Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 22, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Moses arranges for Faith to meet her favorite band Tiger Lily who is in town to do a benefit for New Hope. Faith is thrilled to meet her favorite band and touched that Moses arranged this surprise for her.

Abby, Nina, and Tessa continue to worry about Mariah since she hasn’t called them and turned off the location feature on her phone. Stitch offers to help find Mariah if that will help the ladies feel better. Stitch tells Abby and the ladies he is the new Chief of Surgery at Memorial Hospital. Abby helps Stitch find a furnished apartment before he heads back to Iowa to pack his things and move back to Genoa City.

Amanda and Imani play the recording of Sutton’s confession and Michael says he needs Naya to recant her confession. Michael puts out a warrant to arrest Sutton. Amanda offers Imani a job at the law firm she plans to open after Imani passes the bar exam.
Imani continues to flirt with Nate despite the fact that he is with Elena.

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