Days Update Monday, October 14, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Steve is at the hospital and calls Chad. Steve asks how Paris is. Chad says it’s hard to complain about Paris. Steve says especially when he’s there with someone he loves. Steve mentions that Julie told him about the trip. Chad says he hoped it might spark some memories. Steve asks how that is going. Chad says there’s nothing concrete. Steve asks if it did spark something at least. Chad says he appreciates his concern but he knows why he’s calling and guesses that Steve is still suspicious of “Abigail”.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she has news. Holly then walks by behind her at the café in Paris. “Abigail” informs Mark that she and Chad are getting married. Mark notes that was fast. “Abigail” says she didn’t expect it to come together so soon but the stakes are so high. She assures that everything she’s doing is for their mom as Holly looks on confused behind her.

Tate finds Sophia in the town square and tells her about running in to Holly’s grandmother. Tate says it turns out that Holly wasn’t in school because she flew out to Paris. Sophia calls that great news as maybe she and her mom can work things out. Tate is surprised Sophia cares. Sophia claims that Holly is still her friend. Tate points out that even though Holly attacked her. Sophia states that just because they like the same guy, doesn’t mean she wants her to be miserable. Sophia admits she wouldn’t hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris, so she could have Tate all to herself.

Maggie questions Xander telling her that Kristen has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis. Xander says he didn’t believe it at first either. Maggie asks what Kristen knows that the doctors don’t. Xander reveals that it’s Dr. Rolf, who has some type of serum and Kristen will give it to them for a price. Maggie asks what the price is. Xander says she demanded they get the charges against Brady dropped.

Eric visits Brady in the interrogation room and asks how he’s holding up. Brady says he’s fine and tells him not to worry about the deal he made with EJ for 10 years. Brady adds that by the time he gets out, Sarah will still be in a wheelchair so he’s not going to talk him out of it. Eric informs Brady that he’s here to talk to him about he and Fiona.

Sarah goes to her bedroom and thinks back to Eric questioning her about Fiona. Sarah tells herself that it can’t be but then she has a flashback to the hit and run. Fiona then enters the room. Sarah declares it was her. Fiona asks what she’s talking about. Sarah declares that she finally remembers it was Fiona that was driving that night. Fiona asks if she’s just waking up from a nightmare. Sarah repeats that she knows it was her and she’s never been more sure about anything. Fiona thinks she’s confused and brings up how Sarah said she remembered Brady and then she said she didn’t. Sarah reminds her that she told her that she lied about that to stop Xander from killing Brady. Fiona questions where she would even get the idea that she was involved in her accident. Sarah reveals that Eric was just there and told her that he spoke to the waiter who served Brady that night and that Fiona was with him at the bar.

Brady guesses Eric heard about he and Fiona. Eric confirms he did and understands why he’d want to keep that under wraps. Brady explains that when he met her, he had no idea who she was and they were both in a bad place. Eric says he doesn’t care about that, but about the night of Sarah’s accident. Eric asks Brady if Fiona was drinking that night too.

Steve tells Chad that he didn’t mean to upset him and says they are on the same side here. Chad disagrees and says they aren’t if he keeps implying that “Abigail” is an impostor. Steve says he’s just concerned about them. Chad assures him that everything is going great and then reveals they are getting married.

Mark tells “Abigail” that it’s great that she convinced Chad to marry her but he’s glad she called when she did because he just saw Clyde. He informs her that there’s something else Clyde wants him to do. Holly then approaches and recognizes “Abigail”.

Maggie tells Xander that Kristen is delusional since Xander can’t decide whether Brady gets prosecuted or not. Xander explains that Sarah’s memory is all EJ has but they’ll only get the cure if Brady goes free. Maggie calls it a tough decision. Xander explains that the decision was already made but EJ won’t accept it as he’s so determined to stick it to Brady that he threatened to arrest Sarah for perjury if she doesn’t stick to her original statement which shocks Maggie. Xander states that now Brady will go to prison for ten years and Sarah may never walk again, which he says is all his fault.

Eric informs Brady that Fiona swore she was completely sober on the night of the accident and that she tried to talk Brady out of driving, then took a taxi home. Brady points out that he doesn’t remember getting home that night while Eric questions him not remembering if Fiona was drinking. Brady asks if it’s so hard to believe that two people were at a bar and one was drinking while the other wasn’t. Eric responds that it is hard when both people are recovering alcoholics. Eric demands Brady tell him the truth. Brady then admits that Fiona was drinking that night as well.

Fiona tells Sarah that now it’s beginning to make sense and says that Eric is correct that she told him she was with Brady that night, but there’s nothing more to tell and she had nothing to do with the accident. Sarah questions her not saying anything before now then. Fiona says she didn’t want Xander to know she was with Brady because of the bad blood between them. Fiona adds that Xander was already upset about the accident, so she didn’t want to add to his pain. Sarah questions if she didn’t want to admit that she was the cause of it. Fiona claims that she had nothing to do with the accident and that she did everything she could to talk Brady out of driving but he insisted. Fiona then talks about finding out Brady was responsible for hitting Sarah and leaving her there but Sarah shouts that he wasn’t responsible. Fiona argues that Sarah is letting Eric put ideas in her head when he’s desperate to save his brother. Sarah says that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Fiona argues that Eric wasn’t there but Sarah shouts that she was. Sarah yells that she remembers what she saw and that’s Fiona behind the wheel, so she tells her to just admit that it was her.

Steve questions Chad getting married. Chad explains that going to Paris helped “Abigail” remember how happy they were and that they were in love which he’s been praying for, for months. Chad adds that it was her idea to get married as she wants to feel those emotions again and thinks it might help more memories. Chad guesses Steve won’t say he’s happy for them. Steve admits he still has questions and feels Chad should too. Chad responds that he’s marrying his wife and he’ll give her his best wishes as he hangs up.

“Abigail” tells Mark that she has to go and hangs up as she asks Holly if she knows her. Holly introduces herself and explains that her mother used to be married to EJ. Holly mentions being at the DiMera Mansion awhile back and seeing her. “Abigail” talks about it being hard to keep track of the not so familiar faces and calls it a coincidence to run in to her in Paris. Holly mentions that Nicole lives there now while “Abigail” mentions being there with Chad. Holly promises she wasn’t eavesdropping but says she heard her say that she’s getting married. She says it was kind of spur of the moment but they are very exciting. Holly congratulates her, but questions her saying on the phone that she’s doing it because of her mother.

Mark guesses it’s better that “Abigail” hung up as he questions how he’s supposed to tell her that Clyde wants him to commit murder and kill the man she’s about to marry as Steve then walks in to the room. Mark asks if he needs something. Steve says one of the nurses told him that he could find him here. Steve introduces himself. Mark recalls meeting him a couple of months ago in Kayla’s office. Steve says that Kayla speaks very highly of Mark and told him that she trusts him, so he’d like to ask a favor. Steve brings up Mark running the DNA test for Kayla on “Abigail”, so he hopes he can run it again.

“Abigail” claims that she was on the phone with her brother JJ about Jennifer having a hard time she was accepting that she’s really her daughter. Holly guesses that must be hard for both of them. “Abigail” thinks it will take a leap of faith and hopes getting married will trigger her memories, then her mom can realize she’s really her daughter. Holly says she really hopes it works. “Abigail” thanks her and says it was nice running in to her but she has to go buy something to get married in. Holly then asks if she can come with her.

Maggie questions how this could possibly be Xander’s fault when Kristen is the one who expects Sarah to lie and say she doesn’t remember Brady hitting her. Xander then reveals that wouldn’t be a lie as Sarah doesn’t really remember who was behind the wheel that night. Maggie brings up Sarah’s statement being the reason that Brady is heading to prison. Xander says they both knew Brady was guilty but Sarah felt she had to lie to the police as she had no choice. Xander then reveals that Sarah made up the story to save him, reminding Maggie of when she found him in the office with a gun. Xander figured she didn’t buy his story about needing extra security and admits he was going to use the gun to kill Brady.

Eric realizes Fiona lied to him about staying sober and wonders if she lied about Brady driving too. Brady insists that he woke up in the driver’s seat, so he is the one who hit Sarah, left her there and drove home. Eric asks what if Fiona placed Brady in the car and pulled an Orpheus, reminding him of what Orpheus did to Maggie.

Sarah tells Fiona that she can now see her clearly. Fiona says it doesn’t make sense and asks why she’s doing this when she never had a clear memory of what happened. Sarah insists that she does now and all this time, Fiona has been lying about what she did to her. Fiona continues to deny it and blames Eric putting the idea in her head. Sarah asks how it happened and guesses Fiona must have been drinking too. Fiona insists that she was sober and that she had nothing to drink at the wedding. Sarah argues that she’s talking about later that night at the bar with Brady. Sarah says she is sick of her stonewalling her and pulls out her phone to call Xander but Fiona grabs her phone away and tells her she can’t call Xander because she will lose him when she just got him back in her life. Sarah complains that she hit her with a car and then kept going. Fiona declares that if Xander finds out the truth, she’ll have nothing. Sarah says she doesn’t give a damn. Fiona complains about what it was like for her before, saying she was so lonely and miserable but now after all those years, she finally has a family and her son. Sarah asks if she means his money but Fiona says that’s not what this is about. Sarah says it’s about Fiona running her down in cold blood. Fiona calls it an accident and admits that she was drinking, but that Brady was so much worse and could barely stand on his own feet so she thought she was doing the right thing. Sarah demands her phone back and declares that she’s done listening to her. Fiona says everything would’ve been okay but she took her eyes off the road for one second and Sarah suddenly appeared. Fiona states that she was horrified when she hit her. Sarah questions if she couldn’t call for help. Fiona admits she heard Xander coming and she knew he would take care of her. Fiona adds that she hates herself for what she’s done, but Sarah says not enough to stop Brady taking the fall for it.

Maggie asks if Xander really would’ve gone that far. Xander admits he had blood in his eyes, but he knows how important Brady is to her so it’s difficult to say. Xander complains that he needed justice for Sarah and she wasn’t going to get it unless he did something about it, but when Sarah found out what he was planning, she called the police and told them that she remembered seeing Brady behind the wheel. Maggie realizes that Sarah lied to save Xander from himself. Xander admits to having someone drug Brady so he would pass out and then he went over there with his gun, intending to make it look like a suicide but the police showed up before he could kill Brady. Maggie cries that she told him nothing good could come from his desperation for revenge. Maggie remembers asking Xander to let it go when she saw him with the gun. Xander responds that it was already too late as everything was in motion. Maggie doesn’t want to think about what would’ve happened if the police hadn’t shown up. Xander declares that it all led to this and thanks to him, Brady will stay locked up and Sarah will never get her hands on the cure.

Eric reminds Brady about the night Adrienne was killed when Orpheus ran her off the road but put an unconscious Maggie in the car, so she would wake up and assume she was guilty. Eric asks what if Fiona did the same thing to him.

“Abigail” returns to Chad at the apartment and brings Holly with her, surprising Chad. Chad hugs Holly and asks what she’s doing in Paris. Holly says she came to visit her mom and explains that they are having it out right now. Holly adds that she was on her way to her hotel when she ran in to “Abigail”. Chad questions the hotel and says that sounds lonely as he then invites Holly to stay with them, pointing out that they have plenty of room.

