Young & The Restless Transcript

Transcript provided by Jim
Billy: Take your time, Chels.
Chelsea: Connor was happy. Happiest we had seen him in a really long time.
Billy: Well, that’s good, right?
Chelsea: Well, that’s what we thought. Until, after we dropped him off, his OCD flared. Apparently, because he was happy.
Billy: I’m sorry, Chels, I– I don’t understand that.
Chelsea: He had a good time. His spirits were soaring. His OCD wanted to punish him for that. Wanted to make him feel he didn’t deserve to be happy.
Billy: That’s awful.
Chelsea: Like, can you even imagine? My son can’t spend time with his parents without this monstrous disease trying to ruin it for him.
Billy: Did he… hit himself again as well?
Chelsea: Billy. He… He took a pen and tried to cut himself. Luckily, the nurse got to him in time, so he didn’t cause any major harm, but… [ Chelsea sighs ] …they had to transfer him to inpatient status.
Billy: Chels, I’m so sorry.
Chelsea: It’s just so unfair. You know, my sweet little boy. I’m so scared, Billy. I mean, what if– what if he’s never gonna be happy again? What if this is just the way it is for him, forever?
Billy: Okay, you can’t think that way, okay? You– you gotta trust that this treatment program will eventually work. I mean, he was taking positive steps forward before this point, right?
Chelsea: Yeah, when he was here, it was like the happiest we’d seen him.
Billy: And he will have those happy moments again, and he’ll learn to fend off those impulses to– to hurt himself. You– you just… You– you gotta believe that.
Chelsea: I know. I’m really trying. It’s just not easy.
Billy: I know it’s not easy. Not for you. Not for Connor. And not for Adam, either. How is Adam handling this setback?
Diane: Jack, I thought your plane had already landed. Could you please call me as soon as you get this? I have to do something, and I– I want you to hear it from me first. [ Diane sighs ] [ Kyle sighs ]
Kyle: Good morning.
Diane: I’m afraid it isn’t. And it’s about to get a lot worse.
Kyle: Can we please not do this? How about we just put our heads down and do our jobs? I’d much rather like to avoid some more drama.
Diane: It’s a little late for that.
Kyle: What’s this?
Diane: Your termination notice. You’re fired. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
Audra: When Tucker finally realized he lost and I won, he panicked.
Sally: Cool, calm and collected Tucker?
Audra: Mm. Just before the board was about to vote, he faked a heart attack.
Sally: Oh, my God. He did not.
Audra: Can you believe it? He collapsed on the video call. The hotel doctor was called.
Sally: Okay, that is quite a stunt. Did anyone buy it?
Audra: There were some concerned executives, and his assistant will probably never be the same, but I knew exactly what he was up to.
Sally: So, what happened?
Audra: Well, his impromptu performance worked as a delay tactic, but not for long. When it was clear that he wasn’t going to die, the board reconvened and voted him out, and me in.
Sally: Wow, you actually pulled it off.
Audra: Did you doubt me?
Sally: No, never. It’s just a very bold move, considering how hard Tucker went after you. I mean, you’ve seen how volatile he can be. And yet, you poked the bear anyway.
Audra: It was risky, and honestly, nerve-wracking. But in the end, it was an exhilarating ride. It feels good to win. Mm. What a rush.
Sally: For now.
Audra: I plan to bask in this victory for a while, okay? And the best part, he doesn’t even know who he’s losing to.
Sally: What are you talking about?
Audra: Well, I didn’t pull this off all by myself. I had a partner who came in with a large cash infusion that played a big part in convincing the board that this was the right move.
Sally: Who was it?
Audra: I can’t say. That was part of the deal, and my investor wants to remain anonymous.
Sally: Well, I’m sure Tucker hates that. How did he react?
Audra: Not well.
Sally: He is a notoriously bad loser. Do you think he will try and retaliate somehow?
Audra: Just let him try.
Kyle: You’re– you’re actually firing me.
Diane: I’m afraid you’ve left me no choice, but you’ll see I included a very generous severance package.
