Days Update Thursday, March 7, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Theresa goes to visit Tate and asks how he’s holding up. Tate swears that he’s barely holding on. Theresa mentions hearing that Brady spoke to Nicole. Tate complains about Holly not remembering anything from that night. Theresa encourages that they are not giving up and will clear his name. Tate was so sure that Holly would tell the truth that he did not give her those drugs. Theresa points out that his family believes him. Tate complains that he’s still stuck here with no way out and asks what he’s going to do. Theresa responds that she has a plan.

Eric goes to the DiMera Mansion where Nicole answers the door. Eric welcomes her back and hugs her. Eric asks about Holly. Nicole says she’s very excited for his visit but notes that she’s a little upset that she can’t remember anything about New Year’s Eve. Nicole adds that Holly is on the mend and getting stronger every hour. Eric calls that fantastic and asks how Italy was for her. Nicole says she was mostly back and forth between the hospital and her hotel room. Nicole asks about his photography business. Eric says it’s great and picking up but his main focus has been on parenthood. Eric tells Nicole that he’s really happy to see her.

Leo goes to Sloan’s apartment. Sloan says she’s going to regret this but she’s desperate for a babysitter and he’s her last resort. Sloan says she went through every contact in her phone, Eric’s family, and the neighbors but no one else was available. Leo talks about coming prepared. Sloan says she’s going to meet a new client and will hopefully be back in a few hours before Eric gets home. Leo reminds her that he doesn’t work cheap. Sloan remarks that he’s been draining her dry for weeks as she then exits.

John and Steve go over a map of the prison as Ava calls her cousin Angelo, asking if he can make this happen as Tripp doesn’t have much time. Ava says she owes him big as she hangs up. John tells Ava that he’s sorry this situation has put her in this position. Ava says so much for vowing to never work with her family again. Steve asks if they are in then. Ava confirms that Angelo and his team will do their part. Steve asks what it cost her.

Nicole brings Eric to see Holly. Holly excitedly hugs him and says she’s so glad he’s there. Eric says he’s so happy to see her awake as they were pretty scared for awhile. Holly can’t believe she was out for two months. Eric encourages her being on the mend. Nicole says Sarah ran tests, so Holly is on track. Eric calls her their little miracle.

Tate asks what Theresa’s plan is. Sloan arrives and introduces herself to Tate. Theresa reveals that Sloan has agreed to take over Tate’s case. Tate asks what happened to Justin. Theresa says that Justin is knee deep in defending Xander from attempted murder charges and he’ll help later if he can so she went outside of the Kiriakis family because she wants to get Tate home to his family where he belong as soon as possible. Sloan states that they plan to take a somewhat novel approach.

Ava says her family is doing this as a one time favor, but if it comes back to bite her, she’ll deal with it when the time comes. John says they need the connections to get inside the prison. Steve declares that whatever it takes, Tripp and Wendy have to be saved. Ava says that Angelo and the family are only one part of the plan while it’s up to them to take care of the rest.

Jude wakes up crying so Leo goes to get the bottle of formula to feed him but that doesn’t work so Leo takes his temperature and finds that he is fine. Leo then realizes he may have to change the diaper.

Tate tells Sloan everything that happened on New Year’s Eve. She asks if he can remember any small detail that he may have left out but Tate assures that’s everything. Theresa asks if Sloan thinks she can help. Sloan says she does but thinks they should go over the challenges first. Sloan says that EJ’s case is multi-circumstantial but it doesn’t help that Tate delayed calling for help or lied to a police officer at first. Theresa argues that Tate was scared, confused, and just trying to help Holly. Sloan says she understands but the question is if the jury will understand if it goes to trial.

Nicole says she has to go schedule Holly’s next appointment and tells Holly and Eric to keep talking as she exits the room. Eric tells Holly about visiting her in the hospital every day and praying until Nicole took her to Italy. Holly asks if anyone else was there. Eric says there was pretty much everyone at some point. Holly feels she has a lot to catch up on. Eric brings up Nicole saying she’s having trouble remembering what happened on the night she overdosed. Holly confirms that. Eric asks if she thinks maybe someone slipped drugs in her cup. Holly supposes it’s possible but claims she doesn’t know. Eric points out that Holly would play with her hair when she got nervous or afraid that she might get in trouble. Holly calls that a long time ago. Eric questions what Holly isn’t telling him.

John, Steve, and Ava go over the prison map. Ava goes over their list of supplies and says everything is in order. John says he and Steve will handle transportation. Ava adds that Angelo will have a plane prepared for immediate flight. Steve thinks they are ready to go. Ava declares that tonight, they break in to prison.

Leo successfully changes Jude’s diaper and then picks him up to rock him to sleep while telling him a story. Leo tells the story of delivering Jude on the side of the road and how his mother got to hold him briefly. Leo says he doesn’t know how the story ends but assures that Jude will always be protected. Leo gets emotional at Jude smiling.

Holly tells Eric that New Year’s Eve is all just a blur and she really wishes she could remember what happened. Holly asks how Jude is doing. Eric shows her some pictures as Nicole rejoins them. Eric mentions Jude’s upcoming Christening and wanting Holly and Nicole to both be there. Nicole says if Holly’s doctors say it’s fine then she can come. Holly assures that she can’t wait. Eric says he hasn’t made an official date yet but it will be a small family gathering with a reception at the Brady Pub. Nicole offers to hold the reception here at the DiMera Mansion. Eric feels it’s too much to ask but Nicole insists that she’d love to, especially since he held the date for them. Eric says the Pub is fine but Nicole and Holly disagree. Eric then admits that he doesn’t think Sloan would be on board. Nicole asks if he’s sure, arguing that they are both parenting and working full time so it would be a huge load off for someone else to plan it. Nicole adds that closing the Pub would take away business from Roman. Holly insists it would be really cool to hold it here. Nicole adds that Holly wouldn’t have to leave home while recovering and insists that she would really like to do this for him. Nicole suggests maybe it could help make things right between her and Sloan. Eric then agrees that it’s a great offer and he will let Sloan know.

Tate questions if Sloan thinks this is going to trial. Theresa argues that it cannot go to trial. Sloan says that’s her hope but EJ is district attorney. Sloan says she’s beaten EJ before and negotiated plea deal but this case is personal to him. Tate argues that they just need to get Holly to tell the truth. Sloan says it will be very hard to prove Tate’s innocence unless Holly admits it was her drugs. Theresa encourages going after Holly for that but Tate argues that she is his friend. Theresa questions if a friend would let him go down for a crime he didn’t commit. Sloan says she will pursue every angle but does think they should consider another option which Theresa questions. Sloan suggests she could offer a plea deal which could be a light sentence and before he knows it, he’d be free to go home. Tate argues that he doesn’t want a plea deal or a light sentence because he did nothing wrong and tried to stop Holly from doing drugs.

John and Steve decide it’s time to go. John says he will get the supplies while Steve says he will get the unmarked vehicle to transport Clyde out of prison. Ava says she will meet them at the airfield. Steve reminds John that they need to stop by the office for that special equipment which Ava questions. Steve says it’s everything they need to interrogate Clyde about Tripp and Wendy’s location. John says they will make it look like they are busting Clyde out but Steve reveals they’re not really going to let him go which Ava disagrees with.

Leo dresses up as a rapper and raps the ABCs for Jude. Eric comes home and applauds him. Eric asks if he’s alone and where Sloan is. Leo informs him that she’s out with a client. Eric realizes that Leo is babysitting and reveals that Sloan didn’t tell him that she called Leo or else he would’ve been there. Leo assures Eric that Jude has been fed, burped, and changed. Jude laughs which Eric acknowledges as Leo says they’ve had a connection ever since he came in to his life. Leo tells Eric that he has a special baby boy.

Nicole and Holly plan the reception for Jude’s Christening. Holly says she will be in charge of music, joking about Nicole being a Billy Joel fan. Nicole says it will be so great to have a celebration since there’s been so much sadness lately. Nicole talks about Eric’s pictures of Jude being adorable. Holly tells her to try not to go there. Nicole says sometimes those feelings come flooding back about what happened to her little brother and to Holly. Holly says she’s back now. Nicole cries that she doesn’t know what she would’ve done if she lost her as they hug.

Theresa tells Tate that Sloan went to make a call to get the ball rolling. Tate doesn’t get why they have to plea guilty when he’s innocent. Theresa calls it a tactic to get him out sooner because EJ will drag this out. Tate argues that Holly could come around and tell the truth when she remembers. Theresa says they don’t know if that’s going to happen and they can’t wait around for the possibility so they have to do whatever is best to get him out. Tate questions if Holly even knows where he is or that he was arrested, beat up in jail, and then shoved in to a halfway house. Theresa admits she doesn’t know but she will find out. Sloan then comes back and asks to speak with Theresa. When Theresa steps aside with Sloan, Tate notices that she left her phone behind. Sloan informs Theresa that she will be filing a formal complaint with the judge to try to get EJ removed from the case due to bias and not being objective. Theresa says that would be great. Sloan admits it’s a long shot but there’s a chance. Theresa comments on EJ seeming to have a strong pull with the judges. Sloan says she will need Tate to stay strong and sharp in case this goes to trial.

Ava asks if John and Steve have any idea how insane it is to try and double cross Clyde Weston. Ava questions how Steve could even think of risking Tripp’s safety like this. Steve argues that he’s doing it for Tripp’s safety. Steve asks what if Clyde takes off and doesn’t give Tripp back. Steve says he is not willing to take that risk so they will hold Clyde’s feet to the fire until he gives up Tripp’s location as that’s the only way this is going to work. Ava tells Steve that he’s out of his mind. Ava argues that Clyde is sharp as a tack and knows what he’s doing. Ava brings up Clyde’s track record since being in prison including a police detective being gunned down, the fire at the Horton house, and scattering drugs around town. Steve insists that they know what they are dealing with. Ava reminds him that Clyde has already broken in and could be listening to them right now. John says he swept the place for bugs when they first came in and assure that with their training, no one will follow them. Ava feels that’s not enough. Ava argues that Clyde will find a way to screw them if they don’t do exactly what he wants. Ava worries that if they defy Clyde in any way, he will seek revenge. Ava asks them to please just let Clyde go. Ava declares it’s the price they have to pay to save Tripp. Steve knows Clyde has been doing a number on her lately and she’s been on pins and needles for months but feels she’s not thinking clearly because she’s been under pressure. Steve argues that they can’t let Clyde go after everything he’s done to half the people in town. John agrees that they can’t let Clyde go free and had to alter the plan. Ava accuses them of being in cahoots behind her back. Steve says they will do the plan as they laid out but when they get to the airfield, they will let Clyde know that he will have to let Tripp go or the night will end very bad. John insists that Clyde won’t know what hit him.

Nicole tells Holly that she should be talking to her therapist about this instead of her since Holly’s been through enough as it is. Holly says it’s okay as she knows how hard it’s been and that Nicole has been through a lot too. Nicole talks about watching Holly in a coma every day and not knowing if she would come back to them. Nicole admits she worried about Holly not remembering anything like Abe. Nicole is grateful for all the support from EJ and Eric, saying she really leaned on them. Holly encourages that Nicole is a strong survivor all on her own. Holly states that she’d really like to not think about New Year’s Eve and what happened at the party anymore. Nicole understands and says they will leave the past where it belongs.

Theresa tells Sloan that this has been so hard on Tate, emotionally and rough for the whole family Theresa informs Sloan that she fell off the wagon but now she’s committed to her sobriety and all she cares about is being there for her son, so she doesn’t want this to damage him or mess up his future. Sloan relates to her brother Colin being locked up in prison and even though he was guilty, she still wishes she could’ve saved him from the mistakes he made. Sloan can’t guarantee the outcome for Tate but promises to do everything she can to help. Theresa thanks her. Sloan senses that Tate is a good kid and agrees to do everything they can to get him home. Tate then steals Theresa’s phone from the table while they are talking. Theresa tells Tate that she’ll see him tomorrow and let him know what Sloan finds out from the judge. Theresa encourages Tate not to be upset about Holly and to stay positive. Tate assures that he will never give up. Theresa then takes her purse and exits.

Eric talks to Leo about when he was a baby as Sloan then comes home. Sloan starts to explain to Eric but Eric says he understands Leo was babysitting and actually did a great job, getting Jude to smile and laugh. Leo thinks Jude remembers him. Sloan says that’s great but notes that they are both home now so Leo can go and she’ll just pay him but Eric suggests Leo can stick around since they don’t have any plans. Sloan says she’s sure Leo has plans but Leo says he’s free so Sloan decides she’ll get a glass of wine. Eric informs Sloan that Nicole offered to host an after party at the DiMera Mansion as an olive branch. Leo calls Nicole the sweetest and says the DiMera Mansion is the perfect venue.

Ava agrees to do it Steve and John’s way, deciding she just wants her son back and then doesn’t give a damn what happens to Clyde. Steve assures they have everything they need to handle Clyde. John declares that first, they have a prison to break in to. Steve tells Ava that they will be in touch within the hour. Steve and John then exit.

Tate pulls out Theresa’s phone and unlocks it, using his birthday as her password. Tate realizes that he doesn’t know Holly’s number and decides to try social media.

Nicole and Holly continue to plan the reception. Nicole thinks Sloan and Eric will love it and she can’t wait. Nicole says she will go get what they need and tells Holly to text her if she needs anything. Nicole then exits. Holly gets a notification on her phone and questions why Theresa would be sliding in her DMs. Holly says to herself that she has no time for her as she has a party to plan and then exits the room.

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Days Update Wednesday, March 6, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Sarah takes care of Victoria in the interrogation room until Xander is brought in to see them. Xander comments on how much he’s missed them.

Brady walks through the town square and gets a call from Tate, saying he was just checking in and seeing when Brady will get there. Brady responds that it will be about an hour and that he’s bringing a big surprise which he assures will be good as they hang up. Nicole walks by while finishing a call with Holly and stops to greet Brady. Brady asks how Holly is. Nicole reveals that she’s awake and out of her coma. Brady is shocked and asks when it happened. Nicole says it was just yesterday. Brady asks if she’s alert and talking. Nicole confirms that she is and that doctors are hopeful that she will make a full recovery. Brady says that’s what they’ve been praying for but admits he’s a little confused because of how important this is to Tate and questions why Nicole didn’t call him to tell him that Holly was alert and talking.

Chad goes to the Brady Pub where Roman presents him his orders to go. Chad tells Roman that he, Julie, and Stephanie are meeting at the Horton house. Roman asks what’s going on there. Chad explains that Julie needs to make a list of everything that can be salvaged and the contractors are there. Roman decides to join the cause and leaves the Pub with Chad.

At the Horton house, Julie tells Stephanie how grateful she is for her help. Stephanie says she’s happy to help in any way she can. Julie knows it’s a difficult time for her since Everett came by and they got to talking. Stephanie brings up Everett being Jada’s ex-husband, Bobby Stein. Julie says that Bobby told her what a painful and confusing experience this is for him and it’s clear to her that Everett cares for Stephanie deeply. Stephanie says the rebuild here is going to take a lot longer than a day so they better get started.

Everett goes to see Marlena in her office. Marlena asks if he’s still going by Everett. Everett insists that is his name and if she doesn’t believe him then he can’t go through with this. Marlena says she does believe he is Everett Lynch but thinks they need to explore the idea of who Bobby Stein is and why he can’t access those memories. Marlena says they are here to help him do that. Marlena asks how he is feeling today. Everett talks about trying to calm himself down on the way over because he knows she will be impartial and non judgmental. Everett admits he’s never been so terrified in his life of what he might learn about himself and his past. Marlena calls that understandable but assures that all she wants to do is help him. Marlena mentions accessing some of his medical records which say he suffered a traumatic brain injury and that he was in a medically induced coma for a year. Marlena asks what some of his first memories were after being brought out of the coma. Everett felt like he was in a fog and everything was fuzzy. Everett recalls seeing the nurse go in and out of the room and then a doctor came to ask him questions to determine how lucid he was. Everett remembers the first question being what is your name and he told him that it was Everett Lynch, because that’s who he is.

Julie agrees with Stephanie that it will take more than a day to restore the house. Julie says she has to go talk to the carpenters outside as they are giving her an estimate. Julie asks Stephanie to go upstairs and check on the guy cleaning the walls. Julie mentions Doug wanting her to check the closet in the back bedroom where he kept his music archives from over the years. Julie prays that it made it through the fire unscathed because those are some of Doug’s best memories. Julie remarks that she hopes Everett regains his memory too, noting that Marlena is going to try to help him with that. Stephanie hopes she succeeds as much as that scares her.

Brady asks if Nicole understands how they have been waiting desperately for Holly to be able to set the record straight about what happened the night she overdosed as Tate’s life hangs in the balance and he’s living in a halfway house because he’s been falsely accused. Nicole gets offended and says they are focusing on Holly’s well being and getting better after she almost died. Brady says he’s relieved for Holly but he’s worried about his son too and asks when she’s going to talk to Holly about the drugs. Nicole responds that they already talked to her about it and she’s afraid that Brady is not going to be happy about what she had to say.

Xander thanks Sarah for bringing Victoria. Sarah says they were missing him but hopefully not for too long. Xander asks what she means. Sarah reveals that Harris Michaels is awake and recovering in the hospital. Xander asks if he said who shot him. Sarah says not yet, but he will.

Marlena asks Everett to tell her about some of his earliest memories as a child. Everett recalls his mother baking him a birthday cake shaped like an F1 racing car when he was three. Everett says that his mother was beautiful, kind, and her mantra was to just be nice.

Stephanie brings out a box of clothes that survived the fire while Julie finds one of Doug’s vinyl records. Chad arrives with Roman, surprising Julie. Chad says they brought milkshakes and breakfast sandwiches. Roman says he’s ready to pitch in and asks where Julie needs him. Chad says he is too. Julie calls them kind and wonderful. Roman and Chad agree they are grateful to be part of this effort. Chad takes the box of clothes to be taken to the laundromat. Julie asks how lucky she is to have family and friends like them as she hugs Stephanie and Roman.

Brady asks Nicole why he won’t like what Holly said. Nicole explains that Holly is still a little unclear about what happened that night but she said they were not her drugs so they believe that someone slipped her the drugs. Brady asks Nicole to tell him right now that she doesn’t think it was his son. Nicole responds that EJ wonders who else would have motive and opportunity. Brady insists that Tate would not push drugs on a girl to take advantage of her, regardless of what EJ thinks. Brady talks about Tate having an aversion to drugs because of his parents addictive history. Nicole complains that she doesn’t know what to believe as it’s a lot to take in but she knows she needs to get home to her daughter. Brady stops her and says she needs to understand that his son went to jail because he found her daughter passed out on the loading dock and panicked like any 16 year old kid would. Brady adds that Tate told him that the drugs weren’t his and he believes him because he’s a good person. Brady brings up Holly being foggy about what happened while Tate has been clear since the day it happened. Brady declares that he wants to talk to Holly but Nicole says that’s not going to happen. Brady asks why not. Nicole repeats that they are focused on Holly’s healing and they can’t allow anything to disrupt that. Brady argues that his kid’s life hangs in the balance and this could jeopardize his entire future. Brady says that Tate isn’t lying while Nicole says Holly isn’t either. Nicole says maybe when Holly feels stronger, they can all sit down and talk but she can’t make any promises as to when that will happen. Nicole tells Brady that she’s sorry but she has to go and walks away.

Julie tells Stephanie, Chad, and Roman to keep an eye out for any type of key for the time capsule. Chad explains to Stephanie how Thomas found it in the fireplace. Roman wonders what Alice put in there since it was over 50 years ago. Julie shows them a picture of the time capsule. Chad and Roman joke about what might be inside. Julie hopes it’s something that brings joy to the maximum .

Marlena states that Everett obviously has positive memories of his mother. Everett admits he does but he hasn’t thought about her in a long time. Marlena asks if he’d like to explore that relationship. Everett says maybe next session as he just wants to focus on figure out who Bobby Stein is. Marlena brings out a file that Jada sent over which says his name is Robert Everett Stein and that his mother’s maiden name was Lynch. Everett says that makes sense since it’s his middle name and his mother’s name. Marlena asks if he has any idea why he chose those names. Everett says no. Marlena asks what he can tell her about his father. Everett says that nothing comes to mind and that he’s blanking on his own father. Everett asks if that’s because of his brain injury after the accident which Marlena assumes it is. Everett questions if anyone in an accident just forgets their father, asking why he would just completely obliterate him from his mind.

Xander asks if Sarah thinks Harris hasn’t said who shot him because he didn’t see the person or he doesn’t remember. Sarah says that Harris says he doesn’t remember. Xander wonders if he will ever remember. Sarah says it’s hard to say. Xander worries that it makes no difference since the cards are stacked against him, especially if Harris never says it wasn’t him. Sarah feels there’s another way to look at it and that’s that Harris can’t say it was him either.

Brady brings Tate donuts from the Bakery. Tate says he has something to show him and asks Brady for his phone. Tate explains that it’s an app to stream the Premier League. Brady says that sounds great but not right now because there’s something important he needs to tell him. Brady then informs Tate that Holly is awake.

Nicole goes home to the DiMera Mansion where Holly is in the living room. Nicole says she’s surprised to see Holly out of her room as she brings her donuts from the bakery. Nicole mentions running in to Brady and says they chatted a bit about what happened on New Year’s. Nicole says that Brady is a devoted father and loves his son so much, so he refuses to believe that Tate’s the one who gave her the drugs. Holly responds that Tate didn’t.

Stephanie, Chad, Julie, and Roman search the Horton house. Stephanie finds a half dollar. Julie comments on the house being full of treasures. Julie suggests she and Roman go through the discarded furniture in the backyard to see what can be salvaged. Stephanie tells Chad that she loves Julie’s attitude as she is one strong woman. Chad says Julie can turn a sad situation into a treasure hunt. Stephanie adds that Julie has been so kind about what she’s going through as well and encouraged her to open up about it. Chad agrees that she should and says she can with him if she wants to. Stephanie decides that she does and she doesn’t because it’s hard for her to broach that subject with him. Chad says he’ll do it then and asks where things stand with her and Everett.

Marlena asks if Everett wants to stop here since this has been a lot to take in and suggests they pick it up next week. Marlena asks if he would be willing to try hypnosis. Everett agrees if she thinks it will help. Marlena goes to schedule it. Everett gets a text from Stephanie, saying she hopes all goes well with Marlena and that she’s helping Julie at the Horton house, asking if they can talk later. Marlena tells Everett that they are good for the same time next week and encourages him to just be patient and gentle with himself. Everett agrees to do his best and thanks her for everything as he then exits.

Tate asks Brady if Holly is going to be okay. Brady says apparently so as she is fully conscious. Tate calls it a miracle and asks if she told everyone what happened on New Year’s Eve and that the drugs weren’t his. Brady responds that unfortunately, she didn’t.

Nicole questions Holly saying that Tate was not the one who gave her the drugs. Holly repeats that he wasn’t and questions why she would even think that. Nicole goes over how he was her date and with her all night, so he was the likely culprit. Nicole asks who else would’ve slipped her those drugs and why. Holly says she doesn’t know but she knows Tate would never do something like that.

Sarah insists to Xander that if Harris’s memory was wiped from that night, then he can’t implicate him. Xander assures that he wasn’t there. Sarah tells him that she believes him and wouldn’t bring Victoria to visit him if she didn’t. Xander admits he’s starting to get pessimistic as his cell is getting to him. Xander calls her the most loving and supportive partner. Xander says he can’t wait to come home to her and Victoria. Sarah promises not to go back to their apartment until he’s with them, but notes that it’s chaotic at the Kiriakis Mansion with Doug, Julie, Chad and the kids staying there. Sarah brings up that Konstantin is also still there. Xander admits he’s not crazy about Sarah and Victoria being around Konstantin.

Chad tells Stephanie nevermind since it’s none of his business what happened between her and Everett. Chad knows it was a tough time for them when they broke up and went their separate ways while now this. Chad tells her that she deserved better from he and Everett. Chad says if the timing was different and he wasn’t coming off losing his wife, he’d like to believe it would’ve worked out for them. Chad jokes that they will always have the ring toss at six flags where she won the gigantic teddy bear for Charlotte. Chad says it wasn’t Paris, but they have fun. Stephanie agrees that it was great and she was happy to hang out with his kids. Stephanie calls them some pretty good memories. Chad adds that if Stephanie ever does want to talk or vent, he’s there for her or if she ever wants to hang out with him and the kids. Stephanie admits she would like that. Chad calls her a good person and says he’s really grateful for her. Stephanie says she’s grateful for him too. Chad and Stephanie hug as Everett appears and sees them, but then quickly exits.

Nicole tells Holly that she shouldn’t have brought it up as she should be focusing on relaxing. Holly questions how she can relax when she just told her that she and EJ think it was Tate that gave her the drugs. Nicole questions who else could have given her those drugs. Holly flashes back to the party and trying to convince Tate to do the drugs.

Tate insists to Brady that the drugs were Holly’s. Brady assures that he and Theresa believe him but asks how to prove it if Holly won’t admit it. Brady asks if Tate has anything. Tate admits he only has his word so it’s his word against her word.

Nicole apologizes to Holly again for bringing this up. Holly says it’s all just a blur but she knows Tate would never force her to take anything. Nicole asks again who would’ve given her those pills. Holly shouts that she doesn’t know. Nicole says she hates to see her so hurt. Holly says she’s fine and storms out as she heads back upstairs.

Xander asks if Sarah has everything she needs and assumes Maggie is taking excellent care of her which Sarah confirms. Sarah promises to steer clear of Konstantin and says she knows they will be back in their apartment soon as they hug. Xander tells Victoria to take extra good care of Sarah. Xander promises that he will be back home as soon as the Gods smile down on him, which he’s praying will be very soon.

Chad tells Stephanie that when they broke up, he was worried that they would never get to this place that they are at now. Stephanie admits she was too but she’s glad they’ve gotten close again because the friendship is very important to them. They agree that they never want to jeopardize it. Chad offers to walk her home. Stephanie says he doesn’t have to but Chad says he would like to.

Everett stands outside the Horton house looking upset.

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Days Update Tuesday, March 5, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

John and Steve go to see Ava and question what the emergency is. Ava informs them that she got a call from Clyde, who said if she ever wants to see her son again, she needs to break him out of prison in the next 24 hours.

Tripp and Wendy remain locked up. Wendy wakes up as Tripp talks about imagining them on a road trip to Italy. Tripp says the one thing that makes this bearable is having her beside him and he’s so glad that’s not a dream as they kiss.

Stefan enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and pours a drink. EJ walks in and asks why the hell he called him so late. Stefan takes his drink and then tells EJ that he needs his help.

Roman and Kate wear hats and sunglasses as Roman promises her that no one followed them. They arrive at the monastery where Lucas is being kept. Lucas answers the door wearing a monk’s robe as disguise. Kate hugs him and says she’s so happy to see him and thankful that he is safe. Roman asks how he’s settling in. Lucas calls it a simple lifestyle and quiet. Kate acknowledges it as lonely while Roman points out that it’s better than prison. Lucas responds that it’s a lifestyle he’s not cut out for. Kate jokes that she thought he would love it and calls him Brother Lucas.

Tripp tells Wendy that when they get out, he’s going to take her to an all-day spa. Tripp decides he can’t stand just sitting here anymore. Wendy tells him they will imagine another trip then.

Ava knows John and Steve think this is madness. John and Steve refuse to break Clyde out of prison. Ava argues that they have no other choice or else Clyde will kill Tripp and Wendy, so they have no other option unless they have a brilliant idea. Ava says she’s open to suggestions and asks what they have.

EJ tells Stefan that he can’t be serious about asking for his help. EJ tells him to forget it because whatever he’s done now is not his problem. Stefan pleads with him as the only family he has left. EJ says they’ve been through this all before. Stefan says he tried to avoid the dark path but things got out of control and now he needs EJ’s help or it’s the end for him. EJ asks what he’s talking about. Stefan then reveals to EJ that he shot Harris Michaels. Stefan asks EJ to say anything. EJ asks what he’s supposed to say. Stefan suggests asking him how or why. EJ asks what the bloody hell, arguing that he just confessed to attempted murder of a police officer. EJ questions what in God’s name he was thinking. Stefan argues that with the position he was in, he had no choice. EJ tells him not to try selling that to him as there’s always a choice. Stefan says not this time as Clyde ordered him to kill Harris or else Gabi would face the consequences. EJ complains that Gabi brings nothing but trouble and misery yet he clings to her. EJ asks how the hell it came to this. Stefan says it just snowballed and now things are worse because Harris is alive which means he didn’t finish the job, so because he failed, Clyde is coming for him.

Kate and Roman joke with Lucas. Lucas says he could listen to them all day as it’s entertaining since he doesn’t have anything. Kate says she’s sure he could wander the grounds. Lucas jokes about Kate not being struck by lightning when she entered the building. Roman jokes about the idea of Lucas joining the priesthood. Kate encourages Lucas to keep things going as they have been. Lucas assures he will be under his best behavior so Kate tells him to make her proud.

Wendy and Tripp continue to imagine their road trip through Italy.

Ava goes over Clyde’s call again to Steve and John. Steve asks if Clyde revealed any clues about where Tripp and Wendy are but Ava says he didn’t. John questions how Clyde expects her to break him out of prison. Ava informs him that Clyde told her to call up her family. John laughs off the idea of getting the mafia involved and complains that he can’t think of a more dangerous idea than letting Clyde back in to the world. Steve adds that there’s no guarantee that Clyde will hold up his end of the deal. Ava argues that they have to try because it could be the only way they see their son again. Ava says that Clyde made his instructions very clear, so they don’t have time to ponder as the clock is ticking as they speak. John and Steve talk about making progress on the video but Ava complains that they are no closer and the cops haven’t found anything. Ava tells Steve that they need to do this as they have no other option but to break Clyde out of prison today and she needs his help. Steve questions why she had to get mixed up with Clyde in the first place. Ava tells him to go ahead and blame her but Tripp is innocent, so if Steve doesn’t help her and Tripp dies, he will be the one to blame. Ava questions if Steve can live with himself if that happens.

Kate asks Lucas how he’s occupying his time. Lucas says he was in charge of the vegetable garden but he overwatered so now he gets to do laundry. Lucas says it keeps him busy as he’s very bored without a phone. Kate shows that they gave him chips, cookies, and toiletries. Kate adds that Doug sent him some books and encourages Lucas to give it a try. Roman notes that Doug thinks Lucas is back in prison. Lucas agrees that the fewer people know, the better and says he’ll give the books a try for Doug. Lucas says he misses his life and his family. Kate promises that he will get it all back.

EJ tells Stefan that he seriously doubts their gene pool truly overlaps. Stefan tells him to spare him the insults. Stefan knows he made a terrible mistake but Harris is leaning on him now because he knows he was the shooter and he wants him to help take Clyde out. EJ remarks that the plot thickens. Stefan complains that it gets him killed because if he helps the cops take out Clyde, he’s a dead man. EJ says that sounds like his problem. Stefan yells at EJ to have a heart for once. Stefan says he came to EJ because this has spun so far out of control and he thought maybe his brother would have an ounce of empathy for him. Stefan brings up EJ not helping him when he first came to him. EJ warns him not to try to blame him for this. Stefan says he’s simply saying that with EJ’s help, this situation would not have gotten out of control but he stupidly pulled the trigger and this began to unravel. Stefan declares that he’s out of options, this is life or death and he has nothing left. Stefan asks what the hell he’s supposed to do. EJ responds that Stefan is not going to do anything as he’s going to call the police.

Tripp and Wendy continue to imagine being in Italy. Tripp tells her that as long as she’s beside him, it doesn’t matter where he spends the night. Tripp assures Wendy that together, they can survive anything. They then hear noise from outside.

Steve accuses Ava of emotional blackmail. Ava asks where else she’s supposed to go. Ava says she’s apologized and begged. Ava admits she’s a bad person who has made bad choices and been a fool. Steve stops her and says berating herself won’t help Tripp. Steve says they can’t panic here. Steve knows they are scared but they have to focus on finding Tripp and Wendy. John tells Steve that they are running out of options, so they can continue trying to dissect the video or maybe it’s time to consider other options. Steve responds that if they do this, they have to be all in. John assures him that he has his back. Steve then decides if breaking Clyde out of prison is the only way to bring Tripp and Wendy home safely, then that’s what they are going to do.

EJ tells Stefan that he will call Rafe to give him a heads up that Stefan is going to the police station to turn himself in or maybe Rafe will come pick him up. Stefan asks if EJ is out of his mind, arguing that he knows going to the cops is a surefire way to get he and Gabi killed. EJ warns him to lower his voice since Holly and Nicole are asleep. Stefan says if Stefano was still alive, he would tell EJ to stand by him and do the right thing despite their differences and his mistakes, he would say to preserve family at all costs.

Kate, Roman, and Lucas play poker. Lucas asks if there’s any news on Harris. Kate informs him that Harris came out of his coma. Roman adds that Harris looks like he will recover fully. Lucas asks about the investigation, the guy who shot at him, and the fire at the Horton house. Kate says they all know who was behind that. Roman declares that Clyde is determined to burn Salem to the ground and everything with it. Lucas asks if there’s any head way on the investigation. Roman responds that the police are keeping it tight lipped which he thinks that’s a good move because it lets them do their job without letting anyone know. Kate argues that Clyde has to pay. Lucas declares that as long as Clyde’s still alive and not paying for what he’s done, then Lucas will have a target on his back.

Wendy and Tripp wonder what the noise is outside. They try screaming for help.

EJ questions Stefan conveniently invoking their father’s name to coerce him into mopping up his mess. Stefan argues that EJ has implored the same strategy at times. EJ agrees to help Stefan but there is no get out of jail free card. EJ declares that in exchange for his services, Stefan will sign over all of his DiMera shares to him as well as all of his holdings. Stefan argues that he would have nothing left. EJ points out that at least he’d be alive so he believes it would be more than a fair trade. EJ tells him to think it over and let him know his answer. Stefan argues that he can’t be serious. EJ reminds him of when he and Gabi did the exact same thing to him. EJ mocks Stefan and tells him that this is his deal, take it or leave it. Stefan asks what he gets in return. EJ asks if he means besides his life. EJ says he’ll have him transferred to a secure location and arrange him a passage out of the country. EJ says he’ll share his other ideas in time and asks if he has any other questions. Stefan says he has to keep Gabi safe and the only way to protect her is to give EJ everything that’s rightfully his. Stefan then agrees to give EJ all his shares and everything he wants, giving him his word that it’s all his. EJ responds that his word is worthless but his signature on a binding contract is pure gold. EJ agrees to draw something up for their arrangement.

Lucas asks how the Horton house rebuild is coming. Kate says not fast enough for Julie and Doug but Chad is handling the contractors. Roman says that Julie wants to restore the house to it’s original look to honor the past. Roman thinks it will be a challenge but that Julie can handle it. Roman tells Lucas that he talked Kate into doing her first 5K run. Lucas jokes that Kate doesn’t wear sneakers. Kate says she heard the prize is a $5000 bottle of wine and jokes that she’s highly motivated. Lucas says it’s nice to see them making plans and living their life to the fullest. Kate knows Lucas is bored and lonely but promises this won’t last forever. Kate asks if Lucas has been thinking about his future and what he will do when he’s a free man. Lucas admits he’d love to start a new chapter in his life with a new venture but it will be tough if he doesn’t get his freedom which he feels he probably won’t get. Roman argues that he doesn’t know that. Kate knows it’s hard on Lucas as he misses his family. Kate praises Lucas being brave through his time in prison and says she’s been so proud of him. Kate declares that when Lucas is free, all of his family will make up for lost time and celebrate his return. Kate cries that they will shower him with love and affection. Lucas says he can handle that.

Ava asks John and Steve how they are going to pull this off. John says they need blueprints of the prison and what kind of security system they have. Steve says that’s if they had more time. John asks what if it is that easy to make Clyde disappear. Steve asks if he has a plan. John thinks he might.

Tripp and Wendy continue to try screaming for help but the noise stops. Tripp then realizes the vents have been closed and he no longer feels any air movement, so they are sealed in as Wendy starts to cry.

Lucas jokes about Roman and Kate’s disguises, asking if they are sure no one followed them. Kate assures that Roman did at least three 180s on their drive over to make sure no one followed. Roman guarantees they were not trailed. Kate goes over everything they left with Lucas and adds that there’s a note from Julie in one of the books. Lucas thanks them for the supplies and for coming to see him, adding that he really misses them. Kate hugs Lucas and says she really misses him too. Roman hugs him and says it was good to spend time with him. Kate hopes Lucas will be out very soon. Lucas admits he’s kind of nervous about that and asks what happens when this is all over and Clyde is gone, does he go home or back to prison?

EJ presents Stefan with a contract with all the points that they agreed upon. EJ signs the contract and then hands the pen to Stefan. Stefan complains that Stefano would never approve of this. EJ argues that it’s straight out of his playbook. EJ states that Stefan thought he could handle Clyde and manage Harris but he was wrong. EJ adds that his help is Stefan’s only hope left, so this is what it costs. EJ tells Stefan that it’s the eleventh hour and time to wise up as he instructs him to sign the contract. Stefan then signs the contract which pleases EJ.

Steve wishes there was another way. Ava says they’ve established that there isn’t so she asks John what his plan is. John says he needs to get back to the office for supplies. Ava asks what she can do. John responds that they are going to need help from her family members if they are going to pull this off. Ava says she will make sure.

Wendy begins to panic about the vents closing. Tripp tries to encourage that they have time. Wendy argues that they won’t have long. Tripp tells her they will be okay and hugs her, trying to keep her calm. Wendy argues that they have to get the hell out of here or they will die.

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Days Update Monday, March 4, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

In the hospital, Lani reads to Paulina about heart transplants. Paulina says whatever happens, happens while Abe encourages that they are all here for her. Lani declares they are not going anywhere until she gets the call that they’ve found her a heart. Marlena enters and greets them. Lani comments on it being so good to be home. Paulina is surprised that Marlena came and tells her that she needs to talk to her.

Ava runs in to Rafe in the town square and asks if he has any leads. Rafe says nothing concrete but promises that his people are doing everything they can to track down Tripp and Wendy. Rafe assumes Ava hasn’t heard anything which she confirms. Rafe tells Ava to let him know if she does and assumes she’s using her connections to find out anything. Ava assures that she will do anything she can to find her son. Rafe says he gets it but warns her to be careful and not cross the lines.

Harris climbs back into the hospital bed in pain. Officer Goldman returns to his room and seems shocked to see Harris awake. Harris looks at her and declares “it’s you”. Goldman then panics and rushes out of the room as a nurse enters.

Julie is at the burnt Horton House, on the phone with Doug. Julie says she’s been wandering around trying to find a key to open Alice’s time capsule. Julie assures that she’s being careful and that she’ll be home soon. Julie is then startled by a noise and grabs a fireplace poker as she sees someone outside.

Marlena tells Paulina that she’s here and happy to talk to her. Paulina clarifies that she wants to talk alone so Abe and Lani go to get some coffee. Marlena then asks Paulina what she wants to talk about. Paulina responds that she’s scared.

Ava tells Rafe that she’ll do her job and he will do his, arguing that this is not the day to mess with her as she’s a mother and her son is missing. Rafe says he was just offering helpful advice. Ava apologizes for snapping at him as she’s just on edge. Rafe gets a text from Harris to come quick and tells Ava that he has to go on police business. Rafe turns to leave as Officer Goldman walks by. Rafe calls out to her but she keeps on walking.

Everett enters the Horton House where he and Julie scare each other. Julie questions what he’s doing there. Everett says he was driving by and he saw a light so he thought someone had broken in. Julie says she thought he was the arsonist that came back to finish the job. Julie thinks anything is possible after the threatening phone call that Chad got. Everett questions what she is doing here all alone at this hour. Julie explains that she’s obsessed because while the family was checking out the damage, they found a time capsule in the fireplace that her grandparents put together in 1966. Everett asks if she’s opened it. Julie says that’s the problem as the locksmith couldn’t figure out how to open it either without forcing it, which might break it and ruin whatever is inside. Julie notes that Tom loved puzzles and this is not the first time he challenged the family with something like this, so she wants to open it the way he intended. Everett says he gets that but questions what she is actually doing here. Julie thought if she looked around quietly by herself, she might find a clue or a secret little key to open it. Everett asks if she wants some help.

Lani asks Abe what Paulina wanted to talk to Marlena about. Abe says he doesn’t know, but guesses that she’s worried sick and hopes that Marlena can offer some comfort. Abe states that they are battling against time and admits this is completely out of their hands. Abe calls Paulina their rock and their core, so they can’t afford to lose her. Lani assures that they won’t as they hug.

