Y&R Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Felicia warns Carly that she is being followed by the private detective and she is able to sneak out of Brennan’s office without being spotted by the private detective. Felicia tells Carly that she has to figure out why someone would pay to have a private detective follow her.

Anna tells Jason that their kiss was an isolated incident and will never happen again.

Kristina disobeys her mother and father who tell her not to go to the police because she will only make things worse and she goes to Anna and tells her she has information about John Cates murder.

Sonny tells Jason that if the gun that Alexis threw in the river isn’t found, he will have to turn himself in to the police. Jason tells Sonny that the police will have to find the gun that Alexis threw in the river.

Jason lends Lucky $150,000 and tries to persuade him not to go to Africa because his family needs him right now. Lucky doesn’t know what to do, so he goes to the hospital chapel to ask God for guidance about what to do.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Carter walked in on Liam, Hope and Beth sharing pizza for lunch in Hope’s office, so he goes to excuse himself, even though they assure him that he can stay. Beth, wanting to leave her parents along together, insists on leaving with Carter to help him his work. Liam and Hope reminisce about the past, including flashbacks. Liam wonders if they went through everything with Beth, just to end up apart?

Brooke visits Eric at home. Brooke thinks he looks great, but he credits Donna for that. He wonders how she’s doing since Taylor is back in town. She doesn’t want to put Ridge in the middle again for have that fight with Taylor. She hopes they can be friends instead of rivals. Brooke thinks they’ve matured enough for that. Eric knows how their fighting over Ridge affects everyone, especially Steffy. Brooke is happy for Taylor and Ridge’s family, but she’s a bit worried about Taylor.

Ridge and Steffy are at work. She tells him that their promo with JJ worked out well. He’s distracted, so she asks if it’s because of Taylor. Ridge keeps sidestepping Steffy’s questions about her mom. Steffy hopes that Taylor can stay in town, but she thinks she seems different. They mention what Steffy went through with Luna, and how Taylor helped her deal with that. She doesn’t plan to play matchmaker, but she does point out that there’s magic between her parents – a connection that will always exist. She thinks it’s hard for Taylor to see him with Brooke. Ridge assures her that, even though he’s committed to Brooke, he’ll always be there for Taylor. They hug. Brooke overhears the end of their conversation outside the door, making her more suspicious.


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Days Short Recap Monday, October 7, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ went to Paulina with a signed statement from Stefan recanting his statement about EJ helping Sloan with the baby switch. He said she didn’t have a reason to fire him. Paulina said Melinda didn’t want the job so she didn’t have a replacement for him. EJ said he will keep the job and wasn’t going to hold her up. She said they both knew the statement was a lie and wondered how he got Stefan to sign it. He said it was the truth and that Stefan tried to ruin him so he threatened to sue him for defamation. She asked what they were going to do when they ran out of things to use against each other. Before EJ left, he said that wouldn’t happen. Stefan went to see Gabi at the hospital. She wondered what he was there. He said he talked to his lawyer and was filing for divorce. Stefan said he was surprised she didn’t file first. Gabi said he vowed to fight for their marriage and wondered what made him rush to file for divorce. He said he didn’t rush. They were both miserable together so there was no point in dragging it out. Gabi felt it was still sudden and wondered why he did it now. Stefan told her that EJ told him he would never be able to get the image of her and EJ out of his head. Gabi said she knew what he meant because she kept seeing him with Ava. He said there was no fixing it so there was nothing left to fight for. She said when the bomb ticked off and she thought she was going to die, she found herself wanting to tell him she loved him one more time. When he came to the hospital that night, she was going to forgive him until he said he was going to have sex with Ava. He said he didn’t sleep with Ava, but she tried to sleep with EJ for a second time except he turned her down. Gabi said she wanted to hurt him the way he hurt her. She said hurting someone you’re supposed to love is something you shouldn’t do. Gabi reminded him about the way he treated her when he came back into her life. Stefan said they found their way back to each other and were happy. She said the only thing keeping her going in prison was him waiting for her and then she found out he cheated on her with Ava. He apologized to her and would give anything to erase what he did.

Stefan told Gabi that he never loved anyone the way he loved her. He said she was his everything. While he was talking, he recited what he told her on their anniversary. He said he was a fool who messed up everything. She agreed that he messed up and said she messed up too. They apologized to each other. Gabi told him the damage was done and there was nothing left for them. She told him to file for divorce so they could get it over with. They said goodbye to each other before Stefan left. When he left Gabi cried. Abby met Chad at the Horton House. Chad told her he wanted to tell the kids the truth. Abby said they couldn’t do that. She said they agreed to wait because it was too soon. Chad said the kids needed her and have gone long enough without her. He said the longer they waited, the bigger the chance of them finding out from someone else. Abby said she didn’t want them to find out from a stranger, but she was just starting to remember things. She asked what was wrong with waiting. Chad said the kids were smart and would figure it out. He said they needed their mother. Chad asked if she wanted her old life back. He thought seeing the kids would bring back memories. Abby said she felt like she disappointed him by not remembering and didn’t want to do the same thing to the kids. Julie showed up with the kids. Thomas asked who Abby was. He wondered why Abby was staring at him and why Chad was being quiet. Abby said she heard a lot about them and was a friend of the family. When Julie took the kids out of the room, Chad asked if seeing the kids triggered anything. Abby said it didn’t. He said he didn’t know what to do, but she had an idea. Ava went to the Bistro to see Stefan’s job offer still stood. Stefan asked if she was going to quit again. She said it depended on whether he was getting back together with Gabi. He said they weren’t getting back together. Ava asked if he was sure of what he was doing. He said part of him would always love Gabi but they couldn’t get past the mistakes they made. Ava said she appreciated the job, but she would take the job at the Brady Pub if it would help him get back together with Gabi. EJ went to see Gabi. He said Rafe told him to stay away from her. EJ asked her how they were going to live with each other. Gabi said it was a big house so they would figure it out. She told him Stefan was filing for divorce. While they were talking, she brought up how EJ taunted Stefan about not getting the image of them sleeping together out of his head. EJ admitted to tell Stefan that. She said he wanted to ruin her marriage. He apologized if he ruined her marriage, but he thought their marriage was over when they had sex. She said he was right and that getting upset with him was better than blaming herself. Gabi said she was the one who came on to him and he was a gentleman who turned her down when she wanted to have sex again. EJ suggested she fight for her marriage if she didn’t want it to end, but she thought it was over.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Hattie confronted Leo about getting fired. He let her know that Kate and Abe knew about it and didn’t want to tell her because she wouldn’t do the scenes. He didn’t want them to be out of work. Grinning, Hattie liked the idea of them being out of work. She started crying because she wouldn’t get an Emmy. Leo wanted to be friends with her, but she vowed to get revenge on him. She stormed off. Bonnie embraced Kate and Abe for not killing off her character. She pitched ideas of what to do with her character. Kate stopped her by reminding her that the show is an ensemble production. Abe agreed with her and stated the show didn’t have stars. They had to work together. Bonnie decided to stop pushing her luck, but she asked for a raise. They gave her a look that told her that she wasn’t getting the raise. Johnny had a nightmare about Alex being in his bed with Chanel. He woke up screaming. His screaming woke up Chanel. She understood why he had the dream since she and Alex were doing their love scenes that day. Johnny knew that it was his job and couldn’t let his insecurities get in the way. She assured him that she didn’t have feelings for Alex. Their fling happened in the past, and she doesn’t think about it. She told him they were friends. This news surprised Johnny because he didn’t know they made up. Chanel explained that they decided to get along.

Stephanie told Jada that she was okay with being friends with Alex. Alex appeared at her doorstep. He was shirtless and sweaty which made her eyes bug out. Stephanie got off the phone with Jada to talk to Alex. He told her that he was at the gym to work off his nerves about his love scenes with Chanel. She offered to drive him to the set. Alex wanted to take a shower before going to the set. Fanning herself, Stephanie needed a shower too. Leo arrived at the Body & Soul office and told Kate and Abe about his interaction with Hattie. Kate wanted him to watch the death scene with her, but he was exhausted. She complimented the scenes he wrote. Having Hatting fall down an elevator shaft was brilliant. Leo admitted he got the idea from LA Law. Hattie arrived at the set and gave Bonnie the cold shoulder. Filming began for the soap opera. They were filming Hattie’s death scene, but she hesitated to do it. Johnny directed her to step in the elevator. Kayla noticed Chanel outside. She was in pain, so Kayla took care of her. Chanel didn’t feel any better, Kayla wanted her to get checked out. Production could wait, so she could get examined. Alex and Stephanie arrived at the hospital and got a message from Chanel. He asked Stephanie to run lines with her. They got carried away and things got steamy between them. Hattie continued to hesitate to do the elevator scene. She tried to get Bonnie and Seth to get in the elevator. They wouldn’t do it because it was for her. She refused to do it. Hattie couldn’t stop them from killing her character, but she wouldn’t help them do it. She stormed off. Hattie stormed into Kate and Abe’s office. She put them on noticed that she planned to destroy the soap. Hattie stormed out of the office. Chanel was in pain and thought the show was cursed. She wanted to go to the set, but Kayla told her that she had to call out. Kayla told her that she wouldn’t be doing the love scene. Johnny went to the exam room. Seth warned him that Arrow and Faith got carried away. He thought they were rehearsing, but he realized they were together for real. Upset, Johnny stormed into the room. Alex was on top of Stephanie with a sheet on top of them. They were kissing under the sheet. Johnny only saw Alex’s back.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Martin hires a private detective to follow Carly to find out if she and Sonny are back together. Felicia knows the private detective and she wonders what her new case may be.

Lucky can’t be a donor for Lulu because he has a parasite in his liver. Dante and Sam promise Rocco that they will find a donor for his mom.

Anna tells Jason that they need to talk about their kiss.

Sam tells Alexis keep looking for the gun, but the police divers haven’t found the gun she threw in the river. Sam tells Alexis that she also dove in the water and couldn’t find the gun either. Sam intends to go back in the water to keep looking for the gun. Alexis tells Sam not to do that, She wants her to help Alexis and Molly resolve their argument with each other.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Mariah and Tessa ask Claire if she would consider being Aria’s nanny since their nanny is leaving in two weeks to pursue a career as a poet. Claire tells Mariah and Tessa she will think about the job offer. Claire tells Victoria that she should ask Cole to move in with her. Vic doesn’t think she and Cole have reached that point in their relationship yet.

Chance talks to Lucy to try and see if she can lend any insight as to why Heather would want to leave town. Lucy tells Chance that Heather wanted to leave town because of the way Sharon had been behaving toward them ever since she and Faith had the car accident. Chance tells Daniel that someone used an app so Heather’s phone could not be traced. The last legitimate location for the phone was inside the apartment building.

Sharon and Nick go out to dinner. Sharon gets all dressed up because she thinks it’s a real date while Nick is dressed casually because he thinks it’s a dinner between friends. Sharon arrives home and fantasizes about making love to Nick after their date but, instead, Nick gave her an awkward hug and didn’t walk her to the door.

Cameron tells Sharon that she has work to do if she doesn’t want to get arrested for Heather ‘s murder.

Sharon is surprised when Chance arrives to question her about Heather’s death.

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Having just kissed, Hope and Carter discuss their feelings and beam at each other.

At home, Finn and Steffy kiss. She talks about how good things are with them, and she calls him a hero for all the times he’s rescued her. They show flashbacks to Finn rescuing Steffy. They tempt fate by saying that nothing will tear them apart. Then they kiss again.

Liam and Will continue to have lunch with the Forrester women, Lainey (who’s in marketing) and Toni (who’s in sales). Liam extolls Will’s virtue and shows them photos of Will, and of his daughters. Sheila comes by and meets the women, welcoming them. She offers them dessert on the house, but the woman have to leave for a meeting. Liam is more polite to Sheila than usual, but we can tell it’s difficult for him. Will is jokingly annoyed with Liam, telling him that he’s the worst wingman ever. Will asks Liam if he’s been dating, but he hasn’t. He talks about Hope and Steffy. He feels Will in a little bit about why his marriage to Hope broke up. He misses her, but they’ve been through too much now. Will urges him to try again with Hope. Liam tells Will that they make great co-parents. Beths’ manny, Bodie, brings her to see Liam. Beth suggests they get some pizza and bring it to Hope. Hope is glad to see them, and they joke around. Carter drops by to see Hope but can tell that he’s walking in on a family dinner.


