Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: Stop, please. Just can you all stop giving cCaire an out? You let her into your lives and you let her into your home and look at what’s happened. She tricked you all again.

[ Phone ringing ]


Summer: I am so sick of you all blindly trusting Claire. And I’m furious at Kyle for leaving Harrison alone with her, knowing how I felt about her.

Victoria: She’s your cousin. She’s my daughter. Your own father has forgiven her. You would think that you’d be able to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Summer: When my child is missing?

Cole: What possible motive could she have?

Victoria: Exactly. Her sole focus has been getting stronger. She’s been overcoming all kinds of psychological and emotional abuse that she’s suffered from her aunt Jordan, who, by the way, she’s cut all ties with and tried to draw close to her true family, which includes you, by the way. Do you know she’s trying so hard to be your friend?


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