Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, June 30, 2021

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Recap written by Eva

Nina asks Lily if she can be a freelance reporter for Chancellor Communications since she intends to stay in town until Abby and Chance’s baby is born. Lily is impressed when she hears Nina’s experience as a reporter considering she is known for writing novels and screenplays. Lily tells Nina she may have a story for her but first she has to talk to Billy. Billy interviews Tara to try and confirm the rumor that Ashland is dying but she tells her that her soon to be ex-husband doesn’t confide in her about his health anymore.

Billy asks Tara if he should be worried about Ashland’s relationship with Victoria. Tara tells Billy that Ashland is only using Victoria to soothe his bruised ego. Billy asks Victor to talk to Victoria and tell her that continuing her relationship with Ashland will hurt her.

Sutton asks Amanda to be Nana’s lawyer because she was suffering from post-partum depression when she killed Richard. Amanda tells Sutton that she knows he killed Richard and Naya is taking the blame to protect him.

Ashland asks Victoria to go to Los Angeles with him and while they are talking Ashland begins to cough and Victoria worries that Ashland’s health is getting worse. Ashland leaves Victoria’s office and sees Victor getting off the elevator the two men say hello and Ashland gets on the elevator. Victor goes in and asks Victoria if the rumors that Ashland is dying are true.

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Days Short Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abe talked to Marlena about his relationship with Paulina. Lani overheard Paulina talking about the plans she was doing for the town. She didn’t hear the entire conversation, but she heard enough to know she’s keeping something from Abe. She wanted to know what she was keeping from her father. Shawn gave Brady Kristen’s personal effects. He didn’t really want to take them, but he did. He saw a picture of Chloe. They talked about Kristen. Brady said Kristen wasn’t the person he thought. Shawn tried to make him feel better, but he blamed himself for what happened. He admitted he was drawn to Chloe and Kristen had a front row seat to the whole thing. Shawn said that he loved Chloe once. He said it was a long time ago. He also told him that Philip was moving in on Chloe. Philip wanted to have a chance with Chloe. She thought he was pressuring her. He wanted an answer when Belle showed up. Paulina told Lani that she cared about Abe. Lani admitted that she hid something from Eli that almost destroyed them. She didn’t want her father to be hurt the way she hurt Eli. Paulina said she didn’t want to lose Abe. Lani wanted to know what she was hiding.

Abe continued to talk to Marlena about Paulina. She wondered how Lani’s mother would feel about that. Paulina lied to Lani about why she went to Florida. Lani didn’t believe her and wanted to know what she wasn’t telling her. Chloe talked to Belle about Philip. She admitted her feelings for Brady are what’s holding her back from being with Philip. Philip walked in on Shawn encouraging Brady to go after Chloe. Philip wondered if Shawn was still intimidated by him. They argued with Philip about what he did with Belle and Chloe. Philip reminded Brady about the times he had with Chloe. Shawn reminded him that he kept trying to ruin his relationship with Belle. Philip let them know that he knew what he wanted. Belle tried to convince Chloe that she should be with Philip. Abe walked up on Paulina while she told her about her insecurities about the town square. He assured her that she would do a great job. He gave her the zoning permit. He congratulated her for getting the permit.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jake and Gabi were shocked that Kate was faking being blind. Kate said she overheard them talking about being together when they thought she was in a coma. Jake said he was sorry she heard them. He apologized for not being honest from the beginning. Kate slapped him. She told Gabi that she wasn’t going to hit her. She said being with an unemployed loser was enough punishment. Kate told Jake that his garage might be hiring. Gabi was happy she and Jake didn’t have to sneak around anymore. He said he didn’t want to stay in the mansion anymore and wanted to leave. She was willing to kick everyone out of the mansion. He said it didn’t matter who lived there. He didn’t want to be there anymore. He said he knew how much the mansion meant to her. She said she didn’t want to stay if he didn’t want to.

Chad walked in the office at DiMera and overheard EJ telling Sami that he was the new CEO. Chad asked him if he meant co-CEO. Chad thought EJ had no intention of sharing the position with him. EJ said the idea was a good one, but Chad didn’t trust him. EJ asked if he wanted to work with him or not. Kate walked in the DiMera office. She said she was ready to get back to a normal life. EJ wanted to make her an offer as long as Chad was okay with it. Chad said he was. EJ wanted him to handle it. When EJ left, Kate told Chad about telling Jake and Gabi the truth. Lucas called Sami a doormat for doing what EJ wanted. They ended up arguing. Allie walked in and wanted to know what was going on. Lucas told her they were arguing over EJ. Sami and Lucas argued again. Sami said they needed to stop talking about EJ. Sami ended up leaving. Allie wondered why Lucas hated EJ more than he did before.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Adam tells Victor that he isn’t sleeping well at his place because he keeps having memories of how he drove Chelsea to her current mental condition. Adam tells Victor that he is thinking of selling his penthouses and moving to a new place. Victor asks Adam to consider moving to the ranch and living in the tack house. Adam says he will think about it and he is surprised he and Victor have come this far in their relationship.

Chelsea tells Chloe she has to act like she is making progress so that they will release her from the hospital. Chelsea tells Chloe that it is the only way she can be with Connor. Adam goes to the mental hospital to visit Chelsea and tell her Connor will be coming home soon. Adam also tells Chelsea he is considering moving to the ranch. Chelsea thinks Adam is preparing to take Connor away from her since he knows she won’t be able to see Connor if he is living at the ranch. Chelsea tells Adam that while she has been at the hospital she has learned that he is her biggest enemy.

Tara is happy that Kyle is sharing all his troubles with her and everything worked according to her and Sally’s plan.

The National Inquisitor publishes an article claiming Ashland only has six months to live. Ashland confronts Tara because he thinks she leaked the information to the tabloid. Tara tells Ashland she would never do that because she isn’t a vindictive person. Billy runs into Ashland and tries to confirm the story but Ashland denies the story saying that it is just tabloid gossip.

Lily talks to Victoria who tells her that it is just a rumor designed to make Ashland look weak. Lily later tells Billy what Victoria said and he is sure that the story is true since he knows Victoria better than almost anyone. Nikki notices a Locke Communications file on Victoria’s desk and Victoria tells Nikki she is close to a merger with Locke Communications to preserve Ashland’s legacy but she makes Nikki promise not to tell anyone about the impending deal with Ashland.

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Interview with Chi Muoi Lo

TV Interview!

Chi Muoi Lo

Interview with actor/manager Chi Muoi Lo by Suzanne 5/25/21

This was a very interesting call! It went on for quite a while…unfortunately, I had to end the call for another interview.

Here is the audio version of it.

Suzanne:   Why did you decide to make a video series about acting?

Chi:   …I’ve been frustrated for 20 years. You know, I own a company called Element Management. I bought the company. So, you know, every year used to be nine schools they consider the Ivy League school for actors. I went to one of them called ATT – Yale, Julliard, NYU, Temple University, Carnegie Mellon, but the problem of those most pseudo schools is, every year they would have a showcase in New York and Los Angeles, and the power to be would go there to watch the show, and that’s how you’d get discovered if you got the goods and all that. But the frustrating thing is that I started realizing that even the school that I went to, I was at the right age to go to it, but everybody else wasn’t. I was like, 18 when I went, but it was a master program. So, suddenly a school like Temple University, NYU, Juilliard, no, actually, Yale, ACT. So, those schools are master programs. So, your career is over before it begins when you graduate from these schools, because it’s a young business, and if you’re going to start out your career, it should be around 21, and hopefully, you get the maturity and the training there, that would be ideal. So, it’s very frustrating.

And then, the reality is, they don’t talk about the business. You spend – you know, you talk about USC, the last time I checked it’s $268,000 to get your four year degree, and when you come out, it’s an undergraduate program, which is good, but when you come out, kind of your career is over. I mean, when you come out, you don’t know anything about the business, how to break in, how to get your SAG card, how to do anything about it.

And the reason you know nothing about it has to do with the people who are teaching can’t teach the business, because they never made it, or they’re not in it. So, you can’t teach something you don’t know. Like, say for example, I use as an example so you can understand what I’m talking about – death. We all kind of know what death is. We see it on TV; we read it. We know somebody who it has happened to; we see it in films and all that, but do we really know what death is or the grieving of death or the nuance that death comes with? No, not until somebody who is close to us [dies]. Like my mom died two years ago. And then, you realize what death means, the five stages. Do you grieve? How long is the grieving? You realize, you know, it never ends. You miss the person, and somewhere along the line, you have to have acceptance and all of that. So, sort of same thing with the acting business. You cannot teach something if you never experienced it. If you don’t do it, if you’re not out there doing it, or you never succeeded, or you don’t know –

The changing environment of show business is drastic sometimes. Like 2008 with the crash, but they were in the process of changing the industry. We changed to digital; it used to be hardcopy, like people who submitted picture resume hardcopy but never tried to change into digital to submit everything online. And the guy who owned a breakdown service literally monopolized the entire industry. He’s sitting on a cash cow, I would call it.

But anyway, there were 30% of actors that [were] dropped. I mean, they just couldn’t understand how to change over work, because when they were 35 or 40, they didn’t know how to deal with internet or how to transfer a resume to that thing. And the agency business and the manager business does not work either, because you have so many clients, and they couldn’t take care of them. So there’re tons of working actor who just got dropped and had no representation. And it took them a while if [they] applied for representation. So, those are the changes like that, and they are so drastic and so dramatic, that if you don’t teach these things, then people don’t know, and that’s the problem with the schools.

So, I wanted to do this six years ago, and I taught like the classes three times only, and I’m not a teacher. Really, I did it for my clients, and then, literally, I just got bored talking about it over and over. And then somebody gave me an idea. They said, “Why don’t you put it on tape? Then, you never have to talk about it.” And I said, “Good idea,” and then suddenly, once I started the process, it just got bigger and bigger and bigger. It became seven episodes, and over 12 hours of everything about the business, nothing about the craft. You know, I think the craft is being taken care of. So, nothing about the craft. So, you can get this thing at masteringthebusinessofacting.com. And I didn’t want to charge that much money either, because I think the kids already have been – I’m going to use a slang word – screwed over, in this education already. I just did not want to charge more than $199 or whatever to get this seven, episodes, twelve hours of information all about the business on every aspect of business. And it covers three different kinds of actors: the one who want to break into the business, the working actors, and the rising stars.

Suzanne:   How many people have bought into your program so far? If you can say?

Chi:   A lot. We actually did [better] than we imagined. What’s fascinating about marketing in the what we call [unintelligible] ecommerce, I guess…Yeah. So, it’s fascinating how you use Facebook, Instagram, Google, you know, they only target the people who have interest in this business. So, imagine, in the old days, if you are advertising something, you pay millions of dollars on TV, and half your audience are never reached; they don’t need it. But this is specific. It’s not going to target somebody who’s interested in nursing, interested in skiing or anything. You have to be interested in show business or have somewhere along line…[They use an algorithm] I guess, so they can know who you are. So, when you go to Google, or you go to your Facebook or whatever and that, those ads will pop up.

Suzanne:   It’s the same on my site, we have that kind of Google Ads with targeted advertising.

Chi:   Right. So, we did really, really well for just basically three months. We launched like February 23. But my intention is I think we could make a deal with this school that’s very interested in it already. And I want to start in high school, because I went to high school performing arts, and also then definitely undergraduate, because you cannot teach the craft and not talk about the business. The business is 60%, but you can take a bad actor who knows about the business and understands the business, who will have a better chance of succeeding than a great actor who doesn’t understanding anything about the business.

Suzanne:   Right. Now you used to be an actor, and then you became a manager, so what prompted you to make that move?

Chi:   Well, I am I’m still an actor. I just love to act. Acting is my favorite talent of them all. I’m an actor, writer, director, producer and [have] my own management company. So, I’m about to produce a TV series. It’s seven seasons, 13 episodes, called Life in Threes. It’s inspired by a true story, really, really great. I’m very excited about it.

But being an actor, the change over has a lot to do with I just [understood] the business really [quickly], because I’ve been into acting since I was 10. So, there’re a lot at of mistakes I made as an actor, but I succeeded at a very young age. I worked a lot.

[Like,] I just graduated on a Saturday, came down here on a Sunday. There was a writer strike. After three months it was over, and I worked like like crazy. I think it only took four years, and I got my own TV show, but I was guest starring all over the place. I think I was tired of it, and then my show came along.

But I’ve worked a lot, and the mistakes I made, and I think, again, I talk about it, and mastering the business of acting, I wish I had guidance. I managed a few, I only managed five people. I personally only managed five people, but my other people manage other people. But I personally have managed five people and these people made a lot of money. [I could] just sit on my ass and make tons of money right now because they’re all working. But I wish I had someone like me, guiding me, and I look back and I say well, “Would you be able to find somebody like you?” And the answer is probably no, because – let me be clear here, so that people don’t think I’m a pompous ass here. I don’t know anything about how to change a tire. I don’t know how to do oil change, and if you ask me to clean my house, I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know anything about how to operate my computer without my assistant. I don’t know how to fax [anything] if it’s new equipment. If it’s equipment I’ve used before, sure I would know how to do it, but I’m a terrible driver. I’m a walking stereotype. So, you can name all that, but this is one area that I can say that I really know what I’m talking about, which is the acting business and the acting stuff.

So, when I was starting out, I wish I had met someone who I really could trust and believed that they could guide me, and could gladly say, “Chi, what the hell are you doing? You’re 27 years old. You don’t need to direct a movie right now; wait until you’re 40!” So, that was a mistake I made, as an actor. There was no reason for me to direct a movie when my career as an actor was on the rise. You know, “Finish the series, make big budget movies and all that, you know…wait for the right project to come along.”

This discrimination – being an Asian actor in Hollywood is not easy [for] someone like me, how I look, my height, and all that. I usually get jobs that are really tough to get, and they’re strong acting jobs. So, visually, I don’t look like your typical, whatever you want that to be, because I’m almost like a leading man trapped in a character body.

So, in a way, when I directed the movie, it took me five years out of the game. And when you’re five years out of the game, some people think you’re just dead. So, in two of those years I had to promote the movie and get it into the theaters. Now we made money [on the movie] called Catfish and Black Bean Sauce; we made money and all that, but the problem comes – then I decided, to answer your question about why it matters, I bought the management company, because I wanted to control half the information, but then I discovered that I’m actually good at what I do as a manager. I could understand the business and all that. And when you have success, and you know what you’re talking about, it’s how you make things happen. People will listen to you.

So, that’s what I wish I had, but I don’t think anyone at that time would be that aggressive. And you have to understand, the agency business and the management business is a bunch of crap, in a way. So let me tell you – do you mind if I tell you about the agency business?

Suzanne:   A little bit. Yeah, go ahead.

Chi:   It’s a scam. It’s an illusion. So, let’s let’s break it down to two tiers. Okay, the first tier [is] CA, ICM, William Morris, and Endeavour. Second tier is Giersh, Innovative, APA, Abrams, or now they call themselves Eight Threes, whatever. So, at the first tier, CA, you have 5000 clients, and you have 100 agents. 100 agents cannot take care of 5000 clients. They can’t. It’s impossible. So, the people who make money are being taken care of. So, you can literally take care of 1/3 of your clients; the rest you really can’t. So, you bullshit around until people figure it out. You know, it is what it is. That’s why they say you will get lost in these places. Then you should go to second tiers. Like you take Giersh. You cannot have 22 agents to take care of 3000 clients, so, the same thing, and sometimes they make fake auditions.

Suzanne:   What do you mean, fake auditions?

Chi:   They make fake auditions and give them to their clients and pretend like it’s a real audition.

Suzanne:   Really? Wow.

Chi:   Yeah! I know…I mean, last year, even including this year on forward, it’s all self tape. Self tape has been around for seven, eight years. Last year and this year, it’s all self [taping].

So, a client can [unintelligible] “Oh, you got one?” “We got you one. Here’s your audition,” this and all that.

And then, you get all excited and the role looks so right for you, and you put your energy and time into it. You get your coach. You put it on tape and all that, and you send it in, and you give it to your agent. They say, “Great. Let’s see where it goes.” It [goes] nowhere. They pretend to download it, so you don’t know where it went.

And the reality, so what’s the problem? Okay, so let’s just say you are an actress in your 30s and the role was so right for you, and you’re so excited and all that, and you let’s say you’re a white actress, but what you don’t realize is the break that I sent you only had [unintelligible] they could get the listing enough to produce it and casting, and the storyline, what the story is about. But what you realize, if you look deeper into the breakdown of what they sent you, is the age is missing, and the ethnicity is missing. So, you’re 30 something, but they’re really looking for a 20 something year old character, and you’re white, but the role is for a black girl.

Suzanne:   So, they faked it. Yeah, I see what you’re saying.

Chi:   So, even if it’s real, they didn’t know and call you in for it. Even if it’s a white role and the character [unintelligible], they didn’t call you in. So a lot of people, like I have kids that I manage who are saying, “Gee, my friend Michael got a lot of auditions. I don’t know how he gets so many auditions.” I say, “Really? Okay.” But you know, I get suspicious. Even the watermark doesn’t even say his name, because it’s a fake audition. The watermark doesn’t say your name? If you’re name’s not on there, then it’s a fake audition. But they have to do it, because, like what I said, you cannot cater to 3000 clients when you have 22 agents. You can’t!

Suzanne:   Well, you answered a question before I even asked [you], so that’s good.

Chi:   The manager problem is this. Managers these days, you’ve got to be very careful, because the old school managers are a dying breed. We consider ourselves old school managers, and we charge 15%. But…there’re more managers than agents now, and each company pops up out of nowhere, and then you look deeper into it and you realize, “Oh, there’re a bunch of agents who got fired or decided to quit their jobs and form a management company.” So, here’s the problem with it. You cannot be a mommy; you cannot be a daddy until you become a mommy. So, what I call an agent is a “daddy,” and a manager’s a “mommy.” And so if you’ve been a daddy for 15 years, your personalities are set, and you can’t switch to be a mommy or think you can be a mommy. You don’t know how to be a mommy. You bring every skill set that you had as a daddy into a mommy’s job, and it doesn’t work, because what is called managing, managing the actors for a job, you are not just sending them out on auditions. So, these people are [unintelligible] clients only like 10 minutes or whatever and all that, because they don’t know how to operate as a manager, because, what did they do? They bring these skills; they have like 60 clients. You can’t be a manager and have 60 clients. You’re an agent. And of course you charge 10%, but then you get all the perks of being a manager. You can produce; some people can get 15%. You get residuals, which an agent can’t get. If any manager has over 30 clients, I say they’re not real good managers. You can’t.

Suzanne:   So, you were talking before about, you’re not a teacher, and you put this video series together. So, did you ever foresee that maybe you would ever, like tour around the country giving talks about acting and getting people to sign up? Or is that not something that you were interested in?

Chi:   I tend to do two Q&As a year. They have two packages. One is for the seven episode 13 webinar, and every year, there will still be changes, you know, like I talk about COVID now. Then, there’s going to be new stuff and all that. So, I would add on. I would tape a day to talk about seven to ten segments and then add on two Q&As every six months. So, then it’s a three hour thing. And then we will add onto that every year. So, people can opt in to the lifetime which is $100 more, or $299, and that will be a lifetime for life. And then every year you get new information from mastering the business of acting. And it should be that, because things change all the time.

Suzanne:   So, that’s on all online?

Chi:   It’s online, all online, and yeah, I think I can promote this thing for two more months, and then after this, I think I’m ready to go to my next project. I just can’t. I’m not a teacher nor am I one of those people. You know, I think a teacher is somebody who is very nurturing and has a lot of patience. That’s not me. And I think it’s a wonderful thing when people can teach.

Suzanne:   Okay, what is your next project? You have an idea yet?

Chi:   Oh, no, no, I have it. It’s called Life in Threes.

Suzanne:   Your series that you’re talking about?

Chi:   Yeah, it tells a story about an 85 year old Chinese woman with early stage dementia, who moves into a nursing home in Philadelphia in order to take care of one last piece of unfinished business before the disease gets the best of her. It’s there that she [becomes] friends with a young Caucasian orderly and a African American nurse. She helps them to make sense of their lives as she recounts the story of her life’s journey that begins in China, moves on to Vietnam, and ends in contemporary America.

Suzanne:   And are you basing this on a relative of yours?

Chi:   My mom.

Suzanne:   Your mom. Okay.

Chi:   Yeah, it’s a true story about my mother [unintelligible] especially an epic story that spans seven decades, while three lives unravel in the present. So, it’s a story about three characters, and each season is a decade. So it [starts] in the 20s.

Suzanne:   That sounds interesting.

Chi:   Oh, it’s the four years that…I was able to write it better when she passed away. It’s something I’d been wanting to do for a long time. I didn’t know how to. It’s basically Joy Luck Club meets This is Us.

Suzanne:   Yeah, okay, I can see that. I have two more short questions for you before I have to go on to another call I have. So, I saw that Tyler Christopher is one of your clients. I’m a longtime fan of his from watching the soaps. So, what’s he doing now?

Chi:   He’s in Indiana, and he’s waiting for a role right for him. [He] have to come back out. And you know, this year is really tough if you’re not in town. It’s just really, really tough to be able to do what you need to do, but he’s doing well. And he told me he’s ready to come back, so get him a role. I said, when everything’s calmed down, we’ll definitely do that.

Suzanne:   Okay. Well, I’m looking forward to seeing him on my TV again.