Paulina tells Marlena that everyone keeps telling her she’s strong and a fighter as she’ll make it through, but she’s not feeling strong, just scared. Paulina says she loves her life, her family, her job, and her friends, so it’s the thought of leaving all that. Marlena encourages that she has a lot of years ahead of her and a lot of living to do. Marlena points out that heart recipients are living so much longer now and that can happen for her as well. Marlena knows they will fight hard to find her the right donor. Marlena calls it natural to feel frightened but also strong at the same time. Marlena points out that Paulina has a family that loves her and is standing by her. Marlena suggests letting her family know that she’s frightened and what she’s going through so they can comfort her. Paulina is not sure that she wants anyone to know what she’s going through. Paulina says it may be because she’s physically weak, but she’s having a hard time clinging to hope as her fighting spirit is eluding her and her mind keeps fast forwarding to a future where she won’t be here anymore. Paulina cries about not being there for her husband, daughter, or friends. Paulina asks if Marlena can help her feel more hopeful and to stop fast forwarding to darkness.

Rafe goes to see Harris in the hospital and asks what’s going on. Harris tells Rafe that he’s not going to believe it, but their mole is Officer Goldman. Rafe asks if he’s serious, pointing out that he just passed by her and she blew him off. Rafe asks how he knows it’s her. Harris responds that someone tried to kill him and she allowed it to happen, shocking Rafe.

Everett finds a lantern in the garage to use. Julie asks if he’s sure he wants to spend his evening with an old lady looking for clues, feeling there has to be something more exciting for a young man like him. Everett says he loves a good mystery and that curiosity is half the reason he became a journalist. Julie asks what the other half. Everett says it’s his burning desire to spread the truth. Everett says a time capsule discovery would make a great story. Julie says not if she can’t open it. Julie comments on Everett looking so much like her cousin Nick Fallon, who was a very promising young man until he lost his way. Everett asks what happened to him. Julie responds that he sadly went over to the dark side. Everett remarks that her family has fascinating stories and he’d love to hear more some time, feeling the house must be bursting with interesting tales. Julie suggests moving on to modern times and asks what’s the story with he and Stephanie and if he thinks there’s a future there.

Marlena encourages that Paulina will see herself as the healthy and vibrant woman she’s always been. Paulina thanks her for giving her perspective and comfort. Paulina admits she’s feeling a bit stronger after taking in all that she said. Marlena is glad to hear and tells her to take this time to enjoy her loved ones. Paulina feels her fighting spirit is winning over the fera thanks to Marlena.

Rafe questions Harris saying someone tried to kill him here. Harris explains that it was a man in a surgical mask who tried to inject something in to his IV but he fought him off. Harris claims he couldn’t detain him and that the man took off, but then Officer Goldman was standing there looking shocked that he was alive, so obviously she let the man in. Rafe calls it unreal and says that explains why she blew him off in the town square. Harris comments on her being a double agent. Rafe is thankful that Harris is okay and says he’ll put a new guard at the door. Rafe adds that what happened today puts a new spin on Xander being the assassin and suggests that maybe it was the guy who shot Harris that came back today to try and finish the job. Harris calls that very possible. Rafe says there’s a lot to dig in to. Harris notes that first, they have to find Goldman.

Goldman trashes her uniform in the park and then calls Clyde. Clyde orders her to speak and asks if it’s done. She responds that Harris is still alive. Clyde is shocked and questions if he has a guardian angel or something. Clyde asks what the hell happened this time. Goldman responds that she doesn’t know and suggests maybe Stefan chickened out. Clyde feels maybe he double crossed him. She notes that she saw him run off and then reveals that she could tell by the way Harris looked at her that he knows. Clyde asks why she didn’t take him out. She says a nurse walked in and there were too many witnesses, so she had to take off. Clyde decides he has to move up the timeline then and says she knows what she has to do next. Goldman asks about Tripp and Wendy, pointing out that they’ve seen her face and they know who she is. Clyde responds that it’s her problem and suggests she solve it fast as he then hangs up.

Everett fills Julie in on Jada having a wedding photo of them. They agree that it’s crazy. Everett thought he must just look like the guy like twins. Julie says it does happen, pointing out Adrienne and Bonnie looking almost identical. Everett agrees but says that Jada was hellbent on proving that he was Bobby Stein, so she ran his fingerprints and he can’t believe it, but they came up as a match to Bobby’s. Julie points out that fingerprints don’t lie. Everett says he knows that and that’s why it’s such a nightmare for him. Everett adds that there are gaps in his memory from the accident but questions how he could forget that much of his life, noting it doesn’t make sense. Julie agrees, unless he’s lying.

Lani tells Abe that it warms her heart how much he loves Paulina after everything that has happened. They agree that it was a miracle to find their way back. Lani says that Abe and Paulina’s love for each other gives her hope and reminds her that even through the darkest times, they can still find a way to push to the light.

Marlena tells Paulina that a person who donates their heart or other organs when they die is never coerced and do that because it’s their wish. Marlena calls it a kind and enormous gesture, feeling it lets part of them continue on in the world after they’re gone. Marlena encourages Paulina to have no guilt. Paulina talks about Marlena always being so good to her. Marlena says it’s always been her honor to be there for her. Marlena thinks Paulina needs to rest now which she agrees with. Paulina declares that she feels at peace now and finally knows what she needs to do next.

Rafe calls to be on the lookout for Rebecca Goldman. Harris says the department is going to be blown away when they find out. Rafe says it’s all starting to make sense now and explains why she shot the drug dealer during the raid. Harris points out that if she didn’t shoot the dealer, he would’ve let them straight to Clyde.

Ava goes home and calls Steve, leaving a message in hopes that he made progress on the video from Tripp. Ava complains that waiting is killing her and asks him to call her back, hopefully to tell her that he found their son. Ava then pours herself a drink. Ava hears a phone ring but sees it isn’t her phone and wonders where the hell it’s coming from. Ava searches the apartment and finds a phone in a drawer under some magazines. She answers the call from an unknown caller.

Everett assures Julie that he would never deceive anyone as it’s just not who he is and he’s always tried to be a good person who is caring, loyal, and hard working. Everett hopes that Julie believes him because he thinks she’s a wonderful person and he needs someone to believe him and not hate him. Julie asks why she would hate him and tells him that she does believe him. Everett thanks her. Julie says she’ll tell him a Horton family story. Julie talks about her uncle Tommy going off to serve in the Korean war and when he did not come home, they all assumed he was dead but years later, he appeared in Salem with her uncle Bill and neither one of them knew they were brothers. Julie explains that while overseas, Tommy developed amnesia and his face was disfigured while a prisoner of war and then he got plastic surgery so he looked completely different and had another name; Dr. Mark Brooks. Everett asks how he figured out who he really was. Julie informs him of Tom and Nikki launching an investigation after Alice noticed a birthmark on the back of Tommy’s neck. Everett calls it very interesting. Julie says in the end, it was heartwarming. Julie jokes that she hopes Everett doesn’t find out in his story that he and Stephanie are related. Julie tells him that she’s very sorry for what he’s going through and what a blow it must be to Stephanie. Everett calls that the hardest part as she is really hurt and confused. Everett complains that he just got her back and now he’s lost her again, maybe forever. Julie says either way, he has to find out about his past or else he’ll never be free.

Lani and Abe return to Paulina’s hospital room. Marlena says she should get going. Lani thanks her for coming and hopes to see her soon. Marlena says she’ll be thinking of all of them. Marlena tells Paulina that she will see her very soon. Paulina thanks her again. Marlena adds that they are in this together as she exits. Abe asks if Paulina is feeling better. Paulina responds that she needs something and asks Lani to get her laptop which she questions. Paulina reveals that she wants Lani to help her draft her last will and testament.

Rafe questions how he could miss the signs as he trusted Goldman completely. Harris points out that she fooled everybody. Rafe wonders why she would do this. Harris suggests Clyde could have something on her, forcing her to do his work. Rafe says whatever it is has to be big and worries that Clyde could have judges or other cops. Harris says they have to bring Goldman in, break her down, and get her to tell them if she has accomplices. Rafe decides they will do that and use her to bring Clyde to his knees. Rafe declares that they will end that monster once and for all.

Ava answers the call and complains about Clyde taking her son after everything she’s done for him. Clyde asks what about what she hasn’t done and remarks that Tripp not being with her right now is nobody’s fault but her own. Ava warns that if he hurts Tripp, she will personally drive a semi truck through prison to choke the life out of him. Clyde tells Ava to do exactly what he says and Tripp will be fine.

Paulina says she knows she should’ve had a will made up a long time ago but while waiting for a new heart, she needs to make sure her affairs are in order. Lani says she understands. Lani and Abe add that they will have wills made up as well. Paulina says to let her be first and tells Lani that she will dictate to her while she takes notes. Paulina then begins telling Lani what to type as her last will and testament.

Julie tells Everett that this has been fun but she has to call it a night. Everett says they can pick it up another time. Julie mentions calling Doug and that he was very glad to hear that Everett was taking care of her. Everett says it was his pleasure and talks about how wonderful Doug and Julie have been to him since he got to town. Julie calls him a great guy and hopes to hear all about it if he finds out the secret of his past. Everett comments on word spreading fast in Salem. Julie knows that the truth will give him peace of mind. Everett thanks Julie as she exits the house.

Rafe tells Harris that he said he was going to put a new guard outside but questions who he can trust. Rafe says he could call in someone from another agency but it feels like Clyde has people everywhere. Harris says he can take care of himself and asks Rafe to just bring him his gun.

Clyde tells Ava that this stays between them, no cops and no Stefan. Clyde orders Ava to break him out of prison. Ava asks if he’s out of his mind and how the hell she’s supposed to pull that off. Clyde says it’s time for her to shapeshift in to the Vitali mob princess and call her family. Ava refuses but Clyde warns that if he’s not out of prison in 24 hours, Tripp will be pushing up daisies. Clyde then hangs up and Ava screams in frustration.

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Days Update Friday, March 1, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stefan goes to the hospital, dressed as a doctor, with the syringe in hand. He stops and thinks back to receiving the syringe and vial in the package from Clyde and declaring this would be how it ends for Harris Michaels. Stefan tells himself that he can do this and he’ll just get in and out. Stefan then stops when he sees Officer Goldman patrolling outside of Harris’s room.

John and Steve are at Black Patch, trying to figure out if someone kidnapped Tripp and Wendy. Steve notes that their last cell phone pings were in the town square during the geocaching event. John gets a call from Brady and asks how Tate is doing. Brady says they just got there but they know John is on the visitors list so he asks if he can make it. John tells Steve about Tate being moved to a halfway house, so Steve tells him to go. Brady tells John that he’ll see him soon and they hang up. Steve assures John that it’s okay for him to take off as he’s still waiting on notes anyways and he will keep working on it until he gets back. John insists that they will find Tripp as he then exits the office. Konstantin then arrives and tells Steve that he thought John would never leave. Steve says he’s busy. Konstantin says he’s a busy man too, but he made time in his schedule to see him.

Nicole brings Holly breakfast in bed and asks how she’s doing. Holly says it’s still weird to her. Holly guesses it’s way past New Year’s Eve. Nicole tells her that the doctors assured them that a person tends to pick up where they left off after a coma. Nicole talks about a player in the Buffalo Bills that was in a coma and recovered to play again. Holly argues that she’s not a football player and that Nicole hasn’t let her see her phone or the news. Holly adds that she can’t even wrap her brain around the fact that she was in a hospital in Italy. Holly questions what Nicole is not telling her. EJ enters the room and asks how they are doing.

Brady tells Theresa that John is heading over. Theresa says that Tate will be so happy to see him. Brady and Theresa check in at the front desk where they find out that Theresa is on the list but Brady is not. Theresa argues that there must be a mistake but the lady at the desk says she can’t just let anyone in without the patient’s permission. Brady tells Theresa to go ahead and he’ll be there if she needs him. Theresa heads on in to see Tate and hugs him, saying it’s so good to see him. Theresa mentions that Brady is there. Tate tells her not to do this. Theresa asks what she’s doing. Tate accuses her of trying to guilt trip him in to seeing Brady.

Stefan puts on his face mask and approaches Officer Goldman. She says thank God he’s there and goes to get coffee, leaving Stefan in shock.

Konstantin tells Steve that they are going to be here for awhile as he offers him some baklava that he made but Steve declines. Konstantin talks about spending time with Thomas and Charlotte and loving children. Steve says he doesn’t have time for this. Konstantin wants Steve to remember the time he spent in Aria in Greece. Konstantin talks about his daughter Catharina. Steve tells him to shut up as he’s in the middle of a case and repeats that he doesn’t have time for this. Konstantin asks if Steve’s son is still missing. Steve asks what it is to him. Konstantin says he can certainly relate to the pain, anger, and frustration. Konstantin says he understands because he goes through that every day, wondering who killed his daughter.

Nicole tells EJ that they are doing great and asks him to help her get Holly up because Sarah said she should get up a few times a day and walk around. EJ encourages her as Holly questions how long she’s been in a coma. Nicole tells her to take it easy as EJ helps her out of the bed. Holly wants her phone to order a burger but Nicole tells her that she can’t have that because she has to reintroduce food into her system slowly. EJ suggests chowder from the Pub but Nicole says no. Nicole and Holly joke with each other while EJ calls their back and forth beautiful and says he’s missed it.

Theresa tells Tate that she’s not guilt tripping him. Tate tells her not to try to force him to see Brady today. Theresa argues that they had a great relationship before. Tate says ever since he started therapy, it brought up a lot of stuff for him like how Brady wasn’t there for him growing up and when they moved to California. Theresa informs him that she had a big part in that which Tate questions. Theresa admits she’s the one who insisted they move to California and that she kept him from his father.

Konstantin tells Steve that it’s a parent’s worst nightmare to lose a child and that it doesn’t get easier with time. Konstantin says he misses Catharina more as time goes on, not less. Konstantin calls her the only good thing he ever did. Konstantin asks if Steve feels that way about his children. Steve responds that his children mean everything to him. Konstantin says he must understand how terribly painful his loss has been then. Konstantin asks if he does understand. Steve asks how he could not. Konstantin says he appreciates his empathy more than he knows.

John joins Brady, who thanks him for coming. John asks what’s going on and if he’s been in to see Tate yet. Brady says no and that Theresa is seeing him right now. Brady then reveals that Tate didn’t put him on the list. John says he’s seen them together and that bond is strong. John encourages him to just give it time and patience as he guarantees things will be okay. Brady hopes so but he knows Tate wants to see his granddad, so he tells John to go in and see him. John tells Brady that he loves him and heads in to see Tate.

Tate can’t believe Theresa moved him to California to keep him from Brady and accuses her of just making that up. Theresa reveals that she had custody of Tate because she made up a lie that implicated Brady in a murder case. Theresa repeats that she lied and that got her custody which allowed her to take Tate with her to California. Theresa tells Tate that she’s hurt Brady so much more than he has hurt either of them. Theresa assures Tate that his father loves him, always has and always will. Theresa adds that there is something else that she thinks she wants him to know. Theresa brings up the first night that Tate was sent away and how she was a mess. Theresa admits that she slipped in a really big way and Brady was there for her, kind, forgiving, and supportive despite everything she had done to him. Theresa tells Tate that he and Brady need each other in their lives. John enters and hugs Tate. John tells him that Theresa is right that Brady needs him because he loves him with all his heart and acknowledges that Theresa took a big risk in telling him the truth which was brave of her. John says she did that because she trusted enough in Tate’s love for her to know she wouldn’t lose him. John calls that unconditional love, encouraging that is what they always have for him forever.

Stefan sneaks in to Harris’s hospital room while dressed as a doctor and thinks back to shooting Harris. Stefan remarks that Harris survived those bullets, but not this time. Stefan then goes to inject the syringe in to Harris’s IV but Harris suddenly wakes up and grabs his arm, saying not so fast. Stefan tries to escape but Harris gets out of the bed and captures Stefan, remarking that it’s so good to see him.

Steve understands Konstantin is still grieving his daughter but questions if he’s trying to implicate him in her death which Konstantin denies. Konstantin says he’s simply sharing how her death haunts him every day. Steve declares that no one was supposed to die that day and calls it a terrible accident. Konstantin asks if Steve witnessed it. Steve says not directly. Konstantin questions if Steve admits he was there when Catharina died as the Pawn put a bullet through her head.

EJ suggests getting Holly back in bed but Holly wants Nicole to answer her questions, starting with why she was in a coma for months. EJ informs Holly that she had opioid laced drugs in her system. EJ says it’s okay as they know she doesn’t do drugs and they are going to get to the bottom of what happened. EJ explains that it was an overdose and her heart stopped several times, so she nearly died before slipping into unconsciousness. Nicole adds that it happened on New Year’s Eve and asks if she remembers anything else. Holly says not really other than the sound of fireworks. EJ encourages her to try to think hard. EJ states that Holly was drugged with potentially lethal drugs that almost cost her life, so it’s very important that they know where they came from. Nicole then asks Holly where she got the drugs.

Brady watches sadly as another family comes out from the door.

Theresa tells Tate that Brady has missed him so much and that he’s in the waiting room, hoping that Tate will agree to see him. John tells Tate about how he just found his long lost father. John says he’s a wonderful man and they missed out on so many years that they can’t get back. John doesn’t want Tate to look back one day and have any regrets about the time he missed with his dad, but says it’s his call. John asks if he can go get Brady to tell him that Tate would like to see him after all. John then exits the room and announces that Tate Black would like to see his father. Brady is shocked and hugs John ,thanking him as he is then allowed to go in. John tells Brady to call him and that Tate is a good kid. Brady thanks John again as he exits.

Stefan tells Harris that he had no choice and asks what he wants from him as Harris holds him in a chokehold. Harris says they all have choices and that Stefan seems to take instruction well. Harris declares that Stefan works for him now and he’s going to help him take down Clyde Weston.

Konstantin asks Steve if he needs to confess because now is the time. Konstantin argues that it would help him to relieve the guilt and finally admit the truth. Steve responds that nothing will relieve him of the guilt. Konstantin asks again if he was there in Aria on that terrible day. Steve admits that he was there but he wishes he hadn’t been. Konstantin begs Steve to tell him more, feeling they both deserve to have peace of mind about this. Konstantin assures that it will help. Steve calls it a long time ago and says they were different people then. Steve then admits that he was The Pawn’s handler for Victor. Steve explains that he was called away to be given instruction and when he came back, there was a young girl lying there dead. Steve cries that the image has tormented him all this time and he didn’t know who she was. Konstantin states that he does know now which Steve confirms. Konstantin asks where The Pawn was when he came back. Steve responds that he was there, holding the gun and someone else was lying next to the girl on the ground but he couldn’t see that person’s face but he knew it was Konstantin.

Brady goes in to see Tate and they greet each other. Theresa claims she has to make a call and exits. Tate tells Brady that it’s good to see him. Brady tells him the same. Brady doesn’t know what John said to him. Tate reveals it was Theresa telling him the truth about what happened between them and what she did to take him to California away from him.

EJ asks Holly again to please tell them where she got the drugs and if Tate gave them to her. Holly says she doesn’t know and claims she doesn’t remember taking any drugs, so someone must have given them to her or slipped them in her drink without her knowing. Nicole questions her not getting the drugs from Tate or anyone. Holly says she’s just tired and needs to rest, so they help her back in to the bed. EJ and Nicole then exit the room together.

Harris tells Stefan that he’s going to keep him here until they are clear on where they stand. Harris goes over that he has him on attempted murder of a police officer twice, first on the loading dock and then with the syringe. Harris points out that Stefan is not wearing gloves so his fingerprints will be all over the murder weapon and asks if he has any idea what kind of time he’s going to serve. Harris then shoves Stefan onto the hospital bed and asks if he’s ready to play ball to which Stefan nods.

Konstantin yells at Steve, demanding to know where the bastard that killed Catharina is and vowing to choke the life out of him. Steve tells him that John is not the one he wants as he was not the puppet master there since whatever he did was out of his control. Konstantin questions him not denying that John was the Pawn. Steve argues that John was transformed in to that maniac by Stefano and then by Victor and they are both dead. Steve tells Konstantin that he can go spit on their graves but leave John out of it as he’s suffered enough. Konstantin shouts that he’s the one who has suffered and now he wants them both to suffer like he has. Steve questions what he means. Konstantin remarks that Steve’s missing son might still be alive but his daughter isn’t and he will have justice as he then storms out.

Holly lays in bed and begins having flashbacks of New Year’s Eve and Tate.

EJ tells Nicole that he knew someone slipped Holly the drugs and they both know who it was. EJ asks who else it could’ve been since no one else was drugged. EJ argues that Holly was roofied and no one would have done that other than her date, believing that Tate was trying to get in to Holly’s pants.

Theresa tells Brady that it was time that Tate knew the truth. Brady doesn’t know what to say. Tate tells Brady that he’s so sorry. Brady says he has nothing to be sorry about at all. Brady thanks Theresa for telling the truth and says he’s grateful. Brady tells Tate that he loves him. Brady adds that he and Theresa will always be there for him no matter what as they embrace. They talk about needing to catch up and joke about having to watch the Super Bowl alone. Tate thanks Theresa for opening up to him and having the courage to tell him the truth. Theresa is glad she did and says seeing them laugh together makes her happy as she hugs Tate.

Nicole goes back in to Holly’s room and sits next to her. EJ returns and says he knew he would find her there. Nicole says she was just making sure it was all still real that Holly is home and has come back to them. EJ understands that need, but assures that it is very real. Nicole points out that Holly obviously doesn’t remember that she was drugged and she hopes that they weren’t her drugs that did this to her. Nicole feels it would reflect on her because if Holly was using, that would mean she failed her as a mother. EJ encourages that she hasn’t. Nicole feels that she has in so many ways as she’s been selfish and if the drugs were Holly’s, it’s just another box ticked off on the terrible mother checklist. Nicole acknowledges that she should’ve been there for Holly more and talks about losing a baby and stealing Eric’s baby. Nicole says she was trying to make sense of it all and handle getting through each day. EJ tells her to stop beating herself up and calls her a wonderful mother. EJ adds that Holly made it clear that the drugs did not belong to her which means she’s completely innocent in all of this. EJ calls Holly a wonderful young woman and says Nicole raised her right so she should be very proud. EJ suggests they let Holly get some rest, so he and Nicole exit the room again.

John returns to the Black Patch office and asks Steve if there’s any breaking news since he left. John talks about finding Tripp being the priority. Steve shows John where Tripp and Wendy were last seen at the park. John says they are making progress and to keep at it while Steve remains distracted.

Harris tells Stefan that he can go and he’ll be in touch. Stefan then runs out of the room. Harris climbs back into the hospital bed in pain. Officer Goldman returns to his room and seems shocked to see Harris awake. Harris looks at her and declares “it’s you”. Goldman then panics and rushes out of the room as a nurse enters.

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Days Update Thursday, February 29, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stefan goes home to the DiMera Mansion, angrily complaining about Harris waking up and nothing going right. Stefan then gets a call from Clyde.

Steve brings Ava home as she complains about wishing she could wake up from this nightmare and have Tripp and Wendy home and that Harris would be fine. Steve says unfortunately this is happening, so they need to stay focused. Steve asks if she called Wendy’s parents yet. Ava says she’s not ready to yet but Steve says they need to know what’s going on and asks if they should do it together. Ava questions what they are supposed to say. Ava then gets an alert on her phone.

Tripp and Wendy remain locked up. They talk about Ava getting the video that they recorded, so at least she will know they are alive.

Sloan goes home with a box and calls out to Eric for help but is shocked by what she sees when she comes in.

Chanel joins Abe in Paulina’s hospital room and asks how Paulina is doing. Abe says she’s taking a nap but Paulina says she was just resting her eyes. Chanel asks how she’s doing. Paulina says she’s fine now that she’s there along with Abe. Chanel tells her that she knows something that will make her feel much better. Chanel then opens the door and brings in Lani and Eli. Lani and Paulina embrace as they reunite while Eli hugs Abe. Paulina can’t believe Lani is really there. Lani tells her that she’s so happy to see her as Lani hugs Abe. Abe comments on the timing of Lani getting released now and calls it great news, saying it’s perfect for all of them. Eli tells Paulina that she looks beautiful as always. Paulina asks where their twins are. Eli says they are with Doug and Julie after a long day of travel. Lani tells Chanel that she heard they missed the wedding of the year. Paulina calls it simple and perfect. Lani asks where Johnny is. Chanel says he went to grab snacks but he’ll be back soon as he has been with them through all of it. Paulina says first it was her surgery, then it was her heart going south on her. Paulina guesses Lani heard about that which she confirms. Paulina states that her heart may be failing, but right now it’s so full to have her two daughters with her.

Sloan is shocked to see the apartment decorated with candles, rose petals in a heart shape on the bed and a bottle of champagne on ice. Eric comes out from the back and asks what she thinks as he wishes her a Happy Valentine’s Day, informing her that this is the emergency he had her rush home for. Sloan calls it beautiful and romantic. Eric declares that the decorations are just the beginning as he has very big plans for their special day.

Wendy asks Tripp what to do now. Tripp says he’s taking her to dinner which Wendy calls illogical in their circumstances. Tripp suggests they go to dinner in Paris.

Stefan tells Clyde that he wasn’t expecting to hear from him today. Clyde asks even with the recent turn of events. Stefan says he’s in the middle of a crisis at the restaurant so he needs to get back on the floor but Clyde reveals that he knows Stefan isn’t at work, but he’s at home in his fancy mansion. Stefan questions how the hell and looks around outside. Clyde tells him that he will never see his people. Stefan tells Clyde that he has a lot to focus on right now. Clyde warns Stefan that he should be focusing on his biggest problem, Harris Michaels being awake.

Ava receives the video on her phone so her and Steve watch Tripp reading the statement he was given which is warning Ava not to talk to any law enforcement and to do as she’s told when contacted. Tripp reads that if Ava follows these instructions, he and Wendy can come home but if she doesn’t, she’ll never see them again. Ava asks Steve what to do and worries about being watched. Steve says it could be an empty threat to keep her in line. Ava argues that Clyde doesn’t make empty threats, only promises. Ava points out how exhausted and scared Tripp and Wendy looked, wondering where the hell they are.

Wendy asks Tripp how they make dinner in Paris happen without actually flying there. Tripp reaches in to the big that Officer Goldman left them, revealing they have a bottle of water, protein bars, and chocolate kisses, so he sets up a makeshift dinner setting for them.

Paulina asks when Eli and Lani got in to town. Eli says it was earlier today. Lani says they dropped off their luggage and the kids so they could get here as soon as possible. Paulina says she appreciates that and has difficulty breathing. Abe encourages Paulina to take it easy. Abe sends Chanel to take Eli and Lani to get ice for Paulina. Paulina tells Abe that he didn’t have to send them out of the room because he sensed it was too much excitement for her. Abe says he just thought she might need a little break from company and he wanted them to talk for a moment, just the two of them.

Eric pours champagne for he and Sloan, informing her that he got her assistant to clear her schedule for the day. Sloan asks if Jude is sleeping. Eric reveals that he’s not there as Marlena is on grand babysitting duties, so they have the place to themselves. Eric says he just wanted to give Sloan a proper Valentine’s Day since he felt bad for falling asleep on her. Sloan calls it the perfect Valentine’s Day do-over and she’s grateful that he did it for her. Eric acknowledges that she’s been working a lot and she’s a new mom, so he knows how tough it can be and he wanted to make sure she knows how important she is to him. They wish each other a Happy Valentine’s Day and kiss.

Stefan tells Clyde that he’s well aware that Harris woke up as he was at the hospital when it happened, but Harris doesn’t remember who shot him so he’s in the clear. Clyde laughs off Stefan thinking he’s off the hook with him because Harris doesn’t remember. Stefan asks why it wouldn’t. Clyde reminds Stefan that he told him in no uncertain terms to finish the job. Clyde warns Stefan that unless he wants to disappoint him further, he’s going to finish the job today. Stefan assures that he didn’t forget what he said, but he can’t just walk in to the hospital and shoot Harris. Clyde argues that he doesn’t have a choice. Stefan complains that Clyde knows that Harris is under surveillance 24/7 so he’s untouchable as long as he’s in the hospital. Stefan asks how he’s supposed to kill him. Clyde reveals that he’s already taken care of that and he’s pretty sure that even Stefan can’t screw it up.

Tripp has Wendy close her eyes and imagine them being at a café in Paris.

Paulina tells Abe that she feels so lucky to have her daughters with her along with Abe. Abe responds that they are the lucky ones. Paulina knows Abe is dealing with his own issues, yet in spite of all that, he’s still here for all of them, day and night. Paulina doesn’t know how he does it. Abe says his secret is love. Abe tells Paulina that he loves her and that’s what motivates him. Abe calls their family the most important thing in his life and says she is the most important person in his life as he kisses her.

Chanel tells Eli and Lani that Paulina was so happy to see them both and that they came at exactly the right time, when they needed them the most. Lani says they need Chanel too. Chanel says it’s been tough but Paulina is brave. Eli asks how serious Paulina’s heart attack was. Chanel reveals that it was bad enough that Paulina might need a heart transplant. Chanel says it’s not definite yet, but Kayla says it’s a possibility. Lani says they will deal with that when they know more. Lani questions Chanel getting married in the middle of all of this. Chanel explains that Paulina was feeling down about the wedding possibly being postponed because of her surgery being moved up, so Johnny came up with the idea of just getting married here. Lani is sure Paulina was thrilled. Chanel confirms that she was so excited and that Abe officiated. Eli asks how Chanel is doing. Chanel says she’s doing okay and trying to be brave and stoic like Paulina is. Chanel adds that she’s really grateful Eli and Lani are there. Chanel knows their twins can’t see Paulina right now, but knowing they are close by will lift her spirits. Eli asks if there’s anything they can do now. Chanel says just being there. Lani offers to take turns sitting with Paulina if Chanel and Abe want to come home to shower. Chanel admits that will be super helpful and suggests just keeping positive energy. Lani decides that’s what they will do as a family and says they will get through this as they hug.

Sloan can’t believe how quickly Eric pulled everything together. Eric says he has his ways and he just wanted her to know how much she means to him and how much he loves her and their family. Sloan says she loves him too as they kiss, calling him the best thing that’s ever happened to her along with their son. They kiss on the couch until Eric gets up and presents her with a gift bag, saying he thinks he’s ready for a Valentine’s present. Sloan tells him not to go anywhere as she goes to put it on. Sloan returns, wearing the red lingerie that he got for her and they kiss. Sloan then removes Eric’s shirt and belt as they kiss onto the bed.

Chanel returns to Paulina’s room with ice chips for her. Paulina asks where Lani and Eli are. Chanel says they are checking in on the twins with Julie. Abe decides to go get a cup of coffee and exits the room. Chanel talks to Paulina about Lani being back which Paulina calls a miracle. Paulina can’t wait to cook them all a big family dinner but Chanel says not to get ahead of herself as she needs to be feeling better before that. Eli comes back in and jokes that if anyone’s cooking a dinner, it will be him as he’s been working on some recipes. Paulina tells Eli that just seeing him and Lani was so good for her soul. Paulina says having Chanel, Abe, and Johnny has been wonderful, but now it feels complete. Paulina says it already feels like her heart is getting stronger because it’s so filled with love.

Clyde informs Stefan that a package will be arriving shortly and inside, he’ll find a vial and syringe. Clye instructs him to inject the contents of the vial in to Harris’ IV bag and he will then suffer what will appear to be a fatal heart attack and that will be that. Stefan asks Clyde if they are square when this is done. Clyde says he’s smarter than that and orders him to just do the job and not screw it up as they then hang up.

Ava asks Steve if he’s found anything yet. Steve says he just needs to study the video more closely as there must be something to give them a clue as to where they took Tripp and Wendy. Steve says he will take it apart frame by frame.

Wendy and Tripp continue to imagine they are on a date in Paris as they kiss.

The doorbell rings at the DiMera Mansion so Stefan answers it to find the package which he then brings in to the living room and opens.

Eric and Sloan lay in bed after having sex. They wish each other a Happy belated Valentine’s Day. Sloan asks Eric to promise they don’t go this long again without some time for them. Eric thinks he can convince Marlena to do more babysitting. Sloan suggests some sleepover time too. Eric says it’s something they can work on and suggests focusing on them. They kiss until Eric’s phone rings, interrupting them and disappointing Sloan again.

Abe joins Lani at the coffee. Lani tells Abe that she’s so glad to have a moment alone with him and hugs him. Abe says he’s so happy to have her home. Lani cries that she’s really worried about Paulina. Abe says they all are, but she’s still strong and they are trying to be positive and optimistic. Lani asks how Abe is doing. Abe assumes she wants to know if he remembers his past, but he still doesn’t. Abe adds that one thing he does know is that he’s so lucky to be her father. Lani calls him the best father anyone could ask for. Abe says that means so much to him. Abe asks Lani where Eli is. Lani says he’s with Paulina to show her pictures of the babies. Abe asks if they are planning on staying in Salem for awhile. Lani confirms that’s the plan right now, but notes that Eli is being considered for a new job in DC that would be really great opportunity, though they both have mixed feelings about not being in Salem. Lani decides right now, she wants to focus on Paulina and being there for Abe and Chanel as they hug. Abe encourages her that Paulina is going to make it as she has to.

Eric says on the phone that this is the best news ever and asks if tomorrow would be too soon or if he can come by. Eric assures that he will be there. Eric says he’s so happy and will see them then. Eric then hangs up and tells Sloan that he’s so sorry but that was Nicole and that Holly is awake. Sloan calls that great news. Eric calls it a miracle while Sloan looks annoyed.

Stefan removes the vial and syringe from the box and declares that this is how it ends, neat, clean, and easy, then it will be curtains down for Harris Michaels.

Ava tells Steve that Tripp is the most important person in her life and she’s so proud of the man he has become. Ava calls Tripp a good person which he gets from Steve. Steve acknowledges that he gets a lot from her too including some of his strength. Ava wishes she felt strong now. Steve encourages that they will find their son and Wendy and bring them home.

Wendy tells Tripp that she’s trying so hard to be positive but they are still stuck in this tank. Wendy wonders if they will ever get out. Tripp assures that they will be found and rescued but they just have to be patient. Tripp tells Wendy that he loves her and can’t wait to take her to Paris for real which he promises to do as they hug.

Eli shows Paulina pictures of his kids. Lani and Abe return to the room. Paulina talks about treasuring the moments. Chanel encourages that they are all going to have a lot of time together. Abe adds that Lani is home and God will answer more of their prayers. Lani tells Paulina that they need her to stick around for a long time. Paulina says she loves them. Chanel and Lani then hug Paulina together.

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Days Update Wednesday, February 28, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Alex and Kristen run in to each other in the park. Kristen asks what has him so hyper focused. Alex says it’s nothing but Kristen guesses it has to do with Theresa. Alex informs Kristen that Theresa moved out and moved back in with Brady which shocks Kristen.

Brady and Theresa have coffee at home. Theresa thanks Brady for letting her stay. Brady comments that Tate’s room is just sitting there empty anyway. Theresa says being in Tate’s room makes her feel close to him, especially after their nightmare visit. Brady says that he keeps telling himself that every teenage boy tells his parents that he hates them at some point. Theresa wonders if it was just a frustrated rant. Brady thinks he has reason to be frustrated and relates to when he was a teenager. Theresa’s phone goes off and complains that Alex won’t leave her alone, but then she gets a call from Tate which she excitedly answers.

EJ and Nicole wake up to the sound of coughing and jump up when they hear Holly’s voice calling out for her mom.

Theresa puts Tate on speaker so Brady can hear and says she hopes he’s calling to apologize but Tate says it’s not that. Brady asks if there’s a problem. Tate tells Theresa that he wanted to let her know that Justin called this morning to inform him that a spot opened up at halfway house in Salem which Theresa calls fantastic. Tate adds that Justin said he could transfer there since he’s done a good job and that he needed to let them know. Brady calls that great news. Theresa says they can’t wait to see him and asks when the transfer is happening. Tate then reveals that he doesn’t want to go.

EJ and Nicole rush to Holly’s room to find her awake. Nicole tells Holly that she’s there. EJ says they are so happy to talk to her. EJ then goes to call Sarah. Holly asks Nicole what time it is. Nicole informs her that it’s 7:30. Holly asks if the party ended.

Kristen questions Alex buying a huge rock which Theresa found, but he didn’t propose. Alex explains that he was thinking about it but he changed his mind. Kristen calls him evolution in reverse. Alex clarifies that he thought a lot about it and worried that it could possibly be the biggest mistake of his life, even though at times he does think he loves Theresa which Kristen laughs at. Alex tells her about going to a meeting for people whose loved ones are addicts and listened to people share stories. Alex adds that he also thought about Tate. Kristen asks if that’s too much of a problem for him to handle. Alex states that Theresa has a lot of things going on and a lot to work on. Alex feels Theresa needs to focus on herself and he doesn’t want to mess things up. Kristen argues that Theresa fell off the wagon one time and got right back on again so she thinks Alex is overreacting. Alex points out that at the meetings, they said recovering addicts should take at least six months after that happens before making big decisions. Kristen mocks him and thinks he just got cold feet. Kristen argues that Alex could have settled on a long engagement instead of pushing Theresa right in to Brady’s arms. Alex says Theresa decided to leave. Kristen complains that it’s because Alex broke Theresa’s heart and now she’s back with her Brady. Alex argues that Brady hasn’t been Kristen’s in a long time and if she thought she had a chance at getting back with him, she’s delusional.

Chad joins Sarah in the town square. Chad comments on the Bakery always being busy and they talk about being happy for Johnny and Chanel. Chad hopes it goes better than the last time. Sarah assures that it will, noting that she believes in second chances. Chad asks if she’s a hopeless romantic. Sarah says she’s always hopeful. Chad mentions his kids raving about their playdate with Victoria and says they really need that right now, so he thanks her. Sarah is glad that Maggie is babysitting so much then and asks how he’s holding up. Chad admits it’s tough and he worries about the kids and Doug and Julie after losing their home and all that history. Chad says Maggie is a saint for taking them all in. Sarah says that’s what families do, so they are all here for him. Chad asks about Sarah, guessing the thing with Xander shook her up a bit. Chad asks if Xander said what happened. Sarah says he went for a run and that’s it, while everything after was a mistake and a frame job. Sarah assures that Xander did not shoot Harris. Sarah acknowledges that Xander has screwed up royally in the past and was on a dark path but he has righted himself and seen the light. Chad feels that light is Sarah. Sarah is pretty sure it’s their daughter, Victoria. Sarah says they just need to get Chad’s brother to see the light and get it through his skull that Xander is innocent. Sarah then gets a call from EJ, who excitedly tells her that Holly woke up. Sarah calls that fantastic and says she’s coming over right now as she hangs up. Chad asks what it is. Sarah says she can’t tell him because of doctor-patient confidentiality but she’s sure that EJ will be calling him as she rushes off.

Nicole tells Holly that the party ended a long time ago and now she’s home, safe and sound. Holly questions why Nicole is crying. Nicole responds that she’s just so happy to see her. Holly then asks about the Japanese healing bowl which Nicole explains was a gift from EJ. Nicole informs Holly that she was hurt and was in the hospital, but she’s home now and she’s much better. Holly asks if the party ended. EJ returns and tells them that Sarah is on her way. EJ tells Holly that it’s so good to see her eyes again. Nicole encourages Holly that everything is going to be okay. Nicole steps aside with EJ and tells him that Holly still thinks it’s New Year’s Eve and has no idea what happened.

Theresa tells Tate that they don’t understand. Brady asks why he wouldn’t want to be transferred to Salem. Theresa points out that he’d be so close by. Tate says that’s the reason, because he doesn’t want to be close by. Tate argues that they act like he should be grateful to be in here like he’s guilty when he’s not. Tate complains that they didn’t believe in him enough to fight for him. Brady insists that’s not true as they do believe in him and they are fighting for him. Tate tells them to get him out of here then. Brady says they are working on it. Theresa asks him to let them prove they believe in him. Tate says he’ll think about it and hangs up. Brady argues that Theresa shouldn’t have told Tate about his letter. Theresa questions him blaming her.

Chad talks to Leo on the phone and thanks him for coming in early, noting he’ll be there soon. Chad adds that he doesn’t think Everett will be coming in today. Chad tells him great work on his article on the Horton house. Chad tells him to keep him posted and then hangs up. Chad then sees Stephanie at the plaque for Tom and Alice. Chad starts to approach but stops when he hears Stephanie asking Alice for advice on what to do about Everett. Chad then greets Stephanie, who talks about how she wishes she knew Tom and Alice. Chad talks about hearing a lot of stories from Jennifer and from Julie the other day. Stephanie would’ve loved to have heard those stories and seen the kids’ reaction as she misses them. Chad says they miss her too and asks how she’s doing. Stephanie responds that she’s not so great as it’s been a confusing time. Chad informs her that he knows about Everett. Stephanie asks if he means Bobby. Chad tells her that he’s sorry. Stephanie says she is too as Chad hugs her.

