Days Opinions For The Week Of December 11, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ Nicole and Leo

Dimitri told Leo the truth about the baby
We got some movement in the Nicole/EJ/Eric/Sloan/Dimitri/Leo storyline. Dimitri told Leo that Nicole’s baby didn’t die. He let him know that Sloan claimed the baby as her own. We’re glad that he told him what she did. She doesn’t need to get away with what she did. The writers seemed to enjoy putting the blame on Melinda for the plan. Sloan was okay with going along with the plan. She is just as responsible for what happened as Melinda. Dimitri informed Leo and he wanted him to blackmail Sloan. Hopefully Leo will make Sloan squirm when he reminds her that she took Nicole’s baby. She didn’t have the right to take the baby when he didn’t belong to her. It’s hard to feel completely sorry for Nicole because she’s getting her karma, but that’s a conversation for another time. We wanted to focus on Dimitri telling Leo the truth. This storyline is the only one starting to move along and we’re curious to see how it plays out.

Leo tried to tell Nicole and EJ about the baby
Speaking of the baby storyline, Leo tried to do the right thing. He wanted to tell Nicole and EJ the truth, but they didn’t want to listen to him. Nicole wouldn’t let him talk about it for some reason. She had a feeling that her baby was alive, but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. Leo didn’t have a reason to see Nicole since the baby was gone. The only thing he would have told her was the baby was alive. If she listened to him, she would have had her baby. Maybe Nicole should listen to people when they try to tell her something. It’s a writer’s troupe that Nicole kept interrupting Leo when he tried to tell her the truth. The writers had to find a way to keep the storyline moving. Leo decided to continue blackmailing Sloan. As much as we enjoy watching Sloan backed into a corner, what’s the point of doing that? Nicole and EJ didn’t believe him so they wouldn’t listen to him when he wanted to tell the truth.

Sloan gets away with everything got out of the call from adoption lawyer
Sloan is a true villain on the show. She always manages to escape trouble. Sloan could have been busted this week when the adoption lawyer called Eric. If you guessed that Sloan got out if it, you’re right about that. Sloan managed to lie to Eric to get out of the call. Let’s back up a bit. The lawyer called Eric to apologize about the adoption falling through. You would think Sloan’s goose was cooked. We weren’t surprised that she avoided getting caught. She came up with a lie and managed not to get caught.

Theresa wanted to cover her tracks
Theresa might need to take lessons from Sloan on how to cover her tracks. She decided to get rid of the hoodie she wore when she kidnapped Victoria. For some reason, she chose to bury the sweater in the park. If you’re thinking she’s an idiot for doing that, you aren’t alone. Brady and Tate almost spotted her doing that. She got lucky they didn’t see her burying the sweater. Theresa could have thrown the sweater in the garbage, but she chose to hold on to it. There were so many ways to get rid of the sweater, but she didn’t do it.

Jude was kidnapped
Sloan was careless when she took Jude out for some air. She chose to leave him in the town square unattended. What do you think happened? That’s right. Someone took the baby and the stroller from the town square. The baby got kidnapped in broad daylight and no one saw anything. There’s always people milling around outside, but no one saw who took the baby. The kidnapper managed to take him without the baby crying. Could that mean he knows the person who took him? Nicole turned out to be the culprit. She didn’t believe that her baby died and took the baby. Nicole must be fast because she took Jude and managed not to get caught leaving the stroller at the pub. She also took the baby to the DiMera tunnels without the staff seeing her.

Random moment of the week
We added a random moment because we didn’t see this coming without reading spoilers. Stephanie and Harris ended up going to bed together. They got drunk and woke up together. Stephanie had her reasons to drink, but why did Harris do it? He didn’t get into a fight with Ava, so he didn’t have a reason to drink. We were shocked when we found out they were going to be in bed together. He told her that he would explain later. The writers chose to recycle the story. Shawn and Talia had a drunken encounter earlier in the year and now Stephanie and Harris did the same thing.


Stephanie Jada and Harris

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of December 4, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Holly and Johnny


Why would Johnny ask Holly to help with his anniversary party when he knows Chanel thinks she has a crush on him?

If Darius could find Dimitri, why did the police have trouble finding him?


Nicole questioned Kayla about the test results. If she didn’t think the test results would be accurate, why did she want her to do them?

Kayla said there wasn’t enough DNA to test against the baby. Nicole’s DNA should be on file at the hospital because EJ’s was on file.


Wendy wanted to stay in the same apartment her brother was killed in. You would think she wouldn’t want to keep getting reminded that he was killed in her apartment.

Why did Ava and Harris choose to eat their food in dim lighting?

Chad’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Rafe has a house, but he continues to hang out with Jada at her place.


Stefan shouldn’t have been surprised that Vivian didn’t want to help Gabi. She would still be in Salem if Gabi didn’t throw her under the bus.

Chad should have made a better effort to cover his tracks when he bought Gwen’s half of the paper. You would think he wouldn’t have made it easy to get caught buying the paper.


EJ knew that Nicole had a difficult pregnancy so why would he tell her they could try to have another baby?

Why did the adoption lawyer call Eric and not Sloan about the baby?



Eric and Sloan

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of November 27, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



You would think Nicole wouldn’t want to hold a baby after losing her. It was convenient that she wanted to hold Eric’s baby since the baby is hers.

Rafe basically thought Dimitri wasn’t a criminal. Did he forget that he tried to kill his sister?

Jada managed not to see Stefan in the evidence room.


Doug was too tired to deal with the family for Thanksgiving, but Chad made the kids stay with him and Julie.

Theresa’s accent slipped when she talked to Alex. Theresa is American so she shouldn’t sound like Gwen.

Xander was holding a drumstick one minute and it was gone the next.

What kind of friend is Kayla? Why would she want Maggie left in the dark about the type of person Konstantin is.

Theresa was looking in Alex’s direction but didn’t see him walk in the room while she was talking to Konstantin.


Kayla acted as if Steve had a reason to lie about Konstantin. He doesn’t gain anything by exposing Konstantin for his lies.

Thanksgiving was last week, but they were still talking about it.

Alex and Theresa were with Maggie and were suddenly at the town square the next.

Alex was supposed to punch Xander, but he clearly didn’t hit him.


Sloan was supposed to go to the station, but she went to see EJ.

Eric told Marlena that she could check on the baby, but she said that you shouldn’t disturb a sleeping baby. She said she would peek at the baby. She didn’t realize that’s the same thing Eric suggested.

There weren’t any covers on Alex’s couch when he and Theresa had sex. It suddenly appeared after they were together.


The actor playing Tate was clearly reading his lines while he was talking to Johnny and Chanel.

Chanel was wearing a big coat, but she was wearing shorts.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of November 27, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Nicole realized that Eric and Sloan’s baby was hers. She looked at the baby and immediately felt the maternal bond. We weren’t sure if she would feel that way immediately, but she surprised us. She held Eric’s baby for a few minutes and realized he was her baby. She was like a dog with a bone with her theory. Eric, EJ, and Sloan told her that the baby wasn’t hers. She wouldn’t believe them. We didn’t think the story would move that fast. Storylines like that usually stretch for months at a time. We’re pretty sure the writers will find a way to slow the storyline down, but we give them credit for moving it along the way they are. Arianne Zucker did a pretty good job with the material she was given. She made us believe she was a grieving mother. We were pleasantly surprised by her performance. The story was easily the best one of the week. Watching Nicole drive it home that Eric had her baby kept us glued to the screen.

Speaking of Nicole’s storyline. Holly showed that she’s more than just a lovesick teenager. She suggested that Eric get a DNA test done on the baby. Holly didn’t seem clever enough to come up with an idea that could help push the storyline alone. She went to Eric and asked him to get a DNA test done on the baby. He was willing to do it. You would think the adults in the storyline would have come up with the idea that could solve the problem. We aren’t psychics, but we know that Sloan will intercept the test, so Nicole won’t find out the truth about the baby. For now, we’ll be happy that someone was thinking in the storyline.

Since the baby storyline dominated the week, it makes sense for most of the article to focus on the baby storyline. Anyway, Dimitri figured out that Sloan took Nicole’s baby. He demanded that she clear Leo’s name or he would tell her the truth. Sloan came up with different excuses until she admitted that she had the baby. Dimitri wanted her to help Leo or else. We loved the look of panic on her face when she squirmed while he threatened her. She had to do whatever it took to help Leo, but she kept hitting dead ends. Sloan needed to get a reality check because it seemed like she was the good one at a point. She was the one who started everything in the first place. Now she must do everything Dimitri wants, or he will tell the truth. We don’t care for Dimitri, but he had her number. We will enjoy watching him blackmail her for as long as it lasts.

The DNA test was done this week. Eric took the baby to Kayla so she could do the procedure. We know that Sloan will do something to make sure that she isn’t busted right away. We have seen this happen so many times on the show that we already know that Sloan will get away with swapping the DNA results. She doesn’t know anything about fixing tests, but she will find a way to switch the results, so the story won’t end soon.

