Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 10, 2024

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Jordan: I knew it. You need me. You’re not just let me rot in here when I have something that I can offer you. I have a skillset that you need.

Victor: I don’t need you. I’m merely considering my options right now.

Jordan: Okay. Okay. Okay, victor. Then, you tell me. You tell me, okay? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.

Victor: It’ll be at a time of my choosing.


Jordan: Oh, surely. Surely, you don’t doubt my capabilities. My ability to take risks, push the limits. I have a special talent for you. Only I can do… what I can do. You know that. I can smell fear, I can manipulate it, I can weaponize it. Just ask your lovely wife.

Victor: You’re a delusional, vicious bitch. And don’t ever mention Nikki again.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: Whatever the great and powerful Victor Newman wants. But I think that you want me to do your dirty work. And I think… I’m right. I mean, what is it? My hands are already awash in blood. What’s a little more?


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Jack: Okay, I’m not gonna argue this with you. Nikki finally made her own decision about going to rehab.

Victor: And that was up to me to convince her to do that.

Jack: No one decides when or how Nikki gets sober. Only Nikki can get herself there. And she did. Isn’t that what matters?

Victor: And what you did was unconscionable.

Jack: My conscience is clear.

Victor: That only shows me how delusional you are.

Jack: Hold on.

Victor: Is your ego that big and that fragile, you can’t admit that you made a huge mistake?


Jack: My giant ego? Isn’t this about your giant ego and your being shattered that you did not know how far gone Nikki was? Isn’t that why you’re coming after me?

Victor: Don’t you turn this back on me.

Jack: All I care about is that Nikki survived. Had I not stepped in at the rate she was going, she would be drinking herself to death right now. Victor, I know how much you love her. Isn’t that the most important thing? She found the help she needs.

Victor: I want her to become strong and healthy around professionals, not amateurs like you.

Jack: I never claimed to be a professional, merely a friend trying to help someone I care a great deal about.

Victor: You put her life in jeopardy.

Jack: Nikki is okay.

Victor: She was absolutely petrified when you collapsed on that– she called the paramedics for heaven’s sake. You could’ve died!


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Nate: Busy, yeah, yeah, I get it. Me too, me too. So, uh, where’s, uh, tucker?

Audra: Hm. I don’t know. Around.

Nate: Ah, well, you two are usually joined at the hip. Hope that means you got wise and kicked him to the curb.

Audra: Oh, well, sorry to disappoint you, but tucker and i are as solid as ever.

Nate: Ah, too bad.

Audra: Is it?

Nate: Isn’t it?

Audra: Well, we’re independent people who do independent things, which i think it’s healthy in a relationship. You should try it sometime.

Nate: Ooh, smack.

Audra: Well, you deserved that.

Nate: Look, look, I didn’t come over here to argue with you, Audra. Um, truth is, I miss our friendship


Alan: Well, I was beginning to wonder after our last visit.

Ashley: I have to apologize for my very unpleasant behavior. It’s living with this family. You know, they’re just picking at me and prodding me. It’s like living under a microscope, you know?

Alan: Yeah, that must be– that must be difficult.

Ashley: Yeah, I have no words for it. But here I am treating you like you’re their guard dog instead of my dear friend. I hope you can forgive me.

Alan: Of course, I forgive you.

Ashley: Okay, ’cause the last thing I want is for you to think that I’m pushing you away.

Alan: Well, not too long ago you did tell me to pack my bags and head off to Vienna.

Ashley: Don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to me at all. No, that was just me in the heat of the moment dealing with horrible siblings that don’t believe anything I say. I mean, I’m not mad at you. Honestly, I feel like you’re the only person in my life I can actually trust.

Alan: I’m very glad to hear that. And I want you to know that I am here to listen to whatever you have on your mind


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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Nick: He said mom told him that it was just to shake some sense into her. Is that true? It was just about saving my mom and not about you falling off the wagon?

Jack: Nikki had given up. She had no fight left in her. I could not get through to her. At that moment, I would’ve done anything.

Nick: Dad said the paramedics were there. You had passed out.

Jack: Yeah, that part’s a little hazy.

Nick: So, it’s true. You took the pills and sabotaged your own sobriety.

