Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: He said mom told him that it was just to shake some sense into her. Is that true? It was just about saving my mom and not about you falling off the wagon?

Jack: Nikki had given up. She had no fight left in her. I could not get through to her. At that moment, I would’ve done anything.

Nick: Dad said the paramedics were there. You had passed out.

Jack: Yeah, that part’s a little hazy.

Nick: So, it’s true. You took the pills and sabotaged your own sobriety.

Jack: It was a necessity. Hey, I saw a friend in danger. I went out on a limb. Maybe too far out, but at least it succeeded.

Nick: You know it was crazy, right? It’s a crazy thing to do, Jack. I can’t even wrap my head around a gesture like that.

Jack: I take it you disapprove.

Nick: It’s not my place to judge you. I mean, my mom is finally in rehab and you seem to have made it out the other side. You okay?


Sally: Well, you guys will have to play catch up, now that he knows more than you.

Adam: I just wish it was about video games or soccer moves. But I guess I’ll take it. I can see in his eyes how badly he wants to get better. And I wanna hold onto hope.

Sally: You should. Let him see that.

Adam: I’m not sure what else to do. You know, I feel like an observer in all of this. You know, letting an outsider look after my kid.

Sally: But you feel like Connor feels empowered. Like he has a say in all this.

Adam: Well, he feels like they get him. He’s not alone.

Sally: That’s positive. You know, you’re– you’re feeling your way through this. And so’s connor.

Adam: Yeah. I guess.

Sally: Why do you say it like that?

Adam: Just, I feel like my son is moving on without me. He’s leaving me behind


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