Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Amanda tells Devon that Naya wants her to defend her grandfather Sutton Ames who is accused of arranging the death of her father Richard because Richard knew that someone at Newman Enterprises was taking bribes years ago and Richard intended to be a whistleblower. Nina asks Abby for technical advice on her next screenplay because the leading lady will be based on her. Adam calls Sharon to tell her that he was the good Samaritan who helped Faith and took her to the hospital. Adam also wants Sharon to know that he didn’t poison Rey. Nick and Sharon remember Cassie and worry they will lose another child because of an alcohol related accident. Nick and Sharon sit by Faith’s bedside and talk to her and pray that she wakes up soon. Faith finally wakes up and Nick and Sharon breathe a sigh of relief and shed tears of joy as Faith opens her eyes and says ” Mom…Dad.”

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Days Short Recaps Wednesday, March 31, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady confronted Kristen about the secret she said she had. Kristen tried to avoid answering him, but he wouldn’t let up. He wanted to know what she was keeping from him. She said she couldn’t tell a lie. She told him Chloe had feelings for him. Paulina told Chanel that she had to make her own way. Chanel thought it wasn’t fair that she would pay for Lani’s children to go to college, but she wouldn’t support her. Claire talked to Belle about Chanel scamming her with the champagne bill. Claire told Belle that she was sad that Ciara hated her again after everything they have been through. Ben told Theo that he thought Ciara still loved him. Theo said he didn’t think she did. He said she refused to accept that she could love him. Ben thought he was trying to say that Ciara couldn’t love a necktie killer. Ben asked if he told her that he wasn’t that guy anymore. Theo said he didn’t. Ciara asked Marlena why she wanted to know how Ben duped her into loving him. Marlena said she wasn’t duped into loving him. Ciara thought she was vulnerable after the accident. Marlena said she was suspicious at first and then she fell in love with him. Ciara wanted to know how she could fall in love with a man who killed three women and tried to kill Will. Marlena said Ben changed. Ciara asked if someone like that could ever get better. Marlena said if he didn’t, she wouldn’t have wanted her to marry him. Ciara asked if she thought it was a good idea to marry Ben. Marlena said Ben loved her. She said he wasn’t the man he was in the past. Ciara asked why was she terrified of him every time she was in the room with him. Paulina told Chanel that she did what she could to give her a good life. Chanel said she wanted her. Paulina said she did what she could. She said she had to make up for her father not being there. Chanel was willing to change tomorrow. Paulina told her she had to get a job. Brady asked Kristen if she thought Chloe had feelings for her. Kristen said he didn’t seem surprised. He said Kristen and Philip said it, but Chloe denied it. Kristen said Chloe would deny it. He wanted to say something to Chloe. Kristen told him she would be mortified. He said he wanted to keep it in the open. Kristen said he had to give her her space. Chloe showed up while they were talking and wanted to know if everything was okay. Ben told Theo that he should have told Ciara how she felt about him. Theo said he wasn’t around them. Ben said he should know that he changed. Ben asked if he believed that he changed. Theo said his father told him he did. Ben wanted him to tell Ciara that he changed. Theo said he was glad to have his best friend back. Marlena told Ciara that she could see why she was afraid of Ben, but he has changed. Ciara said everyone accepted her being married to a serial killer. Ciara said her family and friends should be horrified. Marlena told her they were. She told her that she and Claire mad up. Ciara said she didn’t remember that. Marlena asked if she wanted to remember everything that she missed.

Marlena ran into Ben. He wanted to know if she was able to convince Ciara to get hypnotized. Marlena said she tried her best. She said they couldn’t force Ciara into remembering. He asked if he should visit Ciara. Marlena said he shouldn’t. She said she wasn’t giving up on Ciara and he shouldn’t either. Belle showed up at the hospital. Marlena told her Sami recanted her plea. Marlena told her that Sami and Allie said they didn’t do it. Belle said the killer was still out there. Marlena said the police didn’t have any leads. Belle said she was at the hospital to visit Ciara. Marlena said she didn’t remember anything. She said she was going to hypnotize her to get her memory back. Belle asked if that would work. Marlena said it could work. Theo ran into Chanel. He reminded her that she broke up with him. She said it was mutual. Belle went to see Ciara. Ciara told her that she felt like herself, but everyone else around her changed. Ciara said she was glad she had her family. Belle said they all missed her especially Claire. Ciara said Claire loved her so much that she tired to sleep with her boyfriend Tripp. Brady told Chloe about what happened when he went to visit “Kristen.” He told her that Vivian was looking out for her. He told her that Vivian told him not to visit “Kristen.” He said “Kristen” agreed to it. Belle told Ciara that Claire did terrible things to her, but Claire wanted to be friends with her again. Ciara said she thought Marlena sent her there, but she realized Claire did it. Belle said she came on her own. She suggested that Ciara do the hypnosis so she could get her memory back.

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Interview with Melissa Roxburgh and Matt Long

TV Interview!

Melissa Roxburgh and Matt Long of "Manifest" on NBC

Interview with Melissa Roxburgh and Matt Long of “Manifest” on NBC by Suzanne 3/23/21

It was nice to interview two of the bigger stars of this show! They were very laid back and had a good time answering questions. I’ve seen Matt on so many great shows, going all the way back to “Jack and Bobby” in 2004, and he was really good in “Mad Men“, as well as “Helix” and more.  Melissa has also been in some of my favorite shows, such as “Supernatural” and “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” and the movie “Star Trek: Beyond” (you wouldn’t recognize her there because of the heavy alien makeup!).  She is so great as Michaela on this show. We only had a short time with them, but I managed to get some great questions in, thanks to my sister-in-law, Eileen, and her husband, Joe, who are huge fans of the series. I watch it, too, but I’m way behind. Hope you enjoy this!

Question: Melissa, what do you think is the biggest challenge for a show like this, which is fantasy, to make it relatable to people? Why do people relate to sci-fi and fantasy do you think so much, and what’s behind it?

Melissa: What’s the hardest challenge about it? I think the hardest challenge about it is the clarity, especially for a show like ours. There’re so many moving pieces and new bits of information every single episode, so the biggest challenge is giving the audience that information without bombarding them with it. I think a lot of people like our show, specifically, because Jeff [Rake] has done a good job of tying in the human element of that, which is to balance all of the information out.

I think people like sci-fi, because, especially right now, during COVID, when we’re all stuck inside, it’s like an escape. It’s the biggest escape from reality, because it’s the unknown. It’s mythology. It’s things that don’t normally happen, like us hearing voices and, you know, airplanes disappearing and coming back. It’s not a normal situation, which makes it really fun to explore.

Question: Matt, you joined as a recurring character; now you’re the main cast. As an actor, can you speak about, like is that something you expected, I mean, I’m assuming hoped to happen, but expected it to happen, and how is that experience of coming into a show and then becoming part of that family?

Matt: It was set up that way from the beginning that Zeke would recur in the first season and then become a series regular in season two. So, when I tested for this, I signed a contract for the full term of the show. That being said, as an actor, you never know if they’re going to exercise that, so there’s always a possibility that you recur in the first season, and they decide to go a different direction, and you don’t come back to the series regular.

I mean, I did a show called “Private Practice” that I sort of had a similar thing that if it had gotten continued in season six at the end of the season – I think season six was last year – I recurred the first half of the season, and if it had continued, I would have become a regular, but it didn’t, and that’s just what it was.

As far as joining the show, it’s been fantastic. I’ve been so lucky from the very beginning that Jeff has written a really compelling, interesting, complicated, complex story for me and Zeke. I love him; I love the characters so much, and also, the cast is so great. I got to join it in the first season, and I came in the end of episode 12, I think, so it was still quite new for them. They were still in their first season. So, I feel like I got to join quite early on, which helps you also to feel a part of it, as it’s getting its life and growing, and its fans [grow]. So, it’s been fantastic, and I’ve been after something like this for a long time.

Suzanne: My sister-in-law Eileen and her husband Joe love your show. I think it’s the only show they watch; they just love it. So, she gave me questions, because I’m behind. Melissa, since you play a cop, did you do any special preparation in that before you started playing Michaela?

Melissa: Yeah, I spent a year as a police officer. No. It’s a good question, but at the same time, we’re in such a make-believe world that even if I did do research, it’s so different from the realities of what a cop would go through… So, I don’t think our show portrays the reality, in good and bad ways, because our show is very sci-fi. So, my cop dealings are mostly involved in that.

That being said, J.R. [Ramirez] and I, since we were partners at the beginning of all this, we did shadow NYPD for a couple days. They took us on a little drive, and they showed us the precinct. So, it was just fun being able to chat with them about what their life looks like, and then we could take little bits and pieces… but overall, it’s just about the characters and how they’re reacting to this crazy mystery.

Suzanne: All right, thanks. And, Matt, she wanted to know if you’d ever played a drug addict before.

Matt: I don’t think…. I did a pilot in 2006. Nobody ever saw it, but the kid had struggled with that, but never anything that anyone’s ever seen, which was one of the my favorite things about Zeke. It was so different for me and refreshing.

Suzanne: All right, thanks a lot. I’ve seen you in so many shows, and I’m glad to see that you’re on this one.

Matt: Thank you very much. I’m pleased to be a part of it.

Question: What’s been the biggest challenge and biggest happy surprise of working during the pandemic?

Melissa: The biggest thing for me is that we’ve been able to get through it. When all of this hit, it was a two week quarantine, and you think it’s all gonna go back to normal, but then, as time goes on, we [didn’t] realize how serious it. Filming a TV show during this time just seemed a little bit bonkers. Obviously, all of us [were] wanting to get back on the set and see each other and continue telling the story, but there’s the fears of, you know, we are in a pandemic. So, the fact that the team in charge of safety on set kept us going the entire time, that was really neat to see, because a lot of shows had been shut down or cancelled, and they didn’t get to continue telling their story. So, we were really lucky for that.

Matt: The hardest part, I think, was trying to connect with each other. The pandemic is not a part of our story. We also wore masks, obviously, off camera, but when we shot, there were no masks. We had been living in this pandemic for months when we got here to shoot this series. When we first took our masks off to do scenes, it was really surreal. It has been a constant sort of struggle, I think, to be able to connect with each other like you normally would and in a world where the pandemic didn’t exist.

We don’t have really any intimacy this season, and we have several different stories that involve married couples or people that are dating or in love with each other. That’s a part of our show that we didn’t include this year, because of the risk involved. So, we’ve had to make some adjustments, but I think we’ve been successful in telling the story even taking those things into account.

Suzanne: Since Manifest is kind of an unusual show, have either of you had any nightmares after filming it?

Matt: Interesting question.

Melissa: I don’t know if it’s related to Manifest, but I have nightmares. I just [unintelligible] flying and stuff, not really, to be honest.

Matt: No, I haven’t either, that I remember. I sleep really heavy, and I don’t really…It would be awesome if I could say “Yes, I had this vivid dream!” Wouldn’t be a great story? Maybe I should. I’ll make something up next time.

Here is the video of our interview.

Check out our

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com


Melissa Roxburgh and Matt Long of "Manifest" on NBC“Manifest” returns for a third season of action-packed drama, shocking revelations and the answer to the show’s biggest mystery – what happened to the passengers of Flight 828?

Over a year has passed since the miraculous homecoming of Flight 828 and the discovery of others who have mysteriously returned. While the Stone family endeavors to keep their friends safe and make their enemies believe the unbelievable, new challenges will test their trust of the callings and each other. But sticking together is more important than ever, because no matter what happens, it’s all connected.

“Manifest” stars Melissa Roxburgh, Josh Dallas, Athena Karkanis, J.R. Ramirez, Luna Blaise, Jack Messina, Parveen Kaur, Matt Long and Holly Taylor.

Jeff Rake, Robert Zemeckis, Jack Rapke, Jackie Levine and Len Goldstein are executive producers.

“Manifest” is produced by Warner Bros. Television, Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, Compari Entertainment and Jeff Rake Productions.

Melissa Roxburgh stars as Michaela Stone in NBC’s “Manifest.”

Last year Roxburgh starred opposite KJ Apa and Brit Robertson in the Lionsgate feature “I Still Believe.” Prior to “Manifest,” she played CIA officer Thea in the CW series “Valor.” Her first film role was a coveted part in the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” franchise. Several television roles followed, including “Supernatural,” “Arrow,” “Legends of Tomorrow” and the telefilm “Rita.” Recent films include “Marine 4: Moving Target” and “Star Trek: Beyond.”

Roxburgh, the second of four siblings, was born and raised in Vancouver. Her father is a pastor and her mother a former professional tennis player. Roxburgh participated in the International Baccalaureate program before pursuing a career in acting. She splits her time between Vancouver and Los Angeles.

Matt Long stars as Ezekiel “Zeke” Landon in NBC’s “Manifest.”

Long’s big break came with the starring role of Jack McCallister in the WB’s critically acclaimed series “Jack & Bobby,” starring Christine Lahti. He subsequently recurred as Joey Baird on “Mad Men” as well as Dr. James Peterson on “Private Practice.” He also has had guest-starring roles on “The Newsroom” and “Timeless.”

Long’s film credits include Mark Steven Johnson’s “Ghost Rider,” in which he portrayed young Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage), as well as the film “Sydney White,” opposite Amanda Bynes.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Melissa Roxburgh and Matt Long of "Manifest" on NBC

B&B Short Recap Monday, March 29, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke and Katie briefly discuss work. Then they talk about how Flo is now officially a Logan and how proud Storm would be. Ridge overhears them. He’s surprised about them welcoming Flo so much (especially Brooke). Brooke admits that she hasn’t told Hope yet. At Spencer, Flo admires her new engagement ring while Wyatt chuckles and how happy she is. They talk about high school a little. Wyatt has been planning the proposal for a long time. He wants to go home and celebrate, but she suggests that they go tell their moms the good news.

Shauna drops by the Forrester mansion to see Quinn, who’s there with Eric. Quinn hasn’t seen her for awhile. They discuss their past a bit and how they’ve all moved on from when Shauna was mad at her. Quinn is still apologetic for accusing her of chasing after Eric. After Eric leaves, they discuss their kids. Shauna tells Quinn about Flo being a Logan. Later, Flo and Wyatt drop by and, after teasing them a little bit, show them the ring. They’re ecstatic that their kids are getting married.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 30, 2021

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Recap written by Eva

Lily tries to distract Billy who is still upset that they didn’t get the deal to buy Ashland Locke’s company. Billy wants to make a counter-offer before Ashland signs the deal with Adam and Victor. Lily pays for a couples massage and then she and Billy make love. The distraction doesn’t work because Billy calls Ashland Locke to make a counter-offer. Kyle tells Jack about his affair with Tara, but he doesn’t tell Jack that he has a son with Tara. Jack and Kyle worry that Ashland will attempt a hostile take-over of Jabot if he finds out about the affair. Jack tells Kyle to stay far away from Ashland Locke and let him handle the situation. Phyllis calls Wyatt Spencer to have a chat with him. Nate calls Sharon to tell her Faith was in a car accident. Nick and Sharon get to the hospital where Nate tells them that a mystery man brought Faith to the hospital and left quickly. Nate says Faith has bruised kidneys and cracked ribs, but he is worried she may have a brain injury. Nate explains they won’t know if Faith has a brain injury until she wakes up. Rey says he spoke to the highway patrol and they told him that Faith lost control of the car and hit a tree. Rey promises Sharon he will find the good Samaritan who rescued Faith but they don’t know the name who rescued Faith is Adam.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, March 30, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kate and Jake walked in on Philip and Gabi together. Kate wanted to know what Gabi did to him when she was wiping his face. Brady went to see “Kristen.” Kristen called Vivian because she needed her help. Susan told Brady that it was Chloe’s fault that she was in there. Brady said she was the one who stabbed Victor so it her fault. He let her know that he and Chloe were friends. Susan said Chloe was in love with him. He wanted to know how she knew that. Kristen told Vivian that Brady was visiting Susan. Vivian asked her if she did anything to break up Jake and Kate. Ciara told Theo that she was couldn’t believe she would marry Ben. Ben went to see Marlena to find out if she could help Ciara get her memory back. Marlena told him that he had to wait until the amnesia went away. He asked her if they could give Ciara the drug Will took to get his memory back. Kate was still upset that Gabi was helping Philip. Gabi ended up inviting her and Jake to dinner. Vivian said she would tell Brady what was going on. Kristen said she would break up Jake and Kate, but she had to help her. Vivian agreed to do it. Brady asked Susan how she knew Chloe had feelings for him. She said a woman knew these things. He said she was wrong about Chloe.

Marlena told Ben that the drug might not work on Ciara because she had brain trauma. She said it could be dangerous. He said he wouldn’t risk Ciara’s life even if it killed him. Vivian showed up when Brady asked Susan about the license plate she made. Vivian said it was for him. He wanted her to leave, but Vivian said Susan was leaving. Ben told Marlena that Ciara looked at him like she wished he was gone. She said she wished there was something she could do about it. He asked her if she could hypnotize Ciara. He told her that Ciara hated Claire too. He asked her to do it for Claire if she wouldn’t do it for him. Ciara told Theo that she couldn’t believe that she would fall for Ben. He reminded her that she was supposed to forgive Claire. Ciara said she could only go by how she felt about Claire. She asked if everyone was okay with her being with the necktie killer. He told her that people tried to stop her, but she had to have her way. Chloe told Kristen that she didn’t tell him how she felt. Kristen asked when she was going to make her move. Vivian told Brady that “Kristen” didn’t want to see him for a while. He asked if that was what she wanted. Kate told Philip that Gabi was after him because of Philip. Gabi confronted Jake about being jealous of her and Philip. Ben asked Marlena if hypnotizing Ciara would hurt her. She said she couldn’t do it without Ciara’s consent. He asked if she would ask her. She said she would ask. Susan told Brady that she needed to focus on getting out of prison. She said she was going to miss him. He said he would miss her too. He agreed to stay away. Chloe told Kristen how much she wanted to be with Brady. Kristen told her that Brady was taken. Chloe said she knew and then insulted her. Marlena went to see Ciara. Ciara asked how she could love Ben when he gave her the creeps. Marlena said she was there to see if she could help. She said she was going to try to help Ciara get her memory back.

