Valentin says there was one person at the hospital who had every reason to want Peter dead. Anna says, “Don’t say it.” Valentin says, “Finn.”

In the hospital corridor, Terry apologizes to Elizabeth and Finn for losing her cool about Peter. Finn tells her they appreciate it. She asks if she can still count on their support for the Chief of Staff position. Finn tells her she doesn’t even have to ask. Terry walks off and Elizabeth tells Finn she has an idea.

Elizabeth and Finn are walking outside, getting fresh air and have a private conversation. Finn says they are trapped, and Elizabeth responds that maybe not, if Terry gets the chief of staff position. Terry could make sure the cameras are turned off so they could move the body. Finn doesn’t like the idea of involving Terry. Elizabeth tells Finn that the last thing she wants is for Finn to turn himself in to protect her. Finn tells her the last thing he wants is for Peter’s body to be found with Elizabeth’s DNA on it. Finn says the best thing is if the body is never found. Elizabeth tells him there is a way, but Finn won’t like it. Elizabeth says they should get help from Jason.

Monica and Jason sit down on the sofa in Monica’s office. Monica tells Jason she isn’t trying to stop him from marrying Carly. She reminisces about AJ and how things were with Carly, and that Carly always used AJ. Monica wants Jason to know how hard it has been for her. Jason tells Monica that he wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for Carly.

At the pool, Ava decides to thank Austin for the drink, as she assumes he was the one who ordered it. Trina tries to stop her, to no avail. Ava approaches Austin and thanks him. Nikolas jumps up and tells Ava he appreciates the gesture of good will. Trina approaches behind Ava and Spencer approaches behind Nikolas. Ava is confused, and Nikolas thanks her for the drink. She tells him she didn’t and says that Austin bought her one. Austin says he didn’t buy anyone a drink. Spencer speaks up and says that the only one buying any drinks right now is Trina. Ava turns to look at Trina, who looks guilty.

Monica and Jason, still on Monica’s sofa, Monica is letting Jason know she doesn’t judge him. Jason expresses regrets about his behavior back then, all the lies by everyone, and that he understands how things were for AJ. He tells Monica they have all grown, and that Carly understands life better now, that she has learned to trust others. He reassures Monica that Carly and he know exactly what they are doing. He lets Monica know that he understands that this is hard for her and wants to know if she can accept it. Monica tells Jason she just wants him to be happy. She asks him if this was his choice, that Carly isn’t maneuvering him into it. Jason reassures her that it is. Monica tells him that she is happy for him. She does tell him that it will be difficult for her to be in the same room with Carly, but that she thinks it is the same for Carly. Jason lets her know he appreciates that she makes the effort form him. Monica tells Jason she loves him, and that her love for him and Michael are the two things she and Carly have in common. Jason and Monica hug. Jason leaves Monica’s office.

Lenny and Nina are still sitting at a table in the Tan-O. Lenny tells Nina that there was another reason that he was against her paying for everything, that she was offering Phyllis hope, because the growth that was found is on his pancreas. And that is often a death sentence. Nina responds by saying often isn’t always. Lenny tells Nina that he can get over someone providing the money for the medical treatment, but he can’t get over someone providing his wife hope, when there isn’t any.

In the hospital hallway outside the elevators, Britt and Terry are walking in opposite directions and greet each other cordially, “Dr. Randolph.” “Dr. Westbourne.” They each mention that they notice the other having talks with their individual supporters. Britt asks Terry what she needs to do to get Terry to drop out of the competition. Britt says that since Terry is “team Elizabeth,” maybe Britt could give Elizabeth a raise. Terry responds that that is exactly why she wants to be chief of staff, that she doesn’t double deal or get into bed with scum like Cyrus Renault. Terry says she wants what is best for the hospital. Britt says she does too. Monica walks up to ask if everything is alright. Terry says yes and Britt says, “Just peachy.” Monica replies good, because she wants to see both of them in her office. Monica walks away, and both Terry and Britt gesture for the other to go ahead, both gritting their teeth.

Still in the Quartermain drawing room, Anna tells Valentin she went to the hospital to let Finn know about their progress in the search for Peter.  Valentin, caringly, asks, “And?” Anna, shakily replies, “It was all there. In his body language, the way he spoke, an uh, it just made sense suddenly.” She continued, “The description; male, tall, light suit, dark hair to the collar, it was Finn.” Valentin looks on Anna with a pained expression.

Finn and Elizabeth continue to discuss the situation while outside. Elizabeth is telling Finn that getting Jason involved will solve all their problems. Finn expresses concern that any goodwill they may have with the cops will go right out the window if they collaborate with a hitman. Elizabeth tells Finn that Jason doesn’t get caught. As Elizabeth and Finn are having their animated discussion, Jason comes along, out of sight of Elizabeth and Finn. He moves closer to hear their discussion. Jason hears Elizabeth tell Finn that Jason has dealt with people just like Peter, and he doesn’t get caught because there isn’t any evidence. Finn tells Elizabeth that he doesn’t think they can involve anyone else, that Peter was a threat, now he isn’t. They need to deal with the situation themselves.

Nina, still sitting with Lenny, tells him she believes in hope, and she believes in him. Lenny asks Nina to promise that when it becomes clear there is no more battle to fight, she won’t let Phyllis continue to hope. Before Nina can respond, Phyllis approaches and asks if they are finished. Nina wipes away tears and Lenny tells her he is so grateful. Phyllis and Lenny go hand and hand to sit at the bar, “Mike” approaches Nina and asks her if she is okay. Nina tells “Mike” she is so sorry they are going through this and that she is happy she is there, that she is…. “Mike” says, “You’re home?” Nina smiles.

Alexis and Jordan walk into a room with tables, chairs, a counter with cups, a bulletin board, and a guard standing by a window.  Jordan explains that everything is separated by gender, except for the communal recreation area, as she gestures around the room.  Alexis comments it is similar to her freshman room. Jordan reminds her that it is still a prison. She cautions Alexis that the warden will make things difficult if it appears that it is anything other than rest and rehabilitation, and she could even end up back at Pentonville.

Shawn and Sam are talking in the police station, and Sam asks him about the voice message he left her asking if she was still doing P.I. work. Shawn says he has a job for her, and Sam says she guesses it is about finding the person who committed the crime he went to prison for.

At the pool, upon hearing that Trina had planned to “Parent Trap” Nikolas and Ava, Austin asks her if she is a twin. Spencer says that Trina is trying to convince Nikolas an Ava that they are still in love with each other. Nikolas replies that she isn’t wrong. Ava turns to Trina and asks if she has anything to say. Trina apologizes. She says she realizes it was juvenile, but that she hates what all this is doing to Ava, and that Ava is supposed to be happy. Spenser says to Nikolas and Ava that it obviously can’t be easy, and to Trina he says, “But you can not play with people’s hearts like that.” Trina looks Spenser in the eyes and says, “you mean like you are?” Nikolas looks at Spenser.

In the Quartermaine drawing room, Valentin tells Anna that it is going to be difficult for her to prove that the man she loves killed Peter. Anna replies that they don’t know that Finn killed Peter. Valentin responds that if Finn was on the roof with Peter that day, Finn would know how and if Peter left the hospital. Valentin supposes that possibly Peter extorted Finn to help him escape by giving him another antidote. Anna surmises that if that did happen, Finn would have come clean to her about it. Valentin adds that it is possible that Finn did something to Peter. Anna replies that there is only one way to find out.

Outside, Elizabeth is telling Finn that she hears him, but they are not equipped to handle it on their own, they have no plan. Finn says he’ll think of one, he just needs more time.  Finn tells her everything is going to be okay as he looks at his watch. He tells her he has to get back to the hospital. Jason is still standing out of sight and listening to their conversation.  Finn walks away. Jason steps out from behind the trees and says, “Elizabeth, we need to talk.” Elizabeth looks at Jason.

At the Tan-O, Lenny, Phyllis, Nina, and “Mike” are at the bar, smiling. Lenny passes out the beer and Phyllis asks him about drinking the night before surgery. He comments that fasting doesn’t start until nine. They all lift their bottles in a toast as “Mike” says, “To Lenny.” Lenny responds, “To hell with that, to Family, the chosen one.” As they enjoy their beers, Phyllis says it’s time to open up, and Phyllis and Lenny walk off. “Mike” asks Nina how long she is going to stay, and she tells him as long as needed. He tells her it could be a long time. She replies that it could be.

At the Port Charles police station, Sam and Shawn are still talking. Sam tells him there is no way she could say no to his request, but she will have to check with her parole officer since it could violate her probation if she were to be associated with him since she still has about three months on her probation.

At the pool, Spencer tells Trina that his father already knows all about how he tried to push him and Britt together. Trina apologizes to Ava again and goes off in tears. Ava starts to go after her, but Spencer says he will. Nikolas asks Ava where that leaves them, and she tells him right where they were, in the midst of a divorce, and for her family’s safety, six weeks can’t pass soon enough. Ava walks over to Austin and offers to buy him another drink. They walk toward the bar together.

Alexis says goodbye and thank you to Jordan as she leaves the communal recreation room at the new prison. As Alexis walks over and picks up a magazine, the wheels of a wheelchair are seen being pushed along in the room by an attendant. Alexis looks up with recognition as the wheelchair is moved to within a few feet of her. The attendant locks the chair into position as Alexis continues to stare. As the attendant walks away, we see the face of Ryan Chamberlain. Alexis slowly lowers the magazine. Ryan does not look up.

Monica is meeting with Britt and Terry in her office. She is telling them that she wants them to know that she has made her official recommendation as to who should be chief of staff. Britt and Terry look at each other.

Finn is sitting in his office, toying with a pen and staring off into space. There is a knock on his door and Anna is there. Finn says, “Hi, do you have an update on Peter’s whereabouts?” Anna replies, “I just might.” Finn nods his head.

Jason approaches Elizabeth on the walkway outside and asks her what is going on. Elizabeth replies that she is fine. He tells her that if that was true, he would be glad. He then tells her things he knows, “About a week ago she told him that Peter was something we didn’t need to worry about anymore. You were about to tell me something else when Finn walked up. Now, you and Finn are in the park in the middle of a workday talking about Peter and a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Now I understand you are trying to protect Finn. You don’t have to protect him with me. Okay? Now if you know what happened to Peter all you have to do is tell me, and I will help you.” Elizabeth looks at Jason.

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Y&R Update Friday, July 23 2021

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Billy entered Crimson Lights, and Sharon asked what brought on his good mood. He replied that there was a laundry list of things – ChancComm was thriving, Lily was fantastic, he was spending more time with his kids, and Victor was out of town. He saw Adam on the patio and asked why Sharon let riffraff like that in here. She replied that one person’s riffraff was another’s valued customer. She poitned out that Chelsea framed Adam for poisoning Rey, so didn’t Billy question whether he’d misjudged Adam on other things? Billy contended that Adam drove Chelsea to madness, and he was surprised a mental health professional like Sharon couldn’t see that. Sharon said that maybe, because she was a trained professional, she could see things Billy couldn’t. She wasn’t in denial – she knew more than most what Adam had done, but she’d seen a legitimate change in him, not so different than the changes she’d seen in Billy. He was offended that she was putting him in the same category as Adam. She asked why his mistakes were forgivable and Adam’s weren’t. Billy argued that Adam was unrepentant. But Sharon disagreed. Sharon saw Adam show remorse in actions and words. He’d risked his freedom to save her daughter’s life not once but twice. Billy noted that Sharon saw Adam as someone who saved her daughter’s life, while he saw the person who took his daughter’s life forever. Billy took some satisfaction in seeing Adam alone. It showed that the article worked, and at least some people heeded the warning and steered clear of Adam. Billy suggested that one day, Sharon could do the same.

Billy went to the patio and observed that Adam was all alone. He heard Chelsea left town and took Connor. He said Chelsea poisoned someone and was just released from the mental facility, but he believed Connor was safer with her than he was with Adam or Victor. Adam thought Billy should be worrying about keeping ChancComm afloat instead of obsessing over his family’s location. Billy said ChancComm was in a great place, thanks to the amazing team, and due to the fact that Adam didn’t weaponize ChancComm. Billy thought that Adam was playing the good guy by backing off ChancComm, donating a kidney, sitting in Crimson Lights all alone, as a way to worm his way back into Sharon’s life and convince her that he’d changed. Billy said if Adam was really a good person, he’d realize Sharon was better off without him. “If you say so,” Adam replied. Billy said Sharon was in a good place with an adoring husband, and if Adam really cared, he was all alone. Adam suggested he could just be sitting here, having coffee, like Billy. He said Billy had to read an ulterior motive into it, because if Adam had turned over a new leaf, how would Billy continue to justify his vendetta and obsession. Billy said Adam thought he was a misunderstood innocent victim, and unfortunately that crap worked on Sharon. Billy left.

Sharon joined Adam on the patio and said she was glad he didn’t let Billy get to him. Adam could tell Billy had been itching for a fight. Sharon summarized some of what Billy said to her. Adam shared that Billy accused him of putting on an act for Sharon. Sharon wondered why people thought she was so gullible. She noted that she was the only one who knew Adam didn’t poison Rey, yet people treated her like she didn’t know what she was talking about. He told her not to take it personally. At first, he said no one trusted him, then he admitted that Nick kept an open mind, Faith had come a long way, and Victor was by his side. Sharon thought that showed how much progress Adam made. Adam said he wasn’t trying to lure Sharon back; as she’d said, she’d be able to see through that. He added that, besides, it was never his better angels that drew her to him. She asked what that meant, and he said that he always thought it was his wild side she found compelling. She didn’t know where he got that idea, after all the time she’d spent trying to help him get healthy and become the person he was meant to be. She said that was what was pulling her in. He saw her point, and he noted that she was with Rey, and he didn’t even have a dark side. He said whatever she had for bad boys in the past, she was clearly over it now. “Yeah, all I ever wanted was to be with the guy in the white hat,” she said, then she rushed away from the table and went back inside.

Ashland came downstairs, and Victoria commented that she thought he’d sleep in today. He said with his usual schedule, he would’ve already gone to the gym, had a meeting and some conference calls by now. He couldn’t maintain that schedule anymore, but he had no time to sleep the day away either. He had to go to NY and settle his affairs, gather some things from his office, and speak to a couple people. He wouldn’t go if he didn’t have to. She understood that this trip was also about visiting for the final time, to say goodbye to the life he lived in NY. She asked if he was sure he was up to the trip, and he said he was. She was proud of him for facing it head on, which she wasn’t sure she’d be able to do in his position. He thought she’d be able to handle it, since he’d never met a woman as gutsy as her. He asked her to come with him, but she suggested he might prefer having someone he’d known longer there, like an old friend. He said there was no one he’d rather have with him than her, and she said she’d love to go. Victoria had to wrap some stuff up at the office before the trip to NY. Ashland promised to take care of the travel arrangements, and his office would handle the rest. She told him to take it easy and save his strength, then she left.

Victoria went to Crimson Lights, where Adam called her the woman of the week. He hoped Nikki passed on his congratulations. Victoria said she did. Victoria congratulated Adam for getting a chance to run Newman Media as he saw fit while Victor was out of town and not looking over his shoulder. He clarified that, unlike her, he enjoyed working with their father and appreciated his expertise. Victoria was sure Victor enjoyed having someone to lap it up. Adam thought it was clear Victoria enjoyed flying solo, and that was why she chose a business partner she could get rid of in a few months. She shuddered slightly. Adam said exploiting Ashland was a bit ghoulish, but advantageous for Newman. Victoria said naturally, Adam saw it that way. He felt everyone would see it that way if he’d done what Victoria had – they’d call him monstrous and predatory. He said she was sweet Victoria, so she got to ride in and save Ashland in his last days, no matter how masterfully she manipulated her way into his company. Victoria was adamant that no one ever took advantage of Ashland. Adam said he wasn’t being critical, he was just pointing out the irony that Victoria was more like their father than she cared to admit and Adam realized. “You you have always underestimated me, and that’s foolish because I’m the one that you should fear the most,” she replied. Adam flashed back to the chess nightmare he’d had. In the dream, he’d told Victoria that he didn’t want to fight with her anymore, and she replied that it was too late, because he’d taunted her, provoked her and framed her. She said she was the one he should fear the most. Adam’s mind returned to the present, and Victoria noticed that he looked shaken. “Oh so I can get under your skin. That’s good to know,” she stated.

Victoria went home and found Ashland passed out on the floor. She got him up and wanted to take him to the hospital, but he refused to spend the time he had left getting poked and prodded. He was so sorry she found him like that. He’d had anxiety attacks in the past, and he thought that was what happened today. He admitted he was more stressed than he’d ever been, figuring out how to let go of the things that had been the focus of his entire life. He thought the recent attacks were more connected to the pressure of the situation than the actual illness. He assured her he wasn’t on his way out just yet. She knew he’d lived for his company, and she’d tried to alleviate some of the stress by taking that off his plate, but now she thought it may have had the opposite effect. She asked if he thought the merger was a mistake.

Adam went to work and called Victor, who was in his hotel in Italy. Adam said he had an interesting encounter with Victoria that gave him an idea he wanted to run across Victor.

Lily was getting ready for her meeting, and she told Johnny she’d drop him off at camp, but he told her he still had a stomach ache. She was going to call Hannah, but when he asked Lily to stay with him instead, she did. They played cards, and he asked if she knew his mom’s friend, Ashland. Billy had told him that Ashland was sick, but not like Johnny. Lily said that was true, Ashland wasn’t contagious, and no one in Johnny’s family would catch what he had. Johnny asked if Ashland would get better. Lily replied that the doctors were doing all they could, and Victoria liked him and wanted him to get better. She assured him that he could always talk to Billy, Victoria, and to her too. Johnny hoped Billy and Lily always stayed together.

Billy came home with flowers and found Lily and Johnny napping in the living room. Later, Johnny was upstairs, and Billy told Lily that the flowers were supposed to be a surprise for when she got home. He didn’t realize anyone would be at the house. She explained that Johnny still had a stomach ache, and she thought Billy’s theory might be right and he needed some extra nuturing. She did what her mom used to do when Lily was sick – crazy eights and ginger tea. He thanked her for being sweet to his boy, noting that she could’ve just called Hanna in. That was her plan, but Johnny asked her to stay, and she couldn’t say no to that adorable face. Billy said that Johnny got that from him. She was glad to have some one on one time with Johnny. She shared what he’d said about wanting them together forever and what he’d said about Ashland. Lily knew Billy and Victoria didn’t want to tell the kids too much and scare them, but Johnny was intuitive. Billy knew it wouldn’t be fun, but they’d have to figure out a way to tell Johnny.

At Society, Nate treated Elena to breakfast after her busy night at the ER. She talked about her crazy shift, and he said she should’ve called him to come in and help. She didn’t, because he’d finally gotten a day off. Imani came up and commented on getting to see that handsome face again. Imani crowed about how sweet Nate was, helping her with a dilemma, but her smile faded when Elena said Nate told her all about the potential partnership with Amanda. Elena thought it sounded like a great opportunity. Nate hoped Imani didn’t mind him telling Elena. Imani said she didn’t. Elena mentioned that she got a job offer in Baltimore, and she’d been kind of hoping Nate would ask her to stay, and he did. In a strained tone, Imani called that a sweet story, and she excused herself to place her order. Elena smirked as Imani walked away.

Devon made breakfast for Amanda at his place. Imani called and said she had the best news. She’d been up all night talking to Naya, and she’d agreed to come back to Genoa City. Devon wondered if Naya was really planning to come. Amanda had considered that, and she said she wouldn’t sleep well until the charges were dropped, but Imani was pretty sure she’d gotten through to their mother. Devon thought Naya would’ve been shocked to hear that recording. Amanda didn’t think even that would convince Naya that Sutton killed Richard. She noted that Sutton didn’t flat out confess, and Naya built her whole life around his career. Naya and Imani worked on all of Sutton’s campaigns. Devon gave Imani credit for being able to break free, and he said she wouldn’t have been able to do it without Amanda. Amanda felt responsible for her little sister and wanted to make sure she had strong footing.

Moses woke up and came downstairs, and Devon joked that his brother slept so late that breakfast was gone. Moses thanked Devon for helping him surprise Faith yesterday. Devon said he’d been telling Moses that he had the coolest big brother in the world, and he thought Moses finally realized that. After Amanda left, Moses thanked Devon again, stating that the band’s music really spoke to Faith. Devon thought that was the beautiful thing about music, it could connect people. Moses remembered Devon saying that about Neil’s music, and Moses felt closer to their dad after listening to his music. Devon said if you knew what moved someone, it was a window into their soul. Moses was sorry he hadn’t been around more often. Devon knew Moses was busy with his internships at the hospital and AskMDNow, getting a taste of what being a doctor was like. Devon noticed Moses was subdued and asked if he wasn’t interested in being a doctor anymore. Devon said these opportunities were to give Moses a chance to figure out if he’d enjoy being a doctor, and it was okay if he realized he wasn’t excited about it anymore. Moses said it wasn’t that, but it was just different than he expected. Devon asked if this was about Nate’s allergic reaction, and Moses admitted that was part of it. Part of him felt like he wasn’t cut out for being a doctor. Devon said that was fine, no one would be disappointed in Moses.

Back at Society, Imani told Nate it was always good to see him. He asked if everything was okay last night, given how quickly she left after that phone call. She explained that Naya had been the one who called. She brought him up to speed on her convincing her mom to recant her confession. He congratulated her on getting Naya to come around. He knew, as a doctor, how difficult it was to get someone to follow advice, even when it was in their best interest. Smiling, Imani said maybe when he got to know her better, he might find out she could be very persuasive when she wanted to. Amanda texted Imani to come to the courthouse. Imani said bye to Nate, but not Elena, and left. Elena smirked at Nate and raised an eyebrow. He asked what. “You mean to tell me you haven’t noticed Imani hitting on you?,” she asked. He thought that was overstating it, though he admitted Imani was a little flirtatious. Elena laughed at Nate saying “a little.” He said he was taken, so it didn’t matter. Elena turned flirtatious and said she wanted to hear more about that. When he said he had to get her home to bed, she said she wanted to go to bed, but she wasn’t tired.

Elena went down to Crimson Lights for a drink. Sharon asked if she needed two, adding that she saw Nate going upstairs with Elena earlier. Elena said he was gone, but he’d be back soon. Elena asked how Sharon and Rey were. Lola told her they had a great time in Miami. Sharon said they did. Elena asked if Rey had side effects from the poisoning. Sharon said no, he went back to work quickly, and she thought he worked too much. He’d been assigned to escort Chelsea to Minnesota to see her mom. Elena was shocked he was escorting the woman who poisoned him. Sharon said Rey didn’t hold a grudge against Chelsea. He felt sorry for her. When Sharon talked with Rey, she could tell he was impressed by the progress Chelsea had made. Sharon thought Rey liked making the point that Chelsea was getting better because she got away from Adam. She didn’t think it was fair that Rey wanted to lay the blame for what ultimately happened at Adam’s feet. Elena guessed that, as the victim, Rey got to decide who to hold responsible. Sharon said the irony was that she encouraged Adam to let Chelsea take Connor, mostly so she didn’t have to think of Chelsea anymore, and now Sharon was getting constant updates on Chelsea’s day to day progress. Elena hoped that Rey could come home to Sharon soon. Sharon couldn’t wait.

At the penthouse, Devon told Nate that Moses wanted to cut back on his volunteer work at the hospital so he could spend more time at the recording studio. Moses said it wasn’t that he didn’t want to be a doctor; he wanted to check out other options. Nate asked if this was Devon’s idea, and he said no, it was Moses’ idea. Devon had told Moses that they should get Nate’s opinion. Moses didn’t want to upset Nate. Nate wasn’t upset, but he was surprised. He said to give him some time to think about this.

Imani, Naya and Amanda went to Society, where they ran into Michael after their meeting. Imani took Naya to sit while Amanda spoke with Michael. Michael got a sense of how hard it was for Naya to admit her confession was false. When he met with her, it seemed like she felt that she let Sutton down and not the other way around. Amanda thought it was too painful for Naya to admit to herself how thoroughly Sutton betrayed his family. Michael said it’d be helpful if Naya cooperated with the newly reopened investigation into Sutton. Amanda promised to keep working on that, and Michael said he’d leave it to her for now. He left.

Naya asked Amanda if she was going to help Michael go after Sutton. Amanda intended to do what she could to get justice for her father. She owed him that, and she felt that Naya owed Richard too. Naya didn’t want anything to do with the investigation into Sutton. She was already conflicted about recanting, because that would make people think he was guilty and that she only confessed to protect him. Amanda asked why Sutton would pressure Naya to confess if he wasn’t guilty. Naya said she and Sutton both thought she might get a lighter sentence and it’d be easier for her to do time than it would be for him. Amanda pointed out how much Naya would’ve lost if she’d gone to prison. Imani thought Naya should see how wrong it was for Sutton to pressure her to confess. Naya did see it, and that’s why she told the truth, but that didn’t mean she’d ever believe her father was capable of murder or that she’d ever do anything to implicate him.

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GH Transcript Friday, July 23, 2021

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Spencer: Would you cheer up already?  Sun’s out. We’re spending quality father-son time. Isn’t this what you wanted?

Nikolas: No, yeah, yeah, of course it is.

Spencer: Right. Well, why don’t you grab us something to drink while I go change into my suit?

Shawn: Hey. This a bad time?

Jordan: Uh, seems like there’s never really a good time in here. I didn’t know you were stopping by.

Shawn: Well, I didn’t know I was, either, but I just met with my lawyer. And I have news.

Sam: I’ve got to say, I’m really happy it worked out this way.

Alexis: Thank you.

Sam: A rehabilitation-based facility. They’ve got to have vocational training, therapy.

Alexis: AA meetings.

Sam: AA meetings. And just think, you can walk the perimeter without having to worry about getting chopped up by barbed wire.

Alexis: [ Sarcastically ] Hey! Sounds like heaven.

Sam: Mom… [ Sighs ] I’m so sorry.

Alexis: Don’t be. You’re putting a positive spin on it. You know, I’m really grateful for the shift, but it’s still prison, no matter how you look at it.

Phyllis: You really think this is what Dr. Kishore meant when she said to take it easy?

Sonny: Lenny. Let me have that.

Lenny: I’m fine.

Phyllis: You should be resting.

Lenny: For what?

Phyllis: Oh, I don’t know. Your exploratory surgery in Llanview tomorrow?

Lenny: Where I’ll be lying on a hospital bed. Plenty of time to rest then. Look, come on. Business is finally booming, and I want things in order if I’m gonna be laid out.

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] An answer for everything.

Lenny: That’s why you love me.

Phyllis: No more heavy lifting.

Lenny: Deal.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ]

Phyllis: We don’t open for another hour.

Sonny: I’ll get rid of ’em.

Phyllis: Thank you, Mike.

Sonny: Sorry, we’re closed.

Nina: Hi.

Sonny: Hi, yourself.

[ Both laugh ]

Sonny: Dang.

Valentin: Sorry I couldn’t meet you last night.

Anna: Oh, don’t be silly. You wanted to spend time with your daughter. Who can blame you? She’s an angel.

Valentin: She doesn’t get it from me.

Anna: No.

Valentin: You want to tell me your new theory?

Anna: Yeah. We’ve been trying to figure out who Peter’s accomplice was.

Valentin: You think we should be looking for an enemy.

Elizabeth: Hey.

Finn: Hi.

Elizabeth: How’s Violet? Still celebrating her big hit?

Finn: Oh, yeah. According to my daughter, she’s ready to go pro.

Elizabeth: Oh, knowing her, she just might.

Finn: Right?

Elizabeth: [ Chuckles ] It was so nice doing something normal, wasn’t it?

Finn: Mm.

Elizabeth: I’ll take watching a T-ball game over thinking about Peter August any day.

Terry: What’s this about Peter?

Britt: I just want to have a good time. You remember what that is? A good time?

Jason: Vaguely.

Britt: [ Chuckles ] Top down, wind in my hair.

Jason: Oh, so, what, now — now it’s a convertible?

Britt: Obviously. Maybe I’ll take you for a ride, if you’re not too scared.

Jason: Speed doesn’t scare me.

Britt: Even with me behind the wheel?

Jason: I said you were an awful driver. I didn’t say you were unsafe.

Britt:  Oh, I am definitely unsafe.

Britt: [ Sighs ] Pull it together, Westbourne.

Jason: Hey, is Dr. Quartermaine around?

Nurse: She’s not in her office, but I can have her paged.

Jason: Thank you. Is it okay if I say hello?

Britt: You want to say hello, you can say hello. I don’t tell you what to do. Just as long as you’re clear on where we stand.

Jason: As long as you know where to find me if you need me.

Britt: I won’t need you.

Austin: Dr. Westbourne, I understand you have to sign off on everything in this hospital, so I brought you a pen.

Britt: Uh, I’m a little busy.

Austin: Okay. It’ll take like two seconds.

Britt: So will this.

Austin: Gotcha.  Hey, Cuz. How are you? We’re not there yet?  Okay, I understand.

Jason: I got to find Monica.

Austin: What’s going on with you and that guy?

Elizabeth: Finn was updating me on Anna’s search for Peter.

Finn: That’s right. She — she hit a dead end.

Terry: Oh, Biz, I’m so sorry. That monster took Franco from you, not to mention what he did to your brother. You know what? Prison would be too good for Peter. If there were any real justice, someone would finish him off and be done with it.

Anna: So, we were looking for Peter’s ally. But if it’s the opposite, then it all adds up. David Hopkins. He said he saw another man standing on the roof with Peter and that this man scared him off from landing.

Valentin: Now, Hopkins was denied clearance to land.

Anna: Yes, he was denied clearance. But do you think that would really stop him, given what Peter was paying?

Valentin: No, probably not.

Anna: Because Hopkins assumed that this other man was trouble, and he wanted to avoid that. And why didn’t Peter call him back, you know, and explain, “it’s okay. This man isn’t a threat”?

Valentin: Because he was a threat.

Nina: Surprise.

Sonny: Was it hard for you to leave your grandson?

Nina: Um, yeah, it was, but we have all the time in the world to be together, he and I, and this is where I belong right now.

Sonny: It’s good to see you.

Nina: It’s nice to see you.

Sonny: It’s — it’s gonna do a world of good for Phyllis that you’re here.

Nina: Yeah, I hope so, but… if I’m completely honest, she’s not the only one I’m here for.

Alexis: I’m really happy that I’m being transferred. I just can’t forget that I pled guilty because I am guilty, and I need to serve my time like anybody else.

Jordan: I hope you don’t mind, but Shawn has some news that he wants to share with you.

Shawn: It’s official — all the paperwork filed. As of today… I’m a free man.

Alexis: Oh! Oh.

Sam: Nice.

Nikolas: I didn’t realize you’d be here.

Ava: Is that a problem for you?

Nikolas: No, of course not. It’s always good to see you.

Trina: I’ll find us a spot.

Ava: Thank you, Trina. Uh, the gallery was — was slow, you know, what with the… beautiful weather and all.

Nikolas: Beautiful is the word.

Ava: We decided to close up shop and play hooky.

Nikolas: I can leave if it’d be easier for you.

Ava: Oh, Nikolas. What about us has ever been easy, huh?

Trina: I’ll be right back.

Ava: Okay.

Trina: You owe me one.

Spencer: Hello to you, too.

Trina: I could have blown your spot, told your dad all about how you were in town for weeks before you decided to show your face.

Spencer: But you didn’t, and I’m grateful. Do I need to say thank you again?

Trina: Nah, especially now that I know how you’ll make it up to me.

Phyllis: Nina! Oh! What are you — we weren’t expecting to see you so soon.

Nina: It’s so nice to see you. What, did you think I could stay away? I wanted to be here for you and Lenny.

Phyllis: You’ve already done so much as it is. And your family needs you in Port Charles.

Nina: Phyllis, you’re my family, too.

Phyllis: [ Laughing ] Oh.

Nina: Hey, there he is!

Lenny: You and I have a lot to say to each other.

Alexis: So the governor signed off?

Shawn: According to the powers of his office, my sentence was commuted and the appropriate paperwork was recorded and finalized.

Sam: And that’s it? No jail time?

Shawn: I’m out, time served, with no parole conditions. As for Judge Carson, the governor has urged her to resign from the bench or risk consequences from the judicial review board.

Alexis: So, what about the other defendants that were treated unfairly?

Shawn: Those sentences are being reviewed, with the governor putting pressure on the board to expedite the process.

Alexis: That’s it. It’s over.

Jordan: We’re gonna make plans with Molly and TJ to tell the other defendants tonight.

