Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 4, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: That’s very astute of you. And I agree. Adam is the biggest hurdle in all of this.

Chance: Hey, I get it. You know, once upon a time, we were close, so I know firsthand how he can be.

Billy: That’s what I’m concerned about. In my opinion, he’s not handling this very well. But as a father, I will say I sympathize. It’s not an easy situation. But I care about chelsea. And if he could rein it in, even just a little bit, I think it’d be more helpful for everyone.

Chance: Yeah, it doesn’t sound like something he can pull off.

Billy: Yeah. I wish I could go back east and be with Chelsea, make sure that she feels she’s got the support that she needs, but the truth is, that is only gonna complicate matters worse, and, of course, defeat the purpose


Audra: You know, you say it feels right to you. But I’m just not there.

Tucker: Fair enough.

[ Tucker laughs ] Maybe I’ll just… propose all over again tomorrow. I should have gotten one of those skywriting planes. “Marry me, Audra, heart, tucker.”

Audra: That’s not necessary.

Tucker: I don’t suppose because you just suddenly changed your mind.

Audra: I just can’t. Are you sure you’re not trying to prove something to Ashley or Devon, or perhaps the rest of the world? Or are you maybe just out to prove something to yourself?


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