Y&R Update Thursday, July 22, 2021

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Amanda and Imani met Michael in the Grand Phoenix lounge. Amanda announced that they had a recording of Sutton revealing he was responsible for the murder of Richard Nealon. Michael asked if Naya made a false confession. Amanda said he could hear the words from their grandfather’s own lips. He digested the news that Amanda and Imani were sisters and that Amanda was daughter of Naya and granddaughter of Sutton. Amanda noted that Michael always wondered why she was asked to head up Sutton’s legal team and why she took on Naya’s case. She said the Ames were the family she never knew she had until recently, and now she learned that due to Sutton’s callous indifference and need for control, she and Hilary were forced to grow up without their father, Richard Nealon. “Dear God,” Michael stated. Amanda said the secrets and lies stopped now.

“That was quite something,” Michael remarked after hearing the recording. Amanda was aware it wasn’t a confession, and it might not be admissible in court, but she hoped it opened up Michael’s mind to the possibility that Naya was not guilty. She said the recording made it clear that Sutton killed her father to make sure the story of his illegitimate grandchildren didn’t come to light. What Sutton said about Richard made Michael’s blood run cold. He said Amanda had his sympathy. He thought of what she and Imani had gone through with this case. Amanda said there were some positives – she met her sister and her mother, and she’d learned to lean on the people closest to her for support. She even found support in unexpected places, like Victor Newman. Michael knew that Victor knew how to push buttons, and Imani said she learned a lot from being in the room with Victor. Michael asked if Sutton really forced his daughter to take the rap. Amanda said perhaps, or maybe he convinced Naya that she’d get a lighter sentence than he would’ve received. Michael wanted to see justice done, and he asked when they could bring Naya to his office for a meeting. Amanda said it’d take some time to convince Naya to recant. Michael revealed that he was well versed in complicated family dynamics involving criminal activity. Imani asked if he studied it in school, and he said, sadly, it was personal experience. Amanda hoped he understood why they couldn’t push their mother too much, but if all went well, hopefully he could meet Naya in a day or two. He said he’d issue a warrant for Sutton’s arrest and prevent him from leaving the country, but this whole thing would work more smoothly when Naya came clean. Amanda promised to make sure that happened.

Amanda and Imani went upstairs. Neither of them had heard from Naya. Nor had Imani’s father. Amanda said they had to find her before the authorities realized she was missing and before Sutton got to her and manipulated her like he usually did. Imani knew Sutton was guilty, and she despised him, but part of her couldn’t believe how this played out. He’d convinced their mother, who was fragile, to take the fall for him. It made Imani sick. Amanda was sorry, as intense as it was for her, she couldn’t imagine what Imani was experiencing to have her family fall apart like this. Imani had an amazing childhood, but no one made her feel as special as Sutton did. He’d been her biggest cheerleader. She knew he was no saint, he expected perfection from everyone, and if you disappointed him, he could cut you down with just a look and make you feel terrible for days. Amanda received several of those looks. Imani said Sutton demanded loyalty, he was controlling, self-serving and his career always came first, but it was hard for her to believe that he was the vicious man in that recording. Hearing him say those words made it all real. She didn’t know what her next step was, but this part of her life was over. Even if Sutton found a way to save himself, she couldn’t keep working for him. She didn’t want her name associated with his ever again. Amanda said she wouldn’t rest until Sutton paid. She was sure Imani would land on her feet. “Dam right. It’s just a question of where I land,” Imani said. Amanda thought she might be able to help.

Amanda was thinking of starting her own law firm, and Sinclair and Benedict had a nice ring to it. Amanda said Imani could take the bar exam get her license and they could be partners. Imani asked if Amanda really wanted to work together. Amanda was happy she found Imani, and she couldn’t have imagined that months ago. Imani cringed every time she remembered filing that restraining order. Amanda said they’d come so far, became allies, then friends. Amanda got choked up and said Imani really felt like a sister. Imani teased Amanda for getting mushy over a job offer. Amanda thought they’d make a good team. Imani agreed, but she wanted to spend some time thinking it over. Amanda said take all the time she needed.

