Days Update Friday, November 29, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Kayla goes to Marlena’s office at the hospital and wishes her a happy Thanksgiving. Marlena asks how her celebration at the Pub was. Kayla says it was pretty great and explains that Bonnie burnt the Kiriakis turkey so she invited their whole family and it turned in to one big party. Kayla jokes that one perk of getting called in to work was not having to do the dishes, but she had to leave before dessert came out. Kayla notes that she’s surprised to see Marlena at work as she thought she and John had Thanksgiving plans. Marlena responds that he ditched her.

Maggie sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, looking up at the portrait of Victor. Sarah comes in and comments that it was a pretty nice Thanksgiving at the Pub. Maggie jokes that Kayla saved the day after Bonnie lost the battle with the turkey. Sarah calls it relatively lovely despite some of the awkward moments. Maggie agrees. Sarah says she saw Maggie looking at Victor’s portrait and knows she misses him so much, especially around the holidays. Maggie talks about feeling the loved ones they’ve lost more than ever.

Lani sits with Paulina at home and tells her that Abe is reading a bedtime story to the twins. Paulina tells Lani that they are overdue for some mother-daughter time. Paulina wants to hear all the gossip about her life in DC. Lani says there isn’t much to tell and that they’ve really adjusted their lives there. Lani calls it a great city with so much to see and do. Paulina notes that they’ve made it clear they have no interest in moving back. Lani insists that it’s only for now and they eventually want to move back as they miss being close to their loved ones. Paulina says they miss her even more and that Julie misses them just as much as they do. Lani says they do a lot of video chats but Paulina says nothing is as good as in person. Lani mentions that she’s really glad that Eli made it a priority to go visit Julie.

In the dining room, Eli questions Jennifer about JJ and Chad both having something come up. Jennifer calls it rather urgent. Eli says that’s too bad as he knows Julie was definitely looking forward to having a full house. Jennifer asks Eli to stay for a few bites before going back to Abe and Paulina’s. Eli jokes that Julie won’t give him a choice. Jennifer tells Eli that Julie loves him so much and misses them. Eli responds that Julie and Doug are his favorite people, his family, and he’s definitely looking forward to spending some quality time with them.

Jack returns to Julie in the living room. Julie asks if he woke Doug up. Jack responds that he tried but he’s so sorry. Julie drops her candle in shock as Jack holds her. Julie cries that he can’t be gone. Jack repeats that he’s very sorry. Julie argues that he’s just a heavy sleeper. Jack says he tried to wake him and checked his pulse to be certain. Jack declares that Doug must have passed away in his sleep. Jack asks what he can do. Julie asks Jack to just tell everyone. Jack says he’ll be right back and heads to the dining room. Julie sits down and begins to cry.

Eli talks to Jennifer about his kids, Jules and Carver. Jack enters the room. Jennifer tells him that the kids are finishing a board game and then will be down for dinner, so she hopes he had better luck with Doug. Jennifer then asks Jack what’s wrong.

Marlena informs Kayla that John got called away at the last minute by the ISA. Kayla notes that Steve didn’t say anything. Marlena says it seemed to be top secret. Kayla argues that John and Steve are in business together, so they tell each other when one is leaving town. Marlena says John didn’t explain that part to her, so she’s not sure where he is or how long he will be gone.

Maggie tells Sarah that today is about giving thanks and Victor would want her to focus on her blessings. Maggie brings up Sarah walking again and Victoria warming her heart. Sarah mentions Victoria being fast asleep next to Xander. Maggie tells Sarah that Julie invited them over for dinner tonight if she’s interested. Sarah jokes that she’s still full from the Pub. Maggie suggests they could drop by for dessert and says it would be nice to see everyone. Sarah says she does have a lot of great memories from her dad’s side of the family. Sarah adds that if they’re lucky, they could get Doug to sing a song or two…

Eli goes to the Horton house and hugs Julie, asking what he can do. Julie tells him to just be with her.

Jack hugs Jennifer, who says she feels so sad for Julie and her family. Jack says that Doug was so full of joy, love, kindness, and life. Jack thinks the world will be a lot dimmer without him in it. Jennifer talks about Doug always reading the kids a book or playing board games with them. Jennifer decides the kids can’t be there and tells Jack to take them to the Kiriakis Mansion. Jack agrees to do that so he can tell Maggie what’s happened and he will tell Kayla to make sure someone comes to take care of Doug. Jennifer says she will make calls to her family as Jack then exits. Jennifer pulls out her phone and calls Hope, who says she was just about to call her. Hope wishes Jennifer a happy Thanksgiving. Jennifer informs Hope that there’s something she has to tell her. Hope asks what it is. Jennifer then informs Hope that Jack had gone to try to wake Doug up for dinner but he didn’t wake up and died in his sleep.

Jack calls Kayla, who says she will send someone over right away and sends her love. Kayla hangs up as Marlena asks if everything is alright and what Jack said. Kayla informs Marlena that Doug has passed away.

Lani talks to Paulina about Eli being a family man and says he may not have grown up with the Hortons but they mean the world to him and they made such an effort to welcome him in to the family. Lani adds that Julie and Doug went above and beyond.

Jack returns to the living room and informs Eli and Julie that Jennifer is calling Hope and Kayla is sending an ambulance for Doug. Julie decides she wants to see Doug. Jack says she can take all the time she needs. Eli offers to go with Julie and they head upstairs together.

Hope asks Jennifer if Julie is with her. Jennifer says Eli is with her in another room. Hope starts to cry and decides she should be there. Jennifer knows she’ll be there soon and says they will take care of Julie in the meantime.

Eli brings Julie to Doug in their bedroom. Eli says he will give her some privacy and steps out of the room.

Maggie tells Sarah that maybe Doug will give them a Thanksgiving performance tonight. Sarah says she’ll go let Xander know what the plan is. Jack then arrives and greets them. Jack says he’s sorry for barging in like this and that he brought Thomas and Charlotte with him. Jack says they are with Xander in the foyer now. Maggie asks Jack if everything is alright. Jack says he’s afraid not.

Kayla tells Marlena that she has an ambulance on standby and will go over there in a bit but she wants to give the family some time. Marlena responds that her heart is breaking for Julie as she and Doug loved each other for over 50 years so this has to turn her life upside down. Kayla says it breaks her heart to think about Hope getting that call about her dad. Kayla says Hope was there comforting her when her dad died, so she wishes she could be there for Hope now.

Hope tells Jennifer that she should’ve been home but Jennifer assures that Doug understood she needed to be close to Bo. Hope cries that she didn’t get to say goodbye. Jennifer encourages that Doug knew how much she loved him. Hope can’t imagine what Julie must be going through. Jennifer says that Julie is a strong woman with her family around her. Jennifer asks if Hope will be okay since she’s all by herself. Hope says that Shawn will be home soon. Jennifer tells Hope that she loves her. Hope asks Jennifer to give Julie a really big hug from her and to tell her how much she loves her. Hope says she’ll be home soon as they hang up. Hope then breaks down crying as she flashes back to the speech Doug gave her when she turned 18. Shawn comes home and asks if something is wrong. Hope tells him that it’s Doug.

Eli returns to the living room and looks at Doug’s photo on the mantle. Eli then gets a call from Lani, who tells him that dinner is ready and asks if he’s heading back soon. Eli responds that he’s not as he got sad news.

Julie sits at Doug’s side and tells him that she’s there. Julie cries that they both knew this day would come, just not so soon. Julie calls Doug her whole world and talks about how much she loves him. Julie says they had a lifetime of love, but never enough. Julie cries that his love was her strength and asks how she can go on without him. She talks about not knowing how to say goodbye as she flashes back to when they first met.

Lani joins Eli at the Horton house as Eli finishes a call with Julie’s grandson Scotty. Lani hugs Eli and says she’s sorry. Eli thanks her for coming. Lani says she has to be there for him and asks where Julie is. Eli tells her that she’s upstairs with Doug. Lani asks if there’s anything they can do to help. Eli says just being there with Julie is all she needs. Eli mentions his call with his half-brother Scotty to give him the news and save Julie a call. Lani states that Doug and Julie were the perfect couple and she can’t imagine one without the other.

Jennifer finishes a call with Lucas, informing him of the news. Jennifer looks over at all the family photos on the mantle and flashes back to a memory with Doug and Julie. Jack returns and tells her that he dropped the kids off with Maggie and asks how things went with Hope. Jennifer says she’s obviously heartbroken and she wanted to reach through the phone and hug her, but Shawn is there with her.

Shawn tells Hope that he’s sorry and says Doug was such a great man that he loved very much. Hope encourages that Doug loved Shawn and was proud of him before he was even born. Hope hugs Shawn and flashes back to Doug giving Hope her baby blanket when she was pregnant with Shawn. Hope talks about how proud Doug was of Shawn from the day he was born. Hope hugs him and says that never changed. Hope sits down with a photo of Doug and flashes back to another memory with Doug. Hope cries that Doug was always there when she needed him. Shawn brings her tea and asks if there’s anything else he can get her. Hope thanks him and says she’s going to see Bo. Shawn points out that she was there all night last night but understands if that’s what she needs. Shawn offers to go with her but Hope assures that she can go on her own and will be back soon. Shawn tells Hope that he loves her as they hug and Hope then goes to change.

Maggie sits at home with an old photo album and flashes back to an old memory of dancing with Doug. Sarah comes back in and tells her that she let Xander know what’s going on. Sarah asks how Maggie is doing. Maggie responds that she was thinking of many years ago when she and Doug bonded over putting together a variety show as a fundraiser for the hospital. Maggie calls Doug so talented and a natural entertainer. Sarah calls him effortlessly charming. Maggie looks up at the portrait of Victor and states that she knows what Julie is going through now. Maggie tells Sarah that she’s heading over to the Horton house as she needs to be there for Julie. Sarah decides to go with her as they hug and then they exit together.

Kayla joins Julie at Doug’s side in their bedroom. Julie thanks her for coming. Kayla calls it such an honor to know Doug. Kayla tells Julie that they love her and are here for whatever she needs. Julie thanks her and supposes this means her time is up. Kayla says the ambulance is outside but she can get them to wait. Julie cries that she doesn’t want to leave and wonders if it would’ve made a difference if she came to try to wake him up. Kayla cries that it was just his time to go. Julie says goodbye to Doug and cries that she will love him forever. Kayla then escorts Julie out of the room.

Eli asks Lani if he should go check on Julie. Lani suggests giving it a few minutes. Jack and Jennifer enter the room. Jack and Jennifer bring up the Thanksgiving dinner. Eli says he doesn’t have much of an appetite. Kayla brings Julie in. Julie hugs Lani and says it’s so good to see her. Lani says she’s so sorry and that Doug was a great man. Julie thanks her. Jennifer hugs Julie and tells her that she loves her so much.

Eli goes to the dining room and sets the table for the Thanksgiving dinner. Jack comes in and applauds him. Eli doesn’t think anyone will have much of an appetite. Jack talks about how Doug was all about this and suggests they take over the mantle. Eli jokes not to ask him to sing. Jack pours them glasses of wine and toasts to Doug, saying he will live on forever in their hearts and minds.

Jennifer and Lani sit with Julie. Lani offers to get her more tea but Julie says she’s fine. Julie thanks Jennifer for calling Hope and says she will call her when she can. Jennifer says there’s no rush as Shawn is there with her. Kayla comes in and informs Julie that the ambulance has left. Maggie arrives with Sarah. Julie hugs Maggie and tells her that Doug loved her so much. Maggie says they were all lucky to know Doug as he was one of a kind and will be greatly missed. Julie tells Sarah that it’s wonderful that she’s walking again. Sarah hugs her and says she’s sorry for her loss. Paulina arrives and says she hopes she’s not intruding but she had to come pay her respects. Paulina tells Julie that Doug was the best in all of them. Julie talks about Doug admiring Paulina’s spirit and style. Marlena then arrives and hugs Julie, assuring she wouldn’t be anywhere else right now. Marlena reminds Julie that her and Doug’s love and devotion are an inspiration to them all and will be forever. Julie thanks her. Marlena tells Julie to call her if she needs anything at all. Kayla assures all of them will be there for her. Julie thanks her family and friends for being there to show her love and support as it means the world to her.

Shawn calls his sister Ciara and tells her that he has some bad news.

Hope sits at Bo’s side in his hospital room as he remains in a coma and tearfully tells him that her dad died tonight. Hope says she was in denial that this day would ever come and now that it’s here, she doesn’t know what to do. Hope says they all relied on Doug to keep them strong and no matter what she was going through, he always made her feel safe and loved. Hope cries that the only other person to ever make her feel that way is Bo and she really needs him now. As Hope holds Bo’s hand, he begins to show movement in his fingers which excites Hope.

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Days Short Recap Friday, November 29, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kayla caught Marlena up on what happened when the Kiriakises had Thanksgiving dinner at the pub. Marlena told her that John was on another mission from the ISA. Kayla thought it was weird that he didn’t tell Steve about it. Marlena wasn’t sure how long John would be on the assignment. Maggie and Sarah talked about what happened at the pub. They talked about the loved ones they lost over the years. Maggie told her that Victor always said to focus on their blessings. Sarah mentioned that Julie invited them for dinner at the Horton house, but she was full because of dinner. Maggie wanted to stop by for dessert and to see everyone. Jack held Julie as she tried to process the idea that Doug was gone. She kept saying that he couldn’t be gone. Julie wanted to know if he was certain that Doug passed away. He assured her that he was gone. Doug must have died in his sleep. Jack left to tell everyone while Julie collapsed in the chair. Eli talked to Jennifer about the twins when Jack entered the room. He shared the news with Eli and Jennifer. Eli rushed to his grandmother’s side. Jack and Jennifer hugged each other. They agreed to take Chad’s kids to Maggie’s place and tell Kayla what happened. After Jack left, Jennifer held back tears to make her calls. She called Hope to tell her the news. Hope was stunned silent. She cried and thanked Jennifer for being there. Hope realized she should have been there too. Jennifer assured her that Doug understood that she would want to be by Bo’s side. She wanted to be there and let Doug know how much he meant to her. Jennifer let her know that Doug knew how she felt about him.

Hope broke down and flashed back to memories of Doug. She cried while Shawn walked in the room. He saw his mother, and she told him about Doug passing away. Hope told him that Doug was proud of him before he was born. She had another flashback of Doug giving her the blanket Addie made when Hope was a baby. Kayla got off the phone with Jack and told Marlena the news about Doug. Jack told Julie that Kayla was sending ambulance for Doug. She wanted to see him first. Eli walked with her to her room and left her alone with Doug. Julie walked over to the bed to be by Doug’s side. Eli went to the living room and looked at Doug’s picture on the mantle. Lani called him to find out when he was coming back. A tear fell down his face as he told her the news about Doug. Julie touched Doug’s face and told him that she loved him. He was her entire world. She wondered how she would go on without him. There were flashbacks of their relationship. Lani arrived at the Horton house as Eli got off the phone with his brother, Scotty. They hugged each other, and Lani called Doug and Julie the perfect couple. They couldn’t imagine one of them without the other. Jennifer finished talking to Lucas and thought about Doug and Julie as a couple. Jack came back from giving Maggie and Sarah the news. Shawn brought Hope tea while she was thinking about her father. She wanted to see Bo. Shawn offered to go in the room with her, but she wanted to go alone. Maggie had flashbacks of times with Doug. She and Sarah talked about the memories they had of Doug. Maggie cried and looked at Victor’s portrait. She knew what Julie was going through and wanted to see her. Kayla went to Doug and Julie’s room. She said it was an honor to know him. Kayla assured Julie that they were all there for her. Julie said goodbye to Doug and that she would love him forever. She took Kayla’s hand and looked back at Doug one last time. Shawn called Ciara to tell her the news about Doug. Hope sat with Bo and told him about her father dying. Doug always made her feel safe and loved. Bo was the only other person who made her feel that way. She needed him. Hope grabbed his hand, and his thumb rubbed her finger. She couldn’t believe it.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, November 28, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

JJ went to Rafe’s house to see Gabi. He asked her to pretend to be his sister. Julie demanded answers from Chad about Cat. She wanted to know why Abby’s imposter was in their house having Thanksgiving dinner with them. Chad promised her that Cat would remain upstairs and away from everyone. Julie wasn’t moved by it and wondered why he was doing so much for her. He said he was doing it for Abby. Chad didn’t want to worry her because Doug was sick. Julie assured him that Doug was fine and demanded answers from Chad. He revealed that he was using Cat to get Clyde to tell him where he could find Abby’s remains. Cat talked to Aaron on the phone and thought it was a good idea for them to spend the holidays apart. Jack and Jennifer gave her the evil as when they saw her. Cat noticed them and planned to be out of the way before anyone saw her. Jack angrily informed her that their flight arrived early. Cat started apologizing to them when Jennifer interrupted her. She slapped Cat. Jennifer let her know that she never believed that she was Abby. If she respected herself, she would leave and never come back.

JJ explained the plan to Gabi. Chad needed a decoy to fool Clyde. They would check into a hotel as man and wife like Clyde wanted. Chad and Cat would get the drop on Clyde. JJ promised he would protect her. He would understand if she didn’t want to do it. Gabi reminded him that she had a personal stake in it too after what Clyde terrorized her while she was in prison. She blamed Clyde for why Stefan and Ava got together. If it weren’t for Clyde, she and Stefan would still be married. She refused to let Clyde get away with what he did and agreed to help. Chad left the room to go to the kitchen. Julie looked at a picture of Doug and Hope. She had a phone call with Hope. Hope told her about Bo’s condition. She assured Hope that Bo knew she was there. Julie told her about Doug’s condition and that he was feeling better. He was resting before dinner. Cat was going to explain her actions to Jennifer and Jack when Chad approached them. He wished Jennifer and Jack and Happy Thanksgiving, but she didn’t think it was. Jack and Jennifer left to check on the kids. Chad received a call from Clyde with instructions about the plan. When Jack and Jennifer returned, they found out Chad and Cat were meeting Clyde. JJ showed up and told his parents that he and Gabi were going to be Chad and Cat’s decoys. Jennifer refused to allow it. She wanted Cat to go alone. Julie joined the family as JJ and Chad prepared to leave the house. Jennifer warned Cat to pray that JJ and Chad came back safely. She planned to blame her if something happened to them. Julie asked Jack to wake Doug up. Eli showed up at the Horton house to see Julie. Jack went to Doug’s room and tried to wake him up. His face fell as Doug was unresponsive. At the town square, Chad talked to Tom and Alice’s plaques about getting Abby’s remains. Cat approached him and apologized for what happened with Jack and Jennifer. Chad was tired of apologies and wanted to focus on bringing Clyde down. JJ and Gabi joined them. Chad thanked Gabi for helping with the plan. She wanted to take Clyde down too. Gabi looked at Cat and was surprised she agreed with Julie about something. Jack gingerly approached Julie She wondered if he woke Doug up. He apologized to Julie, and she broke down. Jack caught her as she faltered.

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Days Transcript Friday, November 29, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[pensive music]

[knocking on door]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, same to you.

Is it a bad time?

Uh, no. Not at all. I’m glad for the break. Come on in. Have a seat.


How was your celebration at the pub?

You know, it was actually pretty great. Bonnie burnt the Kiriakis’ turkey. [laughter] So I invited their whole family to join our whole family. So it went from two separate celebrations to one big party, and it was great, really. Although, I have to say that one of the perks of being called in tonight was I got to skip doing the dishes.

Well, then you really lucked out.

[laughs] Yeah. Except for I had to leave before the dessert came out. Steve promised me a plate. But, uh, anyway, I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you and John had Thanksgiving plans.

Well, he ditched me. [laughs]

There you are.

Hi, darling.

Hey. It’s a pretty nice Thanksgiving, I thought. Wasn’t it?

Yes, it was indeed.

Yes. And it was very nice of Kayla to let us crash her Thanksgiving lunch.

Yeah, she saved the day. [laughs] Especially after Bonnie lost the battle with the turkey.


Yes. Yeah, she really did. And, uh, I thought it was relatively lovely, despite some of the awkward moments.

Yes, there were definitely a few of those.

Yes, there was.

But I agree, it was mostly a lovely lunch.

[laughs] Mama. I saw you looking at Victor’s portrait when I came in. I know you miss him so much.

I do.

Especially around the holidays.

I do. I do. You know, it’s just this time of year. I mean, we just feel so much the ones that we love that we lost. It’s just, uh–we just feel it more than ever.

Well, Dad has to be the most patient man on Earth. [laughs] He’s reading “Green Eggs and Ham” to the twins for, like, the fifth time.

Ooh. Well, I hope he reads it to ’em a few more times since you and I are long overdue for some mother-daughter, one-on-one time. OK, now, dish.


I want to hear all the gossip about life in DC.

I mean, Mom, there’s– there’s not much to tell. Um, we’ve–we’ve really adjusted our lives there. You know, we’ve made some new friends. [laughs] It’s a great city. There’s so much to see and do.



And you and your husband have made it very clear you have no interest in moving back.

Only for now, Mom. Like I told you, Salem is our home, and we eventually want to move back here. We miss being so close to our loved ones.

And your loved ones miss having you close by even more. And I’m not just talking about Abe and me. I know Julie misses her grandson and those grandbabies just as much as we do.

We do a lot of video calls with Julie.

Well, I’m sure you do, but nothing’s as good as seeing you all in person.

I know. I know, Mom, which is why I’m really glad that Eli made it a priority to go visit Julie.

So JJ and Chad both had something come up?

Yeah. Yeah, something rather urgent.

Uh-huh. Well, that’s too bad. I know Grandma was definitely looking forward to having a full house.

Oh, yeah, I think she made enough food for a while.

[laughs] Yeah.

But maybe you can just stay and have a few bites before you have to go to Abe and Paulina’s.

Oh, something tells me that Grandma’s not going to be giving me a choice.

Yeah, and there might be a napkin with your name embroidered on it, so I think your instincts are right.

Oh, God. [chuckles]

You know, your grandma loves you so, so much, and she misses you and Lani and the twins.

Well, the feeling is mutual. And Doug and Julie, they’re not only my two favorite people, they’re family. I’m definitely looking forward to spending some quality time with them.

My grandmother’s candlesticks, just for the dining room table. Aren’t they lovely? Wh–where’s Doug? Did you wake him up?

Julie, I– no. I mean, I tried. Julie, I’m so sorry.



Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[somber music]

He can’t be gone. He can’t be gone!

[soft orchestration]

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so arethe “Days of Our Lives.”

[somber music]

Sorry. I’m so very, very sorry.

You tried to wake him. You know, he’s a heavy sleeper!

Yes, I know. I said his name several times. I even tried to shake him awake. That’s when I realized–

His–his pulse. Did you take his pulse? Are you certain?

Julie. I’m certain. He must have passed away in his sleep. He– [sighs] Oh, what can I do? Can I do anything? What can I do?

Tell everyone. Just–just tell everyone. I think they’re in the dining room.

Right. Right. Right. I’ll be right back. Right.


And Jules, oh, my– [laughs] She’s take charge, OK? She is assertive. And when she wants something, she is not afraid to let you know.

Hmm, sounds just like her namesake.


Yes. [laughs] And Carver, I mean, he really looks up to her. He just hangs on her every word.

Oh, my goodness. So sweet.

I know, I know, I know. The kids said they need exactly three more minutes to finish their board game. Then they’ll be down for dinner. I hope you had better luck with Doug.

Jack, what’s wrong?

What do you mean, John ditched you?

Well, he got called away at the last minute by the ISA.

Well, that’s so strange. Steve didn’t mention anything about it.

Well, um, apparently it was pretty sudden. I don’t know all the circumstances, but apparently it was top secret, so there’s no reason that Steve would know about it.

Yeah, but I mean, John wouldn’t have to tell Steve about the case, but he still– I mean, they’re in business together. They tell each other when one is leaving town.

Yeah. I don’t know. He didn’t explain that to me, but I’m not even sure where he is or how long he’ll be gone.

You know, today is about giving thanks. And Victor would want me to focus on my blessings, which are abundant. I mean, God, I have a daughter who is walking again. And I have a granddaughter whose laugh warms my heart.

Victoria does have a pretty great laugh.

[laughs] Just like her mother!


Where is that little angel, by the way?

Last I checked, she was still fast asleep, right next to her daddy who was on the floor next to her crib, so I’m not really sure who put who to sleep.


Aw, that’s so precious. Listen, I don’t know if you’re interested, but Julie invited us over for dinner tonight.

Another meal? Oh, my God. I’m still full from the pub.

I know, I know. Well, I don’t know. Maybe we could drop by for dessert. It would be nice to see everyone.



Yeah, I have– I really do have a lot of great memories of spending Thanksgiving with Dad’s side of the family. And Grandpa Tom would make a very heartwarming speech. Grandma Alice would make her donuts–


–which was the best.


And if we were lucky, we could get– we could get Doug to sing a song or two.

[gasps] Yes. Mm, mm.

[soft music]

Oh, Eli.

Grandma, what can I do?

Just be with me. Just be with me.

I feel so sad for Julie. I feel so sad for our family.

Doug was just so full of joy, love, kindness, life. I–I think–I think the world’s going to be a lot dimmer without him in it.

Yeah. You know, whenever I would call Thomas and Charlotte, more times than not Doug was reading them a book or playing a board game with–

They adore him. They do.

Jack, they can’t be here. They can’t. You’ve got to take them to Maggie’s. They can’t be here.

All right, all right, I’ll– I’ll get them right now and take ’em over to Maggie’s. And I can– I can–I can tell her what’s happening. And–and I can talk to Kayla.


And–and she can make sure that somebody– somebody comes here to– to take care of Doug.

Right. Then I’m going to– I’m going to make calls to my family.

All right.



[phone beeps]

[phone ringing]

Oh, my gosh. I literally just picked up my phone to call you. I’m not even kidding. Happy Thanksgiving, cuz.

Hi. Hi. You too. There’s–there’s something that I have to tell you.

Sure. What is it?

A little while ago, Jack tried to wake up your dad to come down for dinner, but, um, he–he didn’t wake up. Hope, he died in his sleep.

