Young & The Restless Transcript

Transcript provided by Jim
Chelsea: What do you think? I tried to get us a room overlooking the harbor, but those rooms were booked.
Connor: That’s okay. We got to see the harbor IRL. In real life.
Chelsea: Oh, IRL. Thank you for the translation.
Adam: And how cool were those old schooners, huh? We’ll have to take a ride on one.
Connor: Can we do that today? After we eat?
Chelsea: Well, maybe we’ll save that for next time. We don’t want to overdo it. Plus, we need to get you back soon.
Adam: But today has been awesome, buddy. And it is so great to see you and to be able to leave campus.
Connor: Yeah. Being able to get out of there’s amazing. I mean, they are helping me. You can tell, right?
Adam: Mm.
Connor: This is fun, the three of us. Like before.
Chelsea: Yeah. So much fun.
Connor: Oh. That’s like the millionth hug.
Adam: Yeah, and you’re hogging him. I’ve only had a thousand. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
Billy: Hey, I got your text. Or should I say summons?
Chance: Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I really needed to talk to you. Didn’t want to do it in the office.
Billy: I think I know what this is about. I’m assuming you heard some rumblings.
Chance: Yeah, you could say that.
Billy: Okay, well, you know that I would have brought you up to speed if I could.
Chance: No, it’s fine. I get it, man.
Billy: There’s a lot of moving parts. Just had to put the pieces together to make sure that we had Lily on our side before, you know, to guarantee we had the votes.
Chance: Wait, what are you talking about?
Billy: What are you talking about?
Chance: I’m talking about Jill. I heard about her condition. It worries the hell out of me.
Lily: Why were you questioning me like that in front of Billy?
Devon: What are you talking about? I had to say something. Was I supposed to just roll over and go, “Yeah, let’s split up the company. See you later, Lily.”
Lily: You were interrogating me like I was a traitor.
Devon: What?
Nate: You did go at her pretty hard.
Devon: I– Are you guys kidding? I had to make it seem like I felt a little betrayed or else Billy would have suspected something, don’t you think?
Lily: Oh, well, bravo, because it was quite the performance.
Devon: Come on, really?
Lily: No, it was a little too real, Devon. It was like borderline hurtful.
Devon: You know this whole thing isn’t going to work unless I sell it, right?
Lily: Then why did it feel like you were trying to trip me up?
Devon: Why would I want to trip you up?
Lily: I don’t know, because everything is going according to plan. Billy is convinced that I’m going to run Abbott-Chancellor with him. And all we have to do is keep him convinced of that until we divide the companies.
Devon: I understand. I know what the plan is.
Lily: Okay, then why does it feel like you’re trying to sabotage it?
Devon: I don’t know ’cause I’m certainly not. But the fact that you’re getting so upset over nothing, it makes me wonder if this is what you really want to do.
Chelsea: All right, all right. I will ration my hugs from here on out. Our time is limited and we have other things to do.
Adam: Like diving into this pizza before it gets cold.
Connor: It’d be good if this day could last a week or even forever. Just go back to Genoa City and everything is normal.
Adam: Hm. Well, normal is never that normal, but I hear you.
Chelsea: Yeah. And we will all be together again very soon. And this day has been perfect just the way it is.
Connor: I do have a group session I have to get back to and sticking to my schedule is important.
Chelsea: Yeah, absolutely.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, eat. We’ll have you back in plenty of time.
Connor: This is way better than the food they serve. I mean, the food’s fine. Great, really. I know the place is crazy expensive.
Adam: Where’d you hear that from?
Connor: Some kids were talking about it last night. I feel bad you have to spend all that money just to make me better.
Adam: No– [ exhaling ] Connor, that’s very considerate of you, but it’s a non-issue. It doesn’t matter a bit.
Chelsea: Your dad’s right. That’s what money is for. To take care of the people you love.
Connor: You’re sure?
Adam: Positive, okay? Don’t give it another thought.
