Days Update Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Chad and Julie are awoken at the Horton house by knocking at the door and they answer to see Everett, who tells Chad that he needs to talk to him. Chad asks what the hell is so important. Everett then informs him that Holly Jonas overdosed last night.

Eric watches over baby Jude at home. Sloan joins him and says she slept through the night for the first time since Jude came in to their lives. Eric says he slept well too. They talk about getting used to Jude waking up in the middle of the night. Eric mentions missing that when he thought he and Sarah’s daughter lived, so he wants to cherish the time with Jude. Eric talks about when he came in to Holly’s life and knowing she would do something great with her life. Sloan comments that she’s sure Nicole is very proud. Eric states that Holly is Nicole’s pride and joy.

Nicole sits at Holly’s bedside in her hospital room. Nicole talks about how Holly looked so beautiful and happy the night before going to the party but she was deluding herself because Holly couldn’t have been okay. Nicole talks about feeling sorry for herself and not seeing the signs. Nicole cries for Holly to forgive her.

Kayla sits with Marlena at the hospital and tells her there’s still no change in Holly’s condition which is not a great way to start the new year. Marlena calls it so sad after all that Nicole has been through. Marlena adds that she spoke to John and found out that Tate has been arrested for possession of the drugs that caused Holly’s overdose. Kayla says she’s so sorry. Marlena notes that EJ is determined to prosecute anyone that had anything to do with what happened to Holly. Kayla feels that’s just like EJ to want revenge regardless of the tragedy. Marlena mentions that John talked to Paulina in hopes of being a voice for Tate. Kayla points out it being obvious that the drugs were Holly’s while Marlena notes that Tate panicked and didn’t call for help sooner. Kayla acknowledges that delay could have affected the severity of Holly’s condition. Marlena can’t imagine what’s going to happen if Nicole loses Holly and doesn’t know how she would go on. Kayla asks how Tate would go on if he thinks he might be responsible.

Stefan stands outside the Bistro, wondering how the hell he ended up here. EJ appears and accuses Stefan of doing this to Holly. Stefan tells EJ to back off as he didn’t do a damn thing to her. EJ argues that when Stefan got involved with Ava, it destroyed what humanity he had left. EJ blames Stefan for the fact that Holly might not see another day. Stefan shouts that his hands are clean and if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s EJ’s. EJ argues that Holly overdosed on Stefan’s drugs. Stefan reminds EJ that he begged him for help but he turned his back on him when he was the one person who could have helped him get rid of Clyde. Stefan tells EJ to look in the mirror if he wants to be mad at somebody.

Kayla and Marlena join Nicole in Holly’s hospital room. Kayla informs Nicole that the drugs are out of Holly’s system and they have strong brain function but she has to stay on the ventilator and it’s a bit of a waiting game now. Marlena tells Nicole that she can’t imagine how difficult this must be for her. Nicole acknowledges that it’s difficult for EJ too as he loves Holly so much and he’s determined to make someone pay for what happened. Nicole knows right now that someone is Tate and tells Marlena that she’s sorry. Marlena says she is sorry too since Tate was never involved with drugs or even drank after what he saw of his own parents addiction. Nicole never thought Holly would use drugs either but guesses she wasn’t paying close enough attention. Nicole acknowledges that Holly got drunk on Christmas Eve, but thought that was only to escape the grief of losing her brother and thought it was a one time thing. Nicole didn’t think it was a big deal and cries that she feels so guilty because she let her own grief consume her and now her precious daughter was just an afterthought. Marlena encourages Nicole not to be hard on herself as that just makes it more difficult. Nicole responds that she doesn’t care if it’s difficult for her or about herself at all anymore as she just cares about her daughter. Kayla reminds Nicole that she is important and needs to stay strong for her daughter as she hugs her. Marlena steps out to make a call.

Sloan and Eric talk about their baby growing until Eric gets a call from Marlena. Eric wishes her a Happy New Year but Marlena says she’s calling with bad news. Marlena informs Eric that Holly overdosed last night and is in a coma. Marlena knows how much Holly means to Eric and says she’s sorry to pull him away from his family right now, but she thinks Holly and Nicole need him right now. Eric says he’ll be right there and hangs up. Eric then informs Sloan that Holly overdosed so he has to get to the hospital and rushes to get ready. Sloan asks if they know Holly’s condition yet. Eric says no and he’ll call her as soon as he can. Sloan assumes EJ will be there too. Eric doesn’t know but says he just has to get there because Holly’s like a daughter to him. Eric repeats that he’ll call her as soon as he can and rushes out. Sloan then gets a credit card alert on her phone, asking if she authorized a $1200 bottle of champagne. Sloan angrily tells Jude that they are going on a field trip.

Nicole asks Kayla if she thinks it helps when she talks to Holly and if she can hear her. Kayla says definitely and suggests Nicole continue talking to her while she goes to check on the test results. Kayla adds that there are nurses outside if she needs anything. Nicole thanks Kayla as she exits. Nicole sits with Holly and talks about her birth.

Kayla runs in to Marlena, who tells her that she just texted John and called Eric about Holly, so Eric is on his way. Kayla hopes that EJ is okay with that because the last thing Nicole needs is a confrontation between them. Marlena says that EJ obviously wants to prosecute Tate, but she hopes that Eric can be a help and comfort since he was Holly’s stepfather, so she knows he’d want to be there for her and Nicole.

EJ questions Stefan blaming him for this when it was Stefan’s decision to let Clyde call the shots which he had nothing to do. Stefan shouts that he did that to prevent Gabi from being further injured or killed. EJ complains that it doesn’t change the fact that he’s still running opioid laced drugs out of the Bistro. EJ screams that the poison might have gotten his stepdaughter killed. EJ accuses Stefan of endangering the lives of thousands of people including children, all to protect one person who is in prison for murder. EJ asks Stefan for one good reason not to have him arrested right now.

Chad asks what else Everett knows. Everett informs Chad and Julie that Holly overdosed at the Bistro party and was rushed to the hospital emergency room. Julie asks if she’s going to make it. Everett wishes he knew but says he only knows that she’s in a coma. Julie asks what is happening in Salem and where all these drugs are coming from. Everett says it’s getting worse by the minute and apparently the police are stumped by the drug ring. Everett declares that they need to get to the bottom of this, expose the players, and bust this story wide open.

Sloan goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn and questions him about the $1200 bottle of champagne. Sloan tells Leo that he can’t keep doing this. Leo points out that she failed to authorize the charge so he had to settle for a subpar bottle so now he has a headache. Sloan warns that he’ll need a bigger bottle of aspirin when she’s done with him.

Everett tells Chad that they both know the reach that the Spectator has and that investigative journalism is the cornerstone of it’s success. Chad says that’s something they agree on. Everett thinks they can also agree that getting this out there can save lives which Chad confirms. Everett takes that as a green light to get started. Chad asks what he needs from him. Everett explains that people might not talk for free so he needs access for a petty cash fund and that $5000 should do it.

Stefan tells EJ that he will implicate him in this entire thing if he arrests him and that won’t be a stretch given EJ’s trafficking history with Clyde. Stefan asks how can EJ not see that they are on the same side in this with a common enemy in Clyde and that EJ is the one person who could help get rid of him, unless he wants Nicole to find out that he could’ve stopped this by not doing a damn thing to get the drugs off the street. EJ says that Stefan doesn’t get to put this on him because everything that happened is because of him. EJ declares that Stefan made his choice and now it’s up to him to clean up the mess on his own. EJ warns that he better do it fast because if he doesn’t, he will take him down.

Eric joins Nicole in Holly’s hospital room. Nicole is surprised to see him. Eric explains that Marlena called him. Nicole says it’s good that he’s there. Eric says she knows he loves Holly and asks what the doctors said. Nicole tells him that Holly is stable and there is brain activity so it’s just a waiting game. Nicole cries that she can’t lose her and talks about Holly being her joy with her whole life ahead of her. Nicole states that she can’t lose another child as her heart can’t take it.

Chad questions Everett asking for $5000. Everett explains that money is basically the only way to get people talk when dealing with criminals if they want the truth and they have to get the drug dealers to talk. Julie questions how they get drug dealers to talk. Everett assures that he can do this, so Chad decides he’s behind him 100% if he’s willing to take the risk for the story.

Stefan asks if EJ does not comprehend the stupidity behind this and says he’s signing Salem’s death warrant if he puts him behind bars. EJ doesn’t think he gives a damn. Stefan declares that they need to make this right for Holly. EJ says Stefan doesn’t get to say that after what he’s done. EJ talks about Nicole being in the hospital next to her comatose child because of the drugs Stefan is running. Stefan shouts about watching Holly get carted off in an ambulance and says his heart is breaking for Holly, Nicole, and EJ because he knows how much they are hurting right now especially after the loss of their son.

Sloan tells Leo that she can’t afford all this expensive crap he keeps buying and it will arouse Eric’s suspicions when her credit card keeps getting rejected. Leo tells Sloan that last night, he was celebrating some very good news and announces that Lady Whistleblower is back so he’s going to have his own money. Leo warns that if Sloan doesn’t play her cards correctly, he will spill her dirty little secrets all over Salem.

Nicole starts talking about how she’s not talking about goodbyes anymore and encourages that Holly is going to come out of this and live her life. Eric says they will pray for that. They start to pray until Holly’s monitors go off and she starts having a seizure, so Eric runs to the door and calls for doctors and nurses to help.

Chad informs Everett that the money has been sent. Everett says he really appreciates it and it looks like he’s on a mission. Everett apologizes for waking them. Julie tells him to forget about that and go save some lives. Chad wishes him luck as Everett then exits. Julie hopes the $5000 buys the answers they want, but worries that Everett will be in harm’s way and asks if Chad is concerned about that. Chad thinks Everett can handle that and reveals that in 2006, he covered the Israel war. Julie notes that he must have been very young. Chad confirms that Everett really is a fantastic journalist, so he has a lot of respect for him. Julie calls it admirable to see that as it must have been hard when he walked back in Stephanie’s life. Chad admits that it was, but he adjusted and he and Stephanie aren’t together anymore so he can’t see him as a threat. Chad brings up that the Spectator meant so much to Abigail, so he’s grateful that Everett is on staff, especially now. Chad hopes that Everett telling a story that needs to be told is going to make their city safer for his kids and everyone. Julie responds that Abigail would be so proud and says she is too.

Leo tells Sloan that it’s no surprise that he got his old job back as he was wildly popular, but he’s excited to be busy again. Sloan warns that she’s about to break his heart and sends him a financial fitness app, so now she will decide how much he uses per month. Sloan adds that if she goes broke, his ride ends with no champagne or roof over his head.

EJ asks Stefan how dense he thinks he is and says he sees through him trying to manipulate him by pretending that his heart is breaking for him. EJ argues that Stefan doesn’t give a damn about him and never has. Stefan calls him a cold son of a bitch. EJ tells Stefan that he’s wasting his time if he thinks he’s ever going to forgive him for what he’s done and his part in hurting his family. Everett then shows up and says he’s sorry to interrupt. Everett introduces himself and says he works for the Spectator. Everett asks if EJ has a few minutes for some questions but EJ says he doesn’t and walks away.

Kayla asks Nicole and Eric to step outside as she promises to do everything she can for Holly. Eric hugs Nicole as she prays for Holly to make it. Eric promises that Holly is in good hands as Nicole cries. Marlena comes over so Eric explains that Holly is having a seizure. Kayla comes out and informs them that Holly is stabilized, so she allows them back in.

Everett tells Stefan that he’s sorry for interrupting. Stefan says it was helpful because the conversation was going nowhere. Everett reminds Stefan that they met at the party last night. Everett brings up the uptick in overdoses including one that happened last night and asks if there’s anything Stefan would like to say on the matter. Stefan states that he’s deeply sorry for what happened on his loading dock, but he’s just the business owner and he has no control over people’s desires or what happens out on the dock. Stefan says they will add extra security detail to the property. Everett asks if he can quote him on that. Stefan says sure. Everett asks if he feels responsible in any way for what happened to Holly. Stefan says not one bit but he does feel sad for Holly and Nicole.

Julie tells Chad that the kids are playing board games while Doug is enjoying his coffee and reading. They talk about Abigail having favorite novels and being an avid reader. Chad talks about how sometimes he still suspects Abigail is going to come back. Chad would think the longer she’s gone, the more real her death would be and the more he’d be able to accept it, but it’s the opposite. Chad states that the more time that goes by, the more shocking it is that he’s never going to see her face again. Julie wishes she could say words to comfort him that he hasn’t already heard. Julie encourages that Abigail will always be in his heart and in his children too. Julie talks about Charlotte having Abigail’s smile. Chad feels Thomas has her eyes and sense of humor. Julie says she was going to wait for Doug, but as she gets older, she has no patience. Julie then asks Chad if he would consider moving back in with them and the children. Julie says they love Thomas and Charlotte so much and would love to have them around. Julie points out that if Chad lived here with them, they could take care of the kids while Chad is at work and they’d be glad to share some of that responsibility with him. Julie asks what Chad says. Chad responds that he’s grateful and touched by the offer, so he accepts. Julie calls that wonderful as they hug. Julie understands how shattered he was when he lost Abigail as she was a light to all of them and she knew the most important thing in life is to give and accept love. Julie tells Chad that he has so much life ahead of him because he has so much love to give and receive.

Leo complains about Sloan thinking she can put him on a budget and asks how he knows she’s not doing that for selfish purposes to save money. Sloan insists it’s the truth. Leo brings up Jude being Nicole’s child and not Sloan’s. Sloan warns that if Leo keeps spending her money, it will ruin everything for the both of them. Leo reluctantly gives in and agrees to the budget. Sloan says that means they both continue to get what they want, so they shake hands on a deal.

Kayla tells Eric and Nicole that she is having a specialist look at the tests but Holly is stable now. Nicole asks about the seizure. Kayla calls it common in drug withdrawal but it shouldn’t cause permanent damage and the seizure was very brief. Nicole thanks her. Kayla says if there’s any change, she will be nearby as she then exits. Nicole knows she should feel comfort in what Kayla said, but her baby is still in a coma and she needs her to wake up. Eric encourages that she will and calls Nicole a wonderful, strong mom. Eric declares that he’s here for Nicole and Holly. Nicole thanks him as they hug. EJ then enters the room and sees them.

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Days Update Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Marlena finds John asleep on the couch at home and wakes him up. John realizes he fell asleep. Marlena points out that he made it to 11:52 and wishes him a Happy New Year. John asks what he missed. Marlena says nothing at all. John guesses he was really knocked out since he didn’t hear Brady and Tate come in. Marlena reveals that they haven’t come home so they must be really out partying. John guesses they must be having a great time. They talk about Tate being really excited for his date with Holly and being young in love. John compares it to their love as he kisses Marlena.

At the hospital, Brady says he’s going to see what’s going on. Tate wants to go too but Brady tells him to stay with Theresa. Brady goes over to Tripp and Rafe, as Tripp tells Rafe that Holly is showing signs of little brain activity. Brady questions if Holly is in a coma. Tripp informs him that Nicole has been made aware but since Brady isn’t family, he can’t discuss it with him. Tripp assures that Holly is getting the best possible care as he then walks away. Brady asks Rafe what the hell is going on. Rafe informs Brady that Holly is alive and that’s all he can tell him. Brady questions Holly being in a coma. Rafe says that obviously what happened is very serious, so he needs to talk to Tate to find out what he knows about what Holly took tonight. They go back over to Tate and Theresa. Rafe confirms that Holly is alive and reminds Tate that he needs to ask him those questions now. Rafe needs Tate to tell him everything from the moment he picked Holly up to the moment he found her passed out. Tate explains that they went to the party together, were dancing and having a good time until she suddenly pulled out the pills and showed them to him. Tate assures that he did not give Holly the pills and that she brought them. EJ arrives and disagrees, declaring that his stepdaughter does not do drugs and accuses the drugs of coming from Tate. EJ demands Tate be arrested.

Stefan finishes his call from Clyde. Ava asks what he wants now. Stefan confirms the bad batch of pills is from a shipment they accepted two days ago. Ava questions why Clyde waited so long, pointing out that the kids that overdosed could still be alive. Stefan says at least now they know and that Clyde wants all remaining product off the street ASAP. Ava questions how the hell they are supposed to make that happen.

Rafe tells EJ that this is a delicate situation and not to be hasty. EJ argues that he talked to the officer on the scene and she said that Tate was found with the drugs in his possession. Tate argues that he was trying to protect Holly as he didn’t want her family to find out that she was using, including EJ as he knows he and Nicole have been through so much. EJ complains that Holly is now fighting for her life because of Tate. Theresa calls that not fair. EJ points out that instead of calling 911 for help, Tate tried to save his own ass instead of getting Holly the help she needed. Tate explains the cops got there right after he did and he freaked out. Brady assures it’s not Tate’s fault. EJ argues that it is Tate’s fault and blames Brady and Theresa being drug addicts and raising their son to follow in their footsteps. Brady calls EJ a son of a bitch as Rafe holds him back. EJ brings up that a few weeks ago, they were in the hospital finding out their son was dead and now Nicole is crying at her daughter’s side, unable to do anything. EJ brings up that he is the district attorney so he will make sure that Tate pays for corrupting Holly and potentially killing her. EJ argues that Holly is in a coma, near death because of Tate and he will be punished accordingly. EJ declares that Tate is going down.

John asks Marlena for her New Year’s resolutions but Marlena reminds him that she doesn’t make those. John admits he hates them too but he has one important resolution that he plans on sticking to for the rest of his life and that is to never let the sun go down on a day without telling Marlena how much he loves her. John calls himself the luckiest man on earth to spend these years with her. Marlena doesn’t know that she deserves all that but says the years with him and the life they shared makes her think she must have done something right. Marlena tells John that she loves him as they kiss.