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Days Update Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Leo goes over the Body and Soul script as he walks through the town square and runs in to Hattie, who questions if he’s going somewhere. Leo responds that he’s going to work. Hattie remarks that’s because he has a job, unlike her. Hattie declares that thanks to Leo, she’s out on her ass.

Abe and Kate go to the Body and Soul studio where they find a fruit basket. Bonnie arrives and reveals it’s from her as a thank you for saving her life as she hugs them.

At the hospital, Seth Burns talks to Kayla about having doubts about filming Body and Soul at the hospital but admits it’s been a fun experience so far. Kayla says she thought it would be good for the hospital. Seth reveals that he thinks he’s been bitten by the acting bug.

Johnny has a nightmare about Alex coming to make love to Chanel as he yells at them to stop. Johnny then wakes up in a panic, causing Chanel to ask him what’s wrong.

Stephanie sits at home, on the phone with Jada and says she’s so happy that Rafe is home. Jada asks about her and Alex, but Stephanie says there’s nothing to report as she didn’t even see him on set yesterday. Stephanie repeats that her and Alex are just friends and she’s totally fine with that, as Alex then shows up at her door without a shirt on. Stephanie tells Jada they’ll talk soon as she hangs up. Alex says he’s sorry as he didn’t mean to interrupt but Stephanie says it’s okay and invites him in. She tells him that Jada was just updating her on Rafe being home from the hospital which Alex says is great news. Stephanie asks what brought him by. Alex says he brought her a pumpkin spice latte as he knows how much they both like their morning caffeine. Alex talks about how he hit the gym this morning to work out some of his nerves as he’s shooting the big love scene with Chanel today.

Chanel brings Johnny a glass of water and questions him yelling “stop it” in his sleep, assuming he had a bad dream which he confirms. Chanel asks if he wants to tell her about it. Johnny says not really but Chanel insists, so he admits it was about her and Alex. Chanel tells him she’s so sorry but guesses it makes sense since Johnny is going to be directing their love scene today. Johnny knows she’s been upset with his jealousy issues but he also knows that he can’t let his irrational feelings get in the way of him doing his job. Johnny admits seeing them together like at the photoshoot brings back images of them actually together for real. Chanel asks him to try to believe her as she tells him one last time that she has no feelings for Alex and the time they were together with Allie was in the past and she never thinks about that anymore, insisting they are just co-workers and friends now. Johnny questions them being friends.

Hattie thought she and Leo were friends. Leo argues that they still are and he knows she’s upset. Hattie complains about Leo writing her out of the show that she was starring in, arguing that it was going to get her a daytime Emmy. Leo argues that he didn’t write her out since the producers make those decisions. Leo says he would’ve loved to have seen her character Charlemagne remain on the show. Hattie complains about having no notice at all. Leo insists that it wasn’t his call and he wanted to tell her, so Hattie questions why he didn’t. Leo informs her that Abe and Kate were worried that she would leave without filming her scenes if she knew she was going to get fired and then they’d all be out of work. Hattie responds that she kind of likes the sound of that.

Bonnie praises Abe and Kate for saving her character Cassandra’s life and how she feels like she’s a part of her now. Bonnie asks if all of Charlemagne’s stuff will be up for grabs now like her clothes and her mansion or her grief stricken husband. Bonnie wonders if she should pitch it to Leo. Kate stops her and says none of that will be happening. Kate reminds her that Body and Soul is an ensemble production, so when Hattie didn’t respect that, they had no choice but to send her to soap opera Heaven. Kate remarks that she’s sure Charlemagne would love to have Cassandra join here there. Bonnie gets that Body and Soul isn’t a one star vehicle and apologizes for going overboard. Abe tells her it’s okay and reminds her that Body and Soul has no stars as they all work together in harmony and humility. Bonnie assures she would never want to be like Hattie. Bonnie asks if she could get a raise with Hattie being gone, then quickly says maybe not. Bonnie decides she will leave them to their work and hurries out.

Seth informs Kayla that he was written in to another scene for today as the producers were apparently impressed by his previous performance. Kayla calls him a man of many talents. Seth says he won’t give up his day job yet, but asks Kayla to let the Body and Soul producers know that he wouldn’t be averse to a romantic interest or a love scene.

Stephanie thought Alex was talking to Kate about putting the love scene off. Alex says they did but apparently too many actors asked for script changes that Kate didn’t want Leo for more rewrites, so the scene couldn’t be postponed. Alex says he’s disappointed in it happening too soon and rushing the whole story. Stephanie asks how Alex feels about acting with Chanel since they don’t seem to get along. Alex says it’s not much of an issue anymore as they called a truce and agreed to try to start fresh. Stephanie calls that very mature of them. Alex says now that the huge love scene is happening today, he’s praying they can get through it without any problems. Stephanie is sure it will be fine since Alex and Chanel worked things out, but questions how Johnny feels about it.

Johnny thought Chanel and Alex couldn’t stand each other and questions them suddenly now being friends. Chanel asks what’s so shocking about that since they obviously have to work together, so they decided it would be a little less awkward if they just got along. Johnny agrees that the less backstage drama, the better. Chanel feels there will be enough drama on screen. Johnny decides they should get going so they aren’t late for rehearsals. Chanel mentions her and Alex running the hospital scenes. Johnny didn’t realize Chanel had hospital scenes which she explains. Johnny then mentions needing to get to the set anyways since they are filming Charlemagne’s death scenes which he feels will be a little tricky.

Hattie calls Leo an accomplice after the fact of getting her character killed off. Leo questions how that is. Hattie feels tricked and duped because she thought Bonnie was being killed off. Leo explains that he thought it would be more of a shock to the audience which means bigger ratings. Hattie calls that clever of him but also hurtful, arguing that he killed her off before she even had a week under contract. Hattie thought she would get a daytime Emmy nomination or a fan club started. Hattie starts to cry. Leo tells her that he’s really sorry and he hates that things turned out this way. Leo tries to encourage her but brings up that Roman said it’s show business not friendship, so he really hopes they can still hang out but Hattie says no. Hattie tells Leo that if he sees her coming down the street, she wants him to go the other way or else she will end him. Hattie then storms off.

Alex tells Stephanie that he’s hoping Johnny will be cool with directing his love scene with Chanel. Alex mentions that he suggested getting another director but Johnny wants to prove he’s professional. Stephanie hopes it all works out. Alex says he should go get cleaned up and jokes about not making Chanel work so hard to pretend to be attracted to him. Stephanie offers Alex a ride to the set to thank him for the latte. Alex accepts and says he’ll be back in a bit as he needs to shower. After he leaves, Stephanie remarks to herself that she could use a cold shower.

Leo goes to the studio and tells Kate that he’s feeling like a bad friend and rotten person in general. Kate asks what he’s upset about. Leo informs her that he ran in to Hattie, who blames him for killing her off. Leo says Hattie is holding a grudge and be spiteful and vindictive, mentioning that Hattie warned him to watch out. Kate is sure at some point, she will calm down. Leo says maybe when they are all killed off in real life. Kate encourages that it will be sooner than that. Kate then informs him that they are about to film her death scene and asks if he wants to watch it on the monitor which Leo declines.

Johnny prepares to begin directing at the hospital and sees Abe, noting that he wasn’t expecting to see him on set. Abe explains that he thought it would be good to have one of the producers on set for Hattie’s death scene just in case which Johnny says is a good call. Johnny begins directing Seth and Bonnie, then calls out for Charlemagne but Hattie is not there. Abe wonders where she is.

Chanel sits in the park holding her back in pain. Kayla finds her and asks if she’s alright. Chanel responds that she thinks she threw her back out. Kayla offers to check her out and asks what happened. Chanel explains that she was going to the hospital with Johnny but she had time before rehearsing with Alex, so she went to the Bakery and on her way back through the park, she stopped to tie her shoe and had a nasty pain in her back. Kayla thinks she might have pulled a muscle. Chanel says she has to get to set for her big scene with Alex but Kayla encourages her to rest a little bit as she still has time before the scene.

Stephanie and Alex arrive at the hospital. Alex thanks her for the ride and says he’ll get extra rehearsal time with Chanel. Stephanie says she will go check the shooting but Alex gets a text from Chanel that she’s running late. Alex says he hoped to get in some practice, so he asks Stephanie to run some lines with him which she agrees to do. Seth comes in and asks if they have seen Hattie but they have not.

Abe asks Johnny if Hattie could’ve just left. Bonnie calls it unprofessional. Seth returns and says Hattie is not in her dressing room and no one has seen her. Abe says he was afraid of that and asks how they are going to shoot Hattie’s death without Hattie. Hattie then arrives, complaining that the hospital is like a maze. Johnny then says they will get started. Bonnie tells Hattie to stop looking at her like that as it’s not like she asked them to kill her off, even though Hattie was thrilled when Cassandra was getting killed off. Hattie just wants to get the show going.

Kate tells Leo that the scenes being shot today were really well written. Leo says as bad as Hattie feels about being killed off and as rotten as he feels, she’s going out with a bang. Leo talks about knowing he had to come up with a fitting ending, but they were pressed for time, so he remembered how they killed off a very memorable character on LA Law.

Johnny directs Bonnie and Hattie at the hospital as Cassandra and Charlemagne where they talk about wishing each other dead but wanting to start clean, so they agree to a truce and shake hands. Johnny then directs Hattie to push the button to the elevator.

Leo explains to Kate how Rosalind Shays was killed off on LA Law by falling down an elevator shaft.

Johnny directs Hattie to wave, turn, and step on to the elevator but she hesitates.

Kayla asks Chanel if she’s feeling better. Chanel says not really but she doesn’t want to hold up production so she needs to get to the hospital. Kayla agrees but decides she’s taking her to the emergency room, not the set. Chanel worries about her scenes with Alex but Kayla says that can wait as they walk off together.

Alex rehearses lines with Stephanie where Alex’s character talks about not squandering a second of time when you find the person you love. Alex then kisses Stephanie, who comments that this is going to be some love scene as they kiss onto the hospital bed.

Johnny directs Hattie to get on to the elevator but she says she can’t because there’s no elevator to get on to. Johnny says that’s the point as she’s supposed to fall down the shaft. Hattie argues that it’s easy for him to say since he’s not the one doing it. Abe encourages that it’s only three feet deep and she will fall on an air mattress. Hattie says that’s not it and declares that she doesn’t want to die.

Kate tells Leo that she thought she remembered the elevator shaft. Leo says there was a 90s sitcom that paid homage to that where the actor didn’t want to get on the elevator because he knew he was getting killed off, just like Hattie.

Johnny encourages Hattie that she can do this as she’s a professional actor. Hattie agrees, so Johnny calls to restart the scene. Hattie as Charlemagne tries inviting Bonnie as Cassandra to come with her but she points out that she’s on an IV. Hattie tries telling Seth to get on the elevator but he says he has to monitor Cassandra, so the elevator is just for her. Johnny directs Hattie again to get on the elevator now but Hattie turns to him and refuses to do it. Hattie declares that they can kill off her character if that’s what they want as she can’t stop them, but she will not help them do it. Hattie then walks off set.

Leo runs in to Bonnie in the town square. Leo asks how it went on set. Bonnie informs him that Hattie refused to do the stunt. Leo questions how they ended the scene then. Bonnie says they didn’t and had to end early because Hattie stormed off set.

Abe returns to Kate in the studio and tells her about Hattie storming off set. Kate asks what they are going to do. Hattie arrives and calls them her favorite backstabbers. Kate warns her that she won’t get paid for breaking contract. Hattie tells her to keep the money and calls them traitors, adding that she thinks she’s going to leave town. Hattie declares that they are going to regret the day they crossed her and she’s going to make sure they pay for it. Hattie vows to make sure they are cursed along with everyone involved with the show. Hattie remarks that she’ll make sure Body and Soul’s fictional town of Pineview goes up in flames as she storms out.

Kayla checks Chanel out at the hospital as Chanel says it’s like they’re cursed. Chanel asks Kayla to help her over to the set but Kayla says no one would expect her to do her scenes in this condition, so she will let Abe and Kate know that she’s calling in sick and will be much better tomorrow. Chanel worries about her scene with Alex but Kayla repeats it will have to wait and says she’s sorry but there will be no love scene today.

Johnny goes to the hospital room set but Seth stops him outside and advises him not to go in as he tells him that Faith and Arrow are inside and at first, he thought they were just rehearsing but then he realized they were in a steamy love scene for real. Seth walks away, leaving Johnny in disbelief.

Alex and Stephanie have sex on the hospital bed as Johnny walks in, assuming that it’s Alex and Chanel.

