Days Update Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Steve and Marlena arrive at their hotel in Washington DC. They talk about not getting any sleep. Marlena mentions being worried about what they might find out. Steve says he hasn’t been in to contact with Shane but he has a couple of buddies who might be able to get them in to the ISA building. Marlena says that’s a start and declares that if Shane thinks he can keep John’s whereabouts from her, he’s got another thing coming.

Shane is on the phone in his office, saying he just got the reports and it’s as grave as they feared.

Theresa is in the town square. She calls Shane and leaves a voicemail, saying she’s been trying to call him since last night about Tate’s other Grandfather. Theresa hangs up and complains that it’s like she’s the last person he wants to deal with. Xander appears and remarks that she seems to bring that out in all of them.

Stephanie has a nightmare about Joy being pregnant with Alex’s baby then wakes up in a panic. Alex asks her what’s wrong and if she wants to talk about it. Stephanie tells him about the nightmare. Alex tells her it’s okay, reminding her that Joy told them that the test results were a false alarm and she’s not pregnant.

Joy goes to work at the Titan office and looks over her positive pregnancy test results again. Philip comes in and asks what she’s holding. Joy claims that she just donated blood and informs him that she surprised him with breakfast from the Brady Pub. Philip compliments everything Joy has done thus far and calls it an impressive start, saying he’s so glad that she’s working at Titan. Joy wishes she could say the same.

Stephanie admits that she’s very relieved that Joy isn’t pregnant. Alex says he is too, obviously. Stephanie feels selfish for thinking how it all worked out for her. Alex acknowledges that the baby would’ve screwed things up between them and Joy didn’t want a baby now either, especially not with someone who is with somebody else. Alex says this was the best outcome for everyone, not just her. Alex says if the baby did happen, he would’ve done what he needed to do for both of them, but he would have never let it come between he and Stephanie. Alex feels they’ve been through so much and survived it all that they are stronger for it, so nothing is going to come between them as he kisses her.

Xander questions what Theresa is doing in Salem. Theresa responds that she decided to go for a stroll and window shop. Xander questions her being out of prison. Theresa says she doesn’t have time for this. Xander threatens to call the cops, so Theresa reveals that she got released. Xander guesses her father pulled some strings because there’s no other way she’d be out so soon after kidnapping his daughter. Theresa tells him that she’s really sorry about that as it wasn’t right but she was only gone for an hour. Xander calls it still kidnapping. Theresa assures that this was the justice system at work and she’s paid her debt to society. Xander responds that she hasn’t paid her debt to him.

At the Brady Pub, Roman calls Johnny and leaves a message, saying he heard Kate told him what happened before he was born and he’s sorry for leaving him hanging as that wasn’t fair. Roman says he was just so worried about hurting him, but now that he knows, he’s here if he needs to talk. Roman says he loves Johnny and is proud to be his Grandfather. Roman then sits with Kayla, who asks if everything is okay. Roman calls it family drama that he can’t really get in to. Roman says for them to get to business now. Kayla repeats that she’s so grateful for him getting all of Salem behind the hospital fundraiser. Roman offers to take one of the committees off her hands but Kayla thinks she has it all covered. Roman reminds Kayla that she does have a demanding day job. Kayla assures that she’s okay and highly motivated. Roman guesses she’s trying to distract herself from thinking about John. Kayla prays that Shane can tell Steve and Marlena something about what happened to him.

Shane says on the phone that he understands why he thinks they shouldn’t go public with this right away, but there are folks out there who deserve to know and he’s not sure he feels comfortable keeping it. Steve and Marlena then enter to tell Shane they want answers and they are not leaving until they get them. Shane says under any other circumstances, he would say it’s good to see them but bursting in to his office without warning, they are lucky he didn’t shoot them. Shane questions them getting past his assistant. Steve responds that he still has connections in the ISA building. Shane asks to what he owes the pleasure. Marlena tells him this is not a social visit and they are here to get some answers, like she wants to know where her husband is. Shane responds that he already told her everything he knows which is that John’s handlers lost touch with him weeks ago. Steve argues that’s not the whole story and demands Shane tell them what the mission was that John went on before he went missing.

Xander tells Theresa that he will never forgive her for what she did to his daughter and for her trying to cheat him out of his birthright. Theresa responds that her plan went belly up and she lost everything while Xander got Titan and everything else, but maybe not everything. Theresa suggests her sentence should’ve got a few months knocked off since her con only cost him half his birth right. Theresa asks how Xander feels about having to share his big inheritance with Philip.

Philip questions if Joy regrets coming to work at Titan. Joy asks him to forget she said anything. Joy clarifies that she likes working at Titan and she’s beyond grateful that he took a chance on her, so Philip asks what the problem is. Joy guesses she’s just afraid that her presence at the office might cause some issues because it’s going to be weird working there with Alex and she doesn’t want to cause trouble for he and Stephanie. Philip questions why she would be causing trouble for them.

Stephanie tells Alex that she’s sorry if it seems like she’s borrowing trouble, but she feels so used to things always going wrong that it somehow feels off when everything works out. Alex tells her that Marlena once told him an uncomfortable feeling doesn’t mean it’s bad, just unfamiliar. Alex suggests they stop paying attention to all the noise and just focus on their future together, because that’s all he wants more than anything. Stephanie responds that she wants that too as they kiss.

Roman tells Kayla that he has every confidence that Steve and Marlena will shake something out of Shane. Kayla asks what if it’s not the answer they want or if something really happened to John. Roman admits the thought has crossed his mind too. Kayla says her heart sank when she heard that Marlena got that call and says that is her worst nightmare. Kayla brings up her and Steve getting in to it last summer about all of this after Steve and Chad were getting on a jet to track down Clyde without telling her. Kayla wanted Steve to pass the torch and let somebody else be the hero. Roman guesses that’s what his sisters get for marrying ISA agents, pointing out that Kayla and Kimberly knew what they were getting in to. Kayla argues that sooner or later, this life catches up with you and she prays that it hasn’t caught up to John.

Shane tells Steve that he should know mission detail are confidential. Shane wishes there was more he could do. Steve tells him there is as he could tell them where John was last seen and they will start their own investigation. Marlena adds that if the ISA will not bring John home, then she will.

Xander tells Theresa that Titan is none of her concern. Theresa guesses she hit a nerve and asks if it’s eating him up inside that he’s only half the heir he thought he was. Xander supposes he could forgive her being out of the loop since she was locked up, but partnering with Philip has been a positive experience for both of them. Theresa accuses him of lying. Xander admits he wasn’t keen on sharing Titan at first, but Philip has stepped up to the plate over the last few weeks with cutting edge ideas. Xander says they compliment each other which shocks Theresa, who questions if Xander is actually happy that Victor’s letter cost him his birthright. Xander responds that he is, feeling he and Philip bring out the best in each other. Xander remarks that unlike Theresa’s letter, Philip’s is the real deal.

Philip tells Joy that he knows Alex hasn’t always been the most mature, but he thinks he can handle working with an ex unless there’s something still going on. Joy assures that they are over, but she worries that her presence will be a constant reminder to Alex and Stephanie that they once had a thing and it will only get worse with time. Philip insists these situations usually get better with time. Joy points out that did not happen with Johnny and Chanel as she’s still dealing with the fallout. Philip feels Johnny was the one who did Chanel dirty, the same way that Alex did Joy. Philip encourages Joy that it shouldn’t be on her that men lacked integrity and that she doesn’t have to carry this burden. Joy wishes that were true, so Philip asks what she means. Joy admits there’s something she hasn’t told Alex yet, that will change everything. Philip thinks she means that she still has feelings for Alex. Joy tries to deny that but Philip says he doesn’t like that she has to spare her feelings for someone else and suggests she go talk to Alex to clear the air, so they can get on the same page and decide how to proceed. Joy decides maybe he’s right. Philip says he has to go visit his mom at the Pub. Philip tells Joy to think about what he said as sometimes it’s best when these things are out in the open. Philip then exits the office.

Alex and Stephanie continue kissing in bed until Stephanie remembers she’s supposed to meet Kayla for a meeting about the hospital fundraiser. Stephanie reminds Alex that it’s his second day at Titan and won’t want to be later than he already is. Alex thinks he’ll be alright after he was brought in to the inner circle in the secret meeting at the mansion. Alex asks if it bothers Stephanie that he can’t tell her about it. Stephanie flashes back to arguing with Philip about the forged letter. Stephanie then tells Alex that she understands sometimes in family business, that’s the way it goes, so there will have to be secrets between them.

Xander asks Theresa if he needs to spell out the difference between Theresa’s lies and finding out Victor’s true wishes. Xander calls her more delusional than he thought and goes to walk away but Theresa tells him that she’s sorry and that she deeply regrets ever getting mixed up with Konstantin as Xander and Maggie did not deserve to get caught in that. Xander tells Theresa that they won’t have a problem as long as she stays away from Maggie, Sarah, and Victoria. Theresa says she understands as Xander walks away. Theresa calls that a hell of a way to start the day as she tries to call Shane again.

Marlena knows Shane thinks the fate of the world rides on every mission, but John is her world along with his children and grandchildren, so she’s going to bring him home. Marlena tells Shane to either help her or get out of her way, but she will not stop and she will find him. Marlena asks if Shane wouldn’t do this for the person he loves. Shane responds that he will deny he ever did, but he can share that John’s handler lost track of him in Estonia. Marlena thanks him. Steve asks if there’s nothing else they need to know. Shane puts his hand over a folder on his desk. Shane repeats that he’s not authorized to tell them anything about John, but says that’s all he knows. Marlena guesses that will have to do, so she exits. Steve thanks Shane and follows her out.

Kayla asks Roman how he found peace in letting go of his badge to run the Brady Pub and asks if there are any tips to use on Steve. Roman says it just came to a time where saving the world meant nothing if he couldn’t save his family, but notes that Steve and Kayla seem to have it well adjusted. Stephanie then arrives at the Pub to meet with Kayla. Stephanie greets them and asks if everything is okay. Kayla responds that they are just worried about John. Philip then enters the Pub and greets them. He asks if Kate is around but Roman says he just missed her as she went to Chicago to visit Cassie but he’ll tell her that he stopped by. Philip thanks him and then asks Stephanie if she has a second to talk in private, so they step outside. Kayla tells Roman that maybe if they didn’t have such solid kids, Steve would have to pack it in. Roman warns her to be careful because where ever Alex Kiriakis goes, drama is sure to follow.

Alex runs in to Theresa in the town square and is shocked that they released her. Theresa is sure he has a lot to say, but she just ran in to Xander and can’t take another pile on. Alex says he doesn’t admire what she did last year, but he moved on and is happy now with Stephanie. Theresa is surprised to learn that they are back together and jokes about the Kiriakis boys keeping it in the family. Theresa says humor is how she copes with being persona non grata now. Alex gets it and hopes things work out for her. Alex says it’s not remotely in the same league as what she did, but when everyone thought he was Victor’s son, he became a jerk to everyone especially his father and he just recently ended a relationship poorly, so he knows first hand that people can make mistakes and learn from them. Alex repeats that he hopes things turn around for Theresa. Theresa thanks him and wishes him the very best with Stephanie, as she hopes nothing gets in the way of his happiness.

Joy looks over her pregnancy test results, wondering if Alex and Stephanie can handle the truth.

Philip and Stephanie go to the town square where she asks what he wants. Philip just wanted to see how things are going with Alex. Stephanie responds that things are going really well and that Alex was really excited about his first day at Titan. Philip says he’s glad to hear it and they wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Stephanie guesses that’s what he wanted to talk about. Philip talks about being co-CEO of Titan and having a duty to his employees, shareholders, and himself, so he needs to know if she’s planning to blow up everyone’s lives. Philip then asks Stephanie if she’s going to tell Alex that he forged Victor’s letter.

Roman tells Kayla that Maggie called him last night and offered to buy coffee for the whole hospital staff until the financial crisis is over. Roman asks if Kayla can help him out until Kate gets back. Kayla knows he’s trying to distract her and she loves him for it. Roman says he knows it’s hard and he’s worried about John too. Roman says he’s learned over the years that when Steve and Marlena form a united front, it’s best not to underestimate them.

Steve and Marlena return to the hotel. Steve says he’ll arrange their flights to get to Estonia by morning, if they think Shane was telling them the truth. Marlena thinks he was by his expression and body language. Marlena says she doesn’t think Shane was lying, but she thinks he might have been holding something back and that there’s something he doesn’t want them to know.

Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news…

Stephanie tells Philip to skip the pleasantries next time and get straight to it. Philip asks her again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a bush as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret.

Joy prepares to leave the Titan office as Alex arrives and says he was just looking for Philip but guesses he’s not there. Alex tells Joy that he’s glad he ran in to her as he wanted to apologize for last night because he realized he could’ve handled that a lot more gracefully. Alex tells Joy that he and Stephanie didn’t mean to upset her as they know she’s going through a lot. Joy thanks him. Alex asks her to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[soft dramatic music]


You get settled in OK?

Yeah, room is comfortable. And there’s a view of the Lincoln Memorial, although I didn’t get a bit of sleep.

Me neither.

I think I’m worried about what we might find out. [somber music] Did you have any luck scheduling a time with Shane? 1

No. His subordinates have been giving me the runaround, and my sister-in-law’s gone radio silent too.

What? Another dead end?

Well, not necessarily. I have a couple of buddies who might be able to get us into the ISA building. It’s not a guarantee.

No, no, no, but that’s–that’s a start.

Yeah. 2

But if Shane is going to think he can keep John’s whereabouts from me, he’s– he’s got another thing coming.

Yes, I, uh– I just received the report. And I’m sorry to say, it’s as grave as we feared.

Come on, Dad, pick up. [line trilling] [beep] Voicemail. Damn. Uh, hi, Dad. I’ve been trying to call you since last night. It’s about Tate’s other grandfather. Please call me back. God, why does it feel like I’m the last person that he wants to deal with?

What can I say? You seem to bring that out in all of us. [tense music] 4

Morning, sleepyhead.

Oh, good morning. [yawns] Man, I don’t know how I slept so late.

Mm. I can. Yesterday was pretty intense.

Yeah. I guess the Joy situation was weighing heavier on me than I realized. I really crashed.

Mm. [gentle music] Well, the good news is, it’s over. Joy is not pregnant, and we can all move on with our lives. [knocking on door] [groans] [tense music]

Hey, Steph. Is my baby daddy home? 6

No. No. [gasping]

Steph? What’s wrong?

It was a–it was a nightmare, that’s all.

You want to talk about it?

It was about Joy, that she was pregnant after all.

Oh. It was just a bad dream. It’s OK.

[exhales deeply]

Joy told us herself that the test results were a false alarm. Hey, she’s not pregnant. OK? [gentle music]

[tense music]

Joy! What’s this?


[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

This? I, uh–I passed a blood drive on the way here, and, uh, I decided to donate. [chuckles nervously]

Well, I guess that explains your sudden attack of nerves.

I know you were burning the midnight oil, so I surprised you with some breakfast from the pub.

You arranged my calendar, like, four weeks in advance right after your orientation. You got half a dozen virtual meetings on the books with those investors in Singapore, which, come on, the time difference. Talk about an impressive start. Joy, I am so glad you’re working here at Titan.

I wish I could say the same. [melancholy music]

I have to admit, I’m very relieved that Joy isn’t pregnant.

Why wouldn’t you be? I am too, obviously. [somber music]


I don’t know. I just feel– I don’t know–selfish for thinking about how all of this worked out for me.

Why would that be selfish? If this baby happened, it wouldn’t have just screwed things up between you and me. Steph, Joy didn’t want a baby right now either. My God, especially not with somebody who is committed to somebody else. This was the best outcome, the best thing for everyone, not just you.

Yeah, I know that.

Like I said last night… if the baby did happen, I would have done what I needed to do for the both of them, but I would never have let that come between you and I.

I mean, I just feel like we’ve gone through so much together, Steph.


You know? We survived it all. And we’re stronger for it. Nothing’s gonna come between us.


What the hell are you doing here, Theresa?

Well, you know, it’s such a lovely day, I decided to go out for a stroll and window shop.

Window shop?

I’m sorry, did I miss the memo on somebody making you the hall monitor of Horton Town Square?

You know what I’m talking about. What are you doing out of prison?

Ooh, hall monitor and investigative journalist. Look, I’m sorry. I don’t have time for this. 15

You’re not going anywhere. I’m calling the cops.

OK, do you see an orange jumpsuit? Do you see a frenzied gaze? [in British accent] I’m not on the lam. [in normal voice] I got released.



Oh, your father must have pulled some strings–

No, my father–

Because there’s no other way you’d be out so soon after kidnapping my daughter.


I’m sorry about that, really. It wasn’t right, obviously. But Victoria was gone, like, what, an hour?

She could have been gone for all of a commercial break. It’s still kidnapping, Theresa.

Look, there were no backdoor deals, no greasy palms. This was the justice system at work. I have paid my debt to society.

Well, you haven’t paid your debt to me.

Johnny, uh, listen. I heard Kate told you what happened between your parents before you were born. And I just want to say I am so sorry I wasn’t more direct with you. Started to tell you then left you hanging, and that wasn’t fair. But I was just so worried about hurting you. Listen, now that you know, if you need to talk, I’m here. I am here, and I would like that. I love you, kiddo, and I am so very proud to be your grandfather. [tender music]

[mellow country music]

Everything OK?

Oh, just a little family drama. Can’t really get into it. OK, let’s get down to business here, huh?

OK. First off, I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. I’m so grateful to you, Roman, really, for helping me get the whole of Salem behind this fundraiser.

Well, if it keeps the lights on at the hospital, it’s a good cause, although I do have to admit I’m a little insulted I wasn’t asked to be part of the bachelor auction.

Maybe because you’re not a bachelor. And I can’t imagine Kate would be very happy with that.

Yeah, I guess no cause is that worthy, is it?

No, no, mm-mm.

Listen, why don’t you let me take one of those committees off your hands?

No, no, really. You know, I think I have it covered. I mean, I’m courting the big donors, I filed permits with Mayor Price’s office, and I’m coordinating PR with Stephanie

Sounds like you’re burning the candle at both ends. Look, you do have a day job, and it’s pretty demanding.

No, I’m OK, really. I mean, I’m obviously highly motivated.

Trying to distract yourself from thinking about John, aren’t you?

Yeah, there’s that. I just pray to God that Shane can tell Steve and Marlena something, anything about what happened to him.

No, of course, I understand why you feel we shouldn’t go public with this right away. No, I do, I hear you, but there are folks out there who have a right to know. I just don’t know if I’m comfortable with keeping this– [door clicks] [tense music] I’m gonna have to call you back. What is this?

We want answers, Donovan.

And we’re not leaving until we get them.

Under any other circumstances, I’d say it’s good to see you both. But bursting into a federal director’s office without warning, you’re– you’re lucky I didn’t shoot you.

It was a chance we had to take. 24

And how did you get past my assistant anyway? Oh, don’t tell me. Dr. Evans hypnotized him.

I still have connections in this building, Shane.

I told him I was feeling a little faint, and so he went to get me a glass of water.

[scoffs] So I’m half right. The esteemed psychiatrist weaponized human nature.

I’m not sure “weaponized” is the right word to use.

All right, so to what do I owe the pleasure? 25

The pleasure? This is not a social visit. We are here to get some answers, like I want to know where my husband is.

I’ve already told you everything I know, Marlena, which is that John’s handlers lost track of him some weeks ago.

But that’s not the whole story, is it? Now, tell us what this mission was that John was sent on before he went MIA.

I will never forgive you for what you did to my little girl. To say nothing of you trying to cheat me out of my birthright.

Tried in vain, I should point out. My plan went belly up. And guess who lost everything?

Oh, cry me a bloody river.

Whereas you, Victor’s heir apparent, you got Titan and everything else. [tense music]

But maybe not everything. Huh. You know, maybe my sentence should have gotten a few months knocked off of it, since I technically only conned you out of half of your birthright. Tell me, how does that feel, knowing that you have to share your big, fat inheritance with Philip? 28

Do you regret coming to work here at Titan? It’s OK if you–

No, no, of course not. Please, just forget I said anything.

Look, I know it’s not as glamorous as being a soap star.

No. Oh, my God, no. It is–it’s nothing like that. I–I like working here. And I am beyond grateful that you took a chance on me when I was in need of a gig and without much of a dazzling resume.

Then what’s the problem?

Um, I guess I’m just afraid that my presence here at the office might cause some issues. [soft dramatic music] What I mean is, it’s gonna be weird working here with your cousin. And honestly, the last thing I want to do is cause any trouble for Alex and Stephanie.

Why would you be causing trouble for them?

[sighs] Hey, I’m–I’m sorry if it seems like I’m… borrowing trouble, as my mom would put it. I just–I guess I– [soft music] I feel so used to things always going wrong, that– that somehow it feels off when everything works out.


You know what a therapist once told me? And that would be none other than Dr. Marlena Evans. Just because a feeling is uncomfortable, it doesn’t mean that it’s bad. It’s just unfamiliar.

Right. I like that.

Why don’t we just stop paying attention to all the noise, and instead just focus on our future together? Because that is all I want, truly, more than anything. 32

I want that too. [gentle music]

Sis, listen, I have every confidence that Steve and Marlena are gonna shake something out of Shane.

Yeah, but what– what if that something isn’t the answer that we want? [somber music] I mean, what if something’s really happened to him? I’m just–I just wonder if– I mean–oh.

That thought has crossed my mind too.

How could it not? When I heard that Marlena got that call, my heart just sank. Getting a call like that is my worst nightmare. Picking up the phone and hearing that my husband is not coming home to me or our family– You know, just last summer, Steve and I really got into it about all this, you know? You know, you remember when Clyde was on the run?


Steve and Chad were gonna get on a jet and track down this criminal– without telling me, mind you. And then when I did find out, I pleaded with him to not go, to stop, just stop, and pass the torch on to somebody else, you know? Let somebody else be the hero.

How did that play out for you, sis? 35

Very funny. He said–no, he promised, actually, that he would never go away without telling me again. But as far as letting somebody else save the day, it’s not in his nature.

Well, I guess that is what my sisters get for marrying ISA agents. You and Kimberly knew what you were signing up for. So did Steve.

Of course we did. But sooner or later, this life catches up with you. And I just pray to God that it hasn’t caught up to John already.

I shouldn’t have to tell you, Steve, of all people, that mission details are strictly on a need-to-know basis. Look, I–I honestly wish there was more I could do.

But there is. [intriguing music] You can tell us where John was last seen, and we’ll start an investigation of our own.

Damn right we will. And if the ISA will not bring my husband home, then I will do it.

What goes on at Titan is none of your concern, Theresa.

Oh. [chuckling] Oops. Looks like I maybe just hit a nerve. Is that just eating you up inside, knowing that you’re only half the heir that you thought you were?

You know, I suppose I can forgive you for being out of the loop, given the dearth of sunlight, lack of broadband, et cetera, while you were so deservedly locked up. You should know that partnering with Philip has been an extremely positive experience for both of us.

Wow, and they call me a liar. 39

I’m being completely honest. Look, I’ll admit that I was none too keen on the prospect of sharing the CEO title at first, male ego and all that. But over the past few weeks, Philip has really stepped up to the plate. He’s got some cutting-edge ideas, things I wouldn’t have thought of by myself. We sort of complement one another.

Uh, wow. [gasps] Excuse me for being taken aback. Actually, shocked is the right word here. You’re saying that this go around, you’re actually happy that Victor’s letter cost you your birthright?

I am, actually, because, as I say, turns out Philip and I are quite compatible. Dare I say, we even bring out the best in each other. And because, unlike the letter you tried to pass off, the one Philip found is the real deal. [tense music]

Look, I know my playboy cousin hasn’t always been the bastion of maturity, propriety, what have you, but I think he can handle working with an ex. Unless there’s something still going on between you.

No, no. Alex and I, we are over. We are finished. I guess, I just– I worry that my presence here will be a constant reminder to Alex and Stephanie that Alex and I once had a thing and that it’ll only get worse with time.

Joy, take it from me, these situations usually get better with time.

Well, that’s not what happened with Johnny and Chanel. I really thought eventually that would get better with time, and it did not. I was the town pariah for months, and to this day, still dealing with the fallout of all of that. So–

I’m sorry to hear that, but the way I see it, Johnny was the bad actor. He was the one who did Chanel dirty, the same way Alex didn’t do right by you. Listen to me, Joy, no one should be blaming you because two men didn’t know how to act with integrity. You don’t have to take on this burden.

If only that were true.

What do you mean by that? [tense music]

There’s something that I haven’t told Alex yet, something that will change everything.

I think I know what this is about.

You do?

You still have feelings for Alex, don’t you? 45

Feelings for– no, no, believe me–

Listen, I don’t like you feeling like you have to quit your job just to spare someone else’s feelings. So before you do something drastic, maybe you should go talk to him.

Talk to Alex?

Yeah, hash things out, clear the air, so to speak. At the very least, you two can get on the same page, and from there, decide how to proceed, with everyone having all the, you know, necessary information.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe you’re right.

Listen, I have to head over to the pub. I have a visit with my mom. And think about what I said. Sometimes it’s best when these things are out in the open. [soft dramatic music] [Stephanie moaning]

What was that move, mister? 47

What move?

Come on, you know what I’m talking about, the one with the– [whispering]

Oh, that move?




You do know a magician can never reveal his secrets?

Mm. [gasps] Oh, shoot, shoot, shoot. I was supposed to meet my mom for a meeting about how to “Save the Hospital” campaign, and I’m supposed to be there, like, right now.

Babe, you’re already late. What’s a few more minutes?

Oh, my God.

It’s OK.

OK, you, sir, are trouble. And this is your second day at Titan. Do you want to also be later than you already are?

I think I got a little leeway. I was pretty much brought into the inner circle last night.

Oh, yes. That’s right, that’s right, the top-secret meeting back at the mansion.

Mm-hmm. Does it bother you that I can’t tell you about it?

If I had overcome my demons just a few months sooner, it would have changed everything. My dad would have left me in charge.

That is pure speculation, and you know that will is solid, meaning you stole half the company from Xander.

Well, he deserved to have it stolen from him. I mean, it’s not like Xander is some upstanding guy either.

That is irrelevant. Damn it, Philip, I never would have done PR for you had I known that you were trying to pull this scheme. You used me. No, I understand. Sometimes when it comes to family business, well, that’s the way it goes. There will have to be secrets between us. [soft dramatic music]

Do I really need to spell out the difference between your malicious lies, your chicanery, and finding out my father’s true wishes? God, you’re even more delusional than I thought.

I’m sorry. [soft dramatic music]

I regret–I– I deeply, deeply regret ever getting mixed up with Konstantin. You did not deserve to get caught in that crossfire. Neither did Maggie.

Let me make something very clear. You and I won’t have a problem, Theresa, as long as you stay away from Maggie and Sarah and Victoria. Understood?

Loud and clear.


Hell of a way to start the day. [line trilling Come on, Dad, pick up.

Shane, I know you think that the fate of the world rides on every mission, but John is my world. He is his children’s world. He is his grandchildren’s world. So I am going to bring him home. Now, either you can help me, or you can get out of my way. But I will not stop. I will find him. Shane. Shane, wouldn’t you do this for the person you love? [somber music]

You’ll know I’ll deny I ever did, but this much I can share with you. John’s handler lost track of him in Estonia.

[gasps] Thank you.

And that’s it? There’s nothing else we need to know?


Again, I am not authorized to tell you anything about John, but that’s all I know.

Well, I guess that will have to do. I’m leaving. [soft dramatic music]

Thank you, Shane.

So tell me, how did you do it?

How did I do what? 57

How did you find peace in letting go of your badge to man the bar? I mean, you have any tips that I can use on Steve?

No, I don’t. It just came time where, you know, I realized that saving the world meant nothing if I couldn’t save my own family. But you two seem to have a very well-adjusted brood. Speaking of which, there is the golden girl.

Ah, Beauty. 58

Hi, Mom.


Hi. Oh. Uncle Roman.


Hi. What’s going on? Is everything OK?

Yeah, yeah, we’re just– we’re just worried about John.

Hey, Philip.

Hey there. Roman. Kayla. Steph.

Hi, Philip.

So is my mother around?

No, you just missed her. She went to Chicago, visiting Cassie.

Ah. I was hoping to catch her, have a little visit.

Well, I’ll tell her you stopped by.

Thanks. [mellow country music]

Steph, do you have a second to talk? In private, if that’s OK.

Oh, yeah. No problem with me.

Excuse us, Mom.

Yeah. Maybe you’re right. Maybe if we didn’t have such solid kids, Steve would’ve had to pack it in a long time ago.

Yeah, well, be careful what you wish for. Sis, you have noticed who Steph is dating?

Oh, don’t you start.

Look, all I’m saying is, wherever Alex Kiriakis goes, drama is sure to follow. [soft rock music]


Alex. 62

They released you?

Uh-huh. Um, look, Alex, I’m sure you’ve got a lot of stuff to say to me right now, but I just had a run-in with Xander, and so if this is gonna be another pile on, I really can’t–

It’s not. Obviously, I don’t admire the things you did last year, but I moved on. I’m happy now with Stephanie. 63

Ste–my cousin? You guys are back together?

Yeah, yeah.

Wow, I really have to hand it to you Kiriakis boys. You sure do like to keep things in the family.

[chuckles sarcastically]

Sorry. Sorry. That was gallows humor. It’s how I cope with being persona non grata now. 64

I get it. You know, Theresa, I really do hope things work out for you.


Really. Not that this is even remotely in the same league as what you did, but you know, when everybody thought that I was Victor’s son, I became a jerk to everyone, especially my father. Not to mention I just recently ended a relationship very poorly.

Yeah, yeah, you’re right. That is so not in the same league.

Uh-huh. No. [soft dramatic music] All I’m saying is, I know firsthand that people can make bad choices and learn from them. So I really do hope things turn around for you, Theresa.

Thank you, Alex.

And I want you to know I– I wish you the very best with Stephanie. I hope nothing gets in the way of your happiness. [tense music]

Out in the open, huh? What do you think, kiddo? Can Alex and Stephanie handle the truth?

What do you want, Philip? [tense music] 67

Just to see how things are going with Alex.

Ah, right. Well, things are going well. Really well, in fact. And as I’m sure you know, Alex was really excited about his first day at Titan.

I’m glad to hear it.


And we wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that, would we? 68

Oh, I see. That’s what you wanted to talk about.

Listen, I’m the co-CEO of a multinational corporation. I have a duty to my shareholders, my employees, and myself, which means I need to know if you’re planning to blow up everyone’s lives. So I’m asking you… Are you going to tell Alex that I forged Victor’s letter?


Did I tell you that Maggie called me last night?


She offered to buy coffee for the whole hospital staff until this financial crisis is over.

Oh, that’s very generous of her.

Yeah, except it’s gonna be a bear organizing this thing. So, you know, I was just wondering, maybe if you could help me out until Kate gets back.

I know what you’re doing, brother of mine. You are trying to distract me, and I do appreciate it. 70

Did I succeed?

No, not really, but I do love you for it.

Look, I know it’s hard. I worry about John too. But if I were a betting man, I would wager that Shane came up with something useful. And also, over the years, I’ve– I have learned that when Steve and Marlena form a united front, it is best not to underestimate them.

OK, I’ll get those flights booked. I think there’s a layover in Helsinki. But with any luck, we should be in Estonia by early morning. That is, if we think Shane was telling us the truth.

I think that he was. I mean, his–his expression, his body language. I don’t think he was lying, but–

But what? [tense music]

I think he might have been holding something back. I think there is something he doesn’t want us to know.

[line trills] [phone rings]

Finally, Dad. God, I have to admit, I was starting to feel a little ghosted.

Yeah, I’m– I’m sorry, Jeannie. The truth is, I– I was a bit distracted. 73

Oh? With what?

Well, I’ve just received some rather devastating news.

You know, next time, why don’t you skip the pleasantries and just get straight to it?

OK. Then let me ask again. [clears throat] Are you or are you not going to tell your boyfriend that I forged my father’s letter? [tense music]

You know I don’t like any of this. But I’m also shrewd enough to know that if the truth were to come out, it would cause a lot of suffering for everyone.

Music to my ears– your shrewdness, that is. So just to get on the same page, we’re never going to tell Alex about any of this–


Right? 75

It’ll be our little secret.


Hey. I was just stopping by to see if Philip was here, but I guess he’s not. I’m glad I ran into you though.

You are? [soft music]

I want to apologize about last night, when you stopped by with the news about the pregnancy test. I realize I could have handled that a lot more gracefully. Stephanie and I, we didn’t mean to upset you, Joy. We know you’re going through a lot.

Thank you.

Well, then, I guess when Philip gets back, just please tell him I stopped by.

