Y&R Transcript Friday, June 21, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane

Sharon: That’s right. Yes, please just move every meeting on today’s schedule to tomorrow. I will be unavailable for the rest of the day. Yeah, no matter who it is. That’s right. Thank you. Okay. Bye-bye.

Nick: Boss lady’s laying it down.

Sharon: Something gives me the idea that you’re taking the day off, too.

Nick: It’s not every day our baby girl comes back home.

Sharon: Can’t wait to see Faith. It’s been so long. I have to say, I’m kind of surprised. I mean in the best possible way. To just call out of the blue and want to come home before going to Europe with her girlfriends? I mean, it’s a shock, but I’m– Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful.

Nick: If we play our cards right, maybe she’ll change her mind about going to Europe for the summer.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: Yeah, she’s not gonna do that, is she?

Sharon: She has her father’s ,::, sense of adventure. And his sweet tooth, too.

Nick: Oh, yeah, I got all of Faith’s favorite goodies and snacks from when she was a little girl.

Sharon: Where’d all the years go?

Nick: I don’t know. But I can tell you this, this ice cream is gonna melt unless we get it in the freezer.

Sharon: Okay.

Sharon: Does everything look okay? I wish I had more time to prepare.

Nick: Sharon, it’s perfect. It looks like home. There she is!

Sharon: Finally! Oh, my gosh. I have missed you so much.

Faith: Oh, I’ve missed you, too.

Nick: Okay, I’m showing a lot of restraint, but I’m over it. Come here, come here, come here.

Faith: Dad?

Nick: Okay, I’m sorry. I’ve just missed you so much. It’s so great to see you. Let me get your suitcase.

Sharon: Come in, sweetie. Oh, my gosh. It is so nice to have you back home.

Nick: What is in here? Do you have, like, a brick collection?

Faith: Nope. Left all my heavy baggage at school.

Sharon: Are you okay?

Faith: Yeah. And you are going to love what’s in that thing. I got presents for you both. And Mariah and Tessa. And Aria. So many for Aria.

Nick: You know, we could have picked you up from the airport.

Faith: It may sound silly, but after everything that happened with Cameron, taking a rideshare alone, it was part of proving to myself that I’m okay again. That I’m me.

Nick: Okay. Well, you know you’re good, right? You’re safe. And I love you so much.

Faith: I know. I felt that as soon as I walked through the door and saw you.

Sharon: Then, why do you still seem a little on edge? Oh, sweetie. Oh, my gosh.

Nick: Here you go.

Sharon: Do you want to talk about it?

Faith: No. Why are men such jerks?

Nick: Uh, so this is about Moses? What’d he do?

Faith: He broke up with me.

Sharon: When? Why?

Faith: He said that we should date other people. That we got together too young. That experiencing different relationships is a part of the college experience. Becoming an adult. He made it sound like he was doing it for both of us.

Nick: Faith, I’m so sorry.

Sharon: It’s never easy, getting your heart broken. But the pain will go away eventually, and you’ll remember the good times.

Nick: And the next time that you fall in love?

Faith: Next time? No. I am never falling in love again.

Nick: It’s time to bring in some reinforcements.

Faith: Perfect.

Nick: I guess these comfort foods were a good call after all.

Sharon: Thank you. I should never doubt your wisdom.

Nick: No, you shouldn’t.

Faith: How do you do that?

Nick: Do what?

Faith: Still get along? You’ve broken up and gotten back together and broken up and gotten back together a zillion times.

Nick: I mean, not like a zillion.

Faith: And you’re still friends. And it’s great, but how can you stand to even be in the same room after all the hell you put each other through?

Nick: Yeah, there was a… Was a lot of hell, but there was also a lot of love, Faith.

Sharon: And it helps that your dad is one of the best people I know. He’s funny, sometimes.

Nick: Hey!

Sharon: Well, he’s thoughtful and caring and he’s the best father in the world and back in the day, he was a total romantic.

Faith: Dad, romantic?

Sharon: Oh, you have no idea.

Nick: Must be our lucky day.

Sharon: Or maybe luck had nothing to do with it and you planned the whole thing, didn’t you?

Nick: Are you complaining?

Sharon: Nope. I am not complaining. Not at all.

Nick: We have all the food and drink we’ll need. Plus, a little stove and a grill. So, we’ll be playing Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Crusoe in style. So, what do you think?

Sharon: What do you think I think? All right, Mr. Crusoe, I want to start by checking out that reef, so go get your suit on.

Nick: Who needs a bathing suit?

Sharon: I beg your pardon?

Nick: Need I remind you that we are literally the only two people on this entire island. So… You know what I’m saying?

Sharon: Uh-huh.

Nick: I’ll see you out there.

Sharon: Wait for me.

Mariah: Hey!

Nick: Hey!

Mariah: Is my little sister here? Are we still waiting?

Nick: She’s here!

Mariah: Hi!

Faith: Hi!

Mariah: Good to see you! Oh, my gosh!

Tessa: So good to see you.

Faith: I’m getting that a lot.

Sharon: Yeah.

Faith: You didn’t bring Aria?

Mariah: Oh, no. Um, she was still napping.

Tessa: So, we just left her with the sitter.

Mariah: Are we interrupting?

Faith: No, you’re just in time. Mom and Dad were about to tell me their whole love story.

Nick: We are?

Sharon: I’m pretty sure you already know it.

Mariah: I mean, I’ve heard part of it.

Tessa: I mean, I know even less.

Faith: And I want to hear it all. The good and the bad.

Nick: I don’t think we have enough snacks for that.

Faith: Oh, we do.

Mariah: Yeah. So, come on, let’s hear it.

Sharon: We were so young, driving around in that old pickup of yours, listening to the radio like the rest of the world didn’t exist.

Nick: Yeah. First time I ever saw you, that was it. I was done.

Sharon: It’s been a wonderful evening, Nick. I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed myself more.

Nick: We didn’t do anything special.

Sharon: I guess that’s part of it. Just spending time with a guy I like so much. Spending time with you. Just talking about anything and everything. Mostly just being close to you. I haven’t been this happy in so long. Thanks to you, Nicholas Newman. I wonder why we work so well together.

Nick: Chemistry. You bring the best out in me.

Sharon: You do the same for me. You came on a little strong.

Nick: A little? I’m surprised you gave me a second chance.

Sharon: I guess I knew even then.

Nick: Knew what?

Sharon: What kind of guy you really are.

Faith: Love at first sight. It couldn’t have been that easy.

Nick: No, it wasn’t easy. Your mom was dating this creep named Matt Clark.

Sharon: And then, you started dating my friend, Amy. Obviously, I came to my senses and I broke up with Matt to be with your dad. Unfortunately, Matt did not take that too well.

Tessa: How bad did it get?

Sharon: It was terrible.

Faith: Did you beat him up?

Nick: Yeah, there was some of that.

Matt: Come on, man. Come on.

Mariah: That sounds pretty intense.

Faith: What happened next?

Nick: Matt just wouldn’t let it go, so it, uh, got ugly.

Sharon: Please, stay with me. Don’t go, okay?

Nick: Sharon, no. Matt Clark will pay for what he did to you. I have to go.

Sharon: No, Nick, it’s over. It’s over. I’m all right.

Nick: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay, think. Think. Think. Fingerprints? Get them off. Here’s your magazine.

Larry: This ain’t no skin rag, boy.

Nick: Oh, guess you’re gonna have to read.

Larry: Won’t be nearly as interesting as this. “I love you. I will never stop loving you with all my heart. Sharon.” Just must be one knockout, this Sharon, huh? One hot, little babe. There is nothing fun about prison. But eventually the charges were dropped because my ex, Amy, came forward and confessed to the shooting.

Faith: Thank God. Imagine if she hadn’t and you two hadn’t gotten back together again.

Sharon: Matt wasn’t our only obstacle. There was also your grandmother.

Nick: What is it specifically that you do not like about Sharon?

Nikki: Well, I thought she was brash. She was very pushy. I thought she was extremely aggressive.

Nick: Why? Because she came out here to meet you?

Nikki: Partly.

Nick: And someone who isn’t after me for my money wouldn’t do that.

Nikki: A proper young lady would wait to be invited.

Nikki: Well, I guess you and I just have different ideas on what a proper young lady is.

Mariah: Wow. Nikki goes hard.

Tessa: When did Noah come along?

Mariah: Yeah, I mean, I bet Noah’s birth made Nikki and Victor accept you. They love their grandkids.

Nick: I really don’t know how things could get any better.

Sharon: Well, they can, Nicholas. Our life together can become even more special, more perfect. And it’s going to.

Nick: What are you talking about?

Sharon: The most wonderful thing has happened. I’m pregnant. I’m going to have your baby. Your son, Nicholas. Your son.

Nick: It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re my boy. Noah’s birth was life-changing.

Sharon: There were more changes to come.

Nick: Why is it that you’re so hung up on Cassie that you don’t have time for me anymore? Why is she such an obsession with you?

Sharon: Because she’s mine, Nick.

Nick: What the hell does that mean?

Sharon: It means that Cassie isn’t Grace’s cousin. Cassie’s my child. The one that I had to give up when I was .

Nick: But you’re saying–

Sharon: Yes. Cassie’s my daughter. And I understand why you thought that I was taking time away from us, but now you know that Cassie really is part of our family.

Nick: Now, you hold on. We agreed no more children right now. And now you expect me to make time for a child that isn’t even mine?

Sharon: Nicholas, please. Please. Give this a chance. Give us a chance.

Nick: I admit I had some issues at first.

Sharon: But eventually, he came to love Cassie as his own.

Nick: This is really awesome, sweetheart.

Cassie: You can have it.

Nick: Thank you.

Cassie: No, thank you. I never had a family before and now, I do.

Nick: You betcha you do. Come here.

Sharon: If only we had also found Mariah at the same time. What a gift it would have been to have my daughters growing up together as sisters.

Faith: That would have been amazing.

Mariah: Well, I’m– I’m genuinely happy that Cassie got a better deal. She’s lucky to have Sharon and Nick as parents.

Nick: We were the lucky ones to have her in our life.

Faith: So, you got married. You’ve got kids. Were you living the dream?

Nick: Working for my dad had its challenges.

Victor: My boy, I’ve looked forward to this since the day you were born. My son joining me in my business.

Nick: I know you wondered if I’d ever make it.

Victor: Well, there were moments when I had my doubts, but that’ but that’s all behind us now.

Sharon: He is your father and he deserves your respect.

Nick: I do respect him. That doesn’t give him the right to try and run my life. And why can’t he understand that I will not let the coffee house interfere with my job at Newman Enterprises? Have I ever once dropped the ball at work?

Sharon: No, it seems like you’ve worked harder.

Nick: You’re damn right, I have. His asking me to get rid of Crimson Lights is being totally unreasonable and I’m not gonna do it. There was a lot going on.

Sharon: Too much.

Nick: I cheated on your mom.

Mariah: Way to drop that bomb, Nick.

Sharon: I cheated too.

Faith: You guys!

Sharon: I slept with Diego once and you shacked up with Grace Turner how many times?

Nick: It’s ancient history, Sharon. I see you’ve already moved on to the next guy.

Sharon: You know, this has nothing to do with David.

Nick: Oh, David? That’s his name? No wonder you were so quick to shove that divorce down my throat.

Sharon: You know damn well why I want a divorce. Because I’m sick of watching our children suffer while you sit around deciding whether or not you’re gonna forgive me.

Nick: Yeah, and you’ve already moved on to the next guy.

Sharon: God, you are obsessed!

Nick: Yeah, you’re right, I am, because I can’t get it out of my head.

Sharon: What?

Nick: You and Diego going at it. You call me a hypocrite? You portray yourself as a sweet, innocent housewife, when all the while, you’re looking for the next guy to jump in the sack with.

Sharon: You really think that little of me? After all these years, after everything we’ve been through? Is that who you think I am?

Nick: Actions speak louder than words.

Sharon: You’re right. Actions do speak louder than words. Loud and clear. You sign those divorce papers, Nick. You hear me? You get them signed. Put an end to this farce of a marriage.

Nick: That was, uh, a tough time for us. But the hardest blow was losing Cassie. It gutted us.

Victoria: Honey, there’s nothing left for you here anymore.

Nick: I just want to sit a while.

Victoria: All right. All right, I’ll sit with you then.

Nick: Alone.

Victoria: I don’t think you should be by yourself.

Nick: You don’t? Then, why don’t you tell me who I should be with? Because right now, I don’t have a clue, so you tell me. I couldn’t handle my grief, so I, uh, I acted out. But, I hurt a lot of people. Your mom, most of all. You think I’m strange, don’t you? For telling you that Cassie talks to me.

Phyllis: Mm-mm. No, I don’t.

Nick: I don’t know why I told you that. I’ve never told anyone.

Phyllis: Well, I’m glad you felt comfortable to share it with me.

Nick: It felt good to have someone to talk to about it.

Phyllis: I’m glad you’re talking to me.

Nick: And this is going to make all my problems go away?

Phyllis: I don’t know if it’s going to do that. It’s just sort of acknowledging what you went through this year and what we’ve been through together. So, you should open it.

Nick: Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil. It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Sharon: I saw Phyllis buy this exact outfit.

Nick: It’s news to me.

Sharon: No, it isn’t. She bought it for you.

Nick: Why would she do that?

Sharon: Tell me, Nick. Was she wearing this when you two had sex in this hotel room? Or how about when you were in the stables? Or perhaps it was that cheap motel room that you stayed in during the snowstorm? Then, it could have been any number of occasions. How many others were there, Nick? Tell me! How long has this affair with Phyllis been going on? I wish that Cassie hadn’t died. I wish that we could have turned to each other when she did. But we didn’t. You couldn’t. I wish that we hadn’t changed. But we both have. We’re not the same people that we were a year ago. We’ve been fighting to hang on to something.

Nick: Yeah, we have.

Sharon: And?

Nick: Maybe we shouldn’t anymore. We both tried to move on. But then…

Sharon: The cabin?

Nick: Yeah, and not just once.

Sharon: The first time was how you came into existence, Faith.

Nick: I found a letter that your mom had written me, but she never sent it. She was telling me that she will always love me. I realized I felt the same way. The second time, there… Moments pass, but sometimes, the feelings don’t.

Sharon: Do you think if Cassie hadn’t died, that we would still be together?

Nick: Yes.

Sharon: I do too.

Faith: Wow.

Mariah: Big wow.

Faith: But it’s not like you guys went straight into some kind of instant happily ever after.

Nick: You’re a tough case. But, you’re right. Um, it wasn’t, uh, it wasn’t always easy, but the happy part was finding out that your mom was pregnant.

Sharon: There were a lot of other complications after you were born.

Faith: I know this part. Adam kidnapped me and gave me to Ashley Abbott.

Nick: But we got you back, our baby girl.

Sharon: Just like Cassie predicted.

Tessa: Cassie predicted Faith?

Nick: We have cherished every moment with you, every one of them. You’re such an amazing daughter. You really are one of a kind.

Cassie: You’ll have another little girl someday.

Sharon: Cassie, honey. We have our little girl.

Cassie: One day, you’ll… You’ll have another one. I know it. One day.

Tessa: Oh, my God. Your twin, babe.

Sharon: Having our precious little girl in our family again, in our lives, it was a wonderful time.

Faith: Until you and Dad decided to fight over custody of me.

Sharon: Well…

Nick: Yeah, um… we’re sorry we put you through that.

Sharon: We both thought that we were in the right and it turns out we only ended up hurting you.

Faith: But even after all of the fights and all the other relationships, the love was still there. You still wanted to get married again.

Sharon: I really believed that we could get it right.

Mariah: That is a wedding, almost wedding, that I will never forget.

Nick: Do not listen to him.

Sharon: Don’t touch me! Even when we were at our angriest, your father said, because we love each other, anything’s possible. And he was right.

Tessa: Oh, um, Aria’s awake and the sitter needs to get going.

Mariah: Yeah, I’m so sorry to cut this short, but um, this was a very fascinating trip down memory lane. Um, I love you guys and we’ll spend some time together soon, yeah?

Faith: Tell Aria I’ll be over for cuddles.

Mariah: Yeah, I will. I love you.

Sharon: I love you.

Mariah: Bye, guys.

Nick: Bye.

Tessa: Bye.

Nick: Was that, uh, too much information?

Faith: I’m glad I know everything.

Sharon: You sure?

Faith: I understand now how things were. How maybe even the bad times, the mistakes made your relationship even stronger.

Nick: Life’s messy, Faith, and so is love, and you’re finding that out right now for yourself, but what I think keeps people grounded is family. It brings you back to center, no matter how far you’ve drifted. And who knows, maybe someday Moses will realize that you’re his center.

Faith: Is Mom yours?

Nick: I will always have love in my heart for your mother. Even after all the heartache that we’ve caused each other, I think we’ve found the right balance. And that’s all tied to you and Noah. You are our center.

Sharon: Perfectly put.

Nick: Right? Yeah, okay. So, now that that’s settled… you still love us?

Faith: Even more.

Nick: Mom? Dad? Victoria, how did you get here?

Victoria: You’ll never guess. By airplane.

Nick: No, when did you get back?

Victoria: Very recently.

Nick: Have Mom and Dad seen you?

Victoria: No. No, not yet.

Nick: Wow. Wow, it’s great to see you.

Victoria: What are you doing here?

Nick: Did you really think I was gonna let you go through this alone? You look beautiful. Mom, I know you’re gonna make it through this.

Nikki: You think so, huh?

Nick: You’re tough. You always have been tough. Anyway, I’m here now. Maybe I can help. No, I know I can help, Mom.

Nikki: It has been pretty lonely around here for me lately. Suddenly, I’m very, very glad to have my son back home.

Victor: Take a little more time. Take a little more time. Take a little more time. Mean it. Good. Good. Good. Good. Every time you go into the ring sparring with someone, it’s like walking through fire. Everyone is scared, okay? It’s a question of how you overcome that fear. But the look in your eyes tells me that you will overcome that fear. You’re Victor Newman’s son.

Victor: How time flies. Anyway. You be cool, okay?

Nick: I’m always cool. Have I told you lately how much I love you?

Nikki: Honey, I love you, too.

Nick: I know you do. Everything is gonna be great.

Victor: You make me proud to be a grandfather. When I see you with your kids, it makes me happy. It makes me proud. Come here.

Nikki: Nicholas.

Nick: Mom.

Nikki: I’m so glad you’re here. Mm. Did Faith get home safely?

Nick: Yeah, getting settled in as we speak.

Victor: Well, don’t let me keep you from her. Why don’t we get down to business?

Nick: All right. But first, there’s something I would like to say to you both.

Nikki: Please don’t tell me there’s bad news.

Nick: No, Mom. It’s, uh… It’s nothing like that. It’s nothing bad. I just wanted you both to know how much I love being your son, how indebted I am to this life you’ve given me.

Nikki: Oh. What a wonderful thing for you to say, but where is this coming from?

Nick: Sharon and I were talking to Faith, and she wanted to know about our history. You know, the past, our relationship, all of it, so we told her. You know, the good and the bad and it occurred to me that it’d been quite a while since I’d taken a hard look at some of the things I’ve done and the mistakes I made and… you know, the people I hurt. I’d like to think that I made some of those things right and, uh… done better, tried harder. And who knows, maybe even grown some wisdom. But it’s because of you two, you know, the lessons that you taught me. I couldn’t have asked for better role models.

Victor: My boy, we couldn’t have asked for a better son.

Nick: Thanks, Dad.

Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

Lily: The constant infighting has been stopping Chancellor-Winters from growing and I think that Billy and I have come up with a scenario that will stop the constant fighting and conflict.

Mamie: Now this, I’d like to hear.

Victor: Well, I certainly hope, Kyle, that you’re still considering it because I hate for you to waste your talent at your present place of employment.

Kyle: Maybe… it is time for me to think about a change.

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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GH Transcript Friday, June 21, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. Crisis averted? More like, um, handled for now. [ Chuckles ] Okay, good, because I am gonna need your undivided attention. I only want to have to do this once. Oh. Do what? I know why Jason let us think that he was dead. I’m having dinner tomorrow night at Valentin’s house. I will find the opportunity to search, and then I will get the evidence that he is running Pikeman. Okay, my way is simpler. Well, if by your way, you mean you will break into his house, you will search, and then if you don’t find anything, you’ll beat the truth out of him, that’s not gonna work. No. Yes. It won’t. Your way — Your way will? Yes, because I am his blind spot, Jason. I can take him unawares. You know, you — you just — you just have to be a little patient. I’ve sacrificed over 2 1/2 years to protect Carly. I know. I will not let this go to waste. I need to prove to the FBI that Valentin is their guy. You really went all out on dinner. It’s our first home-cooked meal as a married couple. It’s a big milestone. Is it? Yes. Doesn’t matter that I’ve cooked for you a ton in the past. This was the first official one. Okay, well, then I officially declare it delicious. Really? How would you rate it? Five stars. Wow. And the food was pretty good, too. Okay, Bailey Lou has had her second bath and is in bed. Mom, tell Georgie I didn’t throw food when I was a baby. They’re still fighting about this? Who’s winning? I think it’s a tie. That means I won. No, it doesn’t. Okay. We’re all winners. Violet, why don’t you go get your stuff together and I’ll take you home? Mom, we really don’t want Violet to go home. Can she please sleep over? Oh, hello, family and the lovely Violet. Sorry I missed dinner. You also missed cleanup. How was work? Uh, fill you in later? Okay. Please can Violet stay? Um, maybe next time. I think Violet’s dad really wants her home. It’s okay, James. I had a lot of fun today. But I have to go home now. My dad gets really sad and lonely when I’m not there.

♪ Who’s gonna leave me When you go [ Coughs, gasps ] Use me and drain me Ever so Slow Who’s gonna get me When I’m feeling low Can’t you see I need you?♪

What happened? Ah.

Don’t go [ Grunts ]

♪Who’s gonna trick me ♪

Ah! [ Groans ] [ Grunts ]

What you’re about to hear is not all about you, even though I know you’re gonna try and make it that way. But my life and my children have been affected, Elizabeth and Jake and anyone who’s ever loved Jason and mourned his death. Okay, where did you get this? And how do you know it wasn’t altered? Oh, it’s — it’s real. Spinelli got it from the FBI’s evidentiary database. And, of course, you will be able to confirm its authenticity. [ Beep ] Carly: As you all know, my husband is dead. But his organization isn’t. It’s still strong and stable. The only thing that’s changed is the person who sits in Sonny’s seat. And from now on, that will be me. [ Sighs ] Where is she? Where’s who? Don’t play games. I know Anna was here. And now she’s not. What did you two talk about? You better have been smart enough to record it. I never record conversations. Then we have a problem. Unless you figured out another way to prove that Anna is the one running Pikeman. You’re not gonna find anything on Anna because there’s nothing there. Or does proving it not even matter anymore? I’m sorry I’m a bit late. Don’t worry about it. Just glad you weren’t canceling. Oh. Uh, yeah. I did think about it. But I-I wanted to see you. I’m glad. Mmm. Whatever you’re cooking smells delicious. Coq au vin. Oh, the classics. They never get old. You know, I-I’ve always loved how you decorated this place. Oh, that makes me happy, because it’s all for you. I mean, I bought this house hoping that you and I would share it. You know what goes well with coq au vin? A Bordeaux I brought back from Mérignac. Would you like a glass? How can I say no? You can’t. Be right back. Take your time.

Thanks for walking me up, Kyle. Anytime, Violet. Tell your dad hi.

Dad? Dad! Dad, I’m home. Wake up!

[ Beep ] [ Cellphone ringing ]
Oh. Well, it’s about time. I have left you three messages. I was beginning to think that you were avoiding me. My dad needs help. Violet? What’s wrong? I think he’s dead. I-I’ll be right there.

I need to, uh, report an emergency. 347 Portside Road, Apartment 9. Hmm. Seems as though you may be somewhere else. [ Stammers ] Is everything okay? Is something wrong? No, no, I’m just, uh — I’m worried about Violet. Something happen when you dropped her off? It was a completely normal drive. I just really heard what she was saying when she was here, how she needed to get home to be with her dad because she was worried about him. It kind of sounded like she was raising Finn and not the other way around. She does seem responsible for her father. But maybe that’s just their normal relationship. After all, in the dictionary, under the word “precocious,” there is a picture of Violet. Even so, it’s possible for a child to be too sensitive. I don’t know. I just — I feel like there might be something going on at home. Violet. He won’t wake up. Oh, sweetheart, I-I called an ambulance. Would you go wait by the door and let them in when — when they get here? Go on. Go, go, go. Finn. Finn. He’s over there. Hi. His daughter found him like this when she came home. Luckily, she had the good sense to call me. I think your dad is just sleeping. On the floor? Well — Did he fall? Um…maybe. Probably. Why is there blood on him? Oh, I think he cut his hand when he fell. But the paramedics will take care of it, and we need to give them room. I’m gonna go talk to them, okay? You stay right here. Don’t move. Don’t move. Uh, how bad is he hurt? The cut? Well, yeah, did you check his airways and his heart? I’m sorry to put it this way, ma’am, but drunk is not an emergency. Yeah, right. I know that. You know that. She doesn’t know. I-I, uh — I got to get her out of here, so I’ll be back. Okay, so the paramedics want a little time to help your dad. And is that your bag? Okay, well, grab your bag, ’cause I think we should go visit your Uncle Chase. I’ve already been gone already too long today. Sweetheart… your dad didn’t hurt himself because you were gone, and you know how happy it’s gonna make your Uncle Chase to see you. And I will come right back here and make sure your dad is good as new. I don’t want to go. I understand. But I would say that your dad needs to rest, wouldn’t you? What if he doesn’t wake up like Grandpa? This isn’t the same thing. Your grandfather was really, really sick. Do you remember all the doctor’s appointments and the special things he needed to walk and to breathe? Your dad just needs a little time to feel like himself again. You sure? Yeah. I am. Okay. Can I give him a kiss before we go? I wish you could, but we need to give them room to work. Okay? Okay.

I can’t believe this. You didn’t know the FBI had evidence against you? No. No. All Jason told me was that he was an informant. I just assumed they had evidence against him. I — It never occurred to me — That it was you? I can’t believe this recording even exists. Sam, it took place over three years ago with the heads of all the families under incredibly tight security. Well, obviously not tight enough, Carly, because the FBI was able to record the whole meeting, including your declaration that you were taking over for Sonny as the head of his organization. Why did you even go looking for it? Because I wanted to know what the FBI was using to force Jason to cooperate. So I was able to get a copy — well, borrowed and copied Agent Cates’ credentials, and Spinelli was able to hack into the evidentiary database. And our plan was to get rid of the evidence once we had it. But Cates’ access did not allow for him to alter or delete the file. So all Spinelli could do was make a recording of the audio file. I can’t believe Jason was protecting me. Everything he’s been through… God, poor Jason. He is not the victim here. Jason abandoned his children and let everyone who ever loved him think he was dead.

[ Cork pops ] [ Drawer closes ]

Sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, yeah. Oh, gosh. Some things are worth the wait. Do you find what you were looking for? Hi. Sorry to come by unannounced, uh, but I told Violet how happy you’d be to see her. Of course we are. I could always use some more Violet time. Come on in. Hey, sweetie. Uncle Chase and I were just talking about how much we miss you and want to hang out with you. And here you are. Perfect timing. Know what? I just made dessert, apple pie. And we were about to dig in. I’m sure you want a piece. That’s okay. I’m not hungry. Do you want some hot cocoa? You can put all the marshmallows you want in it. I’m fine. Except I was in the pool all day, and I put my wet swimsuit in my bag, and it gets all gross if I leave it in there, so… That’s okay, sweetie. Here, come with me, and we’ll go hang it up.

Why is Violet with you, and what is going on? Oh, you caught me. [ Chuckles ] I was just looking at all your titles that you have on your books here. They’re so interesting. And you know me. I’m always pretending that I’m gonna read at night instead of just falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I always loved the untouched stack of books on your bedside table. You’d never let me move them ’cause you said you were gonna get to them. I will. I will, I promise, one day, when I retire. It sounds like your work is actually very busy. Oh, yeah, police commissioner’s job is never done. Try the Bordeaux. What? You’re gonna like it. Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mmm. Oh, that’s delicious. Yum. I’m glad you like it, because there’s plenty more where this came from for us to share in the future. Wow, that’s a bit presumptuous of you. Hope springs eternal, darling. You know, I-I did actually… find out a very interesting piece of information in my line of work about Jack Brennan. Jack Brennan? No, he’s ancient history to me. It’s not so ancient, you know. He was injured recently in Pentonville and he was taken to GH for treatment. H-He got caught in a — in a — in a knife fight. That’s unfortunate. Still, you can count on Jack to make enemies of those he’s stuck with behind bars, right? [ Chuckles ] Yeah, and I was alerted, you know, when he was taken in for treatment. Jurisdictional courtesy and all of that. And so I went to see him. And? You know Jack. You never get a straight answer out of him. But he did strongly imply that he’d stabbed himself in the hopes that he’d get a visit from Carly, of all people. Well, hopefully he’ll recover. I’m really not interested in discussing Jack. I’d really rather discuss you. Oh, my God, you’re so good at that. You’re so good at deflecting. I learned from the best. Come on, let’s adjourn to the patio and have dinner. Okay. The good people of Port Charles may have been fooled into seeing Anna as a dedicated public servant, but you don’t have to dig very deep into her background, especially her time with the WSB, to uncover evidence that proves that Anna is the head of Pikeman. The evidence can be interpreted any way you want, and you want Anna to be guilty. [ Scoffs ] I will not be lectured by a man who spent years working for Sonny Corinthos. You’re derailing your investigation by targeting the wrong person. I am following the evidence. And if you won’t — or can’t — find me the proof I need to shut down Pikeman and close this case, I will not go back to Quantico empty-handed. I will take Carly Spencer with me.

Okay, Sam, come on. You know Jason didn’t want to leave Danny and Jake or anyone else he loved. He was doing it to protect me. Yes, because he loves you more than he loves his own kid. This isn’t Jason’s fault. Okay, if you want to blame someone — If I want to — What, blame you, Carly? Don’t worry. I do. I think you’re just as responsible for this as Jason. You showed up at a mob meeting. You claimed to be running Sonny’s organization. You incriminated yourself. And instead of paying for your actions like the adult that you are, Jason abandoned his children, he abandoned his life to cover for you. Jason was doing what he thought was right. Oh. Well, how convenient for you. You don’t ever have to pay for your mistakes. Okay, why don’t you direct some of this anger towards Agent Cates? He’s the one that started all this, not Jason. Ugh, you will always stick up for Jason, like he always sticks up for you. But, Carly, just what about everyone else? What about the people who believed in Jason? What about the people he left behind… for you?

[ Door closes ] Oh, my… in on her father passed out… drunk and bleeding on the floor. Bleeding? He’d cut his hand. It wasn’t serious, but it was messy. Violet didn’t know that it wasn’t serious. She actually thought that he might have died while she was having fun on a playdate. She blamed herself because she left him alone all day. How did you find Violet? She actually saw missed calls from me on Finn’s phone, and she called me back and she told me that — [Sighs] she told me that her father needed help. Oh, poor Violet. You should have seen the look on her face when I walked in there. She was…terrified. And you wanted to get her out of there, so you brought her here. She adores you, and I thought maybe you could distract her from what you just saw. Okay. Where’s Finn now? He is at home with the paramedics. I had called 911, and hopefully they’ve got him bandaged and sobered up by now. I will soon see. Okay. I’m coming with you. No, you’re not. Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I? Because… when Finn wakes up, he’s gonna want to see Violet, and he just can’t, not like this. So I want you and Brook Lynn to take her back to my house. Why? You don’t have the room here for Violet to stay here. And what if Finn decides to come and get her back? Do you really want him pounding on your front door, putting her through that after everything else she’s been through tonight? God, no. I can handle Finn. You need to comfort your niece. She needs her Uncle Chace to make her feel safe. Okay. I’ll do it your way. But you have to keep me posted on his condition. I will. I-I have Violet’s keys, so I can let myself back in. Thank you for all of this. You know I love Finn. He’s my friend. And I also know that this is what your father would want, and I am… grateful that I can… help his son any way I can. I can’t believe Finn would let Violet see him like this. I mean, the pain he must be in to let this happen. I-I want to be here for my niece, but I feel like I am failing Finn if I don’t go with you. You’ve done everything you can to help your brother. And truthfully, I can say things to him that you can’t. And what I’m going to say to him… he really needs to hear.

[ Knock on door ] Ugh, are you expecting anyone? Uh, no. Great. [ Laughs ] Sam. Hi. Come in. Maxie, hi. Thank you. I’m so sorry I didn’t call before coming over. I wanted to see if I could talk to you, Spinelli. Oh. Uh, yeah. You know what? I owe those kids some butterfly kisses anyway. Uh, you left me earlier quite expeditiously. Dare I ask where you were going? I want to see Carly. Oh, I thought you’d go see Jason. Uh, I should have anticipated your need to confront Carly. Yeah, I wanted to see what she knew about Jason and the FBI. You played the recording for her? Carly can lie like a pro, but her reaction was genuine. Tonight was the first time she knew that Jason spent the past two years under the control of the FBI so she didn’t have to face charges of racketeering. [ Knock on door ] Come in. Got a few minutes? I’m a little busy. I promise I’ll make it worth your while. Full disclosure, even though you own half the hotel and could get this bottle for free, I charged it to my suite. You didn’t expense it to the FBI? Who do you think pays for my suite? [ Chuckles ] I just never thanked you properly for… coming to my rescue that night in the alley or spending the night nursing me in my suite. Things could have gotten a lot worse had you not been there. And I appreciate your help. You’re welcome. I am also grateful that you didn’t tell anybody about it like I asked. And that deserves an expensive bottle of champagne? I just thought I should celebrate. My investigation’s almost finished. A little more time wrapping things up, and… well, I’ll be heading back to Quantico. Well, I’ll be sorry to see you leave Port Charles. I won’t miss much about Port Charles, but I will miss you. That was so delicious. Really, your coq au vin was perfect. Well, I’m glad you liked it, but I can’t take full credit. It’s not my recipe. Oh, my gosh. How I appreciate honesty. It’s all so rare these days. And all the more precious because of it. Yeah. In the spirit of honesty, I have an Armagnac. Makes the perfect digestif. [ Cork pops ] Bordeaux was so nice. I’ll have a little bit. Just a — Thank you. What should we drink to? Gosh, I don’t know. A lovely conversation under the stars. Well, that is cause for celebration. Or… we could talk about something that we haven’t touched on yet. Like your success at ELQ. You seem to be jetting around all over the place lately. What exactly are you up to these days? Well, most of my trips to Europe are just excuses to pop in and see Charlotte. You know, that’s one of the perks of having access to a corporate jet. I wouldn’t know. And the rest of the time? I’d bore you to tears with all that corporate stuff. I think your work is far more interesting. What cases are you working on now? What mysteries are you solving at the moment? Everything I’m working on is classified. Which reminds me, I have a very big day tomorrow. So… This was really lovely. Thank you. I have to go. No. Please don’t. There’s something I have to tell you. serious. Should I be concerned? It is serious. We’ve been dancing around this for a long time. A long time ago, the trust between the two of us was damaged. I expect that’s true for both of us. I mean, I really only believe 30% of what you tell me. Oh. [ Laughs ] That’s interesting. My percentage for you is a lot lower. I suppose I deserve that. Well, if I haven’t completely drained the trust tank, I’d like to say something to you. And I think that you’re going to understand that it’s completely honest. And that is? I love you. I always have. It’s in my DNA, Anna. It’s — It’s like the color of my eyes. Being apart from you is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And I keep wishing that this hopeless feeling of loving someone that I can’t have will fade away. But it doesn’t. I don’t think it ever will. Well, since you’re opening up a bottle of fancy champagne and celebrating and heading home, does that mean you rounded up all the bad guys and you put them in prison? Wouldn’t that be nice? Does that mean you haven’t? Investigations are rarely cut and dry. One thing about bad guys — there’s always one more out there. Oh. So is this “one more” really dangerous? I’m not sure what they’re capable of, but this person has done some very bad things. Really interesting choice of words — “this person.” Does that mean the bad guy is really a woman? Was Carly worried about the information about her that the FBI is holding over Jason’s head? We really didn’t talk about it. She was more concerned about what Jason was up to. Well, perhaps when she has time to process, she’ll realize the grave jeopardy. The recording incriminate her for possible RICO violations. Wait, whoa. Why are you worried about Carly being charged? That’s never gonna happen. Jason made his choice. He turned his back on everyone else to keep Carly safe. Now he’s gonna have to live with those consequences. Look, I know you’re scared and you’re worried about your dad, but I promise you, he is gonna be okay. How do you know that? Sometimes grown-ups just know things. He’s not lying to you, sweetie. Your Uncle Chase is a cop. He’s telling you the truth. Uncle Chase, do you know how to cook? I sure do. Do you think you could teach me how to make stuff besides sandwiches? Maybe my dad won’t look so tired or be so sad if I can make him some good things to eat when he comes home from work. You know, Violet, I-I know you want to help your dad, but it’s not — It’s — It’s — It’s not that hard to make something special. How about this? We’re gonna go and spend the night at the Quartermaines’, and in the morning, I will make some French toast. Sasha can cook for everybody else, but you, me, and Brook Lynn, we’re gonna have our own thing. It’ll be my special recipe with cinnamon. With whipped cream on top? Of course. It’s no good any other way. [ Chuckles ]

[ Lock clicks, door opens ] Hello? They just left him like that.

[ Sighs ]

[ Camera clicks ] [ Camera clicking ]

[ Sobs ] [ Camera clicks ] t know any better, I’d say you were trying to worm confidential information out of me. Well, you’re the one that showed up here with champagne trying to lower my defenses. Maybe I just want to celebrate the beginning of the end. By all means. And as for the gender… of that elusive bad guy… …a good agent never tells. Are you a good agent? The best. I’ll drink to that. [ Glasses clink ] Much as I try to fight it… …I’m still very much drawn to you. And like you, I — I wish I didn’t feel it. It’s late. I-I really — I should go. I’ve had such a lovely evening. Thank you.

I loved it, too. I just wish… it didn’t have to end. Maybe it doesn’t.