Mark tells Steve that the first DNA test was conclusive. Steve says he understands and know it’s unusual to ask, but his niece’s return has been quite an upheaval for the family. Steve thought another test might give Kayla and everyone some peace of mind and end the whispers. Mark decides he’d be happy to and mentions still having the original samples. Steve reveals he has new samples from “Abigail” and Thomas. Mark says he has time now so he’ll take them to the lab now. Steve asks him to put a rush on it, so Mark says he’ll get them back to him shortly.

Holly asks if Chad is serious and if she won’t be in the way. “Abigail” asks if it’s a good idea with the wedding. Chad points out that they need a witness for the wedding and “Abigail” will need a maid of honor, so Holly can serve double duty.

Xander asks Maggie if she hates him. Maggie responds that she could never hate him, but he is his own worst enemy. Maggie tells Xander that his need for revenge ends up hurting him and the people he loves. Xander says he knows that now, but he doesn’t know how Sarah will ever be able to forgive him. Maggie offers to help by going to talk to Kristen and appeal to her as a mother, so maybe she can convince her to give Sarah the cure. Xander worries that Kristen doesn’t have a heart. Maggie feels she has to try. Xander says it seems like Maggie is always fixing problems that he creates. Maggie says he knows how she feels about him, but she’s doing this for Sarah as she then walks away. Xander sits down with Victoria and says it looks like he’s got them into another fine mess.

Eric tells Brady to think about Fiona realizing that she hit her own daughter in law, panicking, then seeing Brady slumped over in the passenger seat. Brady questions the idea of Fiona dragging him in to the driver’s seat. Eric argues that desperation makes people do things. Brady insists that Fiona wasn’t driving and calls it wild speculation. Eric argues that Brady doesn’t know so he can’t tell him whether or not Fiona was driving. Eric pleads with Brady to search his brain. Brady then remembers Fiona waking him up and telling him that she hit someone.

Fiona asks Sarah how she was supposed to know that Brady would turn himself in. Sarah argues that he did that because he’s a decent human being who wanted to do the responsible thing for something that Fiona made him think he did, which she calls a foreign concept to her. Fiona says she was sure Brady would be cleared after his lawyer worked his magic since his confession was useless if he couldn’t remember, but then Sarah went and identified him. Sarah argues that was to stop Xander from killing him which he never would’ve done if they didn’t think Brady was the one driving. Sarah can’t believe that she told the police that Brady is guilty and now he’s going to spend 10 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Sarah declares that she can’t let that happen even if EJ puts her in prison for perjury, she has to tell everyone the truth about what Fiona did. Fiona tells her that she’s sorry but she can’t let her do that.

Mark returns to Steve with the DNA test results which Steve notes was fast. Mark tells Steve that the results are conclusive and that “Abigail” and Thomas are a perfect match as the samples are definitely mother and son. Steve thanks him and says he really appreciates this as he knew Mark was the guy to ask. Mark says anytime as he then exits. Steve then comments to himself, revealing that he gave Mark DNA samples from himself and Kayla, not Abigail and Thomas. Steve declares that it’s just as he suspected, that Mark faked the original test results, and that whoever that woman is sure is not Abigail.

Chad tells “Abigail” that Holly is all settled in the guest room. “Abigail” says she thought it would just be the two of them. Chad talks about feeling bad with everything going on with Holly’s mother and her staying at a hotel. “Abigail” claims she was worried about her too which is why she brought her here. Chad promises that tomorrow will be a perfect day since they are getting married as he hugs her.

Brady informs Eric that he remembers. Eric asks what he remembers and what he sees. Brady tells him that Fiona was in the car and he was, but she was behind the wheel. Brady remembers Fiona saying she thought she hit somebody. Brady declares that he didn’t do it, he wasn’t driving the car, and he didn’t hit Sarah so he’s innocent.

Sarah questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona responds that she’s doing what she has to do because she’s the only one who knows the truth. Sarah argues that Eric knows too but Fiona disagrees. Fiona tells Sarah that she’s about to have a terrible accident as she wheels her out of the bedroom while Sarah yells for her to stop. Fiona declares that somebody will find her at the bottom of the stairs and they will just think that she lost control of her wheelchair, but no one will be the wiser. Xander then appears and says except for him as he stops her.

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Interview with César Millán

TV Interview!


César Millán of "Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog" on Nat Geo Wild

Interview with César Millán of “Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog” on Nat Geo Wild and Disney+ by Suzanne 10/1/24

It was interesting speaking with Cesar Millan, the “Dog Whisperer.” I think he’s more comfortable talking about training dogs than about himself. I hope you enjoy our interview and his latest show, which just finished season 5.  Check out this electronic dog fence that he’s passionate about, Halo Collar 4! If you can’t find his show on your cable or satellite dish, you can find some episodes on the Nat Geo Wild YouTube Channel, or on these streamers.


Cesar Millan: Better Human, Better Dog key artMORE INFO: Trailer Official Site

Renowned dog behaviorist Cesar Millan comes back not only to rehabilitate dogs, but to train pet parents as well. With empty shelters and dog adoptions at a record high, his return to television gives new pet parents the tools they need to teach their dogs good habits and shed the bad ones. In addition, he helps pet parents better understand the connection that dogs have with their humans, and how people’s actions can influence just how well, or poorly, their dogs behave. From the yards of the pet owners to his newly updated Dog Psychology Center, Cesar demonstrates the skills needed to create happy homes with furry best friends while equipped with a can-do attitude.

about cesar millan

César Millán of "Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog" on Nat Geo WildCesar Millan is one of the most sought-after authorities in the field of dog behavior and rehabilitation. With more than 25 years of experience and with his new TV show, “Better Human Better Dog” now on National Geographic and Disney+; Millan is a household name, a New York Times best-selling author and 3x Emmy nominated acclaimed star with hit TV series broadcasted and streamed in over 120 countries.  Cesar has grown into a pop culture phenomenon and a go to for many of today’s celebrities, athletes, world leaders, and entrepreneurs. His work has been highlighted in flattering parodies on “South Park” and “Saturday Night Live”; references on popular shows including “Jeopardy!” and “The Colbert Report”; and appearances on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” “Dr. Oz,” “The Today Show,” “The View,” and “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and others.

Cesar’s message continues to grow on his massive social media following of over 20 million people across the globe, adding new products under his belt, launching more content across various platforms, sharing his gift with The Cesar Millan Foundation and conducting trainings at his 43-acre paradise and Dog Psychology Center in Santa Clarita.  Earlier this year Cesar launched his new audio and visual Podcast “Better Humans Better Planet”.  In September 2023, Cesar was awarded the coveted Medal of Excellence from the Washington Hispanic Caucus in Washington D.C.  2024 will mark his anniversary of 20 consecutive years on U.S. television.


The Safest and Most Advanced GPS Dog Fence Brings Your Backyard Everywhere

Now All Dogs 10 lbs and Up Can Experience the Safety of Halo Collar

WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Halo, the most advanced GPS dog fence ever created, is launching the Halo Collar 4, the first collar designed to fit big and small dogs, giving pet parents the ability to create a “backyard” everywhere they go. It is the first and only dual-frequency GPS dog fence for unrivaled accuracy that combines data from L1 and L5 GPS bands for the most accurate location that is not impacted by obstacles even in urban or bad signal areas. Halo Collar 4 also offers the perfect fit for big and small dogs with a tailoring system that lets you custom fit the collar to your dog’s exact neck size from 8 inches to 30.5 inches. The updated rendition includes 25% more battery life for 30+ hours between charges, a smaller and lighter all-day fit and comes in a new Midnight Blue color, as well as updated Graphite, Orchid and Sunburst colors.

The Halo Collar 4

With the launch of Halo Collar 4, Halo Collar has quadrupled its sales, three years since inception, to become the leader of the fast-growing $16B dog containment category, with that number continuing to grow. Halo caters to pet parents who value travel and experiences, but will not sacrifice their dog’s safety.

“We are thrilled to announce Halo Collar 4, our most advanced GPS dog fence yet, for both big and small dogs,” said Halo co-founder Ken Ehrman. “We are committed to delivering the safest and most accurate technology to provide dogs everywhere with a safe life off leash.”

Co-founded by world renowned dog behaviorist Cesar Millan, Halo Collar allows you to instantly create and store unlimited wireless dog fence perimeters at the touch of a finger in the Halo app so you can keep your dog safely inside the boundaries that you set. You can use the built-in training designed by Cesar Millan to teach dogs to respond quickly and consistently to customizable prevention and encouragement feedback, including a variety of sounds and vibrations meant as a timely touch. All feedback is customizable, so pet parents can find what works best to keep their dog comfortable and safe.

“Halo Collar 4 allows pet parents to set rules, boundaries and limitations while creating a backyard everywhere they go,” said Halo co-founder Cesar Millan. “You can now provide trust, respect and love to your dog knowing they are safe wherever they go.”

Halo Collar retails for $599 and can now be found on,, and for purchase.

About Halo Collar
The AI driven Halo Collar™ is the most advanced GPS dog fence ever created. Co-founded by Cesar Millan, this patented system utilizes technology & dog psychology to provide a wireless smart fence, smart training, real-time GPS tracker, and activity tracker combined into one easy-to-use smart collar. The Halo Collar™ utilizes proprietary GPS and GNSS location technology – keeping them safe and easy to locate should they ever wander too far. Halo protects over 200,000 dogs across the United States each day. For further information and to purchase, please visit:

Forbes Article About Cesar and Halo Collar 4


César Millán of "Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog" on Nat Geo Wild

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Primetime TV Review: High Potential

TV Review!

“High Potential” Review by Eva 10/13/2024

This is a new show based on a French tv show of the same name. The show stars Kaitlin Olson as Morgan a single mother of three children who has an IQ of 160 and she is considered a high potential intellectual which means, among other things, that she notices details other people miss.

Morgan worries a lot about problems and sometimes loses sleep until the problem is resolved. Morgan works as a janitor for the LAPD and one day Selena (Judy Reyes) notices that Morgan has a natural ability to solve crimes. Selena decides to hire Morgan to help the major crime unit. Selena pairs Morgan with Detective Karadec (Daniel Sunjata) who is skeptical of this experiment until Morgan helps him solve a case.

I enjoy these types of crime shows that aren’t too serious while they investigate crimes. They are fun for me to watch, although, other people may like more serious crime shows. I also like serious crime shows, but at times, I like humor mixed with crime solving.

If you enjoy shows like Monk, Castle and, Will Trent, you will like this show. It is well written and interesting to watch how Morgan’s mind works to solve a case.

I give this show a 4 out of 5 stars because the cast needs a few more episodes to find their rhythm. The show goes too fast and the viewers can miss important details in the episode.

The show airs on Tuesdays at 10 EST/9 CST on ABC. You can also stream the show on Hulu on Wednesdays.

More Information:

  • Proofread and Edited by Brenda

    The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Faith talks to Lucy at Crimson Lights and allows her to cry and let out her grief about Heather’s death.

Sharon sets up a romantic picnic in the park for Nick with all of his favorite foods. Nick thinks it is a picnic between friends and isn’t aware that Sharon has feelings for him.

