Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Damn, it’s still not enough to get me out of this hole. [knocking on door]
I thought you were going to call.
Yeah, sorry. I knew you were staying at Julie’s. So I figured I’d just come in person instead.
Holly, what’s wrong? Did your boyfriend have a problem with you going to the concert with me?
No, he didn’t care about that. He’s kind of got his own problems to deal with.
[dramatic music]
Hey, just checked traffic. We should be able to make it in about three hours.
I can’t go.
Why? I talked to Holly. She understands.
No, no, it’s– it’s not because of Holly.
Then why can’t we go?
Because of me. We haven’t been introduced. I’m Amy Choi, Sophia’s mother.
You’re replacing me?
As you know, it is my responsibility to appoint the district attorney. And I’ve decided to go in a different direction.
A different direction? But we’ve been through this before, Paulina. Why now?
Look, Commissioner Hunter and I have been discussing recent events and we felt that–
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean “we felt?” Wait a minute. Was this your idea?
[suspenseful music]
If EJ wants to stow me away in the West Wing, I can at least get some provisions. What the hell?
Hiya, Rafe. It’s me, your old pal, Arnold Feniger. Remember me?
[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
Arnold Feniger? But you’re–you’re dead. You died in a prison, like, 5 years ago.
It was like 3 /2, but who’s counting?
They thought you were me.
Oh, that, yeah. Well, you see, that whole thing, it was one big misunderstanding. Obviously, since I’m standing here. It never happened.
What do you mean, it never happened?
Do I need to spell it out for you, bud? OK, fine. EJ DiMera faked my death.
[dramatic music]
I see what’s happening here. You told the mayor to replace me.
It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. Ultimately, it’s my decision.
And yet you still haven’t given me a proper explanation for it.
You really want to hear that?
I believe I deserve an answer.
Fine. To put it bluntly, you’ve been botching cases left and right, bending the laws when you’re not outright breaking them, using the power of the office to settle your own personal issues. Is that enough of an explanation for you?
Actually, no, it isn’t. I stand by every decision I’ve made as district attorney.
And I don’t stand by even one of those self-serving, amoral decisions, which is why– and this time there is no coming back from this– no matter what the hell you threaten, EJ DiMera, you are fired.
So tell me what’s going on with your boyfriend, unless you’d rather not say.
Yeah, I’d rather not.
OK, that’s fine. But whatever it is, it’s obviously upsetting you a lot. Would it help you to talk about it?
Yeah. Yeah, maybe it would. OK, but if I tell you, you have to promise you’re not going to tell anyone else.
Of course not. No.
Right, well, when I went over to his house to see if it was OK if we used those concert tickets or not, Tate was on his way out with Sophia.
His ex.
But you said he was going out of town.
Yeah. And at first, I thought he was taking her with him to visit his grandparents in California, which was bad enough–
But he wasn’t taking her there?
No, no, it was all a lie. He wasn’t even going to visit his grandparents. He was going to take Sophia to get an abortion. [sighs]
It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Choi.
I’m not sure I believe you.
Excuse me?
Tate, I’m so sorry. My mom was talking to my boss, and it turned into this big mess.
Don’t apologize to him. He’s the one who should be apologizing to me.
Sorry. Apologizing for what?
For sneaking around with my daughter behind my back and for getting her pregnant.
Hey. Hi.
Hey. I got your message.
You didn’t get another threatening text, did you?
Oh, actually, I did.
Let’s see this. Thank you.
Great. “Stay away from Brady or else.” Or else, oh, well, that’s new.
Yeah, well, I guess Kristen is stepping up her warnings.
Huh what?
It’s just that this text came in on Christmas.
Kristen’s version of spreading a little holiday cheer.
It’s just that I was with Kristen on Christmas, for a little while, anyway.
Oh, you were with Kristen?
It was a last minute thing. She called and asked me if I wanted to see Rachel.
Talk about a Christmas miracle.
I know. She said a friend talked her into it. I don’t know. I mentioned the text to her, and she swore that she didn’t send them.
Oh, she swore, did she? I know that Kristen and the truth are like strangers. I got to say, I know her, and I think she was being sincere.
So you really don’t think that she was the one sending the texts?
Ava, I know it’s weird. But it’s too–it’s too simple. It’s too innocent. She’s usually much less on the nose and more conniving.
OK. Look, I would really like to put faith in Kristen’s sincerity, but I got to say, Brady, I think you’re way off on this one.
Well, because I hired Steve to look into the texts. And he used a location tracking device. And it confirmed that the texts were coming from the DiMera estate.
Yeah, oh.