Jack: It was a necessity. Hey, I saw a friend in danger. I went out on a limb. Maybe too far out, but at least it succeeded.

Nick: You know it was crazy, right? It’s a crazy thing to do, Jack. I can’t even wrap my head around a gesture like that.

Jack: I take it you disapprove.

Nick: It’s not my place to judge you. I mean, my mom is finally in rehab and you seem to have made it out the other side. You okay?


Sally: Well, you guys will have to play catch up, now that he knows more than you.

Adam: I just wish it was about video games or soccer moves. But I guess I’ll take it. I can see in his eyes how badly he wants to get better. And I wanna hold onto hope.

Sally: You should. Let him see that.

Adam: I’m not sure what else to do. You know, I feel like an observer in all of this. You know, letting an outsider look after my kid.

Sally: But you feel like Connor feels empowered. Like he has a say in all this.

Adam: Well, he feels like they get him. He’s not alone.

Sally: That’s positive. You know, you’re– you’re feeling your way through this. And so’s connor.

Adam: Yeah. I guess.

Sally: Why do you say it like that?

Adam: Just, I feel like my son is moving on without me. He’s leaving me behind


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, May 6, 2024

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Sharon: That is the cruelest thing you can say to a child when their parents are their whole world.

Phyllis: Oh, she’s a sick bitch.

Sharon: Phyllis, um, you know, maybe you should rein in your anger a little bit when you’re around Harrison. I know that this is difficult, if not unbearable, but Harrison’s already been through enough stress as it is.

Phyllis: Okay, I’m not clueless. Sharon, I would never talk like that in front of Harrison, but we’re adults here, and it’s very emotional, and I think the entire world would agree with me if they knew what Jordan did to that little boy


Phyllis: You’re very good at that. You know, being soothing and talking, even though you’re not in the therapist business anymore.

Sharon: Well, thank you. I’m always happy to help. And if you need any help, someone to talk to…

Phyllis: You?

Sharon: Well, no, not me somebody else.

Phyllis: Yeah, somebody else, of course, I figured.

Sharon: You figured, right?

Phyllis: Yeah, that would be crazy. When my doctor gave me Breztri for my COPD

Sharon: I, uh, I know how much summer means to you.

Phyllis: Yes, it’s just– it’s hard when she’s upset and I can’t do anything to fix it.

Sharon: Well, I can imagine how worried you must’ve been about summer and Harrison. Um, but everyone is safe now. And from what I can tell, summer has turned out to be a great mother.


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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Nikki: [ Slurring ] Uh, Victor? Victor? Jack? Lauren? Jack? Oh, can’t you people stop calling me? Can I have one damn moment of peace? I mean, is that so much to ask?

[ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ] That bitch is finally dead. I deserve this. I earned it.

[ Cell phone buzzes ] God, who now? Oh… well, Victor again. “I’ve been trying to reach you. “Where are you?” Right where I wanna be. Yep.

[ Exhales ] Right where I wanna be.


Alan: Of that, I have no doubt. Would you like to join us?

Ashley: Oh, don’t feel obligated.

Jack: Thank you. I think I will. So, Ashley has kept you under wraps. I know you’re friends, but not much more. How long have you two known each other? When did you meet?

Ashley: Go ahead. Why don’t you tell that story?

Alan: No, I think you would do it justice.

Ashley: Well, damn. Nobody told me there was gonna be a pop quiz.


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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Diane: Huh. How are you feeling?

Ashley: I’m feeling fine. How are you feeling?

Diane: Uh, I’m good, and I’m glad to hear it. You– you’ve had your ups and downs lately. It’s been quite a roller coaster. For jack and Traci, too.

Ashley: Yeah. If I didn’t know you so well, that butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth routine might actually work.

Diane: I’m not pretending to be concerned.

Ashley: Oh, don’t be that way. It’s a compliment. Kill ’em with kindness has always been my motto, too.


Traci: My sister has been having mood swings.

Alan: Uh, highs and lows, or?

Traci: No, um, more like personality shifts. For example, uh, she will be extremely confident.

Alan: Well, that’s Ashley.