Stefan tells Ava that Clyde moved pills laced with opioids through the restaurant and now they are stuck cleaning it up. Ava questions who else is going to do it. Stefan complains that laundering the money and then the product was one thing but this is a whole new level of bad. Ava asks how Stefan can even question that it’s up to them to deal with it. Ava points out that there will be more lives ruined because of them, possibly even Gabi and Tripp, if they don’t do something to stop this fast.

Theresa yells at EJ for attacking her and Brady over being addicts when they have worked their asses off to overcome it. Theresa tells EJ that addiction is not a moral failing but a disease. EJ calls it both for them. Theresa calls him an arrogant British bastard and talks about Tate having to witness the hell that she and Brady were in at their lowest, so Tate vowed to never succumb to that. Brady encourages Theresa not to let EJ get to her. Rafe points out that they don’t have enough evidence to arrest Tate. EJ disagrees since Tripp told him there were potentially fatal amount of opioids in Holly’s system. EJ accuses Tate of supplying the drugs and failing to call for proper aid, so he warns that Tate better pray that Holly survives. Tate insists that he is praying. EJ declares that he’s in charge of administering criminal justice in this town, so he decides when criminal charges will be filed. EJ orders Tate to do as he says.

John gets a Happy New Year text from his dad, Timothy. John jokes about his dad being 97 years old and still staying up until midnight, unlike him. John admits he hasn’t been sleeping well lately which Marlena says she has noticed. Marlena asks if something is on John’s mind and brings up Steve being concerned about Konstantin taking advantage of Maggie. John informs her that Konstantin managed to extend his stay in Salem because of a sprained ankle, but they made sure that he will soon be on his way out of the town. Marlena asks what they did. John says she doesn’t need the details but they’ll just chalk one up to the good guys.

Stefan complains to Ava about Clyde upping the ante again and wishes they could end this thing. Ava thinks she might have a way. Stefan asks if she’s going to knock on the door of every drug dealer in town to ask for their product back. Ava responds that she has people she can call. Stefan mocks that as being out of the Godfather and asks if she’s going to make a deal she can’t refuse. Ava says she will. Stefan thought she had cut ties with her family business. Ava says she had, but once a Vitali, always a Vitali. Stefan asks what they are going to want in return. Ava guesses she will find out. Stefan tells her no because she gave up that life for a reason. Ava asks what choice they have. Ava reminds him that Clyde went after Gabi and now kids are dying because they couldn’t stand up to Clyde. Stefan argues that if it wasn’t them, he would’ve used someone else. Ava feels she can’t rationalize this and have this on her conscience. Ava says they accepted Clyde’s terms to protect the people they love and now it’s up to them to find a way out and make this right.

Rafe tells EJ to take it easy as Tate’s just a kid. EJ accuses Tate of attempted manslaughter and warns that he’ll be lucky if he’s not tried as an adult. Theresa argues that what happened to Holly was an accident and not intentional. Theresa points out that Tate is just as upset as EJ is. EJ calls Tate a criminal who needs to learn that actions have consequences. Theresa argues that EJ only sees red and doesn’t want to hear the truth as he only cares about vengeance. Rafe decides he needs to finish questioning Tate, so if there is an arrest to be made, they can say they made protocol. EJ says fine but Brady intervenes and declares that Tate won’t be saying a word until his lawyer is present. Tate questions why, insisting he has nothing to hide and he’s telling the truth. Tate states that it was Holly who brought the pills and said they wanted them to get high together. Theresa argues that means it was EJ’s stepdaughter who brought the drugs and that she was the one trying to corrupt her son. EJ tells her to shut the hell up. Brady tells him not to talk to her that way. Rafe yells for everyone to stop as none of this is helping. Rafe tells everyone to settle down. Rafe then asks Tate to continue. Tate says he told Holly no and that he doesn’t do drugs. Rafe asks if he was surprised when she brought them out. Tate says yes and confirms that Holly offered him weed before and he knows she got drunk on her birthday but he didn’t know she was taking anything else. EJ interrupts and says he can’t believe Rafe is buying this. Tate adds that Holly said the pills were just some ADHD medication that she got from some guy at school. EJ calls Tate a lying bastard and warns him about going to prison. Brady stops them and then shouts that Tate is lying, not to protect himself, but to protect him. Brady then announces that they were his drugs, so they need to arrest him.

Marlena questions John saying she doesn’t need the details. John assures that he and Steve know what they are doing and they don’t want to waste time on this when they have the whole house to themselves and could use this alone time to really ring in the New Year. Marlena isn’t sure how much time they have since Brady and Tate will be home eventually. John and Marlena then agree to head to the master bedroom and lock the door.

Stefan tells Ava that if she’s too tired to clean up the Bistro, she can just leave it. Ava responds that now she’s too wired since every second is another second that another kid can end up at the hospital or worse. Stefan is sorry she had to make those calls. Ava remarks that she’s had blood on her hands too many times to count. Ava brings up the hitwoman at Bayview sent to murder her and then Gil attacking her. Ava knows they are scum and isn’t losing sleep over them being in a grave, but talks about watching Holly grow up while she and Nicole would gossip. Ava declares that now thanks to her, Holly could be gone forever and if she dies, she won’t be able to live with herself. Stefan hugs Ava.

Rafe questions the drugs being Brady’s even though the police found them on Tate. Brady claims that Tate took the drugs from him. Rafe asks if he’s claiming that he sold them to Holly. Brady responds that all he knows is that his son is innocent and didn’t do this, so he needs to be let go. Brady tells Rafe to arrest him because he just confessed. Tripp comes over so EJ asks how Holly is. Tripp says there’s no change and that Nicole is still in with her but she’s being moved to the ICU for better treatment. Tripp tells EJ that he’s welcome to go sit with them if he’d like. Rafe tells EJ to go be with his family and he’ll take Brady down to the police station to get to the bottom of this. Rafe tells EJ that his family needs him. EJ goes back and warns Brady and Tate that he will see them in court as he then walks away. Tate starts to argue that this is wrong and he can’t let Brady do this but Theresa stops him. Tripp tells Rafe that his reports are done and they should know more in the morning, adding that he’s sorry as he knows how much Rafe cares about Holly. Rafe understands the doctors are doing the best they can and that Holly has a lot of people pulling for her. Tripp mentions hearing this happened at the Bistro so Ava must be pretty shaken up. Rafe suggests he go see her which Tripp says he will do and walks away. Rafe goes back and tells Brady they should get going. Rafe then arrests Brady, handcuffs him and reads his rights as Tate tries to ask Brady not to do this. Rafe then escorts Brady from the hospital as Theresa remains with Tate.

John and Marlena come out from the bedroom as John is trying to call Brady but he’s not picking up. Marlena assures everything must be alright but John feels they should’ve been back by now as it’s almost morning. Tate then comes home with Theresa. Marlena asks what’s wrong. Theresa reveals that Holly Jonas overdosed as the Bistro party. Tate adds that Holly is in a coma. Theresa notes that she has a lot of people pulling for her but it’s not looking god. Theresa then adds that Brady has been arrested for supplying the drugs that put her there, shocking John and Marlena.

Rafe brings Brady in to the interrogation room at the police station. Rafe asks if Brady wants to call his lawyer but Brady says no and he’s just going to relay some simple facts. Rafe warns Brady that EJ is demanding someone’s head on a spike so he wanted to give him time to get his story straight. Brady asks what he’s talking about, claiming that he did it, it’s his fault, and he’s ashamed of it. Rafe knows that Brady is trying to protect his son and be a good father, but he doesn’t believe for a second that the drugs were his.

Ava finishes a call and tells Stefan that Dominick is going to take care of it by getting as much product as he can off the street. Stefan calls that a relief but asks how much it’s going to cost. Ava calls it just a favor. Stefan asks what happens when Dom calls in that favor. Ava says it’s not something they need to worry about right now as they are going to focus on getting the drugs off the street before they do any more damage. Stefan worries that Ava is going to regret this and calls it unfair. Tripp then arrives and asks if he’s interrupting. Ava says no and hugs him as she asks how Holly is doing. Tripp says there’s no change and she’s still in a coma. Ava says she can only imagine what Nicole is going through. Ava says she’s praying that Holly pulls through this. Tripp says they all are. Tripp then asks Stefan for a moment alone with Ava. Stefan goes to get some fresh air and exits. Ava asks Tripp what it is. Tripp asks Ava to please tell him that she’s not involved in any of this.

John asks Tate to start from the beginning and tell them what happened. Tate explains that Holly took opioid pills. Theresa repeats that Brady was arrested for supplying the drugs. Tate tries to argue but Theresa says that Tate heard what Brady said, that he supplied the drugs. Marlena questions it while John calls it insane. Theresa doesn’t know any more than what Brady said but she’s sure the police will let him go when they hear the whole story. Marlena suggests Tate get some rest after being up all night but Tate says there’s no way he could sleep right now. John decides to go to the police station to see if there’s anything he can do. Marlena offers to go with him but John tells her to stay with Tate as he exits. Marlena goes to get Tate some milk. Theresa reminds Tate that he said he was going to keep his mouth shut and insists that John and Brady know how to navigate the system. Tate argues that he doesn’t need them to and that he’s fine. Theresa remarks that if Tate was fine, he wouldn’t be in this situation then apologizes for saying that. Tate accuses Theresa of wanting Brady to take the fall because she doesn’t care what happens to him which she denies. Tate argues to let him handle this then because he was doing fine and didn’t do anything wrong. Tate worries that this could ruin Brady’s life. Marlena returns with milk but Tate says he’s sorry as he doesn’t think he can drink it since he feels sick, so he’s just going to lay down. Theresa encourages that everything is going to be okay.

Ava questions Tripp as to how she would be involved in this. Tripp says she knows exactly what he means and tells her to just be honest because he won’t judge her. Ava feels that’s exactly what he’s doing because she’s the daughter of a drug lord, someone overdosed in her restaurant, and she’s automatically responsible. Tripp tells Ava that he loves her, but his dad is a private investigator so he knows how to connect the dots. Tripp goes over how Ava got out of Bayview, needed a job and then Gil hires her out of nowhere to run an upscale restaurant. Ava asks if she’s suddenly not qualified. Tripp says he’s just saying that it almost seemed too good to be true and then a couple weeks later, she killed Gil in his apartment. Tripp adds that when Stefan bought the restaurant is when things seemed really weird, questioning why the head of DiMera Enterprises would buy the Bistro. Ava says he’s the financial backer and calls it a good investment. Tripp says even if he believed that, it was even weirder when she broke up with Harris as he thought they were happy and then out of nowhere, she wants nothing to do with him. Tripp thinks Ava wanted Harris out of the way because he’s a cop and she didn’t want him on to any drug operation she’s running in the place. Tripp asks if he’s right

Brady tells Rafe that he’s wrong and that the drugs were his. Rafe questions believing that Brady just sat there while EJ was berating his son and that Brady is dealing drugs to minors. Brady responds that he’s an addict and they go to great lengths to get their fix. Rafe argues that they both know his fingerprints won’t be on the bag and then the truth will come out that Brady lied which will only make Tate look more guilty. Brady feels it’s too late to take it back but Rafe says it’s not as he hasn’t put anything on the record yet. Rafe adds that if Tate is innocent then he needs Brady to help fight this so that justice can be served. Brady argues that EJ doesn’t want justice, he wants blood, so he can have his.

EJ remains at the hospital where his hands are shaking and he is overcome with frustration as he then storms off.

Theresa tells Marlena that she never believed that Brady would start using again. Marlena asks if she really believes that Brady relapsed. Theresa responds that she doesn’t know what to believe but she does know that Brady would never deliberately give drugs to Holly. Theresa remembers telling Alex to go home so she decides she should go let him know what happened. Theresa goes to check on Tate.

Ava tells Tripp that there’s a lot that he doesn’t know here. Ava admits her break up with Harris was sudden but that’s because he cheated on her. Tripp asks who he cheated with. Ava responds that he wouldn’t believe her if she told him, so she’s not going to. Tripp says he’s sorry that happened to her but that doesn’t explain the rest of it. Ava questions why he’s being so suspicious of her. Tripp points out that she’s acting really nervous which makes him think that Ava hasn’t cut ties with the Vitali family like she promised. Ava insists that she did and tells him to believe her even if she’s betrayed him in the past. Tripp brings up that Ava never even tried to talk him out of moving to Hong Kong and seemed downright happy about it. Tripp says that’s when he knew things were wrong. Tripp tells Ava not to lie to him and if she’s in over her head, he needs her to tell him what’s going on now.

Stefan stands outside the Bistro, wondering how the hell he ended up here. EJ appears and accuses Stefan of doing this to Holly.

Theresa rushes back out to the living room and tells Marlena that Tate is gone.

John goes to the police station and asks Rafe where Brady and his lawyer are. Rafe points to the interrogation room and says that Brady said he didn’t want a lawyer. John calls that a bunch of bull and says he’s going to get him one. John tells Rafe to hold off on the questioning until he gets the lawyer there. Rafe says he’s sorry but it’s not John’s call. Rafe then goes back in to the interrogation room and informs Brady that John is there, insisting he be allowed to find him a lawyer. Brady appreciates his concern, but repeats that he doesn’t want one. Rafe says that John is just doing the same thing Brady is, looking out for his son. Rafe asks where Brady got the drugs, who from, and what they were. Brady claims he doesn’t remember because he was high. Rafe asks if he takes Brady’s blood and does a screening, will it come back positive. Brady doesn’t answer so Rafe says that’s what he thought. Tate arrives at the police station. John questions what he’s doing there as Tate bursts in to the interrogation room. Brady shouts that Tate is not supposed to be there but Tate declares that he can’t let Brady take the fall for this and he won’t. Rafe asks if there’s something Tate wants to say. Tate responds that he was the one who had the drugs like the officer said, so if he’s going to arrest someone, he can arrest him.

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Days Update Monday, January 1, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Abe and Paulina spend New Year’s Eve together as he pours them champagne. Paulina mentions being surprised that he came over since she thought he was set on spending New Year’s Eve alone. Abe responds that he was, but he changed his mind because the thought of beginning a brand new year when he’s not remembering any of the past years made him afraid that he would be uncomfortable which would make her uncomfortable. Paulina assures that it doesn’t as they toast to the future. Abe notes Paulina not drinking. Paulina explains that she’s staying away from alcohol as she’s been having strange symptoms and it’s what her doctor suggested. Abe asks about her symptoms but Paulina wants to forget about it since she feels fine and doesn’t want to spoil their New Year’s Eve together.

EJ and Nicole kiss at home and wish each other a Happy New Year. Nicole points out that EJ made it just in time. EJ reminds her that he promised that he would. EJ toasts to Nicole and they kiss. Nicole asks what they should do now. EJ asks if she’s offering a suggestion. Nicole confirms that she is. EJ asks when Holly will get back from her dinner. Nicole mentions that she told her 2 AM. EJ points out that means they have an hour and 50 minutes. They agree that a lot can happen in that time as they continue kissing.

Everybody at the Bistro party says Happy New Year as the clock strikes midnight. Ava and Stefan exchange kisses on the cheek. Theresa and Alex kiss as Brady watches and mutters a Happy New Year to everyone else who is alone tonight.

Tate goes searching for Holly and finds her on the ground outside, foaming at the mouth after having overdosed on her pills. Tate runs to her side and tries to revive her as a cop arrives and warns Tate not to move.

EJ and Nicole head to the bedroom and light candles as they start kissing and begin to undress. on the bed.

The cop questions what’s going on as Tate explains that Holly was having a seizure and vomited. The cop checks on her and notes that Holly’s pulse is low and she’s barely breathing. She asks what Holly took but Tate says he doesn’t know. The cop urges Holly to breathe as Tate asks if she’s going to be okay. The cop calls in a possible overdose and requests paramedics and an ambulance. Tate finds the bag of pills nearby and puts them in his pocket.

At the police station, Rafe and Harris talk about New Year’s bringing out the crazy people. Rafe mentions that they had two more overdose fatalities tonight. Harris responds that things won’t get better until they find out where the drugs are coming from. Rafe then gets a call and says he’s on his way. Harris asks if it’s another overdose. Rafe confirms that it’s a 17 year old girl..

Brady interrupts Alex and Theresa kissing and informs them that he can’t find Tate. Theresa suggests just texting him. Brady confirms that he did but he’s not responding. Alex suggests Tate and Holly must be huddled up in a corner somewhere. Brady says he was going to give Tate and Holly a ride home as he was going to take off but he will continue looking. Theresa says to let her know if he finds him. Brady goes and asks Ava if she’s seen Tate. Ava responds that he’s been there all night with Holly and walks away which Brady notes was no help. Brady then gets a text from Tate that he needs help at the loading dock and rushes out of the Bistro.

EJ and Nicole lay in bed after having sex and they wish each other a Happy New Year. EJ tells Nicole how relieve he is to have her back. Nicole responds that she’s relieved to be back to herself. EJ guesses talking to Marlena helped which Nicole confirms. They call each other a blessing as EJ says now they can look forward to good and happy times together. EJ declares that he can feel it’s going to be a wonderful year for them as they continue kissing.

At the Bistro party, Stefan proposes a toast and thanks everyone there for celebrating New Year’s Eve with them. Stefan calls it a night to look forward to the future. Stefan announces that a couple just got engaged at the Bistro and toasts to them. Stefan then hears an ambulance coming. Ava comes over and informs Stefan that Holly overdosed on the loading dock. Theresa hears that Ava said Holly and begins to panic.

Brady finds Tate on the loading dock where Holly is being loaded on a stretcher as people look on. Brady asks Tate what happened. Tate explains that he found Holly as she was having a seizure and vomited then the cop showed up. Tate repeats that he thought Holly was going to wake up as Brady hugs him and tells him it’s going to be okay. Brady tells Tate that he needs to know what happened before. Tate then reveals the bag of pills to Brady. The cop comes over and says she will take those.