Kyle: I thought you were threatening me. A warning to get me to back off. Now, I see you were setting up your ultimate power play.
Diane: This isn’t a game, Kyle.
Kyle: Yeah, this is you trying to prove who’s boss.
Diane: It’s amazing to me that you still can’t see this is the result of your actions.
Kyle: Look, Jabot is my family’s company! You really think you can just fire me like this?
Diane: I’m an Abbott too, you know.
Kyle: Only by marriage, and a recent one at that. Jabot is my birthright, and I have grown up knowing that one day, I’d be running this place. You think you can just rip that away from me with a piece of paper?
Diane: I have given you fair warning, and you have chosen to ignore me one time too many.
Kyle: You call this fair? Just springing this on me? and you know how much I love you. But to be honest, I’ve had it. I am done with you constantly tweaking my work, embarrassing me in front of colleagues, and stabbing me in the back whenever it’s turned.
Kyle: Does Dad know about this? He doesn’t, does he? Do you really think he’s going to sign off on this?
Diane: You know, I– I’m glad you’re here. I– I’ve been trying to reach you.
Jack: I just came straight from the airport, just in time to see my executive staff engaged in whatever this is. Both of you, in my office, now.
Sally: Well, I am impressed, because not only did you mastermind a coup, you almost seem like you’re daring Tucker to come after you.
Audra: Well, I’m sure he’s consumed with rage, plotting his revenge about now. He’s not used to getting outplayed, but I’ve covered all my bases, and there is no way in hell Tucker McCall is ever hurting me again, personally or professionally.
Sally: Wow, make it sound so simple and absolute.
Audra: It’s– none of this has been easy. That’s why I’m 100% sure that I’m done with him. You know, he broke my trust, and he doesn’t get any more chances there. But on the work front, I’ve got my mystery investor, and a person I promise has no intention of ever letting Tucker get his hands back on Glissade.
Sally: Right, yes, this mystery investor. What was their name again?
Audra: Nice try. You’re not getting it out of me. But I do have a feeling Glissade’s new owner is plotting the perfect time and place to reveal him or herself.
Sally: Well, congratulations.
Audra: Thank you.
Sally: To a seamless transition for the new head of Glissade, and I can’t wait to hear all about your new leadership when the news hits the press.
Audra: Cheers.
Sally: Cheers.
Audra: Mm.
Sally: Mm.
Audra: You know, there are still a few wrinkles I need to iron out before we go public with the changes, but I am working on that. Enough about me. I want to know what’s going on with you. I– I’m sure you’re killing it at Marchetti.
Sally: Well, not to be overly modest, but uh, yeah, I am.
Audra: Well, I will be the first in line to buy one of your designs.
Sally: Well, thank you. I am missing Adam, though. He’s still in Baltimore with Chelsea and Connor.
Audra: How’s that going?
Sally: Uh, not well. He was supposed to come home last night, but he called and said things had taken a turn for the worse, so they’re gonna be there for a little bit longer.
Audra: I’m sorry to hear that. Oof, my heart goes out to that little boy.
Sally: Yeah. It’s definitely been unbearable for all of them, but I just am afraid Adam is taking it worse than anyone.
Audra: Are you thinking of going to be with him?
Sally: I mean, it’s not really my place. You know, I know Connor, he’s an amazing kid, but I’m not his family, so…
Audra: Yeah, but you’re Adam’s partner, and it sounds like he could use your support.
Sally: He has Chelsea. You know, what they’re going through as Connor’s parents, it’s intense, and they’ve had to navigate a lot of their own tensions, and their different parenting styles, and I feel like they’ve finally found a way to do that, you know, to be there for their son.
Audra: If you say so.
Sally: It’s a tricky balance, and I just don’t wanna insert myself in the middle of it.
Audra: Now, I’m impressed. A lot of women wouldn’t appreciate their guy spending so much time with his ex-wife.
Chelsea: Believe it or not, Adam was a rock. After the doctor left, I completely fell apart, but Adam was the strong one. He’s been that a lot lately.