Alex, wait. Um… There’s something that I need to tell you.

[suspenseful music]

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Days Short Recap Monday, March 17, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ apologized to Chanel when Johnny showed up at the mansion. Johnny punched EJ in the face. He let EJ know that he knew what he did. EJ tried to defend himself, but Johnny let him know that he wasn’t talking about Arnold. He informed him that Kate told him about how he was conceived. EJ slowly sat down. Chanel was surprised to hear Johnny tell EJ that he knew that he forced Sami to have sex with him to save Lucas’ life. EJ told him that he and Sami moved past it. Johnny talked about how traumatized Sami had to be after it happened, and EJ enjoyed having power over her. EJ felt like it wasn’t Kate’s place to tell him that. It’s a story that Johnny didn’t need to know about. Johnny said that he only existed because his father raped his mother. Chanel was visibly shocked by the news. Sami was called a slut because her kids had different fathers, but it was EJ’s fault it happened. Chanel wondered if everyone in the family knew about it. Johnny let her know that everyone didn’t know, but the ones who did agreed not to say anything. He was the victim of a lie. EJ tried to explain that he and Sami had feelings for each other, but she denied her feelings. Johnny thought he was blaming her for what happened. EJ told him that Stefano pushed him to do what he did to Sami because he needed the stem cells to save his life. Johnny got upset because he wasn’t taking responsibility for what he did. EJ just wanted him to understand the situation. Johnny realized he wasn’t wanted. His stem cells were the only things that were needed. He wanted to get away, but he can’t run from what he is now. Johnny told EJ that he was finished controlling him. He would never allow EJ to be around his grandchild. His family would never be part of the DiMera dynasty. EJ tried to tell him that he’s changed. He would always regret what happened, but he wouldn’t have Johnny if it didn’t. EJ asked Johnny to forgive him. Johnny was done with him. He wanted EJ to leave so he walked out of the room. Chanel tried to comfort Johnny, but he felt lost. If he had a gun, he would have killed him. EJ was in the hall and started crying. Jada and Rafe ran into Paulina at the town square. They were happy until Paulina told them about Belle. Jada wasn’t surprised by her news. She apologized for ruining Johnny and Chanel’s chance at adoption. Paulina told her what happened at the family meeting. She reinstated Jada as the commissioner. Arnold made the accusations so felt they weren’t valid. Jada and Rafe were ready to celebrate the news. They talked about what they could do to get back at EJ. Jada thought they could go to Ava since she said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. They wondered if it was possible that Rachel Blake got him to help her with the kidnapping because she threatened to tell that he was captive at Aremid. Jada suggested they go to Aremid.

Melinda was having a drink at the Bistro when Ava appeared. She noticed Ava’s hand and wondered what happened. Ava told her about everything that happened to her. Rachel Blake was free and could still hurt her. She didn’t have any protection from her. Melinda went into her purse and gave her a gun. Melinda got the gun after Connie kidnapped her. She thought Ava needed it more than she did. Rachel Blake went back to her house and searched for her gun. Kristen arrived at the house because she was worried about her. Rachel tried to hide the gun, but Kristen wanted to see it. Kristen wondered why her mother had a gun. Rachel thought Ava would try to kill her so she needed it for self-defense. Kristen wanted her to stop going after Brady and took the gun from her mother. Jada and Rafe arrived at the house and wanted answers. Jada wanted to know if they knew about EJ holding Rafe there. Brady talked to Belle about what happened with Rachel being at the townhouse. He was able to convince Kristen to let Rachel stay there. Brady told her about Rachel Blake’s latest antics. Belle assured him that putting his daughter first was the right thing to do. He thought he ruined things with Ava. Brady thought it would be good that EJ would go to jail for what he did to Rafe. Belle said she wouldn’t be prosecuting the case. Brady wondered why she wasn’t prosecuting EJ, and she admitted that she slept with EJ again. She admitted that she can’t stop sleeping with him. Brady said that she was addicted. Ava told Melinda that she didn’t need a gun, but she put it in her purse. Jada wanted answers from Rachel Blake, but she wanted her and Rafe out of her house. She and Kristen didn’t have anything to say to them. Jada told her that someone was going down for what happened to Rafe, She wanted to go after EJ, but if Rachel wasn’t careful, she would be back with a search warrant.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Monday, March 17. 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Ashley ripped into Andre for trying to kiss her. She reminded him that she had a boyfriend. Nicole asked Eva to help her find “Sherry.” Dani woke up in Bill and Hayley’s house after finishing the champagne. She realized what she did and called someone to help her. Andre apologized for trying to kiss Ashley. She said she was out of line but it couldn’t happen again. Andre left the hospital. Derek showed up to tell her that he wasn’t a patient anymore. Ashley said he couldn’t leave his room without assistance. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her. Nicole said she met “Sherry” a few days ago. Eva asked if she was the person she talked off the roof, but Nicole couldn’t tell her. While Nicole was talking to Eva about “Sherry,” Ted was listening. Dani called Pam to come to Bill and Hayley’s house. Pam wanted to know why she was there and why she needed her help. Dani reminded her what Bill did to her. She told Pam she was afraid of feeling Anita’s wrath, so she needed her help. Dani wanted to get the place cleaned up before Bill and Hayley came back. Pam pulled out a bottle of champagne so Dani could switch. She also had a picture frame to replace the one Dani broke. Pam thought Dani’s tracks would be covered since she disconnected the security cameras. She wanted to hurry up and get the place cleaned, but Dani thought they had more time since Bill and Hayley were on their honeymoon.

Ted asked Nicole why she was getting in touch with the server from the gala. Nicole said the server was fired. Andre showed up with the proofs from the gala. When there was an awkward silence, Andre wondered if he was interrupting things. They said he wasn’t. Eva offered to do Nicole’s schedule, but she wanted her to go home. She told Nicole she wanted to wait for the banquet manager to tell her about “Sherry.” When Ted and Eva left, Nicole wanted to know the real reason Andre was there. Ashley tried to take care of Derek, but he said he didn’t need help. Bill and Hayley came home. He noticed the alarm wasn’t set. Dani thanked Pam for helping her. Pam said she wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. Dani said Bill and Hayley were thousands of miles away. Pam asked her to leave her name out if Bill and Hayley found out about it. Hayley reacted to seeing the picture frame. She said it was in a different spot and looked different. After Bill convinced her that nothing was going on, he wanted to pour them something to drink. When he held the bottle, Hayley noticed the inscription was gone. They realized that Dani snuck in their house. Bill offered to take care of Dani, but Hayley said she would do it. Nicole wanted Andre to tell her the truth about why he showed up at the house. Andre told her that he almost kissed her. He said Ashley knew he wanted to kiss her and was angry at him. Nicole asked if he wanted her to give him permission to kiss Ashley because she wasn’t doing it. She reminded him that Ashley was in love with Derek. Andre understood that but didn’t know where his feelings came from. He wondered if it was because she’s with someone else. Nicole said he needed someone to tell him to stay away from Ashley. Ted told Nicole that she needed to let go finding the server. While he was talking to her, Eva was listening. Nicole said there wasn’t a coincidence that “Sherry” was there to which Ted told her was why she needed to stay away from her. Hayley went to see Dani to let her know that she and Bill were home. She said she wanted to tell her personally so she wouldn’t find out on the street. Dani asked if that was the only reason why she was there. Hayley noticed a picture of her and dropped it. She told Dani that she knew she was in her house and violated it. Hayley called her out for being obsessed with her life with Bill. She warned Dani to stay away because it was bringing her to her breaking point. If she pushed Hayley to it, she said she would get a restraining order against her. She said she would press charges against Dani if she violated it. After Hayley warned Dani about trying her, she left. Nicole asked Ted why he was telling her what to do. Ted said “Sherry” wanted more from her and warned her that she was fixated on her. He told her not to treat “Sherry.” Nicole agreed but thought “Sherry” needed help. Ted said she wasn’t the one who should help her. Eva continued to listen to them. After Ted and Nicole were finished talking, Ted told Eva that she didn’t have to look for the woman at the gala. When Hayley came home, she let Bill know that Dani wouldn’t be a problem anymore. She told Bill that she stood up for herself and for them. Bill decided it was time to forget about Dani and getting revenge on her.


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Days Update Monday, March 17, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

After Belle tells Paulina on the phone that she is going to recuse herself from the investigation in to EJ, Paulina calls it a major disappointment but not a surprise. Paulina hangs up as Rafe and Jada approach in the town square. She greets them while Jada notes that she looks like she just got some bad news. Paulina confirms that Belle has recused herself from the EJ case. Jada guesses that’s because of her personal involvement with him. Paulina remarks that anyone who comes in to contact with EJ winds up as collateral damage.

EJ tells Chanel that he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face. Johnny calls EJ a son of a bitch and says he knows what he did.

Melinda sits at the Bistro and says she could use a martini. Ava approaches and tells her that she’s going to have to get it somewhere else because she’s Kristen’s lawyer, who helped her get away with everything.

Rachel Blake sneaks to her old home and opens an old trunk where she proclaims to have found just what she was looking for. Kristen comes in and says she’s been looking all over for her, questioning what she’s doing here. Kristen says when she wasn’t at the house, she thought she might have gone after Ava again and questions her being in the attic and what she has behind her back.

Melinda tells Ava that she knows she’s not a fan of Kristen and she doesn’t like it either, but she’s the CEO of DiMera. Ava asks how Melinda got her job anyway. Melinda asks how Ava got her job and guesses she made her own share of devil’s bargains. Ava then agrees to get her martini.

Paulina explains to Rafe and Jada that after Jada and Gabi showed up at the DiMera Mansion, Amy decided that Chanel and Johnny might not make the best parents after all. Jada apologizes as they had no idea they were in the middle of such an important lunch. Paulina understands they were trying to Rafe and remarks that EJ has done so much damage to so many people. Rafe asks if this news about Belle means she has to put the case against EJ on hold. Paulina says it might take a day or two to replace Belle, but there is something she can do right now to fix some of the damage that EJ has already done. Paulina then announces that she is reinstating Jada as police commissioner, effective immediately.

EJ tells Johnny that he had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger replacing Rafe. Johnny accusing him of denying while EJ shouts that he’s not lying to him. EJ says he knows it’s a sensitive subject because of what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny responds that it has to do with what EJ did to her.

Jada questions Paulina reinstating her when she thought the investigation could take months. Paulina explains that they now know the accusations were made by Rafe’s impostor, so she’s making an executive decision to put her back in charge immediately. Jada excitedly thanks her. Paulina tells them to go celebrate. Rafe and Jada step aside where Rafe congratulates her and suggests they go grab a drink to celebrate. Jada says she would love to but thinks they should go home since she has a lot of cases to catch up on. Rafe agrees to a rain check on the drink. Jada wishes her first case back would be going after EJ for what he did to Rafe, but they don’t have any witnesses. Rafe suggests questioning the servants and siblings since they love stabbing each other in the back. Jada asks what about Ava and if she could know anything about what EJ did to Rafe.

Chanel questions what Johnny is saying that EJ did to his mom. Johnny asks if EJ wants to tell him or if he should. EJ says he doesn’t have a clue. Johnny then informs EJ that he was just talking to Kate and found out something he never knew about EJ, Sami, Lucas, and the cabin. EJ goes silent so Johnny says he’s got it then. Johnny continues the story of Sami and Lucas ending up in a remote cabin during a storm where Lucas got trapped when the roof caved in, so Sami went looking for help and found EJ. Johnny declares that Sami begged EJ to help save Lucas and he agreed to, if Sami had sex with him which shocks Chanel as she listens.

Belle paces at home and thinks back to kicking EJ out of the house. Brady then comes home with Rachel which Belle calls a nice surprise. Rachel reveals they are having a sleepover and goes to her room. Belle tells Brady that she didn’t know she was seeing her tonight. Brady calls it a last minute schedule change. Belle is surprised that Kristen approved. Brady explains that Kristen’s mother is now living in the DiMera Mansion, so he made the case that it wouldn’t be a good idea for Rachel to be under the same roof as her unhinged Grandmother.

Rachel Blake claims to Kristen that she has nothing behind her back but Kristen insists. She tries to claim it’s just a family heirloom but then reveals that she has a gun.

Brady still can’t believe Kristen’s mother encouraged her own granddaughter to be part of a kidnapping plot and he had to tell Ava to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing, including a stabbing after she attacked Ava with a knife. Brady adds that he had to tell Ava not to call the cops. Brady knows he shouldn’t be saying these things to the district attorney, but she wouldn’t have a case since he already told Ava to keep quiet. Brady reminds her that if Rachel Blake gets arrested, she will tell the cops about her grand plan and they will be obligated to call child protective services and he could lose his daughter permanently. Belle encourages that Ava understands he has to put his daughter first which is why she agreed to let this go. Brady responds that he’s not sure she has let it go. Belle asks where things stand with them. Brady informs her that Ava said she needed time to think which to him means, they are done.

Melinda asks Ava about her hand being bandaged up. Ava informs her that Kristen’s mother came after her with a kitchen knife after breaking in to her room because she wants her out of the way permanently so Kristen and Brady could be together again. Ava adds that Kristen came in just in time to save her. Melinda notes that she didn’t get a call from Kristen to bail her mother out. Ava explains that she’s not pressing charges for attempted murder because Brady convinced her not to again since he could lose custody of his daughter, so now she’s constantly looking over her shoulder worried if that maniac is going to come after her again. Ava wishes she still had some kind of protection. Melinda then reaches in to her bag and offers Ava a gun.

Rafe asks Jada how Ava would know anything. Jada reminds Rafe that Ava said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. Rafe points out that Ava recanted her statement and it didn’t have anything to do with him. Jada is not sure, explaining that Ava said EJ was going to let her go but then Rachel Blake showed up and they left to have a secret conversation, convincing EJ not to help Ava. Rafe guesses she must have been holding something over EJ. Jada adds that she was certain Rafe was in the DiMera tunnels but there was no sign of him, so it’s possible that he was being held with Ava in Aremid. Jada thinks this could be the key to nailing EJ.

Kristen questions what her mother is doing with a gun and what she’s planning on doing with it.

EJ tells Johnny that he and Sami put this behind them a long time ago. Johnny responds that he hasn’t and never will. Johnny calls this a new level of sick and bets EJ enjoyed it. EJ argues that Kate had no right to tell him any of this. Johnny asks what about his mom’s right to not be sexually assaulted. EJ asks why dredge this all up now other than to upset him, feeling there was no need for him to know any of this. Johnny thinks they can both agree that it definitely affects him. Johnny adds that he hasn’t even gotten to the best part, being that Sami got pregnant. Johnny declares that the only reason he exists is because his father raped his mother.

Jada tells Rafe that if EJ took Rafe to Rachel Blake’s house, they should go talk to her. Rafe figures she’s already lawyered up. Jada says if they are going to put away EJ, they need evidence and she thinks Rachel Blake could be a witness. Jada suggests they go to her house in Aremid.

Rachel Blake claims she doesn’t know what she was planning on doing with the gun. Kristen compares it to the knife she took from the mansion and says she’s not helping her or Rachel by hurting Ava. Rachel Blake asks what if Ava hurt her and she was forced to retaliate in self defense, then Ava would be out of the way for Kristen and Brady to be a family and no one would be the wiser.

Ava is surprised Melinda carries a gun. Melinda reminds Ava about Connie holding her prisoner for a month, so she figured she could be more careful. Ava questions her not needing it. Melinda responds that she’s feeling a lot safer with Connie locked up in Bayview while Kristen’s deranged mother is still out there.

Kristen tells her mother that she has to let go of the idea of her, Rachel, and Brady being a family. Kristen demands she turn over the gun so she does.

Brady tells Belle that he hates that he did this to Ava since she suffered a lot and no one is going to pay for it. Brady says the only silver lining might be that EJ gets locked up for what he did to Rafe. Brady says it won’t make up for what he did to Ava but at least he’d be paying for something. Belle hopes that he will be prosecuted but reveals it won’t be by her because she just called Paulina to recuse herself from any cases involving EJ. Brady is shocked and questions why, believing there’s no conflict of interest since she washed her hands of that dirtbag. Brady then realizes she hasn’t.

Johnny knows Sami took a lot of crap for her twins not having the same dad and people called her a slut and a whore. Johnny wonders what Susan would think when she finds out EJ is a rapist. Chanel questions everyone in the family knowing about this. Johnny explains that Kate said the only ones that did know made a pact never to tell him. EJ says they did it to protect him but Johnny argues that EJ was protecting himself. Johnny calls himself a lie because he didn’t come from love and he’s here because a monster viciously violated an innocent woman. EJ knows it was terrible but argues that he doesn’t know the whole story. EJ talks about Sami ignoring the spark between them. EJ tries to explain that Stefano was dying and believed he could use the baby stem cells, so he was trying to save his life. Johnny complains that EJ is blaming Stefano and Sami and shouts that he’ll blame anyone but himself. EJ cries that he’s just trying to make him understand. Johnny says he doesn’t and he never will.

Kristen tells Rachel Blake that they will get her out of there but Jada and Rafe arrive. Jada hoped they could answer some questions but Kristen says they don’t need to talk to them. Jada reveals she was recently reinstated as police commissioner. Kristen says she’s not going to arrest her mother. Jada repeats that she just has questions. They then ask if either of them know anything about EJ holding Rafe there. Rachel Blake flashes back to Rafe waking up there.

Belle tells Brady that she still can’t believe she did this after everything EJ did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. Belle knows that EJ is terrible for her but she can’t stop. Brady calls it an addiction. Belle thinks he might be right. Belle says she did throw EJ out tonight and made it clear this was the las time, so she hopes she can do it. Brady jokes that it sounds like the District Attorney could use some DiMera Anonymous.

EJ repeats to Johnny that he was just trying to explain. Johnny complains that he’s refusing to take responsibility for raping his mother. EJ says he’s not blaming Stefano or Sami as he knows what he did was wrong. Johnny continues to complain and says that EJ never wanted him, he just wanted to harvest his stem cells. Johnny says he and Sami weren’t people, just things for EJ to use and throw away. EJ calls that not true. Johnny brings up that Chad warned him to take Chanel as far away as he could from this family and he wishes they could now to get away from EJ, but the problem is that it doesn’t matter where he goes as he will still be a product of EJ’s crime. Johnny states that rape is not about sex but about power and control. Johnny remarks that EJ has tried to control him for his entire life including his career and his child. Johnny brings up when Chanel was pregnant with a baby they knew could have abnormalities and how EJ said the child was a DiMera first and foremost. Johnny calls EJ just like Stefano. Johnny says Stefano might have controlled EJ but EJ will never control him or his child. EJ promises to stay out of the adoption process. Johnny tells EJ that he will stay out of the baby’s life. Johnny declares that the DiMera legacy is cruel and violent and they want nothing to do with it. Johnny asks how it feels for him to be unable to control him. EJ asks what he can do to make things right. Johnny says he can’t. Johnny states that EJ is his father and he’s supposed to be able to trust him, but he kept this from him for his whole life. EJ explains that he never wanted him to know because he’s not that man anymore and ever since it happened, a part of him has regretted it. EJ states that as much as he hates it, if he hadn’t of done it, he wouldn’t have had Johnny. EJ knows he’s hurting and that he’s disappointed him terribly, but he loves him more than anything. EJ asks if there’s any chance at all that Johnny can find it in his heart to forgive him.

Belle tells Brady that Marlena and Steve made it to the airport for their flight. Brady hopes they get Shane to get them some answers about John. Rachel comes in and says she wants John to read her a bedtime story. Belle offers to read it and says that John used to read her the book when she was her age which Rachel accepts.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s nuts if he thinks he will forgive him. Johnny declares that he will never forgive him and he can’t even look at him. Johnny tells EJ to just leave and screams at him to go, so EJ then exits. Chanel tells Johnny that she’s so sorry. Johnny doesn’t understand any of this and asks how his own father could do something so horrible. Johnny doesn’t know what to do or think about himself and everything. Johnny remarks that this is the only reason EJ is his father. Johnny declares that he hates EJ and swears that he would kill him if he had a gun.

EJ stops on the stairs and breaks down crying.

Ava tells Melinda that thanks to her time in Bayview, she’s not eligible to purchase a gun. Melinda says she’s lucky that she’s offering her one then and calls it a peace offering. Ava says she will give it back to her. Melinda says there’s no rush and if she needs it, use it. Ava takes the gun and hides it in her bag.

Jada asks Rachel Blake if EJ brought Rafe to this house. Kristen responds that they have nothing to say to them and asks them to leave. Jada says she’s not trying to cause trouble but she could easily bring Rachel Blake in as an accessory after the fact. Jada says she wants to bring in EJ and asks Kristen to tell her what she wants to know. Kristen repeats they have nothing to say to her. Jada declares someone is going down for what happened to Rafe and she’s only interested in EJ, but if she can’t get evidence against him, someone else will go down, so Rachel Blake might want to reconsider being quiet because next time she comes, she will bring a search warrant and an arrest warrant. Kristen and Rachel Blake then exit. Rafe says she definitely knows something while Jada declares they won’t stop until they find out what it is.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Amy gets admitted to the hospital in Chicago because a spot opened up in the Clinical trial for the experimental drug. Damian and Nate get a call from Amy telling them that she is in the Clinical trial so Damian and Nate decide to go to Chicago to support Amy.

Holden and Audra have lunch, and Audra reminds Holden that they are just friends. Devon and Lily see Audra and Holden having lunch and Lily tells Devon that she can’t shake the feeling that Damian and Holden are hiding something from Nate.

Summer has lunch with Kyle because Claire can’t have lunch with him because she has to go back to work. Summer tells Kyle she thinks Victor wants them to get back together and that is why he doesn’t approve of his relationship with Claire.

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BTG Transcript Monday, March 17, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I want you to stay away from my wife. Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. Can I get you something? That woman had the audacity, the sheer gall to show up to my home unannounced like a raging bull. I take full responsibility for my shameful behavior. We definitely won this round. So, you’re telling me you’re out here

sleeping with two guys?

I didn’t say that. Chels, I swear. [chuckles] Chill. It’s one guy and his wife. This video is incredible. Andre, were you…

about to kiss me?

[chuckles nervously] Andre? [stammers] I guess I need to work on my impulse control. Yeah, you do that. I have a boyfriend who I love very much. And your lack of impulse control must have come with a side of selective amnesia, because somehow you seem to manage to forget all about Derek. [door opening] Eva, what’s going on? Oh, Kat had a friend over for dinner earlier, and I had some things to finish up on my computer, but then I saw the way she left things, so I just wanted to pitch in and help out. Thanks, but it’s not your job to clean up after my daughter. My job is about making your life easier, which includes making sure you don’t come home to a mess. Since I have you here, would you mind helping me out with something else?


I want to find a server from the awards banquet last night. Her name’s Sherry Carter. [huffs] Mm. Oh. [grunts] Ugh. Stop being so damn happy. Oh, crap. ♪ ♪ I mean it, babe. I’m gonna make it up to you for cutting our honeymoon short. I promise. In so many delicious ways. Hayley. Baby, are you sure you’re not disappointed that we left Italy early? I’m fine, Bill. But look at this traffic. We’re not moving at all. I just want to be home. What was I thinking? I can, I can refill this bottle with some other expensive wine. Bill would spot that in a heartbeat. And I can’t put the cork back in and the foil back on. [gasps] Please, please, please, please, please. Please, please, please. Okay. Thank God you’re there. Help!

Ashley, hear me out.

You can’t explain away trying to kiss me. But it didn’t happen. Look. Ashley, I’m sorry, it– That’s not an excuse, but… Look, what didn’t happen but almost happened, it was out of line, all right? And I’m sorry. [scoffs] Look, I don’t mean to overreact. I mean, nothing actually happened. But what almost happened cannot actually happen, Andre.


I love Derek. I know. I know. Okay. Look, I’m sorry. [elevator dings] [sighs] DEREK: Ash. [chuckles nervously] Additional sponsorship provided by…

Where did you come from?

From what is now my former hospital room. Can finally blow this place, babe. Came looking for you to give you the good news. Well, discharged patient or not, you cannot just get in a chair and wheel yourself around the hospital without assistance.

We have rules.

Yeah? Any rules against this?

Derek, Derek, Derek.

[laughs] Or how about rules against… …telling my girlfriend how much I love her. Dad? Pop. Don’t say anything to them. You can’t keep trying to deal with this by yourself. How was school? Same old. Come on, Samantha.

Back down here for homework.

SAMANTHA: Okay. Something’s off. You got that in less than ten words. When you know, you know. Um, Sherry with one “R” or two? Uh, two. Uh, if I hadn’t seen her name tag last night, I’d have no idea. I barely know her. Oh, okay. I’ll call the club. Hopefully they know how to track her down. I’ve never seen her at the club before, so she must have been extra staff that they brought in for the events banquet. I… It was such a surprise to see her like that. You mean you know her from somewhere else? We met a few days ago. The encounter was… memorable. I heard from one of the nurses about you talking a suicidal woman off the hospital roof. Was that her? I’m sorry, Eva. I can’t talk about the details of that incident. I get it. Um, I’ll make that call. Oh, and you should know that Sherry got fired from the gala that night and asked to leave the club. Oh, um, then I’m sure the banquet manager will remember her. NICOLE: I really want to make sure she’s all right. So if you need to drop my name to get a phone number or an address, do that. Okay. What the hell are you doing in your ex-husband’s new house? Is it Glorietta Interiors? You’d think Bill would get a new designer for the new wife.

Were you able to get everything?

Yes. And you don’t get to see a bit of it until you answer my questions. Why are you here? And what is with this strange and very specific shopping list? [gasps] Dani! This is Bill’s fault. The minute he took over that press conference and told the world how little I matter… Ugh. Consider the source. That man is not fit to kiss your Louboutins. You matter a hell of a lot more than he does. This is why you are my oldest– make that dearest– friend in the world. Same goes. What needs to be done? We have got to get everything back where it was. There cannot be one speck of evidence that can be used against me. Mm. Bill can be a force in the courtroom. Who cares about him? I fear the wrath of Anita Dupree. [exhales] What’s up with you two? Tyrell. You got something on your mind? No chatter, please. You guys are always honest about how quiet study habits are vital to getting into a good college. You’re both right. School is important, but so is family time. I’m in the middle of something. The sooner you share, the sooner you can get back to it. You first, Tyrell. Is everything good at school?


I got asked out today. To what and by whom? It doesn’t matter, since I’m the only 16-year-old in the DMV who’s not allowed to date. Samantha, we’ve already discussed this. Then it was a possibility. Today I had to turn down a crush material guy because I had to hit him with a no and a lame excuse because my two dads won’t let me go out with boys. That’s not only mad unfair, it’s humiliating. Do we even know this boy?

So not the point.

I disagree. Pop, you’re all about freedom.

[chuckles] I enjoy it.

Shouldn’t I have the same freedom to explore that all my friends have? What kind of “exploring” are we talking about here? SAMANTHA: Pop, don’t be cringe. That’s not what she meant. Come on. I just want to be clear what you’re talking about when you say you want to date these young, horny little bastards. Why are you taking it there? Because, Samantha, he’s a boy. And everyone except for you in this house knows exactly what that means. For me, it means hitting up a movie. That might not be so bad. With supervision, of course. Yeah, yeah. We could do like a double date. It would be a secret double date. Your pops and I would be seated a few rows behind you. We’d even pay for the popcorn. [muffled scream] [laughs] Okay, joking. I don’t think she has a sense of humor about this, Martin. But it might be time to rethink the no-dating rule. I think that it’s at least worth the discussion. Bet! Discuss it into a “yes” this time, please. No promises on the outcome. If I’m well enough to go home, I’m well enough to leave here on my own two feet. You have been around this place long enough to realize that it has rules. [chuckles] And you’re the queen of following rules. I know.

You should be glad I am.

Oh, yeah? Thought I was the only one coloring outside the lines today. What rule were you tempted to break, Nurse Perfect? Well, I had a highly illicit make-out session at this very nurse’s station just a little while ago. Did you now? I even ended up in a patient’s lap. Can you believe it? You bad, bad girl. Oh, I am. [weak chuckle] Those activities are frowned on around here. Breaking the rules like that, you must be in love. And who can object to that? Not me. [scoffs] Come on. Let’s get the man of my dreams out of here. Danielle Dupree, you are nothing if not consistent.

And that is not a compliment.

I will admit, I am an “act first, ask questions later” type of gal. You always say that when we’re in the middle of an impossible situation you created. Now is not the time, Pamela. We don’t have time to delve into the core of my personality. I can’t have Bill and Hayley get back from their stupid honeymoon and put together that I was here, or that I helped myself to their wedding present, or that I adjusted their wedding photo. Honey, you breaking in here was bad enough. Everything else is just cherries on top. I didn’t break in, per se. One of the security guards has a soft spot for me. And you batted those eyes at him? I’m very grateful for people like him and friends like you who I can turn to in a pinch. You’d do the same for me. [gasps] Oh! Voilà!

Miracle worker.

[laughs] Looks like a match to me. Right down to the vintage. What about the picture frame? Not even close. All we need is the glass in the frame. It’ll fit just like the one you broke.

I mean adjusted.

Great. Now, about that bow. I’m afraid I trashed the original one. Let me work my magic on that while you switch out the glass in the frame. Deal. Oh. There we go. It is a really good thing that you disconnected those security cameras when you waltzed in here. Your tracks should be covered. Mostly, anyway. Great. I need a nap. Oh, you need to get it together and fix things before Bill and Hayley come back. We’ve got time. Hayley’s probably still drooling over those cliché tourist attractions in Italy. BILL: Yes. Okay. That works out perfectly. All right. Thank you. What did you do? Just pulled some strings. Momentarily, we’ll have a police escort just beyond the next exit. Where we will find…?

Helicopter transport.

[gasps softly]

How did you pull that off?

[laughs] Well, I represented a city official in a particularly embarrassing lawsuit a few years back, and I won, of course. And he owed me a massive favor. Oh, my goodness. So…

We’ll be home real soon, okay?


Thank you.

Of course. [sighs] EVA: Hi, yes. This is Dr. Nicole Richardson’s assistant,

and I’m calling from…

Hey, hon. Why are you trying to get in touch with that server from the gala? Do you know she was fired in the middle of the event? No. But are you sure? [doorbell rings] I’ll get that. So the banquet manager has already left for the day, and his assistant doesn’t have access to the employee records. But she’s going to try to reach him at home. NICOLE: Okay, that’s great. Hey, Aunt Nicole.


Hey. We weren’t expecting you, Andre. Yeah, I got the proofs from the gala. Oh, they look spectacular.

That’s wonderful.

Yeah. Uh, I thought you were gonna have a messenger bring them by, though. Um, I was, but, um, I realized that I’d be in the neighborhood, so I figured I would bring them anyway. Uh, it was no trouble. Unless… did I interrupt something? No, of course not. And thank you for these. Um, Nicole, while you’re looking over the photos, I can finalize your schedule for tomorrow. Oh, you don’t have to do that this evening. It’s getting late. I kind of want to wait around anyway to see if we hear anything back from the banquet manager. Okay. Thanks.

[phone vibrates]

I’m sorry. I need to get this. Well, Andre, now that we have the room to ourselves, would you like to tell me the real reason you came by here tonight? [chuckles] To bring you the pictures. Try that on somebody that doesn’t know you as well as I do. Something is going on with you, so you might as well just tell me what it is. ASHLEY: Here we go. Why are we at your place instead of mine? You think I trust your roommates to take care of you? The guys are okay. They park me in my favorite chair with pizza and beer. Right, which is why you’re staying right here where I can look after you until I think you’re ready to be on your own. Ash, I’m fine. I don’t need to be babied. A building fell on top of you, Derek. And this isn’t babying.

Look, I’m not complaining.

Really? ‘Cause it kind of sounds like you are. No way.

I love your TLC.

Good. ‘Cause I like giving it. Look, we’re two years into this thing that we’re doing, and I think it’s going pretty well. That plan we laid out for ourselves is really coming together. I was thinking the same thing. I like the way things are going very much. Then maybe don’t fight me when I try to show you how much you mean to me. Maybe just relax and enjoy it when I want to show you how grateful I am that you’re here. And I’m here. And we’re here. Together. Let me get you something to drink. Wait, what are my choices? Water, milk, apple juice? How about a beer?

Best girlfriend ever.

Okay, wait. Don’t get too excited. It’s the nonalcoholic type. But Jacob swears it tastes like the real thing. Maybe second best girlfriend ever? [chuckles] [exhales] Boy. Hey. I could have sworn I set the security code before we left, babe. You just feel safe behind these gates. [chuckles]

Italy is beautiful…

Mm. …but I love it here, Bill. Let me put these bags away so we can get settled in. Okay. After all that, I could use another drink.

