Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Adam tells Victor that he isn’t sleeping well at his place because he keeps having memories of how he drove Chelsea to her current mental condition. Adam tells Victor that he is thinking of selling his penthouses and moving to a new place. Victor asks Adam to consider moving to the ranch and living in the tack house. Adam says he will think about it and he is surprised he and Victor have come this far in their relationship.

Chelsea tells Chloe she has to act like she is making progress so that they will release her from the hospital. Chelsea tells Chloe that it is the only way she can be with Connor. Adam goes to the mental hospital to visit Chelsea and tell her Connor will be coming home soon. Adam also tells Chelsea he is considering moving to the ranch. Chelsea thinks Adam is preparing to take Connor away from her since he knows she won’t be able to see Connor if he is living at the ranch. Chelsea tells Adam that while she has been at the hospital she has learned that he is her biggest enemy.

Tara is happy that Kyle is sharing all his troubles with her and everything worked according to her and Sally’s plan.

The National Inquisitor publishes an article claiming Ashland only has six months to live. Ashland confronts Tara because he thinks she leaked the information to the tabloid. Tara tells Ashland she would never do that because she isn’t a vindictive person. Billy runs into Ashland and tries to confirm the story but Ashland denies the story saying that it is just tabloid gossip.

Lily talks to Victoria who tells her that it is just a rumor designed to make Ashland look weak. Lily later tells Billy what Victoria said and he is sure that the story is true since he knows Victoria better than almost anyone. Nikki notices a Locke Communications file on Victoria’s desk and Victoria tells Nikki she is close to a merger with Locke Communications to preserve Ashland’s legacy but she makes Nikki promise not to tell anyone about the impending deal with Ashland.

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