Chi:   Yeah, it’s crazy how he made a lot of money on the soap. It’s very rare that people can make the kind of money on a soap.

Suzanne:   Yeah, and now I have a slightly more serious question. It’s seems like Hollywood is hiring more people of color, including Asians, for not only acting roles, but writers, directors and so forth. Do you think they’re making real changes? Or do you think it’s kind of a passing fad, and they’ll try to revert back to their old ways.

Chi:   I think the change will stay. Here’s the reason why. Not only the pressure and the reality of the world is changing and all that, it has to do with with – and it’s good news and bad news for American minorities. It’s a global market. So, if you look at, let’s just say film is an easy way to talk about it. So, if you look at it, it’s a global market, and you’re going to need to represent everything globally. So, if you watch a movie, like Wonder Woman or anything like that, you’ll see they will cast people from different countries. Like, have you seen The Martian?

Suzanne:   No, I haven’t.

Chi:   [For] The Martian just somebody just came up with the idea, you know, we need to connect the Chinese into this movie, how do we do that? So, they add just one little storyline that they are going to need a Chinese rocket booster into the storyline, that the Chinese are going to help them out. By adding that storyline, before they even shoot a frame, they will guarantee themselves $150 million that will pay the bills [unintelligible] the budget. So, right there, you can understand why the global market is forcing the change. So, is the [unintelligible] true? Yes, it is. And it’s a little harsh right now.

First of all, Caucasian actors – and usually, like I remember, I have to take one of my clients, the kid that I’d nurtured for 10 years, and I want him to hear it. Because, you know, I’m busy with the mommy, and you know, he’s your child, sometimes they don’t listen to you after you’ve been with them for a long time. So, I forced him to listen to an agent that we were signing, a big agent. I said, “Tell him what’s going on with the market and understand what’s going on.” So, he said, “[unintelligible] really simple.” I said, “Okay.”

Five years ago or whatever, you have a cast. Let’s just say, this is your cast on a TV show. You have maybe four Caucasian actors, and then you add one black and one Hispanic. That’d be your cast. Now the cast is going to be forced to change. Your cast can be maybe two Caucasians, you know, one African American, one Asian, and one Latino. So, literally, half the jobs of Caucasian actors are gone. So, is that something that’s going to stay? I believe so. I think once you start in that direction, it’s hard to change back. It’s the same thing about about gays in America. If you if you look at what happened in the 90s, with with Will & Grace and other shows, Glee, and on and on, I mean, did the writer purposely start changing things little by little? And before you know it, now, the gays are not an issue. But right now, [transgender] is. You know, people have a discrimination towards transgenders. But as a gay man, or whatever, and all that, you know, it’s not that big of an issue anymore, not for the kids. If I’m a high school kid [unintelligible] it’s no big deal.

So, how do you reverse that? You can’t. You don’t. You don’t want to reverse that.

So, I think the #metoo movement did a wonderful thing for women and for minorities and all of that, that it forced the industry to not allow to ask for your quote, that’s by law now. So, by not [being] able to ask about your quote, then they cannot. In the old days, there’s no way a woman could match the money. You know, if you look at like the show called – the Kevin Spacey show – what was that show?

Suzanne:   Oh, I know the one you’re talking about. I can’t think of the name either.

Chi:   Yeah. So, it took her four years or three years, actually. She was not getting paid what he was getting. He was getting 450 and back in and all that. So, finally the #metoo movement – before the #metoo movement came along, her manager was smart enough to do a TV [unintelligible] on her, and her TV [unintelligible] was much bigger than his, and then pointed out that she’s bigger than he is. And it’s true. Who the hell would like Kevin Spacey? Nobody likes Kevin Spacey. So, she got the same money as he did…So now they put this thing in that you cannot ask about people’s quote. Then you have to pay everybody the same way. Depends on what roles, what position they’re in, in the cast ranking.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com


Chi Muoi LoActor turned Hollywood Manager, Chi Muoi Lo, has taken his 30 years of experience in the entertainment industry and created a 7-episode online subscription series, Mastering the Business of Acting. Hearing thousands of stories of how young actors have been exploited in the entertainment industry, he felt that he needed to share his knowledge in a way that set him apart from other programs offering similar advice. Mastering the Business of Acting primarily focuses on those trying to break into the business, it also includes information necessary for the working actors and rising stars. He has also included insight from industry professionals such as John Frank Levy (4X Emmy Award-Winning Casting Director), Todd Eisner (Talent Agent at 3Arts),Karen Molina White (Actress, “Proud Family”) and Nancy Hower (Director of Startrek Voyager).

Chi covers a variety of topics ranging from:

  • How to break into the business
  • How to maintain a successful acting career
  • The art and business of auditioning
  • The new technological advancements that now all actors are expected to be experienced in

Born in Phan Rang, Vietnam, to Chinese parents Chi moved to the U.S. at the age of two after the fall of Saigon.  Upon their arrival, Chi and his family were placed in the Indian Town Gap Refugee Camp where they became sponsored by the Jewish League of America and moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  It was there that Chi was raised with his nine brothers and three sisters. He caught the acting bug at age 10 and when he finally decided to make the move to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of acting, Chi had the luck he hoped for, booking roles and working continuously. He left his mark with his outstanding performance starring in the critically acclaimed and highly rated Vanishing Son mini-series and starred in MOW Faith of My Father, Sucker Free City and Shannon’s Deal. He has also appeared as Guest Lead on numerous shows such as on “Nip Tuck,” “Cold Case,” “Murder in The First,” “CSI,” “NYPD Blue,” “Malcolm in the Middle,” “Smallville,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and many more.

Chi is the owner of the production company, Black Hawk Entertainment and the CEO of the talent management company Allen Edelman Management. His clients include Karen Malina White (Disney’s “I Didn’t Do It”), Steven Krueger (CW’s “Roswell: New Mexico”), Tyler Christopher (“Days of Our Lives”), and many more. Chi’s debut as an actor-writer-director was with the feature film Catfish In Black Bean Sauce and was met with great success and made Variety’s “Top 50 of 2001 Limited-Release Winner At The Box Office.” As a manager, he nurtured the careers of countless clients over the years. Through this nurturing, he has heard countless experiences that actors have shared with him about their auditions, and he has done it all for his clients – pitching, dealing with talent agents and casting agents, negotiating series deals and film deals with studios.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Chi Muoi Lo

Y&R Short Recap Monday, June 28 2021

p align=”center”>Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Christine

Nick and Phyllis helped Summer pack for Italy. In private, Summer grew emotional over being forced to leave Kyle because of Tara’s ultimatum. Kyle raced around town looking for Summer. Summer said goodbye to Victoria, Nikki, Victor and Faith. Mariah told Summer off for hurting Kyle. Summer decided not to waste time arguing with Mariah. Mariah badmouthed Summer to Kyle, and he told ordered her to keep her nasty comments to herself. Mariah and Kyle apologized to each other. Summer met with Lauren and recommended Sally as her successor. Lauren made Sally acting president of JCV, so she could gain experience and prove she was right for the job. Summer told Billy she was leaving and asked him to be there for Kyle as a friend. When Kyle wondered if he should give up on winning Summer over, Billy told him to go after her. Summer asked Jack to help Kyle accept her decision, and he promised he’d do everything in his power to make that happen. Jack told Summer he was always a phone call away. Phyllis and Summer shared a tearful goodbye, and Phyllis gave Summer a pep talk. Kyle finally caught up with Summer, but she wouldn’t change her mind. She gave him a goodbye kiss, and she left. Tara talked with Jack and pretended to be unhappy that Summer was leaving. Tara met with Lauren and Sally about her shoe line. Tara and Sally privately chatted about getting everything they wanted, now that Summer was out of the way. Billy and Jack disagreed about whether or not Kyle and Summer could make things work. Jack said that sometimes love didn’t conquer all.


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Days Short Recap Monday, June 28, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava told Nicole about Lucas’ conversation with Rafe. She told her how upset Lucas was about EJ being back in Salem. Nicole remembered how upset Lucas was about him being there too. Kate voted against Jake at DiMera. He wanted to talk to Kate, but EJ told him the vote was final. Jake was convinced Chad had something to do with her vote. Ava continued to tell Nicole about Lucas and Sami keeping a secret. Nicole told her that Xander suspected something too. She wanted to prove something happened between them. Lucas wanted to know how Sami was going to stop Kristen from calling Kristen. Gabi asked Kate how she could stab Jake in the back. Mr. Shin said that her vote was legal. He told Jake he had to vacate the building. Jake wanted to get his stuff, but he told him that he couldn’t do it. Jake knew Chad was behind what happened with the vote. Nicole was determined to find out the truth about Sami and Lucas. Sami asked Lucas why he thought Kristen would expose her. He told her the things they did to make Kristen turn on them. Sami thought they weren’t on her mind right now. Mr. Shin congratulated the DiMeras on getting rid of Jake. He wanted to know who was going to take over for him. Kate talked to Stefano’s picture and told him how she got revenge on Jake. He showed up and demanded answers for what she did.

Jake called Kate out on voting against him. He wanted to know what happened. She said Gabi was the reason why she did it. She said that Gabi told her that he was with her out of pity. She never would have done it if it weren’t for Gabi. Gabi walked in the room and couldn’t believe what she said. Chad and EJ wanted to run the company. They ended up arguing about it. Eli talked to Rafe about the possibility of something going on with Nicole. Rafe denied it. Eli reminded him about how much he talked about Nicole. Rafe said Nicole was married to the love of her life. He said he didn’t think he would steal Nicole from Eric. Eli decided to mind his business. Rafe admitted that he was half right about that. Kristen wrote a letter to EJ. She wrote in the letter that Sami cheated on him with Lucas. Lucas tried to convince Sami that Kristen and Nicole might tell EJ the truth. Sami didn’t think it would happen. Lucas had an idea of how to get Nicole to back off for good. Jake yelled at Gabi for what she did to Kate. He said that he was there for her. He wanted her to call Mr. Shin and tell him that she changed her vote. She said she would do it, but he had to pack their things up and get away from Gabi. Chad and EJ continued to argue about running the company. Tony tried to stop them from arguing.

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Days Short Recap Friday, June 25, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ told Sami about the battle for DiMera. He told her that Kristen was his secret ally. Sami said it was a bad idea to get Kristen involved. She asked how he would find her. He said his people already found her. Sami wanted him to find another way to get votes. She said she was afraid that he would get arrested for aiding and abetting. She didn’t want to lose him again. He said he could never say no to her. They started kissing. He stopped her to say he was meeting his brothers. Nicole ran into Lucas at the pub. She started talking to him about Sami accusing her of cheating on Eric. He told her that Sami wanted him to wear a wire to record her confession. Nicole asked why Sami wanted him to help her. He told her things changed between him and Sami when they were trapped together. When Nicole kept asking about it, he wanted to know why she was so interested. Sami walked in the pub when Nicole was trying to explain why she was interested in whether or not Sami had an affair with Lucas. Sami and Nicole ended up arguing with each other. Nicole left the pub. Lucas told Sami to be nicer to Nicole. He said Nicole was trying to expose him. Sami wanted to know what made Nicole suspicious of them.

Tony let Chad know Gabi got Steven Hawk. He said Steven was going to vote with Jake. Tony wanted Chad to try again with Kate. Chad didn’t want to pressure her. Chad said Kate was thinking with her head and not her heart when it comes to Jake. Jake and Gabi found out Peter was voting with EJ. Jake was fine with it because they had Kate’s vote. Kate showed up while they were talking. Jake went to help her. Gabi and Kate argued with each other. When they were finished, Gabi asked who Kate was going to vote for Jake. Kate said she was there for Jake. Gabi told Kate that Jake was with her out of pity. Jake tried to reassure Kate that that wasn’t true. He told Gabi to leave. He said they would meet at DiMera. When Gabi was gone, Jake thanked Kate for standing by him. He said he wouldn’t forget her being there for him. EJ met with Mr. Shin at DiMera. EJ told him about Kate’s connection to the family. EJ said he was back better than ever. EJ said he respected Jake, but he was a placeholder. Chad said he was ready to be back as CEO. Jake wanted to stop wasting time and get on with the vote. Chad, EJ, Tony and Gabi voted. Mr. Shin voted for Jake. Jake and Gabi were happy. Kate had the final vote. She started to say who she voted to remove. Jake and Gabi were shocked.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, June 24, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ, Chad and Tony talked about getting g rid of Jake at DiMera. EJ said all they needed were three DiMeras to come forward and say they didn’t have confidence in Jake. EJ said they had to act fast because a new product was about to launch. EJ said there would be nothing left of DiMera or Stefano’ s legacy. The three set their plan in motion. After their meeting, EJ went to see Jake. He told Jake that now that he was back, Jake was out. Jake said he was surprised that he and the others didn’t keep it a secret that they were coming after him. EJ said he gave him a warning just to be courteous. Gabi wanted to talk to Kate about Jake. Gabi said Jake wanted her to feel sorry for her because she was blind and lost her memory. Gabi brought up her walking in on her and Jake making love. Kate thought about Gabi and Jake making love. Gabi told Kate that if she remembered them making love, then she knows how Jake feels. Gabi said Jake felt obligated to stay with her. Gabi said she pitied her. She advised Kate to let him go. Kate and Gabi argued with each other. Kate said she hoped Gabi wouldn’t get bitter once she was rejected. Gabi said she was only going to be in Jake’s bed temporarily.

Sami told Roman that she and EJ were staying in Salem. She said she made a vow to never let anything come between them. Roman asked if she was going to let Lucas come between them. Lucas ended up showing up. Roman noticed the tension between Sami and Lucas. When Lucas left, Roman asked what was going on between them. She said they bonded while they were in captivity. She said their truce was over when EJ came to town. She let Roman know that she and Lucas were arguing again. Roman didn’t believe her. Rafe and Lucas met at the town square. Lucas told him Gabi kicked him out of the mansion. He talked to Rafe about EJ being back in Salem. He let him know that Sami was moving back in the DiMera mansion with EJ. EJ showed up while they were talking. EJ said they needed to figure out how to co-exist with each other. EJ wanted Lucas to limit the amount of time he spent with Sami. Sami showed up and was surprised to see them all together. She wanted to know what was going on. Gabi and Jake talked about the other DiMeras trying to get him. She wanted to help him. While they were planning, Tony and Chad were plotting. Gabi told Jake about the DiMeras. They talked about Kristen and Peter. They said it might come down to Kate’s vote. Chad went to see Kate. He told her he needed her vote. She said she couldn’t give it to him. Chad reminded her that she was pretending to be blind, but she couldn’t vote against Jake. She said she hated Jake. She said voting against him would tip her hand. He told her to grow up. He said she should let EJ grind him in the ground. Chad threatened to expose Kate if she didn’t give him her vote. He said people would think she was desperate. Chad and Tony met in the living room. Tony said he got Theo’s vote. Chad said Kate could go either way. Tony called Peter. Chad told EJ that the votes were close. EJ said it was time to call Mr. Shin.

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Week of 6/27/21 Primetime News and Schedule

Primetime TV News

TV Networks

MOST OF THESE POSTS BELOW are just the main part of each bit of news. For the rest of the news, video clips, photos, and links, go to our Primetime Forum!

This Week’s News by Angie and Suzanne!

