Days Update Friday, June 14, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At the hospital, Johnny talks to Chanel about it feeling almost too good to be true to have so much good news with their baby being healthy and him following his film making dream with her by his side. Chanel says she’s so excited and proud of him. Johnny talks about finding a new place to live. Chanel stops him and reminds him there is still one significant hurdle they have to face as she has to figure out how to break the news to her mom.

Paulina is at home, on the phone with Abe while on her laptop. Paulina tells Abe about finding the website for the Concerned Citizens of Salem with photoshopped pictures of her. Paulina worries that she could lose her job. Abe assures he won’t let that happen and declares he will put a stop to this insanity tonight. Paulina questions how he’s going to do that. Abe says he will tell her when he gets home and instructs her to get offline immediately. Paulina calls him a wise man as they hang up. EJ then meets Abe in the town square and asks what this is about. Abe wants to discuss the Concerned Citizens of Salem planning to recall Paulina. EJ acts surprised as Abe says they seem hellbent on ousting her. Abe adds that something interesting came up when they looked in to this so called organization. EJ asks what he found. Abe responds that it seems the primary so called concerned citizen is EJ.

Kristen comes back to the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Stefan tells her that there’s nothing Rafe can do as he’s not willing to accept any deal with Clyde. Stefan agrees to shelve his idea to get Gabi out of prison for now, if Kristen helps him get more evidence. Kristen responds that she’s sorry but there’s been a change of plans and declares that she won’t be helping him anymore. Stefan asks what the hell she’s talking about and reminds her that if she doesn’t help him, he won’t back her as CEO of DiMera. Kristen then reveals that she won’t need his backing anymore because she already has the job.

At the police station, Chad exits the interrogation room after talking with Clyde. Chad gets a call from Julie, who says she’s been so concerned since he left for the station. Julie asks if Clyde said anything more about Abigail. Chad reveals that he actually did so Julie asks what it was. Chad informs her that Clyde told him to check out a safety deposit box at a bank in Chicago and supposedly inside is proof that Abigail is alive.

Paulina closes her laptop and complains about the internet trolls but then opens her laptop back up until Chanel comes in which surprises her. Chanel informs Paulina that she and Johnny saw the doctor today. Paulina asks about the baby. Chanel says they are still waiting on some results but things went really well and Dr. Greene said the baby’s heartbeat is really strong. Paulina is thrilled and calls that wonderful news. Chanel then informs her that she has some other news that Paulina might not think is so wonderful.

Abe asks if EJ is the one spearheading the movement to recall Paulina. EJ responds that he respects Abe so he will tell him the truth and admits that he is the one leading the charge on the issue. EJ declares that he created the Concerned Citizens of Salem to remove Paulina from office and asks if there’s anything else. Abe responds that he wants EJ to stop this nonsense now.

Stefan doesn’t understand since last he checked, EJ was still acting CEO. Kristen guesses he hasn’t checked his spam folder and informs him that the board met in private and after exchanging stock tips, they decided to offer her the job. Stefan questions that happening without his support. Kristen explains that the board felt it was time another woman was at the helm. Kristen adds that she also sent a presentation regarding her vision for the company and they were very impressed. Kristen talks about imagining her on the cover of Forbes magazine. Stefan argues that it doesn’t mean she can’t still help him with Gabi since she could now use DiMera resources to help him find new evidence. Kristen responds that she’s sorry but she can’t do that.

Johnny goes to see Marlena in her office at the hospital. Marlena asks how everything is. Johnny says things are better than okay which is why he wanted to thank her for her advice. Johnny confirms he spoke with Chanel about the job in LA. Johnny admits that at first she was a little upset that he kept it from her, but once she got past that, she was really supportive. Marlena calls that wonderful. Johnny then reveals that he accepted the job offer.

Chanel informs Paulina that she’s moving to Los Angeles and she knows it seems very sudden. Paulina didn’t think that’s what she meant by needing space. Chanel clarifies that Johnny was offered his dream job in California. Paulina asks about her bakery, reminding her that she has her own career to think of. Chanel informs her that she will start a Sweet Bits Bakery in LA. Paulina feels that’s easier said than done and asks if she has thought this through since it seems a little impulsive. Chanel asks who she gets that from since Paulina has a habit of acting without thinking.

EJ tells Abe that he’s sorry but he can’t do that. EJ claims it’s nothing personal and he’s just trying to do the right thing. Abe accuses EJ of attacking his wife and tarnishing her good name. Abe argues that Paulina made one impulsive decision and aside from that, she’s been an outstanding mayor. EJ disagrees and says Paulina’s judgment gives him pause. Abe thinks this is all about Paulina firing EJ as district attorney. EJ claims it has nothing to do with that. EJ admits he wasn’t happy about that at first but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise since now he’s had more time to spend with Jude and he can devote more attention to his role as acting CEO at DiMera. EJ says it won’t be long before that role is officially his.

Stefan talks about Kristen getting everything she wants and suddenly losing the desire to help her brother in need. Kristen argues that she’s not the monster and she is sympathetic to he and Gabi. Kristen says she would help if she could but Mr. Shin would kick her to the curb if he found out she was helping the woman who was arrested for murdering his son. Kristen tells Stefan that she’s sorry but her hands are tied.

Chad goes home where Julie tells him that she’s going with him to Chicago tomorrow morning. Chad doesn’t want her involved since it could be dangerous. Julie tells Chad that she’s faced similar situations in the past and talks about Alice helping Bo and Hope escape criminals years ago. Chad points out that Clyde could just be playing mind games. Julie feels they still have to go. Chad agrees even if there’s a one in a million chance that Abigail is alive, they have to take the shot. Chad’s son Thomas then walks in and says he couldn’t sleep. Thomas says he heard his voice so he wanted to come see him. Chad says he’s glad he did as he missed him. Thomas asks about Chad’s trip. Chad promises to tell them about it in the morning and tells him to go back to bed. Thomas then stops and asks why Chad said Abigail is alive.

Marlena hugs Johnny and tells him that she’s so proud of him. Marlena asks about the movie. Johnny says he can’t say too much but promises it has nothing to do with devil possession. Marlena says she will miss him teasing her. Marlena admits that as happy as she is for he and Chanel, she will miss having him here in Salem. Johnny doesn’t think Paulina will like it either or handle the news as well as Marlena has.

Paulina apologizes as she didn’t mean to question Chanel’s judgment but she’s so sad to see her leave. Chanel says she’ll only be a plane ride away and they’ve lived apart before. Paulina worries that Chanel might not miss her as much as in the past. Chanel asks why she would say that. Paulina says they got close again but all that has changed because of what she did. Paulina worries that she’s ruined everything.

Abe tells EJ that he has a lot on his plate and suggests dropping this recall business. EJ says it’s too late for that as the petition is already in the hands of city council. EJ tells Abe that the people of Salem have spoken so he can’t let them down over a personal disagreement. Abe argues that EJ doesn’t give a damn about the people of Salem and is only interested in stroking his ego. EJ thinks that’s a terribly unfair assessment but Abe thinks it’s right on the money. Abe brings up EJ’s sister Lexie and says she may be gone, but they are still family. Abe then asks EJ on a personal level to stop this attack on Paulina.

Stefan asks Kristen what the hell he’s supposed to do now. Kristen says maybe he doesn’t have to do anything. Stefan mocks that idea. Kristen clarifies that maybe Clyde will give up some information that proves that Gil murdered Li. Stefan complains that Clyde won’t do that without getting something major in return and Rafe has already made it clear that he won’t make a deal with Clyde. Kristen brings up the Melinda angle but Stefan refuses to sleep with Melinda, insisting nothing is more important in his life than Gabi. Kristen tells Stefan that she’s sorry he’s going through this but this is the best she’s got. Stefan declares that the only other choice is to go back to busting Gabi out of prison. Kristen calls that a terrible idea and says she’s spent more of her life on the run than she cares to imagine and it’s no way to live. Stefan argues that his wife is locked in prison for a crime that she didn’t commit while thinking they will spend the rest of their lives apart and that’s no way to live. Stefan states that he needs his wife to be free and he will do anything he can to make sure that happens, even if that means being a fugitive for the rest of his life. Kristen guesses all she can do is offer her guidance. Stefan calls that somewhere between thoughts and prayers and liking a post on Facebook. Kristen tells Stefan to quit bitching and listen to her. Kristen brings up Stefan saying he had someone working on getting Gabi out and says now he needs to focus on what happens after. Stefan asks what that even means. Kristen reveals she has a grab and go kit in the safe in case of emergency with a lot of money that is his for the taking. Kristen adds that there’s an envelope with a contact sheet of people who will help Stefan and Gabi disappear without a trace. Kristen calls it a parting gift for them. Stefan is surprised and thanks her, saying it means the world to him as they hug.

Johnny tells Marlena that he wanted to go with Chanel to provide moral support but she wanted to talk to Paulina alone. Marlena asks if things are still strained between them. Johnny confirms they are. Johnny explains that he and Chanel understand that Paulina was just trying to save her daughter but also that it was a completely reckless decision to leave the hospital, knowing her condition could put others in danger. Marlena understands as a mother, the desire to protect your child. Johnny points out that Paulina put her daughter at risk as well as her unborn grandchild. Marlena calls it very sad and hopes they find their way back together.

Chanel tells Paulina that she didn’t ruin everything. Paulina feels she did and hates the idea of Chanel leaving while things are unresolved. Paulina worries that the distance will drive them further apart. Chanel assures that won’t happen but Paulina argues that she doesn’t know that. Paulina tells Chanel how sorry she is for putting lives in jeopardy and wishes she could go back in time to make a different choice. Chanel points out that if Paulina didn’t come to her rescue then maybe she would’ve been found and saved but maybe not and she could be dead now. Paulina supposes that makes some sense. Chanel suggests looking at it from that angle. Chanel calls it possible that maybe Paulina made the right choice after all. Paulina asks if she really means that. Chanel notes that the doctor did say at this stage, her baby is looking healthy and it’s too early to know for sure that nothing is wrong but she has a really good feeling. Chanel thinks it’s time for Paulina to stop beating herself up and time for her to forgive her. Paulina is thrilled and hugs Chanel.

Chad tells Thomas that he didn’t say Abigail was alive but Thomas says he heard him. Julie tells Thomas that Chad meant Abigail is in Heaven and part of their lives every day because her memory is alive in their hearts. Chad goes along with it and says that’s what he said which Thomas accepts. Chad then takes Thomas to go back to bed. Chad returns from putting Thomas to sleep. Julie comments on Thomas being inquisitive. Chad can’t believe it’s the two year anniversary of Abigail’s death. Chad talks about missing her so much every day. Chad admits the little spark of hope that she might be alive has grown in to a giant flame, so he doesn’t know what he’s going to do if it turns out not to be true.

Stefan tells Kristen that he is eternally grateful to her. Kristen jokes that he should be and declares that she’s off to the office to start kicking ass and taking names. Stefan guesses this is goodbye. Kristen admits she will miss having an ally in the house. Stefan points out that they haven’t always been allies. Kristen recalls when they first met and how Stefan still took her in because they were family. Stefan admits he still sold her out. Kristen jokes that backstabbing is the DiMera way and says it’s nice to have Stefan on her side again. Stefan remarks that she can thank EJ for that. Kristen talks about how EJ is going to lose his mind when he finds out she is CEO. Stefan is sorry he will miss that. Kristen says EJ will be dreadful and vindictive but in the end, she think he will get that it was all for the best.

EJ tells Abe that he wouldn’t characterize this as an attack on Paulina as he sees it as the tax paying citizens of Salem holding a public servant accountable. EJ tells Abe that he’s sorry but he cannot honor his request. Abe says he should’ve known that appealing to EJ’s sense of family wouldn’t work. Abe says for EJ to try to get rid of an outstanding mayor and human being out of spite shows exactly what kind of man he is. Abe then walks away.

Johnny tells Marlena about Dr. Greene reassuring them about their baby. Marlena says she’s so happy for everybody. Johnny admits that when they first found out there might be problems with their baby being born with abnormalities, he wasn’t sure if they should go through with the pregnancy but after today, he knows they made the right decision. Marlena is so glad to hear that and is so excited to have a new grandbaby. Johnny says they will be lucky to have the best great grandma anyone could ask for. Marlena thanks him and says she will be here for him, Chanel, and the baby. Johnny thanks her. Marlena says she loves him so much as they hug.

Paulina tells Chanel how much it means to her that she doesn’t hate her anymore. Chanel says she could never hate her and she was just upset, but she knows what she did was done out of love. Paulina jokes that she hasn’t been this emotional since an Aretha Franklin concert. Paulina guesses her forgiveness doesn’t affect her decision to move. Chanel assures that she was never moving because of her. Paulina encourages her to have her own life, but asks to let her throw them a going away party before they go so they will always remember where home is. Chanel assures that she could never forget because part of her heart will always be right here with her as they hug.

Julie tells Chad that she will throttle Clyde for what he’s put Chad through emotionally, calling it so cruel. Chad declares it will all be over soon as tomorrow, they will go to Chicago, walk in to the bank and open the safety deposit box to know without a shadow of a doubt if Abigail is still alive.

Johnny meets Chanel at the Brady Pub. Johnny tells her that he broke the news to Roman and Marlena and they both handled it really well. Johnny says they aren’t happy to see them leaving but they were supportive. Johnny asks how things went with Paulina. Chanel says it went way better than she imagined and that they are in a good place now. Chanel adds that Paulina is sad they are leaving but she understands it’s what’s best for them as they hug.

Abe goes home to Paulina and sees she’s been crying so he asks if something is wrong. Paulina informs Abe that Chanel came by and they had an amazing talk where they made a breakthrough and Chanel forgave her. Abe calls that wonderful and says he’s so happy for her. Paulina adds that’s not all as Chanel told her that she and Johnny are moving to Los Angeles which surprises Abe. Paulina explains that Johnny got a great job offer to work on a movie. Abe says they could always go there to visit and he’s sure they will be back here. Paulina declares the important thing is that Chanel doesn’t hate her anymore and they are back to being close again. Paulina asks if Abe wants to tell her what he was up to tonight. Abe admits he was trying to get EJ to back off and they talked for awhile but EJ refused to stop the recall. Paulina declares that karma is going to bite EJ.

Kristen approaches EJ in the town square and says she knows he must be upset that things didn’t go his way, so she hopes there’s no hard feelings since they are family and should support one another. EJ questions what she’s going on about. Kristen asks if Mr. Shin didn’t call him which EJ questions. Kristen guesses she’s going to break the news then. Kristen then announces that EJ is going to need to update his resumé.

Stefan opens the safe at the DiMera Mansion and removes the stacks of cash and the envelope that Kristen mentioned. Stefan opens the envelope and finds that the papers are not contacts, but the DNA results revealing that EJ is not Jude’s father.

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Days Update Thursday, June 13, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Chanel questions Johnny wanting to leave Salem and asks where they would go. Johnny tells her about how he’s been sending out his resume for film jobs and he wasn’t expecting to hear anything back and certainly wasn’t expecting to be offered a job on a movie with Payton Russo, one of his favorite directors. Chanel excitedly calls it amazing but Johnny reveals the catch is that he has to give them an answer by tomorrow and the job is in LA. Chanel says they didn’t give him much time to think about it but Johnny reveals he’s actually known about it for a couple of weeks. Chanel is shocked and questions him just now telling her.

Kate joins Roman at the Brady Pub. Roman tells her about Eric agreeing to move back to the room above the Pub. Kate calls that really good since she knows he’s been worried. Roman knows she’s still worried about Lucas and asks if there’s any word. Kate doesn’t get it since Lucas contacted her, said he was with Harris, searching for Clyde, and then nothing but dead silence. Kate can’t help but feel that something terrible has happened and she might never see him again. Lucas then enters the Pub and surprises Kate.

Chad returns home to the Horton House where Julie greets him and says she’s so glad he’s back home. Julie says she just put the kids down but they have been asking about where he is non stop. Chad says he’ll go check on them. Julie asks if he found Clyde. Chad confirms the police did and he did get a chance to talk to him. Julie asks if Clyde admitted to targeting Abigail on that horrible night. Chad thinks back to Clyde telling him that Abigail is alive. Julie asks Chad what he said.

Rafe confronts Clyde in the interrogation room at the police station and says it’s been a long time. Clyde says not long enough which Rafe agrees with. Rafe says the FBI’s field office in Helena has decided that the Salem PD gets the first crack at him. Rafe informs Clyde that he’s run out of luck because there’s a whole host of new charges like drug dealing, attempted murder, and breaking out of prison. Rafe says once they figure it all out, they will send him off to solitary confinement in super max where he can finish off his already long sentence. Rafe says he first has a few questions for him, starting with what he knows about Li Shin’s murder.

At the DiMera Mansion, Stefan finishes a call saying he wants it done now. Kristen walks in and asks what that was all about. Stefan declares that he’s busting Gabi out of prison.

Johnny apologizes for not telling Chanel about the job right away. Chanel questions what his plan was and if he was just going to wait until he was on a flight to LA or if he was going to turn the job down and not tell her at all. Johnny admits maybe he was. Chanel asks if he thinks he knows what’s best for them. Johnny argues that there was just so much going on with the baby and with Paulina, so he didn’t want to add to her stress. Chanel calls that a load of crap.

Kate hugs Lucas and says she was so worried about him since he wasn’t answering her phone calls. Lucas says he was on a plane and a little busy trying to catch Clyde and his henchwoman, who are now in police custody. Kate says that’s great but she was picturing him dead in a ditch. Lucas explains that they had to keep everything on the DL until Clyde was in custody. Kate feels he still could’ve let her know. Roman points out that Lucas is safe now. Kate agrees to stay positive because Lucas helped Harris capture Clyde as he said, so according to the terms offered, he should now be a free man.

Clyde claims to Rafe that Li Shin is not ringing any bells. Rafe argues that Clyde knows damn well who Li is since Gabi was convicted of his murder and he knows that’s not news to him, since Clyde hired a goon to break Gabi’s leg in prison and threatened her within an inch of her life to persuade Stefan to do his bidding. Clyde calls that quite a tale and claims he heard Gabi broke her leg by slipping in the shower. Clyde remarks that he can picture her in the shower. Rafe tells him to shut up. Clyde asks why Gabi killed her ex. Rafe responds that she didn’t and had no motive, so she’s innocent. Clyde laughs at that and says innocent is the last thing Gabi is. Rafe argues that Clyde knows Gabi didn’t kill Li, but he bets that Clyde knows who did.

Kristen questions Stefan orchestrating a prison break for Gabi. Stefan reminds her that’s what he wanted her to help with in the first place, but she thought it would be easier to prove Gabi’s innocent. Kristen says it should’ve been. Stefan complains that Melinda doesn’t think the black book is enough evidence and that Rafe could string him along forever, so to hell with it. Kristen thought maybe Clyde could confirm Gil killed Li but Stefan calls that a pipe dream and questions why Clyde would lift a finger to help him. Kristen questions when this great escape is to take place. Stefan says it’s already in the works and then he and Gabi will ride off into the sunset, never to be seen or heard from again. Kristen is afraid she can’t let this happen.

Julie asks Chad what Clyde said. Chad explains that he accused him of going to the mansion with the sole purpose of killing Abigail and he didn’t deny it. Julie says now they know but Chad says there is more. Chad states that Clyde may have gone to the mansion that night to kill Abigail, but then in the end, he claimed that Abigail is still alive.

Chanel tells Johnny that they are supposed to be a team and questions him thinking about turning down his dream job without talking to her first. Johnny laments that he’s an idiot and apologizes for not telling her sooner, noting that Marlena told him the same thing. Chanel questions him telling Marlena before her and who else knows. Johnny apologizes repeatedly and says he didn’t expect to get a job offer that would require them to move 2000 miles away. Johnny says at first, he couldn’t believe it but then he panicked because Salem is their home, where Chanel’s bakery is and where their families are. Johnny declares that they built their lives in Salem and they are happy here. Johnny just wants to make her happy and calls that his most important job. Chanel calls that really sweet but feels if he wanted to turn the job down, he would’ve done it already. Johnny states that part of him does want to turn it down but part of him doesn’t, so he’s obviously conflicted. Johnny then declares that Chanel needs to make this decision.

Roman says he has stuff to take care of in the office and that he’ll be back. Lucas tells Kate that he feels Roman wouldn’t be happy if his sentence was shortened. Kate questions that being an if and if Harris is flaking on him. Lucas responds that he doesn’t know where he stands because Harris is busy processing Clyde and they haven’t talked since. Lucas reveals that Chad had to fly him home. Kate questions what Chad was doing there. Lucas calls it a long story. Lucas admits he doesn’t know what’s going to happen with him but the longer it goes, the worse he feels about it. Kate questions why the hell she ever trusted Harris. Lucas reminds her to keep it down as he’s technically still a fugitive. Kate agrees that they should get him right back in to hiding.

Julie questions Clyde saying Abigail is still alive. Chad points out that he had a gun to his head, so he may have been saying anything and that it’s probably a lie, but a small part of him hopes that it’s true as Julie hugs him.

Clyde tells Rafe that he didn’t even know Li so he questions why he should know who killed him. Rafe points out that Li’s blood was found on Clyde’s little black book. Clyde points out that he was in prison. Rafe brings up Clyde’s associate Gil and how his bloody fingerprint was also found on the black book, which was hidden at the Bistro where Clyde ran his drug operation. Clyde points out that Ava killed Gil. Rafe says he’s well aware but since he can’t talk to Gil, he figured he’d go right to the boss. Rafe asks Clyde what Gil told him about the night Li was murdered and if there’s any chance Clyde could corroborate with Gil. Clyde asks what’s in it for him if he could.

Stefan tells Kristen that Gabi is his wife, so he doesn’t need her permission to get her out of prison. Kristen reminds him of their agreement that she helps him with Gabi and he helps her become CEO of DiMera. Stefan assures that he is still backing her. Kristen questions if Stefan is going to continue as a fugitive from the law. Stefan says he’s been planting seeds for months so it’s practically a done deal. Kristen argues that Stefan has waited this long to free Gabi and asks what’s a few more weeks. Stefan worries that if Clyde is captured, he’ll go back to making Gabi’s life a living Hell and now that he’s turned on him, he can’t take that risk. Kristen tells Stefan that he might just have to because after everything she’s done for Gabi, she can’t risk him not coming through for her. Kristen declares they are at a stalemate but Stefan says that’s now how he sees it. Kristen warns that if Stefan goes through with this idiotic jailbreak plan, then she will tell Gabi that he slept with Ava.

Chanel questions Johnny wanting her to make the decision on his job offer, pointing out that she just told him they are a team. Johnny feels he would be uprooting her from her life for his dream. Johnny asks what if she ends up miserable because of him. Chanel asks if she’s supposed to crush his dreams and asks what if he’s miserable because of her. Chanel points out that she can bake cookies anywhere and that Sweet Bits LA sounds kind of nice. Chanel adds that getting a little further away from Paulina might not be such a bad thing. Chanel declares that if Johnny wants the job, she thinks he should take it. Johnny says the problem is he doesn’t know if he wants to take it for reasons he can’t quite articulate. Chanel encourages him to try. Johnny says for his whole life, he wanted to be the next Fellini. Johnny recalls when he tried to put together a movie as an adult, the whole project went to Hell. Chanel asks how many directors can say the actual Devil interfered in their production. Johnny took it as a sign that he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Johnny asks what if he can’t cut it since Hollywood is cut throat. Chanel questions where all this self doubt is coming from. Johnny says a lot has happened so fast and asks what if he’s not ready, pointing out that now he has Chanel and the baby to think about. Johnny states that failing on his own is one thing but he cannot drag her across the country and fail all three of them.

Lucas tells Kate that he’s not going back to the monastery. Lucas adds that Clyde will be going to super max so Statesville will be safe for him to go back to if he has to. Kate argues that at least the monastery isn’t prison but Lucas feels it’s pretty much the same thing, complaining that he can’t stand that place. Kate points out that there’s less murderers in the monastery. Lucas states that he has one year left on his sentence so he might as well go back, do his time, and pay full price for what he did to Sami.

Chad tells Julie that Abigail came back to him once before and brings up how Stefan’s heart is beating in Julie’s chest while he’s alive and well. Julie asks if it’s possible that Dr. Rolf saved Abigail. Chad says he doesn’t know but he can’t sit around and wonder what if as it will drive him crazy. Chad decides he needs to go to the police station to talk to Clyde to find out if there’s more which Julie encourages him to do. Chad asks Julie not to bring this up to Jack or Jennifer so he doesn’t get their hopes up. Julie agrees not to say anything as Chad then exits.

Kristen reminds Stefan that he cheated on his wife. Stefan calls it one time where he was very drunk. Kristen mocks that Gabi will be very forgiving then. Stefan argues that she said she would keep his secret. Kristen says that was then and this is now. Stefan asks if she’s declaring war with him. Kristen says of course not as she’s at war with EJ, so Stefan needs to decide which side he’s on. Kristen warns that if Gabi does find out what happened between he and Ava, she’s sure Gabi would prefer a prison cot to their bed, so she really thinks he needs to rethink his plan.

Rafe tells Clyde that he can’t make charges like these just go away after everything he’s done. Clyde asks why he should help him then. Rafe takes that to mean he does know something. Clyde says he didn’t say that but questions why the bloody fingerprint on the book isn’t enough to overturn Gabi’s conviction. Rafe says that’s a good question. Clyde calls it a damn shame. Clyde says if Gil did tell him something, there would have to be something in it for him in order for him to testify to that. Clyde adds that he would graciously accept anything Rafe could do for him, even outside the confines of the law. Rafe calls him a piece of work. Clyde brings up Rafe covering up Stefano’s murder for Hope and questions if he wouldn’t do the same thing for his own flesh and blood, asking what kind of brother he is. Rafe tells him to hang tight and he’ll be back. Clyde tells Rafe to think about what he said as Rafe exits the room.

Chanel encourages that Johnny is not going to fail but Johnny argues that they don’t know that. Chanel compares it to Johnny thinking she’s a good baker and praises his work. Chanel says if things don’t work out, at least he gave it his best shot and they can always come back to Salem. Chanel declares that whatever he decides, she’s with him. Chanel mentions Chris Pratt being in the movie that he’d be working on, pointing out all there is to love about LA. Chanel tells Johnny that she will follow him to the ends of the earth because his dreams are their dreams now.

Kristen asks Stefan if he’s going to rethink his master plan or if she has to give Gabi the bad news. Rafe then walks in and asks what about Gabi. Stefan claims that they were just discussing how to tell Gabi that they hit a dead end on trying to prove her innocence. Rafe reveals he’s here because he has some news on that front.

Roman returns to Kate and asks where Lucas is. Kate informs him that Lucas went to say goodbye to Julie since he hasn’t heard from Harris, so he’s assuming he will be going back to prison to serve the rest of his sentence. Roman says he’s sorry to hear that which Kate questions.

Lucas goes to see Julie, who says he’s been in her prayers every single day. Lucas thanks her and says he appreciates that. Julie asks what has happened and if he’s free and clear now. Lucas says he’s not too sure about that. Julie points out the risk in coming to see her. Lucas declares that there was no way he was going back to prison without saying goodbye to her first.

Chad confronts Clyde in the interrogation room. Clyde asks if Rafe sent him to have a little chat with him. Chad moves the table and sits across from Clyde, pointing out that they never finished their conversation so he needs to start talking. Clyde asks or else what?

Johnny thanks Chanel for believing in him. Chanel assures that she and the baby are there for him no matter what. Chanel apologizes for getting salty before. Johnny says it’s okay as she was right to be upset at him for not telling her about the job offer sooner. Chanel asks what he’s thinking now.

Roman asks Kate why she would ask if he’s really sorry that Lucas is going back to prison when he’s his stepson and wants what’s best for him. Roman adds that he supported Lucas throughout this whole damn thing. Kate says she’s grateful to him for that but she believes that Roman wants Lucas to serve his term for what he did to Sami. Roman argues that they’ve been through this and he thinks Lucas has learned his lesson and won’t make those mistakes again. Roman brings up that Harris promised results and Lucas delivered, so he thinks it would be wrong for Harris to leave Lucas hanging.

Julie tells Lucas that Chad implied he had something to do with helping find Clyde. Lucas feels he probably shouldn’t say too much. Julie understands and asks what Lucas thinks about Clyde saying Abigail is alive. Julie says she won’t say anything to anyone but him. Julie asks if Lucas said he didn’t think it’s possible so he wouldn’t get Chad’s hopes up. Julie asks if Lucas thinks it could be true that Abigail is alive. Lucas wishes it was true but doesn’t know how it could be possible.

Stefan tells Rafe that it’s no shock that Clyde isn’t speaking. Kristen gets a call and exits the room. Rafe encourages Stefan not to give up hope since they have Clyde in custody and he’s convinced that Clyde knows something. Stefan feels whatever Clyde wants has to be worth getting Gabi back home.

Clyde mocks Chad as reminding him of a yapping dog running circles around a predator. Chad asks how it could be possible that his wife is still alive because that night, he found her in their bed bleeding out and barely able to whisper his name. Chad says when he closes his eyes, he can see her and he can feel her slipping away. Chad recalls being covered in her blood at the hospital but he was still hopeful until Kayla told him that his wife was dead and there was nothing anyone could do. Chad adds that Kayla took him to see her body and he held her, touched her, kissed her, and said goodbye to the love of his life and mother of his children. Chad states that now Clyde drops a bomb on him. Chad grabs Clyde and asks how it’s possible for Abigail to be alive.

Johnny calls the director Payton Russo back to accept the job and says he’s very excited. Johnny says he can’t wait and he’ll see him soon as he hangs up. Chanel excitedly hugs him and calls it amazing, saying she’s so proud of him. Chanel jokes that they just had their first major fight as a married couple, so now they have to make up as they kiss.

Julie talks on the phone about being so worried about Maggie and how she told her not to trust Konstantin. Julie says the family could use some good news. Julie talks about not figuring out Tom and Alice’s time capsule, but she is determined to find out if it’s the last thing she does.

Lucas returns to the Pub and tells Kate that she said goodbye to Julie. Lucas asks if he has a place to stay away while he waits for Harris. Roman reveals that he pulled some strings with his ISA pals to track Harris down. Roman announces that Harris just finalized the terms of Lucas’s deal, so for being part of the capture of Clyde Weston, the remainder of Lucas’s sentence is officially completed. Roman officially declares Lucas a free man which thrills him and Kate.

Rafe tells Stefan that he’s sorry but his hands are tied. Stefan questions Rafe just packing it in and not moving Heaven and Earth to help his sister. Rafe says he can’t give in to Clyde and sacrifice the safety of the town. Rafe then says maybe if Stefan had an idea which he questions. Rafe asks if Stefan has an idea of how he could move Heaven and Earth. Stefan asks if he’s saying if he chose to go the DiMera route, he’d be willing to look the other way. Rafe responds that he has to get back to the police station and exits the mansion. Kristen comes back. Stefan tells her that there’s nothing Rafe can do as he’s not willing to accept any deal with Clyde. Stefan agrees to shelve his idea to get Gabi out of prison for now, if Kristen helps him get more evidence. Kristen responds that she’s sorry but there’s been a change of plans and declares that she won’t be helping him anymore.

Clyde tells Chad that him being sad takes all the fun out of it. Chad asks for an answer. Clyde says before he does, Chad has to show that he can do something for him to better his current situation. Chad asks how he’s supposed to do that. Clyde points out that Chad’s a DiMera, so he’ll figure something out. Chad refuses to when he can’t trust a word he says. Clyde asks why he’s here then. Chad questions why Clyde would go down for Abigail’s murder if she’s still alive. Clyde remarks that only a fool goes for the quick return while the wise man plays the long game with an ace up his sleeve, knowing the exact time to play it. Chad declares now is the time then to show his cards. Clyde tells Chad to listen up then because he’s about to give him something big.

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Days Update Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric goes to the Brady Pub where Roman says he’d ask how he’s doing but his face gave it away. Roman tells Eric that he’s sorry and asks if there’s any word from the police on the search for Sloan. Eric says no after she took off from the DiMera Mansion. Roman hates the thought of Sloan being out there free after what she did to Eric and Nicole. Eric comments that at least she didn’t hit him on the back of the head like she did EJ. Roman remarks that he still can’t believe that Sloan got the jump on EJ like that..

EJ sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, gleefully reading the Spectator article to baby Jude about Paulina’s exposure of radiation. EJ remarks that Paulina needs to either step down or be forcibly removed from office. Chanel then walks in and asks if that’s a fact.

Paulina wakes up from falling asleep on the couch at home and tells Abe that she had a terrible nightmare that the radiation turned her in to a 50 foot tall woman that made people run away screaming. Paulina says the worst part is that it’s not the first time she’s had the dream as she’s been having it ever since leaving the hospital. Abe states that big problems call for big solutions and declares that this sounds like a job for Dr. Marlena Evans.

Marlena is in her office at the hospital, on the phone with John. Marlena says she can barely hear him but gets that his flight is on time. Marlena says she can hardly wait to see him and tells him to call her when he lands as they hang up. Marlena then looks down at The Pawn card until Johnny comes in and asks if she has a second. Marlena calls it a nice surprise. Johnny asks about the card which Marlena blows off as nothing and puts it away. Marlena asks about Johnny’s visit. Johnny informs her that he’s meeting Chanel for an appointment. Marlena asks about the baby. Johnny says so far, so good but he wanted to stop by to get advice from Marlena about his whole future.

Leo sits in the town square reading the Spectator until a shirtless man approaches to ask for a favor which gets Leo’s attention. Leo asks what the favor is. The man asks if he can drink the glass of water on Leo’s table since he forgot his water bottle and he just finished a run. He then says nevermind but Leo tells him to go ahead and take it. The man thanks him and drinks the water, spilling some on himself in the process. He thanks Leo again. Leo stops him and asks if he’d want to go out sometime.

Johnny informs Marlena that a producer offered him a job at his company, but if he took it, he’d have to move to Los Angeles like now. Marlena didn’t even know he was considering this. Johnny reveals that Chanel doesn’t know either which surprises Marlena, who questions why he hasn’t told her. Johnny feels it would be asking Chanel to leave her business, her family, and her home which doesn’t seem like a fair thing to ask. Marlena questions if he’s considering turning down the job without even discussing it with Chanel. Johnny says as great as the whole thing sounds, he doesn’t want Chanel to feel like he’s asking her to make this sacrifice for him. Johnny says with the baby and health issues, it’s a lot. Marlena asks how he thinks Chanel will feel if she finds out that he turned down the job without ever mentioning it. Marlena encourages that Chanel might not think of it as a sacrifice and might want to do that. Johnny then agrees to talk to Chanel. Johnny points out that Marlena still hasn’t told him what she thinks about if he should consider the job. Marlena states that she thinks he should. Marlena admits that selfishly, she’d like to keep him in Salem, especially after what happened with Jude.

Eric tells Roman that it was shocking to see EJ just lying there after Sloan hit him in the back of the head. Roman says under normal circumstances, that’d be a welcome sight but he still can’t believe that Sloan just helped herself to EJ and Nicole’s baby, asking how someone could do that. Eric remarks that desperate people do desperate things. Roman says he’s sorry as he knows how much Eric loved the baby. Eric responds that he was his son and he lost him, admitting he’s never felt pain like this.

EJ tells Chanel that he was just reading some of today’s news to his son. Chanel points out that he was getting a kick out of it and apparently feels the same way about Paulina as the Spectator does. EJ confirms that is true and that he wants Paulina out as mayor, but claims it’s only because he’s outraged on Chanel’s behalf which she questions. EJ points out that Chanel is his daughter in law and Paulina recklessly exposed her and his unborn grandchild to radiation, asking if she isn’t mad too. Chanel admits she’s not exactly happy about it but says she doesn’t fully blame Paulina, who didn’t even know that she was pregnant and she did it because she was trying to save her life. Chanel acknowledges that Paulina would never intentionally hurt her or put them in danger. EJ responds that he admires Paulina’s resolve but feels that her dangerous actions still need to be answered for. Chanel questions if he’s saying Paulina needs to answer for what she did to her or to him. Chanel asks if it’s really about protecting his grandchild or if it’s about EJ trying to get payback.

Leo tells the man that he’s not in the habit of asking out strangers but he’s just getting back out after a relationship fell apart. Leo asks the man to dinner. He responds that Leo seems like a really nice guy, but he’s not gay. Leo is surprised and asks if he’s sure which he confirms. Leo says he’s usually pretty good and asks the guy again. He tells Leo that he’s sure but he’s flattered. He thanks Leo again for the water and says maybe he’ll see him around as he walks away.

Johnny tells Marlena that he’s really sorry about Jude as he knows how much she loved him. Marlena says it’s really Eric that she’s most worried about. Johnny talks about seeing EJ and Nicole go through pretty much the same thing but Marlena argues that it’s not the same since they thought their baby was dead. Johnny acknowledges that now Eric has to watch him grow up with someone else as his father. Johnny says he feels awful for Eric and the whole family, but at the same time he’s happy for EJ and Nicole which he asks if that’s wrong to say. Marlena says no and that Jude is where he’s meant to be but she’s sorry that Eric has to pay the price for it. Johnny says he has to get to his appointment. Marlena is glad he stopped by and hopes everything goes well. Johnny thanks her and promises to tell Chanel about his job offer. Marlena assures him that her door is always open to him as Johnny then exits.

Paulina tells Abe that she’s always happy to talk to Marlena but she will pass for now. Paulina feels it’s obvious that she’s dreaming about destroying the whole town because she’s feeling guilty over exposing Chanel, Johnny, and Julie to radiation. Abe encourages that all of their tests came back fine. Paulina says it doesn’t stop her from worrying and asks what if it takes time to show up and gets worse or there’s something really wrong. Abe points out that Kayla wasn’t worried but Paulina feels that there is always the possibility. Paulina adds that she and Chanel aren’t in the best place right now. Abe feels they’ve been through rough patches before. Paulina doesn’t know if she could ever forgive herself if something happened to Chanel’s baby because of her.

EJ tells Chanel that what happened between he and Paulina was just business. Chanel questions him not taking it personally. EJ claims his only concern is Chanel and the child. Chanel insists they are fine. EJ asks if she’s sure. Chanel says she and Johnny have a follow up appointment today and her latest test results show everything is fine. EJ hopes that’s true, pointing out that if there’s any cause for concern, there are still options at this stage. Chanel responds that she’s aware of the options but she’s having the baby as that’s what she and Johnny both want. EJ says he’s glad to hear that. Chanel questions if he is. EJ insists that he can’t wait for another addition to the family and that his new son will be an uncle. Chanel acknowledges the baby as Jude but EJ talks about how they are thinking about changing his name. Chanel says she just feels terrible for Eric as he must be devastated. EJ calls it a hard time for everyone but says thankfully the baby is where he belongs, with his real parents.

Roman tells Eric that it kills him to see him hurting like this. Eric responds that the hardest part is that it doesn’t feel real. Eric says in his heart, Jude is still his son. Roman encourages Eric healing as family. Eric thanks him and says he appreciates that. Eric decides he will go to the back and grab some food. Roman says Eric being in the apartment by himself can’t be making things easy which Eric admits. Roman then invites Eric to come back the Pub, start over and give himself a break until he figures things out. Eric agrees that he’s probably right. Roman offers to help him move his stuff. Eric tells Roman that he’ll let him know but there’s a stop he has to make first as he then exits the Pub.

Leo bursts in to Marlena’s office and tells her that he needs her help, desperately.

Abe gets a call from his friend Ruben. Abe says he hasn’t heard but thanks him for the call as he appreciates the heads up. Paulina asks what that was about. Abe claims it was nothing for her to worry about but Paulina can tell he’s hiding something from her. Abe insists that everything is fine. Paulina recognizes Ruben as his friend on the city council. Abe informs her that he called to give him a warning as it seems there is a petition filed to recall Paulina as Mayor.

Johnny joins Chanel in her hospital room. Johnny mentions stopping to see Marlena while Chanel informs him that she was delayed by an interesting conversation with EJ. Johnny asks if it was good or bad. Chanel says they kind of got in to it about the baby and about Paulina. Chanel adds that EJ also wanted to talk to her about their options. Johnny questions why EJ does this and says he’s sorry, adding that he will talk to him. Chanel asks if he doesn’t think she can take care of herself. Johnny says he knows she can, but sometimes when DiMeras are involved, reinforcement can be useful. Chanel tells him not to worry about it as it doesn’t matter. Chanel questions how they were late but Kayla still isn’t there. Johnny suggests maybe she has another patient. Johnny then decides since they have a minute, there was something he wanted to talk to her about.

EJ talks to baby Jude and says he hopes he wasn’t too defensive with Chanel as he just wants everyone to know he is his son forever. EJ remarks that with Sloan gone and Melinda sworn to secrecy, no one will ever know the truth about the baby’s paternity, especially Nicole. EJ worries that if so, he would certainly lose the baby and would lose Nicole to Eric. Eric then walks in. EJ tells him that Nicole is still at work and he just put the baby to sleep. Eric says he won’t be long and he just needs to talk to EJ. EJ asks what about. Eric informs him that he needs a lawyer to help him get a divorce from Sloan. EJ questions Eric coming to him of all lawyers instead of Belle or Justin. Eric responds that Justin is dealing with a family matter and Belle is working on her marriage with Shawn. EJ adds that he could always google a lawyer but Eric points out that some random attorney won’t hate Sloan as much as they do. EJ admits they have good reason. Eric states that Sloan stole EJ’s son, so he assumes he’d want to get back at her as much as he does. EJ says he’s not wrong so Eric asks if he will take his case. EJ agrees to do it and remarks that it seems their situations made them strange bedfellows. Eric asks if they have to wait to find Sloan before filing proceedings but EJ informs him that there is a way around that.

Chanel asks what Johnny wanted to talk to her about. Johnny says it’s something he was talking to Marlena about but they are interrupted by the doctor entering the room, who is the same man that ran in to Leo earlier. Johnny thought they were seeing Kayla but the doctor reveals she was called away on an emergency so he’s stepping in and introduces himself as Dr. Greene. Chanel identifies him as her regular customer Felicity’s brother. Dr. Greene says he should’ve realized Chanel since Felicity talks about her all the time. Chanel says Felicity is awesome. Dr. Greene says Felicity loves spending time with her. Johnny introduces himself as Chanel’s husband. Dr. Greene says it’s nice to meet him and they will see how the baby is doing.

Leo tells Marlena that he needs mental health help as his brain needs fixing but so does his heart. Marlena says he can make an appointment but Leo argues that this can’t wait. Leo says everyone says she’s the greatest shrink in Salem, she’s not with a patient right now and offers to pay in cash. Marlena says she’s going through case files. Leo knows she doesn’t like him because of what happened with her grandson Will, arguing that Will left him for dead and she should want to make amends for her family. Marlena realizes he’s not going to go away until she agrees to help him. Leo complains that he’s a mess and that’s why he’s here. Leo explains that earlier today, he hit on a straight man. Leo talks about why he flirts impulsively. Leo presents Marlena with the break up letter from Dimitri and says it’s driving him crazy. Marlena asks if this is all about a break up. Leo says he really opened himself up to Dimitri and thought he was the one, but now he knows it was all a lie. Leo argues that he has a lot going for him which Marlena agrees with, so Leo asks why he is so unlovable. Marlena asks Leo what makes him think that. Leo blames his entire childhood and says they aren’t getting in to his parents but Marlena says it’s therapy, so they have to. Leo says the last time he went to see his mother in prison, she offered him a cigarette, berated him for not smoking and called him a worthless human being. Marlena acknowledges that she is a very disturbed woman, so she can understand his lack of self esteem. Leo says he loves himself but Marlena points out that he said he was wildly insecure. Leo guesses that he’s insecure about what others think about him, not himself, like making a bad impression. Marlena feels confused and wonders if his self esteem is a defense mechanism. Leo admits he finds her somewhat intimidating but very self assured. Leo calls her a world class shrink with a very big heart and a great sense of humor. Marlena thinks he has a big heart and is funny as well which surprises Leo. Leo responds that he’s also tortured and miserable 75% of the time. Leo asks if she thinks there is any help for him.

EJ explains to Eric about the means of securing a divorce when one of the parties cannot be found and that they put a notice in the Spectator for a few weeks and if Sloan doesn’t respond, they move forward with the proceedings. Eric questions that being all there is to it. EJ says they will have to make sure he put in the effort to find her and he thinks the police’s APB will cover their bases. EJ adds that in a few weeks, they will go to court and his marriage will be over. Eric didn’t realize it would be this simple and thanks EJ. EJ tells him not to thank him yet as he hasn’t seen his bill. Eric tells EJ that he appreciates it as he wasn’t sure he would take his case. EJ responds that they all deserve a fresh start. Eric agrees and then exits the mansion.

Paulina questions that they are trying to recall her as Mayor and asks Abe how far it’s gotten. Abe says the petition has already reached the amount of signatures to present to the city council. Paulina questions who is presenting this petition. Abe responds that it’s an organization that call themselves the Concerned Citizens of Salem. Paulina asks who exactly they are. Abe admits he hasn’t figured that out yet. Paulina wants to find out right now.

Eric returns to the Brady Pub with his bag. Roman welcomes him home. Eric thanks him for the advice earlier. Roman asks if his idea worked out. Eric confirms it did and that he did something to help him get past Sloan. Eric then removes his wedding ring and declares that will also help him move on. Roman asks if he’s feeling better. Eric mentions seeing Jude earlier and how every time he sees him, it’s like losing him all over again. Roman hugs Eric.

Marlena tells Leo that it is her belief that everybody can be helped. Leo asks if that means she’d be willing to help him. Marlena agrees to but she’s afraid she would get distracted by his funny stories and takes on things. Leo promises to be as unfunny as he can be and calls this the best news ever. Marlena adds that if she’s willing to help him, he has to be willing to do the work. Leo admits he hates work. Marlena tells him to get over that part because if he doesn’t do the work, he won’t make any progress and will be wasting their time. Leo guesses she has a line of nuts around the block waiting for her services. Marlena says they don’t say nuts. Marlena gives Leo her card and tells him to make an appointment. Leo declares that they will make such a great team that she will crack him wide open. Leo thanks her and exits.

Paulina and Abe finish phone calls but have no luck. Abe says they should have information soon about the Concerned Citizens of Salem. Abe then gets a text and says that was soon, revealing he now knows the source of the petition. Abe shows it to Paulina, who says she should’ve known.

EJ gets a call from his assistant Rita, who informs him that the petition to recall Paulina Price as Mayor is going to counsel as they speak.

Dr. Greene tells Chanel and Johnny that everything looks good and they will see what the tests say, but the heartbeat sounded nice and strong. Chanel thanks him. Dr. Greene says it was nice to meet them and if they need anything, they can give him a call and gives his card. Johnny questions his name being Mark Greene, like the doctor on ER. Mark didn’t think they were old enough to know that show. Chanel mentions that they binge watched it over the holidays. Mark jokes about that being why he got in to medicine and tells them to take care as he exits. Johnny tells Chanel that it sounds like everything is still good as they hug. Chanel remembers to ask Johnny what he wanted to talk to her about earlier. Johnny then asks how she would feel about leaving Salem.

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Days Update Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie finds Marlena at the hospital and asks if she’s heard from Everett as she’s wondering how he’s doing. Marlena responds that she was just with him. Stephanie guesses that means the intervention worked and asks how he is.