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Days Short Recap Monday, , March 29, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gabi and Philip walked through the town square and she saw the old Gabi chic building. She was upset because her company was gone. He said he was working on something that could help her. He was expanding his businesses in Chicago. He wondered if she wanted to talk about it over dinner. She reminded him that she was getting over someone. He insisted it would just be a business dinner. She told him that Gabi Chic was all she had and didn’t want to jeopardize it. He understood what she meant. She changed her mind and agreed to go to dinner with him. Xander showed up at the pub looking for Rex. He wanted to get Sarah back from him. Roman informed him that Rex and Sarah left down. Xander wanted a drink, but Roman wouldn’t serve him since he was drunk. Roman wanted him to leave, but Xander got in his face. Philip and Gabi arrived at the pub and saw what happened with Xander and Roman. Philip tried to stop the exchange. Xander ended up punching Philip. Roman ordered Xander to leave the pub. Xander didn’t want to be there any more than Roman wanted him there. He wanted Sarah back. Gabi invited Philip to the DiMera mansion.

Jake found Kate lying on the bed with an ice pack on her head. She was feeling tension because of her gun being missing and Rex leaving town with Sarah. She knew Xander wouldn’t accept Rex being with Sarah. Jake thought he changed because he fell in love. Kate rolled her eyes at that. Jake offered to get a couple guys to send Xander a message. She thought the idea was sweet and they made love. When they were done, he offered to make her dinner. Gabi took Philip to the DiMera mansion. She noticed he had blood on his shirt. She wanted him to take off the shirt and she could get him a new one. Jake and Kate saw Gabi helping Philip while he was wearing a tank top. Brady and Chloe talked about Sarah leaving Xander. Brady was glad that Xander was in pain, but Chloe felt sorry for him. She understood how he felt to have your heart broken. He grabbed her hand and thanked her for being his friend. She thought about her conversation with “Susan” when she admitted her feelings for Brady. She wanted to tell him something when his phone went off. Statesville called him to let know visiting hours started. He wanted to heart what Chloe had to say. She didn’t think it was the right time to talk about it. Brady invited her to dinner at John and Marlena’s house. Marlena noticed “Susan” and asked her where she was last night. She thought about what she did to Sarah. She told Marlena that she surprised Roger while he was on tour. She wanted to know if she could stay with Marlena a little while longer. Marlena tried to get out of it by telling her that things were complicated. “Susan” agreed to be her right hand woman. She finally agreed to stay. She invited her to have dinner with them and Brady. Susan called Kristen and told her that she wanted to get out of the prison. She said she missed Roger. Susan wanted to know when they were switching back. Kristen said she needed more time because Chloe admitted she was in love with Brady. She was afraid that Chloe would go after him if she left now. Marlena came back in the room so she had to be Susan again. Marlena had to check on her patient. Chloe arrived for dinner and Kristen wasn’t happy about it. She let her know that Brady went to see Kristen at Statesville.

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Biography – Niki



My name is Nicole, but I go by Niki. I am 46, and I have two sons that live next to me. Their names are Kintrel & Nicolas. Kintrel is 26 and Nicolas is 25. My dad lives next to me, and he’s 81. He’s the best and my sons are such good young men. I am very proud of them. I also have two pitbulls. One is a female pitbull named Kali, and she is 5. There is a male named Kilo, and he just turned one. My youngest son and I are best friends. Hee takes care of me and sometimes gets mad at me. He tells me how it is and isn’t (but not disrespectfully, though).

I proofread the Days of our Lives Transcripts, and I enjoy doing them. I love typing. I used to watch Port Charles, but ABC cancelled it. I stopped watching General Hospital when they shut down my show,. Then I was in love with this show named “If Loving You Is Wrong,” but OWN canceled producer Tyler Perry’s show without giving us the answers we needed. I loved that show. I’ve been watching Days of our Lives on and off since I was a baby. My grandma watched it until she passed. She called them her stories.

I never watch regular TV — I just watch YouTube videos. I love getting subscription boxes and love spending time with my family.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, March 29, 2021

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Recap written by Christine

Sharon wasn’t ready to conclude that Adam poisoned Rey, and this frustrated him. He told her to let him know if Adam made contact. Rey questioned Victor about Adam’s whereabouts and threatened to arrest Victor if he helped Adam escape. Victor warned Rey not to ever threaten him again. Nikki informed Sharon that Faith had gone missing after getting bullied by Jordan and that she’d stolen a bottle of tequila. Sharon was worried for Faith and furious that Nikki let her get her hands on alcohol. Sharon contacted Nick and Rey about Faith. Rey told Michael that Faith was missing after getting bullied. Michael and Lauren talked about Jamie, the boy their son bullied. Jamie was currently living a good life and practicing law. Michael and Lauren made plans to fit in a Hawaiian vacation at some point. Chelsea was delighted that her plan to frame Adam had worked. Chloe was initially happy that she’d helped by taking the items stolen from Sharon’s house and hiding them in Adam’s car for Rey to find. When Chloe learned that Chelsea poisoned Rey, she was angry about being an unwitting accessory to attempted murder. Chelsea felt that the ends justified the means, since she never gave Rey enough poison to kill him, but she apologized to Chloe. Chloe promised she’d keep Chelsea’s secret. Chelsea pretended to be incapacitated when Victor came over. He told her to pay Rey no mind, and he promised to bring Adam back to her. Bullies sent nasty texts to Faith’s phone, and she opened the tequila. Victor, Nick, Sharon, and Nikki gathered at the cottage because of Faith. Ranch security informed Victor that Faith stole one of the ranch trucks. Nick and Sharon used a phone tracking app to pinpoint Faith’s location, then they went to get her. They were alarmed because the app showed that Faith was speeding. Rey went home and found Victor and Nikki there. Faith took her eyes off the road to check her phone, and she lost control of the truck. Adam walked into Crimson Lights wearing a hoodie to hide his face, but he quickly left when he saw Michael.
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Days Short Recaps Friday, March 26, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Allie told Nicole that Sami didn’t kill Charlie. She said her mother only confessed because she was protecting her. Nicole believed the killer was still out there. She remembered Ava talking about getting rid of Charlie. She left the apartment. Lucas wanted to know why Sami confessed to killing Charlie. She told him about the evidence Rafe had against Allie. Lucas knew about the evidence. He told her that Allie didn’t kill Charlie. He told her Allie was innocent. She thought things would be good now. She was going to take back her confession.

Rafe showed up at the station and when to the interrogation room. Sami and Lucas told him everything they knew about Charlie’s murder. She admitted that she only confessed because she was protecting her daughter. She thought things were fine because they were innocent. Rafe wished they told him the truth in the first place. He believed Sami, but he said it was out of his hands. She didn’t mean to get him involved and wished she did tell him the truth sooner. Rafe went to talk to Trask. Later, he came back and told her that Trask wouldn’t drop the charges against Sami. Nicole went to see Ava. She wanted to ask her about what happened to Charlie. She told Ava that Sami didn’t kill him. Ava remembered going to Charlie’s place wearing black gloves. She opened the door to the apartment. She told Nicole that she didn’t kill Charlie. Tripp and Claire went to Allie’s place. They found out that Sami confessed to killing Charlie. Allie wanted to tell them everything that happened. Tripp seemed nervous when Allie and Claire wondered about the suspects in Charlie’s murder.

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Week of 3/28/21 Primetime News and Schedule

Primetime TV News

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MOST OF THESE POSTS BELOW are just the main part of each bit of news. For the rest of the news, video clips, photos, and links, go to our Primetime Forum!

This Week’s News by Angie and Suzanne!