Connor: Thanks. I still wish it didn’t cost so much. I feel bad for t the kids whose parents don’t have money or don’t have parents as cool as you guys are. So, thank you.
Chelsea: Sweetheart.
Adam: Yeah, we’ll always be here for you, buddy.
Connor: I know that. Even when it seems like I don’t. And I know I’m lucky. Some of the kids here, you know their parents don’t visit? Like, they don’t want to know anything until it’s all over. They freak out it’s taking too long.
Chelsea: Well, it takes as long as it takes.
Connor: Right. That’s what the doctor says and for the first time ever, I feel like I can get better. That this place is really helping me.
Chelsea: Well, I think your dad and I can both see that.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: We’re all feeling pretty hopeful.
Chelsea: But there is one thing.
Connor: What?
Chelsea: I really need another hug. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. If that’s allowed, I…
Connor: Permission granted.
Chelsea: We love you so much.
Adam: Hey, hey, hey. What about me? Huh? Come here.
Billy: How did you find out about my mom?
Chance: She told me. She said you’re the only person she’s talked to about this.
Billy: So you know why I couldn’t say anything?
Chance: Yeah.
Billy: She swore me to silence.
Chance: She just told me today, but it seems like this has been going on for a while.
Billy: Yeah, a little bit. You know, she didn’t want to worry anyone.
Chance: More like she doesn’t want anyone hovering or asking too many questions, or worse, showing signs of pity, right?
Billy: You know, you shouldn’t say pity and Jill in the same sentence. That’ll get you fired.
Chance: Well, she told me that everything’s under control. You know, she’s undergoing treatment. The meds make her kind of tired, but all is well and all will be fine. I can’t stop worrying, though. So please, is she telling the truth? Is she covering? Help me out here.
Billy: Trust me, I’ve had the exact same thoughts since I found out. I’ve been panicked. You know, what if she doesn’t make it through this? But I’ve also talked to Snapper, and he seems optimistic, so I think she’s telling the truth.
Chance: All right. Yeah, I’d feel a lot better if she was being treated here instead of London.
Billy: Tell me about it.
Chance: You know, I can’t help but think of Katherine when we lost her on the bucket list tour, and well, nobody got to say goodbye.
Billy: That’s another reason why I think she’s telling the truth. She knows how much this affects everyone. And if it was worse, I– I think that she would not be hiding it.
Chance: Well, that’s a relief. Yeah, I thought about going to check up on her, but I’m pretty sure she’d read me the Riot Act, huh?
Billy: I guarantee you she would. Yeah, I advise against that. She’ll let us know when she wants company. [ Chance sighing ]
Chance: I just wish there was something I could do now.
Billy: Actually, um, I am working on something in support of my mother, her legacy. I could use your help.
Lily: Why are you doubting me all of a sudden? Where is this coming from?
Devon: Well, for starters, you’re getting pretty bent out of shape for no reason. And I’d like to think that I know when you’re bluffing, and you seem pretty damn jazzed about the pitch of joining Billy and leaving Winters behind.
Lily: I mean, I’m trying to sell my act the way that you’re selling your act.
Devon: Okay, sure, fair enough. I also saw you and Billy toasting earlier at Society and you guys looked pretty pleased with yourselves.
Lily: Oh, my God, Devon, that’s part of the performance. Just like you’re selling your sense of betrayal, I’m selling my excitement to jump ship with Billy, which is an idea that I shot down in the past. I mean, you– you get that, right?
Nate: I gotta agree, Devon. She’s gotta sell her enthusiasm just as much as you gotta sell your skepticism.
Lily: Yeah, thank you. I mean, okay, can we go on with the plan now?
Devon: No, we can’t. Not yet. Because I think that Nate is being a little generous with you because he doesn’t know the full story.
Lily: What are you talking about?
Devon: I told Nate about you coming to me and telling me how Billy was trying to get you to join up with him and basically oust me. But what I didn’t tell Nate is how long it took you to share that information with me. It was, what, weeks? A month?
