Days Transcript Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[eerie music]

God, we are so lucky Dr. Greene agreed to keep our secret.

Yeah, I know, especially since we both have family who work here.

Right. So let’s not press our luck. We better get you back to the cabin before anyone sees us.



Dad. Um–

What–what–what is g– what is that? What are you– are you all right?

Yeah. It’s–it’s just a sprained ankle.

Sprai–did you do that at camp? And–wait, wait, wait. Why didn’t the camp contact me to tell– tell me that they were sending you home? What is this?

Well, um–

What? And what is she doing here?




This didn’t happen at camp, Dad.

Really? Where did it happen, son?

On Smith Island.

Hi, honey. I was just wondering where you are. You couldn’t have taken this long to go and check on Victoria. Okay, well, um, I will see you when you get here. I love you. Hmm, thought that Xander would be back by now.

So what am I? Chopped liver?



Do I bore you? I mean, if so, I can turn on “Jeopardy!”


[laughter] Of course you don’t bore me. It was just–I just–

You just miss your husband and your precious girl.



And I’m also worried about my husband. You know? He–he feels helpless seeing me this way. And since he can’t do anything for me, he’s just fixating on finding the person who hit me. He’s obsessed with it, actually.

You have a suspect? Oh, that’s great news. Who is it?

I’m sorry, but I’m not at liberty to tell you.

Not at liberty to– Jada, my wife is lying in a hospital bed as we speak. She may never walk again. We have a right to know.

And you will, if and when an arrest is made. But in the meantime, presumption of innocence–

Innocence? That monster ran Sarah down and left her to die in the street.

I am sorry, Xander, but I am not going to discuss this with you any further.

Oh–oh, yes, you will.

[suspenseful music] – What’s going on?

Well, Brady told me that his car was stolen.


[echoing] What?


[echoing] He didn’t mention that to you?

Uh, no, no. When did that happen?

Well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out now.

[mysterious music]

Excellent. I appreciate your expeditious attention to this matter. Well, Father, mission accomplished. Brady’s car is now as flat as a pancake and probably stacked like one too. Oh, don’t look at me that way. What choice did I have? Yes, yes, I know that you were not a big fan of Brady’s. But he is the father of my child. And I did what I had to do to protect my family, just as you would have done.

Pray tell, sister. What did you do, you know, to protect your family?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[soft tense music]

Well? If you’d like, I can ask father’s portrait.

Fine, fine.

But I feel–

If you must know…


Unfortunately, I had to fire Ava from our little family business.

Oh. Well, I don’t understand. Where is the unfortunate part?

Ava is my good friend.

Then why did you fire her?

It was political. Gabi learned that Ava slept with Stefan while she was in Statesville. And… Gabi gave me an ultimatum. Either I relieve Ava of her duties or she was gonna find a new buyer for Gabi Chic. And I couldn’t let her do that. See, we put a lot into that launch. And plus, it is the centerpiece of my new corporate strategy.

Hmm. Well, if it were up to me, I would have sacked both those vipers.

Yeah, well, it’s not up to you, now is it?

Not at the moment.






[sighs] Look. I know that Father detested Gabi, as do I. But my family legacy means everything to me, and I’m gonna to do whatever it takes to protect it.



No, I don’t think so.

You don’t think so? What?

What I mean is that I’m getting a keen sense that you’re selling me a bill of goods. So why don’t you tell me, Kristen, what’s really going on?

Hey, there you are.

Here I are.


[laughs] How was your visit with your dad?

It was great. Well, he beat the pants off me in Parcheesi, but I took him in rummy.


[laughs] There you go.

So I got your message, said you wanted to talk to me about something. Everything okay?

No, not really.



Smith Island? What were you doing there?

Look, Dad, the truth is, I didn’t– I never actually went to camp.

I’m sorry? What?

Yeah, I was staying up at the Horton cabin.

You’re telling me that this whole time I thought you were in lacrosse camp in New York, you were actually at the Horton cabin? Why in God’s name would you do something like that?

Come on, you know exactly why I would do that– so I could spend time with Holly without anyone flipping out on us for being together.

You’ve been lying to me all summer about this?

No, he–

Yes. Yeah, I have been.

I’ve been thinking lately about the car accident when I was with my parents and I was the only survivor.