NOTE: This schedule is always subject to change…


  • Adult Swim RICK & MORTY – Sunday, June 27, 11:00PM Show More
    The Smiths suspect they’re being hunted, but they don’t even know who is real. Promo
  • Adult Swim TUCA & BERTIE – Sunday, June 27, 11:30PM Show More
    Kyle – Bertie hits a wall at work and decides to channel her inner bird/bro, while Tuca’s passions steer her into a highoctane new job. Will our gals wield their new powers responsibly? No. Promo
  • BET House Of Payne – Tuesday, June 29, 9:00PM Show More
    Missing Mustard Seeds
    Curtis puts Ellas’ big day in peril and Malik takes a class that doesn’t go over well with the family. Promo
  • BET Assisted Living – Tuesday, June 29, 9:30PM Show More
    When a council seat in the community opens up, both Jeremy and Vinny decide to run for office with wildly different platforms to improve the neighborhood. Promo
  • BET Sistas – Wednesday, June 30, 9:00PM Show More
    Just A Talk – Gary decides to surprise Andi in a way to truly show his love for her, but those close to her are filled with doubt.
    “Stressed Western” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    KEEPING CALM – With everyone finally back together, the Legends find themselves looking to Nate (Nick Zano) to keep everything calm while in the old West on a mission to find an alien. After trying to keep things normal, Sara (Caity Lotz) reveals her secret to Ava (Jes Macallan) and the team, leaving them all shocked. Constantine (Matt Ryan) looks to Gary (Adam Tsekham) who might have answers the answer help to his problem. Spooner (Lisseth Chavez) and Astra (Olivia Swann) are forced to work together despite their clashing personalities which ultimately helps push them to hone their powers. Meanwhile, Zari (Tala Ashe) takes an unusual interest in Behrad’s (Shayan Sobhian) personal life. Dominic Purcell also stars. David Ramsey directed the episode written by Matthew Maala (608). Original airdate 6/27/2021. Promo
  • The CW Batwoman – Sunday, June 27 Show More
    “Power” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
    SEASON FINALE – In the Batwoman season finale, Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) questions her place as the city’s hero as she, Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson), Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) and Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy) must join forces when Black Mask (guest star Peter Outerbridge) instigates chaos in the Gotham streets. Meanwhile, Alice’s attempt to rescue her sister means another encounter with Circe (guest star Wallis Day). In an epic standoff, unexpected alliances and transformations will upend Gotham as we know it. Holly Dale directed the episode written by Caroline Dries (#218). Original airdate 6/27/21. Every episode of BATWOMAN will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW All American – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “No Opp Left Behind” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    UNCERTAIN FUTURE – As Spencer’s (Daniel Ezra) high school football career is coming to an end, he starts to imagine what his future might look like. Jordan (Michael Evans Behling) grows concerned about his football future and Asher (Cody Christian) gets upset when he discovers that Montes (guest star Alexandra Barreto) has been keeping something from him. Grace (Karimah Westbrook) tries to have a nice evening after learning some good news, but Dillion (guest star Jalyn Hall) finds a way to mess it up. Meanwhile, the group holds a Friendsgiving at Layla’s (Greta Onieogou) but not everyone seems to receive a friendly welcome. Taye Diggs, Samantha Logan, Bre-Z, Chelsea Tavares and Monet Mazur also star. David McWhirter directed the episode written by Cam’ron Moore & Carrie Gutenberg. (#315). Original airdate 6/28/2021. Promo
  • The CW The Republic Of Sarah – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “The Lines Between Us” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    NOW AND THEN – When the governor of New Hampshire closes Greylock’s borders, Sarah (Stella Baker) calls on Bella (Landry Bender), Tyler (Forrest Goodluck), and Maya’s (Izabella Alvarez) spunky teenage energy to help her solve the problem. Corinne (Hope Lauren) pushes Danny (Luke Mitchell) to reveal a secret that he’s been keeping from everyone, including Sarah and Ellen (Megan Follows). Meanwhile, an extreme act from Grover (Ian Duff) reveals the depth of his struggles with the recent loss of a loved one. Nia Holloway also stars. Erica Dunton directed the episode written by Debra Fordham (#103). Original airdate 6/28/2021. Every episode of THE REPUBLIC OF SARAH will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
    “Enemy At the Gates” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    CHILLBLAINE IS RELEASED FROM PRISON – When an army of Godspeeds attack Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) must put their family plans on hold and focus on the latest threat to their home. Meanwhile, Chillblaine (guest star John Cor) is released from prison and claims to be reformed but Frost (Danielle Panabaker) has her doubts. Geoff Shotz directed the episode with story by Jason V. Gilbert and teleplay by Thomas Pound (#715). Original airdate 6/29/2021. Promo
  • The CW Kung Fu – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    “Choice” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DV) (HDTV)
    CHANGES – Nicky (Olivia Liang) offers to help Evan (Gavin Stenhouse) when the case he’s working on takes a turn. Ryan (Jon Prasida) decides to officially introduce Joe (guest star Bradley Gibson) as his boyfriend to his parents. Zhilan (guest star Yvonne Chapman) and Kerwin (guest star Ludi Lin) receive a surprise visitor. Tzi Ma, Kheng Hua Tan, Shannon Dang, Eddie Liu and Tony Chung also star. Richard Speight, Jr directed the episode written by Linda Ge & John Bring (#110). Original airdate 6/30/2021. Every episode of KUNG FU will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW In The Dark – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    “I Know What You Did Last Night” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLS) (HDTV)
    ON THE LAM – Murphy (Perry Mattfeld), Jess (Brooke Markham), Felix (Morgan Krantz) and Max (Casey Deidrick) begin a long and arduous journey as they attempt to stay one step ahead of Josh (Theo Bhat) and Clemens (Matt Murray.). Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour directed the episode written by Corinne Kingsbury and Yael Zinkow (#302). Original airdate 6/30/2021. Promo
    “Equal Justice for the Rich” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    LAURA LEIGHTON GUEST STARS – Fallon (Elizabeth Gillies) and Blake brainstorm ideas for the Fallon Unlimited IPO which leads to a meeting with Corinne Simon (guest star Laura Leighton), an SEC officer, and a figure from Liam’s (Adam Huber) past. Corinne shares some information that leaves Liam both confused and disappointed. Meanwhile, Jeff (Sam Adegoke) and Culhane’s (Robert C. Riley) friendly agreement becomes a fierce competition. Lastly, Alexis (Elaine Hendrix) and Dominique (Michael Michele) are seemingly nowhere to be found. Also starring Alan Dale, Sam Underwood, Rafael de la Fuente, Maddison Brown and Daniella Alonso. The episode was written by Bryce Schramm and directed by Melanie Mayron (#409). Original airdate 7/2/2021. Promo
  • Disney Bunk’d – Friday, July 2, 8:00PM Show More
    “Crushin’ It”
    When Gwen returns for a surprise visit to camp, Noah and Destiny hatch a plan to create dangerous situations for Gwen to fix, hoping it will compel her to stay. *Former cast member Scarlett Estevez guest stars as Gwen.
    TV-G Promo
  • Disney Gabby Duran & The Unsittables – Friday, July 2, 8:24PM Show More
    “Mimi From Miami”
    Gabby gets sucked into a game of one-upmanship when her friend Mimi from Miami visits to celebrate their shared birthday.
    TV-G Promo
  • Epix WAR OF THE WORLDS – Sunday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    Episode 4
    Catherine, Nathan and Sophia make their way to London, accompanied by Victor, a survivor encountered by chance. Along the way, the dangers multiply. Sacha’s feelings for Emily intensify and the young man’s behavior becomes more and more disturbing. Feeling particularly threatened, Bill is forced to flee. Promo
  • Epix DOMINA – Sunday, June 27, 10:00PM Show More
    Livia’s marriage to Gaius is compromised when she learns that she can’t bear him any children. Promo
  • FOX HOUSEBROKEN – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “HOUSEBROKEN” – (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Anna Faris Guest-Voices
    On the 4th of July, Honey loses herself in an epic game of frisbee with a new best friend, while Chief goes missing. Elsa has a crisis of confidence after she discovers her vest is phony, and The Gray One, Tabitha and Chico must battle a flock of hungry, horny seagulls in the all-new “Who’s Afraid of Boomsday?” episode of HOUSEBROKEN airing Monday, June 28 (9:01-9:31 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HBR-108) (TV-14 D, L, S)
    Guest Voice Cast: Bresha Webb as Nibbles; Greta Lee as Elsa’s Human; Maria Bamford as Jill/The Final Pixer; Dawnn Lewis Lauren/Gnarled Seagull; Anna Faris as Lil’ Bunny; Brian Tyre Henry as Elder Sea Lion; Tom Kenny as Crab
  • FOX DUNCANVILLE – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “DUNCANVILLE” – (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Author Stephen King Makes a Guest Appearance
    Jing and Jack start a child birthday band together and Annie takes on managing them. Meanwhile, Duncan and his friends try to raise money to buy a massage couch they tried out at the mall, by charging scooters in the all-new “That Jing You Do” episode of DUNCANVILLE airing Monday, June 28 (9:31-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DUN-205) (TV-14 D, L)
    Guest Voice Cast: Stephen King as Himself, James Adomian as Prisoner, Bjourn Dad, Parents; Natalie Palamides as Bradley, Lil’ Joey, Baby Jensen; John Viener as Man Junk Salesman, Locomotive Larry, Backpack Dad.
  • Freeform Motherland: Fort Salem – Tuesday, June 29, 10:00PM Show More
    The Unit begins War College, introducing them to their Coven and new challenges. Anacostia and Scylla find themselves unlikely partners in a dangerous mission. Tally mentors a new recruit. Promo
  • Freeform The Bold Type – Wednesday, June 30, 10:00PM Show More
    FINAL SEASON – “I Expect You to Have Adventures” – SERIES FINALE
    After a season of big changes and hard decisions, the future looks bright for the women of “The Bold Type” … but it’s always full of surprises. Jane, Kat and Sutton each face huge choices and evaluate their own paths. Promo
  • FX Mr Inbetween – Tuesday, June 29, 9:00PM Show More
    I’m Your Girl
    Everybody loves a road trip. Written by Scott Ryan; directed by Nash Edgerton. Promo
  • FXX DAVE – Wednesday, June 30, 10:00PM Show More
    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
    Dave meets NBA all-time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, but gaining his affection is not exactly a lay up. Written by Biniam Bizuneh and directed by Kitao Sakurai. Promo
  • Hallmark The Good Witch – Sunday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    The Magic
    As the Merriwicks delve into the images on Joy’s vision board, Cassie accompanies Sam on a trip to his childhood home to care for his sister. Promo
  • HBO In Treatment – Sunday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    Eladio – Week 6
    S4 E21 Eladio finally shakes a label that has plagued him, but struggles when an empathetic Brooke pushes him to envision the future and shake his self-imposed limitations.
  • HBO In Treatment – Sunday, June 27, 9:30PM Show More
    Colin – Week 6
    S4 E22 Brooke and Colin discuss the terms of their new working relationship after overcoming hurdles to progress, but Colin soon leaves Brooke staggered by his misguided beliefs.
  • HBO In Treatment – Monday, June 28, 9:00PM Show More
    Laila – Week 6 S4 E23 Rhonda arrives at Brooke’s home distraught over her granddaughter’s disappearance, but Brooke seizes the opportunity to illuminate how Rhonda’s unattainable expectations have marked Laila’s entire life.
  • HBO In Treatment – Monday, June 28, 9:30PM Show More
    Brooke – Week 6
    S4 E24 Brooke contemplates how startling revelations might impact her future with her son and inform her relationship with Adam in the wake of her much-needed self-analysis.
  • HBO BETTY – Friday, July 2, 11:00PM Show More
    “Sweet Tooth”
    Kirt (Nina Moran) enlists Shelby (Isabel Palma) on a mission. Honeybear (Moonbear) and Camille (Rachelle Vinberg) have second thoughts. Indigo (Ajani Russell) looks to make a buck by any means. Janay (Dede Lovelace) and Sylvester (Andrew Darnell) are kind of a thing?
    Written by Crystal Moselle & Rachelle Vinberg; Directed by Crystal Moselle 
  • HBO Max TOM AND JERRY IN NEW YORK – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    Hold on to your hats, New York! Legendary cartoon characters Tom and Jerry are moving their big chase to the Big Apple in the all-new original series Tom and Jerry in New York. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, this adventure comedy follows the iconic cat and mouse duo as they settle in to their new digs at the Royal Gate Hotel and unleash mayhem across the big city, inciting hilarious chaos uptown, downtown and everywhere their manic escapades take them. The show is slated to debut Thursday, July 1 on HBO Max. Promo
  • Lifetime PICTURE PERFECT LIES – Sunday, June 27, 8:00PM Show More
    Rachel Collins (Megan Elizabeth Barker) is thriving and about to celebrate her sweet sixteenth birthday. But when a shocking murder at her party unravels a dark web of lies in her family, Rachel questions everything she’s ever known. She’s determined to find out the truth, even if the answers could be deadly. Picture Perfect Lies also stars Laurie Fortier and Matthew Pohlkamp. The film is distributed by Reel One Entertainment. Promo
  • Lifetime A DATE WITH DANGER – Saturday, July 3, 8:00PM Show More
    Single mom Nikki is looking for a fresh start in a new town when she meets fellow single mom, Liz. They immediately hit it off, with Liz giving Nikki a job at her boutique. Nikki aspires to be as self-sufficient as Liz and takes all her advice, especially when Liz warns Nikki about Gavin, the local cafĂŠ shop owner whom Nikki has been dating. After Liz points out several questionable traits about Gavin, Nikki decides to take a pause on her relationship with him. But when Liz suddenly goes missing, it’s Gavin who supports Nikki through this ordeal. When Gavin starts to behave suspiciously, Nikki wonders if the man she’s fallen for is the same person who took Liz, determined to remove anyone from Nikki’s life who threatens their relationship. Stars Lara Jean Chorostecki, Jamie Spilchuk, Ipsita Paul (2021). Promo
    07/01/2021 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Thursday) : A frustrated Rio takes matters into his own hands. More complications arise as the strip club undertakes some trouble. Dean forges an unexpected alliance with Stan. TV-14 Promo
  • Netflix SOMOS – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    The lives of the people of Allende, a Mexican border town, are overtaken by a powerful cartel’s operations, leading to tragedy. Inspired by true events. Promo
  • Netflix YOUNG ROYALS – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated. Promo
  • Nickelodeon DANGER FORCE – Saturday, July 3, 8:00PM Show More
    Family Lies
    Ray must get Danger Force to take a picture with their parents in the school or be shut down; things get complicated when Chapa hires Jake Hart to be her fake father. Promo
  • Nickelodeon Young Dylan – Saturday, June 26, 8:30PM Show More
    A lucky guess in math class lands Dylan on the Mathlete squad, where his teammate, Rebecca, is worried that he will hurt their chances in the upcoming regional competition. Promo
  • PBS US – Sunday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    Episode 2
  • Searching for Albie in Venice, Douglas makes a new friend, Freja. Later, he lands in jail. Back in England, Connie wonders what’s going on. Promo
  • Showtime The Chi – Sunday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    Kiesha adjusts to life after birth. Papa tries to broker peace between Kevin and Jake. Jada struggles under the weight of her condition. Nina’s suspicion of Dre reaches a peak. Tiff and Dom get a business opportunity. Promo
  • Showtime Black Monday – Sunday, June 27, 10:00PM Show More
    The group is thrust (literally) back together in a black-site interrogation turned group-therapy session. Promo
  • Showtime FLATBUSH MISDEMEANORS – Sunday, June 27, 10:30PM Show More
    bad connection
    Dan and Kevin’s growing roommate tensions coincide with an ongoing fight between their new neighbors. Dan struggles to have much-needed Zoom therapy with his brutally honest therapist. Promo
  • Starz Run The World – Sunday, June 27, 8:30PM Show More
    My Therapist Says…
    Whitney, Sondi, Ella and Renee sit through a therapy session with a therapist from the upper-west side who has a reputation for being blunt and savvy. Promo
  • Starz BLINDSPOTTING – Sunday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    The Rule of Three
    With his dad gone, Sean is beginning to spiral out. When a tough parenting moment is upon Ashley, Rainey and the Turner family try to introduce her to the “Rule of Three”. Trish has a really, really bad day. Promo
  • Starz LITTLE BIRDS – Sunday, June 27, 10:00PM Show More
    Episode 4
    After her discovery about Hugo and Adham, Lucy decamps to the home of the Contessa Mandrax, where she is consoled by Lili. Promo
  • TBS American Dad – Monday, June 28, 10:00 p.m. ET/PT Show More
    “Hot Scoomp”
    Hayley searches for guidance and instead finds a community of ‘cool butts.’ Promo
  • UpTV A WHIRLWIND WEDDING – Sunday, June 27, 7:00PM Show More
    Darcy, a talented event planner returns to her home town to plan her mother’s wedding. She’s having trouble accepting her stepfather-to-be and quickly Darcy’s obsession with perfection begins to clash with her mother’s wishes for a low-key celebration – especially when it comes to handsome and charming Kyle, the chef Darcy deems inadequate for catering the event. But as complications arise – both personal and professional – it’s Kyle who is able to help her pull off the big day and help her find the love she’s been looking for… Promo



  • ABC Celebrity Family Feud: JoJo Siwa vs. The D’Amelio Family and Ross Mathews vs. Loni Love (6/27) Show More
    “JoJo Siwa vs. The D’Amelio Family and Ross Mathews vs. Loni Love” – It’s a clash of the pop-culture stars when dancer JoJo Siwa and her family compete against viral social media stars the D’Amelio family to win money for their respective charities. The next hilarious game features comedian and television host Loni Love when she takes on television personality Ross Mathews and his family on “Celebrity Family Feud,” airing SUNDAY, JUNE 27 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, L)
  • ABC The Chase: I Don’t Think We’ve Seen Anything Like That Before (6/27) Show More
    “I Don’t Think We’ve Seen Anything Like That Before” – Brad “The Buzzsaw” Rutter takes his first turn as The Chaser in this race against the clock quiz show. Do three new players beat the chaser or get caught? “The Chase” airs SUNDAY, JUNE 27 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG)
  • ABC To Tell The Truth: 617 (Brad Garrett, Michael Ealy and Jeannie Mai) (6/27) Show More
    “617 (Brad Garrett, Michael Ealy and Jeannie Mai)” – Brad Garrett, Michael Ealy and Jeannie Mai make up the celebrity panel on “To Tell the Truth,” airing SUNDAY, JUNE 27 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. This episode is flush with laughs among this group, including a 3D chalk artist, an heir hunter, a pickle man, a professional belly dancer and a person who got their hand stuck in a toilet
    “1704” – A group date of Truth or Dare seems to be all fun and games until the night takes a serious turn and the men find themselves contemplating telling Katie a slimy secret they’ve uncovered. Later, Tayshia surprises Katie with a revelation about someone from her past and the men band together to tell the truth, leaving one suitor to fend for and defend himself. Tired of questioning who is here for the right reasons, our strong-willed Bachelorette takes a stand like we’ve never seen before to ensure the house is filled with good vibes only. It’s a rollercoaster of a week, to say the least, on an all-new “The Bachelorette,” MONDAY, JUNE 28 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
  • ABC The Celebrity Dating Game: Taye Diggs and Demi Burnett (6/28) Show More
    “Taye Diggs and Demi Burnett” – Star onstage and on screen, Taye Diggs challenges contestants to describe the word “love” without using the word “love” while Michael Bolton sings a clever rendition of “You Are So Beautiful.” Meanwhile, “Bachelor in Paradise” television personality Demi Burnett is looking for a loving companion no matter their gender. Demi tries to get to know the contestants by asking them what the sentence at the top of their dating profile would be. Michael Bolton sings “I’ll Stand By You” to help the contestants predict Demi’s identity on “The Celebrity Dating Game” airing MONDAY, JUNE 28 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
  • ABC Press Your Luck: 2nd Annual 4th of July Spectacular (6/30) Show More
    “2nd Annual 4th of July Spectacular” – Host Elizabeth Banks is back to help contestants try to win those BIG BUCKS on “Press Your Luck,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. The stakes have never been higher as contestants try to avoid the iconic and devilish WHAMMY for a chance at life-changing cash and prizes. In the spirit of the holiday, Banks is joined by essential workers Natalie Shore (hometown: Lexington, Kentucky), Kristopher Hull (hometown: Santa Ana, California) and Anu Iwanefun (hometown: Escondido, California). (TV-PG, L)
  • ABC The $100,000 Pyramid: Lorraine Bracco vs Ralph Macchio and Rosie O’Donnell vs Paige Davis (6/30) Show More
    “Lorraine Bracco vs Ralph Macchio and Rosie O’Donnell vs Paige Davis” – It’s a new night of “The $100,000 Pyramid.” This week, Lorraine Bracco (“The Sopranos”) faces off against Ralph Macchio (“Cobra Kai”) followed by actress and comedian Rosie O’Donnell and Paige Davis (“Trading Spaces”) on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
    “209” – Host Joel McHale is joined by contestants Christina Hong (hometown: Chicago, Illinois) and Skyler Ehorn (hometown: Temecula, California), in addition to Husan Thompson (hometown: Los Angeles, California) and Kel Lee Nowak (hometown: Mission Viejo, California), on an all-new episode of “Card Sharks,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, D)
  • ABC When Nature Calls with Helen Mirren: Sup (7/1) Show More
    “Sup” – Helen Mirren narrates a documentary examination of the animal kingdom, featuring a field mouse who is killing it with NFTs, a divorced bear gym teacher whose students have heard gossip about his private life, a dragonfly movie star who can’t take direction and a beetle named Tony with anger management issues, on a new episode of “When Nature Calls with Helen Mirren,” THURSDAY, JULY 1 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, DL)
  • ABC Holey Moley 3D in 2D: Earth, Wind, Fire, Donuts (7/1) Show More
    “Earth, Wind, Fire, Donuts” – It’s a night of dinosaur-sized fun on an all-new episode of “Holey Moley 3D in 2D,” airing THURSDAY, JULY 1 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, D) This week, golfers face three all-new, more-ridiculous-than-ever holes; they’ll go prehistoric on Putt-A-Saurus, flip for Parcade and get the munchies on Donut Hole. Later, those who succeed will have a fiery faceoff on Dutch Courage En Fuego and joust their way to victory on King Parthur’s Court. In the end, only one competitor will clean up on Hole Number Two, receive the iconic “Holey Moley” plaid jacket and golden putter, and return to the course in the season finale to compete for the $250,000 prize.
  • ABC The Hustler: Pick the Weird Stuff (7/1) Show More
    “Pick the Weird Stuff” – This week on “The Hustler,” five new competitors join host Craig Ferguson in this mind-bending and enigmatic game show where Ivy League schools and truffles are clues to discovering the identity of The Hustler, THURSDAY, JULY 1 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
  • ABC Emergency Call: SEASON FINALE – Cliffhanger (7/2) Show More
    “Cliffhanger” – 911 call takers receive gripping phone calls involving domestic disputes in Austin, Texas, and Ogden, Utah; a motorcycle flying off a ramp in Waukesha, Wisconsin; a New Orleans, Louisiana, man found unconscious after a possible drug overdose; and climbers in Wasilla, Alaska, stranded on a mountain cliff on the season finale of “Emergency Call,” airing FRIDAY, JULY 2 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, L)
    20/20 Airing Friday, July 2, 2021 (9:01 PM-11:00 PM EST) on ABC. ‘20/20’ Reports on Cary Stayner, the Yosemite Serial Killer, Over 20 Years After Reign of Terror
    Features Interviews With FBI Agents Who Took Cary’s Confession and an Intended Victim Cary Described in His Confession
    “20/20” features an interview with former FBI Agent Jeff Rinek, who took Cary Stayner’s shocking confession.
    Cary Stayner made headlines in 1999 after he terrorized Yosemite National Park, murdering four women within six months. “20/20” dives into Cary’s past, the horror that he inflicted and features interviews with former FBI agents Jeff Rinek and John Boles, who together took Cary’s shocking confession and with Lenna, one of Cary’s original intended victims he described in his confession. “20/20” also reports the chilling story about Cary’s younger brother Steven, who was kidnapped as a child and escaped after seven years in captivity, and how it may have impacted Cary’s behavior. It also includes audio of Cary’s confession and footage from the ABC News archives. “20/20” airs on Friday, July 2 (9:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (Rebroadcast. ABC OAD: 1/25/19)
    ABC News’ “20/20” is an award-winning primetime program anchored by David Muir and Amy Robach. A proven leader as a long-form newsmagazine for over 40 years, “20/20” features unforgettable, character-driven true-crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. The two-hour “20/20” events air Fridays from 9:01–11:00 p.m. EDT on ABC and are available to stream on ABC News digital platforms and Hulu. David Sloan is senior executive producer, and Janice Johnston is executive producer.
    *COPYRIGHT Š2021 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of New York City – Tuesday, June 29, 8:00PM Show More
    A Harlem Night Promo Eboni hosts the ladies for an educational night in Harlem where Ramona introduces the group to her friend Bershan. Luann bonds with her daughter over their sobriety while Leah stresses over her daughter’s upcoming high school experience. And, over cocktails at Ramona’s apartment, Eboni and Ramona’s friendship gets put to the test.
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – Wednesday, June 30, 8:00PM Show More
    Defining Women
    With rumors swirling about her divorce, Erika reveals new details about why she left her husband. A group outing on the town goes up in flames when Kathy unintentionally reignites a dying spark. Meanwhile, Lisa Rinna confronts tabloid rumors of her own, Dorit adds a special piece of art to her collection, and Garcelle’s son has strong thoughts about her love life. Preview
  • CBS SUPERSTAR RACING EXPERIENCE – Saturday, July 3 Show More
    Airing 7/3/21 (Sa.) 8:00 PM on the CBS Television Network. Lucas Oil Raceway (Indianapolis, Ind.)
  • FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT – Sunday, June 27 Show More
    **FOX SPORTS SPECIAL**–“FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT”-(8:00 PM-CC ET Live/5:00 PM-CC PT Live) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    FOX PBC FIGHT NIGHT airs Sunday, June 27 (8:00 PM-CC ET Live/5:00 PM-CC PT Live) on FOX. (FSP-2162) (n/a)
  • FOX HELL’S KITCHEN – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “HELL’S KITCHEN” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    After a big shakeup during the last elimination, both teams must work together to decipher recipes written in emojis. Later, one team has its best dinner service performance yet, while the other team struggles to find its groove in the all-new “Young Guns: Stirring the Pot” episode of HELL’S KITCHEN airing Monday, June 28 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HK-2005) (TV-14 D, L)
    **FOX SPECIAL**–“TMZ INVESTIGATES: UFOs: THE PENTAGON PROOF” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    As the U.S. government prepares to release the first-ever declassified UFO report later this month, TMZ talks to the driving forces who made this officially sanctioned intelligence a reality. The special will cut through any suspicions that could arise following the Pentagon’s UFO report, focusing on a government cover-up and the retaliation that pilots, scientists, Pentagon officials and others suffered by pressing for the truth. The investigation asks if the government report tells the real story, and if it doesn’t, where to go from there to get to the bottom of those critical, unanswered questions. The all-new one-hour special TMZ INVESTIGATES: UFOs: THE PENTAGON PROOF airs Tuesday, June 29 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SP-2119) (TV-TBD)
  • FOX MENTAL SAMURAI – Tuesday, June 29 Show More
    “MENTAL SAMURAI” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Host Rob Lowe welcomes contestants including a restaurateur, a librarian, a new father, an engineer and a mammal trainer, one of whom may defeat the Circle of Samurai and win over $100,000 in the all-new “Episode 207” episodes of MENTAL SAMURAI airing Tuesday, June 29 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MLS-207) (TV-PG L)
  • FOX MASTERCHEF – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    “MASTERCHEF” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Sherry Yard Joins as Guest Judge
    One of the world’s most influential pastry chefs, Sherry Yard, visits the MASTERCHEF kitchen. With elimination on the line, this dessert challenge puts the spotlight on the home cooks’ baking skills for the first time in the all-new “Legends: Sherry Yard – Dessert Challenge” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Wednesday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MCH-1105) (TV-14 D, L)
  • FOX CRIME SCENE KITCHEN – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    “CRIME SCENE KITCHEN” – (9:02-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    AarĂłn SĂĄnchez Guest-Judges
    The bakers head back into the kitchen to take on a new delicious challenge. The best dessert detectives will continue on in the competition and the duo that falls short will head home in the all-new “Red, White and Clue” episode of CRIME SCENE KITCHEN airing Wednesday, June 30 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CSK-106) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX BEAT SHAZAM – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “BEAT SHAZAM” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Host Jamie Foxx and series deejay Corinne Foxx are joined by Olympic athletes, best friends and a mother-daughter team, as they compete for a life-changing fortune! BEAT SHAZAM is the unique and interactive game show that pits teams of two against the clock and each other as they try to identify the biggest hit songs of all time. In the end, the team with the highest score will outlast the competition and go against Shazam, the world’s most popular song identification app, for the chance to win up to one million dollars on FOX. See who can guess the song to win big in the all-new “Going for the Gold!” episode of BEAT SHAZAM airing Thursday, July 1 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BSH-409) (TV-PG D, L)
  • FOX WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – Friday, July 2 Show More
    WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    A unique combination of edge-of-your-seat action, unpredictable drama and world-class athleticism, FOX Sports presents WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN airing Friday, July 2 (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on FOX. (WWE-2327) (TV-PG D, L, S, V)
  • FOX SPORTS SPECIAL – Saturday, July 3 Show More
    **FOX SPORTS SPECIAL** – “FOX MLB” – (7:00 PM-CC ET live/4:00 PM-CC PT live) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    FOX MLB continues its regionalized baseball broadcasts with three exciting matchups: Los Angeles Dodgers at Washington Nationals (Nationals Park, Washington, D.C.), Houston Astros at Cleveland Indians (Progressive Field, Cleveland, OH) and Boston Red Sox at Oakland Athletics (Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, CA). Don’t miss FOX MLB airing Saturday, July 3 (7:00 PM-CC ET live/4:00 PM-CC PT live) on FOX. (FSP-2201) (n/a)
    06/27/2021 (07:00PM – 08:30PM) (Sunday) : Track and Field: Day 8. Track-and-field finals on Day 8 in Eugene, Ore., include women’s 400m hurdles, 800m and heptathlon; and men’s 200m, 1500m, high jump and long jump. From Hayward Field. The top three in each event make Team USA for the Tokyo Games (provided they’ve achieved the Olympic standard).
    06/27/2021 (08:30PM – 11:00PM) (Sunday) : Gymnastics: Women’s Finals. Finals of women’s gymnastics. From The Dome at America’s Center in St. Louis, Mo.
    06/28/2021 (08:00PM – 10:01PM) (Monday) : The Qualifiers continue at the Tacoma Dome with a new generation of ninjas taking on the course. For the first time, competitors as young as 15 compete and will face up to six challenging obstacles, including new obstacle Double Down in addition to the iconic Warped Wall. TV-PG
    06/28/2021 (10:01PM – 11:00PM) (Monday) : TV-PG – First responders Rose, Simeon and Aaron, who serve on the front lines with nerves of steel, take on the pressure of tiny games; if they win big, they plan to donate money to Rose’s home country, Haiti, for disaster relief.
    06/29/2021 (08:00PM – 10:01PM) (Tuesday) : The auditions continue with creator and executive producer Simon Cowell at the judges’ table along with Howie Mandel, Sofia Vergara, and host Terry Crews. A variety of acts and contestants of all ages audition for the chance to win the $1 million prize. The Golden Buzzer is still in play and could send select lucky acts directly to the live shows to compete for America’s vote. TV-PG
    06/29/2021 (10:01PM – 11:00PM) (Tuesday) : Some of the nation’s greatest collegiate rivalries compete in the ultimate battle of the brains and put their knowledge to the test to vie for academic scholarships. Hosted by NFL legend Peyton Manning, with his brother Cooper Manning serving as sidekick, the qualifying rounds continue with Mississippi challenging Tennessee and Morehouse College taking on Columbia University. TV-PG
    07/01/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) : Nick and Amy embrace the theme of sharing as the Makers create a dozen unique cookies for a cookie swap, transforming various types one can buy at the grocery store. The sharing continues as the Makers create a lending library themed to something they would want to share with their own neighborhood. TV-PG
    7/2/21 (Fr.) 8:00 PM – Stanley Cup Finals: Game #3 – Tampa Bay at Montreal
    07/03/2021 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Saturday) : DATELINE NBC TO AIR “CIRCLE OF FRIENDS”
    THE STORY: High school graduates Erika, Pedro and Christian are about to embark on a new beginning as they head off to college. But when one friend decides to stay close to home, he surprises them all with a last minute decision.
    REPORTED BY: Dennis Murphy WHERE: Gainesville, Florida
    INTERVIEWS WITH: Christian’s friend Erika Friman, Christian’s parents Carlos and Claudia Aguilar, and more.
    Dateline NBC is the longest-running series in NBC primetime history and is in its 29th season. Dateline is anchored by Lester Holt and features correspondents Andrea Canning, Josh Mankiewicz, Natalie Morales, Keith Morrison and Dennis Murphy.
  • TBS Full Frontal With Samantha Bee – Wednesday, June 30, 10:30PM Show More
  • TBS The Cube – Thursday, June 24, 9pm ET/PT Show More
    50-Thousand-Dollar Finger
    Dwyane Wade welcomes siblings Kelsey & Jared into The Cube. Do they have what it takes to defeat the Cube for a chance to win $250,000, or will they crash out once they learn that these simple tasks are epic challenges?
  • USA Network WWE RAW – Monday, June 28, 8:00PM Show More
    06/28/21 – Info from cagesideseats.com: Raw airs tonight (June 28) live from the ThunderDome in the Yuengling Center in Tampa, Florida. This is the second Raw episode during the four week build towards the upcoming Money in the Bank 2021 event on July 18.
    Drew McIntyre always gets another chance
    Drew McIntyre cannot challenge Bobby Lashley for the WWE championship again due to his loss against the All Mighty champ at Hell in a Cell.
    That stipulation wasn’t enough to take Drew completely out of the WWE championship picture, however. He wrestled on Raw the very next night in a Money in the Bank qualifying match. The Money in the Bank briefcase is, of course, a one-way ticket to becoming the next WWE or Universal champion. In Drew’s case, if he wins the briefcase, he will have to wait for someone else to dethrone Bob before he can cash in on the WWE champion.
    It turned out to be a moot point because Drew also blew that opportunity by losing the qualifying match against Matt Riddle. More
  • USA Network WWE NXT – Tuesday, June 29, 8:00PM Show More
    06/29/21 – From wrestlinginc.com: WWE NXT Preview For Tonight: Great American Bash Go-Home Show, Mixed Tag Match, More
    Tonight’s WWE NXT episode on the USA Network will be the go-home show for next Tuesday’s Great American Bash special.
    WWE has announced a Triple Threat for tonight’s show with the winners earning a title shot from NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions The Way on next week’s show. The teams for tonight’s Triple Threat are Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart, Io Shirai and Zoey Stark, Dakota Kai and NXT Women’s Champion Raquel Gonzalez.
    NXT will also feature mixed tag team action tonight as Tian Sha’s Xia Li and Boa go up against Jake Atlas and Mercedes Martinez.