Alexis: They did right by us.

Shawn: Yeah, they sure did.

Alexis: I’m happy for you.

Sam: I’m really happy for you, too. Kind of jealous of the whole no-parole thing, though, but I’m — I am really happy.

Alexis: So what’s next? You got your whole life ahead of you.

Shawn: Uh, I’ve got time to think about that.

Alexis: Yeah, you do.

Shawn: But for now, my focus will be to make sure whoever shot Hayden be brought to justice.

Trina: Ava and your father are completely miserable.

Spencer: And?

Trina: And there’s really only one solution. We need to “Parent Trap” them.

Spencer: You have a twin?

Trina: What? No. We need to convince this couple on the brink of divorce that they belong together.

Spencer: Okay, but what if they don’t? I mean, someone hates them so much that Ava is terrified for her daughter’s safety.

Trina: Which is why Ava shouldn’t give in to him. Nikolas and Ava are stronger together.

Spencer: I don’t know. The incidents have stopped since they broke up. Tells me this creep is willing to leave Ava alone now.

Trina: No, that’s cool. We’ll just give in to a terrorist.

Spencer: Can I be completely honest?

Trina: I don’t know. Can you?

Spencer: Even if I agreed with you on the terrorist thing, I was never really a fan of your boss to begin with, so…

Trina: Whatever. I’ll do it myself.

Britt: I’ve been meaning to seek you out.

Austin: I’m flattered.

Britt: As I’m sure you’ve heard, things are in flux around here.

Austin: Right, the chief of staff thing.

Britt: Yes. And to retain my position, I’m going to need as many allies as possible.

Austin: Yeah, I understand.

Britt: And since I am the one who hired you, I would appreciate your support.

Austin: I’m sure you would. What do I get in exchange?

Britt: Other than the fact I’m the reason you have a job?

Austin: Right, other than that, correct.

Britt: Advocate for me to Dr. Quartermaine, and I’ll sign off on whatever you need.

Austin: Whatever I need.

Britt: Mm-hmm.

Austin: Whatever I need.

Britt: Whatever.

Austin: Okay, done.

Britt: Good.

Austin: Great.

Britt: Thank you.

Austin: You’re welcome.

Monica: Well, hi.

Jason: Hey. I hope you don’t mind I stopped by.

Monica: No. I mean, I’m always happy to see you. And I have a feeling that you are here to give me an update.

Jason: Yes. Uh, I had Spinelli do a deep dive on Austin. Seems legit. Son of Jimmy Lee Holt and Charity Gatlin. No felonies. I mean, he is who he says he is.

Monica: Well, thank you and Spinelli for looking into it.

Jason: Mm-hmm. Uh, did you need anything else?

Monica: You can read me very well. Actually… I’d like to talk to you about your engagement.

Valentin: Anna, there were plenty of people at General Hospital that day that wanted Peter brought to justice.

Anna: Yeah. Whoever was on that roof with him, you know, Peter knew that a clean getaway was impossible, because this person was a witness.

Valentin: A witness. You think Peter took him out?

Anna: No. There’s no one else reported missing. No. The only reason that that person didn’t come forward is because… they had something to do with Peter’s disappearance.

Valentin: So you’re saying Peter didn’t leave the hospital because he was incapable of doing so.

Lenny: Is it okay if Nina and I have a minute alone?

Nina: I would love that. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to catch up. Come on, you want to — yeah. Over here? Okay. Thank you.

Lenny: I just want to make something clear. I am incredibly grateful for your connections. The fact that I’m getting this surgery tomorrow so close to home… [ Chuckles ] That’s all because of you.

Nina: Well, thank you, Lenny, but it’s really all because of my late ex-husband. You know, he was very close to Dr. Hartman. Dr. Hartman was very happy to do it, as was I. Lenny, you’ve always been so kind to me. And Phyllis, you know how I feel about her.

Lenny: I do, which is why I need to level with you.

Nina: Okay.

Lenny: I’m going into this with a lot of reservations.

Nina: Yeah, Mike told me that you had some hesitation about the cost.

Lenny: [ Sighs ] It’s not about the money, Nina. It never was.

Shawn: Someone tried to kill Hayden. They’re still out there, thinking they got away with it. Well, maybe it’s connected to her subsequent disappearance, maybe not. But I owe it to her, and myself, to uncover the truth.

Alexis: Of course you do. And you should.

Jordan: Okay. I hate to ruin the celebration, but we’re due at the new facility.

Alexis: Wow. I get an escort from the commissioner. I’m honored.

Sam: Do you — just —

Jordan: Of course.

Sam: I love you.

Alexis: I love you. [ Chuckles ]

Sam: Me and the girls are gonna come up and visit as often as we can, okay?

Alexis: Okay. You go live your life and all that goes with it.

Shawn: You, too, Alexis.

Alexis: And you do what you have to do to nail that son of a bitch.

Shawn: On it.

Waiter: With compliments from the beautiful blond in the last lounge chair.

Waitress: Compliments from a certain gentleman.

Ava: Oh, thank you. How nice. Uh, which gentleman is that?

Waitress: Right over there. Enjoy.

Valentin: You think maybe the man on the roof with Peter that day incapacitated him or worse?

Anna: Yes.

Valentin: And he’s been covering his tracks ever since.

Anna: Yeah. But like you said, you know, there’s no shortage of people at the hospital who want Peter gone, dead, um, so it could be any number of men that night.

Valentin: Yeah, yeah, it could be. But I think it’s obvious you’ve zeroed in on one. And that’s probably why you’re here, because you want me to talk you out of it.  But I can’t do that. I think you and I both know there was a man at the hospital that day with every reason in the world to hurt Peter.

Anna: Don’t say it.

Valentin: Finn.

Terry: I am sorry. Me losing my cool about Peter probably isn’t helping either one of you.

Finn: No, no, we — we appreciate it, Terry. We do.

Terry: I can still count on your support in my bid for chief of staff?

Finn: You don’t even have to ask.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Terry: I have to see about a patient. See you later.

Finn: Yeah. See you.

Elizabeth: See you later.

Finn: What?

Elizabeth: I have an idea.

Finn: Yeah?

Elizabeth: See, isn’t this nice — going for a walk, getting a little fresh air, soaking up the sun, little vitamin D?

Finn: Have a private conversation?

Elizabeth: Exactly. We need to figure this out. We can’t leave Peter’s body in the lab forever, nor can we risk moving him while the cameras are running.

Finn: So we are effectively trapped, like we’ve been for weeks.

Elizabeth: Maybe not. If Terry becomes chief of staff, she can make the security cameras go dark again.

Finn: You really want to involve Terry in this?

Elizabeth: We’ve been friends since we were little. If I asked her to do it, she would. We wouldn’t even have to tell her about Peter.

Finn: No.

Elizabeth: No? That’s it, just no?

Finn: Pretty much.

Elizabeth: I feel like we’re tripping over each other here.

Finn: I know.

Elizabeth: The last thing I want is for you to turn yourself in to protect me.

Finn: And the last thing I want is for them to find Peter’s body and your DNA to be on it. I’d rather take the fall alone than implicate you in any way. The best thing for everyone is if this body’s never found.

Elizabeth: Which — and you’re not gonna like it — brings us back to Jason.

Monica: Well, first of all, I want you to know that I’m not trying to stop you. I learned a long time ago that I cannot control your life. Actually, I just wanted to — to let you know what’s in my heart and… why it hurts every time I think about what Carly did to your brother.

Jason: Okay.

Monica: Now, I know A.J. was a very troubled and very flawed man, but there was a time when I — when I really had hope, Jason. In spite of all the bad decisions he had made, I thought maybe this one time, he can turn his life around. He can — he can be better. He can do better. But Carly made sure that that never happened.

Jason: [ Sighs ]

Monica: Because Carly always used A.J. as a stepping stone to you. So that destroyed whatever was left with A.J. And, good heavens, I know this was a long time ago. Michael was just an infant. And Carly has grown up and lived her life. I’m just trying to tell you… just how hard it’s been for me.

Jason: I respect you. You know that.

Monica: Yes, I know that.

Jason: And obviously, you get to feel how you want to feel. But the truth is… I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Carly.

Ava: This is so nice. I should go thank him.

Trina: No, no, Ava, wait. Wait, wait — Ava. Wait.

Ava: Hi.

Austin: Hi.

Ava: Thank you so much. I-I’d like to return the favor, so, um, next round’s on me, huh?

Austin: Uh, sure. I’m not really entire–

Nikolas: I appreciate the gesture of good will. Does this mean you’re open to talking?

Ava: Huh?

Nikolas: The drink you bought me.

Ava: Uh, I didn’t buy you a drink. But he bought me a drink.

Austin: Oh, I didn’t. I didn’t buy anyone a drink. Not that I wouldn’t. I’m not cheap.

Spencer: Uh, the only one buying any drinks right now is Trina. She’s trying to “Parent Trap” you.

Monica: I know you owe a lot to Carly. Why do you think I’ve cut her so much slack all these years? And you love each other completely. So I’m — I’m not judging you.

Jason: I know. Looking — looking back at that time that you’re talking about… you know, everything around Michael’s birth, just all the lies, nobody wanting to give an inch… we were all wrong. How A.J. treated Carly, how we treated A.J. I can see how A.J. wasn’t all that bad.

Monica: You can?

Jason: Yeah. I mean, he was just trying to get access to his kid, and it was — that was his right. But not in the way he went about it. But I get it. And I have no excuse for my actions.

Monica: But Carly does?

Jason: Carly lied because A.J. said he was gonna take the baby as soon as it was born. And when Carly gets threatened, she — she comes out swinging. And that hasn’t changed. But what has changed is that she’s learned to — to love people, to trust people. You know, and now she understands that there are some things worth fighting for, and there are some things that aren’t worth fighting for. But we know exactly what we’re doing by getting married, okay? I just, I-I understand — I really do understand why this is hard for you, but I’m — I’m just asking you, can — can you accept it?

Monica: I just want you to be happy. So one more thing.

Jason: Yeah. Okay.

Monica: [ Chuckles ] This was your choice, wasn’t it? It wasn’t some maneuvering of — of Carly’s? It was your decision, right?

Yes. Yes, Carly and I made this decision together. It’s what we both want.

Monica: Okay. Then I am happy for you. Oh, but just to let you know, it is never gonna be easy for me to be in the same room with Carly. But, in all fairness, I think it works both ways.

Jason: Well, I appreciate you making the effort for Carly. Because I-I know you always make it for me.

Monica: I love you.  See, that’s the one thing — no, Michael makes it two — that Carly and I have in common.

Jason: I love you, too.

Lenny: Mike told you what I told him. And yeah, the bills from all this are on my mind. But the truth is, as soon as the doctor saw that spot, there was another reason I fought against you paying for everything. Because you weren’t just offering money to Phyllis. You were offering her hope. The — the growth they found that they want to biopsy and explore… [ Chuckles ] …It’s on my pancreas. Everyone knows that’s often a death sentence.

Nina: Lenny, often isn’t always.

Lenny: True. But if this surgery confirms what Dr. Kishore saw, the numbers aren’t in my favor. Money and pride, I can get over that. What I’ll never get over is… someone giving my wife hope when there isn’t any.

Britt: Dr. Randolph.

Terry: Dr. Westbourne.

Britt: Chief Westbourne, for now, at least.

Terry: Speaking of, I can’t help but notice that you’ve been having lots of talks with Dr. Gatlin-Holt and Dr. Navarro.

Britt: You’re collecting your people. So am I. You know, Terry, I don’t like this competition much, either. So give it to me straight. What do I need to do to get you to drop out of the race?

Terry: Excuse me?

Britt: Well, I know you’re only digging your heels in ’cause you’re team Elizabeth. So, what can I do? Give her a raise? Add more funding to your department? What?

Terry: And this is the exact reason why I want to be chief of staff. I’m just as qualified a physician, yet I don’t double-deal or get into bed with scum like Cyrus Renault.  I just want what’s best for the hospital.

Britt: So do I.

Terry: [ Scoffs ]

Monica: Hello. Is everything okay here?

Terry: Perfect.

Britt: Just peachy.

Monica: Good, good, because I would like to see both of you in my office, please.

Anna: I went to see Finn today at the hospital just to — just to update him.

Valentin: And?

Anna: Oh, it was there. It was all there — in his body language, the way he spoke. And, uh… then it just made sense suddenly, the description — male, tall, light suit, dark hair to the collar. It was Finn.

Elizabeth: Looping Jason in could be the solution to all of our problems.

Finn: No, thanks.

Elizabeth: Finn.

Finn: Look, if we get caught, any good will we might have with the cops goes right out the window when they know you collaborated with a hit man.

Elizabeth: That’s the point. Jason doesn’t get caught. This is literally his profession. He’s been a suspect in multiple murders and disappearances of really bad people, by the way, people roughly on par with Peter. But Jason has never been convicted in any investigation. Why? Because there’s never any evidence. If anyone could get rid of this problem, it’s Jason.

Finn: Elizabeth, I don’t think we can risk involving him or anyone else. Peter was a threat. Now he’s not. Whatever mess that created… we clean it up ourselves.

Nina: Hope is a very powerful thing. I believe in that. And, Lenny… you’re very strong. I believe in you.

Lenny: And I appreciate all the good energy. But I need to ask something of you. And I know that’s a lot on top of everything else you’ve done.

Nina: You can ask me anything.

Lenny: Make me a promise?

Nina: Name it.

Lenny: When it becomes clear… that there’s no more battle to fight… you won’t let Phyllis hold on. It’ll just make it that much harder for her when the worst happens.

Nina: If the worst happens.

Lenny: Please. Can you do that for me?

Phyllis: You two finished yacking it up?

Lenny: Yeah. [ Chuckles ] I just needed to say a proper thank-you. I’m so grateful, Nina. For everything.

Nina: [ Sighs ]

Sonny: You okay?

Nina: It’s just really em-emotional. I just — I feel really bad that they’re going through this. One thing I’m happy about is I am happy that I’m here. I’m happy that I’m —

Sonny: You’re home.

Jordan: So, someone will take you to your housing soon. That, the cafeteria, and most other sections are segregated by gender, well, except this communal recreation area. Visitations also happen here.

Alexis: I got to tell you, this isn’t much worse than my freshman common room.

Jordan: [ Chuckles ] This facility has infinitely more privileges than Pentonville, but it’s still a prison, so you need to be on guard.

Alexis: So the rules that my, uh, consultant gave me still apply.

Jordan: Well, don’t let these cushy accommodations make you forget your place. If the warden senses that this is about anything other than restitution and rehabilitation, she will make your stay here difficult at best.

Alexis: And at worst?

Jordan: She’ll make it all go away and send you back to Pentonville.

Sam: So, I got your voicemail last night, asking if I was still in the P.I. game?

Shawn: I have a job for you.

Sam: Let me guess — it is to find the person who committed the crime that you went to prison for.

Shawn: And get them off the streets before they hurt someone else.

Austin: “Parent Trap.” Are you a twin?

Trina: Oh, my god.

Spencer: She’s trying to convince you that you’re still in love with each other.

Nikolas: Well, she wouldn’t be wrong.

Ava: Trina, do you have anything to say?

Trina: I’m sorry. I know it seems kind of juvenile.

Spencer: Kind of?

Trina: But I hate what this is doing to you. I just want you to be happy.

Spencer: Look, this isn’t easy for either of you, obviously. But you cannot play games with people’s hearts like that.

Trina: You mean like you are?

Valentin: Anna, this is going to be difficult for you… if you have to prove that a man you love killed Peter.

Anna: We don’t know that. We don’t know that Finn killed Peter.

Valentin: Okay. Okay, but if we assume that Finn was on the roof with Peter that day, then he would obviously know how and if Peter left the hospital. I mean, it’s n– it’s not impossible that maybe he extorted Finn, forced him to help him escape in exchange for one final dose of the antidote.

Anna: No. I mean, yes, yes, that is a possibility, but… once Finn had developed the antidote, then he would have come clean to me about that.

Valentin: So it’s possible that Finn did something to Peter.

Anna: There’s only one way to find out.

Elizabeth: I hear you, I understand what you’re saying, but we are not equipped to handle this on our own. We have no plan.

Finn: I’ll think of one. I just need some more time. Hey. Everything’s gonna be okay. I have to get back to the hospital.

Jason: Elizabeth. We need to talk.

Phyllis: Uh, drinking the night before surgery?

Lenny: The fast doesn’t start until dark.

[ Laughter ]

Lenny:  Oh, come on. Don’t deny me this. How long before my next one?

Sonny: To Lenny.

Nina: Mm.

Lenny:  Oh, to hell with that.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]

Lenny:  To family.

Phyllis: Ah.

Lenny:  The chosen kind.

Phyllis: Mm.

Nina: To family.

Phyllis: To family.

Nina: Mmm. Mmm.

Sonny: Mmm.

Nina: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Time to open up. Lenny, why don’t you give me a hand?

Lenny: I thought you told me to take it easy.

[ Sonny laughs ]

Sonny: S-subtlety is not one of Phyllis’s strong points.

Nina: Mnh-mnh, god love her.

Sonny: So, uh… we got a lot of catching up to do. How long you staying?

Nina: As long as I’m needed.

Sonny: Could be a long time.

Nina: It could be.

Sam: After what you just did for my mother, there is absolutely no way I could say no to you, so, yes, I will — I will do whatever you need.

Shawn: Yeah?

Sam: Yeah. I’m just gonna have to ask my current parole officer, because I still have like…three months left before I can spend time around another convicted felon.

Shawn: Uh, do you think it’ll be a problem?

Sam: Uh, I don’t — I don’t think so.  Pretty lenient, considering. It’s a long story.

Shawn: So, when can we start?

Sam: How about now?

Shawn: Sooner we get the ball rolling, the sooner we get Hayden’s shooter.

Spencer: Don’t bother, Trina. My father knows all about how I tried pushing him and Britt together.

Trina: Oh. Well, as long as everyone’s being honest with each other. Again, I’m sorry.

Ava: Oh, Trina.

Spencer: I’ll talk to her.

Nikolas: So, where does that leave us?

Ava: It leaves us right where we’ve been, Nikolas. In the midst of a divorce. And for my family’s safety, these six weeks can’t pass quickly enough.  Ah, perfect timing. [ Chuckles ] Let me get you another drink, huh?

Austin: Okay.

Alexis: I’m well aware this is not a vacation. I still have a lot of work to do on myself. A lot.

Jordan: Hey. Good luck, Alexis.

Alexis: Thank you very much. Really.

Monica: I wanted you both to be the first to know that I have made my official recommendation on who should be chief of staff.

[ Knock on door ]

Finn:  Hi. You have an update on Peter’s whereabouts?

Anna: I just might.

Jason: What’s going on?

Elizabeth: I’m fine. Really.

Jason: Uh, if that was true, I would — I would be glad. But here’s what I know. About a week ago, you told me that Peter wasn’t anything that we had to worry about anymore. And you were about to tell me something else, and then Finn walked up, and now you and Finn are in the park in the middle of a workday talking about Peter and a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Look, I understand you’re trying to protect Finn. You don’t have to protect him with me. Okay? If you know what happened to Peter, all you have to do is tell me. I will help you.

On the next “General Hospital” —

Britt: Are you eavesdropping on me?

Shawn (to Sam): There’s our target now.

Alexis: Fancy meeting you here.

Monica: We’ve made our decision.

Nikolas: I could lose my wife.

Anna (to Finn): If I follow Peter’s trail, the police won’t be far behind.

Jason (to Elizabeth): I’m pretty sure you’re in trouble. Let me help you.

Nina (to Sonny): We got a lot of catching up to do.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, July 23, 2021

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: Sharon, good to see you. It’s been a while.

Sharon: You seem like you’re in a really good mood today.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: Any particular reason why?

Billy: Actually, I could give you a laundry list. ChancComm is thriving. Lily is fantastic. I’m spending more time with my kids. And Victor is out of town. Doesn’t get better than that. Oops-a-daisy. I’m gonna take that back. Why do you let riffraff like that hang out in your fine establishment?

Sharon: One person’s riffraff is another’s valued customer.

Billy: Oh, come on. Are you kidding me?

Sharon: Come on, Billy. You know, the truth is out now. Adam was framed by Chelsea. He had nothing to do with poisoning Rey. Doesn’t that at least make you question if maybe you’ve misjudged him in other ways, as well?

Billy: No, it doesn’t. Not at all. And I wouldn’t be so quick to say that he didn’t have anything to do with Chelsea’s attack on Rey. He drove her to a point of madness. That’s what he does. That’s a pattern. And I’m surprised that a mental-health professional as yourself doesn’t see that.

Victoria: Oh, hey. You’re up already.

Ashland: Hi.

Victoria: I thought you were gonna take it easy, sleep in a little bit.

Ashland: Well, normally at this time of day, I’d have hit the gym by now, taken a breakfast meeting, had a couple of conference calls under my belt. Obviously, I can’t stick to that routine now, but I don’t intend to sleep the day away, either.

Victoria: I know. I was just hoping maybe you would take it easier here than you would in a hotel room.

Ashland: Well, that was the plan. But before I slip into semi-retirement, I need to take care of a long list of things back in New York.

Victoria: Oh, you didn’t mention that you were planning a trip.

Ashland: I have to go back and, uh, settle my affairs, as they say, collect a few items from my office and check in with a couple of people, as well. I won’t be gone long. I wouldn’t even be going at all if it wasn’t for the fact that there are certain things I need to handle personally. I’m sure you can understand that.

Victoria: I do. I understand completely. Um, this trip is…about more than just tying up loose ends. You’re going back for the last time to say goodbye to the life that you lived there.

Lily: Johnny, come on! Are you ready? Johnny, come on! We have to get going! Do you have your shoes on? Hey. Okay. So, since your sister went to camp for her sleepover, I’m gonna take you to camp on my way to my meeting, alright? What’s wrong? Your stomach still hurt?

Johnny: Mm-hmm.

Lily: Okay. Uh, that’s okay. That’s okay. You can stay home today, alright? Hannah — she already said that she would be available in case we needed her, so I’ll just call her.

Johnny: Lily, can you stay home with me?

Elena: So nice of you to treat me to breakfast.

Nate: Well, you deserve it after the night you had.

Elena: I know. I can’t believe that second shift at the E.R. was so busy. Mm, it must have been the full moon.

Nate: Well, you should have called me. I would have gladly pitched in.

Lily: You finally got a day off. And after all the hours you’ve been working, I was not gonna interfere.

Imani: Well, good morning, you two.

Nate: Hey.

Imani: Nice running into you again. Lucky me — I saw that handsome face just last night, and now I get to see it again.

Devon: Hey, breakfast is almost ready. You want some orange juice?

Amanda: Uh, y-yeah, in a minute. The most amazing thing just happened. Imani called me with the best news. She has been up all night talking to Naya.

Devon: What’d she say?

Amanda: She said that she thinks that she finally got through to her. Naya is on her way back to Genoa City, ready to recant her confession.

Imani: Nate was so sweet last night. He really helped me with the dilemma that I was facing.

Elena: Mm. You must mean the partnership opportunity with Amanda. Yeah, he told me all about it. Sounds like a great opportunity.

Imani: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: Did you tell me that in confidence? I hope you don’t mind I shared it with, uh, Elena.

Imani: No, not at all. I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

Elena: You know, it’s so funny. The exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I needed career advice from Nate. I got a job offer in Baltimore, and as tempting as it sounded, I kind of hoped that Nate would ask me to say. And do you know he did exactly that. He made it clear he wanted me to stay right here by his side.

Imani: Mm. Wow, what a sweet story.

Elena: Isn’t it, though?

Imani: Well, um, if you’ll excuse me, I need to put in my order. The cafĂŠ con leche is so good here. Don’t you think?

Victoria: So, are you sure that you’re feeling up to making this trip?

Ashland: Oh, of course I am. I mean, you may think a farewell tour is a bit self-indulgent…

Victoria: No, of course not, not at all. I mean, I understand how necessary and meaningful this trip is to you. And I’m — I’m very proud of you for facing reality head on. If it were me, I would be tempted to hide or escape.

Ashland: I don’t believe that for a second. I can honestly say I have never met a woman as gutsy as you. Come with me.

Victoria: To New York?

Ashland: Mm-hmm. I mean, you can meet the members of your new executive team in person, and then I can take you to all of my favorite places.

Victoria: Are you sure about that? I mean, wouldn’t you rather have someone with you that you’ve known longer? I wouldn’t be offended if you wanted to take an old friend…

Ashland: Okay, okay. Stop. I need you to hear this, that there is no one else I’d rather have with me than you. But I understand if you’re not comfortable going. It’s totally up to you.

Victoria: I would love to accompany you.

Ashland: Well, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

Sharon: Maybe it’s because I’m a trained professional that I can see things you can’t. And, believe me, I’m not in denial. I know more than most the things that Adam has done in his past.

Billy: And you still believe that he can be trusted?

Sharon: I’ve seen a legitimate change in him. Not so different from some of the changes that I’ve seen in you.

Billy: Oh, now, I’m gonna stop you right there and give you a chance to change that sentence because there is no way that you’re putting me in the same category as that guy.

Sharon: Okay. Well, then explain it to me. What — what makes you both so different? I mean, why are your mistakes forgivable and Adam’s are not?

Billy: Well, there’s plenty of reasons. For one, he’s unrepentant.

Sharon: That’s not true. He’s shown a lot of remorse, and he’s determined to change his ways — and not just in words. He’s made a lot of sacrifices, and he even risked his own personal freedom to save my daughter’s life — twice. Not once. Twice.

Billy: Well, there it is. That’s the difference between me and you. You look at him, and you see a man who saved your daughter’s life twice. I look at him as the man who took my daughter’s life from me forever. But I guess I can take some satisfaction in knowing he’s alone. It means the article that we did on him worked perfectly. Some people have heeded the warning and are steering clear. Maybe one day you can do the same. There are better ways to spend your time and energy than defending that snake.

Devon: Have you considered the possibility at all that Naya’s just saying the things to Imani that she wants to hear?

Amanda: Oh, of course. And that’s why I won’t sleep easy until these charges are officially dropped. But Imani is pretty convinced that she got through to our mother.

Devon: I bet she was shocked when she heard that recording of Sutton.

Amanda: You know, I don’t even think that that will convince Naya that Sutton killed my father, especially since he didn’t flat out confess.

Devon: Yeah, but it was close, though.

Amanda: I — I do understand why this is so hard for Naya, though. You know, she’s idolized her father for so long. She built her whole life around his career and his reputation. I mean, Naya and Imani worked on every one of his campaigns, one after the next after the next —

Devon: Well, I — I do have to give credit to Imani for even breaking free of this mind-set, you know? And she definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it without you and your influence.

Amanda: And that’s why I feel really responsible for my little sister. I need to make sure that she has some strong footing beneath her when she gets out of this.

Devon: Hey, look who woke up. Slept so long, you missed breakfast. It’s gone.

Moses: Aw, man.

Devon: I’m just playing. There’s more food in the kitchen for you.

Moses: Got me. Got me. Hey, I just — thanks again for yesterday. That was really cool of you to introduce Faith to TigirLily.

Devon: Oh, yeah.

Moses: God, did you see the look on her face? That was so awesome.

Devon: You know, I’ve, um — I’ve been trying to tell him that he has the coolest brother in the world, and I think he’s finally realizing it.

Amanda: Finally.

[ Laughter ]

Billy: All alone, I see. You know, I heard Chelsea left town and took your son with her. I believe she did the right thing. I mean, she just poisoned someone and was just released from a mental facility, but I do think that your boy is safer with her than he is with you — or his grandfather.

Adam: Why are you obsessing about my family’s whereabouts? Don’t you have enough things to do to keep ChancComm afloat? Or is, uh, Lily doing all the hard work so you can continue to churn out that tabloid trash?

Billy: ChancComm’s in a great place, actually, thanks to our amazing team…and due to the fact that you decided not to weaponize Newman Media and point it directly at us.

Adam: Gee, I wonder where my thank-you card is.

Billy: Mm.

Adam: I guess it got lost in the mail.

Billy: Yeah. You’re not gonna get a thank-you card because I just realized why you’re playing the good guy, and it has nothing to do with me or ChancComm.

Adam: Is that so?

Billy: All the things you’ve done the last few months — donating a kidney, backing off ChancComm, sitting in this cafĂŠ right here to have your coffee and act all sad and alone — that’s you worming your way back into Sharon’s life, trying to convince her that you’re a changed man.

Adam: And of course you know better.

Billy: I do know that if you were really trying to be a good person, that would mean putting someone else’s feelings in front of yours. That would mean realizing that Sharon is better off without you.

Adam: If you say so.

Billy: I do say so. ‘Cause she’s in a good place. She’s got a good husband that adores her. She’s happy. Now, if you could just get away from this sick obsession, maybe do the right thing and actually give a damn about her… you’d leave her alone.

Adam: It is really fascinating how your mind works. It couldn’t be that I’m just sitting here having coffee, like you. No, you have to read an ulterior motive into it because if all these other people are right and I have turned over a new leaf, how would you continue to justify your own vendetta and obsession?

Billy: You think you’re an innocent victim, you’re misunderstood. Unfortunately, that crap works on Sharon.

[ Door opens ]

Devon: So, you’ll let me know how everything goes with Naya?

Amanda: Yeah, of course.

Devon: I’ll see you later, alright?

[ Door closes ]

Devon: Oh, man. Dang, you made that food disappear. Sheesh.

Moses: Hey, man, I’m a growing boy.

Devon: I can see that. A well-connected growing boy.

Moses: Well, thanks to you, man. You really hooked it up with that special appearance by Kendra and Krista.

Devon: Oh, well, I knew it was a special occasion ’cause Faith means a lot to you.

Moses: Yeah. I’ll never forget the look on her face, yeah. You know, TigirLily’s music — it really speaks to her.

Devon: That’s the beautiful thing about music, is that it can connect to people on an emotional level.

Moses: Kind of like what you said about listening to dad’s favorite music.

Devon: Yeah.

Moses: I feel closer to him, you know, like I can understand him a little bit better.

Devon: When you know what moves somebody, that’s like an open window right to their soul.

Moses: I never thought about music like that before.

Devon: Well, yeah, and all art, really, no matter what it is. It’s just about seeing the world from another person’s perspective.

Moses: Yeah. I get it. Kind of like empathy.

Devon: That’s it. Exactly.

Moses: Deep. Well, sorry I haven’t been here to, you know, talk about this with you more, you know, so you can drop some more knowledge.

Devon: Oh, gosh. Come on. Don’t be sorry, man. You’ve been busy living your life. You got your volunteer work at the hospital, your internship at AskMDNow. Getting a real taste of what being a doctor’s like. What’s wrong? What’s that face for?

Johnny: I win!

Lily: What? Again!? Are you cheating? Oh, my gosh! Okay, you know what? That’s it. I’m gonna win this time.

Johnny: Lily, you know my mom’s friend Ashland?

Lily: Yeah. I do. I do. I know that he’s gonna live at your house for a little while, right?

Johnny: Yeah. Daddy says he’s sick, but not like me.

Lily: That’s true. He’s not sick like you. He, um — he’s not contagious at all, and no one in your family will get it.

Johnny: Will he ever get better?

Lily: Um…you know, I know that the doctors are doing everything that they can. I know your mommy really likes him and wants him to get better. And, listen, anytime you have questions like this, you can always talk to your mom and your dad — and me, too. Okay?

Johnny: I hope you and Daddy always stay together.

Imani: Well, it’s always good to see you, Nate.

Nate: You too. Hey, by the way, is everything okay? You left so suddenly last night after you got that call. I thought it might have had to do with your mother’s case.

Imani: Well, I’m hoping after today there won’t even be a case against my mother anymore. She was the one who called. She was in a panic about what she should do. And fortunately, I was able to persuade her that she was making a huge mistake taking the blame for Richard’s death. And now she’s agreed to officially recant her confession.

Nate: Ah. Congrats on getting her to come around. I know how tough it can be as a doctor to get someone to follow advice, even when it’s absolutely in their own best interest.

Imani: Well, maybe when you get to know me better, you’ll learn that I can be very persuasive when I want to be.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Imani: Oh, that’s Amanda. She’s asking me to head to the courthouse. Well, I have to run, but it was really good seeing you.

Nate: You too. [ Chuckles ] What?

Elena: [ Chuckles ] You mean to tell me you haven’t noticed Imani hitting on you?

Nate: I think that’s overstating it. She’s a little flirtatious.

Elena: [ Laughs ] A little?