Billy: That is surprising.
Chelsea: Yeah, last night, we just stayed up, talking things through. It helped. I woke up feeling more hopeful today.
Billy: That’s good, I’m glad you’re staying positive. So, what happens now?
Chelsea: We don’t really know.
Billy: Oh, are you able to see Connor while he’s inpatient, or– or are you heading home?
Chelsea: Well, we wanna stay in town in case Connor improves and we’re allowed to go see him, so…
Billy: Yeah, of course. Um, well, you know, I can come out there and be with you, that’s no problem. I will go to your apartment, I can grab some fresh clothes and anything else you might need.
Chelsea: Billy, that’s so sweet.
Billy: I just feel so helpless. You know, there must be something I can do.
Kyle: You gonna tell him?
Jack: Tell me what?
Kyle: Mom gave me a pink slip. Did you agree to this?
Jack: No, I didn’t.
Diane: I was trying to reach you to explain what was going on, to avoid a scene.
Jack: It seems a bit late for that.
Diane: Jack, you know this did not come out of the blue.
Jack: What I want to know is what could possibly have happened in the short time I was away that would lead you to fire our son?
Kyle: Yeah. That’s what I would like to know.
Diane: Oh, come on, Kyle. You know exactly why you’re being fired. I have tried to reason with you. I have warned you multiple times to back off, and yet, you’ve persisted. You know what? You have pushed me too far, and your self-promoting actions have consequences.
Kyle: Do you hear this? I have done nothing other than the same job I’ve always done.
Diane: Yeah, and that’s the problem! It’s not your job anymore. It’s mine.
Kyle: Hey, are you gonna step in here? Mom is completely overreacting. Clearly, she doesn’t have the experience to be operating at this level.
Diane: Oh, please, please, do not come to his rescue now, Jack. Now, when every time I try to talk to you about this, you said you wanted to stay out of it. And you wanted Kyle and I to work it out between us.
Jack: I had hoped that the two of you would be professional enough to handle this in a reasonable manner.
Diane: I have tried everything to fix the problem, and nothing has worked. And he has left me no choice but to take the only option I had left, and I am not backing down.
Chelsea: As much as I would love you to come here and wrap your arms around me, I don’t want to pull you away from work. How did it go with the board vote and Jill?
Billy: Oh, you have enough on your mind right now, okay? I’ll fill you in on the details when you get back home.
Chelsea: Sounds slightly ominous.
Billy: I wouldn’t go that far. [ knocking on door ]
Chelsea: Hold on one second. Hey, come on in. Uh, I should go.
Billy: Okay. Um, I’ll call you later. I miss you.
Chelsea: I miss you more. Bye.
Adam: I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can go if you want to call him back.
Chelsea: No, it’s okay. Uh, did you talk to Sally?
Adam: Uh-huh. She wishes that she could do something to help, yeah.
Chelsea: Billy does too.
Adam: Hm. If only there was something they could do. There really isn’t, is there? There’s nothing anyone can do.
Sally: What are you talking about? If I’ve given you the impression at all that I’m jealous, I’m– I’m not.
Audra: Adam’s off in a hotel,untry, with his ex. A twinge of jealousy wouldn’t be surprising.
Sally: Honestly, it never even crossed my mind. Adam and Chelsea, their romance is long over.
Audra: Yeah, Tucker promised me he was also done with his ex, but every time I turned around, and there she was.
Sally: Well, they are a family in crisis, and their only focus right now is on Connor, and how to get him through this nightmare.
Audra: Yeah, um, I’m– I’m sure their son is their primary focus.
Sally: Exactly. And besides, Adam and I are in love. He actually just asked me to move in with him.
Audra: Oh.
Sally: He’s letting me buy throw pillows.
Audra: Oh, well, that is love.
Sally: Yeah, and I– I trust him. Completely.
Audra: Wow. I’m always amazed when people can do that.
Sally: What?
Audra: Trust. Yeah, I– I’ve learned the hard way to never trust anyone. Ever.
Sally: Never.
Audra: I mean it. I intend to spend the rest of my life relying only on myself.
