Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Steve and Marlena arrive at their hotel in Washington DC. They talk about not getting any sleep. Marlena mentions being worried about what they might find out. Steve says he hasn’t been in to contact with Shane but he has a couple of buddies who might be able to get them in to the ISA building. Marlena says that’s a start and declares that if Shane thinks he can keep John’s whereabouts from her, he’s got another thing coming.
Shane is on the phone in his office, saying he just got the reports and it’s as grave as they feared.
Theresa is in the town square. She calls Shane and leaves a voicemail, saying she’s been trying to call him since last night about Tate’s other Grandfather. Theresa hangs up and complains that it’s like she’s the last person he wants to deal with. Xander appears and remarks that she seems to bring that out in all of them.
Stephanie has a nightmare about Joy being pregnant with Alex’s baby then wakes up in a panic. Alex asks her what’s wrong and if she wants to talk about it. Stephanie tells him about the nightmare. Alex tells her it’s okay, reminding her that Joy told them that the test results were a false alarm and she’s not pregnant.
Joy goes to work at the Titan office and looks over her positive pregnancy test results again. Philip comes in and asks what she’s holding. Joy claims that she just donated blood and informs him that she surprised him with breakfast from the Brady Pub. Philip compliments everything Joy has done thus far and calls it an impressive start, saying he’s so glad that she’s working at Titan. Joy wishes she could say the same.
Stephanie admits that she’s very relieved that Joy isn’t pregnant. Alex says he is too, obviously. Stephanie feels selfish for thinking how it all worked out for her. Alex acknowledges that the baby would’ve screwed things up between them and Joy didn’t want a baby now either, especially not with someone who is with somebody else. Alex says this was the best outcome for everyone, not just her. Alex says if the baby did happen, he would’ve done what he needed to do for both of them, but he would have never let it come between he and Stephanie. Alex feels they’ve been through so much and survived it all that they are stronger for it, so nothing is going to come between them as he kisses her.
Xander questions what Theresa is doing in Salem. Theresa responds that she decided to go for a stroll and window shop. Xander questions her being out of prison. Theresa says she doesn’t have time for this. Xander threatens to call the cops, so Theresa reveals that she got released. Xander guesses her father pulled some strings because there’s no other way she’d be out so soon after kidnapping his daughter. Theresa tells him that she’s really sorry about that as it wasn’t right but she was only gone for an hour. Xander calls it still kidnapping. Theresa assures that this was the justice system at work and she’s paid her debt to society. Xander responds that she hasn’t paid her debt to him.
At the Brady Pub, Roman calls Johnny and leaves a message, saying he heard Kate told him what happened before he was born and he’s sorry for leaving him hanging as that wasn’t fair. Roman says he was just so worried about hurting him, but now that he knows, he’s here if he needs to talk. Roman says he loves Johnny and is proud to be his Grandfather. Roman then sits with Kayla, who asks if everything is okay. Roman calls it family drama that he can’t really get in to. Roman says for them to get to business now. Kayla repeats that she’s so grateful for him getting all of Salem behind the hospital fundraiser. Roman offers to take one of the committees off her hands but Kayla thinks she has it all covered. Roman reminds Kayla that she does have a demanding day job. Kayla assures that she’s okay and highly motivated. Roman guesses she’s trying to distract herself from thinking about John. Kayla prays that Shane can tell Steve and Marlena something about what happened to him.
Shane says on the phone that he understands why he thinks they shouldn’t go public with this right away, but there are folks out there who deserve to know and he’s not sure he feels comfortable keeping it. Steve and Marlena then enter to tell Shane they want answers and they are not leaving until they get them. Shane says under any other circumstances, he would say it’s good to see them but bursting in to his office without warning, they are lucky he didn’t shoot them. Shane questions them getting past his assistant. Steve responds that he still has connections in the ISA building. Shane asks to what he owes the pleasure. Marlena tells him this is not a social visit and they are here to get some answers, like she wants to know where her husband is. Shane responds that he already told her everything he knows which is that John’s handlers lost touch with him weeks ago. Steve argues that’s not the whole story and demands Shane tell them what the mission was that John went on before he went missing.
Xander tells Theresa that he will never forgive her for what she did to his daughter and for her trying to cheat him out of his birthright. Theresa responds that her plan went belly up and she lost everything while Xander got Titan and everything else, but maybe not everything. Theresa suggests her sentence should’ve got a few months knocked off since her con only cost him half his birth right. Theresa asks how Xander feels about having to share his big inheritance with Philip.