Abe brings Paulina tea and honey. Paulina questions Abe waiting on her in her own house. Abe points out that she obviously hasn’t been taking care of herself. Paulina argues that she’s been getting a lot of sleep but Abe says he’s not letting this go and questions her symptoms. Paulina explains that she started feeling tired all the time which didn’t surprise her but then she started noticing her joints were aching and her skin was dry. Paulina reveals that she has hypothyroidism which is common for her age. Paulina says she just has to take a little pill every day so it’s no big deal. Abe calls that good news. Paulina then reveals that she also has a tiny lump in her neck which is probably nothing but they did a biopsy for cancer. Paulina adds that there’s no definitive test results yet but will probably be tomorrow. Paulina mentions reading medical articles online since the biopsy and calls them very encouraging since there are lots of new treatments for every kind so if it is cancer, she knows she can beat it and she will.

The cop demands that Tate hand over the bag of pills so he does. She points out that she asked if Tate knew what Holly took and questions what they are. Tate says he has no idea. The cop demands an ID. Brady explains that he is Tate Black, his son and a minor. She repeats that she needs ID. Rafe and Harris arrive on the scene. Rafe asks what’s going on so the cop explains the overdose and that Tate was on the scene with these pills. Rafe takes a look and questions where Tate got them. Tate responds that they aren’t his so Harris asks whose pills they are as they need to know where they came from. Tate responds that they are Holly’s. Rafe is shocked to learn that Holly is the one who overdosed.

EJ tells Nicole that he’s ready to call it a night and asks if Nicole is not tired. Nicole says she is but she wants to wait up for Holly to see how her date went. EJ says he’ll wait with her but Nicole jokes that Holly won’t give her the scoop if EJ is listening. Nicole’s phone then rings so she assumes it’s Holly and hopes the date wasn’t a bust. Nicole sees that it’s Rafe and answers. Rafe informs her that he’s outside the Bistro where there was an incident involving Holly which Nicole questions. Rafe reveals that it appears Holly suffered a drug overdose which shocks Nicole, who asks if Holly is okay. Nicole asks if Holly is still alive. Rafe confirms that she is but she was not responsive when picked up from the dock and she is now on her way to the hospital so she should get there now. Nicole hangs up and informs EJ that Holly overdosed and they have to get to the hospital now.

Stefan calls for everyone to get back inside. Harris asks Ava if Holly was served any alcohol. Ava says absolutely not and that they don’t serve to minors. Ava adds that she didn’t see any drugs but she wasn’t scanning the room all night since she was working. Harris calls it possible that drugs were on the scene. Ava argues that’s not what she said while Stefan questions why Harris is giving the third degree. Harris responds that a teenage girl overdosed and almost died here tonight and they don’t even know yet if she’s going to pull through. Harris asks if they noticed anyone else that was high. Stefan remarks that it was New Year’s Eve. Harris asks if Stefan saw any drugs at any time but Stefan and Ava claim they saw nothing. Harris tells them that if they see or anything regarding drug usage, dealing, or transporting, Salem would greatly appreciate if they gave him a call. Harris says they know where to find him and walks away.

Brady and Tate arrive at the hospital and ask a nurse about Holly. She asks if they are family. Tate says he’s her boyfriend while Brady explains that Tate was there when it happened. The nurse instructs them to have a seat and someone will notify them. Tate questions if she’s dead. The nurse explains that Holly is in trauma but she doesn’t have any more information. Tate worries while Brady encourages that she’s being treated as they sit down together. Brady tells Tate that he needs to tell him exactly what happened tonight. Tate responds that they were at the party having a good time and then Holly said something about knowing how they can have more fun and she pulled out the pills. Tate says he told her no, so she got mad at him and stormed off to the bathroom with the pills. Tate adds that he hoped Holly would cool down so he went looking for her and couldn’t find her until she found her out back, shaking and throwing up. Tate says that out of nowhere, the cop was shining a light in his face. Tate worries that he’s in big trouble. Nicole arrives and asks where Holly is. Brady says that they just got there and that Holly is in trauma. Nicole then rushes off to find her.

Holly is treated in trauma as her vitals begin dropping. Tripp calls for a crash cart as he works on her. Holly flatlines as Tripp and the nurses try to revive her. Nicole rushes in and worries as the nurse tells her to wait outside.

Stefan and Ava go back in to the Bistro. Stefan complains that the place was hopping just two hours ago. Ava says she can’t take this and worries that Holly could’ve died tonight. Stefan argues that there’s no telling that what she took came from here and they didn’t shove the pills down her throat, so it’s not their fault. Ava asks if he still sleeps the same at night without waking up sick to his stomach. Stefan admits that he hates this as much as she does, but Clyde has them in a chokehold. Stefan says he’s sorry for what happened to Holly, but there is no way out of this.

Tripp comes out of the trauma unit and informs Nicole that they stabilized Holly but there were complications. Tripp reveals that Holly is now on a ventilator as she slipped in to a coma.

Theresa and Alex arrive at the hospital. Theresa rushes up to hug Tate and asks if he’s okay. Brady says he’s shaken up. Theresa asks where Holly is and if she’s alright. Tate responds that they don’t know anything. Theresa asks if he’s okay. Tate says he’s not and shouts that Holly could be dead as she was shaking and throwing up everywhere. Alex asks Theresa about Tate possibly using. Theresa argues that her son does not do drugs and knows that his parents are addicts so he would never go down that road. Theresa assures that she would know better than him what her son does, so Alex apologizes. Theresa suggests Alex just go home since there’s nothing he can do. Alex refuses to leave her when she needs him but Theresa says she doesn’t and calls this a family matter so she asks him to leave. Alex says he will check in with her later then and exits. Theresa sits with Tate and tells him that she’s so sorry about Holly. Theresa understands it was a lot for him to watch her overdose and says it must have been really traumatic. Theresa then asks Tate if he did any drugs. Rafe comes over and asks if there’s any news on Holly. Brady informs him that she’s in trauma but they aren’t saying anything else. Rafe knows it’s a tough night for Tate but he’s going to need to ask some questions. Rafe adds that Tate is not in custody, but since he’s a minor, he will need to read his rights for his protection. Brady argues that Tate is not under arrest. Rafe asks if Tate wants a lawyer. Brady insists that he doesn’t need one because he didn’t do anything wrong. Rafe asks if Tate wants to continue talking to him which Tate confirms. Tripp comes over and asks to speak to Rafe so they step aside.

Abe encourages that Paulina is a strong woman and if anyone can deal with this, it’s her. Paulina says it may be nothing and points out that she has her daughter to help her get through this. Abe knows how close they are. Paulina calls Chanel her rock and all she needs. Paulina says now that she’s told Abe what’s going on, she thinks he needs to leave which he questions. Paulina repeats that she wants Abe to leave. Paulina calls Abe a generous soul and she appreciates his offer to be by her side but she has to decline it. Abe argues that if she’s going through something, he wants to be there for her. Paulina shouts that she doesn’t want him to be there for her and that she and Chanel will go through it together. Paulina doesn’t want Abe sticking around because he feels sorry for her as she hates that. Abe argues that he hates it too and he doesn’t feel sorry for her. Paulina complains that she might be facing serious health issues but it’s hard to have him around when he is her husband but he just looks at her like an acquaintance. Abe disagrees but Paulina says whatever she is to him is not enough. Paulina asks Abe to leave again but Abe says that’s too bad as there is no way in hell that he’s going to let the woman he loves go through something without him by her side. Paulina questions him saying she’s the woman he loves which Abe confirms. Abe tells Paulina that he loves her which makes her smile as they kiss.

Ava finishes a call with the hospital, who tells her that Tripp wasn’t available and wouldn’t give her any information about Holly. Ava tells Stefan that she has a really bad feeling about this. Stefan points out that there’s nothing they can do, so he suggests going home to sleep so they can be prepared for any questions tomorrow. Stefan adds that they need to get their stories straight that they didn’t see or hear of anything illegal. Stefan then gets a call from prison. Ava wonders if it’s Gabi but Stefan points out that she’s not allowed phone calls at this time so it has to be Clyde.

Brady says he’s going to see what’s going on. Tate wants to go too but Brady tells him to stay with Theresa. Brady goes over to Tripp and Rafe, as Tripp tells Rafe that Holly is showing signs of little brain activity. Brady questions if Holly is in a coma. Tripp informs him that Nicole has been made aware but since Brady isn’t family, he can’t discuss it with him. Tripp assures that Holly is getting the best possible care as he then walks away. Brady asks Rafe what the hell is going on. Rafe informs Brady that Holly is alive and that’s all he can tell him. Brady questions Holly being in a coma. Rafe says that obviously what happened is very serious, so he needs to talk to Tate to find out what he knows about what Holly took tonight. They go back over to Tate and Theresa. Rafe confirms that Holly is alive and reminds Tate that he needs to ask him those questions now. Rafe needs Tate to tell him everything from the moment he picked Holly up to the moment he found her passed out. Tate explains that they went to the party together, were dancing and having a good time until she suddenly pulled out the pills and showed them to him. Tate assures that he did not give Holly the pills and that she brought them. EJ arrives and disagrees, declaring that his stepdaughter does not do drugs.

Nicole visits Holly in the trauma room. Nicole sits by her side and tells her that she is there. Nicole sings a lullaby to her as she holds back tears. Nicole then breaks down crying.

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Days Update Friday, December 29, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Xander watches over Victoria in his apartment and says she should be waking up just in time to ring in the New Year and he’ll have a bottle ready. Sarah shows up at the door which Xander calls a nice surprise as he thought she was going to the big New Year’s Eve party. Sarah confirms that she is but wanted to stop in to give Victoria a new year’s kiss. Sarah then notes that Victoria’s head is warm.

Johnny and Chanel walk through the town square together. Johnny comments that he has the best looking girl in town on his arm. Chanel says they are both lucky but she feels bad about leaving Paulina at home. Johnny assures that Paulina wouldn’t let them stay home tonight. Chanel talks about going in to the New Year, worrying that Paulina has cancer. Johnny insists that if it is cancer, Paulina will kick it’s ass and whatever happens, they will get through it together.

Chad comes out of the Brady Pub and runs in to Leo. Leo calls him just the man he wanted to see as he has a very interesting proposition for him.

Stephanie goes to Everett’s room at the Salem Inn. Everett says he’s almost ready while Stephanie says she’s early. Everett talks about not being a fan of mixers with so many people. Stephanie encourages that as editor of the Spectator, it will be a great way for him to meet people. Everett feels he could just meet them on the job. Stephanie points out that this is the job as they aren’t going to party but to make connections, so it’s work for both of them.

Alex and Theresa run in to Brady and Tate in the New Year. They wish each other a Happy New Year. Tate mentions that he has to go. Theresa asks where to. Tate asks why she cares. Brady informs her that Tate is going to pick up Holly and asks why she can’t know. Theresa brings up Tate throwing Holly’s Christmas present in the trash last she knew. Tate responds that they worked things out. Tate tells Brady that he’s sorry his date fizzled out for tonight but he’ll see them later. Tate then walks away. Theresa questions Brady about his date. Brady explains that it was going to be his daughter Rachel, but Kristen took her out of town for the weekend. Brady tells them to have a good time and that he’s heading home but Theresa stops him and declares that he’s coming with them.

Stefan meets Ava outside the Bistro. Ava says she was just getting some air before the festivities begin. Stefan says judging by the reservation list, it’s going to be a hell of a night. Stefan credits Ava. Ava says she’s just glad they got the last shipment in and can now just focus on the party. Stefan then gets a news alert on his phone that two kids were found dead after overdosing on laced cocaine.

Holly puts on makeup in her room, then opens a drawer and pulls out a bag of pills. She then covers it up when Nicole enters the room.

Xander tells Sarah that he didn’t notice that Victoria was warm when he laid her down. Sarah notes that her temperature is elevated but nothing extreme. Sarah says she will make Xander a list of things needed for a baby and sends Xander to go get baby acetaminophen.

Chanel thinks Paulina insisted they go to the party so they can report back and be the eyes and ears of the Mayor for her. Johnny says he’s just happy to be there tonight, holding Chanel as they kiss.

Chad jokes with Leo that he’s not his type. Leo clarifies that his proposition has to do with the Spectator and talks about it bombing since he left. Leo suggests Chad bring back his Lady Whistleblower gossip column. Chad tells Leo that it’s not his job to give, so he’ll have to talk to the editor-in-chief.

Stephanie helps Everett with his cuff links and remembers giving them to him on Valentine’s Day. Everett notes they are his favorites.

Brady says he has no interest in being a third wheel so he’s just going home. Theresa tells him to stop being a party pooper and encourages that he could meet someone. Brady says he’s not interested. Theresa urges him to come for the food and laughter then. Theresa asks if Brady really wants to spend New Year’s Eve on his own. Brady reluctantly agrees to come but says he’s only staying for a little while. Theresa demands he stay until the ball drops and it’s officially the New Year. Brady figures it’s going to be just like the old year. Theresa tells him to stop being such a cynic and declares that the year will be amazing. Theresa remarks that there might even be a wedding proposal or marriage as they walk on. Alex comments that he wouldn’t rule that out.

Nicole asks Holly about going out with Tate tonight which she confirms. Holly asks if Nicole is sure she’s okay. Nicole mentions her therapy session and says she’s in a really good place, so her and EJ are having a quiet night in. Nicole says she’ll be happy knowing she’s having fun so she hopes that her and Tate have a good time tonight. Holly assures that she plans on it.

Ava worries and asks Stefan if he thinks the laced cocaine came from there. Stefan argues that all they know is that Clyde’s guys drop shipments off and another group picks them up while they don’t know where they come from, what’s in them, or where they go. Stefan shouts that they are not drug dealers. Ava tells him to keep telling himself that.

Johnny and Chanel are at the Bistro for the New Year’s party alongside Brady, Theresa, and Alex. Stephanie arrives with Everett and wishes everyone a Happy New Year. Stephanie notes that Alex already notes Everett and then introduces him to Johnny, Chanel, Brady, and Theresa. Stephanie says it’s nice to see them as she and Everett walk on. Theresa, Chanel, and Johnny go to get drinks. Brady comments on how much time is left while Alex encourages him to give the party a chance. Brady mentions going to check out the appetizers but Alex stops him and says there’s something he wants to talk to him about while Theresa is otherwise engaged.

Chad tells Leo that if he can get Everett to sign off on it, then he’s fine with it as long as he follows the rules. Chad warns that the Spectator is Abigail’s legacy so he will have final approval on everything. Leo agrees and says he already has some ideas. Leo asks if Chad has any big New Year’s Eve plans for he and Stephanie. Chad reveals they actually broke up. Leo says he’s so sorry and then thinks back to seeing Stephanie coming down the stairs at the Pub and wondering why she spent the night there. Leo then asks Chad when he and Stephanie called it quits. Chad tells him that it’s none of his business. Leo decides he must go find Everett Lynch then and walks off.

Sarah holds Victoria and talks about her life getting sweeter since she was born. Sarah notes that she’s still warm but she’s not crying so she’s not in pain. Sarah says as soon as Xander gets back, they will get her fever down.

Nicole helps Holly pick out a dress for the night. Holly asks about therapy. Nicole says it put her in a better place and she’s glad she went. Nicole vows to focus on her blessings this year like Holly. Nicole offers some things from her closet for Holly to try on but Holly refuses to wear a mom dress as they joke with each other.

Ava asks Stefan if things can get any worse. Stefan warns her not to tempt the Gods. Ava informs him that Tripp told her that he’s moving to Hong Kong with Wendy which might be the best since he’ll be out of Clyde’s reach. Stefan congratulates her but says he has no such luck with Gabi. Ava then informs Stefan that she told Harris that they were dating since he assumed it when he walked in on them, so she went along with it. Ava adds that it’s better that Harris suspect that then what’s really going on. Stefan guesses she’s right but he hates the idea of the public thinking he’s cheating on Gabi. Stefan then admits it is a good cover. Ava jokes that they are having an affair.

Tate arrives at the DiMera Mansion. Nicole answers the door and invites him in. Tate asks if Holly is ready to go. Nicole tells Holly to have fun and jokes about her being home by midnight, then tells her she can be home at 2 AM since it’s New Year’s. Nicole wishes them an almost Happy New Year’s. Nicole jokes about Holly wearing one of her dresses after all and then heads in to the living room. Tate asks Holly if she’s ready to go. Holly says almost and then kisses Tate, saying she wanted to go ahead and skip the awkwardness of whether or not to kiss at midnight. Holly says that they do and then exits as Tate says he can’t wait until midnight.

Xander returns home with the medicine for Victoria and apologizes for feeling like he messed up by not having it. Sarah says it’s okay as they have it now and hopefully it will help.

Chad goes to the DiMera Mansion and greets Nicole. They wish each other a Happy New Year as Chad hopes she doesn’t mind him dropping by unannounced. Nicole says not at all. Chad says he just wanted to thank EJ for letting him use the DiMera jet. Nicole says EJ has been upstairs on work calls all day but he’s welcome to wait which Chad accepts. Nicole asks about Chad taking the kids to Boston. Chad confirms that he just picked them up and they are going to ring in the New Year with Doug and Julie. Chad asks how Nicole and EJ are doing as he’s sure it must be rough, especially with the holidays. Nicole admits that it is. Chad tells her that he’s so sorry for her loss. Nicole thanks him. Chad asks if she has any New Year’s plans. Nicole says it will just be a quiet night at home as the last thing she wants to do is go to a party.