Why is everyone acting as if Steve has an axe to grind when it concerns Konstantin? He isn’t a schemer so his family and friends should trust him. He has no reason to lie about Konstantin. What does he gain from exposing him? What does Konstantin gain from lying? Konstantin has a reason to lie because he doesn’t want to get exposed. Maggie may as well paint gullible on her forehead when it concerns Konstantin. She believed every lie he told her. We want to see the look on her face when she realizes that Konstantin and Theresa schemed against her.

Chad must be reverting to his old ways. He schemed with Xander so he could get Everett fired from the paper. He thought that would keep Everett from Stephanie. His plan will blow up in his face because Everett has more time to spend with Stephanie. We won’t pretend to care about this storyline because we don’t. we see that Chad is acting like he’s the good one in the story when he’s not. Stephanie isn’t good either. She loves the fact that Everett is still in love with her. She enjoys the attention. Everett decided to call Gwen to find out why she fired him. He could easily figure out that Gwen sold Chad her half of the paper. Stephanie could also ask Everett to work for her. Chad’s plan could backfire on him.


Stephanie and Chad

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of November 13, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ from Days


EJ didn’t think to check Nicole’s location to find her, but Eric conveniently used it to find her.

Leo volunteered Dimitri to take Nicole’s baby to the hospital. That didn’t make sense because he is the one the police were after. Leo should have taken the baby to the hospital.

Dimitri conveniently heard Rafe talking about coming after him.

Speaking of Dimitri, he saw Rafe and EJ, but they didn’t see him holding a baby at the hospital.

How did Dimitri know where Sloan lives? He showed up at her place with Nicole’s baby, but he shouldn’t know where she lives.


Nicole didn’t have any bruises on her face after her car accident.

Nicole’s baby wasn’t checked out after she gave birth to him. Melinda and Sloan took their time getting him to the hospital.


Nicole cried without any tears.

Dr. Pierce was able to walk around the hospital wearing a medical jacket without anyone noticing.

How did Dr. Pierce find Nicole’s room without anyone getting suspicious of him?

EJ cried without any tears.


Sarah had to rush to work, but she talked about Konstantin with Maggie.

Who would have told Chad that Dimitri’s family didn’t want to give her the money?


Maggie didn’t watch Victoria and made it easy for Theresa to kidnap her.


Maggie and Konstantin

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of November 13, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Leo Dimitri and Nicole from Days

Nicole got into an accident with Dimitri and Leo

The week got off to an electrifying start. Dimitri raced to get to the submarine and ran Nicole off the road. The accident happened in true soap style. Nicole veered off the road and went into labor. Leo helped her when she went into labor. We will get into that later. The point of this opinion is to talk about the convenience of the accident. Eric had to be the one to find Nicole on the road. He acted as if he was the only one who cared about Nicole’s well-being. EJ is her husband, but he showed up after Eric. We know the writers love pushing the idea of Eric and Nicole down our throats, but we aren’t buying it. We prefer seeing Nicole with EJ, but we know we are members of an unpopular club. The writers want us to think eric and Nicole are meant to be together, but they had their chances. They got together multiple times and didn’t work out so what’s different this time? Nicole always wants who she doesn’t have so she will go after someone else if she does get together with Eric.

Leo showed he had a decent side to him

If we didn’t see it, we wouldn’t believe it. Leo showed a different side. Normally he’s just a caricature, but he showed his decent side. Dimitri ran Nicole off the road. Dimitri wanted to keep going, but Leo stopped him. He wanted to help Nicole. Nicole asked him to stay with her and deliver her baby. He did it. Leo stayed with her while Dimitri took the baby to the hospital. He could have left her there to die, but he didn’t want to do that. Leo proved that he’s more than just jokes. He had a human side to him. It was nice to see because we don’t get a chance to see it often. We applaud the writers for giving Leo a human side instead of always making him clown around. He made jokes, but he showed he had a heart.

Melinda became the fall guy for the story

The writers clearly hate Melinda’s character. They do anything they can to write her in a bad way. She talked Sloan into keeping the truth about the baby from Eric. Sloan was the reason why they couldn’t adopt the boy. Melinda told her not to say anything. She wanted her to give her a chance to get another baby. Sloan claimed she wanted to tell the truth, but she allowed Melinda to talk her into keeping the secret. Dimitri showed up at Sloan’s place while Melinda was there. He brought Nicole’s baby to the apartment. Melinda wanted Sloan to adopt the baby. Sloan argued with her for a few minutes and caved. Sloan is responsible for keeping the truth hidden from Eric even though Melissa told her to do it. Sloan is a grown woman and didn’t have to go along with Melinda’s plan. When Eric finds out the truth, he’s not going to be mad at Melinda. He’s going to dump Sloan.

We were disgusted with Melinda. She didn’t get a chance to raise her daughter so why would she do that to another woman? She should have been the one talking Sloan out of taking the baby. Melinda didn’t have to take the baby. She will lose everything once the truth comes out. The writers will have to get rid of her character because there’s nothing left to do with her. Sloan will have to leave too. She won’t be coming back from this scheme. We know that she’s getting exposed because that always happens. The baby will need something from the biological parents and Sloan will be screwed. The writers enjoy butchering Melinda. Sloan is the villain in the story and making Melinda take the fall for Sloan’s scheme won’t change our minds.

Konstantin’s plan for Maggie

Konstantin came up with a new plan to win Maggie over. He overheard Sarah badmouthing him and wanted to do something to get back in Maggie’s good graces. Konstantin decided to take Sarah’s baby so he could look like a hero. Maggie would be grateful for saving her granddaughter. The plan couldn’t work without help. Theresa had to get involved in the plan. Konstantin made her kidnap Sarah’s baby. He thought Sarah and Maggie would pay him for saving the baby. Theresa fought him down and eventually changed her mind. She took the baby and left the mansion. We were shocked watching Maggie tend to Konstantin instead of going after Theresa. She would have caught Theresa if she went after her. Theresa loved Maggie so much and didn’t want to do it. She allowed him to blackmail her to help him. He planned on telling Alex the truth about his paternity if she didn’t do what he said. She got herself in deep trouble going along with him. Theresa is going to lose everything because she feels the need to keep working with Konstantin.

Chad, Stephanie, and Everett Triangle

We can’t stress enough that this storyline is the weakest one on the show. The writers want us to root for Stephanie to hook up with anyone at this point. They expect us to think she’s so desirable that every available man in Salem wants her. Everett is conveniently an ex-boyfriend of Stephanie’s, and he wants her. Is anyone surprised by that? He hired her to work with him at the newspaper. Chad didn’t like it and confronted Stephanie about it. He felt like she was trying to get him to marry her. She had the nerve to think there was nothing wrong with Everett getting involved in their lives. She enjoys the attention she gets from any man who looks her way. Stephanie would deserve it if Chad broke up with her. He decided to buy Gwen out of the paper so he could be Everett’s boss. We don’t see the point in this plan. He shouldn’t waste time with Stephanie anymore since she enjoyed Everett flirting with her. This storyline ruined a decent week. The triangle doesn’t hold our interest because we don’t know Everett so there’s no rooting value there. We’re not excited about this storyline at all because there’s no movement.


Chad Everett and Stephanie from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of November 6, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Gabi and Li

Gabi didn’t learn anything from Rafe

The writers decided to start a murder mystery for the fans to watch play out. We love mysteries. A great mystery makes the show exciting. Gabi arrived at Wendy’s place and found Li dead. Well, that’s her story. She chose to hold the knife and got caught doing it. Stefan walked in the room and saw Gabi holding the knife. Wendy also walked in while she was holding the knife. Gabi forgot that she is the sister of a cop. You would think she wouldn’t have touched the knife. She may as well have put the handcuffs on herself. Gabi went to prison before and did everything she could to make sure that she went back again. We know the actress was leaving, but the writers could have created a different way to write her out.

Did someone set Gabi up for murder?

As we mentioned, Gabi found Li faced down with a knife wound in his back. We didn’t see how he was stabbed, but he died. There are some people on our suspects’ list. Let’s talk about the suspects that might have killed Li and framed Gabi for it. We might be reaching, but we put Stefan on the list. He showed up at the apartment and acted weird around Gabi. Stefan had a sinister look on his face when Gabi told him that she was innocent of the murder. She wanted to run, and he told her not to go. Stefan has a motive to frame her. He might be upset that she turned Vivian in to the police, causing her to run. He got mad when she did that and he might want revenge for it. We might be reaching, but we wouldn’t be surprised if he framed her. EJ can’t wait to prosecute Gabi for the crime. He proved he would hire a hitman when he needed one. EJ has a motive for framing Gabi. He got upset when Stefan and Gabi gained control of DiMera Enterprises. EJ wasn’t happy about it. He could have hired someone to kill Li since he gave up his shares.