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Days Update Monday, October 7, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

EJ goes to see Paulina and informs her that Stefan is not going to be a problem anymore.

Gabi questions Stefan bringing her flowers but he clarifies that they were at the desk so a nurse asked him to bring them in. Stefan opens the card and sees they are from her assistants at Gabi Chic, wishing her a speedy recovery and mentioning they thought Connie was a psycho. Gabi remarks that everyone could see Connie was insane except her. Gabi then asks Stefan what he’s doing there. Stefan informs her that he just spoke to his lawyer and announces he’s filing for divorce which Gabi questions. Stefan asks why she sounds surprised when she told him that she was going to take him for everything he’s worth and divided the house. Stefan says he’s surprised that she didn’t file first. Gabi calls it ironic since he once said he would fight tooth and nail for their marriage but now he’s eager to end it. Gabi questions his sudden rush to divorce her.

Julie walks Thomas and Charlotte through the town square. Thomas talks about wanting to get home to play an online video game but Julie informs him that he’s going to have to postpone because Chad has a very special surprise for them when they get home.

“Abigail” goes to see Chad, who notes that she got there quick and informs her that Julie took the kids to the bakery. Chad then informs her that he wanted her to come over because when the kids get home, he’s going to tell them the truth that their mother is alive because it’s time. “Abigail” disagrees and says they absolutely cannot do that.

Ava goes to the Brady Pub where Roman says he’s been meaning to talk to her as there are new security cameras and he’s having the locks changed so he will get her new keys. Roman says he feels really bad about what she went through with Connie. Ava assures there’s nothing he could’ve done. Ava adds that she knows she’s still behind on rent and since she walked away from her job at the Pub, she doesn’t know when she will be able to pay him back. Roman brings up her leaving for a better job but Ava tells him that he’s aware of how fast things change in this town.

Stefan tells Gabi that he’s not in a rush to divorce her but he’s just thinking what is the point of dragging it on. Stefan states that they are both miserable so they should just cut their losses and end things. Gabi feels it still feels kind of sudden and asks why today. Stefan responds that he and EJ got into it earlier today and EJ said something that really resonated with him, even though he was obviously trying to goad him. Gabi asks what he said. Stefan informs her that EJ told him he’s never going to be able to erase the image of he and Gabi together and he’s right. Gabi responds that she can relate because ever since she found out about Stefan and Ava, she can’t get the mental images out of her head either, so she understands. Stefan guesses she also understands then that there is no fixing this as she can’t get over he and Ava while he can’t get over her and EJ, so there’s nothing left to fight for.

“Abigail” argues that they discussed this and decided it was too soon for the kids to meet her, so she questions what has changed. Chad argues that it’s too important to keep putting off and the kids need and miss her. Chad talks about the longer it goes, the more likely it is that the kids find out from someone random. Chad says he’s kept it out of the papers but there are a lot of people in and out of the DiMera Mansion. Chad feels they need to control what Thomas and Charlotte hear and how which is why it’s important that they tell them and they don’t find out from someone else.

Thomas asks Julie what the surprise is. Julie says if she told them, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore. Leo comes by and greets them. Julie tells him that they are in a rush. Leo tells the kids how proud Chad is of them and how he would show him pictures of them when they were at work. Thomas questions Leo saying he doesn’t work for Chad anymore. Leo informs him that he’s now the head writer of Body and Soul, making the big bucks. Julie says they have to get on their way but Thomas has one more question and asks Leo if he’s still the tooth fairy, showing him that he has a loose tooth. Leo responds that he’s not a fairy after all. Leo then calls it a great day and adds that there’s great news about his mom. Thomas remarks that his mom is dead and questions what’s great about that, shocking Leo.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she wants to protect Thomas and Charlotte too but doesn’t see the harm in giving it more time if she’s starting to remember. Chad questions how much more time. Chad complains that every day that goes by is another day for the kids missing their mom. Chad argues that the kids are smart and more capable of understanding than she thinks. Chad asks “Abigail” what she needs or wants and if she isn’t tired of being a virtual prisoner in the DiMera Mansion or if she wants her life back. She says he has no idea how much. Chad says when she remembered her vows, he expected the flood gates to open. She points out that they didn’t and he was terribly disappointed. Chad talks about showing her their wedding album bringing the memory back so maybe seeing the children will bring her memories back. Chad thinks it’s what is best for them and declares it’s time to tell the kids the truth.

Julie questions what Leo is talking about, insisting there is no news about Abigail. Leo claims that she just got her angel wings in Heaven and that he actually is a fairy. Leo gives Thomas and Charlotte some money as the tooth fairy which Julie calls very generous. Leo says would give Julie some too but he ran out of cash. Julie says she’s out of patience so she walks off with the kids. Leo questions how he was supposed to know.

Paulina questions Stefan officially recanting his claim about EJ’s involvement in the baby switching involving Eric, Sloan, and Nicole. EJ confirms that Stefan added he will cease and desist his baseless claim to undermine him which Paulina calls interesting. EJ declares that now, Paulina has no reason to fire him. Paulina argues that EJ gave her plenty of reason but decides that since Melinda likes working for Kristen, she has no one to replace him with yet. EJ responds that he will continue happily working as district attorney and won’t take up more of her time. Paulina stops him and says she has one concern as they both know this claim is a lie, so she questions how exactly he coerced Stefan in to signing it.

Gabi tells Stefan that when the bomb was ticking down, she was sure she was going to die and thought about all the things she wished she had done or said in her life including telling Stefan one more time that she loved him. Gabi brings up Stefan coming to see her that night in the hospital and she thought maybe staring death in the face was exactly what they needed as she wanted to forgive him, but then she found out about how he tried to have sex with Ava again as revenge for her revenge sex with EJ. Stefan points out they didn’t sleep together again. Gabi notes she didn’t sleep with EJ again either but Stefan says she wanted to as EJ told him that he turned her down which Gabi confirms. Gabi admits she was hurt and wanted to hurt Stefan as he did too, so they both wanted to inflict pain on each other. Gabi states that’s just not something you do to someone you love with your whole heart.

EJ tells Paulina that Stefan’s statement was completely truthful. Paulina tells him not to insult her intelligence, questioning Stefan changing his tune for no reason as he was determined to bring EJ down. EJ reveals he threatened to sue for defamation which would’ve brought him down. Paulina questions what they are going to do when they run out of things to blackmail each other over. EJ jokes that will never happen as they have an endless supply. EJ repeats that he won’t take up more of her time and looks forward to working with her again as he exits.

Gabi tells Stefan that when he was taken from her and she thought he died, it felt like her heart had been ripped out and she didn’t think she would ever feel whole again, but then he came back and it was a miracle but when he wanted nothing to do with her, it was like losing him all over again. Stefan says then they were finally together again and so happy. Gabi points out that then she went to prison and the only thing that got her through was knowing that he was waiting for her as she kept telling herself that she had to stay strong for him, but then she found out about he and Ava which Stefan calls the biggest mistake of his life. Gabi admits she obviously couldn’t handle it. Stefan tells her that he’s so sorry and that he would give anything to go back to erase that terrible mistake because when they were good and happy, he never loved anyone more than he loved her as she was everything to him. Stefan recalls the poem he wrote her on their anniversary and calls himself a fool for screwing everything up. Gabi admits she then screwed it up even worse. Stefan calls it such a shame and says he’s so sorry. Gabi responds that she’s sorry too, but brings up the mental images they both see. Gabi declares that the damage is one and there’s nothing left to fight for anymore. Gabi tells Stefan to go ahead and file for divorce as she just wants it over with like he does. Stefan and Gabi say goodbye to one another as Stefan then exits the room. Gabi then breaks down crying.

Ava explains to Roman that when Stefan offered her the job at the Bistro, he insisted his marriage was over and he didn’t care what Gabi thought so she accepted his offer, but then she gave it some thought and realized it might be a little more complicated, so she quit before she started. Ava acknowledges that Stefan came to save her from Connie but they haven’t had a chance to discuss it because Stefan found out Gabi had been hurt so he ran off to help her and for all she knows, they could be back together again. Roman tells Ava that if she wants her job at the Pub back, she can have it but suggests figuring out where things are with Stefan first. Ava jokingly questions taking more time to pay Roman what she owes him. Roman points out that he’s waited this long. Ava calls him the best and thanks him. Ava says she will keep him posted as she exits the Pub. Leo then enters the Pub and asks Roman if he can get a drink as it has been a day and it’s not over yet, so Roman goes to get him a beer. Leo comments that soap opera life is crazy but real life leaves it in the dust. Roman asks what is going on that is so crazy. Leo responds that he just found out the hard way that Chad’s kids still don’t know that “Abigail” is alive.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she doesn’t want to turn the kids lives upside down on the off chance that it might bring her memories back. She says she feels terrible disappointing Chad but would feel worse disappointing them. Chad says he doesn’t want to argue and decides that if she doesn’t want to tell the kids, they won’t. She thanks him for understanding. Chad says he’ll just have to call Julie to tell her not to bring the kids home but he sees a text from Julie that they are on their way home. Julie then returns with the kids and Thomas runs in, asking who the woman with Chad is.

Leo tells Roman about how he had to cover with the kids after he mentioned news about Abigail and ended up going on about fairies. Roman points out that the kids bought it. Leo says they seemed to but he just assumed they would’ve been told by now that their mother is alive and living in Salem. Leo questions how long they can keep a secret like that under wraps.

Thomas questions “Abigail” staring at him and asks why Chad hasn’t answered him. Julie thinks Chad is collecting his thoughts and says to give him a moment. “Abigail” tells Thomas and Charlotte that she’s sorry to stare as she heard so much about them and wasn’t expecting to meet them. She claims to be a friend of Chad’s who works at the Spectator. Chad tells the kids that he wants to hear about their day but he has to finish work, so he asks Julie to take the kids to the kitchen. Thomas brings up that Julie said Chad had a surprise for them. Chad says it will be later as Julie takes the kids to the kitchen. Chad asks “Abigail” if that triggered anything but she says it didn’t. Chad responds that he doesn’t know where they go from here then. “Abigail” says she might have an idea.

Stefan sits at the Bistro, looking at his wedding ring as Ava enters and asks if he’s busy. Stefan responds that dinner service hasn’t started yet. Ava tells Stefan that Roman encouraged her to follow up with him on his job offer. Stefan asks if she came to un-quit. Ava says that depends on whether he and Gabi are back together. Stefan informs her that they are done which surprises Ava as when Stefan ran off after her, she thought maybe. Stefan admits there was a split second that he held out hope they could work things out, but he confirms that he and Gabi do not have a future together.

EJ goes to Gabi’s hospital room as he finishes a call with Johnny. Gabi asks what he’s doing there. EJ says he just thought she should know that he got a call from Rafe, who warned him to stay away from her. EJ says they live in the same house, so he wondered how she wanted to handle the situation. Gabi assures they’ll be fine since it’s a big house and they can respect each others’ boundaries while Rafe was just being protective. EJ assumes the flowers are from Stefan but Gabi says they are not. Gabi then informs EJ that Stefan was just there to tell her that he’s filing for divorce, because of EJ taunting him about the image of them in his head. EJ admits he told Stefan that because he knows he tends to obsess. EJ says he was only stating what he knows to be true. Gabi brings up Johnny once telling EJ about misplaced anger, that EJ took his anger over Nicole and Eric out on Gabi and Stefan to try and ruin their marriage and now he’s succeeded.

Ava questions Stefan and Gabi getting a divorce. Stefan confirms he was his idea and he filed for it. Stefan adds that he and Gabi talked and are on the same page. Ava admits she’s no fan of Gabi, but she cares about Stefan so she hopes he’s not jumping the gun in doing this because his feelings got hurt. Stefan assures that’s not it at all. Stefan acknowledges part of him will always love Gabi, but neither of them can get over what they did. Ava tells him that she’s so sorry. Stefan tells her it’s not her fault as she did not make any promises to Gabi like he did, so he’s the one who is sorry.

“Abigail” asks Chad what he thinks about her solution. Julie comes in and questions what’s going on as she thought this was the day to tell the children the truth about their mother. Chad explains that they were going to but “Abigail” wasn’t ready and he shouldn’t have assumed she would be. Julie decides it’s her chance to meet “Abigail” and introduces herself as her cousin. “Abigail” says it’s nice to meet her and that she’s heard so much about her and Doug. She adds that she’s grateful for all she has done to help them with this situation. Julie says if she remembered her, she’d realize she could be a little blunt. Julie argues that “Abigail” can’t believe she can continue this charade indefinitely. Julie reveals that she just ran in to Leo, who almost blurted out the secret, but he covered well and worries about someone else saying something. Chad assures they both know that and that “Abigail” just told him about an idea to address that. Julie asks what it is. “Abigail” reveals that she wants them to go to Paris.