[ Both laugh ]

Traci: Yeah. So, take that Ashley to the nth degree. And at the next moment, she’ll be almost childlike. And then last night, we got a new one. Uh, uh, tequila shots and live it up. But the most troubling is when she is our ashley. She’s so fragile. And she’s confided in me that she’s having blackouts.

Alan: Wait, from alcohol?

Traci: I don’t think so. The– the time I know about for sure, she insists she had nothing to drink.

Alan: Blackouts. What else does she say about the blackouts?


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 29, 2024

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Jack: Your family has been through hell, Nikki. Claire is still missing. Work can wait. Come on.

Nikki: But– but it helps me to not think about everything, and I desperately need that, even if it’s just for an hour. I– I will go to a meeting afterwards. I promise.

Jack: Okay. Okay.

Nikki: It’s okay to blame me, honey. I blame myself.

Summer: No. Jack’s right. Jordan is the only person responsible.

Nikki: Thank you for that. Please give Harrison a hug from me. I’m– I’m so grateful that he’s home.

Summer: I will.


Chelsea: I’m terrified, Adam. I’m terrified. But I’m afraid if I fall into that well of– of shame and guilt, I won’t be able to crawl out. I want to kill this thing that’s hurting our son. I want to destroy it. And of course I blame myself. I blame myself for my– for my weakness and my illness. And I– and I hate myself. And I’m not strong enough to stop this.

Adam: Yeah, well, I– I was not there for a big part of Connor’s life. And when I was there, I created chaos. Do you know what I was thinking when he said he would just forget big chunks of time? I was thinking, yeah, I know, because that was me too.


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Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 26, 2024

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Lily: Well, I did have an interesting conversation with Mamie today. And by interesting, I mean disturbing.

Billy: Let me guess, you didn’t vote the party line? Is that why?

Lily: Oh, no. She went as far to say that maybe I was too emotionally distraught over my breakup with Daniel in order to make the right decision.

[ Billy whistles ]

Billy: Damn. That’s just rude.

Lily: I don’t know. Maybe she was being sympathetic.

Billy: Which means you think maybe she wasn’t. So does that mean you’re finally coming around to the idea that your aunt Mamie is trouble?


Tucker: Ashley, I– I know you– you don’t want to listen to me, but I hope you will listen to your sister.

Ashley: Thank you so much, daddy issue. Now, excuse me, I’m gonna go to the ladies’ before we hit the road.

Traci: I will go with you.

Ashley: No, you will not. I’ll be back in a second. Excuse me.

[ Traci sighs ]

Tucker: Seems we have an entirely new Ashley this evening.

Traci: I don’t know what you mean.

Tucker: Tracy. [ Sighs ] I walked in on a family intervention about getting her help, and it would appear she hasn’t gotten any.

Traci: Look, I am not gonna have this conversation with you, tucker. You or audra. This is a private family matter. And I thought we all agreed that this is no longer any of your concern, so–

Tucker: She did threaten me.

Traci: And I think you can see by her behavior tonight, she couldn’t care less about you. So please, just take this opportunity to let it go.

Tucker: Let it go


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Kyle: What was your dream about, buddy?

Harrison: About the witch lady. She was mean.

Kyle: Jordan will never be able to hurt you again.

Summer: And neither will Claire.

Harrison: Claire didn’t hurt me.

Kyle: She didn’t?

Harrison: The witch hurt her.

Summer: What do you mean, sweetie?

Harrison: Claire’s in trouble, mommy. We have to save her.


Jordan: You bastard.

Victor: I’ve been called much worse.

Jordan: Help! Help! Get me out of here! Help!

Victor: You can yell all you want. No one can hear you. I have seen to that many years ago.

Jordan: You can’t do this to me.

Victor: I can. I have. There’s no way out for you. No poison to take. No fire to set. No way out. Except through me. Now, you tell me where I find my granddaughter.


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Days Best Lines For The Week Of April 22, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Paulina: I swear Kayla. Only you can make a haz mat suit look chic.

Roman: You’re back from the monastery.
Kate: Words I bet you never thought you would say to me.
Roman: No, I didn’t.