  • ABC America’s Funniest Home Videos: 3113 (6/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 2/28/21) Show More
    “3113” – Catch kids blaming others for the messes they’ve made, including a little boy who blames a ghost for ripping upholstery; snoring dogs; a birthday boy who gets pranked by biting into a chocolate covered raw egg; and families failing at the Whipped Cream Challenge, on “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” SUNDAY, JUNE 27 (7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG)
  • ABC The Goldbergs: Bevy’s Big Murder Mystery Party (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/13/21) Show More
    “Bevy’s Big Murder Mystery Party” – Inspired by his obsession, Adam helps Beverly plan a murder mystery party for the family. Meanwhile, Erica, tasked with declaring her major, bumps up against Barry’s cockiness as she considers going the pre-med route on “The Goldbergs,” TUESDAY, JUNE 29 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/13/21)
    Guest starring is David Koechner as Bill, Tim Meadows as Mr. Glascott, Stephen Guarino as Dean Dean, Jessica St. Clair as Dolores, Jennifer Irwin as Virginia Kremp, Stephanie Courtney as Essie Karp, Mindy Sterling as Linda Schwartz and Ken Lerner as Lou Schwartz.
    “Bevy’s Big Murder Mystery Party” was written by Aaron Kaczander and directed by Lew Schneider. Promo
  • ABC Home Economics: Opus Cabernet, 2015, $500 (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/19/21) Show More
    “Opus Cabernet, 2015, $500” – The family gathers to try and celebrate their parents’ anniversary without spoiling it – like every other year. However, after everyone learns what Tom’s new novel is about, the celebration may just be the worst one yet on “Home Economics,” TUESDAY, JUNE 29 (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/19/21)
    Guest starring is Lidia Porto as Lupe, Nora Dunn as Muriel and Phil Reeves as Marshall.
    “Opus Cabernet, 2015, $500” was written by Ashly Perez and directed by Rebecca Asher. Promo
  • ABC The Conners: Protest, Drug Test and One Leaves the Nest (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 12/02/20) Show More
    “Protest, Drug Test and One Leaves the Nest” – Harris’ job is in jeopardy after joining a protest she strongly believes in, leading to tense discussions within the family. Jackie makes a visit to Wellman Plastics only to realize the company is instituting supervised drug testing, inspiring Becky to lead her own protest on “The Conners,” TUESDAY, JUNE 29 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 12/02/20)
    Guest starring is Katey Sagal as Louise, Alexandra Billings as Robin and Evelina Fernandez as Juanita.
    “Protest, Drug Test and One Leaves the Nest” was written by Debby Wolfe and directed by Lynda Tarryk. Promo
  • ABC black-ish: Age Against The Machine (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 11/4/20) Show More
    “Age Against The Machine” – Dre and Junior butt heads over the most effective way to protest in the age of social media. Meanwhile, Jack grows jealous as Diane starts to hang out with the older kids at school on “black-ish,” TUESDAY, JUNE 29 (9:30–10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 11/4/20)
    “Age Against The Machine” was written by Esa Lewis and directed by Fred Savage. Promo
  • ABC To Tell the Truth: ’Weird Al’ Yankovic, Rob Riggle, Jesse Williams and Sherri Shepherd (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 8/11/19) Show More
    “’Weird Al’ Yankovic, Rob Riggle, Jesse Williams and Sherri Shepherd” – “Weird Al” Yankovic, Rob Riggle, Jesse Williams and Sherri Shepherd make up the celebrity panel on “To Tell the Truth,” airing TUESDAY, JUNE 29 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) The panel is presented with a variety of participants with interesting stories, from the Rubik’s Cube foot-solving record-holder to a vocal coach for the stars and a husband-calling champion. Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 8/11/19)
  • ABC America’s Funniest Home Videos: 3114 (7/3) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/7/21) Show More
    “3114” – A mom discovers her little girl smeared her entire head with vegetable dip, a pet bird won’t leave a kid alone during remote learning and parents use fake fart spray to prank their kids on a car trip on “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” SATURDAY, JULY 3 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/7/21)
  • ABC Shark Tank: 1217 (7/3) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/5/21) Show More
    “1217” – A chef from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shakes it up when he introduces his convenient way to eat healthier meals while empowering everyone to better the planet. An entrepreneur from Lewes, Delaware, tries to secure the dough necessary to expand her line of stress-relief tools. A pair of entrepreneurs from Holstein, Iowa, get the party going with their innovative apparel that keeps your drinks cool and your hands free; while an entrepreneur from Rochester, Minnesota, shares her no-fuss solution to keeping babies busy and entertained, on “Shark Tank,” SATURDAY, JULY 3 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/5/21)
    In a “Shark Tank” update, season 10 entrepreneur Noel Durity updates us on how he and his San Diego, California-based hairstyling company, Twist It Up, did a nationwide road trip to combat illegal knockoffs imitating his special comb, while also managing to grow his company with some help from his investor Mark Cuban.
    The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec and Daymond John.
  • ABC The Good Doctor: Spilled Milk (7/3) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/29/21) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/22/21) Show More
    “Spilled Milk” – Claire is blindsided when her absentee father shows up at her door. Meanwhile, Shaun feels disconnected from Lea, causing tension in their relationship on “The Good Doctor,” SATURDAY, JULY 3 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14) Episodes can also be viewed on demand and on Hulu. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 3/29/21)
    Guest starring is Marcuis Harris as Miles Browne, Jasmine Vega as Maya Flores, Michael Hsu Rosen as Leo Chen, Noah Galvin as Dr. Asher Wolke and Bria Samone Henderson as Dr. Jordan Allen.
    “Spilled Milk” was written by Tracy Taylor and Jessica Grasi, and directed by Sarah Wayne Callies. Promo
  • CBS 60 MINUTES – Sunday, June 27 Show More
    6/27/21 (Su.)(7:00 PM) on CBS – “Targeting Americans” From September 1, 2019 Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government – Is an invisible weapon targeting U.S. diplomats? How do you report on an attack that you can’t see? 60 Minutes producers say they approached it with skepticism More info Preview
    “The Nuremberg Prosecutor” From June 20, 2019 What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know – At 99, Ben Ferencz is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive and he has a far-reaching message for today’s world More info  Preview
    “Nancy Pelosi” From January 11, 2021 Nancy Pelosi on the riot at the Capitol, Congress’ mandate under Joe Biden and the youth in the Democratic party.  Days after her own office was ransacked by Trump supporters, the speaker of the House talks to Lesley Stahl about what she experienced that day and more. More info Preview
  • CBS THE EQUALIZER – Sunday, June 27 Show More
    “True Believer” – McCall races to help a concerned wife locate her husband before he helps an extremist group carry out an imminent bombing in the city. Also, McCall worries that her anonymity will be compromised when Delilah asks her to participate in a mother/daughter social media video, on THE EQUALIZER, Sunday, June 27 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 5/16/21)
    BASED ON: The original series by Richard Lindheim & Michael Sloan
    DIRECTED BY: Laura Belsey Promo
    Episode Directed by Series Star Daniela Ruah
    Gerald McRaney Returns as Admiral Kilbride
    “Russia, Russia, Russia” – When Callen goes to the National Counterterrorism Center on the pretext of interrogating a Russian asset from the crashed plane case he investigated months earlier, the tables are turned and he is detained, accused of being a Russian agent, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, June 27 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Episode is directed by series star Daniela Ruah. Gerald McRaney returns as Admiral Kilbride. (OAD 2/21/21)
    WRITTEN BY: R. Scott Gemmill
    DIRECTED BY: Daniela Ruah Promo
    “Choices” –The team investigates the deadly bar bombing and impending criminal turf war involving Sasha Broussard. Also, while Pride must come to terms with having Connor in his life, Carter and Hannah work to define their new relationship, on “NCIS: NEW ORLEANS,” Sunday, June 27 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 5/2/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Chad Gomez Creasey & Christopher Silber
    DIRECTED BY: Lionel Coleman Promo
  • CBS THE NEIGHBORHOOD – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “Mad Men” Alum Michael Gladis Guest Stars as Dr. Fisher
    “Welcome to the Procedure” – When Dave discovers Calvin hasn’t seen a physician in nearly a decade, he insists the Butler patriarch schedule a physical stat. But Calvin gets more than he bargained for when Dr. Fisher (Michael Gladis, “Mad Men” alum and series star Beth Behrs’ husband) insists he undergo a routine colonoscopy, on THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Monday, June 28 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 2/22/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Don D. Scott
    DIRECTED BY: Ron Moseley Promo
  • CBS BOB ♥ ABISHOLA – Monday, June 28 Show More
    “The Cheerleader Leader” – After Tayo forbids Dele from dancing, Abishola enlists Bob’s help in talking to Dele about his feelings, on BOB ♥ ABISHOLA, Monday, June 28 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 2/22/21)
    STORY BY: Al Higgins, Gina Yashere and Marla DuMont
    TELEPLAY BY: Matt Ross, Nathan Chetty and Ibet Inyang
    DIRECTED BY: Beth McCarthy-Miller Promo
    “Illusions” – As Pride directs the team to link Sasha to the recent attacks in New Orleans, he must help Connor come to terms with who his mother really is. Also, Carter and Tammy search for a stolen highly trained military dog, and Pride and Rita make an important decision about their wedding, on NCIS: NEW ORLEANS, Monday, June 28 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 5/9/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Stephanie SenGupta and Megan Bacharach
    DIRECTED BY: Rob Greenlea Promo
    100th Episode Directed by Emmy Award Winner Joe Morton
    “The Law of the Jungle” – Bull is hired to help a woman determined to go against legal advice when she insists on pleading guilty to the murder of a wealthy philanthropist who preyed on her a teenager, on the 100th episode of BULL, Monday, June 28 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. 100th episode directed by Emmy Award winner Joe Morton. (OAD 4/26/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Marissa Matteo
    DIRECTED BY: Joe Morton Promo
    Joe Spano Guest Stars as Tobias Fornell
    “Sturgeon Season” – Gibbs and Fornell (Joe Spano) attempt to track down the leader of a drug ring who supplied drugs to Fornell’s daughter. Also, the team deals with the case of a missing cadaver from the NCIS autopsy room, on a rebroadcast of the 18th season premiere of NCIS, Tuesday, June 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/17/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Scott Williams
    DIRECTED BY: Michael Zinberg Promo
    Guest Stars Include David Zayas as Cartel Leader Antonio Vargas and
    Ben Shenkman as FBI Assistant Director in Charge Reynolds
    “Liar’s Poker” – When the leader of a drug cartel and one of the world’s most wanted men, Antonio Vargas (guest star David Zayas), is apprehended by the team, the entire FBI headquarters is put at risk when his henchmen unveil a terroristic threat to free him. During the turmoil, Isobel must make the difficult decision whether to sacrifice her conscience or her career, on a rebroadcast of FBI, Tuesday, June 29 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Ben Shenkman guest stars as FBI Assistant Director in Charge Reynolds. (Originally broadcast 12/8/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Joe Halpin
    DIRECTED BY: Alex Chapple Promo
  • CBS FBI: MOST WANTED – Tuesday, June 29 Show More
    “Obstruction” – After a double murder takes place in a small town, the team goes after the vigilante who relies on internet sleuths to exact revenge on suspects in the name of justice. Also, Jess and Sarah’s relationship continues to grow, but not everyone approves, on FBI: MOST WANTED, Tuesday, June 29 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 4/27/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Melissa Scrivner Love
    DIRECTED BY: Ken Girotti Promo
  • CBS THE PRICE IS RIGHT AT NIGHT – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    6/30/21 (We.) 8:00 PM CBS – The Price Is Right at Night (Rebroadcast) – Lilly Singh plays for “Room to Read,” a non-profit that helps kids in low-income communities become independent readers and supports girls to complete school with the skills and confidence to follow their dreams.
  • CBS S.W.A.T. – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    “Memento Mori” – The SWAT team searches for a rogue member of an extremist group planning to attack the memorial service of a famous musician who was outspoken about police brutality. Also, tension mounts between Hondo and Leroy (Michael Beach), Darryl’s (Deshae Frost) father, when Leroy is released from prison early, on a rebroadcast of S.W.A.T., Wednesday, June 30 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/25/20.)
    DIRECTED BY: Douglas Aarniokoski Promo
  • CBS S.W.A.T. – Wednesday, June 30 Show More
    “Fracture” – Hondo is conflicted when the mayor asks him to be the public face of a new outreach campaign meant to improve the LAPD’s stature within the Black community. Also, the team’s search for a lone bomber reminds Tan of a difficult chapter in his childhood, and Chris pushes herself even further to surpass Street and Tan in a SWAT leadership competition, on a rebroadcast of S.W.A.T., Wednesday, June 30 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 12/2/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Munis Rashid
    DIRECTED BY: Oz Scott Promo
  • CBS YOUNG SHELDON – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “Graduation” – After graduating high school, Sheldon has a breakdown when he realizes he may not be ready for college. Also, Dale tries to make amends with Meemaw, on a rebroadcast of the fourth season premiere of YOUNG SHELDON, Thursday, July 1 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/5/20.)
    STORY BY: Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
    TELEPLAY BY: Steve Molaro & Steve Holland & Tara Hernandez
    DIRECTED BY: Jaffar Mahmood Promo
  • CBS UNITED STATES OF AL – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    Riki Lindhome Guest Stars as Chloe, a Persuasive Car Salesperson
    “Car/Motar” – After Al and Riley negotiate a deal for Al’s new car, they learn the hard way that they are not adept at finances and contracts, on a rebroadcast of UNITED STATES OF AL, Thursday, July 1 (8:31-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Riki Lindhome guest stars as Chloe, a persuasive car salesperson Riley and Al meet at the dealership.
    STORY BY: Hila Hamidi, Chuck Lorre, Habib Zahori
    TELEPLAY BY: Maria Ferrari, Dave Goetsch, Andy Gordon
    DIRECTED BY: Nikki Lorre Promo
    “S’mores and a Sadness Cocoon” – Bonnie is upset when Adam makes a big ticket purchase without consulting her. Also, Jill has an unexpected reaction when her dentist retires, on a rebroadcast of MOM, Thursday, July 1 (9:01-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
    STORY BY: Gemma Baker, Ilana Wernick and Chandra Thomas
    TELEPLAY BY: Warren Bell, Alissa Neubauer and Adam Chase
    DIRECTED BY: James Widdoes Promo
  • CBS B POSITIVE – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “Phantom Limb” – After missing Maddie’s soccer game due to dialysis, a depressed Drew begins to question if all his sacrifices are worth it, on a rebroadcast of B POSITIVE, Thursday, July 1 (9:31-10:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 2/11/2021.)
    STORY BY: Bob Daily, Michelle Nader and Dan O’Shannon
    TELEPLAY BY: Jim Patterson, Alexa Junge and Heide Perlman
    DIRECTED BY: Scott Ellis Promo
    “Under the Influence” – Chunk does his daughter, Anna (Jazzy Kae), a favor and convinces Bull to represent a teenager on trial robbery, a defendant who faces an uphill battle in court when he refuses to name his accomplice. Also, Chunk is suspicious of Anna’s older boyfriend who’s a writer with the financial resources to pay the legal fees for TAC’s teen client, and Taylor’s forced to lean on her ex-husband’s girlfriend as childcare for her son when the trial has her working around the clock, on BULL, Thursday, July 1 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 5/3/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Nichole Millard & Kathryn Price
    DIRECTED BY: Geary McLeod Promo
  • CBS MAGNUM P.I. – Friday, July 2 Show More
    “Easy Money” — Higgins job to repo a plane goes south when she and Magnum discover that it was being used by a drug cartel who opens fire at the plane, forcing them to crash land in the jungle where they find a stowaway on board with a target on his back. Also, Higgins has her first date with Dr. Ethan Shah, on a rebroadcast of MAGNUM P.I., Friday, July 2 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 12/11/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: David Wolkove
    DIRECTED BY: Bryan Spicer Promo
  • CBS BLUE BLOODS – Friday, July 2 Show More
    Whoopi Goldberg Returns as City Council Speaker Regina Thomas
    Will Hochman Guest Stars as Joe Hill, Jamie’s Nephew
    “Triumph Over Trauma” – Amidst a shifting political climate, Frank goes head to head with City Council Speaker Regina Thomas (Whoopi Goldberg) over protests against police brutality. Also, Jamie and his nephew Joe Hill (Will Hochman) work together to locate Danny and Baez when they go missing while searching for a killer, and Eddie steps up to help an abrasive woman find her father’s body after it was misplaced during the outset of the pandemic, on a rebroadcast of the 11th season premiere of BLUE BLOODS, Friday, July 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 12/4/20.)
    WRITTEN BY: Siobhan Byrne O’Connor
    DIRECTED BY: David Barrett Promo
  • CBS BLUE BLOODS – Friday, July 2 Show More
    “The New You” – Frank and the Deputy Commisioner of Press Information, Garrett Moore (Gregory Jbara), quarrel when Garrett refuses to walk back a quote he provided to a local newspaper. Also, Danny and Baez discover a connection to a feud between local residents and city sponsored hotels for the homeless while investigating a murder, Anthony is mistaken for a mafioso and Eddie pressures Jamie to take a love language quiz, on BLUE BLOODS, Friday, July 2 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (OAD 5/7/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Brian Burns
    DIRECTED BY: Jackeline Tejada Promo
    Airing 7/3/21 (Sa.) (10:00 PM) on the CBS Television Network: “48 Hours” Live to Tell: Murder on Prom Night: A survivor deals with the trauma after her stepbrother is convicted of killing her family in order to go to the prom. CBS News chief investigative and senior national correspondent Jim Axelrod reports.
    WATCH A SNEAK PEEK Prosecutors: Teen killed his family in an argument over prom
  • The CW Superman & Lois – Tuesday, June 29 Show More
    “Holding the Wrench” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)
    REALITY – Clark (Tyler Hoechlin) encourages Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) to reach out for help after noticing her reaching a breaking point. Meanwhile, Jonathan (Jordan Elsass) finds himself in a dangerous situation. Lastly, Kyle (Erik Valdez) encourages Sarah (Inde Navarette) to audition for the musical revue at school. Alex Garfin, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Dylan Walsh and Wole Parks also star. (#108). The episode was directed by Norma Bailey and written by Kristi Korzec. Original airdate 6/1/2021. Every episode of SUPERMAN & LOIS will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW Walker – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “Defend the Ranch” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)
    THE WALKER FAMILY – Walker’s (Jared Padalecki) past comes back with a vengeance and it threatens the very thing he loves the most – his family. Alex Pillai directed the episode with story by Seamus Kevin Fahey and written by Seamus Kevin Fahey and Anna Fricke (#113). Original airdate 6/10/2021. Every episode of WALKER will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW World’s Funniest Animals – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “Episode 111” – (9:00-9:30 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    UNLIKELY ANIMAL TRIOS – Host Elizabeth Stanton (“Popstar This Week”) is joined by the panelists and special guest Kelli Goss as they observe animals doing the funniest things ever caught on video. On today’s show we’ve got an unlikely animal trio, a tortoise that should be charging cab fare, and a dog who could really use some cleats. The episode is produced by David McKenzie, David Martin and Laura McKenzie and directed by Brad Thomas (#111). Original airdate 11/27/2020. Every episode of WORLD’S FUNNIEST ANIMALS will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required.
  • The CW World’s Funniest Animals – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “Episode 112” – (9:30-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    THE SHOW’S ABOUT TO START – Host Elizabeth Stanton (“Popstar This Week”) is joined by the panelists and special guests Jessica Morris and Dan Sperry as they observe animals doing the funniest things ever caught on video. On today’s show we’re bringing you a pack of trotting pitbulls, a pair of thirsty pooches, and monkeys who won’t take no for an answer. The episode is produced by David McKenzie, David Martin and Laura McKenzie and directed by Brad Thomas (#112). Original airdate 12/3/2020. Every episode of WORLD’S FUNNIEST ANIMALS will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required.
    “Perfecti is the Enemy of the Good” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DLV) (HDTV)
    AT ALL COSTS – The Charmed Ones (Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock, Sarah Jeffery) must take on the Perfecti in order to save Mel; Harry’s (Rupert Evans) mortality journey kicks into high gear with unexpected consequences. Also starring Poppy Drayton. Joe Gallagher directed the episode written by Christina PiĂąa and Carolyn Townsend (#314). Original airdate 6/11/2021 Promo
  • FOX DUNCANVILLE – Sunday, June 27 Show More
    “DUNCANVILLE” – (7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    Horatio Sanz (“The Mandalorian”) Guest-Voices
    Duncan and Kimberly are sent away to therapy camp, so Annie and Jack can get them to stop fighting with each other. With the older kids away, Annie and Jack are left with Jing, who is overwhelmed by all the attention she gets in the “Sibling Revelry” episode of DUNCANVILLE airing Sunday, June 27 (7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DUN-203) (TV-14 D, L, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Horatio Sanz as Douglas; Natalie Palamides as Bradley, Josh, Sunny
  • FOX HOUSEBROKEN – Sunday, June 27 Show More
    **TIME PERIOD PREMIERE**–“HOUSEBROKEN” – (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Promo
    Honey refuses to go outside after the groomer gives her a humiliating new haircut, which causes disaster. Meanwhile, Diablo is introduced to a strange new creature which causes him to break the cardinal rule of being a pet in the “Who Did This?” episode of HOUSEBROKEN airing Sunday, June 27 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HBR-102) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Bresha Webb as Nibbles; Maria Bamford as Jill/Hoarder/Skunk; Brian Tyree Henry as Coyote; Dawnn Lewis as Groomer; Tom Kenny as Diablo’s Human Dad/Litter Box Cat
  • FOX LEGO MASTERS – Thursday, July 1 Show More
    “LEGO MASTERS” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    9-1-1’s Jennifer Love Hewitt Makes A Guest Appearance
    Structural integrity and beauty come together in the most earth-shattering challenge, as teams build a structure strong enough to withstand an earthquake. Find out which designs perform the best and pass the LEGO “brickter scale” rating system in the “Make And Shake” episode of LEGO MASTERS airing Thursday, July 1 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (LEG-203) (TV-PG L)
  • FOX GAME OF TALENTS – Saturday, July 3 Show More
    “GAME OF TALENTS” – (11:00 PM-Midnight ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Taking the awe, wonder and spectacle of a large-scale variety show and infusing it with a clue-centered, high-intensity investigative game, GAME OF TALENTS is a new hybrid series like you’ve never seen. Two new teams of contestants are put to the test as they attempt to figure out the surprising, mesmerizing – and sometimes bizarre – hidden talents of the mystery performers. Find out which team is up for the challenge as they try to guess their way to $200,000 in the “Fire Twirling, Cube Juggling and a Wild Alligator” episode of GAME OF TALENTS airing Saturday, July 3 (11:00 PM-Midnight ET/PT) on FOX. (GTA-106) (TV-PG D)
    07/01/2021 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Thursday) : Benson walks into a hostage situation at a neighborhood restaurant. Rollins tries to help her father after he’s hospitalized. Guest starring Sarita Choudhury and James Morrison. TV-14 Promo
    07/03/2021 (08:00PM – 10:00PM) (Saturday) : TV-PG The auditions continue. A variety of acts audition to win the $1 million prize. The Golden Buzzer is back, allowing lucky acts the chance to go directly to the live shows to compete for America’s vote
    06/26/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : Some of the nation’s greatest collegiate rivalries compete in the ultimate battle of the brains and put their knowledge to the test to vie for academic scholarships. Hosted by NFL legend Peyton Manning, with his brother Cooper Manning serving as sidekick, the qualifying rounds begin with Auburn taking on Alabama and Michigan battling Minnesota. TV-PG
    07/03/2021 (11:29 PM) (Saturday) : Bill Burr is the guest Burr. Jack White is the musical guest. Sketches include: cold open: Bidenfly (Jim Carrey) teleports to Mike Pence’s (Beck Bennett) head during debate; monologue: Burr does stand-up about coronavirus, woke white women, gay pride month; skit: upon emerging from isolation, (Burr) & (Kate McKinnon) are called out for malaprops; TV show: The Blitz- sports teasing is sour in wake of police shooting of Black man;
    Film: (Bennett)’s political viral video try is poorly received; Jason Momoa cameo; song: musical guest Jack White performs “Don’t Hurt Yourself”, “Ball & Biscuit” and “Jesus Is Coming Soon”;
    news: Dr. Wayne Wenowdis (McKinnon) holds forth on pandemic-related epistemology;
    news: McKinnon explains that Dr. Wayne Wenowdis is a coping mechanism for hard times;
    news: Harry Potter tattoo-owning Pete Davidson is unhappy with J.K. Rowling’s transphobia;
    skit: after 20 years behind bars, mob boss (Burr) lacks modern sensibilities;
    TV commercial: real Bostonians like coarse (Burr) appraise Samuel Adams pumpkin ale;
    song: Jack White performs “Lazeretto”; and
    Misc: a clip of Eddie Van Halen performing on SNL marks his passing.