Tate and Holly arrive at the Bistro party where Johnny and Chanel greet them and wish them a Happy New Year. Chanel and Johnny encourage them to hit the buffet. Holly thanks them but says they are going to dance now. Stefan and Ava come in and comment on how the place is jumping. Ava tries to walk arm in arm with Stefan but Stefan argues that if they are supposed to be having an affair, it should be on the down low and not out in the open for the whole world to see. Ava remarks that it sounds like he’s speaking from experience. Stephanie comes over and greets them, then introduces them to Everett. Stephanie notes that Stefan is the CEO of DiMera Enterprises and also owns the Bistro while Ava is the general manager. Everett mentions being familiar with the DiMera and Vitali names as they have colorful family histories. Ava insists this is a legitimate business. Stephanie brings up that Salem has a history of surprise guests showing up on New Year’s Eve and asks if there’s any chance of that happening tonight. Stefan says not that he’s aware of.

Alex and Brady step outside the room as Brady tells Alex that he hopes he’s not going to give him a lecture since he and Theresa are actually getting along. Alex says it’s not that so Brady asks what it is. Alex tells Brady that at Christmas dinner, Maggie and company were all over him for putting in Theresa in charge of Bella Magazine. Alex notes that Brady didn’t take a stand but thinks Theresa could really use him in her corner. Alex adds that he’s told her what a great job she’s doing but thinks it would help coming from someone other than her boyfriend. Alex asks if Brady will help but Theresa interrupts and urges Alex to join her back on the dance floor. They head back in and are surprised to see Leo performing for the party. Stefan remarks to Ava that having the gossip queen around is not what they need while Brady and Alex agree that they can’t stand Leo. Leo praises Stefan and Ava for throwing the party. Stefan mocks Leo’s cape. Leo responds that capes are back and so is he.

Xander holds Victoria until she falls asleep. Sarah notes that he got her to calm down. Xander says maybe the medication kicked in and asks what they do now. Sarah says they will wait and hope her temperature goes down. Sarah decides she will text her friend to tell her that she’s not coming to the party. Xander asks if she’s sure. Sarah says her baby is sick so she’s not going to leave her as she is always her priority.

Nicole tells Chad that break ups can be tough as she knows. Nicole adds that she’s really sorry things didn’t work out between Chad and Stephanie. Chad thanks her but says he should’ve known he was moving too fast as it was too soon to move on from Abigail. Chad talks about Abigail redecorating the DiMera Mansion and says they had a lot of amazing memories there but a few really horrible ones. Chad thought he was ready to have another relationship but he obviously wasn’t. Nicole says she knows what he means, but says she was ready to be a mother again. Nicole declares that all too often, life catches them on the blind side.

Theresa greets Holly and Tate and asks if they are having a good time. Leo greets Everett and says he was looking for him as he wishes he and Stephanie a Happy New Year. Leo informs Everett that he has the power to bring the New Year in with a bang and bring the Spectator back to it’s glory days by reuniting the readers with Lady Whistleblower. Everett acknowledges that Leo’s column was always popular but at the moment they are emphasizing the investigative journalism side of the paper and not editorials. Leo brings up that Everett defended his column and adds that Chad is totally on board with him coming back if Everett signs off on it. Leo asks what good it is to aim the paper for the moon if no one is reading it. Everett then gives in and agrees to bring Leo back. Leo excitedly tells him that he won’t regret it for a second. Everett warns Leo that he wants impeccable sourcing. Leo assures that he will only get what is authentic and what he sees with his own two eyes.

Tate and Holly step outside. Holly tells Tate that she knows how they can make things even more fun. Holly then reveals the bag of pills from her purse and says she brought them a little something which shocks Tate.

Sarah checks Victoria’s temperature and finds that it is back to normal which relieves her and Xander. Xander points out that if Victoria is feeling better, maybe Sarah still has time to make it to the party. Sarah says she doesn’t care about the party as she’d much rather be here with her little girl and Xander.

Chad tells Nicole that he should get going as he told Doug and Julie that he’d be back soon. Nicole says she’ll tell EJ that he missed him. Nicole wishes Chad a Happy New Year as they hug. Chad says they deserve a midnight toast and tells Nicole to thank EJ for the jet for him. Chad hopes this coming year brings Nicole happiness as she deserves it. Nicole responds that they both do as they hug.

Alex goes to get drink refills for he and Theresa. Theresa comments to Brady that Tate is having a good time. Brady says just a week ago, he thought Tate and Holly were a bust and now they are the party together so it’s nice. Brady comments on Theresa being with Alex. Theresa acknowledges that Alex has been really great and supportive. Brady tells Theresa that he thinks Bella might be a great position for her and talks about how it was a big part of his portfolio. Brady adds that if Theresa has any questions about it, he’s there. Theresa gets offended and says she has no questions, especially from him. Theresa argues that she’s totally competent and overqualified for the job. Theresa says she’s not just rising to the occasion, she’s hitting it out of the park so she doesn’t need his condescending insult to offer her help. Theresa sarcastically thanks him for the vote of confidence and walks away.

Tate asks Holly if she’s crazy. She says she will be as Tate tells her to put the pills away. Theresa comes out and greets them. Tate asks her what’s wrong but Theresa says nothing and asks what they are up to and if they’re still having fun. Holly responds that it’s getting better and better. Theresa then walks away.

Everett and Stephanie decide they are done and agree to leave the party.

Tate warns Holly that someone could see them and Theresa almost did. Tate adds that his parents were both addicts so there’s no way he’s taking the pills and neither should she. Holly says they are just ADHD meds that she got from someone at school and that everyone is doing them. Tate says not him. Holly is surprised since she offered him weed the day they met. Tate argues that those are amphetamines, not weed. Holly argues that they are very mild ones. Holly says they just make her feel better and give her energy. Tate questions her needing to feel better and have more energy tonight when she’s with him. Holly insists that they’ll make things more fun for both of them. Tate says not for him and he’s out. Holly says fine and heads to the bathroom. Tate heads back inside the party asking if Johnny and Chanel have seen Holly. Chanel thinks she saw her go to the ladies room so Tate thanks her. Leo walks back over to Stefan, who comments on Leo still being there. Leo remarks to Stefan that he’s the only one at the party who truly understands him since both of their soulmates are locked up in prison, leaving them here to celebrate New Year’s all alone. Stefan argues that his soulmate is innocent while Leo’s is a slimy dirtbag. Leo reminds Stefan that’s his nephew that he’s talking about as he walks away. Leo calls out for Dimitri.

Nicole calls for EJ as she opens the bottle of champagne and notes that it’s almost midnight. Nicole says she is so ready for the year to be over and calls out to EJ to get off the phone as the ball is about to drop.

Johnny and Chanel walk through the park. Chanel gets a text from Paulina and says she can’t believe this. Chanel informs Johnny that Paulina said Abe came over for New Year’s Eve and told her not to come home which they laugh about. Chanel asks Johnny now where she’s supposed to go. Johnny thinks they can come up with something as they kiss.

Everett and Stephanie walk through the town square, talking about leaving the party as they did what they needed and didn’t need to stay with all the celebrating and kissing. Fireworks then start going off for New Year’s, so Everett and Stephanie begin kissing right as Chad walks into the town square and sees them.

Johnny and Chanel continue kissing in the park as fireworks go off for New Year’s.

Xander and Sarah watch the fireworks together and end up kissing.

Everybody at the party says Happy New Year as the clock strikes midnight. Ava and Stefan exchange kisses on the cheek. Theresa and Alex kiss as Brady watches and mutters a Happy New Year to everyone else who is alone tonight.

Tate goes searching for Holly and finds her on the ground outside, foaming at the mouth after having overdosed on her pills.

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Days Update Thursday, December 28, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel and Paulina meet with Kayla at the hospital. Paulina complains about missing meetings and having work to do while already spending half her day here. Paulina admits that patience is not her strong suit and she cannot afford to neglect her duties as Mayor. Paulina asks Kayla to give her whatever prescriptions she needs so she can get rid of the lump on her neck, leave the hospital, and get on with her life.

Nicole meets with Marlena in her office at the hospital. Marlena is glad she came and Nicole thanks her for seeing her. Marlena asks if she’s been to therapy before. Nicole says she’s been here and there but not nearly as much as she probably should’ve been, considering her childhood with an abusive father that led to some self-destructive behaviors. Nicole admits that she’s so nervous she can’t even think and she’s starting to have second thoughts about this being a good idea. Marlena asks why that would be. Nicole points out that Marlena is Eric’s mother.

Eric and Sloan walk through the town square with baby Jude, who has fallen asleep in his stroller. As Eric and Sloan sit together, Leo approaches and comments on how lucky he is to run in to Salem’s perfect family. Sloan tells him that they are trying to enjoy some family time. Leo talks about not having a Christmas tree since he doesn’t have a home yet but he plans on buying one soon. Leo remarks that he wasn’t expecting coal this year but Santa must have had a change of heart and been nice to him as Sloan glares at him.

Konstantin walks through the park with a cane and sits down on a bench. Someone comes up behind him and injects him with a needle and pulls a hood over his head.

Marlena reminds Nicole that everything said today will remain confidential and she will be impartial but asks if she wants to see another therapist. Nicole says she doesn’t and she knows Marlena will be impartial and that she’s the best. Nicole just wanted to address the elephant in the room. Nicole thinks it would be helpful because she knows through Eric that Marlena went through what she did in losing an infant. Marlena asks how Nicole feels about losing her child. Nicole thinks the hardest thing about losing him is the urge she feels that sometimes hits out of nowhere or wakes her up at night. Marlena asks her about the urge. Nicole says it’s the urge to nurse her baby and she still so badly wants to hold her baby, nurse him, and love him. Nicole asks if that urge ever goes away.

Eric tells Leo that they are trying to have a nice morning as a family. Leo responds that they will as soon as he and Sloan discuss some pressing business since she is his lawyer. Sloan asks Eric to give them a moment, so Eric says he’ll go get them some snacks and walks away with Jude. Sloan complains that Leo can’t keep using her credit card as she can barely afford to keep putting him up at the Salem Inn. Leo calls it an upgrade from his previous room. Sloan asks when it’s going to end. Leo says whenever she’s ready to give up her baby back to his real mother.

Konstantin is tied up with a hood over his head, asking who is there. Steve appears and removes the hood, revealing his identity to Konstantin.

Kayla understands Paulina wants to get on with her life but says she has to get an accurate diagnosis before she can prescribe her anything. Kayla says today they will be take a tissue sample that usually only takes a couple moments. Kayla mentions getting the lab results from her previous test and her thyroid hormone level is low and there are some anti-thyroids in her blood causing her thyroid gland to not work as efficiently as it should. Kayla reminds Paulina that it’s a very common condition. Paulina asks if that’s what has caused the lump in her neck. Kayla says it’s possible. Paulina says that would mean it’s not cancer so she questions why she would need a biopsy.

Nicole tells Marlena that when she found out she was pregnant, it was such a surprise as she thought she could never get pregnant but that wasn’t the case. Marlena asks if she was happy about the pregnancy. Nicole admits she wasn’t in the beginning because she was too scared of having another stillbirth. Nicole reveals that she even considered an abortion briefly and talks about how she thought there was a chance that Eric was the father. Marlena doesn’t understand. Nicole explains that after everything Eric has been through and knowing how much he wanted to be a father, she was not going to deprive him of that.

Leo begins giving Sloan a list of his demands including 3 or 4 roundtrip flights to New York and he wants piano lessons. Sloan argues that she has no savings and is still trying to pay off her law school loans or else she wouldn’t be living in a studio apartment. Leo says he’s concerned about her then and questions if she’s so hard for cash, why not give the baby back to his rich real parents. Sloan argues that she and Eric are his real parents. Leo guesses she’ll have to get a smaller apartment then so she can support him in the manner he’s become accustomed to.

John joins Steve in the abduction of Konstantin. Konstantin questions what Steve wants. Steve brings up that Konstantin was supposed to leave Salem weeks ago and he told him to stay the hell away from Maggie, but he’s still lurking around and trying to worm his way back in to her life. Konstantin claims that’s not true and that he had every intention of going back to Greece on Christmas night, but he’s in no shape to travel in his condition. Konstantin argues that his ankle is bandaged and very swollen. Konstantin demands an explanation as to why Steve is harassing him and subjecting him to such humiliation. Konstantin questions what the hell he did and what he wants.

Kayla understands Paulina being skeptical about the biopsy since she likely has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis that can be treated with medication but there is a possibility of thyroid cancer cells, so she would like to rule that out before making a diagnosis. Chanel feels that makes sense but Paulina disagrees. Paulina argues that she would know if she had cancer as she would have symptoms but she doesn’t and she’s just tired because she doesn’t get enough sleep. Chanel asks her to just do the test for her and adds that it would be nice to have peace of mind and know what is going on. Paulina then reluctantly agrees to do it. Chanel thanks her and Kayla decides to get the biopsy scheduled. Paulina says to do it soon because she needs to get out of here and get on her with life as she does not have time to be sick.

Sloan questions if Leo’s big plan is to bankrupt her. Leo argues that his plan is to finally live a charmed life. Leo says he will soon be doing his part to supplement his income because he’s planning on going back to the Spectator to get his old job back, so he will have a steady income and a huge audience if there’s ever a secret that needs to be blown sky high which there always is. Leo says he has to get going and comments on Sloan looking pale as he walks away.

Marlena asks if Nicole is saying that she decided not to terminate her pregnancy because she didn’t want to potentially deprive Eric of being a father. Nicole confirms that was the main reason, but not the only reason. Nicole tells Marlena that she loves EJ, but admits she still cares about Eric and misses him. Nicole cries that in her heart, she wanted her baby to be Eric’s.

Steve tells Konstantin that he wants him to leave Salem. Konstantin questions how it’s his business. Steve argues that he cares about Maggie as family, so he won’t let him use her or lie to her anymore. Steve orders Konstantin to leave the country and warns that he never wants to see him near Maggie again. Konstantin refuses to leave and tells Steve to go to Hell.

Johnny joins Chanel and Paulina at the hospital. Paulina wishes him a Happy New Year and asks what brings him by. Johnny says he thought they could use some home baking after a long day of waiting at the hospital. Chanel and Paulina call that sweet and thoughtful while Paulina decides she will wait until after her biopsy. Johnny questions the biopsy. Chanel notes that Paulina isn’t happy about it. Paulina calls it unnecessary. Chanel asks Johnny if she can share his experience which he allows. Chanel then informs Paulina that Johnny is a cancer survivor. Johnny confirms it was in his left eye and it had to removed to save his life. Paulina says she would never know and tells him that he has beautiful eyes. Johnny admits it was a tough time, especially for his parents since he was so young. Johnny notes that having the cancer detected early saved his life, so he’s very grateful. Paulina doesn’t understand what it has to do with her. Chanel points out that early detection of cancer is what makes it curable and now Johnny is completely healthy because they could treat the cancer before it spread. Paulina argues that she just knows her test results will show the lump in her neck is not serious and certainly not cancer. Chanel says she is optimistic too but because Paulina is important to her, it’s best to be 100% sure because they want her around for a very long time. Paulina promises she will not go gently in to that good night and she can be sure of that.

Nicole worries about if EJ heard her say that and knew that she wanted the baby to be Eric’s. Marlena asks how Nicole felt when she found out the baby wasn’t Eric’s. Nicole admits she was disappointed the baby wasn’t Eric’s because part of her just thought it would’ve been a sign that they were meant to be together. Marlena asks if that means she would’ve left EJ. Nicole stutters and feels she’s supposed to say of course not, but she can’t. Nicole asks what she’s even doing since this was a while ago and things have changed. Nicole cries that Eric and Sloan are married with a child while she and EJ are building a life together. Nicole talks about how excited EJ was to get the DNA results back confirming he was the father and he was so looking forward to raising the child with her. Nicole states that is when she stopped being disappointed and started focusing on being a loving partner to EJ and to having a healthy baby. Nicole cries that if it wasn’t for the car accident, their baby would still be alive as she breaks down crying.

Eric and Jude return to Sloan with snacks. Eric tells Sloan that her credit card was declined but the cashier let him have the snacks and he said he’ll come back with the $4. Sloan finds it weird that her card was declined, but then Leo returns with large shopping bags from Saxton’s. Leo talks about the big sale they had and how he spent thousands on a leather jacket, a backpack, and sweaters. Leo exclaims that his spirits are soaring as he walks on.

Konstantin questions who the hell Steve thinks he is and argues that he can’t force him out of the country. Steve warns him that he and John have connections in the ISA so they can definitely make that happen and they will. John then grabs Konstantin and pulls him up. They drag Konstantin back to the park where they took him from. Steve and John give Konstantin one week and then he’s out of Maggie’s life and Salem for good as they then walk away, leaving Konstantin on the park bench.

Johnny asks Chanel if Paulina headed off to get her biopsy. Chanel confirms that she did and thanks Johnny for letting her share his experience as she thinks it gave Paulina perspective. Chanel can’t wait to get the results back so they can get on with the rest of their day. Johnny asks what Chanel had in mind for New Year’s Eve tonight and if she wanted to do anything, mentioning a party at the Bistro. Chanel guesses they should play it by ear with everything going on. Johnny suggests they could just stay in and watch It’s a Wonderful Life since they didn’t get to on Christmas. Chanel agrees that sounds perfect and thanks him for being with her. Johnny responds that there’s no where else he’d rather be. Johnny adds that no matter what they find, Paulina is a fighter and she’s going to be fine. Chanel declares that she better be because she cannot imagine her life without her as Johnny hugs her.