Sally: Okay. All right then. Well, then in that case, what is your next step in launching your completely self-sufficient empire?
Audra: Making sure the last few pieces are in place to assure my success.
Kyle: Apparently, my mother needs a crash course on corporate protocol. Can you please enlighten your wife for me?
Diane: There it is again. That condescending attitude that I’ve had to put up with. Any other Jabot employee would have been fired a long time ago.
Jack: Yes, the attitude is a problem, but he is upset for a reason.
Kyle: Thank you for understanding. I– Dad, remember how we used to wo together as co-CEOs? We were in total sync. I never would have imagined firing someone without talking to you first, and I certainly wouldn’t have waited until he was conveniently out of the country.
Diane: Well, I have been waiting for you to pull yourself together and start acting like an actual executive instead of an entitled heir apparent, but you haven’t!
Kyle: Why don’t you just admit it? You want me gone because my mere presence shines a spotlight on all your inadequacies. [ Diane scoffs ] And I’m not the only one that sees it, am I?
Jack: Hold on right there. Diane has done an exemplary job.
Kyle: You have to say that, to keep peace in your marriage.
Jack: Kyle, tone it down. Now, what happened? What– what was the final straw?
Diane: Oh, why pick one when there’s been so many?
Kyle: Dad, see? She can’t point to anything.
Diane: You want to do this, Kyle? Fine. What about my press release that you rewrote, because you felt my copy was a little rushed?
Kyle: I made a few minor tweaks to clean it up a bit. That’s no big deal.
Diane: No, you changed my work without discussing it with me. And what about the meeting you canceled with my project manager and then rescheduled without including me?
Kyle: That– that was an oversight. I– I thought you were busy, so I stepped in for you.
Diane: Oh, nice try. And what about all of the emails addressed to me that you were merely CCed on, that you take it upon yourself to answer before I even get a chance to respond?
Kyle: You are harping on all of the tiny details.
Diane: Tiny details? All these tiny details undermine my authority.
Kyle: Yeah, I was just trying to help. Be supportive. Take a little work off your plate, and you have somehow unfairly managed to turn my good intentions into fireable offenses.
Audra: All right. I will see you.
Sally: Bye.
Audra: Bye.
Sally: Have a good day.
Audra: Billy.
Billy: Hi, Audra. Morning, Sally.
Sally: Billy.
Billy: Hi.
Sally: Hi. Uh, care to join me?
Billy: For breakfast?
Sally: I mean, I’d settle for coffee. I know we’re not exactly friends, but our lives seem to be crossing paths more these days and I don’t know, I thought maybe we should get to know each other a little better, especially since we’re so firmly Team Connor.
Billy: Can’t argue with that. Um, since you are being so generous, do you mind if I give you a tip of my own?
Sally: Please do.
Billy: The woman that just left.
Sally: Audra?
Billy: Be careful around her.
Sally: Okay. It’s funny, because people would probably say the same thing to her about me but, um, yes, uh, Audra has been nothing but a good friend to me so far.
Billy: Okay. Well, take it or leave it, but you’ve been warned.
Sally: Okay, duly noted. So, uh, when was the last time you spoke with Chelsea?
Billy: We, uh, we spoke this morning. She filled me in on what’s going on with Connor.
Sally: Yeah, I– I can’t believe it. Just when things were starting to get a little better, and then something like this had to happen.
Billy: Yeah. I mean, I hate what this OCD is doing to him. To all of them, frankly.
Sally: Yeah, it just seems cruel and unfair.
Billy: And they’re in Baltimore and we’re sitting here with no way to help.
Adam: Brought some coffee and your favorite pastries. You want to eat a little something?
Chelsea: Ah. Thanks, but I’m not hungry.
Adam: Oh. Yeah, me either. [ both sigh ]
Chelsea: Actually, we need to stay strong. For Connor’s sake, so, um, I’ll tell you what. I’ll have a bite if you do.
Adam: I’m not a toddler. So, you don’t need to talk to me like one.