Spending the night at the Quartermaines’ will be fun. But I didn’t bring my PJs. Oh, don’t worry about that, sweetie. Scout has a bunch at the house you can borrow. Okay, but I still need to ask my dad if it’s alright, because he cut his hand and it was bleeding, so he might need my help tonight. You know, why don’t I give your dad a call to make sure it’s okay? I think I left my phone in the kitchen. Would you mind grabbing it for me? Sure. Thank you. [ Sighs ] All she wants to do is take care of Finn. It’s breaking my heart. I know. Me too. I didn’t think I could love you any more than I already do. But watching you be such a good uncle to that little girl… Are you kidding me? I would do anything for that girl. I just hate lying to her. It feels — feels wrong. No, no, no. It is not wrong. Look, there are certain things that children need to be protected from. And what Finn is going through right now is one of them. Violet is too young to understand the truth of what’s going on. It would only scare her. We are keeping Violet safe. So any time that you start to feel guilty, just remind yourself of that, okay? Violet, sweetie, I found my phone. I called Dad, and he said it’s okay for you to spend the night at the Quartermaines’.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sniffs ] [ Coughs ] [ Groans ] What the hell? What happened? You tell me.

Where’s Violet? Where’s my daughter? She’s gone.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Friday, June 21, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane

Brooke: Oh, wow. You already beat me in, and you’ve done like a hundred things. It’s not a very good look for the newest executive.

Hope: Oh please, Mom, stop. I just, I happen to have early drop off with Beth today and I just wanted to take advantage of the time since I’ve been out. You know, while she had the flu.

Brooke: Okay, well, family always comes first. We know that. Uh, I didn’t get to finish talking to you about Finn yesterday. And I know what you said, but I am wondering if you’re really going to be able to fight those feelings.

Hope: Well, I have to.

Brooke: Yes, you do, because I can’t imagine the damage that could be done because of this misguided attraction.

Hope: Well, it is deeper than that, Mom. I mean, these feelings, Finn and I, we– we have a genuine friendship, and it’s a friendship that I would like to not risk destroying, so I will, um, I’ll just have to handle it.

Brooke: Come here. You’re doing the right thing.

Hope: Thank you.

Brooke: You are.

Hope: Mmm.

Ridge: What’s going on here?

Brooke: Oh! ♪♪

Tom: Hey, Deacon.

Deacon: Yeah.

Tom: Um, I want to make amends to you about yesterday. I mean, you’ve been really nice to me and I came at you with all that stuff about Sheila. Look, I don’t want to overstep. See, I genuinely care about you. See, you– you turned my life around. You gave me a job when I couldn’t get the world to make eye contact with me. And you see, that’s why I want to be the best possible employee I could be. I mean, I want to kick butt here. And, you know, that’s why I– I started looking on the internet.

Deacon: And you stumbled on some information about my new bride.

Tom: She’s got a colorful past, to say the least. I mean, the stuff I was reading about her, whew.

Deacon: Listen, Tom. It’s okay, all right? But it’s a conversation for another time. Right now, what I need you to do is go into the supply closet and here’s what– here’s what I’m going to need, and then I want you to make a list of the cleaning supplies that we need in there because I’m going to put an order in later today, okay? All right?

Tom: You got it, boss.

Deacon: All right, thanks.

Sheila: So? How are you liking your new employee?

Deacon: Well, I think– He’s a lot more pleasant than some of the customers.

Sheila: Oh. No, no, no, no. Not in my section today. I’m– I am not in the mood.

Deacon: You owe me. ♪♪ Well, hello, hello. I didn’t see you on the reservation list, Bill.

Poppy: Nozawa. Party of two? Um, your staff was kind enough to change our reservation from yesterday. Because something came up for Bill. You know what it’s like running a multi-billion dollar corporation. See?

Deacon: There it is. Uh, inside or outside?

Bill: Oh, Deacon, you know me. I’m easy. Well, that’s not entirely true. Anywhere but the homicidal maniac section. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Deacon: So, how do you take it?

Bill: Black. And, uh, oat milk and agave for the lady.

Poppy: Very good.

Deacon: Okay, I’ll go get that, and your server will be over in a second to take your order.

Bill: What’s the smile for?

Poppy: You. This.

Bill: You made the reservation.

Poppy: No. I mean this existence I suddenly have. You’ve transformed my life, Bill. And my daughter’s. Our daughter’s. ♪♪

Ridge: There you go.

Brooke: Thank you.

Ridge: So, is this what you’re doing now? You’re going to come down on your daughter because you have a leadership position?

Brooke: No. I would never. Unless it was necessary. Which in this case, it’s not. Wouldn’t you agree?

Ridge: Oh, wow. That’s, um… can I– can I say one thing?

Hope: Well, I did already ask them to adjust the length.

Ridge: Good. Yeah, now that’s perfect. Still seems like I walked in on something. Is this, uh, Hope for the Future business, is that?

Hope: No, I– I am confident that our line will bounce back, and I am very grateful that we have the extra quarter to achieve that.

Ridge: Right, which is something my daughter didn’t agree with. So, is this it? Is this about Steffy?

Brooke: Uh… ♪♪

Poppy: I hope you know how happy I am.

Bill: You made that pretty clear this morning.

Poppy: I still have a ways to go to show you just how happy in that department.

Bill: Check, please.

Poppy: No, seriously. We have so much to be grateful for. To celebrate the family we’ve suddenly become. I meant what I said, Bill. You’ve transformed my life. And Luna’s.

Bill: You’ve transformed mine as well. You’ve given me a daughter, Poppy. I don’t have the words. I really don’t. A daughter. ♪♪

Ridge: So, what’s going on here? If this is about Steffy, then maybe I can help, and I should know about it.

Hope: Um, honestly, I don’t really think there is anything you can do to help. It’s, uh… I don’t know. I– I, yes, have been struggling with something, but I’m sure it’s nothing– nothing to do with whatever you’re thinking it is.

Ridge: Well, I’m thinking it’s Steffy, so it has nothing to do with that, is that– yeah?

Hope: Um, okay, fine. Um, honestly, I think I have been a little lost ever since Thomas and Douglas left, and it’s just, uh, left me questioning a lot of things.

Ridge: What things?

Hope: My feelings. I guess they– they’ve kind of been all over the place.

Ridge: Your feelings for Thomas, you mean?

Hope: Uh, I– I don’t– Um, I don’t really know. I don’t really want to get into it. Just know that it– it is not going to affect my work.

Ridge: Good, like to hear that. Listen, you’re lucky you have your mom to lean on, but if you ever want a man’s opinion, I’m– I’m here too. You can talk to me.

Hope: Well, thank you for that.

Ridge: You’re welcome. It is none of my business, but I don’t know how it ended with you and Thomas. I don’t, I don’t know what happened, really, but… I know that boy loved you. Loved you very much. ♪♪

Tom: We got Caesar salad.

Deacon: All right.

Tom: We got garlic bread.

Deacon: Okay.

Tom: And three orders of toe hors d’oeuvres. I mean, I can’t believe that that became such a big hit.

Deacon: You know, after the wedding, I put ’em on the menu. People cannot get enough of them.

Tom: Toes. You know, it just kind of freaks me out to think that Sheila cut off one of her own toes to fake a bear attack.

Deacon: Well, I guess she did what she had to do, right?

Tom: I guess. I– maybe. You know, it– it just doesn’t seem like something a mentally stable person would– would do. Hang on a second. Oh, crap. It’s the wine distributor. This guy. I — mmm, he is such a pain in the butt. I– I gotta take this. Uh, can you get a pitcher of water and just fill everyone’s glass, please? I gotta deal with this.

Tom: I got it, boss.

Deacon: No, no. I do not–

Sheila: Are you serious? Stability? ♪♪

Sheila: We really do appreciate everything that you’re doing for us.

Tom: It’s my pleasure.

Sheila: And you’re– you’re well liked. I mean, so far. But you wouldn’t want to do anything or– or say anything to change that, would you?

Deacon: Tom, Tom. Water. Now. Come on.

Tom: Duty calls.

Deacon: Zinfandel? Gewurztraminer? ♪♪

Bill: Adorable. What’d you say? She was around ten?

Poppy: Mm-hmm. I took Luna and two of her friends to the community pool. She had so much fun. That girl could not stop begging me to take her swimming.

Bill: Well, I have some good news for you. You’re living with me now, and Luna has a couple of pools on the estate.

Poppy: Thank goodness. You know, I think I’ll start planning her next birthday now. Maybe even allow three of her friends.

Bill: Three? Wow.

Poppy: Mm-hmm.

Tom: Uh, more water?

Poppy: Yes, please.

Bill: Wow, seriously.

Tom: Oh! Oh, I’m sorry.

Poppy: Oh, no, don’t worry about it. Look, spills happen.

Tom: Oh–

Poppy: Uh, thank you. That’s, uh, that’s fine. Um… A little privacy, please.

Tom: Um, yeah. Yeah, of course. I’m sorry.

Bill: Deacon can’t even hire a decent busboy. Poppy? Poppy?

Poppy: Hmm? Yes?

Bill: You with me?

Poppy: Yes, I’m– I’m right here. ♪♪

Ridge: I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. It’s just, um, I know my son. I know that how he felt for you was genuine. He thought you guys had a future together. That’s all.

Brooke: Hope wasn’t ready to commit to marriage. Not so soon after ending things with Liam.

Ridge: I get that. And I’m not– Yes, I get it. I’m just trying to find a connection. She’s not feeling well, and it kind of started when Thomas left, so I thought maybe deep down, you thought maybe you made the wrong choice.

Hope: Uh, I’m– I’m not sure how deep down everything has been. I feel like it’s been pretty out in the open. Thomas was fully aware that I was not all right with them leaving. And he knows how I feel about him. And I wanted our relationship to continue, but he needed something more. A marriage. And it didn’t feel right to accept a proposal that I wasn’t ready for.

Ridge: Okay, no, I– I agree with that. I’m sorry. I do. I agree with that. I’m just trying to help you find some peace.

Hope: Well, I’ve been trying to. For some time now, I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve been keeping it in. Um, no, I’ve been trying and I guess it’s been a little harder than I let on. With Thomas and Douglas gone, it’s just been, um, yeah, I’ve been struggling, Ridge, lately. Probably more than people realize.

Ridge: So, what are you doing? Are you reconsidering? Are you…

Hope: I’m still not ready for marriage. I’m just not. To anyone. Anyone. But if and when I am, at least I will have known Thomas’ love, and what it was like to be with someone who only had eyes for me, and… I’m the better for it. Because I will never settle for less than that ever again. ♪♪

Sheila: No more spills?

Tom: I don’t want to talk right now.

Sheila: Yeah, well you know what? I do. I want to know exactly what it is that you think is so terrible about me. I heard you, Tom. I heard you talking to Deacon. And– and regardless of what you read on the internet, there are two sides to every story.

Tom: Yeah, I get that.

Sheila: Well, you want to survive around here? Then, it’s my side you need to be on. ♪♪

Tom: I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot with you.

Sheila: But you have.

Tom: But– but you just got to admit, it– it’s rather surprising.

Sheila: No, you know what is surprising? Me overhearing somebody badmouth me to my husband. Don’t ever do that again. Okay, I– I may have had a colorful past, but it was my past, and it stays there. It’s none of your business. You got me, Tom?

Tom: Yeah, Sheila. Of course. ♪♪

Ridge: Did I cross a line? I– I didn’t mean to.

Brooke: With Hope?

Ridge: Yeah, just bringing up Thomas, and I don’t want her thinking that I’m blaming her. I’m not. Just… she said she felt lost. She looked lost.

Brooke: Yeah. She’s just dealing with a lot right now.

Ridge: More than missing Thomas? I’m doing it again, right? I’m — I’m prying. I don’t, I’m sorry. I don’t…

Brooke: I– I have my concerns about my daughter, but we talked about things and worked through some things. I– I think I got through to her.

Ridge: Of course you did. ‘Cause that’s what you do. You get through to people. It’s one of your talents. And that’s why I hired you.

Brooke: Actually, I think you hired me because you wanted to see me here more often.

Ridge: What? Silly. I do what’s best for the company and, ah, you’re right.

Brooke: Aw.

Ridge: Yes. ♪♪

Thomas: I’ve told you this before, and I will tell you again: I am a one-woman man.

Thomas: Hello, Hope. ♪♪

Steffy: Here’s a look at what’s ahead…

Tom: Pizza delivery, Poppy.

Poppy: What are you doing here?

Thomas: I’m glad I finally found someone who wants the same things as me.

Hope: What is going on here?

Thomas: Paris and I are engaged. We’re gonna be married.

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Days Transcript Friday, June 21, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[dramatic music]

You better buckle up, Mom, because I have a lot to say to you. And you are going to sit there, and you’re gonna listen.

Now, don’t give me that look. That is the same look you gave me when I knocked over your mai tai at that honeymoon resort in the Poconos. And while we’re on the subject, what kind of mother leaves their eight-year-old son alone in a heart-shaped Jacuzzi with a pack of smokes and a flamingo pool float?

I remember what you said to me when you left: “Toodle-oo, dear.”

You have no idea how prune-y my little fingers got.

[breathes deeply] Why am I telling you all this? Because for once, I am advocating for myself. I am not worthless. I am not unlovable. And you never should have–

You gonna drink that? [panting] [quirky music] [upbeat music]

Come on. Come on, how could Holly and Tate be “up to something”? I mean, Holly just found out that she was going to the prom, like, two seconds ago.

Yeah, well, that was two seconds ago. You know what? When we were back at the house taking pictures, that little Sophia girl came up to me and she told me that she heard Tate talking to Aaron about a secret plan, and I’m sure that was Holly’s idea.

Mm-hmm, and you just think that there’s something–

Oh, no, no, no, no, I don’t think, Brady. I know. Our son Tate and Holly are sneaking out tonight to be together.

[both sigh]

OK, who hired this DJ?

Yeah, yeah, I know. He played at my cousin’s wedding. They got, like, a divorce two months after.

Yeah, can’t say I’m surprised. He’s lame.

You know what’s lame? Standing here, complaining around the punch bowl when everyone else is actually having fun.

Come on. Let’s dance.

[crickets chirping] – Hey, man. You know, it’s one thing to get doctor’s orders from my wife, but to get them all the way from China? Come on. Yeah. Yeah, I’m following them. Well, most of the time. All right. [knock at door] Hey, hey. Listen, give my best to Wendy. Yeah, I love you too, son. I’ll talk to you soon.

How’s Tripp doing?

Well, he’s doing great. He just told me that he and Wendy are taking a backpacking trip through Thailand and Vietnam next month. He doesn’t miss home. I don’t much blame him.

[chuckles] Ah, to be young and in love.


And how are you?

I’m fine. Doctors say I’m on the mend.

Steve, I’m so sorry this happened. Do you have any idea when you’re getting out of here?

Well, yesterday, if I had my way. And you’d think I’d have some pull, being married to the chief of staff. But, you know, she can be pretty stubborn.

Kayla? No!


Actually, she’s the reason why I’m here. She said you might be in need of a lawyer. [dramatic music]


Well, all right, double cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake– I’m guessing Steve’s feeling a whole lot better.

Yes, he is. Thank you. Ugh, when I think of what could have happened to him… My “hero complex” husband, you know, that’s exactly why I didn’t want him going off to Montana to help Ava.

Speaking of, my erstwhile new waitress has missed a whole week of shifts.

Well, let’s just hope that Miss Ava Vitali has finally, at long last, said bye-bye– for good this time.

So sorry to disappoint.

[sighs] [light music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[country music]

Ava, I assumed you’d be back after Clyde’s capture.

Yeah, apologies for being out of touch. You know, the cell phone reception was a little spotty in Montana. And then I bought one of those SIM cards when I got to China, but then I lost it.


Yeah. I missed my kid. And I wanted to tell him and Wendy in person that now that Clyde had been arrested that he was no longer a threat to them. I figured that after all they’d been through, they deserved that much.

Well, that was good of you. Yeah. Kay, I’m sure you’re eager to get back to Steve at the hospital, so I’m gonna go put your order in.

Thank you.

Wait, Steve’s in the hospital?

He’s been shot.

Oh, my God. Is he OK?

He will be.

OK. This wasn’t somehow my fault, was it?

No, this wasn’t. But, you know, now that Clyde’s been captured, I’ve hired Steve a lawyer. And I certainly hope that you have a plan in place to cover your own legal mess.

So Kayla told you I might need a lawyer, huh?

But she didn’t tell me why. So how about you fill me in? What’s going on?

You’re hired. Long story short, I broke Clyde Weston out of prison. [dramatic music]

Why in the hell would you do that?

Well, well, look who it is, physical masterpiece reminiscent of Michelangelo’s “David.” Tell me, how long are you alone here in Salem before you have to be shipped back off to Firenze? Let me guess. You forgot your water bottle?

How’d you know?

Is this some kind of practical joke? Because I am not taking the bait, Signor Davide…


Which is Italiano for “Mr. David,” in case you’re not a polyglot like I am.


So you and your sweaty abs can just get lost.

Leo, I have no idea what you’re going on and on about, but I am thirsty, OK?

Yeah. You’re not the only one. [sighs] [upbeat music]

Hey. Whoa, you want to slow down there? We haven’t even started dancing.

Well, I’m not gonna lie, this prom kind of sucks already.

Hey. Where’s Sophia?

Fixing her hair, I think.

All right. I’ll be right back.

So we having fun yet, time of our lives?

Oh, you’d better take a few steps back, bucko, or your mother might just rip my head off. You know she just warned me to stay the hell away from you.

I’m so sorry that she’s acting this way.

Totally predictable, right?

Yes, unfortunately, which is why I decided that we should go back to the OG plan.

The OG plan?

The one we came up with when we thought your mom wasn’t gonna let you go to the prom.

[coughs] Oh, my God. Honestly, I might pass out from all the vape smoke in that bathroom. [coughs]

How many kids did you bust?

Just some kid with braces who tried to tell me that her vape pen was a flash drive.

Ha! Amateur. I would have gone with the inhaler.

Yeah, right?


God, you know, mostly I’m just really concerned about Sophia. She was bawling her eyes out in the bathroom. How can Holly do that to her best friend?

I don’t know, but she doesn’t look that upset to me, Theresa, at all, so…

Well, maybe she’s pulled it together since then. I mean, I’m telling you, she was crying really hard. Are you saying you don’t believe me?

No. No. What I’m saying is, first you were all up in arms because you thought Holly and Tate were up to something, right? And then Sophia confirmed that they are up to something. But now they’re all hanging out. They’re all still here. Maybe this is just a bunch of teen drama that you should maybe, you know, see your way out of. What do you think?

You know, I would love to say that I am wrong. But I guarantee you, by the end of the night, when it’s just a gym full of balloons and potato chip crumbs and you and me, Tate and that little schemer, they’re gonna get busted big-time. And Holly Jonas, she’s not even gonna know what hit her.

Thank you.

So when I said that you’re not the only one who’s thirsty, well, that was because I had a very similar encounter just yesterday with another Adonis-like creature who, just like you, forgot his water bottle.


A doctor, no less.

Mm. Would you look at the time? I got to go.

And as if two Adonis-like studs practically begging me to wet their whistles within a -hour period wasn’t coincidence enough, I also ran into your girlfriend this morning.

Did you?

Mm-hmm. Were your ears burning? We were talking about you.

Mm. Should I be worried?

Well, Lady W was nosing around for a story, I admit. So full disclosure, I said to her, pray tell, Theresa Donovan, how did you bed such an eligible bachelor, one with abs you could use to grate Parmesan cheese?


And she answered quite earnestly that from the moment she first met you, sparks were flying before she had the slightest idea you were a Kiriakis heir.

Yeah, well, that is very true. Sparks were flying almost immediately. [light music]

You know, guy like you– tall, dashing, sort of rudimentary sense of humor, which works for you because, unlike moi, you don’t need to be a laugh riot for people to want to jump your bones or even just… give you the time of day– all that is to say, Alex, you can never be too careful.

And what does that mean, Leo?

I mean that people would come out of the woodwork to gobble up even the smallest crumbs of your fortune. But Theresa, she seems legit.


Huh, what?

No, it’s just funny. I had a similar conversation with Dr. Evans earlier.

Are you in therapy with Dr. Evans? Samesies.

Are you, really?



So tell me, is she helping you?

Seems to be, yeah. Dr. Evans is a great listener. She gets it.

Hmm, maybe there’s hope for me after all.


[exhales heavily]

So what do you think? You think we should peek in on them?

No. You want to embarrass him even more in front of his friends? It’s tough enough on the kid, knowing that we’re here chaperoning. [footsteps tapping] Oh, hey. Hey, buddy. How you–how you doing?


Having a good time?

I was, and then I just– I’m not feeling well all the sudden.

Oh! Well, that’s strange, ’cause looked like you were feeling fine a minute ago.

I just got this headache, came out of nowhere. It got me.

Headache, huh? Well, I have ibuprofen in my purse. I can give it to you.

No, it’s fine. I feel like I should just go home, you know, chill out for a bit.


OK, sure. I can drive you.

No. You have to chaperone, remember? School’s counting on you. Besides, I’d like to take a walk, you know, get some fresh air. So see you guys.

Sure. See you later.

Yeah, see you, man. Get better.

Told you so. Mm.

[sighs] Wow.

[clears throat] Hey, Sophia. What it do?

“What it do?” Cringe, Aaron.


[chuckles] So where’s Tate?

He left.

What? Why?

Well, he said he had a headache. Poor guy.

Damn, that’s– wow, that’s awful.

Well, what are you waiting for? Aren’t you gonna run after him?

[scoffs] What are you talking about?

Oh, cut the crap, Holly. I know Tate doesn’t have a headache. He just made up a lie so you two could go sneak off together. Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.

You know, Ava, for all your shortcomings, I would have thought you had the good sense to skip town. [dramatic music]

And why would I do that?

To avoid the consequences that are inevitably coming your way when Clyde decides to share that you were the one who spearheaded the whole plan to break him out of prison.

I just keep wondering one thing.

Yeah? What is it? What do you wonder, Kayla? Go on, say it.

What is there for you in Salem now that Tripp is gone? Bunch of bad memories? My husband?

I had no choice. Weston was threatening Tripp’s life in order to pressure Ava into doing his dirty work. And now that he’s been captured, Kayla’s worried that he might throw me under the bus.

Well, knowing Clyde Weston, I think that’s a valid concern. But clearly, he hasn’t said anything.

Not yet, but I’m not gonna sit around, wondering if he will or not.

What do you mean by that?

I’m not gonna live in fear. I’m gonna turn myself in.

Hey. No, Sophia, what are you even– what are you–

Save it, Aaron. I heard you and Tate talking at the pub earlier about how Tate only asked me to prom because his parents won’t let him see you.

Sophia, I’m really sorry.

Are you? Because when I told you that I was interested in Tate, I don’t know, maybe you could have mentioned you two were a thing.

I wanted to. Believe me, I did. And I know I probably should have. I realize that now, but I just didn’t want you to tell your mom, and then she would have told mine, and it would’ve just been a mess.

So you decided it was just easier to break my heart?


Right? Just to make me look like a complete idiot?

No! Sophia, it’s not like that. OK, I feel terrible for hurting you. I mean, you’re my best friend. I love you so much. And things have just been a nightmare at home. And I know that’s not an excuse.

No, it’s not.

Look, I understand why you’re mad at me. I’m mad at myself. And I’ll say it again and again, I’m sorry. But–but, Sophia, look at you. You’re insanely gorgeous. You’re popular. You can have any guy you want.

I wanted Tate. [upbeat music] But not anymore. So don’t worry. You can have him.

Are–are you going to tell?


Well, what are you waiting for? Go catch up with him.

Sophia, is there anything I could do or say to make you forgive me?

Go catch up with him.

I’m really sorry.


OK, OK, I know– I agree the headache story was a bit suspicious, all right? But Holly’s still here.

Not for long. I mean, think about it, Brady. They can’t leave at the same time. That would be a huge red flag.

[sighs] Oh.

Oh, hi.


Where’s your handsome date?

I don’t know. I’m just going to the little girls’ room. BRB.

BRB, my ass. God. Are you coming?

Theresa, we’re still supposed to chaperone the dance, you know? I mean–

What are you– give me a break.


There’s plenty of other chaperones here, and the only important thing is our son. If you feel any differently, you feel free to stay. Come on.

Hmm. What’s that? Are you auditioning for something? [light music]

Well, I suppose you could say I’ve been auditioning for my mother’s affection my entire life.


And now I’m going to see her in lockup to give voice to every complaint and grievance, all the anger that adorable, fair-haired little Leo, that frightened little cherub who lives in here, has been holding on to for far too long.

I wrote it all down so I don’t get flustered and go off script.

Gotcha. Well, good luck with that. Sounds tough.

Thanks. My parents were– well, they tried their best, as they say, whatever that means. It’s not like you hit the parent scratch-off yourself off with Victor.


No offense.

No, none taken. Victor was a… [exhales sharply] Complicated man.

Well, at least you didn’t find out he was your father until it was too late for him to do any lasting damage, right?

I mean, being raised by Justin Kiriakis, Sonny’s dad– you’re very lucky, Alex.


For God’s sake, Steve, you were trying to save your son’s life. And Clyde Weston is back behind bars. So I think I could probably broker some sort of deal– probation, no time served. You OK with that?

Oh, that sounds good. Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

Of course. Of course. But before I get out of here, I do have one question I want to ask you.

What’s that?

Was anyone else involved in this prison breakout scheme? [tense music]

No. It was all me.

You know, I cannot believe we are back to this again. Steve and I have been over for years. And quite frankly, Kayla, I don’t have to justify anything to you.

All right, you know what? Here you go. And I threw some garlic aioli in there for the fries.

Thank you. And you know what? You’re right, Ava. This is not a productive conversation. Good luck.

Oh. I have amazing timing, don’t I?

I am guessing you and Kayla are not gonna be teaming up for pickleball anytime soon.

Yeah, probably not. But, you know, I do agree with one thing she said. I did think long and hard about staying in China, doing some solo traveling. The only reason I came back was because I need to know where I stand with Harris.

Ava…he’s not here.


No, he hasn’t been back since Clyde’s arrest.

Well, wait a minute. Did–did– [dramatic music] Roman, is he moving out?

Look, we only talked briefly, and that was about Lucas. But no, he didn’t say anything about if or when he was planning on coming back. I’m–I’m sorry, Ava.

Yeah. No, no. It’s–it’s– [chuckles] It’s OK. But I will tell you, I mean, if Harris isn’t coming back, then maybe I should just leave.

Do we look this way, that way? I don’t know.

I don’t know. Hmm, this way.


No, no, no, that way. Damn, you know, these shoes, I shouldn’t have worn them. They’re really slowing me down.

I don’t know where the hell Holly went.

Oh, Theresa, my new friend. [light music] Sorry to be nosy. I’m not sorry. Are you two on a date?

No, we’re not. We’re chaperoning our kid’s prom, Leo.

Oh, prom. How fun. I remember mine like it was yesterday. I took Agnes… something-or-other. She was a ‘” basketball player. We were each other’s beards.

OK. Yeah, that’s great, Leo. But we’re looking for our son, Tate. He happened to run off.

He probably would have been wearing a tux. [quirky music]


Um? Um, what? What about Holly Jonas? Have you seen her?

Hi. Do you know where she went?

[knock at door]

[sighs] [exhales heavily] [tender music]



Do you want to come in?

Yeah. Wow, what’s going on in here?

Well… it’s our own private prom.

Yeah. Do you like it?

Do I like it? Tate, I–I love it. This is, like, the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. I just didn’t realize that the address you sent me was the Salem Inn.

Listen, I know that there’s a bed here. And it’s–well, it’s a bed. But the only reason that I got us this room is so we could be alone without anyone seeing us. There is seriously no pressure at all. There’s no expectations. There’s none.



Just you and me, huh?

Yeah, finally. You and me.

[door clicks open]

Ah. Sorry. I know it probably seemed like it took forever.

That’s OK, baby. I know you were probably just trying to give Justin and me time to talk.

Well, I know. I just–I just wanted him to talk to you because I just– I want us to be prepared for if and when Clyde lowers the boom.

I’ve been thinking about the same thing, Sweetness. And I hope you’re on board with my plan, because it’s not exactly what we had in mind. [dramatic music]

Listen, can you have Commissioner Hernandez call me ASAP? I have a client who would like to make a statement. Thank you.

Alex, you have a second?

Sure. What’s up?

I just want to say how sorry I am for everything that went down with Konstantin. And, my God, when I heard that you went running after Theresa unarmed, Alex, if anything had happened to you–

It’s OK. I’m fine. And actually, something good came from it.

It did?

Yeah. I realized how much Theresa means to me. I just got done telling Dr. Evans today that… I think she could be the one.

Alex, I think there’s something you should know about Theresa.


Sweetness… if you’re not on the same page about me turning myself in…

Look, I– I can’t imagine you spending one day in prison or me losing you again. But I don’t want us to live in fear, always wondering if the other shoe is gonna drop.

Well, good. Then we are on the same page.

[scoffs] Oh. Mm. Now, eat your food.

Thank you.

Well, I’m assuming that John and Ava are probably gonna have to come clean as well, right?

Well, actually, I told Justin I acted alone.

What? Look, look, I can understand why you would want to protect John. But Ava Vitali? Why the hell should she get off scot-free?

Ava, listen to me, all right? You have just traveled a hell of a long way. You’re jet-lagged, exhausted. Not the best time to make a major life decision. All right? Plus, I need your help in the morning with the breakfast rush.

[sighs] All right. I’ll help you with that.

OK, I appreciate that. Now, why don’t you go upstairs, get some rest? And tomorrow I can probably put you in touch with Harris.

Thanks, Roman.

And for the record, I do hope things work out between you two.

So do I. [light music]

Oh, yeah? What should I know about Theresa?

Look, I’m not one for gossip. And normally, I wouldn’t bring this up.


But Bonnie saw that Theresa moved into your bedroom last night. So she just mentioned, out of concern, that Theresa had been with–

Brady. Yesterday morning, I know. [clears throat] The thing is, I had a fling with Kristen only to make Theresa jealous. It had no meaning whatsoever. It meant nothing at all. So to that point, Theresa and I are… even, in a way.

I see.


But from what you’re saying, you didn’t have any feelings for Kristen, whereas Theresa and Brady have a lot of history.

Yeah, most of it bad.

Maybe, but they share a son. And when I was Tate’s lawyer, I saw them together and how connected they were. And frankly, I’m just concerned…


As, you know, any father would be.

Yeah. But you’re not really my father, now, are you? [dramatic music] And even if you were, Justin, I’m an adult now. So my relationship with Theresa or anybody else, for that matter, it’s really none of your business.

You’re right. You’re right. I will stay out of it from now on. Good night, Alex.




What? Don’t you see? I’m being pensive. This is my pensive face.

Why do you have to think, Leo? You either saw Tate and Holly, or you didn’t.

Like I said, I am nursing a heartbreak of my own. And like I also said, I’m a sucker for love, especially young love. And the two of you together, so innocent, it is… absolutely life-affirming.


It’s also a bit nauseating, but that could be the two-for-one chili dogs I had for dinner. So no, I am not going to rat you out to your folks. Well, I’m sorry. I wish I could help you, but I didn’t see anything. Got to go.

OK, helpful. You know what? I don’t believe him. There’s no way Holly could just disappear into thin air.

No, no, obviously not. But you know what, Theresa? I don’t want to spend the rest of the night just– just looking for our son, OK? We don’t know where he is, so why don’t we just call it a night? We’ll talk to Tate in the morning, OK?

Are you serious?


Do you not remember, the last time Tate and Holly had a big night out, some very regrettable things happened?

But a lot–a lot of things have happened between then and now.

Like what? Holly didn’t go to rehab. You know what? She’s probably doing drugs with our son now as we speak.

Theresa, stop. Come on. Come on. Come on.

What? How do you not believe that?

Because our son isn’t a junkie, all right? You know what he is? He’s a red-blooded male, and he’s hot for this girl that he has been forbidden to see, OK? He’s probably somewhere off in a private corner with her, somewhere where he can… hook up with her.


No. No way.

Yes way.


I swear to God. He came out and he, like, rapped or sa– or whatever– a bunch of his songs.

OK, you’re telling me that Drake–Drake…

Drake, yeah.

Drake played at Sara’s th birthday party, really? That’s what you’re saying?

Yes. Her dad came out and, like, validated his parking ticket.


I swear.

Wow. That’s amazing. Actually, Drake played my th birthday party.

Oh, did he?

From a playlist on my phone. [laughter] [sighs]

Oh… Tate, you should probably know something.

Oh, yeah? What should I know?

So Sophia kind of heard you and Aaron talking earlier at the pub, and she knows we’re together.

Oh. Wow. OK. How did she take it?

She’s pissed. I mean, like, she’s really upset.

[sighs] I’m sorry.

No, don’t be. It’s my fault. I should have just told her from the start.

Do you think she’s gonna tell her mom?

No, she promised she wouldn’t. But I don’t know, I still feel pretty awful about it all.

[sighs] Yeah, so do I. I don’t know, maybe her and Aaron will hook up.

I hope so. They’re kind of cute together.

So are we.



You think so?

Yeah. I know so.


I have something for you. I… made you a playlist.

You made me a playlist?

I did.


And it’s got all of your favorites on it.

OK, let’s see. Oh, wow, we have some Taylor Swift in here.

Yeah, I know you’re a Swiftie.

I’m not a Swiftie. OK, fine, maybe I’m a little bit of a Swiftie. But you hate Taylor Swift.

I don’t hate her. I don’t know, some of her songs have grown on me.

So what I’m hearing is, you have a sensitive side.

Yeah, maybe I do.

[chuckles] OK, cute, sensitive boy.

Oh. [chuckles]

Let’s play…this. [St. Hollywood’s “If Only” playing]


– * If only to hold you * – * Only to taste your lips * * If only for this moment * * For you, I would do it again *

God, I’m a total mess. I just need to get out of here.

Hey, Sophia, wait. Let me at least take you home.

Forget it, Aaron. I’m not speaking to you anymore. You were part of this whole scheme.

Look, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. But Tate’s my best friend. And actually, I was– I was looking forward to maybe us two spending time here tonight.

What? Why? [upbeat music]

‘Cause I should have asked you. I wa–I was going to ask you to prom myself.

So why didn’t you?

‘Cause… I just felt like you barely knew I existed.

So I thought maybe if we spent some time here tonight, you would–

See what a fun, cool guy you are?

[chuckles] Look… all I’m trying to say is that I get it. To like someone so much and to have them not like you back sucks.

And I fully sympathize with how mad you are.

That was really cool, you not telling anybody anything about Holly and Tate.

[St. Hollywood’s “If Only” playing]

Do you want to pick another song?

Mm, not really. Nobody goes to prom to just dance.

That’s good, ’cause I’m not much of a dancer.

Shut up. You’re– yeah, OK, maybe you’re not. But you make up for it in a bunch of other ways.

OK. Like what? Give me an example.

Example, OK. Well… you are incredibly handsome. You’re great to talk to… and kiss. [soft music]

[sighs] It’s so weird, isn’t it, just being able to finally be with each other without looking over our shoulders for more than two minutes in the hall?

I don’t want it to end.

Me neither. I want it to last forever.

So do I.

We’re gonna figure something out, I promise. But until then, let’s just… enjoy this right here, right now. OK?

[door clicks open]

[gasps] Aha! [dramatic music]

Justin used to always say I was the kid who gave him most of his gray hairs…

Because I never thought twice about going after what I wanted.

Now I know I got that from you. [chuckles] For all your character flaws, you were decisive. You set your sights on something, and, man, it was yours.

Well, it took me a while to figure it out.

But I now know exactly what I want.

[sighs] Look, I understand why you wouldn’t implicate Ava. I mean, she is Tripp’s mother. I get that. I just have so many issues with that woman. This is just difficult. I’m sorry.

No, don’t be sorry, baby. I’m sorry. And I mean, is there anything I can do to help?

You could maybe give me a sip of that milkshake.



You want a sip of this milkshake?

I do. Actually, I do.

Well, I’ll make a deal with you.

What’s that?

I’ll give you a sip if you, the beautiful chief of staff of this joint, arranges for an early discharge for me.

Maybe tomorrow.


Mm-hmm. Mmm.

Well, I’m gonna need some kisses to tide me over.

Mm. Milkshake kisses?

Oh, yeah.

Mm-hmm. Mm.

Mm. Another one.

I love you.

I love you.

Pretty delish, right?

Mm. Are you kidding?

[chuckles] [tense music] * *

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Theresa talked to Victor’s portrait about how she couldn’t be with Brady. It’s always disastrous when they were together. She felt like she would be better with Alex. Theresa apologized out loud about making Alex Victor’s son instead of Xander. Bonnie walked in while she was talking to the portrait. She wanted to know how she screwed Xander over. Theresa told her about Xander shooting Konstantin and ran out of the room. Bonnie was suspicious of what she said. Leo was walking in the town square and ran into Theresa. They introduced themselves. He wanted an interview with Theresa about Konstantin, but she refused to give it to him. She got annoyed with him. Leo wondered why Konstantin took her hostage and said there was an enemy among the Kiriakis’ midst. Theresa was about to leave when Leo asked her about Alex. He wondered if she had any tips on how to get a fortune. They joke for a few minutes until she tells him that she’s not with Alex for the money. Maggie woke up and was horrified by what happened with Konstantin. She hoped that he was in prison. Sarah told her that Konstantin was dead. Maggie wanted to know what happened. Xander walked in and said he happened. He told her what happened in the backyard. She wondered if Konstantin was really gone. He told her everything else and she realized Xander didn’t have a choice but to do what he did. Xander said he had a choice. He killed him out of rage for everything that Konstantin did. Xander didn’t have to shoot or shoot to kill, but he did. He knew she cared about him once. Maggie let him know that she despised him. She wished she were the one who killed Konstantin. Thankfully he wasn’t charged for what happened. She thanked him for always being there for her. Maggie apologized for the way Victor treated him. She thought he treated him the way he did because he reminded him of himself. Maggie said he was closer to Victor than his sons.