Lily: I told you why I waited. Things were very tense between you and Billy. I didn’t want to make it worse.
Devon: I– I know know what you said.
Lily: And– and what does it matter how long I waited? I wasn’t going to go along with his idea anyway.
Devon: Well, you’re going along with it now.
Lily: That’s part of the plan. Like, what do you think? I’m just some liar who’s waiting to betray you?
Chelsea: Am I wrong? It was really good, right? Am– am I wrong?
Adam: I– I was just hoping that I would finally get to see him. Today, it definitely surpassed that.
Chelsea: I mean, the difference, Adam, between that last video call with Connor and today, it’s– it’s amazing.
Adam: It’s like he finally turned a corner.
Chelsea: Look at you, being all optimistic.
Adam: Hey. Who knew I had it in me?
Chelsea: I mean, I don’t want to tease. This is really serious stuff, but I’m– I’m– I’m giddy.
Adam: No, I get it. It’s like a giant weight has been lifted off our shoulders.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: So, you’re allowed a gentle jab at my expense. I was the one who had the doubts about the facility, but after today, I can see they know what they’re doing. Hey, you see that spark back in his eyes again?
Chelsea: Yes, that spark. That spark. I didn’t think we’d ever see that again. And when he sat here and said that, he, like, he thanked us for being there for him. Oh!
Adam: And he was worried about the other kids who weren’t as lucky.
Chelsea: I know. It feels like he’s really getting better, Adam.
Adam: I’m going to talk to his doctors. I’m going to ask them how they feel about his progress. Ask them about a timeline for when he can come home.
Chelsea: Okay, okay. Well, let’s– We just have to slow down a little bit. We have to be patient with the doctors.
Adam: Wait, I mean, I mean, that is patient. It’s involved. It’s advocating for our son the way that he would want us to.
Chelsea: Right, but the doctors have included us in all the details of his progress and everything. I just think we have to continue to trust them.
Adam: Okay, okay. You’re right. Again.
Chelsea: Thank you. What?
Adam: You… don’t cut me any slack. And I mean that in the best way possible. You don’t just assume I’m a lost cause. I mean, how many times have you stopped me from blowing things up?
Chelsea: About as many times as you’ve stopped me from spinning out and calmed me down.
Adam: None of this has been easy.
Chelsea: I know. But I’m glad we’ve had each other to lean on.
Adam: Hm.
Chance: Well, hang on. I’m a little confused. Because when Mamie suggested reversing the merger, I know you were for it, but Devon was dead set against it.
Billy: Which is another reason, for many, I needed to get Lily on our side so she could help convince Devon.
Chance: But why would Lily want to tear down what she built? I mean, she worked really hard to make Chancellor-Winters a success.
Billy: There’s no doubt about that, but I think that she sees where the problems are now. You know, all this constant infighting. It’s a drain on her, it’s a drain on the company. With this plan, we can tighten everything up and we can get rid of the baggage.
Chance: You mean Devon and Nate?
Billy: What I mean is there’s immense potential here, and we need to be able to make big and small decisions without all the fighting. And let’s just be honest, from the Chancellor side of things, we don’t need the diversification that the Winters company brings. We focus on our wheelhouse. We expand, we invest on the things that we do well. And if we do that, Abbott-Chancellor becomes a powerhouse.
Chance: Abbott-Chancellor. You back on that again?
Billy: It’s part of the plan. It’s a major point. It’s about your grandmother’s legacy. It’s about our family’s success.
Chance: And the Winters family be damned?
Billy: No, not at all. They have the same opportunities and the same benefits we have. It’s a win-win.
Chance: Yeah? Is that how Nate and Devon see it?
Billy: Well, you know, Nate played it close to his chest. Devon, he was a little more skeptical, but he’ll come around.
Chance: Okay, well, Devon’s opinion is the one that matters. He’s the one with the board vote.