Chelsea: I wouldn’t have to if you would just eat something.
Adam: Give me that. [ garbled ] Thank you.
Diane: Do you care to explain your good intentions to your father with the Huntley deal, hm?
Kyle: I– I was just trying to help.
Jack: Wait, wait. What happened with Huntley?
Diane: Uh, I specifically told Kyle not to finalize anything. That there were a few details I was still working out. And then, I came to the office this morning to find out that Kyle had gone behind my back and done exactly what I asked him not to do.
Kyle: The deal was done. I had ironed out the numbers months ago. Their CEO called me, furious, wondering what the holdup was. Said you were stonewalling him. You let it languish. Put a major deal at risk. He was ready to walk.
Diane: He wasn’t going anywhere. I had him right where I wanted him. He was just trying to play hardball. But then, you pushed the deal through, all on your own, despite my direct orders.
Kyle: He wasn’t bluffing. I talked to him. He wasn’t giving an inch.
Diane: Well, you’re wrong. You should have consulted with me. I was about to get Jabot a much better deal.
Kyle: Okay, look, about to and getting are two very different things.
Diane: Well, we’ll never know now for sure, will we? Oh, and on top of that, the man now won’t take my calls.
Jack: What? Why?
Diane: Because Kyle told him to bypass me, and deal directly with him. So tell me, how benevolent is that? How is that anything but a direct stab in my back?
Jack: I have to say, Kyle, hearing this, I agree. You went way too far.
Kyle: I don’t believe this. You’re– you’re actually siding with Mom on this. Won’t you just at least look at my Huntley numbers before you decide that I’m wrong?
Jack: Kyle, this isn’t about right and wrong.
Kyle: No, there is no way she could have brokered a better deal than the one I’ve–
Jack: Don’t you see what you’ve done? You have put it out there, in the business world, that you don’t believe in one of our chief executives. That they can just ignore her when they want to do business with Jabot. Why would you do that?
Kyle: That’s not what I did.
Jack: That is exactly what you did. You did damage to her credibility, and Jabot’s, and mine.
Kyle: Not true. Your reputation is stellar. Nothing anyone could say would change that.
Jack: Oh, Kyle, I wish it was that simple. You have made it look like I gave my wife a job she didn’t deserve and wasn’t qualified for. Nothing could be further from the truth. You were the one that advocated for me giving Diane that job to begin with.
Kyle: I don’t believe this is happening. Especially from you. I guess I’ll go clean out my office.
Jack: No, wait, Kyle. Wait.
Kyle: For what? The so-called Abbott legacy to kick in? So much for that.
Jack: Kyle, I believe you made an error in judgment. I also believe you being fired was premature. Can we just talk this out?
Kyle: What, and now you want to talk it out? Two minutes ago, your minds were made up.
Jack: We all make mistakes. That includes me. I made the mistake of insisting that the two of you work things out on your own. I should have jumped in and helped come up with the solution. Let’s do that now.
Kyle: No, don’t bother. This pink slip from Mom proves that we are way past any mutually agreed solution. Consider me gone.
Jack: Kyle, Kyle, don’t go. Come– come here. [ Diane sighs ]
Diane: Please don’t blame me for this.
Adam: I’m not trying to be difficult… but this waiting around is killing me.
Chelsea: I know.
Adam: We have no control at all and I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.
Chelsea: I know. We just, we have to be patient.
Adam: I mean, how? Our son’s well-being is completely out of our hands. Every parenting instinct tells me that this is, it’s all wrong.
Chelsea: Don’t say that. We are not helpless. I– I mean, look what we’ve done for Connor so far.
Adam: What did we do? Ship him off to a place where we can’t even visit him now?
Chelsea: Well, getting him into this clinic and convincing him and ourselves that this is the right place for him, that was a giant step.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: I know along the way we needed to fight our instincts, but we did the research. These doctors are the best in their field and we have to trust that they are gonna do what they’re trained to do. You know, and in the meantime, we– we send Connor positive thoughts. You heard him yesterday. He said that he could feel that. He knows we love him. So, we have to stay positive, okay? Until we’re allowed to go see him again.
