Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea decide to stay in Maryland to be close to Connor in case he makes progress and gets out of the in-patient wing of the treatment center and they are able to visit him again. Billy and Sally talk about how they wish there was something they could do to help Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Diane fires Kyle from Jabot because she is tired of him constantly undermining her authority. Jack arrives at the office while Kyle and Diane are arguing. Jack tries his best to resolve the situation between them but Kyle is angry with Jack because he takes Diane’s side without hearing his side of the situation. Kyle leaves Jabot and sends a text message to Victor telling him he wants to meet with him. Kyle tells Victor he will accept the job he offered him. Victor tells Kyle he must work together with Audra or he can’t have the job. Kyle tells Victor that he will work with Audra to make Glissade a competitor to Jabot so his parents can see they made a mistake when they let him go.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft dramatic music]


Wow. Quiet this morning?

Yeah. Well, your teenage grandson has yet to emerge from his bedroom, which means the daily debate of whether he can have his AirPods on at the breakfast table is gonna have to be postponed.

Well, maybe he’s just sleeping in.

[chuckles] He’s trying to sleep the day away so he can avoid the consequences of what he did last night.

Yeah. Well, it’s a shame about the prom, wasn’t it? Especially with Tate and Holly.

Yeah. It was very disastrous, especially when Theresa decided to drag Holly home from the hotel.

Yeah. I’m not sure that was necessary.

No. I–I– I think her anger was justified. We have–we told Tate from the very beginning, you are not allowed to see Holly Jonas, and he decided on his own to go ahead and defy us and– doesn’t happen all the time, but Theresa and I, we are of one mind about this. [soft dramatic music]


Oh, no. I–I– I know that face, and I know that “hmm.” And that’s when you’re keeping your own counsel, right?

You know me too well.

[chuckles] Hmm. You wanna to tell me what you think?

Only if you want to hear it.

Hey, a lot of people in this town pay big bucks for your insight, and one of the perks I get for living here is that I get it for free, so–

I’m wondering, uh, if your reaction has less to do with what Tate did and more to do with how you feel about his mother.

Wow. I’m surprised to see you up and about so early.

Hey, Bonnie.

Ooh. I figured you’d be sleeping in after prom night. How was chaperoning?

Oh, it was great, if you consider walking in in the nick of time to stop two kids from having sex together in a hotel room.

Oh, boy.

Yeah. “Oh, boy” is right. We caught Tate and Holly at the Good Old Salem Inn.

I thought those two weren’t supposed to be–

To be seeing each other? Yeah, no. They weren’t. We found out Tate has been sneaking around with that neurotic little liar, even after everything she did to try and ruin his life.

Oh. So I take it last night was a total disaster for everyone, then.

Not everyone. Mm.


One thing went very right last night. [intriguing music]

Good morning, my love.

Oh! Good morning.

Hmm. What’s all this?

These are our wedding invitations. They just came from the printer.

Ah, yes.

Aren’t they beautiful?

They are. And may I just say how grateful I am that, unlike the most recent disastrous “almost” wedding we all had to endure, that you and I are gonna have a perfect wedding.


Especially for your mother’s sake, after everything she went through.

Yeah. That was quite an ordeal, that “almost” wedding to that miserable cretin.

That now-dead miserable cretin.

Thank God my mom laid a trap for that con man.

Yeah. Thank God.

[sighs] All right. No more talk about that vile SOB and the “almost” wedding. Let’s just focus on our upcoming nuptials.

Whatever you say, my beautiful bride. [gentle music]

Next time you want to visit me, do me a favor–just don’t. [somber music] Fine, Mother. I won’t. I will never visit you again. In fact, I never want to see you again. In fact, you can burn in–

no, you can’t, because you’re still my mother, And as sad as it is, I still want you to love me. I want that so bad.

Hey. You okay? [soft dramatic music]

[gulping] Mm. Oops.

[laughs] Oh, it’s you.

You look like you got some bad news.

It’s my mother.

Is she a patient here?

No, nothing like that. She’s in prison.

Oh. I’m sorry.

I just came from visiting her– to finally tell her that she has been wrong about me my entire life. I’m not a loser. I am lovable.

[sighs] I thought it was going to be this… Cathartic moment, this triumphant vindication. It turns out it was anything but. [soft chuckle] I don’t know why I’m surprised that that woman still has this uncanny knack to make me feel… utterly worthless and miserable.

[moans, winces]

Chanel, are you okay?

[deep breathing] Huh?


Are you okay?

Chanel, baby, what’s wrong?

It’s okay. I’m fine. I– [scream]

Oh! Chanel! Baby, what is it? What? [suspenseful music] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

There is nothing going on with Theresa and me. As a matter of fact, just the other day we– we talked about how we just need to focus on co-parenting Tate.

Well, I assume there was some reason you needed to talk.

Yeah. Uh, there–there was. Something happened.


[sighs] Yes. Look, we’d been getting closer because of what we’ve had to go through with Tate and, uh, there was um– a moment. We had a moment.

A moment?


That was all?

Yeah. I know it was just a moment. It was only a moment because right after the moment, Theresa said, “I want to be with Alex.” [soft dramatic music]

Mm. And, Brady, look at me. What do you want?

That is a big rock.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Oh, it is. Looks like you spent a huge chunk of Victor’s money on it.

Well, Theresa’s worth it.


[soft chuckle] When did all this happen? I mean, the proposal. That’s–



No, no. It’s last night. [phone ringing]

Oh. Oh, that’s my dad. I texted him earlier. I want to tell him the good news, so I’ll be right back, okay?

Okay. [sighs]

So have you told your father?

Actually I did have a bit of a conversation with him right before I popped the question.

I mean Justin.

So should I start licking?

Excuse me?

I was talking about the invitations, obviously– the envelopes, specifically.

Yes, right. [chuckles] No. I’m taking these to my mom’s house because she has the entire family’s addresses in this very old handwritten, very battered book. And Bonnie said that she would help me stuff the envelopes, so–


You get to stay here with our very adorable teeny tiny.

Oh. Well, that would be an honor and a privilege.

She’s very lucky to have such a great dad.

I’m the lucky one. Hey, say hi to your mom for me.

I actually shall.

Oh, did I mention the chat I had with her yesterday?


I was just telling her how much I hated Konstantin for everything he did to her and Uncle Vic and Victoria and everything. And, I have to say, her response– it threw me.

What’d she say?

Oh, she was telling me that I was a lot like Victor, and that maybe because he saw so much of himself in me, that’s why he was so hard on me.

Oh, God. I slobbered all over you.

No. It’s okay. Here.

You’re being very nice. Thank you.

Well, I have been told I have an excellent bedside manner.

You’re a doctor.

Is it the stethoscope that gave it away? Mark Greene.

Leo Stark. Wait a minute. Dr. Mark Greene, like on “ER.”

I guess having that name and watching that show made me think there was no choice but to go into medicine.

Oh, boy. So you are all that, and you’re a doctor. I had a doctor boyfriend once. He was much older, and he was married to a woman. TMI. Sorry.

No. It’s okay.

Look, I may have slobbered on you, but I want you to know I was not drooling or anything. I mean, since you told me the other day that you’re not gay.

Did I say that?

Yeah, you did. Why? Is it not true?

Maybe we should get you to a hospital. And I’ll– I’ll call Dr. Greene.

No, no, no. We don’t need to do that. I think it’s just bad– [hisses] Cramps.

Could it be indigestion? Johnny, do you have any of those oyster crackers on you?

Yeah, yeah. They’re in– there in Chanel’s bag.


[panting] It’s fine. I–I think it’s fine now.

Oh, no. You just keep these close by just in case. Oh. Oh, I remember when I was pregnant with you. My tummy did all kind of loop-de-loops all day long. When Abe gets back from the pub with the food, you’ll feel better.

Yeah. Yeah. I’m in the mood for a burger.

Mm-hmm. I made sure that he ordered extra pickles. Oh, you don’t even have to wait for those. I have a whole jar in the kitchen.

[screams loudly]

Okay, okay. No. Oh. That’s it. We’re getting you to the hospital. Come on.


Come on. Come on. [dramatic music]

Oh, my goodness. Oh.

I don’t think my feelings really matter here.

Brady, your feelings always matter.

Well, look. Theresa–Theresa chose Alex. I accepted it, and I’m moving on, and I’d love to change the subject, actually.

Okay. I’m sorry to bring up a topic that’s uncomfortable for you to talk about.

Oh. I appreciate your concern, I really do. It’s just times out of I– I absolutely value your input, but this particular subject, just not right now.

Understood. All right. Well, I am going to go and talk to the people that pay me the big bucks.

You’re worth every penny.

Thanks. I’m always on your side, you know.

I know you are, and I thank you for that. [intriguing music]


Actually, no. I have not had the chance to tell Justin about my engagement to Theresa.

Why not? You know what? Call him right now.

I–I don’t think that’s news that he wants to hear right now.

Why wouldn’t it be?

Well, Justin and I had a bit of a disagreement about my relationship with Theresa.

Oh. I assume that’s because he knows that you found your fiancée, before she was your fiancée, in bed with Brady.

Right. Yeah. And Justin seems to believe that that actually meant something to Theresa– being with Brady, I mean.

Why? Do you think it didn’t–

Oh, I know it didn’t, Bonnie, because I had the conversation with Theresa. And she only did it to make me jealous.

Oh, honey. Look, this might be the pot calling the kettle black, but when a woman is trying to manipulate a man’s feelings, it means she’s really trying to manipulate a man’s feelings.

Okay. Well, Bonnie, I don’t want to have the same talk with you that I just had with Justin.

Honey, he cares about you. He doesn’t want to see you get hurt.

And that’s very kind, but I’m a big boy now.

And you were once Justin’s little boy. Look, I know he’s not your biological father, but that doesn’t change the fact that he has this big love for you in his heart. He is protective of you, and so am I.

Okay. I don’t need protection from Theresa.

Are you so sure about that? Honey, we both know she doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to relationships. And now, honey, you’re not only super hot, you’re also super rich, so come on. Don’t you think you could do better?

[soft chuckle] Really? [clears throat] [soft tense music]

Baby, I know that you’ve been struggling with the fact that you and Victor weren’t close when he died. You know that, deep down, he did love you.

Way deep down.

No. You did get along. What about when he made you CEO of Titan?

Oh. Only to undermine and replace me with Philip? I mean, I suppose we got along when he needed my help with Kristen’s baby– passing her off as your daughter.

Yeah. You only did that because you couldn’t stand the thought of me losing Mickey. And I know how much you’ve regretted that.

Oh, God. And I still do. It’s unthinkable to me now, trying to replace one child with another. I mean, no one could ever replace our precious girl.

No. No, never. And I thank God that I finally came to my senses and told you that Victoria is yours.

Oh, Sarah. When we were together back then, as happy as I was, I was just so worried the whole time that the other shoe was gonna drop. And as close as I felt to Victor back then, I– part of me knew that he was just using me to do his dirty work. So yeah, maybe he did see a bit of himself in me. That’s why he had me do all the terrible things he didn’t want to admit that he was capable of.

You know that that’s not true.

Then why? [soft dramatic music] Why, when he had his last chance to really show me how he felt…

why didn’t he leave me in his will?

You said you weren’t gay. Maybe you’re bi? Bi-curious? Had a crazy night in college?

Hey. We need help. Dr. Greene.

What’s going on?

[moan] I’m having cramps. [breathing sharply] Really, really bad cramps.

Doctor, you need to help my baby.

I’m going to.

she’s been in a lot of pain, and it seems to come and go, but it feels like it’s getting worse.

Okay. Let’s get you into another room and take a look, okay?

[moans] [screams]


Oh. So how is it now?

It’s–it’s still pretty bad, but it comes and goes, like Johnny said.

Miss Price, uh, I need you to step outside for a few minutes.

Wh–what? No. I’m staying– I’m staying right here. I’m not going to leave her here alone.

I am here, Paulina, okay?

Mama, please, please.

Oh. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I’ll be right outside the whole time. You holler if you need me. [soft dramatic music]

[winces, moans]

Let’s see how your baby’s doing, okay?

Okay. Okay. [moans] I have– I was trying to hold it together in front of my mom, ’cause I don’t want to worry her, but– but something is happening to me, Doctor. I’m scared. I’m really, really scared.

Hey, hey. I’m here. I’m here, okay? Everything is gonna be fine, I promise.

[breathing heavily]

Oh, Dr. Evans.

Oh, Leo. Do we have an appointment?

No, not today. And I swear, I didn’t know you were gonna be here. I absolutely respect your ” I can only help you maintain your fragile grip on your sanity during scheduled times” policy.

Leo, it’s all right.

No, it’s not. We have an appointment scheduled tomorrow. I can find a way to white knuckle it until then. [soft dramatic music]

Okay, fine. I’ve got a few minutes before my next patient arrives.

Really? Are you sure?

I’m sure, I’m sure. Let’s do this.

Theresa. I meant to tell you how good you look today.

Oh, really?


Huh. I meant to tell you how embarrassed you look right now. Anyone want to tell me why it’s suddenly okay for Bonnie to trash-talk me behind my back?

Well, it’s nothing I wouldn’t say to your face.


Justin has some concerns, that’s all, about you–

About you and me being together, and I just told Bonnie that whatever concerns they may have, I trust you wholeheartedly. And I’m committed to spending the rest of my life with you.

Thank you, Alex.

Of course.

[sighs] But you, Bonnie, I don’t understand the sudden . If I recall, it was just recently you were very supportive of my involvement with Alex.

Well, yeah. That was before I had the discussion of your involvement with him with my husband.

Oh. I see. Great. Okay. So Justin has turned you against me.

No. He’s just protective of his son. I mean, Alex. I–[inhales] You know, on a happier note, wedding bells will be ringing throughout this house for lots of people. In fact, Sarah’s on her way over so I can help her send out her wedding invites.

Oh. That won’t take too long. [soft chuckle] I just meant that it’s probably a really short list since Xander doesn’t really have many friends. [chuckles]

[sarcastic chuckle] Yeah. Well, on his side, it might be a little light, but I’m sure a few of us won’t mind moving over just to fill the void. Besides, I want to rub elbows with the mother of the groom.


Yes. Sarah has her heart set on inviting Xander’s mother to the wedding.

Well, it’s not like you were singled out to be excluded from Victor’s will. He didn’t leave anyone a penny except for my mom and Alex. And he only left Alex something to make up for the fact that he never acknowledged him as a son.

Right. I understand that I’m not the only person my uncle snubbed, but I don’t know. It really was his last chance to show me that I meant something to him, and I– I can’t believe I’m wasting time grieving the love lost to that old fool. [soft dramatic music]

Well, I do hope that Victoria and I can make up for the things that Victor didn’t give you.

That is a wonderful start.

Is it?


We’re gonna have to finish this later, though.

I’ll hold you to that.

Yeah. I really do have to go. But before I do, are you sure that you don’t want to take another shot at trying to find your mom?

That number I gave you from my mom– that was the last one I had for her. I told you that. You know, so maybe let’s just take– take this as fate’s way of saying it’s best I don’t find her.

Look, I– I know that you and your mom have had issues, but I– don’t you–

But you’re super-duper eager for her to be at the wedding. I get it. And it’s understandable that– you want Victoria to know her grandmother. [soft dramatic music]

I just– I don’t want you to be saddled with the same regret that you have about Victor and not mending fences before you lost him.

Maybe there is one other way we could reach my mom.

I thought that Xander lost touch with his mother.

Oh, yeah, he did. That’s why Sarah is trying to, you know, get them to get back in touch, mend fences, if you will. That’s why she wants to invite her to the wedding.

Are they sure that’s a good idea? both: Why wouldn’t it be?

I–I don’t know. I just–[chuckles] heard that she’s a raging alcoholic. I mean, do they want someone like that around their kid?

You know, just because someone has a substance abuse problem, they shouldn’t be shunned. Maybe she’s changed, like you.


Mm. Of course, yeah. You’re right. But, you know, I’m kind of concerned for Sarah. You know, what if this woman just shows up and causes a huge scene?

[laugh] Oh, honey. We’re kind of used to scenes around here, especially at weddings, right?




Theresa, you seem awfully concerned about Xander’s mom showing up in Salem. Something you want to tell us?

[crying] So I went to see my monster of a mother this morning.

You went to the prison?

Isn’t that what you told me to do, so I can quiet her nasty voice that’s been echoing in my head all these years?

Yes, but I meant that would be something that we would work on here in therapy.

Oh. I thought it would be wise to go and do it in person, you know, face to face.

Oh. I guess I didn’t go too well, huh?

No, it didn’t go well. It was a disaster, a calamity, a catastrophe, and a dumpster fire all rolled up into one.

What did she say?

She brought out all her greatest hits. Said I was worthless, unlovable, a degenerate… And that I deserved all of the misery that had befallen me. Befallen, is that a word?

That’s a word. That must have been so hard for you to hear.

[sighs] [somber music] I should have expected it, but still, under the heading of “hope springs eternal,” I guess I hoped that she would take me into her arms and tell me that she had a major epiphany, and that I was the greatest gift God had ever given her. Though, she is a shameless heathen. She never would have invoked God.

You know, just because your mother said those things does not mean they’re true.

Then why does it feel that way when she says them?

Leo. [gentle acoustic music] As children, we depend on our parents just to thrive. If they tell us things, then we believe it, because contradicting anything would– I don’t know–would just jeopardize our own existence. You’re no longer a child. You’re no longer dependent on your mother, so there’s no reason to give her the power over you.

Right. No reason.

Right. You can do anything you like. You can be yourself, you can be proud of yourself, you can even love yourself.

[sighs] Yeah. I’m not a little boy who needs his nose wiped anymore. I can wipe my own nose. I am my own man. [chuckles] And that hunky doctor seemed to think I was worth talking to.

What hunky doctor is that?

[breathing shakily]

I’m just gonna do a quick ultrasound, see if we can figure out what’s going on.


Here. [monitor beeping] Felicity’s stuffie.

Yeah. Hey. Everything is gonna be okay, all right? My love, Dr. Greene is taking good care of you and of our little one too.

Okay. [suspenseful music]

Dr. Greene?

I’m very sorry, Chanel. I’m afraid you’ve had a miscarriage.


[gasps] Wait. A miscarriage?

I– I don’t understand. We were just here. You said everything was fine.

Everything did look fine, but that changed, obviously.

So those soft markers that you were telling us about, is that what caused this?

A spontaneous loss like this can happen for any number of reasons, and it’s not unusual. I’m sure this is cold comfort right now, but in pregnancies ends in miscarriage. [somber music]

I’m gonna send a– I’m gonna send a specialist in to examine you, see if I can get you any more answers. Again, Chanel, Johnny, I’m so sorry for your loss.


So I met this totally gorgeous doctor the other day. But at the time I didn’t know he was a doctor, just this handsome guy out for a run, and he was thirsty. And I happened to have a glass of water to give to him. And it looks like what goes around comes around, because today he found me at the nurse’s station a complete wreck. He took me into his muscular arms, and he comforted me. And he gave me this. Who said chivalry is dead?

Leo, you just met this man.

Oh, Dr. Evans, don’t worry. I’m not getting my hopes up for a romance or anything like that. He told me he wasn’t gay.

I see.

But then he acted surprised when I reminded him that he said that. Do you think maybe he is gay?

Well, I don’t know.

Well, maybe you know him, and maybe you’ve gotten something of a vibe from him–Dr. Mark Greene?

Mark Greene? I’ve heard the name, but I don’t think that I’ve met him.

Maybe you’ve heard some chat about him over at the water cooler?

Well, if there were any chat at the water cooler…


I wouldn’t repeat it–


Nor would I speculate about it.

Okay. Fine. Well, whether he’s gay or not, he and I had a moment, a lovely moment. [chuckles]

I’m so glad to hear that for you, but you don’t know anything about this man, no information at all about him. So I–I think you shouldn’t read too much into this. Leo.


I wouldn’t like to see you get hurt.

Thank you. Unlike my mother, who lives to see me hurt. In fact, I feel like that’s been her goal since I was born, and I will bet she is in her cell right now, gloating over how bad she made me feel this morning.

Why don’t we talk about that during our next session?

Oh, no. Are we out of time?

I’m afraid we are.

All right. So tomorrow, I guess, we can figure out why it is I want love from my horrible mother, who referred to me as a miserable dead loss. She actually called me that.

Leo, you are a very worthwhile human being. I’m especially impressed with your desire to get to know yourself, understand your history, and come to terms with the, well, emotionally abusive mother you had– and your father, from what you told me.

Yes, both of them. Okay. So tomorrow, we will work on getting me to embrace the fact that I am a worthwhile person, as you say.

Yes, we will do that.

Great. Then I will see you tomorrow for our actual session.

I will see you tomorrow. [gentle music]

I’m not so much concerned about Xander’s mother, per se. But look. After what happened here with Konstantin, I think we all need to be a little bit wary about just inviting long-lost family and friends to come over out of the blue.

Okay, I get it. Yeah. But you’re not gonna have to worry about Xander’s mother showing up. The number he had for her wasn’t hers anymore. They just don’t know even how to track her down.


Oh. [clicks tongue] That’s too bad.

Mm. Well, at least you don’t have to worry about any surprise guests showing up at our wedding. I’ve already found all my long-lost relatives.


Yeah. Let’s hope that’s true.

It is true for sure. Anyway, I have to get to work.




Bye, Bonnie.

Oh. Bye, honey.


[chuckles] [tense music]

[sighs] God.

Got it. Hey. You can expect that invitation in the mail. [chuckles, sighs] That long shot paid off.

Who was that?

My mom’s sister, Aunt Maisie. They never got along, so I just didn’t think my mom would be in contact with her.

But she was?

Apparently. Yeah. My mom hit her up for money a few months ago.

Are you kidding?

No. But she didn’t have my mom’s phone number, but she did have her address.

[gasps] [soft dramatic music]

[sighs] [tense music]

[breathing heavily]



Hey. Man, I’m sorry to hear about last night.

What happened last night?

Uh, the prom?

The prom. Yeah, yeah. I’m sure Theresa told you that we found Tate and Holly in a hotel room–


And then Theresa dragged Holly out of said a hotel room. It was–it was lots of fun.

Mm. Especially for the kids, I’m sure.

I’m actually surprised Theresa didn’t call me and let me know what EJ and Nicole’s reaction was to the whole thing.

Well, she was kind of busy last night, partly my fault.

Why is that your fault?

I proposed. [solemn guitar music] Theresa and I are engaged.

Bonnie, thank you so much for offering to help.

Oh, honey.

Addressing these invites is gonna be a lot easier with both of us doing it.

I am so happy to assist, and your mom already gave me her address book.

Okay. Well, we just have to add one more address to it.

Okay. Whose would that be?

Xander’s mom.

[sighs] Ooh! – I know. We managed to track her down after all.

Oh. [chuckles]

I’m very excited. [laughter]

It’s exciting. Okay. Let’s see.

Hey, little one. Did you hear all that? Apparently there’s a chance now that you’re gonna meet your Grandma Cook. Oh, look at that big smile. You’re excited about it, huh? [soft tense music] I’m afraid that makes one of us.

Part of being a doctor, I know, delivering bad news, but to tell these two that they lost their baby, and so soon after I told them everything was fine. You always know the right thing to say. Same here. See you tonight. [phone beeps]

[clears throat]

Oh. Hey, Leo.

Dr. Greene, I was hoping I’d run into you so I could return your hankie.

Forget it. Keep it.

Thanks. I’m sorry to hear you had to deliver bad news. So was that a friend on the phone? A significant other? I’m sorry. That’s none of my business.

No. It’s okay. It was my girlfriend, actually.

Girlfriend, right, of course. [melancholic music]

I better get going. Excuse me.


[sighs] Well, that answers that.


Oh. Dr. Greene said I could come back in. Well, what happened? [dramatic music]

We lost the baby.



Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, oh. How–how did that happen?

It happened because of what you did. This is all your fault.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, June 26, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


Trina. Come on in. Hi, Mr. Corinthos. Um, Ava sent me. She wanted me to grab her day planner. Oh, yeah. You can check her room. I haven’t been in there since she left. Okay. Um… Ava said that she, um… She told you I threw her out? That’s ’cause I did. Oh, my God. [ Exhales sharply ] Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Well, you did. Okay, well, I knocked first, for what it’s worth. And when I didn’t answer? I let myself in, naturally. Oh, naturally. What are you working on that has you so focused? Nothing. Okay, ’cause that’s not suspicious at all. Did you find what you’re looking for? Yeah, yeah, I got it. Um, Ava also wanted me to give you her suite number at the Metro Court. Oh, that’s not necessary. Okay. Um, well, is there anything that you would want me to tell her? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you could tell her that she’ll be hearing from my attorney soon. We both had the same opinion that it wouldn’t be suitable for our — to raise our child in a hotel, even part time. Okay.

Good seeing you again, Trina. Okay. Have a good one.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I can take off if you want me to. It’s your bench, too. Are you sure? Guess it’s a good thing I came. It might be the only way to get you to talk to me.

I don’t remember that hill being so steep. Another reason to stay sober, I guess. [ Chuckles ] Is this what it’s come to? You can’t talk to me, bro? That’s ironic, considering there was a time you were furious at me for not communicating to you about Dad. I don’t know what you want me to say. You know exactly what I want you to say. I’ve left you dozens of messages, texted you repeatedly, desperate to know how my daughter is, and you couldn’t be bothered to call me back.

How is she? How’s Violet? She’s confused and very worried about you. Because of what she walked in on? Definitely scared her, seeing you passed out like that. But we reassured her that you’re okay. She’s more concerned that you’ll think she abandoned you or, worse, that she doesn’t love you anymore. I could never think either of those things. We told her that. You know, Brook Lynn has been great with her. Everybody at the Quartermaines’ has. I just hope she’s not mad at me. You’re Violet’s hero, Finn. Your daughter and I have that common. I’m a lot of things right now. Hero is not one of them. That’s not true, because I rely on you — for guidance, support, directions when I’m lost, both literally and metaphorically. And that is why all of this has been so — Look. I wasn’t supposed to come here. I was just gonna drive around and clear my head, but this is where I ended up. And you did, too. And, damn it, that’s got to count for something. How’s Violet doing? Better, I think. Certainly less scared than she was last night, though I’m not sure how much she slept. Well, if she’s anything like me, not much. Yeah, I was up a ton, too. What’s she doing now? She’s with Leo. He’s showing her some board game of his. You know, I didn’t even ask him. He just saw her and instinctively knew she needed to be distracted. He’s a very special boy. I’m scared, Grandmother. Of? What comes next. As in the big picture? Yes, and, like, the next five minutes. I mean, what if Violet asks if she could call her dad? What do I say? You’ll think of something. You always do. And if she asks when she can go home? Forget “if.” When she asks. It’s like she’s our little adorable prisoner. In an enormous gilded cage. Look, I know how lucky we are, given the circumstances. I totally get that. For all the resources we have, that we can stay here until we figure it out, but… I think you and Chase are gonna have to consider the possibility it might be a more permanent situation. I feel so bad for Violet. Something is obviously bothering her. How can you tell? Well, she’s just not her usual boisterous self. She barely ate any breakfast, and she only picked at her lunch. Well, look, maybe the food was subpar. [ Chuckles ] Excuse you. You happen to be talking to the chef. What? Oh, my — my bad. That is my bad. Sorry. She looked tired, too, like she hadn’t been sleeping much. You really are worried, huh? Well, I’m worried that something serious is going on. Well, I mean, the kid did just lose her grandpa, right? She’s probably still sad and processing and going through whatever else. It’s true. Why is she here anyways, not at home with her dad? Well, that’s the thing. I feel like whatever is happening, it must have to do with Finn, because I overheard Olivia and Tracy talking about Brook Lynn, Chase, and Violet moving in. Moving in where? Here. As in they would be living at the Quartermaines’ permanently. Hey. As requested. Oh, thank you. Thank you for getting this for me. I just couldn’t bear the thought of facing Sonny again. It’s no big deal, really. Do you have time to come in? Yeah, of course. So, uh, how did Sonny seem? Any hint of upset or remorse? Uh, he was cold, all about business. All I wanted to do was get out of there. And was Natalia there, helping him through his dark and difficult time? Sonny was alone. Uh, but I tried to offer him your suite number. Let me guess. He didn’t want it. You know what? That’s fine. That’s perfectly fine, because if he — if he wants to know where I am, he can just ask the front desk. Um, Sonny did have a message for you. Oh? He said that you’ll be hearing from his attorney. About what? Whether a hotel is an appropriate place to raise Avery, even part time. Even part time? He used those exact words? Yeah, I-I thought it was strange, too, even the way he said it. Sonny definitely — definitely was making a point. Oh. Oh, that son of a bitch! He’s planning to take away my daughter. The only reason I’m in this suite is because Sonny kicked me out before I could find a place of my own. It’s not fair. No, it isn’t fair. It’s criminal, is what it is. The Metro Court isn’t a-a permanent solution. Clearly. You know, Sonny doesn’t care about the hotel. No, he’s going after Avery as payback. For what? He thinks — and wrongly, I might add — that I’m responsible for one of his friends losing her law license, something she brought on herself. How could I have ever believed that he was sincere? Sonny is — is violent and impulsive, vindictive and selfish. I did everything I could to coexist. And — And now he’s gonna try to hurt me by taking my daughter. So what are you gonna do? Well, I have no choice, right? I’m gonna fight back. Sonny isn’t the only one who knows a thing or two about threats. We can’t stay here indefinitely. You might have to. Look, I had a long conversation with Olivia and Monica today. Is that why you couldn’t have lunch with us? Yes. When and if Finn goes to rehab, you cannot move into Finn’s apartment with Violet, not where she lost her grandfather and she saw her father drunk and bleeding on the floor. Okay, yes, I don’t want that for Violet, either. Can’t move into your apartment. We can make it work. Oh, no, please. It’s a one-bedroom. We can get a pullout couch. [ Sarcastically ] Oh, they’re so comfortable. And not for nothing, you’re a newlywed. So? So at some point, I’d like to think you’re gonna get back to newlywed things. Okay, I don’t want to talk about this with you. I’m just saying. I know exactly what you’re saying, Grandmother. Look, Chase and I, we can move into a bigger place. It’s not like we don’t have the money. And this situation certainly warrants a little extra spending. Violet needs stability and consistency now, after everything she’s been through. I agree. So we would like to offer Violet a home… for as long as she needs it… provided you and Chase come with her.

[ Knock on door ] Finally. Come in. I need to put you to work. Oh, Gio. Hi. I saw your car, so I thought I’d check in. Why are you cleaning? Well, that’s what people do before they move in. I-I vacuumed and mopped. Was — Was it not enough? Oh, my gosh. No, you’re fine. No, clearly not. No, seriously, seriously. This is a me thing. I’m a little bit obsessive about this stuff. Did you think I was Trina? Yes, actually. Uh, she was supposed to help me with some stuff around here, but she had to go run errands for…Ava. I take it from the way you said her name, you’re not a big fan. Well, I respect Trina’s relationship with Ava, but I do dislike her. Yes, in fact, I more than dislike her. But she does have one redeeming quality. She created the adorable little girl Avery. And I probably should not be badmouthing the person who hired you to play at her gallery. I’m sorry. No, you’re entitled to your opinion. Well, I guess Ava has two redeeming qualities. There’s Avery, and she has a great taste in musicians. I looked up the paragraph in the state legal code from the link that you sent me. And I drew up a petition. I don’t know if that’s the right word. I think that’s what you call it. But, um, can you look it over? What’s the gist of the petition? I’m going to file this in court so if Molly and TJ do split up, then the baby stays with us. Man, I’d do anything to be able to go back and change what happened. Just be the kind of father that Violet deserves. Diane served you with the emergency custody order? And the restraining order, feet away from my daughter. I didn’t have a choice, Finn. And it wasn’t easy for me. I know it wasn’t. I’ve just been… so angry with you and Elizabeth and the hospital… when the person that I really hated was me. [ Scoffs ] After all these years, I find myself right back to where I started, unable to control my urge to anesthetize. That’s the first step of the program. [ Scoffs ] Not where I thought I’d be at this point in my life. Look, I’m sorry you’re here, but I am so thankful that you’re still alive. Not sure that I deserve to be. Don’t say that. [ Chuckles ] My daughter, the most important person in the world to me, found me unconscious on the floor of our home. She was scared, and I did that to her. Yeah, but you didn’t mean to. Doesn’t matter. My choices caused Violet pain. And the thought of that makes me want to die. There’s something broke in me, man. I’m… I’m broken. “Us” meaning? “Us” meaning the Davis family. I think that’s what Molly would want. Don’t you? I think you should ask Molly. Mom, could you please just look it over? Kristina. Mom. I distinctly remember telling you that I was not gonna advise you on anything baby-related, lest it make me look like I’m choosing sides. Okay, fine. So — So if Molly and TJ split up, you’re — you’re totally fine with TJ taking the baby. Of course I’m not fine with it. Okay, well, Molly has no legal claim to this child. Why are you acting like this is such a done deal? Because — I just saw them. They were fine. They’ve been fighting. Well, couples fight. Not Molly and TJ. You know that. Apart from one major hiccup, they have been annoyingly agreeable since high school, until now, when I am carrying their child. This is a — It’s a stressful situation, and stress breaks some couples, so I have to be prepared. Don’t look at me like that. Listen. Do you think subconsciously, deep, deep down inside, you may actually want TJ and Molly to break up? What? No. Why would I want them to break up? I don’t know. I just have a feeling that it might — [ Knock on door ] I hope that’s not one of your sisters. Oh. Thank God. Hey, you don’t have to answer this, but how much is Ava paying you? Oh, why wouldn’t I answer? I don’t know. People are weird about money. Well, not weird, but just private. bucks. Oh, per hour? For the whole thing. Wait. Hold on. She’s paying you $ for the entire evening of music? And now suddenly I’m feeling a little self-conscious about that. No, no. You shouldn’t. She should. God, what a cheapskate. I-I keep telling myself it’ll be good exposure. And at least living at the Quartermaines’, I don’t have a lot of living expenses. Yes, but that’s not the point. She should be paying you what you’re worth. You should be an agent. [ Scoffs ] And deal with demanding talent like you? No, thank you. What are you doing? I was just gonna move this out of the way. U-Unless you’re leaving it here. No, no. Trina can help me. But I’m here now. I can — I can do it. And risk hurting those precious hands? Gio, those are your meal ticket. You got to protect them at all costs. [ Both chuckle ] Look, I know this isn’t how you envisioned married life, but you had planned on coming here for the summer anyway. For a few weeks. This sounds a lot more permanent. We have a perfect setup. We have a full suite with adjoining rooms and a private bath. It’s bigger than Chase’s apartment. No offense. None taken. Look, you know already that this place is crawling with maternal energy. You calling yourself maternal? No, I’m not, but there’s Monica, Olivia, Lois, Sasha, and Willow in the gatehouse. Not to mention there’s plenty of father figures and tons of children running in and out all day. Yes, I know. These are all the reasons that Chase and I sold you on letting us stay here with Violet. And I said yes to a temporary situation. And I am now offering you the possibility of a more permanent situation. And I think you should take me up on it. I have to talk to Chase. He’s the one with emergency custody. Emergency custody for now. But you really need to consider the possibility that it may become more permanent. I am a mother. And separating me from my child — not happening. You love Avery. More than anything. So you’re upset, and I get it. But fighting Sonny? What choice do I have? Do you want me to open up the gallery for you? Oh, no. No, sweetheart, it’s your day off. Go and enjoy whatever you have planned. Are you sure? Yes, yes, I’m sure. The gallery will survive being closed for one day. And I have to unpack and get situated in my oh-so-inappropriate accommodations. [ Sighs ] Okay. Um, well, let me know if you need anything. Okay. Thank you, honey. Thank you.

[ Line ringing ] I just hope that everything is okay with Finn. Yeah, yeah. Me too. For his sake but mostly for Violet’s. I know what it’s like growing up without a father. It’s — It’s not easy. No, no, it isn’t. I mean, luckily, I had a lot of stand-ins, which helps out a lot, but obviously it’s — It’s not the same as actually having your dad. No. [ Knock on door ] Is this a bad time? All I want to do is help you. Yeah, I know. And I will. I’m here for whatever support you need, but you have to take the first step. [ Sighs ]

[ Line ringing ] Woman: Good afternoon. Skymeadow Lodge. My name is Hamilton Finn. I… believe you’re holding a bed for me. We are. I’ll be checking in tonight. Glad to hear it. We’ll see you then. I’m proud of you. Might want to wait till I’m actually there. I have faith. They’re saying days. You’ve got this. You think maybe you could give me a ride? I can. And I’ll give you a ride home when you get out. One more favor? Anything. I want to say goodbye to my daughter. do we owe this visit? Uh, Kristina told me that Ava was part of the reason that you were disbarred. I just want you to know how furious I am. Join the club. She fooled me. I don’t know why I let her live in my house. It’s just one of those things. Well, at least you got to spend time with Avery. But, you know, still. Yes, but if I had known, th– I’m glad that you know now. She’s gone now. Ava is? Yeah, I-I told her pack her bags, move out. I should have listened to you from the beginning. It’s okay, Dad. You didn’t have the information. None of us did. Alexis, I know we — we haven’t seen eye to eye on everything, but as far as Ava… we’re on the same side. Sorry for interrupting. No, you’re not interrupting. After you left Maxie’s the other day, she went on a little more about how you’ve really stepped up for the family. I wanted to come by and say thank you. I-I love hanging out with those guys. They love you, too. Especially James. He keeps asking when I’m gonna come watch his riding lesson. Like I said, you’re welcome anytime. And you, you’ve made some big changes, too, haven’t you? Face of Deception turned private chef. I love working at the Quartermaines’, and Cody lets me help out at the stables sometimes, too. Lets you? Come on. You help out so much, you’re making me look bad. [ Both laugh ] Um, in addition to “thank you”… I want to say sorry. For what? Having my suspicions once upon a time. I pegged you as a con man who couldn’t be trusted. And obviously that couldn’t be further from the truth. Obvious to who? Me. [ Chuckles ] You are, and I quote, Superman to my family. Will you accept my apology?

Hey. Sorry I’m late. You’re so late, I got a new roommate. I’m kidding. He’s been helping. While entertaining her with my charm and wit. Oh, is that what we’re calling it? Are you okay? Yeah, I just, um… That was so strange. Um… What was? I just had an interaction with Ava, and she went off about Sonny. Well, that’s strange. I feel like Ava and Sonny have been getting along lately. Yeah, so did I, but I guess Sonny threw her out. And now Ava is just, like, full of rage, and it’s being directed squarely at Sonny. Oh, God. Well, it’s not their first showdown, unfortunately. Could she actually be a threat to Uncle Sonny? Like, physically? I mean, I don’t think so. Do you disagree? This afternoon… Ava seemed capable of anything.