  • These TV shows will be out on DVD Tuesday, June 29: “Amazing Race Season 32”; “Dear Brother: Complete TV Series” (only on Blu-ray); “Bloodlands;” “Drunk History: The Complete Series;” “Hatena Illusion – The Complete Series” (only on Blu-ray); “His Dark Materials: The Complete Second Season” (only on Blu-ray); “Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: The Complete Series;” “The Murders – Season One;” “Nyanbo! Complete Series” (only on Blu-ray); “The Purge: The Complete TV Series;” “The Purge: Season 2” (only on Blu-ray); “Running Wild with Bear Grylls Season 6;” and “The Watch: Season One.”

  • What would you like to see about TV News that’s not on here? Let us know!

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The Bold & Beautiful Interviews

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Ridge with models

Interviews By Suzanne

By Laurie B.

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Finn and Steffy

Interview with Victoria Rowell and Richard Brooks

TV Interview!

Richard Brooks and Victoria Rowell star in "The Ruth and the Ruthless" on BET+

Interview with Richard Brooks and Victoria Rowell of “The Ruth and the Ruthless” on BET+ by Suzanne 5/25/21

This was such a fun interview! You probably know Victoria from “The Young and the Restless” or “Diagnosis Murder” years ago. You may know Richard from “Law & Order,” “Good Trouble,” “The Haves and the Have Nots” or many other shows. Between the two of them, they have an impressive list of credits. Victoria not only stars in the show but also created, produced and directed it. With her history at Y&R, and all of her friends and colleagues in the daytime soap industry, she has a lot of rich material to spoof.

Here is the video of our interview!

Suzanne:   I’m glad I got to talk to both of you. Victoria…I interviewed you in 2014 over the phone for, I think, it was one of your Chandler family Christmas movies.

Victoria:   Oh, sure. Sure. With Melinda Williams. Yes.

Suzanne:   Those are great.

Victoria:   Thank you.

Suzanne:   And Richard, you’ve been some of my favorite shows like Bosch – I love that show – and Law & Order, of course, I mean, my gosh.

Richard:   Oh, yeah. Bosch was fun too.

Victoria:   Yeah, now he’s doing Shameless.

Richard Brooks and Victoria Rowell star in "The Ruth and the Ruthless" on BET+

Suzanne:   He’s everywhere.

…So, the trailer for Season Four looks hilarious. I like how you’re making fun of the soap actors having to use mannequins and things like that. That was really brilliant. That’s not a question; that’s just a compliment, but if you want to expand on that, feel free.

Victoria:   Well, with COVID, obviously, different productions, we’re resorting to different ways of getting the scenes in the can, whether it was actually using the spouses or significant others of the actual actors, so they could be close, and they were in their own bubble. I don’t know if you know that. So, the kissing scenes are actually done with husbands and/or wives in soap opera. And certainly mannequins were being used, and I just thought, “God, I’ve gotta put it in the show.” I mean, this is fantastic. So, that was it, and the actors were amenable to it. We had a lot of fun with it, at the same time, including COVID as a character.

Suzanne:   All right, and a lot of masks and jokes about masks and that kind of thing.

Victoria:   Right, and not really making fun of actors. I never want to say that. I’m not making fun of daytime, but the situations that we find ourselves in in daytime, because the reality is that we are producing 64 pages a day, and anything that is producing a movie in one day, the wheels are going to come off the rails, but I defer to Richard, who’s also a producer on the show.

Richard:   Well, I didn’t get to work with a mannequin, but it was fun. It was fun. It was definitely fun. A lot of the cast had fun with that.

Suzanne:   I think they used it most on The Bold and the Beautiful, and then they later made fun of themselves with it by having a character (Thomas) who was obsessed with the mannequin who looked like the woman (Hope) he was obsessed with, and then he had a brain tumor, a head injury or something, and her husband (Liam) walked in on him making out with the mannequin and flew off the handle. So, they’re good at making fun of [it] too.

Richard:   Oh, that’s funny, yeah.

Victoria:   Right, right.

Suzanne:   It was ridiculous. It was ridiculous.

Victoria:   So, we’re happy to be on BET+, our new home. It is an opportunity for our viewers, our fans, to watch all four seasons; they can binge watch. There’s a hashtag binge-watch weekend on BET+, and, of course, Richard was nominated for an Emmy. We’ve won Best Ensemble Cast, and our audience is growing with this bigger platform.

Suzanne:   Yeah, that’s really great. I have to sign up. I haven’t signed up yet.

Victoria:   Oh, yes, you must, and there’s a seven day free trial. Go for it. $9.99 a month.

Suzanne:   Yeah, I belong to all the others. It adds up, doesn’t it?

Victoria:   It does.

Suzanne:   So, seasons one through three had six episodes each, and I was looking on Amazon; it said that there’s five episodes this season. Is there any particular reason for that?

Victoria:   COVID. You know, just we were so fortunate to be able to shoot; this is a SAG-AFRTA production, but we were able to produce a really cogent, soapalicious, scintillating season of five episodes.

Richard, what did you think about the pace at [which] we were going and what we were able to produce?

Richard:   Well, I mean, it’s always such a smooth pace. I mean, you’re such a great director and create such a good environment for all the cast and the actors. So, I think we all just have fun, and it’s always fun whenever we get to come back and do the show and do another season and all get together. You’ve created such a great family environment for everyone. So, I know the pace didn’t seem hectic or anything. I felt we went really smooth, and it was really organized and tight, and it was just great that we were able to get another season together.

Victoria:   Thank you, Richard. And that’s how it went.

Of course, we’re held to the same standards. If you’re new media production or ultra low budget, you’re still held to the same COVID safety standards. So, we had our COVID safety officer on set; we had a nurse. We had to do testing, [have] individually packaged meals, I mean, all the COVID safety protocols are in place. Of course, SAG rep visits [the] set, and I always want my actors, as would any producer or producers on a show – You don’t want to get shut down, and you certainly want the environment to be safe but happy, and we achieve that each season.

Suzanne:   And do you know yet whether they’ll be a season five?

Victoria:   We don’t know yet, but I always write on speculation that I will get picked up, and so I just finished working on Richards courtroom scene. You know, he’s involved in the art forgery business. So, I continue to write, and I work with a wonderful writing consultant, Victoria Christopher Murray, and I just keep going. You know, it has momentum, and we’re really privileged to be able to work, certainly during a global pandemic, and we enjoy working together. Richard and I have been working together for like, 25 years. We started on Diagnosis Murder working together.

Richard:   I like when you said you’re gonna try to get Dick Van Dyke to come in. That’d be so great.

Suzanne:   Wouldn’t that be great?

Richard:   Yeah, he was so amazing to work with.

Suzanne:   Yeah, he’s still working.

Richard:   He’s the nicest man. He was the nicest man on the show when we did that.

Suzanne:   Yeah, I watched all of that show.

Richard:   Having his family there with him, that was just so cool. I really loved that, you know?

Victoria:   Yeah, yeah, he’s really –

Richard:   You were doing two shows. I remember when we met, she just blew me away, because she was running two shows at the same time, like full time cast member on that and on on your soap, but it was crazy.

Victoria:   The Young & the Restless, yeah.

Richard:   The Young & the Restless, yeah. It was just so energized, and they just made it all work. I was like, “Wow, anything is possible in Hollywood.”

Victoria:   Anything is possible.

Richard:   You know what I mean?

Victoria:   That was Viacom CBS, and by the way, Bryton James, who plays the rapper, Traque, on The Rich & the Ruthless, Suzanne, he played my foster son, then my adoptive son, on The Young & the Restless, Devon. So, he came on and did a guest star role. So, people have to tune in to watch that, but he just was nominated today for Best Supporting Actor on The Young & the Restless. So, we hope he’ll win an Emmy for us on The Rich & the Ruthless.

Suzanne:   Oh, that’d be nice.

Richard:   Oh, wow, that’s great.

Suzanne:   Yeah, I will say, what you said about anything is possible, if you have as much talent and drive and energy as she has –

Richard:   Really, exactly. It’s incredible. It’s incredible, and these are based on her novels, too. So, she’s a novelist also.

Suzanne:   Yeah, I was going to say…

Richard:   So, [she’s] just prolific. Fiction and non-fiction.Suzanne:   …When I interviewed you in 2014, you were talking about [how] you were writing, I think, you called it at the time, The Rich & the Restless, and I remember thinking, “Restless,” they might think that’s too close to The Young & the Restless, and then you made a TV series out of it. So, that’s amazing.

Victoria:   It really is a testament to putting, you know, the power of the pen and carrying it all the way through. And, you know, it started with an artist residence [at] the Hambidge, in Georgia. I got a fellowship, if you will, artist residency, and I was able to finish one of the two books. And it starts with just the discipline. As you know, Suzanne, and certainly Richard knows, [it’s] just staying in the chair and finishing the manuscript and just having a passion for your project.

I have a great cast. We have Alesha Renee, who’s now recurring on Kenan. We’ve got Robert R’ichard, who plays our son. Richard plays my husband, and I play, obviously, his wife. Robert R’ichard is going to be starring on Harlem, the series Harlem. And then, we have Akilah Releford. We have Vivian Lamolli, who’s starring in All the Queen’s Men along with Chrystale Wilson. I mean, the list goes on. Our actors are working actors. So, I’m so fortunate to have this incredible cast. Michael Colyar.

Suzanne:   I was looking at your cast list last night, and I had seen in the previews that you have Shadoe Stevens, and I remember him from the early 80s when he was doing the Federated commercials. Did you ever see those?

Victoria:   I didn’t see those.

Suzanne:   You should go on YouTube and look. There’s a compilation of all of his hilarious commercials for this electronics store in California.

Victoria:   He’s great. He’s great. He’s very supportive, and he’s an integral part of the cast…

Richard:   I was going to say, “He’s so funny, too.” He’s just so funny on the show.

Victoria:   He’s hilarious.

Suzanne:   Even in the promo I saw he was really funny. I went back and watched the promos for the other seasons too, so I could sort of get a sense for them. I think your promos are getting better too.