(about Chanel’s ankle)
Chanel: It hurts when I put pressure on it.
Johnny: Maybe you shouldn’t do that.
Chanel: Why didn’t I think of that?

(to Stefan about being a bartender)
Ava: America loves its riches to rags story.

(to Stefan)
Ava: You’re lucky you have a brother who is the D.A. Those get-out-of-jail-free cards come in handy.

Stefan: I’m unarmed just so you know.
Harris: I’m not just so you know.

(to EJ)
Kristen: Wouldn’t it be entertaining to watch Stefan work?

(about Theresa going to Maggie about the magazine closing)
Theresa: I didn’t not run to Maggie.
Alex: Oh. So you drove there.

(about Tate)
Sophia: He is such a snacky snack. I wish he was on the menu.

(to Stefan)
Kristen: I would give you a nasty look, but you already have one.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 24, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: Well, how do you do? You can make a girl happy with a shot of tequila. And don’t you forget that teeny-weeny slice of lime and that itsy-bitsy bit of salt. Hm.


Ashley: Oh, yeah. You have truly been blessed with brilliant hands.

Piano player: As long as you like it, I’ll keep playing.

Ashley: I like it. I like it. Oh, it feels so good just to cut loose and enjoy myself. I’ve been in a cage. It’s really been like a prison. Three hots and a cot, I should say. But shouldn’t someone have the right to come and go as they please? Someone who means no harm to anyone at all. I mean, that’s just the whole thing. I’m the one who’s looking for the– the pleasant solution, not the messy one. Oh, I just love it here. Everyone having free will to do whatever the hell they want.

Piano player: That’s the idea.

Ashley: Don’t you see, though, that’s the shame of it all. I don’t get to do what I want. No, everybody seems to have a vote in what I do and what I say. And what’s the fun in that, I ask you? None. Looking at me with sad eyes and pity. And I am the last woman on this green planet to need anybody’s pity. You know what? What difference does it make if I can’t remember this or that occasion? It just means that maybe it’s not worth remembering. Or maybe it’s the tequila. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter, does it? ‘Cause I’m having fun. And thanks to you, I’m having more fun than I’ve had in ages, so whatever you do, you sweetie pie, don’t you stop the music. Whoo! Yeah!


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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Kyle: Look, Dave, my little boy is seven years old. He thinks a little brass bunny is good luck. He doesn’t go to sleep at night until we have read at least two books. He has told me all about his school, his friends, his favorite subject and every game he has played on the playground. Right now, he doesn’t have his school, his friends, his bed or his parents. So, how can you hear me say this and stay silent?


Jill:  You’ve been quiet. Do you have anything you’d like to add?

Devon: No, I don’t. You guys know where I stand on this.

Jill: Any other observations? Hm? Any, uh, comments? Speak up now. All right, then I propose we put this to a vote. And I vote against going to court. And, lily, I totally understand your point of view, and I respect it. I just feel that the company will suffer less if we just let Daniel take his toys and go home. Okay, we take the loss, we move on. We’ve all been through it before. We’ll all be going through it again.

Billy: I agree with my mother. I vote against following through with the lawsuit.

Lily: Well, you know where I stand. We own Omegasphere. We made it the success it is. I vote that we fight to keep it.

Abby: And I vote with Lily. I think we should fight.

Billy: Well, now. Look who’s the tiebreaker.


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 22, 2024

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Billy: How’s Charlie doing?

Lily: Um, he’s good. He got a job at a production company in L.A.

Billy: Hm.

Lily: So, he loves it. Says it’s like taking a master class in filmmaking.

Billy: That’s cool.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Billy: It’s got to feel good for you, too.

Lily: Mm-hmm. How are Katie and Johnny?

Billy: They’re good. Yeah, they’re good. My video chats with them from boarding school don’t last long enough. Half of the time they’re insisting they know more than their old man. And they’re right.

Lily: What, that you’re old?

[ Billy laughs ] No, but, um, I’m actually really sorry about what Chelsea’s going through with Connor.


Billy: It does make a lot of sense, stacking the board to vote in line with you. It’s interesting, Lily, because we were just talking about undefined purviews, and I’m sitting here wondering, what does this board really do? I mean, what’s the point of voting when you already know the outcome?