Jada sits with Kayla at the Brady Pub. Jada talks about how it was so strange to see Everett morph in to Bobby right in front of her eyes. Jada comments on never seeing D.I.D. in real life, only on TV. Kayla assures it’s a real illness and talks about how Abigail and her sister Kimberly had it. Kayla mentions Kimberly writing a book on it which Jada says she might need to read. Kayla says it’s out of print but she’s sure she has a copy that she could loan her. Jada thanks her and says she really wants to understand what Bobby is going through, admitting she still cares about him. Jada states that their marriage did end badly but they shared a lot together and he did mean a lot to her at one time, so she guesses she will find out how much she meant to him. Jada then gets a call from the police station and says she’s on her way. Jada informs Kayla that she has to go because there’s been a shooting at the Kiriakis Estate. Kayla worries because Steve is there.

As John stares at the Pawn card, Sarah calls out to John to help her elevate Steve’s legs again and asks if he heard her. Steve questions what’s going on. John responds that he was just securing his gun because he wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt..

Alex question what Xander was thinking when he could’ve shot Theresa. Xander responds that he didn’t, he hit his target, and he’s always been an excellent marksman. Brady remarks that he has the scar to prove it. Brady then brings up Xander shooting Marlena at her wedding when trying to shoot Eric. Xander complains that he has one off day and that’s all anyone remembers. Xander asks if they would’ve preferred if he let Konstantin strangle Theresa in front of them. Theresa can’t believe Xander shot him while Alex says they had it under control. Xander argues that it didn’t look that way to him, so he did what needed to be done. Xander calls Konstantin a homicidal maniac who planned to kill Maggie and steal Victor’s fortune. Xander declares that Konstantin is now out of their lives and says they can line up to say thanks anytime.

Marlena tells Stephanie that she can’t really give her any details right now. Stephanie understands and asks if she can tell him if Everett is okay or not. Marlena clarifies that she can’t tell him because she doesn’t know as she hasn’t seen Everett. Stephanie realizes that means Bobby has followed through on his threat. Marlena confirms that Bobby is the dominant one right now, so he’s stonewalling her and the doctors and won’t let Everett out. Stephanie asks if that’s because Bobby is trying to protect Everett from whatever caused his illness. Stephanie wonders how long it will take for Everett to emerge. Marlena repeats that she can’t say so Stephanie asks if she’s saying that Everett might be gone forever.

Sarah tells John that she still needs help with Steve when he’s done with that gun. John responds that he’s almost there and raises his gun towards them from behind but Steve’s phone rings which snaps John out of it. John then goes to help as Sarah answers Steve’s phone with a call from Kayla. Sarah informs Kayla that Steve was shot. Kayla asks if he will be okay. Sarah says that he will tell her everything at the hospital as the paramedics just arrived. Kayla says she’ll be on her way to meet them at the hospital and hangs up. Kayla tells Jada that Steve has been hurt but he’s stable. Jada decides she will drop Kayla off at the hospital as they hurry out of the Pub.

Theresa asks if Brady is sure that Konstantin is dead. Brady confirms he has no pulse. Alex can’t stop thinking about Konstantin’s last words. Xander brings up that he said there’s still an enemy in their midst. Alex wonders what he meant by that. Brady points out that someone helped Konstantin kidnapped Xander’s daughter. Xander wonders who it was.

Marlena encourages Stephanie not to give up hope since they’ve only just begun working with Everett and have a lot of avenues to go down. Stephanie says she understands but she feels so guilty which Marlena questions. Stephanie explains that when she first found out about Everett’s double life, she was so angry with him but now that she knows it wasn’t his fault, she just wants to help him. Marlena encourages that she and Jada did help with the intervention but Stephanie is beginning to think they made things worse if Bobby remains in control for good. Marlena talks about when Abigail went through this and how things got bleak for her, but at one point, the personalities integrated and she was back to herself. Stephanie points out that Abigail had Chad by her side while Everett has no one. Marlena says that’s not true since he has her and Jada. John then arrives and informs them that their plan went a little sideways and that Steve was shot but encourages that no major organs were hit and Sarah was there for immediate medical attention. Stephanie then rushes to see Steve as they are bringing him in to the emergency room.

Kayla enters the hospital room to find Steve and asks if he’s alright. Steve says it’s nothing. Kayla questions who shot him. Stephanie rushes in to hug Steve as he tells her it’s okay.

Sarah remains at the Kiriakis Mansion and calls Xander and leaves a message, asking if he’s okay and if he found Theresa. Sarah thought he would’ve called by now. Sarah says that Steve’s been transferred to the hospital and John went with him. Sarah wants to hear his voice and knows Victoria will want to see him when she wakes up.

After covering Konstantin’s body, Brady says they should probably let everybody know that Theresa is alright. Xander agrees there is no reason to stay here anymore and sees that Sarah called, so she must be worried and he better go. Jada arrives and announces that she’s going to need them all to stick around. Jada then sees Konstantin’s body and asks who is going to start. Alex admits that Xander killed him. Xander thanks Alex for throwing him under the bus. Jada takes the murder weapon from Xander and asks someone to tell her everything from the beginning. Brady explains that Maggie told Konstantin that she would marry him so he could stay in the country but that was before she knew he intended to kill Maggie and he also sabotaged Victor’s plane. Jada questions saying Konstantin killed Victor. Alex adds that all the guests can attest to his confession. Brady continues that Konstantin tried to escape with Theresa as a hostage. Theresa informs her that Konstantin opened fire on their way out and shot Steve. Alex says he tracked them down and then Brady joined with John’s gun. Xander suggests they cut to the chase because Sarah is waiting for him. Xander says it was a standoff when he arrived, so he grabbed the gun from Brady and used it to shoot Konstantin after he confessed to kidnapping his child. Xander adds that when he shot Konstantin, he was trying to strangle Theresa. Brady complains that Xander showed little to no regrard for Theresa’s safety. Alex agrees that Xander was putting Theresa’s life in danger, but he said he didn’t care. Xander calls them ungrateful twits, arguing that he just saved Theresa’s life and they are trying to get him arrested. Alex says they are setting the record straight. Xander asks Theresa to tell them what really happened. Theresa admits that Konstantin was choking her but also agrees about what Xander did. Xander argues that he was all she had while Alex and Brady were being useless. Brady gets a text from John so he says he will let him know that Theresa is okay. Xander says to let him know that it’s thanks to him.

John gets Brady’s text that Theresa is safe. Marlena asks if Konstantin got away. John reveals that Konstantin is dead after Xander shot him. Marlena admits she can’t say she’s upset about that since he’s the one who brought down Victor’s plane. John adds that Maggie would’ve been the next victim if he got his way. Marlena states that at least Konstantin can’t hurt anyone anymore and declares that his reign of terror is now over, but John says not quite.

Steve informs Stephanie and Kayla that Konstantin shot him as he knew the jig was up, so he started firing wildly while trying to get away. Steve blames himself for being too slow. Kayla acknowledges that Steve always suspected he had ulterior motives. Steve reveals that Konstantin planned to kill Maggie, so he could inherit her half of Victor’s fortune. Stephanie asks if Maggie is okay. Steve says she’s physically fine. Kayla asks what all happened. Steve admits it was pretty bad and worse than any of them thought, as Konstantin was willing to kill Maggie for her money but he also confessed to sabotaging Victor’s plane in Greece, so he’s the reason that Victor is dead. Stephanie asks if Alex knows. Steve confirms that he was there when Konstantin confessed. Stephanie asks where Konstantin is now. Kayla sees a text from Jada saying not to worry because Theresa is okay. Kayla questions why she wouldn’t be and what happened to her. Steve says he was getting to that. Steve explains that Konstantin took Theresa hostage when everything blew up. Steve thought they had everything under control, but unfortunately their plan went off the rails. Kayla questions what plan that was.

Jada thinks she got everything she needs and the coroner is on the way. Alex asks if they can go back to the house now. Theresa wants distance from the dead body. Xander says it’s about time but Jada says she meant everybody else and tells Xander that he needs to come to the police station because he killed somebody. Xander argues that it was justified. Jada points out that he could’ve shot him in the arm or the leg. Xander claims he panicked. Jada says whatever the case, she has to take an official statement from him so she needs him to come with her. Xander thanks them for not backing him up as he leaves with Jada.

Kayla asks Stephanie to give her and Steve a moment. Stephanie asks if whatever is going on can wait. Steve admits he owes Kayla an explanation and asks Stephanie to get him a brownie from the cafeteria. Stephanie asks Kayla to go easy on Steve as she exits. Steve tells Kayla that she knew there was something he was keeping from her about Maggie. Kayla talks about not being happy about that and that Steve promised everything would work out, not that lives would be at stake. Steve says it wasn’t supposed to go down like this. Kayla questions how it was supposed to go down.

John shows Marlena the Pawn card and explains that Konstantin ordered him to shoot Steve, but it didn’t have an effect and he was able to block it. Marlena takes that to mean their deprogramming is working. John says yes and no as he tells her about the moment after when he saw the card and heard Konstantin’s words taunting him over and over. John says he ended up picking up Steve’s gun and pointed it at him while Konstantin’s voice was fighting for control but Steve’s phone ringing snapped him out of it. John worries about what if it happened. Marlena points out that he wasn’t completely blacked out so he would never hurt Steve, but they do have to work on getting him out from under Konstantin’s spell. John wonders if it’s not enough and he’s still just a ticking time bomb.

Brady takes Theresa back in to the living room and asks if she’s sure she’s okay, offering to take her to the hospital if she wants. Theresa assures that she’s fine and her neck is just a littl sore. Brady holds an ice pack to her neck. Theresa is surprised he’s being so nice to her after this morning. Brady asks if she means kicking him out of bed to make room for Alex. Theresa knows it was insensitive and says she’s sorry if she hurt him. Brady thanks her and says she’s the mother of his son, so he’s still going to care about her. Alex then comes in and tells them that Maggie is still sleeping and he told Bonnie and Justin what happened. Alex declares that now that he’s back, he can take over and tells Brady to beat it.

Jada takes Xander’s statement in the interrogation room and says she will get it typed up. Xander asks if he can go afterwards but Jada says these things take time and she still has to run it by the district attorney. Sarah arrives and says she got the message so she came as soon as she could. Jada says she’ll let them catch up and exits. Sarah asks Xander if it’s true that he shot Konstantin. Xander confirms that he’s dead so they don’t have to worry about him anymore. Sarah asks if the police are going to press charges. Xander says that remains to be seen since there’s a question of if he shot Konstantin to protect Theresa or out of revenge. Sarah asks him which one it was. Xander explains that when he arrived on the scene, there was no time to think as there was so much tension and chaos so when Konstantin started to strangle Theresa, he just reacted. Xander admits he isn’t sorry for shooting him, feeling he got what he deserved after what he did to Maggie, Victoria, and Victor. Sarah wishes he didn’t have to be the one to pull the trigger. Xander says he’ll take whatever consequences come but notes that his one regret is that Konstantin kicked the bucket before he could tell him who helped him kidnap Victoria because whoever that was needs to pay as well.

Brady tells Alex that he knows he’s in a committed relationship with Theresa, but she’s not his personal property. Alex responds that he’s her boyfriend and he knows how to take care of her. Brady asks if Theresa wants him to go. Theresa thinks it might be best. Brady tells her to feel better and then exits. Alex says he didn’t mean to be a jerk, but he wants Brady to know where they stand. Theresa says she’s actually glad they are alone now because she didn’t get a chance to thank him for coming to her rescue as she kisses him. Alex responds that he wouldn’t admit it to Xander but he thinks he did them all a favor by ridding the world of Konstantin and in some ways, he wishes he was the one who killed him for what he did to Theresa and to Victor. Theresa states that Konstantin was an evil man. Alex brings up Konstantin saying that Victor was never really a father to him and that he was just stating the obvious that Victor refused to claim him as his own for all these years and let him believe that Justin was his real dad. Theresa tells him that she’s so sorry. Alex says it’s okay and that he forgives Victor, pointing out that he did try to make up for it in the end by leaving him half his fortune. Alex declares that as Victor’s son, he’s going to do his very best to make him proud.

Kayla questions Steve telling her that the plan was to frame Konstantin for embezzling. Steve says no one was supposed to get hurt. Kayla says he had to know Konstantin wouldn’t go easy. Steve says the confession shocked everyone and he took advantage of that. Kayla questions he and John putting Maggie in danger. Steve argues that she was already in danger and this was her idea. Kayla wishes he let her know that he was walking in to a high risk situation instead of keeping her in the dark. Steve says he didn’t want her involved. Kayla points out that John told Marlena. Steve says that was John’s choice, but he felt it was better to keep her out of it. Kayla complains about Steve making decisions without informing her when they are supposed to be partners. Kayla declares that has to change because she can’t be tolerate being kept in the dark no matter what it is and asks if he understands her.

Marlena knows this is frustrating for John but feels with more therapy, they can free him of the residual effects of the brainwashing but he has to stop being so hard on himself. John asks how he can not feel overwhelming guilt for killing Catharina when everything that happened tonight was a direct result of that. Marlena encourages him not to look at it that way. John feels there’s no other way to look at it and declares that there’s only one thing to do and that is that he needs to leave Salem.

Theresa tells Alex that she just wants to go upstairs and take a long nap. Alex says he’ll go with her and suggests instead of her room, she can stay with him in his room now which Theresa says she wants very much, so they head upstairs together.

Jada talks with Stephanie at the hospital about Marlena saying they haven’t been able to reach Everett. Stephanie reveals that one of the doctors have decided to move him to Bayview because they haven’t made progress here. They agree that they hope he gets the help he needs. Jada talks about it being a nightmare at the Kiriakis Mansion and asks if Steve will be okay. Stephanie says physically, but jokes that she doesn’t know what type of shape he’ll be in mentally after Kayla gets through with him.

Steve agrees with Kayla that he has to try harder to be more open with her. Kayla says she’s just so tired of all the secrecy. Steve says they’ve been down this road before with both of their jobs and sometimes, things need to stay on the down low and those are just the rules. Kayla argues that they aren’t the same since Steve was almost killed. Steve points out that he wasn’t killed so he’s happy about that. Kayla says she’ll have to take his shirt off to get a closer look at his wound.

Marlena tells John that he can’t run away from his problem. John says that’s not his intention. John thinks he needs to go to Greece to try and find Catharina’s gravesite to pay his respects. Marlena wants to go with him then but John feels it’s something he needs to do alone. John knows he won’t be able to put this nightmare behind him unless he can find a way to set things right with Catharina. Marlena thinks they should do one more round of deprogramming before he goes. John agrees and says he’s so grateful for her strength, wisdom, and love. John calls her his everything as they hug. John then looks down at the Pawn card on her desk.

Xander and Sarah return to the Kiriakis Mansion. Sarah calls it a relief that Melinda agreed not to press charges. Xander argues that he’s a hero which Sarah agrees with. Sarah says she’s going to check on Victoria and then Maggie. Xander says he’ll be up in a minute as Sarah exits the room. Xander looks up at the portrait of Victor and says legally, he’s in the clear but they both know why he shot Konstantin and that’s that he did it for Victor. Xander hopes now Victor can rest in peace.

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Days Update Monday, June 10, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie reveals the original prenup and guesses Konstantin was never expecting to see it again. Konstantin claims he can be explain but Maggie says she doesn’t want to hear anymore lies. Maggie questions him taking advantage of her grief over Victor and goes over how he pretended he was Victor’s friend and hoped she would fall for him. Maggie brings up Konstantin pretending to be her protector when Victoria was kidnapped. Steve accuses him of arranging that too which Konstantin calls absurd but John goes over what he did. Xander warns that he better hope the cops get there before he kills him. Maggie realizes it wasn’t Konstantin’s Greek enemies that kidnapped Victoria, but his accomplice. Maggie asks Konstantin who the hell it was. Theresa asks why it matters since he already admitted responsibility for the crime. Konstantin calls them all hypocrites and complains about Victor. Konstantin declares that he may not have gotten his revenge on them but he did on Victor. Konstantin then announces that he caused Victor’s death by sabotaging his plane and sending him to his grave. Sarah comes back in and asks what’s going on as Maggie shouts that it can’t be true. Konstantin asks if she doesn’t think he’s capable. Maggie says she knows he is and reveals that John told her that he ordered him to kill her the minute they were pronounced husband and wife, but she refuses to believe that a man like Victor could be taken away from them by someone as insubstantial and small minded as him. Konstantin points out that Victor is dead. Justin asks what the hell is wrong with him. Maggie states that Konstantin can’t hurt her anymore than she is, pointing out that she is the one who invited him in to their home. Maggie says she welcomed in her husband’s killer, betraying Victor’s memory and now she has to live with that. Maggie brings up offering to marry him so he could stay in the country, thinking she could make amends for what Victor did. Konstantin asks if that’s why she set him up for a crime he didn’t commit. Steve asks about the crimes he did commit. Konstantin argues that Maggie had no intention of marrying him. Alex shouts that she doesn’t have to defend herself to him. Maggie reveals that Konstantin is wrong as she did intend to marry him until John and Steve informed her that everything he said to her was a lie and that’s when she realized that she had to do everything she could to get him out of their lives. John and Steve declare they are taking him in to custody now. Maggie stops and says that Konstantin was the last person to see Victor alive, so she wants him to tell her everything about his final days in front of the people who loved him most. Maggie declares that they deserve the truth. Konstantin warns her to be careful what she wishes for. John orders him to make it fast. Maggie brings up that Konstantin had years to get revenge on Victor and asks why now. Konstantin responds that it wasn’t about revenge at first which Alex questions. Konstantin explains that he gave Victor one final opportunity for redemption when he thought he would be most receptive. Konstantin then flashes back to meeting Victor in the summer of 2023, where Victor agreed to include Konstantin in his revised will when he got home but Konstantin urged him to do it right then. Konstantin complains that he wasn’t going to get a second until Victor was dead, so he forced his hand. Justin questions Konstantin crashing Victor’s plane because he couldn’t wait for the money. Konstantin argues that Victor had no intention of doing so and that he scammed him by removing his name from the will before he got on the plane. Theresa remembers Konstantin finding the revised will. Konstantin talks about Victor’s plane crash which makes Maggie cry. Xander warns him. Konstantin mocks Maggie and calls Victor’s money his real love. Maggie shouts that he doesn’t know what was in Victor’s heart as she and Victor meant everything to each other. Konstantin laughs at her and calls that delusion. Steve shouts at Konstantin to shut up as Maggie begins to pass out and faints in to Justin’s arms, so they help her out of the room. Brady confronts Konstantin, questioning how he could treat Maggie like this after everything she did to help him. Konstantin responds that she just tried to frame him so this isn’t as one-sided as they all seem to think. Alex argues that Konstantin murdered his father. Konstantin remarks that he seems so sure about that. Alex says they all heard him. Steve and John threaten to have him arrested after confessing to murder, warning that he’s in trouble with the ISA and everyone.

Sarah and Bonnie help Maggie to her room. Maggie asks how she could’ve let Konstantin in her life. Bonnie and Sarah encourage Maggie, understanding her stress. Maggie talks about being taken in by Konstantin with his charms and his photos from the old days. Sarah says she was too since she saw Konstantin make her smile. Maggie says for her, it was all about the history with Victor that she never knew which made her willing to overlook the red flags and the warnings. Bonnie argues that she was Konstantin’s victim and encourages how brave she was to work with John and Steve to lay this trap for him which she questions not telling them about. Maggie says they decided the fewer people that knew, the better. Bonnie jokes that she’s been pretending Konstantin wasn’t a creep for months. Maggie thought she would feel more powerful after exposing Konstantin’s lies. Sarah points out that she almost lost her life today. Maggie responds that Victor did lose his and she welcomed his killer in to their home, questioning how she could’ve been so gullible and stupid. Bonnie insists that Maggie is just the kindest and most generous person she knows which is why Konstantin took advantage of her. Maggie decides she wants to go back downstairs to see Konstantin get his but she stumbles when she tries to get up. Sarah urges her to rest but Maggie assures that she’s alright. Sarah offers her a light sedative since she’s worked up. Justin comes in and assures that John and Steve have everything under control. Sarah asks Maggie to let her give her something after everything she’s been through so Maggie reluctantly accepts. Justin mention calling the police but an accident is slowing them from getting to this side of town. Justin then declares that very soon, Konstantin will officially be in custody.

Steve tries to handcuff while John holds his gun on him but Konstantin starts coughing and asks for water. Theresa tries to get him some but Konstantin grabs Theresa as a hostage as he pulls a gun. Steve promises he’s not getting out of here. Konstantin declares that he is getting out with his hostage and shots are fired.

Maggie, Sarah, and Bonnie worry hearing the shots while Justin warns them not move.

Konstantin shoots Steve and escapes with Theresa as John goes to check on Steve with Brady and Xander at his side. John encourages that Steve will be okay as Xander goes to get Sarah. John tells Brady to catch up with Alex as he went after Konstantin and Theresa. John and Steve joke that Steve used to be a lot quicker as John encourages Steve to keep breathing.

Xander goes to Maggie’s room where Sarah hugs him and asks if he’s okay. Xander explains that Steve was grazed but he will be okay. Maggie asks about Konstantin. Xander tells her not to worry about him and promises that he won’t be able to hurt them anymore. Justin asks about Steve. Xander says he needs Sarah’s help so Maggie asks how bad it is. Sarah assures that it will be fine. Bonnie says she and Justin will keep an eye on Maggie as Xander and Sarah exit the room.

Konstantin brings Theresa outside with his gun on her while she complains that she wouldn’t have gone for the big cash prize if she knew she was plotting and scheming with a murderer. Theresa calls him pure evil. Konstantin reminds her that it was her idea to alter the will, changing Victor’s heir from Xander to Alex. Theresa argues that he’s been running the show ever since. Konstantin warns that she will help him escape if she doesn’t want them to find out what she did. Alex then comes out to confront them. Alex demands he let her go and asks if she’s okay. Konstantin reminds him that he’s armed. Alex threatens to take him out in a heartbeat while Konstantin threatens to pull the trigger. Alex assures Theresa that she will be okay, unlike his father. Konstantin laughs at him and says he’s mistaken. Alex asks how since he admitted it. Konstantin confirms that Victor is still very much dead so Alex questions how he’s mistaken. Konstantin then reveals to Alex that Victor isn’t his father.

John continues to hold pressure on Steve’s wound. Steve guesses they needed a backup plan. John assures that Brady and Alex will catch up to Konstantin and he won’t get away. Steve urges John to go help them but John declares that Steve is his partner from the very beginning and this is where he’s staying. Steve thanks him while John laments that the bullet was meant for him. John encourages Steve to hold on and then looks back, seeing the Pawn card on the floor which gives him a flashback to when Konstantin first presented the card to him and took control of him.

Theresa tells Alex not to listen to Konstantin and says that just because Victor didn’t acknowledge him as his son while he was alive doesn’t make him not his father. Brady comes out with his gun raised and tells Konstantin to tell it to the cops. Konstantin threatens to shoot Theresa and remarks that Tate will grow up without a mother.

Sarah joins John and Steve in the living room. John worries that Steve has lost a lot of blood. Sarah assures that the paramedics will be there soon as she checks on Steve. Steve asks how bad it is. Sarah insists he will be fine and tells John that she will take over for now. John steps back and looks down at the Pawn card again. John then picks up the card and remembers Konstantin trying to command him to shoot Steve. John then picks up his gun off the floor.

Bonnie and Justin get Maggie in bed. Maggie asks how Steve is. Justin assures he’s going to be fine. Maggie remembers the day that they learned Victor’s body was found and they were there with her then too. Bonnie says Maggie is always there for them too. Maggie cries that she feels like she lost Victor all over again. Maggie says she really tried to do the right thing. Justin encourages that she was brave to stand up to Konstantin so Victor would be very proud of her. Maggie cries that she misses Victor so much. Justin says they all do. Bonnie encourages her to try to get some sleep. Justin comments on Konstantin trying to destroy their family. Bonnie says at least it’s all out in the open now. Justin questions if it is, pointing out that they still don’t know who Konstantin’s accomplice was and it had to be somebody on his payroll. Bonnie thinks things will be safe now if Konstantin is behind bars. Bonnie can’t imagine how difficult this has been for Justin. Justin calls it disorienting and brings up his whole world being turned upside down since the day Victor died. Justin calls it hard to absorb that Victor fathered a child with Anjelica and neither of them said a word to him. Justin says Victor wasn’t the man he thought and neither is he. Bonnie encourages that he is but Justin states that Alex is not his son, so their relationship will never be the same. Bonnie argues that Alex is Justin’s son in every way that counts. Justin says that will never change in his mind and heart, but how Alex sees him now changes their future forever.

Konstantin orders Brady to drop his gun and kick it over or he will shoot Theresa. Brady wants to take a shot but Alex says he can’t chance it. Xander then takes Brady’s gun and tells Konstantin that he’s dealing with him now. Konstantin tells him to put the gun down. Alex tells Xander to do what he says. Xander argues that Konstantin killed Victor, tried to kill Maggie, and kidnapped his child so he’s not worried about collateral damage. Xander orders Konstantin to tell them who helped him kidnap Victoria. Theresa hits Konstantin and tries to run but Konstantin grabs her and takes her down with him. Xander then shoots Konstantin on the ground.

Justin prays that Steve will be okay. Bonnie says Konstantin was determined to make sure Steve and John bit the big one. Justin adds that Konstantin planned to kill Maggie after the wedding. Bonnie can’t imagine how hurt Maggie must be. Justin is sure it will take a while for her to recover. Bonnie says they will make sure Maggie knows how much she is loved and respected. Bonnie jokes that she could set Maggie up with her dentist. Justin doesn’t think Maggie is in any condition to be fixed up and will need time to recover from all this shock. Bonnie calls it crazy how Konstantin was trying to brainwash John with that creepy card. Justin says thank God that John and Marlena figured out what he was up to, so Marlena was able to help John fight the mind control. Bonnie calls Marlena a miracle worker. Bonnie wonders what’s going on and why they haven’t heard anything on Konstantin. Justin is sure they will soon and he prays that everyone is okay. Bonnie decides they should go check on what’s happening since Maggie is sleeping. Justin agrees that Maggie will want to know so they exit the room. Maggie lays awake in bed and flashes back to Konstantin gifting her the old photo album with pictures from Victor’s younger days.

Theresa gets back to her feet and joins Alex’s side. Brady checks Konstantin and sees he still has a pulse as Xander remains standing over him with the gun. Konstantin laughs at them thinking this is over and says they are all so stupid. Konstantin declares that there is still an enemy in their midst. Xander questions who he is talking about. Konstantin then dies on the ground while Theresa is thankful it’s over.

Sarah calls for John to help her elevate Steve’s legs. Sarah looks over at John staring at the Pawn card and questions what he’s doing. John remembers Konstantin ordering him to shoot Steve and then turn the gun on himself as he turns back to look at them.

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Days Update Friday, June 7, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Theresa and Brady wake up in bed together. Brady guesses this happened against his better judgment. Theresa asks if he has any regrets. Brady says surprisingly no. Theresa says she doesn’t either. Brady asks about Alex. Theresa jokes that this will show him. Brady questions if that’s what this was about. Theresa says they talked about this last night, how Alex doesn’t want to be exclusive and he’s still fooling around with Kristen. Theresa adds that they also talked about their connection and their chemistry that’s been there for a very long time. Theresa says she knows Brady feels the same. Brady responds that he feels used. Theresa tells him not to go all emo on him. Alex then knocks on the door and asks if Theresa is in there. Theresa tells him to come on in, so Alex walks in to find her in bed with Brady as he says he was wondering if they could talk.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Xander talks with Justin about Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding. Justin says he’s busy helping Maggie with an important favor for the wedding which Xander questions.

Maggie, Bonnie, and Sarah walk through the town square together. Bonnie tells Maggie that she will make a beautiful bride. Sarah thanks Bonnie for treating them to a day at the salon, but reminds her that this is just a marriage of convenience so Konstantin can stay in the country. Bonnie says she’s a hopeless romantic and weddings always make her cry. Maggie says they can finish wedding shopping for her and thanks them as she exits, leaving Sarah confused and Bonnie jokingly calls her a runaway bride.

Steve is at home on the phone with Ava and thanks her for the update. Steve says he’ll feel a lot better when he knows Clyde is locked up and tells Ava to keep him posted as he hangs up. Steve then gets a call from John, who is outside the Kiriakis Mansion. John informs him that he’s on his way to the wedding but Konstantin asked to meet with him first. Steve questions why. John is sure it has something to do with his next move involving the Pawn and says he’ll let Steve know when he gets the details. John hangs up and then Konstantin arrives and shows him the card to try to turn him back in to the Pawn. Konstantin congratulates John on stealing the prenup and now he has a new job for him to do.

Xander asks Justin about the favor he’s doing for Maggie. Justin reveals that Maggie asked him to officiate the wedding. Xander questions why the hell he would agree to that and argues about how they are both against this wedding. Justin talks about this being a marriage in name only and how Maggie is only doing this to keep Konstantin in the country. Xander argues that it’s a reason not to do this and complains that Konstantin is tricking Maggie into marriage. Justin brings up the prenup being ironclad and assures that Konstantin will not get a dime of Maggie’s money. Xander doesn’t think that will stop Konstantin as he’s sure he’s got a bunch more tricks up his sleeve.

Konstantin tells John that it’s an easy task and reveals that he needs him to kill Maggie as he gives him a gun.

Maggie goes to see Steve and tells him that everything is all set and she’s initiated the transfer of funds from the Titan account so the trap is set. Steve asks if she’s sure she’s up for this. Maggie confirms that she is because Konstantin has lied to her from the moment he stepped in her house and now he’s going to pay.

Alex decides this can wait and he’ll come back later but Theresa stops him and says to just give her 30 minutes, then jokes that she might need an hour. Brady decides he has somewhere to be and hurries out of the room. Theresa gets out of bed and asks what Alex wanted to talk about.

Bonnie and Sarah sit together in the town square. Bonnie knows this isn’t a fairytale wedding but says they can still enjoy it. Bonnie then points out that Sarah is next and this will be a whole new beginning for her, Xander, and Victoria. Sarah then tells Bonnie that she would love it if she came to her wedding even though she and Xander don’t have the greatest history. Bonnie assures that’s all forgotten and admits she was secretly rooting for them ever since she saw her in Chicago. Sarah remembers Bonnie trying to convince her to tell Xander that Victoria was his daughter. Bonnie says the truth came out and now her, Xander, and Victoria can be a family. Bonnie declares that she would be honored to be at her wedding which Sarah says would mean a lot to them. Bonnie asks who else is on the guest list. Sarah thinks they are just keeping it small with family which she hopes includes Xander’s mom.

Xander tells Justin that this wedding cannot happen. Justin says it’s not up to them as Maggie made up her mind. Xander urges Justin to change his mind about officiating but Justin declares that this is what Maggie wants. Brady walks in and asks for coffee. Xander questions him being there. Brady says he’s here for the wedding too and questions why everyone has to get married in the Kiriakis Mansion like it’s the Great White Chapel of Salem. Xander comments on Brady’s mood and guesses it has something to do with Theresa.

Theresa tells Alex to talk to her. Alex says maybe they should talk some other time but Theresa insists. Theresa asks if Alex is upset because he found her in bed with Brady since he was doing that with Kristen. Alex reveals he’s not seeing Kristen anymore which surprises Theresa, who asks if Kristen broke it off. Alex states that Kristen just made him see what he really wants and that’s to be with Theresa only. Theresa thinks he’s just teasing but Alex insists that he’s dead serious. Alex declares that he’s kind of crazy about her. Theresa questions why he kept pushing her away then. Alex says Kristen was asking him the same question and he doesn’t really have an answer, but maybe he does. Theresa asks him to tell her. Alex responds that he just has this feeling that she’s keeping something from him.

John questions Konstantin wanting him to kill his wife. Konstantin explains that he wants him to do it after the wedding as soon as they are pronounced husband and wife, then John is to lead her outside to kill her. Konstantin remarks that he’ll be a groom and a widower in the same day and will only have Maggie’s millions to console him. John tells Konstantin that he is clear on what he is to do.

Bonnie questions Xander having a mom and asks what he says she’s like. Sarah says not much other than that she’s an alcoholic, a very difficult woman, and they don’t get along at all. Bonnie questions Xander wanting her at their wedding. Sarah clarifies that he doesn’t as it was her idea so he reluctantly agreed to it but she thinks it would be nice to have her in their lives and for Victoria to know her other Grandmother. Sarah suggests maybe Maggie could help her with her addictions. Bonnie jokes that it sounds like she had to twist Xander’s arm. Sarah admits he needed a little persuading but he wants to do what’s best for their daughter, so he gave her his mom’s phone number. Bonnie asks what she said when she called. Sarah admits she hasn’t called yet as she’s kind of nervous about it and asks what she says since she’s engaged to her son and the mother of her grandchild. Sarah worries about Xander’s mom being cold and distant or possibly blowing up at her. Bonnie decides she’s not scared, takes Sarah’s phone and calls Xander’s mom.

Xander tells Brady not to keep them in suspense and asks what Theresa did this time. Brady responds that he’s going to get ready for the wedding and walks out of the room. Justin encourages Xander to be a bit positive about this. Xander questions being positive about Maggie falling for Konstantin’s manipulations when she deserves so much better. Konstantin then walks in and greets them, asking if they have seen Maggie. Xander complains that he’s been conning Maggie since day one. Konstantin says that he and Maggie are very excited for the wedding. Xander accuses Konstantin of brainwashing Maggie in to thinking he cares about her while everyone else sees right through him. Konstantin argues that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of him. Xander calls him a big step down from Victor. Konstantin remarks that Xander doesn’t realize how in the dark he is.

John joins Steve and Maggie. Steve tells him that he’s just in time for their toast to exposing Konstantin for the fraud that he is. John agrees to drink to that and assumes they have news. Maggie confirms that they have Konstantin right where they want him. Steve declares that they can expose him and have him arrested before the wedding takes place. John is glad to hear that because Konstantin just summoned him and ordered The Pawn to kill Maggie as soon as she became his bride. John says he’s sorry but knows it doesn’t come as a shock. Maggie admits part of her hoped Konstantin wasn’t capable of doing something so awful. John says he taped their conversation but doesn’t know if there’s enough to use against him, so he thinks they should continue with their plan. John assures that Maggie will be safe and that Marlena has successfully deprogrammed him. John declares that they won’t let Maggie near Konstantin while Steve states that Konstantin will never see it ocming.

Theresa asks Alex why she would be keeping something from him. Alex says it’s just a feeling he has. Theresa asks if he means people talking around town, telling him that she’s a liar and a schemer. Alex says he doesn’t think of her like that and isn’t influenced by what anyone else thinks of her. Alex apologizes if it sounds like he doesn’t trust her. Theresa swears she’s not keeping anything from him. Alex decides that he believes her then. Alex then asks what about Brady since something obviously just went down. Alex questions if she’s going to keep seeing Brady. Theresa thinks back to Konstantin reminding her of their deal to share Victor’s fortune and changing Xander’s name to Alex on Victor’s will. Theresa then assures Alex that she won’t keep seeing Brady and that she was just doing that to upset Alex and to get back at him for what he was doing with Kristen. Alex admits that it worked and it upset him to see them together like that. Theresa apologizes. Alex says he was an idiot for getting involved with Kristen and he understands why she would try to get back at him. Theresa thanks him and says she’s really glad that he understands. Theresa then asks if he’s ready for more honesty. Alex says definitely. Theresa tells Alex that she wants to be with him and only him. Alex suggests they make a commitment to each other then which Theresa agrees with. Alex then asks Theresa to be his date to Maggie’s wedding. Theresa says she would love that. Alex says he’ll see her downstairs and exits. Theresa lays back on the bed in frustration and declares that if she wants to be the Kiriakis heiress, this is what she has to do. Brady returns and says he figured it’d be okay to come in after seeing Alex leave. Brady asks if Alex was upset to find out that Theresa doesn’t want to be exclusive with him. Theresa then reveals that she actually does want that. Brady calls that one hell of a 180. Theresa says she thought about it a bit more and open relationships are not her thing and she’s not really good at sharing so she hopes Brady understands. Brady asks about Alex seeing Kristen. Theresa tells him that’s over. Brady calls that quick and predictable. Theresa remarks that they weren’t a match made in Heaven. Brady guesses that means he and Theresa are over, not that it even began. Brady says they weren’t thinking clearly and it shouldn’t have happened. Brady blames himself for succumbing to her charms. Theresa admits both of them did. Theresa thinks it’s best that they just keep things simple for Tate’s sake. Brady recalls saying that and says they are cool now that she used him to get what she wanted. Brady repeats that he blames himself for doing what he swore he’d never do again. Brady apologizes and tells her that he will see her at the wedding as he walks out. Theresa tells herself that it’s okay and to just keep her eye on the prize as she had no choice but to let Brady go.

Bonnie’s call to Xander’s mom goes to voicemail so she leaves a message, introducing herself. Sarah takes the phone and takes over the message, admitting she was nervous to call and introducs herself as Sarah Horton, mentioning being engaged to her son and the mother of her grandchild. Sarah adds that she would love for her to meet Victoria here in Salem. Sarah says that she and Xander are getting married soon, so they would really love it if she came to the wedding and then hangs up. Bonnie encourages her to breathe.

Xander questions Konstantin saying he’s in the dark and asks what he thinks he doesn’t know. Konstantin claims that Victor detested him and treated him like dirt. Xander tells him to shut the hell up. Konstantin argues that Victor thought of Xander as a glorified gardener. Xander says that’s not true so Konstantin asks why Victor didn’t leave him a single penny in his will then. Steve and John join Brady in the living room where Maggie awaits. Bonnie goes over to Xander and comments on him being deep in thought. Xander asks where Sarah is since they were together. Bonnie says they were on their way but Sarah got called in to the hospital, but she assured that she’ll be there as soon as she can. Bonnie doesn’t think Sarah would mind her telling him but they called his mother. Xander asks if they spoke to her. Bonnie says they had no such luck and explains that she called since Sarah didn’t have the nerve, but it went to voicemail. Bonnie adds that Sarah left the sweetest voicemail about hoping she will attend their wedding. Bonnie adds that Sarah also mentioned that he and his mother don’t exactly get along. Bonnie knows it’s none of her business but agrees with Sarah that their daughter deserves to spend some time with her other Grandmother. Xander says they’ll see if she actually calls back. Bonnie guesses he’s hoping she doesn’t. Xander says that Sarah thinks it’s very important, so he’s not standing in the way but if it were up to him, he’d be fine if he never saw his mother again. Alex and Theresa enter the living room. Justin calls for everyone to take a seat so they can get started. Steve asks John if he thinks Konstantin is ready for what they have planned. John brings up that he showed him the Pawn card but has no idea they’ve already stacked the deck against him. Justin thanks everyone for coming and begins the ceremony. Justin asks if Maggie takes Konstantin to be her husband and she says “I do.” Justin then asks if Konstantin takes Maggie to be his wife. Brady and Theresa exchange looks. Konstantin says “I do.” Justin asks for the rings but his phone goes off and guesses he forgot to silent it. Maggie asks if everything is okay. Konstantin suggests he finish after he marries them. Justin reveals that he just received an alert from one of Titan’s accountants that a large sum of money is missing from Victor’s charitable trust. Maggie asks how that is possible. Justin explains that several withdrawals were made in the past few days. Maggie asks Konstantin about it but he says he doesn’t know anything. Justin points out that Konstantin has to authorize it so Maggie argues that he had to know but Konstantin insists that he didn’t. Xander stands up and accuses Konstantin of stealing Victor’s money. Justin asks if Maggie is sure no one else could’ve authorized these withdrawals. Maggie says she’s sure so she doesn’t understand. Justin says he will call the police to try and get some answers. Konstantin swears he had nothing to do with it and claims he’s being framed by Xander. Xander says he doesn’t work at Titan anymore so he couldn’t have done it. Konstantin then points his finger at Steve. Steve questions blaming him now. Konstantin argues that Steve and John killed his daughter. Konstantin tells Maggie that she has to believe that he did not do this and she knows what kind of man he is. Maggie responds that she was apparently wrong because the evidence is clear that he embezzled funds from her family’s company and he’s going to prison for it. Konstantin questions Maggie being in on this too and accuses Justin as well. Konstantin guesses they were all conspiring against him and declares that they will all pay for it. Konstantin turns to John with the card and commands The Pawn to take out his weapon. John stands and pulls out the gun. Konstantin orders John to shoot Steve and then turn the gun on himself, saying they deserve it for killing his daughter. Konstantin shouts for John to shoot and kill them all. John responds that he’s not his Pawn anymore and the only person he’s going to kill is him if he does anything stupid. John adds that if he killed Maggie like he ordered him too, he still would’ve ended up with nothing. Maggie then reveals the original prenup and guesses Konstantin was never expecting to see it again. Konstantin claims he can be explain but Maggie says she doesn’t want to hear anymore lies. Maggie questions him taking advantage of her grief over Victor and goes over how he pretended he was Victor’s friend and hoped she would fall for him. Maggie brings up Konstantin pretending to be her protector when Victoria was kidnapped. Steve accuses him of arranging that too which Konstantin calls absurd but John goes over what he did. Xander warns that he better hope the cops get there before he kills him. Maggie realizes it wasn’t Konstantin’s Greek enemies that kidnapped Victoria, but his accomplice. Maggie asks Konstantin who the hell it was. Theresa asks why it matters since he already admitted responsibility for the crime. Konstantin calls them all hypocrites and complains about Victor. Konstantin declares that he may not have gotten his revenge on them but he did on Victor. Konstantin then announces that he caused Victor’s death by sabotaging his plane and sending him to his grave.

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Days Update Thursday, June 6, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie goes to see Julie at the newly restored Horton house. Maggie can’t believe it’s all brand new but she made it seem like the old Horton home. Julie credits the workers but Maggie says it was all her and calls it beautiful. Julie calls it a tribute to her grandparents. Maggie asks if she had any luck opening the time capsule. Julie wishes but she has no idea where the key is. Maggie suggests they brainstorm over dinner. Julie warns that it will be a challenge. Julie adds that there is something else she needs to talk to her about. Julie talks about respecting her decision to marry Konstantin but she’s given it a lot more thought and she thinks it is a terrible mistake. Julie tells Maggie not to marry that man.

Konstantin sits at the Kiriakis Mansion with a drink as he acknowledges the portrait of Victor. Theresa walks in and says she’s sorry as she didn’t know anyone was there. Konstantin says he was just having a drink and comments on Victor keeping a well stocked bar. Theresa tries to leave but Konstantin wants a word with her. Konstantin asks about her plan for Alex.

Alex goes to the DiMera Mansion where Kristen says she thought he had to work late tonight. Alex says he did but he couldn’t wait to come over and do this as he kisses Kristen. Alex talks about spending all day working on a merger at Titan but he couldn’t stop thinking about this merger. Kristen reminds him that they merged twice this morning. Alex says that was hours ago and he has a sweet tooth for her but Kristen tells him that she’s afraid this candy store is closed.

Harris urges Chad to think this through. Chad says he has for a very long time and threatens to end Clyde right here right now, so that he’ll never have the chance to put another family what Clyde put them through. Harris tells Chad no. Chad asks if Clyde is scared now and how he thinks Abigail felt. Clyde remarks that he wouldn’t know which Chad questions. Clyde then claims that he didn’t kill Abigail and that Abigail is still alive! Chad questions what he said. Clyde repeats that his dearly departed wife is alive and well. Clyde asks if Chad heard what he said and repeats that Abigail is alive, so he suggests he put the gun down. Chad accuses him of lying. Harris tells Chad not to do this and asks for the gun. Chad shouts that he wants Clyde to say that he killed Abigail in cold blood to stop her exposing his drug operation or he will end him. Clyde warns Chad that he will blow the only chance he ever had at getting the love of his life back.

Maggie appreciates Julie’s concern but reminds her that the marriage is just so Konstantin can stay in the country. Julie says she changed her mind because of the story Konstantin told about Victor sending Steve and John on a mission to Greece where his daughter was killed. Julie argues that Konstantin must have hated Victor’s guts as you don’t get over the death of your only child. Maggie agrees that Konstantin is not over his daughter’s death and never will be, but says he found it in his heart to be forgiving. Julie doesn’t believe it and thinks he showed up at Maggie’s door with an ulterior motive. Maggie question what ulterior motive he would have had. Julie responds that Maggie won’t like it but she thinks he came to Salem to get revenge on an old enemy and she’s afraid that he’s going to use Maggie to do it.

Theresa tells Konstantin to mind his own business and worry about his own wedding. Konstantin argues that her wedding is his business because once she marries Alex, she will share the Kiriakis fortune with him. Theresa regrets the deal she made with him. Konstantin reminds Theresa that it was her idea to make it look like Alex’s name was on Victor’s will instead of Xander’s while he was the one who found the forger to altering Victor’s letter. Theresa remarks on it not paying off. Konstantin urges Theresa to get married to Alex sooner than later otherwise diverting the true heir’s money was all for nothing.

Alex tells Kristen that he thought the candy store was open 24/7. Kristen remarks that she’s changing the hours. Alex asks if this is about Theresa and says she knows all about them because Marlena just got him to realize that he needed to be open and honest. Kristen says she’s not a fan of Marlena but calls that good advice which she will take herself. Alex tells her to be honest that she wants him right now. Kristen then reveals that as fun as he is, she’s just not that in to him.

Maggie sees why Julie thinks Konstantin is out for revenge but says they discussed that he and Victor made amends which Julie laughs off. Julie doesn’t understand how Maggie could fall for such a tall tale and remarks that she’s too smart to be that gullible so something must be off. Maggie asks Julie to just trust that she knows what she’s doing. Julie then guesses there’s a plan and wants Maggie to tell her all about it. Julie questions Maggie asking her to trust her but then not trusting her. Maggie thinks the less she knows, the better. Julie won’t go for that. Maggie changes the subject by asking if Chad and the kids will be joining them for dinner. Julie reveals that Chad is actually out of town. Maggie asks if he’s on business but Julie informs her that Chad is trying to track down Clyde Weston because he’s come to believe that Clyde killing Abigail was premeditated.

Clyde tells Chad that he thinks he killed Abigail, but if he didn’t, Chad would be killing an innocent man. Chad questions Clyde being innocent. Clyde says if he doesn’t believe him, he can go ahead and shoot but he doesn’t think he will. Clyde points out that last time he had the chance, he wussed out. Harris warns Clyde to shut up or he’ll shoot him himself. Harris urges Chad that Abigail would want him to be there for their kids and to not let Clyde take anything else from him. Chad then lowers the gun and declares he needs to find out how Abigail could possibly be alive and where she is. Harris states that they will take Clyde in and get him some answers.

Brady questions what Konstantin and Theresa were just talkin about. Theresa claims that Konstantin was just telling her about Victor’s liquor inventory. Brady could swear he heard something about diverting the true heir’s money. Konstantin claims that he misspoke and that he meant divide the money among the true heirs. Theresa says they were just talking about how Victor kind of screwed everybody else out of the inheritance but now Maggie will be sharing it. Konstantin remarks that they are all so lucky to have Maggie in their lives as he exits the room. Brady and Theresa agree that they don’t like Konstantin. Brady asks if Theresa has plans with Alex tonight. Theresa says no, so Brady questions if there’s trouble in paradise. Theresa responds that Alex intends to keep seeing Kristen which means they are in an open relationship.

Alex questions Kristen about where this is coming from as he thought they had a good thing going. Kristen says they did and calls it really wonderful so Alex questions what the problem is. Kristen thought she would be happy being friends with benefits but she spoke to Stefan earlier and realized that casual sex can have serious consequences. Alex questions that, arguing that it’s been harmless since they’ve been completely honest with each other so he doesn’t see the downside of continuing their arrangement. Kristen thinks Alex is in denial over the fact that he’s in love with Theresa. Alex mocks the idea. Kristen reminds Alex that they started this in the first place to make Theresa and Brady jealous. Alex feels it became something else but Kristen says maybe not. Kristen reveals that last night, Alex was talking in his sleep about Theresa. Alex denies that and asks what he said. Kristen said it was romantic things along the lines of “I love you” and “I want you to be with me forever” which Alex questions. Kristen adds that since they are being open and honest, she thinks he needs to be honest with himself about the woman he’s whispering to in his dreams. Alex argues that they had a good thing going that was nice and fun. Kristen tells him that now it’s over because she’s in love with Brady and he only wanted her to distract himself from being sweet on Theresa.

