Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
JJ arrived at the Horton house. Julie gave him the riot act for leaving town with Gabi. He assured her that Gabi risked her life to help him and Chad. Julie loved that fact that he saw the best in people the way Doug did. She didn’t want to talk about the time Gabi tried to kill her. JJ didn’t want her to go down that road again. The cousins started talking about Abby and the time capsule. Doug III walked in while they were talking about the necklace. Julie introduced JJ and Doug III to each other. She told JJ about the stolen necklace. They talked about what could have happened to the necklace while Doug III looked on nervously. He heard them talking about Leo and wanted to know more about him. Doug III suddenly had to leave. JJ wanted to know about the necklace. Julie said that she didn’t call the police because it’s just a necklace. She didn’t want Steven to get in trouble when he’s entitled to it too.
Cat arrived at the graveyard while Chad was talking to Abby’s empty grave. She let him know that Jack and Jennifer told her where to find him. Cat had second thoughts and didn’t want to feel like she was intruding. Chad stopped her and wanted to know if there was information about her mother. She didn’t hear anything, but she would be able to reunite with her sister and brothers. Chad wasn’t happy to hear about Mark, but she assured him that Mark wouldn’t come after him again. Mark would be in prison for a while so she was taking the others to Vancouver to see their mother. Cat was there to say goodbye to him. Chad was happy for her especially after what she’s been through. She appreciated it especially after the way she and Mark hurt him. Cat apologized for everything, and Chad understood. Clyde was the reason why they targeted him. It was an awkward goodbye for her because she wasn’t sure if she would see him again. She left Chad alone. He declared his love for Abby even though he wasn’t sure where she was. Cat went to get Aaron and Felicity so they could see their mother.
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