Devon: Are you done? Can we move on?

Jill: So, does this mean we get to vote now?

Devon: I would love that.

Billy: Nate, this is not personal at all. You’ve done some really great work since you’ve come back.

Nate: Thank you.

Billy: But for me, it’s a little too soon. The memories of what happened last time are too fresh.

Jill: Yeah, from when you brazenly sold us out.

Nate: I am aware.

Jill: Which is why I think this is premature. I vote no.

Billy: I agree.

Devon: All right. Two yeses, two nos.

Lily: Well… I guess it’s up to me then.


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Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 19, 2024

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Billy: You know, these are actual doctors taking care of your kid. You know, respected and accredited.

Adam: This video call is just gonna be the two of us, right?

Chelsea: Right. Billy is not gonna be on the call, if that’s what you’re asking. But he’s right. These are doctors trained to deal with the things that Connor’s dealing with.

Adam: But they don’t know our son, not like we do. And I just– I don’t want them to forget that.

Chelsea: You’re right. We’ll make sure we give them insight into our son. Because, yes, we know him better than anybody.

Billy: Okay, well, it sounds like you’re both on the same page, so I’ll head back to the office. I’ll talk to you in a bit.


Danny: Well, actually, there has been a change in plans.

Daniel: Oh, how big of a change?

Danny: Not small.

Daniel: Don’t tell me that my rock star father’s gonna hang up his keyboard, cancel the tour, and possibly move back to Genoa City full-time.

Danny: Sorry, son. Your dear old dad is gonna be a rock star forever. No matter where I live. Some things just never change. But, um, yeah, I, uh, I have had to push my travel schedule a bit while cricket decides if she’s even gonna go.

Phyllis: Oh, while Cricket decides. My goodness, Cricket is waffling yet again.


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 18, 2024

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Billy: You know, these are actual doctors taking care of your kid. You know, respected and accredited.

Adam: This video call is just gonna be the two of us, right?

Chelsea: Right. Billy is not gonna be on the call, if that’s what you’re asking. But he’s right. These are doctors trained to deal with the things that Connor’s dealing with.

Adam: But they don’t know our son, not like we do. And I just– I don’t want them to forget that.

Chelsea: You’re right. We’ll make sure we give them insight into our son. Because, yes, we know him better than anybody.

Billy: Okay, well, it sounds like you’re both on the same page, so I’ll head back to the office. I’ll talk to you in a bit.


Danny: Well, actually, there has been a change in plans.

Daniel: Oh, how big of a change?

Danny: Not small.

Daniel: Don’t tell me that my rock star father’s gonna hang up his keyboard, cancel the tour, and possibly move back to Genoa City full-time.

Danny: Sorry, son. Your dear old dad is gonna be a rock star forever. No matter where I live. Some things just never change. But, um, yeah, I, uh, I have had to push my travel schedule a bit while Cricket decides if she’s even gonna go.

Phyllis: Oh, while Cricket decides. My goodness, cricket is waffling yet again.


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 17, 2024

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Phyllis: Why is it I’m just hearing about those two psychopaths?

Summer: I didn’t know about Jordan and Claire until very recently, either.

Phyllis: And– and you, we– we– we had a real talk, and you failed to tell me that that– that Jordan person, she poisoned your whole family. And she stabbed you, and she escaped twice.

Nick: I just don’t know why Claire would do this. She was so happy at the party last night, like genuinely thrilled to be a part of this family. Why do it? What could she possibly gain from this?

Phyllis: The only thing that matters to me right now is that Harrison gets home safe.

Nick: Yes, of course, he is the number one priority.


Victoria: And we denied it. Adamantly.

Cole: Yeah, well, it’s because she poisoned us.

Victoria: Yeah, but even after that, when she was in jail, we still didn’t believe her.

Cole: Well, we had reason for that. We thought she had died, and we hadn’t learned the lie.

Victoria: But what if that harsh interaction left an impression on her? What if it caused a wound so deep that she couldn’t get over it?

Cole: But the minute that we got the DNA results, we were all in with helping her.

Victoria: But was it too late? I mean, in her mind, that we were rejecting her again? And prove Jordan right? That we didn’t want her to begin with?