Look, I’m really sorry that you are having to deal with this. I promise you, I’m going to put an end to it.
It’s OK. Actually, it’s not the reason that I called you here today. I need to tell you something about your son.
Tate and I were broken up when he started seeing Sophia. But then we got back together shortly after that. And they weren’t even a couple for that long, but–
Long enough for her to get pregnant?
Man, I’m sorry. But why did they need to go away?
Sophia’s not 8 yet. And I guess the state doesn’t allow you to get an abortion without parental consent, which, knowing her mom, it’s like a total no go.
So she and Tate were traveling out of state for the procedure?
Right, which is why he told me he was visiting his grandparents, so I didn’t have to find out.
Right. Of course. And do you think he was ever going to tell you the truth?
Honestly? Probably not.
Mrs. Choi, I get it. I get why you’re upset. I do.
Well, that’s a comfort, isn’t it?
I guess what I mean is that Sophia and I were careful. Like–
Apparently, you and I have very different definitions of careful.
OK, I just– what I mean to say is that I really did not mean for any of us to end up here.
Well, that much is clear. But there was a very simple way this could have been avoided. You two should not have been having sex to begin with.
Mom, please.
I thought I raised my daughter better than this. She worked hard in school. She was about to go to college for pre-med. Did you know that?
Yeah. I–
And now I find out she’s pregnant.
I understand that Sophia has really big plans for her future, and so do I, which is why we can’t have this baby, why this would be a mistake.
Tate, stop.
No, no, that’s– I’m sorry. But that’s why we made this appointment.
There will be no appointment, young man. My daughter will have an abortion over my dead body.
Well, since you’ve so unceremoniously fired me, may I ask who you’re replacing me with?
No, you may not.
Don’t tell me it’s Melinda Trask.
You’ll learn the name of your replacement right along with the rest of Salem when I give a press conference to announce it.
So that’s it? You’re fired. Goodbye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I mean, for pity’s sake, we’re family, Paulina. Our children are married.
Yeah, I’m aware. But unlike you, I do not let my personal life dictate my professional one. And, you know, hey, I’m sorry it ended up this way. At least we made it through the holidays.
Paulina, please. You are making a huge mistake.
Yeah, well, we’ll see. Right, Commissioner?
I know you pushed her into this. And rest assured, Commissioner, you are not going to get away with this.
[door slams]
Well, all things considered, I thought that went pretty well.
EJ faked your death?
With a little help from his pops.
Yeah. You see, they were afraid that I was going to testify against them for the whole “stealing your life” scheme, which was actually pretty smart of them, because I totally was.
Huh. Great.
Yeah. And then we pulled a fast one with the syringe and the little happy juice, and then they whisked me off to Argentina, never to be heard from again.
Yeah, except now you’re here.
Yeah. I was in hiding for 4 years. And now I’m back.
Uh-huh. You know, it seems like maybe that was a mistake since now I know you’re here. You should have done a better job sneaking around.
You were the one who was sneaking around.
Yeah, OK, well, let’s just call it a lucky coincidence. Either way, you’re going back to jail.
What are you doing?
What do you think I’m doing? I’m calling the cops.
Afraid I can’t let you do that!
So after you realized Tate was taking this girl to get an abortion, what happened?
Well, he obviously said he was sorry and that he didn’t mean for this to happen. Oh, and that they used protection.
I guess it wasn’t all that protective.
Yeah, no kidding. But he also told me that he loves me and that as soon as she gets an abortion, we can just put it behind us, like it never even happened.
He said that, huh?
Yeah, he said it doesn’t have to change anything between us.
Except I’m getting a sense that you don’t feel the same way.
[dramatic music]
So I had a little run-in with Mrs. Choi today, Sophia’s mom.
Yeah. And in the course of our conversation, I may have implied that Sophia and Tate were having a little bit of drama more recently than prom. Which led Mrs. Choi to believe that Sophia was seeing Tate behind her back. And then Sophia showed up, and she admitted that she and Tate were– well, that they had sex.
I see.
And I assume Mrs. Choi did not take that very well.
Oh, no, no, she did not.
OK. Well, thank you for telling me. And if I get an angry phone call from her, I’ll be prepared for it.
It’s a little more complicated than that.
Mom, please, can we not have this discussion right now?
We are having it now. Because Tate obviously doesn’t understand the magnitude of this situation. My daughter is well aware of how I feel about abortion. But I suppose I’ll have to explain it to you. My religion forbids it, which means I forbid it. I am very pro-life. I assume your parents are not.
I don’t know. Actually, we haven’t had that conversation.