Kristen tells Alex that she’s not delusional and if she wants Brady back, she can get him back and make it happen which Alex questions. Kristen says they have been in a brutal battle for custody, so her daughter is her priority. Kristen argues that she and Brady were good together once. Alex goes over the kidnappings and the guns. Kristen points out that Brady pulled the gun on her. Kristen admits that she and Brady bring out the worst in each other, but also the best. Alex asks if she means one day a year. Kristen decides she can’t talk to him and she’s going to Brady’s right now. Alex questions her just going with no reason. Kristen says she’ll come up with a reason and if Alex wants Theresa back, he will go there too. Kristen then tells Alex that this conversation never happened as she walks away.

Stephanie apologizes to Chad as she’s really struggling with all of this. Chad calls it mind-blowing. Chad says she can tell him it’s none of his business if she wants as he asks if she believes Everett. Stephanie responds that she doesn’t know what to believe. Chad mentions that they saw Jada the other day and it wasn’t pretty as there’s really bad blood between them. Stephanie talks about Everett saying that he doesn’t remember any of it but argues that Jada has dozens of photos with him and they were married while she and him were supposedly in love. Chad says he gave Everett a chance but admits that he always felt something was off with him. Stephanie wishes she had sensed that too and now for all she knows, he could be a pathological liar. Stephanie calls the whole thing a mess. Chad guess she came to Tom and Alice for advice. Stephanie calls it the only help that she can get. Chad says he’s on his way to the Horton house to take pictures for Julie and the insurance adjustors. Chad invites Stephanie to tag along to take her mind off things.

Brady tells Theresa that when Tate heard she knew about the letter he sent him, that’s what set him off. Theresa argues that Tate was already pissed at Brady which is why he sent that cold letter in the first place. Kristen shows up at the door and greets Brady, claiming she didn’t know Theresa would be there so she’s sorry for barging in which Theresa mocks. Kristen tells Theresa that she and Brady share a child and remarks on Brady and Theresa’s child being in rehab. Theresa decides that Kristen came to talk to Brady, not her, so she’s going to excuse herself to Tate’s room. Kristen tells Brady that she’s sorry for interrupting. Brady asks what she wants. Kristen says she came to bring him Rachel’s Valentine’s Day card which she put back together after Rachel tore it up. Kristen talks about Rachel just hating to see them fight and being dramatic. Brady says to tell Rachel thanks and that he appreciates the gesture. Kristen suggests Brady do it in person and that they can go together to show Rachel that they still work things out but Brady says they don’t and never do. Kristen suggests they could try harder. Brady says maybe. Kristen asks how Tate is but Brady doesn’t want to get in to that right now. Brady thanks her for the card and goes to get her out but when they open the door, Alex arrives. Everyone acts surprised to see one another while Brady sarcastically remarks that now it’s a party.

Sarah goes to the DiMera Mansion to see Holly and asks how she’s feeling. Holly asks why. Sarah knows it’s confusing but says she just wanted to check in on how she was doing. Sarah checks her eyes and says it’s perfect. Holly mentions being tired, so Sarah tells her to get some rest. Sarah steps aside with EJ and Nicole, telling them that Holly is responsive to simple commands which is great news but she would like to get her to the hospital for comprehensive tests. EJ assures that she will have whatever she needs. Sarah suggests starting with water and working her up to more, then she would like to schedule her for tests. Nicole asks if there’s anything else to know. Sarah says to just let Holly go at her own pace and she’ll update her chart. Nicole exits to go get her ice. EJ thanks Sarah for coming, knowing he isn’t her favorite person right now. Sarah clarifies that she’s here for Holly, not EJ which he says he understands. Sarah argues that EJ knows Xander is innocent and didn’t shoot Harris and that he should be out on bail until they can prove it. EJ says they will have to agree to disagree on that one because the facts are not on Xander’s side.

Theresa tells Alex that he shouldn’t be there. Alex complains that she won’t answer his calls or texts and they need to talk because she never gave him a chance to explain before taking off. Kristen tells Brady that maybe they should leave them alone and suggests they grab a coffee. Brady says no and tells Alex that Theresa doesn’t owe him an explanation. Brady says he and Theresa need Kristen and Alex to both kindly go.

Chad and Stephanie go to the burnt Horton House. Stephanie comments on not knowing it was this bad. Stephanie recalls being there on Christmas Eve and how it was such a special night. Chad remembers when Abigail brought him and he first got his Christmas ornament. Chad apologizes for being insensitive by bringing up Abigail but Stephanie says it’s not as Abigail was her cousin and she loved her very much. Stephanie adds that she and Chad are friends now. Chad tells her that the Christmas ornaments were saved in the basement without a scratch. Stephanie guesses they must have been thrilled which Chad confirms. Stephanie asks how Thomas and Charlotte are doing. Chad admits they are having a tough time. Stephanie says they’ve really had to grow up the past couple of years. Stephanie hopes they understand why she’s not around anymore. Chad assures that they do. Chad talks about he, Doug, and Julie taking turns to stay with the kids until they fall asleep ever since the fire. Stephanie calls the kids the sweetest. Chad decides they should get to taking pictures.

Nicole returns to Holly’s room and asks Sarah about EJ leaving. Sarah says it was a little awkward given the circumstances. Nicole tells Sarah that she’s so sorry. Sarah says it’s just hard to reconcile EJ, the loving stepfather with EJ the district attorney who refuses to consider that Xander might have been framed. Nicole encourages that the truth will come out. Sarah says it better because she knows from her soul that Xander is innocent. Sarah notes Holly waking up and suggests giving her ice chips when she’s ready. Nicole asks Sarah if this is going to keep happening where Holly wakes up and goes right back to sleep. Sarah repeats that it will be at her pace but the fact that she regained consciousness at all bodes extremely well for a full recovery. Nicole knows it will take a while but calls it a miracle that she opened her eyes. Sarah says she will probably need physical therapy from being in a coma for so long. Sarah knows that Holly will be surrounded by love and attention which will be helpful for her recovery. Nicole says it’s definitely a full house and it will only get nuttier when Tony and Anna come home from Europe. Nicole talks about DiMera and Kiriakis men often living in the gray area. Nicole tells Sarah that if she ever needs to talk about anything, she’s there. Sarah thanks her and says she may take her up on that.

Stephanie tells Chad that some rooms aren’t so bad, so she has no doubt that the house will rise from the ashes. Chad assures there is no way the family will let the Horton legacy die. Chad then gets a call from EJ. EJ says things have been rather busy but informs Chad that Holly is awake. Chad calls that incredible and tells Stephanie. EJ says that Holly is weak and confused but she’s awake and talking. Chad mentions being with Sarah when he called. Chad tells EJ to tell Nicole how happy he is for her. EJ asks how Chad and the kids are. Chad says they are hanging in. EJ says he’s been staying on top of the case and the police haven’t nailed anything down on the arsonist or the phone call but he will keep on them. Chad thanks him as they hang up. Stephanie tells Chad that is great about Holly. Chad says they really needed some good news. Stephanie asks what Chad meant about the phone call. Chad tells Stephanie about the distorted phone call he got while watching the house burn down that said “Maybe next time, you’ll listen. Chad figures it has to be because of the article and he has no doubt Clyde’s behind it, but believing it and proving it are very different things.

Alex asks Brady to stay out of this, arguing that Theresa has to talk to him sometime. Brady says she really doesn’t. Alex questions if he speaks for Theresa. Theresa tells Alex that she has a lot of important things on her mind which don’t include him so she needs him to go. Kristen claims to Brady that her coming over had nothing to do with this as she came to speak to him about Rachel. Brady tells her they are not going to speak about Rachel right now, so he needs her to go. Theresa tells everyone to quiet down as she gets a call back from Tate and asks if he decided.

Stephanie tells Chad that they have to believe they will connect the dots to prove that Clyde gave the order to set fire to the house. Chad surprises Stephanie by revealing that Tom and Alice’s chair survived the fire with no damage. Stephanie asks how. Chad says he doesn’t know as it was just in the middle of the blaze. Stephanie asks if he’s sat on it. Chad says no way as he didn’t want to get any stain on it. Stephanie jokes about being afraid to touch it but Chad convinces her to do it. Chad mentions that Julie said they plan on rebuilding everything around it and restoring the former glory for generations to come.

Tate asks Theresa if she’s still with Brady and allows her to put it on speaker which she does. Tate says he’s been thinking about transferring to Salem and he called Justin back. Tate says that Justin thought him not transferring was lame, so he’s going to make the move to Salem. Brady calls that great news. Theresa says it sounds like Tate put a lot of thought into it and it’s a wise decision. Theresa asks when it’s happening. Brady says they’ll be with him every step of the way. Tate says he’ll see them soon and hangs up. Theresa and Brady embrace, exclaiming that their son is coming back as Kristen and Alex watch on.

Nicole tells Sarah that she can’t thank her enough. Sarah says she’s glad to help her niece and that Maggie will be so excited. Nicole says they will set up a time for Maggie to come by. Sarah adds that she’ll set up an appointment for Holly and tells Nicole that she’s there 24/7 for whatever she needs. Nicole hugs her and thanks her, calling it one of the happiest days of her life. Sarah says she’s thrilled for Nicole and Holly as she then exits. EJ returns to the room and asks if everything is alright. Nicole says it couldn’t be better. Nicole feels she has so many people to call but she wants to savor the moment as her little girl came back and everything is right in the world.

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Days Update Tuesday, February 27, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Abe sits at Paulina’s side in her hospital room as she sleeps. Chanel enters the room. Abe says Paulina’s been sleeping since Chanel left. Chanel thanks Abe for staying while she went home to shower. Abe assures there’s nowhere else he’d rather be than at Paulina’s side. Abe is glad Chanel got a break. Chanel asks when he’s going to take one. Abe says he doesn’t know but he will at some point. Chanel sits with Paulina and holds her hand. Chanel talks about wisdom that Paulina and her grandmother gave her over the years about tough times and recalls them telling her that you can’t change the wind but you can change the direction of your sails to make your destination. Abe calls Paulina his hero which Chanel feels the same.

Johnny enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion where EJ greets him. Johnny says he can see that EJ is busy so he won’t bother him but EJ says he’s just tying up some loose ends. Nicole walks in and greets Johnny, who is surprised to see she is home as they hug. Johnny says it’s great to see her. Nicole comments that Johnny looks like he could use a good night’s sleep which he agrees with. Johnny asks how Holly is. Nicole responds that she’s upstairs in her room, so he can go see for himself.

Everett goes to the police station and finds Chad in the interrogation room, who says he got the call too. Everett asks how the kids are, guessing it must be rough. Chad says they are still trying to process everything and they have unique coping strategies. Everett asks how Chad is doing. Chad says he’s good and he’s just been dealing with insurance adjustors and contractors about repairs. Chad asks what this meeting is about. Everett says he was only told it was about Lucas Horton. Chad doesn’t know what point they have to talk to them about other than the Spectator article. Everett says he has no idea but asks if Chad has talked to Stephanie lately. Chad says no and asks why. Everett tells Chad that there is something he wants him to hear straight from him. Jada then enters. Chad asks Jada why they are here and if it’s about their Lucas Horton article. Jada reveals it’s about the attempted murder of Lucas Horton. Chad is shocked and asks if Lucas is okay. Jada confirms that he is and that the investigation is still gathering facts. Everett questions how the story didn’t leak. Jada asks if he thinks he’s the only one who can keep secrets. Chad calls that funny given the Salem police department’s history of leaks. Jada states that the shooting occurred the same night that Harris was shot which Chad points out was the same night as the Horton house fire. Jada explains that the gunman broke in to the Brady Pub and fired shots in to Harris’ room where Lucas was being kept, so the reason Chad and Everett are here is because only a select few knew of Lucas’s location, naming Harris, Roman, Kate, and the two of them which means one of them gave up Lucas’s location and they are determined to find out who that was.

Abe returns to Paulina’s room and tells Chanel that they had a very limited selection of books. Chanel notes that Kayla said Paulina might not wake up for awhile because of the medication. Chanel keeps thinking how they were so worried about the cancer. Chanel brings up how Paulina would always say she was going to give her a heart attack when she did something stupid, but bets that she won’t be making that joke anymore. Abe agrees that Paulina has gone through a lot, but her favorite expression is “God doesn’t give them anymore than they can handle.” Chanel agrees that Paulina can handle anything thrown her way. Chanel encourages that Paulina is going to make it through this. Kayla enters the room with her chart.

Johnny is surprised to learn that Holly is home. EJ informs him that the doctors in Italy were confident that Holly could handle the flight home and that the best situation for her would be to be back in her own bed and home under the supervision of her doctors in Salem. Johnny assumes that means she’s on the mend. Nicole confirms she’s breathing on her own so that’s a good sign. Nicole is thankful that EJ had a good experience with the doctors in Italy who were able to bring Holly to this stage of recovery. Johnny asks what the next step is. Nicole says they just have to hope Holly opens her eyes. Johnny is glad they are both home. Nicole says she’s ecstatic and notes that EJ has been filling her in on everything, so she asks how Paulina’s thyroid surgery went. Johnny responds that it was successful and they got the cancer out, but she did have a heart attack after the operation. Johnny explains that they treated her in the hospital and she’s now in stable condition. EJ tells Johnny not to hesitate to ask if they need anything. Johnny adds that he does have some other news that happened at the hospital earlier today. EJ asks if they should get a drink ready for this other news. Johnny suggests champagne as he announces that he and Chanel are husband and wife. EJ is shocked, questioning when and where this happened. Johnny says it was at the hospital since they knew how important it was to Paulina, so they had the ceremony at her bedside. Nicole is sure Paulina was thrilled and asks how she’s doing. Johnny responds that she’s just resting and waiting to see what the next steps are in her recovery. Nicole says they will be praying for her. Nicole hugs Johnny and tells him she’s so happy for he and Chanel. EJ admits he is too but jokes they are a little hurt about not being invited to the wedding. Johnny says they knew too much excitement wouldn’t be good for Paulina so they just kept it to her and Abe. EJ says he understands and he knows in the past he wasn’t as supportive of his relationship with Chanel, but he sees how much she means to him and that they compliment each other, so they have his blessing. Johnny thanks him and says that means a lot. EJ asks if Chanel and Johnny want to move in to one of the wings of the DiMera Mansion while Nicole asks if they are going to travel the world. Johnny says no to traveling the world as Chanel is still running the Bakery and admits they haven’t even talked about their living arrangement since they have been so preoccupied with Paulina’s health. Nicole understands that they have a lot going on. EJ says to just say the word and they will have a space to prepare for them. Johnny thanks him but thinks they will want a place of their own. EJ congratulates Johnny again as they hug. Johnny asks if he can go see Holly now. Nicole is sure that she would love a visitor so Johnny heads upstairs.

Chad tells Jada that there is no way either he or Everett would compromise Lucas, pointing out that Lucas was Abigail’s uncle and asks why he would put his own family in danger. Jada remarks that some people don’t think of family the same way while looking at Everett. Everett tells Jada that it doesn’t make any sense for them to betray Lucas, especially when he provided them useful information. Chad questions what purpose it would serve. Jada says she doesn’t know and that’s why they are having this conversation. Jada asks how he contacted Lucas to begin with. They explain that Lucas contacted them first, specifically Chad. Jada asks who was there when they took the call. Chad says it was only he and Everett at the office. Jada asks who Chad told about the call. Chad assures that it was only Everett. Everett adds that he only found out who they were going to meet when he got to the Pub. Chad assures that they were the only two people who knew about Lucas’s location. Jada asks if anyone else was in the office or if someone could have overheard him. Everett insists that everybody had gone home for the night. Jada refers to him as Mr. Stein, but Everett corrects her that it’s Lynch. Jada responds that his word doesn’t mean much to her. Chad doesn’t understand why Jada is being so hostile and repeats that the office was empty except for he and Everett. Chad adds that they left, no one followed them or knew where they were going because they didn’t tell anyone. Everett insists that they would never compromise a source as that just wouldn’t happen. Jada points out that right after they left Lucas, they paid Clyde Weston a visit in prison and asks them to explain.

Abe thanks Kayla for everything she’s doing and done. Kayla says no thanks necessary as it’s her job and she cares about them all so much. Kayla asks how they are doing. Abe mentions downloading the Mindfulness app that she mentioned. Kayla hopes it helps and asks how Chanel is doing. Chanel is grateful that Paulina has so many amazing people in her life. Kayla calls Chanel a devoted daughter. Abe asks how Paulina is doing. Kayla says her stats are looking normal so Chanel asks if that means she will make a full recovery. Kayla responds that there is something that she would like to talk to them about as there is some good news and some not so good news. Abe suggests starting with the good news. Kayla says as they both know, the thyroid surgery was a success and based on all follow-ups, Paulina’s recovery from surgery is progressing as they hoped. Chanel guesses the surgery was not the cause of the heart attack then which Kayla confirms. Kayla says they are so lucky that Paulina was already in the hospital so they could put the stent in place, but even so, there is damage done after a heart attack and could form scar tissue. Chanel asks if that’s the bad news. Kayla says the scar tissue doesn’t pump blood as efficiently so Paulina has a long road to recovery and he will set her up with cardiac rehab but that may not be enough. Chanel asks what she means. Kayla says they’ll wait and see how rehab goes but reveals that given the damage and scar tissue, she may need a heart transplant which shocks Chanel and Abe. Paulina then wakes up and asks what is going on here.

Johnny enters Holly’s bedroom as she remains in a coma. Johnny sits at her side and tells her that they missed her and it hasn’t been the same without her. Johnny talks about needing to continue their fencing lessons. Johnny cries that he misses her so much and admits things are a little hectic right now, but promises he will be back to visit her real soon.

Jada tells Everett and Chad to go ahead. Everett confirms that they did go see Clyde Weston but not because they are co-conspirators in a murder plot but because they wanted to talk to him since they were doing an article and they are journalists. Jada says that article was the one that was going to implicate Clyde as the ringleader of the Salem drug trade which she mocks. Chad states that all they wanted to do was write a comprehensive article with viewpoints and they went to confirm facts. Chad questions if Jada really thinks he’d have the slightest desire to be in the same room as the man who murdered his wife. Chad declares that all he wants for Clyde is pain and sorrow. Jada understands that Chad’s history with Clyde is very tragic, so she’s sorry that she had to ask. Chad understands she’s just doing her job. Jada then asks what Everett’s connection is to Clyde and remarks that it’s hard to tell who Everett has a connection to these days. Everett tells her that he doesn’t have a connection to Clyde and he’s grateful for that since Clyde is a homicidal maniac. Jada argues that they spoke with Clyde and visited him, then afterwards, Lucas Horton’s safehouse was compromised. Everett insists it was not by them. Jada repeats that his word means nothing to her, so she’s going to sit here until one of them tells her something that she can actually believe.

Johnny remains at Holly’s side as Nicole and EJ enter the room. Johnny hopes Holly heard everything he told her about how much they miss her. Nicole is sure she did and says she’s read it can help with recovery. Johnny can’t help but think if he talked to her more before this happened or listened better. Nicole stops him and says what he did or didn’t do did not cause any of this. EJ insists that the only one to blame is Tate. Nicole asks for no negative talk for Holly’s sake and suggests just talking about how much they love Holly and need her to come back to them.

Paulina says she’s barely awake. Kayla asks how she’s feeling. Paulina feels like she was hit by a freight train which Kayla says is to be expected. Paulina says that’s enough about her and asks how Chanel is doing and how married life is treating her. Chanel says she’s good. Paulina questions her honeymoon being at the hospital. Chanel assures they just want to be close to her. Kayla decides she will give Paulina and Abe some alone time so she exits with Chanel. Abe tells Paulina that she gave them quite a scare and she can’t leave them now since they just got back together again. Paulina insists that nobody is leaving anybody and that she loves him to the moon and back, so she doesn’t plan on leaving for a very long time.

Jada asks Chad and Everett to stay while she makes a couple of phone calls and exits the room. Chad tells Everett that he had no idea someone came after Lucas. Everett says it was on the same night all sorts of other hell was breaking loose and calls it a little suspicious. Chad questions why Jada is coming after them and particularly at Everett so hard, calling him the wrong name and giving him dirty looks like she’s relishing in the idea of taking him down. Everett tells Chad that there is something he needs to tell him.

EJ, Nicole, and Johnny return to the living room. EJ asks Johnny how it feels to be a married man again. Johnny says it feels terrific as Chanel is a catch and he’s a lucky guy. Johnny decides he should get changed and get back to the hospital but says it was great to see them and Holly. EJ tells Johnny to let them know if he needs anything. Nicole adds that they will be praying for Paulina. Johnny thanks them, knowing they have a full plate as well. EJ assures Johnny that he’s here for him no matter what as they hug.

Abe asks Paulina what she needs. Paulina tells Abe to listen to her as she needs to say a couple things to him before she closes her eyes again. Paulina asks Abe to promise to take care of her girls no matter what happens. Abe assures that he will and promises. Abe tells Paulina to listen to him and insists that she’s going to be there for her girls and for their children as well along with him.

Chad questions Everett telling him that his name is not actually Everett Lynch. Everett tells him that he apparently has gone by another name in the past but it doesn’t make any sense. Everett admits there are things that he doesn’t remember from before the accident. Chad argues that he remembered Stephanie enough to track her down to Salem and wormed his way back in to her life. Everett insists that he remembered how much he loved her. Chad says his mind is spinning and questions Everett remembering Stephanie, but not his wife. Everett shouts that he was never married or at least he doesn’t recall ever having been married. Everett says that Jada and Bobby got divorced. Chad realizes why she kept calling him Mr. Stein. Everett says Jada is obviously very angry. Chad says he wonders why and shouts that Everett has been lying ever since he came to Salem. Chad keeps calling him Bobby, upsetting Everett. Chad asks how Stephanie is reacting to this, going over how he tracked her down just to break her heart again. Everett states that they are dealing with this on their own and repeats that he loves her. Chad argues that they don’t even know who he really is. Chad complains that Everett never respected his relationship with Stephanie and snaked his way right in, knowing they were together and ruining it for them. Everett tells Chad that he did that all on his own which Chad questions. Everett tells Chad not to blame him because he said he wasn’t ready for a commitment since he was still grieving his late wife. Chad tells him to shut up and yells that he needed time, but she made her decision. Chad shouts that Stephanie didn’t need her psycho ex coming back to make her think he was ready when he was a fraud all along. Jada comes back in and questions what is going on here. Chad informs her that he and her friend Bobby were just having a talk. Jada guesses it turned in to story time while she was gone. Chad tells Jada that he’s sorry for whatever he put her through. Jada says she’s glad he knows the truth about his colleague. Chad tells Everett that he makes him sick and asks if they are done here. Jada says for now, they are, but advises them not to leave town. Chad responds that Salem is his home so he’s not going anywhere as he then exits the room.

Kayla asks Chanel how she’s doing. Chanel says as well as could be expected but it’s hard not to worry. Kayla encourages that Paulina will pull through this and she raised a very strong daughter. Kayla then walk away as Johnny arrives. Johnny sees Chanel in tears. Chanel says she’s so glad he’s here. Johnny asks what’s going on. Chanel explains that Paulina isn’t doing well as the heart attack caused damage and now she might need a heart transplant. Chanel hugs Johnny, crying that she can’t lose her. Johnny encourages that she won’t lose her. Johnny declares that whatever Paulina has to go through, she has their support and Abe’s. Johnny mentions just seeing recently on the news about successful heart transplants and that people can live for years after one. Chanel gets a call from Eli and questions what to say or how to tell him.

Everett tells Jada that all he can say to her is he’s sorry that he doesn’t remember them being together. Jada responds that his apologies mean nothing to her so he can stop. Jada just wishes that she would stop going back and remembering when they first met and it was fun and romantic. Jada says she met him at the farmer’s market as he came up to her and asked if he should wash grape tomatoes before eating them. Everett jokes that it’s not the worst line in the world. Everett tells Jada that he’s genuinely trying to make things right as he’s seeing a therapist and doing adaptive memory recovery. Everett insists that he wants to remember and he’s trying. Jada declares that all she wants to do is forget that she ever met him, so she hopes one of them get what they want. Jada reminds Everett that she was serious about him not leaving town as she exits the room.

Paulina asks Abe what she would do without him. Abe says she’ll never have to find out. Chanel returns to the room with Johnny to ask how Paulina is doing. Paulina says she’s better now that they are here. Chanel announces that they have some good news. Paulina asks if they planned their honeymoon. Chanel says it’s not that yet, but reveals that Eli just called to announce that Lani has been released from prison and they are returning to Salem tomorrow! Paulina and Abe are thrilled by the news as Paulina exclaims that Lani is coming home.

EJ and Nicole return to Holly’s room. Nicole talks to Holly about being home and knowing she’s on her way back to them. Nicole can’t wait to see her eyes and her smile. Nicole says she’s so lucky to be her mom as she makes her a better person. EJ encourages that Holly made such progress as she has fighting spirit just like Nicole. EJ knows that soon she will be awake and they will be thrilled to have her back. Nicole says goodnight to Holly as she and EJ then exit the room. Holly then begins to move her finger.

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Days Update Monday, February 26, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie brings Everett to the hospital where Kayla checks him out. Kayla mentions they should get the CT results soon and asks Everett about a headache or dizziness but Everett assures that he feels fine now. Kayla gets paged on an emergency and tells Everett to sit tight as someone else will come in to relieve her. Stephanie thanks Kayla. Kayla says she’s just glad that Everett is feeling better as she exits. Stephanie tells Everett that he scared her. Everett responds that he scared himself and he wishes he knew what was going on with him. Stephanie is sure that Kayla will figure out whatever it is.

Tripp and Wendy remain locked up, wondering how long they have been there. Tripp guesses it’s been a day or two. Wendy feels like it’s been a lot longer and worries that the walls are closing in as she starts to panic.

Rafe stands next to Harris in his hospital bed and asks him to open his eyes for him which he then does, so Rafe welcomes him back.

The nurse comes out from Harris’s room and informs Ava that Harris is responsive and definitely waking up. Ava is thrilled and hugs Stefan, who looks worried. Ava tells Stefan that she finally talked Rafe in to letting her go in and talk to Harris. Ava says when she was in there, Harris opened her eyes and then they kicked her out. Ava realizes that Harris may have a great idea of where to find Tripp and declares that Harris waking up could be the answer to all of their prayers, but Stefan says no.

Tripp tries to keep Wendy calm and assures that she will be okay, encouraging that it will all be over soon as he hugs her.

Marlena enters the hospital room to see Stephanie and Everett. Stephanie introduces Everett to Marlena. Marlena explains that Kayla asked her to take over Everett’s case while she continues to confer with her. Marlena says that his cat scan revealed evidence of traumatic brain injury. Marlena would like to hear what’s been happening with Everett to have some idea on how to treat him.

Ava questions Stefan saying it’s not good that Harris is waking up and asks what the hell. Stefan thinks back to shooting Harris. Stefan then tells Ava that he was thinking about how Clyde is going to react to finding out that Harris is awake. Ava questions why they should worry about that.

Kayla joins Rafe in Harris’s room. Kayla asks Rafe if he was there when Harris opened his eyes. Rafe confirms he was and he looked at him for awhile but he didn’t say anything. Kayla asks Harris to open his eyes for her which he does. Kayla asks Harris if he knows who she is and he correctly identifies her. Kayla declares that Harris is back. Harris asks where he is and what’s going on. Kayla informs him that he’s in the hospital and safe in good hands. Harris asks what happened. Kayla questions him not remembering and reveals that he was shot, so he’s been in a coma for quite some time, giving them all quite a scare.

Ava questions what is taking so long. Stefan suggests Kayla has hundreds of test to run. Ava feels someone should come out and update them. Stefan says they have protocols. Stefan then says he has to go and tells Ava to text him about what happens. Ava asks if he’s kidding and tells him not to leave. Rafe comes out and agrees, suggesting nobody go anywhere.

Tripp asks Wendy how she feels. Wendy says she’s mostly tired but definitely better and asks what happened to her. Tripp thinks she had a panic attack. Wendy can’t remember ever dealing with anything like this before. Wendy thanks him for talking her down. Tripp assures that he’s not going anywhere as he wants to be where ever she is.

Everett explains to Marlena that he, Stephanie, and Rafe were at the Brady Pub, waiting for Jada. Stephanie adds that she suggested a double date so that Jada could meet Everett. Everett notes that Jada was later and when she came in and saw him, she totally lost it and was very angry or enraged as she thought he was her ex-husband and accused him of lying. Everett says Jada went on about how he cheated on her and nothing he said could convince her that he wasn’t her ex. Stephanie explains that she and Jada grew up together as their parents were friends but they just recently started getting close and Jada had told her about being terribly hurt by her ex as she found out that he cheated on her, they had a really big fight, and he disappeared after being served divorce papers. Marlena questions how Everett reacted when Jada became so angry. Everett states that she was very confrontational so he was totally thrown and upset, but he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Everett says that Jada then showed up at his door with a fingerprint scanner. Marlena asks if it confirmed he was Robert Stein. Everett doesn’t know how that could be possible and he feels like he’s losing his mind or maybe he already has. Everett swears that his name is Everett Lynch and he doesn’t even know who Robert Stein is. Marlena brings up Stephanie saying they were in a relationship several years ago and asks why that ended. Stephanie says that Everett left one day to go to work and didn’t come back. She thought he disappeared on her and ghosted her, but it turns out that he was in a very serious accident which left him in a coma. Stephanie says she didn’t know that until a few months ago when he came to Salem and found her. Marlena questions Everett having no memory of being Bobby Stein. Everett confirms he does not and doesn’t recall ever being married or ever seeing or meeting Jada. Stephanie asks Marlena how it’s possible that Everett remembers some things but not others, saying he remembers her and their life but not his ex-wife. Marlena notes it is possible in some cases. Marlena brings up possible amnesia with PTSD from the accident. Stephanie asks if it really is possible that after the accident, Everett’s brain turned off the memories of being Robert Stein. Marlena confirms that is possible. Everett states that he thought he was getting his life back together with the woman he loves and that the nightmare of that accident was all behind him so he could finally start living the life he always wanted to live. Everett asks if it’s possible that he’s not who he thought he was and that he’s someone who cheated on his wife and lied to her. Everett questions if it could be true that he’s Bobby Stein.

Tripp tells Wendy they could swap stories from the past, pointing out that she hasn’t shared much from her childhood. Wendy feels there isn’t much to tell. She talks about being born in Hong Kong before moving to India for her father’s business. Tripp asks what that was like. Wendy talks about it being a tough adjustment. Wendy recalls meeting a guy named Samir who became her best friend when she was 9 years old. Wendy tells Tripp that now it’s his turn to tell her more about his childhood. Tripp suggests saving that for another time because it’s mostly kind of sad and he thinks they should stick to lighthearted stuff. Wendy then suggests he tell her a funny story from med school. Tripp recalls stories about some of his patients. Wendy tells Tripp that she loves him so much.

Ava asks Rafe what is going on with Harris. Rafe says he opened his eyes and Kayla is in with him now. Stefan says he’s sorry but he really has to get back to work. Ava stops him and says she texted Elliot and everything is fine at the Bistro. Rafe thinks it’s a good idea that they both stick around in case Harris has anything to say. Kayla comes out, so Ava asks how Harris is. Kayla responds that he’s awake, talking, and his vitals are good which excites Ava. Rafe asks if he can see Harris. Kayla tells him to keep it short. Rafe thanks her and heads back in to the room to see Harris. Rafe tells Harris that it’s good to have him back. Harris thanks him and says it’s good to be back. Harris asks if they got Clyde. Rafe wishes he could say that but insists they are close. The nurse tells Harris to push the call button if he needs anything as she exits. Harris asks Rafe to fill him in on what happened but Rafe notes that he promised Kayla that he wouldn’t wear him out. Harris insists, so Rafe agrees to give him the short version.

Ava and Stefan watch through the window of Harris’s room. Ava thanks God for Harris coming back to them.

Tripp tells Wendy that it’s her turn again to tell stories. Wendy responds that she can’t really think of any right now and apologizes. Tripp says it’s okay. Wendy says she’s trying so hard to be tough about this and brave, but she’s not really succeeding at the moment. Wendy admits that she’s scared and asks if Tripp is. Tripp responds that he’s not scared, but angry and outraged. Tripp knows that they are going to be okay, rescued, and found soon. Tripp adds that he’s grateful that he’s at least with the person he loves most in the world. Wendy responds that she’s grateful for that too. Wendy says even if Tripp is scared, he’s at least acting brave and tough for her which impresses her. Wendy asks if he has any tips. Tripp tells her that smiling is a good start.

Marlena tells Everett that at this point they are just gathering information so they won’t get ahead of themselves. Stephanie asks what the next step is. Marlena wants to get a release from him signed to get his medical records from Seattle. Stephanie questions if she will request records from Everett Lynch or Robert Stein. Marlena says both if that’s okay as she then exits. Everett tells Stephanie that he doesn’t know what’s going on here, but he swears that Robert Stein is a stranger to him. Stephanie doesn’t know what to believe right now. Everett tells Stephanie that he loves her and would never hurt her. Stephanie calls it a lot for both of them to process, so she thinks it’s just best to wait and see what the doctors say. Everett asks what if something is terribly wrong or he has a brain tumor. Stephanie points out that the CAT scan would have found that. Everett apologizes but says he doesn’t know if he can be alone right now. Stephanie assures that he won’t be as she promises to be there for him.

Stefan asks Ava what she thinks Harris is saying to Rafe. Ava says it looks like Rafe is doing most of the talking.

Harris tells Rafe that he needs to know what happened with Clyde. Rafe says he will fill him in on all of that, but first they need to talk about what happened to Harris. Harris brings up that Kayla said he was shot and assumes Rafe knows something about that. Rafe informs him that it happened at the Bistro loading dock. Harris notes that Kayla didn’t mention that. Rafe adds that Harris was apparently there to meet someone and they need to find out who that was. Rafe questions if Harris doesn’t know who shot him.

Marlena returns to the hospital room so Everett signs the releases. Marlena thanks him and says now she can begin to familiarize herself with his case. Marlena asks if Everett has old friends or family members who might be able to fill in blanks for them. Everett brings up his old editor and reporter buddy that he hung out with in Seattle. Marlena suggests talking with them might trigger a memory and tells him to call her office if that happens. Marlena asks him to stop by for a follow up appointment as she thinks they should start sessions as soon as possible. Everett realizes she is a psychiatrist. Marlena adds that she will contact a neurologist to get as much information as they can to give him the best diagnosis. Everett says he understands. Everett asks if Marlena thinks it’s possible that he will remember parts of his life that his brain seems to have completely deleted. Marlena says she can’t guarantee that but it’s what they are all hoping for.

Tripp talks to Wendy about how smiling helps with stress. They talk about how people are probably looking for them by now since they didn’t show up for work. Tripp guesses Ava is probably going crazy and having Steve work his ass off to find them. Wendy wonders how people would know to look here for them. Tripp admits he doesn’t know. Wendy feels the only way out is if they find a way out themselves. Tripp says they’ve already tried the obvious ways so they will have to think outside the box. Wendy encourages that they can do it and decides they need a brilliant strategy.

Harris sees Ava watching through the window with Stefan. Rafe comments that she’s been hanging around ever since this happened and he finally let her in to see him right before he opened his eyes. Harris asks about Stefan. Rafe confirms he’s been hanging around to and he told them both to stay at least until he got a statement from Harris.

Ava tells Stefan that Rafe must be questioning Harris about when he got shot. Stefan repeats to Ava that he really needs to get going. Ava questions his rush to leave. Stefan responds that he has a lot going on and standing around the hospital doing nothing is driving him crazy. Ava says she’s noticed he’s had one foot out the door since he got there, even though Rafe told them to stay put. Ava questions why and urges Stefan to talk to her about what has him so restless. Stefan responds that it’s Clyde.

At the hospital, Kayla informs Marlena that Harris is out of his coma so they are hopeful for a full recovery which Marlena is thrilled to hear. Kayla thanks Marlena for jumping in on Everett’s case and asks what she thinks. Marlena says she’ll need a lot more information to make a reasonable diagnosis. Kayla brings up the CT scan and says she sees no explanation for the memory loss. Marlena admits she doesn’t either. Kayla asks if there’s a chance that Everett doesn’t have amnesia and could be faking it.

Everett comments on Stephanie being awfully quiet. She says she’s just taking it all in as that’s all they can do right now until they find out the truth about who he really is and what happened to him. Stephanie states that Jada deserves answers too. Everett gets a call and says he’ll be there as soon as he can. Everett hangs up and informs Stephanie that the police want him to come down to the station right away.

Officer Goldman returns to Wendy and Tripp with her gun raised. Tripp asks if she’s going to let them out. Goldman tells him to shut up as she’s calling the shots. She orders Tripp to record a message for Ava. Tripp asks if he doesn’t. She says then he will have no use to her. Tripp agrees to do whatever, so she gives him a tablet set to record and instructs him to read what is on the paper.

Harris watches through the window as Rafe exits his room and Ava asks how Harris is and what’s going on. Rafe says he’s sore and in pain, so he didn’t want to tire him out but he did ask about the shooting and reveals that Harris has no idea who shot him. Rafe mentions telling him that evidence points to Xander but Harris couldn’t confirm it, so in short, he has no idea who tried to kill him. Ava looks back through the window and waves at Harris.

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Days Update Friday, February 23, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

In the interrogation room, Justin asks how Xander is holding up. Xander says about as well as could be expected and he’s glad they let him out of his cell to talk to them. Xander asks how everyone is holding up after the fire. Sarah informs him that Doug, Julie, Chad and the kids all moved in to the Kiriakis Mansion and went back to the Horton house to assess the damage. Xander is thankful no one was hurt. Justin wishes they could get him out but after finding the gun at his apartment. Sarah apologizes for not staying while the police searched the apartment but Victoria was crying and she took her to the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander says there’s nothing Sarah could’ve done as someone would’ve planted the gun whether she was there or not. Xander insists that he’s being set up and asks Justin if he believes him. Justin assures that he believes him and will prove it. Justin hopes that Harris will explain everything when he wakes up. Sarah notes that’s if he wakes up and it will be awhile. Xander worries that time is not on their side and that whoever planted the gun is planning their next move as they speak. Rafe enters the room. Xander tells him that he’s being framed and argues that he barely knows Harris Michaels and has no connection to him. Rafe responds that he is sure that Xander does have a connection to the $50,000 that was placed in his account today from an untraceable offshore account.

Clyde paces outside in the prison yard and pulls out his phone to call Stefan, who asks what now. Clyde thinks Stefan knows what and tells him to come pay him a visit to clarify. Stefan doesn’t think that’s a good idea since last time he was there, he got in trouble with the cops. Clyde informs Stefan that it’s not a request, but an order as he hangs up.

Ava watches Harris through the window of his hospital room. Ava thinks back to finding Harris on the docks after he was shot. The cop comes over and tells Ava no loitering and it’s family only. Ava argues that she’s the closest thing to family that Harris has got. The cop then warns her to leave before he has her removed from the premises.

Steve and John talk on the phone about not being able to find anyone who saw Tripp and Wendy. Steve says he’s checked every lead he can think of for clues. John says he has a list of everyone who signed up for the geocaching event so he will be busy checking in with them and it will be awhile until he’s back at the office. John tells Steve to hang in there as they are going to find Tripp and Wendy. Steve thanks him and says to keep him posted as they hang up. Konstantin then shows up at the Black Patch office and asks Steve if this is a bad time. Steve asks what he wants. Konstantin comments on Steve seeming to be in a foul mood and assumes it’s because his son is missing. Steve asks how he knew that. Konstantin explains he overheard nurses talking at the hospital about Tripp not showing up for his shift. Steve questions what that has to do with him and what he wants. Konstantin says he just wanted to give him his take on his missing son. Konstantin calls it karmic justice if something happened to Tripp because his daughter was killed by The Pawn while Steve just stood there watching, which makes him equally responsible for her death.

Ava pleads with the cop, explaining that she’s having a really bad day as her son Tripp has gone missing. Ava points out that Tripp was the one who helped Harris on the docks, so if it wasn’t for Tripp and for her finding Harris in the first place, he might not even be with them right now. Ava knows it would do Harris well to know that she was there. Ava asks the cop to bend the rules just a little bit, but he refuses. Ava decides to call Rafe and claims they are very close. Officer Godfrey informs Ava that it was actually Rafe who ordered him not to let Ava in to see Harris under any circumstances.

Xander argues that he has no idea why or how $50,000 was deposited in to his account. Justin calls it further proof that Xander is being framed. Xander adds that if he was doing something nefarious, he wouldn’t broadcast it to the world by having the money put in his personal checking account. Rafe asks about the text message that Xander received that asked “Is it done?”, adding that the gun used to shoot Harris was found in Xander’s apartment. Xander repeats that he doesn’t know how that got there while Justin says he already explained that and asks if there’s no other evidence, but Rafe reveals that he has an eye witness to the crime.