Billy: Well, let’s not forget that my mother gave him her voting power, so I have two votes. Even if Abby decides to vote with Devon in opposition, we’ll be fine.
Chance: Mm, I don’t know. It just seems like a contentious way to get this done.
Billy: I don’t think it’s going to get that far. I’m confident that Lily will convince Devon that this is the right way to go. We’ll separate the companies as friends. Gave it a shot. We learned a lot. No harm, no foul.
Devon: No, Lily, I don’t think you’re trying to betray me. I don’t think you’re lying, all right? At least not to me.
Lily: Then who am I lying to?
Devon: I– Maybe yourself.
Lily: Oh, okay, so now I don’t know my own mind. I mean, do you realize how condescending you are?
Devon: I’m not trying to sound or be condescending. I’m trying to make sure that you’re not conflicted about where you want to end up.
Lily: Okay, then please. Explain it to me.
Devon: You’ve explained to me many times about how Jill handpicked you to run Chancellor. Right? Even over her own son because she has faith in you. And you had a lot of success doing that. You don’t have that same experience on the Winters side of things.
Lily: So, sorry, am I too experienced or not experienced enough? Which one?
Devon: No, I’m saying that they are two different divisions. And currently, you mostly handle things on the Chancellor side, right?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Devon: We agreed to run Winters together.
Lily: And now, you’re having second thoughts.
Devon: No, I’m trying to make sure that you’re not having second thoughts. And that Billy hasn’t gotten into your head about working together with me. That’s all this is about.
Lily: So, sorry, you put me on the spot in front of Billy to test my loyalty?
Devon: No, it’s– I–
Lily: I mean, how dare you blindside me with a test I don’t even know I’m taking? I told you what I wanted. I’m the one who came to you with this idea. So, you know what? If you don’t trust me, maybe I should reconsider joining you at Winters.
Devon: So, tell me, is this just you being upset? Or is this you looking for a reason to join Billy and actually stay there with him?
Lily: Well, I don’t have to look. I mean, you’re giving me plenty of reasons. Your whole attitude screams that you don’t want me with you at Winters.
Devon: I’ve already told you, that is not how I feel. And like you said, we’re just playing parts, right?
Lily: Oh, I don’t know. I mean, it sounded pretty real when you were asking Billy why he even needs me to run the company with him. I mean, thank you for that little improv.
Devon: Yeah, it sounded pretty real when you were talking about ditching Winters.
Nate: Hey, hey, hey. We’re getting way off track here, okay? That’s enough.
Devon: I disagree. I think we’re very much on track ’cause I think I deserve to know, I think we all do, if Billy’s actually tempted you.
Lily: Oh, I want to know if you actually are pushing me because you’ve realized that you don’t want me at Winters.
Devon: Well, why would I change my mind about that?
Lily: I don’t know. Maybe Billy’s right. Maybe you do want total autonomy.
Devon: So, you’re going to argue with me by quoting Billy, the partner that you claim you don’t want.
Lily: Well, Billy isn’t the only one who’s dealt with your control issues. Right, Nate?
Nate: Ooh, no, no. Leave me out of this.
Devon: Lily, I would understand if you started to have a change of heart. I would. I just want to know.
Lily: Oh, my God. I don’t know how to convince you that I have not changed my mind.
Devon: Well, I would love to believe you.
Lily: Okay, you know what? Believe it or not, I am great at selling something when I commit to it. That’s it. So, if you would both please leave, then maybe I can get some actual work done.
Adam: Ah, it’s perfect. We can be at the jet by then. Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind having some chilled champagne on board, that would be great. All right, thanks.
Chelsea: Champagne? Really?
Adam: I’m feeling in the mood to celebrate.
Chelsea: Sounds perfect.
Adam: Didn’t realize how stressed I was about this trip until now.