NOTE: This schedule is always subject to change…


    “Bad Blood” – Officer Nolan, Officer Harper and Detective Lopez are assigned to the kidnapping of the son of a criminal court judge who has a long list of enemies who could possibly be involved on “The Rookie,” SUNDAY, MARCH 28 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, V)
    Guest starring is Toks Olagundoye as Professor Fiona Ryan, Matthew Glave as Oscar Hutchinson and Michael Beach as Commander Percy West.
    “Bad Blood” was written by Paula Puryear and Bill Rinier, and directed by Sylvain White. Promo
  • ABC The Good Doctor: Spilled Milk (3/29) Show More
    “Spilled Milk” – Claire is blindsided when her absentee father shows up at her door. Meanwhile, Shaun feels disconnected from Lea, causing tension in their relationship on an all-new episode of “The Good Doctor,” MONDAY, MARCH 29 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
    Guest starring is Marcuis Harris as Miles Browne, Jasmine Vega as Maya Flores, Michael Hsu Rosen as Leo Chen, Noah Galvin as Dr. Asher Wolke and Bria Samone Henderson as Dr. Jordan Allen.
    “Spilled Milk” was written by Tracy Taylor and Jessica Grasi, and directed by Sarah Wayne Callies. Promo
  • ABC black-ish: 100 Yards and Runnin’ (3/30) Show More
    “100 Yards and Runnin’” – Bow and Dre let their competitive streaks out during their family game night and things escalate when they place a bet. Meanwhile, Junior and Olivia are at a turning point in their relationship when one person says “I love you” on an all-new episode of “black-ish,” TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
    “100 Yards and Runnin’” was written by Rob Chavis and directed by Rob Sweeney. Promo
  • ABC mixed-ish: She’s a Bad Mama Jama (3/30) Show More
    “She’s a Bad Mama Jama” – Alicia’s mom, Grandma Shireen, stays with the Johnson’s after her surgery, but taking care of grandma becomes a full-time job. Meanwhile, Denise tests each of the kids to see who is best fit to take care of her when she gets old one day on an all-new episode of “mixed-ish,” TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (9:30-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
    Guest starring is Carlease Burke as Shireen.
    “She’s a Bad Mama Jama” was written by Helen Krieger and directed by Anton Cropper. Promo
  • ABC The Goldbergs: Bever-lĂŠ (3/31) Show More
    “Bever-lé” – When the NFL players go on strike and the football season is threatened, Barry gets concerned that he and Murray will no longer have anything to talk about which leads Barry to try out for the Eagles team himself. Against Erica’s advice, Beverly decides to start selling a nutritional product from a sketchy company in an attempt to gain financial independence on a new episode of “The Goldbergs,” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L)
    Guest starring is Shayne Topp as Matt Bradley, Noah Munck as Naked Rob, David Koechner as Bill, Cedric Yarbrough as Vic, Mindy Sterling as Linda Schwartz, Jennifer Irwin as Virginia Kremp, Stephanie Courtney as Essie Karp and Erinn Hayes as Jane Bales.
    “Bever-lé” was written by Bill Callahan and directed by Lew Schneider. 
  • ABC American Housewife: SEASON FINALE – The Election (3/31) Show More
    “The Election” – Katie pushes Cooper (Logan Pepper) to share his passion for the culinary arts and ambition of becoming a chef with his autocratic father, Doyle Bradford (Joel McHale). Meanwhile, Greg and Principal Ablin (Jerry Lambert) go head-to-head when the election results offer an interesting twist. And the Otto family gets the surprise of a lifetime on the season finale of “American Housewife,” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, L)
    Guest starring is Holly Robinson Peete as Tami Gaines, Jake Choi as J.D., Jim Rash as Walker, Matt Shively as Lonnie Spears, Peyton Meyer as Trip, Logan Pepper as Cooper Bradford, Evan O’Toole as Franklin and Joel McHale as Doyle Bradford.
    “The Election” was written by Nick Roth and Henning Fog, and directed by Melissa Kosar. Promo
  • ABC The Conners: Money, Booze and Lies (3/31) Show More
    “Money, Booze and Lies” – Becky meets up with an old friend and feels pressured to impress him while Dan questions his position at the hardware store, leading to a massive fight between him and Ben, on an all-new episode of “The Conners,” airing WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, DL)
    Guest starring is Darien Sills-Evans as Mike.
    “Money, Booze and Lies” was written by Debby Wolfe and directed by Lynda Tarryk. Promo
  • ABC Call Your Mother: One Bad Mother (3/31) Show More
    “One Bad Mother” – When Lane’s judgmental mom, Barbara (played by Kym Whitley), comes to town, Lane tries to temporarily rid his apartment and life of anything that she may disapprove of, including Jean and Jackie. Meanwhile, Freddie attempts to hide his professional success to make Jackie feel better about her current difficulties, and Sharon inappropriately gets cozy with Danny while sleepwalking on a new episode of “Call Your Mother,” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 (9:30-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, D)
    Guest starring is Sherri Shepherd as Sharon and Kym Whitley as Barbara.
    “One Bad Mother” was written by Tommy Johnigan and directed by Pamela Fryman. 
  • ABC Station 19: No One Is Alone (4/1) Show More
    “No One Is Alone” – Vic and Travis’ friendship is put to the test as they respond to calls to help two best friends in need. Meanwhile, Jack realizes he has a greater impact on Marcus than he realizes, and new details about Travis’ late husband’s tragic death are revealed on a new episode of “Station 19,” THURSDAY, APRIL 1 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DV)
    Guest starring is Jonathan Bennett as Michael, Zaiver Sinnett as Dr. Zander Perez, Carlos Miranda as Theo Ruiz and Lachlan Buchanan as Emmett. Promo
    “Breathe” – The hospital ventilator shortage has the doctors gravely concerned when both a mother and daughter are in critical condition with COVID and fighting over the last ventilator. Meanwhile, Hayes’ high-risk sister-in-law with multiple sclerosis ends up in the hospital with a kidney stone, and the sister house has a few more kids join it as Amelia plays babysitter for the day on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, APRIL 1 (9:00-10:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
    Guest starring is Lisa Vidal as Alma “Mama” Ortiz. Promo
  • ABC A Million Little Things: the price of admission (4/1) Show More
    “the price of admission” – Katherine realizes Theo is being discriminated against when one of his classmates asks him to wear a mask during Zoom school. Meanwhile, Regina finds her Vicodin is missing and suspects that Rome might’ve been the one to take them on a new episode of “A Million Little Things,” THURSDAY, APRIL 1 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL)
    Guest starring is Chris Geere as Jamie, Adam Swain as Tyrell and Terry Chen as Alan. Promo
  • Acorn TV Bloodlands – Monday, March 29 Show More
    Episode 3
    Tom and Niamh launch a manhunt for Adam Corry, who has disappeared in mysterious circumstances. Tori Matthews agrees to help Tom in the quest to identify the notorious assassin Goliath, who appears to be at large once again. As pressure builds on the police, Tom must confront the possibility Goliath may be one of his fellow officers. Promo
  • Acorn TV The Brokenwood Mysteries – Monday, March 29 Show More
    Series 7 (Episode 1 of 6, new episodes Mondays through May 4)
    Regarded by many as the New Zealand version of Midsomer Murders, this acclaimed detective series filmed amid the beautiful landscape of the country’s North returns with six feature-length, standalone mysteries featuring compelling characters, dry humor, and piquant wit. After transferring from a big city to the quiet, little, murder-ridden town of Brokenwood, Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea, Go Girls) and Detective Kristin Simms (Fern Sutherland, The Almighty Johnsons) uncover more macabre goings on and investigate murderous rivalries and lethal grudges. (1 EP, 2021) Promo
  • Adult Swim FINAL SPACE – Saturday, April 2, 10:30PM Show More
    Calling all crew members, the ship is now preparing for take off. Keep an eye out for asteroids and black holes as Final Space season three lands Saturday, March 20 at 10:30 p.m. ET/PT on Adult Swim. Picking up where things left off, season three brings unexpected twists and turns as Gary and the crew enter final space to rescue Quinn. After discovering they are now trapped, the stakes get even higher as the crew must do whatever it takes to survive. With Invictus and Lord Commander determined to capture Mooncake in an attempt to use him to grow even more powerful, Gary and the crew’s only hope is to team up with Earth’s sole survivor. Together they must find a way out before it’s too late. Promo
  • AMC The Walking Dead – Sunday, March 28, 9:00PM Show More
    Daryl and Carol come to a fork in the road and head their separate ways. Each going into their own type of survival mode, the easiest of challenges become much harder. Promo
  • BET The Oval – Tuesday, March 30, 8:00PM Show More
    Hidden Secrets – The President and First Lady team up to deal with their son’s behavior; Barry and Sharon’s relationship crumbles; Donald and Lilly’s love triangle takes a turn. Preview
  • BET Sistas – Wednesday, March 31, 9:00PM Show More
    In The Shadows – Gary and Andi consider taking a big and scary step; Fatima kicks her new love interest out of her house; Sabrina enjoys the company of a new man. Preview
  • CBS THE EQUALIZER – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    “The Milk Run” – Doing a favor for CIA Director Suri Nance (Laila Robins) goes awry for McCall when she tries to locate a missing British mathematician and finds herself embroiled in an international fight for a revolutionary financial technology, on THE EQUALIZER, Sunday, March 28 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    WRITTEN BY: Keith Eisner
    BASED ON: The original series by Richard Lindheim & Michael Sloan
    DIRECTED BY: Peter Leto Promo
    “Red Rover, Red Rover” – To rescue Joelle from further torture by the Russians, Callen and NCIS must offer up Anna as bait to Katya. Also, Callen finally discovers who accused him of being Russian spy, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, March 28 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)
    on the CBS Television Network.
    WRITTEN BY: Andrew Bartels
    DIRECTED BY: Terrence O’Hara Promo
    “Stashed” – Sabastian’s life is in danger when a criminal he put behind bars escapes police custody. Also, Carter is tasked with keeping Sabastian in protective custody and Carter and Hannah’s flirtation is fun gossip fodder for Tammy and Sabastian, on “NCIS: NEW ORLEANS,” Sunday, March 28 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    WRITTEN BY: Talicia Riggs & Adam Lazarre-White
    DIRECTED BY: Sherman Shelton, Jr. Promo
  • CBS YOUNG SHELDON – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    A Box of Treasure and the Meemaw of Science – Sheldon, Dr. Linkletter and Meemaw team up on a science experiment. Also, Mary is jealous that Pastor Jeff and Brenda (Melissa Peterman) are spending time together, and Georgie has a new side hustle, on YOUNG SHELDON, Thursday, ApAiring 4/1/21 (Th.) (8:00 PM)
    STORY BY: Steve Holland & Tara Hernandez & Marie Cheng
    TELEPLAY BY: Steven Molaro & Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
    DIRECTED BY: Alex Reid Promo
  • CBS UNITED STATES OF AL – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    Series Hails From Award-Winning Executive Producers Chuck Lorre, David Goetsch and Maria Ferrari
    Dean Norris, Elizabeth Alderfer, Kelli Goss and Farrah Mackenzie Also Star
    “Pilot” – Marine veteran Riley, home at last after serving in Afghanistan, is happily reunited with his friend Awalmir, who goes by Al, the interpreter with his unit, after a long struggle to get him a visa to travel to the United States from Afghanistan, on the series premiere of UNITED STATES OF AL, Thursday, April 1 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    Riley (Young), a marine combat veteran, is struggling to adjust to civilian life in Ohio and the interpreter, Al (Kalyan), who served with his unit in Afghanistan, has just arrived to start a new life in America. Dean Norris stars as Art, Riley’s father; Elizabeth Alderfer stars as Lizzie, Riley’s sister; Kelli Goss stars as Vanessa, Riley’s ex-wife and Farrah Mackenzie stars as Hazel, Riley and Vanessa’s daughter.
    WRITTEN BY: David Goetsch & Maria Ferrari
    DIRECTED BY: Mark Cendrowski Promo
    Editor’s Note: The airdate of this episode has changed.
    Steve Valentine Returns as Rod
    “Tiny Dancer and an Impromptu Picnic” – Bonnie goes to extreme lengths to protect someone she loves. Also, Jill struggles to make sense of a messy new relationship, on MOM, Thursday, April 1 (9:01-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Steve Valentine returns as Rod.
    STORY BY: Nick Bakay, Sheldon Bull and Chelsea Myers
    TELEPLAY BY: Susan McMartin, Britte Anchor and Nadiya Chettiar
    DIRECTED BY: Nick Bakay Promo
  • CBS B POSITIVE – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    “Canine Extraction” – Gina has three days to teach Cannoli the dog new tricks before his owner returns from overseas. Also, Drew must deal with Maddie growing up, at a new time on B POSITIVE, Thursday, April 1 (9:30-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    STORY BY: Chuck Lorre, Jim Patterson and Dan O’Shannon
    TELEPLAY BY: Jamie Rhonheimer, Jessica Kravitz and Carol Liefer
    DIRECTED BY: Phill Lewis Promo
    “How Does It Feel to Be So Beautiful” – Sidelined because of her harrowing ordeal with Marilyn Felker, Clarice goes to Ruth Martin to be reinstated and gets roped into having dinner at the Martin residence. Clarice sees Catherine Martin for the first time since rescuing her from Buffalo Bill and must endure an uncomfortable evening with this fractured family. Also, Ardelia and the ViCAP team try to identify the man who aided Marilyn, but they hit a wall when they realize their DNA sample matches a file that’s been erased from the Bureau’s database, on CLARICE, April 1 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    WRITTEN BY: Kenneth Lin & Celena Cipriaso
    DIRECTED BY: Wendy Stanzler Promo
    “Royalty + Marriage + Vivaah Sanskar + Zinc + Henna” – Mac, Desi and Russ go undercover during a royal Indian wedding to protect a princess whose policies could put her life in danger. Also, Russ and Sophia come face-to-face at the wedding, Bozer suspects Riley is up to her old hacking ways and Matty runs down a lead in hopes of getting to the bottom of Mac and Riley’s ingested nano-trackers, on MACGYVER, Friday, April 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    WRITTEN BY: Monica Macer & Andrew Klein
    DIRECTED BY: Anne Renton Promo
  • CBS MAGNUM P.I. – Friday, April 2 Show More
    “Dark Harvest” – When a Marine Corps vet’s SUV is stolen with her service dog inside, Magnum and Higgins must find the car, the dog and the car thief who they believe may be an escaped kidnapping victim. Also, when TC is sued by a disgruntled customer, he asks Rick and Jin to help prove that he’s being scammed, on MAGNUM P.I., Friday, April 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    WRITTEN BY: Gene Hong
    DIRECTED BY: Rubba Nada Promo
  • CBS BLUE BLOODS – Friday, March 26 Show More
    “The Common Good” –Frank asks Erin to liaise between him and NY Governor Mendez regarding policy reform he privately backs, but can’t publicly support, because it goes against police rank and file. Also, Danny and Baez become enmeshed in the world of competitive gaming when a high-profile video game streamer is murdered, and Eddie and Witten suspect a live-in nanny is being abused after she approaches them on the street for help, on BLUE BLOODS, Friday, April 2 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Promo
    WRITTEN BY: Kevin Riley
    DIRECTED BY: David Barrett
  • The CW Batwoman – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    “Rule #1” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    THE CHOICES WE MAKE – Batwoman (Javicia Leslie) confronts Gotham’s biggest foe, while new information forces those closest to Kate to make some difficult decisions. Ryan’s feelings for Angelique (guest star Bevin Bru) puts her partnership with Luke (Camrus Johnson) and Mary (Nicole Kang) at risk, while Alice (Rachel Skarsten) goes on a warped walk down memory lane. Also starring Dougray Scott and Meagan Tandy. Michael Blundell directed the episode written by Nancy Kiu and Maya Houston (#209). Original airdate 3/28/2021. Every episode of BATWOMAN will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
    “O, The Tangled Web” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    A LONG WAY TO GO – Macy (Madeleine Mantock) reels from an encounter with the Shea Group and Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) uses her psych background to get to the bottom of it; Harry (Rupert Evans) and Mel (Melonie Diaz) must detangle an ancient feud. Also starring Jordan Donica and Poppy Drayton. Geary McLeod directed the episode written by Sidney Quashie and Bianca Sams (#308). Original airdate 3/28/2021. Promo
  • The CW Bulletproof – Monday, March 29 Show More
    “South Africa: Episode 3” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
    EVERYONE HAS A STORY – Just when it looks like this case is all but solved, Bishop (Noel Clarke) tells Pike (Ashley Walters) and Tanner (Lindsey Coulson) about a hunch that turns everything on its side and puts Arjana’s (Vanessa Vanderpuye) life in jeopardy. The episode was directed by Sarmad Masud and written by Nick Love (#303). Original airdate 3/29/2021. BULLETPROOF will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
    “Fear Me” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    PSYCH ATTACKS CENTRAL CITY – When a powerful new villain, Psych (guest star Ennis Esmer), channels and amplifies everyone’s fears in order to wreak havoc on Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) realizes, with Cecile’s (Danielle Nicolet) help, that he must face his own worst fear in order to beat this new threat. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) is surprised when Kristen Kramer (guest star Carmen Moore) from the Governor’s Municipal Logistics Commission drops into CCPD for a visit. Iris (Candice Patton) warns her father to dig deeper on why Kristen is actually there. Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Frost argue about how to live their lives. David McWhirter directed the episode with story by Thomas Pound and teleplay by Lauren Barnett & Christina M. Walker (#705). Original airdate 3/30/2021. Promo
    SEASON PREMIERE – “Rebirth” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)
    SEASON PREMIERE – As Brainiac (Jesse Rath) lays close to death after trying to stop Lex (Jon Cryer), Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and team soar in to save him, engaging in an epic battle with Gamenmae (guest star Cara Buono). After beating Leviathan, Supergirl turns her attention to Lex (Jon Cryer) who has used the Obsidian platform to brainwash half the world to love him and follow him at all costs, no matter what horrible things he does. Knowing how dangerous this makes her brother, Lena (Katie McGrath) enlists the entire team – Alex (Chyler Leigh), J’onn (David Harewood), Dreamer (Nicole Maines), Kelly (Azie Tesfai) and Brainiac – to help, but Supergirl realizes that the only way to truly stop Lex is to sacrifice herself. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Robert Rovner & Jessica Queller and teleplay by Jay Faerber & Jess Kardos (#601). Original airdate 3/30/2021. Promo
  • The CW Riverdale – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
    “Chapter Eighty-Six: The Pincushion Man” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    PARENT-TEACHER NIGHT – While preparing for the school’s Parent-Teacher night, Archie (KJ Apa) is caught off guard when his former Army General shows up in Riverdale with some unexpected news. Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) pushes back after hearing that Hiram (Mark Consuelos) and Reggie (Charles Melton) have expressed interest in taking over the Blossom maple groves. Jughead’s (Cole Sprouse) unconventional way to get through a case of writer’s block causes Tabitha (Erinn Westbrook) to be concerned for his safety. Finally, Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Alice (Mädchen Amick) receive some unexpected visitors. Camila Mendes and Casey Cott also star. Gabriel Correa directed the episode written by Chrissy Maroon (#510). Original airdate 3/31/2021. Promo
  • The CW Nancy Drew – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
    “The Spell of the Burning Bride” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    THERE’S A NEW GHOST IN TOWN – Nancy (Kennedy McMann) picks up a new investigating job involving the local florist and is pleasantly surprised when Gil Bobbsey (guest star Praneet Akilla) is able to offer some assistance. Meanwhile, Ace (Alex Saxon) receives a cryptic text message. Scott Wolf, Leah Lewis, Maddison Jaizani, Tunji Kasim and Riley Smith also star. Amanda Row directed the episode written by Jesse Stern (#210). Original airdate 3/31/2021. Every episode of NANCY DREW will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • Disney Raven’s Home – Friday, April 2, 8:00PM Show More
    “Fresh Off The Note”
    When Booker suspects that Nia’s friend Olivia has a crush on him, he decides to put a “let’s be friends” note in her locker but accidentally puts it in Tess’ locker! TV-G Promo
  • Disney Sydney to the Max – Friday, April 2, 8:25PM Show More
    “He’s All That”
    When Harry tells Sydney that he is moving back to Portland permanently, she struggles with the idea of having a long-distance relationship. TV-G Promo
  • Disney Just Roll With It – Friday, April 2, 8:47PM Show More
    “A League of Their Owen”
    The Bennett-Blatts take part in a charity sporting event to raise money for the local kids club. 
  • Epix Pennyworth – Sunday, March 28, 9:00PM Show More
    The Hangman’s Noose
    While Salt sits down with the League to discuss peace, Alfred confronts Gully to do the same. And Martha finally comes clean to Thomas about her dilemma. Promo
  • FOX BLESS THE HARTS – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    “BLESS THE HARTS” – (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer Discretion is advised.
    Jenny takes a mother/daughter bonding moment a little too far after Violet shows interest in learning to dance. Meanwhile, Wayne takes Betty to a flea market in hopes that she will finally give him the recognition he deserves in the all-new “Dance Dance Resolution” episode of BLESS THE HARTS airing Sunday, March 28 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BHR-212) (TV-14 D, L, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Oscar Montoya as David; Grey Griffin as Lydia/Paparazzi/Senior In A Swimsuit; JP Karkliak as Gene; Phil Lamarr as Grocer/Narrator/ Paparazzi
  • FOX THE SIMPSONS – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    “THE SIMPSONS” – (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally (“THE GREAT NORTH”) Guest-Voice
    We learn that Chief Wiggum’s wife is more than she seems. Meanwhile, Marge takes part in a jewel heist in the all-new “Uncut Femmes” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, March 28 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SI-3210) (TV-PG D, L, S, V)
    Guest Cast: Nick Offerman as Captain Bowditch and Megan Mullally as Sarah Wiggum
  • FOX BOB’S BURGERS – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    “BOB’S BURGERS” – (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    When Tina is forced to listen to Spanish audio lessons in the library to improve her grade, she develops an unexpected crush. Meanwhile, Louise and Gene want to dunk Mr. Frond at the Wagstaff Spring Fair in the all-new “Y Tu Tina También” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, March 28 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BOB-1015) (TV-PG D, L)
    Guest Voice Cast: David Herman as Mr. Frond/Mr. Branca; Will Forte as Mr. Grant; Julio Torres as Rodrigo/Señor Balthazar; Billy Eichner as Mr. Ambrose
    “FAMILY GUY” – (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    After feeling unappreciated by her family, Lois taps into her villainous side and attempts to win “Best Customer” at her favorite coffee shop in the all-new “Customer of the Week” episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, March 28 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FG-1813) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
  • FOX The Moodys – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    **ONE-HOUR SEASON PREMIERE**–“THE MOODYS”-(9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    The MOODYS picks up with SEAN SR. (Emmy Award- and Golden Globe-nominated actor and comedian Denis Leary, “Rescue Me”) contemplating retirement – road trips across the country in an RV with ANN (Emmy Award and Golden Globe nominee Elizabeth Perkins, “Sharp Objects”), while SEAN JR. (Jay Baruchel, the “How to Train Your Dragon” franchise) takes over the family HVAC business. In reality, however, Ann has no intention of leaving her new psychology practice, and Sean Jr. continues to brew up schemes to get rich quick. BRIDGET (Chelsea Frei, “Sideswiped”), who is in the midst of a divorce, returns home while her fancy new townhouse is being renovated; and DAN (Francois Arnaud, “The Borgias”) leaves Brooklyn for Chicago to live with his girlfriend, CORA (guest star Maria Gabriela de Faria, “Deadly Class”), only to realize the relationship is moving too quickly. Once again, the Moodys are all under the same roof in the all-new “Episode 201 / Episode 202” one-hour season premiere episode of THE MOODYS airing on Thursday, April 1 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MDS-201 / MDS-202) (TV-14 D, L, S)
    Cast: Denis Leary as Sean Moody Sr., Elizabeth Perkins as Ann Moody, Jay Baruchel as Sean Moody Jr., Chelsea Frei as Bridget Moody and Francois Arnaud as Dan Moody
    Guest Cast: Maria Gabriela De Faria as Cora, Josh Segarra as Marco, Chris Smith as Nick, Gerry Dee as Roger, Kwasi Songui as Big Stan, Linda Goranson as Grandma Mary
  • Freeform Good Trouble – Wednesday, March 31, 10:00PM Show More
    “New Moon”
    A surprise intruder interrupts Malika’s New Moon ceremony, wreaking havoc and disrupting relationships amongst the Coterie members. Promo
  • FX Breeders – Monday, March 29, 10:00PM Show More
    No Connection
    Paul fears his culturally fragmented family have lost a vital connection. Gentrification impacts Jim and Jackie as the last of their old neighbours move out and more young professionals move in. Written by Jamie Brittain; directed by Ben Palmer. Promo
  • FX Mayans M.C. – Tuesday, March 30, 10:00PM Show More
    Our Gang’s Dark Oath
    The M.C. scrambles to find a solution to their heroin problem, while EZ digs to discover who betrayed the club. Written by Bryan Gracia & Sara Price; directed by Brett Dos Santos. Promo
  • FX Snowfall – Wednesday, March 31, 10:00PM Show More
    Through a Glass, Darkly
    Franklin is blindsided. Teddy and Avi travel to Panama to retrieve stolen cash. Written by Leonard Chang & Jeanine Daniels; directed by Alonso Alvarez. Promo
  • FXX Cake – Thursday, April 1, 10:00PM Show More
    Inquire within. Promo
  • Hallmark When Calls the Heart – Sunday, March 28, 9:00PM Show More
    No Regrets
    Elizabeth wonders if she is truly ready to let love in again. Rosemary wonders what her purpose is. Clara and Jesse sort through their issues. Carson receives an amazing opportunity. A stranger named Christopher comes in town. Promo
  • Hallmark ONE PERFECT WEDDING – Saturday, April 3, 9:00PM Show More
    With Cara leaving on an international book tour in two weeks and Ben’s business expansion keeping him busy, the couple decides they won’t let work commitments postpone their nuptials any longer. So, they book the Clara Lake chalet and head back to where their romance began for a small, intimate wedding with friends and family… just 10 days away. With the help of their best friends Megan and Sean, Cara and Ben feel nothing can stop them from having the perfect wedding. Promo
  • Lifetime MAHALIA – Saturday, April 3 Show More
    Born in New Orleans, Mahalia Jackson (Danielle Brooks) began singing at an early age and went on to become one of the most revered gospel figures in U.S. history, melding her music with the civil rights movement. Her recording of the song “Move on Up a Little Higher” sold millions of copies, skyrocketing her to international fame and gave her the opportunity to perform at diverse settings including in front of a racially integrated audience at the prestigious Carnegie Hall and at John F. Kennedy’s inaugural ball. An active supporter of the Civil Rights Movement, Jackson sang at numerous rallies, including the March on Washington in 1963 in hopes that her music would encourage and inspire racial equality. 
  • LMN FRIENDSHIP NEVER DIES – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    Lucy worries about how close her daughter Evelyn is with her best friend Jenna. When Jenna’s mother is murdered, Lucy allows Jenna to move in with them so she can finish her senior year. But Evelyn and Jenna’s relationship turns weirder, making Lucy feel like she’s being pushed out of Evelyn’s life. Eventually, she fears Jenna may be obsessed and may even have killed her own mother. And after a high school boy is found murdered, Lucy must face the shocking truth. Stars Leah Merritt, Harlan Drum, Lauren Buglioli. (2021). Promo
    03/28/2021 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Sunday) : Zoey’s effort to recreate a cherished memory with Mitch is thwarted by Leif. Max and Mo have their big restaurant opening. TV-14 Promo
    03/28/2021 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Sunday) : Phoebe inches closer to the trio’s entire operation, which allows the Secret Service to make an interesting deal with Beth. Stan’s boss forces dangerous errands. Ruby imagines a new life for them. Annie struggles with the possibility that her son no longer needs her. TV-14 Promo
    03/29/2021 (10:01PM – 11:00PM) (Monday) : INFLUX steps out from the shadows, weaponizing the Debris in a terrifying experiment. Finola struggles to keep her newfound knowledge from affecting her work. TV-14 Promo
    03/30/2021 (08:00PM – 08:30PM) (Tuesday) : Hawaii, 1982: Dewey spends a day with Andre the Giant that neither will ever forget. Lia and Rocky prepare for the huge Island Battle Royale where more than the title is at stake. In 2032, Candidate Johnson reveals his running mate. TV-14 Promo
    03/30/2021 (08:30PM – 09:00PM) (Tuesday) : Kenan has some odd encounters with a squirrel that he believes might be Cori’s spirit. Rick and Gary think they’ve missed Kenan’s birthday and try to organize an impromptu surprise party. TV-14 
    03/30/2021 (10:01PM – 11:00PM) (Tuesday) : When Sharpe notices the hospital’s blood supply is running dangerously low, Max concocts a plan to get New Amsterdam out of trouble. Reynolds realizes he has a thing or two to learn from Bloom while making peace with his new position. Iggy helps a patient face their inner demons. TV-14 Promo
    03/31/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : Crockett deals with a patient who ends up having more in common with him than he thinks. Will and Ethan clash over a pregnant patient with an irregular heartbeat. TV-14 Promo
    03/31/2021 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Wednesday) : A series of suspicious fires sends 51 on a search for the cause. Casey continues down a troubling path. Mouch is looking to make his long-awaited dream come true. TV-14 Promo
    03/31/2021 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : Ruzek’s father, Bob, goes missing and the team races to find him before it’s too late. TV-14 Promo
    04/01/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) : Ben heads on a international mission with Vance to seek a clue in hopes of finally unlocking the mystery of Flight 828. An intense calling leads newlyweds Michaela and Zeke on an adventure of their own. A guilt-ridden Saanvi attempts to forget her past sins by starting a new chapter. Jared’s interest is piqued by an intriguing stranger. TV-14 Promo
    04/01/2021 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Thursday) : The squad rallies around Det. Stabler to find the suspect behind a threat to his family. Christopher Meloni, Isabel Gillies, Allison Siko and Jeffrey Scaperrotta guest star. TV-14 L,V Promo
    04/01/2021 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Thursday) : SERIES PREMIERE — Christopher Meloni stars as Elliot Stabler, who returns to the NYPD to take on the city’s most powerful organized crime syndicates and rebuild his life in the wake of a devastating personal loss. Dylan McDermott, Danielle MonĂŠ Truitt, Tamara Taylor and Ainsley Seiger also star. Mariska Hargitay guest stars. TV-14 L,V Promo
    04/02/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Friday) : The Task Force’s determination to identify a Russian asset in the U.S. government puts Cooper and Reddington in increasingly treacherous positions. TV-14 Promo
    Daniel Kaluuya is tonight’s guest-host. Singer St. Vincent is the musical guest.
  • Ovation Murdoch Mysteries – Saturday, April 3, 7:00PM Show More
    Murdoch Escape Room
    The Murdochs, Const. Crabtree and Inspector Brackenreid are all lured and trapped in a series of special escape rooms, and forced to play a deadly escalating deathtrap game of riddles. Promo
  • Own Queen Sugar – Tuesday, March 30, 8:00PM Show More
    “June 1, 2020” – Violet grows concerned about Hollywood; Nova plans a children’s march; Ralph Angel, Blue and Darla confront a troubling encounter; Micah wants to get out and be a voice of change. Preview
  • Showtime Shameless – Sunday, March 28, 9:00PM Show More
    Liam and Frank embark on a journey to get Liam into STEM school. Carl’s disillusionment with the police force comes to a head. Debbie hunts for a new place. Mickey and Ian consider the West Side. Kev meets Veronica in Louisville. Promo
  • Showtime City On A Hill – Sunday, March 28, 10:00PM Show More
    Bill Russell’s Bedsheets
    When an assistant U.S. attorney overdoses and ends up left for dead outside Saint Eligius Hospital, Decourcy Ward suspects Jackie Rohr’s involvement. Promo
  • Starz The Gloaming – Sunday, March 28, 8:00PM Show More
    Hell’s Black Grammar
    Devastated by Daisy’s death, Molly discovers a mysterious symbol that ignites her desire to track down Freddie. Alex makes a traumatic visit to Jenny McGinty’s mother, Eileen. Promo
  • Starz The Luminaries – Sunday, March 28,  9:30PM Show More
    The Old Moon in the Young Moon’s Arms
    Anna is tried for murder. New evidence reveals a connection between Lauderback and Crosbie Wells. Promo
  • Syfy RESIDENT ALIEN – Wednesday, March 31, 10:00PM Show More
    Heroes of Patience
    On the verge of completing his mission, Harry faces his own humanity. Promo
  • Syfy DEVIL MAY CARE – Wednesday, March 31, 11:02PM Show More
    The Freeze
    Hell finally freezes over when Climate Change runs amok, and nothing will ever be the same. 
  • Syfy THE POLE – Wednesday, March 31, 11:17PM Show More
    S… Nick
    The story of Skatonik and the Battle of Naughty vs. Nice. 
  • Syfy THE SUMMONER – Wednesday, March 31, 11:30PM Show More
    The Gym
    Rory works with The Summoner to impress Shannon by getting extremely ripped. 
  • Syfy THE SUMMONER – Wednesday, March 31, 11:30PM Show More
    Bar Fight
    Rory tries to show Shannon how tough he is at the scary dive bar. 
  • Syfy WYNONA EARP – Friday, April 2, 10:00PM Show More
    Better Dig Two
    Wynonna and Waverly take two very different and dangerous paths in an effort to save Purgatory. Promo
  • TNT Snowpiecer – Monday, March 29, 9:00PM Show More
    The Show Must Go On – Wilford presses forward on his endgame, as Layton sinks to new lows. Promo
  • TNT Snowpiecer – Monday, March 29, 10:00PM Show More
    Into the White – Hope is a powerful motivator. As things hit their darkest point, Layton hatches a plan. Promo