Want one?

Yes, please. Thank you. What the hell? BILL: Hayley? I never liked plain water. I bet that’s the smartest thing you’ve put in your system all day. With that and the aspirin, when you wake up tomorrow, you won’t have the slightest trace of a hangover. I owe you, Pamela. You saved my skin today. If you hadn’t have panicked, you would have been able to handle it all on your own. You nixed my nap and got us out ASAP even though Bill and Hayley are thousands of miles away. So smart to get it done and me out of there. I wasn’t in my right mind. Just do me a favor. If Bill and Hayley ever figure out that you busted into their place, leave my name out of it. I would never use your name as an accessory. I might need you to bail me out. What is it? What…? I don’t get it, babe. What’s wrong? This photo. I already thought it was weird at first because it wasn’t where I put it. I left it over there before, but then I just found it here on the mantel. Okay. And then when I picked it up and looked… See? There’s a deep scratch in the middle of the photo. It wasn’t there before. I’m sure of it. Okay. [chuckles] Babe, I see the scratch, but how could it have gotten there? Unless the glass broke somehow. But the glass isn’t broken. This just doesn’t make any sense. Okay, look, I have an idea. Why don’t we open this, and we can pour ourselves some superb wine and just relax, babe, okay? We’re just edgy from a long flight. We spent forever in traffic. When you’re tired, everything looks like a problem.

Maybe you’re right.

Yeah. You know? Tell you what. We’ll get a new one printed up to replace this one. It was probably just a defect that we didn’t notice before. But in the meantime, a glass of 1992 Château de La Colère will go down nicely right about now. Wait, Bill, stop. Babe, what is it, huh? Did the bottle move, too? No, but there was a beautiful inscription engraved on the back, remember? Celebrating us. It’s not there anymore. You see that? No sign of an inscription that made it such a special gift. Look, Bill, this isn’t tiredness talking. Something is wrong. Yeah, you’re right. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? The alarm was off… The scratched picture… The bottle of wine obviously replaced… BOTH: Dani. That bitch broke in here. She invaded our home. I’m gonna find her. She’s gonna wish she was never born. No. She’s mine. Yeah. If you hate it, I will run out and get you the real thing. It wouldn’t exactly necessarily not be good for you.


Ash. I don’t deserve a beer. I haven’t been appropriately grateful for all the love and affection you’ve been throwing my way. Don’t make a fuss. I like taking care of people. Hello? Nurse. Yeah, but a fuss is what you deserve. And I want to make sure I’m not sending you the wrong signal. I’m the luckiest guy in the world because I found you. And I never want you to doubt my feelings for you. I don’t. Good. And all your loving, all your caring, pour it all on me. Every drop. I can’t get enough of it. And you’re 100% right about our plan. It’s right on track. And I love where it’s going. Almost as much as I love you. Just know that you don’t have to run into a burning building to motivate me to show my love for you. Are you sure? Because with my job,

I have plenty of opportunities.

Absolutely sure. If you ever want more of my attention, all you have to do is… That. [chuckles softly] We both know that you didn’t have to bring these pictures over here tonight. They’re just a handy excuse, weren’t they? [scoffs] Auntie? Are you trying to shrink me? No. But now Auntie knows she’s right. Do you remember that conversation we had before you became a professional photographer? You were worried you were making a mistake. I practically had to pull it out of you with dental instruments. But we both knew that you needed to talk it out. So what is it this time? It’s Ashley. Haven’t we already talked about your leanings towards Ashley and how you should resist them? Yeah, I know, but I… I wanted to… I-I thought– I thought about kissing her. Actually, I almost did.


Almost. Fortunately, she pulled back at the last minute. Thank goodness. Yeah, but she knew what I wanted to do.

And now she’s angry.

And she has the right to be. I’m just afraid to think what would have happened if I would have actually gone through with that. I hope you’re not here trying to get permission to pursue her because you’re not gonna get it from me. I know. Ashley is deeply in love with Derek and vice versa. And I know you know that because you have eyes. I know that. But what I don’t get is where are all these crazy attractions coming from? I knew Ashley long before she ever got together with Derek. And the idea of making a move on her never even occurred to me. So, why now, when she’s with somebody do I have this, this urge to…? Where does that come from? That’s not me. That– I don’t typically go for girls who already are attached. [sighs] And I can’t figure out why I did it this time. Or nearly did it. I think this is why you really came here tonight. You need someone to tell you you need to stay away from Ashley. No matter what impulse you’re feeling, you know they’re wrong. Besides, there are plenty of women out there besides Ashley. Yeah, there’s no shortage of pretty ladies, that’s for sure. Why don’t you stay a bit, join us for dinner. No, thanks. I’ve already interrupted enough of your night. You are never an interruption. [chuckles] Thank you, but… you gave me the kick in the butt that I need, and I’m over it. [chuckling] Thanks, Auntie. All right, I’ll let myself out. [relieved sigh] Andre leave? Is everything okay with him? Yeah, he just needed to get something off his chest. Well, he came to the right place for that. Actually, there’s something else that I need to talk about. Of course. Let me just finish up with Eva and track down this server. No, Nicole, you need to let that go.

Excuse me?

If that woman needs help, she needs to get it somewhere else. NICOLE: She absolutely needs help, Ted. She didn’t just happen to get a job at a gala that I was being honored at. Like Freud said, there are no coincidences. You’re right. There are no coincidences. But that’s why you need to stay far away from that woman. Hayley. I know it’s impolite to just drop by, but I wanted you to be the first to know that Bill and I are back. One of his cases went into overdrive, and he’s just crushed. He had to cut our honeymoon short after promising me the trip of a lifetime. But I don’t have to tell you. You were married to him long enough. Yes, I was. So here we are, home again. We landed just a little bit ago, actually. And I figured you’d rather I tell you personally instead of running into each other on the street. No one likes a rude surprise, am I right?

I don’t know anyone who does.

Hmm. Hayley, is this the only reason–? That I came by? Actually, there is one other thing. Oh, wow. You were really something. Thank you. It meant a lot to get that cover. Oh, well.


Oops. What is going on? Are you crazy? One of us sure as hell is. And the crazy ends now, if you know what’s good for you. I know you were in my house, bitch. I know you drank our wine, and I know you smashed our wedding photo. You violated my space. You found your way in in that entitled, petty way that you have because you are just so obsessed with the life that Bill and I are making that you just can’t stay away. But you need to do that. Stay away, Dani. Stay far away and stop dwelling on us. You know, it’s only making you look like the pathetic witch that you are. And all it did was bring us to the breaking point. You and Bill? Mybreaking point. If you don’t leave us alone, I will get a restraining order against you. And if you violate it, I will have your ass thrown in jail and the charges won’t be dropped. You might have started on a high ground, painting me as the home-wrecker, but you violating my home, invading it, and destroying my things, that makes you the villain, Dani. Yeah, and then everyone will see you for the wack-job that you really are. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


If you have evidence of these alleged actions, please, let’s have it. Otherwise, it’s just a steaming load of crap like your pathetic marriage. You can deny it all you want, but we both know the truth. Don’t try me again, Dani. You don’t want to see what happens when you do. Bye now. Damn it. Hey. It’s that time again. You know where I am. [scoffs] Dinner, everyone. Hurry, before it gets cold. [clears throat] Tyrell. Is there something you want to talk about? We talked to Samantha about dating, but we never got around to what was going on with our son.

I’m fine.

SMITTY: Really? You’ve always been quiet, but you’ve been keeping to yourself a little more lately. Except for those secret looks with your sister that you don’t think we notice. ‘Cause she wanted me to push the whole dating thing. Is that it? Are you sure? SMITTY: I remember what it was like when I was your age, and I wanted… wanted help with things, but I didn’t want to ask. Dad, I can handle it. Handle what? I’m having problems with calculus. I’m getting through them, though. You see? I told you. Nothing major. Now we can eat because starving the boy won’t help anyone. [sighs] NICOLE: Would you care to explain why you’re trying to tell me what to do? TED: What I mean is, she made you come up to the hospital roof. She only wanted to talk to you. So if she came to the gala on purpose, she wanted something more from you. Agreed. Which is why I need to find her. Look, Nicole, what I’m trying to say is this lady is fixated on you. I’m no psychiatrist, but I don’t think the right thing to do is for you to treat her. I mean, you’re not wrong if I’m part of her problem in some way. The thing is, Sherry needs help and I don’t think she’s getting it. TED: Whatever the situation, I think we both know and agree that you’re the wrong one to treat her. I’m sorry for coming on so strong. I just wanted to protect you. I appreciate that. Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been through a lot the past couple of days. Are you checking to see if I’m strong enough? Just try me. Thanks for staying so late, Eva. Nicole values your time and dedication.

I’d do anything for her.

Good. Good. Oh, by the way, you don’t have to worry about looking for that woman from the gala again. Nicole has decided it’s best to just… let that go. Oh, if that’s what Nicole wants. Thanks. [scoffs] [phone vibrating] Hey. Are you okay?

I was starting to get worried.

Oh. You had nothing to worry about. And I’m glad you didn’t try to follow me. I had no problem tearing Dani a new one. Oh, Lord. We can breathe easy. Your evil ex won’t be bothering us anymore. Oh… Who is this woman before me? She bears little resemblance to my polite little wife. Oh, I’m the same woman that you married.


I’m just done. And you know what? I think you would be proud of me because I’ve just been taking it and taking it in the name of making peace. But tonight, I stood up for myself, for the both of us.


Mm-hmm. You know what? I am proud of you. And I am more than ready to be done with all of this. You know what? No more getting back at Dani for all the things that she’s done. Forget about her, right? We got better things to do and a life to build together. [both laughing, moaning] Mm. [pop music playing] I checked the time. It’s “never again” already.

So it is.

Yeah. You want something to drink? Uh, sure. What do you want? Surprise me. ♪ ♪ Damn buttons. Bad day? [sighs] Yeah, to put it mildly. You? Well… It was an adventure. You want to talk about it?


[scoffs] No, I do not. [sighs]

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GH Transcript Monday, March 17, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[ Siren wails ] Nurse Corinthos. Good evening, Dr. Gannon. Ready to head into battle? I hope not. I have fought my share of battles today. Tough patients? Nothing I can’t handle. Here’s to hoping the ER’s quiet tonight. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Knock on door ] Who is it? It’s Kai. You okay? [ Sighs ] I’m fine. I just need to be alone. ♪♪ Tracy: Sasha! ♪♪ I thought I heard your dulcet tones, Tracy. Did you need something? Yeah. Tell Maria I need tea. Maria has left for the day, but I’ll get it for you. Okay, uh, make it snappy. I have an appointment. Coming right up. [ Door opens ] Hey, everybody. Oh, hey, Gio. How was Trina’s party? Gio, did you happen to see any government officials or anyone with a bulldozer when you came up the driveway? No. Good. Granny, what are you up to? Yeah, well, I was just saying, you must be so relieved that Charlotte is now home with Lulu. Oh, I can’t even begin to tell you. You don’t have to. [ Sighs ] And now that Lucky and Rocco and Ace are all present and accounted for… And Nikolas, too. I mean, maybe he’s not here, but he’s accounted for. Nikolas is strong, okay? He’s going to be fine. Still, I worry. I know. That’s my point. I think you can let it go, just for now. You know, I think we should focus on the positive because things are starting to look up for our family. You’re back. That was fast. I guess it was a success. Not entirely. Oh, man, that’s so good. ♪♪ Okay, what took you so long? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ So that text I called you about on the plane. Yeah. It turns out Charlotte didn’t send it to Rocco. It was Valentin. [ Sighs ] Was it an ambush? I mean, he was expecting Lulu. Like, his plan was to give Charlotte over to her mother once she got to Buenos Aires. So, I guess Valentin finally realized that he couldn’t protect his daughter anymore. So, even Valentin wants to keep his kids safe. Yeah, and he was right. Because a WSB kill squad showed up right after we did, and they would’ve gotten the jump on him if Anna and I hadn’t been there. So, you protected Valentin? I mean, the priority was getting Charlotte out safely. I mean, I couldn’t get rid of Valentin in front of Anna. Where’s Valentin now? I don’t know. Well, the great thing is that you brought Charlotte home to her mother. Rocco missed her tremendously. And now, the whole family can start to heal. I wasn’t sure if anyone else wanted tea, so I made a pot. What kind is it? I hope it’s nothing soothing or healthy. I would never try to soothe you. Thank you. It’s peppermint. Oh, good. At least it’s not green. That’s like sipping warmed-up lawn cuttings. So you’ve said. Thank you. Granny, I asked you — What am I doing? I am securing this family. The whole situation with the crypt has gotten way out of control. No thanks to your husband. You got into a physical altercation with a county surveyor. He wanted to press charges. I had to arrest you. We were on private property. It’s still assault. It was not assault! You’re supposed to be family, anyway. Chase is family. [ Sighs ] If I may… You may. Well, I think Chase was just doing his job and trying to follow the law. And? And maybe there’s a way to make the law work for you. As it should. Oh, look at the time. Gotta run. Tea, anyone? I don’t mean to intrude, but I saw you were gone from the party. And I get it. All right, sometimes you need to be alone. After my injury, I needed to be alone, too. So, I’ll go. But when you’re ready to not be alone anymore, I’ll show up for you like you did for me. And you also showed me that I don’t have to be alone for too long, so… ♪♪ [ Sighs ] Maybe I don’t want to be alone after all. Now that Charlotte’s home, it might be kind of a good time for — for you and Lulu to start to get to know each other. I mean, without the shadow of Valentin hanging over the both of you. Man, I hope so. I mean, Valentin and I are still going to have a professional connection, but considering he’s still, you know, out of the picture and very much off the grid, I’m hopeful that maybe Lulu could get past it. My daughter is pretty stubborn, so it’s just going to be an uphill battle. [ Chuckles ] All right, fine. I’ll take it under advisement and remain cautiously optimistic. Okay, good. Okay. That is the spirit. Yeah. Yeah. [ Knock on door ] You expecting somebody? No. It’s kind of late for a social call. It’s Anna. What is it? Is there — Is there some kind of an emergency at the PCPD? Uh, no, this isn’t a PCPD matter. It’s, uh, federal. Federal? [ Chuckles ] I don’t understand. Madam Mayor, this is Federal Marshal Thompson. Marshal Thompson, this is Mayor Laura Collins. Madam Mayor. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Marshal. Please tell me what this is about. The marshal is here to serve an arrest warrant. For who? Not one of my children. No, no, no, no. It’s for your brother, Martin Grey. ♪♪ [ Sighs ] I am so glad you showed up at my door. Yeah, I would’ve really regretted not giving us a chance. And what about now? Any regrets? Not yet. ♪♪ [ Music intensifies ] Thank you, all of you, for being so patient with Granny. I know she’s been a little… Gruff? Intense. Volatile, entitled, combative? Like she always is, but more? I was going to say passionate. Sure. Passionate. We’ll go with that. I’m not trying to make any excuses, but all this insanity with the crypt, it’s really getting to her. No one should have to move their deceased family members. This whole thing’s getting kind of creepy, right? It’s creepy and distasteful and disrespectful. [ Sighs ] Just like Drew. [ Sighs ] No argument there. But I feel like it goes beyond that. Sure, to the outside world, Tracy might seem like some wealthy woman who could easily afford to rebuild the family crypt. Well… But she goes down there to visit her parents at least three times a week. Three times a week. To a crypt? She goes there to think. She feels close to her parents and brother there. She always makes sure that they have fresh flowers. That place really matters to her. What really bothers me is Drew didn’t have to do this. No one was being hurt by a crypt taking up a few feet of public land. They could’ve reclaimed the conservancy land at a different part of the property. Drew was just doing this to hurt Tracy. All because she was trying to get back the family name. Honestly, the more this plays out, the more it feels like Tracy’s just trying to protect her family. And I respect that. Look, love her or hate her, Drew has picked a fight with the wrong broad. Seriously. Tracy could probably take anybody on any corner in Bensonhurst. [ All chuckle ] There has got to be some kind of a mistake here. No, no, I’m sorry, there isn’t. I reviewed the warrant myself. And, um, since Mr. Grey is your brother, I asked the marshal if I could accompany him, just as a courtesy, to make sure that everything is handled appropriately when Mr. Grey is taken into custody. Taking into — This is nuts! I haven’t done anything wrong. Listen. What — What federal crime are you [Chuckles] attempting to charge me with? Apparently, you’re in arrears when it comes to some alimony payments for one — one of your ex-wives. Which one? Well, the particular ex-wife in question isn’t actually listed on the warrant, but I can tell you that the charges were filed out of a federal court in California. California? Yes. You’re being extradited there. So, I didn’t get to celebrate my birthday last year. Why not? I’m not sure if you know… but, um… my boyfriend, Spencer… he died. I — I had an impression that you’d lost someone, but I had no idea who. Well, you couldn’t have known. But, um, it was January of last year, and when my birthday came around… the loss was just so fresh. I’m sure. And my mom and Joss, they all understood and they gave me the space that I needed, but… this year, when I walked into the gallery, and everybody yelled, “Surprise!”… I was genuinely surprised. And was it like a — like a good surprise? Yeah, it was. I was happy to see everybody — my family, my friends, the people that I love. But then, when I opened Emma’s gift, [Voice breaks] um… and I saw… [ Sniffles ] I saw this — this book cover… everything just came crashing back. Trina, I am so sorry. I feel like I’m moving on. I feel like that… all of the grief is behind me, but it just sneaks up, you know? And in a way that I don’t expect. This — This book reminds you of Spencer? Yeah. This one isn’t the one Emma gave me. It’s, um… It’s the one… from Spencer. May I? Yeah. ♪♪ ♪♪ Tell me about him. So, any updates from Brick about who planted the bomb at your place? Not yet. One dead end after another. Well, I mean, if Brick’s hitting dead ends, then — You know, the person who — who did this gets in, gets out without leaving any tracks. Yes, but nobody’s perfect. We– We’ve just got to find this guy’s mistake. We’ve got to find this guy soon, because my family’s not going to feel secure until we find out who’s responsible and take them out. Speaking of family, any word, uh — Any word from Michael? Anything new? Yeah, Carly spoke to Michael on the phone. Wow. That’s — That’s new. Yeah, I don’t think they talked very long, but Carly probably did all the talking. [ Chuckles ] Yeah, that’s a — That’s a safe bet. I’ll call him. Yeah, Michael’s doing better, but, uh, it’s going to be a long road. I know. But he’s a tough kid. Yeah, his whole life was ripped apart. There’s nothing I can do about Drew or Willow, but whoever hurt my son… they’re going to pay. So, Brick, uh, said the device itself wasn’t anything the Five Families normally would have access to. I’m thinking we take a look at Sidwell. I mean, he says he’s here to start a legitimate business. Yeah, but I don’t buy it. Last time he came to Port Charles, he was lucky to get out with his diamonds and his life. That’s true. His — His story — His cover story is very thin. Sidwell’s a smart man. Why does he think it’s smart to come after my family? Okay, well, the shower can wait, but the champagne is so good, we can’t let it get warm. Yeah, this is an excellent vintage. I’m surprised you had it in the cellars. It’s new. Olivia must have picked it out. Well, I mean, she doesn’t pick it out. The sommelier picks it out. But Olivia, um, she has to approve it. Carly, don’t! [ Gasps ] [ Breathily ] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I don’t feel good. [ Breathing heavily ] Oh my — No! Carly! Carly? Sidwell returning to Port Charles right before the bombing — very suspicious. And he also threw his hat in with Drew to muscle me out of the waterfront. Yeah, but it doesn’t make sense to start with a bomb and then turn to bureaucracy. Maybe that’s what he wants us to think. Okay. Maybe not. I don’t know. Listen, forget Sidwell for now. Who else do you know who would have any reason to want to come after me? I mean, anybody who would want to take you out and get a foothold here. But you’ve got to remember, there are very few that have access to that technology that was used in the bomb. What do you know other than what Brick told us? Uh, I know — [Sighs] I know what Anna said. She said that, uh, the device that was used at your penthouse was typically and exclusively used in the intelligence community. We’re talking WSB, CIA. It’s not military-made. It’s not homemade. What about the bomb that Sidwell used to kidnap Sasha? Doesn’t match. Okay, maybe he doesn’t use the same bomb twice. So either somebody bought that device, off the books, from an intelligence agency — Or someone in the intelligence community wants to take me out. ♪♪ Okay, what about one of Carly’s buddies, Jack Brennan, in the WSB? You think he could be involved? A woman has ingested an unidentified poison. Her heart rate is irregular. Her breathing is shallow. I need you to prep the ER at General Hospital. Tell them they have to pump her stomach and get a trauma team ready. Spencer could be [Sighs] spoiled and entitled and arrogant, which was annoying because he was so cute. Oh, that’s always the worst. But it took me some time to realize that there was a reason for all of it, and not saying that he couldn’t be a jerk because he could be, and a lot. Yeah, well, if you loved it, there must be good in him. And I like that you’re keeping me in suspense about that. Most of his attitude came because he was protecting his heart. And he had reasons for that. Spencer’s dad left Port Charles for a long time, and it really hurt Spencer. I can imagine. But if given the chance, he was thoughtful and perceptive… and could be hurt easily. And that’s why he was so protective of his heart. But not when he was with you? No. Not when he was with me. And when we decided to be an us, together, like really decided, we realized that we didn’t have to protect ourselves from each other. It turned out that we had to protect ourselves from everything else outside of us. I can do that, you know? Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Thank you. Hey, what you said about Tracy earlier was really nice. You care about her. Yeah, Tracy’s tough, but she means well. Most of the time. 60-40. If you didn’t feel the same way, you wouldn’t put up with so much. Tracy has a unique way of showing her affection, but, yeah, it’s definitely there. It’s funny, even as outsiders, she still kind of takes us in. We may not be part of the family — But it still feels like we’re a small part of something precious, right? Yeah. When the baby gets here, you’re going to be a real part of it. Aw, yeah. I’m still, uh, wrestling with that idea. But on nights like tonight, I, uh, think it might not be such a bad thing. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you and Tracy have a lot in common. You mean you’ve arrested each of us on multiple occasions? That’s part of it, yeah. Well, I’ll take that as a compliment. [ Sighs ] Until last night, I would’ve sworn that I had more in common with my Grandma Gloria. But I’m realizing how wrong I was. You mean to tell me that the federal government is going to waste taxpayer money to extradite — [Chuckles] extradite me for alimony payments? The law is the law, sir. Marshal, could I have a moment with my brother, please? Thank you. I thought you had some kind of an understanding with your ex-wives. Yeah, so did I. I mean, they’re all erratic in their own unique way, but I — I assumed things were civil at least. Okay, look, are you behind in your alimony payments? No! No, not that I’m aware of. Okay. Uh, yeah, maybe I — You know, I came into a substantial chunk of change with the sale of Valentin’s house, but that was — You might want to declare that. Don’t help. What a fine party this is. Tracy, what are you doing here? I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I’d just stop up and say hi to Lulu. But I see you already have guests. This was you, wasn’t it? [ Chuckles ] Yeah. You’re behind this arrest. This — This — This — treachery. This is all your doing, isn’t it? Of course it is. Heart rate’s 50. Respiration’s 10. Carly ingested a poison via champagne, lost consciousness. Quantity consumed is unclear. Approximately a three-minute window between consumption and effect. Carly?! Miss Corinthos, You good? I’m fine. Let’s go. Trauma one. Come on. ♪♪ ♪♪ I need two agents at General Hospital now. First floor. And I need a lab tech prepped. Poison identification. Immediately. ♪♪ [ Sighs ] I need you at GH now. If Brennan’s behind the bomb, it’d have to be personal. Carly? We’ve been, you know, divorced a long time. I mean, he knows I don’t like him, but I’m not in the way. And hurting one of her kids, intentional or not — She would kill him herself. So, uh, Brennan is a stretch. We just have to keep our options open. Will do. Um, Anna, can you talk to her again? Because she — she doesn’t talk to me. Maybe she knows somebody in the intelligence community who has access to that device. I’m on it. And one more thing. Yeah? I don’t want to get into your business, but, uh, Sasha was Brando’s wife. She’s pregnant. And her pregnancy and her safety is very important to me. And somebody is after me. You’re connected to me. She’s connected to you. Just make sure you take good care of her. I’ll take care of Sasha. ♪♪ What’s going on with you and Gloria? [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] It’s about my pregnancy… back in high school. I thought it was something that just me and my ma knew about, that it was a secret that was just between the two of us. And that’s not the case? No. She told my grandma. Maybe she just needed someone she could trust to talk to. Well, what about our trust? She either should’ve kept it between the two of us or told me that my grandma knew! Okay, you have a point. How’d you find out they were keeping this from you? From Lulu. Lulu? I know. Tell me this isn’t the universe punishing me. I wish I could. Um, how did Lulu — All I know is that my ma was talking about my baby to Martin Grey. Just another person that she was babbling to that I had no idea about. So, Lulu found out that Martin and Lois were talking. She found Martin’s notes from his conversation with my mom. Why was Lois talking to Martin? Wait, was she trying to find your child? Oh, Laura, I’m so sorry. I have to take off. I’m really sorry. Oh, yeah, by all means. Thanks for the courtesy visit, Commissioner. You’ve been a real comfort. I’m sure the marshal is going to handle everything by the book. Yes, I’m sure he will. Thank you, Anna. How’d you do it? I made a phone call. But how did you know to make a phone call? Well, I followed your brother’s example. I took a shot. It panned out. Would you mind explaining that to me? Not at all. I overheard Lucy Coe bragging about her magnificent windfall commission that she made selling Valentin’s house to Sonny, with you as fiduciary. It’s my job! Yes, and I figured you got paid a pretty penny for that job, one that you would want to squirrel away from all the women who were unfortunate or stupid enough to marry you. I was right. I wasn’t squirreling. I simply hadn’t declared it as income yet. Oh, ’cause you were busy? I didn’t even know you had an ex in California. I don’t, okay? They’re all here on the East Coast. Oh, God. Wait a minute. There is one who’s mean enough to do something like this. Makes Blair Cramer look like a teddy bear. Wait a minute. Blair Cramer is a lovely woman with terrible taste in men. Anyway, we got married in Los Angeles. Not Blair, the mean one, and I mean mean. This is bad, baby sister. Really bad. If I get sent to California, this will put me on the rack and make microwave popcorn. So could you please just — Yeah. Tracy. What do we have to do to make this go away? ♪♪ Spencer had a truly psychotic ex-girlfriend named Esme. And out of revenge, she slept with Spencer’s father and then got pregnant. Wow. That — That is a long-haul revenge play. But then I got accepted to this program at the Sorbonne in Paris, and Spencer and I decided to go together. And were you two planning to live together? Yeah. We were going to get an apartment and — and take in all of the art and the music and the food and the architecture. And then we got there. We actually got to Paris. And was it everything you expected? It was more. And for a moment, we had everything we ever dreamed of. And it was long enough for me to truly believe it was all mine. And then Esme showed up. What did she want? To kill me. And she almost did. But Spencer — Spencer died saving my life. I want this bottle tested to identify the toxin. Get a team down to the Metro Court. I want to analyze their security footage. Find out who delivered that bottle. You, I want you on Carly Spencer’s room. No one but her medical team gets in or out without my authorization. If anyone gets past you and you’re not dead, I’m going to kill you myself. Go. Carly Spencer, what’s her status? We’re doing our best to keep her stabilized. We gave her a gastric lavage, but we can’t treat her sufficiently until we know what she was poisoned with. I’m working on that. You just keep her alive. Dr. Gannon, Carly’s family needs to know she’s here. I’m going to call her ex-husband, Sonny. No, you’re not. She could die. Her family needs to be here. This is a matter of national security. And as WSB station chief, I am exerting my authority. How is this — No one gets into that room without my authorization. Is that understood? I’m sorry, Mr. Brennan. I know you’re upset, but that’s not how we do this. Try me. There is nothing to be done. Martin has paved the way for Drew to literally uproot my family from their final resting place. And there are consequences for that. This is one of them. One of them? Oh, Tracy. Come on. Martin was just representing Drew’s interests here. He has no issue with your family. Hey. Amen to that. Look, I may be guilty of doing my job a little bit too well, but [Chuckles] your conflict is with Drew. Yeah. My conflict is with anybody who messes with my family, including people that aid and abet that messing. Okay, look, he told me that he only planned to use the location of your family’s mausoleum as the starting point of a negotiation. It was Drew, Tracy, who took it and ran with it and made it part of public record. Isn’t that right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, when I worked for your father, one of the very first things that Edward ever taught me, and I never forgot it, is that everything is a negotiation — everything. So, how can you hold it against Martin for — for negotiating on behalf of his client when you know that Drew is the driving force behind all of this? I don’t know what my ma is doing. I don’t know what she’s thinking. All I know is that when I confronted her, she confessed that my grandma has known the entire time, and that they both agreed to never say a word about it. And they didn’t, until now. Exactly. Look, maybe this makes me a hypocrite, but now I am looking back to every interaction, every conversation that me and my grandma had. Yeah, I was keeping a secret from her, but her and my mom were keeping a huge secret from me. And secrets hurt. Hurt like hell. And the relationship I thought I had with my ma and my grandma feel completely different. They’re not who I thought they were. Hey, they are the same flawed people that have always loved you. They’re people who keep things from me. ♪♪ And as the same flawed person who has always loved you, I… I just realized I’m doing the exact same thing to you. I’m sorry for oversharing. You know, I’m just going to get us some water, and maybe some vodka. Wait. Trina, wait. Wait. Do not apologize, okay? I asked you about Spencer because he’s part of you. And the more I get to know about you, the more I want to. Even the dark and depressing parts? [ Sighs ] Even the dark and depressing parts. Do you remember that first painting you showed me at The Chuck? The one with the deep contrast between light and dark elements? Yeah, that’s one of my favorites. Of course I do. Yeah, and you showed me how it was so bold and striking because of that contrast. And this is kind of like that. The more I get to know about you and the dark and light parts of you, the more beautiful and striking you become. Happy birthday. [ Both chuckle ] I couldn’t give this to you earlier. Kai. No, you didn’t have to do that. No, I wanted to. And you don’t have to open it now. Just whenever — whenever you’re ready. Thank you. And thank you for telling me about Spencer. He sounds very cool. He was. Well, have a good night, Trina. You too. ♪♪ [ Door closes ] ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Giggles ] ♪♪ Okay, I think we can all take a step back from the brink. Right, Martin? Absolutely. Yeah. Okay, just for the record, it was never my intention to have anybody disinterred. I was never going to let Drew go through with it. Yeah, well, that’s a battle you would have lost badly. [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Maybe, yes. Maybe, no, Tracy. I mean, come on, you know, the law was on Drew’s side. You can’t build a mausoleum on public land. Martin. Martin. You know, it’s illegal. No, seriously. It’d be just another rich family… No! …making up the rules as they go along. Tch-tch-tch-tch. No. That’s it. I’m done! Do your job. Martin Grey, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. [ Sighs ] Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. I don’t want to keep any secrets from you. I don’t want us to think that we have one kind of relationship, and then realize years later that it’s something completely different. Hey, I love you. There is nothing you can say that could change that. I pray that’s true. I just want to tell you everything. [ Sighs ] I’ve never told you who my baby’s father was. I just assumed it was some kid from the neighborhood. It was someone from the neighborhood. It just wasn’t some random kid. [ Breathes shakily ] My baby’s father was… is… Dante. [ Sighs ] Jason. Thank God you’re home. Is something wrong? We need to talk about the baby. Isaiah: Nurse, we’re going to need a second line. Pulse is 40 and thready. Respirations down to 8. We need to know what she ingested now. [ Machine beeping ] Okay, what’s going on? Why the urgent call? I was with Carly. She drank a glass of champagne and collapsed. I brought her here. They’re treating her. I sent the bottle down to the WSB for testing. I’m awaiting results. [ Phone rings ] Okay. Is that them? Yes. What is it? You’re sure? What is it? Polonium poisoning. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Gun cocks ] Forget something?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Monday, March 17, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I must say, this– this is a huge disappointment, Belle. But not exactly a surprise. [soft dramatic music] I’m afraid I’m gonna have to call you back.

Good evening, Madame Mayor.

Jada. Oh, Rafe. Good to see you, the– the real you, back out in the world.

Yeah, you can say that again. But you look like you just got some bad news.

I’m afraid I did. I just got a call from DA Black. She has recused herself from the EJ DiMera case.

Let me guess. Because of her personal involvement with him.

Anybody that comes in contact with that EJ DiMera winds up as collateral damage.

I just wanted to say I’m sorry about what happened with Amy Choi. I offered to help smooth things over, but Johnny wouldn’t hear of it.

Yeah, well, can you blame him?