Phyllis persuades Daniel to allow Chance to search his apartment so Chance can find out how Heather died. Chance searches the apartment and finds Heather’s phone and the bloody towels Sharon placed in the apartment to make it look like Daniel killed Heather.

Jill has a video call with Billy and demands that Billy fires Phyllis and hire Lily again or she will fire him and take control of Abbott-Chancellor again.

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GH Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Elizabeth asks Brad to look into what happened with Heather’s test results because Ric got a subpoena to figure out why the hospital’s test results were wrong.

Brad finds out Portia tampered with Heather’s test results so the test would show that the cobalt level in Heather’s blood had not changed after they took her hip replacement out and replaced it with a cobalt free model.

Lucas is upset with Ava because she outed Kristina’s girlfriend Blaze. Ava explains that she only made Natalia’s bigotry public in hopes of pressuring Sonny not to pursue sole custody of Avery. Ava and Lucas also share memories of Julian.

Dex tells Dante that they found the gun that they believe Alexis threw in the river. Dex asks Dante not to say anything to anyone because the commissioner wants to keep it under wraps. Dante is once again conflicted about doing his job and protecting Sonny.

Dante has a long talk with Cody about the hypothetical situation he is in and Cody advises him to decide which is more important to him his family or his job. Sonny is about to go into the interrogation room with Anna and confess to all his crimes when Dante stops him and tells him that there is something he needs to know.

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Days Update Friday, October 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion, calling out to Kristen, saying they need to talk. Kristen comes out and says there’s no need to shout as she’s right there. Kristen informs Xander that Dr. Rolf is more confident than ever that his adjusted formula will cure Sarah’s paralysis. Kristen then asks if Xander and Sarah spoke with EJ about Brady’s case. Xander confirms they did and that Sarah told EJ that she was mistaken in identifying Brady, so he asks if they can have the serum.

Eric goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Sarah that he needed to talk to her. Sarah assumes it’s about Brady and says she should’ve come to him after coming forward. Eric wants her to be honest as he asks if Brady is innocent and she’s covering for Fiona which Sarah questions. Eric then asks if Fiona was the driver who hit her.

Fiona runs in to Sophia in the town square. Sophia asks if Fiona will be heading back to the Bistro for their lunch special. Fiona thinks back to drinking at the bar and hoping that Eric bought her story. Fiona then informs Sophia that she’s not heading to the Bistro. Sophia says that’s too bad as she was going to update her on her love life. Sophia tells Fiona that the guy she likes broke up with his girlfriend.

Holly arrives in Paris and calls Maggie to tell her that she’s arrived safely. Maggie asks if Holly has seen her mom. Holly says not yet but they are meeting at a café in awhile for their big talk. Maggie wishes her luck and acknowledges that it won’t be easy. Holly states that she has to confront her about lying to her for her entire life about Eric being the one who killed her dad.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she has to be honest with him. Chad asks about what. She thinks back to talking to Mark about lying to Chad and not having a choice. “Abigail” then tells Chad that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to be intimate just yet. Chad says that’s fine and they can wait as long as she wants. She clarifies that she doesn’t want to wait that long as she thinks there’s something they should do first. “Abigail” then asks Chad what if they got married which surprises Chad.

Xander asks Kristen to take him to Dr. Rolf because Sarah needs this serum. Kristen stops him and says she needs details about what EJ said when Sarah recanted her story. Xander asks why that matters since Sarah told him that she was wrong to identify Brady and that’s what Kristen wanted. Kristen questions EJ just accepting it. Xander points out that without Sarah’s ID, EJ has no case. Kristen asks if EJ said he would drop the charges. Xander hopes he’s doing that as they speak and asks to be taken to Dr. Rolf. Kristen stops him and says she will call EJ to ask him if he’s dropping the charges. Xander asks if that can’t wait since every second they keep the serum from Sarah is another second she suffers. Kristen calls EJ, but Xander takes her phone and hangs up. Kristen questions what he’s doing and then accuses him of lying to her.

Sarah questions Eric thinking Fiona hit her and where this is coming from. Eric asks her to just answer if Fiona was the hit and run driver. Sarah says of course not and questions where she got this idea. Eric reveals that he saw Sarah and Fiona in the park yesterday and he overheard them talking about keeping a secret. Sarah swears it had nothing to do with Fiona being the hit and run driver.

Fiona asks Sophia what happened with the guy she likes and his girlfriend. Sophia says she wasn’t treating him right and they got in a huge fight. Fiona asks if Sophia had anything to do with the fight. Sophia responds that she didn’t have to do a thing as she messed it up all on her own.

Maggie tells Holly that this isn’t going to be an easy conversation for her or Nicole, but she hopes Holly finds it in her heart to forgive her and understand why she kept the truth from her for so long. Holly says they will see. Maggie says she loves her and they will talk soon as they hang up. Holly looks around, wondering where Nicole is.

Sarah assures Eric that she and Fiona weren’t talking about her accident when he overheard them. Eric asks what they were talking about then. Sarah thinks back to talking to Fiona about her lying to the police when she identified Brady as the driver to stop Xander from killing him. Sarah then tells Eric that she’s sorry that she can’t say, but it had absolutely nothing to do with Fiona being the driver that hit her. Sarah adds if that were the case, she wouldn’t cover for her. Sarah guesses Eric doesn’t believe her and understands it’s hard to accept that Brady did it, but questions how one overheard conversation convinced him it was Fiona. Eric reveals it was more than just that one conversation.

Fiona sits with Sophia and asks her to tell her all about this breakup. Sophia asks if she’s sure she doesn’t have somewhere to go. Fiona says she’s grateful for the distraction and asks what the girl did to mess everything up. Sophia tells her that she went through his dad’s things and got caught, so they fought and she told him it’s over just like that. Sophia mentions Holly saying that she and Tate deserved each other and stormed off. Fiona stops her to question when she realizes she’s talking about Holly and Tate.

Tate comes across Maggie sitting outside the Brady Pub with Victoria. Maggie invites him to sit. Tate asks how Sarah’s doing. Maggie says she’s doing alright and getting used to her new reality. Maggie thanks him for asking. Tate says he feels really terrible about what happened to her and Brady does too. Maggie says she knows Brady does. Maggie knows it must be difficult for Tate with his mother in prison and his father heading there too. Tate feels wrong to feel sorry for himself when Sarah’s in a wheelchair. Maggie says he’s allowed to feel that way. Tate feels like he’s losing everyone he cares about with his mom and dad. Maggie asks about Holly. Tate is surprised that Holly told her they broke up and notes that she wasn’t in school today, so he asks if she’s okay. Maggie responds that she is okay and then reveals that Holly is in Paris which surprises Tate.

Chad questions “Abigail” wanting to get married. She says she knows it’s sudden but talks about her feelings for him coming back. Chad points out that she’s not ready to be intimate. She says they are still sort of strangers in a way even with the feelings. She says she wants to remember their love and life together, so she thinks maybe getting married could make that happen. Chad questions her thinking that getting married will help get her memories back. She knows it’s wishful thinking but points out they are in Paris and brings up her wedding vows memory coming back. She feels like recommitting to him in Paris might be the jolt she needs to have memories come flooding back. “Abigail” then asks Chad if he will marry her.

Tate questions Maggie saying that Holly is in Paris. Maggie explains that Holly wanted to see her mother but Nicole couldn’t fly because Jude had an ear infection. Maggie adds that Holly needed to confront Nicole about her father’s death. Tate comments that it really sucks that Eric and Nicole lied to her all these years about what really happened. Maggie states that Nicole was trying to protect her and they all just went along with it. Tate gets why Holly is hurt by that but argues that it doesn’t excuse what she tried to do to his dad which Maggie questions, so Tate realizes that Holly didn’t tell Maggie why they broke up. Tate informs Maggie that it all started when he caught Holly digging through Brady’s stuff in his room as she was trying to help EJ find dirt to send Brady to prison. Tate says he confronted her and she got really defensive, then when Sophia tried to stick up for him, Holly physically attacked her.

Fiona questions Sophia talking about Holly and Tate. Sophia asks if Fiona knows them. Fiona says she just happens to live in the same house as Holly, explaining that Maggie’s daughter is married to her son. Sophia calls it a small world and brings up when Fiona ordered a martini at the Bistro. Fiona cuts her off and orders her to forget that she ever ordered a drink.

Kristen questions if Xander really thought she was stupid enough to just take his word for it. Xander argues that they did as she asked and told EJ that Sarah recanted but he refused to listen, so it’s EJ’s fault and not theirs. Kristen questions if EJ is not dropping the charges then. Xander confirms that EJ said he will use Sarah’s original statement to put Brady away and that there’s nothing they can do about it. Kristen disagrees that there’s nothing. Xander insists that they already tried really hard to talk him out of it. Kristen suggests going public and have Sarah post the truth on social media and tell the Spectator that she admited she was wrong about naming Brady as the hit and run driver, so the world will know EJ is hellbent on prosecuting Brady for something he didn’t do. Kristen adds they could go straight to Paulina since she doesn’t want another scandal and they can make it clear that EJ has gone rogue, ignoring that his own eye witness has taken back her statement. Xander responds that he’s sorry but they can’t do that.

Sarah questions Eric accusing Fiona of running her over and lying about it. Eric asks if she knew that Fiona and Brady were sleeping together. Sarah confirms that Fiona admitted it to Xander as they didn’t know who each other were and that it didn’t last very long. Sarah questions why that matters. Eric then reveals that Fiona and Brady were together on the night of Sarah’s accident.

“Abigail” comments on Chad not giving her the rousing “yes” that she was hoping for. Chad assures that he wants to be married to Abigail more than anything but he thought when they got married, it would be with their children and families. “Abigail” says it would be that way in a perfect world but they can go home to Salem to share the good news and announce that her memories came back. Chad asks what if it doesn’t happen. “Abigail” promises that she will keep her word and tell the children the truth. Chad says he can hardly remember a time that he didn’t love Abigail and want to be married to her. “Abigail” asks if that’s a yes. Chad then says if she wants to get married, they will get married one last time as they kiss.

Maggie questions Tate saying that Holly slapped Sophia, arguing that it doesn’t sound like her. Tate insists that’s what happened. Maggie feels that Holly must have been provoked. Tate assures that all Sophia did was call Holly out for snooping on Brady and that she also might have mentioned having feelings for him. Maggie calls that provocative. Maggie doesn’t believe that Holly would hit Sophia because she knows her granddaughter but she doesn’t know Sophia. Tate points out that he knows Sophia and she’s actually been a pretty good friend to him. Maggie questions how good and if Sophia’s feelings for him are mutual. Maggie then gets a call from Holly.

Fiona warns Sophia again not to say a word about the martini. Fiona explains that her son and his family believe that she’s sober so if they found out otherwise, it would be a disaster. Sophia doesn’t see the big deal but Fiona insists it’s an enormous deal. Fiona makes Sophia swear that if anyone asks, she has only ever served her water. Fiona warns that she is not some teenager she can mess with and threatens Sophia to keep her mouth shut or she’ll be sorry.