Um, I’ll send someone over right away. Please give them all my love. Thanks. Bye, Jack.

[somber music]

Kayla, is everything all right?

Honey, what is it? What did Jack say?

Doug passed away.

Oh, that husband of yours is full of all kinds of green flags, isn’t he? Rushing over to see his grandma as soon as he arrives in town.

[laughs] Eli is a family man, for sure. You know, he may not have grown up with the Hortons, but they’ve become so close over the years.

I just think it’s so sweet the way he dotes on Julie.

She means a lot to him. They’ve all made such an effort to just welcome him into the family. But Julie and Doug? They went above and beyond.

Jennifer’s calling Hope. I just spoke with Kayla. She’s sending an ambulance over for Doug.

Oh! I–I–I want to see him.

Of course. Of course. I’ll give you all the time you need.

Why don’t I go with you, Grandma?

Yes, please.

[crying] Hope. Hey, are you there?

Yeah. Yeah, I–I– I’m here. Where’s Julie? Is she there with you?

She’s in another room, but Eli’s with her.

[crying] Oh, my God, Jen. Oh, my God. I’m sorry. I–I just–I– I didn’t– thank God you’re there. [sighs] I should be there.

You’ll be here soon. You will. And we are going to take care of her in the meantime.

I know you will.

How beautiful he is, like an angel.

You want me to give you some privacy?

Yes, please, Darling. Please.

Maybe Doug will give us a Thanksgiving performance tonight.

You should put in a request.

And I think I will.

Fantastic. [laughs]

All right.

All right. I’m going to go let Xander know what the plan is.


OK. All right.

Hi, Sarah, Maggie. Uh, I’m–I’m sorry for barging in like this.

That–that’s OK.

I–I brought Thomas and Charlotte with me. They’re in the foyer with Xander right now.

Jack, is everything all right?

No, I’m afraid not.

[pensive music]

I got an ambulance on standby, and I’ll go over there in a bit. I just–I just want to give the family a little time.

My heart is breaking for Julie. She and Doug loved each other for over 50 years. That’s–this has to turn her world upside down.

Yeah. And Hope. It just breaks my heart to think about her getting that call.

Well, she loved her dad.

And he loved her so much. You know, when– I mean, really, moments after my pop died, Hope was there, comforting me. I just wish I could do that for her right now.

I should have made more time to come home.

Hope, your father understood. He–he knew you needed to be close to Bo.

I didn’t get to say goodbye. I didn’t tell him how much I love him, how much he meant to me.

Oh, he knew, Hope. You were his princess.

I was. [crying] You know, I– I loved when he called me that.

Oh, my God. I can’t even imagine what Julie must be going through right now.

Yeah. She’s a really strong woman, and she has her family all around her. But are you going to be OK? You’re so far away. You’re all by yourself.

Yeah. I mean, Shawn’s going to be home soon.

OK. Well, that’s good. I love you so very much, Hope.

I love you too, cuz. Jennifer, give Julie a really, really big hug. Tell her it’s from me. Tell her how much I love her. I’ll be home soon, OK?

[crying] Oh, Daddy. [crying]

Happy birthday, Princess.

But I thought the party was my gift.

Well, we wanted you to have something special that you– you could keep to remind you of turning 18.

[soft music]

December 29, 1983. Remember and smile.

I love you, baby. Always remember that too.

Dad, I’m not your baby anymore.

You’re always going to be my baby.

Oh, Dad, this is the most exciting night of my life.

It’s the beginning of a whole new one. [laughs]

My dear, whatever your old man calls you, you are a woman now. And I wish that that experience for you will be glorious and wonderful, everything that you’ve always dreamed that it will be. You’re going to take with you several blessings. Your health, terrific brain, beauty, and our wealth too. And one additional thing. Always know that you’re loved and cherished just the same way you were on the day you were born.

Oh, Daddy. Daddy. [crying]

Mom, is something wrong? Is it Dad?

It’s Grandpa Doug.

[phone ringing]

Hey, Lani.

Hey, baby. I don’t mean to rush you, but dinner’s ready. Are you heading back soon?

[soft music]

No, um, I’m not. [sighs] I’m sorry, but I’ve got sad news.

My darling. [whispering] My darling. I’m here. Julie’s right here. We both knew this day would come. Just not so soon. I love you so much. You’re my whole world, you know? Do you know how much I love you? The way you looked at me, the look of love. Your voice.

The way that we laid beside each other in the night.

A lifetime. A lifetime of love with our arms around each other. Not enough. Never enough. You loved me so. That love is my strength. How– how can I go on without you? [crying]

[soft music]

I don’t know how to say goodbye to you. I never did. Maybe we could get together in the daytime.

Well, OK. Now I like that idea better. Suppose we go to the beach and we’ll take some sun while we talk.

Oh, that’s a great idea. I could bring a picnic lunch.

You sure could. I’ll phone you in the morning.

Fine. Well, I really must– thank you again for a lovely evening.

Enchante, madame, and bonsoir.

[chimes ring]

Yeah, of course. I’ll let Grandma know that you’re thinking about her. You too, Scotty. Bye.

I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.

Thank you for coming over here.

Of course. I have to be here for you, and Julie. Where is she?

She’s upstairs with Doug.

Is there anything we can do to help?

[sighs] Just us being here with her right now is, I guess, all she needs. I just got off the phone with my half brother, Scotty. I gave him the news. Figured I’d save Julie a call.

Doug and Julie. They were the perfect couple. So in love. I can’t imagine one without the other.

Me either.

Yes, I will tell Julie that you send your love. OK, Lucas. I love you too, so much.

Julie, look what I’m doing for Jack. Would I be throwing him this huge party if I weren’t madly in love with him?

Darling, I don’t doubt the fact that you love Jack. Not at all. I’m just saying that when you have had a yen for a guy and it’s over, there still are times when you think about him.

Don’t be offended, sweetheart. Julie has romantic ideas about every guy that she ever cared for. I would be jealous, except for the fact that I’m the one that goes home with her every night.

You bet.

[sighs] I dropped the kids off at Maggie’s. How did things go with Hope?

Uh, she’s heartbroken, obviously. Jack, I just wanted to reach through the phone and hug her. But Shawn is there. He’s–he’s with her.

I’m so sorry, Ma. Grandpa Doug was such a great man, and I loved him very much.

I know you did, sweetheart. He loved you, too, very much. He was proud of you before you were even born. Couldn’t wait to meet you.

And I tell you, I must have spent weeks shopping around for the perfect baby gift, you know? Something really special. I found a lot of– of cute things, but nothing quite special enough, until I came across this at home. You recognize that I wrapped it myself?

Yeah, I kind of guessed that. I wonder what it is. Can I open it?

Yeah, open it slowly.


You see, when your mother was pregnant with you, she got it into her head that all mothers are supposed to knit little things for their babies, you know? Now, Addie did not know the eye of a needle from the eye of a potato, but that didn’t stop her. Took her six months, working every day to turn out this beautiful little blanket for your crib.

Oh, Dad, it’s– it’s beautiful.

Yeah. And, uh, you got very attached to this. You see, you would hold it close, just like you’re doing now. You never let it go. So I figured that maybe your baby would like it too. You like it, sweetheart?

Oh, Dad, I love it, and I love you too. Come here.

Oh, I love you, too, princess.

When he and Grandpa Shawn found out that we were naming you after them, they were so proud. My dad was so happy. He went on and on saying how honored he was. And you know what? He was convinced that you were going to play the piano because of your long fingers, and he was right.

Yeah, well, I was never as good as Grandpa. He was probably disappointed that I didn’t keep up with it.

No, you never disappointed him. Not ever. He was proud of you from the day you were born, Shawn. That never, ever changed. Not ever.

[soft music]

Oh, Daddy, I love you so much. I’m so glad I have you here to lean on. I’m so glad.

Want to talk about it?

No. No, if it’s OK, I– I just want to sit here.

Oh, my darling little princess, it’s always OK with me.

Play some more for me, Dad. Just play some more for me, please. You were always there when I needed you, Daddy. Always.

Here you go. Is there anything else I can get you?

No. Thanks, honey, I, um– I’m going to go see your dad.

Mom, you were– I mean, you were there all night last night–


OK. OK. If that’s what you need, yeah, I mean, I’ll go with you.

No, no, no. I’m–I’m going to change my clothes, and I can go on my own.

You sure?

Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be back soon.

Mom, I love you.

I love you too, Shawn.


[instrumental of Georges Bizet’s “Carmen – Habanera”]

I, uh, I let Xander know what’s going on. How you doing, Mama?

Oh. I was thinking about, um, how many years ago when Doug and I bonded over putting together a variety show. It was a fundraiser for the hospital. [laughs] Oh, he–he was– he was so talented. He was–he was just a natural. A natural entertainer.

Yeah, he was. And just effortlessly charming.


I can see why Julie fell head over heels for him.

I know– I know what Julie is going through right now.

Uh, I’m–I’m heading over to the house. I–I need to be there for her. OK?

I’ll go with you. OK?


Let’s go.

[knocking on door]


Oh, Kayla, thank you for coming.

Of course. Of course, of course, of course. It was such an honor to know Doug. We all loved him. And we love you so much, and we are here for you, whatever you need, OK?

Thank you. I–I suppose it means my time is up.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. The medical center is outside with an ambulance, but I can– I can absolutely get them to wait.

I don’t want to leave. Kayla, if– if I had been the one that came up and tried to wake him, it would have made a difference–

No, no. No. I mean, it was just his time to go.

Goodbye, darling. I will– I will love you forever.

Maybe I should go check on Grandma.

Maybe we should just give it a few minutes.

Well, uh, Jennifer and I might set out Thanksgiving dinner again if either of you are interested.

We just figured the–the food shouldn’t go to waste.

I don’t have much appetite.

Oh, Lani, it’s so good to see you.

I’m so sorry, Julie.

Thank you.

Doug was a great man. He was a beautiful person in every way.

Yes, he was. Thank you. Oh, Jen. Oh, Jenny.

I love you so much. I love you.

[soft music]

Well done.

Thanks. Although I’m guessing people aren’t going to really have much of an appetite.

You know, Doug was always so good at raising everyone’s spirits. In his honor, I say we take up the mantle.

Just don’t ask me to sing.


Uh, thanks.

I will spare both of us that. How about a toast? To Doug, a true gentleman of a bygone era. His kindness, charisma, his joy of life touched everyone he ever met, and we’re all better for it. He will live on forever in our hearts and in our minds.

To Doug.

To Doug. [glasses clink]

Can I get you some more tea?

Oh, no. Thank you. I’m fine. Jennifer, thank you for calling Hope. I’ll call her when I can.

There’s no rush. Shawn is there with her. She’s OK.

Julie, um, I just want to let you know that the ambulance has left.


Maggie. Oh, Maggie. Doug loved you so much. I hope you know that.

Oh, and that made me very lucky. We’re all lucky to have known your wonderful husband. He was one of a kind. And he will be greatly missed.

Look at you, Sarah. Oh, you’re walking again. That’s wonderful.

I’m so sorry, Julie. I’m sorry for your loss.

Thank you. Thank you.

I hope I’m not intruding. Grandpa Abe, he’s holding down the fort with the kids, but I just had to come and pay my respects.

Oh. Oh. [laughter]

Oh, your husband, Julie, he was– he was the best in all of us. Kind, generous, with the biggest heart. And that–that–that most endearing smile. I was so fond of him.

He was fond of you, darling. He admired your spirit and your style.





My darling. I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now. Nowhere else. And I want to remind you that you and Doug, your love and your devotion were– are an inspiration to us all. They will be forever.

Thank you for saying that.

Of course. Of course. Now, if there’s anything you need at all, anything at all, you’re to call me, all right?

We’re all going to be here for you, all of us. Every single one of us.

My family, you, my friends, I– I thank you for– for being here, for showing me so much love and support. And it means the world. It means the world to me.

[phone beeps]

Ciara, it’s Shawn. I, uh– I have some bad news.

[machine beeping]

Hey, Brady. Well, my dad–

My dad, he died tonight. I think I was in denial this day would ever come. Now that it’s here, I don’t know what to do. Anyway, Dad was always so strong. We all relied on him so much to keep us strong, and now– [sighs] You know, no matter what I was going through, he always made me feel safe and so loved. So loved. [crying]

The only other person who’s ever made me feel that way is you, and I really need you. I really, really need you right now, Brady. [sighs]

[chimes ring]

Bo? Bo? Bo.

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Days Transcript Thursday, November 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Mmm. [crunching]

Oh, honey, I’m pulling it all together now. I’m coming. Oh.

[playful jazz music] Oh, I turned down the oven again. Oh, but I’m afraid that turkey is gonna be drier than the Mojave Desert if the kids don’t get here soon. [sighs]

Any news on the flight?

No, nothing since they texted that it was delayed and they’re stuck in D.C. Oh, as if their visit wasn’t gonna be brief enough already. [bag crackles] Oh. Wait, what? What is this? Oh! What is this?

Nothing. Nothing.

Nothing? Nothing, Abraham Carver? You’re in here eating greasy chips before our huge Thanksgiving dinner, the one that I got up at 6:00 this morning to start cooking?

I’m hungry! And I’ve only had two saltines in the last 36 hours. I need some food. I’m–I’m starving.

Mm, oh, mm, poor you. Oh. Well–well, let me see. Let me just see what I can do about satisfying that appetite of yours, OK?

Yeah. Mm. Mm.


Oh, Lani, Eli! Oh-ho-ho! And my babies. Come in here. Come in. Oh-ho-ho! Oh, honey.

Hi, Mom.

Hey. Bring it in.

Oh. Yes, sir.

Oh, so good to see you. Look at them, oh!

[laughs] Tofu turkey? Really, Ari? No, no, no, no. I’m not judging. If you promise to come next year for Thanksgiving, I promise I’ll make you vegan everything. Yeah. I miss you too, my sweet girl. OK. Give my love to Will and Sonny. [knock at door] Te amo. [sighs] JJ.

Hey, Gabi.


I hope I’m not interrupting your dinner.

You’re not. We just finished. Come in, please.

Mm-hmm. Where is everybody?

Well, Jada left for the station. And Rafe and my cousin Javi disappeared to go watch football. They’re in a food coma, sacked out on the couch. So I’m in here, stuck with the dishes.

Ah, not fair.

Right? Though they did do all the cooking, so…

Did I–did I know you had a cousin Javi?

No, I don’t think so. He just moved here from Texas. He’s my new personal assistant. Ton of fun. You’ll love him.

OK. Oh, can I–can I help you with the dishes?

That’s kind of you, but I’ve got it. Thanks.

[tense music] So what are you doing here?

Actually, I was– I was hoping you could help me with something.

Thomas, Charlotte, hey. Grandparents are gonna be here in 45 minutes, OK? No mud, no blood. Keep your coats on, please. I love you.

There you are.

Hi. Happy–happy Thanksgiving.

Same to you. Yes.

Are–are Eli and Lani joining us?

Well, that’s Eli’s plan, but the plane was delayed, so we’ll see.

OK, so 8:00, 9:00.

Chad, darling, you know this holiday celebrates gratitude. And I just want you to know I’m very grateful to have this one moment alone with you.

Oh, OK, is there something on your mind?

Rather, something that’s been bothering me for, lo, these many days.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Why is Abigail’s imposter living under our roof?

Aaron, I know how hard this is for Felicity to understand. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I–no, I don’t. I–I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Mark, but I promise you, I am doing everything that I can for him and to bring Mom back to us. Oh, honey. Yeah, I do too. I pray that she’s still alive every night. [sighs] Look, I–I wish more than anything that I could spend Thanksgiving with you and Felicity. But it is just better this way. It’s safer for both of you.

Yeah, no one should be paying for my sins but me. That’s–

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[sighs, chuckles] Well, Abe is reading those little angels “Goodnight Moon,” and their eyes are already at half-mast.

Oh, well, I’m sure that they will take a long nap, since they did not sleep on the plane.

Yeah, they just wanted to walk up and down the aisle and wake up everybody who was sleeping.

[laughs] No. Aww. Well, you know, nothing like being stuck for hours in a metal tube with two toddlers. [laughter]

Yeah, it wasn’t fun.

Oh, well, I am gonna go check on the twins, see if Dad was able to get them to sleep.

Mm-hmm, well, even if he didn’t, you know, just bring them back in here. I miss those kids.

I will do that.

[chuckles] So, Eli, can I get you anything? You know, you want something to eat?


Maybe a drink?

No, I’m good. I had a bunch of peanuts on the airplane.

OK, well, then… maybe I can offer you something else.

Like what?

Well, Eli, you know, I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while now, and I’m glad I have this moment alone with you, you know. And you know how much now Abe and I have been missing you and Lani and the twins.

Yeah, well, we’ve missed you as well.

Mm-hmm, well, it occurred to me that wouldn’t it– wouldn’t it be great if we all, you know, lived closer together again?

[sighs] Yeah, that would be great, but–

How would you like to come back to the Salem PD?

[dramatic music]

You want my help? With what?

[sighs] Remember the other day, you said if there’s anything you can do to help get Abigail’s remains from Clyde that… you’d be happy to do it?


Well, if you really meant it, I– I was hoping I could take you up on that.

Well, it depends. What would you need me to do?

Not much, just… be my sister.

Chad, you must understand what I am feeling. Out of the blue, you come into the house with this Cat succubus on your arm and say you’ve dropped the charges against her and invited her to live in the house.

I know you’re upset.

Oh, I am. This is my home. I think I deserve to know what the hell you’re thinking.

It’s just–it’s– it’s just a little hard to explain.

Well, try. Darling, you must know the Horton house has always been open to anyone on holidays, someone that didn’t have a place to go or needed tender loving care. But, Chad, I refuse. I absolutely refuse to let that girl break bread with Abigail’s mother and father and brother sitting at the Thanksgiving table.

She will be upstairs. She will have her dinner upstairs. She will stay out of everyone’s way, I promise.

Out of everyone’s way? What–what is she doing in the house at all? Why isn’t she with her own bloody family? Why are you doing so much for her?

I’m not doing it for her. I’m doing it for Abigail.

I love you, Aaron. Happy Thanksgiving to you and to Felicity. We’ll all be together soon, OK? Bye.

Yours was not the face I wanted to see when I walked through that door.

I–I know. I’m very, very sorry. I wasn’t supposed to be here. I was gonna be gone before you arrived.

Our flight arrived early.

I’m–I’m gonna go. But before I do, please just allow me to say how sorry I– [gasps, grunts]


No, no. I–I deserved that. I–

Oh, no. That is the least you deserve after posing as our dead daughter.

[dramatic music] But you didn’t fool me. All I had to do was look in your eyes, and I could see that you were a fraud.

My whole family thought I was crazy because I wouldn’t believe that DNA test– you know, the one that your brother falsified? So my–my husband, my son-in-law, my entire family has been through hell because of your lies.

I know. I know that. And I am– I am very sorry. I was desperate. I was desperate to save my mother’s life. And if I could go back–

What, go back– go back and what, be a better person? Don’t you think it’s a little too late for that now?


And for some reason, Chad wants you here, which Jack and I cannot even fathom why. But if you had any self-respect, you would walk out that door, and you would never come back here!

You dropped the charges against Cat for Abigail’s sake? You invited Cat into the house for Abigail’s sake? Well, I don’t understand your reasoning here.

You have every right to be angry.

I am.

OK, but listen to me. I was doing this to protect you. Doug–Doug hasn’t been feeling well, and I know that you’ve been really worried about him. And I just thought that the less– the less you knew, the better.

Oh, come on. Doug is fine. Please, just tell me what the hell is going on.


[clears throat]

Clyde called.

Clyde? What does he want?

He wants me to turn over Cat to him.

That’s why you dropped the charges.


OK. All right. Well, turn her over. What are you waiting for?

It’s not that easy; I can’t just– I can’t just hand her over to him and– and let him murder her. I mean, I–I hate what she did, but I mean, her mother’s being held hostage. You know, she was desperate. And I’m sure you would agree that she doesn’t deserve to lose her life over that.

Well, of course not, but… God, why does she have to be here?

Do you remember why we thought she was Abigail in the first place? It wasn’t just because of the DNA test. It was because we exhumed Abigail’s grave and it was empty.

Of course I remember.

Julie, I need to find Abigail, OK? I need to–I need to know that my wife is resting in peace. And the only person that can tell me that is Clyde Weston. And–and the only way I can find him–

You’re using her as bait.

I am. And I have a plan.

Plan? You have a plan to confront Clyde Weston? Not by yourself.

Nope, nope. JJ’s gonna help me.


You want me to pretend to be Abigail? Isn’t that Cat Greene’s department?

Yeah, not anymore, obviously. So here’s what’s going on. Clyde contacted Chad again. He wants Cat and Chad to check into a hotel as Mr. And Mrs. Chad DiMera.

Oh, my God. They’d be sitting ducks.

Exactly, which is why Chad wants to bring along a decoy couple– you and me.

[laughs] Paulina, look, I don’t know. I mean–

Eli, wait. Now, before you accept it or reject it, just let me say this. Now, not only do we miss you on the force. We need you. The–the department has had a mass exodus. Shawn Brady left town. Ex-Officer Goldman is in prison. Harris Michaels, he’s God knows where. And Rafe Hernandez, he just quit.

Rafe quit? What? Why? What’s that all about?

[sighs] Well, I promoted Jada to commissioner, and he decided to move on. Anyway, I have been promising to beef up the ranks. But good detectives, they are hard to come by. And, you know, you– you and Lani, you’re the best. And I was hoping that you two could, you know, be a package deal.

[sighs] Paulina, I don’t know. I mean, Lani’s been having a good time at–at the house with Jules and Carver, especially because she missed so much time away from them.

Oh, yeah, but they’ll be in a preschool full-time next year. And she told me she wanted to be back in the workforce then. Come on, and don’t– you know, don’t you love– you and Lani, don’t you love working together again? I mean, come on. It’s a win-win-win. Don’t you agree?

Paulina, I–as much as–

Oh, well, “Goodnight Moon” did not do the trick. But one lullaby by their sweet grandpa, and those kids are out cold.

Ah, it’s a defense mechanism. You know, it works every time.


Are we interrupting something?

No, you’re not. I was just proposing to Eli that he and Lani come back to the Salem PD.

Well, I think that’s a great idea.

Mom, aren’t you forgetting something? As much as I would love that, you know I cannot work for the police anymore, not with a felony conviction.

Oh, no, you know, I’m sure I could pull a few strings.

No, no, Mom, I really appreciate that. But that would not be a good look for either of us.

Well, what if Eli came back to the PD and you found another job, one that pays well, parent-friendly hours, and just a lot of other good perks?

That sounds amazing, Dad, but I am not sure a job like that actually exists.

You know, I happen to know of one.

Oh, yeah? What is that?

Well, you can no longer be a cop, but… you can play a cop on TV.

[dramatic music]


How could I possibly pose as Abigail? We look nothing alike.

That’s true. But when Abigail was dealing with DID and believed that she was Gabby, she had us all convinced that she was you.

Good point. So what would I have to do?

We’re still waiting to hear the details from Clyde, but the tentative plan is that you and I would check into the hotel. That way, Cat and Chad can get the drop on Clyde while we–

Become the sitting ducks.

Right. The idea is to get out and ahead of Clyde. And, Gabi, don’t forget I was a cop, so I will do my damnedest to protect you. And look, I–I–I get that I am asking a lot. So if you are not comfortable doing this, I understand. It’s your call.

JJ is gonna help you confront Clyde Weston? You’re gonna put him in danger too?

No, no, no. I was gonna talk him out of it, but JJ feels as strongly about it as I do. He wants to find Abby. [buzzer blares]

It’s the Parker House rolls. I got to take them out of the oven.

No, no, no, no, no, no. I’ve got it. I’ve got it. I’ve got it. I’ve got it.

Oh. [sighs]


[phone rings]

Hello. Oh. [laughing] Hope, darling, hi. I was just looking at a picture of you and your dad. Yeah. Happy Thanksgiving.

I want nothing more than to walk out that door and never come back, trust me.

Go. Go!

You have to understand, the way your family means what it does to you, it’s the same for me. My family is everything to me. And if there’s a chance that my mother’s still alive, I am the only one who can help her.

Jack. Jennifer. Hi. Hi, I didn’t–I didn’t– I didn’t know you were here. Happy Thanksgiving.

No, it’s not.

No, it’s not. Sorry. Look, you guys weren’t supposed to run into each other, OK? I know this must be very difficult.

Why is she even here?

She’s here because we need her help, Jennifer. We need her help to find out what Clyde did with Abigail’s body. And she could have–

She could be in jail if she were truly sorry for what she did.

I just want to see my grandchildren. Where are they?

They–they just came in from outside. They’re upstairs playing.

Well, maybe we’ll surprise them and they’ll let us play the last round.

Oh, my God, Chad. I am sorry. I was not gonna be here.

Just stop. [phone rings]

[suspenseful music] This is Chad DiMera. Hello, Clyde.

What do you mean, I can play a detective on TV? Dad, I am not an actress.

Have you ever tried acting?

No, but I mean–

Well, then how do you know if you’re not an actress? Most of the cast on “Body & Soul” are also inexperienced, right, Abe?


Mm-hmm. Oh, I know. Lani, she could play Faith’s older sister. She and Chanel would have natural chemistry.


No, that would be perfect. That would be perfect. Faith would welcome her long-lost big sister, who happens to be a crackerjack police detective.

Oh, I love it! Oh-ho, and I know that Abe has been trying to beef up his Pineview police force, just like I’m trying to do in real life at the Salem PD.

OK, look, Mom, Dad, I am grateful for the offer and–and flattered that you think I could do it, but… I just accepted a part-time job. And it starts after the holidays.

Oh. Well, you know what? That gives you time to give them ample notice. You could just tell them you changed your mind.

Mom, it’s a job that I am really excited about. I’ll be working at the preschool with the kids, and I won’t have to be separated from them.