At the Chancellor house, Abby told Tessa about a disturbing dream she’d had about Mariah – Abby, Tessa and Nina were all on a bluff, and they could see, but not reach Mariah. Tessa thought it was understandable that Abby was having nightmares, since they were all so stressed. Abby said it was more than stress. As Nina walked in, Abby said there was something seriously wrong with this whole Mariah situation. Tessa thought they’d agreed that they could stop worrying. Abby asked if Tessa had actually stopped worrying, and Tessa admitted she hadn’t. After the dream, Abby went back and read through the recent texts from “Mariah.” In one of them she’d called the baby “Your child.” Abby and Tessa knew that wasn’t like Mariah. She always said “our child” or “our baby” because it was a group effort. Nina thought Abby was reading too much into a turn of phrase – maybe Mariah felt she needed to back off a little. Tessa said no, Abby was right. Something was strange. Abby wondered if Mariah might regret being a surrogate. Tessa said Mariah never said anything like that to her. Ben showed up, and he asked if it was a bad time. Nina thought he was here at exactly the right time. Nina said Mariah’s texts made it clear she was done with them hovering, but she was also thrilled to be carrying the baby. Nina thought they might be feeding of each other’s fear, which wasn’t the best way to go about this. Ben stated that, given what he’d heard about Mariah, the text was odd. Saying “Your child” sounded like she felt disconnected from the baby. “Yes, exactly!” Tessa replied. Abby suggested that Mariah subconsciously revealed more than she meant to.

Ben understood the concern, but he said there was probably no need to worry. Tessa hoped Mariah would reach out if she was feeling troubled. Abby said that some people didn’t know how to, and Mariah was so independent. Abby wasn’t saying something terrible had happened. She wished they could talk to Mariah and if she was struggling, she wished Tessa could go be with her. Tessa wanted that too, but Mariah wasn’t taking her calls, and the location was turned off on her phone. Tessa looked hopeful when Ben said there might be an app they could use to trace Mariah’s location through her texts. He offered to look into it, and Abby and Tessa immediately said yes, but Nina thought they should think about this. She said Mariah promised to be back before the next doctor’s appointment, which was in a week, and she’d said she didn’t want to be smothered. If Mariah needed space, she’d resent them for not giving it to her, Nina said. They all talked and decided to wait until they heard something from Mariah. Ben said that if they changed their mind, the offer still stood. Abby asked if there was a reason Ben came by. He said he was taking the job at Memorial – chief of surgery. They were happy for him. He was going to Iowa for a few days to pack his things and check on Max. Abby thought it’d be hard for him to have Max in Iowa. He said it would be, but he didn’t want to uproot his son from the facility. Iowa wasn’t too far away, so Ben could drive and visit. Abby offered to help Ben transition back to Genoa City. He said he needed a place to live, so she said she’d call her Realtor. There were a couple places he wanted to check out, and he asked if Abby would like to go with him. She didn’t respond, so Nina said Abby would go. Nina felt this was the distraction that Abby needed. Abby and Ben left.

Ben and Abby went to Chancellor Park. He’d rented a fully furnished apartment. He mentioned his plans to use the dry cleaner’s in the plaza near the hospital, and she told him that plaza had been turned into a parking garage. He was disappointed because one of his favorite restaurants was in that plaza. She suggested he could eat at Society a lot. He commented on her owning the best restaurant, and she told him she went into business just so she could eat out a lot. She was sure he remembered her bad cooking. He told her not to sell herself short, and she said she never did. He thanked her for helping him. They joked around, comparing apartment hunting to shopping, which was something she loved. She said this was the most normal she’d felt in a long time, and she was grateful. He had to get going back to Iowa, so he said he’d take her home. She wanted to stay, and she said she’d take a ride share home. He hoped she heard something a little less cryptic from Mariah. She asked him to let her know when he got back to town, he promised he would, and she left.

Back at the Chancellor house, Tessa wondered if they should’ve taken Ben up on his offer to try and find Mariah. Even if Mariah was mad, Tessa could handle that. This silence was bizarre. Nina said she was just the grandmother, and this was the woman Tessa loved, so it had to be her call. Nina said she’d be upstairs if Tessa needed her. Tessa texted Mariah. She said if something was wrong and Mariah didn’t know how to say it, she should send Tessa a clue.

