Days Transcript Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Damn, it’s still not enough to get me out of this hole. [knocking on door]





I thought you were going to call.

Yeah, sorry. I knew you were staying at Julie’s. So I figured I’d just come in person instead.

Holly, what’s wrong? Did your boyfriend have a problem with you going to the concert with me?

No, he didn’t care about that. He’s kind of got his own problems to deal with.

[dramatic music]

Hey, just checked traffic. We should be able to make it in about three hours.

I can’t go.

Why? I talked to Holly. She understands.

No, no, it’s– it’s not because of Holly.

Then why can’t we go?

Because of me. We haven’t been introduced. I’m Amy Choi, Sophia’s mother.

You’re replacing me?

As you know, it is my responsibility to appoint the district attorney. And I’ve decided to go in a different direction.

A different direction? But we’ve been through this before, Paulina. Why now?

Look, Commissioner Hunter and I have been discussing recent events and we felt that–

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean “we felt?” Wait a minute. Was this your idea?

[suspenseful music]

If EJ wants to stow me away in the West Wing, I can at least get some provisions. What the hell?

Hiya, Rafe. It’s me, your old pal, Arnold Feniger. Remember me?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Arnold Feniger? But you’re–you’re dead. You died in a prison, like, 5 years ago.

It was like 3 /2, but who’s counting?

They thought you were me.

Oh, that, yeah. Well, you see, that whole thing, it was one big misunderstanding. Obviously, since I’m standing here. It never happened.

What do you mean, it never happened?

Do I need to spell it out for you, bud? OK, fine. EJ DiMera faked my death.

[dramatic music]

I see what’s happening here. You told the mayor to replace me.

It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. Ultimately, it’s my decision.

And yet you still haven’t given me a proper explanation for it.

You really want to hear that?

I believe I deserve an answer.

Fine. To put it bluntly, you’ve been botching cases left and right, bending the laws when you’re not outright breaking them, using the power of the office to settle your own personal issues. Is that enough of an explanation for you?

Actually, no, it isn’t. I stand by every decision I’ve made as district attorney.

And I don’t stand by even one of those self-serving, amoral decisions, which is why– and this time there is no coming back from this– no matter what the hell you threaten, EJ DiMera, you are fired.

So tell me what’s going on with your boyfriend, unless you’d rather not say.

Yeah, I’d rather not.

OK, that’s fine. But whatever it is, it’s obviously upsetting you a lot. Would it help you to talk about it?

Yeah. Yeah, maybe it would. OK, but if I tell you, you have to promise you’re not going to tell anyone else.

Of course not. No.

Right, well, when I went over to his house to see if it was OK if we used those concert tickets or not, Tate was on his way out with Sophia.


His ex.

But you said he was going out of town.

Yeah. And at first, I thought he was taking her with him to visit his grandparents in California, which was bad enough–

But he wasn’t taking her there?

No, no, it was all a lie. He wasn’t even going to visit his grandparents. He was going to take Sophia to get an abortion. [sighs]

It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Choi.

I’m not sure I believe you.

Excuse me?

Tate, I’m so sorry. My mom was talking to my boss, and it turned into this big mess.

Don’t apologize to him. He’s the one who should be apologizing to me.

Sorry. Apologizing for what?

For sneaking around with my daughter behind my back and for getting her pregnant.


Hey. Hi.

Hey. I got your message.


You didn’t get another threatening text, did you?

Oh, actually, I did.

Let’s see this. Thank you.


Great. “Stay away from Brady or else.” Or else, oh, well, that’s new.

Yeah, well, I guess Kristen is stepping up her warnings.


Huh what?

It’s just that this text came in on Christmas.

Kristen’s version of spreading a little holiday cheer.

It’s just that I was with Kristen on Christmas, for a little while, anyway.

Oh, you were with Kristen?

It was a last minute thing. She called and asked me if I wanted to see Rachel.

Talk about a Christmas miracle.

I know. She said a friend talked her into it. I don’t know. I mentioned the text to her, and she swore that she didn’t send them.

Oh, she swore, did she? I know that Kristen and the truth are like strangers. I got to say, I know her, and I think she was being sincere.

So you really don’t think that she was the one sending the texts?

Ava, I know it’s weird. But it’s too–it’s too simple. It’s too innocent. She’s usually much less on the nose and more conniving.

OK. Look, I would really like to put faith in Kristen’s sincerity, but I got to say, Brady, I think you’re way off on this one.


Well, because I hired Steve to look into the texts. And he used a location tracking device. And it confirmed that the texts were coming from the DiMera estate.


Yeah, oh.

Look, I’m really sorry that you are having to deal with this. I promise you, I’m going to put an end to it.

It’s OK. Actually, it’s not the reason that I called you here today. I need to tell you something about your son.

Tate and I were broken up when he started seeing Sophia. But then we got back together shortly after that. And they weren’t even a couple for that long, but–

Long enough for her to get pregnant?


Man, I’m sorry. But why did they need to go away?

Sophia’s not 8 yet. And I guess the state doesn’t allow you to get an abortion without parental consent, which, knowing her mom, it’s like a total no go.

So she and Tate were traveling out of state for the procedure?

Right, which is why he told me he was visiting his grandparents, so I didn’t have to find out.

Right. Of course. And do you think he was ever going to tell you the truth?

Honestly? Probably not.

Mrs. Choi, I get it. I get why you’re upset. I do.

Well, that’s a comfort, isn’t it?


I guess what I mean is that Sophia and I were careful. Like–

Apparently, you and I have very different definitions of careful.

OK, I just– what I mean to say is that I really did not mean for any of us to end up here.

Well, that much is clear. But there was a very simple way this could have been avoided. You two should not have been having sex to begin with.

Mom, please.

I thought I raised my daughter better than this. She worked hard in school. She was about to go to college for pre-med. Did you know that?

Yeah. I–

And now I find out she’s pregnant.

I understand that Sophia has really big plans for her future, and so do I, which is why we can’t have this baby, why this would be a mistake.

Tate, stop.

No, no, that’s– I’m sorry. But that’s why we made this appointment.

There will be no appointment, young man. My daughter will have an abortion over my dead body.

Well, since you’ve so unceremoniously fired me, may I ask who you’re replacing me with?

No, you may not.

Don’t tell me it’s Melinda Trask.

You’ll learn the name of your replacement right along with the rest of Salem when I give a press conference to announce it.

So that’s it? You’re fired. Goodbye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I mean, for pity’s sake, we’re family, Paulina. Our children are married.

Yeah, I’m aware. But unlike you, I do not let my personal life dictate my professional one. And, you know, hey, I’m sorry it ended up this way. At least we made it through the holidays.

Paulina, please. You are making a huge mistake.

Yeah, well, we’ll see. Right, Commissioner?

I know you pushed her into this. And rest assured, Commissioner, you are not going to get away with this.

[door slams]

Well, all things considered, I thought that went pretty well.

EJ faked your death?

With a little help from his pops.


Yeah. You see, they were afraid that I was going to testify against them for the whole “stealing your life” scheme, which was actually pretty smart of them, because I totally was.

Huh. Great.

Yeah. And then we pulled a fast one with the syringe and the little happy juice, and then they whisked me off to Argentina, never to be heard from again.

Yeah, except now you’re here.

Yeah. I was in hiding for 4 years. And now I’m back.

Uh-huh. You know, it seems like maybe that was a mistake since now I know you’re here. You should have done a better job sneaking around.

You were the one who was sneaking around.

Yeah, OK, well, let’s just call it a lucky coincidence. Either way, you’re going back to jail.

What are you doing?

What do you think I’m doing? I’m calling the cops.

Afraid I can’t let you do that!

So after you realized Tate was taking this girl to get an abortion, what happened?

Well, he obviously said he was sorry and that he didn’t mean for this to happen. Oh, and that they used protection.

I guess it wasn’t all that protective.

Yeah, no kidding. But he also told me that he loves me and that as soon as she gets an abortion, we can just put it behind us, like it never even happened.

He said that, huh?

Yeah, he said it doesn’t have to change anything between us.

Except I’m getting a sense that you don’t feel the same way.

[dramatic music]

So I had a little run-in with Mrs. Choi today, Sophia’s mom.


Yeah. And in the course of our conversation, I may have implied that Sophia and Tate were having a little bit of drama more recently than prom. Which led Mrs. Choi to believe that Sophia was seeing Tate behind her back. And then Sophia showed up, and she admitted that she and Tate were– well, that they had sex.

I see.


And I assume Mrs. Choi did not take that very well.

Oh, no, no, she did not.

OK. Well, thank you for telling me. And if I get an angry phone call from her, I’ll be prepared for it.

It’s a little more complicated than that.

Mom, please, can we not have this discussion right now?

We are having it now. Because Tate obviously doesn’t understand the magnitude of this situation. My daughter is well aware of how I feel about abortion. But I suppose I’ll have to explain it to you. My religion forbids it, which means I forbid it. I am very pro-life. I assume your parents are not.

I don’t know. Actually, we haven’t had that conversation.

I see. Well, I believe that life begins at conception and that every life is precious and sacred. So as angry and disappointed as I am that this pregnancy happened in the first place, and even though it’s going to disrupt my daughter’s future, you are having this baby. And the two of you are going to raise it together.

Whew, I’m glad that ugliness is over.

Is it, though?

EJ is out as DA. All that’s left to do is officially extend the offer to Belle Black.

Right. Right. And she did agree to take the job, so–

What’s wrong? This is what you wanted, isn’t it?

It is. But you heard EJ just now.

What, you mean when he threatened you? Oh. [laughs] Are you surprised?

I mean, I guess a little bit. I don’t know. I guess I thought maybe he would be relieved. Maybe he would see it coming.

Well, he probably will be relieved once he gets over himself. [laughs] You know, for all that man’s grandiosity, at the end of the day, he’s just a petulant little boy.

Petulant and dangerous.

Pish posh. When I was in real estate, I ran into dozens of men like him– privileged, entitled, unused to being challenged, especially by a strong woman. EJ was fired. So what? You ask me, that man, he could stand to be knocked down a few pegs.

Sorry, pal. I guess the best Rafe won. I gotta say, though, it’s got to be pretty humiliating because you tangled with yourself and lost. No hard feelings, pal. I did what I had to do. After a decade and a half away from Salem, I wasn’t going to make my way back here and then just get thrown in the slammer. [exhales]

What the hell?

Don’t you worry about EJ DiMera. I know his type. He’s all talk.

Not from what I’ve seen and heard. When that man wants something, he seems to be very much about the follow-through.

Not in this case. I mean, really, you think he’s going to go up against the police commissioner?

He seemed awfully upset.

Well, he might be mad, but he’s not stupid.

Well, I guess we’ll see.

Look, I’m the one who fired his ass. It was my decision to make, and there’s nothing he can do about it. So enjoy being free from that man for this new year. Call your fiancé. Share the good news. Hm.


[soft music]

Well, he’s still alive, no thanks to you. What the hell were you doing, Arnold? You are Arnold, aren’t you?

Yeah, of course it’s me. You said to make myself scarce. So I went upstairs.

Yes, yes?

Yeah, so then I wanted some food. So I came down here. I saw Hernandez. He was in the living room, and I had to think quick. So you’re welcome, by the way.

What the hell is he still doing here? I thought I got rid of him.

Yeah, guess not.

Did he see you?

Yeah, of course he saw me. He was going to call the cops. Why do you think I smashed him in the head?

Did you mention my name?

Well, you know, it’s not like we had a sit-down conversation.

Answer the question. Did you mention my name?

Well, he wanted to know why I was still alive and how I was still alive. So yeah, I told him that you and your father faked my death.

Oh, for the love of– [phone ringing] What the hell do we do now?

Easy. I got this. “Jah-dah’s” calling. Who’s “Jah-dah?”

It’s Jada. And its Rafe’s fiancée, who also happens to be the commissioner of police. Cops dating cops, typical. [clears throat]

What the hell do you think you’re doing?

Hello, baby doll. How’s it shaking?

Oh, hi to you, too, baby doll. [laughs] So I was calling to share some news with you.

OK. What’s up?

Well, I’m just leaving work. Do you want to meet me at the pub?

Oh, um–

I mean, unless you’re busy.

It’s nothing I can’t handle.

Sophia’s pregnant? She told you that?

Well, not exactly.

What–what does that mean?

OK, so when Sophia showed up, not only did she get pressured into admitting that she and Tate had sex, but… she threw up and then told her mom that she was pregnant.

And the baby’s– it’s Tate’s.


I can’t believe this.

Do you think– did they use protection? Why didn’t they use protection?

I-I thought they had.

I’m sorry. No, no, no. I know this is not your problem– not your problem, I’m sorry.

You know, I know it’s not my problem. But I am really sorry. I’m sorry that I am the bearer of this news.

No, it’s just they’re so young. You know, they’re both going to college. Tate has his whole life ahead of him. And to get a girl pregnant right now, are you kidding me?

I know. I know. You know what? It’s tough. It’s obviously going to upend Sophia’s life, too.

Oh. Yeah. This is going to change everything for both of them.


How does Tate think this won’t change anything between us? I mean, we just said we loved each other for the first time on Christmas Eve. And he’s already gotten another girl pregnant. And… [laughs] It’s like even if Sophia doesn’t have this baby, they’re always going to have this thing between them. Whereas, he and I, we haven’t even… You know, never mind.

I think I know what you were going to say.

Yeah, I’m sure you do. Damn. I’m really trying to be mature about all this. Like, I know Tate didn’t mean to hurt me.

Still, Holly, you have every right to be upset.

I’m not just upset. It’s like nothing will ever be the same. No matter what happens next, it’s hard to see how we can just go back to the way things were.

Mrs. Choi, Sophia and I are not a couple anymore.

Well, that’s not really up to you, is it? You two created this baby together, which means you’re going to raise this baby together. As I said, my grandchild will not be born out of wedlock.

[scoffs] I’m sorry, did you just say wedlock?

Mom, what are you even talking about?

What did you think I meant when I said you’ll raise this baby together, that you two would live in sin? Oh, no. No. For the sake of this child, you’re getting married.

[dramatic music]

Did Sophia happen to say what her plans are?

You mean what she’s going to do about the baby? Yeah, she didn’t really get a chance. Her mom yanked her off before she could get into it.

So we have no idea what she’s thinking?




Well, I guess I’d better go home and find out. Ah, thank you for telling me, for being a very good friend. Appreciate it.

Yeah, of course. Hey, good luck.


[mellow music]

Mrs. Choi, I get that this is a complicated situation. But with all due respect, I’m not going to marry your daughter. Like I said, we’re not even in a relationship.

But you were.

Yeah, but I have a girlfriend now.

A girlfriend? But you got my daughter pregnant.

They were broken up at the time.

I see. So you were just using my daughter?

No, Mom, it wasn’t like that.

You know what, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I have a pounding headache, and we need to start planning a wedding.

A wedding?

And in the end, this child will be a blessing. Now let’s go. I have no idea how we’re going to explain this to your father, but you’ll be hearing from us soon.

[dramatic music]

[door slams]

Oh, God. How am I going to tell you this? [sighs]

Thanks. Bet when I offered you those tickets, you weren’t expecting to end up on an episode of “Teen Mom.”

[laughs] No, no, I can’t say that I did.

Yeah, well, welcome to the drama that’s my life.

Hey, why don’t we just go to the concert?


Yeah. I mean, it’s New Year’s Eve. Tate’s going away, anyways. It might be good for you not to think about him for a few hours while we’re at the show.

I don’t think I’d be really good company right now.

Oh, come on. Don’t worry about that. Honestly, I just– I want to go see the show. And I think you could use the distraction. So…

I appreciate the offer, Doug. Really I do. But I bought those tickets for Tate. Hard to imagine I won’t spend the entire time thinking about how he should be there with me, wondering what he’s doing instead.

OK, well, then I will see you soon, baby cakes. [line beeps]

What the hell was that?

Well, I found that ladies like it when you give them little pet names.

I mean, why would you answer Rafe’s phone and talk to his fiancée?

I just wanted to see if I could pull it off after all these years. And it turns out I fooled her completely.

Oh, well, good for you. But now she’s expecting to meet Rafe at the pub. Give me that phone.

Would you relax?

Oh, you idiot. What do you think’s going to happen when Rafe doesn’t show?

Well, maybe I didn’t think that part through completely.

It’s not enough that this woman got me fired. Now she’s going to have me arrested, too.

She got you fired?

I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to fix this mess!

OK, well, then what are you going to do?

Well, Arnold, you may have made this disaster, but now we both have to clean it up.

[whimsical music]

Hey, thanks again for listening. And I appreciate you offering to take me to the concert.

The offer still stands.

I’m sorry. I just–I can’t do it.

So what are you going to do?

Tonight? Probably go sulk in my room.

Oh, come on. It’s New Year’s Eve.

Well, I’m not feeling very festive.

OK, I understand that you don’t want to go out tonight. That makes sense to me. But you can’t be alone when the ball drops, OK? It’s bad luck. So why don’t you just stay here and watch it here with me?

I really don’t feel like being around a bunch of people. I’m sorry.

Oh, no. Chad’s in Orlando with his kids. And I think JJ’s got some plans tonight. And Julie said she was going to bed early. So it’s just the two of us. We can order sushi, pizza, whatever you want. What do you say?

Yeah, sure. Why not?

[soft music] [laughs]

[dramatic music]



You OK?


Tate, I just talked to Ava. And she told me that she had a little run-in with Sophia and her mother.

Yeah, I heard about that.

Mm-hmm. Is there anything that you want to tell me?

Something tells me you already know.

I do, son. But I want to hear the details from you.

Well, this last day of the year has gone from bad to worse. Let’s just hope that Arnold doesn’t screw things up worse than he already has. All right.

Hi there.


You look great.

Well, I’m not sure if that’s true, but thanks for saying it.

Yeah. [clears throat] So what’s the big news?

OK, well, you know we’ve been dealing with this DA situation, and…

What about it? Something wrong?

Did you–did you change your clothes?

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, December 30, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Sharon decided to spend New Year’s Eve at Society with her family. Unbeknownst to them, Ian and Jordan plotted to harm her. Jordan ambushed Sharon outside Society, rendering her unconscious and holding her captive in a hotel room. Meanwhile, Ian drugged Tessa’s drink, causing her to collapse. Mariah arrived in time to witness Ian tending to Tessa, leading to a confrontation. Nick called the police, but Ian’s release from prison was confirmed as legitimate, leaving the family frustrated and concerned.