Nate: [ Scoffs ] I’m already taken. What does it even matter? [ Chuckles ]

Elena: Oh, really? Tell me more.

Nate: You know, I would love to, but you’ve had such a long night. I need to get you home to bed.

Elena: Well, maybe I just got a second wind.

Nate: Then you don’t want to go home to bed?

Elena: Oh, no. I definitely do.

Sharon: Glad you didn’t let Billy get to you.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] He was clearly itching for a fight, but I wasn’t gonna give him the satisfaction.

Sharon: Yeah, he spoke to me first before coming out here. He seriously doubts that the changes you’re making are real. So I assumed he said as much to you.

Adam: Oh, he didn’t stop there. He accused me of putting on an act, specifically for you.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Why would anyone think that I would be so gullible? You know, I’m the only person who was right about you. I knew that you didn’t poison Rey. And yet some people want to carry on treating me like I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Well, don’t take it too personally. I am the one that nobody trusts. Well, I shouldn’t say nobody. Nick is being open-minded. Faith has come a long way. And Victor has stood by my side.

Sharon: See? You have made a lot of progress.

Adam: Look, I won’t deny that it is important to me that you believe in me and you see how hard I’m trying to change. But it’s not like Billy said. I’m not trying to lure you back. Like you said, you could see right through that. Besides, it was never my better angel that drew you to me.

Sharon: What do you mean by that?

Adam: Am I wrong? I always thought it was my, uh, wilder side that you found more compelling.

Sharon: Um… I don’t know where you would get an idea like that. I mean, after all the time and energy I spent trying to help you become healthy and become the person you want to be, who you were meant to be — that’s — that’s more what was pulling me in.

Adam: Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I see your point. I mean, look at who you’re with now. As far as I can tell, I don’t think Rey even has a dark side. So, whatever thing you had for bad boys in the past, you are clearly over it.

Sharon: Yeah. All I ever wanted was to be with the guy in the white hat. [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I have to run. There’s a few things that I need to wrap up at the office if we’re gonna be flying out to New York tonight.

Ashland: Well, I’ll take care of all the travel arrangements. Um, my office will handle everything.

Victoria: Okay, but just make sure you take it easy, too, alright? You’re gonna need your strength. I’ll see you later.

Ashland: [ Exhales heavily ] Nope

Moses: No, everything’s cool.

Devon: Yeah?

Moses: Really. Um, I’m just, uh, grateful for all the opportunities.

Devon: I hear a big old “but” on the end of that. Are you just — are you not feeling medicine anymore? ‘Cause it’s fine if you’re not. That’s, you know — the reason that you have all these opportunities is to figure out if you would enjoy being a doctor. And if you’re not excited about it anymore or if it depresses you, then that’s fine. You’re not obligated to feel any way. That’s the point of this experiment, is to figure it out.

Moses: Yeah, it’s — it’s not really any of that. It’s just different from what I thought it was gonna be like.

Devon: Okay. Does this have anything to do with when Nate had his allergic reaction and you felt helpless about it?

Moses: Yeah. I mean, that’s part of it, but only part. I’ve seen what it’s like to be a doctor, and part of me just feels like I’m not cut out for it.

Devon: You know, like I said, that’s fine. If it turns out that a career in medicine isn’t for you, there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re not letting anybody down. I’m just happy that you’re even asking the question of what you want to do at this age.

Moses: Yeah. And lately I’ve been thinking about maybe checking out some other possibilities.

Devon: Oh, really? Like what?

Adam: There she is — the woman of the week. I hope, uh, Nikki passed along my congratulations.

Victoria: Yes, she did. I should congratulate you, too.

Adam: I cannot imagine what for.

Victoria: With Dad out of town, you have a little breathing room to run Newman Media the way that you see fit, without him hovering over your shoulder. You should enjoy it while you can.

Adam: Mm. Well, unlike you, I enjoy working with our father. I really value his expertise.

Victoria: Oh, I’m sure that he values having someone around to lap it up.

Adam: You clearly enjoy flying solo. I mean, that is why you picked a business partner that you can get rid of in a few months. And exploiting that man’s condition that way was a bit ghoulish. But I got to hand it to you. It was extremely advantageous for Newman Enterprises.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Naturally, that’s the way you would see it.

Adam: And how everybody else would see it, if I, the monster of Genoa City, had done the same thing. They could call me predatory and worse. But you are sweet, delightful Victoria, so you get to ride in like the angel of mercy and save Ashland in his last days, no matter how masterfully you manipulated your way into Locke’s company.

Victoria: Ashland has never been taken advantage of by anyone. This has been a business deal, a very damn good business deal. The scenario that you’re presenting right now is preposterous.

Adam: Mm. Well, you don’t have to get defensive. I’m not criticizing. I’m just pointing out the irony. You’ve turned out a lot more like Dad than I think you would care to admit, a lot more than I ever thought you would.

Victoria: You know, you have always underestimated me. And that’s foolish because I’m the one that you should fear the most.

Adam: I don’t want to play against you. I have no interest in fighting with you anymore.

Victoria: Well, it’s a little late for that, don’t you think? You’ve provoked me, you’ve taunted me, you framed me. But most of all, you underestimated me — when I’m the one that you should fear the most.

Adam: Oh. So, I can get under your skin. That’s good to know.

Michael: All here. Thank you. Wow, what a surprise seeing you all here. Amanda, Imani, Mrs. Benedict.

Imani: Mom, let’s sit. I’ll buy you a drink.

Naya: Alright.

Michael: Look, I’m getting a sense of why it was so difficult for your mother to come forward and admit that her confession was false. When I spoke to her, it actually seemed like she felt guilty, like she had let Sutton down and not the other way around.

Amanda: Yeah, I — I think that it’s too painful for her to even admit to herself how thoroughly Sutton has betrayed his own family.

Michael: I don’t think I have to tell you this, but you know it would be helpful if Naya cooperated with the newly reopened investigation into Sutton.

Amanda: Yes, I will keep working on that, Michael.

Michael: Thank you. I’ll leave that in your hands for now. See you later?

Amanda: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Okay.

Imani: I ordered you a drink.

Amanda: Thank you.

Naya: Why were you talking to him? You’re not planning to help him go after Sutton, are you?

Amanda: I’m gonna do what I can to get justice for my father. That is the least that I owe him. And whether you would like to face it or not, you owe him the same thing.

Elena: Sharon. Hey. Mind if I grab an iced tea?

Sharon: Just one?

Elena: Yeah.

Sharon: I saw Nate go upstairs with you earlier.

Elena: Ah. Yeah. He’s gone already, but he will be back soon.

Sharon: I’m so glad that things are working out between you two.

Elena: Yeah, I am, too. But how are you? How are you and Rey? When I talked to Lola, she said you guys had a great time in Miami.

Sharon: Uh, yes. Yeah, we did. We had a great time.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Has Rey had any lingering side effects from the thallium poisoning?

Sharon: Um, no. He’s completely recovered. In fact, he felt so well, he actually went back to work right away, and I think he’s working too much.

Elena: That’s great.

Sharon: His current assignment is escorting Chelsea to see her mother in Minnesota.

Elena: Wait. What?! He was assigned to escort the woman who tried to kill him?

Billy: Those flowers were supposed to be a surprise for when you got home.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: I didn’t expect anyone to be here.

Lily: Yeah, well, Johnny’s poor little tummy was still hurting him, so maybe it is a bug, but I think that maybe your theory is right and he just needs a little extra nurturing during this time.

Billy: Well, either way, your motherly instincts were firing on all cylinders.

Lily: Well, I just did what my mom used to do for me when I had an upset stomach, which was crazy eights and ginger tea.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Thank you for being so sweet to my boy. I know you had a busy morning. You could have just called Hannah.

Lily: Well, I was going to, but Johnny asked me if I could stay with him, and I couldn’t say no to that adorable little face.

Billy: Mm, he gets that from me.

Lily: [ Laughs ] But, no, I’m glad that we had some one-on-one time. And we had fun. You know what he told me?

Billy: Oh, I could only imagine.

Lily: That he hopes that you and I stay together forever.

Billy: Did he?

Lily: Yeah.

Billy: Like father, like son. I’m with him. You’re the best.

Lily: But he did also bring up Ashland and his illness. So, I know that you and Victoria don’t want to scare them too much by telling them a lot, but I do think that he’s pretty intuitive and knows something serious is going on.

Billy: Yeah. Okay. Well, thanks for the heads-up. I’ll talk to Victoria and make sure that we are on the same page about how to handle that. Death and dying — never a fun conversation, especially not for a kid when they’re so full of life. It’s a hard concept to grasp. But we don’t have a choice. We have to figure out how to tell him.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Victoria: Ashland? It’s me! I left — Ashland? Ashland!

Sharon: So, because Chelsea’s mother is in the hospital, Michael Baldwin decided that it would be okay for her to go and visit her mom, only with the accompaniment of a law-enforcement officer. And for some reason, he determined that that person should be Rey.

Elena: And Rey doesn’t have a problem with this at all?

Sharon: Rey doesn’t hold a grudge against her. Yeah, a few days before he left, I could tell that he felt sorry for her. And then when he calls, he really seems like he’s impressed with the progress she’s made.

Elena: I mean, I suppose that’s a good thing.

Sharon: I think he just likes making the point that Chelsea’s doing better because she got away from Adam. He still wants to lay the ultimate blame for everything that happened at Adam’s feet, and that’s just so…unfair.

Elena: Well, I guess considering he is the victim, he gets to decide who he wants to hold responsible.

Sharon: I guess. You know, the irony is, I’m the one who encouraged Adam to let Chelsea go out of town with Connor, mostly so that I just didn’t have to think about her anymore. But now I’m getting constant updates on her day-to-day progress.

Elena: Ugh. Ugh. Well, hopefully this assignment will be over soon and Rey will be back home to you.

Sharon: I so can’t wait for that to happen.

Elena: [ Sighs ] Thanks for the tea.

Sharon: Sure.

Elena: Bye.

Devon: Thanks for coming, man. You should take a seat.

Nate: Of course. [ Sighs ] What’s up?

Devon: So, Moses has been confiding in me. And he was talking about making some changes to his volunteer schedule.

Nate: Yeah? It’s pretty tight now. I’m not sure he can fit anything else in.

Devon: Well, that’s the thing. It’s not about adding more. He wants to cut back on some of his hours at the hospital so he can spend time in the recording studio with me ’cause he’s interested in seeing how it all works.

Nate: Hold up. Uh, I’m confused. I thought Moses was here to learn about being a doctor.

Moses: Yeah, that was the plan, but I’ve been having second thoughts. And it’s not that I don’t want to be a doctor. I just thought it might be worth checking out some other options, too.

Nate: Was this your idea?

Devon: No, it definitely wasn’t my idea. We were just talking about it earlier, and he brought it up. And I said we should get your opinion.

Moses: I don’t want to upset you.

Nate: I’m — you’re not — I’m just surprised. You know, give me, um — give me some time to think about this, and then we’ll talk.

Naya: Look, I’m telling you I want nothing to do with any investigation into Sutton. I mean, as it is, I’m conflicted about recanting my confession. That alone will make people think that my father is guilty of murder and that I only confessed to protect him.

Amanda: Didn’t you? I mean, let me ask you something, Naya. Why would Sutton pressure you into confessing if he wasn’t guilty?

Naya: We both thought that I might get a lighter sentence and that it would be a lot easier for me to endure than it would be for him.

Amanda: Easier? Giving up your freedom, your family, your friends, your reputation? You thought that that would be easier?

Imani: Mom, you have to see how self-serving and wrong that is. For him to put that kind of pressure on you is just unconscionable.

Naya: I agree. And that’s why I finally admitted that my confession was false. But that doesn’t mean that I will ever believe that my father is capable of murder. So, you can push all you want. But I will do nothing to implicate my father.

Ashland: Oh, thank you.

Victoria: I wish you would let me call an ambulance. What if you had a heart attack?

Ashland: No, no, no, no, no. It was nothing like that. I remember that feeling. I know the difference. Thank you.

Victoria: Still, you should get checked out.

Ashland: I refuse to spend what time I have left sitting in a damn hospital getting prodded and poked and dealing with doctors day and night. I’m so sorry. It must have been frightening coming home and finding me like this. I will get some anxiety medication. I’m pretty sure that that’s all it is. I’ve had anxiety attacks in the past when I’ve been under a great deal of pressure, so…

Victoria: Yes, I know. You’ve certainly been dealing with a lot the past few weeks.

Ashland: I’m more stressed than ever before, figuring out how to let go of all the things that have been the focus of my entire life.

Victoria: I’m sure.

Ashland: I’m pretty certain that these recent attacks are more connected to the pressure of the situation than the actual illness, so don’t worry. I’m not on my way out just now.

Victoria: I know you lived for your company, and I — I was just trying to help alleviate some of the pressure and the stress and take that off of your plate. But I feel like maybe it’s had the opposite effect. Do you think this merger was a mistake? Should we not have done it?

Adam: [ Breathes deeply ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Victor: Yeah, son?

Adam: Dad. How, uh — how’s your trip?

Victor: Good. You know, uneventful.

Adam: What, uh, about the weather?

Victor: Beautiful weather. You know, it’s a beautiful city, great to walk around in. So, why are you calling? Something happened or what?

Adam: Uh, no worries. Everything is, uh, fine here.

Victor: You just called to say hello?

Adam: I had an interesting encounter with Victoria today. It gave me an idea that I wanted to run past you.

Victor: Huh.

Next week on “the young and the restless”…

Adam: Chloe Mitchell reporting for duty.

Adam: Welcome to your first day at Newman Media.

Nikki: Are you truly happy here in Milan or simply resigned?

Sally: Given the lovely evening that we had and feeling so connected, where do we go from here?

Mariah: Look, as much fun as this stay has been, me and this baby would like to get out of here now, please.

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B&B Transcript Friday, July 23, 2021

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Wyatt: What are you keeping from me?

Quinn: Nothing.

Wyatt: Mom?

Quinn: Nothing.

Flo: I–I can leave if you two rather would just talk on your own.

Quinn: No, no, no. You stay here because I’m the one who’s gonna be leaving. So–

Wyatt: Mom, if you need my help with something, you have to talk to me.

Quinn: Uh, no. No. Just drop it. Okay. I’m not keeping anything. There are no secrets. If you haven’t realized, all the secrets have been exposed recently.

Wyatt: Okay. Fine. Well, if you need me, I’m here for you.

Quinn: Thank you very much, sweetheart. But all I need to do now is–is go because somebody is waiting for me. So–

Flo: Well, you don’t want to keep a lawyer waiting. I hear they charge by the minute.

Quinn: Yes.

Flo: Assuming you’re trying to go talk to someone about your divorce.

Quinn: I am. I am. This is about my future. So, okay. Bye.

[ Door slams ]

Carter: Hey.

Brooke: Something wrong?

Carter: No. I’m just on my way to a meeting, unless you need me.

Ridge: Uh, no, there’s a couple things, but we can deal with that later.

Carter: Okay. I won’t be long.

Ridge: Hey, Carter. Were you as surprised as I was that Dad went along with your suggestion?

Carter: No, no. It, uh, makes sense, financially.

Brooke: Oh, what suggestion are you talking about?

Ridge: We’re gonna keep Quinn’s jewelry line.

Brooke: What?

Ridge: Carter’s recommendation and it does make sense, financially. It really does. But it means more paperwork for you.

Carter: More paperwork?

Ridge: Yeah. It’s a bitter divorce. She’s still gonna be a part of the company, can’t be easy.

Carter: Nothing that I can’t handle. So, don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything in regards to Quinn. See you soon.

[ Door slams ]

Wyatt: No, absolutely not. Those aren’t the terms that we agreed upon and you’re not changing them now. Well, I could get my father on the phone, but we both know how that would go. Oh, very good. That’s exactly what I thought you’d say. No, no, no, no, no. Thank you. Sorry. Uh, didn’t mean for that to take so long.

Flo: It’s no problem. You know I always like watching my sexy fiancĂŠ in his business mode.

Wyatt: It was kind of sexy, huh? Holding people to contracts?

Flo: Oh, it’s so sexy.

Wyatt: Do you want me to yell at somebody else?

Flo: Maybe.

Wyatt: Yeah?

Flo: Would you really have gotten Bill involved?

Wyatt: No, no. I’m not that cruel. [ Clears throat ] But I just–I am thankful to know that’s an option again. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to have my dad and my brother out of jail.

Flo: Yeah. It must feel really good not to worry about them anymore.

Wyatt: Now I can focus all of my concern and worry on my mom.

Brooke: Is this some kind of joke? Quinn really is still a part of the company?

Ridge: All right. Before you get all riled up–

Brooke: Oh, this is terrible.

Ridge: It’s not terrible. It makes sense, financially. The line makes us money.

Brooke: Well, I could still make us money with a different designer.

Ridge: Finding a different designer and starting over takes a long time.

Brooke: Oh, gosh. I guess I was really naive thinking we got rid of Quinn for good.

Ridge: We’re almost there, but…

Brooke: But–but what? Carter spoke up? Arguing to keep the line? To keep Quinn?

Ridge: What are you saying?

Carter: Hey.

Quinn: Hey. Hey, let me in before anybody sees me.

Carter: Well, thank you for coming.

Quinn: [ Sighs ] I shouldn’t be here, especially if Eric finds out you’re still in contact with me.

Carter: Where did you park?

Quinn: Two blocks down.

Carter: That’s good. Smart.

Quinn: It’s not smart to be here and it is not smart to be alone with you, Carter.

Flo: I’m sure you noticed this too, but your mom was acting weird, right? Like, weirder than usual?

Wyatt: Oh, totally very weird. Like, this whole divorce is probably killing her inside. She built her whole life around Eric and their marriage.

Flo: Or so we thought. And then, Carter comes around and… you know what? Good for her. I mean, I’m–I’m– I’m just saying. It–like, he’s smart, he’s gorgeous, he’s successful and gorgeous. I mean that smile and those arms. Did I mention he’s gorgeous?

Wyatt: No.

Flo: I mean, he’s totally not my type, like, at all, but I could see how she could fall for him and have a connection.

Wyatt: Right, because of how gorgeous he is?

Flo: Is he? I didn’t notice. I love you.

Brooke: I don’t wanna second-guess Carter’s reasoning.

Ridge: But you are.

Brooke: Okay. Look, Eric is trying to divorce Quinn. He’s trying to disassociate himself from her and his lawyer should advise him to get rid of the line. Instead, Carter is encouraging Eric to keep it. I mean, that sounds kind of strange, don’t you think?

Ridge: Carter promised to stay away from Quinn. That’s why he still has a job. And his job at this company is to make sure we make money and the jewelry line makes money.

Brooke: Yeah. And I guess you’re right. It is a money maker. It’s just disappointing. After everything that Quinn has done, I was really looking forward to seeing Eric kicking her to the curb.

Quinn: We already said our goodbyes. We agreed we weren’t gonna see each other anymore.

Carter: I know, but something happened, something I need to tell you about.

Quinn: Okay.

Carter: Okay. So, you know how Eric called, he wanted to see me?

Quinn: Yeah. He–he knows we’re still seeing each other. And–and even though we’re not, we agree we weren’t going to, so you need to find a way to make sure he understands

Carter: It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. He doesn’t suspect a thing. That’s not what we… talked about. Um, hmm, we, um– we went over the divorce, the, uh, professional and personal details and he said he wanted to end the jewelry line.

Quinn: Ugh. You know, Wyatt was speculating about that. He–he–he–he said– I–I mean, I–I just– does Eric despise me that much that he would throw away years and years of my work? I mean, my art, my contribution to Forrester Creations, it…

Carter: Yeah. I know. I know. You worked so hard. It’s a part of you, it’s a part of Forrester, and I couldn’t let him get rid of it. Not without a fight. One of the advantages of being a lawyer is that I’m good at building a case.

Quinn: What are you saying?

Carter: I’m saying that your line isn’t going anywhere. I convinced Eric to keep it.

Wyatt: So, am I getting this right? My future wife is–is suggesting that if an attractive, gorgeous-armed man looks her way, it’s okay?

Flo: No, no, no, no, no, no, that’s–that’s not what I’m saying. I am–I am not condoning what your mother did at all. Betraying her marriage like that and hurting Eric is very wrong.

Wyatt: Okay. Good.

Flo: But knowing that Eric was turning her down and stopped touching her, I guess part of me kind of understands it. I mean, if–if Eric wasn’t making her feel loved and wanted and Carter was– everyone deserves to feel desired. It’s a basic human need.

Wyatt: Well, it’s a need I hope I’m fulfilling.

Flo: Oh. You for sure are.

Wyatt: [ Chuckles ]

Flo: I feel very grateful to have you in my life. What we have is extremely special and… I’m lucky to have found you again.

Wyatt: [ Chuckles ] So, 20 years from now…

Flo: Uh-hmm.

Wyatt: …Right? When–when–when everything I say just bores you, my jokes don’t land…

Flo: Uh-hmm.

Wyatt: …And this beefcake gorgeous lawyer starts chatting you up–

Flo: I will thank him very much for his legal advice and I will come right home to you.

Wyatt: Your inseparable husband?

Flo: You probably will be, right?

Wyatt: What?

Flo: [ Laughs ] But I will love you all the more for it. You’re more gorgeous.

Wyatt: Thank you. I–I was waiting for you to say that. And I’ve been working out, you know. These arms are–

Flo: I know.

Wyatt: They’re not, uh–

Flo: They’re not bad.

Wyatt: They’re not Carter’s, I guess. Carter.

Brooke: So Quinn will be working completely off-site?

Ridge: Yup. Not allowed in the building.

Brooke: Okay. Well, that’s one thing to be grateful for.

Ridge: That’s hurtful. You’re married to this and you only have one thing to be grateful for? Well, I guess I got to try a little harder.

Brooke: Come on. You know what I’m talking about. This whole Quinn mess.

Ridge: Yeah.

Brooke: I prefer her to be out of our lives for good, but I guess as long as she’s banned from the building, that’ll be okay. I’m just glad that Carter agreed to that.

Ridge: So, you’re gonna be okay with it?

Brooke: Oh.

Ridge: All right. I’m gonna tell you what I told Carter and what I told my dad. This whole thing is awful. What happened to my dad and where he is now, it’s a really hard thing to deal with. But you know what? In a way, Carter did us all a favor. He showed this family. He showed everybody who Quinn really is.

Quinn: You’re serious? You talked Eric into keeping my line?

Carter: Uh-hmm. You’d have to work remotely, but…

Quinn: [ Scoffs ]

Carter: …It’s profitable. Always has been. I just had to remind him of that and tell him to put his emotions aside and make the best decision for Forrester.

Quinn: Thank you.

Carter: Of course.

Quinn: And thank you so much… ugh, was that wise, Carter?

Carter: For the company? Yeah.

Quinn: No. Was it wise for you? I mean, Eric is–is– is gonna wonder why you are defending me. He’s gonna question your motives. You have to be careful. I don’t want you to lose your job. You–you–you’ve built an amazing career at Forrester and–and–and I don’t want that to go away because of me. I’m not gonna allow that. I–I’m not worth that. I–

Carter: Stop, stop, stop. What did I tell you?

Quinn: You don’t want me saying that.

Carter: Never again because you are worth it, Quinn. You are.

Brooke: And that’s an odd way to put it, but you’re right. I mean, we all tried to warn Eric about that relationship from the very beginning. He was just blinded.

Ridge: Even when no one showed up at his wedding. Didn’t see it, didn’t wanna see it.

Brooke: Well, you’d get glimpses sometimes of her craziness and her selfishness. But he always found ways to forgive her but not now. I guess you’re right. We do owe Carter thanks. He was able to do what none of us could do. There’s no way that Eric’s gonna let Quinn worm her way back into his heart.

Ridge: No.

Brooke: Not after all of the damage she’s done, her terrible stunts. She’s gonna be alone, alone for the rest of her life. That woman is incapable of loving anybody but herself.

Ridge: Hi.

Brooke: Hey.

Quinn: [ Moans ] You have no idea how much I wanna keep kissing you right now.

Carter: I think I do. I think I have a good idea.

Quinn: [ Groans ]

Carter: It’s safe, Quinn. We’re alone.

Quinn: No, it’s not safe because one kiss is going to lead to another, and to another. We both know what’s gonna happen. We have to be strong. We have to avoid this… desire and temptation. I’m trying to protect you.

Carter: And I’m thankful. I am. Quinn, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be to forget about you, to forget about our connection.

Quinn: I know it’s hard, but we have to do this. You have to forget about me. There’s no other choice.

Carter: And what if I can’t?

Quinn: You have to.

Carter: You’re right.

Quinn: I know. I’m always right.

Carter: Uh-huh.

Quinn: You have a huge future at Forrester Creations. I’m not gonna let you ruin that. I mean, look, they need you there. Eric was gonna–he was just gonna throw away my jewelry line which would have been a huge financial loss to them, but you talked them out of it. See? And thank you, by the way. You know that line is– it’s like a second child to me.

Carter: Yeah. That’s why I fought so hard. I was determined to change his mind.

Quinn: [ Sighs ] Carter, Carter. I am so bad at expressing emotion, you know. I mean, especially vulnerable ones. I’m really good with anger and cynicism. I mean, I have got those down pat, but gratitude and affection is just–it’s not–it’s not in my wheelhouse. But with you… the way you look at me with those eyes, your calming touch and your sweet voice. You have to know the effect that you have on me. And I–I–I’ve walked into every relationship in my life ready for battle. You know, locked and loaded. I–I–I had my– my fists up, my chin up. But with you, I just– I just wanna– I just wanna lay down my sword and feel so free to be me. Oh. Ugh. Ugh. I’m going on. I’m going on and on about emotions. Oh, it must be–oh, you–you must be grossed out. I’m sorry.

Carter: You see me going anywhere? I’m where I wanna be… right here… with you. You may think you don’t show emotions when with everything you said, I’ve known it. I’ve seen it in your looks, in your smile, when we’re alone, wrapped in each other’s arms. And I feel… the same exact way. And I’ve never felt this way before. Is it love? Is it lust?

Quinn: I think it’s just us. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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B&B Best Lines Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Paris singing a lullaby to baby Hayes on B&B

Best Lines provided by Suzanne

Quinn: We can’t keep doing this.

Carter: I know.

Quinn: Or this.

Carter: Mmm-hmm. Nope.

Quinn: Or this. Okay. Why is it… every time I try to head for the door, I keep ending up in a different position?

Finn: Should I just do a diaper run?

Steffy: No, no, we had plenty. I just don’t know what I did with it, like what–what– where is my brain? Honestly, where is my– diapers are behind the couch. Diapers are behind the couch.

Finn: You got them.

Steffy: Oh.

Finn: Nice.

Steffy: Oh, my goodness.

Finn: As you can see, we’re, uh, we’re– we’re very organized.

Finn: Don’t listen to her. Steffy’s on top of everything. We’re just running low on, um, what’s it called? Uh, sleep.

Steffy: Sleep. Sleep. Yeah.

Brooke: I’m just curious. What would you think of me as your co-CEO?

Ridge: What–what would i think of you taking a job that’s already taken by someone else?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, he’s my lawyer. I wanna get going on this and I wanna get him in here.

Ridge: All right. Then, video call him, put some fire under him.

Paris: Uh, of course. I love Malibu. The ocean, the views, it’s so peaceful and tranquil.

Steffy: Yeah.

Hayes: [ Cries ]

Finn: Peaceful and tranquil, huh?

Ridge: Carter, uh, is there someone there with you?

Brooke: Oh, honey, leave him alone.

Ridge: Uh, there’s–there’s a dress over there back at the couch and I don’t think it fits him.

Carter: Oh, Ridge, that’s, um, not mine.

Eric: Well, that, uh– that was a little awkward.

Ridge: I guess we know what kind of workout Carter was doing.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 23, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Moses finally tells Devon that he is considering some other career options besides medicine.

Lily spends some time with Johnny since he has a tummy ache and he asks her to stay home with him rather than go to work.

Sharon is rattled when Adam tells her that she was attracted to him because he was, a bad boy. Adam is rattled when Victoria tells him not to underestimate her because she is the one he should fear the most. Adam remembers that those are the words that Victoria said to him in the dream he had after the kidney transplant.

Ashland wants Victoria to go with him on a trip to New York. Victoria returns home from her errands and finds Ashland passed out on the couch. Ashland tells her its an anxiety attack…he has them when he is under a lot of pressure. Victoria wonders if the merger caused his anxiety and she thinks the merger may have been a bad idea.

Naya recants her confession of Richard’s murder but refuses to help Michael with the investigation he is opening about Sutton.

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

After the magazine mistakenly names Brooke as Ridge’s co-CEO, he’s worried that Steffy will be upset. Brooke wonders if perhaps she could be his co-CEO instead of Steffy. Ridge wonders what she means, so she suggests that she step in until Steffy is back full time. At Carter’s place, he and Quinn keep trying to say goodbye to each other, but they can’t. They keep having sex instead. Meanwhile, Eric wonders why Carter hasn’t come into the office again so he can get started on his divorce. He calls Carter with a video chat. Quinn jumps out of the way just in time so that Eric can’t see her, but Ridge sees that there’s a dress on the sofa behind Carter. Carter tells Eric that he’s been working out but that he’ll be in the office soon. Quinn feels bad that she’s risking Carter’s job and ruining his life, but he insists that she’s not.

Paris visits Steffy to talk about the Forrester Foundation. Things are in a bit of disarray because of the baby. Paris brought them some fish tacos, which they’re very grateful for. Paris suggests that Finn serve on the Foundation’s advisory committee (because of his history treating addiction). Steffy and Finn like the idea. When the baby cries, Paris rocks him and sings him a lullaby until he goes back to sleep. They’re impressed with everything Paris has done.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sutton: This is sutton.

Victor: Hey, sutton. Have you had a chance to review my proposal?

Sutton: Well, I have been wondering whether or not you can be trusted.

Victor: This is a straightforward deal — quid pro quo, alright? I give you
amanda’s letter from her father, the content of which could lead to your

Sutton: And in return?

Victor: In return, you do me a favor one day without fail. The clock is

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Adam: Talking to anyone interesting?

Victor: Uh, no, just talked to an old friend.

Adam: I wanted to brainstorm some ideas about newman media’s marketing
strategy, if you have time.

Victor: Would you mind if we did that another day? I just have too many
things on my mind right now, okay?

Nikki: Everything alright?

Adam: [ Sighs ] He, um — he seems preoccupied. You have any idea what’s
going on?

Nikki: No, I don’T. Have you heard from chelsea?

Adam: Yeah, I got an update from her a little while ago. Anita is on the mend
— slowly.

Nikki: I suppose the better question is, how is connor?

Adam: He’s happy to be having all this time alone with his mother. He’s a
little curious why rey is tagging along, but I told him, since I couldn’t be
there, I was sending somebody I trusted.

Nikki: Not far from the truth.

Adam: Yeah. I’m actually glad rey is there. It’s probably safer for everyone.

Nikki: My thoughts exactly.

Adam: You know, you don’t have to do this whole nice conversation thing every
time we run into each other. I know what you think of me.

Nikki: I might surprise you.

Devon: Hey, why don’t you try and sit down?

Amanda: No, I can’T.

Devon: Will you do it for me at least? ‘Cause you’ve said yourself, these
things take time.

Amanda: For you.

Devon: Thanks.

Amanda: I just… victor should’ve met with sutton by now. I need an update.
I need something. How can you be so calm?

Devon: Because I know victor newman, and I know if he says he’s gonna do
something, he’s gonna do it. Just have to be patient.

Amanda: No, I can’T. I can’t wait any longer, okay? I just — I need
something. I need to — I need to figure out what is happening right now. I —

Devon: Just —

[ Knock on door ]

Imani: We’ve got a problem.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Abby: I just got a text from mariah.

Tessa: She texted — mariah.

Sharon: I just got a text from her, also.

Abby: We should compare the messages that she sent us.

Sharon: Yeah, maybe we can figure out what’s going on. (Vo) imagine a visibly
healthier pet in 28 days.

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Abby: Mariah’s text to me says, “I was feeling overwhelmed with everyone’s
constant concern about my health.”

Tessa: Okay, her text to me says, “extending my exploratory business trip.
Just needed a break.”

Sharon: Well, her message to me says, “I had to get away from feeling
smothered. I’m sorry for keeping everyone guessing.”

Abby: Okay, well, at least the lines of communication are open and she’s
being honest. That’s good.

Tessa: Yeah, and she says that she just needs space. “Love, mariah.”