Victoria:   Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we’re really happy with BET+. BET+ has really come on board and pushed the series and into another dimension, and looking forward, obviously, to what the consensus will be after the summer, and hopefully we’ll have a pickup.

And I have a second soap opera, as well. So, we’ll see what happens.

Suzanne:   Do you have a title for that one?

Victoria:   I do. I do, but I won’t say it yet.

Suzanne:   Okay. What else can you tell us? For those who haven’t watched it yet, what can you tell us about season four?

Victoria:   Well, I’ll start, and Richard, if you want to chime in anywhere, but season four, we pick up with the devastating fan club cruise for The Rich & the Ruthless, Destination Nowhere, and the boat is faulty, because the Barringers, well, Max Berenger (R’ichard), our son, is trying to cut corners and save money. So, he leases a faulty boat, which takes on water. So, that was our cliffhanger for the fan club cruise. Season five picks up with who survived out there in the treacherous waters off the coast, and we see some of our cast stranded. We see some of our cast and the Barringers who have survived, and some of them have not really been able to maintain all of their faculties. Some people are seeing ghosts. Richard chime in anywhere.

Richard:   Yeah, and then, our son, Max, is trying to take advantage of our misfortune and our predicament to seize control of the of the soap opera. So, we’re fighting with him. It’s good; it’s a lot of fun. It’s a lot of fun. We’re still trying to maintain the show and keep the show going.

Victoria:   Yeah, he’s always trying to prove himself. He’s like – you know, his parents are iconic in the business, right? [It’s] the only black-owned broadcast soap opera in Hollywood, and Max wants to be a movie producer. He wants to be a rap producer. He’s trying to do everything and anything to get out from under the shadow of his parents. So, he makes mistakes.

I do want to say that we have fabulous soap opera vets on the show. We have Brenda Epperson, who played Ashley Abbott on The Young & the Restless. We have Kimberlin Brown [who] played…a major villain on The Young & the Restless. I think she just went over to General Hospital. So, we want to encourage soap fans and film and primetime fans, because we covered the gamut in terms of talent. There’s something for everybody, and it is a dram-com.

Richard:   And it does all happened during COVID. So, it’s funny that we’re persisting to do the show in the series with all the COVID protocols and complications that come from doing it with masks on and stuff like that. So, it’s really funny.

Suzanne:   Are Brenda and Kimberlin in season four, as well?

Victoria:   Brenda’s is in season four, and she has a very prominent role in season four as network exec head of daytime, Edith Norman, and she plays a part that she hasn’t been given the opportunity to play in her career. She’s just so treacherous. She grabs her chest when she sees her performances. I mean, she takes your breath away, but it’s fun for her to play.

We also have fabulous comedians. We have Gabi Sanalitro, we have Elaine Ballace, and we have newcomers to the show. We have Guerin Berry.

Richard:   Michael Colyar.

Victoria:   Michael Colyar, who was mentioned. So, we’re fortunate to have this incredible cast. Kristen Mako, who’s a newcomer. Yeah.

Suzanne:   So Richard, you’ve never been in a daytime soap opera before, right?

Richard:   No, no, I haven’t, no.

Suzanne:   In real life, I mean.

Richard:   Yeah.Richard Brooks and Victoria Rowell star in "The Ruth and the Ruthless" on BET+

Suzanne:   So, Victoria, of course, spent many years on The Young & the Restless, and she wisely used her knowledge and experience from that show to satirize in The Rich & the Ruthless. Was there anything in the script that surprised you to learn about soaps?

Richard:   Well, I mean, you know, whenever I speak with Victoria, she tells me some of the stories. I mean, what really surprised me the most is that this is based on some real experiences, all the things that happen on the show and all throughout the seasons and stuff. The pace of it is crazy, you know, that they that they’re able to produce the shows in a day, which is amazing to me, and just the level that the actors bring to it, just the work ethic. I think people miss that a lot of times. They don’t realize [it]; they see it as fun or sort of easy, whatever. I don’t think they really realize how challenging that is as an actor, to stay on top of it, to try to go home and learn your lines, and then still be there on the set and just stay focused and give a turnout, great performance. So, it was fun. You know, this one is great, though, to me, because I love the comedy level to it. I just love that we get to have fun and put a little bit of a spoof spin on it, and then, just the freedom that we have. Also, this one is funny, because this is one of the larger casts I think that I’ve been on with the show this consistent. And the fact that she’s able to put together this amazing cast, such a large cast, that adds to it, all these things add to how much fun it is. So, yeah, but I mean, I’ve had a few opportunities, I guess, to be on soaps, but it never panned out.  I wasn’t available, but, yeah, I like it. I think it would be funny.

Suzanne:   Yeah, you probably have a larger cast than like actual soaps, daytime broadcast soaps. General Hospital  has a huge cast; you probably have a bigger one, looking at the list.

Richard:   Yeah, exactly.

Victoria:   You know, soaps have about 30 cast members. So, we’re right about there; we’re like, 27.

Suzanne:   I think one of the things that they do now, because they can’t afford to pay as much as they used to; they can’t afford to pay as many regular actors, is they do this – I know at least two of them do this constant revolving door of characters, or they’ll have like two or three that are always on, and then everybody else, they go out of town, and then they come back. They do that, and it drives the fans crazy. I’m sure the actors aren’t too happy about it. But what are you gonna do when the costs and the ratings and everything – I don’t know if you ever touched on that in the show or not, because…you’re characters are on a shoestring [budget].

Victoria:   Well, in season one, Richard does address it. He calls Willie Turner (Colyar), who plays the judge, the gardener, the butler; he plays this black character, plays multiple characters on the show. He calls him into his office – and Richard, do you want to expound on [that]? [unintelligible]

Richard:   Yeah, I tell him I have to cut his salary in half with cutbacks. He goes, “Half?!” He thinks he’s coming in to get a raise. So, it’s really funny. He comes in all confident and like, “Yeah, I know you called me in, and I’m gonna get a promotion. I’m gonna get a thing.” And I’m like, “No, I cut you in half. Sorry Willie.”

Suzanne:   Yeah, now they don’t have those big splashy weddings anymore. They’ll have like, five people and and some guy who’s always the minister, even though he’s not really. He’s like, “Oh, I did the online minister thing.” Like, there’s this guy Carter on The Bold and the Beautiful, and they’re finally giving him an actual story. Before he would just be the guy who married everybody, and he was a lawyer. So, they don’t unfortunately have those big splashy weddings that they used to have with all the whole cast.

Richard:   Oh, yeah.

Victoria:   Yeah. So, we do address it, is the point. We’re constantly addressing. Every season we address cuts. We’re constantly arguing. Like in season four, Edith Norman, played by Brenda Epperson, along with Robert R’ichard tell the wardrobe mistress, played by consummate actress Dawnn Lewis, that she has to identify and put used wardrobe on different actors. And she’s like, “What wardrobe? You make a return everything that has a price tag on it.” We’re constantly [addressing] . It’s always in the script.

Suzanne:   That is funny.

So, let’s see. Victoria, what have you learned most about writing, directing, and producing since you first started working on this show?…

Victoria:   Well, I’ve been producing live shows for like 20 years for fundraisers, big shows, like with Patti Austin, and Yolanda Adams, and Sharon Stone, and Sheila E. I’ve been doing that for a long time. I stopped doing it, because it requires a lot of work to do a live show with big talent like that, but I include that as part of my experience, of course, and coming from theater and ballet. So, all of that has informed what I do today, as a producer, for sure.

And in terms of writing, of course, Viacom CBS gave me my first – Dick Van Dyke gave me my first [script] writing opportunity, and I really – I guess, in summary, it’s the sum of all of my experiences that inform running a tight ship that is malleable at the same time and fun to work in. as Richard described. So, I’m as good as my team. My first ADs, my second ADs, my DP, you know, my team, all my hair and make-up [team], right down to the food. And my SAG-AFRTRA rep, of course, my cast led by Richard. So, I’ve learned through people I’ve worked with, being on the set with a Dick Van Dyke; it starts at the top down, the tone of the set. It starts with the top down on the other side of the camera, so I’ve just learned to be sensitive to that.

Suzanne:   Are you still going to be writing books, or you’re focusing just on the TV shows right now?

Victoria:   I may do another book. I have another book that I want to write, but my scripts – I’m working on a Christmas movie right now, and I have a Christmas movie coming out on BET that I directed this December starring Bill Bellamy, titled A Rich Christmas.

Richard, what are you working on right now?

Richard:   Well, I’m writing also a little bit. Yeah, I have a new screenplay I’m working on. And yeah, I’m just working on The Rich & the Ruthless.

Victoria:   I have a question for Richard. How was it working on Shameless recently?

Richard:   Shameless was really, really fun. You know, Bill [Macy] was just a great, great character. And, again, it was a little bit more comedy. So, that was just really – I got to play Big Liam. It was like a future Liam, the little son on the show, with all his attitude and his his language and a way to, like, talk to his his father and cut them down. So it’s just, it is really shameless. I mean, that show is really funny. They push it; they push the envelope so far that it’s incredible. And I think this is their last season or the last season coming up. So, it was great to just get to talk to Bill a little bit behind the scenes too and just see what that experience has been like, what he’s looking forward to, in the future. And we go back, too. We started with Law & Order. He was on the show…

Victoria:   Wow.

Richard:   In one of the first seasons, I think, actually, when we first started it. And his wife, we graduated high school together; we went to art school, Interlochen Arts Academy. So, it’s a small world. You know, it’s great. With Hollywood, I think you get a lot of years and in the game. You’ve connected with people, and then when you get to reconnect, like with Victoria and I, it’s always like you just pick up right from where you left off. That kind of thing about being an actor is one of the things I really love. A lot of times it’s just one of those those great fortunate things to have a long career.

Suzanne:   I’m trying to remember. I remember you playing Paul Robinette. Was it only on Law & Order? Were you an SVU as well? Did you cross over?

Richard:   The only one I crossed over was when they had Chicago Justice. Robinette came in for that season of that show, but, yeah, I’ve recurred a lot as a defense attorney now from leaving the practice and to join. And now I think they’re going to come up with a Law & Order for the defense. I think that’s in development. I think that was picked up.

Victoria:   Nice.

Richard:   Hopefully Robinette will get to reappear there.


Suzanne:   That would be great. I couldn’t remember if they’d killed off your character or not, because there’s so many characters on Law & Order.

Richard:   Yeah, no, it’s a great universe. It’s so good.

Victoria:   I played a judge on SVU, a recurring judge. So, that was cool, but, yeah, Richard’s right. It’s full circle, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention we also have a number of wonderful – Davetta Sherwood, also from Y&R, has guest starred. Dorien Wilson, who plays Pastor Bell. Starletta DuPois. I mean, you can see we have a big cast. They don’t play every season, but we’re so fortunate.

Suzanne:   And Richard, I heard you singing on YouTube. You have quite a voice.

Richard:   Thank you. Yeah, I’m trying to get I’m trying to get Victoria to write me in to sing a little bit and serenade her sometime on the set.

Victoria:   It’s coming. It’s coming.

Suzanne:   I listened to your Bill Wither’s song, and that was good.

Richard:   Thank you. Yeah, I love that. Yes, you know, social media now is a great opportunity to kind of express a little, you know, talents that you don’t really get to do a lot with. So, I want to do more with the music, but that’ll be fun.

Suzanne:   Okay, so any anything else you’d like to tell your fans?

Victoria:   Well, I just like to remind folks to get their BET+ subscription, #TheRichAndTheRuthless. You can reach me on instagram and twitter @VictoriaRowell. Richard?

Richard:   Yeah, same thing. Yes. Support the show. We appreciate all the fans who have supported all these seasons and crossed over from BET+, and you can follow me also. @RichardBrooksJr on Twitter, @RichardLeeBrooks on IG, or Richard Brooks on Facebook. That way just continue to support us; we really appreciate everybody, and we really love that we have this opportunity to do this show.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com




New York, NY, May 3, 2021 – Emmy nominated and 11-time NAACP Image Award-winning actress and New York Times best-selling author, Victoria Rowell and Days Ferry Productions, announce BET Plus (BET+) is the exciting new home for her hit series, THE RICH AND THE RUTHLESS Season 4, premiering May 13. Seasons 1-3 are now streaming on BET+.

Fan favorite THE RICH AND THE RUTHLESS is a behind-the-scenes, dram-com soap that follows the fictional story of the first black owned family sudser on broadcast television, stopping at nothing to stay in power.

This critically-acclaimed Daytime Emmy-nominated series won Best Ensemble Cast and Best Lead Actress by the Independent Series Awards.

The series stars Richard Brooks (Good Trouble; Shameless), Victoria Rowell (Birdie), Alesha Renee (Kenan), Robert Ri’chard (Harlem), Chrystale Wilson (All the Queens Men), Michael Colyar (BET’s Hollywood Heartbreak), Dawnn Lewis (Star Trek; Lower Decks), Vivian Lamolli (All the Queens Men), Kristen Mako (The Big Rant), Bryton James (The Young & The Restless) and new talent Akilah Releford.

Season 4 of THE RICH AND THE RUTHLESS is executive produced by Victoria Rowell in association with Days Ferry Productions, Carletta S. Hurt, Richard Brooks, Vanzil Burke and Jill Warner. Head Writer, Victoria Rowell. Writing Consultant, Victoria Christopher Murray.



BET+ is the premium streaming service for the Black community offering thousands of hours of hit movies, TV shows, stage plays and more. With new, exclusive originals premiering each month, BET+ offers the best of Black culture with titles like First Wives Club, Ruthless, Bigger, The Family Business and American Gangster: Trap Queens from revered creators like Tracy Oliver, Tyler Perry, Will Packer and Carl Weber, to name a few. BET+ members can watch as much as they want anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen and always commercial-free. Visit BET.Plus to learn more about BET+, a joint venture between BET Networks and Tyler Perry Studios, and follow @BETPlus for the latest news and updates.

Rowell is an EMMY nominated comedic and dramatic artist. She co-starred in the LIFETIME TV remake of Jane Austen’s classic, “Pride & Prejudice” as Catherine Darcy. Her executive produced and directed movie, “Jacqueline and Jilly,” addressing the Opioid addiction crisis in a well to do Virginian black family, was met with praise and released on UMC.TV and also aired on BET in 2020.

Rowell teamed up again with AMC Networks/RLJ Entertainment streamer / UMC.tvwith her interior design prowess, and first AMC Networks/UMC.tv Original (DYI) limited Series, “Trash vs Treasure,” with low-income clientele — which launched in July 2020

Rowell historically directed Viacom/CBS BET HER movie, “Everything Is Fine,” focusing on mental wellness in a black family which premiered in July 2020 and starred Charmin Lee and LaRonn Marzett.  Rowell appeared in two subsequent BET HER movies from the same series, “The Waiting Room: A Long Look in the Mirror” and “Like, Comment, Subscribe” in October 2020 as part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Rowell/Days Ferry Productions also co-produced a five-part, behind the scenes, “Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva” podcast with Entertainment Speakers Bureau, available now wherever podcasts are available, such as Apple, Spotify and more.

Rowell co-stars with director/actor, Greg Alan Williams in the dramatic, criminal justice feature film, “Birdie”, releasing this month.

Rowell has worked with creative luminaries such as: Anne Rice, Misty Copeland, Anne Roth, Neema Barnette, Sharon Stone, Twyla Tharp, Kasi Lemmons, Denyce Graves, Colleen Atwood, Terri Lyne Carrington, Milos Forman, Irwin Winkler, Richard Brooks, Samuel L. Jackson, Peter Medak, Johnathan Lynn, Patrick Demarchelier, Bruce Webber, Wynton Marsalis, Branford Marsalis, Bruce Willis, Jan de Bont, Peter/Bobby Farrelly, Eddie Murphy, Dick Van Dyke, Jim Carey, Beau Bridges, Harry Lennix, Anthony Tudor, Forest Whitaker and more. CBS, Viacom, Universal, Sony, NBC, ABC, AMC, Disney, Warner Brothers, Fox, MGM, HBO and UMC, Amazon, and ROKU.

Rowell co-executive produced several UPtv Christmas holiday movies for Uplifting Entertainment Network. UPTV boasts over 70 million subscribers worldwide.

Rowell has also been highly acclaimed from her work as an advocate for foster children and communities underserved in the arts.  In addition to her long time and illustrious acting career, she is a NY Times best-selling author and an in-demand speaker.  She has two adult children, Maya and Jasper, and resides in LA.

Actor Richard Brooks was born in Cleveland, Ohio.

Brooks has appeared in numerous television shows but is perhaps best known as ADA Paul Robinette, starring opposite Michael Moriarty’s Ben Stone, in the original LAW & ORDER.  He is also known for his role as the notorious space bounty hunter, Jubal Early, in the short-lived cult hit FIREFLY. He starred in the USA Network’s sci-fi comedy series GOOD VS. EVIL, as secret-agent-for-good Henry McNeil. And he was unforgettable in his powerful embodiment of Frederick Douglass in the award-winning PBS American Experience docudrama mini-series THE ABOLITIONISTS.

In addition to his recent television work on THE HAVES AND THE HAVE NOTS, BOSCH, CHICAGO PD, SHAMELESS, and others, Richard received his second consecutive Best Lead Actor Daytime Emmy Nomination for his work on the BET+ series THE RICH AND THE RUTHLESS, in which he stars opposite the shows’ creator, Victoria Rowell.  No one can forget Brooks as Gabrielle Union’s big brother, Patrick, on the award-winning BET drama BEING MARY JANE.

This multitalented artist, in addition to his acting roles,  is also a singer, writer, director and producer. He was last seen on the stage originating the role of Harmond Wilks in the world premiere production of August Wilson’s RADIO GOLF at Yale Rep Theatre.

Richard is presently recurring on GOOD TROUBLE on FreeForm Network.  Brooks resides in Los Angeles and New York and is involved in many charity organizations since he is always motivated to “giving back”.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Richard Brooks and Victoria Rowell star in "The Ruth and the Ruthless" on BET+

Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 25, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Abby’s ex-husband Stitch returns to Genoa City for his former boss’ retirement party at the hospital. Stitch and Abby talk and Abby tells Stitch that Mariah is carrying her and Chances baby because she is unable to carry a child to term. Stitch tells Abby that his son Max hasn’t recovered from his brain tumor. Abby later tells Nina the short version of why her marriage to Stitch ended and how she feels badly that Max isn’t any better while she is so happy with her life. Stitch sits alone and remembers the happy and sad moments of his marriage to Abby.

Amanda tells Devon that she feels betrayed and hurt by Naya because they kept the truth about her father from her.
Imani has a heated argument with Amanda because Naya turned herself in to the Genoa City police and told the police she killed Richard. Imani tells Amanda Naya didn’t want Sittings political career to suffer.

Kyle, Nick, and Lauren try to persuade Summer not to go to Italy but she tells them she can’t pass up the wonderful opportunity. Summer also tells Kyle she doesn’t love him anymore, but Kyle doesn’t believe her.

Sally and Tara celebrate that their plan worked by having coffee together at Crimson Lights and telling each other what they will both gain from Summer going to Italy. Kyle is at the Abbott mansion drinking when Tara arrives and offers to help him since he looks upset.

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Interview with Max Talisman

TV Interview!


Actor/writer/director Max Talisman

Interview with Max Talisman of the movie “Things Like This” by Suzanne 4/13/21

It was so nice to speak with Max. He has a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I think he’ll do great things!

Suzanne:   So, what’s your film about?

Max:   So, the film is about two guys with the same name, who fall in love. Basically, what I’ve noticed is that every movie that has to do with gay characters is all about the coming out part of a gay life, but there’s so much that happens after that. So, that’s literally just the beginning of a gay person’s life as someone in the community. I just noticed that there were no movies like that, so I was like, “I have to write this. This is what I have to write. I have to write a movie about two men who fall in love where coming out just isn’t part of the story. It’s already happened.”

Suzanne:   So, they’re in their twenties, basically?

Max:   Yeah, they’re in their mid-twenties, and they’re just experiencing love and all the fears that come with falling in love.

Suzanne:   Okay, actually, that makes me think of another question. Had there been any movies about gay people in college?

Max:   I don’t think there have been. I think there have been a lot of – I mean, not a lot. There’s still not a lot of content for, you know, queer people. There’ve been movies about high school, with people coming out in high school. I can’t think of any gay people in college, especially not ones that have to do with post coming out.

Suzanne:   Right. Well, there’s your next movie.

Max:   Exactly.

Suzanne:   So, what made you want to become a writer and director?

Max:   I think it was just the past led me here. I’ve been a performer since I was very, very young, and a few years back I noticed that there weren’t a lot of roles for someone with my body type – I’m a plus size actor – and especially not the type of roles that I felt like I should be playing or I should be auditioning for. So, I decided that I should be writing them. I’m lucky that I have the ability to write, and I just decided to start writing the roles that I wanted to be playing.

Suzanne:   Okay. And had you done any shorter films before this or been been involved in film class? Anything like that?

Max:   No. I mean, I’ve been an actor, obviously, on multiple sets, TV and film, and I’ve learned while I’ve been there. Basically, the truth is that this movie is about telling the story of these two people falling in love. It’s not a technical film. It’s really about the story and the connection between these two people. So, I just I felt, after interviewing multiple directors and going through that, I just didn’t find someone who was able to tell the story in the same way that I knew I could.