No. I’m afraid my son is rather upset with me at the moment.

You got that right.

Johnny what’s wrong? [grunts]

Johnny! What the hell?

You son of a bitch. I know what you did. [dramatic music]

Man, I could use a martini.

Well, you’re gonna have to get it somewhere else.

Is there a problem?

Oh, yeah, there’s a big one. Your Kristen’s lawyer.


So you help her get away with everything. [tense music]

I’m almost certain it’s in here.

Yes! Just what I was looking for.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Mother? Oh, thank God. I have been looking all over for you.

Kristen, what are you doing here?

[chuckles] Better question, what are you doing here? My God. I mean, when you weren’t at the house, I thought you might have gone after Ava again.


But you weren’t at the pub, and then I figured you were here at Aremid.

Well, this is our family home.

Yes. Um, but what are you doing in the attic? [tense music] What do you have behind your back, Mother?

I know you’re not a fan of Kristen’s–

That’s to put it mildly.

Look, I don’t like her, either. But she’s the CEO of DiMera, and so, yeah, what she says, hightail it down to the police station, I do it, no questions asked.

How’d you get that job, anyway?

[scoffs] How’d you get this one? [jazzy piano music] I’m guessing you made your own share of devil’s bargains.

You want olives or a twist with that martini?

So after you and Gabi showed up at the DiMera mansion and demanded that EJ produce your fiancé, Mrs. Choi decided that maybe Johnny and Chanel might not make the best parents after all.

Paulina, I am so sorry. When we came to search those tunnels, we had no idea that you were in the middle of such an important lunch. If we interfered with their adoption plan in any way–

No, no, no, no. No, no. No need to apologize. You were just trying to bring Rafe back home safe and sound. If anybody’s to blame, it’s that EJ DiMera. Oh, that man. Oh. He has done so much damage to so many people.

Well, so does this news about Belle mean that you have to put the case against him on hold?

Hell no. It might take a day or two to replace her, but there is something I can do right now to fix some of the damage, at least, that he’s already done.

What’s that?

Jada Hunter, I am reinstating you as police commissioner, effective immediately. [bright music]

Ah! Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, look, son, I know you’re upset about this whole Jada situation, but as we discussed, I had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger replacing Rafe.

That’s your entire playbook, isn’t it? Deny, deny, deny!

I’m not lying to you, son. [tense music] Now, I know this is a sensitive subject because of what that man did to your mother, but–

This has nothing to do with what he did to my mom. This is about what you did to her. [dramatic music]

You’re reinstating me? I thought Internal Affairs said that it could take months.

Oh, they did. And even though they still haven’t officially proven that the allegations against you were fabricated, we now know that Rafe’s imposter was the one who made them. So I’m making an executive decision and putting you back in charge of the Salem PD.

Oh, wow. I–I don’t know what to say. Thank you, Paulina. Thank you so very much.

[chuckles] You’re welcome. Now you two go– go and celebrate.

[gasps] [sighs]

Congratulations, Commissioner. [laughter] You know what, we should go grab a drink and celebrate.

Ooh, I would love to do that. But I think we should head home. I mean, got a lot of cases to catch up on.


You understand, right?

I do. I do. Yeah, you know what?


Rain check on the drink.

Definitely. You know, I wish my first case back would be going after EJ for what he did to you. But since I don’t have any witnesses–

Well, we should question the DiMera servants and siblings. They seem to love stabbing each other in the back.

Mm. What about Ava? Could she know something about what EJ did to you? [tense music]

Hey, hey, Johnny, what are you talking about? What did your dad do to your mom?

You want to tell her? Or should I?

I’m afraid I’m just as confused as your wife.

You’re playing dumb. Fine. I was just talking to my Grandma Kate. And I found out something that I never knew. Mom, Lucas, cabin. You want to take it from here? [tense music]

No? That’s OK. I got it. [tense music] Years ago, my mom and Lucas were on a ski trip. Car broke down. They ended up at a remote cabin. There was a storm. The roof collapsed. Lucas got trapped underneath. My mom thought that he was gonna die. So… she went to the roadside to look for help.

To find someone to help save Lucas’s life. And she came across my dad. She begged him. She begged him to help her save Lucas’s life. And he agreed. He said that he would help save Lucas’s life if… my mother had sex with him. [dramatic music]

[somber music]

– Get out! – Belle. – Get out! – Belle–

Get out of my bed! Get out of my house!

I’m going. I’m going. Fine! Stop!

Get out. Get out! Get out now!

I’m going!


[door clicks]

Oh, Rachel. What a nice surprise.

Daddy said we could have a sleepover.

Yeah. Do you want to go get your PJs on?

Be right back.

All right.

I didn’t know I was gonna be seeing my niece tonight.

It was a last-minute schedule change.

Oh. And since when does Kristen suggest those?

It was my idea.

And you got her to approve?

Well, now that Kristen’s mother is out of jail, she’s living in the DiMera mansion. So I made the case that it wouldn’t be a good idea to have her living under the same roof as her unhinged grandmother. [tense music]

What do I have behind my back?


Oh. Oh. It’s nothing. It’s just–just memorabilia. [both chuckle]

What kind of memorabilia, Mother?


What do you have?

It’s just–like I said, it’s nothing. It’s just a family heirloom.

[sighs] Mother.

I still can’t believe it. I can’t believe that Kristen’s mother actually encouraged her own granddaughter to be a part of a kidnapping plot. And that now, because of Kristen, I had to tell Ava to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing. By the way, that includes everything that her mother has done. Oh, there–there’s a stabbing now.


Yeah, yeah. Kristen’s mother attacked Ava with a knife.

What? Oh, my God. Is she OK?

She’s–physically, she’s fine. She has a small cut on her hand, but she was terrified. I’m surprised you don’t know about it. Oh, wait, I know why you don’t know about it. Because I had to tell Ava not to call the cops. And look, I know you’re the DA, and I know it’s probably not a good idea for me to be saying these things because you need to make sure justice is served. But either way, you wouldn’t have a case because–

Because you already told Ava to keep quiet about it.

Exactly. For the same reason as before, by the way. See, if her mother goes to the cops and she’s in custody, who knows what she’ll say? They’re gonna ask her why she attacked Ava. Then she’s gonna go into her grand plan that she had, and that’s going to involve Ava’s kidnapping.

Yes. And they will find out that your daughter was involved and be obligated to call Child Protective Services. I get it.

Yes. I could lose my daughter permanently because of that.

All right. Well, listen, you have to put your daughter first. And I’m sure Ava understands that, or she wouldn’t have let this go.

I’m not sure she has.

Why? Where do things stand with you? [tense music]

Ava said she needs time to think. Which, to me, means we’re done.

[romantic piano music]

Mmm. [exhales] That hits the spot.

Mm, good. All right, I will get a server to come take your order.

Wait, what happened to your hand?

Uh, well, Kristen’s mother happened.


Yeah. She came after me with a kitchen knife. Walked into my room, and there she was.

She broke into your room?

She picked the lock with a bobby pin. Yeah. She wants me out of the way permanently, so Kristen and Brady can be back together again. Luckily, or ironically, Kristen happened to come in just in time and saved me.

That’s funny. I didn’t get a call from Kristen to– demanding that I bail her mother out.

Well, that’s because I’m not pressing charges.

For attempted murder?

Brady convinced me to leave it alone. Again. Look, the long and short of it is, uh, if any of Rachel Blake’s crimes come to light, Brady could lose custody of his daughter. So now I am constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering if that maniac is gonna come after me again. [tense music]

I don’t know. I just wish I still had some kind of protection, you know?

Here. Take this.

– Ava? Why would she know anything?

Yeah, Ava said that EJ was involved in her kidnapping, remember?


That he found her when she was being held captive at Aremid.

Yeah, but Ava recanted her entire statement, which makes it inadmissible. And even if she hadn’t, didn’t have anything to do with me.

I’m not so sure about that.

What do you mean?

Ava said that she thought EJ was gonna let her go. But then Kristen’s mother shows up, right? And then she takes EJ to a whole nother room, and they have a secret conversation. Then he left. He never came back for her.

So whatever Kristen’s mother said to him–

Convinced EJ that helping Ava wouldn’t be in his best interest.

She must have been holding something over him.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. But what? Yeah, you heard Paulina. When Gabi and I went over to the DiMera house to search the tunnels, I was certain that you were being held there. But then there was no sign of you.

So you think that he was holding me at Aremid?

I mean, it’s possible. Look, I think that if we want to nail EJ, this woman can be the key.

Mother, what are you doing with the gun?

Look, there’s no need to get upset. Like I said, it’s just a memorabilia. Your father had this gun.

Mm, about whom you have exactly zero fond memories of. I repeat, what are you doing with the gun? And what are you planning on doing with it? [suspenseful music]

Johnny… [somber music] Your mother and I put this behind us a long time ago.

Yeah, well, I haven’t. And I never will. I mean, I knew you could be twisted. But this–this is a whole new level of sick. And I’ll tell you something. While you were forcing yourself on my mother, she might not have been saying no, but she was thinking it, screaming it in her head.


You know, once she realized it was happening, maybe she, uh, just dissociated. I’ve heard that about– about rape victims. I’ve heard they do that sometimes. They go to a different place in their mind to– to get through it, to survive. But you? I bet you were into it, right, Dad? Eyes wide open, fully present, soaking in every second. I bet–I bet it still replays in your mind from time to time, right? Brings a smile to your face, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it?

Kate–Kate had no right to tell you any of this.

[scoffs] Kate had no right? What about my mom’s right to not be sexually assaulted?

What I mean is, what was the point of dredging this all up now other than to upset you? There is no reason for you to know any of this.

You’re joking, right? You’re joking? Because I think you and I both can agree that what you did definitely affects me. I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. After my mother agreed to have sex with this bastard in order to save Lucas’s life, she got pregnant.

That’s right. The only reason I exist is because my father raped my mother.

If EJ did take you to Rachel Blake’s house, it’s very possible she saw you there. We should go talk to her.

No, I don’t think she’s gonna tell us anything. Kristen’s already lawyered up. My bet is that Trask is representing her mother, too.

Yeah, you know, you’re probably right. But if we’re gonna put away EJ, we need evidence. And I think this woman could be a witness.

All right, so what do you want to do?

I say we go to Aremid.

I don’t really know what I was planning on doing with it.

Mm. Like you didn’t know what you were planning on doing with the knife you took from the mansion? Mother, I told you, you are not helping me or Rachel by hurting Ava.

But what if she was to hurt me? And if I was forced to retaliate, it would be self-defense. And then Ava would be out of the way. You’d be free with your family, and no one would be the wiser.

[tense music]

You carry?

Yeah, I had my own crazy lady hostage situation, remember?

Connie Vininski.


How could I forget?

After she held me prisoner for a month and then tried to blow me to kingdom come, I just– I figured I couldn’t be too careful.

So don’t you still need it?

No, I’m feeling a lot safer now that they locked Connie up in Bayview. But Kristen’s deranged mother is still out there.

Mother, we have talked about this numerous times. You have to let go of the idea of Rachel, Brady, and I becoming a family. Now I want you to give me the gun. Now!

All right, all right. Here.

I just hate that I did this to Ava, you know. She–she’s suffered a lot. And no one’s going to pay for it, Belle. Not–not Kristen, not her mother, no one.

Yeah, I know. I get it. It’s hard.

The only silver lining might be that EJ gets locked up for what he did to Rafe, right? I mean, it’s not gonna make up for what he did to Ava, but it might give her some consolation that EJ is paying for something, right?

Yeah, and–and I really hope that he will be prosecuted. It’s just not gonna be by me.


I, uh– I just called Paulina and recused myself from any cases involving EJ.

What? Why? [stammering] There’s no conflict of interest, right? Because you washed your hands of that dirt bag. Oh. [somber music]

I know my mom took a lot of crap for her twins not having the same dad. People called her a slut, a whore. Even Grandma Susan looked down on her. Well, I wonder. I wonder what Grandma Susan’s gonna think when she finds out her precious Elvis is a rapist!

So–so everyone in your family knew about this?

No. No, they didn’t. My Grandma Kate said that they all made a pact. All the ones who knew– my mom, her, Lucas, even Roman, whose daughter this pig blackmailed into having sex with him. You all agreed never to tell me.

We did that to protect you.

No, they. They. Theydid it to protect me. Youdid it to protect yourself. So that I’d never find out what I really am.

You are my son.

I am a lie. I didn’t come from love. I’m not here because two people wanted to be together. I’m here because a monster viciously violated an innocent woman.

Son, look, I know what I did was terrible, but you don’t know the whole story. Your mother and I, we– there was a spark between us, and she refused to acknowledge it.

So it’s her fault?

It wasn’t just that. Like, your–your nonno.


Your nonno was pressuring me. He had this insane idea that a Brady had to be impregnated by a DiMera. He was–he was dying. He was dying, and he believed that the baby’s stem cells would provide a cure. I was–I was trying to save his life.

Oh, I see. I see. So you’re–you’re the hero, huh?

Your grandfather asked me.

So–so it’s his fault? So it’s his fault, and it’s my mom’s fault. But why am I not surprised that– that you will blame anybody but yourself?

I’m just trying to make you understand.

Well, I don’t. And I never will. [somber music]

OK, Annie Oakley. Let’s get you out of here.

We thought we heard voices up here. [suspenseful music]

What are you doing in my mother’s home?

We’re hoping that the two of you can answer some questions.

Well, we don’t need to talk to you.

Actually, you do.

I was recently reinstated as commissioner.

Oh. Good for you. Uh, but you’re not going to arrest my mother again.

Like I said, I just have a couple questions.


About when EJ was holding Rafe prisoner.

We think that he was holding me here.

Either one of you know anything about that?

Well, look who’s finally awake.

[sighs] I still can’t believe I did this. I mean, after everything he did to Rafe and Jada and Ava and– I know that EJ is terrible for me. He is perilous and ruinous, and I can’t stop.

You know what they call this? I have some experience. It’s called an addiction.

Yeah, I think you might be right. Ugh. Anyway, I did throw him out tonight. I made it very clear that this was the last time. And–and I hope I can do it.

Sounds like the DA needs some DA. [quirky music]

DiMera Anonymous.


That was a good one.


I wasn’t making excuses, Johnny. I–I was just simply trying to explain.

Why you refused to take responsibility for raping my mother?

OK, I– I know how that must have sounded, and I– I want to be clear, I’m not blaming your mother, and I’m not blaming my father. I know what I did was wrong.

Wrong? It was depraved. You were so eager to please daddy that you forcibly impregnated my mother! You never wanted me. You wanted to harvest my stem cells. I wasn’t a human being. I wasn’t a person. Neither was my mom. We were just things for you to use and throw away.

No, that it– that is not true.



You know, Uncle Chad warned me. He warned me to take Chanel as far away as I could from this messed-up family. God, I wish we could run now. To LA, to Italy, to the frickin’ moon. Anywhere to get away from you. But here’s the problem. Now, it doesn’t matter where I go, because there I’ll be, a product of your crime.

If you’d just let me–

You know, rape is not about sex. It’s about power. It’s about control. And you have tried to control me my entire life– my career, my marriage, my child. Our child. When Chanel was pregnant with a baby that we knew might be born with abnormalities and we were trying to figure out what to do, do you remember? Remember what you said to me?

That I would support your decision unconditionally.

No. No. You told me that this child is DiMera, first and foremost. You’re just like Stefano. [somber music]

Well, he may have been able to control you, gotten you to assault a woman on his behalf. But you will never control me, and you will never control my child.

I promised to stay out of the adoption process.

Oh, you’ll do a whole hell of a lot more than that. You will stay out of that child’s life. That DiMera legacy that you’re always crowing on about, it is pain. It is violence. It is cruelty. And we want nothing to do with it.

Please don’t say that.

Well, how does it feel, Dad? How does it feel to not be in control and not be able to pin me down and take what you want?

Please tell me what I can do to make things right.

You can’t. You’re my father. I’m supposed to be able to trust you. You kept this from me my whole life.

I never wanted you to know because I’m not that man anymore.

And ever since it happened, a part of me has always deeply regretted it.

Only a part of you?

Yes. Because as much as I hate it… if I hadn’t done it, I wouldn’t have had you.



I know that you’re hurting right now and that I have disappointed you terribly. But I love you. More than anything. I love you. Is there any chance– is there any chance at all that you can find it in your heart to forgive me? Please.

So did Marlena and Steve get to the airport OK?

Yeah. Mom texted, said their flight to DC was about to take off, so–

Well, hopefully they can get Shane to give some information about dad.

Hm. Sooner rather than later.

I brushed my teeth.

You did? Come here. Did you get all of them?


I’m just kidding. I’m just joking.

Rachel, what are you reading?

“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

Ooh. Ooh. Now it’s a sleepover. Do you want me to read the next chapter to you?

I want Grandpa John to read it.

Honey, um, maybe–

You know what? Can I read it to you? Grandpa John used to read me that book when I was your age, and so I happen to know exactly how he does it.

That’s true.


OK. Yeah.

Here we go. [clears throat] All right. [somber music]

If you think… that I’m gonna forgive you, you’re nuts. I will never forgive you. I can’t even look at you. Just leave. I said, get out of here. Go!

All right. If that’s what you want.

Baby, I’m so, so sorry.

I don’t–I don’t understand any of this. How– how could my own father do something so horrible?

I know this is a lot–

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to think– about myself. About everything. Knowing that this is the only reason he’s my father. I–I–I–I– I hate him. I hate him, Chanel. I swear to God, if I had a gun right now, I’d kill him. [soft dramatic music]

[sobbing] [sniffles] [breathes heavily]

You know, um, thanks to my stint at Bayview, I’m not eligible to purchase a gun.

Then you’re lucky I’m offering you one. Perhaps we can call it a, uh, peace offering.

Yeah. I’ll get it back to you.

Hey, no rush. You need it, you use it. [soft dramatic music]

Ms. Blake, did EJ bring Rafe into this house?

Neither of us have anything to say to you. Now, if you would both kindly please leave.

Look, like I said, I’m not trying to cause any trouble between you two, OK?


Yes, really. And look, I could easily bring your mother in as an accessory after the fact. But as I said, I want to bring down EJ. And, Kristen, there’s no love lost between you and your brother, so why don’t you just tell me what I want to know?

Hm. I’m sorry. We have nothing to say to you.

Oh, is that right? Well, someone is gonna go down for what happened to Rafe. OK? And like I said, I’m only interested in EJ. But if I can’t get enough evidence to build a case against him for the DA, then someone else will go down. So your mother might want to reconsider about being quiet, because the next time I come, I will be coming with a search warrant and an arrest warrant.

All right. [tense music]

She definitely knows something.

Mm-hm. We’re not going to stop until we find out what it is.

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Days Update Friday, March 14, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes to see Sophia at the Bistro to ask if her mom is still pissed about the lunch at the DiMeras. Sophia points out that he didn’t have to come in person to ask that and could have just texted. Tate notes that he didn’t have anything else going on. Sophia questions him not hanging out with his girlfriend on a Friday night. Tate responds that he and Holly are not really talking.

Holly goes to the Horton house where Doug III answers the door without a shirt on.

EJ goes to see Belle, who tells him he can’t be there. EJ asks her not to shut him out.

At the Brady Pub, Johnny says what happened to Rafe and Jada was terrible but he talked to EJ, who said bringing Arnold to town the first time still haunts him to this day and that he never wanted Sami hurt like that. Roman calls that total BS and declares that it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same exact thing that Arnold did. Johnny questions what he is talking about. Roman tells him to forget it but Johnny demands to know how EJ did the same thing as Arnold. Roman claims he doesn’t know what he’s saying and is just upset about what happened to Rafe. Johnny argues that he knows EJ has done some bad things over the years but nothing like what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny questions Roman thinking EJ is as bad as Arnold when Arnold is a rapist. Roman remarks that Johnny has no idea who his dad really is. Roman declares that if Arnold Feniger is a rapist, then so is EJ DiMera.

Sophia asks what happened with Tate and Holly. Tate responds that they had a fight. Sophia guesses it was about the baby. Tate admits that was part of it since he promised her that the adoption was a done deal and now who knows thanks to EJ. Sophia remarks that she’s sorry their baby is such a problem for his relationship. Tate points out that he said that was only part of the fight. Sophia asks what else it was about. Tate says it’s not what, but who, as he tells her it’s Doug Williams III.

Doug III tells Holly that he was just getting in a workout. Holly says she can come back later but Doug III says he was basically done and he’s glad she’s there.

Belle tells EJ that he can’t come in as they have nothing to talk about unless he’s there to confess his crimes. EJ responds that the only thing he’s guilty of is being unable to stop thinking about her. Belle tells him not to do that. EJ says he’s just telling her how he’s feeling. Belle says he shouldn’t be there but EJ says there is nowhere else he’d rather be. EJ tells Belle that he’s missed her ever since she stormed out on him the other day. EJ asks if she misses him too.

Johnny questions Roman saying his father is a rapist. Roman tells him to forget it since he knows how much he loves his dad and what he said was in the heat of anger. Johnny questions it being true. Johnny tells Roman that he knows he wouldn’t just throw something out that terrible unless it was true.

Holly tells Doug III that she wanted to talk about the necklace as she keeps thinking about how Melinda refused to sell it to them. Holly says they have to do something but Doug III isn’t sure what they can do. Holly declares she’s here because she has a brilliant idea.

Paulina and Chanel sit together in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Paulina asks where Johnny is. Chanel says he went to get takeout from the Pub. Paulina says she did have some news to share with them both about her sitdown with Amy Choi. Chanel says she can tell her and then she’ll tell Johnny, so she asks how it went. Paulina says it went surprisingly well so Chanel asks if she got her to come around on the idea of them adoption. Paulina excitedly tells her that she thinks she convinced Amy that the baby would be lucky to have them as parents. Chanel hugs her and says that’s amazing. Paulina adds that there is one sticking point. Chanel bets she can guess what that is.

Belle tells EJ that the only thing she feels for him is disgust for what he did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. EJ says that’s what he allegedly did. Belle questions playing this game. EJ argues that there is no evidence to support the outrageous claims against him. Belle calls him unbelievable for lying to her face. EJ knows she’s only hearing horrible accusations against him and everything in her life is pushing her to lose faith and abandon him, but he knows she doesn’t want to walk away from what they have. Belle tells EJ that she doesn’t want him anywhere near him. Belle says she is the district attorney while he is a criminal. EJ remarks that she knew exactly who he was when she got involved with him. Belle admits she thought maybe he would try to change, but he doesn’t want to so he never will. Belle calls EJ the same selfish son of a bitch he’s always been.

Roman tells Johnny that he was just trying to say that he was responsible for what Arnold did to Sami since he hired him to take over Rafe’s life. Johnny doesn’t think that’s what he meant. Roman says he was just upset and now he’s sorry for upsetting Johnny. Roman says he has to get to the back of the Pub for a delivery. Johnny wants to finish the conversation but Roman promises they will talk later and walks away. Kate arrives and greets Johnny, asking if he’s okay. Johnny responds that he just had a very strange conversation with Roman which Kate questions. Johnny informs Kate that Roman accused EJ of being a rapist and then tried to walk it back. Johnny asks if Kate knows something. Kate tries to explain but Johnny asks for the truth and says not to try to protect him because if EJ committed that horrible crime, he has a right to know.

Tate complains to Sophia that a month ago, Holly didn’t even know who Doug III was and now it’s like she’s spending all of her time with him. Sophia asks if he’s pissed that she’s friends with him. Tate responds that it’s not jealousy but he doesn’t trust him. Sophia asks if he did something to make him not trust him. Tate thinks back to Holly telling him about Doug III stealing the necklace. Tate then tells Sophia that Doug III has done some very shady stuff, so he doesn’t want Holly to get sucked in to his mess of a life more than she already has been.

Doug III asks Holly what her solution to dealing with Melinda is. Holly talks about Melinda not selling it to them even though she knows it was stolen. Holly then suggests sneaking in to Melinda’s apartment to steal it back.

Tate tells Sophia that he’s worried that the more time Holly spends with Doug III, the more she’s going to get caught up in his mess. Sophia asks what kind of mess they are talking about. Tate says it’s just not good. Sophia guesses he thinks Doug III is a bad influence on Holly. Tate confirms that, then apologizes for dumping all of his problems on her. Sophia says it’s okay and sees that he’s really hurting. Tate wishes Doug III never showed up in Salem and adds that on top of all that, his grandpa John is missing which shocks Sophia. Tate informs her that Marlena just left to go looking for him. Sophia says that’s so scary. Tate agrees and says growing up, he thought of his Grandpa as an invincible super spy while now, he can’t help but think what if he doesn’t come back. Sophia hugs Tate and assures that John will be okay.

EJ asks if Belle can pretend that he’s nothing to her. Belle responds that what he did was unthinkable and says he ruined Rafe and Jada’s life over a district attorney job. Belle argues that nothing EJ can say can make this better. Belle brings up what he and Kristen did to Ava and complains that he only cares about himself. Belle calls him ruthless and sadistic, arguing that he’s hurt so many people that she cares about. Belle questions how he expects her to forgive him. EJ argues that they don’t have to let any of this come between them. Belle asks if he just wants her to look the other way when he’s accused of kidnapping two people. Belle warns EJ that he will be in handcuffs on his way to prison. EJ responds that he’s not going to prison. Belle is not sure about that and declares that as soon as she has enough evidence to link him to these crimes, she will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. EJ tells her to go ahead but says she cannot tell him that she doesn’t want him just as much as he wants her. Belle then grabs EJ and they start kissing as they move in to the bedroom.

Kate thinks Johnny should wait until Roman comes back to have this conversation. Johnny complains that he will just lie to him again and he can tell Kate knows what he was talking about. Kate argues that he should have this conversation with Sami. Johnny questions what Sami has to do with this and argues that she’s not making sense. Johnny says he knows Sami has defended some of the things EJ has done but there’s no way she would defend him raping someone, so she can’t know anything about this. Kate then reveals to Johnny that Sami is the one that EJ raped.

Doug III questions Holly suggesting stealing the necklace from Melinda’s apartment. Holly argues that it doesn’t belong to her and questions why they can’t just return it to it’s rightful owner. Doug III worries about breaking and entering being a crime. Holly argues that Melinda couldn’t report it without incriminating herself. Holly complains about Melinda helping Sloan kidnap her baby brother and putting her family through Hell, so she’s not about to have sympathy for that bitch. Doug III comments on never seeing her like this before. Holly responds that she believes in karma and asks if they are going to break in to get the necklace back or not. Doug III says absolutely not.

Sophia gets a call from her mom and says she’ll see her tonight after work. Tate asks what that was about. She informs him that her mom met with Chanel’s mom and they apparently really hit off. Tate excitedly asks what this means. Sophia responds that there is hope that Johnny and Chanel will be able to adopt their baby.

Paulina tells Chanel that despite her best efforts, Amy still has reservations about EJ being involved with the baby. Paulina assures that EJ won’t be a problem much longer, even if she has to see to it personally. Chanel questions what she is planning. Paulina responds that she plans to use her influence to make sure EJ goes to prison for what he did to Ava, Rafe, and Jada. Chanel asks if she really thinks he’s going away. Paulina responds that she met with Belle today and she’s committed to throwing the book at EJ. Chanel comments on her seeming confident. Paulina then admits to Chanel that Belle had been having an affair with EJ, but she promised her that they were finished. Paulina insists that Belle will keep her promise because she knows what’s at stake.

Belle and EJ lay in bed after having sex. EJ laughs and questions her not saying anything. Belle can’t believe she just did that and calls it a conflict of interest. EJ remarks that she didn’t seem to care while she was in his arms. Belle complains that he’s under investigation for multiple felonies and mentions promising Paulina that they were done sleeping with each other. Belle calls this a nightmare and asks what the hell is wrong with her. Belle warns that if Paulina finds out about this, she could lose her job, so EJ tells her not to tell her. EJ suggests telling Paulina that there is no case because they both know the police won’t find any real evidence linking him to the crimes. EJ claims his hands are clean and Belle just has to make them accept that. Belle argues that EJ came over to seduce her in to dropping the investigation and calls him such a bastard.

Johnny questions Kate telling him that his father raped his mother. Johnny asks how and when. Kate doesn’t want to go in to details but Johnny says she can’t just say that and walk away from it. Kate suggests going upstairs for privacy but Johnny demands the truth right here. Kate asks where to start. Johnny tells her to try the beginning and not leave anything out as they sit together. Kate guesses the beginning is Sami and Lucas going skiing in the mountains where their car broke down and they ended up at a remote cabin where there was a huge storm that caved in the roof of the cabin. Kate explains that Lucas was pinned underneath and Sami was afraid he was going to die. Johnny asks what this has to do with EJ raping Sami. Kate continues that Sami went out to the road for help and found EJ, so she begged him to come back to the cabin to help her save Lucas. Kate reveals that EJ agreed to do it, if Sami had sex with him first. Johnny is shocked to learn the truth.

Holly asks Doug III what’s wrong with her plan. Doug III points out it being illegal and that breaking the law is why he’s in this mess. He feels Holly has done more than enough to help him and he appreciates her paying off his debt, but he’s not going to allow her to do something dangerous on his account. Doug III encourages that she’s going to graduate high school and has her whole life ahead of her, so she doesn’t want to start it behind bars. Holly admits maybe it wasn’t her best idea as they joke together.

Chanel asks if Paulina really thinks they don’t have to worry about Belle going easy on EJ. Paulina says she won’t if she values her career because EJ needs to be locked up for a long time. Chanel agrees that it would be a relief if EJ was out of the way for the adoption, but he is Johnny’s dad and she knows Johnny still loves him. Paulina argues that EJ should’ve thought about family before breaking the law, so he deserves whatever is coming to him. Paulina adds that after EJ is gone, Chanel and Johnny can finally start their lives with a beautiful new baby.

Johnny tells Kate that it can’t be true as he knows EJ can be ruthless or go too far in business, but there’s no way he could do that to his mom. Kate says she’s sorry and knows it’s hard for him to hear this, but she knows in his heart that he knows it’s true. Kate states that it’s what Roman was trying to tell him but he stopped himself and she thinks she should’ve stopped too. Johnny says it’s okay because he begged her to be honest with him. Johnny asks when this happened. Kate informs him that it was before he was born when Sami and Lucas were a couple. Johnny questions no one wanting to ever tell him about this. Kate reveals that they all made a pact to keep it from he and Allie. Johnny then asks if this is the reason why he and his twin sister have separate fathers. Johnny realizes that Kate just told him the story of how he was conceived. Johnny remarks that his sister was born out of love while he was a product of rape. Kate repeats that she’s so sorry. Johnny declares he has to get out of here and storms out of the Pub, leaving Kate in tears.

Belle accusing EJ of using her and calls him a son of a bitch. EJ insists that he came to see her and not about the case. Belle calls him a liar. EJ argues that she’s being unreasonable. Belle screams at EJ to get out of her bed and her house so EJ storms out in a rage.

Tate tells Sophia that Paulina must have really impressed Amy which Sophia notes is no easy task but she doesn’t want to get their hopes up too high because Amy is still concerned about EJ. Tate feels that if Johnny and Chanel can distance themselves from EJ then hopefully she will come around. Sophia admits that would be amazing and says she should get back to work. Tate offers to stay and help her clean up, saying he wants to hang with her. Tate adds that he doesn’t want her to work herself too hard. Sophia guesses he’s worried about the baby but Tate says he wants her to be okay and happy. Sophia responds that she wants the same thing for him, so they go to work together.

Doug III tells Holly that it means a lot that she was willing to go that far for him. Holly says she wants things to work out for him as she really cares about him. Holly asks how they plan on getting the necklace back if they aren’t going to steal it back since they can’t just let Melinda win. Doug III offers to heat up leftovers while they brainstorm. Holly decides she’ll get started in the kitchen while he goes to take a shower.

Paulina sits in the town square as she gets a call from Belle and says she was just reassuring Chanel that Belle would be doing everything in her power to put EJ away for his crimes against the citizens of Salem. Belle says she’s been thinking about their conversation and she thinks it would be best if she recused herself from the investigation in to EJ DiMera.

Roman comes back to the Pub and finds Kate, asking her what’s wrong and what happened. Kate informs him that she came in to Johnny talking about EJ and blindsided her with a question about why he didn’t tell him that his father had raped someone. Roman apologizes and says he was just so upset about Arnold Feniger that it just came out and he should’ve known Johnny wouldn’t let it go. Kate confirms he was very persistent. Roman talks about all these years of trying to protect Johnny and Allie from the awful truth. Roman asks what Kate said to Johnny. Kate responds that she had no choice but to tell him the truth, so his grandson now knows that his father raped his mother and he’s the result of that.