Nicole tells Marlena that she and EJ have grown closer since the loss of the baby and that EJ has been so understanding and kind. Nicole adds that even when she stole Eric and Sloan’s baby from the town square and brought him home, EJ didn’t judge her and just urged her to do the right thing. Nicole says that Eric even understood and found it in his heart to forgive her which she’s grateful for. Marlena asks if Nicole has found a way to forgive herself. Nicole cries that she has. Marlena says she’s glad and asks what Nicole sees next for herself. Nicole knows she’s blessed with a loving husband and a wonderful daughter who is so kind and smart. Nicole knows Holly has had difficulties in her childhood like losing her father and moving a lot while now she’s grieving the loss of her little brother too and dealing with her sadness. Nicole wants to focus on Holly and give her some stability. Nicole knows Holly will soon be moving out and living on her own, so she just wants to spend this time with her because she is her joy.

Eric tells Sloan that he’s been thinking and realized raising a kid is expensive, so he’s thinking it’s time for him to make a career change in going full time with his photography. Sloan talks about always believing in his talent and pushing him to get back in to photography. Eric thinks now is the perfect time. Sloan says they have grandparents to watch Jude while they both work. Eric adds that his own business would allow him to have flexible hours.

Leo walks towards the Salem Inn and says it’s time to drop his shopping bags off and go back for round two or three of his shopping spree. Johnny walks by so Leo calls out to him. Leo asks if Johnny has any juicy stories to share. Johnny says no and if he did, he wouldn’t share with Leo. Leo asks Johnny to share an evening with him then, pointing out that it’s New Year’s Eve and calls him cute.

Marlena hopes the session was helpful for Nicole. Nicole confirms that it was and she would like to continue seeing her if she can fit her in her schedule. Marlena is glad and assures there will always be time in her schedule for her. Nicole thanks her and says after talking about her feelings, she feels very hopeful that she’s actually optimistic about her recovery and the new year.

Eric tells Sloan that he’s never felt so happy as he’s always wanted to be a father and now it’s exceeded his expectations. Sloan feels the same way as she loves Eric and their son so much. Sloan knows their love will continue to get deeper and stronger as nothing will ever tear them apart. Eric then kisses Sloan.

Johnny laughs at the idea of Leo asking him out on a date. Leo points out that they are both single and suggests Johnny could be bi. Johnny assures that he’s not but even if he was, Leo is the last person he’d want to go out with. Johnny sarcastically suggests Leo get on a dating site because he is spoken for. Johnny wishes him a Happy New Year and walks away. Leo says they’ll see about that.

Chanel and Paulina return to Kayla’s office. Kayla informs them that she put a rush on the biopsy results and they unfortunately came back suspicious. Paulina questions what that means. Kayla responds that they aren’t sure yet but the report is showing similarities to cancer cells. Kayla says they will have to run more tests to know exactly what they are dealing with. Paulina says she understands and whatever is determined, she will deal with it because she’s a warrior. Kayla thinks anyone who knows her knows that. Paulina adds that she has so much support and love in her life so she knows she will get through whatever it is.

Konstantin remains in the park and remarks that he knows John’s eyes as he thinks back to John coming face to face with him earlier. Konstantin wonders if it could really be him.

John and Steve clean up the basement where they held Konstantin. Steve hopes they finally got through to Konstantin, calling him a slimy bastard for taking advantage of a grieving widow. John calls him lower than scum. Steve declares that if they didn’t get through to him, they have no choice but to take this to the next level.

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Days Update Wednesday, December 27, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

As Ava and Stefan receive their shipment, Harris shows up behind them and questions what’s going on. Ava talks about things being rough since the Bistro reopened while Stefan notes that luckily, their shipment arrived just in time for the holidays. Harris asks if they are out here to pick it up. Ava responds that they had to make sure it was exactly what they ordered. Harris asks who is watching the Bistro then.

Tate sits at home frustrated. He pulls his gift for Holly, a book, from the trash but then puts it back. Holly shows up at the door and asks if she can come in.

Rafe and Jada wake up in bed together at Rafe’s. Rafe states that they have such great backups that he’s not even going to look at his phone. Jada agrees to taking a break all day. Rafe tells Jada that today he’s only going to focus on her as they kiss.

Tripp and Wendy sit together in the park. Wendy says getting out of the apartment was a really good idea as they kiss. Tripp mentions meeting Ava in a couple hours for an early Christmas dinner. Wendy remembers that she has to call her mom, which she’s dreading because of her mom wanting her to move to China. Tripp says he feels for her parents losing their only son, but questions if it’s really fair for them to ask her to upend her life instead of just visiting. Wendy wishes it was that simple but says with the death of her brother, she guesses having their only other living child close to them will be the only thing to give them comfort. Tripp says he gets that but worries about the thought of her moving so far away. Wendy says she hasn’t decided to do that yet. Tripp points out that she hasn’t decided against it either. Wendy admits she feels an obligation to try to ease her parents’ suffering but questions how she could leave the life she’s made for herself here and leave Tripp. Tripp hugs Wendy.

Holly asks Tate if she’s not interrupting his family dinner. Tate says definitely not since his grandparents are out and his parents are at the Kiriakis Mansion while he decided he’d rather stay home. Holly understands him wanting to be by himself without the drama. Tate asks why she’s here. Holly responds that she came to say she’s sorry.

Ava tells Harris that they aren’t worried about the Bistro as they don’t have any reservations for an hour and the staff has it covered. Stefan questions what Harris is doing out here anyway. Harris informs him that he’s investigating some suspicious activity. Stefan remarks that the only thing suspicious is Harris lurking around and asking questions. Stefan says he’s going to get some of the flour shipment inside and takes it. Ava comments to Harris that it’s freezing outside, so Harris removes his jacket and puts it on Ava. Ava points out that now he’s going to be cold but Harris says he doesn’t mind. Harris says what he does mind is being lied to.

Tripp tells Wendy that if she doesn’t want to move to China, she should be assertive about it and her mom would have to understand that she already has a life here. Wendy says that her mom is a good person and can be very empathetic, so she doesn’t think her mom would dream of asking her to give up her life here if her dad wasn’t suffering and they weren’t grieving but she’s desperate to find a way to comfort them. Tripp says as much as he wants her to stay in Salem, he will respect whatever decision she makes. Wendy thanks him for being understanding. Tripp notes how cold Wendy’s hands are and decides that he will go get some hot chocolate. After Tripp walks away, Melinda Trask approaches and greets Wendy, wishing her a Merry Christmas.

Rafe and Jada joke about the lighting in his bedroom and décor. Rafe tells Jada that Gabi and his mother decorated the house so he had nothing to do with it. Jada says she loves it, so they did a terrific job. Jada calls it very warm and inviting, commenting that it feels like home.

Holly repeats to Tate that she only came to apologize for treating him like crap since she knew he liked her and she feels terrible that only used him to get closer to Johnny. Holly calls it unfair and stupid of her because now she knows it was never going to work out for her and Johnny. Tate asks what made her realize that. Holly informs him that she was super depressed spending Christmas Eve and her birthday all alone, so she got wasted and almost drunk texted Johnny but then she got more trashed and called Johnny with a ridiculous tirade. Holly says to forget it as she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Tate asks where Johnny was when she called him. Holly explains that he was with Chanel, who was at the hospital with her mom and Johnny went to be supportive. Holly guesses Johnny was worried about her drinking so he rushed home and she says she was just so embarrassed. Tate tells Holly that he’s sorry as that’s a lot to go through on Christmas and her birthday. Holly says that made it even worse. Holly adds that since then, she’s been thinking about how much smarter Tate was about it and how he tried to warn her and she wished she listened. Tate questions why she was alone on Christmas Eve and her birthday. Holly explains that Nicole was having a tough time since losing the baby so EJ took her out of town for the night. Tate asks what she did by herself. Holly clarifies that she wasn’t alone the whole time since Johnny was there and even ordered her a cake when he realized it was her birthday but then Chanel called since her mom was in the hospital. Holly guesses she should’ve been more sympathetic but says she was just so pissed off that Chanel interrupted their time together. Holly admits she acted like a baby. Holly adds that before Johnny left, he told her that she should call Tate and she wishes she listened, but she was so focused on her fantasy that she couldn’t see what was right in front of her.

Rafe asks if Jada is hungry, explaining that tamales are a Christmas tradition in the Hernandez family from his Grandma. Rafe notes that Gabi has made them the last few years but she’s not here, so he took over and he’s not sure they will measure up. Jada is sure they will be great and says she’s so sorry that Gabi is not there for Christmas. Rafe says he’s going to visit her today and bring her some tamales even if he’s not sure they will let him give them to her, but he’s sure it will bring back memories. Jada calls Rafe a wonderful brother. Rafe thanks her but says he won’t believe that himself until he finds Li Shin’s real killer and Gabi is out of prison and back home.

Melinda sits with Wendy and talks about loving this spot in the park. Melinda says she can find a different bench if she prefers but Wendy says it’s fine and tells her to sit where she wants. Melinda tells Wendy that she’s so sorry about her brother. Wendy brings up Melinda saying that on the day he died. Melinda recalls running in to her in the town square that day. Melinda knows her relationship with Li started with a lot of games being played. Wendy argues that Melinda seduced Li to get a confession out of him. Melinda states that she’s not proud of that since that same day, she started to develop real feelings for him. Wendy argues that Li was a good man who made some terrible mistakes but only in the name of love. Wendy declares that Li’s love for Gabi drove him to some behavior that she knows he was ashamed of. Melinda calls that terribly sad but says in a way, she respects his passion for Gabi. Melinda asks what feeds the soul more than love and thinks they both know the answer. Melinda wishes she had more of that in her life and that she was less ambitious and more loving.

Harris tells Ava to just talk to him but she says she has nothing to stay to him. Harris wants her to tell him the truth. Harris argues that she says she broke up with him because he has a wandering eye but he believes that wasn’t the reason at all.

Tate questions Holly finally seeing what’s right in front of her. Holly jokes that it sounds like a line from a movie but she means it. Tate argues that she can’t possibly be talking about him as he didn’t even think she knew he existed. Holly assures that she is and brings up agreeing to a date and how he offered to take her to all these places. Tate points out that she chose the Bistro because she knew Johnny would be there. Holly acknowledges that Johnny is her stepbrother, who she had a stupid and pointless crush on, and says she doesn’t blame Tate for walking out on her. Tate says he just couldn’t take it anymore and he felt pathetic wanting to be with her while she was hung up on somebody else. Holly says she was the pathetic one as she had her head in the clouds and adds that if she was him, she’d never give her another chance. Tate questions if she’s asking for one.

Jada tells Rafe that she knows it’s really painful with his sister being in prison but it’s Christmas and he wants to be in a good place when he sees her, not angry, as she thinks it will be good for both of them. Rafe agrees but says it’s easier said than done to be in a good place. Jada suggests doing something fun. Rafe jokes that they’ve been doing that for most of the day. Jada says she means something silly and distracting like a Christmas trivia game. Jada starts by asking Rafe to name Santa’s reindeer. Rafe calls that so easy and names Dasher, Dancer, Comet, then mixes up with the seven dwarves. Jada says he loses that round and then tells Rafe it’s his turn to ask. Rafe says he has more of a request and asks Jada to sing the 12 Days of Christmas. Jada sings that her true love gave to her, tamales from his abuela’s recipe which impresses Rafe. They kiss and Rafe says he’ll be back as he gets out of bed.

Ava questions why she would lie to Harris when he cheated on her and she feels that’s reason enough to end things. Harris argues that he apologized, they were wasted, and he told her it would never happen again. Ava says maybe she didn’t believe him. Harris responds that maybe he doesn’t believe her, especially after how she and Stefan acted when he showed up. Ava claims that she was just startled. Harris suggests maybe it was because she doesn’t want him to know and then asks if Ava is in love with Stefan.

Tate asks Holly again if she’s asking for a second chance. Holly says not if he doesn’t want one and adds that she doesn’t think she deserves anything after how she treated him. Tate informs her that he bought her a gift, but then he threw it in the trash after their fight. Tate notes that it’s still there so he will get it out. Tate then pulls out the book, Pride & Prejudice, and says it’s a limited edition that he got off ebay. Holly tells him that she loves it as she loves Jane Austen. Holly thanks Tate and calls it the perfect gift. Tate is glad she likes it. Holly says she loves it and she didn’t think he’d want another chance but now she’s bravely going to ask if he wants that date with her.

Rafe brings Jada tamales. Jada tastes them and calls it perfect which relieves Rafe. Rafe says he was worried since Gabi usually makes them and hopes that next year, Gabi will be back home to make them. Jada says she looks forward to that. Rafe reveals that he made the tamales yesterday and reheated them, so they can be reheated again, as they start kissing.

Harris asks Ava if he’s right. Ava tells him that she’s not in love with Stefan, but then claims it hasn’t gotten that far yet but they are seeing each other. Harris says now it makes sense why she ended things because he knew it couldn’t just be what happened with Stephanie. Harris asks how long they’ve been seeing each other. Ava says not long and that it just kind of happened since Stefan reminds her so much of his brother Jake, who she hasn’t really gotten over. Ava claims that working with Stefan brought back all those feelings. Harris says he gets it but wishes she would’ve been honest with him. Ava says she wishes so too. Ava gets a phone reminder about her dinner with Tripp tonight. Harris tells her not to be late. Ava apologizes for deceiving him and says he doesn’t deserve it. Ava knows it will ring hollow but calls him a really great guy and says she will remember every moment they shared together. Ava tells Harris to take care of himself. Harris tells her the same as Ava then heads back in to the Bistro.

Wendy tells Melinda that she’s right about love being the most important thing feeding the soul. Wendy knows Melinda wishes she was more open to being loved, but says there’s obviously still time for that. Melinda says she supposes but admits that she didn’t really like herself very much lately so she doesn’t feel very deserving of love. Wendy calls that too bad. Melinda hopes that is not the case for Wendy because she is so young and beautiful. Melinda says she can tell Wendy has a great mind, a good heart, and integrity. Wendy calls that very kind of her but asks how she knows all that. Melinda calls herself an excellent judge of people. Wendy accepts her compliments and says she’ll even ask for her advice. Melinda tells her to go for it. Wendy explains that she’s torn between love and duty to her parents. Wendy adds that she came to the United States to escape her parents’ demands about how she should present herself to the world. Melinda imagines her parents are demanding more of her with Li gone. Wendy confirms that her father is in deep grief right now and her mother said he’s barely functional, so she wants her to move back to China to be there for them. Melinda asks if that’s what Wendy wants. Tripp then returns with hot chocolate, apologizing for taking so long because of the line. Tripp greets Melinda and asks if everything is okay. Wendy says it’s more than okay as Melinda holds back tears.

Stefan returns to bring more of the flour in to the Bistro but runs in to Harris. Harris tells Stefan that they need to talk about Ava because she told him the truth. Stefan starts to say that Ava is still delusional but Harris says he believes what she told him, so now he’s telling him not to screw with Ava because she’s a good woman who has been through a lot and doesn’t need to be dragged through it. Harris reminds Stefan that he has a wife in prison. Harris doesn’t think even Stefan can deny that Gabi’s involvement with him is part of the reason why she ended up there. Stefan asks where he’s going with this. Harris warns Stefan that he’s watching him and then walks away.

Rafe and Jada continue kissing in bed and joke about never getting out of bed. Jada admits she hasn’t felt like this in a long time. Rafe says he hasn’t either. Jada doesn’t think she’s ever felt like this before. Rafe asks not even with her ex, then says he doesn’t want to know. Jada says maybe he does want to know because the answer is not even with her ex. Jada tells Rafe that what they have is deeper and stronger as she feels safe with him. Rafe responds that he feels the same about her and he’s grateful that she is in his life as they continue kissing.

Tate jokes with Holly that it’s a tough question and he might need a few weeks to think about it, but says it wouldn’t be fair to keep her waiting. Tate then asks Holly how New Year’s Eve at the Bistro sounds. Holly appreciates him being so considerate and says she wouldn’t want him to wait either, so she agrees that it sounds great. Holly asks if he’s sure he doesn’t mind returning to the scene where he walked out on her. Tate declares that they will erase the bad stuff from their memories and do it right this time.

Ava meets Tripp and Wendy in the town square for dinner as they wish each other a Merry Christmas. Ava tells Wendy about how she usually makes a really big Christmas dinner so she feels bad that she didn’t do it this year because she couldn’t get away from the Bistro. Wendy tells her that she’s just glad they could all be together. Ava notes their reservations are in a few minutes so they might as well head on over. Tripp stops her and says they have something to tell her first. Ava asks if they are getting married and if it’s because Wendy is pregnant but they assure it’s not that so Ava asks what it is. Wendy then announces she is moving to China and Tripp announces that he’s moving with her, shocking Ava.

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Days Update Tuesday, December 26, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Harris goes to the Brady Pub and sees Chad seated at a table. Harris notes that he wasn’t expecting to see him as they wish each other a Merry Christmas. Chad asks if he’s meeting someone but Harris says he was just about to request a table for one, so Chad invites Harris to join him. Harris asks what he’s doing here alone on Christmas. Chad says he just needed to get away and think about all the mistakes he’s made this year and the people he’s disappointed. Harris says he gets it but hopes Chad isn’t beating himself up too bad. Harris asks about his kids. Chad says they are at Doug and Julie’s. Chad asks what brings Harris here. Harris informs him that he has nowhere else to be as he planned to spend the holidays with Ava, but the universe had other plans.

Stefan meets Ava out back behind the Bistro. Ava complains about how cold it is and how long it takes to wait on a shipment. Ava remarks that this isn’t how she planned to spend her Christmas while Stefan points out that he didn’t plan to spend most of his Christmas in the prison infirmary. Ava asks how Gabi is doing. Stefan responds that he’s never seen Gabi so scared.