[somber music] And there was a part of me that wished I had died with them.

You never told me that, Mom.

I suppose I never wanted you to know. I wasn’t always brave Maggie, facing adversity with courage and pluck. I was grieving, and I was scared. And I was very angry. It’s okay. It’s okay for you to be angry about what happened to you, Sarah.


[sniffles] I think Xander is angry enough for both of us. I’m worried. I’m worried that if– when they find the person that ran me over, what Xander is going to do to them.

Xander, I get that you are upset. And you have every reason to be. And believe me, I understand what you’re going through.

You underst–you have no idea what I’m going through.

Oh, I do. Because Rafe is lying in a hospital bed, just like Sarah. So yeah, I do know. And my heart breaks for the both of you. But I am gonna state this very clearly to you. I will be the one who will find and arrest the person who hit Sarah, not you. So unless you want to spend the night with some unsavory characters whose rap sheet, I’m sure, is longer than yours, I suggest that you take your hands off of me right now.

I am so sorry, Jada. I just, um– I don’t know what came over me. I’m just so–

Worried about Sarah? Yeah, I get it. But every time you raise hell because of your dissatisfaction with the pace of the investigation, that’s more time that I have to deal with you instead of actually doing my job. Okay, I will let you know as soon as I get something concrete.

Thank you, Detective– sorry, Commissioner. Can you at least– can you just tell us what it is we’re waiting for?

Well, first, I have to speak to the DA before I can proceed, but you’ll know something soon. And, Xander, I do know what you’re going through, when the love of your life is lying in a hospital bed and you just feel so helpless. But go. Go be with Sarah. She needs you.

[melancholic music]

Mom, will you tell me how you dealt with it, when you found out that you couldn’t walk?

Hmm. When I blinked, my eyes opened, and I was in the hospital. And I saw the doctor… and he said, um… “Sweetheart, your parents didn’t make it.” And then he said, um, “Your legs are crushed.” I wished I’d perished with them. But when I finally came to my senses, I felt like I owed it to them to keep the farm running. And it wasn’t an easy task, even without being injured. I knew I had to figure it out. I had to– I had to learn to live my new normal. But, you know, I remember–

[chuckles] Oh, I remember a graduation party. And the song “The Twist,” started playing. And I stood there on my crutches, feeling very awkward and frustrated. But I reminded myself that even if I couldn’t get out on the dance floor and show off… That I could still dance in my heart. I know that sounds very Pollyanna. But I know if I hadn’t– never had that surgery and never been able to walk on my own, I still would have had a very good and full life.

And that is my way of saying to you, don’t give up, my darling. So no matter what the car accident took from you, no matter how your recovery goes, you’re still a wonderful doctor and mother and wife. And you’re my daughter. Sure, you know, if you don’t heal the way we want you to, um, some things will be harder. But I know– I know that you’ll remember how much you truly do have to be grateful for.


[sniffles, speaks indistinctly] I am. I am grateful. I’m grateful to feel so loved, you know, by you and by Xander and my daughter. You know? And I am grateful I have such a wise mom.

[both chuckle] That means– that means everything to me. That means– it means more than anything.

I beg your pardon? “A bill of goods”?

What I’m saying is that for a polished fabulist such as yourself, that was a shockingly unconvincing story.


Well, EJ, I mean, if you don’t believe what I just told you, then by all means run it by Gabi. Not that it is any of your damn business.

No, you’re right. It’s none of my business. But word of advice– and this is speaking from experience here– if you would rather people not go poking around in your closet looking for skeletons, perhaps you shouldn’t be so forthcoming with Father up there, sharing your secrets aloud. Besides, I’m sure he knows all already.



I don’t understand. Holly’s been here in Salem all summer.

Yeah, and she’s been–

I’ve been sneaking up to the cabin to visit Tate whenever I can.

You’ve been sneaking up to “visit” with Tate.

Dad, come on. No, it’s– we weren’t–there wasn’t–

Oh, sure. No, I’m sure. I’m sure the two of you were just playing Connect or Monopoly or something. Holly, do you mind if I have a private word with my son, please?

Sure, of course.

Dad, look, I know that you’re probably really disappointed in me, and I’m sorry. But I really care about Holly. This isn’t just some fling. And I couldn’t stand to be apart from her just because Mom was being crazy and overprotective.