Steve tells Konstantin that he has no idea what he’s talking about. Konstantin argues that Steve was The Pawn’s handler and Victor sent them to Greece. Konstantin says they went one step too far and killed his daughter Catharina in cold blood. Steve doesn’t know what game he’s trying to play, but says he has it all wrong. Steve argues that he didn’t even know Konstantin had a daughter and asks what proof he has, questioning if he actually saw this Pawn kill his daughter.

Rafe informs Xander that they have a witness who saw him running near the Bistro on the night of the shooting and that it looked like he was in a hurry. Xander argues that everyone who is running looks like they are in a hurry, complaining that it was cold and he was trying to keep his heart rate up. Xander asks if Sarah believes him, which she asures that she does. Rafe warns that she might have second thoughts when she sees this as he presents a security photo of the shooter standing over Harris. Sarah says it can’t be. Xander insists that’s not him and that plenty of people wear similar running clothes. Justin argues that you can’t even see his face so there is no way to identify Xander as the shooter based on that photo.

Ava paces at the hospital until a nurse comes out of Harris’s room. Ava asks how he’s doing and if she can tell her if there’s any improvement in his condition. She says she can’t tell her unless he’s family. Ava responds that Harris doesn’t have any family so she is all he has and she knows if she was in there, it could help his recovery. Ava points out that they say coma patients respond to their loved ones’ voices. The nurse responds that she’s sorry as she really wishes she could help.

Stefan meets Clyde at the prison yard and questions why they are meeting out here instead of the visitor’s room. Clyde says he needed fresh air and assures that he won’t get shot unless he orders it. Stefan wants to make this brief and asks what the hell he wants from him. Clyde responds that he wanted to see him face to face to tell him how disappointed he is in him. Clyde reveals that Stefan had an order to shoot and kill yet somehow, Harris Michaels is still alive. Clyde believes that Stefan didn’t really want Harris to die. Clyde warns that if Stefan disobeyed an order, there will be consequences. Stefan argues that he did exactly what he was ordered to do. Clyde explains that Stefan dressed up as Xander and sent Harris the bogus text as Ava, which he calls child’s play and says anyone could’ve done that. Stefan flashes back, revealing that he was the one who shot Harris. Stefan complains that he shot Harris twice and didn’t know Ava would show up and call Tripp to save him. Clyde insists that next time, Stefan shoot Harris three times and kick him in to the river if he has to. Stefan argues that there won’t be a next time as he did exactly what he said to do and there’s no indication that Harris will wake up. Stefan declares that he did it for Gabi and asks if she is still okay. Clyde responds that Gabi is still breathing, for now.

Xander tells Rafe that the man in the picture is not him, so obviously someone dressed like him to commit the crime and planted the gun in his apartment, insisting that he’s being framed. Justin argues that when this much evidence falls in to place so easily, there has to be other forces at play. Rafe questions who would want to frame Xander and why. Xander wishes he knew but says no one comes to mind offhand, except maybe possibly one of the DiMeras since there is no love lost between DiMeras and the Kiriakis family. Xander adds that he recently received a distorted phone call, instructing him to eliminate someone, and he went to the DiMera Mansion to confront EJ because he thought he was behind it but EJ wasn’t there, so he talked to Stefan. Rafe questions Xander going to the DiMera Mansion instead of the police and asks what he was thinking. Xander admits he wasn’t thinking.

Konstantin tells Steve that he didn’t witness The Pawn shoot his daughter because he was unconscious during the attack, but when he woke up, he saw her on the floor, dead. Steve asks how he can be sure that The Pawn was the shooter then. Konstantin responds that the only people in the room when he was attacked were Steve and The Pawn, who he knows as John. Konstantin has no doubt that John was there that day, even though he did not see his face but says he will never forget his murdering eyes. Konstantin tells Steve that he can look in to his one eye and read him like a book, so he knows that Steve knows every word he has shared is true. Steve tells Konstantin that whatever happened to his daughter had nothing to do with him or John. Konstantin insists that he knows in his heart that John Black aka The Pawn killed his daughter in cold blood and that Steve was an accessory to that crime. Steve calls it a lie. Konstantin says he swore on Catharina’s soul that he would avenge her death and he will not rest until he makes good on that promise. John then enters the office and questions what the hell is going on here.

Justin decides he will give Sarah and Xander some time alone as he gets back to the office. Xander asks if Justin can get him out on bail now that Rafe agrees he’s being set up. Justin says that Rafe agreed to consider it and he won’t give up fighting for him, but he’s afraid that they may have a tough road ahead. Sarah thanks Justin as he exits. Sarah knows Justin doesn’t want to get Xander’s hopes up but says that every bit of evidence points to a set up and now Rafe believes that. Xander worries if Rafe could be just pretending to try to get him to say something incriminating. Sarah insists that Rafe wouldn’t do that. Xander says that whoever is out there trying to make him look like a murderer. Xander complains that he finally turned his life around with Sarah and Victoria and he was so proud of his work at the Spectator and that he’s gained Sarah’s trust. Sarah assures he hasn’t lost that which Xander says he’s very grateful for. Xander states that being implicated in this terrible crime is making him doubt himself all over again. Sarah asks why doubt himself if he knows he’s innocent. Xander feels trouble follows him everywhere he goes no matter how hard he tries to be a good person and stand up citizen as he always makes a bad choice or gets punished along the way which is what’s happening now. Xander wouldn’t blame Sarah if she wanted to get away from all of this. Xander tells Sarah that he loves her and that she and Victoria are everything to him, so he wants them to be happy and not burdened by his bad choices. Xander says if Sarah decides to take Victoria and start a new life without him, he will understand.

Rafe enters Harris’s hospital room and sends Officer Godfrey on break to relieve him from his duties for awhile. Rafe comments that Harris has been on the force for about four months and he’s already in here, fighting for his life. Rafe encourages that Harris is a tough SOB and brings up his past as a navy SEAL. Rafe says Harris doesn’t quit or give up because he’s a fighter. Rafe tells him no to go giving up on him now. Rafe urges Harris to get out of here and heal up, then they will find the bastard who did this to him and take him down. Rafe then looks over and sees Ava looking through the window. Rafe exits the room and tells Ava that she shouldn’t be there. Ava questions why he’s so hellbent on keeping her from seeing Harris. Rafe says it’s for her good and his. Ava agrees to try and accept that. Ava says she’s really sorry about this whole mess as if she hadn’t gotten involved with Clyde and his drug operation, none of this would have happened. Rafe tells Ava that it’s not her fault as he knows she and Harris were just trying to bring Clyde down. Ava points out that didn’t do a lot of good. Ava asks Rafe to please let her see Harris, worrying about if something happens and she doesn’t get to say goodbye. Ava jokes that she’ll go on social media and say mean things about Rafe. Rafe responds that he’s not on social media, but he does have a heart so he allows Ava to go in to see Harris. Ava thanks Rafe and heads in to the room.

Stefan pleads with Clyde not to hurt Gabi as she’s suffered enough. Clyde warns Stefan to follow his orders and then Gabi will be in perfect health. Stefan asks Clyde about Tripp missing and assumes he had something to do with that. Clyde responds that if he did, it was only for insurance. Clyde insists that Ava has gone soft, so if Tripp has gone missing, it’s all on her. Stefan asks if Ava knows what he needs from her. Clyde declares that if she doesn’t, she soon will.

John warns that Konstantin has a lot of nerve showing up here. Steve says that he was just about to leave. Konstantin asks if John is not curious about what they were discussing. John guesses he’s here to taunt them about how he was messing with his head in their last encounter. Konstantin says he was actually talking to Steve about his daughter, who he’s certain that John might remember. John responds that he’s never heard of Catharina and that he’s never laid eyes on him until he came to Salem, so he knows nothing about his daughter. Konstantin assures that John will remember everything about her in due time. Konstantin tells Steve that he hopes his son turns up, because he hates to imagine what Steve would do if someone hurt or killed his son. Konstantin assumes Steve would seek revenge. Steve warns him to never threaten his son and yells at him to get out as he exits.

Stefan tells Clyde that maybe Ava has softened but it’s because she cares about Harris, she’s human and has a heart. Stefan adds that Ava is also smart and savvy which is why she’s been loyal to Clyde down the line. Stefan insists that Ava has not blown him out of the water yet. Clyde orders Stefan to get back to Salem, keep an eye on Ava and make sure she keeps her mouth shut and stays loyal which Stefan agrees to do. Clyde adds that if somehow, Harris recovers and regains consciousness, Stefan better make sure he loses it again, permanently this time.

Ava sits next to Harris in his hospital room and tells him that she is there and she hopes he can hear her. Ava brings up when they first met and how Harris had her back and believed in her right from the get go, back when they were in Bayview. Ava states that Harris saved her so many times, mostly from herself and she repaid him by pushing him away when she didn’t want to. Ava calls herself her own worst enemy. Ava adds that Harris has loved her like no one ever has and she loves him for that and so many other reasons. Ava cries that she can’t lose him and kisses him. Harris then suddenly begins to wake up, shocking Ava.

John tells Steve that he doesn’t get it and questions Konstantin’s motive for showing up. Steve responds that he doesn’t know as he was just spinning some yarn about the past, trying to take their attention off of him conning Maggie. Steve says he doesn’t have another minute to waste on him because his son is missing. Steve asks if there are any leads. John talks about a girl at the Bakery seeing Tripp and Wendy during the geocaching event and that Eric and Sloan briefly saw them while coming home from dinner, but didn’t get to ask them where they were heading.

Konstantin sits in the town square and declares that he will get his revenge against Steve, but before he does, he must deal with John. Konstantin says he will take great pleasure in playing John like a fiddle until his strings are broken and then, John will finally pay the ultimate price for what he’s taken away from him.

Sarah tells Xander that there was a time when she would’ve believed if he was guilty, but the Xander that she knows and loves today wouldn’t risk his life with her and their daughter. Sarah insists that she trusts him and she is with him through this entire thing no matter what. Xander hugs her and says he’s so sorry for going on that run instead of staying home with her. Sarah points out that he did come back and they made up for lost time. Xander calls it one of the best nights of his life until it turned in to one of the worst. Sarah assures that they will find a way through this, together.

Stefan goes to the hospital and asks how Ava is holding up or if there’s any word on Tripp. Ava says no but there is some good news as Harris opened his eyes and Rafe is in there now.

Rafe tries to get through to Harris as he has lost consciousness again. Rafe urges Harris to squeeze his hand if he can hear him which he then does. Rafe exclaims that Harris is back and encourages him to open his eyes which he then does.

The nurse comes out from Harris’s room and informs Ava that Harris is responsive and definitely waking up. Ava is thrilled and hugs Stefan, who looks worried.

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Days Update Thursday, February 22, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Theresa and Brady visit Tate in his juvenile rehab facility. Theresa hugs him and tells him that she missed him so much and loved his letters.

Stephanie goes to the Brady Pub. She gets another voicemail and says to herself for them to stop calling her. Stephanie meets Steve, who asks how she is feeling. Stephanie feels like she was hit by a truck as she hardly slept and barely knows which way is up. Stephanie complains that two people are telling her two very different things and both sound very convincing, so she questions who to believe. Steve reveals that he did some research because he couldn’t sleep either and he worries about her. Steve assumes she wants to know what he found out.

Everett is in his room at the Salem Inn and leaves a voicemail for Stephanie, saying he doesn’t know what to say but swears he is not Bobby and has never heard of him before. Everett calls it the most absurd thing he’s ever heard in his life as he’s still the man that she fell in love with in Seattle and loves her right now. Everett asks her to please call him and hangs up, questioning what the hell is happening, why Jada thinks he’s Bobby, and why he can’t remember what happened right before the accident. Jada then shows up at his door and tells him that they have a lot to talk about.

Ava goes to the police station and tells Rafe that Tripp is missing and he never showed up for work at the hospital last night. Ava says she’s called his friends and no one has heard anything. Rafe asks about Wendy. Ava reveals that she’s missing too. Ava says she is sure that Clyde Weston has them and tells Rafe that she needs his help in finding them before something realy bad happens.

Tripp and Wendy lay together on the floor of an empty room in an undisclosed location. Wendy mentions falling asleep while Tripp angrily stayed awake all night. Wendy worries that they have to get out of here. Tripp says they will once they figure out how. Wendy assures that they will do that together.

Rafe makes a call about Wendy and then informs Ava that Wendy did not show up for work and her supervisor can’t find her either. Ava worries that she cannot lose her son and tells Rafe he has to do something. Rafe tells Ava to back up and tell him what this has to do with Clyde Weston.

Tripp tells Wendy that they have to try to figure out a plan of action. Wendy recalls they were having a great time at the geocaching event. They flash back to Officer Goldman approaching them, saying she had to get them to safety now. Wendy remarks that this is one hell of a safehouse.

Theresa asks Tate about his group therapy sessions. Tate complains about having to talk about their feelings in front of each other. Theresa brings up Tate’s letters to Brady. Tate gets upset and questions Brady showing his letters to Theresa. Theresa clarifies that he just told her about it. Tate argues that those were private and says he doesn’t like them talking about him. Brady apologizes for sharing some of what was in the letter with Theresa. Brady tells Tate he’s entitled to be upset if he wants to be, but he knows he hasn’t always been around and he can’t change the past but he’s here now.

Stephanie tells Steve that she needs to know what he found out. Steve informs Stephanie that he contacted an old colleague with the Seattle PD and part of what Everett told her checks out. Steve confirms that there was an accident that resulted in a John Doe being sent to the hospital at the same time that Everett stopped contacting her. Steve says he’s not able to access the medical records just yet but based on conversations with his sources, that John Doe was in the hospital for over a year and his release coincides with Everett’s resurgence, so to an extent, he appears to be telling her the truth. Steve then adds that there is bad news.

Everett tells Jada that his name is not Bobby. Jada walks in while Everett complains that he didn’t invite her in. Jada doesn’t know why he’s playing this sick game, but insists that his name is Bobby Stein. Jada presents him with their marriage certificate and a picture from their wedding day. Jada tells him to look how happy he looks and says he must have been faking it then. Everett complains that none of this looks familiar. Everett says he sees the picture but he doesn’t remember any of it. Jada remarks that maybe smacking him upside the head would jog his memory. Jada then tells him to prove it if he’s not Bobby Stein and demands his fingerprints.

Steve offers Stephanie some coffee but she tells him to quit stalling and cut to the chase. Steve presents Stephanie with Robert Stein’s driver’s license photo with a Seattle address. Stephanie argues that it can’t be unless he has a twin but Steve says he checked and there’s no record of a twin. Stephanie asks if Everett is Bobby then. Steve says he’s sorry but it looks like there’s more to him than meets the eye. Stephanie questions if he’s been lying or if he really can’t remember who he is. Steve says he doesn’t know since he was in an accident and could’ve suffered neurological trauma but he doesn’t have the medical records, so that’s just a guess. Stephanie adds that it’s also possible that he could be lying. Steve says the one thing he knows for sure based on the timeline is that Everett was dating Stephanie while married because Robert Stein legally married Jada in Washington. Stephanie notes that Everett said he was missing chunks of time after the accident and the doctors said maybe in time, his memories could come back. Steve points out that doesn’t change the fact that he was married while dating her, just that he doesn’t remember that fact. Stephanie decides she has to go process this. Stephanie thanks Steve for helping her. Steve hugs her and assures that he’s not going to stop looking in to this. Stephanie says she knows and then exits the Pub.

Tate mocks Brady being there for him and remarks that he’s in this halfway house where they should be. Tate complains that he’s not an addict and doesn’t belong here, feeling he’s being punished because of his parents and it’s guilt by association. Theresa reminds him that he’s here because he was found with Holly’s pills in his hand. Tate wishes Holly would just wake up so she could tell everyone that he did nothing wrong. Brady informs him that he’s been texting with Nicole and Holly is doing better and breathing on her own. Tate asks how long until she wakes up. Brady says he’s not sure but she could be home any day now.

Jada takes Everett’s fingerprints, confirming him to be Bobby Stein. Everett says that can’t be right but Jada says fingerprints don’t lie and he is exactly who he’s always been. Jada calls him a slimy, two-faced bastard. Everett responds that he doesn’t remember her. Jada says she sure as hell remembers him in spite of doing everything possible to forget him. Jada says she left her hellish life with him in the rear view and never looked back. Everett insists that he doesn’t remember any of this. Jada calls him a liar throughout their marriage and still a liar now. Jada argues that they have concrete proof of who he is and tells him to just be a man and own up to what he did for once.

Rafe brings Ava in to the interrogation room and says if she wants his help, she needs to level him with no more BS. Rafe asks Ava what Clyde Weston has to do with Tripp and Wendy going missing. Ava says maybe this was a mistake. Rafe warns Ava that if Clyde has taken them, then they are racing against the clock so she needs to tell him the truth. Ava gives in and tells Rafe about the day that she slapped Harris here, revealing that she and Harris made a deal that day which Rafe questions. Ava explains that Harris convinced her that the only way she could save herself and the people she loves was to work with him. Rafe asks if she means save herself from Clyde Weston which Ava confirms. Ava reminds Rafe of when she told him that Clyde tried to kill Tripp and that he told her if she didn’t work with him, he would go through with it. Rafe thought Ava said she talked him out of it and questions what the threat is then. Ava says Clyde is a scary guy so she had no guarantee that Tripp would be safe, so Harris convinced her to work with him to bring Clyde down. Rafe asks how she was going to do that. Ava says she would give intel and keep her ear to the ground. Rafe questions her working as an informant even though she wasn’t working with Clyde. Ava informs Rafe that it backfired because Harris got shot and her son is missing, so she knows Clyde has him.

Wendy doesn’t get why Officer Goldman brought her and Tripp here. They flash back to Officer Goldman bringing them to the “safehouse” and telling them it was a secure location that they would have eyes on at all times. They questioned who had to be safe from. Wendy decided she was going to call Rafe to check in but Officer Goldman pulled her gun on them and said they wouldn’t be calling anyone as she demanded they hand over their phones. Wendy thought Officer Goldman was one of the good guys. Tripp says he thought so too. They then hear noise from outside the door. Officer Goldman enters with her gun raised, warning them not to be stupid. Wendy asks why the hell she is doing this. Tripp says if it’s about money, his family wil pay her whatever she wants which she laughs off. She tossed them a bag and suggested they ration their supplies as she then exited.

Tate asks if Holly is okay and says this means that she can tell everyone that he had nothing to do with the drugs and actually told her not to take them, so he can come home. Theresa tells him not to get ahead of himself and that they will take it one step at a times. Brady and Theresa explain that they don’t know what Holly is going to say or if she even remembers. Tate insists that she will tell the truth. Brady warns that they have to prepare for the possibility that Holly may not want to tell the truth.

Everett argues that he would own up to everything if he could remember any of it and asks if that makes sense. Stephanie arrives and asks if she’s interrupting. Jada tells her to come in as she needs to see this. Jada shows Stephanie the wedding photo and reveals that she took Everett’s fingerprints, confirming that he is Robert Stein. Stephanie questions Everett being married when they start dating. Everett complains that he doesn’t remember being married or Jada. Stephanie tells Jada that she’s sorry as she didn’t know. Jada says now she knows and she’s said her piece, so she’s leaving. Jada reminds Stephanie that Everett claimed to love her while being married to her, so he’s nothing but a player, a liar, and a cheat. Jada says if she wasn’t Stephanie’s friend, she would say good luck, but because she is her friend, she warns her to get out while she can. Jada adds that she’s not going to stop digging until she gets the whole story on him and people are going to hear about it. Jada suggests maybe she’ll give it to a rival newspaper and storms out of the room.

Rafe asks Ava why she thinks Clyde has Tripp and Wendy. Ava says that’s how he operates, he holds things over people and hurts them in the most painful way possible. Rafe says he’s seen that but questions what he has over Ava. Ava says she was trying to do the right thing and Harris saw how bad the situation was, so she was going to help Harris bring down Clyde but the whole thing backfired. Rafe argues that he needs solid information if he’s going to bring Clyde down. Ava complains that Clyde is untouchable.

Steve finishes a call about Everett and says he knows he will come through for him. Steve says he’ll wait for their text and hangs up. Steve then gets a call from Ava, who says they have a problem and reveals that Tripp is missing. Ava explains that Tripp didn’t show up for his shift at the hospital and no one can reach him, so she’s at the police station and Steve needs to get there now. Steve says he’s on his way. Rafe goes to get the paperwork started and calls Officer Goldman in to the interrogation room, informing her that Ava needs to file a missing persons report on Trip and Wendy.

Tate questions why Holly wouldn’t want to tell the truth. Brady points out that would mean admitting the drugs were Holly’s and she might not want to get in that trouble. Theresa adds that they don’t know what Holly will remember. Brady brings up EJ spinning the narrative that it’s all Tate’s fault so he might convince Holly to stick to that. Tate insists that they are friends and Holly wouldn’t do that to him. Brady says Holly might not want to but she might be scared and do whatever to save herself. Theresa adds that Holly might wake up confused so they want Tate to be prepared. Tate shouts that this is crap because he didn’t do anything wrong and doesn’t know why he tries to do the right thing since he still gets accused and locked up for no reason. Tate complains that he wants out and doesn’t want to be here anymore.

Steve joins Ava at the interrogation room and they talk about Tripp and Wendy both missing. Steve asks when she last saw Tripp. Ava says it was yesterday. Steve mentions that Stephanie saw them at the geocaching fundraiser. Steve asks Ava why their son would be missing and what else she knows about this. Ava claims to know nothing. Steve brings up the last time Tripp went missing, Ava kept half the story from him and they don’t have time for this so he tells Ava to start talking now.

Wendy tells Tripp that she can’t believe Officer Goldman is a dirty cop and she didn’t see it. Tripp says she fooled a lot of smart people. Wendy concludes that Goldman is definitely working for Clyde. Tripp realizes this is why Ava felt she couldn’t go to the police and was hellbent on getting them out of Salem. Wendy asks why they would take them now. Tripp guesses it’s about leverage over Ava as Clyde knows she’ll do whatever to get them out. Wendy is sick of sitting around and wants to find a way out. Tripp points out a latch above and lifts Wendy to reach it.

Stephanie tells Everett that his real life with his wife Jada is all here. Stephanie asks if she should call him Bobby. Everett insists that she knows him. Stephanie responds that she clearly does not. Stephanie brings up the night that Everett rented them a cottage and he told her that he had never been in love before and she was the missing piece in his life. Stephanie recalls talking about moving in and wanting a family, but now none of it was real. Everett assures that every single moment he’s had with her is real. Stephanie complains that she was just his mistress and side piece, but he’s not the first man to hide his wife. Everett shouts that he’s not hiding anything as he doesn’t remember being married. Stephanie argues that it doesn’t make sense because his accident happened after all of that. Stephanie says if he developed amnesia, it came after them, so she asks if he’s a lying dirtbag or some kind of sociopath. Stephanie asks who the hell he is.

Brady and Theresa tell Tate that they know he shouldn’t be here but they don’t want him to get his hopes up when it comes to Holly and take things one step at a time. Theresa points out that at least Tate is in a safe place here to self reflect and get stronger while learning about addiction. Tate responds that he’s not a drug addict as he doesn’t do drugs and just because they ruined their lives with drugs does not mean they can pass that guilt trip onto him.

Wendy and Tripp have no luck with the latch. Wendy figures that they must have figured out they are missing by now. Tripp guesses Ava is freaking out by now but their phones are destroyed by now. Wendy asks what Tripp remembers about getting there. Tripp says they were put in a van with no windows. Wendy says Goldman played it so well. Tripp admits he bought that she was taking them to a secure location. They figure they drove for about half an hour. Tripp asks Wendy if she remembers anything from getting out of the van. Wendy recalls the parking lot, hearing a plane and smelling gas. They wonder if they are near the airport.

Ava tells Steve that Clyde Weston has been using the Bistro as a front for drug operations. Steve questions how she got mixed up in that mess. Ava responds that Clyde was blackmailing her by threatening to kill Tripp, so everything she’s been doing has been trying to keep him safe but it doesn’t matter since it all came to this. Ava knows that Clyde was behind shooting Harris, the fire at the Horton House, and he has now taken Tripp and Wendy. Ava tells Steve that he has to help and begs him to find their son.

Everett tells Stephanie that he’s not a sociopath or a cheater and he’s still the same man that envisioned spending his life with her. Everett shouts that he doesn’t know what the hell is happening. Stephanie remarks that reality is hitting him in the face. Everett calls it like a nightmare he can’t wake up from and he feels like everyone is coming for him. Everett then faints.

Steve tells Ava that she doesn’t have to beg him to save his own son and he doesn’t have time to play the blame game. Steve declares that he’s going to find Tripp and Wendy, bring them home, and then Ava will turn herself into the police and make a full confession about her involvement in this mess.

Jada goes to the police station and tells Rafe that she needs to talk to him. Rafe asks what’s going on. Jada informs Rafe that she ran Everett Lynch’s prints, confirming that he is Bobby Stein, her ex-husband. Rafe is shocked and says he’s so sorry. Jada can’t believe that lying son of a bitch winded up in Salem. Rafe asks if she’s okay. Jada responds that she’s mostly just angry as she thought she put all the crap with him behind her but as soon as she saw his face, all these feelings came rushing back. Rafe asks if she needs to go home but Jada insists on staying. Rafe says he wants to hear more about this later but he has stuff to catch her up on. Jada asks if it’s Harris. Rafe says no and reveals that Tripp and Wendy are missing.

Everett regains consciousness. Stephanie asks if he’s okay. Everett insists that he’s okay. Stephanie notes him looking pale and says she’s taking him to the hospital but Everett says he’s good.

Tripp tries to find a way out. Wendy wonders if they will be here for awhile. Tripp brings up Goldman telling them to ration the protein bars and water. They notice a vent upstairs and realize if the vents close, they’re dead. Tripp feels if they wanted them dead, they’d be dead already. Tripp says they aren’t going to stick around to find out. Wendy agrees to find a way to get the hell out of here.

Brady tells Tate that they don’t deserve that. Tate wants them both to leave. Theresa says no and they are going to talk this out but Tate says no. Tate tells them that they aren’t in charge here and he’s not required to allow visitors, so he tells them to get out now. Brady doesn’t want to end the visit this way. Theresa says they love him. Tate calls that their problem because he hates them both as he then exits the room, leaving Brady and Theresa in shock.

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Days Update Wednesday, February 21, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

In the spring of 1930 in Salem, Tom and Alice have a picnic in the park. They say I love you to each other and toast to their first year of marriage as they kiss.

Now, busted up photos of Tom and Alice, Doug and Julie, and Maggie lie in the remains of the burned down Horton house.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Maggie joins Doug and Julie in the living room and says she’s sorry to keep them waiting. Julie asks about Holly. Maggie says she’s still in a coma but it’s great that she’s back at home with her loved ones. Doug says that Nicole must be so relieved to be back. Maggie confirms she is and that they all know how important it is to be close to family. Maggie asks if they are sure about going to the Horton house this morning. Julie responds that the safety inspector gave them the green light and she knows it’s going to be hard, but they are ready.

Kate joins Roman at the Pub and thanks him for last night. Roman calls it a night to remember. John and Marlena arrive and greet them. Marlena hopes they aren’t too early. Roman says they were just about to head to the Horton house. John says they were as well while Marlena mentions bringing some of Alice’s donuts. Marlena says the fire was terrible but thankfully no one was hurt. Roman asks if they know yet what caused the fire. John says just that it was definitely arson.

Chad brings Thomas to the Spectator where they startle Leo. Leo asks what Chad’s doing there as he thought he was taking the day off. Chad explains that Thomas thinks he left his remote control car there. Thomas goes to the back to look for it. Chad hopes he’s right as it would be the only thing not destroyed in the fire. Leo comments that Thomas has suffered way too much loss for someone his age.

Maggie, Doug, and Julie returned to the burned down Horton House. Maggie says she has no words. Doug points out that they still have each other. They then hear a noise and wonder what it was.

Leo asks how Chad is holding up. Chad says he’s okay and doing his best to get the kids through it. Leo assures Chad that the kids are lucky to have him. Chad blames himself for the fire, saying it was because of the story they published outing Clyde Weston. Leo points out that was Everett’s article. Chad notes that he approved it. Leo reminds Chad that he said the Spectator was dedicated to the truth. Chad gets emotional, acknowledging that he put his family in danger so it was reckless and selfish. Leo feels Chad was just doing his job and had no way of knowing this was going to happen. Chad still feels like he let his family down again.

Roman calls it unbelievable for this to happen after saving the Horton house in 1986. Kate asks if he’s saying the Horton house almost burned down in 86. John confirms that, explaining that Orpheus planted a bomb in their house next door but they caught it. John and Marlena mention inviting Abe to join them today, thinking it might jog his memory but reveal that Paulina had a heart attack last night so Abe won’t leave her side. Roman asks if they should go to the hospital. John says that Abe said he would let them know if there’s anything they can do. Roman talks about his history with Abe. John recalls Alice telling him to give his kids enough room to make their own mistakes. Marlena comments that they learned so much from Tom and Alice. Roman recalls a memory with Alice.

A firefighter enters the Horton house so Julie asks if it’s okay for them to be in the house. He picks up Alice’s chair which Julie, Doug, and Maggie are amazed to see survived the fire without a scratch on it. Julie cries that it was Alice’s chair and very important to them. The firefighter responds that it was Tom’s chair but he left it to Alice. Julie questions how he knew that. He then removes his helmet, revealing himself to be Lucas which shocks Julie, Doug, and Maggie. Maggie questions how he got out of prison. Lucas tells them that he will never forget how they welcomed him with open arms when finding out he was a Horton, especially his grandparents. Lucas flashes back to Alice first asking him to call her Grandma. Lucas declares that being a Horton still means everything to him. Julie cries that the house was the symbol of love that binds them all together. Maggie comments on so many memories. Lucas adds that’s why it’s so important for him to be there with them now but says there’s something important they should know. Lucas then informs them that they cannot tell anyone that he was there.

Leo asks what Chad would do if he started whacking Thomas with a paddle. Chad responds that he would rip his face off. Leo understands Chad would walk through fire for the kids which he did, so he should stop blaming himself. Chad thanks him and says he needed to hear that. Thomas comes back and reveals he found what he was looking for which pleases Chad. Leo comments that it’s nice to see him smile, then notices Thomas has a loose tooth. Thomas recalls Leo claiming to be the Tooth Fairy when he met him and suggests he pay in advance. Leo gives him $5. Thomas points out that Leo said back then that it was $50 per tooth but Chad convinces him to accept the $5. Thomas jokes that Leo will owe him the rest but Chad says it was very generous of Leo, so Thomas thanks Leo. Chad tells Thomas that he has to get to school but Thomas says he wants to go with him to the Horton house. Chad agrees but says if he gets sad, he will take him back to the Kiriakis Mansion. Leo asks if he would be welcome at the Horton house because he would love to learn about the Horton history. Thomas tells Leo that he can come so they exit together.

In the spring of 1931 in Salem, Tom and Alice have another picnic while this time Alice is pregnant. Tom promised Alice that one day they would get a bigger place while Alice talked about being grateful for all that they have.

Maggie asks if Lucas escaped from prison. Lucas says absolutely not, so Julie questions why they can’t tell anyone that they’ve seen him. Lucas explains that he was released from prison under very special circumstances and he thought everything was on the up and up, but if certain people knew he was here, his life would be in danger. Maggie feels that sounds like witness protection. Lucas says that’s the general idea. Julie hugs Lucas and says she’s so glad he’s there. Lucas goes to change out of the firefighter outfit. Maggie questions how Alice’s chair escaped untarnished. Julie suggests Tom and Alice were watching over it. Julie flashes back to talking with Alice in the past. Roman and Kate arrive. Julie calls it sweet of them to be there. Kate says they brought some of Alice’s donuts. Roman says they are so sorry this happened. Julie knows they are blessed to get out with their lives but points out the chair that made it out in perfect condition. Lucas comes back and hugs Kate. Julie and Maggie talk about their excitement to see Lucas. Kate talks about how they can’t risk anything with Clyde’s men finding out. Julie questions Clyde being the one that is after Lucas and promises that they won’t say anything. Julie asks where Lucas is going next. Roman says the less they know, the better and they will get Lucas out the same way they got him in, with the firefighter disguise. Julie tells Lucas to be careful. Roman wants to check the appliances to see if anything is functioning. Roman and Kate exit with Julie. Lucas goes to join them. John and Marlena then arrive. Maggie thanks them for coming. Marlena mentions bringing donuts too. John says it’s a shame this had to happen. Marlena talks about having so many memories here. Marlena recalls Tom and Alice being like family to her when she first arrived from Colorado. Marlena adds that Tom welcomed her to the hospital. Maggie remembers Marlena treating Mickey at Bayview and says she’s still the best. Marlena flashes back to the first time she entered the Horton house. Maggie states that Marlena saved Mickey and they were all grateful for that. Marlena says that 40 years later, they are here standing in front of the most iconic chair in all of Salem. Marlena says it’s hard to believe it’s been nearly 30 years since she and John lived next door. John says they sure had good times on the porch. Chad and Thomas arrive. Thomas comments on everything being burnt. Lucas greets them, surprising Thomas. Chad tells Thomas to take Lucas upstairs to check out his bedroom since it’s dangerous by himself. Lucas says they can do that. Chad then explains to Lucas that Leo is coming and advises Lucas not to come down until Leo is gone. Lucas then heads upstairs with Thomas. Leo comes in and tells Chad that he hopes it’s okay that he took some photos outside which Chad allows. Julie comes out and questions what Leo is doing there. Chad explains that Leo isn’t here as Lady Whistleblower but he wants to know about the Horton family history. Leo acknowledges that the Hortons have long been known as the first family of Salem, so he asks Julie to do him the honor of telling him about them.

In the spring of 1932 in Salem, Tom and Alice have another picnic in the park where Alice revealed that she was pregnant again.

Julie and Doug tell Leo that the Horton family history in Salem begins with her grandparents who were married March 7, 1930 in Salem. Julie talks about Tom being a medical student during the Depression and they didn’t get the house until they started their family. Julie goes over Tom and Alice’s kids. Doug talks about Bill bringing him to Salem after they met in prison. Julie says meeting the Hortons changed Doug. Julie talks about Marie and Tommy as Leo takes notes. Julie jokes that if she told him everything about the Hortons, they’d be there until Christmas 2025. Julie talks about when she was born and her father passed away. Julie says that her mother remarried and married Doug. Julie adds that after her mother passed, she had always been crazy about Doug so here they are and they’ve been together ever since. Maggie comments that the Hortons had their share of drama. Doug points out that even includes demon possession. Julie says they rose above all of that because of the legacy of love passed down from Tom and Alice. Doug suggests Julie tell him about their song but Julie suggests instead that he sing the song, so Doug and Julie sing “Always” which Maggie joins in on. Leo calls it an amazing story and asks if they’d mind if he wrote something for the Spectator about their family history. Leo promises to do them justice. Julie agrees as long as Chad approves the final version. Leo thanks them and appreciates them sharing through this time. Maggie then walks Leo out. Doug and Julie continue singing “Always” to each other as they flash back to Doug singing it with Tom and Alice. Roman and Kate join Julie, Maggie, and Chad in the living room. Roman declares that all the appliances will need to be replaced but the insurance will cover it. Kate asks if Lucas and Thomas are still upstairs. Maggie confirms they are seeing what toys they can salvage. Chad says the kids are tough and will be alright. Chad says at the end of the days, it’s just material possessions. Marlena and John return with the Christmas ornaments from the cellar. Julie is thrilled to see the ornaments have been saved as they are irreplaceable.

At Christmas time in 1933 Salem, Tom and Alice walk through the park. Tom talked about all the people suffering around them while Alice suggested running a center to help people in need. Alice presented Tom with their first Christmas ornaments, deciding it would be a tradition to hang them on the tree every Christmas that would continue on to their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Julie is shocked that the ornaments remained in perfect condition and says she can’t wait to tell Doug as they flash back to hanging the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Julie declares that the Horton family tradition can live on. Maggie goes over the first five ornaments to the newest Horton, her granddaughter Victoria as they comment on Tom and Alice’s legacy. Chad tells Lucas that he didn’t expect to see him here. Lucas responds that he missed his family. Chad calls for Thomas to stop messing with the fireplace, but Thomas ends up knocking down a time capsule lockbox placed in the fireplace by Alice in 1966, saying it was to be opened on or after 2016.

At Christmas time in 1934 Salem, Tom and Alice walk through the park as Alice talks about the presents she got for the kids. Tom then revealed to Alice that they had bought their house.

Marlena wonders what Alice would put in a time capsule. Roman and Lucas try to figure out how to open it. John suggests getting a hammer. Maggie looks out the window, so Julie asks if she’s alright. Maggie says she was just thinking about sitting in this room when Tom passed away and she was still with Mickey. Julie calls Alice the strongest one of all and says she still inspires her. Maggie says everything Alice said about their life together still gets her teary. Maggie adds that after everyone was gone, she and Alice were there alone as she flashes back to that night.

Leo goes back to the Spectator office and writes a piece on the Horton family history and how someone tried to incinerate their legacy by setting the house on fire, but it was clear the arsonist failed because that legacy can never be destroyed as it lives on in every deed, word, and embrace of the family. Leo says the legacy has only gotten stronger as the family rebuilds. Leo finishes by thanking Tom and Alice, declaring that Salem loves them.

In February 1935, Tom and Alice moved in to the Horton House, declaring it their new home.

In Loving Memory of Bill Hayes (Doug) 1925 – 2024.

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Days Update Tuesday, February 20, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Roman and Kate walk past the Brady Pub. Roman assures Kate that Lucas is safe now but Kate notes that they thought he was safe before. Roman encourages that Lucas said he felt stronger and didn’t want her worrying about him. Roman suggests she focus on them right now. Kate remembers it’s Valentine’s Day as it slipped her mind. Roman understands but says it fortunately did not slip his.

Sloan goes to Small Bar and meets Melinda.

Marlena comes in to the living room and greets Brady, mentioning that John is asleep and they will see how long he stays asleep. Brady understands John has been dealing with insomnia. Marlena adds there has been nightmares as well. Brady feels John hasn’t been himself lately and on edge but insists he’s fine. Marlena remarks that it’s like father, like son. Marlena knows Brady has a lot going on and he’s worried about Tate as his whole situation is heartbreaking. Marlena doesn’t want to intrude but admits she’s a little concerned about Brady as well. Marlena asks if she should be concerned. Brady admits that she should be.

Alex comes home to find Theresa packing her bags and calling the Salem Inn but there are no rooms available because of the geocaching event. Alex calls it crazy and says she doesn’t have to leave. Theresa questions why she would stay here with someone who doesn’t want her.

Stefan brings Ava home. Ava thanks him but says he didn’t need to bring her home. Stefan argues that she hasn’t been eating or sleeping so he tells her to get some rest but Ava says she’s not going to do that. Ava states that she will take a shower and a shot of espresso, then she’s heading back to the hospital. Stefan responds that he can’t let her do that. Stefan argues that she needs to stay away from the hospital and Harris. Ava questions why the hell she would do that. Stefan reminds her that they were supposed to be a thing and asks how Clyde would feel about her hanging around the hospital, warning that it’s not going to be good for her, him, or Harris. Ava decides to text Tripp since he’s working the night shift and can be her eyes and ears.

Roman and Kate enter the Brady Pub where Roman has a candle light dinner set up for Valentine’s Day. Kate tells Roman that she’s so grateful that he is her valentine as they kiss.

Melinda asks Sloan why she wanted to meet with her on Valentine’s night when she has her hunky husband and a beautiful baby boy, but she’s calling her. Sloan complains that she’s been totally sidelined by the baby, either pushed away or ignored completely and she’s damn sick of it.

Marlena doesn’t want to pressure Brady in to talking about this. Brady tells her it’s okay as he appreciates her concern. Brady admits he’s feeling a little lost and lonely as Valentine’s Day is a romantic day for some people, but for others it can amplify negative feelings and he’s glad it’s almost over. Marlena asks about Kristen allowing him to see Rachel on Valentine’s Day. Brady confirms that he went to the DiMera Mansion with a big teddy bear, balloons, and candy, but he and Kristen got in to one of their drag out fights that escalated in front of Rachel, so she screamed at them to stop fighting. Brady says this is Valentine’s Day and his life where he lost Chloe, his daughter is traumatized, and he has an insane ex-wife. Marlena is sorry this is happening to him but assures that Rachel is his daughter and will love him no matter what happens. Marlena says no matter what he goes through with Kristen, he can’t fight in front of Rachel. Brady says he knows but every time he’s going to take the high road with Kristen because of Rachel, he ends up losing it and his resolve goes away. Brady complains that he blows it every time, completely.