Kristen is on our suspect list. She could have gone to Li’s place and stabbed him. Kristen wouldn’t have a problem framing Gabi since she schemed against her. Gabi and Stefan tricked Rachel into saying that Kristen abused her. Kristen had to give up her rights so they could take her shares. She wasn’t happy about it so it wouldn’t take much for her to set Gabi up for the crime. Brady is another person on our suspect list. Gabi and Stefan let him think they could help him get Rachel back. They promised him evidence he could use for the judge. Once they got their way, they destroyed the evidence against Kristen. Brady got very upset about it. He might have gone to the apartment and stabbed Li. Harris is another suspect on our list. He might be under Megan’s influence. Harris tried to kill Stefan so he could break his heart by taking his wife away from him. There are so many people to suspect because Gabi hurt a lot of people for her personal gain. Gabi might have killed Li. She may not be innocent. We didn’t see what happened to Li. She was in the room with him.

Sarah’s attitude towards Xander

Sarah is getting on our nerves. She wants to sue Xander, but she expects him to leave her alone. Sarah asked him to postpone their case so she could be there for Xander. Xander agreed to do it. They seemed to get along when Eric arrived. He ruined it by mentioning the case. Sarah got upset with Xander again. She expects Xander not to try to win his case, but she’s allowed to do it. Sarah ran into Xander so he didn’t have time to stop the case. We hope that Sarah loses custody of the baby. She needs to pay for keeping the truth from Xander in the first place.

Jada needs to turn in her badge

It might be time for Jada to turn in her badge. She found Dimitri and Leo at a motel. The detective decided to pursue them without back up. Did she forget that Dimitri got accused of attempted murder? She shouldn’t have gone to the motel without Harris or another cop. Dimitri managed to get the drop on her and they got away from her. We shook our heads watching her lose control of the situation the way she did. She should have known better, but that wasn’t the case. Her actions made it possible for Dimitri and Leo to escape. Their escape led to the inevitable accident that will play out during the week.


Jada Dimitri Leo

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of 10/23/23

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Sloan from Days


Theresa’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Sloan was able to break into DiMera mansion without anyone seeing her.

Nicole and EJ managed not to see Sloan switch the test results.


Tripp should have heard Ava and Gil (Clyde’s henchman) talking in his apartment.


Brady shot down the idea of co-parenting Rachel with Kristen. You would think he would have been willing to do it so he could see Rachel.

Kristen’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Maggie shouldn’t be surprised that Xander was going after full custody of Victoria. Maggie was the one who told Sarah that Xander was going to do that if she didn’t tell him the truth.

Sarah heard Konstantin say Xander’s name, but she didn’t hear anything else.

Sarah wasn’t doing anything, but she needed the nanny to put Victoria down for her nap. What was keeping Sarah from putting her down?


Gabi suddenly felt guilty about setting Kristen up for abusing Rachel. Gabi should have thought about the way she would have felt if the shoe were on the other foot before they went through with the plan.

Why was Stephanie surprised that Chad wasn’t ready to get married? He just lost his wife. What made her think he was going to suddenly be ready to marry her?


Maggie from DOOL

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of 10/23/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Konstantin and Theresa

We are confused with Theresa and Konstantin’s plan. They fixed Victor’s will so everyone would think Alex deserved his money. We don’t understand Theresa’ role in the plan. She wanted Alex to have everything. She could have fixed the will so Tate could get the money. She made sure her son didn’t get anything. She believes she’s going to marry Alex and get access to his money. Alex doesn’t seem attracted enough to marry her, so she has an uphill battle ahead of her. We’re curious to see what Konstantin will do to Maggie. He might go after her money. It might be good to see her involved in a big story.

Speaking of Maggie, she went off on Xander because he wants to sue Sarah for full custody of Victoria. She warned Sarah that would happen if she kept the truth from him. She shouldn’t have been surprised by that. Maggie warned her that he would go after her for lying to him. She didn’t want to listen to her. Maggie got what she deserved. Xander put Maggie in her place for lying about the baby. She needed a reality check. Maggie apologized to him. It won’t be long before she kisses up to him again.

Sarah yelled at Xander for the lawsuit. She knew he wanted custody of the baby so shouldn’t be surprised. Xander wanted to make things work, but Justin ruined that for him. She showed her evil side, and he didn’t back down. Sarah thought yelling would get her way. She found out the hard way that wasn’t the case. We hope he doesn’t back down and let her have custody. Xander has rights, but she didn’t care about them.

We watched Days of Our Lives and rolled our eyes at Stephanie. She got mad because Chad didn’t love her the same way he loved Abby. Did she really think Chad would forget about his love for Abby? Abby was Chad’s first love so he wouldn’t forget about her. Stephanie expected him to get over Abby. She knows Abby meant everything to Chad, but that didn’t matter to her. She thought he was going to forget the way he felt about his wife for someone he just started dating. Stephanie is something else. She expects all men to desire her. Chad would be a first-class jerk if he got over Abby as fast as she wanted him to do it.

Speaking of Stephanie, what was up with Steve? He was no different from Stephanie. He talked to Chad about Stephanie. He expected Chad to marry Stephanie or leave her alone. Did he forget that Chad was married to his niece? Why would he want him to move on so fast? What if something happened to Kayla? Would he move on that fast? If Stephanie was murdered, would he want Chad to move on with Abby that quickly? We feel like he wouldn’t want that to happen. He would have expected Chad to slow down with the relationship. Chad already moved in with Stephanie too fast and now he’s expected to marry her.

Gabi needs help. She was willing to let another mother get in trouble for child abuse. She and Stefan wanted Rachel to tell the judge that Kristen was abusing her just so they could get her shares. Child abuse is nothing to play around with, but she didn’t care. She wanted the shares and that’s all that mattered. Gabi let Brady think she would help him by getting proof that Rachel was getting abused. He believed it and they went through with their plan. As a mother, Gabi shouldn’t do something like that. She could have been in the same position if Will and Sonny wanted to do that to her. They blackmailed Kristen and she caved. She signed her shares to him, and they made the video disappear. They shouldn’t have done that to Kristen or Brady. We feel like the writers are setting up Gabi’s demise by having her act that way. We won’t be disappointed since she’s acting up.


Stefan and Gabi

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of 10/16/23

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Stephanie from DOOL


Stephanie forgot Abby’s birthday. She acted as if she was close to her, but she forgot her birthday.

Kate talked to Marlena about her kids, but she didn’t mention Billie and Cassie. Did she forget she had daughters?

Stephanie shouldn’t have been surprised that Chad doesn’t love her the way he loved Abby. She knew that Chad was in love with Abby so there’s no need to be surprised that he doesn’t love her the same way.


Kayla pulled strings to get Talia a job at the hospital, but she was ready to go back to California.

Clyde is managing to do a lot in prison. He helped Edmund kidnap Susan. There’s no reason why they should have met each other.


Stefan was upset that Gabi chased Vivian away as if she hadn’t gone for a long time. She was in prison, so he wasn’t seeing her.

Dimitri was shot and was going to be arrested for attempted murder, but he didn’t have a cop outside of his room at the hospital.


Leo didn’t know Dimitri was going to be on the run so how did he know to have a blonde wig with him?

Rachel could be heard talking to Stephan while Tate was shown.


When did Steve have a problem with Theresa? Theresa said she couldn’t stay with Kayla because Steve had a problem with her.

Emily O’Brien (Gwen/Theresa) was talking with her British accent.



Steve from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of 10/16/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Chad and Stephanie from Days

Stephanie got what she deserved this week. She got shocked when Chad pulled away from her. She didn’t remember Abby’s birthday. Stephanie is Abby’s cousin, but she didn’t remember her birthday. You would think she would have remembered her birthday because they are family. Lucas took the time to call Chad from prison to acknowledge Abby’s birthday. We loved the look on Stephanie’s face when Chad pulled away from her. She didn’t know how to react to that. We felt that she should have remembered that. Chad wasn’t perfect either. He pulled away from her, but he moved on with his life. He didn’t wait a year before he moved in with Stephanie. He doesn’t have a right to get upset about her birthday now. He went to the park and talked to her picture about missing her. He didn’t prove that by moving in with her cousin less than a year after she passed away.

Was anyone else ready to throw something at the screen when Sarah yelled at Xander? As you know, Xander wanted to sue for full custody of Victoria because Sarah lied about the baby’s paternity. He and Sarah talked once she learned he didn’t kill Susan. They seemed to work things out until Justin told her that Xander wanted to sue for full custody. We don’t get Sarah’s anger about it. She got mad at him because he wanted the baby. Is she the only one entitled to change her mind about something? He had no way of knowing that she was going to come around about the baby. Sarah’s high and mighty attitude is going to make things worse for her. She made the situation worse than it needed to be. We are looking forward to a big custody battle. Hopefully the case won’t take place offscreen the way other things seem to be happening on the show. We waited a long time to see a juicy court case on the show. Xander didn’t roll over once Sarah went off about him going after the baby. He wanted Sloan to go after Sarah once she told him off.