Elsewhere, Phyllis attended a gathering at a jazz club, where tensions arose due to her animosity toward Sharon and her discomfort with Danny’s reunion with Christine. Overwhelmed, Phyllis left the event and, during a solitary drive, recalled that an older woman with wavy hair had been driving the truck that had run her off the road. This realization prompted her to consider letting go of her obsessions and focusing on making her children proud.


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Days Transcript Monday, December 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


Days of Our Lives logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne


 [siren blaring]

I got your message.

Madam Mayor, I appreciate you coming.

You wanted to discuss some things with me?

I do.

It’s about replacing EJ DiMera as DA.

Replace EJ as– did I miss something? Who–who was proposing that we do that?

I am.

I see. Well, since you got it all figured out, you got a candidate in mind?

I do. Belle Black.

[soft dramatic music]


Shawn. Why, did you forget I was still in Salem?

No, of course not. I just didn’t expect to see you here. You have a client in the holding or something?

No, I just– I had a meeting with Jada.

Oh. About a case?

No, not really.

You know, you’re fidgeting right now. And you only do that when you’re anxious. So what is it? What’s going on?

[clears throat] You promise you won’t say anything?

Yeah, of course.

Jada asked if I would consider replacing EJ as the DA.

Let’s back this up a tad, shall we? I mean, if you hate Argentina so much, there’s a whole planet worth of places to choose from. [doorbell rings]

You want me to get that?

No! No, I do not. You stay put. I’ll get rid of whoever it is. Then clean this mess up.

[mellow jazz music]

[door clicks]

[mysterious music]

Rafe, what do I owe the displeasure?

I’m here on behalf of Ava Vitali.

Kristen, stay the hell away– from me.

[soft guitar music]

[soft dramatic music]

Sophia? You sure you’re okay with this?

That’s not the point, is it? I mean, it’s not like you want to have a baby, so… this is what we have to do. Come on. Let’s go.

[dramatic music]


What the hell is going on here?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Nothing. Nothing is going– Sophia, she’s here–

I am such an idiot. You want to know why I came here, Tate? I came here because I was going to ask if you minded if I went to that concert with a guy. He’s new in town, and I thought he could use a friend. And I can’t believe I was worried you might be jealous of that. Meanwhile, here you are doing what? Going on a pleasure trip with her?

[dramatic music]

I’m sorry. I– I thought you were someone else.


Do I know you?

I’m Amy Choi, Sophia’s mother. We met before her interview at The Bistro.

Yes, that’s right. Of course.

I’m sorry I startled you. I was just hoping to ask you for a favor.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Sophia is going to look at colleges with a friend this weekend, but she forgot to pack her retainer. I know it’s a short trip, but I would rather not spend thousands on another round of orthodontia.

I don’t blame you. [laughs]

So would you mind giving it to her when she comes in today? They’re leaving right after her shift. I was going to drop it at her friend’s, but since I ran into you.

Okay. Yeah, well, normally, I’d be– I’d be more than happy to. But Sophia’s not working today.


[mellow guitar music]

Ava Vitali? That woman is a menace. Whatever trouble she’s gotten herself into now, I can assure you it has nothing to do with me.

Yeah, well, it actually appears as though someone has been causing trouble for Ava. As I’m sure you know, I’m no longer with Salem PD. I’ve taken a job as a PI for Black Patch. And Ava has hired us to find the source of these threatening texts that she’s been receiving.

Well, I’m afraid you’re wasting your time harassing me about it, Hernandez, since I can assure you I haven’t given that woman a millisecond of thought in quite some time. Now as you know, she has a lot of enemies. So I suggest you go bark up a different tree.

Yeah, sure. But this isn’t just a hunch, EJ. You see, my boss, Steve Johnson, has already traced the origin of the texts to this house.

[tense music]

Wait a minute. Mayor Price is firing EJ?

Shh! Would you keep your voice down?

I’m sorry. I guess the old commish is sick and tired of you always whipping EJ’s ass in court?

I wouldn’t exactly put it that way, but Jada did say she’s going to have a conversation with the mayor and see if she’d be open to making the change.

And if she does, are you going to take the job?

I–I admit I had some reservations. I did. But Jada is very persuasive. And honestly, I think I’d really enjoy working with her.

Yeah, I mean, come on. Jada is great.

Yeah, but the thing is, she said she needed an answer from me before she would broach the topic with the mayor. So I already committed to her if– if it all works out.

Well, this is–this is huge.

Yeah, but it’s not official yet, so mum’s the word. I really don’t want EJ to find out if it all falls apart.

Yeah, no, no. Right, right, yeah. I mean, I can only imagine what his reaction is going to be if it does happen, especially with your history.

Our history? Really, Shawn? I know what that’s a euphemism for, I think.

No, Belle. Come on. I didn’t mean it like that.

Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did. Right in the middle of what I thought was a perfectly friendly conversation. You just couldn’t help but bring up my affair with him, could you? Thank you for throwing that in my face yet again.

I didn’t know you were in the business of hiring DAs.

Okay, I know this may seem like I’m going outside of my lane here. And of course, this would have to be your decision.

You’re just offering your professional opinion?

Well, yes, I am. Mayor Price, I can only keep this city safe if the criminals I arrest are brought to justice.

Mm, so you think another defense attorney would be better at the job than a man whose only Christmas wish is the blood of his enemy?

Honestly, I do. Hattie Adams just walked because EJ attempted to question her without her lawyer present.

Hattie walked?

Thanks to EJ’s blatant disregard for the legal process. He made Belle Black’s job easy. She got hold of his blunder and used that information to help her client.

So she’s the better lawyer.

I think so. But when EJ underperforms, I can’t help but wonder if it’s a matter of legal skills and competence or lack thereof.

What? What are you saying?

Look, it’s known that the DiMeras have connections to organized crime. And EJ has not kept his hands clean in the past. So sometimes when he lets certain criminals run free, I can’t help but think that he has an ulterior motive.

[dramatic music]

That is preposterous. As I’ve already expressed, Ava is of no concern to me. So why would I waste my time sending text messages?

EJ, relax. Okay? Now this might come as a surprise to you, but not everything is about you. We have reason to believe that the texts were sent by your sister. Is she here?

No, she’s not. She’s at work. So if you want to trot on over to DiMera Enterprises and question her there–

Thank you. I’ll do that. But while I’m here, I– I actually do have some questions for you about another matter.

I’m certain Sophia told me she was working the lunch shift today. Are you saying my daughter is lying to me?

No. You know what, I think I am mixing her up with another one of my employees who asked for the next couple of days off. Yes. So I am more than happy to give Sophia her retainer when she comes in.

Thank you. I’m relieved.


And I’m sorry if I seem overly cautious. I do trust Sophia, but she is a teenager.

Yeah, I get it. I’m a mother myself. But you know what, with Sophia, I don’t think you need to worry. She is a very responsible employee, and she is a wonderful young woman. You should be very proud.

Oh, I am. But since you seem to have gotten to know her fairly well, I wonder if you can tell me, has she been acting differently recently?

Not that I’ve noticed. Why?

Well, these past few weeks, she’s been distant, also sleeping more than usual. And when I ask her about her old friends, she just tells me she doesn’t talk to them anymore.

Oh, yeah. Well, I can understand why she wouldn’t be talking to Holly Jonas and Tate Black after how they treated her.

Yes, it was very hurtful of that young man to pretend he was interested in my daughter when he only had eyes for her best friend.

Yeah. So if she’s been seeming a little off this week, you know, the past couple of weeks, then that’s probably why. But she’ll bounce back. I’m sure it’ll just take a little time.

But the prom was last spring. Why would she be suddenly upset about that again?

Oh, right. That’s–that’s true. The prom was a little while ago. But you know, recently– recently, Sophia told me that Tate and Holly got back together again. And so that’s probably what happened, that the old feelings just resurfaced from– from prom.

You weren’t talking about prom, were you? Has something happened more recently, Ms. Vitali? Has my daughter been seeing this boy behind my back?

Holly, it is not what–

It’s not what, Tate? I’d really like to hear you try and spin this right now. What is the perfectly logical reason why the two of you guys are leaving together, bags in hand, when you told me you were visiting your grandparents in California?

Okay. I know what you must think.

Have you guys been seeing each other this entire time?

No, no, no. Sophia and I are not seeing each other.

No, of course not. You guys just are taking an innocent, platonic trip together that you lied to me about for no reason at all.

[soft dramatic music]

I seriously have to be the one to say it? We’re not going to Disneyland, Holly. We’re going to get an abortion.

Mrs. Choi, I think I gave you the wrong idea about Sophia. She is a great kid. And I don’t know how much she confides in you.

Clearly, a lot less than she confides in you. What is going on with my daughter that she’s not telling me?

With all due respect, I think you need to be having this conversation with Sophia.

Will she tell me the truth? Ms. Vitali, you said you’re a mother, right?

I am.

Then you must know how I feel. So, mother to mother, please tell me. What happened between my daughter and Tate Black?

An abortion? Sophia, you’re pregnant?

No, he is. What do you think? Come on, Tate. Let’s go.

Hey, can I please just have a few moments with Holly first? Alone, please?

Fine. But when I get back, we’re leaving.

[soft tense music]

Holly, I’m so sorry.

You’re sorry? Really? That’s all you have to say?

You know, she and– we only had sex the one time, and we used a condom.

What about that time you said my name in bed with her?

Yeah, but we had only just started. I–I have no idea how this happened.

You have no idea?

No, you know what I mean. I just–I thought we were careful. Like, I was shocked when she told me.

How long have you known?

Just a couple of days.

And she’s sure it’s yours?

Yeah. She’s sure.

Oh, my God. I really didn’t see this one coming.

Holly… I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I– I just–I thought if I told you that it would be like salt in the wound. And–


I just didn’t see any reason to do that to you.

So it was your idea to hide this from me?

I just wanted to protect you. I didn’t want to hurt you. Now I am pretty sure that that was the wrong call.

No, you were right. I was definitely going to feel like this if you told me. Still kind of wish you did, though.

Well, just for the record, Sophia didn’t want anyone to find out, either. She’s really freaked out, too.

Mm. I can imagine.

Obviously, Sophia doesn’t want to have this baby any more than I do. And she can’t have an abortion in this state without parental consent, which she said her parents would never give her.

Yeah, I know her parents. She’s not wrong.

So we found a clinic out of state. And I figured that we would go, take care of it, and come back, and no one would find out.

Right. Especially not me.

What happened between EJ and me was a mistake. And it’s completely irrelevant.

Listen, I know. I’m sorry. I swear to you, I was not trying to be an ass. I mean, I know we’ve gotten past the whole you and EJ thing.

Oh, so now it’s “the whole EJ and me thing,” instead of the whole it was our “history.”

Okay, look. Belle. Belle. We don’t have to discuss this, okay? I only brought it up because I’m worried about you. Look, I know that EJ is going to take this very personally when he loses a job to you. And I know how vindictive he can be.

I know that. Listen, I don’t even know if I wanted to stay in Salem, and much less start a war with EJ DiMera. I didn’t exactly have that on my bingo card for 2025.

Well, then why did you say yes to Jada, then?

Well, because she pointed out that the DA has been ineffective as of late. And yeah, part of that’s on me. Part of that is because I’ve been doing a good job defending people who may or may not be guilty. And maybe it’s time to be on the other side of that. Maybe I should be putting some guilty people away.

Yeah. Yeah. I remember you wanting to make that switch a while back.

Yeah. And I think maybe now is the time. Claire is all set up in South Africa. She doesn’t need me there, really. And I’m starting to feel like I am needed here. I mean, you should have heard what Jada was saying about EJ.

Yeah, I mean, it sounds like he’s been giving the department hell.

Yeah, well, he’s using the law to selectively prosecute his enemies and avoid prosecuting his friends, and– and he’s going to play dirty to win if he thinks he can get away with it.

Yeah, there’s no surprise there.

At least I know that I would operate from a place of integrity and be on the right side of the law

Yeah, I agree. You would make a huge improvement over EJ as DA.

[suspenseful music]

You think EJ is letting criminals go free on purpose?

It’s a possibility. You do remember that case that he– that deal he made with his brother, Stefan?

Oh, yes, oh, yes. And we had a chat about that, believe me. But Hattie Adams? She poisoned his son. You think he wanted her to walk?

Not necessarily. Look, I’m not saying he’s intentional every time. But I have noticed a very concerning pattern.

EJ is very conscious about his image and his prosecution record. I highly doubt that he’d be dumb enough to make a pattern of deliberately throwing cases.

Maybe not overtly, but in the last month, EJ declined to prosecute at least six cases here that I believe would have been winnable in court. And look, I’ve done some research. And out of those six cases, there were four– four involved were family members of DiMera associates.

Oh, son of a– oh. Okay, I’ll admit it. That doesn’t look good.

Look, I haven’t proved it yet. But–but no, it does not.


So… am I hearing that you may be open to my idea?

Well, it’s no secret that I’ve had serious issues with EJ in the past. Only a few months ago, I replaced him with Melinda Trask. But that lasted for about one minute, because that bastard, he pushed back with a vengeance. Even threatened to have me recalled.

He was behind that?

Yes, he was. And I shouldn’t have let him get away with it. But situation was and is complicated by the fact that my daughter is married to his son. And I don’t want to cause any more drama in that family. Lord knows there’s plenty of that already there.

Whatever else you feel compelled to harass me about, it isn’t a good time.

Why so antsy, EJ? You really want me to come back tomorrow and question you again?

Very well. What is it?

Okay. Now, I have been hired by a client to find out the identity of the new Lady Whistleblower and stop him or her from spoiling future “Body & Soul” storylines. Is something funny?

[laughs] [clears throat] No, no, no, no, no. I understand this is a very serious business, and I am glad you’re keeping yourself occupied during your newfound spare time. Please, please continue.

Thank you.


We originally thought that it was Hattie Adams, but now we have reason to believe that it is someone else. I know your son is the director for “Body & Soul.”

Yes. And while I’m happy for my son and his burgeoning television career, I must admit I don’t really care for soap operas myself. So while I find this line of questioning amusing, you can tell your anonymous client that I am not, nor have I ever been a gossip columnist under the pseudonym “Lady Whistleblower.”

Again with the paranoia, EJ. Listen, you are not a suspect.

Then why the hell are you here wasting my time?

Because I intend to question everyone on the cast and crew of “Body & Soul.” So I was hoping to come here and ask Johnny and Chanel some questions. Maybe they have some information about where these leaks are coming from.

Well, Johnny and Chanel aren’t here, either. So I’m afraid you’ve completely wasted a trip. [glass shatters]

[suspenseful music]

What was that?

[tense jazz music]


I have no idea what that noise was.

Yeah, well, don’t you want to go check? It sounded like glass breaking.

Whatever it is, I’m sure Harold will take care of it.

You’re not even mildly curious? I mean, what if it was an irreplaceable Ming vase.

Oh, we have too many of them, really. Rachel broke one just last week practicing karate, and I told her not to fret. Because at the end of the day, things are just things.



You know, frankly, EJ, you are acting strange, even for you. When I first got here, you were anxious for no reason. And now you are calm as could be, even though we have heard glass breaking in the other room. Your demeanor is making my spidey senses tingle.

Huh. I didn’t know you had any senses, let alone spidey, tingly ones.

Ah, well, then maybe I should go check it out.

Absolutely not.

Okay, then. Out with it, EJ. What are you hiding?

If you think replacing EJ is too fraught, I understand.

Now you got me looking like a hypocrite. If I let this go because EJ is family, then aren’t I just taking a page right out of his playbook?

No, Mayor Price, look. I know that this is a hard decision for you. But if I may, okay, in order to keep the streets of Salem safe, I can’t do it alone.

Of course not. I know. I know. And I know I’ve been breathing down your neck about some things that aren’t entirely within your control. I can be a tough boss, but I do hear you, Jada.

Thank you. And I understand that you’ll need some time to think about this.

No, I don’t need any time to think about it. I already made up my mind. EJ needs to go.

I’m glad we’re on the same page.

However, I don’t need a revolving door of DAs. Now I need somebody who’s ready to step into the position and who will stay there for the long haul.

I thought you might say that. And I hope I’m not overstepping here, but I did speak with Belle Black already, and she agreed to take the position, if offered.

I see.

Mm-hmm. Look, not only is she on the side of justice, but she is also a shark. She’s won three cases in the short time she’s been here in Salem, two against EJ.

There is no doubt, there’s no doubt that Ms. Black has a very impressive record as a defense attorney. And I trust your instincts, Jada. So if she’s willing to commit, I say that we extend the offer.

Great. I’m sure she’ll be happy with your decision.

Hmm. EJ, on the other hand…

Do you think he might go after you?

Oh, yeah. He definitely will. But I say bring it. Doing what’s right for the people of Salem, that’s all that really matters. And I am not going to be bullied by that man again.

Well, thank you for the vote of confidence. It means a lot. But you do realize that if I am offered this position, not only are we both staying in Salem, but we’d be working together. So I guess I should ask you if you’re okay with that.

I mean, I think that we’ve been doing pretty well so far, you know, being around each other. I mean, yes, I know I did put my foot in my mouth earlier, but I’d say for the most part, you know?

We haven’t started World War III or anything.

Yeah, exactly. I don’t see us taking it that far. So– so yeah, you know what? I’m okay with us working together, as long as you are.

[soft dramatic music]

So this is really happening.

Holly, I–I am so, so sorry. You do realize this doesn’t have to change anything with us, right?

Are you serious?

Yeah. Why would it? It’s not like Sophia and I have feelings for each other. She’s not going to have this baby. She wants to put all of this behind her as much as we do.

Yeah, I’m sure she does, considering she wants to graduate college in three years, and get her MD, her PhD. She has her whole future mapped out, and it certainly doesn’t include having a kid before she’s out of high school.

Yes, you’re right. You’re right. Look… I know that this is a lot for us to deal with right now. But as long as Sophia and I can go take care of this, you know, everything is going to work out in the end, I promise. And since I am her ride, I feel like it would be a jerk move to back out now. So are you okay with this, me taking her out of state?

I guess I have to be.

I understand that you care about your daughter.

Of course I care. I am her mother. I have a right to know.

Mom? What’s going on?

Your boss and I were just having a very interesting conversation about you and Tate Black.

I’m so sorry. I thought–

What did you say to her?

She said enough.

[mellow guitar music]

Mom… can we please not do this in the middle of the town square?

Oh, we are doing this right now. Were you sneaking around with this boy? Did you kiss him?

Did I– Um, oh, wow, okay. I guess I– I should be honest. A few weeks ago, I was at Tate’s house, working on a group project, and he kissed me. And I know you wouldn’t approve, so I didn’t tell you. And I’m sorry, but– but Tate’s back with Holly now, so you don’t have to worry about us kissing anymore.