Oh. Well, you know, I know this is very important to you, Lani, but–

Look, Paulina, Abe, we’ve always had a plan to move back to Salem one day because we miss you all so much. But right now, Jules and Carver, they love their school, love their friends.

And Eli loves his job.




No, I hope you understand.

The answer is a resounding no, huh?

No, Mom, it’s not. It’s just not yet. OK, like Eli said, we miss being here, and being back home has been so great. We love being with you guys. But we will be back soon.

Is that a promise?

[dramatic music]

That’s a promise.

Come here. It’s a big promise.

Oh, OK. Oh.

If I said no, what would you do? Do you have a plan B?

I’d figure something out. Look, look, Gabi, I– this is a lot to ask, so if–if you don’t want to do it–

No, I–I didn’t say that. I’m just thinking. Like I already told you, I have a personal stake in this too.

Clyde terrorized me while I was in prison. He broke my leg as a warning to Stefan.

I didn’t know that.

Yeah. And then he forced Stefan and Ava into the unholy partnership that led Stefan to cheat on me.

Clyde Weston kind of ruined my life. And if it wasn’t for him, I’d still be happily married.

I’m really sorry.

Yeah. Me too. But all that makes it easier to decide. I’m not gonna let him get away with this.

So yes, I’m in.

And things with Shawn-Douglas? [chuckles] Well, sounds promising.

And how is Bo doing, darling?

I’m so sorry.

Well, all–all you can do is what you are doing. It’s your presence. That–that–that’s– that’s the important thing. Oh, I’m sure he feels that you’re there too.

Oh, your dad’s much better today. Yeah, he got up early, at the crack of dawn… [chuckles] Dressed the turkey. Well, I’d have you speak with him now, but he’s– he’s taking a little rest before the dinner party, you know?

Oh, Hope, we miss you so much. I know. Still, can’t wait till we get to see you again. [chuckles]

Yeah, so, Clyde, you ready to tell me what your plan is?

Yeah, I’m ready.


Yeah, no, I still have her. No, I told her I feel bad about her mother. She thinks I’m gonna help track her down. No, she has no idea I’m gonna hand her over to you, which I won’t be doing until I get the information about Abigail. We clear? Yeah, OK. I’ll see you there.

What did Clyde say?

Clyde? What about Clyde?

[clears throat] He gave me a time and place to meet, so we have to leave–now.

Now? It’s Thanksgiving. How are we gonna get flights?

Well, I was expecting Clyde’s call, so I have the DiMera jet on standby.

Whoa, whoa, wait– wait a minute. You’re going up against Clyde Weston, just the two of you, without any backup?

No, not–

Mom, Dad?




Happy Thanksgiving.


[dramatic music]

Is everything OK?

Clyde called. He wants us to fly out and meet him today.

Who’s us?

I’m going with him.

What, JJ’s your backup?

I just talked to Gabi. She’s in too.

Gabi Hernandez? What–what the hell are you doing?

We’re going along as decoys.

No, you’re not. No, you’re not. I already lost one child to that monster. I am not gonna let you voluntarily get caught in Clyde’s crosshairs. We need you, and your kids need you. He wants her. That’s who he wants. Send her. You two are not going. You’re not going.




We’re sorry to disappoint you, Mom.

Well, no, no, honey, honey, that’s all right. You know, I’m disappointed, I’m not gonna lie to you, but Abe and I, we do understand.

Yeah, of course we do.

Mm-hmm. But you can’t blame us for trying, though, can you? [laughter]

No, no, we love that you tried. I mean, who doesn’t want to feel wanted, right?


And like Lani said, we’ll be back soon.

Hmm. In the meantime, maybe this will make you feel better. Jules and Carver helped me make your famous turkey cookies.



[laughs] Oh, how sweet. Oh! Oh, they must have got that baking gene from Chanel.

Well, these look delicious.

Mm-hmm. Well, we are certainly not lacking any kind of dessert. We’ve got sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, and Chanel brought over enough chocolate turkeys for everyone. She’s gonna stop by later after– and get some real food after that stuffy dinner at the DiMeras’.

Oh, you know what? I told Grandma I’d stop by before dinner. Maybe this might be a good time to go?

Oh, well, that’s up to Abe. He was starving earlier.

Hey, I’m–I’m good. I think a couple of these will hold me over. [laughter]

I’m sure we can arrange that.

You take your time, Eli. [laughter]

And you make sure you tell Doug and Julie that we wish them a very happy Thanksgiving.

I will.

Mom, please. I understand why you’re upset, OK? I do. But this is my decision, and I’m going.

All right, baby. Just listen to me, please. As much as I want to find out what happened to Abigail’s body…

She is gone. But you’re–you’re alive. And I don’t think it’s worth the risk, JJ. Please.

But it’s not– it’s not just about recovering Abigail’s remains, Mom. It’s about bringing that son of a bitch who murdered her to justice. As long as he is out there, we’ll never feel safe.

Jennifer, we need to do this. We have to leave now.

Jennifer, Jack. [chuckles] What’s wrong?

What have you done now?

Julie, it’s Clyde. He called and he set up a meeting. So we have to leave right now. Will you please watch Thomas and Charlotte for me?

Well, of course, but, Chad–

I know. I’ll tell you all about it when we get back safely. I’m gonna say goodbye to the kids.

Please tell Doug we’re sorry for missing Thanksgiving dinner.

[sighs] Of–of course. We’ll have a big celebration when you get back.

Well, most of us will.

JJ. Son, please, be careful.

I will. Try not to worry, OK?

You better pray that they both come back safely to us, or Clyde won’t be the only one I hold responsible.

Well… [sighs] I guess I should have gotten a smaller turkey, huh?

I’m sorry, Julie. This is not the Thanksgiving that any of us imagined. But maybe now JJ and Chad can put an end to this nightmare.

Hopefully. We’ve got to put on a brave face for those children. You know, when Charlotte and Thomas come down, the first thing they’re gonna do is start quarreling over who gets the wishbone for that turkey.

Right, right.

[laughs] Yeah, ready for dinner, which is ready right now, by the way.


I’ll go wrangle the kids.


OK, good.

Will you please wrangle Doug? He’s taking a nap. He’s right up there.



All right.

Tell him it’s also time to do the blessing and to carve up the turkey.

Oh, good. I’ll wrangle him now.

Thank you, dear. Thank you. [sighs]

[dramatic music]

Mmm. These really are delicious.


They are.

[chuckles] Mm. Oh, honey, honey. Oh, I’m so glad that you’re here. Oh.

Well, I’m glad to be here. I’m very thankful to be here…


With my wonderful parents.

[chuckles] Ooh, when I think back to last Thanksgiving, oh, you were in prison, Abe had no memory of our life together, and I was trying to convince myself I wasn’t sick.

Yeah, that was… an awful time.

Mm, but now you’re free, I’m cured, and…[laughs] Not only has this man got his memory back. He has launched his very own soap opera.

What a difference a year makes.

Mm-hmm. I can’t wait to see what the next one brings.


[chuckles] Mm. [laughter]

Happy Thanksgiving.

Oh, Eli!


Oh, darling!


Oh, so good to see you.

Ah, it’s good to see you. I’ve missed you.

Well, you don’t know how much we miss you and Lani and the little babies. I assume they’re still over at Paulina’s?

Yes, they needed a nap.


But they’ll be here later.


In the meantime, they baked you some cookies. I’m not sure if they’re up to Horton standards, but they’re edible.

Oh! Well, if those angels baked them, they’re going to be delicious. [chuckles] Would you put them in the dining room? And in a minute, I’ll be right in. I just want to pick up my candlesticks, my grandmother’s candlesticks, for the table.

Anything else I can do?

No, darling. Thank you.

All right. Where’s Doug?

Oh, he’s taking a nap too. [chuckles] Just sent Jack up to get him. He’ll be down in a minute.

Sounds good.

Doug. Hey. Ready for some turkey? Doug.


[gasps] Eli, hi!


Happy Thanksgiving.

Hey, Jennifer.

Oh, gosh.

Good to see you.

Good to see you. Are Lani and the kids here?

No, they are taking a much-needed nap, but Lani’s gonna bring them over later. They’re looking forward to playing with Charlotte and Thomas. Where are they at?

Well, they’re upstairs playing “Chutes and Ladders,” but they’ll be coming down soon.

Oh, OK. Chad and JJ, they here?

Yeah, they–they were here a while ago, but they had to leave.

Before Thanksgiving dinner?

Eli, it is a long story.

[light music]

Please, help us bring Abigail home.

Chad, I am so sorry about the scene with Abigail’s parents. I know it’s all on me. It was not my intention…

OK, look…

To upset them today.

I’m getting really tired of the apologies, yeah? So let’s just move forward. We got to focus on figuring out a way to bring Clyde down.

Yeah, got it.

Hey, Chad.

Hey, Gabi.

Thank you again for agreeing to do this, especially on short notice.

Yeah, I wasn’t expecting this adventure to come so soon. I left a huge pile of dishes in the sink. Didn’t say a word to Rafe about it. He’d totally freak if he knew what I was up to. But I hate Clyde Weston as much as you do, so I’m glad I could be a part of it.

Well, it means a lot to me.

And to me.

And to me. Like I said, I’m just glad that I can help out, although none of us would have had to do any of this if it wasn’t for you.

Yeah, you know, I just got an earful from Abigail’s parents and from Julie, so…

Oh, well, Will wonders never cease? For once, Julie Williams and I see eye to eye.

[candlesticks clang]

[sighs] My grandmother’s candlesticks, just for the dining room table. Aren’t they lovely?

[dramatic music] Where’s Doug? Did you wake him up?

Julie, I–

No. I mean, I tried.

Julie, I’m so sorry.

[candlestick clatters]

No! [gasping] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. [gasping]

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Days Update Thursday, November 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Abe sits at home eating chips, then hides the bag when he hears Paulina coming from the kitchen. Paulina worries about Thanksgiving dinner with Eli and Lani’s flight being delayed. Paulina then sits down on the couch and finds Abe’s bag of chips, questioning him eating those before their huge Thanksgiving dinner. Abe admits he was hungry and needed some food. Paulina says she’ll satisfy his appetite and kisses him until Eli and Lani arrive with their twins and they all embrace.

Gabi is at home, on the phone with her daughter Arianna. Gabi talks about Arianna coming for Thanksgiving next year and says she loves and misses her. Gabi sends her love to Will and Sonny, then hangs up as JJ shows up at the door. JJ says he hopes he’s not interrupting their dinner. Gabi says they just finished and invites JJ in. JJ asks where everybody is. Gabi says that Jada went to the police station while Rafe and Javi went to watch football, so she’s left to clean the dishes. JJ didn’t know Gabi had a cousin named Javi. Gabi explains that he just moved from Texas and says JJ will love him. JJ offers to help Gabi with the dishes. Gabi says that’s kind of him but says she’s got it. Gabi asks what brought JJ by. JJ informs Gabi that he hoped she could help him with something.

Chad is in the dining room at the Horton house and calls out to Thomas and Charlotte that their grandparents will be there in 45 minutes. Julie comes in, so she and Chad wish each other a happy Thanksgiving. Chad asks if Eli and Lani are joining them. Julie says that was Eli’s plan but their plane was delayed so they will see. Julie brings up Thanksgiving celebrating gratitude and says she’s grateful for this moment alone with him because something has been bothering her. Julie then questions why Abigail’s impostor is living under their roof.

Cat is in the living room of the Horton house and talks to her brother Aaron on the phone about knowing how difficult this is for Felicity. Cat says she doesn’t know what will happen with their brother Mark but promises she will do everything she can for him and their mom. Cat wishes she could spend Thanksgiving with Aaron and Felicity but says this is safer for them. Cat remarks that no one should be paying for her sins but her as Jack and Jennifer then arrive and find her in the living room.

Abe goes to put Jules and Carver down for a nap while Paulina sits with Eli and Lani. Lani decides to go check on Abe with the twins. Paulina asks if she can get Eli anything but he says he’s good. Paulina then tells Eli that she’s been thinking about something for awhile and she’s glad to have this moment alone with him. Paulina says she and Abe have been missing them and suggests it would be great if they all lived closer together again. Eli agrees that it would be, so Paulina invites Eli back to the Salem police department.

Gabi asks what JJ wants her help with. JJ brings up that Gabi said she’d be happy to do anything to help get Abigail’s remains back from Clyde. JJ says if she really meant it, he hoped to take her up on it. Gabi asks what he would need her to do. JJ says not much, just pretend to be his sister.

Julie tells Chad what she’s feeling about Chad bringing Cat back to their home and feels she deserves to know what the hell he’s thinking. Chad calls it hard to explain. Julie says the house has always been open to anyone on the holidays, but she refuses to let Cat break bread with Abigail’s family at Thanksgiving. Chad promises that Cat will stay upstairs, out of everyone’s way. Julie questions why Cat is in the house at all and not with her own family and why Chad is doing so much for her. Chad responds that he’s doing it for Abigail.

Cat wishes Aaron a happy Thanksgiving and says they will be together soon as she hangs up. Jennifer tells Cat that her face is not what she wanted to see when she walked in. Cat apologizes and says she was supposed to be gone before they arrived but Jack reveals their flight arrived early. Cat says she will go but first wants to apologize. Jennifer then slaps Cat and says that’s the least she deserves after posing as their dead daughter. Jennifer says she didn’t fool her as she saw she was a fraud in her eyes. Jennifer talks about her family thinking she was crazy for not believing the DNA test. Jennifer shouts that her entire family has been through Hell because of Cat’s lies. Cat responds that she was desperate to save her mother’s life. Jennifer tells Cat it’s too late but for some reason, Chad wants her here and they cannot fathom why. Jennifer shouts at Cat that if she had any self respect, she would walk out the door and never come back.

Julie questions Chad dropping the charges against Cat and inviting her in to the house for Abigail’s sake as she doesn’t understand. Chad explains that he was trying to protect Julie since Doug hasn’t been doing well and he thought the less she knew, the better. Julie argues that Doug is fine and demands that Chad tell her what the hell is going on. Chad then reveals that Clyde called and wants him to turn over Cat to him, so that’s why he dropped the charges. Julie tells Chad to turn her over then and asks what he’s waiting for. Chad says it’s not that easy as he can’t just let Clyde murder Cat. Chad explains that Cat’s mother was being held hostage and doesn’t deserve to lose her life. Julie asks why Cat has to be here. Chad brings up Abigail’s grave being empty and he needs to find her so she can rest in peace. Chad says the only person who could tell him is Clyde, so he’s using Cat as bait and he has a plan. Julie questions that and tells Chad not to confront Clyde by himself. Chad then reveals that JJ is going to help him.

Gabi questions JJ wanting her to pretend to be Abigail. JJ explains that Clyde contacted Chad and he wants he and Cat to check in to a hotel as Mr. and Mrs. Chad DiMera. Gabi realizes they’d be sitting ducks so JJ informs her that Chad wants to bring them along as a decoy couple.

Eli tells Paulina that he doesn’t know. Paulina says before he accepts or rejects, they miss and need him on the force as the department has had a mass exodus since Shawn left town, Officer Goldman is in prison, Harris is God knows where, and Rafe just quit. Eli questions why Rafe quit and what that’s all about. Paulina explains that she promoted Jada to commissioner so Rafe decided to move on. Paulina says she’s been promising to beef up the ranks but good detectives are hard to come by. Paulina calls Eli and Lani the best, so she hoped they could be a package deal. Eli says he doesn’t know since Lani has been having a good time at the house with the twins since she missed so much time with them. Paulina points out that the twins will be in preschool next year and Lani said she wanted to be back at work by then. Paulina thinks this is a win-win situation and asks if Eli agrees. Lani and Abe then come back in to the room after putting the kids to sleep. Abe asks if they were interrupting something. Paulina says she was just proposing that Eli and Lani come back to the Salem PD. Abe thinks that’s a great idea. Lani reminds Paulina that she cannot work for the police with a felony conviction. Paulina offers to pull some strings but Lani says that wouldn’t be a good look for either of them. Abe asks what if Eli came back to the police department while Lani found another job with good pay, hours, and perks. Lani isn’t sure a job like that exists but Abe suggests she could play a cop on TV.

Gabi asks how she could play Abigail when they look nothing alike. JJ brings up when Abigail was dealing with D.I.D. as Gabby. Gabi asks what she would have to do. JJ says the plan is for them to check in to the hotel so Chad and Cat could get the drop on Clyde and the idea is to get ahead of Clyde. JJ reminds Gabi that he was a cop so he will do his damndest to protect her. JJ gets that he’s asking a lot, so if she’s not comfortable doing this, he understands and it’s her call.

Julie questions Chad having JJ help him confront Clyde and putting JJ in danger too. Chad says he wanted to talk him out of it but JJ wants to find Abigail as much as he does. The oven timer goes off so Julie says she has to check it but Chad says he’s got it and hugs her. As Chad heads to the kitchen, Julie looks at an old photo of Hope and Doug. Julie then gets a call from Hope and wishes her a happy Thanksgiving.

Cat tells Jennifer that she wants nothing more than to walk out the door but her family is everything and she’s the only one who can help her mother if she’s still alive. Chad comes in and says he didn’t know Jack and Jennifer were here. Chad wishes them a happy Thanksgiving but Jennifer says it’s not. Chad says they weren’t supposed to see each other. Jennifer questions why Cat is even here. Chad explains that she could be a help in finding Abigail’s body. Jennifer argues that Cat could be in jail if she was truly sorry for what she did. Jennifer wants to see her grandchildren so she heads upstairs and Jack follows after her. Cat tries to apologize to Chad but he stops her. Chad then gets a call from Clyde.

Lani questions Abe saying she could play a detective on TV when she’s not an actress. Paulina points out that she’s never tried acting and most of the cast of Body and Soul are also inexperienced. Paulina suggests Lani could play Chanel’s character’s older sister which Abe says would be perfect. Lani is grateful for the offer and flattered that they think she could do it, but reveals that she just accepted a part-time job that starts after the holidays. Paulina says she has enough time to give notice but Lani says she’s very excited as she will be working at the preschool and won’t have to be separated from her kids. Eli says they’ve always had a plan to move back to Salem one day because they miss them but right now, the kids love their school and friends. Lani adds that Eli loves his job, so she hopes they will understand. Paulina questions them telling no. Lani says it’s just not yet and says they love being with them and promises they will be back soon. Lani then hugs Paulina.

Gabi asks JJ if he has a plan B if she says no. JJ says he’ll figure it out and repeats that he knows it’s a lot to ask if she doesn’t want to do it. Gabi says she’s just thinking since she has a personal stake in this too. Gabi brings up Clyde terrorizing her in prison and breaking her leg as a warning to Stefan which JJ did not know. Gabi adds that Clyde forced Stefan and Ava in to their unholy partnership that led to Stefan cheating on her, so Clyde kind of ruined her life and if it wasn’t for him, she’d still be happily married. JJ says he’s really sorry. Gabi says she is too, but that makes it easier to decide that she’s not going to let Clyde get away with this. Gabi then tells JJ that she’s in.

Julie asks Hope about Shawn and Bo. Julie encourages that all Hope can do is what she is doing as her presence is what’s important and she’s sure that Bo feels she is there. Julie tells Hope that Doug is doing much better and says he’s resting before dinner. Julie cries that they miss Hope so much and they can’t wait to see her again.

Chad asks Clyde if he’s ready to tell him what his plan is. Chad writes down what Clyde tells him and assures that he still has Cat. Chad says that Cat thinks he’s going to help track down her mother and has no idea that he’s turning her over to him. Chad tells Clyde that he won’t turn her over until he gets the information about Abigail. Cat asks what Clyde said, right as Jack and Jennifer return to the room. Jack questions what about Clyde. Chad then reveals that Clyde gave him a time and place to meet, so they have to leave now. Cat points out it’s Thanksgiving and asks how they are going to get flights. Chad informs her that he was waiting for Clyde to call, so he had the DiMera jet on standby. Jack questions Chad and Cat going to confront Clyde on their own with no backup. JJ then arrives and greets Jack and Jennifer, wishing them a happy Thanksgiving. JJ asks if everything is okay. Chad informs JJ that Clyde called and wants them to fly out to meet today which Jack questions. JJ reveals that he and Gabi are going with them. Jack asks what the hell they are doing. JJ responds that he and Gabi are going along as decoys, but Jennifer says they are not. Jennifer says she already lost one child to Clyde, so she’s not going to let JJ voluntarily get caught in Clyde’s crosshairs. Jennifer argues that Clyde wants Cat so they can send her and tells Chad and JJ that they are not going.

Lani apologizes to Abe and Paulina for disappointing them. Paulina says it’s alright and that they understand but they had to try. Eli assures they’ll be back soon. Lani presents Paulina and Abe with turkey cookies. Paulina talks about all of their desserts and mentions that Chanel will be by later for some real food. Eli mentions that he told Julie he’d stop by before dinner so it might be a good time to go. Abe tells Eli to take his time. Paulina says to tell Doug and Julie that they wish them a very happy Thanksgiving.

JJ understands why Jennifer is upset but says this is his decision and he’s going. Jennifer says as much as she wants to find out what happened to Abigail’s body, she is gone and JJ is alive so she doesn’t think it’s worth the risk. JJ says it’s not just recovering Abigail’s remains but about bringing Clyde to justice. JJ says as long as Clyde is out there, they’ll never feel safe. Chad tells them that if they are going to do this, they have to leave now. Julie then comes in and asks what’s wrong, questioning what Cat has done now. Chad informs Julie that Clyde called and setup a meeting, so they have to leave now. Chad asks Julie to watch the kids and says he’ll tell her all about it when he gets back safely. Chad goes to say goodbye to the kids. JJ asks Julie to tell Doug they are sorry for missing Thanksgiving dinner. Julie assures that they will have a big celebration when they get back. Jack urges JJ to be careful. JJ asks them to try not to worry as he then exits. Jennifer warns Cat that she better pray that Chad and JJ both come back safely to them or Clyde won’t be the only one she holds responsible as Cat exits. Julie guesses she should’ve got a smaller turkey. Jack apologizes as this is not the Thanksgiving they imagined but maybe now JJ and Chad can put an end to this nightmare. Julie says they have to put on a brave face for the children. Julie tells them that dinner is ready so Jennifer goes to get the kids while Julie asks Jack to go get Doug.

Paulina tells Lani that she’s so glad she’s here. Lani says she’s thankful to be there with them. Paulina recalls last Thanksgiving when Lani was in prison, Abe had no memory, and she was sick but now Lani is free, she’s cured, and Abe has his memory back while launching his own soap opera. Abe says what a difference a year makes. Paulina agrees and says she can’t wait to see what the next one brings.

Eli goes to the Horton house and wishes Julie a happy Thanksgiving. Julie hugs him and says it’s so good to see him and how much they miss him and Lani. Eli says Lani and the kids are still at Paulina’s but they’ll be by later. Julie sends Eli to the dining room with his cookies and says she’ll be right in as she wants to get her grandmother’s candle sticks.

Jack goes to wake Doug up in his room but finds he is unresponsive and checks his pulse.

Jennifer joins Eli in the dining room and they hug. Eli tells her that Lani will bring the kids over later. Jennifer mentions that Thomas and Charlotte will be down soon. Eli asks about Chad and JJ. Jennifer says they were there but they had to leave. Eli questions them leaving before Thanksgiving dinner. Jennifer calls it a long story.

Chad walks through the town square and stops at the Tom and Alice plaque to ask them for help finding Abigail. Cat catches up to Chad and apologizes for the scene with Jack and Jennifer. Chad says he’s sick of the apologies so they just need to move forward and figure out a way to bring down Clyde. JJ arrives with Gabi. Chad thanks Gabi for doing this on short notice. Gabi says she wasn’t expecting the adventure to go soon and jokes about leaving a pile of dishes in the sink. Gabi mentions that she didn’t say a word to Rafe as he would freak if he knew what she was doing, but she hates Clyde as much as they do. Chad and JJ tell Gabi that it means a lot to them. Gabi repeats that she’s glad she can help out but points out they wouldn’t have to do any of this if not for Cat. Cat says she just got an earful from Jack, Jennifer, and Julie. Gabi remarks that for once, she and Julie see eye to eye.

Jack returns to Julie in the living room. Julie asks if he woke Doug up. Jack responds that he tried but he’s so sorry. Julie drops her candle in shock as Jack holds her.

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Days Update Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ finishes a call with his mother as Gabi arrives at the door. EJ asks what the hell she wants.

Javi walks past the Brady Pub and calls Rafe to inform him that the Pub is closed for a private event. Rafe worries that Gabi was counting on those rolls. Rafe suggests Javi check the Salem Inn. Javi agrees to try but notes it will be a little tough on Thanksgiving. Javi hangs up as Leo walks by.

Chanel goes to see Paulina at home and they wish each other a happy Thanksgiving. Paulina promises to save her a piece of sweet potato pie. Chanel asks if Abe is feeling better. Paulina says he’s resting now but is doing much better. Chanel talks about how scary it was and mentions that Johnny is almost back to normal too which Paulina calls a shame.

Joy sits in the town square, on the phone with her mom. Joy says she’s okay being alone and mentions that the Bradys invited her but she didn’t want to feel like a third wheel. Joy assures Nancy that she is staying away from married men right as Johnny walks up.

Chanel questions Paulina saying it’s a shame that her husband is feeling better and that not being a nice thing to say. Paulina brings up Johnny calling Chanel a cheating slut. Chanel complains about her reminding her of that. Paulina agrees not to bring it up again but complains that Johnny did say that right to her face. Paulina feels Johnny could use food poisoning for what he said to her. Chanel insists that Johnny is sorry and feels foolish for what happened. Chanel tells Paulina that it’s between her and Johnny and that she can stay out of it. Paulina says she might not be too warm and fuzzy towards Johnny. Chanel tells Paulina that she and Johnny are working things out, what he said is in the past, and she’s completely over it.

Joy finishes her call with Nancy and tells Johnny that it looks like he made a full recovery from the cupcake. Joy then informs Johnny that Chanel told her that he was talking about her in his sleep. Johnny is surprised and says he told her it was about the show and that she bought it. Joy asks what the dream was about but Johnny doesn’t want to go there. Joy then reveals to Johnny that she told somebody about them.