Justin goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and greets Sarah and Maggie as they wish him a Merry Christmas. Sarah mentions that they are sad that Bonnie isn’t joining him. Justin says Bonnie had to fly out to Chicago to see her daughter Mimi. Justin asks Sarah where her baby is. Xander then enters with Victoria as Sarah talks about how much she missed her. Xander talks about the night he had with Victoria. Justin comments that it looks like Xander has certainly taken to fatherhood. Xander confirms he has more than he ever could’ve imagined. Alex and Theresa then arrive. Alex wishes Justin a Merry Christmas as they hug and Theresa does the same. Maggie welcomes Alex and Theresa. Theresa and Maggie wish each other a Merry Christmas. Maggie tells Alex that she’s so glad he came. Alex brings up that he wasn’t going to, but out of respect for Victor, he decided it was the right thing to do. Maggie is glad that he did, especially since this is the first Christmas since Victor died and he would want all of his family together, so that’s the very important reason that she wanted Alex here to make peace.

Stefan tells Ava that Gabi is in pain and he can’t expect the prison infirmary to be like University Hospital. Ava asks if Gabi knows that what happened to her is because of them. Stefan confirms that she does and says it’s bad enough that she’s in prison for a crime she didn’t commit and he doesn’t want to imagine what could happen if he doesn’t get Gabi out soon. Ava remarks that they have to keep Clyde happy until he does.

Harris tells Chad that he wishes he could say this was his first Christmas breakup but tells a story of a few years ago he was dating a girl and things were going well until she gave him a breakup letter as a stocking stuffer. Chad calls that brutal. Harris notes that she didn’t even tell him what he did wrong. Chad states that breakups are always rough but worse around the holidays. Chad would like to think he learned from his mistakes but says he can pinpoint exactly why he deserved to be broken up with as he made a terrible mistake. Harris relates that he made a mistake as well and explains that it was with a good woman and they were both drinking a lot. Harris says nothing happened but they kissed and Ava can’t forgive it. Chad says that’s too bad. Harris asks Chad if there’s any chance he and Stephanie will work things out. Chad says unless there’s a Christmas miracle, he doesn’t think so. Everett then enters the Pub and greets Chad. They wish each other a Merry Christmas. Chad introduces Everett to Harris as the guy who replaced him in Stephanie’s life. Everett says that’s not exactly true as he and Stephanie are just friends as she made it clear that she’s taking a break from men and relationships. Chad invites Everett to pull up a chair then.

Maggie thanks Justin, Alex, Theresa, Sarah, and Xander for being there for Christmas in her and Victor’s home. Maggie says they are all family and hopes they can put their differences aside and work through those differences in the new year. Victoria starts to cry. Theresa offers to take Victoria to give Sarah a break. Sarah thanks her but declines, feeling like she just needs her mom. Xander explains that they have been hesitant to let her go or even let anyone hold her after the kidnapping which Theresa calls understandable. Brady then arrives. Theresa hugs him and they wish each other a Merry Christmas. Theresa mentions speaking to Tate earlier and it sounded like he and Brady had a great Christmas morning. Brady confirms it was but admits he missed his daughter. Theresa is sorry that Kristen wouldn’t let him see Rachel and calls that cruel. Theresa can’t imagine if she or Brady deprived each other from seeing Tate on Christmas. Theresa says they’ve been through a lot but she’s grateful it never came to that. Maggie presents Alex with a Christmas present that she thinks he would like to have. Alex opens it and it’s Victor’s watch. Maggie explains that Victor’s father passed it down to him, so she knows he would like Alex to have it. Alex thanks her and says it means a lot to him as he hugs her. Maggie, Brady, and Justin finish a video chat with Will, Sonny, and Arianna. Justin hopes next year they can all get together in person as they wish them a Merry Christmas. Maggie calls it great that family can be so far away and they can still have video chats. Maggie mentions getting flowers and call from Philip and a call from Hope, who said there’s no change with Bo as he doesn’t even know that Victor is gone. Konstantin arrives and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Maggie invites him in. Konstantin says he hopes he’s not interrupting and tells Maggie that he came to give her a gift and to say goodbye as he has a flight out of Salem tonight, surprising Maggie.

Harris asks how Everett knows Stephanie. Everett says they worked together awhile back in Seattle. Chad calls it a bit more than a working relationship. Everett says he didn’t feel the need to get in to all that right now. Chad comments on Harris not knowing Stephanie so he might not know why he and Everett were so smitten by her. Chad calls her irresistible while Everett calls her a wonderful person. Harris changes the subject by asking Everett where he’s from and how he ended up in Salem. Everett responds that as a journalist, he’s much better at writing stories than he is telling his own, so he asks about Harris being a Navy SEAL instead. Harris says that was awhile ago. Everett calls it a hell of a skillset to bring to the police department. Harris says you would think so but it hasn’t been a help so far on the case he’s on right now.

Stefan tells Ava that he’s so desperate to get Gabi out of prison that he went to EJ to ask for help getting rid of Clyde. Ava asks if he’s crazy. Stefan confirms he told EJ everything. Ava worries about if EJ goes to the cops and blows things wide open. Stefan points out that EJ is also a DiMera and has beef with Clyde but it doesn’t matter since EJ turned him down.

Konstantin gives Maggie a gift of a tablecloth which he assures is 100% handmade from Greece. Maggie says she will cherish it but that he didn’t have to go through such expense. Konstantin assures that it was manageable thanks to her. Konstantin mentions that his flight doesn’t leave for several hours so Maggie invites him to stay for dinner. Konstantin says he couldn’t impose but Maggie insists that they have plenty of food. Maggie asks Theresa to have Henderson set another place at the table.

Chad jokes that it’s a lucky turn of events that three lonely guys showed up at the same place and same time on Christmas Day and that they should make it a tradition. Chad says it beats all the awkward drama of holiday dinners with family. Harris agrees since he doesn’t have a family and calls it a great distraction from work. Everett questions Harris working on Christmas and asks if he drew the short straw. Harris clarifies that he volunteered so that someone with a family could have off. Harris notes that fortunately, it’s been pretty quiet so far.

Ava questions what the hell Stefan was thinking by spilling his guts to the district attorney and worries that now they will have more than Clyde on their back. Stefan complains that Ava hasn’t done anything to get rid of their problem. Ava says turning against each other isn’t going to get Clyde off their backs and that it’s hard enough working together but will be nearly impossible if they try to do it on their own. Ava suggests they just focus on what’s going on here tonight. Stefan states that they are accepting a delivery with Clyde Weston’s drugs mixed in it. Stefan adds that since rejecting the last shipment resulted in Gabi getting a broken leg, he’s not even going to think about what would happen if they reject this one. Stefan declares that they can’t afford to piss off Clyde anymore.

Justin proposes a toast in Victor’s honor. Maggie suggests Konstantin start the toast in Greek, so they toast to Victor’s memory being eternal. Theresa exits the room. Konstantin comments on Sarah having a beautiful child and suggests bring her to visit Greece someday. Xander goes to get Victoria’s bottle. Konstantin comments on Xander being a loving father. Sarah confirms that he loves his daughter. Konstantin comments that Victoria is lucky to have two loving parents as he then steps out. Xander returns and tells Sarah that he’s glad that Konstantin is heading back to Greece tonight. Sarah admits part of her is too, even though he has been a comfort to Maggie so she does worry that Maggie will miss him.

Outside the living room, Konstantin tells Theresa that it’s a lovely Christmas. Theresa remarks that it’s not for her with him here. Konstantin questions where her Christmas spirit is. Theresa responds that it will be back when she knows he’s on his way back to Greece. Konstantin says he’s afraid it won’t be back then because he’s not giving up on Maggie and he’s not leaving town. Konstantin declares that he plans on being back in the house tonight.

Alex gets drink refills for himself, Sarah, and Xander.

Everett asks Harris what his current case is if he’s free to discuss it. Harris talks about drugs being a nationwide problem and there’s always been a drug related scene in Salem but there’s been an uptick lately with more potent product and they have no idea where it’s coming from or how it’s being distributed. Harris believes there’s a new player in town and the mayor and city council are breathing down Rafe’s neck, so Rafe is breathing down his neck. Everett comments that Harris and his jobs as a cop and a reporter aren’t that different as they both have to keep digging, follow all the leads, and leave no stone unturned. Harris says he intends to do all of that.

Ava asks Stefan how long they are supposed to stand out here and freeze. A black cat knocks over an empty bottle nearby and passes by them. Stefan is starting to think maybe Ava shouldn’t have broken up with Harris as it would’ve been nice to keep tabs on what the cops know and what they are doing. Ava calls it kind of infuriating that he kept telling her how dangerous it was for her to be involved with Harris and now he’s telling her it was a mistake to break up with him. Ava tells Stefan to make up his mind and clarifies that she didn’t break up with Harris because she was afraid of him finding out but to keep him from getting caught in the crosshairs if things go sideways. Stefan guesses she really cares about Harris. Ava says she’s not talking about it and declares it’s done between the two of them. Their shipment then arrives.

Alex complains about having to write all the Happy New Year e-mails to the Titan staff about how grateful he is to them, asking if the paycheck isn’t enough. Maggie calls that a terrible attitude and argues that Titan owes it’s success to their staff. Alex says he is grateful but doesn’t think he needs to kiss their asses. Maggie declares that she believes Victor wishes she would step back in to help Alex run Titan. Alex thinks Maggie is overreacting to what he said and says that he treats their employees very fondly, but doesn’t like sending phony e-mails. Maggie complains that Alex’s words showed how he feels about the staff. Xander chimes in that he thinks it’s a great idea for Maggie to step back in and help. Xander adds that he’s happy to help as well as a consultant or whatever Alex needs. Alex mocks the idea of taking advice from the ex-gardener. Xander argues that he was a better CEO of Titan than Alex will ever be.

Theresa tells Konstantin that she has no idea what he’s up to but begs him to go away. Konstantin tells her to watch his old trick as he cracks his ankle to pretend to be injured.

Alex calls Xander a pathetic CEO who didn’t have a clue. Xander argues that Alex doesn’t even have a clue how to be a decent human being. Justin tells them to stop. Xander calls Alex a child and a spoiled brat. Brady tries to argue that it’s Christmas. Alex brings up Xander posing as a clown and kidnapping two women. They then hear Konstantin scream from outside the room. Konstantin comes back in and claims he tripped on the stairs and hurt his ankle. Brady and Xander help Konstantin to the chair. Justin tells Alex that he’s not sure he believes this. Sarah checks on Konstantin and says she doesn’t think his ankle is broken but it is swollen so it might be a severe sprain. Sarah suggests he get an x-ray in the morning. Konstantin calls that impossible as he has a flight tonight. Sarah says he’ll have to postpone. Konstantin claims he does not want to be a burden. Maggie tells him that he’s not and says he’ll be set up in the guest room and will get an x-ray first thing in the morning as Theresa rolls her eyes. Konstantin claims he’s sorry about all of this. Brady whispers to Xander, asking if it’s possible for this family to have one uneventful dinner. Xander says there’s no chance with this family. Theresa asks Justin how he’s doing. Justin says it’s been difficult as Alex seems to think things are different between them and notes that tonight, he’s been especially distant which is sad for him. Theresa says she understands but she knows Alex really loves Justin as a father and it’s just the shock of not being his biological son is still taking a while to wear off. Theresa encourages that Justin is still the wonderful father to Alex that he’s always been so nothing has changed. Justin responds that everything has changed for Alex it seems, but not for him as his heart tells him that Alex is his son and always will be.

Ava tells Stefan that this has to be a new low to be making a drug deal on Christmas Day. Stefan remarks that addicts and dealers don’t take a day off but he hopes the marks do.

Chad decides he should check on his kids. Everett calls them very sweet. Chad calls the kids his proudest accomplishment. Chad starts to text Julie to check on the kids while Harris gets a call about a transaction happening now. Harris asks how reliable this is. Harris then says he’ll check it out and hangs up. Harris says he hates to cut the evening short but he has to go. Everett offers to go with him but Harris says not tonight and suggests he fill out all the paper work in case he gets himself killed. Everett gives Harris his business card and tells him to call him if there’s a development. Harris agrees to do so. Chad asks if he thinks this is it. Harris responds that it could be nothing or it could be the break he’s waiting for. Harris then exits the Pub.

Sarah wraps Konstantin’s ankle and advises him to stay off of it and keep it elevated. Maggie says she will make sure he follows her orders as Sarah rejoins Xander to check on Victoria. Xander suggests they take Victoria for a ride in the car since she’s crying. They say goodbye and exit while Brady decides to walk out with them. Alex decides he’s had enough family fun for the night and asks Theresa if he’s ready to go. Maggie questions them leaving so soon. Alex says they had a blast but they don’t want to wear out their welcome. Alex wishes Justin a Merry Christmas and thanks Maggie for having them as he and Theresa exit. Maggie sends Justin to get ice for Konstantin’s ankle. Maggie tells Konstantin that she was so hoping tonight would be about warmth and forgiveness and that they would all make peace. Konstantin calls that a noble aspiration and says she did her best, but families are so complicated. Konstantin calls family their greatest strength and weakness. Maggie calls that something Victor would say.

Everett tells Chad that the drug problem in Salem is pretty distressing. Chad agrees and says he’s been reading about the overdoses trending upwards but they’ve been pulling through so far. Everett felt from Harris that the situation is spiraling out of control. Chad admits the crack in this could be pretty big for the Spectator. Everett comments that some people who might not talk to a cop might talk to a reporter. Chad asks if he’s ready to earn his stripes.

Ava and Stefan note the shipment being a lot of pills. Stefan states they will get the crap inside when Harris shows up behind them and questions what’s going on.

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Days Update Monday, December 25, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Ava has a nightmare about Harris finding out about her running drugs through the Bistro and arresting her, then she wakes up in a panic.

Chanel wakes up at Paulina’s side in the hospital and asks if she’s okay. Paulina claims she’s perfectly fine and just hungry, saying she wants a Christmas breakfast. Paulina wants to get up but Chanel says she’s not going anywhere after they’ve waited this long. Paulina responds that she can and she will. Kayla then enters the room which Chanel calls perfect timing. Kayla tells Paulina to sit back, relax, and tell her what’s going on.

Sloan puts baby Jude to sleep as she and Eric talk about getting him a rocking horse for Christmas. They talk about one day getting a bigger house and agree that this has been one of their best Christmases. Eric suggests later taking a family photo and putting Jude in his Baby’s First Christmas onesie that Nicole got him but Sloan doesn’t want to because she’s still mad about what Nicole did. Eric says he’s grateful that Nicole came to her senses and brought their baby back. Sloan says she’s not that grateful and complains that nothing was going to happen in the two seconds that she left Jude alone. Eric knows it wasn’t easy for Sloan to cover for Nicole but says that Nicole needs help, not jail time. Sloan declares that what Nicole needs is to stay the hell away from her baby. Sloan adds that she doesn’t want Nicole coming near him ever again.

EJ and Nicole return home to the DiMera Mansion. EJ comments on all the presents still being under the Christmas tree. Nicole mentions that Holly said she wanted to wait since they were coming home early. Nicole is glad they went away for a night but admits she feels guilty for missing Holly’s birthday. EJ encourages that Holly knows how much she loves her and what a terrible time she’s been through, so getting away was a necessity. EJ calls Nicole a terrific mother who has raised an amazing young lady. EJ tells her no more guilt.

Holly wakes up in bed with a hangover and frantically checks her phone, relieved to see she didn’t text Johnny but then remembers that she called him and begins to worry.

Paulina tells Kayla that she has a cough and nothing that some rest won’t cure as she’s been working so much that she’s exhausted. Kayla asks if there’s anything else. Paulina says a sore throat and some hair loss but blows that off as just getting older. Chanel then informs Kayla that Paulina has a lump in her neck that is getting bigger.

Nicole tells EJ that she’s surprised Holly is still in bed. EJ blows it off as her being a teenager but Nicole talks about Holly loving Christmas. Nicole decides to go check on Holly and exits the room as Stefan arrives. EJ comments that Stefan looks like he had quite the Christmas Eve. Stefan tells EJ to shove it up his chimney.

Ava sits at home until Harris shows up at her door. Ava asks what he’s doing there since she made it clear that she didn’t want to see him anymore. Harris informs her that he already got her a gift, so he thought he would drop it off. Harris wishes her a Merry Christmas.

Nicole goes to check on Holly and questions why she’s taking aspirin before getting out of bed. Holly says she just woke up with a really bad headache. Nicole apologizes for missing her birthday and starts to sing her happy birthday but Holly says she thinks her headache is actually a migraine. Nicole then realizes that Holly has a hangover.

Eric tells Sloan that they all live in the same town so he thinks that’s a bit unrealistic. Sloan decides that she doesn’t want to hear about Nicole anymore and just wants to bask in her first Christmas with her baby boy and her husband. Jude then wakes up crying. Eric suggests taking him on walk. Sloan notes that it’s freezing outside so Eric decides he’ll take him on a drive. Sloan decides she will grab a shower then. Eric takes Jude and exits. Leo then shows up at the door and tells Sloan that he’s back.

Ava tells Harris that he should’ve just returned the gift. Harris says he didn’t save the receipt and can’t use it himself so he tells her to just open it. Ava opens it and it’s a necklace. She calls it beautiful but says he shouldn’t be wasting his money on her. Harris doesn’t consider it a waste and calls her worth every penny.

EJ asks Stefan if he had a little too much on a night out on the town last night. Stefan informs him that he spent the night in the prison infirmary with Gabi as she has a broken leg. EJ jokes that she must not have learned to keep her mouth shut since her last prison beating. Stefan states that his wife is in excruciating pain and calls EJ an ass. EJ apologizes for the snark, pointing out that it is Christmas. Stefan adds that what he’s most upset about is that it’s his fault. EJ asks how that is. Stefan then reveals that Gabi’s leg was broken as a message sent to him from Clyde Weston which gets EJ’s attention.