EJ goes home to the DiMera Mansion and greets Chanel in the living room. Chanel decides she will go wait for Johnny in their room. EJ stops her and says he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Jada from Days

Brady needs to get his priorities straight. His concern should be with his family, but he only worries about Ava. We understand that he has been unlucky in love, but he should be focused on what’s going on with his family. His son is dealing with giving his baby up for adoption, yet he hasn’t been involved in the story. John is missing yet he didn’t want to do anything to help find him. The only thing on his mind is Ava and making sure she doesn’t break up with him. We do give him a little credit for mentioning Rachel, but he doesn’t care about anyone else.

Why are the writers shoving Chad and Cat down our throats? Cat may have had a “justifiable” reason for scamming Chad, but it doesn’t change what she did. Her actions made him lose Abby all over again so you would think he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. We get that the writers don’t want Chad to be alone, but they didn’t have to pair him up with Cat. The writers must think having her be a “good” person to people changes her actions. Unfortunately, all of us aren’t fooled by her nice girl act.

Jada is the hypocrite of the week. She demands truth and honesty from people, yet she didn’t tell Rafe the truth about sleeping with Shawn. The only thing she told him was she kissed Arnold. She had the opportunity to tell him that she slept with Shawn, but she kept it from him. We all know the secret will come out, but she will expect him to forgive what she did. If the shoe were on the other foot and Rafe slept with another woman, Jada would have broken up with him.

Was there a reason why the writers suddenly put EJ raping Sami on the front burner? They went out of their way to romanticize EJ and Sami’s relationship as if the rape never happened. Suddenly the rape came back into the story. Roman set up Johnny finding out that EJ was a rapist. Kate ended up telling Johnny the truth. This is a secret that has been kept for years and now it’s suddenly come to light. Roman was suddenly so appalled by what EJ did to Sami, yet he hasn’t said anything about it. Sami went on to marry him as well as have another child with him so she couldn’t have been that phased by the rape.

Speaking of Roman, he resents EJ for bringing Arnold in Sami’s life yet he’s willing to let Ava stay in the pub. Did he forget that Ava killed his father? You would think that he wouldn’t want anything to do with her after what she did to his father. In the grand scheme of things what Ava being responsible for Shawn’s death should measure up to what EJ did with Arnold.

What is going on with Belle? She’s obsessed with EJ. We understand that she is suddenly attracted to dangerous men, but sleeping with EJ again was ridiculous especially when she knows what he did to Rafe and Jada. She was the same person who was determined to make EJ pay for what he did, but she ended up in bed with him anyway. Paulina warned her that she could lose her job if she slept with him again, yet she did it anyway. It will serve her right if EJ uses her to get her fired. Let’s see how obsessed she will be with him then.


Belle from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Brady and Doug from Days


-The music playing in Brady, Tate, and Theresa’s scene could be heard while Holly and Tate were shown.

-Holly’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Rafe and Jada were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Jada while Brady and Theresa were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Melinda while Tate and Theresa were shown.

-Rachel sliced Ava’s hand with a knife but there was no blood on it.


-Paulina could be heard talking to Belle while Brady was shown.

-Belle could be heard talking to Gabi while JJ was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Jada and Rafe while Gabi was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Brady while EJ and Rachel were shown.

-Jada’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Sarah’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Stephanie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Why would Cat answer the door with a towel on? She could have asked Felicity to answer the door instead of answering it with a towel on.

-Philip could be heard talking to Alex while Stephanie and Joy were shown.

-Philip’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Why would Theresa go to a bar when she’s an addict?

-Marlena could be heard talking on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Stefano’s painting while Chanel was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking Theresa while Steve and Roman were shown.


-Doug answered the door without a shirt on.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Roman while Belle and EJ were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Holly while Tate and Sophia were shown.

-When did Maggie and Julie go to Bay City? Maggie was just with Xander and Philip in Wednesday’s episode and she didn’t mention going to Bay City.


Doug from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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GH Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Trina’s family and friends surprise her with a birthday party at Ava’s art gallery. Emma gives Trina the same book about art that Spencer gave her for her birthday. Trina sneaks out of her birthday party to go look at the art book.

Sonny tells Kristina about his heart condition after she and Rocco arrive at his house and Dr Gannon is there checking on Sonny’s condition. Dr. Gannon takes Rocco home and, once they are gone, Sonny tells Kristina that he is taking medicine, keeping his stress level down and he will soon have surgery to fix his heart condition.

Charlotte is reunited with her grandma Laura and Charlotte tells both her and Lulu that she is happy to be home, but she misses her papa.

Brook Lynn is shocked that her grandma Gloria knew about her giving her baby up for adoption and never told her she knew her secret.

Gloria tells Lois that Brook Lynn would be very angry with her if she found out the identity of her child and didn’t tell her. Gloria also reminds Lois that Gio doesn’t know that he is adopted and, if this secret got out, it would ruin the memories he has of his parents.

Carly tells Jack that she was wrong to push him away, she was just scared of her feelings for him. Jack and Carly have sex and then Jack gets in the shower. Carly waits for the champagne they ordered from room service. Carly hears a knock on the door and brings the champagne inside. Valentin sneaks inside Jack’s room while Carly has her back turned opening the champagne.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Brady and Tate when they were shocked that she was out of prison)
Theresa: Don’t everyone congratulate me at once.

Tate: Did you escape from prison?
Theresa: No. Do you see any broken handcuffs here?

Doug: Holly, you know this woman?
Hope: Unfortunately.
Melinda: Rude.

Ava: You think you can take me on? I used to run a mafia organization.
Rachel: Now you can sleep with the fishes because I’m the one holding the knife.

(to Kristen when she couldn’t get in touch with Ava)
EJ: If your mother has killed Ava Vitali, at least we can be absolutely certain she won’t testify against us.

(to Rafe and Jada)
EJ: If you two could take your couple’s therapy elsewhere that would be great.

(about Rachel)
Ava: She’s been traumatized? You hear that, Brady? Granny comes after me like Mike Myers, and Kristen’s making her out to be the victim.

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Days Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Tate went to the Bistro to check on Sophia. He wanted to talk about what happened at the DiMera mansion. Sophia wondered why he was there on a Friday night to which he said he and Holly weren’t speaking to each other. Tate said they argued over the adoption and Doug. When Sophia asked if he was jealous, he said he wasn’t. Tate said he wasn’t jealous but thought Doug was shady. He apologized for talking about his problems with Holly. Sophia said she was okay with it because they have moved past their issues. While they were talking, he talked to her about John being missing. Amy ended up calling Sophia. Sophia said there was good news about the meeting Amy had with Paulina. Holly went to the Horton house to talk to Doug. She said she had a way to fix the situation with Melinda. Holly suggested they sneak into Melinda’s place and steal the necklace. When Doug thought Holly was kidding, she said she wasn’t. Holly said Melinda couldn’t report a stolen necklace stolen again. She told him about Melinda’s involvement with her brother being switched. Doug said they weren’t going to break into Melinda’s place. He thanked her for what she’s done but wouldn’t let her break the law for him.

EJ told Belle not to shut him out. Belle didn’t want to let him in. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about her and said he missed her. EJ wondered if she felt the same way. Belle said she was disgusted by what he did to Jada and Rafe. EJ denied having anything to do with what happened but knew people were trying to get her to ignore her feelings. Belle said he was the same monster he’s always been. When EJ came into Belle’s place, she told him what he did to Jada and Rafe was despicable. EJ tried to defend his actions, but Belle brought up what he and Kristen did to Ava. She wondered how she was supposed to forgive him after what he’s done. EJ told her that nothing needed to come between them. Belle asked how she was supposed to defend her boyfriend after the crimes he’s committed. He thought it was cute that she called him her boyfriend. She said she was going to prosecute him. They ended up making love. While they were in bed, she told him that she could lose her job if Paulina found out she slept with him. He told her to tell Paulina that there wasn’t a case since there wasn’t any evidence against him. Belle thought he seduced her to get her to drop the investigation. She told him to leave. Johnny asked Roman what he meant when he said EJ did the same thing as Arnold. He couldn’t believe Roman would compare his father to Arnold. Roman said if Arnold was a rapist, EJ was too. When Roman tried to clarify what he meant, Johnny said he was telling the truth. Roman said EJ brought Arnold to Salem. When Roman couldn’t take it anymore, he went in the back. Kate came in the pub and ran into Johnny. Johnny told her that Roman accused his father of being a rapist but then tried to get out of it. When Kate reacted, Johnny wanted her to tell him truth. Kate suggested he have a conversation with Sami. Johnny said Sami would never let EJ get away with raping her. Kate said EJ raped Sami. A shocked Johnny wanted to know what happened. Kate told Johnny what happened when Sami asked EJ for help when she went skiing with Lucas and the roof caved in. She said EJ agreed to help if Sami had sex with him. An angry Johnny refused to believe what Kate was saying. He said his father wouldn’t have done that to his mother. Kate said she understood that what she was saying was hard to hear. She knew he believed her and apologized for telling him what Roman couldn’t. Johnny asked when it happened to which Kate said it happened before he was born. Johnny wondered why he never knew what happened. Kate said they wanted to keep it a secret from him and Allie. He asked if that was the reason why he and Allie had different fathers and realized that Allie was conceived in love while he was conceived in rape. When she tried to comfort him, he left the pub. At the DiMera mansion, Paulina told Chanel about her meeting with Amy. She said everything was good with the exception of EJ. Paulina said she told Amy that EJ wouldn’t be a problem for much longer because she was going to use her influence to make sure he went to prison. She said she was concerned about Belle having an affair with him. Chanel was okay with EJ going to prison but was concerned about Johnny. Paulina said EJ did it to himself. Belle called Paulina and told her she was recusing herself from EJ’s case. EJ came home and ran into Chanel. He apologized to her for what happened with Amy. While they were talking, Johnny came in and punched EJ.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Kat apologized to Nicole for not making it to her gala. Nicole understood and thanked her for the letter she wrote. The words Kat wrote melted Nicole’s heart. Kat wondered why Nicole hadn’t gone to  eat at the Dupree mansion. Nicole wondered if she was trying to get rid of her since there were two place settings at the table. They embraced, and Nicole left the house. Tomas arrived at the house with a bottle of wine. Kat asked him what it was like working for Bill. He told her the good and bad things about working with Bill. He knew Kat hated Bill, but he approved of them dating. They flirt with each other. Nicole ran into Andre at the hospital. She noticed that he was staring at some photos. Andre showed her the pictures. She wanted him to coordinate with Eva. He praised her a lot so Nicole hoped that she wasn’t going to end up with a broken heart. Dani couldn’t stay for dinner because she had business to take care of. Nicole arrived and wondered what business Dani was taking care of. Nicole tried to get the truth from her so she told her. Dani wanted to seal the deal for a new designer to work with Chelsea. After she told Nicole what she was doing, she left the mansion. Nicole was worried about Dani since she stalked Billy and Hayley’s social media page. Anita understood, and Vernon thought Dani still had feelings for Bill. They wondered what could happen with Bill and Hayley miles away. Nicole received a call from the hospital.

Dani went to Bill and Hayley’s place. She was approached by a security guard named George. He felt uncomfortable talking to her about the wedding. She realized he heard about her pulling out a gun at Bill and Hayley’s wedding. She assured him that nothing like that would happen while she was there. Dani joked that she had a bomb instead of a gun. She wanted to have a fresh start. Dani wanted the code so she could give Bill and Hayley the gifts she bought. George let her know that he could lose his job if he gave her the code. She would never let anything happen to him because he was practically family. He changed his mind and gave her the code. Dani walked into the mansion and spotted the camera. She inserted the password into the keypad and took her gift and put the gift in another room. Bill and Hayley were in the limo and he apologized for them being home early. She understood because they were ready to start their lives. They started making out in the limo. Dani continued looking around Bill and Hayley’s house. She put a bottle of wine on their picture. Bill and Hayley finished making love and were on their way home. Dani was happy that she broke Bill and Hayley’s wedding photo. She kept drinking and slid down on their couch. Dani dropped the bottle and fell asleep.


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BTG Transcript Friday, March 14, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I’m so proud of you, Mom. The Distinguished Service Award. I wish… I know you would have been there if you could, Kat. And that letter you sent was wonderful. More precious to me than that award. I’ll be at the next and every single award ceremony after. Best Daughter award goes to you. Need something? Oh, isn’t this dinner with the Grands night? Are you trying to get rid of me? [scoffs] Why would I do that? Would it have something to do with that table for two? Anyone I know? Starting a side hustle as a psychiatrist/psychic? Walk in depressed, walk out with the lottery numbers?


Your humor is trying to mask your desire to make me disappear, and, oh, hold on. It’s getting clearer. You’ll have a lovely night. Funny, Mom. No, I’m just looking out for you. We all know how grandmother feels

about tardiness.



Love you. Have fun, but not too much fun. ♪ ♪ ASHLEY: Okay.

Take it easy.

Mm. This is the part where you get back in bed. You know I’m all better, right? I think you want to keep me here for observation

’cause you’re crazy about me.

Firefighter Baldwin,

I am on duty.


Gonna be my night nurse?

If you’re lucky. I got a whip-smart girlfriend and I walk through fires. Damn right I’m lucky.



Now, this is what I call glorious.

Mm. Being here with you, relaxing, enjoying the finer things in life. Being able to breathe and be hopeful. The future we always dreamed of.


[door closes] Until one of our children or grandchildren disrupts things.

Hey, look who’s here.


Hi, you two.

[both laugh] Your sister will be here any minute, and then we can all sit down to a lovely family meal. What is Rowena cooking? It smells heavenly. Coq au vin.

With her famous apple tart for dessert.

Mm-hmm. Oh, I wish I could stay, but I can’t. Why not? DANI: I have a bit of business I need to attend to.


ANITA: Well, if this is taking you away from the weekly family meal, this business must be earth-shattering. We’re dying to hear. ♪ ♪ My business is mine alone, and I-I don’t want to discuss it because I’m afraid of jinxing it. But enough about me. Nicole, where are you going to display your new award? With all your honors and statuettes, you must be running out of room. This business you’re attending to wouldn’t have anything to do with Bill and Hayley, would it? DANI: They are honeymooning. Out of sight, out of mind. Naomi said she caught you looking at their photo dumps on social media. So that’s what we walked in on. It was nothing, Mother. And why is she discussing that with you?

She’s concerned. We all are.

Well, you don’t need to be. And no, to answer your question, my business has nothing to do with the Shamiltons. Fine. Fine. If-if you must know, I am this close to landing a very hot designer who shall remain nameless for Chelsea’s fashion show. All I need to do to seal the deal is go out to drinks and we’re golden.

Well, that’s exciting.

Mm-hmm. You know the fashion world. Always something afoot. Sorry you won’t be joining us. Send Rowena my regards. There’s apple tart for dessert. I wish I could reschedule, but I won’t say no to leftovers.

There won’t be any.


Good luck with your meeting.

Thanks, Mom.


I will check in tomorrow. Sissy, keep polishing those awards. And when you see Andre the next time, tell him he knocked it out of the park with that video, right? That nephew of yours, he’s got a gift. Got to fly. Love you. [sighs] ANDRE: Hey. Knock, knock.

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

ASHLEY: Andre.


Here to see your aunt? No, here to see you. So, I ran into a friend who works for the Washington Record, and she heard about your daring rescue.

She wants to do a piece about you.

That’s wonderful.

That’s awful.

What? Come on, Derek. It’ll be fun. Yeah, I volunteered to do the pictures, for that personal touch. That is so nice of you. You have to do this. I mean, you don’t care, do you, Derek? No, it really wasn’t a big deal, and I’m out of uniform, so… No, don’t even sweat it. You know, the whole Fire Guy of the Month thing

works for you.

[Ashley chuckles]

ANDRE: Smile.

[camera shutter clicks] [camera shutter clicks] DANI: Violating neighborhood rules with this tackiness? I would laugh if it weren’t so vulgar. [sighs] [gasps]

Okay. Careful.

All right. [chuckles] You got the shot you wanted? Eh, they can’t all be winners. Hey, this time, try to think about the folks who have a lot more days ahead because you decided to show up.

Let me get out of your way.

Oh, stay. It’s better with you in it.


Is that okay with you?

The closer the better.

[laughs] All right.

[camera shutter clicks]

[clears throat] [indistinct P.A. announcement] I hate this. Can you tell?

Not at all. [chuckles]

Yeah, you look great.

One more. And…

[camera shutter clicks]


DEREK: Yeah. Glad you got

what you came for.

Yeah. Uh, let me let you get back to saving lives. [Ashley chuckles] Bye, Andre.


Ooh. Are you okay? Do you need more pain meds? No, it’s not that bad. Maybe if you could just

rub my head a little?

Yeah. Here. Is that better? [both chuckle] You are going to get your picture and your story in the newspaper? That was so nice of Andre. If you say so. What’s that supposed to mean? [R&B music playing]


[chuckles] You look increíble. Tomas, I didn’t know you were here. Someone named Eva let me in. This is very sweet. Thank you so much. And please tell me Eva was on her way out?

She’s not a friend?

My mother’s personal assistant. She’s filling in until the real deal heals, but till that happy day, we’re stuck with Evil Eva. She didn’t look so sinister to me. Looks can be deceiving. She’s up to something, I know it. But my mom thinks she’s some kind of diamond in the rough.

Your mother’s very trusting.

Yeah, she’s a psychiatrist. You’d think she’d be able to see through people, but… that’s my mom for you.

Seeing the best in the ones who don’t deserve it.

Hmm. VERNON: Mighty quiet over there, Dr. Richardson. She must be having some very deep thoughts. Let her cook. Am I the only one who has doubts about Dani and this business meeting? We shouldn’t believe her? Just a few days ago, she was packing heat at her ex-husband’s wedding. She says she’s moved on, but then she’s stalking them on social media, looking at pictures of Bill’s Italian honeymoon. I guess it was too much to hope that she had gotten past it like she said. After a decades-long marriage and complete betrayal? Not likely. Might still carry a torch for that man, but at least she’s not carrying a gun.

Amen. Thank God for that.

Hmm. A-And how would she start trouble even if she wanted to? You know, Bill and Hayley are thousands of miles away. There’s that, I just… Calm yourself, Nicole. We have nothing to worry about. Dani has learned her lesson. George. Goodness, you scared

the life out of me.

I’m sorry, ma’am.

I didn’t mean to startle you.

Well, it’s good to know that Fairmont Security moves with the stealth of a cat. Uh, yeah. Well, I was just doing my rounds and noticed you coming up the driveway, so… Yes, I know, it is late for a visit. Uh, well, the thing is, Mr. Hamilton, uh, and the other Mrs. Hamilton are on their, uh… uh, well, vacation.


Yes. You can say the word.


Gotcha. Time heals all wounds. And so much that I am bringing them a wedding gift.

You don’t say.

Mm-hmm. Well, that’s mighty generous of you because I, um… Uh, well, to be blunt, I heard about what happened at the wedding. You mean when I pulled a gun on the bride and groom?


Not my proudest moment, but I’m pleased to let you know that it also was not as harrowing as they all made it seem in the media. Okay, well, that’s-that’s good to know. [chuckles] There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.


George? You’re looking at this box like I have a gun inside it. I am happy to let you know that I do not. Okay. [laughs]

All right.

It’s a bomb. [indistinct P.A. announcement] ♪ ♪ [stifled laugh] Huh. Huh… ASHLEY: Are you ever not actively flirting?

No. Not when it comes to you.

[laughs softly] ASHLEY: No, I want to know what you meant. I said it was so thoughtful of Andre to get his friend to write a story about you in the Washington Record, and you’re like, “If you say so”? Did I say that? I don’t remember. Must have been the concussion, or all the smoke inhalation. [coughs] [knocking on door] I’m not through with you. Come in. Hi. Can I help you with something? I’m looking for a young man. Well, we’ve got a few. Any in particular? Uh, that one. Uh, well, this one’s actually taken so… Uh, well, I don’t want to keep him. I’m Lucille, and I just want to thank you. Thank me? For what? For saving my baby’s life. I bring tidings of great joy. Something tells me Rowena’s ready to ring the dinner bell. My nose never lies. [chuckles] She just took the rolls out of the oven. Well, listen, can’t insult the chef by being late to the table.



I hate to do this, but…

You’re needed at the hospital. I’m sorry. One of my patients. Please tell Rowena I apologize.

I’ll save you a piece of apple tart.

Mmm. Thank you. I love you. Love you more, baby.

Be careful.

Always. [door closes] Lucky me.

Starting with dessert.

[laughs] I get you all to myself. There ain’t nothing sweeter than that. There’s more life and love in you, Mr. Dupree, than any man half your age. [chuckles] Nice to hear it. Because the way your children have been behaving lately, it’s-it’s draining, Anita. I mean, all that drama. And Dani?

Well, she’s your child.

No… Yours. Unpredictable is what she is. A bomb, did you say? Did-did you say a bomb? [laughs] The look on your face, George. Priceless. You didn’t think I was serious, did you? I’m not-not gonna lie, you got me that time, Ms. Hamilton. Uh, it’s Dupree again.

Ms. Dupree.

Ms. Dupree, and I hold absolutely no lingering feelings for Bill or the new Mrs. Hamilton.

No animosity.

Okay. [sniffles] And they have forgiven me for my stress reaction at their wedding. Well, that’s really good. All I want is a fresh start. And for them to really know how I feel about their union. And to give them something they’ll never forget. Mm. Sounds like steps in the right direction. And I want it to be the first thing that they see when they get home. So if you could just give me the code. And what code would that be, Ms. Dupree? So I could leave it inside for them,

safe and secure.

Oh… So if I were to give you that code, I could lose my job. I would never let that happen to you. You mean too much to me. To Fairmount Crest. You’re much more than an employee, George.

I hope you know that.

[sighs] After all the time that you’ve been with us and everything that you’ve done for us, you’re practically family. So, a little peace offering to the happy couple.

[clears throat]

And it’ll be our little secret. Please? [sighs]: Hmm. Oh, the little guy from the fire.

I remember him.

Hi. LUCILLE: You could hold Pooneil, but after that death-defying rescue… Uh, it really wasn’t a big deal. It was the bravest thing I’d ever seen. I-It takes a special kind of human to run into a house when the roof has seconds away from collapsing. Uh, wait, I’m sorry, come again? Seconds? You knew the roof was collapsing? LUCILLE: Yeah… This cat means the world to me. He has seen me through so many rough times. To be honest, when you saved him, you saved me. And our hero forever. DEREK: Well, just-just… doing my job, like I said. Don’t mention it. Bless you. Bless you. Thank you so much. I can explain. Good. Start. [sighs] Andre. What’s got your attention? Mind if I take a look? TOMAS: Something smells delicioso. Well, I hope you like coq au vin. My grandparents’ cook taught me how to make it. Smells like you were a good student. Well, wait till you taste it. The kitchen in my place is the size of a postage stamp. So that’s why we’re here. My parents’ place. I see. And they are joining us? Nope. They’re out for the night, so we have the place to ourselves. Here’s to a wonderful evening, then. So, what’s it like working for my former Uncle Bill? Hmm. I could tell you the truth. He’s a tough attorney who goes to the wall for his clients. Or I could say he’s impossible…


…hard to please, works the clerks to the brink of exhaustion and that he’s heartless

and unforgiving.


That’s what I want to hear.

[both chuckle] They’re both Bill. Different sides of him, I guess.

He’s complicated.

Mm-mm. It’s cut-and-dry to me. He’s selfish, small-minded and not to be trusted. You hate him. Understatement. Well, there’s at least one good thing he did recently. He gave me his blessing. [scoffs] For what? To see you. You were discussing me with him? I only told him that we’d met and that I like you. Oh. Do you? Muchísimo. You trust me, George, don’t you? Known me half my life. From Dupree to Hamilton and back again. You’re right. And my heart went out to you at that press conference. That man really did you dirty. Thanks. You know, after everything that you and your family have done for me… 8-3-9-4-2. But listen, you didn’t hear it from me. It is our little secret. You’re the best.

Night, now.

Night. [laughs softly]

[keypad beeping]

8-3-9-4-2. Voilà. [door opens] Arrivederci, Roma. Hello, U.S.A. [both chuckle] [sighs] Yeah, I’m sorry we had to cut the honeymoon short, though, babe. And that this limousine ride from Manhattan is the quickest way to get us home today. But I’ll make it up to you. You know that, right?


Hmm? I’m the wife of a very important attorney now, and I’m far from disappointed.


Mm-hmm. Despite the long ride? Yeah. We’re one step closer from making our new house a home.

Home sweet home.

Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-mm-mm. You know, most wives would be disappointed by a shortened honeymoon. Oh. Well, it’s not your fault that when a client needs help, they call the best. And I know from experience how important it is to have Bill Hamilton’s full attention

on the matter at hand.

Mm-hmm-hmm. How did I get this lucky? A wife who loves law almost as much as she loves her lawyer. Mm. You’re so incredible. And just because we’re cutting the Italian part of the honeymoon short doesn’t mean we can’t continue it on Marigold Road, babe. Huh. You know what?

You’re right.

Mm-hmm. And I’m looking forward to that. Mm. And that gives us even more time to make that beautiful house into your dream come true, Bill. Mm. [beeping]


Hmm. Should have changed your password, Bill. Old dog, new tricks. [whistling “Bridal Chorus”] What’s the big secret? Use the wrong f-stop, forget to…


…take off the lens cap? Uh… um… I-If you must know… [gasps] Andre. ANDRE: Yeah, I wanted to surprise you with it.

Do you like it?

You know I want that framed, right? [laughs softly] ANDRE: Now don’t fall in love with this one. I got a whole photo album full of all the photos from the gala. This one I want for my office, the other ones you can send along to coordinate with Eva for a drop-off. The new assistant. You know, she’s a… a promising young lady. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. And keep your hands off Ms. Thomas, please. She is sweet, smart and indispensable. And what? I’m the Big Bad Wolf? We don’t need any more broken hearts. Gotcha. And for the record, um, Eva’s just a friend. My real interest lies… …elsewhere. Did your chief give you clearance to run into that building when the roof was about to collapse? If I wait for approval, someone could die. That someone could be you, Derek. What if you’d been killed?

I wasn’t.

Why would you risk it? That’s the job. I put out fires, I rescue lives. People and, if it works out that way, animals. You know that. W-Why are you acting like this? It’s not like you to take crazy chances. Something’s eating at you. I can tell. You’re weird. [scoffs] Oh, is that your medical diagnosis? I-I’ve got terminal weirdness? Something’s off with you. If I need a shrink, I’ll call Dr. Nicole. Just be my girl. Nothing’s wrong. I was doing my job and I love what I do. Same way you feel about nursing. I’m careful, Ashley. You still haven’t answered my question about that thing you said when I said what Andre did was nice and you said, “If you say so.” What did that mean?

[phone buzzes]

[sighs] This is Ashley. Yeah, be right there. That thing I said was nothing. Get back to the job you love so much. Get some rest.

I’ll check on you later.

Okay. So, what’d you think? You make a mean coq au vin. I-I actually have a confession to make.

Should I worry?

I didn’t make the dinner. My parents cooked it. [chuckles] I was worried it was gonna be something serious.

Like what?

Yo no sé. “Tomas, you don’t hate Bill Hamilton, so I poisoned the chicken.” [laughs] “Tomas, I’m being transferred to Los Angeles, and this is the last time you’ll see me.” Oh, so, you’re worried this might be our first and last date? Wait, are you saying this is a date? Almost. Well, we had dinner and drinks, good conversation and a hint of chemistry. Hmm. What’s missing? Well, for this to truly be a well-rounded date, it has to end with a kiss. Mm-hmm. Why do we have to wait until the end? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ You look like you’re thinking about something. I was just wondering, if your kitchen is the size of a stamp, how big is your bed? Mm. You’d be surprised. I like surprises. Not tonight. Meaning we’ll have a next time? I think your chances of date number two are very, very good. But maybe after another confession. Let’s hear it. I’ve never, um…

you know…

Cooked? That’s no big deal. Look, you’re not making this easy. No, this is fun. You’ve never… dated an attorney? Oh, I’ve dated a couple. But fully dressed, w-with no briefs of any kind. [chuckles] That’s a good one. No briefs? You mean you’ve never… Never ever? [laughs softly] Huh. Does this other interest have a name? I think you have the wrong idea about me,

and the depths of my heart.

[laughs] A lothario with a heart of gold? Good luck with that. Get me those proofs. I’m on it. If it isn’t Mr. Van Der Zee.

Ah, she knows her photographers.

Mm-hmm. Hey, you think I could get a look at that video you did for Dr. Richardson and your Uncle Ted for her award ceremony?

So you heard about that?

Well, Dr. Nicole’s got a lot of fans around here. She’s always so quiet about the good that she does. We love seeing her get the recognition. Yeah, yeah– um, I got it in my phone if you have a second.


Yeah. Uh, yeah, I think I could spare a minute.


Okay. Let’s see. Which one…

I think that’s yours.

Oh. [chuckles]

There you go, babe.

Thank you. Mm-hmm. So, what was your favorite part?

Of the honeymoon?

Mm-hmm. Well, I did enjoy waking up in that hotel overlooking the Spanish Steps with our own private terrazza.

Ooh, listen to you.

Mm. Oh, and what was the name of that church with the artwork? Oh… [chuckles] You gonna have to narrow that down, babe. The one with the scary mask outside? Scary? Oh, um…

El Bocca della Verità.

Yes. The Mouth of Truth in Santa Maria, where you didn’t want to put your hand in its mouth. [laughs] I was scared.

What if he’d bitten my hand off?

[laughs] Mm-mm. Mm. Legend says you can only get your hand chomped off

if you tell a lie while your hand is in its mouth.

Mm. Or if you’re just generally shady, but you’re the truest, most honest person I know, so… Mm. Well, I guess I just don’t like taking chances.

[both chuckle]

Now, I have clients who have difficulty extricating themselves, but you, Hayley Hamilton? Mm-mm. Never.


Well, what was your favorite part? Aside from being alone with you?


Cashing in on that promise you made on our wedding night.

Bill Hamilton.

Girl. Ooh. Where’d you learn to do that? Oh, something I read, you know, but never got a chance to try.


Did you enjoy your experience? Mm-hmm, and I can’t wait to get home

so I can experience it again.

Oh. Well, why wait? Isn’t there a limousine version of the Mile High Club? Hayley. Oh, another new adventure? But you said you don’t take chances. Oh, something’s telling me that this will be worth it. Hmm. I know you can’t see through that screen up there, but, um, is it soundproof? We’ll keep it down.

Oh, okay.



Yes. [laughs] [both moaning] The 1992 Chateau de la Colere Cabernet Sauvignon. Bill and I had a bottle of you at our wedding, too. The effort and energy he put into acquiring you… Not to mention the expense. Chased you halfway around the world. Same way he did with me all those years ago. Relentless. Even had you delivered to our new home via special messenger. I always thought I’d open you after he won a landmark case or… on our 50th anniversary. But now I say, why wait to celebrate? Mmm. Mmm. Not bad, ’92. Not bad at all.


[doorbell rings] I wonder who could be at the door at this hour. One of your kids lost their keys? Or it’s one of their kids. Ms. Rowena let me in.

Come on in, George.

Sorry to disturb you so late. ANITA: Is everything all right? Uh, yes, I was just doing my rounds and I noticed that the latch on your back gate was broken.

Now, I can fix it myself or I could…

No, I’ll call the handyman in the morning.


Could I interest you in some dessert? Mmm, I wish I could, but I’m trying to watch my figure.


Oh, we have plenty. Nicole was called to the hospital and Dani had an important business meeting. You mean Miss Used-to-be-Hamilton? But I just, uh…


But what, George?

You’ve never?

Never ever.

You’re a virgin?

Yep. Wow. I mean, you’re so… You seem so…

Looks can be deceiving.

[laughs softly]

So I’ve heard.

[chuckles] That’s incredible. I’m not like a unicorn or anything. May I ask follow-up questions? I’ll decide when you’ve crossed the line. Shoot. Is this for religious reasons? Not really. Medical? Saving yourself for marriage? Right guy at the right time. I just haven’t met him yet. You have high standards. Well, when I meet the guy who’s worthy of getting to know me in that way, I’ll know. No rush. But, um… Some guys, when they hear that, they don’t know how to act. So, how about you, Tomas? Disappointed? I’ve had a wonderful night with a rare and inspiring woman. How could I possibly be disappointed? Oh, good, you’re still awake. Hey. Everything okay? Derek, I have something I need to tell you. Okay. I’m in love with Andre.

You’re what?

I’m so sorry I have to tell you like this, but I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. You’re serious? Yeah. She said she wanted to break the news before we took it to the next level. Got a great girl. Well, had. Wait a second. Ash, baby, talk to me. We’re moving in together. Yeah, we’re gonna adopt a cat. Andre picked the name. Yeah. We’re gonna call him Derek.

