Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Kayla goes to Marlena’s office at the hospital and wishes her a happy Thanksgiving. Marlena asks how her celebration at the Pub was. Kayla says it was pretty great and explains that Bonnie burnt the Kiriakis turkey so she invited their whole family and it turned in to one big party. Kayla jokes that one perk of getting called in to work was not having to do the dishes, but she had to leave before dessert came out. Kayla notes that she’s surprised to see Marlena at work as she thought she and John had Thanksgiving plans. Marlena responds that he ditched her.
Maggie sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, looking up at the portrait of Victor. Sarah comes in and comments that it was a pretty nice Thanksgiving at the Pub. Maggie jokes that Kayla saved the day after Bonnie lost the battle with the turkey. Sarah calls it relatively lovely despite some of the awkward moments. Maggie agrees. Sarah says she saw Maggie looking at Victor’s portrait and knows she misses him so much, especially around the holidays. Maggie talks about feeling the loved ones they’ve lost more than ever.
Lani sits with Paulina at home and tells her that Abe is reading a bedtime story to the twins. Paulina tells Lani that they are overdue for some mother-daughter time. Paulina wants to hear all the gossip about her life in DC. Lani says there isn’t much to tell and that they’ve really adjusted their lives there. Lani calls it a great city with so much to see and do. Paulina notes that they’ve made it clear they have no interest in moving back. Lani insists that it’s only for now and they eventually want to move back as they miss being close to their loved ones. Paulina says they miss her even more and that Julie misses them just as much as they do. Lani says they do a lot of video chats but Paulina says nothing is as good as in person. Lani mentions that she’s really glad that Eli made it a priority to go visit Julie.
In the dining room, Eli questions Jennifer about JJ and Chad both having something come up. Jennifer calls it rather urgent. Eli says that’s too bad as he knows Julie was definitely looking forward to having a full house. Jennifer asks Eli to stay for a few bites before going back to Abe and Paulina’s. Eli jokes that Julie won’t give him a choice. Jennifer tells Eli that Julie loves him so much and misses them. Eli responds that Julie and Doug are his favorite people, his family, and he’s definitely looking forward to spending some quality time with them.
Jack returns to Julie in the living room. Julie asks if he woke Doug up. Jack responds that he tried but he’s so sorry. Julie drops her candle in shock as Jack holds her. Julie cries that he can’t be gone. Jack repeats that he’s very sorry. Julie argues that he’s just a heavy sleeper. Jack says he tried to wake him and checked his pulse to be certain. Jack declares that Doug must have passed away in his sleep. Jack asks what he can do. Julie asks Jack to just tell everyone. Jack says he’ll be right back and heads to the dining room. Julie sits down and begins to cry.
Eli talks to Jennifer about his kids, Jules and Carver. Jack enters the room. Jennifer tells him that the kids are finishing a board game and then will be down for dinner, so she hopes he had better luck with Doug. Jennifer then asks Jack what’s wrong.
Marlena informs Kayla that John got called away at the last minute by the ISA. Kayla notes that Steve didn’t say anything. Marlena says it seemed to be top secret. Kayla argues that John and Steve are in business together, so they tell each other when one is leaving town. Marlena says John didn’t explain that part to her, so she’s not sure where he is or how long he will be gone.
Maggie tells Sarah that today is about giving thanks and Victor would want her to focus on her blessings. Maggie brings up Sarah walking again and Victoria warming her heart. Sarah mentions Victoria being fast asleep next to Xander. Maggie tells Sarah that Julie invited them over for dinner tonight if she’s interested. Sarah jokes that she’s still full from the Pub. Maggie suggests they could drop by for dessert and says it would be nice to see everyone. Sarah says she does have a lot of great memories from her dad’s side of the family. Sarah adds that if they’re lucky, they could get Doug to sing a song or two…
Eli goes to the Horton house and hugs Julie, asking what he can do. Julie tells him to just be with her.
Jack hugs Jennifer, who says she feels so sad for Julie and her family. Jack says that Doug was so full of joy, love, kindness, and life. Jack thinks the world will be a lot dimmer without him in it. Jennifer talks about Doug always reading the kids a book or playing board games with them. Jennifer decides the kids can’t be there and tells Jack to take them to the Kiriakis Mansion. Jack agrees to do that so he can tell Maggie what’s happened and he will tell Kayla to make sure someone comes to take care of Doug. Jennifer says she will make calls to her family as Jack then exits. Jennifer pulls out her phone and calls Hope, who says she was just about to call her. Hope wishes Jennifer a happy Thanksgiving. Jennifer informs Hope that there’s something she has to tell her. Hope asks what it is. Jennifer then informs Hope that Jack had gone to try to wake Doug up for dinner but he didn’t wake up and died in his sleep.