Holly asks Nicole how she knew. Nicole informs her that she can smell alcohol and asks if she went to a party last night. Holly admits that she had some scotch from the bar downstairs which was the first time she ever did that. Holly guesses she was bored and sad. Nicole understands she was sad about her losing the baby and losing it by taking Jude. Holly says that’s all been really upsetting but there’s more. Nicole asks if something happened between her and Tate. Holly reveals that what happened was between her and Johnny. Nicole asks if she can tell her about it. Holly says nevermind as she doesn’t want to talk about this right now. Nicole tells her that she doesn’t have to tell her, but she loves her and is here for her always. Holly tells her that she loves her too as they hug. Nicole suggests she get changed and go out for fresh air.

Leo tells Sloan that they have some catching up to do. Sloan asks if he’s out of his mind as he just missed Eric. Leo says he hid around the corner and waited for Eric to leave. Sloan complains of Leo’s odor. Leo blames it on being at the men’s shelter and says he’s not going to be there much longer because she is going to help him. Leo brings up Sloan accusing him of stealing her child when he was trying to be a responsible citizen. Sloan says she’s sorry but Leo warns that she’s not nearly as sorry as she’s going to be when this is all over.

Kayla asks Paulina when her last physical was. Paulina says it was sometime before she moved to Salem because she’s been busy. Kayla notes that her last report doesn’t mention an enlarged thyroid so she doesn’t know if it’s a new growth or if it just wasn’t checked. Paulina tells Kayla to just cut to the chase and asks if she thinks this is cancer.

Harris offers to help Ava put her necklace on which she allows. Harris calls her beautiful but Ava says they can’t do this. Harris asks why not, arguing that he still feels something between them and he thinks she does too, so he doesn’t understand why she is pushing him away. Ava thinks back to telling Stefan about breaking up with Harris so they didn’t risk being found out. Harris asks if there is something she’s not telling him.

EJ asks Stefan what Clyde Weston has to do with him. Stefan says he initially said it was his own fault but it’s actually because of EJ. Stefan explains that Clyde needed someone to run his drug operation and since EJ declined, he moved onto the next DiMera brother and used Gabi as leverage by threatening to hurt her if he didn’t go along with it. EJ realizes that’s why Stefan bought the Bistro. Stefan confirms that initially they were just going to launder drug money through the Bistro, but eventually Clyde forced them to run the actual product. EJ guesses he means Ava. Stefan confirms that Clyde threatened Ava’s son’s life, so now she is in as much of a bind as he is. Stefan worries that if he makes one wrong move, somebody pays the price. EJ tells Stefan that he needs out of this situation immediately. Stefan says he can’t do it alone, so he asks EJ if he hates Gabi so much that he’s willing to let her die or if he will help him out.

Kayla tells Paulina that she can’t tell for certain but a vast majority are benign and notes Paulina having symptoms of hypothyroidism. Kayla says if that’s what it is, they will treat it with a pill every day. Kayla says she will schedule her for bloodwork and a reference to have a biopsy done which is relatively painless. Kayla adds that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Nicole and Holly walk through the town square. Nicole calls it a beautiful day as they sit together. Holly knows she said she wasn’t ready to talk before but now that her headache isn’t as bad, she might as well know. Holly then admits to Nicole that she was never really in to Tate and just pretended to be. Nicole brings up Holly saying it was between her and Johnny. Holly then reveals that she likes Johnny a lot and that she drunk dialed him last night, so she thinks she told him. Holly doesn’t remember what she said but that she’s humiliated. Nicole is sure Johnny will understand that she was drinking. Nicole adds that Johnny has a girlfriend and is much older than her, so she thinks he just thinks of her as a little sister. Holly admits that she’s kind of obsessed with him and can barely breathe around him. Holly thinks maybe she loves him. Nicole says she’s not saying her feelings aren’t real, but when it’s one-sided, it’s not love, it’s infatuation. Nicole adds that she shouldn’t have to jump through hoops just to get one guy’s attention. Nicole then sees Eric coming with baby Jude and tries to run away with Holly but Eric calls out to them. Eric wishes Holly a happy birthday and Nicole a merry Christmas. Eric talks about planning to take Jude for a drive because he thought it was too cold but it wasn’t. Nicole cuts him off and says this is making her uncomfortable and she’s sure it is for him too. Eric says he knows she wouldn’t bring harm to Jude when she took him. Nicole is sure that he doesn’t want her around his baby. Eric says that’s not true. Nicole is sure his wife would beg to differ.

Sloan tells Leo to stop threatening her. Leo complains that asking nicely hasn’t done the trick. Leo admits he knows how much she loves the baby and how she almost spilled her guts and risked prison when she thought he took him. Leo says he knows how far she’s willing to go for Jude, so he knows she’s willing to pay him whatever it takes to keep his mouth shut.

Kayla returns to Paulina with her lab slip and referral. Chanel says she can’t thank her enough. Kayla mentions that she has to fill in for Santa at the annual hospital kids Christmas party and also read the Christmas story and she can’t do both, so she asks Chanel to read the story. Chanel agrees but Paulina asks why not her. Kayla tells Paulina that it’d be an honor to have the Mayor read the Christmas story as long as she’s feeling up to it. Paulina says it would take a lot more to keep her from sharing the story with the children.

Leo tells Sloan that if she hadn’t sent Dimitri to super max, he may have been willing to settle for his initial demands. Sloan argues that she couldn’t have possibly given him what he asked. Leo argues that Sloan is a rich lawyer while he has no money and no roof over his head, so she’s going to give him both.

Eric tells Nicole that he told Sloan that it’s a small town, so they are going to run in to each other and he hopes they can keep it from being awkward. Nicole assures that she’s getting help and starts therapy with Marlena this week. Eric says he’s glad to hear that and asks Holly if she’s okay. Nicole informs him that she and EJ went away for a night while Holly decided to celebrate her birthday on her own. Holly complains about Nicole telling the whole world. Eric promises not to tell anyone. Eric says he doesn’t condone that but advises a good, greasy breakfast. Nicole agrees that could help. Eric points out that the Salem Inn has a Christmas buffet if Holly wants to grab a plate and be old friends. Holly says she would like that. Nicole says she would too.

EJ asks what Stefan thinks he could do to get Clyde off his back. Stefan knows EJ has the DiMera enforcement team at his disposal. EJ asks what he is implying. Stefan says he never wanted any part of that business, but he’s stuck and he needs to get rid of Clyde while EJ has the means to help him out. Stefan adds that he wouldn’t come to EJ unless he was desperate and he is now, so he’s begging EJ to help him.

Ava tells Harris that there’s nothing she’s not telling him and that she doesn’t want to be with a guy with a wandering eye. Harris insists that he only has eyes for her and wants to spend every moment he can with her. Ava points out that he won’t have much free time with work keeping him busy. Ava asks if there’s any progress with the drug ring. Harris says there’s nothing concrete but it keeps getting worse. Harris adds that there’s a lot of collateral damage with drug use. Ava agrees that it’s horrible. Harris declares that is why he’s not going to stop until he brings whoever is responsible to justice and makes them pay.

EJ looks at the portrait of Stefano and tells Stefan that family first has always been the DiMera creed. EJ says that Stefano could always find a way to unite them against a common threat. Stefan points out that EJ wants revenge against Clyde as much as he does. EJ admits he hasn’t taken it yet. EJ tells Stefan that he’s not the old EJ anymore, who would take those kind of risks, consequences be damned. EJ points out that he has a wife who desperately needs him now and he doesn’t want to subject her to any more. Stefan argues that Nicole isn’t the one being threatened, Gabi is. EJ calls Gabi his nemesis and Ava his other nemesis. EJ reminds Stefan that he’s also the district attorney now, so he’s on the other side of the law. EJ tells Stefan that he’s sorry but he can’t and won’t help him.

Sloan tells Leo that she can barely afford her place and she’s supporting her child now. Leo notices the rocking horse and thinks she can afford to set him up at the Salem Inn, indefinitely with unlimited room service. Sloan says that would cost a fortune. Leo tells her to take out a loan or rob a bank. Leo remarks that he’s sure she will find a way to put him up in the style that he’s eager to become re-accustomed to, if she wants to keep her child.

Eric, Nicole, and Holly sit together in the town square to eat. Holly can’t believe how small Jude is. Nicole talks about how Holly was that small once. Holly asks to hold Jude which Eric allows.

Kayla dresses as Santa Claus at the hospital and introduces Paulina to read the Christmas Story to the children. Afterwards, Kayla tells Paulina it was wonderful and thanks to her. Paulina says it’s amazing how much energy that a little good news can give someone. Paulina tells Chanel that they can eat and then go home to get ready for Abe to come over. Chanel calls Paulina an inspiration as they exit the hospital.

Ava wishes Harris luck in bringing the dealers to justice. Harris thanks her. Ava then removes her necklace. Harris tries to stop her and reminds her that he can’t return it. Ava says she doesn’t want it and isn’t going to wear it. Harris tells her to just put it away for the future then. Harris declares that he’s not giving up on her without a fight. Ava wishes he would but Harris says never as he then exits.

EJ tells Stefan that he can’t really expect his help after he and Gabi kicked him out of his own company while Ava nearly killed his mother to get revenge on him. EJ questions why the hell he’d even lift a finger to help Ava. Stefan tells him to think of it as getting revenge on Clyde. EJ says he’s not worth it and declares he will not risk the family and career that he’s worked so hard to build. EJ adds that since he’s district attorney, if Stefan gets himself in trouble, he could find himself in a cell at Statesville. EJ points out they could put him in the one right next to Gabi. EJ then exits. Stefan picks up a figurine off the table and smashes it in frustration.

Holly asks Nicole not to tell anyone else about what she did. Nicole asks who would believe her anyway. Nicole and Eric joke about how sweet but stubborn Holly was growing up. They laugh together as Sloan and Leo walk through the town square. Leo stops and points them out from a distance, calling it the sweetest thing and the perfect family.

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Days Update Friday, December 22, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Doug sits in the Horton living room as Julie comes in with the box of Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree. Julie calls it the symbol of all Hortons past and present as she presents Doug with his ornament and they flash back to when Tom and Alice first presented Doug with his ornament. Julie states that just like a family, each ornament is a blessing.

Theresa goes to John and Marlena’s with presents for Tate and wishes Brady a Merry Christmas. Tate comes in and greets her. Theresa explains that she thought she would drop by with his gifts since he’s spending Christmas with his dad’s side of the family. Brady notes they are spending with both sides as they are having lunch with John and Marlena and then dinner at the Kiriakis Mansion. Tate informs Brady that he won’t be at that dinner because he’s working at the Pub tomorrow. Brady questions that while Theresa questions why the Pub is open on Christmas. Brady guesses Roman is opening as a safe haven for all the lost souls but says he didn’t know that Roman scheduled Tate. Tate reveals that he volunteered because Roman needed the help. Brady feels Tate is using it as an excuse to get out of dinner. Tate remarks that the Kiriakis dinners are like a boring Greek tragedy which Brady calls a good analogy. Theresa reveals she’s not going either. Brady questions her being invited. Theresa informs Brady that she was invited by Alex because they are not just roommates as they are now dating. Brady questions if that happened before or after Theresa found out that Alex inherited half of the Kiriakis fortune.

Chad brings Thomas and Charlotte to the Horton house. Doug declares that the party can now get started. Julie asks if the kids are ready for Santa Claus. Thomas says I guess. Julie asks about Christmas cookies but Charlotte declines and asks if they can just go play upstairs in their room so Chad tells them to go ahead. Julie says she’ll let them know when it’s time to open presents. Julie acknowledges that Christmas is hard for the kids. Chad confirms they are missing Abigail and adds that they are missing Stephanie a lot too.

Everett and Stephanie have coffee together in the town square. Everett thanks her for talking business with him tonight and asks if she’s sure he’s not keeping her from any holiday festivities. Stephanie assures that he’s not and that she could use the distraction. Stephanie asks why he’s working on Christmas Eve. Everett reminds her that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah is over. Stephanie remembers lighting the menorah with him for their first Hanukkah together. Everett asks what her plans are for tonight after their meeting. Stephanie says she’s just going to watch her favorite holiday movie and go to sleep. Everett recalls watching Rudolph with her when they were together. Stephanie says that’s not her favorite holiday movie and just happened to be on. Everett then remembers her favorite holiday movie is Elf. Everett questions her not having any plans with family. Stephanie says she will celebrate with them tomorrow, but tonight she just wants to lock herself in her room and watch her favorite holiday movie as she just wants a quiet night by herself.

Xander and Sarah go to the Horton House with baby Victoria. Julie excitedly greets Victoria and says they are so glad she’s there. Xander thanks Julie for having him too. Julie acknowledges that it is a special occasion and a baby’s first Christmas only happens once, so if the parents want to be together then they should be. Xander calls that very kind of her and confirms they do want to be together with Victoria on Christmas. Sarah asks if Maggie is there yet. Julie mentions thinking she heard her coming in. Maggie then arrives with Konstantin as Julie comments that Maggie’s not alone. Maggie introduces Konstantin to Doug and Julie and says she hopes it’s alright that she brought him, explaining that he’s an old friend of Victor’s and he didn’t have plans. Julie says it’s alright. Konstantin says it’s an honor to meet them. Maggie goes to greet Sarah. Doug comments to Julie that Konstantin reminded him of his younger self and he’s afraid it’s a bad flicker in his eyes. Maggie hugs Xander. Sarah asks to speak to Maggie alone so they step out. Konstantin asks Xander about Victoria. Xander responds that she’s doing well but he’s not sure if that’s thanks to Konstantin or no thanks to him.

Maggie tells Sarah that it was a nice surprise to see she brought Xander. Sarah responds that Maggie had the bigger surprise as she thought Konstantin was gone. Maggie explains that he was staying with a cousin in Ohio but they had travel plans for the holidays, so he came back. Maggie adds that Konstantin is staying at the Salem Inn but she ran in to him in the town square and they got to talking, so she invited him because she was raised that no one should be alone on Christmas Eve. Maggie asks if Sarah is upset that she invited him. Sarah says no and that she was just surprised. Sarah tells Maggie that she likes Konstantin and she’ll always be grateful to him for rescuing her daughter. Sarah recalls Maggie being so upset when she saw her in the afternoon, but now she’s smiling.

Chad returns to the living room and tells Doug and Julie that the kids are on a video chat now with Jack and Jennifer. Julie hoped this year’s Christmas would be a little better for the kids. Chad doesn’t think it is for any of them, especially since things with he and Stephanie ended so abruptly that the kids didn’t get to say goodbye. Julie tells Chad that she loves him but this cannot stand and urges him to do something about it right now.

Everett tells Stephanie that he’s taken up enough of her time tonight. Stephanie calls it no problem and a welcome distraction. Stephanie says now she will head home to watch Elf and asks if Everett is heading home too. Everett mentions being invited to a Christmas Eve thing but he doesn’t think he’s going to go. Stephanie tells him to enjoy his evening. Everett tells her the same and walks away. Stephanie then gets a call from Chad. Chad knows it’s Christmas Eve and last minute but asks if he can ask her for a really big favor.

Theresa argues that she’s really tired of Brady implying that she’s a gold digger. Tate gets mad and goes to storm out. Theresa stops him and says he can’t go because it’s Christmas. Tate calls it the nightmare before Christmas and shouts that both of his parents are jerks as he laments this being a Merry Christmas to him. Theresa tells him that is not okay. Tate questions if it’s okay that they are fighting like this on Christmas Eve. Brady and Theresa apologize to him and ask him to stay, promising that they will get along. Tate questions why he would believe that. Brady insists that they will prove they are sincere by having Christmas Eve here tonight, together as a family which Theresa agrees with.

Stephanie goes to the Horton house. Chad thanks her for doing this as he knows it’s Christmas Eve and last minute. Chad asks if he stopped her from doing anything important. Stephanie says no and that she was just working. Stephanie adds that she loves his kids so much and she’s so sorry that they are having a hard time. Chad says they miss her a lot. Stephanie admits she misses them too and she hates that she didn’t say goodbye, feeling she should’ve handled it differently. Chad says he’s their father and he didn’t think about it at the time, but the kids love her and when the circumstances changed between them, he should’ve thought about the kids first and he didn’t so it’s on him. Stephanie acknowledges that they were both negligent in not thinking of the kids so she suggests trying to fix it. Chad suggests they talk to the kids together. Stephanie reveals that she brought the kids Christmas gifts on her way. Chad assures the kids will love that and says he really appreciates her doing this.

Xander and Sarah talk about being surprised that Victoria is sleeping through the Christmas party. Sarah tells Xander that Maggie is very happy he’s there. Xander calls her one of his favorite people and says she’s very kind and forgiving, but maybe too forgiving sometimes. Sarah knows he’s not Konstantin’s biggest fan but says he has a been a comfort to Maggie. Sarah notes that Maggie may be vulnerable now but she’s smart and tough, adding that she did kick him out of the house after learning of his connection to the Greek mafia. Sarah is confident that Maggie can handle it. Konstantin tells Maggie how much he’s enjoying his first American Christmas and comments on what a lovely family the Hortons are. Maggie calls herself an honorary Horton but Julie insists that she is a Horton and always will be. Julie declares that the Hortons stick together like glue, so when you hurt one of them, you hurt all of them. Doug tells Konstantin that when he watches them hang their ornaments, he will realize there are a lot of Hortons. Konstantin asks Maggie about bringing Victor here to celebrate Christmas. Maggie confirms that she did and says it took him awhile but he eventually grew to love the Horton family tradition. Konstantin knows it must be terribly hard on her without Victor. Maggie assures that it is but says remembering Victor on Christmas Eve warms her heart. Maggie thinks that Victor would be very happy that Konstantin is here with them tonight.