EJ tells Gabi that he’s sorry if she blames him for the end of her marriage, but when they shared that night of passion, he was under the distinct impression that it was completely over. Gabi admits she knows and she doesn’t mean to blame him as he’s right. Gabi says she only lashed out at him because it was easier than blaming herself, but she knows that she is to blame since she is the one who came onto him in the first place and when she wanted to have sex again, he turned her down. Gabi can’t believe she is saying this, but calls EJ a perfect gentleman. EJ jokes that he has his moments. EJ tells Gabi that he’s never seen her back down from a fight if she doesn’t want her marriage to be over, but Gabi responds that it’s not a fight anymore. Gabi declares that no matter what she feels for Stefan, too much has happened and he agrees that what they had is truly dead for good this time.

Stefan tells Ava that he should’ve known all along that things would end up like this, remarking that nothing that burns so bright can last too long. Ava says that sounds about right. Stefan hopes she will consider coming back to work at the Bistro without any concern over Gabi or his future behavior. Ava assures that she’s not worried and she really needs the job, so she thanks him and says she would gladly trade it for an apron at the Brady Pub if it meant things could be different for he and Gabi. Stefan says that’s nice of her to say.

Leo reads over his script for Body and Soul, telling Roman that he hopes the audience enjoys it. Roman asks how the hospital shoot went. Leo explains that Hattie gave Abe and Kate an ultimatum which they were not having, so he had to write her exit and he’s afraid Hattie is now in the soap opera graveyard. Leo feels terrible because he knew before she did, but he was instructed that he couldn’t say a word until after Hattie filmed her final scene with Bonnie so she wouldn’t storm out. Leo considers Hattie a friend, so he hates that she was blindsided. Roman says that’s why they call it show business and not friendship. Leo feels like such a heel and talks about lying for a good reason but it’s still a lie and doesn’t make you feel any better in the end.

Julie questions “Abigail” and Chad going to Paris. “Abigail” explains that Chad said it’s where they went after their wedding and it was one of the most romantic times of their lives. Chad adds that since the wedding album triggered her memory so being there might trigger something else, while she’s been under so much stress and pressure in Salem. Julie asks if they plan on taking the children with them but “Abigail” says no and suggests leaving them with Jack and Jennifer in Boston so they don’t have to worry about someone saying anything to them. Julie is sure Jack and Jennifer will love that but questions if “Abigail” doesn’t remember anything in Paris. “Abigail” assures that they will then come back and tell the children the truth which Julie calls sensible. “Abigail” asks if Chad is on board with all of this. Chad declares “Paris, here we come.”

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


Y&R logo


Recap written by Eva

Traci asks Alan to move in with her at the Abbott Mansion and he gladly accepts the invitation.

Jack and Diane continue to argue about Kyle and this time they argue at the Athletic Club restaurant where Victor sees them argue and is happy because his plan is working.

Daniel has a talk with Chance and he tells Summer that he thinks Heather went to the river to meet someone she knew and her death wasn’t an accident.

Nick, Faith, Mariah and Tessa talk because they are all worried about Sharon. Nick promises that he will talk to Sharon to see if she is doing better like she claims. Daniel tells Nick, Faith, Mariah and Tessa that Paul had a heart attack after learning about Heather’s death and he won’t be able to come to Genoa City for her funeral.

Sharon is happy to accept Nick’s invitation to dinner.

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B&B Short Recap Monday, October 7, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

B&B logo

Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge chats with Li in office about Taylor and her broken heart syndrome. He thinks Taylor could use a therapist; he confides that he’s having a hard time not telling Brooke or the kids about what Taylor’s going through. He asks Li to have a chat with Taylor, so she can come to terms with her diagnosis. Brooke arrives, and she wonders what’s going on with Taylor. She asks how Li and Poppy are doing, with what happened, with Luna. Li admits that they’re taking it one day or a time. She leaves, and Brooke questions whether something is going on with Taylor. She says that having Taylor around and spending so much time with Ridge is an adjustment, but she claims that she’s not jealous. He teases her a little bit, and then they kiss and hug. Ridge looks guilty behind her back. She catches him up about Will working at Forrester, and he’s gleeful that Bill will not be happy to hear that. She also talks about Bill was hoping to get back with Katie. She brings up Hope awkwardly as well.

Carter has good news for Hope. He’s done some early projections, and the numbers are going up for Hope For The Future. She’s very happy to hear that. He tells her that he cares about her, and the line. He knows that things have been tense for her, with Steffy, and they briefly mention Finn, which she’s embarrassed about. He knows what it’s like because of what happened with Quinn. She jokes about not having to model lingerie for HFTF now. She asks about Katie, which surprises him. He assures her that he and Katie are just friends. He is single, and she tells him that he’s easy to be with. They joke around and flirt, but they also have some meaningful discussion. She’s sad that Thomas has taken Douglas out of the country. She thanks Carter for his concern, and he returns with many compliments about how much he admires her. They talk a little more about his past (Paris and Quinn), and about what happened with Beth. They get closer and then have a very passionate kiss.

Zende teases Will at Forrester about being the new intern. They both agree that there are distractions there. Will just doesn’t want to let his mom down. Zende suggests they go get pizza for lunch. Liam arrives and is shocked to see Will there. Model Lainey comes in and congratulations Will on being the newest Forrester intern. Liam can’t believe it and teases Will about what their dad is going to say. Zende is called away, so Liam invites Will out to lunch instead. They go to Il Giordino. Lainey and another woman, Toni, see them, so Will says hi and introduces Liam. Liam suggests they all sit together. He steals all of the attention by talking about his kids and showing them photos. He also mentions that he has multiple ex-wives, which shocks the women. Will rolls his eyes at Liam’s shenanigans.


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Primetime TV Review of “Joan”

TV Review!


"Joan" key art - from The CW press site

“Joan” on The CW Review by Suzanne 10/7/24

I wanted to like this UK series (originally on ITV) because it has top notch acting and writing, and my late mom’s name was Joan!’ but I have a problem with any show like this, where the main character turns to crime. I guess I can’t ever imagine myself being so desperate as to become a criminal (even though I grew up very poor and was also in foster care). We can blame the success of shows like “Weeds” and “Breaking Bad” for these TV series… There are so many, like “Ozark,” “Claws,” and “The Good Girls.” I also don’t like shows like “The Punisher” or “Penguin” that glorify real villains. I’ve always loved the hero of the story; the good guy. It’s really hard for me to be objective about “Joan” because she makes a lot of poor decisions and endangers her life as well as the lives of her family (especially her daughter).

Perhaps if the show had started with Joan as a sophisticated, beautiful, rich jewel thief who fell in love with a handsome detective, and then we find out gradually what made her turn to crime, then I would like it more (See “The Thomas Crown Affair”). I think we’re supposed to find her sympathetic because she has a rotten husband, gangsters are threatening her and her child, and she has very little family or money. She’s desperate and turns to a life of crime. However, she also loves the excitement of being a thief, and she clearly enjoys beautiful, sparkly things (doesn’t everyone?).  She’s obviously smart, so she should go to college and get a real career. Nope, sorry. No sympathy here.

Anyway, if you like these types of shows, this is a good one. Sophie Turner is excellent as a British woman, down on her luck, who becomes a jewel thief. It’s apparently based on a true story.  You won’t be alone because the show is very successful. Check it out!

MORE INFORMATION: Official site Trailer

"Joan" stars Sophie Turner (Joan) and Frank Dillane (Boisie) - photo from The CW press site


Wednesdays at 9/8pm CT on The CW

Sophie Turner (“Game of Thrones,” “X-Men: Dark Phoenix,” “The Staircase”) stars as notorious jewel thief Joan Hannington in this exhilarating yet emotional story set against the vibrant backdrop of the 1980s — an era known for its bold fashion trends, iconic music and cultural shifts.

The series opens with Joan, a fiery and uncompromising woman in her twenties who is deeply scarred and vulnerable. She is a devoted mother to her six-year-old daughter, Kelly, but is trapped in a disastrous marriage with a violent criminal named Gary. When Gary goes on the run, Joan seizes the opportunity to create a new life for herself and her daughter.

Joan becomes a masterful jewel thief. She embarks on a thrilling, high-stakes journey that challenges her every limit, driven by her desire to care for her daughter and create a secure home for them both. Through her sharp intelligence, charm and talent for impersonation and performance, we follow the twists and turns in Joan’s life, the ups and downs, the heartache and the joy that makes this story so compelling to follow.

Turner stars alongside Frank Dillane (“Fear the Walking Dead”) as Boisie, a London antiques dealer. Kirsty J. Curtis (“Match Not Found”) plays Nancy, Joan’s older sister and salon worker while Gershwyn Eustache Jr. (“I May Destroy You”) portrays Albie, an old acquaintance of Boisie who’s made a new life in Spain with his wife Val, played by Laura Aikman (“The Split”).

JOAN is written by acclaimed screenwriter Anna Symon (“The Essex Serpent”) and directed by BAFTA award-winner Richard Laxton (“Rain Dogs”). The series is from Snowed-In Productions and executive produced by Ruth Kenley-Letts (“Stonehouse”), Jenny Van Der Lande (“Too Close”), Neil Blair (“The Midwich Cuckoos”) and Richard Laxton.

JOAN has been commissioned for ITV1 and ITVX by Head of Drama Polly Hill. The series is produced in association with All3Media International and The CW Network.


Episode One

Season 1
Episode 101

SERIES PREMIERE – SOPHIE TURNER STARS AS JEWEL THEIF JOAN HANNINGTON –Joan O’Connell (Sophie Turner) is a young mother trapped in a catastrophic relationship. When her husband brings danger to their door, Joan takes drastic action to keep her six-year-old daughter, Kelly (Mia Millichamp-Long), safe. Attempting to build a new life, Joan begins working in her sister’s salon, determined to get herself back on her feet, but can’t control her reckless streak. After getting a job at a jeweller, Joan finds herself needing to leave due to the unwanted advances of the manager, and finds herself impetuously stealing several diamonds first. High on the thrill, Joan celebrates in the pub where she meets Boise Hannington (Frank Dillane) who runs an antiques shop nearby and proves to be the consummate gentleman. He is also a professional thief. Joan needs money desperately and Boisie offers her a job instead. Joan agrees – could this be the beginning of a successful business relationship, or something more (#101)? The episode was written by Anna Symon and directed by Richard Laxton. The CW original airdate 10/2/2024.

Episode Two

Season 1
Episode 102

THE GLAMOUROUS LIFE – Joan (Sophie Turner) falls for Boisie (Frank Dillane) who recognizes her innate talent. She enjoys the spoils of crime in glamorous Spain, but faces scrutiny over her role as a mother (#102). The episode was written by Anna Symon and directed by Richard Laxton. The CW original airdate 10/9/2024.

Episode Three

Season 1
Episode 103

HIGHS AND LOWS – Joan (Sophie Turner) rises to new heights: the theft of a valuable painting and an audacious ring switch. Boisie (Frank Dillane) falls for Joan while Kelly (Mia Millichamp-Long) slips even further away (#103). The episode was written by Anna Symon and directed by Richard Laxton. The CW original airdate 10/16/2024.


The cast of "Joan" (pic from Sophie Turner's Instagram)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel Johnny and Alex


It’s strange that Johnny imagined his wife making love to another man.

The DiMera mansion must have more than one bathroom, but Chanel chose to take a shower at her mother’s place.

Abe was talking while Bonnie was shown.

Stephanie wasn’t on the phone that long with Jada, but she told Alex so much about Everett being innocent.

Stephanie’s mascara was running down her face one minute and gone the next.


Bonnie cried without any tears.

Kayla could be heard talking while Hattie was shown.


Fiona’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Brady was at the police station, but he wasn’t handcuffed.

Eric poured a cup of coffee but there was no smoke coming out of the mug. He also walked out of Xander’s office without drinking the coffee.

Why was it so easy for people to come and go at the police station to visit Brady in the interrogation room?


Eric told Holly that Jude was sick. If that were true, he should go home to make sure he’s okay.

Did the writers decide to change Xander and Sarah’s story? He has been there for her, but Maggie made it seem like he hasn’t been there for her emotionally.