Brady tells Theresa that he knew there was something going on with Alex and Kristen but he didn’t think it was serious at all. Theresa says she’s sure it’s just a fling. Brady argues that he knows it bothers her since she doesn’t like sharing and wants Alex all to herself. Theresa tries to deny it but admits it’s not great for her ego to feel like she’s not enough for Alex or any man. Theresa admits she doesn’t like sharing but says she has too much pride to tell Alex that as she’s not going to pressure anyone to be with her. Brady asks if she’s sure about that. Theresa knows she did that with Brady in the past but says she’s breaking her pattern now since it hasn’t served her well. Theresa declares that if Alex wants to keep seeing Kristen then she doesn’t have to feel guilty if she wants to be with another man. Brady agrees. Theresa asks why she should be exclusive if Alex doesn’t intend to be. Theresa then grabs Brady and kisses him.

Maggie questions Chad going after Clyde. Julie says he evidently couldn’t be stopped. Maggie understands Chad’s need for revenge but argues that he must know how dangerous Clyde is. Julie questions how she can say that while marrying Konstantin when he must have loathed Victor. Maggie says she already told her. Julie complains about Maggie not telling her about her plan. Julie argues her plan is to not marry Konstantin and call off the wedding before it’s too late. Konstantin then walks in and questions why she would do that.

Ava and Lucas remain in the motel until Chad returns. Ava asks what happened with Clyde and if Harris is okay. Chad assures Harris is fine and that he’s waiting for the FBI to take Clyde in to custody. Ava decides she’s going to go check on him. Chad tells her to be safe out there as Ava exits. Lucas asks Chad what’s going on and if he’s alright or if he wants to talk. Chad informs Lucas that Clyde said that Abigail is alive.

Alex thinks Kristen may be right that he’s using her as a distraction from his feelings for Theresa. Alex brings up Theresa telling him that she wanted to marry him but he pushed her away and said they needed to sleep in separate rooms. Kristen jokes that’s probably good or she would’ve heard him talking in his sleep about her. Kristen asks why Alex thinks he’s kept Theresa at arms length. Alex admits that he can’t help but feel there’s a reason that he shouldn’t trust her.

Theresa and Brady kiss until Brady stops and questions where that came from. Theresa calls it an impulse and asks why Kristen and Alex get to have all the fun. Theresa adds that Brady was kissing her back but Brady says she just caught him off guard and he needs to process this. Theresa calls it sweet, exciting, and fun. Theresa says if she’s being honest, she wants Brady and if he’s going to be honest, he’s going to admit that he wants her too.

Konstantin apologizes for intruding on their private conversation but points out that the door was open and comments on nobody locking their doors in Salem. Julie calls it a friendly town where they don’t expect unwelcome intruders. Konstantin remarks that Maggie is saving his life by marrying him and he will do everything in his power to keep her safe. Julie is having a hard time believing they will have such a rosy future since Victor was responsible for the death of Konstantin’s daughter.

Lucas questions how Abigail being alive could be possible. Chad says he was in shock and didn’t have time for details. Chad says he probably said it just because he had a gun to his head and he would say anything to have him spare his life. Chad questions what if Clyde wasn’t lying and what if Abigail really is still alive.

Kristen asks Alex what it is about Theresa that he feels he can’t trust. Alex doesn’t know why he has all these doubts but he can’t help feeling that she’s not being straight with him. Alex feels there’s been so many times where she was on the verge of telling him something that would upset him, like she was about to confess but every time she started, she would just change her mind and shut down. Alex adds that he’d start to catch her in a white lie and she would start to explain it but not make sense which makes him think there may be a bigger lie that she’s keeping from him. Kristen says if Alex really loves Theresa, then he owes it to himself to find out what she’s apparently afraid to tell him. Kristen adds that maybe it could take them to a whole other level. Alex thanks Kristen for listening and helping him figure this whole thing out as a friend. Kristen says they were friends with benefits but just focused on the benefits part so she figured she owed him. They agree that they had a lot of fun. Kristen hopes this works out for Alex and calls him a sweet guy even if he doesn’t want people to know it. Alex says he’s also seen a sweet side of Kristen and he knows what she feels for Brady is real, so he hopes he turns around. Kristen assures that he will as Alex then exits the mansion.

Brady tells Theresa that they’ve never been good with boundaries so this is a bad idea. Theresa asks why, arguing that it’s obvious they still have a connection. Brady says their only connection should be their son and talks about how they’ve been getting along so well lately. Brady thinks they shouldn’t risk blowing it out of respect for their son, so Tate doesn’t have to deal with their drama like in the past. Theresa argues that this time there is no drama. Theresa says they are Tate’s parents but talks about how they used to be so much more. Theresa brings up how their kiss felt and offers to swear there will be no more drama and that she will behave with dignity and respect so there will be no clinging, pressure, or demands and they can just celebrate their connection. Brady says she’s really aiming high. Theresa asks why not since Brady isn’t seeing anyone. Theresa bets that Brady is lonely and would like some companionship and affection as they get close.

Ava joins Harris back at the campgrounds at the now taped off crime scene. Ava sees that he’s okay and asks where Clyde is. Harris responds that he handed Clyde over to the FBI and was just interviewing the manager of the campgrounds. Ava asks if Clyde is going back to Statesville then and guesses that Harris is still upset with her. Ava knows Harris is unhappy that she was going to kill Clyde and says she’s not saying it was right but she won’t apologize for doing what she needed to do to keep her son safe. Ava adds that Clyde has been threatening Tripp and holding it over her head for months, so it finally got to her. Ava admits she went too far but she didn’t shoot him and Harris caught him, so she wants to put this behind them. Ava asks Harris to try and understand why she did what she did so they can get past this.

Maggie tells Julie that her personal relationship is none of her concern. Konstantin tells her not to be so hard on her friend as he understands her desire to protect her. Konstantin calls it a fair question as he explained to Maggie that he and Victor made amends. Konstantin claims he realized it was wrong of him to blame Victor for his daughter’s death as he has come to understand that it was a horrendous mistake. Konstantin calls his daughter one of the kindest people he’s ever known and she would never want him to fill his heart with hardness. Maggie adds that she’s lost a daughter and a son, so she knows about that pain. Konstantin calls that another thing that bonds them. Konstantin says he’s so grateful that Maggie proposed to him and that on that note, he has some news. Konstantin announces that his VISA is expiring, so if he is to stay in the country, they have no choice but to get married tomorrow. Maggie questions that while Julie urges her to think this through. Konstantin knows Maggie wanted to plan something special but feels that’s not really necessary since it’s just to get his VISA, so all they have to do is be pronounced husband and wife by this time tomorrow.

Kristen remains in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and picks up the bracelet that Alex got for her. Kristen then picks up her phone and looks at an old photo of her and Brady. Kristen declares that she will do whatever it takes to win Brady back and this time, she’s not going to let him go.

Alex goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and calls out to Theresa as he enters the living room. Alex says that’s funny since Henderson said she was there.

Brady and Theresa continue kissing in to the bedroom and onto the bed.

Harris gets that Ava did what she felt she had to do, but he has to get back to the FBI. Ava offers to go with him but Harris says they won’t want any civilians there and he just wants to make sure Clyde is processed so that he never hurts anyone again. Harris guesses they will talk more about this when they get back to Salem as he then walks away.

Lucas knows Chad wants to believe that there is still hope that Abigail is alive but he has to consider the source. Lucas feels Clyde is just messing with Chad’s head, pushing his buttons, and making him suffer. Chad agrees since Clyde said if he killed him, he’d spend the rest of his life wondering if he was telling the truth. Lucas questions why Clyde didn’t say anything earlier if he was telling the truth. Chad screams that he doesn’t know and he gets that it doesn’t make sense. Lucas reminds Chad that he was the one who found Abigail and saw what Clyde did to her. Lucas cries that he loved Abigail too and they don’t want to admit it. Lucas hugs Chad and says he’s sorry.

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Days Update Wednesday, June 5, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric returns to Nicole in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and says he looked everywhere but he couldn’t find Sloan. Nicole then gets a call back from Rafe, who apologizes for missing her call and asks what’s going. Nicole informs him that Sloan was there and EJ was going to take her out but then she hit him over the head with a flower pot and took off. Rafe can’t believe it and asks if she’s okay. Nicole confirms that she is and she’s with Jude. Rafe asks where EJ is. Nicole responds that he’s at the hospital getting checked out.

EJ barges in to Melinda’s office. Melinda questions what he’s doing here. EJ says they need to talk. Melinda asks if it’s about her taking his job. EJ tells her that it’s about Sloan Peterson.

Rafe asks Nicole how Sloan managed to get the better of EJ. Nicole says she’s been asking herself the same question but the point is Sloan is still in town though probably not for long. Rafe says he’s on it and hangs up. Rafe then makes a call, reminding of the APB out on Sloan and demands they find her.

Lucas is on the phone with Kate, saying he knows he’s still an outlaw but insists that he’s perfectly safe.

Ava warns that Clyde shouldn’t have messed with her family as that was a big mistake and now he’s going to pay. Clyde responds that Ava is the one who is going to pay since even from behind bars, he can reach out and touch her and her family with no problem, so she’ll never be safe again. Ava responds that she’ll be safe when he’s in Hell and says to give her best to the Devil. Clyde warns that if she kills him now, she’s going straight to prison. Ava responds that it’s not her first rodeo and the gun is untraceable, so if she wants, no one will ever be able to find what’s left of his body. Clyde asks to talk about this. Ava says she has nothing to say since he tried to kill her son, so now she’s going to kill him, end of story. Harris then arrives and stops Ava, questioning what the hell she’s doing. Harris tells Ava to put the gun down and let him handle this. Ava declares that she will handle this and put them all out of Clyde’s misery once and for all.

Nicole tells Eric that this is so surreal as she can’t believe Sloan walked in to her house after taking her child and having her believe he was dead for six months, just to disappear all over again. Nicole worries about Sloan getting away with this. Eric assures that she won’t and points out that Sloan has lost everything that ever mattered to her. Nicole refuses to feel sorry for her and brings up Melinda being complicit in this, so they know she will pay for this. Eric asks if Rafe arrested Melinda. Nicole assumes that Rafe was heading to her office as she can’t imagine that Melinda is walking around free.

EJ informs Melinda that Sloan is gone again and Nicole is believe that he is at the hospital being treated for a possible concussion. Melinda doesn’t understand why EJ is here and what it has to do with her. EJ repeats that Sloan is gone for good this time, which makes Melinda the only other person on the planet who knows that Jude is Eric’s biological son and not his.

Harris thought Ava agreed to stay back at the motel but Ava says she refused to wait for a miracle. Ava declares that as long as Clyde is alive, she and her son will never be safe. Harris disagrees and says they will be safe as soon as they drag Clyde’s ass back to prison. Harris urges Ava to put the gun down. Clyde tells Ava to listen to Harris. Ava remarks that she’s known plenty of men like Clyde and points out that he’s been locked up before but remained a major threat. Harris asks Ava to do what he says and if she trusts him. Ava responds that she does so Harris tells her to put the gun down. Ava then places her gun down while Harris raises his gun towards Clyde.

Rafe talks on the phone about wanting extra officers at the airports, bus, and train stations. Rafe says to keep him posted and hangs up. Stefan approaches and asks if he’s got a minute. Rafe says he’s in the middle of something but Stefan says it’s about Gabi. Stefan informs Rafe that he paid a visit to Melinda and thought she’d be receptive to his ideas, but she shut him down in an arrogant way which made him want to wring her neck. Rafe tells him to join the club.

Melinda pretends to be shocked to learn that Eric is Jude’s biological father but EJ tells her not to dare pretend that she didn’t know that. EJ talks about Melinda and Sloan arranging the kidnapping of the child so there’s no way she doesn’t know the truth about the parents. Melinda can’t believe Sloan told him and calls her a traitor as she swore to keep her name out of it. EJ says it doesn’t matter how he found out but he knows she was up to her neck in that evil plot. EJ doesn’t understand why Melinda would risk her job, her law license, and her freedom. Melinda argues that’s because he’s cold and unfeeling while she has a heart which may be a foreign concept to him. Melinda states that Sloan is her friend and had just gone through a miscarriage which crushed her and then her adoption fell through at the last minute. Melinda adds that Jude fell in to their laps. EJ accuses her of stealing and kidnapping him. Melinda argues that she wanted to help her friend and it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but she knew Jude wasn’t EJ’s, so it felt less hurtful because she knew he would be raised by his biological father. Melinda admits that she probably wouldn’t have been brave enough to screw over EJ if the baby was his. EJ points out that she did screw over his wife and calls it pathetic that she’s trying to absolve herself of this crime. EJ declares that no circumstance or rationale could make their scheme any less egregious. EJ laughs at Melinda saying she has a heart and questions where her heart was when she knew that Nicole was going through Hell because of her lies. EJ talks about Nicole having her child ripped from her arms and says she did not deserve that. Melinda asks if Eric did.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s trying to understand why Melinda would risk everything for Sloan. Nicole can’t imagine what Melinda was getting out of it. Eric doesn’t understand any of it either. Nicole knows she’s not the only victim in Sloan’s extraordinary cruelty, but says that when Eric brought Jude to her and she absorbed what Sloan had done, she fantasized what she would say to her if she had the chance. Nicole admits it felt extremely satisfying in that moment. Nicole acknowledges that her feelings towards Sloan are not as complicated as Eric’s since he loved her. Eric calls that hard to believe now that any of it was real and guesses it wasn’t and never was.

Harris handcuffs Clyde and tells Ava to go back to the motel as she’s done enough. Ava tells Clyde that she’ll see him in Hell as she walks away. Harris begins to read Clyde his rights but Chad arrives and picks up the gun that Ava had put down. Chad declares that he and Clyde are going to talk now. Harris knows Chad wants Clyde to pay and he wants that too which is why he needs to back off and let him handle this. Chad says that’s only scratching the surface of what he wants. Chad states that Clyde confessed to killing his wife but he has reason to believe that he lied about the motive and why. Chad calls this his once chance to find out. Clyde asks what it matters to him since the result is the same, dead is dead. Chad argues that Abigail was his wife and he deserves to know the truth. Chad adds that his children are going to want to know why and he owes it to them to tell them. Clyde responds that he doesn’t owe him anything. Chad brings up that Clyde said Abigail was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but that’s not true. Chad asks Clyde if it was premeditated and if he showed up at his house, intending to kill his wife.

Rafe tells Stefan that he talked to Melinda too. Stefan guesses she told him the same thing. Rafe confirms that she said Clyde’s black book wasn’t enough to reopen Gabi’s case. Stefan argues against it and asks why Melinda would want Gabi to do the time if she didn’t kill Li. Rafe talks about Gil being dead so Melinda can’t prosecute him and make a name for herself. Rafe thinks Melinda was doing it for leverage which she now has because she has the black book and put it somewhere for safekeeping. Rafe doesn’t know if that means it’s in her office or her bedroom, but she’s not going to use it to help Gabi unless he helps her with her own legal troubles.

Melinda mocks EJ being holier than thou by claiming she’s in the wrong like a heartless villain when EJ is the one keeping Eric’s own son away from him. Melinda remarks that at least she didn’t have motives for doing so when she was just helping her friend. EJ argues that he did what he did out of love. Melinda disagrees and says that EJ is just afraid of losing his wife to the man she truly loves. EJ remarks that if what Nicole and Eric had was true love, they’d still be together but they are not because Eric is a sanctimonious pretender who made Nicole never feel like enough while with him, Nicole is more than enough. EJ says that he and Nicole understand each other after everything they have been through. Melinda calls it Eric’s child but EJ insists he is their child. EJ declares that the baby has cemented he and Nicole as they were forged in the fire and they are a family. Melinda asks what the hell he’s so worried about then. Melinda brings up that EJ was going to let Sloan continue living her lie until he saw Nicole and Eric share one drunken kiss, then he got so nervous that he had to run Sloan out of town and make sure that she lost her kid and her husband. Melinda argues that EJ ruined Sloan’s life which he says she deserved. Melinda points out that Jude didn’t deserve to be taken out of his life and dropped in with people he barely knows but EJ never thought about him. EJ responds that children are very resilient. Melinda remarks that they are also very receptive. Melinda talks about giving her daughter up for what she thought was a better life for her but she had to live with her lie and deep down, part of her always knew. Melinda doesn’t think EJ has considered himself and asks if he’s thought about the fact that Jude is the son of a man who he despises and a man who Nicole cheated on him with. Melinda tells EJ to get real that Jude is bound to inherit some of Eric’s traits and as he gets older, he will look more like his real dad with maybe the same eyes and smile. Melinda asks how EJ will handle that and how it will feel to raise Eric Brady’s child.

Eric talks to Nicole about it being unusual for Jude to still be asleep. Nicole appreciates any intel Eric has to make the transition easier. Eric says he will get her his official birth certificate so they can change his name. Nicole isn’t sure they are going to do that and says she likes Jude, it’s been his name, and she feels it suits him. Eric knows he doesn’t have a vote but admits he would kind of love if he kept his name. Eric adds that Nicole is the reason that he chose the name. Nicole doesn’t understand what Jude’s name has to do with her. Eric talks about St. Jude being a symbol of faith. Nicole thought Eric chose the name because he was thinking of the baby that he and Sloan lost. Eric says he was but on a much deeper level, he was thinking of Nicole.

EJ tells Melinda that the baby is not Eric Brady’s son, he is a DiMera who will want for nothing. Melinda argues that he’ll want the truth about who he really is and that he will be deprived of the love of his real father. EJ disagrees while Melinda argues that EJ will be pretending to be his father while being a cold-hearted swine who kept him from his real dad. EJ says it boggles his mind that Melinda continues to berate him for this while she’s the one who conspired with Sloan to take a newborn baby from it’s mother and make that mother think her baby was dead. EJ says that’s in the past and they can’t do anything about that. EJ advises Melinda that if she keeps her mouth shut, he’ll do the same and they will both come out as winners. EJ asks if they understand each other.

Rafe and Stefan sit together in the town square. Stefan questions what kind of legal trouble Melinda is in. Rafe thinks it’s best they don’t talk about it. Stefan asks if there is a plan B or C. Rafe thinks the best thing they can do is find additional evidence which he’s been trying to do. Stefan suggests skipping Melinda and going straight to the mayor. Rafe says he’s thought about that and he will take it to Paulina, but she has a lot on her plate right now so he doesn’t know how receptive she will be. Stefan asks about skipping the mayor and going straight to the Governor. Stefan admits that the DiMeras and the Governor haven’t always had the best relationship but he’s not too proud to beg or bribe. Stefan admits that he did draw the line at Kristen suggesting he seduce Melinda. Rafe says that’s good and he appreciates Stefan standing by Gabi for all this time. Rafe adds that he hates that Stefan got mixed up with Clyde but acknowledges that he did everything he could to keep Gabi safe. Stefan calls Gabi the most important person in the world to him. Rafe assures that Gabi feels the same way about him. Rafe wants Stefan to know that his faithfulness to Gabi, their marriage, and his love for her is the only thing getting her through right now. Stefan thinks back to being with Ava. Stefan then states that Gabi is the love of his life.

Ava returns to the motel and asks Lucas where Goldman is. Lucas informs her that the feds showed up and dragged her away. Lucas asks what happened to Clyde. Ava informs him that Harris showed up, arrested Clyde and sent her back here. Lucas asks if Ava saw Chad DiMera which she questions. Lucas explains that Chad showed up after they took Goldman and said he needed to get answers from Clyde about his wife, Abigail. Lucas hopes Chad can get the information he needs to give him some peace.

Chad asks if Clyde’s just going to stand there and stare at him. Harris argues to let him take Clyde in to custody and they can do this there. Chad argues that Harris can’t force him to talk, but he can. Chad doesn’t think Clyde is going anywhere unless he decides to put a bullet in his head because he’s not talking. Chad questions if Clyde didn’t go to the DiMera Mansion that night looking for Belle. Clyde insists that he wanted to shut Belle up. Chad guesses that he came for Abigail because she stumbled across some information about a narcotics company that he was getting off the ground. Chad adds that Abigail didn’t even know Clyde was behind it but he was so scared that she was going to shut him down. Chad states that Clyde waited for him to leave that night and then plunged a knife in to his wife’s stomach over and over and over again. Chad tells Clyde that Abigail was still alive when he got there, so if only he showed up a few minutes earlier. Clyde points out that he didn’t. Chad admits he wasn’t able to protect his wife, but he can avenge her.

Melinda questions EJ asking if they understand each other. Melinda asks if there’s a payday or if that’s only for Leo Stark. Melinda then tells EJ that he can keep his money as she will keep her mouth shut for now but brings up if she needs a favor in the future which EJ says he will happily oblige. EJ adds that he’s relieved that they are on the same page in regards to he and Nicole’s son, hoping that he has a wonderful life as a DiMera.

Nicole declares that when Eric put Jude in her arms, he gave her hope again but she’s sorry that hope was taken away from him at the same time. Nicole may have lost six months with Jude but Eric has lost a lifetime which isn’t fair. Eric points out that he’s not even his son. Nicole argues that he loves him and insists that Eric can spend as much time as he wants with him. Eric appreciates that but thinks that would just make it harder for Jude and doesn’t think EJ would stand for it. Eric guesses he should probably go but Nicole stops him.

Stefan tells Rafe that they are really close and Gabi is going to get out eventually, but he thinks short of Gil rising from the grave, it’s iffy to depend on new evidence at this point. Rafe brings up some breaks in the Clyde case since the ISA have cracked the code to the black book. Rafe adds that he’d be on that hunt too if it wasn’t out of his jurisdiction. Stefan calls that great news but asks what that has to do with Gabi. Rafe explains that it’s likely that Clyde knows what Gil had to do with the murder of Li Shin. Stefan questions under what circumstances does Clyde Weston start talking.

Lucas hopes Clyde doesn’t take advantage of Chad showing up. Ava assures that Harris had it all under control when she left, so he’s probably booking him right now. Lucas hopes Clyde doesn’t go back to Statesville prison and worries about getting the cell next to him. Ava insists that Harris will keep his promise to Lucas as he is a man of his word. Lucas remarks that’s unlike him but Ava says she meant unlike her since Harris wasn’t very happy that she wanted to take care of Clyde on her own. Lucas says Harris cares about her. Ava talks about telling Harris so many lies along the way, some he knows and some he doesn’t, so in the end, she’s not sure how much he will be willing to forgive.

Clyde tells Chad to change his perspective and that Abigail wasn’t killed over some dirty drug money but way more than that. Chad questions what that means. Clyde remarks that Abigail got what she deserved and so did Chad. Chad regrets hesitating putting a bullet in Clyde that night at the cemetery. Clyde mocks Chad as weak. Harris tells Chad not to do it while Clyde yells at Chad to be a man and pull the trigger.

Rafe tells Stefan that if Clyde gets a nice plea deal or a whiff of something that can help him, he’ll take it as he will do anything it takes to survive. Stefan says if Clyde is caught and roughed up in the interrogation room, then he finally says Gabi is innocent. Stefan asks if that will be enough. Rafe says if not, they will keep fighting. Rafe points out that he’s the police commissioner and Stefan is a DiMera while the one thing they share is a love for Gabi and a belief in her innocence. Rafe tells Stefan that he has to get back to the police station, so he will let him know the second he hears anything.

Melinda puts her feet up on her desk and declares it’s good to be back.

Nicole wants Eric to know that she is his friend and she will always be here for him. Eric says he knows. EJ then returns home, so Nicole asks if he got checked out. EJ says he’s fine and claims just a rather severe headache. EJ asks if there’s any word on Sloan. Nicole says not yet but the cops are on it which EJ takes as they’ll never see her again. EJ is surprised Eric is still there and mentions that he and Nicole were planning a family lunch before things took a nasty turn. Eric agrees to be on his way and says goodbye. Nicole tells Eric to take care of himself as he exits the mansion. EJ tells Nicole that he has no concussion as they kiss. EJ calls himself a very lucky man. Nicole calls herself a very lucky woman as they hug.

Lucas sits with Ava and asks if the lies she told Harris were big lies. Ava says you could say that but Harris forgave her. Lucas talks about learning things at the monastery so he advises her not to go to the worst place. Lucas says he can tell that Harris cares about Ava. Ava jokes about taking advice from Lucas, bringing up that he kidnapped his ex-wife. Lucas admits he let the doubts creep in and if he didn’t do that, he and Sami would still be together and he wouldn’t be here in Montana. Ava hopes neither of them are here much longer. Ava admits she’s getting worried that they haven’t heard from Harris.

Harris urges Chad to think this through. Chad says he has for a very long time and threatens to end Clyde right here right now, so that no one will ever feel the type of pain that Clyde put them through. Harris tells Chad no. Chad asks if Clyde is scared now and how he thinks Abigail felt. Clyde remarks that he wouldn’t know which Chad questions. Clyde then claims that he didn’t kill Abigail and that Abigail is alive!

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Days Update Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At the hospital, Kayla tells Sarah that she’s leaving for the day. Sarah hands her glasses to her as Kayla then notices Sarah’s ring. Sarah confirms that she and Xander are engaged. Kayla says she’s so happy for her and calls it a beautiful ring. Xander arrives as they talk and guesses that Kayla thinks he’s going to screw things up between them again.

Steve packs his bag at home including his gun until Chad shows up at his door. Chad says he’s sorry to barge in but he needs to know what’s going on as he can’t stop thinking about it and there has to be something new. Steve says it’s only what he told him over the phone that Harris is making progress. Chad stops him and tells him to level with him. Chad shouts that the son of a bitch burned down his house while his kids were sleeping and he murdered his wife, which they now know was a targeted hit. Chad declares that Steve is hiding something from him, so he’s not leaving until he tells him everything.

At the Brady Pub, Roman tells Kate that he can’t believe Leo would come in after what he did. Kate doubts he ever will again. Roman complains that all Leo had to do was come forward months ago and he could’ve spared Eric all the heartbreak. Roman argues that Eric had everything he ever wanted in family and fatherhood only to have it all ripped away. Roman knows Kate can relate to it all too well with the pain of feeling helpless when your kid is suffering. Kate confirms that last time she visited Lucas at the monastery, he was so miserable and lonely. Roman asks if she’s talked to him lately. Kate admits she hasn’t as she’s trying to limit her contact with him so she doesn’t accidentally put him in danger. Roman doesn’t think one phone call will jeopardize his safety and could ease her mind. Kate agrees to one phone call to check on him and make sure he’s not getting in to any more trouble…

In Montana, Ava and Lucas have Rebecca Goldman tied up in their motel room. Ava mocks Goldman’s gluten free bread. Lucas remarks that it led them right to her. Ava declares that now she’s going to lead them right to Clyde. Lucas asks if she’s ready to give up Clyde’s location. She tries to scream for help so Lucas puts the gag back on her.

Harris captures the drug dealer Snake, questioning why he ran from him. Snake argues that he saw his badge was out of state so this isn’t his jurisdiction and he can’t arrest him. Harris informs him that this isn’t an arrest and shows his gun as he reveals that he wants information. Harris demands he tell him everything he knows about Clyde Weston. Snake claims to have never heard of Clyde. Harris says they don’t have time for games as Clyde’s whole drug operation is about to go belly up. Harris says he saw that got his attention and warns that Snake can either save himself and talk or go down with the ship. Harris asks what it’s going to be.

Ava holds her gun on Goldman and warns that the next time she pulls a stunt, the only help she’s going to need is in purgatory. Lucas informs her that the ISA has already cracked the code on Clyde’s little black book and they are rounding up his associates as they speak.

Harris asks Snake how many of Clyde’s associates are as loyal as him and guesses zero, so now it’s just going to be a race to turn in evidence to save their asses. Harris warns that if Snake wants in on the deal, he better start talking. Snake claims not to know Clyde but guesses he wouldn’t take too kindly to snitches. Snake warns that ratting on someone like that would be a death sentence so he’d have to be a fool to turn on him.

Ava warns Goldman that Clyde’s buddies won’t hesitate to give up his location to save their own skin, so there’s no point in protecting him anymore because he’s screwed. Lucas suggests she tell them where he’s hiding and maybe they can cut her a deal with the authorities. Ava guesses Montana is as good a place as any to get rid of a body. Ava declares that since Goldman isn’t talking, she sees no reason not to blow her away right now.

Kayla tells Xander that she didn’t mean to insinuate anything at all. Sarah says it’s okay but Kayla apologizes and really wishes the best for both of them, hoping it works out this time which Xander takes as a congratulations and thanks her. Xander adds that he’s learned his lesson, no more lies or get rich quick schemes. Xander only wants to be a good husband and father with Sarah’s respect.

Steve informs Chad that Ava and Harris tracked Clyde down to Ennis, Montana and are working off a very solid lead so it shouldn’t be long before they get him. Chad asks about backup. Steve assures that Harris has got this but Chad worries that they can’t let Clyde slip through their fingers again. Steve insists that they can’t and they won’t so Chad asks what they are waiting for and suggests going to Montana.

Ava says she’s kind of glad that Goldman is refusing to cooperate. Ava states that they want to get Clyde but ever since Goldman nearly killed Tripp, she’s been itching to get revenge. Ava orders Lucas to step away. Lucas argues that she can’t be serious. Ava says if he doesn’t have the stomach for it, he can wait outside. Lucas says he can’t let her do this. Ava tells him to get out but Lucas refuses. Ava asks why he cares if Goldman lives or dies. Lucas argues that he’s trying to get out of prison so if she does this, he’ll be an accessory to murder and kind of defeats the whole purpose. Lucas suggests putting the gun down and says nobody has to die today as he takes the gun.

Harris tells Snake that he’s had this conversation with many henchmen and the bandage is always hard to rip off, but it is the only way to go. Harris says if he makes the deal, Clyde goes to jail and Snake will be free, out of his reach. Snake calls it a good story but argues that he’s still a cop and his name is Snake, not Rat. Harris warns him about federal prison and declares that his time is up. Harris says he had a chance to save his ass but now guesses they are going to do this the hard way.

Chad finishes a call getting the DiMera Jet ready to go and tells Steve it’s do or die and they have to go. Steve stops him and warns that this is what he does but Chad has two young children to think about. Chad argues that’s what he’s doing this for. Chad brings up how his children could’ve died because of Clyde and they don’t have a mother because of him. Chad calls it eliminating the single greatest threat to his children’s future. Steve argues that Chad is not trained for this sort of thing. Chad states that he’s a father and asks what more he needs. Chad reminds Steve that he was with him and Harris on the ship when they rescued Kate. Chad calls it getting the band back together one last time. Steve acknowledges that Chad helped out in Greece but calls this serious business. Chad points out that he’s the one with a private jet that will get them to Montana in no time, so he’s going to be on it with or without Steve. Steve then agrees to do it. Chad apologizes for yelling as they go to exit together right as Kayla comes home and questions where they are off to.

Kate gets off the phone and reveals to Roman that the monk told her that Lucas left the monastery yesterday and that he was picked up by Harris. Kate questions what Harris is doing with Lucas now and adds that she left messages on Lucas’s burner phone and for Harris. Kate wonders where they would have disappeared to. Roman states that all Ava told him was that she and Harris were going out of town for a few days. Kate guesses they went after Clyde. Roman wishes they would just leave Clyde to the feds while Kate wishes they would leave Lucas out of it. Kate declares that if anything happens to Lucas, she will take Harris and Ava both out on her own.

Lucas sits with Goldman and talks about gluten free bread until Ava comes back in and says she searched Goldman’s car where she found her phone in the glove box. Ava says there’s bound to be something in there that will lead them to Clyde. Ava sees that she missed a bunch of texts from Clyde and he’s not very happy. Ava reads Clyde asking where she is and how they have to get out of here now. Lucas says it sounds like someone knows the walls are closing in on him, so they have to find Clyde before he bails on them. Ava reads over that Clyde wrote that their happy camper days are over which she calls an odd way to phrase something. Ava guesses they were camping somewhere together and mocks Goldman. Lucas remembers throwing up on their way here and he remembers seeing a sign that said Happy Campers Campground. Ava guesses that’s where Clyde is. Lucas says they have to get to him before he splits on them. Ava says that won’t be a problem as she uses Goldman’s phone to text Clyde that she’s on her way and not to leave without her.

Snake threatens to sue Harris if he harms him. Harris says he has something else in mind and takes Snake’s phone, which he calls an invasion of privacy. Harris checks his location history and finds several trips to the Happy Camper Campground twice a week. Harris thanks him and gives his phone back, saying he got what he needed.

Sarah asks Xander if he’s sure that Maggie didn’t mind babysitting Victoria now that she’s busy with her own wedding plans. Xander says that Maggie seemed thrilled for the break and adds that he managed to avoid the topic of Konstantin. Sarah is proud of his restraint and points out that it’s not a real marriage as Maggie is just doing it so Konstantin can stay in the country. Xander hates Konstantin being in the same house but agrees to table the discussion for now. Xander says he’s grateful and lucky to be marrying for love to the woman of his dreams. Sarah responds that she feels very lucky too. Sarah adds that there is something she wanted to go over him about the guest list for their wedding. Sarah is not sure how he feels about it but Maggie said she should run it by him first. Xander guesses where this is going and says he doesn’t want Rex Brady at his wedding. Sarah laughs and says she doesn’t either but then reveals that she wants to invite Xander’s mother. Xander is sure that he made it clear that he has no relationship with his mother and hasn’t talked to her in years. Sarah thought maybe it would be a good opportunity to reconnect since she has a granddaughter now and maybe would like to get to know her. Sarah knows they’ve had their issues but there had to have been good times. Xander is sure there could have been when she laid the bottle down but she never did because she was a mean drunk. Sarah knows what it’s like to be the child of an alcoholic. Xander argues that it’s not the same since his mom is no Maggie even when sober. Sarah argues that she can’t be that bad and they haven’t seen each other in years so maybe she’s changed. Xander insists that his mother is not capable of changing and has no intention of becoming sober. Sarah guesses she’s a lost cause and mocks the idea of it being unwise to give anyone with a checkered past a second chance which calls in to question some of her recent decisions. Xander calls her clever and says even if he agreed to maybe think about giving his mom a second chance, he wouldn’t know where to send the invitation because she moved around a lot or had a tendency to flee. Sarah says she’s happy to track her down but only if Xander is okay with it.

Snake tells Harris that he can’t just leave him here. Harris says he’ll have the cops check on him when they have Clyde in custody. Snake asks where he’s going. Harris says he’s going to find their happy camper.

Roman tries to tell Kate to calm down. Kate complains that her son is missing and something terrible could have happened to him. Roman argues that they don’t know if Lucas is in any danger and that he could take care of himself. Roman points out that Lucas survived two years in prison. Kate wishes he stayed in prison because his sentence would be up in a year. Roman points out that if they catch Clyde, Lucas could be out soon and walk right through the door. Kate worries that he could also come home in a bodybag.

Ava tells Lucas that she should get to the campground. Lucas feels he can’t let her go after Clyde alone. Ava says she’s just going to make sure he’s there. Lucas thinks they should call Harris. Ava claims she will call him from the car and promises not to make a move without him. Lucas thinks they’ve made enough moves without Harris. Ava says she doesn’t have time to bicker so she tells Lucas to shut up and help her as she begins removing Goldman’s jacket.

Kayla questions Steve and Chad as to what is going on here. Steve reveals that Ava and Harris are hunting Clyde in Montana so they were going to join them. Kayla asks if he was just going to leave without telling her. Steve says he was going to text her on the way. Kayla asks if he’s kidding. Chad decides they should have this conversation in private, so he’s going to make sure everything is ready for take off. Steve says he’ll meet him at the air field so Chad exits. Kayla argues that Steve does not need to do this but Steve insists that he does. Steve states that he’s responsible for breaking Clyde out of prison and he nearly killed Tripp, so he needs to make him pay for that. Kayla tells him to let Harris and Ava handle that. Steve says he thought he could but he can’t just sit on the sidelines as that’s not who he is. Kayla tells him that maybe it’s time for him to change. Steve admits plenty of things need to change about him but when it comes to protecting his family, he’ll never change. Kayla argues that they aren’t in danger so he doesn’t need to risk his life. Steve feels that as long as Clyde is out there, they’re always in danger. Kayla questions why it always has to be Steve that goes after the bad guys and puts his life on the line. Steve feels that when he sees a threat, he has to go in to action and repeats that’s who he is. Kayla loves that he’s incredibly brave and always makes his family feel safe, but there have been times when he achieved the opposite. Kayla argues that she did not feel safe when he abandoned his family in Africa when they lost all those years together. Steve insists that he protected them but Kayla questions the cost, complaining that she’s not doing it again as she cannot lose him. Steve says she won’t but Kayla argues that he can’t promise that. Steve admits that he should’ve consulted her first but repeats that he has to do this. Kayla questions why. Steve reveals that he believes that Ava intends to kill Clyde, so he has to be there. Kayla asks if he’s going to stop her or help her commit murder.

Ava goes to the campgrounds dressed in Goldman’s clothes with her back turned as Clyde arrives, questioning what took her so long as they have to get out of here since he’s not going back to prison. Ava then turns around with her gun raised and says he’s got that right because he’s going straight to Hell, shocking Clyde.

Lucas remains in the motel with Goldman’s phone and tells her that Clyde is getting testy that she’s not back yet so he will stall. Lucas then asks Goldman how she and Clyde hooked up in the first place, asking if they started their love affair when Clyde went to prison or if they were pen pals. Lucas brings up that his mom dated Clyde but he wasn’t even the worst of her exes as that was her first husband. Lucas then sees a bunch of missed calls from Kate and questions her texts. Lucas remarks that this isn’t going to be pleasant.

Sarah tells Xander that if he’s really against inviting his mom, then she understands and will drop it, but she thinks it might be nice for Victoria to get to know her paternal grandmother. Xander states that he will do anything for their daughter, so he agrees but only for Victoria’s sake. Sarah excitedly thanks him and thinks this will be good for all of them, not just Victoria. Xander advises her to lower her expectations. Sarah asks if he has any suggestions on where she should start tracking her down. Xander says the last time his mom screamed at him, she was living somewhere outside of Scotland. Xander doubts her last number still works but says he will text it to her. Xander adds that he’s not convinced this is the best idea, but he appreciates the gesture as he knows her heart is in the right place. Sarah thanks him for understanding. Xander notes that he reserves the right that if this turns out to be an enormous disaster, to say he told her so. Sarah saves the number as Xander wishes her luck in hunting. Sarah hopes she can track her down before their wedding since after Maggie and Konstantin, they are up next. Xander says he can’t wait and kisses her goodbye as he then exits the hospital.

Steve admits to Kayla that he’s been thinking maybe he should just let Ava wipe Clyde off the face of the planet, because if anyone deserves to die, it’s him. Kayla argues that isn’t how justice works. Steve is ashamed to admit that maybe sometimes he doesn’t want justice. Kayla questions what he’s saying. Steve tells Kayla to just let him go. Kayla refuses if he intends to kill Clyde and begs Steve to stay here for her. Steve tearfully agrees to stay so Kayla hugs him. Steve guesses he’ll just have to see how it plays out and apologizes. Steve then gets a text from Chad, who reveals that he couldn’t wait and left without him.

Kate complains to Roman that she’s left Lucas a ton of messages and hasn’t heard a thing. Lucas then calls her back. Kate answers and questions where the hell he is. Lucas claims that he’s at the monastery and that he went to see a movie with the monks. Kate tells him to save it as she knows he’s with Harris. Lucas reveals that Harris was hot on Clyde’s heels. Kate argues that he’s supposed to be in hiding and working on his release. Lucas says if it makes her feel better, he thinks they are close to finding Clyde. Kate complains that Clyde is the danger and now he’s closer to him. Lucas insists that everything is going according to plan and everything will be fine. Lucas tells Kate to trust him.

Clyde questions how Ava found him and asks where Rebecca is. Ava responds that she’s tied up at the moment. Ava orders Clyde to put his bag down slowly and kick it away, so he does. Clyde guesses Ava is the reason everything’s going to Hell and guesses she sold him out to the feds with Harris. Ava warns that he shouldn’t have messed with her family as that was a big mistake and now he’s going to pay. Clyde responds that Ava is the one who is going to pay since even from behind bars, he can reach out and touch her and her family with no problem, so she’ll never be safe again. Ava responds that she’ll be safe when he’s in Hell and says to give her best to the Devil. Clyde warns that if she kills him now, she’s going straight to prison. Ava responds that it’s not her first rodeo and the gun is untraceable, so if she wants, no one will ever be able to find what’s left of his body. Clyde asks to talk about this. Ava says she has nothing to say since he tried to kill her son, so now she’s going to kill him, end of story. Harris then arrives and stops Ava, questioning what the hell she’s doing.

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Days Update Monday, June 3, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Melinda questions Rafe telling her that she’s arrested and tries to laugh it off but Rafe reveals that he just spoke to Eric which got her attention. Rafe argues that Melinda lied to him about kidnapping Nicole’s baby and the so called adoption when the truth is, she was in it up to her neck.

Leo tells EJ that he’s been thinking that part of the baby switch story doesn’t make sense and questions why EJ would pay him to not tell anyone that he had a kid as that doesn’t make sense and why he wouldn’t want the baby back as soon as he found out about it. EJ says he wouldn’t expect Leo to understand his reasoning. Leo insists there must be a method that he’s not quite clued in to. Leo asks EJ why he paid him all that money just to keep him from his own son.

Nicole tells Sloan that all this endless drivel about risking her freedom and she couldn’t live with herself was just another lie because she doesn’t want to live on the run and she thinks she’s stupid enough to buy her BS. Nicole adds that Sloan doesn’t have to disappear because that’s what prison is for. Sloan calls her a hypocrite. Nicole responds that she’s calling the cops. Sloan goes to run out the door, right as Eric arrives which stops her. Eric questions what the hell she’s doing there.

Stefan and Kristen sit in the town square together. Kristen complains about the food options while Stefan reminds her they are here to talk. Kristen questions why they couldn’t talk at the mansion. Stefan says they couldn’t with EJ around. Kristen then asks what is so urgent that he had to subject her to this low class eatery. Stefan informs Kristen that he went to pay a visit to Melinda Trask and since she’s back in the district attorney’s office, he thought maybe she would help reopen Gabi’s case but instead she totally screwed him.

Melinda questions Rafe saying she was up to her neck and argues that’s not grounds for an arrest. Rafe brings up that Melinda told him that she wasn’t directly involved in giving Nicole’s baby to Sloan and Eric, but Eric just told him that she was the one who handed him off to them. Rafe questions how Melinda got Jude in the first place. Melinda argues that anything she did legally for Sloan falls under attorney-client privilege. Rafe declares that he’s taking Melinda downtown to book her for kidnapping.

EJ questions Leo caring where money in his pocket came from or why it’s there. Leo says he’s heard stories about suitcases full of cash that mysteriously find their way in to EJ’s possession. Leo remarks that Lady Whistleblower knows all. EJ says he will tell Leo the truth. Leo says he’ll be the judge of that. EJ claims that he didn’t want Nicole to know there was a possibility of this being their son until he was sure and after everything she’s been through, he did not want her hopes dashed again which is why he paid Leo. EJ declares that he wanted to make sure if this baby was in Nicole’s arms, she would never have to give him up again.

Eric demands an answer as to what Sloan is doing at the DiMera Mansion. Nicole responds that she showed up out of nowhere and wanted a truce but she told her to go to Hell and that she’s calling the cops right now. Eric stops Sloan as Nicole calls Rafe, telling him that Sloan is at her house so he needs to get there right away and arrest her.

Roman is at the Brady Pub, reminiscing on meeting Jude. Kate approaches and tells Roman that she’s been calling his name for two minutes. Roman apologizes and guesses his head is elsewhere which Kate questions. Roman then informs Kate that EJ was just there picking up lunch and he had Jude with him, who was his grandson.

Leo questions EJ paying him off all for Nicole’s benefit. EJ asks if Leo is doubting his love for his wife. Leo says he’s kind of doubting his love for his son and asks why EJ didn’t just ask him to keep the truth to himself. EJ responds that Leo has a tendency to blurt, so he thought it was wise to offer him a financial incentive to keep quiet. EJ adds that he won’t ask for it back and calls it a token of good will. Leo mocks him bursting at the seems with good will. EJ then tells Leo that he’s going to take his son to see his wife.

Eric warns Sloan not to move as Nicole says she just left a message for Rafe, so he should be there as soon as he hears it. Eric tells Sloan that she’s going to pay for what she did to them. Sloan shouts that she’s already paying for what she’s done and no punishment could be worse than losing Eric or the baby that made them a family. Sloan brings up that Eric once said his faith in God was still in him and how importance forgiveness was. Sloan adds that Eric quoted a passage from the bible that said “If your brother or sister sins against you, forgive them. If they repent, forgive them.” Sloan says Eric went on to explain how forgiveness comes from the heart.

Kristen says that Stefan basically handed Melinda a smoking gun but Stefan says Melinda argued it wasn’t enough and they needed more evidence to reopen the case. Kristen questions why Melinda is fighting this, pointing out that she dated Li so she’d think she would want justice for him.

Rafe begins reading Melinda her rights. Melinda warns him not to do that. Rafe shouts that she’s a criminal, complicit in the kidnapping of a baby and she will be punished for that. Melinda asks even if it’s at his sister’s expense?

Sloan understands that it’s impossible for Eric and Nicole to forgive her as she can’t even forgive herself. Sloan says the only thing getting her through is knowing that she did it out of love. Eric complains that she let him fall in love with a child that didn’t even belong to him. Sloan admits she hoped no one would ever find that out. Eric calls it foolish, cruel, and deluded. Sloan says he doesn’t understand because that’s not the whole story.

Kristen wonders why Melinda is playing hard ball and how they get her to reopen Gabi’s case. Stefan says it’s not just about getting Gabi out of prison but also about Kristen securing the CEO position at DiMera. Kristen says she’s thinking and then says she’s got it. Kristen says it’s not about getting more evidence which will be tricky and damn near impossible. Kristen brings up Melinda having a crush on Stefan at one time, so she suggests Stefan rekindle that attraction with her. Stefan asks what exactly Kristen is saying. Kristen tells Stefan to get Melinda to think he’s a man with needs since his wife is unavailable. Stefan questions her wanting him to seduce Melinda.

Rafe asks Melinda what stealing Nicole’s baby has to do with his sister. Melinda tells Rafe that Stefan came to see her and directed her towards some evidence pertaining to the murder of Li Shin. Rafe says he’s seen it and calls it compelling evidence which he hopes to use to clear his sister. Melinda states that it could, if he could get his hands on it.

Eric questions Sloan saying it’s not the whole story. Sloan thinks back to telling EJ that it was Nicole’s baby but not his as Eric is the biological father. Sloan then tells Eric that there’s more to it but EJ comes home and calls out to Nicole. EJ then enters the living room to find Eric and Sloan and asks what the hell. Nicole tells EJ that Sloan came to apologize and is now telling Eric that there’s more to the story. EJ notices Nicole’s hand so she admits that she punched Sloan in the jaw. EJ doesn’t want to hear Sloan’s rest of the story and he wants her out of his house and in to a prison cell. EJ declares that he is going to escort Sloan out to make sure she is taken to the authorities and instructs Eric to get some ice for Nicole’s hand. Sloan pulls away from EJ to tell Eric that she’s sorry and she loves him. Eric says bye to Sloan as EJ walks her out.