  • ABC America’s Funniest Home Videos: 3117 (3/28) Show More
    “3117” – It’s kids getting upset for dumb reasons, including a girl who is upset she can’t stop eating vegetables because they taste so good; birds on the attack, featuring a wild turkey who chases a man in his own front lawn; and moms discovering the messes kids made while they were in the other room on a new episode of “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” SUNDAY, MARCH 28 (7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG)
    “408 (Showstopper/Final Judgment Part #1)” – Following a competitive Hollywood Week, “American Idol” continues in a two-night event with the all-new Showstoppers round, SUNDAY, MARCH 28 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) The Showstoppers round marks the first time contestants will showcase their talent by performing with a band this season for their last chance to make it into the coveted Top 24. Don’t miss remarkable performances leading the judges to make difficult decisions and share shocking results in their final judgment.
    “409 (Showstopper/Final Judgment Part #2) – Following Sunday’s kickoff to the all-new Showstopper round, “American Idol” continues the two-night event on MONDAY, MARCH 29 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) The remaining contestants will perform for the first time this season with a band, vying for their spot in the Top 24 and highlighting the level of talent still left in the competition. Stay tuned for the final judgment, revealing this season’s Top 24 and a surprise twist the judges share that no one saw coming.
  • ABC Pooch Perfect: SERIES PREMIERE – From Grotty to Hottie (3/30) Show More
    “From Grotty to Hottie” – “Pooch Perfect,” the Rebel Wilson-hosted dog grooming competition series showcasing the best creative groomers in the country, premieres TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) The series premiere features the 10 grooming teams facing off in this week’s Immunity Puppertunity challenge, where groomers must turn a muddy mess of a dog into a prized pooch inspired by their “heart dog,” to stay safe from elimination. Then, in the Ultimutt Challenge showdown, teams must “unleash the beast” in their dog by transforming it into an entirely different animal. They will showcase their work on the glamorous dogwalk in front of judges Lisa Vanderpump, Dr. Callie Harris and Jorge Bendersky, who will vote on Best in Show and then send one team home with their tail between their legs.
  • ABC Soul of a Nation: Shut Up And… (3/30) Show More
    Journalist Jemele Hill Guest Hosts and EmmyÂŽ, GRAMMYÂŽ and OscarÂŽ Award-Winning Rapper/Actor Common Debuts First Look From His Upcoming New Album
    With a Special Performance of ‘Get It Right’
    ABC News’ T.J. Holmes, Sunny Hostin, Kenneth Moton and ESPN’s Michael Wilbon Lead the Hour Featuring Interviews With Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, Renee Montgomery, UCLA Gymnasts Nia Dennis and Margzetta Frazier and Olympian Dominique Dawes
    New Episode of ‘Soul of a Nation’ Airs Tuesday, March 30 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC
    Journalist Jemele Hill will guest host the all-new episode of “Soul of a Nation” that explores activism in sports. The hour examines the historic role sports have played in America’s racial reckoning, and the seismic shift Black athletes are provoking in this current moment. Hill, ABC News’ T.J. Holmes, Sunny Hostin, Kenneth Moton and ESPN’s Michael Wilbon lead the hour, which features interviews with WNBA player Renee Montgomery, UCLA gymnasts Nia Dennis and Margzetta Frazier, decorated Olympian Dominique Dawes and NBA players Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony. Plus, Emmy, GRAMMY and Oscar award-winning rapper/actor Common gives a special first look from his upcoming new album that will be released this spring, “A Beautiful Revolution Pt. 2,” with a debut performance of “Get It Right.” The new episode of “Soul of a Nation” airs Tuesday, March 30 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC.
    This episode of “Soul of a Nation” includes the following stories and conversations:
    • Wilbon talks to athletes across different sports for a candid discussion about the role and the risk pro athletes have taken to fight for racial justice. He sits down with National Basketball Players Association President Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony, both future NBA Hall-of-Famers, and John Carlos, whose protest at the 1968 Olympics cost him his Olympic career. The NFL’s Michael Thomas also opens up about kneeling in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick during the 2016 season.
    • When Black Lives Matter protests came to Atlanta, WNBA champion and former Atlanta Dream player-turned-owner Renee Montgomery turned her energy to empowering her community, stepping away from what would have been her 12th season in the league. In a tell-all conversation with Hill, Montgomery talks about the power of protest, the role of Black women in the struggle for racial equality, the WNBA’s uniquely unwavering support of its athletes and players across the league supporting Reverend Raphael Warnock in the special Georgia Senate election to replace part-Dream owner and now former Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler who criticized the league for its support of BLM.
    • UCLA gymnasts Nia Dennis and Margzetta Frazier tumbled into viral sensations with their floor routines that celebrated Black excellence. They talk with Moton about how they unapologetically challenged traditional gymnastic norms, navigating their newfound fame, growing up in a white-dominated sport and how they hope to inspire a new group of young athletes. Plus, decorated Olympian Dominique Dawes, who paved the way for many Black gymnasts, also weighs in on how Dennis and Frazier are changing the sport.
    • Hostin moderates this week’s revealing “In the Kitchen” conversation with “Monday Night Football” and NBA reporter and E:60 host Lisa Salters, senior NBA writer for The Undefeated Marc Spears and ESPN host and college analyst/reporter Maria Taylor.
    • ESPN’s The Undefeated examines the crossover between sports and film and how movies have been used as a tool to make cultural and social statements about Black athletes and the Black community. Through the lens of iconic films such as “He Got Game” and “Remember the Titans,” Deon Cole, Mo’ne Davis, Wood Harris, Janaya Future Khan, Soraya McDonald, Sylvia Obell, Saweetie, Tyrod Taylor and Justin Tinsley comment on what these films have taught about race, culture and being a Black athlete in America.
    • To close out the show, Common performs “Get It Right” publicly for the first time from his upcoming new album, “A Beautiful Revolution Pt. 2,” coming this spring.
  • ABC The Con: SEASON FINALE – The Hollywood Con (3/31) Show More
    “The Hollywood Con” – For several years, a person dubbed the “Con Queen” had been pretending to be various high-powered female film-industry executives. She allegedly offered Hollywood hopefuls a dream job with lucrative pay—but with a catch. To secure the job, the workers had to pay their own way to Jakarta, with the promise of being reimbursed. However, on arrival in Indonesia, there was a never-ending carousel of delays and excuses, along with additional cash payments for driver fees, photography permits and more. Ultimately, the “Con Queen” disappeared, leaving the workers out of pocket for the thousands of dollars they spent abroad without a job and dashed dreams. This episode follows journalists and “Chameleon: The Hollywood Con Queen” podcasters Josh Dean and Vanessa Grigoriadis as they investigate and reveal the true identity of the suspect who was finally arrested in November of 2020. The episode features exclusive television interviews with multiple Hollywood hopefuls and those closest to the case. The final episode of “The Con” airs WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC.
    “1220” – An entrepreneur from Springfield, Missouri, shares his simple yet ingenious invention that helps prevent the spread of germs like COVID-19. A husband-and-wife duo from Scottsdale, Arizona, introduce their smart, refrigerated safe that makes contactless delivery more secure. An entrepreneur from South Jordan, Utah, hopes his idea for an at-home probiotic maker grows on the Sharks; while a pair of entrepreneurs from Charlotte, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia, respectively, is over the moon about their spacesuit-influenced gadget guard on “Shark Tank,” FRIDAY, APRIL 2 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG-L) Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu.
    In a “Shark Tank” update, season 12 entrepreneur Michael Pan updates us on how his Vancouver, Washington-based vegan snack company, Pan’s Mushroom Jerky, has dramatically grown its sales, tripled its employees and reached new customers during the global pandemic with some help from his investor, Mark Cuban.
    The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec and recurring Shark Daniel Lubetzky.
  • ABC 20/20: Menendez Brothers (4/2) Show More
    20/20 – Airing Friday, April 02, 2021 (9:01 PM-11:00 PM EST) on ABC. “‘20/20′ Reports on Menendez Brothers’ Newfound TikTok Fame and Has New Interview With Convicted Murderer Lyle Menendez From Prison
    ‘20/20’ Airs Friday, April 2 (9:01–11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC
    Over 30 years after the Menendez Brothers were at the center of a trial that captured the nation’s attention and received life imprisonment for murdering their parents, they have found fame on TikTok as videos about them have garnered over 130 million views on the platform. The videos, created mostly by teenagers, examine the case through the lens of 2021 with many calling for the brothers to be released from prison. A two-hour “20/20” dives into the original Beverly Hills crime and features a new interview with Lyle Menendez from prison. The program includes home movies and photos from the family vault and the testimony from members of the Menendez inner circle. The primetime special also features details about the family and the case through the eyes of the brothers’ best friends, neighbors, the lead detectives, lawyers and jurors on the case and more. “20/20” raises questions including what drove these sons of privilege to give up their promising futures to kill their parents in cold blood? Was it greed and fear of being financially cut off from their lavish lifestyle or was the violence an act of revenge – payback for the years of unspeakable abuse at the hands of their parents? “20/20” airs Friday, April 2 (9:01–11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
    ABC News’ “20/20” is an award-winning primetime program anchored by David Muir and Amy Robach. A proven leader in the long-form newsmagazine for over 40 years, “20/20” features hard-hitting investigative reports, in-depth coverage of high profile trials, unforgettable, character-driven stories and exclusive newsmaker interviews. “20/20” airs Fridays from 9:01–11:00 p.m. EDT on ABC, and is available to stream on ABC News digital platforms and Hulu. David Sloan is senior executive producer and Janice Johnston is executive producer.
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of Atlanta – Sunday, March 28, 8:00PM Show More
    Cajun Peaches
    Drew takes the ladies to New Orleans, determined to show them what a proper girl’s trip looks like. LaToya commits to taking it easy on the trip, meanwhile Drew reveals a private moment the two have shared. Porsha confronts Marlo about where her loyalty lies, leading to an explosive resolution. Preview
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of Dallas – Tuesday, March 30, 9:00PM Show More
    RV Having Fun Yet?
    Tiffany seeks guidance from Momma Dee after a stilted encounter with her own mother, while Court gives Kameron the surprise of a lifetime. Stephanie plans a trip to Oklahoma, but her efforts are in jeopardy when a surprise article in the press causes Brandi and D’Andra to be at odds. Preview
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of New Jersey – Wednesday, March 31, 9:00PM Show More
    Old Feuds Never Die
    A fight between Melissa and Teresa sends Joe Gorga over the edge. When Evan heads down the shore to confront Teresa, Jackie threatens to head home. Preview
    60 Minutes 3/28 on CBS:
    Rare access inside Boston Dynamics’ robotics workshop Preview
    Anderson Cooper reports on the workshop where fantasy has become reality, Sunday on 60 Minutes.
    When She told the Man She Met on Facebook She Wanted to Leave, “I Got Hit,” She Tells Laurie Segall
    Watch an Excerpt
    An argument with her mother led her to accept her new Facebook friend’s “modeling” job offer and meet up in person. Then 15 years old, she went with her “friend” to a hotel where his aims became obvious. She wanted to leave. He hit her, says the woman, now 24. What happened next is a horrible and familiar story to many minors who have been tricked and coerced into sex trafficking by people they met on social media sites. “Jane Doe” – 60 MINUTES+ agreed to protect her identity – tells her story publicly for the first time to Laurie Segall for a report on sex trafficking’s connection to social media and a lawyer’s quest to hold Facebook responsible. The story is streaming now on Paramount+.
    Sportswriter Dave Kindred finds his most fulfilling work in high school gyms of central Illinois Preview
    Jon Wertheim reports on how a high school girls basketball team and all-star sportswriter Dave Kindred formed a bond. See the story, Sunday on 60 Minutes.
  • CBS NCAA Basketball: Elite Eight games – Monday, March 29 Show More
    Airing 3/29/21 (Mo.) (7:00 PM) A regional final. From Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Ind. Regional Final: Arkansas vs. Baylor Live
    The No. 3 Razorbacks play the No. 1 Bears in an NCAA Tournament Elite Eight contest. Arkansas scored its first Sweet 16 win since 1995 by knocking off No. 15 Oral Roberts. Baylor seeks its first Final Four berth for the men’s program.
  • CBS TOUGH AS NAILS – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
    “Running on Empty” -Dirty Hands looks to clench the $60,000 bonus in the team competition by being the first crew to restore a wreck into a working car, on TOUGH AS NAILS, Wednesday, March 31 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
  • CBS NCAA Basketball: Final Four National Semifinals Show More
    Airing 4/3/21 (Saturday) (8:30 PM) A Final Four national semifinal. From Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Ind.
  • The CW All American Stories – Monday, March 29 Show More
    ONE-HOUR SPECIAL – “All American Stories II” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    THE ONLY WAY IS FORWARD – Co-hosted by acclaimed storyteller Yogi Roth and former NFL player Spencer Paysinger, whose life story serves as the inspiration for The CW’s hit series ALL AMERICAN, ALL AMERICAN STORIES profiles incredible athletes who overcame unimaginable obstacles in their relentless pursuit of greatness. Athletes featured in this special include Jerome Avery, Denise Korenek, Leo Rodgers and Lopez Lomong. Yogi Roth sits down with each athlete and as they share their story in a unique and powerful way, with additional insight and commentary provided by co-host Spencer Paysinger, who triumphed over his own obstacles to make it to the NFL (#102). Original airdate 3/29/2021.
  • The CW Whose Line Is It Anyway? – Friday, April 2 Show More
    “Gary Anthony Williams 8” – (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)
    EVERYTHING IS MADE UP – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Gary Anthony Williams, put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#910). Original airdate 4/2/2021.
  • The CW Penn & Teller: Fool Us – Friday, Friday, April 2 Show More
    “Teller’s Wonderland” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    WILL PENN & TELLER BE FOOLED THIS WEEK? – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episode include Ryan and Johnny Hayashi, Nathaniel Segal, Jandro and Bill Goodwin. Alyson Hannigan (“How I Met Your Mother”) serves as host (#726). Original airdate 4/2/2021.
  • E! Keeping Up With The Kardashians – April 1, 8:00PM Show More
    “Winner Take All” Preview
    Kim and Khloe think old flames are brewing between Kourtney and Scott and take it upon themselves to set them up on a romantic date. The Kardashian girls challenge the Jenners to an obstacle course to determine once and for all which side of the family is more athletic. Kris and Corey agree to abstain from sex as an experiment for Poosh.
  • FOX CHERRIES WILD – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    **SEASON FINALE**–“CHERRIES WILD” – (7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Hosted by Jason Biggs, CHERRIES WILD is a fast-paced half-hour game show that features two rounds of pop culture trivia gameplay. This week’s contestants try to “Solve the Slots” in hopes of getting one step closer to winning the $250,000 jackpot. Watch as the contestants spin the reels on the enormous slot machine and attempt to capture all five Wild Cherries to win the ultimate prize in the all-new “Arnold and Arnold 2” season finale episode of CHERRIES WILD airing Sunday, March 28 (7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CHW-106) (TV-PG D)
  • FOX AMERICA’S MOST WANTED – Monday, March 29 Show More
    “AMERICA’S MOST WANTED” – (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Emmy-Award winning journalist Elizabeth Vargas asks for viewers’ help as she, along with experts Paul Holes and Yodit Tewolde, analyze a variety of cases focusing on dangerous wanted fugitives. Returning at a time when social media and technology loom large in the public consciousness, AMERICA’S MOST WANTED will offer a unique and urgent opportunity for viewers to be armchair detectives by trying to help law enforcement solve some of the toughest cases. Follow along and see if you can help bring justice to victims in the all-new “Alison Gracey & Christopher Jones, Bob Tang, and Lester Eubanks” episode of AMERICA’S MOST WANTED airing Monday, March 29 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (AMW-103) (TV-14 D, L, V)
  • FOX THE MASKED SINGER – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
    “THE MASKED SINGER” – (8:00-9:02 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    As if one wildcard entering the ring wasn’t enough to shake up the competition, another wildcard contestant debuts when the members of Group “B” return for their second performances of the season and the wildcard’s chance to steal a spot in the competition. Guest host Niecy Nash returns to play alongside panelists Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke. The Season Five contestants boast a combined 26 Grammy Award nominations, nine multi-Platinum singles, four Academy Award nominations, three Super Bowl appearances, six gold medals and two world records! One celebrity will be unmasked in the all-new “Group B Wildcard Round – Rule of Claw!” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, March 31 (8:00-9:02 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MS-504) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX GAME OF TALENTS – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
    “GAME OF TALENTS” – (9:02-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    As if one wildcard entering the ring wasn’t enough to shake up the competition, another wildcard contestant debuts when the members of Group “B” return for their second performances of the season and the wildcard’s chance to steal a spot in the competition. Guest host Niecy Nash returns to play alongside panelists Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke. The Season Five contestants boast a combined 26 Grammy Award nominations, nine multi-Platinum singles, four Academy Award nominations, three Super Bowl appearances, six gold medals and two world records! One celebrity will be unmasked in the all-new “Group B Wildcard Round – Rule of Claw!” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, March 31 (8:00-9:02 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MS-504) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX HELL’S KITCHEN – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    “HELL’S KITCHEN” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    The final five chefs compete in the “5 Dome Ingredient Challenge,” during which one protein and four supplements are revealed as they cook, and the team must decide amongst themselves who gets which ingredient as the challenge progresses. Later, it’s time for the first Black Jacket dinner service, when all the chefs must cook together in the kitchen for the first time in the all-new “It’s Time!” episode of HELL’S KITCHEN airing Thursday, April 1 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HK-1913) (TV-14 D, L)
  • FOX WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – Friday, April 2 Show More
    WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    A unique combination of edge-of-your-seat action, unpredictable drama and world-class athleticism, FOX Sports presents WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN airing Friday, April 2 (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on FOX. (WWE-2314) (TV-PG D, L, S, V)
    03/28/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Sunday) : Contestants play “Stink Tank,” “See Ya Later Alligator,” “Blindfolded Musical Chairs” and new game “Heads Up.” The winner of each of the first four rounds moves on to “Know or Go” and that winner advances to “Hotter Hands” for a chance to win a cash prize. Stephen “tWitch” Boss serves as announcer. TV-PG
    03/29/2021 (08:00PM – 10:01PM) (Monday) : The Battle Rounds begin as the coaches enlist music industry powerhouses Luis Fonsi, Dan + Shay, Brandy and Darren Criss to prepare their artists to go head-to-head in hope of advancing to the Knockouts; each coach has one steal and one save. TV-PG
    04/02/2021 (09:00PM – 11:00PM) (Friday) : DATELINE NBC TO AIR “BURNING SUSPICION” THIS FRIDAY
    Dateline’s “Burning Suspicion” Airs Friday, April 2 at 9 p.m./8 p.m. CT
    THE STORY: When Vashti Seacat is found dead after a house fire, investigators question if her death is an act of murder.
    REPORTED BY: Keith Morrison WHERE: Kingman, Kansas
    INTERVIEWS WITH: Vashti’s sister Kathleen and brother Rich, Agent Doug Monty and more.
    Dateline NBC is the longest-running series in NBC primetime history and is in its 29th season. Dateline is anchored by Lester Holt and features correspondents Andrea Canning, Josh Mankiewicz, Natalie Morales, Keith Morrison and Dennis Murphy.
  • USA Network WWE Monday Night Raw – Monday, March 29, 8:00PM Show More
    Action from the WWE ThunderDome in St. Petersburg, Fla.
  • USA Network Temptation Island – Tuesday, March 30, 10:00PM Show More
    Message in a Box
    The couples have an opportunity to send a message. But actions speak louder than words.
  • USA Network WWE NXT – Wednesday, March 31, 8:00PM Show More
    03-31-2021 – TBA
  • USA Network She’s The Boss – Thursday, April 1, 10:30PM Show More
    Birds, Bees, and Baby Showers
    Eddie plans a surprise baby shower for Nicole and Ally learns about the birds and the bees.