That’s the full story?


Then why do you look so smug? What else have you done, Sophia?


Are you doing drugs?


I don’t believe a word coming out of your mouth.

Fine. You’re right as always. You shouldn’t believe me, okay? Because Tate and I, we’ve done a lot more than kissing.

Are you saying that you’ve had sex with this boy?

Why don’t we take this conversation indoors?

You know how your father and I feel about sex before marriage. You know how God feels.

[mellow guitar music]

Look, Mom. Please, I think I’m going to be sick.

She does look a little pale. Why don’t we at least sit down?

She’s fine. And you are not her mother. You should go find another teenager to corrupt and let me handle this. So you’re saying you had sex with this boy, and then he left you for Holly. Am I understanding that correctly?

That about sums it up.

See? What have I told you about boys your age, Sophia?

Only care about one thing.

And was I right? You know you could have caught all kinds of diseases. You could be pregnant. We need to take you to the gynecologist.

Too late for that, Mom. Way too late. [retches]

Sophia’s parents are beyond strict. If they ever found out she was having an abortion–

They won’t.

So everything’s fine and I shouldn’t be so worked up about this.

Holly, I got Sophia pregnant. And so I feel like I have to be there for her right now. You understand that, right?

Yeah, of course, but–

And you also understand that this does not change anything between us. Like, Sophia doesn’t want to be with me. She hates me as much as she hates you.

I don’t know, Tate. At this point, I feel like, I don’t know, maybe the universe is trying to tell us that maybe we aren’t meant to be together.

Screw the universe. Are you kidding me? No, look, I know, I know, I know we’ve been through a lot, but all of that has made us stronger. So you know, if the universe wants to try and tear us apart, great. I’d like to see it try.

[soft dramatic music]

I love you, Holly.

I love you, too, Tate.

I’ll be home soon. Okay?

Okay. I’ll be waiting.

You trespass into my home and demand to know what I’m hiding, who the hell do you think you are?

Well, clearly someone that’s gotten under your skin.

Well, you can suspect me all you want. So unless you have a warrant– oh, but of course, they don’t give you those anymore because you’re no longer the commissioner of police. You’re not even on the force. So I say this with all due respect, and by that I mean none at all.


Get the hell off my property. Now.


[tense music]

What the hell happened?

Sorry. All right? I was trying to eavesdrop on your conversation in case I needed to scram, you know, and I was– I had a glass up against the door, but I was eating a croissant, and then it slipped out of my–

Okay, okay. I get it. Now since you were eavesdropping on our entire conversation, I assume you know that was Rafe Hernandez at the door. Did that not concern you at all?

Well, it seemed like you did a pretty good job of getting rid of him.

For now, but who knows when that nosy bastard is going to return, underscoring the need for you to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. It would have been a total disaster if you two had come face-to-face. [phone ringing] [sighs] Madam Mayor, are you calling about an urgent matter?

You should consider any matter that I contact you about urgent, EJ. Now I need you right away in Commissioner Hunter’s office.

This isn’t the best time.

Are you bleeding from your mouth?

What? No.

Okay. Then be here in 0 minutes.

What is this a– I’m afraid I have to go. I’ll be back shortly. I want that floor spotless when I return.

What? You don’t have servants for that?

They’re not your servants. And they shouldn’t know about you or your messes. Clean it up and make yourself scarce. Go hide in the bowels of the West Wing like you did last night. And make sure no one sees you until I return. Do I make myself clear?


And when I do return, we are going to discuss your permanent exit from this house and your relocation to Argentina.

[soft tense music]

Clean it!

You’re up to something, EJ. I’m gonna find out what it is.

[dramatic music]

[soft dramatic music]

Hey, checked traffic. We should be able to make it in, like, three hou–

We can’t go.

What are you talking about? I talked to Holly. She understands.

No, no, it’s– it’s not because of Holly.

Then why can’t we go?

Because of me.

Yes, I am okay with this. We’re both adults. We can make it work.

Better than we made our marriage work, I hope.

You know, we had a good run. I think we can be pretty proud of that.

You know what, you’re right. You’re right. We can be. I hope you do get this job as DA. I do. Any DA is going to be better than EJ. And we’d be very lucky if it’s you.

Oh, Belle, Shawn.


Congratulations on your victory this morning.

Thank you.

Well, don’t get too used to it. It’s not going to happen again

[soft dramatic music]

Sounds like that might be happening right now.

He sure is taking his time. [knocking on door]

Good morning, ladies. What can I do for you?

I’m glad you asked. Nothing.

I beg your pardon?

You will be doing nothing for me from here on out. I’m replacing you as DA, effective immediately.

[suspenseful music]

If EJ wants to stow me away, I’m going to at least get some provisions.

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GH Short Recap Monday, December 30, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


GH logo

Recap written by Suzanne

Sonny met with Alexis to discuss his custody battle with Ava. Alexis informed him that the funds from Ava’s divorce settlement had been transferred to Ace, making Ava financially unstable. She also expressed concerns about Kristina managing Charlie’s Pub, fearing it might attract unwanted federal attention, and urged Sonny to take over the establishment. Sonny, however, believed the pub was a legitimate business and declined to intervene, not wanting to undermine Kristina’s progress.

Later, Sonny visited his boxing gym, where he experienced chest pains and collapsed, indicating a potential heart attack. Meanwhile, in Prague, Valentin confronted Lulu during her visit with Charlotte, asserting that he was the primary parent in their daughter’s life. Their discussion was interrupted when Dante arrived, causing Valentin to feel ambushed. As tensions rose, a sniper’s gunshot rang out, further escalating the situation.


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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of December 23, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Horton Decorations


Everyone suddenly had their homes decorated for Christmas. No one had their houses decorated before.

How did Hattie get Belle’s number? They didn’t know each other like that so how did she get her number?

How did Hattie know that Belle was in town to represent her? She might not have been free to be her lawyer.

Speaking of Belle, why would she agree to represent her after what she did to her mother?


The DiMeras should consider getting better security because Arnold (Fake Rafe) was able to show up at the mansion without an issue. People shouldn’t be able to get on the property so easily.

Paulina needs to make up her mind about the commissioner position. She was ready to replace Jada if she didn’t solve the cupcake mystery. She’s only concerned because her husband ate one of the cupcakes.

EJ was talking while Rafe was shown.


No one said anything about Holly’s birthday coming up.

Speaking of Holly, why didn’t Nicole come back to Salem to give Holly her birthday gift? She and EJ are divorced so she could show up for her daughter’s birthday.

Julie knew that Doug III was on the phone, but she didn’t hear him talk about the necklace.

Why would Chad take the kids to Orlando when the family should have been closer together after what happened to Doug?

Since Julie lost Doug why would she want to celebrate Christmas?

Shawn wasn’t in Salem when Konstantin was there so he shouldn’t know anything about him.

Holly was with Tate at the pub one minute and at the Horton house the next. She went back to the pub like she never left.


Eli and Lani arrived in town for Christmas and could have celebrated with the Hortons. Their ornaments were on the tree so they should have been there to hang them on the tree.

Steve wasn’t giving the person on the phone a chance to reply before he started talking. It was obvious that he wasn’t on the phone with anyone.

Kayla called Roman by his full name. She called him Roman Shawn Brady. The problem is that Roman’s middle name is Augustus, so why would she do that? His sister should know what his middle name was.

Why would Steve help Ava after what she did to him and his family? He shouldn’t have helped her figure out who was stalking her.


EJ called Arnold out for raping Sami. Did he forget that he did the same thing to her? He raped her for a different reason, but he still did it.

Doug III felt bad for what he did to Julie. He stole a necklace that was in the Horton family. His actions hurt the family.



Eli and Lani

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of December 23, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Belle clearly doesn’t know how to be loyal to her family. Did she become an ambulance chaser? She decided to take on Hattie’s case. For some reason, she decided to take Hattie’s case. She clearly forgot what the woman did to her mother. Hattie imitated Marlena on more than one occasion, and Belle was okay with fighting her case. We know that everyone deserves to have representation, but she didn’t have to jump on taking her case. How did Hattie know she could call on her anyway? She shouldn’t have her number. Belle shouldn’t have taken her call after what she did to Marlena. The woman doesn’t know the first thing about being loyal to her family. We shook our heads watching her jump at representing her. Hattie didn’t have to convince her to represent her. She has been messy since she came back to Salem.

Speaking of Belle, EJ wanted Kristen to fire Belle from the company. He felt like she would go after more cases that he didn’t want her to handle. We didn’t realize that EJ told Kristen what to do. Belle reminded EJ that she didn’t technically work for DiMera and could do any chase she wanted. We see that the writers are testing the waters between EJ and Belle. They want to see if something sticks between them. We’re sure they will have more scenes together to build up tension between them. Kristen didn’t jump at his whim and decided not to let her go. We didn’t think she would allow EJ to tell her what to do.

We want to put these comments together because they are linked. Ava went to Steve for help with the texts she received. She thought Kristen was the one that sent them. Steve didn’t think twice about helping her. Everyone in Salem seems to forget that she was responsible for Shawn getting killed. Ava did other things while she was in the mafia, but everyone suddenly has amnesia when it concerns her. His loyalty should be towards his wife, but he didn’t think about that. Maybe we just had a hard time getting over something like that since she hasn’t been redeemed properly. Taking her out of Steve’s story doesn’t change what she did. She doesn’t deserve to get treated like she is the princess of Salem when she hasn’t paid for her crimes. Speaking of, why would Roman allow her to stay in the same home of the man she killed? He goes out of his way to protect her when she is the reason why his father is dead.

Steve found out that the person who sent the texts to Ava was at the DiMera mansion. It played out like a little mystery. The person who was responsible for the texts was revealed to the audience. It turned out the person who did it was closer to Kristen than she realized. Rachel was the one sending the texts to Rachel. She was upset that her parents weren’t back together. Rachel blamed Ava for why her parents weren’t together so she wanted to send her a message. She did what she thought she could to get to Ava. We don’t understand the point of her plan because it won’t stop Brady from dating her. She’s trying her best to be a pint-sized DiMera. The problem with her plan is that everyone will think that Kristen did it. She could get in trouble for something that Rachel is doing. Rachel is quickly becoming the bad seed of Salem.

Guess who is back in Salem. If you guessed Arnold (Fake Rafe), then you are right. Arnold showed up at the DiMera mansion out of the blue looking for more money. It’s strange that he showed up out of the blue. He was gone for years and now he’s back. Arnold wants money and doesn’t plan to leave Salem any time soon. He’s a reminder that EJ is far from perfect. Arnold called him out and let him know that he would talk if he didn’t give him more money. He has EJ on his toes right now. EJ acts like he’s tough, but it won’t take much for Arnold to ruin him. We get to watch EJ squirm while Arnold is in town. He will try his best to quiet Arnold, but we don’t think it will work out the way he wants it to. Arnold being back in Salem will catch up to EJ because he isn’t going to walk away as easily as he would like.

EJ deserved the Hypocrite of the Week award. He had the gall to remind Arnold that he raped Sami by pretending to be Rafe. Did he lose his memory when he was shot? He forgot that he raped Sami too. EJ raped her first and wasn’t hired to do anything to her. He didn’t assault her with a mask on, but he forced her to have sex with him to save Lucas’ life. Sami fell in love with him so we were supposed to forget that he raped her, but we didn’t. We never forgot what he did because his actions led to the destruction of one of our favorite couples on the show. Sami and Lucas never recovered from what EJ did. He didn’t have a right to call Arnold out for raping Sami when he was just as bad. Arnold wouldn’t have been around Sami if he didn’t pay him to break up her relationship with Rafe. EJ clearly forgot his actions, or he wouldn’t have called him out for that. We were ready to yell at the screen for being a hypocrite.

It’s time to shift gears. We were surprised that Julie was in the holiday spirit. She lost her husband during the holiday season, but she wanted to celebrate. It was strange that she wanted to do that when the love of her life was gone. We understand that she had to move on, but she lost him recently. Julie is the last one who should want to celebrate the holidays. She’s taking Doug’s death very well, and we expected her to need cheering up. The writers should have had Julie feel down after Doug died. We don’t know of too many people who would be in the holiday spirit if someone they love died the way Doug did.




The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Of Our Lives Best Lines For the Week Of December 23, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Leo: Hattie Adams.
Hattie: Hmm. Thought I’d never have to see that ugly mug again.
Leo: And yet, here you are, still wearing that sickly sweet cologne.
Hattie: Strawberry almond banana. I love it, and I gets lots of compliments on it.
Leo: Well, it’s making me want to toss my cookies.
Hattie: Makes me like it even more.

(When Hattie was brought in for being Lady Whistleblower)
Leo: This is a Christmas miracle.
Rafe: I think it had something to do with my detective skills.

Hattie: I’d like a little groveling from you.
Leo: Ok. So you expect me to grovel? Um how about we also throw in a private jet, a Ferrari 250 GTO Tipo, and a lifetime supply of pork rinds?

Hattie: Wow, yeah. I mean, except for the pork rinds. They tend to give me gas.
Leo: Yeah, I knew it.

(When Brady barged in the mansion)
EJ: Uh so usually, we prefer our guests to be announced. But hey, why stand on ceremony?

(When Rafe brought Hattie to the station)
Jada: So this is my present?
Rafe: Yeah. Sorry I couldn’t wrap it for you.
Hattie: You try that, you’ll be singing soprano.

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Days Short Recap Friday, December 27, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ was upset to find Arnold wearing his robe and eating his food. He wanted him to get out of his place. Arnold wasn’t worried about EJ’s threats of him going back to prison. EJ’s the DA so he would make sure that didn’t happen. He reminded Arnold that he raped Sami when he slept with her when she thought he was Rafe. Arnold felt like the rape was a grey area. EJ also reminded him that he killed Nicole’s mother and would definitely be prosecuted for it. Arnold offered to testify against EJ again. He took his turn to remind EJ about a couple of things. Arnold reminded him that he and Stefano paid for his surgery to switch him with Rafe. He told him that he would go down with him. EJ offered him money to leave, but Arnold refused to go. Jada and Rafe decided on a wedding date. They wanted to get married on his birthday in late January. Jada left and Paulina arrived at his door. She went off because he interfered in the Hattie investigation. They argued over Rafe’s demotion. Paulina offered him another job, but he didn’t want it. He felt like she was offering him a job because she wanted him out of Jada’s way. Rafe loved Jada and wouldn’t get in the way of Jada’s job. Leo read Lady Whistleblower’s column, and he was upset that he couldn’t figure out the person’s identity. Doug III showed up to find out what happened with the necklace. Leo said he found someone who would sell it for him. Doug III was thankful, but he regretted what he did to Julie. He needed the money to pay people off. Leo thought that would be a great idea for the show.

Sophia arrived at the townhouse to see Tate. They wanted to get on the road when Holly showed up. Tate got nervous and wanted Sophia to hide. She eavesdropped while Holly talked to Tate about giving him food for the plane ride. Tate gave Holly back the concert tickets because he was going to see his grandparents. Holly left after they talked for a little bit. Sophia was upset after Holly left. She felt like she was an inconvenience. Sophia didn’t like how Holly got “I love yous” while she had to get an abortion. Holly was at the town square and ran into Doug III. She offered him the concert tickets so they wouldn’t do to waste. He offered to take her with him. She mentioned her boyfriend, and he assured her that it wasn’t a date. He didn’t know anyone there so that’s why he wanted to go with him. Doug III advised her to talk to her boyfriend. Tate missed Holly’s call and apologized to Sophia for what she heard. They got their stories straight about what they were doing. Sophia was happy that Holly wouldn’t have any fun either. She wondered if Holly got someone to take the tickets. Holly was on her way back to Tate’s place. She took Doug’s number so she could let him know what Tate said. Jada found out that Belle got Hattie released from custody because EJ questioned her without a lawyer. She was tired of EJ botching up cases and using personal reasons to avoid prosecuting people. His decisions make her look bad when he doesn’t prosecute people. Jada would rather work with someone like Belle. Belle wasn’t thrilled with being DA. Jada talked about the recent cases she won and thought they would make a great team. She believed she could convince Paulina to give her the job. Belle wasn’t sure about the job because Shawn’s back at the police department and had a history with EJ. Belle wasn’t sure how long she would be in town. Jada thought Paulina would hire her for a set time. She asked Belle to give it some thought. Tate asked Sophia if she was okay with getting the abortion. She knew he didn’t want a baby so it’s what they had to do. They were about to head out when Holly arrived back at the townhouse.

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Days Update Friday, December 27, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

EJ enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion to find Arnold Feniger eating while sitting in a bathrobe.

Rafe and Jada discuss wedding planning at home. Jada calls him perfect and they kiss until Rafe reminds her that she has to get to work. Jada first wants to set a date for the wedding and suggests getting married on Rafe’s birthday.

Leo sits in his room at the Salem Inn, reading his horoscope. Leo comes across a new column from the new Lady Whistleblower, who writes that the old Lady Whistleblower is going crazy not knowing who they are and that Leo’s private investigator is barking up the wrong tree. They write that maybe they’ll just show up at Leo’s door and put him out of his misery. There’s then a knock at the door so Leo assumes it’s the new Lady Whistleblower, but answers the door to see Doug III.

Sophia goes to see Tate and says she had to get out of the house. Sophia talks about how the sooner they get on the road, the sooner they can get the abortion over with. Tate agrees, but then Holly knocks on the door, asking if Tate is there. Tate tells Sophia to go hide because Holly can’t know anything about this. Tate then answers the door. Holly asks what took him so long.

Leo tells Doug III that it’s not a very good time as there’s a gossip columnist trying to ruin his life. Doug III says he didn’t want to bother him but hoped he had news about the necklace he gave him to sell. Leo responds that he does.

Jada jokes with Rafe that getting married on his birthday would make sure he never forgets their anniversary since he’s a very busy man with a lot on his mind. Rafe points out that his birthday is at the end of January. Jada says they did talk about getting married soon, unless he’s afraid of being forced to share the spotlight with his bride on his special day. Rafe responds that he can’t think of a better present as they kiss. Jada then exits for work.

EJ shuts the doors to the living room and questions what Arnold thinks he’s doing. Arnold responds that he’s enjoying breakfast. EJ questions Arnold wearing his robe. Arnold comments on how good it feels on his naked body so EJ tells him to keep it and call it a parting gift. EJ says Arnold had his fun and now it’s time to leave, so he orders him to get dressed and get the hell out of his house. Arnold asks what’s the rush since he just got there. Arnold asks if he has any more vodka. EJ argues that they went over all of this last night and that he can’t have anyone else seeing them together. EJ says that Johnny seeing them could’ve been a disaster, arguing that he will figure out that Arnold isn’t Rafe if he sticks around. Arnold tells EJ to relax and that he already saw Johnny leave for work with Chanel so they are good. EJ asks what if Johnny bumps in to Rafe and mentions seeing him there yesterday which will send this in to overdrive. Arnold insists that he’ll be fine.