Kate tells Roman that she’s sorry as she knows how painful it had to be to see Jude. Roman says he’s mostly in pain for Eric. Kate guesses Eric is going through Hell. Roman says that Eric is trying to stay stoic but he thinks he’s channeling his grief in to the search for Sloan. Roman adds that he knew Sloan was bad news from the moment she told him she didn’t like the Brady Pub chowder. Roman hopes that Sloan and anyone else involved in hurting Eric gets what’s coming to them. Leo then enters the Pub. Leo grabs a menu and asks Roman for today’s specials. Roman offers a knuckle sandwich but Leo selects the famous Brady Pub chowder. Roman refuses Leo service which he questions. Kate informs Leo as Roman adds that Eric told them everything including Leo blackmailing Sloan to support his shopping sprees while knowing the child they were raising was Nicole’s. Roman asks how pathetic it is to profit off the misery of other people. Roman declares that is why Leo is not welcome in the Pub.

EJ takes Sloan out of the DiMera Mansion and questions her telling Eric and Nicole that there was more to the story and if she was going to blurt out the truth that Eric is the father. Sloan argues that he deserves to know. EJ reminds her that they had an ironclad deal where he would pay her a lot of money and she would leave town. EJ warns that if she opens her big mouth and tells anyone about the child’s paternity, he will make her life a living Hell. Sloan questions what good all the money is if any knock on the door could be the police. Sloan thought she could get reassurance from talking to Nicole which EJ mocks the idea of. Sloan explains that she thought Nicole would understand why she did what she had to do and maybe she would tell the cops to back off, but she punched her in the face and called the cops. EJ tells her that she’s lucky Nicole didn’t kill her with her bare hands. EJ orders Sloan to take the money and disappear forever.

Eric comments to Nicole that it was pretty intense with Sloan and apologizes. Nicole understands it can’t be easy for him either but assures that she’ll be fine when she knows Sloan paid for what she did to her. Eric says her and her friend Melinda Trask which Nicole questions. Eric explains that he ran in to Rafe, who said that Melinda tried to pass off a lie that she wasn’t involved so he set him straight on that.

Rafe questions what Melinda means by if he can get his hands on the black book when she has it. Melinda points out that she has it and no one else knows where it is. Melinda argues that she’s just trying to do what’s right for everyone involved. Rafe questions her blackmailing him and thinking that’s right. Melinda remarks that she’s just holding on to the book for safe keeping so nothing happens to it..

Stefan questions Kristen thinking he can just get Melinda in bed and then the black book becomes enough evidence after all. Kristen repeats that Melinda did have a thing for him and Stefan will be highly motivated to make her happy. Stefan asks if she’s forgotten that he’s doing this to get Gabi out of prison. Kristen then points out that all that passion for his wife didn’t stop him from sleeping with Ava. Kristen comments that he looks a bit shocked. Stefan calls that a crazy accusation. Kristen argues that he knows it’s the truth and says it’s not crazy since Ava is a very attractive woman and they were in such close proximity for awhile. Stefan questions how she knew. Kristen responds that she knows all. Stefan asks again how she knew. Kristen remarks that he’s more discreet but Ava is not so much. Kristen says in Ava’s defense, she literally just spilled out when she spoke to her about Li’s murder and hoping she could help clear Gabi. Kristen laughs about and comments on him looking racked with guilt. Stefan says he is. Kristen states that he’s human. Stefan warns her about ever telling anyone about it. Kristen asks who she’s going to tell and says he should be worried about Ava telling somebody else. Kristen guesses if Gabi finds out, there will be Hell to pay.

Rafe questions Melinda expecting him to let her off the hook in this horrifying kidnapping scheme in exchange for protecting evidence that could free Gabi. Melinda doesn’t see the problem since Sloan is the actual perpetrator of the crime. Rafe argues that she didn’t act alone. Melinda remarks that if she was involved, all he could do is charge her as an accessory. Melinda adds that it all ended well anyways since Nicole’s baby is back in her arms. Melinda declares that if Rafe wants Gabi to have a chance at freedom with the help of the black book, he will tell everyone that she was never anywhere near that baby.

Nicole and Eric look over the baby as Eric recalls the naps he used to take. Eric admits this is hard for him and decides he should go check up with EJ to make sure Sloan is taken care of. Eric tells Nicole that she needs to make up for lost time with her son. Eric then exits the room.

Leo complains of Roman’s serious accusation to suggest he would stoop to blackmailing someone for his own personal gain. Roman says that’s usually how blackmail works. Leo claims to be opposed to blackmail. Leo decides he will leave then. Roman warns that he’s guilty so he will not get away with this. Leo argues that he had nothing to do with the baby being taken from his parents or returned to them but that’s a happy ending. Leo adds that according to his research, 28,000 babies are switched a year. Leo then asks how he heard that he was blackmailing Sloan. Roman informs him that he heard it from Eric, who heard it from Sloan. Leo argues that Sloan would probably say he stole the baby himself if she could get away with it. Kate then asks if Leo did steal the baby. Leo thinks back to arguing with Sloan. Leo then says he did not kidnap the baby and asks what he would do with the baby. Leo argues that they can’t believe a word Sloan says because she would do anything to protect herself.

Eric exits the DiMera Mansion and finds EJ unconscious on the ground.

Stefan tells Kristen that he loves his wife and his only concern is getting her out of prison. Stefan declares that they are never going to talk about what happened with Ava again as he calls it a mistake that he will never do again with anyone. Stefan states that Gabi is his wife and soulmate and he loves her with his whole heart. Stefan promises that he will never betray her again. Kristen guesses he won’t sleep with Melinda then. Stefan confirms he will not and says they will have to come up with another way to get Gabi out of prison.

Melinda tells Rafe not to look so glum since he’ll be getting everything he wants as he hates Gabi being stuck in prison. Rafe tells her to stop talking about his sister but points out that he never said he wasn’t arresting her. Melinda tells him to go ahead then and she’ll go quietly, but remarks that she hopes Gabi doesn’t mind that he’s so concerned with bringing her to justice that he couldn’t get any for her. Rafe tells her to give him the evidence when he needs it. Melinda agrees if she gets immunity for herself. Rafe warns that she better keep her word because if Gabi continues to serve time for a murder she didn’t commit, he will find a way to lock Melinda up in jail and throw away the key.

Leo argues that they both know Sloan would think nothing of sullying his good name and with no one to corroborate her claims, it’s just a rumor. Roman complains that Leo doesn’t generally make much sense so not responding to his BS is his default. Kate warns that he better hope they don’t find Sloan because she will definitely drag him down with her. Leo declares that he won’t be dragged down by Sloan or anyone else. Leo complains further and then exits the Pub.

Nicole watches over her son and talks about dreaming of him every night. Nicole talks about having a sense that he wasn’t gone. Nicole thinks back to when she stole Jude from the town square. Nicole states that he was very much alive in her heart and soul. Nicole cries that she’s so glad to have him back. Nicole then declares that she will make sure that Sloan pays for taking him away from her.

Eric checks on EJ, who claims that Sloan hit him over the head and he thinks she got away. Eric says maybe he can still catch her and runs off. Sloan then returns from around the corner and thanks EJ. EJ tells her to just get the hell out of here and to never darken his doorstep again, so she then exits.

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Days Update Friday, May 31, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in the town square with his laptop, reading Everett’s article on Paulina. Leo remarks that the quality of writing at the Spectator has gone downhill but he’s going to change that today. Eric then confronts Leo.

Melinda sits in her office and answers a call from Sloan. Melinda tells Sloan that she has to stop calling as they cannot have contact, burner phone or not. Melinda mentions that Rafe came by yesterday asking questions but he’s as clueless as ever. Rafe then arrives at her office so Melinda finishes the call and hangs up. Rafe says he’s sorry to interrupt. Melinda claims that she was just saying how much she’s looking forward to working with him again. Melinda asks what she can do for him. Rafe says he’s just following up from yesterday as he still has some questions as to how Sloan ended up with Nicole’s baby.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ watches over Jude and talks about how Stefan and Kristen can go on and on. EJ suggests taking him for a walk and talk about his new name, something befitting the family he will now represent. EJ declares that biology be damned, he is his dad now, not Eric Brady, and Nicole will never know as it will be their little secret. Nicole then walks in and asks what secret.

Marlena is in her office at the hospital, on the phone with Roman talking about how she’s worried about Eric. Marlena doesn’t think Jude will be traumatized since he’s so young. Marlena tells Roman to call if he needs anything and hangs up. Stephanie then arrives and asks if she has a minute. Marlena says she does and invites her in. Stephanie mentions that she and Jada touched base about staging the intervention Marlena suggested, so she wanted to check in before talking to Everett. Marlena is glad they both agreed to it. Stephanie says split personality is so crazy. Marlena advises her not to use that word when talking to Everett. Stephanie admits she’s a bit overwhelmed. Marlena understands but says it’s important to get Everett the help that he needs. Marlena adds that Jada is on her way over.

Everett has a dream about kissing Jada in the shower until Stephanie walks in on them, but then he wakes up in a panic.

Marlena tells Stephanie that it’s normal to feel reluctant or uncomfortable if you’ve never been part of an intervention before. Stephanie admits that she is anxious. Marlena adds that with Everett being so resistant, it will take everything they have to help him go through this. Marlena mentions that she won’t be there as part of this as she thinks it’s important to have him involved with people he has a long standing relationship with, but she will be close by and can be there immediately if anything goes wrong. Stephanie thanks her and says she’s so sorry as Roman told her what happened with Jude. Stephanie can’t imagine how heartbroken Eric must be.

EJ tells Nicole that they were just having a father-son chat about what their son’s new name should be which Nicole questions. EJ points out that Eric and Sloan chose the name, so he thinks they should reserve that pleasure since they are his parents. Nicole says she kind of likes Jude and he’s used to it. EJ argues that as a baby, he’ll get used to his new name very quickly. Nicole then agrees. EJ says they were about to go for a walk as he is determined to put his unexpected free time to use by bonding with his son. EJ asks if she would like him to pick anything up on the way back. Nicole tells him to surprise her, which EJ says is his favorite thing to do. EJ kisses Nicole goodbye and then exits with the baby. Sloan then sneaks in through the side door, shocking Nicole.

Jada goes to Everett’s hotel room and asks if he’s okay. Everett says he is and mentions that he’s trying to remember a weird dream he had. Everett then asks what she’s doing there. Jada hoped they could talk. Stephanie then arrives at the door as well and pretends to be surprised to see Jada. Everett questions if he’s supposed to believe this is a coincidence. Stephanie admits there’s no point in playing games and admits they are there because Marlena suggested they both talk to him. Everett complains that Marlena just wants her to have more therapy and blames his car accident for his lapses in memory. Stephanie says Marlena doesn’t believe that’s the cause. Everett questions how much Marlena told her. Jada points out that he is not her patient anymore and it’s very clear that there’s something serious going on with him, unless throwing punches at bars is normal for him. Everett says it’s not but he had a few drinks and it was one night. Jada brings up Everett insisting he was Bobby Stein and made a pass at her the next morning. Jada knows this is really confusing for him to not be able to remember but it was like he was two very different people yesterday and that is when Marlena said she thinks he has D.I.D.

EJ runs in to Marlena outside the Brady Pub. Marlena sees the baby and says she’s sorry as she’s used to him being her grandson. EJ responds that he’s the one who is sorry.

Melinda tells Rafe that she explained it to him yesterday. Rafe responds that the more he thought about it, the less her explanation made sense. Rafe says that Melinda was the attorney in charge of the adoption, so he questions her not knowing it never went through. Melinda insists that Sloan was determined to keep her in the dark. Rafe questions the adoption agency never getting in touch with her and never being involved. Melinda thinks back to leaving Jude with Eric and Sloan, but then tells Rafe that the agency had no reason to contact her after Sloan took over the paperwork which meant one less thing on her plate. Melinda then asks Rafe if they are done.

Eric sits with Leo and tells him it’s about time they had another chat. Eric then reveals that Sloan told him everything about Jude and that Leo knew all along he was EJ and Nicole’s son which he used to blackmail her. Leo questions her telling him all that. Eric confirms that she did, right before she skipped town. Eric questions if Leo helped her or knows where she went. Leo responds that he has no idea where Sloan went.

Nicole calls Sloan sick and disgusting, adding that she was told she fled Salem. Nicole questions if Sloan was waiting for EJ to leave. Sloan says she’s not worried about EJ. Nicole says she should be and warns Sloan that if she comes within 10 feet of her baby, she will kill her. Sloan responds that she didn’t come to see Jude but to see Nicole because therie something she has to hear.

Everett questions Marlena thinking he has multiple personality disorder. Jada explains that Marlena thinks he may have developed it as a coping mechanism as a child because of the abuse he suffered. Everett laughs it off and argues that it doesn’t make any sense. Stephanie asks why Jada only remembers him as Bobby when she only knows him as Everett. Jada adds that he doesn’t remember cheating on her with Stephanie because he wasn’t even conscious of it while Stephanie points out that he doesn’t remember his childhood because he did everything in his power to bury those memories. Everett suggests there’s another explanation that makes actual sense. Jada insists that this does make sense that he has an alter ego that exists to protect him. Everett mocks her diagnosis and says he doesn’t need any protection. Stephanie gets that this can feel scary and overwhelming, but he’s keeping his past buried. Everett yells at her to shut up and then remarks that Everett doesn’t need to know any of that, so he’s going to make sure he never does.

Marlena tells EJ that he doesn’t have to apologize to her as they are all victims here and she knows how much they both suffered, so she’s glad his family has reunited with his son. EJ thanks her. Marlena assures EJ that the baby had an enormous amount of love for the first six months of his life. EJ says he doesn’t doubt that for a moment. Marlena acknowledges that EJ is good to his children which gives her comfort. Marlena adds that she knows EJ and Nicole will be amazing and loving parents. Marlena says goodbye to Jude and cries that she will always love him. EJ thanks Marlena for being very gracious about all of this. Marlena sends her best to Nicole and then walks away.

Rafe asks why Melinda is in such a hurry to get rid of him. Melinda mocks the idea that she has nothing else better to do. Melinda reminds Rafe that he said they have to be on the same side and she agrees, but remarks that it’s no wonder that his case closing rate is so low because he doesn’t start with motive first. Melinda asks what she would have to gain from giving EJ and Nicole’s baby to Sloan, bringing up what it would do to her reputation and her career along with upsetting the DiMeras which she calls madness. Melinda adds that Rafe has known her for a long time and asks if she seems mad to him. Rafe guesses the detective in him just needed to tie the loose strings in a bow. Rafe decides he will let her get back to work and exits the office. Melinda breathes a sigh of relief and remarks that she is good.

Leo asks Eric if Sloan has Jude. Eric responds that Jude is where he belongs as when he learned the truth, he took him right to Nicole and EJ. Leo calls that incredibly honorable of him. Eric adds that when he got back to his place, Sloan was nowhere to be found. Leo swears if he knew, he would tell him. Leo knows that Eric thinks he’s a horrible amoral creep but insists that he tried to do the right thing. Leo admits he can be a coward sometimes but swears that he’s been trying to be brave, noble, and honest. Eric grabs him over the table and threatens him, talking about how Leo sat on this story. Eric guesses the money’s all dried out and Sloan is gone, so he’s going to have to start dealing with him now.

Sloan tells Nicole that she thought she could just turn her back and walk away but she realized she couldn’t live with herself if she didn’t face her. Nicole comments on all the unforgivable things she’s done. Sloan asks Nicole to let her try to explain but Nicole argues that Sloan stole her baby and made her believe that he was dead. Nicole tells Sloan that if she wants to be accountable, she can talk to Rafe. Nicole then pulls out her phone to call Rafe but Sloan stops her and says she’s so sorry. Sloan says she regrets all the pain Nicole has suffered but she needs to hear and know that she didn’t plan it. Nicole mocks it being an impulse decision and knee jerk reaction. Sloan explains that Dimitri showed up with her son and she had just had a miscarriage while the adoption she was counting on had fallen through, so she had hit bottom. Sloan cries that suddenly a baby showed up in her home and it felt like it was fate. Nicole says she’ll show her fate and then punches Sloan in the face.

Leo tells Eric that the day he figured out Nicole’s baby was still alive, he went right to Nicole and EJ but they wouldn’t listen to him. Eric questions him going to Sloan instead and taking the money to keep his mouth shut. Leo tries to explain that he just lost Dimitri and was desperate. Eric calls him selfish and grabs him but Leo sees Rafe coming through the town square and calls out for help. Rafe approaches and asks what’s going on. Eric tells Leo to get out of his sight, so he runs off. Eric tells Rafe that he’s sorry for losing control but he thought Leo might lead him to Sloan and he turned out worthless. Rafe says he’s sorry that they haven’t come up with anything yet but insists they are not giving up on finding her. Eric says he knows but remarks that he also knows finding Sloan won’t change anything because it won’t make him a father again.

Sloan tells Nicole that she deserved that. Nicole argues that she deserves more than that. Nicole brings up when they were pregnant at the same time and she didn’t know who the father was, she thought it would be a very interesting journey and then Sloan miscarried and her heart went out to her because she knows that pain so well. Nicole cries that she lost two babies before Jude and when he was born, it was a miracle and then it became a nightmare because of Sloan. Nicole complains about the doctor telling her that her son was cremated before she could hold him one last night. Nicole screams at Sloan that she missed six months of her son’s life and she’s not the only one who suffered. Nicole talks about Eric wanting a child his entire life and when he finally got his wish, the child that he thought was his was ripped from his hands. Sloan argues that he was ripped from her hands too as she loved him with all her heart. Nicole tells Sloan that the child doesn’t want or need her anymore and she’s never going to see him ever again. Nicole states that when she thought Jude was her son, Sloan made her out to be a lunatic and when she stole him from the town square, Sloan made her grovel for forgiveness. Nicole asks what kind of person stoops that low. Sloan responds that maybe a person like Nicole, asking if she didn’t do the exact same thing which causes Nicole to scream at her.

Everett turns in to Bobby and tells Jada that he’s so glad she stopped by which she questions. Bobby acknowledges Jada as his wife. Jada tells him they are divorced but Bobby says they aren’t. Jada reminds him that he signed the papers but Bobby says that was Everett and he’s pretty sure that makes them invalid. Jada asks why he would want to be married to her. Bobby says she knows the answer to that and says they were so good together. Jada argues that their marriage fell apart and then he bought a ring for Stephanie. Bobby says that was Everett and tells Stephanie that the spoiled princess thing is not his vibe. Bobby tells Jada that what they had was special and real. Jada asks if he’s serious and if he’s even real. Jada calls him just a part of someone’s psyche. Bobby says he’s standing right in front of her and calls this conversation pointless. Stephanie tries to get through to him but Bobby shouts that Everett is not here. Bobby then screams at them to get out.

Rafe tells Eric that he’s sorry as he knows nothing will bring Jude back to him but he does thing bringing Sloan in will help. Eric is sure leads are hard to come by. Rafe talks about questioning Melinda which was a dead end but says it’s crazy to him that Melinda swears she wasn’t involved in the hand off of the baby but he doesn’t see any motive there. Eric questions what Rafe just said. Rafe repeats that Melinda swears she wasn’t involved in the hand off of the baby but Eric says that is not even close to true. Eric reveals that Melinda is the one who handed Jude off at the door which shocks Rafe. Eric asks why he didn’t see this sooner and says he was overwhelmed. Rafe tells Eric that this is it and this means that Melinda knew all along that Jude was Nicole’s baby.

Leo storms in to Melinda’s office and tells her that he just ran in to Eric, who told him that Sloan told him everything. Melinda says she already heard all about it from Rafe asking questions. Leo worries that Rafe is going to have questions for him too since everybody knows he blackmailed Sloan. Melinda says that’s his problem but Leo argues that she’s the district attorney, so when they come for him, he needs to know that she’s going to have his back. Melinda tells Leo that she just got Rafe to go pursue elsewhere. Melinda tells Leo to calm down because the only person that can prove he blackmailed Sloan is Sloan and she is long gone.

Sloan asks Nicole if she doesn’t think she’s up to speed on her Salem history. Nicole tells her to get out. Sloan tells Nicole that Eric told her all the gory details of what she did to Sami and that she was obviously as desperate as she was. Sloan says maybe Nicole could extend the same grace that she was once extended. Nicole tells Sloan that she will never let her get away with this.

Stephanie tells Bobby that she and Jada are not going anywhere as they are here for him. Bobby repeats that he does not want them there and screams at them to get out. Bobby opens the door and is surprised to see Marlena arrive. Bobby mocks her coming and tells her to join the circus. Bobby guesses she’s here to scoop him up and deposit him in the loony bin. Marlena argues that he has an illness that needs treatment and he can be helped. Bobby insists that he’s fine. Marlena argues that Everett is not fine. Bobby shouts that he will make sure that Everett is fine. Bobby states that there are ugly things from Everett’s past that the three of them could not understand and that he does not need to face again. Bobby tells them to get it through their heads that Everett doesn’t want or need their help because he has him. Jada and Stephanie question Bobby keeping things from Everett. Bobby repeats that he wants them to leave. Stephanie tries to get through to Everett and says she believes he wants to face his past so he can move forward and that’s why he went to Marlena in the first place. Jada says he knows she’s right. Stephanie adds that she’ll be there for him every step of the way. Bobby repeats for Everett to not listen to her but then starts suffering from a headache. Marlena lays him down and says he will be alright. Bobby argues that he knows what she wants to do to him but they will never see Everett again. Marlena warns him about his blood pressure and says he needs treatment, urging him to do it for Everett. Stephanie says she will get him some water. Jada asks if she’s okay. Stephanie worries about what if she never sees the real Everett again.

Rafe returns to Melinda’s office and tells her that she lied to him because he’s got proof. Rafe says she told him to go catch criminals, so that’s exactly what he’s doing. Rafe then announces Melinda is under arrest and orders her to stand up and put her hands above her head.

Leo runs in to EJ and the baby outside the Brady Pub and greets them. EJ tells him to keep his voice down because the baby is napping and adds that they are changing his name from Jude which Leo questions. Leo says he’s so glad the baby is back where he belongs and that he’s so glad he ran in to them. Leo wants to clarify the terms of the agreement since he doesn’t have to keep his mouth shut about what he knows anymore and asks about keeping the money. EJ wants to end this conversation. Leo warns that what he has to say might change his attitude and might even have EJ sucking up to him. EJ questions what he’s talking about. Leo responds that he’s been thinking that part of the baby switch story doesn’t make sense and questions why EJ would pay him to not tell anyone that he had a kid as that doesn’t make sense and why he wouldn’t want the baby back as soon as he found out about it.

Nicole tells Sloan that all this endless drivel about risking her freedom and she couldn’t live with herself was just a big lie because she doesn’t want to live on the run and she thinks she’s stupid enough to buy her BS. Nicole adds that Sloan doesn’t have to disappear because that’s what prison is for. Sloan calls her a hypocrite. Nicole responds that she’s calling the cops. Sloan goes to run out the door, right as Eric arrives which stops her.

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Days Update Thursday, May 30, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stefan goes to the Bistro and is surprised to see Theresa dining there. Stefan greets her and says it’s been awhile. Stefan asks if she has everything she needs. Theresa confirms she does and compliments the staff, noting that she is having a celebratory mocktail. Stefan asks what she is celebrating, so Theresa informs him that she has just moved in to the Kiriakis Mansion. Theresa talks about her and Alex practically having a whole wing to themselves after just leaving their cramped apartment a few days ago to having servants unpack for them.

Alex and Kristen lay in bed together after having sex. Kristen asks if he woke up this morning and came straight to her bed from Theresa’s. Alex asks if it would bother her if he said yes. Kristen says maybe. Alex asks if it would bother her less if he got her a present. Kristen says it might help. Alex then reveals he stopped by the jewelry store on his way over and presents her with a silver bracelet that she calls beautiful. Alex says he saw it the other day and it made him think of her, so he went back and bought it. Kristen says she loves it and wants to show him how much as they continue kissing in bed.

Ava wakes up in the motel on Montana as Harris is working on the computer. Ava notes that he’s up early and asks if something happened. Harris responds that they just got a major break on Clyde.

Marlena is in her office on the hospital, talking to Roman on the phone about how Eric is heartbroken since he loved Jude and loved being a father. Marlena is glad Roman is there for him since Eric needs him right now. Marlena says she’ll check in with him later and hangs up. Marlena sits at her desk and looks at a framed photo of Jude, calling it so heartbreaking.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ watches over Jude in the living room as he talks about Jude adjusting to his new home and family. EJ mentions not using Jude’s name and declares that they are going to give him a new name once he and Nicole settle on something more suitable because Jude DiMera doesn’t work for him.

Alex and Kristen continue kissing in bed until Alex’s phone goes off. Alex bets it’s Maggie, wondering why the hell he’s not in the office. Kristen asks why he isn’t in the office. Alex asks if it’s not obvious. Kristen says as much as she enjoys lying in bed with him all morning, if EJ thinks Titan is vulnerable, he will surely take advantage since he’s always watching. Alex remarks that EJ can’t touch Titan as long as he’s in charge. Alex’s phone goes off again so he checks it and sees that he’s late for an appointment. Kristen tells him to go then. Alex felt they were just getting started but Kristen understands he has to get to work, so Alex kisses her and then gets out of bed.

Theresa comments on Stefan also being lucky to be a DiMera. Stefan asks what her point is. Theresa questions why he’d choose to run the Bistro. Stefan says he never leaves anything to chance and his inheritance has changed hands quite a few times. Theresa guesses that explains it. Stefan admits it has been a little slow at the Bistro. Theresa points out that it’s empty while Stefan argues that it’s early. Stefan adds that they did just lose their GM and Ava had a knack for making people feel at home while he’s just the money guy. Theresa notes that it sounds like he needs a new manager then with the people skills he was talking about. Stefan agrees that maybe he does.

Harris explains to Ava that he just heard from Andrew Donovan at the ISA and they cracked the code in Clyde’s book, finding a list of dealers and their numbers so they are forming a multi force agency to take them down which Ava calls fantastic. Harris says the best part is three of the dirtbags on the list are local, so one of those guys is going to lead him to Clyde.

Stefan and Theresa talk about job searches. Stefan says he used to have DiMera marketing take care of that. Theresa says she’s been job searching since leaving Bella. Stefan talks about being a people person and putting emphasis on social connections. Stefan asks if Theresa knows anybody perfect for this job at the Bistro.

Kristen and Alex go downstairs and in to the living room to greet EJ. EJ tells them that they have great timing as breakfast is in the kitchen and then introduces them to his son. Kristen questions that while Alex says he’s running late and has to go, so he exits. Kristen thought she heard a baby crying last night but figured she just imagined it. EJ confirms there was a lot of crying as he’s still getting used to his living arrangements. Kristen questions EJ saying this is his son. EJ asks her to sit down because it’s a long story.

Ava tells Harris that she’s not staying behind as she is the one who helped him track down Clyde so she did not come all this way to sit on her ass. Harris worries about tipping Clyde off. Ava insists that she’s not an amateur. Harris worries that with them, the police, and the FBI all following the same lead, Clyde could get tipped off and get out of town. Ava argues that he will be caught off guard so he’s bound to make some mistakes. Harris says that’s true that Clyde will be running scared and that’s when he will take him down. Harris leaves and then Lucas comes out of the bathroom, questioning when the last time the place was remodeled was but admits it beats the monastery. Lucas says he doesn’t understand what Harris was thinking, dragging him all the way out here to do nothing. Ava then claims that he didn’t as she just got a text from Harris about a new lead. Lucas asks what it is. Ava explains that apparently Goldman is supposed to go to the post office today to pick up a package, so Harris wants her and Lucas to go there and stake it out in case she shows up with Clyde. Lucas finds that odd since Harris was adamant about them staying behind. Ava says that was before he got this new information and Harris can’t be in two places at once. Ava tells Lucas to get dressed because they are up.

Theresa tells Stefan that no one comes to mind for the Bistro manager position but she thinks he could use a PR firm to get his reputation back on track and recommends Stephanie. Stefan reveals that he knows Stephanie as he and Ava had her doing PR before. Stefan says he needs someone on site and he doesn’t think Stephanie wants that. Theresa suggests he could still ask her. Stefan says he could do, but asks if Theresa had any part in the Brady family restaurant dynasty. Theresa states that the Bradys are her family and she has spent her fair share of time at the Pub, so she asks if that makes her part of the restaurant dynasty. Stefan claims it does, so Theresa asks why he’s asking. Stefan thinks the ad was written especially for her.

Alex goes to meet Marlena in her office and apologizes being late, crediting the office reminder text. Alex notes that he got slightly distracted. Marlena says distractions happen but points out that Alex cancelled his last three appointments. Alex swears that will never happen again and says that things have been hectic at Titan so it’s been hard to find the time. Marlena asks if there was something he wanted to talk about. Alex states that he did have something on his mind. Alex says when he originally came to her, it was to put his playboy days behind him which was when he was pursuing Stephanie which didn’t work out and he thought she was the one so he had a hard time getting over her. Alex adds that then Theresa came in to his life and they’ve been on and off ever since but right now they are pretty much on. Marlena mentions that Tate told her that they moved back in to the Kiriakis Mansion and they were back together. Alex says sort of as he and Theresa are living together, but reveals that he’s also seeing Kristen DiMera.

EJ explains to Kristen that Sloan paid off a doctor to tell he and Nicole that their son was dead and then she took the baby to adopt him. Kristen calls it pure evil to steal a child. EJ says that out of the blue, Sloan confessed the truth to Eric and vanished without a trace. Kristen asks how Nicole is taking it. EJ says Nicole is over the moon about the baby and would love to throttle Sloan. Kristen asks where Nicole is. EJ says she is resting upstairs since the baby had them up all night. EJ says Kristen can meet her new nephew as soon as he wakes up. Kristen says she looks forward to it, but she’s processing what he just told her and as horrible as Sloan is, she doesn’t get it. EJ argues that she knows the whole story. Kristen doesn’t think they do. Kristen knows miracles happen since she got Rachel back when she thought she had died, so the undead baby part is not what strains believability for her. EJ asks what she’s talking about then. Kristen questions thinking Sloan did this all by herself and that it sounds fishy to her.

Marlena questions Alex seeing Kristen and Theresa which he confirms. Alex admits that he really likes it that way and says variety is the spice of life. Alex didn’t expect her to approve. Marlena says she’s more curious how it all affects him. Marlena asks if Kristen and Theresa knows. Alex says Kristen knows and doesn’t care as he thinks for her is more about being close to someone physically. Marlena guesses he means the sex which Alex confirms. Alex says with Theresa, he thinks it’s mostly about the money. Alex says he’s a decently handsome guy, charming and good for a laugh but ultimately he thinks it’s because he’s rich. Marlena asks how that feels to him. Alex admits it’s not good for the ego since they all want someone to be in to them for who they are. Alex thinks now it’s about the money for a lot of women. Marlena asks if he’s done a survey. Alex says he’s speaking from personal experience and he has learned that women are throwing himself at him a lot more than usual since he became the heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Marlena asks why Alex asked Theresa to move in with him then. Alex states that it made sense since Theresa didn’t want to live alone in the apartment and she doesn’t have a job right now, so not having to pay rent is a big help. Marlena asks if asking her to move in is a level of commitment that he doesn’t really feel. Alex admits he didn’t really think about that but he doesn’t think Theresa is expecting anything. Marlena asks if he asked her or has any idea what she might be expecting. Alex guesses he doesn’t know for sure. Marlena feels he owes it to her to find out and to also let her know where he is. Alex guesses that he does.

Theresa asks if Stefan is seriously offering her a job. Stefan confirms that he is. Theresa thanks him and says he’s truly flattered and she would’ve totally taken it a week ago, but she’s in a relationship with Alex Kiriakis now. Stefan gets that she doesn’t need to work. Theresa says not now anyway. Stefan asks how she plans on passing her time. Theresa admits she hasn’t really thought about it since just moving in with Alex. Theresa thinks maybe she’ll learn to play piano or guitar or do volunteer work or travel. Theresa jokes that maybe being rich is really boring but she just wants to keep her time free for now. Theresa adds that she’ll let Stefan know if she thinks of anyone. Stefan thanks her and says he appreciates that.

Kristen asks if EJ doesn’t find it hard to believe that Sloan pulled this all off by herself, calling it a pretty complex scheme. EJ says he’s just telling her what Sloan told him and that the police are searching everywhere for her. EJ claims that he’s using all DiMera resources to track down that horrible woman and bring her to justice. Kristen asks if those are the same resources being used to track down Clyde Weston and asks how that’s going. Kristen asks if EJ is losing his magic touch. EJ tells her to shut up.

Ava and Lucas go out to the post office. Ava wears a hat and sunglasses while Lucas dresses in his monk robe from the monastery. Lucas feels it’s ridiculous and that they look conspicuous. Lucas jokes that a cowboy hat would have made him blend in instead of the stupid robe. Ava feels that it makes Lucas look non-threatening and they are going to have to ask people for help so people will be more likely to talk to a man of the cloth than a cowboy. Ava says she’s going in to the post office to see if the clerk knows anything about Clyde and Goldman. Lucas hopes someone has seen them. Ava instructs him to stay outside and keep an eye out for Goldman and text her if he sees anything. Ava adds that Goldman is probably armed and dangerous. Lucas assures he’s not looking to confront her since last time she almost shot him. Ava then heads in to the post office.

Harris tracks down a dealer in an alley and asks if he has an extra cigarette. He turns him down, pointing out how expensive they are. Harris identifies the man as “Snake”. He asks who the hell is asking.

Alex thanks Marlena for the help. Marlena wishes him luck and tells him to say hello to Maggie for her. Alex mentions that he and Maggie aren’t speaking too much these days and he doesn’t think she’s thrilled about him moving in. Marlena hopes they work things out. Alex jokes that stranger things have happened. Alex adds that it’s not just that he and Maggie aren’t getting along but Maggie being involved with Konstantin is just making things more awkward. Marlena understands how he feels. Alex doesn’t get why Maggie is letting Konstantin stay there and why she’s so devoted to him. Alex gets that Maggie is lonely but complains that everything Konstantin does exudes phoniness and every word is total BS. Marlena admits she can’t say she’s a fan. Alex thinks Maggie is Konstantin’s only fan. Marlena asks Alex to keep an eye on Maggie which he agrees to do. Alex tells Marlena that he’ll see her soon as he’d like to make an appointment for next week. Alex thanks her and then exits.

Kristen comments on the week EJ has had. EJ calls it eventful. Kristen points out that at least he got the baby back so that’s a happy thing. Kristen then tells EJ that she’s really sorry about his job. EJ admits that he was blindsided by Paulina’s decision but warns that she will soon regret making an enemy out of him. Kristen brings up hearing rumblings about a recall election and assumes that’s EJ’s handy work which he confirms. Kristen asks if EJ is thinking of becoming Mayor. EJ says you never know. Kristen questions thinking being Mayor and DiMera CEO won’t be as much of a conflict of interest as being district attorney was. EJ responds that it’s simple because the Mayor makes the rules and he loves making rules.

Rebecca Goldman runs in to Lucas outside the Post Office. They recognize each other and she reaches for her gun.

Marlena calls Roman to check in and asks how Eric seemed to him. Marlena says she’s glad Roman was there and bets that helped a lot. Marlena agrees that Eric will need his family more than ever now that he’s lost his son.

Stefan returns to the living room and sees that EJ is still there with Kristen. EJ asks where else he would be now that he longer has to be in his place of employment. Kristen talks about meeting their family’s new addition. Kristen tells EJ that she hopes his baby miracle takes some of the sting off of getting fired. EJ says it does and he feels blessed to have his son back where he belongs. Kristen suggests they let EJ have time to bond with the baby. EJ says that’s hard to do now that he’s sleeping. Kristen is sure he’ll wake up soon and it will give her and Stefan time to get some air, so they exit together.

Alex walks to the town square and runs in to Theresa, who questions where he was coming from since he was up and out early this morning. Alex mentions having a session with Marlena and asks how her breakfast was. Theresa says it was interesting. Alex says his was too since after speaking with Marlena, he realized some things and he needs to be upfront with everyone including her and Kristen. Theresa asks what about Kristen. Alex reveals that he’s been seeing Kristen which Theresa questions. Theresa thought that was over and just an act to make her and Brady jealous. Alex admits it was at the beginning. Theresa stops him and says not to explain it because she doesn’t need to hear it. Theresa asks Alex where that leaves them. Alex responds that he really does like living with her, but he needs her to understand that he’s not in a position to be pulling out a ring anytime soon if she was expecting that. Theresa claims she wasn’t expecting that and says they have a good thing having fun. Alex agrees and says he’s glad but after the first engagement ring debacle, he doesn’t want to hurt her. Alex says he needs her to understand that just because he’s asking her to move in doesn’t mean he’s ready for a big commitment. Theresa repeats that she didn’t think it meant that and says it’s cool for her because she doesn’t have to follow the rules of a commitment. Theresa declares that they are in an open relationship since he’s obviously still involved with Kristen. Alex confirms she understands correctly. Theresa remarks that she’s really glad they cleared that up then as she walks away.

Ava comes out of the post office, shocked to see that Lucas has captured Goldman and tied her up. Lucas reveals that he subdued her with the bear spray he got at the convenience store. Lucas credits the monk robe as being where he hid the bear spray. Ava says she didn’t find anything on Clyde inside while Lucas says they got what they needed in Goldman. Ava tells Goldman that she’s going to lead them to Clyde as they take her away.

Harris reveals to Snake that he’s police. Snake says he could spot that a mile away. Harris says he just wants to talk and asks him to drop the attitude. Snake tells Harris to get out of his face and runs away, so Harris chases after him.

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Days Update Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

John and Marlena walk through the town square together and show each other what they bought for Jude. They talk about meeting with Eric and Sloan and how they should’ve been there by now. Marlena decides to call Eric to check in while John goes to get their table ready.

Eric wakes up and sees the call from Marlena, but ignores it. Eric then texts Marlena that he’s sorry but he can’t make it tonight as he remains in bed in tears.

John returns to Marlena and says they have a table for four waiting but Marlena informs him that they are not going to need it because Eric just texted her that they aren’t coming. Marlena feels that something is wrong.

Steve and Jada have drinks at the Brady Pub. Steve thanks her for meeting while she thanks him for the invite and admits she’s missed the Pub food. Steve asks if she’s off duty for the night. Jada says she’s actually not, so she’ll have to leave soon and only has time for a quick dinner. Jada talks about being short handed at the police station since when Harris came back, he immediately asked for more dates off. Steve asks if he’s okay. Jada says he’s physically cleared but she doesn’t know what’s going on in his head and he likes to play things close to the vest. Steve questions Harris asking for more days off and not saying why he needed those days.

Harris and Ava arrive at a motel in Montana. Lucas then joins them as well. Lucas says they are bringing a roll away in for him while they take the bed. Ava says they are lucky they aren’t sleeping in the car. Lucas says he doesn’t want to cramp their style. Harris points out that this isn’t a romantic getaway as they are here to catch Clyde. Lucas doesn’t want to be a third wheel. Harris says he brought Lucas as a driver and to be on the lookout. Lucas assures that he appreciates that and he will do his part to make sure that Clyde ends up in the cage where he belongs, so no one else gets hurt. Harris assures that Lucas will get his release afterwards. Lucas asks what the plan is.

Steve goes over Rafe letting Harris take extra days off even though they are short handed. Jada explains that Harris wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Jada asks if Steve is worried about something. Steve responds that he always is and brings up that Ava isn’t around, so he’s assuming Harris is with her. Steve declares that where ever Ava goes, trouble is sure to follow. Jada encourages that Harris can take care of himself. Jada feels Steve is worried about something else too. Steve acknowledges that she knows him too well and admits he’s worried about his daughter.

Chad and Stephanie have coffee in the park. Chad gets a call from Marlena, who says she’s trying to reach Eric but he’s not answering his phone and asks if he’s at work today. Chad says he hasn’t seen him but that Eric did send him a text earlier that the feature he’s been working on is on hold for a few days. Chad says it could be because of what happened with Everett at the bar and maybe he’s trying to keep his distance from the Spectator. Marlena asks Chad to have Eric call her if he hears from him. Chad agrees to do so as they hang up. Marlena then informs John that Eric is not at work. John suggests trying Sloan, so Marlena calls her but finds that her number has been disconnected. John calls that strange. Marlena calls it also alarming and worries that something is going on. John decides they should find out what as they exit the town square.

John and Marlena go to Eric’s apartment. John knocks on the door asking if Eric is inside. Marlena wonders where he could be, pointing out that Eric and Sloan’s cars are both downstairs. Eric then answers the door. Marlena says they’ve been so worried about him. John guesses they had good reason. Marlena asks Eric what happened. Eric says “everything”.

Steve informs Jada that Stephanie told he and Kayla that Everett gave Eric a black eye at the Small Bar. Jada calls it a misunderstanding and says she’s sure the charges will be dropped. Steve says he can get the police report and read it himself but he feels something else is going on here and asks Jada if that’s right. Jada says given their history, she hopes he can understand if she really doesn’t want to get in to Everett’s personal life and business. Steve says he does understand but Everett is dating his daughter and Jada was once married to him, so he needs to know if Everett is a violent man. Jada explains that while they were married, Everett never raised his hand to her so she doesn’t think he will hurt Stephanie like that. Steve feels there’s still something she isn’t telling him. Jada states that Stephanie knows what she’s getting into. Jada wonders where their burgers are and comments that the Pub must be shorthanded too.

Harris brings up how they tracked Clyde to a public library in Montana. Lucas says he gets that’s why they are in the middle of nowhere, risking getting eaten by bears or mosquitoes. Harris thinks it’s worth the risk. Lucas agrees but asks why they didn’t just call the FBI if they know Clyde is there. Harris responds that he wants to deal with that son of a bitch himself. Lucas gets that it’s personal for him. Ava responds that it’s personal for all of them.

Eric explains to John and Marlena that Sloan took EJ and Nicole’s baby and that Jude is their son, not his. Marlena tells him that she’s so sorry as John says he can’t imagine what he’s going through right now. John questions Sloan being on the run. Eric confirms that she took off when he took Jude back to Nicole and EJ. Eric says he should’ve never left her alone. Marlena understands he was in shock while John encourages that he did the right thing in taking Jude back to his real parents. John asks what they can do for him right now. Eric responds that he just wants to be alone. Eric assures that he’s not going to drink. John asks when he last ate. Eric says he hasn’t since he found out so Marlena offers to get him some supper.

Steve apologizes to Jada for all the questions and promises he didn’t invite her to dinner to interrogate her about his daughter’s love life. Jada gets that he’s a concerned dad. Steve wants to be careful not to interfere because Stephanie really hates that. Jada calls Stephanie lucky and wishes that her dad was still here because she misses him every day. Steve responds that he misses his homeboy Marcus too and assures that he’d be so proud of Jada. Steve jokes that if she wants him to step in to that role, he can grill her about her boyfriends and give her unsolicited advice. Steve tells Jada that Rafe is a great guy. Jada agrees and notes that Rafe isn’t just her boyfriend, but also her boss, so she needs to hurry up and eat then get back to work. Steve questions Jada’s bun being gluten free. Jada admits she learned about it from Rebecca Goldman when she worked at the station and reveals that Goldman has celiac disease so it was the only bread she could eat, which Steve takes notice of.

Harris explains to Lucas how they tracked Clyde to the library and says the librarian thinks she saw Goldman in and out of the library often to use the computer, but not Clyde which is no surprise as he would be lying low. Ava adds that Rafe got a tip from his APB that Clyde was spotted here some time back. Lucas asks if the local police followed up. Harris says they said it was a false lead. Lucas wonders if Clyde has the local police in his pocket like he does everybody else. Ava says it wouldn’t surprise her but assures that they can handle this themselves without their involvement. Harris agrees since the town isn’t very big, so if Clyde and Goldman are there, they will find them.

Chad comments to Stephanie that it’s not like Eric to go AWOL and Marlena sounded really worried. Stephanie says she’s sure he’s okay. Chad asks if Stephanie is okay, noting that she keeps checking her phone and seems a little out of it, questioning if that’s why she wanted to meet in the park instead of at the Spectator which Stephanie admits is the case. Stephanie confirms she didn’t want Everett to walk in on them. Chad asks if it’s because of what happened with Eric. Stephanie responds that she’s worried about him in general as he’s just so unpredictable right now. Chad thought they made it clear that they are just friends. Stephanie says they did. Chad asks her what it is. Stephanie then reveals that Marlena thinks Everett has D.I.D. Stephanie doesn’t want to violate his privacy and it feels wrong to speculate about his mental health, but he’s acting so out of character lately like hitting Eric. Stephanie adds that Jada said he came onto her in the holding cell and insisted that he was Robert Stein, a totally different person, and then it was like somebody flipped a switch and he went right back to being Everett again. Chad wishes he would’ve seen that sooner. Stephanie says none of them did but Chad feels he should’ve since he went through it with Abigail.

John, Marlena, and Eric eat together in the town square. Eric doesn’t know why he can’t eat but he’s not hungry. Marlena encourages that he’ll feel better if he eats but Eric doubts that. Eric asks Marlena to tell the rest of the family for him which she agrees to do. John urges Eric to eat and says that he and Nicole are good friends, so he’s sure she will find a way for Eric to still be a part of Jude’s life. Eric says he can’t because Nicole and EJ are together and Jude is their son, so he needs to stay away.

Stephanie tells Chad that she’s sorry for bringing it up but Chad says it’s fine as she wasn’t here when Abigail was sick. Stephanie knows Abigail suffered from the same illness and was two other people. Chad confirms that she was Gabby and Dr. Laura. Stephanie brings up that Abigail made a full recovery. Chad says he was very proud of her. Stephanie guesses it must have been really hard on Chad too. Chad admits it was which makes him second guess his position. Chad knows Stephanie is not one to run away from trouble, but if Everett has D.I.D. it’s going to be a rough ride. Chad asks if she’s sure she is up for that.

Everett walks through the town square so Marlena stops him and says they’ve been looking all over for him. Everett says he’s just been walking around. Marlena asks if he’s okay. Everett claims he’ll be fine. Marlena points out that he hasn’t answered his phone despite her and Stephanie leaving several messages. Everett apologizes and claims he lost battery and didn’t have a charger. Everett asks what is so important. Marlena wants to talk to him about what happened last night.

Lucas asks if Harris thinks Clyde and Goldman are still there. Harris confirms that the librarian thinks she saw Goldman this afternoon. Lucas wonders how they will find out where they are staying. Ava notes that they are likely not in one of the motels. Harris guesses they probably have a place out in the woods somewhere. Lucas feels Clyde would be at a distinct advantage there but Harris points out that he sends his girlfriend on errands, so if they follow her, she leads them to Clyde. Lucas asks if they turn him over to the FBI after that. Ava thinks back to telling Steve that she’s looking for a permanent solution to the Clyde Weston problem. Harris tells Lucas that turning him over to the FBI is the plan.

Jada tells Steve that she has to get back to work since Rafe wants her to take a look at Harris’s case load in case something needs immediate attention while Harris is gone doing whatever he’s doing. Steve assures Jada that he pays for the meal for all his kids. Jada thanks him and says it was so great talking with him. Steve suggests they do it more often and set a date for dinner with her and Rafe. Jada agrees as they hug and she exits. Steve then opens up his laptop and declares that thanks to Jada, he might have an idea how to find Harris and Ava.