Isn’t that the cutest thing?


ANDRE: No, you are.

ASHLEY: No, you are.

You are.

[chuckles] [gasps] [panting] Oh, my gosh, Andre, this video is incredible. It’s amazing. You’re amazing. Andre.

Were you about to kiss me?

[scoffs] Uh… Do you have something to tell us about Dani, George? George? Uh, well, I was, um… [stammers] Well, no, I was just surprised that she had a meeting at this hour. It’s getting late, that’s all. Well, it’s a part of our unofficial family motto. We can rest in the afterlife. [all laugh] Are you sure I can’t offer you some dessert? Uh, I would love to, but work calls, so…

Always good to see you, George.

Thank you. And thank you for keeping Fairmont Crest safe. You know, my beautiful 1992… I don’t know which one to blame more. My ex. Or the viper. [gasps] I have the perfect solution. They can both share. [sighs] Mrs. Hamilton is full of surprises. Mm, well, you’ve had your share of run-of-the-mill vanilla. It’s nothing wrong with a little rocky road

to keep you on your toes.

[both laugh]

And we’re just getting started.

Yeah. Mm. Oh. [stammers] I think we’re almost, what, more than halfway there, I think. You know, I know we were only gone for a few days, and I loved our honeymoon, but… There’s no place like home.

Mm, yes.

[both laugh] I’m so ready. [sighs] DANI: Ugh! Well done, Chateau de la Colere. [laughs] Oh. [laughs] It’s gonna be a million-dollar hangover, but it was worth it. You’re too good for Bill Hamilton. And frankly, so was I. Let’s drink to us. Mmm. Mmm. Oh, God. [sighs] Just a little disco nap. Mmm. Yeah. [sighs] [moans] That wasn’t my idea. I literally… Save it for someone who doesn’t know what you are. I don’t want anything that belongs to you. [scoffs] Please. Just my life and everything in it. So what is it this time?

It’s Ashley.

Andre. I don’t typically go for girls who already are attached. Where does that come from? I can’t do this. We weren’t meant to be together. We should call this thing off. You need to let that go. Would you care to explain why you’re trying to tell me what to do? You want me to sue my father’s firm? You think you have that in you? I want this so bad, I could taste it. Don’t try me again, Dani. You don’t want to see what happens when you do.

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GH Transcript Friday, March 14, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


♪♪ ♪♪ O-65. Retire and thrive. Is this correct? [ Laughter ] Perfect! You’re doing great. Never heard that one before. Got it! [ Groans ] I got nothin’! I taught Yuri all the bingo lingo. The man is a natural. I can’t believe you brought your whole bingo kit from Bensonhurst. I never leave home without it. That is true. And I think it speaks to a deeper issue. Call your doctor. It’s time for a shot of B-12. B-12. Hey! Bingo! Ohh! Will you look at that! That’s a four-corner win! Oh, my — Right here! I am impressed. It is very hard to beat Ma. Oh, come on. We all know that little Gio is a star and can do pretty much anything. Of course you brought your whole bingo setup. Yeah. Yeah. I can’t risk getting rusty. Brook Lynn, you should take my spot. I have to go and meet Emma. Yeah. Lucky you, Brookie. That seat’s hot! [ Lois laughs ] I will bring your car around. Thanks, Yuri. Ladies. See you later.

Have fun.

Have fun! Ooh! So…Emma? Emma Scorpio-Drake. She’s the police commissioner’s granddaughter. Mm-hmm. Got it. What’s going on with them? Really? We’re just gonna sit here and pretend like I didn’t just find out last night that all along you have known about my baby with Dante? ♪♪ I don’t want to be interrupted for the rest of the night. Yes, it’s that important. [ Scoffs ] ♪♪ [ Charlotte breathing shakily ] ♪♪ Mom. It’s okay. I’m really here. I just — I can’t believe it. I — I’ve been dreaming about this for so long, and… ♪♪ There’s so much that I want to tell you, but I just wanted to wait till we’re alone. ♪♪ I just thank God that you are here and you’re safe. Don’t thank God. Thank Papa. Thank you for making house calls. I know doctors don’t do that these days. Yeah. Some do. For some patients. I appreciate it. And I still don’t want my children knowing, you know, about my condition. You’re welcome. Your blood pressure has gotten a lot better. Seems like you’ve actually been listening to my advice. Well, I’m taking my medication every day, and I’m reducing the stress. And… I even called a truce with my daughter’s mother. That seems to help. Right? [ Laughs ] And the backyard, the back area has this really cool — What’s going on, Dad? Grandpa, are you okay? ♪♪ So, is our third date living up to our first? Hmm. Well, technically… when you asked me to the Rice Museum, you didn’t say it was a date. And then for Valentine’s Day, I didn’t know that was a date, so that doesn’t count. And since we’re staying in tonight, this doesn’t either. Valentine’s was definitely a date. And so was painting. Okay? And they were good dates, too. Hmm! Really? Absolutely. So what would make tonight feel more date-like? Would a kiss help? It might. ♪♪ Yeah. It definitely feels like a date now. [ Chuckles ] ♪♪ And what’s the update on Josslyn Jacks? Is that right? Good to hear. Keep pushing her. Yes. [ Knock on door ] I’ll talk to you again tomorrow. If I remember correctly, the last time we spoke, you said you wanted nothing to do with me. So…may I ask what you’re doing here now? Fixing a huge mistake. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Cellphone rings ] I’m gonna ignore it. What if it’s an emergency? [ Cellphone ringing ] Hey, Ava. What’s going on? Ava: Trina. Thank God. I’ve locked myself out of the gallery. I can’t find my keys. It’s — It’s freezing, and my phone’s about to die. Can you come quickly, please? Okay. Um… Ava locked herself out of the gallery, and she needs me to come let her in before she freezes to death. I totally get it. Ava is your boss and your friend. I was just about to head out anyway. Oh. Uh, okay. Um, well, thanks for being so cool about it. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? For sure. ♪♪ [ Door closes ] No one’s pretending anything. You’ve been avoiding me all day. I thought that meant you didn’t want to talk about it. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say. Finding out that you’ve known about my baby all along kind of knocked the wind out of me. I’m sorry to hear that. I told my ma — and my ma alone. I had no idea that she ran off and told you. Which makes me wonder. Who else knows? Huh? I am so glad that your father kept you safe. But you wouldn’t have been in danger in the first place if he hadn’t had taken you on the run with him. Why does that matter? I’m here now, and that’s only because of Papa. I didn’t even know you were coming home. Until right before your plane landed. How did Jason and Anna find out where you were? Papa texted Rocco, pretending to be me, and told him where we were. He thought he would tell you, and you’d come get me, but Jason found out instead. Valentin wanted you back in Port Charles. He was worried about your safety after someone took that shot at him when we were in that café in Prague. See? Papa’s trying to do what’s best for me, even if it means he doesn’t see me every day anymore. ♪♪ Rocco didn’t even tell me that you texted him. If he had, you know that I would’ve been on the first plane, right? Yeah. Papa thought so, too. [ Chuckles ] Rocco’s been avoiding me lately. I couldn’t figure out why, but it all makes sense now. I never once gave up hope that you would come home. I know. I just wish it would have been me that came to get you. Not Anna and Jason. Actually, Mom… I’m glad you weren’t there. I thought you didn’t want to do this. Okay. I overthought it. I overthought it. It’s what I do. It’s not great. And I shouldn’t have thought the worst about you. [ Sighs ] Wh– What am I — You change your mind, and what am I supposed to do? I’m supposed to forget? I’m — I’m — I’m supposed to just be at your beck and call? I… How do I know you’re not gonna change your mind again tomorrow? You don’t. But I won’t. I knew you had your doubts about me, but I — I thought it was about the WSB and about how dangerous the job is and about maybe putting yourself at risk. But you — you questioned my character. And you questioned my feelings for you. And that’s a very different thing. I know. ♪♪ I’ve been very clear and I’ve been very consistent in the way I feel for you. And if you still doubt my intentions, then I-I think that you were right to end whatever this is we had. I wasn’t right. I was completely wrong. And that’s why I’m here. ♪♪ What changed your mind? We haven’t spoken, so it wasn’t me. So why the change of heart? Hello, sweetheart. Everything’s fine. I was just feeling a little under the weather, and so I called Lucky to get ahold of Dr. Gannon so he could come check me out. You two know each other? Yeah. Yeah. We met at — at Charlie’s before. Nice to see you. Isaiah: You too. Uh, Rocco wanted to come by and see the new place. It’s not really new. I’ve been here a lot. Just not since Charlotte left. That’s right. Yeah, well, I made a lot of changes. You want to check it out? Especially in the back. Cool. Alright. Be right back. ♪♪ I — I should get going. ♪♪ You know, if my dad really had a cold, he would have just had you call in a prescription at the pharmacy or something. He wouldn’t have had you come here to his home to examine him. What’s really going on with my dad? Ava? I got here as fast as I could! Did you find your…


Surprise! You guys! I can’t believe you did this! What?! Now, you really didn’t think we’d forget your birthday, did you? What? Okay. Well, I mean, I know that my parents are successful and driven. I just thought they’d be, like, running the hospital or Aurora. I wouldn’t have been mad. Honey, we’re never too busy to celebrate our beautiful birthday girl. Aww! Can I get in on some of this birthday love? Yes! Thank you so much for coming. Oh, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Happy birthday, sweetheart. I know you’re gonna have an incredible year that’ll only get better from here. Ooh. I love the sound of that. And, you know, I was the one who was supposed to be distracting you while everyone got ready for the party, but I thought of someone better for the job. Was I right or was I right? You was right. As always. [ Laughs ] What I meant was I’m glad you weren’t there because it was so dangerous. Right after Papa sent that text to Rocco, Jason and Anna came in and they told us to run. What? Honey, you must have been terrified! I was. But I was with Papa. We ran and we hid, and we could still hear everything. The WSB came in. Jason and Anna had to fight them off. I don’t think you would have been able to take those guys like Jason and Anna did. I’m scrappier than I look. And I will do whatever it takes to keep you and your brother safe. I know. And I’m happy to be home. But it feels kind of weird. Good weird or bad word? Good weird. I know the feeling. But, you know, it’ll feel normal soon, I promise. How can it ever feel normal without Papa? What do you think? It looks good. Really good, Grandpa. Is it missing anything? Charlotte. Feels weird being here without her. You were very close? You miss her a lot? I do. Can I tell you something? Anything. I got a text from her, and I didn’t tell either of my parents because of how dangerous it was the last time they went after her. But I told Danny, and he told his dad, and Jason promised to bring Charlotte home. You did the right thing. You were looking out for your family. You were in a tough spot. Y-You handled it like a champ. We still haven’t heard any news from Jason, though. Maybe he can’t find Charlotte. Jason is good at finding people. And if you haven’t heard anything soon, I will step in. Thanks, Grandpa. You got it. Whatever questions you have, the answer’s the same. Talk to your dad. See, but you saying that alone means there’s something to ask about. There’s something you’re not telling me. Talk to your dad. Okay. Can you just — Can you just tell me if it’s bad? Actually, no. You don’t even have to tell me if it’s bad. Never mind. Because you’re here. So, obviously, it is bad. A-And if it were fine, then you certainly wouldn’t be trying to cover it up right now. I’m not covering anything up. I’m respecting my oath and adhering to doctor-patient confidentiality laws. Okay, but, see, I’m his daughter, and if he were in the hospital, you’d be honest with me, right? And it’s kind of the same thing. It’s not the same thing. What’s going on? Dr. Gannon just — just confirmed that — that there’s something serious going on with you. So what is it, Dad? What changed is, um… I realized that life is short. And if anything happened to either one of us, I would really regret not exploring whatever this is. I’m sorry. And I was wrong. And I don’t usually admit to either of those. Sorry for what, exactly? For not trusting you. I saw you with Vivian, and — and she was flirting with you, and you were so nonchalant about it, and I just — I — It threw me, you know? And I just dismissed all the good things that you had done. And then I realized that ending things with you had really nothing to do with you. And what about Vivian? Oh, she was just an excuse. I just got so scared. Because of how much I was starting to feel for you. So I tried to push you away. But that’s not me. I am not the kind of person who runs from her feelings. Or much of anything else. ♪♪ So… just what kind of person are you, exactly? ♪♪ Stick around and find out. ♪♪ I know you wish your dad could be here. And for your sake, I wish he could be here, too. I — I would love it if things were different. But you are safer here. You have stability. Sweetie, you cannot live your life on the run. It wasn’t that bad. Really. I mean, Papa and I saw a lot of different places, and he made sure I had everything I needed. Now that I have you here, there is so much that I want to ask you and there’s so much that I want to tell you. I mean, not just about your time away, but my time away, too. I missed so much those last four years. And I can’t wait to tell you everything. And I’m happy to be back home again. It might not seem like it, but I am. Hm. Sweetie. I know. I know. You have had a crazy day. Who — Who am I kidding? You have had a crazy year. I know you and Papa — things with you are weird, but I want you to know that he always kept me safe. And he brought you up whenever he could. ♪♪ Charlotte… I know how much you love your papa. And I am so grateful to him that he kept you safe. And I’m even more grateful that he sent that text to Rocco so we could bring you home. I know how hard that was for him. I couldn’t even believe it when he told me. I’ll bet. I’m sure it was lonely being out there, away and alone with just your dad. It was. Then we need to make up for that! Give me one second. I’m gonna make a quick call, okay? Okay. Brookie, you don’t have to worry about that. Look, I swear on the family Bible no one else knows about the baby. How can you be sure? I would never betray your trust that way. Brook Lynn. Listen to your grandmother. She knows all the family secrets. She’s never let any of them slip. I would never have known, but I could sense something was eating away at Lois. She didn’t want to tell me. I had to pull it out of her! How come you never told me? Because I wanted to respect your privacy. And I promised your mother I would not talk about it. And you never did? Not even at confession? Not a word. I put it in the vault, and it stayed there where it belongs. And I suggest you two do the same. ♪♪ Happy birthday, little girl. [ Chuckles ] And these are for you from Ace. Ohh! And he made the card for you himself. [ Laughs ] [ Laughs ] Oh, my gosh! This is ridiculously cute! I know! Thank you so much for — for letting him make this for me. And thank you for being here. There’s no place else I would rather be. Besides, um, I think it’s what Spencer would have wanted, for me to be here. Oh, honey, I know last year was a very tough year for you, but I have to say, I’m very, very glad to see you in a better place and willing to celebrate your birthday. Well… that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about Spencer or I don’t miss him every day. Honey, I would never think that about you. You know, neither of us will ever forget Spencer. I mean, he was one of a kind, right? Yeah. And he loved you so much. And he would be so happy to see how happy you are tonight. You know? I miss seeing the light in your eyes. I’m glad it’s back. And Spencer would be very glad it’s back. Thank you. You’re welcome. [ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Sorry. [ Chuckles ] Oh! It is my daughter. Oh, okay. Take it. I’m gonna go talk to some other — Okay. Alright. Hello? Hi, Mom. Can you come home? I have a little surprise for you. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ I can see you with the lights out ♪ ♪ I can make you wanna turn on ♪ ♪ Be careful with me ♪ ♪ Be careful, please ♪ ♪ I’ve been trying just to keep breathing ♪ ♪ I’ve been trying, but I keep pleading ♪ ♪ Ohh, oh, oh ♪ ♪♪ ♪ Do you like what you see? ♪ ♪ Do you think that you could believe in me? ♪ ♪ Does it feel like a dream? ♪ ♪ Do you think that you got what I’ve been needing? ♪ ♪ ‘Cause I wanna believe ♪ ♪ Yeah, I knew that you could believe in me ♪ ♪ Believe in me ♪ ♪ I’ve got commotion ♪ ♪ You got my emotions ♪ ♪ I got your attention ♪ ♪ Can you feel the tension? ♪ So, a group of us athletes are actually working with the hospital. We’re visiting the sick kids in the pediatrics wing and hopefully spending as much time with them as we can. We want to give them some fun in the middle of all the hard stuff they’re going through. Well, that sounds pretty great, actually. It’s pretty sweet that you’re getting involved, too. Yeah, it’s the least I can do. I actually met the guy who came up with the whole program. He’s a Congressman. Drew Quartermaine. The guy who slept with his nephew’s wife. Yeah. That’s the guy. He seemed okay. But I don’t know anything about his personal life, a-and I don’t really care. I mean, this program is gonna change these kids’ lives. And that’s the part that’s really great. Kai, are you sure you’re not taking on too much? I mean, I would totally understand if you needed to back out of my animal-rights charity. No, I can do both. Now that I’m not playing football anymore, I have plenty of time. Alright! Time for cake! Yeah! [ All cheering ] Oh, my goodness! This cake is gorgeous!

Look at that.


Alright, now.

There it is. Okay, everyone! Let’s sing “Happy Birthday”! Alright! All: ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ [ Laughs ] ♪ Happy birthday, dear Trina ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ [ All cheering ] Alright. Make a wish and make it good. ♪♪ Curtis: [Laughing] Hey. [ All cheering ] Curtis: Yeah! Stella: Yay! This was not at all what I expected when I opened the door and saw you standing there. Well…you showed up in my hotel room and gave me one hell of a kiss in Germany, so I just thought I would return the favor. I’m glad you did. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. Me too. ♪♪ Lulu, sorry I’m late, sweetheart. I got stuck at the party saying goodbye to so many people, and then it just… [ Charlotte laughs ] Ohh! Oh! Charlotte! Come on… Oh, my God. Ohh!

Here you go.

That one’s from Josslyn. She’s really sorry she couldn’t be here. She’s still on Easter Island, but she did make sure that her gift was sent directly to the Q’s and entrusted to me for delivery. Okay. Okay. [ Laughs ] Oh…yes. Joss is amazing. She knows that I’ve been having a hard time sleeping at night, so she got me this. Oh, my gosh. I love her so much. Ohh! Okay. This is the last one.


That one’s from me.

Oh. Okay. Oh. It’s heavy.

Yeah. [ Laughter ] Okay. ♪♪ Okay. Pretty wrapping. [ Laughter ] Stella: Ohh! Emma: Yeah, the guy at the bookstore couldn’t stop talking about it. He said that it’s a must-have, so… Oh. Uh… Thank you. Thank you. This is — This is amazing. Um… Okay, everybody, um, thank you so much for all the thoughtful and amazing gifts. Um, now go have another slice of cake and get more to drink and let’s just party, yeah. Stella: Okay. [ Laughter ] Happy birthday, sweetheart. Thank you. Mwah! ♪♪ I didn’t tell her anything, Mr. Corinthos. You know, Rocco, maybe you need to do some homework. What do you think? Go home? Actually, uh, since you are on your way out, you don’t mind dropping him off at home at the Quartermaines’, do you? Yeah. Happy to. Great. See you later. Thanks for the tour, Grandpa. Anytime, buddy. ♪♪ Okay, you know I’m gonna find out whatever it is that’s going on, and I can always tell when you’re lying to me, so you might as well just tell me because whatever it is, it’s — it’s far worse in my head. With what I’m imagining, it’s not good. So what’s going on? I don’t want you to worry. It’s — What I have is treatable. Treatable? And I’m — You know, I’m fine. Dad! What — Okay. Just tell me. What’s going on? ♪♪ There’s something wrong with my heart. Are you sure you’re alright? Fine. Just a little tired. Maybe a lot tired. [ Laughs ] Who wants some tea? Oh, thank you, sweetheart. I’m okay. Thanks. I’m gonna go shower. Yeah, and maybe lie down and rest a little bit, too. That’s probably a good idea. Yeah. We’ll catch up on everything tomorrow. I want to hear about everything you’ve been doing since the last time I saw you. A lot of it’s boring. Not to me, honey. Well, don’t get too comfortable up there because I have an idea you might have some more visitors tonight. Okay. Charlotte. I am really happy you’re home. ♪♪ Did they find Valentin? No. He’s still out there somewhere. But, Mom, he’s the reason that Charlotte’s here. She said that he took really good care of her. Ohh. And he made sure that she didn’t forget me. It doesn’t surprise me because I know how much Valentin loves Charlotte. But she is still better off right now away from him. I agree. I just hope he stays away. For her sake. All these years, I thought I was the one keeping a secret from you, and all along you were keeping the same secret from me. If the devil himself was mad at me for not telling, so be it. I…would do anything for you. Suffer anything. As long as my girls and their future was protected. I love you both so much. We love you, too, Ma. Even though sometimes you make it a little hard. Yeah, but… this has just brought up so many things for me that I haven’t let myself think about in so many years. I just… I just need some time to wrap my head around it, okay? You take all the time you need, sweetheart. Yeah. I’ll be here when you’re ready. Okay. ♪♪ [ Sighs ] Thank you. Alright. Refreshments are on the way. Hm! Need to take a quick shower. Carly: Hm! ♪♪ You know, that was an invitation to join me. I know. Someone has to answer the door to room service, and I am a little bit thirsty. Alright. Suit yourself. ♪♪ [Softly] Oh, my God. ♪♪ [ Shower running ] Brennan: ♪ Look for that silver lining ♪ ♪ Whenever a cloud appears in the blue ♪ You’ve been pretty great lately. What do you mean, “lately”? Lately. You, uh — You pushed your animal-activism group forward. You kept me company at a crypt one night when I camped out. You gave Kai a pretty good pep talk. Why do you sound surprised? The first few times we met, you didn’t come across as someone who would do any of that. You seemed… a lot different. This is who I am now. Makes me wonder who the real Emma is. [ Chuckles ] Yeah. I know. Me too. How are things going with Drew and Congressman Henderson? Uh, he was able to help with a few obstacles, but Drew — he’s so focused on that pediatric sports initiative, he’s even planning a press conference at the hospital with Portia to talk about it. Really?! Yeah. And guess what. Aurora Media is covering it. You know, I really hate helping this guy rehab his image. Baby, pick your battles. Supporting Drew on this can elevate Portia, but if you get in the way of that, you’re gonna hinder her success. And Portia deserves to shine, Drew be damned. Thank you so much for referring Ric and for, you know, being there for me throughout this whole situation. Oh, of course. Thank you for confiding in me. I-If the truth came out, it would only hurt Trina. Well, Ric and I had a good first conversation, but the conversation we had after that was the opposite of what I was hoping for. In fact, it was devastating. ♪♪ I can’t keep this up forever. No, you won’t have to. Drew — Drew has a lot of powerful enemies. Mm-hmm. Nina and Carly and — and Curtis. Jason. Michael. All the Quartermaines. They all hate him, right? It’s only a matter of time before Drew’s house of cards collapses and one of his many other enemies will take care of him for you. Well, someone needs to do something, and they need to do it soon. I think Trina left. Hope she’s okay. She was here for quite a while tonight. It was almost like having our old Trina back. But she might have gotten a little overwhelmed. And a party like this probably had her thinking about Spencer. Well, I just hate to think that anything could put a black mark on her special night. Oh. It didn’t. Grief doesn’t follow a timeline, and sometimes a loss is felt most during your happiest moments. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Exhales heavily ] If Brook Lynn is this upset about finding out I knew about the baby… imagine how angry she’d be if she found out we know who the baby is. [ Sighs ] I know, Ma. Brook Lynn can never know what we did. And tonight proved why. ♪♪ I heard you were at your grandpa’s new house. How was it? Good. He’s changed a bunch of stuff. It was kind of weird being there without Charlotte, though. Charlotte: It doesn’t have to be weird anymore. Oh, my God! You’re back! Charlotte: I’m back! ♪♪ Brennan: ♪ And look on the sunny side of life ♪ [ Shower running ] Hey. Had a feeling you’d change your mind. Yeah? Well… make some room. Come on. [ Knock on door ] I’ll be right back. Hurry. ♪♪ You have a heart condition? Dad, how long has this been going on? Are you okay? Yes. I’m fine. I just — I — That’s why I didn’t want to tell any of you. ‘Cause I didn’t want you to worry for no reason. Of course, we’re gonna worry, Dad. I’m — Okay. So what did Dr. Gannon say, exactly? It’s — It’s an injury that happened a long time ago, and he’s got me on the right path, and he’s gonna — We have to do some procedure. Everything’s gonna be fine. I just have to r-reduce my stress. That — That’s why you agreed to joint custody with Ava, isn’t it? You didn’t want the stress of going to trial? It’s part of the reason. I didn’t want to watch Ric put you or Avery on the stand. I just didn’t… I didn’t want to put either of my daughters through that. ♪♪ Yes. ♪♪ Ooh!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, March 14, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[jazzy music] [indistinct chatter]

Hi there.

Tate, hey.

Sorry to bother you at work.

Uh, it’s cool. We, uh–we just finished the dinner rush, so things are pretty slow. What brings you by?

I just– I wanted to see if your mom was still pissed about what happened at the DiMeras’.

You didn’t have to come in person to ask that. You could have just texted.

Yeah, no, I know. I–I guess I could have. I just didn’t have anything else going on.

It’s Friday night. Shouldn’t you be, uh, hanging out with your girlfriend?

Yeah, well, Holly and I aren’t really talking right now. [somber music]

Holly, hey.

You can’t be here, EJ.

Don’t shut me out, Belle. Please. [soft dramatic music]

Look, I talked to my dad about what went down the first time he brought Feniger to town. He said it still haunts him to this day, that he– that he never would have gone through with it if he knew Arnold would have violated my mom like that.

Johnny, that is total BS. Didn’t stop him from doing the same damn thing that Feniger did.

Same thing? What are you talking about?

You know what, Johnny? Never mind, OK? Just, uh–just forget it.

No, I’m not gonna forget it. How did my dad do the same thing as Feniger?

Look, I– I said forget it. I don’t even know what the hell I’m saying, all right? I’m just upset about what happened to Rafe.

Yeah, well, we all are. And I know my dad has done some things over the years, OK? But nothing as bad as what that maniac did to my mom. Come on. You don’t actually think that my dad is as bad as Feniger, do you? That guy’s a rapist.

Johnny, you have no idea who your dad really is, do you? If Arnold Feniger is a rapist, then so is EJ DiMera. [tense music] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So what happened with you and Holly?

We had a fight.

About the baby?

Yeah, that was a part of it. Um, you know, a couple days ago I promised her that the adoption was a done deal. And now who knows, thanks to fricking EJ DiMera.

Yeah, I’m sorry that our baby is such a problem for your relationship.

No, no, don’t be. Like I said, the– only a part of the fight was about the baby.

What else was it about?

Not what, who. Doug Williams.

Sorry, I was just getting in a workout.

Yeah, I– I can see that. 8

Yeah, I found some of my Grandpa Doug’s old weights in the attic. Can’t exactly afford a gym membership at the moment.

Right. Well, I can come back if you want to finish your workout.

No, no, no, no, no. I was–I was basically done. I’m glad you’re here. [gentle music]

May I, uh–may I come in? 9

No. We have nothing to talk about. Unless, of course, you’re here to confess your crimes to Salem’s district attorney.

The only thing I’m guilty of is not– not being able to stop thinking about you.

Oh, don’t. Don’t do that.

Don’t–don’t do what? Tell you how I’m feeling? 10

You shouldn’t be here, EJ.

And yet there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. [gentle music]

I’ve missed you, Belle. Ever since you stormed out on me the other day, I’ve– I’ve missed being close to you. Haven’t you missed me, too?

[tense music] 11

Did you just– did you just say that my father is a rapist?

Look, Johnny. Johnny, like I said, forget it. I know how much you love your dad, OK? And what I just said, I said in the heat of anger.

It was true, though, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it? I know you, Grandpa. And I know that you wouldn’t just throw something out that’s that terrible… unless it was true.

Wow. So what does Julie think about you turning her living room into a gym? [laughs]

Well, she’s not here to see it, actually. She went shopping in Bay City with your grandma and Bonnie.

Oh, right. I think my grandma said she wanted to freshen up her wardrobe for spring.

So what’s up?

Um, OK. Well, I wanted to talk to you about the necklace.

What about it?

Well, I just keep thinking about how Melinda refused to sell it to us. I mean, what is wrong with that woman?

You’d know better than I would.

Yeah. Well, we have to do something, right?

Not sure what we can do.

And that’s exactly why I’m here. I have a brilliant idea. [soft dramatic music]

Oh. Oh, where is that husband of yours?

Oh, he went to grab some takeout from the pub.

Uh-huh. Well, um, I do have some news that I wanted to share with you both about my sit-down with Amy Choi.

Oh, OK. Well, um, you can tell me now and then I’ll fill Johnny in later. How did that go?

Oh, surprisingly well.



Wait, so–so did Mrs. Choi come around to Johnny and I adopting Sophia’s baby? 16

I do believe that I got her to see that, um, her grandchild would be lucky to have you two as parents.

Oh, my God, that is amazing!

[laughs] But there is one sticking point.

Oh. Yeah, and I bet you I can guess what that is. [tense music]


The only thing I feel for you is disgust for what you did to Rafe and Jada and Ava.

What I allegedly did.

Oh, my God, are we really gonna play this game?

It’s no game. You and I both know there’s no evidence to support the outrageous claims that are being leveled against me.

Wow, you are unbelievable that you have the temerity to stand there and just lie to my face.

Belle, I know you’re hearing nothing but horrible accusations against me, that everyone in your life is pushing for you to lose faith, to abandon me. But I know that you don’t want to walk away from what we have.

EJ, you’ve really got to hear what I’m saying, I don’t want you anywhere near me. I am the district attorney, and you are a criminal.

Mm. You knew exactly who I was when you got involved with me.

You’re right, I did. And I thought just maybe you would try to change, but you don’t want to, and so you never will. And so you’re the same selfish son of a bitch you’ve always been. [tense music]

Johnny, all I was trying to say is your father is responsible for what that bastard Feniger did to your mom. He’s the one who hired Arnold to take over Rafe’s life in the first place.

I don’t think that’s what you meant.

Yeah, and now I am sorry, damn sorry, that I’ve taken this conversation in the wrong direction, all right? I told you I was upset. Now, I’ve upset you, and I regret that deeply. I am so sorry, Johnny. And now, I’m so sorry because I need to go to the back because I’m expecting a delivery right now.

Wait, wait. I’d like to finish this conversation.

No. You know what? We will talk later. I promise. [suspenseful music]

[door clicks open] 22

Hey, Johnny.


Are you OK?

Uh, I just had a very strange conversation with my grandfather.

Strange how?

Well, he, uh, accused my father of being a rapist and then tried to walk it back. [tense music] You know something, don’t you? 23

[sighs] Look, Johnny, I–

No, no, no, Kate. Please, just tell me the truth, all right? Don’t–don’t try to protect me. If my father committed that horrible crime, I have a right to know.

A month ago, Holly didn’t even know who “young Doug” was. None of us did. And now it–it just feels like she’s spending all of her time with him.

So you’re pissed that she’s friends with the guy?

It’s not jealousy, if that’s what you’re thinking. I don’t trust him.

Well, did he do something to make you not trust him?

Doug stole Julie’s necklace?

Well, technically no. It was her grandmother’s.

What? 25

It was in a time capsule the Hortons found after the fire.

So Doug just had no problem helping himself to a family heirloom?

He didn’t know what it was. He didn’t know the significance.

Yeah, but that didn’t stop him from snatching it from his own family.

He hadn’t met Julie yet when he took it.

Oh, OK. That makes it so much better. [soft dramatic music] Let’s just say he’s done some very shady stuff, and I don’t want Holly to get sucked into this guy’s mess of a life more than she already has been.

You have a solution for how to deal with this Trask lady?

In fact, I do.

OK. What is it?

OK. So she won’t sell it to us, right?


Even though she knows it was stolen.


So why don’t we just sneak into Melinda’s apartment and steal it back? [inquisitive music]

The more Holly defends the guy, the more I worry she’s gonna get caught up in his mess. 28

Well, what kind of a mess are we talking about?

[sighs] Let’s just say it’s not good.

OK. So you think that Doug is a bad influence on her?

Yeah, the worst. I’m sorry, I–I really shouldn’t be dumping all of my Holly problems on you.

No, that’s OK. I mean, we’re past all that, right? Um, plus, I can see that you’re really hurting.

I just wish that jerk had never turned up in Salem. You know, and on top of all of that, you know my grandpa’s missing?

What? Wait, missing how?

He was on a mission, and they lost contact with him.

Oh, my God. And nobody knows where he is?

My grandma just left town to go looking for him. 30

Tate, that is so scary.

It is, yeah. You know, growing up, I thought of my grandpa as, like, this invincible super spy, kind of like Jason Bourne and Ethan Hunt wrapped into one. And now, I just can’t help think, like, what if he doesn’t come back?