Sarah questions Eric saying that Brady was with Fiona on the night of the accident, admitting that Fiona never mentioned that. Sarah asks how he knows. Eric explains that the waiter at Small Bar told him that Fiona and Brady left together and then Fiona happened to walk in. Eric says Fiona first said they left separately but when he told her what the waiter said, she changed her story and said she went after Brady to try to persuade him to take a taxi but he doesn’t believe her. Eric adds that he also doesn’t believe Fiona when she said she hadn’t had a drink all night.

Kristen questions why Xander can’t go to the press or to Paulina to tell the truth and force EJ’s hand. Xander explains that EJ is threatening to prosecute Sarah for making a false statement. Xander declares he won’t let EJ lock Sarah away for perjury while she’s still recovering from this accident. Kristen doesn’t believe a judge would put Sarah behind bars for that. Xander worries that EJ has a lot of connections and deep pockets. Kristen says this isn’t right. Xander argues that they tried and pleads with Kristen to give him the serum even though she didn’t get the outcome she wanted, pointing out that Sarah deserves a chance to walk again.

“Abigail” thanks Chad for agreeing to get married. Chad says if he would’ve known, he would’ve bought her a ring. “Abigail” says she doesn’t need one but she will need something to wear. Chad gives her his credit card and tells her to go buy a dress while he makes some calls to find someone to marry them. “Abigail” says it sounds like a dream as they kiss and she then exits.

Maggie tells Tate that she has to take the call so Tate says he’ll see her around and walks away. Maggie answers Holly’s call. Holly informs her that she just talked to her mom and admits it went better than expected as Nicole just apologized a bunch and seemed pretty sincere. Maggie asks where she is now. Holly explains that Nicole had to go home to relieve the babysitter and she needed time alone to think, but they have plans to meet again tomorrow. Maggie asks how she’s feeling now. Holly says she’s relieved and still processing. Maggie says she will be for quite some time and hopes she can let Nicole help her and maybe Eric too. Maggie asks where Holly is staying tonight. Holly says that Nicole booked her a hotel room near where they live. Maggie tells her to call anytime if she wants to talk. Holly thanks her for the support and says she loves her. Maggie adds that her father would be so proud of her as they hang up.

Fiona asks Sophia if they have an understanding. Sophia tells her to chill out as she already swore not to tell anyone how much she loves a dry martini because she’s not a snitch. Fiona then walks away while Sophia calls her a bitch.

Sarah tells Eric that Fiona doesn’t drink. Eric says that’s what she claims but he guesses it’s all a moot point since Sarah remembered seeing Brady that night. Eric decides he should go and apologizes for barging in and accusing her of lying. Sarah says it’s okay. Eric acknowledges that she’s been through so much and he can’t imagine how hard it’s been for her. Sarah knows it’s a struggle for Brady as well and that he’s feeling incredibly guilty and he has to go to jail. Eric admits it’s been really tough. Eric worries for Brady’s kids not wanting to lose him. Eric tells Sarah to take care and exits.

Kristen tells Xander that she’s sorry but it’s no can do on the serum as a deal is deal. Xander questions if she has no heart, arguing that she owes Sarah after everything she’s done to her. Kristen calls it a simple transaction if he gets the charges dropped, he gets the serum. Xander complains that EJ is the only person who can do that and he refuses. Xander continues pleading with her that Sarah needs to be able to walk again and take care of their little girl. Kristen argues that she has a little girl too and her father is looking to spend a decade behind bars. Kristen suggests Xander try harder to make that not happen. Kristen says she wants Sarah to walk again but she’s not running a charity. Xander grabs her arm but Kristen warns him that she’s his only link to that serum. Xander remarks that the DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of the unthinkable. Xander asks if she’s checked on Rachel lately, reminding her of what he’s capable of. Xander suggests Rachel could disappear from the playground, never to be seen again. Kristen warns him to tread lightly when it comes to making threats about the people she loves. Kristen adds that if Xander touches a hair on Rachel, she will make sure that Dr. Rolf disappears with the serum that will cure Sarah’s spinal cord. Xander then storms out of the mansion.

Chad looks at he and Abigail’s old wedding photo, then he gets a call from Steve.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she has news. Holly then walks by behind her at the café in Paris.

Tate finds Sophia in the town square and tells her about running in to Holly’s grandmother. Tate says it turns out that Holly wasn’t in school because she flew out to Paris. Sophia calls that great news as maybe she and her mom can work things out. Tate is surprised Sophia cares. Sophia claims that Holly is still her friend. Tate points out that even though Holly attacked her. Sophia states that just because they like the same guy, doesn’t mean she wants her to be miserable. Sophia admits she wouldn’t hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris, so she could have Tate all to herself.

Xander joins Maggie outside the Pub. Maggie says she and Victoria were just heading home and asks if everything is alright. Xander reveals to Maggie that Kristen has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis but she’s refusing to hand it over.

Kristen talks to the portrait of Stefano, remarking that they both know he would’ve done much worse to get what he wants from his opponent. Kristen hopes that she motivated Xander enough to help Brady get out from under those charges.

Sarah goes to her bedroom and thinks back to Eric questioning her about Fiona. Sarah tells herself that it can’t be but then she has a flashback to the hit and run. Fiona then enters the room.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander rushed into the DiMera mansion looking for Kristen. She appeared and had good news. Rolf’s serum would be able to help with Sarah’s paralysis. Xander was excited, but Kristen wanted information first. He told her that Sarah recanted her statement about Brady hitting her. She decided to call EJ to find out for herself, but Xander grabbed the phone. Eric asked Sarah if she was covering for Fiona being the driver who hit her. She was confused by what he said, so he admitted that he overheard her conversation with Fiona about a secret. Sarah informed him they weren’t talking about that. How did one conversation lead to Fiona being the driver? Eric informed her that there was more to it. Sophia came up to a distracted Fiona to catch her up on her love life. The guy she likes broke up with his girlfriend. Fiona was grateful for the distraction. She pretended to be interested in her story until she found out that Sophia was talking about Holly and Tate. Fiona told her not to say anything about serving her a drink. Abby wanted to marry Chad. Getting married could trigger her memories. Chad hesitated at first, but he warmed up to the idea. He agreed to marry her one more time. They kissed briefly, and Abby had a strange look on her face.

At the DiMera mansion, Xander admitted that EJ wouldn’t allow Sarah to recant her statement. EJ wouldn’t drop the charges against Brady. Kristen suggested that Sarah publicly recant her statement or tell Paulina that EJ went rogue. Xander couldn’t do that because EJ would charge Sarah with making a false statement. He begged her to let Sarah have the serum anyway so she could walk again. Eric informed Sarah that Fiona and Brady were together the night of the accident. Fiona lied about trying to get Brady to take a cab home and that she didn’t drink. He apologized for accusing Sarah of lying. Eric was worried about Brady and didn’t want to lose him. Sarah stared intensely as Eric left the room. With force, Fiona grabbed Sophia’s arm warning her not to tell anyone she ordered a drink. Her family believed she was sober. It would be tragic if they thought she was drinking again. Fiona threatened her to keep her mouth shut. Sophia wanted her to relax and agreed not to say anything. Fiona stormed off. Kristen decided not to give Xander the serum. If he wanted the serum, he had to find a way to get EJ to drop the charges against Brady. He warned her that the DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of doing dangerous things. Xander gave a veiled threat to Rachel. If anything happened to Rachel, Kristen and Rolf would disappear with the serum. She wanted to know if he understood her. Xander cursed at her and walked out the door. Sarah thought about what Eric told her and came to a realization as Fiona walked through her door.

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B&B Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke visits Eric again to talk about how she’s suspicious of Ridge and Taylor spending time together. She plans to visit and surprise them.

Ridge brings in a Chakra specialist named Chandra to help a very skeptical Taylor. Chandra arrives and talks about shakras and energies and explains how they can be affected by pasta traumas. She says she uses yoga to help this but warns that some strong emotions can be released. Ridge and Taylor sit on the floor, facing each other, looking into each other’s eyes. Brooke arrives and watches them suspiciously through the window.

Liam is still trying to get Hope to consider going back with him when Carter walks in again. He feels bad for interrupting them. Beth returns with lemon bars from Pam. Her parents joke with her. They hug her and then Liam and Beth leave. Things are a bit awkward between Hope and Carter. She apologizes, worrying that he’s upset. She assures him that she and Liam are not a couple. They kiss again.


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GH Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Laura arrives at the hospital chapel and Lucky tells her that he can’t donate part of his liver to Lulu because he has a parasite in his liver that would kill Lulu if he was her donor.

Olivia calls Nina and asks her to get the word out about Lulu needing a donor and she tells Dante that they have to believe that there will be a miracle and they will find a donor for Lulu. Laura persuades Lucky to stay and hold her hand in case the worst happens and they must say goodbye to Lulu.

Michael stops Kristina from telling Anna that she took Alexis’s car and drove to the Quartermaine mansion intending to kill John Cates. Michael persuades Kristina not to say anything to the police. A box is left at the police station containing the gun that looks like the gun Alexis threw in the river. Sonny prepares to turn himself in and confess to all his crimes on the condition that he be the only one blamed for the murder of John Cates.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nate tells Devon that he went to California to meet with Amy Lewis because she had some memento of his father Nate Sr. that he might like to have but there was nothing of any sentimental value to him. Nate tells Devon that he got the feeling Amy was trying to get to know him better and he got a weird feeling from Amy.

Jack tells Claire he is worried that Victor is leading Kyle down a dark path from which Kyle will never return. Jack tells Claire that Victor is a fighter who loves and protects his family. Jack also tells Claire that Victor has hated him for years and he is taking pleasure in the fact that he and Kyle are arguing and that Kyle isn’t working at Glissade.

Claire cares about Kyle and offers to help Jack stop Kyle from going down a dark path. Chance tells Daniel that he thinks Heather was having an affair but Daniel tells Chance Heather would never have an affair. Daniel also tells Chance that he and Heather didn’t have an argument the night she died like Sharon told him. Daniel doesn’t think Heather would tell Sharon anything about their personal relationship because Heather and Sharon were not friends. Daniel also refuses to let Chance search the apartment.

Devon tells Lily that he thinks Victor is going to make Nikki CEO of Chancellor Industries after the takeover and push her out of the company. Lily goes to Victor to ask if he plans to make Nikki CEO of Chancellor Industries and push her out of the company. Victor doesn’t give her a straight answer so she asks Nikki to tell her the truth. Nikki tells Lily that she is right, she intends to be CEO of the company but she hopes that they can work together to make the company a success. Lily thanks Nikki for telling her that the truth and says she is done helping them take over Chancellor Industries.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Mark visited Clyde at the prison. He informed him that Abby talked Chad into going to Paris with her. Mark told him that Abby was a good person, but Clyde didn’t agree with that. The woman wasn’t a saint judging by her file. Mark never said she was a saint but this was new to her. He never did anything like that before either. Luckily, they were willing to do whatever it took to save their mother. Clyde promised to give their mother back to them safely once Abby went through with the plan. Mark promised that Abby would come through for him. Clyde dropped the bomb that Abby had to become a widow. Chad and Abby arrived in Paris. He explained how they lived there for a time. Abby wanted to hear stories about their time in the city. He talked to her about their time together. Maggie went to see Julie. The aunt and niece talked about Abby. Julie filled her in about meeting Abby again. She felt like she was a stranger and was very cold to her. They changed the subject and talked about Sarah. Julie thought it was amazing that Sarah remembered that Brady was the one who hit her. Maggie wondered if Sarah was telling the truth about remembering Brady hitting her with the car. EJ wouldn’t allow Sarah to recant her statement about Brady. Sarah and Xander tried to play hardball with EJ, but it didn’t work. He refused to look stupid because of her. EJ threatened to have Sarah arrested if she changed her story. Eric spotted Fiona drinking at a bar. He stared at her coldly as he remembered Sarah and Fiona’s conversation. Eric approached Fiona and introduced himself to her. Announcing that he’s Brady’s brother, Eric questioned her about the accident. Fiona questioned why she would know anything about what happened that night. Eric confronted her by telling her that she was with Brady the night of the accident. Growing uncomfortable, she admitted that she wanted to end things with Brady. As soon as she arrived at the bar, she broke up a fight between Brady and the waiter. Brady drank more alcohol and left. Using the trump card, Eric told her the waiter said she left with Brady.