If Holly was so worried about Nicole being there for her to help her get into college, why didn’t she move to Paris with her? Holly wanted to stay in Salem, so she shouldn’t be upset that she’s not with her.


There weren’t any nurses at the hospital. The nurses’ station was completely empty when Rafe was walking around.

Gabi’s wounds healed up very quickly.

Felicity said that Chanel told her that she could leave work early. Chanel should be getting ready to shoot for the soap opera, so it’s not likely she told her that she could leave work early.

Rafe said he was tired of staring at the walls at the hospital. He just got out of the coma recently, so he wasn’t staring at the walls long.


Rafe H

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Bonnie and Hattie

Since there wasn’t much movement in the storylines this week, we decided to do something different with the opinions article. We hope that you enjoy it. It may happen again if there’s movement in the stories.

Biggest waste of screen time: The Body & Soul storyline
We have read different message boards and blogs, so we know we’re not alone with this vote. The Body & Soul episodes are such a waste of airtime. The writers are trying to be tongue-in-cheek with this story, but it doesn’t work that well. We give the actors/actresses an A for their effort, but the story doesn’t work with the show. The writers wasted two episodes on Hattie and Bonnie’s fight behind the scenes. They also wasted time on Johnny and Chanel’s argument over her scenes with Alex. The actors are trying their best to make this a fun story, but it’s just a waste of screen time. Diedre Hall and Judi Evans have been involved in better storylines, so this shouldn’t be the only way they get airtime. Unfortunately, the writers won’t show them much without the soap storyline. Marlena gets airtime in psychiatrist mode, but she can do more than that. Johnny and Chanel’s storyline stalled after the death of their child. Are we supposed to believe this is the best they could do with their characters? If that’s the case, they could have written them off the show and sent them to California the way they were supposed to earlier in the year.

Useless triangle: Tate, Holly and Sophia
The writers need fresh stories to tell. They aren’t getting off to a great start with Tate/Holly/Sophia’s storyline. The audience needs new couples to root for, but they didn’t hit the mark with Tate and Holly. Their love story is tainted because she didn’t love him. She was head over heels in love with Johnny and then suddenly fell in love with Tate. They don’t have chemistry since Tate was recast. We couldn’t care less about them being together. For some reason, the writers chose to “spice up” their relationship by including Sophia in their storyline. Tate doesn’t like Sophia, so there’s no story. Characters must be torn to make a storyline work, and Tate doesn’t have feelings for Sophia. The writers are wasting their time with the triangle. Sophia forced a kiss on Tate, but it didn’t matter because he wasn’t interested in her. We shouldn’t have to endure a triangle when there won’t be a payoff. The audience may not care who Tate chooses because the story is boring.

Spoiled Brat: Holly
Holly deserves this award because her behavior has been reprehensible. She lied to Tate, so she could investigate his father and expected him to be okay with it. Tate had every right to get upset with Holly for what she did. She got into an argument with Sophia and slapped her. It was okay when Holly said her peace, but Sophia wasn’t allowed to hit her below the belt. Holly was the one who used Sophia when she knew that she liked Tate first. It’s obvious Holly believes every man in Salem should want her, so it was okay that she went after Tate. Now we’re supposed to cheer her on when she slapped Sophia. We were waiting for Sophia to hit her back, but it didn’t happen. Fast forward to the end of the week and Holly was throwing a tantrum because Nicole left her in Salem to follow Eric to Paris. Did Holly forget that she didn’t want to go with Nicole to Paris? She went on and on about Nicole not being there for her when she could be in Paris.

Biggest Wimp (For now): Brady
Brady talked with Marlena about Kristen and what she was willing to do to help him get out of prison. He seemed like he was torn when Marlena asked if he had feelings for her. We stared at the TV in complete shock. After everything they have been through, why would he want to consider being with her? He needs to clear his head and move on with his life. Brady knew she destroyed his life and took Rachel from him, but he thought about her having feelings.

Convenient plot point: Rolf’s discovery
Rolf conveniently developed something that could help Sarah walk again. Kristen needed to find a way to help Brady by any means necessary, and Rolf suddenly appeared. He came up with something that would make Kristen and the company rich. Kristen asked if it would work for spinal injuries, and he believed it could work for that. The writers had to come up with something to make sure that Sarah could walk again. No one really thought she would remain in a wheelchair. Rolf didn’t try the experiment out yet, so it might not work. Kristen jumped on using it to blackmail Xander into leaving Brady alone. It was very convenient that Rolf was working on something like that because Brady needed a way to get out of what Fiona did to Sarah.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Update Friday, October 4, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Rafe takes a walk in the hospital and calls Jada, asking her to pick him up later as he reveals that Kayla has cleared him to leave the hospital and he’s just waiting on the paper work to officially be a free man. Rafe mentions that he’s on his way to Gabi’s hospital room to give her the good news.

Gabi sleeps in her hospital bed where she dreams of Stefan coming to visit her and asking her to take him back.

Aaron joins his sister Felicity in the town square. Aaron tells her that Mark sent him to pick her up because he said something about having an important meeting.

Mark sits in the park with his sister, “Abigail” and tells her that reciting Abigail’s wedding vows to Chad was a genius move. She talks about going through their box of wedding mementos for something she could use. She assures that no one saw her in the attic where she found Abigail’s vows written. She talks about feeling bad for Chad believing his beloved wife’s memories are starting to come back.

Julie joins Chad in the living room of the Horton house. Julie mentions that she was just up in the attic and tells Chad that they have to talk. She sits Chad down and talks about Charlotte loves to go up in the attic and look through all their old things. Julie explains that Charlotte was up there going through every box, including the one that included Chad’s mementos with Abigail. Chad says he pulled that out the other day, hoping it would help “Abigail” remember and she ended up remembering her wedding vows. Julie says she’s glad she remembered something. Chad asks if there’s a but coming after that. Julie responds that unfortunately, there is.

“Abigail” talks to Mark about the look in Chad’s eyes as she recited the vows and how excited he was remembering the love he and Abigail shared. Mark says he can imagine how hard this is for her. “Abigail” asks who cares how she feels and complains that she hates lying to Chad and how hurt Chad will be when he finds out this is all a lie. Mark argues that she’s upset because she has a good heart and he loves her for that. Mark adds that it hasn’t been easy for him either as Chad obviously went through Hell when his wife was murdered and now making him think she’s back when she never will be. “Abigail” acknowledges that there is no alternative as thanks to Clyde, that’s clearer now more than ever that they don’t have a choice and she has to get Chad to the altar soon for his fourth wedding or else their mother is a dead woman.

Gabi continues dreaming about Stefan asking her to take him back until Rafe arrives and wakes her up. Rafe notes that she was mumbling and asks if she was having a good dream or a bad dream. Gabi calls it just a dream.

Stefan works at the Bistro as EJ arrives and asks if Stefan is still getting the hang of running a legitimate business. Stefan asks what he wants. EJ hands Stefan a folder and announces he’s suing him for defamation. Stefan asks what the hell he’s talking about and when he defamed him. EJ brings up Stefan telling Paulina that he had a hand in stealing Nicole’s baby which would hurt his reputation and career, so he’s going to need to be well compensated. Stefan calls EJ delusional if he thinks he’s going to bankroll his future after EJ admitted to helping Sloan cover up stealing Nicole’s baby. Stefan says he may not be the lawyer, but he’s not an idiot and he knows the truth is the best defense against any claim of defamation. EJ calls that impressive and admits he’s right that the truth is a solid defense against claims of defamation, but the question is who is going to give a damn about the truth when it becomes common knowledge that he slept with Stefan’s wife.

Gabi asks about Rafe being out of his hospital bed. Rafe says he’s been taking walks on the hospital floor and feeling relieved to be healthy and strong. Rafe adds that he had to come give her even more good news. Rafe then announces that he’s being released from the hospital today which Gabi calls amazing. Rafe talks about being sick of lying around and doing nothing, so he can’t wait to get home and back to work. Rafe asks how Gabi is. Gabi responds that she’s not too bad given that she was almost blown up by the psychopath who stabbed him. Gabi feels like such a fool as she can’t believe she hired Connie as her assistant, questioning how she couldn’t see that she was dangerous and totally insane. Rafe assures that she was an accomplished con artist so she couldn’t have seen that, but she’s locked up behind bars and won’t be able to hurt anyone else including Stefan. Gabi questions why Rafe brought up Stefan. Rafe points out that Connie hurt him too. Gabi states that she couldn’t care less about him which Rafe questions.

Aaron talks to Felicity about Mark being a good brother taking care of them and how their parents would be proud of him. Felicity wishes their parents hadn’t died. Aaron talks about it being hard for all of them and says Mark is a great older brother, but assures Felicity that he’s always there for her too.

Mark tells “Abigail” that the hardest part for him is lying to Aaron and Felicity. Mark talks about how they reacted when they were told that both of their parents died and how he still hears Felicity crying sometimes. “Abigail” says this will all soon be over and they will then be able to tell them that their mother is still alive.

Chad asks Julie if Charlotte got upset when she found the box. Julie tells her that Charlotte was delighted to see the old pictures. Chad asks why Julie seems upset then. Julie explains that afterwards, Charlotte wanted to talk about her mother and she said she knows that her mother is in Heaven but then she wanted to call her, so she had to explain that they couldn’t. Julie cries that Charlotte was so disappointed. Julie says it made her angry because Charlotte could talk to her mother since she’s not in Heaven, she’s right across town and she needs her. Julie declares that it’s time for Chad to tell the children that their mother is alive.

Stefan questions EJ planning to make it common knowledge that he slept with his brother’s wife. EJ remarks that Stefan’s wife threw herself at him and virtually begged her to have sex with him when he was just trying to help her right an egregious wrong. Stefan says that’s a great speech. EJ thinks The Intruder would be happy to print an item about his night of passion with Gabi. EJ jokes that it’s a shame Lady Whistleblower is no longer writing as he would’ve been glad to share. Stefan asks if he thinks him sleeping with Gabi being in print will make his involvement in kidnapping Nicole’s baby come off as fake news. EJ reminds Stefan that he has experience with jury selection, so he knows they will see Stefan for a cuckold husband, humiliated and vengeful, trying to desperately prop himself up with baseless accusations. EJ adds that by the time he finishes making his case, Stefan won’t have enough money left to split rent with Ava. EJ says that’s if he files the lawsuit which he won’t if Stefan signs an affidavit, saying that any accusations he made about him were patently false.

Gabi tells Rafe that she didn’t want to overwhelm him about Stefan when he first woke up as it was stuff he didn’t need to know. Rafe says he did need to know since she is his sister and that’s why Jada told him that Stefan cheated on her. Gabi talks about it being with Ava while she was rotting away in prison. Rafe guesses it must have been tough to hear. Gabi calls it brutal but points out that she told Rafe that Ava was trouble back when they got together as she was sure Ava would ruin his life. Rafe points out that their relationship ended because he cheated on Ava. Gabi brings up Ava getting back at him by trying to set him up as a dirty cop and ruin his reputation which she thinks was going overboard. Gabi guesses that since Ava didn’t succeed in ruining Rafe’s life, she decided to ruin her life instead. Rafe feels she didn’t succeed there either and asks if Gabi really thinks Ava ruined her life. Gabi declares that her marriage is over. Rafe feels it doesn’t need to be. Rafe gets that Stefan hurt her, but points out that they were in love and so happy. Rafe asks if Gabi doesn’t think at some point that she can forgive him and that at times Gabi isn’t the most level headed person. Gabi questions Rafe thinking she’s overreacting. Rafe says maybe a little, but he doesn’t want her to make some drastic decision that she can’t take back. Rafe repeats that Stefan and Gabi were so good and happy together and in love. Rafe asks if Gabi really thinks in her heart that her marriage is over.

Chad assures Julie that he wants to tell the kids that their mother is alive but “Abigail” is afraid because of how different she looks and not remembering them, so she thinks it will be too traumatic for them. Julie argues that nobody knows how the children will react but worries about the longer they wait. Chad says that “Abigail” doesn’t want to until she gets her memory back since she doesn’t remember anything about them. Julie questions if she ever gets her memory back while she’s living in Salem, so anyone could tell the children. Julie thinks it would be better for them to hear from their father that their mother is alive.

“Abigail” tells Mark that Aaron and Felicity have been through enough and it’s cruel to lie to them. Mark says he understands, but as long as Clyde is holding their mother hostage, they have to keep them in the dark. Aaron and Felicity then approach them in the park.