Chelsea: Oh, yeah. I mean, I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but when Connor said he wanted things to get back to normal…
Adam: I would like nothing better. [ phone ringing ]
Chelsea: Oh, it’s one of Connor’s doctors. Hello, doctor. No, it’s great to hear from you. Adam and I were going to call you before we left tonight. Should I put you on speaker? Now? Sure. Yeah, we’re room 711. Okay, bye. Um, that was Dr. Hammond. She’s going to stop by.
Adam: Oh, well, she didn’t need to do that. That– We don’t want to be pushy, right?
Chelsea: Yeah, well, she said since we’re still here, she wants to talk to us in person.
Adam: Huh.
Chelsea: What do you think that means? That doesn’t sound good.
Adam: Well, it could mean she wants to talk about his progress. Maybe give us a timeline, like we hoped.
Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.
Adam: Or maybe she wants to see how the visit went. Ask about his demeanor while he was– he was here.
Chelsea: Definitely. And we will be sure to give her a glowing report.
Billy: So, now that I’ve told you about the plan, can I count on you to have my back? And not only that, I’m going to need someone to do the extra work that this is all going to generate. It’s not going to be easy separating these two companies, especially after we worked so hard to integrate them.
Chance: I’m in. And I want to be a team player, I want to do my part.
Billy: Oh, I see you having a bigger role than just your part, Chance. Maybe even COO of Abbott-Chancellor. How does that sound?
Chance: Sounds like I’ll need a new suit, right? Oh. [ indistinct chatting ]
Billy: Just remember, silence on my mother’s condition.
Chance: I’m a vault.
Billy: Thank you.
Devon: Hello, gentlemen.
Billy: Hey.
Devon: Chance, I, uh– I assume Billy’s brought you up to speed on his latest idea?
Chance: He sure did.
Devon: Yeah? And what do you think about it? Think it’s the right move for the company?
Chance: Well, I feel like the more important question is, how do you feel about it?
Devon: I’m on the fence.
Billy: Which I don’t understand. I mean, unless it’s for the same reason as always because it was my idea and Lily likes it and you don’t want me to get my way.
Devon: I mean, actually, I’d be getting my way by not having to work with you anymore, so.
Chance: What’s going to push you to one side of that fence?
Devon: I– I’m going to go with however the board votes.
Billy: Really?
Devon: Yeah.
Billy: Even though you know Lily and I pretty much have this locked up, you sure about that?
Devon: I mean, I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, won’t you?
Billy: Hey, Nate. please come in.
Hammond: Thank you. I appreciate you letting me come by.
Chelsea: Yeah, of course. This is after hours for you, isn’t it?
Hammond: I was working late, and this is on my way home.
Adam: Is there an issue? Because we just saw him and he was in great spirits.
Hammond: Yes, I’m aware.
Chelsea: Uh, it was a really nice visit. He was articulate and very positive about his progress.
Hammond: Unfortunately, that’s exactly the problem.
Devon: God, Billy’s such a tool.
Nate: His default mode? To be extremely pleased with himself.
Devon: Oh, I just– I can’t– I can’t stand having to deal with him anymore.
Nate: Then, his smarm is working.
Devon: No, it’s– it’s nothing intentional about him. It’s just the way he is.
Nate: I don’t know. He’s been taking it to the next level. Devon, he’s pushing your buttons, trying to get you riled up so you’ll want to cut ties with Chancellor and not have anything to do with him.
Devon: Then, you know what? He’d be right. He would be right. I just don’t like the fact that he’s clouding Lily’s judgment. ‘Cause can you believe that she thought that I was trying to trick her into admitting some kind of betrayal?
Nate: You basically admitted to her that’s exactly what you were doing, so yeah, yeah, I can believe it. I’d like to know what’s up with that.
Devon: That’s not exactly what I was doing. I– I just know Lily, and I know that Lily likes a challenge, and I think that we have to at least consider the fact that she might actually be intrigued by running Abbott-Chancellor with Billy.
Nate: Or you’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Accusing your sister of wanting to stay at Chancellor and driving her to do just that.
Devon: All I’ve been doing is asking questions and letting her reveal her true colors to us.