Everett tells Marlena that they’ve gone over this as he just had a few too many drinks at the bar and blacked out. Marlena brings up him not remembering punching Eric. Everett then sees Eric at the table and goes over to him to tell him that he owes him a huge apology. Everett adds that he doesn’t remember exactly what happened and might have blacked out a little bit, but he assumes that because he saw Eric and Sloan fighting, he misunderstood what was happening and thought he was trying to hurt her which doesn’t make sense because Eric is apparently a great guy, Sloan is his wife and he loves her. Everett tells Eric that he wants him to know that he’s sorry. Eric gets up and storms off, so John goes after him. Everett asks if he said something wrong. Marlena clarifies that he’s not upset with him. Everett remarks that he has every right to be. Marlena assures that John will take care of Eric, but right now she wants to talk about Everett. Marlena knows he’s concerned about losing time and that she’s not his therapist anymore, but she would like to help him with that if he’d let her.

Stephanie knows it must be very challenging dealing with someone who is mentally ill. Chad says you have no idea until you live with it. Stephanie gets it and says she has a history with Everett and she cares about him, so she can’t just turn his back on him, especially knowing she’s not well. Stephanie feels it would be more honorable to show him support and help him get the help he needs. Chad says that’s if he wants the help, since she said he decided he didn’t need Marlena’s therapy. Chad says he knows from experience that there can be a ton of a resistance with D.I.D. and that Everett might want help, but it might take a hell of a lot for Bobby Stein to admit there’s a problem. Stephanie states that Abigail was lucky that Chad was there for her. Chad feels he wasn’t there for enough since she’s not here. Stephanie says he has to stop blaming himself. Stephanie tells Chad that everyone who cares about him has said that Clyde is the only person responsible for Abigail’s death, so she hopes he rots in Hell.

Lucas jokes that the small cot beats prison or the monastery. Lucas suggests getting something to eat while waiting for Clyde. Ava thinks their options will be limited. Lucas reveals he got elk jerky from the airport that they can share. Harris says he’ll hold off and he thinks he saw a convenient store on the corner. Ava tells them to go ahead while she stays to hold down the fort. Harris tells her to be careful. Ava jokes for them to watch out for bears. Harris says they’ll be fast as he and Lucas exit the room. The motel room phone then rings so Ava answers and it’s Steve. Ava questions how he found her. Steve reminds her that what he does for a living is find people who don’t want to be found. Steve tells Ava that service at the Pub has slacked off since she took a few days off and coincidentally, Harris took the same time off and asks what that is. Ava responds that it’s personal business. Steve reveals that he knows they are both in Montana looking for Clyde Weston, so he’s coming out there to join them. Ava appreciates his offer to help, but says she and Harris have got this. Steve is not so sure and repeats that he’s pretty good at finding people who don’t want to be found. Ava says Harris is too. Steve thinks Harris would appreciate the help. Ava feels Steve doesn’t trust her. Steve brings up that Ava just lied to he and John when she enlisted them to break Clyde out of prison. Ava says she did what she needed to do to save her son. Steve tells Ava that she’s not going to talk him out of this, so he’s coming out there. Ava warns that it’s a small town and Clyde has eyes and ears everywhere and could have the local police in his pocket. Ava worries that if Steve and John show up, it could tip Clyde off that they are on his trail. Ava knows that Steve doesn’t trust her but insists that he can trust Harris because he’s just like him and always does the right thing. Steve says he has no problem trusting Harris, but worries that Ava has a tendency to get people to do things that they wouldn’t have otherwise done. Ava asks Steve to let her do this for Tripp, Wendy, Abigail, and all the people Clyde has hurt. Steve gives in and agrees, but says she has to keep him in the loop starting now. Ava admits someone saw Goldman in town today. Steve says that’s good and if they find her, she’ll lead them straight to Clyde. Ava says that’s the plan. Steve thinks he can help with that as he reveals that he found out Goldman only eats one brand of gluten free bread. Ava notes that she’ll have a hard time finding anything like that in a small town like this. Steve says that’s what he thought but he found out that company ships all over the world and they have a weekly shipment to a PO box in Ennis, Montana and the first shipment went out to a “Faith Silvers” a week after Clyde broke out of prison. Ava questions why he waited so long to tell her and when the next shipment is scheduled. Steve tells her it’s tomorrow so Ava agrees to let Harris know. Steve advises Ava to be careful as he doesn’t want Tripp to be heartbroken or for her to come back in a bodybag. Ava tells Steve not to worry since she can take care of herself as she pulls a gun from her purse. Steve reminds her to keep him in the loop which Ava promises to do. Ava then hangs up and declares the only person coming home from Montana in a bodybag is Clyde. Ava then puts her gun back in the purse as Harris and Lucas return with snacks from the convenient store.

John sits with Eric in the town square. Eric says he’s sorry about that but the last thing he wants is an apology from Everett. Eric says he’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Jude is Nicole’s baby. John brings up when he had to give Eric and Sami back to Roman, so he sort of knows what he’s going through since he had them for years. John notes that still staying in his life and loving him even though he wasn’t his helped make the pain go away over the years. Eric is glad John made that choice back then because he’s lucky to have him now. John encourages that Eric can make that choice with Jude now but Eric isn’t sure. John asks if he thinks EJ won’t allow it. Eric says that’s most of it as the last thing he wants to do is make Nicole’s life any harder.

Everett tells Marlena that he appreciates her looking out for him but he’s made himself clear that he does not want her help. Marlena says that they are worried about him and he hasn’t even called Stephanie since she paid his bail. Everett repeats that his phone died but Marlena says they both know that’s not true and that something is not right with him. Marlena thinks he’s afraid to talk to anyone who might confirm that. Everett declares the conversation over and asks Marlena to stay away from him as he storms off.

Jada sits in Rafe’s office at the police station and gets a call from Marlena, who says she just ran in to Everett in the town square. Jada asks if he said where he’d been. Marlena says no but it’s pretty clear he’s been avoiding people and just went in to the Salem Inn. Jada asks how he seemed. Marlena says that he did apologize to Eric but when she said how worried they were about him, he got agitated. Marlena wants to get with Jada and Stephanie to see if they can create an intervention. Jada agrees to whatever she thinks they can do to help Everett.

Chad tells Stephanie that Everett is lucky to have her in his corner since he knows he doesn’t have much of a support system. Chad feels bad for being a jerk to him in the beginning and not taking the high road. Stephanie points out that Chad apologized for that and Everett forgave him. Chad declares that if Stephanie is going to be there for Everett, then he will be there for her. Stephanie thanks him. Stephanie then gets a text from Jada that Everett is okay which Chad calls good news. Stephanie adds that Jada also texted that Marlena wants to stage an intervention. Chad tells Stephanie to let him know if she needs any help. Stephanie says she will and thanks Chad for listening and caring as she then walks away. Chad then gets a call from Steve and asks if there’s any leads on where Clyde is. Steve says he can’t tell him anything yet except that Harris is on the case and he’s confident that he will bring Clyde back. Chad asks if he means dead or alive. Steve doesn’t think he has to tell him which one he would prefer.

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Days Update Tuesday, May 28, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Melinda packs a box of EJ’s personal belongings from the district attorney’s office. Stefan arrives and says he’s surprised EJ left things there. Melinda says she was going to send them via messenger but since Stefan’s there, he can deliver them to his brother. Melinda then asks if she can help him with something. Stefan says he actually came by to congratulate her. Melinda says she can’t say that felt entirely genuine. Stefan asks why not since he helped push EJ out and is part of the reason she got the job. Melinda points out that he’s also a DiMera and says she lost the job once so she has no intention of letting it go again. Melinda warns Stefan that if he even thinks about doing to her what he did to EJ, he will find a very dangerous enemy.

Bonnie enters the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion where Maggie hugs her and says it feels like it’s been forever as she asks where she has been. Bonnie says she’s just been lying low and talks about how it’s been at the mansion, commenting on Maggie being generous to let the Hortons move in. Maggie says it was lively. Bonnie calls it peace and quiet at last with just Maggie and Konstantin and her and Justin having the place to themselves. Alex and Theresa then arrive.

EJ joins Nicole in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and asks how their baby boy is doing. Nicole calls him perfect. EJ talks about being hardly able to believe their son is alive. Nicole calls it the answer to their prayers. EJ points out that Nicole knew it all along. Nicole recalls feeling it in her heart. EJ says he will forever be sorry for not believing her and asks if she can ever forgive him. Nicole assures that she does since EJ couldn’t have known and that she had a connection just because she carried Jude inside of her. Nicole says it’s not EJ’s fault and there’s only one person to blame for what happened.

Eric and Rafe head inside to Eric’s apartment and Sloan is gone. Rafe asks if the place was like this when he left. Eric says no and goes to check the bedroom. Eric returns and notes that all her things are gone. Rafe then finds the necklace with Jude’s birthstone that Eric gave Sloan for Mother’s Day. Eric guesses that Sloan took off and can’t believe she just left. Rafe says she has to know that running will just make her situation worse. Rafe assures they will find her. Rafe then makes a call to put out an APB on Sloan Peterson.

Maggie tells Alex and Theresa that she wasn’t expecting them so soon. Alex remarks that he didn’t know they need an appointment to walk in to their home. Bonnie is surprised to learn that they are moving in. Maggie questions Alex not telling Justin. Alex says they weren’t able to connect but it shouldn’t be a surprise. Bonnie talks about how Justin has missed Alex so she’s sure he will be thrilled to be under the same roof. Alex mentions that he will be pretty busy but he’s sure they will connect soon. Maggie asks where their things are. Alex says movers are on the way so they should probably let Henderson know. Theresa thanks Maggie for her hospitality and says it means so much. Maggie tells her that she’s so happy she will be living there and hugs her.

Stefan tells Melinda that he doesn’t want to get off on the wrong foot as his only interest is proving his wife is innocent of a murder she didn’t commit. Stefan says EJ had little interest in righting that wrong. Melinda says she’s just getting settled back in to the job and hasn’t looked in to any cases. Stefan just wants Melinda to follow the law. Melinda asks out of curiosity why EJ didn’t help him. Stefan responds that EJ had his own personal agenda, but he believes Melinda is an honorable public servant and it could curry favor with Rafe. Melinda points out that she does not work for Rafe. Stefan thinks it would be quite a start for her to bring justice to Li’s real killer. Melinda repeats that she hasn’t had a chance to look at the files yet. Stefan asks if she could look it over now and says he’s sure that she will find the new evidence that Rafe found is compelling and overwhelming. Melinda gives in and says she thinks she remembers seeing the file around somewhere which she then finds. Stefan asks if that means she will review it.

Rafe says on the phone to let him know when someone finds Sloan and he wants updates every 30 minutes as he hangs up. Eric argues that this doesn’t make sense since Sloan left her passport, driver’s license, and her keys. Rafe says she obviously left in a hurry which leads him to believe that she would have left a clue. Rafe assures that he has officers at the airport and bus stations. Eric declares that he just wants him to find her so this can be over with. Rafe assures that they will and asks when Eric last saw Sloan. Eric assumes she left after he took Jude to Nicole so it’s been maybe a couple of hours. Rafe assures that the Salem PD will explore every avenue they have.

Nicole complains to EJ that they will never get back the time that Sloan took from them and she knows holding Jude will make things better, but she can’t stop thinking about what they lost and how they suffered. EJ encourages that Jude will heal them and it will just take time. Nicole says she can’t stop thinking about all the questions she has about the details of that night. EJ calls it confusing to say the least. Nicole says after the accident, she trusted Dimitri to take her baby to the hospital because saving him was all that mattered but they got there and no one knew what was going on. EJ thinks they were all just in shock and recalls the doctor telling them that their baby had died and been accidentally cremated so they couldn’t even say goodbye. Nicole says that was awful and she thought she lost everything. Nicole never thought her life would be whole again but EJ encourages that it is now. EJ says as far as how it all went down, Eric and Rafe will make sure that Sloan faces the consequences. Nicole asks what about the doctor and Dimitri since they owe them answers too. Nicole declares that she doesn’t think Sloan pulled this off by herself as she had to have had help.

Melinda looks over the file and calls it interesting reading as this has twists, turns, and a cliffhanger. Stefan assures her that every piece of evidence in the folder has been investigated and the bloody fingerprint on the black book was ran by Rafe himself. Melinda points out that Rafe is the brother of the accused and says she can’t take anything as fact until her office runs it’s own investigation. Stefan argues that she has to admit the evidence is in Gabi’s favor which Melinda questions. Melinda tells Stefan that Gabi was found guilty of a crime by a jury of her peers and as much as Stefan and Rafe want to paint her as innocent, that doesn’t make it true. Stefan questions if she’s going to review the case or if he needs to go over her head.

Alex informs Maggie that their plan is to move in to the East wing now that the Hortons are gone. Maggie says that Henderson is cleaning it out now. Alex says he’ll alert him to set up their rooms. Theresa questions him as she thought they were sharing a room. Alex calls it a massive space and says they’ll have their own rooms and share a room since there’s no more cramped apartment living and Theresa can have the giant walk-in closet she always dreamed of. Alex calls Theresa someone with the Kiriakis heir which Theresa questions. Alex points out that they haven’t really defined themselves and aren’t in to labels these days. Theresa thanks Maggie again as she and Alex exit together. Bonnie and Maggie question what that was all about.

EJ tells Nicole that there are so many lingering questions about that night and perhaps there always will be, but when he looks in to Jude’s eyes, nothing else matters. EJ says they need to count their blessings and focus on being the best parents they can be. Nicole says she knows and she’s trying, but every time she thinks of Sloan, she wants to wrap her hands around her neck. Nicole agrees that she can’t let her anger take away this moment. Nicole and EJ watch over Jude. Nicole talks about Jude needing a mom and how they’ve wasted enough time. Eric and Rafe then arrive and say they are sorry to interrupt. EJ asks if they’ve brought in Sloan but Rafe says no because she’s gone without a trace.

Bonnie tells Maggie that she just got off the phone with Justin, who was surprised to hear that Alex was moving back in. Bonnie says Justin will be happy to spend more time with Alex but voiced concerns about the corrosive nature of the Kiriakis fortune. Maggie shares that concern and is counting on Justin to be a good influence on Alex. Alex and Theresa return. Theresa talks about everything being right and never having a personal maid unpack her things. Alex says they will be joining them for dinner. Alex says he’s going to check out the stable and suggests to Theresa they can go for a swim later. Alex exits as Theresa remarks that she could really get used to this.

Melinda tells Stefan that she is not EJ or some toady from DiMera Enterprises, she is the district attorney and won’t be pushed around. Stefan argues that he wasn’t doing that and was attempting to apply pressure. Stefan says he is very anxious to bring his wife home. Melinda understands it must be terrible having her locked up away from him and her daughter. Stefan says they can right that wrong together. Stefan knows their past hasn’t always been pleasant but he needs her to know that he holds her and the office in the utmost respect. Melinda says she appreciates that. Stefan brings up Melinda saying she’s committed to making Salem a safer place which would include getting innocent women out of prison and killers off the street. Melinda explains that she has no personal issue with reopening the case as long as the facts check out, but they both know that only a judge can make that decision. Stefan asks if she’s willing to take it to court. Melinda points out that the court is awfully backed up at the moment. Stefan asks Melinda to just do her best and he will wait as long as it takes. Melinda responds that he might be waiting forever.

Nicole questions not knowing where Sloan went. Eric explains that she took off while he was bringing Jude over and feels he should’ve called the police first. Nicole encourages that Eric did the right thing. EJ agrees that Jude is their priority. EJ says they all hope that Sloan faces the consequences but that’s out of their hands. Rafe says they have put out an APB but so far, she has eluded them. Rafe doesn’t know what Sloan was thinking. Nicole thinks she didn’t want to face the consequences, so she ran like a coward. EJ questions why Rafe is here wasting valuable time when he could be out finding Sloan and bringing her in. Rafe reveals he actually has questions for EJ. EJ is not sure how he could be of assistance. Nicole asks how EJ would know anything about where Sloan is. Rafe points out that Sloan took off without her passport, driver’s license, even her credit cards and her car is still there, so she left with nothing. Nicole suggests maybe she plans to go in to hiding and chang her identity as she’s changed her name before. Rafe points out that no one was looking for her before and questions thinking she has the resources to stay in hiding. EJ admits he wouldn’t suppose so. EJ then flashes back to giving Sloan everything she needs to start a new life including a driver’s license, social security number, passport, and a flight ticket along with the details of an offshore account, funded to last her a lifetime. EJ reminded Sloan that she would never want for anything as long as she promised never to return to Salem or tell anyone that Eric is Jude’s biological father. Rafe then tells EJ that he tends to agree that Sloan was resourceful but not exactly flushed with cash. Eric doesn’t even know how she got that far. Rafe notes that Sloan’s resources are so limited but EJ’s are not.

Stefan asks Melinda why he’d have to wait forever for his wife’s case to be reopened when Melinda is sitting on evidence that an innocent woman is sitting in prison and asks if she wants justice. Melinda assures that she wants justice for Li Shin but admits that she believes he already got it. Stefan argues that his wife is not a killer which Melinda calls debatable. Melinda brings up the motive as everyone knows Gabi hated Li for blackmailing her for months. Melinda adds that Gil didn’t even know Li. Stefan calls him a known criminal which Melinda says Gabi is too. Stefan tells Melinda that she is wrong about this. Melinda supposes it’s possible and she’s open that things might change but what he has is not enough to reopen the case or free Gabi. Melinda says goodbye to Stefan and asks him to close the door on his way out.

Maggie tells Theresa to let her know if she needs anything as she wants her to feel at home. Theresa thanks her for being so kind and she’s so grateful that she can be somewhere where she doesn’t have to worry about rent. Maggie is glad to help and says she knows about her struggles and about Brady, Tate, and her career. Maggie hopes Theresa takes this time to figure out what she wants to do next. Bonnie remarks that Alex seems to know exactly what he wants to do next. Theresa calls him so confident while Bonnie points out that he’s also so rich. Maggie advises Theresa to be careful because money has a way of changing people. Maggie adds that she will speak with Alex about a family matter that needs to be addressed, so she exits. Bonnie tells Theresa that she reminds her of herself since when she first walked in, she had her eyes on the Kiriakis cash too and tried to marry Victor to get it, but it’s different with Justin. Theresa asks if she’s accusing her of being a gold digger. Bonnie remarks that there’s nothing wrong with marrying a man and his money as long as you’re not conning someone like Konstantin, who she advises Theresa to stay away from. Bonnie adds that as far as she’s concerned, as long as Theresa loves Alex as much as she loves his money then she should go for it.

EJ questions what his resources have to do with Sloan’s escape. Nicole questions what Rafe is asking. Rafe explains that he’s just saying the DiMeras have access to more funds than Sloan or even the police department could reach. Eric guesses Rafe is thinking someone DiMera-like helped Sloan disappear. Nicole still doesn’t understand. Rafe suggests that if they want Sloan found, EJ should reach out to his contacts who might have knowledge on her disappearance. EJ asks if Rafe wants their help in case it goes beyond the scope of the law. Rafe says he didn’t say that but would like some answers. Nicole says whatever he needs while EJ agrees to make some calls. Rafe says he needs to get back to the station and offers Eric a ride. Nicole stops Eric and asks if he wants to say hi to Jude but Eric doesn’t want to wake him up. Eric then exits with Rafe. Rafe asks if Eric is alright. Eric says yeah but then admits he’s not. Rafe knows it’s hard. Eric responds that Jude is where he’s supposed to be. Rafe tells Eric that he felt that pain when he had to turn David over after raising him for months. Eric says it doesn’t feel real as Jude feels like his son. Rafe says it will feel that way for awhile. Rafe encourages that he’s been through it and he wants Eric to know he’s here for whatever he needs. Eric says he appreciates that. Rafe adds that he hated being told this all the time, but it’s true that it will get better over time.

Nicole tells EJ that he’s right that she cannot give any more of this energy to Sloan and she will get what she deserves while they need to focus on Jude. EJ is glad to hear her say that because they have a lot of work to do, starting with rebuilding the nursery. Nicole thanks EJ. EJ says anything to make Jude’s transition as smooth as possible. EJ then brings up that they do need to talk about her job. Nicole admits she hasn’t really thought about it. EJ urges Nicole to be honest with herself about what she wants. Nicole admits she can’t really see herself leaving Jude right now which EJ had a feeling she would say. Nicole agrees to talk to Chad about maternity leave. EJ says he knows Nicole loves her job, but she needs to take advantage of this happy time. Nicole says she will and she feels so lucky but also a little guilty because now she has everything and Eric lost everything when he’s wanted to be a father for so long and has had so many disappointments while now this child has been ripped away from him. EJ states that he feels for Eric, but this is their son while Eric was misled and duped. EJ says the happiness they are experiencing now should have been theirs all along.

Alex goes back in to the Kiriakis Mansion and complains to Maggie that the stables looked horrible and are in need of renovation, questioning when she last had someone inspect out there. Maggie admits she can’t say for sure. Alex informs her that he has an architect to come up with a whole new plan and build it from scratch. Alex adds that he can get a Titan construction crew to get started right away. Maggie tells him that there will be no construction on the grounds until after the weddings. Alex questions that being plural. Maggie informs him that Sarah and Xander are engaged and calls it wonderful. Alex hopes he and Theresa will be invited to the wedding since they are family and they know Victor would want everyone to get along.

Rafe goes to Melinda’s office. Melinda asks if Rafe is here to talk about his sister. Rafe says not yet but promises they will have that conversation very soon. Rafe informs Melinda that he’s here to talk about the disappearance of Sloan Peterson.

Maggie tells Alex that they are family and she thinks they can find a way to co-exist in the house because that’s what family does, but she wants to be clear about their boundaries. Maggie tells Alex that she’s not going to roll over for his every wish because he’s the Kiriakis heir. Maggie promises that Victor wouldn’t want Alex disrespecting her or anyone he cared about. Alex asks if that’s a warning. Maggie says no and that she just has limits. Alex responds that he has ideas about the house and the staff, declaring that he is the future of the family and is going to take it in to the modern world. Alex warns that he’s not going to hold back just because it might hurt her feelings. Maggie asks if he thinks this is all about her feelings. Alex asks what else it would be. Maggie talks about Alex loving being a Kiriakis with the power and admits she got caught up in it before too, but there’s more to it than a name. Alex asks if she’s saying she doesn’t think he understands what it means to be Victor’s son. Maggie thinks he’s going to find a great deal of sacrifice comes along with it and unless he’s ready, he’s just playing at being an heir as she walks away.

Melinda questions Rafe saying Sloan disappeared. Rafe reveals that Sloan left her apartment, took nothing with her, and vanished. Melinda thinks back to arguing with Sloan that she couldn’t go on the run with Jude and that EJ would help her disappear. Melinda then asks Rafe why she would do that. Rafe responds that she got caught. Melinda questions what he means and asks if she took Jude. Rafe says it’s interesting that she mentions Jude since he’s the reason she took off. Melinda claims she doesn’t understand. Rafe questions Melinda saying she knows nothing about the baby switch. Melinda pretends to be oblivious. Rafe explains that Sloan confessed to Eric about the adoption falling through but instead of telling Eric the truth, Sloan faked the death of Nicole and EJ’s baby so she could take him and raise him as their own. Melinda argues that there’s no way Sloan would do that. Rafe points out that Melinda helped arrange the adoption and questions her expecting him to believe that she knew nothing about this. Melinda claims not to and asks if Sloan said that she did. Rafe responds that Eric didn’t say Sloan mentioned her, but he has so many questions about this whole thing. Melinda says she hopes he finds Sloan soon. Rafe says he does too and hopes that he can trust Melinda to see this through, since as district attorney, they need to be on the same side. Melinda responds that she is on the side of justice for all who deserve it.

Stefan storms in to the DiMera Mansion. EJ and Nicole ask him not to slam the door. Stefan complains about EJ not reopening Gabi’s case when he asked him to, then notices Jude and questions if they are babysitting. Nicole then reveals to Stefan that this is their son which he questions. EJ repeats that Jude is their son. Stefan doesn’t understand. EJ explains that Sloan stole their baby and tried to play him off as her and Eric’s adopted child. Stefan asks how the hell she did that. Nicole calls that a good question. Stefan asks if Sloan just decided to bring him back. Nicole explains that Eric learned the truth and brought Jude to them. Stefan says he can’t believe it but he’s so happy for them. EJ and Nicole thank him. Stefan talks about seeing how badly they suffered when they thought they lost their child. Stefan remarks that no one has the right to break a family apart. EJ declares that sometimes, the universe just makes things right and shows them that miracles do happen.

Eric returns home to an empty apartment and picks up some of Jude’s old things. Eric sits down with his phone and looks at an old photo of Jude with tears in his eyes.

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Days Update Monday, May 27, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Xander, Sarah, and Maggie have tea in the town square. Maggie thanks them for the invite and comments on not knowing how much she needed to get out of the mansion. Xander brings up Konstantin. Maggie says they are doing just fine but there is such a thing as too much togetherness. Sarah hopes they never feel that way so Xander assures they won’t. Xander then reveals to Maggie that he proposed to Sarah and she said yes. Maggie is thrilled and excitedly hugs them.

Rafe goes to Black Patch and tells John and Steve that he has a special delivery. Steve thanks him for coming as Rafe says he was hoping to get them involved on the whole Clyde Weston mess. Rafe hands John the folder and says he hopes someone at the ISA can decode it. John notes that they know some pretty sharp code breakers there. Steve asks how things are at the police station. Rafe says they are busy and with Harris out, they are understaffed as usual. Steve bets a lot of cases are linked to the drugs that Clyde’s minions are still pushing on the streets. John declares the sooner they crack the code, the sooner they can take down Clyde and his whole operation. Rafe admits he’s more interested in what was on the outside of the book than what’s inside. Steve questions what he means. Rafe then explains that it could be the key to securing Gabi’s freedom and finding Li Shin’s real killer.

Harris returns home to Ava in his navy outfit. Ava welcomes him home as they hug and kiss. They talk about how much they missed each other. Harris mentions sticking around for a memorial service. Ava asks if it was emotional for him since she knows he had friends that died while serving. Harris says visiting grave sites of people you lost is always tough but fills him with gratitude. Ava is grateful he’s still here. Harris is grateful for their sacrifices and talks about paying tribute. Harris declares today the day that they have Clyde Weston in their sights. Ava says they are going to take that bastard down.

At the DiMera Mansion, Nicole tells Eric that she doesn’t understand and questions how Jude could be her and EJ’s son. EJ asks Eric to please explain. Eric says he’s still processing it himself but Sloan just confessed to him that Dimitri never took Nicole’s son to the hospital. EJ asks how that could be. Eric says he brought him to Sloan. EJ calls that impossible. Eric explains that Dimitri was on the run and thought Sloan could help somehow, so he left the baby with her. Eric adds that their private adoption had just fallen through, so Sloan kept Nicole’s son and told everyone else that he was their adopted child. Eric says now they know the truth that Jude is Nicole’s son and he belongs with his mom.

Maggie wants to know everything about Xander and Sarah’s wedding plans. Sarah says they are still trying to figure that out. Xander talks about taking Sarah to Scotland for the honeymoon. Maggie calls the ring very unique. Xander and Sarah say their love is together and always as they kiss.

Rafe informs John and Steve that Gil’s fingerprint and Li’s blood was found on the outside of the book, so he’s convinced Gil is the one who killed Li Shin and asks how else he would’ve come in contact with Li’s blood. John hopes Rafe can prove that as he can’t imagine what Gabi is going through. Rafe says he won’t say anything to Gabi until he’s sure that he can get the case reopened which they are working on. Steve says it’s a damn good thing that EJ is out as the district attorney. Rafe agrees, noting that Melinda isn’t a fan of his family either but she cared about Li, so he hopes she’ll be motivated to find his killer. Steve hopes so too for Rafe and Gabi’s sake.

Ava and Harris continue kissing as they talk about missing each other. Harris reminds her that they have to stay focused. Harris says he wants to make up for lost time, but the clock is ticking and then once Clyde is out of commission, they will have all the time in the world to spend together. Ava calls it all the more reason to get rid of Clyde and make things better in the world. Harris can’t believe that Clyde’s black book could lead to Gabi being cleared of murder. Ava says a lot has happened since he’s been gone and mentions EJ being out as district attorney. Harris asks if Rafe and Stefan have convinced the new D.A. to reopen the case. Ava says not yet but they are hellbent on proving that Gil murdered Li. Harris asks about the theory. Ava explains that Gil came looking for her, but found Li instead and they got in to it where Gil killed him and they know what happened days later when Gil found her. Ava talks about Wendy being such a good soul and so good to Tripp. Ava asks how she’s going to tell Wendy that Li might be dead because of her. Ava says their family finally got closure when Gabi was convicted but now all those old wounds are going to be reopened again as she hugs Harris.

EJ and Nicole question the doctor saying their baby was dead. Eric says he can’t explain that and guesses Sloan paid somebody off. Nicole can’t believe this is happening. Eric knows it’s a lot to process but says the only thing that matters is that Nicole’s son is in her arms. Nicole asks if this is really true. Eric figures they’ll want to run their own test but can’t imagine why Sloan would make up something so awful if it wasn’t true. EJ agrees that wouldn’t make any sense. Nicole brings up all those months ago when she held Jude for the first time and how she always felt like he was her son. Eric says he remembers. Nicole recalls Eric agreeing to the DNA test just to prove that it wasn’t true. Eric explains that Sloan said the results were tampered with. EJ says they will make sure all necessary tests are performed but the most important thing right now is that they all know the truth and their son is back home where he belongs. Nicole calls it incredible. EJ points out that Nicole knew it all along. Nicole says even when she had to let it all go, she always felt he was her boy. Nicole guesses it was parent intuition when it’s your child, you just know deep in your soul. Nicole tells Jude that she’s always loved him. Her and EJ smile with Jude as Eric watches on with tears in his eyes.

Maggie tells Xander and Sarah that they deserve a wonderful wedding as they fought hard to get here and had a few bumps in the road. Sarah and Xander joke that they don’t remember any bumps. Maggie then asks if she and Konstantin can get married first and that they wait until after to have their wedding. Sarah asks why before she agrees.

Nicole and EJ take Jude in to the living room as Nicole talks about how there’s going to be so many changes. Nicole tells Jude that he means everything to them and they are going to be a family like they were always meant to be. Eric sadly looks on as he brings in a bag that has most of Jude’s essentials and says he can bring the rest tomorrow but EJ says that won’t be necessary as they’ll purchase whatever else they need for a fresh start. Eric apologizes to Nicole and says he doesn’t know what else to say. Nicole says he has nothing to be sorry for since he’s a victim too and this was all Sloan. Eric doesn’t know how he didn’t see it and suggests maybe he just didn’t want to. Nicole argues that Sloan stole their baby, so she needs to be arrested and never see the light of day again. Nicole wants Sloan to experience the same emptiness that they did for all those months. EJ says there will be plenty of time for that. Nicole insists that Sloan needs to be punished. EJ says she will be, but she can’t hurt them anymore. Nicole complains that Sloan doesn’t get to just go on her merry way as she is a criminal and talks about if she gets her hands on her. Holly then comes home and calls out to Nicole, saying she’ll never believe what happened today in her chemistry class. Holly enters the living room and asks what’s going on and why Jude is there.

Rafe is on the phone in the interrogation room, questioning what is taking so long. Rafe says he knows Everett was released on bail and that they are wasting time debating this as he says to just do it and hangs up.

Nicole tells Holly that she won’t believe this but her brother didn’t die on the day he was born. Nicole reveals that Jude is her and EJ’s baby, so he is Holly’s little brother.

Sarah asks Maggie if she’s sure everything is okay with her and Konstantin. Xander asks if he did something to upset her. Maggie says it’s nothing like that, so Sarah questions why she wants them to wait to get married. Maggie says she just wants to be fully present when Sarah marries Xander. Xander questions why she wouldn’t be able to be fully present earlier. Maggie claims she’d be thinking about her own plans, so it’d be all about her and not them and every choice they made, she’d be comparing to her own. Sarah argues that Maggie is having a small, civil ceremony with just family and a few friends. Maggie says it’s still a wedding and with that comes complications. Maggie talks about the Hortons moving out of the Kiriakis Mansion and Alex and Theresa are moving in which Xander questions.

Steve tells John that Rafe seemed really stressed out. John remembers that feeling when he was on the force with all the open cases and not enough hands on deck. Steve comments that it seems the Salem PD is always understaffed. John adds that on top of all that, Rafe is trying to clear his sister of murder. Steve calls it all the more reason to hope the ISA decipher the black book. John is glad that Rafe trusted them enough and says now he has two more good guys to work overtime to bring down Clyde Weston. John notes Steve’s reaction and asks what’s bugging him. Steve asks John what kind of mission he thinks this is. John asks what he means by that. Steve asks how far they are willing to go to get Clyde Weston out of their lives. John asks if he’s asking if he’s willing to go outside the bounds of the law. Steve says he’s just thinking that it would be a good idea if he runs point on Clyde while John takes the lead on Maggie and Konstantin. John questions if there’s something he doesn’t know or needs to know. Steve says he just needs to keep a close eye on Ava as he’s pretty sure she’s on Clyde’s tail. Steve thinks back to Ava telling him that they needed a permanent solution to the Clyde situation. Steve tells John that he just has to make sure that Ava doesn’t screw anything up. John agrees that it sounds like a plan, but says that Steve must have more patience than a hospital to put up with Ava.

Harris tells Ava that he and his Navy buddies weren’t able to decipher the black book but once Clyde opens the e-mails they send, they will be notified of his location and they’ll know exactly where to find him.

Holly questions how this can be that Jude is her brother. EJ calls it a true miracle. Holly asks how. Nicole explains that there’s been a terrible mistake and Eric is here to make it right. EJ states that he and Nicole suffered so much grief when they lost their son, but now it’s turned to pure joy. Holly cries that she’s so happy for all of them. Eric says he should go. Holly stops him and says she’s confused as she thought he and Sloan adopted Jude. Eric reveals that it turns out Sloan was lying to all of them and that Jude is Nicole and EJ’s son. Holly realizes this means Eric is losing his son.

Harris goes to see Rafe in the interrogation room. Rafe says he’s glad to see him and asks about his Memorial Day. Harris says it was meaningful. They thank each other for their service. Harris brings up his request for a couple more days of unpaid leave but Rafe says he can’t do it as he’s drowning here and they need him. Harris hates to put him in this position but says he really needs those few days so he’s going to have to take them one way or another. Rafe asks if Harris is saying he’s going to quit if he doesn’t give him those days. Harris hopes it doesn’t come to that. Rafe asks why he doesn’t just tell him what’s going on and if it has something to do with his navy friends or what they found in Clyde’s black book. Harris notes that they haven’t been able to crack the code yet. Rafe says he took it over to John to see if the ISA can help out. Harris says the more people to help, the better and that he’ll coordinate with John. Rafe asks Harris again what he’s doing but Harris says he can’t explain right now and that he just needs the few days. Harris asks Rafe to just trust him. Rafe then agrees and tells him to take the time he needs and that hopefully he’ll have his job waiting for him when he comes back. Harris thanks him and they shake hands.

John asks if Steve and Ava are on good terms now. Steve says good is too strong of a word and he thinks he’s just getting better at accepting her for who she is and predicting her erractic behavior. John jokes about putting that on his resume. Steve thinks they are all on the same page as they all want Clyde Weston out of their lives. John brings up them all being at risk if Clyde blows the whistle on them when he’s caught. John warns that if Clyde tells the world that they were involved, they could be behind bars when the Maggie and Konstantin situation comes to a head. Steve admits that he didn’t think of that. John worries that they would be leaving Maggie out to dry when she needs them the most. Steve promises he won’t let that happen.

Xander questions Maggie letting Alex move in to the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie explains that she didn’t have a choice since Victor left him half the estate. Sarah questions moving in with Theresa as she didn’t know they were back together. Maggie says she tries not to pry in to their relationship but they are close together on some level. Xander laughs off that Theresa is after his money. Maggie feels Theresa really cares about Alex. Sarah points out that Maggie has a soft spot for Theresa which Xander says he’ll never understand. Maggie thinks Theresa just wants to be loved while Xander argues that she wants to be showered with the Kiriakis fortune. Xander worries about Maggie since she was stressed having the Hortons there and will now have hurricane Alex and tornado Theresa living there. Maggie repeats that it’s Alex’s father’s home which means it’s his legacy and luckily, the house is big enough for all three of them. Xander reminds her to include Bonnie, Justin, and Konstantin.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry as she’s been so caught up in her own shock and joy that she didn’t think about what he’s going through. Eric says it’s okay as this is not about him. Nicole says it is since Jude was his son. Eric tells her to focus on her family and that Jude belongs with his mother. Holly tells Eric that she’s so sorry as she knows how much Eric loves Jude. Eric thanks her and says it means a lot. Eric wants Nicole to know that he won’t fight for custody or anything. Nicole says she wasn’t worried about that, but she’s worried about him. Eric tells her not to as he just wants her to be happy. Eric says he appreciates her thoughts but there’s nothing she could do. Eric decides he needs to go deal with Sloan. Nicole wishes him luck as she knows that won’t be easy. Eric promises that Sloan will pay for what she did. Nicole repeats that she’s so sorry. Eric says he is too, more than she knows. EJ offers to walk Eric out as he wants to thank him for doing the right thing. Nicole then stops Eric and asks if he wants to hold Jude one last time before he goes.

Ava packs her bag and tells Harris that she’s ready to go as soon as they know where they are headed. Harris says it’s showtime then and gives her the flash drive as Ava pulls up the e-mail address that Clyde sent. Harris instructs Ava to send the e-mail and then they just wait, but they have to be ready to hit the ground running. Ava mentions not telling Roman yet that she needed more time off and admits she’s a little nervous since he just hired her, so she doesn’t want him to think that she doesn’t care about the job. Harris understands since Rafe wasn’t happy about giving him the time off either, so hopefully they can just get this done and when it’s over, their jobs will still be there. Ava still can’t believe Harris is doing this for her and now he’s putting his job at risk too. Harris says he is doing it for her and also for Tripp, Wendy, himself, and every person that Clyde tried to ruin the life of. Harris says he took an oath to serve and protect and he takes that very seriously. Ava guesses it’s just them against Clyde. Harris then reveals there’s somebody else he would like to loop in.

John tells Steve that Maggie is all in on trapping Konstantin as she set him up with an office at Titan with access to all of Victor’s charitable funds. Steve calls Maggie a brave woman and asks how it works. John calls it pretty simple to move around some funds and make it look like Konstantin is embezzling from Titan. Steve hopes he will be busted before Maggie has to actually go through with marying him. John says that’s the plan and they’re trying to nail down the timing because Konstantin has messed with Maggie’s life enough already.

Maggie remarks that it seems like a revolving door at the Kiriakis Mansion ever since they lost Victor. Sarah suggests that’s because Maggie is too generous. Victoria wakes up crying, so Xander decides he will take her for a diaper change, allowing Maggie and Sarah to have some alone time. Maggie calls Victoria the most beautiful baby in the world. Sarah is glad it’s just them for a minute because she wanted to talk to Maggie about something that she didn’t want to say in front of Xander.

Eric asks if Nicole is sure it’s okay. Nicole says of course as she knows how much Jude means to him and how much they mean to each other. Nicole then hands Jude over to Eric. Eric tells Jude that he’s grateful for all the time they shared and he will always love him more than he’ll know. Eric thanks Nicole and hands Jude back to her. Nicole tells Eric that he can come by and see Jude any time but Eric thinks it’s best if Nicole and Holly have time to bond with Jude. Holly tearfully hugs Eric. Eric thanks her and says he loves her. Eric tells Holly to take care of Nicole and then exits the mansion in tears.

Maggie tells Sarah that would definitely make her wedding more special and that she likes the idea, but she thinks she should run it by Xander first since it is his wedding too. Sarah agrees and guesses she will tell him but she hopes he approves.

John tells Steve that he will get the pages off to Andrew since cracking codes is what the ISA does. Steve declares they will have everything they need to find Clyde and wipe him off the map. John states that Clyde is a menace who has hurt a lot of their friends and family. John advises Steve to be careful as he knows he wants to take the lead, but it’s important they finish this out as partners. John then declares that more than partners or friends, Steve is his brother. Steve responds that he feels the same. John adds that nobody including Konstantin will ever drive a wedge between them because he trusts him with his life. Steve says the same as they hug.

Harris question why Clyde isn’t downloading the messages. Ava guesses he’s a little busy. Harris asks if she talked to Roman. Ava says Roman was busy, so she left him a note that she had to leave town on an emergency. Harris is sure he will understand. Harris then gets an alert from the e-mail to Clyde and it tracks that Clyde is at a public library in Ennis, Montana. Harris decides he will book the next flight out and asks if Ava is ready to put this mess behind her once and for all. Ava says let’s do it while Harris says there’s just one pit stop on the way.

Nicole and Holly sit with Jude. Nicole tells Holly that she knows things have been rough between them but she wants to thank her for the text she sent as it meant a lot. Holly apologizes and insists she didn’t mean any of the horrible things she said. They say they love each other as EJ joins them on the couch. Nicole calls it a new beginning for all of them. EJ agrees and kisses Nicole.

Eric returns home where Rafe greets him at the door. Eric thanks him for meeting him. Rafe says he’s glad he’s called and he’s sorry for all that Sloan put him through. Rafe asks if he thinks Sloan is home. Eric says he should be, but they head inside and Sloan is gone. Rafe asks if the place was like this when he left. Eric says no and goes to check the bedroom. Eric returns and notes that all her things are gone. Rafe then finds the necklace with Jude’s birthstone that Eric gave Sloan for Mother’s Day. Eric guesses that Sloan took off.

Nicole holds Jude in the living room and talks about how she knew it but she can’t believe he’s here.

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Days Update Friday, May 24, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie works at the Spectator. She looks behind her at the empty desk and then grabs her phone to call Everett but it goes straight to voicemail again. Stephanie leaves a message that she’s starting to worry as she asks where he is.

In the interrogation room, Rafe and Jada question Marlena knowing why Everett acted so strangely and attacked Eric unprovoked. Marlena says she can’t give them information from their therapy sessions but just from what she gathered here since she is no longer his psychiatrist. Jada asks if she has a possible diagnosis. Marlena says it would only be based on what they saw in this room. Rafe remarks that it was like he was two very different people. Jada and Marlena agree that it was like he was Bobby and Everett, two very different people who live inside his head.

Johnny and Chanel have coffee and breakfast in the town square. Johnny talks about Chanel being over her morning sickness. Chanel talks about being excited about the baby. Johnny says he’s excited to. Chanel says screw fear, doubt, and worry as she’s deciding that she’s done living in dread over what being exposed to radiation may or may not have done to their baby. Chanel announces that she wants to tell all of their friends and family that they are expecting and she hopes they are all just as happy. Chanel asks what Johnny says to that.

Nicole sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion when she gets a text from Holly, apologizing for what she said and their fight, adding that she hopes Nicole can forgive her. Nicole smiles and texts back that she loves her. EJ then enters with a tray of food and asks if Nicole is alright. Nicole responds that she’s relieved because she just got a text from Holly, saying she was sorry for what she said to her. EJ says she knew Holly would come around eventually. EJ then gets a call from Rita. EJ angrily tells her that he told her not to bother him today unless it was urgent. EJ tells Rita to set it up for Monday Morning and orders her not to call again as he hangs up. Nicole questions how EJ snapped at Rita which EJ says is nothing new. Nicole says she’s never heard him speak to her like that. EJ says she’ll be fine. Nicole is sure Rita is thrown like she was and says she can tell something is upsetting him. EJ promises he’s fine but Nicole doesn’t buy it and asks what has him so wound up.

Eric tells Sloan that he knows Jude isn’t their son biologically and that she’s still mourning the loss of their child. Sloan stops him and declares that Jude isn’t their son biologically or otherwise. Eric asks if there’s something wrong with the adoption. Sloan says no, so Eric asks what it is. Sloan says she’s trying to tell him what she did with Jude. Eric worries that she had a lot to drink last night and goes to get her some water but Sloan stops him and announces that Jude is Nicole and EJ’s baby, as their baby didn’t die but is very much alive and is right there, leaving Eric in shock. Eric calls it not possible but Sloan reveals it’s true and she lied the whole time. Eric asks why. Sloan responds that she didn’t want to lose him.

Chanel asks if Johnny doesn’t want her to tell people that she’s pregnant. Johnny says he wants to tell people eventually. Chanel guesses he wants to wait until they are sure the baby is okay and the radiation didn’t cause any issues. Chanel says she gets that but she’s sick of the what if’s when their baby could be perfectly fine. Chanel encourages focusing on the positives instead and asks if they should throw a party at the DiMera Mansion to announce they are expecting or a video on social media. Johnny suggests slowing down but Chanel wants to enjoy every moment of the pregnancy and says they can’t do that until they stop treating it like a deep, dark secret. Johnny responds that it’s not just the scare of the radiation exposure that makes him hesitant to tell people. Chanel asks what the other reason is. Johnny points out that it wasn’t so long ago that EJ and Nicole lost their baby. Chanel suggests that maybe EJ and Nicole finding out they have a grandchild on the way will be the news they need to start to heal. Chanel points out that they are going to have to tell them sometime and she’s going to start showing before long. Chanel declares that their baby is here to stay, so it’s time to start thinking about the future.

Nicole wants an explanation as to why EJ bit Rita’s head off on the phone and why he’s acting all edgy and anxious. EJ insists that it’s not a big deal. EJ guesses he was hoping that Paulina was calling to say she came to her senses and would keep him on as district attorney but that’s not going to happen as she was final in her decision. Nicole calls it Paulina’s loss since EJ was good at the job. EJ agrees and declares that when he has Paulina recalled as Mayor, she will rue the day that she crossed a DiMera. Nicole tells EJ that he will have plenty of time to figure out how to extract his non-violent revenge against Paulina, but reminds him they are supposed to be relaxing this afternoon. Nicole calls him over to massage his neck and questions why he keeps checking his watch. EJ claims there’s no reason but Nicole demands an answer as to why he’s so on edge. EJ responds that he’s expecting a delivery.

Eric questions Sloan taking another woman’s child because she was afraid to lose him. Sloan says she was grieving after the miscarriage and being told she was infertile while knowing how much it meant to Eric to be a father. Sloan thought if she couldn’t give him a child, he would leave her and she wanted to have a family with him so badly. Sloan talks about being so happy and relieved when he agreed to adopt, like they had been given a second chance. Eric complains that his head is spinning. Sloan reveals that the adoption fell through at the very last minute because the parents pulled out after they looked into her background and didn’t want a horrible person like her raising their child. Sloan cries that she was devastated to lose their second chance and then Dimitri Von Leuschner showed up at her doorstep with a baby. Eric recalls Dimitri and Leo delivering Nicole’s baby on the roadside and Dimitri was supposed to take the baby to the hospital. Sloan explains that he couldn’t because he was on the run and the hospital was swarming with cops, so when she saw the baby boy, she decided to keep him. Sloan saw it as their last chance at being parents, at happiness, and her last chance to hold onto Eric. Sloan says that’s when she made the choice to take Nicole’s baby as their baby.

Marlena informs Rafe and Jada that she thinks Everett has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Rafe recalls Abigail having that. Marlena calls it very rare and often misdiagnosed, noting that it usually happens because of some early childhood trauma. Marlena thinks Everett may have lashed out at Eric because he was triggered by something in his own childhood which led him to turn in to Bobby. Jada says this would explain so much. Rafe thinks they should call Stephanie to warn her since she posted his bail. Jada calls Stephanie and asks if she’s seen Everett today since he’s been out on bail. Stephanie responds that she hasn’t but she’s been trying to reach him and he’s not picking up. Stephanie asks if Jada knows where he is. Jada says she doesn’t but some new information has come to light, so she asks Stephanie to come to the police station to discuss some things.