Paulina goes to see Rafe. Rafe tells her that Jada just left if she’s looking for her. Paulina says she came to see him, so Rafe asks what it’s about. Paulina wants to talk about Jada as she wants to give her every opportunity to succeed. Rafe says he does too, so Paulina says if he means that, he needs to stay out of her way.

Jada goes to the police station and runs in to Belle. Jada says she’s almost always happy to see her while Belle says some people never are. Jada brings up EJ being unhappy about Belle getting a deal for Mark Greene. Belle complains that EJ tried to railroad Mark in to doing ten years in prison for crimes committed in France where EJ does not have jurisdiction. Jada says it sounds like she beat EJ at his own game. Belle informs Jada that she just got back from doing it again as EJ tried to go behind her back to question Hattie but she got her free. Jada remarks that she won’t be able to question Hattie about the tainted cupcakes. Belle tells her to blame EJ which Jada says she does. Jada then asks Belle to talk in her office.

Doug III asks Leo if he sold the necklace and what he got for it. Leo informs him that he still has it, but he found someone who will sell it for him. Doug III says that’s good and he’s very thankful but he wishes he didn’t have to do this, since Julie has been really nice to him and the necklace was in the time capsule for over 50 years as a family heirloom. Leo asks if he wants to give the necklace back, pointing out that there is still time.

Holly remarks that she was starting to think Tate was hiding from her. Tate claims he was just in the other room, packing for his trip. Tate asks why she came over as he thought they said goodbye last night. Holly says it feels silly but she brought him lemon squares for his plane ride. Tate thanks her and says that’s really thoughtful as Sophia remains hiding in the other room. Holly tells Tate that she doesn’t want him to miss his flight so she will go. Tate says he will miss her. Holly tells him to think about her constantly. Tate assures she is all he will be thinking about. Tate thanks her again for the concert tickets even though they couldn’t use them. Holly says there will be other concerts. Tate then suggests Holly use the concert tickets instead of letting them go to waste. Holly encourages Tate not to feel bad about taking this trip as it’s important for him to see his grandparents. Tate thanks her again for the lemon squares. Holly hugs Tate and says she loves him. Sophia listens on annoyed as Tate says he loves her too. Holly tells Tate to text her from the plane and call her when he lands which Tate agrees to do as Holly then exits. Sophia comes back in and tells Tate that she’s sorry to be such an inconvenience.

Doug III tells Leo that he wishes he could give the necklace back but he really needs the money to pay those people off. Leo then gets an idea that this would be a perfect story for his show, assuring that no one could trace it back to Doug. Leo tells Doug III that he knows what it’s like to be in the bind that he is and that he feels terrible for hurting someone he cares about. Leo remarks that Doug’s family already think the necklace is gone, so they will get over it and he will too. Leo advises Doug III to get the money, pay the jerks off, and put this behind him.

Paulina tells Rafe that she’s been fully briefed on the Hattie Adams cast, so Rafe’s citizen arrest killed Jada’s shot to question Hattie first. Rafe argues that his citizens arrest allowed Jada to question her in the first place. Paulina complains that they can’t make a case and the criminal can’t be charged while she has a vested interest in this case because her husband was poisoned. Rafe argues that he was hired as a private investigator and he can’t help it if he got there first. Paulina acknowledges Rafe is good at what he does while Rafe points out that she replaced him, which Paulina insists was not personal as he was out of commission and Jada did such a stellar job, so she didn’t want to cause more turmoil by replacing her. Rafe comments on her just trying to rationalize it. Paulina admits that she realizes she could use Rafe. Rafe questions if she came here to offer him a job which Paulina confirms, clarifying that it wouldn’t be as police commissioner since that job is already taken, and asks how he’d like to be her Rat Czar.

EJ reminds Arnold that he was facing serious felony charges before he and Stefano faked his death, so if the police found out he was alive, he would be arrested on the spot and his charges would be immediately reinstated. Arnold responds that he knows he wouldn’t go to prison since EJ is the authority.

Belle congratulates Jada on her new job and says Shawn told her about his time working with her, so she’s sure she will be a great commissioner. Jada talks about all the responsibility and doing the best she can. Jada notes that her job requires her to work hand in hand with the district attorney, so she can only be as good as EJ is but he’s botched so many cases lately. Jada brings up the two cases EJ just lost to Belle because he tried an underhanded move that came back to bite him. Jada talks about how whenever EJ has a conflict of interest, he simply declines to prosecute the guilty party, so her hands are tied. Jada feels no matter how many criminals she catches, if EJ doesn’t put them away, it makes her look bad and she doesn’t like that. Belle asks what she is saying. Jada responds that she would rather work with someone like Belle.

Tate apologizes to Sophia and explains that Holly bought him concert tickets for Christmas, so he had to tell her something about why he couldn’t use them. Sophia guesses she spoiled his gift and apologizes for being a bitch, but she didn’t realize Tate and Holly were at the “I love you” stage. Tate admits it just happened on Christmas. Sophia guesses Holly was the good one this year since Holly gets an I love you, while she gets to have an abortion.

Holly walks through the town square and runs in to Doug III. Holly offers him the concert tickets to MysticBrew. Doug III accepts and suggests they go together.

Rafe questions Paulina wanting him to be her rat czar. Paulina explains that the position is to keep down the rodent population and eradicating them is vital to her administration, so the person in charge would literally be saving lives. Rafe asks who has this job now. Paulina says no one yet but talks about New York implementing this program that has been quite successful and it’s director has been highly respected as Rafe would be. Paulina promises Rafe it is a critical job and well paying. Paulina asks what Rafe says.

Belle questions Jada wanting her to replace EJ as district attorney. Jada asks why not, pointing out that Belle has been winning cases left and right since being back in town including getting Philip reinstated as co-CEO of Titan. Jada states that Belle is obviously very good at what she does, so she thinks they would make a great team. Belle argues that Paulina would have to appoint the district attorney. Jada feels she’s an excellent sales woman and won’t have to work that hard considering Paulina’s own issues with EJ. Belle remains uncertain. Jada brings up hiring Shawn back and he told her that they are getting divorced, so she asks if her reservations are because of him. Belle confirms that’s part of it because she worries about working this closely with Shawn. Jada thinks she’s more of a pro than she gives herself credit for. Belle informs Jada that there’s more because she also has a history with EJ.

EJ tells Arnold that he may be the district attorney but he answers to Paulina who answers to the citizens of Salem, who were not thrilled when Arnold posed as Rafe. EJ brings up Arnold raping Sami because she thought he was Rafe, so she was incapable of consent. Arnold calls it a grey area to him. EJ brings up the murder of Fay Walker and for that, he’ll be arrested and prosecuted. EJ asks what he will do then. Arnold guesses he’ll just do what he did last time when Hope and Bo tried to throw the book at him and he’ll offer to testify against EJ.

Holly questions Doug III wanting to go together. He points out that there are two tickets and asks if she had other plans. Holly explains that they were a Christmas present for her boyfriend but he had to take a trip. Doug III says he wasn’t asking her like a date or anything and asks if running it by her boyfriend first would make her feel better about it. Holly says it would and calls that a good idea. Holly then calls Tate.

Tate apologizes to Sophia for her having to hear that as he didn’t plan on Holly coming over. Sophia mocks Holly being his perfect little girlfriend. Tate suggests they don’t talk about Holly and just focus on what they need to do. Tate says they have to go out of state for the appointment, so they should get their stories straight. Sophia thought they already did since he told Holly and Brady that he had to go see his Grandparents. Sophia says she told her parents that she was looking at colleges with her friend to decide where she wants to go, if she goes. Tate encourages that she will go and they will fix this. Tate goes to get his bag. Sophia remarks to herself that at least Holly won’t be having any fun either and wonders if she found anyone to use those concert tickets.

Holly tells Doug III that Tate isn’t answering so she’ll run by his place to see him. Holly gives Doug III her phone to put his number in so she can text him. He tells her to just let him know what Tate says.

Rafe remarks that he’s flattered that Paulina would consider him for such a position but he senses that she’s only offering him the job to keep him on the sidelines. Rafe says he may have won this battle but who knows will win the next one. Rafe declares that he loves Jada, so he’s not going to let some professional rivalry come between them. Paulina asks about her offer. Rafe tells her to take the job and shove it, so she’ll have to have someone else deal with her rats. Rafe then opens the door for her to leave.

Belle is not sure if Shawn told Jada about her history with EJ while they were partners. Jada says he mentioned it but didn’t go in to detail. Belle says she and EJ are long over and are just colleagues now. Belle adds that they do spar in the court room, but she doesn’t want to take EJ’s job from him. Jada says if that’s her concern, she might as well know that if she gets her way, he’s gone no matter what. Belle says that’s not the only reason, noting that she doesn’t even know how long she will be in town. Jada says Paulina might want to hire her if she can commit to a certain amount of time and sell it as a transitional move. Jada asks Belle to at least consider it.

Arnold argues that EJ keeps making him out to be the bad guy but it was EJ and Stefano that arranged his plastic surgery to look like Rafe and who switched him out for Rafe after his car accident so they can stop pretending. Arnold remarks that it will also be EJ who pays for his crimes since Stefano is dead. EJ argues that he never asked Arnold to sleep with Sami or kill Fay. EJ tells Arnold to be reasonable and question why he’d want to be here when he’s offering him good money to leave. Arnold says he’s never been accused of being that smart and declares it looks like he’s going to stay put.

Leo joins Doug III in the town square and informs him that the necklace has been sold. Doug III says at least he can get these people off his back. Leo warns him that it’s not as much as he thought it would be which disappoints Doug III. Leo says he’s sorry but it’s the best he could do. Leo adds that he won’t take a percentage. Doug III argues that it won’t make a difference because they were expecting the full amount. Leo asks what he’s going to do. Doug III says he’ll have to figure out something.

Paulina goes to see Jada in her office and asks about Jada wanting to see her. Jada responds that it’s about replacing EJ as district attorney.

EJ tells Arnold that if he hates Argentina so much, there’s a whole planet of places he could go. The doorbell rings so EJ warns Arnold to stay put while he gets rid of whoever is at the door. EJ then answers the door to see Rafe.

Tate comes back to the living room to find Sophia eating some of his lemon squares. Sophia reminds him that she’s eating for two for now. Tate asks if she’s sure she’s okay with this. Sophia says that’s not the point since it’s not like Tate wants to have a baby, so it’s what they have to do. Sophia and Tate go to leave together right as Holly shows up at the door, shocked to see them together.

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Days Update Thursday, December 26, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Abe and Paulina are at home with Eli and Lani to celebrate Christmas and Eli and Lani’s twins, Jules and Carver’s birthday.

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen encourages Rachel to open more of her presents but Rachel says maybe later. Kristen questions her mood when she got her everything she wanted and more. Rachel complains that she get didn’t get what she really wanted which is Kristen and Brady back together.

Brady goes home and brings in flowers that he tells Marlena were waiting at the door. Marlena guesses they are from John, but reads the card to find out they are from Susan, so she says she’ll have to call her to thank her.

Roman goes to the hospital and wishes Kayla a Merry Christmas. Kayla thanks him for getting there so fast as she needs help with the hospital Christmas party. When Roman asks what she needs him to do, Kayla then presents Roman with the Santa Claus suit. Roman brings up that Kayla played Santa last year. Kayla says last year she was a last minute replacement while this year, she’s on call so it wouldn’t be good for Santa to be yanked away to the OR. Kayla argues that she needs a Santa as soon as possible because the party starts in a couple of hours. Roman is unsure but Kayla encourages him. Roman reminds Kayla that the year he was supposed to play Santa, Stefano stole his suit.

Steve sits at the Brady Pub, talking to his son Joey on the phone. Steve mentions that Kayla is at the hospital and he’s working today too as he had to help John on a case he’s working for the ISA. Steve tells Joey that they are helping Shane but he can’t say anything more than that.

Marlena tells Brady that it was very sweet of Susan to send her flowers. Brady tells Marlena that he knows how much she misses John. Marlena knows she couldn’t keep that from him and talks about Brady always being sensitive to other’s feelings. Brady gives Marlena a Christmas gift of a locket that belonged to his mom which includes an old photo of he and Belle as kids. Marlena feels she can’t take it and says he should save it for Rachel. Brady says that Rachel is more in to reptiles and he’s pretty sure Isabella would want his other mom to have it as they hug. Marlena wants Brady to open his present from her and John now but Brady says they can do that later as he really wants her to tell him about John’s case. Marlena says she hasn’t heard much and that all Shane will say is that it’s a matter of global security. Marlena encourages that she knows John will be coming back to them, but she wishes she could talk to him. Brady knows what it’s like to be separated from someone you love for the holidays. Marlena asks if he will be seeing Rachel today. Brady responds that he was hoping to, but Kristen won’t allow it.

Kristen reminds Rachel that they talked about this and that them being together isn’t what Brady wants. Rachel blames Kristen, saying it’s all her fault with the serum. Kristen admits she never should’ve blackmailed Xander and it was wrong, as it didn’t bring her any closer to being with Brady. Rachel remarks that she’s noticed. Kristen says it’s taken her a long time to realize you can’t force someone to love you. Kristen tells Rachel that Brady has moved on and wants to be with someone else. Rachel asks if she means Ava Vitali.

Steve finishes his call with Joey as Ava comes in to the Pub, on the phone with Tripp. Ava tells Steve that Tripp wants to say hi and gives him the phone. Steve wishes him a Merry Christmas and mentions that he was just talking to his brother. Tripp announces that he asked Wendy to marry him on Christmas Day and she said yes which excites Steve, who tells Tripp that he’s so happy for him.

Roman asks Kayla why she doesn’t get Steve to play Santa since he’s always done a great job. Kayla responds that Steve is unavailable as he’s helping Shane with ISA business. Roman says that’s too bad that he has to work on Christmas. Kayla adds that if Roman doesn’t play Santa, it will be very disappointing to her and the kids.

Abe and Paulina excite Jules and Carver about opening presents while Lani wants to save some for when they get back home. Abe brings up the Christmas presents from Santa as well. Lani reminds Paulina that she and Eli don’t want to spoil the kids. Paulina says on Christmas, the grandparents get their way. Eli jokes about them competing with his mom and Julie. Lani gives in so Paulina joins Abe with the kids and the presents. Lani then asks Eli to stay with them since they are leaving after Christmas, she wants to drop in on an old friend.

Kristen questions how Rachel heard about Brady and Ava. Rachel repeats that she has ears. Kristen accuses her of eavesdropping as Rachel reveals she heard Kristen talking to the portrait of Stefano. Kristen asks what exactly she heard. Rachel says Kristen was asking how to get rid of Ava and asks if Stefano gave her any good ideas.

Brady tells Marlena that Kristen made it very clear that he’s not welcome in her home. Marlena says she’s so sorry. Brady says he should’ve known there would be a price to pay when he told her they would never get back together. Marlena wished Kristen would put Rachel’s needs first. Brady complains that Kristen is doing everything in her power to ruin his relationship with his daughter. Marlena asks if it’s just because he wouldn’t be blackmailed in to a relationship with her. Brady admits it doesn’t help that he has started seeing Ava Vitali.

Steve tells Tripp how happy he is for him and says he’s looking forward to seeing he and Wendy very soon. Steve tells Tripp he loves him and hands the phone back to Ava. Ava finishes the call with Tripp and comments to Steve that their son is engaged. Steve says he can’t wait to tell Kayla the news. Ava asks why they aren’t together on Christmas, then decides it’s none of her business. Steve responds that they are both business. Ava says that sucks, but she might have a case for Black Patch. Ava asks Steve to find the freak who has been sending her harassing texts.

Kristen tells Rachel that she’s not going to get in to this with her and tells her not to eavesdrop. Rachel insists that she needs to know and asks if Stefano told her to lock Ava in the secret room. Lani then arrives and wishes Kristen a Merry Christmas. Kristen gets up and excitedly hugs her as they say it’s so good to see each other. Lani can’t believe how grown up Rachel is. Rachel tells Kristen about wanting to prank Harold with a snake. Kristen sends Rachel upstairs. Kristen and Lani laugh about Rachel definitely being Kristen’s daughter. Lani shows Kristen pictures of her twins, noting that they turned 4 today. Lani talks about Abe and Paulina spoiling the kids and guesses Kristen and Brady will be doing the same for Rachel. Kristen informs Lani that Brady will not be seeing Rachel this Christmas. Lani asks if he’s out of town. Kristen explains that she has full custody and doesn’t want Brady around Rachel until he stops seeing that tramp which Lani questions.

Marlena asks Brady about seeing Ava. Brady assumes she doesn’t approve. Marlena admits she’s concerned because there seems to be a bit of a pattern here of Brady getting involved with troubled, dangerous women. Brady sees her points but says it’s not on purpose. Marlena doesn’t want to see Brady getting hurt. Brady says he appreciates that but it’s a little early because he and Ava only went on date that was cut short and then Ava started getting these very strange text messages.

Steve doesn’t feel the text messages to Ava are threatening but Ava wants them to stop before they step it up. Ava knows they don’t have the greatest history, but something wonderful did come out of their relationship in Tripp. Ava asks Steve to consider looking in to it for Tripp’s sake and not her.

Abe and Paulina talk about being tired. Paulina is relieved that Eli took the kids sledding. Abe talks about how Theo was quiet and shy, so he’s not prepared for this tornado. Abe asks what Chanel was like at 4 years old. Paulina says she was a menace but there was only one of her. Paulina can’t believe Eli has been dealing with two and is thankful he has Lani back. Paulina mentions reading the Christmas story at the hospital. Abe asks if Kayla is going to be Santa Claus again this year. Paulina says she doesn’t know but the rumor is that she’s chosen someone else.

Roman dresses up as Santa Claus which pleases Kayla. Roman complains about how hot it is in the suit. Kayla encourages that it will just be for an hour or so but Roman says he’s having a hard time breathing in it and a pain down his left arm. Roman asks Kayla if he’s having a heart attack.

Paulina gives Abe a Christmas present of books from some of the greatest soap opera producers which excites Abe. Abe hugs her and calls her the best. Abe then gives Paulina a bracelet made up of the birthstones from her family. Paulina mentions her and her sister Tamara having some tough times, but this gives her hopes that it will get better soon. Paulina thanks Abe and says she loves it as they hug. Paulina declares that Abe’s gift inspired her to go call her sister to wish her a Merry Christmas.