Nate: I don’t know about that. Look, I sat back and watched you both go at it, and it didn’t sound like that to me.
Devon: Well, what did it sound like to you?
Nate: That Lily wasn’t wrong to wonder if you’re the one pushing her away. [ knocking on door ]
Chance: Hey, boss.
Lily: Hi.
Chance: You got a minute? Or is this a bad time?
Lily: Um, uh, no. Uh, come on in. I could use a distraction. It’s been a… a lot going on.
Chance: Yeah, yeah, so I hear. I just got done talking to Billy. He brought me up to speed on the whole divide and conquer plan.
Lily: Right, of course he did. Uh, I mean, he shouldn’t have said anything. Nothing is final right now.
Chance: Well, he made it seem like it was basically a done deal.
Lily: Well, we still have a– a board vote to get through.
Chance: And with Billy having his own vote plus Jill’s… Well, seems like he got that in the bag.
Lily: Yeah, maybe. Uh, what– what is it that you wanted?
Chance: Look, I just wanted to come in here and tell you that I am all in. I am here to help whenever you need me.
Lily: Well, thank you. There’s going to be a lot to do if this all happens, uh…
Chance: Absolutely, and this is not me kissing up or anything, but I do look forward to working more closely with you. Yeah, ever since you got back, I’ve been thoroughly impressed with how you’ve done things.
Lily: That sounds an awful lot like kissing up. [ both laughing ]
Chance: No, you, uh, you seem to rise above the infighting, and I think that is a big loss for the Winters’ side and a huge gain for Abbott-Chancellor. [ phone ringing ]
Billy: Hey, Mom. It’s good to see you. You’re looking good.
Jill: Yes, the doctors all say I’m their star patient. I am following their protocols to a T.
Billy: You have no idea how happy that makes me. And thank you very much for telling Chance about what’s going on with you.
Jill: Darling, I didn’t want you to have to carry that secret all by yourself.
Billy: Yeah, it’s nice to have someone else to complain to about how stubborn you are. And you just let us know, okay? When you’re ready, we’ll jump on a plane and come and see you.
Jill: Oh, I will let you know.
Billy: In the meantime, Lily and I pitched Devon and Nate. The board call is ready to go. Abby’s on a plane on her way to Paris at the moment.
Jill: How very nice for her.
Billy: Yeah, not exactly. It’s personal reasons. Ashley’s going through some health stuff as well.
Jill: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Billy: As soon as she lands, we’re ready. We’ll get things rolling.
Jill: Well, now, Billy, that is actually why I called. I’m having second thoughts.
Billy: What exactly is giving you second thoughts, Mom? When we talked about the plan, you– you said you liked it.
Jill: I did a deeper dive into the post-merger numbers, and it showed that combined, our companies are very strong. I mean, they’re very profitable. Are we sure we want to risk splitting them up again?
Billy: I– I think it’s a valid point, but with Lily and me at the helm, I assure you, this will be a smooth transition.
Jill: Billy, you can’t protect against the questions and the rumors.
Billy: Mom, look, this is the only way to add the Abbott name to the company, okay? That alone is worth the risk.
Jill: Are you sure Lily is totally on board? I can’t imagine that she’d be so anxious to share her CEO status with you, given your history.
Billy: Well, I think after the way Devon reacted to the idea of Lily sticking with Chancellor, I think she’s more than ready to part ways with him.
Chance: You know, this company, it means something to me, too.
Lily: I know. I’m aware of your last name.
Chance: Yeah. And, uh, you know, I don’t like to throw that around too much, but ever since I started, I’ve showed up, I’ve done my work. I sucked it up and sat at Billy’s knee.
Lily: Yeah, basked in the glow of his wisdom.
Chance: You know how he can be.
Lily: I do. And unfortunately, he is as smart as he thinks he is.
Chance: It’s really nice to hear you say that.
Lily: Why is that?