Okay, son. Stop. Stop talking. I want you to listen right now.

Okay. Can you just–can you tell me? Get it out of the way. How much trouble am I in?

[soft tense music]

Oh, my God. Brady’s car is stolen right out of our garage? How’d did he take that news?

I don’t know. He didn’t tell me. Apparently, he didn’t tell you either.

When did this happen?

I’m not sure. Um, I ran into Jada downstairs. She is heading up the investigation, trying to figure out a timeline.

Timeline? Brady just didn’t tell her how it happened, when it happened?

Apparently not.

Well, why would the acting police commissioner be involved in a run-of-the-mill car theft investigation anyway? It’s got to be connected to something bigger. Don’t you think? Like maybe Sarah’s hit-and-run?

[suspenseful music]

John, you don’t think that Brady could have been involved in Sarah’s accident?

Oh, God, I pray I’m wrong here. But something’s not adding up here. I mean, come on. Why wouldn’t Brady say a word about his car being stolen?

Well, actually, he did. He told Kristen. I bumped into her earlier.

But why would he t–

[mysterious music] Unless he wanted to get rid of the evidence by disappearing his car– yeah, Kristen could do that. I mean, that sort of thing is in her wheelhouse, isn’t it?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, okay? But, look, when I told Brady about Sarah’s accident, he was–he was shocked. He was horrified. Come on, John. We–we know Brady. He’s a good man, and if he had– if he had hit her, he never would have left her there.

No, he wouldn’t… unless–

Unless what?

Unless he’d been drinking.

So you’re telling me, this entire summer, I have been shelling out money to your friend Aaron so he could go to lacrosse camp and be scouted by D coaches?

Come on, Dad. You know I didn’t wanna go to camp. And at least he’s getting something out of it.

Oh, and then when you came back– when you came back to see your mom, you weren’t flying in from New York, were you? You took a damn ferry across the lake.

And I’m sorry.


Look, when Nicole left town and Mom went to prison, I was this close to telling you the truth. But then you insisted that I go back to camp. And so–I don’t know. I-I just–I kinda got the vibe that maybe you didn’t want me to come home.

Oh, my–that is not– so not true.

Dad, I left because you told me to. And then I kinda had to keep the lie going.

Ugh, damn it, Tate. Come on.

I did this because I thought you would go ballistic on me. I mean, come on, Dad. Like, I mean, haven’t you ever lied because you were scared of how someone would react?

– Why would you take my car?

Well, isn’t it obvious? And you’re welcome, by the way.

Kristen–Kristen, answer my question.




Why? I mean, apparently, you’re too dense to figure it out. I found out that the car in Sarah’s hit-and-run was gray. And I remember that you were a mess that morning when I came in. And I went down to the garage. And, well, I saw the damage on the front end. And I realized that you must be the one who ran over that poor woman. So I got rid of the evidence.

I can’t believe it. I can’t. I can’t believe it. Why–why would you do that?

Why would I do that? I did it for our daughter. See, without the car, Detective Hunter has nothing. So just stick to your story and, uh, you know, stay calm.

Dad? Hi. Where–where did you just go?

I just hope that I’m half the mom to Victoria that you are to me.

Oh, Sarah. Sarah, come on. You’re a wonderful mother.

Yeah, but how– how will I be able to now?

What do you mean?

‘Cause, Mom, I– Victoria needs to be held so much right now. And when she gets upset, the only thing that soothes her is being in that baby sling. And pretty soon, she’s gonna start walking and then running. And how–how am I gonna be able to keep up with her?

Oh, Sarah, I promise you. You’re gonna find a way.

[somber music]



Hope I’m not interrupting.



No, honey, it’s okay.

Nice to see you.

Two visits in one day.

[laughs] I’m very lucky.

Yeah. Um, well, actually, I came because– ’cause I have something to tell you.

Okay. What is it, sweetie?

Okay, well, you know how I said I had plans with my friend Liv tonight?

Yeah, you two we’re going to the movies.

We’re not going to the movies. That was actually a lie. I was going to see Tate.

Um, in New York?

At Smith Island.

Smith Island? Was he–

No, Tate never went to lacrosse camp. His friend Aaron took his place instead so him and I could spend the summer together. And he’s been staying at the cabin.

Oh. Oh, wait a minute. The Horton cabin– I mean, what is– did he break in?