Alex asks Theresa to be reasonable. Theresa argues that this is the most reasonable thing she can do. Alex tells her that he cares about her a lot and thinks they could have a beautiful future, but he went to a meeting for people whose loved ones are addicts and he thinks maybe they are moving a little too fast. Theresa asks if he’s saying that she’s too much for him or if his meeting told him not to get involved with her. Alex argues that he’s not saying that and just that they need to slow down a bit. Alex points out that Theresa has a son so it’s not even just them. Theresa argues that Tate is nearly an adult. Theresa states that Alex can either lie and say he has commitment problems or he can tell the truth and say he just doesn’t want to be with her. Theresa asks which one it’s going to be.

Roman jokes with Kate about their meal but reveals he has takeout from the Bistro. Kate thanks him for making her laugh and says he always does when she needs it the most. Kate thanks Roman for always making her feel loved and safe. Roman assures that she will always have his heart and she is everything to him.

Melinda tells Sloan to cut Eric some slack as he’s a new dad and obviously very nurturing so he’s just doing his best. Sloan complains that he’s not with her. Melinda insists that Eric is crazy about Sloan. Sloan feels he’s not anymore since Jude came in to their lives and she’s just like a background extra.

Ava questions why Tripp is not replying to her text and wonders if he’s in a dead zone. Ava asks Stefan what if something happens at the hospital and she’s not there. Ava continues to complain about Tripp not replying. Stefan insists that it will be fine and asks why she needs to go to the hospital anyway since Harris won’t know she’s there. Ava states that she’ll know she was there and asks if Stefan has any idea how it feels to know that Harris went to the dock because he thought she asked him to and then some bastard shot him in cold blood. Stefan assures that it’s not her fault. Ava responds that it sure feels like it is. Ava swears that if she ever finds out who did this to Harris, she will personally pump several live rounds in to that son of a bitch’s heart.

Marlena tells Brady that she can help him strengthen his resolve. Brady says for right now today, he just wants to focus on tomorrow because he gets to see his son as he hasn’t seen him in weeks. Brady is relieved that he and Theresa are getting to see Tate. Brady feels he just dumped all his problems with his daughter on Marlena so he’s not about to do the same with his son. Marlena points out that she loves his children, her grandchildren, and she loves Brady so talking about whatever he’s going through is never a burden for her. Brady then tells Marlena that there were letters that Tate wrote to he and Theresa. Brady states that in Theresa’s letter, Tate talked about how much he missed her while Tate’s letter to him was very cold and almost business-like. Brady feels it’s because Tate resents that he hasn’t been in his life. Marlena argues that they all know why that is and what happened which Tate knows too. Marlena says that Tate is just feeling distressed and like he’s been treated unfairly, so he’s making Brady the scapegoat. Brady agrees that sums it up. Marlena relates to it being what happened when Sami blamed her for everything that went wrong and she let her because she wanted to show Sami that she could be patient and understanding, like Brady wants with Tate. Marlena brings up the expression that having a child is wonderous.

Alex stops Theresa from leaving and tells her to marry him. Theresa asks what he just said. Alex repeats for her to marry him and says if she wants to get married, they can do it. Theresa asks if this was a real proposal. Theresa says she didn’t think so and maybe next time, he can actually drop to one knee or don’t say things he doesn’t mean. Alex tries to stop her from leaving again. Theresa complains that what’s worse than not being proposed to at all is being proposed to out of guilt or pity. Alex stops her and insists that’s not what he’s doing. Alex asks where Theresa is going to go. Theresa asks why that’s his concern. Alex shouts that she’s in recovery. Theresa laughs off the idea that she’s going to call her dealer and get high. Theresa assures that won’t happen from this tiny little debacle. Theresa tells Alex to have a nice life and storms out.

Kate and Roman finish their dinner. Kate feels terrible for not getting Roman anything. Roman tells her that every single day with her is a gift. Kate admits they’ve been thrown many twists and turns in their lives and it hasn’t been easy, but they always find their way back to each other as they kiss.

Marlena tells Brady that she doesn’t mean to pontificate as she’s made her share of mistakes but something about having adult children gives you perspective. Brady is grateful that she’s sharing it with him as he doesn’t want to screw up with Tate more than he already has. Marlena encourages him to just show Tate a lot of respect and be kind and loving. They are then interrupted by knocking at the door. Brady answers to see Theresa with her bags packed. Theresa knows she should’ve called or texted first but she just left Alex and has nowhere to go. Theresa just figured since they are going to see Tate in the morning that she could sleep in Tate’s room tonight. Marlena says of course so Brady brings her in. Theresa gets a call from Alex but ignores it. Theresa thanks Marlena as Brady brings her to Tate’s room.

Alex leaves a message for Theresa, saying he really hates how things went down and asks her to let him know where she’s staying and that she’s okay.

Sloan tells Melinda that she’s just scared. The woman that once went on a date with Li Shin then barges in and confronts Melinda, blaming her for luring Li in to her trap and says if she hadn’t, Li would still be with her and very much alive.

Ava tells Stefan that she’s going to find out who did this because she loves Harris and he’s one of the best people that she’s ever known. Ava swears to be more determined than ever to mow down this son of a bitch. Ava asks why Stefan isn’t saying anything. Stefan responds that he loves a good revenge fantasy as much as anybody, but the truth is they may never know who shot Harris. Ava tells him not to even think about Harris not making it. Stefan apologizes for upsetting her. Ava says she was already pretty damn upset and he just added a little fuel to the fire to make things worse. Ava suggests Stefan just shut the hell up which he agrees to do. Ava points out that Tripp still has not answered and calls that unlike him.

Brady asks Theresa if she wants to talk about what happened with Alex. Theresa doesn’t want to bore him but Brady says he cares about her. Theresa asks where to begin and tells him about finding the ring in Alex’s jacket pocket which she thought was for her and that Alex was going to propose but it turned out he wasn’t going to propose and she made it clear that she thought he was, so she was completely humiliated. Brady says he’s sorry and he’s really surprised as he had no idea they were even considering marriage. Theresa ignores another call from Alex. Theresa tells Brady that she obviously was considering marriage. Brady asks if she really does love Alex.

Marlena shows up at Alex’s door and says she tried to call him but it kept going to voicemail. Alex apologizes and says he keeps calling Theresa but it’s going to voicemail. Marlena informs Alex that Theresa is at her house and she told her and Brady what happened, so she thought Alex might need someone to talk to. Alex admits he does so he’s grateful she’s there and invites her in.

Melinda tells the woman that she doesn’t know who she is. Sloan points out that she was a client. The woman responds that she knows both of them. Melinda remembers her name as Connie and that Li went on one date with her. Connie argues that it could’ve turned in to several dates if not for Melinda and she would’ve kept him safe. Connie calls Sloan heartless and walks off. Sloan jokes about Connie being crazy and questions ever taking her on as a client. Sloan asks Melinda if she’s okay. Melinda says she’s just sad that Li is gone as she thinks about him a lot. Melinda admits they had something but she messed it up totally because of her career, so she took Li for granted. Melinda tells Sloan that what she has with Eric might not be perfect but it’s good enough so she should cherish and embrace it.

Kate says in spite of her worries, it turned out to be a really beautiful Valentine’s Day. Roman respects how devoted she is to their kids. Roman decides no more talk about their kids as he turns on music and asks Kate to dance.

Stefan tells Ava that he obviously seems to suck at cheering her up but offers to feed her. Ava says she’s not hungry but Stefan says she needs to eat. Stefan guarantees to make her the best omelet of her life. Ava asks why he’s doing this and what’s in it for him.

Brady tells Theresa that it wasn’t a trick question as he asks again if she loves Alex. Theresa asks why else she would want to marry him. Brady says he doesn’t know but admits that Alex is coming in to a lot of money and he doesn’t mean to sound crass, but he thought it might have a little to do with her motivation. Theresa thinks back to finding out that Xander is really Victor’s son. Theresa then tells Brady that it is crass and surprising because she thought they were getting along and getting closer but now he’s accusing her of being a gold digger. Brady apologizes and says he’s really happy that they have been getting closer as he likes that and he really doesn’t like that Alex hurt her. Brady repeats that he’s sorry and hugs her.

Alex tells Marlena that he was an idiot for leaving the ring in his jacket, so of course Theresa expected a proposal and when it didn’t happen, she ran out of the restaurant and started packing her stuff. Marlena says that Theresa is hurt. Alex assures that he does care about Theresa, but tells her about going to the meeting for qualifying loved ones of addicts and everyone was sharing feelings and stories, so he shot his hand up to get everything off his chest. Alex says he talked about Theresa, her addiction, and how much she meant to him, but he admitted he wasn’t sure he was able to get in to a long commitment with somebody dealing with problems like that. Alex adds that he also admitted he’s not sure about becoming a stepfather quite yet. Marlena thinks he has to be true to himself and encourages that he did the right thing for both of them.

Melinda tells Sloan that she’s not seeing things clearly as Eric is not only her partner, lover, and best friend but the father of her baby so they have a family now. Melinda tells Sloan to stop focusing on what she’s not getting and be more supportive of Eric’s devotion to Jude and to Jude himself since she is his mother. Sloan points out that she’s not really but Melinda tells her not to go there. Sloan calls it the truth that her husband’s ex-wife Nicole DiMera is actually the baby’s mother and they stole him from her. Melinda reminds Sloan of all they did to get her that baby and warns her that if anyone finds out what they did, their lives are ruined. Sloan says she knows and continues drinking her wine.

Kate suggests she and Roman go upstairs where she can give him her Valentine’s Day gift. Roman says she didn’t get him anything. Kate responds that this gift doesn’t need wrapping. Roman calls that his favorite kind of gift. Kate tells Roman that she loves him and kisses him. Roman says he loves her and is definitely ready for that gift that needs no wrapping. Kate blows out the candles and they head upstairs.

Marlena says she doesn’t usually do late night house calls, but she thought Alex might need it. Alex is grateful that she did because the whole Theresa situation destabilized him. Marlena understands and is impressed with his self-awareness. Alex says he couldn’t have done it without her. Alex keeps thinking about the other night in her office where she said if it was real true love, it would last. Alex thinks he loves Theresa. Marlena thinks he’s right that he does, but she thinks his love is not unconditional as he has a hard time accepting that Theresa had a drug addiction and a hard time thinking of himself as a step parent. Marlena declares that those two things are never going to change.

Theresa tells Brady that she will table this discussion for tonight as she doesn’t want to talk about her love life and just wants to talk about seeing Tate. Brady admits he’s nervous about seeing his own son. Theresa says she is too and worries that Tate isn’t doing as well as he says he is in his letters. Brady assures that Tate will be fine. Theresa says that Tate has a good heart. Brady tells Theresa that he will always be there for her, like tonight. Theresa kisses him on the cheek and says she will see him in the morning as she heads to Tate’s room to sleep.

Sloan tells Melinda that she gets it and that no one will ever find out about Jude and where he came from. Melinda says they better not and suggests Sloan not drink anymore. Sloan agrees to stop. Melinda tells Sloan to go home to her husband and baby. Sloan tells Melinda that tonight is on her. Melinda tells Sloan to call her if she ever needs to vent, but not to vent to anyone else. Melinda then exits. Sloan then orders another drink. Connie remains seated at a table nearby.

Stefan asks Ava why something has to be in it for him in order for him to be nice. Stefan states that Ava is having a hard time so he’s there for her and that’s it. Ava then gets a call from the hospital. Ava answers and says that Tripp is not with her. Ava says to have him call as soon as they hear from him and then hangs up. Stefan asks what it is. Ava responds that Tripp never showed up for work tonight.

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Days Update Monday, February 19, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

After surgery in Paulina’s hospital room, Kayla informs Chanel, Johnny, and Abe that the surgery was a success and they were able to remove the cancer. Chanel gets emotional and calls it great as Abe asks what’s next. Kayla suggests a lot of rest for Paulina and that she may have a little pain but nothing to worry about. Kayla notes she may also have some difficulty speaking which Abe jokes she won’t like. Abe asks when she can come home. Kayla says she’ll keep her for a couple days to monitor her and then they will talk about follow ups. Chanel encourages Paulina that she’s going to be okay. Abe calls this cause for celebration. Kayla agrees and mentions hearing it’s not the only cause of celebration.

Konstantin and Maggie finish having dinner together at the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie mentions that she’s sure their newest residents, Chad, Thomas, Charlotte, Julie, and Doug also appreciated the dinner. Konstantin calls the fire a tragedy. Maggie talks about how happy Doug and Julie still come off. Konstantin talks about them being in love as they mention Doug and Julie singing a duet. Maggie brings up how Thomas and Charlotte lit up when Konstantin gave them candy and how she knows that cheered Chad up to see his kids smile. Konstantin calls it wonderful to see Maggie cheer up as well which she credits him for. Konstantin hopes he can cheer her up a little further as he hands her an envelope.

At the Pub, Jada returns to the table and is shocked when she sees Everett, identifying him as “Bobby”, leaving them all confused. Everett asks who Bobby is and who Jada is. Jada questions him pretending while Stephanie asks what’s going on. Jada responds that Everett is her ex-husband, Bobby Stein. Everett denies being Bobby but Jada calls him a liar. Everett states that he’s never met Jada before. Jada asks how he can say that. Everett says it’s true and he has no idea why she seems so angry. Rafe asks Jada if it’s possible that they just happen to look alike but Jada insists that it’s him. Jada declares that she was a fool to marry him because he broke her heart and her spirit, then left her and never looked back. Jada insists that Everett is Bobby Stein.

Kayla congratulates Chanel and Johnny on their wedding. Chanel points out that their anniversary will be on Valentine’s Day just like Kayla and Steve’s.

Maggie reads Konstantin’s card and calls it beautiful. Konstantin says he meant every word even though he knows he’s not her valentine, so he doesn’t want to cross any boundaries. Konstantin just wants to tell her how much she means to him.

Rafe tells Jada that this man is Everett Lynch, who works at the Spectator. Jada then pulls out her phone and shows Everett a photo of her and Bobby. Everett admits that he can see the resemblance but says they all have people that look like them. Jada insists that it’s him and he knows it. Everett doesn’t know what else he can say or do to convince her that the complete stranger is not him. Jada declares that she will prove it by taking Everett to the police station and checking his fingerprints.

Paulina complains of being hungry but Kayla says she can’t eat until tomorrow morning. Kayla says she will check in tomorrow. Abe thanks Kayla for everything. Kayla says to call if they need anything as she exits. Chanel asks Paulina if she can do anything for her. Johnny adds that he’ll do whatever he can as well. Paulina writes down that she has everything she needs.

Konstantin tells Maggie that Valentine’s Day is not a tradition in Greece. Maggie recalls Victor telling her tales about certain Greek holidays. Maggie calls Victor a wonderful storyteller. Konstantin talks about getting to know Maggie better and to celebrate her incredible soul. Maggie comments that he has a very generous and gentle heart which she saw when he interacted with the kids earlier. Maggie points out that they’ve never talked about it, so she asks if he has any children of his own.

Everett says he’s not trying to sound disrespectful as he asks if it’s possible that Jada is losing it. Jada gets upset and argues that she’s not the one pretending to be someone else. Jada says years ago, when she discovered that Bobby cheated on her, she filed for divorce and he ghosted her as Stephanie watches on with a concerned look. Jada questions if he just took on a new identity. Everett says what Jada is saying is making him feel like he’s taking crazy pills and blames the stress of her job. Everett tells Jada that he’s not who she thinks he is and that he’s never been Bobby Stein. Everett adds that they were never married nor has he ever been married which he calls the God’s honest truth. Stephanie thinks back to asking Everett about when he first woke up from his coma and Everett telling her that he was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia. Stephanie then brings this up, reminding Everett that he said he had memory loss after the accident and asks if that could be why he doesn’t remember Jada.

A nurse brings in a cake that Chanel’s employees at the Bakery sent for their wedding. Johnny asks the nurse to tell Kayla that they would love her to come have a slice with them. Johnny and Chanel cut the cake while promising to save Paulina a slice.

The nurse informs Kayla that there is cake waiting for her in Paulina’s room. The nurse then adds that Tripp hasn’t shown up for his shift. Kayla calls that odd and says she will reach out to him now.

Maggie apologizes to Konstantin if her question upset him. Konstantin calls it a perfectly reasonable question and informs her that he does have a daughter, Catharina, who he says was everything to him and then she was gone. Konstantin explains that it happened many years ago in a village near Athens. He calls it a tragic accident and she was so young. Maggie says she’s sorry as she knows what it’s like to lose a child and the pain is always there. Konstantin says he tried to conjure up memories of Catharina’s smile and those memories bring him some kind of peace.

Everett says it is true that he was in an accident as he was hit by a pickup truck. Stephanie blames herself for asking him to run errands but Everett says the only person responsible was the driver. Everett adds that he was taken off in an ambulance, close to death, and placed in a medically induced coma for a year. Stephanie explains that he disappeared and she thought he ghosted her, until he came back a couple months ago and tracked her down. Jada doesn’t buy it. Rafe doesn’t know what to believe and decides he will personally look in to this so they can hopefully get it all straightened out. Everett insists that he has nothing to hide. Jada comments that people do get amnesia all the time and can forget whole chapters of their life. Jada argues that she can tell by the look in Everett’s eyes that he knows her and that they were married. Jada calls him still the same lying, cheating son of a bitch. Everett responds that she’s obviously in a world of pain from how she was apparently treated by her ex-husband and that must be the reason that she would throw these kind of insane insults at a man who has never laid eyes on her before. Everett repeats that he is not Jada’s ex-husband, Bobby Stein, and that his name is Everett Lynch.

Kayla calls Tripp and leaves a message that she’s at the hospital and he’s not, so she’s wondering if he lost track of time or if he’s out for Valentine’s with Wendy or he’s at the geocaching event. Kayla says she’s sure everything is okay but asks him to give her a call to let her know.

Johnny brings out his guitar and says since they didn’t hire a band for their wedding, he will fill in and asks if Chanel has any requests. Chanel jokes with him and then suggests he surprise them. Johnny then plays guitar and sings a song to Chanel.

Maggie asks Konstantin about Catharina’s mother. Konstantin says he feels so at ease with Maggie. Konstantin says he adored Catharina’s mother as she was one of the great loves of his life and a wonderful mother, but then they lost her. Konstantin says their marriage did not survive.

Jada mocks Everett saying he’s not Bobby when he looks and sounds exactly like him. Rafe decides this isn’t going anywhere and suggests they call it a night which they agree to. Jada tells Stephanie that she can tell she has feelings for Everett and she knows she’s not a complete lunatic. Jada asks Stephanie to believe her and not to allow herself to be sandbagged any more. Jada tells Everett that she knows who he is and he will be found out, then he will get what he deserves. Jada then storms out of the Pub, so Rafe follows her. Stephanie tells Everett that she doesn’t know what to say. Everett asks how well she knows Jada. Stephanie states that Jada is her friend and has always been so warm and kind. Stephanie mentions that Jada did tell her that her ex cheated on her, lied to her, and broke her heart. Everett says that must have been so hard for her but questions how Jada came after him. Everett asks what Stephanie is thinking. Stephanie brings up everything Jada said and the photo. Stephanie then asks Everett if he’s really telling the truth that he’s really not Bobby Stein.

Maggie tells Konstantin that she’s terribly sorry that he lost his daughter, Catharina, and that she’s always there if he ever needs to talk. Konstantin says that means so much to him and says he has to ask her something but she can say no. Konstantin then asks Maggie if he can kiss her, which she allows. Konstantin then says goodnight to Maggie and exits.

Johnny finishes singing his song. Chanel praises him and says she is so lucky as they kiss. Paulina then starts complaining of pain so Chanel rushes out to get the doctor.

Rafe catches up to Jada in the town square and asks her to talk to him. Rafe says he’s never seen her lose it like that before. Jada shouts that Everett is a con man and a liar that she was stupid enough to marry. Jada complains about Everett changing his identity and claiming she’s the one who lost it. Jada calls it a lot to take in. Rafe says he understands but that Everett claims not to know her. Jada shouts that he’s a liar. Rafe understands this has freaked her out. Rafe says he’s hung out with Everett a few times and he seems like a decent guy. Jada then questions if Rafe thinks she is the one that’s lying.

Everett questions if Stephanie is asking if he’s not Bobby Stein, insisting that he’s never heard that name or seen Jada before. Everett argues that he could be hooked up to every lie detector in the country. Stephanie brings up the photo. Everett insists that there are people in the world who look like each other, assuring that his name is Everett Lynch and it’s on his driver’s license. Stephanie asks if it’s possible that he doesn’t remember his past life with Jada because of the accident. Everett responds that it’s not possible. Everett admits that there are gaps in his memory like maybe he forgot he saw movies or bachelor parties, but not years or entire relationships. Everett thinks he would remember getting married. Stephanie flashes back to finding Everett’s engagement ring, which he said he bought for her a long time ago. Stephanie brings that up to Everett. Stephanie then flashes back to asking Jada about her marriage ending due to cheating and Jada saying she found out by seeing a large purchase at a jewelry store. Everett asks Stephanie if she’s okay. Stephanie responds that she’s not okay because if Jada is telling the truth and he’s Bobby, that means she was the other woman.

Maggie remains in the living room and looks up at Victor’s portrait. Maggie then looks over Konstantin’s Valentine’s card again. Maggie blows a kiss to Victor’s portrait.

Konstantin sits in his room with a framed photo of Catharina as he finishes a drink.

Rafe tells Jada that he doesn’t think she’s a liar. Jada complains that Rafe is going on about Everett being a decent guy like he can’t be a liar. Rafe says he only said that because he thinks they need to be careful with this since she’s accusing someone of falsifying his identity. Rafe wants Jada to be 100% sure before taking that shot. Rafe asks if she’s sure. Jada responds that as soon as she saw him, all these old wounds opened up and all the work she put in to put that part of her life behind her. Jada admits she lost it and lashed out because Rafe doesn’t know what Bobby did to her and what he might do to Stephanie. Rafe says he understands. Jada declares that she’s going to go to the police station right now to find everything there is about Everett Lynch. Rafe stops her and says he knows how important this is to her, so it’s important to him as well but it’s late and it’s Valentine’s Day. Rafe suggests they try to salvage the night and then tomorrow, he promises they will get to the bottom of this Bobby/Everett thing. Rafe suggests they go back to his place and order from her favorite Thai restaurant and they can watch a movie. Jada agrees to that and Rafe hugs her as she cries. Rafe promises her that tomorrow, they will find out what is going on.

Everett tells Stephanie that she can’t possibly believe something that preposterous like his actual name being Bobby Stein which he calls insane. Stephanie reminds Everett that he bought a ring and said he was going to propose while Jada said that Bobby bought a ring for another woman which means he was cheating on Jada, with it seems her. Everett says that only makes sense if he’s Bobby. Stephanie argues that he might not remember and she feels like she’s going crazy. Everett suggests they go back to his room and talk about this like mature adults but Stephanie doesn’t think that’s such a good idea. Stephanie tells him that she will see him later and exits the Pub.

Kayla calls Tripp again, leaving another message to ask if he’s coming in tonight. Kayla admits she’s starting to get worried and assumes his phone is dead since it’s going straight to voicemail. Kayla then says that she will try Wendy and hangs up. The nurse comes back and calls Kayla back to Paulina’s room as she is seizing. Kayla checks on Paulina and calls for aspirin and nitroglycerin. Kayla urges Paulina to stay with her as Abe, Chanel, and Johnny watch on worried.

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Days Update Friday, February 16, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie sits in the town square, participating in the geocaching event. Tripp and Wendy join her as they talk about how everyone is having a blast with it. Stephanie adds that they’ve already raised thousands for the hospital. Tripp and Wendy decide to continue geocaching before Tripp has to go to work.

At the Spectator office, Leo is with Everett. Everett talks about writing an article about the fire at the Horton house. Leo asks if anyone was hurt. Everett confirms that they got out okay. Leo talks about not usually liking kids but he does like Thomas and Charlotte. Leo thanks God that everyone got out alive even if they lost their belongings.

Theresa comes out of her room and sees Alex on the couch. She thinks back to finding the engagement ring in his pocket. Alex is surprised she got ready so quick and goes to finish getting ready. Theresa comments to herself that she is so ready.

Eric and Sloan watch over baby Jude. Eric surprises Sloan with a necklace with Jude’s name for Valentine’s Day which she calls cute. Eric makes sure that she likes it and puts it on her. Sloan then tells Eric that she got him something too and presents him with lingerie which she says she intends to wear for him tonight. Eric says he can’t wait. Eric then points out that Jude is going to fall asleep fast so they should get going. Eric then exits with Jude, leaving Sloan disappointed.

Nicole is home with Holly still in a coma in bed as EJ stands next to them. EJ calls it a relief to have them both home. Nicole says she can’t thank him enough. EJ tells her to thank Sarah as she was managing Holly’s case with the Italian doctors from here. EJ adds that Sarah guided him on everything Holly would need and set them up with the best staff. EJ says he did whatever it took to get them back home. Nicole says they know he went above and beyond. EJ hugs her and says it feels so good to have her in his arms again. Nicole admits she missed him so much. EJ declares no more missing each other since she is back home where she belongs as they kiss.

Officer Goldman meets with Rafe in his office. She talks about knowing she had no choice but to pull the trigger, but still feeling the shock of it. She prays she’s never put in that situation again. Rafe hopes she won’t be as Jada enters and returns Goldman’s gun to her. Rafe informs her that she is cleared to return to active duty. She responds that she’s never been more ready and thanks them as she exits the office. Rafe calls it a good Valentine’s Day for her. Jada talks about not knowing about her personal life. Rafe comments that Goldman had a rough couple of days, so hopefully she has someone to be with. Rafe says he’s glad that he does. Jada feels the same and presents Rafe with a Valentine’s Day gift.

Leo asks Everett if there are any leads on how the fire started. Everett says it sounds like arson. Leo bets that whoever set the Horton house ablaze was a very unattractive person who couldn’t stand that everyone in the house were all so lovey with each other. Leo wonders if jealousy could have been the motive. Leo brings up his boyfriend being in prison, so he doesn’t have plans tonight on Valentine’s Day. Everett says as lovely as that sounds, he does have plans. Leo says he should’ve known and guesses his plans are with Stephanie which Everett confirms. Leo remarks that Stephanie does seem to like him and has laughed at his jokes, so maybe he can tag along. Everett informs Leo that they are going on a double date if Leo doesn’t mind being a fifth wheel. Leo says third wheel is one thing but being fifth wheel would be too pathetic. Leo suggests he’ll check out the geocaching event and maybe he’ll find his valentine hidden in the town square. Everett wishes him luck with that. Leo tells Everett to enjoy his Valentine’s Day while he will likely be back in his hotel room for the night. Leo then exits the office.

Jada’s gift to Rafe is an antique Sherriff badge from the 1800s which Rafe calls great and acknowledges it took a lot of thought. Jada says she knows he’s been buried in work so he shouldn’t feel obligated but Rafe reveals he already got her a gift. Rafe presents her with a heart shaped box which Jada assumes is chocolates but turns out to be a bracelet. Rafe calls her the strongest, bravest, and most persistent woman he knows as Jada says she loves it. They kiss until pointing out they are still at work.

Tripp and Wendy say they love hanging with each other and that they needed this fun after everything that’s been going on lately.

Nicole tells EJ that she learned some Italian while in Italy to impress him. Nicole tells EJ that she’s so happy to be home in Italian. EJ says he’s very impressed and that she speaks Italian very well as they kiss. Nicole thanks EJ again for bringing her and Holly back home. EJ says it was selfish on his part because he missed them both terribly. Nicole says she missed him too and they kiss. EJ informs her that he had chef make them a very special meal for Valentine’s Day but he understands if she doesn’t want to celebrate. Nicole assures that she does, pointing out that Holly is breathing on her own and back home which she credits EJ for making happen.

Jada and Rafe talk about their dinner plans with Stephanie. Rafe points out that Jada will finally meet Stephanie’s boyfriend too which Jada says she’s really looking forward to. Rafe mentions that he’s met him a few times while he was covering police stuff for the Spectator and that he seems like a cool guy. Jada calls that interesting because her ex was also a reporter but he was not a cool guy at all. Jada says she doesn’t want to think about him tonight at all, especially when she’s with Rafe on Valentine’s Day. Rafe says he adores her as they kiss.

Eric and Sloan walk through the town square with Jude. Stephanie takes a picture of them for the website. Officer Goldman then arrives and looks at the Caching Cupid geocaching poster.

Alex apologizes for taking so long and tells Theresa that she looks amazing. Theresa compliments him in his suit. Theresa then gives him a gift of a scarf and they kiss. Alex says they should get to the Bistro. Theresa mutters to herself that the Bistro is a perfect place to propose. Theresa then tells Alex that she can’t wait to spend the evening with him as it’s going to be such a momentous night. They then exit together.

Everett continues working at the Spectator. His phone rings but he ignores it and then the work phone rings which he answers and it’s Stephanie, who asks if they are still meeting in the town square before dinner. Everett lost track of time and tells her that some more intel came in so he’ll need about 20 minutes to finish and then he will meet her at the Pub. Everett promises to be there as they hang up.

Alex and Theresa go to the Bistro for dinner. Theresa calls it a perfect table as they can see everyone and everyone can see them. Theresa uses their waters to toast to a night to remember.

Eric and Sloan sit together in the town square with Jude until they hear Leo participating in the geocaching event, so Eric calls him over. Leo talks about his progress in geocaching and encourages them to join in. Leo ends up arguing with Sloan before wishing them a Happy Valentine’s Day and walks away. Eric laughs off Leo and calls him harmless.

Theresa looks through the flowers on the table which Alex questions. Theresa says she was just rearranging them. Alex brings up how Theresa is going with Brady to visit Tate tomorrow. Theresa says she’s so excited and she knows Tate will be relieved to hear Holly is breathing on her own even though she’s still in a coma. Theresa guesses she shouldn’t tell Tate about the fire at the Horton house, lamenting that there is so much bad news lately. Alex takes her hand and says he’s sure she’ll have some good news to share too. Theresa excitedly responds that she sure hopes so.

EJ and Nicole return to the living room after eating dinner. Nicole talks about still being in shock about the fire at Doug and Julie’s and Harris being shot. Nicole calls it a tragedy and is thankful no one was hurt in the fire. Nicole asks what happened since she read it was arson. EJ says they think the person responsible for it was the same person behind the drugs that Holly got and they are inches away from nailing him.

Rafe and Jade go to the Brady Pub where Stephanie joins them for dinner. Jada and Stephanie wish each other a Happy Valentine’s Day. Rafe goes to get them drinks. Jada asks Stephanie how it’s going out there. Stephanie responds that the fundraiser is a huge success and she’s relieved. Jada asks where her mystery boyfriend is. Stephanie tells her that he promised to be there. Jada responds that she can’t wait to meet him.

Wendy and Tripp continue geocaching and find a heart box with Tom and Alice trivia behind their plaque. They play a game of trivia and then walk off together. After they walk away, Officer Goldman comes around the corner and follows them.

Nicole thanks EJ again for the perfect homecoming. EJ points out that she has not yet opened her Valentine’s Day gift. EJ presents her with a Japanese healing bowl to put in Holly’s room and use it to meditate, pray, or sing. Nicole calls it perfect and kisses him. Nicole points out that she didn’t get him anything in between traveling. EJ responds that he doesn’t need or want anything that she hasn’t already given him. EJ declares that having her home is the best Valentine’s Day gift he could have hoped for as they kiss.

Eric and Sloan return home with Jude. Eric holds Jude and says he should probably get him to sleep. Sloan responds that she will slip in to something more comfortable and goes to change in to the lingerie she got.

Wendy and Tripp walk to the park where Tripp plants a box for Wendy to find. Wendy at first worries that it’s a ring but Tripp promises that it’s not as they are not rushing things. Wendy opens it and it’s earrings that she pointed out in a window last week. Wendy calls it perfect and thanks him. Tripp wishes her a Happy Valentine’s Day. Wendy then reveals that she got him something too and it’s cuff links. Tripp and Wendy kiss as Officer Goldman walks in to the park and watches them.

Alex tells Theresa that dinner was great and he guesses there’s only one thing left to do, so he calls the waiter over for the check. Theresa is left confused as Alex guesses they are all done here. Theresa then complains that she’s impatient and this is driving her crazy, so she tells Alex to just do it. Alex questions what. Theresa shouts that he knows what and her answer is yes.

Jada shows Stephanie the bracelet that Rafe got her. Rafe then shows Stephanie the badge that Jada got him. Rafe and Jada kiss until Jada then gets up to go to the restroom. Everett then arrives. Stephanie gets up and greets him, bringing him over to the table. Rafe greets Everett and says it’s good to see him. They wish each other a Happy Valentine’s Day. Everett calls Stephanie his love as they kiss.

Wendy puts on her new earrings which Tripp praises. Officer Goldman approaches and introduces herself, revealing that Rafe had her keeping an eye on them as she had some intel to confirm. She informs Tripp that he may be in danger and they need to get them to a safe location. Tripp questions if this has something to do with Ava or Harris. She tells him that Rafe will give him the details later but she has to get them to safety now.

Nicole goes to Holly’s room with her Japanese healing bowl. EJ comes in and informs Nicole that the medical staff will be there in the morning. Nicole says goodnight to Holly. Nicole tells EJ that Holly has to come back to them. EJ encourages that she will.

Sloan returns in her lingerie to find that Eric has fallen asleep with Jude. Sloan then grabs her phone and makes a call, saying she’s very much alone tonight. Sloan asks them to meet at the bar.

Theresa tells Alex not to sit there like he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Alex says he doesn’t. Theresa then reveals that she saw the ring as it fell out of his jacket when she went to put it away. Theresa apologizes if she ruined the surprise. Alex tells her not to be sorry because he thinks she got this wrong. Theresa then questions if he’s not going to ask her to marry him. Alex thinks maybe they should talk about it a little bit first. Theresa gets upset and declares she has nothing to say to him. Alex tries to stop her but Theresa storms out of the Bistro.

Rafe shows his badge to Everett as Stephanie jokes with them. Everett mentions that he and Stephanie are exchanging gifts later. Jada then returns and is shocked when she sees Everett, identifying him as “Bobby”, leaving them all confused.

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Days Update Thursday, February 15, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion with balloons, flowers, and a teddy bear. Kristen answers the door and acknowledges that he went all out. Brady says it’s all for Rachel because she is his valentine.

Xander is handcuffed to the chair in the interrogation room as Sarah enters the room.

Everett goes to the Spectator office where Stephanie asks if he’s seen him. Everett says no as Chad comes out from the back from having stayed in the office and asks who they are looking for. Stephanie says they were looking for him as she hugs Chad and thanks God that he’s okay.

Ava and Stefan go to the police station. Jada thanks them for getting there so quickly. Stefan says they are happy to help in any way they can. Ava asks if she knows how Harris is doing. Jada informs her that Harris made it through the night but he did suffer serious internal damage so he’s not out of the woods yet. Stefan asks what she needs from them. Jada responds that she has some questions. Stefan says the answer is no, they did not notice any unusual activity at the Bistro last night. Ava asks if Jada knows why Harris was shot. Jada says not yet, but they have a person of interest in custody and they reviewed Harris’ phone messages which revealed someone sent him a text message, luring him to the docks. Ava asks if they know who sent the message. Jada responds that Ava did, shocking Ava and Stefan.

Stephanie tells Chad that they were so worried. Chad thanks them for the messages and apologizes for not responding as it’s just been a little insane with the horror of what happened and getting everyone settled at the Kiriakis Mansion. Stephanie points out that he’s still at work. Chad says he luckily had a change of clothes in the back. Everett asks what they can do to help. Stephanie urges Chad to lean on them.

Xander asks how Sarah is doing. Sarah responds that she’s exhausted and confused as she doesn’t know what’s happened. Xander says he doesn’t either and asks about Victoria. Sarah says she took her to Maggie at the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander swears on their daughter’s life that he did not do this as he has nothing against Harris Michaels, so he did not shoot him and she has to believe him.

Kristen brings Rachel in to the living room to see Brady. Rachel runs up and hugs him, wishing him a Happy Valentine’s Day. Brady presents her with the teddy bear and asks how her school party was. Rachel says it was really good as she got 22 valentines. Kristen asks Rachel about Brady’s Valentine’s card. Rachel says it’s almost ready but she has to add one more thing to make it perfect, so she runs back to get it. Brady tells Kristen that he’s grateful that she let him come for this. Kristen calls him Rachel’s special valentine and acknowledges that he has been ever since she was born. Kristen comments on being envious since today is a day to celebrate romance and she’s been feeling the absence of that in her life more than usual. Brady says there’s a lot of reasons for that and hopes she doesn’t have any delusions of them getting back together. Brady assures Kristen that she will never be getting Valentine’s gifts from him.

Ava swears to Jada that she did not send that text message. Ava shows her phone. Jada says that texts can be deleted, so there will be a warrant issued to check her phone records. Ava says that’s fine as she has a strong alibi that she was at work all night and she can check their security footage. Jada says her phone number could have been ghosted and they will investigate all possibilities. Jada adds that she’ll be in touch if any more questions arise. Jada thanks them for coming in and exits. Ava can’t believe that Harris thought that she texted him and declares that he got shot because of her. Stefan encourages that it’s not her fault. Stefan offers to take Ava to lunch since she hasn’t eaten but Ava says she’s not hungry and walks out of the station.

Brady asks Kristen what is taking Rachel so long. Kristen says Rachel is working on his card as she wants it to be perfect. Kristen asks about Tate. Brady says he’s better at a juvenile rehab center so he and Theresa hope to see him tomorrow. Kristen questions Theresa going with him. Brady points out that she is Tate’s mother. Kristen asks how she could forget.

Xander assures Sarah that having her and Victoria in his life has changed him and he knows he’s capable of being the man he wants to be. Sarah doesn’t doubt that. Xander says he’s grateful for that but he also knows she’s given him more chances than he deserves, so if she’s here to say goodbye, he doesn’t blame her. Xander admits that Sarah and Victoria are probably better off without him.

Chad thanks Stephanie and Everett for their support. Stephanie asks how Doug and Julie are doing. Chad says they were in shock, but they were both very brave and just grateful that no one got hurt, especially the kids. Chad mentions that Doug and Julie are out picking up clothes for the kids for the week. Stephanie asks how Thomas and Charlotte are. Chad says they are good and still went to school to not miss out on the Valentine’s festivities. Chad adds that Marlena is coming by later to talk to them. Stephanie informs him that she picked up some slippers, pajamas, and teddy bears which Chad says they will love. Stephanie gets a text about the geocaching event and she has to get a permit before the event can start. Chad forgot that was today and asks if they have coverage on it. Everett assures they are all good. Chad thanks him for being on top of that. Stephanie says she will go deal with the permit issue and hugs Chad, repeating that she’s so relieved that he is okay. Stephanie then exits the office. Everett then asks Chad to tell him what’s really going on. Chad admits that he thinks it was arson and someone was trying to kill them. Chad says it was a normal night and the kids had just gone upstairs where Doug was going to read them a story before bed. Chad adds that he and Julie went upstairs to go to bed and then they heard some noise, came back down and saw the fire with smoke everywhere. Chad says that Julie luckily got Doug and the kids out while he tried to extinguish the flames but couldn’t, so Julie dragged him out and they watched the house burn down from across the street. Chad says the fire department came and put it out. Everett tells Chad that he’s so sorry for what he’s gone through and asks if he fears for his safety. Chad confirms that he does.

Kristen questions Brady seeing a lot of Theresa lately. Brady admits he has more than usual because of the situation with Tate. Kristen points out that they are also working closely too. Brady tells her not to take this chance to badmouth Theresa as he’s not interested in hearing her take, especially when it could be influenced by jealousy. Kristen admits that maybe it is as she’s been bereft of romance for quite a long time, so knowing that Theresa is getting a lot of Brady’s attention and she also has Alex wrapped around her finger, so she’s a bit envious. Kristen doesn’t like going to bed alone night after night and assumes Brady is too. Kristen asks if he’s okay with that. Brady assures that he is. Kristen knows things have been a little rough between them for the last few months, but says times are changing and it seems they are changing. Kristen feels they have grown up in the past few months and are starting to understand each other a bit more, so she was thinking they could explore the possibility of a relationship again. Brady says it’s times like this when he just knows that she is certifiable.

Stephanie goes to the police station and tells Jada that she’s amazing for reminding her to get the sign off from the parks department. Jada says she knows how important the event is and that they could all use some light hearted fun after the last 24 hours. Stephanie asks how Harris is doing. Jada admits he had a rough night, but she heard he’s stable. Stephanie says she’s praying for him. Jada says that’s all they can do right now.

Ava goes to the chapel and lights a candle as she begins to pray. Ava knows she might not deserve God’s grace, but says Harris sure does. Ava prays for God to give Harris the strength to survive. Stefan enters and sits next to Ava, holding her hand.