Javi asks what Leo wants as he’s in a hurry. Leo apologizes for accusing him of stealing his stories. Javi says he wasn’t interested in his apology last night and wants nothing to do with him. Javi calls getting with Leo a big mistake. Leo disagrees and insists that them being together was not a mistake. Leo says before he accused Javi of something he had nothing to do with, it was great between them as they had a very real connection. Javi says he thought so too until Leo turned on him and made him feel like two cents. Javi says he doesn’t put up with that from anyone and tells Leo to have a nice life as he walks away.

Paulina questions Chanel forgiving Johnny. Chanel asks if she’s supposed to be mad at him forever when he’s her husband. Chanel talks about wanting to take care of Johnny when he was sick and it reminded her of how much she loves him, so she doesn’t want to waste any more time being angry with him. Chanel insists that Johnny is a good person and that he has her heart. Chanel says that Johnny made a mistake but they have made their fair share. Chanel knows Paulina is being protective but asks her to try to see it from her point of view and understand that Johnny had a lapse in judgment. Chanel remarks that it’s not like Johnny cheated on her but he made a really dumb mistake and other than their fight, nothing bad happened. Paulina decides as long as she’s happy, that’s all she cares about. Chanel assures that she is happy and she loves Johnny with all her heart, so she knows they are going to be just fine from now on.

Johnny questions Joy telling someone about them and asks if it was her parents. Joy says no and asks why it matters. Johnny doesn’t understand since she was so worried about getting out because of her reputation and her job. Joy apologizes and says he’s not the only one feeling guilty and miserable about it, so she didn’t realize how badly she needed to talk about it. Johnny questions who Joy told. Joy insists that he won’t tell and reveals that she told Alex.

Alex comes out of the Brady Pub and finds Leo sitting on the bench outside. Leo asks about the private event. Alex says it was just Thanksgiving with the Bradys after the turkey went up in smoke at the Kiriakis Mansion. Leo asks why Alex isn’t inside celebrating. Alex says things got awkward with Stephanie which Leo questions. Alex explains that his cousin Philip is in there and he just found out that Philip and Stephanie used to be engaged. Alex says they just went down memory lane and he could only take ten seconds of it before needing to get some air. Leo talks about the pain and humiliation he is feeling. Alex comments that Leo seems more bummed than he is. Leo responds that he’s more bummed than he’s ever been. Alex asks Leo what’s going on and why he’s so bummed. Leo informs him that he just blew it with Mr. Right.

Javi returns home with the rolls that Gabi wanted and tells Rafe how good the cooking smells. Javi asks where everyone is. Rafe says Gabi had to run an errand and Jada is still at work but hopefully they will be there soon so they can dig in. Rafe asks Javi if it was quiet out. Javi says not quiet enough since he ran in to Leo. Rafe guesses he’s still angry. Javi asks how dare Leo accuse him of stealing his stories. Javi remarks that Gabi was right about Leo.

Gabi tells EJ that she came to get some things that she left at the mansion but her key no longer worked. EJ informs her that he had the locks changed. Gabi says she is going to get her things unless EJ wants her to call Jada. EJ comments on Rafe losing his job and now Gabi misplacing her things. Gabi remarks that she’s not as easygoing as Rafe, so when she loses something, she takes it back. Gabi starts to head upstairs but EJ stops her and says she’s not going anywhere until she apologizes.

Chanel tells Paulina that she should get going so she’s not late for dinner at the DiMera Mansion. Paulina tells her that Eli and Lani are on their way with the kids. Chanel assures that she won’t miss seeing them. They hug and say goodbye as Chanel then exits.

Gabi reminds EJ that he already demanded an apology from her. EJ says that was for accusing him of destroying her marriage and that got him a slap in the face, so now she owes him two apologies. Gabi remarks that he’s lucky he only got a slap after admitting he drove Stefan to divorce her. EJ says he was only agreeing with whatever she said. Gabi complains that EJ cost her precious time with Stefan by sending her to prison and then claims he made her divorce his endgame. EJ questions her not thinking that seducing him ended her marriage. Gabi argues that everything EJ did was because he thinks she ruined things for him and Nicole which EJ insists that she did. Gabi asks if she’s supposed to believe he didn’t want revenge. EJ points out that it’s Thanksgiving and tells Gabi to be grateful for the marbles she has left while he is no closer to the apologies that she owes him. Gabi argues that he should be the one apologizing to her and that he should be begging for forgiveness because of the pain he caused her.

Alex guesses Javi didn’t take well to Leo accusing him of stealing his stories. Leo argues that everything added up and nothing else made sense than being him, but then Javi picked apart his idea and now he kind of believes him. Alex suggest an apology but Leo says he tried and got his door slammed in his face. Leo feels now his love life his up in smoke and so is his career. Alex encourages Leo to find the new Lady Whistleblower and stop them now.

Jada comes home to Rafe. Jada asks Javi if he’s exciting for his first Thanksgiving dinner here while Rafe says he was starting to worry that she wouldn’t make it. Jada hopes she won’t have any more interruptions. Rafe talks about how the commissioner’s day is never over. Jada hopes to get something on the tainted cupcakes that may or may not have been from Hattie. Jada says that Paulina has been hounding her and she has nothing. Rafe tells Jada that he’s happy to cook the feast for her but he’s no longer going to have the time to do it as he reveals that he actually got a job today.

Johnny questions Joy telling Alex of all people what happened between them. Joy says she didn’t plan on it but keeping the secret was really getting to her and she had to tell someone. Johnny points out that Alex and Chanel are friends now. Joy insists that is why Alex won’t tell Chanel because he doesn’t want to hurt Chanel, so she knows he’s going to keep quiet about this. Johnny hopes that she’s right as Chanel approaches and questions right about what. Johnny claims that he and Joy were discussing the tainted cupcakes while Joy says she just said she hopes they catch whoever did it soon. Chanel says she’s just glad it had nothing to do with her Bakery this time. Joy asks what she means. Chanel explains that last time it was an employee of her bakery that had an axe to grind who ended up betraying her. Chanel talks to Johnny about Thanksgiving at the DiMera Mansion. Johnny mentions that EJ likes dinner to be exactly on time so he tells Joy they will see her. Joy tells them to enjoy while Chanel questions Joy’s plans for Thanksgiving and invites her over with them. Joy says that’s okay and mentions the Bradys invited her but she turned them down because she prefers to be alone. Chanel questions being alone on Thanksgiving and says her mom would hate it if she left her. Johnny points out that Joy said she prefers being alone but Chanel argues that Joy only said that because she doesn’t want to impose and insists that she wouldn’t be imposing. Chanel reminds Joy that they also promised Nancy they would look after her, so she declares that Joy is coming with them and she will not take no for an answer.

EJ questions Gabi thinking he owes her an apology for her throwing baseless accusations in his face and insulting him. Gabi argues that the accusations weren’t baseless and that EJ was only agreeing with her because she was right. EJ questions it being his fault that she took a torch to her marriage. Gabi decides she’s not continuing this argument, but when she comes back downstairs, she will expect groveling. EJ tells Gabi that she’s not going upstairs but Gabi heads upstairs anyway.

Javi questions Rafe getting a job. Rafe reveals that he is the new field operator for Black Patch after talking to Steve today and he agreed to take him on. Javi asks what Black Patch is. Rafe informs him that it’s a private investigation firm in town. Rafe brings up that he used to be a private investigator himself with his own firm, so Steve is happy to put him to work. Javi says they are lucky to have him and Jada congratulates him. Javi then jokes that Jada doesn’t have to feel guilty for stealing her boyfriend’s job anymore. Rafe says that was too soon while Javi says he’s only teasing. Javi tells Rafe that he is happy for him, assuming it won’t cause a problem between he and Jada.

Alex tells Leo that he has to realize it’s not just his career on the line since if the spoilers get out and hurt the ratings, everyone on Body and Soul will pay the price. Leo agrees but doesn’t know where to start. Alex points out that whoever wrote the column must work for the Spectator. Leo says he’s left Chad messages but hasn’t heard back and he thought about going to the police but they have bigger cases. Leo feels there has to be some way to track them down. Alex says he has faith in him. Alex then gets a text from Justin, wondering where he disappeared to so he better get back in. Alex invites Leo to join them because they have plenty of food. Leo points out that Alex just told him he shouldn’t waste any time on finding the new Lady Whistleblower. Alex thinks he could take time to eat since it is Thanksgiving but Leo decides he will not rest until he finds the impostor.

Rafe and Jada question why Javi would think it’d be a problem for them. Javi says he would just think Jada being commissioner and Rafe investigating crimes on his own could be a head on collision if they get in each others’ way. Javi compares it to a novella he used to watch where the commissioner and detective butt heads over the same cases and she ends up accidentally shooting him, but remarks that he’s sure that won’t happen to them.

Gabi comes downstairs with her bag packed. EJ says he hopes she didn’t forget anything because she’s never coming back. Gabi argues that she wouldn’t want to because the place makes her skin crawl like he does. EJ tells her to leave. Gabi declares that she’s grateful that she never has to see his face again or spend another minute in the mansion as she storms out. Johnny then walks in and comments that Gabi seemed to be in a hurry. Chanel then comes in with Joy as Johnny goes to grab the pie from the car. EJ wishes a happy Thanksgiving to Chanel and calls it unexpected to see Joy again. Chanel says Joy had no plans and that no one should be alone on Thanksgiving. EJ welcomes Joy while Chanel goes to help Johnny with the pie. EJ then takes Joy in to the living room and pours her a drink. EJ asks Joy about how she used to live in Salem and that it must be nice to be back. Joy says they moved away when she was a baby so she doesn’t remember much about it. EJ then tells Joy that he hopes she got her fill this time because it’s time for her to go.

Gabi goes home where Rafe questions where she’s been. Gabi apologizes and says she had to get stuff from the DiMera Mansion. Javi tells Gabi to get settled in so Rafe can tell her all about his new job. Leo then shows up at the door.

Joy questions EJ saying it’s time for her to go. EJ reveals that he knows what happened between her and Johnny and how uncomfortable it is to have her around. Joy insists that she didn’t want to come but she couldn’t say no as Chanel insisted. EJ guesses they have a misunderstanding and clarifies that he’s not telling her to leave his house, but to leave the city which Joy questions. EJ talks about Johnny being terribly guilt ridden over what happened and that Joy’s presence will only make things worse. Joy questions him saying that she has to leave because of that. EJ argues that Johnny was here first. Joy argues that she can’t just leave town and points out that she has a job. EJ offers to pay her out and says she will want for nothing but Joy complains that the show expects her to work, so she would be in breach of contract if she just left. EJ tells her not to worry about that as he’s an excellent lawyer and will find a good reason for her to breach her contract. Joy questions him really meaning this. EJ assures he’ll be happy to pay her whatever she’s owed and then some if she packs up and leaves Salem immediately. EJ thinks it’s best that she goes before doing any more damage. EJ asks if they have an understanding.

Javi questions what the hell Leo is doing as he said he had nothing to say to him. Leo explains that he came to see Rafe, not him. Leo comes in and wishes them a happy Thanksgiving. Leo tells Rafe that he just ran in to Steve outside the Pub, who told him that Rafe is now working for Black Patch which Rafe confirms. Leo congratulates him and then says he would like to hire Rafe immediately to find the new Lady Whistleblower.

Chanel and Johnny join EJ and Joy in the living room as EJ opens a bottle of champagne. Chanel asks if everything is okay. EJ claims that he and Joy were just getting better acquainted. Johnny informs them that dinner is ready so EJ suggests they head to the dining room. Johnny and Chanel head to the dining room while EJ warns Joy that if she’s smart, she’ll take the deal because everyone will be better off. EJ then heads to the dining room.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gabi went to the DiMera mansion to get her things. She and EJ got into an argument. EJ wanted her to apologize to him for accusing her of ruining her marriage and for slapping him. While they were arguing, they talked about him sending her to prison and ruining her marriage to get back at her for what happened with Nicole. Gabi said she wouldn’t apologize to him and demanded that he apologize to her for what he did. They continued to fight until she went to get her things. Leo ran into Javi and tried apologizing to him. Javi didn’t want to hear it. Leo ran into Alex and talked to him about what happened with Javi. Alex suggested that he apologize to Javi. Leo said he did, but it didn’t do any good. Alex suggested that he find out who Lady Whistleblower was. He told Leo he had faith he would find out who the person was. Jada showed up at the Hernandez house while Rafe was getting things ready for Thanksgiving. She talked to him about how stressful it was trying to figure out what was going on with the poisoned cupcakes. Rafe told her he got a new job. He said he was going to work at Black Patch as a field operator. Jada and Javi were happy for him. Javi thought things might have been awkward for Rafe and Jada since she had his old job and might be getting in each other’s way. Rafe and Jada thought they would be okay.

Chanel went to Paulina’s house. She asked Paulina about Abe. While they were talking, Paulina had things to say about Johnny. Chanel didn’t like her talking about Johnny. Paulina thought Johnny deserved to be poisoned after the way he talked to Chanel. Chanel wanted Paulina to stay out of it and leave it between her and Johnny. She said she put it behind her. Paulina couldn’t believe Chanel forgave Johnny but was willing to accept it if Chanel did. Chanel said it was okay since Johnny didn’t cheat on her. She said he made a mistake and they would get through it. While Joy was in the town square, she was on the phone with her mother. Johnny showed up while she was on the phone. When she got off the phone, they talked about him eating the poisoned cupcake. They also talked about him dreaming about her and her telling Alex what happened. Johnny was upset when he found out she told Alex about them, but Joy said Alex wasn’t going to say anything. While they were talking, Chanel showed up and wanted to know what they were talking about. They lied to her about what they were talking about. When Johnny tried to get Chanel away from Joy, she invited her to Thanksgiving dinner. Joy tried to get out of it until Chanel convinced her to come over. Gabi and EJ continued to argue until she left. Johnny, Chanel, and Joy showed up at the mansion. When Johnny and Chanel left to put the food away, EJ talked to Joy. EJ told her it was time for her to leave town. He said he knew what she did with Johnny and that it was uncomfortable having her there. When she thought he was talking about dinner, he corrected her and said he wanted her to leave the city. He said Johnny felt guilty so she needed to leave town. Joy was upset about him wanting her to leave. EJ said he would get her out of her contract and would pay her whatever she wanted to leave. When Johnny and Chanel came back, they noticed the tension between EJ and Joy. EJ lied and said they were getting to know each other. When EJ had a moment, he told Joy to take his deal. Leo showed up at the Hernandez house and hired Rafe to find out who Lady Whistleblower was.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Chase and Brook Lynn work on Project Baby Bump and talk about what it will be like when Brook Lynn is pregnant.

Ava’s trial reaches its last day and Molly tells TJ she thinks that her father succeeded in defending Ava. Kristina worries that her testimony might cause Ava to go free.

Lulu goes into her house while James is in the living room. James wonders who she is and yells “stranger danger” but when Maxie arrives in the living room Lulu has left. Maxie thinks James is making up the story until Spinelli arrives home and looks at the footage from the camera he put outside. The hoodie Lulu is wearing is covering her face so they can’t tell who she is but Maxie apologizes to James because she didn’t believe him. James sees a picture of Lulu and tells Maxie and Spinelli that is the woman who was in the house.

Lucky gets the security footage from Turning Woods and sees that Lulu escaped from the facility. Lulu goes to the Quartermaines to hide and Rocco sees her and calls her mom.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, November 26, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve and Justin gathered Thanksgiving dinner to take to St. Luke’s. Kate joined them and let them know that Roman was doing better. He just wanted to stay upstairs. They talked about Hattie being the one who poisoned the cupcakes. She left to do something. Alex promised Joy that he wouldn’t tell Chanel what she told him. Stephanie arrived with Thanksgiving dinner. She wondered about Joy being at his apartment. He let her know they were running lines together. Stephanie told him that she was taking Philip on as a client. Alex didn’t think Philip had a case since Victor left everything to Xander. They got into a debate about the situation. She justified taking on the case because she cared about Philip. Stephanie told him about being engaged to Philip and how she wanted him to choose between her and Victor. Alex was shocked that Philip chose Victor over her. She thought Alex would have done the same thing Philp did. Their relationship ended badly, and she had her own regrets about it. Alex wondered if she wanted to get back together with Philip. Vivian called Philip to talk about their plan. He assured her that she would get her cut since she forged Victor’s letter. Kate showed up after he got off the phone. They discussed their plan. Philip told her that he hired Stephanie to get public sympathy. Kate liked the idea, but she was concerned about their past. Steve asked Justin about his legal opinion about Cat. Justin didn’t understand how she got out on bail.

Maggie arrived at the Kiriakis mansion and saw Bonnie wearing an apron. Bonnie told her that the cook ate the poisoned cupcake and couldn’t make the food. She let Maggie know that she was preparing to fry a turkey. Maggie warned her that she should cook the turkey outside. The smoke alarm started going off while she was making the turkey. While she was cooking, she almost burned down the mansion. She thought she could still serve side dishes. Maggie advised her to take it easy. She was thankful they still had each other. Kayla showed up at the pub while Bonnie was on the phone with Justin. She wanted him to bring takeout for Thanksgiving. He suggested getting pizza. Bonnie was surprised by his suggestion. He said some families order pizza for Thanksgiving. It was a nod to Wally Kurth’s character’s family on General Hospital. Kayla overheard their conversation and invited the family to spend Thanksgiving at the pub. Sarah assured Xander that they would have a great life even if she didn’t walk again. He was prepared to give Kristen the company to get the serum from her. He knew he couldn’t do it now. Xander vowed to make Philip regret keeping him from giving up Titan. He promised her that he would only fight Philip in court. All that mattered to him was Sarah being home. Philip told Kate that his relationship with Stephanie wouldn’t be a problem. Kate reminded him about the obsession he had over Chloe. Chloe wasn’t a factor in his life anymore. She informed him that Stephanie had feelings for Alex. She was worried that he would get hurt. Philip assured her that he changed and wasn’t after Stephanie. She invited him for Thanksgiving dinner at the pub. Everyone gathered at the pub. Philip made the announcement that he kicked Xander out as head of Titan. Kate was happy while everyone was shocked.

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Days Short Recap Monday, November 25, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe and Javi talked in the kitchen. Javi asked Rafe about his first day at work to which Rafe said he didn’t go back to work because he was offered his old job instead of the job he had. Rafe changed the subject and asked Javi where he was last night. Javi told him about Leo and how he turned out to be a jerk. Rafe said he thought Gabi warned him about Leo. Javi said she did, but he didn’t listen to her. Rafe wondered what Leo did. Javi told him Leo accused him of stealing his stories and being Lady Whistleblower. Rafe asked if he was Lady Whistleblower. Javi denied the accusation and thought it was a good thing he wasn’t a police officer anymore because his skills were rusty. He said he was hurt by the accusation because he liked Leo which shocked Rafe. Javi gave reasons why Leo was great. Rafe thought he dodged a bullet even though he got hurt. Paulina asked Jada if she found Hattie to which Jada said they were doing everything they could to find her. She told Jada that she and the police should be out looking for Hattie. Paulina questioned if she should have let her be commissioner. Jada said she was doing everything she could to find Hattie. She told Paulina to give the job back to Rafe if she didn’t like what she was doing. Paulina apologized for her behavior and said she didn’t want to replace her. She said Hattie poisoned her husband but it was no excuse to take it out on her. Jada understood what she was saying and promised to find Hattie.

Leo went to Marlena’s office and told her his life was over. Marlena asked what happened. Leo said his career and love life blew up in smoke. She said she didn’t know he was dating anyone. He said it was new and that he ruined it. While they were talking, Leo told her what happened with Javi and what he accused him of doing. He said he jumped to the wrong conclusion and now Javi didn’t want anything to do with him. Marlena said that since Dimitri hurt him, he sabotaged his relationship with Javi. Leo said he didn’t want to push people away anymore. While they were talking, Marlena suggested Leo apologize to Javi. EJ went to check on Johnny. Johnny told him he felt guilty about cheating on Chanel. He said Joy was working with them professionally and that Chanel kept inviting her over for dinner. He said he couldn’t keep doing this. EJ told him nothing good could come from him telling Chanel the truth. Johnny said he didn’t know if he could keep lying to Chanel and was afraid she could find out another way. He told EJ about Chanel catching him talking in his sleep about Joy. Since the guilt was getting to him, he was ready to tell the truth. EJ said if he said something, it would ruin things for him. He said Johnny needed to make the best decision for himself. Joy asked Alex not to say anything about her being with Johnny. Chanel showed up to check on him. He said he had something to tell her. When he let her in, she noticed Joy in the apartment. Joy said she was running lines with him before he got sick. Chanel said that was why she was there and said the cupcakes didn’t come from Sweet Bits. She wanted to know what Alex wanted to tell her. Before Alex could answer, Joy interrupted and asked how Johnny was doing. Chanel said he wasn’t feeling well and said her (Joy’s) name in his sleep. She told Joy and Alex the excuse Johnny gave for saying her name and said how lucky she was to have him. When she was about to go home to him, she remembered that Alex was going to tell her something. Alex said he didn’t know if he was going to be okay to work. Chanel said they were off for Thanksgiving. When Chanel left, Joy thanked him for not telling Chanel the truth. Alex said he didn’t do it for her. He did it to protect Chanel. Alex thought Chanel deserved to know the truth, but Joy wanted him to keep quiet. When Chanel got home, she found Johnny talking to EJ. She said she had good news about the cupcakes. They didn’t come from Sweet Bits. EJ left so they could talk. Chanel told Johnny that she went to Alex’s place and found Joy there. She said she thought there was something going on between Alex and Joy. Johnny wondered why she thought that. She said she sensed a vibe between them. Leo went to see Javi so he could save their relationship. Javi told him they didn’t have a relationship. Leo apologized to him and said he really liked him. He asked Javi to give him another chance. Javi refused to give him another chance.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Well, I hope you have a wonderful Turkey Day, too, Mother. And please send Roger my regards.

[doorbell rings] I should take this. I love you.

[suspenseful music]

Well, it’s definitely not mutual. You can take my word on that.

[chuckles] What the hell do you want?

[phone line trilling]

[phone ringing]

Hey, Javi, did you get those dinner rolls Gabi wanted?

No, I’m here at the pub, but they’re closed. Sign says private event. You want me to try a bodega for some bolillos?

Mm, Gabi was really counting on those rolls. Hey, you know what? The Salem Inn, I think they use the same supplier. Maybe you can go to their kitchen and beg for some.

I’ll try, but it’ll be a little tough on Thanksgiving.

[soft dramatic music]

[phone beeps]

[door opens]

Oh! [laughs]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, happy Thanksgiving, baby! But what–what are you doing on my doorstep? You’re supposed to be at the DiMera castle.

I am, but we have a tradition to uphold.

Aw, chocolate turkey.

Big Mama’s special yearly treats.

Oh, this just might have been your favorite part of the holiday.

Mm, maybe my second, like, right after your sweet potato pie. Some of which I hope you will have saved for me for when I come back by later.

Oh, I will save a big piece for you, my darling.

[chuckles] So how is everything? How’s Abe? Is he feeling better?

Oh, yeah, he’s resting right now. But praise be, he is doing much better.

OK, good. God, that was so scary, right? Everyone from the show getting those nasty-ass cupcakes?


Johnny, he’s almost back to normal, too.

Oh, well, that’s a shame.

[tense music]

No, Mom, it’s fine. I really– I don’t mind being alone. No, the Bradys, they did– they invited me, but I would have felt like the extra wheel. I told you why I couldn’t come home to New York. I’m really busy with work. I’ve got a lot of dialogue to memorize. I need to get ahead of that. Mom, what kind of question is that? Mom, of course I am staying away from married men.

[soft dramatic music]

[clears throat]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So it’s a shame that my husband is feeling better? Is that a nice thing to say?

Was calling my daughter a cheating slut a nice thing to say?

Oh, Mama, did it occur to you that I don’t need to be reminded of what he called me and that you saying this to me again right now could be triggering?

OK, yeah. Well, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. And I don’t want to upset you, so I won’t say those words again. But that young man, he did say those words right to your face, Chanel! And not that, you know, I wish anything seriously bad to happen to him, but, you know, a little bit of food poisoning is the least he deserves for insulting you like that! Now, that boy, he needs to learn a lesson.

He has learned his lesson, Mama. He feels terrible about what he said to me, and he feels terrible in general about being so stupidly jealous. And he made a complete fool of himself when he confronted me right before his surprise birthday party, no less. Don’t you think that’s punishment enough, huh? And don’t you think that this is between Johnny and me, and that you should maybe, just maybe, just stay out of it?

Fine, fine, fine. But don’t expect me to be all warm and fuzzy towards that husband of yours because I am not at all happy with him.

OK, well, you’re not going to be at all happy with me when I tell you that Johnny and I have decided to work things out. So what he said to me, that is all in the past. I have put it behind me, and I am completely over it.

[tense music]

[soft dramatic music]

Mom, I have to go. Yeah, Happy Thanksgiving, too. I love you. Looks like somebody made a full recovery.

Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Guess Chanel must have told you how sick I got from that damn cupcake.

She did. [chuckles] It’s not all she told me.

What? What else did she tell you?

She said that after she got you to bed, you were talking in your sleep. About me.

She told you that?

She did. She thought it was because you’re so hyper-focused on work, you’re even dreaming about it.

Yeah, well, that’s how I explained it to her. I told her it was about the show, and she bought it, thank God.

Great. Yeah, she definitely bought it. So can I guess what the dream was about?

Can we please just not go there?

Fine. Fine, you don’t have to tell me. Johnny, there is something that I need to tell you, something you should know.

What? What? What? What should I know?


I told somebody about us.

[tense music]

See you.

Javi, wait. Thank you. I think.


That look, it’s murderous. God help me, it only makes you hotter.

No, I meant to say what do you want? I’m in a hurry.

I wanted to say that I’m sorry for accusing you of stealing my stories.