Bonnie and Sarah talked about Maggie and Konstantin. They shifted gears and talked about Sarah’s search for Xander’s mother. Sarah didn’t hear from her. Her phone rang and she thought it was Xander’s mother. The woman who called had the number for years, but wasn’t his mother. Chad and Julie talked about whether Abby was really alive. He wanted answers immediately. She reminded him that it’s Juneteenth. Chad called a bank manager to see if they could get in when they got a surprise. Jack showed up when they were about to leave. He wanted to feel closer to Abby since it’s the anniversary of Abby’s death. Jack wanted to make sure Clyde never got out of prison. He wondered if Clyde said anything about Abby. Chad felt awkward and Jack realized that he and Julie were hiding something from him. Jack overheard them talking about a box and keeping something from him and Jennifer. Julie showed him the time capsule and tried to distract him with the kids. Chad wanted to get to Chicago and didn’t know how to explain it to Jack. Jack came downstairs and got upset that he found out about Abby being alive through Thomas. He knew what Chad meant and felt Abby’s presence.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 20, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ told Stefan that he would reopen Li’s murder case. Stefan told him he better get Gabi’s sentence overturned or Nicole was going to find out that Eric is Jude’s father. EJ said it would take time. Stefan told him to do his job or he would tell Nicole. Holly walked in and wanted to know what they were talking about. She changed her mind and didn’t want to know because her mother is a nightmare at times. When Stefan left, EJ talked to Holly about her attitude towards Nicole. Holly talked about Nicole not letting her go to the prom. Nicole walked in and said she changed her mind about the prom. Holly said she didn’t have a dress or a date. Nicole told her Aaron was still available. Theresa had a dream that she told Brady she loved him and was using Alex for his money. When she woke up, Brady was watching her. He told her that she wanted to see him. She said they needed to keep an eye on Tate and Holly at the prom. Brady said he wasn’t worried about Holly because she was grounded and wasn’t going. He said she could have told him that on the phone. Aaron and Tate met at the pub. Tate asked if Aaron was still willing to distract Sophia so he could meet with Holly. Aaron wanted to spend time with Sophia hoping she would notice him. Sophia was eavesdropping when Tate said he wouldn’t have accepted her invitation if his parents didn’t forbid him from seeing Holly. She walked in the pub to confirm that they were meeting for pictures. Tate agreed to do it and left.

Eric went to see Marlena. She brought up his divorce from Sloan. Marlena thought it was dangerous for him to have EJ help him. Eric said EJ and Nicole had a family, so it wasn’t a problem. Marlena changed the subject by inviting him to dinner. He agreed to dinner as long as she didn’t bring up Nicole. While Aaron tried to talk to Sophia, Nicole called him. Nicole gave Holly the phone. She asked him to the prom. Aaron agreed to go with her. Sophia pretended to be happy for him. He told her it wasn’t a date and suggested they hang out. Sophia said it would be a night to remember. While Tate was getting ready, Holly called him to tell him what happened. She was afraid their plan wasn’t going to work, but Tate said he would think of something. When Brady came home, Tate told him Holly was going to the prom. Brady told him he and Theresa would be watching them. Theresa showed up Marlean’s penthouse dressed for the prom. Brady told her Holly was going to the prom. Stefan walked in on EJ and Nicole. EJ told her he had his job back as the DA. Stefan said EJ was going to reopen Gabi’s case. Mark and Aaron showed up to pick up Holly. Holly didn’t like her dress, but it was all she could find at short notice. Sophia showed up at the penthouse. While Theresa was talking to Sophia, Holly and Aaron were mentioned. Holly and Aaron talked about wanting to be with Tate and Sophia. When Holly and Aaron left the mansion, Stefan sent EJ a text warning him that Gabi better be cleared tomorrow or else. The teens showed up at the high school. Theresa warned Holly to stay away from Tate or she would make her leave the prom. When Theresa and Brady were alone, she told him Tate and Holly were planning something.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Robert and Anna welcome Robert home from his trip.

Anna tells Mac that John Cates is causing her trouble but she can handle him.

Finn quits his job at the hospital because he doesn’t want to work under supervision and go to AA meetings and take drug tests in order to be able to treat patients. Finn is angry with Elizabeth for reporting him to Portia and Terry. Finn tells Elizabeth to stay away from him and Violet.

Jason asks Anna to get proof to put Valentin in jail because Drew is running for Congress and they will be digging up all the Quartermaine family scandals.

Spinelli finds the audio file that is the evidence with which John is forcing Jason to work as an FBI informant. Spinelli explains to Sam that the file can’t be deleted or corrupted because it is a read only file. Sam listens to the evidence against Carly and is furious that Jason left his family for two years to protect Carly. Sam asks Spinelli to make a copy of the recording and heads to the Metro Court to talk to Carly.

Finn goes home and starts drinking because he quit his job at the hospital.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

This is a special stand-alone episode celebrating the 30th anniversary of Joshua Morrow playing the role of Nick Newman on the show.

Faith returns home to see her family before going on a trip to Europe with her friends. Faith is upset because Moses broke up with her because he thinks that they got together too young and they should see other people. Faith tells Nick and Sharon she won’t fall in love again. Faith asks Nick and Sharon their entire love story both the good and the bad parts of their relationship.

Mariah and Tessa arrive to see Faith and stay to hear the love story.

The audience is shown clips of Sharon and Nick’s relationship.

The episode ends with Nick at the Newman Ranch looking at a picture of Victoria and having memories of times with his sister. Nick also remembers important times with his mom and dad and he thanks Victor and Nikki for everything they taught him and he tells them he is proud to be their son.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abe and Paulina had a celebration for Johnny and Chanel as well as for their anniversary. Eli showed up at the party with the twins. Abe wanted to know if Lani was there. Eli said she went to see Chanel at the bakery since she assumed Paulina and Chanel weren’t talking to each other. Paulina was glad they were talking even if it was behind her back. Eli said Lani understood what Paulina did. Paulina let him know that she and Chanel made up. She said the bad news was Chanel was leaving. Chanel put a closed sign on Sweet Bits. Lani showed up and wondered what was going on. Chanel told her she and Johnny were leaving town because Johnny got a job with his favorite director. She said they have to leave town right away. Lani was glad she came for the visit when she did. Chanel was glad too because she needed her support. Lani said moving was a good thing but might be stressful for the baby. Chanel told her she heard the baby’s heartbeat, but they still won’t know about the radiation for a while. Lani asked how things were between her and Paulina. Chanel said she forgave her. Lani said letting go was going to be hard. Chanel told her EJ was going to hate it. Stefan asked EJ how he was going to get his job back to help Gabi. EJ said he talked to Paulina, and it was going to happen. Stefan told him it better happen, or he was going to tell everyone the truth about Jude’s DNA. Once the truth came out, Nicole, Eric, and Jude would go off together. Johnny showed up and wanted to know what was going on. EJ told him that he and Stefan were talking about business. Johnny asked if they were talking about Kristen being the new CEO. Stefan left them alone. EJ asked Johnny about Chanel’s appointment. Johnny said it went well. EJ said Nicole put pregnancy books for them in the library. Johnny said he appreciated it, but they wouldn’t get a chance to read them since he got a job in California. He told EJ he would be working with his favorite director. Since EJ never approved of his dream, Johnny knew he wouldn’t approve. EJ approved of Johnny pursuing his dream. He said he wanted Johnny to be happy.

When Lani went to Paulina and Abe’s place Eli found out that Johnny and Chanel were leaving Salem. Lani said she heard Paulina was having trouble with the people in Salem. Paulina said they were trying to get her recalled as mayor. Johnny showed up to join the celebration. He said one more person was joining the party. EJ showed up at the party. He said it was great of Abe and Paulina to put their differences aside so he could be at the party. Paulina thought he was talking about the recall. EJ said the people were getting jumpy. Paulina wondered how they would feel about a disgraced getting his job back. EJ said he wasn’t disgraced. She fired him over a conflict of interest which didn’t matter anymore because Kristen got the job as CEO of DiMera Enterprises. He said she had a legitimate reason to give him his job back. She said that was blackmail. While they were talking, EJ let Johnny and Chanel know they could use the DiMera jet whenever they wanted to visit. Later on, EJ asked Paulina if she was going to fire Melinda and give him his job back so he could tear up the petition. Jada ran into Stefan at the pub. She said he and Rafe thought Clyde would reveal that Gil killed Li to clear Gabi’s name. Stefan said they hoped, so but Clyde refused to say anything. Jada said he didn’t refuse to help. He wanted his charges reduced. She said she had a way to get Clyde to tell what he knows. Jada told him they shut down the drug operation, but Stefan had to convince Clyde to start it again. Stefan didn’t think that would be a good idea. He was curious as to why she would want him to do something illegal. Jada said to get Gabi out of prison. She said he helped Stefan before. Stefan said he didn’t do it by choice. Stefan wondered what Rafe thought of the plan. She said he doesn’t know about it. Stefan said Gabi was already in solitary so if he turned on Clyde who knew what would happen to her. Jada asked if he would do it if it was Gabi’s only way out. He said it may not be her only way out. Jada wanted to know what else he had in mind. He said he wouldn’t be talking to her if he had a plan. They continued to talk about how they could get Gabi out of prison. Chad and Julie went to the bank in Chicago to look in the safety deposit box. Mr. Mooney, the president of the bank, brought them the box. He said they needed a combination to open it. Chad said they didn’t have it but Clyde gave them permission to open it. Mr. Mooney said the box was registered to Goldman. Chad said she was the dirty cop and Clyde’s girlfriend. Mr. Mooney said he couldn’t open the box without the combination. Julie said they came a long way. She thought he could open the box. Mr. Mooney said he couldn’t make any exceptions. Chad called Rafe so he could give him the code. When they got the code, they opened the box. There was a flash drive in it. They watched the footage on a computer. There was a woman in a cell. They couldn’t see her face so they couldn’t tell if it was Abby. Stefan went back to the DiMera mansion. EJ walked in. Stefan said he was going to call Nicole. EJ told him he didn’t have to because he got his job back. He said he was going to reopen Gabi’s case.

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Days Short Recap Monday, June 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex and Theresa were together at the Kiriakis mansion. He wondered what Konstantin meant when he said she was a thorn in his side ever since he got to town. She tried to play dumb and blame it on his craziness. Theresa didn’t think he liked her. Alex wasn’t sure if that was it. She thought they should get something to eat. Paulina read the comments about her online when Abe arrived. He wanted her to take the night off. Abe reminded her that their anniversary was the next day. Paulina forgot about it and apologized for forgetting. He wanted to ignore the world and focus on each other. They looked at their wedding album and she remembered Lani turning herself in for shooting TR. Tomorrow was Juneteenth too and they were throwing Chanel and Johnny a going away party. Nicole was working with Jude by her side. She apologized when Eric walked in the room. Nicole wouldn’t have had Jude there if she knew Eric was working late too. He was fine with it. Eric wanted to put a post in the paper by morning so he could get rid of Sloan. They talked about the post he wanted to put in the paper and talked about him hiring EJ as his lawyer. Nicole wanted to have a little fun with the post he wanted to write. EJ arrived at the mansion and wanted to talk to Stefan about working with Kristen to steal the CEO position at DiMera Enterprises. Stefan told him that he believed the envelope belonged to him. EJ didn’t know what was in the envelope and wondered what he was talking about. Stefan told him about the DNA results. He knew EJ wasn’t Jude’s father. EJ snatched the results out of his hand and said he forgot about them. Stefan laughed at him for keeping the results in the safe. He thought EJ sounded convincing, but he didn’t seem shocked that he wasn’t Jude’s father. EJ thought it was laughable so Stefan offered to get another DNA test done. He snatched Stefan’s phone. Stefan told him that Nicole would leave him for Eric if she knew the truth about the baby. EJ warned him to keep quiet. Stefan agreed for a price. He wanted Gabi out of prison. EJ reminded him that he’s not the DA anymore. He told him to get his job back. Stefan reminded him that he could stay motivated since he didn’t have anything else to do. EJ said he started a recall campaign to get Paulina out as mayor. Once she was gone, he would appoint someone as DA who would do what he wanted. Stefan wanted Gabi out now. EJ started yelling at him when Nicole arrived. He had to go out to run an errand. Nicole demanded to know what the fight was about.

Brady and Alex ran into each other at the pub. He was surprised Ales wasn’t with Theresa. Brady was about to leave when Alex stopped him. He wanted to clear the air. They discussed Theresa’s plan to make him jealous with Brady. Alex admitted that he did the same thing with Kristen. He realized that he wanted to be with Theresa. Alex wondered if Brady was okay with it. Brady admitted that he was fine with it. His relationship with Theresa never worked so he thought they would be happy together. Eric arrived to talk to Brady after Alex left. They talked about what happened at the Kiriakis mansion. Eric was sure Theresa would get back on her feet. Brady wondered how Eric was holding up. He wondered if Eric was okay with Nicole working at the paper. Stefan closed the safe and Nicole wondered why EJ left. He wasn’t sure, but he thought it had something to do with Kristen getting the CEO position. Abe and Paulina were about to get another glass of wine when there was a knock on the door. EJ was at the door. He agreed to have the petition withdrawn, but he wanted something in return.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, June 20, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Kyle: Claire?

Claire: Hi.

Kyle: Hey, I’m surprised to see you here. Figured you’d be big sistering today.

Claire: That was the plan.

Kyle: Oh, what happened?

Claire: Somebody needed a break.

Kyle: I’m guessing that somebody wasn’t you? Things didn’t go well with Johnny and Katie, did they?

Claire: Johnny seemed fine with me being there. He even laughed at one of my jokes. That was a highlight.

Kyle: And Katie?

Claire: Not so much.

Victoria: Here, son. Katie?

Katie: What? [ Victoria sighs ]

Victoria: It’s okay to be upset and confused. I know it’s a lot to take in. Get a new house, a new sister. None of it feels familiar, I get that.

Katie: I’m fine.

Victoria: Honey.

Katie: I just miss my room, that’s all. All my stuff got burned in the fire.

Victoria: I know. I’m really sorry about that.

Katie: It wasn’t your fault. Anyway, I’ll get over it.

Victoria: You don’t have to just get over it. I mean, it’s something that we should talk about as a family.

Katie: I guess so.

Victoria: Maybe we ought to talk about Claire, too.

Katie: No, we don’t.

Victoria: I think that we should. I mean, you weren’t very nice to her earlier. She was so looking forward to meeting you guys.

Katie: Then, I’ll apologize if that’s what everybody wants.

Victoria: It’s not about that, all right? [ Victoria sighs ] You were so kind to her when we first learned the news about who she was and that meant so much to her. It meant a lot to me as well.

Katie: What do you want me to say, Mom? I’ll try harder.

Victoria: Katie, look, none of us expected this to happen, but it has. Claire’s your family. She’s your sister. Look, just remember this. I mean, she probably feels as awkward and out of place as you and Johnny do.

Katie: The kids at school say she’s crazy and dangerous. Is she?

Billy: Forgive me, but I’m going to assume that this is a good sign.

Lily: What is?

Billy: The fact that you wanted to meet me outside of the office. So, do you have good news for me?

Lily: As a matter of fact, I do.

Devon: Hey, hey, Mr. Newman.

Victor: How’s my man?

Devon: How are you?

Victor: How are you doing, Devon?

Devon: It’s good to see you.

Victor: Yeah.

Devon: What’s, uh, what’s with that smile on your face?

Victor: Well, I just came from a soccer game, and believe it or not, my grandson scored the winning goal with a header.

Devon: That’s fantastic. Wow.

Victor: I mean, boom. You know, just like Ronaldo.

Devon: Just like Ronaldo.

Victor: Yeah.

Devon: Spoken like a true proud grandfather. I can’t wait until Dominic gets into sports, man.

Victor: Oh, he’ll get there sooner than you think.

Devon: Believe me, I know. Time is flying by. But it’s good to see you, though. It really is.

Victor: If you have a minute, why don’t you sit down? Let’s talk.

Devon: Sure.

Victor: Yeah.

Nate: So, Tucker faked a heart attack?

Audra: You know, if I weren’t so mad at him, it would have been funny. But in the end, it was really just kind of pathetic. Desperate. He knew I had the board in my pocket and that he was only delaying the inevitable.

Nate: So, you won.

Audra: As simple as that.

Nate: I’m impressed.

Audra: Thank you. I admit, there were moments along the way when I had a lot of doubts, but I always kept my eye on the prize. And in the end, I got it.

Nate: Hm. So, what happens next?

Audra: I make Glissade a massive success.

Nate: Agreed. But this is Tucker McCall we’re talking about here. Revenge and retaliation are his forte. And Tucker does not like to lose. And you know he knows how to play dirty.

Audra: I’m not afraid of Tucker.

Nate: I can see that. But that doesn’t mean he can’t cause trouble.

Audra: You weren’t there, Nate. You didn’t see him. Tucker was shocked. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stayed in Paris permanently, muttering to himself how he used to be a big shot.

Nate: I don’t know. Tucker’s never struck me as the type to wallow too long.

Audra: Yes, but his circumstances have changed and he knows it. No matter how he tries to spin it, losing Glissade to me was a very public defeat. It will cripple him in the business world, so no, I don’t think Tucker has any more moves left. And even if he does, I know all his tricks. I have seen them up close and they don’t impress me anymore.

Nate: Good to know. Just making sure.

Audra: You know, maybe now he’ll realize why everyone he claims to care about is walking away from him for good. He’s the one pushing everyone out of his life. Ashley, Devon, and finally, me.

Nate: What if he did make those changes in his life?

Audra: Then, he’d be making them for someone else.

Nate: And not for you.

Audra: Tucker made the mistake of thinking this was part of our dance. That business conflict was a version of seduction. But those feelings didn’t just die. They were erased. All trace is gone.

Victor: So, I understand Abby is happy in her personal life?

Devon: Oh, yeah?

Victor: And that she enjoys her role on the Chancellor Board of Directors?

Devon: She does indeed, yes.

Victor: How’s everything going in the company?

Devon: They’re going well. They’re going really well. Our numbers are up.

Victor: Great to hear that.

Devon: Thank you.

Victor: Have you spoken to Tucker McCall lately?

Devon: I have not. No. We’re not on the best of terms. I don’t know if you’re aware of that.

Victor: So you haven’t heard?

Devon: Haven’t heard what?

Victor: Well, apparently he suffered an enormous business setback while in Paris.

Devon: Oh.

Victor: I have a feeling he’s so humiliated, he may go into hiding.

Devon: What do you mean by hiding?

Victor: I have a feeling he’s reluctant to come back to Genoa City because a lot of people are dancing on his grave.

Devon: Huh. Well, I sure didn’t know anything about this.

Victor: But you know, if he does come back, then he will try to weasel himself back into your company. You must know that.

Devon: No, no, no. There’s– there’s no chance of that happening. I already have one weasel to deal with.

Billy: What is this good news you want to share?

Lily: Well first, I have some other business to discuss with you.

Billy: Ah. Okay, go ahead.

Lily: Uh, Daniel and I have come to an agreement and we’re not going to move forward with the arbitration.

Billy: Really?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Did he drop the lawsuit?

Lily: It was mutual. We came to a compromise. So, we’ll keep the Princess Louisa game and in exchange, we’ll finance a college fund for Lucy.

Billy: Lily, that’s amazing. That’s extremely generous of you.

Lily: Well, I mean, it didn’t seem right to keep fighting over it.

Billy: Even though you probably would have won the case.

Lily: Won what though? I mean, you told me, you know, I was reacting emotionally. And I was. I was hurt and angry, but I’m over it now. So, we all win a little something and we can move on.

Billy: You’re a class act.

Lily: Well, I’m trying to be now.

Billy: You are. I mean, you took the high road and that’s a lesson that I could learn.

Lily: So, how is Jill doing? Have you talked to her? [ Billy sighs ]

Billy: You know, she’ll never admit how hard this has been. She keeps talking about how the treatment’s taking too long, you know, but I don’t know. I can– I can see the toll that it’s taking. She’s having a hard time walking. She’s got shortness of breath. She’s tired all the time and that drives her nuts.

Lily: Well, yeah, I mean, she’s used to attacking life at a hundred miles an hour, so I’m sure it’s frustrating for her.

Billy: You know it. But, you know, Snapper seems optimistic. He keeps saying that the treatment is working and you know what kind of a warrior she is, so if anyone’s going to beat this, I’m putting my money on my mom.

Lily: God, I really wish I could call her. She doesn’t know that I know still, right?

Billy: No, she doesn’t. And I don’t want to cause her more stress when she finds out that her big-mouthed son started yapping about something that she does not want to share.

Lily: Well, I won’t expose you. I promise.

Billy: Thank you. I appreciate that. So, back to business.

Lily: Well, I have thought a lot about your proposal.

Billy: And just to be clear, we’re talking about you and me taking over Chancellor-Winters and running it together.

Lily: Yes, we are.

Billy: Okay, so have all this thought led you to a conclusion? Ready to pull the trigger?

Victoria: Katie, do you remember what Claire told you about her Aunt Jordan?

Katie: Which part? She kind of went on.

Victoria: Claire spent her whole childhood, her whole life up until now, being manipulated and controlled by that terrible woman. But Claire’s not crazy. She’s not dangerous.

Katie: She was in the mental hospital for being fine?

Victoria: But then the doctors decided to release her because it was the right thing to do. And now the rest of the family’s gotten to know what a good and loving and kind person she is.

Katie: Maybe she’s faking it. Maybe she’ll murder us all in our sleep.

Victoria: Where are you getting this? Please, Claire’s trying so hard to make amends. Would you please give her a chance?

Johnny: Come on. She’s trying, right?

Katie: I don’t care. You can’t make me like her. She’s not a member of my family, so just stop pushing her on me.

Kyle: The kids just got home, right?

Claire: Earlier this morning.

Kyle: So, they’re adjusting to summer break. Living in a new house. Give Katie some time. She’ll come around.

Claire: I wasn’t saying I’m giving up. Not by a long shot.

Kyle: Hm.

Claire: I just know if I try to force it, it’s going to push her away further. Which is why I came here, where hopefully my presence can’t annoy anyone.

Kyle: Oh, I know it’s disappointing.

Claire: I sort of expected it.

Kyle: Still.

Claire: I guess I did kind of have this fantasy of us all being together. Being a big sister and teaching her things. Also learning things from her, because God knows Katie has more experience in the normal real world than I do.

Kyle: And you will do all of those things.

Claire: I hope so.

Kyle: I know so. I mean, look at the list of people you’ve already won over. All of the Newmans, which is a feat in itself, and even Summer’s coming around.

Claire: A little.

Kyle: Hm. She will. And Katie will, too. Look, you’re funny, smart, genuine. You’re optimistic about living the real world, and you’re cheerful without it being fake. And you know a lot about caterpillars, so let’s face it, Claire. You’re kind of hard not to like.

Lily: Well, even though I have hated how you have butted heads with Devon, your vision and drive for the company is contagious. And it makes me feel like maybe I should be thinking bigger.

Billy: The answer to that question is already yes.

Lily: Exactly. And, you know, I mean, when I really think about it, is it a tribute to Jill and my dad if we just keep the company running in place? I mean, it’s so hard to get anything done around the office, let alone have it advanc in any meaningful way, and you’ve made me see that.

Billy: I hope I also helped you see that we’re the only ones that can fix it.

Lily: Well, as crazy as it sounds, yes, you did. And taking the company to new heights with you definitely sounds appealing.

Billy: So, we’re going to do this?

Lily: Yeah, we’re going to do it.

Billy: Well, that means we need some very expensive champagne because we’re going to celebrate.

Lily: Well, hold on, hold on. Before we start celebrating, there is a catch.

Audra: Tucker did a number on me. I let my guard down for a minute and allowed myself the fantasy that I could fall in love again. But I learned a tough and painful lesson. Trust no one with your heart, ever.

Nate: That’d be a shame, in my opinion.

Audra: Why? I’m more than okay with it.

Nate: Yes. But to let someone like Tucker McCall close the door on the possibilities of love and happiness in your life to me is a waste. Here’s to, uh, hoping you change your mind.

Audra: I wouldn’t count on that happening anytime soon.

Nate: I’m not saying anytime soon, but someday.

Audra: Hm. Have anyone specific in mind? [ Nate chuckles ]

Nate: I’m not even, um, close to there yet.

Audra: Good. Because I have an empire to build and I don’t need any more distractions in my life. [ phone pings ]

Nate: Something important?

Audra: Could be.

Nate: I’m guessing it’s not from Tucker or any other future love interest.

Audra: Very funny, Nate.

Nate: So, who was it?

Audra: It was a business meeting.

Nate: From someone pretty high up in the chain, from the looks of it.

Audra: Maybe.

Nate: Hm. So, let me guess. Is it from this mystery investor you’ve told me so little about?

Audra: Thank you. I’ve gotta run.

Nate: Yes, yes, your big investor awaits you.

Audra: Be nice, Nate.

Nate: I am being nice. It’s just that we spent the last hour or so going over every detail about this coup to take down Tucker, but you left out a key part.

Audra: Because that part is confidential.

Nate: Mm. Must be a pretty big fish.

Audra: Sorry, no clues. But I will tell you this. Glissade is not in competition with Chancellor-Winters. So, you have nothing to worry about.

Nate: Wow. Well, thank you for the heads up.

Audra: You are welcome.

Nate: Although, I am seeing a red flag here, even if you’re not.

Audra: What do you mean? What red flag?

Nate: Whoever this investor is paid an awful lot of money for what’s basically a startup that isn’t even turning a profit yet.

Audra: Because they believe in Glissade and believe in my leadership.

Nate: That’s– that’s fine and dandy, I’m happy to hear it. I just want you to keep in mind that Tucker may not be the only person you have to look out for. This money person, whoever he or she is, is going to want to know what you plan to do with their investment. And they just may have ideas of their own.

Billy: I should have known this wouldn’t be easy. You’ve always been a tough negotiator.

Lily: This is not a negotiation. It’s a compromise.

Billy: Okay. I’m listening.

Lily: Well, look, what’s important to me is that I do not want Devon or Nate to feel hurt or denigrate them in any way. And I feel like with your scenario, that’s inevitable.

Billy: Okay, but we can’t all run the company, Lily. We can’t all be bosses.

Lily: No, I agree. But Devon’s my brother. And I love him very much. I don’t want him to feel marginalized. That’s way more important to me than any business deal.

Billy: No, I mean, I understand that, but I– I mean, I don’t really know what to say to that. You know the conflict and the tension that is going on in the office right now. Devon and I, unfortunately, will never be on the same page, so it’s not going to work.

Lily: I agree. So, here’s my deal. And just so you know, this is the only way I can move forward. We divide Chancellor-Winters.

Billy: You want to undo the merger?

Lily: Yes. We let Devon take Winters and he can either run it solo or with Nate, and you and I run Chancellor. [ Billy scoffs ]

Billy: I mean, I gotta say, out of all the possible options running through my head, that was not one of them.

Lily: What do you mean? This was your initial proposal.

Billy: Oh, I know that. And you fought me on it. You didn’t want to break this company up at any cost.

Lily: I know, I know. I held on to that idea for way too long. But I had to face the reality of what we are, and not what I wanted us to become. So, if you agree, Devon takes back Winters and you and I run Chancellor. Or should I say, Abbott-Chancellor.

Claire: We’re always talking about me and my problems. We never talk about you.

Kyle: Well, my life is pretty boring these days.

Claire: I doubt that very much.

Kyle: I go to work, hang out with Harrison, watch a little TV, maybe have a drink, eat dinner, you know, wash, rinse, repeat.

Claire: That sounds pretty wonderful, actually. Quiet, normal life.

Kyle: Yeah, yeah, I can see that. But maybe it’s too quiet and normal.

Claire: You don’t talk about your work much.

Kyle: There’s not much to talk about. It’s fine. It’s okay.

Claire: I noticed that there was some tension between you and your mother a while ago. Was that a work situation?

Kyle: Yes, and I don’t want to bore you with it. It’s just– It’s one of those family things.

Claire: You wouldn’t be boring me at all, Kyle.

Kyle: Okay. Okay. I’ll give you the short version. A little while ago, my mom came back into our lives after many years where we had no contact with her at all.

Claire: She just disappeared?

Kyle: Actually, we thought she was dead. It’s another long, long story. Um, so anyway, she comes back, and it’s difficult to mend fences, you know? There’s a lot of hurt feelings and anger on my dad’s part. And mine. Eventually, we all work it out and she and my dad fall back in love and remarry. It’s happily ever after, right? Only then, my dad appoints her co-CEO of Jabot, my old job, in spite of her having no experience at that level. And now I report to my mom and so things are a little awkward.

Claire: I can imagine.

Kyle: Actually, no. Awkward is too easy of a word, Claire. Brutal is more like it. I’m just better at this than she is, Claire. And I know that sounds arrogant, but it’s true. And every time I do something or suggest something before she thinks about it, she thinks I’m undermining her, when all I’m trying to do is fix her mistakes.

Claire: What does your father say about it?

Kyle: He tells me that I need to smooth it over or he just tries to ignore it and what I don’t understand is that they both can’t see this is holding me back. It’s keeping me in my place. Claire, I earned that job. And my dad snatched it away from me and gave it to my mom like– like some sort of wedding present. [ Claire sighs ] Yeah, that’s– that’s really short version of it. That’s probably more than you signed up for, huh?

Claire: If you’re that unhappy, maybe… have you thought about going somewhere else?

Kyle: I have, but Jabot was my family’s legacy. It’s pretty hard to walk away from.

Claire: Nothing has to be permanent. Sounds like working together is making everyone unhappy. Can’t imagine this has been easy on your parents either.

Kyle: Yeah, I guess not. And maybe you’re right. Maybe it is time I take a look at what else is out there. It’d be refreshing to work somewhere where my talents are actually valued.

Victor: Send her in. Thank you.

Audra: Hello.

Victor: Hello, Audra. Nice to see you.

Audra: Ah, the same to you.

Victor: Thank you. I’m very glad this momentary glitch in our plans has been resolved. Once the lawyers have done their legal work, you can assume the reigns of Glissade.

Audra: And I am looking forward to it.

Victor: Good. You know, I wish I’d seen the look on Tucker McCall’s face when he realized that you had beaten him.

Audra: Well, I’d be happy to describe it to you.

Victor: Oh, yeah? Have a seat.

Audra: Thank you.

Victor: Yeah.

Audra: He looked stunned.

Victor: Really?

Audra: Destroyed.

Victor: I bet.

Audra: All the color drained from his face.

Victor: Oh, boy.

Audra: As though someone had opened a vein and the life poured out of him. You know, he never thought it could happen to him. Or that I would be the one to do it.

Victor: Well, I expect great things from you once you run the company.

Audra: I will deliver. I promise you that. I am curious about one thing, though.

Victor: Oh, what’s that?

Audra: You wanting to remain anonymous.

Victor: Yeah.

Audra: I understood why in the beginning, but now that it’s all over, I would expect you to want to declare your victory over Tucker and make your identity known. It makes me wonder if this isn’t just a business deal. That there’s something else you’re after with this acquisition?

Victor: My so-called motivation should be of no concern to you.

Audra: Oh, Victor, I didn’t mean to–

Victor: And kindly do not ever second-guess my intentions, all right?

Audra: Understood.

Victor: I want you to turn Glissade into a powerhouse.

Audra: That’s the plan. I’ve actually put together some ideas about how we can rejuvenate the company starting day one.

Victor: Before you make any changes, I would like to add someone to your leadership team. Namely, Kyle Abbott.

Audra: You want me to–

Victor: I know the two of you have had history. Is that a problem?

Audra: No, not for me.

Victor: Good. All right.

Audra: But Kyle already has a big job at Jabot. He’s the COO at his family’s company, so it’s hard to imagine him leaving that to come over here.

Victor: Well, situations change, don’t they?

Audra: All right. Well, if that’s the case, I’m sure I can find a division for Kyle to manage.

Victor: I do not want Kyle to run a division. I want him to become your co-CEO. [ phone rings ]

Claire: It’s my mom. Everything okay?

Victoria: Yeah, everything’s good. The kids are getting settled in their room.

Claire: That’s great.

Victoria: Um, listen, I’m sorry about how things got tense with Katie earlier. I mean, she’s a– she’s a good kid. It’ll get better, I promise.

Claire: I don’t blame her. I don’t know how I would react if I were in her situation.

Victoria: Yeah, it’s just that I don’t want you to feel like you have to avoid being at the house. I think that, you know, Katie just needs a little time to get to know you and to see how special you are.

Claire: Thank you, Mom.

Victoria: So, when will you be home?

Claire: I’m on my way.

Victoria: Good. I love you.

Claire: You too.

Kyle: Let me guess. You have to go.

Claire: Baby steps with the siblings.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Claire: I enjoyed our conversation.

Kyle: I did, too.

Claire: And I’m sorry if I overstepped when I suggested you should leave your job if you’re unhappy. I know it’s not as simple as that.

Kyle: Family never is.

Claire: Beginning to learn that myself. Anyway, bye.

Kyle: Bye.

Billy: Excuse me. Uh, two glasses of your finest champagne, please. And when I say finest, I mean it. We’re celebrating. Thank you, sir. This is great. Okay, so tell me. Is Devon going to give you pushback here?

Lily: Well, I already floated the idea by him and he seemed intrigued.

Billy: All right, but he assumes that you’re going to join him at Winters. He might not be as enthusiastic when he finds out that you’re partnering with me.

Lily: Well, I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Frankly, I’m actually more worried about how Jill’s going to respond.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Lily: Well, she was against it when I wanted to take the company public. And she didn’t like the idea when Mamie brought it up to divide the company.

Billy: Yeah, but that… I mean, that was all about rekindling their ancient feud. It had nothing to do with the breakup. Trust me, that was all about Mamie.

Lily: So, you’re not concerned?

Billy: Not in the least. She gave me the power. So, this is my call.

Lily: So, this is really happening.

Billy: You better believe it.

Lily: Thank you.

Billy: Thank you. To spectacular new beginnings.

Lily: To new beginnings.

Lily: So, when do we break the news?

Billy: I think that we hold off until everything is in place. I’ll talk to Jill, you talk to Devon, and I– I realize that is not going to be easy for you.

Lily: Well, I’m hoping in the end, it’ll be easier than you expect.

Johnny: All done.

Victoria: You’re all settled in?

Johnny: Yeah.

Victoria: Good.

Johnny: I like my room. It’s cool.

Victoria: What about your sister?

Johnny: No, she’s not cool. Joke.

Victoria: Did she talk to you?

Johnny: Don’t be mad at her.

Victoria: No, Johnny, I’m not mad at her. I’m just a little bit surprised by her reaction to Claire.

Johnny: It might not even be about that.

Victoria: What do you mean?

Johnny: There was this boy at school who she kind of liked and he invited her to a movie night, but then the next week he invited someone else. It was a whole thing.

Victoria: Oh. Well, when did this happen? Why didn’t she tell me about it?

Johnny: You think I’d tell you about every girl I hang out with?

Victoria: Well, you can. I mean, you guys can talk to me about anything if you wanted to.

Johnny: Yeah, I know, but Katie, she just, she thinks she can do everything on her own. She pretends she’s all tough.

Victoria: I know. I remember what I was like at that age. Nobody could tell me anything.

Johnny: Did they have TV back then or was it just radio?

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Yeah, they had television and they had cars and telephones.

Johnny: But I bet you couldn’t put the phone in your pocket.

Victoria: No, we couldn’t. They were actually attached to the wall of all places.

Johnny: No video?

Victoria: Nope. If we wanted to see someone, we actually had to be with them.

Johnny: Tough time for introverts.

Victoria: Yeah. [ Victoria laughs ] Hi.

Claire: What’s so funny?

Victoria: Oh, nothing. Johnny was just reminding me of how ancient I am.

Johnny: It was just a joke. Hey, Claire.

Claire: Hi, Johnny. Where’s Katie?

Johnny: Upstairs, not talking. I was just telling my mom not to take anything personal with her. She can be a pain sometimes, but it never lasts long.

Audra: I’m not saying Kyle isn’t highly qualified. He is, but I am more than perfectly capable of running the company on my own.

Victor: Yes, well, that was the original plan.

Audra: And I still think it’s the best one.

Victor: This is in no way a reflection of what I think of your abilities and your skills. Had I doubted those, I would not have bought the damn company. You know, this is not merely a suggestion.

Audra: What is it, then?

Victor: A non-negotiable directive. Your work at Glissade is contingent upon you agreeing to work with Kyle. Is that clear? Hello, Kyle. Thank you for coming.

Kyle: Victor.

Victor: Yeah.

Kyle: May I ask why you invited me here?

Victor: Well, now there’s nothing for you to be suspicious about. There’s been a development. In fact, some good news. Don’t you agree, Audra?

Billy: Hi, Mom. How you doing?

Jill: Oh, like I’m ready to run a marathon. How about you?

Billy: Okay, seriously, how’s– how’s your treatment going?

Jill: It’s going.

Billy: Okay, well, Snapper says it’s helping.

Jill: Yeah, it is, I suppose. Anyway, what is the news at Chancellor-Winters?

Billy: It’s fantastic news. And I really think you’re going to be happy about it.

Jill: It sounds like you’re trying to sell me something. What is it?

Devon: Hey.

Nate: What’s up? It sounded urgent.

Devon: So, I just got back from seeing Lily and Billy have a very cozy lunch together. And it looked like they were celebrating something.

Nate: Could mean Lily’s moving forward with her plan.

Devon: It could, yeah.

Nate: What, you don’t think that’s what’s going on?

Devon: I just got a very different vibe from seeing them.

Nate: Oh, come on, you can’t read anything to a vibe.

Devon: All right, well, then, I don’t know, then, maybe this is me questioning my instincts and wondering if I’ve got everything wrong.

Victor: Kyle, kindly take a seat.

Kyle: All right. I’m listening. What is this wonderful news?

Victor: So, with my off-the-record assistance, Audra is now in charge of Tucker McCall’s cosmetics business, Glissade.

Kyle: What does this have to do with me?

Victor: Well, it so happens that she needs someone to run the business with her. And you came to mind.

Kyle: Are– are you serious?

Victor: Remember, you and I had a discussion at the bar when you informed me that you weren’t quite happy with your job at Jabot. It wasn’t challenging enough. Well… co-running Glissade with Audra would be quite a challenge. You interested?

Billy: I just finished a meeting with Lily. We’re going to undo the merger.

Jill: No, Billy.

Billy: Just hear me out for a second.

Jill: No, that’s not the way I wanted it all and I’ve already explained my reasons.

Billy: Would you change your mind if Lily decided to come and work for our side?

Jill: That will never happen.

Billy: Well, it just did. Devon is going to run Winters, and Lily and I will partner together and we will be running Chancellor.

Jill: Wait, what?

Billy: It’s all coming together, Mom. Your original plan. And this time, we’ll be equal partners. Chancellor will become Abbott-Chancellor. And your legacy is secure.

Nate: Wait a minute. You don’t think Lily’s reneging on her plan to trick Billy, do you?

Devon: I’m just telling you what I saw and what I felt. That’s it.

Nate: And your instincts?

Devon: I’m starting to worry that she might really be buying into the idea of running the whole Chancellor empire with him.

Nate: Or is it possible that knowing who your sister is and how she operates, that maybe she has Billy on the hook and is slowly reeling him in?

Devon: You think I’m being paranoid?

Nate: Maybe a little.

Devon: You might be right. I think it just got to me seeing them together.

Nate: Your sister knows what she’s doing.

Devon: I still think we need to keep our guard up, though. I’m going to Paris with Abby to check on her mom and I would like for you to keep an eye on Billy while I’m gone.

Lily: Oh, you don’t have to worry about Billy. I have him right where I want him. But can you rethink your trip to Paris? Because this whole thing is going to explode.