Abby: Well, there’s more to the message that she sent me. She says that she
promises that she’ll be back before our next doctor’s appointment, that she’s
doing fine and she’s taking good care of herself and the baby. And she said,
“your child isn’t giving me too much grief yet.”

[ Laughs ]

Sharon: Well, that’s a relief.

Abby: I feel so bad that she felt so suffocated that she felt like she had to
leave town. When she comes back, that can’t happen again.

Tessa: Yeah, absolutely.

Sharon: 100%.

Nikki: Now that you’re living on the property, little honesty can’t hurt.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Are you sure about that?

Nikki: You and I have a difficult history.

Adam: Well, if we’re gonna be honest, uh, let’s not mince words. We haven’t
liked each other very much. Actually, at all.

Nikki: That’s accurate. But the way you have been trying to improve has not
gone unnoticed.

Adam: I’m just trying to do the right thing.

Nikki: Well, my first instinct was to keep a very close eye on you, just in

Adam: What, just in case it was all an act?

Nikki: Wouldn’t be the first time. But apparently, I was wrong about you.

Adam: It takes a lot to admit that.

Nikki: Your desire to improve yourself seems sincere, and i know how
difficult it is to change. Trust me. I respect the effort you’re making.

Adam: I’m just trying every day to be a better man, a loving father,
dedicated son. But a lot of this is uncharted territory for me. Sometimes I wish
that I had a road map.

Nikki: Well, you have an entire family invested in your success. If you
should happen to get lost, there will always be somebody there to put you back
on the right path.

Adam: Well, that is very good to know.

Nikki: I am rooting for you.

Adam: Thank you, nikki. That means a lot.

Nikki: But know this — if you ever start to backslide or you put any one of
us in danger, you will go right back to being enemy number one.

Adam: I learned a long time ago to never underestimate you.

Nikki: Good. Keep it that way.

Amanda: Slow down, okay? Just tell me what the problem is.

Imani: I dropped by mom’s room before I came over here, and I knocked
repeatedly. There was no response. She’s gone.

Amanda: Okay, imani, it’s not like she disappeared.

Devon: I’m sure she’s fine.

Imani: Well, I looked everywhere I could think of, i called her, texted her a
dozen times. No response.

Devon: Why would she leave after agreeing to let amanda represent her?

Imani: [ Sighs ] Maybe that was just her way of getting out on bail, dropping
out of sight. I spoke to someone at the hotel security, the woman at the front
desk — no one can remember seeing her coming or going all day.

Amanda: Okay, that’s odd, but it is explainable. Just because no one has seen
her at the hotel, it doesn’t mean that she’s left genoa city. She could have
went on a really long walk, and that is hardly a bail violation. But don’t
worry, we will look into this.

Devon: Well, I’ll get out of your hair and let you guys figure it out. I’m
just a call away.

Amanda: Thank you.

Devon: Of course.

Amanda: Naya really picked the worst time to mia. I was just waiting to hear
back from victor newman about his conversation with sutton.

[ Sighs ] Well, that’s gonna have to wait because we can’t get an acquittal
without a defendant.

Imani: Mm-hmm. So how do you propose we track down mom?

Amanda: First step, we get into naya’s room.

Imani: I just told you, she’s not there, which means we won’t be able to get

Amanda: Well, the first thing that I learned when I realized that I need to
make my own way in this world — don’t let little things get in your way.

Brushing only reaches

25% of your mouth.

Sharon: Good night.

Adam: Am I too late? Are you closed?

Sharon: Well, I never turn away someone in need of a good cup of coffee. You
want the usual?

Adam: Yeah. Thank you.

Sharon: Um…

[ Clears throat ] Maybe this is none of my business, but how are connor and
chelsea doing?

Adam: It is definitely your business, since you’re the one that convinced me
to let chelsea take him to minnesota in the first place. Not to mention…

Sharon: Rey being drafted into going along to make sure everything goes
according to plan.

Adam: Mm-hmm. And it is. So far. At least that’s what I’ve heard from chelsea
and connor. Does rey agree?

Sharon: Well, I have talked to him since he left, but he never really says
that much about his work.

Adam: Of course.

Sharon: You know, I really hope that you won’t end up regretting taking my
advice, letting connor go be with his mom.

Adam: Well, I had to work hard to sell victor on the idea.

Sharon: Can’t imagine that negotiation.

Adam: Mm. He wasn’t entirely wrong about the risks. There still is a chance
that all of us is gonna become a problem down the road.

Sharon: In what way?

Adam: What if chelsea wants to live near anita? Or anywhere else, for that
matter? Then she’s gonna push to have connor live with her permanently.

Sharon: What would you do if that happened?

Adam: I want my son to be with me, period. I should be his custodial parent.
That is what’s best for him.

Sharon: Even if chelsea does get a clean bill of health.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: Wait, is there more to this? Hey, I don’t want to push, but you know
that we can talk about anything. You know that.

Adam: [ Sighs ] There — there’s a lot that you don’t know about all this.

Victor: Hi, my baby.

Nikki: Hey. If you’re looking for adam, he’s gone.

Victor: Well, just as well. I have a lot of things to deal with.

Nikki: Oh, yeah?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: What is going on in that brilliant mind of yours? You’ve been
distracted ever since you got home.

Victor: Yeah. Oh, by the way, we’re leaving for italy tomorrow.

Nikki: I know. I’m counting the hours.

Victor: Well, then, as time is ticking away, I still have a lot things to do
before we leave.

Nikki: Well, I’m glad that congratulating victoria was on that list. I saw
the flowers you sent. They’re beautiful.

Victor: Oh, that. Yeah. Well, you know, actually, you deserve that bouquet of
flowers. I mean, you reminded me that i was not at my best when it came to that
merger. I should’ve congratulated her because she pulled off quite a coup.

Nikki: Well, that’s very magnanimous of you. Of course…

Victor: What? What did I do wrong?

Nikki: Well, I was just gonna say that it would be an even more magnanimous
gesture if you were to congratulate her in person. Maybe you can put that on
your pre-flight to-do list.

Victor: Well, you mean what I did wasn’t good enough?

Nikki: I’m just keeping you honest, darling.

Victor: No one dose it better, you know.

Imani: When you said you don’t let the little things get in your way, I — I
thought you were going to…

Amanda: Pick the lock?

Imani: [ Sighs ] Well, the important thing is you were able to get security
to open up her door.

Amanda: I just don’t know why naya’s suite was emptied out. Why would an
innocent woman pack her bags and skip bail?

Imani: Easier than telling her well-meaning daughters no. She told us how she
wanted her defense structured.

Amanda: Yeah, and we agreed to her terms. We said that we would not implicate
sutton to save her.

Imani: We said that, but either she didn’t trust us from the beginning, or
she figured out we were going after sutton anyway. Based on the last
conversation i had with mom, it didn’t seem like she knew anything about that.

[ Sighs ]

Amanda: There’s another possibility.

[ Knock on door ] Sutton.

Sutton: Something’s happened to naya. I haven’t been able to find her.

Imani: We already know. We checked her suite. She’s disappeared.

Amanda: And there’s no good explanation that we can think of. Unless you’re
the one who told her to run. Feeling stressed in your skin?

Abby: I am so glad that mariah reached out. I feel like I can finally

Tessa: Okay, there’s just one thing I need to say.

Abby: No, not until I clear the air.

Tessa: No, I’ll go first.

Abby: No, you have to hear this first.

Tessa: But after what I say, you might not want to say anything.

Abby: I’m sorry.

Tessa: I’ve just been so tightly wound up.

Abby: Me too.

Tessa: The tension between us is all my fault.

Abby: No, no, it was totally my fault.

Tessa: Let’s not argue about why we’re arguing.

Abby: You’re right. Forgiven?

Tessa: Forgotten. I mean, it never should have happened in the first place.

Abby: I’m so sorry that i snapped at you. Just all this uncertainty with
mariah, it really got to me.

Tessa: Me too. But at least it’s over.

Abby: And mariah’s fine.

Tessa: [ Sighs ] I’m just so glad that it’s not what I was afraid of, that
some lowlife from my past came to put mariah in jeopardy.

Abby: Well, it’s just crazy how your mind can fill in all of the blanks when
you don’t know the full story. Even though our fears were implausible, they felt

Tessa: Just I’m the person who knows mariah the best.

[ Sighs ] I just — I don’t know, I figured that the mood swings were from
the pregnancy, but it was a reaction to me.

Abby: And me.

Tessa: Lesson learned.

Abby: We have to do better.

Tessa: And we will.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Sutton: If I knew where naya was, you think I’d be coming to you for help?

Imani: Is that why you came here?

Sutton: Not everything I do has a sinister motive. You used to know that,

Amanda: Yeah, you’re only up to something 90% of the time. So coming here,
acting worried, like you need our assistance, that’s exactly what you would do
if you were behind naya’s disappearance.

Sutton: What have I done to deserve this suspicion?

Amanda: Besides arranging my father’s murder?

Imani: Amanda, not now, please.

Sutton: What good does this nonsense do us? I thought we were past that.

Amanda: Oh, we were never past it, and you know it. It just went unsaid
because we both had an agenda that we were keeping close to the vest. Well, now
I think that it’s time that we stop pretending. So I want you to know — I’m
gonna prove that you are guilty of my father’s murder, not naya. And after
everything that you did today, I’m gonna make sure that you pay for it. So now,
you can tell me, where is my mother?

Sutton: I already told you, i don’t know. And we have to work together to
find her.

Amanda: No, you better worry about your damn self.

Sutton: [ Chuckles ] Is that a threat against me?

Amanda: I will find my mother. I will handle this the way that I have done
everything my entire life — alone. Now, you took my sister from me. You
deprived me of my father, and I will be damned if you take my mother from me,
too. So you better get the hell out of here. Okay, listen to me right now, we
need to focus.

Sharon: Chelsea faked her breakdown?

Adam: To a degree. She wasn’t well. I mean, no one who did what she did to
rey could be. But she was convinced that I had betrayed her, and her mind took
her to some very dark places.

Sharon: This is shocking.

Adam: I know.

Sharon: And dr. Hedges was involved? He has a good reputation. How could he
be in the middle of this scheme?

Adam: Money. Money talks. And I’m sure that you’re wondering how I could just
sit back and go along with victor’s plan.

Sharon: Yeah, that is surprising that you agreed, given that her whole
objective was to frame you.

Adam: Well, I had no idea what my father had done. I was on the run. And
then, when I came back to town…

Sharon: You were in the hospital…

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: …Donating your kidney.

Adam: When I learned the truth, I kept my mouth shut because I don’t want
connor’s mother to go to prison. I thought going in the mental facility would
help her heal. And her confession did clear me.

Sharon: Well, now that you explain it, I understand.

Adam: Plus, I blame myself for so much of what’s happened. Chelsea was the
one that had a devastating reaction, but I am the one that gave her something to
react to. A lie about her mental state to get her to the hospital is just the
beginning of chelsea’s crimes, but, uh…

Sharon: But what?

Adam: I try not to dwell on this, especially with chelsea out of town with
our son, but… I don’t know, when push comes to shove, chelsea always reverts
to form.

Sharon: But some people might say the same about you.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] It’s very common to have

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Adam: You are right. Most people will figure any change that I’m trying to
make for myself will be temporary or that it’s all just a show to begin with. I
actually just had a conversation with nikki about that very thing.

Sharon: I assume she thinks the worst of you.

Adam: Actually, she is giving me the benefit of the doubt for now. I hope
that you will have just as much faith that I can pull this off.

Sharon: You really have to ask?

Adam: There is a certain satisfaction that comes from just putting in the
work, trying to be a decent person instead of reveling in being the bad guy. You
know, every day is a new challenge. But I like it.

Sharon: You’re taking stock in yourself.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: That’s good.

Adam: Yeah, when I think about all the time and energy i invested in creating
conflict, not to mention the weight of all the hate and anger…it’s exhausting.
Just wish I had come to this realization a long time ago.

Sharon: Well, you know, you can’t always force change. I think the trick is
you just stay open-minded about it.

Adam: Hmm. Makes me think about how sure chelsea was that I was going to
steal connor away from her. How primed she was to expect the worst from me. But
maybe your suggestion that i let connor go with her will pay unintended

Sharon: Well, I think it could be important that chelsea sees that you trust
her. It could help her heal.

Adam: Maybe she’ll see me in a different light, too.

Sharon: Since when has it been important to you what other people think?

Adam: It has always been important to me what you think of me. You know that.

Sharon: Worry about the rest of the world, right? We’re fine.

Adam: Mostly. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you.

Sharon: It’s probably just, uh, your loneliness talking because your
relationship with chelsea is irretrievably over and connor’s out of town.

Adam: It’s deeper than that, sharon. You know that. And that will never

Sharon: I know. Faith’s waiting for me at home. I have to get going.

Adam: Well, it’s perfect timing. Finished my coffee. Thank you for staying

Sharon: Of course.

Adam: Good night.

Sharon: Good night.

Abby: There is more than enough blame to go around, so i am not gonna let you
hog it all, even though you and mariah are a couple and you’re very in tune with
each other.

Tessa: Which is why i should’ve known that something was wrong.

Abby: No, I have made so many mistakes. Number one, I mean, I feel like I
know mariah pretty well, and i had no idea that she was having such a hard time.
I mean, think about it. I mean, I was micro-managing every single thing that
went into her mouth. I was worrying every time she left the house. It was too

Tessa: Oh, this is so much better. Competing who can take on more blame
instead of blame each other for mariah running away.

Abby: So much better. You know, when mariah comes back, I am not gonna get an
account of every single moment of her day.

Tessa: Yeah, and mariah can make her own herbal tea, which i will probably
still bring to her, of course.

Abby: Of course.

Tessa: But I’m putting my foot down — she can make it herself.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Victor: Please have a seat.

Sutton: Thank you. I don’t have much time. I just came from an angry
encounter with my granddaughters.

Victor: Oh, boy, I know what that is about. Being at odds with one’s family
is not nice, is it?

Sutton: It’s brought me to a new level of clarity.

Victor: Ah.

Sutton: Yeah, I know what to do now.

Victor: Really? What’s that?

Sutton: Well, you give me that letter from richard, and when the day comes
that you need this favor repaid, it will be.

Victor: About that letter, sutton.

Sutton: Hmm?

Victor: Not gonna give it to you.

Sutton: This whole deal was your idea.

Victor: Yeah, I know. But I thought about it, you know? I realized that
amanda would have far better use for it than you do.

Sutton: What kind of game are you playing?

Victor: Ain’t playing a game.

Sutton: You said you had no allegiance to amanda.

Victor: Nothing to do with her. It has everything to do with not wanting to
help you. Now, you and I, sutton, have played on the edges of legality for a
while, you know? But this is different. I mean, you committed a crime. You
betrayed your family. And that I have no tolerance for. Don’t settle for
products that give you a sort of white smile.

Devon: I mean, the way I see it, this is all good news, ’cause mariah’s
taking care of herself and the baby, and she’s checked in, like the responsible
adult that she is. And the tension between the two of you seems to be gone.

Tessa: Yes, that’s true. We’re in a good place again.

Abby: Yes, and more importantly, tessa and I were just discussing how we want
to rethink things for when mariah comes home.

Tessa: Which she said would be in time for her next doctor’s appointment.

Devon: Good, good. Is something wrong, tessa?

Tessa: I don’t want to rain on any parades, but look,

[Sighs] I’ve said it before. She could’ve called. All of us. Or just one of
us, because she knew that we would worry, but she only reaches out through text?

Abby: Maybe it’s because she’s that if she hears one of our voices, she’ll be
tempted to come home before she’s ready.

Tessa: I guess.

Abby: You know what? I don’t know about you guys, but when mariah returns, I
don’t want her to feel a bit of pressure. All I want her to feel are little,
tiny baby kicks from inside from a baby who’s eager to meet all of us.

Devon: Amen.

Victor: Sutton, you’re the head of your family. There’s no greater
responsibility. You were given the gift of two beautiful twin granddaughters.
You didn’t protect them. Didn’t do a damn thing for them. You turned your back
on them. Why? To protect your own rear end.

Sutton: I did what I had to do.

Victor: That’s what all politicians say.

Sutton: You are no better than me. I’ve heard all the stories about your
awful relationships with your own children.

Victor: You haven’t heard all of them. There were many. And I have made
mistakes. I admit to it. But one dictum, one mantra I’ve always lived by — I
never turn my back on my family. I never leave them to their own devices. That’s
why I’ve created this new company with my son adam. The guy that a lot of people
had given up for a lost cause. That’s why I appointed my daughter victoria to
run newman enterprises, a company that I created. You turned your back on your
family out of selfishness. Now you’re paying for that.

Sutton: You’ve always had your billions of dollars to buy your way out of
your problems. I don’t have that luxury. I had to remain untouchable. My power
base has to be secure. That’s the only way I can ensure my family comes first.

Victor: And richard nealon, amanda’s father, got in the way of that?

Sutton: Uh-huh. Yeah, richard… he was trouble. Naya deserved so much more.
He wasn’t like us. It’s a miracle that somebody with his background even made it
to college. And my pride and joy had to go and get herself pregnant with that…
well, if that meant that two accidents of birth had to be sacrificed, then, by
god, so be it.

[ Stammers ] It was for the greater good.

Victor: Oh, yeah.

Sutton: I can live with what I’ve done. Richard was a nobody. He was a gnat.
And he could’ve brought down everything I’d worked for. Well, that was a risk I
was not willing to take. Now give me the damn letter.

Victor: What letter is that, sutton?

[ Door opens ]

Imani: I’d like to hear that answer, too, grandfather. What letter? Are you
tired of clean clothes that just don’t smell clean?

Devon: Alright. Well, now that I know everything is cool with mariah and that
you’re feeling better about everything, I should probably go and check on
amanda, ’cause she’s been having a tough time tonight.

Tessa: Oh, I hope everything’s okay.

Devon: Oh, thank you. If it’s not, I know she’ll make it right, so…

Abby: Hey, devon, um, before you go, I — I just wanted to thank you for
talking me down earlier, reminding me of what chance would say in a stressful
situation. It really helped.

Devon: I’m glad it did. You have a really good guy who loves you, puts you
first and foremost, so hang on to him.

Abby: I will. I’m very lucky to have you remind me of that.

Sutton: I don’t know how much you heard —

Amanda: We heard more than enough.

Sutton: Well, I’ll deny it. Every word — it was all said in the heat of the

Amanda: Well, we recorded every word. So you can deny it all you want, but
this is exactly what I need to save my mother and to prove that you are the one
who had my father killed. Victor knew exactly what to say to keep you talking.
Oh, and by the way? There is no letter. There never was.

Sutton: These charges will never stick.

Amanda: We’ll see.

Sutton: Amanda, just tell me what you want.

Amanda: I want my father back, you son of a bitch.

Sharon: I don’t need any saving. I didn’t come here to cry on your shoulder.

Adam: You can, sharon. Okay? You can be or feel anything you want with me.

Sharon: You know, you’ve convinced yourself that you’re damaged somehow and
you’re flawed and beyond saving, but, you know, that’s not true. Yeah, you’re in
a dark place right now, but I can see the path — light and hope — and I just
— I want to help you find that. I want to.

Adam: You know that i would — I would do anything to take this all away.

Sharon: I can’t imagine what my life would be like right now if you hadn’t
rescued her. I know I — know I-I couldn’t survive the loss of another child.

Adam: Well, I’m just glad i was in the right place at the right time. Anyone
would have done the same thing.

Sharon: But I know that you put your freedom at risk in order to do it. So,
no…not just anyone would have made that choice. I’ll never forget what you
were willing to sacrifice for faith and me.

Adam: When I was trapped with nick, I’ve realized that you are a part of me,
sharon. And you always will be. There’s no denying it. I told myself that I was
leaving to protect you, to protect everyone, but… no matter how fast or far
away i run, you will always be right there with me. The fact that I’m standing
here right now is just further proof of that.

Sharon: No, you’re here for faith, nothing more.

Adam: Sharon… just hear me out, okay? Before nick found me, I had a lot of
time alone. He only knew where to find me because of you and your insight…
into me. You’ve always understood how my mind works. I mean, even when I had
forgotten who I was, and I was living in vegas. And after I learned what I had
done to A.J. Montalvo as a kid, you see me, sharon. You see me in a way no one’s
been able to do… not even chelsea. And I don’t expect anything to ever come of
it, because I know nothing can come of it.

Sharon: You say all these beautiful words, these… seductive and tempting
words, but…here is the truth, adam. I can’t be that for you. I can’t — I
can’t be that for you. You — you have got to accept that you and I are not
going to get back together.

Adam: Because of rey? I mean, can you honestly compare your feelings for him
to what you and I shared?

Sharon: No, I cannot because I’ll never love him the way that I loved you.

Adam: So let’s not waste any more time.

Sharon: But that doesn’t mean that my love for rey isn’t strong. He — he
supports me. He builds me up. He gives me strength. Whereas, with you… things
are just complicated. You have to get better for the sake of your family!

Adam: No. No. What I need is to get out of genoa city with my family. That is
what’s gonna make me heal, okay? Or call the judge, okay? Call the judge. Tell
him you’ve made a mistake. Tell him that you saw me, you’ve spent time with me,
and you’ve realized that you made a mistake, okay? If I ever meant anything to
you, sharon, fix this. Okay? Save me.

Sharon: I can’T. You know that. You know that.

Adam: Okay? I’m very tired.

Sharon: Alright, well, try to rest.

Adam: I just — I don’t know if I can.

Sharon: I’ll help you.

Adam: Well, um… will you stay?

Sharon: I’ll be right here. I’m not going anywhere.

Adam: You and I — we had a lifetime of history before I ever met chelsea.

Sharon: Well, maybe that’s just what it is. It’s history. You know, you can’t
just compartmentalize whole relationships of this scope.

Adam: That — that is shrink talk. Your training — it doesn’t apply to us.
There’s no chapter in that psychology textbook that can explain you and me.

Sharon: You love chelsea, okay? Not me.

Adam: Don’t push me away. You will never love rey the way that you love me.
This — you and I — it is meant to be.

Sharon: I-I can’T. I-I won’T.

Adam: Sharon.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Quinn: We can’t keep doing this.

Carter: I know.

Quinn: Or this.

Carter: Mmm-hmm. Nope.

Quinn: Or this. Okay. Why is it… every time I try to head for the door, I keep ending up in a different position?

Brooke: Wow. Can you–

Ridge: Well, that’s not good. It’s a mistake.

Brooke: Brooke and Ridge Forrester, co-CEOs. Yeah, that’s what it says.

Ridge: I know. But everyone knows that I’m running this company with Steffy half a year, um, still but hasn’t come out yet.

Brooke: Do you think Steffy would be upset if it has?

Ridge: Of course, she’d be upset. You’d be upset if somebody got credit for the work you’ve done. I mean, she’s totally committed to this company, it’s important to her.

Brooke: Well, maybe this is a– a good opportunity to talk about it.

Ridge: Talk about what? How important this company is to my daughter?

Brooke: No–I mean, yeah. Uh, I’m sure it’s important to her, but what if I were to be co-CEO with you?

Finn: Should I just do a diaper run?

Steffy: No, no, we had plenty. I just don’t know what I did with it, like what–what– where is my brain? Honestly, where is my– diapers are behind the couch. Diapers are behind the couch.

Finn: You got them.

Steffy: Oh.

Finn: Nice.

Steffy: Oh, my goodness.

Finn: As you can see, we’re, uh, we’re– we’re very organized.

Paris: You’re new parents. Cut yourself some slack.

Steffy: I’m not a new parent. You are. I don’t get a pass. I should be better at this.

Finn: Don’t listen to her. Steffy’s on top of everything. We’re just running low on, um, what’s it called? Uh, sleep.

Steffy: Sleep. Sleep. Yeah.

Finn: Yeah. But, uh, what parents of the newborn aren’t?

Steffy: Paris, thanks for coming by to talk about the foundation. I need my notes and I don’t know where my notes are.

Finn: Notes?

Steffy: Yeah, babe. Where are they? What did I do? Um, okay. Um, I’m not sure where they are.

Finn: Notes?

Steffy: You’re– you are my hero. Thank you. By the way, Paris, I’m going back into the office very soon, so you don’t have to make the trip all the way out here.

Paris: I don’t mind. And I have a hard time tearing myself away from little Baby Hayes, too. He’s adorable. You and Doc sure made a handsome little boy.

Brooke: I’m just curious. What would you think of me as your co-CEO?

Ridge: What–what would i think of you taking a job that’s already taken by someone else?

Brooke: By your daughter, yes.

Ridge: Yeah. And she’s not stepping down. She’s raising a family and she’s gonna do a great job running this company with me.

Brooke: And I’m not saying she won’t.

Ridge: Okay. Then what are you saying? What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?

Steffy: Okay. Give me a couple more minutes to get up to speed on your latest outreach proposals.

Paris: Oh, no rush. Oh, I almost forgot. On my way here, I stopped by Malibu Fish Tacos. You guys may not want them, but I grabbed a couple extra. I heard how crazy it can be having a newborn in the house.

Finn: Is this woman a lifesaver or what?

Steffy: Right?

Finn: Yes.

Steffy: I mean, we have been so swamped. We haven’t even had a chance to eat yet.

Finn: I want this so bad.

Paris: Geez. No food, no sleep? How are you still even going?

Finn: Um–

Steffy: I don’t know.

Finn: –Somehow when you have a new baby, you don’t notice those things. The joy that he brings even when he’s fussing and keeping you awake, it, um– it’s totally all worth it.

Paris: Spoken like a loving, doting dad.

Steffy: He definitely is. He’s so lucky to have you as his father and I’m very lucky to be doing this with you. I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else.

Quinn: Hmm. I could stay like this forever.

Carter: Mmm-hmm. Me too. But forever isn’t an option for us.

Quinn: I know. Eric made it very clear that you need to stay away from me.

Carter: Mmm-hmm.

Quinn: If he had any idea that you and I are still.

Carter: Yeah. It’s a huge risk.

Quinn: Yeah. And I’m not willing to let you take it. As much as I love being with you, you have such a huge future ahead of you, and I’m not gonna do anything to ruin it. That’s exactly what would happen if Eric got even the slightest hint that you and i were still involved.

Steffy: Hmm, it sounds like you’re enjoying yourself. Okay. I love you. I love you. All right. Bye-bye. Kelly’s having a good time with her daddy. Well, she’s very excited to get back for a play date with her little brother.

Finn: Hmm. Well, I think Hayes is too, but at the moment he’s finally catching up on some Z’s.

Paris: Oh, you know, he’s such a good baby. I have not heard a peep out of him since I’ve been here.

Steffy: I know. Speaking of which, we should get back to it. So these changes you’re suggesting to the foundation’s mission statement, I think they’re great. You know, I especially like how they reflect the foundation’s evolving goals.

Paris: Thanks. The foundation has been making significant strides in all areas including homeless and food and security. But I know it’s also important to you that we focus more resources and attention on drug addiction as well.

Steffy: Yeah. I’m sure you realize why.

Paris: Yes.

Steffy: My struggles with opioids, it really opened my eyes, like I had no idea it was such a pervasive problem until I went through it myself.

Finn: Addiction is insidious that way. You know, it slowly takes over a person’s life before they can realize it. The more help that’s out there and– sorry, I–I–I’m not involved in the foundation, I probably shouldn’t be weighing in.

Steffy: Of course, you should. You’re at the hospital, you see problems every day.

Paris: Hey, you know what? I just had a thought. What if Finn could serve on one of the foundation’s advisory committees? I’m sure his input would be invaluable. I mean, only if that’s something you’re interested in.

Finn: No, I mean, yeah, definitely.

Steffy: All right. I like it. The issues of better medical care and access to the needy, I really wanna dive deeper on that. Let’s talk about it the next time I see you. And I really want to expand the foundation’s footprint. Again, feel free, you should actually talk to dr. Finn again if you need anything, you know, pick his brain when he’s not diapering or saving lives.

Finn: Folding laundry?

Steffy: Yeah. [ Laughs ]

Finn: No, definitely. I’d, um– I’d love to give some input.

Paris: Cool. I’m looking forward to it.

Finn: You know, Steffy, she’s always saying how impressed she is with you and I can definitely see why she feels that way.

Steffy: If Hayes understood what we were talking about, he’d be very impressed with Paris, too. He would.

Brooke: Having that conversation with Ellen and remembering all of the contributions that I’ve made here.

Ridge: Okay. This company wouldn’t be the same without you. There’s no question.

Brooke: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. You and I did have a discussion about me having a more important role here and now that Eric is stepping down a little bit from his responsibilities, I mean, think about it. I could really help out here until Steffy comes back full time. Wouldn’t it be fun? Ridge, think about it. We could run this company the way Stephanie and Eric did.

Ridge: Hey, Dad.

Eric: I still haven’t been able to track down Carter. Has he been in touch with either one of you?

Ridge: No, he has not. It’s about your divorce proceedings, you just wanna get going on it, huh?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, he’s my lawyer. I wanna get going on this and I wanna get him in here.

Ridge: All right. Then, video call him, put some fire under him.

Carter: That’s the ring I set for Eric.

Quinn: Do you think he knows I’m here?

Carter: No.

Quinn: Of course not.

Carter: But I do need to get this.

Quinn: Okay. Go ahead.

Eric: Carter, are you okay?

Steffy: Okay. I think we’re good for today, unless there’s anything else we need to cover.

Paris: No, I think we covered everything we needed to cover and then some.

Steffy: Thank you again for coming out all this way.

Paris: Uh, of course. I love Malibu. The ocean, the views, it’s so peaceful and tranquil.

Steffy: Yeah.

Hayes: [ Cries ]

Finn: Peaceful and tranquil, huh?

Paris: Yeah, nice.

Steffy: Hi, baby. Oh, what’s going on?

Finn: See? Um… here, Steff, maybe he’s hungry.

Steffy: Oh, no, maybe he’s– maybe he has a wet diaper.

Finn: You think so? Um, maybe both.

Steffy: Here, let me.

Finn: Maybe just– maybe just try to feed him.

Steffy: Okay. Okay. Come on, baby. Come on, come on, come on.

Hayes: [ Cries ]

Steffy: No, no, he doesn’t–he doesn’t want the bottle.

Finn: Here, maybe i can try it. Hey, come here, buddy.

Steffy: Oh.

Finn: Hey, man, what’s going on?

Paris: I don’t wanna overstep but I could give it a try. I’m pretty good with babies.

Finn: Yeah, sure. We could use all help we can get.

Hayes: [ Cries ]

Eric: Carter, what’s going on? And you’re half-dressed. Did I get you in the middle of something?

Carter: Um, I just finished a brief workout and I figured since I was working from home that I’d, uh, get it in. Is there something you need from me?

Eric: Uh, yes, yes, and I’d like to, uh, do it in person if I may.

Carter: Of course. I’ll–I’ll leave for the office right away. Um, what does this concern, may I ask?

Eric: Carter, it’s about the divorce. I wanna get started right away. And, uh, there’s a few things about the jewelry line I wanna talk about.

Carter: I see.

Eric: You know, actually, I don’t think you do, but you will once we talk. Look, I wanna get this started. I wanna get all this business, all this ugliness behind me as soon as possible. And I’m sure you feel exactly the same way.

Carter: Uh, yes, absolutely.

Eric: Yeah, look, first things first, drop a letter to–to Quinn and her attorney letting her know that you’re my lawyer and that you’ll be representing me during the divorce. I wanna get started on this right away.

Ridge: Carter, uh, is there someone there with you?

Brooke: Oh, honey, leave him alone.

Ridge: Uh, there’s–there’s a dress over there back at the couch and I don’t think it fits him.

Carter: Oh, Ridge, that’s, um, not mine.

Ridge: Don’t worry about it, my wife is right, none of my business.

Carter: So I’ll–I’ll see you soon, Eric.

Eric: Yes. Carter, look, it’s a good thing that you’re stepping up that you’re willing to try to make things the way they were. And I appreciate your dedication to the–the family and to the business all these years. That’s more important now than ever. I don’t want that to change.

Carter: Okay. Um, I’ll see you soon.

Carter: What are we doing?

Quinn: Yeah. I can see how difficult this is for you and I can’t do this to you anymore.

Paris: Are you sure?

Finn: Yeah, of course. And we appreciate the offer.

Steffy: What were you thinking?

Paris: Well, my mom said she’d do this to me when I cry. She says it always works.

Steffy: Um, yeah, yeah, go for it.

Paris: Okay. Give me that.

Finn: Okay.