[scoffs] Yeah, tell me something I don’t already know. And if I wasn’t interested in your apology last night, why would I be interested in taking it today? I want nothing to do with you, Leo. Getting together with you was a big mistake.

No, it wasn’t. Javi, I have a PhD in mistakes. I make about a million of them a day, so I know mistakes. And us being together was not a mistake. I mean, before I was an idiot and accused you of something I know you had nothing to do with… it was great between us. We had a very real connection.

Yeah, I thought so, too, until you turned on me, until you made me feel like two cents, which is the last thing I needed and which I do not put up with from anyone. Have a nice life.


So you’ve forgiven Johnny? Is that what you’re saying?

[sighs] What, am I supposed to be mad at him forever? He’s my husband. And, well, seeing him sick like that last night, all I wanted to do was just wrap my arms around him and just make him feel better. And it reminded me of how much I love that man and how I don’t want to waste any more time being angry with him. It’s like you always say, life is too short. And Johnny, he is a good person. He is generous and kind. And, well, aside from all of that, he– he makes me laugh. And didn’t you always used to say if someone could make you laugh, they have your heart?

[soft dramatic music] Hmm?

Yeah, I did.

OK, well, Johnny, he has my heart, Mama. And, yes, he made a mistake, but Lord knows I have made my fair share of mistakes. And you have, too, from time to time.

Me? Oh, never. [chuckles]

Mama, I know that you are only being protective of me, and I really do appreciate that. So could you please just try and see it from my point of view and just try to understand that Johnny had a lapse in judgment? That is all, OK? It’s not like he cheated on me. He made a really dumb mistake. And, I mean, the worst that came of it was the big fight that we had on set. But other than that, nothing bad happened.

[sighs] Well, as long as you’re happy, baby, that’s all I care about.

Yes. And I am happy, Mama. I am. I love my husband with all my heart. And I know that we are going to be just fine from now on.

[somber music]

[soft upbeat music]

Huh. Oh, my God. You told someone about us?

Who? Who was it? Your mother? Your father?


Then who?

Why does it matter?

Of course it matters. And, Joy, I don’t understand. You were the one who was so worried about this getting out. You didn’t want to ruin your reputation, you didn’t want to lose your new job.

But I know! I’m sorry, but you are not the only person feeling guilty and miserable about this. It was really getting to me. I didn’t realize how badly I needed somebody to talk to, but I did. It just slipped out.

OK, then who did you tell? Who did who did you tell, damn it?

Don’t worry, OK? He’s not going to say anything.

He? He?

It was Alex.

[tense music]


Leo. Hey.

Hey, Alex. How’s the private event?

Oh, it’s not a private event. It’s just Thanksgiving with the Bradys.

Oh, so no big spread at the Kiriakis estate, huh?

No, not this year. Turkey went up in smoke.

Oh, well, that’s a shame, whatever that means. So why aren’t you in there celebrating?

Well, Stephanie’s in there, too, and things just got a little awkward.

Still? Even after I nudged the two of you together the other night at the Small Bar, it didn’t magically make all your problems go away?

No, it didn’t. [sighs] But this isn’t because of what happened between us on the hospital set.

Well, then what is it?

My cousin Philip’s in there. And I just got word that he and Stephanie used to be engaged.


Seriously. They just took a stroll down memory lane for the last hour, and I could handle about ten seconds of it before I decided I needed to get some air.

Yeah, well, welcome to the I need some air club. [chuckles] Although I could probably use a lobotomy to ease the pain and humiliation that I’m suffering, which I brought on by myself, by the way. Oh, Alex, what is life but one long, forced march, often in ill-fitting shoes, enduring endless misery, countless humiliations, one after another after another until finally and mercifully, it all just fades into nothingness? Wow, I just made Debbie Downer seem like a cockeyed optimist.

Yeah. Yeah, you kind of did. [chuckles] Seriously, you seem more bummed than I am.

I am more bummed than I have ever been, which is saying something. Because not only do I have a PhD in mistakes, I also have one in bummed-outedness, which is a hard thing to say.

Mm. But you managed. So what’s going on, man? Why you so bummed?

[quirky suspenseful music]

In a nutshell, I just blew it with Señor Right.

I got the rolls Gabi wanted. Ooh, what smells so good?

Oh, hopefully, everything. I’ve got, like, five or six things cooking right now. This right here, this, Mama’s camote enmielado.

The candied sweet potatoes?


[sighs] Can dinner be now? [chuckles] Dios mío.No.


You keep that away from me. I can’t afford for the six-pack to turn into a keg.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no. [laughter] Hey, where is everyone, anyway?

Yeah, Gabi had to run an errand. And Jada is still at work. But hopefully, everyone’s going to be here soon and then we can dig in. Were you serious about me keeping that away from you? Just curious.

No, you’re right. I need you to save me from myself. [laughter]

So how was it out there? Quiet?

Not quiet enough. I bumped into Leo, unfortunately.

I guess that means you’re still angry about the whole Lady Whistleblower thing.

Yeah, damn right, I am. I mean, how dare he accuse me of stealing his stupid stories and talking to me like that? I mean, Gabi was right about him. And telling me to avoid him like the plague. Such a jerk.

I came to get some things I left here, but my key doesn’t work.

Huh. Glad to know that locksmith was worth the money.

You had the locks changed?

Best way I know how to keep out the riff-raff.

Oh. Well, key or no key, this riff-raff is coming in because her property is still upstairs. So unless you want me to call my soon-to-be sister-in-law, who happens to be the new commissioner of police–

[sighs] You’re pathetic. First, your brother loses his job. Now, you’ve misplaced some of your belongings. Gracious me, Gabriella, people in your family certainly have a hard time holding onto things.

Mm. Well, I’m not nearly as easygoing as my brother. When someone takes something from me, I make sure to take it back.

You’re not going anywhere. Not until you apologize.

Well, I should get going, Mama. I don’t want to be late for dinner at Chez DiMera.

[laughs] Well, I hope you all get to eat as good as we do.

Now, you know we won’t.


But I will try to make the best of it.

Well, at least you’ll be able to get some good dessert when you get back. And you better get back because Eli and Lani are on their way with the kids. And you know they do love their Auntie Chanel.

I love them, too, those little angels. And you know I’m not going to miss seeing them or my sister or Eli.

Mm-hmm. Better not.

And I have enough extra chocolate turkeys for everyone.

Yeah, well, as long as you’re here to help Jules and Carver unwrap theirs.

Oh, I will be.


All right. I love you, Mama.

Oh, I love you more, baby.

See you later.

[chuckles] OK. [sighs] Later.


Uh-huh. [chuckles]

[tense music] [door closes]

You already demanded an apology from me, remember?

Mm, that was for accusing me of destroying your marriage. And instead of an apology, I got a slap in the face. And now, you owe me two apologies.

I don’t think so. And you’re lucky all you got was a slap after you admitted that you drove Stefan to divorce me.

Oh, please. I only said what I said because you were being completely irrational. It’s psychology 0, Gabi. When someone has gone that far off the rails, just agree with everything they say, no matter how absurd, before they pick up a sharp object and start making real trouble.

You swine.


You cost me precious time with Stefan when you railroaded me and sent me to prison. And then you cost me my marriage when you made my divorce your endgame.

Mm. And you don’t believe it’s because you seduced me?

Everything you did, you did because you thinkI’ve ruined things for you and Nicole.

Because you didruin things between me and Nicole.

Am I supposed to believe that you didn’t want your revenge?

[tense music] [EJ chuckles]

[takes deep breath] It’s Thanksgiving, Gabriella. So be grateful for the few marbles that you have left. Meanwhile, I am no closer to getting either one of those apologies that you owe me.

[scoffs] Are you kidding me? Me owe you an apology? You’re the one who should be apologizing to me. In fact, you should grovel. You should get down on your hands and knees and beg forgiveness for the pain you’ve caused me.

So I take it this guy Javi didn’t enjoy you accusing him of stealing your stories and running them in “The Spectator.”

No, he didn’t. But all of the evidence added up. I mean, there was no way it wasn’t him. It was the only explanation that made any sense.

But now you’re saying you don’t think it was him?

Right. Because he picked apart my accusation point by point like some sort of ninja sharpshooter. Made it sound insane that I would even think it was him in the first place. And now, I kind of believe him.

You still do?

Yes, to my utter humiliation and self-hatred.

Mm. Well, then it sounds like maybe an apology is in order for this guy, Javier.

I tried. I sent him flowers. He slammed his door in my face.


And now, my love life is up in smoke and so is my career.

Well, Leo, I’m sorry about this guy, really, but there’s definitely something you can do about your career.

Like what?

Like find who the hell this new Lady Whistleblower is who’s stealing your stories and stop her. Like right now.

[quirky suspenseful music]

[chuckling] Hey, you’re back.

Oh, yes. And it feels so good to be back. [both smooch and sigh] Mm, these yams smell amazing.

They taste even better.

[sighs] So are you excited about your first Salem Thanksgiving?

You know it.

I was starting to worry that you weren’t going to make dinner.

Oh, come on, I would never let that happen. And let’s hope that I am done with interruptions for the day.

Doubtful. You see, the commissioner’s work is never done, not even on holidays. Hate to break it to you.

Yeah, well, maybe I’ll get a break, you know, in tracking down this cupcake culprit, who may or may not be Hattie Adams. You know, Paulina’s been really hounding on me. And for the moment, I’ve got nothing.



Well, consolation prize.



Mmm, mmm! Javi, you were right. This tastes way better than it looks.

I told you.


Well, as happy as I am to have been able to cook this feast for you…


I am no longer going to have the time to do it.

Oh, no?

Nope. I actually got a job today.

[upbeat suspenseful music]

So let me get this straight. You told Alexwhat happened between us? Of all people, Alex?

Like I said, I didn’t plan on it. It’s just–I had been with you and Chanel that morning. Keeping this awful secret, it was really getting to me. I needed somebody to confide in.

But Alex and Chanel are friends now. You know that?

I know that, I know that.


That’s why he’s not going to say anything. He doesn’t want to hurt Chanel. And I know he won’t. He’s going to keep quiet about this, Johnny. I know he will.

Yeah, well, I hope you’re right.

Right about what?

[tense music]

Joy and I were just discussing the case of these tainted cupcakes.

And I said I hope they catch whoever did it soon.


Oh, I see. Yeah, well, I am just glad that this whole baked goods incident had nothing to do with Sweet Bits this time.

Oh. What do you mean?

Well, there was an incident before. And it was an employee of mine who had an ax to grind and they used my business to do it. So now, you better believe that I do background checks on everyone. [Joy chuckles] I really trusted her and I thought she was my friend and then she just betrayed me.


[soft upbeat music] Oh, great. You remembered the pie.


Oh, I cannot believe that I forgot it this morning. You know, it would not be a good look and it wouldn’t make a good impression on the DiMeras if we didn’t bring the dessert that we promised.

Well, speaking of my family, although this is an American holiday, my father is irredeemably British, which means he likes to have a dinner that is exactly on time, so we better run. See you, Joy.

Right. Enjoy your holiday.


You too.

What are your plans for today for Thanksgiving?

I am going to try the turkey club.

What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. We cannot have that. You are coming to the house with us.

Oh, no. No, really, that’s OK. The Bradys actually invited me over for dinner, too, but I turned them down because I actually… prefer to be alone.

On Thanksgiving?


What? No, that is crazy. And my mother would never forgive me if I left you here all alone. [Johnny and Joy chuckle]

She said she prefers to be alone, Chanel, so.

And I said that that is crazy. And I know that she’s only saying that because she doesn’t want to impose, which you would not be doing. We would love for you to join us.

I really–

And aside from the fact that I know that my mother would be furious if I didn’t insist that you did, we both also promised your mother that we would look out for you. And I think at the bare minimum, that means making sure that you don’t eat a boring old sandwich for Thanksgiving dinner. So you are coming with us, and I will not take no for an answer.

[tense music]

Oh, so you think I owe you an apology, do you?

Damn right, you do.

So I should just say how terribly sorry I am that you threw baseless accusations in my face and then assaulted me.

Those accusations were not baseless. You said so yourself. And for the record, you weren’t agreeing with me because I was being irrational. You were agreeing with me because I was right.

Right about what? That you took a torch to your marriage and somehow that was my fault?

I am not going to dignify that with a response, nor will I continue this stupid and pointless argument. However, when I come back downstairs, I’m going to expect some world-class groveling.

Yeah, you’re not going upstairs.

Oh, the hell I’m not.


So you got a job? Where?

You’re looking at Black Patch’s new field operative. Yes, I spoke to Steve Johnson today, and he agreed to take me on.

Wait, what’s Black Patch?

Mm… Black Patch is a private investigation firm that’s here in town. You’re probably too young to remember this, but I used to be a PI myself. I even had my own firm, yeah. And, well, Steve is happy to put my experience to work.

Well, they are lucky to have you, primo.

Thank you. [glasses clink]

Yeah, 00%. Congratulations.

Thank you, baby. Mwah.

Oh, you know what’s good news, is that you don’t have to feel guilty for stealing your boyfriend’s job anymore. Too soon?

Yeah, maybe a little. Yeah. And besides, she knows she has nothing to feel guilty about.

I know. I’m just teasing. [laughter] And I’m not going to lie. I am happy for you, cuz. It’s great.


Assuming that it won’t cause a problem for the two of you.

[quirky suspenseful music]

Come on, Leo. You have to realize that it’s not just your career on the line here. If those spoilers get out and they hurt the show’s ratings, everybody on “Body & Soul” is going to pay the price.

I know. I know, believe me. I am dying to stop that second-rate hack from riding my coattails, but I don’t know where to start.

Well, this phony counterfeit Lady Whistleblower works for “The Spectator,” right?

Yes. I have left Chadwick more messages than I can count, but I haven’t heard anything back. I thought about going to the police, but they have bigger problems to worry about than a spoiled soap opera plot, like figuring out who poisoned those cupcakes.

Yeah. Besides which, spoiling a soap opera plot isn’t technically a crime. But still, this phony Lady W needs to be held accountable.

Damn right, she does. And there has to be some way to make that happen, to track her down.

Look, I have faith in you, Leo. You’ll be able to track this little troublemaker down because when you had that job, you were the biggest sneak in town. You’ll root her out.

Well, I’m a rusty sneak now.

[phone beeps] [Alex chuckles]

Oh… yep, it’s my dad wondering where I disappeared to. I should probably get back in there. You want to come join us? We got plenty of food.

Weren’t you just saying I can’t waste a single moment eliminating that existential threat to our very livelihoods?

I think you can make time to eat, Leo. It’s Thanksgiving, for God’s sake.

Thanks, but I’m not going to be hungry or grateful until that imposter is found.

[suspenseful music]

What are you talking about?

Yeah, why would it be a problem if I work at Black Patch?

I was just thinking with Jada as commissioner and you investigating crimes as a PI, it seems like a head-on collision that anyone can see coming. I mean, won’t you be getting in each other’s way? It reminds me of this novela I used to watch, “Mi Corazon es mi Destino.”

“My Heart is my Destiny.”

You know it?


Well, it’s amazing. You should watch it. Anyway, Camila Esparza was this hard-bitten detective who was always butting heads with Pedro Diaz, the PI, who was looking into the same cases that she was. And then they would be at each other’s throats.

Wait, but let me guess. In the end, they fall in love.



No. Eventually, she shoots him. B-by accident. But, you know, there was not a dry eye at his funeral.

Very uplifting. Thank you for sharing.

Sorry, I guess that was kind of a downer, huh? [chuckles] And hey, I am sure that it won’t happen to you.

[tense music]

Finally. And I hope you didn’t leave anything behind because you are never coming back here, got it?

As if I would want to! This place makes my skin crawl as much as you do.

Just leave, Gabi.

Oh, I am leaving. And on this Thanksgiving, I am grateful that I never have to see your miserable face again or spend another minute in this depressing mausoleum!

Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh.

[groans] [takes deep breath]

Gabi certainly seemed to be in a hurry.

Yeah, the quicker, the better, as long as it’s away from me.

Johnny, you forgot the pie in the car.

Uh, sorry, I’ll–I’ll– I’ll go grab it.

Happy Thanksgiving, EJ.

Chanel, happy Thanksgiving. And Joy, it’s such a pleasure to see you again, although quite unexpected.

Oh, well, Joy didn’t have any plans for the holiday. And no one should be alone for Thanksgiving.

Of course. Welcome, Joy.

Thank you.

You know what? I am going to go help Johnny with that pie. And then I will be back and we’ll put it in the kitchen.

Sounds great. Joy, how about a drink?

Uh, sure.

Please, after you. So what’s your fancy?

Um, a vodka soda would be fine.

Okey dokey, coming right up. So, Joy, I understand you used to live here in Salem. Must be nice to be back.

Well, we moved away when I was a baby, so I don’t really remember anything about it.

Right. Well, I hope you’ve got your fill of it this time around. Because it’s time for you to go.

[tense music]

[suspenseful music]

Where have you been? We’re about to sit down.

Sorry I’m late. I had to get some stuff I left behind at the DiMeras.

Oh, OK.

[softly] Hey.

Well, get settled in. And Rafe can tell you all about his new job.

What new job? [knock at door]

You catch her up. I’ll get the door.


What do you mean it’s time for me to go?

[tense music]

I know what happened between you and my son, Joy.


And it is really necessary for me to tell you how uncomfortable it is having you around. For him and for me.

Look, Mr. DiMera, I didn’t even want to come here in the first place. I couldn’t exactly say no. Chanel insisted.

[chuckling] Oh. I see we have a misunderstanding.

[clears throat] Mm. I’m not telling you to leave my house. I’m telling you to leave this city.

Excuse me?

Joy, my son is terribly guilt-ridden about what happened between you two. Clearly, your continued presence here is only going to make things worse.

So you’re saying he feels guilty, so I need to leave?

He was here first.

Seriously? But–[scoffs] I can’t just leave town. I have a job here now. I signed a contract.

Oh, I’ll pay that out.


You’ll want for nothing.

The show expects me to work. I would be in breach of contract if I were to just leave.

I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m an excellent lawyer. I’ll find good reason for you to breach your contract.

So you really mean this?

Oh, I do. And I’ll be happy to pay you whatever it is you’re owed. And then some, in fact, if you pack up and leave Salem immediately.

I think it’s best that you go before you do any more damage. Hmm? So… do we have an understanding? Hmm?

What the hell are you doing here? I told you I wanted nothing to do with you.

I’m not here to see you. I’m here to see your cousin.


Ugh, no. Rafe.

[quirky suspenseful music] Hello, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving.


You too, Leo.

Rafe, listen, I just ran into Steve Johnson outside the Brady pub and he tells me that you are working for Black Patch now.

I am.

Well, that’s great news. Congratulations. I would like to hire you immediately.

To do what?

To find Lady Whistleblower.

I heard there was an open bottle of champagne in here.


Yeah. [cork pops] [EJ sighs]

Oh, is everything OK?

Oh, of course. Joy and I were just getting better acquainted.

Uh, well, Harold gave the pie to Cook, who wanted us to let you know that dinner is ready.

Oh, that is wonderful. So let’s all just head into the dining room, shall we?

We shall.

All right.

After you.

[tense music]

If you’re smart, you’ll take this deal. Everyone will be better off, including you, yeah? Now, let’s go grab something to eat, shall we? Come on.

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Days Update Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Alex gets a call from Joy and tells her he’s feeling a lot better. Alex thanks her for yesterday and says he owes her. Alex tells her to chill about things as he gave her his word that he won’t say anything to Chanel about her and Johnny. Alex wishes Joy a happy Thanksgiving and hangs up as Stephanie shows up at his door.

Kate, Steve, and Justin pack Thanksgiving bags for the homeless shelter at the Brady Pub. Kate talks about Roman recovering but jokes that he won’t be eating another cupcake for awhile. Kate mentions that Alex and Abe also got sick. Steve brings up the police thinking that Hattie Adams is behind the cupcakes and they put an APB out on her yesterday. Justin questions if Hattie would really try to poison the entire cast and crew of Body and Soul. Kate remarks that she’s done a lot crazier things while Steve comments that Salem attracts a lot of crazies. Kate asks Steve and Justin to hold things down as she has to go deal with something.

Philip gets a call from an unknown caller. He answers and it’s from prison. Philip accepts the call and wishes Vivian a happy Thanksgiving.

At the hospital, Maggie tells Kayla that she can’t find Sarah or Xander so she asks where they could be.

Xander brings Sarah home to the Kiriakis Mansion where they surprise Bonnie by having Sarah walk in to the living room which Bonnie excitedly calls a Thanksgiving miracle.

Kayla informs Maggie that Sarah was just discharged, so she’s probably already home as she wanted to surprise her. Maggie is surprised that Sarah was discharged already. Kayla confirms that they thought the best medicine for Sarah would be to go home and spend Thanksgiving with her family. Maggie says she made her year and thanks Kayla for everything she did for Sarah. Kayla talks about being grateful. Maggie calls it a perfect Thanksgiving and thanks Kayla as she leaves the hospital.

Bonnie tells Sarah how happy she is to see her walking again. Bonnie compares it to her character’s life being saved on Body and Soul while she calls this a true miracle. Sarah thanks her as Xander tells her that Victoria has been eagerly waiting for her to come home. Bonnie assures she will set two more spots at the table for Thanksgiving dinner as she heads to the kitchen. Sarah and Xander then kiss.

Stephanie tells Alex that she just wanted to stop by and wish him a happy Thanksgiving. Stephanie says she knows he’s been under the weather, so she brought him some of her mother’s turkey soup. Alex thanks her and calls that very thoughtful. Stephanie asks if she’s not interrupting anything since Joy was with him yesterday. Alex explains that Joy just happened to stop by to run lines and then she took off after he felt better. Stephanie comments that it sounds like he has a new friend. Alex says she was a help and tells Stephanie that she doesn’t have to stick around since he knows she has a couple PR nightmares. Stephanie says it never ends and mentions taking on a new client in Alex’s cousin, Philip.

Philip tells Vivian that he’s sorry he hasn’t been there to visit her but he’s been busy with Titan. Philip promises that when the dust settles, Vivian will still get her half of his inheritance. Philip then hangs up as Kate arrives at his door and wishes him a happy Thanksgiving. Philip responds that it’s not so happy for him. Kate guesses he heard from Vivian, mentioning that she did too but she refused the call. Philip tells Kate that Vivian is part of this whether they like it or not and she’s still demanding her share. Philip reminds Kate that Vivian forged the letter and if she gives up his involvement, he will be in prison beside her. Kate wishes Philip hadn’t gotten involved with Vivian again. Philip says he does too but they have no choice but to string her along while they battle in court. Kate points out that it’s going to be tough since Xander has Victor’s legitimate will on his side. Philip responds that is why he brought in reinforcements which Kate questions.

Alex questions why Philip would need a PR rep. Stephanie brings up Philip contesting Victor’s will and he wants to get his side of the story out that he believes Titan is his birthright and he would’ve been named CEO of Titan in different circumstances. Alex talks about knowing Victor’s will and that Victor wanted Xander in charge of Titan. Stephanie brings up the letter that Philip has that says Victor wanted him in charge of Titan. Alex points out that Victor left it to Xander, so Stephanie asks if he’s on team Xander. Alex doesn’t want to get involved and says to him, Xander is the CEO of Titan, end of story. Alex adds that he hopes Stephanie is getting paid well for being team Philip, but she says she didn’t take the job for the money, so Alex asks why she took it. Stephanie responds that she cares about Philip and wants to help him get what he feels he deserves. Stephanie remarks that Philip is not just some random client that she took on as they have history.

Steve and Justin talk about Thanksgiving and the loved ones they have lost. Justin comments on how it’s definitely going to be a hard Thanksgiving for Chad as he thought he had Abigail back only to find out it was all a cruel hoax. Steve asks Justin what his take on the Cat Green situation and why they would drop all charges against her. Justin says he’s been wondering the same thing. Steve calls it baffling that Chad convinced EJ to set Cat free. Justin then gets a text and says it looks like there’s been a snag at dinner and Bonnie has been promoted to head chef..

Maggie goes home to the Kiriakis Mansion and embraces Bonnie as they talk about Sarah’s news and Maggie calls it the best Thanksgiving ever. Maggie questions Bonnie wearing an apron. Bonnie informs her that Cook had one of the tainted cupcakes and is sick but says she has it all under control and always wanted to cook the turkey. Maggie then smells something burning and the smoke alarm goes off.

Xander and Sarah go to their bedroom as Sarah talks about wanting to follow Victoria around the house when she wakes up. Sarah says she knows she would’ve had a good life if the cure didn’t work since she’s really lucky to have Xander, Victoria, Maggie and all of their friends around, but calls it a great unexpected gift. Sarah points out that Dr. Rolf is the one that made it happen. Xander says he changed their lives for the better. Sarah never thought she’d say she owes Dr. Rolf and adds that they owe Brady a lot for convincing Kristen to hand over the serum. Xander acknowledges that wasn’t easy and assures if not for Brady or Philip, he was fully ready to hand over Titan to get the serum. Sarah points out that now he doesn’t have to and asks if he thinks Philip will still come after Titan. Xander is sure that Philip will still try to take what is rightfully his and declares that he will come to regret it.

Kate tells Philip that a PR strategy is a good idea. Philip says if he gets the public on his side before they go to court, he’s more likely to have a sympathetic judge or jury. Kate sees his strategy and thinks Xander will at least have to make a deal. Philip argues that he’s not interested in a deal because he’s the rightful heir and declares Titan will be his. Kate agrees but is concerned about his history with Stephanie.

Alex questions Stephanie saying she and Philip have history. Stephanie explains that years ago, they were engaged which shocks Alex. Stephanie says Alex wasn’t living in Salem at the time and he and Philip weren’t close. Alex argues that he and Stephanie were close and she never mentioned it. Stephanie says maybe she should’ve but it didn’t seem important since Philip wasn’t around while she and Alex were dating. Alex assumes Stephanie came to her senses and called the engagement off. Stephanie reveals that she forced Philip to choose between her or his father. Alex questions Philip choosing his father. Stephanie believes Alex would’ve chosen the same. Alex says he revered Victor too but he’s not out of his mind. Stephanie doesn’t think Philip is out of his mind and that he’s a decent guy. Stephanie admits she has regrets about how she handled things. Alex questions if she’s trying to get back with Philip.