  • ABC Movie: The Ten Commandments (4/3) (Rebroadcast.) Show More
    ABC MOVIE Airing Saturday, April 03, 2021 (7:00 PM-11:44 PM EST) on ABC.
    “The Ten Commandments” – ‘So Let It Be Done’: As ABC Re-Airs ‘Ten Commandments’ for 45th Time.
    Cecil B. DeMille’s biblical epic about an original game of thrones played out between two Egyptian princes will be seen again on broadcast television this weekend.  Promo
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    DIRECTED BY: Tawnia McKiernan Promo
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    WRITTEN BY: Rick Eid & Tamara Jaron
    DIRECTED BY: Jean de Segonzac Promo
  • CBS FBI: MOST WANTED – Tuesday, March 30 Show More
    Editor’s Note: This episode replaces the originally scheduled episode.
    “Dysfunction” – After a robbery gone wrong ends with a murder and kidnapping, the team races to rescue a mother and daughter whose abductors are not what they seem. Also, Crosby enters a new living arrangement, on a rebroadcast of FBI: MOST WANTED, Tuesday, March 30 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD: 2/9/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Melissa Scrivner Love
    DIRECTED BY: Jim McKay Promo
  • CBS SEAL TEAM – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
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    “God of War” – Bravo Team enters enemy territory in the snowy Spin Ghar Mountain Range to capture Al-Hazred, the leader of a terrorist group and son of the terrorist leader that Jason took down early in his career and made him Bravo One. When they are attacked, Jason and Cerberus, Bravo’s canine member, are separated from the team, on a rebroadcast of part one of the two-hour fourth season premiere of SEAL TEAM, Wednesday, March 31 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The dramatic season premiere was directed by Bravo One himself, David Boreanaz. (Originally broadcast 11/25/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Spencer Hudnut and Kenny Sheard
    DIRECTED BY: Series star and Executive Producer David Boreanaz Promo
  • CBS S.W.A.T. – Wednesday, March 31 Show More
    Michael Beach Guest Stars as Leroy, Hondo’s Childhood Friend and Darryl’s Father
    “The Black Hand Man” – Hondo is conflicted when Leroy (Michael Beach), his incarcerated childhood friend and Darryl’s (Deshae Frost) father, asks him to speak on his behalf at a parole hearing. Also, SWAT helps the FBI track down a mob informant on the run from the crime family he is meant to testify against, and the team dynamic becomes complicated when Street and Tan sign up for a leadership competition Chris has been training months for, on a rebroadcast of S.W.A.T., Wednesday, March 31 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/18/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Aaron Rahsaan Thomas & Matthew T. Brown
    DIRECTED BY: Douglas Aarniokoski Promo
  • The CW Penn & Teller: April Fool Us Day 2018 – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    “Penn & Teller: April Fool Us Day 2018” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    FAVORITE MOMENTS & FAVORITE FOOLERS – From the serious to the comedic, see those who amused, and fooled, Penn & Teller – including a mind reading chicken! The special includes behind the scenes footage, special guests, never-before seen tricks a few other surprises. PENN & TELLER: APRIL FOOL US DAY was produced by Penn Jillette & Teller, Andrew Golder, Peter Golden and Lincoln Hiatt. Original airdate 4/2/2018.
  • The CW Penn & Teller: April Fool Us Day 2019 – Thursday, April 1 Show More
    “Penn & Teller: April Fool Us Day 2019” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    APRIL FOOLS! – The world-famous team of Penn & Teller prank Chris Hardwick (“Talking Dead”) by turning him into an amazing, world-class magician as they send him to the streets of Vegas to bedazzle the crowds. Original airdate 4/1/2019. Promo
  • The CW Whose Line Is It Anyway? – Friday, April 2 Show More
    “Jeff Davis 14” – (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)
    THE POINTS DO NOT MATTER – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Jeff Davis, put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#909). Original airdate 3/19/2021.
  • FOX THE GREAT NORTH – Sunday, March 28 Show More
    “THE GREAT NORTH” – (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1  Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Wolf tries to find the perfect six-month anniversary gift for Honeybee. Meanwhile, Judy interviews Honeybee for the school newspaper and learns about her thrilling early years in Fresno in the “Avocado Barter Adventure” episode of THE GREAT NORTH airing Sunday, March 28 (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GRN-104) (TV-PG D, L)
    Guest Voice Cast: Nat Faxon as Calvin; John Early as Henry; Ron Funches as Jerry; Chelsea Peretti as Lara; Phil Lamarr as Louis; Gabe Delahaye as Old Jody Jr; Daniele Gaither as Ruth and Andy Daly as Uncle Mike.
    “9-1-1” – (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    After his devastating family tragedy in Minnesota, Bobby Nash moves to Los Angeles to start over, where he becomes Captain of the 118, and meets Athena Grant for the first time in the “Bobby Begins Again” episode of 9-1-1 airing Monday, March 29 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NIN-216) (TV-14 L, V)
  • FOX THE RESIDENT – Tuesday, March 30 Show More
    “THE RESIDENT” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1  Promo
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Guest-Starring Conrad Ricamora (“How to Get Away with Murder”)
    When Cain’s elective surgery patient returns with complications, Mina and Raptor butt heads over how to handle the situation. Conrad and Devon treat a local Congresswoman who withholds information that could prevent her from receiving proper treatment, causing Devon to open up about his grief. In the wake of losing many colleagues to the virus, Bell worries who would be there for him in a moment of crisis and finds himself mining his own past to find his estranged former stepson, elite plastic surgeon Dr. Jake Wong (guest star Conrad Ricamora). Meanwhile, Logan Kim finds himself on the chopping block when the doctors are questioned about his actions during the pandemic in the “Mina’s Kangaroo Court” episode of THE RESIDENT airing Tuesday, March 30 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (RES-402) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
    Guest Cast: Vince Foster as Dr. Paul Chu, Tasso Feldman as Dr. Irving Feldman, Denitra Isler as Nurse Hundley, Jessica Miesel as Jessica Moore, Rob Yang as Logan Kim, Kerr Smith as Jacob Yorn, Nichelle Hines as Nichelle Randall, Chido Nwokocha as James Carroll, Brian George as Tejan Pravesh, Conrad Ricamora as Jake Phillips/ Dr. Jake Wong, Evelyn Lorena as Bianca/Alicia, Victor McCay as Ben Mullins, Christy Baggett as Beverly Mullins.
  • FOX THE MASKED SINGER – Tuesday, March 30 Show More
    “THE MASKED SINGER” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    In a special encore, the highly anticipated, first-ever Wildcard character enters the competition, when the members of Group “A” return to the stage for their second performances of the season. Guest host Niecy Nash returns to play alongside panelists Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke. The Season Five contestants boast a combined 26 Grammy Award nominations, nine multi-Platinum singles, four Academy Award nominations, three Super Bowl appearances, six gold medals and two world records! One celebrity will be unmasked in the “Group A Wildcard Round – Enter The Wildcards!” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Tuesday, March 30 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MS-503) (TV-PG D, L)
  • FOX THE MASKED SINGER – Saturday, April 3 Show More
    “THE MASKED SINGER” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    As if one wildcard entering the ring wasn’t enough to shake up the competition, another wildcard contestant debuts when the members of Group “B” return for their second performances of the season and the wildcard’s chance to steal a spot in the competition. Guest host Niecy Nash returns to play alongside panelists Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke. The Season Five contestants boast a combined 26 Grammy Award nominations, nine multi-Platinum singles, four Academy Award nominations, three Super Bowl appearances, six gold medals and two world records! One celebrity will be unmasked in the “Group B Wildcard Round – Rule of Claw!” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Saturday, April 3 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MS-504) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX GAME OF TALENTS – Saturday, April 3 Show More
    “GAME OF TALENTS” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Taking the awe, wonder and spectacle of a large-scale variety show and infusing it with a clue-centered, high-intensity investigative game, GAME OF TALENTS is a new hybrid series like you’ve never seen. Two new teams of contestants are put to the test as they attempt to figure out the surprising, mesmerizing – and sometimes bizarre – hidden talents of our mystery performers. Find out which team is up for the challenge as they try and guess their way to $200,000 in the “Twins, Spins, and Bursts of Flames” episode of GAME OF TALENTS airing Saturday, April 3 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GTA-105) (TV-PG D)
  • FOX I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE – Saturday, April 3 Show More
    “I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE” – (11:00 PM-Midnight ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Hosted by Ken Jeong, permanent panelists Cheryl Hines and Adrienne Bailon-Houghton and an additional rotating panel of celebrity detectives must help one contestant tell the difference between good and bad singers, without ever hearing them sing a note. With $100,000 on the line and the celebrity panel by their side, the contestant will attempt to weed out the bad “Secret Voices” from the good, based on a series of clues, interrogation and lip synch challenges. In the end, the singer whom the contestant picks will reveal if they are good or bad in a duet performance with a musical superstar, Katharine McPhee, resulting in an amazing musical collaboration or a totally hilarious train wreck in the “Episode 10: Katharine McPhee, Joel McHale, Niecy Nash, Cheryl Hines, Adrienne Houghton” episode of I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE airing Saturday, April 3 (11:00 PM-Midnight ET/PT) on FOX. (VOI-102) (TV-PG D, L)
    03/28/2021 (07:00PM – 08:00PM) (Sunday) : Contestants play “Don’t Leave Me Hanging,” “Say Whaaat?!,” “Mt. Saint Ellen” and new game “Make It Rain.” The winner of each of the first four rounds moves on to “Know or Go” and that winner advances to “Hotter Hands” for a chance to win a cash prize. Stephen “tWitch” Boss serves as announcer. TV-PG
    03/30/2021 (09:00PM – 10:01PM) (Tuesday) : Kevin and Madison navigate their engagement as Kate and Toby take a big step in their adoption journey. Jack and Rebecca brace for puberty. TV-14 Promo
    04/03/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : The squad rallies around Det. Stabler to find the suspect behind a threat to his family. Christopher Meloni, Isabel Gillies, Allison Siko and Jeffrey Scaperrotta guest star. TV-14 L,V  Promo
    04/03/2021 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Saturday) : SERIES PREMIERE — Christopher Meloni stars as Elliot Stabler, who returns to the NYPD to take on the city’s most powerful organized crime syndicates and rebuild his life in the wake of a devastating personal loss. Dylan McDermott, Danielle MonĂŠ Truitt, Tamara Taylor and Ainsley Seiger also star. Mariska Hargitay guest stars. TV-14 L,V Promo
    04/03/2021 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Saturday) : TV-14 Seth Rogen is guest host and Ed Sheeran is musical guest.
    Sketches include – cold open: at Coachella, Paul Ryan (Taran Killam ) & Jeb Bush (Beck Bennett) attempt cool conservatism;
    monologue: Zooey Deschanel, James Franco, Taylor Swift [real] interrupt Rogen;
    skit: Shallon reverses D.A.R.E. representative’s (Rogen) say-no-to-drugs spiel;
    TV commercial: drawn-out CNN pregnancy test frustrates potential parents (Bennett) & (Vanessa Bayer);
    skit: (Aidy Bryant)’s pair of broken arms draw attention at (Cecily Strong)’s birthday dinner;
    Film: “Monster Pals”- (Mike O’Brien) & (James Franco) undergo surgery to look human;
    TV commercial: Blue River Dog Food- inferior kibble makes (Rogen)’s wife (Strong) crazy;
    song: musical guest Ed Sheeran performs “Sing”;
    news: Samsung endorser David Ortiz (Kenan Thompson) acts as spokesman for other brands;
    news: Jacob talks about Passover symbolism & slowly warms up to Strong;
    skit: (Strong) broaches cousin’s (Rogen) gay experience at his engagement party;
    skit: Al Sharpton (Thompson) clumsily participates in 1983 FBI mob sting operation;
    song: Ed Sheeran performs “Don’t”;
    Film: “A Very Smoky 420”- non-pothead (Kyle Mooney) revels in holiday weed tradition; and
    TV commercial: Herman (Rogen) & Sons (Thompson) are making their sperm bank into a yogurt shop.



