Y&R Best Lines Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Okay, I’m not gonna argue this with you. Nikki finally made her own decision about going to rehab.

Victor: And that was up to me to convince her to do that.

Jack: No one decides when or how Nikki gets sober. Only Nikki can get herself there. And she did. Isn’t that what matters?

Victor: And what you did was unconscionable.

Jack: My conscience is clear.

Victor: That only shows me how delusional you are.

Jack: Hold on.

Victor: Is your ego that big and that fragile, you can’t admit that you made a huge mistake?


Jack: My giant ego? Isn’t this about your giant ego and your being shattered that you did not know how far gone Nikki was? Isn’t that why you’re coming after me?

Victor: Don’t you turn this back on me.

Jack: All I care about is that Nikki survived. Had I not stepped in at the rate she was going, she would be drinking herself to death right now. Victor, I know how much you love her. Isn’t that the most important thing? She found the help she needs.

Victor: I want her to become strong and healthy around professionals, not amateurs like you.

Jack: I never claimed to be a professional, merely a friend trying to help someone I care a great deal about.

Victor: You put her life in jeopardy.

Jack: Nikki is okay.

Victor: She was absolutely petrified when you collapsed on that– she called the paramedics for heaven’s sake. You could’ve died!


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