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GH Transcript Thursday, June 20, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


And Agent Cates still doesn’t know that we’re using his credentials to access the leverage that they have over Jason. Okay. Alright, that’s good. We just have to make sure we both don’t get sloppy because we can’t get caught. Yeah, that won’t be an issue. I found our prize. But now we have a new problem.

I would much rather hang out with you all day than go to work. But today I have patients that need to see me and they’re probably gonna keep me so busy, I won’t even miss you so much. Really? Absolutely. So I want you to go and have fun with your friends. You don’t worry about your dad. I’m fine. [ Knock on door ] Ah. Right on time. Let’s go. Okay. Hi, Dr. Finn. Hey, how are you, Georgie? My mom’s waiting downstairs. Are you ready? Yeah. Okay. Listen, you go have lots of fun, alright? And you call me if you need anything, alright? Ohh. Bye, Dad. Love you. I love you so much. Here you go. Come on. I don’t want to pry. I just wanted to check in and see how you and the boys are doing. It’s hard for them, you know? They’re obviously hurt and confused. They love him. And you? I love him. I wish I didn’t. I wish I could just be angry and write him off, but I can’t because he’s a good man and I know he’s sick and he just needs help. He does. We’re both medical professionals, and we’ve seen this kind of thing more times than we can count. Nobody can force Finn to get help. He has to ask for it himself. I know. It’s hard enough watching Finn spiral, but I’m really worried about my boys and the toll this is gonna take on them. And they’ve built this beautiful relationship with Finn, and I’m afraid that it’s just gonna create a void for them. It’s going to be tough. But they’re lucky they’ve got such a great mom. I know you’ll get them through it. I hope so. But what about Violet? How is she gonna get through it?

What is Drew doing besides running Aurora? Drew’s a great guy. He really is. But there’s no reason for your relationship with him to be as messy as the one you had with A.J. Where are we going with this, Carly? I just feel like maybe there’s distance between you because of me. I mean, when you came back home, Drew broke up with me out of nowhere, and he said it was because he knew I was gonna put you first. And I know he was hoping that I would deny it, but I couldn’t. So… I am sorry it had to be hard on both of you. Yeah, it was, but we’re fine. I mean, Drew seemed really good at Willow’s surprise party, which you would have seen had you been there. I’m glad Michael asked me, but he knew I wouldn’t come. You should have come, because then you would have heard the announcement yourself. What announcement? Carly, just stop stalling and tell me. Your brother is running for Congress. Wow. I’m so glad to be home. [ Sighs ] The longer the job dragged on, the more I missed you. Well, good. Maybe you won’t take off on those crazy adventures. At least not without me. Never. Never again. You know, being around Frisco really drove home just how lucky I am. And, uh, I will say this. He gave an honest accounting about his making mistakes with you and the girls. He didn’t whitewash his behavior at all about leaving his family. Must have been an awkward conversation. Yeah, it was. It was awkward. But in a way, it was liberating, too. For both of us. Hmm. Frisco was grateful to me. He thanked me… for being a father to Maxie and Georgia when he wasn’t. You know, I really think he understands just how much he missed out on by leaving Port Charles. And I made damn sure he understood just how extraordinary the three women he left behind are. Or in Georgie’s case, were. Hearing you talk about Frisco makes me realize all over again just how lucky we are to have you in our lives. You’ve made so many sacrifices, Mac. Just to step it up for me and the girls. And I’m sure there were times where you felt like it would be so much easier just to take off and start a family of your own. Never. Never. [ Laughs ] You — Felicia, you all are my family. I’ve never wanted anything else. [ Laughs ]

[ Knock on door ] Whoever that is has God-awful timing. Oh, well. Maybe I can scare them off with my tears. Please. Yeah. Oh! Hi. Oh, hi. Rumor has it the old man’s returned. See for yourselves. Wow. I should arrest you. Mac: On what charge? Oh. For unlawful absence of a brother-in-law. Oh, my. Mm! So good to see you. How’s about a big hug for Robert? Oh, God. Come here, you. Oh. m coming back to work early, and I don’t want anything to be strange or awkward between us. If it would make you feel more comfortable, you can check my blood-alcohol content. Do I need to? No. Elizabeth, you don’t have to do anything for me anymore. We have to work together, but that’s it. I know you’re hurting. Look, I still love you. And we are still family. Yes. You’re Violet’s aunt. And before you ask, Violet’s at the pool with Georgie. She’s with Maxie. I’m glad to hear that.

Hey, Portia, look, I want to thank you for all the time you gave me off after my dad’s funeral. But I am eager to get back to work, and I’d like to go to my office right now and check my case files before I start my rounds. Actually, Terry and I would like to have a word with you before that. Uh…shall we? Lead the way.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. James, right? Well, Josslyn’s on lifeguard duty, so what does that mean? No cannonballs. Well, it’s a good answer, but you guys can still have fun in the pool. And, uh, maybe if you follow all the rules for the rest of the day, I can hook you up with some ices for later. I’ll make sure he behaves himself. My brother knows he has to listen to me. James: Hey, you’re not the boss of me. He is correct. I am the boss of everyone. Georgie, Violet, you guys can go in the pool. James, you’re coming with me. I saw you put your sunscreen on. You missed half the spots I told you to get. He’s such a child. -I am not. -Just go. Come on, sit here. Hey. Like father, like son. You know, J used to always burn his feet in the sun, too. Did he know how to build treehouses? My grandpa Mac is home, and we’re gonna put one up in the backyard with Cody. Well, how lovely. Well, I hope that I’m invited to the housewarming party or are girls not invited? You are, but not Georgie. She stinks. Yeah. Good luck keeping her out. Alright, you can go. Behave yourselves. He’s adorable. Yeah. Adorable. Whoo, he keeps me on my toes. Uh, look, now that we have a minute to talk, I wanted to let you I handled all the demands Natalia was making where Blaze is concerned. Thank you for that. I’m sure you’re doing great. I trust you. Okay. Wow. I was expecting a lot more complaining about what a pain Natalia is to deal with. Well, I’m in no mood to complain, Maxie. I went to Willow’s birthday party yesterday and I’m still walking on air. Wow. Willow invited you to her party? You guys are doing a lot better than I thought. Well, she didn’t exactly invite me to her party, but I had urgent business with Drew, and that’s where I had to go to find him. How convenient. I don’t make his social calendar. Okay, Nina, you expect me to believe that you just happened to have urgent business with Drew the night he was planning on attending your estranged daughter’s birthday party? I wasn’t born yesterday. Drew announced last night at Willow’s party that Congressman McConkey is retiring, and he convinced Drew to run for his seat. Okay, I think Drew would make a good congressman. That’s it? That’s all you have to say? Well, you don’t — you don’t agree? Well, yeah. I think Drew has great qualities to be a politician. I mean, he’s photogenic. He knows how to talk to people, and he has a great life story. Sure. Yeah, but — So why is running for office a problem for me? Because it’s gonna mean public scrutiny. And not just for Drew. It’s gonna take the media zero minutes to pick apart whatever story that Drew’s people come up with, and then they’re gonna go digging for dirt. And you know with the Quartermaines, there’s plenty to find. You know how many scandals they’ve had. And then there’s you. The journalists are gonna dig up everything from A.J.’s drunk-driving accident to you working for Sonny all the way up to Dante’s shooting. Can you really afford that kind of attention? The FBI database is constructed so that I cannot corrupt or delete the file. Agent Cates doesn’t have the clearance. So, yes, the file is accessible, but it’s — it’s unassailable. So whatever evidence the FBI has against Jason, unfortunately they will hold on to it. I mean, the FBI code is actually quite genius. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Focus, Spinelli. What do you mean by the FBI’s files are accessible? Well, okay. Think of it as a read-only file, but for listening. It’s an audio file, so we can play it. But we can’t alter or delete any portion of what’s on it. Okay, well, then let’s just play it, obviously. Maybe knowing what the FBI has on Jason will help us find a way to neutralize it. Hello, Finn. Please have a seat. No, thanks. I don’t plan on staying long. I have several patients waiting. Don’t worry. They’re under capable supervision. This conversation can’t wait. We need to discuss your responsibilities at GH and to our patients. Hmm. My responsibility is always to my patients and right now I’m rather anxious to see how they’re doing. So let’s find a time that works for all of us and we’ll circle back then. There’s no need. We took the liberty of clearing your calendar for the day, so we have plenty of time. Portia and I are here as your colleagues, but also as your friends. Funny, this doesn’t feel real friendly. Last time I came to one of these friendly meetings, I was told to have a lawyer present. That won’t be necessary. Let’s just keep this informal. Keep what informal? What is this meeting really about? Your drinking. Trina is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. How did you already get in trouble with her? Oh, no, no, no. It’s just a misunderstanding. We’re fine now. Okay, good. Good. Yeah. She’s just a little bit fragile right now. I don’t want anything to ruin her day. Trina doesn’t exactly strike me as fragile. Yeah, that might have been a poor choice of words. Um, she’s just been going through a lot, and it is possible that I’m too close to the situation to get an accurate reading on it, so… What situation? Sorry. It’s none of my business. No, no, no, no, Gio. It’s fine. Um… It’s just been a rough year for Trina. Her boyfriend died unexpectedly in February. That’s — She said she lost someone close to her. I’m sorry for Trina’s loss. Don’t worry. I’ll tread carefully. Thank you. Thank you. And I’m sorry, I… I don’t mean to tell you what to do. No, no, no, no. I’m used to it. I mean, you’re kind of bossy. I’ve had, uh… You’re nothing compared to my aunts and great aunts and a few of my uncles. Joss?

Well, I, for one, am very happy that you’re back on the job because I really could use your advice and you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Felicia told me you were named Police Commissioner. Yeah. Congratulations. Well, thank you. All due respect to Jordan, but I always thought you were the best person in that position. Oh, you were no slouch yourself. Well, one might say that I raised the bar for everyone. Oh, yes. Mm-hmm. I try daily to live up to the high standards set by you, Robert. For all of us. Yes. Other than, of course, you running roughshod over all the rules. I don’t have Agent Cates breathing down my neck. Yeah. Cates? You mean Stone’s brother, Jagger? He’s back in Port Charles? Yes, he goes by John now. Well, it’ll be good to see him. I was pretty fond of Jagger back in the day. I have to warn you, he’s not the sweet young kid you remember. I get that you don’t care what people say about you, but the people who love you do. And they could really be hurt in all this. How? Do you think Monica wants to see how one of her sons hurt the other son in a drunk-driving accident splashed across the front page again? And what about Danny and Jake? They’re gonna read what’s published. You’ll be thrust in the spotlight against your will. Trust me. I’ve been through worse. This explains so much. I would have sworn on my life that Jason would rather go to prison than turn informant, but he was acting out of love to protect someone that’s always been dear to him. He did it for Carly. That son of a bitch. Who said anything about drinking? All we can say is that we were approached by a concerned party. Elizabeth? I mean, you don’t — you don’t have to say anything. So what, you’re taking the word of my ex as proof of what? A problem? Are you denying that you’re drinking alcohol? I’m not denying anything. A lot of people drink. I — I’ve seen both of you drink. Have I ever been impaired at work? I mean, I’ll submit to a blood test right now if you think I’m drunk. Everyone is different. But you have a history of narcotics addiction. But you’re not accusing me of using narcotics, are you? We can’t risk you treating any patients while you’re under the influence. I’m sorry. What are you saying? We’re saying that you can continue your role here under supervision if you submit to the physician health plan. [ Sighs ] And that means attending AA meetings, checking in before and after so that we can monitor your attendance, authorizing your sponsor to keep us updated on your progress and regular drug testing so that we can confirm that you are not using again. And if I say no to this blatant infringement of my rights? Then we’ll be forced to take this to the executive committee. At that point, it will become official. And Portia and I will also have to notify the medical board and it will become public. They’ll give you the choice of practicing under supervision or you could lose your license altogether. ee you. How’s your training going? They haven’t cut me yet. There’s still time. Dex, you’re looking pretty official. Thank you very much. Um…there’s no more clean towels, and, uh, people are looking for some. Duty calls. I’m gonna go grab one with… Nice uniform. You think? Yeah. It suits you. There is a possibility that Drew and I arranged for me to show up at Willow’s birthday party. Uninvited. Willow may not have been expecting me, but once I was there, Willow invited me to stay. Because she didn’t know she was being played. Listen, if Willow would have asked me to leave, of course, I would have honored her wishes. The point is, Nina, that you weren’t being honest with Willow. Whose side are you on? Uh, yours. But I know how much Willow means to you, and I really want you guys to work things out. And you are. But it’s happening naturally. Yeah, at a snail’s pace. That doesn’t matter. If you’re trying to hurry things along by manipulating Willow, you risk setting things back to being even worse than they were before. No, there is a huge difference between my earlier misfires with Willow… Misfires? Lies and schemes and cringeworthy sucking up. But that’s not what’s happening now. Really? I’m having a hard time telling the difference. Now I have Drew on my side, and Willow thinks that he walks on water. I want you to realize you are smearing my reputation. And if you are determined to slander me, be warned. I’ll use everything I know about this place to return the favor. This is your choice to make. But our position, it remains the same. The only reason why you can look so smug behind that big desk is because I saved this hospital! It was gonna go completely under, and neither one of you would even have jobs here! GH exists today because I signed over the patent to my Blackwoods cure and the tens of millions of dollars that came with it. And this is how you want to repay me?! No one’s denying your contribution to GH. Yeah. We want you to remain here and build on that. Don’t patronize me. You’re not even acting like doctors. You’re acting like bureaucrats and hypocrites. You’re out of line, Dr. Finn. No! Listen to me. Finn, we are giving you this chance because you are a fantastic doctor and a valuable member of the staff. Most importantly, because we’re your friends. We care about you. No, you don’t. Friends would never have blindsided me like this. A friend would never threaten to take away something I love. Besides being a father, medicine is all that I have. And you want to take it away from me! No. Hey, I’ll tell you what. I’ll save you both the trouble. I quit.

So Drew gets to live this great life while you’re exiled to some dusty warehouse living above a diner, and Sonny’s running around town telling everyone that you’re a traitor. Well, that about sums up my life right now. It’s not fair! Okay. Drew — let him be happy. Don’t you want him to be happy? Yes, of course I want him to be happy. Okay, then let him have his life. I don’t want it. I never did, you know that. It’s not about what Drew has. It’s about what you don’t. You lost over two years of your life being forced to work for the FBI. That wasn’t Drew’s fault. It doesn’t matter! Two years! You could have spent with your family. Two years we spent grieving you. And why? Why? What was so important that it was worth losing all that time? Jason lied to me. He said he didn’t have a choice, but everything Jason did — leaving Port Charles, abandoning his kids, letting everyone think that he was dead, it was all because of Carly. Because Cates had evidence against Carly? Because she was running Sonny’s organization? Jason put Carly’s welfare above everyone else, including his own children, because of Carly. But, of course, because Carly always comes first with him. Okay. I’m sure this was a most difficult decision for him, perhaps the hardest he’s ever had to make. There is some nobility in sacrifice. Don’t. Spinelli, don’t you dare. Please. There isn’t a shred of nobility in abandoning your kids so that a grown woman can escape the consequences of a life that she freely chose. And anyone, including you… that would glorify that has never heard their son crying for their father when he thought he was dead. Now you said you can’t delete the recording or corrupt it, but you can play it back, which means we can make a copy of it, right? I can. Why? Just do it. b that I have to do. Otherwise, I never would have left my sons… my family… or you behind. Once this job is finished, I’m gonna take my life back. And it’s the only life that I want.

I hope Drew’s campaign does not get in the way of that. And if I’m right and the media comes after you, I’m going to do everything in my power to defend you. I know you’d do the same for me. Okay. Okay. I’m glad that we agree.

I gotta go. I’ll see you soon. Yeah.

Thank you. Can we at least agree to hold off until we do anything with it, so we can game out all the possible outcomes? The only outcome I’m concerned with is the one that causes my son the least amount of pain. I just beg of you, don’t do anything hasty. You say that like I have a choice. I’m gonna do the one thing a good mother can do. And that is to protect my children at all cost, no matter what it takes.

John Cates has given me no small amount of trouble. Well, listen. Maybe I can talk to Jagger. You know, we go way back. [ Cellphone dings ] Maybe I can reason with him and get him to back off. Well, that’s very sweet of you, Mac, but I think Anna can handle Agent Cates. I don’t know that I can, but, um, thank you. I would prefer to keep you out of it, if that’s okay. I don’t want you involved. Sorry, unfortunately, I have to deal with something. Uh, I hate to cut this short, but why don’t we do this again? We’ll all get together and we’ll have more of a dinner or something like that? -Absolutely. -Yes? -Wouldn’t miss it. -Okay. That sounds perfect. Okay, so you’re still chief of detectives, right? And I expect you back at your desk 9:00 a.m. in the morning, sharp, tomorrow. No excuses. See you then. Alright. [ Door closes ] You really need to be careful, Nina. Willow’s opinion of both you and Drew could change if she finds out you two are having a secret affair where you hate each other but can’t keep your hands off one another. Oh, please. I can keep my hands off Drew. You could quit him any time, huh? If I wanted to. Do you want to? Maxie, we are both consenting adults, okay? Plus, he’s getting plenty out of this, too. Because of my connections and advice, Drew is planning to run for Congress. I’m sorry. He’s what? Yeah, he’s getting into politics, and Willow is his biggest supporter. So I intend to put my PR savvy to work on his behalf. I’m gonna make sure that he is elected to Congress because Willow will be grateful. Drew will owe me, and we will all be happy. Everyone wins. Happy now? You got your revenge. You wanted me out, I’m out. I just quit. Finn, I didn’t… You know exactly what you did. You reported me to Portia and Terry. You turned them against me before I even got a chance to explain myself. You did this without any concern about how it would hurt me, hurt my patients, hurt Violet. You ripped my heart out ’cause the only thing that mattered to you was getting back at me. Alright. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I did turn you in, but I did it for your patients, for Violet, and mostly for you. Your drinking is jeopardizing everything good in your life. Turning you in was the only way to get back the Finn that I know and love — the compassionate, brilliant, loving man, the man who would never put anyone in harm’s way. Harm’s way? What are you talking about? Do you have any idea how many lives I’ve saved? Do you know? Of course you don’t. Because you don’t know me at all, do you? Maybe you never did. As far as that goes, you don’t know my daughter either. What? I don’t want her anywhere near you. You don’t call her. You don’t see her. You don’t spend time with her. I’m her guardian. You asked me to do that. That was my mistake. I thought I knew you. I was wrong. Stay away from Violet. Stay away from me.

Now, this is the second time you’ve run interference for Joss and Dex. You said they used to be together? Maybe will be again if they figure things out. They had a pretty traumatic breakup. Not because they didn’t love each other. I get it. Girl code. Exactly. I’m just trying to give them room so that they can talk things out without people being there. You’re looking out for Josslyn. I like seeing that. I’m glad you care about your friends as much as they care about you. Oh. What’s your schedule like this weekend? I could really use your help or something. Help with what? I’m playing in the department’s beach-volleyball tournament. And since when do you play volleyball? It is not my game, but I volunteered to break the ice with the other cops. Oh. I could really use some pointers from a D1 player like you. Tom Cruise I am not. Well, as much as I would love to school you, I actually can’t this weekend because Trina and I are moving. We found a new place. That’s great. Well, I’m happy for you guys, but I’m disappointed I won’t be able to benefit from your expertise. You know what? I got to tell you, You are not gonna make it very far at the PCPD if you give up so easily. You’ve gotta learn how to negotiate. I’ll tell you what. I will help you. I will give you a few pointers if you help me move. Deal. Just so you know, I would have helped you without the negotiation. It’s part of the PCPD motto to protect… and serve. Thanks for coming to me about Finn. You were right. I saw the way he was behaving in the meeting that we had with him. You absolutely did the right thing. Thanks. When he sobers up, he’s gonna realize what he threw away. And I hope that someday, somehow, he will pick himself back up. But what is this all costing Violent? Maxie: Hello, everyone. -Hey, kiddies! -Hey. Grandpa Mac, can we talk about the treehouse? Sure, but we have to wait for Cody to be here for the planning session. Okay? Okay, I just want to make sure it has a hammock and a rope bridge and a zipline. Oh. The zipline was Violet’s idea. She’s done a lot of camping. Violet, any more bright ideas? A moat. Mom, can Violet please stay over? We can camp out in the backyard. Oh, um… My dad won’t let me. But you haven’t even asked. James, let’s pick another night. I promised Violet’s dad I would have her home by 7:00, and he’s expecting her. So…

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Jason? Hi. I got your text. Have you made any more progress with Valentin? Well, yeah. I know, it’s kind of going slow. I’m — I’m just treading very carefully. Okay, well, Cates is getting more impatient for results, and Drew is running for Congress. He’s what? Yeah. Carly gave me a heads up. Drew’s running for Congress, which is gonna put him in the public eye. And that might put the spotlight on me, too. And if my profile gets too high, I will be useless to Cates and the FBI. And Carly will pay. I did not go through all of this for John Cates to arrest Carly, and I want to do it your way, but I’m running out of time. I will get what you want, Jason. I will, and I will bust Valentin. [ Speaks indistinctly ] Carly. Sam. What are you doing here?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Thursday, June 20, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft dramatic music]

[Marlena gasps]


Hi, Mom.

Pinch me. I’m dreaming.

Oh, I’m here. [Marlena laughs] Really here. I was just in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d stop by.

It is so good to see you.

You too. I just saw Uncle Steve. He’s aching to get out of here.

I know he is. I check on him all the time.


He’s doing well. He’ll be out soon.


By the way, I saw a notice in “The Spectator.” You’re applying for a– what is it called?

A publication divorce. It was EJ’s idea.

EJ’s idea?

Yeah. EJ’s representing me in my divorce to Sloan. And I share a mutual desire to stick it to Sloan, my soon-to-be ex-wife.

Well, I’m sure EJ has no shortage of ways to stick it to people.


But I’ll remind you that he and Nicole are raising Jude. I mean, are you wanting to spend that much time working with him? Won’t that be, I don’t know, maybe a little uncomfortable?

Well, it all went down as precisely as planned.

So Trask is out and you’re in?

Mm-hmm. And that Price was backed into a corner.

Must have been the momentum behind that petition.

The city council was poised to schedule a recall election.

Got to give the people what they want.

As long as it was what I wanted too. As a man behind the curtain of the concerned citizens of Salem, rescinding that petition was a matter of a simple quid pro quo on her part.

Mm. So what do I call you now, Mr. District Attorney?

How about the one who’s reopening the Li Chen murder case?

[laughs] You better do a hell of a lot more than reopen her case, my man, the DA. My wife gets her conviction overturned and walks out of Statesville or Nicole finds out that Eric Brady is her baby daddy. [dramatic music]

Thank you, Dr. Green, for seeing Jude. And I’m sorry for wasting your time.

You–ah, you didn’t. Not at all.

Yeah, yeah, I did. I totally overreacted with his temperature. [chuckles]

You reacted as any mother would.

I don’t know about that. I mean, it has been a while since I cared for a baby. I mean, I do have a daughter, Holly. She is finishing up her junior year at Salem High.

Holly? Holly Jonas?

Yeah, that’s my girl.

My younger brother, Aaron, is in her class.

Oh, uh, yeah.

In fact, Holly asked him to prom.


But later rescinded the invitation.

Right. That’s not actually Holly’s fault, that’s my fault. [soft dramatic music]

[phone ringing]

Hey, I just got home.

Countdown is on. I’m going to see you later tonight, right?

Tate, is this really going to work? I don’t even want to think about how much longer I’ll be grounded if we get caught.

Look, we should be good as long as you can sneak out of your place without being seen. As soon as I get to prom with Sophia and Aaron, I will figure out some excuse to leave.

And what about your parents?

You mean the chaperones? Forget them. Hey, nothing’s going to stop us from having the perfect prom night. Promise. [suspenseful music]

Hey. [chuckles] I got your text. What’s so important? [Theresa sighs] [suspenseful music]

This morning, Alex told me that he loves me.

And I said it back.

Congratulations. And you felt the need to call me over here to tell me this why?

Because it’s a lie. I don’t love Alex. I love you. [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

You what? You what? After–after all that–

Brady, I–I’m only with Alex because he’s Victor’s heir. And you know, I’ve… I’ve finally come to realize I need to stop following the money and I just need to listen to where my heart is guiding me. And oh, God, it’s so scary and it’s risky as hell, but it’s the only way.

Theresa, I look at you– I look at you and all I see is Lucy holding that football. You know what I mean?

I know. I know. I know I’ve jerked you around. And I know… I know it’s a lot to ask, but… if you would just give me another chance. [Brady whispers indistinctly] [soft dramatic music]

[moans] Oh, my God. [whispering] I can’t believe it. Oh, my God, it’s like– it’s like a dream come true.

I know, except… except it isn’t and you need to wake up.


You need to wake up! [tense dramatic note]

Huh? What the–

Um, hi. Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you, but you were way out. I was ready to get a foghorn to–

What? I– I was asleep?

[chuckling] Yeah, you were sleeping.

And–and–and– and you’re here because? [soft dramatic music]

I’m here because I got your message. You said it was, uh, important. So what do you want? [Theresa sighs softly]

[sighs] God, it’s like my mom and your parents are in a contest. Who can do the worst job at raising us?

It’s crazy to think that my mom thinks that you area bad influence on me when she’s a total hot mess herself.

I know, and it’s like all the other bad influencers have made her their queen. Anyway, so where are we meeting up tonight?

Someplace special.

What? You’re not going to tell me?

I will text you the address when I’m getting ready to leave the dance.

OK. But Tate, I do feel bad about Sophia. You know she’s, like, so into you.

It’s because I’m irresistible.

Uh, nuh-uh, buddy. It’s because I let her think that you and I aren’t together anymore. Do you know how much I hate lying to my best friend?

Come on, it’s practically a high school rite of passage. It’s like physics.

Not funny.

Look, you didn’t have a choice, right? You said that Sophia tells her mom everything, and her mom would blab to your mom.

No, I know. And then my mom would lock me up and throw away the key.

So you don’t want Holly going to prom with my brother?

Uh–Aaron has nothing to do with this. I’m sure he is lovely. It’s just–[sighs] Long story short, Holly’s grounded and part of her punishment is that she can’t go to prom.

Got it.



So did Aaron find another date?

No. But he’s going with some friends, last I heard.

Ah, good. I’ve managed to ruin everyone’s night.

Hey, don’t beat yourself up. It’s not easy being the authority figure to teenagers. Believe me, I know.

Teenagers? [chuckles] OK, you’re barely old enough to be–

My siblings. I’m in charge of my younger siblings.


Now, I used to be the cool older brother who also happened to be a doctor. But now, I rank somewhere below the assistant principal for dress code violations. [suspenseful music]

Right. Actually, you know, um, I do have a pretty good idea that could win you some brownie points. And perhaps me as well. Mm-hmm. [clicks tongue]

I’m getting a tad weary of all the threats, brother of mine.

You have the power to end that, Mr. DA.

Clearing Gabi will take time. I’ve got to petition the judge to declare that my office is no longer confident with her conviction, file a motion for the new evidence to become public. It’s a lot.

OK, well, might I suggest that you set down the drink and get thee to the courthouse?

The courts are closed today for Juneteenth. And I’m not done with my drink.

Mm. [tense music] Well, then tomorrow. Well, I want Gabi out of prison, EJ. And yes, tomorrow. Or I’m going to tell Nicole.

Tell Nicole what?

As hard as it was handing Jude over to EJ, I can’t hold anything against him. I mean, he’s the boy’s father.

I understand. Nobody could blame you for feeling… resentful or uncomfortable around him.

Mom, Jada and I only working temporary until the divorce goes through. [somber music]

What about Nicole? You’re working with her, and that isn’t going to be temporary.

It’s only– yeah, but why should that be a problem?

[sighs] Really?

You and Nicole have a history of things happening when you work closely together. Come on, you first fell in love when you were doing the photo shoot for Titan. And then a while after that, you know, she was assisting you at the church.

And then you worked together at Basic Black, and that was a reunion for you. So I’m just– I’m just wondering if, you know, being this close to her right now isn’t perhaps playing with fire.

You know what? Forget it. I honestly don’t care what you’re keeping from my mom. She’s overbearing, she’s controlling, she’s a real nightmare sometimes. [Stefan chuckles softly]

I’m going to give you two a moment. [EJ sighs]

[clears throat] Holly, about what you heard about–

EJ, I told you I don’t care. OK?

What’s going on? I thought you were getting along better with your mother.

I am, but that’s only because she’s been so focused on Jude and not hovering over me all the time. But here I am, months later, and I’m still grounded. I can’t even go to prom tonight.

Ah, so that’s why you’re extra cranky.

It’s not fair, EJ.

Look at it from her perspective. The last big party you attended, you overdosed. You almost died, sweetheart. [Holly sighs]

OK, yeah, but this is just a high school dance. It’s not a drug-fueled orgy. Anyway, the prom’s not the real issue.

OK, what is it?

It’s the fact that I’m sick of being told what I can and can’t do all the time. So you know what? Maybe do me a favor and just warn her that I’m in a bad mood tonight, so there is a reason my door is closed. And I have a final exam to study for tonight.

No, you don’t. You are going to prom.

Wait, what?


But I thought you said that–

No, I know what I said. But I changed my mind. [suspenseful music]

Sorry. I’m just–[clears throat] Um, we need to, uh, talk about the prom. [Theresa clears throat] I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.

All right. If this is about the chaperoning, I haven’t opened the email yet, but it can’t be too complicated, so.

No, we need to make sure that we’re on the same page about our son. I do not want Tate near Holly Jonas tonight.

Theresa, I understand. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about because Tate’s actually been distancing himself from her lately.

Brady, are you serious– you have a lot to catch up on. You know why? Because I just caught the two of them yesterday together in this very room, in fact. And you know what? They were looking quite cozy. [suspenseful music] They were just talking, but still.

They were just talking. Oh. I’m sure you let them know exactly how you feel about it, right?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did. And they came up with their excuses. Naturally, they just said it’s such a coincidence that they would just turn up here at the same time. But are you buying that? Yeah, no, neither am I. Didn’t think so. You and I need to watch our son like a hawk tonight. [soft upbeat music playing]

Dude, thank you for meeting me. I know you’re super busy.

Oh, yeah. No, I just spent the last hours decorating the gym for prom. Which, by the way, thank you so much for helping. I don’t know how I would have done that without you.

[chuckling] I’m sorry, dude. I got caught up planning my night out with Holly.

For hours?

Look, we need to coordinate about later. You’re still good keeping Sophia company after I skip out, right?

hours I have been hanging up balloons and streamers. Do you know the one thing that would compel me to do such terrible, terrible labor? That is the one chance to hang out with the goddess, otherwise known as Sophia Choi. [Tate laughs] And maybe, just maybe she, uh, will notice me.

Of course, she’s going to notice you. Dude, you got mad rizz, man.

Oh, yeah. Well, now everyone knows she’s interested in your rizz and not mine.

Doesn’t matter. I’m into Holly. And in case it slipped your mind, the only reason she’s not my date is because our parents won’t let us see each other. Otherwise, I never would have said yes to Sophia when she asked me to the dance. [tense music]

Well, you also hit Sophia in the face with a football. So I guess after that, you kind of owe her.

Yeah, I still feel really bad about that actually. And I feel bad about tonight, man. Damn it, it was so perfect before. I would take Sophia, you would take Holly. And then at least she and I would get to spend some time together. That all got trashed when her mom decided that she couldn’t go to the prom. And then, oh, my parents decided to be chaperones. That was the cherry on top.

Man, I can’t believe they still won’t come around about Holly.

[sputters] They won’t. In fact, I had another huge fight about her with my mom.

That sucks, dude. I’m sorry.

It’s OK. But I’m not going to let that stop me from seeing her later. [soft upbeat music playing]

Hey, guys. How are my two dates?

Great. Hyped.


[chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, no, it’s going to be a blast.

We’re all still meeting at your place for pics, right?

Yes. Yeah, we are. Uh, in fact, I should probably go, get changed. I will see you two there?

[suspenseful music]

Could you maybe lighten up on this a little bit? All right? I hear Tate’s taking this girl named Sophia to the prom, which means he’s probably moving on from Holly.

Please, you didn’t hear the way that he was defending her. I wouldn’t be surprised if Holly was trying to win Tate back. She’s probably making her big move tonight.

[chuckling] Her big move tonight? Come on. Really? Are we being a little melodramatic about this?

Brady, have you seriously forgotten high school?

All right, there’s a point. And I see your point, I see your point. But you have nothing to worry about because Holly, I heard, is grounded. She’s not going. She’s grounded.

Maybe. Not for long. I can bet you anything she’s probably begging Nicole to go to prom, and Nicole might cave. Seriously. [Brady groans softly] Oh, my God! Look at the time. You need to go home.


You need to get dressed. And I’ll meet you there for pictures.

Yeah. Well, I had all the time in the world until you brought me over here to complain about Holly Jonas. And by the way, in the future, we can just cover all this with a phone call. [somber tense music]

Oh, my God, Theresa, come on, what were you thinking? Telling Brady how you feel? It’s too much of a risk. It’s too much to lose.

Mom, honestly, the history is not going to repeat itself with Nicole. She doesn’t have feelings for me anymore.

And what about your feelings?

They’re irrelevant. She and EJ are married.

That doesn’t mean that–

Mom, she has a family. They have a son now.

Yeah. You didn’t answer my question.

Mom, can we just please stop? Don’t ask any more questions.

Sure. Yes. I’m sorry.

Thank you.

I didn’t mean to upset you.

I’m sorry. It’s–it’s OK. [somber music]

Tell you what… why don’t I make it up to you? Why don’t I have you come by tonight? And I will order us some supper. John’s out of town and Brady is chaperoning Kate’s prom. [Eric chuckles] Oh, my gosh, my heart.

Oh, my God.

We just have some time to ourselves. How about that?

On one condition.

Just one? Sure, what is it?

Don’t bring up Nicole.

Nicole who?

Thank you.

Look, I know I told you that you couldn’t go to prom. But I’ve been feeling really bad about it for a while now.

Well, you’ve hidden it pretty well.

Holly. [Holly sighs] OK. As you know, I’ve been pretty worried about you since you overdosed.

It’s a dance, not a drug-fueled orgy. [softly] Sorry.

Thank you, EJ. I know that, which is why I want her to go.

OK. Well, thank you, Mom. I appreciate that and all, but, uh– Um–


I don’t know. I think I’m just going to stay in and study tonight.

Why would you do that?

Because for one thing, I don’t have a dress.

OK. I’m sure if you go in that overstuffed closet of yours, you will find something.

Maybe. But I don’t have a date.

[clears throat] Well, uh, you could go with that boy, Aaron Green?

Mom, I’m sure he has another date by now.

Ah. I happen to know that he does not. Seriously, his brother told me, Mark Green. He’s the doctor who treated Jude for the slight fever he had today.

Fever? And I’m just hearing about this for the first time.

Honey, it’s–it’s nothing. Jude is fine. But honey, I mean there’s still time. Mark gave me Aaron’s number, so we could call him now. [suspenseful music]

[soft upbeat music playing]

Thanks for letting me tag along, by the way, you and Tate.

It’s fine.

You know, when you tell people you’re helping set up, they give you, like, this look, you know? Uh, you’re in charge of balloons. Everybody thinks you’re, like, the loser that didn’t have a date, so… thank you for saving me from a fate worse than death.

Yeah. Yeah, sure. Whatever.

[phone ringing]

I don’t recognize that number. Uh, just give me one second. [clears throat] Hello.

Hi, Aaron. It’s Holly Jonas’s mom, Nicole. I–I–I hope you don’t mind. I got your number from your brother, Mark.

Uh, sure.

So Holly had a question for you. Hang on a second. [suspenseful music]

Aaron, hi.


So it turns out I can go to prom after all. Any chance you still want to go with me?

[sputters] Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Great. Well, we can meet at mine, if that’s cool with you.

Yeah. Uh, great. I’ll see you soon.

He said yes?

Yeah. [Nicole squeals excitedly] [EJ chuckles]

So glad it worked out. Oh, my gosh, you are going to have so much fun tonight. [laughter] [Holly groans softly]

But Holly’s grounded. So why is she asking you to prom if she can’t go? [soft upbeat music playing]

Uh, her mom must have said she can go.

Wow. You must be excited, then, because now you two can have, like, a proper date.

Well, I mean, it’s not really like a date. It’s not a date. We’re–we’re friends. Um, but the four of us should still hang out at the dance for sure.

Right, the four of us. [sighs] Well, I’m so glad Holly can come. It’s going to be a night to remember, right? [suspenseful music]

Come on, Tate, pick up. [phone line trilling]

[phone ringing]

What’s up?

So it’s official. The universe hates us. My mom, all of a sudden, decided it was OK for me to go to prom tonight.


Yeah, I know. And she just made me call Aaron and ask him to be my date. It was, like, so awkward. She was standing there, so I didn’t really have any choice.

OK, listen, just, uh… this could still work out. Why don’t we just–we’ll go back to the original plan. You know, the four of us.

But what about your parents? They signed up to chaperone, so you know they’ll be watching us. We won’t even be able to dance together.

Forget them. I–I’ll figure something out.

Like what?

Something. I promise. I–I’ll see you at the dance.

Who was that?

Mm, I am so happy you had a change of heart about Holly and the prom. [smooches] She’s made such an effort to show she can be responsible and she’s earned our trust.

Yeah. I think so too.

Mm-hmm. You know, I am a little surprised that she wasn’t more excited.

Trust me, she wants nothing more than to be at that dance. And I am very, very proud of you for allowing her to go.


Very proud.

Thank you.


So proud. [smooching] [door opens]

Oh-ho-ho! Ooh! Celebrating hubby’s new job?

Suddenly, everything old is new again.

What are you talking about?

You didn’t tell her?

I was about to, Stefan. [clears throat] So it turns out, after a brief pause, I’m back where I belong. I’m DA once more.

Are you serious? I thought you wanted to run for mayor.

I was, but Paulina had a change of heart. Once the conflict of interest with DiMera Enterprises vanished, so did her reasons for keeping me out. So here I am. [Stefan chuckles] [Nicole chuckles]

Wow, Melinda can’t be happy about that.

Well, I, for one, am ecstatic.

OK, well, it’s nice to see your brother supporting you.

Oh, it’s more than that. Elvis Junior has agreed to reopen Gabi’s case.


Mm. I guess everyone around here is having a change of heart, huh?

Uh, that was Aaron actually. Good news.

Oh, yeah? What?

Yeah. Nicole is letting Holly go to the dance, so he’s taking her. And Sophia and I are going to meet them there.