We’re not sure how we feel about Tate yet, but he said something that made us cheer. He put Brady in his place when he told him about working at the pub. Tate was being a brat about working at the pub to pay off his debt. He needs to own up to his mistakes. Causing destruction in school isn’t okay no matter who does it. Tate informed Brady that he only cared about him because he lost Rachel. We cheered as he told him that. He reminded Brady that he wasn’t around for him. Brady sat there with his mouth open. There wasn’t anything else he could do because Tate was right. We know that Brady chased after Chloe and Nicole, so there was no time for him to check on his son. Tate did that to get out of working at the pub, but we loved hearing him put Brady in his place.

Nicole and Eric’s conversation made us want to roll our eyes. She drove it home that Eric always wanted to have a child that was biologically related to him. He mentioned that he wanted a child with his mother’s eyes and had Brady features. Eric also said he wanted a child to love. Nicole must have forgotten that he has two adopted uncles. The Bradys embraced them as if they were blood related. Nicole got lucky that she conveniently got pregnant because the only option she had to have another child was adoption too. We didn’t like their scenes because it’s obvious that she only cared about him having a biological child because she’s pregnant with his baby. It would be funny if EJ turned out to be the father of Nicole’s baby after all. We know that won’t happen because the writers need her with Eric, but it was nice to dream about it.

Salem university needs to close for good. Dimitri escaped the hospital by handcuffing Kayla to his bed. There should have been a cop outside his room because was shot. The police wanted to arrest him for trying to shoot Stefan and Gabi. Leo was able to get a wig and scrubs to sneak him out of the hospital. Rafe and Jada were at the hospital and still didn’t see Dimitri sneak out of the hospital. For some reason, they left Dimitri alone, allowing him to escape from the hospital. The security guards should have been around, but no one was there. He was leaving in a wheelchair and the hallway was empty. The hospital’s security team is a joke.


Eric and Nicole from DOOL

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of 10/9/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Theresa from Days

This week wasn’t as exciting as last week’s episodes. The writers dealt with the aftermath of last week’s reveals. We will get into detail about the stories for the week.

For some reason, the writers decided to recast Theresa in the middle of her storyline. The writers decided to use Gwen in the role. The actress is known for playing Gwen. Now we have to get used to her playing Theresa. She still has her accent and for some reason she is sporting a blonde wig. The writers should have given us more time to adjust to her being the character. She was shoved at us too fast. She needed more time so we could get used to her. They never had to stretch her story if they weren’t going to keep the other Theresa in the role. We don’t think we will get used to Emily O’Brien playing the part. Changing her hair isn’t the only thing that will help us get over the fact that Jenn Liley isn’t playing the part. Here’s a question for you. Was her role that vital to the show that she had to be recast like that? We don’t think she needed to be part of the show like that anymore. The show needs more Bradys, but we don’t need her playing the part. We barely got a chance to see the fallout with Gwen/Leo/Dimitri when she was pushed into another storyline.

Brady is suddenly acting like he’s the doting father. He wasn’t around Tate when he grew up, but he’s acting like he is father of the year. We were waiting for Tate to tell him that he wasn’t there for him. He lost Rachel so now he wants to act like he’s the greatest father in the world. We know that he doesn’t care about him. He only cares now because he’s in Salem. We hope that Tate tells him about himself so he can realize that he should have been more involved in his life. Tate is going to be a handful the same way he was when he was a teenager.

We were surprised by Alex’s attitude towards Justin. Last week, he was ready to write Justin off as his father. He acted as if Justin didn’t raise him. He surprised us this week when he had a conversation with Justin. They straightened things out when Justin went to see him. He accepted him as his father. We applauded him for doing that. We thought he was going to keep acting that way towards him. Alex even wanted him to let him know if he gets too big for himself. We liked that. Alex didn’t get too bigheaded yet. Hopefully he won’t get out of hand now that he’s in charge. His conversation with Stephanie probably played a role in his decision to accept Justin as his father.

Belle decided to give Shawn another chance. She wanted to work things out after he was with Talia. We didn’t expect that to happen any time soon. She just found out that he was with her, and she was willing to work on their relationship. There must have been something about her conversation with Philip that made her want to work things out with Shawn. He threw her for a loop when he said that he was going away. He decided to leave town and be with his mother. He didn’t want her to be with him. We weren’t sure what to think about that. You would think that he would want to wo work things out with her, but he wanted to work on himself first. That might be a good thing, but she was willing to fix their relationship. We know Belle decided to leave and we’re not sure if Shawn was fired or not, but there was no reason to write them out that way. They needed a better way to write them out of the show. They are legacy characters and shouldn’t be treated as if they don’t matter to the show.

What is wrong with Susan? Why would she want to defend Xander after what he did to her? He kidnapped her and she begged EJ not to go after him. You would think that she would want him to get revenge after what he did to her. He robbed her of her chance to see her family and she acted like it wasn’t a big deal. We get that the writers want us to forget that he hasn’t been redeemed, but we didn’t forget that. He didn’t pay for his crimes and he needs to in order to be properly redeemed. She was also singing Ava’s praises. Ava didn’t save her because she felt like she should be with her family. She saved her because she wanted to clear her name. Susan is very gullible to think that they cared about her other than to clear their names. It’s too bad that EJ won’t decide to go after them anyway.

Speaking of Xander, he wanted to go after Sarah and sue for full custody of Victoria. He told Sloan how she’s a terrible mother because she was keeping a father away from his child. Does this sound familiar? Sloan is doing the same thing to Eric. He wanted the judge to see that Sarah wasn’t perfect because she lied about her baby’s paternity twice. Sarah would deserve it if Xander won the custody battle.

Sarah found out that Susan was alive. She realized that Xander didn’t kill Susan. She had to rethink things because she knew he wasn’t a killer after all. She will probably expect Xander not to go after the baby. She may know the truth about Xander, but that doesn’t change the fact that she lied to him about the father of her baby. She shouldn’t be let off the hook because she found out what really happened to Susan.


Susan from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of 10/2/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Shwan and Belle

This week’s episodes didn’t have us screaming at the TV, but a couple of plots moved along a little. There were two confrontations this week. Belle found out the truth about Shawn and Talia being together and Gwen confronted Leo and Dimitri. There must have been something in the water for that to happen in the same week. We will talk about these situations separately.

Jada should probably check her surroundings before she opens her mouth. Anytime she opens her mouth, something bad ends up happening. This time Belle overheard her tell Shawn that he slept with her sister. She shouldn’t have blurted something like that out in public. The office door was open when she dropped the bomb. She shouldn’t have announced a big secret like that so loudly. We know that Shawn wished he could have kicked her in her mouth to keep her quiet. With that said, we will move on to the confrontation.

Belle demanded an explanation as to why Shawn was with Talia. He didn’t give her a good enough reason and she slapped the taste out of his mouth. She yelled at him and couldn’t believe he hurt her. She reminded him about what he did with Jan and that set off fireworks. He told her about her flings with Philip and EJ. Let’s stop right there for a minute. We applauded Shawn for standing up for himself when she threw Jan up in his face. He felt like she should have forgiven him. He wasn’t wrong. She wasn’t in a position to judge him for ending up with Talia because he was drunk when it happened. With that said, his timing was completely off. He was the one who messed up so bringing up her mistakes wasn’t going to help his case. He should have waited to use that high card. He was right, but his timing wasn’t right at all. Belle didn’t want to stay with him because he betrayed her the way he did. We were surprised that she only blamed him for what happened. She didn’t blame Talia. She thought he was trying to pay her back for what she did. She might have been right about that. He might have been waiting for an opportunity to pay her back for what she did. If that were true, he could have done that sober. Why would he wait until he was drunk to do that? She had a right to be mad at him, but it was getting frustrating to watch her whining about what happened. She knows that he’s drinking so it shouldn’t have been a surprise that he messed up. Shawn forgave her for her discretions, and she wasn’t drunk when she did it. She was completely sober. She didn’t even know who Claire’s father was at one point. She should be willing to cut Shawn some slack at some point because she’s far from innocent herself. We enjoyed watching their scenes because they were filled with drama. We hope that they keep showing their confrontation.

As we mentioned earlier, there were two confrontations this week. Gwen confronted Leo about sleeping with Dimitri. The confrontation was better than when Gwen admitted that she knew the truth. Leo wanted Gwen to forgive him after being with Dimitri. Leo expected Gwen to forgive him after sleeping with Dimitri. Leo didn’t deserve to be forgiven after what he did. He knew Dimitri was gay but didn’t warn her about it. He also didn’t have a problem sleeping with his best friend’s husband. What kind of a friend does that? It would serve him right if she never forgave him for what he did. He could have spared her the humiliation of finding out her husband is gay. He had the nerve to try to make her feel sorry for him by being self-deprecating. He knew it was going to work, but he was mistaken because she didn’t want anything to do with him.