Paris: Oh, my goodness. Oh, okay. ♫♪ Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and all rock-a-bye baby on the tree top when the wind blows the cradle will rock and when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and all ♫♪

Steffy: You have the magic touch.

Finn: Thank you.

Steffy: Um…

Eric: Well, that, uh– that was a little awkward.

Ridge: I guess we know what kind of workout Carter was doing.

Brooke: Any idea who the woman might be?

Carter: That was too close.

Quinn: Hearing Eric’s voice right now just reminds me how special the man is. It also reminded me how special you are to the Forrester family. You are not just respected by them, you’re not just a valued employee, you are part of their family. I care too much about you to risk losing all of that over me, I mean, I have made your life difficult enough as it is.

Carter: You did not make my life difficult, Quinn. I was heartbroken and I was angry all the time. And you brought something wonderful and unique into my life. You changed my world in the most amazing, unexpected way, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Quinn: I wouldn’t trade it either, but–but it’s not worth it to risk losing… losing everything. You’re–if-if Ridge and Eric find out that we’re still involved, you’re not just gonna risk losing your job, you’re gonna lose your friendship with them. And then what? What? You’re gonna be shut out. You’re gonna be a pariah like I am and that is too much. I’m not worth it. I am not worth it.

Carter: Yes, you are.

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GH Transcript Thursday, July 22, 2021

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

N’neka:: Cheers, Curtis. You couldn’t ask for a better opening night.

Curtis: Right. Yeah. Well, I can think of a few other things.

Portia: Hi.

Curtis: Hi.

Portia: Um, I know you’re busy. This is probably a bad time with your opening night and all.

Curtis: Actually, um, your timing couldn’t have been any better.

Portia: Good, good. Because I was thinking about what you said at the pool earlier… about how you would be here tonight if I —

Curtis: If you were interested. And here you are.

Portia: Yeah.

Jordan: Stella, what were you thinking, telling Portia to back off Curtis?

Stella: I was thinking you and Curtis need more time to work out your differences and remember how much you love each other. I gave you an opportunity to fight for your man. Why didn’t you take it?

Jordan: I don’t owe you an explanation.

Stella: You’re right. You don’t owe me. But you owe it to yourself to be honest. Why are you walking away without a fight?

Sam: Olivia. Hey, hi.

Olivia: You meeting someone, or you flying solo?

Sam: Uh, well, I was supposed to be meeting Spinelli, but he just texted me and said he had to reschedule.

Olivia: Oh. Mamma mia. The things I do for this place. Hey, hey, hey. Ms. Corbin, what can I do for you?

Gladys: [ Chuckles ] We’re practically family. Call me Gladys.

Olivia: Ah, Gladys. What’s your pleasure?

Gladys: Oh, another mai tai. [ Chuckles ] Plus the inside scoop on what your partner Carly is willing to do for my son.

Brando: Sasha?

Sasha: Brando. What’s wrong?

Brando: Nothing’s wrong. No, for the first time, I’m sure everything’s gonna be alright.

Anna: Dante, hi.

Dante: Anna.

Anna: So, you know that I’ve been working on behalf of the WSB and, uh, trying to find Peter and Maxie’s baby. Yeah?

Dante: Yeah, we got the memo.

Anna: Great. So, uh, Valentin and I, we just got back from New York, where we — we found the helicopter pilot. And we questioned him, and he admitted to being involved in Peter’s plan to take Maxie and the baby. And then when that fell through, he had been ordered to airlift Peter off the roof at G.H.

Dante: This is the one who claimed that he couldn’t make the pickup because he wasn’t allowed to land?

Anna: Yeah, yeah. He was denied clearance.

Dante: Mm.

Anna: But there’s an added factor.

Dante: Okay.

Anna: He told us that there’s another person on the roof with Peter.

Dante: Mm. Someone we know?

Anna: Man. Vague description — uh, tall, dark hair, street clothes. Yeah.

Dante: Okay. Something to go on.

Anna: Yeah, actually, we need to keep that information confidential.

Dante: Why? And why are you working so closely with Valentin Cassadine when it feels like you — you barely trust me?

Valentin: [ Whispers ] Hey! How’s my angel?

Brook Lynn: She’s fast asleep.

Valentin: [ Sighs ]

Brook Lynn: Did you just get back?

Valentin: I did. I just came right from the airport. I had to see Bailey. It was just a short trip, but I can’t tell you how much I missed her.

Elizabeth: According to Cameron, Violet wolfed down three slices of pizza and couldn’t stop talking about how her dad showed her how to get a hit. Well done, coach.

Finn: I refuse to take any credit for Violet’s T-ball triumph.

Elizabeth: Well, I’d like to think the cupcakes had something to do with it, but, you know, you were the main source of inspiration.

Finn: You know, my time with Violet is the only thing that helps me forget what I have hanging over me.

Elizabeth: You mean Peter August? May I remind you, he poisoned Chase and destroyed the antidote right in front of your face. You rid this town of a monster.

Finn: Yeah, see, that’s the thing. You see enough horror movies, and you realize monsters never really die. They haunt you forever.

Elizabeth: Peter’s already taken enough from you. Don’t let him rob you of your joy in Violet.

Finn: Violet is my joy. She’s my reason for living, which just makes me realize how painful it would be to be without her.

Elizabeth: That’s not gonna happen.

Finn: Nobody gets away with murder.

Elizabeth: Don’t…call it murder. Peter got what he deserved.

Finn: Doesn’t justify throwing a man face-first down a flight of stairs. You know, if they were to give me a polygraph, if they were to put me on the stand, I’d have to admit I wanted Peter dead.

Elizabeth: Yeah, so did a lot of other people.

Finn: They weren’t up on that roof, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You pushed him in the heat of very justifiable anger. I’m sure if a jury understood the circumstances, they’d acquit you. Not that we’re gonna find out. We’re gonna find a way out of this.

Finn: [ Sighs ]

Elizabeth: We are.

Anna: If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t be giving you that information. And Valentin has a vested interest in finding out what happened to Peter. Right?

Dante: Okay. So, is the idea that this guy on the roof was an accomplice of Peter’s, there to help him find a way out when the helicopter couldn’t pick him up?

Anna: Yeah, maybe. Entirely possible, though. And it could be someone that was working at the hospital, so you can see the need for secrecy. Probably someone affiliated with Cyrus. They maybe knew that some of the security cameras were disabled.

Dante: Maybe even someone on staff, someone who was handpicked by Cyrus.

Anna: So, I’m gonna head to the hospital and have a discreet conversation with Monica Quartermaine and ask some questions.

Dante: Okay. I’ll have, uh, our people go over the video footage from whatever cameras were working that night and see if we can find someone who matches that description.

Anna: Thank you. It’s good to be working with you again, Detective Falconeri.

Dante: Yeah, same. Hey, um… I’m sorry if I got on you there. We both know it wasn’t too long ago that, um, you didn’t know if I was a — a friend or an enemy.

Gladys: After all my son and I did for that family, I shouldn’t even have to ask. You know, on rainy days, I still ache from the bullet I took to help bring down Cyrus. I hope Carly and Jason don’t forget that.

Sam: How can we forget when you keep reminding everyone?

Gladys: Your only connection to that family is through your ex.

Sam: Ooh.

Gladys: Mine are blood ties, and so are Brando’s.

Sam: Ouch. So, I guess, uh, Jason and Sonny proves that sometimes water is thicker than blood.

Gladys: Put my drinks on Carly’s tab.

Olivia: Thank you for that assist. And I will repay that favor, and I — and I do use that term loosely — to fill you in on the latest Quartermaine drama. Tell you what, watching those people close ranks against an outsider, that is something to behold.

Sam: Wait a minute. Close ranks? Against Valentin?

Olivia: Ah, different outsider.

Brook Lynn: Can’t believe how quickly Bailey went down tonight. She has been so fussy the last few days.

Valentin: She must feel more comfortable with both her parents under the same roof.

Brook Lynn: So, um, tell me about your adventure with Anna.

Valentin: It was interesting. At least the investigation is on the right track.

Brook Lynn: In other words, it’s none of my business?

Valentin: Not really. It’s nothing personal. Anna and I are —

Brook Lynn: I know, I know, you’re a team.

Valentin: Yeah. We’re a damn good team, if I have to say so myself.

Brook Lynn: And what does Anna say?

Jordan: Portia and I have become friends, and I have no intention of telling her how to feel or asking her to back away from something or someone that she really cares about. Same goes for Curtis. Stella, our divorce is sad, and it’s painful, but I just want what’s best for him.

Stella: [ Sighs ] Me? I guess I’m just old-school. When you took the vow until death do you part, I believe in those words. You don’t simply quit when the going gets tough.

Jordan: Marriage is a two-way street. I can’t fight for something all by myself. Like our vows said, it takes two, and Curtis is done with this marriage.

Stella: You never gave him a chance to fight alongside you. You always kept Curtis on the outside looking in.

Jordan: Yeah, okay, you’re right. I hurt him. And do you want me to do it again by fighting him on a divorce that was his idea, that he clearly wants?

Stella: I want you to be honest with yourself, Jordan. Do you want this marriage to be over? Or are you throwing in the towel because you feel guilty?

N’neka:: You look great. I love what you’re wearing.

Terry: Thank you. I thought it felt right for a grand opening.

N’neka:: Are you meeting someone?

Terry: You never know. [ Chuckles ] The night is so young, after all.

Portia: You know, uh, maybe this was a bad idea, coming here tonight. See, the thing is, is I like Jordan.

Curtis: I like Jordan, too.

Portia: And I like you.

Curtis: Okay, well, in my book, that’s a — that’s a good thing, right?

Portia: I mean, y-yes and no.

Curtis: So, you don’t like me?

Portia: I’m usually not at a loss for words, but all of a sudden, I’m just all… tongue-tied right now. [ Chuckles nervously ] Everything I’m saying is even sounding more confusing. Yes, Curtis, I like you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t like you.

Curtis: Nothing confusing about that. Because I made it abundantly clear that I like you. So now that that’s been established, is there something else you’re trying to tell me?

Portia: Look. [ Chuckles ] You were honest with me at the pool today, and — and I heard you. And I want to be just as honest with you.

Curtis: I would really appreciate that. Honesty is the best policy, so they say. Where’s my manners? You came to the opening of my club, and I haven’t even offered you a drink. What can I get you? It’s on the house.

Portia: No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s okay. I-I-I actually would like a clear head, because I want to get this right.

Curtis: “This”? Damn, is it that serious?

Portia: I mean, what can I say? [ Scoffs ] I was telling Terry earlier that… I haven’t dated really seriously since Marcus and I divorced.

Curtis: Mm. Well, I’m not gonna trot out the “it’s like riding a bike” metaphor. I’m pretty sure it’ll come back to you naturally.

Portia: Right. I mean, I don’t want you to think that I’m a prude or super old-fashioned or anything like that. I-I mean, I am a doctor. I’ve seen everything. But… I’ve had two pretty epic back-to-back failures with Marcus and then with you. So it’s easy for me to be a little gun-shy or oversimplify and — and assume that things are gonna be easy and uncomplicated just because we knew each other from back in the day. I mean, how much of that is nostalgia? H-h-how much of that is actually real? And I’m saying this all wrong, aren’t I?

Curtis: No, no, I-I wouldn’t say you’re saying it wrong. Perhaps you’re talking in circles, because it seems like you’re saying everything except for what you came here to say.

Portia: You’re right. I had this all down perfect in my head on the way over here. But I’m sitting with you face-to-face, and… I can’t get a coherent word out. [ Chuckles ] I think that’s my cue to leave, so…

Curtis: Wait, wait, wait, wait, Portia. Don’t go.

Stella: I know my stubborn opposition to the two of you as a couple made things even harder. I still carry that guilt, and every Sunday, I pray for forgiveness.

Jordan: I forgave you a long time ago.

Stella: That’s very kind, but I wasn’t praying to you.

Jordan: [ Scoffs ] My mistake.

Stella: Jordan, the mistake would be for you to let that man, who you obviously still love, walk out of your life without fighting for him. If you feel there is anything left unsaid, you need to go to Curtis and say it.

Jordan: No. It’s too late.

Stella: Oh, please! Have you even signed the divorce papers yet?

Jordan: No.

Stella: Why not?

Brando: When I asked you to meet me here, I had no idea how romantic they make the pool look at night. It’s almost as if I had planned it.

Sasha: Planned what?

Brando: You. Me. The baby. Us. Look, I-I know that you don’t want to raise our baby in a world that’s owned and operated by people like Cyrus Renault.

Sasha: Carly and Jason are in that life. A-and I know it’s complicated ’cause Sonny was your cousin —

Brando: Yes. Yes. I’m sorry to cut you off. They — yes, they will always be my family. But that doesn’t mean that I have to live in their world. I don’t want that for our baby, either.

Sasha: What are you saying?

Brando: I’m saying that… sometimes you have to make choices in life. And I’ve made mine.

Sam: Wait a minute. You’re telling me that Austin, the country doctor who happened to be in the woods to deliver Maxie’s baby, is a long-lost Quartermaine?

Olivia: How random is that? Hmm?

Sam: I don’t — I don’t know. I actually — I don’t think it’s that random at all.

Olivia: What are you talking about?

Sam: Well, Dante and I went to the — the house in the woods where the fake nurse took Maxie. And it turns out that Austin not only owns that property, but he rents it out. I mean, he totally claimed his innocence. And I knew there was something fishy about that guy. So if he was planning on coming out as a Quartermaine, I’m sure he loved that he was getting all this inside information on people from Port Charles.

Olivia: Well, listen, whatever this Austin guy is trying to pull on ELQ, I know that Michael and Ned can right that ship. I-I just hope they do it without too many fireworks. Had enough of those on the fourth, huh?

Dante: If it were me, I would have chosen you.

Sam: Dante told you about that?

Olivia: Told me about what?

Anna: When you first came back to Port Charles, I was really worried that you were still struggling with PTSD.

Dante: I was.

Anna: Yeah.

Dante: So you had every right to feel that way. [ Sighs ] I was doubting myself. You know, when Jordan asked me to come back to work, I said no, ’cause I didn’t know if I was right. I didn’t know if I was still in control of my mind or if Kirk was or… anyway, I’ve been continuing to see Kevin Collins and, uh… just making sure I’m staying on track.

Anna: It takes guts to do that, to admit that you have an issue and just work to overcome it.

Dante: I had some help, too, from… someone other than Kevin.

Sam: Think about everyone who loses if you pull that trigger — your mom, your sisters, your brothers, and your son. Think about Rocco right now. He needs his father. You’re all he has. Hey, come on. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ve got you.

Dante: Sam, she, uh — she found a way to talk me off that ledge.

Anna: I’m glad.

Dante: Yeah, me, too.

Anna: [ Chuckles ]

Dante: Anyway, I’d like to repay her by tracking down Peter August and bringing him in.

Anna: Alright, I’ll head over to the hospital and, uh, see what I can find out about Peter’s accomplice. If I hit pay dirt, I’ll let you know.

Dante: Thanks.

Anna: Yeah.

Jordan: Stella, I’m in charge of a police department. I have multiple ongoing investigations happening —

Stella: All in need of your attention. I agree. But are you really expecting me to believe that in your very busy work day, you can’t find time to sign a few papers? Or in your heart of hearts, are you hoping if you put it off long enough, Curtis is gonna change his mind, he’s gonna declare that he never stopped loving you, and rip up the divorce papers right in front of you?

Curtis: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pressured you.

Portia: You shouldn’t have.

Curtis:  It’s a classic case of me thinking because I want something, that everyone else must want it, too.

Portia: Curtis, I-I —

Curtis: No, I — no, I get it. I get it. We had something once, something in the past. It was bound to end. So we should keep it where it belongs, in the past. That’s what you want, right?

Portia: Well, let me ask you, Curtis. Do you want to leave us in the past?

Brando: You have to remember who I am, Sasha. I’m — I’m a military guy, and I own a garage. So words and — and feelings, those aren’t my strong suit. I-it took you being strong and making a decision about what’s a deal-breaker for you to give me perspective on what it is that I truly want. And that — that isn’t working for Corinthos Coffee and all the rest of the life that comes with it.

Sasha: Are you sure?

Brando: Okay, so maybe I-I don’t have everything figured out just yet, but — but I do know this much. I choose you, Sasha Gilmore. I choose you and our baby, our family. That’s what I want. And I hope you want that, too.

Sasha: [Chuckles ] I think that you don’t give yourself enough credit. Those were some pretty nice words.

Sam: You are talking about the Fourth of July fireworks, of course.

Olivia: What did you think I was talking about? And what’s it got to do with Dante?

Dante: Me? Hey.

Sam: Oh.

Dante: Hmm. You, um — you, um, told my mother?

Olivia: Could someone please explain to me what we’re talking about here?

Dante: Oh — yeah. Yes, yes. Of course. Um, myself and Sam and I and, um…

Sam: Finn.

Dante: …Finn and Elizabeth, uh, were on the pier waiting for the fireworks to start, uh, on July the 4th and, uh —

Sam: Some fireworks, huh?

Dante: Yeah. I was giving someone a, uh, lecture on what a public disturbance was.

Sam: He was.

Olivia: Really? Really?

Dante: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah.

Dante: So, uh, it kind of led to, uh, I guess you could say, a bit of a fiery exchange… I — …where Sam almost fell into the water and —

Sam: I did, actually.

Dante: You did. And I tried to stop her…

Sam: So I pulled him in after me.

Dante: …From falling, and she pulled me in, so we both ended up —

Olivia: Both of you?

Dante: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah.

Dante: [ Clears throat ] It was funny.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Well, you know what? I don’t know what to make of this whole story. But I got a restaurant to run.

Sam: Hmm.

Dante: Oh, man.

Sam: [ Sighs ] Thank you for the save.

Dante: Oh. Don’t worry about it. The last thing I want is my mother to know anything about my private life.

Sam: Wait, what — what’s that supposed to mean? What, are you saying you’re embarrassed that you kissed me?

Valentin: Anna and I have a long, strange, complicated history. We trained together as spies at the WSB years and years ago, and through a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, we wound up on opposing sides.

Brook Lynn: Sounds painful.

Valentin: It was. But we found our way back to each other and we trust each other — not completely by any stretch of the imagination, but we do work well together.

Brook Lynn: So, what changed?

Valentin: Peter. Peter changed things. For our own individual reasons, we gave him the benefit of the doubt. We protected him. We shielded him when we shouldn’t have. Now we are working together to stop him and mitigate the damage. We work well together as a team.

Brook Lynn: And you’re sure that’s all you are? A team?

Valentin: My personal feelings for Anna aside, what’s important is that we find Peter and hopefully Maxie’s baby.

Anna: Elizabeth? Hi.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Anna: Um, how are you? Is Dr. Quartermaine still here?

Elizabeth: Monica? No, she’s gone for the day. Can I help you with something?

Anna: Um, well, actually, yes, maybe. You have access to all the hospital records, don’t you, on your computer?

Elizabeth: Well, it depends.

Anna: Oh, um, no. I-I don’t want any private medical records or anything. I-I’m just looking for a list of everyone, all the staff members who were on duty the night Peter disappeared.

Curtis: I think the reason that we’re stumbling over ourselves and making this harder than it needs to be is because we’re trying to figure out what the other person wants, when we should just speak for ourselves.

Portia: That’s what I’ve been trying to do, but it just keeps coming out wrong.

Curtis: How could it be wrong when we’re being honest with each other?

Portia: Okay. Okay. Okay, here it goes.

Curtis: Alright.

Portia: Now, I-I told you… that I’m afraid that you’re still on the rebound.

Curtis: Portia, you’re not —

Portia: No, no, no, please. Just let me finish.

Curtis: Okay.

Portia: And even if you’re not and you’re ready like you say you are, what if we’re just trying to rewrite history here, you know? Make up for mistakes of the past? It’s been almost 20 years since we met. I need to know that we’re not just, you know, picking up where we left off.

Curtis: Is that how you feel? Because… I sure don’t.

Portia: I’ve been thinking myself in circles ever since that kiss. And the only thing that I know for sure is that I could never forgive myself if I didn’t at least try.

Jordan: Stella, Curtis was the one who asked for the divorce. I agreed because I didn’t think it was fair that he get stuck in a marriage that he didn’t think was working.

Stella: I know you agreed to the divorce for his sake, but does Curtis know that you wanted to stay and fight?

Jordan: I tried. But at that point, we were both too hurt to talk it out anymore.

Stella: [ Sighs ] Baby, don’t you owe it to Curtis, owe it to yourself, to at least start the discussion and see where it goes? Do it now. Tonight.

Dante: I don’t regret that kiss. You, on the other hand, you ran away from me when we were standing outside of Charlie’s, and you’ve been kind of avoiding me ever since.

Sam: [ Scoffs ]

Dante: So if anyone were to be embarrassed, I would have assumed it was you.

Sam: No, no, hold on. First of all, I did not run away from you.

Dante: Yeah, you did.

Sam: I’m not 5 years old. And secondly, I’m — I wasn’t — I’m not embarrassed. If I was so embarrassed, why didn’t I keep it to myself?

Dante: Wait, uh, you did keep — you didn’t keep it to yourself, or you did keep it to yourself? You told somebody?

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Dante: Well, who did you tell?

Sam: Maxie.

Dante: Whoa, man. You told — you told Maxie that we kissed?

Sam: Well, I didn’t give a name. I just s– I just said “some guy.”

Dante: Oh, right. So now I’m just some guy.

Sam: Whoa, wait a minute! You can’t have it both ways. Wait. I mean, did you tell anyone that… we…kissed?

Dante: Uh, you know, I might have mentioned it to someone in passing, but…

Sam: Oh, in passing. Mm-hmm. Oh, I see. So, what am I, just an afterthought?

Brando: Is that a yes?

Sasha: Yes.

Gladys: Well, what a nice surprise. [ Chuckles ] I came down for some night air, and, lucky me, I found you.

Brando: Yes, the very definition of lucky.

Gladys: [ Chuckles ]

Sasha: Hi, Gladys. It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?

Gladys: Mm. Yeah, it’d be even nicer if the lady who owns this place would be a little more generous with her family.

Brando: Mm. What’s Carly done now?

Gladys: Nothing. And that is my point. I was just telling Olivia Carly should be down on her knees begging you to take the top spot in the family business.

Brando: Let me be perfectly clear. If Carly or Jason offer me a job, I’m turning it down.

Elizabeth: Sure, I can help you with that.

Anna: Okay.

Elizabeth: Can you remind me again of the date Peter disappeared?

Anna: Oh, um, yeah. I-I’ll text you that, the date, and then the approximate time that he dropped out of sight.

Elizabeth: Okay. I’ll, um, get on it and get you that list.

Anna: Thanks. Hey. Hi, Chase. Finn.

Chase: Hey.

Anna: You’re still in the chair. When are you gonna get back on the job? Or are you gonna let everyone else pick up the slack?

Chase: [ Chuckles ] Thank you, Anna.

Anna: For what?

Chase: Being one of the few people who isn’t treating me with kid gloves.

Anna: Oh.

Chase: I may be in this chair now, but I’m still a cop.

Anna: Yes, you are.
[ Elevator bell dings ]

Chase: Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna — I’m gonna head home.

Anna: Ah, as a happily married man.

Chase: [ Chuckles ] And damn proud of it. Thank you.

Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.

Chase: We’re good, right?

Finn: We’re good.

Anna: How’s he doing, really?

Finn: Making progress.

Anna: Oh, good.

Finn: Not as fast as he’d like, but progress nonetheless.

Anna: Awesome.

Elizabeth: Anna is also making progress.

Finn: Mm?

Elizabeth: I’ll get you that list.

Anna: Thank you.

Finn: What’s that all about?

Anna: Um… so, my search for Peter has brought me right back here to G.H.

N’neka:: Sure you don’t want another drink?

Terry: No. I think my work here is done.

Curtis: There are no guarantees, you know.

Portia: Taking this risk, it does terrify me. But what’s the alternative, right?

Curtis: Playing it safe.

Portia: Well, that’s not you.

Curtis: It’s not you, either, or else… you wouldn’t have come here tonight.

Portia: So, when do we take this leap of faith?

Curtis: There’s no time like the present.

Dante: You are not an afterthought, Sam.

Sam: Okay, then what am I?

Dante: Uh, y-you’re — you’re you. You’re — you’re Sam.

Sam: [ Laughs ] Oh, my god. Wow.

Dante: What?

Sam: That’s so kind of you. “Sam, which rhymes with spam,” which is so flattering.

Dante: Listen, that’s not what I meant, and you know that, right?

Sam: Then what is it that you meant? What?

Dante: I meant — I mean I — I do not, um… think of you that way.

Sam: Oh.

Dante: Mm-hmm.

Sam: Okay, I see.

Dante: W-why? What — what are you — what are you saying? Y-you think of me — oh, god.

Sam: No. I mean, you’re —

Dante: Oh, wow, okay.

Sam: You’re just, um — what? You’re — you…

Dante: Yeah?

Sam: …Are Dante.

Dante: Oh.

Sam: Uh-huh.

Dante: Great. That sounds good. Um… it’s funny, though, you know? When I said it, it wasn’t cool, but when you say it, it’s totally fine.

Sam: It’s just because —

Dante: It’s a bit of a double standard, I guess.

Sam: You — you know what? I don’t owe you an explanation, so…

Dante: No, you know what? You don’t owe me an explanation, and I don’t owe you one, either, so then we’re even.

Olivia: Hey. Hey, you two.

Sam: Good. Fine.

Olivia: I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you.

Dante: Nothing.

Olivia: But it doesn’t look good to have a couple arguing at the bar. It makes people uncomfortable. So whatever you’ve got to say to each other, say it in private.

Gladys: [ Sighs ] I’m all for playing hard to get. I think it’s a good negotiating strategy.

Brando: Mom, listen to me. This isn’t a negotiating strategy. I’m — I’m not holding out for more money or a better job. This — I’m just not interested in working for the Corinthos organization.

Gladys: Why not?

Brando: I got a better offer.

Gladys: I see. [ Scoffs ] I mean, it’s not as if I care for myself. But as a mother, I want what’s best for my son, and you deserve more, Brando. You’ve earned it.

Brando: Well, thank you, Mom, but maybe you can look at it from my point of view and realize that the life that you’re proposing isn’t the life that I want. Everything… that I want is right here.

Valentin: If Peter has the baby, we can return her to Maxie or at least narrow down the search.

Brook Lynn: Maxie will get her baby back. I can promise you that.

Valentin: Okay, why so intense? What did I just say?

Brook Lynn: [ Sighing ] Sorry. Just thinking. Look, um, Valentin, you’ve been so great. Been an unbelievable, conscientious baby daddy. But, um, right now, I could really just use a friend.

Chase: The lady ordered a friend. Would you like a side of fries with that?

Brook Lynn: Side of fries, always. [ Chuckles ]

Valentin: I’ll leave you two alone.

Brook Lynn: Hi.

Chase: Hey.

Brook Lynn: Oh.

Chase: What did Valentin say to upset you?

Brook Lynn: Oh, nothing. We actually just had a nice moment.

Chase: Then what is it?

Brook Lynn: [ Sighs ] Did you ever go into something with the best of intentions and then later discover that it was just way too hard to follow through with?

Chase: Uh, hello? My fake affair with Sasha?

Brook Lynn: Right. Of course you understand.

Chase: Come on, Brook Lynn, I can tell you’re upset. And I’m not going anywhere. So talk to me. What’s wrong?

Finn: What about Peter?

Anna: Uh, Valentin and I, we just got back from that, um, trip to New York. We were following a lead. Might pan out, might not help us find Peter and the baby.

Finn: What if Peter never got his hands on Maxie’s baby? What if she’s somewhere safe? There would be some consolation, wouldn’t it?

Anna: Yeah. I don’t think it would fill the emptiness in Maxie’s heart. But… sometimes I think I would have done everyone a favor if I’d just put a bullet in Peter before any of this happened.

Finn: You don’t mean that.

Anna: Don’t I?

Finn: You’d have to live with what you’d done.

Curtis: So, um… I guess this is the start of…something.

Portia: A new beginning. But, Curtis, just —

Curtis: I know, I know, no. We’ll take it slow and…see where it goes.

Portia: Thank you. And good night.

Jordan: [ Crying ]

Gladys: I need another mai tai. Brando, be an angel.

Sasha: While you’re there, I would love a lemonade. Don’t worry, Gladys. Brando will never regret his decision.

Gladys: Isn’t that a coincidence? I made that same promise to myself. And I don’t know about you, but I always keep my promises.

Dante: Sorry, Ma, we were — we weren’t fighting.

Sam: No, we were actually just, um… agreeing to disagree.

Olivia: If you say so.

Dante: [ Sighs ] Man. She doesn’t miss a thing.

Sam: Hey, there’s… nothing to see here, right? I mean, one little kiss means… next to nothing.

Dante: Right.

Sam: Right.

Dante: Okay. Yeah, that was just, uh, just one of those, uh, one-off sort of things, then.

Brook Lynn: It’s been an emotional day, but, um, nothing for you to worry about. How was physical therapy?

Chase: Ah, not so bad.

Brook Lynn: Look, I know you well enough to know your private code, okay? When Harrison Chase says “not so bad,” that actually means something’s changed — for the better, am I right?

Chase: Let’s just say I-I broke a sweat today.

Brook Lynn: Okay. Keep being all cryptic on me. But, uh, whatever it is, just know it’s really good to see you smile again.

Finn: There’s something that —

Elizabeth: Here’s the information you asked for.

Anna: Oh. Thanks. Thank you.

Elizabeth: Everything okay?

Finn: Yes. Um, if you’ll excuse me, I have a patient to see.

Anna: Mm-hmm.

Elizabeth: I also have a patient I have to check on.

Anna: Oh, sure.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Anna: Hello?

Valentin: Hello. You make any progress in the search for Peter’s accomplice?

Anna: We’ve got this all the wrong way around.

Valentin: How so?

Anna: We’re not looking for Peter’s ally. We’re looking for his enemy.

On the next “General Hospital” —

Shawn (to Jordan): I have news.

Valentin (to Anna): Do you want to tell me your new theory?

Elizabeth (to Finn): If anyone can get rid of this problem, it’s Jason.

Trina (to Spencer): There’s really only one solution.

Nikolas (to Ava): Beautiful is the word.

Austin (to Britt): What do I get in exchange?

Jason: I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Carly.

Nina (to Sonny): She’s not the only one I’m here for.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, July 22, 2021

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Amanda: Michael Baldwin, this is my colleague, Imani.

Michael: Imani, good to meet you.

Imani: Likewise.

Amanda: Shall we get to it?

Michael: Alright. I understand this meeting has to do with the case against your client, Naya Benedict.

Amanda: Yes. We have some crucial new information — a recording of Sutton Ames revealing that he is responsible for the death of Richard Nealon.

Michael: So Naya falsely confessed to a murder?

Imani: I’m afraid so.

Amanda: It will all become clear when you listen to this. Hear the whole story from our grandfather’s own lips.

Michael: Hold on. “Our” grandfather? You’re sisters?

Imani: Surprise.

Michael: So you were your grandfather’s lawyer, and now you’re representing your mother, who is trying to prevent her father from going to prison. Have I got that right?

Amanda: You are 100% correct. Now, you always wondered why I, of all people, was asked to head up Sutton’s legal team and why I took on Naya’s case, given my lack of experience in criminal law. They’re the family that I never knew that I had, until recently. And now I am also aware that because of Sutton’s callous indifference and need for control, Hilary and I were forced to grow up without our father, Richard Nealon.

Michael: Dear god.

Amanda: But the secrets and lies stop now.

Tessa: Hey, Abby. Is everything alright?

Abby: I haven’t been sleeping well. I was doing some work, and, well, I nodded off and I had a terrible dream.

Tessa: What was it about?

Abby: I was up high on this bluff. I was with you and Nina, and I looked down and Mariah was in a field. I couldn’t see her face, and she was running, but we couldn’t get to her. We kept calling her name, we screaming after her, telling her, “don’t leave.” It was just so vivid.

Tessa: We’re all exhausted and stressed to the max since Mariah’s been gone. I mean, no wonder you’re having bad dreams.

Abby: I think it’s more than just stress.

Tessa: Okay, what do you mean?

Abby: As soon as I woke up, I had an epiphany. I’m starting to worry again that there is something seriously wrong with this whole Mariah situation.

Nate: Hey, Faith. What are you looking at so intently?

Faith: My summer reading assignment.

Nate: Oh, I hope you’re enjoying it.

Faith: Yeah, this book’s not half bad. As far as homework goes, this is as good as it gets.