Nicole questions what kind of delivery EJ is expecting. EJ says it’s nothing Nicole needs to concern herself for now. Nicole asks about him being so cryptic. They start to kiss until Johnny and Chanel walk in and greet them. Johnny tells EJ that he hadn’t gotten to talk to him since he lost his district attorney job and he’s sorry about that. EJ says he appreciates that. Chanel says the same and that she would put in a good word for him, but her and Paulina are not on the best of terms. EJ supposes that even Chanel thinks Paulina was in the wrong for leaving isolation and subjecting her and others to radiation. Chanel confirms that she does, especially because she’s pregnant.

Eric asks Sloan if this is a horrible nightmare that isn’t true. Sloan wishes it was. Eric asks about the DNA test results that proved Nicole and EJ weren’t Jude’s parents. Sloan admits the results were tampered with by her. Sloan assures her heart is broken and that Eric’s is probably more than her. Sloan wishes she didn’t have to tell him this. Eric asks why she is telling him now then. Sloan thinks back to EJ’s warning. Sloan then tells Eric that she’s coming clean now because she had to. Eric demands to know why. Sloan claims it’s because Eric was getting closer and closer to the truth and every time she put out a fire, another would pop up. Eric asks what she’s talking about. Sloan reveals that Leo knew the truth since he delivered the baby on the side of the road which is why he felt such a bond with Jude and then Dimitri told him. Eric realizes that Leo was going to tell him at the Salem Inn that night and he said he had news to share with Nicole. Sloan admits that’s why Nicole felt such a bond with Jude as she must have just sensed it. Eric argues that Sloan shunned Nicole and accused her of kidnapping her child when she knew all along that Jude was Nicole’s child and her baby was alive. Eric complains that Sloan put Nicole and EJ through Hell by making them think their child was dead. Sloan screams that she did it because she loves Eric. Eric tells her not to tell him that she loves him or Jude because nobody would’ve done that. Eric declares that Sloan is incapable of love.

Jada tells Marlena that out of all her years as a detective, she’s never come across anyone with D.I.D. and didn’t even think it was real. Marlena says there’s a lot of myths about it but confirms it is real. Marlena talks about Abigail suffering from it and the difficulties her and Chad had with it. Marlena mentions Abigail being successfully treated for it, so she believes Everett can be as well. Rafe points out that nobody knows where Everett is now. Stephanie then arrives and assumes they are talking about her bailing out Everett which Rafe confirms. Stephanie asks why she shouldn’t have and what’s going on.

Nicole congratulates Johnny and Chanel, telling them how exciting this is. Nicole then realizes EJ already knew and questions if they didn’t tell her because they didn’t think she could handle it. Johnny explains that they weren’t telling anyone and he only told EJ in confidence. Chanel adds that as soon as they started telling people, they wanted her to be the first to know. Nicole calls that sweet and excitedly tells them that they will be great parents. EJ asks for a private father-son talk with Johnny, so they step out of the room.

Eric questions how Sloan could do this to EJ and Nicole and to him. Sloan knows it was terrible and repeats that she did it because she loves him but Eric doesn’t want to hear it. Sloan hugs Eric and cries that she did it for them. Eric yells at her to stop as she repeats that she loves him. Eric pulls away and goes to Jude to ask if he’s ready to go. Sloan questions what he’s doing. Eric declares that he’s going to take Jude back to his real parents.

Stephanie can’t believe it as she hears about Everett having D.I.D. Jada talks about how it makes sense and everything he did to hurt her was because his other personality didn’t know the other one existed, so it was because of his illness. Stephanie says now the question is what do they do to help him. Marlena responds that he first must admit he needs help. Stephanie brings up Marlena discharging Everett from her care which Marlena clarifies never happened as she urged him to stay in treatment. Stephanie realizes that Everett lied to her. Marlena confirms that Everett is resistant to getting help because he’s terribly frightened, but says that is where Stephanie comes in.

EJ argues that Johnny isn’t thinking straight and questions why he would make this decision when he knows it’s a catastrophic decision. Johnny argues that it’s none of EJ’s business. EJ complains that it was when he flew in the specialist from Switzerland. Johnny argues that EJ only did that to try and control their decision. EJ disagrees and says he was trying to be helpful. Johnny tells EJ to be helpful then, pointing out that Chanel is excited and happy about the baby as she has chosen to be optimistic and to believe the baby will be a blessing no matter what. EJ asks if Johnny has also chosen to believe that. Johnny responds that he has and he’s trying to be happy and excited. EJ argues that he knows Johnny is having serious misgivings about this. Johnny admits he’s a little worried as he doesn’t know if going through with the pregnancy is the right thing but he doesn’t know if it’s his place to say so, since Chanel is carrying the child and she is his wife so he won’t just overrule her. EJ repeats that he thinks he’s making a terrible mistake. Johnny says he’s entitled to his opinion but declares that if it makes his wife happy, it’s never a mistake to him.

Nicole gives Chanel a baby book that she got at her baby shower. Nicole thought she gave away all the gifts she got but came across this. Chanel tells her that she’s really grateful and calls it their first baby gift. Chanel knows it must be really hard for Nicole. Nicole admits it is but it’s because seeing how excited Chanel is reminds her of how excited she was to raise another child. Nicole assures that she’s very happy for her. Chanel thanks her as they hug.

Eric begins packing a bag. Sloan starts to cry over Jude but Eric tells her to stay away from him. Sloan wants to say goodbye to Jude but Eric says she doesn’t get to do that and orders her not to say another word.

Nicole apologizes to Chanel for falling apart when they have such wonderful news. EJ and Johnny come back in. EJ asks what’s wrong. Nicole explains that she just got emotional which Chanel says is understandable. Nicole says she should be focusing on the positive and their baby will bring so much joy to their lives. Johnny suggests they head upstairs. Chanel thanks Nicole for her kindness and says she’ll see them later as she and Johnny exit. EJ wishes he could take Nicole’s pain away. Nicole responds that no one can, but she does seem to move forward since she has a daughter, a husband, and a new job, but she has to accept the fact that the pain is always going to be there and will never go away. EJ hugs her and checks his watch again.

Eric tearfully says goodbye to Jude and talks about how much he will miss him, but it’s time to meet his real parents. Eric picks up Jude and tells Sloan not to think about leaving because he will be back and she will pay for what she has done. Eric then exits with Jude, leaving Sloan in tears.

Stephanie says she wants to help Everett in any way she can but questions what she can do. Marlena responds that the most effective treatment for D.I.D. is intense psychotherapy. Jada adds that is if Everett or Bobby is open to being helped. Stephanie guesses Marlena hopes that she can convince him to get back in to treatment. Marlena thinks she is the best shot they have since they are friends and he trusts her. Stephanie agrees to do whatever she can. Marlena calls it the first step. Stephanie asks if there’s any particular strategy to persuade Everett that he has to get help. Marlena thinks the best strategy is to proceed carefully since if he senses she’s forcing him, he will become defiant and resistant. Stephanie says she understands. Marlena warns that they have to proceed very carefully. Rafe points out that first, they have to find him.

Johnny and Chanel go to their bedroom. Johnny asks how it felt to finally tell people about the pregnancy. Chanel notes that EJ and Nicole are family, so it felt right. Chanel asks what EJ had to talk to him about in private. Johnny says since EJ hired the specialist, he knows about all the dangers and risks of the radiation. Chanel asks what EJ said, so Johnny claims that EJ just told him they don’t have to worry about the bills and he’ll have it all covered. Chanel is surprised and calls that really kind of him. Johnny asks about Chanel’s talk with Nicole. Chanel says it was so sad. Chanel shows Johnny the baby book that Nicole gave her from her baby shower as she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it. Johnny says it was sweet of Nicole to give it to her. Chanel worries that Nicole is still in such terrible pain and grieving the baby boy that she and EJ lost. Chanel feels them having a baby is going to make it harder for Nicole to heal as it will be a constant reminder of her loss. Johnny says there is no avoiding that but Chanel suggests they could move out and get their own place.

Sloan picks up Jude’s stuffed bear that was left behind and holds it as she cries.

EJ and Nicole sit together in the living room. EJ says he hopes she’s feeling better. Nicole says she is and thanks him for taking such good care of her. EJ says that’s what he loves to do. The doorbell rings so EJ says he’ll get it. Nicole says maybe it’s the delivery he’s expecting. EJ says they will see and goes to answer the door to see Eric with Jude. Nicole joins EJ at the door as EJ asks what brings Eric by. Nicole greets Eric and asks what he’s doing here. Eric remains silent so Nicole asks what’s going on. Eric reveals to Nicole that her son didn’t die and announces that Jude is her son. Eric hands Jude over to Nicole. Nicole is shocked as EJ smiles while Eric looks on in tears.

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Days Update Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric picks up Jude from the Brady Pub and exits wearing sunglasses, then runs in to Marlena, who notes him being out early. Eric explains that he was just picking up Jude since Roman and Kate watched him for them last night. Marlena points out that she and John would love to do that as well any time they need. Eric says he has to get going but Marlena stops him and demands that he remove his sunglasses, so he does, revealing a black eye. Marlena questions what happened to him. Eric responds that Everett Lynch happened.

Melinda goes to Sloan’s. Sloan tells Melinda that she has to help her before Eric gets home. Sloan reveals that last night, EJ gave her 24 hours to tell Eric the truth that Jude is Nicole’s baby and he wants her to lie to Eric by saying that EJ is the father, so that Eric loses everything. Melinda is shocked and worries that Eric will have her arrested. Melinda brings up that Sloan and EJ had a deal. Sloan explains that was before EJ saw Nicole drunkenly kissing Eric last night, so he thinks it will take a baby to cement their marriage now. Melinda questions him being that insecure. Sloan says that EJ understands the bond Eric and Nicole share as much as she does. Sloan feels that there has to be a way to stop EJ. Melinda worries that Sloan has to keep her name out of this because if EJ finds out she’s involved, she will lose everything too.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ finishes a call as he heads in to the living room where Nicole is. Nicole asks how he’s doing. EJ responds that it’s her he’s concerned about and he had no idea she was up. Nicole says hangovers end eventually, but he still hasn’t told her how he’s doing. EJ responds that he’s fine and asks why she would think otherwise. Nicole then reveals the news article on Paulina relieving EJ of his duties as district attorney, effective immediately. Nicole tells EJ that she’s so sorry.

At the Spectator, Chad finishes a call saying that he put out a call to EJ for a comment but hasn’t heard back. Stephanie then arrives so Chad asks how Paulina is and thanks her for the scoop. Chad mentions that Everett is usually in by now but he hasn’t heard from him. Stephanie doubts anyone has heard from him. Chad says he’ll give him a call but Stephanie says not to bother because she knows where he is.

Everett lays in the bed of a jail cell, frustrated.

At the police station, Rafe is on the phone with Harris, questioning him needing more personal days. Rafe says he’ll call him back and hangs up as Jade reveals that the assault arrest from last night was Robert Stein.

Stephanie tells Chad about Everett punching Eric in the face, explaining the situation with Sloan and next thing they knew, Everett was in the middle of it and decked Eric. Stephanie can only assume that Everett thought Eric was a threat which Chad questions. Stephanie adds that it was chaos by the time the police showed up and she couldn’t get a statement before Everett was handcuffed and taken away. Stephanie feels bad and argues that they didn’t have to arrest Everett when he was only trying to help. Chad asks if she’s sure about that.

Eric tells Marlena about Sloan being drunk and he was trying to get her home, but Everett thought he was manhandling her and tried to help her out. Eric says Sloan is home now, waiting for him, so Marlena tells him to go ahead as they hug. Marlena asks Eric to be careful as he walks away.

Sloan questions Melinda saying she’d lose everything. Melinda explains that Paulina fired EJ and gave her back her old job as district attorney and they know EJ will be out for blood if he even has a hint that she’s involved in this. Sloan assures that she told EJ she took care of all the adoption paperwork herself. Sloan wants to think of something to get her out of this sticky corner but Melinda declares that EJ has her beat.

Nicole can’t believe EJ was fired and asks why he didn’t tell her. EJ thought it could wait, pointing out that she wasn’t in condition to process news last night which Nicole admits. EJ says that’s all behind her now as today is a new day and yesterday is a memory. Nicole flashes back to kissing Eric and then agrees with EJ. Nicole says she feels terrible for not being there for EJ while EJ feels terrible for not being there after her fight with Holly as if he was, she might not have gotten drunk and Eric wouldn’t have felt the need to play hero.

Rafe and Jada go over that Everett decked Eric and when arrested, told police that his name was Robert Stein but they booked him as Everett Lynch because that’s what his ID says, though he kept insisting his name was Robert Stein. Rafe says the plot thickens. Jada wonders if Marlena could help since she is his therapist. Rafe agrees that it couldn’t hurt to call, so Jada then calls Marlena. Marlena asks if everything is alright. Jada informs her that she has one of her patients in custody at the police station, so she hoped she could come see him. Marlena says she has free time now and asks who the patient is. Jada responds that it’s Everett Lynch, but he insisted he’s Robert Stein. Marlena then reveals that she’s no longer seeing him. Jada notes that Stephanie mentioned she discharged him but Marlena clarifies that Everett actually quit against her advice. Jada asks if she could come see him any way as they would appreciate any help she could give them. Marlena then agrees to come and hangs up.

Sloan tells Melinda that this is no time to give up. Melinda says she wouldn’t if she knew how to help but questions what the hell she can do when EJ is holding all the cards. Sloan cries that she can’t let EJ take Jude and she would be losing Eric forever. Melinda worries that Sloan may have no choice. Sloan insists that there has to be something they haven’t thought of. Sloan calls Eric and Jude her life, so she can’t lose them as they are all she has. Sloan pleads with Melinda to help her beat EJ.

Nicole apologizes to EJ for him not being the one to come get her, but says Eric was hardly being a hero as he was just concerned that she didn’t show up for work. EJ asks if she’s feeling better today about her fight with Holly but Nicole says not really as she keeps going over it in her head and Holly telling her that her babies were lucky to have died to not have a mother like her. Nicole calls that the worst thing she could’ve ever said to her. EJ says he’s so sorry. Nicole says trying to dull the pain in the booze worked while she was wasted, but now she feels plenty of it as EJ hugs her.

Stephanie asks if Chad thinks Everett got what’s coming to him. Chad thinks there tends to be consequences when you go around punching people in the face. Stephanie feels Everett was reacting to what he thought was physical abuse. Chad laughs it off and says he wasn’t there, so he’ll just stay out of it. Stephanie says he will be released soon because she paid his bail. Chad questions why she would pay his bail. Stephanie responds that she wanted to. Stephanie knows that Everett isn’t Chad’s favorite person, but says they have been getting along really well lately. Chad tells Stephanie that he cares about her and Everett has violent tendencies. Stephanie insists that Everett isn’t violent and what happened was just Sloan making a scene and Everett overreacting, but that wasn’t him. Chad asks who it was then, Bobby? Stephanie blames the circumstances while Chad insists that Everett used violence in a situation where it wasn’t needed and asks how she explains that.

Jada visits Everett in his cell. Everett says it’s nice to see her and that she looks really good. Everett asks if it’s a little bit nice to see him too. Jada questions what is going on with him. Rafe joins Jada as Everett says that Jada showing up here is a major upside. Rafe decides that’s enough and demands Everett shut up and turn around. Rafe then enters Everett’s cell and handcuffs him. Jada asks if that’s really necessary. Rafe says she read the report and then escorts Everett out of his cell to go see Marlena. Everett thanks Jada on his way out, leaving her confused.

Chad asks how Stephanie is feeling after all the tequila last night. Stephanie says she’s okay and had some coffee. Chad asks if that’s her hangover cure. Stephanie jokes that it works every time and asks about Chad, feeling he seems a little off. Chad calls her very perceptive. Stephanie asks if he feels like talking about it. Chad explains that the other day, Nicole found notes on a story that Abigail was working on before she died as apparently she was onto Clyde’s drug ring before anyone else was. Chad says it has his head spinning that maybe Abigail’s death wasn’t the accident they all thought it was and that her death wasn’t collateral damage. Chad feels maybe Abigail was the target all along and not Belle. Stephanie knows that Chad thinks he could’ve done something to protect her if he had known. Stephanie assures that he never could’ve predicted what happened and that Abigail wouldn’t want him to beat himself up about it. Stephanie feels Chad needs a positive distraction. Chad informs her that they did finally move back in to the Horton House with Doug and Julie. Stephanie calls that amazing. Chad says Doug and Julie are very happy. Chad adds that he went to he and Abigail’s room at the DiMera Mansion where everything happened. Stephanie asks if he got closure. Chad says maybe, but now that they are back at the Horton House, he’s more sure than ever that it’s where he’s supposed to be as it’s the only place he feels close to Abigail.

Rafe and Jada bring Everett to the interrogation room. Rafe starts by asking him his name. Everett says he went over all of this with the cops last night and responds that his name is Robert Stein. Rafe questions why he insists on them calling him Robert Stein. He responds that that’s his name. Rafe brings up that he’s been going by Everett. Marlena then arrives and asks if she’s interrupting. Everett questions what she’s doing there and then asks why he’s here. Everett questions what is going on.

EJ tells Nicole that he’s sorry that she is hurting, but he knows in time that she and Holly will work things out. Nicole remains unsure. EJ insists that Holly is a teenager and strong-willed like her mother, so she lashed out. EJ encourages that Nicole has showered Holly with love. Nicole talks about keeping Holly away from the guy she loves. EJ feels that Holly will one day realize that being kept from Tate is in her best interest. EJ calls Nicole the most amazing woman he’s ever known and says her battles have made her a strong, independent woman that Holly will come to appreciate. EJ adds that any child would be lucky to call Nicole their mother. Nicole thanks him. EJ promises that she will prove that again.

Melinda asks Sloan to promise not to go on the run with Jude, insisting that she can’t do that. Sloan knows she couldn’t outrun EJ. Sloan says if she does what EJ says and admits that Jude is Nicole’s and make Eric believe the lie that EJ is the father, then EJ will help her disappear. Melinda points out that Sloan would be safe. Sloan acknowledges that Eric would never know the truth that he is Jude’s father. Sloan then argues that she could just say to Hell with EJ since Eric deserves to know the truth. Melinda questions her double crossing EJ and tells her to use her head because screwing over EJ would be screwing herself. Melinda advises Sloan that she needs to start over very far away or else Eric knows he’s a dad and her life is essentially over which is the choice she has to make.

Marlena sits with Everett in the interrogation room and asks how he’s feeling. Everett responds that he’s confused, saying last night is a blur and he has a massive headache. Everett asks if they can just get this done quickly so he can get out of here and start on his hangover cure. Everett questions again why he’s here. Marlena asks what she should call him. He responds that his name is Everett Lynch. Marlena asks if he remembers going by Bobby or by Robert Stein. Everett says he doesn’t and asks why she is asking him this now. Marlena says what’s more important to her is to ask him why he attacked her son Eric.

Sloan shows Melinda a framed photo of her and Eric, pointing out how Eric was completely content because he has all he ever wanted and it finally all came together for him. Sloan says when that was threatened, she paid good money to Leo to keep it that way. Melinda says she knows all of that. Sloan questions if that’s where she went wrong by getting involved in the blackmailing. Melinda understands Sloan was cornered. Sloan states that she loved Eric more than she’s loved anyone in her whole life and she doesn’t want to lose him. Eric then comes home with Jude. Eric is surprised that Sloan is up while Melinda says she was in the neighborhood and couldn’t resist coming to visit Jude. Eric says it might not be the best time so Melinda says she’ll call first next time and get out of their hair. Melinda then exits. Eric guesses it goes without saying that they need to talk, which Sloan agrees with.

Nicole tells EJ that he takes such good care of her. EJ assures that she is always his priority. Nicole feels she’s making a scene when EJ just lost his job that meant a lot to him. EJ says he’ll survive. Nicole asks him not to hide his feelings for her sake. Nicole adds that the article didn’t say why Paulina fired him and she’s been unpredictable these days. Nicole offers to talk to Abe but EJ doesn’t want her fighting his battles for him. EJ acknowledges that she has hit on something in Paulina’s unpredictability which is coming from her health issues and her ill-advised stunt on Smith Island. EJ says he’s heard rumblings about the questionable Salem leadership and he feels this latest act could be the final straw to spark real change. Nicole asks what he’s talking about. EJ declares that he’s going to petition to start a new election, which he would win to become Mayor. Nicole worries that he was busy as district attorney and this will double his work load. EJ says he will delegate and see himself more as the face of the city. EJ decides he will call his assistant Rita to get the ball rolling. Nicole feels it’s so fast and abrupt. EJ asks why procrastinate when you know what you want. EJ declares that acting fast is the best way to get the outcome you desire. EJ then leaves the room as Nicole looks back at her tablet. EJ makes a call to his contact, who informs him that Melinda just left so now it’s just Sloan, Eric, and the baby. EJ says the next person they see leaving should be Sloan on her way to him. EJ orders his contact to stay put and let him know when that happens.

Marlena questions Everett not remembering hitting Eric which he confirms. Everett says the last thing he remembers is downing a shot right as Eric walked in to the bar and he was trying to get through to his wife, who was drinking quite a lot. Everett recalls that Eric kept pressing but Sloan ignored him and they were yelling and then everything goes blank. Rafe and Jada watch through the window. Everett apologizes and wishes he could tell her more. Marlena says they have a few pieces of information so they will start putting those together. Rafe and Jada return to the room as Rafe announces Everett’s bail has been posted. Everett asks for the handcuffs to be removed then as he’d like to go home.

Stephanie tells Chad that bail has been posted so she should be hearing from Everett soon, unless he shows up here at the office. Chad questions her thinking that he’d come straight here after spending the night in jail. Stephanie responds that Everett is a pro and knows he has a job to do, just like he knows that he owes Eric a serious apology especially if they are going to be working together. Chad informs her that he just got off the phone with Julie and he has to go pick up Thomas from soccer practice. Stephanie agrees to keep an eye on the place until Everett arrives. Chad tells her to have Everett call him when he gets in. Chad thanks her and exits.

EJ returns to Nicole and says he thinks Rita is secretly excited about working for the future Mayor, though she is concerned about the extra workload. Nicole says she’s going to go to the office as he starts working on his new endeavor. EJ questions her leaving. Nicole says she didn’t get much done yesterday and she could use the distraction but EJ tells her not to, so Nicole asks why not.

Eric tells Sloan that he wants to talk as one of the most important things in a marriage is communication. Eric asks if it’s him that did something to upset her. Sloan assures that he did not. Sloan then declares that it’s time she tells him the truth about Jude. Eric asks what about their son. Sloan then reveals Jude is not their son.

Marlena asks if Everett wants to go to her office and finish their conversation. Everett thanks her but says it’s been a long day as he then exits. Jada asks Marlena what Everett told her and if he remembered hitting Eric. Marlena says that all he remembers is Eric trying to get Sloan to go home but after that, it’s all blank. Rafe asks if he could’ve been so drunk that he blacked it all out. Marlena doesn’t think drinking had anything to do with what happened last night, but she has a pretty good idea of what’s going on with him.

Nicole knows EJ is worried about her but thinks she’ll go stir crazy sitting around with nothing to do. EJ says it’s not really nothing when they are doing it together. EJ points out that they both had a rough night and suggests they have a relaxing day here with no plans. Nicole questions doing nothing. EJ feels it must sound tempting. Nicole agrees as they hug. EJ tells Nicole that he loves taking care of her. Nicole says she loves being taken care of. EJ repeats that he wishes he was the one who tracked her down and found her drowning her sorrows to bring her back instead of Eric. EJ declares that it’s the two of them now.

Eric tells Sloan that he knows Jude isn’t their son biologically and that she’s still mourning the loss of their child. Sloan stops him and declares that Jude isn’t their son biologically or otherwise. Eric asks if there’s something wrong with the adoption. Sloan says no, so Eric asks what it is. Sloan says she’s trying to tell him what she did with Jude. Eric worries that she had a lot to drink last night and goes to get her some water but Sloan stops him and announces that Jude is Nicole and EJ’s baby, as their baby didn’t die but is very much alive and is right there, leaving Eric in shock.

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Days Update Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny joins Chanel at the Bakery to make sure she had enough to eat. Johnny mentions that she can’t keep avoiding her mom forever. Chanel knows he’s worried about Paulina being upset and that it’s not good for her. Johnny says he’s not going to pressure her on it as it’s between her and Paulina. Chanel responds that she will deal with it eventually, but on her terms. Johnny reminds her about no heavy lifting but Chanel points out that the doctor said to treat it like a normal pregnancy.

Maggie joins Alex in the Titan office and says she needs approval to set aside an office at Titan for Konstantin. Alex declares there is no way in hell that he’s going to let Konstantin work at Titan.

Brady is on his laptop at the Brady Pub as Theresa arrives and joins him. Brady comments on her good mood and asks what’s going on. Theresa responds that she updated her resume, had a really great workout, and is back together with Alex. Brady says that’s great if that’s what she wanted. Theresa confirms it’s exactly what she wanted. Brady asks where exactly that leaves Alex and Kristen.

Julie sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion doing a crossword puzzle. Chad joins her and comments on the traffic, then they joke about the crossword. Julie then gets a call and says it’s nice to hear from them. Julie gets excited and says that’s wonderful. Julie thanks them and hangs up as she then announces to Chad that she just got the best news she’s had in ages.

Tate and Aaron walk through the town square, talking about their school work. Aaron mentions not finishing a test which Tate questions. Aaron says he had other things on his mind and tells Tate that he had gotten donuts for Holly and planned to officially ask her to the prom even though she already asked him, but now her mom won’t even let her go. Tate encourages that he might be able to help him out.

Theresa tells Brady that there is no Alex and Kristen and never will be, calling it just a pathetic attempt to make them jealous. Brady remarks that it’s good that they didn’t fall for it. Theresa admits that she may have overreacted. Brady agrees that it was pathetic and he’s disappointed that his vacation from Kristen is over because she will do anything to get back in his life. Theresa asks if there’s any chance that she will. Brady assures there’s no chance in Hell. Theresa says that’s good and calls Kristen a psychopathic maniac, adding that Brady deserves better. Theresa tells Brady that he deserves someone very special because he is and she knows he will find her. Brady calls those kind words but he’s not so sure. Brady used to think he would find the perfect girl for him but with his track record, he doesn’t know if it’s ever going to happen so maybe it wasn’t meant to be.

Maggie questions Alex not allowing an office for her future husband and argues that she doesn’t need his permission to do anything, so she’s not going to allow him to call the shots. Maggie adds that she’s not asking Alex to give Konstantin a job, just an office space because she’s establishing a trust with her portion of Victor’s estate and Konstantin has a lot of time on his hands, so he’d like to help and she figured he could distribute the funds. Alex argues that he can do that from home. Maggie disagrees and says the house is chaotic with Doug, Julie, Chad, and the kids while this work takes a quiet focus. Maggie calls the work important and declares that they will give Theresa’s old office to Konstantin. Maggie adds that Alex might think he is all powerful at Titan, but reminds him that they are splitting Victor’s estate evenly so he can’t just deny her simple request. Maggie warns Alex to work with her on this or else her next request might not be so simple. Alex says fine, whatever and warns that he will be keeping an eye on Konstantin.

Julie tells Chad that the call was from the contractor who said the building inspector came by and signed off on the occupancy permit. Chad and Julie excitedly declare they are going home. Julie says they can pack their bags but she has a million things to do as she has to tell Doug and call Maggie. Julie and Chad repeat that they are going home as they hug.

Chanel works at the Bakery as her customer with down syndrome, Felicity comes by and brings Chanel a sweet bread. Johnny joins them as Felicity encourages Chanel to try the bread but Johnny notes that she might be feeling queasy, so he decides that he will taste test it. Johnny calls it a winner so Chanel says it looks like a new menu item which excites Felicity.

Maggie tells Alex that they are all set then and she will e-mail the paperwork with the room assignment and security clearance. Maggie adds that Konstantin will have access to that office when this is all settled. Maggie then gets a call from Julie, who informs her of the news on the Horton house. Maggie sounds disappointed but says she’s so happy for Julie, Doug, Chad and the kids. Maggie says she’ll see her soon and hangs up. Alex asks if there was good news. Maggie responds that the Horton house is ready for the big move in. Alex calls that good news for him too as he declares that he can now take his rightful place in the family home.

Chad tells Julie that his schedule is cleared for the day and he will be her moving helper. Julie thought she was prepared for this but realized she has so many calls to make and things to do. Julie says she’ll have to call the furniture people to see if they can make a delivery today. Chad is sure it’s just taking up space in a warehouse since she purchased it. Chad says he’s going to grab a snack before packing. Julie says she’ll order groceries online. Julie can’t believe tonight they will be sleeping under their own roof and calls it such a happy day.

Theresa tells Brady to never say never as she truly feels that when he least expects it, love will find him. Brady jokes about her greeting card sayings. Theresa jokes that could be her new job. Brady asks how the job search is going. Theresa repeats that she updated her resume. They decide she should look into greeting cards. Theresa thinks when she’s ready, something will just come to her. Brady mentions getting an e-mail from Tate’s school who were low on prom chaperones, so he signed up to do it. Theresa then reveals that she did too. They joke that this means they are going to prom together.

Johnny gets a call and steps away from the Bakery to answer it. Tate and Aaron then approach so Chanel goes to get Aaron’s prom donuts. Aaron then introduces Tate to Felicity, who is Aaron’s sister and a freshman in high school. Felicity talks about how she’s already a baker and how she wants to work here at Sweet Bits. Chanel comes back with the donuts for Aaron that have “Will you go to prom with me?” written on them. Chanel says she hopes that she says yes. Aaron then reveals that she already did, but then her mom said no.

Julie finishes a phone call and informs Chad that everything is going to be delivered on time. Chad suspects Tom and Alice had something to do with that. Julie says Abigail too and reveals that she had a dream about Abigail last night. Julie stops and worries that she shouldn’t have told Chad about it but Chad says he’s glad she did. Chad thanks her but says he can’t believe Abigail was working on a story about Clyde for so long and he didn’t know about it. Chad keeps replaying it in his head and thinks if he would’ve known, he could’ve done something to save her. Julie tells Chad that they have very little control over most of what happens in life. Julie assures that Abigail wouldn’t want him to suffer like this. Julie encourages Chad to move on for his children and himself and to focus on the future. Julie knows Chad won’t forget Abigail and they won’t either, but insists that it’s time for Chad to live a full life with purpose that will honor Abigail’s memory forever. Julie calls it the only way.

Maggie questions Alex moving back in to the Kiriakis Mansion. Alex calls it rather logical and says it’s where he belongs. Alex questions why he’d stay in an apartment when he has a mansion available with a full staff. Maggie assumed that Alex would be purchasing his own home now that he’s rich. Alex states that the Kiriakis Mansion was Victor’s home and he is Victor’s son, so that is his birth right and it fits his lifestyle. Alex reminds Maggie to look out for his new race horse. Maggie brings up that Konstantin will be occupying the office soon and says she will keep him in the loop as she exits the office. Alex then pulls out his phone and calls Kristen. Alex says he’s going to have to cancel tonight because he’s really busy and he’s moving back in to the Kiriakis Mansion so he will be packing and unpacking. Alex promises Kristen that he will make it up to her very soon.

Brady and Theresa talk about going to prom and say it could actually be fun, noting that both did not go to their own prom. Brady recalls chaperoning a dance when Philip was in high school and it was crazy. Theresa jokes that whatever happens, they will make their son’s life miserable but he’ll get over it. Theresa says she has to go and tells Brady that she’s really looking forward to going to prom with him.

Johnny talks on the phone and says he realizes the production office is in LA but he doesn’t think it would be a problem for him to be based in the Midwest. Johnny says he understands but Salem is his home with his family and his wife’s thriving business. Johnny acknowledges that relocating is baked in to the deal and says he’s very excited about this but he will need a little more time to think things over. Johnny says he’ll be in touch and hangs up. Chanel tells Aaron that she’s sorry about his date. Felicity says she’ll go to prom next year. Aaron remarks that at least someone in the family is dating. Tate then takes the donuts and asks Aaron to go with he and Sophia to the prom, joking that they can go as a throuple. Aaron says he doesn’t feel like being a third wheel. Tate assures that he already talked to Sophia and she thinks it will be fun. Aaron then gives in and accepts. Felicity says at least he’s going to prom now. Aaron says they have to get to school so he and Tate walk off while Felicity heads in to the Bakery with Chanel. Tate and Aaron walk past the Brady Pub where Tate calls to stop for a donut break. They sit down on the bench and then Theresa comes out from the Pub, questioning Tate not being in school. Tate says that the bell doesn’t ring for another hour. Aaron gives Theresa a donut. Theresa accepts it and advises them not to be late as she walks away. Aaron asks Tate if he’s sure about prom. Tate insists it will be fun while Aaron complains about being the third wheel. Tate assures he won’t have to worry about that which Aaron questions. Tate tells Aaron that it has to stay between them, but he’s planning on ghosting them right after dinner so that Aaron and Sophia can have some alone time. Aaron questions why. Tate says he knows Aaron likes Sophia. Aaron says he’s not going to move in on his girl. Tate tells him it’s cool, clarifying that Sophia is cool but not his girl and not who he really wants to take to prom.

Julie finishes packing boxes and says it’s amazing what can be accomplished when highly motivated. Maggie comes home and can’t believe it, questioning how she did all this. Julie tells her that Chad spoke to Henderson, who spoke to the staff and they were incredible. Maggie says she’s impressed. Julie says she can’t thank her enough for taking her and the family in. Maggie is glad she gets to go home but admits she’s going to miss her terribly. Julie promises she will still see her. Maggie starts to cry and apologizes for getting emotional. Julie tells Maggie that she loves her. Maggie assures that her home is always open to her. Julie adds that the Horton House is Maggie’s second home and tells her to visit often as they hug.

Theresa goes home and Alex arrives right after. Theresa notes that he’s home early. Alex calls it a perk of being the boss. Alex says he had something major come up, so he had to leave work early and come home to pack because he’s moving in to the Kiriakis Mansion. Alex says that the Horton clan is finally leaving so it’s time to move back in to his father’s home as head of the family. Alex adds that he knows she wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon and that she doesn’t like the idea of living here alone. Theresa points out that it’s not just that, but that they just got back together and now it’s like he’s bailing. Alex says he’ll just be across town. Theresa argues that’s a lot farther than across the bed. Alex then asks if Theresa wants to move in with him.

Doug, Julie, and Chad return to the Horton House. Chad and Julie bring in boxes as Doug declares it feels like home and he can’t believe it looks like it did before the fire. Doug calls it a miracle. Julie knows Tom and Alice would be pleased and tells Chad that she can’t wait to see the kids’ faces when they come through the front door. Chad says they are going to love it but Julie asks what’s the matter. Chad says this whole thing never should’ve happened and blames himself. Julie thought they’ve been through this. Chad feels the whole war with Clyde is his and before that it was Abigail’s and it cost Abigail her life.

Chanel encourages Felicity about working at the Bakery. Johnny asks Felicity about her favorite recipe. Felicity mentions caramel chocolate chip cookies and then heads on to school.

Aaron asks Tate why he feels like he’s missing part of the story. Tate explains that he asked Sophia to the prom because he felt horrible about hitting her in the face with a football. Tate adds that this is has to stay a secret, but he reveals that he and Holly are still together which shocks Aaron. Tate explains that their parents are trying to keep them apart. Aaron calls that crazy and says they are doing the whole Romeo & Juliet thing. Tate assures that it’s real. Tate knows it didn’t end well but says this will. Aaron asks why after everything Holly did to him. Tate says he’s not asking him to understand his relationship, but to respect it and keep it to himself. Aaron tells Tate that he can count on him. Tate adds that Sophia doesn’t know, so he can’t tell her because she would tell her mom who would tell his parents. Aaron assures that he’s got it. Tate thanks him and says he could really use his help because he really wants to surprise her on prom night. Brady then comes out from the Pub and asks who he’s surprising. Tate claims they were talking about his date Sophia as he wants to surprise her with a nice corsage or dinner. Aaron asks Brady about his prom date but Brady informs him that he didn’t go to prom. Brady then informs Tate that he will actually be going to his prom with Theresa. Tate laughs at that but Brady reveals he’s not kidding because the school needed chaperones, so he and Theresa signed up.

Theresa tells Alex that she’s not just going to invite herself to live in his big mansion. Alex points out that he asked her to live with him twice. Theresa says that was platonic. Alex says that Theresa said she wanted to keep things that way before, but Theresa says things are different now. Alex then asks if Theresa wants to move in to the Kiriakis Mansion with him. Theresa exclaims that she does as they hug.

Johnny comments to Chanel on the busy morning and asks if she needs a break. Chanel assures that she actually feels great. Chanel knows they can’t know what’s going to happen with their baby but she already knows that she loves the baby. Chanel declares that she wants to have the baby, but only if she has Johnny by her side, so she needs him to tell her how he’s feeling about this. Johnny assures that he is always by her side as he hugs her.

Julie insists to Chad that what happened to Abigail was not his fault, but Clyde’s fault and that Abigail was just fighting the good fight like she always did and now Chad is doing that. Julie adds that Abigail would be so proud that Chad is continuing the fight. Doug declares that the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Julie encourages that Abigail was trying to do the right thing and now Chad is. Julie declares that they will all stand up together against Clyde Weston, doing the right thing until Clyde is behind bars for the rest of his life because the Hortons do not back down. Chad thanks Julie and Doug, admitting that he needed that. Julie says that’s what families do. Julie thinks they should have a massive family reunion now which Doug calls a great idea. Julie suggests maybe then they will get Alice and Tom’s time capsule open. Julie talks about imagining all the family coming home again. Julie places a framed photo of Tom and Alice on the mantle and says welcome home.

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Days Update Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the Brady Pub, Roman tells Ava that he’s glad she was able to come in to work today. Ava says she’s feeling better after a bad headache. Ava mentions running low on bread. Roman talks about just getting the delivery. Roman acknowledges that Ava has delivered as promise and worked real hard during her trial period, so despite their history, she’s got the job as Kate appears and looks on.

At the Spectator, Everett reads positive feedback to the article on Paulina. Leo comes in and complains about not having anything interesting to write about. Leo mocks Everett and says the piece he wrote on Paulina would’ve been perfect for his column. Everett says it sounds like a lot of readers agree, but it wasn’t supposed to be a tabloid hatchet piece, just the facts. Everett adds that what the mayor did was dangerous, so people deserved to know. Leo repeats that he has nothing for his column this week. Leo mentions that he did have something but he killed it because he wants to believe in young love. Stephanie arrives and announces that she has a scoop for Everett as she just got the call that Paulina has fired EJ DiMera as district attorney and replaced him with Melinda Trask. Leo is shocked and says poor EJ as he’s having a terrible week.

Sloan asks if EJ is out of his mind and says he’s not taking her baby. EJ says he’s not asking, he’s telling her because the baby does not belong to her, he belongs to Nicole and him. Sloan argues that they agreed that it was in everybody’s best interest to pretend that Eric and Nicole’s baby was dead and they shook hands on it. EJ says they did, but that was before he saw Eric and Nicole kissing which Sloan questions. Sloan doesn’t believe him and asks when. EJ says it was just a little while ago and he’s sure that Sloan agrees that the kiss changes everything.

Chad goes to see Steve at the Black Patch office. Steve asks what he can do for him. Chad hands him a folder and says it’s about Clyde Weston. Steve opens it and sees an article on Clyde being arrested for Abigail’s murder.

Kate comes over to Roman, who asks what she needs. Kate says she just came to spend time with him if he can take a break which Roman agrees to. Ava says she will get back to work and thanks Roman for the job as it means a lot to her. Roman tells Kate that he hired Ava which Kate says is obvious. Roman and Kate go to get a table. Eric then arrives, so Roman greets him and asks where Jude is. Eric explains that he’s at home but he came for pumpkin pie because he went to Buddy’s for takeout and they forgot the dessert. Roman questions Buddy’s Burger Barn being his first choice. Eric says they have a drive thru which is quick and easy but Sloan loves the Pub pumpkin pie so Roman agrees to pack some up on the house. Roman tells Eric that he wants to see his grandson more which Eric agrees to and they go to get the pie. Ava then brings Kate a glass of wine. Kate mentions hearing that Roman officially hired her and congratulates her. Kate warns Ava not to get any ideas about taking over because if she tries anything, she’ll be out on her ass without a job or a place to live. Kate asks if they understand each other.

Everett asks what Leo means by EJ having a terrible week. Leo says he just means being replaced by Melinda Trask, when she tried to put EJ in prison as prosecutor so it’s insult to injury. Everett calls that interesting and says he’s sure in the archives. Everett says he’s wiped and asks if anyone’s interested in getting a drink. Leo talks about stopping drinking. Stephanie says good for him, but she accepts Everett’s offer and suggests they go to Small Bar. Stephanie mentions that the other night, the place was filled with hot guys, encouraging Leo that he doesn’t have to drink to have fun. Leo says he’s also on the wagon from gorgeous charming men and sober from all that too. Stephanie suggests he could be depriving himself of gossip for his column, so Leo then agrees to go with them and they exit.

Chad tells Steve that not being able to keep Clyde behind bars and knowing he’s out there keeps him up at night. Steve responds that Clyde was caught before, so they’re going to get him again. Chad says that’s actually what he wanted to tell him as it’s about Abigail’s murder and he thinks he found some new evidence. Chad explains that Nicole found a notebook that Abigail kept when she was a rookie reporter and the last entries caught his attention as she took notes on a new drug operation in Salem and it all points to Clyde’s early days when he was setting up shop in Salem. Steve questions Abigail never saying anything to him about it. Chad thinks she knew he would’ve shut it down and asked her to move onto something else, but he reached out to Jack, who confirmed that Abigail was working on something really big but didn’t want to say what it was. Chad asks if Steve thinks it’s possible that Abigail wasn’t just collateral damage and maybe she was Clyde’s target all along.

Sloan and EJ go over Nicole getting drunk and Eric picking her up from the bar. EJ informs her that they don’t know that he saw them kissing, but obviously they are working closely together and with their history, it’s a disaster waiting to happen that must be stopped. Sloan asks how. EJ responds that when Jude is placed back in Nicole’s arms where he belongs, her maternal instincts will kick in and she will be so overwhelmed with the need to shower her son with love, that she will quit her job on the spot to focus all of her attention on Jude and their family. EJ declares that he and Nicole raising a child together will drive a stake through the heart of any lingering feelings for Eric. Sloan mocks that being a great plan when the problem is Jude isn’t EJ’s son. EJ points out that Nicole doesn’t and will never know that. Sloan warns that if EJ goes through with this plan, she will make sure everyone will know who Jude’s real father is.

Ava sits with Kate and says she thinks Kate must know by now that she doesn’t like being threatened. Kate says it wasn’t a threat, but a promise. Kate adds that unlike Harris, she keeps her promises. Kate brings up that Harris promised Lucas that he would do whatever he had to including going to the Governor to petition for Lucas to have an early release. Kate warns Ava to remind Harris to keep that promise or else. Ava asks if she’s threatening Harris now too. Kate says she may have married in to one of the most respectable families in Salem, but promises that neither Ava nor Harris want to know what she’s capable of and who she really is.

Steve thinks Chad should take Abigail’s notebook to the police and see what they make of it. Chad argues that they have a ton of other cases to worry about and since Steve is Abigail’s uncle, he knows he won’t put it on the backburner. Chad adds that Clyde already confessed to murdering Abigail, so the police don’t care about why. Steve points out that Clyde confessed to mistakenly killing Abigail, but his target was Belle. Chad argues that Clyde’s reasons for going after Belle as a warning to EJ never made sense or added up. Steve feels Abigail’s notes aren’t much to go on but agrees to see what he can do. Chad thanks him. Steve tells Chad that bringing Clyde down is more personal to him than ever.

EJ tells Sloan that he wouldn’t turn this in to a trashy reality show if he was her. EJ warns that if she even breathes a word of this, he will have her brought up on charges of kidnapping, inflicting intentional emotional distress, and even bribery. EJ adds that after she is convicted, she will spend the rest of her life in prison, she will lose Eric, her law practice, and everything. Sloan responds that if he takes Jude, she loses Eric and will be arrested anyway. EJ argues that with his help, she will avoid prison by fleeing the country, so she will still have her freedom and a chance to start over. EJ asks where Sloan would like to go, joking that she could be a digital nomad, flying from city to city. EJ says he could make that happen and tells her to think about it, a new identity, passport, bank account with money, and a fresh start. EJ tells Sloan that she could leave all of this, no more lying, stress, and anxiety. EJ feels it must be wearing on her. EJ says in return, all she has to do is keep her mouth shut permanently. Sloan asks what if she doesn’t. EJ responds that they will just go down together, but unlike her, he won’t be anywhere near a prison.

Everett, Stephanie, and Leo sit together at Small Bar. Everett and Stephanie drink shots together as Leo watches on. Everett says this is so much better than rummaging through newspaper archives. Stephanie mentions that she told Paulina she would get quotes in the morning as they take another shot. Leo thought she said this place was crawling with gorgeous, lonely men but he doesn’t see any. Stephanie points out a guy, who Leo says is everything he ever wanted looks-wise. Leo brings up how he and Dimitri planned their honeymoon so Stephanie changes the subject to what they are eating. Leo comments that Everett and Stephanie are so young and attractive. He asks if they have figured out if they are a thing. Everett says they are just friends. Leo takes it that they are not ruling out anything. Everett states that they had their first date back in Seattle and then had a second first date in Salem at the Bistro and then a third first date the other day which Stephanie says wasn’t really a date, but them getting back on track as friends. Stephanie says technically this is like their third not really a date. Leo questions what he’s listening to and calls it ancient straight person talk. Stephanie says they are just trying to get a feel for where they are relationship or friendship wise. Leo decides he’s had enough of being the third wheel and calls the waiter over for more drinks.

Roman sits with Kate and says he knows her look that says she’s not crazy about Ava working there. Kate says that she would never tell him how to run the Pub and if it works out, that means he’ll be spending more time with her. Kate remarks that she just wishes they could trust Ava. Steve then arrives so Roman greets him and asks if he came for a night cap. Steve says he actually came to talk to Ava and asks if she’s around. Ava then comes over and asks what she can get for him. Steve says he’d just like to talk to her. Ava says she’ll have to check with Roman, who says it’s fine by her if she takes her break. Steve then asks her to take a walk so they leave the Pub.

EJ warns Sloan that she needs to make a decision; to say goodbye to her freedom or spend the rest of her life surrounded by a barbed wire fence and guards. EJ reminds her that she can start anew anywhere in the world. Sloan looks down at Jude and cries that she needs more time. EJ gives her 24 hours and not a second more, reminding her that this is checkmate and there is nothing she can say or do that won’t implicate her. EJ warns that double crossing him isn’t even an option. Sloan tells EJ that she would do anything. EJ says she’s already done so much, far too much and it’s finally come back to bite her. EJ brings up Sloan adopting the baby when she knew it was Nicole’s. Sloan argues that it was Eric’s too and they lost a baby as well when she had a miscarriage and they were devastated, especially Eric. Sloan cries that all she wanted to do was ease his pain. EJ argues that she knew the whole time that if he ever found out about her lies, he’d leave her in a heartbeat. Sloan asks if EJ really thinks Nicole is going to stay with him if she finds out he’s not the baby’s father and if EJ really wants to raise another man’s child. EJ says to the world and to Nicole, Jude is his son, but whatever happens, Sloan has already lost Eric. EJ adds that to Eric and to the world, Sloan will be exposed as a liar and a thief. Sloan complains that he’s just prolonging the inevitable. EJ guesses they will just have to wait and see as he then exits. Sloan tearfully watches over Jude.