Kayla gets Roman set up in a hospital bed. Roman asks how bad it is. Kayla informs him that he did not have a heart attack but he had an allergic reaction maybe to something in the Santa suit, but he should be cleared up quickly. Roman guesses he won’t be playing Santa anytime soon and says he is sorry about that. Kayla tells him that he is relieved of his Santa duties. Roman asks if that means she will be standing in as Santa like she did last year, but Kayla says she has another idea.

Steve questions Ava playing the son card and says he was going to say yes even before she brought Tripp in to it. Ava thanks him for taking her case as she knows it’s not a big case but she really wants to find out who is doing it and she wants it to stop. Steve asks if she has any suspects. Ava responds that her gut tells her it’s Kristen DiMera, but she can’t be sure. Steve says that would make sense and asks to see her phone.

Kristen tells Lani not to look at her like she’s disappointed in her. Lani says they both know that when Kristen is hurting, she lashes out, but she knows it’s wrong to keep Rachel away from her dad. Kristen questions rewarding Brady for ripping her heart out and stomping on it. Lani tells her that it’s not about her, it’s about Rachel and that she deserves to be with her father on Christmas. Rachel returns to the room. Lani says it was good to see them but she should get back to Eli and the kids. Kristen sends her love. Lani wishes them a Merry Christmas and hugs Kristen. They agree to talk soon as Lani then exits. Kristen then tells Rachel that she has a little surprise for her.

Marlena gives Brady a scarf for Christmas, noting that she got ones for Tate and Rachel as well but Brady won’t be able to give it to Rachel today. Marlena says shame on Kristen for keeping Brady from his daughter and harassing Ava. Brady notes that Kristen claims not to be the one sending the texts. Brady then gets a call from Kristen. Marlena suggests not answering it on Christmas but Brady answers it and asks if Rachel is okay. Kristen admits that Rachel misses her dad, so she invites Brady over to spend Christmas with his daughter.

Steve shows Ava an app that can unscramble blocked numbers and pinpoint the location of burner phones. Ava jokes that she could have used that back in the day when dealing with her family. Steve then tells her that they hit pay dirt.

Marlena calls Shane and says she knows the mission is top secret so she’s not asking for details, but she would like to be able to talk to John. Marlena says she understands and knows she should be used to this by now. Marlena wishes Shane a Merry Christmas and hangs up.

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion which excites Rachel as he hugs her. Brady gives Rachel a Christmas present. Kristen wishes Brady a Merry Christmas. Rachel asks if she can open presents now. Kristen suggests she start with Brady’s present which is frozen rats for snake food which Rachel says she loves. Kristen questions it but Brady says that’s what she wanted. Rachel then goes to feed the snake.

Kayla gathers the kids at the hospital for the annual Salem University Christmas party and introduces Paulina to read the Christmas story again this year. Eli and Lani sit with their kids as Paulina begins the story. Everyone applauds as she finishes. The kids then begin chanting for Santa until Abe arrives dressed as Santa Claus.

Kayla goes to check on Roman, who says he is feeling better thanks to her. Kayla brings him his prescription from the pharmacy. Roman asks who she got to play Santa. Kayla invites him to come see for himself, so they exit the room to see Abe as Santa. Roman jokes with Kayla that he hopes the suit doesn’t give him any problems. Kayla assures that she swapped it out with another one. Kayla goes over to wish Jules and Carver a happy birthday. Lani tells Eli that she’s going to miss this. Eli assures they will be back in no time. Eli then pulls out a mistletoe and kisses Lani. Paulina tells Abe that he makes a wonderful Santa. Abe says the kids inspire him. Paulina declares that all she wants for Christmas is just the love of her wonderful husband. Abe says she already has that, always and forever as they hug.

Marlena finishes a call with Sami, wishing her a Merry Christmas and says she can’t wait to see her in the new year. Marlena hangs up as she gets another call from Belle. They talk until there’s a knock at the door, so Marlena says she will call her back. Marlena then answers the door to accept a delivery. Marlena sits down and opens the package and card from John.

Ava asks Steve if he was able to prove where the messages were coming from. Steve says he couldn’t pinpoint all of them, but can confirm the last message came from the DiMera Mansion. Ava says she knew it.

Brady thanks Kristen for letting him see his daughter and says it meant a lot to him. Kristen says she’s sure it did to Rachel too. Brady asks what changed her mind. Kristen responds that a friend told her that no matter how she felt about him, it wasn’t right to punish Rachel. Brady tells Kristen to thank her friend for him. Brady says he should get going. Kristen asks if he’s spending the holiday with Ava. Brady asks if she plans to spend a few threatening texts to her on Christmas. Kristen repeats that she did not send Ava any texts, so Brady questions who did.

Rachel is outside the living room with the cell phone as she texts Ava, “Stay away from Brady, or else!”

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GH Short Recap Friday, December 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

GAnna tells Emma she called Berkley and they told her that she was expelled on Halloween because she had a party in her dorm and someone set off the sprinklers damaging the entire floor.

Anna gets angrier with Emma when Emma tells her that she pretended to be her mother when the school called Robin to tell her that she was expelled from school. Anna tells Emma that, if she wants to go to PCU, she will be living with her and not in the apartment she rented.

Sasha tells Maxie she is leaving Port Charles and moving back to the Hamptons to raise the baby. Sasha explains to Maxie that she has too much history in town and she wants a fresh start with the baby.

Michael asks Diane to represent him in his divorce to Willow. Michael tells Diane about Drew and Willow’s affair and the nanny cam video. Diane tells Michael that the video will hurt their case. Michael tells Diane he wants to fight for custody of his children.

Martin tells Alexis and Laura that Ace has been named the new heir to the Cassidine estate and Alexis is the trustee of the estate until Ace is of age.

Lulu meets with Charlotte at a cafe in Prague unaware that Jack Brennan’s assistant has followed her.

Jason tells Anna that Lulu is meeting Charlotte in Prague and she feels that Lulu led Valentin’s enemies to him. Lulu and Charlotte will be in danger.

Josslynn asks Jack Brennan if she can look at the footage the WSB has of Rice Plaza so she can try to figure out who stabbed Dex. Jack tells Josslynn the footage he had has already been erased.

Jack makes a call and asks to see the footage of the day Dex was stabbed.

Trina helps Kai escape a dinner with the donors to the PCU football program.

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12 Men of Hallmark Christmas Movies

Article: My 12 Men of Hallmark Christmas Movies


Andrew Walker

by Barbara 12/15/24

On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, my all time favorite, Andrew W Walker, in *all* his Hallmark Christmas movies.

On the 2nd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Kristoffer Polaha in “Small Town Christmas”, “Rocky Mountain Christmas”, “A Biltmore Christma”, and “Hearts of Christmas”; and Tyler Hynes in “Three Wise Men and a Baby”, “Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas”, and “An Unexpected Christmas” (I couldn’t decide between these two men so they’re tied for the 2nd day of Christmas).

On the 3rd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Ryan McPartlin in “A Very Vermont Christmas”, “The Holiday Fix Up”, and “Twinkle All the Way.”

On the 4th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Luke MacFarlane in “Maggie’s Christmas Miracle.”

On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Sean Faris in “Christmas with Holly” and “A Veteran’s Christmas.”Wes Brown

On the 6th Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Wes Brown in “Haul Out the Holly Lit Up” and “Check Inn to Christmas.”

On the 7th Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Jon Cor in “Picture a Perfect Christmas” and “Christmas on the Vine.”

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Marcus Rosner in “Flipping for Christmas.”

On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Cameron Mathison in “A Christmas to Remember.”

Steve BacicOn the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Corey Sevier in “Northern Lights of Christmas” and “Noel Next Door.”

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Chandler Massey in “Mystic Christmas.”

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Steve Bacic in “Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas” (he does not play the male lead, but his character is an integral part of the story, and he was fabulous).



Owned and operated by Hallmark Cards, Inc., Hallmark Media is entertainment’s leading destination for feel-good content. Hallmark Channel features an ambitious slate of new, original movies, scripted series, and the popular annual holiday franchise, Countdown to Christmas. Hallmark Mystery features a unique mix of movies and acquired series focused on the lighter side of the suspense and mystery genres, as well as its own seasonal programming event, Miracles of Christmas. Hallmark Family showcases timeless storytelling for the whole family centered around faith, love, and community. The company’s subscription streaming service and membership program Hallmark+ delivers the very best of Hallmark all in one place, featuring a distinctive blend of all new, exclusive original series and movies plus monthly discounts and rewards for shopping at Hallmark retail stores and at


"Three Wiser Men and a Boy" on Hallmark

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

Days Transcript Friday, December 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne





[soft dramatic music]

– Rafe, look at all these choices.


Oh, I forgot how much work goes into planning a wedding.

Yeah, I’m starting to think that maybe Nicole and I had the right idea getting married at city hall.

Such a romantic.

Well, for me, true romance is gazing into your eyes while I say my vows.

You’ve been working on that one for a while, haven’t you?

Did that not sound off the cuff? I have been rehearsing that for a minute, actually. Yeah.

No, it sounded perfect, just like you.

[tender music]

You know, we should probably table this, though, because don’t you have to get to work?

Oh, yes. You are right. But wait. Before I go, I have a date in mind for the wedding, so we should probably talk about that first.

Oh, okay. What you got?

Why don’t we get married on your birthday?

“Good morning, Capricorn. “Or should we say, beware the morning. “With Pluto dominant and Aquarius taking the reins, consider hibernation as your go-to mode for the day.” Ugh. Happy birthday to me. Why are my horoscopes always such a downer? I really need to talk to Chadwick about hiring a better astrologer. Oh, of course, a new column from Lady Whistlefaux-er. “Here’s some hot goss, fresh off the griddle. “Rumor has it that the old Lady Whistleblower is going crazy”– Ugh. “Old”? I am the only person I know whose birthdays go in reverse. Where was I?

-“is going crazy not knowing who replaced her. In fact, she’s so desperate to figure out yours truly’s true identity, she hired a PI. Sorry to say, this private dick’s barking up the wrong tree. But I do have respect for my elders, and I wouldn’t want the old girl to have a stroke. So who knows? Maybe I’ll just show up at her door and put her out of her misery.” [knocking at door]

[tense jazz music]

Whistleblower? At long last, we finally meet.

I’m not that early, am I?

No. Don’t worry. My dad and grandma already left for work, so we’re alone.

Good. I just had to get out of the house. I mean, I know the abortion appointment isn’t until tomorrow. But I just feel like the sooner we get on the road, the sooner we can get this over with.

Yeah. I wanted to get an early start, too, so– [knocking at door]

[tense music]

Are you expecting someone?

Tate, are you home? It’s Holly.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Tate, are you there?

Go. Go, Kate. You need to hide, like now.


Yes. Holly can’t know anything about this. You said to me, you don’t want anyone to know either, right?


[tense music]


Oh. Hey. There you are. What took you so long?

You’re not Lady Whistleblower. Wait. Are you?

Um, I have no idea what that means.

Never mind. Come in. Come in, come in, come in. [sighs] I’m sorry. This just is not a very good time. There is a gossip columnist trying to ruin my life.

I’m never sure if you’re joking.

It’s my superpower.

Right. Well, I didn’t want to bother you, but I was just hoping you would have some news about that necklace I gave you to sell.

The necklace, right. That’ perfect, perfect necklace. As a matter of fact, Dougie boy, I do.

We could call it a birth-aversary. Okay, yeah, that might need a little workshopping.


But it would be a surefire way for you to remember our anniversary.

Oh, ye of little faith.

No. No, that is not what I meant, okay? I just meant that you are a very important and busy man with a lot on his mind.

Oh, that’s a nice save.


But it is coming fast, you know. My birthday’s end of January.

Yes, I know. But remember, we did talk about doing it soon, so no? Unless– unless you are afraid of being forced to share the spotlight with your bride on your special day. Would that be an issue?

Actually, I can’t think of a better present.



Mm. You know, I am beginning to like this idea.

It’s okay.

Yeah. Okay. Later, birthday boy.

Okay, bye.

[soft music]

Arnold, are you out of your mind? What in God’s name do you think you’re doing?

I’m enjoying this breakfast. That’s what. You’re man, Harold, I got to tell you, he’s something else. You know, he cuts these strawberries into these little flowers. It’s a little girly, but– you want some?

No, I do not want some. Is that my robe?

This is yours?


Oh. Well, I spotted on a hanger, and I got to tell you, this thing is so plush. I mean, it is so soft and silky. It feels really good on my naked body. But if you want it back–

No, no, no, no. Keep it–keep it on. Consider it a gift, in fact– a parting gift.

Who says I’m parting?

I do, damn it. Now, you’ve had your fun. It’s time to leave. So get dressed and get the hell out of my house.

What’s the rush? I just got here. Oh, by the way, you got any more of this vodka? This OJ, it could use a kick.

Arnold, we went over all of this last night in excruciating detail. I can’t have anyone else seeing you and me together. My son, Johnny, walking in on us like that could have been a total disaster.

But it wasn’t, right? The kid thought I was Rafe.

But you are not Rafe. And my son is not an idiot. And he will figure that out if you stick around.

EJ, you need to relax, okay? Just relax, right? I mean, I saw him. I saw him and his hot wife earlier. He already left for work.

Did they see you?

Oh, my God. You need to take a chill pill, okay? We’re good.

No. No, we are not good. We are far from good. What if Johnny bumps into Rafe and mentions seeing him here yesterday?


Rafe will be dumbfound and confused– his natural state, of course– but he will send that into overdrive, meaning our respective gooses would be cooked.

Uh, no. Your goose will be cooked. My goose will be fine.

Good morning, Rafe.

Mayor Price.

I’m sorry to just show up unannounced, although that is one of the perks of holding Salem’s highest elected office.

Right. Well, if you’re looking for Jada, she just left.

Not surprising at this hour. She’s always punctual. Oh. Not that you weren’t.

Yeah, of course. But if you want to meet her, I’m sure she’s at the office.

I could, but I came to see you.

Me? Hmm. What about?

Well, actually, I’d like to talk about our fair city’s new police commissioner, the aforementioned Jada. I would like to give her every opportunity to succeed.

Well, I’m glad to hear it. So do I.

Oh. Well, I’m glad to hear that. And if you truly mean it, you need to stay the hell out of her way.

[tense music]

Belle, this is getting to be a habit.

Oh. Not a bad one, I hope.

Oh, no, not at all. I’m almost always happy to see you.

While others never are, or–

Well, this probably isn’t news to you, but, you know, our DA was none too happy that you made that deal for Mark Greene.

Ah. Well, then he should have been better prepared. He tried to railroad that guy into serving ten years for crimes that were committed in France, which was kind of a unique strategy, considering EJ doesn’t have jurisdiction there.

Sounds like you beat him at his own game.

Yeah. And I just came from doing it again, actually.

You were in court this early?

Well, I was with the judge and an ADA in chambers. Turns out, EJ tried to question Hattie Adams behind my back, knowing full well that she was represented by counsel. So I got the judge to let her go.

Damn. That means I won’t be able to prove that she tainted those cupcakes.

No. Well, don’t blame me. Blame EJ.

Oh, I do. Say, are you in a rush?

Not really. Why?

Let’s talk in my office.

You sold the necklace? What did you get for it?

All right. Slow your roll, you master thief, you. It’s still here, but I did find someone who will sell it for me.

Oh. That’s good.

Well, don’t sound too excited.

No, no, no. I’m very thankful. Thank you. But I just wish I didn’t have to do this, you know? Like I told you before, my grandfather’s wife has been really nice to me. And this necklace– it was in that time capsule for over 50 years, you know? It’s a family heirloom.

[soft dramatic music]


If you want to give it back, there’s still time.

I was starting to think you were hiding from me.

No, no, no. I was just in the other room, packing. And I didn’t hear the door. You know, just getting ready for my trip.


So why’d you come over? I thought we said goodbye last night.

Yeah, we did. But– okay, well, now it feels kind of silly to say, but since crackers cost, like, $20 at the airport, I made lemon squares with my grandma and Aunt Sarah. Thought you might want some for the plane.

Wow. Thank you. That is– that’s really thoughtful.

[tense music]

Anyway, I don’t want to make you miss your flight, so I should go.

[tense music]

I’ll miss you.

I’ll miss you too. And you better think about me constantly, or there will be consequences, mister.

I’m going to be with my grandparents. Trust me. You’re all I’ll be thinking about. And thank you, again, for the concert tickets. It was really sweet. Sorry we couldn’t use them.

It’s okay. There’ll be other concerts.

Hey, why don’t you go anyway?

Oh, uh, I don’t have anyone to go with.

What do you mean? All of our friends stayed home for the break. Surely one of them has to be free. Come on. Take them. Don’t let them go to waste.

Yeah, sure.

All right.

Thanks. Listen. Don’t feel bad about taking this trip, okay? It’s important for you to see your grandparents.

You’re right. It is. Thanks again for the lemon squares.

Try not to eat them all within the first hour. That’s what I usually do. I love you.

I love you too.

Okay. Text me from the plane.

I will.

And call me when you land.

I definitely will do that.



Sorry to be such an inconvenience.

I know I should give it back. I really want to. But I can’t. I really need the money to pay those people off.

[gasps] Hold on a minute. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.

You have a way out for me?

Huh? Oh, no. This isn’t about you, per se. It occurs to me that this would make a great story for my show. Don’t worry. Nobody will be able to connect it back to you.


You have no idea how much I have to stay on top of these kinds of things. A show that airs five days a week– it’s like an evil taskmaster, a giant that never stops needing to be fed, Kim Kardashian when there’s a camera around.

Right. Take your time.

Okay. Sorry. Listen. I know what it’s like to be in the kind of bind that you’re in. And I know that you feel horrible hurting someone that you care about. But if it makes you feel any better, your grandfather’s family already thinks the necklace is gone. They’ll get over it. And you will too. No. I mean, I need to play that differently if I want it to last more than two scenes. Okay. You want my advice? Get the money, pay these jerks off, and put this behind you.

[light jazz music]

I have been fully briefed about what happened in the Hattie Adams case. You spoke to her with your citizen’s arrest, so she lawyered right up. That killed Jada’s shot to question her first.

It was my citizen’s arrest that allowed Hattie to be questioned in the first place.

Oh, that may be. But if Jada isn’t able to procure any evidence, the district attorney can’t make his case, which means that we can’t bring the criminal to justice. And I’m sure I don’t have to remind you, I have a vested interest in this case. My husband was poisoned by that miscreant.

I’m aware. But I was hired as a private investigator and, well, I can’t help it if I got there first.

