Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Steve and Kayla have Christmas cookies at home. Kayla reminds Steve that he has an appointment to get to, so Steve says they’ll finish when he gets home. Steve exits as Stephanie arrives with last minute Christmas gifts to put under the tree. Kayla asks how Stephanie has been. Stephanie says there’s new backstage drama at Body and Soul every day it seems. Kayla asks about it and says she can tell her, promising it will be just between the two of them. Stephanie then informs Kayla that Alex had a fling with a co-star. Kayla questions Stephanie being upset by that. Stephanie admits that she is.
Alex and Philip bump in to each other in the town square.
Jada goes to her office where Paulina is waiting for her. Paulina questions when Jada was going to tell her that she brought in Hattie Adams. Paulina says she would’ve preferred to have heard it from her instead of through the grapevine, but tells her good work. Paulina asks if Jada was able to get a confession out of Hattie. Jada says unfortunately not, thanks to Rafe.
EJ answers the door at the DiMera Mansion to see Rafe and asks what the hell he wants as he’s in no mood for him. He says that’s too bad because they need to talk as he walks in.
Kayla tells Stephanie that she’s sorry that she’s upset but she and Alex weren’t seeing each other anymore after what happened on set. Stephanie is surprised that Kayla knew about that. Stephanie blames herself for getting involved with a co-worker. Kayla is sure it still stings to hear that Alex got involved with someone else so quickly. Stephanie admits it does but guesses she should get over herself because she kind of did the same thing.
Alex congratulates Philip, noting that he heard the judge awarded him half of Titan. Philip says he knows Alex was team Xander so he doesn’t have to pretend to be happy for him. Philip adds that his lawyer had Alex as a character witness thrown out in court. Alex is glad the whole thing is over and admits that he thinks splitting Titan was probably the best and most reasonable solution. Alex hopes that Philip and Xander can put their differences aside for the good of Titan. Alex adds that maybe he and Philip can do the same, but Philip is not so sure about that since Victor’s estate is not the only issue between them.
Rafe enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and pours himself a drink while EJ questions what the hell he thinks he’s doing. EJ asks if he’s having some sort of midlife crisis because Paulina wouldn’t give him his old job back. He then responds that he is not Rafe Hernandez.
Rafe meets Steve at the Brady Pub. Steve calls him his star detective. Rafe says it’s no big deal but Steve praises how the police had an APB out on Hattie for weeks but Rafe swept in and found her. Rafe explains that he told Hattie that Body and Soul wanted her back to lure her to Salem and performed a citizens arrest, but unfortunately she denied being the Lady Whistleblower impostor. Steve mentions seeing that in the Spectator. Steve declares that the bottom line is that Rafe did the job he was hired to do. Rafe adds that Leo paid up even though his theory about Hattie was a little off. Steve says there might be more money if they can track down the real impostor. Steve congratulates Rafe either way on solving his first case for Black Patch. Steve then questions Rafe’s face when he should be celebrating. Rafe then informs him that Jada is not happy about him finding Hattie.
Jada explains to Paulina how Rafe got to Hattie before Shawn could get to her and then Hattie lawyered up before they could question her, so they have nothing. Jada remarks that she knew Rafe’s new job could be a problem for them but didn’t think it would happen this fast. Paulina tells Jada that this is her problem and asks how she’s going to clean it up.
Alex asks Philip what other issue he is talking about. Philip responds that he knows Alex wasn’t happy about him hiring Stephanie to do PR for him. Alex says that wasn’t personal, he just didn’t find it necessary. Alex guesses that Stephanie is not doing PR for him anymore since the hearing is over and he got what he wanted. Philip says that doesn’t mean he and Stephanie are never going to see each other again and asks if he’s okay with that. Alex responds that it’s none of his business as they are both adults and can do whatever they’d like. Philip says that’s true, but he thinks Alex should know so he’s not blindsided, that he kissed Stephanie.
Stephanie tells Kayla that Philip kissed her. Kayla asks if it just happened out of nowhere. Stephanie says they’ve been spending a lot of time together recently and he was over the moon after being awarded half of Titan by the judge. Kayla feels he has Stephanie’s PR to thank for that. Stephanie confirms that he thanked her with a kiss and assures that she liked it. Kayla asks if that means they are getting back together.
Jada tells Paulina that it is Rafe’s right to take his new job and there’s nothing she can do about that. Paulina argues that if Rafe is undermining the department, it will not be a teneable situation. Jada argues that Rafe isn’t working against them. Paulina declares that it’s bad for the department and city hall, so she needs to learn to control Rafe.
Rafe tells Steve that he thought Jada would be singing his praises, but instead, she was furious with him since Shawn was tracking Hattie too, but he got to her first and then Hattie lawyered up before they could question her which grounded their investigation to a halt. Steve argues if Jada wants to beat him to the next arrest, the department just needs to step up their game and out hustle him. Rafe points out that he and Steve have the advantage of playing loose with the rules while Steve argues that Jada has the entire city government backing her up. Rafe is unsure and worries about this continuing to happen. Rafe suggests maybe working for Black Patch wasn’t such a good idea.