How you doing with all this? I am… overwhelmed. But grateful that you’re in a position to help Finn if he so chooses. God willing. And that we — and that is a huge collective we — are in a position to help Violet, and I really do think she’s gonna be okay. I do, too. But I was talking about you. Taking on a child is an enormous responsibility, especially this early in a marriage. Well, we’ll just consider it training for when Chase and I have a family of our own. And it’s not like I haven’t been through it before — Bailey Lou. And that was before I had a husband. You had a Valentin. And he was very hands-on, might I add. I’m proud of you. Really? Yeah. You are handling this with enormous grace. And compassion and patience. Brook Lynn, you’re supposed to be on your honeymoon in Florence, and, honey, Florence this is not. Do I hope that we get there sometime soon? Of course I do. But like I told Chase, home is just… It’s where we belong right now. You’re a better man than I. I don’t believe that. I think under all that bravado, you’ve got a really big heart. Don’t tell anyone. I won’t. Thank you. For what? Saying all the right things today, things I really needed to hear. Do I usually say the wrong things? Do you really want the answer? No. Bring it in. This, too, shall pass. I know. e’s — there’s really nothing to forgive. But even if there were, it’d already be done. I said it before. I’ll say it again. I love your family. And apparently you fit right in. Yeah, yeah. No, it feels that way to me, too. Makes sense, considering. Considering? Well, yeah. You and Sasha and Maxie all working at Deception. I’m sure you all got to know each other pretty well. Yeah. Uh, you and Maxie, I mean. Oh, um, yes. Yeah, I guess — I guess that’s true. And it must be nice that the two of you have reunited here at the Quartermaines’. Oh. Spend so much time together. No, we’re — we’re not — There’s nothing — I-I basically live in the kitchen… Yeah. …at the main house. Well, you’re here now. Because I’m in between meals. Mm-hmm. Trust me, Sasha and I are just co-workers. Sure. Expect an observer at James’s next riding lesson. Good to see you, Sasha. You too, Mac. Okay, I can’t take this anymore. What is wrong with you? Your favorite lawyer at your service. Well, Scott… Sonny and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. [ Sighs ] You don’t say. I have every reason to believe he’s gonna try to regain sole custody of Avery. And I can’t let that happen, Scott. I won’t. I cannot lose another daughter. Do you think he’s gonna argue that you’re unfit? Well, yeah, most likely. Are you? I-I just got to ask. Of course not. That doesn’t matter. Why not? Because Sonny is Sonny and Sonny will do what Sonny always does. He’ll either pay somebody off to get the ruling he wants or he’ll hop up on that stand and he’ll lie. Well, either strategy could work. I saw Finn. You did? Yeah, at my father’s bench. We had a long conversation. How’d it go? It was a little dicey at first, but, uh, it ended in a good place. What’d he say about the court orders? He was obviously upset being kept from Violet, but he understands. Actually said it was the right thing to do. Wow. And rehab? I was sitting in front of him when he called Skymeadow to confirm. I’m taking him tonight. On one condition. Yours or Finn’s? Finn’s. He wants to see Violet before we go. Okay, I can’t wait any longer. I have news, and I was gonna wait till — till the girls got here, but since you brought up Ava, I’m gonna tell you right now… I am no longer disbarred. What? The Court of Appeals vacated my sentence, and they gave me a two-year suspension. And those two years have already been served. Yeah, Mom. That’s amazing. Congratulations, Alexis. Thank you. Wow. So — So do you get to go back to practicing law right away or what? I just have to catch up on my continuing-education hours, and then I’m gonna be reinstated. Oh, I’m so happy for you. Justice prevails. Took it long enough. Diane has asked me to join her law firm. The dynamic duo. She will still be your lawyer, not me. Good, ’cause I’m about to have a legal battle on my hands. Do you really think that Finn seeing Violet is a good idea? What if he tries to manipulate Violet? I thought about that, which is why I will monitor the whole conversation. Finn has one chance. And if he goes off the rails, I will shut it down right away. But not giving them a chance to talk to each other when he’s going away for three months, it — It feels cruel. I agree. And you know your brother better than anybody. And as of today, you are Violet’s guardian. Emergency temporary guardian. Whatever. It’s your call. We’ll support whatever you decide. I appreciate your support. So do you have a where and when for this meeting? Here and now. He’s waiting in my car outside. come clean to Mac about switching the DNA test results. Yeah, I wanted to. Then why didn’t you? It is so obvious that you love his family and you want to be part of it. I mean, I would, too. Well, even when something’s obvious, you — you have to wait for the timing to be right, ’cause if it’s off… you might lose everything you have. That’s too big a risk. I just want you to be happy. I am happy. I’m happy. The happiest you could be. This is new territory for me. What is? Wanting to be a part of something. Usually it’s just been me, myself, and I. Until I found out about Mac, I was totally fine with things just the way they were. I thought we were trying for a better way, remember? Yeah, well, I guess old habits die hard. I almost told him. Maybe next time you will. I know that Sonny’s your uncle and that you love him. But you don’t. Well, I used to, once upon a time. What happened? Or is it none of my business? No, no, it’s family stuff. My mom was married to him more than once, actually. And, um, they had… and have a pretty volatile relationship. And their last breakup was pretty bad. And you sided with your mom. Yeah, I did. But I made the mistake of getting involved and trying to prove Sonny wrong. And I kind of just realized that it’s none of my business. My mom is more than capable of taking care of herself, and she has the right to live her own life. And so does Sonny. And Sonny and I don’t agree on much. Well, on pretty much anything. But… I don’t think I want anything to happen to him. And you think that’s possible? That Ava poses a real threat? Honestly, I don’t know. But I wouldn’t rule it out. Both you and Sonny have a very spotty past with the PCPD. So a family court judge is gonna look at this case as bad versus even worse. So they’re gonna be looking for the slightest edge to rule on. And you think Sonny has that edge? He’s a mob boss, for crying out loud. Allegedly. You don’t see it in his tax returns. Oh, please. There are plenty of people who could testify that Sonny is — is — is violent and impulsive and bouncing from one mental health crisis to the next. Yeah, yeah, they could testify or not. But, Ava, you — you have to protect yourself here, because in these type of family cases like this, it’s usually a mutual disaster for everyone. Well, I’m gonna have to take my chances, because there is no way that I’m leaving my daughter with Sonny permanently. So will you be my lawyer or not? I’m in. Now, oh, since I’m going up against “Killer Miller,” I may need some stunt pay. Hi, Finn. Hi.

Thank you… for letting me do this. Um, it was Chase’s idea. He — He felt that it would be good for Violet. And that’s all that matters right now. Yeah. Violet’s ready. Are you?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Chelsea: What do you think? I tried to get us a room overlooking the harbor, but those rooms were booked.

Connor: That’s okay. We got to see the harbor IRL. In real life.

Chelsea: Oh, IRL. Thank you for the translation.

Adam: And how cool were those old schooners, huh? We’ll have to take a ride on one.

Connor: Can we do that today? After we eat?

Chelsea: Well, maybe we’ll save that for next time. We don’t want to overdo it. Plus, we need to get you back soon.

Adam: But today has been awesome, buddy. And it is so great to see you and to be able to leave campus.

Connor: Yeah. Being able to get out of there’s amazing. I mean, they are helping me. You can tell, right?

Adam: Mm.

Connor: This is fun, the three of us. Like before.

Chelsea: Yeah. So much fun.

Connor: Oh. That’s like the millionth hug.

Adam: Yeah, and you’re hogging him. I’ve only had a thousand. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Billy: Hey, I got your text. Or should I say summons?

Chance: Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I really needed to talk to you. Didn’t want to do it in the office.

Billy: I think I know what this is about. I’m assuming you heard some rumblings.

Chance: Yeah, you could say that.

Billy: Okay, well, you know that I would have brought you up to speed if I could.

Chance: No, it’s fine. I get it, man.

Billy: There’s a lot of moving parts. Just had to put the pieces together to make sure that we had Lily on our side before, you know, to guarantee we had the votes.

Chance: Wait, what are you talking about?

Billy: What are you talking about?

Chance: I’m talking about Jill. I heard about her condition. It worries the hell out of me.

Lily: Why were you questioning me like that in front of Billy?

Devon: What are you talking about? I had to say something. Was I supposed to just roll over and go, “Yeah, let’s split up the company. See you later, Lily.”

Lily: You were interrogating me like I was a traitor.

Devon: What?

Nate: You did go at her pretty hard.

Devon: I– Are you guys kidding? I had to make it seem like I felt a little betrayed or else Billy would have suspected something, don’t you think?

Lily: Oh, well, bravo, because it was quite the performance.

Devon: Come on, really?

Lily: No, it was a little too real, Devon. It was like borderline hurtful.

Devon: You know this whole thing isn’t going to work unless I sell it, right?

Lily: Then why did it feel like you were trying to trip me up?

Devon: Why would I want to trip you up?

Lily: I don’t know, because everything is going according to plan. Billy is convinced that I’m going to run Abbott-Chancellor with him. And all we have to do is keep him convinced of that until we divide the companies.

Devon: I understand. I know what the plan is.

Lily: Okay, then why does it feel like you’re trying to sabotage it?

Devon: I don’t know ’cause I’m certainly not. But the fact that you’re getting so upset over nothing, it makes me wonder if this is what you really want to do.

Chelsea: All right, all right. I will ration my hugs from here on out. Our time is limited and we have other things to do.

Adam: Like diving into this pizza before it gets cold.

Connor: It’d be good if this day could last a week or even forever. Just go back to Genoa City and everything is normal.

Adam: Hm. Well, normal is never that normal, but I hear you.

Chelsea: Yeah. And we will all be together again very soon. And this day has been perfect just the way it is.

Connor: I do have a group session I have to get back to and sticking to my schedule is important.

Chelsea: Yeah, absolutely.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, eat. We’ll have you back in plenty of time.

Connor: This is way better than the food they serve. I mean, the food’s fine. Great, really. I know the place is crazy expensive.

Adam: Where’d you hear that from?

Connor: Some kids were talking about it last night. I feel bad you have to spend all that money just to make me better.

Adam: No– [ exhaling ] Connor, that’s very considerate of you, but it’s a non-issue. It doesn’t matter a bit.

Chelsea: Your dad’s right. That’s what money is for. To take care of the people you love.

Connor: You’re sure?

Adam: Positive, okay? Don’t give it another thought.

Connor: Thanks. I still wish it didn’t cost so much. I feel bad for t the kids whose parents don’t have money or don’t have parents as cool as you guys are. So, thank you.

Chelsea: Sweetheart.

Adam: Yeah, we’ll always be here for you, buddy.

Connor: I know that. Even when it seems like I don’t. And I know I’m lucky. Some of the kids here, you know their parents don’t visit? Like, they don’t want to know anything until it’s all over. They freak out it’s taking too long.

Chelsea: Well, it takes as long as it takes.

Connor: Right. That’s what the doctor says and for the first time ever, I feel like I can get better. That this place is really helping me.

Chelsea: Well, I think your dad and I can both see that.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: We’re all feeling pretty hopeful.

Chelsea: But there is one thing.

Connor: What?

Chelsea: I really need another hug. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. If that’s allowed, I…

Connor: Permission granted.

Chelsea: We love you so much.

Adam: Hey, hey, hey. What about me? Huh? Come here.

Billy: How did you find out about my mom?

Chance: She told me. She said you’re the only person she’s talked to about this.

Billy: So you know why I couldn’t say anything?

Chance: Yeah.

Billy: She swore me to silence.

Chance: She just told me today, but it seems like this has been going on for a while.

Billy: Yeah, a little bit. You know, she didn’t want to worry anyone.

Chance: More like she doesn’t want anyone hovering or asking too many questions, or worse, showing signs of pity, right?

Billy: You know, you shouldn’t say pity and Jill in the same sentence. That’ll get you fired.

Chance: Well, she told me that everything’s under control. You know, she’s undergoing treatment. The meds make her kind of tired, but all is well and all will be fine. I can’t stop worrying, though. So please, is she telling the truth? Is she covering? Help me out here.

Billy: Trust me, I’ve had the exact same thoughts since I found out. I’ve been panicked. You know, what if she doesn’t make it through this? But I’ve also talked to Snapper, and he seems optimistic, so I think she’s telling the truth.

Chance: All right. Yeah, I’d feel a lot better if she was being treated here instead of London.

Billy: Tell me about it.

Chance: You know, I can’t help but think of Katherine when we lost her on the bucket list tour, and well, nobody got to say goodbye.

Billy: That’s another reason why I think she’s telling the truth. She knows how much this affects everyone. And if it was worse, I– I think that she would not be hiding it.

Chance: Well, that’s a relief. Yeah, I thought about going to check up on her, but I’m pretty sure she’d read me the Riot Act, huh?

Billy: I guarantee you she would. Yeah, I advise against that. She’ll let us know when she wants company. [ Chance sighing ]

Chance: I just wish there was something I could do now.

Billy: Actually, um, I am working on something in support of my mother, her legacy. I could use your help.

Lily: Why are you doubting me all of a sudden? Where is this coming from?

Devon: Well, for starters, you’re getting pretty bent out of shape for no reason. And I’d like to think that I know when you’re bluffing, and you seem pretty damn jazzed about the pitch of joining Billy and leaving Winters behind.

Lily: I mean, I’m trying to sell my act the way that you’re selling your act.

Devon: Okay, sure, fair enough. I also saw you and Billy toasting earlier at Society and you guys looked pretty pleased with yourselves.

Lily: Oh, my God, Devon, that’s part of the performance. Just like you’re selling your sense of betrayal, I’m selling my excitement to jump ship with Billy, which is an idea that I shot down in the past. I mean, you– you get that, right?

Nate: I gotta agree, Devon. She’s gotta sell her enthusiasm just as much as you gotta sell your skepticism.

Lily: Yeah, thank you. I mean, okay, can we go on with the plan now?

Devon: No, we can’t. Not yet. Because I think that Nate is being a little generous with you because he doesn’t know the full story.

Lily: What are you talking about?

Devon: I told Nate about you coming to me and telling me how Billy was trying to get you to join up with him and basically oust me. But what I didn’t tell Nate is how long it took you to share that information with me. It was, what, weeks? A month?

Lily: I told you why I waited. Things were very tense between you and Billy. I didn’t want to make it worse.

Devon: I– I know know what you said.

Lily: And– and what does it matter how long I waited? I wasn’t going to go along with his idea anyway.

Devon: Well, you’re going along with it now.

Lily: That’s part of the plan. Like, what do you think? I’m just some liar who’s waiting to betray you?

Chelsea: Am I wrong? It was really good, right? Am– am I wrong?

Adam: I– I was just hoping that I would finally get to see him. Today, it definitely surpassed that.

Chelsea: I mean, the difference, Adam, between that last video call with Connor and today, it’s– it’s amazing.

Adam: It’s like he finally turned a corner.

Chelsea: Look at you, being all optimistic.

Adam: Hey. Who knew I had it in me?

Chelsea: I mean, I don’t want to tease. This is really serious stuff, but I’m– I’m– I’m giddy.

Adam: No, I get it. It’s like a giant weight has been lifted off our shoulders.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: So, you’re allowed a gentle jab at my expense. I was the one who had the doubts about the facility, but after today, I can see they know what they’re doing. Hey, you see that spark back in his eyes again?

Chelsea: Yes, that spark. That spark. I didn’t think we’d ever see that again. And when he sat here and said that, he, like, he thanked us for being there for him. Oh!

Adam: And he was worried about the other kids who weren’t as lucky.

Chelsea: I know. It feels like he’s really getting better, Adam.

Adam: I’m going to talk to his doctors. I’m going to ask them how they feel about his progress. Ask them about a timeline for when he can come home.

Chelsea: Okay, okay. Well, let’s– We just have to slow down a little bit. We have to be patient with the doctors.

Adam: Wait, I mean, I mean, that is patient. It’s involved. It’s advocating for our son the way that he would want us to.

Chelsea: Right, but the doctors have included us in all the details of his progress and everything. I just think we have to continue to trust them.

Adam: Okay, okay. You’re right. Again.

Chelsea: Thank you. What?

Adam: You… don’t cut me any slack. And I mean that in the best way possible. You don’t just assume I’m a lost cause. I mean, how many times have you stopped me from blowing things up?

Chelsea: About as many times as you’ve stopped me from spinning out and calmed me down.

Adam: None of this has been easy.

Chelsea: I know. But I’m glad we’ve had each other to lean on.

Adam: Hm.

Chance: Well, hang on. I’m a little confused. Because when Mamie suggested reversing the merger, I know you were for it, but Devon was dead set against it.

Billy: Which is another reason, for many, I needed to get Lily on our side so she could help convince Devon.

Chance: But why would Lily want to tear down what she built? I mean, she worked really hard to make Chancellor-Winters a success.

Billy: There’s no doubt about that, but I think that she sees where the problems are now. You know, all this constant infighting. It’s a drain on her, it’s a drain on the company. With this plan, we can tighten everything up and we can get rid of the baggage.

Chance: You mean Devon and Nate?

Billy: What I mean is there’s immense potential here, and we need to be able to make big and small decisions without all the fighting. And let’s just be honest, from the Chancellor side of things, we don’t need the diversification that the Winters company brings. We focus on our wheelhouse. We expand, we invest on the things that we do well. And if we do that, Abbott-Chancellor becomes a powerhouse.

Chance: Abbott-Chancellor. You back on that again?

Billy: It’s part of the plan. It’s a major point. It’s about your grandmother’s legacy. It’s about our family’s success.

Chance: And the Winters family be damned?

Billy: No, not at all. They have the same opportunities and the same benefits we have. It’s a win-win.

Chance: Yeah? Is that how Nate and Devon see it?

Billy: Well, you know, Nate played it close to his chest. Devon, he was a little more skeptical, but he’ll come around.

Chance: Okay, well, Devon’s opinion is the one that matters. He’s the one with the board vote.

Billy: Well, let’s not forget that my mother gave him her voting power, so I have two votes. Even if Abby decides to vote with Devon in opposition, we’ll be fine.

Chance: Mm, I don’t know. It just seems like a contentious way to get this done.

Billy: I don’t think it’s going to get that far. I’m confident that Lily will convince Devon that this is the right way to go. We’ll separate the companies as friends. Gave it a shot. We learned a lot. No harm, no foul.

Devon: No, Lily, I don’t think you’re trying to betray me. I don’t think you’re lying, all right? At least not to me.

Lily: Then who am I lying to?

Devon: I– Maybe yourself.

Lily: Oh, okay, so now I don’t know my own mind. I mean, do you realize how condescending you are?

Devon: I’m not trying to sound or be condescending. I’m trying to make sure that you’re not conflicted about where you want to end up.

Lily: Okay, then please. Explain it to me.

Devon: You’ve explained to me many times about how Jill handpicked you to run Chancellor. Right? Even over her own son because she has faith in you. And you had a lot of success doing that. You don’t have that same experience on the Winters side of things.

Lily: So, sorry, am I too experienced or not experienced enough? Which one?

Devon: No, I’m saying that they are two different divisions. And currently, you mostly handle things on the Chancellor side, right?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Devon: We agreed to run Winters together.

Lily: And now, you’re having second thoughts.

Devon: No, I’m trying to make sure that you’re not having second thoughts. And that Billy hasn’t gotten into your head about working together with me. That’s all this is about.

Lily: So, sorry, you put me on the spot in front of Billy to test my loyalty?

Devon: No, it’s– I–

Lily: I mean, how dare you blindside me with a test I don’t even know I’m taking? I told you what I wanted. I’m the one who came to you with this idea. So, you know what? If you don’t trust me, maybe I should reconsider joining you at Winters.

Devon: So, tell me, is this just you being upset? Or is this you looking for a reason to join Billy and actually stay there with him?

Lily: Well, I don’t have to look. I mean, you’re giving me plenty of reasons. Your whole attitude screams that you don’t want me with you at Winters.

Devon: I’ve already told you, that is not how I feel. And like you said, we’re just playing parts, right?

Lily: Oh, I don’t know. I mean, it sounded pretty real when you were asking Billy why he even needs me to run the company with him. I mean, thank you for that little improv.

Devon: Yeah, it sounded pretty real when you were talking about ditching Winters.

Nate: Hey, hey, hey. We’re getting way off track here, okay? That’s enough.

Devon: I disagree. I think we’re very much on track ’cause I think I deserve to know, I think we all do, if Billy’s actually tempted you.

Lily: Oh, I want to know if you actually are pushing me because you’ve realized that you don’t want me at Winters.

Devon: Well, why would I change my mind about that?

Lily: I don’t know. Maybe Billy’s right. Maybe you do want total autonomy.

Devon: So, you’re going to argue with me by quoting Billy, the partner that you claim you don’t want.

Lily: Well, Billy isn’t the only one who’s dealt with your control issues. Right, Nate?

Nate: Ooh, no, no. Leave me out of this.

Devon: Lily, I would understand if you started to have a change of heart. I would. I just want to know.

Lily: Oh, my God. I don’t know how to convince you that I have not changed my mind.

Devon: Well, I would love to believe you.

Lily: Okay, you know what? Believe it or not, I am great at selling something when I commit to it. That’s it. So, if you would both please leave, then maybe I can get some actual work done.

Adam: Ah, it’s perfect. We can be at the jet by then. Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind having some chilled champagne on board, that would be great. All right, thanks.

Chelsea: Champagne? Really?

Adam: I’m feeling in the mood to celebrate.

Chelsea: Sounds perfect.

Adam: Didn’t realize how stressed I was about this trip until now.

Chelsea: Oh, yeah. I mean, I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but when Connor said he wanted things to get back to normal…

Adam: I would like nothing better. [ phone ringing ]

Chelsea: Oh, it’s one of Connor’s doctors. Hello, doctor. No, it’s great to hear from you. Adam and I were going to call you before we left tonight. Should I put you on speaker? Now? Sure. Yeah, we’re room 711. Okay, bye. Um, that was Dr. Hammond. She’s going to stop by.

Adam: Oh, well, she didn’t need to do that. That– We don’t want to be pushy, right?

Chelsea: Yeah, well, she said since we’re still here, she wants to talk to us in person.

Adam: Huh.

Chelsea: What do you think that means? That doesn’t sound good.

Adam: Well, it could mean she wants to talk about his progress. Maybe give us a timeline, like we hoped.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

Adam: Or maybe she wants to see how the visit went. Ask about his demeanor while he was– he was here.

Chelsea: Definitely. And we will be sure to give her a glowing report.

Billy: So, now that I’ve told you about the plan, can I count on you to have my back? And not only that, I’m going to need someone to do the extra work that this is all going to generate. It’s not going to be easy separating these two companies, especially after we worked so hard to integrate them.

Chance: I’m in. And I want to be a team player, I want to do my part.

Billy: Oh, I see you having a bigger role than just your part, Chance. Maybe even COO of Abbott-Chancellor. How does that sound?

Chance: Sounds like I’ll need a new suit, right? Oh. [ indistinct chatting ]

Billy: Just remember, silence on my mother’s condition.

Chance: I’m a vault.

Billy: Thank you.

Devon: Hello, gentlemen.

Billy: Hey.

Devon: Chance, I, uh– I assume Billy’s brought you up to speed on his latest idea?

Chance: He sure did.

Devon: Yeah? And what do you think about it? Think it’s the right move for the company?

Chance: Well, I feel like the more important question is, how do you feel about it?

Devon: I’m on the fence.

Billy: Which I don’t understand. I mean, unless it’s for the same reason as always because it was my idea and Lily likes it and you don’t want me to get my way.

Devon: I mean, actually, I’d be getting my way by not having to work with you anymore, so.

Chance: What’s going to push you to one side of that fence?

Devon: I– I’m going to go with however the board votes.

Billy: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Billy: Even though you know Lily and I pretty much have this locked up, you sure about that?

Devon: I mean, I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, won’t you?

Billy: Hey, Nate. please come in.

Hammond: Thank you. I appreciate you letting me come by.

Chelsea: Yeah, of course. This is after hours for you, isn’t it?

Hammond: I was working late, and this is on my way home.

Adam: Is there an issue? Because we just saw him and he was in great spirits.

Hammond: Yes, I’m aware.

Chelsea: Uh, it was a really nice visit. He was articulate and very positive about his progress.

Hammond: Unfortunately, that’s exactly the problem.

Devon: God, Billy’s such a tool.

Nate: His default mode? To be extremely pleased with himself.

Devon: Oh, I just– I can’t– I can’t stand having to deal with him anymore.

Nate: Then, his smarm is working.

Devon: No, it’s– it’s nothing intentional about him. It’s just the way he is.

Nate: I don’t know. He’s been taking it to the next level. Devon, he’s pushing your buttons, trying to get you riled up so you’ll want to cut ties with Chancellor and not have anything to do with him.

Devon: Then, you know what? He’d be right. He would be right. I just don’t like the fact that he’s clouding Lily’s judgment. ‘Cause can you believe that she thought that I was trying to trick her into admitting some kind of betrayal?

Nate: You basically admitted to her that’s exactly what you were doing, so yeah, yeah, I can believe it. I’d like to know what’s up with that.

Devon: That’s not exactly what I was doing. I– I just know Lily, and I know that Lily likes a challenge, and I think that we have to at least consider the fact that she might actually be intrigued by running Abbott-Chancellor with Billy.

Nate: Or you’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Accusing your sister of wanting to stay at Chancellor and driving her to do just that.

Devon: All I’ve been doing is asking questions and letting her reveal her true colors to us.

Nate: I don’t know about that. Look, I sat back and watched you both go at it, and it didn’t sound like that to me.

Devon: Well, what did it sound like to you?

Nate: That Lily wasn’t wrong to wonder if you’re the one pushing her away. [ knocking on door ]

Chance: Hey, boss.

Lily: Hi.

Chance: You got a minute? Or is this a bad time?

Lily: Um, uh, no. Uh, come on in. I could use a distraction. It’s been a… a lot going on.

Chance: Yeah, yeah, so I hear. I just got done talking to Billy. He brought me up to speed on the whole divide and conquer plan.

Lily: Right, of course he did. Uh, I mean, he shouldn’t have said anything. Nothing is final right now.

Chance: Well, he made it seem like it was basically a done deal.

Lily: Well, we still have a– a board vote to get through.

Chance: And with Billy having his own vote plus Jill’s… Well, seems like he got that in the bag.

Lily: Yeah, maybe. Uh, what– what is it that you wanted?

Chance: Look, I just wanted to come in here and tell you that I am all in. I am here to help whenever you need me.

Lily: Well, thank you. There’s going to be a lot to do if this all happens, uh…

Chance: Absolutely, and this is not me kissing up or anything, but I do look forward to working more closely with you. Yeah, ever since you got back, I’ve been thoroughly impressed with how you’ve done things.

Lily: That sounds an awful lot like kissing up. [ both laughing ]

Chance: No, you, uh, you seem to rise above the infighting, and I think that is a big loss for the Winters’ side and a huge gain for Abbott-Chancellor. [ phone ringing ]

Billy: Hey, Mom. It’s good to see you. You’re looking good.

Jill: Yes, the doctors all say I’m their star patient. I am following their protocols to a T.

Billy: You have no idea how happy that makes me. And thank you very much for telling Chance about what’s going on with you.

Jill: Darling, I didn’t want you to have to carry that secret all by yourself.

Billy: Yeah, it’s nice to have someone else to complain to about how stubborn you are. And you just let us know, okay? When you’re ready, we’ll jump on a plane and come and see you.

Jill: Oh, I will let you know.

Billy: In the meantime, Lily and I pitched Devon and Nate. The board call is ready to go. Abby’s on a plane on her way to Paris at the moment.

Jill: How very nice for her.

Billy: Yeah, not exactly. It’s personal reasons. Ashley’s going through some health stuff as well.

Jill: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

Billy: As soon as she lands, we’re ready. We’ll get things rolling.

Jill: Well, now, Billy, that is actually why I called. I’m having second thoughts.

Billy: What exactly is giving you second thoughts, Mom? When we talked about the plan, you– you said you liked it.

Jill: I did a deeper dive into the post-merger numbers, and it showed that combined, our companies are very strong. I mean, they’re very profitable. Are we sure we want to risk splitting them up again?

Billy: I– I think it’s a valid point, but with Lily and me at the helm, I assure you, this will be a smooth transition.

Jill: Billy, you can’t protect against the questions and the rumors.

Billy: Mom, look, this is the only way to add the Abbott name to the company, okay? That alone is worth the risk.

Jill: Are you sure Lily is totally on board? I can’t imagine that she’d be so anxious to share her CEO status with you, given your history.

Billy: Well, I think after the way Devon reacted to the idea of Lily sticking with Chancellor, I think she’s more than ready to part ways with him.

Chance: You know, this company, it means something to me, too.

Lily: I know. I’m aware of your last name.

Chance: Yeah. And, uh, you know, I don’t like to throw that around too much, but ever since I started, I’ve showed up, I’ve done my work. I sucked it up and sat at Billy’s knee.

Lily: Yeah, basked in the glow of his wisdom.

Chance: You know how he can be.

Lily: I do. And unfortunately, he is as smart as he thinks he is.

Chance: It’s really nice to hear you say that.

Lily: Why is that?

Chance: Well, ever since I started, there’s been a lot of jockeying for position here. Whatever happens with this vote, whatever happens with Billy’s plan, I really hope things can settle down. You know, I look forward to everyone focusing on the work, instead of who’s going to come out on top. And I– I guess that’s what I really wanted to say to you.

Lily: Well, thank you. Thank you for your honesty. It’s refreshing. And I– I know that you care about Chancellor-Winters. Or Abbott-Chancellor or whatever it’s going to be called.

Chance: Well, I’ll, uh, let you get back to it. And it goes without saying, I’ll keep the demerger under wraps until it’s official.

Lily: Yes, thank you.

Neil: From now on, we’re going to leave our personal feelings on the other side of that door. When we’re in this office, the company comes first. I want this company to be the gold standard of how a family business should be run. And I plan to set the example.

Lily: Yeah, well, count me in, Dad. I love your new vision, and I can’t wait to see what we create together.

Neil: See that? Listen to her. That’s what I’m talking about. Thank you. [ Lily exhaling ]

Chelsea: Did Connor say he had a bad time? I mean–

Hammond: Connor had a wonderful time with you both. He came back to us in high spirits. He shared in his group session how great it was to see you, that you enjoyed a beautiful day on the harbor, he got to eat pizza.

Chelsea: Yeah, right. So, what’s the problem?

Hammond: That’s when his OCD flared. It’s actually common for OCD to intrude when good things happen to the patient.

Adam: What does that mean?

Hammond: It’s like the OCD rises up to tell the patient they don’t deserve the happiness they’re feeling. We think this is what happened, and it triggered a negative response in Connor. A punishment by the OCD, if that makes sense.

Chelsea: None of this makes sense.

Adam: Did he hit himself again?

Hammond: It started with the hitting. Then he used a pen and tried to cut his arm. [ Chelsea gasping ] Fortunately, one of the nurses checked in on Connor and saw what was happening before he could break the skin.

Chelsea: Wait– well, is he okay? Can we go see him?

Hammond: That’s why I wanted to talk to you in person. Since Connor did try to hurt himself again, we moved him to inpatient status for his own protection.

Adam: I– I know that you said inpatient was a possibility before, but what does that really mean?

Hammond: We moved him to another part of the hospital. He can’t leave the wing. He’s checked in on more often than in the residential center, and he won’t see his regular doctors.

Adam: Won’t that upset him? Won’t that cause him to backslide?

Chelsea: Yeah, won’t– won’t that undo, um, all the progress he’s been making?

Adam: I just– I– I don’t get it. How can his OCD still be so disruptive when he seems like he’s doing so much better?

Hammond: I know it’s hard to understand, but this is the OCD fighting back. It is weakening. And so it’s hanging on for dear life, doing anything it can to regain control.

Chelsea: So how long would he have to be in this inpatient wing?

Hammond: It’s hard to say. It could be a few days, or a couple of weeks. [ Chelsea sighing ] We’ll be monitoring his progress, reassessing him on a daily basis.

Adam: Um, well, thank you for coming in person to tell us this.

Hammond: I know it’s not the news you wanted to hear, especially after today, but I thought it was better to hear it this way than on the phone. Do you have any other questions for me?

Adam: Uh, probably, but I think– I think right now, we both need to process this.

Hammond: I’ll be in touch. We’ll keep you posted.

Adam: Mm-hmm. [ Chelsea exhaling ] Thank you. That was not the news I was hoping for. [ Adam exhaling ]

Adam: I don’t know what to think. Just when I thought that place knew what they were doing. Did they let us take him too soon? Are we not allowed to show him a good time? Are we never allowed to have fun with him again, unless the OCD wants to punish him? Chelsea, say something. Say anything. Don’t shut down right now.

Chelsea: What do you want me to say?

Adam: I don’t know. Tell me to shut up. Give me one of your pep talks. I just– I need to know what you’re thinking.

Chelsea: I don’t know, Adam. I’m just trying to hold on here, so excuse me if taking care of you right now is not my priority.

Adam: That’s not what I meant.

Chelsea: Well, it sure sounds like it. Sounds like you want me to pull you out of one of your rage spirals, and to be honest with you, I don’t have it in me right now.

Chelsea: Maybe I need support. We take turns, right? Well, now it’s my turn to freak out.

Adam: Hey, okay. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put that on you. Obviously, we are both reeling. You know, it’s like– we had a great day, and the news… it’s– it’s just, it’s whiplash, and the thought of him hurting himself like that–

Chelsea: He attacked himself! He attacked himself, Adam! Our precious little boy took a pen and tried to stab himself!

Adam: I know, I know. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s not who he is. I mean, it’s not who he’s ever been.

Chelsea: Maybe it is. Wha– Maybe this has been lingering inside him all along, and we just never saw it. Maybe our son has been struggling to keep these thoughts and feelings at bay, and we just never noticed, because we’ve been too focused on ourselves. We’ve been thinking about our own problems and our own issues, and our son has been taking care of himself all these years.

Adam: Don’t think like that, okay? This thinking is not helpful.

Chelsea: Don’t tell me how to think! We should have thought this way a long time ago, and then none of this would have been happening. Maybe… Maybe we’re just two really selfish people who never put our son first.

Adam: That is not true, and you know it.

Chelsea: Don’t tell me what’s true. I mean– If this day has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t know anything. You were about to order champagne, Adam. We– we were celebrating, and now look.

Adam: We should– come on, let’s sit down. Sit down.

Chelsea: How is this possible? He was so happy just a couple hours ago. We were making jokes and giving hugs and he… He wanted to go on a boat.

Adam: It’s okay.

Chelsea: It’s not okay, Adam. None of this is okay.

Adam: I know. It’s not right now, but he’s gonna be okay. All right? And so are we. We’re gonna be okay.

Billy: So, what’s with all the sudden questions and doubts? When we talked about this, you were all for it.

Jill: I don’t know. Maybe it’s this treatment I’ve been going through. I’ve been seeing things from a different perspective.

Billy: But you did give me your voting power. So you do trust me, correct?

Jill: Yes.

Billy: Okay, so this is the right call, Mom. It’s the right thing to do. You gotta let me run with it.

Devon: Please, man, don’t start this. Because that’s– that’s not why I questioned Lily. And if you really believe that, then maybe you need to stay behind with her at Chancellor.

Nate: Hey, hey, I’m not judging you. I’m just asking, the same way you asked Lily. If you want to run Winters on your own, just say so.

Devon: I want to run my family’s company with my family.

Nate: Yeah. Want to is one thing. Listen. You and Lily don’t have to do everything together just because you’re brother and sister. And that’s okay for the both of you, but you have to be honest with each other, because if you can’t at least do that, then you’ll keep insisting that it’s Aunt Mamie or Billy or Jill causing all the trouble, when it’s you and Lily letting it happen. So, I think you both need to take a breath before this vote happens. And answer for yourselves and each other: what do you really want? [ laptop ringing ]

Lily: Jill, I’m surprised to hear from you. It must be late in London.

Jill: Oh, I’m a big girl. I can stay up as late as I want.

Lily: Of course, you can. Um, what can I do for you?

Jill: Tell me that you’re really okay with this conscious uncoupling plan for the company, and that you’re not gonna regret it later.

Lily: Well, it sounds like you’re having second thoughts.

Jill: That is not an answer.

Lily: Well, neither is that. I mean, I assume that you signed off on Billy’s plan. Not that he needs you to, since you’ve given him your proxy to do with as he pleases.

Jill: Yeah, well, this is a huge, huge decision, and if Billy gets two votes, I’m struggling to believe that it’s going to pave the way for a smooth transition. I may have to vote my own shares on this one.

Lily: So, which way are you planning to vote?

Jill: Ah, yes, that is the million dollar question, isn’t it? Because if we don’t get this right, we could lose the company that we’ve worked so hard to build.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ relaxing music ]

Hope: I know you remember how good we were together. How we made each other feel things that we had never felt before or since, and that is what makes it so difficult to understand.

Thomas: What?

Hope: You and Paris. Not that you’re dating, but that you asked her to marry you. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago you were proposing to me.

Thomas: You said no, twice. You have to know what that did to me.

Hope: Yes. And I am sorry that I hurt you, Thomas. I wish I could do things differently. Maybe if I had, you wouldn’t have left me.

Thomas: No. Look, look, I– Hope, I couldn’t stay. For all the reasons you already know. I had to move on.

Hope: Oh, so fast? So soon? To Paris Buckingham? Don’t do it, Thomas. Don’t marry her.

Paris: I realize this is the last thing you guys were expecting to hear.

Ridge: Yeah, probably because I didn’t know that you were dating. Something that his sister kept from me.

Steffy: I wasn’t keeping it from you. I wanted Thomas to tell you himself. And now, everything’s out in the open.

Ridge: It’s out in the open. You’re engaged.

Paris: I’m– I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This is not the way we wanted to break the news. We wanted to do it together, but then Douglas–

Steffy: Douglas had another idea.

Paris: Yeah, he’s excited, and I just hope the two of you can be too.

Ridge: That’s not– Yeah, of course, yes, we’re– Yes. That’s not the issue. The issue is, my son went to France because he… He had his heart broken.

Steffy: Yeah, by Hope.

Ridge: And he wanted to recover and refocus his life.

Paris: Well, he has, Ridge. Your son’s time away has changed him. Hope’s his past. I’m his future. And I’m confident in Thomas’ love and commitment to me.

Steffy: I hope you’re right.

Deacon: She’s got a daughter named Luna who works over at Forrester, and apparently, Bill just found out that he’s her father.

Poppy: Oh!

Tom: Oh. Oh, I’m sorry.