Leo wanted to get back at Gwen for Dimitri getting shot. He threatened to make her pay if Dimitri died. Who would Leo be to try and make Gwen pay for Dimitri dying? He also acted as if he were the one married to Dimitri when he found out he was in the hospital. Gwen was the one married to him so he wasn’t in a position to threaten her. We were shaking our heads while we watched him carry on as if was the victim.

The writers are trying to make us feel sorry for Dimitri. Dimitri was the one who wanted to shoot Stefan and Gabi, but the writers expected us to feel sorry for Dimitri when Gabi and Vivian wanted to let him bleed out. Stefan had to go the extra mile and be a man of his word and get him help. We aren’t trying to say that they should have let Dimitri die, but Gabi and Vivan shouldn’t have been written up as monsters just because they were willing to let him die.

We actually wanted to cheer Kate on this week. Kate confronted Sarah about lying about the baby. She wouldn’t let Sarah make excuses about using Rex for her own personal gain. Sarah was told over and over again that she should have told Xander the truth about the baby. She refused to listen because she had to be right. We loved that Kate went off about it. She was given a pass by everyone else who chose to pat her on the head and let her get away with her crime. Kate didn’t do that. She told her off as she should have and we were cheering her on the entire time.

Speaking of the baby, Xander decided to go after full custody of Victoria. Rex talked to him and told him that he wasn’t going to be allowed near his baby. He told him that he wanted to be near his daughter. He called his lawyer and wanted sole custody of the baby. We hope the writers don’t drop the ball with that story. We want to see the look on Sarah’s face when Xander takes her to court. She will probably try to guilt him or run away again so she can keep the baby. She needs to know how it feels not to be able to see the baby because it’s what she wanted to do to Xander.

Susan was alive. It was convenient how she was still alive. It was an obvious attempt to let Ava off the hook for what she did to her. When Ava was seeing illusions about Charlie being alive he wasn’t alive, yet Susan was conveniently alive after she was seeing illusions about her. The writers are going overboard trying to write Ava as if she is a good character. They are clearly trying to put her with Harris so the writers must think we will forget that she is a villain.

Chloe decided to leave town since she ended things with Xander. She asked Philip to go with her. We don’t like the way she was written out of the show. We are Phloe fans so that was disappointing. They were considered a supercouple during the 90s and they were treated like they didn’t matter. Their farewell basically fizzled and it’s an insult to the Phloe fans who would have wanted a better send off. It’s bad enough the wrong actor was playing Philip, but they were written out as if they were extras. We wish the writers put more thought into their departure.


Dimitri Leo and Gwen

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs Week Of 9/25/23

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Kate Roberts


Philip didn’t ask Rex if he talked to Roman about the baby. He was only worried about Kate as if Roman isn’t his father too.

Sarah’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Why would Rex tell Philip about Sarah’s baby being Xander’s in public? He should have done that in private.

You can hear Kate talking while Justin was shown.


Chloe cried without any tears.

Roman said “grammar” instead of “grandma.”

Justin cried without any tears.

Who had Victoria once Xander interrupted Rex and Sarah? Sarah and Xander were together and didn’t have the baby. Rex, Kate and Roman were inside the pub, but the baby wasn’t on the table. Philip went to see Chloe and didn’t have the baby with him.


It was daytime on Tuesday when Xander and Sarah were talking outside of the pub, but it was nighttime in this episode.

Chloe said she knew Xander had feelings for Sarah. If she felt that way, why did she agree to marry him?

Chloe told Philip her feelings for him came back when she saw him again. If she was still in love with Philip, she shouldn’t care that Xander had feelings for Sarah.


Nicole looks like she’s ready to go into labor. She wasn’t that far along the last time she was shown.

Eric conveniently had a picture of him and Nicole together.

Marlena happened to know Sloan’s address. Is her address public knowledge to everyone?


Sonny was talking while Vivian was shown.

Who told Kate about Victor having a second will? There weren’t too many people who knew the truth so why would any of them tell Kate about it?

Gwen was obvious that she knew the truth about Dimitri and Sonny. She wasn’t acting so knowingly before the audience found out that she knew the truth.


Justin Kiriakis

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of 9/25/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Xander Cook

This was quite a week. We had two paternity reveals in one week. We will get into that soon. We also saw a couple of people put others ahead of themselves. We were shocked to see that happen because they have shown how selfish they could be. Someone was put in her place, and we couldn’t be happier about that. Without any further delay, we will talk about this week’s episodes of Days Of Our Lives.

We are disappointed in the writers for what they are doing to Victor’s memory. We understand that John Aniston passed away so they wrote out Victor. We don’t have a problem with that. We do have a problem with the fact that his character is being destroyed to boost up the storyline. We found out that Justin isn’t Alex’s father. Victor is his father. We read the spoilers so we knew that “plot twist” was coming, but we weren’t happy about when we read it. We don’t approve of the fact that Victor betrayed Justin the way he did. We weren’t watching Days when Anjelica was on the show, but we are familiar with the fact that she was with Justin. We don’t believe that Victor would have hurt Justin by being with her. Maggie and Justin found out the ugly truth while they were reading Victor’s second will. It was a classic soap moment, but the writers have decided to rewrite the soap’s history with this plot point. We don’t approve of this twist. We are big fans of twists. Twists give us a chance to be shocked and we’re normally here for them. We just didn’t like what they decided to do with this plot twist.

We can’t stress enough that Victor wouldn’t have done that to him. There was no hint at all that Victor hurt Justin that way. We are watching a show take place in Salem. How did a secret like that stay hidden all these years? We all know that people talk about their secrets in the open all the time. It’s hard to believe that Victor didn’t have one conversation about something that big. The characters talk about the smallest secrets out loud all the time, but he managed to keep this one hidden. He also could have told Maggie this secret. The writers didn’t have to butcher Victor’s character again just because he’s no longer with us. Victor was never a saint on the show, but he wouldn’t have done that to his favorite nephew. It’s obvious that the writers wanted to build up Alex’s character so he had to become Victor’s son. We get that the writers love the actor so much they will come up with any way to give him screentime, but this didn’t make any sense at all. It’s a blatant attempt to build up a useless character by giving him a storyline like this one. Speaking of Alex, we will get to him next.

Alex was hit with a huge shock when he found out that Justin isn’t his biological father. He had a right to be upset and shocked. His reaction to that was understandable, but he didn’t think about the shock that Justin had. He found out that a man he raised wasn’t his son. Justin was heartbroken by the news, but he didn’t want things to change between them. Alex had to be in his feelings about it and wanted to be alone. Justin tried to assure him that nothing had to change between them, but that didn’t matter to Alex. Sonny also showed up to let him know that things didn’t have to change and that they were brothers. Alex said that Justin wasn’t his father and that he wasn’t his brother. We wanted to throw something at the screen while we listened to that garbage. We couldn’t believe the way Alex was acting. He was talking to a man who was adopted that Justin wasn’t his father anymore. They are still family regardless of which man is his father. We were waiting for Alex to tell Sonny about being adopted. The writers missed a beat by not having Sonny mention that he wasn’t biologically related, but still considered Justin his father. Unfortunately, the writers dropped the ball when they missed that beat. We aren’t fans of Alex’s character as it is, and this upcoming storyline isn’t going to make us root for him. We are hoping that the letter was a forgery, and that Alex isn’t really Victor’s son.

It’s time to get to the other paternity reveal. This reveal was more exciting to us than the previous one. We were waiting for this one to be revealed. It was a contrived reveal, but it got the story out so we won’t complain. Chloe heard Rex tell Philip about Sarah’s baby being Xander’s. Rex was an idiot for talking about something like that outside so anyone could hear it. This man spilled his guts out and told Philip everything about Sarah’s baby and how she still loves Xander. It would make sense to look around before you start talking about something important like that. Anyway, Chloe heard them and could have kept the secret. Chloe went to Xander and told him the truth about Sarah’s baby. We weren’t sure if she was going to say anything about it. She knew the risk and told him the truth anyway. We were surprised that she actually did that. She didn’t beat around the bush. She told him the truth. Chloe deserves a round of applause for what she did. She knew Xander could have gone running to Sarah as soon as he heard the truth. He wanted to stay with her, but she wouldn’t let him do it. She wanted him to find Sarah and be with her. She might have been saving face, but we will give her the applause she deserves for doing the right thing.

Philip also deserves a round of applause this week. He knew the truth about Sarah’s baby and could have used the opportunity to destroy Xander and Chloe’s relationship with it. He could have made a move on her, but he didn’t do that. He wanted to make her feel better about it. He put her feelings ahead of his own. He wanted to be a friend to her. We have been Phloe fans so it was nice to see him being a comforting friend instead of scheming to get her back with the information. We do wish that Jay Kenneth Johnston were playing the role when this story unfolded, but we’ll take what we can get at this point. We do have a complaint about these two.