Jack calls Kayla, who says she will send someone over right away and sends her love. Kayla hangs up as Marlena asks if everything is alright and what Jack said. Kayla informs Marlena that Doug has passed away.
Lani talks to Paulina about Eli being a family man and says he may not have grown up with the Hortons but they mean the world to him and they made such an effort to welcome him in to the family. Lani adds that Julie and Doug went above and beyond.
Jack returns to the living room and informs Eli and Julie that Jennifer is calling Hope and Kayla is sending an ambulance for Doug. Julie decides she wants to see Doug. Jack says she can take all the time she needs. Eli offers to go with Julie and they head upstairs together.
Hope asks Jennifer if Julie is with her. Jennifer says Eli is with her in another room. Hope starts to cry and decides she should be there. Jennifer knows she’ll be there soon and says they will take care of Julie in the meantime.
Eli brings Julie to Doug in their bedroom. Eli says he will give her some privacy and steps out of the room.
Maggie tells Sarah that maybe Doug will give them a Thanksgiving performance tonight. Sarah says she’ll go let Xander know what the plan is. Jack then arrives and greets them. Jack says he’s sorry for barging in like this and that he brought Thomas and Charlotte with him. Jack says they are with Xander in the foyer now. Maggie asks Jack if everything is alright. Jack says he’s afraid not.
Kayla tells Marlena that she has an ambulance on standby and will go over there in a bit but she wants to give the family some time. Marlena responds that her heart is breaking for Julie as she and Doug loved each other for over 50 years so this has to turn her life upside down. Kayla says it breaks her heart to think about Hope getting that call about her dad. Kayla says Hope was there comforting her when her dad died, so she wishes she could be there for Hope now.
Hope tells Jennifer that she should’ve been home but Jennifer assures that Doug understood she needed to be close to Bo. Hope cries that she didn’t get to say goodbye. Jennifer encourages that Doug knew how much she loved him. Hope can’t imagine what Julie must be going through. Jennifer says that Julie is a strong woman with her family around her. Jennifer asks if Hope will be okay since she’s all by herself. Hope says that Shawn will be home soon. Jennifer tells Hope that she loves her. Hope asks Jennifer to give Julie a really big hug from her and to tell her how much she loves her. Hope says she’ll be home soon as they hang up. Hope then breaks down crying as she flashes back to the speech Doug gave her when she turned 18. Shawn comes home and asks if something is wrong. Hope tells him that it’s Doug.
Eli returns to the living room and looks at Doug’s photo on the mantle. Eli then gets a call from Lani, who tells him that dinner is ready and asks if he’s heading back soon. Eli responds that he’s not as he got sad news.
Julie sits at Doug’s side and tells him that she’s there. Julie cries that they both knew this day would come, just not so soon. Julie calls Doug her whole world and talks about how much she loves him. Julie says they had a lifetime of love, but never enough. Julie cries that his love was her strength and asks how she can go on without him. She talks about not knowing how to say goodbye as she flashes back to when they first met.
Lani joins Eli at the Horton house as Eli finishes a call with Julie’s grandson Scotty. Lani hugs Eli and says she’s sorry. Eli thanks her for coming. Lani says she has to be there for him and asks where Julie is. Eli tells her that she’s upstairs with Doug. Lani asks if there’s anything they can do to help. Eli says just being there with Julie is all she needs. Eli mentions his call with his half-brother Scotty to give him the news and save Julie a call. Lani states that Doug and Julie were the perfect couple and she can’t imagine one without the other.
Jennifer finishes a call with Lucas, informing him of the news. Jennifer looks over at all the family photos on the mantle and flashes back to a memory with Doug and Julie. Jack returns and tells her that he dropped the kids off with Maggie and asks how things went with Hope. Jennifer says she’s obviously heartbroken and she wanted to reach through the phone and hug her, but Shawn is there with her.