Poppy: Oh, those happen.

Tom: Oh. [ Tom sighing ]

Tom: Bill Spencer, Bill Spencer. Okay, okay, there.

Deacon: Hey, Tom, check it out. Your name in print. What do you think? I gotta tell you, I am so excited to hear you strum the guitar. How do you feel? You, you pumped? You– A little stage fright?

Tom: Listen, Deacon, I can’t thank you enough. I mean, just to get up on stage.

Deacon: Hey, come on. Are you kidding me? Tom Starr’s comeback tour? I mean, in my place? I– I’m honored. Besides, it’s good publicity.

Tom: Well, listen, I don’t know how many of the old fans are going to be coming out of the woodwork, but, uh, listen, back in the day, it was a blast.

Deacon: And it will be again, all right? Listen, I gotta find Hollis, get him to circulate these, get the stage all set up. You just let me know when you want to cut out and get prepped, okay?

Tom: Oh, I will.

Deacon: All right.

Luna: Okay. Okay, bye.

Poppy: Well, someone’s happy.

Luna: Oh, it’s Dad. Checking in for the third time this past hour.

Poppy: Well, he’s never had a daughter before. This is a whole new world for him.

Luna: Yeah, well, this is a whole new world for me, too. Having a dad like Bill Spencer.

Sheila: Hey. So, hydrating for the big night?

Tom: Well, I’m not really into rituals. I always liked to drink before.

Sheila: Yeah, loosens you up.

Tom: Oh, no. No, no, no. No booze. No. I mean, I used to party hard back in the day, but, no, no, it’s just simply a sports drink. Ice blue.

Sheila: Yeah, second chances, right? I– But we all deserve those, don’t we?

Thomas: You know, I gotta admit, I wish you had been this passionate about us before I left for France.

Hope: I was passionate about our future together, Thomas. It was never about that. Or how much I loved you.

Thomas: And I loved you, too. And I kept telling myself that if I kept proposing, one day you would say yes, and you would make me the happiest man in the world, but I was wrong. You didn’t, so I had to go.

Hope: I wish you hadn’t. Everything could be different right now. But I guess I understand. What I don’t understand, though, is this complete 180 that you have taken. I mean, what your life looks like now, with Paris at the center of it. Douglas calling her “mom” in such a short amount of time. How does that happen, Thomas? Tell me. It is too fast. And you know it.

Sheila: Yeah, I– I’ve made mistakes in my past, which you apparently have already looked into. But who hasn’t, right? I mean, who’s perfect? But one thing I do know, I do know that we are all capable of change.

Tom: Well, that’s for sure. I’ve– I’ve led many lives over the years.

Sheila: Yeah, but, well, one– one most recently was helping to save my life. I mean, it was because of you. You led Deacon and Finn to that warehouse, and I will be forever thankful to you, Tom. But I– I choose to see you as the person you are right now, not the– the other one that you keep hinting at, and I– I really hope that you can do the same for me. I just don’t want you trudging up my past to my husband.

Deacon: All right, I got the PA system out of storage, and you, my man, are looking good for your show tonight.

Tom: You know, I was just living on the streets. I wasn’t sure where my next meal was coming from. And now, I’m here. You know, I’m gearing up for my first show in years. I– I can’t thank you enough, Deacon, both of you.

Deacon: Hey, Tom, I can never thank you for helping me save Sheila’s life.

Tom: You’re helping me save mine. And more than you could possibly know. Well, hey, listen, enough of this sappiness. I– I gotta go to the kitchen. I– I think I got a couple more deliveries before the show.

Paris: Um, well, it feels like I need to say this, but it’s probably on your minds, but you’re just too polite to bring it up. It’s no secret the horrible things my father’s done to you, Steffy, to Liam, to Hope, to your families.

Ridge: No one is blaming you for what your dad did.

Steffy: Yeah, or– or Zoe, or how Thomas got caught up in it.

Paris: Which, you have to know, is something that he’ll always regret.

Ridge: Yeah, we know he worked very hard to put his life back on track.

Steffy: Yeah, we see it now. Or you wouldn’t be wearing Thomas’ ring.

Paris: True. Though I have to admit, I was a little cautious at first. Thomas was in an emotional tailspin, reeling over what had just happened with Hope, but I’d been at a similar point in my life, you know, loving someone who ultimately couldn’t commit. I swore I’d never let that happen again. I promised myself I’d protect my heart at all costs, but I didn’t need to worry. Because Thomas was there, protecting it for me.

Thomas: I– Look, I hear what you’re saying, Hope. You’re concerned.

Hope: Oh, so you get why I’m wondering if you’ve really thought this through.

Thomas: You think I proposed to Paris on the rebound?

Hope: I don’t know. You tell me, given that you proposed to me not too long ago.

Thomas: Okay, look, I– I went off to Paris to get past what had happened between us. And Paris was already there, living her life. And we reconnected and–

Hope: And fell in love. So deeply within that short amount of time.

Thomas: You’re obviously having a problem with this, and I understand why. But I am not getting any younger. I want another child. I want a family.

Hope: With Paris. So, she is your future now?

Poppy: This is such an exciting time for you, my beautiful baby girl.

Luna: For you too, Mom. You know, you’re finally back with the man that you loved and lost all those years ago.

Poppy: It truly is a miracle the way things worked out. [ phone rings ]

Luna: Oh, it’s RJ. I’m gonna go take it.

Poppy: Tell him I said hi. [ doorbell rings ]

Tom: Pizza delivery, Poppy.

Poppy: Tom? What are you doing here?

Deacon: Tom still isn’t back.

Sheila: No, why?

Deacon: I just thought maybe he’d want to do a sound check.

Sheila: Oh, look at you.

Deacon: What?

Sheila: Not only one of the top restaurateurs in all of Los Angeles, but here comes your nightclub experience, hard at work.

Deacon: You know, when I found out Tom was in a band and used to play the circuit, I just, you know, thought it’d be some good buzz for the place. Do owe him a lot. Babe, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have found you. You know, he’s down on his luck.

Sheila: Uh-huh. Which is why you gave him a job here.

Deacon: I think it was the least I could do. I’m just glad it worked out.

Sheila: Yeah, so far. I mean, there really is so much that we still don’t know about him. Tom, well, I mean, is still somewhat of a mystery, don’t you think?

Poppy: How did you know where I live?

Tom: Saw you at Il Giardino’s. I thought I should stop by. I got your name in the delivery system. Nice digs. Free pizza.

Poppy: I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you need to leave.

Tom: Oh, don’t play games with me, Poppy.

Poppy: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Tom: Oh, I think you do. I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Ridge: It wasn’t that long ago that my son wanted to spend his life with Hope. Marry her, and raise Douglas together.

Paris: You think I’m deluding myself. Living in a fool’s paradise. I assure you, I’m not. Thomas and I have had long, deep, intense conversations. We’ve opened ourselves up to each other. We’ve connected like never before. He’s been honest with me. Will Hope and Thomas always care for each other? Yes. Will there always be history there? Yes. But now, Thomas can see a future where he’s happy with someone other than Hope.

Steffy: With you.

Paris: Yeah. Your brother has been very transparent with me, Steffy. And I trust him. Even around Hope.

Thomas: Look, I watched my sister finally break out of those unhealthy patterns. The toxic patterns she had with Liam. And she moved on. Into a better relationship. Now, she’s with Finn, and she’s happy, right? Don’t you want that for me?

Hope: Thomas, I want you to be happy and this is–

Thomas: Okay, and Paris? Paris makes me happy. Do we both have baggage? Absolutely. We have things we have to work on, but I would not have proposed to her if I didn’t think we could make a go of it. Paris is who I’m gonna spend the rest of my le with. She’s gonna be my wife.

Deacon: Do you think Tom has secrets?

Sheila: I mean, doesn’t everyone?

Poppy: This is my home. I didn’t invite you here. If you don’t leave right now, I’m gonna call security.

Tom: Come on, relax. I don’t want to cause any trouble. I’m just delivering a pizza.

Poppy: A pizza that I didn’t order.

Tom: It’s a freebie. And it’s your favorite.

Poppy: Okay, fine. I ask you to leave, and you leave me no choice.

Tom: Hey, wait, wa– hold on. Hold on. You’re overreacting. I come in peace. I haven’t forgotten about you. And I know you haven’t forgotten about me.

Poppy: For the last time, you need to leave now.

Luna: Mom? What’s going on? Who are you?

Poppy: No one. He’s just, uh, delivering a pizza. The gates will open on your way out.

Paris: Look, Thomas and I are on the same page. We want a family. A wonderful, full life, and we’re excited to make that happen. For us and for Douglas.

Ridge: And I’m happy to hear that, but we– some–

Steffy: We’re going to be somewhat cautious.

Paris: Of course. Marriage is a big step. Especially when there’s a little boy to consider. But I will make the Forrester family proud, Ridge. You won’t be disappointed in me. As a daughter-in-law, or as a sister-in-law.

Steffy: Hope put Thomas through hell. I’m really grateful you’re in his life now.

Thomas: Look, I am not trying to hurt you, Hope. You will always be important to me, but our time has passed. And yes, we will continue to co-parent our little boy together. As much as Douglas loves you, he also loves Paris, too. And the three of us, we’re creating our own little family. And soon, Paris and I will be married, and it will be official.

Hope: Okay. If that is your decision, I guess I will have to accept it. Please know, Thomas, I… I will always want what’s best for you. And in spite of everything that has happened between us, I… I’ll always love you.

Steffy: Hoo-wee! That kiss just now. Did you really think that’s all it would take and Thomas would come running back to you?

Hope: Steffy, could you please leave me alone? I am in no mood.

Steffy: Oh, I know that. Thomas ended it with you. He wants nothing to do with you, so you need to respect that. Respect Thomas’ decision. Don’t even think about getting into his head. Because remember, he proposed to you twice. And you turned him down. So, don’t even think about hurting or disappointing my brother again.

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Days Update Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Lucas comes downstairs at the Brady Pub and joins Kate at a table. Kate asks if he slept well. Lucas talks about it being so much better than prison, the monastery, or the motel in Montana. Lucas mentions that he did hear someone crying unless he was dreaming. Kate informs him that was Ava because Roman just told her that Harris broke her heart and left town following a lead on Megan Hathaway. Lucas hopes he finds her. Kate says knowing Megan, Harris has a better chance at finding Amelia Earhart. Lucas guesses she’s right, but wishes he had a chance to say goodbye to Harris and thank him for making the moves to get him out of jail. Kate remarks that it took him long enough, but now she would thank him too because she got her son back. Lucas then reveals that he’s not back for long.

Chad joins Julie in the living room of the Horton house. Julie hugs Chad and says she was so worried when he didn’t come home last night and asks where he went. Chad informs her that he went to the police station and was told that Clyde had just been taken to super max, so he drove all the way out there. Jack then walks in and questions why he would want to do that.

Abe and Paulina are at home and find that Jules left a blanket and Carver left a stuffed animal. Paulina guesses they’ll have to mail them but Abe suggests using it as an excuse to visit Eli and Lani. Paulina likes the way he thinks and talks about how she just said goodbye to one daughter and now she has to say goodbye to another along with another grandbaby growing up thousands of miles away. Abe believes that Chanel might be back before she knows it and adds that Paulina will be plenty busy which she questions. Abe then shows Paulina an article announcing Paulina is victorious as the recall effort has failed. Abe congratulates Paulina as the Mayor.

Johnny is with Chanel at the hospital for a checkup. Dr. Mark Greene enters and asks how Chanel is feeling. Chanel says her morning sickness is gone and she made an appointment for when they move to LA. Johnny asks if everything is good. Mark says overall, the baby seems to be developing normally but there is one concern that he would like to discuss.

Leo goes to prison and tells himself to remember he is strong. Leo declares that he has a lot to say to his mom and she is going to sit there and listen. Leo practices what he’s going to say until his mother, Diana Colville, enters and remarks that he was always a little clumsy. She tells him it’s been awhile and asks to what she owes this. She asks if he has a script with him. Leo calls it just some notes as they can’t all go through life unfiltered like her. She talks about when Leo was a kid. Leo informs her that he started therapy and Marlena told him that he has to confront his childhood traumas. Diana mocks him having nothing better to do than listen to that new age quack. Leo argues that Marlena is a top notch therapist. Leo asks if Diana just screams at her ex husband through a payphone. Diana warns that she’s still his mother and he will treat her with respect. Diana laughs at him going to therapy and tells him to man up. Diana tells Leo that he’s not crazy, so she questions why he needs therapy. Leo responds that it’s because of her.

Johnny asks Mark what his concern is. Mark reveals that today’s ultrasound showed two soft markers that could mean nothing but could also mean an abnormality, so he’s going to refer them to a specialist in Los Angeles for further tests. Chanel asks if it could be from radiation. Mark responds that her exposure to radiation was brief, but there is no way to know for sure.

Paulina complains about the article calling her a radioactive mayor. Abe encourages that now it will all blow over now that the Concerned Citizens of Salem was revealed to be EJ DiMera. Paulina still can’t believe she had to reinstate EJ to make this go away, especially since she promised Melinda the job. Abe asks if she offered her something else. Paulina confirms she did but she was insulted and told her to take the job and shove it. Paulina mentions needing a head of sanitation but she has no one else in mind with the market so tight. Abe then reveals that he might be interested.

Chad didn’t realize Jack was still here. Julie says he decided to stay the night. Jack mentions that he’s driving back to Boston later this morning. Chad is glad they get to say goodbye then. Jack first wants to back up and questions why he’d want to see Clyde again and if Clyde has told him everything he wants to know. Jack hopes Chad didn’t go after Clyde would a revenge plot in mind. Chad says he did as he found him in Montana and was going to pull the trigger but he didn’t because Abigail wouldn’t have wanted that. Jack agrees that Abigail would have wanted Chad to think of their kids and how much they need him now. Jack says as much as he wants Clyde to rot in Hell, he’s really glad Chad didn’t make that choice. Jack decides he should get going and hugs Chad, saying he’ll see him soon. Jack hugs Julie and tells her the same. Julie starts to cry and then stops Jack.

Chanel asks if Mark is saying that if something is wrong with the baby, it could be from radiation exposure. Mark says they can’t rule it out at this point. Mark brings up having a sister with down syndrome and how she’s brought so much to his life. Chanel mentions that she will miss Felicity. Mark says she was hoping to say goodbye. Chanel hoped the same but notes that there flight isn’t until later tonight so she will try to meet up with her, thinking it will do their hearts a lot of good.

Paulina questions Abe wanting to be her head of sanitation. Abe points out that he knows the job and the town has a need. Paulina thought he was enjoying retirement and questions if Abe really wants to be her subordinate. Abe says if it means spending more time with her, absolutely. Paulina says she would love that too but she would be concerned about it being viewed as nepotism. Abe questions if that’s what she is really concerned about. Paulina asks what that means. Abe then declares that he feels she really doesn’t want him working for her.

Kate complains that she did all that fighting to free Lucas and now he wants to pack up and move to Phoenix. Lucas says she knows that he wanted to be with Will and Allie, explaining that he misses his kids and grandkids while also feeling he still needs to make amends for what he did to Sami, so he’s surprised they are speaking to him at all. Kate argues that they know Sami tormented him and drove him to do what he did, but she always get a pass. Lucas feels it still doesn’t justify his behavior. Kate agrees that she can’t just blame Sami, but points out that she could blame herself.

Diana mocks Leo blaming her. Leo says he’s not blaming her. Diana asks if he came all the way here to make her feel guilty and calls that a waste of time. Leo brings up that last time he was here, she called him a worthless human being that nobody could ever love. Leo accuses her of gaslighting him for his entire life. Leo brings up Diana telling him that he was destined for stardom so he humiliated himself in a talent show because she lied to him in telling him that he could sing. Diana claims not to remember any of that but says if it really happened, maybe it was good character building for him. Leo declares that he’s not going to sit here and take this, so he’s going to say what he came to say and she is going to listen to him. Diana questions him expecting her to listen to his whining, moaning, and blaming her. Diana asks how many times Leo has come to visit her in all of these years and not sending her a birthday card. Diana says anything would’ve been better than nothing and calls him selfish. Diana complains that he shows up once in a blue moon and it’s all about him and his childhood traumas. Leo argues that what he’s been through has meaning. Diana screams that she’s had it and calls for the guard. Leo reads off his prepared notes that he isn’t worthless and that he did what she said all his life because all he ever craved was her love but nothing was ever enough for him and nobody ever was which is why she had no friends. Diana mocks his self pity. Leo talks about Diana letting him believe he was John’s son without thinking how that would affect him and then John ended up hating him too. Leo talks about learning to lie, cheat, and betray from her. Leo then declares that she never should’ve been a mother in the first place. Diana then takes Leo’s papers and rips them up.

Lucas asks how it was Kate’s fault that he went crazy and kidnapped his ex. Kate suggests it could be in his DNA, pointing out the extremes that Philip went to in order to hold on to Chloe, so maybe they both inherited this madness from her. Lucas argues that she never did anything like what they did. Kate says not for a man but for her kids, she did. Lucas says she’s protective and overbearing but she’s fiercely loyal and has always been there for them which is all that matters. Lucas talks about that being why he has to be there now for his kids. Kate acknowledges that they miss him a lot, so she gives him her blessing to go see them in Arizona as long as he promises to come back. Kate tells Lucas that she will miss him so much, but she’s so grateful that he’s free. Lucas assures that he will never take his freedom for granted again.

Julie tells Jack that she wants him to have the time capsule since she has tried everything to open it and she thought about Jennifer being so close to Tom and Alice. Julie says Jennifer is clever, so maybe she has the magic touch. Jack agrees to take it to her. Julie tells Jack that he means so much to all of them and asks him to come back soon with Jennifer which Jack agrees to do. Jack hugs Julie and they say goodbye. Jack tells Chad that he loves them both. Chad says the same and to give their love to Jennifer. Jack then exits the house. Chad worries to Julie that he thought she was going to tell him. Julie points out that they don’t have anything to say. Chad hoped they would have good news before they left, but now he wonders if they will ever know anything at all.

Paulina admits that she doesn’t love the idea of Abe being her new head of sanitation but not for the reasons he thinks. Paulina feels he’s vastly overqualified for the job but she would love to work alongside him as equals and she doesn’t want to be his boss. Abe says he understands since the last thing he wants to do is make her uncomfortable. Paulina says she appreciates that and tells Abe that something else will come along. Abe agrees to be patient. Paulina jokes that it’s too bad he doesn’t have the skills to take over the Bakery. Abe suggests Chanel could give him a crash course. Paulina says it would unfortunately have to be over a zoom call.

Johnny and Chanel walk through the town square. Johnny asks if she’s okay. Chanel thought she was at peace with leaving everything behind but she’s not. Johnny encourages that she’s opening a new bakery in California. Chanel says it’s not that but she really convinced herself that everything was going to be okay with their baby, even though she knew there could be risks and everyone tried gently to tell her that she was being naïve. Johnny asks if Chanel is saying she’s changed her mind about the pregnancy. Chanel says it suddenly just feels so real and they weren’t planning to start a family this soon, so she worries about not being prepared to be a mother. Felicity joins them and asks if Chanel is okay. Chanel says she’s fine and thanks her. Felicity asks if she’s sure. Chanel guesses she’s just having mixed emotions since part of her is feeling really excited to be moving to California while another part of her is feeling really sad to be leaving Salem. Felicity says she’s sad too as she will miss her a lot. Chanel and Felicity hug as they say goodbye.

Abe and Paulina talk about how they will miss the Sweet Bits Bakery. Paulina talks about being first in line when Chanel opens her California location. Abe suggests swinging by the Brady Pub to pickup some takeout. Paulina asks him to pickup some for Chanel and Johnny too which Abe agrees to do. Paulina repeats that she’s going to miss them. Abe says at least they will have each other close by as they hug.

Julie questions if Chad is giving up. Chad says he’s just frustrated and he can’t believe they shipped Clyde off so fast before he could even talk to him. Julie thought Rafe wanted to talk to Clyde too about information to get Gabi out of jail. Julie wonders if Rafe could intervene for Chad but Chad says the feds said no exceptions. Chad knows there’s a slim chance that Abigail could be alive, but he can’t rest until he gets some answers. Julie feels exactly the same and assures she’s with him all the way. They decide that if they are going to find out who the woman in the video is, they are going to have to do it without Clyde.

Diana tells Leo that she is not to blame and it’s not her fault that he is the way he is. Leo asks if she means him being gay. Diana calls him single, friendless, disloyal, unloving, and unloved. Diana mocks him wasting his money on therapy with Marlena and wasting her time. Leo states that he came to get things off his chest, so this was for him not her. Diana asks if it worked and if he feels better. Leo says he can only remember one other time when he poured his heart out to her and it was the first time his dad hit him after he got a B on an exam. Leo says his dad never looked at his grades or cared but for some reason, that one really pissed him off and he hit him so hard. Leo recalls begging Diana to make him stop, but she told him to suck it up and be a man, so that’s what he did at 9 years old. Leo declares that when he finally killed him to protect both of them, she blamed him for all of it. Leo argues that as his mother, she was supposed to protect him but she never did. Leo asks if she’s going to say anything. Diana responds that she is at a loss and bored. Leo guesses he was expecting too much for her to apologize. Diana tells him not to visit again. Leo responds that he won’t and walks out.

Felicity gives Chanel her favorite stuffed animal, saying she wants her baby to have it. Chanel and Johnny promise to take care of it. Felicity says she has to go home now and says goodbye to them as she hugs them. Chanel promises they will talk soon as Felicity then walks away. Chanel forgot she told Felicity that they were having a baby. Johnny calls it very sweet of her to give. Chanel sometimes feels like she forced Johnny to go through with the pregnancy. Johnny assures that she didn’t force him. Chanel feels she didn’t leave any room for disagreements. Johnny admits it took him awhile to warm up to the idea, but now he’s completely on board. Chanel asks if the test results didn’t change anything for him. Johnny says not at all. Chanel talks about how a child can be born perfectly healthy but you still never know what could happen down the road. Chanel brings up Theo being autistic but he’s a wonderful guy and Felicity is an amazing person. Johnny says they will be so blessed to have each other and the baby on the way. Chanel tells Johnny that she loves him. Johnny says he loves her too and promises they will get through whatever life throws at them together as they hug.

Chad tells Julie that he watched the video a thousand times and he still goes back and forth on Abigail definitely being alive and definitely not alive as there’s no possible way. The doorbell rings so Julie goes to answer and excitedly brings Lucas in. Chad greets Lucas and asks what he’s doing there. Julie announces the news to Chad that the rest of Lucas sentence has been completed. Chad hugs him and congratulates him. Lucas then reveals that he just came to say goodbye which Julie questions. Lucas explains that he’s going to Arizona to see Will and Allie but says it won’t be long. Chad mentions that the kids will be happy to see him. Lucas notices Chad’s computer open and asks what they have here. Julie encourages that it’s alright as long as he doesn’t tell Jack or Jennifer which Chad agrees with. Chad tells Lucas that he has to keep it quiet. Lucas agrees not to say anything to anybody and asks what’s going on. Chad then reveals that it’s a video that might possibly be proof that Abigail is still alive.

Leo goes to the hospital and says to wait until Marlena gets a load of that visit. Leo remembers Marlena doesn’t take walk-ins so he makes a call, saying he needs to see Marlena ASAP. Leo is told it will be tomorrow and tries to argue that it’s an emergency but then agrees to be there tomorrow. Leo then sits down and repeats his final conversation with his mother and declares that he won’t visit her again and he never wants to see her again. Leo starts to say she can burn but then says she can’t because she is his mother and as sad as it is, he still wants her to love him. Leo starts to cry as Mark appears and asks if he’s okay.

Chad asks what Lucas thinks. Lucas thinks Clyde is playing mind games with him as he doesn’t see how the video shows that’s Abigail but he knows Chad needs to find his own truth. Chad says he was going to have the footage enhanced next. Lucas knows they all wish it could be Abigail. Julie assures they wish that more than anything in the world.

Abe goes to the Brady Pub and greets Kate. Kate asks if he’s there for breakfast. Abe says he’s picking up takeout for Chanel and Johnny as they are leaving town later today. Kate guesses that’s going around since Lucas is leaving town as well. Kate mentions that Lucas says he’s coming back but she feels the universe is trying to tell her to stop obsessing over her children, get on with her life, and maybe get a job. Abe admits he had a similar thought earlier. Kate says they used to have a lot of fun in the Mayor’s office. Kate asks if Abe has ever thought about going in to business again and partnering up. Abe asks what kind of business. Kate says she hasn’t thought of that yet but she will let him know when she does. Kate then goes to put his order in.

Chanel and Johnny go to see Paulina, who asks how the appointment was. Chanel starts to respond but Johnny says everything’s fine. Paulina is thrilled to hear that and hugs them. Paulina hopes they are hungry since she just sent Abe to the Pub. Chanel mentions her stomach growling but then gets a sudden pain.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Diane gives Finn a copy of the temporary restraining order Chase filed against him so he can’t come near Violet. Diane also gives Finn a copy of an order giving Chase temporary custody of Violet. Finn asks Scott to take his case, but after hearing the details of what happened and reading the orders from the judge, he tells Finn he can’t take the case and advises Finn to go to treatment. Finn has two bottles of vodka delivered to his apartment, but then he throws the bottles against the wall and leaves the apartment.

Anna tells Jason that Valentin has a satellite phone hidden in his bookcase and she is sure that is the phone he uses to do Pikeman business. Jason tells Anna they need to get the satellite phone and give it to the FBI.

Carly goes to see Brennan at Pentonville and tells him that the FBI has a recording of her that implicates her in RICO violations and Jason became an FBI informant so she wouldn’t go to prison. Brennan tells Carly that the FBI won’t honor their deal with Jason. Brennan advises Carly to get a good lawyer and build a good defense while Jason keeps the FBI busy because she will have to defend herself one day.

Sonny throws Ava out of his apartment and tells her Avery will stay with him until she can find a place to live. Sonny tells Ava any relationship they had is over because of what she did to Alexis.

Valentine uses the satellite phone to give an order to someone and tell the person to move the next shipment through Port Charles because Sonny won’t be a problem since all Sonny needs to push him over the edge is one good shove,

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GH Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


[ Sighs ] Hey, Spinelli, please make sure you’re holding Bailey Lou’s hand. [ Cellphone rings ] Hey, Jason. Hold on one second. Georgie, James cannot have ice cream for breakfast. Sorry. If you called to talk to Spinelli, he’s off with the kids. No, actually, I wanted to talk to you. I need you to call Anna. Why? Uh, just to say hi and check in, and then just call me back and let me know she picked up. I’m gonna need more information. Maxie, please, can you just do it for me? I really need your help. Okay, okay, I’ll call her. Thank you.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

[ Whispering ] Maxie. Anna. Hi. I’m calling in to check on you. Why? Um, because Jason weirdly called me and asked me to call you, say hello, see how you’re doing, and then call him back and let him know what you said. Well, I’m fine. Also, I think — Anna’s gonna have to call you back.

Hello again. I needed to see you. [ Exhales sharply ] I’m glad to hear it. Your visits almost make this unlawful incarceration worth it. Come on, Chase. Pick up the phone. [ Sighs ] Hey. Do not do this. You’re my brother. Stop avoiding me. I want to talk to my daughter. I am the only parent that Violet has left. She needs me, and I need her. Alright? Do not do this. Do not escalate this any more than you already have. Just…call me back. [ Knock on door ]

Hello, Finn. Ava. Dinner must have gone late last night. I didn’t see you before I went to bed, and you weren’t around this morning either. Yeah, you better get used to it because you’re gonna see a lot less of me from now on. Oh. Why is that? Some big coffee business in the works. You’re moving out.

Moving out? Where is this coming from? A few months ago, I offered to leave so you could have your space back. And you told me that it wasn’t necessary. In fact, you as much as asked me to stay. So? Well, I took that to mean I could live here as long as I wanted. You gave me no reason to think otherwise. That was then. This is now. Right, I know the saying. Then you understand that things change. Yeah, sure. But overnight? The arrangement no longer works for me. We are over. And that’s it. That’s all you need to know. Yeah, okay, well, I’ll — I’ll be out as soon as I find a place, then. Uh, no. No, you’re gonna be out like now. Avery is gonna stay with me, and, uh, until you find a place that’s comfortable. Sonny, you can’t just toss me out of here with no warning. We’re not gonna discuss this over and over again. You just — You can stay at the Metro Court or you can stay with whoever, you know, your friends that — that you have left that will put up with you, okay? But you’re not staying here another night. I don’t want you in my presence. You got to hear me now, okay? We are done. Am I dreaming? Last night really happened, didn’t it? Yeah. Yeah, it did happen. I’m really happy to be here with you. But, um… I-I can’t spend the day here, okay? No, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t go. Stay a little longer. I’m gonna make you breakfast. Actually, we’re not done with each other yet. Seeing you is the highlight of my day. But I doubt that you came here for the pleasure of my company. I didn’t. Well, don’t leave me in suspense. Okay. You used to work for the WSB, so you know how intelligence agencies operate. Regrettably, I have firsthand experience of bureau policy from both sides of the law. I need your expertise. I just don’t know if I can trust you. You can’t. Hey, did you get through to Anna? I did. She seemed really annoyed to be woken up or interrupted or whatever. Um, I told her you were the one who made me call and check on her. Okay. That’s fine. What’s going on, Jason? Why did you make me call and check on Anna? What’s she into, and why are you worried? And why couldn’t you call her yourself? [ Line beeping ] Maxie. Hold on. You know what? I got to go. Okay. Thanks again. Rude.

These are your copies of the documents. Now, legalese, I know, can be a little confusing, but I assure you these are very straightforward. And while I’m here, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. But my advice is that you discuss all of this thoroughly with someone who is not involved with the case, perhaps your own lawyer. The case? I, um… I don’t understand. What is this all about? This document is a, um, emergency court order granting your brother temporary custody of the minor child, Violet Finn. And this document, as you can see, is a restraining order barring you from coming within feet of said minor child. You’re helping Chase steal my daughter from me.

[ Pots clattering in distance ] You need any help? Valentin: What? Oh, no, I got it. Make yourself comfortable. It’s almost ready. Okay, well, if you change your mind, you know…

We have shared custody. You can’t just kick me out and keep Avery here. Our little girl is so happy with — with all of us under the same roof. Me leaving would just hurt and confuse her. She lived with both of us apart for years. It’s not gonna take her that long to adjust. You don’t know that. Just step back and think this through. I gave this all the attention it needed. About five minutes last night. And I could have thrown you out right there, but I was — I felt generous. You’re lucky I didn’t humiliate you in front of all those people. What happened to our alliance? To helping each other out? I thought I was the only person you could trust. I was wrong. No, you weren’t. But you’re wrong now. Everybody else in your life has either cut ties with you or betrayed you. They pity you and judge you. Carly and Jason and your kids. You can’t rely on any of them. But I can rely on you, right? Is that right? Yeah. Yes! Yes, I have proven that I have your back. Why? I don’t know what you mean. Why are you fighting so hard to stay here? You have some kind of angle? No angle. Everybody has an angle. Money, power, revenge. Huh? Is that why you’re — you’re going after Alexis and all that? Is that ’cause of revenge? Okay. Huh? Be honest. So that’s what this is about. What? Kristina’s temper tantrum about her poor, aggrieved mother. God forbid Alexis take responsibility for the mess she’s made of her life. And the fact that she can no longer practice law. Because of you. She broke the law! It’s hardly my fault that she had to suffer the consequences of her own making. Alexis may have screwed up, but you didn’t have to sneak around with that secret affidavit and turn her in. I followed legal procedure. The affidavit was filed properly, and everything I said was true. Alexis committed perjury. Who are you to judge? You killed Connie. Maybe I should sign an affidavit against you. Understand what you are doing. You are taking a child from her father. Not according to the law. We have a court order, Hamilton. We would not have been able to get it if we had not presented proof that the child was not safe where she was, that her father was no longer trusted to be responsible for her. That’s a lie. That’s a lie, and you know it. For the last five years, I’ve been the only one responsible for Violet. The judge has seen photographic evidence to the contrary. Trust me when I say that the court takes very seriously the parent-child relationship. We would not have been able to get that emergency custody order without good reason. [ Envelope thuds ] What about you? Huh? Me? Yeah, you. What’s your reason for tearing a family apart? You are taking a child from her father. Her sole parent. Do you ever once stop and think about what does that do to her? “What kind of damage am I doing to a nine-year-old child?” Or does none of that matter as long as you get your billable hours with the Quartermaines? Okay. I have been asked to pass along the following message. Violet is doing great. She loves you. She misses you. She can’t wait till you are healthy so she can be with you again. And — I got to get this right — she is waiting to break her own record for holding her breath underwater until you can watch her do it. [ Sobs ] You can’t take my little girl from me. You can try, but I’m not gonna let you. Come within feet of Violet Hamilton, and you will be arrested. Think about what watching that will do to your daughter.

[ Door closes ] [ Groans ]

[ Sighs ]

Hi. Hey. I didn’t expect to see you today. Yeah, well, I had some free time and thought I’d stop by and check on you. You look worried. It’s Finn. You know, as bad as he was when you went to his place, things have gotten even worse. He’s spiraling, he’s out of control, and it’s affecting his daughter. Luckily, Violet has a lot of people who love her to look out for her, but I’m just really worried about her. Yeah, well, I’m glad Violet has a support system, But who’s looking out for you? And the boys? We’re doing okay. I started going to some Al-Anon meetings to better understand what Finn is going through, and they’ve definitely helped. And the — the boys are hanging in there. So, Jake, he’s — he’s doing alright? He is. Things have actually gotten better between the two of us. And I don’t think he’s quite as angry with you anymore. It definitely made a difference that he called you for help and you came through for him. Valentin: Breakfast is served.

Here we go. Oh, my goodness. That looks delicious. It’s not much, but it’s the best I could do with what I could find. This is not much? I’d like to see what it looks like when you go all out. You can, you know? I’d really like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life trying to impress you. You could have mornings like these every day. It’s not because I don’t want to. I do. It’s not because I don’t love you. I mean, I think last night answered that question. You — You have to admit that our lives, they just don’t fit together. They did once. I don’t know. I mean, that’s debatable. And even if we wanted to lie that our lives together were perfect back then, things have changed, and i-it’s really impossible for me to imagine a life together, you know, after… what I did to Charlotte. Impossible in Port Charles, but maybe not elsewhere.

Coming here was a mistake. Don’t be hasty. There’s no need to rush off. You just told me I can’t trust you. Because you can’t. The only person you can fully rely on is yourself. Don’t ever put all your faith in someone else. You’ll only be disappointed. That might be true for you, but there’s someone in my life who has never failed me. Then why aren’t you talking to them right now? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to push everyone away and go at it alone. I’d just advise you to think carefully about who you confide in, who you make yourself vulnerable to, to calculate both the risk and reward before confiding in anyone. Telling me your secrets might reward you with clarity. Unless you use them against me. But you see, I’d only do that if I had something to gain from it. [ Chuckles ] Well, at least you’re honest about that. The only thing I stand to gain if you confide in me is the chance of a return visit. Pentonville is dark and dreary, but you bring in the light. The FBI has evidence, a recording… …that I committed RICO violations and engaged in criminal conspiracy. just shoved them at me. My — My brother is filing for emergency custody of Violet, and there’s a restraining order. If I come within yards of my daughter, I’m gonna be arrested. She’s my little girl, Scott. Alright? I — I didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye. Okay, so… Please, you got to read this, and you got to tell me this isn’t real. Well, it seems like there was some sort of an incident with Tracy and Violet. W-What happened? I had a bad night. I’m not proud. I’m ashamed. But what — what’s in those — what’s in those papers, it greatly exaggerates what happened. I mean, it’s vile even for Tracy. I thought you and Tracy were friends. So did I. But she’s also Brook Lynn’s grandmother. And her and Chase have always had their eye on Violet. Now they figured out a way to get her away from me. I didn’t even get a chance to tell Violet this is not my choice, this is not what I wanted. I mean, she must — she must be so scared and confused, and who knows what other lies they’re telling her. Scott, I mean, listen, I need to get my daughter back, alright? But I can’t do it on my own. I need your help. Well, yeah, y-you need some help. You need somebody to go to bat, you know, with the judge. Maybe one of your N.A. people or possibly another doctor at the hospital. I, uh… I resigned at the hospital. You quit your job? Yeah. Look, I had no other choice. I mean, I-I saved that place with my patent, and all they want to do is slander me and ruin my reputation. Alright, listen, a good lawyer would have a great lawsuit against them, alright? You can represent me in both cases, Scott. Alright? Listen, you can keep all the money. All I want is my daughter back, alright? Wh– What do you say? I only said what I said to protect my family when my ex-husband was presumed dead. You do realize none of that matters? You still broke the law. Yeah, I’m aware. The FBI is using the evidence to blackmail my friend Jason. He became an informant in return for a promise from the FBI not to charge me. Did Jason tell you that? A hacker I know discovered the recording on the FBI’s database. I mean, they tried to delete the recording. But that’s — that’s impossible to do from the outside, given their security. That’s right. Well, you’ve gotten yourself into quite a situation here, haven’t you? So, what do you need to know from me? Will the FBI honor their agreement with Jason? Not a chance. Morgan would still be alive if it wasn’t for your family. Then you messed with his medication. Then your psychotic sister planted a bomb. If your family didn’t exist, my son Morgan would be alive. I am truly sorry about Morgan. I loved him. What happened to him was a tragedy. But I will not stand here and be lectured on morality by you. I have done some bad things in my life, I admit that. But take some responsibility, Sonny. I am not the reason that your broken family is in shambles. The blame for that lies squarely on you. Dante, Kristina, Michael, Morgan. There’s only one thing that all their troubles have in common. You. Port Charles anytime. I-I have no shortage of reasons to put this place behind me. But I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Something that always kept me here was you. I hate the idea of being far away from you. Of giving up the chance that maybe we may run into each other unexpectedly on any given day. I just can’t give up the idea that maybe one day we’ll find our way back to each other. I mean, there’s a lot of things to consider first, you know, I mean, if we were to be back together. I mean, how does that affect Charlotte? Don’t answer. Just consider it. Please? Just think about it? Would you do that for me? Alright. I — I really have to go now. I’ll walk you out.

Want to talk tomorrow? Yeah.