Adam: You– you really are something, you know that?
Chelsea: What did I do now?
Adam: Reminded me, yet again, of your incredible devotion to fighting like hell for our son. I don’t know where Connor and I would be in all of this without you.
Chelsea: Well, back at you.
Adam: I have to wonder, though, are we making a mistake staying in this town?
Jack: I don’t blame you.
Diane: Good.
Jack: I just wanna know what happened. I wanna know how things escalated so quickly. You and Kyle were getting along wonderfully until you took over his old job.
Diane: I think you just answered your own question.
Jack: You really want me to believe this is as petty as resentment over a job?
Diane: Yes. Kyle clearly wasn’t happy being relegated to third position in a company. It was, I don’t know, it was just too much for his ego to handle. And so, consciously or not, he started retaliating in any way he could.
Jack: Much as I hate to admit it, you might be right.
Diane: Well, think about the timing for when things got tense between us. There’s really no other explanation.
Jack: This would not be the first time that Kyle betrayed a family member for his own personal gain.
Diane: Well, hopefully, it’s the last.
Jack: Was it really necessary to fire him, though?
Diane: Jack, do you think I wanted to do that? I mean, Kyle is my son. You know how much I love him. And after how hard it was to get him to trust me again, after how hard I worked on our relationship once I came back to town? Listen to me, this– this is not at all what I wanted.
Jack: That’s why I’m advocating for a different solution.
Diane: Yeah, but there isn’t one. I mean, Kyle is just– he’s just so angry with me. And then I, and then I fight back, right? And then I’m walking on eggshells, just trying not to make things worse. And you know, it’s not– it’s not just here at the office. It’s also happening at home. I mean, honey, it’s gotten to the point that the only time we are even remotely normal with each other is when Harrison’s in the room.
Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Victor: Hello, Kyle.
Kyle: Victor.
Victor: Have a seat. So… you ready to accept my offer?
Kyle: Oh, I am more than ready. I’ve officially left Jabot. ok, I know this is probably really awkward, considering how much you and Adam dislike each other.
Billy: We’ve had our moments. There’s no doubt about that. But none of that matters now.
Sally: I just keep thinking about Connor and how he must feel so alone.
Billy: Yeah, it’s impossible for me to not think about how this would feel for me or how I would react if it were Johnny and Katie. And I know you don’t have kids yet, but you can imagine… I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I apologize.
Sally: I know what you meant. And you lost a child, too, so I know you get the pain.
Billy: Yeah, it changes you forever. Makes you see life in a new light.
Sally: Yeah, it really does.
Billy: What’s hard for me is imagining Connor battling all these intrusive thoughts, you know, on his own, like he’s in some kind of prison.
Sally: Yeah, now he’s an inpatient and I feel like it’s even more isolating. I mean, the kid I know, he’s just fun and smart. We used to joke all the time.
Billy: You will again. But it is excruciating, knowing what he’s going through and the toll that it’s taking on Chelsea and Adam.
Sally: Chelsea’s really lucky to have you in her corner.
Billy: Not half as lucky as Adam is to have you.
Chelsea: How would staying near Connor be a mistake? He might need us. They could call any minute, saying he’s ready for a visit.
Adam: Yeah, but we don’t know when that call is gonna come. I mean, think about what it’s gonna be like to stay here while we wait for that.
Chelsea: Well, at least we’re close by. Otherwise, it’ll take us hours to get here when he is ready.
Adam: Yes, but we’re gonna be sitting in this room, wondering about Connor every second. Think about what that’s gonna be like. It’s gonna be pure torture, don’t you think?
Chelsea: Adam, we would be doing that at home, too.
Adam: The doctor said it could be a couple weeks before Connor is released. With nothing to do in this hotel room, I mean, we’re gonna be reduced to two frantic, stir-crazy parents by the time Connor finally gets to see us.
Chelsea: I see your point. I really do. But I have to be close to my son. At least right now. So if– if you wanna go, for whatever reason, I totally understand. And you can always hop on a plane and come back if things change.