Abby told Chad things weren’t always perfect in Paris. She talked about what happened while they were at the hospital. Abby pretended to regain her memory. For the first time, she felt like herself. Chad was ecstatic about it. Abby remembered being in love with him. They passionately kissed each other. Clyde thought it would be easy to get Chad’s money if he were dead. With Abby alive, there’s no victim. He could get released to get the money himself. As far as the drugs are concerned, he believed his lawyer could get the case thrown out. He informed Mark that he would be a free man soon. Julie told Maggie that if she were Sarah, she would want to make the driver pay for what happened to her. Maggie didn’t think Sarah would lie to make the person pay. Her prayer is that Xander and Sarah could move on once Brady gets incarcerated. Sarah pleaded with EJ to understand that she made a mistake about Brady. He warned her that it was a mistake that would cost her 10 years of her life. Brady agreed to the sentence, and someone was going to serve it. The plan was to use Sarah’s original statement to prosecute Brady. If she stops him from doing that, he will put Sarah in prison. He left Sarah and Xander speechless. Xander wanted to talk to Kristen to see if she would give them the serum. Fiona told Eric that Brady initially left alone, but she went after him. She offered to get him a cab, but he left. Eric wondered if she was drinking too. Offended by the comment, Fiona said she was in recovery. He informed her that Brady was in recovery too. She became tired of his questions, and he thanked her for her help. Clyde informed Mark that he had to kill Chad, but he refused. He warned him that Chad had to die or his mother would die.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Melinda showed up in Gabi’s hospital room to check on her and to bring her paperwork to sign. She told Gabi that Stefan wanted her to draw up divorce papers. Melinda told her she would turn Stefan down if she didn’t want to sign the divorce papers. Gabi told her that she and Stefan agreed to the divorce so she could draw up the papers. EJ ran into Stefan and was happy that Brady was getting what was coming to him. They ended up arguing over EJ sleeping with Gabi. EJ said Stefan’s issues didn’t matter since he and Gabi were getting a divorce. He said Gabi told him about it. Stefan said he knew Gabi and she wouldn’t sleep with him since they were getting divorced. A smug EJ asked why he cared if they were getting divorced. Stefan said he wouldn’t want Gabi tied to someone like EJ. EJ said they had to learn to live civilly since they would be living together until she took everything from Stefan. Stefan said that wasn’t going to happen. He said he and Gabi talked and he would be shocked if she came in the house again. Gabi showed up at the house while Stefan was talking. EJ told Gabi he would have picked her up if he knew she was getting out. He said he was late for a meeting and left. Stefan asked how Gabi was. She said she was okay, but didn’t expect him to hire Melinda. Gabi thought it helped his case that Melinda had a crush on him and would do anything to help him win. She said she was right to take the family fortune, but as he said, there was nothing left to fight for. While she was talking, she let him know she was moving out.

At the police station, Eric told Brady that Holly was visiting Nicole in Paris. While they were talking, Brady’s plea deal came up. Brady said he was going to plead guilty. He said EJ offered him a plea deal of 10 years if he pleaded guilty to which he was okay with because he wanted to pay for what he did. Eric said Brady had a future and could make up for what he did. He said he wouldn’t lose the guilt, but he could learn from it. After they finished talking, Eric left to go to the pub. Eric talked to Roman about Brady’s case. He told Roman things didn’t add up. Sarah suddenly remembering Brady was the driver and Xander being in Brady’s room when the police showed up was suspicious. Brady not remembering drinking was suspicious too. Eric said he saw Sarah talking to Fiona about a secret. He wondered if Fiona was connected to the accident. Roman said it was possible that Fiona could have been with Brady that night. Eric said he had an idea. Sarah struggled with doing certain things. Fiona came in and comforted her. Sarah told her that she and Xander were grateful she was there. She thanked Fiona for not telling the police about her lie. It would have never happened if she didn’t think Brady was responsible for hitting her. She said she wished she could remember her. Kristen went to see Xander at Titan to find out when he was getting Brady out of jail. Xander said he would never get him out of jail. Kristen reminded him that Sarah would get out of the chair if he set Brady free. Xander said he didn’t believe her and didn’t want Sarah to be Rolf’s guinea pig in case the experiment didn’t work. Kristen said the drug was almost ready and that Rolf used the same drug on Marlena, Kayla, Kate, and Bo. Xander asked to go to the lab, but Kristen laughed at him. She said Rolf would give him data for Sarah to look over, but he had to get Sarah to recant her statement and help Brady. If Sarah didn’t do it, it would be Xander’s fault she never walked again. When Xander went home he found Sarah who was upset. She told him about the problems she had. Sarah said she shouldn’t have gotten upset when other people are able to handle it. She said there was nothing left to do. Xander said that wasn’t true. He told her about Kristen’s offer. Sarah laughed at the idea of Rolf helping her and wondered why Kristen would help him. When he told her what Kristen wanted, Sarah was floored. Sarah said she had to think about it, but Xander said it had to be done before the hearing. Later on EJ showed up and wanted to know what was going on. He told them about Brady’s plea deal, but Xander stopped him from talking. Xander said Sarah wasn’t confident about her statement. EJ asked if that was true. Sarah said she wasn’t sure to which EJ said she seemed sure before. She said the image wasn’t clear so she could have been wrong. An upset EJ asked what they were telling him. Sarah said she wanted to recant her statement. EJ said she wasn’t doing it. Eric went to the bar and asked the server if he recognized Brady. The server said he recognized Brady because of the way he acted. Eric asked why he let someone drunk leave. The server said the lady said she had it under control. Eric asked who he was talking about and showed him a picture of Fiona. The server said they left together.

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B&B Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope is shocked when Liam asks if they went through everything (with Beth) just to live apart. He asks her if it’s too late and whether she has someone. She replies, “Not yet,” so he thinks she means Finn. She assures him it’s not Finn. Liam misses her and wonders if they can try again. She’s really thrown. He wonders if the good in their past outweighs the bad. He assures her that he’s not the same person he was and that he’s worked hard on himself. She tells him that they’ve moved on and that he’s asking too much. They hug. Just then, Carter walks in.

Just after Brooke sees Ridge hugging Steffy, assuring her that he’ll always be there for Taylor, she wonders what he meant by that. Taylor phones just then and asks Ridge to come over to Steffy’s place. He kisses Brooke and leaves. Brooke and Steffy have another argument about Ridge and Taylor. Brooke thinks that Steffy is trying to undermine her relationship with Ridge, even though she claims she’s not trying to push her parents together. Steffy brings up Hope once again, chasing after Finn. Carter comes in just as they’re postulating that Hope should find a new man, or go back to liam. Carter doesn’t want to discuss Hope and Liam with Steffy and Brooke, so he leaves.

Taylor tells Ridge that she’s having a hard time adjusting to her new diagnosis of Broken Heart Syndrome. He urges her again to tell their kids about what’s going on, but she refuses. He assures her that he’ll be there for her, and they hold hands. Taylor tells him that she’s taking medications given to her by Paris’ mom, and they’ll have another echocardiogram in a few weeks. Ridge tells her that he’s made some calls, and he think he’s found someone to help her with her problems. Taylor shares how she’s feeling, and they hug.


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Days Update Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Mark visits Clyde in prison. Clyde hopes he’s bringing him good news, warning that if his sister doesn’t seal the deal with Chad soon, their mom is a dead woman.

Chad and “Abigail” arrive at their vacation home in Paris, France. Chad talks about how they had a lot of amazing memories here. “Abigail” thinks the place will change everything.

Julie informs Maggie that Chad and “Abigail” went to Paris, hoping that it will help “Abigail” find herself again. Julie invites Maggie to stay for tea as they have some catching up to do.

EJ tells Sarah that he won’t allow her to recant her statement and he has a busy day. Xander argues that Sarah can no longer identify Brady as the driver who hit her. EJ argues that she seemed pretty positive when she told the police and they were finally able to arrest somebody. Sarah declares that she made a mistake, so he needs to release Brady immediately.

Eric sits at a corner table of the bar and watches Fiona. Eric thinks back to seeing Fiona and Sarah talk about keeping a secret in the park. Eric then approaches Fiona and introduces himself, mentioning that he recently learned that she and Brady were romantically involved, so he hopes she doesn’t mind him asking a few questions. Fiona is afraid she doesn’t have much to say as their affair was short and sweet. Fiona says she would look back fondly except for the fact that Brady got drunk and ran over her daughter in law. Eric hoped she could give him more detail on the night of the accident. Fiona questions why she would know anything about that. Eric brings up that she was with Brady that night.

EJ questions what’s going on here as he thought Xander and Sarah wanted Brady to pay for putting Sarah in a wheelchair. Xander insists that they do, so EJ questions why they are suddenly changing their story. Xander thinks back to telling Sarah about Kristen’s ultimatum.

Mark promises Clyde that everything is falling in to place. Clyde argues that Chad has DNA evidence that Mark’s sister is Abigail so he questions what the problem is. Mark explains that it’s not Chad but everyone else in Salem including friends, family, and doctors as his sister has been cross examined for every slip up. Clyde brings up what he will do to their mom. Mark assures that “Abigail” is ready to seal the deal and has come up with the perfect way for Clyde to get what he wants.

Chad talks about “Abigail” being passionate about art and says he’s just happy to be here with her. Chad decides to get some wine for them to celebrate their return to Paris. “Abigail” asks Chad to tell her some stories about their time in Paris. Chad talks about how they would take the kids to a different park every Sunday and how they re-enacted a TLC music video. Chad calls it a wonderful moment with the kids. “Abigail” calls him a really good husband and father. Chad credits having her by his side. She says it seems they were very happy here. Chad admits it wasn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and waterfalls.

Clyde questions Mark about “Abigail” dragging Chad off to Paris. Mark explains that in Salem, she would be forced to include the kids and doesn’t want to traumatize the children. Clyde complains that she seems too in to her character. Mark argues that she’s a good person and wouldn’t be involved in something like this if Clyde wasn’t threatening to kill their mother.