Sarah tells Xander that she realizes she has every reason to walk away right now, but she won’t and she can’t because she knows the man that made love to her last night, who adores his daughter, is incapable of killing another human being in cold blood. Sarah states that if Xander tells her that he didn’t do it then she believes him. Xander thanks her and declares that her and Victoria are his life. Justin then arrives, announcing he is Xander’s attorney and wants to speak to his client. Sarah thanks him for coming and tells Xander that she told Justin what happened. Xander complains that the cops just showed up at his door and arrested him for no reason as far as he could tell. Justin is sure it was a shock, but says he is here now and the family is here for both of them. Justin says when he left the house, Maggie and Julie were taking turns with Victoria while Doug was reading to Thomas and Charlotte. Sarah asks how they are doing. Justin says as well as expected. Xander questions what he’s missing. Sarah informs him about the fire at the Horton house which shocks Xander. Justin says they are all staying at the Kiriakis Mansion now. Xander guesses that explains all the sirens he heard and wonders what the hell happened in Salem last night. Xander says that Doug and Julie must be devastated. Sarah comments that it wasn’t just their home, but part of the history of the town and the spirit of Salem.

Stefan tells Ava that it’s kind of surprising to find her in the chapel as he never took her as the praying type. Ava responds that maybe he doesn’t know her as well as he thinks. Stefan asks if there’s any news on Harris. Ava says she stopped by the nurse’s desk but they wouldn’t let her in as they said family only, so she figured the only way she could help Harris now is to pray.

Stephanie asks Jada what she and Rafe are doing for Valentine’s Day. Jada says they haven’t really talked about anything but work with Harris being shot and all the craziness. Stephanie responds that she would love it if Jada and Rafe joined her and her guy for a Valentine’s Day dinner. Jada calls that really sweet. Stephanie says her guy and Rafe are both very funny. Jada agrees that they are in. Stephanie declares that she can’t wait for Valentine’s Day with two of her favorite people.

Everett asks Chad if he still feels threatened. Chad confirms he does and reveals that he got a call while watching the house burn down from an unknown number and a distorted voice that said “maybe next time, you’ll listen”.

Brady questions Kristen wanting to explore the possibility of a relationship, reminding her that when they were together it was a train wreck and since they’ve been apart, it’s been a nightmare for him since he hasn’t been able to see his daughter. Kristen asks if he doesn’t think people can change and that something wonderful can still be there, waiting to be ignited. Brady says not in this case and talks about her being malicious, vindictive, evil, and inflicting pain. Kristen admits she’s behaved badly at times but she did it because she loves him and she was desperate not to lose him. Brady questions that excusing her doing rotten things. Kristen says it’s not okay, but understandable. Brady brings up everyone else that Kristen has screwed over and lives that she tried to ruin. Brady talks about Kristen drugging Eric, forcing him to have sex with her, and recording it to make sure he was ousted from the priesthood. Kristen stops him and says they don’t want Rachel to hear him. Brady shouts that she raped his brother. Kristen calls that harsh words and says it doesn’t fit with what happened between them. Kristen adds that Eric has forgiven her. Brady argues that Eric may have said that to her, but no human being can forgive something that cruel and destructive. Kristen brings up Brady threatening her with a gun in front of their daughter and asks if that’s not cruel and destructive. Brady blames her provoking him but says he was never going to hurt her. Brady states that stealing a fetus and implanting it in herself was probably her most diabolical thing. Kristen argues that she did it out of love. Brady asks if that exonerates her. Brady declares that Kristen’s idea of love has nothing to do with love, but with possessiveness, revenge, and selfishness. Brady adds that Kristen keeps claiming to have changed but she keeps making the same mistakes. Rachel then runs back in, yelling for Brady to stop and not speak to Kristen like that. Brady apologizes but Rachel argues that they always say sorry and they always fight. Kristen tries to say that they don’t but Rachel says that’s lying. Brady says they have a complicated relationship but they both love her. Rachel shouts at them both to shut up. Rachel then rips up her Valentine’s card for Brady and says she hopes he’s happy now. Kristen tells Brady to just go. Brady tells Rachel that he loves her and he’s sorry as he then exits. Kristen hugs Rachel and tells her that it will be alright.

Everett tells Chad that it looks like their article struck a nerve with Clyde after all but proving it won’t be easy. Everett worries that Clyde has the means to continue his campaign of terror for quite some time. Chad says he cannot let that happen as Clyde murdered his wife and tried to kill him and his kids, so he has to finish this. Everett tells Chad to let him help him finish it as they have more of a chance of success if he helps. Chad says it won’t be pretty. Everett responds that he’s all in for down and dirty if it means getting Clyde out of their lives for good.

Ava tells Stefan that it’s so hard not to be close to Harris right now. Ava asks if Stefan thinks Clyde will go after Gabi or Tripp now. Stefan says no, since they had nothing to do with the raid or the article, so the best thing they can do is stay put and lie low until they hear from Clyde. Ava worries that they will never be free of Clyde. Stefan declares that they made their choices and as long as that son of a bitch is breathing, they are at his mercy.

Justin tells Xander to walk him through last night as he understands he went for a run. Xander confirms that he did and it was late as he usually runs earlier, but he needed to clear his head. Justin asks where he ran. Xander says he went through the town square and passed by the Bistro on his way home. Justin asks if he heard anything. Xander says he heard nothing until he got home and then it seemed like sirens were coming from all directions. Justin questions Xander about the “is it done?” text on his phone. Xander says he has no idea. Justin assumes the police will get a warrant for his cell phone records. Xander admits that a few days ago, he got a call, asking him to eliminate someone. Sarah is shocked while Justin questions him just mentioning this now instead of going to the police. Xander knows he should have. Jada comes back in to the room, so Justin tells her that he wants his client arraigned now, so they can set bail and get him out. Jada responds that she wouldn’t be getting his hopes up. Jada then opens a box and presents a gun.

Stephanie joins Everett in the town square, where people are participating in the geocaching event. Stephanie comments on the turnout. Everett says she did good. Stephanie informs him that she invited her friends to dinner tonight as they’ve been going through a lot and she knows that they could use a care free night. Stephanie adds that she’s been wanting to introduce them to him as he’s responsible for the smile on her face as they kiss.

Brady sits outside the DiMera Mansion, questioning how he could let this happen again.

Kristen encourages Rachel to drink water and calm down. Rachel complains that she doesn’t want to calm down and asks why Kristen and Brady always have to fight.

Ava asks Stefan how she let this happen to her. Stefan responds that he let it happen to him too as they both felt they had no choice since Clyde got to them when they were vulnerable. Ava doesn’t like vulnerable as she’s supposed to be strong and fierce with no one intimidating her. Ava admits she was weak and now the last thought in Harris’s head is that she needed him. Ava states that Harris was on the dock because of her as she starts to cry. Stefan encourages that they are not alone in this and that they will get through it together.

Sarah questions the gun. Jada responds that it was recovered in Xander’s apartment last night and ballistics just confirmed that it’s the same gun that shot Harris Michaels.

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Days Update Wednesday, February 14, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Theresa wakes up at home and calls out for Alex but there’s no answer, so she knocks on his door and finds out he is not home and wonders where the heck he is.

Paulina is in the hospital, on the phone with Rafe. Paulina thanks him for checking in and says she’s doing alright but she’s frustrated that she can’t be available to him 24/7. Paulina says getting the drugs off the street is a start and says to thank the police department for the flowers as she hangs up. Abe arrives with white roses and wishes Paulina a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Johnny and Chanel arrive at the hospital, dressed for their wedding and talking about how they can’t wait to see Paulina’s reaction. Chanel tells Johnny that it was very kind of him to do this. Johnny says he loved the idea just as much as she did and he would do anything to make her happy. Chanel adds that Paulina will be over the moon.

Steve wakes Kayla up in bed with a yellow rose and wishes her a Happy Anniversary. Steve tells her that she’s even more beautiful than when he first laid eyes on her. Steve talks about having so many years together and adventures. Steve states that as crazy as some of those adventures have been, they brought them to where they are now and he’s so grateful for each one. Kayla says she is too as they kiss until Stephanie opens the door to surprise them with breakfast in bed, but apologizes for interrupting.

John and Marlena kiss in the park. Marlena is glad John insisted on this. John calls it a beautiful day. Marlena says it really does help to get out in nature and the fresh air. Marlena hopes that Harris will be alright and worries about what the Hortons are going through. John assures that Doug and Julie know they will help them any way they can. John then surprises Marlena with a Valentine’s Day picnic setup in the park.

Kayla and Steve come out from the bedroom as Stephanie continues to apologize for interrupting. Steve says it’s their fault for not locking the door while Stephanie blames herself for not knocking. Stephanie wishes them a happy anniversary anyway and calls them the sweetest, most romantic couple she knows. Stephanie says the food can wait but Kayla insists that they want to enjoy it.

Theresa wonders if Alex at least left a note but finds that he did not. Theresa then remembers finding the engagement ring in Alex’s jacket pocket, so she checks his jacket and finds the ring is no longer there. Theresa then guesses that means Alex is going to propose today because it’s Valentine’s Day so maybe he’s going to put the ring in a dessert for her. Theresa decides that Alex is going to surprise her by popping the question. Theresa then excitedly goes to get dressed.

Marlena comments on John going above and beyond. Marlena calls it a perfect Valentine’s Day. John hopes it makes up a little for them being apart on last year’s Valentine’s Day but says that gave him a greater appreciation of every day with her. John tells Marlena that their Valentine’s Day celebration is just beginning, explaining that he downloaded the montage of pictures that Johnny put together that he showed her on the rooftop. John suggests tonight, they lie in bed and look at those pictures again under different circumstances which Marlena says she would love. John says it doesn’t seem like a year since they were up on the rooftop. Marlena responds that time goes by so quickly. John says they are too busy making memories like today as they toast their champagne.

Alex comes home where Theresa says she was starting to get worried as he doesn’t usually leave without a note or a text. Alex apologizes and kisses her. Theresa says he’s forgiven this once and asks where he was. Alex responds that there was just something he needed to take care of. Theresa tells him that he’s just in time for a very special breakfast and wishes him a Happy Valentine’s Day as they kiss. Alex tells Theresa that he’s not really that hungry and asks if she’d be up to go for a walk instead, so Theresa goes to get changed.

Paulina talks to Abe about the white roses as Chanel and Johnny arrive. Paulina says they didn’t have to come but they insist there is no where else they would rather be. Paulina sees they also have white roses and starts to feel this isn’t a coincidence, so she asks what’s going on. Johnny informs Paulina that her surgery is not the only reason they are all here today. Chanel announces it’s finally time to let her in on a surprise as she reveals that it’s her bridal bouquet and they are getting married today. Paulina is shocked as she thought they postponed the wedding. Johnny tells Paulina that she’s going to be there as Chanel declares that they are getting married right here.

Stephanie, Steve, and Kayla eat breakfast as Stephanie asks them which of their weddings was their favorite. They agree that it was the first one on the yacht. Steve calls it a beautiful day and recalls how the day before, Kayla had her hearing restored but hadn’t spoken in two months until then as they flash back to that moment. Kayla states that Steve gave her the courage to finally talk again, calling it a glorious moment with everyone they love there to witness it as they flash back to their wedding vows. Kayla declares that celebrating their anniversary with the love of her life and their daughter, reminds her of how lucky she is and how her life is better than she ever could’ve imagined.

Paulina questions Chanel and Johnny getting married in this hospital room. Johnny confirms that Abe will be officiating. Paulina questions them planning all of this as Abe explains that he had all the flowers sent for the ceremony. Paulina realizes that’s why Rafe didn’t know what she was thanking him for. Paulina asks if they are sure. Chanel assures her and asks Paulina to be her matron of honor while Johnny asks her to be his best person as well. Chanel says Paulina can also give her away. Paulina calls it a lot of jobs but says she’s up for it. Paulina calls for them to get the show on the road.

Stephanie, Steve, and Kayla talk about Steve and Kayla being married 5 times. Steve and Kayla talk about exchanging vows in the mountains. Stephanie reveals that she gathered photos from their previous weddings as an anniversary Valentine’s gift. They flash back to their Valentine’s Day wedding from 3 years ago. They talk about meaning every word of their vows.

Alex and Theresa walk to the park and come across John and Marlena, so they greet them and wish a Happy Valentine’s Day. Alex says they know how to celebrate. Marlena invites them to join them. Alex says they don’t want to intrude but John insists. Theresa decides it’s up to Alex. Alex repeats that he didn’t want to impose but Marlena says they would enjoy the company. Alex calls it great since they had no plans, so Theresa goes along with it and they sit down with John and Marlena.

Abe begins the wedding of Chanel and Johnny. Johnny and Chanel then exchange their vows. Abe calls for the rings but Paulina asks if they want to say something personal first. Johnny confirms that he definitely does.

John tells Alex and Theresa about the first time he set up a romantic picnic for Marlena on their first honeymoon which they then flash back to. They comment on still making wonderful memories. Theresa asks what their secret is to staying madly in love for 40 years. Marlena points out that there were a few years they weren’t together while John notes that they always found their way back to each other. John says there is the love, trust, and always staying romantic. Marlena reminds John of the Valentine’s Day dance at the hospital, so Theresa asks for the details. They recall it being 1993. John reveals he won a dance with Marlena for $100,000. Marlena adds that everyone thought they were just friends at that point, but after the dance, they realized they were a lot more as they flash back to that moment. John declares that it was worth every penny. Theresa asks Marlena to show her where the ladies room is so she can freshen up. As they step aside, Theresa informs Marlena that she doesn’t really have to go, but she’s dying to tell somebody that Alex is going to ask her to marry her today. Marlena asks if she’s sure. Theresa explains that she found a gorgeous ring in his jacket pocket and then this morning, it was no longer there which tells her that Alex has the ring with him or he dropped it off somewhere for a surprise proposal. Marlena responds that she’s not sure about this which Theresa questions. Marlena wonders if Theresa doesn’t want to get things with her son in order before making a huge life change. Theresa says she understands that, but she’ll just tell Alex that they can have a really long engagement and they don’t have to get married right away. Theresa adds that she doesn’t want to upset Alex by saying no when he proposes, especially since he bought such a beautiful ring. John asks Alex if he’s okay. Alex responds that he’s good, just feeling a little pressured. John isn’t sure what he means. Alex says it’s Valentine’s Day, so when you are with someone, they expect you to be intensely romantic like John and Marlena. John states that Alex and Theresa’s relationship is relatively new so they don’t have to be intensely romantic as long as he’s honest about it. Alex agrees that he has to be honest with himself and with Theresa.

Kayla thanks Stephanie and hugs her. Stephanie knows Valentine’s Day is very special to Steve and Kayla, so she wanted to honor that. Steve thanks her and asks what Stephanie’s Valentine’s Day plans are. Stephanie responds that she’s going to check in on the Caching Cupid event that kicks off later. Stephanie jokes that she’s going to be gone for hours and mentions that Abe is gone too. Steve and Kayla talk about Abe telling them about his plans to officiate another surprise wedding. Kayla mentions being so happy for Johnny and Chanel.

Johnny begins his own vows by telling Chanel that she’s made him the happiest man in the world today and talks about their journey. Johnny says he doesn’t know where life will take them from here but it doesn’t matter because they will be together. Johnny promises to take care of her and protect her forever. Chanel responds that she loves him with a passion that she can’t express in words, so all she can do is show him and she looks forward to all the years to come. Abe then calls for them to exchange the rings. Abe then pronounces them husband and wife as Johnny and Chanel kiss. Paulina exclaims that it’s such a happy day. Abe congratulates them as they hug. The nurse enters and says it looks like a special occasion. Paulina confirms that her beautiful daughter just got married to her handsome new son in law and for the second time. Johnny assures it’s the last time as well. The nurse is sorry to break it up but announces it’s time for Paulina’s surgery. Johnny says they’ll be right here when she gets back. Abe says he will walk Paulina down the hall. Chanel hugs Paulina and says she loves her. Abe and the nurse then escort Paulina out of the room. Chanel and Johnny talk about how Paulina will be okay and they just have to wait, joking that they are the best dressed couple in the hospital. Johnny tells Chanel how much he loves her as they kiss.

Steve and Kayla talk about Stephanie being sweet and how she won’t be home for awhile. Steve and Kayla then head back to the bedroom.

Alex and Theresa go back home. Theresa talks about it being a treat to run in to John and Marlena and hearing all those romantic stories. Alex says they obviously have a great marriage. Theresa calls that something to strive for. Theresa asks Alex if he wants to go to the geocaching scavenger hunt. Alex says maybe. Theresa asks what Alex had planned for the day. Alex says he was going to go by the office but it’s not necessary for her to come in today. Theresa says she’ll just be here relaxing then and waiting for him. Alex says that sounds good. Theresa adds that she made a reservation at the Bistro because it’s Valentine’s Day and asks if he’s interested. Alex says sure and that he’s going to change for the office. Theresa tells him it’s at 8:00 so Alex says he’ll be there and exits. Theresa wonders if Alex is just trying to throw her off and guesses that Alex definitely took the ring to the Bistro to put it in her dessert or something. Theresa declares that tonight will be the night that she becomes the future Mrs. Alex Kiriakis.

Marlena thanks John for a wonderful Valentine’s Day. John says the pleasure is all his as they kiss. Marlena hopes he didn’t mind her inviting Alex and Theresa to join them. John calls it very nice of her, especially since they obviously didn’t have any other plans. Marlena then informs John that Theresa was expecting Alex to propose and after having spent so much time with Alex, she knows that’s not on his mind. John thinks Alex is doing a little soul searching because he told him that he feels like he’s under pressure to be intensely romantic because it’s Valentine’s Day. John mentions that he advised Alex to be honest with Theresa. Marlena reveals John that she got him something and it’s a keychain engraved “Going Home to Doc”. John calls it perfect because every time they are apart, he’s always going home to her as they kiss. Marlena calls it a combination Valentine’s and birthday gift as she wishes him a happy birthday. John tells Marlena that he loves her now and forever. John jokes that he may not have $100,000 on him but asks her to dance with him which they do.

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Days Update Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Xander returns home from his run to find Sarah waiting on the couch. Xander is surprised she’s still up. Sarah responds that she was starting to get worried as he was gone for such a long time. Sarah adds that she was hearing all the sirens and guesses he did too. Xander states that he had no idea what that was all about.

Chad and Julie go to the Kiriakis Mansion. Chad thanks Maggie for giving them clothes. Maggie says Victor would be glad they went to use as she’s never gotten around to donating them. Maggie asks where Doug is. Chad responds that he’s upstairs with the kids as they finally fell asleep and he didn’t want to leave their side. Chad says the kids were so scared as they all were. Maggie can’t imagine and calls it terrifying. Chad isn’t sure he’s been able to process it yet but calls Julie so brave. Maggie knows they both always are. Maggie tries to comfort Julie and says they are all okay which is all that matters. Julie agrees and acknowledges that the house is just a material thing while family is home. Julie just doesn’t understand why it happened. Chad responds that he knows why and declares that it was his fault.

At the police station, Jada talks with Officer Goldman about it being all hands on deck and not having any updates on Harris yet. Rafe joins them and asks for any updates on the shooting. Jada says they are interviewing witnesses and trying to locate Harris’ phone. Jada asks how Harris is doing. Rafe responds that he’s alive but it’s touch and go. Rafe asks about the Pub. Jada says she just got back from there and everyone’s fine, but she’ll fill him in on that later. Rafe says he figured he could be more useful here. Officer Goldman comments on cops being at the hospital donating blood. Rafe talks about how they always come together in times of need. Wendy arrives and asks how she can help. Jada says they will need her to bring up traffic camera footage. Wendy agrees to but asks if she can talk to them in private first.

Stefan joins Ava in a hospital waiting room and asks if she’s hanging in. Ava says she is just barely. Ava remarks that she doesn’t always have the greatest memory, but she remembers every single word that Harris ever said to her and she keeps hearing those words in her head over and over again. Stefan asks if Ava really loves him. Ava responds that she never told him and worries that she’ll never get the chance to.

Kayla works on Harris in the emergency room and says they need at least five units of blood for surgery as she urges him to stay with them.

Xander tells Sarah that he was really in the zone and ran about two miles more than he usually does, but there’s sirens all over town. Xander guesses he’ll be filled in on it in the morning. Sarah suggests they could stay up late, watch the news, and have a drink.. Xander says it sounds tempting but he’s beat and needs a shower. Xander says she can tell him when Victoria is up and tells Sarah to have a goodnight as he heads to the bathroom.

Maggie asks how this could have been Chad’s fault as she doesn’t understand. Chad reveals that he got a phone call after they got outside and were across the street, from an unknown number with a distorted voice that said “maybe next time, you’ll listen”. Chad thinks it was payback for a story they ran in the Spectator about the drug ring because Clyde said he would be sorry. Julie is shocked and questions Chad ignoring that and not taking it seriously. Julie asks why Chad printed the story.

Wendy goes in to the interrogation room with Rafe and Jada. They ask if she saw something tonight. Wendy says not tonight and she doesn’t like being a snitch but she probably should’ve told them this earlier. Wendy informs them that the other night, Ava pretty much admitted to her and Tripp that something was going on at the Bistro that could get her in trouble and she didn’t want her and Tripp involved because of the danger. Rafe asks if Ava said what kind of danger. Wendy admits that she didn’t but it sounded pretty serious. Wendy adds that Ava made a big point of saying she can’t trust the cops. Jada asks if she said why. Wendy responds that Ava said something about how the cops can be more corrupt than the mob in her experience. Jada asks if Wendy noticed any odd behavior from Ava lately. Wendy notes that Ava has been obsessed with wanting her and Tripp to get out of town as if it’s so they won’t be around for whatever danger is out there. Wendy adds that she doesn’t know the details, but she thinks Stefan is involved somehow. Rafe thanks Wendy for the tip and says he’d appreciate her being the ears and eyes around Ava. Wendy calls the idea of spying on her boyfriend’s mother weird. Jada says she gets it but it could really help their investigation and something really serious is going down right now, so Wendy agrees to do it. Rafe assures this stays between them and no one else will know that she’s giving them intel. Jada adds that he can’t tell anyone, especially not Tripp. Officer Goldman enters and announces she has something they are going to want to see right away.

Stefan encourages Ava that Harris will be okay and she has to think positive. Stefan brings up Harris being a Navy SEAL and being through worse than this, so he’s going to make it. Stefan then asks Ava why she got down and dirty with him, if she loves Harris so much. Ava asks what the hell is wrong with him, reminding him that they both agreed that it was a huge mistake. Ava then asks why Stefan got down and dirty with her when he apparently loves Gabi so much. Ava then tells him not to answer because it never happened. Stefan agrees and apologizes for bringing it up. Kayla comes in, so Ava asks what’s wrong and if Harris is going to be okay.

Julie knows Chad couldn’t imagine someone would set the house on fire, but questions why he didn’t tell them about the call or warn them about the threat from Clyde. Chad wishes he would have and blames himself. Maggie insists it’s not his fault but Chad says he should’ve taken Clyde’s threat seriously because he knows what he’s capable of. Chad apologizes. Julie says she’s overwhelmed but she shouldn’t lash out at him, assuring that Chad is not to blame in any way. Julie apologizes and says the person to blame is Clyde. Chad says he published the story because he needed to bring Clyde down and he wanted to make him pay so badly for what he did to Abigail and leaving his kids without a mother. Julie asks if Chad is sure the voice on the phone was Clyde’s. Chad admits he can’t be sure, but asks who else it could be. Chad says the voice was distorted and the number was blocked, but there might be a way to unblock it. Chad adds that he hasn’t told the police about the call yet, but he’ll go to the station now to give them his phone and see if there’s anything they can do.

Officer Goldman presents a phone found near the dumpster at the scene. Rafe gives it to Wendy and says the phone is now her priority. Wendy agrees to run the numbers and see what she can find. Rafe tells her to let him know, even if it’s a dead end. Wendy then exits and Officer Goldman follows out. Rafe tells Jada that he doesn’t know what’s up with Ava, but they need to have a chat with her. Jada agrees that Ava knows more than what she’s saying. Rafe then asks Jada to get him up to speed on the Pub. Jada responds that he’s not going to believe this.

Kayla informs Ava and Stefan that they’ve been giving Harris blood transfusions and he is now stable enough for surgery which relieves Ava. Kayla adds that their biggest concern right now is internal bleeding, but he could also have bullet fragments that could cause damage to other areas. Kayla says they plan to remove the bullet and check multiple organs. Kayla asks if Harris has any family to notify. Ava says not that she knows of. Kayla says they will check with the police department for his emergency contacts. Ava asks if Harris is going to be okay. Kayla repeats that he lost a lot of blood and they’ll know more after surgery but assures that they will do everything they can.

Xander takes a shower until Sarah comes in to join him. Xander thought they were taking things slow as they start kissing.

Julie complains to Maggie that somebody set fire to the house with them in it. Maggie says there will be a reckoning for the evil that is Clyde. Julie cries that they’ve lost the family history, the scrapbooks, and the Horton family Christmas ornaments. Maggie thanks God that they got out safe and reminds her that home is not material possessions but family and the people you love. Julie agrees that’s what Tom and Alice would say as Maggie hugs her.

Kayla tells Ava and Stefan that Harris has experienced trauma but he is strong and in great shape so he has a better chance than most. Kayla adds that Ava found him and got him help before it was too late, so because of her, he actually has a better chance. Kayla says they are taking Harris to the operating room now, so she’ll be in touch. Kayla then exits the room. Ava thinks back to Harris telling her that he loves her. Ava says to herself that Harris has to make it.

Rafe and Jada discuss Harris keeping Lucas safe in his room. Jada says that’s her partner, always going above and beyond. Rafe says the best they can do for him, is to go above on this investigation and nail every bastard involved but Clyde is pulling strings from the inside. Jada questions how they prove that. Rafe says they have to find out who his new puppet master is and his soldiers on the outside and then flip them. Jada and Rafe hope the phone gives them something or forensics finds something at the Pub. Jada adds that she has police at the Pub all night on the scene, so Lucas is safe for now, but they have to find him a new safehouse. Rafe says the question is how the hell they found Lucas and declares that it’s like Clyde was waging a war on Salem tonight. Officer Goldman returns and informs them that Chad is there and insists on speaking to Rafe, so Rafe brings him in. Chad comments on it being busy out there. Rafe asks him what’s up. Chad informs them of the fire at the Horton house tonight. Jada asks if everyone is okay. Chad says they are good. Rafe asks if everyone got out. Chad confirms they did but the house is gone and destroyed. Rafe tells Chad that he’s so sorry and that they’ve been so busy that he didn’t even hear about it. Rafe asks if he knows what the cause was. Chad responds that it was arson and he thinks it was Clyde Weston. Chad tells them about the phone call saying “maybe next time, you’ll listen.” Jada asks why he thinks it was Clyde. Chad says it was either Clyde or someone who works for him, explaining that Clyde threatened he and Everett when they saw him at the prison earlier and told him they were going to write the article on the drug crisis, naming him as the suspected drug lord. Chad says Clyde didn’t want it to see the light of day and it did, so he thinks this was revenge for outing him and killing his profits. Rafe guesses that Clyde is on the warpath and if he is responsible for this fire, that makes three incidents tonight. Chad asks what else happened. Rafe says he can’t discuss other incidents but he’s glad Chad and his family are safe. Rafe adds that he’s interested in seeing the arson report and will have it sent over as soon as possible. Chad states that he needs Rafe to tell him he’s going to get this guy. Chad brings up that Clyde killed Abigail and then burned down their family house while in prison for her murder. Rafe assures that they are going to get Clyde as everyone in the department wants to bring him down. Jada asks Chad to leave his phone so they can have tech look it over which Chad agrees to.

Ava complains that things are taking forever. Stefan offers to get her something to eat but Ava says she can’t keep this up after tonight. Ava argues that they have to end this and they can’t keep this going. Stefan argues that they have no choice as they cannot betray Clyde since they’ve seen what happens. Ava swears that if Harris dies, she will go after Clyde herself no matter what happens. Stefan asks if she’s just going to walk in to prison and stab him with a spork. Ava tells him not to insult her. Stefan urges her to let it go. Ava asks if they are supposed to just let Clyde hurt the people they love. Stefan says there is nothing they can do about it unless she wants him to kill the people they love the most.

Xander and Sarah continue kissing into the bedroom. Sarah tells Xander that she loves him and she never stopped. Xander responds that he loves her and never stopped as they kiss onto the bed.

Jada comments to Rafe on there being three targets in one night and guesses Clyde has this whole thing planned and executed. Rafe points out that Clyde is in his cell while his goons are out there knocking off his enemies. Jada worries that there were kids along with Doug and Julie, so Clyde doesn’t care who gets caught in it. Rafe questions how Clyde can know so much, noting that it’s one thing to know where Chad lives or where Harris was going to be, but not to know where Lucas was hiding out. Rafe worries that the mole runs deep. Wendy rushes in and says they won’t believe it but she got a hit off the phone and shows them the papers, shocking Rafe and Jada. Rafe and Jada exit the interrogation room, declaring they’ve got him now. Officer Goldman comes in and announces she’s got the warrant. She shows signs of arm pain so Jada asks if she’s alright but she says she just overdid it at the gym. Rafe announces that everyone knows the drill so it’s time to do this as they exit the station.

Chad returns to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Maggie and Julie that the kids are still asleep and Doug is with them. Maggie asks how it went at the police station. Chad says he told them everything and they took his phone, so he hopes he helped. Julie asks if there is any chance that they are all still in danger. Chad doesn’t think so as Clyde made his point but Rafe said he would put a car outside just to be safe. Julie guesses all they have to think about is where they are going to live now.

Kayla returns to Ava and Stefan to inform them that Harris made it through surgery and they removed the bullet, but Harris had a collapsed lung and significant internal bleeding. Ava asks what happens now. Kayla says they will monitor him closely and wait. Stefan asks how long before they know if he will make it. Kayla says there are no guarantees but gives it 24 hours.

Xander and Sarah lay in bed together after having sex. Xander says not long ago, he thought they would never be together again and now she’s back in his arms as they kiss. Sarah tells Xander that she missed him so much. Xander says while they were apart, there wasn’t a day where he didn’t think about her and if she was thinking about him. Sarah confirms that she was, even when she was so angry and wanted to move on, her longing for him never went away. Sarah says she would fantasize about moments like this. Sarah says when Xander went out, she couldn’t wait for him to get back as she was hoping something like this might happen. Xander says he was just sorry he was gone so long. Sarah notes that Xander did leave his phone and she wasn’t snooping, but it was impossible to not notice a text that came through that just said “is it done?” Sarah asks if he knows what that means. Xander claims to have no idea but then they hear the police burst in, announcing they have a search warrant.

Maggie tells Julie that there is nothing to figure out as they will all live here in the Kiriakis Mansion. Julie says they can’t possibly impose when she already has a house full of people. Maggie points out that it’s a mansion with empty bedrooms. Chad says she doesn’t have to do that but Maggie says she won’t take no for an answer. Maggie instructs Julie and Chad to go upstairs and get some rest as there is nothing more they can do tonight and tomorrow is another day. Julie agrees as Maggie encourages that she will rebuild and she’ll have everyone around her who loves her, every step of the way.

Ava asks Kayla if she can see Harris. Kayla repeats that he’s in recovery. Stefan points out that Ava has been waiting for hours and he’s pretty sure Harris would want her in the room beside him. Kayla says that brings her to something that she wanted to mention to Ava, so she asks Stefan to give them a minute. Stefan steps out. Kayla then informs Ava that one of the nurses got in contact with the police department and asks if Ava was aware that Harris listed her as his emergency contact. Ava confirms she did not know that. Kayla says she clearly means a lot to him. Ava thanks her and adds that she really wants to see Harris as she needs to tell him something. Kayla allows her to for just a few minutes so Ava heads to Harris’s hospital room.

Ava enters the room and begins talking to Harris as he lays unconscious. Ava states that she’s so sorry this happened to him and that she never should’ve gotten involved with Clyde Weston. Ava says she should’ve found a way out. Ava adds that Harris was just trying to protect her, so she should be the one in the bed instead of him. Ava says there’s something really important that she wants to tell him. Ava then tells Harris that she loves him and she really wishes she told him and said it back to him at the police station. Ava cries that she needs him to fight really hard. Stefan walks by and listens from the doorway as the cop nearby watches on. Ava pleads with Harris to come back to her.

Rafe, Jada and the cops burst in to the bedroom as Sarah shouts that there’s a baby in the other room. They order Xander to put his hands behind his back as they arrest him.

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Days Update Monday, February 12, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Someone in a black mask sneaks in to the Horton house.

Paulina is watching TV at home until Chanel shows up at the door with three large bags. Chanel tells Paulina that she brought all her favorites because they are about to have a mother-daughter night that she will never forget. Paulina reminds Chanel that her surgery is in the morning and she’s not really in the mood. Chanel responds that they will just have to get her in the mood as she shows that she got her favorite nail polish, a puzzle, a deck of card, and her favorite junk foods. Chanel presents her with a pair of slippers and calls it girls night.

Jada brings Rafe food and coffee in his office, noting that he’s been busy. Rafe talks about the endless paperwork of an officer-involved shooting. Jada asks how Officer Goldman is doing. Rafe says she’s okay and that he sent her home after her meeting. Rafe says on a positive note, they got a lot of product off the street and were a major thorn in Clyde’s side, so all in all it’s a good day.

Someone enters the door to Harris’s room above the Pub and fires shots with a gun. Kate fires back, wounding the person as they run away. Kate then calls back inside to Lucas, asking if he’s alright.

The masked invader pours gasoline all over the living room of the Horton house, then lights a match and sets the house on fire! The fire alarms go off as Chad and Julie come downstairs to find the house on fire.

At the Bistro, Stefan comes over to Tripp, Wendy, and Ava’s table. Tripp jokes that it’s nice to see Stefan fully clothed. Stefan tells him to forget what he saw. Tripp calls it hard to forget. Ava reminds him that they are respecting boundaries and they are never to talk about that moment again. Ava then goes to step outside to get some fresh air.

Ava goes out to the docks and finds Harris on the ground, bleeding from being shot. Ava rushes to him and checks on him as she begins to panic.

Paulina tells Chanel that she really appreciates this, but questions her being up for a night of fun and games when she’s supposed to be getting married today. They talk about what movie to watch and decide on Bad Boys. Paulina then gets a call from prison and it’s Lani.

Rafe and Jada go over paperwork. Rafe notes that they should have the results of the drug dealer’s autopsy tomorrow morning which will confirm if he fired his weapon and if he had any opioids in his system. Rafe asks about Harris, noting he still doesn’t have his report yet and asks if he’s around.

Ava tries to keep Harris awake, as he flashes back to being shot and Ava pulls out her phone.

Stefan tells Tripp that it’s nobody’s business, so he asks him not to say a word to anyone about what he saw at his place. Tripp assures that he promised Ava that they would respect her boundaries. Tripp then gets a call from Ava, who tells him to get to the loading dock right now as Harris has been shot.

Kate and Lucas check on each other but neither of them were shot as they hug. Roman runs in and asks if they are okay as heard shots from outside. Kate assures they are fine and that she shot whoever it was. Roman orders them to stay there and on the floor as he heads back out.

Chad orders Julie to get Doug and the kids to get out safe while he calls 911. Chad goes to find the fire extinguisher.

Chanel talks to Lani on the phone and promises to text Eli updates as soon as she gets them. Chanel gives the phone back to Paulina to say goodbye before her time is up. Paulina thanks her for calling and says it means so much to her as they hang up. Paulina says it was so good to hear Lani’s voice as that was just what she needed. They wish Lani could be with them for girls’ night. Paulina talks about hoping Lani will be back in Salem soon as they prepare to start the movie.

Doug, Julie, Thomas, and Charlotte escape the Horton house as Doug assures the kids that it’s okay and they are safe now but they worry for Chad still being in the house. Julie then decides to run back in despite Doug’s pleas for her not to.

Roman goes back to Harris’ room and tells Kate and Lucas that he cleared the scene and the shooter is gone. Roman asks if they saw anything. Lucas says it was too dark. Kate says she only saw the gun. Roman is glad she acted fast and scared him off. Lucas acknowledges that Kate saved his life as they hug.

Tripp and Wendy go to the docks. Tripp asks what happened. Ava responds that she doesn’t know as she just found Harris lying there bleeding. Tripp asks if she called 911 but Ava says no, she called him. Tripp instructs Wendy to call 911 and tell them that they have an officer down and need paramedics. Stefan comes out and sees what is happening. Tripp says he need something to stop the bleeding so Ava sends Stefan back in for napkins. Tripp notes that it feels like a single bullet wound to the chest and one to the arm which Wendy repeats on her 911 call. Wendy goes to get the first aid kit from the kitchen as Stefan comes back out. Ava remarks that this wasn’t supposed to happen. Tripp asks what she means by that. Ava says nothing as she flashes back to making a plan with Harris in the interrogation room. Ava says it doesn’t matter now and pleads with Harris not to die.

Paulina and Chanel finish their food. Chanel then gets a call from Johnny. Chanel tells him that he can’t come over because it’s girls night and thanks him for getting the DVDs. Chanel says she loves him and will see him tomorrow as she hangs up. Chanel tells Paulina that Johnny sends his love and wishes her the best for tomorrow’s surgery. Chanel mentions that Johnny is out shopping. Paulina bets he’s getting her a Valentine’s Day surprise. Chanel admits that Johnny is pretty good at surprises.

Roman compliments Kate on her shooting at the gun range while Lucas points out that the shooter was definitely after him. Roman feels they have to tell Harris. Kate complains that Harris said Lucas would be fine and worries about what could’ve happened. Roman points out that Lucas is fine. They then hear police sirens outside.

Rafe and Jada arrive on the docks to find Harris bleeding. Rafe asks for his condition as the paramedics arrive. Tripp informs the paramedics of the situation. Jada orders the other cops to get the area courted off and check with witnesses. Rafe asks what the hell happened. Ava responds that she just came out and found Harris lying in blood. Rafe gets a call and informs Jada that there’s been another shooting at the Brady Pub so he needs her to get there now.

Julie goes back in to the Horton House as Chad is trying to extinguish the fire. Julie yells for him to stop as he can’t put it out and the fire is too big.

Chanel and Paulina play Go Fish with a deck of cards. Paulina tells her how her and Johnny together makes her very happy. Chanel admits she’s a very lucky girl. Paulina calls it wonderful that Chanel found her true love. Paulina asks what it is about Johnny that makes him the one. Chanel tells her that Johnny makes her feel safe, empowered and accepts and respects her for who she is. Chanel adds that he’s fun, makes her laugh, is creative and curious. Chanel loves how honest he is and how he’s strong but also vulnerable. Chanel calls Johnny the whole package, saying they have great chemistry but it’s really so much for that. Paulina then gets a call and is shocked by what she hears. Paulina asks when this happened and if he’s alive. Paulina tells them to keep her posted and hangs up. Paulina then informs Chanel that Harris was shot tonight by an unknown assailant and they are treating him on the scene at the loading docks of the Bistro. Paulina wants to get to the hospital but Chanel reminds her that she has to get ready for her surgery tomorrow and she needs to let the deputy mayor fill in for her on this. Paulina insists on needing to get there but Chanel says the only thing they can do right now for Harris is pray.

Doug worries about Julie and Chad. Thomas wants to go find them but Doug says it’s too dangerous. Chad and Julie then come back out from the house. Doug is relieved as Chad embraces the kids and tells them it’s okay.

Kate tries calling Harris but it goes to voicemail. Jada arrives, so Roman informs her about what happened with the shooter. Jada asks what he looked like but Kate says she couldn’t see much other than he was dressed in black. Jada asks where it happened. Kate says it was right here in Harris’ room so Jada says she needs to get in there but Kate says she can’t which Jada questions. Roman calls it a matter of privacy that he can’t let her in his tenant’s room. Jada states that a crime went down here tonight and Roman knows that she needs to investigate in order to do her job. Roman then reluctantly allows Jada in, where she is shocked to find Lucas. Jada questions this being Lucas’s safehouse. Lucas confirms he’s been there the whole time. Jada points out that she lives right down the hall and had no idea. Roman states that they need to get in touch with Harris to let him know what happened. Jada then reveals that won’t be possible as Harris was shot tonight and they don’t know yet if he’s going to make it.

Tripp and the paramedics work on Harris on the loading docks. Ava repeats that they don’t know what happened as they were all inside. Tripp tries to get Harris to wake up. Rafe questions not hearing any gunshots. Stefan confirms they heard nothing. Ava says she just came out for a break and saw Harris lying there bleeding. Ava says he looked at her for a minute and then he closed his eyes. Tripp announces that Harris doesn’t have a pulse so they prepare the defibrillator.

Paulina complains about Harris clinging to life. Chanel asks if he was shot in the line of duty. Paulina says they don’t know yet but it goes to show that you never know when your moment might be up. Paulina tells Chanel that they need to talk. Paulina starts talking about if anything happens to her during her surgery and reminds her where her key to her safety deposit box is. Chanel gets upset and tells Paulina not to talk about leaving the planet anytime soon because she will not put up with it. Paulina decides that Chanel has gotten through to her and apologizes. Paulina promises not to leave this planet for a very long time. Paulina declares that she’s going to go in and kick cancer’s ass. Chanel says that’s more like it. Paulina tells Chanel that she loves her.

