Y&R Short Recap Friday, November 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Kyle and Summer take Harrison trick-or-treating. After Harrison goes to bed. Kyle and Summer have a long talk because Summer is worried about Daniel. Kyle tells Summer not to worry because the person that killed Heather will be found and Daniel won’t go to prison.

Daniel talks with Tessa and shares memories of Heather. Tessa tells him that she thinks he is innocent and that the real killer will be found. The talk with Tessa helps Daniel decide that he needs to find the person who killed Heather.

Claire tells Cole and Victoria that she wants to accept Nikki’s job offer to become Nikki’s assistant but Victoria is worried about Claire being involved in the takeover of Abbott-Chancellor. Victoria tells Claire about the planned takeover and Claire promises Cole and Victoria she will think about what they have told her before she makes a decision about the job working for Nikki.

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