  • These TV shows come out on DVD March 30: “Asteroid in Love: The Complete Series” (only on Blu-ray); “Black Clover: Season 3 – Part 3” (only on Blu-ray); “Hajime no Ippo The Fighting! TV Series Collection 2” (only on Blu-ray); “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series”; and “The South Westerlies”.

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Interview with Corey Reynolds and Alan Tudyk

TV Interview!

Interview with Corey Parker and Alan Tudyk of "Resident Alien" on Syfy

Interview with Corey Reynolds and Alan Tudyk of “Resident Alien” on Syfy by Suzanne 3/23/21

NBC/Universal had a wonderful virtual junket last week, where we were fortunate to interview many of their stars. This particular interview was supposed to just be with Corey Reynolds, but Alan Tudyk showed up as well (much to our delight). I didn’t actually get to ask them any of my questions, but you can see the other reporters’ questions and hear my exchange with them. It was pretty funny in parts.  This is a great show, and I’m so happy that they’re going to have a second season.

Don’t miss the season one finale Wednesday, March 31, 10/9c.

Here’s the transcript of our interview, which doesn’t include my own comments. Make sure you watch the video!

Question:   Good morning, Cory. Good morning, Alan, thank you so much for joining us. [I’m] a big fan of the show and such a big fan of you Alan. I don’t know if anybody else could have ever played this character. Oh my god. Can talk a little bit about that. You’ve played a lot of weird characters, inhuman characters, but this one, even in your human form, from the first episode and the evolution and everything, it was just mind blowing to see that. What’s your process and stuff like that, and how do you still humanize your characters while being so inhuman?

Alan:   Hmm. I think a few things, I guess. You know, you have to start with you, when you act in anything. That’s the best way to go. Whatever you’re doing, it all goes through the filter of you as a human, you as an actor. Then you add things on that are unlike you. Harry’s an alien, and he’s using this body as a sort of meat puppet. He’s having to learn how to move this thing around from the inside. He’s Jim Henson’s hand, which was going to be the title, and I really think it should have been. So, I think that way, sort of as if he’s an alien peering out through the eyes of this character. Like just immediately, if you start thinking yourself that way, that you’re like something just sitting at the rim of the eyes looking out, it’s creepy, and you end up becoming a little creepy when you put your head space there.

And it’s just adding on all those little things that are given to you in the script. We’ve got great scripts, and because everything’s a first for Harry, specifically for Harry, he doesn’t know anything about being a human. That gives me a lot of leeway to go as far as I want to in many directions, because he’s curious. He’s curious, like a child, and can be surprised very easily. There’re really very few things you can’t accept about his behavior. He can do some really crazy stuff, and you can go, “Well, that makes sense.” So, it’s a it’s a fun character in that there’s a lot of leeway, a lot of leeway there.

Question:   Right. You want to kill the child, and I’m still like, “Sure, go ahead.”


Question:   Which is what I’m saying. I was surprised in the writing and your performance in that sense. Like, how can you actually keep doing that and still root for this character, which I really think is a huge cheers to your performance and [the] writing for that matter. Absolutely. So, congratulations.

Cory, you are so damn hilarious from your first appearance. It’s mind-blowing. I mean, not many people can just go ahead and be the Big Black and still, you know, not feel offensive or feel like –

Corey:   I feel offensive.

Question:   But I want to get to that. Initial[ly], it’s a comedy, and you’re a fantastic actor, but the show kind of taps into this guy’s confidence in being surrounded by white and Native people, but they don’t have the confidence and everything, keeping it so funny, but still kind of acknowledging [it]. So, can you talk a little bit about that? The race aspect of this issue where there’s a fantastic character so confident in himself, but doesn’t acknowledge – that seems ignorant of, like, you know, the race. I’m not sure.

Corey:   Yeah, you know, I had a question come up at our New York City Comic-Con a of couple years ago about that. I had one of the interviewers ask me, “Did Big Black have any concerns about being in a mountain town surrounded by all of those white folks?” I believe that was the question that was asked. I think my response was something along the lines of, “If he does, he hasn’t mentioned it to me.” [laughs] I think, obviously, there is a component of race there, and it’s hard to ignore in the climate that we’re in, but I think one thing we’re going to come to discover about Sheriff Mike, about Big Black, is that – at least for me, and I’m not even really sure if I’ve discussed this as much with Chris, because, we’ve played around with the idea and talked about it, but we haven’t really like delved into it. I think, for me, personally, Mike feels like the sheriff’s department in his hands when it comes to that race component is the safest place for it to be, because despite his exterior, I believe that he sees police work as being 90% communication and 10% enforcement. I think that as long as he’s in that driver’s seat, when it comes to the sheriff’s office, he knows that everyone in that town is going to be treated fairly. He knows that everyone in that town is going to be given equal credence, and no one’s going to be mistreated based on their creed, based on what they look like, who they love, or how they pray. I think that his efforts to fit in, fueled by his insecurities of fitting in, have been what has really fueled his dynamic and downfall with Deputy Liv (Elizabeth Bowen). Mike is trying desperately to prove himself, and we’re going to begin to discover more and more what that’s rooted in and why he is that way.

…Hey, can I just add, one key thing about about Alan as well, when we talk about nobody else being able to play this role, like it’s hard to do scene work with Alan, because he’s so fucking funny and his embodiment of this character. If you watch the show, there’re two things, two little moments, little itty bitty things when he first shows up at the crime scene. He’s holding his hands in the position of his second pair of hands, and he’s like, “This is awesome.” Then, most recently, in the episode where his wife is played by Elvy, [she] is laying in bed with him, and he’s laying there on his back with his hands. You know, that type of commitment to letting that character exist is kind of like always running in the background for him. So, you have the things that we’re seeing in the foreground, but then there’s also this undercurrent of Harry that’s there that’s always being played and suddenly found all over the place. It’s just, he’s great man. Seriously, l’m constantly blown away by Alan. He knows this though. I mean, he knows I am.

Alan:   Thank you very much.

Question:   Do you do the motion capture for the alien?

Publicist:   Sorry, guys, we have to we have to let someone else have a have a turn because we’re gonna have to wrap it [up].

Question:   This is such a hybrid. You have the mystery of sci-fi. It’s from a comic. Is there ever a point where you’re in a scene and you’re like, “What’s the tone here? How do I approach this?” to get the most out of it, you know, to to make the scene really pop? Do you ever have an issue with that?

Question:   Alan?

Alan:   I don’t. There are times we finish a thing in a scene and I’ll say, “This is a one-hour drama, everybody, a one-hour drama,” because it’ll be on the heels of something so very comic. I think Chris [Sheridan] has done a great job in creating a world that can hold all of it. That is no easy feat, and when it doesn’t work, it’s so easy for it not to work, and I think he’s done a good job of of getting it to work.

When we did the pilot, that was something that we all talked about, just play it like a drama, you know, play it like a drama and the comedy will be there. I think we do that for the most part, but again, there’s leeway to be a little bit – You know, there’s a scene where Elvy, or my wife that I didn’t know I had, she’s gone downstairs and she’s opened up the freezer, and she’s taken out steaks, and she’s made steaks, and I’m saying, “Where did you get those steaks?” She says, “I got them downstairs.” And I’m going to say, “It’s closed; that door is closed,” and I say, “That door is open.” I had two takes where I said, “That door is open,” or “That door is open!” or something like that. Then, the third take, I screamed it, and that’s the one they used. So, you know, they use [it] at their discretion also. They have options. But in the world, there’s this alien who has new emotions, and he’s starting to feel he doesn’t have a great governor on his emotions. His feelings can just come up and come up in a rush. So, you can excuse it away that it becomes a very comic “Open!” screaming moment. So, I hope that it holds it all, and we do – I think, Cory, your stuff is so funny. You have the same thing. Right?

Corey:   Yeah, it’s trying to find a way to keep these ungrounded characters somewhat grounded. You know what I mean? The sheriff is definitely over the top, but truth be told, listen, I grew up in Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, Chesterfield County, just outside of Richmond, and a lot of my family was up in Dodgeville County. I have an uncle named Flip. You understand what I’m saying? So, you know, I had an uncle named Butt Cut, so I know folks, not quite like Mike, but he’s not that foreign to me. Maybe his attitude is much bigger, but the person he is, is pretty – I know this guy; I know guy.

And as far as getting the scenes and stuff together, we block shoot. So, we shoot two episodes at a time, so it does require in moments – Like we’ll be shooting something from episode two and three, literally, in the same day. We might even be using the same location but having totally different emotions from scene to scene, because they’re two different episodes. So, we do have to get a reminder every now and again from our directors, or Chris, or our script supervisor, of what’s happened between what are we coming directly out of [and] what are we bringing into this moment, which is pretty standard overall, but when you’re block shooting, it does create a unique kind of challenge to make sure you’re staying in the right moment for the right scene.

Alan:   And I don’t do motion capture on this show. Just a heads up to answer that question from before.

Here is the video version of it.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com

Check out Jamie’s interview with Corey Reynolds!


Read Our Review!

Season Finale Airs Wednesday, March 31 at 10/9c
In advance of the season finale, we’re excited to share the hysterical season 1 blooper reel and deleted scene from episode 7.

Based on the Dark Horse comic, SYFY’s RESIDENT ALIEN follows Harry, an alien played by Alan Tudyk (“Rogue One,” “Firefly”) that crash lands on Earth and passes himself off as a small-town human doctor. Arriving with a secret mission to kill all humans, Harry starts off living a simple life… but things get a bit rocky when he’s roped into solving a local murder and realizes he needs to assimilate into his new world. As he does so, he begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his mission and asking the big life questions like: “Are human beings worth saving?” and “Why do they fold their pizza before eating it?”

From UCP, in association with Amblin TV and Dark Horse Entertainment, RESIDENT ALIEN was adapted to television by executive producer Chris Sheridan (“Family Guy”). Mike Richardson (“Hellboy”) and Keith Goldberg (“The Legend of Tarzan”) of Dark Horse Entertainment (“The Umbrella Academy”), and Justin Falvey (“The Americans”) and Darryl Frank (“The Americans”) of Amblin TV also executive produce. David Dobkin (“Wedding Crashers”) executive produced and directed the pilot. “Resident Alien” also stars Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund and Levi Fiehler.

Hashtag: #ResidentAlien


breaking news | May 30, 2019

Alan Tudyk Stars in Series from UCP, with Chris Sheridan Executive Producing Alongside Dark Horse Entertainment and Amblin TV

David Dobkin Executive Produced and Directed the Pilot

NEW YORK, NY – February 28, 2019 — SYFY today announced the series pickup of RESIDENT ALIEN, a comedic drama based on the popular Dark Horse comics series by co-creators Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse. From Universal Content Productions (UCP), in association with Amblin TV and Dark Horse Entertainment, the series was adapted to television by executive producer Chris Sheridan (“Family Guy”). Mike Richardson (“Hellboy”) and Keith Goldberg (“The Legend of Tarzan”) of Dark Horse Entertainment (“The Umbrella Academy”), and Justin Falvey (“The Americans”) and Darryl Frank (“The Americans”) of Amblin TV will also executive produce. David Dobkin (“The Judge”) executive produced and directed the pilot.

RESIDENT ALIEN is a twisted and comedic fish-out-of-water story that follows a crash-landed alien named Harry (Alan Tudyk) who, after taking on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor, slowly begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his secret mission on Earth — ultimately asking the question, “Are human beings worth saving?”

Tudyk (“Doom Patrol,” “Rogue One”) is joined by series regulars Sara Tomko (“Once Upon A Time”), Corey Reynolds (“The Closer”), Alice Wetterlund (“People of Earth”) and Levi Fiehler (“Mars”). The series will begin production in Vancouver this summer.

About SYFY
SYFY is a global, multiplatform media brand that gives science fiction fans of all kinds a universe to call home. Celebrating the genre in all its forms, SYFY super-serves passionate fans with original science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and superhero programming, live event coverage and imaginative digital and social content. The brand is powered by SYFY WIRE (www.syfy.com), the premier portal for breaking genre news, insight and commentary. SYFY is a network of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation.

About UCP
UCP is a premium content studio that operates with a highly curated indie sensibility, while simultaneously leveraging the power and scale of NBCUniversal. As fierce advocates for creators with an eclectic point of view, the UCP team develops pioneering original programming with partners such as Amazon (“Homecoming”), Netflix (“The Umbrella Academy”), Hulu (“The Act”) and YouTube (“Impulse”). In addition, UCP produces high-caliber content for NBCU Cable networks, including Bravo (“Dirty John”), USA (the Emmy® and Golden Globe®-winning drama “Mr. Robot,” the Golden Globe nominated “The Sinner,” “The Purge” and “Suits” ) and SYFY (“Happy!,” and “The Magicians”). UCP’s content library also features 800 hours of award-winning and critically-acclaimed content, including the Emmy Award-winning “Monk,” the Peabody and Hugo Award-winning “Battlestar Galactica” and the Emmy nominated “Psych.”

About Amblin Television:
Amblin Television, a long-time leader in quality programming, is a division of Amblin Partners, a content creation company led by Steven Spielberg. Amblin Television’s co-presidents, Darryl Frank and Justin Falvey, oversee all development, production and programming for the company. Amblin Television currently has thirteen projects in various stages of production including “Bull” and “Tommy” for CBS, “Roswell, New Mexico” for the CW, “The Haunting of Bly Manor” for Netflix – the follow-up chapter to The Haunting of Hill House, “Amazing Stories” for Apple, “Halo” for Showtime, a straight-to-series order for “Brave New World” from USA Network, “Cortes and Moctezuma” for Amazon, “Animaniacs” for Hulu, “Why We Hate” for Discovery, “Resident Alien” for SYFY, and the documentary films “Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind” for HBO and “Laurel Canyon” for Epix.

Some of Amblin Television’s previous credits include the Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning drama “The Americans” for FX, Emmy-nominated HBO movie “All The Way” starring Bryan Cranston, “Smash” for NBC, “Under the Dome” for CBS, “Falling Skies” for TNT, “The Borgias” and “The United States of Tara” for Showtime, and “Las Vegas” for NBC.

About Dark Horse Entertainment:
Dark Horse Entertainment was spun off from founder Mike Richardson’s Dark Horse Comics in 1992. The company’s first major hits—THE MASK and TIMECOP — were based on Richardson’s creations and DHE has since produced over 30 films and series, including an Emmy Award–winning documentary, MR. WARMTH: THE DON RICKLES PROJECT. Recent projects include THE LEGEND OF TARZAN with Warner Bros., the DARK MATTER television series for Syfy network and POLAR, adapted from Victor Santo’s noir graphic novel starring Mads Mikkelsen (Rogue One) at Netflix. Current projects include a reboot of Mike Mignola’s HELLBOY starring David Harbour (Stranger Things) directed by Neil Marshall (The Descent), and THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, a Netflix original series based on the comics created by Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) and Gabriel Ba.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Interview with Corey Parker and Alan Tudyk of "Resident Alien" on Syfy

B&B Short Recap Thursday, March 25, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

B&B logo

Recap written by Suzanne

Wyatt and Liam are at Spencer Publications. Wyatt spent the night at Bill’s place because he and Hope are separated. Wyatt feels bad for Liam and hopes they can work things out. Liam knows that it’s all his fault. Wyatt tries to give him a pep talk. Liam assures him that he’s OK, and he won’t give up on Hope. Liam asks about Wyatt and Flo. Wyatt says they’re doing great, and that he thinks he and Flo will have a long, happy future together. Liam assures him that he’s forgiven Flo, and that he thinks most of the Forresters have, as well, since they’ve hired her at the company. Wyatt is glad to have Liam and Bill’s support. Liam thinks that Wyatt might have a secret with regard to Flo because he’s beaming. Wyatt doesn’t want to talk about it, since Liam’s life is doing so badly. Liam insists that Wyatt talk to him about it. Wyatt tells him how happy Flo makes him, and he shows Liam the engagement ring that he plans to give Flo.