Shawn tells Hope that he’s sorry and says Doug was such a great man that he loved very much. Hope encourages that Doug loved Shawn and was proud of him before he was even born. Hope hugs Shawn and flashes back to Doug giving Hope her baby blanket when she was pregnant with Shawn. Hope talks about how proud Doug was of Shawn from the day he was born. Hope hugs him and says that never changed. Hope sits down with a photo of Doug and flashes back to another memory with Doug. Hope cries that Doug was always there when she needed him. Shawn brings her tea and asks if there’s anything else he can get her. Hope thanks him and says she’s going to see Bo. Shawn points out that she was there all night last night but understands if that’s what she needs. Shawn offers to go with her but Hope assures that she can go on her own and will be back soon. Shawn tells Hope that he loves her as they hug and Hope then goes to change.
Maggie sits at home with an old photo album and flashes back to an old memory of dancing with Doug. Sarah comes back in and tells her that she let Xander know what’s going on. Sarah asks how Maggie is doing. Maggie responds that she was thinking of many years ago when she and Doug bonded over putting together a variety show as a fundraiser for the hospital. Maggie calls Doug so talented and a natural entertainer. Sarah calls him effortlessly charming. Maggie looks up at the portrait of Victor and states that she knows what Julie is going through now. Maggie tells Sarah that she’s heading over to the Horton house as she needs to be there for Julie. Sarah decides to go with her as they hug and then they exit together.
Kayla joins Julie at Doug’s side in their bedroom. Julie thanks her for coming. Kayla calls it such an honor to know Doug. Kayla tells Julie that they love her and are here for whatever she needs. Julie thanks her and supposes this means her time is up. Kayla says the ambulance is outside but she can get them to wait. Julie cries that she doesn’t want to leave and wonders if it would’ve made a difference if she came to try to wake him up. Kayla cries that it was just his time to go. Julie says goodbye to Doug and cries that she will love him forever. Kayla then escorts Julie out of the room.
Eli asks Lani if he should go check on Julie. Lani suggests giving it a few minutes. Jack and Jennifer enter the room. Jack and Jennifer bring up the Thanksgiving dinner. Eli says he doesn’t have much of an appetite. Kayla brings Julie in. Julie hugs Lani and says it’s so good to see her. Lani says she’s so sorry and that Doug was a great man. Julie thanks her. Jennifer hugs Julie and tells her that she loves her so much.
Eli goes to the dining room and sets the table for the Thanksgiving dinner. Jack comes in and applauds him. Eli doesn’t think anyone will have much of an appetite. Jack talks about how Doug was all about this and suggests they take over the mantle. Eli jokes not to ask him to sing. Jack pours them glasses of wine and toasts to Doug, saying he will live on forever in their hearts and minds.
Jennifer and Lani sit with Julie. Lani offers to get her more tea but Julie says she’s fine. Julie thanks Jennifer for calling Hope and says she will call her when she can. Jennifer says there’s no rush as Shawn is there with her. Kayla comes in and informs Julie that the ambulance has left. Maggie arrives with Sarah. Julie hugs Maggie and tells her that Doug loved her so much. Maggie says they were all lucky to know Doug as he was one of a kind and will be greatly missed. Julie tells Sarah that it’s wonderful that she’s walking again. Sarah hugs her and says she’s sorry for her loss. Paulina arrives and says she hopes she’s not intruding but she had to come pay her respects. Paulina tells Julie that Doug was the best in all of them. Julie talks about Doug admiring Paulina’s spirit and style. Marlena then arrives and hugs Julie, assuring she wouldn’t be anywhere else right now. Marlena reminds Julie that her and Doug’s love and devotion are an inspiration to them all and will be forever. Julie thanks her. Marlena tells Julie to call her if she needs anything at all. Kayla assures all of them will be there for her. Julie thanks her family and friends for being there to show her love and support as it means the world to her.
Shawn calls his sister Ciara and tells her that he has some bad news.
Hope sits at Bo’s side in his hospital room as he remains in a coma and tearfully tells him that her dad died tonight. Hope says she was in denial that this day would ever come and now that it’s here, she doesn’t know what to do. Hope says they all relied on Doug to keep them strong and no matter what she was going through, he always made her feel safe and loved. Hope cries that the only other person to ever make her feel that way is Bo and she really needs him now. As Hope holds Bo’s hand, he begins to show movement in his fingers which excites Hope.
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