Come here. He’s gonna be OK. I know he is. [gentle music]

[chuckles] Can you just stand there and pretend you don’t feel any of this, that I’m nothing to you?

What you did was unthinkable. The fact that you’ve ruined Rafe and Jada’s life over–over, what, losing a DA job? Are you really that petty and vindictive? 32

Can I defend myself?

No. No, you can’t, because there is nothing you can say that’s gonna make this any better. I mean, and what about what you and your sister did to Ava? I mean, do you not care about anyone but yourself?

Oh, if I could just talk–

And you’re not even sorry, are you, that you’re ruthless and sadistic and heartless, and that you have hurt so many people that I care about? And–and how do you expect me to forgive you for this?

If you’d just take a breath, you’d realize that we don’t have to let any of this come between us.

Are you kidding? What, you just think that I’m supposed to look the other way when my boyfriend is accused of kidnapping two people and–and switching one of them out with a lookalike?

Did you just call me your boyfriend?

What? Do you think this is funny?

Just interesting.

Well, you’re gonna think it’s interesting when you are in cuffs on your way to Statesville.

I’m not going to prison, Belle.

[scoffs] Well, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Because as soon as I have enough concrete evidence to link you to these crimes, I will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. 35

Fine. Prosecute me. Hate me. Flog me in the middle of Horton Town Square. But one thing you cannot do is tell me you don’t want me just as much as I want you. [soft dramatic music]

Look, I–I really think you should wait till your grandfather comes back to have this conversation. 36

Yeah, why? So he can just lie to me again? No. Look, Kate, you’re not someone who runs from hard truths, and I could tell that you know what my grandpa meant when he said what he said about rape. And it wasn’t about Arnold Feniger.

You really need to have this conversation with your mother.

What does my mom have to do with this?

[sighs] Look, I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have brought her up–

No, Kate, look– [suspenseful music] You’re not making any sense here, all right? Look, I know that my mom has defended a lot of messed-up stuff that my dad has done over the years, but there is no way that she would let him get away with raping someone. So there’s no way that my mom could know anything about this. 38

That’s the thing. Your mother is the woman that your father raped.

Please tell me you’re joking.

Why would I be joking?

Because you’re talking about stealing a necklace from the DA’s apartment.

OK, first off, she’s not the DA anymore. And second, that necklace doesn’t belong to her, Doug. It belongs to your family. She’s just holding onto it out of spite, so I don’t get why we can’t just sneak in and return it to its rightful owner.

Well, sneaking in is a nice way of saying breaking and entering, which, last time I checked, is a crime.

Well, it’s not like she can report it. Not without incriminating herself.

You sure about that?

What I’m sure about is Melinda Trask is no angel. Actually, no. You want to talk about crimes? How about her helping Sloan Petersen kidnap my baby brother and letting my mom think he was dead? She quite literally put my family through hell, Doug. So, no, I’m not about to start having sympathy for that bitch.



I’ve–I’ve just– I’ve never seen you like this before. 41

Yeah, well, what can I say? I believe in karma. So are we gonna break into Melinda’s apartment and get Julie’s necklace back or what?

No. Absolutely not. [tense music]

[phone rings]

Uh. [laughs nervously] Uh, Mom, hey. No, that’s OK. I’m, uh–I’m on a break. Really? Yeah, I–I understand. Uh, yes, I’ll see you tonight. I’ll come home straight away after my shift is done. OK. Bye. 43

What was that about?

Uh, my mom had a meeting with Chanel’s mom, and apparently they really hit it off. [laughs]

Go, Mayor Price. What does this mean?

Uh, it means that there’s hope that Johnny and Chanel will be able to adopt the baby. [laughs]

Really? 44


Yes. Oh, you’re right, darling. Despite all my best efforts, Amy, she still has her reservations about EJ’s involvement with the baby’s life.

Oh. Mama, I swear, if EJ is the reason and Johnny and I lose this baby–

No, no. Don’t even think like that. I’ll tell you exactly what I told her. Your daddy-in-law, he’s not gonna be a problem much longer, even if I have to see to it personally.

Mama, what are you planning?

Oh, don’t be nervous. Don’t look like that, child. No, all I meant was that I plan to use my considerable influence to make sure that EJ goes to prison for what he did to Rafe and Jada and Ava Vitali.

You really think he’s going away?

Mm. I met with Belle Black today, and she is committed to throwing the book at that evil bastard. Oh, by the time we are through with him, that Elvis, he will be– he’ll be singing his own version of “Jailhouse Rock.”

Well, you sound pretty confident. 47

Yeah, I am, I am. But, uh–you know, there is one thing that does concern me, though.

Yeah? What’s that?

I gave Belle Black an opportunity to recuse herself, you know, since she’d been having an affair with her number-one suspect.

Oh, really?

Yeah, really. But–but she promised me that she and EJ were finished. 48

OK. So then what’s your concern?

You know what? Nothing. Never mind. Never mind. She–she will keep her promise. No, she knows–she knows what’s at stake.

[groans] Oh. [chuckles] Oh, Belle. Ah. What, you’re not gonna say anything?

I can’t believe I just did that. Do you have any idea what a conflict of interest this is?

Uh, you didn’t seem to care when you were in my arms.

You are under investigation for multiple felonies by my office. And I just told Paulina I was done having sex with you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. How does Paulina know we’re sleeping together?

God, it doesn’t matter. And we’re not sleeping together, OK? We–we were sleeping together, past tense.

Oh, does 2 1/2 minutes ago count as the past, does it?

God, this is a nightmare. What the hell is wrong with me?

There is nothing wrong with you, Belle. You are perfect.

Stop it. Stop doing that. 51

What, complimenting you?

Don’t you understand? If Paulina finds out about this, I could lose my job.

Then don’t tell her! Or, alternatively, you could tell her the truth.

You want me to tell the mayor that her DA is sleeping with the lead suspect in a multiple kidnapping and fraud case?

Not that truth. I meant tell Paulina that there is no case. 52

What? What are you talking about?

Belle, you and I both know that the police won’t find any real evidence linking me to these so-called crimes.

My God.

My hands are clean. You just have to make them accept that.



That’s why you came over here, isn’t it? 53

I don’t follow.

Yeah, you came over here because you wanted to seduce me into dropping the investigation. God, you are such a bastard. [tense music]

Kate… did you just tell me that my father raped my mother? How? When?

OK, I–I don’t feel comfortable going into this. 54

No, no, no, no, no. You–you don’t get to say something like that and then just walk away from it.

OK, why don’t you–why don’t we just go upstairs, OK, so we can have a little privacy?

Yeah, we can have the conversation right here, all right? And tell me the truth, Kate.

OK. OK, I will. I will.


I’m just not sure where to start.

Well, why don’t you try… starting at the beginning, hmm? And do not leave anything out.

The beginning.


Well, I guess the beginning is your mother and Lucas going up to the mountains to go skiing, and their car broke down. And they ended up at, uh, this remote cabin. And there was a huge, huge storm. The roof of the cabin caved in on them, and Lucas was pinned underneath it. And Sami was afraid that he was gonna die.

What does any of this have to do with my father raping my mother?

I’m getting to it. [soft dramatic music] So Sami made her way out to the road to try to get help, and that’s when she encountered your father. And she begged him to come back to the cabin and help her– help her save Lucas’s life. And he agreed to do it. He agreed to do it if she would have sex with him first.

Oh, my God. So–[clears throat] If she wanted to save Lucas’s life, she had no choice but to have sex with my father. [utensils clatter]

Yeah, that’s what I’m telling you.

What’s wrong with my plan?

You mean besides it being illegal?

Oh, so now you want to talk about breaking the law? Sorry, I–I didn’t mean that.

No, it’s OK. You’re right. I did break the law, and that’s why I’m in this mess. But that’s just it, Holly. It’s my mess. You’ve already done more than enough to help me.

I really haven’t done that much

Of course you have. Holly, you asked your grandma for the money to pay off my debt. And I appreciate that more than you know, but I’m not about to let you do something dangerous on my account. You’re about to graduate high school, Holly. You have your entire future ahead of you. And trust me, you don’t want to start it behind bars. [gentle music]

OK. Well, yeah, I guess sneaking into Melinda’s wasn’t my best idea.

No. But I gotta say, it was pretty badass.

Yeah, well, that’s me– certified badass.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

Oh, careful there. Or you know what? I might have to show you up with those dumbbells. [laughter]

So you really don’t think that we need to worry about Belle going easy on EJ?

She better not–not if she values her career. EJ needs to be locked up for a long time.


What? What are you thinking?

Well, it’s just that, yes, it would be, you know, a bit of a relief if EJ was out of the way for the adoption. But then on the other hand, you know, that–that’s Johnny’s dad. And even after everything that he’s done, I know that Johnny still loves him.

[scoffs] Well, that is not on you. EJ should have thought about family before he broke the law. Uh-uh. Your father-in-law, he deserves– he deserves whatever’s coming to him.

I know. Yeah, he does. Of course. 64

And, you know, after EJ’s gone, you and Johnny, you can finally– you can start your lives with that beautiful new baby.

No. No, that can’t be true. It–it can’t be. Look, I know that my dad can be a little ruthless in business. I know he goes too far when he wants to get revenge. But there’s no way that he could do that, not to my mom. [soft dramatic music]

I am so sorry. I know that it’s hard for you to hear this. But I know in your heart, you know it’s true. I can see it in your eyes.


It’s what your grandfather was trying to tell you. But he stopped himself, and I think I should have stopped myself, too. 66

No, no. It’s OK. Uh, no. I– I begged you to be honest with me. When? When did this happen?

Before you were born.

So Mom and Lucas were a couple then? Yeah?

Yes, yes.

Why did nobody want to tell me about this? Ever?

Because we–we all made a pact to keep it from you and your sister, Allie.

Allie? Wait, you– you said that my mom and Lucas were a couple when my dad did this horrible thing to her.



Kate. Is that the reason that my twin sister and I have separate fathers?


Kate, is that the reason that my sister and I have separate fathers?

Oh, my God. OK. Uh… so that story you just told, that’s the story of– Of how I was conceived? My sister was born out of love, and I am a product of rape.

I am so, so sorry, Johnny.

No, no, no, no. Don’t–don’t touch me, OK? I just, uh– I got to get out of here. 70

Johnny. Johnny! Oh, God. [exhales] Oh, God.

You used me, you son of a bitch!

I didn’t, Belle. I came here to see you. The–the case against me was the furthest thing on my mind.

You are such a freaking liar. I cannot believe I ever trusted you.

You are being unreasonable.

Unreasonable? I’ll show you unreasonable.


Get out.


Get out!

Belle, we need–

Get out of my bed!

To talk about this!

Get out of my house!

I’m going!

Get out!

Fine, fine! Stop! 72

Get out! Get out! Get out now!

I’m going!

Go! [somber music]

[door slams]

Wow. So, like, Mayor Price must have really impressed your mom.

Yeah, which is not an easy task. 73

Yeah, no kidding.

And this could be a really good sign for the adoption. But I just don’t think that we should get our hopes up too high because my mom is still very concerned about Johnny’s dad having anything to do with the baby.

Right. But still, if Johnny and Chanel can distance themselves enough from EJ before the baby comes, then hopefully your mom would come around, right? 74

That would be amazing. Uh… well, I better get back to work. Uh, a nurse had a 65th birthday party in the private dining room. Uh, nice folk. A lot of cleanup ahead of me, though.

I can stay and help.

You want to bus dirty dishes?

I–I just– I want to hang with you.

Right, because you have nothing else going on tonight.

No, because I want to. And I don’t want you to work yourself too hard.

Oh, you’re worried about the baby.

No, I’m worried about you, Sophia. I want you to be OK and to be happy. I hope you know that.

I do. And I want the same thing for you.

So let’s get to work. I mean, these tables aren’t gonna bus themselves. Uh, but don’t try and pocket any of my tips, Black.

Oh, right, like you’re nice enough to get good tips. [laughter]

Even though we’re not going through with it, the break-in to Trask’s place, it means a lot that you were willing to go that far for me.

Well, I want things to work out for you, Doug. I really care about you.

I care about you, too.

OK. Well, if we aren’t gonna steal the necklace back, how do we plan on getting it legally? I mean, we can’t just let Trask win.

I’ll tell you what– Julie left some chicken and mashed potatoes in the fridge. I could fire ’em up while we do some brainstorming.

Mm, leftovers and strategy talk. I–I like it.


But how about I get started in the kitchen, and maybe you go take a shower?

Sounds like a plan.

OK. [laughs] [gentle music]

[line trilling] [phone ringing] 79

Hello. Oh, perfect timing. I was just talking about you.

About what?

I was just reassuring Chanel that you’d be doing everything in your power to put her father-in-law away for his crimes against the citizens of Salem.

Uh, about that. Um– uh, I’ve been thinking about our earlier conversation. 80


And, uh, I think you’re right. I, uh–I think it would be best for everyone involved if I recused myself from the investigation into EJ DiMera. [tense music]

There’s my beautiful wife. Hey. When did you get home? 81

A while ago. [mellow country music]

What’s wrong? Tough day?

No, it was fine until just now.

What happened?

I came in to, uh– well, Johnny was talking about EJ.

Oh, no.

Yeah. He, uh, blindsided me with a question about why you would tell him that his father had raped someone.

Damn it. Damn it, Kate, I’m so sorry. I was just so upset with the whole Arnold Feniger thing, and it just came out. I tried to walk it back. But I should have known that he–he wouldn’t be able to let it go. 83

No. He was very persistent.

Damn it.


Damn it. All these years trying to protect him and his sister from the awful truth and, uh– [sighs] [tense music]

Damn it. What did you say to him?

Well, I really had no choice. I told him the truth. So your grandson now knows that his father raped his mother, and he’s a result of that.

Damn it. Oh, Kate. [somber music]

Hello, Chanel. 85

I think that I will just go wait for Johnny in our room.

Chanel, wait. Please.

What is it?

I just wanted to say I’m sorry about what happened with Amy Choi. I offered to help smooth things over, but Johnny wouldn’t hear of it.

Yeah, well, can you blame him?

No, I’m afraid my son is rather cross with me at the moment.

You got that right.

Johnny, what’s wrong? [grunts]

[dramatic music]

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The entire episode takes place in Havenhurst as Phyllis and Sharon decide to trash the room where they are being held to show their captor that they will survive this ordeal. Once Phyllis and Sharon trash the room they find the camera and turn it off.

Billy, Chance, and Nick wait for the landlord to arrive to open the door. Chance gets a search warrant to search for the building. The landlord arrives but the keys to open the building don’t work because the door locks have been changed. Chance’s team opens the door and they start calling Phyllis and Sharon ‘s name. The men hear music and follow it to the room where Phyllis and Sharon are being held. Phyllis and Sharon’s room fills with poison gas because their captor is upset that the ladies didn’t play the game fairly.

The men find Phyllis and Sharon and kick down the door to the room. Phyllis is unconscious because she has breathed too much of the gas. Nick helps Sharon out of the room. Once everyone is at Sheron’s house the ladies tell Billy, Chance, and Nick everything that their captor put them through when he had them trapped in that room. The ladies think that the game isn’t over for their captor and he may come after them again. Phyllis and Sharon say they must find out who their captor is before he can hurt them.

Traci hears Alan’s phone ping and she looks confused when she reads the text alert.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, March 13, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Theresa and Tate were at Small Bar. She talked to him getting Sophia pregnant. He said they were responsible but it didn’t work. Theresa said it might not be a good idea to give the baby up for adoption, but Tate didn’t agree with her. She changed her mind about the adoption until he mentioned Johnny and Chanel adopting the baby. Theresa didn’t think it was a good idea for them to adopt the baby. They continued to talk about it until Theresa said she would support him. While they were talking, Amy showed up and wondered why Tate was in a bar. Tate introduced Amy to Thereesa. Theresa lied to her and said she was out of town visiting her mother. Amy said she knew she was a convicted felon. When Theresa tried to defend her actions, Amy said she wasn’t concerned about it. Her concern was EJ’s actions. At Marlena’s house, Belle noticed Marlena’s luggage and wondered where she was going. Marlena told her she was going to find John. She told Belle that Shane kept dodging her calls. Belle agreed that Marlena should look for him. Marlena told her about the plan to find Shane and bring John home. She said Belle would do the same thing for the person she loved. Belle said she would know that if she ever found the person she loved. Marlena wanted Belle to talk to her. Belle opened up to her about her love life. She said she was trying to figure out who she was and decided that she might not need a love life. Marlena asked if she was talking about EJ too. Belle said it was over with EJ. She said what EJ did to Ava and Jada were the last straw and was going to make him pay for what he did.

Chanel ran into Paulina at the town square. Paulina asked how she was doing after the meeting with Amy. Chanel regretted that Amy didn’t get to know the real her and Johnny. Paulina said she had a plan to fix the situation. She was meeting Amy and would win her over. EJ talked to Stefano’s painting and debated on using the memory serum on Rachel. Johnny walked in and wondered what he was talking about. He asked EJ what he did. EJ said he was making family problems go away. EJ blamed Jada and Gabi for what happened to which Johnny said he knew he was behind Arnold being back. Johnny demanded to know how he could get involved with Arnold after what he did to his mother. EJ lied and said he didn’t do it. While they were talking, EJ told Johnny that he had a plan to fix things with Amy. Johnny wasn’t interested in EJ’s plan and didn’t trust him. EJ wanted to talk about Arnold and apologized for what happened with Sami years ago. He said hurting Sami was one of the biggest regrets in his life. Johnny appreciated his apology, but said it wasn’t up to him to forgive. Steve went to the pub to let Roman know about the search for John. When Roman offered to help, Steve said he didn’t want to scare Shane. He asked if Roman could keep an eye out on Kayla while he was gone. Roman agreed to watch out for her and said he would watch out for Black Patch since there was no one else after what EJ did. He said he could kill EJ for what he did to Sami and said she was still traumatized about it. Johnny met with Chanel at the town square and told her about EJ’s apology. He said it was the first time they talked about it. Chanel wondered if he believed EJ about Rafe’s kidnapping. Johnny wasn’t sure what to believe. Paulina and Amy met at Small Bar to talk. She told Amy that they could solve the problem. Amy thought they could and said Johnny and Chanel were lovely people. She said she didn’t want the baby near EJ. Paulina said she would make sure EJ wasn’t near the baby. Steve went to Marlena’s house and promised Belle they would find John. Before Marlena and Steve left, she suggested that Belle be honest about what’s in her heart. Belle thought about telling EJ off and said she would think with her head. EJ suddenly showed up at the house. Johnny went to the pub to get food. Roman said he didn’t want EJ to get anything. Johnny said he talked to his father, and he was upset about what Arnold did to Sami. Roman didn’t believe that EJ was sorry. He said it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same thing. Johnny wasn’t sure what he was talking about.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Thursday, March 13, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Dani looked through Bill and Hayley’s honeymoon photos. She wasn’t happy about it, but she was determined not to ruin Nicole’s big night. Leslie planned to ruin Nicole’s night. She got a job catering at the gala. Leslie wanted to expose Ted and Nicole in front of the community. Eva saw Martin at Nicole’s office. She shocked him by how much she knew about his political career. Ted and Nicole arrived and invited her to the gala. Vernon received a call from someone. Naomi walked in Dani’s room and found her screaming and throwing her tablet against the wall. She thought her mother enjoyed pain. Anita agreed with her as she and Vernon walked into the room. Leslie was happy with how she worked her way into the gala. Eva wasn’t happy about Leslie’s plan. She went back on her word about not revealing herself to Ted and Nicole. Leslie convinced Eva that it was a coincidence that she ended up working at the gala. Andre saw Dani in her dress and flirted with her. He wanted to take her out of her dress.

Martin took pictures with his family. After the photo op, someone approached Martin about a job for Smitty. Martin turned down the offer. Vernon approached Martin to confront him about running for president. He told Martin not to run for president because of his secret. Vernon was certain that his secret would come out if he decided to run for office. The family couldn’t survive that type of scandal. Martin wasn’t worried because he secret was buried. Ted got an unpleasant surprise when he saw Leslie working at the bar. She let him know that the job paid well. Ted threatened to destroy her, but she wasn’t worried about him. She survived everything in the past. Dani introduced her father at the gala. Leslie was about to approach Nicole, but Eva spotted her. She told her mother that she had to leave. Leslie refused to go because she had to serve the drinks. She returned to the gala. Leslie was approached by her boss because someone tipped him off (Eva) that she was being unprofessional towards the guests. He threw her out of the event.


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BTG Transcript Thursday, March 13, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Here’s one thing that never changes. The aroma of down-home cooking?

That’s right.

[chuckles] You and Orphey Gene’s are my constant stars. But we’re not usually here in tux and gown. [chuckles] True. I wanted to make sure you had a good meal in you. We can’t have you singing Nicole’s praises and forgetting to eat. Tonight is a big deal. I’m so proud of Nicole. Following in her father’s footsteps, receiving the Distinguished Service Award. She deserves it. And so much more. Mm-hmm. Which is why you need sustenance to bring your A game of proud mama. [both chuckle] I’ll tell you a secret. It’s nice to come from behind the gates every once in a while.

It’s the real world out here.

Mm-hmm. Our roots. But you sure look good in that tux. And you, my dear– love of all loves, mother of my daughters– you look positively radiant. Food’s coming. Be sure to eat up. ♪ ♪ ♪ I have some regrets♪ [mouthing] ♪ ♪ [people chuckling] There you all are. And looking smashing.

What a great night, yeah?


Hi. Mwah.


Hi. You look beautiful.

Hi, baby. What are you doing? Just checking my notes for tonight. You look beautiful, Dani. Thank you, sweet Jacob. Chelsea, baby, can you turn around? Really? Just… Wait. Um, where are Gran and Granddad? Aren’t they coming with us? Uh, they are still at dinner. But no rush. It is early. Okay, now let me look at both of you.

Gorgeous. I mean…


Stop. You might just upstage the award winner. But nobody in this room would do that, because we all realize this is Aunt Nicole’s night. Well, I don’t know. I might give it a shot.

I mean, look at me, you know?

Naomi, honey, don’t worry. I wouldn’t think of upstaging the honoree. Besides, Nicole asked me to be her emcee. And because I love my sister to pieces, I am going to make sure that this evening is a huge success.

Good. I like that.

Sounds good. Okay, now, there’s snacks on the counter. Help yourselves. I’m just gonna go give my eyes a quick touch-up.


Great, thank you. Yep. Oh. Congressman Richardson. I didn’t expect you to be here. I’m Eva.

Eva Thomas.

The temp who’s replacing Laura. My parents have been singing your praises. Uh, I like them, too. They’ve been really good to me. Apparently, you’re nearly a part of the family now. Just trying to do a good job. Actually, that’s why I’m here. To see if there’s anything Ted and Nicole need before the awards gala tonight. Great minds. That’s why I came by, too. That’s amazing. I-I mean, you’ve got to be crazy busy with all the work you’re doing on education reform and infrastructure. And you took the time to come. Wait, you’re into politics? Some. And your career…


You’ve come so far to be so young. And being raised by this high power couple. Uh, were you ever intimidated? [chuckles] Not even close. Mom and Dad never came off like that here at home. They never pushed me or Kat, but we’re both pretty ambitious, so… I guess it’s in the genes. Anyway, Dad told me they’re good, so I better get back to my place and get dressed for the big event. Good meeting you, Eva. Same. Thanks, Congressman. Call me Martin, okay? Eva? What is it with you and photos of my family? Now, before dinner, our guests will mingle while we serve cocktails. Many will barely sit, so keep your elbows in and the drinks flowing. Tonight will be pivotal for the club since Dr. Nicole Richardson, one of the community’s most prominent and well-loved members is being honored. Everything must go off without a hitch. Understood? I understand completely. Good. ♪ ♪ What are you two doing? Just giving Eva grief about her interest in our family photo. [chuckles] The day I gave birth to you your father was the same as now: nowhere to be found. Uh, I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I just met Martin. He’s like a rock star.


I hope you didn’t tell him that. There’ll be no living with him. I don’t mean to hold you up. I just came to check in. Is there anything else you need for tonight? I think we are all set. Ted, your tie. I just have to put my dress on and then we can head to the club. Um, it was so sweet of you to come by, though, Eva. You should go get ready. Will you need a ride? Um, no. I-I mean, I thought I’d be helping out behind the scenes, but since you don’t need me… But I always planned for you to be there as our guest. Really? Uh, I’m… I’m sorry, I-I can’t. I don’t belong there with you guys. And please, no small talk.

You are here to serve.

Yes, sir. Your only job is to make sure that this evening is a night the community will remember. I promise to do my part. I can’t believe I let this fall through the cracks. Everyone who works for me is invited. Mona would certainly be there if she hadn’t gotten sick. I just never thought… This night wouldn’t have come together if not for you. You handled everything– the venue arrangements, the seating charts. But sitting at your table? I feel like a party crasher. How could you possibly? You’re worried about a dress, aren’t you? Well… You are about the same size as Kat.

Go borrow something of hers.

But she’s out of town and I don’t feel comfortable going into her… No need. She’s got a closet upstairs, second room on the left, where she stashes her non-current wardrobe. Pick out a dress and make yourself gorgeous. Guess I better go check out Kat’s closet. Nicole’s right. It is crooked. Uh, I can fix it for you. I used to work at a department store once. Have at it. He abandoned us before you were even born. That was forever ago. People can grow and learn from their mistakes. You’re right. You need to learn from mine. Because trusting Ted Richardson was the biggest mistake I ever made. Well, that was delicious.

So good.

[chuckles] Always is.

Oh, yeah.

Anita Dupree?


Oh, my… Uh…

You are my favorite singer.

Oh, excuse me.

Thank you.

Bernard Dupree. [conversation continuing indistinctly] I didn’t expect to hear from you. Say that again. How was your tennis clinic? Shoogy. Rather be playing Fortnite. That’s cause you’re a klutz. Mine slapped. Are we speaking the same language? What took you guys so long? Don’t worry. You have plenty of time to get ready for your grandma’s big party. And I reserved a suite upstairs you can use to change. Hey, you guys. I know you could have been doing anything tonight– hanging with friends or whatever. It means a lot that you’re here with your grandmother instead. I mean it. I love you guys. Uh-oh. Pop’s getting sappy. It’s chill. We never get to see him sappy. Can we go? Yeah, go. You know, I’m glad we had it out about me going back to work. Because you won that argument? That, and… I think the four of us bouncing it around helped clear the air. I think that we’re closer because of it. Yeah. I think so, too.


No, thanks. [screams] Naomi!

What in the world?

Is this what you meant when you said tonight’s all about Aunt Nicole? Because this does not remotely look like it. You better slow down. Don’t cops have to watch their weight

or something?

Don’t models? No, my mother does that for me. [chuckles] Okay. Mama, why do you keep doing this to yourself? Obsessing over pictures of Dad and Hayley on their honeymoon? It’s like you’re a junkie for pain.

[door opens]

They’re married now. That is a fact that is not going to change. Amen. And last I checked, we have an important affair to attend this evening. One with no drama on the program. Are we all on the same page? Yes. I want this to be a great night for Nicole. Too bad Kat had to go out of town. Oh, I’m sure Nicole will understand. And we’ll all be there to support her. Shall we? Oh, I’ll lock up. I’ll-I’ll be right behind you. [quiet, indistinct chatter] Oh, the women in my life and their fascination with mirrors. Why is it that my wife and my daughters are always picking and priding at their faces in the mirror when they’re already perfectly perfect? Hey, you’re the plastic surgeon. We get it honest. Richardson women have got to serve at all times, so get used to it. I am getting used to it. Just like you calling me “Dad.” And that is my most treasured title. Thank you for telling me the truth about who you are. I’m sorry it took so long for me to say something. I kept trying to find the perfect moment. And I was scared to death of offending Nicole. Your timing and delivery were perfect. No big show or fanfare. Just a quiet chat with family. Where Kat nearly fell off her chair. And she quickly embraced you, as did the rest of the family. Everyone loves you, Eva. And finding out that you were one of ours made everything perfect. Now, I’m gonna spend the rest of my life proving to you… …how much you mean to me. How? First, I’m going to call you every day,


then I’m gonna spoil you at Christmas. I’m looking forward to it. I love you. EVA: I love you, too, Dad. Mama, I’m headed out. Not sure where you are, but I hope you’re having a great night. Nicole, you gonna be late for your own celebration. What’s taking so long? Oh. Do I look all right? All right? All right, all right, all right. I take it that’s a yes. Here’s how you should take it. Let’s take some of the formal out of the air and maybe just stay here.


Mm… Oh, bad idea. You’re already making me want to stay home. Guess we have to go, huh?


Well, on the bright side, there’s a room full of adoring fans and colleagues that are waiting to sing your praises and give you a standing ovation. Geez, it’s a dirty job, but I guess

somebody’s got to do it.

Mm. Come on. Wow, you two clean up pretty well.

Okay, boomer.

I beg your pardon. That is “Okay, millennial” to you. TYRELL: Whatevs. Andre. What’s good, my man? It’s your world. You tell me. Uh, we were just about to go inside. Oh, I heard you made a video of Grandma. I did. But your grandmother’s great, so it was easy to do. Can’t wait to see it. Want to go in now? Uh… After you. Excuse me. My party’s on the far table. Would you mind coming and taking our drink order before the rush? Not at all. I’ll be right there, sir. Thank you.

[whispering]: Mama?

Shh! You said you were staying away. And what’s with the wig? Excuse me, Sherry. I’ll help this young lady. I believe the congressman needs you at his table. Right away, sir. Now, what can I get you? Uh, the guest of honor– I’m her assistant. Um, and the minute Nicole Richardson walks through that door, I need to know. Yes, ma’am. I thought we agreed we weren’t gonna do this tonight. Now, you were gonna wait for the DNA results from that straw I swiped, and you were gonna stay home. And miss all this grandeur and opulence? What a waste that would be. Really, Mama. Don’t you “Mama” me. Ted and Nicole cheated me and cheated you. That’s what you need to remember. This is about what you want. You want to get back at Ted. So it’s bad timing to do this now, when Nicole isn’t even the target. Just let them have their stupid night. Where’d you get that outfit? Uh, Ted and Nicole gave me money to pick up something from the department store. I’m working. I basically put this whole thing together, so I had to be here. But you need to get out before Ted and Nicole see you. I’m not going anywhere. I’m working too, boo. Temp job for the night just happened to be here. This is really a coincidence? You’re just gonna serve apps and drinks and not trash the guest of honor? Hey there, Eva. Running into you is beginning to be a thing. May I get you something to drink, sir? Uh, not yet, thanks. If you need anything, I’m happy to serve.

Where are Ted and Nicole?

Hey… I thought they’d be here by now. Stop. All right? Now, look around this room at what you helped make happen for my aunt. Take it in.


It really is beautiful. Yeah. Now, that’s a picture. Hey, peeps. Andre. We are so looking forward to what I know is going to be a fabulous tribute video. Well, that means a lot coming from the queen of class. Oh. [laughs] Nicole was a wonderful subject. I’m sure she was. Uh, both in the video and in the photos. See for yourself. Oh. That dress is everything. I would love to see you out of it. You have.

How quickly they forget.

[short chuckle] EVA: I was starting to get worried.

We’re not late, are we?

Not at all. I just want everything to go well. You look beautiful. And you look amazing. Great choice. Thanks. Kat has great taste. You sure it’s okay I borrowed it?


Okay. Well, I better go and make sure everything’s ready for later. DANI: Come on. Let’s… Everyone, let’s take a photo. ♪ Love you, oh my♪ ♪ Said I love, love to have a good time♪ ♪ Said I love, love, love you, oh my♪ ♪ Till the end of time♪ ♪ Oh, yeah♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Said I love, love, love you oh my♪ ♪ Said I love, love to have a good time♪ ♪ Said I love, love, love you, oh my♪ ♪ Till the end of time♪ ♪ Oh, yeah.♪ ♪ ♪ Listen, I heard about the perfect gig for your better half. I’m not sure Smitty’s in the job market. It’s investigative reporting for a pretty big news site. Well, sounds great, but Smitty’s focused on other things. There’s no point to even bothering him with it. You sure about that? He’s talked about getting back in the game, but I don’t think he’s that serious. Well, you know better than I do. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks, man. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? All right, you all should grace the cover of magazines. Oh, keep talking. Keep talking. Nicole, sweetheart, we are so thrilled for you and so proud of all of your accomplishments. I am about to emcee the heck out of this program. Tonight is all about you, your big heart and everything that you’ve done for the hospital. What Mom said. Plus, nobody could have a better aunt.

We love you, Auntie.

Hear, hear, sis. Thanks, everyone. Well, we should go inside before I miss my own celebration. Oh, my nerves. You just need a drink. So, you go down and sit with everyone inside

and I’m gonna grab us a couple.