Philip questions if Joy regrets coming to work at Titan. Joy asks him to forget she said anything. Joy clarifies that she likes working at Titan and she’s beyond grateful that he took a chance on her, so Philip asks what the problem is. Joy guesses she’s just afraid that her presence at the office might cause some issues because it’s going to be weird working there with Alex and she doesn’t want to cause trouble for he and Stephanie. Philip questions why she would be causing trouble for them.
Stephanie tells Alex that she’s sorry if it seems like she’s borrowing trouble, but she feels so used to things always going wrong that it somehow feels off when everything works out. Alex tells her that Marlena once told him an uncomfortable feeling doesn’t mean it’s bad, just unfamiliar. Alex suggests they stop paying attention to all the noise and just focus on their future together, because that’s all he wants more than anything. Stephanie responds that she wants that too as they kiss.
Roman tells Kayla that he has every confidence that Steve and Marlena will shake something out of Shane. Kayla asks what if it’s not the answer they want or if something really happened to John. Roman admits the thought has crossed his mind too. Kayla says her heart sank when she heard that Marlena got that call and says that is her worst nightmare. Kayla brings up her and Steve getting in to it last summer about all of this after Steve and Chad were getting on a jet to track down Clyde without telling her. Kayla wanted Steve to pass the torch and let somebody else be the hero. Roman guesses that’s what his sisters get for marrying ISA agents, pointing out that Kayla and Kimberly knew what they were getting in to. Kayla argues that sooner or later, this life catches up with you and she prays that it hasn’t caught up to John.
Shane tells Steve that he should know mission detail are confidential. Shane wishes there was more he could do. Steve tells him there is as he could tell them where John was last seen and they will start their own investigation. Marlena adds that if the ISA will not bring John home, then she will.
Xander tells Theresa that Titan is none of her concern. Theresa guesses she hit a nerve and asks if it’s eating him up inside that he’s only half the heir he thought he was. Xander supposes he could forgive her being out of the loop since she was locked up, but partnering with Philip has been a positive experience for both of them. Theresa accuses him of lying. Xander admits he wasn’t keen on sharing Titan at first, but Philip has stepped up to the plate over the last few weeks with cutting edge ideas. Xander says they compliment each other which shocks Theresa, who questions if Xander is actually happy that Victor’s letter cost him his birthright. Xander responds that he is, feeling he and Philip bring out the best in each other. Xander remarks that unlike Theresa’s letter, Philip’s is the real deal.
Philip tells Joy that he knows Alex hasn’t always been the most mature, but he thinks he can handle working with an ex unless there’s something still going on. Joy assures that they are over, but she worries that her presence will be a constant reminder to Alex and Stephanie that they once had a thing and it will only get worse with time. Philip insists these situations usually get better with time. Joy points out that did not happen with Johnny and Chanel as she’s still dealing with the fallout. Philip feels Johnny was the one who did Chanel dirty, the same way that Alex did Joy. Philip encourages Joy that it shouldn’t be on her that men lacked integrity and that she doesn’t have to carry this burden. Joy wishes that were true, so Philip asks what she means. Joy admits there’s something she hasn’t told Alex yet, that will change everything. Philip thinks she means that she still has feelings for Alex. Joy tries to deny that but Philip says he doesn’t like that she has to spare her feelings for someone else and suggests she go talk to Alex to clear the air, so they can get on the same page and decide how to proceed. Joy decides maybe he’s right. Philip says he has to go visit his mom at the Pub. Philip tells Joy to think about what he said as sometimes it’s best when these things are out in the open. Philip then exits the office.
Alex and Stephanie continue kissing in bed until Stephanie remembers she’s supposed to meet Kayla for a meeting about the hospital fundraiser. Stephanie reminds Alex that it’s his second day at Titan and won’t want to be later than he already is. Alex thinks he’ll be alright after he was brought in to the inner circle in the secret meeting at the mansion. Alex asks if it bothers Stephanie that he can’t tell her about it. Stephanie flashes back to arguing with Philip about the forged letter. Stephanie then tells Alex that she understands sometimes in family business, that’s the way it goes, so there will have to be secrets between them.