Chance: Well, ever since I started, there’s been a lot of jockeying for position here. Whatever happens with this vote, whatever happens with Billy’s plan, I really hope things can settle down. You know, I look forward to everyone focusing on the work, instead of who’s going to come out on top. And I– I guess that’s what I really wanted to say to you.
Lily: Well, thank you. Thank you for your honesty. It’s refreshing. And I– I know that you care about Chancellor-Winters. Or Abbott-Chancellor or whatever it’s going to be called.
Chance: Well, I’ll, uh, let you get back to it. And it goes without saying, I’ll keep the demerger under wraps until it’s official.
Lily: Yes, thank you.
Neil: From now on, we’re going to leave our personal feelings on the other side of that door. When we’re in this office, the company comes first. I want this company to be the gold standard of how a family business should be run. And I plan to set the example.
Lily: Yeah, well, count me in, Dad. I love your new vision, and I can’t wait to see what we create together.
Neil: See that? Listen to her. That’s what I’m talking about. Thank you. [ Lily exhaling ]
Chelsea: Did Connor say he had a bad time? I mean–
Hammond: Connor had a wonderful time with you both. He came back to us in high spirits. He shared in his group session how great it was to see you, that you enjoyed a beautiful day on the harbor, he got to eat pizza.
Chelsea: Yeah, right. So, what’s the problem?
Hammond: That’s when his OCD flared. It’s actually common for OCD to intrude when good things happen to the patient.
Adam: What does that mean?
Hammond: It’s like the OCD rises up to tell the patient they don’t deserve the happiness they’re feeling. We think this is what happened, and it triggered a negative response in Connor. A punishment by the OCD, if that makes sense.
Chelsea: None of this makes sense.
Adam: Did he hit himself again?
Hammond: It started with the hitting. Then he used a pen and tried to cut his arm. [ Chelsea gasping ] Fortunately, one of the nurses checked in on Connor and saw what was happening before he could break the skin.
Chelsea: Wait– well, is he okay? Can we go see him?
Hammond: That’s why I wanted to talk to you in person. Since Connor did try to hurt himself again, we moved him to inpatient status for his own protection.
Adam: I– I know that you said inpatient was a possibility before, but what does that really mean?
Hammond: We moved him to another part of the hospital. He can’t leave the wing. He’s checked in on more often than in the residential center, and he won’t see his regular doctors.
Adam: Won’t that upset him? Won’t that cause him to backslide?
Chelsea: Yeah, won’t– won’t that undo, um, all the progress he’s been making?
Adam: I just– I– I don’t get it. How can his OCD still be so disruptive when he seems like he’s doing so much better?
Hammond: I know it’s hard to understand, but this is the OCD fighting back. It is weakening. And so it’s hanging on for dear life, doing anything it can to regain control.
Chelsea: So how long would he have to be in this inpatient wing?
Hammond: It’s hard to say. It could be a few days, or a couple of weeks. [ Chelsea sighing ] We’ll be monitoring his progress, reassessing him on a daily basis.
Adam: Um, well, thank you for coming in person to tell us this.
Hammond: I know it’s not the news you wanted to hear, especially after today, but I thought it was better to hear it this way than on the phone. Do you have any other questions for me?
Adam: Uh, probably, but I think– I think right now, we both need to process this.
Hammond: I’ll be in touch. We’ll keep you posted.
Adam: Mm-hmm. [ Chelsea exhaling ] Thank you. That was not the news I was hoping for. [ Adam exhaling ]
Adam: I don’t know what to think. Just when I thought that place knew what they were doing. Did they let us take him too soon? Are we not allowed to show him a good time? Are we never allowed to have fun with him again, unless the OCD wants to punish him? Chelsea, say something. Say anything. Don’t shut down right now.
Chelsea: What do you want me to say?
Adam: I don’t know. Tell me to shut up. Give me one of your pep talks. I just– I need to know what you’re thinking.
Chelsea: I don’t know, Adam. I’m just trying to hold on here, so excuse me if taking care of you right now is not my priority.