Bonnie apologizes to Maggie, complaining that she could’ve burned the whole house down. Maggie encourages that it was just a small fire. Bonnie promises that she’ll fix everything when the smoke clears. Bonnie says even without a turkey, she’ll put out everything else. Maggie suggests Bonnie forget about the cooking and just relax to enjoy the holiday. Bonnie guesses Maggie doesn’t trust her and blames that she never cooked in that size kitchen before. Maggie encourages that everything will still be perfect since Sarah is home and walking and they are all together. Bonnie agrees that Sarah got her miracle and they are spending the day with the people they love so they have each other. Maggie declares that’s all they need to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Kayla goes to the Brady Pub where Steve and Justin tell her that the food bags are all already packed and Justin is about to take them to St. Luke’s church. Justin gets a call from Bonnie, who tells him there’s been an incident with dinner and she’ll explain later. Bonnie hoped Justin could bring home some takeout turkey from the Pub. Justin informs her that they aren’t serving takeout at the Pub today but he’ll pick up some pizza. Bonnie questions pizza on Thanksgiving. Justin says he knows it’s not traditional but some families do it. Kayla interrupts and tells Justin to forget about the pizza and just invite everyone to join them at the Pub.

Sarah asks Xander to promise that he won’t go after Philip like he did Brady. Xander assures that he won’t and acknowledges that he was wrong about Brady, apologized to him, and they are surprisingly on pretty good terms now. Xander says his battle with Philip will be fought only in court. Xander adds that it will get messy but all family disputes do. Xander states that he will be calm, cool, and collected because now Sarah’s fate is not tied to his family company which will help him in court. Xander doesn’t want Sarah to worry about any of this as all that matters is that she’s home and on the road to recovery so all the other stuff doesn’t matter because he has everything he needs right here. Sarah tells Xander that she loves him and then asks if he smells smoke. Xander says he doesn’t but calls her smoking hot as they kiss.

Philip admits to Kate that Stephanie was a little reluctant at first to take him on as a client but eventually decided their past wouldn’t be a problem. Kate asks what if it is a problem and brings up what happened with Chloe. Kate argues that the only reason Philip wasn’t in Victor’s will is because of his obsession with Chloe. Philip insists that part of his life is over and that he and Chloe gave it a go but couldn’t recapture what they once had. Kate argues that means he’s ripe for the picking while Philip argues that Stephanie is not interested in him. Kate tells him that she knows she isn’t because Stephanie is interested in Alex but they broke up so she could keep her job. Kate questions how she knows Philip won’t get in the middle of that and have it end up with Alex covered in blood and Philip’s leg floating down the river like what happened with Brady. Kate complains that Philip let her believe he was dead and asks if he know what that did to her. Kate declares she will never ever let that happen again. Philip assures that it won’t and admits he was out of his head at the time, but he’s better now after a lot of therapy and he considers himself a changed man. Philip promises that he and Stephanie are not getting back together.

Stephanie tells Alex that she was just saying that Philip is a friend so she wants to help him, especially since she believes he’s entitled to dispute his father’s will since they were very close. Alex points out that she said their relationship ended because of Victor but now he’s out of the way. Stephanie repeats that she and Philip are ancient history. Stephanie and Alex both decide that they should get to their Thanksgiving dinners. Stephanie tells Alex that she’s glad he’s feeling better. Alex thanks her for the soup and says maybe he’ll see her sometime as Stephanie then exits.

Justin tells Kayla that’s very kind of her. Kayla insists it will be more fun for them too, so she tells Justin not to order pizza or anything else and have turkey dinner at the Pub. Kayla insists that he’s family and the Brady family always love a full house of loved ones on Thanksgiving. Justin agrees to head to St. Luke’s and be back shortly as he then exits the Pub. Steve tells Kayla that it’s going to be a good Thanksgiving. Steve adds that he’s so thankful for her. Kayla tells him the same as they kiss. Kayla wishes their kids could be there with them. Steve points out that Stephanie will be there soon. Kayla wonders if they’ll even hear from Tripp, Wendy, and Joey. Steve assures they will as he knows they must be missing home as much as they are missing them. Kayla brings up all the Thanksgivings she had without Steve. Steve promises that will never happen again as he is never going to be apart from her ever again. Steve says he loves her so much as they kiss.

Bonnie informs Maggie that they are not having pizza which was Justin’s idea but she talked him out of it and then Kayla invited them all to join her family at the Pub for Thanksgiving. Maggie says that’s nice of her but they have to take something. Bonnie points out that everything they have is either raw or burnt. Maggie suggests bringing wine, so Bonnie decides to pick out a nice bottle from the wine cellar and then she’ll tell Sarah and Xander they are having Thanksgiving at the Brady Pub. Maggie reminds Bonnie to first give Sarah and Xander a few minutes alone.

Xander and Sarah kiss and start to undress. Xander worries that maybe they shouldn’t and asks if Sarah is sure she’s ready. Sarah assures that Kayla gave her the all clear, so they continue kissing.

Kate questions Philip about he and Stephanie keeping it strictly professional. Philip confirms that and asks Kate not to worry, insisting they will get through this and he will get what he deserves. Kate hopes he’s right and decides she should get back to the Pub. Kate says she initially came over to invite him to join them if he doesn’t have other plans. Philip says he doesn’t, but assumed he wouldn’t be welcome at Maggie’s house for obvious reasons. Kate says he’s always welcome at theirs, so they exit together.

Xander and Sarah lay in bed together after having sex. Xander points out that Victoria is still asleep and dinner is still some time away. They continue kissing until Maggie knocks on the door. Maggie says she didn’t mean to disturb them but they had a little mishap with dinner. Sarah knew she smelled smoke. Maggie explains from the door that Kayla invited them to join them at the Pub and asks if Sarah is up for it. Sarah says to let her rest and see how she’s feeling. Maggie offers to stay behind but Sarah tells her to go enjoy dinner and she’ll be in touch. Maggie says to call if she needs anything and she loves her. Sarah wishes her a happy Thanksgiving as Maggie exits.

Justin returns to the Pub and runs in to Bonnie as she arrives. Alex joins them and wishes a happy Thanksgiving. Justin is glad Alex felt up to coming. Alex thanks them for letting him know about the change of venue and asks what happened. Bonnie says she ruined dinner but Justin calls it a blessing in disguise because he thinks breaking bread with their friends and family at the Brady Pub is the best way to celebrate the spirit of the day. Bonnie jokes that it also cleans their minds of Konstantin. Justin tells Alex that he knows how hard it’s been for him to adjust to not being the Kiriakis heir, but he’s happy as hell to have his son back. Alex says he’s grateful that Justin put up with him. Justin knows he’s had a rough time and thinks part of him knew Alex was his son. Justin tells Alex that he loves him and always will as they hug.

Stephanie joins Kayla and Steve at the Pub as they finish a video chat with Joey and Tripp. Steve and Kayla talk about missing them and how happy they looked. Kate then arrives with Philip. Philip feels he’s crashing the Brady family meal if they don’t mind. Kayla says she told Justin the more the merrier so all are welcome. Justin and Bonnie then arrive with Alex. Philip greets Alex and says it’s been a long time, leaving Stephanie in between. Maggie arrives and greets Kayla and Steve, thanking them for inviting the Kiriakis clan to join them. Kayla hopes Sarah is settling in well and asks if she and Xander will be joining them. Maggie says she’s not sure if they will make it. Kayla says they have enough food if they do. Philip tells Alex that he didn’t know he’d be there as he wasn’t going to ruin the Kiriakis family dinner by showing up, but here they all are. Alex tells Philip that Xander has been through hell this year as they all have. Alex goes over taking Xander’s inheritance unintentionally and then Sarah’s accident, so he doesn’t need Philip trying to take what’s rightfully Xander’s. Alex tells Philip that he had his chance at running the family business and asks him to leave this alone and let it go, but Philip says that he can’t. Xander and Sarah then arrive with Victoria. Philip is shocked to see Sarah is walking and the serum worked. Xander confirms Sarah is cured which he says is in spite of Philip. Sarah suggests they go say hi to everyone. Xander, Sarah, Bonnie, Justin, Alex, Stephanie, Steve, Kayla, Maggie, Kate, and Philip all sit together for Thanksgiving dinner. Kayla calls everyone’s attention to say a Thanksgiving prayer. Kayla talks about missing the loved ones they have lost, being glad that Roman is on the mend, and being grateful for the miracle that Sarah is walking again. Kayla acknowledges that this year had its highs and lows but today is definitely a highlight, having their friends join them for this meal and celebrating this meal in spite of differences. Philip then stands up and declares that he wants to thank the Bradys for their generous hospitality as he didn’t expect to be spending Thanksgiving with his Kiriakis family but he’s grateful that he is. Philip declares that even though they have their differences, they are always going to be family and he hopes they will be able to break bread in peace going forward, even though he’s kicked Xander to the curb and replaced him as the head of Titan. Philip then wishes them all a happy Thanksgiving.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, November 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Elizabeth tells Lucky that the hospital is investigating her and the nurses because they think that one of the nurses accidentally gave Sam digitalis. Elizabeth tells Lucky she was the last person to give medication to Sam. Lucky tells Elizabeth he is going to investigate and find out who gave the digitalis to Sam.

Lucky gets a call from the administrator of Turning Woods who tells him Lulu is missing. One of the nurses tells Lucky that Cyrus was Lulu’s last visitor before someone pulled the fire alarm. Cody sees Lulu walking on the road while he is on his way home from Beacher’s Corners and he drives her home to Port Charles. Lulu doesn’t want to give her address to a stranger so she tells Cody to drop her off not too far away from her house. Lulu walks the rest of the way to her house.

Ava’s trial continues and Ric makes Kristina cry by badgering her and telling her that the death of baby Irene was her fault and not Ava’s. Kristina cries and tells everyone she didn’t kill her baby.

Sasha tells Maxie that she had a one-night-stand with someone and she is afraid she is pregnant. Sasha has a home pregnancy test and she takes the test and waits for the results with Maxie. Once the time is up for the test Sasha looks at the stick and tells Maxie that she is pregnant.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

The residents of Genoa City celebrate Thanksgiving.

Nate celebrates at his apartment with Audra and Amy Lewis. Nate tells Amy that he got the DNA results that prove that Damian is his brother. Nate tells Amy he will help Amy find Damian. Nate tells Amy that he isn’t sure he wants a relationship with Damian yet.

The Abbotts spend Thanksgiving together but Billy isn’t there.

Ashley and Traci are hurt that Jack and Diane pretended to hate each other and fooled everyone. Jack and Diane tell everyone they had to do something drastic to make Kyle realize that Victor was using him.

Diane tells Kyle that she wants him to take his rightful place as co-CEO of Jabot.

Claire tells Victor she didn’t like the way he acquired Chancellor Industries and what he did to Billy, Kyle, and, Lily.

Claire tells Nikki she accepts the job as her assistant.

The Abbotts and the Newmans are grateful that their family made it through a tough year.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[phone ringing]

[soft dramatic music]

[phone ringing]

Joy, hey. Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better. Thank you again for yesterday. I owe you one. You got to chill about all this. OK? I’m not going to say anything to Chanel. Not a word about you and Johnny. I told you. [knock at door] Hey, somebody’s at my door right now. I got to let you go. All right. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

[phone beeps] [Alex sighs]

[soft dramatic music]

Well, look at you two boys. You sure are efficient.

I’m just happy that we could lend a hand. It, uh, feels a lot more gratifying than just writing an annual check to the food pantry.

Oh, sure does. So how’s our missing third doing?

Well, he’s still weak, but he’s a lot better than he was the other day. I don’t think he’ll eat a cupcake again for a while.

Oh, poor dude.

Yeah, well, it wasn’t just him. Alex and Abe got sick as well.

I heard. But the police think Hattie’s the one who sent those tainted cupcakes. They put an APB out on her yesterday.


I mean, I know that Hattie’s always been, you know, somewhat unstable, but do you really think that she would try and poison the entire cast and crew of “Body & Soul”?

Well, she’s done a lot crazier things now, hasn’t she?

I got to tell you, Salem sure does attract a lot of crazies.

Yes, it does. Look, could you hold down the fort for a bit?

Yeah, we got it covered, Kate.

OK. I just have to go deal with something. See you. Bye.


[phone rings]

[phone rings]

[suspenseful music] Unknown caller.

[phone rings] Hello? I’m sorry. Did you say Statesville Prison?

Uh, sure. I’ll accept the call.

A-and a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Vivian.

[tense music]


Oh, Maggie. Good morning.

Hi. I just came out of Sarah’s room. The bed’s empty. I can’t find Xander. Do you have any idea where she could be? [Kayla sighs]

[somber music]

Oh. [gasps] Xander. You startled me. Oh, my God! I heard the great news that Sarah’s up and walking! That’s so wonderful! [gasps] How’s she feeling this morning?

Well, see for yourself.

[chuckles] Hey, Bonnie.

Oh, my God. Sarah. [gasps] This is a Thanksgiving miracle! [laughter]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I’m sorry you missed her. Sarah was just discharged and she’s probably home already. She wanted to surprise you.

Discharged already?

Yeah. Well, listen, we monitor very closely last night. Her vitals were stable. And we thought the best medicine for her would be to go home and have Thanksgiving with her family.

[soft dramatic music]

Oh, that’s wonderful. [sighs] Kayla, you’ve made my day, my month, my year. [Kayla chuckles] I mean, I’m so grateful to you for everything you’ve done for Sarah.

Listen, you have to know how happy I am that I got to see her walking again. I mean, really. I am so grateful that she allowed this to happen. I’m just so proud to be part of it.

That was so kind of you to say. [sighs] Well, now I’m going home. I’m going to watch my daughter standing and walking and– oh, what a perfect Thanksgiving. Thank you so much, Kayla.

My pleasure.

Thank you for everything.


Happy Thanksgiving. [chuckles softly] Oh! [Kayla sighs]

Oh, Sarah, I heard you were walking. But to actually see it? Oh, honey, I’m so happy.

Oh, no touch–hey.


She’s still getting her land legs back.

Oh, OK. I’m sorry. Of course. Of course, you know? I think I kind of know how you feel, because I remember that rush of adrenaline that Cassandra got after she was injected with the begonia serum. Oh, honey. That wasn’t even real. [Bonnie laughs]

The–the begonia serum?

Oh, it’s something my character on “Body & Soul” had to get so she wouldn’t croak. And God, hearing that out loud sure sounds stupid. [laughs] No, because that’s TV and this is real life. This is a true miracle. Honey, I’m just so happy for you.

Thank you, Bonnie. Thank you so much.

OK, come on. Let’s get you upstairs. We have a daughter who’s been eagerly waiting for her mom to come back home and on her feet.

Mm. [Bonnie sighs]

I think I’m going to cry. But first, I’m going to make sure two more table settings are on the table for Thanksgiving dinner. [laughing] God, I love you guys. [laughing] OK, OK, I’m going.

Love you, too, Bonnie.

[peaceful music] [Sarah chuckles] I actually think Imight cry. Happy tears, of course.

I feel them coming on myself.

[chuckles] Yeah, I can see that. But before we get all weepy…



Hi, Steph.

Hey. I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Turkey Day.

Happy Turkey Day. Same to you. [clears throat]

I know you’ve been under the weather, so I brought you some of my mom’s turkey noodle soup. Figured it might go down a little bit easier than a full-on Thanksgiving Day feast.

My God. Thank you. That was very thoughtful.

I’m not interrupting anything, am I? I know Joy was with you yesterday.

Oh, yeah, yeah. She just happened to stop by while we were running lines and, you know, during the whole cupcakes taking the revenge on my insides situation. Anyway, she took off after I felt better.

Sounds like you’ve got a new friend.

Yeah, she definitely went above and beyond yesterday. But, um… you know, you don’t have to stick around here if you have your hands full. I know you got a couple PR nightmares, the poisoned cupcakes and leaked storylines and–

Yeah, it never ends. [Stephanie chuckles]


But at least I have the long weekend to craft a response strategy.


And it’s good I’ll have the extra time, actually, because I was crazy enough to take on a new client yesterday.

Really? Who’s the lucky new client?

Your cousin, Philip.

[tense music]

Look, I’m sorry I haven’t been there to visit you, Vivian, but things have been very busy here on my end, what with the Titan situation. And– yes, I know you’re the one who forged the letter. And I promise, as soon as the dust settles, you’ll still get your cut of my inheritance. Look, I’m sorry you’re in prison. [knock at door] Gotta go. Someone’s at the door.

Happy Thanksgiving, honey.

Not so happy for me, actually.

So let me guess. You heard from Vivian?

How’d you know?

Because I did too. But I refused her call.

Well, I hate to break it to you, Mom. But you can’t refuse her calls forever. She’s a part of this whether we like it or not, and she’s still demanding her share.

Yeah, well, I think she’ll get what she deserves. Probably 25 to life.

Mom, she knows about the letter. She’s the one who forged the damn thing. If she blabs about my involvement, I’ll get 25 to life right alongside her.

Philip, I really wish you hadn’t gotten involved with this wretched woman again.

Yeah, so do I. But too late now. The only option is to string her along while we fight this out in court.

Yeah, well, OK. That’s going to be a very uphill battle, though, since Xander actually has Victor’s legitimate will on his side.

Yeah, I know. That’s why I brought in reinforcements.

Reinforcements? What reinforcements?

[suspenseful music]

Philip. Now, why would he need a PR rep?

Well, as you know, he’s contesting Victor’s will.

I am aware, yes.

And he wants to get his side of the story out before the court of public opinion can tell it for him.

And what’s his side of the story?

He believes that Titan is his birthright. And that had circumstances been different, he would have been named Victor’s heir.

Yeah, Steph, I know that will backwards and forwards. Uncle Vic, he made his wishes crystal clear. He expressly left full control of Titan to Xander.

I’m aware of that. However, what the general public doesn’t know is that Philip is in possession of a letter from Victor that explicitly states that had Philip not been presumed dead at the time the will was probated, Victor would have left Titan to him.

Yeah, but he didn’t.

So you’re team Xander on this?

Uh, I’m team sanity, Steph. Xander is the heir, period. End of story. But obviously, you took the job, so I hope you’re at least being handsomely rewarded for being team Philip.

Well, I didn’t take the job for the money, Alex.

Oh, OK, well, then why did you take it?

Because I care about him. And I want to help him get what he feels he deserves. I mean, he’s not just some random client that I took on. Philip and I, we have a history.

[mysterious music]

So tell me something. Did you think you’d be spending your Thanksgiving elbow-deep in canned peas and frozen turkey? [Justin chuckles]

I’m happy to be home. Especially because… well, I’ve been thinking a lot about Adrienne this morning. About how she and Joe and Duke, if he was around, they’d be one of the families who would be eating one of these meals.

Yeah, they probably would have been. And like every holiday, I’m thinking a lot about my sister today, too.

[soft upbeat music] And all the loved ones we’ve lost lately.

Yeah. It’s definitely going to be a hard Thanksgiving for Chad… thinking he had Abigail back and then finding out it was all some cruel hoax.

Yeah. Speaking of that, what’s your take on the Cat Greene situation? Legally speaking, I mean. I mean, why would they drop all the charges against her like that?

I’ve been wondering the same thing.

What’s even more baffling, Chad is the one who convinced EJ to set that woman free.

[phone beeps] [Justin sighs] What’s up?

Well, we may have to set one of these bags aside for me. It looks like there was a snag at dinner and, uh, Bonnie has been promoted to head chef.


Oh, Maggie. Hi!

There you are. How wonderful is this Thanksgiving? [Maggie laughing] Sarah home and walking?

Oh, I know. It’s the best Thanksgiving ever. [Bonnie laughs] Why are you in an apron?

Oh, uh… Cook chowed down on my tainted cupcake that I stupidly left out. And now, he’s in bed with a bucket.

Oh, dear.

But don’t worry. I’ve got everything under control.


I must admit I have always wanted to make a turkey slathered in butter and deep fried in peanut oil. [Bonnie giggles]

Oh, you know what, Bonnie? You know you’re supposed to cook that outside. With–with careful supervision.

Well, y-yeah.



[sniffs] Oh, no. Do you smell something burning?

[tense music]

[alarm blaring]


[tense music fading]

Well, as soon as our sweet little Victoria wakes up, I am going to follow her all around this house.

Well, she will love that.

Yeah. I’m going to love it more. You know… baby, I know that I would’ve had a really good life. I do, if this cure didn’t come around or if it didn’t work, because I’m really lucky. I have you and I have Victoria and my mom and all of our friends. Just blessings all around. But still, it was a pretty great unexpected gift. Wasn’t it?

[chuckling] Yeah. For me as well. And for all of us that love you.

And to think… Dr. Ralph is the one that made it happen.

Yeah, that mad scientist changed our lives forever, And for the better.

That he did. I really owe him. Words I never thought I would say. [Xander chuckles] And of course, Brady. We owe him a lot… since he convinced Kristen to hand over the serum.

Yeah, I mean, that wasn’t an easy feat.


But even if he hadn’t pulled it off and… even if Philip hadn’t showed up to cause trouble, I was more than ready to give up Titan to get my hands on that serum.

I know you were.

But now that you’re all better…


There’s no way in hell I’m going to do that.

Do you think Philip will still go after Titan?

I have no doubt. Yeah, that spoiled little screwup will stop at nothing to take what’s rightfully mine. And mark my words, he will come to regret it.

[tense music]

A PR strategy. That’s a good idea.

Stroke of genius, actually. Because if I get the public on my side before we go to court, I’m much more likely to have a sympathetic judge and/or jury.

OK. I see the angle. Prodigal son returns versus interloper with a criminal record. I don’t know. At the very least, Andrew will probably have to make a deal.

Oh, I’m not interested in a deal, Mom. I’m the rightful heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Titan was always meant to be mine. And it will be.

I hope so. I do. But I do have a little concern with your grand plan.

What’s that?

Your history. With Stephanie Johnson.

[suspenseful music]

What do you mean you and Philip have history?

Yeah. Years ago, we were engaged.

You were engaged, Steph? Yeah, I didn’t know about this.

Well, you weren’t living in Salem at the time. And you and Phillip were never close.

Uh, OK. You and I were close. You never even mentioned it.

Well, maybe I should have.

Uh, maybe. Yeah.

But it didn’t seem important for me to share because he wasn’t around when you and I were dating.

Right. OK. I get that. Not really, but anyway, I’m assuming it was you who came to your senses about calling off that engagement.

He was a little more complicated than that.

Oh, my–

In a nutshell, basically, I forced him to choose between me and his father.

What, and instead he chose his father?

You would have done the same thing too, Alex, had you been in that position.

Why? Why? Why would I have done that? I revered Uncle Vic as well, especially when I thought that I was his son. But– you know, I’m team sanity right here. Team Sanity, hence why I’m not out of my mind.

Well, I don’t think Philip is out of his mind. I think he’s a decent guy. And I admit that I have regrets about the way that I handled things.

What are you saying, Steph? Are you trying to get back with this guy?

[Stephanie scoffs]

Maggie, I’m so sorry. I could have burned the whole house down.

Yeah, but you didn’t. It was–it was– it was just a small fire.

[scoffs] Maggie, I–look. As soon as the smoke clears, I will fix everything. I promise. I mean, so we won’t have a crispy, juicy bird. So what? You know, I’ll put out the stuffing and the mashed potatoes and the baked potatoes and the sweet potatoes with–

And you know what, Bonnie? I think you should forget about cooking and just relax and enjoy the holiday.

Oh, OK. You don’t– you don’t trust me.

Well, no–

No, really, it’s OK. I don’t trust myself. But in my defense, you know, I never cooked in such a fancy kitchen before, and… I really thought a deep fryer the size of Texas would do the job.

It’s OK. In fact, it’s going to be– it’s OK. It’s perfect. It’s going to be perfect. My daughter’s home, she’s walking, and we’re all together.

You’re right. [Maggie chuckles] That’s what’s important.


Sarah got her miracle. And we are spending the day with the people we love. [both chuckle] So to hell with turkey! We got each other!

Yes, we do. I do. And that’s all we need to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Ah, so sorry I’m late. Where’s all the stuff?

Well, it’s all packed and loaded in the van, baby.


Yeah. I’m going to head over to Saint Luke’s right now.

[phone ringing]


Oh, this is Bonnie. I better take it.


Hey, honey. What’s up? [clears throat]

Uh, hey, Justin. Um… about dinner, there’s been an incident.

An incident with dinner?

I’ll explain later. But I’m just calling because I was hoping maybe you could pick up some takeout turkey from the pub, please?

Takeout. I don’t think they’re serving takeout at the pub today. But tell you what. I’ll pick up some pizza.

Pizza? Honey, on Thanksgiving?

I know it’s not traditional, but some families do.

Justin. I didn’t mean to interrupt, but forget about the pizza, OK? That would be sacrilege. Just invite everybody here to join us.

[soft upbeat music]

Xander… please tell me that you’re not going to go after Philip the way you did Brady.

No, no, no. I–[sighs] I’ve learned my lesson. I was wrong about Brady and I apologized to him. And surprisingly, he and I are on pretty good terms now. And as for Philip, well, my battle with him will be fought in court. And only in court.

Good. With Justin’s help, I hope?


OK. I’m not saying it won’t get messy, but what family dispute doesn’t? But I will be cool, calm, and collected because now… my beautiful wife’s fate is no longer directly tied to my company’s, which can only help me in court.

Good. I’m glad.

But I don’t want you to worry about any of this. OK? All that matters is that you’re home and well on the road to recovery. All that other stuff…

[soft dramatic music] Doesn’t matter. Because I have everything I need right here.

I love you.

Oh, I love you too.

Do you smell smoke?

[sniffs] No, I don’t. But I do see a smoking hot wife right in front of me.