Xander asks Theresa if he needs to spell out the difference between Theresa’s lies and finding out Victor’s true wishes. Xander calls her more delusional than he thought and goes to walk away but Theresa tells him that she’s sorry and that she deeply regrets ever getting mixed up with Konstantin as Xander and Maggie did not deserve to get caught in that. Xander tells Theresa that they won’t have a problem as long as she stays away from Maggie, Sarah, and Victoria. Theresa says she understands as Xander walks away. Theresa calls that a hell of a way to start the day as she tries to call Shane again.
Marlena knows Shane thinks the fate of the world rides on every mission, but John is her world along with his children and grandchildren, so she’s going to bring him home. Marlena tells Shane to either help her or get out of her way, but she will not stop and she will find him. Marlena asks if Shane wouldn’t do this for the person he loves. Shane responds that he will deny he ever did, but he can share that John’s handler lost track of him in Estonia. Marlena thanks him. Steve asks if there’s nothing else they need to know. Shane puts his hand over a folder on his desk. Shane repeats that he’s not authorized to tell them anything about John, but says that’s all he knows. Marlena guesses that will have to do, so she exits. Steve thanks Shane and follows her out.
Kayla asks Roman how he found peace in letting go of his badge to run the Brady Pub and asks if there are any tips to use on Steve. Roman says it just came to a time where saving the world meant nothing if he couldn’t save his family, but notes that Steve and Kayla seem to have it well adjusted. Stephanie then arrives at the Pub to meet with Kayla. Stephanie greets them and asks if everything is okay. Kayla responds that they are just worried about John. Philip then enters the Pub and greets them. He asks if Kate is around but Roman says he just missed her as she went to Chicago to visit Cassie but he’ll tell her that he stopped by. Philip thanks him and then asks Stephanie if she has a second to talk in private, so they step outside. Kayla tells Roman that maybe if they didn’t have such solid kids, Steve would have to pack it in. Roman warns her to be careful because where ever Alex Kiriakis goes, drama is sure to follow.
Alex runs in to Theresa in the town square and is shocked that they released her. Theresa is sure he has a lot to say, but she just ran in to Xander and can’t take another pile on. Alex says he doesn’t admire what she did last year, but he moved on and is happy now with Stephanie. Theresa is surprised to learn that they are back together and jokes about the Kiriakis boys keeping it in the family. Theresa says humor is how she copes with being persona non grata now. Alex gets it and hopes things work out for her. Alex says it’s not remotely in the same league as what she did, but when everyone thought he was Victor’s son, he became a jerk to everyone especially his father and he just recently ended a relationship poorly, so he knows first hand that people can make mistakes and learn from them. Alex repeats that he hopes things turn around for Theresa. Theresa thanks him and wishes him the very best with Stephanie, as she hopes nothing gets in the way of his happiness.
Joy looks over her pregnancy test results, wondering if Alex and Stephanie can handle the truth.
Philip and Stephanie go to the town square where she asks what he wants. Philip just wanted to see how things are going with Alex. Stephanie responds that things are going really well and that Alex was really excited about his first day at Titan. Philip says he’s glad to hear it and they wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Stephanie guesses that’s what he wanted to talk about. Philip talks about being co-CEO of Titan and having a duty to his employees, shareholders, and himself, so he needs to know if she’s planning to blow up everyone’s lives. Philip then asks Stephanie if she’s going to tell Alex that he forged Victor’s letter.
Roman tells Kayla that Maggie called him last night and offered to buy coffee for the whole hospital staff until the financial crisis is over. Roman asks if Kayla can help him out until Kate gets back. Kayla knows he’s trying to distract her and she loves him for it. Roman says he knows it’s hard and he’s worried about John too. Roman says he’s learned over the years that when Steve and Marlena form a united front, it’s best not to underestimate them.
Steve and Marlena return to the hotel. Steve says he’ll arrange their flights to get to Estonia by morning, if they think Shane was telling them the truth. Marlena thinks he was by his expression and body language. Marlena says she doesn’t think Shane was lying, but she thinks he might have been holding something back and that there’s something he doesn’t want them to know.
Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news…
Stephanie tells Philip to skip the pleasantries next time and get straight to it. Philip asks her again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a bush as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret.
Joy prepares to leave the Titan office as Alex arrives and says he was just looking for Philip but guesses he’s not there. Alex tells Joy that he’s glad he ran in to her as he wanted to apologize for last night because he realized he could’ve handled that a lot more gracefully. Alex tells Joy that he and Stephanie didn’t mean to upset her as they know she’s going through a lot. Joy thanks him. Alex asks her to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him.
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