Rafe comments on Gabi and Stefan being through so much, reminding her that she thought he was dead for years and when they found each other again, she was so damn happy. Rafe asks if she’s going to let this one mistake ruin everything. Gabi calls it a big mistake. Rafe agrees but asks if she wants to throw it all away over it. Rafe says it might not be his business but feels there could be a way to get past it. Gabi responds that Stefan’s infidelity isn’t the only thing they would need to get past, revealing she may have escalated the situation when she slept with EJ which shocks Rafe. Gabi knows it was really stupid but she was so angry and hurt. Rafe calls that completely insane, arguing that she hates EJ for sending her to prison and questions why she would sleep with him. Gabi then admits it was Connie’s idea which Rafe questions. Gabi clarifies that Connie told her that she should get back at Stefan by cheating on him like he did to her. Rafe can’t believe she listened to her. Gabi argues that she didn’t know Connie was a homicidal maniac, hellbent on ruining her life. Gabi adds that it didn’t seem like bad advice at the time which Rafe questions, reminding her that EJ sent her to prison. Gabi complains that she had to do something because she couldn’t stop thinking about Stefan sleeping with Ava and picturing it as hard as she tried. Rafe wonders if sleeping with EJ made her feel better and if it got rid of the image in her head. Gabi admits that it didn’t as no matter what she does, she doesn’t think she will ever stop picturing Stefan having sex with Ava.

Stefan agrees to sign EJ’s affidavit and hands it back to him. Stefan brings up EJ saying that Gabi threw herself at him and says that may have been true that one time, but she admitted it was the only time it happened and that she was not interested in coming back for more. EJ confirms that is true that it was only the one time, but says it’s not true that Gabi wasn’t interested in coming back for more. EJ informs Stefan that his wife did come to his room, hoping it could happen again since the first time was so satisfying, but he turned her down out of respect for Stefan. EJ doubts that Stefan will ever be able to get the image out of his head as he then exits the Bistro.

Chad agrees with Julie that the longer they wait to tell the kids, the greater the risk is that they find out from someone else which would be very hurtful. Chad decides that he will tell the kids. Julie thanks him and says that’s all she wanted to hear as they hug.

Mark asks Aaron and Felicity what they are doing in the park. Aaron explains that he was taking her to feed the ducks and asks what they are doing since Mark mentioned an important meeting. Mark claims it finished early, so he took a walk and ran in to one of his patients, who he introduces as Abigail Deveraux. She says it’s nice to meet them while Felicity says that she looks familiar.

Gabi asks Rafe about getting released from the hospital. Rafe then gets a text from Jada that she is on her way to pick him up. Gabi tells Rafe that in spite of their discussion, she knows everything he said came from a caring place. Rafe assures that he didn’t mean to be hard on her, he just loves her and wants her to be happy. Gabi responds that she wants the same for him. Gabi says she’s so happy that he’s getting out of the hospital. Rafe tells Gabi that whenever she gets out, she’ll always have a home with him. Rafe tells her not to forget that and that he loves her as he then exits her room.

“Abigail” questions Felicity thinking she looks familiar and assures they haven’t met. Mark guesses she just has one of those faces and says he should get to the hospital, so he’ll see them at home for dinner. Aaron and Felicity then walk away. “Abigail” turns to Mark and says she can’t believe she just saw her little brother and sister for the first time in so long and they didn’t even know it was her because of the plastic surgery. She talks about Felicity sensing something with her. “Abigail” then gets a call from Chad, who tells her that they need to talk and invites her over to the house.

Stefan goes to Gabi’s hospital room with flowers as he did in her dream.

Mark sits in the park, looking at a photo of his mom on his phone. Mark promises he’s going to get her out of this. Aaron and Felicity return to the park, so Aaron questions what Mark is still doing there when he said he had to get to the hospital. Mark claims he just got a call from a patient that he had to take. Felicity mentions having fun feeding the ducks. Aaron asks about his patient “Abigail” and Mark says she had to go, while Felicity notes that she still thinks she looks familiar.

“Abigail” goes to see Chad, who notes that she got there quick and informs her that Julie took the kids to the bakery. Chad then informs her that he wanted her to come over because when the kids get home, he’s going to tell them the truth that their mother is alive.

EJ walks through the town square and gets a call from Rafe. EJ calls it a surprise as he thought Rafe was in a coma. Rafe informs him that he woke up. EJ jokes about hearing rumors of that and asks what he can do for him. Rafe calls him a stupid son of a bitch and says he heard about him getting involved with his sister. Rafe warns EJ to stay the hell away from Gabi and out of her marriage. EJ asks if that’s a threat. Rafe tells him to go to Hell and hangs up. EJ remarks that Rafe must not have gotten the memo that there will soon be no marriage to stay out of because that marriage is doomed.

Gabi questions Stefan bringing her flowers but he clarifies that they were at the desk so a nurse asked him to bring them in. Stefan opens the card and sees they are from her assistants at Gabi Chic, wishing her a speedy recovery and mentioning they thought Connie was a psycho. Gabi remarks that everyone could see Connie was insane except her. Gabi then asks Stefan what he’s doing there. Stefan informs her that he just spoke to his lawyer and announces he’s filing for divorce.

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Days Best Lines For The Week of September 30, 20204

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie: You must think I’m a real idiot.
Leo: What does that have to do with anything?

Kate (to Abe about Bonnie and Hattie): You should have seen the two of them when they discovered they picked the same dress. For a minute I thought I wasn’t producing Body & Soul, I thought I was producing Crazy Ladies of the Wrestling World.

Bonnie: I feel for Johnny. I really do. I have tangled with the green-eyed monster a time or two myself and I tell you, once that jealousy takes hold, sometimes it hard to see straight.
Leo: Well, I’m the last person you should talk to about seeing anything straight, so I should get back to work.

Leo (to Bonnie): I admire and appreciate your dedication to your craft albeit it is making me want to tear my hair out. Like I told you, you have to take it up with Abe and Kate.

Chanel: I wasn’t moving out. I was taking a shower.
Johnny: The last time I checked the DiMera mansion had plenty of hot water, so this was more than just taking a shower.

Hattie: You drive me crazy.
Bonnie: You were crazy long before I came around.

Hattie (about Bonnie’s reaction to getting fired): I guess I don’t blame her. You know what I do blame her for? Being impossible to work with. I also think that she goes around telling people she’s a great actress, which I won’t comment on because my mother told me that if you can’t say something nice about somebody—
Leo: Post it on Nextdoor.

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Primetime TV Review of “Trivial Pursuit”

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“Trivial Pursuit” on The CW Review by Suzanne 10/7/24

If you love game shows (especially those like “Jeopardy”), you should enjoy this. Actor LeVar Burton (Best known for “Reading Rainbow,” “Roots” and “Star Trek: Next Generation”) is the host, as well as producer, of this new series. He competed on Celebrity Jeopardy! in Season 12, and served as interim host on Jeopardy! from July 26 to July 30, 2021.  He wasn’t chosen as the permanent host of Jeopardy! , but I’m glad he was able to host this show. He does a great job of it. I think he was too nervous, to be honest, when he tried out for Jeopardy!

The show is much like the home game we’ve all played.  Each player has to answer questions from the six categories of Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts & Literature (purple), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure (orange). When they answer the question correctly, they get points as well as a wedge in that category. They get points for getting a wedge, as well. After the first round, the player with the lowest score leaves. The two remaining players keep playing for the final round, and the total winning prize of $20,000.

To me, the prize seems very low, compared to shows like “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?” or “$100,000 Pyramid.” However, I checked, and “Jeopardy” winners also get $20,000, so I guess that’s right.  Contestants on this show don’t lose points or money if they guess incorrectly. They just don’t get to answer the next question. I noticed that all of them answered very quickly, even interrupting Burton, so I didn’t see anyone get the buzzer that they get on other shows if they take too long to answer. Perhaps they were told to be quick about the answers. In the final round, they have a limited time to answer the questions.

I watched the first episode and enjoyed it. The first winner, Nicole Holliday, was very smart and enthusiastic.  She’s a professor at UC Berkeley, so obviously she’s smart.  The other two (both men) didn’t stand a chance. The second round’s winner, Sara Delvillano, was also a woman.  She teaches music to children and also helps run an organization that helps dogs find homes.  Interestingly enough, she also won on Jeopardy! in 2019.

The show is definitely worth watching if you love trivia. I find that I know a lot more of these answers than I ever did watching “Jeopardy!” I believe that makes the show more accessible to the average viewer.  Watch it and find out for yourself.

MORE INFORMATION: Official Site Trailer


Mondays on The CW

LeVar Burton hosts "Trivial Pursuit" on The CW (Photo by Ellis O’Brien/Entertainment One)The beloved trivia game TRIVIAL PURSUIT is reimagined in a question-packed entertainment format. Gameplay takes place on a giant version of the iconic Trivial Pursuit game board, as contestants battle it out over a range of play-along question categories to win wedges and beat each other to the center. The victor then takes on a dramatic finale against the clock to claim the big money jackpot.

Hosted by EmmyÂŽ Award-winning actor, director, producer and podcaster LeVar Burton, TRIVIAL PURSUIT is produced by Hasbro Entertainment, The CW, Lionsgate Alternative Television and Talpa Studios. David Garfinkle, Gabriel Marano, John De Mol, Matt Walton and Matt Pritchard serve as executive producers.

LeVar Burton

Host of “Trivial Pursuit”

LeVar Burton is the host of The CW’s upcoming game show series “Trivial Pursuit.”

Burton is an actor, director, producer and podcaster whose decades-long body of work includes “Roots,” “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Reading Rainbow.”  He is the honored recipient of seven NAACP Awards, a Peabody, a Grammy and 15 Emmys, including a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Inaugural Children’s & Family Emmys.

As a lifelong literacy advocate, Burton has dedicated decades to encouraging children to read.  In 2023, Burton premiered his first documentary, “The Right to Read,” a film that positions the literacy crisis in America as a civil rights issue. “The Right to Read” was an official selection at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and SXSW Edu.

Burton continues to exercise his passion for storytelling as the award-winning author of “Aftermath,” “The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm” and “A Kids Book About Imagination.”  He launched his first book club with Fable, a digital book club community, and partnered with Masterclass, to share the power of storytelling.

His production company, LeVar Burton Entertainment (LBE), develops projects in the film, television, podcasting, and publishing space with the mission to share stories that fosters empathy, champions diversity and builds community.

Now in its 12th season, the enormously popular “LeVar Burton Reads” podcast has over 175 episodes in its catalog, boasting 25 million downloads.  LBE’s most recent podcast, “Sound Detectives,” premiered at number 1 on the Kids & Family charts.

As a pop culture icon, Burton has the unique ability to reach across all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups – communicating to a large fan base that is highly engaged and motivated to embrace his message.


LeVar Burton hosts "Trivial Pursuit" on The CW (Photo by Ellis O’Brien/Entertainment One)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Primetime TV Review: “Doctor Odyssey”

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“Doctor Odyssey” on ABC Review by Suzanne 10/7/24

At first glance, this seems like a slightly-more-dramatic version of “The Love Boat,” from the doctor’s point of view.  The series was created by Ryan Murphy, who usually comes up ideas that are either horrifying (“American Horror Story”) or at least, slightly-off-kilter (“Nip/Tuck”) or  very original (“Glee”). However, even at second glance, this show really does seem to be a just a breezy medical drama set aboard a cruise ship. I find it a little bit disappointing, just from the fact that Murphy created it and that it stars Joshua Jackson, who’s been excellent in so many series, from “Dawson’s Creek” to “Doctor Death.”

Jackson plays a renowned doctor, Max, who is looking for a more relaxing, fun life aboard a cruise ship after battling COVID and other horrors (he reveals in the first episode that he was “Patient Zero” in NYC and nearly died). The legendary Don Johnson plays the ship’s captain, who runs a tight ship and expects excellence from his crew.  (Who knew that Sonny Crockett would turn into Captain Stubing?) Max has two nurses that assist him, Avery (Phillipa Soo) and Tristan (Sean Teale). The ship, its crew, and the many medical maladies they encounter on board are not the easy life that Max expected.

Amid the health crises, there is plenty of time for romance, dancing, and drinking.  Max and Avery have a slight tryst in the first episode. The second episode is about “Singles Week.” Apparently, each weekly cruise has a different theme, to make it slightly more interesting. I guess Ryan Murphy is trying to pay tribute to the shows he loved in his youth on ABC (the same network where “The Love Boat” aired).  Although each episode has new guest stars, they’re not the center of all the action the way they were on the original “Love Boat” that ran from 1977-1986.  The show’s four main stars are the focus of the show, along with the ship and the beautiful scenery. Guest stars include Chord Overstreet, Shania Twain, John Stamos, Cheyenne Jackson, Gina Gershon and Rachel Dratch.