Mm, you flirt. [laughter]

Look, Stephanie was a little reluctant at first to take me on as a client, but she eventually agreed our past wouldn’t be a problem.

What if it is?

Well, why would it? For one thing, it was forever ago.

Philip, what about this whole thing that came down with Chloe?

And here it comes.

Stop! You know it’s a concern. The only reason you weren’t in Victor’s will is because of your obsession with Chloe.

Mom, Chloe and I are through. That part of my life is over. We took a stab at it but couldn’t get back what we once had.

OK, so then you’re just ripe for the pickings.

Would you stop? Stephanie is not interested in me, Mom.

No, I know she’s not! She’s interested in Alex. That’s why they split up, because she needed to keep her job. But the feelings are still there. So if you get in the middle of that, how do I know that he’s not going to end up covered in blood and your leg will be floating down Salem River?

Oh, my God. Mom!

Philip… you let me believe that you were dead. Do you know how–[sighs] Do you know how that made me feel? Do you know what that did to me? I am never, ever going to let that happen again. Do you hear me?

Yes, I hear you. And it won’t happen again. I was out of my head at the time, as you may recall, but I’m better now. Did a whole lot of therapy and I consider myself a changed man. Sane and level-headed. And I promise you, Stephanie and I are not getting back together.

Back together? No. I was just saying that Philip is a friend. And therefore, I want to help him.


Especially since I do believe that he’s entitled to dispute his father’s will.


After all, they were very close.

Yeah, which is why your relationship ended, from what you told me. But now, the old man’s out of the way.

OK. Alex, I told you. Philip and I are ancient history.


And my family eats Thanksgiving dinner early, so I should go.

OK. Yeah. Mine does, too, by the way. So maybe I should get going too.

Well, Happy Thanksgiving. And I’m glad you’re feeling better.

Thank you. Thank you for the soup. I’ll return the container tomorrow.

No, don’t. Don’t worry about it. Just recycle it when you’re done.

[somber music]

All right, Steph. I’ll recycle it. Well, thank you again. And maybe I will, yeah, see you sometime.

Yeah. Sometime.


[chuckles] That’s very kind of you, Kayla. But–

No, no, no. This is not about being kind. It’ll be more fun for us, too, right?


So don’t you dare order pizza or anything else, OK? This is where you’re having turkey dinner.

Are you sure it’s not an imposition?

No, no. Just stop. No, it’s not. Really, the more the merrier. OK? You’re family. And the Bradys always love a full house of loved ones, especially on Thanksgiving.

OK, well, thank you.


All right, I’ll head over to Saint Luke’s and be back shortly.

OK. Well, make sure you bring your appetite.

Oh, I will, I will.


Hey, good work today, dimples. [laughter]

You too, Steve.

[soft upbeat music] [Kayla sighs]

Baby, it is going to be a goodThanksgiving,

I think definitely. A little more crowded than usual. But like I said, I think even more fun.

Yeah. I just want to tell you… I am so thankful for you.

Same here.

Today, every single day of the year.

Agreed. I just wish our kids could be here with us.

Oh, Stephanie will be here soon, right?

Right. But I wonder if we’ll even hear from Tripp and Wendy and Joey. I mean, Joey’s got to have jet lag from his trip to Hong Kong. And then there’s the time difference. And–

OK, OK, OK. But I’m sure we’re going to hear from them. I know they must be missing home as much as we’re missing them. Right?

I would imagine so. You know, speaking of missing people just reminds me of all the Thanksgivings that I had without you.

Oh, come on, baby. Don’t bring that up now. It’s never going to happen again. I am never going to be apart from you ever again.

Better not.

I love you so much.

I love you more.


[Steve sighs]

Oh, Maggie.


Good news. We’re not having pizza. [chuckles]


Oh, yes. See, it was Justin’s idea. Kind of a desperate measure. But don’t worry, I talked him out of it. And Kayla, bless her sweet heart, invited us all to join her family for Thanksgiving at the pub.

Oh, Kayla. That was so nice of her. But we’ve got to take something. Of course.

Well, but everything we have is either raw or burned. [Maggie sighs]

Uh, how about wine? I mean not for me, obviously, but for some people who would enjoy it?

[laughing] Oh, yeah. Actually, that’s a good idea.

Sure, yeah.

In fact, I’ll go to the wine cellar, I’ll pick out a nice bottle, and then I’ll tell Sarah and Xander we’re having Thanksgiving dinner at the Brady Pub! [Bonnie laughs]

Bonnie! Bonnie, maybe, um… maybe you should give them a few minutes… [claps hands gently] Alone. Hmm? [both smooching]

[soft dramatic music]

Oh, Sarah, I’m a little worried maybe we– maybe we shouldn’t.

I know we should.

Are you sure that you’re, you know, ready?

Yes. I talked to Kayla. She gave me the all-clear, so full steam ahead, soldier.

You talked to–

My doctor, yes. [whispers] And now it’s time for you to stop talking.

I can’t. [Sarah chuckles]

[soft dramatic music]

So you and Stephanie are going to keep it strictly professional?

Yes, Mom. Professional and platonic. And please don’t worry. OK? We’ll get through this. And I’ll get what I deserve.

I hope you’re right.

I know I am.

OK, Well, I should get back to the pub, which is actually the reason I came over here. I wanted to know if you’d like to join us. I mean, if you don’t have any other plans.

No, I don’t. But I assumed I wouldn’t be welcome at Maggie’s house. For obvious reasons.

Well, you are always welcome at ours. OK? Let’s go.

[soft dramatic music]

[Xanders sighs]

You know…


Victoria is still asleep. And dinner won’t be for at least a half hour yet, so.

I like the way you think. [knock at door] Um… who is it?

Um, it’s me. Um, sorry. May I–I–

Oh, yeah, uh–[laughs] [Xander sighs] Come in!

Um, well, I didn’t mean to disturb you. Listen, we just have a little mishap with dinner.

I told you I smelled smoke.

Well, it was a minor fire and all it destroyed was tonight’s turkey dinner. So we’re all going to go over to the Brady Pub. Kayla asked us to join her. And I don’t know. You feel up to it?

[soft dramatic music]

Uh, let–let– let me rest and see how I’m feeling.

OK. Well, do you want me to stay behind?

No, no, no, no, no. No, no, go enjoy your dinner, and I will be in touch.

OK. Um, sounds good. Call me if you need anything. I’m glad you’re home, honey. I love you.

I love you, too, Mama. Oh, Happy Thanksgiving! [chuckles]

Same to you.

Mm. [both smooching]

There’s my man.

Hey, Bonnie.

Hey. Hey, honey.


Mwah. [clears throat] I think maybe you should carry this because–easy– with my luck today, it will end up shattered between here and the door.

Hey, there. Happy Thanksgiving,

Alex, happy Thanksgiving.

Yay, hi.

What’s going on?

Mwah. Hey, sweetheart.

I’m so glad you felt up to coming.

Yeah, I finally started to get my appetite back. Thank you for letting me know about the change of venue. What happened?

[muttering] What happened, I ruined dinner at home.

Oh, that’s not good. [Bonnie clears throat]

It turns out it was a blessing in disguise. Because I think breaking bread with our loved ones and friends here at the Brady Pub is the absolute best way to celebrate the spirit of the day. [Bonnie chuckles]


It’s also a great way to wash our minds of that old creepy Constantine.

Ah, yes. That too. [Bonnie chuckles] [smooch] Alex, before we join the rest, I do want to say that I know how hard it’s been for you to adjust to not being the Kiriakis heir. But I am happy as hell to have my son back. [Alex sighs]

I’m happy to beback, Dad. I’m grateful you put up with me all this past year.

Well, I know you’re having a rough time. And I think that a part of me, in spite of the evidence to the contrary, knew that you were my son. So of course I was going to put up with you. I love you. Always have, always will.

I love you too, Pop. [Justin chuckles] [Justin sighs]

[tender music]

Love you, Joey. Love you, Tripp.

Happy Thanksgiving, boys.

Say hi to Wendy and her parents. Give them our best, OK?

Yeah, we’ll talk soon. OK?

Oh, I miss those guys.

So do I. Hey, but they look happy, right?

They look so happy.

We’re gonna get ’em back here real soon.


You wait and see.


Happy Thanksgiving.

Oh, hi.


Hey. I’m kind of crashing the Brady family meal here. Hope you don’t mind.

Oh, no. It’s great. I told Justin the more the merrier, so all are welcome.


Hey. [door closes]

Alex, hey. Are you–

I am here for the Brady Pub Thanksgiving feast. Tagging along with Dad and Bonnie.

Hey, cuz. Long time.

[tense music]

Oh, hey, Maggie.

Hi, you two.


Oh, hi, Steve.

Hello, Maggie.

Oh, Kayla, thank you so much for inviting the Kiriakis clan to join you. That was so gracious of you.

No, it’s our pleasure. We are happy to have you here. Listen, I hope that Sarah is settling in well. Do you think that she and Xander will come join us?

Um, she’s settling in very well, thank you. But I’m not sure that she and Xander are going to make it.

That’s OK. We have enough food if they show up. But listen, why don’t you join us here? Go on.

Oh, thank you, thank you. Oh, Steve, thank you very much.

I didn’t know you’d be here.

I wasn’t about to ruin the Kiriakis family dinner by showing up, but–[sighs] Here we all are.

Yeah. Unfortunately.


Mm. Not that you care, obviously, but Xander’s been through hell this year, as we all have. I took his inheritance from him, though not on purpose, unlike you. And then there was Sarah’s accident caused by his mother. Now, the last thing this guy needs right now is you showing up from the dead trying to steal what’s rightfully his.

Mm, wouldn’t say rightfully.

Well, you had your chance, cuz. You spent a whole long time, a whole lifetime being the star son and you even had your shot at running the family business. Now, I’m sure you made out quite well convalescing God knows where. But maybe you could leave this alone. Can you do that, Philip? Can you let this go?

No, I can’t.

[soft dramatic music]

Sarah. My God, you’re walking. The serum worked.

Yeah, the serum worked, damn it. Sarah’s cured. No thanks to you. In spite of you, in fact.

Baby. Let’s go say hi to everyone. [Xander sighs]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. [indistinct chatter] [glass clinking]

Yeah. [clears throat] Excuse me, folks. Before we break bread, I’d like to say a little prayer of thanksgiving. Dear Lord, we have so much to thank You for in this season of gratitude. This food, the warmth, our health, our good fortune. But most importantly, love. And though we are missing our loved ones that we’ve lost this year or the ones that are far away, they’re right here with us in our hearts. Or my if brother, Roman Brady, they’re upstairs. [chuckles] We’re all so glad that he’s on the mend.

[tender music] And we are so grateful that Sarah is up on her feet again.

Yay, yay. [soft cheers and applause]

It is really, truly, a miracle. And she’s assured me that she’s going to be back to work soon, so I am very thankful for that. [all chuckle]

All right.




And as always, this year has had its highs and lows. But today is definitely a highlight. Having our friends, the Kiriakises, join us for this meal is incredible. And it’s heartwarming seeing our friends and family celebrating together in spite of our differences.


Yeah. all: Amen.

Hear, hear.


And I’d like to say something. [clears throat] If I might. I want to thank the Bradys for their generous hospitality. I didn’t expect to be spending Thanksgiving with my Kiriakis family, but… I am so glad that I am. So I’d like to echo what Kayla said. Even though we have our differences, we’re always going to be family.

I’m so glad you said that, Philip.

And I hope we’ll be able to break bread together in peace and harmony. Even though I’ve kicked Xander here to the curb and replaced him as the head of Titan.

[tense dramatic music]

And with that said… Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sharon asks Nick to take care of Faith because the insanity plea may not work and she may spend her life in prison.

Nikki officially takes over Chancellor Industries. Nikki asks Claire to work with her but Claire still wants to think about it.

Jack and Diane discover that Victor sold all the divisions of Glissade and just left them with the company. Kyle tells Diane that he realized that he was trying to undermine her at Jabot because he was still angry with her for abandoning him when he was a child. Kyle apologizes to Jack and Diane for what he did to them. Jack and Diane want to move forward from here but Kyle says he doesn’t know what to do next because he doesn’t know where he belongs.

Billy asks Phyllis to team up with him to bring down Victor.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, November 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Phyllis experienced a startling flashback about her accident, which left her visibly shaken. Meanwhile, Nick discovered that Sharon hadn’t sent the text messages to Phyllis, leading him to question who was behind them. Elsewhere, Adam offered moral support to Sharon during her difficult time, demonstrating his loyalty and care.


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Days Transcript Monday, November 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 [door opens]

Hey, primo.

Hey, Javier.

Ooh, you know what? I can use one of those.


[dramatic music]


Here’s to you being back at work, Commish. So how was today? Did you solve any crimes?

Hmm. Guess you haven’t heard, then. I didn’t go back to work.

You didn’t? Why not?

Mm-mm. Because I am not the commissioner anymore. Jada is.

[distant siren wailing]

Mayor Price.


How’s Abe? Is he okay?

He’s doing better. But I’m not, nor will I be… until we track down that deranged woman who landed him on his back. So just tell me… have you found Hattie Adams?

[distant siren wailing]

Well, I didn’t want the day to pass before I wished you a happy birthday. A-and good luck with the writing. Okay. Bye. [cell phone beeps] Oh. Leo, I didn’t know we had–

We had an appointment? We didn’t. What is your rate for walk-ins? Double, triple?

It doesn’t work like that.

[scoffs] Well, that makes sense, because nothing is working for me, Dr. Evans. In fact, my life is over.

[exhales sharply]

[knocking on door, door opens]


Hey. [door closes]

I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.

Uh, yeah, I mean, physically, I’m doing much better, not so achy. But, mentally, Dad, I-I just– I don’t know if I can– I don’t know if I can do this. I’m going crazy.

So you’re still beating yourself up for cheating on your wife with that actress?

Yeah, with “that actress,” okay, who now has a huge presence in our lives, who works with Chanel and I every single day, who Chanel keeps inviting to dinner. I mean, my wife is… She’s the best person I know. She’s kind. She’s loyal. She’s generous. And not only have I cheated on her, but now I’m lying to her about it, pretending as if it never even happened. I can’t go on like this, Dad.

Alex, please. You have to promise me that you’re not going to tell anybody what I told you about me and Johnny. Promise me. [knocking on door]

I need to get that. Chanel, hi.

Hey, uh, Alex. I’m–I’m sorry to bother you. I-I heard you weren’t feeling well.

It’s cool. Yeah, it’s cool. I’m actually… [clears throat] Feeling a little bit better.

Oh, okay. Well, great. Do you mind if I come in? There’s actually something I need to tell you.

There’ actually something I need to tell you, too.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Leo… your life is over? I mean, w-we’ve talked about this black-and-white thinking, haven’t we?

I don’t know. But when I was a kid, my mother used to sit me down in front of these old black-and-white movies. And if I so much as yawned, she’d be like, “Oh, is this too boring for you, Siskel? Or should I call you Ebert?”

I’m not sure what to say to that. Look, let’s put the hyperbole aside. Why don’t you tell me what happened?

Well, I’m having a problem, a really big problem, one that has no solution. In fact, things are so bad, I’m looking at these one-bedroom flats in these dreary little English cities, someplace where nobody knows me, where I can start over.

Okay, Leo, Leo, just tell me what happened.

Okay. Well, my entire career and my burgeoning, oh, so promising love life have all gone up in smoke, just like that.

Oh. Well, I’m surprised to hear that. I didn’t know that you were having a relationship.

I’m not anymore. And it wasn’t really a relationship yet. See, it was very new, but it was amazing. And it was kind of perfect, and I ruined it.

How do you think you did that?

I don’t think I did. I know that I did. I met this guy, Javier Hernandez. He was witty. He was charming. He was incredibly good-looking. And now he never wants to talk to me again.

So Jada did a great job while yours truly was out of commission, and the mayor offered her the job.

And what? So they sent you to the mailroom? Did she fire you?

No. No. I was basically offered her old job, and I didn’t want it, so I resigned.

Wow. I can see it now. “Commissioner Hernandez, sworn protector of every man, hangs up his hat.”

Okay. You might want to tone that down a little bit, but, yeah. Anyway, I noticed you didn’t come home last night.

How’d you know I didn’t come home last night?

Because I didn’t see a long fur coat draped across the couch.

Okay, just so you know, it’s not real fur. I am an animal lover.

Noted. So… hot date, huh?

I did have one. It cooled off quickly… [sighs] When he revealed himself to be a giant idiot.

Son, haven’t we spoken about this? I thought we both agreed that no good can come from you telling Chanel about your one-time transgression.

“One-time transgression.” What, is that DA speak for cheating on your wife?

Johnny, you’re entitled to do whatever you feel is best, of course. But you and Chanel have something very, very special. And perhaps keeping quiet is–

But I-I did decide to keep quiet, remember? And then as you know, Chanel decided to invite Joy over to watch the premiere of “Body & Soul” with us.

Yes, I remember. I ushered her in. And I also remember seeing you nestled between the two of them on the couch. That must have been very awkward.

It was more than awkward. It was excruciating. Dad, I don’t know if I can keep this up.

So then what? You’re just going to tell Chanel the truth?

Hey, Joy.

Hey, Chanel. Um, Alex and I were just running lines, until he started feeling sick, that is. I thought I’d keep an eye on him. What in God’s name was in those cupcakes?

Actually, that’s why I’m here. So it turns out that the Health Department was able to analyze those cupcakes, and– the ones that weren’t eaten, obviously– and it turns out that they didn’t come from Sweet Bits.

Ah, so you weren’t trying to poison your co-stars, huh?

[chuckles] You know, that would have been a good way to get some more screen time, but, nope. I didn’t even think of it.

Ah. Well, all joking aside… I am glad that nobody messed with your bakery.

Yeah, me too. I am completely relieved. But, anyway, um, Alex, it’s your turn. Uh, what did you want to tell me?

So who is this “idiot” that you speak of? Or did you get his name?

Oh, believe me, I got his name. Leo Stark.

Leo? Wow. Yeah, come to think of it… as I recall, you two were flirting the other night in the Small Bar, but I was under the impression that Gabi put the kibosh on it.

Oh, she sure tried to. She said to me, “Primo, siéntatewhile I tell you what a creep that Leo Stark is.” But did I listen? No. And… it just really hurts, you know?

Yeah. Yeah, obviously. All right, so I’m curious. What exactly did Leo do?

[dramatic music]

So you’ve accused Javier of being Lady Whistleblower?

Right. And I know what you’re thinking, Dr. Evans. How could that guy be Lady Whistleblower when I am Lady Whistleblower? But the thing is, I’m not anymore. I eschewed my nom de plume to become the head writer of “Body & Soul.”

Yes. Yes, that’s right. So it would seem that Javier is–

An impostor. Exactly. A sham Lady Whistleblower, who is not only pretending to be moi but spoiling upcoming storylines. In fact, she told everyone that Charlemagne’s not–

Not what?

Not important. What matters is that this cheap knockoff is spoiling my show in “The Spectator”– my former paper. Can you imagine how angry I am? My fists are, like, permanently clenched.

So you think the person pretending to be Lady Whistleblower is Javier?

Well, I thought so. But now I think I may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.

We haven’t been able to locate Hattie yet. But, Mayor, I can assure you that we are doing everything we can.

Have you tried looking under your desk?

What? I don’t–

Because unless she’s tunneled into the building, I’m assuming… Nope. She’s not in the office. So why are you?

Mayor, look–

You and every other officer should be out there beating the bushes. Now, need I remind you, Commissioner, that I put you in this job because I trusted you to get results? But, you know… I’m–I’m starting to wonder if I should regret that decision.

I know that I promised Joy I wouldn’t say anything to Chanel or anyone else for that matter. But, Dad, I mean, the guilt– it’s killing me, okay? And not to mention that I’m constantly in fear that Chanel’s going to figure it out somehow, that she’s going to realize what I did.

Well, you never did have much of a poker face.


[pats leg] But, seriously, you think, what– Chanel is just going to look at you one day and go, “Ah, this man has trespassed against me, and I know exactly how he did it”?

Honestly, yeah. Yeah, I do think that could happen. Nobody knows me like Chanel. Even if she can’t read it on my face, what worries me even more is if she were to find out some other way. – So are you going to tell me? Or are you going to start a game of charades?

Uh, Chanel, I forgot to ask you. How’s, uh–how’s Johnny doing? Sorry. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. It’s just this morning when we were watching the show, he had a cupcake, too, right?

Yeah. Yeah, he was actually feeling pretty sick himself. But he’s starting to feel much better now.

Oh, well, that’s a relief.

Yeah, it is. I mean, I thought he was kind of delirious for a second there because he was talking in his sleep, and he never does that.

Really? That’s strange.

Yeah. Yeah, and what was even more strange is he was talking about you.

Madam Mayor, I can assure you that although I am physically here in this office, I am doing everything I can to track down Hattie Adams.

Would you care to expand on that?

As I mentioned, I have officers working very closely with the Health Department to determine the origin of the tainted cupcakes. I am also following a few leads with my counterparts in other jurisdictions in regards to Hattie’s whereabouts in the days since she decamped from Salem. And, Mayor, I am sure you’re aware that your husband is not the only victim of a crime here in Salem. I have several families… who want justice for their loved ones. And as commissioner of this city’s police department, I have to direct my attention on those cases as well. But, of course, if you are not happy with my performance, then you are more than welcome to give the job back to Rafe.

[dramatic music]

This is amusing to you, is it?

[laughing] Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay? It’s just… It’s not funny, all right? But Leo accusing you of taking his old job so you could destroy his new job–I mean… Look, I don’t use the word “narcissist” that much, but, I mean, wow, yikes.

Yeah, well, I’m glad it’s comic relief to you, but I became quite intimate with this jerk. And I even felt myself becoming– I don’t know–smitten a little. He had the nerve– the gall to question my integrity? [scoffs]

And then all of the dots started to connect. See, I walked in on Javi tapping away at my computer, which is a total invasion of privacy. And this was right after he said that “the fans would kill to know what’s on there.” And he also mentioned that he needs a second job to make ends meet. And before you say, why do you think Javi would stoop to that level? Dr. Evans, I invented that level.

So… case closed?

Well, you would think so. But then I stormed over to his office to accuse him of spoiling my show, and he denies everything. Worse than that, he starts poking holes in every single part of my story, talking about how improbable the whole thing was. And the more he said so, the more–

You began to believe him.

But it’s too late now. I mean, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. And now Javi wants nothing to do with me. [sighs] Dr. Evans… why do I do this to myself? It’s like I have a PhD in self-sabotage.

How could I be so stupid?

I mean, who does he think he is? God’s gift to novelas? I mean, the very idea that I would even date him or whatever just to steal his stupid story so then I could, what, become Lady Whistleblower? [scoffs] I mean, as abuelaused to say, “Ese ahí mismo es un loco.” That man right there is a crazy person.

Mm. Mm-hmm. I mean, you know, Javi, if– if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re a little defensive.

Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?

Well, it just means, um…

No, what are you trying to say? Don’t dance around it.

Okay, then. Are you the new Lady Whistleblower?

Okay, so… you’re worried that even if you don’t tell Chanel about what happened, she’ll find out anyway.

Yeah, I am.

But, Johnny, how could she?

Well, when she came to check on me earlier, she said I was talking in my sleep.

[sighs] Okay, um, and did she tell you what you said?

Yeah. Yeah, apparently I said something to the effect of, “No, Joy. We can’t do this.”

[clears throat]

Luckily, I was able to cover. I said that I was dreaming about directing Joy in a scene. But what about next time? All right, maybe instead of… worrying about what I’m going to blurt out in my sleep, I should just come clean while I’m awake.

So Johnny was talking in his sleep about me?

[laughs] Yeah. Yeah, he was. I guess apparently he was directing you in a scene. And then the two of you got into an argument about how you should play it. And so he was saying, “No, Joy. We shouldn’t do this.”

Huh. [chuckles] That’s crazy.

I know, right? But I guess that just goes to show how dedicated he is to his craft. I mean, even struck down with food poisoning, he’s still dreaming about work. And, you know, seeing him sick like that, it really just– it made me realize how much I love that guy and how just lucky I am to have him in my life. You know?


But, anyway, I-I should get back to him. Oh, yeah, Alex, weren’t you going to tell me something?

[dramatic music]

[clears throat]

It seems like you two are having some sort of telepathic conversation or something.

No, no, I just…

I don’t know if I’m going to be well enough to make it to work tomorrow. So I wouldn’t even bother learning your lines, to be honest.

[chuckles] Okay, well, I think someone forgot that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We’re off.

Right. Thanksgiving, mm, day off. Ugh.

Yeah, which we all clearly need right now, huh?


All right. So how about you get some rest and hydrate? And, um, it was good seeing you, Joy.

You too.

Thank you, Chanel. Thank you.

All right. Uh-huh. Take care.

All right. [door closes]

Thank you, Alex, for not telling her about me and Johnny.

I didn’t do it for you. Don’t get me wrong–I’m not saying you’re the one to blame. Johnny obviously shouldn’t have cheated. The person I’m doing it for is Chanel.

Listen, son, you know where I stand, so I’ll simply say that while you may feel that telling Chanel the truth will unburden you, alleviate your–your guilt… I truly believe… that this will most likely only compound the suffering for both of you. Son, I-I truly believe that before long, you and Joy will be able to move past what happened between you and simply coexist. And this incident will be remembered by you merely as a-a speed bump on the long, beautiful road that is your marriage to Chanel.

Yeah, if only.

Johnny, it will happen, but not if you give in to this irrational need to confess to Chanel that for one night, you were unfaithful, but only because you believed she was. Son… if you say something now, it could cost you dearly. So you need to seriously ask yourself this question. Is this a cliff? Or is this just a speed bump? Now, I know I can offer you advice, but I can’t force you to take it. This is your life. This is your decision. So, whatever it is… you need to make the best one that is right for you.

Jada… Forgive me if my tone was abrasive. I don’t want to replace you. Of course I don’t. I think you’re more than qualified for the job. I-I just– I… I let my emotions just get the best of me. And you got to understand. Now, this woman– she poisoned my husband.