I’m really glad Jake reached out to me. And I’m gonna keep trying just to make sure that he knows that I’m there for him. If that’s okay with you. You’ve basically been Jake’s sole parent for years, so if you don’t want me to do it… I appreciate that. And, yes, I may be his mom, but Jake is his own person now, with a lot of strong opinions. So you don’t you don’t need my permission to try to build a relationship with him, you need his. Thank you for not standing in my way. And for reminding me that it might not be easy. But it’ll be worth it. So, Jake, he’s still into baseball, right? Are the Woodchucks still his favorite team? Oh, yes. And I think they have a big game coming up against their main rivals, the Red Wings. That’s great. I’m gonna get tickets. I’m gonna see if, uh… if Jake wants to go with me. Okay. But just so you know, um, I’m not gonna tell him what he should do. I need to protect my relationship with him by allowing him to come to you on his own terms. But I do hope he goes to the game with you. For his sake. And yours. Hey, I think I have a really good case against G.H. if that’s what it takes to get my daughter back. They made wild accusations against me with no evidence. And they made demands that vi– You think maybe you want to take some notes or something? I would be if I was taking the case, but I’m not. Why not? Scott, y-you can win this. We both walk away with something. I get my daughter back, and you get rich. Well, I don’t think you would come across very sympathetic to a jury. Scott, please. Don’t tell me you believe what’s in those papers. Ah! They’re just papers. Finn, let me ask you something. Do — Do you love your brother? Even with everything he’s trying to do to me? Yes. Does your brother love you? I’d like to think so. Which is why I can’t understand why he’s trying to take my daughter from me. No, he’s — he’s just doing what he has to do, not what he wants to do. Chase doesn’t know anything. Chase is just doing what he’s being told. He wasn’t even here last night. He’s being manipulated by Tracy into thinking that I’m out of control or I’m somehow a danger to my daughter. You have been barred from seeing your daughter. You’re not in control of anything right now. I can’t fix this legally. You have to fix yourself. And I know. Believe me, I know how hard that is. It’s tough. But if you just open up your eyes, Finn, you’ll see that you’re not as alone as you think you are. [ Sighs ] Anna. I ordered you a coffee. Oh, thanks. I appreciate you looking out for me, but you didn’t have to stay outside of his house all night. I was worried. Valentin’s dangerous. Not to me. Better safe than sorry. Why didn’t you just leave when you saw the light go off in the bedroom? I mean, things still could have gone sideways. I wanted to get to you as fast as I could if you needed me. Thank you. But let… Can we just coordinate that the next time, please? Because Valentin is trained in surveillance. It would have been such a royal disaster for all of us if he had discovered you. Kind of surprised he didn’t. He’s usually more careful. Sounds like he was preoccupied. I was able to search the house. He has a satellite phone that he has hidden on a bookshelf. I was unable to pull any information from it before Valentin came back into the room. But the obvious scenario is that he uses that phone to conduct business for Pikeman. Okay, we have to get our hands on that phone and turn it over to Cates. Now, I’m sure they can pull enough evidence off there to shut down Pikeman and put Valentin away for good. Your friend Jason — Morgan, I assume. He’s too useful for the FBI to let him go after a single job. They’ll keep finding more ways to use his knowledge until he’s tapped out. Or dead. They can’t do that. They’re the FBI. They can do whatever they want. Which also means that as soon as Jason stops being useful to them, they’ll use that recording to put you in prison. So the deal that they made with Jason was just a lie? The government may drop the ball in a myriad of ways. But they never leave charges on the table. Is something wrong? Well, why didn’t you tell me that Finn was in such bad shape? Honestly, I just felt it was wrong to talk about him to more people than I needed to. I didn’t want to turn his pain into gossip. I know, but I just wish that you had confided in me because, you know, I could have helped you and the boys. I appreciate you wanting to look out for us, but we’re okay. How did you hear about Finn? Well, he — he had me over to his place. And, you know, Diane Miller has filed a restraining order keeping him away from Violet, and the judge has given temporary custody to Chase. Yeah, I know. Chase has been keeping me updated. So I’m guessing Finn wants you to represent him? Yes, he does. Against his brother. And he also wants to sue General Hospital for defamation. Oh. I see. And I’m trying to get him to see that he’s in no position to be filing lawsuits, that he needs to get a different kind of help. Do you think you got through to him? No. I don’t. Now, if I know anything about hitting the bottle — my father, and the way I hit it — Finn has to hit rock bottom. And then maybe he’ll be able to turn himself around, Elizabeth. That’s what I’m afraid of. Since you were — you were just with him, do you think he’s there yet?

[ Sniffles ] [ Sniffles ] Yeah, I was, uh… I was just wondering if you deliver. That’s good. Uh… I need a h-handle of vodka. Actually, make it two. wish I could tell you, but every addict’s rock bottom is always different. Yes, they said something like that in my Al-Anon meeting. Yeah, and whatever his rock bottom is, no matter how far down he has to go, it’s gonna be just as hurtful for you to watch it. It’s killing me, watching Finn destroy his life like this. I know, but I want you to know something. No matter what happens, I am always here for you and the boys. Hey, uh, thank you.

No! [ Breathing heavily ]

This is never gonna be over, is it? I know how it feels to have the full weight of a law enforcement brought down on you. You have one thing going for you that I didn’t. Time is on your side. You can prepare yourself while Jason continues to give the FBI what they want. Prepare for what? Court. Hire the best lawyer money can buy and develop a strategy with them. Because as sure as I’m sitting here behind bars, one of these days you’re gonna have to defend yourself in front of a jury. Thank you. Thank you for your advice. Come back anytime for more. I’ve got plenty of it.

Do you think you’ll be able to get invited back to Valentin’s house? Anna? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. The way we left it, you know, he — he welcomed me back whenever I choose. You okay with that? You know, part of me feels like I’m betraying Valentin. Ah… I’ve done a lot of things that I’m not okay with in my career, right? The job is the job. And this job means hurting somebody that you care about. It’s not the first time I’ve done that either. But… we can’t allow Valentin to get away with his crimes. It has to be done. So I will do it. Move forward with the shipment through Port Charles as we discussed. Sonny Corinthos won’t be a problem. He’s isolated and coming apart at the seams. All it’s gonna take to push him off the edge is one last shove. I packed a few of my things. I’ll send for the rest. Fine. Get out. I’ll be back for my daugh–

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Ah, good morning, Mother.

Oh. Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Did I sleep well? [laughs] So much better than Statesville. So much better than the monastery and that Podunk motel room in Montana. No, this was amazing. It was like the Ritz, which is nice.


Yeah. Although I did hear someone crying last night, I think. Maybe I dreamt it.

Uh, no, that would be Ava. Roman just told me that Harris broke her heart, left town. Apparently, he’s following a lead on Megan Hathaway.

Wow. I hope he finds her.

[chuckles] Well, knowing Megan, he has a better chance of finding Amelia Earhart.

Yeah. I guess you’re right about that. I just wish that I had a chance to say goodbye and thank him, you know, for making the moves to get me out of jail finally.

Yeah. Well, he took long enough. I mean, I forgive him now because I have my son back.

Yeah. Yeah, you do. But not for long.

Oh, Chad. Thank God! You didn’t come home last night. I was so worried about you.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Well, where’d you go?

Well, I went to Salem PD, and they said that Clyde had been shipped off to Supermax. So I drove all the way out to this, you know, citadel of a–of a prison.

Why would you want to do that?

[tense music]

[chuckles] Look what I found. [chuckles] Jules left her little blankie.

[laughs] Well, this must be Carver’s.

Oh, well, I just have to put them both in the mail.

Yeah. Or we would have a good excuse for asking Eli and Lani to bring those twins back here for a visit.

[chuckles] I like the way you think.


I can’t believe it, Abraham. I just said goodbye to one daughter, and I’m about to say goodbye to my Chanel, and yet another grandbaby growing up thousands of miles away.

Well, you know, Johnny and Chanel might be back here before you know it. Oh, and besides, you are going to be plenty busy.

What do you mean by that?

[soft music]

“Radioactive Mayor Victoria says recall effort fails.”

[laughs] Congratulations, Mrs. Mayor.

Can you believe my grandma knitted us little baby booties?

Marlena Evans, a woman of many talents. You had any room in your suitcase for them? Because I can’t fit another thing.

What? Really? They’re going to take up like square inches. Okay, we’ll put them in mine.



That’s what I thought.

Hey there, Chanel, Johnny.

Dr. Green.

Chanel, how are you feeling today?

Uh, fine. The morning sickness is nearly gone, and I already made an appointment with my OB at UCLA.

Excellent. Did the tech come by?

Yeah. She just gave us a bunch of ultrasound pictures.

Everything looks good, right, Doctor?

Overall, the baby appears to be developing normally, but there is one concern I’d like to discuss. [tense music]

[sighs] Come on, Leo. Remember who you are. You are strong. You are resilient. You’ve got this. You better buckle up, Mom, because I have a lot to say to you, and you are gonna sit there, and you are gonna listen. I am not unlovable. I am not worthless. Oh, don’t give me that look. You know which one. It’s the same one you gave me when–

When you spilled my Mai Tai in the Poconos. [chuckles] Or was it a green martini? You were always a little clumsy, kiddo. [tense music]


[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Leo, Leo, Leo. It’s been a while. To what do I owe the– well, I won’t say pleasure, but– hey, what you got here? What’s that? A script?

Just some notes, Mom.


You know, we can’t all go through life just unfiltered, shooting from the hip like you.

Oh, listen to you. You’re one to talk. Do you remember when you were yapping at that lady in that little, tiny teacup ride? You almost had us thrown out of that. What was that place called?

Super Duper Funland?


I was a kid, Mom. And that lady’s halitosis was ruining everything. I was just brave enough to take a stand.

Oh, is that why you’re here, take a stand?

If you must know, I started therapy. And Dr. Evans says that I have to confront my childhood traumas.

Oh, please. You don’t have anything better to do than listen to that new age quack?

Dr. Evans is not a new age quack. She’s a top-notch therapist. And how do you deal, Mom? You just scream at your ex-husband into a payphone? [soft dramatic music]

I may be in a federal penitentiary, but I am still your mother, and you will treat me with respect. Therapy. [chuckles] Why don’t you just man up for once in your life and–

Damn it, Mom.

You may be an underachiever, an also-ran, and you may, I don’t know, have consider– well, you do cut kind of a sad, lonely figure, but you are not crazy. So why on God’s green earth do you need therapy?

Because of you.

What’s your concern, Doctor?

Well, today’s ultrasound, it showed two soft markers, as they’re called. And they may very well mean nothing, but they could be indicators for a congenital abnormality. So I’m going to refer you to a genetic counselor in Los Angeles, run some further tests.

These soft markers, could they be from radiation exposure?

Well, your exposure was brief, and the levels were relatively low. But there’s no way to know for sure. [soft dramatic music]

Radioactive Mayor. What kind of nickname is that? I sound like one of those characters out of a superhero movie with all the CGI.

You know, now it’s all going to blow over that we– we know that Concerned Citizens has been revealed to be EJ DiMera.

And a handful of folks that he paid off to sign his damn petition. Ooh, you know, Abe, it still galls me that I had to reinstate that two-timing EJ DiMera to make this go away, oh, especially since I promised Melinda the job as long as she wanted it.

Did you offer her something else?

Yeah, yeah. And she took it as an insult, told me to take the job and shove it. Oh, and, you know, now I do– I desperately need a head of sanitation.

You have another candidate in mind?

No. No, I don’t. You know, and with the market so tight right now–

Well, you know, I may know someone who’s interested.

Really? Who?

Me. [tense music]

Jack, I didn’t realize you were here still.

Oh, he decided to spend the night.

Yes. Yes. I’m driving back to Boston later this morning.

Great. Well, I’m glad– I’m glad we get to say goodbye now.

Just a minute. Before we say goodbye, let’s just back up a second. Why would you want to see Weston again? He’s told you everything you want to know, hasn’t he? [dramatic music]

I hope you didn’t go after Clyde with some revenge plot in mind.

I did. You know, I found him in Montana, and– and I pulled the tri– I was gonna pull the trigger, and I didn’t, ultimately, because that’s–you know, Abigail wouldn’t have wanted that, so–

No, she wouldn’t have wanted that. She would have wanted you to think of Thomas and Charlotte and how much they need their dad right now. So as much as I want Clyde to rot in hell, I’m really glad you didn’t make that choice. Well, I better get going. I will see you soon.




Julie, I love you.

Love you too.

See you soon.

Jack, wait. [soft dramatic music]

So, Doctor, you’re saying that if something is wrong with our baby, it could be from radiation exposure?

We can’t rule it out at this point.

I just want to say, as the older brother of someone with Down syndrome, I wouldn’t be where I am today without my sister. She’s brought so much into my life. She’s the kindest person I know.

And she’s also an excellent baker. I’m gonna miss Felicity a lot.

I know she was hoping to say goodbye to you.

I know. I was hoping the same, but it’s just been such a whirlwind. But you know what? Our flight isn’t until later tonight. So I’m gonna text her and see if she can meet up with us. I think it would do my heart a lot of good.

Yeah, mine too.

You want to be my head of sanitation?

I know the job. Town obviously has a need.

Oh, here I thought you were enjoying retirement. But, Abraham, do you really want to be my subordinate?

Well, if that means spending more time with you, absolutely.

Oh, yeah, well, you know, I would love that too. But the only thing I’d be concerned about is it’ll be viewed as nepotism. [soft dramatic music]

Is that you’re really concerned about?

Well, what does that mean?

It means I get the feeling that you really don’t want me working for you.

Lucas, I just spent months fighting to get you home. And now you’re going to pack up and go to Phoenix?

You know I want to– I want to go to Phoenix to be with Will and Allie. You know that. And you know that I miss my grandkids. You know I miss my kids, and I just have to make amends for what I did to Sammy. You know, I’m surprised that they’re even speaking to me at all.

What do you mean? Of course they’re speaking to you. They know exactly what their mother did, how she tormented you. I mean, basically, she drove you to do what you did. Of course, she doesn’t beat herself up. You know, she always gets a pass.

Oh, two wrongs don’t make a right, doesn’t justify my behavior.

[sighs] That’s true. I mean, I can’t just blame Sammy, I guess. There’s someone else I could blame, though.


You’re looking at her. [mellow country music playing]

Oh, yeah, sure. Let’s blame Mommy. That’s original.

I’m not blaming you.

Then what are you doing? Oh, I get it. You came all the way here to make me feel guilty. Well, that was a waste of time and good gas money.

Listen to me, Mother. The last time I was here, you told me I was an utterly worthless human being whom no one could ever love.

Well, and you agreed with me.

Because you gaslit me my entire life. Do you remember telling me that I had the voice of an angel, that I was destined, destined for stardom?

What are you talking about?

Of course you don’t remember. I entered a talent show at school. And in front of the entire auditorium, I’m singing my little heart out thinking that, because of you, that I’m a younger, cuter Billy Joel, the piano boy, as you put it.

Oh. [laughs] The piano boy. I have no memory of this.

Not surprising. Then right in the middle of “New York State of Mind,” I see pens, pencils, all sorts of things being hurled my way on stage because, it turns out, I cannot sing worth a lick. You lied to me.

Oh! Oh, kiddo. If that actually happened– [sighs] And I’m highly skeptical, maybe it was good for you. You know, character building. You know, I read about someone who was mercilessly bullied, Gene Hackman. Look how he turned out.

I am not going to sit here and take any of this. Do you hear me? I am going to say what I came here to say, and you are going to listen to me. [tense music]

You expect me to sit here and listen to your whining and moaning and blaming all of your inadequacies on me? Tell me, Leo, how many times have you come to visit your mother in all of these years? Twice. Not even so much as a birthday card.

You don’t like birthday cards.

Not the mushy, gushy ones.

You don’t like the funny ones either.

Anything would have been better than nothing. You selfish little ingrate. And now you show up once in a blue moon and, of course, it’s all about you and your imaginary childhood traumas.

I didn’t imagine it, any of it. The way I feel and what I’ve been through has meaning. I have meaning.

I don’t want to hear it! Guard!

I am not worthless. I am not unlovable. I am Leo Stark.

Oh, God! Here we go again.

I am Matthew Cooper. I am whoever you wanted me to be. My whole life, I did as you said, because all little Matty ever craved was your love. And it has taken me this long to realize there was nothing I could do or be that was ever enough for you.

Yada, yada, yada.

Nobody was ever enough for you. That’s why you had no friends. The people you thought were your friends, you just used them and manipulated them to get what you wanted, just like you did with your own son.

Oh, God, the self-pity.

You let me believe that I was John Black’s son just so you could get your hands on him. Did it ever occur to you how that might have affected me? He was the closest thing I ever had to a parent, to someone who loved me for who I was. And then when all was said and done, he hated me too.

[screams] Guard, take me back to my cell, please!

But I learned a lot from you, Mother– to lie, to cheat, to hide who I really was, to keep everything superficial and betray the few people who truly cared about me. But most of all, I learned that you never should have been a mother in the first place.

Not to a dead loss like you. May I see that? Please?

My script?

Your script. Yeah. Yeah, your script. [moans] [wails]

How is it your fault that I went crazy and kidnapped my ex?

Well, maybe it’s in your DNA. You know, I– I’ve been thinking about Philip and the extremes that he went to to hold on to Chloe. And I’m thinking maybe you both could have inherited this particular form of madness from me.

But you never did anything like that. You never did anything like what Philip and I did.

No, not for a man. But for my kids, I certainly did.

Mom, you’re protective and you’re overbearing, that’s true. But you’re fiercely loyal, and you’ve always been there for us. That’s all that matters.

You have always done the same for your kids.

That’s right. That’s why I have to see them now. You know, I miss them very much.

And they miss you. I know they do because every time I talk to them, they ask about you. They really do miss you a lot. And you know I’m gonna give you my blessing to go to Arizona and see them as long as you promise to come back.

I will.


[clears throat]

I’m gonna miss you. I missed you so much. [sighs] I am so grateful that you’re free.

I am beyond grateful. I will never take my freedom for granted again. [mellow country music]

What is it?

I want you to have this. [chuckles] I have tried everything known to man to open it. I have failed. And I got to thinking about Jennifer. Well, she spent her teenage years in this house. She was so close to Alice and Tom, her grandparents. And, well, she’s a clever girl. So maybe she has the magic touch.

She just may.

So will you take it to her?

I will.

[chuckles] Don’t drop it.

Oh, precious cargo. I got it.

Yeah. Oh, Jack, you’re the precious cargo. You mean so much to all of us. Please come back soon, will you?

I will.

And bring Jennifer.

I certainly will.

[laughs] [somber music]


Love you.

Love you too. Chad, I love you both.

We love you. And give our love to Jennifer, please.

Jeez, I thought you were about to tell him.

I’m not gonna tell him anything. Besides, I don’t really have anything to say, not yet.

I know. I really hoped that we were going to have some good news before he left. But, you know, now I wonder if we’re ever gonna know at all.

You’re right. You’re right, Abraham. I don’t love the idea of you being my new head of sanitation. But it’s not for the reason you think.


Well, you’re vastly overqualified for the job. You know that. But that’s not why. I would love to work alongside you, Abraham. The keyword being “alongside,” as equals. I–I don’t want to be your boss.

Oh, I understand.

Really? Really?

Yeah. I mean, the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.

Oh. [laughs] Oh. I appreciate that. [laughs] Oh, and, you know, something else will come along. You’ll see.

Well, I’ll be patient.

Mm-hmm. [chuckles] Hey, oh, too bad you don’t have the skillset to take over a certain bakery that I have up for lease. Ha.

Well, maybe– maybe Chanel could give me a crash course.

Yeah, yeah, but, you know, it’ll have to be by Zoom, unfortunately.

[chuckles] [gentle music]

Are you okay?

[sighs] Well, I thought I was. I thought I was at peace with leaving everything behind.

You’re not, though.

Not what?

You’re not leaving everything behind. You’re gonna– you’re gonna open up a Sweet Bits in California. You can start with an LA location, and then you can branch off into–

I know, I know, but it’s not that. It’s–[sighs]

Then what is it?

Well, it’s just that I– I really convinced myself that everything was gonna be okay with our baby, even though I knew that there could be risks and even though, you know, everyone tried gently to tell me that I was being naive.

Chanel, are you saying that you’ve changed your mind about the pregnancy?

It’s just that it suddenly just feels so real. You know? And we weren’t planning to start a family this soon. And I just–like what if I’m not ready to be a mother? Felicity! Hi.

Hi, Chanel. Hi, Johnny.


Are you okay, Chanel?

Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Thank you for asking.

Are you sure?

Well, I guess I’m just– I’m having mixed emotions. You know, part of me is feeling really excited to be moving to California, and then another part of me is just feeling really sad to leave Salem.

I’m sad too. I’m going to miss you a lot.

I’m going to miss you too, Felicity.

Will you write to me?

Yeah, of course I will.

You promise?

I promise.

I love you, Chanel.

I love you too, Felicity. [tender music]

Ah. You know, Sweet Bits is a special place. I’m gonna miss it.

Me too. But I plan on being the first customer in line at the LA location as soon as Chanel opens it. [chuckles] Oh, my stomach is growling just thinking about it.

Oh, you know what? Speaking of that, I thought that I would swing by the pub and pick up some takeout.

Oh, well, could you pick up something for Chanel and Johnny too?

Oh, of course. Chanel still on that cheeseburger and extra pickles kick?

At least this week. Who knows what’s next? [laughs] Oh, Abe, I am gonna miss that child. Oh. Johnny too.

[chuckles] Well, at least we’re going to have each other close by and right here, same apartment.

Thank God for that.

[laughs] [tender music]

You’re not giving up, are you?

I’m just–just frustrated. I mean, you know, I can’t believe they shipped Clyde off so fast, you know, before I could even talk to him. It just–

I know. Rafe said he wanted to talk to Clyde too, some of the information he thought he might have about getting Gabi out of jail. Well, do you think Rafe could intercede for you?

Oh, the feds already know that Clyde could have information on a missing person. They said no exceptions. Look, Julie, I know that there’s such a slim chance that Abigail could be alive. But I mean, now that Clyde gave us this information, I just– I can’t rest until I get some answers.

Of course not. I feel exactly the same way. I’m with you in this all the way.

I know. So… I mean, if we’re gonna find out who this woman in this video is–

Yeah. We’re gonna have to do it without the help of the big jailbird.


What sanctimonious psychobabble. I am not to blame for your degenerate lifestyle. It is not my fault you are the way you are.

What do you mean by that, Mother? Gay?

Single, friendless, disloyal, unloving, unloved. I miss anything?

No, that covers it.

And if that quack, Marlena Evans, think you were going to fix all of your problems by filling me with guilt, then you have wasted a lot of money on your therapy, not to mention my time. [tense music]

I came here to get some things off my chest. This was for me, not you.

Did it work? Feel better?

There’s only one other time I can recall where I poured my heart out to you. Do you remember?

Why would I want to?

It was the first time Dad hit me. I had gotten a B on some exam. And the irony was he never even looked at my grades, let alone cared about them. But for some reason, that B really pissed him off. [soft dramatic music]

He hit me so hard.

I begged you to make him stop. And do you remember what you said to me? You told me to suck it up, to be a man. So that’s what I did. Nine years old. I didn’t say a word.

And when I finally killed him to protect both of us, you blamed me for all of it. He was the villain. You were the villain.

You were my mother. You were supposed to protect me. That was your job, your one job. And you didn’t do it. You never did it. [breathes sharply] [sighs]

Are you gonna say anything?

I am at a loss, actually. And bored, if you must know.

[sighs] I guess it was expecting too much to hear you say “I’m sorry” or “I wish things were different.” Certainly shouldn’t have expected an “I love you.”

The next time you decide to come visit, just don’t.

I won’t.

I have something for you.

Oh, okay.

My big brother gave this for me when I was little. And it’s my favorite stuffed animal.

Oh, sweetheart, I can’t. I can’t take that.

Yes, you can. It’s time for it to have a new home.

Are you sure?

I want your baby to have it.

Just promise that you’ll take care of it.

We will.

Yes. And we promise that he or she will too.

Well, okay, I have to go home now. Bye, Chanel. Bye, Johnny.

Bye, Felicity. [gentle music] We will talk very soon, okay?



I forgot I told her that we were having a baby.

Well, it was very sweet of her to give this to you.

Oh, Johnny.


Sometimes, I feel like I– I forced this on you, you know, going through with this– this pregnancy.

Whoa, what? No, you did not force anything on me, okay?

Yeah, but when I decided that I wanted to have the baby, I didn’t really leave any room for disagreement.

Okay, look, I will admit it took me a little while to warm up to the idea. But now that I’ve seen those ultrasound pictures, I am completely on board. Okay?

And the test results, they didn’t change anything for you?

No. Not at all. Did they–[clears throat] Did they change anything for you?

No, no. It’s just I– I’ve been thinking, you know, a child can be born perfectly healthy and you still never know what could happen down the road.


Like take Theo, for example. You know, Abe and Lexie, I’m sure that they were so worried when they found out that he was autistic. But look at him, he’s just a wonderful guy. And Felicity, she’s an amazing person. And her family, they’re so blessed to have her.

And so are we– blessed to have each other and to have this baby on the way.


I love you, Johnny.

I love you too. And I promise you that whatever life throws at us, we will get through together.

I’ve watched this video a thousand times– sped up, slowed down, zoomed in, zoomed out. And still, I just, you know, I go back and forth between definitely Abigail’s alive and– and, you know, she’s definitely not alive. There’s no possible way she could be alive. [doorbell rings]

Doorbell. I’ll get it. I’ll get it.

Oh. [laughs] Look, look, look, look, look, look.


Hey, man. What are you doing?

Ah, you know, hanging out.

[laughs] Big news. Drum roll. The rest of his sentence has been officially commuted.





[grunts] Congratulations.

Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I just actually came to say goodbye.


Yeah. I got to get to Phoenix. I got to check in on Will and Ali. It won’t be for that long.

Well, I hope not.

No, no, no.

Okay, well, the kids are gonna be thrilled to see you.


Man, I’m so happy.

Thanks, dude. What’s going on here? What do you guys got?

It’s all right. It’s all right, as long as he doesn’t tell Jack or Jennifer.

Yeah. You got to keep it quiet.

Yeah, I won’t say anything to anybody. Just tell me what’s going on. [suspenseful music]

There’s a video. It might possibly be proof that… Abigail is still alive.

Oh, wait until Dr. Evans gets a load of that Hindenburg disaster of a visit. Oh, that’s right, she doesn’t take walk-ins. [sighs] [soft dramatic music] [phone beeps] Hi. This is Leo Stark. I need to see Dr. Evans ASAP. Tomorrow? No, no, I’m here now. This is an emergency. No, I’m not thinking of harming myself. This is about my sociopathic nightmare of– Okay. Okay. I will be here tomorrow. [phone beeps] [soft dramatic music] “The next time you want to come and visit me, just don’t.”

I won’t. I won’t come visit you again, Mother. In fact, I never want to see you again. In fact, you can burn in– oh, no, no, you can’t… because you’re my mother.

And as sad–as sad as it is, I still want you to love me. I want that so bad. [crying]

Hey, are you okay?

So what do you think?

I think Clyde’s playing mind games with you. I just don’t see, you know, how this– this video shows that this is Abigail. I really don’t. But I know you need to find out your own truth, you know. So you think about having the photos enhanced anyway?

That’s what I was gonna do next.

All right. I mean, we all wish that it were true. We all wish that this could be Abigail, but–

We all wish it, more than anything in the world. [somber music]

Hello, Kate.

Hey. Hi, Abe. You’re here for breakfast?

No, no. I’m here to pick up takeout for Chanel and Johnny. They are leaving town later today.

Really? I don’t know, I think that’s going around. So is Lucas. I mean, he’s leaving town. He’s going to go to Arizona and visit Will and Ari.

Oh, they’re living there now?

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he says he’s coming back, you know. But in a way, I think maybe the universe is trying to give me a heads up that I need to stop obsessing over my children and get on with my life. Maybe even get a job.

[laughs] You know, there’s a lot of that going on. I–I had a similar thought earlier.



We used to have a lot of fun working in that Mayor’s Office, didn’t we? You know, do you ever think about going into business again, maybe partnering up?

What kind of business?

I don’t know. I haven’t really– really haven’t thought about that yet.

Well, when you do, let me know.

You can be sure I will. Anyway, I’m gonna put an order in because we don’t want to keep a pregnant woman waiting, do we?


So how was the appointment?

It was–

Everything’s fine.

Oh. Well, I’m glad to hear that. Oh, give me a hug. Give me a hug, you two. Oh. Oh, and you know what? I hope you brought your appetites with you because I just sent Abraham on a mission to the pub. He’ll be back any minute.

Well, I must be hungry because my stomach is growling.

[chuckles] Oh.

Are you okay?

What’s wrong? What’s wrong, baby?

Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I just–[winces] Ahh!

Oh! [dramatic music]

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Faith: Mom, no.

Sharon: What?

Faith: You did my laundry.

Sharon: I’m happy to.

Faith: I’m in college now. Technically, an adult. I can wash my own clothes.

Sharon: Did it occur to you that it makes me happy to have my little girl home, where I can cook for her and do her laundry and pretend that she’s not technically an adult yet for a few more weeks? And based on the mound of clothes you had, you’ve been saving them up for a while.

Faith: Well, I’ve been a little distracted.

Sharon: Oh, I know you have been, sweetie. I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time.

Faith: Is that why you’re doing all this? Because Moses dumped me?

Sharon: No, not at all.

Faith: Because it would make me feel even worse if you were taking pity on me because of that, that, I don’t even want to say the word.

Sharon: This is an act of love, not pity.

Faith: Well, good. I love you too.

Sharon: I’m glad we got that worked out.

Faith: I’m almost totally over him, anyway. I refuse to let him ruin my summer any more than he already has.

Sharon: Well, I admire your resilience and your independence, Faith. But don’t run away from your feelings. I have done that too many times myself, so take it from me, a broken heart can’t heal overnight and pretending that it does, only delays the healing.

Nick: This seat taken?

Phyllis: Uh, no, sit down.

Nick: So?

Phyllis: So?

Nick: I haven’t seen you in a while.

Phyllis: Yeah, I’ve been busy, you know, trying to keep a roof over my head.

Nick: Yeah, anything positive on the job front there?

Phyllis: Um, you know, I’m formulating a plan.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay?

Nick: Yeah. Was I supposed to say something else?

Phyllis: I mean, well, you don’t have to, as you usually interrogate me, so.

Nick: Yeah, I’ve learned how to mind my own business.

Phyllis: Really? Are you messing with me?

Nick: I’m absolutely messing with you.

Phyllis: Don’t mess with me. I’m so vulnerable right now. I’m so, so sensitive, please don’t do that. I’m unemployed.

Nick: Phyllis, I am convinced there is something out there for you post-Chancellor-Winters. So, what are you doing, what’s the plan?

Phyllis: Don’t wanna bore you with what I’m doing, you know?

Nick: If you tell me what it is, I’ll bet you anything I can help you with it.

Phyllis: Just say that, you know, I’m working on something. Um, my job search will go full circle and land me closer to home, just say that.

Nick: That tells me absolutely nothing.

Phyllis: Well, I can’t get into specifics with you, Nick. But let’s just say that if everything goes the way I want it to go, I’ll be able to deliver karmic payback to Chancellor-Winters.

Daniel: So, how was the job interview?

Heather: Pleasant, polite, and unsuccessful.

Daniel: How do you know, did they say that?

Heather: They don’t need to, Daniel. I’ve been to enough of these things to know when I’m getting hired. And when I’m not.

Daniel: Sorry.

Heather: It’s okay, there are still a lot of law firms out there.

Daniel: Sure, but maybe they’re all skittish because they heard your significant other sued one of the most powerful companies in town.

Heather: Well, they wouldn’t say that.

Daniel: But it’s still there, right?

Heather: Definitely there. Anyway, let’s talk about Lily. How did it go with Lily? How’d she take the news?

Lucy: Wait a minute, what about Lily? What news?

Daniel: Um, you know, I probably should have said something to you before, but–

Heather: Your dad went to see Lily about dropping the lawsuit.

Lucy: Oh, you did? How come?

Daniel: Signed a pretty firm contract for one thing.

Heather: Which we could have still challenged in court.

Daniel: But none of that matters. I didn’t want to fight with her anymore. I just wanted to get past this, put it all behind us so we could just move on.

Lucy: So, what does this mean?

Daniel: It means that Chancellor-Winters is gonna keep Princess Louisa.

Lucy: Oh, you’re giving up Princess Louisa?

Daniel: Luce, I’m sorry. I know that I should have said something to you sooner, and if you’re upset, I totally get it.

Lucy: No, no, I’m– I’m actually not upset at all. I think it’s a hundred percent the right move. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Nate: So, this must be it. Lily’s plan is happening. [ Devon sighs ]

Devon: Looks to be that way.

Nate: Time to act surprised when she and Billy tell us they’re breaking up the company.

Devon: Hm.

Nate: You okay?

Devon: Yeah, I’m good.

Nate: No last minute doubts about Lily following through?

Lily: Hello.

Nate: Hello, hey.

Billy: Hey.

Lily: Thank you for coming so quickly. I’m sorry for the late notice.

Devon: Yeah, no need to apologize. I’m just wondering why we’re here.

Nate: Yeah, yeah, what’s happening?

Lily: Well, this is about moving forward. I think it’s no secret there’s been a lot of tension in the office lately.

Devon: Yeah, sure has been.

Lily: Yes, so I think the infighting has been stopping Chancellor-Winters from growing. And I think that Billy and I have come up with a scenario that will stop the constant fighting and conflict.

Mamie: Now this, I’d like to hear. it still hurts.

Sharon: I know it does.

Faith: I guess I just didn’t want to give Moses the satisfaction of knowing that.

Sharon: Well, you don’t have to give Moses anything at all. As far as he’s concerned, you happily moved on with your life. With me, you can cry all you want to and we can eat ice cream.

Faith: Is that what you did when you got your heart broken?

Sharon: I did a lot of things, some of them pretty embarrassing and stupid as I think back on it, but time heals.

Faith: I just wonder if all the pain is worth it sometimes.

Sharon: Hey, remember that conversation your dad and I shared with you about all of our ups and downs? Our relationship was a mile-high roller coaster. We loved each other fiercely and at times we hurt each other just as much, but in the end, we settled for a friendship that means a lot to both of us.

Faith: Do you regret it didn’ )t turn into more than that with Dad?

Sharon: Um, I try not to linger on feelings of regret about anything.

Faith: You didn’t answer my question.

Sharon: Faith, your dad and I are exactly where we are supposed to be.

Faith: Alone? I know that a woman doesn’t need a partner to be happy, but I also don’t like to think of you being all by yourself here.

Sharon: Well, thank you, sweetie, that’s nice of you, but I don’t want you worrying about me and besides, it’s not like I’m poor mom rattling around the house with nothing to do. I’ve got my businesses to run, I’ve got my friends, my family, and I have my very grown-up daughter home for the summer.

Faith: I know you’re super busy and you have tons of stuff to do, but I also know that you’re a complete romantic. You light up when there’s someone special. The last time I saw that was when you were with Rey.

Sharon: That was special. He was special.

Faith: I know. You seemed relaxed together, easy, effortless. You were completely yourself.

Sharon: That kind of thing doesn’t come along every day.

Faith: Except I see that look on you a lot of the time. Always when you’re around dad.

Nick: Don’t.

Phyllis: What? I’m not even doing anything. Why would you think something like that?

Nick: Karmic payback? It sounds like revenge to me.

Phyllis: Well, it’s not revenge. It’s not even remotely underhanded.

Nick: Then, what are you doing?

Phyllis: You know what? I’m just sitting back. I’m doing nothing. I’m just watching everything happen, waiting for the stars to align, and then I’m gonna make my move.

Nick: Move where? Move when?

Phyllis: I just hear there is some upheaval.

Nick: At Chancellor-Winters?

Phyllis: Yes. I’m just waiting for everything to explode. Then, there’ll be opportunities for me and I won’t even have to lift a finger.

Devon: Aunt Mamie, we’re having a private meeting here.

Mamie: Yes, but you’re talking about keeping the peace. That’s what I want, too.

Devon: I understand that, but the reason that you weren’t invited to this meeting is because you’re no longer a part of the decision-making process. And that’s something that I thought we all agreed on, including yourself.

Lily: Yeah, we even offered to buy you out.

Mamie: You know I’m not interested in selling, Lily.

Nate: Aunt Mamie, you still promised to stay in your lane.

Mamie: Yeah, but I thought that with some time and introspection, I wouldn’t be banished forever. But everyone would soon realize I was only trying to make sure that you don’t make any foolish decisions that could harm the company.

Devon: Well, you know what? It’s a good thing we haven’t made any foolish decisions today.

Mamie: Is that so?

Devon: Yeah.

Mamie: Then, can someone please explain to me what happened with OmegaSphere’s flagship property?

Lily: Daniel and I settled. So, there’s no more lawsuit, and no one has an issue with the settlement, right?

Devon: No, not me.

Nate: Or me.

Lily: Exactly. So you see, nothing for you to worry about.

Billy: I’m sorry, excuse me. Can we please get back to the subject at hand? Mamie can stay or she can go, but I don’t think we should be distracting.

Devon: No, no, no, no. We’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna have this meeting with Mamie here, okay? Daniel: Thank you. Um, so let me get this straight. You are not upset that I gave up Princess Louisa?

Lucy: It’s just a game, Dad.

Daniel: It’s not entirely just a game.

Lucy: Okay, yes. I know I was your inspiration for it and everything, but you know, I’m older now. I don’t need some game to be sure that you love me. I know that you do. And besides, I really hated that you and Lily were fighting about it.

Daniel: I hated it too.

Lucy: And you know, I might have wanted you and Mom to get together, but that doesn’t mean that I wanted Lily to get hurt. Now, I have everything I could have ever wanted. So, let them have the game.

Daniel: I’m sorry, who– who is this? Do you recognize this person?

Heather: This– this kind, generous, compassionate person is our daughter.

Daniel: You know, I was dreading breaking the news to you. It’s probably why I waited until after it happened. Um… thank you for understanding. You are an amazing, one-of-a-kind young lady, and I am so very proud to be your dad.

Lucy: Stop, Dad, you can’t do that. Be so nice. I’ll cry.

Daniel: Well, then someone better say something funny or stupid fast because maybe I’m gonna cry too. [ Lucy chuckles ]

Sharon: I think what you’re seeing between your father and me is comfort. It’s family. Something that we will always have and I’m content with that.

Faith: Okay.

Sharon: What, you don’t believe me?

Faith: You two used to have more, Mom. Used to want more before Cassie died, before Phyllis went after Dad. You had it, you had everything.

Sharon: Well, dredging up old hurts and bad memories is not the message your dad and I wanted to share with you.

Faith: And I don’t want to dredge them up either, but it still sucks, right? It still happened. I mean, I feel terrible over some dumb guy that dumped me, but you and Dad had a life together, you had a family.