The man in the DiMera Mansion reveals himself to be the presumed dead Arnold Feniger, the fake Rafe doppelganger that EJ and Stefano hired to replace Rafe 13 years ago. EJ is shocked and questions what he is doing here when he’s supposed to be in Argentina, playing dead. Arnold responds that playing dead is not cheap and he’s run out of money, so he’s back in Salem to make a little withdrawal from the Bank of DiMera.
Alex questions Philip needing to share that he kissed Stephanie. Philip calls it in the interest of family harmony. Alex argues that he’s gloating in his face. Philip feels he’s just being honest and says they are obviously going to cross paths as family, so he wouldn’t want Christmas to be as uncomfortable as Thanksgiving was. Alex tells Philip that it’s all good and Stephanie is free to date whoever she wants. Philip clarifies that they are not dating, yet anyway.
Stephanie tells Kayla that she and Philip are not getting back together, as it was one kiss and they haven’t even talked about it. Kayla brings up their past and that they were engaged. Stephanie calls that eons ago and says they are different people now. Kayla states that Stephanie can make her own decisions, but she hopes she remembers all the reasons it didn’t work out between them as she would hate to see her go through that again.
Jada tells Paulina that she’s not comfortable with the idea of controlling Rafe. Paulina admits maybe that was an unreasonable request. Paulina suggests she could offer Rafe more money to return to the force, but Jada reveals that she doesn’t know if there’s room anymore since she just rehired Shawn and offered JJ a job. Jada reminds Paulina that Rafe didn’t quit the force for money. Paulina remembers that Rafe didn’t like the idea of having to answer to a woman. Jada understands Rafe didn’t want it to become a problem for them. Paulina supposes she can understand that. Jada feels that Rafe seems to really love his new job, so she doesn’t see him giving that up anytime soon.
Steve questions Rafe saying it wasn’t such a good idea to join Black Patch. Rafe brings up Javi telling them about the dueling cop plot in a telenovela that didn’t end well. Steve argues that’s TV and people don’t tune in for happy endings. Rafe says his point is that this is his first case with Black Patch and already he’s in trouble with Jada. Rafe doesn’t know if he can keep doing this. Steve questions if Rafe is saying he wants to quit.
EJ reminds Arnold that they had an agreement as he was set to testify against he and Stefano, so they arranged a situation in the holding cell to prevent that from happening. Arnold responds that he remembers all too well as he flashes back to the inmates attacking Arnold with an injection, to stage his death. EJ argues about the money they paid to get Arnold to look like Rafe and the money they paid him to break up Rafe and Sami. EJ adds that he’s lucky they spared his life. Arnold argues that he only did that because he thought one day, he might come in handy, and now he’s here at his service.
Alex repeats to Philip that this is none of his business. Philip felt like Alex assumed he and Stephanie were dating, so he wanted to be clear that they are not, even though he thinks they will be soon. Philip remarks that based on Stephanie’s response to the kiss, she’s very interested. Alex wishes them the best. Philip questions if he really means that. Alex says he really does.
Stephanie repeats to Kayla that it was one kiss. Kayla points out that Stephanie said it could lead to something more. Stephanie notes that it hasn’t yet. Stephanie asks so what if it does. Kayla doesn’t want to tell her what to do, but feels her relationship with Alex ended so abruptly when they didn’t really want it to. Kayla questions if Stephanie is ready to move on. Stephanie feels she has to. Kayla brings up how Philip hurt Stephanie, got her involved in the Kiriakis-DiMera feud and almost got her killed. Stephanie argues that he didn’t mean for that to happen. Kayla bets Philip would do anything to keep his position at Titan, no matter what it takes, so she doesn’t want history to repeat itself.
Paulina talks to Jada about feeling lucky that Abe had no problem with her taking his old job. Jada points out that Abe isn’t working for her and Rafe found something he loves. Jada says Rafe has been a detective his whole life and it’s a big part of who he is, so she’s not going to ask him to give that up.
Rafe tells Steve that he doesn’t know if he wants to quit, but he doesn’t know what the alternative is. Steve thinks he needs some perspective on this. Steve talks about private investigators and cops are always stepping on each others’ toes, including when Rafe and Hope were police commissioner. Rafe points out that they weren’t engaged like he and Jada. Steve says he cares about them and won’t tell them what to do, but Rafe needs a job and he needs him.
EJ questions Arnold being at his service and says he doesn’t need or want him here. EJ tells Arnold to go back where he came from, reminding him that Dr. Rolf’s drug made him appear dead. Arnold complains about being shipped off to the Argentina jungle. EJ warns him to go back before someone else sees him, but Johnny walks in to greet EJ, then questions what Rafe is doing there.