Cole: Well, she– she might have felt that way at first. But after she did all of that work with the doctors–


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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Summer: Stop, please. Just can you all stop giving cCaire an out? You let her into your lives and you let her into your home and look at what’s happened. She tricked you all again.

[ Phone ringing ]


Summer: I am so sick of you all blindly trusting Claire. And I’m furious at Kyle for leaving Harrison alone with her, knowing how I felt about her.

Victoria: She’s your cousin. She’s my daughter. Your own father has forgiven her. You would think that you’d be able to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Summer: When my child is missing?

Cole: What possible motive could she have?

Victoria: Exactly. Her sole focus has been getting stronger. She’s been overcoming all kinds of psychological and emotional abuse that she’s suffered from her aunt Jordan, who, by the way, she’s cut all ties with and tried to draw close to her true family, which includes you, by the way. Do you know she’s trying so hard to be your friend?


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 15, 2024

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Kyle: You have a good time tonight, bud?

Harrison: But they didn’t have cake.

Kyle: Well, maybe next time.

Harrison: Do you think they liked my present?

Kyle: Great-grandma and grandpa? Are you kidding? They loved it. Nikki said she put it in a place of honor, right?

Harrison: Yeah.


Kyle: Oh, you are the hero of the hour. Harrison will be so relieved to see that, thank you.

Claire: Oh, it was no big deal. I just happened to see Lucky-Bun sitting there.

Kyle: Right, yes, his new name. But you didn’t have to bring it all the way over. You could’ve called and i would’ve picked it up in the morning.

Claire: And risked the bad luck jinx?

Kyle: You got me there. Clearly, I have never had a lucky charm.

Claire: Well, they’re very important things, you know. A friend, a protector, something to count on, no matter what. I know it sounds childish, but–

Kyle: No, no, not at all. What were you about to say?

Claire: I know how important it is to Harrison and I didn’t want my new little friend to go even a single night without it. I know when I got my lucky charm taken away, I… I didn’t sleep for a week.


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Days Best Lines For The Week Of April 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Sloan when she said getting a lawyer was a bold move)
Stefan: What can I say? I’m a DiMera. Fearless is in our DNA.

Brady: We will protect you.
Tate: From Holly the teenage vampire.
Theresa: If the fangs fit.

(to Stefan)
Sloan: Let’s discuss my retainer.
(when Stefan hesitated)
Sloan: Not so fearless, are we?

(to Sloan about EJ)
Stefan: I know my brother. There’s no way he won’t turn against me.

Nicole: EJ’s not good at apologizing/
Theresa: Oh boo hoo. Poor EJ.

Eric: Who are you blackmailing these days?
Leo: Who am I not blackmailing that’s the real question.

(when Chad and Thomas were playing a wizard game)
Chad: Calculus is easier than this.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of April 8, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(when Steve brought Kayla flowers)
Kayla: Uh oh! What did you do?

Steve: I hate keeping secrets from you baby.
Kayla: Then don’t.

Ava: Unless you’re going to tell me where you are so I can slit your throat and watch you bleed out, I’m not interested.
Clyde: What’s with the hostility? Take a chill pill mama.

Holly: How’s school? What’s your favorite subject?
Rachel: Lunch.

Tripp: Is there any chance you could be pregnant?
Paulina: Are you going to card me for alcohol too?

(to Everett)
Leo: Since you are clearly singing the blues today, I will steer clear.

(to Everett)
Jada: Are you as stubborn as you are psychotic?

Nicole: Rachel is nothing but an entitled little brat.
Kristen: Rachel is not a brat.
Nicole: Yes, she is. She needs to come with a warning label just like her mother.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 11, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: Don’t try to act like I’m supposed to just think this is, like, normal. When was the last time you were locked in your house, Billy? When was the last time you were held against your free will?

Billy: Ashley, I’m not–

Ashley: Don’t talk to me! You’re not listening to me, I’m not going to listen to you.

Ash: We have to stop her.

Ashley: No one’s listening to me! What I say doesn’t matter. You are all so vile and so cruel, and I don’t know what I did to you to make you treat me this way..