Chloe claimed that she wasn’t over Philip. We weren’t sure what was going on with that. She didn’t give Philip a thought since he was gone and now she suddenly had feelings for him. Give us a break. We love Philip and Chloe together, but we’re not buying that she suddenly had feelings for him out of the blue. The writers will have to do better than that. She was just in love with Brady when she fell for Xander so we don’t believe that she never got over Philip. She has been with several men while he was gone so we don’t believe that she suddenly fell for him again. We want them back together, but we don’t want it to be a rebound thing or something rushed. We know we’re not going to get either one so it’s hard to be happy about them possibly getting back together. We would have loved to watch a Phloe reunion, but we know it won’t happen the way we want it to happen.

Let’s shift gears a little and talk about the showdown we were waiting to see. Xander confronted Sarah about keeping the truth about Victoria from him. He rightfully yelled at her for keeping the truth about her from him. She had the gall to try and justify her actions. She kept putting him down as if that excused her behavior. We loved that he didn’t back down to her. He called her out for her actions. She was playing judge and jury with their baby. We were cheering him on when he told her that he had the right to know the truth about the baby. He had every right to tell her about herself. She didn’t have the right to keep the truth from him. She had a lot of nerve doing that because she’s not a saint. She threw up his past mistakes in his face. It’s too bad that he didn’t remind her what she did when she kidnapped Rachel. She proved that Xander wasn’t the only one who could make mistakes. We don’t know why she thought she would win the argument by throwing his mistakes up at him. She’s not perfect so she shouldn’t have judged him. We don’t normally root for Xander, but we had to do it with this story. She was walking around like Miss High and Mighty as if she is without sin. She should have listened to Maggie when she kept driving it home that she tell Xander about Victoria being his daughter. She thought she was right to do it and she paid for it when he went off about it.

It’s time to talk about Gwen. She was acting very different this week. As we all know, Gwen seemed like she was in the dark when it concerned Dimitri and Leo being together. She appeared to believe everything they told her. For some reason, her attitude changed. Now she’s parading around as if she knew the truth all along. She is being smug towards Leo and bragging about what’s going on with Dimitri. She also kept doting over Dimitri when she caught them. It’s funny how easily she caught them together this week when Dimitri had his pants down and she didn’t think anything of it. She could blow Dimitri and Leo out of the water by getting away from him. She doesn’t gain anything by staying with him. He is making her look like a fool so she could stop him from getting his inheritance and that would be the perfect revenge for her. She works at the newspaper so she would be fine if he lost his inheritance. She could also fire Leo from the paper to pay him back for what he did to her. It’s just too obvious that she knows the truth now. Dimitri and Leo should know that she knows the truth because she’s acting different from how she was before.

Chloe Lane

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinion Article week Of 9/18/23

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Gwen and Kristen on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

How are we supposed to believe that Gwen suddenly figured out that Dimitri and Leo were together? She didn’t know anything about their relationship, but she admitted to Kristen that she knew about their affair. Excuse us? When did she suddenly figure that out? They were giving her the dumbest reasons for being caught with their pants down and she  seemed to believe it. She figured out the truth off-screen. That was an anticlimactic outcome as far as we’re concerned. We were hoping for her to find out in a dramatic way. Her attitude is completely different now that she knows the truth. She will be acting as if she’s known all along. Did the writers want us to believe that Gwen suddenly got a brain? How long did they have to be together before she figured out the truth? We’re hoping that the confrontation will be much better than the reveal.

It can’t be stressed enough that Wendy does absolutely nothing for us. She is a useless character. We don’t have a problem with the actress (we’ve never seen her in anything else), but we do have a problem with the character. She adds nothing to the storyline, so she could be written out, and we wouldn’t even care. With that said, she tried to stand up to EJ when she confronted him about hiring someone to kill Ava. Did she really think she could try to outsmart EJ by checking his phone without getting caught? She doesn’t appear to know what he’s capable of doing. She knew that EJ hired a hit-woman, so what made her think he wouldn’t go after her? EJ had no problem going after Ava, so getting Wendy would be a breeze. She should just mind her business and stop trying to act like she’s a hero. 
We are enjoying watching the feud between Maggie and Vivian. They are legendary actresses, so we certainly don’t mind seeing the vets have a front-burner storyline. Maggie and Vivian are battling because Victor is still legally married to Vivian. Maggie definitely got the shock of her life when she found out that she wasn’t queen of the manor anymore. We applaud the writers for giving Maggie something to do besides telling Sarah to talk to Xander about her baby. Maggie is ready to go after Vivian and hold on to everything. Maggie has certainly gotten over the loss of her “husband” now that she’s focused on getting the fortune back. It’s always good to see Vivian in Salem. She definitely added spice to the Kiriakis storyline. We are looking forward to seeing what she has in store for Maggie, as well as the Kiriakis family.
Speaking of the Kiriakis family, why did Theresa have to be involved in their storyline? She’s been gone for a long time, and now she’s suddenly involved in their story. We’re not sure what role she plays in it, but we’re hoping that it’s not an eye-rolling experience. She doesn’t have a reason to be involved in the story, so we’ll see how that turns out.
It’s time to shift gears and bring up another subject. Talia and Shawn spent the night together. We’re not really sure why the writers went in this direction. We know that Shawn was eventually going to sleep with someone else, since he started drinking, but we didn’t think he would end up with Talia. It was definitely a random experience. Jada found out that Shawn spent the night with her and read Talia the riot act about being with him. She reminded her that Belle helped her when she was in trouble. Talia was just concerned with feeling better. She didn’t care that she hurt the person who went out of her way to help her. She should have been ashamed that she ended up with Belle’s husband. 
Chloe found out the truth about Sarah’s baby. It didn’t take long for her to learn that Xander is really the father. It was a convenient coincidence that she was around when Rex spilled the beans to Philip (in public). She knows the truth, so she has to decide whether she wants to tell Xander the truth about the baby. Will she tell him that he’s about to be a father and risk losing him? That’s a question we will have to wait for next week to find out. 


Chloe overhears Rex and Philip talking about Sarah's big secret on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs Week of 9/18/23

Nitpicks and Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Alex and Brady on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock


– When did Kayla tell Brady about the letters she found in Victor’s childhood home?

-When did Dimitri kill somebody to threaten to kill Stefan and Gabi so easily?


-Nicole conveniently knew EJ hired an assassin to go after Ava.


– Chanel wasn’t allergic to flowers when Talia gave them to her, but she was when Johnny gave them to her.

– Why would Chanel text Talia to see how she is doing when she dumped her for Johnny? How did Chanel think Talia was doing?


– Theresa contradicted herself because she told Brady the letters might be in the briefcase, but she told him that Shane just wanted Maggie to see what was in the briefcase.


-How old is Tate, since he got expelled from school? (He was born in 2015, so he should be 8, but who knows what they’re doing now…)

– Rex revealed personal information about the father of Sarah’s baby in public!


Rex and Sarah on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flub Week of 9/11/23

Opinion Article


by Michele

Xander and Sarah with their new baby on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

– Sarah was talking to Rex while Maggie was shown.
– Sarah didn’t look like she gave birth. She looked like she was just lounging around in Victor’s backyard.
– Sarah’s baby was very clean after she gave birth.
– Sarah was hemorrhaging, yet she didn’t have blood on her.

– Chanel was talking while Talia was shown.
– EJ was talking while Jada and Talia were shown.
– Does EJ live next door to Paulina? Johnny was with him one minute and at Paulina’s place the next.

– Chanel and Johnny can be heard kissing while Belle was shown.
– Who reported the story about Ava and Harris being on the run?
– Shawn was able to easily find the room Rafe and the officer were investigating.
– Talia cried without any tears.

– Alex answered the door wearing a towel. He needs to put clothes on when he answers the door!
– Timothy didn’t ask Brady about being married. He asked Belle and Paul, but he didn’t ask him.

– Chelsea told Maggie about Doug, but she didn’t go see him.
– Alex opened the door without his shirt on again. He may as well never have a shirt on because he never puts one on when he opens the door!
– Theresa just happened to know where to find Brady and Alex in Greece.


Andrew drops by to see Alex on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinion Article Week of 9/11/23

Opinion Article


by Cheryl

Brady and Theresa on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

Maybe it’s just us, but Brady seemed as if he was jealous of Theresa going after Alex. There is nothing keeping Brady from being with Theresa! He listed Theresa’s evil deeds to Alex when he was telling him why he wasn’t going to be with her. This is the same man who was willing to overlook Kristen’s actions when he was with her. Theresa has done her fair share of things, but nothing compared to Kristen.

Does Xander have selective hearing? When Sarah had the baby, she told him the baby was his. He acted as if he didn’t hear that once she got to the hospital. Sarah needs to feel like dirt keeping the truth from him about the baby. We understand that she doesn’t want him near the baby, but he has a right to know that he has a child. 