Nate: Uh, you haven’t seen Elena by any chance? We were supposed to meet up.

Faith: She was here, but she had to leave.

Nate: Oh.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Nate: Ooh. Ooh, mystery solved. She was called in to work at the last minute.

Faith: Did you two have a date?

Nate: No, not really. We just, you know, wanted to grab some time with each other.

Faith: Same with Moses and me. I was thinking he might drop by. Not that we’re dating or anything.

Nate: Of course not.

Faith: But he shows up sometimes because he knows I’m here a lot.

Nate: I haven’t seen my cousin and I don’t know his plans. But I doubt Moses would miss an opportunity to spend time with you.

Moses: Things are way better between Faith and me.

Devon: Oh, yeah? So Lily gave you some good advice, then.

Moses: She did, yeah. We’re taking things slow, but at least now I know I won’t be stuck in the friend zone forever.

Devon: So is this why you wanted my help? Is this about Faith?

Moses: Yeah. I want to do something nice for her. Show her how much I like her without all that pressure. Lily told me that’s what girls like.

Devon: She’s right. But there’s plenty of things you could do to show Faith you care without being over the top. Where do I come into play?

Moses: Well, Faith’s favorite band is TigirLily. I mean, she lights up whenever she hears any of their songs, and they’re headlining the New Hope charity event concert in the park this weekend.

Devon: I think I know where this is going.

Moses: I figured you might. You said at breakfast that they’re in town already and that you’re having to meet with them later today.

Devon: Uh-huh. And I assume that Faith is gonna be at the concert ’cause Nick is one of the organizers.

Moses: Yeah, she wouldn’t miss it. But I was hoping you could make it even more special for her.

Devon: More special. Well, how about — how about two backstage passes?

Moses: Really?

Devon: Yeah, it’s done.

Moses: [ Chuckles ] Thanks, man. You’re the best ever. Seriously.

Devon: Well, I try.

Moses: Now let’s see if you can top yourself. I have one more favor to ask of you.

Devon: Alright, keep talking.

Michael: Well, that was quite something.

Amanda: Now, I’m aware that it is not a confession and it may not be admissible in court, but I believe that it opens your mind up to the possibility that Naya is not guilty.

Michael: Alright, I’m listening.

Amanda: This recording of Sutton makes it clear that he killed my father for one reason — to make sure the story of his illegitimate grandkids did not come to light, so he cared more about his reputation and his political power than he did his own family.

Michael: Well…what he said about Richard Nealon made my blood run cold. I can’t imagine how you felt. You have my sympathy.

Amanda: Thank you.

Michael: What you’ve both gone through, handling his case and now Naya’s —

Amanda: Yeah, it has been a journey. But for all the moments of shock and pain, there’s also been some moments of positivity. I met my sister and my mother, and I’ve learned to lean on the people closest to me for support. I even found support in some unexpected places. [ Chuckles ] Victor Newman himself.

Michael: [ Laughs ] Well, nobody can push someone’s buttons quite like he can.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Imani: I got a real education watching the man.

Michael: Yeah. Do you really think Sutton forced his own daughter to take the rap for him?

Amanda: Perhaps. Or maybe he convinced her that I could have gotten her a lighter sentence than he would have received.

Imani: Not much comfort when she’d be doing the time, though.

Michael: Okay. I want to see justice done. When can you bring Naya to my office so that we can speak directly? So I can get my facts straight.

Michael: Obviously, the police and I are gonna want to talk to Naya as soon as possible. Is there a problem?

Amanda: I wish I could accommodate you. I desperately want this resolved, but we are gonna need some time.

Michael: Why?

Amanda: It is a gut-wrenching situation. Naya was willing to sacrifice herself for Sutton. To get her to recant, it’s gonna take some convincing.

Michael: Well, luckily, I mean, for you at least, I happen to be well versed in complicated family dynamics involving criminal activity.

Imani: Oh, something you studied in school?

Michael: Sadly, no. Personal experience.

Amanda: So you can understand why we can’t push our mother too much. But if all goes well, I’m sure she’ll be able to meet with you in a day or two.

Michael: Hmm, I can live with that. I want to make sure the right person is prosecuted.

Imani: So do we.

Michael: Alright. Look, I will issue a warrant for Sutton’s arrest. I will do what I can to prevent him from leaving the country, but I don’t have to tell you that this whole thing will work more smoothly when Naya comes clean.

Amanda: I’m gonna make sure that happens.

Faith: Taking off?

Nate: Yep. Listen, if I run into my cousin, I will let him know you wouldn’t mind taking a break from your reading.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Faith: [ Chuckles ] Thanks, but you don’t have to.

Nate: Is that Moses?

Faith: [ Chuckles ] On his way.

Nate: You two have fun.

Moses: She’s at the coffee house now, so I’m gonna head over there.

Devon: Alright, I will handle everything else.

Moses: This is gonna be amazing. Seriously, thank you. You’re the best big brother ever.

Devon: I know this. See you, man.

Tessa: You’re freaking me out a little. I thought that we had all agreed that once Mariah sent those texts, that we could stop worrying why she’s been gone for so long.

Abby: Have you?

Tessa: Honestly? No.

Nina: I’ve tried.

Abby: Well, after I had that awful dream, I went back and I reread all of the texts that Mariah has sent me. Remember when she sent that one, she was joking about how she was doing and she said, “Your child isn’t giving me too much grief yet.”

Nina: Yeah, and?

Abby: Okay, when has Mariah ever referred to the baby as “your child”?

Tessa: Never. It’s always been “our child,” “our baby,” ’cause, you know, group effort.

Abby: Yeah, so why the sudden change? Why now?

Nina: I think you’re reading a lot into just a turn of phrase. It might just be Mariah’s needing to, you know, back off a little bit.

Tessa: No. Abby’s right. It is strange. Something feels off to me, even if Mariah hasn’t come out and said it.

Abby: Maybe she’s having second thoughts about being a surrogate. Maybe she’s starting to rethink everything. Maybe she regrets it.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Nina: I’ll get it.

Tessa: If it helps, she’s never said anything like that to me.

Abby: Or me. I don’t know. Hey, maybe Nina’s right. Maybe I’m overreacting.

Tessa: Or maybe you’re not.

Nina: Look who I found on the doorstep.

Abby: Ben. Hi.

Stitch: This a bad time?

Nina: No, I think you’re here at exactly the right time. Aw, c’mon flowers.

Moses: So you’re gonna finish your summer reading two months early, and then what?

Faith: I’ll have to find other ways to amuse myself.

Moses: Okay, well, I think it’s time for you to put the tablet away and kick back.

Faith: Totally. Why don’t we get out of here, grab some sun?

Moses: Actually, you know what? You mind if we eat something first? I haven’t had lunch yet.

Faith: Sure. Want me to make you a sandwich? I know where my mom keeps the good — no way. Look who your brother’s with.

Moses: Whoa, isn’t that Kendra and Krista from TigirLily?

Faith: Oh, my god, it is. Only my favorite band in the entire universe. Devon knows them?

Moses: Yeah, he’s a music producer. He knows all the big names.

Faith: [ Exhales sharply ]

Moses: You know what? You want me to see if he’ll introduce you?

Faith: Are you serious? Yes!

Stitch: I understand why you’d feel disconcerted.

Nina: So do I. But why don’t we all just take a breath and think through this some more?

Tessa: Okay.

Nina: Mariah’s texts made it clear that she was done with us hovering. But from everything that I’ve seen, she’s been nothing but thrilled to be carrying this baby for you and chance. I don’t know, I just think it’s easy for us to be feeding off of one another’s worry, and that’s not the best way to go about this.

Abby: Remember the last time we started to spin out about this, and I said that our mind fills in the blanks when we don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle? Maybe we’re jumping to conclusions, and things seem right when they actually aren’t.

Nina: Yeah, I think that’s very true.

Stitch: And yet…

Abby: What?

Stitch: Given what you’ve told me about how Mariah expresses herself, I agree. The language from the text is odd. “Your child”? I mean, it implies she suddenly feels disconnected from the baby.

Tessa: Yes, exactly.

Abby: Okay, I’m not trying to over-think this, but maybe Mariah’s message, maybe it was her subconscious. I mean, maybe she was revealing more than she meant to. I mean, maybe all of this is just too much for her.

Imani: Sorry if I made Michael suspicious. I was freaking out when he asked to see Mom, since we have no clue where she is right now. But you handled it perfectly.

Amanda: Naya still hasn’t responded to my texts.

Imani: Mine either. Or my father’s. He promised he would let me know if he heard from her.

Amanda: We need to find her before the authorities realize that she’s missing and before Sutton gets to her, before he manipulates her like he usually does, get her to stick to her statement.

Imani: Even though I know my grandfather is guilty and I despise him for what he did, a part of me still can’t believe how this all played out. I can’t get over how he convinced our mother, who was fragile to begin with, to take the fall for him, to sacrifice her whole future. Makes me sick.

Amanda: I’m sorry. You know, as intense as this has been for me, I can’t even imagine what you are experiencing. You know, the family that you’ve known and loved your entire life just falling apart this way.

Imani: I had an incredible childhood. Filled with love and support. But no one ever made me feel as special as my grandfather did. Whatever goal I set for myself, that man was my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me every step of the way. It’s not like I thought he was a saint. Sutton expected perfection from everyone around him, and if you disappointed him, he could cut you down with just a look, make you feel terrible for days afterward.

Amanda: I was on the receiving end of several of those looks.

Imani: He demanded loyalty. My grandfather was controlling and self-serving, and his career always came first. Still, it’s hard for me to accept that he’s the same vicious man in that recording, that arranged to have someone killed, and then justified it. Rationalized it, saying he had no choice and it was “for the best.” Hearing him say those words, it just — it made it all real. [ Sighs ] I don’t know what my next step is, but I know this part of my life is over. Even if Sutton figures out a way to save himself — and make no mistake, he could — I can’t keep working for him. I don’t want my name being associated with his ever again.

Amanda: Sutton will pay for what he’s done. I will not rest until that happens. And I believe that you will wind up on your feet.

Imani: Damn right. It’s just a question of where I’ll land.

Amanda: Well, I might be able to help you with that.

Faith: This is so cool. I discovered TigirLily a few months back when I was going through a rough time, and your lyrics really spoke to me, especially “somebody does.”

Kendra: That is the best compliment you can give to an artist.

Krista: We love hearing that our songs mean as much to our fans as they do to us.

Faith: Would the two of you mind taking a picture with me? So I have proof that this actually happened and that I didn’t just dream it.

Krista: We’d be happy to. Get over here.

Moses: Here, I’ll take it.

Kendra: Alright, get in here.

Devon: You know how to work that thing?

Moses: Yes, sir. Alright, “TigirLily” on three.

Krista: Let’s do it.

Moses: One, two, three. TigirLily!

Devon: Nice.

Faith: Awesome.

Moses: Looks great, you guys.

Faith: Thank you so much.

Kendra: Of course.

Krista: We’ll be performing at the fundraiser this weekend. Will you be there?

Faith: Absolutely. My dad is Nick Newman. He runs New oHpe.

Kendra: Why don’t the two of you watch from backstage as our guests?

Faith: That would be so amazing.

Moses: Yeah, two yeses.

Kendra: Awesome. In the meantime, would you like to hear a preview of one of our new songs?

Moses: Yeah.

Faith: Oh, my god, yes.

Kendra: Alright, this is called “dig yourself.” I know you really dig yourself think the world would end without you baby, don’t you kid yourself not everything’s always about you if you could, you’d probably kiss yourself you’re the star of your own show I know you really dig yourself so much why don’t you dig yourself a hole? You can go all the way to China but I don’t know if you’ll ever find you someone who loves you as much as you

Devon: Whoo!

Faith: I love it!

Moses: Me too, me too. I can’t wait to hear the rest of it.

Devon: Well, hey, we were just passing through, grabbing some coffee on the way to the studio, so…

Faith: You’re busy. I get it.

Moses: But I will see you on Saturday?

Kendra: Looking forward to it.

Moses: Awesome.

Amanda: I’ve been thinking about starting my own law practice — the Sinclair Firm. But “Sinclair & Benedict” has a nice ring to it.

Imani: [ Scoffs ] Wait, are you saying —

Amanda: You can take the bar exam — finally — get your license and we can be partners.

Imani: You’d really want us to work together?

Amanda: I’m so happy that I found you, Imani. I never would have pictured myself saying that months ago.

Imani: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, that restraining order. Oh, god, I cringe every time I think about it.

Amanda: Yeah, me too. But we’ve really come so far. We became allies. Along the way, you know, you became a friend and now… you really feel like my sister.

Imani: Now here you are, getting all mushy over a job offer.

[ Both laugh ]

Amanda: Okay, um, alright, I’m sorry about that. Um, alright, how about this? I think we’ll make a pretty good team.

Imani: Agreed. Can I think it over before I give you an answer?

Amanda: Yeah, no, of course. Take all the time you need.

Stitch: Like you said, Abby, it’s tempting to over-analyze these things. And I understand why you’re concerned, but there’s probably no reason to be worried.

Tessa: If Mariah were in trouble, I would hope that she would reach out to me directly.

Abby: People don’t always know how to do that, though, when they’re feeling emotional or overwhelmed. And Mariah, she is so independent. You know that. I’m not saying that something terrible has happened, but I just — I wish that we could talk to her and ask her how she’s feeling. And if she’s struggling, I wish that Tessa would be able to go to her and help her, support her.

Tessa: You have no idea how much I want to do that. But she’s not taking my calls. Plus, her location services is off on her phone.

Stitch: There might be a way to trace her location from her texts. A specialized app or something. I know you don’t want to hassle the woman or crowd her, but if you want, I can look into it.

Tessa: Oh, my god, yes, please.

Abby: We wouldn’t necessarily have to do anything with the information. It would just give us some peace of mind.

Nina: Hold on, we need to talk about this and think about it long and hard. Okay, Mariah wrote that she will be back before her next doctor’s appointment. That’s in one week, and she said she didn’t want to be smothered.

Abby: You’re right, she did.

Nina: If Mariah really does just need her space, she’s gonna resent us for not giving it to her. Are we absolutely sure we want to do this? Doing it yourself

Nina: So, we’re all agreed? We’re gonna wait until the next time we hear from Mariah, see how we feel then, take it from there.

Tessa: I’ll do my best.

Abby: So will I.

Nina: It’s unanimous.

Stitch: If you change your minds, offer stands.

Abby: Well, now that we have bombarded you with our collective anxiety, is there a reason why you stopped by?

Stitch: I have some news. I’m finally heading back to Iowa.

Abby: Yeah. I guess this was just a visit. You had to head home sometime.

Stitch: Only short term. My real news — I’ve decided to take the job at Memorial. Chief of surgery. I’ll be moving back to Genoa City.

Abby: Ben, oh, my gosh! I’m thrilled. I had no idea they made you a formal offer.

Tessa: Sounds like a really sweet gig.

Stitch: I think it will be.

Nina: From what I’ve heard of your surgical skills, Memorial’s happy to have you, surely.

Stitch: That’s very kind.

Abby: How long will you be away?

Stitch: A few days. Just long enough to pack my bags and check in on Max.

Abby: You’re gonna keep him where he is?

Stitch: He’s used to his doctors and routine at his facility. I — I don’t want to uproot him. I feel like that’d be too traumatic.

Abby: Oh, that’s gonna be hard for you, though.

Stitch: It will, but it’s what’s right for Max. You know, and I can visit. It’s not that long of a drive.

Abby: Well, if there’s anything I can do to help this transition go smoothly, just say the word.

Stitch: I appreciate that. Thanks.

Abby: Well, you’ve been so helpful. It’s the least I can do.

Stitch: I will need to find a place to live.

Abby: Great! Let’s go house hunting. I can call my realtor and have her set up some showings for when you get back.

Stitch: There are a couple of furnished places I was gonna check out today before I got on the road. I know it’s short notice, but if you have time…

Nina: Her answer is yes. Yes! You need a distraction, and one just presented itself. Go.

Abby: Well, when you put it that way [Chuckles] Let’s do this.

Faith: I love this picture. I know I keep saying that. Sick of hearing it yet?

Moses: [ Chuckles ] No.

Faith: I’m totally posting this and making it the wallpaper of my phone and my laptop and maybe even my room. Kidding. Sort of.

Moses: Nah, do whatever you want with it.

Faith: I’m still in awe that I got to meet them. Backstage passes — can you believe it? Wait, what are the odds that your brother would walk in with… wait a second. That wasn’t a coincidence, was it? You set the whole thing up! [ Chuckles ]

Devon: Hey. How’d everything go with Michael?

Amanda: After I played him the recording of Sutton, he responded exactly as I’d hoped.

Imani: It seems like he’s willing to work with us.

Amanda: Yes, which clears a major hurdle. So as soon as Naya recants her phony confession, Michael can push for an investigation into Sutton.

Devon: That’s the best possible outcome.

Amanda: It would be, except Naya’s disappearing act. I can’t believe that we haven’t heard from her.

Imani: This isn’t like her. I have to believe that she’ll reach out soon, if only to let us know that she’s okay.

Amanda: I really hope so, because we are, you know, hitting a deadline here.

Devon: Have you guys heard from Sutton since his meeting with Victor?

Amanda: Not a peep.

Imani: That means he’s off licking his wounds somewhere, plotting a strategy to save himself.

Amanda: Yeah, he’s probably cursing the day that I showed up on Naya’s doorstep, blaming me for ruining his life.

Devon: No, Sutton ruined his own life the day he decided that your father was expendable, his granddaughters didn’t belong in their own family.

Imani: Sutton would never see it that way, guaranteed.

Devon: Nah, he’s gonna definitely fight back, and he’ll probably fight dirty, too.

Amanda: He will, and I’ll be ready.

Stitch: Okay, so you don’t think that was too impulsive?

Abby: Are you kidding me? You could look for a whole week and not find a more gorgeous apartment.

Stitch: Well, I’m glad you like it.

Abby: Yeah, it is fully furnished, right down to the pots and pans, so when you get back from Iowa, all you have to do is move in.

Stitch: I’ll have to learn the neighborhood, find the grocery store, best places for takeout. I already know of a dry cleaner’s right near the hospital, so at least that’s taken care of, right?

Abby: Are you talking about that little strip mall on Oak Street?

Stitch: That’s the one.

Abby: Yeah, that is now a parking garage for the new oncology wing.

Stitch: No! Don’t — my favorite Thai place is right next to the cleaner’s.

Abby: You’ll just have to find a new favorite place to eat shrimp pad Thai. Or you could eat at Society a lot.

Stitch: Well, there’s a thought. I just happen to know the owner.

Abby: Mm. Do you now?

Stitch: Yeah.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Stitch: You sure have gone from knowing all the best restaurants to owning the best of the best. It’s pretty cool.

Abby: Having endured my cooking, I think you should know that I went into business just so I could eat out a lot.

Stitch: Don’t sell yourself short.

Abby: I never do. [ Chuckles ]

Stitch: This has — this has been great. Uh…thanks for helping me find a place to crash. I hope I haven’t monopolized your day too badly.

Abby: Seriously? Apartment hunting — how could that be anything but fun for me?

Stitch: I guess it is a form of shopping.

Abby: Oh, yeah. [ Laughs ] Real-estate therapy. I should be thanking you.

Stitch: Worked out for both of us.

Abby: You know, this is the most normal I’ve felt in a long time. I’m very grateful.

Nina: It’s hard to be missing someone.

Tessa: These texts that Mariah sent, taking off for days, barely communicating, it’s just — it’s not like her. I wonder if we should’ve taken Stitch up on his offer to help try to find her. Look, I know. Mariah would be mad, but I can handle that. But this bizarre silence…

Nina: I can see it’s getting to you. I’m sorry, Tessa. I’m not an expert, okay? As much as I think we should give Mariah her space, I’m just the grandmother, you know? You’re talking about the woman you love, so it’s got to be your call. Yeah. I’ll be upstairs if you need me, alright?

Faith: I can’t believe you went through all that trouble.

Moses: Don’t worry about it. Devon already had a meeting set up with TigirLily, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Faith: Still. Plus, how’d you know I was such a fangirl? I don’t remember telling you.

Moses: You don’t have to. I pay attention.

Devon: Well, hey, I know the plan was to get a bite here, but after everything, you want to just take something back to my place and relax tonight?

Amanda: Honestly, that sounds like heaven. I will be checking my phone nonstop, but, yes, I would love to decompress.

Imani: I’m in. Who’s driving?

Nate: Okay, can I clear a room or what?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] No, we are not leaving on your account.

Nate: Okay, well, I’ll try not to take it personally then.

Imani: Please don’t.

Nate: Everyone doing okay?

Amanda: For the moment.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nate: Oh, I better take this. You guys enjoy your meal. This is Dr. Hastings.

Devon: Alright, I’m gonna go put in our orders. What would you ladies like?

Imani: Surprise me. Besides, I think I might want to stay and eat here after all.

Amanda: Imani, will you stop it?

Imani: What?

Amanda: You have that same look in your eye that you had at our cocktail party. Just flirting with Nate. Listen to me, Nate is dating Elena.

Imani: So? What’s the harm in a little innocent flirting?

Nate: Well, keep me posted.

Imani: Can I buy you a drink?

Nate: I thought you guys were leaving.

Imani: Not yet. Besides, I have ulterior motives.

Nate: Ah.

Imani: I’d like to get your advice on something.

Nate: Okay, is this a medical question?

Imani: Something personal.

Nate: Hmm.

Imani: It’s about Amanda.

Stitch: It’s later than I thought.

Abby: Oh, do you need to hit the road?

Stitch: Soon. I’ll take you home, and then I’ll leave from there.

Abby: No, no, no need. This is really nice. Being outside on this beautiful summer day, not dwelling on things I can’t control.

Stitch: You don’t have your car.

Abby: Well, I will just take a ride-share when I’m ready to go.

Stitch: Alright, then. I guess this is goodbye.

Abby: But you’re only gonna be gone a few days, right?

Stitch: I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, I hope you hear from Mariah. Something a little less cryptic.

Abby: That would be nice, yeah. [ Chuckles ]

Stitch: Take care, Abby.

Abby: Let me know when you get back to town.

Stitch: You’ll be the first. I’m — I’m gonna go.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: Alright, I ordered the snapper with mango salsa for Imani.

Amanda: Yeah, you probably shouldn’t even have gotten her anything. Doesn’t look like she’s leaving anytime soon. [ Sighs ] Guess I got to give her credit for being bold, huh?

Devon: I wouldn’t worry. Nate’s grown. Went through a lot for him and Elena to get back to a good place, so I don’t think he’s gonna throw that away just ’cause someone new is smiling at him.

Amanda: Yeah, you’re probably right.

Devon: I’m definitely right.

Amanda: Well, I hope so, for Elena’s sake.

Imani: So, if and when I pass the bar, Amanda would like me to be her partner.

Nate: What? I hadn’t realized she planned on starting your own firm. Wow. Good for her.

Imani: It makes all kinds of sense for Amanda, but would it be right for me?

Nate: What?

Imani: [ Laughs ] I suppose that’s not a fair question, since you don’t walk around with a crystal ball.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Imani: Or do you?

Nate: You know, I left it in my other jacket.

[ Both laugh ]

Imani: It happens. You’ve known Amanda longer than I have, so I’d like your take. How do you think it would be working with her — not as an assistant like I’ve been doing, but, like, as a full-on partner?

Nate: A dream come true. Amanda’s whip smart, forthright, ethical, driven. She also has a huge heart. Granted, not all siblings can work together, but if you’re up for it, I think it’d be a stellar opportunity.

Imani: You certainly make the idea of accepting this job and relocating here permanently very appealing.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Imani: Oh. Ohh. Sorry, I’ve been waiting for this.

Nate: No, go right on.

Imani: Thanks. Mom, are you alright?

Naya: I’m fine. At least for now. That’s why I’m calling. I knew you and Amanda would be worried.

Imani: She’s right here. Hold on. Amanda, guess who.

Amanda: Naya? Thank god you called.

Naya: I’m sorry I left without calling you girls, but I just panicked and ran.

Amanda: Okay, where are you?

Naya: It’s best if you don’t know. I don’t want you trying to find me.

Amanda: Listen to me, I understand that you are scared, but everything has changed. You need to come back to Genoa City now.

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Days Transcript Thursday, July 22, 2021

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

[Somber piano music]

[Knock at door]

Nicole: [Sighs]

Philip: Nicole? It’s me, Philip.

Nicole: It’s not a good time, Philip.

Philip: Let me talk to you, okay oh, please, it’s important.

Nicole: Just so you know, it’s not a barrel of laughs in here. Eric left last night.

Philip: I’m sorry to hear that.

Nicole: But not surprised.

Philip: No.

Nicole: Well, apparently, Eric didn’t wanna hang out after Xander’s star turn. “Happy anniversary, Eric. Oh, and by the way, I had sex with your slut wife.” Of course, it was so wonderful to have close family and friends there to share in that moment. [Sighs] You want a drink? I want a drink.

Philip: It’s a little early for me.

Nicole: I wonder what time it is in Africa.

Philip: I actually have something for you, Nicole.

Nicole: Well, if it’s not alcohol, I don’t want it.

Philip: Oh, I think you will be once you know what it is. How would you like to pay Sami back in kind?

Nicole: Sami?

Philip: You must know she was behind what happened last night. It reeked ofSami.

Nicole: Yeah, it was her kind of party. But what do you mean, “pay her back”?

Philip: I said, “pay her back in kind.” She blew up your marriage. This is the means to return the favor. Quid pro freakin’ quo.

Nicole: What is that?

Philip: You want to blow up Sami’s marriage? This is the detonating device.

[Suspenseful music]

Sami: And once this letter is gone, there is absolutely no proof that I slept with Lucas.

[Phone rings]

Sami: Hi, Johnny. No, no, this isn’t a bad time at all, of course. How are you, sweetheart? What’s going on? Lucas. What the hell are you doing

Ciara: You know what? I am sick and tired of talking about it, big bro. Theo and I are getting married today, come hell or high water, and if Mom and Grandpa can’t make it, well, then, that is just bad luck, okay? It is not the universe conspiring against this wedding.

Shawn: Don’t be too sure about that.

Claire: Ben, do you really think this is a good idea?

Ben: I don’t know. But I do know this is my last chance, and if she marries Theo, those vows will be the ones that she remembers. And I’ll lose her forever.

Claire: And do you really think that if you take her back to the cabin, she’ll get her memory back?

Ben: If anything is gonna make her remember that she actually loved me and believed in me, it’s that cabin. That’s where it all started. I have to do this.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Theo: No, no, I get it. It’s fine. Have a good trip.

Lani: Bad news?

Theo: That was Chad. Something came up at DiMera, so he has to go to New York. So a couple of hours out from our wedding, and all of a sudden, I don’t
have a best man.

Abe: Mm. Well, I would step in, but then you wouldn’t have anyone to marry you.

Theo: Why do I get the feeling that there’s something really off about this wedding?

Ben: I shouldn’t even be talking to you about this.

Claire: Ben. We talk about everything. We’re friends.

Ben: Yeah, but what I’m talking about right now, it’s a crime. If it comes out that I told you about this and you didn’t turn me in, Claire, you could be charged with aiding and abetting.

Claire: Okay, Ben, first of all, I’m not gonna turn you in. Okay, and more importantly, what if I want to aid and abet?

Ben: What?

Claire: Ben, I think you’re right. And this isn’t just about you wanting Ciara back. Ciara, who has PTSD after what she’s been through, is about to do something that she could regret for the rest of her life without even thinking about the consequences. Ben, what if she marries Theo today? And then she gets her memories back–memories of you, memories of how much she loved you. Divorcing Theo would destroy him. But what would not divorcing him do to her?

Ben: This morning, Allie was telling me that she was trying to tell Ciara about our wedding and trying to tell her about how much she actually loved me, and she saw her have some type of reaction. And then she told Allie to stop talking. Now Allie thinks that Ciara is– is starting to remember this stuff, and that it scares her.

Claire: Ben, I love Ciara, but I also love Theo. For his sake, let me help you stop this wedding.

Ciara: [Sighs] Now what?

Shawn: Well, that’s Belle. There’s a crisis at DiMera, and she can’t make itto the wedding, either. And she said she’s really sorry.

Ciara: Great. [Laughs] You know what? This is not the end of the world. It’s okay. I didn’t even give people much notice to the fact that we were getting married, so I can’t get upset when some people can’t make it.

Shawn: Yeah, I mean, well, given everything that’s happened, I’m sure that everybody would understand if you felt that you wanted to–

Ciara: Shawn. Damn it, Shawn, I told you, I am not postponing this wedding, no matter how much you want me to! Just stop!

EJ: Page 18, line 7.

Belle: Got it.

EJ: Payment schedule. We’re going to need a whole new calendar.

Belle: Right.

EJ: Damn it–calendar. Ciara’s getting married today, isn’t she?

Belle: Oh, no, no, it’s okay. I texted Shawn, and I told him I wouldn’t be able to make it.

EJ: I’m really sorry. I completely forgot.

Belle: You know, I mean, this is a multimillion dollar, time-sensitive deal, and, uh, I’m on retainer, so. Do you think Kate and Chad can buy us some time in New York?

EJ: Not much. You know what I think? Our client’s last-minute attack of nerves? I think the timing was calculated.

Belle: Really?

EJ: Mm-hmm. They get cold feet at the last possible second, lean back, and see how much more they can squeeze out of us.

Belle: Huh. So much for negotiating in good faith.

EJ: Mm. I had forgotten how cutthroat business can be. People look you in the eye, smile, and stab you in the back.

Belle: Sounds like Sami.

EJ: Excuse me?

Belle: Actually, I think she was smiling when she stabbed Nicole in the back at the party last night.

EJ: You’re mistaken. Xander was the one who did the stabbing, and it wasn’t in the back. Very direct, very public.

Belle: Oh, come on, EJ. You know the law. Co-conspirator is just as guilty as the killer. And my sister–your wife– she’s the same conniving bitch she’s always been.

Lucas: And a cheery good morning to you, too, Sami.

Sami: What are you doing here, Lucas?

Lucas: I wanna talk to you.

Sami: We don’t have anything to talk about.

Lucas: What, come on, you don’t wanna do a post-mortem on that party last night? Come on, it’ll be great. According to Philip, you were amazing. You were–what, triumphant. You brought Nicole to her knees.

Sami: Well, that’s a position she’s familiar with.

Lucas: That’s funny; it’s not nice, but it’s funny.

Sami: I didn’t do anything except make sure that Eric found his way out of a miserable marriage.

Lucas: Well, don’t be modest. You did a lot more than that. I mean, you–you put public humiliation on a whole new level. You know, I’m actually surprised
you didn’t take Nicole down to The Square and shave her head. That would’ve been great.

Sami: I don’t know why you’re after me about this. I didn’t do anything. Xander’s the one who barged into that party and shot off his big mouth about what they–

Lucas: Oh, Sami, stop, stop. We both know you, and we both know what you did.

Sami: Okay, fine. Of course you know me. And you’ve certainly been part of your fair share of my schemes. So where does this moral superiority come from?

Lucas: I don’t know, I guess I’m just choking on the hypocrisy here.

Sami: What?

Lucas: You played God. I mean, you broke up Nicole’s marriage, and you’re actually guilty of the same sin she is. So what would happen if you and EJ threw a party, and someone announced what happened with us?

Sami: Okay, look. Let’s stay quiet about it, okay? We agreed to never talk about this again.

Lucas: No, you can’t do that. You can’t just push delete and act like it didn’t happen.

Sami: Yes, I can. And you can too.

Lucas: No, I can’t. I can’t because I’m not like you. In fact, Sami, I almost told EJ everything.

Nicole: “Dearest EJ, I’m thrilled to know that you’ve fully recovered and have decided to reclaim DiMera from Jake. I only regret that my current circumstances prevent me from cheering you on in person. Rest assured that I would’ve given you and Chad my vote.” Okay, so why did you give me this?

Philip: Just keep reading.

Nicole: “Since I was unable to do that, I’ll give you something just as valuable: The truth.”

Philip: Now you’re getting to the good part.

Nicole: “Please know that I take no pleasure in sharing this information. But you’re my brother, and you have a right to know that Sami, the wife you adore, has been sleeping with another man.”

Philip: You were right last night. Sami isn’t without sin, and now you have the proof.

Nicole: “I confronted Sami, and she finally admitted that she cheated on you with none other than Lucas Horton.” So Sami did sleep with Lucas, and Kristen found out, and she started blackmailing them.

Philip: And assigned them the task of getting Chloe out of the picture.