Wow, how about that? [both chuckle] You know, Tate, you’re not supposed to be hanging around Holly.

Dad, Dad, I know–

You know this.

There’s nothing going on between us, but Sophia and Holly are friends and they’re going to want to party together. [Brady groans] So please be cool for their sake.

Yeah, I am cool. But your mom–

Dad, come on.

Your mom’s gonna–

Come on.

OK, all right. OK, OK, OK. But just know the two of us are going to be– we’re going to be watching you…


Like a hawk.

I know. I get the memo. Thank you. I need to finish getting ready.

All right.

But thank you.

And this… is going to make your mother’s head explode.

Oh, I’m glad I got here before the kids left. I promised John that I would get a lot of pictures of everybody.

Mm, mm.

Oh. [knock at door]

That would be my partner in crime for the night. [Eric sighs]



Um, come in.

Your boutonnière, sir.

Oh, thank you. Oh.

As promised.

Ooh, thank you.

Hmm. Now that stands out.

All right, all right. Listen, don’t even start with me because this is going to go perfectly with Theresa’s corsage.




How about that?


Ready? [soft dramatic notes]

It’s nice.

Wow, That is some–[clears throat] That is obnoxious. You weren’t kidding, were you? [laughter] I swear if you say that this matches my personality, I will make you wear it.

I did not say anything. Out loud, anyway.

Uh, so where’s Tate?

Uh, he’s getting dressed, but, um, I need to warn you.

About what?

I don’t want you to freak out, OK? But, um… it seems you can predict the future, Theresa.


Nicole decided to let Holly go to the prom. [suspenseful music]

Dr. Green.

It’s Mark. And this is my younger brother, Aaron.

Nice to meet you both.



I’ve met your son, actually.

Johnny? Have you really?

And his lovely wife, Chanel. [EJ chuckles]

And even though it was last-minute, I’m still glad you could go with Holly, Aaron. And it’s a good thing I ran into your brother. [softly] Mm-hmm. [soft dramatic music]

Sorry, this is the best I could do on short notice.

Oh, my goodness. Honey, you look so beautiful. Aw. [chuckles]

Oh, my, look at you. Aren’t you just adorable, Sophia? I love this dress.

Thank you. [sighs] I love yours too. You look fabulous.

OK, this one, everybody, I approve heartily. [chuckles] I mean, leagues above the other girls that Tate has dated in the past.

Wait, just because she liked your dress?

I’m not that shallow. But yes. [laughter]

Oh, my God. Look at you. You look so handsome.

Oh, Mom, come on.

No, I have to agree with your mother. You do. [Theresa sighs]

And look at Sophia. Doesn’t she look so lovely?

Absolutely. You look amazing, Sophia.

Thank you. Did Aaron tell you the news about Holly?

Yeah. He called before. He’s pretty stoked.

Looks like Holly and Aaron get to share a prom night together after all. [suspenseful music] Such a surprise. I am so happy for them.

[softly] You could have made up an excuse.

[chuckles] And you could have dropped a clearer hint. Yeah, I got confused and thought it was part of the plan. You know I’d rather be with Sophia.

Whatever. We’ll figure something out. I mean, at least this way, I don’t have to find a reason to sneak out of my house.

Yeah. [takes deep breath]

OK, so are you two ready to take pictures? [quirky suspenseful music] [both chuckle] both: Totally.

I should apologize about going off about Holly last night. I really hope you can forgive me.

It’s OK, Mom. Forget it. [Theresa sighs] It’s fine.

Aw. I’m just so happy to experience this prom moment with you. You and Sophia, you make such a cute couple.

Mom, don’t.

What? Don’t what?

Oh, just get ahead of yourself.

OK. All right. I get it. [chuckles] I’m sorry.

Well, I think it’s picture time. So why don’t you do the honors? It will be so much better that way. [Eric and Sophia chuckle]

I’d be honored to. Hey. Why don’t you two stand by the fireplace?


All right. This is going to be quick. And everyone will get a turn. Don’t worry. Ready? [all chuckle] [upbeat music] Oh, look at that.

Oh, these are good. [all chuckle]

OK. Holly, Aaron, big smiles now, come on. Act like you like each other. It’s prom night. OK, good.

Think I got them.

[chuckles] All right.

All right. It is time to get going. [Tate groans]

I’m sorry, this thing keeps falling.

Here, here, here. Let me help.

Thank you. [suspenseful music]

Hey, Brady.

Ms. Donovan.


Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yes, of course. Is everything all right?

I think there’s something you should know.

Wow. Funny. Tate is smiling in all of these pictures.

Why is that funny?

Well, because I can see in his eyes that’s not what’s in his heart.

You think he’s still hung up on Holly?

Well, I don’t know. I guess my grandson’s love life is none of my business. Same as my son’s love life. Now, what other non-taboo subject shall we tackle, hmm?

[Nicole sighs]

I really hope this is a new beginning for me and Holly.

I’m sure it will be. Mwah.

Didn’t my baby look gorgeous tonight?

Mm-hmm. Just like her mother.

Aw. [EJ chuckles] [notification chimes] Oh. Mm. I’m dinging.

Oh, who is texting you?

That would be me. I just forwarded you the pictures from earlier.

Oh, my goodness! These are great.

EJ, I also, uh, sent them to you. [EJ sighs] [tense music]

[EJ sighs]

Oh, my gosh. Stefan, you are the best. Is this everything?

You know, I think that it is. But if I come across anything that I think you should see, I’ll send it right to you.

All right. [chuckles] Cute. [sighs] Aw. [softly] Yes.

[upbeat music playing]

Wow, this all looks so amazing. Aaron did a great job.

Yeah. You know, but some people around here don’t give him enough credit, but Aaron’s actually– he’s a really, really great guy.

Mm. I hope Holly knows that. Selfies?

[Tate chuckles]

What is this?

Peace sign. Prom.

[chuckling] OK.

Uh… Holly, I heard the good news. Really glad that you could make it.

Uh, thank you.

I’m glad too. [chuckles]

Look at you.

Hey there.

Hey. What’s everyone doing out here? You know all the action is in there, in the gym. So Tate, why don’t you get your lovely date some punch?

See you guys in there?

[Theresa sighs]

I hope you guys have fun tonight.

Thank you, Ms. Donovan.

Mm. And you know what? Do yourself a favor and keep your distance from my son. Or as a chaperone, I will eject you from the prom.


I believe I made myself very clear.

Y-yeah. OK. [Aaron chuckles softly] [Theresa chuckles]

Was that really necessary?

Yes, that was absolutely necessary. You know why? Our son and Holly are up to something.

– * Baby, unlock the door * * Our love is the key * * Show me the way to your heart * * My one to you is now on me * * Show me the way to your heart * * Baby, I’m ready, I’m ready, oh * * Show me the way to your heart * * Show me the way, show the way *

* Show me the way, show me the way * * Show me the way * * Show me the way to your heart, baby * * Yeah * * Show me the way, show me the way * * Show me the way *

* Love is here *

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B&B Transcript Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ relaxing music ]

Brooke: I am truly honored to take on this role and help lead Forrester into the future. And I’m excited about working harmoniously with you, Steffy. Forresters and Logans united.

Steffy: Dad, why wouldn’t you come to me first? Let me know what you were thinking. I am your co-CEO. We’ve accomplished so much together.

Ridge: And we’re gonna continue doing that. I’m not stepping away.

Steffy: How? You just wedged Brooke between us in an executive position.

Hope: Which is something my mother more than deserves.

Steffy: Do you– do you not respect me? You don’t wanna give me that one simple courtesy that you were thinking this?

Ridge: How dare you say that? That I don’t– Of course I respect you. I’m stepping away from responsibility. I didn’t want it to land on you.

Steffy: Oh, okay. So you’re doing this for me?

Ridge: I am doing it for you. And I’m doing it for the company. And I guess you don’t see that now, but maybe one day you will.

Poppy: I wasn’t expecting to find you here.

Katie: Surprise.

Poppy: Yes, it is. Did the guard at the gate let you in?

Katie: Oh, his name is Alfred. He’s been with us since I was Bill’s wife.

Poppy: How long ago was that exactly?

Katie: It doesn’t really matter. You’re mistress of the manor now.

Poppy: Yes, but this is all still very new to me, as it was for you once upon a time.

Katie: Well, if you’re asking if I was born into this type of opulence, no, I wasn’t.

Poppy: Neither was I.

Katie: But you seem to be enjoying it, though.

Poppy: Well, I’m enjoying the home that I share with Bill and my daughter. Wouldn’t you if you were in my shoes?

Brooke: You can’t say a word to anybody. Our daughter is having feelings for an inappropriate man.

Deacon: Who?

Brooke: Steffy’s husband.

Deacon: Steffy’s husband?

Brooke: Don’t say it so loud.

Deacon: Hope’s got the hots for Finn? You know, don’t you? [ Sheila coughs ]

Sheila: Excuse me?

Deacon: You were eavesdropping. You heard everything. Sheila, what the hell am I gonna do with you?

Sheila: I– I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Deacon: The travel agent I was speaking to. Come on, you heard my side of the conversation. Now you know I was gonna whisk you away on a belated honeymoon. [ Sheila stammers ]

Sheila: Really?

Deacon: Yeah, really.

Sheila: Oh! Oh, well, where are you going to whisk me away, Mr. Sharpe? Is it someplace tropical where maybe clothing might be optional?

Deacon: Oh, Mrs. Sharpe, you are a very naughty lady.

Sheila: Yeah. I’m also a very lucky lady to be married to such a… oof, incredibly sexy, loving man.

Katie: I have been in your shoes before. [ Poppy chuckles ]

Poppy: Of course. This used to be your home.

Katie: Bill and I moved here when we started our lives together.

Poppy: Um, just as Bill and I are doing now with our daughter.

Katie: Well, obviously you’re settling right in. Quickly.

Poppy: We have a lot of time to make up for. We lost years as a family. I finally want Luna to know her father. And the rest of her siblings, which includes Will. Well, I’m guessing that’s why you’re here, to talk to Bill about that and…

Bill: Talk to me about what? Did I walk in on something?

Steffy: So it’s done. Brooke’s part of the executive team now.

Hope: And I think it’s about time. She has been sidelined for far too long.

Steffy: That was her choice.

Brooke: Well, now I am choosing to roll up my sleeves and play a more important role here at Forrester Creations so your father can–

Steffy: Focus on couture. He doesn’t wanna be inundated with the daily minutia. I understand that. I’m not opposed to it. I welcome it.

Hope: Just not welcoming of a Logan having any sort of say-so in this company.

Carter: If I may interject, everyone here is on the same page about wanting what’s best for Forrester.

Ridge: Absolutely. That’s what it’s all about.

Brooke: I have to agree. But what it shouldn’t be about is division. Forresters versus Logans. Can we all agree on that?

Poppy: Katie and I were just chatting.

Bill: Everything okay?

Poppy: Oh, yeah. I was just surprised to arrive and find her in our home.

Bill: Well, I asked Katie over so we could talk about everything that’s transpired, given that it affects our son. I also wanted to know how Katie was doing with it. It’s been a shock to everyone.

Katie: I mean, to find out after 20 years, that you have a daughter? Poppy never shared that with you.

Poppy: For reasons I explained to Bill. Reasons he understands.

Bill: Poppy has given me an incredible gift. A beautiful, sweet, talented daughter that I am proud to call my own. And I will always be grateful to you for that.

Sheila: I just– I don’t know when I’ve ever been this happy, if ever.

Deacon: Well, I guess I must be doing something right.

Sheila: No. You’re doing everything right. And just being your wife, knowing that you’re standing by me, I’ve never felt that kind of love, that kind of support before.

Deacon: For better, for worse. It’s the pledge that I made to you, and I don’t plan on going back on it. Even when you say things that worry me a little. When you talk about how you’d like to have a bigger role in Hayes’ life, even though you know the chances are slim to none as long as Steffy’s involved and she is involved. She’s his wife, Sheila. I mean, he worships her. Whatever Steffy says goes.

Sheila: You make it sound like my son has no, you know, mind of his own. And he does.

Deacon: No, I get it. He does, okay? But I mean, when you’re talking about the family that the two of them share, you… I know. You wish things were different. But they’re not. Too much has happened. You’ve done too much to Steffy for her to forget or forgive.

Sheila: I’ve changed. I’ve changed.

Deacon: I know, baby. I know you have, and that’s why I married you. I know that you wanna live a life that’s good and positive, and I realize that.

Sheila: Yeah. Well, if only Steffy could realize that too, huh?

Carter: Okay, Ridge, this is completely doable. I’ll connect with Brooke and work out the specifics.

Ridge: It’ll take her a minute to settle in, I think.

Carter: I’ll do everything I can to help.

Ridge: Thank you.

Carter: We all will.

Ridge: Hey, listen, this is an adjustment for everybody, but it’s gonna be good for us. It’s gonna be what’s best for the company. And that’s the most important thing, right?

Steffy: Yeah. I’ll always be committed to Forrester. That’ll never change.

Ridge: So you’ll give it a chance? [ Steffy sighs ]

Steffy: Yes. Yes, I– I will. It’s gonna be tough. You and I have this incredible shorthand. It’s not gonna be the same way with Brooke, but we’ll figure out a way to get through it.

Finn: Hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can wait outside.

Steffy: No, no, it’s fine. We were just having a discussion about Brooke, her new position here at Forrester.

Carter: An executive leadership position.

Steffy: Dad wants to focus more on design.

Finn: Oh. Okay. Wait, so what does that mean for you and your dad as co-CEOs?

Steffy: I have been asking myself and my father the same thing.

Hope: I am so proud of you! Agreeing to be part of the executive team.

Brooke: I am so excited.

Hope: Well, it means we get to work together more now. As two Logan women.

Brooke: Yes. But we do need to cooperate with Steffy.

Hope: And we will. As long as she agrees to cooperate with us.

Brooke: Honey, we can’t get off on the wrong foot. Let’s just give her some time to get used to the idea of working together, okay?

Hope: Fine. I won’t do a victory dance in front of her. As tempting as that might be.

Brooke: Aww. I do appreciate your enthusiasm and support. I really do. But I have to ask… what is going on with your feelings for Steffy’s husband?

Deacon: Okay, you sure you’re good with this, right? Working the dining room?

Tom: Whatever you need, boss. Pour water, refilling the olive oils.

Deacon: Rule number one: you gotta make sure the customers have lots of breadsticks and butter.

Tom: You gotta have something to dip in the olive oil.

Deacon: Right? Good man. Uh, hey, Tom. You’re gonna need to stow the guitar in the backpack, though. You can– Put it behind the bar. It’ll be safe. I promise.

Tom: Okay.

Deacon: Okay.

Tom: Hey, Deacon. You know, I really appreciate all the new responsibilities. I promise I won’t let you down.

Deacon: I know you won’t. I just wish all my employees were as dedicated to their job as you are.

Tom: Well, you took a chance on yours truly, as is. I’ll forever be in your debt.

Deacon: It goes both ways. Sheila and I are in your debt for getting us hitched.

Tom: You know, uh, speaking of Sheila, there’s– there’s something I’d like to talk with you about.

Carter: I put together materials for Brooke so she can hit the ground running.

Ridge: Thank you, Carter.

Carter: No problem.

Finn: You okay?

Steffy: Well, it isn’t the best day.

Finn: Anything I can do?

Steffy: You can try to change my father’s mind.

Finn: Like, where did Brooke get this idea? Is this her idea?

Steffy: Dad, you wanna– you wanna say something?

Ridge: It was my idea. With Dad and Thomas gone right now, I kind of have to focus on design more. So, I gave Brooke some of my responsibilities so I could, um–

Finn: Focus on sketching.

Ridge: Yeah. The only problem is I’ve upset my daughter. For you to think that I don’t respect you, I don’t value your opinion, that– It just… It couldn’t be further from the truth. You gotta know that. I think you, me, Brooke, we can lead this company into the future. Give it a chance. [ Steffy sighs ]

Steffy: Every time I turn around, there’s another Logan. There’s no getting away from them. Like Hope wasn’t bad enough, now I have to deal with Brooke? Are you kidding?

Hope: Well, that came out of nowhere.

Brooke: Out of concern, honey. And don’t deflect. You already told me you have feelings for him.

Hope: Look, I– I– I know how it sounds, Mom, but I don’t wanna lie to you. I certainly don’t wanna lie to myself. Yes, Finn is an amazing man, and we are a lot alike.

Brooke: Come on, you can’t be attracted to Steffy’s husband. It’s only going to lead to disaster. You have to understand that. You do understand that, don’t you?

Tom: Listen, I’m not trying to get up in your business. I know how much you love her.

Deacon: But?

Tom: But, here’s the thing. See, I was thinking, to do the best possible job here, I thought I should do some research.

Deacon: What?

Tom: Online. Yeah, you see, I wanted to find out as much as possible about you and your new bride without asking you a lot of questions. So, I went to the library. You know, they’ve got computers at the library. The things I started reading about Sheila kind of freaked me out. Your lady love’s got quite a past.

Deacon: Yeah, I’m aware.

Tom: And you still married her?

Deacon: Listen, let me set your mind at ease, all right? Sheila’s done a lot of things in her past that, if she could, she’d undo them, but you know what she has done? She’s turned her life around. Sheila’s a new woman. Tell you what, let’s get back to work. Um… Yeah, let’s get back to work. I need you to get some stuff out of the, uh, supply closet. Go and do that.

Finn: I hate seeing you this upset.

Steffy: I hate being put in this situation. I’m completely blindsided by my father.

Finn: Hey, babe, but you know that’s not Ridge’s intention. He loves you.

Steffy: Yeah, and I love my dad too, but Brooke always has this, like, hold on him.

Finn: What, you think that she pressured him into–

Steffy: No, honestly, I really don’t know. I don’t know what happened. I think it was my father’s idea. But who cares? Who cares? Because at the end of the day, I’m gonna be the one who has to deal with Brooke.

Finn: True, true. But maybe if you give it a try, Brooke has the executive experience. She could be a good fit.

Steffy: Finn, are you really gonna say that to me right now?

Finn: No, that’s not– Okay– That’s not what I meant.

Steffy: No, I know what you meant. But I really don’t need my husband defending Brooke. Or Hope.

Hope: I am trying not to think about Finn, but it is not easy. He’s a good man. He’s easy on the eyes.

Brooke: Hope!

Hope: What? Mom, okay, yes, I know he’s married. And to even think about being with him would be like… It would be like–

Brooke: Be like what? You’re becoming your mother?

Hope: I did not mean it that way. I love you, Mom. And I am so, so proud of you and the woman that you are. Gosh, I don’t know, Mom. I don’t know why I am feeling this way. Why my emotions are so out of control. I mean, first with Thomas, and now with Finn. And I’m trying to understand where this is all coming from, and I don’t–

Brooke: I don’t know either, honey. Look, just– just promise me that you’re gonna stop thinking about Finn this way.

Hope: No, I know. I know you’re right, and I– I don’t want to feel this way. It’s like… something is clouding my judgment and I don’t even recognize myself anymore. So, I know that Finn would never leave Steffy. He’s committed to her and their family. And that’s the way it should be. It’s the reason why I admire him so much, is his loyalty. Finn’s deep capacity for love. Even for people who… don’t always deserve it. So, uh… their marriage, that’s between them, and I– I will… I will try not to… come between that. I won’t, Mom. I promise. I will not be that woman.

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Update written by Joseph

Eric surprises Marlena in her office at the hospital. Eric mentions checking on Steve, who is aching to get out of the hospital. Marlena says he’s doing well and mentions seeing Eric’s post in the paper that he’s getting a publication divorce. Eric explains that it was EJ’s idea and that EJ is representing him in his divorce as they have a mutual interest to stick it to Sloan. Marlena is sure EJ has no shortage of ways to stick it to people, but reminds him that EJ and Nicole are raising Jude. Marlena questions if Eric wants to spend that much time working with EJ and if it won’t be uncomfortable.

EJ tells Stefan that it went down as planned so Melinda is out and he’s back in. EJ talks about the city council was poised for a recall election and he rescinded the petition. EJ declares that he is reopening the Li Shin murder case. Stefan wants him to do a lot more and declares that Gabi gets her conviction overturned and walks out of prison or else Nicole finds out that Eric is her baby daddy.

At the hospital, Nicole thanks Dr. Mark Greene for seeing Jude even though she feels like she wasted his time by overreacting because of his temperature. Mark says she did what any parent would do. Nicole mentions also having daughter, Holly. Mark identifies Holly’s name as being in the same class as his brother, Aaron. Mark adds that Holly asked Aaron to prom but later rescinded the invitation. Nicole informs him that it’s actually her fault.

Holly goes home to the DiMera Mansion and stops outside when she gets a call from Tate, who says the countdown is on to seeing her later tonight. Holly asks if he’s sure this is going to work because she doesn’t want to think about how much longer she’ll be grounded if they get caught. Tate responds that they should be good as long as she can sneak out of her home without being seen. Tate says as soon as he gets to prom with Sophia and Aaron, he will figure out an excuse to leave. Holly asks about his parents but Tate says to forget them. Tate promises that nothing is going to stop them from having the perfect prom night.

Theresa has a dream about confessing her love to Brady and reuniting with him until Brady wakes her up on the couch in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Brady informs Theresa that he got her message and she said it was important, so he asks what she wants.

Holly tells Tate that it’s like their parents are in a contest to see who can do the worst job raising them. Tate comments on Theresa thinking Holly is a bad influence when she’s a hot mess herself. Holly asks where they are meeting up tonight. Tate says it will be somewhere special and he will text her the address when he’s getting ready to leave the dance. Holly says she feels sorry about Sophia because she’s so in to him. Holly adds that she hates lying to her best friend. Tate says she didn’t have a choice since Sophia tells her mom everything.

Mark questions Nicole not wanting Holly to go to prom with his brother. Nicole explains that Aaron has nothing to do with it but Holly is grounded and part of her punishment is that she can’t go to prom. Nicole asks if Aaron found another date. Mark says no but he’s going with friends. Nicole blames herself for ruining everyone’s night. Mark understands being in charge of teenagers since he is in charge of his younger siblings. Nicole tells him that she has a pretty good idea that could win them some brownie points.

EJ tells Stefan that he’s getting weary of all the threats. Stefan tells him that he has the power to end that. EJ says clearing Gabi will take some time as he has to convince the judge and file a motion, so it’s a lot. Stefan suggests EJ get to the court house. EJ informs him that the courts are closed today for Juneteenth so Stefan declares that he wants Gabi out of prison tomorrow or else he’s going to tell Nicole. Holly then walks in and asks what he’s going to tell Nicole.

Eric tells Marlena that it was hard handing Jude over to EJ, but he can’t hold anything against him since he is his father. Marlena understands and says nobody would blame him for feeling resentful or uncomfortable around EJ. Eric assures they are only working together temporarily until the divorce goes through. Marlena brings up Eric working with Nicole. Eric asks why that should be a problem. Marlena says that Eric and Nicole have a history of things happening when they work closely together, pointing out that they first fell in love while doing a photoshoot for Titan and then when she was helping him at the church and then they reunited at Basic Black. Marlena wonders if Eric being so close to Nicole now isn’t playing with fire.

Holly tells Stefan and EJ to forget it as she doesn’t care what he’s keeping from her mom since she’s overbearing, controlling, and a real nightmare sometimes. Stefan decides he will give them a moment and exits. Holly repeats to EJ that she doesn’t care. EJ asks what’s going on as he thought she was getting along better with Nicole. Holly says that’s only because Nicole has been more focused on Jude instead of her but complains that she’s been grounded for months and can’t go to prom tonight. EJ guesses that’s why she is extra cranky. Holly calls it unfair. EJ brings up that Holly overdosed and nearly died at the last party she attended. Holly argues that this is just a high school dance, not a drug filled orgy. Holly then says prom isn’t the real issue but that she’s sick of being told what she can and can’t do. Holly suggests EJ warn Nicole that she’s in a bad mood so there will be a reason her door is closed and she has an exam to study for. Nicole then comes home and tells her that she doesn’t. Nicole announces that Holly is going to prom and she’s changed her mind.

Theresa tells Brady that they need to talk about the prom and that they are on the same page about Tate. Theresa declares that she does not want Tate near Holly tonight. Brady doesn’t think she has anything to worry about since Tate has been distancing himself from Holly. Theresa tells him that he has a lot to catch up on since she caught them in this room yesterday. Brady is sure she let them know how she felt about it. Theresa confirms that she did and they came up with excuses that it was a coincidence but she wasn’t buying it. Theresa declares that they need to watch Tate like a hawk tonight.

Aaron meets Tate at the Brady Pub. Aaron talks about spending hours decorating for prom and Tate not helping him. Tate says he got caught up about his night with Holly. Tate asks if Aaron is still comfortable staying with Sophia as he sneaks out to see Holly. Aaron talks about being thrilled to hang out with Sophia and hoping she notices him. Tate encourages him and says he never would’ve said yes to Sophia when she asked him to the dance if his parents didn’t forbid him from seeing Holly. Sophia enters the Brady Pub and overhears them. Aaron adds that Tate also hit Sophia in the face with a football so he owes her which Tate says he still feels bad about. Sophia continues listening from the doorway as Tate talks about how they had the perfect plan for him to take Sophia and Aaron to take Holly, so that way Tate and Holly could still spend some time together. Tate complains about Nicole not letting Holly go and then his parents deciding to chaperone. Aaron can’t believe his parents still won’t come around on Holly. Tate mentions having another huge fight with his mom about Holly but declares that won’t let him stop him from seeing Holly later. Sophia rolls her eyes but then approaches them and greets them as her two dates. Sophia asks about still meeting later. Tate decides he should go get changed and he will see them there.

Brady tells Theresa to lighten up and says he hears Tate is taking Sophia to the prom, so he’s moving on from Holly. Theresa argues that Holly is probably making her big move tonight. Brady mentions hearing that Holly is grounded and not going. Theresa bets that Holly is begging Nicole to go and that Nicole might cave. Theresa sees the time and tells Brady to get dressed and she’ll see him there. Brady says he had plenty of time until she called him over to complain about Holly. Brady tells her that in the future, they can do this over a phone call as he exits the mansion. Theresa then asks herself what she was thinking and tells herself that telling Brady how she feels is too much of a risk and she has too much to lose.

Eric tells Marlena that history won’t repeat itself because Nicole doesn’t have feelings for him anymore. Marlena asks about his feelings. Eric says that’s irrelevant, pointing out that Nicole and EJ are married and a family now. Marlena points out that he didn’t answer her question. Eric asks her to stop with the questions. Marlena apologizes for upsetting him. Eric apologizes and says it’s okay. Marlena invites him to come over tonight for dinner since John is out of town and Brady is chaperoning Tate’s prom, so they could have some time to themselves. Eric agrees on the condition that she does not bring up Nicole which Marlena agrees to as they hug.

Nicole says she knows she told Holly that she couldn’t go to prom but she’s been feeling bad about it for awhile now. Holly remarks that she’s hidden that well. Nicole brings up being worried since Holly’s overdose. EJ jokingly brings up Holly’s comment earlier that it’s a dance, not a drug-filled orgy, then apologizes. Nicole sarcastically thanks him and says she knows that which is why she wants Holly to go. Holly thanks her and says she appreciates it but she thinks she’s just going to stay in and study tonight. Nicole questions why she would do that. Holly points out that she doesn’t have a prom dress. Nicole is sure she can find something in her closet. Holly adds that she doesn’t have a date. Nicole brings up Aaron Greene. Holly is sure she has another date by now but Nicole reveals that her brother Mark told her that he does not. Nicole mentions Jude having a slight fever earlier. EJ questions him just hearing about this for the first time. Nicole assures that Jude is fine and tells Holly that there’s still time, revealing that Mark gave her Aaron’s number so they could call him now.

Aaron thanks Sophia for letting him tag along with her and Tate. Sophia says it’s fine. Aaron talks about setting up the prom and how everyone would think he’s a loser for not having a date, so he thanks her. Sophia blows it off. Aaron then gets a call and doesn’t recognize the number, so he answers the call and it’s Nicole, mentioning that she got his number from his brother Mark. Nicole states that Holly had a question for him and hands her the phone. Sophia listens angrily as Holly tells Aaron that it turns out she can go to prom after all if he still wants to go with her. Aaron says sure and they agree to meet soon. Holly hangs up and tells Nicole that he said yes. Nicole is so glad it worked out and excitedly tells Holly that she’s going to have so much fun tonight as she hugs her.

Sophia thought Holly was grounded, so she questions her asking Aaron if she can’t go. Aaron guesses Nicole changed her mind. Sophia says he must be excited since now they can have a proper date. Aaron clarifies that they are just friends but says the four of them should definitely still hang out. Sophia sarcastically says she’s glad Holly can go and remarks that it’s going to be a night to remember.

Holly exits the living room and frantically calls Tate. Holly tells Tate that the universe hates them since Nicole suddenly decided that she can go to prom and made her call Aaron to ask him to be her date. Holly says it was awkward since Nicole was standing there so she had no choice. Tate says they’ll just go back to the original plan of the four of them. Holly asks about his parents chaperoning and watching them so they won’t even be able to dance together. Tate tells Holly that he’ll figure something out and he’ll see her at the dance as he hangs up. Brady then walks in and questions who was on the phone.

EJ is so glad that Nicole had a change of heart, feeling that Holly has made such an effort to show she can be responsible and she’s earned their trust. Nicole thinks so too but she’s a little surprised that Holly wasn’t more excited. EJ assures that Holly wants nothing more than to be at the dance and he’s very proud of her for letting her go. EJ and Nicole kiss until Stefan walks back in and asks if they are celebrating EJ’s new job, remarking that suddenly what’s old is new again. Nicole asks what he’s talking about. Stefan questions EJ not telling her. EJ says he was about to and then informs Nicole that he is once again district attorney. Nicole asks if he’s serious as she thought he wanted to run for Mayor. EJ says he was going to but Paulina had a change of heart once the conflict of interest with DiMera Enterprises vanished. Nicole guesses Melinda can’t be happy about that. Stefan says that he’s ecstatic. Nicole calls it nice of him to support EJ. Stefan then adds that EJ has agreed to reopen Gabi’s case. Stefan guesses everyone around here is having a change of heart.

Tate claims to Brady that Aaron was on the phone, telling him that Nicole is letting Holly go to the dance so he’s taking her and he and Sophia are meeting them there. Brady reminds Tate that he’s not supposed to be seeing Holly. Tate tells Brady that Holly and Sophia are friends so they are going to want to party together and asks him to be cool about this. Brady says he is but brings up Theresa. Brady then adds that they will be watching him like a hawk. Tate says he needs to finish getting ready and thanks him as he heads back to his room. Brady declares this is going to make Theresa’s head explode. Marlena and Eric come home. Marlena tells Brady that she’s glad they got there as she promised John pictures for prom. Theresa then arrives and joins Brady. Brady puts Theresa’s corsage on her as they joke together. Theresa asks where Tate is. Brady says he’s getting dressed but he needs to warn her as he doesn’t want her to freak out but it seems Theresa predicted the future as Nicole decided to let Holly go to the prom.

Mark and Aaron go to the DiMera Mansion and meet EJ. Mark mentions meeting Johnny and Chanel. Nicole says even though it’s last minute, she’s glad Aaron could go and it’s good that she ran in to his brother. Holly then comes in and says it’s the best she could do on short notice. Nicole encourages that she looks beautiful and hugs her.

Sophia goes to John and Marlena’s. Theresa praises Sophia’s dress and Sophia praises Theresa’s. Theresa says she approves of her, calling her leagues above the other girls that Tate has dated. Tate then comes in. Theresa and Marlena tell him he looks so handsome. Tate tells Sophia that she looks amazing. Sophia thanks him and asks if Aaron told him the news about Holly. Tate confirms he called and is pretty stoked. Sophia remarks that Aaron and Holly get to spend prom together after all and calls it such a surprise. Sophia sarcastically comments that she’s so happy for them.

Holly tells Aaron that he could’ve come up with an excuse while Aaron says he was confused and thought it was part of their plan. Holly says at least she doesn’t have to find a reason to sneak out of her house. Nicole asks if they are ready to take pictures which they go along with.

Theresa apologizes to Tate for going off about Holly last night and she really hopes he can forgive her. Tate says it’s fine as they hug. Theresa says she’s so happy to experience this prom moment with him, commenting that he and Sophia make such a cute couple. Tate tells her not to get ahead of herself, so Theresa apologizes. Marlena declares it’s picture time and asks Eric to do the honors. Eric then takes photos of Tate and Sophia.

Stefan takes photos of Holly and Aaron at the DiMera Mansion.

Eric finishes taking photos so Brady says it’s time to get going. Sophia approaches Theresa and asks if she can talk to her for a minute. Theresa asks if everything is alright. Sophia responds that there’s something she should know. After they leave for prom, Marlena sits with Eric and calls it funny that Tate is smiling in all the pictures but she can tell in his eyes that it’s not what’s in his heart. Eric asks if she thinks he’s still hung up on Holly. Marlena guesses Tate’s love life is not her business, like Eric’s.

EJ and Nicole sit together in the living room. Nicole hopes this is a new beginning for her and Holly. EJ encourages that it will be. Stefan comes back in and says he just forwarded Nicole and EJ the pictures from earlier. Nicole says they are great while EJ looks at his phone and sees a warning to clear Gabi tomorrow or else. Nicole tells Stefan that he’s the best and asks if that’s everything. Stefan remarks that if he comes across anything she should see, he’ll send it right to her…

Tate and Sophia arrive at the prom. Sophia comments that Aaron did a great job. Tate talks about Aaron being a great guy. Sophia hopes Holly knos that and then stops to take a selfie with Tate. Aaron and Holly then arrive as well. Tate tells Holly that he heard the good news and he’s really glad she could make it. Sophia claims she’s glad too and hugs Holly. Brady and Theresa come over and asks what they are all doing out here instead of in the gym. Theresa suggests Tate get Sophia some punch. Tate says he’ll see them in there as they head inside. Theresa tells Holly and Aaron that she hopes they have fun tonight. Holly thanks her. Theresa then warns Holly to keep her distance from Tate or she will eject her from the prom as Holly and Aaron then head inside. Brady asks if that was really necessary. Theresa responds that it was because Tate and Holly are up to something.

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Days Update Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Paulina and Abe have their home decorated for Chanel and Johnny’s going away party. Abe tells Paulina that she looks beautiful as always. Paulina wishes him a happy anniversary and happy Juneteenth, noting those are two of the good things they are celebrating today but questions how she’s going to say goodbye to Chanel. Abe encourages that Paulina raised Chanel to be strong and now she’s happily moving with her husband to a new adventure. Eli then arrives with his twins Jules and Carver to surprise Abe and Paulina.

Chanel closes the Bakery for the final time and walks away crying. Lani arrives in the town square and hugs her.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ questions Stefan following him from room to room like an annoying child desperate for attention. Stefan remarks that the only one around here that should be desperate is EJ. Stefan asks EJ how it went for him to get down on his knees and beg Paulina for his job back. EJ responds that he doesn’t beg and he simply made the case that it would be in her best interest to reinstate him a district attorney. EJ assures it will happen. Stefan warns that if it doesn’t, he will show everyone the DNA results that show Eric Brady is Jude’s father and they both know when that happens, Nicole will dump his ass and the three of them will live as one big happy family. Johnny then walks in and asks what’s going on here.

Chad and Julie arrive at the bank in Chicago, wondering what Clyde stashed in the safety deposit box. Chad says it could be nothing or it could be proof that Abigail is alive. Julie declares they are about to find out. The bank vice president enters and greets them. Chad appreciates him coming on a holiday. Julie says they are just going to see what’s in the box and then they will be out. He remarks that they are always happy to help the DiMera family and then reveals they will just need the combination to open the box. Chad says he’s afraid they don’t have that. He was under the impression it was his box. Chad explains that they were given permission by the owner, Clyde Weston, to access the box. He reveals that’s not the name of the owner on the box. Julie says it’s the name of the person who told them about it. He informs them that the name on the box belongs to Rebecca Goldman. Julie questions who that is, so Chad explains that she is Clyde’s girlfriend and the dirty cop. Chad states that she’s in custody right now. The bank manager tells them that is irrelevant as he’s afraid they can’t open the box without the code.

EJ tells Johnny that nothing out of the ordinary is going on and that they were just discussing DiMera business. Johnny brings up Kristen being the new CEO. Stefan claims he was just ribbing EJ about some additional developments but he wasn’t in the mood to joke about the possibility of losing something which doesn’t really belong to him, which doesn’t have to happen. Johnny questions what that even means. Stefan decides he will go say hi to Jude and get as much time with him as he can while he still has the chance. Stefan then heads upstairs. Johnny calls that weird. EJ responds that he’s getting used to Stefan rambling incoherently and jokes that it might be time for another factory reset. Johnny tells EJ that he’s sorry that Stefan was teasing him about losing the CEO job to Kristen because he knows how much that job meant to him. EJ says he’ll survive and asks how Johnny is doing since Chanel mentioned a doctor’s appointment yesterday. Johnny tells him it was great and they got to hear the baby’s heartbeat which EJ calls exciting. Johnny admits it brought them both to tears. EJ mentions that Nicole wanted to remind them that she stocked an entire shelf in the library of pregnancy books if they want to borrow any. Johnny says to thank her but he doesn’t know if they will get a chance to read them all here. EJ questions what he means. Johnny informs him that he has some news.

Abe and Paulina are thrilled by Eli and the twins surprise arrival. Eli wishes them a happy anniversary and Juneteenth. Eli asks about the decorations but Abe says he’ll tell him about it later. Abe asks about Lani. Eli informs him that she stopped by the bakery to check on her sister.

Chanel and Lani catch up. Lani tells her that Eli took the kids to see Paulina. Chanel is sure that will lift her spirits as it’s been a strange time. Lani questions why Chanel was in tears earlier. Chanel reveals that she has decided to close the Bakery which surprises Lani, who questions the decision. Chanel assures that business is good but announces that she and Johnny are leaving Salem.

Paulina questions Lani going all the way to the Bakery to talk to Chanel instead of looking for her here first. Eli explains that she figured that Chanel would be working at this time of day and she knows there is friction between them. Paulina guesses she should be glad they talked even if they talk about her behind her back. Eli assures that he and Lani know that Paulina did what she had to do to protect her daughter. Eli adds that if anything happened to Jules or Carver, Lani would do the same thing. Paulina is glad Lani understands and says that Chanel does too as they patched things up. Eli says he’s glad to hear that. Paulina says the bad news is that she’s still losing her baby.