I see. Well, I believe that life begins at conception and that every life is precious and sacred. So as angry and disappointed as I am that this pregnancy happened in the first place, and even though it’s going to disrupt my daughter’s future, you are having this baby. And the two of you are going to raise it together.
Whew, I’m glad that ugliness is over.
Is it, though?
EJ is out as DA. All that’s left to do is officially extend the offer to Belle Black.
Right. Right. And she did agree to take the job, so–
What’s wrong? This is what you wanted, isn’t it?
It is. But you heard EJ just now.
What, you mean when he threatened you? Oh. [laughs] Are you surprised?
I mean, I guess a little bit. I don’t know. I guess I thought maybe he would be relieved. Maybe he would see it coming.
Well, he probably will be relieved once he gets over himself. [laughs] You know, for all that man’s grandiosity, at the end of the day, he’s just a petulant little boy.
Petulant and dangerous.
Pish posh. When I was in real estate, I ran into dozens of men like him– privileged, entitled, unused to being challenged, especially by a strong woman. EJ was fired. So what? You ask me, that man, he could stand to be knocked down a few pegs.
Sorry, pal. I guess the best Rafe won. I gotta say, though, it’s got to be pretty humiliating because you tangled with yourself and lost. No hard feelings, pal. I did what I had to do. After a decade and a half away from Salem, I wasn’t going to make my way back here and then just get thrown in the slammer. [exhales]
What the hell?
Don’t you worry about EJ DiMera. I know his type. He’s all talk.
Not from what I’ve seen and heard. When that man wants something, he seems to be very much about the follow-through.
Not in this case. I mean, really, you think he’s going to go up against the police commissioner?
He seemed awfully upset.
Well, he might be mad, but he’s not stupid.
Well, I guess we’ll see.
Look, I’m the one who fired his ass. It was my decision to make, and there’s nothing he can do about it. So enjoy being free from that man for this new year. Call your fiancé. Share the good news. Hm.
[soft music]
Well, he’s still alive, no thanks to you. What the hell were you doing, Arnold? You are Arnold, aren’t you?
Yeah, of course it’s me. You said to make myself scarce. So I went upstairs.
Yes, yes?
Yeah, so then I wanted some food. So I came down here. I saw Hernandez. He was in the living room, and I had to think quick. So you’re welcome, by the way.
What the hell is he still doing here? I thought I got rid of him.
Yeah, guess not.
Did he see you?
Yeah, of course he saw me. He was going to call the cops. Why do you think I smashed him in the head?
Did you mention my name?
Well, you know, it’s not like we had a sit-down conversation.
Answer the question. Did you mention my name?
Well, he wanted to know why I was still alive and how I was still alive. So yeah, I told him that you and your father faked my death.
Oh, for the love of– [phone ringing] What the hell do we do now?
Easy. I got this. “Jah-dah’s” calling. Who’s “Jah-dah?”
It’s Jada. And its Rafe’s fiancée, who also happens to be the commissioner of police. Cops dating cops, typical. [clears throat]
What the hell do you think you’re doing?
Hello, baby doll. How’s it shaking?
Oh, hi to you, too, baby doll. [laughs] So I was calling to share some news with you.
OK. What’s up?
Well, I’m just leaving work. Do you want to meet me at the pub?
Oh, um–
I mean, unless you’re busy.
It’s nothing I can’t handle.
Sophia’s pregnant? She told you that?
Well, not exactly.
What–what does that mean?
OK, so when Sophia showed up, not only did she get pressured into admitting that she and Tate had sex, but… she threw up and then told her mom that she was pregnant.
And the baby’s– it’s Tate’s.
I can’t believe this.
Do you think– did they use protection? Why didn’t they use protection?
I-I thought they had.
I’m sorry. No, no, no. I know this is not your problem– not your problem, I’m sorry.
You know, I know it’s not my problem. But I am really sorry. I’m sorry that I am the bearer of this news.
No, it’s just they’re so young. You know, they’re both going to college. Tate has his whole life ahead of him. And to get a girl pregnant right now, are you kidding me?
I know. I know. You know what? It’s tough. It’s obviously going to upend Sophia’s life, too.
Oh. Yeah. This is going to change everything for both of them.
How does Tate think this won’t change anything between us? I mean, we just said we loved each other for the first time on Christmas Eve. And he’s already gotten another girl pregnant. And… [laughs] It’s like even if Sophia doesn’t have this baby, they’re always going to have this thing between them. Whereas, he and I, we haven’t even… You know, never mind.
I think I know what you were going to say.
Yeah, I’m sure you do. Damn. I’m really trying to be mature about all this. Like, I know Tate didn’t mean to hurt me.
Still, Holly, you have every right to be upset.