Roman is shocked to hear that Harris was shot while Kate asks what happened. Jada responds that last she knew, Tripp was working on him on the docks. Kate asks who shot him and Lucas asks if he’s in custody. Jada responds that they don’t know that yet. Jada asks what happened here tonight. Kate explains that she had said goodnight to Lucas, then she saw the door open and they had a gun so she fired her gun and they took off. Jada says they will get forensics in to see what they can find. Lucas reminds her that no one can know he’s there. Jada offers her room but Roman says they will take him to their apartment which Kate calls a good idea. Jada proposes to gather the unit downstairs and make sure Lucas is alone, then they will make the move. Jada says they will have a strong police presence here until they figure out what to do next.

One of the firefighters checks in with Doug, Julie, Chad, and the kids. Julie asks if they can save the house. He responds that they are doing the best they can and will transport them to the hospital to get checked out soon. Julie shouts that it’s their family home for generations with all of their history.

Tripp and the paramedics work to revive Harris but he has no pulse. They use the defibrillator and Tripp continues his compressions as Ava, Rafe, and Stefan watch on.

Chanel tells Paulina that she should get to bed and get some rest. Paulina feels she has to clean up first but Chanel says she will do it while she sleeps. Paulina doesn’t think she’ll be able to sleep but she’s feeling much more positive thanks to her. Chanel offers to lay in bed with her like when she was little which Paulina accepts. Chanel tells her that she’s really proud that she’s her mom. Paulina calls her loving and perfect. Paulina declares that she plans on sticking around this planet for a long time as they hug.

Ava thanks God that Harris is breathing as he’s loaded onto the stretcher. Stefan questions how the hell this happened. Rafe remarks that they are sure as hell going to find out. Tripp calls in to Kayla that Harris has lost a lot of blood and it’s bad as they load him onto the ambulance.

Lucas blames Clyde Weston for all of this. Jada says it sure looks like it. Kate question how he found him since nobody knew Lucas was there. Roman guesses somebody knew. Jada says they will find him a new safehouse. Lucas argues that it won’t make a difference and declares that as long as Clyde Weston is alive, he’s never going to be safe from him.

Doug tells Julie that he’s so sorry but the important thing is they are all safe. Julie cries that she’s watching half of her life go up in flames. Thomas asks Chad about he and Charlotte’s toys. Chad promises to get them new stuff but says right now, they have to count their blessings and thank God they are all okay. Thomas then asks about all their old pictures of Abigail. Chad gets a call and a distorted voice on the other end warns that maybe next time, he’ll listen.

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Days Update Friday, February 9, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Alex and Theresa finish watching Pride and Prejudice at home. Theresa gets emotional, talking about how romantic the movie is. Theresa compares it to how she was a hot mess and Alex really took the time to get to know her.

Tripp and Wendy have dinner at the Bistro. Tripp comments on not having much of an appetite and asks if they really have to have this conversation with Ava. Wendy says they can’t keep walking around on eggshells and that it’s out of respect to his mother that they talk to her. Ava comes over and asks what they are going to talk about. Ava sits down at their table and says she is all ears.

Lucas goes downstairs at the Brady Pub and ends up spilling some water. Kate comes down and startles Lucas with her gun as she questions what he is doing.

Xander and Sarah talk about their daughter Victoria. Sarah is really glad they get to experience her growing up together.

Julie plays cards with Charlotte and Thomas at home. Chad comes in and questions the kids not going to sleep. Thomas says they aren’t tired. Julie says they should listen to their father. Thomas asks for a bedtime story. Julie says Doug is upstairs but they can make it a two story night. Julie tells the kids to make themselves comfortable.

Theresa asks if Alex really thought they would end up together when they first met. Alex says probably not but he was never against it either. Theresa states that now they are together and tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Alex says he never really took her for the type to get worked up over that so he admits he didn’t plan anything crazy. Theresa says she loves Valentine’s Day when she’s with someone she really cares about. Theresa guesses it’s too late to make a reservation so she asks if they should just stay in. Alex is down to do whatever makes her happy. Theresa responds that being with him makes her happy as they kiss.

Ava asks Wendy what they want to discuss with her. Wendy tells Tripp that they need to get this out in the open. Tripp agrees. Ava says she’s waiting. Tripp tells Ava that last night, when they walked in on her and Stefan, it was really awkward. Ava knows they weren’t thrilled to see them together and she’s sorry. Tripp says there’s nothing to be sorry about as he realizes now that he was out of line and shouldn’t have given her a hard time. Ava says it’s okay but Tripp feels he acted like an immature jerk and she didn’t deserve that. Tripp adds that he and Wendy might not think Stefan is the best choice for her but they have to respect boundaries if they are living under the same roof. Tripp repeats that Stefan is not his first choice for her while Ava says the heart wants what the heart wants. Ava is glad they aren’t upset anymore and says it means the world to her.

Kate complains that Lucas scared the hell out of her and questions what he’s doing down here. Lucas says he was hungry. Kate argues that he’s supposed to stay in his room and asks what if someone caught him. Lucas insists he was careful but Kate points out that she caught him. Lucas argues that the Pub is closed, no one is there and she worries too much. Kate says clearly one of them has to do that.

Julie tells Thomas and Charlotte a story about the history of the Horton House, beginning with Tom and Alice. Julie goes over the family history from Bill and Laura having Jennifer, Jennifer falling in love with Jack, who is their grandpa. Julie tells the kids about Jack and Jennifer having Abigail, who Thomas identifies as their mom. Chad smiles as he watches on. Julie talks about when Abigail was their age and recalls memories of Tom and Alice. Chad mentions never getting to meet them. Julie assures that they would’ve loved him because he loved Abigail so much. Julie tells the kids about the house always being full of joy and built on love and the kids can always count on it. Chad states that the house really is a blessing for them.

Sarah tells Xander that they make a great team and offers to help him get out of his wet clothes. They get close but Xander pulls away and decides he’s going to go on a run, leaving Sarah confused.

Wendy tells Ava that it’s good to see the Bistro busy again since she knows it’s been tough for them since New Year’s Eve. Ava admits it’s been a struggle but credits Stephanie’s PR plan getting them back on track. Tripp talks about how it’s hard to believe what’s happening in their little town and how he sees the overdoses every day at the hospital. Ava calls it heartbreaking but feels it’s all going to turn around real soon.

Xander gets dressed for his run but Sarah comments that Xander has different outfits for going on a run vs when he goes weightlifting at the gym. Xander comments on having proper attires for all occasions. Xander talks about the difference between his work clothes and his workout clothes. Sarah calls it one of his many endearing qualities.

Harris comes in to the Brady Pub and questions if Lucas has a death wish. Kate tries to say it’s okay but Harris disagrees and talks about the risk as he orders Lucas back upstairs.

Alex tells Theresa that they will order dinner in and asks what she wants to do for the rest of the day. Theresa says it would be nice to take a morning stroll in to town, get some coffee and pastries at the Bakery. Alex suggests they work a few hours from home too which Theresa agrees with. Theresa adds that she would like to go to a meeting after work. Alex asks how her meeting went today. Theresa says it was good and adds that Brady was there too. Alex questions what the hell Brady was doing there.

Harris and Kate bring Lucas back to his room. Harris complains about Lucas taking a risk like that. Lucas complains that he’s been in the room day after day. Harris gets that he’s frustrated but insists it’s going to be over soon and asks Lucas to hang in a little while longer.

Julie tells Thomas and Charlotte that it is time for bed. Thomas asks for another story but Chad says they have school tomorrow and their Valentine’s party. Thomas complains that he’s not tired yet. Julie says Doug will read them another story upstairs as Chad sends the kids upstairs. Julie tells Chad that they have to cherish these moments before the kids grow up and don’t ask for bedtime stories. Chad agrees that time really does fly by. Chad admits that life has felt a bit more normal lately. Chad says the kids miss their mom but they don’t cry about it as much and they are doing better in school and in general. Chad thanks Julie and Doug for that. Julie says that’s what family is for.

Theresa asks if Xander doesn’t think it’s a little late for a run. Xander says sometimes night air is what he needs to push him to work out harder. Sarah has another suggestion for a work out that wouldn’t require him to leave.

Alex questions Brady just happening to be there at Theresa’s meeting and asks if he’s spying on her. Theresa insists that Brady didn’t even know she would be there and that Brady went there for the same reason that she did. Theresa talks about the coins they get to celebrate sobriety. Theresa states that Brady needed the meeting just as much as she did. Alex asks if she got the support she needed today. Theresa confirms that she did. Alex asks if she still wants to go to another meeting tomorrow. Theresa assures that she does. Theresa explains that addiction is a lifelong disease and thinks Alex would know that since she’s a recovering addict. Alex admits he’s read about it. Theresa talks about addicts having a constant voice in their head, telling them to get high and how the meetings quiet that voice. Alex asks if she thinks she will be going to meetings for the rest of her life. Theresa says it is most likely because she has to be vigilant every day and accept that she is an addict. Theresa asks if Alex will be able to accept that about her.

Ava asks if Tripp and Wendy have Valentine’s plans. Wendy mentions they are doing the geocaching event. Ava asks if they can explain what that is. Tripp calls it like a treasure hunt with a tech twist. Wendy explains that items are hidden around town and participants use an app to race to find them. Ava guesses the objective is to bring the community together which Wendy confirms, noting it’s something family, friends, or couples can join in on. Ava agrees that they can definitely use something uplifting like that in town right now.

Harris tells Lucas that they are all doing their best and with any luck, the whole thing will be over now especially now that the article in the Spectator dropped. Lucas comments on being the unnamed source. Kate questions Lucas talking to reporters. Harris says he had the same reaction at first because Lucas called Chad over for a chat. Lucas insists everything will be fine as he trusts Chad and Everett and they wouldn’t give up their source.

Julie pours wine for she and Chad so they can toast to family.

Sarah thinks she and Xander could do with some good old fashioned adult time. Xander says he’s having difficulty disagreeing as Sarah starts kissing him. Sarah asks Xander to stay.

Theresa tells Alex that he’s been so supportive and she doesn’t mean to put him on the spot, but she needs him to understand how important her recovery is to her, especially since she has to be strong for Tate. Theresa adds that Tate doesn’t know that she had a slip, but she still feels like she let him down and she cannot let that ever happen again. Alex encourages that she’s a good mom. Theresa responds that she’s a lucky mom because Tate is a great kid since he puts up with her and loves her even with all her dumb mistakes. Theresa says she cannot ever undermine her connection to Tate, calling him her one constant in her life that gives her hope for the future. Theresa asks what Alex is thinking. Alex says that connection between a parent and their kids cna literally change overnight.

Ava tells Tripp and Ava that she has a few things to wrap up before the big day tomorrow, so she will let them enjoy the rest of their evening. Tripp says he’s glad they got to talk as Ava goes back to work. Wendy asks if Tripp is okay. Tripp thanks her for encouraging him to sort things out with Ava. Wendy is glad he did and asks what he wants to do after the geocaching event, suggesting dinner and a movie. Tripp reveals that he already has something in mind as he took the day off work and thought he would start the day by making her breakfast in bed, then after the event, they go out for magic and dancing as he got tickets to a surprise magic show. Wendy acknowledges that he put some thought in to this. Tripp suggests ending the night by dancing under the stars. Wendy is sure this Valentine’s Day will be one to remember as they kiss.

Sarah encourages Xander to forget about going out in the cold night air and stay here with her. Xander responds that he’s sorry but he really does need that run right now. Victoria then wakes up crying but Sarah says she’s got it. Xander tells Sarah that he won’t be long and tells her not to wait up as he hurries out.

Kate worries about anything happening to Lucas. Lucas feels if what he said in the article helps save one person, then it was worth the risk. Harris gets a text from Ava, saying she needs to see him at the Bistro loading dock and to hurry. Harris tells Lucas and Kate that he has to go. Harris orders Lucas to stay in the room for the rest of the night. Lucas guesses he had enough drama for one night and decides he will try to get some sleep. Harris then exits.

Chad thanks Julie for sharing the story of the home with him and the kids tonight, calling it amazing and says it really lifted his spirits as she always does. Julie tells Chad that she sees the love he showered on Abigail in their kids. Chad says he feels her presence in the home. Julie says she does too. Chad states that when he’s in this home, he feels like he can breathe and that the kids are in the right place and safe. Julie tells Chad that he is home.

Xander goes for his run through the park.

Chad asks Julie if Doug has a hot date cooked up for them for Valentine’s Day. Julie says not that she knows of but he loves surprises, so she will keep hoping. Julie asks about Chad’s plans. Chad mentions the geocaching event as he and Julie exit the room and turn out the lights. Someone in a black mask then sneaks in to the house.

Ava brings champagne over to Wendy and Tripp to propose a toast to love.

Someone walks through the Brady Pub with a gun.

Sarah sits at home and notices that Xander left his phone. Xander’s phone then receives a message from a private number, asking if it’s done, leaving Sarah confused.

Alex tells Theresa that he’s going to send some e-mails before he goes to bed. Theresa says she’ll be there in a minute. Alex kisses her and then heads to his room. Theresa gets up and picks up Alex’s jacket, but an engagement ring falls out of the pocket.

Harris goes to the docks to meet Ava, but someone else appears and shoots Harris twice in the chest.

Someone opens the door to Harris’ room above the Pub and fires two shots with their gun.

The masked invader pours gasoline all over the living room of the Horton house, then lights a match and sets the house on fire!

Harris tries to crawl after being shot and passes out on the docks.

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Days Update Thursday, February 8, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Steve goes to meet John at their office. John thanks him for coming. Steve notes that his message sounded urgent and asks what’s going on. John reveals that he met with Konstantin in the park. Steve is shocked and questions why he would take that risk alone and why he’s just hearing about it now.

Stephanie and Everett walk through the town square, talking about Everett’s article. Stephanie praises how it was written to draw the reader in and that he deserves all the accolades. Everett hopes the follow up piece is even more explosive and they are able to take down Clyde Weston. They sit down at a table in the town square. Stephanie declares that she’s taking him out to dinner because she’s so incredibly proud of him and he should be proud of himself. Everett admits he’s immensely proud of the work that he and Chad did on the story, so celebrating sounds nice but he’s much more interested in celebrating them.

Sloan makes dinner for Eric at home. Eric thanks her and goes to kiss her but Jude wakes up crying, so Eric goes to check on him. Sloan complains of the timing and starts drinking wine.

Theresa speaks in an AA meeting about her anxiety and guilt growing after Tate was arrested. Theresa talks about blaming herself for everything that goes wrong and admits she succumbed to getting loaded which she was very ashamed about. Brady then enters the meeting. Theresa talks about how she had the help and understanding of those close to her, so she feels a lot stronger and is committed to the meetings and the 12 steps.

Harris meets Clyde in prison. Harris calls Clyde a celebrity and presents a copy of the online Spectator article about the massive drug bust in Salem. Harris shows Clyde that his mugshot is on the cover of the paper. Harris asks if the mugshot is from when he was convicted this time and jokes that he probably had a bunch of mugshots to pick from. Clyde asks if they are done here. Harris asks if he wants to read the article but Clyde says he’s not interested. Harris thinks he will be once he starts reading it. Harris reads that 15,000 opioid pills were seized during an ongoing investigation into a drug trafficking organization. Clyde questions it being unbiased journalism coming from Chad DiMera, putting him in a bad light. Harris asks if Clyde is not phased at all that he lost 7 kilos of drugs and a dealer was shot dead. Harris asks if Clyde is really cool with that.

Steve asks John for an answer as to why he didn’t tell him about meeting with Konstantin and why he would take a chance like that. John calls it a crazy day with the drug bust and praises the Salem PD on that. Steve complains that John isn’t answering his questions. Steve brings up their unwritten pact to never meet alone with someone that could be dangerous. John explains that he didn’t know it was Konstantin as he just got an urgent text message that could’ve been a new client. Steve argues that John had to know he could be getting scammed and questions what is going on with him.

After the AA meeting ends, Theresa asks Brady if he came to check on her. Brady informs her that he had no idea that she would be there and that he came because he needed to.

Sloan pours herself more wine as Eric comes back from changing Jude and getting him back to sleep. Eric notices Sloan drinking and questions how much she’s had. Sloan asks if that’s a problem. Eric brings up the other night. Sloan says they’ve been over this and asks if they have to bring it up every time she has a drink. Sloan adds that she was just stressed because of John and Marlena coming over, adding that Marlena doesn’t put people at ease. Eric questions if she’s blaming his mother for her getting wasted. Sloan says she isn’t and that she was just nervous that night. Sloan says tonight she isn’t nervous, but she’s overwhelmed with motherhood, work, and Jude crying every time they are about to make love. Sloan admits it’s getting to her and asks if it’s not getting to Eric. Eric says it is, but not really. Eric talks about how Jude will grow up fast and eventually sleep through the night, then they will have plenty of time to make love. Sloan says she hopes so because she cherishes their baby, but she misses being alone with Eric. Eric apologizes that they haven’t had more time lately. Sloan complains that they haven’t had any time lately and last time they tried to make love, they had all this unexpected company. Eric recalls Leo showing up and says he was just as frustrated as she was. Sloan questions if he was. Eric questions her doubting that. Sloan admits that she feels Jude has been Eric’s main concern and that making sure he’s okay has been more important to him than she is. Eric calls that not true and says his love for Jude doesn’t make him love her any less, but more. Eric adds that them being together is what brought Jude in to their lives and he’s so grateful for that. Eric tells Sloan that he loves her and kisses her.

John tells Steve that he has no clue what’s going on with him because he knows better than to ever take a meeting with a stranger at night alone, but off he went. John admits it was a big mistake. Steve agrees and asks what Marlena knows. John says he just told her it was a new client and she didn’t question it, so she wasn’t concerned. Steve asks what he told her when he got home. John says he told her the client never showed up and he hates himself for lying to her. Steve asks why he did it then. John complains that he doesn’t know but something is happening to him and he doesn’t have a clue what it is.

Clyde asks Harris how he can be the leader of a drug trafficking operation when he’s been in prison for over a year. Harris argues that he obviously found a way. Clyde says Harris just found a way to lay this all on him so he could be the hero. Clyde argues that Harris failed the investigation because he’s nowhere close to the truth. Harris presents the cell phone that the guards found but Clyde claims to have never seen it before.

John tells Steve that he told Konstantin what Steve told him, that he knows he knows about The Pawn. John adds that Konstantin claimed to not know who Stefano is and that he wanted to talk to him about Victor and his Pawn. John says he demanded Konstantin tell him everything he knows about his background, but he just taunted him and said he has the eyes of a killer so he pulled his gun on him. John reveals to Steve that Konstantin said he had come after him to kill him, but Catharina got in the way. John asks Steve if that name means anything to him and if he has any idea who Konstantin is talking about.

Theresa questions why Brady needed a meeting. Brady informs her that he got a letter from Tate today. Theresa says she got one too and it was really sweet. Brady thinks Tate just misses her because there letters were very different as his was cold. Brady states that Tate is still angry at him for not being around in his life. Brady guesses his therapy is going deep in to his past. Theresa insists that Tate knows how much he loves him. Brady talks about not being involved in most of Tate’s life and only occasionally getting to see his daughter under her mother’s supervision. Theresa blames Kristen being insane. Brady complains about being tricked into having a baby with Kristen. Theresa feels he’s being really hard on himself. Brady declares the truth is that he screwed up with both of his kids. Brady says that hit him hard today, so he needed a fix and he made a call but he didn’t go through with it as he came here instead. Theresa hugs him and says that’s good. Theresa encourages Brady that it’s okay and calls him a wonderful father, insisting his kids know how much he adores them. Theresa knows it’s been rough since their parents haven’t been together but eventually, they will understand and will be so proud that he’s their dad. Brady says he’ll settle for his kids not thinking he’s a total jerk. Theresa tells him to stop that because they are lucky to have him in their lives and she is too. Brady thanks her and says it means a lot coming from her.

Everett tells Stephanie that he honestly feels like this is a dream that he spent a perfect night with the woman he loves and she’s here with him now. Stephanie responds that she feels the same way. Everett thinks they can be fairly confident that it’s not a dream, so he wants to shout it from the mountain tops. Everett jokes about taking a full page color ad that says “I love Stephanie Johnson”. Stephanie says they’d probably have to tell the owner of the paper. Everett thinks Chad will be okay with it. Stephanie says she hopes so. Everett asks what exactly they are going to tell Chad. They joke with each other as Stephanie says there is hope for them and they end up kissing.

Eric tells Sloan about reading in an article that newborns should sleep in the same room as their parents for at least six months. Eric adds that some recommend newborns sleeping in bed with them and suggests Sloan read the article which says it helps kids have less anxiety. Sloan hates the idea and complains that she only wants her husband in bed with her. Sloan asks if they didn’t just talk about Eric being overprotective and caring more about Jude than her. Eric apologizes if he triggered her. Sloan declares that their son is coming in between them and she doesn’t like it.

Steve tells John that he has no clue who Catharina is and argues that Konstantin just knows how to get to him. John insists that won’t happen. John then doubles over in pain while Steve encourages him to breathe. John apologizes and says it’s just the second he looked into Konstantin’s eyes, he’s been haunting him. Steve repeats that he knows how to get to him, so he can’t let him. Steve then questions the way John is looking at him. John responds that he needs to know what Steve remembers about The Pawn. Steve wishes he had something to tell him but says the only thing he knows is that John is not that person anymore and they have to believe that.

Harris can’t imagine what they’re going to find when they start tracing phone calls. Harris guesses there will be a whole lot of trap numbers like this. Clyde says Harris and his FBI buddies might find at least one number that could incriminate someone that he won’t want to be incriminated. Harris tells him it was a nice try. Clyde responds that it’s not a game but warns that he is able to make sure all the evidence on that phone points to a particular business partner of a particular party.

Brady tells Theresa that her support means more than she knows. Theresa points out that he certainly supported her so much the past several weeks. Theresa thinks they know each other better than anyone else does because of how much they’ve been through. Theresa adds that they also loved each other once a hell of a lot. Theresa admits maybe it was more lust than love, but she recalls they were pretty hot for each other. Brady admits he recalls the same thing. Theresa thinks that’s why when she’s around him, she feels those memories pretty strongly and maybe that’s why she kissed him that one time. Brady says she was just coming down from being high. Theresa asks what about for him and if he felt something when she kissed him. Theresa reveals that she denied it at the time, but she knows she felt something. Brady question where this is coming from since she told him it was a mistake. Theresa says that doesn’t mean she didn’t feel something. Theresa suggests maybe her ego needs a boost and she needs to know that he still finds her attractive. Brady calls her beautiful, says she always has been and anyone would think so, but she’s with Alex. Brady thinks for Tate’s sake, they should keep them as uncomplicated as possible. Theresa supposes he’s right. Brady tells Theresa that he will always be there for her and Tate. Theresa says she knows that and that Tate will come around and be so happy to see him in a few weeks. Theresa assures that Tate knows he loves him and has always been there for him. They realize they are the last ones in the room after the meeting and decide to leave.

Sloan finishes another glass of wine. Eric thinks she’s had enough. Sloan tells him not to monitor or worry about her. Eric questions her being so upset with him lately and drinking more than he’s ever seen her before. Sloan complains that she doesn’t want to share a bed with their son as she doesn’t think that’s romantic or sexy and she doesn’t understand why Eric thinks it’s such a swell idea. Eric says they don’t have to do it and talks about Jude growing up fast and he’ll be off to college. Sloan jokes that maybe then they can have sex. Eric tells Sloan that they can have sex right now if she’s in the mood which makes her happy. Sloan asks if he means it which Eric assures. Sloan asks what if Jude wakes up crying again. Eric points out that Jude just fell asleep so they should have at least an hour or two as Eric and Sloan then start kissing.

Harris questions Clyde promising to wipe out all the incriminating numbers on the phone. Clyde suggests that he could if that is his phone. Harris states that there are a couple members of Clyde’s crew that he would love to take down. Clyde jokes that there’s some he’s not too crazy about either, but that’s if it’s his phone. Harris tells Clyde to go to Hell and shouts that he will never make a deal with him, adding that he’s going to send him somewhere so far that he will miss this place. Clyde asks even if that means taking his girlfriend with him. Harris says even that.

Stephanie tells Everett that she could wait until Valentine’s Day to tell him this but Everett wants to hear it now and feels that it’s important which she confirms. Stephanie then tells Everett that she is definitely falling in love with him again.

Eric and Sloan continue kissing on the couch until Sloan remembers dinner and goes to see that it’s burned. Sloan goes back to Eric and they decide they weren’t that hungry anyway as they continue kissing onto the bed.

Stephanie tells Everett that he doesn’t have to say anything as she wasn’t expecting a response. Everett tells Stephanie that he never fell out of love with her, but now they are both in love like they were back in Seattle which were the happiest days of his life as they kiss. Stephanie asks what they should do for Valentine’s Day. Everett doesn’t care as long as he’s with her. Stephanie suggests they could double date with Rafe and Jada. Stephanie calls Jada smart and funny, noting that she knows they would get along. Everett asks what if he doesn’t want to share her on Valentine’s Day and wants her all to himself as they resume kissing.

Steve tells John that they are not going to get any more answers today, so they can pick it up tomorrow. John is sure Marlena is concerned about him anyways since he’s not home when he told her he wasn’t going anywhere. John says the last thing he wants is her worrying about him. John knows it was another little white lie. John says Marlena isn’t pushing him but she knows him so well and she would want to help him like all those years ago. John complains that he doesn’t know how to explain what’s going on with him when he doesn’t even know himself. Steve argues that Konstantin just got to him. Steve declares that they have to get Konstantin away from John and out of all of their lives, no matter what it takes.

Clyde thought Harris was spineless but acknowledges that he’s tough as nails and diabolical. Clyde warns that when he goes for something, he never fails. Harris says they have something in common then because he never fails either. Clyde responds that he’s making a big mistake for all parties concerned. Harris decides he will take his chances and exits the prison. Clyde calls him a son of a bitch.

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Days Update Wednesday, February 7, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Ava approaches Harris in the park. Harris is pretending to be sweeping, which he says is a precaution in case she was being followed or watched.

Stefan enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion where EJ greets him. Stefan is surprised to see he’s back. EJ says he got back last night as Nicole and Holly got settled in Italy, so it was time for him to head back. EJ comments on Stefan getting home late and asks what he was up to. Stefan asks what it is to him. EJ says he just wants to know where he was. Stefan tells EJ that it’s none of his business and questions his inquisition. EJ remarks that if Stefan bothered to check the headlines, he’d know that Salem made a colossal drug bust last night. EJ says it’s all in this morning’s Spectator as the cops seized 7 kilos of drugs, one was killed and it also says the drug ring was being run out of prison. EJ comments on being glad that Stefan made it home instead of being caught up in that.

Chanel goes home from the Bakery to Paulina and Abe, who question her working on the day before her wedding. Chanel assures that she has the rest of the day off. Paulina asks about her night with Johnny which Chanel says was cozy. Chanel notes them being really quiet and asks what is wrong. Chanel asks if Paulina got her lab results back.

John sits at home, frustrated, as Marlena brings him a cup of coffee. Marlena wishes he would go back to bed but John says maybe later. Marlena talks about being concerned that John isn’t sleeping well. John says he’ll hook up with his doctor to get to the bottom of it. Marlena asks him to do that soon. Marlena knows he has a lot going on with his concerns about Tate and Brady. John responds that they are going through a lot more than he is. Marlena comments on waiting up for him but guesses that he got home pretty late. Marlena asks how it went with his new client.

Stephanie and Kayla eat together at the Brady Pub. Stephanie gets a text that the Spectator article about the drug bust is trending all over the internet. Kayla hopes Clyde goes straight to Hell after what he did to Abigail. Kayla says they are losing more people every week to the drug ring and that Holly is lucky to be hanging in. Stephanie comments on being grateful to Harris, Jada, and the task force, adding that Chad and Everett are doing their part too. Kayla asks if that’s Everett’s story. Stephanie confirms it is and says she’s really proud of him, so she can’t wait to take him out later to celebrate.

Harris tells Ava that last night’s drug bust was massive. Ava asks what this means for her and if Clyde has been neutralized. Ava doesn’t know how much longer she can hold on and reminds Harris that he promised her. They flashback to Harris telling Ava that he loved her in the interrogation room where he then kissed her and convinced Ava to trust him, revealing that Ava then confessed everything to Harris about Clyde blackmailing her and Stefan by using Gabi and Tripp. Ava agreed to tip him off about the drug shipments and they staged Ava slapping Harris to fool everyone else in to not knowing they are working together.

EJ comments to Stefan about the task force cleaning up their streets of drugs and declares it’s only a matter of time before they take down everyone involved in the filthy business. EJ reads to Stefan that police have identified Clyde Weston as a key suspect in the opioid crisis. EJ says there’s no surprise as Clyde has a history of dealing drugs in town. EJ adds that there will be many more drugs busts and questions if next time, it will be Stefan’s ugly mug underneath the headline.

John tells Marlena that last night’s meeting was a waste of time, claiming that the new client never showed up. John says these things happen and people flake out. John guesses hiring a private investigator wasn’t the right call for this person after all.

Paulina sits Chanel down and tells her that the test showed that the nodule has gotten bigger which means the cancer is more aggressive than they thought at first, so her surgery is being moved up. Chanel encourages that being a good thing to have it behind her that much sooner. Chanel asks when the surgery is. Johnny then enters and asks who is ready to talk about their wedding.

Stefan complains about EJ toying with him like this when he couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger when Clyde was blackmailing him. EJ argues that as district attorney, it’s his duty to uphold the law and questions if he was supposed to tell the police and have Stefan arrested. Stefan doesn’t buy it and argues that EJ would bend the law in a second to save his own ass. Stefan asks how it will make EJ look if he goes down for this, arguing that his reputation will go down the toilet. EJ is certain that the public will support him for upholding the law rather than helping Stefan just because they share DNA and they will respect what he had to sacrifice to go against his own blood. EJ declares that when all the dust settles, he’ll be on top while Stefan is on his way to prison to be on the bottom. Stefan calls him a traitorous son of a bitch. EJ tells Stefan that he won’t have to deal with him much longer as he wonders how long it will take Clyde to give him up after they take him down.

Ava asks Harris about the complication. Harris explains that Clyde’s dealer was unfortunately taken out after firing at a cop. Ava asks what now. Harris says Clyde will replace him and they will have to get the next guy. Harris insists that he’s going to get her out of this and asks Ava to hang in just a little while longer.

Marlena asks John what’s going on. John responds that he was just thinking about his career as a private investigator and all the other jobs he’s had, from ISA agent to priest. John wonders if the past ever really stays in the past. Marlena responds that the past is always with them but shouldn’t define them. Marlena asks what’s going on with all this introspection. John says Steve was talking about old times the other day and he got to thinking. John knows they are supposed to learn from the past to improve themselves in the future, but says that’s not always possible. Marlena asks why not. John questions what if there are things in the past that you may regret, but don’t remember. John asks how to learn from that.

Kayla asks Stephanie if her and Everett are going well. Stephanie admits that it is going very well and they are getting to know each other again. Kayla had a feeling they already were getting pretty close. Stephanie guesses that she wants to know how close, but she doesn’t want to tell her. Kayla says she respects her privacy but she wants her to be happy. Kayla says nothing would make her happier than to know her daughter is with somebody who makes her happy. Stephanie admits that she is and that she and Everett had a great connection in Seattle, while now two years later, they still do. Stephanie talks about their great conversations and says she just has a really great time with him.

Johnny asks Paulina about the surgery being as early as next week. Paulina says she’s not sure but they will let her know. Chanel and Johnny assure that they will be there for her every step of the way. Paulina is blessed to have the help of family including her soon to be son in law. Paulina suggests they get to talking about the wedding.

Stefan guesses he’s screwed even though he’s brother is the district attorney. EJ responds that he’d be more inclined to help him if he wasn’t district attorney but Stefan and Gabi stole the CEO of DiMera job for him. Stefan argues that he offered EJ the job back and he turned it down. EJ says that was too little, too late, so now as district attorney and Holly’s stepfather, he needs to let the police do their jobs and get the drugs off the streets while locking up anyone who has dirty hands. EJ says he needs to get to the police station to congratulate the force on a job well done. EJ tells Stefan to face it that he made a bloody mess of things and now, it’s very likely that he will end up behind bars. EJ laughs as he then exits the mansion.

Marlena asks John what he is searching for. John says it’s not that he’s searching, but fearing more unwelcome surprises popping up in his life because of his past. Marlena says if they have any, they will handle them as they always do, together.

Harris assures Ava that nobody is happy about how this went down and the officer who took out Clyde’s guy is taking it really hard. Harris says they can’t change what happened, so they just have to push forward. Ava thinks back to having sex with Stefan. Harris then asks her what’s wrong. Ava says everything because she makes one bad decision after the next. Harris feels she’s too hard on herself and says to give herself a break. Ava feels she doesn’t deserve one because she’s a broken mess and once Harris finds that out, he will bail. Harris assures that he’s not going anywhere, reminding her that they are a team and they are going to get through this. Harris gets a text to get back to the station and tells Ava to stay strong as they are almost at the finish line. Harris then exits the park. Ava gets a call from Stefan, who asks if she can talk. Ava mentions that she just ran in to Harris. Stefan reminds her that he told her not to talk to him. Ava claims it was a random encounter. Stefan asks if he mentioned the bust. Ava confirms that he said they scored big. Stefan tells Ava that he needs to speak to her now and asks her to meet him at his place. Ava says she’ll be right there and hangs up.

John thanks Marlena for the pep talk and asks how she always knows how to make him feel better. Marlena says it wasn’t a pep talk, just her reminding him of who he really is because he is an amazing father, spectacular grandfather, loyal, loving friend, and the best husband. Marlena says she wouldn’t have him any other way and she loves him just the way he is. John says he loves her and kisses her.

EJ goes to the police station and asks Harris if Rafe is in his office. Harris says he’s tied up with the press about the bust. EJ mentions reading the details about Clyde as the possible kingpin and says with Clyde locked up, logic suggests that someone on the outside was doing his bidding. Harris explains that someone was killed in the bust after firing at a cop and she fired back in self defense.

Ava goes to the DiMera Mansion to see Stefan, who asks what Harris told her. Ava says just that they seized a bunch of product and a dealer is dead which is all in the paper. Stefan reminds her that he doesn’t want her talking to Harris because he’s nothing but trouble for them. Stefan warns that Harris could’ve followed her here and could know exactly what happened between them last night.

Johnny mentions stopping by the church and everything is good to go while Chanel says she made the arrangements for the flowers and cake. Paulina adds that she contacted the caterers and their dresses are ready. Johnny adds that he found a photographer as well. Paulina says they’ll need plenty of pictures to send to Eli, Lani, and her mother. Abe questions her mother not coming. Paulina says she has an ear infection and can’t fly. Paulina then gets a call from the hospital. Paulina thanks them for letting her know and hangs up. Abe asks what they said and Chanel asks about rescheduling the surgery. Paulina announces it’s been rescheduled to tomorrow morning at the same time as Chanel and Johnny’s wedding.

Kayla asks if Stephanie is saying that Everett is moving faster than she is. Stephanie says he is which is sweet on one hand but also a little scary since he’s completely enamored and wants to pick up where they left off. Stephanie adds that he even brought up moving in together but she told him to slow down. Kayla says if it’s meant to be, it’s going to happen because true love always wins out.

Harris finishes updating EJ on everything. EJ thanks him for giving him the full report and says now that he has the full picture, Clyde’s involvement is undeniable. EJ asks how they prove that. Harris says the dealer is dead, so they’ll have to wait until Clyde replaces him but they are on top of it. EJ wants a rock solid case against Clyde so he doesn’t slip through their fingers. Harris assures they are going to nail Clyde and everybody else involved.

Ava assures Stefan that Harris doesn’t know anything about what happened last night and he thought he only cared about Gabi finding out. They agree that it never happened. Ava brings up that Wendy and Tripp saw that it did. Stefan urges her to tell them not to say anything. Ava agrees to talk to them soon and tells Stefan not to worry about it because right now, they have much bigger things to worry about. Ava reminds Stefan that Clyde’s henchman was shot at the bust. Stefan adds that they suspect Clyde as the drug lord. Ava worries that Clyde must be losing his mind as they know how dangerous he is when he feels cornered and with him on the warpath for payback. Stefan questions what the hell they are going to do when they are already in his crosshairs.

Chanel questions Paulina’s surgery being tomorrow morning while Abe asks if she can’t reschedule. Paulina explains that based on her test results, they want to get her in right away and they don’t have any other openings for the rest of the week, so it’s tomorrow morning. Johnny offers to postpone the wedding but Paulina says no. Chanel says no way but Paulina refuses. Chanel argues that it’s their wedding and they are not getting married without Paulina. Paulina continues to say no. Johnny repeats that they are not having the wedding without Paulina since she already missed their last one. Abe points out that it is their wedding, so it’s up to them to decide and he thinks their minds are made up. Paulina decides she’s been overruled and will cover the costs of postponing. Paulina says she’s sorry but Chanel says there is no reason to be. Paulina says she’s tired and is going to lay down. Abe says he will go get her settled in. Chanel says she loves her as Abe and Paulina go to the bedroom. Chanel asks Johnny if he’s sure he’s okay with postponing. Johnny says absolutely, but maybe there’s another way as he thinks he has an idea.

Stephanie can’t believe it’s almost Valentine’s Day and Kayla and Steve’s anniversary. Stephanie asks if she has anything special planned. Kayla says every anniversary is special whether they do anything or not. Stephanie jokes that she hopes she doesn’t have to marry the same guy four times to get it right. Kayla guesses they couldn’t live without each other. Stephanie hopes she’s half as lucky as they have been with love, hopefully without all the drama in between weddings. Kayla thinks it was all worth it, but hopes that Stephanie is as happy in her life as she and Steve are at this minute.

Ava tells Stefan that she might have a way to save their asses and end Clyde’s blackmail for good. Stefan tells her to spill it. Ava repeats that she might, but if what she’s thinking falls in to place, they might have their way out. Stefan doesn’t like being kept in the dark. Ava says to just let her get them out of this nightmare. Stefan questions what she’s going to do and warns her not to do anything without talking to him first. Ava swears that she won’t and that everything will be revealed in time. Ava tells him to just trust her.

EJ comments to Harris about nothing coming out of the raid at the Bistro. Harris confirms it seemed to be on the up and up but that questioning Stefan and Ava led to them lawyering up. EJ asks if that means Ava is involved. Harris responds that nothing has been confirmed on that front, but they are keeping an eye on her and Stefan. Harris asks if that will be a problem for him. EJ says not at all and tells Harris to go where the evidence leads him. EJ says if it turns out, his brother is mixed up in this then so be it and he’ll rot in prison next to Clyde.

John tells Marlena that he might sleep better after their talk tonight. Marlena says she has some errands to run and asks if he will be there when she gets back. John confirms he has no plans and tells her to be careful as Marlena then exits. John then pulls out his phone and calls Steve, asking him to meet him at the office as there is something he needs to tell him.

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Days Update Tuesday, February 6, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Kristen walks through the town square on the phone. She says she can come by after picking Rachel up in a couple of hours. Kristen then hangs up as she sees Alex walking by and asks if he’s heading to Titan. Alex says that’s the plan after he showers and asks what she needs. Kristen claims they just talked in awhile so she was wondering how it’s going there. Alex tells her that things are going well. Kristen asks how Theresa fits in to their new image. Alex questions what she’s implying. Kristen tells him not to play dumb as she’s heard all about Theresa and that Brady told her all about it which Alex questions.

Paulina wakes up in bed with Abe. Abe brings up that she thought she wouldn’t sleep but she slept pretty well. Paulina says last night’s activities definitely relaxed her mind. Abe suggests he can relax her mind some more as they kiss.

Clyde wakes up in his bed in his prison cell to his phone vibrating underneath the mattress. Clyde gets the phone and answers the call. Clyde says he had not been informed of that and that it was not their decision to make. Clyde declares that it’s his business and he’ll run it his way. Clyde says he’ll deal with them later and hangs up. Clyde questions how they could let this happen and declares they will be sorry they did that as they have no idea what he’s capable of, but they’re about to find out.

Police are arresting two men while covering up a dead body. Harris and Jada arrive. Harris approaches the female officer, who tells him that this was the first time she ever shot somebody or even discharged her weapon. Harris encourages that it will be okay, then send her and her partner to wait at the car. Jada comments to Harris that she was pretty shaken up. Harris responds that this is really bad.

