Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 10, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jordan: I knew it. You need me. You’re not just let me rot in here when I have something that I can offer you. I have a skillset that you need.

Victor: I don’t need you. I’m merely considering my options right now.

Jordan: Okay. Okay. Okay, victor. Then, you tell me. You tell me, okay? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.

Victor: It’ll be at a time of my choosing.


Jordan: Oh, surely. Surely, you don’t doubt my capabilities. My ability to take risks, push the limits. I have a special talent for you. Only I can do… what I can do. You know that. I can smell fear, I can manipulate it, I can weaponize it. Just ask your lovely wife.

Victor: You’re a delusional, vicious bitch. And don’t ever mention Nikki again.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: Whatever the great and powerful Victor Newman wants. But I think that you want me to do your dirty work. And I think… I’m right. I mean, what is it? My hands are already awash in blood. What’s a little more?


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