Adam: That’s not what I meant.
Chelsea: Well, it sure sounds like it. Sounds like you want me to pull you out of one of your rage spirals, and to be honest with you, I don’t have it in me right now.
Chelsea: Maybe I need support. We take turns, right? Well, now it’s my turn to freak out.
Adam: Hey, okay. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put that on you. Obviously, we are both reeling. You know, it’s like– we had a great day, and the news… it’s– it’s just, it’s whiplash, and the thought of him hurting himself like that–
Chelsea: He attacked himself! He attacked himself, Adam! Our precious little boy took a pen and tried to stab himself!
Adam: I know, I know. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s not who he is. I mean, it’s not who he’s ever been.
Chelsea: Maybe it is. Wha– Maybe this has been lingering inside him all along, and we just never saw it. Maybe our son has been struggling to keep these thoughts and feelings at bay, and we just never noticed, because we’ve been too focused on ourselves. We’ve been thinking about our own problems and our own issues, and our son has been taking care of himself all these years.
Adam: Don’t think like that, okay? This thinking is not helpful.
Chelsea: Don’t tell me how to think! We should have thought this way a long time ago, and then none of this would have been happening. Maybe… Maybe we’re just two really selfish people who never put our son first.
Adam: That is not true, and you know it.
Chelsea: Don’t tell me what’s true. I mean– If this day has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t know anything. You were about to order champagne, Adam. We– we were celebrating, and now look.
Adam: We should– come on, let’s sit down. Sit down.
Chelsea: How is this possible? He was so happy just a couple hours ago. We were making jokes and giving hugs and he… He wanted to go on a boat.
Adam: It’s okay.
Chelsea: It’s not okay, Adam. None of this is okay.
Adam: I know. It’s not right now, but he’s gonna be okay. All right? And so are we. We’re gonna be okay.
Billy: So, what’s with all the sudden questions and doubts? When we talked about this, you were all for it.
Jill: I don’t know. Maybe it’s this treatment I’ve been going through. I’ve been seeing things from a different perspective.
Billy: But you did give me your voting power. So you do trust me, correct?
Jill: Yes.
Billy: Okay, so this is the right call, Mom. It’s the right thing to do. You gotta let me run with it.
Devon: Please, man, don’t start this. Because that’s– that’s not why I questioned Lily. And if you really believe that, then maybe you need to stay behind with her at Chancellor.
Nate: Hey, hey, I’m not judging you. I’m just asking, the same way you asked Lily. If you want to run Winters on your own, just say so.
Devon: I want to run my family’s company with my family.
Nate: Yeah. Want to is one thing. Listen. You and Lily don’t have to do everything together just because you’re brother and sister. And that’s okay for the both of you, but you have to be honest with each other, because if you can’t at least do that, then you’ll keep insisting that it’s Aunt Mamie or Billy or Jill causing all the trouble, when it’s you and Lily letting it happen. So, I think you both need to take a breath before this vote happens. And answer for yourselves and each other: what do you really want? [ laptop ringing ]
Lily: Jill, I’m surprised to hear from you. It must be late in London.
Jill: Oh, I’m a big girl. I can stay up as late as I want.
Lily: Of course, you can. Um, what can I do for you?
Jill: Tell me that you’re really okay with this conscious uncoupling plan for the company, and that you’re not gonna regret it later.
Lily: Well, it sounds like you’re having second thoughts.
Jill: That is not an answer.
Lily: Well, neither is that. I mean, I assume that you signed off on Billy’s plan. Not that he needs you to, since you’ve given him your proxy to do with as he pleases.
Jill: Yeah, well, this is a huge, huge decision, and if Billy gets two votes, I’m struggling to believe that it’s going to pave the way for a smooth transition. I may have to vote my own shares on this one.
Lily: So, which way are you planning to vote?
Jill: Ah, yes, that is the million dollar question, isn’t it? Because if we don’t get this right, we could lose the company that we’ve worked so hard to build.
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