Well, there’s no denying that you’re good at what you do.

Well, yes, which is why you replaced me.

Now, you know that wasn’t personal. You were out of commission, so to speak. And Jada, she did such a stellar job in your absence. I didn’t want to cause another disruption to the department by turning around and replacing her.

It just makes me even more sense the more you rationalize it.

Now, now, now, now, please, please, just let me get to my point. Rafe, I’ve come to realize that, you know, I could– I could still use on my team, a man of your skill set, with your very impressive work ethic.

Hmm. So you’re here, offering me a job?

Actually, yes. No, obviously not as police commissioner. That position is already taken. How would you like to be my rat czar?

Your goose would not be fine, Arnold. I know it’s been a few years. And just in case your memory has failed you, you were facing serious felony charges before my father and I faked your death and spirited you out of the country. If the police were to find out that you are, in fact, still alive, you would be arrested on the spot and your charges immediately reinstated.

Man, that sounds horrible. I wonder why I’m not worried.

Because you’re not thinking straight.

No. Actually, it’s because I know that I wouldn’t go to prison.

The authorities would beg to differ.

Right. Except you are the authorities, aren’t you?

[tense music]

Congrats on the new job. Shawn used to tell me about his time working with you, so I’m sure you’re going to be a great commissioner.

Thanks. And I probably shouldn’t admit this, but taking over has been pretty intimidating, and not just because of who my predecessor is, but, you know, it’s a big responsibility. And I want to do the very best job I can for Mayor Price and for the city.

Of course. And I’m sure she has no doubt you will.

I’m going to give it my all, yeah. But you see, this office requires that I work hand-in-hand with the district attorney, which means that I can only be as good as EJ is.

Well, that’s the name of the game, right?

Yeah, but the game’s not so great when you’re attached at the hip with a guy who’s botched as many cases as he has lately.

Well, not to defend EJ, but, you know, when the facts are against you, it’s–

Yeah, but this isn’t about the facts. I mean, look at the two cases that he just lost to you. Both times, he tried some underhanded move, and all it did was come back to bite him.

True. Well, some might argue that he’s just very determined to win at all costs.

Except when he isn’t. You see, the botched cases aren’t the whole story. Whenever EJ has a conflict of interest, he just– he simply declines prosecuting the guilty party. Yeah. So as you can see, my hands are tied. It doesn’t matter how many criminals I catch. If EJ doesn’t put them away, I mean, that makes me look bad. And I don’t like looking bad.

What are you saying?

I’m saying that I would rather work with someone like you.

[soft dramatic music]

I’m sorry about that. Holly bought me those tickets as a Christmas present, and I had to tell her something about why I couldn’t use them.

Oh, so I spoiled your special present. Wow, even better. Okay. Forget it. Sorry. I’m being a bitch. I just–I guess I didn’t realize you two were at the “I love you” stage.

Yeah. It just happened on Christmas.

[tense music]

I guess Holly must have been the good one this year. She gets “I love you,” and… I get to have an abortion.

Yeah. It’s okay, Madison. I figured you might be busy tonight. Mm-hmm. We’ll just do something another night. Okay. Cool. I’ll see you then.

[phone beeps] Oh. Hey, Doug. It’s Holly. We met on Christmas Eve.

Oh, yeah. I remember you. Hi. You taking advantage of the after-holiday sale?

Not exactly. Although I could give you a belated Christmas present. Would you like these tickets to see Mystic Brew? They’re a great band, if you don’t know them.

I do know them. They’re amazing. These are for tonight?

Yeah, it’s kind of late notice, sort of a re-gift, actually. I didn’t have anyone to go with, so I don’t want them to go to waste.

Well, then why don’t we go together?

[soft music]

You want me to be your rat czar? As in, like, “The Nutcracker”?

Oh, I um– I believe that you’re thinking of the Mouse King. The rat czar is someone who is in charge of strategizing about how to keep the rodent population down. Rats are a public nuisance. They carry a lot of diseases.

Wow. Who knew?

Eradicating them is vital to my administration. Now, the person in charge would be literally saving lives– human ones, I mean.

Yeah, right. So who’s in charge of this job now?

Well, no one, yet. Using New York as an example, they’ve implemented a program there called Rat Action Plan, which has not only been quite successful, but the director of said plan is highly respected, as you would be.

Highly respected for taking out rats?

I promise you, it is a critical job, not to mention well paid. Well, what do you say?


You want me to replace EJ as DA?

Why not? I mean, you’ve been in town for, what, five minutes, and you’ve been winning cases left and right.

I hardly think winning two cases is all that impressive.

Three. Or are you forgetting how you just got Philip Kiriakis reinstalled as CEO of Titan?

Co-CEO, and that was a civil case.

Look. A win is a win. Belle, you are very good at what you do, okay? That is obvious. And I am very good at what I do. So I think you and I would make a very, very great team.

Well, Jada, I mean, the job’s not even yours to offer. Mayor Price has to appoint the DA.

True. But I’m an excellent saleswoman. I mean, not that I’ll need to work that hard to sell it, considering Mayor Price’s own issues with EJ.

I just don’t know.

Belle, when I hired Shawn back, he told me that the two of you were getting divorced. Are your reservations because of him?

So you know. Well, yes, that’s part of it. Shawn and I have quite a history, and I think working together this closely, it’s–

I think you’re more of a pro than you’re giving yourself credit for.

Well, thank you for saying that, but there’s more.


I also have a history with EJ.

I may be the district attorney, but I answer to the mayor, who, in turn, answers to the citizens of Salem, many of whom were none too thrilled that you posed as the beloved Rafe Hernandez and bedded my wife.

Yeah, huh. Sami Brady– she was a real pistol.

You raped her, Arnold.

Mm. I don’t remember hearing “no” that night.

That hardly makes her a willing participant. She thought you were Rafe. Now, why she would sleep with him, that’s another story. But the point is, Samantha was incapable of consent.

Yeah, well, it seems like a gray area to me.

Hmm. Well, the murder of Fay Walker sure as hell wasn’t a gray area. And for that, you will be arrested. And for that, you will be prosecuted. And what will you do then?

Oh, well, I guess I’ll just do what I did last time when Bo and Hope Brady tried to throw the book at me. I’ll just offer to testify against you.

[tense music]

You want to go together?

I mean, there are two tickets. Unless you have other plans. Is that why you wanted to get rid of these?

No. They were just a Christmas gift for my boyfriend. But he’s going on a trip, so–

Oh, hey. I wasn’t asking you, like, a date or anything. I just–you said you liked the band, and I don’t know anyone in town, so– Look, I know you want to do right by your boyfriend. I understand that. So maybe you could run it by him first. Would that make you feel better?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, it would. Good idea.

[soft acoustic music]

[soft dramatic music]

Sophia… I’m really sorry that you had to hear that, okay? Obviously, I didn’t plan on Holly coming over.

Oh, but she had to, right? Since she went through all the trouble of baking those lemon bars for your trip, you know, perfect little girlfriend that she is.

Okay. All right. Can we just not talk about Holly, please, and just focus on what we need to do here?

Okay, fine.

Okay. All right. Since we have to go out of state for the appointment, we should probably get our stories straight.

I thought we already had them straight. You told Holly that you were going to visit your grandparents in California, right?

Yeah. And I told my dad the same thing. What about you?

I told my parents that after I finished my shift at The Bistro, I’m going to check out colleges with Brianna and her family, you know, take a last look before I decide where I want to go, if I go.

You will, okay? We’re going to fix this. I’ll just get my bag, and we’ll hit the road, okay?

Guess it’s some consolation Holly won’t be having any fun either. I wonder if she found anyone to use those tickets.

He’s still not answering.

Maybe he already left.

He wasn’t finished packing when I saw him. You know what? He probably just doesn’t have his ringer on, or he isn’t near his phone. How about this? I’m going to run back to his place, see if I can catch him before he leaves. How about you just– Just put your number in, and I’ll text you, okay?

Okay, cool. Just let me know what he says.

Well, I got to tell you, Mayor Price, I am flattered that you would think of me for such a highly esteemed position.

Why do I get the sense that you’re turning me down?

Yeah, I’m getting a sense too. I’m getting a sense that you only offered me this job so that you can keep me on the sidelines, you know, so I don’t embarrass your new commissioner. And yeah, well, I may have won this battle. Who knows who’s going to win the next one. But the one thing I do know– I love Jada, and I am not going to let some professional rivalry come between us.

[tense music]

As to my offer for being rat czar?

Yes, the offer. Actually, I have a counteroffer. You can take the job and shove it– respectfully, of course. You’re going to have to have someone else deal with your rats.

I’m not sure if Shawn told you about my history with EJ back when you were partners.

Yeah. Well, he did mention something about it, but he certainly didn’t go into detail.

Right. Well, I mean, obviously, EJ and I are long over. We’re just colleagues now.

Colleagues who go toe-to-toe in the courtroom.

That’s true. We do spar, quite contentiously sometimes. And, you know, I just– I don’t want to take his job from him.

That’s very admirable of you. But if your real concern is sparing EJ his job, then you might as well know that if I get my way, he’s gone, no matter what.

Well, it’s not the only reason. I mean, I don’t even know how long I’m going to be in town.

Okay, okay. But, you know, Paulina may be open to hiring you if you can just at least commit to a certain amount of time. We could sell it like it’s a transitional move. So knowing that, could you at least consider it? – You keep making me out to be the bad guy here.

Yeah. But in case it slipped your mind, it was you. It was and your father that arranged for me to have the plastic surgery, so I could have Rafe’s mug. And it was also and your father who switched me out for Rafe when he had that car accident, right? So let’s stop pretending now, shall we? It’s also going to be you who pays for my crimes. Oh, you know what? Scratch that. Because your old man– your old man, he’s dead now, isn’t he? Yeah, that’s right. So guess what? It’s going to be you– you who’s left holding the bag.

[tense music]

I never asked you to sleep with Samantha or to kill Fay, for that matter.


Arnold, come on. Be reasonable. Why would you want to be here? I’m offering you good money to leave. If you were smart, you would take it.

Yeah, well, I’ve never been accused of being all that smart, so… it looks like I’m going to stay put.

[bright guitar music]

Did you do it?

I did. The necklace is sold.

Oh, thank God. As much as I didn’t want to do this, at least I can get these people off my back.

Okay. Before you get too excited, it’s not as much as you thought it would be.

It sure as hell isn’t. Damn.

I’m sorry. It’s the best I could do. Hey, if it’s any consolation, I’m not to take my normal 0%, okay?

I appreciate that. Thank you. But it’s not going to make a difference. They were expecting the full amount.

So what are you going to do?

I don’t know. I’ll have to figure out something.

I got your message.

Madam Mayor, I appreciate you coming in.

You wanted to discuss something with me?

I do. It’s about replacing EJ DiMera as DA.

Let’s back this up a tad, shall we? I mean, if you hate Argentina so much, there’s a whole planet worth of places to choose from.

[doorbell chimes]

You want me to get that?

No. No, I do not. You stay put. I’ll get rid of whoever it is. Clean this mess up.

[suspenseful music]


What? What’s with the look? Am I not allowed to have any of these? Because I am eating for two, you know, at least for now.

[soft dramatic music]

Sophia… are you sure that you’re okay with this?

Well, that’s not the point, is it? I mean, it’s not like you want to have a baby, so… It’s what we have to do. Come on. Let’s go.


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GH Short Recap Thursday, December 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Emma (now played by Braedyn Bruner) tells Anna that she is staying in town because she has transferred to PCU.

Anna, Felicia, and Maxie wonder why Robin didn’t call and tell Anna that Emma was transferring to PCU. Anna also thinks it’s strange that Emma doesn’t want Anna to call Robin and talk to her. Emma also refuses to tell anyone why she left her internship in California.

Brook Lynn and Chase are disappointed when Brook Lynn takes a home pregnancy test and the results are negative. Brook Lynn and Chase decide to make an appointment with the doctor to make sure everything is okay and they don’t have fertility problems.

Lucas asks Willow not to take Michael’s kids away from him.

Nina and Drew persuade Willow to get ready for a custody battle. Drew and Nina tell Willow that they will be there to support her in the custody battle against Michael.

Michael talks to Jason who advises him to fight for Willow if he still loves her. Michael decides to fight for Willow but if she doesn’t want to save their marriage he will fight her for his kids.

Rocco tells Dante and Laura he got a call from Charlotte. Charlotte spoke to Lulu and asks her to come see her alone so Valentin won’t get in trouble. Rocco tells Dante and Laura that Lulu didn’t tell him where she was going so nobody would follow her. Dante heads to the airport because he doesn’t want Lulu to face Valentin alone. Dante finds out Lulu is going to Prague but the plane has already left. Lulu is unaware that Jack Brennan has someone following her so he can find Valentine.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, December 27, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Victor offers Cole a job as head of the publishing division of Newman Enterprises.

Amy, Audra, and Nate meet with detective Denise Tolliver in Los Angeles. Denise gives Amy and Nate the address of where Damian is living and decides he will contact Damian and offer him a job working at Winters and then tell him they are brothers.

Victor asks Chelsea to get back together with Adam and move to the ranch. Adam and Chelsea tell Victor that she and Adam will never get back together. Adam tells Victor that he accepts the offer to move into his and Nikki ‘s old house. Adam asks Chelsea to move into the house with him so they can try once again to be a family for Connor’s sake.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, December 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Chance and Summer talk and they apologize to each other for their argument about Daniel.

Chance and Summer decide to renew their relationship because they have missed each other very much.

Michael, Nick and, Sharon persuade Chance to re-open the investigation into Heather’s killer because the hypnosis makes them think someone else killed Heather. Daniel talks to Nick, Michael, and Sharon but he doesn’t think that another person was in the room with Sharon and Heather. Daniel asks Sharon to keep him up to date on what they discover because he doesn’t want to find things out from other people.

Billy persuades Phyllis to not seek revenge on Sharon but ,instead, help him get back Chancellor Industries. Ian overhears Billy and Phyllis’s conversation and later tells Jordan he wants to make Phyllis part of his next scheme

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Days Short Recap Thursday, December 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rachel was disappointed after opening her gifts. Kristen wondered what happened. She told her mother that she didn’t get everything that she wanted. Rachel wanted her parents back together and blamed Kristen for why it didn’t happen. Kristen knew that she was wrong to blackmail Brady over the serum for Sarah, and she didn’t get him back anyway. Rachel knew that he wanted to be with Ava now. She admitted that she overheard her mother talking to Stefano’s portrait about getting rid of Ava. Rachel wondered if he gave her any good ideas. Brady arrived with flowers from Susan and not from John the way Marlena thought. Marlena talked about missing John. Brady gave her a locket that belonged to Isabella. He knew his mother would want her to have it. The locket had a picture of Marlena, John, Brady, and Belle. Marlena choked up after seeing it. He questioned her about his father’s case. Shane told her that the case was a global security matter. She knew he would be back, but she wanted to talk to him. Brady understood because Kristen wouldn’t let him see Rachel because he didn’t want to be with her. He felt like him seeing Ava didn’t help the situation. Kayla asked Roman to be Santa for the children at the hospital. He wasn’t ready to do it after what happened last year. Steve stole the suit from him when he was supposed to be Santa. Kayla reminded him that Stefano was the one who did it. They agreed not to talk about Stefano on Christmas. Steve was working on John’s case when Ava arrived at the pub. She wanted him to find the person who was sending her harassing texts. Steve didn’t think the warning to stay away from Brady a threat. Ava thought they were from Kristen. She asked him to check it out. Rachel wondered if Stefano told her to lock Ava in the secret room. Lani arrived so her question went unanswered. Kristen was excited to see her. She couldn’t believe how grown up Rachel was. Rachel excused herself. The women talked about Kristen not letting Brady see Rachel while she’s with Ava. Lani informed her that her decision wasn’t about Brady. It’s about Rachel. Lani asked her if she deserved to see her father for Christmas. Lani left when Rachel came back. Kristen had a surprise for her.

Marlena talked to Brady about his attraction to dangerous women. He understood, but he didn’t do it on purpose. She didn’t want to see him get hurt. It was too early for that. He talked to her about the texts Kristen was sending to Ava. His phone rang, and it was Kristen. Kristen invited him to spend Christmas with Rachel. Later, Brady arrived at the DiMera mansion with gifts for Rachel. Roman got hot at the hospital while he was dressed as Santa. He had trouble breathing and had a pain going down his arm. Kayla examined her brother. He wanted to know if he was having a heart attack. She informed him that he had an allergic reaction to the Santa suit. He couldn’t play Santa, but Kayla had an idea who could do the part. Kayla ended up asking Abe to dress up as Santa. Paulina read the Christmas Story to the children at the hospital. Marlena reached out to Shane and asked to talk to John. He denied her request. She talked to Sami, and Carrie called. Sami seemed to get upset that Carrie called while they were talking. Marlena assured her that it wasn’t a competition between them. After her conversation, Marlena received a package. It was a box of strawberries and cream with a note from John. Steve used an app to pinpoint the location of the burner phone texting Ava. The locator revealed the texts were coming from the DiMera mansion. Kristen made a comment about Ava which made Brady think she was sending the texts to Ava. She assured him that she wasn’t the one sending the texts. Rachel was in the foyer and send Ava a threatening text to stay away from Brady. She had a menacing smile on her face.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the town square, Jack, Jennifer, and JJ talked about Doug III and why Jennifer didn’t trust him. Jennifer talked about Doug III being in jail. Jack said it wasn’t for something major, but JJ thought he could be dangerous. Julie walked in on Doug III talking to Leo on the phone about needing money. She asked him about needing money. Doug said he asked his father for money because he didn’t have a job and needed money to pay her rent. She told him not to worry about it because he would always have a place in her home and told him he could be a part of the Horton tradition. Shawn visited Victor in the mausoleum and then went to see Maggie. They talked about Victor. While they were talking, Konstantin came up. Maggie questioned if she should keep Victor’s portrait since Konstantin gave it to her. Shawn said he was gone, but the love she had with Victor would last forever.