Nicole: Okay, so this– this letter is addressed to EJ. How did you get it?

Philip: Does it matter? Let’s just say it was intercepted. I thought you might wanna return it to its rightful owner.

Nicole: Mm-hmm. And what are you getting out of this?

Philip: Well, it’s always a pleasure to screw up EJ’s life. But the main thing is that with Lucas being Lucas, he didn’t just sleep with her; he fell in love with her all over again.

Nicole: Ah, poor guy.

Philip: Yeah, well, he is my brother, and I want him to be happy.

Nicole: Mm-hmm. So why don’t you give him the letter?

Philip: Unlike anyone else in Salem, he won’t play dirty.

Nicole: And that’s where I come in.

Philip: I’m gonna leave that letter with you. What you do with it is up to you.

Nicole: So I could refuse to stoop to Sami’s level and destroy this letter. Or I could, as you said, pay her back in kind.

EJ: Hypothetically, even if Samantha had something to do with the events of last night–

Belle: Okay, that’s like– that’s like saying, “hypothetically, two plus two is four.”

EJ: That doesn’t make her a conniving bitch. Her tactics might have been a little extreme, but she was mainly just trying to protect her brother.

Belle: Oh, come on. You don’t really believe that, do you? Sami did not give a second thought to what last night would do to Eric.

EJ: That’s not true.

Belle: Okay, EJ, come on. It’s a matter of public record that when it comes to Nicole, Sami will stop at nothing. I mean, just look at what– what she did at Henry’s custody hearing. She went so far as to have Jan Spears released from a mental hospital. This is a woman whose– whose sole purpose in life is to terrorize me and my family. This is a woman who tried to kill my daughter. And to Sami, that’s just collateral damage.

EJ: I think we should just get back to business.

Belle: Fine. You know, it will never cease to amaze me that a man as clinical and cynical and Machiavellian as you still can’t see Sami for who she really is.  And god help her if you ever do.

Abe: So what do you mean, “something’s off”?

Theo: Last night, I walked in on Ciara talking to Allie, and Ciara seemed really upset, and when I asked them what they were talking about, she said that she had just asked Allie to be her maid of honor. But neither one of them seemed very happy about it.

Lani: Women get really emotional about their wedding. Okay, don’t overthink that.

Theo: Well, and everyone keeps trying to talk me out of it, but I don’t know. I just–I think Ciara would fall apart if I backed out.

Abe: Well, we shouldn’t have butted in.

Theo: Well, Chad had kind of said the same thing, that we should wait, but like I said, I don’t know if Ciara could handle it.

Lani: Look. Ciara is gonna be fine because she has you. Right? So about this best man, I have an idea. What about Eli?

Theo: Would he mind?

Lani: Mind? He would be honored. He’s gonna meet us at the church, so I will just call and let him know.

Theo: Okay.

[Phone ringing]

Lani: Look at that. It’s him.

Lani: Hey, baby. Perfect timing. Um, I wanted to ask you– oh. Yeah, but, um–mm. I will let him know. I love you too. Bye.

Theo: What now?

Lani: One of his court cases got moved up, and he has to be there to testify. Otherwise, the perp would walk. He’s really sorry.

Theo: Yeah. Me too.

Shawn: Well, it’s a good thing you booked the chapel and not the cathedral.

Ciara: Oh, ha, ha. Oh, you think you’re funny. I know you think that’s funny, but I am getting really tired of your running commentary.

Shawn: Okay, I’m done. I’m sorry; I’ll stop.

Ciara: Okay, good. And where is Allie? She’s supposed to be here–hi.

Allie: Hi, I’m so sorry I’m late, but I ran into Chanel, and we just, um–

Ciara: Oh, you guys just stopped to get croissants?

Allie: No, Ciara, it’s really good news–her mom is backing down, and she’s chilling out with the demolition of the square, so–

Shawn: Wow, that’s great news.

Allie: I know!

Ciara: It’s also a great day to get married. Yeah, uh, just to let you know, my big brother over here has been making really rude, hurtful remarks about my wedding this entire morning, and I would really, really appreciate it if you didn’t do the same.

Allie: Okay.

Ciara: And I also wanna hear nothing about my last wedding. Like, nothing.

Allie: Okay.

Ciara: Yeah, last night, Allie tried to take me on a trip down memory lane, telling me how beautiful and wonderful my last wedding was, and how Ben was this perfect pillar of perfection, and–

Allie: Ciara. I’m sorry, okay? I will not bring it up again. I promise.

Ciara: Good. Thank you.

Allie: Um, well, let’s make sure that your hair’s perfect.

Shawn: Is there anything I can do to help?

Ciara: Just, uh, make sure that nothing else goes wrong, okay?

Ben: So you’re gonna go back to your house, you’re gonna text me when Ciara’s leaving. I’m gonna be around the corner on my bike. I’m gonna zoom in, throw her on the back, take off.

Claire: Okay, I’m not sure if this is romantic or just toxic masculinity, but that is a very dangerous plan.

Ben: That is what you just told me her dad did.

Claire: Yeah, back in the dark ages.

Ben: Okay, well, then I’ll find another form of transportation. Either way, you need to text me when Ciara’s leaving.

Claire: No, Ben, I can’t do that. Ciara does not want me there. Remember, I told you this. I tried to bash some sense into her with a wedding bouquet. Look, maybe there’s someone else.

Ben: You know what? Maybe there is.

Ben: What about Allie?

Claire: What about her?

Ben: She came by to tell me she’s gonna be Ciara’s maid of honor.

Allie: Yeah, I know.

Ben: Yeah, but Claire, she’s only doing it to look after Ciara. She knows this wedding’s a bad idea too. She’s worried about her.

Claire: So worried she’d help you kidnap her? I don’t think so. And look, what if you tell her what you’re planning, and she turns around and tells Ciara?

Ben: That’s the risk I’m willing to take.

Ciara: Um, Shawn. I don’t want Theo to worry. Would you mind going to the church and telling him that I’m gonna be on my way soon?

Shawn: Yeah, I mean, I’ll– I’ll text him right now.

Ciara: Oh, my god. Shawn, just go, please. I don’t want you standing there watching me obviously miserable on your phone, texting away. Please, just go! Oh, my god, I’m so sorry. I’m being a total bitch, huh?

Shawn: No, no. Listen, no. Come on. You’re not. No, you’re not. You’re just getting rid of the guy who’s giving you a hard time on your wedding day.

Ciara: Yeah.

Shawn: I’m sorry about that. Look, I really hope that you and Theo are really happy together. You deserve it. So I’ll see you at the church.

Ciara: Yes.

Shawn: See you there too. All right.

Ciara: Bye. [Sighs] So. Let’s get this show on the road.

Allie: Mm-hmm.

Theo: I guess I don’t have to have a best man.

Lani: No, you don’t. What about a best woman? I could stand up there with you. And I’m pretty sure I would be a better best man to you than a man could ever be.

[Theo and Abe laugh]

Theo: I think you’re right. Thank you.

Abe: Well, all right. Now that we have all that settled, I think we should go.

Theo: I’ll go get the check.

Abe: You know, I’m really worried about this. Ciara sounds pretty fragile.

Lani: I know, but that Theo is gonna stand by Ciara no matter what. So I think our job is to stand by him.

Abe: And keep our mouths shut.

Belle: All right. That should do it.

EJ: I can see why we pay you as well as we do.

Belle: Glad to help. Now I’ve got a wedding to get to.

EJ: I’ll pass all this on to Chad and Kate. Please give Ciara and Theo my best.

Belle: Yeah, will do.

EJ: And I know about your history with Samantha, and I’m sorry you feel the way you do about it. But I really think she was just trying to protect her brother. I mean, she didn’t make up anything about Nicole. All she wanted to do was make sure Eric knew the truth.

Belle: Well, I just wonder how Sami would feel if someone did to her what she did to Nicole.

[Pensive music]

Sami: What the hell are you talking about? Lucas, you promised me you would keep it a secret.

Lucas: I can keep a secret. I can–I told you, I almost told him, but I couldn’t go through with it.

Sami: Why didn’t you? I know how much you hate EJ.

Lucas: You’re right, I do hate him, but I couldn’t go through with it because I love you.

EJ: I’ve emailed you the revised contract. Crisis averted. Right, call me as soon as they’ve signed. Good work, Chad.

[Knock at door]

EJ: [Sighs] Nicole, what the hell are you doing here?

Allie: Makeup, perfect. Hair, gorgeous. And now all we need is the dress. Hey, hey, hey, hey. What’s up with the tears?

Ciara: Um, I don’t know. I guess I’m just really, really happy.

Allie: Right.

Ciara: It’s just that, um, ever since I woke up in the hospital, I feel like I’ve just been looking behind me, you know? And now I finally feel like I’m looking forward.

Allie: Are you sure? I mean, I know you said today is not about you or Ben, but–

Ciara: No, today is not about Ben. It is about me and Theo. Marrying him is all I want, so I’m gonna fix my makeup, um, and then maybe you can help me, uh,
zip up my dress.

Allie: Yeah.

Ciara: Okay.

[Phone rings]

Allie: Ben, hi. Um, I’m with Ciara. She’s getting ready for the wedding.

Ben: I know. That’s why I need your help.

Sami: Lucas, please don’t do this. I told you that I’m with EJ.

Lucas: Listen to me, I didn’t tell you that I love you again to plead my case. I told you I love you because that’s the reason why I didn’t tell EJ. I wanted to rub it in his smug, arrogant face, but I didn’t. I didn’t wanna do that to you.

Sami: You just can’t be objective about EJ because you’re blinded by your hatred for him.

Lucas: Hate doesn’t describe how I feel about him. But you know what, I’ll tell you who understands how I feel. It’s Rafe. Because he knows what it’s like to love and cherish you and loathe the man who treats you like property.

Sami: Okay, Lucas, I think it’s time for you to go.

Lucas: You know what, I’ll never get it. I’ll never understand in a million years why you love this man so much after he’s mistreated you all this time, but you do. You do, so because of that, I– I promise, I’m gonna keep my secret. I won’t tell yours, all right?

Sami: Thank you. And I’m sorry. I’m really sorry for dragging you into this, Lucas.

Lucas: I’m not. I’m not because I love you so much.

Nicole: Are you surprised to see me?

EJ: Not pleasantly. Nicole, if you’re looking for tea and sympathy, you’ve come to the wrong place.

Nicole: Well, I’m definitely not looking for tea. But I won’t say no to a martini.

EJ: And really, you need to start thinking about preserving your last few shreds of dignity. So if you’ve come to whine to me about Samantha, just don’t.

Nicole: I never mentioned that woman’s name.

EJ: Because it would be pathetic if you tried to blame her for your fall from grace. You were the one who married Francis of Assisi and screwed around with

Nicole: Oh, we do agree on one thing. What I did to Eric was wrong, and as the unfaithful wife, I deserve whatever happens to me.

EJ: Look, I’m very busy, so why don’t you go spill your guts to your old chum, Chloe? I’m sure she’s really good at throwing a pity party. Years of experience.

Nicole: Well, since you did mention Sami, I have to ask– what’s your take on what she did? Hmm? Do you think it’s okay to expose other people’s sins? That
that’s not playing God with other people’s lives?

EJ: Please, Nicole. You’re embarrassing yourself. You can’t prove Samantha did anything to you. And it’s not her fault that your paramour likes to brag about his conquests.

Nicole: Well. I’m having much more fun than I thought I would. And you wanna know the best part? The denouement, if you will?

EJ: I’m calling security. This is absolutely ridic–

Nicole: Your sister wrote you a letter, EJ.

[Suspenseful music]

EJ: Where did you get that?

Nicole: What difference does it make? As they say, read it and weep.

[Dramatic music]

EJ: [Clears throat] You’ve read this?

Nicole: Yes, I have. I’m an adulteress and a snoop.

EJ: This is not funny.

Nicole: Well, I’m having a lot more fun than I did at my anniversary party. And may I point out, at least you’re reading about your slut of a wife in the privacy of your own office. Eric heard about me at the pub in front of his mother and oh, his devoted twin, who we now know is no better than me.

Belle: Hey.

Shawn: Ah, you made it.

Belle: Hey. Is something wrong?

Shawn: Well, let’s just say that I walked in on Claire beating Ciara with her own wedding bouquet and, uh, everything went downhill from there. My mom’s plane got turned around, so she can’t make it. Doug injured his rotator cuff playing racquetball.

Belle: Aw. And?

Lani: Is it this way?

Shawn: And I’m just worried about Ciara, you know. I just think she’s, uh, wound so tightly, you know? How’s my smile?

Belle: Strained. Just like Abe’s.

Abe: Well, it’s good to see you guys.

Theo: Hey. Where’s Ciara?

Shawn: Uh, she’s on her way. Yeah, Allies’ taking care of everything.

Ben: I know if I just get Ciara alone for a little while, I can get her to remember. Allie, are you still there?

Allie: I am. And I’ll do it.

Ben: What?

Allie: I said I’ll do it.

Ben: Really?

Allie: Yes, really.

Ben: Oh, my god, Allie, thank you. Thank you so much.

Allie: I didn’t think that this wedding was a good idea to begin with, but after being with Ciara this morning, I know it’s not.

Ben: God bless you. Thank you again; I gotta go.

Ciara: Who were you talking to?

Ben: Allie’s on board. She’s gonna do it.

Claire: Great, but I just thought of something else. When Ciara doesn’t show up to that church, nobody’s gonna believe that she stood Theo up, so they’re gonna start looking for her.

Ben: Yeah, you’re right. We gotta find a way to stall them.

Claire: Well, I think I just thought of something. Nobody’s gonna start looking for the bride if the bride is standing right there in front of them.

Ben: I don’t get it.

Claire: Just listen.

Allie: Just a problem with Henry’s sitter.

Ciara: Oh, no, don’t tell–

Allie: I just have to run home so quick, but I will be there at the church.  You don’t need to worry about anything.

Ciara: Okay, um, so before you go, could you just zip me up?

Allie: Perfect.

Ciara: Okay.

Allie: By the way, the dress is gorgeous, you are gorgeous, and I will see you at the church.

Ciara: Okay, great. Thank you.

[Suspenseful music]

Allie: [Sighs] And she lived happily ever after.

Sami: Lucas, I– I appreciate what you’re doing, and I just don’t know when EJ’s gonna be back, and I don’t want the two of you to run into each other, so–

Lucas: I know, I know. I got you. [Sighs] Just so you know, if and when things go wrong between you two, I will always be there for you.

[Apprehensive music]

EJ: You’ve done what you set out to do. You can go now.

Nicole: Yes. I guess my work is done here. It has to hurt, knowing that it was Lucas, right? Seems you underestimated his assets.

EJ: [Yelling]

[Line trills]

EJ: I need a new phone number for my sister Kristen. I need it now, damn it!

Theo: Where’s Ciara?

Allie: She’s outside, waiting for Shawn to walk her down the aisle.

Shawn: How’s she doing?

Allie: I think she’s gonna be fine.

Ben: When everybody in this town thought that Vincent had killed you, I never gave up on you. I found you. I saved you. And I will never, ever forget that day.

Ciara: [Panting] No. No, Ben means nothing to me. He means absolutely nothing to me.

Ben: [Sighs]

[Apprehensive music]

Philip: Lucas. I was just looking for you. Where you been?

Lucas: I was just talking to Sami.

Philip: Did you tell her about the letter?

Lucas: No, it’s gone. What’s the point?

Philip: Actually, I have a confession to make.

Nicole: Well, Sami, you did it. You destroyed my marriage. Now let’s see how you like it.

Sami: Ha! Ej! Hi! What are you doing home so early?

Ej: I know. Just for some reason, I had this overwhelming urge to come home to my loving, faithful wife.

[Wedding march playing]

Claire: Surprise.

[Tense music]

Ciara: Um, driver? You just missed the turn. Hello? This isn’t the way to the church. Excuse me.

Ben: That’s because we aren’t going to the church.

Ciara: Ben?

Ben: Happy anniversary, Ciara.

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B&B Transcript Thursday, July 22, 2021

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Finn: Yeah, just close it behind you. How’s our little guy?

Steffy: He is still asleep.

Finn: Okay.

Paris: We’ll be quiet.

Steffy: Oh, Hayes can sleep through almost anything.

Paris: Oh, cute and perfect. With parents like you, I’m not surprised.

Finn: Hmm, well, you just wait.

Paris: Oh, please, Finn. I can handle a crying infant and a demanding toddler.

Steffy: I don’t know about that. Are you sure you wanna move in here? You’re gonna be dealing with a lot of screaming.

Paris: No. This is liberating, just getting all that stuff out of my trunk.

Finn: Yeah. I can’t believe your sister’s not coming back to la.

Paris: Yeah. It’s, uh, it’s crazy. It all happened so fast.

Steffy: Uh-hmm. I know you’re looking for a place, but you are more than welcome to stay as long as you’d like.

Wyatt: It’s not like I don’t have anything better to do than wait for my mother.

Flo: Okay. Wyatt, I’m sure she’s just stuck in traffic. It’s really no big deal, okay?

Wyatt: Well, it’s kind of inconsiderate, I mean, I got–I have things I have to do.

Flo: It–she’ll be here soon, I’m sure.

Quinn: I’m here. Hey, I’m here. Sorry, I’m late.

Wyatt: Okay. Cool. Where were you?

Eric: No, you’re right, Brooke hasn’t been coming in as much as she used to.

Ridge: She’s always been a very important part of this family and this company.

Eric: Yeah, she had. For a very long time. I’m glad she’s starting to wanna come in again.

[ Door opens ]

Ridge: Carter. Are you just coming in now?

Carter: Yeah. Uh, sorry. I got held up.

Ridge: Yeah. No, we saw your, uh, video call, it looked like you were entertaining someone special.

Steffy: How are you such a stylish person and you’re only bringing in a few bags?

Paris: Oh, trust me, 90% of that is clothes. There’s a few family photos in there, but I’m not really big on having a ton of material possessions. Unless it’s some fabulous bag. Fashion is my one vice I don’t feel guilty about.

Steffy: Girl, same.

Finn: Uh-hmm. Yeah, Steffy is not kidding. You should see the closet space she gives me.

Paris: Oh.

Finn: Like, about something like that.

Steffy: Can you stop that? Stop. Stop.

Paris: I just try to be smart about my money. Especially since I’m just starting out in my career and I’m not exactly rolling in it.

Finn: Well, um, I mean, I’m pretty close with the boss lady. I can put in a good word.

Quinn: Oh.

Wyatt: I love you.

Quinn: I love you, too, sweetheart.

Wyatt: Uh-hmm. But where were you? I’m concerned.

Quinn: About me?

Wyatt: Yeah. You.

Quinn: Why?

Wyatt: Because I texted you like 10 times, it’s like you’re avoiding me.

Quinn: No. I’m here now.

Wyatt: And it was like pulling teeth trying to make that happen.

Quinn: Wow. Well, the way I’m being treated right now, I’d rather be at the dentist.

Wyatt: Girl, bye.

Flo: Okay. Quinn, Quinn, I think what Wyatt is trying to say is that you two clearly have a lot of talk about.

Wyatt: Yeah.

Quinn: Um–

Wyatt: Yeah. Yeah. Like, how you managed to screw everything up and sabotage your marriage?

Eric: Looks like you put Carter on the spot here.

Ridge: Well, I saw a dress over the back of his couch and I thought maybe– I don’t know what I thought.

Eric: Well, I don’t care anything about his personal life, it’s none of our business, anyway. All I care about is that he complies with the conditions of his second chance here at Forrester, that he has nothing to do with Quinn.

Paris: I can’t thank you guys enough for letting me crash here until I can find a new apartment.

Finn: It’s our pleasure.

Steffy: Yeah, we’re happy to have you.

Paris: Oh, and–and–and whatever I can do to help, I’m happy to roll up my sleeves, wash some bottles, change some diapers–

Steffy: No. No, no, no. You don’t have to do any of that, but with, uh, a newborn, Kelly is gonna love the extra attention.

Paris: Oh, I’m happy to oblige. I’m already a big fan of that little cutie pie.

Steffy: Oh, I think the feeling’s mutual.

Finn: Yeah. She’s gonna be, uh, pretty stoked when she finds out you’re staying with us for a while.

Paris: That’s sweet of you guys to say.

Steffy: Well, you have a great energy about you, you’re positive and you’re enthusiastic about life.

Paris: I don’t know about all that, Steffy. But I try to stay optimistic. Keep things real. To be honest, this right here just feels meant to be. Like, the timing was perfect for all of us.

Steffy: Yeah, I agree.

Finn: Hey, well, let’s get your stuff, and get into your room, and you can settle, and kick back.

Steffy: Yeah.

Paris: Oh, I love the sound to that.

Steffy: You might be able to see the sunset from your window. It’s beautiful.

Paris: Oh, I love the sound of that even more. Oh.

Wyatt: Eric was the most important thing to you, and you just let it slip away.

Quinn: Well, you’re wrong, Wyatt. Because as much as I love Eric, the most important thing to me always has been and always will be my son.

Wyatt: Oh, besides me, though. I just don’t get how– how you could run the risk of losing everything, mom.

Quinn: Look, I could try explaining this to you over, and over, and over again, but it doesn’t change the fact that I hurt Eric terribly, and I’m not proud of it.

Flo: Oh, are–are you sure it’s completely over, though, Quinn? Eric won’t work on the marriage, or maybe go to counseling, or something?

Quinn: Nope. He’s done with me. And to be honest, he has every right to be.

Wyatt: You know, it’s not like you to just give up so easily.

Quinn: I’m not giving up. Come on, you saw Eric’s face when he found out about my affair with Carter.

Flo: Yeah. He was devastated.

Quinn: Yeah. I ran my marriage into the ground. Used up all nine lives. I never thought I would say this, but my marriage is dead. It has come to an end.

Wyatt: Well, then, I’m sorry. I know how hard this must be for you.

Quinn: I only have myself to blame.

Wyatt: So what’s next? I mean, assuming you– you ended your involvement with Carter, right?

Eric: I don’t want this to be an issue.

Ridge: Dad, don’t do that. You asked him to stay away from Quinn and then that’s what he’s gonna do. He’s one of the smartest guys I know, so you don’t have to keep bringing it up, all right? Carter.

Carter: Yes. I’m assuming you wanna speak about the divorce.

Eric: There are few items we wanna iron out, yes, but mostly I wanna talk about the jewelry line.

Carter: Okay. Well, I’ve been working on a new deal with our manufacturers.

Eric: Don’t bother.

Carter: I’m sorry?

Eric: Don’t get yourself involved with that, all right? There’s, uh, no reason to do that.

Carter: But the deal expires at the end of the quarter.

Eric: It will run out. There’s no need to extend it.

Ridge: What Dad is saying is that he doesn’t want Quinn around here anymore.

Eric: I don’t wanna have anything to do with Quinn. And she’s had a good run here at Forrester, she’s a talented designer. But I’m–I’m terminating the jewelry line.

Finn: All right.

Steffy: Well, that didn’t take long.

Paris: Thanks for helping me get settled in. The view from my room is incredible.

Finn: Oh, yeah, it’s gonna be nice, and peaceful, and away from the main craziness– n: –Of this house.

Paris: Oh, I’m super excited. I’ve always thought Malibu was one of the coolest places in the world. And now, I can say I live here even if it’s only temporary.

Finn: Yeah. And it’s a beautiful place to wake up to. I mean, you can make a pot of coffee and then just take a walk on the beach.

Steffy: Uh-hmm.

Paris: Oh, I cannot wait for that.

Finn: I hope you’re used to getting up early, though, things start rolling around here at ungodly hours.

Steffy: Okay, don’t try to scare her.

Finn: No, I’m just preparing her. I mean, you–you’re probably used to sleeping in on Sundays?

Paris: Sometimes.

Finn: You can say goodbye to all of that.

Steffy: Oh, okay. It’s not that bad.

Finn: I mean, it’s pretty bad. But in the most amazing and meaningful way possible, but–I mean, look at my eyes.

Paris: Oh, yeah, they’re a little bloodshot.

Finn: I haven’t slept in three days.

Steffy: Babe. Okay, we’ll try to shield you from Kelly’s karaokeing and the baby’s screaming sometimes, but–

Paris: Oh, no. No. I’m not worried about it at all. I mean, a house full of giggling, and toys clanging around, and even babies crying, that sounds amazing to me.

Finn: Hmm, even at 4:00 am?

Paris: Even at 4:00 am.

Finn: Uh-hmm.

Paris: Recently, my life has just been way too quiet.

Steffy: Well, then, you’re definitely at the right place.

Paris: Bring it on.

Wyatt: Mom, you’re no longer seeing Carter, right?

Quinn: Do you know how risky that would be for Carter? The–the impact that our involvement has already had on him?

Flo: Oh, I can’t imagine Eric is too thrilled about it.

Quinn: Well, look, Carter has as long way to go to gain back Eric’s faith and trust. I mean, that relationship was severely damaged. Who knows if it’s ever gonna be healed, uh, not to mention his standing at Forrester.

Wyatt: Wait, I thought Eric decided not to fire him, that he’s still COO and lead counsel.

Quinn: Well, yeah, I mean, luckily, he is. I mean, Carter is–well, he’s an exceptional man. He–he’s worked so hard for all of the success that he’s earned.

Flo: But what– what about you, Quinn? I mean, I would– I would hate to see this happen, but are–are you expecting a pink slip to come your way?

Quinn: Oh.

Wyatt: Oh, great. Here we go. Divorce served with an extra-large side of…

Quinn: Yeah. Oh, okay.

Wyatt: …Pink slip. That’s great.

Quinn: All right. Bite your tongue, both of you. Look, I may not be welcome at Forrester anymore, come on. My jewelry line is far too valuable for Eric to just dump it. Besides, I’m just– I’m more concerned with, you know, what’s gonna happen with Carter and his standing, not just with the family but with the company.

Quinn: [ Sighs ]

Carter: You wanna end Quinn’s jewelry line?

Eric: It’s the only option.

Carter: I understand why you may feel that way, but–but is that–

Ridge: Carter, easy. It’s Dad’s company, he doesn’t have to explain anything to anybody. He’s the boss.

Carter: And I get that part. But part of my job is to advise you on financial matters and Quinn’s line is one of our biggest assets.

Eric: We’ll make up for it elsewhere, all right? This isn’t a first for us. We’ve phased out other lines before.

Carter: The accessory line sold a million units last month alone. It consistently generates massive revenue.

Ridge: It does sell out season after season.

Carter: And last I checked the resort line, there’s a waiting list right now.

Ridge: There is a waiting list.

Eric: So, the suggestion is what? That we ramp up production on this line instead of killing it?

Carter: That’s not what I’m saying. The point I’m trying to make is, is that we have to be smart. We can lose tens of millions of dollars per year. Now, Eric, as your COO, I’m asking you if you could– if you can set aside your personal feelings and find a way to keep Quinn’s line alive.

Carter: This company is a success because of your business acumen, your leadership, Eric. You’re the reason why we all have jobs to come to every day. Now, rarely does an emotional decision fare well in a global enterprise this massive and Quinn’s jewelry line is one of our most reliable moneymakers.

Ridge: I agree with Dad. Quinn shouldn’t be anywhere around this building ever again. But Carter’s got a point. It seems that every fashion house has their own accessory line and if we get rid of ours, we can’t replace it, then, lose money, a lot of it. I’m not sure we can make that up.

Eric: He’s not wrong, but I don’t want Quinn in this building, anywhere.

Carter: That’s understandable. She can work offsite. I don’t foresee her having issues with that.

Ridge: You think that’s doable?

Eric: Write it up. Make it clear to her.

Carter: I’ll draft a letter setting the parameters. She’ll be required to work off premises, but still be legally obligated to fulfill her contract at Forrester.

Eric: It was a good advice, Carter.

Carter: Just trying to help.

Ridge: You got to go or you’re going to be late for your meeting downtown.

Carter: Yeah.

Eric: Get it done.

Carter: Yes, sir.

Ridge: I’ll walk you out.

[ Door shuts ]

[ Phone ringing ]

Quinn: I–I have to– I have to take this. [ Clears throat ] This is Quinn.

Carter: Hey, it’s me. Are you not somewhere you can talk?

Quinn: Uh, exactly.

Carter: Okay. Well, I know we said our goodbyes, but I need to see you as soon as possible.

Quinn: I’m not sure that’s where we wanna go with this.

Carter: Well, please, it’s important. Meet me at my place. You won’t be disappointed.

Quinn: Okay. I think I could make that happen. I’ll see you there.

Flo: Is everything okay?

Wyatt: Yeah. You seem anxious.

Quinn: Me?

Wyatt: Yeah. You. Who was that on the phone?

Quinn: Who?

Wyatt: What?

Quinn: What?

Wyatt: See? This is what she does. This–when she’s acting all secretive and keeping something from me, that’s this. What’s going on?

Quinn: Uh…

[ Birds chirping ]

Finn: Here.

Paris: Headphones?

Finn: Noise-cancelling headphones. I suggest you wear them to bed to cancel out the early morning cartoons.

Steffy: Yeah. Kelly likes things very loud.

Finn: Yes.

Steffy: Yeah.

Finn: And she watches the same 12-minute video over and over.

Steffy: Over and over that we now have it memorized.

Finn: Yes. And you will, too in a, uh, few days.

Steffy: Yeah.

Paris: Oh, you guys are clowning. I am so fired up about this.

Steffy: You really are.

Paris: Yeah. And being around family is just comforting, even if it’s not my own. Honestly, that might make it a little bit easier. [ Laughs ] Zoe and I had some drama when I first got here and just when we were starting to repair our relationship, now she’s gone to Paris. So, I try to lose myself in my work and spending time with Zende, but there’s still this void. So, spending time with you and your beautiful kids will help fill that little void in my heart.

Steffy: And you’re filling a void in my heart. Like, I’ve been neglecting my girlfriends, so this is nice.

[ Laughter ]

Paris: Well, you are CEO and you have two kids. I mean, it’s not like you aren’t busy.

Steffy: Yeah, it’s a lot but I still miss my friends, so it was nice that you’re gonna be our roommate.

Finn: Yeah. And don’t look at it like we’re doing you a favor because I think it might be the reverse.

Steffy: I hope your energy rubs off on me, honestly. [ Laughs ] And your– your dedication for helping others and your patience with Finn’s Dad jokes.

Finn: Hey. What?

Steffy: Well, it’s–well, it is–it’s true, babe. [ Laughs ] You really have a kind soul. And you sing lullabies like BeyoncĂŠ.

Paris: Oh, those are some big shoes to fill. [ Laughs ]

Steffy: I’m really excited for what we’re gonna share.

Paris: Yeah, me, too.

Steffy: Yeah. I feel like we’re gonna have so many surprises this summer. [ Laughs ] It’s gonna be fun.

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Y&R Update Thursday, July 22, 2021

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Amanda and Imani met Michael in the Grand Phoenix lounge. Amanda announced that they had a recording of Sutton revealing he was responsible for the murder of Richard Nealon. Michael asked if Naya made a false confession. Amanda said he could hear the words from their grandfather’s own lips. He digested the news that Amanda and Imani were sisters and that Amanda was daughter of Naya and granddaughter of Sutton. Amanda noted that Michael always wondered why she was asked to head up Sutton’s legal team and why she took on Naya’s case. She said the Ames were the family she never knew she had until recently, and now she learned that due to Sutton’s callous indifference and need for control, she and Hilary were forced to grow up without their father, Richard Nealon. “Dear God,” Michael stated. Amanda said the secrets and lies stopped now.

“That was quite something,” Michael remarked after hearing the recording. Amanda was aware it wasn’t a confession, and it might not be admissible in court, but she hoped it opened up Michael’s mind to the possibility that Naya was not guilty. She said the recording made it clear that Sutton killed her father to make sure the story of his illegitimate grandchildren didn’t come to light. What Sutton said about Richard made Michael’s blood run cold. He said Amanda had his sympathy. He thought of what she and Imani had gone through with this case. Amanda said there were some positives – she met her sister and her mother, and she’d learned to lean on the people closest to her for support. She even found support in unexpected places, like Victor Newman. Michael knew that Victor knew how to push buttons, and Imani said she learned a lot from being in the room with Victor. Michael asked if Sutton really forced his daughter to take the rap. Amanda said perhaps, or maybe he convinced Naya that she’d get a lighter sentence than he would’ve received. Michael wanted to see justice done, and he asked when they could bring Naya to his office for a meeting. Amanda said it’d take some time to convince Naya to recant. Michael revealed that he was well versed in complicated family dynamics involving criminal activity. Imani asked if he studied it in school, and he said, sadly, it was personal experience. Amanda hoped he understood why they couldn’t push their mother too much, but if all went well, hopefully he could meet Naya in a day or two. He said he’d issue a warrant for Sutton’s arrest and prevent him from leaving the country, but this whole thing would work more smoothly when Naya came clean. Amanda promised to make sure that happened.