No, I took your key, and I let him in. I’m really sorry for lying to you, Grandma.

Oh. I don’t understand. Hmm. I know I saw the key the other day.

Yeah, that’s because I put it back. Tate locked himself out, so I had to borrow it again. And I feel absolutely horrible for lying to you, to everyone.

Okay, then. That’s why I couldn’t find the key the other night.

Wait. What are you talking about? What night?

EJ, don’t you have anything better to do than stand around, cross-examining me? Like, I don’t know, uh, sorting through a file cabinet or whatever you DAs do?

Oh, I have plenty of things I could be doing. But I happened to be walking past and overhear you talking to a portrait above a fireplace, plotting, scheming, your usual. And I couldn’t help myself, so my interest is piqued.


[laughs] I wasn’t plotting and scheming.

And since you already have the CEO position at DiMera, what else does Kristen DiMera want that she doesn’t have? Let’s see, let’s see, let’s see.

[gasps dramatically] Oh, I know. Brady Black.

I hope I’m not interrupting. Your butler let me in.

Mm. Hello, Jada.

I need to speak with you, EJ, about the Sarah Kiriakis case.

Okay. Would you excuse us?

Mm. Of course.

[tense music]

– So what’s the update? Do you have any new developments?

Actually, we do. I have a suspect. And I’m looking for your advice on how to proceed.

Go on.

We’ve got a partial license plate from security camera footage. And it corresponds to a gray car registered here in Salem. And it also matches the description of the vehicle from the scene of the accident.

Mm, and the forensic evidence?

Well, see, that’s where we have a problem. We can’t compare the paint because the vehicle has vanished into thin air.

Vanished? How can a vehicle just vanish?

The suspect stated that the car was stolen, but he didn’t report it.

So he didn’t file a police report for a stolen vehicle?

Mm-mm, and he claimed that the theft occurred before the accident. But I have an eyewitness who says that she saw the car parked in the parking garage the night of the accident, in the wrong spot.

Hmm, so what I’m hearing is a lot of circumstantial evidence, albeit very compelling circumstantial evidence, and no absolute proof.

That’s correct. And without the car, we likely never will have absolute proof. So what I need to know is, are you ready to indict, based off of what we have?

So what do you think, Doc? Could Brady be struggling with his sobriety?

[unsettling music] Doc?

While you were in Greece, I will admit that I had a few concerns.

What does that mean? What sort of concerns?

Well, I knew he was having a hard time dealing with the Theresa business. And, um, I mean, he’s a grown man. I didn’t feel that I could talk to him about it. But I did feel that I could ask Paul how he was doing.

All right. What did he say?

Paul said that Brady admitted that he was, uh– he was struggling, and that he had upped his meetings, and he had even spent a lot more time with his sponsor.

All right. And what do you think? What’s your gut telling you?

Well, I-I try not to jump to conclusions, especially after the last time all this happened.

You’re talking about when Eric got behind the wheel drunk, right?

I should have learned from that. I should have sat Brady down and had a serious talk with him before it was too late.

Tate–so I thought– wait, weren’t you out of town for the summer?

Uh, yeah, I was, um, and now I’m back. Hey, I wanted to tell you that I heard what happened to Sarah. And I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.

Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Yeah, and I hope they find whoever did this and they give him or her exactly what they deserve.

You and me both. The good news is, the police may have a suspect.

Really? That–that’s great.

Yeah. I just hope they stop dithering around and nail the son of a bitch to the wall.

So are you going to tell me who this suspect is?

Does it matter?

It might.

Brady Black.

[suspenseful music]

Brady Black? By all means, arrest him.

Grandma, what night are you talking about?

Sweetheart, Sarah and Xander were planning on spending their wedding night at the Horton cabin.

Oh. Oh, I didn’t know.

Oh, no, honey, it’s okay. It was very last-minute.

So why didn’t you guys?


What happened?

They were heading to the ferry. And I couldn’t find the keys to the cabin. So Sarah decided to come over and help me look for it, but–

But what?

[somber music] Oh. Wait, Sarah, was that the night of your accident, when you were hit by the car?

Yeah, yeah, I was walking to the parking lot.

And if you hadn’t been on the way to Grandma’s because I took the key– oh, my God. Sarah, what happened to you, it’s all my fault.