Eric returns home and calls out asking if Sloan is home but realizes she is gone with Jude. Eric wonders where she could’ve gone. Eric then texts Sloan saying he hopes everything is okay and asks her to call him. Eric gets a call from Roman, who reveals that Sloan dropped Jude off with him at the Pub after Eric left and didn’t say where she was going. Roman assumed she wanted to spend some time alone with Eric. Eric says she’s obviously not with him. Roman suggests maybe she had an emergency with a client. Eric is sure that she’ll call him soon. Roman says Jude can stay as long as he needs and it’s no problem. Eric thanks him and says he’ll call as soon as he hears from Sloan. Eric hangs up and wonders where Sloan went.

Leo finds Sloan drinking at Small Bar. Leo asks about Jude but Sloan ignores him so Leo goes back to his table with Everett and Stephanie. Sloan then orders another drink. Leo tells Everett and Stephanie that it’s interesting because it’s not like Sloan to over indulge. Everett feels he’s not telling them something. Leo says he runs a tight ship with no leaks but when there is something to tell, he’ll be the first to know.

Steve and Ava walk to the town square. Steve wants to go back to their conversation from the afternoon before Stefan interrupted, when Ava said she was looking for a more permanent solution to the Clyde Weston problem. Steve asks if she meant what he thinks she meant. Ava responds that Clyde tried to kill their son, so he needs to pay. Ava warns Steve not to stand in her way with whatever she decides to do next.

EJ returns home to the DiMera Mansion and is surprised to see Chad in the living room. EJ asks what Chad’s doing there so late. Chad says he came looking for him and asks if everything is okay. EJ pours a drink and says it’s been a long day. Chad tells EJ that he was hoping for some guidance which EJ questions. Chad explains that he came across some information and doesn’t know what to do about it so he’s seeking brotherly counsel and counsel from the acting district attorney. EJ starts to correct him but stops and tells him to fire away. Chad says it’s about Abigail’s murder as he thinks he found something pretty interesting. Chad then shows EJ the notes from Abigail’s notebook as it looks like Abigail might have outed Clyde as the head of a burgeoning drug ring way back when. EJ asks what the insight is. Chad says supposedly Clyde went looking for Belle and intended to kill her, not Abigail, but he thinks Clyde was going after Abigail the entire time and that it had nothing to do with Belle. Chad can’t help but feel like it’s his fault. EJ questions what he’s talking about. Chad explains that Clyde hated Abigail because she cheated on his son with him and found out Thomas wasn’t his grandson. Chad says that Clyde wanted Abigail out of the picture for a lot of different reasons, personally and professionally. EJ argues that Clyde is the only person to blame. Chad knows that none of this will bring Abigail back but if her killing wasn’t accidental, it means Clyde hunted her down in her bedroom and now that wound is open again. EJ understands and asks what he can do to help. Chad admits he doesn’t know but Clyde being on the run again makes him think he’s hiding out with a villa somewhere with a suitcase full of money and it makes him sick. EJ assures he wants Clyde wiped off the face of the earth too and he’s had men on his trail ever since he escaped. EJ adds that if there’s anything he can do to avenge Abigail’s death, he will do it. Chad thanks him. EJ asks if there’s anything else. Chad responds that he has one more favor to ask.

Sloan calls for another drink while Everett also orders more for he and Stephanie. Everett jokes with Stephanie that the night is so young. Leo comments on Everett being so much more animated while drunk. Eric then arrives and finds Sloan. Sloan drunkenly calls him her knight in shining armor and asks if he came to save the princess. Eric says he saw her car in the parking lot. Sloan remarks on how everyone loves to drown their sorrows in booze when they don’t get their way. Eric questions what she’s talking about and tries to stop her from drinking. Sloan tries to order another round. Eric wants to take her home but Sloan says no. Sloan then yells at Eric to get his arm off of her and that she said no. Sloan’s words seem to trigger something in Everett as he watches on from their table.

Roman and Kate watch over Jude. Roman talks about how much Jude reminds him of Eric. Roman wishes he was there to see Eric grow up. Kate encourages that he’s there for Eric now and he adores him. Kate says Jude makes her think of Lucas when he was little as he was so unpredictable. Roman comments that Lucas still has her on her toes. Kate says that Lucas has made amends and put his life on the line to capture Clyde. Kate adds that she’s so proud of him. Kate tells Roman that if Harris doesn’t come through for Lucas, she’s going to take matters in to her own hands.

Steve tells Ava that he won’t stand in her way. Steve says he doesn’t know what she’s planning but if Clyde is found and happens to be in a bodybag instead of handcuffs, so be it. Ava walks back to the Pub and calls Harris, asking how his buddies are doing decoding the images. Ava says that’s music to her ears and that she’s still waiting for Clyde’s e-mail. Ava adds that she will forward to it him so he can send it to his buddies and they can do their thing. Ava tells Harris that she misses him and she can’t wait until he’s back in her bed and her arms.

EJ and Chad head to Abigail’s old room at the DiMera Mansion. EJ asks if Chad is sure he wants to do this. Chad responds that he doesn’t want to but he has to. They then head inside and Chad begins to have flashbacks to finding Abigail there and EJ encouraging him afterwards. Chad says he still can’t believe Abigail’s gone and it doesn’t get any easier.

Eric doesn’t want Sloan to cause a scene. Sloan argues that Eric is causing a scene. Leo goes to see if Eric needs help. Stephanie asks if Everett is okay. Leo suggests to Sloan that she’s had enough. Sloan questions who they think they are. Leo then exits. Eric asks Sloan what is wrong and what happened after he left, suggesting they go home and talk about this. Sloan asks what part of no he doesn’t understand. Everett remarks that he’s going to hurt her. Stephanie questions what he’s talking about and why he would hurt her. Eric helps Sloan up as she repeats that she said no and pulls away. Everett then gets up and punches Eric out, shocking Sloan.

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Days Update Monday, May 20, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny and Chanel sit together at the hospital. Johnny asks if she needs anything but apologizes for hovering. Chanel admits she kind of likes all the extra attention. Johnny mentions that EJ is flying in a specialist that consulted with Nicole during her pregnancy. Chanel says she’s really grateful that EJ went through all this trouble. Holly walks by, so Johnny calls her over and asks if everything is okay. Holly says she just came from therapy and asks about them. Chanel says they just came for a checkup. Holly says she’ll see them back at the house and steps away. Holly then texts Tate that she really needs to see him.

Melinda Trask goes to Paulina’s office. Paulina informs her that she just fired EJ and is going to be needing a new district attorney. Melinda responds that she appreciates Paulina thinking of her, but she’s going to have to say no.

Sloan finishes feeding Jude at home. Sloan mentions that she needs her dinner now and that Eric should’ve been home by now with takeout. Sloan wonders what is keeping him so long.

After Eric helps Nicole home to the DiMera Mansion, Nicole drunkenly grabs Eric and kisses him right as EJ comes out from the living room and sees them kissing. EJ turns and goes back in to the living room before they see him. Eric stops and tells Nicole they can’t do this. Nicole apologizes. Eric asks if she’s okay. Nicole says no and that the whole room is spinning. Eric suggests getting her to bed. EJ then comes back out and questions what’s going on here.

Chanel complains of a stomachache so Johnny give her oyster crackers which he says worked for his mom when she was pregnant. Johnny asks if there’s anything else he can do for her. Chanel asks him to distract her with stories. Johnny informs her that they’ve been talking about him getting a job in the film industry, so he finally put his resume online. Chanel asks if he’s gotten any hits yet. Johnny says he’s gotten a few offers and talks about how the film industry is mostly in LA while he wants to stay in Salem unless he could find funding to do some sort of project. The nurse then comes over and informs Chanel that the doctor will see her now. Johnny tells Chanel that they’ve got this.

Holly meets Tate in the park. Tate asks if she’s sure this is safe since they almost got caught there once by Kayla and Stephanie, so they might get caught again. Holly responds that she can’t imagine being in any more trouble with her mom. Tate says it sounds like they really went at it. Holly admits she totally lost it and said some really horrible things that she doesn’t think Nicole will ever forgive for and she doesn’t think she can forgive herself. Tate asks if she’s sure she’s not being too hard on herself. Holly then informs him that she said the babies that she lost were lucky not to have her as a mom because she was so angry, she said something to intentionally hurt her in the worst way. Holly asks why she did that as Tate hugs her.

Eric informs EJ that Nicole had another argument with Holly. EJ remarks that she must have really hurt her since it’s clear she’s going to great lengths to numb the pain. Nicole admits that she did and she drank too much. EJ says that is obvious and asks why Eric is there. Eric explains that they were supposed to meet for work. Nicole says that when she didn’t show up, Eric was worried that something happened to her so he called and she told him where she was, so he was nice enough to come get her and bring her home. EJ remarks that some guys would’ve taken advantage of a situation like that but they are all grateful that chivalry is not dead. Eric decides to say goodnight then. Nicole thanks Eric for bringing her home. EJ thanks Eric for coming to his wife’s rescue. Eric then exits the mansion. Nicole apologizes to EJ for getting drunk like this and calls it a really dumb move, but says she’s so hurt by what Holly said to her. EJ tells Nicole not to worry as he will take care of her. EJ hugs her as she cries.

Paulina recalls that Melinda was pretty bent out of shape when she relieved her of her duties. Paulina says that was then and this is now. Paulina has decided that Melinda is more pleasant than EJ could ever hope to be. Melinda questions her change of heart. Paulina insists that Melinda is easier to have around than EJ and she’s come to appreciate the value of having a strong woman in that role. Paulina adds that no one can challenge that Melinda has the experience and chops to do the job and the people of Salem would welcome a familiar face who is as tough on crime. Paulina feels she’s made her case, so she asks what more she has to say to change her no to a yes.

Tate tells Holly about a time where he was awful to his mom and he got mad at himself until Marlena told him that we tend to hurt the people we are closest to because they will love them no matter what and can work it out. Holly guesses that makes sense and mentions that she just came from talking to Marlena. Tate asks if it helped. Holly says not really as she feels a lot worse than she did before seeing her. Tate wishes he could make her feel better. Holly says maybe he can. Leo appears in the park as Holly kisses Tate. Holly tells Tate that she doesn’t know what she’d do without him. Leo takes pictures as Holly and Tate kiss.

Eric goes home where Sloan questions where he’s been. Eric claims there was a long line in getting takeout. Sloan asks how the story is coming. Eric says he unfortunately didn’t get the shots he needed, so he has to go back after dinner. Sloan guesses he means with Nicole but Eric clarifies that it will be just him. Eric repeats to her that he and Nicole are just friends and that’s all. Sloan says she knows. Eric acknowledges that he and Nicole have history, but Sloan and their baby is his now and forever as they hug.

EJ sits Nicole down in the living room and asks if she wants to tell him what happened tonight. Nicole informs EJ that Holly got angry with her, lashed out, and said things that she knew would hurt her the most. EJ asks what she said. Nicole reveals that Holly said the babies they didn’t have were lucky to be dead, to not have her as a mother. EJ is shocked and calls that harsh, all because she won’t let her go to the prom. Nicole asks EJ not to be angry with Holly because she’s been through a lot lately and just sees her as someone who is holding her back from having fun and living her life. EJ says he knows, but he’s upset on her behalf that Holly hurt her so much. Nicole adds that maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much if she didn’t think she was right. EJ tells her not to talk like that as she is a wonderful mother who is kind and caring. EJ says she’s only trying to protect Holly because she loves her and wants to keep her safe. EJ is sure in Holly’s more rational moments, she knows this. Nicole apologizes for not calling him after the fight as she just started drinking and didn’t want anyone to stop her. EJ says he knows that. Nicole adds that it’s good that Eric came when he did and he was so helpful. EJ asks if she would’ve done something she regrets if Eric wasn’t helpful. Nicole talks about not thinking straight while wasted. EJ asks if she did anything she regrets. Nicole insists that she didn’t. EJ says that’s very good because that would’ve been unfortunate…

Johnny and Chanel sit back down after meeting with the doctor. They talk about it being a lot. Johnny mentions having an envelope so they can go back and look at it. Chanel wishes they could’ve heard the baby’s heartbeat. Johnny encourages that it was just too early and they can hear it next time. Chanel says it was mostly positive in regards to hormone levels and the baby’s measurements. Johnny says it’s too bad they can’t do the prenatal tests until 11 weeks and then the big one at 18-20 weeks. They talk about it being hard to hear that the radiation exposure increases their chances of losing the baby. Johnny states that even with things looking good so far, it could be a lot of waiting, wishing, and worrying. Johnny feels he’s being selfish by telling her how he feels when it’s her body. Chanel says it’s their baby and she wants him to tell her how he’s feeling about it. Johnny just hates that they can’t control any of this. Chanel responds that she would give anything to make sure their child is okay, which is why as mad as she is at her mom for exposing their baby to radiation, part of her kind of gets why Paulina did what she did.

Paulina tells Melinda that she doesn’t give a damn what other people think as she does what she thinks is right. Melinda questions her thinking she’s the right person for the job. Paulina asks why else she would offer her the job. Paulina calls it a golden opportunity for her to get back in the game and asks why she would pass that up. Melinda clarifies that she hasn’t yet and admits she’s tempted but brings up Paulina replacing her with EJ. Paulina tells her not to worry about EJ, who was using his office to punish his enemies and get family and friends off which is why she fired his ass and he doesn’t have that power anymore. Paulina notes that Melinda looks skeptical. Melinda admits that she is because in her experience, EJ doesn’t need the office to weaponize because he has plenty of his own resources to wreak havoc. Paulina says screw his resources and tells Melinda that she has her back. Paulina adds that as long as Melinda’s hands are clean, EJ can’t touch her.

Leo continues taking photos of Holly and Tate kissing until his phone rings. Leo answers and says it’s not a good time but the ring alerts Holly and Tate who find Leo in the bushes. Tate worries that they are now so busted.

Sloan and Eric finish eating dinner. Sloan complains that the chili dogs were kind of greasy and she was hoping he’d bring something from the Bistro. Eric reminds her that they had to cut expenses. Sloan points out that they are both working now and Eric is making good money at the Spectator. Eric notes that the apartment is kind of small and asks if she’d like to put a down payment on a house which surprises and thrills Sloan, who says she loves that idea. Eric tells Sloan that he wants the whole package with her. Sloan points out that the whole package usually includes two kids and says not now but maybe eventually. Sloan admits she never wanted any of this or at least never thought she’d have any of this. Sloan thanks Eric for giving her a real family and says she’s really lucky. Eric says he’s the lucky one as they kiss.

EJ brings Nicole some water and says he’ll bring her a hangover cure tomorrow. EJ says he knows that she and Eric are close, but he really wishes she came to him when she was hurting. Nicole points out that she didn’t go to Eric and that he called her when she didn’t meet with him, so he came to her at the bar. EJ feels she still could have called him to pick her up. Nicole apologizes for not doing so and says she’s here now with him. Nicole adds that she’s still hurting. EJ says he will be there for her, always as he hugs her. Nicole says she needs to be a better mother as she knows she’s screwed up things with Holly but also so many other things. Nicole thinks losing their baby was just the world’s way of punishing her for all the pain she caused.

Sloan and Eric joke about getting Jude to sleep. Eric shows Sloan some of the photos on his camera and talks about catching every moment they can with Jude. They come across a picture of the three of them which Eric says is their beautiful family.

Melinda warns Paulina that taking from EJ is dangerous. Paulina is not worried and says that EJ isn’t going to come after the district attorney because that would be an invitation to dig in to his family’s business. Melinda agrees that maybe she would be safer in the job so if EJ comes after her, she’ll go after him. Melinda then accepts the job and shakes hands with Paulina. Paulina assures that she won’t be sorry and that it’s a win-win situation. Paulina says now that they are on the same team, she has no problem sharing that she needed this to happen. Melinda mentions seeing her bad press in the Spectator and that it was pretty scathing. Paulina responds that she did what she needed to do to save her little girl. Melinda says she doesn’t have to explain herself as she would’ve done the same thing if it was her daughter. Melinda adds that she’d do anything to have her daughter Haley still alive. Paulina mentions knowing that Melinda gave her daughter up when she was born to protect her, like she did with Lani. Melinda remarks that being a good mother sometimes means doing whatever it takes, even if your kid ends up hating you for it..

Johnny tells Chanel that they don’t have to read any of the information in their envelope. Chanel says she just wants to look at it one more time. They talk about the baby growing inside of her right now. Johnny mentions her due date is Christmas, which Chanel says would be quite the gift for them. Chanel wants to pick out a name. Johnny says they don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl yet. Chanel says they have unisex names and she wants to call her child something. Chanel suggests Noel, feeling it’s perfect for a Christmas baby. Johnny agrees as they hug.

Tate pleads with Leo not to show the picture to anyone. Holly adds that if their parents find out they are sneaking around, they’ll never let them see each other again. Leo says he’d hate to see that happen as he is all about romance. Leo calls them adorable and obviously crazy about each other. Tate asks if that means he won’t write about them in his column. Leo talks about it being so hot with them being star-crossed lovers and compares it to Romeo & Juliet. Holly argues that they aren’t lovers but Leo says they are definitely heading in that direction. Leo brings up recently being dumped by the love of his life so they are making him feel choked up. Tate offers to pay Leo to keep quiet about this. Leo says he doesn’t want his money. Holly offers to add some cash too but Leo says he doesn’t want her money either. Tate and Holly ask if that means he will kill the story. Leo complains that this is the hottest thing he’s had in months but agrees not to blow their whistle. Holly asks why not. Leo asks if she’s disappointed. Tate says they just don’t trust him. Leo jokes about reading self help books. Leo repeats that he’s nursing his own heartbreak and he’s a sucker for love. Leo states that he won’t rat them out to their parents and then deletes the photos from his phone. Leo declares the secret of their forbidden love is now safe with him.

Johnny talks on the phone with a friend running a studio. Johnny thanks them for even thinking of him for this project and says he’ll talk it over with his wife and get back to them. Chanel comes back over, so Johnny claims it was a telemarketer on the phone. Chanel offers to block it but Johnny says they can do that later because he wants to take her out on a dinner date which she accepts, so they exit the hospital together.

Paulina tells Melina how it wasn’t just Chanel’s life at risk but Johnny’s as well because his life would’ve been ruined if they didn’t find Chanel. Melinda encourages that Paulina did what she had to do. Paulina thinks they are going to work well together this time and offers to take her out for dinner and drinks which Melinda accepts.

Eric gets ready to go back to work and tells Sloan that she and Jude don’t need to stay up. Sloan says she might but Jude will definitely go back down. Eric texts to Nicole that he’s going back to take photos and hopes she’s okay and that he’ll see her tomorrow. Sloan tells Eric to be careful as they kiss and Eric then exits.

EJ gets Nicole in bed. Nicole says she wants to put this day behind her, get a good night’s sleep, and hopes things will look different in the morning. EJ then sees Nicole’s phone go off with the text from Eric saying he’ll see her tomorrow. Nicole asks EJ if he’s coming to bed soon. EJ responds that he has to step out for a moment and he won’t be long but to call him if she needs. Nicole thanks EJ for understanding and taking care of her as he then exits the room.

Holly and Tate thank Leo for keeping this to himself. Leo gives them his blessing to go behind their parents’ back. Leo jokes about surprising himself by becoming soft since becoming Jude’s Godfather. Leo tells them that if they need anything, he will be there for them, comparing them to Romeo & Juliet again. Leo says he’s rooting for them and walks away. Tate kisses Holly and they hug.

Paulina and Melinda go to the Bistro for dinner. Chanel and Johnny then arrive. Paulina waves but Chanel decides she’s actually in the mood for the Brady Pub, so she and Johnny exit, leaving Paulina disappointed.

Nicole dreams about kissing Eric and confessing her love to him.

EJ goes to Sloan’s. She questions what he’s doing here. EJ responds that there’s been a change of plans. Sloan asks what he’s talking about. EJ declares that he’s here to take the baby, so he and Nicole can raise him as their own.

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Days Update Friday, May 17, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric brings Jude over to John and Marlena’s. They talk about how much Jude is growing. Marlena asks if he’s sleeping through the night. Eric says he wakes up once or twice but he doesn’t mind. John says it’s so clear that they are connected and so close. Eric remarks that he couldn’t love Jude more if he was his own flesh and blood. John says Eric is turning in to a great father. Eric credits Marlena, Roman, and John as his role models. Marlena comments on Jude smiling like Eric did when he was that age.

Nicole goes to Holly’s room and suggests they go get some tea. Holly says she has too much studying too. Nicole insists that it’s important but Holly says it can’t wait as she has a huge test next week. Nicole argues that it’s next week so she has time. Holly complains about how far behind she is and she’s totally stressed out. Nicole encourages her to relax and balance her life. Holly just wants to be normal and not have her mother checking on her and smothering her every two seconds. Nicole guesses this isn’t just about needing to study and that Holly doesn’t want to spend time with her.

Steve runs in to Ava outside of the Brady Pub. Steve says he was hoping to run in to her. Ava mentions having a video call with Tripp and Wendy and they are doing great. Steve says he did too and that’s not what he wanted to talk about. Ava asks what it is then. Steve wants to clue her in that he knows all about Clyde’s black book and that Harris took some pictures to his Navy intel buddies to have them decrypt it. Steve bets that if Harris is involved, then Ava is too.

Stefan enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and greets EJ, who says he is quite busy right now. Stefan knows he must have overwhelmed EJ with the new evidence in the Li Shin case. EJ says he’s not overwhelmed and calls it much ado about nothing. Stefan argues that EJ is just resistant because of his personal grudge against Gabi but if he looks at the evidence, he’ll see it points to Gil as Li’s murderer, not Gabi. Stefan says they are just asking him to reopen the case. EJ responds that he already said he will not. EJ adds that it’s highly irregular for the husband of the convicted party to be carrying around an evidence folder in her case. Stefan informs him that Rafe gave it to him, hoping that he could change EJ’s mind. EJ mocks Rafe being the brother of the convicted and having a conflict of interest so he’s not following proper protocol. Stefan says Rafe obviously has a personal stake in reopening the case but that doesn’t make him wrong. Stefan asks EJ to put his personal feelings aside and put the law and his job first. EJ responds that he has important business to attend to and exits. Stefan remarks that EJ is going to regret that.

Marlena talks about thinking Jude looks like Eric and says studies have shown that adopted children will pick up mannerisms of their adopted parents. John says he can see it too that Jude has Eric’s smile. John asks how everything is going at home with Eric and Sloan. Eric asks why he asks. John says that Marlena told him that finances might be a little tight with adoption expenses and baby stuff. Eric says that they put a budget together, so things are looking up. Marlena says she’s glad to hear that but they are here if he needs any help at all. Eric says he appreciates that but he has more money coming in so they’re good. Eric says they had to make adjustments, but that’s part of raising a kid.

Nicole asks Holly to be honest with her as she asks if she doesn’t want to spend time with her. Holly says she didn’t say that. Nicole argues that it’s in her actions. Holly shouts that she just said she has to study and tells her to stop gaslighting her. Nicole apologizes. Holly thinks it’s unfair that Nicole wants her to get good grades, go to college, and be a perfect daughter but she won’t let her do normal things like go to prom, hang out with her friends, and have a normal life. Nicole says that’s not what this is about. Holly argues that no matter how hard she tries, nothing she does will ever be good enough for her.

Steve tells Ava to level with him. Ava claims not to know what he’s talking about. Steve reminds her that she told him that she and Stefan were up to their eyeballs in Clyde’s drug operation, but when Stefan got caught, he left her name out of it. Steve thinks that’s a secret that Clyde can hold over her head and he’s sure that Clyde wants his black book back to finance his life on the run. Steve bets that Clyde has been in touch with Ava to get the book back and asks if he’s right.

Stefan goes to Paulina’s office and tells her that he’d like to file a complaint. Paulina argues that he can’t just barge in. Stefan says they don’t have time for red tape as he wants to file a complaint against EJ since he has some pretty damning information about him that he thinks she will find fascinating. Paulina tells Stefan to have a seat as she’s all ears.

EJ talks on the phone to his assistant Rita, telling her to buy another thousand shares of Titan stock. EJ says he wants all his ducks in a row before the vote tomorrow as he will soon be the permanent CEO of DiMera Enterprises.

John asks Eric how things are going at the Spectator. Eric says he’s enjoying it and is glad to have a steady gig. Marlena says they are lucky to have him. Eric hopes his pictures can make a difference. Eric tells them about Nicole doing a piece on the homeless and he’s doing the photos. Marlena says it sounds important. Eric hopes it can bring awareness across the country. Marlena asks if he and Nicole are working well together which Eric confirms. John asks how Sloan took the news about Eric working with Nicole as he can’t imagine she’d be too happy about that. Eric admits she wasn’t at first, but she understood he needed the job. Marlena asks if it’s not difficult for him to work that closely with Nicole. Eric says not at all as they will always have a connection, but they are friends and that’s all.

Nicole asks Holly how she can say that she’s not proud of her and insists that she is. Nicole says she’s just worried that Holly is pushing herself too hard. Holly says she does that because she didn’t want to be any trouble or the reason that the next guy walks out the door on Nicole. Nicole is sorry to hear that and she’s sad that Holly worried about that. Nicole tells Holly that she is her pride and joy and her relationships failing had nothing to do with her. Nicole thinks Holly could drop a couple of classes and pick them up in the summer. Holly asks if she wants to take her summer away too. Nicole says she just wants her to have options, pointing out that she didn’t even go to college. Holly says to look at her now and remarks that maybe that’s why she pushes herself so hard, so she doesn’t end up like Nicole.

Ava tells Steve that’s enough and that she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Steve says he knows that Stefan found Clyde’s book and took it to the police. Ava warns Steve to stay the hell out of it. Steve wishes he could, but thanks to Ava, he can’t, because he and John busted Clyde out of prison so if Clyde gets caught, he’s selling them down the river and they’ll all go to prison. Ava tells him that’s not going to happen. Steve questions how she knows that. Ava responds that prison bars won’t stop Clyde from ruining or taking lives and she knows Harris wants him captured, but she’s looking for a more permanent solution.

Stefan understands Paulina is in a bit of political trouble and that EJ is not helping her cause. Paulina confirms that she and EJ are at odds. Stefan asks if she’d like to wipe him off the face of the planet. Paulina repeats that they are at odds. Stefan explains that he and EJ are at odds because EJ is refusing to reopen a murder case where new evidence has come to light that would exonerate the convicted killer and free her from a lifetime sentence. Stefan complains that EJ is doing this because he hates the person convicted of the crime, so he’s using his office and power to perpetuate a grudge which is immoral and reprehensible. Paulina agrees. Stefan admits the person who would be exonerated is Gabi. Paulina says she would have to see all of this new evidence, so Stefan presents her with the folder.

Nicole tells Holly that was a very hurtful thing to say. Holly says she was just being honest that the way Nicole has lived her life is not how she wants to live her life as she wants her own path. Nicole says she wants that too and maybe that’s why she’s been so strict and she hovers because she knows she would’ve had a different life if her childhood wasn’t so screwed up. Nicole talks about her mother being caring with a good heart but she was abused by her father just like she was, so everything was about survival for them. Nicole just wants Holly to understand that nobody was there for her in the way she needed. Holly says that’s really sad but her trying to control her life is not the same as being there for her. Nicole argues that she just wants her to be safe after what happened on New Year’s. Holly questions how many times she’s going to bring that up to justify ruining her life because that’s what this feels like. Nicole admits she’s made some bad choices in her life and those choices hurt them both which she regrets. Nicole knows she hasn’t been consistent in her parenting but the one thing she has been consistent with is how much she loves her. Nicole declares the one thing she wants is for Holly to be happy, safe, and to have a good life. Holly says that’s all she wants too. Nicole says they finally agree on something then. Nicole asks what she can do to make things better. Holly tells her that the one thing is to trust her more and trust her judgment. Holly says getting good grades is important to her but it’s not enough as she wants to have the whole high school experience. Holly tells her that it would make her so happy to go to prom and she just said she wants her to be happy. Holly swears that she won’t get in any trouble. Nicole refuses and says it’s not an option. Holly points out what they just talked about. Nicole repeats that Holly almost died and she loves her, so it pains her to say this but she hasn’t earned that kind of trust back with her. Holly complains that Nicole loves her so much that she’s keeping her prisoner in the house. Holly then remarks that she’d rather be dead. Nicole tells her not to say that. Holly then rips in to Nicole and yells at her that all the babies she lost were lucky that they didn’t have to have her as a mother. Holly shouts at Nicole that maybe motherhood isn’t for her because she isn’t good at it. Nicole tries to hug her but Holly turns away. Nicole then exits the room in tears.

Marlena tells Eric that she’s so glad he and Holly still have their connection since it’s important to her and she looks up to him. Eric says he tries to be there for her without stepping on Nicole and EJ’s toes, but they are working on it. Eric mentions needing to get Jude home and meet Nicole about their story. Marlena says she has a client to see and John says he has cases to go over. John tells Eric that he’ll see him around and to drop in more often. Marlena reminds Eric that they are there any time he needs help watching the baby. Eric then exits with Jude. Marlena tells John that she’ll see him for supper tonight. Marlena adds that she’s so glad that he and Steve are back on good terms which John says is all thanks to her. John says he loves her and they kiss goodbye as Marlena then exits.

Paulina goes over the evidence and tells Stefan that he’s right that it’s compelling but it hardly proves anything as it’s all circumstantial. Stefan points out that even Rafe wants the case reopened. Paulina points out that Gabi is Rafe’s sister and Stefan’s wife. Stefan insists that Gabi is innocent and admits he knows the case is not a slam dunk but that it’s enough to cast reasonable doubt on that conviction, so it needs to be investigated. Paulina asks if EJ is refusing to even consider it. Stefan calls EJ stubborn and very ambitious, so he thinks he’s afraid of the truth coming out. Paulina is aware of EJ’s axe to grind with Gabi but asks why he would be scared of the truth and what Gabi’s exoneration has to do with EJ’s ambition. Stefan argues that it’s obvious to him that EJ is scared that if Gabi is exonerated, she will come back for the CEO position at DiMera Enterprises, possibly booting EJ out of his highly coveted seat yet again. Paulina asks what he means by again. Stefan guesses she didn’t hear because she was recovering from illness, but EJ temporarily appointed himself as CEO of DiMera while he was dealing with his circumstances and booted out of the job. Paulina says she knew that and says so what to EJ being acting CEO. Stefan says he wouldn’t think it was a big deal either if EJ wasn’t trying to become permanent CEO while still serving as Salem’s district attorney which shocks Paulina. Paulina argues that EJ knows the city’s laws don’t allow that and he didn’t think to clear it with her. Paulina grabs her phone and calls EJ. Paulina orders EJ to drop whatever he’s doing and get to her office right now, then hangs up.

Steve asks what exactly Ava is insinuating. Ava responds that she’s not insinuating anything, she’s telling him that she agrees that if Clyde gets captured, he will sell them all out, so they need a way for that not to happen like a permanent solution to the Clyde situation. Stefan approaches and asks if he’s interrupting. Ava claims they were just talking about Tripp. Steve says he’s happy they are doing so well and he has to get going, so he walks away. Stefan tells Ava that he’s glad he ran in to her because they need to talk. Ava asks if Gabi got a new trial date but Stefan says EJ was not receptive to reopening the case which Ava says is no surprise. Stefan then states that EJ’s control over the situation may come to an abrupt halt.

EJ goes to Paulina’s office. She remarks that it took him long enough. EJ responds that he’s a very busy man and he dislikes being summoned. Paulina reminds EJ that he works for her. EJ says she’s reminded him many times and asks what was so urgent. Paulina questions why EJ is dismissing the new evidence in the Li Shin murder case. EJ says he should’ve known Stefan got to her. EJ tells Paulina that there was simply not enough evidence. Paulina stops him and says she’s tired of him using his office to further his private vendettas and aspirations, so that’s going to stop now and he’s going to do as she instructs him to. EJ asks or else what?

Holly goes to Marlena’s office in tears and asks if it’s a bad time. Marlena says not at all as she’s on a break. Marlena asks Holly what has happened. Holly responds that she’s a terrible person as she just said some horrible things to her mom and now she hates herself. Marlena hugs her as she cries.

Eric waits in the town square then pulls out his phone to call Nicole, who is drinking at the bar. Eric asks if she’s okay as he’s been waiting for her. Nicole says she lost track of time. Eric ask where she is. Nicole admits she’s at the small bar. Eric tells her not to go anywhere as he’s coming to get her.

Steve goes to see John, who thanks him for stopping by. Steve mentions just having lunch with Kayla at the Pub and she is as perceptive as ever since she knows something is going on with Maggie and Konstantin. Steve says he only told her that he’d let her in when the time is right which she didn’t like but she accepted. John says that’s good. Steve adds that he has some really good news as he may have a lead on Clyde Weston. Steve tells John about Jada telling them that the police have gotten Clyde’s black book which could have all of his drug trade contacts. John says that could be huge. Steve notes that the only thing is it’s in code and no one’s been able to decipher it. John asks if they can get their hands on a copy. Steve says he mentioned to Jada about talking to Rafe to try to get their hands on one. Steve adds that if the ISA got a hold of it, they could crack it. John says they have to stay on top of this. Steve decides he’ll give Rafe a call himself to see if he’s down to give them a copy. Steve then informs John that he also ran in to Ava outside the Pub and he thinks she knows a lot more about Clyde and his whereabouts than she’s letting on.

Holly tells Marlena that she told Nicole that she was a terrible mom and that the babies she lost were lucky to not have to deal with her as a mom. Marlena guesses she must have been pretty angry. Holly argues that’s no excuse since it’s the worst thing anyone’s ever said to their mom. Marlena suggests some perspective. Holly doesn’t understand why she says nasty and awful things to Nicole that she really doesn’t mean and feels so guilty afterwards. Marlena says sometimes we lash out at the people we’re closest to and they do the same because they know each other so well. Holly worries that this was really bad and she doesn’t know what to do as she wants to apologize but Nicole won’t answer her phone. Marlena says Nicole is upset and suggests giving her some time. Marlena advises Holly to write her a letter to express everything she’s going through and dealing with. Holly asks if that’s not weird to pull out a letter while apologizing. Marlena says it might feel odd in the moment, but she can explain that she wanted to talk to her while feeling calm and rational, not when emotions were taking over the conversation. Marlena adds that she’s been involved in a number of those mother-daughter conversations, so she has a little sense of what Nicole is going through and she thinks that she’s terrified of losing her.

Nicole continues drinking at the bar, remarking that it’s exactly what a terrible mother should do. Eric arrives and says she can tell him all about it in the car. Eric says he will call EJ to let him know but Nicole says not to because he’s busy putting out fires. Eric helps Nicole up and carries her out of the bar.

EJ asks Paulina if he’s fired if he doesn’t do as she’s instructed. Paulina responds that ship has sailed as he’s already fired. EJ argues that she can’t do that. Paulina says she can and she just did because he can’t keep his job as district attorney while moonlighting as the CEO of DiMera in the long haul as that won’t fly. Paulina orders EJ to clear out his desk right now and she’ll have security escort him out.

John asks Steve what the hell Ava could know and if he thinks Clyde might be in touch with her. Steve says she wouldn’t say but he thinks it’s a good bet. John says either way, having the black book is a great start so he’s all for the ISA cracking that code. Steve points out that if they can and Clyde is caught, he’s going to give them up for breaking him out of prison. John responds that they will just have to prepare themselves for that consequence.

Stefan tells Ava that he pulled one over on EJ by going over his head and straight to the mayor. Ava says she’s impressed as Stefan talks about how it was almost too easy and says Paulina is probably firing EJ as they speak. Ava remarks that it couldn’t happen to a more arrogant son of a bitch. Stefan asks if Harris had any luck setting the trap for Clyde. Ava says not yet, but he wants that black book. They agree they’ll be shouting “hallelujah” when Clyde is caught.

EJ goes home and grabs a drink, angrily declaring that Paulina will pay for this.

Eric brings Nicole home. Nicole apologizes as they were supposed to work. Eric says they can work tomorrow and goes to help her inside.

Holly tells Marlena that it makes sense that Nicole tries to control her because she’s afraid of losing her like she lost her baby brothers. Marlena says Nicole is afraid of what happened on New Year’s Eve and Holly is going to have to work really hard to regain her trust. Holly says she gets that now. Marlena encourages that they both can do it because they love each other so much.

Eric helps Nicole in to the DiMera Mansion. Nicole thanks him for taking such good care of her and calls him the best person in the world. Eric tries to quiet her down and suggests getting her upstairs. Nicole calls Eric like her knight in shining armor so she wants to give him a goodnight kiss. Eric tries to argue but Nicole grabs him and kisses him right as EJ comes out from the living room and sees them kissing.

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Days Update Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Sarah comes home to find a box of cupcakes from the Bakery. Xander comes in with flowers and presents her with a card, asking “Won’t you play with me?”

Steve and Kayla sit together at the Brady Pub. Kayla talks about work being nonstop, so she’s glad she was able to get away. Steve says he’ll take any time he can get with her. Steve is sorry the staff shortages have been wearing her down. Kayla says she can handle it, but she’ll be happy when new doctors show up. Kayla asks if he’s talked to Tripp. Steve confirms he has and that he and Wendy are doing great. Kayla asks how Steve is doing. Steve responds that he’s happy that Tripp is happy but he still misses him a lot though. Kayla asks how things are going with Steve and John. Steve says they are fine. Kayla wants more but Steve says that’s all he’s got right now. Kayla asks how things are going with Konstantin. Steve responds that he still doesn’t trust him and never will. Kayla admits that he hasn’t given him a reason to and she can’t believe that Maggie is going to marry Konstantin. Steve assures that she doesn’t have to worry about Maggie. Kayla notes that he sounds sure of himself and asks what’s going on. Jada then arrives, so Steve invites her to join them.

John goes home and asks Marlena what’s going on as she sounded worried on the phone. Marlena reveals that she got an update from Brady and it looks like Maggie is redistributing Victor’s wealth to make sure that all the relatives get their inheritance. John says he’s sure Konstantin is losing his mind and asks what Marlena’s concerns are. Marlena says they all know Konstantin is a very dangerous man, so she’s afraid that Maggie has put herself in a rather dangerous place.

Alex and Theresa walk through the town square. Alex talks about seeing a lot of beautiful things. Theresa says she likes sparkly as they get close until Konstantin approaches with Maggie and suggests an engagement ring for the happy couple which Maggie questions. Konstantin asks why not, insisting that they make a fantastic couple. Konstantin jokes that they could even make it a double wedding. Maggie says she’s sure they have their own plans and apologizes to Theresa and Alex for Konstantin getting carried away. Maggie then questions Alex not being at the office for a meeting. Alex says his calendar is none of her business but his VP has it covered because he knows had to delegate. Maggie feels there’s still a need to be present. Alex responds that Titan is a well-oiled machine thanks in large part to him. Maggie suggests one of them should get to work and guesses that’s going to be her. Maggie tells Konstantin that she will text him on her way home and walks off.

Marlena tells John that nobody wants to upset Konstantin, but she’s afraid that Maggie moving Victor’s money around could be kicking the hornet’s nest. John agrees that she’s rattling his cage a little bit, but the Kiriakis estate is massive with millions left over even after Maggie’s generous gifting. John thinks that will make Konstantin behave himself for awhile. Marlena hopes that he’s right. John says just to cover their bases, they should make sure Maggie doesn’t have anything else to tell them.

Steve asks Jada to catch them up for a couple minutes as she joins their table. Kayla bets it’s nice to live in an actual house. Jada calls it definitely an improvement from the small room overlooking a parking lot. Jada adds that Rafe is a great guy and she actually looks forward to coming home. Kayla mentions Stephanie telling them that Everett signed the divorce papers. Jada confirms that and she’s pretty sure Stephanie had something to do with making that happen. Jada says she’s grateful because it’s like a dark cloud has been lifted. Jada knows Stephanie is working on her relationship with Everett and trying to make it work, so she hopes he doesn’t break her heart like he did to her.

Sarah tells Xander that she has a couple games they could play in the bedroom. Xander says soon, when the timing is right as he points out that Victoria is about to wake up. Sarah says she’ll go get the afternoon bottle but Xander says not yet as they have games to play. Sarah asks what games. Xander tells her Hearts and reveals a deck of cards. Sarah isn’t sure she remembers the rules. Xander encourages that it will all come back to her. Sarah picks up the Queen of Hearts. Xander says she is his queen and she has captured his heart. Sarah asks what’s going on. Xander tells her that she’s on a scavenger hunt and he will have so much fun watching her figure it out. Xander encourages that she’s doing great and is on her way to finding the treasure which excites Sarah. Xander tells her that she’s not getting anything until she finds what he’s hidden.

Kayla tells Jada that they appreciate her concern but assure that if Everett hurts Stephanie or gets out of line, Steve will have a lot to say about it. Steve tells Jada that she can come to him too if he ever does anything that she doesn’t like. Jada thinks Everett will be keeping his distance from her but thanks Steve for caring. Steve talks about Jada’s father being a dear friend of his and that he’d be very upset if he didn’t look out for her. Jada thanks him and says they are like family to her. They talk about wishing they saw each other more. Jada apologizes for not making plans but says lately, she feels pulled in so many different directions. Steve asks how the search for Clyde Weston is going.

Alex questions what Konstantin is still doing here. Theresa tells Alex to be civil. Konstantin agrees there’s no reason to linger so he will go, but Alex stops him and says there was one thing he wanted to discuss with him. Alex informs Konstantin that he recently just purchased a racehorse and it might get delivered before he moves back in to the mansion, so he asks Konstantin to let the stable master know. Konstantin questions if Maggie is aware of his plans. Alex assumes Maggie knows he’s moving back in since half of everything was left to him. Alex adds that he’s thinking about taking over the east wing and asks if that’s where Konstantin’s room is. Alex mentions planning to talk to Maggie about his continued occupancy at the mansion. Konstantin argues that he’s sure Maggie would object to Alex having him relocate. Alex warns Konstantin not to get too comfortable there. Theresa interrupts to separate them and says this conversation is pointless without Maggie since it’s her house. Alex repeats that half of it is his along with half of Victor’s fortune. Alex then asks if Konstantin has any idea when the Hortons are moving out.

Maggie goes to see John and Marlena. Maggie mentions that she was on her way to work so she can only stay a little while and asks what’s going on. Marlena says they wanted to thank her because Brady told them that she had redistributed Victor’s estate, allowing Brady to set up a trust for Tate and Rachel. Maggie says Xander did the same for Victoria and that she was just carrying out Victor’s wishes since he wanted to make sure his children and grandchildren were cared for. Maggie adds that she already decided to share her wealth before she knew what Konstantin was up to. Maggie asks if she did something wrong. John says no and that they just wanted to talk about next steps with Konstantin. John states that they need to get Konstantin to commit a crime that they can get him on. Maggie says she was going to call later but they beat her to it. Maggie reveals it came to her earlier today which John questions. Maggie calls it a brilliant idea as she knows exactly how to bring Konstantin down for good. John asks to hear the brilliant plan. Maggie says it’s all about Alex as ever since Victor’s will has been settled, Alex has been hyper focused on spending money and neglecting his role at Titan almost completely. Maggie says normally, she wouldn’t let that behavior slide, but it occurred to her that it might provide the perfect opportunity to get rid of Konstantin permanently. John tells her to go on. Maggie explains that it seems Alex is not interested, so company money could be moved under the radar and they could make it look like Konstantin has been embezzling from Titan for months. Maggie argues that it wouldn’t be difficult to transfer funds to a personal account that she opens on his behalf if they do it right and cleverly. Marlena realizes the idea is to expose Konstantin for the low life he really is which Maggie says to leave to her.

Konstantin informs Alex that the Horton house renovation is almost complete. Alex is sure Konstantin is breathing a huge sigh of relief. Konstantin says he’s actually enjoyed having the Hortons around and hopes to enjoy having him there just as much. Alex says he wouldn’t count on that and says he’s going to finish up and tells Theresa he’s going to get a huge surprise as he walks off. Theresa then questions what the hell Konstantin was thinking by suggesting an engagement ring out loud. Konstantin argues that Alex didn’t suspect anything of it. Konstantin asks if Theresa has been working on that. Theresa informs him that she got herself back in to Alex’s bed, so now she just needs to get herself back in the mansion.

Jada tells Steve and Kayla that they recently came in to a new piece of evidence. Steve asks what that is. Jada explains that they got Clyde’s black book, detailing every part of his drug operation. Steve calls that big news. Jada mentions that Stefan found it hidden at the Bistro but it’s written in code and they are so far from figuring it out. Steve says he and John could definitely help by bringing it to the ISA and declares that if anyone can crack that code, it’s them.

Sarah tells Xander it’s game on. Xander says he’s rooting for her. Sarah begins searching the apartment. Xander says it sounds like Victoria jus woke up. Sarah says she didn’t hear anything. Xander gives Sarah her flowers and directs her of where to look for the next clue as he goes to get Victoria. Sarah finds a ring box as Xander brings out Victoria, wearing a bib that reads “Will You Marry Daddy?” After putting Victoria down, Xander gets down on one knee and officially proposes to Sarah. Sarah responds that she’s so sorry but she can’t accept this.

Jada appreciates Steve’s offer but says that Harris already took the paperwork for analysis. Jada agrees to talk to Rafe since the more eyes they get on this, the better. Steve says they all want the same thing in getting Clyde behind bars again. Jada adds that the book might help them in a few cases. Steve asks if there’s something else with Clyde but Jada says it’s the murder of Li Shin. Kayla thought Gabi was in prison for that. Jada notes that Gabi always said she’s innocent and Rafe is very sure of that. Steve asks if she’s saying Clyde was involved in that. Jada says she can’t say anything right now, but this book could lead to a lot of closure for all of them.

John tells Maggie that on paper, it sounds like a hell of a plan. Maggie thought he would like it and she’s convinced it will work. John says they just need to plant the seed. Maggie suspects that Konstantin will be salivating over the favor she’s about to ask of him. Maggie adds that she will call if she gets in any trouble. John thinks she’s doing just fine as Maggie then exits. John tells Marlena that he wasn’t quite sure, but he’s thinking that Maggie might be able to pull this off. Marlena has no doubt and thinks Konstantin is messing with the wrong redhead. John declares that soon, Konstantin will be out of all of their lives for good.

Konstantin tells Theresa that she talks a good game but complains that he needs to see some action soon. Theresa tells him to just make sure to hold up his end of the bargain. Alex then returns to Theresa. Konstantin says he has errands to tend to so he walks away. Alex calls Konstantin insufferable. Theresa says he’s marrying Maggie, so he’ll have to get used to it. Alex can’t believe that but guesses that’s just what happens when you’re lonely and needy. Alex asks if Theresa wants to see what he got her. Theresa says yes, so Alex presents her with a bracelet which amazes her. Theresa wishes there was something she could do for him. Alex says he has a few ideas as they kiss.

John tells Marlena that getting the Konstantin issue under control makes him feel like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. Marlena agrees and says it must make John feel good to get Konstantin out of Maggie’s life. John states that he’s the reason that Konstantin is in Salem, so the way he’s been taking advantage of Maggie and plotting to kill her is all on him. John calls it another cross to bear.

Steve realizes Clyde’s book is the key, so if he knows they have it, he’ll come out of hiding. Jada says they just have to get word out that it’s been found. Steve asks Jada to keep him in the loop which she agrees to do. Kayla notes that it’s personal to them and their family. Steve talks about Clyde killing Abigail, almost killing Tripp and Wendy, and hurting so many people they love. Steve declares that Clyde needs to be stopped once and for all.

Xander doesn’t understand and questions Sarah saying no. Sarah clarifies that she’s not saying no to him, but to the ring and says she can’t wear that. Xander asks why not. Sarah says she appreciates it but it’s too much. Xander talks about Maggie reallocating Victor’s funds and setting up a trust for Victoria. Xander says that’s why he wants to make things official since they are a family now and he wanted her to have the best ring money could buy because she deserves it. Sarah responds that she doesn’t need the best ring or anything because she already has the best in him as they kiss.