Philip thanks Alex for being so supportive. Alex calls Stephanie a very good friend of his, so he’s all about whatever makes her happy. Alex asks Philip if he’ll see him at Christmas dinner. Philip says maybe but he’s not sure how that would go over with Xander because of the tension between them. Philip asks if he and Alex are all good now.
Stephanie promises Kayla that she learned her lesson last time and history won’t repeat itself. Kayla doesn’t want to overstep with all this. Stephanie doesn’t blame her for trying to advise her not to jump in too quickly with Philip as she’s made one mistake after another in her love life. Kayla says she did too in her day. Stephanie points out that now Kayla and Steve have a great marriage, which gives her hope in her life. Stephanie says it means a lot to her that Kayla listens and cares. Kayla tells her that she loves her and she’s so glad they are spending Christmas together this year as they hug.
Paulina tells Jada to figure out a way to get herself and Rafe on the same page, so they never have to have this discussion again. Jada agrees to do her best. Paulina says to keep her updated on the Hattie situation, since if she did not poison the cupcakes then they still have a criminal on the loose. Jada promises to get to the bottom of it. Paulina warns her to see to it that she does because she doesn’t want to make another commissioner change. Paulina then wishes her a Merry Christmas and exits.
Steve tells Rafe that he and Jada go way back so he could talk to her if he wants. Rafe thanks him but says that’s not necessary. Rafe knows John is away on a big mission, so he doesn’t want to leave Steve. Steve doesn’t want to pressure him in to anything. Rafe admits that despite his concerns, he loves the job. Steve calls him a real asset to Black Patch. Rafe is glad they had this talk because it made him realize that he loves the job and it’s important to him, so he and Jada will work things out but he’s going to stay.
Arnold asks Johnny if he knows him. EJ tells him to stop goofing around and says Rafe and Johnny have always been close pals. Arnold claims he was just messing with him and trying on his tough guy private investigator persona. EJ tells Johnny that Rafe is there because he thought they could use his services. Johnny questions why hire Rafe when they hate each other. Arnold says EJ wants the best and he is the best which EJ reluctantly agrees with. Arnold suggests if they could put away their mutual hatred, there’s a chance they could have a beautiful friendship.
Alex repeats to Philip that they are okay and there’s no hard feelings about Stephanie or anything else. Stephanie then approaches. Philip says they were just talking about her and it was all good things. Alex decides to get going and tells Stephanie it was very nice to see her. They wish each other a Merry Christmas as Alex walks away. Philip apologizes to Stephanie that they haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened earlier as he hopes he wasn’t too forward. Stephanie assures that he wasn’t as she kissed him back. Philip brings up that they are no longer working together, so he asks if she would be interested in seeing where things go between them. Philip calls her smart, charming, and beautiful. Philip knows everything is crazy with the holidays, but asks if she would be interested in going out with him on New Year’s Eve, if she doesn’t have plans. Stephanie responds that she has no plans, so that sounds great.
Steve goes home to Kayla and they kiss. Steve asks where Stephanie is. Kayla responds that she high tailed out after they got down and dirty about her love life, but she will be over for Christmas dinner and everything going on with her will probably change by then. Kayla asks how it went with Rafe. Steve says he pretty much solved the case and then he almost quit because he thought the job might come between he and Jada, which he hopes is not true.
Jada goes home to Rafe. Rafe apologizes about what happened. Jada says she’s sorry as Rafe was just doing his job and she shouldn’t have blown up at him like that. Jada adds that she’s calmer now and admits she was wrong. Rafe says it’s okay as he understands. Rafe repeats that he’s sorry and asks how it went with Paulina. Jada says she ran her over the coals which Rafe says he was afraid of. Jada says the funny thing is, she defended Rafe at every turn because he did the right thing in finding the suspect, turning her over to them, and now she’s in police custody where she belongs. Rafe states that they did the right thing but it still didn’t work for them, so he asks how to make it better. Jada guesses they just have to figure it out as they go along, together. Jada tells Rafe that she loves him as they kiss.
Johnny remarks that he’s glad EJ and Rafe are getting along, calling it a Christmas miracle. EJ says for today anyway. Johnny says he’s going to bed and wishes them a Merry Christmas as he exits. EJ questions Arnold, who says he was just having a little fun and turning the screws on him a little bit. EJ tells Arnold that he will give him a last withdrawal from the bank of DiMera and then he will head straight back to South America, warning him to never show up in Salem again. Arnold declares that now he’s going to make himself clear. Arnold tells EJ that he will come around to seeing how useful he can be to him and to realizing that he has a mind of his own, so he will not be pushed around. Arnold takes a seat and puts his feet up on the table as he declares he thinks he’s going to stick around for awhile.
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