From what I’ve read, ABC is trying to sell this as exciting and sexy.  My advice is that you pour yourself a nice tropical drink and sit down to watch this one….but you may find that it’s not the drinking that makes you sleepy. I really hope it gets better. Otherwise, the talent on the series deserves better than this. FOX had a much better retro show with the “Fantasy Island” reboot that they canceled last year, sadly. I really enjoyed that one. ABC should have rescued that instead.

MORE INFORMATION: Official Site Trailer

DOCTOR ODYSSEY - ABC's “Doctor Odyssey” stars Sean Teale as Tristan, Don Johnson as Captain Massey, Joshua Jackson as Dr. Max Bankman, and Phillipa Soo as Avery. (Disney/Pari Dukovic)From the brilliant mind of Ryan Murphy comes high-octane procedural “Doctor Odyssey.” Max (Joshua Jackson) is the new on-board doctor for a luxury cruise ship where the staff works hard and plays harder. It’s all-hands-on-deck as Max and his small but mighty medical team navigate unique medical crises and each other, miles from shore.

“Doctor Odyssey” stars Joshua Jackson, Phillipa Soo, Sean Teale and Don Johnson. The series, produced by 20th Television in association with Ryan Murphy Television, is written and executive produced by Ryan Murphy, Jon Robin Baitz and Joe Baken. Joshua Jackson and Don Johnson serve as executive producers. Paris Barclay directs and executive produces. Eric Paquette, Alexis Martin Woodall, Eric Kovtun, Scott Robertson and Nissa Diederich also serve as executive producers.


04. Wellness Week

During a week dedicated to wellness, The Odyssey ironically finds itself overwhelmed by a surge of ailing patients. Meanwhile, Tristan’s new romance sparks jealousy, and Capt. Massey must bring the ship to safety in the midst of a hurricane.
Air Date: 10/17/2024

03. Plastic Surgery Week

Plastic Surgery Week on The Odyssey brings new faces and fresh features to be carefully maintained by the medical team. Meanwhile, when the owner’s wife comes on board, Capt. Massey must juggle charm and skillful dodging to sidestep her advances.
Air Date: 10/10/2024

02. Singles Week

It’s Singles Week on The Odyssey, and lust is in the air. As Max, Tristan and Avery navigate their relationship, the crew fends off advances from passengers. With rising desire and quickly spreading ailments, Max and the team rush to restore order.
Air Date: 10/03/2024

01. Pilot

Max Bankman is The Odyssey’s new onboard doctor, where the staff works hard and plays harder. It’s all-hands-on-deck as he gets acquainted with Capt. Massey and his medical team, Avery and Tristan, while treating crises miles from shore.
Air Date: 09/26/2024


DOCTOR ODYSSEY - "Singles Week" - It's Singles Week on The Odyssey, and lust is in the air. As Max, Tristan and Avery navigate their relationship, the crew fends off advances from passengers. With rising desire and quickly spreading ailments, Max and the team rush to restore order. THURSDAY, OCT. 3 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC. (Disney/Tina Thorpe) JOSHUA JACKSON, PHILLIPA SOO, SEAN TEALE

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Primetime TV Review: “Murder In a Small Town”

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"Murder In A Small Town" on The CW key art

“Murder In A Small Town” on FOX Review by Suzanne 10/7/24

I love the actors in this show. I’m a huge fan of “Smallville,” and I’ve watched all of the shows Kristin Kreuk has starred in since.  I really enjoyed Rossif Sutherland’s work in the Prime show “Three Pines.”  It’s wonderful to see them paired together in this series. They have amazing chemistry together.

This series really reminds me of those Hallmark movies, or series of movies, which usually take place in a small town. The heroine falls for a guy, or her old boyfriend, and sometimes, like in several of the Hallmark movie series, they solve murders together. The heroines, such as Hannah Swensen, Aurora Teagarden, or Ruby Herring, are generally smarter than everyone around them, including the boyfriend.  Now, this series on FOX (based on the Alberg and Cassandra Mysteries, a series of B.C.-set crime novels by L.R. Wright.) is a Canadian show about a detective named Karl Alberg (Sutherland) who’s new to town, and he meets up with the town’s librarian, Cassandra (Kreuk).  The murders are the focus of the show, but their romance is what ties the show together and makes it worth watch.

The small town, in this case, is Gibsons, a small coastal town that most of us in the U.S. have no doubt never heard of. It’s in the area called the Sunshine Coast. It sets a moody tone that you may be familiar with from watching shows like “The Killing” or “True Detective.”  The romance between the two, and the quirky characters, keep the show from getting too dark.

Each episode has a different murder, and the murder is solved within the show’s 42 minutes.  Whether there will be many long-term stories (besides the romance) remains to be seen.  Alberg is aided in his detective work by stalwart policeman Sergeant Sid Sokolowski (Aaron Douglas of “The Watchful Eye”). Guest stars include James Cromwell, Erica Durance, Lucas Bryant, Greyston Holt, Nathan Witte, Stana Katic, and Paula Patton.

I think the stories and characters are worth watching.  Even if you don’t like the show, you may enjoy the beautiful British Columbia scenery.

MORE INFORMATION: Official Site  Trailer

Kristin Kreuk (Cassandra) and Rossif Sutherland (Karl) star in "Murder in a Small Town" (photo from trailer)All new murder mystery series Murder in a Small Town is based on the Edgar Award-winning, nine-book Karl Alberg series by acclaimed novelist L.R. Wright, and stars Rossif Sutherland (Reign, The Handmaid’s Tale) and Kristin Kreuk (Smallville, Beauty and the Beast). Murder in a Small Town follows Karl Alberg (Sutherland), who moves to a quiet, coastal town to soothe a psyche that has been battered by big-city police work. He’ll quickly learn that this gentle paradise has more than its share of secrets and will need to call upon all the skills that made him a world-class detective in solving the murders that, even in this seemingly idyllic setting, continue to wash up on his shore. Kreuk stars as Cassandra Lee, a local librarian who becomes Karl’s muse, foil and romantic interest.

Mya Lowe (My Life with the Walter Boys, Yellowjackets), Savonna Spracklin (Two-Spirit Odyssey, Wildhood), Aaron Douglas (Battlestar Galactica, The Watchful Eye) and Fritzy-Klevans Destine (The Boys, Superman & Lois) recur in the series, which also features special guest stars James Cromwell (Babe, Succession), Stana Katic (Castle, Absentia), Paula Patton (The Perfect Match, Precious) and Noah Reid (Schitt’s Creek).

Murder in a Small Town is produced by Sepia Films in association with FOX Entertainment and Jeff Wachtel’s Future Shack Entertainment. The series is produced in British Columbia with Ian Weir (Arctic Air, Edgemont) serving as head writer/executive producer, Milan Cheylov (24, The Cleaning Lady) executive-producing and directing multiple episodes of the program, and Nick Orchard (Soapbox Productions), Morris Ruskin and Sharon Wisnia (Mojo Global Arts) and Jon Cotton also serving as executive producers.


Kristin Kreuk (Cassandra) and Rossif Sutherland (Karl) star in "Murder in a Small Town" (photo from Kreuk's Instagram)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Primetime TV Review: “Brilliant Minds”

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BRILLIANT MINDS -- Season: 1 -- Pictured: (l-r) Alex MacNicoll as Dr. Van Markus, Ashleigh LaThrop as Dr. Ericka Kinney, Tamberla Perry as Dr. Carol Pierce, Zachary Quinto as Dr. Oliver Wolf, Teddy Sears as Dr. Josh Nichols, Aury Krebs as Dr. Dana Dang, Spence Moore II as Dr. Jacob Nash -- (Photo by: Brendan Meadows/NBC)

“Brilliant Minds” on NBC Review by Suzanne 10/6/24

I love seeing Zachary Quinto in any movie or TV show (ever since his great role as Sylar on “Heroes”).  He shines here as the prickly neurologist Oliver Wolf, who has trouble getting along with others (particularly his mother). He has prosopagnosia, AKA face blindness, so that doesn’t help him with personal interaction. He works with a team of interns and his long-time good friend, Dr. Carol Pierce (Tamberla Perry, “Death and Other Details”). The show is unusual and interesting, but it might remind you a little of “House” or “The Good Doctor.” At this point, a doctor who thinks he’s more brilliant than everyone else is a familiar TV trope. The writing of the show, however, is excellent and will surprise you. The show was created, written and produced by Michael Grassi of “Riverdale.”

Like most medical dramas, the most intriguing part of the show is watching the doctors figure out what’s wrong with the patients or how to treat them. Wolf has very unusual ideas and likes to dive deep into his patient’s life in order to figure out their neurological problem.

At the beginning of the first episode, Dr. Wolf sneaks out a dementia patient (Broadway and TV vet Andre de Shields) from an elder care facility to see his grand-daughter get married. He and the old man go on stage, and the man sings and plays a Beach Boys song, “God Only Knows.” Wolf figured out that the way to reach the man was through music. The bride is overjoyed to see him there, but her parents are not too happy about Dr. Wolf’s actions. He loses his job and goes into seclusion, but Carol convinces him to come work at her hospital on an interesting case, despite the fact that he doesn’t want to work for his mother (the chief of staff, Dr. Landon, played by Donna Murphy – another Broadway, TV and movie vet).

After Dr. Wolf starts working at the hospital, he learns that he’s expected to mentor some interns, which he’s not too thrilled about. Carol makes him see that he needs to be honest about his condition and connect better with other people in order to get things done.  Things may not go that smoothly for the brilliant doctor, though.  He’s got many issues, having to do with his childhood. The only thing not an issue is that he’s gay. Another doctor on the show is played by Teddy Sears, Quinto’s former castmate in “American Horror Story,” so perhaps they’ll be teamed up in a romantic relationship. Watch and see! This show is already a hit and will keep you on your toes.

MORE INFORMATION: Official Site  Trailer

"Brilliant Minds" key artBrilliant Minds

Series Premiere Monday, Sept 23 on NBC (10 – 11pm ET/PT)

Inspired by the extraordinary life and work of world-famous author and physician Oliver Sacks, “Brilliant Minds” follows a revolutionary, larger-than-life neurologist and his team of interns as they explore the last great frontier – the human mind – while grappling with their own relationships and mental health.

The cast includes Zachary Quinto, Tamberla Perry, Ashleigh LaThrop, Alex MacNicoll, Aury Krebs, Spence Moore II, Teddy Sears, and Donna Murphy.

Michael Grassi serves as creator, writer and executive producer. Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, Leigh London Redman, Lee Toland Krieger, DeMane Davis, Melissa Aouate, Henrik Bastin, Jonathan Cavendish, Andy Serkis, and Shefali Malhoutra also executive produce.

Berlanti Productions, Fabel Entertainment, The Imaginarium, Grassi Productions and Tavala produce in association with Warner Bros. Television and Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.


BRILLIANT MINDS -- Season: 1 -- Pictured: (l-r) Alex MacNicoll as Dr. Van Markus, Ashleigh LaThrop as Dr. Ericka Kinney, Spence Moore II as Dr. Jacob Nash, Aury Krebs as Dr. Dana Dang -- (Photo by: Brendan Meadows/NBC)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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GH Short Recap Friday, October 4, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Violet hits a little boy at school because the little boy said Finn was a drunk.

Brook Lynn and Chase explain to Violet that Finn has a disease and he is working hard to get better. Brook Lynn and Chase tell Violet that violence doesn’t solve anything and her father wouldn’t want her to hit anyone. Brook Lynn gets a call from Violet’s school telling her that the principal wants to talk to her and Chase as soon as possible.

Lucas (now played by Van Hansis, Luke Snyder ATWT) returns home to work as trauma surgeon at the hospital. Lucas tells Brad they will work together at the hospital but he wants to move forward with his life not go backwards. Lucas also tells Brad he understands why he switched the babies but he can’t forgive him for it.

Gio agrees to play for Ava’s gallery exhibit for the sake of his friendship with Trina because he doesn’t want to work for Ava because what she did to Kristina’s baby.

Sonny tells Carly he intends to protect Alexis by finding the gun she threw in the river and if he doesn’t find the gun he will turn himself in to the police.