Julie tells Maggie that meeting “Abigail” was unique since she looks nothing like the Abigail they knew, had the eyes of a stranger, and was very cold to her. Maggie suggests she just felt awkward, not remembering anything or anyone. Julie talks about Chad hoping she will remember more in Paris. Julie asks Maggie how Sarah is doing. Maggie says she’s putting on a brave face, but she’s struggling to adapt. Maggie says she’s trying her best to help her. Julie brings up Maggie being on crutches for years and walking again as well as being paralyzed recently but being healed. Maggie says she was lucky to have surgery but she doesn’t think Sarah will get that miracle.

Sarah assures EJ that she absolutely wants Brady to pay for what he did to her, but she can’t lie and say something is true when it’s not. EJ argues that’s exactly what’s happening here as Sarah either lied about seeing Brady behind the wheel or she’s lying now, so he questions which one it is.

Fiona tells Eric that she was there before the accident with Brady and questions if Eric is conducting an investigation. Eric says Brady is in a world of trouble so he’s been clinging to hope that there’s more to the story about what happened that night. Eric says he’s here to find out more information about that night, so he hoped she could fill in the blanks for him. Fiona doesn’t know what she can tell him that he doesn’t already know. Eric suggests starting from the beginning. Fiona says she spent most of the day with Xander and Sarah as they had just gotten married and then she got a text from Brady to meet him at the bar. Fiona claims she planned on ending things with him that night since she was in a better place with Xander and his family. Fiona says she didn’t know who Brady was at first but had found out about his contentious relationship with Xander. Fiona mentions coming to the bar and calming down Brady’s argument with the waiter with a generous tip. Fiona says they talked and then Brady left, got in his car and hit Sarah as she identified him to the police. Eric still has questions since Fiona implied earlier that Brady left alone, but the waiter told him that they left together.

Xander questions EJ accusing Sarah of lying when she’s the most honest person he knows. EJ says except when it comes to the paternity of her children which upsets Xander. Sarah admits she’s been dishonest in the past which is why she can’t let her initial statement about Brady stand as she can’t let Brady go down for something she’s no longer sure he did. EJ says that’s too bad because Sarah already gave a sworn statement, Brady’s been arrested, and a conviction has been guaranteed to the Mayor. EJ declares he will not have egg on his face because Sarah isn’t sure that her very definite memory is a false one. Xander questions EJ gladly convicting an innocent man to protect his fragile ego. EJ argues that they all know Brady is guilty. EJ promises that if Sarah retracts her statement, he will have her arrested for perjury.

Maggie tells Julie that it’s so hard to see Sarah suffer like she did as she can see the pain in her eyes. Maggie hopes that some day, Sarah can see her life can still be as rewarding as before. Maggie talks about Sarah having Victoria and Xander, but admits Xander has been obsessed with revenge on Brady. Maggie thinks Xander has let that go and is focused on Sarah’s recovery, especially now that Brady is facing justice. Julie talks about Sarah suddenly remembering Brady being the driver. Maggie questions if Julie is saying that Sarah lied.

Chad talks with “Abigail” about the problems they had while in Paris including Austin showing up. Chad admits they had rough times and obstacles, but they always got through them together which is why he knows they’ll get through this too. “Abigail” then claims that she’s starting to remember.

Clyde tells Mark that he knows who he gets in bed with and his sister is no saint. Mark argues that she’s never done anything like this before and neither has he. Clyde argues that they’ll do anything for their mother and he will deliver her to them as long as his sister comes through. Mark assures that it won’t be long before she’s Mrs. Chad DiMera. Clyde informs Mark that it doesn’t work for him, as he wants her to be the widow DiMera. Mark questions what Clyde is talking about as he thought he just wanted Chad’s fortune and his sister would just drain his accounts. Clyde decides it’s easier if Chad dies. Mark worries that would just raise questions. Clyde says it can’t be traced back to him and argues that his lawyer should be able to get him out of prison in time to collect his fortune. Mark asks how that’s possible when Clyde’s a convicted murderer. Clyde points out that with “Abigail’s” resurrection, there’s no murder to convict. Mark asks about his drug ring and other charges. Clyde assures it can be thrown out and that he will soon be a free man.

Chad questions if “Abigail” remembers their life together. She says she doesn’t remember specific events and it’s not memories but she remembers feelings of being in Paris before. She declares that she finally feels like Abigail DiMera. Chad excitedly hugs her. She then tells Chad that she remembers how much she loves him and then kisses him.

Julie tells Maggie that if she was hit by a car and paralyzed as the driver drove away, she would be highly motivated to make the driver pay for what he did. Maggie doesn’t think Sarah would be dishonest to get there and points out that Xander wanted her to lie but she refused. Julie is sure that justice will be served but argues that if Brady is addicted to alcohol, it’s just an illness. Maggie knows Brady is a good person that just made a terrible decision and he’s being punished for it. Julie points out that Brady wants to pay the price. Maggie hopes that Sarah and Xander can move forward with their lives and heal.

Xander asks if EJ is insane for wanting to charge Sarah with perjury. EJ points out that Sarah made a sworn statement to the police. Sarah blames the pain medication but EJ argues that she could try to recant her retraction in a week. Sarah insists that she made a mistake and pleads with EJ to release Brady. EJ declares that mistake will cost her ten years behind bars. Xander questions what he’s talking about. EJ explains that there’s a plea deal on the table and Brady has agreed to ten years in prison, so he’s going to make sure that somebody gets that deal and if it’s not Brady, it’s going to be Sarah. Xander argues that he won’t let EJ bully them in to silence. EJ warns that he has Sarah’s original statement and fully intends to use it to put Brady in prison, but if they want to stop him, he’ll just put Sarah in his place. EJ then walks out of the mansion.

Fiona tells Eric that Brady did leave on his own, but she went after him as she was afraid he might be too drunk to drive, so she offered to call him a cab but he insisted he was fine, so she let him go. Fiona says if she knew what was going to happen, she would’ve done everything possible to stop him from driving and she deeply regrets that she didn’t. Eric asks how she got home that night. Fiona claims that she took a cab to her hotel and then Xander called her about Sarah. Fiona says she’d rather not keep reliving this. Eric asks if Fiona was drinking that night. Fiona claims she doesn’t drink ever as she’s a recovering alcoholic. Eric points out that Brady is too. Fiona insists that she hasn’t had a drink in years. Eric questions her not partaking in drinking with Brady. Fiona claims that they talked while he drank. Fiona complains that this is starting to feel like a third degree. Eric says he’s just curious and looking out for his brother. Fiona hopes she’s been of some help to him. Eric says she’s been very helpful and thanks her for her time as he then exits.

Xander calls EJ an arrogant bastard and says he’s going to ruin everything. Sarah tells him to focus as she asks what they are going to do, since Kristen won’t hand over the serum if Brady is still being charged. Xander says they tried and Kristen understands how stubborn EJ is, so maybe she’ll still give them the serum. Xander decides he has to talk to Kristen. Sarah offers to go with him but Xander says he has to handle this and exits the mansion.

Julie tells Maggie that Sarah got her memory back, so hopefully “Abigail” will too, especially now that they are in Paris together. Julie adds that “Abigail” did swear to tell the children their mother is alive when they return. Maggie states that would be an easier conversation if she did have her memory back, so it sounds like there’s a lot riding on this Paris trip.

Chad tells “Abigail” that he’s so happy that she remembers who they are and how much they love eeach other as they continue kissing. She removes his jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt, but stops and says she can’t do this.

Mark doesn’t understand why Clyde would risk his chance at freedom by murdering Chad. Clyde insists it won’t be tracked back to him. Mark asks if he’s going to send a hitman. Clyde then reveals he wants Mark to be that hitman.

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion in a rush, calling out to Kristen, saying they need to talk.

Eric goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Sarah that he needed to talk to her. Sarah assumes it’s about Brady and says she should’ve come to him after coming forward. Eric wants her to be honest as he asks if Brady is innocent and she’s covering for Fiona.

Fiona hopes Eric bought her story since she doesn’t want to think about if he didn’t, as she has a drink.

Maggie tells Julie that it was good catching up and she should get back to Sarah. They talk about praying for Sarah as well as Chad and “Abigail”. Julie remarks that all the misery in town can be traced back to Clyde Weston. Maggie can’t believe Clyde had “Abigail” all this time while they thought she was dead. Julie declares that Clyde is in super max prison now and can never hurt anyone in their family again…

Mark questions Clyde wanting him to kill Chad. Mark says he won’t and can’t do it. Clyde warns Mark that he has blood on his hands no matter what happens as either Chad dies or his mom does.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she has to be honest with him. Chad asks about what. She thinks back to talking to Mark about lying to Chad and not having a choice. “Abigail” then tells Chad that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to be intimate just yet. Chad says that’s fine and they can wait as long as she wants. She clarifies that she doesn’t want to wait that long as she thinks there’s something they should do first. “Abigail” then asks Chad what if they got married?

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Days Update Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Gabi remains in her hospital bed, reading a magazine. As she comes across wedding photos, she throws the magazine across the room right as Melinda arrives to check on her. Melinda says she was sure Gabi was gone after the bomb but Gabi says she’s doing okay and due to be released later today. Melinda then admits that she’s not just there to check on her as she has a bit of an ulterior motive.

EJ joins Stefan in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and pours a drink as he mocks him. Stefan questions EJ being so jolly. EJ responds that he’s ecstatic that Brady is getting what he deserves.

Eric sits with Brady in the interrogation rom at the police station. Eric tells Brady about Holly going to see Nicole in Paris, hoping it will remind Holly of how close they’ve always been. Eric mentions that EJ has been trying to poison Holly against Nicole. Brady tells him that EJ was just there to talk about the plea he’s entering in tomorrow. Brady tells Eric that he’s guilty of the crime so that is how he’s going to plea.

In the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, Victoria cries while Sarah struggles in her wheelchair which Fiona looks in to the room and sees.

Xander finishes a call in the Titan office as Kristen walks in and asks when he’s going to get Brady out of jail. Xander says never.

Gabi asks Melinda what her ulterior motive is. Melinda reveals that she has Gabi Chic paper work for her to sign. Melinda adds that Stefan also asked her to drop off her divorce papers. Melinda mentions that she’s loyal to her job at DiMera which Gabi is a big part of, so if she wants her to turn Stefan down, she can just say the word.

Stefan comments that EJ gets jolly off putting people behind bars and sleeping with his brother’s wife. EJ repeats that Gabi came on to him while Stefan complains that he could’ve turned her down. EJ brings up that Gabi and Stefan are well on their way to a divorce, pointing out that Gabi told him when he saw her last night.

Sarah’s phone rings which she struggles to reach in her wheelchair. Fiona comes in and asks if she’s alright. Sarah complains about being unable to reach Victoria’s toy as she’s crying, so Fiona gets it for her.

Brady tells Eric that EJ offered him a deal of a reduced sentence in exchange for a guilty plea. Brady informs Eric that the sentence is for 10 years. Brady thinks John was hoping Justin could pull off a miracle, but he doesn’t want a slap on the wrist, feeling he needs to pay for what he did.

Kristen questions Xander not getting Brady out of jail, reminding him that the only way Sarah will get out of the wheelchair is if he frees Brady as then she will hand over Dr. Rolf’s miracle serum. Xander calls it an intriguing proposal, but questions why he should believe a word she says.