Donna, Katie and Brooke are at Forrester. They talk about Liam and Hope’s separation. Hope is at home today with the kids. Brooke hopes that Liam and Hope can reconcile. They all talk about being Logans and sisters. Katie is proud of them for accepting Flo. She knows this would have been important to Storm. She tears up, thinking about him. They decide to reach out to Flo, so Katie calls her. Meanwhile, Shauna visits Flo in her new office at Forrester. Flo tells her about how she’s working with Paris and Hope for the Future. She’s grateful to Katie and the others for giving her a new job and welcoming her into the family. She hopes to one day have a relationship with Hope (her cousin). They, too, gossip about Liam and Hope’s separation. Katie phones to ask them to come to the CEO office, so they go there. Shauna thanks the Logans for how they’ve accepted Flo. Flo adds her thanks. Katie, Donna and Brooke tell Flo that they want to legally make her a Logan. Carter drew up papers so that she can become Flo Logan. Shauna and Flo are shocked.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, March 26, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Amanda’s mother Naya asks for her help to defend her maternal grandfather Sutton Aimes who has been accused of arranging the car accident that killed her father Richard. Amanda thinks she is being used by her biological family just because it would look good to a jury to have the granddaughter that was given away defend her grandfather. Amanda tells Naya that she needs time to think and will call her when she makes a decision. Rey searches the penthouse while Chelsea thinks to herself that she is sorry for poisoning Rey, but it will all be worth it. Rey finds the shaving kit, the Thalium, the tray, and the figurine that was missing from Sharon’s house. Adam suspects that Chelsea has recovered movement so he tells her he is leaving but he goes out into the hallway to watch Chelsea. Chelsea moves her head to stretch before Rey comes into the room. Adam knows Chelsea set him up and he leaves because he needs to think about what he needs to do next. Faith is deeply hurt when she finds out that she doesn’t have a secret admirer and Jordan has been pretending to be a boy who is interested in her just to play a cruel joke on her. Faith tells Nikki what happened and pretends that their talk made her feel better. Nikki goes to get Faith something to eat and Faith cries and steals a bottle of vodka from the bar and walks out of the Newman mansion.

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Interview with Jeff Rake and Parveen Kaur

TV Interview!

Parveen Kaur and Jeff Rake of "Manifest" on NBC

Interview with star Parveen Kaur and showrunner Jeff Rake of “Manifest” on NBC by Suzanne 2/22/21

I waited to put this up, since “Manifest” is returning Thursday, April 1st for season 3, and we had many other interviews to put up in the meantime. We also have a new “Manifest” interview to put up as well, which we hope will be up soon. I hope it’s worth the wait! They were both very nice. I have to thank my sister-in-law Eileen, and her husband Joe, because they are huge fans of the show and provided me with the questions. I like the show, but I’m way behind on catching up with it.

Parveen is one of the stars of the show.  She plays Saanvi Bahl, a scientist.  Jeff Rake created the show and is producer and showrunner.

It was a fun interview, even though I didn’t have a lot of time with them. This was with a series of interviews that NBC and SYFY had for us in one day, with many different reporters. In the Zoom video below, you’ll see and hear other reporters asking their questions as well. We were just one group asking questions that day. In fact, I came in after another reporter had already asked their question. Enjoy!

Here’s the transcript:

Jeff:   But every day she’s dealing with, you know, Ben (Josh Dallas); she’s dealing, with, you know, Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh), the Stone family, and so it’s such an oppressive burden that it makes the stakes raise right off the top. There’s an important story point that I’ll tease. Let me see how I can tease it without kind of telling too much, but let’s put it this way, halfway through the season, we come to have an even clearer understanding about why the passengers are back and whether or not they will be able to survive the death date that we’ve been following since the end of season one.

And what Saanvi comes to deduce when this greater clarity comes out, is the fact that she has been guilty of this terrible act could have implications not only on her own destiny, but on the destiny of others around her. So, a bad situation becomes even worse when this kind of comes to fruition at a halfway point in season three, and that ends up kind of driving some of Saanvi’s agenda for the back half of the season.

Question:   As far as the Stone family thinks, they’ve cracked what to do about the death date, that if you do something – Can you articulate what it is they think they’ve discovered about defeating the death date and whether or not that discovery holds water?

Jeff:   …So, of course, at the end of season two, Zeke (Matt Long), who had just gotten married to Michaela, surprised Michaela and the audience by surviving his death date. He had his own death date to remind our viewers he wasn’t on the plane. The passengers had disappeared and come back, and we came to discover in season two that you’re back for as long as you were gone. So, Zeke was gone for year. After a year, he was back, and he survived his death date.

So, now that we’re on the B side of that, the passengers are trying to understand, “Well, can we learn from the lesson of Zeke? It seems like he followed his callings and therefore lived.” So, when we come into season three, we find Ben and Michaela, unlike Saanvi – and I’ll let Parveen speak to this in a minute, but we find Ben and Michaela in a somewhat optimistic place, because they’re just kind of a few months in the aftermath of Zeke’s survival, and their working theory is, “Okay, Zeke follow the callings, and he lived. If we all follow the callings, then perhaps that means we can live too.”

So, for for Ben and Michaela, it becomes about trying to spread the word to 180 some passengers. “Hey, folks, here’s what we have to do if we want to survive.” They’re going to discover halfway through the season that it’s more complicated than that, but they think they have the tools for survival when they come into the season.

Saanvi, on the other hand, burdened by so much kind of crap that’s going on in her world, I’m not sure if she shares that optimism, but I’ll let Parveen speak to that.

Parveen:   Well, I don’t think that she does. She’s also not getting the callings anymore…

Jeff:   But that’s a great point, if you need to follow the callings to survive, Saanvi kind of got rid of her callings through science, and now she’s kind of stuck and desperately in search of her path to redemption if there is one.

Question:   So, does Saanvi think that she’s screwed it up for everybody or just for herself?

Jeff:   Parveen?

Parveen:   Well, she has one theory starting off, and then that theory is proven to be incorrect, which is yes, she thought it was just going to be [her], and then we find out that…the consequences that I thought that only Saanvi was going to experience, there might be repercussions and consequences for all of us.

Jeff:   And forgive us for being elliptical, but so much of the season’s mystery is about exactly this, so we’re just being a little bit guarded.

Question:   How does COVID impact the production, and do you think viewers of the show living through a real life pandemic developed more of an interest and respect for science?

Jeff:   Oh, wow, that’s a really good question. You want to go at that first, Parveen?

Parveen:   Yeah, I mean, we obviously can all say that we have a lot of respect for all the frontline workers and all the people that are in the thick of all of this and really feeling it, being, you know, closest to the sun and feeling the heat to all of this, but with the science aspect, I mean, I would have you answer that question in terms of, “Will people have more respect for science because of a pandemic?” I mean, I hope so. These are the people that we rely on in terms of our safety and our health and making sure that we are a thriving, functioning society. Yes, science and scientists are an integral part of our society. So, yeah, I would hope so, so that people can watch a show like ours and have respect for people like Saanvi, because they put themselves through a lot. We’ve seen also certain scientists dealing with a lot of repercussions in terms of trying to spread information and trying to get information out, and it’s not always a safe type of job. We’ve seen people have to deal with real consequences. What was the second part of the question?

Question:   How COVID affected the production.

Parveen:   There are definitely – we have a very strict protocol on our show in terms of testing in terms of social distancing, and we are very diligent. It definitely took us a minute to get our footing in this new world, but, you know, knock on wood, we’ve been really good.

Jeff:   And just to pile on that for one second, when you watch Manifest in season three, you’re not going to see actors wearing masks, and I wouldn’t want anybody out there who watches the show to think that we were loosey goosey with COVID protocol. All we do around here is wear masks and goggles and shields, and the only people who take their masks off are the actors, and they do it only when the camera rolls. And through a combination of rapid tests and PCR tests and social distance, we’ve gotten to a point where the actors feel comfortable with that limited exposure, but it’s a highly regulated environment. It’s it’s been a huge priority for all of us, and when you watch season three, you’ll see when the credits roll, at the end of the first line of the credits is going to mention that this episode was filmed safely in adherence to COVID protocols, because we just wanted to make everybody aware that the actors, the producers, the entire crew, studio, network, everybody’s greatest concern was about the safety and well being for everybody involved in the show and everybody out in the world.

Suzanne:   Parveen, I wanted to ask you first, I read an interview from last April where you said that you were concerned that Saanvi might die. Do you still feel that way?

Parveen:   Um…

Suzanne:   Put you on the spot, huh?

Parveen:   Well, yeah, I think she’s very concerned about that.

Suzanne:   She’s very concerned. Okay. And, Jeff, my sister-in-law just loves the show. I mean, I think it’s the only show she watches; she loves it. So, wanted me to ask if you have any idea which characters on the show are the most popular, if you’ve done any market research, or going by a male or whatever – I put you on the spot. Now you both get a turn.

Jeff:   First of all, thank your sister-in-law for being such a fan of the show. We’re grateful and, you know, honestly, I don’t think it’s a question of like, “Who’s most popular?” I feel like there’s a lot of fan rivalries. So, like, for instance, in the romantic triangle that exists between like Michaela, Zeek, and Jared (J.R. Ramirez), I know that like – Did I say that right? Michaela, Zeke, and Jared. If you’re a Zeke fan, you’re not Jared fan; if you’re a Jared fan, you’re not a Zeke fan. Then, there’re a lot of fans, who even though Saanvi is a strong, compelling character on her own, and she’s a scientist and a driver of mythology, there’re are a lot of fans who see romantic chemistry between Saanvi and Ben. And if you’re an [unintelligible] fan, if you’re a Saanvi fan, you’re not a Grace (Athena Karkanis) fan. If you’re a Grace fan, you’re not a Saanvi fan. So, I think it’s interesting that there’re a lot of factions in that regard. Then, there’re a lot of young people who watch the show, and they’re all about Cal (Jack Messina) and Olive (Luna Blaise). So, I think that a lot of people have their favorites, and they like to argue with each other on Twitter, on Reddit, or the Facebook pages about the characters, but that’s great. I love that. If you love a character, great. If you hate a character, that’s fine with me. I’m just glad that you’re invested.

Suzanne:   Thank you. Good answer.

Question:   Yes, I would like to ask, is TJ (Garrett Wareing) going to Egypt, because somebody needed to go to Egypt? Or did the actor get something that his absence needed to be explained?

Jeff:   That’s very funny. I don’t really have a straight ahead answer for you, in that regard. His character was a great and important role in season two. We love the actor so much; he’s a great friend to the production, and there’s a very good chance we’ll see him again. You know, serialized stories like this are like the sine curve. They have the ups and downs of when different characters are vital to our storytelling. In season three, that wasn’t the case for TJ and Olive’s continuing, mythological journey and relationship journey, [which] goes in a different direction in season three. I’m excited for people to see where that leads and who that leads to.

Question:   So, the building of the pyramids is not going to factor into the mythology?

Jeff:   Not this season, but you never know on Manifest. And I should add one more thing, in absentia, TJ does play an important role in at least one mythological story turn in the season, so so he will absolutely be invoked. So, with a tip of the hat to TJ, even if we’re not going to see him on screen.

Here is the video of the interview.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com


"Manifest" key art“Manifest” returns for a third season of action-packed drama, shocking revelations and the answer to the show’s biggest mystery – what happened to the passengers of Flight 828?

Over a year has passed since the miraculous homecoming of Flight 828 and the discovery of others who have mysteriously returned. While the Stone family endeavors to keep their friends safe and make their enemies believe the unbelievable, new challenges will test their trust of the callings and each other. But sticking together is more important than ever, because no matter what happens, it’s all connected.

“Manifest” stars Melissa Roxburgh, Josh Dallas, Athena Karkanis, J.R. Ramirez, Luna Blaise, Jack Messina, Parveen Kaur, Matt Long and Holly Taylor.

Jeff Rake, Robert Zemeckis, Jack Rapke, Jackie Levine and Len Goldstein are executive producers.

“Manifest” is produced by Warner Bros. Television, Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, Compari Entertainment and Jeff Rake Productions.

Parveen Kaur stars as Saanvi Bahl in NBC’s “Manifest.”

Born in British Columbia’s beautiful Okanagan Valley, Kaur moved to Toronto at age 19 to pursue a career in film and television. She is best known for her work in Guillermo del Toro’s hit FX series “The Strain” and CTV’s Saving Hope.

Jeff Rake serves as executive producer, writer and showrunner for NBC’s “Manifest.”

After a short career in law, Rake co-created “The $treet” for Fox, “Miss Match” for NBC and also co-wrote the pilot for ABC’s “Boston Legal.”

In 2013, he developed “The Mysteries of Laura,” which aired for two seasons on NBC and in more than 100 countries around the world.

He has written and produced episodes of “The Practice,” “Bones,” “Head Cases,” “Cashmere Mafia,” “Hawthorne,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Tomorrow People,” as well as the 1996 Elvis Presley hip-hop musical “Hound Dog: A Hip hOpera” for the Hudson Avenue Theatre in Hollywood.

Rake grew up in Encino, Calif., and lives in Los Angeles with his wife and children.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Parveen Kaur and Jeff Rake of "Manifest" on NBC

Y&R Short Recap Thursday, March 25, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nikki persuades Nick to allow Faith to go meet her secret admirer from school that she has been texting. Nikki takes Faith to meet the boy at Crimson Lights but he texts Faith that he has strict parents who wouldn’t let him go meet her. Kyle decides to tell Jack about his affair with Tara but he doesn’t tell Jack he has a son with Tara. Adam confronts Chloe because he thinks he sent the texts to Sharon from his phone. Chloe denies everything but tells Chelsea that there is a picture on the internet of him kissing Sharon. Adam tells Chelsea the kiss was a mistake and that he loves her and not Sharon. Rey, Nick, and Nikki all suspect that Adam poisoned him. Rey persuades Michael to grant him a search warrant to search Adam’s penthouse.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, March 25, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ben tried to convince Ciara that she knew him. She told him that she didn’t know him. She said he was the necktie killer. He said that she loved him. She said Claire told her the same thing, but she didn’t believe her. Everyone at the church made vows to take care of Lani and Eli’s children. Ciara told Ben that he was a liar. She said she would never marry him. He said they were married. She said she wouldn’t marry him after he killed three women. He brought her things to prove that they were married. She told him she wanted him to leave once she looked at it. He showed her a wedding picture. He wanted to know what she thought. She said it was photo shopped. He said it was real. He said he had more proof. He showed her her engagement ring. She said it was a washer. He said it was from her father’s bike because he couldn’t afford to give her a ring. She said she crashed her father’s bike, which was why she was there. He said the crash was the beginning of their love story. The christening was over and everyone decided to meet at Julie’s Place. Claire met a new girl named Chanel. They had drinks with each other. Tripp showed up. Claire told him that Ciara didn’t remember anything for the last few years. She said the only thing Ciara remembered was the two of them making out on the couch. Ben told Ciara that they met when she crashed her bike. She said she didn’t remember that. He told her what happened after he found her on the road. He told her how they fell in love with each other.

Chanel wanted Claire and Tripp to tell her about what happened when Ciara walked in on them. Ben told Ciara that he knew she remembered them and their history. He said she remembered their love. He asked her to try to remember. She said Kayla told her that he promised to stay away from her. He said her memory was started to come back to her. She said he was wrong. Julie and Doug made a speech at Julie’s Place. Doug told Eli and Lani to open their gifts. Paulina let them know that she was paying for their college education. Claire told Chanel what happened when Ciara caught her and Tripp together. Chanel asked if Claire and Tripp were together. Claire said they were together until he decided to marry another girl. Chanel asked if there was someone new in the picture. Claire said she dated Tripp’s brother. She said he was murdered. Chanel asked who killed him. Ben told Ciara that she was missing and he was able to find her in a dream. She said they didn’t have a psychic connection. He said they did. He said he wasn’t crazy. He said he wasn’t giving up on them. She said she didn’t love him. Roman showed up. She told Roman that she wanted Ben to leave. She told Ben to get out. Chanel told Claire she was going to leave. Claire reminded her that she was going to pay for it. Chanel wanted to know when she said that. Tripp offered to pay for it, but Claire said it was going to be about $500. Claire demanded that Chanel pay for it. Ciara told Ben to leave. She wanted him to take his junk with him. When Ben left, Ciara asked if what Ben was saying was true. Roman wanted to know what he said. She said Ben told her that they were married and in love. Roman told her Ben was her husband. She wanted to know how it was possible. She said she crashed her bike and wanted to know how she had time to get married. He wanted to get Kayla in there. Ciara wanted to know everything. He said they would tell her everything, but he wanted to get Kayla. Eli showed up while Claire and Chanel were arguing. It turned out that Chanel was Paulina’s daughter.

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Interview with Loretta Walsh

TV Interview!

Loretta Walsh of "When Calls the Heart" on Hallmark

Interview with Loretta Walsh of “When Calls the Heart” on Hallmark by Krista 3/19/21

This was an interview done by email. We’re always glad when an actor takes the time to type their own answers to our questions because it’s less work for us! As you can see, her answers are very kind and professional.

1. I see that you grew up in Queensland, Australia. What was that like?

It was a very sheltered and “go outside and play” childhood in rural Queensland. I had a wonderful community and big family, but I knew at a young age I would need to leave for a bigger city to pursue my dreams of being an actor.

2. I read that you grew up in a family of actors. What was it like growing up with your family and did you know from a young age that you also wanted to act?

I knew that I wanted to dance from a young age and imagination and play were always a big part of my childhood. I was usually deterred from pursuing a career in the arts by those who knew how challenging a career it can be, but I knew in my heart that’s what I wanted, so I went for it!

3. I saw your first production was as Louisa in The Sound of Music. What was it like being in your first stage production?

Thrilling! I loved the collaboration, creativity and community of making theatre together. I was absolutely hooked!

4. When you first started acting, did you plan to act in all venues, theatre as well as TV and movies? How is it different to act on stage in theatre versus acting on a television show?