Nate ran into Faith at Crimson Lights on the patio. He asked if he’d seen Elena. Faith said she was here earlier, but she had to leave. He got a text from Elena saying that she had to go to work at the last minute. Faith asked if they had a date. Nate said no, they were just hoping to spend some time together. Faith hoped to spend some time with Moses, though she quickly added that they weren’t dating. Nate doubted Moses would miss an opportunity to spend time with Faith.

Devon and Moses were at home. Devon reported that Lily gave him good advice, and things were going better with him and Faith. He wanted to do something nice for Faith to show her he liked her without pressure. Faith’s favorite band was Tigirlily. He’d seen her light up whenever their music was on. They were headlining the charity event for New Hope at the park this weekend. Devon assumed Faith was going to the concert since Nick helped organize the event. Moses was hoping Devon could make things even more special for Faith. Devon offered up two backstage passes, and Moses called him the best big brother ever.

Faith’s face lit up when Moses texted her to meet. He arrived, and she suggested they get out and catch some sun, but he asked if they could stay and eat. She glanced inside and was starstruck because Devon was with Tigirlily. Moses asked if he’d like her to see if Devon would introduce them, and Faith gave an enthusiastic yes. Faith told the band that she discovered their music at a tough time, and the lyrics spoke to her, especially “Somebody Does.” Kendra and Krista loved hearing that. They took a picture together, and Tigirlily asked if Faith would be at the concert. She said yes, her dad was Nick Newman who ran New Hope. They said Faith and Moses could listen backstage as their guests. They then sang a bit of their new song. As Devon and the band were leaving for the studio, he discreetly gave Moses a thumbs up. Faith gushed about her picture and the backstage passes. She marveled about the odds of Devon walking in with the band, then she realized Moses set the whole thing up. She asked how he knew she was such a fangirl of that band. She didn’t remember telling him. He said she didn’t have to, because he paid attention.

Devon met Amanda and Imani at Society. They told him things went well with Michael. They were hoping to hear from Naya. Imani said this wasn’t like Naya, and she’d likely reach out soon, just to say she was okay. Devon asked if they heard from Sutton. Imani assumed he was off licking his wounds somewhere, trying to figure out a way to save himself. Amanda was sure he regretted the day she showed up on Naya’s doorstep, and he blamed her for ruining his life. Devon said that Sutton ruined his own life the day he decided Richard was expendable and that his granddaughters didn’t belong in the family. Imani was sure Sutton would never see it that way. Devon was sure Sutton would fight back, and he’d probably fight dirty. Amanda said he would, and she’d be ready. Devon suggested that instead of eating at Society, they get takeout and go to his place and relax. Nate walked in as they were all getting ready to leave. Nate joked that he could clear a room. Amanda said they weren’t leaving on his account, and Nate said he’d try not to take it personally. “Please don’t” Imani said. Nate stepped away on a call, and Imani gazed at him. Imani decided she wanted to eat at Society after all. Amanda told her sister to stop flirting with Nate, because he was dating Elena. “So? What’s the harm in a little innocent flirting?,” Imani asked. She went and joined Nate at the bar.

Imani offered to buy Nate a drink. She said she wanted to get his advice on something. She told him about Amanda’s offer to be partners in a law firm. “It makes all kinds of sense for Amanda, but would it be right for me?” Imani asked. Nate was befuddled, and Imani laughed and admitted that wasn’t a fair question, since he didn’t have a crystal ball. Or did he? He joked that he left it in his other jacket. Noting that he’d known Amanda longer than she had, she asked how he thought it’d be working with her, not as an assistant like now, but as a partner. He said it’d be a dream come true, Amanda was smart, driven, ethical and she had a huge heart. Not everyone could work with a sibling, but it could be a stellar opportunity. She said he made the idea of her accepting this job and relocating her permanently sound very appealing.

Devon returned after placing the takeout order and Amanda glared over at Imani. She guessed she had to give Imani credit for her boldness. Devon said Nate was grown, and it’d taken him a long time to get to this place with Elena. He didn’t think Nate would throw that away just because someone new was smiling at him. Amanda hoped that was true, for Elena’s sake.

Naya called, and Imani asked if she was okay. Naya was fine for now, and she called because she knew Imani and Amanda would be worried. Imani put Amanda on the phone. Naya was in an undisclosed location. She explained that she panicked and ran. She didn’t want her girls to try and find her. Amanda said everything had changed, and Naya needed to come back to Genoa City now.

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