I’m not just upset. It’s like nothing will ever be the same. No matter what happens next, it’s hard to see how we can just go back to the way things were.
Mrs. Choi, Sophia and I are not a couple anymore.
Well, that’s not really up to you, is it? You two created this baby together, which means you’re going to raise this baby together. As I said, my grandchild will not be born out of wedlock.
[scoffs] I’m sorry, did you just say wedlock?
Mom, what are you even talking about?
What did you think I meant when I said you’ll raise this baby together, that you two would live in sin? Oh, no. No. For the sake of this child, you’re getting married.
[dramatic music]
Did Sophia happen to say what her plans are?
You mean what she’s going to do about the baby? Yeah, she didn’t really get a chance. Her mom yanked her off before she could get into it.
So we have no idea what she’s thinking?
Well, I guess I’d better go home and find out. Ah, thank you for telling me, for being a very good friend. Appreciate it.
Yeah, of course. Hey, good luck.
[mellow music]
Mrs. Choi, I get that this is a complicated situation. But with all due respect, I’m not going to marry your daughter. Like I said, we’re not even in a relationship.
But you were.
Yeah, but I have a girlfriend now.
A girlfriend? But you got my daughter pregnant.
They were broken up at the time.
I see. So you were just using my daughter?
No, Mom, it wasn’t like that.
You know what, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I have a pounding headache, and we need to start planning a wedding.
A wedding?
And in the end, this child will be a blessing. Now let’s go. I have no idea how we’re going to explain this to your father, but you’ll be hearing from us soon.
[dramatic music]
[door slams]
Oh, God. How am I going to tell you this? [sighs]
Thanks. Bet when I offered you those tickets, you weren’t expecting to end up on an episode of “Teen Mom.”
[laughs] No, no, I can’t say that I did.
Yeah, well, welcome to the drama that’s my life.
Hey, why don’t we just go to the concert?
Yeah. I mean, it’s New Year’s Eve. Tate’s going away, anyways. It might be good for you not to think about him for a few hours while we’re at the show.
I don’t think I’d be really good company right now.
Oh, come on. Don’t worry about that. Honestly, I just– I want to go see the show. And I think you could use the distraction. So…
I appreciate the offer, Doug. Really I do. But I bought those tickets for Tate. Hard to imagine I won’t spend the entire time thinking about how he should be there with me, wondering what he’s doing instead.
OK, well, then I will see you soon, baby cakes. [line beeps]
What the hell was that?
Well, I found that ladies like it when you give them little pet names.
I mean, why would you answer Rafe’s phone and talk to his fiancée?
I just wanted to see if I could pull it off after all these years. And it turns out I fooled her completely.
Oh, well, good for you. But now she’s expecting to meet Rafe at the pub. Give me that phone.
Would you relax?
Oh, you idiot. What do you think’s going to happen when Rafe doesn’t show?
Well, maybe I didn’t think that part through completely.
It’s not enough that this woman got me fired. Now she’s going to have me arrested, too.
She got you fired?
I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to fix this mess!
OK, well, then what are you going to do?
Well, Arnold, you may have made this disaster, but now we both have to clean it up.
[whimsical music]
Hey, thanks again for listening. And I appreciate you offering to take me to the concert.
The offer still stands.
I’m sorry. I just–I can’t do it.
So what are you going to do?
Tonight? Probably go sulk in my room.
Oh, come on. It’s New Year’s Eve.
Well, I’m not feeling very festive.
OK, I understand that you don’t want to go out tonight. That makes sense to me. But you can’t be alone when the ball drops, OK? It’s bad luck. So why don’t you just stay here and watch it here with me?
I really don’t feel like being around a bunch of people. I’m sorry.
Oh, no. Chad’s in Orlando with his kids. And I think JJ’s got some plans tonight. And Julie said she was going to bed early. So it’s just the two of us. We can order sushi, pizza, whatever you want. What do you say?
Yeah, sure. Why not?
[soft music] [laughs]
[dramatic music]
You OK?
Tate, I just talked to Ava. And she told me that she had a little run-in with Sophia and her mother.
Yeah, I heard about that.
Mm-hmm. Is there anything that you want to tell me?
Something tells me you already know.
I do, son. But I want to hear the details from you.
Well, this last day of the year has gone from bad to worse. Let’s just hope that Arnold doesn’t screw things up worse than he already has. All right.
Hi there.
You look great.
Well, I’m not sure if that’s true, but thanks for saying it.
Yeah. [clears throat] So what’s the big news?
OK, well, you know we’ve been dealing with this DA situation, and…
What about it? Something wrong?
Did you–did you change your clothes?
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