Julie told Doug about the Horton ornaments and told him about the family tradition. She told him about Doug and how he would be happy that he was there with her. Doug said he felt like his grandfather was there in spirit. When Jack, Jennifer, and JJ showed up, Julie apologized to Doug for not having an ornament for him. She said she would have one for him next year. Doug said he wasn’t family, but Julie said he was. JJ said he wanted to know why Doug was in jail. Julie thought JJ was being rude, but he thought it was a fair question since Doug was staying there. Doug said he understood and said he wasn’t close to his father so he wanted to meet his family. He said when he heard about his Doug passing away, he got in a fight and got arrested with no money. Doug suggested they call the Chicago PD to confirm his story, but Julie didn’t think it was necessary. Later on, Shawn showed up at the Horton House. He suggested that he and JJ could be partners since Jada offered him a job on the force. JJ said he was weighing his options. Maggie, Sarah, Xander, and Victoria showed up at the house. Holly showed up at the house. She and Doug gave each other looks. Julie told everyone that she was grateful to have them. Everyone put the ornaments on the tree. Julie wanted Doug to put his grandfather’s ornament on the tree. When they were finished, Xander apologized to Jack for not getting the answers he wanted about Abby. While they were talking, they talked about the Spectator. They wished each other a Merry Christmas. Everyone started singing Christmas carols. When they were alone, JJ asked Jack and Jennifer what they thought of Doug’s story. Jack thought the story was plausible, but Jennifer didn’t trust him. JJ said he would keep an eye on Doug when they went back to Boston. He let them know that he decided to take the job on the force. Julie thought about her first Christmas with Doug. After the flashback she wished him a Merry Christmas.

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Days Transcript Thursday, December 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[holiday music]


[gasps] Wow.


Look at this. [laughter]


Hey, you guys.

Happy birthday, Carver and Jules.

Merry Christmas.

And merry Christmas.


Sweetheart, why don’t you open up some more presents?

It’s OK. Maybe later.

Rach, why so mopey, hmm? I mean, I got you everything you asked for and a lot more.

But you didn’t get me what I really wanted.

Which was?

You and Daddy back together again.

[dramatic music]

These were waiting by the door.

Oh. I bet they’re from your father. “Wishing we could be together this Christmas and every day of the year.” “Love your very, very, very, very bestest friend in the world, Susan.” Well, I will have to call her and thank her.

[holiday music]

Hey, hey, hey. Merry Christmas, sis.

Merry Christmas, big brother. Thank you for getting here so fast.

Well, of course. You said you needed help with your hospital Christmas party.

I need emergency help.

OK, so what do you need me to do?

Three guesses, but the first two don’t count.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

OK, so you want me to play Santa Claus.

Yeah. The full suit is in my office.

But didn’t you do it last year?

Yeah, but I was a last-minute replacement, and this year, I’m on call. I mean, it wouldn’t look very good for Santa to be yanked away for a cardiac arrest right when I’m giving out the presents, right?

Yeah, but you look so good in a beard.

Ha. Are you gonna be my Santa or not? Really, I need a Santa as soon as possible. The party starts in a couple hours.

Ah, I don’t know, Kay.

What do you mean, you don’t know? You put the suit on. You “ho, ho, ho.” You pass out some presents. You’ve been Santa before, haven’t you?

Don’t you remember? The year I was supposed to play Santa, your husband stole my suit.

That was not Steve. It was Stefano. And we try not to say his name on Christmas.

[holiday music]

Hey, merry Christmas to you too, Joe. Yeah. No, no, your mom’s not here. She’s at the hospital setting up for the holiday party. Yeah. Well, I’m working today too. I know. I know. But I had to help John out on a case he’s working for the ISA. Mm-hmm. Yes, we’re helping your Uncle Shane out. And you know the drill. I can’t say anything more than that.

[dramatic music]

It was very sweet of Susan to send me flowers.

You don’t have to put on a brave face for me. I know how much you miss Dad.

Yeah. I couldn’t keep that from you, could I? You know, even when you were a little boy, you were always so sensitive to other people’s feelings.

[laughs] You know, speaking of when I was a little boy…

Oh, my goodness.

Please, open it.

Thank you.

How sweet is that? It’s lovely.

Open the locket.

All right. [gasps, laughs]


That is the picture I took of you and your sister at the fair how many years ago?

A lot.

Boy, I had a hard time getting you to sit still for it.

[laughs] Well, that’s why it was important to commemorate the occasion. The locket belonged to my mom.

Brady, I can’t take this. You should–you should save this for Rachel.

No, Rachel’s more into reptiles than jewelry, much to Kristen’s chagrin. I’m pretty sure that Isabella would want my other mom to have it.

[sighs] Mm.


And now I’d like you to open your present from your dad and me.

No, no, no, later. I really want you to tell me about Dad’s case. Have you heard much?

No. No, not much. All Shane will say is that it’s a matter of global security.

[sighs] Usually is.

Yeah. And I know your dad will be coming back to us. I just– I just wish I could talk to him.

I know what it’s like to– to be separated from someone you love at the holidays. [scoffs]

Yeah. Well, you’ll be seeing Rachel today, won’t you?

I was hoping to, but her mother won’t allow it.

Sweetheart, we talked about this.

[holiday music] Your daddy and me being together, well, it isn’t what he wants.

And it’s all your fault. You and that stupid serum.

What–wait a minute. What do you–how do you know about the serum?

I have ears.

OK, if you’re talking about the serum that I gave to your daddy for Sarah Horton, I never should have blackmailed him. It was wrong. And, well, as it turns out, it didn’t bring me any closer to being with your father.

As I’ve noticed.

Sweetheart, come on. It’s taken me a long time to understand that you can’t force someone to love you. Your daddy has moved on. He wants to be with someone else.

You mean Ava Vitali?

[tense music]

Oh, you’ll never guess who’s here.

Hey, hey. Listen, Joe, I better jump off. I got to get back to work. OK. I love you, buddy.

Mm-hmm. You got a minute?

I do now. Was just talking to one of my sons.

OK, well, I am on the phone with your other son. Tripp wants to say hi.

Oh. Hey, Tripp. Merry Christmas. I was just talking to your brother. I was gonna call you next. Yeah. What news? What? You asked Wendy to marry you on Christmas Day? [laughs] Well, don’t keep me in suspense. What did she say?

She said yes.

Ah, your mom told me. She said yes. Well, that is fantastic news. Congratulations, man. I’m so happy for you, son.

[dramatic music]

Well, you know, sis, as flattering as this offer is, why don’t you get Steve to do it? He’s done it bunches of times. Always did a great job, as I recall.

Well, agreed. But he is unavailable. He is helping Shane with an ISA case.

Hmm. Well, that is too bad, having to work on Christmas.

Yeah, it is, especially because unless you fill in for him as the adorable, generous Santa that I know that you are capable of being, it’s gonna be very disappointing to me and a bunch of little kids. Come on. I need you, Roman Shawn Brady. Think of the kids.

[holiday music]

Go. Blow out your candle.

All right.



Oh, good job. Good job, you two.

Excellent, excellent, excellent. OK, so who wants to open presents? [laughter]

OK, just a few. We want to save some for when we get back home. OK?

Nonsense. Let my grandbabies open all their presents now. And when you are doing both birthday and merry Christmas, it’s double the gifts, right, my darlings? Right?


Yes, and we don’t want to forget about all the gifts that Santa dropped off last night when he stopped by for milk and cookies.

Uh-oh, presents from Santa? OK, here. Go with Daddy.



Now, you know we talked about this, and Eli and I, we do not want to spoil the kids rotten.

I understand. And you can be very responsible about that for the rest of the year. But on this day, we grandparents, we get to have our own way.

[chuckles] You guys are in competition with my mom and Grandma Julie.


Fine. I give up.

Good, because you were gonna lose anyway, baby. [laughs] OK, now, who wants to open Christmas presents now? Oh, good.

[laughs] There you go.

Do you think you can supervise these four for a little bit?

Yeah, I can manage. Why? What, you got a hot date?

Something like that. Since we’re leaving right after Christmas, I want to drop in on an old friend.


[dramatic music]

Sweetheart, how did you hear about your father and Ava Vitali?

I told you, I have ears.

Oh, so you were eavesdropping on a private conversation, hmm?

Only with Nonno’s portrait.

Oh. Oh. I see. And what exactly did you hear me say to Nonno?

You asked him how to get rid of Ava. Did he give you any good ideas?

Oh. [clears throat]

So Kristen made it very clear that I am not welcome in her home on Christmas or any other day.

Brady, I’m so sorry.

I should have known when I told her that we were never gonna get back together that there would be a price to pay.

I guess I’d hoped that she would have learned to put Rachel’s needs before her own.

Hmm. Yeah, no. As a matter of fact, she’s doing everything in her power to ruin my relationship with my daughter.

Just because you wouldn’t be blackmailed into having a relationship with her.

Hmm. Well, it doesn’t help matters that I’ve begun seeing… Ava Vitali.

Oh man, I can’t tell you how happy I am for both of you. Yeah. Hey, listen, please give Wendy my love, and tell my future daughter-in-law that I’m looking forward to seeing both of you very soon. OK? I love you too, Tripp. OK. Here’s your mom.

Hey. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, sure, baby. We will talk tonight, yeah? Mm-hmm. [laughs] I love you too. Oh. How about that? Our son is engaged.

How about that?


Can’t wait to tell Kayla the news.

Oh. Yeah, speaking of which, why aren’t you two together on Christmas? You know what? None of my business.

We’re both working.

Oh. Well, that sucks. [gasps] But since you’re already on the clock, I might have a case for Black Patch.

Come on, Ava. What kind of case?

Find the freak who’s been sending me these harassing texts.

You know, Rachel, I’m not gonna get into this with you. For one thing, you should not be eavesdropping.

Please, Mommy, I need to know. Did Nonno tell you to lock Ava in the secret room?

[holiday music]

[sighs] Oh, my God.

Merry Christmas.

[laughs] Merry Christmas. [gasps] Oh! [laughs] It is so good to see you.

So good to see you.

Oh. [both laugh]

How are you?

I’m good. I’m good. I’m good.

No. This cannot be Rachel.

Yes, this is Rachel. Rachel, do you remember my good friend Lani?


Hi. I just cannot believe how grown up you are. And so beautiful.

Female beauty’s just a tool of the patriarchy.


Right on, sister.

May I be excused? Edgar just shed his skin, and I want to go hide it in Harold’s bed.


Edgar is?

My snake.




Honey, I don’t think that’s a good idea, pranking Harold.

It’s cool. He loves it.

Sweetheart, no. Rachel, honey, honey, honey, honey. No, no, no, no, no. Just–I don’t think Harold wants the little snake shed thing in his bed. So just–you can go upstairs, but please do not go into his room, please.

Mm. Wow, what a little angel you got there.

[laughs] I know. But at least I know she’s mine.

Oh, she is absolutely yours.


Oh, my–a snake?

OK, let’s change the subject. No, I know. Mwah. But you know what? I would love to see your adorable kids. You have pictures?

Yes, I do.

And, oh, my God.

Here. They turned four today. Right?

Oh, my gosh.

They are just so sweet.

Oh, my gosh. They’re so adorable! Oh! What did you do, take them to a toy store this morning?

Ugh, no. That is my parents’ place.

You’re kidding.

No, no. I wish I was, because Eli and I have tried so hard to discourage them from spoiling the kids, and yeah, no luck with that.


Although I think you and Brady might be just as bad.

Mm, no, this is just me. Brady isn’t seeing Rachel this Christmas.

Oh, why? Is he out of town?

No, he’s still around.

[dramatic music] I have full custody, and, well, I didn’t want Brady to be around Rachel. That’s all. I mean, not until he stops running around with that tramp. [sighs]

What tramp?

So you’re seeing Ava Vitali?

I assume you don’t approve.

I guess I’m concerned because there seems to be a bit of a pattern here.

What do you mean?

You seem to be getting involved with troubled, dangerous women.

[sighs] I see your point. It’s not on purpose, you know.

I didn’t say it was.

You think it’s subconscious?

Oh, I don’t know for sure. All I do know for sure is that I don’t want to see you getting hurt.

And look, I appreciate that, but it’s a little too early to sound the alarm, ’cause we’ve only been on one date. And it was cut very short, by the way. And then she started getting these very strange text messages.

“Stay away from Brady.” Pretty straightforward. Not exactly terroristic.

Yeah, but you wouldn’t call it a threat?

Well, if it is a threat, it’s pretty toothless.

All right, yeah, well, you know what? I want it to stop before whoever is sending them steps it up. Look, Steve, I know you and I, we don’t have exactly the greatest history, but… something pretty wonderful did come out of our relationship.

Our soon-to-be-married son.

Exactly. So would you consider looking into it for Tripp’s sake, if not for mine?


Oh, man. Oh, are you as tired as I am?

Hmm. At least.


Whew. Ooh, as much as I adore those little ones, I am relieved Eli took them sledding.


Oh, I could use the break.

Me too. Me too. You know, Theo was just such a quiet, shy kid when he was that age. I’m not prepared for this tornado. [both laugh]

Two of them. Oh.

Oh, man, I tell you. What about Chanel? Was she–what was she like when she was four?

Oh, she was a menace, oh! But there was only one of her. I can’t believe that Eli has been dealing with this on his own all this time. Oh, thank God he has Lani back.

Well, they’re both gonna have their hands full.

Mm-hmm. Talk about a two-way twister.

[laughs] Well, that is one way to put it.


You know what? While we have this– this little relaxing break, would you like to have a glass of eggnog?

Mm. [gasps] How about a protein shake? I need to get my energy up for my reading at the hospital.

Oh, come on.


You’ll do great, as always.


And what about– what about Kayla? Is she gonna be Santa Claus again this year?

I don’t know. [laughter] No, rumor has it that she’s already drafted someone else for Kris Kringle duties.

Oh. [both laugh]

Ho, ho, ho.

There’s our Santa. You look fantastic.

Kay, is it supposed to be this hot in the suit?

You’re gonna get used to it. Come on, it’s just for an hour or so.

Yeah, but I mean, I’m already sweating, and it’s just–it’s kind of– it’s kind of hard– hard to–to–to breathe.

Are you feeling OK?

Well, no, I’m not. I’m not.

Well, what’s wrong?

Well, like I said, it’s kind of hard to breathe. And–and–and I got this– I got this strange pain going down my left arm, and– Kay, am I having a heart attack?

This is–this is heavy.

Come on. Come on. Open it. Open it.

[laughs] OK. Oh, my goodness. What is all this?

I’ve started your collection.

Wow. I mean, this is– these are some of the great soap opera creators.

Mm-hmm, I figured if you’re going to be the most successful EP in soap opera history, you should learn from the best.

Oh, wow, this is– well, thank you. Oh, you’re the best. You’re the best.


Oh! That’s wonderful. Thank you.

My turn?

Your turn. Your turn. [laughs]

[gasps] Diamond?

Open it. Open it.

It better be diamond.

Open the box.

Mm. [sighs]


[chuckles] No diamonds.


This bracelet is made up of all the birthstones from the Price family line.

[gasps] Oh! Look at this. Ah! Ooh. Oh. Pearl for Big Mama. Ah, ruby for you.


Garnet for Lani.


Aquamarine for Chanel. Turquoise for Jules and Carver.


And, well– and this one. Is that a sapphire?

For your sister.

For Tamara. Oh, Abe, she and I have had some rough times. But, well, this gives me hope that, you know, it’ll get better someday soon.

I’m so glad. I’m so glad.

Thank you, sweetheart. Oh, I love it. Mm. Thank you. Mm. [gasps] Mm.



Where you going?

Well, you know, your beautiful, thoughtful gift, it just inspired me. So before we head over to the hospital, I think I need to go and call my sister and wish her a merry Christmas.


How are you feeling?

Well, I’m alive. But give it to me straight, sis. How bad is it?

Well, you did not have a heart attack. It turns out that you had an allergic reaction. Maybe something in the suit.

An allergic reaction?

Mm-hmm. So we’re gonna put an antihistamine in your IV, and then it should clear things up pretty quickly.

Well, that’s a relief. So I guess I won’t be playing Saint Nick anytime soon.

Hmm. You are relieved from your Santa duties.

Well, I am sorry about that. Does that mean you’re gonna have to stand in again like you did last year?

Oh, no. I have another idea.

So you’re playing the son card, huh?

Whatever it takes.

Well, I was gonna say yes even before you brought Tripp into it.



So you’ll take the case?


Ah, Steve, thank you. Thank you. I know that this– you know, finding out who’s been sending me these texts is not a big case for you. But I really want to find out who’s doing it, and I want it to stop.

Do you have any suspects in mind?

Well, my gut tells me it’s Kristen DiMera, but I can’t be sure, obviously.

Well, that would make sense. Let me see your phone again.

Oh, don’t you give me that look, Lani Grant, like you’re, oh, so disappointed in me. Hmm?



You and I both know that when you are hurting, you tend to just lash out. Deep down, you know that it is wrong for you to keep that child away from her dad.

What, then I’m supposed to reward him for ripping out my heart and stomping on it?

It is not about Brady. It’s about your daughter. Do you not think she deserves to be with her father on Christmas?

[holiday music]

[sighs] Well, there she is. [chuckles]

Hey, Rachel.

Hello again.

Well, it was really good to see both of you, but I should get back to Eli and the kids.

Well, give my love to them, would you?

Will do. Merry Christmas, Rachel. Kristen.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, OK. Bye.

We’ll talk soon, OK?

Mm-hmm. Definitely, definitely.


OK. [chuckles]

Bye, Rachel.

Don’t worry, Mommy. I didn’t put the snakeskin in Harold’s bed.

Ah, wow, thank you. I am so relieved. [clears throat]

I…have a little surprise for you. Hmm?

What kind of surprise?

[chuckles] You’ll see.

Oh, this is great.

It’s cashmere. You like it?

Oh, I love it. Oh, it’s soft. This is wonderful. Thank you.

You’re welcome. I got a blue one for Tate and a red one for Rachel. Oh, but you won’t be able to give it to her today, will you?

No, I won’t.

[dramatic music]

Well, shame on Kristen. Not only is she keeping you from your daughter, but she is harassing Ava.

[sighs] Kristen claims that she’s not the one sending the texts, but– [phone ringing] I’m sorry. Speak of the devil.

Please don’t, not on Christmas.

That was a poor choice of words.

Hi, Kristen. What’s going on? Is Rachel OK?

No, she’s not.

What’s wrong?

She misses her daddy. So how would you like to come over here and spend Christmas with your daughter, hmm?

[stirring music]

So what does this app do?

It can unscramble blocked numbers and pinpoint the location of burner phones.



Wow. I definitely could have used this back in the day when I was dealing with the Five Families.


What? Just saying. [computer dings]


Ooh, what’s that noise? Is it a good noise? Does it mean it’s done?

It is. That sound means we hit pay dirt.

[dramatic music]

Shane, I know the mission is top secret. I’m not asking for details. I just–I’d like to be able to talk to him. Yeah. No, I understand. I know I should be used to this by now. All right. Merry Christmas to you too.

[somber music]


[holiday music]

Daddy, you came!