Wasn’t it convenient that Chanel suddenly realized she suppressed her feelings for Johnny? She was more than willing to be with Talia, but after her conversation with Paulina, she suddenly wants to be with Johnny. We know the writers had to do something, since Talia is leaving the show, but Chanel should have at least been showing signs of wanting to be with him. 
Johnny and Chanel told each other that they never stopped loving each other. Did Johnny forget that he was just in love with Wendy? It’s funny how easily they can tell each other how they feel now. 
Are the writers trying to pull the wool over our eyes? Is Susan really alive, or is Ava seeing things? Ava was convinced that Charlie was alive because he was visiting her. How do we know she isn’t doing the same thing with Susan? If Susan is alive, why wouldn’t she reach out to EJ or Johnny? It doesn’t make sense for her to visit Ava. 
Talia has no loyalty to Belle. She couldn’t wait to kiss Shawn. Talia would probably be in prison if it weren’t for Belle, yet the first chance she got she hooked up with Shawn. We know she was drunk, but that is no excuse to kiss Belle’s husband (or worse).


Shawn and Talia in bed after their one-night-stand on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinion Article Week of 9/4/23

Opinion Article


by Cheryl

EJ and Johnny on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

EJ was suddenly thinking of Susan. He basically forgot about her all this time. Now that Ava is back he is suddenly thinking about her. He wasn’t ready to get revenge on Ava before she came back and now he has become obsessed with making her pay for Susan’s death. He also wanted to get revenge on Xander for not going after Ava. Being a new father hasn’t changed him at all.

Why would Theresa come back to Salem without Tate? Victor was his great grandfather so it didn’t make sense that she didn’t bring him with her to the funeral. She claimed he had school, but she still should have brought him to the funeral. Rachel should be in school, but no one has mentioned her being in school. It was an excuse not to have Brady be around his son. We were surprised he even remembered Tate’s name since he hasn’t seen him in years. 
Brady clearly hasn’t been seeing Tate over the years because he and Theresa were talking about what she did with Xander as if it happened yesterday. We understand they had to use exposition to let new fans and remind longtime fans of their history, but it didn’t make sense that they are just now having a conversation about it. 
Theresa and Xander talked about their relationship woes. How did Theresa know about Xander’s relationship with Sarah? Theresa wasn’t in Salem when Sarah was with Xander. Who was keeping Theresa up-to-date about Xander and Sarah’s relationship? 
Nicole needs to make up her mind about who Chloe should be with. One minute Nicole wanted her to be with Brady, and now she wants her to be with Philip. Nicole must want Chloe to be indecisive about the man in her life the same way she is. It was obvious that Nicole’s advice was about her own life and not Chloe’s. Nicole is the one who can’t make up her mind about her love life. We loved how Chloe called Nicole out for her hypocritical advice. 
Why would Johnny defend Ava to EJ? Did Johnny forget that Ava killed his grandmother? Johnny tried to downplay Ava’s actions by mentioning her mental issues. We know Johnny had a soft spot for her once upon a time, but it doesn’t change what she did to his grandmother. 
Why would Harris risk his life to go on the run with Ava? He doesn’t know her very well, so why risk his freedom for her? Is he starting to fall for her? That would be the only explanation for why he would choose to go on the run with her. 
Why didn’t the writers find a way to bring Victor and Maggie’s families to Salem for his funeral? It didn’t make sense for them to be missing. Where were Melanie, Ciara and Claire? If they couldn’t get the same actresses to play them, they could have recast them. 
How many times is John’s story going to change? It has changed several times. The writers don’t seem to be able to decide who he is going to be. They will probably end up changing his paternity once again.


Harris and Ava on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs Week of 9/5/23

Opinion Article


by Michele

Victor's Funeral on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock


-EJ was suddenly dreaming about Susan dying. He wasn’t thinking about her before.

-EJ was able to find out where Xander and Chloe live. He has no reason to know about that.

-Theresa has been gone for years, but she is still in love with Brady.

-Theresa didn’t bring Tate with her for the funeral because he had school. Even if he’s back in school, they would have let him have time off for a death in the family.


-Sarah looked at her ring as if Rex just put it on her finger.

-It was daytime when Xander and Theresa saw each other, but it was nighttime in this episode.

-If Ava didn’t kill Susan, why was she seeing her face? She didn’t have to haunt her if she didn’t do anything to her.

-Who was keeping Theresa informed about what was going on in Salem? She knew too much about Xander’s relationship with Sarah and Chloe.


-Where did Talia get the money to change her hair? Speaking of hair, Chanel also managed to change her hairstyle.

-Jada suggested that she and Rafe go to his house. If they went to his house before, they wouldn’t have gotten caught.

-Why would Johnny defend Ava to EJ? Did he forget that Ava killed his grandmother?


– Ciara was too far along to go to Victor’s funeral but Chelsea wasn’t. They were pregnant around the same time, yet Ciara couldn’t make it to the funeral.

– Why didn’t Will come with Sonny to Victor’s funeral?

– Why didn’t Claire come back for Victor’s funeral?

-Brady and Justin were sitting in the front row, but Philip was behind them at Victor’s funeral.


-Maggie can be heard talking while Sarah was shown.

-John didn’t go to Victor’s funeral. He had a relationship with Victor because of Isabella, so he should have been there.


Victor's Funeral on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Why I think Days is Ridiculous 2023

Opinion Article


Random Rant by Jonathan Massey Moss

Leo (Kevin Rikaart) and Susan (Stacy Haiduk) on "Days of Our Lives' on Peacock

They just revealed that Susan Banks is alive. I’m not surprised – nobody dies in Salem! I doubted her death from day one. Some people hate her, but I find her hilarious. Some people also hate Leo, but I also find him hilarious. He has the funniest lines. I don’t care about the Dimitri triangle, but I guess he and Leo are well-suited. It’s obvious Dimitri will lose out on the money.

I don’t like Alex; he’s very annoying. I liked him much better when he was having casual flings – at least people don’t normally do that on the soaps. Perhaps Abby will return alive just before Chad and Stephanie get married…. that would be fun!

I am thankful the story line with Nurse Nuts and Abe is gone – that plot was tortuous. Speaking of tortuous, I liked the idea of Theresa coming back, but her character has been just annoying so far. It’s been a decade, so couldn’t she find someone else by now?

The residents of Salem have quite a few secrets. I’m not sure why they bother keeping them because they always come out. Salemites must have memories like goldfish.

I would hate to be Sloane when EJ finds out the baby isn’t his. Such a shame. I think Nichole and EJ are better suited. Wendy and Tripp are pretty boring, but it’s a good excuse for Lucas Adams to be shirtless. Xander and Chloes romance is obviously doomed – why are we even bothering with them?

Sonny is back, but what about Will? Oh, great, now I sound like some ridiculous fan whining about casting decisions…one of those who doesn’t realize that the showjust can’t afford lots of returnees.

People on social media were upset that Victor died in a plane crash instead of in his sleep. I don’t know what difference this makes, he’s dead either way. I did like Victor, though… he was funny and is already missed. RIP John.


John Aniston (Victor) on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock (photo from NBC)

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Does Days Still Have a Future?

Opinion Article


by Suzanne

Days of Our Lives older actors 2023

In March, the streaming service Peacock renewed “Days of Our Lives” for two more years, which means the show will make it to its 60th Anniversary. The question is, will it last beyond that? There are many factors that put the show in jeopardy. Mind you, we hope the show is around a good long time.  We’re not optimistic, however.

The show has been on a small budget for a very long time. NBC canceled it a few years back, but they moved it to their streaming site. This was a calculated move to bring its aging audience into the world of streaming (and hopefully introduce it to younger fans).  Peacock invested some money in it, I believe, at first, but I think it’s back to being low-budget now.  One of the ways they save money is by rotating their huge cast. Certain characters come and go all the time (such as Will and Sonny) or are hardly seen (Tony and Anna).  Fans are used to this by now, even though it can be frustrating when our favorites are not given much story.

The large cast has quite a number of senior actors (see above), from a relatively-young Judi Evans (Bonnie) at age 59, to Bill Hayes (Dough) at age 98, as well as a few in their 50’s (Eric Martsolf, Stacy Haiduk, Steve Burton, Galen Gering, Greg Vaughan, Tamara Braun, and the sometimes-seen Bryan Dattilo).This isn’t even to mention the myriad over-50 actors that occasionally come and go, such as Eileen Davidson (Susan/Kristen), Kassie DePaiva (Eve), Lisa Rinna (Billie), Kristen Alfonso (Hope), Alison Sweeney (Sami), Cady McClain (Jenn), Kyle Lowder (Rex) and others…

John Aniston (Victor), who was 89, passed away at the end of last year.  We hope no one else leaves us any time soon, but it’s sort of inevitable that will probably happen in the next 5 years or so.  If the actors on the show, and their fans, die out, then what will happen to the show?  Sure, there are younger actors, but what is “Days of Our Lives” without Marlena (Deidre Hall, age 75) or Maggie (Suzanne Rogers, age 80)?  Can actors like Robert Sean Wilson (Alex) and Abigail Klein (Stephanie) be the next John and Marlena or Steve and Kayla? We may find out.