Sharon: You’re getting all worked up about ancient history. Yeah, we did some destructive things, including myself, when we were young and in pain, but we’ve moved on.

Faith: Even with Phyllis?

Sharon: Yeah, even with Phyllis. I mean, we’re never gonna be best friends or anything like that, but we are cordial and respectful with each other, and you know, it wouldn’t surprise me if your dad ended up back with her at some point.

Faith: Really, you think that’s possible?

Sharon: Well, there’s just this connection, and it’s very different than what your father and I share, but it’s there. And maybe, that’s all you need to really move on, is knowing that the person that you loved so much you cared about, has someone else in their heart.

Nick: So, what is this vibe you’re getting from Chancellor-Winters and where is it coming from?

Phyllis: I’m sorry, I can’t reveal my sources.

Nick: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: How about off the record, then?

Phyllis: Well, off the record for sure. You know, I have a lot of friends there still, and they’re telling me that there’s a lot of infighting going on.

Nick: Infighting with who?

Phyllis: Who do you think? Lily, Devon.

Nick: That’s it? I noticed you left out one other key name from the Chancellor-Winters’ masthead and that would be Billy Abbott.

Phyllis: Oh, did I? Really?

Nick: Yeah, you did, which makes me think Billy is the one behind the trouble, which makes sense because I never thought he was a good fit there. So, I’m guessing that Billy is the man behind the plan. Is that right?

Devon: I really don’t mean to be so blunt about this, because you’re our family, and we love you, but I’m just talking about business here. And like we’ve all agreed, you can’t be around when we’re talking about the future of the company. And I can understand you being angry about it, but it doesn’t change anything.

Mamie: Listen to yourself, Devon. There’s just so little compassion or forgiveness. You know, it makes me wonder if the wedge that’s between you and Tucker wasn’t as much your fault as it was his.

Devon: Well, I think you know the reasons for that.

Mamie: No, I thought that I did, but now I’m not so sure. You know, he may be disreputable, and maybe even untrustworthy, but one thing I know about your father is that he really was genuinely wanting to set things right between you. But, you know, you don’t need him as you clearly do not need me now. Oh, my goodness. Were you thrilled to hear that Glissade was just sold right from underneath him?

Devon: What do you mean it was sold from underneath him?

Mamie: Your father has lost everything. But, you know, c’est la vie. It doesn’t affect you. So, who cares? You know, when you push your family away, Devon, you’re pushing away the only constant that you can probably get in this lifetime. I’d be careful if I were you. You’re making a lot of causes for regret.

Faith: I don’t know, Mom. I’m having a hard time comparing what you and Dad had to whatever happened between him and Phyllis.

Sharon: Well, then stop comparing it. It’s just different, that’s all. Anyway, I let go of all that pain and animosity a long time ago.

Faith: I don’t mean to keep bringing it back up, I’m sorry.

Sharon: Um, my mind wanders back to that time every so often, but I don’t let myself spend too much time there. It’s– There’s a lot of pain there.

Faith: Because of Cassie?

Sharon: Yeah.

Faith: So horrible. What happened?

Sharon: It is the worst thing that a parent can experience. I, uh, I don’t blame your father for spinning out the way he did. Um, we were both just so lost.

Faith: Do you think of her all the time?

Sharon: Not every day, but there are moments, like a song will come on the radio that she liked, or Mariah will have this expression that brings Cassie back to me. But she’s always gonna be in my heart. And, you know, your dad and I still bring her flowers every year on her and Mariah’s birthday. Of course, we’ll never forget the day we lost her.

Faith: The anniversary was last month, right?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. And your father and I celebrated her like we have every year since it happened. You know, we, uh, we embraced life and our future to honor her and all the love that she brought into the world.

Faith: I wish I’d known her.

Sharon: I do too. You would have had the best big sister.

Faith: I love you, Mom.

Sharon: I love you.

Heather: What did, uh, Lily actually say when you told her about dropping the lawsuit? [ Daniel exhales ]

Lucy: I’m sure she was relieved too.

Daniel: Actually, she felt the same way I did.

Heather: What do you mean?

Daniel: Well, she didn’t want the game either. She was willing to give it back to me.

Heather: Without going to court, and you still let them have it?

Daniel: Yes.

Heather: Daniel, you completely failed to mention that part to me earlier.

Daniel: That is because I didn’t wanna talk to my lawyer about it. I wanted to talk to the woman that I love. Look, I needed to let this all go, Heather. One of the main reasons being guilt for what I did to Lily. And it felt good to get rid of all of it. I mean, it felt cathartic. The game is our past, not our future.

Heather: I bet she was thrilled.

Daniel: Lily understood. And um, I didn’t say that I gave Princess Louisa away for nothing.

Nate: Did you know about Tucker losing Glissade?

Devon: I did not. No. Victor mentioned to me that he suffered some kind of loss in business, but I didn’t know it was that.

Nate: Well, how did Aunt Mamie find out?

Devon: Because she’s clearly been paying more attention to Tucker’s business than I have.

Lily: Well, I think it’s also her way to keep a connection to us.

Nate: I still feel for her.

Devon: I do too. I just didn’t want her to cause any issues today. I wanna hear whatever you two have to present to us in peace.

Billy: Great, so we remember why we’re here.

Nate: We’re all here.

Billy: Yeah.

Nate: It’s your show.

Billy: Fantastic. So, I think it’s time, it’s actually past time, we face the fact that we will not find a working common ground here at Chancellor-Winters. The divide between Devon and me is too deep and insolvable that we can’t continue the way that we are right now. And I, for one, will take my share of the responsibility for that.

Devon: Wow, that’s very generous of you.

Billy: On a larger scale, the merger, although we did attain some good things, ultimately feels like a failed vision. It has suffered from the same problems and tension and Lily agrees with me.

Devon: Do you really?

Lily: Yes, I– I do. You know, I didn’t wanna face the reality for a long time that this merger just isn’t working and I think it’s time to split the companies.

Nate: Um, how do you see that happening?

Lily: Well, you and Devon would take back Winters and all of its original divisions and Billy and I will run Chancellor and their divisions and then whatever we acquired during the merger, we’ll just split fairly. We put together a preliminary list already, but obviously we’ll want you two to have some input.

Devon: That’s it. That’s, wow. Um, I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around that or even believing you. You just wanna walk away from Winters?

Heather: So, what is Lily giving you in exchange for just about everything else?

Daniel: Princess Louisa is going to be made a part of OmegaSphere’s new classic games library.

Lucy: What does that mean?

Daniel: It means no spin-offs. They can’t alter or change anything that I created. Princess Louisa ˯ will remain pristine forever.

Heather: And this is being put in writing?

Daniel: Lawyers are gonna be sending over new contracts in a few days.

Lucy: Well, that’s something, right, Mom?

Heather: It’s more than something, honey. It means that your dad’s work will always have your name on it and this is what you wanted, isn’t it? Your love letter to your daughter staying intact.

Daniel: Nothing else really mattered to me.

Heather: I know.

Lucy: Well, you know what? I think that we should celebrate.

Heather: We definitely, we need to celebrate.

Daniel: Okay, hold on now, I didn’t say I was finished.

Lucy: Wait, there’s more?

Daniel: There is more. In exchange for letting Chancellor-Winters keep the game, Lily has agreed to make sure that they make a sizable contribution to your college fund.

Lucy: Wow, are you serious?

Daniel: I am very serious.

Heather: What? That’s–

Lucy: Well, I guess Lily’s just as cool as I thought she was.

Daniel: Are you happy?

Heather: I’m very happy and this– this was the right decision. I’m very proud of you.

Sharon: So, any idea what you wanna do on your first day back home?

Faith: I don’t know. I thought I might hook up with some friends from Walnut Grove. But I can cancel them if you wanna hang out.

Sharon: We will have plenty of time to spend together. Why don’t you go and see your friends?

Faith: Thank you, Mom.

Sharon: For what?

Faith: For making a home a place I always wanna come back to. I thought it would be harder this time after, you know, all the Cameron stuff. You and Dad have been so patient with me. You make all the good memories wipe out the bad ones. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that.

Sharon: Thank you.

Faith: Anyway, I’m off. I will check back in with you later.

Sharon: Okay, bye-bye.

Faith: Bye.

Sharon: Have fun.

Nick: So, what’s Billy been feeding you?

Phyllis: Billy’s not feeding me anything. I mean, this is from my own observation. Billy is truly, he’s the only one who’s interested in growing the company.

Nick: Well, that’s not giving Devon and Lily much credit. They’ve been there a hell of a lot longer than Billy has.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, their leadership is stale.

Nick: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Did you get that from Billy?

Phyllis: No, it’s what I see. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the huge chip that Devon has on his shoulder because Billy’s even there in the first place.

Nick: Why are you defending Billy?

Phyllis: I’m not defending Billy.

Nick: It sure as hell sounds like it.

Phyllis: I’m just calling it like I see it.

Nick: Oh, this is from your observation?

Phyllis: Are you making fun of me?

Nick: No, Phyllis. I’m just trying to protect you and make sure you don’t step on some landmine because Billy Abbott is trouble. He always has been, he always will be.

Phyllis: Duly noted.

Nick: I hope so. Because if I’m reading this right, you’re just sort of waiting for things to implode at Chancellor-Winters and then Billy Abbott’s gonna end up on top. Then, he’s gonna have a place for you there. Is that the angle?

Lily: Yes, Devon. It was a difficult decision to leave the Winters divisions behind.

Devon: I would hope it was a difficult decision because you’re essentially just throwing away Neil’s company and the legacy that he left behind for us.

Lily: I mean, I think that’s a misrepresentation of what’s going on here.

Devon: I’m just being honest. That’s how it feels.

Lily: No, I am doing this for the very practical reasons of helping both companies grow and not get bogged down by petty arguments and power plays.

Devon: And you think you can achieve that by teaming up with this guy here?

Lily: Jill handed me the reins of Chancellor. It’s been my responsibility for a very long time. And I also think that it just makes good business sense.

Devon: Mm. So, you’ve already been discussing this with Jill?

Billy: Actually, no, I brought this up with Lily, not Jill. And yes, Devon, she was reluctant at first, but I think now it’s pretty clear this is the solution to the problem. And maybe, hopefully, once you stop being so pissed off and territorial, you’ll come to the same conclusion.

Devon: Oh, I have a question for you, Billy.

Billy: Sure.

Devon: Why don’t you just take Chancellor and run it yourself? What do you need her for?

Faith: Hi, Daniel.

Daniel: Faith, I didn’t know you were back.

Faith: I just got back.

Daniel: Oh, you remember Heather?

Faith: I think we met a long time ago.

Heather: It’s okay, you were just a kid and you’re all grown up now, you look wonderful.

Daniel: She’s in college now. How’s that going, by the way?

Faith: Let’s just say I’m ready for summer break.

Heather: Well, it’s good to see you again.

Daniel: This is our daughter, Lucy.

Faith: Hey, Lucy.

Lucy: Wait, oh, my God, you’re that– that girl.

Faith: I don’t know, what girl?

Lucy: The one that got kidnapped by one of your mom’s exes. Is it really true that you had a bomb strapped to your waist?

Heather: Lucy.

Lucy: I just, I heard a lot about it, that’s all.

Daniel: Yeah, and I’m pretty sure that Faith doesn’t wanna sit here and relive it for you, okay?

Lucy: Right, I’m sorry.

Faith: It’s okay.

Lucy: Um, my friends and I, we just, we read a lot about it and you actually lived through it. It must have been really horrible.

Faith: It was pretty bad, but I’m mostly past the whole trauma thing.

Lucy: I’m really glad. You were really brave.

Faith: No, just lucky. But I would be fine telling you about it sometime.

Lucy: Really?

Faith: Sure. [ phone pings ] Uh-oh, plans have changed. I’m meeting somewhere else now, I gotta go. But I’m home for most of the summer, so maybe we can grab lunch or coffee sometime.

Lucy: Yeah, that– that would be great.

Lily: How can you say that? Do you have such little respect for me that you don’t think I’m an asset?

Devon: I didn’t say that you wouldn’t be an asset at all. I’m just making sure that he’s not using you.

Billy: Well, why am I not surprised you’d go immediately there?

Lily: How would he be using me?

Devon: By convincing you of what a great team you are when really all he needs is your influence over me and Nate to make this whole thing happen.

Lily: Oh, okay, so now I’m unqualified and naive.

Devon: Did I say that? I think you’re twisting my words a little bit.

Lily: No, no, no, I think I’m hearing you pretty clearly.

Billy: I think what we’re all hearing, Devon, is you’re the problem. It’s always gotta be your way, and if you don’t agree, you’re either dumb, stupid, or both.

Devon: Is that how it made you feel, Billy? I’m sorry. You know what, I have one more question for you. What happens the first time you and Lily have a big disagreement? Are you gonna treat her like an obstacle instead of a partner, the way you’ve been doing with me?

Billy: So insulting.

Devon: It’s not. It’s a question. I mean, really, are you gonna stand there and not admit that this whole thing, this whole big idea is not just you wanting to take a hold of Chancellor and rename it to Abbott, or Abbott-Chancellor, or whatever the hell you want it to be?

Billy: Devon, just shut up. Just stop talking.

Lily: Okay, okay, okay, please, both of you, stop. Devon, I am going into this because I believe it’s the best move. No one is pulling my strings. Are we clear on that?

Phyllis: If I were to talk to Billy about a job, would it be so bad if I did?

Nick: Depends.

Phyllis: On?

Nick: You not pushing yourself into a situation where you’re not really wanted.

Phyllis: Wait, why would that be the case?

Nick: I’m not saying it is.

Phyllis: But you kind of are. I mean, I’m– I’m very good at what I do. I’m very smart and– and I have value and skills.

Nick: Nobody is disputing that.

Phyllis: Well, you kind of are right now. You’re sort of saying that– that I don’t have value and I’m not good, and I have to, like, beg for a job of some sort.

Nick: Nobody is more impressed with your talents than I am. I just wanna make sure that the next place you go is the right one.

Phyllis: Well, what makes you think this wouldn’t be the right one? Nick, I’ve been trying to get a job. I’m banging on a bunch of doors and nobody is opening their door to me. And I know it’s because of me. I have a lot to do with it. I realize that, so shh. Don’t remind me of that. It’s really hard and I’m starting to get desperate. I mean, something has to happen soon.

Nick: That is what I’m worried about, okay? That you’re gonna go rushing into the situation without really thinking about it. I mean, should I put together a list of all the times that you have acted impulsively and it’s blown up in your face or other people’s? Just please, I beg you, take a breath. Just really think about it. Make sure that the next place you go is the right one.

Faith: Change of plans. I’ve got to rush. Love you, Mom.

Sharon: Oh, okay.

Heather: Thank you.

Sharon: Hi.

Daniel: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: Did you see my social butterfly daughter who just ran out of here?

Daniel: We did. We got a quick chance to say hello to her. She and Lucy actually hit it off, it seemed.

Sharon: That’s great.

Daniel: I was hoping they could maybe hang out this summer.

Lucy: Dad, you don’t have to set up play dates for me. I’m not eight.

Daniel: Oh, is that what I was doing? I’m sorry.

Lucy: Kind of.

Heather: Are you here to eat? Do you want to just join us?

Sharon: No, thank you. I came to get some takeout. I have a lot of work to do, but maybe another time. Hi, I’m Sharon. I came to pick up my order.

Nick: Listen to me, you little punk. Do you have any idea how seriously my daughter’s hurt?

Sharon: Are you still here? What part of go away don’t you understand?

Daniel: Mrs. Newman, I–

Sharon: Listen to me. Our whole family is watching over that child in there, praying that she survives, and you are the cause of it.

Daniel: You have no idea how sorry I am.

Sharon: I could just kill you for what you have done to this family. You don’t even deserve to live.

Nick: Sharon, Sharon, stop.

Sharon: Get out of here.

Nick: Get out.

Sharon: Oh, thank you. eather: Well, you seem lighter, like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

Daniel: More like a boulder.

Heather: I’m glad. You deserve it.

Lucy: I am, too, Dad.

Heather: It’s a consensus.

Lucy: So, what’s next?

Daniel: Ah, yes, that is the big question, isn’t it? The big mystery. What is the next adventure?

Heather: Ooh, I like the sound of that, adventure.

Lucy: Hm, well, we could go to Africa, sail around the world.

Daniel: What about school?

Heather: Right.

Lucy: Online classes.

Daniel: Yeah, you know, it could be that or it could be right here in Genoa City. But you know, whatever, wherever it is, I know that it’s gonna be great because I have the two of you to share it with me. I’ve got my family.

Lucy: I love you guys.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: I am ending my sermon right now.

Phyllis: Okay, it was a good one.

Nick: I just really feel like you pinning your hopes on Billy Abbott is a recipe for disaster.

Phyllis: So, you keep on saying.

Nick: All right, definitely done now.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: Unless, of course, you want me to keep going and I will.

Phyllis: No, no. Thank you for always looking out for me.

Nick: Are you surprised by that?

Phyllis: No, I’m not. I really appreciate it. If anyone looks out for me, I hope it would be you. So, thank you.

Devon: Well, uh, this motion is gonna require a board vote, right?

Billy: Yeah, fine. Let’s have one.

Devon: Okay. Well, Abby is on her way to Paris right now to check on her mom. So, we should probably wait until she gets back, don’t you think?

Billy: Why do we have to wait? I mean, she’s got a phone. She can vote via video chat. Why don’t you give her a call and see if she’s available?

Devon: She is literally on the plane right now, Billy. And she probably would need to take some time to digest this, like the rest of us probably should.

Nate: Yeah, that’s right. What’s the big rush?

Lily: Yeah, I agree. This is a massive decision for the company. So, let’s just marinate on it. Give it a day or two, right?

Billy: Great. Sounds good.

Lily: What the hell were you doing?

Devon: I don’t know what I was doing. I was selling the plan like we talked about.

Lily: Really? Because it kind of felt like you were trying to sabotage it.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ relaxed music ]

Hope: So, you and Paris are… what?

Thomas: I was trying to tell you, Hope.

Douglas: Did I say something wrong, Dad?

Thomas: No, bud, you didn’t say anything wrong.

Hope: So, you came back because you’re engaged. To Paris Buckingham.

Thomas: I proposed and she accepted. We’re getting married.

Steffy: Hope’s optimism is commendable, but it isn’t realistic.

Ridge: Hope For the Future’s in transition. I’m sure they’re gonna bounce back.

Steffy: I’m not going to fight you on it this time.

Ridge: I’m so glad to hear it. Thank you.

Steffy: I admit, at its peak, Hope for the Future, it was a very innovative and creative line.

Ridge: Mm-hmm. Can be again.

Steffy: You say give it more time. Fine. And I’m sure our newest executive member feels the same way, so we will.

Ridge: Hope and her line deserve that.

Steffy: Okay, we’re giving her another quarter to prove herself, but let’s be honest. RJ and Zende, they are great designers. They are. They’re doing their best. But Hope for the Future? It hasn’t been the same since Thomas left.

Ridge: You’re right.

Steffy: I’m right?

Ridge: Yes. Hope for the Future’s not the same now that Thomas is gone.

Steffy: Thank you.

Ridge: But that doesn’t mean it can’t be great again because Zende, RJ, they’re very talented. And Zende’s experience, that’s the key here.

Steffy: Okay, but he’s not in charge. Hope is. And her judgment lately has been a little bit iffy.

Ridge: Okay, you’re right about that too. Inviting Sheila back into her life, it– it’s just disappointing.

Steffy: Completely irrational? Let’s face it, Hope for the Future isn’t the only thing that hasn’t been the same lately. Hope is losing it. She’s been completely off the rails and I keep thinking she’s going to try to pull herself together, but she hasn’t. Ever since Thomas made the wise decision to take Douglas and leave for Paris.

Thomas: You’re shocked.

Paris: Well, we did keep things kind of private.

Thomas: Yeah, to give it time.

Hope: When? How?

Paris: Well, as you know, I’ve been working at International. I was already there when Thomas moved.

Thomas: Yeah. We started hanging out, grabbed a few meals together. Douglas, too.

Douglas: Paris took me to see some really cool art.

Paris: And you took me to your favorite pastry shop.

Hope: And where were you?

Thomas: Well, somebody had to carry the prints and all the bakery boxes, so.

Douglas: It’s okay, Mom. You don’t have to worry. I know Dad. He really loves Paris. This is for real.

Paris: Hey, Douglas. How about we give your dad and Hope some time alone?

Douglas: Yeah. I haven’t seen Grandpa and Aunt Steffy yet. I’ll see you later. I’ve missed you a lot.

Hope: Me too. Wow.

Thomas: I was going to tell you on my own.

Hope: Just no warning. You just come back to announce your engagement?

Thomas: Didn’t seem like news to reveal over the phone. [ Hope scoffing ]

Hope: Oh. Oh, wow. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have misread that? You– you came into the office, Douglas ran into my arms. I was so happy for a minute. I thought, “They’re home. It’s– Everything is going to be okay. I don’t have to worry anymore.” I really thought you came back to… To restart our life together, Thomas.

Steffy: Hope never understood how badly she could hurt Thomas.

Ridge: I’m sure that wasn’t her intention.

Steffy: Her intention was to never marry Thomas. And– and she knew that from the start.

Ridge: I think the two of them saw that differently.

Steffy: Well, who was right? And now, Hope resents me for it.

Ridge: You– you guys are at each other for all kinds of stuff lately.

Steffy: I think I’ve moved on.

Ridge: I think we all want to.

Steffy: I know Thomas has.

Ridge: Yeah, it does seem that way.

Steffy: But Hope hasn’t. She thinks I’m the reason Douglas and Thomas left for Paris, but that is not true. It’s her fault. And Thomas understands that. Like, I talk to him and he says that I’m right.

Ridge: You talk to him?

Steffy: Yeah, I do. I talk to him a lot. We chat on video calls and Douglas chats with his cousins. It’s really cute.

Ridge: I miss those guys so much.

Steffy: I know. I really miss them.

Ridge: But, you gotta remember that they’re where they need to be. Paris has been really good to them.

Steffy: Yeah, you can say that again.

Douglas: Grandpa! [ Steffy gasping ]

Ridge: What? Wait, what are you–

Steffy: Honey! Oh, my God.

Ridge: What are you doing here?

Steffy: Get over here! What– Wait, what are you doing here?

Douglas: Visiting you.

Steffy: Are– We– This is crazy. We were just talking about– We were talking about you and how much we miss you.

Douglas: I miss you too.

Ridge: I talked to your dad the other day. He didn’t tell me anything about you coming over here.

Douglas: We wanted to surprise you.

Ridge: Well, this is a–

Steffy and Ridge: Surprise!

Ridge: Biggest surprise ever.

Steffy: Wait, so wait, it’s– it’s– it’s you and your father? You’re here?

Douglas: Not just us. His fiancée’s here, too.

Ridge: His what? His– his fiancée?

Steffy: What? They’re engaged?

Ridge: Wait, so he’s been seeing somebody? Who?

Paris: Me.

Steffy: Paris! Oh, my God.

Paris: Hi, Steffy! It’s been a while.

Steffy: Yeah, I guess I don’t have to ask you how things are going with Thomas.

Paris: Pretty well, I’d say.

Ridge: You knew about this?

Steffy: Well, I knew Paris and Thomas were dating, but I didn’t realize that they’re engaged. Oh, my God!

Thomas: This is why I wanted to tell you in person. So I could explain.

Hope: Well, I — I didn’t even know that you were dating and now you’re engaged to Paris?

Thomas: Look, Douglas didn’t mean to spring that on you. He just got excited.

Hope: He called Paris “mom.”

Thomas: Well, we’re gonna be married, so…

Hope: Why are you doing this?

Thomas: I’m doing this because Paris is an incredible woman. She’s ambitious and creative and loving.

Hope: And does she care at all that you were engaged to her sister once upon a time? And that, oh yeah, you proposed to me not too long ago.

Thomas: She knows all that. And she also knows why I had to leave L.A.

Hope: Yeah, because of your feelings for me.

Thomas: And my need to move past them.

Hope: So, this is how you do it? Marrying someone else so quickly? Thomas, that is not how it works.

Thomas: You know what doesn’t work? Being in love with someone and asking them to marry you over and over again, and them saying no. That doesn’t work. I had to take that dream and give it away.

Hope: There are other ways to be committed, Thomas.

Thomas: Yes, there are, but Paris wants to be my wife.

Hope: Gosh, of course, she does. Look at all you have to offer, Thomas. Any woman would be lucky enough to… And I… just wasn’t ready.

Thomas: I know. And a part of me is always gonna love you, Hope. But I had to move on. You gave me no choice.

Douglas: I gave it away again.

Paris: No, Douglas, it’s okay. You’re excited. We are too.

Douglas: But Dad wanted to tell everyone together.

Ridge: Well, I’m just glad somebody’s telling me something. So, you’re engaged?

Paris: You’re surprised.

Ridge: Yeah, I’m surprised. I didn’t know you were dating.

Douglas: Dad’s happy. For real. And I am too. Paris is great. Dad loves her a lot.

Paris: And I love you both more than I can say. Hey, remember you said you were gonna say hello to Charlie after you said hello to your family?

Steffy: Oh, he’s probably in his office.

Paris: Yeah, that’ll give me a chance to talk to your aunt and grandpa.

Douglas: I’m so glad to be home.

Ridge: Me too. Keep an eye on Charlie, okay?

Douglas: Okay.

Ridge: Bye. Wow.

Paris: Well, I’m sure you guys have a lot of questions.

Steffy: Yes.

Ridge: That’s an understatement.

Steffy: Dad, it wasn’t my place to say anything.

Ridge: So, you knew about this engagement?

Steffy: No, no. I knew that Thomas and Paris were a couple. I didn’t know about the engagement.

Paris: Like Douglas said, Thomas wanted to tell you all in person.

Ridge: How long have you guys been dating?

Paris: We reconnected shortly after Douglas and Thomas moved to Paris and we’ve been together ever since.

Ridge: I– I saw him over there. He didn’t mention anything about any of this.

Paris: Yeah, well, he wanted to enjoy his time with you. He wasn’t sure how you’d react after, you know, knowing how fast things have been going. Especially after leaving Hope. But Thomas and I, we bonded over our commitment to improving ourselves, and the world as much as we can. I dedicated my life to non-profit work, expanding the Forrester Foundation globally, and Thomas, he’s focusing on being the best designer and father to Douglas. Thomas’ first few weeks in Paris were a little sad and lonely. He didn’t have that spark I remembered. Except for when he was with Douglas. At first, I was just trying to cheer them up.

Ridge: Well, I appreciate that.

Paris: Yeah, I couldn’t let your son go through another dark chapter in his life. He’s gone through a lot worse than a little rejection. And I saw how strong he was. And how– how beautiful he is and I knew he could depend on me. And over time, we just formed this bond. This profound connection. I love Thomas. And I know he really loves me.

Hope: I know I hurt you and I know I let you down. And I am sorry, Thomas. But that didn’t mean that I stopped loving you. That didn’t mean that I wanted you to leave.

Thomas: I had to leave.

Hope: No, you didn’t. You didn’t. You ran. You could have stayed. You could have worked it out.

Thomas: You said no. You didn’t want to marry me.

Hope: You know that I needed time. And now, you– You’re already engaged?

Thomas: And it’s not just some random person. This is someone I’ve known for a long time.

Hope: So what, have you… Have you just forgotten everything that we shared?

Thomas: No, Hope. I haven’t forgotten anything. You’ve been there for me, you inspired me, you encouraged me and I’m so grateful for that. I am never going to forget what we had.

Hope: Then, how can you move on so quickly with someone else like we were nothing?

Thomas: Paris and I have something special, too.

Hope: Oh, gosh, I– I want– I want to be happy for you. Really, I do, but this is just, this is–

Thomas: Yeah, well, Hope, I’m not asking for that. I just needed you to know. Hope, it’s gonna be okay.

Hope: You were my constant. You were like my– my north star. When my life was upside down and unstable, I knew that I could look to you for reassurance. I mean, you were– you were steadfast. Your commitment, your love, your devotion. I mean… a one-woman man. And you still are, aren’t you? Only that woman isn’t me anymore, is it? Paris? Are you sure you love her?

Paris: Oh, you’re not sure what to say.

Ridge: It’s a lot to digest.

Steffy: Totally caught off guard, but Thomas raves about you. He’s never once mentioned marriage, like–

Paris: He wanted to tell you himself. Announce it together.

Steffy: Where is he now?

Paris: With Hope.

Steffy: Hope. Hope. Okay.

Paris: Yeah, Douglas was super excited to see her, so he rushed into the office and we were right there behind him.

Steffy: You were with Thomas?

Paris: Yeah.

Ridge: Oh. So, she saw you. She knows?

Paris: Well, it’s kind of hard to ignore this generous engagement ring.

Steffy: I mean, this is absolutely beautiful.

Paris: Thank you.

Ridge: It’s quite a statement.

Steffy: So, how did, uh, Hope take it? It must have been a shock for her.

Paris: Yeah, that’s why I brought Douglas in here. Just to give Thomas and Hope a chance to talk.

Steffy: Oh, oh– okay. Do you think that’s wise, given their history? No, look, I– I know Thomas moved on, but Hope? I don’t know. I don’t know if she’s ready to let go of him.

Paris: Well, in the past, I might have been concerned about that. Maybe even a little insecure. But not anymore. I believe in Thomas’ love for me. That’s why I agreed to marry him. Because I’m certain he’s finally over Hope.

Hope: Tell me, Thomas. Say the words. Do you really love Paris?

Thomas: I asked her to marry me.

Hope: Still didn’t answer my question–

Thomas: Yes, I did, Hope. I hate seeing you this upset. [ Hope scoffing ]

Hope: What did you expect?

Thomas: I asked you to marry me twice and you turned me down.

Hope: And then you went and proposed to someone else.

Thomas: Yeah, well sometimes you gotta ask the question a few times before you get the answer you want.

Hope: From Paris. Thomas, I know you said that you share something special. You know it will never even be close to what we share. What we had was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before and I know that you feel the same. Those first moments together in Rome. The– the high of the fashion show. Our kiss in front of the Coliseum. The– the sparks. The connection. It wasn’t just a temporary thing, Thomas. It wasn’t just passion or desire. It was real. We created something beautiful. Something deep. Something true. A man has never moved me the way that you do. And I know you feel that way too. There’s still– there’s still so much potential for us, Thomas. This– this doesn’t have to be the way at all. It all happens to be. I– You remember, everyone was trying to break us apart. Steffy, your mother, they couldn’t break our connection. They can’t break what we share. There’s still so much future ahead for us if we just want it. You can choose a different path. We can still have it all. You don’t have to marry Paris, Thomas. Please, don’t go through with this.

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Days Update Monday, June 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Eric and Marlena have dinner together at home. Eric calls the dinner a success but Marlena questions if he’s saying that because they got through it without mentioning Nicole or Jude.

EJ and Nicole have ice cream together at home. Nicole checks her phone and comments on Holly not posting pictures from prom. EJ suggests she must be having too much fun. Nicole admits she was really nervous about letting Holly go, but she’s really glad she did and she hopes she’s having the time of her life…

Holly and Tate finish their dance and then they kiss. Holly calls it weird to finally be able to be with each other without looking over their shoulders. Tate doesn’t want it to end. Holly agrees that she wants it to last forever. Tate promises they will figure something out, but until then, they will just enjoy this right here and now. They continue kissing on the bed until Theresa and Brady barge in to catch them. Tate questions what they are doing there. Theresa responds that she was just about to ask him the same thing.

Alex stands in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion and talks to the portrait of Victor. Alex knows Theresa isn’t who Victor would choose for him, but he hopes that Victor would be happy that he’s happy. Maggie then walks in and asks what they are talking about.

Ava goes home to her room above the Pub and Harris then comes in behind her. Ava is surprised to see Harris is back, but Harris reveals that he’s not back for long. Ava asks where he is off to. Harris announces that he is leaving Salem. Ava questions him moving away and then says he doesn’t have to explain because she gets it. Ava says they kind of left things up in the air in Montana, so she wasn’t counting on them having a future together after all she did and the lies she told. Harris says it’s not like he’s innocent. Ava says things don’t have to be weird between them if he doesn’t want to be together and he doesn’t have to move out of town because of her. Harris then declares that it’s not because of Ava but because of Hope.

Nicole tells EJ that she should get Jude upstairs. They talk about Jude taking after each other and Nicole jokingly comments that she hasn’t seen any DiMera in Jude. Nicole teases that she’s sure EJ wants Jude to be just like his father. Nicole notes EJ’s reaction and asks if that was insulting. EJ says it’s not that and then informs Nicole that there’s something he hasn’t told her about Eric.

Eric knows Marlena is worried about him, but promises he is okay. Marlena tells Eric that she and John will do anything to help him. Eric says that means a lot to him. Eric asks how long John is out of town. Marlena says she doesn’t have an answer. Eric asks if it’s a case for Black Patch but Marlena says it’s not, so Eric asks if everything is okay. Marlena tells Eric that John is still struggling over what he did to Konstantin’s daughter. Eric points out that John wasn’t in control of what he was doing. Marlena says that’s true, but John is hoping this trip can help him make amends and move past all that. Eric commends John for wanting to make amends, especially knowing Konstantin was responsible for Victor’s death.

Alex tells Maggie that sometimes talking to Victor’s portrait helps as he’s a good listener. Maggie relates that she talks to Victor too. Alex asks how she’s holding up and calls it a lot to handle that the man who killed his father was living under this roof and had her convinced that he was Victor’s friend. Maggie admits she made a terrible mistake letting Konstantin in to their home so it’s her own fault. Alex says he’s not blaming her as Konstantin had them all fooled and no one really knew who he was.

Theresa complains that she knew she would find Tate here. Tate asks how she even got in. Theresa explains that she told the front desk that she was a concerned mother and he gave her a key. Theresa guesses that they were about to have sex which they deny. Holly tries to explain but Theresa says she is talking to her son. Tate argues that they were just trying to spend some time alone, which they could’ve done at the prom if Theresa and Brady weren’t trying to keep them apart. Theresa tells Tate not to turn this around on her and argues that he lied to her face about being sick. Tate complains that’s because she wouldn’t listen. Theresa says she knew something was going on which is why she kept her eyes on Holly and saw her scurry out of the prom after Tate left. Theresa brings up seeing Holly and Tate at the Kiriakis Mansion so obviously they had a plan for tonight. Theresa asks them how long this has been going on.

Ava asks Harris about Hope. Harris says it’s not what she’s thinking but reveals that Hope got a lead on Megan Hathaway and doesn’t want to leave Bo’s side, so she asked if he would do her a favor to follow up on that lead. Ava admits that makes sense after everything Megan did to him. Harris says there’s nothing more he wants than to see Megan Hathaway locked away forever. Ava understands he has to see that through. Ava then asks him what that means for them.

Alex says that Maggie may not have known Konstantin murdered Victor, but she figured out he was up to no good and came up with the whole plan to stop him. Maggie credits Steve and John for helping. Alex wishes that Maggie trusted him with that secret but she lied to him and came up with the whole story about Konstantin needing an office at Titan. Alex asks if she even considered bringing him in to the plan. Maggie admits she didn’t because it’s been a long time since they have been on the same side. Alex calls that fair, but thinks it’s time they change that.

Theresa warns Tate not to deny it because it’s obvious this has been going on for awhile now. Tate admits it’s not the first time but says it’s only because they felt like they had no choice and they had been completely unreasonable. Theresa questions Tate sneaking out and going to hotel rooms with Holly, asking how many times he lied to them. Tate complains that she wants to talk about honesty and asks why she didn’t just talk to him instead of spying on them and busting down the door like Homeland Security. Theresa argues that she wanted to see how far he would go and hoped he would come to his senses. Tate asks Brady to say something. Brady doesn’t know what he wants him to say since he did lie to him. Holly asks what they were supposed to do. Theresa suggests she could’ve gone to prom with her actual date. Holly says she’s going to call a ride home but Theresa insists on driving her home, saying she needs to make sure she goes home. Tate argues that she just wants to keep her in lockdown. Holly says she can get home herself but Brady declares they aren’t just going to leave them here alone and adds that Nicole needs to know what’s going on. Tate calls this so unfair. Theresa tells Holly they are going and escorts her out of the room.

Eric asks Marlena how Konstantin pulled this off and have so many people fooled. Marlena calls him a very bad man and declares that she’s not sorry he’s dead, but his daughter is the innocent one in all of this. Eric asks how John plans to make amends. Marlena says he will go to his gravesite with flowers and hopefully that will relieve some of the guilt he’s been through all this time.

Nicole questions EJ wanting to tell her something about Eric. EJ then reveals that he saw them in the foyer on the night that Nicole had that terrible argument with Holly and went out drinking. EJ then admits that he saw Nicole kiss Eric after he brought her home. Nicole asks why he didn’t say something. EJ supposes he wanted to pretend it didn’t happen, but he mentions it now because he doesn’t want there to be anything between them. EJ declares that he loves her so much and part of him is always scared that he’s going to lose her. Nicole asks why he would think he would lose her.

Harris tells Ava that he doesn’t know how long it will take to find Megan, but says he can’t ask Ava to wait for him. Ava asks if he would want her to wait for him. Harris says when they first met, he wasn’t expecting to make this connection with her but he did and after everything with Hope, he just wanted a simple life. Ava jokes that all she did was make his life a thousand times more complicated. Harris admits that she’s anything but simple and he doesn’t condone all of her choices, but he does understand them. Harris states that in her position, it probably seemed that none of the options were good ones. Ava asks if it’s not a deal breaker then which Harris confirms. Harris tells Ava that he cares for her and she means a lot to him, but to get past the trust issues will take a lot of time to work on and he just can’t commit to that right now. Harris hopes that Ava understands. Ava tearfully responds that she does and guesses this really is goodbye.

Alex tells Maggie that he knows they had disagreements about the company. Maggie points out they disagreed about almost everything. Alex says that was just the business but Maggie feels it got pretty personal. Alex apologizes for the part he played in that but declares that at the end of the day, they are family and connected through Victor. Alex doesn’t think Victor wants them at each others’ throats which Maggie agrees with. Alex says he’s been thinking about Victor a lot lately. Maggie asks if that’s because of Konstantin. Alex says it’s also what Maggie said to him a few weeks ago about being Victor’s son being more than just wealth and power but about living up to his legacy and doing what makes him proud. Maggie acknowledges that he was listening. Alex says he was just too stubborn to let her know that he was. Maggie admits she’s pretty stubborn herself. Alex asks if they can bury the hatchet for Victor’s sake. Maggie thinks they already have as they hug.