Okay. Excuse me, miss, I wonder if I could get a… You.


What the hell are you doing here? Working. Clearly, you need an eye exam, Doctor. My eyes are fine. What’s not fine is that you’re working here or pretending to be. Tonight. [short chuckle]

Of all nights.

Afraid I’m gonna mess up your little soiree,


I warned you to stay away from my wife. And I thought about it. I did. But then I decided you don’t get to tell me what to do. For one brief, delusional minute, what you wanted mattered to me. But that’s over.

You’re such a…

A hard worker. I am, yes. Listen up, Teddy boy. A job is a job, and this one preys pretty well. It’s a stunt. Just like the one you pulled on that roof that night. But why? Mm. That was a good night. And your wife is such a great listener. And you– [laughs] Oh, the way you got all worked out when you realized I’ve come back to haunt you.

Ooh! [chuckles]

I warn you, if you do anything to mess up my wife’s celebration… What? You’ll do what– destroy me? Been there. And survived that. Toddle along, Teddy boy. I’ve got a room to work. [chuckles] Ted. I thought you were grabbing us some champagne. Sorry, slipped my mind. Got a call about a patient. Granddad, what’s going on? I may not be a senator any longer, but I am still on top of everything– and I mean everything– political in this town. Especially if it involves a certain bored congressman who’s itching to blow up. By that I mean run for president. How did you even know I… Damn it, Martin. You start putting out feelers for the kind of money it takes to run a national campaign, word gets around. Granddad, I wasn’t trying to keep it from you. I was just looking for the right time to tell you. You know how much I value your experience and opinion. Don’t shine me on like one of your donors. I’m not. Really. I thought you would be happy to hear. Thrilled, even. Thrilled? Have you lost your ever-loving mind? I think I would make a good president. You don’t? Not the point. No candidate, especially a Black candidate, could ever withstand the kind of fallout that would come from people learning your secret. That’s been buried deep for a very long time. You have never seen the kind of scrutiny you’ll experience if you announce your intention to run. [short chuckle] Clearly, you don’t get it, Martin. Your arrogance has replaced your common sense. And that, my boy, will be your undoing. So, I appreciate it. Hey, where’d your pop go? He’s over there with Great-Granddad. SAMANTHA: That’s sus. TYRELL: Yeah. Looks like they’re fighting.


Glad you could make it.

Thank you so much

[scoffs] for covering for Ted on that emergency surgery. That’s what partners are for. There’s no way I’d let him miss tonight. You must be exhausted. You’re so sweet to come. Where are you sitting?

Come join us at our table.

It is just me, and I’m perfectly fine being another admiring face in the back. You enjoy your night. Mm. [chuckles] Here we go. Mission accomplished. Cheers. Smitty. Hope you’re enjoying your evening.

Thank you.

Mm. Remember what I said. Is everything okay with your granddad?

He seemed off.

All good. He just wants everything to go well for Mom. You know how he micromanages. How are the kids? Having fun? All is well here, I see. May I have everyone’s attention, please? Thank you, everyone. Can I say, you all look marvelous. This crowd cleans up really well. [laughing] For anyone who doesn’t know, I am Dani Dupree. [whooping, cheering] And I am delighted to serve as mistress of ceremony for tonight’s big bash honoring Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson, my big sister. Now, one of the reasons I am so delighted to present Nicole with the Distinguished Service Award is because I have spent my entire life in awe of her. Now, don’t get me wrong. I never aspired to a life of service. There’s no way I could have been a psychiatrist, especially one as singular and exemplary as my sister. Though many people think that I belong on her couch. But I digress. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can go on and on and on about myself, but I promise to keep the attention where it should be: on my amazing, talented, generous and annoyingly perfect sister, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. Give it up for Nicole. [cheering, whistling] Can I get you something?

Sherry Carter. My goodness.

[Dani continuing her speech]

What are you doing here?

LESLIE: Working. When I got this catering job, I didn’t realize that you were the guest of honor. I am glad to see you doing better, Sherry. LESLIE: Not to interrupt, but I just wanted to make sure I thanked you for helping me on the roof that night. And pushing me. Ooh, sorry. [chuckles] Bad choice of words. Encouraging me to take more control of my life. And it looks like you’re turning things around. Yeah, wish I could get up there on that podium and just tell everybody what’s on my heart. So much. You have no idea. DANI: The way she cared. Not just for her patients, but for everyone. LESLIE: Well, anyway, I’ll let you get back to your big night. DANI: She believed everyone deserved to feel understood. It’s time to get on with the rest of the program. And I cannot think of a better way to do that than to bring up Dr. Richardson’s father and mine, too. A man you all know and love. Former senator of this wonderful state, the honorable Vernon Dupree. [whistling]

What was that?

What was what? You and Nicole talking. Oh, you mean me working, doing my job and asking if she needed a drink.

Don’t be coy.

Oh, listen to you– “coy.” Oh, all these uppity people have gotten to you already,

haven’t they, baby girl?

I mean it, Mama. You got to go. You lucky you haven’t already ruined your big plan. You need to get out of here before it’s

too late.

Leave me alone, Little Miss Big Shot. I’ve got drinks to serve. My heart is bursting thinking about my eldest daughter, Nicole, who she’s become, the hundreds of people that she’s helped. I believe the politics gene skipped a generation for a reason. Politics is a rough occupation, sometimes brutal. Nicole, on the other hand, is gentle, has always been openhearted, dedicated to serving people, one-on-one, helping them find themselves, forgive themselves, if need be. No one is more deserving of this accolade than our dear Nicole. And I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out tonight to share in our family’s pride. But, of course, I’m not the, uh, elegant and glamorous Dupree you all dying to hear. I think it’s time for me to bring my better half up to the podium.

Anita Dupree.

[whistling, whooping] She was only a toddler when she started helping other children. Mad at your parents? Ask Nicole to help. Problems with your homework? Ask Nicole to tutor you. She is and continues to be a wonder. But, of course, I dote. But this last thing I really want you to hear. These accolades, these laurels are not because my daughter is a Dupree. It is because my daughter is caring, unwavering in her desire to lift others up. She is one of the kindest human beings I know. TED: Raising children with Nicole has been an unparalleled delight. The same painstaking care that she pours into her career she pours into our family. And I am still in continual awe of how she’s able to balance it all. And she still remains the same compassionate human being that y’all have come to know and love. My sister Kat continues. “Unfortunately, I can’t be with you all tonight, “but I am sending mad love “and all props and praise Mom deserves. “If I’ve inherited anything from “Dr. Nicole Richardson, “it’s her work ethic. “As a businesswoman, “I am as dedicated to meeting “and exceeding my goals as Mom is to her practice.” Mom has always been our champion. Someone who taught us that our dreams can be pursued. That no aspiration can go unattainable. [applause] And now we have a very special treat from world-renowned photographer, videographer, cousin by marriage– keep it in the family, am I right– Andre Richardson. [applause] ♪ ♪ NICOLE [on recording]: For those of you who don’t know, this is my brilliant plastic surgeon husband, Dr. Ted Richardson. TED: Hello, everyone. I’m honored to be included in this tribute to my remarkable wife. NICOLE: Ted and I went to an AMA conference. It was on Maui that year, when we were in med school. TED: Sunrises in Maui are magical. NICOLE: I’ve had many blessings come my way, but the one that I’m the most grateful for, the one that changed everything, was deciding to attend the conference on Maui, where I met the one and only love of my life. Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the woman of the hour to speak for herself. Please give it up for Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. With her nudging, I revisited watching my son walk down the aisle with his husband and the addition to our family of their two brilliant, talented children. That is a completely unbiased opinion. [all chuckle] Uh, I took the time to bask in the glory that is my determined, courageous daughter, Kat. I hate that she can’t be here with us tonight, but I am over the moon that she loves her work as much as I cherish mine. And if you would give me one last indulgence… Ted, would you please come up here? I couldn’t get through a single day without you, much less a moment this big.


[applause] I will cherish this award, but it is impossible to imagine receiving it without the love and support of this amazing man, the father of my children, and still the love of my life.


[whistling] I will cherish this award, but it is impossible for me to imagine receiving this award without the love and support of this amazing woman, the mother of my child and the love of my life. [applause]

Come with me. Come with me.

What? What are you doing?

It’s okay. All right. All right. It’s okay.

I got to… But I’m-I’m…

Can you please…

I-I got to get people drinks.

What are you doing? I need to get back in there. Wait.

No. No. You are supposed to be working this event,

not attending it.

Okay, but people

still need drinks.

Look, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I’ve gotten complaints about you. Your behavior is unprofessional. I may have talked to one or two people, but that wa… And which I specifically told you that was not allowed. I also emphasized the importance of this event. Look, just… just get your personal items and go. Am I gonna have to call security to escort you out? N… No. Now, you can drop the uniform in the changing room when you pick up your things. Now, if you could all bear with me for one more moment… Family, would you please all come up here with me? Because without you, I truly would not be worthy of receiving this award. You are my foundation, my rock. Please come up. I want to thank you for alerting me to the issues with that server. It’s been handled. Thank you. My family, everyone. My universe, my everything.

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GH Transcript Thursday, March 13, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Jason: Shouldn’t be much longer till we’re home. Yeah. I’m sure Charlotte’s family is gonna want to see her as soon as possible. Mm. May not be that simple. Why not? Well, I — Can I use one of your phones? Uh, what for? To call my mom. I want her to know I’m coming. Sure. You can use mine. No, no. Hold on. Hold on. ♪♪ Thank you girls so much for agreeing to meet with me. Oh, my gosh, hap– Happy hour? You didn’t have to ask me twice. Lulu: Seriously. Well, between, we’ll call them “difficulties,” at Deception and James basically launching himself off of my roof, I really needed this. Welcome to my life. What are we getting to drink? Thank you for squeezing me in. Thank you. Well, I think you’re the one who did the squeezing this evening. I’m heading to a fund-raising event this evening. Well, I don’t want to keep you. How can I help you? I’ve been named the liaison to the WSB. Oh, well, it’s good to know that a relationship is desired. You didn’t think one was? Well, let’s just say I didn’t think that Mayor Collins was my biggest fan. Ah. Well, you could go a long way to easing any tension between our offices if you could get a little better at sharing. Sharing is caring? Well, you possess some information that could be very helpful to us. And what would you like to know more about? Not what. But who. Jenz Sidwell. There has to be another way for me to help you that doesn’t involve me asking Curtis to write some sort of puff piece about you. [ Sighs ] Oh, I got it! You and I could do a press conference together. I’ll discuss my new pediatric sports initiative, and then you could be right up there beside me representing General Hospital. I just don’t really see how that helps. Well, you being there with me would kind of force Curtis and Aurora to cover the story, which would paint me in a very positive light. Ah. What do you say? ♪♪ What the hell are you doing here? I was in the process of making a business proposal to your wife. Babe, you want to tell me what’s going on? That article dropped today, and it made you realize that you have thrown your life away. You blew up your entire life and your family over a sleaze, and you can’t admit that you were wrong. I was absolutely wrong to cheat on Michael. [ Scoffs ] I have never said otherwise. Finally. But who are you to judge me? No one knows what led up to that affair besides me, Drew, and Michael. You sure about that? Refill? No. It’s time for me to go back up to my room, draw the blinds, and forget this whole miserable trip ever happened. But thank you for the company. Bartender: You got it. [ Indistinct conversations ] Marco: I believe that’s mine. ♪♪ [ Vehicle departing ] Well, that was nice, getting to spend some time with your mom. Yeah, it was a pleasant surprise. It was definitely a surprise. Are you expecting anyone else to pop in tonight? No. You? Nope. It’s just us for the rest of the night. I really like the sound of that. Mmm. Me too. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ We’re gonna wait until we’re in Port Charles before we let your mother know, okay? Why can’t I just tell her now? I-I just — I just want to play it safe. Um, you know, we’re almost home. You’re gonna be seeing Lulu in no time. Do you think those men are gonna find Papa? Um, well, Valentin made the right call when he let you come with us. Yeah. You mean when he made me come with you. Well, he just wanted to make sure that you were safe, and he can move a lot faster without you. I’ve never met anyone better at disappearing than your dad. You know, it’s infuriating, really. Those men don’t stand a chance. That’s good to hear. I know it — it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Well, I can tell you this much. When Mr. Sidwell says that he deals in rare earths and minerals, he’s not just speaking of gold and diamonds. Well, what does he mean, then? We’ve come to learn that the minerals he speaks of are strictly regulated vital components for weapons manufacturing. Do you think that’s why he’s in Port Charles, so he can smuggle that stuff through our port? Well, we don’t have evidence to suggest it yet, but it would be in both our best interests to keep an eye on Mr. Sidwell. Agreed. So… what do you want to share with the class? Well, I do have one interesting tidbit. Do tell. Carly Spencer is making a valiant effort to not notice you, but she is failing. Miserably. Carly, what is so fascinating about Jack Brennan’s meeting with the deputy mayor? Nothing. Then why do you keep staring at them? I’m not. I just scan the room, looking at my patrons, making sure they’re happy. It’s the truth. It’s a habit. Why do I care who Jack Brennan spends his time with? ♪♪ [ Cellphone dings ] Excuse me. My congressional office is spearheading a pediatric sports initiative for kids in treatment. It’s gonna be very therapeutic, very morale boosting and, uh — I’m surprised Trina hasn’t mentioned that to you. Trina? Yeah. Her friend Kai Taylor is generously lending his local celebrity status to get the program off the ground. And you’re in my wife’s office because…? Well, she’s the co-Chief of Staff, and the initiative is gonna be administered by General Hospital. It’s gonna look great for GH to have Portia up there, right next to me during the press conference. In fact, she already agreed to do it, right? Drew, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t put words in my mouth. ♪♪ [ Doorbell rings ] You have got to be kidding me. Is this Grand Central Station? Do you want me to get it? No, I’ll get it. Hi. Ric. Hi. Yeah. Uh, is it okay if I come in? Um, actually, it’s not the best time right now. It’s just gonna take a minute. I promise. It’s important. Come in. And here I thought this night couldn’t get any better. ♪♪ Hope I didn’t interrupt anything. Have you ever said that and meant it? So, what brings you by, Ric? Uh, many things. But, uh, since Lucky is here already, I might as well start by saying thank you. You found my credit card. Hold on. I can show you my ID from the firm. Oh, that’s not necessary. I believe you are who you say you are. “J.S. & Associates.” [ Chuckles ] “Marco” is just fine. Thank you. I’ve been retracing my steps trying to find this thing. Can I show my appreciation by buying you a drink? Oh, no, there’s no need. I just paid my tab. I’ll open another one. Please? I’d hate to walk away feeling like I left a good deed unrewarded. I found something on the floor and picked it up. I mean, that hardly makes me a hero. Tell that to the guy who’s been frantically looking for his corporate card. Listen, I either buy you a drink, or I send over an order of calamari. Your choice. I’m allergic to shellfish. A drink it is then. ♪♪ Anyone with eyes could see you mooning over Drew. Excuse after excuse, coming up with ways to be with him or just around him. Even Michael noticed. My issues with Michael started way before you moved in. And guess what. We all made mistakes. Me, Drew, and Michael. I think the only mistake Michael made was trusting you to be faithful. Hell, just trusting you, period. When you told him that it was just a harmless crush, that your heart was still with him and the kids, he believed you. And when he found out that you had acted on those feelings, he was devastated. So, yes, I will judge you, and I will not feel bad about it. Remind me of your due date again. You got pregnant, what? Beginning of November-ish. Right around the time Jason was mourning Sam. Are you serious? I’m just doing the math, Sasha. Wow. Oh, my God. Jason and Sam were not even together when Sam died, and they hadn’t been for years. But everyone knows their love story was epic. Sam was an obstacle for anyone who wanted Jason. But with her out of the picture, you saw your opening and you took it. So, why didn’t you want Charlotte to call Lulu? Well, I know I said that I didn’t think the WSB would go after Charlotte… But what? You changed your mind? Those agents in Argentina weren’t sent by Brennan. So that means someone — or multiple someones — at the bureau have a vested interest in shutting Valentin up permanently. They probably figured out by now that he handed Charlotte off to us. I mean, it would be a lot easier to grab Charlotte and use her to lure Valentin out than it would be to find him. They could have tapped Lulu’s phone for all we know, maybe waiting for us to contact her. But Lulu needs to know that her daughter’s coming home. She will. But in order to do that and to get Charlotte home safely, we’re gonna need to contact someone first. ♪♪ Is Miami home? I live up in Bar Harbor. I was just in the city for a client meeting. What about you? I’m here for a medical symposium. Oh. Are you a doctor? I am. That’s impressive. So, how’s the symposium going? Have you learned a lot? [ Chuckles ] Um… Uh, well, that I’m — I’m destined to make the same mistakes forever, apparently. Uh-oh. I’m — I’m — I’m sorry. I had a few drinks earlier. I am majorly oversharing. I don’t mind. What kind of mistakes are we talking? Well, let me put it this way. My ex is also on this trip, and, um… it didn’t end well. I actually hadn’t given Drew an answer on whether or not I would do the press conference. My bad. I was just wishful thinking. This program — it’s your baby. When it finally gets announced, you should be the one to take all that credit. It’s a partnership with the hospital. With you, Portia. So what happens to one of us is gonna happen to the other. I am a huge proponent of that cause. Right. Just not the man spearheading it. I get it. But the good news is the intention here is obviously just to benefit the kids. ♪♪ Okay, then. I’ll — I’ll do it. Babe, are you sure about this? On top of being a worthy cause, this could generate a whole ton of positive publicity for General Hospital, which could mean an influx of donors, which helps all the patients here at General Hospital, not just the ones in Pediatrics. And finally, as co-Chief of Staff bringing money in for the hospital? I mean, Portia, you know how quickly things can change at the top. This could help keep you there. And maybe, just maybe it’ll help people forget about “Congressman Cutthroat.” [ Chuckling ] Yeah. I mean, I don’t really care what people call me, but since we’re on the subject of publicity, I would like to offer you, Curtis, and Aurora the opportunity to cover the kickoff exclusively. What do you say? ♪♪ At least with Drew, I was acting on my sincere feelings. You acted on greed. What? Oh, come on. Jason’s wealthy on his own. Add in that Quartermaine connection? Credit where credit is due, Sasha. This baby might have been the best con you’ve ever pulled. And what do you call telling Michael that you’d love, honor, and cherish him till death do you part? Hmm? Think what you want about my choices, Willow. I didn’t break any marriage vows or any hearts. Give it time. You will. ♪♪ [ Door closes ] [ Cellphone ringing ] Excuse me. I have to take this. Please. [ Ringing continues ] Commissioner Devane. To what do I owe the pleasure? We have Charlotte Cassadine. Excellent. I don’t suppose you have Valentin, as well? Negative. Where are you? On a jet. We’ll be landing at Sussex Airfield within the hour. And you are looping me in because…? I need you to bring Lulu there to meet us without alerting anyone. Is that something that you can do for us? Cheers! Cheers! [ Laughs ] Shouldn’t be a problem. Thank you. See you soon. Brennan’s gonna meet us on the tarmac. I-I don’t know. Are you sure about bringing Brennan into this? I mean, how do you know the guys weren’t lying when they said they weren’t acting on Brennan’s orders? I can’t be certain of everything. Yeah, exactly. So we could be delivering Charlotte right into the hands of a man who’s gonna use her as a means to eliminate Valentin. Alright, Brennan may well be on the hunt for Valentin, but there is a crucial difference between him and those other agents. Which is? Well, Jack knows that if anything were to happen to Charlotte on his watch, Carly would never forgive him for it. Brennan doesn’t care what Carly thinks. Yes, he does. I mean, initially, I wasn’t sure about this, but it has become increasingly clear that when it comes to Carly, Jack doesn’t seem to have any ulterior motives. I mean, I think he’s just smitten with her. So, that — that’s all it takes to become a good guy? No. I didn’t say that Jack was a good guy. All I’m saying is that, in this instant and for our purposes, Jack wants to see Charlotte reunited with her mother as much as we do. Everything else aside, you nearly died to save Elizabeth. For that, you have my gratitude. What’s this? The real reason that I came here. It’s a hard copy of the Medical Review Board’s final decision — suitable for framing. You are officially exonerated of all responsibility in the deaths of Sylvie Mullen, Dex Heller, and Sam McCall. Didn’t we already know this? It’s still really nice to see it in writing. I was also able to secure back pay for the days of work that you were forced to miss. Oh, my God, thank you, Ric. I really — I really appreciate that. And not just all the hard work you’ve done, but, I mean, for making the effort to come over and drop this off. Well, I’m sure there is a million things that you should be doing. Yeah, my only regret is that Terri had to be the one to call me to represent you in the first place. Oh, I didn’t know that she had until right now. Yeah, it’s — it’s good that you have such a good friend. Huh. Still, you should have called me in the first place. I know. I know. I just didn’t know how serious the review was gonna be until I was right in the middle of it and… [ Sighs ] There’s something else. That I’m not entitled to your services at the drop of a hat? Nope. If you ever need a lawyer or wonder even for a second that maybe you might need one, I’d better be your first call. Got it? Got it. I mean, I may not be able to bust down doors and duke it out with lunatics… ♪♪ …but you know if you call, I’ll always pick up. ♪♪ Working with your ex can’t be easy. Yeah. Well, now imagine that it’s not a “someone you dated” ex, it’s your ex-husband. Ouch. Yeah, that — that pretty much sums it up. How long were you married? [ Sighs ] Three years. We even had a son. Or I thought we did. I’m — I am sorry. You did not sign up for any of this. You offered to buy me a drink, not — not listen to my long sob story. Excuse me. Two more? It just so happens I love long stories. The sobbier, the better. That’s not a word. Who says? The dictionary, I think. Tell me about your son. Aurora’s not the only game in town. I’m quite sure you’ll have no problem finding some other media outlet to cover your event. But your wife is already on board. Wouldn’t it look bad if her own husband wasn’t in full support? I mean, it’s a win-win, Curtis, really. For all of us. I need some time to think. Fair enough. Portia, maybe you could work on him a little bit for me. [ Chuckles ] Mm. Well, reach out to the office when you have an answer. ♪♪ Babe, help me out here. What the hell was that? Okay, well, why don’t you tell me about the latest Tracy-Drew dust-up? Sasha said things are pretty “tense” over there, and if Drew is going after the Quartermaine crypt, I’m guessing they’re way past “tense.” He’s really coming for the family crypt, and Tracy is freaking out. I don’t blame her. I went through something similar with Virginia’s grave, and it was awful. And that’s just one family member. Right, and, I mean, we’re talking about Lila, Edward, Alan, to name a few. Of course she’s gonna fight tooth and nail for them. Yeah, I mean, I’d say I’m disappointed in Drew, but I never really liked him to begin with, so… Join the club. You will see that our membership is rapidly growing. I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to cut this meeting short. Oh, I was getting ready to head out anyway. Fund raisers wait for no one. No, they don’t. Have a good evening, Deputy Mayor. You too. [ Cellphone ringing ] ♪♪ [ Sighs ] [ Ringing continues ] Deputy Mayor Ashford. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Okay, did Tracy really get arrested? Mm, never underestimate how far people are willing to go for their loved ones. Well, that’s true. Mm. Good evening, ladies. Jack. I’m sorry, Miss Spencer, but you’re gonna have to come with me. I don’t think I do. I’m sorry. It’s urgent. Wait, is this about the search for Valentin? What’s going on? I’m afraid I can’t give you any details, but you’re just gonna have to trust me. Okay, Lulu, if Jack says it’s important, you can trust him. You can go. ♪♪ Okay. Tell me what’s going on with you and Agent Brennan. We’re starting our descent. I’ll let Charlotte know. Hey, Jason. Thank you for coming with me… having my back. You didn’t need to get involved with any of this. Yes, I did. Well, I’m the one who let Valentin escape with Charlotte. I, uh — I went along with it. Because I asked you to. Because I chose to. This is on me, too, Anna. We let Valentin take Charlotte. And now we are bringing her back. So, I gave Wiley back to his father. Your nephew. Yeah. And then Brad and I got divorced, and Brad got sentenced to six months in prison. Wow. One more, then I’m just — I’m cutting myself off. Your ex must have really loved you. Why do you say that? Don’t get me wrong. He did a terrible thing. But I do believe it was to spare your pain. Brad risked his freedom. He risked everything, really. You know, you’re the first person to hear that story and have that reaction. Do you disagree? No. But that’s the part that kills me. I know Brad did what he did because he loves me. He always wanted a family of our own. He thought it would break my heart if I couldn’t have a child, so… he gave me one. And then he ended up breaking your heart anyway. Yeah, and he hurt a lot of other people, too. And — And no amount of — of love or good intentions in the world can change that. No. But it can’t erase the time you had with Wiley and Brad, either. That boy — Wiley? He may not be your son, but he’s still a part of you, Lucas. He’s the child of your heart. And he always will be. You’re right. I had a year and a half of being a dad. Those memories are mine forever. No one can take them away. You know, you’re gonna want to put that in your records as soon as possible. Um, as a matter of fact, I would do it now just in case you forget, you know? Yeah, I’ll — I’ll do that right now, and then I’ll be back to walk you out. Word of advice? Send a messenger next time. Do I detect hostility? No, no, just impatience. I meant what I said before, Lucky. You are a hero. And look what it got you — a nice comfy spot on Elizabeth’s couch from where to recover. Yeah, well, it’s a little harder to do that when random people keep dropping by with unnecessary things. Mm. You look tired. You know, I can drop you off at home. Your mother can tuck you in. Thanks for the offer, but I’m — I’m fine. I’m solid. Solid, yeah. That’s the first word that comes to mind when everybody thinks about you — solid and reliable. Elizabeth could do so much better than you. Better…like you? I know this must feel like it came out of nowhere. Yeah, it does. Especially given your fallout with Drew. But I agree with him. The initiative that he’s spearheading — it’s not only good for the kids, which is enough right there, but it’s also good for the entire hospital. As a doctor, as a mother, I have to support that, no matter what I think or feel about Drew. ♪♪ If it was just him asking, there’s no way I’d let Aurora get involved in his press conference. But you’re involved. Tell me — do you want me to cover this? Yeah. Yeah, I do. You know, for the reasons that I just said. And also Trina. Kai’s involved. You know, your support would mean so much to her. There are so many reasons to say yes, but there’s only one reason to say no. It’s a big reason. It absolutely is. But don’t let Drew’s awfulness keep you from contributing to a good cause. We both know it’s worthwhile. Honey, don’t let Drew have that kind of power over you. Well, thank you for getting here so quickly. I’m on my way to a fundraiser, so I don’t have much time. Okay. Well, I’ll make this quick. My office is spearheading a pediatric sports initiative in conjunction with GH, and we’re organizing a press conference to announce it. Sounds like a great cause. It really is. It really is. And Portia Robinson has agreed to participate. I’m hoping Aurora has exclusive coverage of the event. And I would love for you to be there representing the mayor’s office. Oh, give me a break, Drew. You’re trying to give yourself a nice bouquet to cover the stench from that Invader article. Wait a minute. So — So, you organize all these different types of events to support the community, and you’re willing to walk away from this great cause just to spite me? Like all requests that come into my office, I will take it under consideration. Well, I look forward to hearing from you, Deputy Mayor. Okay. We’re here. Tell me why or I’m leaving. There’s a jet landing in 10 minutes. Your daughter is on it. What? Charlotte’s… Charlotte’s coming home? Where was she? I don’t have any details. Anna Devane called me. She told me to bring you here. I did. Why didn’t Anna just call me? I assume she wanted me to secure your safety, as well as Charlotte’s. What matters is Charlotte’s okay. [ Inhaling sharply ] ♪♪ I can’t believe it. ♪♪ I’m about to see my daughter. You seem to be doing better these days. Oh, I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I’m not in Boston drowning myself in work anymore, so that’s something. Boston, interesting. Mnh. It wasn’t. That’s my fault. Um, after everything with Wiley and Brad, I went to Boston. I didn’t — I didn’t date, like, at all. I barely kept in contact with my friends and family. What changed? My mom died. I’m very sorry to hear that. Yeah. It was like a real wake-up call, you know? Like, our time here is so limited. We have to do as much with it as we can. We have to love people while they’re still here. So, you went home? Yeah. I still work a lot. And no action on the dating front, but I’m not hiding from life, so… there’s that. That’s a lot. It takes courage to face the things that scare you. So, how is it? Oh, well, being back with my family and friends is great. And shockingly, it hasn’t been so horrible seeing Brad again. Did seeing him stir up some old emotions? Mm, sort of. I — I started to remember why I fell in love with him in the first place and how happy he made me once upon a time. And he helped me through a really terrible time, made me feel less lonely. Someone who can do that will always have a place in your heart. Maybe not the place they used to, but…a place. And then when I found out that he’d be at this symposium… You thought it was a sign. [ Sighs ] He — He was so kind and supportive. It — It was like he was the person I fell for in the beginning and… I don’t know, with the — the beach and the moon and the tropical breeze… I started to feel something that I haven’t felt in a very long time. Possibility. Yeah. And we were just at the brink of putting it back together. But then Brad decides to tell me how he got on this trip, and it turns out he is still the same lying, manipulative person he always was. And, well, per usual, it is driven by his love for yours truly. So… maybe that’s the problem. Love? That can’t be the only answer to loneliness, right? Companionship comes in all shapes and sizes. Well… maybe… it’s as simple as… finding a gorgeous man, telling him he’s gorgeous, and taking it from there. ♪♪ More accurately, from right here. ♪♪ Oh, you’re both here. Perfect. Hey, Jordan. What’s up? I just spoke to Drew about his new pediatrics initiative. He’s certainly making his rounds, isn’t he? Mm. Let me guess — he asked if you could be at the press conference, as well. Yeah. Uh, I heard that you were on board, so I wanted to talk to you about it before I made a decision. Drew also said that Aurora might be getting involved. Is there any truth to that? But it was this “aha” moment when I realized that our lives were just incompatible. Uh-huh. Okay. And you said this to him? I did, yeah. How did he take that? Quietly. You know, he just kind of walked away, and I haven’t seen him since. Until right now. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like your rejection might have hurt his feelings. Oh, come on. [ Scoffs ] Jack Brennan has a woman in every city. I just happen to be the one in Port Charles. Well, me and Vivian. Who’s Vivian? It doesn’t matter. Look, the point is, I can’t go down this road because even if I wanted to, Jack Brennan will never commit. To what? What do you mean? Well, like, to what? What kind of commitment are you looking for? Woman: [ Gasps ] There’s your baby. Oh, my God. [ Chuckles ] Would you like to know the sex? [ Elevator dings ] Good evening, Congressman. Good evening to you. I didn’t want to leave without seeing you again. Hey, are you okay? You seem a little down. Oh, yeah. No. I’m just — I’m coming from a difficult patient. That’s all. Are you sure? Because I wouldn’t blame you. Blame me for what? Well, letting the whole “Congressman Cutthroat” nonsense get to you. Drew, let that go. I already told you — I don’t read that garbage in The Invader, and I don’t listen to anyone who wants to tell me about it. Drew: Willow… I feel like you’ve been listening to someone because it seems like more than just a difficult patient has got to you. ♪♪ ♪♪ Lulu: [ Gasps ] ♪♪ Stored and secure. Excellent. Well, I’m gonna get out of your hair. Oh. Okay. Hey. Thanks for everything. I meant what I said before. You weren’t just trying to annoy Lucky? Well, added bonus. And it was very easy. [ Chuckles ] I do want you to be happy, Elizabeth. And if there’s ever anything that I can do to help with that… I know who to call. Have a good night. Good night. ♪♪ Finally… we’re alone. ♪♪ [ Sighs ] What are you looking for, exactly? Like, to settle down? Are we talking marriage? No. I love my life. I mean, I’m happy to never get married again. Okay, then do you think maybe you’re possibly overthinking this? Me? I mean, I would never do something like that. Oh, yeah, right. If you were gonna die tomorrow, would you regret not sleeping with Jack Brennan? Aurora will cover the press conference. Jordan: Well, that’s it, then. If you two are both on board, I’ll be there. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. I mean, you helped me see that this was the right thing to do. Yeah. ♪♪ I don’t care what other people call you. I can handle it. And so can you. Scout and Wiley are a different story. And I hear what you’re saying, but I want you to know that I am working on something that’s gonna remind my constituents, remind everybody the good work that I’m doing on their behalf. And then those old headlines will be gone and forgotten in no time. Like a day — maybe two. It’s gonna work out. I promise. When you say it, I believe it. ♪♪ Believe it. ♪♪ ♪♪ So, what now? Now I think you should give me your room key. [ Exhales heavily ] ♪♪ [ Crying ] You’re home. Sweetheart, you’re finally home.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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