Lani questions Chanel and Johnny leaving town. Chanel explains that Johnny received an offer he couldn’t refuse as he’s going to be first A.D. on a film with his favorite director and the film shoots in LA so they have to leave pretty much immediately. Lani is glad that she and Eli decided to come today so they could see her before she goes. Chanel says they can always come visit in LA. Lani is sure they will have a lot going on and it’s easier to get to Salem then across the country. Chanel is happy she’s here now because she needed the support. Lani knows this is a good thing but that it can also be a very stressful time which isn’t good for the baby. Lani asks for any updates on the baby. Chanel informs her that they just heard the heartbeat for the first time. Lani says she’s so happy to hear. Chanel adds that they still won’t know for a little while about the possible exposure to radiation. Chanel says she forgave Paulina and jokes that it’s hard to stay mad at someone who keeps coming at you. Chanel admits she couldn’t leave town with things not being good between them. Lani knows it will be really hard for Paulina to let her go. Chanel is sure that EJ will hate the idea of them leaving Salem.

EJ questions Johnny moving to Los Angeles. Johnny says he will be working with one of his all time favorite directors, who has directed amazing independent films before moving in to the mainstream movie and he’s about to release his second superhero movie. Johnny knows EJ never really approved of his idea of becoming a film maker so he’s not expecting his blessing. EJ gives Johnny his blessing and says they both know at a time, EJ wanted him to follow his footsteps at DiMera but Johnny made it clear that wasn’t his path. Johnny jokes that he can’t blame him after how EJ has been treated there. EJ admires and respects that Johnny stood up and followed his own dreams which Johnny says he did not see coming. EJ tells Johnny that he just wants him to be happy. EJ encourages Johnny that the time you spend with the people you love is very precious so he should make sure every second with them counts or be prepared to live with the regret.

Julie explains to the bank manager that they came all the way from Salem and asks if he can find a way to open the safety deposit box even without the combination. He calls it a rule he cannot make exceptions to and reveals he doesn’t have the combination as that would have to come from the box’s owner. Chad asks them for a minute, so he exits. Julie asks Chad what they are going to do. Chad says they have to get the combination and decides to call Rafe since Goldman is in jail. Chad tells Rafe that he needs his help.

Jada exits the Brady Pub and runs in to Stefan. Jada says she’s glad she ran in to him as she understands that he and Rafe were hoping Clyde would clear Gabi’s name by admitting Gil was Li’s killer. Stefan understands that Clyde refused but Jada explains that Clyde didn’t refuse, he just wanted his charges lessened in return. Jada informs Stefan that she may have a way to get Clyde to tell them what he knows, but she needs Stefan’s help to do it. Stefan asks what kind of help. Jada brings up that Stefan is really good at negotiating deals. Stefan says he’s flattered but he’s not sure what kind of deal she thinks he could make with Clyde since he’s not a cop or a judge. Jada says that wasn’t what she was talking about and reveals that since Stefan shut down Clyde’s drug operation, she wants him to convince Clyde that he wants to start it up again.

Chad gets the combination from Rafe and thanks him, saying he has no idea how much this means to him. Chad hangs up and tells Julie that Rafe convinced his former officer to talk which Julie says is wonderful as the bank manager returns. Chad then presents him with the code, so he leaves them with the safety deposit box to give them some privacy. Chad puts in the code and opens the box, revealing a flash drive inside.

Stefan tells Jada that he doesn’t think this is a good idea. Jada asks why not. Stefan questions why a cop is asking him to engage in illegal activity with a murderer. Jada explains that he could get that murderer on his side and release his wife. Stefan questions thinking Clyde would really trust him. Jada thinks he could convince him that he needs the money. Stefan doesn’t think Clyde is stupid enough to run the same play again. Jada talks about Clyde being greedy and that he would need someone up to speed if he wants to run things on the outside. Stefan questions what Rafe thinks about this. Jada admits he doesn’t know yet but she doesn’t think he would have a problem with it. Stefan says maybe not but he does have a problem with it. Stefan says he wants Gabi out more than anything, especially since finding out she was moved to solitary confinement after getting in a fight with another inmate, but he also wants her alive. Stefan points out that even in super max, Clyde still found a way to hurt Gabi so if he turns on him again, there’s no telling what he would do and he’s not willing to take that risk. Jada asks what if this is Stefan’s only chance but Stefan suggests it’s not so Jada questions what else he has in mind.

Eli questions Chanel and Johnny leaving Salem. Paulina complains that they are moving 2000 miles away in Los Angeles, asking why the director couldn’t shoot his movie in Chicago. Abe remarks that Chicago is not exactly Hollywood. Lani and Chanel then arrive. Lani hugs Paulina and Abe, saying she’s missed them so much. Chanel says she missed Eli and Lani. Eli adds that the twins are sleeping in the back but they will be excited to see her when they wake up. Lani wishes Abe and Paulina a happy anniversary. Abe thanks them for coming. Paulina talks about being thrilled to see them. Lani brings up being worried over Paulina receiving trouble from the Concerned Citizens of Salem. Paulina mentions the petition to have her recalled as Mayor. Abe suggests not talking about politics as today is about family. Johnny arrives and wishes them a happy anniversary and happy Juneteenth. Johnny hugs Lani and Eli, saying he’s so happy to see them. Lani congratulates him on the job. Johnny asks about the twins and Eli tells him they are taking a nap. Paulina comments on Johnny moving Chanel and their baby halfway around the world. Abe points out that it’s not far away. Johnny assures they will have a hell of a guest room and thanks them for the party. Paulina calls it a day to celebrate family and she’s grateful to have her family all under one roof even if it’s just for one day. Johnny hopes that means she won’t mind if he invited someone from his family to join them. Johnny explains he talked to EJ earlier about their move and told him that he was coming here to the party, so EJ asked if he could come. Paulina understands he couldn’t tell him no. EJ then arrives and asks Paulina if there’s any room for him at her table.

Stefan tells Jada that if he had a plan to get Gabi out of prison, he wouldn’t be here talking to her about her plan. Stefan says he’s not willing to do what Jada is asking as he has no interest in getting involved with Clyde Weston again. Jada doesn’t understand since Melinda is holding Gil’s black book hostage and without that, they need something. Stefan says he gets that but repeats that he’s not willing to get involved with Clyde again. Jada knows how desperate he is to get Gabi out of prison which makes her think that he does have something planned and just doesn’t want to tell her about it.

EJ talks to Abe and Paulina about Johnny and Chanel making a great team. EJ acknowledges Chanel giving up a lot to help Johnny chase his dreams. EJ calls it lovely that they can put aside their differences to help send them off. Paulina asks if he means her pending recall. EJ jokes that the concerned citizens are getting restless. Abe points out that the citizens only became concerned after EJ lost his job. Paulina asks if they would be just as concerned if a disgraced district attorney returned to his position. EJ argues that he was hardly disgraced as she fired him over a conflict of interest which no longer exists since he’s not CEO of DiMera anymore now that the board put Kristen in charge, so she has a perfectly legitimate reason to reinstate him. Paulina accuses him of blackmail. EJ calls it quid pro quo which upsets Abe and Paulina, so Eli comes over to ask if everything is okay.

Chad and Julie insert the flash drive in to a laptop to see what it is. They see footage of an empty room but then they see a woman walk in to the footage. Julie wonders if that could be Abigail but they can’t see her face.

Stefan asks Jada what other way he would have of getting Gabi out since without the black book that Melinda is holding, there’s no way of getting Gabi out of prison. Jada points out there is no legal way but she doesn’t think Stefan will let the law stop him. Jada guesses that Stefan is going to bust Gabi out of prison. Stefan admits the thought crossed his mind but he decided against it. Jada is glad to hear that but feels he still has something planned. Stefan says if he did, the less she knows the better. Jada questions him not wanting to help the cops. Stefan says the last time he got help from the cops, his wife ended up in prison for a crime she didn’t commit so he says thanks but no thanks.

EJ tells Eli that Abe and Paulina were just giving him a hard time about Johnny taking Chanel to California, but says that Johnny is chasing his dreams, Chanel supports that, and so does he. EJ adds that the DiMera Jet will be at their disposal to fly to Los Angeles any time they wish. Eli calls that very generous of him. EJ says they are family now. Eli says he didn’t mean to intrude but wanted to say goodbye. Abe says they just got there. Eli explains that Lani will stay but he is going to take the kids to see Julie because they know what would happen if he didn’t stop by. EJ tells Paulina and Abe that he thinks it’s best to put this behind them. EJ asks if Paulina will call Melinda to give her walking papers to her or if he will have to use tough love to get his way.

Eli goes to see Julie at the Horton house. They hug and talk about missing each other. Eli is surprised to see the family photos after the fire. Julie explains that Jack had scanned them digitally and asks what brought Eli to town. Eli says they came to celebrate Juneteenth and Paulina and Abe’s anniversary. Julie asks about the kids. Eli says they are in the kitchen with Doug. Eli tells Julie that he heard she was in Chicago. Julie guesses Doug told him which Eli confirms. Julie states that she had some serious issues to deal with. Eli hopes she dealt with it successfully. Julie responds that she honestly has no idea.

Chad goes to the police station where Jada asks what she can do for him. Chad says he needs to see Clyde right now. Jada reveals that he just missed him as prison transport just picked him up 30 minutes ago and it’s a super max prison so he won’t be allowed any visitors.

EJ returns home to the DiMera Mansion where Stefan threatens to call Nicole to tell her the truth that Eric is her baby daddy. EJ responds that won’t be necessary and announces he has been reinstated as Salem’s district attorney. Stefan congratulates him. EJ declares his first order of business will be to reopen Gabi’s case so that justice may be done.

Paulina calls Melinda and tells her that she’s very sorry but she serves at her pleasure. Paulina knows she talked Melinda in to the position but there is no way she can talk her in to taking it back as her decision is final. Paulina says she can find another place for her at the city hall and suggests head of sanitation but Melinda hangs up on her. Paulina then joins Abe, Lani, Chanel, and Johnny to blow out candles on their cakes. Paulina sees they have three cakes, for their anniversary, for Juneteenth, and for Johnny and Chanel’s bon voyage. Chanel calls it her last chance to bake for them so she got carried away. Paulina calls it a bit untraditional so Lani suggests making a new tradition. Abe thinks they should do something else to honor the day and brings up a poem that is perfect for the occasion. Lani identifies it as “We Rose” which Abe then reads. They then blow out their candles on the cakes.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Mac returns home from his trip helping a friend and Maxie and Spinelli fill him in on everything that happened while he was gone. Mac is surprised at how much Bailey Louise (now played by Miley and Riley Plonski) has grown since he has been gone since she is now a toddler.

Cody brings James home from his riding lesson and welcomes Mac home. Cody wonders if he should tell Mac he is his son and he talks to Tracy about what he should do without telling her the identity of his father. Tracy thinks Cody’s father will just be happy to be his father and he will forgive him for not telling him the truth.

Alexis’s disbarment is vacated. Alexis can practice law again after she takes forty-eight hours of classes to take the test in order to get back her law license.

Alexis advises Chase and Brook Lynn’s to talk to a licensed social worker who can best advise them how best to protect Violet from Finn who is unable to care for Violet when he is drinking. Chase talks to Stella about Finn’s situation without mentioning Finn’s name. Stella advises Chase to document all the instances of Finn’s drinking and get statements from everyone who has seen Finn drinking and build a solid case proving that Violet shouldn’t be with her father.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Katie has a rough time accepting Claire into the family because the kids at school think Claire is crazy and dangerous. Katie tells Victoria that Claire isn’t a part of her family and she can’t force her to like Claire. Claire talks to Kyle about her problem with Katie and he advises her to give Katie some time to get used to her. Kyle talks to Claire about his problems at work and she thinks he should look for another job.

Victor wants to meet with Kyle and offers him the job as Co-CEO running Glissade with Audra.

Billy falls into Lily’s trap and agrees to undo the Chancellor-Winters merger. Lily tells Billy she will run Abbott-Chancellor with him. Billy has a video call with Jill who doesn’t believe Lily wants to undo the merger.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Abby: My phone rings in the middle of the night and it’s my mom telling me that she’s checking herself into a psychiatric clinic in France to treat her dissociative identity disorder. And no one bothered to tell me about it? This is the first that I’ve heard of it?

Billy: I– I didn’t know about this hospital. I knew nothing about that until Jack actually called me as he was boarding a plane to go visit her.

Abby: I am her daughter.

Billy: I know, Abby. I’m sorry. It must’ve been brutal to find out about your mother, about what’s been going on with her in this way.

Abby: I mean I– I can’t believe she’s been struggling like this and I had no idea. I mean, I should’ve been there for her. I need to be with her now.

Billy: Is she seeing visitors at this point?

Abby: Of course, she told me not to come, but I don’t care. I’m leaving as soon as I can.

Billy: Yeah, I understand that. You just wanna be with her.

Abby: As much as I hate that my mom didn’t share any of this with me, what really infuriates me is that my family didn’t bother to tell me about it. And that includes you.

Claire: Okay, I put flowers in the bedrooms and… Oh, I stocked the kitchen with their favorite snacks and breakfast options.

Victoria: How did you even know what to get?

Claire: I may have asked a cook up at the main house.

Victoria: Look, you are their big sister. You’re not their nanny. So you don’t have to take care of them. That’s my job. Although, I’m sure they’re gonna resist any mothering attempts on my part anyway.

Claire: Right. ‘Cause Johnny’s entered the teen years. And Katie’s only 11, but she probably acts older because she copies her older brother.

Victoria: You’ve been reading up on your adolescent development, haven’t you?

Claire: I just wanna be prepared.

Victoria: Well, then you should know that Katie considers herself a teenager already, and, uh, we all just have to go along with that.

Claire: Got it. No hovering.

Victoria: Hey, you know what? It’s gonna be okay.

Claire: I just want them to feel welcome in their new home and not mind that some strange new sister is a part of it.

Daniel: Hey.

Heather: Hi. Hi, hi. Um, don’t you want a coffee?

Daniel: Uh, I better not. I’m already too on edge.

Heather: Okay, well, you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You have creative passion and justice on your side. And please do not forget, we are in the right.

Daniel: Yeah, well, you know, I appreciate the pep talk, but I really don’t see this as black and white, you know, battle of good versus evil.

Heather: Well, it’s an arbitration, but that doesn’t mean we’re not gonna fight.

Daniel: It’s a suit that I filed against Chancellor-Winters. A place that gave me a break when I needed one. Badly.

Heather: Is that what’s got you bothered? Or is this about facing Lily today?

Devon: So, do our chances look good?

Deirdre: The arbitrator is known to side with big business.

Nate: Pair that with the ironclad contract Daniel signed, and I’d say we’re in excellent shape.

Deirdre: Not to be overly confident, but they don’t stand a chance.

Devon: Hm, well, that’s exactly what we wanna hear. Right? Right, Lily?

Billy: You’re right. We did keep that from you. And that was a choice.

Abby: How could you?

Billy: Look, we knew something was going on with your mom, okay? But we didn’t wanna worry you until we had a better understanding of what that was. On top of that, your mom asked us not to say anything.

Abby: Yeah. There always seems to be some convenient excuse why no one in my family tells me anything. Not just the Abbotts, the Newmans too. It’s actually quite amazing how often that happens.

Billy: I don’t think that’s exactly fair.

Abby: No, fair– fair would be treating me like the adult that I am. Not someone that can’t handle upsetting news. Like a fragile little child.

Billy: You’re not that, and we know that.

Abby: Then why didn’t it occur to anyone that I would wanna be there for my mom? That maybe I could be helpful to her?

Billy: It just wasn’t our call to make, Abby.

Abby: Oh, please, that’s not an excuse, okay? Apparently, my mom has been dealing with blackouts and fending off alternate personalities for months now. But yet it was too soon to fill me in? No, maybe you’re the ones who let this go too far. Maybe if I had been involved, maybe I would’ve fought to get her the help that she needed before it had gotten this bad.

Billy: I get it. I do. And I’m not trying to pass the blame here, but Jack and Traci, they were in the thick of this with– with your mom, okay? And it’s… They were holding on to the information.

Abby: And that must have been hard for them, having to navigate all of this on their own. But think about my mom and how terrified she must have been, not knowing what was going on.

Billy: Let’s not make this worse about… Worrying about how it all went down, okay?

Abby: Oh, my God.

Billy: What?

Abby: Oh, my God. Um… I just realized that, um… Tucker warned me that my mom was in trouble, and I thought he was just insinuating himself back into her life, trying to be the center of attention, but… Tucker knew what was going on with my mom before I did.

Victoria: I know that you’re nervous to meet your siblings. It’s totally understandable. But, I mean, don’t forget, you’ve had video calls with them.

Claire: Yeah, they’ve seen me on a screen, but in person, it’s different. They’re coming back to a whole new home, one that I’ve been living in before them. How’s that gonna make them feel?

Victoria: That is true, but the ranch itself is like a second home to them. And they are gonna feel welcome because of all of the things on that list of yours and the special little touches that you’ve put around the house to make them feel happier to be back.

Claire: I’ve been living in their space and monopolizing your time. It’s huge to them. A new home and a new sister that they never knew they had?

Victoria: But, Claire, you’re a part of this family now. They’re not gonna see you as an intruder. I promise you that. Let’s not forget, you’re amazing with kids, okay? They’re gonna adore you.

Claire: If you think so.

Victoria: I know so.

Heather: You can’t look at this as an attack against Lily. This is simply about asking for what’s rightfully yours.

Daniel: Not according to the contract I signed.

Heather: You were terminated for personal reasons. And when you made a very reasonable request to hang on to an important piece of intellectual property, the decision to deny you was punitive and that mitigates any contractual agreement. The arbitrator will see that.

Daniel: Because you’re a great lawyer.

Heather: Fighting for what you deserve.

Daniel: This– this is more than a legal argument. I mean, it means so much more to– to all of us. You know, we’re not just advocating for my right to a game. We’re defending our affair.

Heather: Well, hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

Daniel: And if it does?

Heather: Then, I am ready for whatever their lawyer throws at us.

Daniel: I don’t know if I am. I’m gonna have to go there, I’m gonna have to see Lily and say that I deserve all of these things, when– I mean, let’s face it. I cheated on her.

Heather: Okay, I’m gonna do my best to make sure they don’t put you on the spot. Let me take their fire. I am– I’m good at this. This is what I do. Okay, and this isn’t just a job. I really, I believe in you, Daniel. I believe what you are fighting for.

Daniel: Of course. You know, and I trust you to handle this the right way. I just– I hate that it’s come to this.

Heather: Yeah, well, there’s no turning back now.

Daniel: Maybe there is.

Devon: You’ve been a little quiet.

Lily: Well, I don’t really feel like celebrating our upper hand at the moment.

Devon: I know this is probably gonna be difficult for you to have to relive your breakup with Daniel through the whole thing, but Nate and I are here to support you.

Nate: And given how much we have in our favor here, maybe the arbitration will go quickly.

Deirdre: That’s my goal.

Devon: Which would be great. That way we can put it behind us and hopefully avoid any more public damage.

Lily: Yeah, totally painless.

Devon: Nobody says it’s gonna be painless, but what can we do to help you feel better about it?

Lily: Uh, we’ll see you at the office, Deirdre.

Deirdre: Thanks.

Lily: I was up all night thinking about it, and I don’t think that arbitration is the answer.

Heather: I– I don’t know what you expect me to do at this late date. Besides, they– they’re the ones who pushed us to this position.

Daniel: I know. I– I told you that Lily said she would consider the possibility of a compromise.

Heather: Right, with absolutely no indication from the lawyer at Chancellor-Winters about wanting to cut a deal whatsoever. I mean, she’s been the one who fast-tracked this. I personally thought it would’ve taken weeks, if not months.

Daniel: I don’t know if I can move forward with it.

Heather: You have cold feet. That’s– that’s what’s going on. It’s normal because you have to face Lily, but you gotta trust me, Daniel. I am going to make this as painless as possible.

Daniel: This is– this is more than just a case of last-minute jitters. Look, I have been over this in my head. I– I thought that getting Princess Louisa ˯ back was gonna bring me some kind of sense of relief and satisfaction, but she netted the game. It’s just, after everything that’s happened, it’s tainted to me now.

Heather: Please don’t say that. You made it for our daughter.

Daniel: I did. And it still represents all of the love I have for her and for our family, but it is also– it has become a pawn in this battle that I’m fighting with Lily because I hurt her. And she retaliated. I mean, that’s why we’re here now. And now, every time I think of the game, that’s what I’m gonna think of.

Heather: Daniel, I love you, but you can’t let this conflict color things like that.

Daniel: Listen, the game has served its purpose. It brought Lucy y ba to me. It brought you back to me. And that is more than I could’ve ever hoped for. But now it also represents the pain that I caused Lily.

Heather: I don’t know what you’re saying, so… what do you wanna do?

Daniel: Let it go. We move on from this. I mean, I can feed on the happiness that we found to create something new.

Lily: I wanna offer Daniel a compromise in addition to his severance package.

Devon: What kind of compromise?

Lily: I wanna let him keep Princess Louisa.

Nate: But we’re hours away from going to arbitration. And you heard our lawyer. She says it’s a slam dunk. We get to keep our IP and refute their wrongful termination claim.

Lily: Yeah, I know. I know.

Devon: So, why would we give them a deal?

Lily: Look, I– I told you I was having a change of heart, you know, and I wanted to consider a compromise.

Devon: No, I know, but like he just said, this is really last minute. And this whole thing has been about keeping a hold of the crown jewel of OmegaSphere, and now you just wanna let it go.

Nate: You heard Deidre. She firmly believes Daniel has no claim to it.

Lily: No, I know, and– and she’s right. The contract says that. But, look, I’ve had time to calm down, and I know that I was reacting emotionally when I fired Daniel and Heather. And I was just so focused on winning and so angry that I ignored what you both and Billy said when you were trying to talk me out of it.

Devon: Yeah, but I backed you up on it and–

Lily: No, I know, and I– I appreciate that. I do. But you were right, you know? I’m gonna be painted as vindictive in the press, and we just– We don’t need any more drama. You know, we have bigger battles to fight. Look, this is what I wanna do. I wanna put my energy where it’s needed most. So, do you both agree?

Claire: Last thing on my list. I got them gifts.

Victoria: Oh, you didn’t need to do that, Claire.

Claire: Well, they’re only little, and they might actually be too silly. Can I get your opinion?

Victoria: Yeah, of course.

Claire: So, for Johnny, I got him a red earbud case. He can never seem to find his when we’re gonna do a call, and I know he likes the color ’cause it’s all over his dorm.

Victoria: Yes, red is his absolute favorite color, and you’re right, he’s always losing those things. It’s like the perfect gift.

Claire: Great, and then I got a soccer ball charm for Katie’s bracelet. I noticed it in a photo. I hope she still wears it.

Victoria: Oh, she does, on special occasions, yeah. My mother bought that for her when she was born. It’s really thoughtful of you.

Claire: Great, then I will go wrap them.

Victoria: Okay. [ knock on door ] Coming.

Cole: Hey there.

Abby: Tucker told me I should check in on my mom, but I– I thought that he was just butting in. I thought he was trying to make it seem like he knew my mom better than me.

Billy: He did insert himself into the situation. One of the nights at the Abbott house, he showed up unannounced. I actually tried to kick him out.

Abby: And were you successful?

Billy: Well, eventually he left, but that was the first time that we heard from Tucker that your mom referred to herself in third person.

Abby: Oh. And you didn’t bother to do anything about it?

Billy: Abby, we tried. We tried hard, trust me, but she fought us on it. It’s a little tough to explain, but she had a counterargument for every concern that we had. We were overreacting and she was totally in control. And it didn’t help that the biggest concern was coming from Tucker on the heels of Ashley’s accusations about the way that he treated her in Paris, so don’t feel bad about blowing him off because we all did.

Abby: This whole time, we were blaming Tucker for what was going on with my mom, but in reality, he wasn’t at fault.

Billy: No, no, no. I wouldn’t go that far at all. That guy does not get a free pass. I mean, he played plenty of mind games with your mom. I mean, he left their marriage because she wouldn’t walk away from her family. As far as I’m concerned, your mother’s pain and suffering, most of that is because of Tucker.

Cole: Is this a bad time? Are the kids here yet?

Victoria: No, their plane hasn’t landed yet, so come in.

Cole: Oh, okay, all right. So, uh, hm, I figured Claire would be here to greet them.

Victoria: Yeah, she’s upstairs wrapping a couple of gifts for them. Between you and me, she seems pretty nervous.

Cole: And how about you?

Victoria: Well… when Claire said that she was worried about Johnny and Katie, thinking that she was interloping, I denied it, but between you and me, um… I don’t know. I’m not certain how this is all gonna go.

Cole: Hm. So, that’s a pretty huge change.

Victoria: Yes, it is. It’s– it’s a huge change, and kids can be so unpredictable at this age.

Cole: And maybe territorial?

Victoria: It might be a little threatening. You know, that Claire has been living here, helping to get our new home set up while the kids have been away at boarding school. Maybe I’ve been giving her more attention than I’ve been giving them.

Cole: Even if they feel that way, it’s not true. And they’re gonna realize that. You know, from everything that I’ve heard about them, Johnny and Katie were raised with unconditional love. And it’s that love that they carry with them every day. And they’re gonna be reminded of that the second they see their mom’s face.

Victoria: How do you do that? How do you just calm me down like that? And I don’t know what you do or what you say, but it works every single time.

Cole: I don’t even think about it. I just call it like I see it. Because I believe in you.

Abby: What really gets me is that when I think back on the past few months, there have been several times when I felt like my mom wasn’t acting like herself.

Billy: How so?

Abby: Well, she was distracted, dismissive of me. And then, she came in here with Alan and she was acting very flirtatious. I thought, “Well, hey, maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe she’s finally moved on, and she’s interested in someone other than Tucker.” But when I think about it, that was– It was very out of character.

Billy: I had a few run-ins with her myself where she seemed off. Look, we tried to do everything we could. We actually had a little mini intervention as well.

Abby: And you didn’t include me?

Billy: It was impromptu. It really was. It was the night that I kicked Tucker out of the house. And she agreed to go get some help, and the next day Traci brought her there, and then she ended up bolting. She said that this attention wasn’t necessary and that she was totally fine.

Abby: Well, if I were there, I wouldn’t have let her leave.

Billy: I’m really sorry, Abby. I personally apologize for how this was handled. But what’s done is done, okay? So, let’s focus on the good news. Your mom is doing better. She’s accepted her diagnosis. She’s in a safe place, surrounded by doctors that really know how to help her deal with this.

Abby: Yeah. My mom is tough. But what she’s going through is terrifying, not just for her, but for the people who love her. So, I need to make up for lost time and I’m gonna be there for her. I’m gonna fly to Paris. I’m gonna leave as soon as I can, just to be nearby for when she’s ready to see me.

Billy: I think she would love that.

Abby: Well, I’m not so sure about that. She told me not to worry that she’s got this, but I don’t know. I’m not giving her a choice. [ cell phone buzzes ]

Billy: Sorry. My notifications are set to let me know when Johnny and Katie’s flight is about to land.

Abby: Oh, yes. I’m sure you and my sister are very excited to have them home for the summer.

Billy: I can’t wait. I miss them like crazy and I just hope that this reunion is drama-free. I’m taking them to the Tack House and they’re gonna meet Claire for the first time.

Abby: Oh, wow, that’s a big family moment.

Billy: Yeah, it is.

Abby: You’re facing things on all fronts.

Billy: Yeah, you have no idea. Wish me luck, okay?

Abby: Yes.

Billy: Bye.

Devon: Well, listen, I mean, I can clearly see how much this means to you. I think we’re on the same page.

Nate: I agree. How you deal with Daniel should be your decision.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: I am surprised, though, that you’d wanna let those two off the hook like that.

Lily: No, this isn’t about Daniel and Heather. This is for the good of the company. It’s just time to move on.

Nate: Look, I don’t want to fight you on this, but I do wanna reiterate that OmegaSphere is strong. All of our games are performing well, especially Princess Louisa.

Lily: Yeah, which is why I think we can afford to do this. The developer we hired to replace Daniel has a ton of ideas for new games, so I don’t think that losing Princess Louisa˯ will be debilitating. And look, we already have enough conflict at Chancellor-Winters. We don’t need any more. I just wanna solve this battle once and for all so we can finally move on. ,li, stwe, llOk: ay I hear everything that you’re saying, but we just gotta make sure it’s what you really want. ‘Cause, you know, the second that we release the game to Daniel, we can’t get it back.

Lily: I know, and I’m sure.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Look, I mean, Princess Louisa˯ brought Daniel back into my life, and he broke my heart, and this is a painful reminder of that.

Devon: Okay, then we let it go.

Lily: Thank you. And I do believe that the platform we built is stronger than one game.

Nate: That’s true, and it’s still in the early stages, in the scheme of things. Um, we can grow it even more.

Lily: Yeah, and that’s all that matters, is keeping our asset and our company strong. [ cell phone buzzes ] It’s Daniel. He wants to meet one-on-one, says it’s important.

Devon: There’s no reason to meet him now, right? Especially not in person.

Lily: Well, no, I mean, I want this done, so if I can solve this with him directly, then great.

Nate: Well, why not let one of us come with you?

Lily: Uh, thank you, but, um, I’ve got this. Bye. I’ll see you later.

Devon: See ya. [ Nate sighs ]

Devon: Well, uh, that is not how I thought today was gonna go at all.

Nate: You and me both, but, um, it’s what she wants.

Devon: Does she seem off to you at all?

Nate: I know she’s been keyed up about the arbitration.

Devon: No, I think that there’s more to it than that.

Nate: Like what?

Devon: I think it’s Billy.

Nate: Billy’s been pretty quiet lately, in spite of Jill handing him the reins.

Devon: Well, that’s another reason why I’m suspicious, but… Billy went to Lily and tried to convince her that they should join forces and team up together and basically push me into a secondary role.

Nate: What? Are you telling me we have to worry about Lily turning against her own family?

Daniel: You came. I wasn’t sure if you would.

Lily: Well, I hope it wasn’t a mistake and that you didn’t call me here to fight.

Devon: No, I don’t think Lily would betray us at all, but I do think that this Billy situation is weighing on her.

Nate: Okay, um, so when did this go down, and what exactly did he propose?

Devon: So, apparently, before Jill handed him all of her power, he went to Lily and tried to convince her that they’re the right team to run things.

Nate: And how did she react?

Devon: Well, she said no. But then when she finally told me, we realized that we could maybe use it to our advantage.

Nate: Okay, how so?

Devon: By convincing Billy that they are a team and then make him think that it’s a good idea to actually split the companies up, so that way he can go and run Chancellor the way he wants, and then eventually Lily would ditch him and come and join us at our family’s company.

Nate: Okay, so where do things stand?

Devon: Everything’s stalled. It’s clear that this Daniel situation has been weighing on Lily, so maybe she thinks that we need to settle it before we move forward with that.

Claire: Is there any word? I saw that their flight landed.

Victoria: Are you tracking their flight?

Claire: Maybe.

Victoria: Billy’s probably at the airport right now.

Claire: Did I hear Dad?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah, he stopped by, but he didn’t wanna intrude on the reunion, so he said he’d hear about it later.

Claire: Maybe I shouldn’t give them these right now. Is it kind of weird? Like, “Hey, I’m the sister you didn’t know you had. Here’s a charm and some earbuds, so hey, we’re cool, right?”

Victoria: I think maybe you’re overthinking it a little, and I love you for it.

Claire: The wait is killing me.

Victoria: All right, well, let me check in with Billy and then maybe– [ knock on door ]

Billy: Knock, knock. Look who I found loitering around the baggage carousel.

Johnny: Because Katie packed like a million bags.

Katie: Oh, and you’re too cool to pack more than a backpack?

Victoria: Excuse me. Hugs, please. Come here. Hi. It’s so good to see you. Come here, you’re not too big for a hug, are you? Kids, um… I would like for you to meet your sister, Claire.

Claire: I’m really happy to meet you both.

Johnny: You’re tall. You look shorter on video.

Claire: Isn’t it funny how that happens? You’re taller than I thought you’d be, too. Or maybe you just grew a few inches since last time we spoke.

Billy: I’m pretty sure he grew an inch on the drive over here.

Johnny: So, what’s it like in a mental hospital, really?

Victoria: Johnny.

Billy: Johnny. Easy, you don’t have to break the ice that way.

Claire: It’s okay. I prepared for questions. You guys have a right to know. I really want us to get off on the right foot, and that means total honesty. So, what was it like in a mental hospital? Um… Well, the food stinks, and spending pretty much every hour of the day in one room, I– I don’t recommend it. But the doctors there were great, and they helped me deal with a lot of things that have happened in my life, including being taken from my parents as a baby.

Johnny: We know about that part. You were raised by your crazy aunt, so what was that like?

Victoria: Johnny, honestly…

Claire: You play video games.

Johnny: Yeah.

Claire: I guess you could say I was kind of like an agent of doom for her. Or that’s what she wanted me to be, like her accomplice. Helping her to seek vengeance for the wrongs that she thought had been done to her. Only I was just a kid, and I– I didn’t understand that. I thought plotting how to seek vengeance was a game that all kids played.

Johnny: It sounds fun.

Claire: And in the hospital, the doctors helped me understand my childhood wasn’t normal at all. And it’s not a kid’s job to figure that out.

Victoria: And that you were not responsible for your aunt’s actions.

Claire: Right. And I’m free of her now. And Mom has been great. And so have you two. I’m really looking forward to spending some time with normal people for once in my life.

Johnny: Well, I’m not sure we’re normal. Especially this one.

Claire: I don’t know. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth.

Victoria: Katie? Do you wanna say hello to Claire?

Katie: Can I go to my room and unpack?

Billy: Yeah, I can get your bags out of the car if you want.

Victoria: Go ahead. That’s fine. I think you’re really gonna love your room. Claire and I redecorated Aria’s nursery for you.

Katie: Great. A baby’s room. Still can’t believe we have to live here now. That our house burned to the ground with all our stuff. All because of Claire’s crazy aunt.

Daniel: Fighting is the last thing I wanna do. I swear.

Lily: Good. I was actually gonna call you when you texted me. There’s something important I wanted to discuss with you.

Daniel: Me first. Please.

Lily: Um, sure.

Daniel: I’m calling off the lawsuit. I don’t wanna take back Princess Louisa.

Lily: You what?

Daniel: There’s too many negative associations with it. Chancellor-Winters. You can keep it. You can have it free and clear.

Lily: Uh, um… I don’t know what to say.

Daniel: How about whatever you came here to tell me?

Lily: Well, I was gonna tell you the same thing. That I don’t wanna fight anymore and you can keep the game.

Daniel: I don’t understand.

Lily: Well, it’s the same reason for me. There’s just too many painful memories.

Daniel: Uh, well, I didn’t see this coming.

Lily: Yeah. Me either. Okay, um, I mean, where does this leave us? Because if you don’t want the game and I don’t want it, then what happens to Princess Louisa?

Abby: Hey. Do you have a minute?

Devon: Hey. I have all the minutes for you, pretty lady. How you doing? Heard anything from your mom?

Abby: No, no. Not since last night. I just– I can’t get over this.

Devon: I know, it’s a lot.

Abby: When I talked to her, she sounded like my mom. She was so calm and confident, assuring me that she was okay and not to worry.

Devon: Well, that’s a good thing, right?

Abby: Yeah, but what if it wasn’t her? What if I was talking to one of her alternate personalities? I went so long without seeing the signs. Maybe I don’t even know my mom anymore.

Devon: You can’t think like that, okay? You have to stay positive. You have to know that she’s getting the help that she needs and she’s being looked after.

Abby: Yeah. Well, my Uncle Jack and Aunt Traci are in Paris, and they told me not to come, that they have it covered, but I have to go. I have to be with her. I have to look her in the eye and see if she’s okay.

Devon: Okay. Well, then do it. Let’s go. Let’s go together.

Audra: Hey there.

Nate: Uh-huh. I should be mad at you for blowing off our dinner plans and disappearing to Paris.

Audra: Oh, don’t be. I can explain.

Nate: Mm-hmm. Well, you look awfully happy.

Audra: Ecstatic.

Nate: I gotta admit, I’m curious and a little scared to ask, do I wanna know what went down in the City of Lights? etty pleased with yourself.

Audra: That’s because I finally beat Tucker.

Nate: Really? So, the student has become the master.

Audra: Funny, that’s what he said. In his snide way. But I was never his inferior. I just let him think that until I was ready to make my move. Because the truth is, I am better than Tucker on his best day.

Nate: I never doubted it. So how did you triumph this time?

Audra: You’re looking at the new CEO of Glissade.

Nate: Wow. I– I knew you were up to something, but, um, that is quite the coup. How’d you pull it off?

Audra: Well, I convinced our board to vote to oust him, thanks to an anonymous investor who tripled their stake in the company.

Nate: That couldn’t have been cheap, Audra. So, who’s this, uh, who’s this investor with these deep pockets?

Audra: I am not at liberty to say. That’s what anonymous means. And it was a stipulation of the deal.

Nate: Sounds like trouble.

Audra: No, not at all. It was perfect. And I am ready to celebrate, if you care to join me.

Nate: Yes, I would love to.

Audra: There’s just one question.

Nate: What’s that?

Audra: Can you keep up?

Victoria: What happened to our house wasn’t Claire’s fault.

Claire: But it must feel that way. If it weren’t for my aunt, you’d be back in your old house right now, in your old room, with all your favorite things. I’m so sorry. You’ve lost so much. I understand how sad that must make you feel.

Katie: You don’t know me. How could you understand?

Billy: Honey, Katie, come here, please. Katie.

Claire: No. Let her go.

Victoria: I’m sorry. She shouldn’t have been so rude.

Johnny: If I’d done that, you’d ground me.

Victoria: Please, Johnny. You’re the older brother here.

Johnny: I thought she was the older sister.

Claire: Don’t push her. Just give her some time. I knew this wasn’t gonna be easy for any of us.

Lily: Okay, well, if neither of us wants the game, now what?

Daniel: It’s hard to imagine Princess Louisa ˯ being finished, taken off the platform.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, it’s been an anchor for OmegaSphere. And so much more. Maybe we keep the game? Leave it as is?

Daniel: You mean let it become a library game?

Lily: Yeah, an instant classic. And we market the nostalgia factor.

Daniel: So, no sequels?

Lily: No, and no changing the material.

Daniel: I like that idea.

Lily: And in exchange, Chancellor-Winters can open up a college tuition trust fund for Lucy.

Daniel: That is very generous.

Lily: Well, I mean, without her, there would be no Princess Louisa.

Daniel: Wouldn’t exist without you either.

Lily: Or you. So, do we have a deal?

Daniel: I think it sounds more than fair.