Eric has dessert but Marlena isn’t sure she wants to eat it. Marlena says with Johnny and Chanel moving to California and the bakery closing, she wants to savor every bit. Eric jokes that he’ll have to have Chanel mail her some cake. Brady then comes home with Tate. Eric and Marlena acknowledge them being home early. Eric offers them some cake but Brady says they will pass on that. Marlena then asks if everything is alright or if something happened at the dance. Tate suggests asking Brady.

Nicole holds EJ’s hand and assures that he is not going to lose her. Nicole admits that she made a mistake and insists that Eric is in the past. Nicole states that she and Eric are friends but EJ is her husband and she loves only him. Nicole calls their son a product of their love and says the family connection is all that matters to her. They kiss until Theresa arrives with Holly and announces that she’s sorry to interrupt but she brought Nicole’s daughter home.

Harris tells Ava that he can’t say when he’ll be back, so he told Rafe that he’s taking an indefinite leave from the police force. Ava guesses Harris is taking all of his belongings with him. Harris notes that he doesn’t have much. Ava doesn’t know how to say goodbye. Harris admits he doesn’t either as they kiss.

Maggie tells Alex that she hasn’t seen Theresa today and asks how she’s doing. Alex says she’s okay. Maggie notes it must have been terrifying when Konstantin held her hostage. Alex admits it was for both of them. Maggie says she’s glad that Theresa has Alex in her life and comments on them getting close. Alex talks about figuring out who he is and who he wants to be with. Maggie says she’s very fond of Theresa. Alex notes that Theresa feels the same about her. Maggie believes that despite her mistakes, Theresa is determined to be a better person and she sees that her efforts are paying off.

Tate complains that Theresa is out of control and overcompensating for her own mess of a life. Brady calls that not fair. Tate argues that Brady didn’t even give he and Holly a chance to explain and says that’s unfair. Marlena thinks his parents did what they felt was best. Tate asks if Eric cares to comment. Eric says it’s not his place, but it sounds like a tough situation. Tate shouts that it was like being raided by a SWAT team. Brady says it wasn’t his intent to bust in on him like that. Tate questions if it was Theresa’s idea and he just went along with it. Brady admits he was concerned about him. Tate insists that he and Holly were just going to spend time and talk, but Theresa busted in and basically called Holly a slut. Brady points out that she did not say that. Tate asks if Brady has any idea how humiliating this was for Holly. Marlena asks where Holly is. Tate informs her that Theresa practically dragged her out by her hair to take her home and now he’s sure she’s going to trash her in front of Nicole and EJ.

Nicole asks what the hell is going on. Theresa explains that she and Brady just caught Holly and Tate hooking up in a hotel room. Holly swears they weren’t doing anything wrong. Nicole thought Holly was going to prom with Aaron. Theresa informs her that was just a cover like Tate going with Sophia, so they could ditch their dates and run off together to the Salem Inn. Nicole asks Holly if that’s true. Holly claims it wasn’t like that. Theresa asks if she didn’t just catch her in a hotel room with Tate. Nicole thanks Theresa for bringing Holly home and says she’d like to speak to her daughter alone. Theresa questions that being it. Nicole calls it a family matter. Theresa complains that they are always sweeping things under the rug and blames Nicole for this. Theresa says if Nicole wouldn’t have ungrounded her delinquent daughter, Tate would’ve stayed at the prom instead of running off for some sexcapade. EJ and Nicole warn Theresa about how she talks to Holly. Theresa can’t believe they are still defending Holly and asks how blind they have to be when Holly and Tate have been sneaking around behind their backs for months. Theresa calls the DiMera Mansion a house full of liars and criminals. EJ tells her that’s it. Theresa says she’s just getting started. Nicole tells her to get out of her house and threatens to have her thrown out. Their fighting causes Jude to wake up crying. Theresa screams at Holly to stay away from her son as EJ removes Theresa from the room.

Harris and Ava lay in bed together and continue kissing.

EJ returns to the living room as Holly apologizes to Nicole for waking up the baby. Nicole says it’s okay since he fell back asleep and she blames Theresa. Holly calls Theresa crazy for barging in to the hotel room. Nicole questions if she really ditched her date to be with Tate. Holly claims it wasn’t like that but then admits it was because she never expected Nicole to change her mind about letting her go to prom. Holly reveals that when she was grounded, her and Tate had a different plan to sneak off and be together but then she had to ask Aaron to go with her. Nicole feels it wasn’t right what she did to Aaron. Holly explains that Aaron wanted to go with Sophia so they all ended up with the right people. Nicole argues that nothing about tonight was right since Holly lied to everyone. Holly wishes she didn’t have to as she would’ve loved to have gone with Tate but his parents were watching them like prison guards since they were chaperones. Holly says she snuck out to the Salem Inn to spend time with Tate and admits that she really likes him. Holly argues that Nicole must understand what it’s like to have feelings for someone when everyone says they are bad for her.

Tate acknowledges that he shouldn’t have lied and snuck around. Brady questions if he knew that an hour ago in the hotel room. Tate argues that it’s not like they eloped. Brady complains that Tate lied to their faces so Theresa has a right to be upset. Tate asks them to talk to Theresa, feeling she’s being completely unreasonable. Eric says he’s sorry but this is between Tate and his parents. Tate asks if Marlena can talk to Theresa as a psychiatrist. Marlena says she would be glad to but Theresa is his mother. Tate complains about Theresa deciding how he lives his life and who he gets to be with. Marlena tells Tate that if he and Holly want to be together as a couple, they are going to have to prove they can be trusted.

Theresa goes home to the Kiriakis Mansion where Alex asks how chaperoning was. Theresa calls it a complete disaster since she and Brady caught Tate and Holly sneaking off to the Salem Inn but she doesn’t want to talk about it. Theresa asks Alex to just say anything to take her mind off how awful the night’s been and to cheer her up. Alex responds that there actually was something he wanted to talk to her about and he really wanted to wait for the perfect time. Alex then pulls out his ring box and says he knows last time, she really expected him to propose. Theresa says they talked about it and it’s okay. Alex says he just wasn’t ready and he didn’t know what he wanted. Alex admits since finding out he’s Victor’s son, he hasn’t been sure about a lot of things like who he is, how he fits in the family, and what he wants in life. Theresa asks if he’s saying he’s figured it out now. Alex confirms he has and he’s ready. Theresa asks if he’s asking what she thinks he is. Alex knows they aren’t in front of the Eiffel Tower or in a hot air balloon, but after the last week they’ve had, it’s made him realize how much she means to him and he wants her to know how he feels about them. Alex then gets down on one knee and proposes to Theresa.

Ava asks if Harris is leaving right now. Harris thinks that’s for the best. Ava hates long goodbyes too. Harris says he will stop downstairs to tell Roman that he’s leaving. Ava thanks Harris for everything as they kiss.

Nicole tells Holly that it’s been a long night and suggests going to bed, then they will figure this out in the morning, so Holly exits. Nicole tells Jude not to turn in to a teenager for a long time.

Brady tells Tate that it’s been a long day so he’s going to bed. Brady encourages Tate that it’s going to be alright and they will get through it as he heads to his room.

Theresa accepts Alex’s proposal and they kiss.

Tate sits alone with his phone.

Holly comes back downstairs and gets a text from Tate, asking if she’s okay. Holly responds that she’s fine. Tate texts back that he’s missing her.

Ava and Harris kiss goodbye and hug with tears in their eyes. Harris then takes his bag and exits.

Alex puts his ring on Theresa’s finger.

EJ asks Nicole if there’s anything he can do. Nicole tells him that she’s sorry for not being honest with him about Eric, but agrees to no more secrets which EJ promises as they hug.

Eric sits on the bench outside the Brady Pub as a woman walks by with a baby in a stroller.

EJ holds Nicole while looking down at Jude.

Tate texts Holly that he’s really sorry about everything. Holly texts back that he gave her the perfect prom and thanks him. Tate responds that no matter what happens, they will always have tonight.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis tells Nick that she has heard rumors about in-fighting at Chancellor-Winters and she is waiting for the company to blowup so she can ask Billy for a job.

Faith asks Sharon, if she wishes, she and Nick were still together. Sharon insists that just being friends with Nick is fine.

Faith thinks that if Cassie hadn’t died she and Nick would still be together. Sharon remembers when Daniel apologized to her and Nick for causing the accident that killed Cassie.

Devon, Lily, and Nate stage an argument about splitting up Chancellor-Winters so Billy won’t discover their plan.

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Days Transcript Monday, June 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft music]

I’d say that meal was a success.

Are you saying that because what we ordered was delicious or because we got through it without a mention of Nicole or Jude?

[tense music]


Mmm. Can I try another bite of yours?

Of course.


There we go.

Let me get this down.

Yes, we don’t want to mix.

[chuckles] Mmm. Mmm! That’s delicious. You want to trade?

Mm. No, thank you.



What, you don’t like my cookie dough?

It’s not that I don’t like it. I just prefer the nuance of a dark chocolate to raw globs of dough.

[gasps] Are you saying I can’t appreciate nuance because of my lower class tastebuds?

No, I–that was not–ah, ah–

Hm? Huh? Huh? [laughs] I’m just kidding. Your snobby-ness is part of your charm. [cell phone beeps] Mm. [groans]

What is it?

I just thought Holly would post pictures from prom night tonight.

Probably having too much fun to worry about her phone.

Yeah. You know, I was really nervous about letting her go tonight, but I’m really glad I did. I just hope she’s having the time of her life.

It’s so weird, isn’t it? Just finally being able to be with each other without looking over our shoulders for more than two minutes.

I don’t want it to end.

Me neither. I want it to last forever.

So do I. Hey, we’re gonna figure something out, I promise. Okay? But until then, let’s just enjoy this, okay, right here, right now. [tender music]

[lock beeps, door opens]

[gasps] Aha!

Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing here?

Oh, really, Tate? I was just about to ask you the same thing. [dramatic music]

[soft music]

It’s pretty nice, huh?

I know Theresa’s not the person you’d choose for me. In fact, she’s probably last on your list. But I do hope that you’d be happy knowing that I’m happy.

[clears throat] What are you two talking about?

Harris. You’re back.

Yeah. But not for long. [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Wh-where are you off to?

I’m leaving Salem. [soft dramatic music]

Leaving? Uh, moving away?

[sighs] Look, Ava–

I–you know–you know what? [chuckles] You don’t have to explain. Yeah, you know, I–I get it. I get it.

You know, we kind of left things up in the air in– in Montana, and it’s not like I was counting on us having a future together, you know, after all the stuff I did, the lies that I told and everything.

It’s not like I’m innocent.

You know, things don’t have to be weird between us if you don’t want to be together. I mean, you certainly don’t have to move out of town because of me.

It’s–it’s not because of you. It’s because of Hope.

I should bring Jude upstairs.

Oh, worried that he’ll steal some of your ice cream while you’re not looking?

Well, that depends. Will he inherit my peasant taste or your sophisticated palate?

I’m sure it will be a perfect combo of the two of us.

I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’ve seen any DiMera in him at this point. You know, he sleeps well. He’s got a good disposition.

As long as he’s happy and healthy.

Oh, stop. You’re telling me you don’t want him to be just like his father? I’m sure you already bought him a little suit and a briefcase.

[chuckles] [tense music]

Oh, I’m– I’m sorry, was that insulting?

No, no, it-it’s– it’s not that. It’s just… There’s something that I haven’t told you. It’s about Eric.

I know you’re worried about me, Mom. But I’m okay, I promise.

You know that John and I will do anything at all to help you. You know that?

Yeah. And that means a lot to me. Listen, how long is John out of town for?

Uh, I don’t have an exact answer for that.

Is it a case for Black Patch?

No. No, it’s not.

Is everything okay?

[sighs] You know that John is still struggling with what he did to Konstantin’s daughter.

John wasn’t in control of what he was doing, right?

Well, that’s true. But–but he still feels responsible. He’s hoping this trip can help him make amends and move past all that.

You know, it’s wonderful that John wants to make amends, like you said, especially now that he knows Konstantin is responsible for Victor’s death.

Sometimes talking to him helps. He’s a good listener.

Yeah, I understand. I talk to him too.

How are you holding up, Maggie?

All right, all things considered.

It’s been a lot to process these last few days.


The idea that the man who killed my father was living under this roof, and he had you convinced that he was Victor’s friend…

I made a terrible mistake letting Konstantin into our home. So I have no one to blame but myself.

No, no, that’s not what I meant at all. I’m not blaming you, Maggie. He had us all fooled. Nobody knew who Konstantin really was.


I knew it. I knew I would find you here.

How did you even get in?

I told the man at the front desk that I was a concerned mother, and he gave me a key. You were about to have sex, weren’t you?

No, Mom, come on!

Ms. Donovan, that’s not why we came here–

I am talking to my son.

Mom, Holly’s right. We just came here to spend some time alone together, which we could have done at the prom if you two had have been there trying to keep us apart–

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Do not turn this around on me. You lied to my face about being sick.

Yes, because you wouldn’t have listened.

Listen to what, your lies? Man. Man, I knew–I knew something was going on here. That’s why I kept my eyes on you, Holly.

Wh–you were watching me?

Oh, yeah. I saw you scurry out of the prom a few minutes after Tate left.

I’m sorry, scurry?

Theresa, please–

How long, Tate?


I saw you both in the Kiriakis mansion together the other day. Obviously, you had a plan for tonight. Tell us. How long has this been going on?

Are–are you and Hope, um–

No, no. No. It’s not what you’re thinking. Um, Hope got a lead on Megan Hathaway, and she doesn’t want to leave Bo’s side.

Oh. [sighs] So that’s why she contacted you?

Yeah. She asked if I could do her a favor and follow up on that lead.

Okay, makes sense, I mean, after everything that Megan did to you.

Yeah, there’s nothing more that I want to see Megan Hathaway locked away forever.

Yeah. Of course, you know, you– you got to see that through, right? [soft dramatic music] Harris, what does that mean for us?

You may not have known that Konstantin murdered Victor, but you figured out he was up to no good.

It took a minute, but yes.

And you came up with a whole plan, and you put it into motion to stop him.

With Steve and John’s help.

Maggie, I really wish you trusted me with that secret. You lied to me over and over again. You came up with the whole story about Konstantin needing an office at Titan. Did you even consider bringing me into it?

Honestly, no. Alex, it’s been a long time since you and I have been on the same side.

I know. That’s fair. But I think maybe it’s time we change that.

Hey, do not even bother denying it. It’s obvious that this has been going on for a while now.

Okay. Yeah. This isn’t the first time, but it’s only because we felt like we had no choice. You have been completely unreasonable.

I’ve been unreasonable? What? You’ve been sneaking out, going to hotel rooms with her! I mean, honestly, how many times have you lied to us, Tate?

You want to talk about honesty? Y-you said you knew something was going on, right? Why not just talk to me instead of spying on us and busting down the door like Homeland Security?

Because I wanted to see how far you would go.

Okay, all right. Yeah, that makes sense.

Yeah, it does. I-I just hoped that maybe, maybe you would make the right decision, you know, maybe come to your senses. But no, I guess that’s just too much to ask.

Dad, can you say something here?

Son, I don’t–I don’t know what you want me to say. I mean, you did lie to us.

Oh, no offense, but what were we supposed to do?

What were you supposed to do, sweetheart? Maybe go to prom with your actual dates.

You know what? I’m gonna call myself a car.

No. I’m gonna drive you home.

No. No.

Yes. Yes. I want to make sure she gets home.

No, you don’t. You want to make sure she stays in lockdown.

I can get home perfectly fine. I have the app on my phone.

We’re not– we’re not just gonna let you be here alone together. And Nicole needs to know what’s going on.

Oh, my God, this is so unfair.

Come on, Holly, let’s go.

[snapping fingers] Come on. Let’s go. Out.


How did Konstantin pull this off? I mean, how did he have so many people fooled?

Because he’s a very bad man, and I’m not sorry that he’s dead. The thing is that his– his daughter is the innocent one in all this.

And how is John planning to make amends?

Well, he’ll go to her graveside and–and… offer up some flowers. I know that’s mostly symbolic, but hopefully, that will begin to relieve some of the guilt that he’s been through all this time.

You want to tell me something about Eric?

[sighs] Yes.

Okay. Well, what is it?

The truth is, I saw the two of you in the foyer the night that you had that terrible argument with Holly.

The night I went to the bar to drown my sorrows?

Right. And Eric brought you home. [tense music]

And you saw us in there?

I saw you kiss him.

EJ, why didn’t you say something?

I don’t know. I suppose I wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. I mention it now because… Because I don’t want there to be anything between us. I love you so much. And there’s a part of me that’s always scared that I’m going to lose you.

EJ, why would you think you would lose me?

I, uh–I don’t know how long it’s gonna take to find Megan, you know, but I can’t– I can’t ask you to wait for me. [soft dramatic music]

Would you want me to wait for you?

Ava. [sighs] You know, when we first met, I wasn’t expecting to… to make this connection with you. But I did. You know, and after everything that happened with Hope, I just–I just wanted a simple life.

[chuckles] And all I did was… [laughs] Make your life a thousand times more complicated, huh?

Well, you’re anything but simple.


And I don’t, you know, condone all the choices you made, but I do– I do understand them.


Of course. I mean, in the position you were in, it probably seemed that none of the options were good ones.

So it’s not a deal-breaker?

No. I care for you. You mean a lot to me. But in order to get past these– I guess these trust issues, it would just take a lot of time– time to work on it, time to work on us. And just right now, I don’t– I just can’t– I can’t commit to that. I hope you understand.

Yeah, I do. So this really is goodbye then.

I know we have had some disagreements when it comes to the company.

[chuckles] We disagreed about almost everything.

True. But that’s just business, Maggie.

We both know it’s been more than just business. It’s gotten pretty personal.

You’re right. And I’m sorry for the part that I played in that. But at the end of the day, we are family. We are family, and we are connected through Victor. And I really don’t think he wants us at each other’s throats.

No. He wouldn’t.

I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately.

Because of Konstantin?

And what you said to me a few weeks ago about being Victor’s son. It’s more than just wealth and power. It’s about living up to his legacy and doing what makes him proud.

So you were listening?

Of course I was listening. I was just too stubborn to let you know.

I’m pretty stubborn myself.

[chuckles] Yeah, I hadn’t noticed that.


So for Victor’s sake, can we please bury this hatchet?

I think we already have.


Oh. I’m not sure I want to eat this.

Mom, it’s so good.

Oh, of course it is. I-I know that, but, you know, with Johnny and Chanel moving to California and Sweet Bits closing, I– well, I guess I just want to savor every last morsel.

Well, how about I just have Chanel, like, bake you a cake and overnight it to you every now and then?

[laughing] That’s an idea. I like that. O-oh.


Hi–oh, hi, there. You’re h-home early.

Yeah, you guys want some cake?

No, I think we’re gonna pass on that. [tense music]

Is everything all right? Ooh. Did something happen at the dance?

Why don’t you ask him?

EJ, you are not going to lose me. Sweetheart, look at me, please. I made a mistake. Believe me, Eric is in the past. I mean, yes, we’re friends, but… you are my husband, and I love you and only you. And we have our beautiful son as a product of our love. [tense music] And the family connection is all that matters to me, what you and I have together.

Ahem! Yeah, sorry to interrupt. I brought your daughter home.

I-I can’t say when I’m gonna be back. I told Rafe that I was taking an indefinite leave from the force.

So, um… [clears throat] I guess you’re taking everything with you, all your belongings and everything?

It’s, uh, not much to take. [both chuckle] [soft music]

I don’t really know how to say goodbye.

Me neither.

Maybe we just–

I haven’t seen Theresa today. How’s she doing?

She’s doing okay.

It must have been terrifying when Konstantin took her hostage.

Yeah, for both of us. Obviously, she’s shaken up, but, um, she’s hanging in there.

I’m glad she has you in her life. And it seems like you two have gotten pretty close.

Yeah. We definitely have. It’s part of what I was talking about before. You know, I finally am figuring out who I want to be, who I want to be with.

Good for you. You know, um, I’m very fond of Theresa.

She also feels the same way about you.

She’s had her issues, Lord knows. But despite her mistakes, she, uh– she’s determined to make herself a better person. From what I’ve seen, her efforts are paying off.

I’m glad to hear you say that. I think so too.

Mom is totally out of control. I mean, I don’t know, maybe she’s overcompensating for her own mess of a life.

Tate, that– whoa, that’s not fair.

Fair? Fair? You want to talk about fair? You–you didn’t even give Holly and me a chance to explain. Does–does that sound fair to you, Grandma?

I think your parents did what they thought was best.

[scoffs] Okay. And you, what about you, Uncle Eric? Do you care to comment on this?

No. Not my place to say, but it does sound like a tough situation.

A tough situation. You know, it was like being raided by a SWAT team.

It was not my intent to bust in on you like that, Tate.

Oh, okay. So–so it was what, Mom’s idea? And you just went along with it, is that it?

She was worried about you. I was worried about you. And given your history with Holly and the trouble that she’s caused–

Dad, I told you, we were just there to hang out and talk. That’s it. And then Mom busted in there like a deranged person and pretty much called Holly a slut.

She didn’t say that at all.

Do you have any idea how humiliating this was for her? Do you know?

Where are Holly and Theresa?

Mom practically dragged her out of there by her hair to take her home. And now I’m sure she’s gonna totally trash and embarrass her in front of her mom and EJ. [scoffs]

What the hell is going on here?

Well, in a nutshell, Brady and I just caught Tate and Holly hooking up in a hotel room.


No, we weren’t hooking up. Mom, I swear, we weren’t doing anything wrong.

Wait, I-I thought you were at the prom with Aaron.

Yeah, that was just a cover, just like how my son Tate was going with this delightful girl named Sophia, and they ditched their dates and ran off to the Salem Inn together.

Is that true?

No, it–it wasn’t like that.

Oh, really? Did I not just catch you in a hotel room with my son?

O-okay, okay. Thank you for bringing her home. I would like to speak to my daughter alone.

[scoffs] That’s it?

It’s a family matter.

Wow. Just gonna sweep things under the rug, huh? Always making excuses for her. You know what? This is all your fault.

My fault?

If you had not un-grounded your delinquent of a daughter…

Uh, excuse me?

Watch it, Theresa.

My son would have stayed at the prom like he was supposed to, instead of running off and taking part in some sex-capade.

[scoffs] A what?

Watch the way you speak to my daughter.

Wow, and you’re still defending her. I mean, how blind do you have to be? Do you know these two have been running around behind our backs, sneaking around for months? Or maybe you just don’t care if your daughter lies straight to your face. I mean, after all, this is a house full of liars and criminals.

That’s it, Theresa.

Oh, you know what? I’m just getting started.

Oh, the hell you are. Get out of my house.

I need to know…

No, get out before…

That she’s gonna stay…

I have you thrown out!

Away from my son. [baby crying] Stay away from my son.


Stay away!

Out now! Go!

Do you understand? Away! [baby crying]


[soft melancholy music]


I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean to wake up the baby.

It’s okay, honey. He fell back asleep. And it’s not your fault. It’s Theresa’s.

She’s crazy. You should have seen the way she barged into that hotel room.

Okay. Please tell me about that. Is it true? I mean, did you really ditch your date to be with Tate?

No, it wasn’t like that. Well, yeah, I mean, okay, yeah, it was kind of like that. But look, I’m sorry. I just never expected you to change your mind about letting me go to prom.

Well, you’re not blaming me too?

No, I–no, I’m not. It’s just, when we thought I was grounded, Tate and I had a different plan to sneak off together.

Oh, good, that makes me feel so much better.

I know, I know, and then things got more screwed up when I had to ask Aaron to go with me.

Honey, what you did to that boy is not right.

[scoffs] Please. Mom, he didn’t even want to go with me. He wanted to go with Tate’s date, Sophia. So we all ended up with the right people in the end.

Nothing about tonight is right. You lied to everyone.

Well, I wish I didn’t have to. I would have loved to have gone with Tate, Mom, but his parents were there watching us like prison guards because they were chaperones.

Okay. So you snuck out to the Salem Inn so you could spend time with Tate?

Yes. Mom, I like him. I really, really like him. And you, out of all people, must understand what it’s like to have feelings for someone when everyone tells you they’re bad for you. [soft music]

Okay, I know that I shouldn’t have lied and snuck around behind your backs.

You know that now. But did you know that an hour ago in that hotel room?

It’s not like we ran off and eloped, Dad.

But, Tate, you– buddy, you disobeyed and you looked into our faces and lied to us. Your mother has a right to be upset.

Couldn’t you guys, like, talk to her? I mean, you–you have to admit that she’s being completely unreasonable here.

I-I’m sorry, this is between you and your parents.

Okay, but what about you, Grandma? Can you just– can you talk to her, like, I don’t know, as a psychiatrist?

Look, I would be glad to talk to any and all of you. But Theresa is your mother.

Okay. That makes sense. So she just– what, she just gets to decide how I live my life and who I get to be with?

Look, if you and Holly want to be accepted as a couple, you’re going to have to prove that you can be trusted.


Hey. How was chaperoning? Did you catch anybody trying to spike the punch bowl?

Well, it was a total disaster.

Oh, no, what happened?

For starters, Brady and I caught Tate and Holly in a hotel room at the Salem Inn. But you know what? I don’t want to talk about it. I just–please just say anything to me to just get my mind off of how awful this night has been. Just cheer me up, please. Just say anything.

Okay. Well, there actually was something I wanted to talk to you about. And I really wanted to wait for the perfect time, but… [tender music]

Oh, my God. Is–is that–

I know the last time you saw this, you really expected me to propose.

Alex, we– we talked about this. It’s okay.

I just wasn’t ready. I didn’t know what I wanted. And to be honest with you, ever since I found out that I am Victor’s son, I haven’t been sure about a lot of things. Who I am, how I fit into this family, what I want in my life.

Are you saying you’ve figured it out now?

I have. And I’m ready.

Are you–are you asking me what I think you’re asking?

I know we’re not standing in front of the Eiffel Tower or on some hot air balloon over wine country, but after the last week that we’ve had, it’s made me realize how much you mean to me. And I want you to know how I feel about you and about us. So, Theresa, would you do me the honor of being Mrs. Alex Kiriakis?

[soft music]

So you’re leaving right now?

I-I think it’s best.

[chuckles] Yeah, I hate long goodbyes too.

Yeah, I’m gonna stop downstairs, and, uh, I’ll tell Roman I’m leaving.

Thank you… for everything.

So I guess, um, this is–

No. No, no, no, not yet.

Look, honey, it’s– it’s been a long night. Why don’t you go upstairs to bed, and we’ll figure this out in the morning. [groans] And, you, please do not turn into a teenager for a long, long time, my sweet angel. [sighs]

Look, it’s been a long night, so I’m gonna hit the hay, all right?


Tate, it’s gonna be all right. We’ll get through it. [soft rock music]


Yes. Yes, I will marry you.

– * I’m pushing up daisies * * In my heart today * * Say what’s so bad about sleeping with the fishies * * I’m pushing up daisies * * I’m in the dark today * [cell phone beeps] * Six feet under sounds pretty cozy ** I put on some makeup * * To cover up the cracks * * The fairest in the mirror * * Just doesn’t need the luxury of looking back * * And I’ll take, take, take * * All that you’ve got * * You can bend me or break me * * Just promise that you’ll never stop * * Yes, I’ll take, take, take * * All that you are * * I want you to persuade me * * This game that we’re playing is love * * I’m pushing up daisies * * Falling apart today * * So call the doctor up and put an order in * * For times like these * * I’m pushing up daisies * * In my heart today *

Is there anything I can do?

[sighs] Honey, I’m– I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you about Eric. But let’s just not keep any more secrets from each other, okay?

No more secrets.



* Take, take all that you’ve got * * I want you to persuade me * * This game that we’re playing is love * * So quiet now, I’ve made the bed * * Let’s go to sleep * * This world is cold, but you and I can now be free * * Immaterial, your body moves like a dream * * I can still feel you here * * And I’ll take, take, take * * All that you’ve got * * You can bend me or break me * * Just promise that you’ll never stop * * Yes, I’ll take, take, take * * All that you are * * I want you to persuade me * * This game that we’re playing is love * * I’m pushing up daisies * * In my heart today *

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GH Short Recap Monday, June 24, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Finn decided to seek treatment for his drinking problem. He shared a heartfelt goodbye with Violet before leaving. Meanwhile, Sonny kicked Ava out and threatened to take Avery away. Carly learned the truth about Jason’s agreement with the FBI. Anna found incriminating evidence against Valentin. Kristina asked if Blaze would co-parent the baby with her.

Chase and Brook Lynn took steps to safeguard Violet. Molly and T.J. had a heartfelt conversation, with T.J. apologizing for his previous behavior. They shared a tender moment, reaffirming their commitment to each other.


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Y&R Short Recap Monday, June 24, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

Diane dismissed Kyle from his position at Jabot without consulting Jack, leading to a heated argument between them. Later, Kyle met with Victor to discuss a potential role at Glissade, expressing interest in a position that would allow him to work independently of Audra. Meanwhile, Lily and Devon clashed over plans to divide Chancellor-Winters, with Lily suspecting Devon of attempting to sabotage her proposal. Elsewhere, Mariah and Tessa noticed Sharon’s increasingly erratic behavior, prompting concern for her well-being. Additionally, Adam and Chelsea were devastated when Connor suffered a setback in his therapy, highlighting the ongoing challenges they face as a family.

In Paris, Traci and Alan visited a bar where they discussed their pasts and the complexities of their family dynamics. Alan expressed guilt over his late brother Martin’s actions, and Traci offered her support, encouraging him to forgive himself. Their conversation deepened their connection, and Alan expressed admiration for Traci’s resilience and creativity. Traci shared memories of her family, including her father John and siblings Jack and Ashley, reflecting on the strong bonds that have shaped her life.


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GH Transcript Monday, June 24, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim and Thane


Thank you for indulging me. If it involves champagne, any time. I needed to celebrate with someone. And so far… …you’re my closest friend in Port Charles. [ Chuckles ] Wow. You’re gonna have to get some new friends. [ Both chuckle ] Cheers. To taking down the bad guys. Or, bad persons, rather. I will definitely drink to that. [ Glasses clink ] [ Door opens ] What are you doing? Waiting for you. No TV or phone or anything? Just sitting there? Creepy? Uh, let’s call it unusual. You’re home late. Yeah. I, um — I got stuck at the office, and there was all this crazy traffic on Bayberry. I don’t know who’s doing roadwork this time of night, but… What? I’m just wondering if that’s true or… if you’re avoiding coming home.

[ Knock on door ] Hi. Kristina. Good to see you. Can I come in? Of course. I — I got a gift for you. Oh. You got something for me, so… Yeah. You didn’t have to do that. I know. Neither did you. Uh, it’s not — it’s not wrapped or anything, but when you see it, you’ll understand why. Now I’m curious. Well, open it. Or look at it or whatever.

How’d I do? It’s perfect. Brook Lynn, I already called your mother. She’s waiting. Yes. I’m gonna take care of it. I’ll see you soon. Now…tell me where my daughter is.

Hey. You’re here! Yay! Thank you so much for letting us stay, Ma. Are you kidding me? There is nothing I love more than a sleepover. Me too. We are going to stay up all night. We’re gonna eat tons of sugar. We’re gonna do all the fun stuff. Right, Violet? [ Chuckles ] Yuri, make sure the front gate is locked and the staff knows my brother is not allowed on the premises. I will take care of this.

Really think I’d voluntarily stay at work longer than I have to? I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I was actually stuck at the office. Okay. Okay. Are you hungry? I ordered takeout from your favorite Indian restaurant. No. Thanks. Um, maybe in a bit. I had a late lunch. Yeah. Yeah. We can — We can heat it up whenever. Okay. Well, um, it was a long day, so I’m gonna go take a shower. Molly, hold up. Um… I was hoping we could talk about what happened. I don’t really know what more there is to talk about. I’m not — I’m not trying to stir things up again. ‘Cause I can’t go back in time and change the fact that Kristina is our surrogate, which I know is what you want to do, so it’s… What I want is for you to accept my apology. I’ve been a total ass. And, Molly, I’m — I’m — I’m sorry. Organic and locally grown, so… Yeah. Thanks. This is great. I’m gonna put it to good use. Yeah. I’m sure. I’m already starting to, you know, feel like I want to cook. [ Laughs ] So, did you already eat tonight? Oh, uh, well, Blaze is meeting me here and, uh, we’re gonna go out. Oh. But… Ohh! See, Alison? I told you he wasn’t a vampire. Oh, my God, Mom. [ Laughter ] That’s funny. That’s very funny. I can be funny. [ Laughs ] So, what were you guys up to today? Oh, we did a little shopping trip, and then I knew that Alison was coming by to meet up with you, so I thought I’d drop by and say hey. I’m glad you did. -Got anything good? -Eh, a couple of things. I’ll do a fashion show for you later. I would like that! [ Chuckles ] So, listen, um, these two are gonna go out. But I hope they don’t. I hope they stay here. Right? And I hope you stay here because I got a lot of basil in the kitchen. I can whip up some pesto, chicken piccata. What do you think? I mean, that all sounds incredible, but obviously it’s up to you. Uh — Oh. Um… Okay. Yeah. Sure. I’d love it. What about — What about you? Oh, you had me at “pesto.” I’m in. [ Laughs ] Can I help? That depends. On what? How good is she in the kitchen? Oh, careful. Be nice. Actually, she’s a pretty good cook. Thank you. Thank you. Ohh! I think I could pleasantly surprise you in the kitchen. Alright, but there’s a — There’s some rules in the kitchen. What’s that? I’m the boss. Alright. Yes, Chef. Alright. [ Laughter ] Are you sure you’re cool with all of this? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know. It helps that you and your mom are here, too, as buffers. [ Sighs ] Who’d have thought, huh? From finding us in bed together and being horrified to us all having dinner together. I know. It’s been a long and winding road, but here we are. Somehow I wouldn’t change a thing. Me neither. So, with your big assignment wrapping up, will you be checking out of the Metro Court? Soon. How soon is “soon”? Or is that classified? [ Chuckles ] Within the week, I’d say. Oh. So that’s it. So long, Port Charles, huh? I was actually here longer than I intended, if you would believe it. Well, thank you — for choosing us for your stay. It’s a great hotel. I’d like to think so. And it’s you who should be accepting thanks — for saving my hide on the docks. And then watching over me all night. You’ve already thanked me for that. It deserves repeating. Well, then, what can I say? But you’re welcome. Enjoy the rest of the champagne. If you insist. You know, Carly… I really did enjoy your company. Back at ya. And give me a call, you know, if you’re ever severely beaten. [ Chuckles ] Will do. And good luck with whatever happens next. It’s been a while. But I feel that luck is finally on my side.

[Softly] Not for long, you bastard. Brook Lynn called Daddy, and he said I could sleep over, but maybe I should go home just in case that he needs my help. You know what? I just spoke to Brook Lynn’s grandma, and she’s with your daddy right now, and she’s helping him feel better. So why don’t you just sit back, relax, and let us spoil you a little bit, okay? Are you hungry? You thirsty? Not really. But my stomach does hurt. Girls’ trip to the bathroom? Let’s go. Poor kid. Of course, she feels sick. So do I. Thank you for putting us up. Yeah. Chase, we all just want to help. Tracy had the right idea. If we stayed at my place with Violet, Finn would have been pounding on the door all night. Can you imagine how traumatizing that would be? It would be traumatizing for everyone, but especially for Violet. She’s already been through so much. Look. Finn got home, and he found our dad dead. And now Violet is going through the same thing. She came home from a playdate and she found Finn on the floor bleeding and she couldn’t wake him up. Thank God she was able to call Tracy. Yeah. Thank God. Otherwise she would still be laying by him, thinking that he was dead! And with the amount of booze that he had in his system, she could have been there all night! [ Sighs ] She’s gonna carry this with her the rest of her life. Is she going to remember this always? Probably. But we’re gonna get her through this. You are gonna get her through this, okay? That’s why it’s so important that she’s here and that she has you and Brook Lynn. I sure hope so. Uh, I have to make a few more arrangements. Yeah. Of course. Listen. Just let me know if there’s anything I can do. Okay? Thank you.

Yeah. This is Harrison Chase. I am so sorry for calling so late. I need your help. Violet’s safe. That’s not what I asked. Do you have any idea… what she saw when she walked in here? You — passed out cold, bleeding on the floor in a sea of broken glass. I understand. I-I’m sorry she had to witness that. Well, she didn’t have to witness it. That was not a foregone conclusion. That is a situation you created! Did Violet call you? She picked up your phone, saw a bunch of missed calls from me, so she had the good sense to call me back. She told me that her father needed help. She thought he’d died! So I called and I came right over. When I got here, she was standing right over you. Keeping watch. Scared out of her mind! Okay. Listen. I’m sorry how I spoke to you earlier. Thank you for coming. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that it came at Violet’s expense, but… Tracy, this is the wakeup call that I need. I’m gonna make some coffee. I’m gonna clean myself up. I’m gonna clean this apartment up. I’m gonna go get Violet. I’m gonna bring her home. No. What do you mean, “no”? I mean no. I’m her father, Tracy! You cannot care for your daughter. Of course, I can! Not until you prove that you can care for yourself, Finn. I cut my hand. I passed out. Oh, so it was a wake-up call at first, and now it’s just no biggie? That’s not what I said. Did you develop an aversion to blood? Because that could be a hurdle in your profession. Where’s my daughter, Tracy?! She’s with people who love her. And they will continue to care for her when you seek help. I have, um… reserved a room for you at Skymeadow Lodge. It’s a -day stay, minimum. You are way overstepping, my friend. I do not need a residential treatment program. Actually, even before tonight happened, I would have argued that you do. Look, I’ll go to the meetings, alright? Like you already said you would? As many as you’d like. As many as you’d like. But I am staying here with Violet! Finn. Finn, meetings are no longer sufficient. You don’t know that! This is — This is my life, alright?! That’s my daughter! It’s not your — She’s at the Quartermaines’, isn’t she? I’m going. I’m gonna go there and I’m gonna get her. And if anybody tries to stop me, I’m calling the police. Yuri will meet you at the gate. Thanks again. Hey, kiddo! How — How you feeling? Are you sure Brook Lynn’s grandma can take care of my dad? She can and she will. This is a really big house. I’ve never slept here before. Yeah, it sure is. Look. Your room is right next to Chase and me. So if you have any bad dreams or you need anything at all, one of us will be right there. Daddy was asleep. Do you think he was having bad dreams? I do. You know, for some people, um, they can be so sad, it turns into feeling sick. That’s what happened with your dad. Sick like Grandpa? Oh, no, no, no, sweetie. Your dad is gonna be just fine. This is completely different. But if he’s sick, doesn’t he need me to take care of him? That was my first instinct, too. But in this case, the best way for him to get better is just to take some time away. What if he thinks I don’t love him anymore? Hey. Your dad could never think that. In fact, the one thing that is not confusing about all this is how much you and your dad love each other. And that’ll never change, sweetie. Ever. Alright?