When I first started I didn’t know what was possible. I wasn’t focused on one particular medium. But after getting some experience, I knew that I wanted to work both on screen and on stage. The big difference is that on camera, the camera is your audience, on stage your audience is further away. Plus in theatre, the audience reaction is immediate and in real time (no second takes!)

5. You are returning as Florence Blakely in Season 8 of When Calls The Heart. What drew you to accepting this part?

I was really wanting to do an ensemble show that focused on women and the important and deep friendships of that sisterhood. I thought WCTH was that project.

6. What do you enjoy most about your character Florence Blakely?

I enjoy that she is a character who is always “doing” something. She doesn’t wait for things to happen to her – she takes action!

7. What has been your biggest challenge in playing the part of Florence Blakely?

Florence is quite a different person than Loretta, so finding those elements that are different and not playing them as a characature can be a challenge, but I feel that I ‘know’ Florence well now, so it comes a little easier after 8 seasons 😉

8. What is it like playing with the other actors in When Calls The Heart? Do you have relationships/friendships off set?

It’s great! We have a shorthand after so many years of playing together and it’s a real collaboration. And yes, behind the scenes we have our own little “hope valley” style community in real life. It’s a real gift in my life.

9. I saw where Florence will go through a physical and emotional transformation? Can you tell me more about that and what it involves?

You will have to watch as I can’t give any spoilers, but I will say that we will see some sides to Florence this season that we haven’t seen before.

10. What has been the funniest thing you have had happen on set?

I couldn’t pick one! There’s lots of laughter on set. It’s a fun group.

11. I saw where you will be appearing in “A Picture Perfect Wedding” later on, can you tell us a little bit about that movie?

Photographer Lindsey gets asked by a New York mogul’s son, Josh, to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for the ceremony, but as the big day arrives, what will their hearts decide? I play the villain in the movie “Maxine Bower-Smythe”.

12. Any other upcoming projects you can discuss?

The Sinners, a thriller/horror movie on VOD now!

13. I understand you founded your own theatre company. Tell me more about that.

I love theatre and have been deeply impacted by it over the years. I want to share the respect and love of theatre I have with others which is why I started Kindred Entertainment.

14. If you could pick any actor/actress to co-star with, who would you pick and why?

There’s too many to choose from! But I’d love to work with Emma Thompson as I love her authenticity and how she speaks about being a woman and an actor.

15. What piece of advice would you give to someone with a desire to act either on stage or on TV/movies?

Go for it! Study – take great acting classes, build a community, care for yourself and get ready for a marathon (not a sprint) Believe in yourself no matter how many “no’s” you get – good things will come your way!

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com


Loretta Walsh of "When Calls the Heart" on HallmarkBorn and raised in rural Queensland Australia, Loretta Walsh has enchanted audiences since a young age. She comes from a family of actors, and wanted to pursue acting as a career after playing “Louisa” in her local town’s production of “The Sound of Music”. Soon after discovering her love for the art she landed a small part in the tv series “Water Rats” playing a hostess of a swingers club. Loretta’s unique ability to transform and emobody a vast array of characters keeps audiences on their toes – this year will be no exception with her upcoming projects.

This year audiences will see Loretta return as Florence Blakeley in season eight of Hallmark’s “When Calls the Heart” which premiered February 21st. This season reveals new sides to Florence that #hearties haven’t seen before as she goes through both a physical and emotional transformation. Loretta will also appear in a supporting lead role as the villainous Maxine Bower-Smythe in the upcoming film A PICTURE PERFECT WEDDING, premiering later this year.

Loretta has worked on numerous TV shows and films including CW’s “Batwoman”, Netflix’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, A&E’s “Bates Motel” and the award winning teen thriller film THE SINNERS (aka The Color Rose).

Along with captivating audiences in film and TV Loretta has made an inprint in theatre, not only founding her own theatre company Kindred Entertainment, in Vancouver but appearing on various stages in a wide array of productions.

Loretta loves the variety and range of roles she has been privileged to play over the years and is motivated to represent women on screen and their stories that are surprising, complicated and imperfectly human.

SERIES: WHEN CALLS THE HEART"When Calls the Heart" poster

ABOUT THE SERIES: More surprises and challenges are in store for the residents of Hope Valley. Elizabeth’s relationships with Nathan and Lucas continue to deepen, Faith and Carson must make choices about their future, a new family arrives to town, Lee and Rosemary get some unexpected news, Bill is asked to return a prized possession and the whole town joins in the excitement as another wedding takes place.

CHARACTER: Florence Blakeley

PREMIERE: February 21, 2021 on Hallmark


ABOUT THE FILM: Photographer Lindsey gets asked by a New York mogul’s son, Josh, to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for ceremony, but as the big day arrive, what will their hearts decide?

CHARACTER: Maxine Bower-Smythe


Get to Know Loretta

My favorite movies when I was a kid – tied for SOUND OF MUSIC and GREASE. I wanted to be Olivia Newton John or Julie Andrews.

I love to travel….most favourite vacation was to Positano in Italy. Favorite place in the world – the beach – Noosa, Australia.

I love fashion and getting dressed up, but I put high value in being cozy (think Uggs, slippers, cashmere sweaters and pajamas 😉
I am fascinated by (and terrified of) sharks….
I have been skydiving.

Loretta has many different jobs apart from being an actor including.…. at KFC, being a nanny, a bartender, a teacher, a producer, working in events, a wine company rep, worked for an airline, a temp, a tour director, worked ONE night as catering staff….tough gig!
If I wasn’t an actor/producer, I would like to be a social worker ……or a puppy cuddler

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Loretta Walsh of "When Calls the Heart" on Hallmark

Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis tells Nick that she thinks Faith might like a boy since Faith asked her what it felt like to be in love. Amanda’s biological mother asks Amanda for help because her family is in trouble. Nick and Sharon are happy that Faith has decided she is ready to try therapy. Mariah and Tessa move into the Chancellor mansion before Mariah goes to the doctor to implant Abby and Devon’s embryos. Rey awakens and Nate sends inspectors to Sharon and Rey’s house to look for thalium. The investigators tell Nate that thalium was found in his shaving cream, body wash, and hair gel which leads Rey to think that he was the target since the poison was not found anywhere else in the house.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abe and Eli told Lani that she should tell Paulina the truth about not being the godmother. Lani didn’t want to do it. Abe said she needed to know. Abe and Eli said Julie was hurt, but she took it well. Abe said Paulina told him about there not being any black-owned businesses in Salem. Valerie told Paulina that Julie expected to be the godmother. Paulina said Julie had enough. Valerie said Julie was and Eli were close so he wanted her to be the godmother. Paulina thought she should still be the godmother. Claire talked to Theo about Ciara only remembering what happened when she was with Tripp. Julie and Doug went to see Ciara. Ciara wanted to know why Ben said they loved each other. Julie and Doug told her that Ben got medication. Ciara wanted to know why Ben was saying that they loved each other. When Doug started to tell her, Julie stopped him. Ciara wanted to know what Kayla said. Ben talked to Jake about Ciara not remembering him. Ben was worried that Ciara may never get her memory back. Jake said she would get it back. He said he had a way to get her memory back.

Valerie told Paulina that Lani didn’t want her to be the godmother. Paulina didn’t believe it at first, but was disappointed when she did. Paulina said Lani meant so much to her. She said she was wrong about Lani. Valerie wanted to go to the christening together, but Paulina didn’t want to go. She said it would be too humiliating. Valerie said Eli and Lani wanted her there. Paulina said she had to move things around to be there. She told Valerie that she didn’t want to go. Ciara wanted to know what Doug and Julie were keeping from her. Julie said Kayla told them that they shouldn’t talk about anything that was upsetting. Julie said Ben’s background was upsetting. Doug said he was reformed. Julie said it was still upsetting. Jake suggested that they use Dr. Rolf’s drug to get Ciara’s memory back. Ben didn’t want to use the drug because it didn’t work for him. Jake said he didn’t have amnesia. He told Ben not to give up on Ciara. Ben said Kayla told him not to stress out Ciara. Jake didn’t care what Kayla said. He said he was what Ciara needed. Doug wanted to tell Ciara the truth about Ben, but Julie didn’t want to stress her out. Jake told Ben that he had a right to see Ciara. Ben said he wasn’t going to pressure her. Jake told Ben to fight for her. Theo went to see Ciara. Valerie told Lani that Paulina took the news harder than she thought. She said Paulina wasn’t going to the christening. Lani wanted to call her. Valerie told her not to call her yet because she was humiliated about not being the godmother. Ciara talked to Theo about Claire almost sleeping with Tripp.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jack talked to Jennifer about what Abby did to Gwen. He didn’t talk to Abby yet, but he found it hard to believe she would hurt Gwen. Jennifer understood why Abby would want to hurt her after what she did to the family. He was concerned about Abby’s reaction when he let her know that he couldn’t turn his back on Gwen. Jennifer let Jack know that Gwen wasn’t her favorite person, but she believed they would get through the drama together. Gwen ran into Claire and was happy to see her. Unfortunately, Claire wasn’t happy to see her. She let Gwen know that she heard about what she did to Abby. She told Claire how Abby tried to drug her too. Claire thought she used her to go after her family. She let her know that she didn’t realize they were family when she went after Abby. Gwen considered her a friend. She was about to leave when Claire stopped her. Claire realized she wasn’t in a position to judge her. Gwen wanted to know if they were still friends. Claire was willing to be her friend as long as she didn’t hurt Abby again. She told her that she had the same arrangement with Jack.

Paulina went to see Lani. She thanked her for naming her the godmother of Jules. Lani told her that she wasn’t who they had in mind for Jules’ godmother. Paulina assumed they were going to ask her mother to do it. Paulina was fine with that decision. She left before Lani could tell her the truth. Abby went to Gabi’s room to ask her for her help with Gwen. Gabi refused to help her. Abby promised to help her get Jake. She told Abby that Jake made his decision on who he wanted. She decided to move on with her life. Abby continued to persuade her to help her go after Gwen. Gabi warned her that she would lose everything if she didn’t stop going after Gwen. Gabi knew about getting revenge, but it made her feel empty. She advised Abby to think about her kids. She refused to help her and wanted her to leave her room.  Chad ran into Jake. He warned him not to hurt Kate or he would have to answer to him. Jake realized how protective he was of Kate. He told him how she was like a mother to him. He let him know how she was the one who told him about Stefano being his biological father. Jake said he needed to climb down from his high horse especially after the way he betrayed Abby. Chad knew what he did to Abby and said they were going to therapy. He was hopeful about her moving back in the mansion, but he thought she had another reason to do it.

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At home, Hope talks about Douglas, but Brooke can tell something is bothering her. Hope says she loves Liam, but she’s having trouble getting past the fact that he slept with Steffy — and also that he told Steffy he loved her. Brooke thinks she shouldn’t let it get in their way. Hope complains about how Liam jumped into bed with Steffy at a moment’s notice. Brooke urges her to forgive Liam; she talks about forgiveness and pride before she leaves. Meanwhile, at Spencer, Bill tries to talk to Liam about work, but Liam is just focused on Hope. He’s very upset that he betrayed her. Bill tries to cheer him up, but it doesn’t work. Liam confides that Hope is having trouble with the fact that he told Steffy that he loved her. Bill advises him to make sure he keeps family together, whatever it takes. Liam agrees with him, saying that he can’t imagine life without Hope. Hope calls Liam to ask him to come home so they can talk. Bill thinks that’s a good sign, but Liam isn’t sure. Liam goes home to Hope, who says they need to talk. He apologizes again for betraying her. She knows he’s sorry but tells him how much it hurt her that he thought she kissed Thomas and that he turned to Steffy. She wants to forgive him because she loves him and their family. However, she can’t get that night out of her head and can’t move on. She thinks they need to figure out how they can move on for their future. Liam looks worried.

At Forrester, Ridge and Thomas talk about Thomas’ designs for Hope for the Future. Ridge wants to make sure that Thomas isn’t still interested in Hope as well. Thomas assures him that he’s acting the way he should. Ridge still worries about him and tells him that he’s there for him. Thomas just feels bad for the pain he caused Hope because of his brain injury. Ridge points out that Liam and Hope could split up because of their current troubles. Thomas says that regardless of what happens with them, he just wants Hope to be happy. He’s very grateful for how she’s co-parented Douglas. Ridge agrees and points out again that Thomas and Hope can’t be together because she’s married to Liam. Thomas isn’t holding out any idea that he and Hope will ever be together. He just loves her.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Tara calls Kyle and tells him she has a hunch that Ashland suspects that they have had a relationship in the past. Kyle tries to calm Tara down and asks her why she thinks that and Tara says Ashland was quiet on the plane ride home. Sally gets in Kyle’s head and asks him if Tara would have been single and they could have been a happy family. Kyle is stunned when he gets a call from Ashland Locke. Adam tells Chelsea that someone has been sending text messages to Sharon from his phone. Adam is sure his phone was hacked he has no idea that this is part of Chelsea’s plan to get revenge on him. Elena and Hate figure out that Rey was poisoned with valium and give Rey the antidote and Rey’s family and friends wait to see if Rey will be okay.

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Days Short Recap Monday, March 22, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe questioned Allie about whether or not she killed Charlie. While he was questioning her, Sami came in and stopped him from questioning Allie. Sami made Allie leave. Lucas talked to Tripp about Sami being a suspect in Charlie’s murder. Lucas wanted to talk to Allie, but she wasn’t home. Xander talked to Jack about Sarah dumping him for Rex. Xander told him that Sarah still blamed him for what he did with her baby. Jack couldn’t believe that she would take Rex back after he cheated. Xander said he couldn’t blame Rex talked to Kate and Roman about leaving town with Sarah. Kate didn’t like the idea of them being together. Kristen stabbed Sarah with the syringe. Sarah thought Kristen was Xander. Kate told Roman that Allie was in trouble for shooting Charlie. Rafe told Sami that he was trying to help Allie when he questioned her. He said if Allie told him something, it would have been inadmissible so she could have helped her. He told Sami that Allie was in trouble. Sami wanted to know why. He said the murder weapon was Kate’s gun. He said Allie took it once before. When Allie went home, Lucas asked her if she killed Charlie.

Sami told Rafe that Allie didn’t shoot Tripp. Rafe said Ava walked in and saw her hold the gun on Tripp. Sami said Allie wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. He said it was public record. He said she had reason to believe that Charlie would get off for raping her. Sami realized he was right about her being in trouble. Allie told Lucas that Rafe wondered the same thing. She said before she could answer him, Sami came in and told her to leave. Lucas asked if she took the gun. Allie said she took the gun. Jack couldn’t get over Sarah dumping Xander for Rex. Xander said Sarah was everything to him. Sarah thought Kristen was Xander. Kristen pretended to be Xander. Kristen brought in a trunk so Sarah could get in it. Kate and Roman talked about Allie possibly killing Charlie. Kate thought Sami was protecting Allie. Sami apologized to Rafe. She said she knew he cared about Allie. Sami said there was no evidence pointing to Allie. She said her fingerprints were on the gun. Rafe said she could have touched it to cover up Allie’s prints. Sami reminded him about the residue. Rafe asked if she was confessing. Lucas wanted to know when Allie took the gun. Allie told him the night Charlie died. She said Claire tried to get a confession out of him, but he said he would get away with it. She said she stole the gun and went to Charlie’s place. She flashed back to confronting Charlie. Rafe asked Sami if she was pleading not guilty. She said she didn’t want to go to prison. He asked if she was protecting Allie. Allie told Lucas that she wanted to kill Charlie, but she couldn’t. Lucas was relieved. “Sarah” ran into Rex. She told him that she wanted to be by herself. She told him not to come find him. Lucas told Allie that she shot Charlie with the gun. Allie thought she did it to cover for her. Sami told Rafe she killed Charlie. Allie asked Lucas who killed Charlie if Sami didn’t do it. Tripp went to Charlie’s place. Tripp thought about going to Charlie’s place the night he was shot.

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Days Short Recaps Friday, March 19, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gwen showed up at the Kiriakis mansion looking for Jack. He let her know that he was there for Xander. She told him it was important. She told him what Abby did to her. Jack couldn’t believe Abby would do something like that. Gwen wanted him to turn his back on Abby if she didn’t give up her obsession with her. He wanted to give Abby a chance to end the war the same way he did for her. She wanted to know what would happen if Abby didn’t give up the war. He believed Abby was capable of forgiveness. He promised to fix things because he didn’t want his daughters hating each other. Abby let Chad know that she lied to Rafe about what she did to Gwen. Chad couldn’t believe she wanted to risk her family because she wanted to get revenge. He said she was becoming someone he didn’t recognize. She didn’t know how she was supposed to get over what Gwen did to her. He said and that she was stooping to her level. She reminded him about the things Gwen did to her family. Chad held her while she cried. Abby finally decided to get help for her anger. She wanted to fight for their family. Chad was grateful that she wanted to fix their family.

Sarah managed to get out of the ropes. She looked around the room for something to use to open the door. She found a crowbar and used it to try to get the door open. She was disappointed when she couldn’t get the door open. She looked around again and saw the syringe Abby threatened to use on Gwen. Xander was in for a shock when he found “Sarah” with Rex. Xander yanked Rex off the bed. He insisted that it was consensual. “Sarah” let him know that it was consensual. Xander couldn’t believe it. He was disappointed. She asked Rex if he could leave them alone. Xander didn’t believe “Sarah” would be with Rex on their wedding day. She said she loved Rex and that’s why she was with him. Xander still didn’t believe her. She told him more excuses about not marrying him. She told him they were done. Xander grabbed her and kissed her. “Sarah” backed away from him. She yelled at him because he made her fall in love with a baby that wasn’t hers. Xander was confused. He didn’t think that made sense at all. “Sarah” told Xander that she wanted to be with Rex. Rex went back in the room. She gave him back his ring. He was upset and walked out of the room. Rex leaned in and kissed her. She didn’t want to kiss him at the time. She wanted to leave. She took her clothes and leave. Rex called Kate to let her know what happened with “Sarah”. Kristen went to see Sarah. Sarah struck out at her with the syringe. They struggled over the needle.

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