Stefan questions EJ visiting Gabi in her hospital room last night. EJ says he went to inform her that Rafe warned him to stay away from her, given that they have to co-exist in the same happy household until their divorce goes through. Stefan believes that Gabi wants nothing to do with EJ now that she can’t use him anymore for revenge sex, but suggests he heeds Rafe’s advice and stay the hell away from her. EJ brings up that Gabi mentioned it was Stefan who filed for divorce. EJ questions why he has to stay away from Gabi if the marriage is over and why Stefan cares.

Gabi informs Melinda that Stefan told her that he was going to file for divorce and they both agreed the marriage is over, so it’s time to move forward. Gabi tells Melinda that it’s fine with her if she represents Stefan.

Brady tells Eric that he feels so wrong here with Daniel’s heart beating in his chest, pointing out that he wouldn’t be here if Daniel hadn’t died and it’s like he squandered that gift. Eric disagrees and encourages that Brady still has a future and just has to atone for the things he did. Brady doesn’t feel his guilt will go away anytime soon. Eric says not completely, but he will learn how to live with it.

Sarah doesn’t know what she would’ve done if Fiona hadn’t come in since everyone is out and she told Maggie that she’d be fine on her own with Victoria, but she’s clearly not. Fiona encourages her while Sarah cries that she feels like she’s failing. Fiona talks about the ordeal Sarah has gone through and says she’s so sorry. Sarah questions what she is sorry for. Fiona calls it a tragic mistake that she was with Brady. Sarah says she couldn’t have known that would happen and assures that she and Xander are grateful to her for all the help during this difficult time. Sarah thanks her for keeping quiet about her lying to the police. Fiona understands that her lie saved Brady and Xander. Sarah assures that she would’ve never identified Brady to the police if she had any doubt that he was driving that night, but she wishes she could remember seeing him behind the wheel. Fiona says that what happened saddens her terribly. Sarah notes that Victoria has finally fallen back asleep. Sarah thinks she needs some time alone with her daughter to prove she can do this, so Fiona says she will see her later and exits the room.

Xander asks if Kristen is insane, complaining about Sarah being used as Dr. Rolf’s guinea pig. Kristen thinks she shoul make her own decision but Xander doesn’t want to get her hopes up about a mythical potion that they don’t know if it will work or if it even exists. Kristen assures that Dr. Rolf has been working around the clock and it’s almost ready. Xander questions why he should trust her. Kristen talks about Dr. Rolf being a genius, bringing up the miracles he performed on Marlena, Kayla, and Bo, and how he kept Stefan alive for years without a heart. Xander then asks Kristen to take him to Dr. Rolf’s lab to show him the proof. Kristen worries that Xander will try to have his thugs steal the drug without giving her what she deserves so she declines. Kristen offers to show him clinical data so that Sarah can look it over, but says Xander has to make the charges against Brady disappear. Xander asks how to do that. Kristen argues that Brady was free until Sarah’s bogus claims, so she will have to recant or else she’ll never walk again and it will be Xander’s fault.

Stefan tells EJ that he and Gabi might be through, but he still cares about her and he won’t have her yoked to an ass like him. EJ remarks that it’s not his jurisdiction anymore. EJ adds that they all have to live together somehow, until Gabi takes the home from him and some of his other assets which Stefan says won’t happen. EJ points out that divorces can get nasty. Stefan states that he and Gabi talked and they agreed that it’s been enough. Stefan adds that he wouldn’t be surprised if Gabi never shows up in this house again, but is then surprised when Gabi comes home.

Eric sits with Roman at the Brady Pub and tells him about Brady getting 10 years in prison but Eric is convinced there is more to it.

Xander goes home and questions Sarah crying. Sarah explains that Victoria threw her toy and she couldn’t reach it, but thankfully Fiona came in. Xander says he’s so sorry. Sarah cries that she hates it and felt so helpless, like she couldn’t be a mother to her own daughter. Sarah says she shouldn’t have let herself get so upset over a toy, arguing that plenty of parents raise children with disabilities. Sarah calls it a fact of life for her now that she is disabled and there is nothing she can do about it. Xander responds that it’s not necessarily true.

Fiona goes to see Brady in the interrogation room. Brady thought last time he saw her was goodbye so he didn’t expect to see her. Fiona responds that things are different now as last time, she thought he was going to be a free man but it looks like he’s going for a lengthy stay in prison. Brady questions how that changes anything. Fiona declares that she has a confession to make.

EJ laughs at Stefan saying Gabi would never enter the house again and points out that he was once again colossally wrong. Gabi says she was discharged and took a taxi. EJ says she should’ve called and he would’ve picked her up. Gabi knows he has a busy schedule. EJ admits he’s late for a meeting, so he exits the room. Stefan asks Gabi how she is. Gabi says she’s hanging in, but admits she was a little thrown by her last visitor being Melinda, who told her that he hired her. Stefan states that he needed a lawyer. Gabi calls it unusual to hire corporate counsel as a family attorney. Stefan explains that he wanted someone in his corner that he could trust which Gabi questions. Gabi guesses it helps that Melinda had a crush on him, so she’ll make sure that she doesn’t take him for everything he’s worth. Stefan asks if that’s still what she plans on doing.

Sarah questions Xander telling her about a serum from Dr. Rolf. Xander knows it sounds risky but explains that Kristen gave him the data on this drug which Sarah laughs off. Xander insists that it seems like the real deal and she can go over the data herself. Sarah questions why Kristen is willing to help them this way. Xander admits there is one catch as Kristen won’t give them the serum unless she disavows her positive identification of Brady. Xander says he’s sorry as he knows he’s the reason she lied to the police in the first place, but points out that it would be worth it to be able to walk and run again and play with Victoria. Sarah decides she needs to think about it, but Xander points out it’s a limited time offer since Brady’s plea hearing is tomorrow. Xander says he can call EJ over to take her statement if she says the word.

Roman knows Eric wants to believe by some miracle that Brady isn’t responsible for Sarah’s accident. Eric insists that something just isn’t adding up, like Sarah suddenly remembering seeing Brady at the wheel even though hypnosis couldn’t break through her mental block. Eric says that Marlena felt that would be exceedingly rare without a triggering moment. Eric adds that when Jada came to arrest Brady, Xander was there so he must have broken in. Eric states that Brady was adamant that he had not been drinking, so he’s thinking he must have been drugged. Eric insists that the whole story seems off somehow which Roman agree with. Eric then brings up seeing Sarah talking to Fiona in the park and he overheard them talking about a secret. Eric mentions Fiona being in a relationship with Brady which Roman had no idea of. Eric says it was brief and been over for a while now, but wonders if it’s possible that Fiona is somehow connected to the accident. Eric thinks Fiona was with Brady that night and that’s the secret they were keeping. Roman suggests asking Brady but Eric says he doesn’t remember a lot about that night, so he has another idea.

Brady questions Fiona’s confession. Fiona says when she first came to Salem, she told Xander that she was sober as that was the only way he’d accept her back in his life and it’s the only reason that she got to know Victoria and Sarah which brought her so much joy. Fiona adds that watching Sarah suffer has made her realize she can’t keep doing this, but Kristen walks in and questions who the hell she is and what she’s doing here.

Gabi tells Stefan that she’s well within her rights to take as much as the DiMera fortune as she can get, but more than anything she just wants this to be over with as like Stefan said, there’s nothing left to fight for. Stefan asks what Gabi is doing here then. Gabi responds that she didn’t come to see him and if she knew he was there, she would’ve waited. Gabi reveals she came to collect her things. Stefan questions if she’s moving out. Gabi confirms she is for good. Gabi says to give her a few minutes and then she’ll be out of his hair as she then exits the room.

EJ goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Xander that this better be good as he was supposed to be in a meeting ten minutes ago. Xander says it’s important and about Brady’s case. EJ says he wanted to talk to him about that too since he and Brady worked out a plea deal for 10 years. EJ says he knows they wanted more but this at least guarantees Brady will be locked up in prison where he belongs. Xander responds that he wouldn’t be too sure about that.

Brady introduces Kristen to Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook. Kristen recalls seeing Fiona’s picture in the paper and questions what she is doing here. Fiona claims that she was just telling Brady how trying it’s been to watch Sarah suffer because of him and she’s glad he’s going to pay. Fiona says goodbye to Brady and storms out. Kristen questions the nerve of Fiona to come in and say those horrible things to him. Brady tells Kristen that she shouldn’t be here either. Kristen informs Brady that he will be getting out soon.

Eric goes to the bar and shows the waiter a picture of Brady, asking if he remembers him. The waiter admits it’s hard to forget that face since he was getting hammered one night and looking for a fight. He adds that it was the night that Brady went out and ran over that poor doctor. Eric questions why he didn’t stop him from leaving if he was so intoxicated. The waiter reveals that the lady said she had it under control, so Eric questions which lady.

Gabi returns with her things. Stefan argues that it can’t be everything. Gabi says she asked Harold to send the rest. Stefan asks if she’s going to stay with Rafe. Gabi says if his lawyer needs to get in touch, she’ll see her at work. Stefan says that isn’t why he was asking and he was just wondering. Stefan thought they said their last goodbye yesterday. Gabi admits she did too as she holds back tears. Gabi tells Stefan not to worry as this will be the last time as she then exits.

Brady tells Kristen not to do whatever she’s thinking about doing. Brady knows she wants to help but he’s pleading guilty tomorrow and going to prison. Kristen tells him it won’t get that far. Kristen remarks that Sarah will be on her knees thanking her when this is all done. Brady questions why she would do that. Kristen says he’ll see and exits the room.

EJ questions Xander saying Brady might not be going to prison. Xander assures they still want to see him punished for his crimes, but Sarah is no longer confident in the statement she gave to the police. EJ questions Sarah, who confirms that she’s not sure it was Brady driving that night. EJ argues that she seemed pretty sure when she told Jada it was definitely Brady. Sarah says now that she’s had time to think about it, the image isn’t very clear and says maybe she dreamed it because she wanted to believe it. Xander talks about Sarah taking pain medications and muscle relaxers which could affect her thinking. EJ questions what exactly they are both saying. Sarah declares that she would like to recant her statement which EJ refuses.

Eric shows the waiter a picture of Fiona and asks if that’s the woman who was with Brady that night. He confirms that she was and that they left together. Fiona then arrives at the bar.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Felicia warns Carly that she is being followed by the private detective and she is able to sneak out of Brennan’s office without being spotted by the private detective. Felicia tells Carly that she has to figure out why someone would pay to have a private detective follow her.

Anna tells Jason that their kiss was an isolated incident and will never happen again.

Kristina disobeys her mother and father who tell her not to go to the police because she will only make things worse and she goes to Anna and tells her she has information about John Cates murder.

Sonny tells Jason that if the gun that Alexis threw in the river isn’t found, he will have to turn himself in to the police. Jason tells Sonny that the police will have to find the gun that Alexis threw in the river.