I know.

And, you know, while I’m grateful– very grateful that Abe is going to make a quick recovery, the idea of that– that lunatic on the lam… But I shouldn’t have– I shouldn’t have taken my worry out on you.

I understand. I know what it feels like to lose sleep over a deranged individual who’s trying to hurt someone that you love. And I can assure you… that Hattie Adams will not be on the lam for long. We will find her, and that is a promise.

Did you really just ask me if I’m the new– Forgive me for saying this, Rafael, but maybe it’s a good thing that you’re no longer on the force because your detective skills, man, are a little rusty.

It was a yes-or-no question.

No, I am not Lady Whistleblower. I never was Lady Whistleblower. And I never will be Lady Whistleblower. And I’m insulted that you would even ask that.

Okay. Look, I am sorry, all right? I was just asking a question.

And first of all, I would come up with a much better alias than Lady Whistleblower.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

Like… Beatrice Shoehorn.

“Beatrice Shoehorn”?

What’s wrong with Beatrice Shoehorn?

Um, it’s–it’s fine.

Oh, I’m so glad that you find this all so funny… because I actually am hurt and disappointed and angry… ‘Cause I actually like Leo.

You like Leo. Okay. Can I ask why?

Because he’s… funny and… sexy and kind of eccentric but in a good way. And there’s this– I don’t know– resilience he had that I admired. And I miss him already.

Okay, listen, I am sorry that you’re hurting. Um… and I’m sure that this is cold comfort to you right now, but believe me when I say this– you dodged a bullet.

So, if you want my opinion for the likely reason that you were pushing away Javier–

Oh, believe me, I do. Your opinions are incredible. I even love the way you give them in this hoity-toity, yet mensch-y kind of way.

“Hoity-toity, yet mensch-y kind of way.” I haven’t heard myself described that way.

Oh, it’s true, and I mean it as the greatest of compliments.

Thank you.

You must realize that it’s possible that a-a therapist can misread a situation from time to time. But in your case… I suspect that you were so hurt… by Dimitri… you didn’t want to go through that pain again. You didn’t want to hurt that way again. So, instead of opening yourself up to a relationship, you just sabotage the relationship.

That explanation sounds like a skeleton key to every relationship I’ve ever been in.

So that sounds like an accurate picture of what you’ve been doing?

Yeah, but I don’t want to push people away, Dr. Evans. I am through with my era of binge-watching “The Nanny” and crying into a weighted blanket.

Look, maybe you’re not consciously pushing people away.

Oh, so you’re saying that I– Wait. I don’t know what you’re saying. And I don’t really care. I just want to make it stop.

You’re doing exactly what you need to do to make it stop. You’re in therapy. We’re looking at your early-childhood traumas… all the things that came out of that period of time. And now you’re in therapy, and you’re– you’re learning to trust other people. And pretty soon you’re going to be able to have authentic relationships.

Yeah. Therapy is great, especially when it’s covered by insurance. But is there anything I could do more immediately to make things better with Javi?

There is. You could apologize to him.

What did that admin at the Health Department say? No, no, no, no, no, it’s not carrot cake. Make sure they know it’s cupcakes. Yeah, and let me know when you get any updates about the origin. All right.


Mm, hey.

Any luck finding Hattie?

No. And Mayor Price is breathing down my neck.

Ooh. [chuckles] Yeah. I remember those days. Oh, figured it’d be a long night, so I brought you… some sustenance.

You are such a lifesaver. Thank you.

[soft music] So any sage advice on how to deal with a helicopter mayor?

Hmm. [inhales sharply] I’d say, keep her as informed as you need to and don’t let her push you around.

I’m trying not to, but Mayor Price is one tough cookie.


Hold it right there. Don’t you move.

Oh, Paulina.

That’s Mayor Price to you.

All right. U-uh, what’s going on?

What’s going on is, I’m making a citizen’s arrest.

[dramatic music]

So you didn’t say anything because you didn’t want to hurt Chanel?

Chanel and I have both had our ups and downs together, but at the end of the day, I consider her a good friend. When she started going on and on about how much she loves Johnny and how much he means to her… I just thought, why should I be the one to take that away from her? Even though part of me thinks that she definitely deserves to know the truth.

Stop the presses. [giggles]

Hey, you. How’s it going?

I have some news–good news, like, really good news.

Okay, well, what is it?

Okay, so those spiked cupcakes– it turns out that they did not come from Sweet Bits.

That’s great. That’s great. I am so happy to hear that.

Oh, me too after all that tossing and turning and worrying.

I, too, am delighted to hear that. Um… I’m going to fill up your glass for you. Uh, more ginger ale?

Please, yes.

Oh, Chanel, I want you to thank your mother for me.

Uh, for what?

When she knocked that cupcake out of my hand, she saved me a lot of suffering.

[laughs] Okay, I’ll thank her.

Thank you. Bye.

So, after I went to Sweet Bits, I stopped by Alex’s to give him the good news.

Mm-hmm. And how’s he doing?

Uh, he’s–he’s doing much better, actually. He’s almost fully recovered, also thanks to Joy.

Uh, Joy?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. When I got there, they said that they were “running lines.”

And what? You–you don’t believe her?

[laughs] I mean… I don’t know. It kind of looked like something was going on between them.


What would a month in Thailand not fix? [knocking on door]

Javi, hi. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Leo, what do you want?

Uh, well, these– these are for you. They’re begonias. We used them on the show. They–they saved Kassandra’s life.

And now I was hoping that maybe they could save our relationship.

Paulina, I’m not–

Save it, Hattie. The jig is up. And you have some nerve walking around the square with that cupcake.

Oh, uh, it’s an almond croissant. And they’re half off after 8:00 p.m.

[stammers] Oh, Lordy. Marlena?


Oh. Oh, my goodness. Oh. Ooh, I’m– I’m so sorry, Marlena. I– F-forgive me. I thought you were–

It’s okay. It’s okay. I understand.

You know, I’m just so frantic, you know, trying to find that woman who poisoned Abe. I just–I can’t think of anything else.

It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. Tell you what, why don’t I–

Oh, again, I’m so sorry.

Why don’t I– Let me just buy you a nice cup of tea, something in a– like, an herbal decaf tea. Hmm?


So… what have you been up to?

Mm… just listening to the sordid details of Javi’s love life.

Didn’t he just come into town?


There’s sordid details already?

Leo works fast.


Yeah, Leo. See… he and Javi went on a date.


And to say that Javi regrets it, well, that’d be an understatement.


Mm-hmm. And hopefully my cousin has learned his lesson and steers clear from him from now on.

[dramatic music]

“Relationship”? [scoffs] I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Leo, but we don’t have a relationship.

No. No, no, no. Those are either yours, or I’m going to give them to this really cute parking-lot attendant who tells me I look like Cillian Murphy.

You don’t look like him, Leo.

Yeah, I know. I don’t think so either. Look, Javi, I really am sorry. I made a big mistake throwing around accusations like that. I have a lot of work to do on myself–I know that. But I really do like you.

I was hoping you would be willing to give me one more chance.

One more chance. Yeah… I don’t think so.

Listen… Alex, whatever the reason is that you decided to keep what I told you confidential, please hold on to that, because before long, Johnny and I– we won’t even remember we hooked up and what happened between us. It’ll be–it’ll be in the past. For Chanel. I mean, what she doesn’t know… will never hurt her, right?


Alex… if you really are her friend… I think it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Really? You think something might be going on between Alex and Joy? Why?

I mean, I-I don’t know. I just kind of sensed a vibe between them.

Huh. “A vibe?”

Mm-hmm. You know, like, you can tell, right? I mean, I would be a little bit surprised if it happened so soon after what happened with Alex and Stephanie. But if there is something going on between the two of them, I-I would be really happy for Joy. I mean, I know how it is to be new in this town. I was new once, and I remember how lonely it was. That’s part of why I made so many mistakes when I first got here.

Look, Chanel, I, uh–

What? What is it?

Ah, it’s–it’s nothing. I was just… thinking about how lucky I am to be married to someone like you.


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GH Short Recap Monday, November 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Michael informed Curtis that Drew intended to replace him as CEO of Aurora with Michael himself. To substantiate his claim, Michael played a recorded conversation in which Drew expressed his preference for Michael over Curtis, leading Curtis to feel betrayed by Drew’s actions.

Meanwhile, at the courthouse, Ava’s trial commenced with several witnesses testifying. Kristina took the stand, recounting her confrontation with Ava and alleging that Ava had pushed her through a window, resulting in the loss of her unborn child. During cross-examination, Ric challenged Kristina’s credibility, suggesting inconsistencies in her testimony.


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Days Update Monday, November 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Javi goes home and has a beer with Rafe. Javi asks Rafe about going back to work but Rafe reveals to him that he didn’t go back to work because he’s not the commissioner anymore, Jada is.

Paulina goes to see Jada in her office at the police station. Jada asks about Abe. Paulina says he’s doing better but she won’t be until they tracked down the woman who put Abe on his back. Paulina asks if Jada has found Hattie Adams.

Leo goes to see Marlena in her office and complains that nothing is working for him as he declares that his life is over.

Johnny lays in bed as EJ comes in to check on how he’s doing. Johnny responds that physically he’s doing much better but mentally, he doesn’t know if he can do this as he’s going crazy. EJ guesses he’s still beating himself up for cheating on his wife. Johnny complains about Joy having a huge presence in their life now. Johnny states that Chanel is the best person he knows and repeats that he can’t go on lying to her.

Joy begs Alex to promise not to tell anybody about her and Johnny. Chanel then shows up at the door and says she’s sorry to bother him but she heard he wasn’t doing well. Alex says he’s doing better, so Chanel asks if she can come in as she has something to tell him. Alex responds that there’s something he needs to tell her too.

Marlena questions Leo saying his life is over. Leo explains that he’s having a really big problem with no solution, saying his entire career and promising love life have gone up in smoke. Marlena wasn’t aware he was in a relationship. Leo says he’s not anymore and it was very new but it was perfect and he ruined it. Leo explains that he met Javier Hernandez, who was witty, charming, and incredibly good looking but now he never wants to talk to him again.

Rafe explains to Javi that Jada did a great job while he was out, so Paulina wanted her to stay. Rafe says he was basically offered Jada’s old job but he didn’t want it, so he resigned. Rafe points out that Javi didn’t come home last night and asks if he had a hot date. Javi confirms that he had one, but it cooled off quickly when the guy revealed to himself to be a giant idiot.

EJ thought he and Johnny both agreed that no good could come from Johnny telling Chanel about his one time cheating on her. Johnny argues that he decided to keep quiet but then Chanel invited Joy over to watch Body and Soul with them. Johnny repeats that he doesn’t know if he can keep this up. EJ asks if he’s just going to tell Chanel the truth then.

Chanel comes in and greets Joy, who explains that she and Alex were running lines until Alex got sick so she decided to stay and take care of him. Chanel explains that’s why she is here and it turns out the tainted cupcakes didn’t come from her Bakery which Alex says he’s glad to hear. Chanel then asks what Alex wanted to tell her, leaving Joy worried.

Rafe asks Javi who he was with, so he reveals that he was Leo Stark. Rafe recalls them flirting the other night at the bar but he thought Gabi stopped it. Javi explains that Gabi tried to, but he didn’t listen and it really hurts. Rafe is curious as to what exactly Leo did.

Leo tells Marlena about how he accused Javi of being the impostor Lady Whistleblower, spoiling his show in the Spectator. Leo explains that he thought it was Javi, but now thinks he may have jumped to the wrong conclusion

Jada tells Paulina that they haven’t been able to locate Hattie yet but assures they are doing everything they can. Paulina remarks that Hattie is not in her office, so she questions why Jada is. Paulina argues that Jada and every other officer should be out there looking for Hattie, reminding Jada that she put her in this position because she wants results and she’s starting to wonder if she should regret that decision.

Johnny complains to EJ that he promised Joy he wouldn’t say anything, but he’s living in constant fear of Chanel finding out anyways.

Chanel asks if Alex is going to tell her but Joy interrupts to ask how Johnny is doing since he had a cupcake too. Chanel confirms he was sick but is feeling better now. Chanel adds that she thought Johnny was delirious since he was talking in his sleep which he never does. Joy calls that strange while Chanel says what was even more strange is that he was talking about Joy.

Jada assures Paulina that she’s doing everything she can to track down Hattie and that she has officers working with the health department to determine the origin of the cupcakes. Jada adds that she’s working on a few leads about where Hattie is. Jada mentions that Abe is not the only victim of the crime as she has several families wanting justice for their loved ones, so she has to direct her attention on those cases as well. Jada then tells Paulina that if she’s not happy with her performance, she’s welcome to give the job back to Rafe.

Rafe laughs at the idea of Leo accusing Javi of taking his old job to destroy his new job. Javi complains that he got quite intimate with Leo, only for Leo to question his integrity.

Leo tells Marlena about finding Javi on his laptop and the things he said about fans wanting to know what happens and needing another job. Leo explains that he stormed over to Javi’s office to confront him but he poked holes in every part of his story. Leo admits he began to believe Javi but it’s too late now and now Javi wants nothing to do with him. Leo question why he sabotages himself and asks how he could be so stupid.

Javi complains about the idea that he would steal Leo’s stories and calls him a crazy person. Rafe remarks that if he didn’t know better, he’d say Javi is being a little defensive. Javi questions what Rafe is trying to say. Rafe then asks Javi if he is the new Lady Whistleblower.

EJ questions Johnny being worried about Chanel finding out another way and asks how she could. Johnny talks about Chanel finding him talking in his sleep earlier about Joy. Johnny says he was able to cover but worries about the next time and wonders if he should just come clean while he’s awake.

Joy questions Chanel saying that Johnny was talking in his sleep about her. Chanel explains that it was apparently about directing her in a scene and guesses it shows how dedicated Johnny is to his craft. Chanel says seeing Johnny sick made her realize how much she loves him and how lucky she is to have him in her life. Chanel decides she should get back to Johnny, but remembers that Alex was going to tell her something. Chanel then questions if Alex and Joy are having a telepathic conversation. Alex then claims he doesn’t know if he will be well enough to make it to work tomorrow, so Chanel doesn’t need to bother learning her lines. Chanel reminds Alex that tomorrow is Thanksgiving so they have the day off. Chanel encourages Alex to get some rest and tells Joy that it was good seeing her as she then exits. Joy thanks Alex for not telling Chanel about her and Johnny. Alex says he didn’t do it for her, but for Chanel.

EJ advises Johnny that while he may feel telling Chanel the truth will alleviate his guilt, he believes this will most likely only compound the suffering for both of them. EJ believes that before long, Johnny and Joy will be able to move on and co-exist and this will only be remembered as a speed bump in his marriage to Chanel. EJ insists that it will happen but not if he gives in to his need to tell Chanel that he was unfaithful for one night, only because he believed she was. EJ warns Johnny that if he comes clean, it could cost him everything. EJ acknowledges that he can’t force Johnny to take his advice as it’s his life and decision, so he needs to make the best one for himself.

Paulina apologizes to Jada if her tone was abrasive as she doesn’t want to replace her and thinks she’s more than qualified for the job. Paulina admits she let her emotions get the best of her. Paulina says she’s grateful that Abe will make a quick recovery but complains about the lunatic being out there. Paulina acknowledges that she shouldn’t have taken it out on Jada. Jada relates to the feeling of a deranged individual trying to hurt the person you love. Jada promises that they will find Hattie.

Javi questions Rafe asking if he’s the new Lady Whistleblower and jokes that his detective skills must be rusty. Rafe points out that it’s a yes or no question, so Javi denies ever being Lady Whistleblower and says he’s insulted that he would even ask. Rafe apologizes and says he was just asking a question. Javi jokes that he’d come up with a much better alias than that. Javi says he’s hurt, disappointed, and angry because he actually likes Leo. Rafe asks him why. Javi responds that Leo is funny, sexy, and eccentric in a good way. Javi admits that he misses Leo already. Rafe is sorry that he’s hurting but insists that he dodged a bullet.

Marlena talks to Leo about how people can misread a situation. Marlena suspects that Leo was so hurt by Dimitri that he didn’t want to go through that pain again, so instead of opening himself up to a relationship, he sabotaged the relationship. Leo calls that a skeleton key to every relationship he’s ever been in. Leo says he doesn’t want to push people away. Marlena says maybe he’s not doing it consciously. Leo says he wants it to stop. Marlena encourages him being in therapy. Leo asks what he can do to make things better with Javi. Marlena suggests he could apologize to him.

Jada talks on the phone with her officer about the health department and says to let her know any updates. Jada hangs up as Rafe arrives and asks if she had any luck finding Hattie. Jada says no and that Paulina is breathing down her neck. Rafe says he remembers those days. Rafe adds that it will be a long night for her, so he brought her food. Jada asks if Rafe has any sage advice on how to deal with Paulina. Rafe suggests keeping her as informed as she needs and not to let Paulina push her around.

Paulina walks through the town square and confronts Marlena, thinking that she is Hattie.

Joy questions Alex not saying anything because he didn’t want to hurt Chanel. Alex says that he and Chanel have had ups and downs, but he considers her a good friend and when she started going on about her love for Johnny, he felt he shouldn’t be the one to take that away from her even though part of him thinks she deserves to know the truth.

Chanel goes home to Johnny and EJ and announces the spiked cupcakes did not come from her Bakery which Johnny says is great. EJ says he’s delighted to hear that as well and asks Chanel to thank Paulina for knocking the cupcake out of his hand. EJ then exits to get Johnny more ginger ale. Chanel tells Johnny that she stopped by Alex’s to give him the good news and he’s doing much better. Chanel adds that it’s also thanks to Joy as when she got there, Joy said they were running lines but it kind of looked like something was going on between them.

Leo goes to see Javi with flowers, hoping they could save their relationship.

Paulina accuses Marlena of being Hattie but then realizes she’s mistaken and apologizes. Marlena offers to buy her some tea.

Jada asks what Rafe has been up to. Rafe says he’s been listening to the sordid details of Javi’s love life. Jada questions there being details already. Rafe responds that Leo works fast and Javi regrets it. Rafe hopes that Javi learned his lesson and steers clear from Leo from now on.

Javi tells Leo that they don’t have a relationship. Leo tells him that he’s really sorry as he made a big mistake throwing around accusations. Leo acknowledges he has a lot of work to do on himself, but he really likes him. Leo hoped Javi would be willing to give him one more chance but Javi declines, so Leo exits.

Joy pleads with Alex to hold on to that, insisting that before long it will be in the past for her and Johnny while what Chanel doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Joy declares that if Alex is really Chanel’s friend, she thinks it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Johnny questions Chanel thinking something might be going on between Alex and Joy. Chanel says she sensed a vibe between them. Chanel admits she’d be surprised if it happened so soon after Alex and Stephanie, but says if there is something going on, she’d be really happy for Joy as she knows what it’s like to be new in town. Johnny comments on how lucky he is to be married to someone like Chanel as he hugs her.

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Days Nitpicks and Flubs For The Week Of November 18, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



Why would Johnny announce that he cheated on his wife so loudly? Chanel could have heard him say that.

Why did Alex open his door without a shirt on? Who goes to the door that way?

Chanel didn’t hear what Johnny and EJ said. She only heard her name being said. The door was open the entire time, but she didn’t hear them talking.

Chanel expected Johnny to go after Joy when she left the mansion. She was closer to the door and could have talked to her when she left.

Johnny and Joy took a risk talking about what happened between them at the mansion. Chanel was in the next room while they were talking. She could have heard them.


Bonnie was standing behind Leo in Monday’s episode when he read Lady Whistleblower’s column, but she was at his side in this episode.

Kayla told Roman about Sarah’s procedure. It seems like it’s unethical for her to tell him about what happened with Sarah.

Leo’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Javi was talking while Kate was shown.


Why would Jada want Rafe to work at the station when he was demoted? She should support his decision to want to leave.

How did Paulina know that Alex was sick? He wasn’t shown going to the hospital.

Paulina gave Jada the card that was with the cupcake, but she touched the evidence. She contaminated the evidence.


Xander could be heard talking while Brady was shown.

Sophia kept stabbing her cake, but there was only a small piece on her fork.

Kristen said that Brady meant a lot to Sarah. Did we miss something? When did he mean so much to Sarah?


In Thursday’s episode, the bottle Maggie dropped fell on her left leg. In this episode, it fell on her right leg.

Alex attempted to drink a glass of water, but it never made it to his mouth. He pulled the glass away before the water reached his lips.

Kristen said that Sarah had to get two dosages of the serum, but Xander only gave her one to give to Sarah.

Why would Joy tell Alex that she hooked up with Johnny? She didn’t want Johnny to tell anyone what they did, but she told Alex about it.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of November 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Leo (to Javi when he was speaking to him in Spanish): What? I hope that wasn’t your grocery list.

Leo: So, what did you think about the show? Be honest I want the naked, unadulterated truth
Javi: About?
Leo: About? About Body & Soul.
Javi: I told you, your body’s a ten, but we’re leaving your soul out of it.
Leo: Boy, my show, Body & Soul.

Paulina: I have a bone to pick with you.
EJ: You didn’t have to take it out on a defenseless cupcake.

Kayla: I’m serious. You look terrible.
Roman: Thanks, sis.

Chad (to Cat about getting Mark out of jail): I’m not thrilled at the idea of trying to help a guy who tried to put a bullet in my head.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of November 18, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Rafe and Jada

The writers decided to start two whodunnits. Someone poisoned cupcakes for the cast and crew of Body & Soul. We could stop right there in case we lost you. Please try to stay with us while we talk about this mystery. Some members of the cast ate the cupcakes and got sick. Roman also got sick from the cupcakes. The person’s identity wasn’t revealed to the audience. We have a theory about who did it. It’s not set in stone because the person didn’t get revealed. We think Hattie is the culprit. She put a curse on the show for killing off her character. No one else had a reason to go after the cast and crew. The only people who got sick (except for Roman) are pat of the show. It’s not hard to figure out who could have done it. We do have a question about it. How did Hattie (or the culprit) know Abe’s address? She hadn’t been there before so how did she know to send the cupcakes to him?

The other mystery that unfolded was the identity of the new Lady Whistleblower. Leo found out that his storylines were revealed in Lady Whistleblower’s column. He accused Javi of being the person who spoiled the show. It’s not too hard to believe that he would do that since he saw him looking at his laptop when they were together. Leo jumped to the wrong conclusion and accused Javi of spoiling his storylines. We think Lady Whistleblower is Gwen. She’s coming back to the show and has the biggest motive for wanting to ruin his show. He betrayed her by sleeping with Dimitri, and she didn’t forgive him for it. She would do anything to make sure that Leo paid for what he did to her. It’s understandable that she would want to pay him back for what he did to her. His conscience got to him once they were about to get caught. Gwen probably still owns the paper, so it’s not hard for her to create the stories. The hole in our theory is that she had no way of knowing what he was writing for the soap opera. It’s convenient that she would be able to hack into his computer, but he didn’t have the job before she left town. There’s no way she could have known he was writing storylines for the show. We have a feeling we are right so you heard/read it here first.

Rafe was kicked in his stomach when he found out he wasn’t getting his job back as commissioner. It’s a slap in the face to him when he was hurt on duty. Rafe dedicated his life to the force only to get treated as if he didn’t matter. We’re not surprised that he was disappointed and angry about the news he received. Paulina was cold about telling him that Jada was keeping his job. She should have showed compassion about dropping that bomb on him. The woman can’t make a decision without causing problems for someone. He didn’t get hurt by playing around on the job. Rafe was investigating what happened to Abby and got hurt. It’s not fair that he lost his job because he was hurt. Roman put the idea in his head to sue the department. It’s the right decision to make because he was unfairly demoted. Roman wasn’t the person to tell him that because he’s Abe’s best friend. Jada thought Rafe should keep the job as detective. What made her think that he would want to get demoted just because she’s in charge? If she lost her job, she wouldn’t take a demotion. She shouldn’t expect Rafe to do that. He wanted to resign to save their relationship. Rafe thought he would resent her if he accepted the demotion. He did the right thing because it would be hard for him to go to the station knowing that she had his job.

Johnny proved that he’s a scumbag. He called Chanel out when he thought she cheated on him. She was a cheating slut when he thought she slept with Alex. He cheated on her, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him because he doesn’t want to get caught. Johnny was torn between telling the truth and protecting his secret. We know what answer he chose. He decided to keep the affair a secret. Johnny continued to lie to her even when he had a dream about Joy. He will deserve it when Chanel leaves him for what he did. Johnny didn’t want to show any mercy towards her, and he will know how that feels when she turns her back on him. We noticed that Chanel kept shoving Joy at Johnny. It’s as if she knows that they were together.

Tate is also a scumbag. He used Sophia to get over Holly. It didn’t take much for him to go to bed with Sophia because she offered herself to him. He did what any guy would do. It was wrong, but he did what any man would do in his position. Sophia had herself to blame for giving herself to him when she knew he wasn’t over Holly. Tate’s problem is that he treated her like she was a prostitute while acting like Holly is a delicate flower. It’s bad enough he called out Holly’s name while he was making out with Sophia, but he had to act as if she didn’t mean anything to him. He had no problem going to bed with Sophia even though he knew how he felt about Holly. Fast forward, and Holly wanted to go to her room with him. Tate decided to be a gentleman for Holly. He had the chance to be with her, but he wanted her first time to be special. What type of guy is he to treat Sophia like that. She’s not the villain just because she had feelings for Tate. We applauded Sophia for not wanting to be treated like she didn’t matter.

We cheered Xander on when he was man enough to apologize to Brady for accusing him of hitting Sarah. It’s good to see him own up to what he did. He told him about what happened when Kristen demanded to know details about how Sarah was doing. Xander showed a side of vulnerability and that’s a good thing. He proved that he doesn’t always have to scheme or get himself into trouble. Xander showed how scared he was about what happened to Sarah. The writers should have him show that side more often.


Johnny and Chanel

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