It’s true, isn’t it? This happened to you because of me. If I hadn’t–

Holly, Holly. Look at me. Look at me. This is not your fault. You had no way of knowing what would happen. It’s–

No, because if Tate and I hadn’t been sneaking around at the cabin, then you’d be fine.

[cries] I shouldn’t be here.


I’m sorry.


Holly? What was that all about?

[dark music]

Correct me if I’m wrong. But I’m sensing that you have some type of bad blood with Brady?

Oh, it’s been Capulets and Montagues between our families going back generations. But our history has nothing to do with my legal assessment of the case. From what you’ve told me, the preponderance of evidence suggests we may well be able to win a conviction.

So I should move?

Go find Mr. Black and read him his Miranda rights.

Okay, will do.

Hello, Detective. I was curious if you had any leads.

I think you already know the answer to that.

Why would I know the answer to that?

Save it, Kristen. I know you were eavesdropping the whole time.

Well, you can’t blame me for being curious.

Listen. I know that Brady is Rachel’s father. But if you know anything–

I don’t. Now if you’ll excuse me.

Hey, sweetheart. Look at me. Look at me. You are not in any way responsible for what happened. Now, if Brady is responsible somehow for this hit-and-run here, he’s just gonna have to man up and own it.

I know. He hasn’t done that yet.

And that’s why I’m gonna have to confront him.


He is my son. If he’s lying to me or he’s telling me the God honest truth, I’ll know it.

It’s crazy what happened to Sarah. I mean, what kind of person would just hit her and then keep going? I mean, you’d have to be some kind of psychopath or something to do that. I’m just glad they have a suspect. You know?



What? Yeah, what?

Did you just hear anything that I said?

Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ve been– I’ve been distracted. Um, what I hear, son, is you trying to change the subject.

You want me to apologize again? ‘Cause I will. Dad, I made a huge mistake. But, look, Mom is the one that was militant about keeping me and Holly apart. You just went along with it. You even said that you would consider letting us date again when the school year started, and it’s about to start.

I know. I know.

And on top of that, Holly and I spent the whole summer together, and nothing bad happened. So I’m sorry. I’m sorry about lying about lacrosse camp and about Smith Island. But come on, Dad. I mean, like, don’t you– don’t you remember being in high school? I mean, I’ll literally take any other punishment. I mean, just please don’t keep Holly and me apart.

[suspenseful music]

I mean, put yourself in my shoes, Dad.

What? Um, what do you mean by that?

Are you okay?


You look like you just saw a ghost.

No, I’m–I’m–I’m– I’m all right. Um, can Holly take you home? Can she?

Yeah, but– sure. Why?

All right. Good. Because there’s something I got to do. It just came up. I gotta– I gotta–listen, take care of your ankle. Ice it.

[somber music]

Hey, thanks for letting my dad and I talk. I-I-I thought I was getting through to him, but then he started acting really weird. It’s like his brain was somewhere else. Honestly, I have no idea if I’m in trouble or not. Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay?

It’s our fault, Tate. What happened is our fault.

What–what are you talking about? What–

Aunt Sarah, she was in the accident because of us.

Well, I’m certainly not going to blame Holly. I mean, you might as well blame the flap of a butterfly’s wings for starting World War I, right? As much as I’d love to go scorched earth over all this, the only person to blame for the accident is the driver. No one else.

Yeah, I agree. Hey, why were you gone so long? I was afraid something was wrong.

No, no, something is finally very right. I ran into Jada in the town square.

Well, what did she say? Is there any news?

Good news. The police have a prime suspect in the hit-and-run.

Oh, my God. Who is it? Who’s the suspect?

I don’t know. She wouldn’t tell me.

[curious tense music]

So what did Jada want?

Oh, she just wanted to see if I’d give her the go-ahead to arrest a suspect in the Sarah Kiriakis hit-and-run case.

And did you?

I did indeed. And funny enough, it just so happens that the suspect is your baby daddy. But something tells me you knew exactly what was going on.

Hey, son, listen. When you get this, give me a call, will you? There’s, uh, something I want to talk to you about. Love you, pal.

[siren wails]

And I’m gonna need two officers to execute the arrest warrant in the hit-and-run of Sarah Kiriakis.

There’s no need for that, Detective. I’m here.

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