Amanda and Imani went upstairs. Neither of them had heard from Naya. Nor had Imani’s father. Amanda said they had to find her before the authorities realized she was missing and before Sutton got to her and manipulated her like he usually did. Imani knew Sutton was guilty, and she despised him, but part of her couldn’t believe how this played out. He’d convinced their mother, who was fragile, to take the fall for him. It made Imani sick. Amanda was sorry, as intense as it was for her, she couldn’t imagine what Imani was experiencing to have her family fall apart like this. Imani had an amazing childhood, but no one made her feel as special as Sutton did. He’d been her biggest cheerleader. She knew he was no saint, he expected perfection from everyone, and if you disappointed him, he could cut you down with just a look and make you feel terrible for days. Amanda received several of those looks. Imani said Sutton demanded loyalty, he was controlling, self-serving and his career always came first, but it was hard for her to believe that he was the vicious man in that recording. Hearing him say those words made it all real. She didn’t know what her next step was, but this part of her life was over. Even if Sutton found a way to save himself, she couldn’t keep working for him. She didn’t want her name associated with his ever again. Amanda said she wouldn’t rest until Sutton paid. She was sure Imani would land on her feet. “Dam right. It’s just a question of where I land,” Imani said. Amanda thought she might be able to help.

Amanda was thinking of starting her own law firm, and Sinclair and Benedict had a nice ring to it. Amanda said Imani could take the bar exam get her license and they could be partners. Imani asked if Amanda really wanted to work together. Amanda was happy she found Imani, and she couldn’t have imagined that months ago. Imani cringed every time she remembered filing that restraining order. Amanda said they’d come so far, became allies, then friends. Amanda got choked up and said Imani really felt like a sister. Imani teased Amanda for getting mushy over a job offer. Amanda thought they’d make a good team. Imani agreed, but she wanted to spend some time thinking it over. Amanda said take all the time she needed.

At the Chancellor house, Abby told Tessa about a disturbing dream she’d had about Mariah – Abby, Tessa and Nina were all on a bluff, and they could see, but not reach Mariah. Tessa thought it was understandable that Abby was having nightmares, since they were all so stressed. Abby said it was more than stress. As Nina walked in, Abby said there was something seriously wrong with this whole Mariah situation. Tessa thought they’d agreed that they could stop worrying. Abby asked if Tessa had actually stopped worrying, and Tessa admitted she hadn’t. After the dream, Abby went back and read through the recent texts from “Mariah.” In one of them she’d called the baby “Your child.” Abby and Tessa knew that wasn’t like Mariah. She always said “our child” or “our baby” because it was a group effort. Nina thought Abby was reading too much into a turn of phrase – maybe Mariah felt she needed to back off a little. Tessa said no, Abby was right. Something was strange. Abby wondered if Mariah might regret being a surrogate. Tessa said Mariah never said anything like that to her. Ben showed up, and he asked if it was a bad time. Nina thought he was here at exactly the right time. Nina said Mariah’s texts made it clear she was done with them hovering, but she was also thrilled to be carrying the baby. Nina thought they might be feeding of each other’s fear, which wasn’t the best way to go about this. Ben stated that, given what he’d heard about Mariah, the text was odd. Saying “Your child” sounded like she felt disconnected from the baby. “Yes, exactly!” Tessa replied. Abby suggested that Mariah subconsciously revealed more than she meant to.

Ben understood the concern, but he said there was probably no need to worry. Tessa hoped Mariah would reach out if she was feeling troubled. Abby said that some people didn’t know how to, and Mariah was so independent. Abby wasn’t saying something terrible had happened. She wished they could talk to Mariah and if she was struggling, she wished Tessa could go be with her. Tessa wanted that too, but Mariah wasn’t taking her calls, and the location was turned off on her phone. Tessa looked hopeful when Ben said there might be an app they could use to trace Mariah’s location through her texts. He offered to look into it, and Abby and Tessa immediately said yes, but Nina thought they should think about this. She said Mariah promised to be back before the next doctor’s appointment, which was in a week, and she’d said she didn’t want to be smothered. If Mariah needed space, she’d resent them for not giving it to her, Nina said. They all talked and decided to wait until they heard something from Mariah. Ben said that if they changed their mind, the offer still stood. Abby asked if there was a reason Ben came by. He said he was taking the job at Memorial – chief of surgery. They were happy for him. He was going to Iowa for a few days to pack his things and check on Max. Abby thought it’d be hard for him to have Max in Iowa. He said it would be, but he didn’t want to uproot his son from the facility. Iowa wasn’t too far away, so Ben could drive and visit. Abby offered to help Ben transition back to Genoa City. He said he needed a place to live, so she said she’d call her Realtor. There were a couple places he wanted to check out, and he asked if Abby would like to go with him. She didn’t respond, so Nina said Abby would go. Nina felt this was the distraction that Abby needed. Abby and Ben left.

Ben and Abby went to Chancellor Park. He’d rented a fully furnished apartment. He mentioned his plans to use the dry cleaner’s in the plaza near the hospital, and she told him that plaza had been turned into a parking garage. He was disappointed because one of his favorite restaurants was in that plaza. She suggested he could eat at Society a lot. He commented on her owning the best restaurant, and she told him she went into business just so she could eat out a lot. She was sure he remembered her bad cooking. He told her not to sell herself short, and she said she never did. He thanked her for helping him. They joked around, comparing apartment hunting to shopping, which was something she loved. She said this was the most normal she’d felt in a long time, and she was grateful. He had to get going back to Iowa, so he said he’d take her home. She wanted to stay, and she said she’d take a ride share home. He hoped she heard something a little less cryptic from Mariah. She asked him to let her know when he got back to town, he promised he would, and she left.

Back at the Chancellor house, Tessa wondered if they should’ve taken Ben up on his offer to try and find Mariah. Even if Mariah was mad, Tessa could handle that. This silence was bizarre. Nina said she was just the grandmother, and this was the woman Tessa loved, so it had to be her call. Nina said she’d be upstairs if Tessa needed her. Tessa texted Mariah. She said if something was wrong and Mariah didn’t know how to say it, she should send Tessa a clue.

Nate ran into Faith at Crimson Lights on the patio. He asked if he’d seen Elena. Faith said she was here earlier, but she had to leave. He got a text from Elena saying that she had to go to work at the last minute. Faith asked if they had a date. Nate said no, they were just hoping to spend some time together. Faith hoped to spend some time with Moses, though she quickly added that they weren’t dating. Nate doubted Moses would miss an opportunity to spend time with Faith.

Devon and Moses were at home. Devon reported that Lily gave him good advice, and things were going better with him and Faith. He wanted to do something nice for Faith to show her he liked her without pressure. Faith’s favorite band was Tigirlily. He’d seen her light up whenever their music was on. They were headlining the charity event for New Hope at the park this weekend. Devon assumed Faith was going to the concert since Nick helped organize the event. Moses was hoping Devon could make things even more special for Faith. Devon offered up two backstage passes, and Moses called him the best big brother ever.

Faith’s face lit up when Moses texted her to meet. He arrived, and she suggested they get out and catch some sun, but he asked if they could stay and eat. She glanced inside and was starstruck because Devon was with Tigirlily. Moses asked if he’d like her to see if Devon would introduce them, and Faith gave an enthusiastic yes. Faith told the band that she discovered their music at a tough time, and the lyrics spoke to her, especially “Somebody Does.” Kendra and Krista loved hearing that. They took a picture together, and Tigirlily asked if Faith would be at the concert. She said yes, her dad was Nick Newman who ran New Hope. They said Faith and Moses could listen backstage as their guests. They then sang a bit of their new song. As Devon and the band were leaving for the studio, he discreetly gave Moses a thumbs up. Faith gushed about her picture and the backstage passes. She marveled about the odds of Devon walking in with the band, then she realized Moses set the whole thing up. She asked how he knew she was such a fangirl of that band. She didn’t remember telling him. He said she didn’t have to, because he paid attention.

Devon met Amanda and Imani at Society. They told him things went well with Michael. They were hoping to hear from Naya. Imani said this wasn’t like Naya, and she’d likely reach out soon, just to say she was okay. Devon asked if they heard from Sutton. Imani assumed he was off licking his wounds somewhere, trying to figure out a way to save himself. Amanda was sure he regretted the day she showed up on Naya’s doorstep, and he blamed her for ruining his life. Devon said that Sutton ruined his own life the day he decided Richard was expendable and that his granddaughters didn’t belong in the family. Imani was sure Sutton would never see it that way. Devon was sure Sutton would fight back, and he’d probably fight dirty. Amanda said he would, and she’d be ready. Devon suggested that instead of eating at Society, they get takeout and go to his place and relax. Nate walked in as they were all getting ready to leave. Nate joked that he could clear a room. Amanda said they weren’t leaving on his account, and Nate said he’d try not to take it personally. “Please don’t” Imani said. Nate stepped away on a call, and Imani gazed at him. Imani decided she wanted to eat at Society after all. Amanda told her sister to stop flirting with Nate, because he was dating Elena. “So? What’s the harm in a little innocent flirting?,” Imani asked. She went and joined Nate at the bar.

Imani offered to buy Nate a drink. She said she wanted to get his advice on something. She told him about Amanda’s offer to be partners in a law firm. “It makes all kinds of sense for Amanda, but would it be right for me?” Imani asked. Nate was befuddled, and Imani laughed and admitted that wasn’t a fair question, since he didn’t have a crystal ball. Or did he? He joked that he left it in his other jacket. Noting that he’d known Amanda longer than she had, she asked how he thought it’d be working with her, not as an assistant like now, but as a partner. He said it’d be a dream come true, Amanda was smart, driven, ethical and she had a huge heart. Not everyone could work with a sibling, but it could be a stellar opportunity. She said he made the idea of her accepting this job and relocating her permanently sound very appealing.

Devon returned after placing the takeout order and Amanda glared over at Imani. She guessed she had to give Imani credit for her boldness. Devon said Nate was grown, and it’d taken him a long time to get to this place with Elena. He didn’t think Nate would throw that away just because someone new was smiling at him. Amanda hoped that was true, for Elena’s sake.

Naya called, and Imani asked if she was okay. Naya was fine for now, and she called because she knew Imani and Amanda would be worried. Imani put Amanda on the phone. Naya was in an undisclosed location. She explained that she panicked and ran. She didn’t want her girls to try and find her. Amanda said everything had changed, and Naya needed to come back to Genoa City now.

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B&B Best Lines Monday, July 19, 2021

Ridge and Brooke in a photo shoot on B&B 7/19/21

Best Lines provided by Suzanne

Steffy: You wanna get married right now like… this is our wedding? Really?

Finn: Yeah, I mean, if you want it to be. Yes. I mean, let’s just do it with Hayes as our witness.

Steffy: He’s a baby, Finn.

Brooke: Uh, good. Yeah, this is going good, I’m a little bit rusty, so Ellen is being really patient, but I’m kinda getting it. Yeah.

Ellen: Don’t listen to her. She–she still got it.

[ Laughter ]

Ridge: I know that better than anyone.

Ellen: Yeah. Oh? [ Laughs ] Look at that. A little flirty.

Ellen: Oh, you know, I want your eyes to meet across the room.

Ridge: You want me to look at my hot wife? I can do that, one of my favorite things to do.

Quinn: And this has to end. And eventually, we’re going to have our last kiss. And say… goodbye.

Carter: Just a kiss?

Quinn: Oh.

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B&B Best Lines Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Carter and Quinn kissing on B&B 7/20/21

Best Lines provided by Suzanne

Finn: I can’t believe you showed up with exactly what we needed.

Steffy: And the exact moment we needed it. And our favorite place, no less.

Finn: Yeah, you even got us our favorite kind.

Steffy: [ Laughs ]

Paris: Well, when the sign says, “Malibu Fish Tacos”, you get with the fish tacos.

Finn: And now, Steffy’s stuck. There’s no getting rid of me now that we have this beautiful family.

Steffy: As if I’d try.

Finn: Well, you could always send Paris to Paris. Is that redundant?

Steffy: What?

Finn: [ Laughs ] What?

Steffy: No. I’m sorry. He’s trying to work out the dad jokes.

Finn: [ Laughs ]

Paris: Wow.

Steffy: Wow is right.

Paris: [ Laughs ]

Brooke: Eric. Not that I’m happily anticipating or anything, but, uh, how’s the divorce going with Quinn?

Ridge: That’s subtle. Real subtle.

Brooke: I agree. I mean, there’s no telling what Quinn might’ve done to seduce him. She’s always had a roving eye and that’ll never change.

Eric: I know how we all love to speculate about things that are none of our business in other people’s lives but, uh, a dress over Carter’s couch doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a woman there.

Brooke: And, you said that the dress looked too small for Carter, so who could it be?

Steffy: There’s only two things I need.

Paris: Okay.

Steffy: One, you need to chill and make yourself at home.

Paris: Oh, you’re driving a hard bargain there.

[ Laughter ]

Steffy: And two, what’s mine is yours.

Paris: [ Chuckles ]

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Days Update Thursday, July 22, 2021

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Photos by Kimberly

Nicole 7/22/21

Nicole sits at home with the smashed photo of her and Eric while drinking a glass of wine. Philip knocks on the door. Nicole tells him it’s not a good time but Philip insists that it’s important so she answers. Nicole informs him that Eric left last night. Philip says he’s sorry to hear that. Nicole guesses he’s not surprised. Nicole talks about Eric not wanting to stick around after finding out she had sex with Xander. Nicole offers him a drink but Philip says it’s a little early for him. Nicole wonders what time it is in Africa. Philip states that he has something for her. Nicole responds that if it’s not alcohol, she doesn’t want it. Philip thinks she will once she knows what it is. Philip asks how she would like to pay Sami back in kind. Philip says what happened last night reeked of Sami. Nicole agrees and asks what he means by paying her back. Philip declares that Sami blew up Nicole’s marriage and now she can return the favor as he presents her Kristen’s letter. Nicole asks what that is. Philip calls it the detonating device to blow up Sami’s marriage.

Lucas stands in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and thinks back to retrieving Kristen’s letter from the fireplace when Sami attempted to burn it. Sami comes in and questions what the hell he’s doing here.

Ciara tells Shawn that she’s sick and tired of talking about it, as she and Theo are getting married today. Ciara complains that if Hope and Doug can’t make it then that’s just bad luck, not the universe conspiring against the wedding. Shawn tells her not to be so sure about that.

Claire asks if Ben really thinks this is a good idea. Ben says he doesn’t know but he does know that it’s his last chance because if Ciara marries Theo, then those vows will be the ones that she remembers and he will lose her forever. Claire asks if he really thinks taking her back to the cabin will get her memory back. Ben says if anything will, it’s the cabin because that’s where it all started. Ben declares that he has to do this.

Theo finishes his call and informs Lani and Abe that something came up at DiMera Enterprises and Chad had to fly out to New York so he can’t make the wedding. Theo complains that it’s a few hours before his wedding and he no longer has a best man. Abe points out that he would step in but he’s officiating the wedding. Theo asks why he feels that something is really off about this wedding.

Ben tells Claire that he shouldn’t even be talking about this with her. Claire points out that they talk about everything as they are friends. Ben explains that this is a crime, so if it comes out that he told her and she didn’t turn him in, then she could be charged. Claire assures that she’s not going to turn him in and decides she thinks Ben is right. Claire says this isn’t just about him wanting Ciara back because Ciara is about to do something that she will regret for the rest of her life without even thinking about the consequences. Claire asks what if Ciara marries Theo, then gets her memories back of how much she loved Ben. Claire declares that divorcing Theo would destroy him but asks what not divorcing him would do to her. Ben talks about how Allie was trying to tell Ciara about their wedding and their love until she told her to stop talking. Ben adds that Allie thinks Ciara is starting to remember and that it scares her. Claire responds that she loves Ciara, but she also loves Theo, so for his sake, she wants to help stop the wedding.

Shawn informs Ciara that he just got a text from Belle about a crisis at DiMera, so she can’t make it to the wedding either. Ciara calls it not the end of the world and says she didn’t even give much notice, so she can’t get upset that some people can’t make it. Shawn suggests everyone would understand if she postponed but Ciara refuses.

EJ and Belle work at the DiMera office. EJ remembers Ciara’s wedding but Belle tells him that she already told Shawn that she can’t make it. EJ is sorry as he completely forgot. Belle understands it’s a multi-million dollar time sensitive deal and she’s on retainer. Belle asks if he thinks Kate and Chad can buy them time in New York. EJ says not much and he thinks their client’s timing was calculated to see how much more they can squeeze out of them. EJ talks about how cut throat the business can be as people can look you in the eye and stab you in the back. Belle relates that to Sami, feeling that Sami stabbed Nicole in the back at the party last night. EJ says she is mistaken since Xander did the stabbing. Belle remarks that a co-conspirator is just as guilty as the killer. Belle then calls Sami the came conniving bitch she’s always been.

Sami 7/22/21

Sami asks Lucas again what he’s doing here. Lucas says he wants to talk to her. Sami says they don’t have anything to talk about. Lucas brings up the party last night and says according to Philip, she was amazing and triumphant as she brought Nicole to her knees. Sami remarks that it’s a position she’s familiar with. Sami claims that she didn’t do anything but make sure that Eric found his way out of a miserable marriage. Lucas declares that she put public humiliation on a whole new level. Sami doesn’t know why he’s on her about this, claiming she didn’t do anything while Xander barged in to the party and shot off his mouth. Lucas says they both know Sami and what she did. Sami acknowledges that Lucas has been part of his fair share of her schemes so she questions his moral superiority. Lucas guesses he’s just choking on the hypocrisy since Sami played God by breaking up Nicole’s marriage when she’s guilty of the same sin. Lucas asks what would happen if Sami and EJ threw a party and someone announced what happened with them. Sami reminds Lucas to stay quiet because they agreed to never talk about that again. Lucas argues that they can’t pretend it never happened. Lucas then admits that he almost told EJ everything.

Nicole reads Kristen’s letter to EJ as Philip encourages her. Nicole reads that Sami slept with another man. Philip declares that Nicole was right that Sami is not without sin, and now she has the proof. Nicole finishes the letter and states that Sami did sleep with Lucas, then Kristen found out and blackmailed them. Philip adds that Kristen assigned them the task of getting Chloe out of the picture. Nicole points out that the letter is addressed to EJ, so she asks how he got it. Philip asks if it matters and says it was intercepted. Philip thought she might want to return it to it’s rightful owner. Nicole asks what he’s getting out of this. Philip responds that it’s always a pleasure to screw up EJ’s life, but the main thing is that Lucas didn’t just sleep with Sami but fell in love with her all over again. Philip states that Lucas is his brother and he wants him to be happy. Nicole questions not giving Lucas the letter then. Philip says unlike anyone else in Salem, Lucas won’t play dirty. Nicole guesses that’s where she comes in. Philip declares that he will leave the letter with her and what she does with it is up to her. Nicole says she could refuse to stoop to Sami’s level and destroy the letter, or she could pay her back in kind.

EJ tells Belle that even if Sami had something to do with the events of last night, that doesn’t make her a conniving bitch as she was mainly trying to protect her brother. Belle argues that Sami didn’t give a second thought as to what last night would do to Eric which EJ disagrees with. Belle says when it comes to Nicole, Sami will stop at nothing. Belle brings up what Sami did at Henry’s custody hearing and how she had Jan Spears released from a mental hospital. Belle talks about how Jan’s purpose was to terrorize her and tried to kill her daughter, but to Sami that’s just collateral damage. EJ suggests they just get back to business. Belle says it will never cease to amaze her that a man like EJ still can’t see Sami for who she really is, and God help her if he ever does.

Abe asks Theo what he means by something is off. Theo brings up how last night he walked in on Ciara talking to Allie, and Ciara seemed really upset and how neither of them seemed happy about Allie being her maid of honor. Lani encourages him not to overthink it. Theo says everyone keeps trying to talk him out of it, but he thinks Ciara would fall apart if he backed out. Theo admits that Chad said the same thing that they should wait, but he doesn’t know if Ciara could handle that. Lani assures that Ciara will be fine because she has him. Lani then suggests Eli as Theo’s best man. Lani says Eli will meet them at the church so she will call and let him know. Lani then gets a call from Eli first and says he had perfect timing, but instead Eli informs Lani that one of his court cases got moved up and he has to be there to testify, so he can’t make the wedding.

Ciara tells Shawn that she’s getting tired of his running commentary. Ciara asks where Allie is. Allie then arrives and apologizes for being late as she just ran in to Chanel and found out that Paulina is backing down on tearing down the town square. Shawn calls that great news while Ciara says it’s also a great day to get married. Ciara complains that Shawn has been making rude and hurtful remarks about her wedding all day, so she would appreciate if Allie didn’t do the same. Ciara also doesn’t want to hear anything about her last wedding. Ciara tells Shawn about how Allie tried to take her down memory lane last night about her wedding to Ben. Allie apologizes and promises not to bring it up again. Allie wants to make sure Ciara’s hair is perfect. Shawn asks if he can do anything to help. Ciara tells him to just make sure that nothing else goes wrong.

Claire 7/22/21

Ben instructs Claire to go home and text him when Ciara is leaving, then he will zoom in on his motorcycle, throw her on the back and take off. Claire calls that a very dangerous plan. Ben points out that it’s what she just told him that Bo did. Claire says that was in the dark ages. Ben says he’ll find another form of transportation but Claire needs to text him when Ciara is leaving. Claire argues that she can’t do that because Ciara doesn’t want her there. Claire suggests maybe there is someone else which Ben agrees with. Ben brings up Allie being Ciara’s maid of honor and only doing it to look out for her because she knows this wedding is a bad idea too. Claire doesn’t think Allie would help him kidnap Ciara and worries that she could tell Ciara what he’s planning. Ben decides that’s a risk he’s willing to take.

Ciara tells Shawn that she doesn’t want Theo to worry, so she asks him to go to the church and tell Theo that she will be on her way soon. Shawn says he can just text him now but Ciara asks him to just go, because she doesn’t want him standing there watching her while miserable. Ciara then apologizes for being a total bitch. Shawn understands that she’s just getting rid of the guy giving her a hard time on her wedding day. Shawn says he’s sorry about that and he really hopes that she and Theo are real happy together, because she deserves it. Shawn tells her and Allie that he will see them at the church as he exits. Ciara says to Allie to get the show on the road.

Theo guesses he doesn’t have to have a best man. Lani offers to stand in as his best woman which Theo accepts. Abe says now that they got that settled, they should go. Theo goes to get the check. Abe admits to Lani that he’s really worried about this as Ciara sounds pretty fragile. Lani knows Theo will stand by Ciara no matter what, so their job is to stand by him. Abe agrees to keep their mouths shut.

Belle finishes up her work and tells EJ that she’s glad to help and now has a wedding to get to. EJ says he will pass it on to Chad and Kate and tells her to send his best to Ciara and Theo. EJ adds that he knows about Belle’s history with Sami and he’s sorry she feels how she does about her, but he really thinks she was just trying to protect her brother. EJ states that Sami didn’t make anything up about Nicole and all she wanted to do was make sure Eric knew the truth. Belle just wonders how Sami would feel if someone did to her what she did to Nicole. Belle then exits the office.

Sami asks Lucas what he’s talking about when he promised to keep their secret. Lucas repeats that he almost told EJ, but he couldn’t go through with it. Sami asks why he didn’t since she knows how much he hates EJ. Lucas responds that he couldn’t go through with it, because he loves her.

EJ finishes a call with Chad as Nicole then shows up at the office. EJ questions what the hell she is doing there.

Allie tells Ciara that her makeup and hair are perfect, so now they just need her dress. Ciara starts crying and says she’s just really happy. Ciara says ever since she woke up in the hospital, she has been looking back and now she finally feels like she’s looking forward. Allie asks if she’s sure. Ciara insists that today is not about Ben as marrying Theo is all she wants. Ciara asks Allie to help her zip up her dress as she goes to get dressed. Allie then gets a call from Ben. Allie tells him that she’s with Ciara getting ready for the wedding. Ben says that’s why he needs her help.

Sami asks Lucas not to do this as she is with EJ. Lucas says he didn’t tell her that he loves her again to plead his case, but because that’s the reason he didn’t tell EJ. Lucas admits that he wanted to rub it in EJ’s face but he didn’t want to do that to her. Sami argues that he just can’t be objective about EJ because he’s blinded by his hatred for him. Lucas says hate doesn’t describe it. Lucas adds that Rafe understands how he feels, because he knows what it’s like to love and cherish Sami while loathing a man who treats her like property. Sami thinks it’s time for Lucas to go. Lucas will never understand why she loves EJ so much, after he’s mistreated her all this time, but she does. Lucas promises to keep their secret because of that. Sami thanks him and says she’s really sorry for dragging him in to this. Lucas says he’s not because he loves her so much as Sami cries.

Nicole asks if EJ is surprised to see her. EJ says if she’s looking for tea and sympathy, she’s come to the wrong place. EJ suggests she think about preserving her dignity and tells her not to whine about Sami. Nicole says she never mentioned Sami. EJ adds that it would be pathetic if she tried to blame Sami for her fall from grace. EJ says that Nicole married Eric then screwed around with Xander. Nicole agrees that what she did was wrong so she deserves whatever happens to her. EJ tells her that he’s very busy so he suggests she go spill her guts to Chloe. Nicole says that since EJ did mention Sami, she has to ask his take on what she did. Nicole asks if EJ thinks it’s okay to expose other peoples’ sins like that’s not playing God with other people’s lives. EJ argues that she can’t prove Sami did anything to her and it’s not her fault that Xander likes to brag about his conquests. Nicole calls this more fun than she thought. EJ threatens to call security but Nicole then reveals that his sister wrote him a letter, which she presents to him. EJ questions where she got that. Nicole asks what difference it makes and tells him to read it and weep. EJ takes the letter from her and reads it. EJ asks if Nicole read it, which she confirms. Nicole says she’s having a lot more fun than at her anniversary party. Nicole adds that at least EJ is reading about her slut of a wife in the privacy of his own office while Eric had to hear about it at the Pub in front of his mother and his devoted twin, who they now know is no better than her.

Belle and Shawne 7/22/211

Belle joins Shawn at the church. Shawn is surprised she made it. Belle asks if something is wrong. Shawn tells her that he walked in on Claire beating Ciara with her own wedding bouqet and it all went downhill from there. Shawn explains that Hope and Doug can’t make it. Shawn talks about being worried about Ciara. Abe and Lani then arrive with Theo. Theo asks where Ciara is. Shawn responds that she’s on her way and that Allie is taking care of everything.

Ben knows that if he gets Ciara alone for a little while, he can get her to remember. Allie tells him that she’ll do it which surprises Ben. Ben thanks her. Allie didn’t think the wedding was a good idea to begin with, but after being with Ciara, she knows it’s not. Ben thanks her again and hangs up. Ciara comes back and asks who Allie was talking to. Ben informs Claire that Allie is on board and she’s going to do it. Claire points out that when Ciara doesn’t show up at the church, no one will believe that she stood Theo up so they are going to start looking for her. Ben agrees that they have to find a way to stall them. Claire thinks she thought of something and suggests that no one will look for the bride, if the bride is standing there in front of them.

Allie claims to Ciara that she had a problem with Henry’s babysitter so she has to run home real quick, but she will be at the church so she has nothing to worry about. Ciara asks her to zip up her dress before she goes, so she does. Allie tells Ciara that she looks gorgeous and she’ll see her at the church as she hurries out. Ciara comments on living happily ever after.

Sami appreciates what Lucas is doing but she doesn’t know when EJ is going to be back and she doesn’t want them to run in to each other. Lucas says he understands and will go. Lucas tells Sami that if or when things go wrong between her and EJ, he will always be there for her. Lucas then exits the mansion as Sami holds back tears.

EJ tells Nicole that she’s done what she set out to do, so she can go now. Nicole guesses her work is done here. Nicole adds that it has to hurt knowing that it was Lucas and remarks that EJ underestimated his assets. Nicole then exits the office. EJ throws everything off his desk and screams in frustration. EJ grabs his phone and makes call, demanding a phone number for Kristen.

Allie goes to the church and tells Theo that Ciara is outside, waiting for Shawn to walk her down the aisle, so Shawn goes outside with Allie.

Ciara looks in the mirror and thinks back to Ben telling her how he saved her and never gave up on her. Ciara tells herself that Ben means absolutely nothing to her.

Ben looks at he and Ciara’s wedding photo and then leaves his place in a suit.

Lucas goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Philip, who says he was just looking for him and asks where he’s been. Lucas informs him that he was talking to Sami. Philip asks if he told her about the letter. Lucas says no as the letter is gone so he asks what’s the point. Philip then reveals he has a confession to make.

Nicole goes home and declares that Sami destroyed her marriage, so now they will see how she likes it.

EJ goes home. Sami greets him with a kiss and asks what he’s doing home so early. EJ responds that for some reason, he had an overwhelming urge to come home to his loving, faithful wife…

Theo discovers Claire is standing in for Ciara 7/22/21

The wedding begins as Shawn walks down the aisle to Theo with his bride, but Theo lifts the veil to reveal Claire instead of Ciara, leaving everyone confused.

Ciara is on her way to her wedding in a car and points out that they just missed the turn. Her driver turns out to be Ben, who says they aren’t going to the church, and wishes her a happy anniversary.

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GH Best Lines Tuesday, 7/20/21

Finn and Violet on GH 7/20/21

Best Lines provided by Suzanne

Violet: These aren’t snacks, Daddy. They’re too healthy.
Finn: Well, I’m a doctor, remember? I believe in a healthy snack.
Violet: My team is going to hate me.

Valentin: You’re not making your life any easier by walking out, chopper-head.

Elizabeth: Aiden actually made them for his Little League team, so I set some aside, because I remember you saying that you’re responsible for the team snack.

Finn: Mm-hmm. And you figured I’d bring something like orange slices and carrot sticks.

Elizabeth: Mm, something like that.

Josslyn: Oh, well, I focus more on volleyball now.

Spencer: Mm, such a waste.

Josslyn: Excuse me?

Spencer: Volleyball is a team sport. Wouldn’t you rather shine as an individual?

Josslyn: Mm, no, I’d rather play the sport I love.

Spencer: Mm. Well, if you ever want to get back into tennis, I’m more than happy to give you a tutorial. I won’t bother asking you, Cam. You swing a racket like a sledgehammer.

Cam: Oh, thank you.

Josslyn: Yeah, I know. You know, Trina seemed mad at Spencer, which is strange since they’ve never met. But, you know, then again, you don’t really need to know Spencer for very long for him to rub you the wrong way.

Violet: I’m glad you’re here, Daddy. I got the hit because of you.

Elizabeth: Aw, hey, what am I, chopped liver?

Spencer: I honestly didn’t mean to mislead you.

Trina: You have no right to use the word “honestly” in a sentence.

Alexis: You are amazing. Did you promise the governor your firstborn son?

Laura: [ Chuckles ] No, I merely pointed out that his poll numbers might slip if he didn’t correct this horrible injustice. He is coming up for election.

Jordan: Mm. Finally, a politically savvy move that also achieves justice.

Trina: Spencer and I were just talking about…art. He’s really interested in my job at Ava’s gallery.

Cam: Mm. I could see the movie title now — “Spencer Cassadine, Man of the World.”

Spencer: And I can see yours — sorry. What are your interests, besides Josslyn?

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 22, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Moses arranges for Faith to meet her favorite band Tiger Lily who is in town to do a benefit for New Hope. Faith is thrilled to meet her favorite band and touched that Moses arranged this surprise for her.

Abby, Nina, and Tessa continue to worry about Mariah since she hasn’t called them and turned off the location feature on her phone. Stitch offers to help find Mariah if that will help the ladies feel better. Stitch tells Abby and the ladies he is the new Chief of Surgery at Memorial Hospital. Abby helps Stitch find a furnished apartment before he heads back to Iowa to pack his things and move back to Genoa City.

Amanda and Imani play the recording of Sutton’s confession and Michael says he needs Naya to recant her confession. Michael puts out a warrant to arrest Sutton. Amanda offers Imani a job at the law firm she plans to open after Imani passes the bar exam.
Imani continues to flirt with Nate despite the fact that he is with Elena.

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