Ava figures out that Portia tampered with Heather’s test results and tells her to lie low until everything is settled and if someone finds out, she shouldn’t hide that she switched the test results.

Ric calls Ava that he asked the judge for a summary judgement and there is a good chance that Heather’s conviction will be overturned.

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Primetime TV Review: “Matlock”

TV Review!


Kathy Bates as Mattie in "Matlock" on CBS (photo from IMDB)

“Matlock” on CBS Review by Suzanne 10/5/24

I wasn’t sure whether I would like this show or not because I didn’t really care for the original series, starring Andy Griffith. It was just another show, similar to “Diagnosis: Murder” or “Murder She Wrote,” where an older person helps solve crimes in their every-day life.  Of course, “Matlock” was more like “Perry Mason” in that he was a lawyer that would help find the real murderer (so that his client would go free).  It’s basically the same idea, though.

This version of “Matlock” is not really a reboot at all.  The main character is played by a woman (Kathy Bates), and she is not what she seems, which we find out at the end of the first episode. Bates is always fascinating to watch, and she really excels here because the writing is top-notch.  She mentions the original show “Matlock” many times, so we know that this is not set in the original show’s “universe.”  What they’ve done with it is very interesting, though, and anyone who stays through the end of the first episode will figure that out.

Besides the great lead actress, there is a wonderful cast of people, including Beau Bridges, Jason Ritter, Skye P. Marshall, David Del Rio and Leah Lewis. There are some fun guest stars each week as well. I can’t wait to see what else they do with this series. Do yourself a favor and tune in ASAP because this is already the best new show of the Fall season.

MORE INFORMATION: Official Site  Trailer

Kathy Bates, Jason Ritter, Leah Lewis, David Del Rio, and Skye P. Marshall of "Matlock" on CBS (key art)

MATLOCK stars Emmy and Academy Award winner Kathy Bates as Madeline “Matty” Matlock, a brilliant septuagenarian who achieved success in her younger years and decides to rejoin the work force at a prestigious law firm where she uses her unassuming demeanor and wily tactics to win cases. Matty is assigned to Olympia (Skye P. Marshall), a senior attorney and key rainmaker with a thirst for justice, Olympia’s ex-husband, Julian (Jason Ritter), the son of the head of the firm, is intrigued by Matty and her clever skills. As Matty endeavors to establish herself in her new high-stakes world, she works alongside the firm’s younger associates – the charismatic Billy (David Del Rio) and the uber ambitious Sarah (Leah Lewis). MATLOCK is inspired by the classic television series of the same name.

Premieres Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.



Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), beginning Oct. 17, 2024

Los Angeles


Drama (Filmed in HD)


Kathy Bates

(Madeline “Matty” Matlock)

Skye P. Marshall


Jason Ritter


David Del Rio


Leah Lewis



CBS Studios


Jennie Snyder Urman, Joanna Klein, Eric Christian Olsen, John Will, Kat Coiro and Kathy Bates

Honored numerous times for her work, Kathy Bates is an undeniable force on stage, screen and television. Bates won an Academy Award® and a Golden Globe® for her portrayal of obsessed fan Annie Wilkes in Rob Reiner’s 1990 hit “Misery,” based on Stephen King’s novel. In 1995, Bates appeared in the title role of King’s “Dolores Claiborne.”

Currently, she can be seen in the Lionsgate feature adaption of Judy Blume’s classic novel “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” alongside Rachel McAdams.

Additionally, Bates will also star in the Netflix rom-com “A Family Affair” with Nicole Kidman, Joey King, Liza Koshy and Zac Efron. The film will release on the platform later this year. She is set to star in the independent feature film “Thelma,” which recounts the real-life story of the mother of John Kennedy Toole, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of A Confederacy of Dunces. Bates will star alongside John Malkovich and Lewis Pullman in the film, which is penned by Black List screenwriter Andrew Farotte and will be directed by Ken Kwapis.

Upcoming, Bates will star in the highly anticipated, reimagined CBS series MATLOCK as a new incarnation of the Andy Griffith character from the original hit series. She also serves as an executive producer on the show. Additionally, Bates recently wrapped production on Castille Landon’s comedy “Summer Camp” opposite Diane Keaton and Alfre Woodard.

Bates recently received the National Board of Review Award as well as an Oscar® and Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal as Bobi Jewell in Clint Eastwood’s “Richard Jewell.” Starring alongside Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde and Jon Hamm, the WB film is based on Marie Brenner’s 1997 Vanity Fair article “American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell.”

In 1999, Bates received Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations and won a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Award® and a Critics Choice Award for her performance in Mike Nichols’ “Primary Colors.” Bates earned her third Oscar nomination for her role in Alexander Payne’s “About Schmidt,” for which she won a National Board of Review Award for Best Supporting Actress and garnered Golden Globe and SAG Award nominations.

Her film work has also been recognized with Golden Globe and BAFTA Award nominations for Jon Avnet’s film adaptation of Fanny Flagg’s “Fried Green Tomatoes,” and she also shared a SAG Award nomination with the ensemble cast of James Cameron’s blockbuster “Titanic,” as well as a nomination for the ensemble of Woody Allen’s biggest success, “Midnight in Paris.”

Bates received her star on the legendary Hollywood Walk of Fame on Sept. 20, 2016.

Her additional film credits include: “The Blind Side” with Sandra Bullock; Stephen Frears’ period drama “Cheri,” in which she starred with Michelle Pfeiffer; Sam Mendes’ drama “Revolutionary Road,” which reunited her with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet; Adam Sandler’s “The Waterboy”; Robert Altman’s “Come Back to the Five & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean”; “Straight Time” with Dustin Hoffman; and Milos Forman’s “Taking Off.”

On television, Bates has received 14 Emmy® nominations, winning her first award in 2003 playing the ghost of Charlie Harper in Chuck Lorre’s TWO AND A HALF MEN. Bates won rave reviews and her second Emmy as the deliciously evil Madame LaLaurie in Ryan Murphy’s “American Horror Story: Coven” on FX. She received two more Emmy nods for her respective performances in “American Horror Story: Freak Show” and “American Horror Story: Hotel.”

For the 1996 HBO film “The Late Shift,” Bates won a Golden Globe and a SAG Award and earned an Emmy nomination. Her television honors also include Emmy, Golden Globe and SAG Award nominations for her performance as Miss Hannigan in The Wonderful World of Disney musical “Annie.”

Bates has also been honored for her work behind the camera as a director. She helmed the A&E telefilm “Dash and Lily,” starring Sam Shepard and Judy Davis, which earned nine Emmy nominations, including one for Bates as Best Director. She also directed five episodes of the acclaimed HBO series “Six Feet Under,” earning a Directors Guild of America Award® nomination for the episode “Twilight.” Her directing credits also include episodes of “Oz,” “Homicide: Life on the Street” and PBS’ “Great Performances.”

Bates first gained the attention of critics and audiences on the New York stage starring as Joanne in Jack Heifner’s “Vanities” – one of the longest-running plays in Off-Broadway history. She was nominated for a Tony Award® for her portrayal of the suicidal daughter in the original Broadway production of Marsha Norman’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play “‘night, Mother.” She has been honored with an Obie Award® for her performance as Frankie in the original Off-Broadway production of Terrence McNally’s “Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune.” She portrayed Elsa Barlow in Athol Fugard’s “The Road to Mecca” alongside Fugard and Yvonne Bryceland.

For the past several years, Bates has served as the national spokesperson for the Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN). LE&RN is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded in 1998 to fight lymphatic diseases and lymphedema through education, research and advocacy. With chapters throughout the world, LE&RN seeks to accelerate the prevention, treatment and cure of these diseases while bringing patients and medical professionals together to address the unmet needs surrounding lymphatic diseases, which include lymphedema and lipedema.

Bates currently resides in Los Angeles, Calif.


Jason Ritter, Kathy Bates and Skye P. Marshall star in "Matlock" on CBS.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 4, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe told Jada that he was getting released and went to Gabi’s room. He explained that he was getting released, and she was relieved. She couldn’t believe she hired a psychopath as her assistant. Rafe assured her that Connie wouldn’t bother her or Stefan again. Angrily, she stated that she didn’t care what happened to him. EJ approached Stefan at the Bistro and dropped a bomb on him. He informed his brother that he planned to sue him for defamation of character. EJ filled him about what he told Paulina about his involvement in Nicole’s baby’s kidnapping. He let Stefan know that his accusation damaged his reputation, and he wanted to be compensated for it. Unfazed, Stefan reminded him that he told him about his role in covering up Sloan’s crime. The truth was on Stefan’s side. EJ wondered who would care about the truth when it was revealed that he slept with his wife. Abigal thought about what she was doing to Chad by pretending to be his wife. Mark felt bad too but there was no other alternative. Feeling defeated, she had no choice but to agree with him. They rehashed that she had to get Chad to marry her, or their mother would die. Mark didn’t like lying to Aaron and Felicity. Abby was thankful that they could tell Aaron and Felicity the truth about their mother. Julie let Chad know that Charlotte went through his and Abby’s things. Tearfully she told Chad that Charlotte asked to see her mother. Sadly, she had to tell Charlotte that her mother was in heaven even though she was across town. It’s time for the kids to learn the truth. Chad informed her that Abby thought it would be traumatic for them to find out right now since she didn’t remember them. Julie warned him that anyone could tell them about her, and it would be better coming from him. He agreed with her.

EJ threated to go to the paper and reveal a blind item about his night with Stefan’s wife. He believed a jury would see him as a man seeking revenge. EJ was willing to give him a break by dropping the lawsuit if Stefan signed an affidavit swearing that his statements were false. Without any choice, Stefan signed the affidavit. EJ revealed to Stefan that he and Gabi only slept together one time, but she came back a second time. He told him that he refused to be with her out of respect for him, but he didn’t think Stefan would ever forget about the time they were together. Smugly, EJ asked if he was right about that. Rafe wanted to talk to his sister about what happened with her and Stefan. He wondered if she overreacted and could forgive him. Gabi became upset so Rafe had to diffuse the situation by telling her that he didn’t want her to do something she couldn’t take back. It might be too late for that. Gabi dropped the bomb that she slept with EJ. Shock was all over Rafe’s face. Gabi told him that Connie suggested that she do it. Rafe couldn’t fathom that she would think it was a good idea to sleep with the man who sent her to prison. Her justification for doing it was that she couldn’t get the image of Stefan and Ava together out of her head. Abby met with Chad at the Horton house. He informed her that he wanted to tell the kids the truth about their mother being alive. Rafe called EJ at the hospital and warned him to stay away from his sister. Feeling threatened, EJ taunted him. Rafe became upset and hung up the phone. Stefan went to see Gabi at the hospital. He informed her that he spoke to his lawyer because he wanted a divorce.

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B&B Short Recap Friday, October 4, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Taylor doesn’t believe Grace’s diagnosis of Broken Heart Syndrome. Grace explains that motional stress can cause damage to heart muscle, and it can be linked to estrogen dropping. She lists all of the symptoms, which Taylor has had. Ridge thinks this is great news, but Taylor takes it like a slap in the face. She goes into completely denial and acts like Grace is telling her that her symptoms are all in her head. Upset, Taylor leaves. She rants and raves to Ridge at Steffy’s house. When she mentions getting a second opinion, he urgers her to do that but advises her not to ignore it. He reminds her that she told him years ago that the mind and body are connected and that problems with the mind are dangerous to ignore. She’s still angry and lashes out a bit at Ridge. Eventually, she calms down, and she tells him again not to tell anyone (this time because she’s embarrassed). He holds her hand, telling her that he’s there for her, always. They hug.

Liam and Steffy chat about some deal Forrester is making with Spencer. After that’s settled, they talk about how nice it is for Steffy to have Taylor around again. They chuckle about how much Kelly goes on and on about her grandma. Liam is surprised she’s planning to stay, but Steffy says that her mom seems different. Liam wonders if it maybe it’s due to Ridge. Steffy lets him know that she’s planing to stay out of Ridge and Taylor’s relationship this time. Liam also mentions that Ridge is with Brooke. They talk about how strong Taylor is, and how she’s had to deal with a lot in her life.

Bill tells Brooke that Katie refuses to get back together with him. She knows that Katie blames her for what happened years ago with Bill. She offers to talk to Katie, to see if she can convince her to go back to Bill. Bill thanks Brooke for always seeing the best in him. He wonders why she and Ridge have never gotten re-married and whether Taylor being back in town might cause them problems, but she assures him that she and Ridge are solid.


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