Ash: I did it! I beat you at your own game. And I won!

Ms. Abbott: You– you have no idea what you’ve done. Auntie, you can’t put that right in the dishwasher.


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 10, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: Boy, this is embarrassing. Well, not for me. For you. I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight and get on with my life, but all of you have to live with how you’ve treated me. And you should all be very ashamed of yourselves.

Jack: We just wanna get you through this.

Ashley: There’s nothing to get through.

Traci: That’s not true. Ashley, you’ve told me yourself.

Billy: Ashley, what tucker just said, is– is that true? Did all of those things happen?

Ashley: Would you please not treat me like I’m some kind of wounded bird? It’s insulting.


Ashley: Come on, guys, bring it. Let’s see how you stand up to all this scrutiny you’ve been putting me under.

Diane: Ashley, please stop.

Ashley: Hey, Diane, what was that name you went under when you were in Los Angeles? Wasn’t it Taylor? Taylor, the friendly neighborhood realtor. You wanna talk about my sanity? Didn’t you have a mental breakdown? You faked your own death, bitch. And then you left your only son to grieve alone.

Diane: Okay, Ashley, I did have a breakdown. And then I got help. And those years in therapy saved me. I have nothing to be ashamed of. There is no shame in getting help.

Ashley: Right, well, if this is the result of all of that therapy, I think I’m gonna pass. By the way, you are never, ever gonna be a real member of this family after what you did to Kyle.

Jack: That’s enough.


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Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 5, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: “If there is a problem?” There is no “if” here, Chelsea. There is a problem. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in genoa city, and our son is all alone in Baltimore. Probably scared to death and confused, surrounded by a bunch of strangers.

Chelsea: Stop, Adam. Stop it. Enough. We’re both very stressed. We’re both trying to process this. Don’t make me the enemy. I didn’t send him there to make him miserable. I hate this, too.

Adam: I’m sorry. Okay, you’re right. That was not helpful. When I get home, I’ll go online, and I will set up Connor’s petty cash fund.

Chelsea: Thank you. I appreciate it. Maybe he’ll find something in their commissary he likes to eat. Or isn’t afraid to eat.

Adam: And don’t forget to send his lucky jersey, number 7, in case he wants to play again.

Chelsea: Yeah. That was nice of them to let us tour the sports facilities.


Sally: How can they blame you and Chelsea for Connor’s OCD and diagnose that so quickly?

Adam: Well, they didn’t declare it an official diagnosis. But, I mean, even if they had, who cares? I don’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths.

Billy: Did the therapist explain why they think that you might be a possible trigger for Connor?

Chelsea: Because that’s what Connor told them. Apparently, my psychotic breakdown caused him all of this trauma and all of this guilt, and his OCD, um, has convinced him that my suicide attempt was his fault.

Adam: Somehow the doctors, after spending a minute and a half with Connor, by the way, have determined that he sees himself as a bad son, and he blames himself for all of his parents’ problems


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 4, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: That’s very astute of you. And I agree. Adam is the biggest hurdle in all of this.

Chance: Hey, I get it. You know, once upon a time, we were close, so I know firsthand how he can be.

Billy: That’s what I’m concerned about. In my opinion, he’s not handling this very well. But as a father, I will say I sympathize. It’s not an easy situation. But I care about chelsea. And if he could rein it in, even just a little bit, I think it’d be more helpful for everyone.

Chance: Yeah, it doesn’t sound like something he can pull off.

Billy: Yeah. I wish I could go back east and be with Chelsea, make sure that she feels she’s got the support that she needs, but the truth is, that is only gonna complicate matters worse, and, of course, defeat the purpose


Audra: You know, you say it feels right to you. But I’m just not there.

Tucker: Fair enough.

[ Tucker laughs ] Maybe I’ll just… propose all over again tomorrow. I should have gotten one of those skywriting planes. “Marry me, Audra, heart, tucker.”

Audra: That’s not necessary.

Tucker: I don’t suppose because you just suddenly changed your mind.

Audra: I just can’t. Are you sure you’re not trying to prove something to Ashley or Devon, or perhaps the rest of the world? Or are you maybe just out to prove something to yourself?


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