Alex asks what the hell Brady is thinking, arguing that he has no business talking about Theresa’s personal life to Kristen or anyone else. Kristen takes that as it’s true that Theresa is using again. Alex clarifies that she had a slip and that she’s made a vow to stay sober and it’s going to stay that way. Alex tells Kristen to be a half decent human for a split second and then maybe she would recognize that Theresa is facing struggles and she would leave her in peace. Kristen laughs and claims she does feel for Theresa since they are both Brady Black’s baby mamas. Alex tells her not to remind him. Kristen says that she and Theresa will always be connected to Brady and he will always be in their lives which is why it makes sense that he talked to her about Theresa’s situation, because he’s worried about her. Alex argues that Brady is worried about Tate. Kristen says it’s not just Tate and asks if Alex senses their strong connection. Alex says that has been made abundantly clear to him but it’s out of necessity. Kristen asks if Alex is sure there’s nothing else going on between Brady and Theresa.

Paulina tells Abe that he brings her so much joy and she’s grateful they can be together like this again. Abe tells her how much he appreciates her patience and understanding. Paulina says they don’t have to rush anything and she knows the memories will come back, but they can create new ones in the mean time. Abe agrees as they kiss.

Jada asks Harris if this was a good bust. Harris says it’s a great bust to get the drugs off the streets, but they needed the dealer alive. Jada goes to check on the other cops as Rafe arrives. Harris asks Rafe how this went so wrong as this was the one dealer with a direct connection to Clyde. Rafe encourages Harris to look at the bright side that they got 7 kilos of drugs off the streets. Harris argues that there’s always going to be more drugs so they need the source. Rafe understands it was a split second decision while Harris argues about wanting Clyde off the streets for good. Chad and Everett then arrive, so Rafe questions what the hell they are doing here. Chad responds that they are here to collect information. Rafe says that’s not okay as this is an active crime scene. Rafe questions how they got there so fast since this bust wasn’t on the radio. Harris then reveals that he called them which Rafe questions. Harris says he did that to buy some extra time before the Lucas story is published which Rafe also questions. Chad explains that Lucas was a confidential informant for the Salem PD and put his life on the line to bust Clyde Weston and that’s the story they are going to tell. Harris says when he was brought up to speed, the only thing he could do was negotiate delaying the story by offering them first word on the drug bust. Rafe asks what Harris was thinking, arguing that this is months of investigation that could all go up in smoke and questions what made him think this was the right call. Harris responds that he didn’t make the call. Rafe asks who did. Chad explains that Lucas reached out to them without Harris knowing. Everett argues that they are all on the same team in wanting drugs out of Salem and now they have an opportunity by working together. Chad asks what Rafe says as they have to print the story with or without his statement. Rafe agrees to get this over with then. Everett insists that he won’t regret this and begins recording as he asks Rafe about the drug bust today. Rafe declares that today, they were successful in removing 7 kilos of drugs from the streets in a warehouse bust, cutting off the pipeline of drugs. Everett asks if he can say specifically what drugs were confiscated. Rafe says the investigation is still ongoing but they were probably street drugs, laced with opioids. Rafe adds that it sends a clear message that they will not stop until they retake their city. Everett asks if there were any injuries or fatalities. Rafe confirms that unfortunately one of their officers was involved in shooting an alleged drug dealer. Rafe adds that the investigation is still ongoing and there will be a separate report released. Harris asks if they are good now. Chad says they will get out of their way now. Everett tells Chad that the police made a major dent in the drug bust today and now the real work begins.

Kristen tells Alex that she’s not trying to upset him as she knows he and Theresa are a thing, but she hates to see him deluding himself. Kristen argues that Theresa and Brady are recovering addicts, so it’s like they’ve been to war together and they share the battle wounds. Kristen compares it to her and Brady’s relationship. Alex argues that they practically despise each other. Kristen says they are forever connected, like Theresa and Brady, because of their child. Alex brings up Kristen depriving Brady of Rachel and thinking they are still connected. Kristen argues that she got sole custody because Brady threatened her with a gun. Alex asks if she had to go to such extreme measures. Kristen asks what he would’ve done. Alex says he wouldn’t have gotten the cops involved. Kristen realizes Brady didn’t tell him the whole story and informs him that Rachel called the cops, not her.

Jada talks to one of the cops about everything that went down in the drug bust. He recalls seeing something flash out of the corner of his eye and then he saw Officer Goldman chasing after the perp. He says he heard two shots and when he caught up, Goldman was obviously shaken up and the suspect was dead. He noted the location of the suspect’s gun and said he put it all in his report. He remarks that this won’t be something he’ll forget as they go to check on Officer Goldman.

Everett and Chad go to prison to meet with Clyde.

Alex tells Kristen that her family dynamic is certainly interesting. Kristen says she could say the same about his. Kristen calls life unpredictable and complicated just like relationships. Kristen advises Alex to be wary and not to give his heart away too quickly. Alex changes the subject to Kristen and asks if she’s seeing anybody which she laughs at. Kristen talks about dating apps being dehumanizing and says she’s too old school for that. Alex says he knows what she means but asks if she ever thinks about getting back with Brady. Kristen says that ship has sailed. Alex urges her to bring it back to sail since they are both single and they know each other. Alex remarks that it’s obvious Kristen still has feelings for Brady, so he question why not pursue it. Kristen guesses Alex just wants Brady out of the picture, so he can have Theresa all to himself.

Paulina tells Abe that with everything going on last night, she forgot to tell him the exciting news that Johnny and Chanel are getting married. Abe calls that wonderful and congratulates her as the mother of the bride. Paulina says she’s so happy for her and the more she sees them together, the more convinced she is that they have what it takes. Paulina says she has to write an announcement for the Spectator. Abe asks if they set a date. Paulina tells him that it’s Valentine’s Day. Abe says she has her work cut out for her then and asks what he can do to help. Paulina feels that he’s done so much already. Abe says they are partners and tells her to put him to work. Paulina asks him to just tell her that today is going to be a good day. Abe responds that every day with her is.

Rafe tells Harris that they’ll get suspects in for interrogation and guesses they’ll be speaking if they want to avoid prison. Harris comments that their boss won’t be happy about this bust. Rafe says speaking of unhappy bosses, he’s really unhappy that Harris kept him out of the loop on this press situation. Harris apologizes and says he had to make a quick decision. Rafe asks if Lucas is staying with Harris at the safehouse. Harris says it was the best plan he could come up with at the time to make sure the bust went off without a hitch. Rafe points out that there was a hitch and talks about Officer Goldman shooting the dealer, noting that he’s going to have her talk to a shrink before putting her back on duty. Harris states that they are going to need all hands on deck for sure. Rafe agrees and says once the article comes out in the press, God only knows what the fallout is going to be.

Clyde asks if Chad is going to introduce him to his buddy. Everett introduces himself as the editor-in-chief of the Spectator. Clyde guesses he must be a recent hire. Everett hoped he could spare some time to speak to them today. Clyde laughs at the idea of Chad pretending to be a journalist. Chad explains that he owns the Spectator now as it was Abigail’s family’s paper. Clyde calls Chad a jack of all trades but a master of none. Clyde praises Stefano but calls Chad a waste of time like this meeting. Everett tells Clyde that taking pot shots at a man who’s wife he brutally murdered is the behavior of someone in a very bad mood, which makes sense in his case, because he’s obviously having a horrible day. Clyde questions what the hell he’s talking about. Clyde asks Chad to enlighten him as to why he’s having a horrible day. Everett guesses Clyde hasn’t heard about the raid. Clyde claims it doesn’t ring a bell. Chad argues that Clyde has eyes and ears everywhere but agrees to play his game and tell him about a very big raid at a warehouse on the edge of town. Chad questions it not ringing any bells for Clyde. Everett calls it one of the biggest raids in Salem history as the police got over 7 kilos and were still counting the cash. Chad tells Clyde that has to hurt. Clyde claims not to know what he’s talking about. Chad and Everett talk about how 7 kilos could go for a couple million. Chad says that would make him very angry and he’d probably want to make someone pay. Chad asks what Clyde would do. They hear a phone vibrating. Chad and Everett talk about how they had to leave their phones when they got there, so they question Clyde having a contraband phone on him. Chad suggests Clyde check his messages. Everett bets it’s about that raid and all that lost product. Chad guesses someone is fairly nervous to pass that along. Chad tells Clyde to go ahead and check his messages as they won’t tell anybody.

Kristen tells Alex to admit that he wants Brady out of the way so that it’s smooth sailing for he and Theresa. Alex argues that he’s also looking out for what’s best for Kristen and Rachel. Alex asks how nice it would be for Rachel to have his parents back together. Kristen argues that Alex doesn’t give a damn about her and Rachel but he’s sweating bullets over Brady and Theresa. Alex says it’s only because Theresa has been leaning on Brady lately and he’s been hanging around a lot more since the slip. Kristen says they are also dealing with the fallout of Tate’s arrest. Alex complains that it’s like two magnets drawn together every time he turns around, so if he doesn’t redirect Brady’s attention, his relationship with Theresa is probably doomed. Kristen asks how she can help him.

Jada checks on Officer Goldman, who claims she’s okay. Jada says she wasn’t after her first shooting and explains it was a domestic violence case when she was in Seattle. Jada recalls thinking she had everything in control until the guy suddenly pulled a gun out and fired it, so she had no time to think and she couldn’t take the chance of someone getting hurt, so that was the first time she discharged her weapon on duty. Jada says she can still smell the gunpowder and see the blood. Officer Goldman responds that the blood is all she can see. Jada says it was a clean shooting. Rafe comes over and agrees that she did the right thing based on their initial reporting. She says she took a life so she’s having a hard time reconciling that she did the right thing. Jada says that’s only natural to feel that way but she did what she had to do and she’s not alone. Jada encourages that she will come out of this okay.

Chad asks what Everett thinks. Everett says not really what he expected or that tough really. Chad remarks that prison can break some men and asks if that’s what happened to Clyde. Clyde asks what they want from him. Chad says the truth is, he doesn’t even like to hear his name, let alone be in the same room as him but their job is to tell both sides of the story. Everett tells Clyde they want to hear his side of the story and they are giving him a forum to tell it. Clyde questions what the hell he’s talking about. Everett brings up that Clyde claims to be an innocent man. Clyde says that he is, so Everett asks him to expand on that. Clyde argues that if they had done their homework, they would know he’s been a model citizen in prison ever since he starting serving time for the brutal murder of Chad’s wife, Abigail. Clyde bets Chad misses her dearly and says he can still see her face, begging him to save her life. Everett holds Chad back from going after Clyde and reminds him to stay focused. Clyde still doesn’t know why they are really here. Chad responds that he wanted to see the look on his face when he learned that his empire was crumbling to the ground. Clyde wishes him luck with that. Chad says he doesn’t need luck, just facts and the fact is that his reign of terror is coming to an end. Chad declares that when Clyde loses everything, he will take great satisfaction in telling the world all about it in his newspaper while Clyde rots away in prison like the rat he is, never again to see the light of day.

Kristen tells Alex that he said himself that if she’s more present in Brady’s life and he’s less present in Theresa’s, then it’s a win-win for everyone. Alex still feels like there’s a catch. Kristen comments that they are just helping them both out since they both want to break the toxic chain between them. Alex asks if she’s sure she’s ready to get back with Brady again. Kristen says time will tell and admits it’s hard being hurt over and over again, but there will always be a place in her heart saved just for Brady. Kristen decides it’s time to change things and focus on herself. Alex says he’s liking this. Kristen says they are on the same page and if they want to achieve their goal, they’ll have to be in touch. Alex asks if she’s suggesting they spy and gossip about Brady and Theresa. Kristen jokes that it’s intel since the last thing they want is for them to end up together.

Paulina completes her engagement announcement. Abe asks what else is on the agenda for today. Paulina says she has a conference call in half an hour for the geocaching event, then after that, she needs to start thinking about her mother of the bride outfit. Abe says it would be his honor to go with her. Paulina then gets a call from the hospital and answers it. Paulina takes deep breaths and says she understands. Paulina thanks them for letting her know and hangs up. Abe asks what’s going on. Paulina informs him that they got the ultrasound results and the tumor has grown, so they don’t want to wait and they are moving their surgery up to the end of this week. Abe says they have a plan then. Paulina cries that she thought she would have more time to prepare mentally. Paulina tries to tell herself that she’s going to be fine and will deal with this. Paulina admits she’s scared but she won’t let the fear overcome her. Paulina declares that she has Abe. Abe says they will go through this together and they are a team.

Alex suggests Kristen spend a little more time at Titan, feeling she’s more than qualified to join his executive team. Kristen acknowledges her experience. Alex says they could use someone like her. Kristen thinks she could make this change. Alex adds that she’ll also be in closer proximity to Brady. Kristen calls it an interesting proposition and agrees to consider it. Alex says if they are going to make this project work, they both have to contribute in and out of the workplace so she’s going to have to increase Brady’s visitation with Rachel, building it up to family sleepovers. Alex insists that they have the best intentions and motives here with happiness for him, Theresa, Kristen, Brady and most importantly, Rachel. Kristen agrees and toasts to happiness.

Everett thinks they are done here. Clyde suggests he forget everything he learned her today as that would be best for all parties. Chad asks if that’s a threat. Clyde calls it more like a warning from a concerned citizen who would hate to see anything bad happen to those who are close to them back in Salem. Everett warns that empty threats won’t prevent the truth from coming out. Everett tells Clyde that he had the chance to make a statement, so now it’s their turn to do their job and they’ll make sure he gets a copy of the paper. Chad adds that when they do expose everything Clyde has done, the justice system will make sure he serves two life sentences. Clyde calls for the guard and exits the room. Chad declares to Everett that it’s time to end this.

Harris complains that they were so close to nailing Clyde and asks Officer Goldman to walk them through it one more time. She explains that the suspect fired, she returned fire to ensure no one else got hurt and because she didn’t want to die. Harris tells her it’s okay as she followed protocol. Harris tells Rafe that they are going to have to come at Clyde from another angle and soon, because once Clyde finds out about this, all hell is going to break loose and he’s going to want somebody to pay.

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Days Update Monday, February 5, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny and Chanel sit together in the living room of the DiMera Mansion in front of the fireplace, talking about how peaceful this is. Johnny recalls when he was a kid, he was scared to come in to the living room at night out of fear that the ghosts of his DiMera ancestors would take him to the crypt. Chanel jokes about those being the same spirits cursing getting married in to the DiMera family. Johnny states that it could be so Chanel asks if he’s really scared about getting married.

Abe brings Paulina home. She thanks him for the evening, calling it great food and even better company. Abe says he had a wonderful time and kisses her. Paulina points out that the night doesn’t have to end and invites him inside. Paulina then says goodnight but Abe stops her.

Everett and Stephanie lay in bed together. Everett can’t believe she’s here again in his arms. Everett says for two years, he had this same dream over and over, so he calls tonight his dream come true. Everett exclaims that they are out of the friend zone.

Tripp and Wendy sit together in the town square, discussing a movie they saw. Wendy remarks that she knows a thing or two about meddling moms, so Tripp asks what his mom has done now.

Ava and Stefan lay in bed together after having sex. Stefan comments that it happened twice and it was incredible, but calls it a big frickin mistake.

In the park, John warns Konstantin that he doesn’t want to play games with him and asks what he wants. Konstantin thanks him for coming and tells him to sit down because they are going to talk. John demands to know what he wants and questions why he pretended to be a new client just to get him out here. Konstantin says John wouldn’t have come if he knew it was him. John talks about having trouble tracking him down. John orders Konstantin to tell him everything he knows about The Pawn. Konstantin responds that he doesn’t play chess. John tells him that Steve told him everything, so he wants to know what he knows right now. John asks if this is about Stefano. Konstantin says it’s about Victor and his Pawn.

Johnny tells Chanel that Italian families can be pretty superstitious and talks about his ancestors wearing a lucky Devil’s Horn charm to ward off the Evil Eye. Johnny adds that they say it’s bad luck to have a pet bird in the house, to leave a loaf of bread upside down, and the number 13. Johnny says when a newlywed couple moves in to a house, it has to be exorcised or blessed to ward off evil spirits of the previous owners. Johnny adds that a cat sneezing in their presence is good luck. Chanel laughs about it and asks if Johnny actually believes all that stuff. Johnny acknowledges that his family’s history is riddled with women who have been heartbroken or messed up from marrying a DiMera. Johnny brings up what happened the last time they got married. Chanel admits that did leave her pretty messed up and heartbroken. Johnny suggests maybe they should just be happy being with each other. Johnny declares that he loves her too much to risk ruining her life by marrying him again.

Everett tells Stephanie that when he came to Salem and tracked her down, he didn’t really know what to expect because he had been obsessively looking at pictures and videos of her from two years ago. Everett talks about seeing her in person again and still being surprised at how beautiful she was. Stephanie recalls seeing him in Salem and thinking there’s the guy that she was so madly in love with. Stephanie admits she was shocked, but it was hard to stop herself from running in to his arms. Stephanie says she was mad that he disappeared, but relieved that it wasn’t his choice and that he found her again. Stephanie adds that she was committed to someone else and living with Chad, so that stopped her from acting on how she actually felt. Stephanie says that’s the reason she was able to show such remarkable restraint until tonight as they kiss. Everett asks if she’s hungry. Stephanie says she’s starving so they agree on ordering room service.

Wendy tells Tripp that her mom comment flew out of her mouth and she shouldn’t have said anything but Tripp says that she can’t take it back now and asks about it. Wendy explains that Ava cornered her in the apartment and grilled her, questioning her commitment to Tripp and warning her not to break his heart. Tripp tells her that he’s so sorry. Wendy acknowledges that Tripp said his mom was a handful which Tripp calls nothing new. Tripp is riled up that Ava would talk to her like that behind his back. Tripp says he loves his mom but he’ll never understand why she does some of the things that she does.

Stefan brings up Gabi and how she was completely supportive of his fake affair with Ava as long as it stayed fake. Stefan questions what he has done and what is wrong with him. Stefan then asks Ava what’s wrong with her. Ava blames Stefan for coming over while Stefan blames Ava winding him up with the phone sex talk. Ava says Stefan opened up more wine while Stefan argues that Ava suggested doing shots. Ava decides they are both responsible as they were vulnerable and it was a big screw up. Ava says they have to figure out a way to put this all behind them and there’s nothing to figure out. Ava declares that no one can ever know the truth.

Chanel doesn’t get Johnny’s sudden panic about getting married. Johnny assures that he loves her and doesn’t want to wait but he doesn’t want anything to happen to her. Johnny says she can make fun of curses and superstitions, but he was possessed by the Devil. Johnny doesn’t know if he wants her taking this kind of risk. Chanel calls life in general pretty risky. Chanel says if the Devil couldn’t keep them apart, then the DiMeras can’t. Chanel believes they just have to love each other and be honest and that will keep them safe. Chanel assures that she has zero worries about them walking down the aisle, but now suddenly he does. Johnny feels it’s not that sudden, just the more he thinks about it. Chanel questions if this is really about what Chad said to him or if he’s having second thoughts about something else.

Paulina and Abe lay in bed together. Paulina admits that she’s having deja vu of the times they laid together like this and asks if anything felt familiar to him. Abe says no, but promises that it was wonderful. Paulina guesses it was like the first time for him which he confirms. Abe says the good thing about losing his memory is getting to fall in love with her all over again as they kiss.

Wendy tells Tripp that she told Ava that their opinions are the only ones that matter in their relationship. Tripp is sorry that his mom put her on the spot like that but he’s not surprised that she held her own against her. Wendy adds that Ava once again urged them to take a vacation and even offered to help put one together even though Tripp told her they are not going anywhere. Wendy says Ava really didn’t like when she turned the tables and started quizzing her about how she felt about Harris and Stefan as she totally shut her down. Tripp acknowledges that Ava has been spending a lot of time with Stefan lately which is not a good sign. Tripp doesn’t like Stefan and feels whatever Ava is caught up in is because of Stefan and that he’s using her like a leech.

Stefan agrees with Ava that Gabi and no one else can ever find out the truth. They decide it never happened and Ava says they’ll take it to the grave. Stefan worries that he has more to lose since he’s still married.

John asks Konstantin what the Pawn is to him. Konstantin responds that the Pawn changed his life forever. John asks how and demands to know what Konstantin knows about him and his past. Konstantin wonders what is inside of him, waiting to come out as he can see he has the eyes of a killer. John complains that there’s too many things that he doesn’t remember about his past and now he’s taunting him. Konstantin calls it the least of what he deserves. John then pulls his gun on him and demands Konstantin tell him what he knows right now.

Everett and Stephanie eat room service together. Everett talks about remembering her food preferences which impresses her as they kiss.

Tripp and Wendy see their “Caching Cupid” geocaching event poster in the town square. They talk about hoping it does well. They kiss and then head home.

Stefan doesn’t understand the hold that Harris has on Ava, arguing that they aren’t even together. Stefan then questions if Ava loves Harris. Ava argues that she never said that but Stefan says she’s wearing it on her sleeve. Ava says it doesn’t matter and requests Stefan shut up and finish getting dressed so he can get out of here but Stefan can’t find his shirt.

John warns Konstantin that he won’t hesitate to put a bullet through a man’s eye. Konstantin says or a woman’s either. John questions what that means. Konstantin shouts that John came at him and Catharina got in the way which John questions. Konstantin then reveals the card to him and asks John to tell him what it means and he will go away. John then suddenly drops his gun and puts his hands behind his back, as the card puts him under control. Konstantin asks if he’s okay. John then responds that he’s not John, but he’s been called The Pawn. Konstantin can’t believe he’s found him after all these years, calling him the one that killed Catharina. Konstantin explains that there was a time many years ago in Greece where John came to deliver a message of death. Konstantin declares that someone must pay for that.

Abe acknowledges to Paulina that it’s been awhile since they had been together so he doesn’t remember what she likes and doesn’t like. Paulina assures Abe that he was wonderful then and wonderful now. Paulina states that she sure did miss him as they kiss.

Johnny assures Chanel that he has no second thoughts about marrying her and he just wants to make sure she’s going in to this with her eyes open. Chanel insists that his big, tough family doesn’t scare him. Johnny asks what about his sister. Chanel asks if he really thinks she still has feelings for Allie. Johnny points out that she did choose Allie over him before. Chanel declares that she loved Johnny first and she loves him last, forever. Chanel asks if he doesn’t believe him. Johnny can’t stop thinking about how crazy she and Allie were about each other. Chanel questions if he’s worried that he prefers women and that she’s actually gay.

Stephanie is glowing that it’s been two years for her and Everett. Everett states that he hasn’t been with anybody since he was last with her. Stephanie says he knows her story. Everett jokes that she wasn’t in a coma so she gets a pass. Everett thinks he grew more and more in love with her while they were apart. Everett calls it true love and declares that he has her back, so he’s never ever going to let her go again as he kisses her. Everett decides he should probably start thinking about moving out of the hotel room. Everett suggests Stephanie could move out of her parents’ place and they could find a place of their own together to pick up where they left off. Everett asks what Stephanie says to that.

Tripp and Wendy go home to find Ava and Stefan with his shirt off. Tripp asks what the hell. Ava tries to explain but Tripp says he’s not an idiot and tells her to save it. Stefan says he was just leaving. Tripp tells Stefan to keep his paws off his mother. Wendy tries to say that Ava is a grown woman and can see who he wants. Tripp calls Stefan a dirtbag while Stefan says it’s none of his business. Tripp warns Stefan that his mother is his business so he’s not going to sit back and watch him use her, declaring that is over. Tripp orders Stefan to keep his distance from Ava from now on or else he will regret it.

Paulina wishes they could lay like this forever and their problems would just blow away. Abe asks if she’s thinking about her surgery. Paulina informs him that she went to the hospital this morning which Abe questions. Paulina reveals that she thinks the lump is actually getting bigger. Abe asks why she didn’t tell him. Paulina says there’s nothing to tell yet but she’s waiting for the test results. Paulina declares that being here with Abe makes her feel like she can get through anything and she even forgot all about it for awhile which is no small thing. Paulina tells Abe how much this means to her. Abe calls it overwhelming to try and navigate life with no memory, but acknowledges that she never gave up on him. Abe calls her his safe harbor when he was lost at sea. Abe tells Paulina that he will be with her, every step of the way, now and always.

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s not questioning her sexual orientation but he wants to be sure that he’s going to be enough for her. Chanel tells him that she’s ready to commit herself to one person and he is that person, no one else. Chanel says that Johnny protected her, even when they weren’t together, and he has shown her in a million ways that she is enough for him. Chanel repeats that he’s more than enough for her, always and forever. Chanel tells Johnny that she loves him so much. Johnny says he loves her too as they kiss.

Stephanie tells Everett to slow down about living together. Everett admits that he’s pushing boundaries again. Stephanie tells Everett that she moved in with Chad too fast and that was a big mistake. Stephanie says she’s read relationship help books and says there is no need to rush. Stephanie suggests just enjoying each other and if it’s real, it will last. Everett assures that for him, it is real and he already knows that as there is no doubt that she’s the only person in the world that he wants to share his life with and that will never change. Everett asks if it’s real for her.

Konstantin instructs John as The Pawn to move the nearby trash can which he then does. Konstantin declares that Catharina will be avenged which John repeats. Konstantin then makes him raise his arm and lower it. Konstantin then puts the gun back in John’s hand and instructs him to shoot himself.

Chanel asks Johnny if they’ve now checked off every box on their potential concerns and are ready to get married. Johnny decides it’s settled and asks if she’s ready to be Mrs. DiMera. Chanel jokes about him being Mr. Dupree. Johnny guesses they never talked about the name change and asks if there’s something she wants to do about that. Chanel decides they’ve had enough discussions for the night, so all that’s left for them to do is seal their love with another kiss. Johnny says that sounds good to him as they kiss. Johnny then brings up one other thing left to do on their list. Johnny informs her that he was thinking that they should seal their love with a little more than a kiss. They then race upstairs to the bedroom.

Paulina tells Abe that she doesn’t know how much sleep she will get tonight with so much on her mind, but she’s so very happy to have Abe back in their bed. Abe agrees that it feels right. Abe says they could stay up all night and talk, but he wants her to know that he’s there for whatever she needs or wants. Paulina then falls asleep in Abe’s arms.

Stephanie suggests to Everett that they just take it slow, repeating that there is no rush and he’s not going to fall in to another coma. Stephanie says they should just live in the moment and appreciate that they found each other again. Everett says he does appreciate that beyond words as they kiss. Everett agrees that there’s no need to rush, except maybe to sleep, since he has to meet Chad in a few hours. Stephanie asks why go to sleep at all as they move towards the bed.

Ava tells Tripp that’s enough and asks Stefan to just go. Stefan agrees to go and kisses Ava goodbye as he then exits. Tripp questions Ava. Ava tries to explain but then decides she’s not going to discuss this with her son and storms off to the bedroom, leaving Tripp angry.

Konstantin stops John from shooting himself and says not today as he will serve a purpose and be his pawn. Konstantin declares that he will have revenge for Catharina but not yet. Konstantin orders John to go back to his family and in ten seconds, he will return to who he is as he shows him the card again. Konstantin then walks away. John then snaps out of it and looks around in a panic.

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Days Update Friday, February 2, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

John and Marlena have wine at home after finishing dinner. Marlena tells John that she’s sorry he had a rough day. John says he was just putting out fires and asks about her day. Marlena says it was the same. They comment on the sound of silence until Brady comes home and says they would not believe the day he had as he spent the whole day putting out fires. John offers him leftovers and goes to get him a non-alcoholic beer. Brady tells Marlena that with everything on John’s plate, he’s still thinking about him. Marlena calls John a very kind man. Brady wishes he had John’s generosity of spirit and that he was as good of a dad as John is.

Xander and Sarah set up for dinner at home as they are having Maggie over. Sarah reveals they need to set one more place at the table because Maggie is bringing Konstantin but Xander declares that he will not share a dinner table with Konstantin.

Konstantin gets ready in his room at the Kiriakis Mansion. He picks up the card he has and wonders what it means to Steve and John. Maggie comes in to ask if he’s ready and tells him the car is outside as she doesn’t want to keep Sarah and Xander waiting. Konstantin asks if she’s sure this is a good idea since Xander is not his biggest fan and for very good reason…

Ava sits at home, reading a romance novel called “Forbidden Fantasies” until Stefan shows up at the door to deliver her sushi. Stefan hopes she got enough for two. Ava questions if he came for dinner. Stefan responds that he actually came to drink with her. Ava notes that it seems he already started drinking. Stefan says he doesn’t like drinking alone, so he bet she probably had a bottle of wine open by now. Ava asks if she has a choice. Stefan jokes that they can commiserate over how crappy their lives are. Ava decides she has nothing else to do tonight.

Stephanie goes to Everett’s room at the Salem Inn as Everett is finishing a call with Chad. Everett tells Chad that he’ll pick him up at 6 AM tomorrow and hangs up. Everett apologizes to Stephanie for not taking her call earlier as it’s been a crazy couple of hours. Everett says he’s glad she’s there. Stephanie says she came because she couldn’t find her ear bud and this was the last place she remembered having it. Everett finds it on the floor and returns it to her. Stephanie then asks Everett about picking Chad up at 6 AM and where they are going.

Marlena tells Brady not to be so hard on himself as he’s a wonderful father. Brady asks if that’s why his daughter is indifferent to him now and his son is in juvi rehab. John returns with his drink so Brady thanks him. The doorbell then rings. Brady guesses that’s Theresa to sign consent forms for Tate’s youth correctional wilderness trip. Brady answers the door. Theresa apologizes for interrupting but John and Marlena tell her to come in. Theresa says she has to sign registered mail in the morning and she used to be able to do it online but the juvi system was hacked. Marlena comments on Tate doing very well which Theresa says that is what they hear. Brady thinks they’ll actually get to see him on parental visitation. Theresa calls it a very long few weeks. Marlena says they have missed him as well. Theresa brings up all the times she got impatient with Tate or he would annoy her and now she’d give anything to have him annoy her now and be able to embrace him or tell him that she loves him.

Konstantin tells Maggie that he understands not being able to forgive someone who put their daughter in danger, even indirectly. Konstantin doesn’t know if Xander will ever trust him or feel comfortable with him. Maggie tells him that Konstantin will have to change Xander’s mind, especially since Xander is going to be part of her daughter’s life for a very long time. Konstantin questions if she’s implying that he is going to be a part of her life for a long time as well. Maggie says she didn’t mean that, so Konstantin questions what she meant. Maggie says it’s time to go as she doesn’t want to be late for dinner and exits. Konstantin smiles as he follows her out.

Stephanie asks Everett what he and Chad are up to, pointing out that she’s the PR consultant to she needs to know. Everett informs her that they got a big lead on the drug crisis so he and Chad are digging in to it tomorrow. Everett adds that it has major potential to get the Spectator national recognition. Stephanie calls it recognition for him as well and says she’s dying to hear more. Everett says she’ll have to wait until it’s in writing. Stephanie agrees to try to be patient and says she’ll be going now that she got her ear bud. Everett stops her and asks if she has plans, noting that he has a mini-bar of liquor bottles and invites her to stay for dinner.

Ava offers Stefan some sushi but he declines, saying he prefers to drown his sorrows on an empty stomach. Stefan jokes with her about the book she was reading. Ava tells him that she was messing with him in their phone call earlier and that she enjoyed making him crazy. Stefan remarks that he’s already halfway to crazy these days. Ava guesses he really misses Gabi. Stefan confirms that he does every minute. Ava relates to missing someone. Stefan guesses she misses Harris but says she doesn’t need to answer and he’s sorry. Stefan proposes a toast to lost loves and new friendships, asking if he can call this a friendship. Ava jokes that he annoys the hell out of her and she can only stand 10 minutes with him, but guesses they are friends. Stefan jokes that she annoys the hell out of him too and she makes him want to pull his hair out because she’s a tremendous downer, but in spite of all that, he does consider her sort of a friend. They toast to new friendships.

Brady and Theresa sign their papers. Theresa thanks him and says they will talk later. Brady asks how she’s doing. Theresa says she’s good. Marlena offers to give them a few minutes to talk but Theresa says no since it’s their house. John notes that it’s Brady’s house too, so they are going to give them some privacy. John and Marlena head to the bedroom. Theresa then asks Brady why Marlena offered them privacy. Theresa asks if they know, hoping that Brady did not tell them about her getting high.

Xander goes to leave his apartment as Maggie and Konstantin arrive. Maggie questions where he’s going and says it better be to the store. Xander asks her to try to understand. Maggie says she doesn’t as this night is about her, her daughter, and granddaughter, not whatever bad blood is between Xander and Konstantin. Xander then reluctantly invites Konstantin in to his home with Maggie. Xander mentions that Sarah is in the bedroom with Victoria, so Maggie says she’s going to join them and tells them to behave themselves. Konstantin comments on Xander having a lovely home which he calls warm and inviting. Xander thanks him but says to cut the chit chat. Konstantin asks what he would prefer to talk about. Xander says he wants to talk about Maggie Horton, the best person he knows, who he cares about deeply. Xander warns Konstantin about hurting Maggie. Konstantin responds that he’s wary of defending himself to Xander and others who are skeptical about his feelings for Maggie. Konstantin declares that he also cares very deeply about Maggie and he would never hurt her. Konstantin claims that he’s not the man that Xander thinks he is which Xander mocks.

Stefan and Ava finish their wine. Ava asks Stefan if he’d rather have Gabi in prison for decades like she is now or Gabi out of prison, but he never gets to see her again. Stefan calls it tough but says he would set her free so he would at least know she’s safe. Stefan brings out a third bottle of wine and opens it up while Ava calls for them to get hammered.

Stephanie thanks Everett for the offer but says she has a big day tomorrow and he has a very early one, so they can’t risk another all nighter. Everett responds that he’d risk an all nighter with her any day. Everett says he thought their discussion was really important and that maybe they understand each other a little bit better. Stephanie thinks they do. Everett says as they were lying in bed, all the Seattle memories were flooding back to him as he was remembering how in love with each other they were and how much fun they had. Stephanie jokes about when they got sick at a restaurant. Everett says he loves every memory with her including that. Everett talks about the first time that he told her that he loved her and how it took three weeks for her to say it back to him. Everett says when she did, it was the happiest moment of his life. Everett reminds her that he is still in love with her.

Brady asks Theresa not to be upset with him, but admits that he did tell Marlena. Theresa questions why he did that. Brady knows he shouldn’t have but says he needed to tell someone because he was worried about her and Tate. Theresa complains that Marlena already thinks she’s a colossal screw up. Brady argues that she’s a psychiatrist so she understands addiction and doesn’t judge. Brady promises that Marlena was just concerned. Brady asks Theresa not to be upset with him and apologizes. Theresa decides it’s okay but she’s sure Marlena told John, though he’s a really good guy too. Brady swears they won’t tell anyone. Theresa knows he’s right. Theresa brings up when they had their town house and recalls a time when she came over and interrupted Marlena and John. Brady bets she never made that mistake again which Theresa confirms. Theresa says the way John and Marlena look at each other is heart melting. Brady agrees. Theresa comments that her and Brady used to look at each other like that once upon a time. Brady acknowledges that but says now she’s with Alex and he really hopes that’s going well. Theresa doesn’t think he does. Brady insists that he does but Theresa thinks Brady wishes what she wishes, that they could’ve somehow made it work and they could’ve been the next John and Marlena.

Everett apologizes to Stephanie for not resisting the urge to declare his love for her again since he knows it makes her uncomfortable. Everett says he’s not waiting for her to say it back like last time. Stephanie comments on it being hot in here. Everett understands she has to go but Stephanie instead asks if his offer for liquor bottles and dinner is still on the table. Everett say it is. Stephanie says good because they need to discuss the whole friends thing. Everett knows he has trouble with boundaries but promises to stop. Everett knows he keeps breaking that promise. Stephanie says it’s not that and admits the whole friends thing isn’t working for her either.

Ava drunkenly tells Stefan how everything was really great for her and Harris when they came back from London and she was the happiest she had ever been, but then Clyde had to come along. Ava then remembers that Tripp has tequila, so they could do shots which they then do. They end up dancing together and spill some wine on Stefan’s clothes. Stefan says it’s fine as his clothes are like the rest of his life, one big hot mess. Ava goes to get him something to change in to and comes back with her robe which Stefan refuses as he removes his shirt. Ava tells Stefan not to sit on the couch with his wet stained pants so Stefan takes his pants off instead.

Everett asks what Stephanie means by the friend thing isn’t working for her. Stephanie instructs him to give her one of the mini bar bottles and chooses the rum which they then drink. Stephanie then tells Everett that after their conversation last night, all she could think about all day was how great it was when they were together in Seattle. Stephanie mentions their late night talks, how he made her laugh, and the sex. Stephanie decides she’d like to have more of those moments. Stephanie then turns out the light and says she wants to start now. Everett asks if she’s sure as they then kiss.

Brady doesn’t know if he ever thought he and Theresa could be the next John and Marlena as he doesn’t think any couple could reach that bar. Brady thinks Theresa is idealizing what they had a bit much and says they were a hot mess. Theresa feels they had good times but Brady argues that it wasn’t real as they were more addicted to each other. Brady apologizes. Theresa says there’s no need to be sorry if that’s how he remembers it. Brady admits he remembers some really nice times too, but that was then and they are different people now.

Maggie, Konstantin, Xander, and Sarah finish dinner. Maggie compliments the meal while Konstantin remarks that Xander is lucky to have Sarah. Sarah clarifies that the dinner was all Xander as he spent all day in the kitchen. Konstantin then says good for him and admits he enjoyed the meal very much. Maggie asks where Xander learned to cook. Xander explains that his mom taught him and that the most important ingredient is patience. Konstantin questions Xander being raised in Scotland, noting that he only knows him from his reputation in Greece where he did “business” with his father. Konstantin remarks that it explains a lot which Xander questions. Konstantin says he’s always found Scottish people to be cold and harsh. Sarah holds Xander back as Konstantin talks about growing up in Greece and learning the value and importance of being a man’s man. Xander remarks that he would never take advantage of a recently widowed woman. Konstantin resents his comments but says he will take the high road. Konstantin warns that Xander greatly underestimates him. Xander says no one could ever do that. Konstantin tells Maggie it’s time to go but Maggie says it’s not. Konstantin declares that he will not stay anywhere where he is so greatly disrespected. Maggie tells him to order a car then and she’ll see him at home. Konstantin says thanks for a memorable evening and storms out. Konstantin pulls the card out of his pocket and complains about these people and this town as he walks off. Xander apologizes to Maggie. Maggie says she’s sorry for bringing Konstantin and asks what she was thinking. Sarah hugs Maggie and tells her it’s okay.

John and Marlena return to the living room to say goodnight. Marlena tells Theresa it was nice to see her. Theresa stops them and says she knows Brady told them about her slip, so she just wants to say thank God for Brady for helping her get through it and now she’s back on track, going to meetings every day, and she’s determined to never let this happen again. John is glad she’s finally getting the support she needs. Marlena adds that they are there for her. John gets a text and says he has to get going on a new Black Patch client. Theresa says she should get going too so John decides to walk her out. Marlena tells John to be careful as he exits with Theresa.

Maggie tells Xander that she shouldn’t have forced Konstantin on him and she’s sorry it went so badly. Xander blames himself for going off on him. Sarah says it’s all over now but Xander says it’s not for Maggie since she’s going to see him at home. Maggie assures that she’s a big girl and she can handle Konstantin. Sarah asks if she’s sure since Konstantin was angry when he left. Maggie repeats that she can handle him and goes to say goodbye to Victoria. Sarah questions why Xander had to provoke Konstantin. Xander asks if he was just supposed to sit there while Konstantin ran down Scottish people. Xander notes that Maggie was clearly upset, so maybe she’s starting to see the light and realizing that this man who is basically living with her now is very bad news. Sarah feels the jury is still out on Konstantin but she thinks Maggie does need him right now, so she wishes Xander would accept that.

Ava tells Stefan that it’s getting late, so she should go to bed and he should call a cab. Stefan reminds her of her phone call this morning and admits she really got him with all the sexy talk. Stefan talks about her rubbing oil on her body and suggests he could help her finish the job as they start kissing and begin to undress to the words that Ava read in her romance novel earlier. They kiss onto the couch. Stefan asks what if Tripp comes home but Ava says not to worry as they are out late. Stefan then lifts her up and kisses her against the door.

Everett and Stephanie kiss in bed and begin to have sex.

Marlena tells Brady that she’s going to bed and asks about him. Brady decides he will stay up and watch a movie, suggesting Casablanca. Marlena asks if he’s in the mood for romance, noting that he and Theresa were getting along well which she’s glad to see. Brady acknowledges that they will always be linked by Tate. Marlena states that bond will never break and says goodnight as she heads to her room.

John goes to the park where he is approached by Konstantin. John tells him to take a hike as this place isn’t safe for him. Konstantin questions him being worried about him and calls that thoughtful. Konstantin guesses John is meeting someone dangerous. John warns that he doesn’t want to mess with him and asks what he wants. Konstantin thanks him for coming and tells him to sit down because they are going to talk.

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