Suzanne:   Okay, so you did interview other directors. Did you shadow anyone or anything like that?

Max:   No, I didn’t shadow anyone. I did interview other directors, but just like I said, at the end of the day, it felt like I needed to be the person to tell the story.

Suzanne:   Okay. And did did you learn a lot about directing while you were actually doing your movie?

Max:   So we haven’t – we’re filming in the fall.

Suzanne:   Oh, you’re not filming yet?

Max:   We’re filming this fall. We’re filming in September and October. So, I haven’t learned that much about filming yet through the film, because we haven’t done it yet, but I’m I’m ready to learn, and I’m open to everything.

Suzanne:   Okay, and so what was your preparation for writing the film? Did you just sit down and write? Did you have an outline? What did you do?

Max:   I’m someone who very much lets the story lead me wherever it feels like it needs to go. So, I didn’t have an outline. I just sat down, and it led me where it needed to. So, I wrote the first draft within a week, and the plot has stayed the same. Obviously, it’s been through hundreds and hundreds of edits since then, but the plot has remained the same since the first draft, and, yeah, I wrote the first draft within a week, and from there, it’s just became the film that it is now.

Suzanne:   Wow, that’s great. That’s working fast too.

Max:   One hundred percent.

Suzanne:   And had you done a lot of writing before, like, in school or just for fun or –

Max:   So, I’d written a television show, and I filmed a pilot. This was the first feature that I ever wrote, and just like I said, it kind of just, you know, flowed out of me. So, as soon as I started writing, it just felt unstoppable that I had to get it down.

Suzanne:   You have some great veteran TV and movie actors. Tell us about all the casting that you went through.

Max:   We have an insane cast. It’s pretty amazing. It’s pretty unreal. I mean, we have multiple Academy Award nominee Ryan Kinnon. She’s the first female to be nominated both in front and behind the camera. She’s an icon in every sense of the word, and Eric Roberts, who’s an Academy Award nominee, and is an icon himself. We have T-Boz, who’s one of the most famous musical artists of all time. I mean, it’s just, this cast is unbelievable, and it’s so exciting to get to work with these absolute supernovas. So, I’m just beside myself. We really just got lucky during COVID, because people were able to read things, which is, you know, a side part of this horrible, horrible thing that we’ve been going through, but we have been able to get scripts to people, and they’ve been able to take a look at it in a way that they weren’t before. So, that’s definitely changed. It’s made us able to cast this movie with people like Jasmin Savoy Brown, who’s been a friend of mine for a while, but because of her having time to read the script, now she’s a part of this feature. And she’s so excited to make it, and I’m so excited to meet with her. And Charlie Tahan, who’s from Ozark, he was in Super Dark Times with me, and we’ve been friends since, and he was the first person I went to with the script, and he’s so excited to make this film. So, it’s just been a journey. I’m creating this incredible cast, like, with Terry Moore, who’s one of the last living stars of a Hollywood Golden Age. And Willem, who’s one of the most famous [unintelligible] in this entire world, like we are just beside ourselves with this cast. It’s unreal.

Suzanne:   Yeah, it’s a really great cast. So, what else was involved in getting your film made? I mean, I know you haven’t shot it yet, but tell us about how you got started and all that. Financing and whatever else you had to do?

Max:   Yeah, well, actually it’s been extremely intense. Definitely getting it to the right people has been a journey. Getting it to people who believe in making a queer film, it’s intense. And it hasn’t been the easiest process, but it’s also been a process that now we’re working with the people we trust to make this film, and to make it right, and that’s definitely been lucky in the end. You know that what you want is to make the movie with the people who want to make it for exactly the kind of feature it is, but it’s definitely been a journey of getting in front of a lot of different people, and editing it and getting it in front of more people, but that’s kind of what it’s been like.

Suzanne:   That’s great. So, your shooting in the fall, and how long do you think shooting will take?

Max:   Yeah, so we’re planning for a twenty-eight day shoot. We’re planning for a twenty-eight day shoot, and we’re just really excited. We’ll be shooting in up in Canada, and we’re thrilled with everything that’s going on. So, yeah.

Suzanne:   And is there anything else you want to tell us about the film?

Max:   Just that I’m so excited to get it to everyone. It’s been a journey, like I said, to get this thing made, but now that we’re here ready to film, in pre-production, I’m just so thrilled, and I’m so happy. I think this is exactly the movie that people will want to see and need to see, just because love is universal, and the people falling in love are universal. And I’m just so thrilled to be able to tell this story with the cast and the team that we’ve built.

Suzanne:   Okay, and who would you say are your influences as far as writing and directing?

Max:   I mean, I think I take influence from a lot of different things I watched, definitely. I mean, I’ve been hugely influenced by the comedy of Tina Fey in 30 Rock, for sure. I mean, I watched that show so many times, and I definitely, in a lot of ways, write with her comedic beats. I read once that someone said, like, “It isn’t cliche,” I think it was Mindy Kaling said that it isn’t cliche to say that Tina Fey’s the influence for everyone, because there’s a reason that she is, and I agree with that. She’s so talented. She’s so gifted in comedy, and I’ve definitely been taking from her, like not taking from her, but being influenced by her and her writing. Then, there’re so many other filmmakers who I definitely have been influenced by, and I’ve been allowing myself through the last few years to be more influenced by it. Definitely Judd Apatow’s done a lot of work that has influenced me, especially Trainwreck by Amy Schumer, that has had a huge impact on me, and Bridesmaids, Kristen Wigg, that’s definitely influenced me. So, yeah, I’ve definitely been watching things, and I’ve been soaking them up as much as possible.

Suzanne:   Great, and so you mentioned mostly comedy people, so would you say that your movie is funny?

Max:   Oh, yeah. It’s a romantic comedy with a big emphasis on the comedy part. Yeah, definitely. I hope it’s funny, and yes it is, but, I mean, that’s for other people to decide, but it was written as a comedy.

Suzanne:   Great. And what about directing? Are there particular directors that you admire that you think you should be like, besides Judd Apatow?

Max:   Yeah, you know, it’s tough to like, rattle people off right away. I’m trying to think of specific people, but it’s just I watch a lot of romantic comedies these days, especially my favorite ones. I mean, obviously, Rob Reiner is a huge one, and I mean, I’m getting to work with his children. Jake Reiner, and Robby Reiner are both in this feature, and Jake is executive producing it as well. So, that’s a huge thing to be, you know, he’s really the father of modern romantic comedy, Rob Reiner. Obviously, he’s influenced me. When Harry Met Sally, Princess Bride, and now to be able to work with his kids and be able to create something for the new generation with them, I mean, that’s thrilling.

Suzanne:   Cool. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot trying to find names.

Max:   No worries.

Suzanne:   So, it’s probably a little early to ask you this, but do you have other projects that you’re thinking about for the future that you’re working on?

Max:   Yeah, so, actually, already we’re working through my my next feature, which is called Don’t Kiss a Werewolf Boy, and it’s an LGBTQI horror comedy, and I’m really, really excited to dive into that one, [unintelligible] because it’s very different from things like this. Obviously, it’s a horror comedy, but it’s genre bending. It has a lot of different influences, too, but that one’s super, super exciting.

Suzanne:   Is there gonna like some spoofing of things like Teen Wolf and I Was a Teenage Werewolf and things like that?

Max:   It’s not a spoof at all. It takes influences, but it’s really its own story. It doesn’t have to do with those.

Suzanne:   Okay, anything else?

Max:   No, with Werewolf, we’re in the very beginnings of casting it, getting it ready, and I’ll be filming it once we wrap things like this.

Suzanne:   Cool. So, you’ve already written it.

Max:   Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s been written years ago.

Suzanne:   Okay. Who would you cast if you had had your pick of people?

Max:   I’m not sure I can say that, because we’re literally in the process of casting people right now. So, I don’t want to jump the gun, but definitely we are talking to some people who I’m very excited about.

Suzanne:   Cool. Cool. I think the first – I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it. Did you ever see the old An American Werewolf in London?

Max:   I have seen it. Yes.

Suzanne:   Yeah, I think that was the first werewolf movie that was actually, you know, good and had good special effects and makeup and that kind of thing.

Max:   One hundred percent.

Suzanne:   Yeah. Well, cool. I look forward to seeing both of them.

Max:   Thank you. Thank you so much.

Here is the audio version of it.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of http://www.scifivision.com

Photos by Bonnie Nichoalds


Actor, singer, writer and creative force, Max Talisman is set to make his directorial debut in his upcoming romantic comedy, THINGS LIKE THIS. The film stars Charlie Tahan (Netflix’s “Ozark”), Eric Roberts (THE DARK KNIGHT) and Miles Tagtmeyer (DISNEY DESCENDANTS: SCHOOL OF SECRETS), and tells a story of two guys who fall in love and while everything seems to align for them to be together, they begin to question fate as they encounter an obstacle.
Growing up in Washington DC, Max started performing in 3rd grade. He participated in musical theatre, including productions at the Musical Theatre Center (MTC), one of the leading performing arts education organizations for young people in the Washington DC area. It was the moment when he played the 2nd lead role in the through-composed musical, “Caroline, or Change” that he felt theatre was his calling.
When his senior year of high school began, Max made the courageous move to NYC to follow his passion for theatre. He joined the Broadway Artists Alliance, a professional training academy for promising young musical theatre performers right in the heart of New York City.After living in the big apple for 5 years, he decided to make his way to Hollywood, California. He’s appeared in The Orchard’s SUPER DARK TIMES, TBS’ “Search Party” and NBC’s “The Blacklist”.
Overcoming Legg-CalvĂŠ-Perthes disease (LCPD) and anxiety, this rising star doesn’t let these challenges prevent him from enjoying his life. He has a keen love for sports and when he’s not watching games on TV or at stadiums, he keeps up with the standings/scores on teams such as the LA Lakers, the Washington Redskins and the Baltimore Orioles. He is also an avid tennis and ping pong player, crediting Serena Williams as his role model.
Consumed by wanderlust with a curiosity for cultures, Max has traveled all around the world from Argentina to Zimbabwe, Austria, Germany, Italy, England, Iceland, Greece, Africa and Costa Rica.
With a life of travel, art, and hobbies, Max hopes to incorporate all his current and future life experiences in all he does. He hopes to be a role model for the LGBTQ community and break stereotypical barriers/roles in Hollywood.


Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Actor/writer/director Max Talisman

Interview with Lauren Lee Smith, Marc Blucas, Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy

TV Interview!


Lauren Lee Smith, Marc Blucas, Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy from panel for "Doomsday Mom" on Lifetime - photos from Lifetime and actors' social media

Interview with Lauren Lee Smith, Marc Blucas, Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy in “Doomsday Mom: The Lori Vallow Story” on Lifetime by Suzanne 5/19/21

I’ll admit I did gush a little talking to these fine actors. I’m familiar with them all from their previous TV roles. I literally grew up watching Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy in the 70’s, and I saw Marc Blucas and Lauren Lee Smith in their great scifi/fantasy roles later on. It was hard not to tell them how much I enjoyed their work. They were very kind and even made some fun jokes during the interview. This was a press call that was part of a series of calls we did all on that same day for Lifetime movies this summer.


Moderator: Hi all, our next panel is Doomsday Mom, The Lori Vallow Story.  I’d like to introduce our cast Lauren Lee Smith, Marc Blucas, Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy.

Hi everyone. Question is for Lauren, how familiar were you with the Lori Vallow case before taking on this role? And what was the most surprising thing you learned about the case that you wanted to make sure it was portrayed on screen and the same to you, Marc?

Lauren Lee Smith: Wow, no, I actually wasn’t. It was at a time where I think we were all in full blown, lockdown covid craziness and I was up here in Toronto with my young daughter just trying to sort of keep sane and there was no TV around. So I had no idea about this story. It first was brought to my attention through our director, actually Bradley Walsh. He had reached out to me a couple of weeks before shooting and we were just sort of catching up and he was asking me like what I would like to do next and then I was like yeah I’m really looking for something you know to sort of sink my teeth into and challenge me in a new, exciting way. And yeah, it’s sort of it all, one thing led to another and and then yeah, I found out that that I would be coming to do this with him. And I think what surprised me the most was, you know, just the initial sort of the initial reaction of finding out the story in general and finding out exactly who this this woman is and what had happened. I think the initial shock.

Moderator: How about you Marc?

Marc Blucas: You know, for me you know I had known about it and it’s I guess in the in a very peripheral kind of way and it had been a year since everything had happened. So you know, the first thing I did as we probably all do, is you get on the Internet. Boom, you type these two in and the first thing that came up was the mug shot and to me two things came to my right mind right away when I saw them that really attracted me to the project and taking on the role of Chad which was when I saw that I saw two people, and this is going to sound very shallow at first, but you kind of look at Lori on the surface and in a very just first glance way, it’s like, oh, there’s a you know,very attractive, you know woman there and then you see Chad and I was like, oh, maybe not so much, and I was like oh what was the initial draw? And the other thing I thought about that about that mug shot was that in his face I saw remorse an in hers I didn’t and from what I had recalled the story and what I just started the research of it, It was kind of like it really felt like and again we have a lot here, we don’t have all the answers to just yet, but that Chad really started going, taking Lori down a very committed path and at some point in their journey, it’s almost like she leapfrog him in in the in the power dynamics or in the commitment of their beliefs. And I just thought that was a fascinating study, not only is as an actor, but as a singular character, but seeing how we could make that relationship evolve because what the public know, we already know that the public knows so much. So what Lauren and I and Bradley had all talked about is like, what we don’t know is what happened behind closed doors between these two people and exploring that to see this journey and how they get to make these decisions that they made, I thought, was an interesting study.

Moderator: Thanks so much. Our next question is from Jamie.

Jamie Ruby (SciFi Vision): Sorry, forgot to unmute there for a second. Thanks for talking to us guys. So obviously these characters are based on real life people but what I want to know is what part of yourselves did you bring into the roles?

Lauren Lee Smith: Well. That’s a tough one, but.

Marc Blucas: Well, I’m a passionate person. That there.

Doomsday Mom poster

Jamie Ruby (SciFi Vision): You know, maybe there’s a better way to say it, how did you connect to them as people? Maybe that was a better way to phrase it.

Marc Blucas: Uh, I again, I, it was kind of said in jest, but you know…look, I mean at the end of the day, these are not great people and it’s our jobs as actors to kind of find how we can like them ourselves and portray something that’s three dimensional and real. And at the end of the day, I just said it in a way, it’s just like hey look I’m a very committed and passionate person and I’m about different things that I think that Chad was committed and passionate about and what he tried to do or what he tried to bring people together as a leader, I guess in this.  But there’s no, you can’t question the fact that they had a conviction of what they believed, and I may not be in the same category in what they believed, but having that kind of conviction I could relate to and start there from.

Lauren Lee Smith: Yeah, exactly like that’s really sort of all you can do. You know with these characters is find exactly that and then you know just trying to come and find the little moments you can of sort of humanity, you know, I’m a mother, so trying to sort of find those moments where you know you could see her love for JJ and for Tylee and sort of really infused that as much as possible. But yeah, other than that it was that wasn’t the easiest part of this job.

Jamie Ruby (SciFi Vision): Patrick, Linda anything to add?

Patrick Duffy: Well, we have the easier track of these characters. We had to be the sort of calming, and rational side of looking at all of these horrific things that were happening. So, you know, we were grandparents in and of itself and as a grandparent myself I know what that feels like and I could then was able to completely support what Linda was doing as really the fire brand of the two characters that we played. She was the relentless one that was in pursuit of justice in an ongoing situation, which is even more difficult in making this film. And I credit everybody from Karen and Ann and the actors Marc and Lauren and Bradley and everybody with being able to thread that fine line of fiction that we are doing based on a real story but keep these, especially those two characters, you know keeping them in a humanity arena so that it does not become,

I mean it in this way, it does not become cartoonish, in its evilness that it that everybody has to recognize a bit of humanity that contains that devilish nature and we are in control of it most of the time. And that, to me, is the interesting part about the script, and let the two lead actors were you know, really tasked with doing which is amazing and plus the fact we never except for

one little Christmas dinner scene, we never shared the camera with either of those two characters, so we had our own little movie going that you guys didn’t even know about.

Marc Blucas: That’s why you said yes to the job we know.

Lauren Lee Smith: We get it.

Linda Purl: I think the you know as Lauren said and Mark two that we’re all parents, and so it ignites certainly the Mama bear in me and I mean it. It’s actually unimaginable. Thank God, you know, the horror that this that this tale unfolds. But I think that that you know unbelievable journey of not knowing where your loved ones are, was interesting to visit.

Moderator: Thanks Jamie. Jay, You’re up next.

Jay Bobbin (Gracenote): Hello everyone, thank you for doing this. Actually my question is for Patrick and Linda is nice to see you together, since we know you’re together and I hope that doesn’t sound too and ingracious. But were the two of you cast a package deal in this? Or was one of you cast 1st and super suggested the other person?

Patrick Duffy: Well, we were driving to Colorado from California when the phone rang and we almost made a U turn but we said no we gotta, we gotta get back to change our underwear and then go back to work so. But I actually I think you know, in deference, I think Linda’s name might have been mentioned first in terms of this when I look at the chronology and the phone messages, and then you know the conversations that all of your people have when you’re doing these things, so you know, I think the sequence was Linda and Patrick, not Patrick and Linda.

Linda Purl: I think it was Patrick and Linda.

Patrick Duffy: But it doesn’t matter. It was our first chance to work together. Yeah, you know, first chance to actually play a husband and wife, which was even more, and the other thing that Linda keeps saying, and so I’m stealing all of her good lines, that it’s the first time as actors we’ve ever walked to the set holding hands with the person you’re with.

Linda Purl: It felt weird but yeah, I guess it’s OK. At the end of a scene, I guess, Patrick patted me on the bottom and said nice job honey and I thought, well, that’s the first time that’s ever happened. It was fun.

Patrick Duffy: It was wonderful and yeah, and it was a great thing for us because you never know.

Linda Purl: It could have been a disaster.

Patrick Duffy: We could have completely polar opposite ways.

Linda Purl: That’s how you’re gonna do the scene?

Patrick Duffy: Yeah, well, I usually have a drink before every scene.

Marc Blucas: It was at least reassuring. I was so glad to see you were still together. Are they flying together? Or independently?

Linda Purl: Quarantine was the challenge. It was like are we gonna make it through 14 days of quarantine? But we did. Yeah it was fun.

Jay Bobbin (Gracenote): Thank you both.

Moderator: Thank you so much. Suzanne. You’re up next.

Suzanne Lanoue (TVMeg): Hi, thanks for the call, I’m so familiar with all your guys’ work. I grew up in the 70s, and so I love Patrick and Linda from so many different things, especially “Dallas”, of course– One of my favorite shows growing up… and Marc from “Buffy” and other projects, and Lauren from “Mutant X” and so many great things. So I’m just honored to talk to you all.. but I was wondering, Linda and Patrick, if you could give us any background as to what you think your characters were like before the movie started, and then how they progressed. Some of us haven’t actually seen the movie because it wasn’t on the screener site, so…

Linda Purl: We don’t know that much really. I mean just what’s available on the on the Internet and what the script gave us, but they seem to be very hardworking, family-oriented people, smart, successful in their careers and then suddenly this. You know, they were a very closely knit family, we would say, right?

Patrick Duffy: And if you’re– if you’re asking the question personally, what happens to us after doing something like this? Although we weren’t in the depths that Lauren and Marc were, but you, you are affected by it, especially when you have children. And now that I have four grandchildren, and, it is inconceivable, first of all, to right-minded people that these things actually occur… and you enter, going into this, reading the script, I’m doing it but in the– in the heat of the scenes — of which we were together as a couple. It builds, and your fascination and repulsion build at the same time as to what these human beings have to go through and what they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. And you get just a smattering of it by having occupied their space for a moment, and you look at your children differently because you know what the potential is, and it does affect you, and it affected me, not deeply, in the sense that I’m tormented by it, but I am aware of it in different depth now of what the potential is in the human being. And it’s frightening and encouraging in terms of who you look at as your characters in this film.

Suzanne Lanoue (TVMeg): And Linda, did you have anything to add to that?

Linda Purl: oh thank you, well…

Patrick Duffy: I don’t see how she could.

Linda Purl: I thought it was brilliant. It was, really. I was in the Grand Canyon with my son, who was then about 8 years old, and I lost him for the ten longest minutes of my life, and it’s an out-of-body electric shock experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. So I was able to, you know, sort of conjure that up when we’re looking for justice, when we’re looking for the grandkids, or were when we know my brother’s been killed. And so, but I think you know, as Patrick says, you just drop to your knees grateful that your family is safe, and it tends to highlight that gratitude in our lives when you walk down, even for a few minutes, the road of these people who have lost so much. I have no idea how you recover from that.

Suzanne Lanoue (TVMeg): And Lauren, what do you think? How do you think the character or the real person… however you like to interpret it… how she went from two loving parents to becoming this person who ends up killing her own children?