Lily: Look at that. A little communication, a little compromise. I’m really sorry. I know it’s my fault. I let my emotions get the best of me. I dug my heels in.

Daniel: I totally understand why. And I am so sorry for everything that happened.

Lily: Well, let’s end on a high note, okay? No more apologies. No more talking about it.

Daniel: Fair enough. I’ll let, um… I’ll let my lawyer know.

Lily: I will too.

Daniel: So, it’s done.

Lily: It’s done. Slightly happier ending than what we had before.

Daniel: You know, I wish you all the happiness and success in the world. You deserve it. And so much more.

Lily: Thank you. [ cell phone buzzes ]

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GH Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


How are you always here so early? Uh, Aunt Lois always said “early is on time.” “And on time is late.” I happen to disagree, though. You know we start at 10:00. Actually, 9:55. It’s 9:50. I’m here five minutes early. What time did you get here? 9:00? No comment. Oh, my God. You got her at 9:00? Gio, that’s an hour early. 55 minutes. It’s… [ Chuckles ] I don’t understand. What — What did you even do? Just walked around, just made sure that… there were no glasses from last night, and then I swept the deck just in case. You can’t risk someone cutting their feet on broken glass. Okay, well, I don’t know if you know this yet, but I am very competitive. Dex said something about that. I’m sure. So now I’ve got to figure out a way to be a better, more conscientious employee than you. Can’t we both be conscientious employees? Well, I don’t know! Not only are you folding towels, you’re serving people drinks, you’re sweeping the floor and coming in an hour early. Look, just please don’t dive in the pool and save someone unless I’m not here, alright? If you want to show up a lifeguard, anyone else, be my guest. Don’t worry. I’ll… leave the lifeguard to you. Avery: Josslyn! Hi, you! Oh! What are you doing here? I’m taking swim lessons. I’m doing the butterfly. Oh, my goodness. Well, that might take some time. You know, that’s the hardest stroke to learn. But do you know Gio? No. Alright, well, Gio, this is Avery Corinthos. Avery, this is Giovanni, but you can call him Gio. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Avery. Hi. Let’s get you to your swim lesson.

Uncle Sonny. Gio. It’s about time we saw each other again.

[ Knocking ] Come in. Hi. Oh, hi. How are you? Thank you for seeing us. I am so sorry that I didn’t make it to your wedding. Oh, you had something important to do. No, if I knew that was the last time I’d spend with Gregory, I wouldn’t have done it. He was better off having met you. I’m the one that was better off. I’m going to miss him. We all are. I want to show you… I want to show you… what he gave me that I get to keep with me all the time. Gregory did that? Yeah. For good luck. And, uh, I’m sure that he’s gonna send it to me whenever he can, right? In between charming the angels, of course. Okay, so the reason that you’re both here. How’d it go with my brother? Not well. Can you believe how high we jumped? It felt like we were flying! [ Chuckles ] It was pretty cool. What was pretty cool? I jumped. Well, Comet did the jumping. But I was riding him while he did it. You didn’t put out oxers for that boy, did you? Now, James, what — what did you jump over? A huge tree that fell down. [ Chuckles ] It was more like Comet took a longer-than-average step over a dead sapling, but — but his hooves totally left the ground, so it counts as a jump. Up top! I am impressed. I have not worked my way up to jumping yet, but I… I think you’ve inspired me. Could you see that Hades is saddled up, please? Yeah, already done. I’ll be back in a few. I just got to get him home. Aw, really? Do I have to? [ Chuckles ] Not a fan of home? There’s so many girls there. Come on, your family’s the best. Can you let Natalia know that the proofs are back from the photographer? I think that’s it. I’ll let you know if something else comes up. Okay, thanks. Okay. I need help. With what? Which bathing suit do you like better? They are both great. Mom, you didn’t even look. Ah, yes. I remember those bathing suits because I bought them for you. My answer is unchanged. They are both great. I knew you were going to say that. Then why did you even ask me? Come on. It’s not like I’m asking you to choose between me and James. Oh, neither. Bailey is my favorite. Mom! I’m kidding. [ Groaning ] Oh… [ Laughs ] We’re going to the pool just yet. Huh? The towel? Oh, no. Um… Bailey required an unscheduled bath, and I’ll… leave it at that. Um, but what time will we depart for the pool? As soon as James gets back. [ Knocking ] That should be them now. I’ll get it. Okay. [ Maxie and Spinelli speaking indistinctly ] Mom, look! [ Gasps ] Has anyone seen my wife? [ Laughter ] Mac!


e of the Parkinson’s, Mr. Gosek is now unable to work but too young to qualify for Medicare. His other option is to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance, but he’s having a hard time typing or holding a pen. Oh, I would be happy to help him with his application. There’s a five-month waiting period for benefits. I know. Mr. Gosek may need a loan from his union or bank, and I will get his financial information from his daughter. Thank you both for taking the lead on this. I appreciate it. Well, that’s what we’re here for. Team effort — always. Always. [ Laughter ] [ Cellphone ringing ] Oop. Oh. You need to answer that? Oh, no. No, it’s Maxie. I can call her back later. There’s no “I” in “team,” right? Finn is worse than I’ve ever seen him. He’s defiant, he’s angry, and he is denying that he has a problem… despite evidence to the contrary. That’s pretty textbook for addicts, right? Yeah. And you’d think since I’ve been down this road before that I would be able to navigate it, but, uh… unfortunately, there aren’t any magic words. He’s not gonna listen until he’s ready to listen. So he’s not there yet. No. Okay. Thanks for trying. I would try again if I thought that it would help.

As worried as we are about Finn, our immediate concern is with Violet. Has she noticed anything? Like a change in Finn? I don’t think so. But kids left in these situations, I mean, it’s damaging. Maybe not physically abusive, but certainly emotionally. And we want to protect Violet in every way. As a former attorney… Emphasize “former.” …I thought you might have some advice for us.

It’s a big deal, switching to PCU. Uh, yeah, I’m really liking it a lot. I — I met a lot of the people in the department, the students and professors, rehearsing for the Summer Festival. You don’t regret leaving the city? I have a few regrets. I — I love Fordham, and I will always, always be grateful to you for making it possible for me to go there. You don’t — You don’t have to thank me. You have a gift. I want you to pursue it. Right? You loved the city. So my concern is that you accepted the scholarship to PCU because you don’t want me to keep paying for tuition. Am I right? No, i-it’s a little bit more complicated. Okay. I’m listening. Um… …PCU has an excellent music department. It’s an honor that not only was I selected, but… they gave me a scholarship. And w-while I’m thankful to you for making it possible for me to go there — You want to pave your own way. I do. Okay, I get that, because I like to… I like to make my own money… I like to be independent. Oh, I’m — I’m not that independent. I’m still living at the Quartermaines’. Yeah, you should get hazard pay for that. [ Both chuckle ] Hey, Brook Lynn, it’s Natalia. Um, I was just calling ’cause I wanted to discuss the last recording session that Alison had with you — the one you were unable to attend. For obvious reasons. And, um, again, I’m so, so sorry about your father-in-law. I hope you got our sympathy flowers and card. Um…anyway, it’s a beautiful day. I’m here at the Metro Court pool, and I was just wondering, maybe you could join me if you had a chance. So, that’s it. I’ll — I’ll be waiting here. Thanks.

Hey. Hey! I was hoping I’d run into you. Yeah? Oh, good. You wanna join me? I would love to. No splashing. No, no, no, no. [ Chuckles ] My daughter’s taking swimming lessons. Oh, is that the one that I’ve heard so much about? The one that lives with you? The one and only. She’s adorable. She’s a water baby. Yeah. You know where her favorite place to swim is? Where? Puerto Rico. Yeah, it is. Yeah? ‘Cause it has the most beautiful beaches in the world. I mean, I might be a little bit biased, but… No, I think you’re right. Um… I’m not so right about everything, though. Or everyone. Are you talking about anybody in particular? Kristina. I underestimated your daughter.

You know, of all the days for Mom to ignore me… Well, she’s not ignoring you. She’s busy. I told her there was an exciting development. What? You’ve been known to deem a sale at Wyndham’s “an exciting development.” I think you rated it “an emergency” once. Mac, the entire store was 75% off. Well, now, who is this young lady? Because I know it’s not Bailey Lou. My goodness, she’s so big. I know, right? Eat her vegetables like a champ. And so what’s next? You getting your driver’s license? [ Laughs ] God, no. Please. Time already flies way too fast. Oh, my goodness. Well, hi there, Miss Bailey Lou. Do you remember your Grandpa Mac? Bailey doesn’t remember anything. Well, actually, Georgie, that is incorrect. See, studies have shown that toddlers can retain memories months, even years, after the event occurs. Spinelli! Gracious greetings and a most heartfelt welcome home. You seem awfully comfortable here. Are you a permanent fixture or a temporary one? Um… Yeah, my dad lives with us now. A lot has changed since you’ve been gone. Apparently. You know, I think we should hit the potty one more time before we go to the pool. Didn’t you just take her to the potty? Yeah, but remember all those prunes that we fed them this morning? No, I — I don’t remember that. Off you go, sweetheart. Okay. Off we go! Whoo-hoo! [ Knocking ] Oh, that has to be Mom. I’ll get it. Okay.

Oh. It’s you. Maxie: Oh.

Grandpa! Oh, buddy! Oh, my goodness! Oh! Oh!

I think you’ve grown a foot. Not that much. Pretty close, buddy. Hey, Cody. It’s good to see you. Yeah. You too, Mac. Not that I ever thought Kristina was anything other than a really lovely, intelligent young woman. But…the other day, Alison was in her recording session, and she was… was terrible. I thought we were gonna have to throw in the towel. And, um… in comes Kristina, and this light switch flipped. I mean, literally suddenly all was right in Alison’s world. And, um, I realized these girls really do love each other, don’t they? Yeah. So I take it Kristina being there made Blaze’s performance bet– I’m sorry. It’s Alison, right? Yeah, but, I mean, it’s funny. I don’t really care if other people call her by her stage name, I just personally can’t do it. Well, because you’re her mother. You didn’t name her that. Exactly. [ Both chuckle ] And, yes. So, Kristina’s presence made all the difference because suddenly Alison was able to emotionally connect to the song. It’s amazing how that works. Yeah. Yeah. Do you believe in muses? I think I do, when it comes to artists involved. Sounds like you’ve had some experience. With muses? No, with the music industry. I’ve dabbled. Yeah, I knew it. Well, I was a silent partner back in the ’90s, pretty — pretty big, uh, musically. Back when everything was fun in the ’90s. [ Both chuckle ] It was a good time. Yeah. Think we have those kind of good times ahead? Sure hope so.

I have been roped into two family law cases in my career, and it’s not for the faint of heart. Yeah, we’re getting that sense. It’s not what you would expect. How so? The best interest of the child should be the priority, right? Always. Well… the way the state defines the best interest of the child and the way a loving parent or an aunt and uncle define it, is — is hardly ever the same. And reporting a parent to Child Protective Services doesn’t guarantee a child’s protection either. If they take a child out of a home, they may end up in a group home or with strangers. What?! That’s the last thing we want for Violet. I’m just trying to arm you with as much information as I possibly can. You guys are in a tough predicament between your loyalty to Finn and trying to protect Violet. So, do you want my advice? Please. Call a social worker, a licensed clinical social worker, and hopefully they’ll be able to help you proceed forward. Then that’s what we’ll do. Thank you. I really wish I could be of more help. Oh, just talking it out helped. And thanks again for trying with my brother. He’s a good man. One of the best. He’s just lost. And he’s lucky that he has you. You’ll help him find his way back. I’m trying to. He’s going to know that at some point.

[ Exhales sharply ] Thank you, Alexis. You’re so welcome. Good luck, you guys.


I have a missed call from Blaze’s mom. That woman is demanding. Why don’t you just go deal with it? Now? Yeah. I’m still on bereavement leave, so I have the extra time. Okay, well, where will you start? GH. I know exactly who to talk to. Okay.

No offense, but I’m guessing Sasha’s better for business. [ Both chuckle ] You really have been gone a long time. Cody and Sasha are the former faces of Deception. Oh. Sorry. Oh, no. Don’t be. Uh…probably guess that gig wasn’t really up my alley. You and me both. So, what are you doing now? Oh, I — I still manage the Quartermaine stables. And you spend a lot of time with James. Oh, yeah? Cody’s teaching me how to ride horses. Today, I jumped over a tree. What? He what? He’s — He’s — He’s exaggerating. He better be. Yeah, no. That — That tree was really more like a big stick. But it was still an awesome feat. Wow! Very cool. Boom. Well, what about you? What are you up to, Mac? Uh, I was helping a friend. That’s all we’re gonna get? Unfortunately, yes. And you know how I hate keeping secrets. Yep. You despise it. Yeah. Me too. Something else we have in common. Well, I, um… I better get going. I’ll leave you guys to your family reunion. Um, I’ll see you soon, though, not-so-little man, huh? Definitely. Hey, maybe I can tag along sometime and watch you jump those trees. Yeah! As long as it’s okay with Cody. I’d like that. Great. Set it up.

Oh, what are you…? James, you are the reason we can’t have nice things. So what’s the next move? I think that. Okay. Okay. Alright. Very…

So, how are you really feeling about Kristina and Blaze these days? About their relationship? Yeah. Yeah. Um… I’m worried. Mm-hmm. And not because I think it’s wrong. I don’t. I just… The way I was brought up in that place with the beautiful beaches we were just talking about, not the most accepting. Mm-hmm. “Love is love” is not a motto you grew up. No, it — it was not, and, uh… Although, I’m evolving, so… I just have a hard time seeing that… that kind of love, um, ends in real happiness. [ Cellphone chimes ] Well, I guess Kristina and Blaze are gonna have to figure that one out. Yes, but that would mean I would have to relinquish control, you see. Not your favorite thing. Not my favorite thing to do. [ Chuckles ] Um, it looks like I just got a text. I’m going to have to, um… run off and approve the proofs from the last Deception photoshoot of Alison’s. Can you do me a favor? Can you hang onto this for me, please, and give it to Brook Lynn if she happens to come by while I’m gone? What is it? It’s the thumb drive from the last recording session I was telling you about of Alison’s. Yeah, yeah. I can do that. On one condition. Yes? You invite me to the release party. I’ll see what I can do. [ Chuckles ] Thank you. Thanks. Alright.

Joss, have you talked to your brother yet about moving into the garage apartment? No, but I think after work I’m going to go into his office and talk to him in person. Just because I know he’s going to say yes and I don’t want it to seem like I’m entitled, or — or that I’m taking it for granted, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know the feeling. It’s kind of like that with me and Uncle Sonny. Really? Well, yeah, he’s always paid for my music lessons, and he was paying for my tuition to go to Fordham. I bet if I asked him to pay for me to… I don’t know… go to Europe and visit all the great concert halls, he’d do it. But that’d be taking advantage. You’re worried about taking advantage of Sonny? Yeah. Yeah. It’s… Well, when — when you’re powerful and important like he is… people are always asking for things. And Uncle Sonny’s been really great to me, and I just… I’m not ever gonna take that for granted. Well, it’s — it’s very nice to hear how much you appreciate him. I-I’m sure it means a lot to Sonny. So Cody’s been hanging around a lot? Yeah. He has. I don’t know who enjoys it more — him or James. Georgie really likes spending time with him, too. That’s great. Yeah. It is. Don’t get me wrong, the kids love having Spinelli here. I mean, no one’s better to play video games with or make computer cookies. What are those? I actually have no idea. Um, but Cody has been great for James because he gets him outside and literally teaches him how to get back on the horse when things get tough. Cody’s good with him, huh? He is. He treats him like a little brother. Never talks down to him. All the kids that come through the Quartermaine revolving door are obsessed with him. I do not know how Cody has the patience. Oh, I do. The kids aren’t his. That is a really good point. No matter what, no matter how bad it gets, the kids go back to the parents at the end of the day. Even still, he’s a gift. So are you, you know. Oh. Best mom ever. I’m not sure my children would agree with that. But between wrangling all the horses and wrangling all the kids, Cody’s like a… real-life superhero around here. Kind of like someone else I know. [ Knocking ] Ah. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? Please be pleasant. As opposed to what? Don’t mention Heather Webber or that godawful gossip column. This has nothing to do with either of those things.

Welcome! I come bearing gifts. Or what I hope will be a source of clarity.

What’s that? It’s from the Court of Appeals. It came care of my office.

And? And… tampering with mail is a federal offense. So y-you don’t know what’s in there? Your future awaits, my friend.

I’m impressed. This is mostly done, and in record time. I made quick work of it. I can see that. I’m sure I can find whatever’s missing in the medical record. I just have to get the patient’s consent first. Already gotten. “Gotten.” That’s a word, right? Yeah. It is. Of course it is. Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Anyway, Mr. Gosek’s consent is on file. So it is. You really thought of everything. [ Cellphone ringing ] Oop. Maxie again? Yeah. How’d you know? You know, it’s fine if you want to pick up. Really. Oh, I know, and I will when I’m officially off duty. [ Horse whinnies in distance ] [ Sighs sharply ]

Finn, I keep calling you. You keep not calling me back. Would you please call me? I’m worried about you.

[ Sighs ] Cody. Oh. Ah. [ Chuckles ] I’m sorry, I didn’t — I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you okay? Um, I’ll take care of your gear right away. That wasn’t what I asked you.

What kind of mother doesn’t answer her daughter’s texts? The working kind. I assume Felicia is at the hospital. Yeah. She is. Patient Advocate. I’m so proud of her. Yeah. She’s doing great. She really goes the extra mile for her patients. It’s kind of spilling into other areas. Such as? Well, Mom advocates for everyone these days, including me, even when I don’t ask for it. I need you to fess up. Were you in on Mom’s plan to get Spinelli to move in with me and the kids? If there was a plan, I had no part in it. Okay, well, Mom’s heart was in the right place. Seems like your mom was just right in general. Yeah. She was. And don’t you dare tell her I said that. Your secret is safe with me. So, things are good with Spinelli? Yeah. You know, we’re taking things slowly. And I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Music to my ears. [ Chuckles softly ] I missed you so much. You have no idea. Oh, it’s so good to be home.

Hey. You enjoying the outdoors? Yeah, uh, Avery’s in swim class. Oh, that’s cute. You haven’t seen your wedding date around here, have you? Uh, are you ever gonna call her by her name? Not with you. “Wedding date” for life. Natalia just left. What? She summons me here, and then she takes off? Okay, relax. She — She left something with me to give to you. Thank you. [ Sighs ] You okay? What’s going on? It’s Chase’s niece, Violet. Is she hurt? Sick? What’s going on? No, no, no, no. She’s — She’s fine for now. Um… If I tell you something, you promise to keep it between us? Yeah. Of course. Come on. Sit down.

Ever since Gregory died, Finn has been drinking. A lot. Well, he’s in recovery, right? Or was in recovery? Yeah. For years. Okay. Which is why we haven’t faced this before. But we tried talking to Finn, and he furiously maintains that it is none of our business. Well, that’s where Finn would be wrong. Chase: Ms. Henry? Oh, please. Call me Stella. Your nephew said I might find you here. He ratted me out, huh? I promise to keep it brief. Oh, please. Please sit down. Take all the time you need. What can I help you with? You’re a social worker. I am. And you’re a police officer. I have a situation I’m in. Normally, I would hand it off to someone else for them to resolve, but… this is personal and I don’t feel comfortable doing that. Hand it off. This has something to do with your father? I’m so sorry to hear about his passing, and I should have said that right off the bat. Thank you. And no, but…yes. Well, that clears things up. It doesn’t directly have to do with my dad, but his death may have been the catalyst. Okay. There’s a child living with a parent that is in the throes of SUD. Substance Use Disorder. Long term or recent? Both. I mean, the parent has been clean for years but just recently fell off the wagon in a big way and the environment is no longer safe for anyone, let alone a little girl. What are you doing? Being smart. By ignoring the inevitable? My good friend just died. I’ve let down both his sons, and two of my daughters are courting disaster. Oh, for heaven’s sakes. Well, okay, so it’s not a good day to buy a lottery ticket. Right. Or open up a registered letter. Oh, that’s ridiculous. What’s in here is not going to change no matter when you decide to open it. Okay, fine. So it won’t matter if I wait. Well… Aren’t you tired of being in limbo? ‘Cause I know I am. I’m sorry that my treading water has been such an inconvenience to you. For heaven’s sake. If you don’t open it, I will.

Okay, fine. Do it. Really? No, wait.

Go ahead.

[ Exhales sharply ] The story of where I come from is a winding road at best. As in geographically? As in who my father is. Oh. Yeah. When I was little, I thought it was Mr. Bell. Not my dad. Then I just assumed it was the rich guy that Mr. Bell worked for. Also not my dad. Cut to me moving to Port Charles, learning a few tidbits, taking a DNA test, and… well, the good news is I finally know who my father is. And the bad news? He doesn’t. He doesn’t know you’re his son? He doesn’t know he has a son. Oh. Why haven’t you told him? Is he a bad guy? [ Scoffs ] Just the opposite. He’s a really stand-up guy. I like him a lot. I’m confused. Mm. Join the club. Yeah. I’ve had multiple chances to tell him, but instead I lied. I’m not sure I can walk it back. Cody, this is your story. You get to walk it in any direction you want. Yeah, but what if I come clean and he’s furious I lied to him? [ Chuckles ] What if you come clean and he’s thrilled you’re his son?

Oh, Bailey’s looking a little, uh… Exhausted? She was up earlier than usual today. Maybe it’s nap time? [ Gasps ] If no one objects, I’d like to put her down. No objections here. Or here. Oh! Come on, you little beautiful little girl. Just watch out for the million toys you sent while you were gone. They’re kind of scattered all over the floor. Well, uh, what’s a grandfather’s purpose if not to spoil his grandchildren? Right? She says. “Right.” [ Laughter ] Grandpa looks really cool with this buzz. I agree, although I thought he would be more tan. Wasn’t he in South America? Yeah, but it’s — it’s winter there now. Oh, is it winter in Florida too? [ Chuckles ] Does James’s school teach geography? He takes after me. [ Door opens ] Okay. I’m here. Now, what’s this “exciting development”?

a warm, happy home to living with a stranger… Finn’s not a stranger. Well, he is when he’s drunk, and it has to be stopped. We are trying. I understand. I understand. Kids are innocent. They think that that suffering and — and all that pain is gonna last forever. So, I mean — And even if they get through it… it changes them. I don’t want that for Violet. I know you don’t. And with people like you in her corner, she will never have to go through… what I went through.

Because you will not let it happen.

I assume you know who I’m talking about, so I’d prefer not to go into specifics. Understood. May I ask you a few questions, and you can tell me as little or as much as you’re comfortable with? Has the child been neglected? No. Threatened or abused in any way? I don’t think so. Please don’t tell me I have to wait till that happens. Well, there are agencies you can report your concerns to, but as a cop, you know the drill. This isn’t gonna be easy. A judge isn’t likely to break up a family over a couple of benders. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep this child safe. Document everything. Get the child on record. Get statements from everyone who has seen the parent either under the influence or acting irresponsibly. Are you telling me to build a case against my brother? I am advising you… to build a case for your niece.

Just tell me, what does it say? Well… there’s some good news… and some bad news. Which do you want first? The bad. No. Uh, the good. Just do the good first. Okay. The court has vacated your disbarment as “improperly applied.” [ Gasps ]

A-Are you sure? [ Laughs ] Would I joke about something like this? Even I’m not that cruel!

[ Voice breaking ] I won? I get to practice law again? Well…this, um… this leads me to the bad news. There is a two year suspension of your legal license.

Okay. Alright. Well, you know… waited this long. I can put up with this hell hole for another couple of years, right? Yeah. Except you don’t have to. Why not? Because your two-year suspension started four years ago. [ Laughing ] You’ve already served it! That is a risky lie, okay?! I know! I’m an awful person! I’m awful. [ Laughs ] It’s over? It’s over. It’s over! It’s over. Of course, you need 48 hours of continuing legal education, and then you can reapply with the bar. But after that, you’re back, baby! I couldn’t have done this without you. Of course not.I know. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over! Both: It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! Aah! [ Laughs ] I love you! Aah! Sorry, it all must sound crazy or stupid. Or both. Want to know what I think? I’d take Comet’s advice at this point. [ Chuckles ] Good to know. So I think… you’re lucky. Come again? You have a clean slate with this person, an opportunity for a fresh start. Yeah, but I — I lied to him. I’m still lying to him. One admission and you put an end to it. Cody, the rest of your life can begin at any time, and you get to decide when that is.

I was able to fulfill my duties at the hospital despite the steady stream of interruptions. My bad. But now I’m confused as to the urgency of the interruptions. The kids look fine. The house isn’t on fire. Guess what? No, no. Uh, the house isn’t on fire, but it is a heck of a lot warmer in here today than it was yesterday. Oh, so, is the AC not working? The AC is working just fine. Mac! Mm! Oh. You told me that you were gonna come home, but you didn’t tell me it was gonna be today. I’m sorry I was away for so long. Too long! It won’t happen again. Ew. Aww! Now do you understand why I was blowing up your phone? You’re my “exciting development,” huh? Do I live up to my name? Aww, and then some. We should get ice cream to celebrate. And you can have all the toppings you want. I don’t think so. I don’t think so. We’ll have two toppings. [ Whispering ] All the toppings you want. Yay! [ Laughs ] Welcome home, my love. It’s good to be here.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Wow. This place looks great.

Festive, huh?

[laughs] And you– I mean, you just look so beautiful, as–as always.

[laughs] Happy Anniversary, Abraham. And Happy Juneteenth. [laughs] Oh. Oh. And those are two of the good reasons why we are throwing this party today. But how am I gonna say goodbye to my baby girl?

You know, you raised your baby girl to be a strong woman, and now she’s going to have a happy change. She’s moving with her husband to– to have this great new adventure.

Yeah. Mm. [knocking on door] With a baby of her own on the way.

I think that’s your– I think that’s your daughter and her husband. [both laugh]

Oh, come in. Come in. It’s open. Ah–


[chuckles] [light ambient music]





Is this your attempt to compensate for the years we missed growing up together?

Not sure what you mean.

You’ve been following me from room to room like an annoying child desperate for someone’s attention.

Oh, I think you’re projecting, brother, because the only one who should be desperate around here is you.


Make it a double. So you want to tell me how it went? You getting down on your hands and knees and begging Paulina Price for your job back.

[laughs] I don’t beg. I simply made the case to Mayor Price that it would be in our best interest to reinstate me as Salem’s district attorney.


It’ll happen.

Well, you better hope it’ll happen and soon, ’cause if it doesn’t, I’m gonna show everybody these DNA results that say little Jude’s daddy is Eric Brady. And we both know that when that happens, Nicole’s gonna dump your sorry ass, and the three of them are gonna live as one big happy family.

What’s going on here? [intriguing music]

This is it.

Well, what do you suppose Clyde put in that safety deposit box?

I don’t know. Could be nothing. Could be proof that Abby’s really alive.

Well, we’re about to find out.

[clears throat]

[clears throat]

Good afternoon. I’m Theodore J. Mooney, vice president of this bank.

How do you do, Mr. Mooney? I’m Julie Williams.

Chad DiMera.

Pleasure to meet you both.

Yeah, I appreciate you coming in on a holiday.

Yes, we’re just going to see what’s in the box, and then we’ll be out of your hair.

Of course. Our bank is always happy to help the DiMera family.

Now I’ll just need you to provide the combination so we can open the box.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

The combination?


Yeah, I’m afraid we don’t have that.

I’m sorry, I was under the impression this was your safe deposit box.

No, it’s not. It’s a– we were given permission by the owner to access the contents.

And who would that be?

Clyde Weston.

I’m afraid that is not the name of the owner of this box.

Well, it’s the name of the man that told us about the box.

Uh, well, that may be, but this box is registered to a Rebecca Goldman.

Who in the sam hill is Rebecca Goldman?

Clyde’s girlfriend, the dirty cop. Uh, she’s in custody right now.

Miss Goldman’s location is irrelevant, I’m afraid. I can’t open this box if you don’t have the code. [mysterious music]

Nothing’s going on– nothing out of the ordinary, anyway. Your uncle and I were just discussing DiMera business.

You mean like the fact that, uh, Aunt Kristen is the new CEO?

Among other things. I was actually just ribbing your father about some additional developments, but, uh, he wasn’t in the mood to joke about the possibility of losing something that doesn’t really belong to him, which doesn’t have to happen, by the way.

What does that even mean?

You know, I think I’m gonna go say hi to little Jude, get in as much hang time with him as I can while I still have the chance. Toodle-oo.

That was weird.

Actually I’m getting used to it, your uncle rambling on somewhat incoherently, that is. I think it might be time for another factory reset. [chuckles]

Well, either way, I’m sorry that he was teasing you about losing the CEO position to Kristen. I know how much that job meant to you.

I’ll survive. And how are you doing? Chanel mentioned that she had a doctor’s appointment yesterday.

Yeah, yeah, we did. Um, it was great. We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat.

[laughs] How exciting.


A new life beginning.

Yeah, yeah. It, uh–it honestly brought us both to tears.

[chuckles] Understandable. Oh, Nicole wanted me to remind you and Chanel that she has stacked an entire shelf in the library of pregnancy books that you are more than welcome to borrow.

Well, uh, thank her for us, but I don’t know if we’re gonna get a chance to read all of them– at least not here.

What are you talking about?

Dad, I, uh– I’ve got some news.

Oh, I cannot believe you are all here! [laughter]

We had no idea you guys were coming.

Yeah, well, see, that’s the whole point. We had to surprise you guys for your anniversary and for Juneteenth.

Oh, bless your–bless your sweet little hearts. Oh. [both laugh]

So what’s that all about?

Uh, I’ll tell you about that later.



Oh, my little angels. [laughs]

So what’d you do with Alana? Did you leave her back in D.C. all alone?

Of course not. She’ll be here soon. She just wanted to stop by the bakery to check out our sister.

Lani, it is so good to see you.

Ah, sister, I have missed you so much.

Oh, I have missed you more. Uh, where’s Eli? Where’s the twins?

They’re here. They’re here. Eli just–he took Jules and Carver over to Mom and Dad’s to surprise them for their anniversary.

Oh, well, I’m sure that that is just lifting their spirits. It has been such a strange time.

I know. And, sis, I saw you were in tears before, why?

Oh, well, because I have decided to close the bakery.

What? I mean, it can’t be because business is bad, right? I mean, every time I talk to someone from here they’re complaining about how long your lines are, that you’re always running out of their favorites.

No, no, no. Business is good, really good. It’s just, uh–well, Johnny and I are leaving Salem.

Lani went all the way to the bakery to talk to her sister? Why wouldn’t she look for her sister here first?

Well, she just figured that she’d be working during this time of the day. And…


She knows that there is some friction between you two.

Oh, well, well, I guess I should be glad that those two talk, even if it is about me and behind my back.

Lani and I both know that you did what you had to do to protect your daughter. Okay? If anything was to happen to Jules or Carver, there is nothing that Lani wouldn’t do.

Oh, so Lani understands? Oh, I’m glad. Oh. And now Chanel does too. I mean, she and I, we patched things up.

Well, I’m glad to hear that.

Mm-hmm. That is good news, yes. The bad news is that I’m still losing my baby.

You and Johnny are leaving town? Why?

Well, Johnny received an offer that he couldn’t refuse, or let’s just say an offer that I made him realize that he couldn’t refuse. He is going to be first AD on a film with his favorite director.


[laughs] Yeah.

Chanel, that is great.

I know. I know, but the thing is that the film shoots in LA. And so we have to leave, like, pretty much immediately.

Mm. Well, then I am especially glad that Eli and I decided to come up today.

Why? ‘Cause if you would have come tomorrow, you would have had to help us pack?

No, so we could see you before you go. [both laugh]

Well, I mean, you can always come and visit us in LA.

Yeah, well, I’m sure you guys are gonna have a lot going on, and it is easier for us to get our whole tribe here to Salem than it is to go across the country.

Mm-hmm. All right.


Well, I’m really happy that you’re here now ’cause I needed the support.

And you’ve got it. And, sis, I know that this is a good thing, but it can also be a very stressful time. And that stress is not good for your little one. How’s that going?

Oh, it’s going, uh, pretty well. Thank you.

Any updates?

Well, um, we just heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time and it was like a steady beating drum.

Aww. That’s great. Oh, that makes me so happy to hear.

And then, as far as the possible exposure to the radiation, um, we– we still–we won’t know for a little while.

And you and Mama?

I forgave her. You know, it’s hard to stay mad at somebody who’s always coming at you with just love.

And she has so much of it.

Uh-huh. [chuckles] And also, I just– I couldn’t leave town with things not being good between us.

Yeah. Still, it is–it is going to be really hard for Mama to let you go.

Yeah, I’m sure. And she’s not the only one it’s gonna be hard for. I mean, I’m sure that Johnny’s father is going to hate the idea of us leaving Salem.

You’re moving to Los Angeles?

[laughs] Yeah. And, uh, I’m gonna be working with Peyton Russo, who’s, like, one of my all-time favorite directors, so.

You say that as if I should know this man’s name, or is Peyton a woman’s name?

Uh, no, this Peyton is a he. Um, he’s directed a few amazing independent films before moving into the mainstream stuff and he’s about to direct his second superhero movie.

Oh, well, if I wanted to see men in tights, I’d go to the ballet, not the cinema.



Uh, look, Dad, I know you never really approved of my dream of becoming a filmmaker, so I’m not expecting your blessing here.

Yet you shall have it. We both know that there was a time where I felt your place was at DiMera, that it was my wish that you would follow in my footsteps at the company. But you made it clear that that wasn’t your path.

Well, after the way you’ve been treated, can you really blame me?

[laughs] My point is, I’ve come to admire your conviction. You looked me in the eyes, and you told me that you wanted to be your own man. You rejected my ambitions for you and followed your own dreams, and I respect that.

Whoa. [chuckles] I did not see that one coming.

I just want you to be happy, Johnny. You’re my son, my eldest son now, and you will find, as a parent, that it goes by much quicker than you ever would imagine.

Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure it does.

And, Johnny, the time that you spend with the people that you love, it is very precious, so you make sure that every second with them counts. Or be prepared to live with regret.

Mr. Mooney, we have come all the way from Salem. And since you are the vice president of this institution, I’m sure you can find a way to open the safety deposit box for Mr. DiMera, even if we don’t have the combination.

As much as I would like to accommodate your request, Ms. Williams, this is a rule I cannot make exception to. And the point is moot, actually, since I don’t have the code or access to it. That would have to come from the box’s owner.

It’s fine. Uh, could you give us a minute please?

Of course. [enigmatic music]

What are we gonna do? We don’t have the combination.

Yeah, well, we’re gonna have to get it.

Well, you said that woman, that Goldman woman, she’s in jail.

She is. [phone beeps] I’m gonna call Rafe. [line trilling] Rafe, it’s Chad DiMera. I need your help.

Stefan, I’m glad I ran into you.

Why is that?

There’s something I need to talk to you about. I understand that you and Rafe were hoping that Clyde would, you know, clear Gabi’s name by confirming that Gil Carter is the one that actually killed Li Shin.

Yeah, that was the hope, but, uh, ultimately, Clyde refused to help.

Well, he didn’t refuse from what I understand. He just wanted something in return, like his charges reduced.

So Rafe’s filled you in.

Yeah, he has. And, uh, I may have a way to get Clyde Weston to tell us what he knows.


But I need your help to do it.

What kind of help?

Well, I mean, you’re really good at negotiating and making deals, so I thought maybe–

[laughs] Okay, I’m flattered that you think so, but I’m not entirely sure what kind of deal you think I could be making with Clyde Weston. I’m neither a cop nor a judge.

That’s not what I had in mind.

Then what?

We shut down his drug operation. And you, you tell him that you want to help him get started up again.


Rafe, thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.

Is that it? That’s it?

That’s it. Uh, Rafe talked to his former detective and convinced her to cooperate.

Oh, wonderful, wonderful. Ah. Mr. Mooney, you’re back.

I am, and I’m afraid, if you don’t have the code, I’m going to have to return this box to our vault.

Here it is.

Oh, well, I’ll give you some privacy then.

Thank you so much. [clears throat]


[laughs] Do it. [keypad beeping] [mysterious music]

Look, I don’t think this is a good idea.

Why not?

[laughs] I think a more appropriate question is, why is a cop asking me to engage in illegal activity with a murderer?

Well, I thought it was obvious– so you can get that murderer on your side and he can release your wife.

On my side. You–you really think Clyde trusts me?

He will if you persuade him that you really need the money. I mean, you know the business. You were already helping him move drugs through the Bistro.

Not by choice. And the cops already busted that operation. You really think Clyde is that stupid to run the same play again?

He’s not stupid, but he is greedy and he especially will be now.

Still, isn’t he being transferred back to Statesville?

Soon, but if he wants to keep things working on the outside, he’s gonna need someone who’s already up to speed.

Ah, and what does Rafe think about all this?

Well, Rafe doesn’t know yet, but I don’t see why he would have any problems with it.

Mm, well, maybe he doesn’t, but I do. Look, I want my wife out of prison more than anything, especially now that I’ve found out that she’s been transferred to solitary confinement for getting into a fight with another inmate. But I also want her alive. And even with both of them in a supermax, Clyde still found a way to hurt Gabi. So if I turn on him again, there’s no telling what he may do. I’m not willing to take that risk.

Even if that means that this is your only chance to get Gabi released?

Yeah, except, uh, maybe it’s not.

What? What do you mean? What else do you have in mind? [suspenseful music]

Chanel and Johnny are leaving Salem?

Moving to LA, , miles away. Damn. Why couldn’t this director shoot his movie in Chicago, right?

[laughs] Well, Chicago’s not exactly Hollywood.

Good enough for Oprah.

Let me guess. Someone thinks Johnny’s film should be shot in Chicago?

Oh! Lani. Oh, my darling girl! Oh!

Hi, Mama. I missed you so much.


And you too, Dad.

[laughs] Oh, sweetheart!

Eli, I’ve missed you, guys.

Same here, same here.

And where are my adorable little niece and nephew?

They’re taking a nap in the back, but when they wake up, they’re gonna be excited to see you.

Happy Anniversary, you two.

Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming.

Of course.

Yes. Yes, thank you. Oh, oh. And I just–oh. [laughs] I’m just so glad to see you. I’m thrilled to see you and Eli and the twins. [laughs] Oh, I have missed you all so much.

Oh, Mama, we missed you too. And you had us worried. I hear that you’re getting some trouble from some “concerned citizens.”

Ugh, the Concerned Citizens of Salem, CCS. They brought a petition to the city council to have me recalled as mayor.

Well, look, let’s not dwell on politics. Today is about family.

Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm. [knocking on door]

Oh, and speaking of family, that has got to be my husband.

Hey! Happy Anniversary. And Happy Juneteenth.

Well, thank you. Thank you, Johnny.

You got it, yeah. And, dude, Lani, Eli, Chanel texted me and said you guys were here. I’m so happy to see you.

So good to see you, and congratulations on the job and the little baby.

Thank you. Thank you very much. And where are the little ones?

Oh, they’re taking a nap.

Now, Johnny DiMera, some present that you’re giving me, moving my daughter and unborn grandchild halfway around the world.

You know that California is not that far away.

He’s right, and we’re gonna have one hell of a guest room.

You damn well better.

Look, thank you guys for– for throwing this party for us, seriously. It means a lot.

Well, how can I not give my baby and her hubby and my grandbaby a big send-off? Like Abe said, this is–this is a day to celebrate family, and I am very grateful to have mine all under one roof, even if it is just for today.

Well, I am– [clears throat] I’m actually glad to hear you say that because I’m hoping you won’t mind that I actually asked someone from my family to join us.

Oh, who would that be?

Well, I was talking to my dad earlier, uh, telling him about Chanel’s and my move to LA. And then I told him that I was coming here, to this party, and he asked if he could come.

Ah. Uh, and you couldn’t tell him no? Understand.

He’s parking the car now.

Actually, I’m here. Is there any room at your table for me, Madame Mayor? [gentle music]

Look, if I had a plan to get Gabi out of prison, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you about yours, now would I?

But you just said that–

The point is, I’m not willing to do what you’re asking, Detective. I have no interest getting involved with Clyde Weston again.

Okay, I don’t understand. You and I both know that Trask is holding Gil’s black book hostage, and without that to clear Gabi’s name, we need something from Clyde.

Okay. I get that. I do. But I am not willing to get involved with Weston again.

All right. Listen, Stefan, I know how much you miss your wife and how desperate you are to get her out of prison, which makes me think that you do have something planned and you just don’t want to tell me about it.


Look at our kids. They make such a great team, don’t they?

Yes, yes, they do.

Mm. And bless your daughter’s loyal heart. She’s giving up a lot to help my son chase his dreams.

Mm, I’m glad you appreciate that.

And Johnny does too. And I think it’s so lovely that we can put aside our differences and all come together as a family to help send them off.

By ourdifferences, you mean my pending recall?

That is what I mean, yes. Oh, and to give you an update, those concerned citizens are getting rather restless.

It’s funny how those concerned citizens only became concerned after you lost your job.

Mm, and tell me, EJ, would they be just as concerned about a disgraced DA reclaiming his office?

Oh, I was hardly disgraced. You fired me because of a conflict of interest, which no longer exists, by the way, because I’m no longer in charge of my family business.

Oh, no? Well, why is that?

Those idiots on the board put my sister Kristen in charge of the company. Ergo, you now have a perfectly legitimate reason to reinstate me into my former position.

Perfectly legitimate, otherwise known as blackmail.

Mm, oh, I’d like to think of it as quid pro quo.

I would like to tell you where you can stick your quid.

And your quo.

Is everything okay?

Okay. Let’s see what it is. [enigmatic music]

It’s just an empty room.


Could that be Abigail?

Is it?

I don’t know. [mysterious music]

I can’t see her face.

Yeah, I know. Neither can I.

Play it again.

Some other way of getting Gabi out– [chuckles] And what would that be? Because like you just said, without that black book that Melinda Trask is holding, there’s no way of getting Gabi out of prison.

There’s no legal way.


But come on. You’re a DiMera. You’re not gonna let a little thing like the law stop you. You’re gonna bust her out of prison, aren’t you?

I would be lying if I said that that thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but I decided against it.

Well, I’m glad to hear it.


But you have something planned.


I am sure of it.

Even if I was planning something, don’t you think the less you know, the better?

Maybe. So you don’t want any help from the cops?

[snickers] The cops? You know, the last time I got help from the cops, my wife ended up in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. So thanks, but no thanks. [tense music]

Oh. Abe and Paulina were just giving me a hard time about Johnny taking Chanel to California, but the way I see it, my son is chasing his dreams. Chanel supports that, and so do I. And to lessen the sting a little bit, I want you all to know that the DiMera jet will be at your disposal to fly to Los Angeles whenever you wish.

That’s very generous of you.

I know. We’re family now.

All right. Uh, well, Paulina, look, I didn’t mean to intrude, I just wanted to say goodbye.

What? You and Lani just got here.

No. Lani, she’s gonna stay. I’m gonna take the twins to go see Julie. Y’all know what would happen if we didn’t stop by.

Ah, yes, I do.

All right. I’m gonna go get them now.


And soon we’ll be sharing a grandchild. So in the interest of, shall we say, family harmony, I think it’s best that we dispense with this ugly business, don’t you? Well, are you going to call Melinda Trask and give her her walking papers so I can tear up this recall petition? Or am I going to have to use what we DiMeras call tough love to get my way?

Eli! Eli. It’s so wonderful to see ya.

Same here. I missed you so much.

Oh, honey. I missed you too and Lani and the twins–


And uh– I see we’re studying the family picture gallery.

Yeah, I’m shocked they’re all still there. You didn’t lose a single one in the fire, huh?

We lost every single one. Amazingly, Jack scanned them all once upon a time somewhere, and we have digital copies of everything.

Oh, thank God for that.

Yeah. Honey bun, what are you doing here?

Well, we came to Salem to celebrate Juneteenth.

Of course.

And of course to celebrate–

Abe and Paulina’s wedding anniversary.


You brought my great-grandbabies, I hope.

Of course I did. They’re, uh, in the kitchen with Doug, and he is showing ’em where you hide the chocolate chip cookies.

We do not hide chocolate chip cookies in this house. They’re open for everyone to have right beside Grandma Alice’s donuts.

Great. Well, there goes their appetite for dinner.


So I heard you were in Chicago.

Yeah. Uh, Doug must have told you.

He did.

Mm-hmm. Well, I had some… some serious issues to deal with.

Well, I hope you dealt with it successfully?

Honestly, I have no idea. [intriguing music] [siren wails]

Hey, Chad, what can I do for you?

I need to see Clyde, uh, right now.

Well, you just missed him. Prison transport just picked him up about minutes ago.

Okay, when’s he gonna be there?

I’m not sure, but it’s a supermax prison, and he’s not allowed any visitors. Sorry.

[approaching footsteps]

Ah. Just in time. I think I’m gonna call Nicole tell her the truth about little Jude– you know, that Eric Brady is her baby daddy. Shall I, uh, put it on speaker?

That won’t be necessary. [phone beeps] Oh. That’s probably the news you’ve been waiting for. I’ve been reinstated as Salem’s district attorney.

Oh-ho-ho! Congratulations. And I assume your first order of business will be–

Will be to reopen Gabriella’s case so that justice may be done.

I’m very sorry, Miss Trask, but, you know, you serve at the pleasure of the mayor, which happens to be yours truly.

Mama, we’re about to blow out the candles.

I know I talked you into the position, but I’m afraid there is just no way you’re gonna talk me into taking it back. Now, my decision is final. Uh–you know, I’m sure we can find another place for you down at city hall. I have a spot to head up the sanitation. So, um, how does that sound? Hell–hello? Melinda? Ugh. Oh! [laughs] Oh, I’m here, I’m here.



Mm. Uh-oh.

Okay. Oh. Happy Anniversary! Happy Juneteenth! Bon voyage. [laughs] Uh, don’t you think that’s enough candles? I mean, you’re gonna set off the alarm. I’ll have to deal with the fire marshal.

No more city visits today, all right?


It was my last chance to bake for you guys, so I got a little carried away.

Oh, well, I could have just ordered another cake or three.

You think it would have been as good as mine?


No way.

Not a chance, uh-uh.

Okay, I’ll make it unanimous, but, you know, Juneteenth cake with a candle, that’s a bit untraditional.

Well, then, let’s make it a new tradition.

Well, you know, I agree with my wife. I think that we should do something else to honor this day.


I think I know of a– of a poem…



That will be perfect for this occasion.

“We Rose.”

All right. That’s it, yes, yes. So who would like to read it?

Well, no, no. I think it’s all on you, Abraham. It’s all you. [soft music]

[chuckles] “We Rose” by Kristina Kay. “From Africa’s heart, we rose, “Already a people, “Our faces ebony, our bodies lean, “We rose, “Skills of art, life, beauty, and family, “Crushed by forces we knew nothing of, “We rose, “Survive we must, “We did, “We rose, “We rose to be you, we rose to be me, “And above everything expected, we rose, “To become the knowledge we never knew, “We rose, “Dream, we did, Act, we must.”

Hmm. Well, uh–okay.


All right.

Not bad. [laughter]

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ dramatic music ]

Steffy: I am not running Forrester Creations with Brooke. Absolutely not.

Ridge: Steffy, please. Just take a moment. Just trust me with this. You’re a born leader. I’m proud of everything that we’ve done together, but you can’t do this alone. And everything you bring to the table, everything Brooke brings to the table, is exactly what Forrester Creations needs right now.

Steffy: Making me work with Brooke would be a disaster for this company. I refuse to let that happen.

Bill: Here’s your coffee. Black with a touch of cream.

Katie: Oh, you remembered.

Bill: How could I forget? Thanks for coming back over, Katie. I’m sure you know what I want to talk to you about.

Katie: Yes, I think I do. You and Poppy and your long-lost daughter, Luna.

Poppy: Do you have a minute?

Li: I’m very busy, Penelope.

Poppy: Please.

Li: What can I do for you?

Poppy: I wanna talk to you about the paternity test.

Poppy: We left things in a very bad way after you inserted yourself in a very personal moment for Luna, Bill, and me.

Li: I thought everyone would have peace of mind with a licensed professional administering your paternity test. No mistakes.

Poppy: I’m not here to fight, or even ask for an apology. I was just hoping that now it’s been proven that Bill is Luna’s father, that we can finally move past this tension and conflict.

Bill: So, Katie, we really didn’t get a chance to talk when you were here earlier.

Katie: No, no. Poppy was pretty much glued to you. [ Bill chuckles ]

Bill: Yeah. [ Bill sighs ] So, this has been a big adjustment. Finding out that Luna was my daughter was shocking to say the least, but a very good shock. Life-changing. I’m sure it’s very shocking for you as well. I just wanna know how you feel, finding out that I have another child with another woman.

Steffy: This is ridiculous.

Ridge: It’s what’s best for the company, Steffy. I need to get back to the lifeblood of Forrester, and that is design.

Steffy: Dad, we’re a team. Father, daughter, taking this company to new heights.

Ridge: We’re still gonna do that. I’m still gonna be here. We’re gonna be together. I’m not leaving. I’m here.

Steffy: So, Brooke is the answer? Brooke’s the answer? How could you possibly think that’s a good idea?

Li: So what? You want us to make amends?

Poppy: I do. I… I hate what’s become of us. I miss you, Li. We used to be so close, and I want that again. Do you remember when I was little and, um, Mom put together that huge dinner for the entire family at the house? I grabbed a roll off the table before Grandma was served.

Li: Mom slapped your hand and scolded you in front of everyone.

Poppy: That’s right. She embarrassed and she punished me for breaking tradition and for being disrespectful. And I was only five.

Li: Yeah, I remember.

Poppy: Do you remember what happened next? I was in my room, alone, crying and hungry. And then you came in. And you kissed me on the forehead. And you held me. And you said that everything was gonna be okay. And you even snuck me a few dinner rolls. [ Li sighs ] I want my big sister back.

Li: Penelope… that was a long time ago.

Poppy: Not to me. It feels like it happened yesterday. I know that I let you down in the past, but you let me down too. You questioned my motives regarding Bill, implying I was trying to trap him, and that really hurt me. But I am willing to forgive you because I want a fresh start. This is such a wonderful time for Luna and me, and I want it to be that way for all of us.

Li: Why? Is it because you finally got what you wanted? What you’ve always wanted? A powerful, rich man?

Bill: Whatever you feel about me having a daughter with Poppy, I just want to know.

Katie: Wow. That’s a big question. I mean, I have a lot of thoughts.

Bill: What are they?

Katie: Well, I– I love Luna. She’s great.

Bill: But?

Katie: But I really don’t know Poppy at all. And I’m having a hard time understanding how she could keep the fact that you’re Luna’s father from you. You don’t find that odd?

Bill: I did at first, but Poppy explained that she was scared.

Katie: Right, because of her great love for you. I mean, I suppose that one night you shared 20 years ago must have been really something. [ Bill chuckling ]

Bill: Be honest, Katie. Are you feeling threatened?

Katie: Threatened?

Bill: That Poppy and I share a daughter.

Steffy: Brooke, so, uh, how long have you known about this?

Brooke: Not very long.

Steffy: So, you spoke to her before you spoke to me?

Ridge: I spoke to Brooke because I didn’t know if she would even be interested in it. And it turns out that she didn’t want to do it because she was concerned about how you would feel. And you know what? I kept pushing because Brooke is the best thing for the company right now.

Steffy: No, she is not. You are what’s best for this company. Think about everything we’ve accomplished together.

Ridge: And we’re gonna keep doing that. With Brooke’s help. I need to be with the design team.

Steffy: Okay, fine, fine. So, you needed to shed some responsibilities, but why wouldn’t you come to me first? You said that this is gonna be a business decision. But including Brooke? That is personal, Dad, and you know it.

Ridge: No, it’s not.

Steffy: Okay.

Carter: Steffy, Brooke’s the ideal person to fill the role. She has decades of experience, she’s run the company in the past, not to mention her invaluable contributions by way of the BeLieF formula and the bedroom line.

Hope: I wholeheartedly agree. I believe no one is more qualified to lead this company into the future than you, Mom. All you have to do is say yes.

Poppy: You refuse to be happy for me.

Li: I don’t know what you want me to say, Penelope. My opinion of you hasn’t changed. [ Poppy scoffs ] The only person I feel for is Luna. Finally, that poor girl knows who her father is.

Poppy: That poor girl?

Li: You knew Bill could be the father, yet you kept it from her. Why? I don’t know. But I bet it has more to do with you than Luna.

Poppy: Money or not, Bill is everything I’ve ever wanted in a man. He’s incredibly strong, yet sweet and tender. And the way he talks about his sons and now Luna, I’m in so much awe of the kind of father he is. I really wish that you could move on from your issues with me, but that is your call. So thank you, Li, for running the paternity test and for making this dream come true.

Katie: I don’t feel threatened by what you and Poppy have. I’m happy that you and Luna have found each other.

Bill: Well, there’s something there. I know you, and I can hear it in your voice.

Katie: This is just all very confusing for me. I have a lot of mixed feelings, and most of them I don’t feel are justifiable.

Bill: I just wanna know how you feel, Katie. You don’t have to justify anything.

Katie: It’s just that you never had a relationship with Liam and Wyatt’s mothers. You know, you never lived together as a family. That was ours. We lived together. In this house. You, me, and Will and I– I just feel like that– that part of your heart belonged to us.

Bill: It always will.

Katie: And yet, you’re here, with a brand new family, living in the house where we raised our son. See, that’s what I’m talking about. These– these feelings aren’t justifiable. I sound stupid.

Bill: You can never sound stupid. And believe me when I tell you that you and Will can never be replaced.

Katie: We had a lot of good memories in this house. In this room, we raised our child here.

Bill: Yeah, we did. He took his first steps right over there.

Katie: Oh, I know. I can’t even think about it. He was so cute, toddling around.

Bill: I haven’t forgotten. How could I? Those were very special memories.

Katie: I know.

Bill: And I will always hold them very close to my heart.

Hope: Mother, you’ve said it yourself, how you’re ready to take on a more active role here at Forrester.

Steffy: Yes, active, like relaunching Brooke’s bedroom line, not running Forrester Creations.

Hope: You deserve this position. That is why Ridge offered it to you. And please do not let Steffy’s unfair opinion sway you.

Steffy: Oh, you’re only pushing this because I threatened to cut your line.

Hope: Oh, my God, Steffy, you are so out of touch. Ridge, are you sure that you’re the co-CEO who needs less on his plate?

Steffy: Excuse me?

Ridge: All right, I didn’t call this meeting to have a fight with everybody, all right?

Hope: No, no, you called this meeting because clearly you and Carter believe and trust in my mother to help lead this company into the future. I mean, it is a clear no-brainer who should step up, but someone clearly cannot see past their disdain for anything Logan. You heard your COO. All of the huge contributions my mother has made to this company over the years.

Ridge: There’s really no reason for any of this if we don’t know your answer. What do you say? Do you accept my offer?

Bill: I know, right? I mean, it feels like yesterday that Will was running around here in his diaper.

Katie: Do you remember when he was so afraid of the dark?

Bill: How could I forget? We pitched a tent in his room and I slept in that thing for the better part of a week.

Katie: I just thought it was amazing that big bad Bill Spencer was sleeping on the floor in a tent with a five-year-old’s foot in his face.

Bill: I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

Katie: Neither would I.

Bill: What we had was about as perfect as it could get. Until I ruined it. I will never forgive myself for what I did to you, Katie.

Katie: Bill, what happened with Brooke is so far in the past. I believe you when you tell me that you’re completely over her.

Bill: Still, it’s the biggest regret of my life hurting you like that. And I’ve done some… terrible things. Like, really bad things.

Katie: Yeah. Listen, I know you didn’t invite me over here to talk about us. You wanted to talk about Poppy and Luna and I just want you to know that I– I really just want the best for you. I mean that.

Bill: I appreciate that.

Katie: We have got to talk to Will sooner rather than later, and until we do, please, you’ve got to keep this out of the press.

Bill: Oh, yeah, no. It’ll be kept under wraps until we talk to him.

Katie: Okay, good. Gosh, I have no idea how he’s gonna react to this. I mean, it’s always just been him and his brothers, and now he has a sister.

Bill: Maybe it’s best if we just rip the bandage off. “Hey, Will, you know how you said you always wondered what it would be like to have a sister? Well, here you go.”

Katie: Oh, my gosh. I think it might need a softer touch.

Bill: I’m sure you’re right. [ cell phone pinging ] Oh, Katie, I’m sorry. We have something big brewing at Spencer. I’ve gotta–

Katie: Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. I should be going anyway.

Bill: No, no, no. Just stay and finish your coffee. There’s no rush.

Katie: Okay.

Bill: This was really nice. Just sitting on the couch talking with you. It reminded me of old times. You know how I feel. How I will always feel. You’re my Katie. [ Katie sighing ]

Katie: Oh, Katie.

Poppy: Katie? What are you doing here?

Katie: Um…

Carter: So, what will it be, Brooke? Are you going to accept Ridge’s offer?

Ridge: You can do so much for Forrester.

Hope: You already have. Our blood runs through this company too, and we need more representation here. We can’t just let Steffy steamroll everything related to the Logans.

Steffy: Do I need to remind you that the name outside of this building is Forrester? Founded by my grandfather and my grandmother, my namesake.

Brooke: And nothing will ever change that. Nobody here wants to dishonor what Stephanie and Eric built, their legacy. In fact, what you’ve done here, Steffy, working with your father as co-CEO, it’s been quite remarkable. And your grandmother would be very proud. I wanna thank the three of you for recognizing my value here at the company. It really means a lot to me. I’m sorry that Steffy doesn’t wanna work with me. You know, I was really looking forward to combining our talents to see what we could do here at Forrester for years to come. But, obviously, she doesn’t wanna do that.

Ridge: So, you’re turning me down again?

Brooke: I think I’m just going to have to have faith that Steffy and I will work together one day quite well. We have to, right? If we don’t want to dishonor Eric and Stephanie. I’m not gonna turn you down, Ridge. In fact, I am honored to say yes. I will join you in leading this company forward.

Hope: This is wonderful news, Mom.

Carter: Congratulations, Brooke.

Brooke: Thanks, Carter. Steffy, I know you’re not thrilled about this, but it’s not what you’re thinking. Honestly. This is not Forresters versus Logans. This is Logans and Forresters united. Trust me.

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Days Update Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in the town square with Marlena’s business card and decides to call her. Marlena asks if he’s alright. Leo says he’s not sure and begins telling her about a wild dream he had. Marlena says she gave him her card to make appointments, not to interpret his dreams. Leo thought that’s what shrinks do. Marlena says only in sessions and advises Leo to only use her number if it’s an actual emergency. Alex then enters Marlena’s office so Marlena tells Leo that she has to go and hangs up. Marlena asks if Alex is alright as he sits down and mentions that John and Brady told her about the mess with Konstantin. Alex says it was pretty intense but luckily everyone is safe, so he doesn’t really want to talk about that today. Alex isn’t sure if Brady filled her in about he and Theresa. Marlena says he hasn’t so Alex says this might take awhile.

Theresa enters the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion and complains about the portrait of Victor looking at her. Theresa knows what she did to Brady was unfair and in a perfect world, they would be together but brings up how many times that has ended in disaster so she decided to take the safer bet and is going with Victor’s heir. Theresa remarks that she knows Alex isn’t really Victor’s son, but after what Xander did to her, he deserves to get screwed. Bonnie then walks in and asks if that’s a fact.

Sarah sits next to Maggie on her bed as she wakes up. Maggie asks what’s going on and what time it is. Sarah informs her that it’s morning. Maggie is surprised she slept all night. Sarah says the sedative she gave her really knocked her out. Maggie sits up and remembers Konstantin admitting to having Victor’s plane sabotaged. Maggie says she knew Konstantin was a liar and a con man. Maggie asks Sarah if he’s now locked in prison but Sarah reveals he’s not because Konstantin is dead which shocks Maggie, who asks what happened. Xander then walks in and declares that he happened.

Chad stands at home with his tablet, looking at an article about Clyde being in police custody. Chad calls him a son of a bitch and states that Abigail is dead and it makes no sense that she’d be alive. Julie walks in and says not everything in this world makes sense. Chad asks if she thinks it could be true. Julie knows Chad won’t give up hope until he’s sure she isn’t out there somewhere. Chad prays they get the answers they need today but Julie informs him that she’s afraid it can’t happen today.

Maggie questions Xander killing Konstantin. Xander states that he used the gun that Konstantin intended for John to use to kill her and he thinks there’s some justice in that. Maggie asks if they are sure he’s really gone. Sarah confirms Konstantin is dead and that Xander had no choice but to shoot him because Konstantin was going to kill Theresa.

Bonnie questions Theresa saying that Xander deserved to be screwed and asks if she meant screwed by the cops for shooting Konstantin. Theresa claims that she was. Bonnie argues that she can’t really want Xander to go down for murdering the man who was attempting to strangle her. Theresa says they aren’t pressing charges so she asks why it matters what she thinks. Bonnie questions her thinking it matters what Victor’s portrait thinks. Theresa says she doesn’t know and that she has to go as she rushes out of the room. Bonnie remarks to Victor that it seemed like Theresa was hiding something.

Chad questions Julie saying they can’t go, reminding her that the DiMera Jet is fueled up and ready to go. Julie reminds him that it’s Juneteenth, a federal holiday, so the banks will be closed. Chad informs her that he called ahead and the bank manager agreed to meet them there despite the branch being closed. Julie is relieved and calls him a clever DiMera, noting that she couldn’t wait another day to find out what’s in this safety deposit box. Julie says it’s been almost impossible to keep this a secret from Jennifer and Jack. Jack then makes a surprise return and asks if someone said his name. Julie is shocked to see him and hugs him, saying she’s so glad to see him. Chad hugs him and asks how he’s doing. Jack says he’s good. Julie says they weren’t expecting him. Jack says he just let himself in as he thought everyone would be at the Juneteenth celebration. Julie assures him this will always be his home. Chad mentions that Doug is getting the kids ready to go to the park. Jack questions Chad not going. Chad responds that he’s not really in a festive mood. Jack understands the anniversaries don’t get much easier. Chad asks how Jack and Jennifer are doing. Jack says they got through yesterday but last night, he couldn’t sleep so he hopped in the car and started driving because he wanted to feel closer to Abigail. Julie understands and is glad he’s here. Jack thought he’d also talk to Rafe to see what they are doing to make sure her killer stays locked up for good. Chad mentions that Clyde is facing a lot of new charges as well. Jack says he heard it was moved to murder one when Clyde confessed it was premeditated. Jack asks if Clyde said anything else. Chad says nothing important but Jack notices their look and questions them, calling it reporter’s intuition. Jack then reveals that when he walked in, he overheard them talking about a secret being impossible to keep from he and Jennifer and something about a box they can’t wait to open.

Maggie doesn’t understand why Xander needed to save Theresa from Konstantin. Sarah gets a call from the hospital and steps out to answer. Xander sits with Maggie as she asks what happened with Theresa. Xander reveals that Konstantin took Theresa hostage at gunpoint after he shot Steve. Xander assures that Theresa and Steve are fine and that Alex and Brady caught up to Konstantin outside but they couldn’t get a clean shot and then when Theresa tried to fight back, Konstantin started strangling her, so he grabbed the gun and shot him. Maggie says it sounds like he didn’t have any choice, but Xander admits that he did have a choice.

Alex tells Marlena that he took her advice and told Theresa that he was still seeing Kristen. Marlena asks how she reacted. Alex says not well and Theresa said if they weren’t going to be exclusive, she was going to try to rekindle things with Brady. Alex adds that then Kristen broke things off with him, so he told Theresa and then she pretty much dropped Brady like a hot potato. Alex states that he and Brady talked it through and Brady said it was probably for the best since he and Theresa had been pretty toxic. Alex explains that after seeing Theresa in danger, he realized how much she means to him and that he’s now fully committed. Marlena asks why he wasn’t fully committed before. Alex guesses part of him felt like he couldn’t completely trust her because of her past and his money. Marlena asks what about now.

Leo calls the hospital and finds out Marlena had a cancellation today, so he says to sign him up and hangs up. Theresa walks through the town square, so Leo approaches her and introduces himself. Theresa says she’s heard plenty about him. Leo invites her to join him and hopes he can get an exclusive interview about the news of the day. Leo asks Theresa what her special connection is with Konstantin.

Julie shows Jack the time capsule that Tom and Alice put together in 1966 and explains how they found it behind the mantle after the fire but she has had no luck getting it open as if that’s the box they were talking about. Jack says that’s hardly a secret since Jennifer told him all about it. Julie claims that Thomas and Charlotte wanted it to be a surprise and talks about how they are going to be excited to see him. Jack says not as happy as he is to see them. Chad suggests Jack go upstairs and say hi to the kids. Jack tells them it’s so great to see them and then heads upstairs. Julie worries that was close while Chad questions how they are going to explain going to Chicago since he can’t wait another day.

Theresa tells Leo that her only connection to Konstantin is that he tried to kill her. Leo argues that there has to be a reason that Konstantin chose her to take hostage and that he also heard his last words was something about an enemy in their midst. Theresa says that Konstantin is dead and that’s all that matters. Leo says that wasn’t as juicy as he hoped and asks if she’d like to change to a sexier topic in Alex Kiriakis. Leo calls Alex the most eligible bachelor in the state so he’s assuming he didn’t just fall out of the sky in to her lap. Theresa asks what he’s saying. Leo just thinks his readers would love to hear her tips on how to score a ticket to the Kiriakis fortune.

Alex tells Marlena that he and Theresa had an honest discussion about his sense that she was hiding something from him and she said she wasn’t. Marlena asks if he believes her. Alex knows Marlena has had a terrible history with Theresa and Brady has warned him about her too, so he guesses that’s been in the back of his head the whole time. Marlena states that trust is a vital component to any relationship, so if he’s thinking about getting serious with Theresa. Alex responds that they already are serious and after staring death in the face yesterday, it made him realize that it’s time for him to count his blessings and settle down with somebody that he loves. Alex thinks Theresa could be the one.

Xander tells Maggie that when Konstantin was strangling Theresa, all he saw was the man who had just confessed to bringing down Victor’s plane and murdering him. Xander says it was rage as Konstantin tried to kill Maggie and kidnapped Victoria, but he had just dropped his gun and he had Brady and Alex right there, so they could’ve taken him down and held him until police arrived. Xander admits that he didn’t have to shoot him and certainly not shoot to kill, but he did. Maggie asks if he’s feeling guilty about it. Xander declares that he’s glad the bastard is dead.

Sarah joins Bonnie in the living room. Bonnie asks how Maggie is doing. Sarah says she’s much better and she just broke the news that Konstantin is dead. Bonnie talks about being worried all this time that Konstantin was pulling the wool over Maggie’s eyes but Maggie was plotting his downfall the whole time. Sarah calls Maggie a certified badass. Bonnie talks about how now that their sham of a wedding is over, it’s time to move full speed ahead with Sarah’s wedding. Bonnie asks if she ever heard back from Xander’s mom but Sarah reveals that she never responded to her voicemail. Sarah then gets a call and it’s from Xander’s mom.

Chad tells Julie that they really need to go soon. Jack returns from upstairs. Julie asks if he’s alright. Jack responds that Thomas said that Chad told him that Abigail is alive, but he knows he meant alive in all of their hearts. Jack says that Abigail just feels so present to him right now in the house. Chad and Julie say they feel the same way. Jack decides he’s going to see Rafe and will let them know what he says. Chad thanks him as they hug and says it’s good to see him. Jack then exits. Chad tells Julie that he hates lying to Jack. Julie says she does too but declares that by the end of the day, they will know one way or another.

Marlena encourages Alex doing excellent work. Alex questions her approving of his choices. Marlena approves of him getting in touch with his feelings and communicating. Alex says he’s trying. Marlena acknowledges that he’s been expressing his thoughts, feelings, and needs. Marlena senses he’s doing the same with his partner. Alex brings up Marlena knowing Theresa for a long time and that she was her daughter-in-law. Alex then asks if Marlena thinks he should trust Theresa. Marlena responds that what she thinks isn’t really relevant and it would be inappropriate of her to say anything at all. Marlena says the important thing is that Alex has to decide whether or not he can trust her.

Theresa asks if Leo is suggesting that she made Alex fall for her. Leo says he didn’t say that and asks if she’s saying that. Theresa tells Leo that she and Alex started dating before anyone knew he was Victor’s son. Leo remarks that it’s not like he was working as a barista. Theresa says there’s a difference between rich and Kiriakis fortune rich. Leo talks about Alex being hot and says it’s no surprise that she’d want to jump his bones. Leo adds that Theresa isn’t bad on the eyes either and starts talking about how she’d look better as a brunette. Leo asks if Theresa is willing to say on the record that this thing between her and Alex is a real love connection that has nothing to do with his money. Theresa asks why that is so hard to believe, stating that love is love. Theresa brings up Leo and Dimitri being the real deal and asks if that was about money. Leo says not for him and that for him, it was true love. Theresa asks what happened then. Leo stops her and says he’s doing the interview. Theresa argues that she never agreed to be interviewed. Leo says it’s not like he’s judging her either way. Leo remarks that her feistiness and scrappiness reminds him of a friend that moved away recently, though she had a better accent and hair but the same attitude. Theresa asks if that’s a good thing. Leo says he misses Gwen terribly, so being with her is kind of comforting. Theresa wishes she could say the same. Leo then gets an alert on his phone that it’s time for his shrink appointment so he walks away.

Sarah answers the call from Xander’s mother, Fiona. Sarah says she’s so glad she called and assumes she got her voicemail. Sarah says she’s sorry to hear that and says goodbye, then hangs up. Bonnie questions what that was about and if she doesn’t want to come to her wedding or meet her granddaughter. Sarah responds that she doesn’t know because the woman who called wasn’t Xander’s mom.

Xander tells Maggie that he’s sorry as he knows she cared about Konstantin at one time. Maggie assures that she never despised someone so much and she’s glad that he’s rotting in Hell. Maggie declares that her only regret is that she’s not the one who pulled the trigger.

Leo goes to Marlena’s office and says he made an appointment so here he is. Marlena jokes about him making progress. Leo says he’s been considering what is and isn’t an emergency after they talked earlier. Leo says their last conversation made him realize that he is pathologically lonely and he hates it. Leo adds that he has a million acquaintances but he has kept everything superficial with everyone, except for the best friend he ever had but talking about her is too painful and if he told her how he betrayed her for Dimitri, he thinks she would hate him. Marlena asks if he thinks of Dimitri as his true love. Leo says that wasn’t real either since he broke up with him in a poorly written letter. Leo says maybe he deserves it. Marlena responds that no one deserves to be alone. Leo asks how to get past the feeling that no one is ever going to love the real him. Marlena encourages him to begin by loving himself as that comes first. Leo calls that the whole message of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Marlena says she’s never seen the show but she does enjoy him. Leo asks if she’s saying she could help him learn to love himself a little bit.

Bonnie asks Sarah who was on the phone then. Sarah says she didn’t say and just that she’s had the phone number for years. Bonnie wonders how long it’s been then since Xander talked to his mom. Sarah admits it’s been a long time. Bonnie questions any other way of contacting her. Sarah says that Xander said he doesn’t know where his mom is or what she’s been up to. Bonnie and Sarah guess that Xander’s mom isn’t coming to the wedding then.

Maggie says God help her for what she just said. Xander would be more worried if she didn’t feel that way about Konstantin after what he did. Maggie hopes Xander won’t face any charges. Xander confirms that Melinda understood he was defending Theresa’s life, so he got away with it. Maggie notes that none of them got away unscathed. Xander comments that Victor is still gone. Maggie acknowledges Xander’s devotion to Victor even though Victor didn’t always treat him kindly. Maggie doesn’t think Victor would’ve been as hard on Xander if he didn’t remind him so much of himself. Xander asks if she really thinks so. Maggie talks about Victor not having the opportunity to raise Bo and being ill for most of Philip’s childhood, so he decided to make up for lost years with Alex by making him his heir, but Xander is the one that never left and he knew that. Maggie declares that in many ways, Xander was closer to Victor than his own sons.

Alex joins Theresa in the town square. Theresa asks how seeing Marlena was. Alex says he may have mentioned her or their relationship once or twice. Theresa guesses Marlena got the negative spin from Brady but Alex says Brady is fine as they talked last night and Brady says things worked out for the best since he and Theresa had never been good for each other. Theresa says of course he would say that. Theresa asks what Marlena had to say and if she warned him to stay away from her, given that she almost killed her husband. Alex says Marlena actually told him to be honest with himself about how he feels and to say what is. Alex then tells Theresa that he loves her which surprises her. Theresa asks if he really means that. Alex assures that he does and that they aren’t just sleeping together or living together as they’ve been through a lot together. Theresa brings up that he was just with Kristen and she knows the appropriate response would be to just say it back. Alex assures there’s no pressure and he knows she was just with Brady. Theresa insists that she wants to say it and tells Alex that she loves him too.

Xander joins Sarah in the living room. Sarah asks how Maggie is. Xander says she’s getting dressed and will be down soon. Sarah asks how she seemed. Xander calls Maggie remarkably strong and says he’s just glad this nightmare is over for all of them. Xander asks if something is wrong. Sarah informs him that the number that he gave her for his mom belonged to someone else. Xander says he had mixed feelings about seeing her again anyway so maybe this is for the best. Xander declares that as long as he’s marrying her, the day will be perfect. Xander adds that Maggie has always been more of a mother to him than his mom ever was.

Maggie gets out of bed and puts on her robe while holding back tears. She picks up a framed photo of Victor and states that Konstantin is dead, so Victor can finally rest in peace.

Marlena tells Leo that she can definitely help him but he has to be willing to put in consistent work over time. Leo assures that he definitely will and asks how much time they are talking. Marlena says there no guarantees or timelines. Marlena reminds Leo that his mother spent his entire life telling him that he was unlovable, so they have to stop hearing her voice and undo those words to make him understand and believe that he is lovable. Leo jokes that he wants to say that to his mother’s face and thanks Marlena. Leo asks when he can see her again. Marlena realizes her secretary has her schedule so she leaves the office to go retrieve it. Leo then stands up and makes a phone call to visit his mother in prison, asking for the visiting hours.

Jack goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Bonnie, who says she didn’t know he was in town. Jack says it’s so good to see her as they hug. Bonnie mentions hearing they captured Clyde and how that must be a relief. Bonnie hopes he never gets out again. Jack confirms that Rafe said Clyde will be in solitary for the rest of his life, so he’ll never have the opportunity to take another life like he did to Abigail.

Chad and Julie arrive at the bank in Chicago, wondering what Clyde stashed in the safety deposit box. Chad says it could be nothing or it could be proof that Abigail is alive. Julie declares they are about to find out.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Scott and Lucy argue because he wants to take Heather’s case. He sees the potential for a lawsuit against the manufacturer of Heather’s hip replacement. Lucy asks Scott not to take Heather’s case for the sake of Heather’s victims and his own peace of mind.

Cody tells Sasha that he is scared to tell Mac that he is his son because he thinks Mac will be angry with him for claiming to be the son of Leopold Taub just to get Leopold Taub’s money.

Sasha and Cody’s romantic moment is interrupted by Gio practicing his violin twenty feet away from the stables. Cody and Sasha put romance on hold and decide to enjoy the private violin concert.

Sam asks Carly to tell Jason to keep away from Danny. Carly tells Sam that Danny adores his father and she is hurting Danny and Jason by keeping them away from each other. Carly thinks Sam is just punishing Jason for disappearing twice and leaving her to raise Danny alone. Sam insists she is trying to keep Danny safe and if anything happens to Danny it will be Carly’s fault because she refused to talk to Jason.

John tells Jason he has seen emails from Anna to Brennan but the emails don’t prove that she is the head of Pikeman. John asks Jason to get the proof he needs to arrest Anna or he will put Carly in jail. Jason later tells Anna the details of his conversation with John. Anna doesn’t think Valentin is framing her, he is just using her as a decoy to keep John busy. Anna promises Jason she will get proof that Valentin is the head of Pikeman tonight when they go to dinner. Jason tells Anna if she doesn’t get the proof they need, he will take Valentin down himself so Carly isn’t sent to prison.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Claire meets Johnny and Katie for the first time in person, because up to now, she had only talked to them through video calls. Claire answers Johnny’s questions about her time in the psychiatric ward of the hospital as well as growing up with her Aunt Jordan.

Katie is upset that their house burned down, and all their things are gone because of Claire’s Aunt Jordan.

Abby is upset that nobody in the Abbott family bothered to tell her about Ashley’s DID or called her to participate in the intervention for Ashley. Abby is tired of her entire family treating her like a child instead of an adult. Billy tells her everything Jack and Traci did to make sure Ashley got treatment.

Abby talked to her mother on the phone last night, but she and Devon decide to go to Paris and wait until Ashley is ready to see her.

Daniel and Lily come to an agreement that Chancellor-Winters can keep the Princess Louisa game and market it as a classic game. Lily tells Daniel that the sales from the game will be put into a college fund for Lucy.

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