Adam: Well, you’re not gonna get rid of me that easy. If you’re staying, I’m gonna stay, too.
Diane: Thanks, Jack. I could really use your support today. But I’m– I’m sure you could use mine after everything you’ve been through. I know it’s gotta be hard to come home from Paris to this.
Jack: Yeah, it’s been a rough few days.
Diane: Yeah, I know it’s horrible timing with all the stress about Ashley. How’s she doing?
Jack: She’s in a wonderful facility. I didn’t get to spend much time there, but… she seems strong and in control.
Diane: Well, did the doctor say how long she’ll be there?
Jack: Oh, I don’t think they know and they weren’t willing to share with me every step in her recovery. I– Alan did think that she will fully recover.
Diane: Well, I hope she rests as well and is home soon.
Jack: Thanks. I saw Allie.
Diane: Ah! She’s always so happy and positive on her phone.
Jack: Oh, she is so happy in Paris. Loved having her Aunt Traci there and Abby– Abby is pretty upset that she wasn’t informed about her mother’s situation.
Diane: I can imagine. It’s– it’s hard to know how to protect your child, even when they’re an adult. I mean, you just, you never know how far to go.
Jack: I’m not ready to give up on Kyle. Maybe he can still come back to Jabot. Maybe there’s a way to work this all out.
Victor: You left Jabot rather suddenly, didn’t you?
Kyle: I would say it’s right on time, wouldn’t you?
Victor: But something must have prompted you to leave so quickly.
Kyle: I realized you were right. I have way too much untapped potential to waste it somewhere that doesn’t value what I have to offer.
Victor: So, this is all right with your parents?
Kyle: What difference does it make? I’m a free agent now. I’m free to work wherever I like and I want to come and run Glissade for you.
Victor: Question to you is, are you really ready to become a serious competitor to Jabot?
Kyle: Oh, I have every intention of giving Jabot a run for their money.
Diane: I know you want to turn this thing around with Kyle. And in a perfect world, I want that too. The three of us working together at Jabot, making it an even stronger company for Kyle and Harrison to run someday.
Jack: It has been my dream since the day I found out he was my son.
Diane: Well, it’s my dream too.
Jack: You’re talking about the Abbott family legacy here.
Diane: And it can still happen. It can. But right now, letting Kyle go was the only course we had.
Victor: Well, Kyle, I am very happy that you are solidly on board with Glissade, but… there’s only one question and that is why did you leave Jabot so quickly?
Kyle: Leaving Jabot wasn’t a quick decision. I had been thinking about it for a while. It’s hard to stay somewhere when you’ve been demoted twice.
Victor: Now, I understand why you want to move on.
Kyle: Look, Victor, I have had it, being shunted around by my father, and the sad part is, it had nothing to do with my business skills. It was for purely personal reasons.
Victor: Well, Jabot’s loss seems to be Glissade’s gain.
Kyle: This is a perfect opportunity to prove to them what they’re losing.
Victor: I like your drive, Kyle. There’s only one caveat.
Kyle: What’s that?
Victor: Removing Audra from the equation is out of the question. She and you have to work out a way to work together.
Kyle: With all due respect, I think I can do a better job if I don’t have to constantly be watching my–
Victor: There’s no point. I want the two of you to work together, to turn Glissade into a powerhouse. If you can’t do that, then the offer is off the table.
Kyle: If that is a deal breaker and Audra and I have to share the top spot, I’m sure we can find a way to work through our differences.
Victor: Good. I had a feeling you would get on board with that.
Kyle: In six months’ time, when you see me dancing circles around Audra, hopefully you’ll reconsider your–
Victor: No competition between the two of you. I want you to work together, all right?
Kyle: Got it.
Victor: Now, I suggest you contact Audra and tell her that you’re on board and you find a way to work together. All right? I want you to hit the ground running. Time is of the essence.
Kyle: Yes, sir.
Victor: Thank you for coming by. [ Kyle sighs ]
Audra: Thank you.
[ phone pings ]
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