Lauren Lee Smith: Yeah, I mean, that’s definitely something that I had to sort of, I think, play around with in my own sort of interpretation of this character, even though, you know, it’s…. she’s very much alive and we, you know, know certain facts about her. I think for me, just on a personal level, to sort of dig into this, this character and sort of not, justified, but… give you know some sort of back-story and create this sort of, you know, back-story in my own head for her, so, you know… it’s very strange. I don’t know, I don’t… I don’t. It’s unimaginable to me how someone can go from, you know, having this sort of… being brought up in this loving family, which is is what we’ve been, you know, told to believe to, you know, becoming this person who would do these absolutely heinous things. So, yeah, I guess the only way that that I was able to sort of come to terms with it is to sort of… yeah, to really come up with my own back-story that perhaps, you know her, her past and her childhood, and her personal life, and whatever is maybe… not exactly, what we evolved, you know, read or seen or believed up until this point, that there perhaps is some major trauma or some major incidents or some… whatever it could possibly be to bring her to the point that she, you know, is at, and was at in her life. I answered it, took it upon myself to do that.

Marc Blucas: You’re being very sweet for not throwing me under the bus.  Suzanne, the reality is, is that when we both got there, we were freaking out, and I had called Lauren immediately, and I said, alright, ’cause that’s the big question, right? How did they go from everyday people that, we assume, think and decide and have a moral compass in a certain direction… suddenly getting to the point where they’re going to kill their kids and then walk around in Hawaii, and think that, like, as if nothing has happened, and we literally sat there and got Karen and Bradley on the phone after we made our, you know,4 gigabyte list of questions that we had. This is real, and how do we tackle this? Because this is it, and it goes back to what I had said before, a little bit, about that kind of, like, commitment and passion for something that you suddenly get so– the blinders get on so much that everything — all the collateral damage that happens — you, end up not seeing. And so, it was almost– I give Lauren a lot of credit because it was, it was kind of a two-part process of creating Chad for me. Like, I– we really, kind of, had to approach these characters together, in a sense, as one, because, I was in the process of gaining weight, so I kept saying, can we meet back at the croissant place? We kind of kept going to anywhere I could eat massive amounts of food to keep gaining weight for the role and trying to tackle and make sense of that question, and going through beat-by-beat of saying, “OK, here’s the arc of this, when does this moment happen?” Where they decide to go beyond the point of no return, almost.

Suzanne Lanoue (TVMeg): Alright, thank you, guys, great answers.

Moderator: Thank you so much. We have time for one more, and if there was anyone who had a question and wants it answered, feel free to email us, and we’re happy to get answers for you. So Rick, you will be our last question.

Rick Bentley (Tribune): Thank you. Hey Patrick and Linda, you play characters that are one generation of removed from the central story here. I’m just wondering when you go into those characters when you start thinking about them, did you think of them as people who should have felt guilty should have felt some responsibility, should have would have been in complete denial, I mean, how do you know where you start from on a point with parents of people who are parents of people who are involved with something like this?

Linda Purl: Well, I don’t think denial, although maybe we missed that, maybe we should have. No, I think that you know their merit in this in this story is that they. Is that they fearlessly sort of faced this possibility and became the champions for truth and protection. And I think that’s sort of a cautionary tale maybe to take away from the film, in that in these kinds of situations don’t fail to act. These people did not fail to act and all their actions and seeking of truth and pushing the police and the detectives it was. Too late, but in another instance it might not have been, and so you know in these kinds of horrid situations any one of us you know, God forbid we’re in it, but you, have to, you have to be vigilant and you have to be forceful.

Patrick Duffy: Yeah, I think there is an element of self-reflection when this happens.  Maybe not regret or denial, but you know, as a parent, now my children are in their 40s but, you know when there would be rough patches in their upbringing where they might do things outside of the box that I thought was appropriate behavior, here is an element in me that says should I have foreseen this? Should I have forestalled this? Was there something I should have or could have or might have said that just would have deflected it enough? So for my character in this, although Linda’s character was much more doggedly active, my character was written as somewhat more passive and quiet, and I think part of that was that self-reflection of he was the, you know, quote, unquote, chauvinistically sounding, but the bread earner, the man of the family. And yet all of this happened, how could that happen on his watch had to be part of his processing, so that was the only thing that I could say where I might have felt a bit responsible as a character for the outcome, not that I thought I the character did anything wrong, but what could he have done, I think was the divergent point for me of accepting responsibility partially for what happened.

Linda Purl: And that’s probably human nature too. In any disaster, there’s that lovely phrase, magical thinking, and that we all know what on earth, no matter how irrational, what could I have done? How could I have changed things? How could I have missed the signs? I mean, I think we all go through these kinds of thoughts.



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(L to R): Lauren Lee Smith, Marc Blucas, Linda Purl, Patrick Duffy
Doomsday Mom is based on the true story of Lori Vallow (Lauren Lee Smith), who gained national attention when her children, JJ and Tylee, were reported missing from their Idaho home in the Fall of 2019. As investigators learned of Lori and her husband Chad Daybell’s (Marc Blucas) involvement in a doomsday-prepper group, a trail of mystery was revealed spanning five states and numerous questionable deaths, before the bodies of JJ and Tylee were found in the backyard of Chad’s home in June 2020. Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy also star.

Doomsday Mom is produced by Lighthouse Pictures for Lifetime, with Sony Pictures Television distributing. Karen Glass and Tom Mazza of Everywhere Studios and Judith Verno of Peace Out Productions serve as executive producers. Stephen Tolkin wrote the script and Bradley Walsh directs.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Linda Purl and Patrick Duffy in "Doomsday Mom: The Lori Vallow Story" on Lifetime

Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 24, 2021

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Recap written by Eva

Mrs. Toliver finds Naya and Richard’s cell phone records and tells Amanda and Devon that Richard called Sittings office, and he also made a five minute call to Naya a week before he was supposed to meet with Amanda’s foster parents. Amanda confronts Naya and gets her to admit she did speak to Richard and he was going to do whatever it took to find his daughters. Amanda assumes that Naya told Sutton what Richard was planning to do and Sutton had him killed to protect his career. Naya insists that her father isn’t a killer but Amanda doesn’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth.

Kyle, Phyllis, and Nick are all confused by Summer’s sudden decision to take the job in Italy. Summer tells all of them that she can’t handle Tara and Harrison living in Genoa City and that the job is a great opportunity to advance her career. Kyle goes back to his and Summer’s hotel suite determined to show Summer that he loves her and persuade her to stay. Tara sends a text to Sally telling her that their plan worked and Summer is going to Italy.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, June 23, 2021

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Recap written by Eva

Victoria meets Harrison and spend some time with him.

Ashland tells Victoria that his lawyers are looking over her merger proposal. Victoria tells Billy to stay out of her personal life.

Adam and Nick continue to bond as brothers when Nick defends Adam from Billy when they get into a verbal argument.

Phyllis talks with Nick about Summer’s job offer but makes him promise not to tell Summer what they talked about because its a secret. Phyllis talks things through with Nick and she begins to wonder if Summer is being forced to take the job in Italy. Summer arrives at Society ready to have a talk with Kyle.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, June 22, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gwen let Snyder she delivered his package. He said he would be by later with another one. Jack came in and thought she was upset over Xander. She said Xander’s behavior drove her crazy. Brady overheard Xander talking about his affair with Nicole. They turned around and saw Brady standing there. Brady said Chloe was staying with Philip. Xander couldn’t believe he would let her sleep with the enemy. He said they should fire her. Brady and Nicole said they weren’t doing it. Brady told Xander to take the rest of the day off. He asked Nicole if she was with Xander. He said he overheard what Xander said. She confessed she cheated on Eric. She said she hired Xander so he wouldn’t tell Sami that she cheated on Eric. He wanted to help her. She told him Eric hasn’t been around. Nicole told Brady she couldn’t understand why she cheated on Eric. He said she was being self-destructive. She said she wasn’t hurting herself. She said she was hurting Eric too. She said she didn’t think Eric would get over it. She asked if he was going to tell Eric. He said he wouldn’t say anything.

Snyder went to see Gwen. He said Kayla was looking at her chart. He said he covered her lie about the miscarriage. She thought the leverage he had against her was gone. She said he would be exposed if she were. She told him they were even. He grabbed Gwen. Xander walked in the room. Gwen and Snyder told him to leave. Xander grabbed Snyder and held a letter opener to his throat. Snyder told him to stop. Xander said he lost the only person who would have stopped him from doing this. He said he had no reason to be a good person anymore. Gwen told him to stop. She said she didn’t want Xander to kill him. She said he could be good for Jack. Xander let Snyder go, but he grabbed his chest and collapsed. Gwen checked for a pulse. She said he was dead.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, June 23, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abe talked to Roman about being with Paulina. He let him know that Lani wasn’t happy about him being with her. Roman tried to make him feel better about it. Roman suggested that Abe talk to Lani about everything. Paulina and Lani talked about Abe. Paulina wanted to know if she was okay with her being with Abe. Lani said it was a long time since Abe was with someone so she didn’t have a problem with them being together. Julie wanted answers from Xander and Gwen about Dr. Snyder being passed out on the couch. Xander came up with an excuse for Julie. She wanted them to get Dr. Snyder off of her couch. Abe went to see Lani to tell her about being with Paulina. Paulina was still there and came out and admit that they made love.

Steve and Kayla talked about the possibility that Gwen was involved with a drug ring. She told him that Gwen was involved with Dr. Snyder. She thought Gwen was involved with stealing drugs from the hospital. Xander and Gwen panicked about moving Dr. Snyder’s body. Jack showed up at the house just when they were about to move him. Lani told Abe and Paulina her blessing. Xander and Gwen managed to hide Dr. Snyder’s body from Jack. They made it seem like they were watching TV. He wanted to join them, but they were nervous about it. Kayla and Steve continued to talk about whether Gwen was selling drugs. Steve wanted to wait to see how involved Gwen was with Dr. Snyder. Xander tried to make excuses to keep Jack from watching TV with them.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 22, 2021

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea has a horrible nightmare in which Adam, Victor, and Rey tell her she will never leave the mental hospital.

Adam and Nick have a talk and Nick advises Adam to concentrate on Connor and find the right way to tell him about Chelsea’s illness. Nick also advises Adam to help Connor deal with Chelsea’s illness until Chelsea is better.

Elena turns down the job in Baltimore when Nate tells her that he never stopped loving her and wants her to stay in town.

Jack tells Tara the story of his bitter custody battle for Kyle when he was a little boy. Summer tells Phyllis about the job offer she got from the fashion house in Italy.

Summer doesn’t tell Phyllis that Tara is forcing her to take the job or she won’t let Kyle see Harrison again. Phyllis knows Summer is holding something back and isn’t telling her the whole story. Phyllis advises Summer to search her soul and find the truth before she makes a decision about the job. Summer calls Kyle and asks him if he could come to their suite instead of staying at the Abbott house because she doesn’t want to be alone tonight.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, June 21 2021

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Recap written by Christine

Victoria talked with Ashland about her proposal to merge their companies, then she left to give him time to consider her offer. On her way out, she ran into Billy, and he thought she’d been with Ashland upstairs, but she wouldn’t admit to it. He was concerned about the risk she was taking being with Ashland. She reminded him that when they were splitting up, he’d told her to be more reckless, and now he was saying the opposite. She pointed out that he moved in with Lily without telling her. He said Ashland was a monster, and Lily was sweet. Victoria implied that she had a plan, and Billy wanted details, but Lily arrived, so Victoria left. Lily thought they should listen to Billy’s instincts, which told him Victoria was playing with fire. Lily decided she wanted to help Billy oversee the investigation into the article on the Locke divorce that they were going to run. He thought that sounded fun. Ashland told Victoria he was interested in her offer. A mystery person hovered over Abby while she slept, then they left the house when Nina came home. Christine told Nina, Abby and Mariah that Chance’s superior heard from him after the dropped call, so he was fine as of a few days ago. He’d been sent to Michigan, but he might not still be there. Chance was closing in on a target, so he wouldn’t be able to contact Abby as often, but it also meant there was an end in sight. Abby researched organized crime in Michigan, so Mariah distracted her. Someone watched Abby through the window.

Summer accused Sally of making a deal with Tara. Sally admitted to telling Tara about the job at Marchetti, but she denied scheming. She continued to act disappointed that Summer got the job offer, but she said Summer should take it, since it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Tara and Kyle talked about Harrison. Summer tried to get Kyle alone to talk, but Tara walked in on them and sent Kyle upstairs to see something Harrison was doing. When Tara found out Summer didn’t take the job yet, she threatened to disappear with Harrison. Summer tried in vain to convince Tara that she wasn’t a threat to Kyle’s relationship with Harrison. Tara felt Harrison needed a loving two parent home. Summer accused Tara of being a gold digger who wanted to take advantage of Kyle. They debated whether or not Kyle ever had real feelings for Tara and if he ever would again. Tara told Summer to break up with Kyle and leave town. Kyle came downstairs and talked about a future with Harrison. Summer changed her mind about telling him the truth. She left. Summer called her mom and asked if they could meet first thing in the morning.


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Days Short Recap, Monday, June 21, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole warned Xander that Sami was trying to find info to prove that she slept with him. She said if she did find something, he would be out on his butt. He said they needed to find some dirt on her. He thought she might have cheated on EJ the same way she cheated on Eric. EJ wanted to know why Sami didn’t want Lucas to stay at the DiMera mansion. She kept giving him excuses, but he had an answer for her. He told her that he didn’t have a problem with Lucas staying with them. Kate wanted Jake to make love to her. Jake told her that she had to get adjusted to everything. She said she was able to get along just fine. He insisted they wait before being together. She thought it was because of Gabi. He wanted to know why she thought that way. She reminded him how he turned to her and how she was getting in the way. He told her that Gabi was the past and he wanted to be with her. Chad talked to Gabi about Jake being with Kate. She didn’t think he would be with her. Chad told her that EJ and Sami were moving in the mansion. Sami and Lucas started arguing in front of EJ. EJ told her that it was okay for Lucas to stay with them so he could look out for Kate. Xander told Nicole that Sami and Lucas could be together the same way they were together. He explained what happened when he found them in the basement. Nicole told him that they hated each other so it wasn’t likely they would sleep together. Xander believed they did. EJ said Lucas could stay near his mother. Lucas said he was staying at the pub.

Gabi wondered how EJ could move in without telling her. He walked in while she was talking and told her that he owned the house before she moved in there. Kate continued to make Jake feel guilty for not wanting to be with her. Lucas told Sami that he was uncomfortable around EJ. He believed he was better for her than EJ. She said that he loved her. He’s glad that EJ loved her the way she deserved to be loved. Gabi and Sami bonded while they talked. Gabi was willing to be there for her if she needed to talk. They talked about what was going on with EJ and Jake. Gabi went upstairs and ran into Jake. She saw how he came out of Kate’s room. She thought he was going to have sex with her. He said he got out of it. They stated talking about EJ being back home. He thought EJ was back in town to take over DiMera Enterprises. EJ thought it was better than he imagined being back in Salem with his wife. He assured her that the bad days were behind them.

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Primetime DVD Review: “Drunk History: The Complete Series”

DVD Review!

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“Drunk History: The Complete Series” Review by Suzanne 6/20/21

This is not my kind of show. I’ve never found it funny. I know someone must have, though, because it was on Comedy Central for 6 seasons!

Hosted by comedian Derek waters, the basic premise is that celebrities pretend to be drunk and re-tell some event from history (and they act it out as well). Now, they do claim that they’re really drinking, but how much are they drinking, and how drunk are they, really? I can’t imagine most celebrities really wanting to let the public see them in a very drunken state. My guess is that they actually drink very little.

The actors are given information packets with research about a particular historic topic beforehand. Some of the parts are pre-recorded and rehearsed. Basically, the whole thing is fake in order to produce “comedy.”  Which is fine if it’s funny, but it’s not. I’m sorry, but to me it’s never funny, and it’s very lame. Maybe it’s because I grew up with an alcoholic father (who took me to bars), but I just don’t find drunk people all that funny. People THINK they’re very funny when they’re drunk, but they’re not.

If you’re a fan of the show, then this set is really for you. Seasons 5 and 6 have never been released on DVD before. There are a few extras on the set as well, such as extended and deleted scenes, outtakes and sober reveals.

Buy this DVD


From Comedy Central and Paramount Home Entertainment, Drunk History: The Complete Series will be arriving on DVD on June 29th.

Prepare yourself for an unconventional history lesson with Comedy Central’s comedic television series, Drunk History: The Complete Series, arriving on DVD featuring the entire six seasons, including the previous unreleased seasons five and six! Cast includes host Derek Waters and ever-changing guest stars including Octavia Spencer (Hidden Figures), Laura Dern (“Twin Peaks”), Ryan Gosling (La La Land), Maya Rudolph (Bridesmaids), and Lin Manuel Miranda (Hamilton), and many more.

Drunk History : The Complete Series

Street Date: June 29th

Format: DVD

Description: The comedic series, first airing in 2013, follows host Derek Waters and his group of inebriated guest stars as they travel through different U.S. cities while attempting to tell stories and re-enacting famous events in history. The series is based on the award-winning web series: Funny or Die.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

Drunk History: The Complete Series DVD cover

Days Short Recap Friday, June 18, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jake noticed how Gabi was being cold to him. He promised her that he would tell Kate the truth when she could handle her blindness. Gabi didn’t believe he would do it. Jake told her that he loved her. Chad walked in while they were kissing. Chad yelled at them for what they were doing behind Kate’s back. Jake said that he would tell the truth once Kate could handle it. Jake left to get Kate from the hospital. Chad wanted Gabi to move out. They argued over it. Jake arrived to pick up Kate at the hospital. Kate knew their living situation would be awkward. Jake said they would figure something out. Kate wondered how it would be for Gabi. Jake and Kate arrived at the DiMera mansion. She used a cane and sunglasses to get in the room. She “sensed” that Gabi was with them. They ended up snarking at each other. Gabi grabbed for Jake’s butt and left. Kate told Jake she would love to feel his arms around her. She asked him to make love to her. Sami had a dream about being with Lucas and saw EJ in the bed. He wanted to know what she was dreaming about. She lied and said that she was dreaming about him. He told her that it wasn’t a dream because they were back together. He talked about them not having sex with each other. The conversation led to a rehash of their problems. He said he loved her and wanted to be with her. They kissed each other, but she backed away from him. Sami thought sex was the easy part and wanted to work on the rest of their problems. EJ wanted to make her happy. He kissed her again, but she pulled away again. She said her mother had breakfast waiting for them. She went to the bathroom to get dressed. He was upset after she left.

Sami came out the bathroom and saw EJ packing to move to the DiMera mansion. Sami didn’t think it was a good idea for them to stay in Salem. EJ questioned why she wanted to leave the people she loved. John and Marlena talked about EJ and Sami being together again. Marlena informed him that she saw Sami and Lucas kissing. He told her they bonded over being locked up with each other. He thought the situation brought them closer together. Marlena wondered how close they got to each other. EJ heard them talking about Sami and Lucas. Sami walked in after him and was shocked to see them together. Marlena had a cover story to explain why they were talking about them. EJ told them they were moving to the DiMera marriage. Lucas asked Roman if he could rent a room at the pub. Lucas told him that Sami went back to Rome. Roman didn’t think Sami would leave without talking to him. Lucas got upset when he talked about EJ coming back to her. Roman noticed how annoyed Lucas was when he talked about EJ. Roman wanted to know if something happened between him and Sami. Lucas stuttered when he was trying to answer Roman. He got up and left to get his things from the DiMera mansion. EJ and Sami arrived at the DiMera mansion. She left him alone with Chad. EJ wanted to know how he could have stepped down as CEO and allowed Jake to run the company. Tony and Anna arrived while they were talking. EJ wanted to bring down Jake together. He wanted to help Chad get the company back. Tony and Anna turned down the offer. Chad said he needed time to think about it.


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Days Short Recap Thursday, June 17, 2021

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve admitted to Bonnie that he was trying to get over what she did, but she looked too much like Adrienne. He said it made hard to forget what she did to his sister. He missed her even more. Bonnie started crying and left. Justin went after her. Kayla thought he should put his grief and anger aside so he and Justin could repair their relationship. Justin tried to make her feel better about what Steve said to her. She couldn’t get over what he said. Justin didn’t care what Steve thought. He didn’t want her to be Adrienne. He wanted her to just be herself because she was perfect the way she was. He considered her family. She took care of him the way no one else did. He confessed that he loved her. She admitted that she loved him too. They kissed each other.

Paulina was shocked to hear Chanel and Allie talking about kissing each other. Paulina was surprised she didn’t tell her that she was gay. Chanel assured her that she wasn’t gay. She tried to explain her situation to her mother. Paulina said she was trying to understand her. Chanel appreciated her keeping an open mind. Rafe found Ben at the cabin. He said he was there since Ben rescued Claire. Rafe wanted to know why he was there. Ben told him that he couldn’t sign the divorce papers. He said he was there because it was the place where his relationship with Ciara started. He thought it was the place to end it. Rafe understood how he felt. He told him about what happened between him and Hope. He realized that if he loved Hope, he would accept that she didn’t want to be in their marriage anymore. Rafe wished him luck. Rafe left the cabin so Ben looked at the divorce papers. Claire talked to Belle and Shawn about Ben. She was worried about him since Ciara gave him divorce papers. They told Claire that Ben had to work things out on his own. They thought she should focus on herself. She said she was fine as long as she didn’t have to think about Jan anymore. Shawn and Belle explained to her that Jan was in a coma and might not come out of it this time. Later on, Claire found Ben at the cabin. She noticed the divorce papers and wondered what he was going to do. Ben said he was conflicted about what to do. He said it wasn’t time to move on from Ciara. He said he wasn’t done fighting for Ciara. He burned the divorce papers.

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