So she absolutely refused to open her last present. How old was she? She was like six or seven. Seven. And it’s because I didn’t want Christmas to end. Sue me. It was February, my love. So cute! Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine if I had gotten her the puppy she wanted? See, that’s a present you gotta open right away. [ Laughs ] Right? Okay, okay. Are we done laughing at my younger self? No. We’re not making fun. Just reminiscing. Yeah, at my expense. Hm, yeah. [ Laughter ] Dinner is incredible. Sonny: Oh. Well… Thank you. Natalia: Mm-hmm! Smooth. [ Laughs ] No, it really is. I thought Corinthos was a Greek name. It is. How did you get so good at authentic Italian food? You went to Brook Lynn’s wedding, right? Yeah. How’d that look to you? Oh! Yeah. Cerillos. No. Cerullos. That’s — Didn’t I say that? No, that’s not at all what you said. [ Laughter ] Close! I was close! Well, well! Hello. Isn’t this cozy?

Sonny: Yates is working with the Feds. He said it himself! That’s proof! Proof of what? Pr– That he’s working against me! Maybe he made a deal with the Feds to save his own skin! Okay, so… you think, um, you’re a part of Jason’s deal? And you don’t? Well, I think if Jason’s job is to get evidence against you, then he’s really bad at it. Because here you are, a free man! [ Knock on door ] [ Exhales sharply ] Come in. Gracious greetings? Shut the door. You seem… disgruntled. Do I, Spinelli? I wonder why! Uh, from what Sam told me, I gather that conversation didn’t go so well? No. No. It didn’t. And you know what? I don’t give a damn what Sam thinks, so if you’re here trying to smooth over that relationship, you’re wasting your time. No, no, no. That’s not why I’m here. I cannot believe that guy! He used me as leverage to basically hold Jason hostage for almost three years! We’re on to Agent Cates now. Okay. And then that son of a bitch had the nerve to show up here with champagne?! You just missed him, by the way. How did that go? Well, how did you think? I-I just kind of smiled and I was like, “Well, you know, I hope you enjoyed Port Charles.” Was there cause for celebration? I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe a successful mission? Maybe he was trying to seduce me? I don’t know! Did Agent Cates try something with you?! No. But, boy, I wish he would have. It would have given me an excuse to stab him. [ Knife clatters ] nxiety run away with me. And that wasn’t fair. Because you’re right. We both came to the decision to have Kristina be our surrogate — together. Right? It’s not like you strong-armed me or — or you forced me into anything. So — So for me to just turn around and blame you, that was messed up. And for that, I-I’m sorrier than I can say. Thank you. We chose to have Kristina carry our baby. But now you wish we hadn’t. No. No, no, no, no. In a lot of ways, Kristina is a great surrogate. I mean, she loves you more than anything in the world, and she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Intentionally. [ Chuckles ] You know, I allowed my worry to overshadow that. And what I hate most is that I didn’t — I-I didn’t — I didn’t make you feel like you can confide in me or share in this experience with me because my reaction to everything was so… Big. Understatement of the year. [ Chuckles ] We weren’t on the same page before because of me. But I am now, Molly. I’m — With you. With Kristina. Our baby. I’m all-in. TJ, I’m scared. Why? I keep having these panicked thoughts that when the time comes… What? I don’t want to say it out loud. [ Clears throat ] You can say anything to me. I’m afraid that when the time comes… Kristina’s not going to be able to let go of our child.

[ Molly sobs ] What if we were wrong to trust my sister? I came by to see if you wanted to grab dinner. I can see dinner’s already been served. It looks delightful. Sonny’s a pretty masterful chef. Well, you’re not too bad yourself. You know how to work your way around a kitchen. Thank you. I got skillz. With a “Z.” Mom, stop. No Z’s. No, no. I’m serious. She minced that garlic like a pro! It’s all in the wrist. Well, that’s so nice. A shared passion. Well, I am a little peckish myself, so I’ll just grab a chair. Kristina: No! Excuse me? No. There is no way in hell I am sharing a meal with the woman who stabbed my mother in the back. You’re so brave, Violet. Braver than I ever could have been at your age. You really think so? Mm-hmm. Absolutely. You did exactly the right thing when your dad was hurt. You called for help. Well, that’s what you always told me to do if I was in trouble. Uncle Chase has taught you well. And now that you got the ball rolling, you can leave it to the grown-ups to get him better. Okay? Okay. Hey, there, chickadee! Listen. You got to be pooped. I’m not saying you need to go to sleep just yet, but you want to go see your room? It’s got these gorgeous, fluffy curtains. Oh, yeah, and in the morning when you wake up, you are gonna have the most beautiful view of the lake out your window. Mm-hmm. Now, I have also picked out a pair of Scout’s comfiest pajamas for you. She won’t mind? Nah! She’s got plenty of PJs. So…should we set you up? Hm? Your room is right next to mine? -Right next door. -Yeah. And we’ll be up in a little bit. Maybe we can even do a little reading before bed. Let’s go, sweetpea. Mm? Violet: You have a lot of nicknames for me. Girlfriend, I’m just getting started! [ Laughs ] You’re being such a rock for her. I’m just following your lead. Because at the moment nothing I am saying or doing feels right. How could it? I know Violet can’t stay with Finn. I-I get it in my head, but… I know, but watching it play out is just breaking your heart. You can call the cops. I don’t know how helpful they’ll be when they see these pictures. Tracy… Tracy, you can’t take my daughter for me. She’s all I have left. Nobody wants this. Hey. I-I can pull it together. I will pull it together. Do you think you’re the only one that’s grieving? We are all grieving Gregory. But this is not the way to handle it. By ripping my daughter away from me?! That is?! Sorry. Listen. I-I’m so sorry, alright? I realize I have made mistakes. I admit that, alright? But I-I’ve seen your pictures. I don’t like the person in them any more than you do, but you know that’s not me, Tracy. That’s not me! But it is. It doesn’t have to be if you go to rehab. I can fight this on my own. No, you can’t, Finn. Finn: I’ll go double the meetings. I’ll do testing. I’ll do whatever you want! Finn, this is not a negotiation! If you want Violet back, you have to seek treatment. And if you can’t or won’t completely commit yourself to your sobriety, I will have to… use all of my resources to make sure that your brother and Brook Lynn get custody of Violet, temporary or otherwise. Why are you doing this to me? Oh, my God, Finn. I’m not doing this to you. This is about Violet! It’s about Violet! It’s Violet! Yes. And until you understand that, there’s nothing left to say! Yeah.

time would it be in Florence right now? We’d definitely be sleeping. Or we’d be dancing the night away. Yeah, depending how much limoncello we had at dinner. I wish we were there right now. I don’t. Listen. This is hard and — and messy and, again, it’s heartbreaking, but it is real. And we are getting through it together. Listen to me. Home is wherever you are, Chase. Our apartment. A-A piazza. The Quartermaines’. It doesn’t matter. I love you so much. I love you, too. We’ve got this. [ Door opens ] Diane, uh, thank you so much for coming. I feel so important being met at the gate. We are taking every precaution to protect Violet from her father. Violet’s in danger from Finn? Finn has been drinking heavily ever since Gregory died. Which is a problem in its own right, but Violet walked in on her father, passed out. Yeah, he cut his hand and was bleeding. She was obviously terrified. She thought he died — just like her grandfather. Tell me what you need.

Kristina keeping our baby is… It’s my worst nightmare. But isn’t that anyone who’s using a surrogate’s worst nightmare? But let’s not forget how we got here. We wanted to have a child, and we couldn’t on our own. So Kristina gave us this beautiful gift. Because she loves you, Molly, and me. I think. Of course, she loves you. Maybe a little less because I’ve been policing her life. Well, I’m the one being paranoid now, aren’t I? But, I mean, we are the ones who wanted to be parents. Not Kristina. Being a mother is the furthest thing from her mind. Exactly. And she’s exploring a new relationship now, which is fun and exciting, and the last thing she wants is to be up all night with a screaming baby. Except our baby will sleep and never scream. Yeah. Of course. It’ll come out of the womb a perfect little angel. Yeah, they’ll eat when they’re supposed to, nap when we put them down. No problems. And in a crib from the jump? Absolutely. And they will never, ever require or even want screen time. Educational books and toys only. See? We have mastered parenting already.

I’m really sorry about our fight. I’m sorry, too. And I… I know it will sound rich coming from the guy that’s been second-guessing her every move, but… let’s try to have some faith in your sister. I’ll try if you will.

Deal. Are you gonna condone this hostility? You are lucky that hostile is all I’m being. She’s not worth it, Kristina. You got my mother disbarred? For what? Because you were mad at her for — for being mean to your brother? It goes a little deeper than that. And the worst part, Ava, is you didn’t even have the courage to attach your name to it. Alexis brought her disbarment on herself. Your mother lied under oath. Oh. This from you? From the paragon of all things truth and justice? Your hypocrisy, it — it blows my mind, Ava! Blaze: Just take a breath. Okay? Can somebody fill me in, please? Yeah. That — That sounds fun, actually. Ava, you want to do the honors, or shall I? Knock yourself out. I’ll give you the unbiased version at home.

Ugh! Carly, I want you to know that I tried my best to pull the incriminating evidence out of the FBI’s hands, but there were too many levels of cyber-protection to penetrate! Two years. Two years that Jason could have been with his boys, with his family, with you! With you, as well. But he was too busy protecting me! I have to fix this! I have to make this right! Uh, Carly — I’m gonna go to Agent Cates and I’m gonna tell him to just arrest me and get it over with. I don’t care what happens. I can’t let you do that. I shouldn’t have kept what happened between Kristina and Uncle Sonny from you. I wasn’t exactly easy to confide in. Especially where Kristina or Sonny were concerned. You thought I would react in anger, and you were right. You think life’s ever gonna feel easy ever again? Considering we’re bringing a baby into the mix? No. At least not for a while. But something can be… wonderful and hard at the same time. I just can’t believe how fast it’s all happening. Soon this place is gonna be littered with car seats and strollers, high chairs. Bouncy seats and pacifiers. Diapers. Diapers everywhere. [ Chuckles ] It stress you out? All the stuff? I’m not worried about tripping over baby gates. I just want to do right by our child. For them to know that they are loved and supported no matter what. And if we can give them that… We’re giving them everything.

At my mom’s hearing, she found out it was Ava who accused her of perjury. She submitted an affidavit, and even though it was all based on hearsay, the courts bought it. So it’s Ava’s fault that Alexis lost her law license? Yes, but my mom only found out now. God, if I didn’t hate that woman before… Honestly, I just can’t believe you live under the same roof as that woman who has caused our family so much pain. Anyway, uh… it’s just — it’s the first time I’ve seen her since the hearing, so I had to say something. I’m sorry I had to ruin our dinner. You didn’t ruin anything, sweetheart. Natalia: No. You didn’t. I commend you for defending your mother. Honestly. You don’t have anything to apologize for. You both realize this is going to be an uphill battle. We’re very aware. Yeah. We’re ready. Lois: I, uh — Sorry to interrupt. Um, Violet’s asking for her chapter book. She says it’s in her bag. Yeah. It is. I think Yuri had it. You want me to check? No, no, no, no, no. I’ll go find him. You do your thing. Finn is gonna do everything in his power to get Violet back. Oh, I’m sure he will. Can you walk us through his options? Well, he is Violet’s legal guardian, which means, by definition, the law is on his side. However, we can preempt him with an emergency custody order. Which means…? Which means that Violet will stay with you — for the time being, at least. It’s, uh — It’s me again. Sorry to interrupt, again, but, um, Violet really wants her chapter book, and, um, I can’t find Yuri, so have you seen him? Uh, he was opening the gate for me. Diane, I’m glad you’re here. You saved me a phone call. I’m afraid we’re gonna need a restraining order. Spinelli, I would rather go to prison than have Jason be blackmailed one more day, one more minute. I understand. And Diane has defended me successfully before. She can do it again. Um, to what end? What end? To Jason getting out from underneath the FBI! Okay, but what if Ms. Miller doesn’t exonerate you? You’re incarcerated. What happens to your children? Specifically Donna? Okay. You know, I can’t stand the thought of that. But how is she any more important than Danny or Jake? I mean, they lost their father for years because of me! No, no, not — Because of the FBI. Okay. You know what I’m talking about, Spinelli! Come on! I-I do, but I would — I would argue that, tragic indeed, yes. but Jake and Danny still had their mothers. If you go away, Donna is without, and — I would venture that Jason was acutely aware of that and wanted to avoid it at all costs. I am just… really struggling with how I feel right now. You know, I mean, on one hand, I am so frustrated with Jason. I mean, how could he do this without my knowledge and my consent? You know, and — and all these feelings I have because I’m responsible for him being gone for so long. And on the other hand? Well, I… I am so moved.

I see how much Jason loves me. I… I would do the same for Maxie. You would? Yeah, in a heartbeat! Without hesitation. Even if you knew she’d be mad at you? Yes, even if — because I love Maxie the way that Jason loves you. And if you love Jason… Oh, come on. You know I love Jason. Then you have to let this go. Oh, my God. How? How do I let this go?! [ Scoffs ] It’s already done. Don’t you see? Y-You can’t go back and — and undo it. So if you — if you turn yourself in… Jason’s sacrifice will have been for nothing. All this talk of how life’s gonna change when the baby gets here kind of has me thinking. Yeah? About what? We’re not really gonna have that much more time to ourselves, you know? Much? We’re not gonna have any. So…don’t you think we should make the most of it while we still can? What did you have in mind? I was thinking we could start with this.

And go from there? So… basically, dinner can wait. Dinner can wait.

I mean, it would have been so easy for you to just stay quiet and say nothing, keep the peace, but — but you didn’t. You defended your mother. I would hope my daughter would do the same. Of course, I would. Your mom would be very proud. Well, back to our regularly scheduled programming. [ Laughter ] Anybody want tiramisu? Oh, yeah. You can’t ever turn down tiramisu. No, you cannot. Natalia: Oh, my gosh. I am so full. I don’t think I could eat another bite. You can. Trust me. You gotta at least try it. [ Sighs ] Okay. Twist my arm. You will not regret it. Your freedom is the greatest gift that Jason could have given you. And as hard as it is to reconcile, your gift back to him has to be to accept it. It has to be. Okay. Okay. I won’t turn myself in. Okay. But… I won’t let the FBI use me as leverage, either. How do you plan to stop them? I’ll find a way. And when I do… Agent Cates won’t see me coming. I tried to get through to Finn. I don’t know if I succeeded. The arrangements have been made, though? Yes, there is a room waiting for him at Skymeadow Lodge if he wants it. That’s a big “if.” I get the idea of not forcing someone into rehab… But in this case, you wish you could? So badly. I’m gonna need your statement — for the restraining order. Okay. When can it realistically be filed? I can put it in front of a judge tomorrow morning. Do you think Finn’s gonna come for Violet tonight? I honestly don’t know. The only thing we can hope is that he realizes that we are trying to save his relationship with Violet, not destroy it.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Monday, June 24, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ majestic music ]

Hope: Oh, Douglas, this is– this is the best surprise ever. Look at you. Look at you, my sweet boy. Oh! Oh, I’m so happy to see you.

Douglas: Me too.

Hope: You came home.

Sheila: Now, don’t believe everything you hear on the internet.

Tom: I will not make that mistake again.

Sheila: Deacon was kind enough to give you a job here and this is how you show your gratitude? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get a job in a restaurant like this?

Tom: God, are you telling me? This place is killer. Oh, wait. I– No, no, I’m– I’m very grateful.

Sheila: Yep. Then, start showing it. No more spills.

Poppy: This place will always have a piece of my heart.

Bill: Where we ran into each other some 20-plus years later?

Poppy: It’s crazy how fate works. [ Bill chuckling ]

Bill: There she is.

Poppy: Hi, perfect timing.

Luna: Hi, sorry I’m late.

Poppy: We’re so happy that you could join us.

Bill: We certainly are.

Luna: Hi, Dad.

Bill: How’s my beautiful daughter?

Bill: Will you look at that, my brand-new daughter and she doesn’t even need a high chair.

Luna: Oh, yeah, you missed out on that stage. My mom said I was a really bossy toddler.

Bill: Oh, definitely my kid.

Poppy: Yes, she was always quite a determined little girl.

Bill: Still is.

Poppy: Luna is the best of both of us, Bill.

Bill: Yes, she is. You raised a phenomenal young woman, Poppy.

Poppy: We’ve all waited a long time for a moment like this. Just out together, enjoying a meal as a family. Now there, that is what it’s all about. I mean, the way you two look at each other, already so connected and thrilled to be in each other’s lives. It’s a dream come true for me. It really is.

Luna: For all of us.

Poppy: We finally get to be a family.

Hope: So, you just got in from Paris?

Douglas: Yep, we came straight from the airport.

Thomas: Yeah, Douglas couldn’t wait to see you.

Hope: Well, I– This is amazing. I had no idea that you were coming back to Los Angeles.

Douglas: I wanted to surprise you.

Thomas: His idea.

Hope: Well, you certainly accomplished that. I mean, you made my whole day, my whole month, my whole year. Oh, Douglas, I hope you know how much I love you and just how much I’ve missed you.

Douglas: I missed you.

Hope: And, uh, you’ve been missed too, Thomas.

Tom: Listen, I– I don’t want any trouble. I know better than to go toe to toe with a strong woman like you.

Sheila: I don’t want any drama.

Tom: No, let– let me make this up to ya. We– we can forget about all this. Listen, I am just here to do a job. I’m a hard worker, and– and I will do it well.

Sheila: I hope so.

Tom: I tend to– to win people over. It’s what I do.

Sheila: Okay, I– I do hope so, Tom and… I really appreciate you saving my life.

Tom: Oh, I’m– I’m really glad I did. Listen, we’re all part of the Il Giardino family.

Sheila: Yeah.

Tom: I want, you know, me and you to get along.

Sheila: Yeah, well, we’re co-workers. There’s gotta be a certain level of professionalism.

Tom: Yeah, right, right. Yeah. Let me prove myself, okay? I mean, Deacon and I were just talking about this. I’m a firm believer in second chances. And I assume you are too. Since you’ve had a second chance, and– and a third chance, and a fourth chance, and a fifth chance.

Sheila: Okay, Tom, Tom.

Tom: Listen. My point is, you have to believe that it’s never too late to change. Look at me. I was a dumpster diver. And– and now, I’m working at one of the hottest restaurants in Southern California. And it’s about to get hotter.

Luna: I mean, this has been crazy. I think this is the first time since the paternity test that we’ve been able to just sit down and breathe.

Poppy: Hmm, our first family outing.

Bill: Certainly fitting, right here at Il Giardino.

Luna: Yeah, where you two found each other again.

Bill: And now, we’re here with our daughter.

Poppy: You knew in your heart she was yours.

Bill: I did.

Deacon: How’s everything so far?

Poppy: It’s great, thank you.

Deacon: Luna, right? RJ’s girlfriend?

Luna: Yes, hi.

Deacon: Hi.

Bill: More than RJ’s girlfriend. This remarkable young woman is my daughter.

Deacon: [ chuckles ] Really? Come on, you’re pulling my leg.

Luna: No, no. I recently found out that Bill is my biological dad.

Deacon: Wow, I — I had no idea. Uh, good for you, that’s great. It’s a nice addition to the Spencer empire. Uh, Bill, all kidding aside, really, congratulations. Besides, the Spencer family just got a lot better-looking. I’m gonna go check out the kitchen. If you guys need anything, please let me know, okay?

Luna: Okay.

Bill: Better get used to me bragging on you. I’m gonna walk up to every stranger in the street and let them know you’re my daughter.

Luna: God, I’m so happy that you’re my dad. And I– I don’t know, I just, I finally feel whole. Like this question mark that’s been hanging over my head my entire life has finally been lifted. Like, I know who I am now, where I come from. I have three brothers and two nieces, a whole extended family and I just feel the most grounded and connected that I’ve ever been. You okay, Mom?

Poppy: Yeah. I’m just so happy.

Hope: I missed you. A lot.

Thomas: I missed you too.

Douglas: Hey, can I go get a snack from the kitchen?

Thomas: Yeah, sure, but just don’t be gone too long, okay?

Douglas: Okay.

Thomas: Okay.

Douglas: Bye.

Hope: So…

Thomas: You– you look beautiful. You always do.

Hope: Thank you. You look as handsome as ever.

Thomas: Look, Hope.

Hope: It’s nice to–

Thomas: You go first.

Hope: I guess, um… Uh, it’s… It’s really nice seeing you. It’s been a little… difficult, ever since you left.

Thomas: You understand why I had to go.

Hope: Yes. But also, no. Really threw me. More than anybody realizes.

Thomas: How are you? I mean, I know that we’ve talked about Douglas here and there, but… are you okay?

Hope: Am I okay? Uh… Not really sure how to answer that. Um, I’m hanging in there. The line is hanging in there, barely. Uh… it’s just been very… Very confusing. And my mind has– has been a bit all over the place.

Thomas: Confusing? In what way?

Hope: I guess I just feel like I haven’t been myself lately. I don’t exactly trust my feelings. So, I guess what I am trying to say is that I am just very, very glad that you and Douglas are back.

Poppy: I wish I had the courage to find you and tell you that you might have a daughter.

Bill: Okay, enough. Enough. You’ve got to stop doing that. There’s– there will be no more looking back.

Poppy: Yes, but… I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to be involved. That you would reject having a daughter.

Bill: How could that possibly happen? The opportunity to– to parent this remarkable young woman. Be her dad. You have given me the greatest gift, Poppy.

Luna: Yeah, me too, Mom.

Bill: We’re going to have decades together. So many years. So, we are not going to look back, okay? We are just going to focus on the future. End of story.

Poppy: Thank you both for being so forgiving.

Bill: You haven’t taken anything away from my life, Poppy. To the contrary. You’ve added immeasurably to it. And now that we’re all together, no one is going to take you away from me.

Tom: Hey, Deacon?

Deacon: Yeah?

Tom: Who is this guy?

Deacon: Oh, Mr. Congeniality. It’s Dollar Bill Spencer, and the new lady in his life. She’s not bad looking, is she? She’s got a daughter named Luna who works over at Forrester, and apparently, Bill just found out that he’s her father.

Tom: What?

Deacon: Yeah. I’m not a Dollar Bill fan, but he’s really welcomed them into the family.

[ Hope chuckling ]

Hope: It’s been busy around here.

Thomas: I’ll bet.

Hope: Oh, it’s Zende’s.

Thomas: Yeah. It’s nice.

Hope: Yeah, he’s — he’s really doing great. He’s made some really wonderful contributions to Hope for the Future.

Thomas: That’s good. You know, I– I know I left you in kind of a bind, so I’m glad he could step up.

Hope: Yes, but it’s not the same. I mean, Thomas, you– you knew exactly what I wanted, what I needed. It was like you could read my mind, and when I think about the woman I aspire to be, and– and what I want that life to look like, I, um… I’ve just been feeling very lost.

Thomas: Come on, Hope. I mean, you’re– you always have it together. You can handle anything.

Hope: Well, I’m not sure about that anymore. I’m really beginning to doubt myself. Thomas, when I was with you, I just… Oh, I found stability. I– I had something and someone that I could rely on, and I know that you were truly committed to me, and I just want you to know that meant the world to me.

Thomas: I… I don’t know what to say.

Hope: You don’t have to say anything. Just know that, um… I’ve really been trying hard to… To bury it, and to distract myself from it, but just know that you’ve been so, so missed, Thomas.

Luna: We’ll have birthdays and holidays.

Bill: Vacations on the Stella Maris.

Poppy: Ooh, that is Bill’s yacht. Can you imagine us sailing into Monte Carlo? It’s like, ooh, la dee da.

Luna: Okay, so my mom clearly has already gone bathing suit shopping.

Bill: Hey, listen, we are doing it. I’m gonna see if the boys can join us as well.

Luna: Okay, I’d be down for that. It sounds like so much fun.

Bill: No, we’re gonna have so many vacations together and adventures, and you know what? Celebrate milestone after milestone as a family.

Luna: What do we say? Should we take our first official family selfie?

Bill: Oh, heck yeah, let’s do it. Absolutely. Say, uh, Spencer selfie.

Luna and Poppy: Spencer selfie!

Bill: …be a good one in there.

Hope: It feels so good to be in your arms again. [ Hope sighing ] I needed this. Thomas, I know I disappointed you when I turned down your proposal, but please know I never, ever meant to hurt you. That’s the last thing I wanted.

Thomas: Right. But you did hurt me, ’cause you turned me down twice.

Hope: I wasn’t expecting it, though. I thought you understood.

Thomas: It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, though, Hope, considering how deeply I felt for you.

Hope: I mean, I… I haven’t forgotten. Thomas, I wanted to be ready for you. I didn’t want there to be anything false between us. I was still under so much pressure. I mean, I was recovering from my divorce. I was trying to consider the children and how my decisions really affect them. I just wasn’t ready to be married again so soon. I needed more time to recenter myself and to build up my confidence again, Thomas, but that didn’t mean that I wanted to lose you. It didn’t mean that I wanted to end things between us. Because I know how rare a man like you is. Your devotion. Your love for the only woman in your life, so… I have to wonder, why… Why did you come back? Why now? I mean… Can we be together again? Did you come back to give us another shot? Hi!

Thomas: Hey, bud.

Douglas: Hi.

Hope: Were you, uh, were you able to find some snacks? Paris!

Paris: Hi, Hope.

Hope: Hi. Oh, my– I haven’t seen you in so long. What are– what are you doing here?

Douglas: Mom?

Paris and Hope: Yes?

Hope: Douglas, why did you just call Paris mom? What is going on here?

Thomas: Hope, there’s something you should know. Paris and I are engaged. We’re going to be married.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, June 24, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Traci: Well, as fabulous as this place is, I have to admit, I’m feeling a little strange being here.

Alan: Yeah. Me too.

Traci: Uh, do you mind if I ask… what or who are you looking for? [ Alan sighs ]

Alan: I don’t know. I– Ever since Ashley met Martin here, I just– I’ve been wondering, you know, did he come here before? Does anyone here know him? Is there anyone in here right now looking at me thinking I’m him?

Traci: Oh. I’m not at all surprised that you have unanswered questions, especially since your brother is gone now.

Alan: Maybe there’s still some things I can find out.

Traci: Like what?

Alan: I don’t know. You know, where did he live when he wasn’t sneaking in my house? Who did he associate with? Did they know what he was capable of?

Traci: And you think someone here might know the answers?

Alan: Oh, here or… someplace else.

Traci: Okay, so, for the sake of argument, let’s just say someone here recognizes you, thinks you’re Martin. Or out on the street, someone passes you and then approaches you and starts a conversation. How do you imagine that will go?

Alan: Uh, I– I don’t know. I don’t know what he was up to these last few years. I mean, could they be, uh, surprised to see him? Or angry, or happy, or… worst of all, what if they’re terrified?

Traci: Have you considered that what you find out might be worse than what you already know?

Alan: I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore when it comes to Martin. I suppose, uh… what I’m really trying to find out is if there’s anyone out there I need to apologize to for not dealing with this earlier.

Traci: No! There is no apology necessary. You are not your brother. Alan, it looks to me like you need to forgive yourself.

Victoria: I am so glad you guys are home. I’ve missed you so much. Here you go. So for now, you’re gonna have to put up with some– A lot of family time because we are long overdue. So, why don’t we make a list of things that we wanna do first?

Katie: How about swimming?

Victoria: Yes, of course. We’re gonna swim.

Johnny: Ooh, and I wanna go riding. Rocket had better remember me.

Victoria: Yeah, well, all you have to do is give him an apple and he’ll remember exactly who you are. All right, so swimming, riding. Um, Claire has made a list of movies that she thinks you guys will love, so I was thinking we could do a family movie night up at the main house, in the screening room.

Katie: Uh, I just remembered, I, um, promised a couple of friends I’d call as soon as I got back. You guys go on without me.

Victoria: No. No, no, Katie. It’s family time. We’re gonna do everything together as a family.

Katie: Do I have to?

Victoria: Sweetie… please, would you at least try to give your new sister a chance?

Katie: What’s the point? I don’t know her and one movie night isn’t gonna just suddenly make her my sister.

Victoria: That’s why I want you to spend some time getting to know each other.

Katie: But does she have to live here? Isn’t she a nanny for the Abbotts? Couldn’t she live with them? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Victor: Well, son, to be honest with you, it warms my heart to hear you say that you couldn’t have wished for better parents. Now, this goes both ways, because both your mother and I are very proud of the man you’ve become.

Nikki: Every parent should be so lucky.

Nick: Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.

Victor: Yep. Okay. Down to business. Have you talked to Victoria about coming back to Newman Enterprises with you?

Nick: I didn’t think I needed to, since Vic agreed to go back to work at Newman Media with Mom.

Victor: We discussed that. It’s not what I want.

Nikki: So, you’re saying that what I want is not important?

Audra: I was hoping to find you.

Kyle: Should’ve figured you’d track me down.

Audra: Well, you know how persistent I can be. You left the meeting at the ranch without telling us your decision.

Kyle: Oh, you mean working together at Glissade? Even after the scam we tried to pull on each other over the exact same thing?

Audra: It was fun at the time, even if you won’t admit it. We had competing agendas. It happens.

Kyle: Sorry, Audra. Working together requires trust.

Audra: Why don’t we start with mutual tolerance and work from there?

Kyle: Mm-mm. No. It’s not happening. Not with you.

Audra: Okay, so why didn’t you just come out and tell us you already decided to decline the offer?

Kyle: I was being polite. But only for Victor’s sake.

Audra: And for my sake?

Kyle: Ah, I think you already know my answer: no way in hell.

Traci: I understand that you want answers, but is this going to give you the peace of mind you’re looking for?

Alan: Martin was so sick and I just could not accept how bad it was.

Traci: He didn’t let you find him. That’s hardly your fault.

Alan: No, Traci, I should’ve kept looking for him. You know, he was my responsibility and maybe I could’ve helped him.

Traci: Maybe not. Alan, you’ve got to stop torturing yourself about this. [ Alan sighs ]

Alan: There’s just so much I don’t know about his life. You know, what happened to Martin? Why was he impersonating me? What was his end game? I just–

Traci: Unfortunately, you may never know.

Alan: What he put Ashley through? I hate that. And what about my patients? [ Alan sighs ] I mean… he was my brother. My twin. There was a time when we shared everything.

Traci: I know. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine the kind of pain you’re going through. All I can offer you is this: you can share it with me if that would help. Let me help you put that burden down. It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done, all the support and kindness you’ve shown my family.

Audra: I guess I deserve that. Yeah, I tried to warn Victor you’d be a hard sell.

Kyle: No. Mm-mm. “Hard sell” makes it sound like it’s a negotiation. I am not interested.

Audra: You’d turn down a chance like this out of spite? Or is it ego? Can we get beyond our issues for the greater good?

Kyle: Does Victor know about our history? Have you warned him that we have been down this same road before and it didn’t end well? You know, come to think of it, what makes him think the two of us should even team up?

Audra: Look, I didn’t fill Victor in on the details of our failed relationship because the man always knows everything. And what he doesn’t know clearly doesn’t matter. Maybe he respects what we both bring to the table. Maybe he thinks we can keep each other in line. I’m not over-analyzing it because I know a good opportunity when I see it.

Kyle: Ah. That’s what this is all about. It’s just money and a power grab.

Audra: Just money and a power grab? You know, only someone born into both would make it sound so petty. I’ve made some mistakes in the past, okay? I realize that now. And trying to manipulate you was one I truly regret, but working with me at Glissade is a solid, lucrative opportunity. Finally, we’ll both get what we want.

Kyle: You think we’ll get everything we want?

Audra: Our own company to run however we see fit. No one else to answer to. Won’t you even consider it?

Victor: Of course what you want matters a great deal to me. We just disagree on this one.

Nikki: So, you are insisting on replacing me with Adam at Newman Media.

Victor: Temporarily, until you get better. [ Nikki exhales ]

Nikki: Why does it have to be Adam? That is a huge red flag.

Victor: Why does everything having to do with Adam is a red flag?

Nikki: You know, you always give him the benefit of the doubt. You don’t wanna do that for me, even though I have told you I am more than ready to come back to work. In fact, I need to come back.

Victor: Why are we fighting about this?

Nikki: Because Newman Media is my domain and you are telling me I don’t have any say in who runs it. It– it makes no sense!

Nick: Dad, I agree with Mom on this one.

Victor: I don’t get either of you. You just told us how grateful you were for all the lessons we have taught you. Now, you question my decision regarding business?

Nikki: He expressed gratitude for both of his parents. That’s why he hasn’t tried to convince Victoria to work with him because clearly he values my opinion.

Alan: You are so kind, Traci. And not in a superficial way. I mean, really, truly, deeply kind, understanding. [ Alan sighs ] I’ll be honest with you, I– I don’t know if I can forgive myself or Martin.

Traci: Alan, Martin’s mental illness made him dangerous, as did his unwillingness to get help. And none of that is your fault.

Alan: Yeah, I– I’m sure this topic is as disturbing to you as it is to me, so… Look, I hear you, and… don’t worry, I– I will get there with time. [ Traci chuckles ]

Traci: You think that’s gonna work? Telling me what I need to hear so I’ll stop? Oh. You don’t know me very well, but I’m a little more persistent than that, Alan. Alan, you can’t go back and change history. All you can do is change how you feel about it now. To lose someone who was with you your whole life, that’s hard enough. But to be there to witness it? I–

Alan: Yeah. I still keep going over it in my head. It doesn’t feel real in some ways, but… terribly real in others.

Traci: And you haven’t even started the process of grieving. It is a process.

Alan: You’re right. I mean, how many times have I said that to my patients, huh?

Traci: Well, I hope they listen better than you do. [ both laughing ]

Alan: Do you have a– You must have a psychology degree hidden in your resume there somewhere, right?

Traci: No, no, but I– Oh, thank you.

Alan: Thank you so much.

Traci: Merci. Bon. Um, I– I have been through a few things, and, actually, I’ve created a few characters that were psychologists and all of the research I did, I should have a degree.

Alan: I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your writing. You’re a published novelist. I mean, what an amazing career you have.

Traci: Oh, it’s mostly just, you know, chasing the turn of a phrase or staying up all night so you don’t lose a thread.

Alan: Please don’t be so modest. Here I am with a beautiful woman with all these amazing stories in her head and I’m going on and on about my disturbed brother.

Traci: Maybe you need to talk about it.

Alan: No. No. I think I need to process that later. What I need is to hear about you. [ Traci chuckles ]

Victor: We shouldn’t be concerned about taking sides. The only sides we should worry about is Newman Enterprises. Don’t you agree?

Nikki: Yes, I do.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: But putting Adam in my position is not what’s best. I mean, you may like to think about it as a short-term solution while I can finish my treatment, but you know that nothing ever goes that easily with Adam. And Nicholas knows that better than anybody, don’t you?

Nick: I agree with you both. But Dad, if Mom feels this strongly about going back to work, shouldn’t you support her? I mean, you put her in charge of Newman Media for a reason. Clearly, she can do the work.

Victor: It is not what I want. Simple as that. End of discussion.

Nikki: Hey, wait. No. It’s not the end– Victor! [ Nikki sighs ]

Audra: Do you wanna be courted, Kyle? Fine. I can’t think of anyone who’s better qualified to run an up-and-coming cosmetics company than a former Jabot CEO.

Kyle: Okay. What’s really going on here, Audra? What are you up to?

Audra: Why do I have to be up to something?

Kyle: Aren’t you always?

Audra: Despite our differences, you’re an incredibly talented executive. And Victor dropped the hint that you might not be all that happy working under the thumbs of your mother and father.

Kyle: Did he, now?

Audra: He implied that you might be open to any opportunity.

Kyle: That doesn’t always mean it’s a good thing, you know? Sometimes, change can mean going from bad to worse.

Audra: Only if you let it. The two of us could dominate. We would be in complete control at Glissade.

Kyle: Yeah, with Victor calling the ultimate shots. That’s not exactly my idea of complete control.

Audra: Okay, mine either. But Victor promised to be a silent partner. And he expressed great faith in you. You know, from someone with his immense power and reputation, that says a lot. And most importantly, that is not a man you wanna say no to.

Kyle: No, I wouldn’t be turning down working with him. I would be turning down working with you. That’s two very different things.

Audra: Do you really wanna hold on to that grudge? Seriously? I am making you an honest, lucrative offer that, quite frankly, you’d be crazy to refuse.

Kyle: Okay, so what am I supposed to do? Erase all the double dealings you tried to pull on me?

Audra: That we pulled on each other.

Kyle: Which is why it would never work.

Audra: Until it does. Tell me what I have to do to change your mind. There must be something.

Diane: Well, well, well. Isn’t this interesting, the two of you with your heads together? What’s this all about? to throw Claire out of her home.

Katie: It’s not her home and it’s not ours either. We had a house and it’s gone. [ Victoria sighs ]

Victoria: I’m sorry. I know. I know how awful it is when you lose the things that make a place your home. I understand that, and it makes me really sad to think that the last time we were all there together, that that’s never gonna happen again, but we have each other and we’re lucky for that.

Katie: But why does she have to live here too?

Johnny: Come on, Katie. Just cut Claire some slack. [ knocking at door ]

Victoria: Hi, Daddy.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. You’ve grown so tall. My goodness. Come here, sweetheart. There you go. How nice to see both of you. Your grandmother and I have missed you.

Johnny: We missed you too.

Victor: Yes. How does it feel being back at the ranch?

Johnny: It’s good.

Victor: Yeah?

Katie: I miss my home.

Victor: I know you do. Having someone’s home burn down, that’s a very difficult issue to deal with. You know, we had the main house burn down as well. Nikki and I had to rebuild, and then we made a new life here, right? So, let’s sit down. So, tell me, Johnny and Katie, how does it feel to have a new sister?

Johnny: She seems nice.

Victor: Doesn’t she? Claire’s a very sweet girl. You know, she has always wanted a family of her own and she’s always wanted a sister like you to love.

Katie: Really?

Victor: Yeah. Imagine, she grew up without any family. She had no love, you know? Imagine of all the people around you that love you. She grew up without any of that. That’s sad. Your grandfather. I grew up, no family, in an orphanage. It makes you very lonely. So now, Claire is here, we must all do everything we can to embrace her and to love her, okay? To make her part of the family.

Nikki: Your father can be so infuriating at times.

Nick: Yeah. I never noticed.