Alex and Theresa go back to the bedroom and continue kissing as they begin to undress and they kiss onto the bed.

Xander asks if Sarah is saying yes then. Sarah calls Xander the best and agrees that the only way this could be any better would be knowing they get to spend the rest of their lives together. Sarah apologizes and says she’s so touched and does appreciate that he spent so much time shopping for a beautiful ring and the way he proposed. Xander asks her to just keep the ring and not feel guilty about it which she agrees to. Sarah says she’ll try her hardest to get over the guilt. Xander jokes that she’d feel more guilty giving it back as he spent hours picking out the right one. Sarah asks for a redo and promises to be grateful and gracious with no objections or complaints. Xander calls it take two as he gets back down on one knee and proposes to Sarah. Sarah then accepts and says she cannot wait to be his wife. Xander puts the ring on her finger. Sarah says it looks like they are engaged now. Xander confirms there’s no question about it as they kiss.

Kayla tells Jada that they want to have her and Rafe over for Sunday dinner which Jada says sounds wonderful. Jada agrees to check her calendar and text her. Jada hugs them and says to take care as she exits. Kayla tells Steve that she can see his wheels turning. Steve says this new piece of evidence is big news and asks how any of them could rest easy until Clyde is back in his cage. Kayla agrees that they can’t, so maybe it will give him something else to focus on other than Konstantin. Steve assures that he can work on more than one thing at a time so that doesn’t change. Kayla asks why he hasn’t told her what’s going on. Steve promises that when the time is right, he’ll tell her everything. Kayla hopes it all works out. Steve says it has to as there is no other option.

Konstantin sits in the town square, complaining about Alex. Maggie approaches and asks who he’s talking to. Konstantin says talking to himself is an old habit. Maggie says they all do it. Konstantin thought she was going to work. Maggie says she did and then she had an epiphany which brought her back to him. Konstantin asks about it. Maggie says she has a favor and he’s the only one she thinks can handle it. Konstantin says anything. Maggie explains that she intends to create a charitable trust in Victor’s honor and that Konstantin knew what was in Victor’s heart, so she’d like to put him in charge of distributing funds that belonged to Victor if he’s willing. Konstantin says it would be his honor to do for her and Victor. Konstantin thanks her for entrusting him wtih such a noble venture.

Marlena tells John that she’s going to tell him one more time that none of what he did back then was about him as it wasn’t John Black. Marlena says what he’s doing now and how he’s helping Maggie is an example of his kindness and his strength. Maggie says if that’s not an example of his quality of character, she doesn’t know what is. John responds that he just wants to be a force for good and with Marlena by his side, he knows anything is possible as he kisses her.

Alex and Theresa lay in bed after having sex. Theresa tells Alex that she’s crazy about him and she’s waiting for him to say the same. Alex says he’s a fan of actions speak louder than words and that all the action just now should’ve told her something. Theresa decides she’s going to shower and they decide to order food in. Theresa heads to the shower while Alex grabs his phone and calls Kristen. Alex says he misses her and will hopefully see her tomorrow as he can’t wait and then hangs up.

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Days Update Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Rafe meets Ava at Wendy and Tripp’s apartment. Rafe thanks her for meeting him there while Ava notes it’s good that Wendy and Tripp left her a key while they are in Hong Kong. Ava mentions that she does need to get back to the Pub because she can’t let Roman down after quitting the Bistro. Rafe points out that he wasn’t aware that she quit. Ava says it was for the best. Rafe says this won’t take long and assumes Harris has her up to speed on the lab analysis of Clyde’s black book. Ava confirms that Harris briefed her on it. Rafe says the working assumption is that Gil stabbed Li but the question is why and the other question is can Ava help them prove it.

Eric goes to the Spectator office and finds Chad’s son Thomas. Thomas says it’s take your kid to work day. Eric asks if that means he’s going to be his boss. Thomas responds that he doesn’t want to be the boss, he wants to be a reporter like his mom as Chad comes out from the back.

EJ enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and is surprised to see Nicole as he thought she’d still be at the Spectator. Nicole says she’s going back and just took a break as she was hoping to see Holly after school so she could try to mend fences. Nicole says that Holly is with Sophia, studying and avoiding her after their blowout which she understands. EJ apologizes for his role in that. Nicole tells him that he has nothing to be sorry for as he was just trying to help like he always does.

Stefan works at the Bistro. Kristen joins him and asks for the latest. Stefan says he has as list of ex-associates of Clyde and Rafe couldn’t track anyone down, so he’s trying to come up with any kind of lead. Stefan toasts to finding Li’s real killer and Gabi coming home. Kristen knows Stefan loves Gabi and she can’t figure out why, but she knows they hadn’t really had a chance, so she hopes they have that chance now. Stefan jokes about her being a romantic. Kristen says she’s always been a hopeless romantic and tells Stefan to just keep that bitch away from her.

Sloan finds Leo drinking in the park and says she’s been looking all over for him. Leo mentions getting the good stuff thanks to EJ’s bank account. Sloan asks if he’s out of his freaking mind. Sloan questions if his plan is to drink himself in to a coma. Leo asks if she just came to judge him or if she has something to say. Sloan says that he lost his one true love like billions of others and asks if it was really true love since Dimitri dumped him on his ass. Leo calls that cruel while Sloan complains that Leo blew up her life. Leo argues that she chose this path, not him. Sloan remarks that he might as well have published the truth in his gossip column. Leo argues that he’s been good and loyal to her. Sloan cries that was until he opened his drunken mouth and jeopardized everything for her including her family, her marriage, and her livelihood. Leo insists that he kept his word and didn’t tell Eric. Leo feels she’s being overdramatic since aside from the people who already knew, EJ is the only other one that knows.

Nicole tells EJ that she didn’t expect Mother’s Day to go like it did and says she knows she’s made a lot of mistakes with Holly. Nicole brings up that Chloe was the one who actually carried her and then they had a custody battle. Nicole worries that Holly could sense the trauma and even when she got custody, she became a single mother. EJ encourages that she showered Holly with love and kids can sense that too. Nicole still wonders if things would be different if she raised Holly from the day she was born and she was hoping to have that chance with their son but it wasn’t in the cards for her.

Ava asks Rafe how she can help since she knows nothing about Li’s death. Rafe points out that since Wendy and Tripp are in Hong Kong, Ava is the only person in Salem who was living in the apartment when both Gil and Li were killed, so maybe she knows something without even being aware of it. Ava jokingly suggests hiring a hypnotist which Rafe says is not a bad idea. Ava insists she’s been doing nothing but thinking about this since Harris told her about the fingerprint. Ava swears that she knows just as much as Rafe does and that she really has to get back to work. Rafe suggests he come see her later or tomorrow then as there’s no chance he’s giving up on this. Ava says she’s trying to protect herself from reliving this. Rafe understands that this is difficult for her but he really needs her help here, badly. Ava then agrees to do what she can to help.

Eric asks Thomas if he has any ideas what kind of stories he wants to cover. Thomas says he wants to be a crime reporter and jokes about his school cafeteria. Eric sends Thomas to the photography room and says Chad will show him how to use the camera. Chad talks about Thomas getting it from his mom.

Stefan tells Kristen not to get ahead of themselves since Gabi isn’t out of prison yet and reminds her that he’s the one who found the black book. Kristen questions if he’s going back on a promise over a technicality. Stefan says he wants EJ out of the CEO chair as much as she did so the mission is plugging Kristen in and getting EJ out, but the priority is getting his wife out of prison.

Rafe tells Ava that the evidence points to Gil stabbing Li but questions what his motive was. Ava asks how she would know anything about that. Rafe says he’s just trying to piece things together and asks if there was any chance that Li was working with Clyde. Ava says absolutely not. Rafe asks how she could be so sure unless there’s more she’s not telling him about what Clyde and Gil were doing. Ava complains that it sounds like she needs a lawyer. Rafe says he’s not interrogating her but she did run a drug ring for her father. Ava argues that was decades ago. Rafe suggests maybe Clyde knew that and was capitalizing on her experience. Ava remarks that anything possible doesn’t mean they are. Rafe brings up Ava running a management position at the Bistro despite having no restaurant experience. Ava declares they are done here. Rafe questions why Stefan would take the fall for her when she’s the one with the drug DNA. Ava tells Rafe that his accusations are baseless. Rafe shouts that it was happening right below her and she’s smarter than that. Rafe says he just needs to understand why Stefan took the fall for her and asks if something was going on between them. Rafe questions if Stefan was cheating on Gabi with Ava. Rafe asks her to help him understand and make sense of this.

Nicole asks EJ to tell her the truth as she asks if he expected so much drama when they got together. Nicole talks about EJ having to deal with Holly’s attitude and her occasional mood swings. EJ jokes that he does the same and she still puts up with him. EJ adds that after being with Sami, this has been a cake walk which Nicole takes as a compliment. EJ assures that he adores her and is so grateful that he gets to spend his time with her. Nicole asks EJ to let Holly know that she’ll be working late tonight and that she did come by on her break to see her. EJ informs Nicole that a City Hall fundraiser is on the horizon, so her being on his arm when he shows up will make him look like visiting royalty. Nicole agrees to go and says it will be an interesting and a chance to do something good. EJ calls her optimism infectious. Nicole says it’s really sad that so many charity programs are underfunded so maybe she can pick up something for her article. EJ comments that she and Eric seem to have really thrown themselves in to this. Nicole assures they believe these stories need to be told. EJ declares that his wife has everything as they kiss. Nicole tells EJ that she will see him later as she then exits the mansion.

Eric tells Chad that Abigail was an amazing person. Chad says she was perfect to him and he misses her. Chad talks about there being a lot of Abigail in their kids. Eric is sure she’s smiling down on them.

Sloan tells Leo that maybe this was all her fault since she left him alone at a bar to drown his sorrows in booze. Leo calls that a huge mistake on her part. Sloan asks how long after she left did he go to EJ’s. Leo tries to recall how long it took but says he doesn’t know because he was drunk and still is along with being heartbroken, so he wasn’t thinking. Sloan asks if he’s ever thinking. Leo responds that he’s thinking now and something isn’t adding up.

Stefan declares that he’s going to EJ to compel him to open Gabi’s case because she’s been locked up long enough. Kristen tries to stop Stefan and says she knows it’s hard to be patient but Rafe said he was going to EJ after he talked to Ava. Kristen says they will hope that Rafe finds even more evidence that points to Gil as the killer.

Ava tells Rafe that the only woman that Stefan loves is Gabi and she thinks Rafe knows that. Ava thought they were trying to get evidence to clear Gabi’s name, not have an interrogation in to her past. Rafe understands her resistance to her past but says it’s relevant because anyone can look up Ava’s history and see that she’s a criminal. Rafe argues that he’s trying to get the truth and the whole story. Rafe’s theory is that the killings are connected as he thinks Gil came looking for Ava but ran in to Li and Li was in his way, so Gil took him out, then Gabi came in and stupidly picked up the knife after seeing the body. Ava calls that definitely a theory. Rafe tells Ava there’s no more dancing around it. Rafe declares that Ava was the intended victim and he thinks she knows that.

Chad tells Eric that kids make it all worthwhile. Eric agrees, talking about Jude being his world. Chad says genetics have nothing on that kind of love. Eric calls Thomas amazing and a great kid. Chad talks about him growing up too fast. Chad tells Eric to make sure to cherish every moment he can with Jude. Eric assures that he does and that he’s so blessed to be his dad.

Sloan ask what Leo means by something not adding up. Leo says he told EJ the truth out of the goodness of his heart which Sloan laughs at. Leo says he didn’t go there for a payout, but EJ spearheaded that so he wouldn’t talk. Sloan tells Leo to just do as he’s told. Leo argues that he had no choice after Eric cut off his money. Sloan asks if that’s why he went to EJ. Leo reminds her that he told her that he would if his allowance stopped coming. Sloan complains that he more recently said he wouldn’t. Leo blames the drinking but Sloan says he’s the one who poured the poison down his throat, so he’s the reason they are in this mess. Leo tells Sloan that he’s sorry. Leo talks about how he cares about Jude. Leo thinks that Jude should be with his biological mom, who actually likes kids. Sloan declares that Jude is never going back to Nicole, ever, which Leo questions.

Ava questions Rafe thinking she was Gil’s target. Rafe confirms that he thinks so and with forensics evidence and a possible motive, they have a much better chance at getting Gabi her freedom, but he needs the whole story and whatever her relationship was with Gil. Ava responds that she didn’t have a relationship with him. Ava calls Gil a snake who was always coming onto her and wouldn’t take no for an answer and that is it. Rafe asks why Gil had to come back here to do that. Ava asks if she has to spell it out for him. Ava says there’s always the chance that someone could be at the Bistro so it’s not the ideal place for sexual assault. Ava asks if it’s hard to get in the head of a predator. Rafe goes over Gil killing Li and then coming back for Ava, but she killed him. Ava flashes back to shooting Gil and shouts that it was in self defense.

Leo doesn’t understand and questions if Sloan is saying EJ doesn’t want his kid back. Sloan says she didn’t say that. Leo argues that if Nicole never gets her baby back, then EJ won’t either. Sloan reminds Leo that EJ told him to keep his mouth shut and not ask questions but he’s doing the opposite. Leo argues that he’s a journalist. Sloan says this is none of his concern. Leo says he’s a sensitive guy with a big heart and a ton of guilt for stealing a child and letting EJ and Nicole think their child was dead. Leo admits he’s having a hard time living with himself because he’s feeling so guilty. Leo questions Sloan lying to Eric all this time and how she’s sleeping at night or living with herself.

Chad asks Eric how his feature is coming along. Eric says it’s coming along well. Chad asks if it’s going alright with Nicole. Eric says it is and asks why it wouldn’t be. Chad acknowledges their history and jokes that he knows what it can be like to work with an ex. Nicole then arrives and asks if she’s interrupting. Chad says no, so Nicole says for them to get back to work. Chad decides he will go track down Thomas. Nicole gives Chad a notebook that she found at her desk this morning. Chad opens it and Nicole asks if everything is okay. Chad recognizes it having Abigail’s handwriting and that the last entry was just a few weeks before she died.

Ava tells Rafe that it still haunts her why she had to pull the trigger and it still follows her. Ava says now it’s the thought that Wendy’s brother was killed because of her. Rafe says Li was in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like Gabi was. Ava says maybe that’s just a story he keeps telling himself. Ava cries that she can’t do this anymore. Ava tells Rafe that she doesn’t know anything and if she did, she would tell him, but she doesn’t. Rafe accepts that for now but tells her that as long as Gabi’s freedom is on the line, he’s not going to stop digging by a long shot.

Chad says he can almost hear Abigail’s voice in her writing. Chad thought he read everything she wrote but he’s never seen this before, so she must have been working on it right before she died. Eric asks how they can find out or if anyone else might know. Chad suggests Abigail probably confided in Jack. Nicole points out that Jack was editor-in-chief so maybe he knows something. Chad decides there’s only one way to find out and calls Jack. Chad tells him that everything is okay and the kids are good. Chad says he just had a question about Abigail. Chad asks Jack if Abigail told him or Jennifer about a piece she was working on before she died.

EJ sits at home with a drink until Stefan and Kristen come home. EJ jokingly calls them two of his favorite people and offers a drink. Stefan says he’s good for now while Kristen says she’ll take one herself. EJ and Kristen start to argue. Stefan asks them to stop. EJ asks Kristen if she noticed the DiMera stock going up and calls that enough for the board to vote him as permanent CEO at the next election since it’s all about the bottom line. Stefan questions him being sure while Kristen mocks him. EJ remarks that the rising tide lifts all boats. Stefan says that Chad and Tony want nothing to do with the company and he’s persona non grata so it looks like EJ has it buttoned up. EJ agrees and toasts to family.

Sloan tells Leo that guilt is a waste of time as nobody gets medals for suffering. Leo mocks her having no conscience. Sloan says she has come to terms with what she did, so he should too and they should put this dark time behind them. Leo argues that they told a woman that her son was dead when he wasn’t and that woman will probably grieve for the rest of her life. Sloan calls that sad, but insists that she will get over it. Sloan points out that Nicole is in a very happy marriage to a rich and powerful man, she has a daughter and a job, so she thinks she’s doing fine. Sloan tells Leo to get over his guilt and warns him to keep his mouth shut or else she will tell EJ that he’s not holding up his end of the bargain, so losing all that money will be the least of his troubles.

Ava goes home and calls Harris, leaving a message telling him that she’s not feeling so great so she told Roman that she couldn’t work tonight but she needs to talk to him. Ava hangs up and tells herself that she can’t do it. Ava questions how to tell Wendy that it could be her fault that her brother is dead. Ava prays that Rafe is wrong.

Chad thanks Jack and says they’ll talk soon as they hang up. Chad informs Eric and Nicole that apparently Abigail was working on something pretty heavy before she died and she was just about to break it open but she never told Jack what it was, so he just assumed she dropped it, but based on the dates and her notes, she didn’t drop it. Eric asks if Chad has a guess. Chad guesses it was on the increased drug trafficking in Salem. Eric brings up that Clyde was released from prison right before Abigail died and Chad points out that Salem police are still trying to dismantle that drug operation. Nicole acknowledges that as the drugs that nearly killed Holly. Chad realizes that Abigail was on to Clyde but the question is if he knew about it.

Rafe goes to the DiMera Mansion. EJ questions him making house calls. Rafe points out that he’s never in his office and asks if they can talk. EJ assumes he has no choice. They head in to the living room where Rafe points out Stefan and Kristen. EJ asks what this is about. Rafe reveals there is new evidence that points to Gabi being innocent in killing Li Shin. Rafe hands EJ a folder as EJ remarks that Gabi is far from innocent. Rafe explains to EJ that it’s photos of the black book, lab results, and fingerprints which is Gil’s fingerprint in Li’s blood. EJ argues that it could’ve been there for years and proves nothing, especially since it was found by Gabi’s husband. Stefan argues that he found the book knowing it belonged to Gil and immediately turned it over to the police. EJ feels there’s nothing substantial to justify reopening the case. Kristen calls that insane, arguing that the book couldn’t have been there for years since the Bistro was only open under Gil for a few months. EJ declares that as district attorney, the decision is his, so they will not be reopening the case, end of story. EJ walks out, leaving Rafe, Stefan, and Kristen upset.

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Days Update Tuesday, May 14, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At Salem High, Tate finds Holly at her locker and tells her he’s been looking all over for her and thought maybe they could have lunch together. Holly says maybe another time as it’s been a really busy morning. Tate asks if everything is okay. Holly claims she’s just stressed over having a lot of homework to catch up on. Tate feels there’s something else going on. Holly then admits she’s really embarrassed that he saw the huge fight between her and Nicole earlier. Tate says he just hated to see her so upset and that there was nothing he could do about it. Tate asks if anything changed but Holly says no as Nicole thinks she’s going to do drugs and die if she’s out past curfew, so she is forbidding her from going to prom.

Theresa goes home and is shocked to find the place filled with boxes. Alex comes in, so Theresa asks what all this is. Alex responds that he did a little bit of shopping then admits maybe he overdid it but ask what’s the point of having money if not to enjoy it. Theresa agrees but thought he would be at work. Alex says the beauty of being his own boss is making his own hours. Alex tells Theresa about some of the things he bought and reveals he got them matching diamond watches.

Brady goes home which excites Marlena, who says he’s been missed. Marlena asks about his trip. Brady says it was a lot of work and hardly any downtime plus not a lot of sleep. Marlena suggests maybe now he can get some sleep. Brady wants to make the whole week a work-life balance and says most of his time will be spent on his kids and parents. Brady points out referring to her and John as his parents because Marlena has always been a mother to him. Brady calls her his mom in every sense of the word and says he doesn’t know what he’d do without her since she’s always been there for him. Brady tells Marlena that he loves her so much. Marlena says she loves him too. Brady then surprises her with a late Mother’s Day gift.

At the police station, Jada tells Rafe that she can’t believe Gil’s prints and Li’s blood were both on the black book. Rafe says this changes everything and confirms the lab ran the test twice. Rafe adds that it clearly connects Gil to Li’s murder. Jada asks how they prove it. Rafe admits it won’t be easy but he will do whatever it takes to get to the truth and clear his sister’s name once and for all.

Kristen goes to the Bistro and excitedly tells Stefan that she has some news as she found a lead in Li Shin’s murder and she might have enough evidence to pin the crime on the guilty party which is definitely not Gabi. Stefan asks what she is saying. Kristen announces that Gabi is soon to be released from prison which means Stefan will soon have his wife back as a free woman.

Tate tells Holly that he’s sorry and that it sucks she can’t go to prom. Holly can’t wait until she’s 18 so she can do whatever she wants. Tate relates to how he feels sometimes with his mom. Tate asks if Holly has told Aaron yet that she can’t be his date. Holly says she hasn’t but doubts he will care since he’s totally in to Sophia, who is totally in to Tate. Sophia then approaches them and asks what’s going on.

Alex tells Theresa to wait until she sees the new convertible Ferrari that he ordered and shows her a picture. Theresa comments that it must have cost as much as the two watches. Alex confirms it was a little more but says he’s dreamed of owning a Ferrari like this. Alex adds that not just anybody can buy something like this and that they won’t even let a first time buyer buy a new car. Alex reveals it cost $650,000. Theresa asks if he’s crazy. Alex says probably but he’s okay with that. Alex says if Victor was ever looking for a way to make up for all these years, he definitely found a way. Alex adds that he’s trying to get over the resentment of Victor not acknowledging him until after he was dead. Alex says he’s getting there and talks about how it felt when he first found out he was Victor’s son. Alex recalls being miserable and depressed knowing that Justin wasn’t really his father and his brothers not being his brothers. Alex admits he hasn’t totally gotten over the shock of knowing he was lied to for his whole life and that it still upsets him. Alex states that he’s resilient and a material guy, so buying all this stuff eases the pain a little bit. Alex declares that he forgives Victor.

Brady’s gift to Marlena is her favorite perfume. Marlena guesses that John directed Brady to where to get it in Chicago which Brady confirms. Marlena thanks him and says she was just running out, so it’s a perfect gift as they hug. Brady says he should be thanking her more often as he hasn’t always been grateful but he’s so grateful to her now for everything she’s done for him, his kids, and his dad. Brady says he gets to have Marlena as a mother and she makes his dad so happy, so that makes him blessed. Brady talks about how much Marlena means to people in town as he wishes her a Happy Mother’s Day. They hug as Marlena tells him that she loves him so much.

Rafe suggests he and Jada go to the evidence room to pull everything they have on both Gil and Li’s murder cases, since now that they know they are connected, maybe they will see something they didn’t see before. Jada agrees and they head to the evidence room.

Stefan asks Kristen what happened. Kristen explains that she invited Ava over to see if she could jog her memory to remember anything about Li’s murder. Kristen says that while they were there, Ava got a call from Harris who reported a bloody fingerprint on the black book. Stefan questions that having something to do with Li’s murder. Kristen reveals that after they analyzed it, they found Gil’s fingerprint and Li’s blood. Stefan can’t believe it. Kristen then tells him that they found Gil’s fingerprint in Li’s blood on the black book. Stefan declares that means that Gil is likely Li’s murderer, not Gabi.

Tate tells Sophia that he was just asking Holly to help him with Spanish. Holly says she’s no good at it but Sophia offers to tutor him which Tate goes along with. Sophia suggests they could meet after school today but Tate says he promised Roman that he would help at the Pub. Tate asks about Sophia’s nose. Sophia says it’s thankfully not broken and just a little sore. Tate apologizes again. Sophia understands it was an accident and says she’s so looking forward to prom since Tate is taking her.

Theresa asks if Alex is just going to spend all of his money and not open a trust fund for future heirs. Alex responds that he’s not even sure he’s going to have kids or he’s never considered himself the father type but more the private jet, yacht type. Theresa asks about carrying on Victor’s legacy and name. Alex doesn’t want to put that pressure on himself, pointing out that Philip is still out there along with other Kiriakis members. The doorbell rings with another delivery. Alex excitedly tells Theresa that this is his new drone. Theresa doesn’t think he can fit much more stuff here. Alex then reveals that none of it is staying as it’s coming with him when he moves in to the Kiriakis Mansion which leaves Theresa speechless.

Marlena asks Brady about his trip. Brady says it was mostly work business aside from his stop to buy her perfume. Marlena hopes he enjoys Chicago and doesn’t just stay in his hotel. Brady admits he got out once or twice but points out last time he was in Chicago, he was with Rachel on a school trip which he preferred. Marlena knows how much he loves Rachel. Brady calls it amazing how much Rachel can change in a week and talks about how smart she is. Marlena wishes he had more time with Rachel and shared custody. Brady admits it’s driving him a little crazy that Alex is getting to spend all this time with Rachel. Marlena doesn’t think Alex and Kristen are serious. Brady responds that he didn’t think so either, but he’s beginning to wonder unless it’s a pure act because they are really demonstrative with each other. Marlena jokes that’s a bad visual. Marlena asks what Theresa thinks about it. Brady responds that she doesn’t like it at all and he doesn’t either.

Stefan asks Kristen why Gil would want to kill Li since they didn’t even know each other and Li wasn’t part of the drug ring. Kristen goes over Gil showing up at the apartment not long after Li died, to attack Ava which is when Ava shot him to death. Kristen wonders if that wasn’t the first time that Gil wanted to get his hands on Ava and that Li just happened to show up. Stefan wonders the possibility of Gil looking for Ava but killing Li because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sophia reminds Tate that she will see him for Spanish tutoring as she heads off to her next class. Tate tells Holly that he feels terrible about telling Sophia that he would take her to prom. Tate says he’s not thrilled as he doesn’t want her to get the wrong idea by him pretending to be in to her. Holly says he’ll just have to be honest with her and she didn’t really give him a choice. Tate says unless they come clean about them, Sophia is going to be really hurt which they agreed is not the smartest move. Holly admits that she’s actually glad he’s going to the prom with Sophia which Tate questions. Holly says this isn’t fair that they are sneaking around just to have 5 minutes alone while he should be able to hang out with a girl with no restrictions. Tate doesn’t understand what she is saying. Holly suggests maybe Tate should give Sophia a chance. Tate calls that crazy and refuses, insisting he wants to be with Holly. Holly says she does too but it’s starting to feel like maybe it’s not meant to be.

Marlena questions Brady thinking Alex is a bad influence on Rachel. Brady thinks Alex is shallow and a womanizer that thinks he’s God’s gift. Marlena disagrees since she’s spent a little with him and she doesn’t find him shallow. Brady says in any case, he doesn’t want any guy hanging around his daughter that isn’t him and if Alex starts spending more time with Rachel than he’s allowed to, that’s going to make his head explode.

Stefan asks Kristen how they prove that Gil is Li’s killer since they aren’t living. Kristen suggests maybe reasonable doubt is all they need. Stefan jokes about her watching Law & Order. Rafe and Jada then arrive. Rafe tells Stefan that they need a list of everyone who worked at the Bistro when Gil did, starting with when Li was killed. Stefan tells Rafe that if it has to do with the blood on the book, he can have whatever he wants. Rafe questions how he knew about that. Stefan reminds him that he’s the one who found the book and turned it over to the police, so he says Harris filled him. Stefan adds that this is what they want, for Gabi to be free, so he and Rafe are finally on the same side. Stefan agrees to help in any way he can. Rafe wants to start with the personnel records. Stefan agrees to bring them to the office.

Theresa questions Alex moving out. Alex says as soon as the Hortons move back home since it’s a little bit crowded now there with Doug and Julie plus Chad and the kids. Alex adds that it’ll be bad enough to have to deal with Maggie and her new husband. Alex asks if Theresa is going to miss him and says if she’s worried about having to find another place to live, she can stay as long as she wants and he’ll continue to pay the rent. Theresa complains that he doesn’t get it. Alex asks what she is talking about. Theresa says her living alone in the apartment while he moves in to the mansion. Theresa complains that she doesn’t want to live here without him and asks if that surprises him. Alex says it sort of does as he thought she would enjoy having more room to herself. Alex points out that they don’t see each other that much as it is and she could have Tate over whenever she wants so he thought she would be happy about it. Theresa insists that it does not make her happy as she likes being with him and living with him. Theresa tells Alex that she wants to be together with him. Alex says now he’s genuinely confused. Theresa knows she was giving him mixed signals and made him think that she wanted to keep the relationship platonic. Alex asks if now that’s not what she really wants. Theresa confirms that it’s not ever what she wanted.

Marlena thinks Brady should have an honest conversation with Alex about his concerns. Brady informs her that he did and that Alex assured him that he does not want to be a father figure to Rachel. Brady says he wasn’t surprised and he believes him. Marlena feels that Brady sounds threatened by Alex spending time with Rachel interfering with his time with her. Brady agrees but decides to chill about the whole subject. Brady says that Marlena always told him not to borrow trouble. Brady adds that Rachel hasn’t said much about Alex which leads him to believe they haven’t been spending time together, but he shudders at the idea. Brady doesn’t like it but agrees to backburner the whole issue. Marlena thinks that’s a good idea. Brady asks Marlena what he missed while he was away. Marlena informs him that Tate got his tux for the prom which Brady looks forward to seeing. Brady says he’s very happy that Tate is moving on from Holly. Marlena guesses Tate is going to prom with someone named Sophia. Brady doesn’t know much about her but that Tate said she’s smart and fun. Marlena thinks Tate is having a hard time being away from Holly, but he’s glad that he’s trying to move on. Brady brings up Nicole and Holly having a big fight outside the Bistro over Nicole not letting Holly go to prom which Theresa told him about. Marlena is sorry to hear that but understands Nicole being reluctant to let her go after what happened on New Year’s Eve. Brady talks about the peer pressure at prom. Marlena points out it being an all night event. Brady recalls when he was asked to chaperone at the Last Blast Dance at Victor’s request and he left thinking he’d never have kids which they laugh about. Brady is glad he broke that promise because he loves his kids. Brady tells Marlena that he wants to set up a trust for Rachel and Tate, so he hoped Marlena would sign the documents as a witness which she agrees to. Marlena looks at the documents and notes that it guarantees they will be very well provided for. Brady reveals that Maggie was generous enough to share some of the wealth from Victor’s will to the relatives that were seemingly cut out of it. Marlena repeats that it will take very good care of Rachel and Tate’s future. Brady says he has everything he needs and now so will they, assuring his kids and future grandkids will be set for life.

Stefan tells Kristen that Rafe and Jada are still searching. Kristen hopes that they don’t find anything else to pin on him. Stefan assures they won’t because he runs a clean business now. Stefan hopes they will both get their clean starts soon. Rafe and Jada return with a box of files. Rafe says they’ve reviewed the files and most people don’t work there anymore but they will track them down as someone is bound to remember something. Stefan asks how long that will take. Rafe says he doesn’t know but the case is top priority since it could lead to freedom for his sister. Stefan repeats that’s what they want for Gabi to be free so he’s all in on whatever he can do.

Tate doesn’t get it and asks if Holly is saying she wants them to break up. Holly says it’s not that she wants to but maybe it’s for the best. Tate disagrees and calls that the last thing he wants. Holly tells him not to make this harder than it has to be. Tate doesn’t understand why she’s suddenly giving up on them because he doesn’t want to be with anyone else but her. Tate says he has feelings for her that he’s never had for anyone. Tate then kisses Holly.

Alex questions Theresa saying she never wanted to break up in the first place. Theresa assures she never wanted that. Theresa explains that she was really hurt when she thought he was going to propose and he didn’t, so she overreacted and tried to act like she didn’t want anything to do with him by rejecting him. Alex remembers her not answering his calls for days. Theresa admits she was really stupid and she regrets it. Alex questions why she rejected him and pushed him away instead of just talking it out. Theresa admits she was trying to play hard to get and really wanted him to just miss her, hoping that he would see the errors in his ways and beg her to come back to him, but that didn’t happen. Theresa states that she played a really risky game and it totally backfired in her face. Alex asks if she’s saying she pushed him away when she was trying to do the obvious. Theresa says exactly, but now she knows that was a really big mistake. Theresa promises not to play any more games and asks Alex if it’s not too late.

Marlena wonders when Maggie made the decision to share Victor’s fortune so generously. Brady thinks she decided as soon as the will went to probate and asks why she asked. Marlena says she’s just curious. Brady is curious how Konstantin is going to feel about Maggie distributing all this wealth. Marlena asks why he would say that. Brady asks if she doesn’t think Konstantin is just trying to position himself for a big pay day. Marlena admits that she does but she hopes Maggie is smarter than that. Brady notes that Maggie has always been smart and not easily manipulated but he doesn’t like Konstantin. Brady suggests maybe it’s just him but Marlena informs him that she doesn’t like Konstantin either.

Rafe tells Stefan that the nightmare isn’t over yet but they are closer than ever to freeing Gabi. Stefan asks what they do next. Jada says what they have so far is circumstantial and not conclusive but that’s okay. Jada adds that they just have to reopen Li’s murder case and cast doubt on the conviction. Rafe is optimistic that this will be enough.

Tate tells Holly to stop worrying about what’s best for him because this is what’s best for him, being with her. Holly feels the same and just hates how complicated it’s gotten because of her. Tate tells her not to talk like that as he doesn’t care if it’s complicated. Tate swears that as long as he has her, he can handle anything. Holly says she has to get to class so they will finish this later. Tate says to himself that maybe there is a way…

Theresa asks if Alex has anything to say as she’s pouring her heart out and he’s just standing there, staring at her. Theresa needs to know that he still wants her and that he misses being with her. Alex responds that he’s just thrown by what she said and he’s feeling confused. Theresa tells him to shut up and make love to her as she then kisses him and he begins to undress.

Brady tells Marlena that it looks like he’s going back to the office since Alex has decided to take another day off again. Marlena tells him to do what he needs to do and thanks him for the perfume and the talk. Brady thanks her as they hug. Brady wishes her a Happy Mother’s Day again as he then exits. Marlena then grabs her phone and calls John, saying she needs to talk to him about Maggie.

Stefan can’t wait to tell Gabi about this as it will really lift her spirits. Rafe thinks they should hold off until they know more since they still have to convince EJ to reopen the case. Stefan mentions EJ hating Gabi with a passion. Jada argues that EJ will have no choice but to follow the evidence and the law. Stefan hopes he sees it that way.

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Days Update Monday, May 13, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie and Everett go to the Brady Pub after playing pickleball. They joke about the time they had until Stephanie gets a cramp in her leg, so Everett massages her leg which she admits feels good. Stephanie says she’s glad they did this and that he suggested it.

Rafe joins Jada at the police station and informs her that the results came from the crime lab on the black book that Harris gave them and they are processing it further now. Jada calls it their first potential break. Rafe talks about how Clyde needs that book, but they weren’t able to crack the code as the department is not used to seeing that. Jada hopes Harris has better luck with his Navy buddies.

Kristen and Ava have coffee together at the DiMera Mansion. They talk about how long they have been friends. Kristen recalls when they were in the convent in Italy. Ava questions why she invied her over. Kristen claims she just thought they could catch up but Ava is not buying it. Ava asks Kristen what she really wants.

Nicole and Eric go to the park. Nicole complains about the look in Holly’s eyes when she said she hated her. Eric encourages that she’s just angry. Nicole cries that she’s just trying to protect Holly because the thought of her partying at prom triggers her in to remember that Holly almost died. Eric understands. Nicole wishes that Holly understood. Eric suggests just giving her time to cool off and says he’s sorry that she had a difficult Mother’s Day. Nicole knew it would be but didn’t think it would end with her daughter hating her.

Sloan watches over Jude at home and wonders how this is it how will always be, with Eric working with Nicole while they are alone or if it’s all going to come crashing down. EJ then shows up at her door.

Rafe decides to call the lab to give them a nudge but Jada convinces him not to as the lab will call when they have something. Jada encourages that it will be soon and says she’s even more motivated to bring down Clyde and Goldman. Rafe and Jada talk about a stack of cold cases. Jada doesn’t want Clyde to be found as a cold case decades later by some rookie cop wondering why they dropped the ball.

Sloan guesses that EJ got the DNA results which he confirms. Sloan says she knows the results are exactly what she told him they would be. EJ sits down and acknowledges that Sloan was not lying this time as Nicole is Jude’s mother and Eric is his father. Sloan declares that now the question is, what EJ is going to do about the truth.

Eric complains to Nicole that this guy was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. Nicole suggests trying again later but Eric points out the guy they are meeting doesn’t have a phone. They then hear a noise and find what they believe is a homeless man lying behind the bench, but it turns out to be Leo.

Kristen asks Ava if she always has to have an ulterior motive. Ava calls it a little suspicious for her to invite her over out of the blue. Kristen then admits that she needs Ava’s help as she needs some information about the murder of Li Shin.

Rafe asks if Jada often goes through cold cases like a hobby. Jada says when it’s slow, she does and she hates when a case can’t be cracked. Jada talks about how hard it is on the families of the victims to not have any answers or closure and how that could really eat away for years. Rafe asks what is eating away at Jada now. Jada responds that it’s Bobby.

Stephanie and Everett go over the menu at the Brady Pub. Everett decides on a hot dog which reminds Stephanie of their first date in Seattle. They joke together and Everett recalls how badly he wanted to kiss her on that first date but he thought it was too soon.

EJ informs Sloan that he doesn’t know what he’s going to do as he doesn’t know if it’s quite sunk in yet. EJ tells Sloan that he is fascinated and questions how she pulled it off since it’s no easy task to taking a newborn baby, faking it’s death, and then passing it off as her own child. EJ assumes that she had help in this ambitious endeavor. Sloan responds that it was all her. EJ calls that quite an accomplishment. Sloan says she’s not excusing what she did, but she was devastated after her miscarriage and she and Eric wanted to adopt, but there were complications because of her past and that’s when by chance, Dimitri showed up at her door with the baby that Nicole had just given birth to on the side of the road. Sloan explains that Dimitri was supposed to bring the baby to the hospital but he was a fugitive, so he brought him here, knowing she was Leo’s lawyer and expected her to bring him to the hospital. Sloan recalls when she saw the baby and feeling like all the planets had aligned. Sloan felt she had a second chance to be a mother and help Eric raise his child. EJ asks about the adoption papers. Sloan explains that she fixed everything since she’s a lawyer. EJ questions how Leo found out. Sloan responds that Dimitri is a loose cannon and blackmailed her in to getting his charges dropped, then he told Leo all about it right before he was sent off to super max. EJ realizes that Dimitri thought the baby was his, but still chose Leo over family and calls him a backstabber. Sloan doesn’t want to talk about Dimitri and asks what EJ’s plan is for Leo.

Rafe tells Jada that he doesn’t get it. Jada explains that the cold case eating away at her is related to Bobby since when she met him in Seattle, he asked her to find information on his mom since she was a police officer. Rafe asks what happened to his mom. Jada reveals that she doesn’t know other than that she left when Bobby was little and that his father said she left one day and never came back which was traumatic for him. Jada says they would have days together where they were talking and he’d just start looking off and she knew he was thinking of her. Jada adds that it haunted him even years later.

Ava tells Kristen that other than Li being killed in the apartment she shared with her son, she knows nothing else about it or who else was involved. Kristen asks if she’s sure about that, calling it curious that there were two murders, Li’s and Gil’s, in the same apartment within days of each other. Ava calls it a coincidence and points out the police found nothing. Kristen suggests the police didn’t have enough information. Kristen asks if there’s anything Ava didn’t tell the police that could be useful.

EJ tells Sloan not to worry as he’s going to take care of Leo. Sloan asks if he means he’s going to hurt him. EJ responds that they will just take a drive to the desert where he will dig a hole about six feet deep. EJ then says he’s kidding and that Leo will be fine. Sloan reminds EJ that the only way their marriages can survive is for the secret to stay secret because he already knows if Eric and Nicole find out, they will leave them like that. EJ says they might, but Nicole is mourning the loss of a child that she thinks is dead but is alive and well, being raised by an amoral kidnapper. Sloan says she deserves the low blow shots at her, but the truth is that Nicole is going through the acceptance stage of the grieving process. Sloan questions why mess with that and open a wound. EJ argues that this would be the happiest news she has received in her life and she would be ecstatic. EJ questions what kind of amoral bastard he would be if he kept the news from her that her baby isn’t dead after all. Sloan warns that if he doesn’t keep the news, then Nicole and Eric will go live happily ever after. Sloan adds that if EJ suddenly gains a conscience, then his wife will dump him and never look back so it’s best for everybody if this just remains their little secret. Sloan states that EJ gets to live happily with Nicole while she raises her son with Eric, so everybody wins.

Eric and Nicole bring Leo to his hotel room at the Salem Inn. Eric puts Leo back in his bed which Leo questions happening again. Nicole asks about that. Eric explains that he helped Leo back to his room the other day. Leo talks about how he started drinking again. Nicole asks what’s going on and why he’s doing this to himself. Leo informs her that it’s because the love of his life sent him a Dear John letter and broke his heart beyond repair. Nicole encourages that his heart will repair eventually and he will meet someone new who is right for him. Nicole promises that things will get better. Leo questions if things got better for them. Nicole and Eric both say that it did. Nicole adds that they are now both happily married and feeling fulfilled in their lives.

EJ tells Sloan that he loves Nicole and she deserves to know, but he does not want to lose her. EJ suggests there could be a compromise where he could take the baby and tell Nicole that it’s their son, so she would be raising her child. Sloan asks if he really wants to be raising Eric’s son since he’s going to grow up looking and sounding like Eric. EJ admits he doesn’t want that. Sloan asks EJ to let sleeping dogs lie, calling it the most sane solution they have here. Sloan says it’s best for both of them and Jude. EJ questions if it is the best or most sane solution for Nicole and Jude. Sloan repeats that if the truth ever gets out, there is nothing stopping Eric and Nicole from being together. Sloan says Jude is her little boy as she’s raised him since he was born and she loves him with all her heart. Sloan asks EJ not to take him from the only family he’s ever known.

Leo complains that every time he tries to do the right thing, it ends up the wrong thing so maybe if he tries to do the wrong thing, it will be the right thing. Eric asks what he means. Leo swears he tries to do the right thing. Leo tells them about a time that he was catfished on a date. Leo tells Nicole that he just wants to help her and he wants her to be happier, but he doesn’t want to hurt Eric because he’s such a good man. Nicole asks what he’s talking about. Leo questions if EJ didn’t tell her. Nicole says no and asks what he’s talking about. Leo then complains of seeing double and passes out in the bed. Nicole tries questioning what EJ was supposed to tell her and what he’s talking about. Eric recalls the same thing yesterday where Leo tried to tell him something about Jude but then he fell asleep. Nicole wonders what is going on. Eric suggests they leave and let him sleep it off.

Kristen tells Ava that whatever she tells her, she will keep her name out of it. Ava explains that Gil came to the apartment with something Bistro related, he tried to sexually assault her, she shot him and he died and that was it. Kristen goes over how Stefan bought the Bistro and Clyde used Gabi as leverage to force Stefan to continue doing Gil’s handy work. Ava says she guesses that’s it. Ava adds that Stefan already told the police that he was working alone with Clyde and claims they were barely close, so she questions why Stefan would lie to cover for her. Kristen calls that an intriguing question. Ava doesn’t like that Kristen is implying she was one of Clyde’s minions. Kristen says they are old friends and she’s just trying to help her brother Stefan out. Kristen asks if they aren’t on the same page.

Rafe tells Jada that it’s the most he’s ever heard her talk about Bobby in an empathetic way. Jada knows she vented to him a lot about how much she detested him and she’s sorry if that got annoying. Rafe assures that he’s always there to listen and to have her back. Rafe says Jada and Bobby must have had some good times since she did end up marrying the guy. Jada says that’s because when she met him, he was kind, intelligent, and witty but then she discovered that he wasn’t the man she thought he was. Jada says she’s just happy that he finally signed the divorce papers so she can move on with her life and be with the most wonderful man who she loves with all her heart as she and Rafe then kiss.

Stephanie and Everett jokingly argue over their difference in opinion on a movie they saw. Stephanie thanks him for teaching her that card game years ago and they suggests playing it. Stephanie says they have so many memories. Everett responds that he remembers every single moment with her. Alana then enters the bar and greets him as “Bobby” as she heads on to the bar. Stephanie question who that was and if he knows her. Everett claims to have no idea who that is and suggests maybe it’s someone from Seattle. Stephanie guesses it’s a small world.

EJ goes to Leo’s room and gives him coffee to make him feel better. Leo questions why EJ is here. EJ asks if he doesn’t remember letting him in. Leo asks what happened to Nicole and Eric. EJ questions them being there with him which Leo confirms. EJ asks why they were visiting him. Leo finds a leaf in his hair and then remembers that he passed out in the park, so they brought him back. Leo remembers that he wanted to tell them the truth about Jude but he doesn’t think he got to it. EJ says thank God which Leo questions. EJ tells Leo that he doesn’t have to know why, but he is telling him that he is never to tell Eric or Nicole the truth about Jude, ever. Leo asks why they shouldn’t know. EJ declares that the baby is Eric and Sloan’s, period. Leo starts to argue but stops. EJ adds that in exchange for a lifetime of his discretion, he will transfer a very large sum of money to his bank account. EJ reminds Leo that’s what he wanted when he came to his house yesterday and says it could all be his, but only if he promises not to ask any more questions or utter another syllable about Jude ever to anyone.

Ava apologizes to Kristen for taking her question the wrong way and says she’s just a little touchy about Clyde and Gil. Kristen insists on believing Gabi did not kill Li. Ava says if she could help her, she would as Li never did anything to her, but there’s nothing she can do to help.

Rafe and Jada go over cold cases. Rafe then gets a call that the results are in and asks what they’ve got. Rafe asks if they are sure. Rafe says that’s great and hangs up. Rafe then informs Jada that the techs got a partial print off the black book and it matched Gil’s. Jada asks about the blood. Rafe then reveals it was Li Shin’s.

Nicole and Eric sit together in the town square to have coffee. Nicole talks about knowing what Leo is going through and she knows Eric does too. Eric is thankful that’s behind them. Nicole calls Eric such a good friend and says being with him really lifts her spirits. Eric tells her the same.

Leo says he could either be extraordinarily wealthy or he could be a person of integrity who tells the truth. EJ asks what it will be. Leo gives in and accepts the money so EJ informs him that the transfer is complete. EJ reminds Leo that if he keeps the promise, he will have a wonderful carefree life but if he breaks that promise, he will make sure he doesn’t have a life. Leo says he understands which EJ calls excellent.

Rafe finishes a call with Harris about the lab results. Rafe tells Jada that he believes this means that Gabi didn’t kill Li Shin and it had to be Gil. Jada asks how they prove it which Rafe calls the burning question.

Stephanie questions if Everett doesn’t want to at least talk to Alana and find out if she knew him from Seattle since maybe she could fill in some blanks. Everett says maybe he will, but he’s having a really good time and suggests they go to dinner which Stephanie accepts. Everett mentions recently discovering a sushi place in Chicago which she says sounds great. Stephanie realizes she has to get back to work, so Everett says he’ll text her. They say they’ll see each other soon as Stephanie then exits the Pub. Everett then approaches Alana at the bar and asks how they know each other and when they met. She reminds him that it was right here two nights ago and they had a drink. Everett says obviously he told her his name was Bobby. She decides to go have lunch somewhere else and exits the Pub.

Ava finishes a call with Harris. Kristen asks if everything is okay with him. Ava responds that everything is fine but it’s a coincidence that Kristen invited her over to talk about Li and Gil. Ava tells Kristen not to tell anyone about this, but Harris just got off the phone with Rafe regarding some evidence they found at the Bistro and what the lab found was unexpected. Ava reveals it proved Kristen right that Gabi didn’t kill Li. Kristen guesses Ava knows who did which she confirms.

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