Jason lends Lucky $150,000 and tries to persuade him not to go to Africa because his family needs him right now. Lucky doesn’t know what to do, so he goes to the hospital chapel to ask God for guidance about what to do.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Felicia warns Carly that she is being followed by the private detective and she is able to sneak out of Brennan’s office without being spotted by the private detective. Felicia tells Carly that she has to figure out why someone would pay to have a private detective follow her.

Anna tells Jason that their kiss was an isolated incident and will never happen again.

Kristina disobeys her mother and father who tell her not to go to the police because she will only make things worse and she goes to Anna and tells her she has information about John Cates murder.

Sonny tells Jason that if the gun that Alexis threw in the river isn’t found, he will have to turn himself in to the police. Jason tells Sonny that the police will have to find the gun that Alexis threw in the river.

Jason lends Lucky $150,000 and tries to persuade him not to go to Africa because his family needs him right now. Lucky doesn’t know what to do, so he goes to the hospital chapel to ask God for guidance about what to do.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Carter walked in on Liam, Hope and Beth sharing pizza for lunch in Hope’s office, so he goes to excuse himself, even though they assure him that he can stay. Beth, wanting to leave her parents along together, insists on leaving with Carter to help him his work. Liam and Hope reminisce about the past, including flashbacks. Liam wonders if they went through everything with Beth, just to end up apart?

Brooke visits Eric at home. Brooke thinks he looks great, but he credits Donna for that. He wonders how she’s doing since Taylor is back in town. She doesn’t want to put Ridge in the middle again for have that fight with Taylor. She hopes they can be friends instead of rivals. Brooke thinks they’ve matured enough for that. Eric knows how their fighting over Ridge affects everyone, especially Steffy. Brooke is happy for Taylor and Ridge’s family, but she’s a bit worried about Taylor.

Ridge and Steffy are at work. She tells him that their promo with JJ worked out well. He’s distracted, so she asks if it’s because of Taylor. Ridge keeps sidestepping Steffy’s questions about her mom. Steffy hopes that Taylor can stay in town, but she thinks she seems different. They mention what Steffy went through with Luna, and how Taylor helped her deal with that. She doesn’t plan to play matchmaker, but she does point out that there’s magic between her parents – a connection that will always exist. She thinks it’s hard for Taylor to see him with Brooke. Ridge assures her that, even though he’s committed to Brooke, he’ll always be there for Taylor. They hug. Brooke overhears the end of their conversation outside the door, making her more suspicious.


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Days Short Recap Monday, October 7, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ went to Paulina with a signed statement from Stefan recanting his statement about EJ helping Sloan with the baby switch. He said she didn’t have a reason to fire him. Paulina said Melinda didn’t want the job so she didn’t have a replacement for him. EJ said he will keep the job and wasn’t going to hold her up. She said they both knew the statement was a lie and wondered how he got Stefan to sign it. He said it was the truth and that Stefan tried to ruin him so he threatened to sue him for defamation. She asked what they were going to do when they ran out of things to use against each other. Before EJ left, he said that wouldn’t happen. Stefan went to see Gabi at the hospital. She wondered what he was there. He said he talked to his lawyer and was filing for divorce. Stefan said he was surprised she didn’t file first. Gabi said he vowed to fight for their marriage and wondered what made him rush to file for divorce. He said he didn’t rush. They were both miserable together so there was no point in dragging it out. Gabi felt it was still sudden and wondered why he did it now. Stefan told her that EJ told him he would never be able to get the image of her and EJ out of his head. Gabi said she knew what he meant because she kept seeing him with Ava. He said there was no fixing it so there was nothing left to fight for. She said when the bomb ticked off and she thought she was going to die, she found herself wanting to tell him she loved him one more time. When he came to the hospital that night, she was going to forgive him until he said he was going to have sex with Ava. He said he didn’t sleep with Ava, but she tried to sleep with EJ for a second time except he turned her down. Gabi said she wanted to hurt him the way he hurt her. She said hurting someone you’re supposed to love is something you shouldn’t do. Gabi reminded him about the way he treated her when he came back into her life. Stefan said they found their way back to each other and were happy. She said the only thing keeping her going in prison was him waiting for her and then she found out he cheated on her with Ava. He apologized to her and would give anything to erase what he did.

Stefan told Gabi that he never loved anyone the way he loved her. He said she was his everything. While he was talking, he recited what he told her on their anniversary. He said he was a fool who messed up everything. She agreed that he messed up and said she messed up too. They apologized to each other. Gabi told him the damage was done and there was nothing left for them. She told him to file for divorce so they could get it over with. They said goodbye to each other before Stefan left. When he left Gabi cried. Abby met Chad at the Horton House. Chad told her he wanted to tell the kids the truth. Abby said they couldn’t do that. She said they agreed to wait because it was too soon. Chad said the kids needed her and have gone long enough without her. He said the longer they waited, the bigger the chance of them finding out from someone else. Abby said she didn’t want them to find out from a stranger, but she was just starting to remember things. She asked what was wrong with waiting. Chad said the kids were smart and would figure it out. He said they needed their mother. Chad asked if she wanted her old life back. He thought seeing the kids would bring back memories. Abby said she felt like she disappointed him by not remembering and didn’t want to do the same thing to the kids. Julie showed up with the kids. Thomas asked who Abby was. He wondered why Abby was staring at him and why Chad was being quiet. Abby said she heard a lot about them and was a friend of the family. When Julie took the kids out of the room, Chad asked if seeing the kids triggered anything. Abby said it didn’t. He said he didn’t know what to do, but she had an idea. Ava went to the Bistro to see Stefan’s job offer still stood. Stefan asked if she was going to quit again. She said it depended on whether he was getting back together with Gabi. He said they weren’t getting back together. Ava asked if he was sure of what he was doing. He said part of him would always love Gabi but they couldn’t get past the mistakes they made. Ava said she appreciated the job, but she would take the job at the Brady Pub if it would help him get back together with Gabi. EJ went to see Gabi. He said Rafe told him to stay away from her. EJ asked her how they were going to live with each other. Gabi said it was a big house so they would figure it out. She told him Stefan was filing for divorce. While they were talking, she brought up how EJ taunted Stefan about not getting the image of them sleeping together out of his head. EJ admitted to tell Stefan that. She said he wanted to ruin her marriage. He apologized if he ruined her marriage, but he thought their marriage was over when they had sex. She said he was right and that getting upset with him was better than blaming herself. Gabi said she was the one who came on to him and he was a gentleman who turned her down when she wanted to have sex again. EJ suggested she fight for her marriage if she didn’t want it to end, but she thought it was over.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Hattie confronted Leo about getting fired. He let her know that Kate and Abe knew about it and didn’t want to tell her because she wouldn’t do the scenes. He didn’t want them to be out of work. Grinning, Hattie liked the idea of them being out of work. She started crying because she wouldn’t get an Emmy. Leo wanted to be friends with her, but she vowed to get revenge on him. She stormed off. Bonnie embraced Kate and Abe for not killing off her character. She pitched ideas of what to do with her character. Kate stopped her by reminding her that the show is an ensemble production. Abe agreed with her and stated the show didn’t have stars. They had to work together. Bonnie decided to stop pushing her luck, but she asked for a raise. They gave her a look that told her that she wasn’t getting the raise. Johnny had a nightmare about Alex being in his bed with Chanel. He woke up screaming. His screaming woke up Chanel. She understood why he had the dream since she and Alex were doing their love scenes that day. Johnny knew that it was his job and couldn’t let his insecurities get in the way. She assured him that she didn’t have feelings for Alex. Their fling happened in the past, and she doesn’t think about it. She told him they were friends. This news surprised Johnny because he didn’t know they made up. Chanel explained that they decided to get along.

Stephanie told Jada that she was okay with being friends with Alex. Alex appeared at her doorstep. He was shirtless and sweaty which made her eyes bug out. Stephanie got off the phone with Jada to talk to Alex. He told her that he was at the gym to work off his nerves about his love scenes with Chanel. She offered to drive him to the set. Alex wanted to take a shower before going to the set. Fanning herself, Stephanie needed a shower too. Leo arrived at the Body & Soul office and told Kate and Abe about his interaction with Hattie. Kate wanted him to watch the death scene with her, but he was exhausted. She complimented the scenes he wrote. Having Hatting fall down an elevator shaft was brilliant. Leo admitted he got the idea from LA Law. Hattie arrived at the set and gave Bonnie the cold shoulder. Filming began for the soap opera. They were filming Hattie’s death scene, but she hesitated to do it. Johnny directed her to step in the elevator. Kayla noticed Chanel outside. She was in pain, so Kayla took care of her. Chanel didn’t feel any better, Kayla wanted her to get checked out. Production could wait, so she could get examined. Alex and Stephanie arrived at the hospital and got a message from Chanel. He asked Stephanie to run lines with her. They got carried away and things got steamy between them. Hattie continued to hesitate to do the elevator scene. She tried to get Bonnie and Seth to get in the elevator. They wouldn’t do it because it was for her. She refused to do it. Hattie couldn’t stop them from killing her character, but she wouldn’t help them do it. She stormed off. Hattie stormed into Kate and Abe’s office. She put them on noticed that she planned to destroy the soap. Hattie stormed out of the office. Chanel was in pain and thought the show was cursed. She wanted to go to the set, but Kayla told her that she had to call out. Kayla told her that she wouldn’t be doing the love scene. Johnny went to the exam room. Seth warned him that Arrow and Faith got carried away. He thought they were rehearsing, but he realized they were together for real. Upset, Johnny stormed into the room. Alex was on top of Stephanie with a sheet on top of them. They were kissing under the sheet. Johnny only saw Alex’s back.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Martin hires a private detective to follow Carly to find out if she and Sonny are back together. Felicia knows the private detective and she wonders what her new case may be.

Lucky can’t be a donor for Lulu because he has a parasite in his liver. Dante and Sam promise Rocco that they will find a donor for his mom.

Anna tells Jason that they need to talk about their kiss.

Sam tells Alexis keep looking for the gun, but the police divers haven’t found the gun she threw in the river. Sam tells Alexis that she also dove in the water and couldn’t find the gun either. Sam intends to go back in the water to keep looking for the gun. Alexis tells Sam not to do that, She wants her to help Alexis and Molly resolve their argument with each other.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Mariah and Tessa ask Claire if she would consider being Aria’s nanny since their nanny is leaving in two weeks to pursue a career as a poet. Claire tells Mariah and Tessa she will think about the job offer. Claire tells Victoria that she should ask Cole to move in with her. Vic doesn’t think she and Cole have reached that point in their relationship yet.

Chance talks to Lucy to try and see if she can lend any insight as to why Heather would want to leave town. Lucy tells Chance that Heather wanted to leave town because of the way Sharon had been behaving toward them ever since she and Faith had the car accident. Chance tells Daniel that someone used an app so Heather’s phone could not be traced. The last legitimate location for the phone was inside the apartment building.

Sharon and Nick go out to dinner. Sharon gets all dressed up because she thinks it’s a real date while Nick is dressed casually because he thinks it’s a dinner between friends. Sharon arrives home and fantasizes about making love to Nick after their date but, instead, Nick gave her an awkward hug and didn’t walk her to the door.

Cameron tells Sharon that she has work to do if she doesn’t want to get arrested for Heather ‘s murder.

Sharon is surprised when Chance arrives to question her about Heather’s death.

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