Nikki: Newman Media is my jurisdiction. Why does he keep fighting me on this?

Nick: Yeah, Dad wants Adam there. It just doesn’t sit right.

Nikki: God, of all people. But your father has always had a soft spot for Adam.

Nick: You know, I wonder if Dad isn’t buying it that things are going so well with me and Adam. Like, if he’s wondering if there’s some tension beneath the surface.

Nikki: Why would you say that? That makes me think that it’s actually the case.

Traci: Oh, I can assure you, being a writer is wonderful in theory, but, um, it is not very exciting in real life.

Alan: Mm.

Traci: Are you sure you don’t wanna circle back and talk a little more about your brother and you?

Alan: No. I wanna hear about you, Traci. And I want you to start from the beginning. I want to hear about the young Traci growing up in the glamorous world of the Abbott dynasty. [ both laughing ]

Traci: Well, it wasn’t exactly a dynasty back then. It was just our family. Ah… and I guess maybe there was a little glamor from time to time.

Alan: Ah! Like?

Traci: Well… [clears throat ] …when I was young, I used to sing. I had a dear friend who was an up-and-coming rock star and we had some pretty big concerts.

Alan: Wow, you sing. I– Well, of course, I should’ve known you sing. You– your speaking voice is like music. [ both laughing ] Who’s the rock star? Is he famous?

Traci: Well, yeah, you know, he is really famous now. Do you know Danny Romalotti?

Alan: Oh, my God. I am impressed. Wow. See, I knew there was more to know about you, Traci. You’re an accomplished writer and a famous singer.

Traci: Oh, my gosh. Past tense. And famous is really pushing it.

Alan: Still pretty cool.

Traci: I was really sheltered by my overprotective big brother and sister, so this was a really freeing time in my life.

Alan: Now, you’re the glue that holds them together. [ Traci sighs ]

Traci: When my mother walked out on us, it was my father who was the rock. He made sure that we stayed a tight-knit family unit. And yes, he built this amazing company, a true legacy, but… it was his boundless love for the three of us that really made him a giant.

Alan: You adored him.

Traci: Always. All of us did. And then when Daddy wasn’t around anymore, we became kind of the Three Musketeers. We always have each other’s back, no matter what.

Alan: That’s the way siblings should be.

Traci: Uh, now, I– I’m a little worried that I’ve let my sister down.

Alan: What do you mean? It’s ridiculous. You’ve been by her side for the whole time.

Traci: No, I mean when we were kids. Um, I’ve been thinking about what you said, that maybe she’s experienced some childhood trauma and I didn’t realize it. Something… that has haunted Ashley her whole life, And now, it’s haunting me.

Diane: Last I checked, the two of you wanted nothing more to do with each other.

Audra: Yeah, I mean, it was pure coincidence. I saw Kyle here and I approached him.

Diane: Mm, of course you did.

Audra: I’ve recently had some very good fortune and decided now is a great time to make amends.

Diane: What, so you wanna kiss and make up with my son?

Audra: I made some mistakes in the past, mostly centered around Tucker McCall and now that he’s no longer part of my universe, I wanted to reach out, apologize to anyone I hurt or offended during my Tucker era.

Diane: So, is that sincere regret or were you just burned one time too many?

Audra: I wasn’t the one singed this go around. Tucker’s the past and I’m looking forward to the future now. I’m starting fresh.

Diane: Hm. Well, take it from me, I’ve been there. There is no starting fresh where Tucker’s concerned. The only way to get past Tucker McCall is to flourish and succeed in spite of him.

Audra: I know it’s not easy to change people’s perceptions and I’ve got my work cut out for me, but I am highly motivated to prove that I am not who I was.

Diane: Are you motivated or desperate?

Audra: Well, I have to go. Please keep an open mind about what we talked about. Nice to see you, Diane.

Diane: Mm-hmm. Okay, what is going on? And what exactly does she want you to keep an open mind about? neither one of us is very good at taking a night off from ruminating about our siblings.

Traci: I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring things down.

Alan: No, not at all. I mean, there’s no point in denying that we have been through a very harrowing experience.

Traci: Thank you. My family teases me about being an optimist, but honestly, I’m a worrier, too. And I have been worried.

Alan: Well, I’m sorry to make you worry. And I just want you to know, I– I cannot be sure that the alters emerged during Ashley’s childhood. Now, in the vast majority of DID cases, it does occur from ongoing childhood trauma, but she could be one of those rare cases where it occurred later in life.

Traci: And we won’t know until Ashley does herself.

Alan: Exactly. That’s right. I guess in the meantime, we have to, uh, stop torturing ourselves with what ifs and guilt, right?

Traci: Well, easier said than done.

Alan: We just have to remind ourselves that it is gonna get better.

Traci: We should have a little support group.

Alan: Ha! I used to lead those, but I’ve never been in one.

Traci: It’s okay. I will keep my eyes on you. And if you get a little bossy, I will remind you of your status.

Alan: Well then, certainly, I don’t wanna overstep and get kicked out of the group.

Traci: Oh, no, I think you’ll be fine. You just nod a lot and keep saying, “How does that make you feel?”

Alan: Ouch. A little on the nose there. I thank you for the advice, but I have been told that I’m a fairly good listener.

Traci: Well, I would hope so, considering your profession.

Alan: We’re– we’re gonna get through this. I have faith in us.

Traci: We are. If Ashley is brave enough to face what’s to come, so am I.

Alan: Ashley’s very lucky to have a sister like you.

Traci: No, I feel like I’m the lucky one.

Alan: Hm. Uh, maybe we should have another glass of wine, huh? Or perhaps I could convince you to sing a rock and roll song.

Traci: Oh, no. Don’t make me regret telling you this. How about this? Yes, to the wine and raincheck to the song.

Alan: All right.

Nick: Honestly, we’ve never been in a better place. Now, maybe part of that is because I really feel for what he’s going through with Connor, but Mom, he’s never once shirked his duties at Newman because of it.

Nikki: Hm. Could that be what this is about? I mean, we’re all concerned about Connor. Maybe your father gave Adam this opportunity as a distraction.

Nick: It doesn’t make sense. This is what Dad has always wanted, for me and Adam to work together at Newman, united. We’re doing it. It’s working and now, he wants to break it up?

Nikki: Do you think that he just doesn’t wanna tell me he’s been unhappy with my work?

Nick: No way, Mom. By any objective measure, you have been amazing at Newman media. This is just who Dad is. He is not one to hold back when he’s displeased with something. It doesn’t matter who he hurts.

Nikki: So then, what is it? Why is he so determined to make all these drastic changes?

Victoria: You two be careful. No diving. Thank you, Dad. Thank you. I… I really, really appreciate what you said to Katie.

Victor: Katie probably has difficulty adjusting to the new environment, you know?

Victoria: Now that she’s met Claire and sees that she’s gonna be living with us, I think she’s just having a hard time processing it all.

Victor: Well, give her some time. She’ll realize soon enough that she has a wonderful big sister.

Victoria: I hope so.

Victor: Yeah.

Victoria: After everything that Jordan has put us through, I just want my family to live in peace.

Victor: Sweetheart, I think it’ll all work out in time, it really will.

Victoria: Oh, what about at Newman?

Victor: About Newman. Oh. Wanna talk about that?

Victoria: Yeah, I do. I just wanna understand why you don’t want Mom back at Newman Media right now.

Victor: What’s so difficult to understand about that? Your mother needs time to recover, that’s all.

Victoria: Yes, but she feels like that maybe going back to work would help her with that.

Victor: But what if she falls off the damn wagon again? Then what? I won’t take that chance.

Victoria: Okay, fine, but why Adam?

Victor: But why not Adam? He knows the company. He can step right in.

Victoria: But Mom and I could do the same thing.

Victor: Sweetheart, do I need to remind you what your mother just went through, the ordeal she just endured? She almost died, for heaven’s sake. Once she’s 100%, she’ll be back in the job and then Adam will be out. But listen, the most important question I want you to answer… are you willing to go back to Newman Enterprises? I want you to.

Victoria: Okay. Daddy, I will give it some serious thought. the same place at the same time. Don’t make a thing of it.

Diane: Yeah, but all that talk about her being rid of Tucker, are you sure she’s not looking for something more from you?

Kyle: That was your takeaway, that Audra’s hitting on me?

Diane: Well, she’s trouble and you should know that better than anyone. I don’t– I don’t trust her and neither should you.

Kyle: Sorry, Mom. You don’t get to dictate who I spend my time with. I am an adult. I can do that for myself. And you need to stop putting me in my place.

Diane: You’re not even trying to hide how you feel about me anymore, are you?

Kyle: What are you talking about?

Diane: My God, the disdain you have for me is written all over your face.

Kyle: You’re my mom. I love you. It doesn’t mean you get to run my life.

Diane: Yeah, and as your mother, I have tried everything I can think of to move beyond all this animosity you have towards me.

Kyle: This is all you, just making up conflict out of thin air.

Diane: I tried ignoring it. I’ve tried calling you out on it. I’ve tried speaking to you as a loving mother. I’ve even tried to talk to you as your superior at the office, but nothing seems to get through to you.

Kyle: Mom, you are blowing a few disagreements way out of proportion.

Diane: No. I don’t think so. And I think we need to revisit this whole work dynamic when your father gets home from Paris.

Kyle: Revisit how?

Diane: Maybe the best way to get you to do your job and stop constantly critiquing and meddling in mine is by laying down an ultimatum.

Kyle: Really?

Diane: Hm.

Kyle: Like what?

Diane: Like get in line or you’ll be fired.

Nick: Mom, I don’t know what Dad’s ulterior motives are, but I’m certain he’s got them.

Nikki: Yeah, that’s what worries me.

Nick: So, maybe the smart thing for us to do is we let Dad have this one. We take a step back because you know he’s just gonna grind us down until he gets what he wants.

Nikki: What do you mean, just give up?

Nick: I’m not saying that, but…. Dad is hyper protective of you. We know that, especially right now. If he thinks you need more time, there isn’t anything anyone’s gonna do to change his mind.

Nikki: So, I brought this on myself.

Nick: That is not what this is about, Mom. It’s not. It makes sense. Dad wants you to focus on your recovery. And if we’re being honest, Adam’s probably the smartest choice to step back into Newman media.

Nikki: I don’t care about his history there. I am the CEO of Newman Media and I wanna get back into my office. Can’t your father see that? Or is his true agenda more important to him?

Nick: You’re just gonna drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what Dad is up to because it’s not like he’s gonna come out and admit it, that he’s got some other plans.

Nikki: Oh, he’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever known.

Nick: Yes, he is. But would it be the worst thing in the world for you to just take more time to get fully healthy? You could focus your time and your energy into something else, like your charity work.

Nikki: I wouldn’t be able to focus knowing that once Adam is there, he’ll never wanna leave.

Kyle: And you think that’s something you can do on your own? Fire me, just like that? Do you really think you can get Dad to sign off on that?

Diane: I’m the co-CEO of Jabot and I am your boss, whether you can accept that or not. Kyle, you’ve been removed from the company before. It’s not unrealistic that that could happen again.

Kyle: You’re serious, aren’t you?

Diane: Yes. Your father has been more than patient with you on this, and he was hoping that the two of us could work it out, and he was hoping he wouldn’t have to get involved, but the time for patience is over.

Kyle: You think I’ve committed a fireable offense?

Diane: You had warnings, Kyle, many of them, but you refuse to change your behavior. It’s relentless insubordination.

Kyle: For doing my job.

Diane: No, for doing mine. Because you are unprofessional and because you question my authority at every turn. And because you have put a huge deal in jeopardy. You know what? I have put up with it, hoping that you would change, and you haven’t, so I think we both need to make some decisions.

Victor: Oh, hello. I gather you just told your mother you were looking for greener pastures.

Kyle: My mother doesn’t know about your job offer.

Victor: But I certainly hope, Kyle, that you’re still considering it, because I’d hate for you to waste your talent at your present place of employment.

Kyle: I agree. It would be a shame. Maybe… it is time for me to think about a change. [ Traci laughing ]

Traci: Okay. So, I found myself in this very picturesque little village in the Normandy coast.

Alan: Oh, my favorite place in the world.

Traci: Is that right?

Alan: Yes.

Traci: Mine, too.

Alan: Sorry. Please go on.

Traci: Okay, so we met this fisherman and he was selling mussels by the kilo. And we were staying in a little chateau, doing our own cooking. One of my friends, fabulous cook, said he would make us moules frites. We didn’t know how many were in a kilo, so we ordered 50.

Alan: Uh-oh. I see where this is going.

Traci: We were eating moules for a week.

Alan: Oh. How long did it take you to eat mussels again?

Traci: Let’s see, that was about 20 years ago. I haven’t faced one since. [ both chuckling ] Alan, thank you so much for seeing me home. You really didn’t have to.

Alan: Oh, of course I did. Gave me more time to try to convince you to sing for me.

Traci: Stop. Maybe next time.

Alan: All right, I’m gonna hold you to it, all right? So, Traci, I just want you to– I want you to know how much it means to me that you decided to stay here in Paris.

Traci: Thank you. It means a lot to me, too.

Alan: Thank you. Good night.

Traci: Good night.

Nick: I don’t want you to worry about that. We will get Adam out of Newman Media when the time comes.

Nikki: And how are we gonna do that?

Nick: I’ll handle it. I’ll come up with something. But in the meantime, think about all the great things you can be doing with your charities. You should be focusing on that right now.

Nikki: Yeah, after everything that’s happened the last few months, I have been neglecting my other interests.

Nick: I know it’s not what you want to hear, Mom, but this really is the best thing for you. Just let Dad move the chess pieces around and play whatever game he wants. [ Nikki sighs ]

Nikki: If I weren’t putting my sobriety first, I would keep fighting him on this, but you and I both know that he won’t rest until he gets his way.

Nick: Yeah. So, you’ll go along with Dad’s plan?

Nikki: I suppose. For now. While we wait to see which pieces topple next.

Victor: Cheers, Kyle.

Kyle: Cheers.

Victor: I’m happy to know that you’re ready for change. You have the kind of expertise that Audra needs to drive Glissade into a cosmetics powerhouse.

Kyle: Well, hold on, I… haven’t said I’m ready to commit just yet.

Victor: What’s the hesitation?

Kyle: I have some serious concerns about working with Audra Charles. The way she… bounced back and forth with Tucker, it just makes me question her dedication and loyalty to Glissade.

Victor: Huh. But you don’t trust her?

Kyle: Audra Charles is a professional backstabber. I’ve been the victim of her schemes on more than one occasion.

Victor: Really? I’ll be damned.

Kyle: Look, I know this is an important investment for you.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: So, here’s what I’m thinking. I could agree to come on as Glissade’s CEO, but only as a sole CEO.

Victor: I see.

Kyle: I mean, what do you need Audra for when you have me?

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 17, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ from Days

Why would EJ be dumb enough to put Jude’s genetic test in the safe at the DiMera mansion? He should have known Kristen, Stefan, and anyone else who lives in the mansion would have opened the safe. Did he really think he was the only one who would go in there? We understand Stefan had to have a way to blackmail EJ, but that didn’t make sense. EJ wouldn’t have been careless enough to put the results in a place where anyone could find it.

It could be just us, but we are sick of seeing Theresa get away with her scheme. It’s beyond time for her to get exposed for her scheme. We are also sick of Alex walking around like he’s the man because he thinks he’s Victor’s son. He needs to be knocked off his high horse. The writers are taking too long to expose that Xander is Victor’s son. We can’t wait to see the look on Alex’s face when he finds out he isn’t Victor’s son. It will also be great to see Theresa’s face when she’s exposed for her plan.

Thumbs up to the writers for acknowledging Juneteenth. It’s good that they acknowledge the holiday. The other soap operas ignore the holiday, but Days always take the time to acknowledge it. With Abe and Paulina’s anniversary being that day, it’s an extra way for the show to acknowledge the day. The other soaps need to do the same especially since they have African Americans on their shows.

Speaking of Juneteenth, what are the odds that the high school prom would be the same day? Most proms are in May or early June. They aren’t usually near the end of the month especially since kids should be getting out of high school by then. We know the writers think we all want to see the prom, but they should have gotten the time right for it.

We loved hearing Tate rip into Theresa for hurting Brady. She needed to hear about what she did to Brady. Tate had us cheering him on when he told her that she only cares about herself. He was right on the money about that because all she does is think about what she wants. When she tried to use what Konstantin did to her to let her off the hook, Tate didn’t fall for it. He walked away from her.

How did Leo know what happened during Konstantin and Maggie’s wedding when he wasn’t there? When he ran into Theresa, he asked her about Konstantin holding her hostage. Leo also knew Konstantin said there was an enemy in the midst. Since Leo wasn’t at the wedding, he shouldn’t know what was said. It wasn’t likely they had all that information online.

The writers missed the mark when they had Jack in Salem. He went to see Chad and Julie at the Horton house, yet he didn’t take the time to see Steve. You would think Jack would have taken the time to see his brother while he was in Salem. Steve is his family too. We know Jack isn’t staying on the show long, but they could have had him talking to Steve.

Why didn’t Paulina invite Johnny’s family to the going away party? Johnny has family members in town so she could have invited them to the wedding. It’s not like she doesn’t know who his family is so there’s no reason why she didn’t invite them. Johnny shouldn’t have had to invite EJ to the party. Did Paulina think Johnny’s family wouldn’t have come to send him and Chanel off.


Johnny and Chane from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 17, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Paulina from Days


-Who reported the story about Konstantin online? The only one who could have reported it was Xander and he wouldn’t have put that story online.

-Paulina could be heard talking to herself while Alex and Theresa were shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to himself while Nicole was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Nicole while Stefan was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Brady while Theresa was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Eric while EJ was shown.


-Bonnie didn’t hear Theresa telling Victor’s painting that Alex wasn’t his son, but she heard her saying Xander deserved to be screwed. As loud as Theresa was talking Bonnie should have heard the entire conversation.

-Chad could be heard talking to Clyde’s picture while Xander was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to Julie while Bonnie was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking while Julie and Chad were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Marlena while Xander was shown.

-Leo wasn’t at Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding so how did he know Konstantin said before he died?

-Maggie cried without any tears.


-The music playing in Chanel’s scene could be heard while Paulina was shown.

-EJ could be heard walking while Chanel and Lani were shown hugging.

-Chad could be heard talking to Julie while Johnny, EJ, and Stefan were shown.

-Paulina could be heard talking to Eli while Johnny was shown.

-Why didn’t Paulina invite more members of Johnny’s family to the going away party? She could have invited Marlena, Roman, Kayla, and Steve to the party.


-Nicole could be heard talking to Dr. Greene while EJ was shown.

-Holly could be heard talking to Tate on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-Holly didn’t hear Stefan blackmailing EJ even though the door was open, and they were talking loudly.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Nicole was shown.

-While Tate and Aaron were talking about Sophia, Aaron didn’t see Sophia eavesdropping on their conversation.

-Tate could be heard talking to Brady while Stefan and EJ were shown.


-Why would Alex be running at night?

-When Alex wanted something to drink, he asked Leo for his water. Why couldn’t he order his own drink?

-Holly could be heard talking to Aaron while Brady was shown.

-Roman could be heard talking to Kayla while Steve was shown.


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Update Friday, June 21, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


Days of Our Lives logo

Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in the town square, practicing a speech to deliver to his mother until Alex appears, shirtless, and asks if he’s going to drink his water.

Brady and Theresa chaperone the prom. Brady asks Theresa how Tate and Holly could be up to something when Holly just found out she was going to the prom. Theresa reveals to Brady that when they were taking pictures at the house, Sophia came to her and told her that she overheard Tate and Aaron talking about their secret plan. Theresa says she knows it was Holly’s idea and tells Brady that Tate and Holly are sneaking out tonight to be together.

Aaron and Holly join Tate and Sophia at the punch bowl. Aaron and Holly complain about the DJ while Sophia says it’s lame to complain while everyone else is having fun. Sophia then drags Tate away to go dance, disappointing Holly.

Steve lays in his hospital bed and talks to Tripp on the phone. Steve assures that he’s following doctor’s orders most of the time. Steve says to give his best to Wendy and that he loves him too. Steve hangs up as Justin arrives and asks how Tripp is doing. Steve says he’s doing great and that Tripp just told him that he and Wendy are going backpacking through Thailand and Vietnam next month. Justin asks how Steve is. Steve says he’s fine and the doctors say he’s on the mend. Justin is sorry this happened and asks if he has any idea when he’s getting out. Steve says he was ready yesterday but Kayla can be stubborn. Justin says Kayla is actually why he’s here since she said Steve might be in need of a lawyer.

Kayla orders food from Roman at the Brady Pub. Roman guesses that means Steve is feeling better. Kayla talks about this being why she didn’t want Steve to go to Montana to help Ava. Roman comments that Ava has missed an entire week of shifts now. Kayla hopes that means Ava has finally said bye for good this time. Ava then returns to the Pub and says she’s sorry to disappoint. Roman assumed she had been back after Clyde’s capture. Ava apologizes for being out of touch since reception was spotty in Montana and then she went to China to see Tripp and Wendy to tell them in person that Clyde was no longer a threat to them. Roman acknowledges that was good of her. Roman tells Kayla that he’s sure she wants to get back to Steve at the hospital, so he goes to put her order in. Ava questions Steve being in the hospital. Kayla informs her that he’s been shot. Ava asks if he’s okay. Kayla responds that he will be. Ava asks if it’s somehow her fault. Kayla admits this time it’s not but notes that now that Clyde has been captured, she’s hired Steve a lawyer so she hopes Ava has a way to cover her own legal mess.

Justin asks Steve to fill him in on why Kayla said he needs a lawyer. Steve tells Justin he’s hired and reveals the long story short is that he broke Clyde Weston out of prison. Justin asks why in the Hell he would do that.

Leo guesses Alex forgot his water bottle and asks if it’s a practical joke. Leo tells Alex and his sweaty abs to get lost. Alex says he has no idea what he’s talking about but he is thirsty. Leo says he’s not the only one.

Holly tells Aaron that the prom kind of sucks. Tate comes back and says Sophia went to fix her hair so Aaron steps away. Tate asks Holly how it’s going. Holly tells Tate that he might want to step back or else Theresa might rip her head off, mentioning that Theresa had just warned her to stay away from him. Tate says he’s sorry that she’s acting like that and suggests to Holly that they go back to the original plan they came up with when Nicole wasn’t going to let her attend prom.

Theresa complains to Brady about the vaping in the restroom and mentions that Sophia was bawling her eyes out in there, questioning how Holly could do that to her best friend. Brady points out that Sophia doesn’t look that upset to him so Theresa suggests she’s put it together since then. Theresa insists Sophia was crying really hard and asks if Brady doesn’t believe her. Brady says that first Theresa thought Tate and Holly were up to something, but now they are all hanging out and they are all still here so maybe it’s just teen drama that she should see her way out of. Theresa says she would love to be wrong but guarantees that by the end of the night, Tate and Holly will get busted big time and Holly won’t know what hit her.

Leo allows Alex to have his glass of water and explains that he had a very similar run in the day before with Dr. Greene. Leo adds that he also ran in to Theresa this morning and they were talking about Alex. Alex asks if he should be worried. Leo admits he was looking for a story so he asked Theresa how she bedded such an eligible bachelor and she said sparks were flying from the moment they met. Alex says that’s very true as it was almost immediate. Leo warns Alex that he could never be too careful. Alex questions what that means. Leo says that people would come out of the wood work to get even the smallest crumbs of his fortune, but admits that Theresa seems legit. Alex mentions having a similar conversation with Marlena earlier. Leo informs Alex that he’s also in therapy with Marlena. Leo asks if she’s helping Alex. Alex confirms that she seems to be as she’s a great listener and she gets it. Leo decides maybe there’s hope for him after all.

Theresa asks Brady if they should peek in on Tate. Brady doesn’t want to embarrass him even more in front of his friends when it’s tough enough that they are chaperoning. Tate comes over to them and tells them that he’s suddenly not feeling well. Brady calls that strange since he was fine a minute ago. Tate claims he has a headache. Theresa offers him ibuprofen but Tate says he feels like he should just go home and chill out for a bit. Theresa says she can drive him but Tate reminds her that the school is counting on her to chaperone. Tate says he will just take a walk and get some fresh air. Theresa and Brady tell him to get better then as Tate exits. Theresa tells Brady that she told him so.

Aaron tries to talk to Sophia at the punch bowl but she shuts him down. Holly asks where Tate is. Sophia tells her that he said he had a headache and left which Holly says is awful. Sophia asks what Holly is waiting for and if she’s going to run after him. Holly asks what she’s talking about. Sophia tells her to cut the crap as she knows Tate doesn’t have a headache and that he just made up a lie so they could go sneak off together. Sophia tells Holly to tell her she’s wrong.

Kayla tells Ava that for all her shortcomings, she would’ve thought she’d have the good sense to avoid the consequences coming her way when Clyde reveals that she spearheaded the whole plan to break him out of prison. Kayla wonders what is in Salem for Ava now that Tripp is gone except a bunch of bad memories and Steve.

Steve tells Justin that he had no choice since Clyde was threatening Tripp’s life in order to pressure Ava in to doing his dirty work and now he’s worried that Clyde will throw him under the bus. Justin calls it a valid concern with Clyde but points out that he hasn’t said anything yet. Steve says he’s not going to sit around wondering if he will or not which Justin questions. Steve declares he’s not going to live in fear, he’s gonig to turn himself in.

Aaron tries to cover but Sophia reveals that she heard him and Tate talking at the Pub earlier about how Tate only asked her to prom because his parents wouldn’t let him see Holly. Holly tries to apologize as Sophia argues that she could’ve told her that she and Tate were a thing. Holly says she wanted to but she was afraid that she would tell her mom and then her mom would tell Theresa. Sophia asks if it was just easier to break her heart and make her look like a complete idiot. Holly says it’s not like that and she feels terrible for hurting her. Holly says she’s her best friend and she loves her but things have been terrible at home which she knows is not an excuse. Holly knows Sophia is mad at her and she will continue to apologize. Holly encourages that Sophia is gorgeous and could have any guy she wants. Sophia responds that she wanted Tate, but not anymore, so she can have him. Holly asks if she’s going to tell. Sophia says no and tells Holly to go catch up with Tate. Holly asks if there’s anything she can do or say to make her forgive her. Sophia tells Holly again to go catch up with Tate. Holly repeats that she’s really sorry as she walks away.

Brady agrees with Theresa that Tate’s headache story was suspicious but points out that Holly is still there. Theresa says they can’t leave at the same time or that would be a huge red flag. Holly walks by and says she’s just going to the restroom. Theresa doesn’t buy it and asks if Brady is coming. Brady reminds her that they are supposed to chaperone the dance. Theresa argues that there are plenty of other chaperons and that Tate is what’s important. Theresa tells Brady he can stay if he disagrees, so they leave together.

Alex asks Leo about the speech he has written in front of him. Leo explains his plan to go see his mother to voice all his anger and grievances that he’s been holding onto for far too long. Alex wishes him luck with that and says it sounds tough. Leo thanks him and says his parents tried their best. Leo remarks that it’s not like Alex hit the best with Victor. Alex states that Victor was a complicated man. Leo points out that at least Alex didn’t find out until it was too late for Victor to do any damage. Leo calls Alex very lucky to be raised by Justin.

Justin acknowledges that Steve was trying to save his son’s life and Clyde is back behind bars, so he thinks he could broker a deal for probation with no time served. Steve says that sounds good and thanks him. Justin says he does have one question and asks if anyone else was involved with this prison breakout scheme. Steve says no and claims that it was all him.

Ava tells Kayla that she can’t believe they are back to this when she and Steve have been over for years. Ava argues that she doesn’t have to justify anything to her. Roman comes back with Kayla’s food. Kayla tells Ava that this is not a productive conversation and wishes her luck as she exits. Ava remarks to Roman that she has amazing timing. Roman jokes that they won’t be teaming up anytime soon. Ava admits she did think about staying in China and traveling but she only came back because she needs to know where she stands with Harris. Roman reveals that Harris hasn’t been back since Clyde’s arrest. Ava questions if Harris is moving out. Roman says they only talked briefly about Lucas, but Harris didn’t say anything about when or if he’s planning on coming back. Roman tells Ava that he’s sorry. Ava says it’s okay, but if Harris isn’t coming back, then maybe she should just leave.

Brady and Theresa go through the town square trying to find out where Holly went. They run in to Leo, who calls Theresa his new friend. Leo questions if they are on a date. Brady clarifies they are chaperoning their kid’s prom. Leo recalls his prom. Theresa says they are looking for Tate, who ran off. Leo remembers seeing Tate. Theresa then asks if he’s seen Holly. Leo recalls seeing Holly head to the Salem Inn and giving her a thumbs up. Theresa then asks if Leo knows where Holly went.

Holly joins Tate in a room at the Salem Inn which Tate had decorated with balloons and calls their own private prom. Holly calls it the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for her. Holly didn’t realize the address he sent her was the Salem Inn. Tate acknowledges that there is a bed there but says he only got them a room so they could be alone without anyone seeing them and there is no pressure or expectations. They declare that it’s finally just them as they kiss.

Kayla returns to Steve at the hospital and apologizes for taking forever. Steve figured she was trying to give him and Justin time to talk. Kayla says she wants them to be prepared for if and when Clyde lowers the boom. Steve admits he’s been thinking about the same thing and he hopes she’s on board with his plan, because it’s not exactly what they had in mind.

Justin goes home to the Kiriakis Mansion and calls the police station, asking to have Rafe call him ASAP because he has a client who wants to make a statement. Justin hangs up as Alex arrives. Justin tells Alex that he’s sorry for everything that went down with Konstantin and how he went after Theresa. Alex says it’s fine and that something good came of it because he realized how much Theresa means to him. Alex informs Justin that he just got done telling Marlena today that he thinks Theresa could be the one. Justin thinks there’s something he should know about Theresa.

Steve asks Kayla if she’s not on the same page about him turning himself in. Kayla can’t imagine him spending a day in prison or losing him again, but she doesn’t want them to live in fear waiting for the other shoe to drop. Steve decides they are on the same page then. Kayla assumes John and Ava will have to come clean as well, but Steve reveals that he told Justin that he acted alone. Kayla understands Steve wanting to protect John but questions why the hell Ava should get off scot free.

Roman states that Ava just traveled a long way, so she is jet lagged and exhausted which is not the best time to make a life changing decision. Roman adds that he needs her help at breakfast. Roman suggests she go upstairs and rest, then tomorrow he can probably put her in touch with Harris. Ava thanks him. Roman declares that he hopes things work out between them. Ava then takes her bag and heads upstairs.

Alex asks Justin what he should know about Theresa. Justin says he’s not one for gossip and normally he wouldn’t bring it up, but Bonnie saw that Theresa moved in to his bedroom and she mentioned seeing Theresa was with Brady the night before. Alex explains that he already knows and that he had a fling with Kristen but it meant nothing and so he and Theresa are even in a way. Justin states that Alex didn’t feel anything for Kristen, but Brady and Theresa have a long history and he’s seen how connected they were when they were together. Justin says he’s concerned as any father would be. Alex then remarks that Justin is not really his father now and even if he was, he’s an adult now so his relationships are none of Justin’s business. Justin says he’s right and agrees to stay out of it from now on. Justin says goodnight to Alex and exits the room.

Theresa asks Leo if he saw Tate and Holly or he didn’t. Leo remembers finding Tate and Holly in the park and supporting them being in love and agreeing not to rat them out. Leo then tells Theresa and Brady that he wishes he could help but he didn’t see anything and rushes off. Theresa doesn’t believe him since Holly couldn’t have just disappeared. Brady doesn’t want to spend the rest of the night looking for Tate and suggests they call it a night and talk to him in the morning. Theresa questions him and reminds him of the last time Tate and Holly had a big night out where some really regrettable things happened. Brady states that a lot has happened between then and now. Theresa argues that Holly didn’t go to rehab and could be doing drugs with Tate right now. Brady argues that Tate isn’t a junkie and is just hot for a girl that he hasn’t been able to see. Brady suggests Tate is probably off in a corner somewhere where he can hook up with Holly. Brady’s eyes then spot the Salem Inn ahead of them.

Holly reveals to Tate that Sophia heard him and Aaron talking earlier and knows they are together. Tate asks how she took it. Holly admits that Sophia is really upset. Tate apologizes. Holly blames herself for not telling her from the start. Tate asks if she thinks Sophia will tell her mom. Holly says she promised she wouldn’t, but she still feels awful about it all. Tate suggests maybe Sophia and Aaron will hook up. Holly hopes so and says they are kind of cute together. Tate says they are too as they kiss. Tate then informs Holly that he made her a playlist with all of her favorite songs. Holly looks it over and they joke about being Taylor Swift fans. Holly then plays a song as she and Tate dance together and kiss.

Sophia says she needs to get out of here. Aaron offers to take her home but Sophia says she’s not speaking to him anymore since he was part of this whole scheme. Aaron apologizes and says Tate is his best friend but he was looking forward to maybe them spending time together here. Aaron reveals that he was going to ask Sophia to prom himself. Sophia asks why he didn’t. Aaron felt like she barely knew he existed, so he thought maybe they could spend time together tonight. Aaron tells Sophia that he gets what it’s like to like someone so much and have them not like you back, so he sympathizes with how mad she is. Aaron calls it really cool of Sophia to not tell anyone about Holly and Tate.

Holly and Tate finish their dance and then they kiss. Holly calls it weird to finally be able to be with each other without looking over their shoulders. Tate doesn’t want it to end. Holly agrees that she wants it to last forever. Tate promises they will figure something out, but until then, they will just enjoy this right here and now. They continue kissing on the bed until Theresa and Brady barge in to catch them.

Alex looks at the portrait of Victor and talks about how Justin used to say he was the kid who gave him the most gray hairs because he never thought twice about going after what he wanted. Alex says now he knows he got that from Victor. Alex declares it took him awhile to figure out, but he now knows exactly what he wants as he looks down at his engagement ring box.

Kayla understands why Steve wouldn’t implicate Ava since she is Tripp’s mother, but she has so many issues with her so this is just difficult and she’s sorry. Steve says he’s sorry and asks if there’s anything he can do to help. Kayla asks for a sip of his milkshake from the Pub. Steve agrees to it if she arranges an early discharge for him. Kayla says maybe tomorrow as they kiss.

Ava goes home to her room above the Pub and Harris then comes in behind her.

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GH Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sam plays the recording the FBI has on her to Carly and tells her that Jason became an FBI informant to keep her from going to prison. Sam is furious because Jason gave up two years of his life and left his family to protect Carly. Carly blames John Cates because Anna forced Jason to become an informant and leave his family. John sees Anna leaving the Corinthos coffee office and tells Jason that he hopes he recorded his conversation with Anna. Jason tells him he didn’t record the conversation.

Jason tells John that he doesn’t need to record his conversation with Anna because she isn’t the head of Pikeman. Jason accuses John of being so eager to close this case that he isn’t looking for the real criminal. John tells Jason he isn’t going back to Quantico empty-handed; he will take Carly with him. John later goes to the Metro Court to share a bottle of champagne with Carly because his case is almost done and he will soon be leaving town.

Violet comes home and finds Finn passed out on the floor and she tries to awaken him, but Finn doesn’t wake up so Violet grabs Finn’s phone and notices that Tracy has called Finn several times. Violet presses her name and tells Tracy she thinks he is dead and she should call an ambulance. Tracy calls an ambulance and goes to Finn’s apartment. The paramedics bandage Finn’s cut while Tracy takes Violet to Brook Lynn and Chase ‘s apartment and tells them what happened with Finn. Tracy tells Brook Lynn and Chase to take Violet to the Quartermaine Mansion while she returns to Finn’s place to talk to him.

Anna and Valentin have dinner then they tell each other they love each other and start kissing.

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Days Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the hospital, Steve was on the phone with Tripp. Justin came in his room because Kayla said he might need a lawyer. Kayla went to the pub and talked to Roman about Steve and Ava. When Kayla said she wanted Ava to stay gone, Ava showed up and said she was in China. She said she wanted to tell Tripp and Wendy that Clyde was no longer a threat. Kayla said she hired a lawyer for Steve. She said she hoped Ava had a plan of her own. Theresa told Brady that Sophia was upset that Holly betrayed her. Brady said Sophia looked fine and suggested she stay out of their business. Theresa wanted to bust Tate and Holly together. Tate showed up and said he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home. When Tate left to get some air, Theresa told Brady she was right. At the prom, Aaron tried to talk to Sophia, but she didn’t want to talk to him. Sophia told Holly that she knew about her and Tate. She yelled at Holly for lying to her and making her look like a fool. When Holly tried to explain, Sophia said she was too hurt. Sophia told her to be with Tate and she wouldn’t say anything. Holly apologized and left. Kayla asked Ava what was next for her with Tripp gone. She asked if it was bad memories or her husband. Ava refused to answer her. When Kayla left, Ava said she came back to Salem to find out where she stood with Harris. Roman said Harris hasn’t come back from Montana yet. Ava said she shouldn’t return if Harris didn’t.

Steve told Justin that he broke Clyde out of prison. Justin said Clyde hasn’t said anything yet. Steve said he wasn’t going to wait until Clyde said anything, so he was turning himself in. Justin said he could get a deal with time served. He asked Steve if somebody else was involved in the prison break. Steve said he did it all. Theresa and Brady went to the Town Square to look for Tate and Holly. She was worried that Holly was using drugs with Tate. Brady said their son didn’t do drugs. He said Tate was probably somewhere with Holly so they could hook up. Holly met Tate at the Salem Inn. The room was decorated. Holly loved the room but was nervous. Tate told her there was no pressure. He didn’t want anyone to see them. She told him Sophia knew the truth and was upset. They felt bad but hoped that Sophia would hook up with Aaron. When Justin left Steve’s room, Kayla showed up. He told her about turning himself in. She said she didn’t want to lose him to prison but living in fear wasn’t any better. Kayla didn’t like how he protected Ava, but she shouldn’t get away with what she did. While Justin was at the Kiriakis mansion, Alex came in. Justin said he was worried about Alex going after Konstantin and Theresa. Alex said he was okay, but realized Theresa was the one. Justin told him about Brady’s history with her. He said he was concerned as any father would be. Alex said he wasn’t his father. He said even if Justin was his father, he was an adult, so his relationship was none of his business. Justin said he would stay out of his business and left. Aaron asked Sophia if she wanted him to take her home, but she was still upset. He apologized for his part in the lie, but Tate was his friend. Aaron said he was hoping they would spend time together. He said he knew she was upset, but thought it was cool that she didn’t say anything about Tate and Holly. While Tate and Holly were spending time together at the Salem Inn, Theresa and Brady walked in.

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