The other age-related problem is that the show doesn’t seem to offer contracts to many of their younger cast members, which is probably why they lose so many of them, such as Kate Mansi, Marci Miller, Victoria Konefal, Freddie Smith, Lamon Archey, and Camila Banus.  There are other reasons young people leave as well, such as wanting to try their hand in movies or primetime.

The show was originally a more serious soap, but in the 80’s (like many other daytime soaps), they had a lot of wild stories. Then they became a more serious soap for a while, and they’ve been up and down ever since. Since their move to Peacock, the stories have been pretty out there. I think this is part of the reason that it had lower ratings than the other soaps. It’s hard to take a show seriously when they have stories about demonic possession, people constantly coming back from the dead, psychic powers and more.  I don’t think anyone would want the show to go back to when it was boring, but it would be nice if there were a little more realism.  On the other hand, they have had some great groundbreaking stories dealing with mental illness and gay romance. Also, the show has added more three-dimensional characters of color with the addition of Li and Wendy, as well as Paulina’s family. And most importantly, they’ve given Abe a lot more to do.

Another thing they’ve improved over time is having more “love in the afternoon,” even if some people don’t approve of the more suggestive love-making scenes, as they had with the threesome between Allie, Alex and Chanel. They have many great kissing scenes (and suggestive bedroom scenes) among all of the cast, which is nice to see because it adds some realism and gives us a nice break from the outrageous or dramatic stories.  There is also a lot of humor in the show, and that credit goes to head writer Ron Carlivati.

This week they brought on 97-year-old Dick Van Dyke as a character with amnesia, which is an interesting mystery storyline. He also did a little song-and-dance with Doug and Julie, which was very fun. I don’t think Van Dyke will be on the show for very long, which is too bad. I think he’s brought new life into the show, and it would be nice to see more. I don’t mind “stunt casting,” which soaps do a lot of, as long as they are fun to watch.

There are definitely positives to the show being on streaming, including the fact that they never have to show a re-run or be impacted by daytime news interruptions.  However, they may have lost many fans who refuse to pay for Peacock Plus or Premium, or who don’t want to watch the show on their computer or phone.

One thing that’s disturbing is that the show recently got rid of its publicist and her publicity department.  This was probably a cost-cutting measure, but it seems pretty extreme to me.  None of the other soaps have done this. It makes me wonder what else they’re going to cut.

If you read about the show, you’ve no doubt heard about its recent scandal involving one of the producers. They fired him, but it sounds like they should have done that quite some time ago. Let’s hope it doesn’t have any further negative impact on the show.

Unfortunately, all TV networks are having problems financially now because there are just too many of them, and they not only have to compete with each other, but with video games, movies and other internet fun. There is a strike going on right now between the actors, writers and the big corporations that run the networks. What effect this will have on the daytime soaps and their future, we don’t know.

All we can do is keep watching and hope the show sticks around for many more years!


DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- “Day of Days” -- Pictured: (l-r) Stephen Nichols, James Reynolds at the Xbox Plaza at L.A. Live on November 12, 2022 -- (Photo by: Todd Williamson/Peacock)

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Good TV Shows for Learning English

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Peppa Pig and family

Good Shows for Learning English by Mark H. 2/3/23

Learning English can be more fun if you use innovative approaches. Technological advancements, particularly in the entertainment industry, can help you learn to write, read, and speak fluent English. All you have to do is to pick an exciting television (TV) show and watch it to improve your pronunciation, listening, and speaking skills.

This article will explore how you can get the most out of TV shows and recommend some of the best programs to improve your English proficiency.

How to Benefit from TV Shows for English Learners

Choose an interesting TV show

People have different tastes and preferences when selecting TV series. There are numerous subjects that scholars can learn from, including politics, natural science, history, geography, and art. Therefore, you should choose a program with a theme that you find interesting, as long as it has useful information to improve your English.

Select a TV program that suits your English level

Learning can be challenging for English language learners who select shows unsuitable for their level. If you are a beginner, watching programs with complex English can be demoralizing since you might not understand most of the content. So, choose a recorded show that is easy to rewind and pause. In addition, you should start with short films with relatively slow narration and progress gradually.

Have clear goals

Setting goals while watching a TV show can help you learn English faster. Besides following the program’s plot, you will be able to pay close attention to pronunciation and vocabulary. As a result, you will gradually become fluent and understand complex words.

Select a movie with English subtitles and read along

Watching movies with subtitles can improve your listening skills. Besides making TV programs less confusing, especially for people who aren’t familiar with English, captions promote useful skills, since while reading them, you hear a movie’s characters pronouncing different words. Therefore, they can help to improve your listening and memory. In addition, English subtitles enhance good pronunciation. Your English proficiency will gradually improve if you practice reading along and pronouncing them in each episode.

After identifying the best shows that can work for you, FluentU can be useful in making learning easy. The language learning program teaches English through videos and a series of TV clips with interactive subtitles. The best thing about this site is that you can click on the words to see their definition and usage with examples.

Watch TV programs when your mind is fresh

If you want the best outcomes from TV shows for English learners, you should watch them before sleeping or immediately after waking up. These are the most appropriate times because you will retain information for a long time. People who learn new concepts after a nap have better memory, since sleep boosts and restores brainpower. Therefore, it’s always advisable to plan your day and watch movies to improve your English when your mind is fresh and free from distractions.

If you have a tight schedule from early morning till late in the day, you can adjust your studying habits and identify the best time that can work for you. However, the golden rule is to find quality time, schedule listening, and practice sessions when alert.

What else can I try to learn the language faster?

If you are interested in improving your English and looking for ideas to complement TV shows, paper writing by CustomWritings can help you achieve your goals. This essay writing company is among the organizations providing timely homework assistance at affordable rates. It has experienced writers who can give tips and resources to improve your knowledge and writing skills. In addition, they can assist you with your essays, proposals, thesis, research, and any other challenging task. Whether a high school or university student, there’s always someone to handle your projects and deliver satisfactory work. So, you can seek guidance anytime, regardless of your location.

5 Best TV Shows for Learning English

Here are some of the best TV shows for learning English:

Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig logo

Peppa Pig is one of the best TV shows for English beginners. It is an animated British children’s program with the simplest English language. The series has a pretty simple plot that documents the adventures of an anthropomorphic pig called Peppa and her friends. Although it is meant for preschoolers, it’s a good starting point if you’re beginning to learn English.

“Peppa Pig” is an international animated children’s show that can be seen around the world on TV and streaming. In the U.S., you can see it on Disney+, Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and YouTube.


British TV show "Misfits," season 1

Misfits is a TV series that can help students familiarize themselves with the British accent. It focuses on a group of youths sentenced to do different forms of community service, although they become superpowered after being struck by lightning on their first day at work. Misfits is an interesting program for learners who want to learn the difference between British and American English. It is a great choice for improving listening skills as you get used to multiple accents.

“Misfits” ran on British TV from 2009-2013. In the U.S, you can see it on HULU or Amazon Prime.


TV series "Insecure" from HBO

Insecure can be a good show for improving your knowledge of English, especially if you’re an advanced learner. It revolves around two friends, Molly and Issa, residing in Los Angeles. Insecure explores serious moments and the experiences of African Americans living in the United States of America, although it’s mostly a comedy. It can be a helpful program for learning English because it uses modern language and has subtitles.

“Insecure” ran from 2016-2021 on HBO. You can watch it in the US on HBO Max, HULU and Amazon Prime.

Prison Break

"Prison Break" season 4 on FOX

Prison Break is an American TV show with four seasons. Its set in a prison where the actors use powerful English and plenty of slang. After watching this program, you’ll master vocabulary about prison life, criminal behaviors, and some engineering aspects.

“Prison Break” ran on FOX from 2005-2017 for 4 seasons. You can see it in the U.S. on HULU, Disney+ or Amazon Prime.

Trading spaces

Reality show "Trading Spaces" on TLC

Trading spaces is an American TV reality program. It focuses on two home-owners given money and a specific duration to decorate each other’s homes. Although the show mainly aims to educate the audience about trust and how to interact with people, it has a list of vocabulary words to spice up your English, especially when you’re under pressure or stressed.

While watching this show, you’ll hear real language used by the contestants, who are native speakers. Therefore, you should consider it if you want to know what to say when you’re excited, disappointed, sad, or frustrated. Besides learning to improve your grammar, you’ll see some real cultural differences and their impacts on human interaction.

“Trading Spaces” ran from 2000-2019 for 10 seasons. It may or may not return on TLC. You can watch it on Roku, Spectrum, Amazon Prime, and HGTV.

Final Thoughts

Most people think spending several hours watching TV can distract them and is a waste of their precious time. However, this review proves otherwise. Watching English TV programs can be a good learning session if you identify the right shows. In addition, you should have other resources such as a notebook and a pen to record important tips to improve your grammar. These approaches can enable you to have fun and perfect your writing skills and fluency in speaking English.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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