Hey, come here. Come here. Come here. Hi, how are you? Ooh! It’s so good to see you. Hey… merry Christmas.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Merry Christmas, Brady.

Merry Christmas.

Mommy, can I open my gifts now?

Yes, I’ve been wanting you to open them all morning. But why don’t you start with your daddy’s right now?


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

It’s what you wanted, right?


Mommy, look.

Are those–

Frozen rats.

Oh, God, that is disgusting. Why?

Because it’s snake food. That’s what our little princess wanted.


Thank you, Daddy.

You’re welcome, sweetie.

Mommy, can I go feed one to Edgar right now?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Take them up there too.

You want to watch?

[laughs] Hard pass.

You go ahead. Go ahead. Have fun.


OK, everybody. Welcome to Salem University Hospital annual Christmas party. Yay is right. [applause] We are so lucky today to have Mayor Price read the Christmas story for us again this year. So take it away, Madam Mayor.

[laughs] Thank you, Dr. Johnson. Oh. First let’s just say merry Christmas, everyone. [laughs] And you and you and you and you. Ah. “And it came to pass in those days “that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus “that all the world should be registered. “This census first took place “while Quirinius was governing Syria. “So all went up to be registered, “everyone to his own city. “Joseph also went up from Galilee “out of the city of Nazareth “into Judea to the city of David, “which is called Bethlehem, “because he was of the house and lineage of David, “to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child.” Mm-hmm, you know who that was.


“So it was, while they were there, “the days were completed for her to be delivered. “And she brought forth her firstborn son, “wrapped him in swaddling clothes, “and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them at the inn.”


“But Mary kept all these things “and pondered them in her heart. “And the shepherds returned, “glorifying and praising God “for all the things that they heard and seen as it was told unto them.” [applause]



That was so great. Let’s give the mayor another little applause.


Thank you so much, Paulina.

We want Santa! children: We want Santa!

Uh-oh. children: We want Santa! We want Santa!

Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho! [children screaming] Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. How are you all? Merry Christmas. [children cheering] Ho, ho, ho!

Feeling better?

Thanks to my brilliant sister.

Mm, well, I picked up your prescription at the pharmacy for you.

Best Christmas present ever: antihistamine.

You’re welcome.

Hey, I never asked you. Who’d you get to play Santa?

Why don’t you come see for yourself?

[holiday music]

Ho, ho, ho! Well, merry Christmas, young man. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Is that you, partner?



Well, hello, Santa. Hello.

[laughs] Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.

Aha, merry Christmas. Well, I hope that suit doesn’t give him any problems.

Don’t worry. I changed it out for another one. Hey, you guys. Look how big you’ve gotten. And happy birthday.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you too.

Mm. I’m gonna miss this.

Well, we will be back in no time. [gasps] Oh, what? Well, would you look at that?

A mistletoe? Really? So you’ve just been carrying that thing around?

Yeah, I was waiting for the perfect moment.

Mm. [sighs]

[indistinct chatter]

You do make a wonderful Santa, my love. [both laugh] both: Mwah.

Those kids, they’re so adorable. And they inspire me.

Mm-hmm. Bless their little hearts, oh.


And, you know, I have been a very good little girl this year.

Ooh, Santa’s glad to hear it. [both laugh]

But, you know, all I want for Christmas and every Christmas thereafter– except for, you know, all the wonderful gifts that I’ve already gotten– is just the love of my wonderful, wonderful husband.

Oh. You already have that, my beloved wife, always and forever. Mm. [chuckles]

[tender music]

Oh, merry Christmas, Sami. I can’t wait to see you in the New Year. Yeah. [phone chimes] Honey, hold on for a second. Your sister’s ringing in. No, don’t–don’t do that. Don’t do that. It’s not a competition. OK. Merry Christmas. I love you. Bye. [phone chimes] Merry Christmas, darling. What’s that? Oh. [laughs] I can hear Noah in the background playing with his toy. I guess he likes it, yeah, mm. Well, no, I can’t really take credit. Tate helped me pick it out. [knock at door] Yeah. Oh, honey, can I– can I call you back? I’ve got somebody at the door. All right. I love you.

Hi, got a package for Dr. Marlena Evans.

Yes, yes, I’m Dr. Evans.


Oh, my goodness. Thank you. Thank you. I’m sorry you have to work on Christmas Day.

It’s OK. You’re actually my last stop.

Oh, glad to hear.

Sign here, please.

And just hold that still for me.


Thank you. There.


Thanks so much.

Merry Christmas.

Thanks for coming by.

[dramatic music]


“Here’s to being caught up in the rapture of your love “for many Christmases to come. Love always, John.”

Merry Christmas, my darling.

So? You able to prove where the texts are coming from?

Well, I can’t say for sure where all the messages are from, but I was able to pinpoint the location where this last message came from. The DiMera mansion.

[scoffs] I knew it.

[tense music]

[sighs] Thank you for letting me see my daughter. Meant a lot.

Well, I’m sure it meant a lot to Rachel as well.

What made you change your mind?

Well, I had a friend who told me that no matter how I felt about you, it wasn’t right to punish Rachel.

[dramatic music]

Well, thank your friend for me.


I should be going. I’m gonna say goodbye to Rachel first.

Holiday with Ava? [both chuckle]

Why, are you planning on sending a bunch of threatening texts to her on Christmas?

What are you talking about? I already told you I did not send that woman any texts.



Then who did?


[suspenseful music]

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Days Update Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate decorates the Brady Pub for Holly’s birthday as he talks to Roman on the phone, thanking him for letting him use the Pub. Tate tells Roman to have fun with Steve and Kayla and wishes a Merry Christmas as they hang up. Tate then gets a call from Sophia.

Maggie joins Holly in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Holly tells her about wrapping the blue sweater she got for Tate. Maggie presents Holly a birthday present from Nicole that was just delivered.

Sarah goes to the bedroom where Xander is putting on his kilt. They joke about Xander wearing more clothes. Xander brings up how kind Jack was to let him stay at the Horton house back when he had nowhere else to turn and how he repaid him by stealing the Spectator from him. Sarah appreciates his self awareness and that he gave the paper back. Xander still hates that he lost the best friend he ever had in Jack.

Jack, Jennifer, and JJ walk through the town square, talking about getting to spend time with Chad and the kids before they went to Orlando. Jennifer thought Julie would be upset about them leaving town but she seemed upbeat. Jack credits Doug III being around for that. Jennifer says that’s probably why she got so upset when she suggested Doug III could’ve been the one who stole the diamond necklace which JJ questions.

At the Horton House, Doug III calls Leo and leaves a message, asking if he got a chance to sell the diamond necklace yet because he could really use the cash. He hangs up as Julie enters the room. Julie asks who he was talking to on the phone. Julie says she didn’t mean to eavesdrop but heard him say that he needed money and wished somebody a Merry Christmas. Doug III claims he was just trying to reach his dad as they aren’t on the best terms, but hoped he could send him some cash because he doesn’t have a job but would like to be able to pay his way around here by giving Julie rent money. Julie tells him that she will never take a dime of rent from him. He feels he has to pay something. Julie states that he is her husband’s grandson, so he is her family and can stay in the house as long as he wants to. Julie doesn’t want to hear him say rent again. He thanks her and says that’s very generous of her. Julie feels she has selfish reasons for wanting him around as he reminds her of her husband and she’s liking getting to know him. Doug III says the same and that he really enjoys being there and getting to know more about his Grandfather and her family. Julie tells him that tonight, he will be part of the wonderful Horton family tradition.

JJ questions why Jennifer thinks Doug III stole the necklace. Jack thought everyone believed Steven did it. Jennifer says that’s because it made sense with Steven’s history. Jack questions casting aspersions on Doug III then. Jennifer reveals that Julie told her that the night before Doug III got to Salem, he was serving time in jail.

Holly finishes a call with Nicole, thanking her for the perfume for her birthday. Holly wishes they were together too and sends her love to Jude and Eric as they hang up. Holly tells Maggie that she’s going to see Tate later to exchange gifts. Maggie hopes she will stop by for the hanging of the Horton ornaments. Holly says she will but she has to get to the Pub so she’s not late. Maggie tells her to have fun and to wish Tate a Merry Christmas for her. Holly then exits.

Tate answers Sophia’s call and asks how the morning sickness is going. Tate says he’s sorry about that and assures that he can still take her for the procedure. Tate asks if she made the appointment and tells her that Saturday will work. Tate says since the clinic is out of state, they will leave Friday night. Tate reminds her that she’s not alone here as this is his problem and his baby too. Tate promises that no one has to know or ever will. Holly arrives at the Pub where Tate surprises her with the birthday setup. Holly thought they were just exchanging gifts. Tate says it’s her 18th birthday so he wanted to do something special for her and make sure she got some extra attention and presents. Holly calls it the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for her. Tate tells her that she deserves it as they kiss.

Shawn goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and wishes Maggie a Merry Christmas. Shawn says he wanted to bring her a Christmas gift, which is a framed photo of Maggie and Victor. Maggie calls it a perfect gift and says she loves it. Maggie thanks Shawn as they hug.

Xander kisses Sarah and tells her how beautiful she looks tonight. Sarah tells him that he looks so sexy in just a kilt. Xander suggests they could make time for a pre party celebration. Sarah says they’ll have to be quick. Xander jokes about putting her on the naughty list as they kiss.

Julie presents the box of Horton family ornaments to Doug III and says they mean more than gold to her. Doug calls it so cool. Julie says every member of the family has one and it’s a tradition that goes back generations. Julie adds that every year, any new family member gets their special gift of their own ornament and they all get together to hang them on three. Julie calls it the best part of the holiday, saying this night is about coming home to the place where they all began and the tree reminds them of all the people they are connected to and to never forget all the Days of their Lives. Julie says no matter what the world throws at them, they can share it and the people that cares about them the most are family.

JJ asks why Doug III was in jail. Jennifer says she’s trying to figure it out but Julie didn’t ask him. Jack assures it’s something minor but JJ worries that it could be something serious. JJ points out that they barely know him and questions what if he turns out to be dangerous.

Tate gives Holly a bracelet with their initials and a heart in between for her birthday, then says the rest are for Christmas. Holly surprises Tate with his present of concert tickets to see MysticBrew. Tate excitedly talks about them being his favorite band and how he didn’t even know they were coming to town. Holly then informs him that the concert is this Friday night…

Maggie tells Shawn that she remembers when she and Victor took the photo in the frame, joking that she told him she would invite all of his ex-wives to Christmas if he didn’t smile for the picture. Shawn talks about Maggie always being good at keeping Victor in line and says it’s still hard to believe that Konstantin was responsible for Victor’s death. Maggie talks about Konstantin fooling them all in to thinking he cared about Victor and her. Maggie says at the time they were touched when Konstantin gave them the portrait of Victor, so sometimes she wonders if she should just destroy it.

Xander and Sarah kiss in bed. Sarah talks about Christmas being off to a wonderful start. Xander then presents her with a gift which he says cannot wait and must be opened right now.

Julie tells Doug III that it’s a tragedy that he never got to meet his Grandfather. Julie talks about how much Doug loved Christmas. Doug III wishes he had gotten to know him. Julie says he’d be very happy that he’s here tonight, keeping her company for the holiday. Doug III says he’s so glad to be there for her and he feels like Doug is there with them in spirit. Julie calls him a very thoughtful young man. Jennifer, Jack, and JJ then arrive to wish them a Merry Christmas. Julie asks if they got Chad and the kids off to Orlando. Jack confirms they should be arriving any minute now. Julie hopes they send lots of pictures. Jennifer notices that Julie got the ornaments out. Julie says she was just explaining the history to Doug III, which he calls an awesome tradition. Julie apologizes to Doug III for not having the time, but promises that next year he will have his ornament and a spot on the tree. Doug III asks if she’s sure, feeling he’s not technically a Horton, but Julie insists that he is family. JJ agrees and suggests it’s time they got to know him better, so he asks Doug III to tell them more about himself. Doug III asks what they’d like to know, so JJ suggests starting by telling them why he was in jail. Julie is shocked and says JJ is being rude. JJ calls it a legitimate question, feeling they have a right to know why he was locked up since he’s living under the same roof as them. Julie feels an interrogation can wait until after the holidays. Doug III says it’s okay and he understands since he’s a stranger, so JJ has a point to be curious about his past. Doug III explains that he and his dad never got along much, so when he finally told him where he came from, he jumped at the chance to find his other family in hopes of finding somewhere to fit in. He talks about changing his last name to Williams and starting his journey to Salem to find his grandfather, but on his way, he found out he passed away, so he ended up at a a bar, got drunk and got in to a fight. He adds that he didn’t have enough money for bail, so he had to spend a few days in jail. He says if they don’t believe him, Chicago police can verify it for them. Julie says that won’t be necessary, assuring they believe him and she’s very glad that he chose to come to Salem and find them as she hugs him.

Shawn tells Maggie that Konstantin came to destroy the life Victor built with Maggie but he failed miserably and now he’s gone, but the love that she and Victor shared lives on. Maggie thanks him.

Sarah opens her gift of red heels which she says is gorgeous and brings up Mickey giving a pair to Maggie in the past. Xander goes over the story that Maggie told him, comparing it to now their dreams being fulfilled with Sarah being back on her feet. Sarah starts to cry and says all she got him was an air fryer.

Holly asks Tate if something’s wrong. Tate tells her it’s a really great gift but he can’t go because he has plans Friday night. Holly asks if he can’t change his plans. Tate says he’s sorry but he can’t, claiming he has to go visit his Grandparents in California. Holly notes that he never mentioned that before. Tate says it just came up and he hasn’t seen them in a while, but with his mom in prison, he feels like he has to go represent for the holidays and he’s so sorry. Holly tells him not to apologize for doing the right thing and says they’ll catch the band next time they are in town. Tate thanks her for understanding. Holly says she gets that his grandparents need him. Tate calls her amazing as they hug. Holly gives Tate his other present of a blue sweater which he says he loves and thanks her for. Tate tells Holly it’s her turn to open her next gift but Holly asks if they can take a quick break so she could go hang her ornament at the Horton Christmas. Tate tells her to take her time as Holly promises to be back soon. They kiss and then Holly exits.

Xander goes to the living room and wishes Maggie a Merry Christmas. Maggie tells him that she loves the kilt. Xander responds that Sarah is wearing something special as well as Sarah then comes in wearing the red heels. Xander explains that Maggie’s story about her and Mickey inspired him. Sarah says their love inspires her every day while Maggie says their love for each other and their daughter inspires her. Maggie hugs Sarah. Sarah says they better get Victoria and get a move on. Maggie looks back at the portrait of Victor and wishes him a Merry Christmas.

Shawn goes to the Horton House for Christmas and meets Doug III, talking about being first cousins and carrying on Doug’s name. Julie takes Doug III to the kitchen to help her with the food. Shawn goes over and wishes a Merry Christmas to Jack, Jennifer, and JJ. Jack mentions hearing that Shawn returned to the police department. Shawn confirms that and says he heard that Jada also offered JJ a job. Jack and Jennifer are surprised since he didn’t say anything. Shawn tells JJ that if he does accept the offer, he thought maybe they could be partners. JJ says that would be great but for now, he’s weighing his options.

Xander, Sarah, and Maggie arrive at the Horton House with Victoria as they talk about it snowing outside. Xander and Sarah head in to the living room with Victoria while Holly arrives behind them and greets Maggie. Julie comes out of the kitchen with Doug III and wishes them a Merry Christmas. Julie introduces Doug III to Maggie and Holly. Doug III says it’s a pleasure to meet them both and exchanges looks with Holly. They head in to the living room where Julie talks about all the loved ones who have gone before them and how lucky they all are to be together. Julie says she’s grateful to be spending Christmas with them, even Xander. They then begin hanging the ornaments. Sarah and Xander hang Victoria’s ornament with her. Maggie hangs her ornament along Victor and Mickey. Holly hangs her ornament and then sits with Julie. Jack and Jennifer hang their family’s ornaments together followed by JJ hanging his as they hug. Shawn hangs his ornaments as they look at all the various family member ornaments on the tree. Julie hangs her ornament and then picks up Doug’s ornament last. Julie then turns to Doug III and asks him to hang his Grandfather’s ornament for her, so he does. Julie then closes the box. Xander goes over to Jack and says he heard what went down in Vancouver and he’s sorry he didn’t get the answers about Abigail that he was looking for. Jack thanks him. Xander assumes everything is going well at the Spectator. Jack confirms that Chad is doing excellent work. Xander says he better get back to his family but Jack stops and wishes him a Merry Christmas as they hug. Julie calls everyone’s attention and reminds them that this is when Doug used to lead them all in a Christmas carol, so she thinks Doug would love it if they kept that tradition going. Julie then asks JJ to do the honors for them. JJ then begins singing “O Come, All Ye Faithful” as the rest of the family join in.

After everyone leaves, JJ, Jack, and Jennifer begin to clean up. JJ asks what they thought of Doug III’s story about why he was in jail. Jack says they could always verify it. Jennifer admits there’s still something about him that she doesn’t trust and says Julie being so vulnerable makes her uncomfortable about going back to Boston tomorrow. JJ tells Jennifer not to worry because he’s going to look out for Julie. Jennifer asks if that means he’s staying in Salem. JJ confirms that he is and announces his decision to take the job at the police department which excites Jack and Jennifer. Jack says they’ll be very lucky to have him. Jennifer calls JJ a fine detective while she and Jack tell him they are proud of him. Jennifer hugs JJ and adds that she’s so glad he’ll be able to keep an eye on Julie too.

Xander, Sarah, and Maggie return home to the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander and Sarah put Victoria to sleep. Maggie says she’s going to follow and wishes them a merry Christmas as she exits. Sarah brings up all the gift wrapping they have to do for Victoria’s second Christmas. Xander says he has another idea first and turns on some music for them to dance to together.

Holly returns to the Brady Pub where Tate gives her a birthday cupcake. Holly thanks him for making her birthday so special and calls him the best boyfriend in the world. Tate then informs Holly that there’s something he needs to tell her. Tate tells Holly that he loves her which surprises her. Tate says he’s loved her for a long time but was in denial about it and until now, he couldn’t say the words. Holly asks him to say it again to feel more real so Tate repeats that he loves her. Holly says she loves him too as they kiss.

Julie and Doug III return to the living room where Julie thanks him for all the help in the kitchen. He asks if there’s anything else he can do. Julie says no and tells him to go get some sleep so they say goodnight and he heads to his room. Julie approaches the Christmas tree and says all night, she’s been remembering her and Doug’s first Christmas Eve together which she flashes back to. Julie declares that Doug is gone from her sight, but never from her heart, as she wishes him a Merry Christmas.

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