Brady, Theresa, and Tate eat Chinese food together. They talk about a past time when they went to Universal Studios when Tate was 10. Brady comments that all the memories weren’t so bad and they end up laughing together.

Sarah tells Konstantin that she and Maggie were just talking about him this afternoon and it’s a coincidence that he showed up. Konstantin calls it a Christmas miracle for him. Konstantin apologizes to Sarah for his past playing any part in the disappearance of her child. He adds that it’s all resolved now thanks to Maggie, so there’s nothing to worry about. Sarah says she’ll always be grateful to him for rescuing Victoria but she thinks it will be awhile before they feel safe. Xander warns that they will be keeping their eyes wide open just in case.

Chad tells Stephanie that he owes her an apology as he realizes now that it was too soon for him to be with anyone after losing Abigail and that wasn’t fair to her, so he’s sorry. Stephanie understands he didn’t mean it to be and knows the pain and tragedy he and the kids suffered. Chad suggests they go upstairs to talk to the kids. Stephanie adds that she’ll give them their Christmas presents upstairs too so she doesn’t intrude on the family party. Chad asks if she can’t stay.

Everett arrives at the Horton house. Doug welcomes him and says it’s wonderful to have him. After Everett walks away, Julie questions Doug about inviting Everett when he’s Stephanie’s ex-boyfriend. Doug says he forgot but he ran in to him in the town square, so he invited him for the holiday. Doug points out that Everett didn’t know a soul in Salem. Julie points out Stephanie. Thomas and Charlotte then come back in with Chad and Stephanie. Thomas announces that Stephanie is here and is going to open presents with them. Stephanie confirms that she will and informs them that she brought them special presents too. Stephanie adds that she is so happy to spend Christmas with them. Thomas says they are glad too as Stephanie hugs them. Everett then comes back in and wishes them all a Merry Christmas. Stephanie gives Thomas and Charlotte their presents. Thomas asks if they can open them now but Chad says it’s not quite time yet and has the kids put the presents under the tree. Chad tells Everett that he’s surprised to see him. Everett clarifies that he was invited this time but mentions being surprised to see Stephanie, asking what happened to watching Elf. Stephanie says it will have to wait and realizes this was the party Everett mentioned earlier. Everett explains that he ran in to Doug at the Bakery this morning and Doug invited him. Everett says he planned on working all night but figured he should make an appearance since Doug was kind enough to invite him. Everett hopes that is cool. Chad says of course as Stephanie smiles. Doug tells Julie that he didn’t know Stephanie would be there. Julie explains that she told Chad to call her for the children and she came over right away. Doug declares that it’s Christmas, so the more, the merrier. Stephanie asks if the kids are excited to open their gifts. Thomas assures that they are and that he knows he’s going to love it because she always gets good presents. Stephanie responds that her favorite gift this year is getting to spend Christmas with them. Thomas asks Stephanie if they will always be together on Christmas Eve. Stephanie says they’ll make deal that every year around Christmas, they will pick a day to meet up, exchange Christmas presents, watch movies, have cookies, and a dance party as she hugs the kids while Chad watches on. Maggie tells Konstantin that the ornaments are the most beloved Horton Christmas tradition that they are either born with or earned. Sarah comments on a whole box of retired ornaments. Konstantin asks if that means one can be removed from the tree. Maggie insists that all Hortons past and present are still a part of the family Christmas. Maggie says that nothing gets thrown away and some are just down in the cellar. Maggie and Konstantin then go to have cookies. Xander asks Sarah if he should leave since he feels a bit awkward being there for the hanging of the ornaments when he’s not family. Sarah points out that he will always be connected to the family through their daughter and her, so he will always be welcome there and his ornament will never be down cellar.

Brady asks Tate if he has any holiday plans with Holly. Tate tells him that was a bust. Brady says he’s sorry and asks what happened. Tate says he doesn’t know and that he’s finally starting to accept that Holly’s not in to him. Tate adds that it’s too bad since he already bought her a present for her birthday/Christmas so he guesses he will throw it away. Theresa stops him and urges him to hang on to it for the next girl, insisting there will be plenty more. Theresa calls him such a catch and says she’s sure all the girls are looking at him back in school. Theresa then asks if Tate is planning on going back to school after the holidays. Tate responds that nobody has really texted him since he left and admits that it would be nice to come home after school every day. Tate admits that Salem is kind of cool. Brady points out that the school he was going to in California is one of the best college prep schools in the country, so if he graduates from there, he’d be set. Tate questions if he’s saying that he has to go back. Brady states that when it comes to school, he and Theresa have decided that Tate can make the decision. Theresa tells him to take his time and think about it. Tate declares that he wants to say. Brady notes that was quick and asks if he’s sure. Tate confirms that he wants to go to Salem High. Theresa calls it the best Christmas present she could’ve asked for. Tate asks if Brady is disappointed. Brady says he’s not and he’s actually really happy about it because he’s gotten used to him being around.

Julie announces that it’s time to hang the Horton ornaments. Julie hangs her and Doug’s ornaments next to Tom and Alice. The ornaments for Eli, Lani, Carver, and Jules are hung. Chad hangs he and Abigail’s ornaments with Thomas and Charlotte’s. Stephanie hangs her ornament on the tree. Maggie hangs her ornament next to Mickey and Victor’s and hugs Sarah as the ornaments for Bo and Hope along with Jennifer, Jack, and JJ’s hang on the tree. Xander and Sarah hang their ornaments along with their previous baby Mackenzie’s. Maggie then presents a new ornament for Victoria which Xander hangs on the tree. Thomas jokes about Charlotte not being the youngest anymore. The Horton tree is filled with Ornaments as Peace on Earth plays.

Theresa gives Tate a Christmas present. Tate shakes it and says he’s relieved it’s not clothes. Tate opens it and is excited to get a tablet. Tate hugs Theresa and thanks her as she says she saved the best for last. Brady admits that will be tough to top. Tate comments that this whole Christmas will be hard to top. Theresa jokes about them getting a compliment from their son which Brady calls a Christmas miracle. Tate declares that he got to have a nice night with both of his parents and that’s the real Christmas miracle.

Doug and Julie sing “Up on the Housetop”. Maggie thanks Julie for everything and says it was a wonderful Christmas Eve. Konstantin adds that he’s grateful to have shared in the celebration. Konstantin looks forward to the opportunity of returning their kindness sometime soon. Julie says a thank you note will do and he can send it from where ever he ends up.

Chad and Stephanie step out of the living room where Chad thanks Stephanie for doing this and says it really turned the night around for the kids. Stephanie admits she’s really glad he called. Stephanie adds that just because they aren’t together anymore doesn’t mean they have to be strangers, so if he ever needs help with the kids. Chad says he appreciates that. Everett comes out and offers to walk Stephanie home since it’s dark out if she wants company which Stephanie accepts. Chad decides he will go round up the kids and get them home. Chad wishes Everett happy holidays and shakes his hand. Chad wishes Stephanie a Merry Christmas. Stephanie and Everett then exit together.

Sarah prepares Victoria for Xander to take her for Christmas day. Xander promises pictures and videos. Xander tells Sarah that he’ll see her tomorrow as he exits with Victoria while Sarah holds back tears.

Maggie and Konstantin walk through the town square. Konstantin tells Maggie that she didn’t have to call his driver as he could’ve walked to the Salem Inn. Maggie feels it’s too cold. Konstantin thanks her again for inviting him to the Hortons. Maggie wishes him a Merry Christmas and kisses him on the cheek. Konstantin hopes the year brings her much joy. Maggie wishes him the same. Konstantin says until they meet again and heads on towards the Salem Inn, stopping to look back at Maggie.

Doug and Julie sit together to end the night. Julie brings up Tom and Alice starting this tradition all those years ago with just seven ornaments and wonders if they ever would have imagined the tree that they have now. Julie comments on how proud they would be to know their legacy goes on as they flashback to bringing Christmas to Tom in the hospital and hanging the ornaments where Doug and Julie surprised Tom. Julie comments on all the traditions, memories, and love, saying it goes on and on. Doug and Julie emotionally wish each other a Merry Christmas and they kiss.

In Memory of director Phil Sogard (1932-2023)

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Days Update Thursday, December 21, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Holly sits alone in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Johnny comes in and greets her, then asks where everyone is since the garage was empty. Holly informs him that Stefan went to visit Gabi in prison, Anna and Tony left the country, and EJ took Nicole to Green Mountain Lodge to spend the night together, so Nicole could get away from everything for awhile. Johnny tells Holly that he’s sorry her mom is having such a hard time. Johnny knows EJ is handling it a little better, but he knows that he’s hurting too which is to be expected since they lost their baby. Johnny asks how Holly is doing. Holly responds that she’s not great, but looking forward to distracting herself by watching It’s a Wonderful Life and invites Johnny to join her. Johnny says he’s sorry but he’s heading over to watch it at Chanel’s. Holly guesses she will be spending her birthday all alone then.

Marlena and Kayla enter the Brady Pub where Kate is setting up for the Christmas dinner with an angel theme. Kate says they had a hell of a year and she was feeling sentimental as this time last year, they lied dying of a virus and thought they were saying their final goodbyes to their loved ones. Kate toasts to another Christmas in Salem.

John and Steve walk outside the Brady Pub. Steve questions Andrew saying that the ISA can’t give them anything on the loser who tried to kidnap Sarah’s daughter. John thought for sure they could hone in on the security photo. Steve guesses they are back to square one. John says at least Maggie kicked Konstantin to the curb and plans to send him on a one way trip out of Salem. Steve says he’ll be glad when Konstantin is someone else’s problem. John agrees and suggests forgetting about him to focus on spending the holidays with their loved ones.

Chanel and Paulina walk through the town square together. Paulina talks about doing a podcast with a holiday message and credits Abe for his help. Chanel is glad Abe stopped by but she’s worried that Paulina is taking on too much, bringing up Paulina being asleep on the couch when she came home. Paulina talks about her schedule and having to be in the mall on Christmas Eve which she swore she would never do. Paulina then starts having pains so Chanel asks if she’s having a panic attack. Paulina thinks she just needs something to drink so Chanel sits her down at a table.

Johnny apologizes to Holly for forgetting her birthday and wishes her a happy birthday. Holly calls it a lame birthday this year and says since Nicole is still sad over losing the baby, no one is really in the mood to celebrate. Johnny says they are all sad about losing the baby but this is Holly’s special day, so it would be wrong to ignore it. Johnny proposes that they eat cake before he goes to Chanel’s. Holly calls that really nice of him but says she doesn’t need a pity party. Holly adds that she and Nicole do have plans tomorrow, but she just needed to get away for a night. Johnny asks what about Tate. Holly reminds him that Tate walked out on her at dinner last night, so it’s over between them. Johnny says he’s sorry to hear that. Holly says she has other friends but holiday birthdays suck because nobody is ever around. Johnny promises her that this one is not going to suck and tells her to wait there.

Kate, Marlena, and Kayla continue having drinks. Kate jokes that it may be the alcohol talking but she thinks the three of them should get matching tattoos as a tiny little symbol of their apparent trip to Heaven. Kayla suggests the three angels which Kate says could be their little secret. Kayla compares it to Charlie’s Angels. They laugh together as John and Steve enter. Steve comments that it looks like somebody is having a party. Kayla and Marlena hug them and remark on going through Hell. Steve responds that they know what it’s like from being without them. Roman comes down and joins them, saying he thinks they’ve earned the right to join this party. Kayla calls it so wonderful and thinks they should make this gathering a holiday tradition. Kayla asks what they should call it. Kate suggests The Grateful to Survive Another Crazy Year in Salem which they toast to.

Paulina has a drink of water and says that’s better but starts coughing. Chanel worries but Paulina says it just went down the wrong windpipe. Chanel comments on her looking so tired and questions how long she’s been having trouble swallowing. Chanel thinks she needs to see a doctor. Paulina calls it just a winter cold. Chanel is sure a doctor will put their minds at ease and says it’s the only thing she wants for Christmas. Paulina argues that her doctor is on vacation and will be back on the first of the year, so she promises to make an appointment then. Chanel then notices a lump in her neck. Paulina tries to blow it off as just a swollen gland. Chanel can’t believe she didn’t notice before. Paulina calls it nothing but Chanel declares they are going to the hospital right now.

Chanel brings Paulina to the hospital which Paulina calls a terrible idea, complaining about being in the ER on Christmas Eve and says she’ll be sick when they leave from all the germs around. Paulina argues that her case is not an emergency so they could be there for hours. Paulina repeats that she will make an appointment with her own doctor when he returns from vacation. Chanel tells her to stop being so stubborn and sit down because she doesn’t want to think about how long she’s been ignoring her symptoms. Chanel compares it to her uncle waiting months to go to a doctor and finding out he had lung cancer. Paulina argues that this is not that. Chanel argues that she still knows how important early detection is. Chanel declares that nothing is more important to her than Paulina.

Johnny has a cake delivered and puts 17 candles on it. Holly remarks that she’s practically an adult now and points out that 17 is the age of consent in the state. Johnny responds that as her protective older brother, he doesn’t want to know how she knew that. Johnny says he will sing her happy birthday and tells her to make a PG wish that doesn’t involve being 17 and legal. Johnny then gets a call from Chanel. Johnny apologizes for running late but promises to be leaving in a few. Chanel reveals that they will actually have to postpone their gift exchange because she’s at the hospital with her mom. Johnny asks what happened. Chanel explains that Paulina has been feeling bad for weeks now and has been trying to hide it until she couldn’t anymore, so she dragged her to the hospital and it’s very busy, so they are probably going to be there for hours. Johnny says he’ll be right there but Chanel tells him there’s nothing he can do. Johnny argues that he can at least be there for her, so he’s on his way. Johnny hangs up and tells Holly that he’s very sorry but asks to put this on hold as Chanel’s mom is sick. Johnny hates to leave Holly alone. Holly tells him not to worry as it’s obviously important. Johnny thanks her for being so understanding and tells her to try to have some fun tonight because she deserves it. Johnny then exits the mansion.

Steve toasts to another crazy year in Salem. Roman jokes about how many of those they’ve had together. Kate comments on some of the years they were presumed dead. Kayla says all that matters is they were there for each other through all of it. John acknowledges Steve as the first friend he made in Salem. Steve jokes that he’s known him longer than anyone, including his wife. John recalls it being right around this time of year as they flashback to their first meeting. Steve says John was like some valuable asset that everyone was fighting over from Victor to Stefan’s man Petrov and even the head of the ISA. Steve says they all said John was like a killing machine, but when he found him all wrapped up in bandages, he was like a lost puppy that he had to take care of. John is thankful that Steve got him away from them or he can’t imagine where he would be today.

Paulina finishes a work call as Chanel brings her a glass of water. Chanel comments that it’s Christmas Eve and Paulina is in the hospital, so she shouldn’t be working. Paulina argues that she’s just doing her job. Paulina knows Chanel is concerned and she appreciates it, but says now is not the time to be bossing around her mom. Johnny arrives and hugs Chanel. Paulina questions calling him. Chanel explains that she had to cancel their gift exchange for tonight. Paulina complains about cancelling plans and tells Johnny to go home and be with his family. Johnny responds that he would, but they are all out of town except Holly. Johnny adds that Chanel said there’s nothing he can do to help, but he disagrees. Paulina questions if he has some medical degree they don’t know about. Johnny says not quite, but he’ll be right back and walks away.

Holly sits at home and turns off It’s A Wonderful Life after complaining that it’s a crappy life. Holly gets up and sadly looks at the Christmas tree and then looks over at the alcohol. Holly remembers Johnny drinking some scotch. Holly then declares that no one will ever know if she has a small taste, so she pours herself a drink. Holly then takes a drink.

Steve plays Silent Night on his harmonica. Marlena comments on John looking miles away. John says he’s just thinking about how lost he was when Steve first found him and then Marlena really found him. John adds that he was also thinking about the time he gave her that charm bracelet which Marlena says she treasures as they flashback to that moment. Kate comments that it really is a lovely bracelet. Marlena thanks her and says it’s very meaningful to her. John says if he was told back then, that they would be here swapping memories as lifelong friends. Roman calls those hard times. John mentions not having memories of before he became John Black as he only knew what he was told and he didn’t want to know anything else until he found out who his real father was a couple months ago and that he didn’t come from that monster Yo Ling. John declares that thanks to that wonderful man coming in to his life, he feels so blessed to be surrounded by so much love here. John states that he is one lucky man. Roman goes to get he and Steve beers while Kate notices her wedding ring is gone. Kate recalls putting it down while baking pies earlier and then got distracted and worries that it could’ve gone in to a pie. Steve assures that he, John, and Roman will get on the case and find it. John then coughs out the ring and reveals that he found it. Kate can’t believe it got there while John jokes that Roman got her a big enough ring that it didn’t go down his throat. Kate talks about what the ring means to her and how she thought she lost it until Roman rescued her as she flashes back to them reuniting. Roman states that the ring made it through death and the great beyond. Kate insists it will never leave her finger again as she and Roman hug.

Johnny returns and tells Chanel and Paulina that they are all set with an exam room waiting for her. Paulina remarks that she’s the Mayor and didn’t get special treatment, so she questions what kind of strings he’s pulling. Johnny responds that it helps when there’s a whole wing of the hospital in his family’s name. Paulina guesses she was wrong when she said there was nothing he could do to help and thanks him. Chanel thanks Johnny for coming to the rescue. Johnny says that he wouldn’t be anywhere else.

Holly finishes her drink and then pulls out her phone to try coming up with a message to send Johnny. Holly decides against just telling him that she loves him or bringing up being his stepsister. Holly puts in text that the time Johnny said she looked pretty in her prom dress was the day she fell in love with him and goes through the details of that night. Holly writes that she’s sure Johnny is her soulmate and now that she’s 17, there’s nothing stopping them from being together and that she loves him. Holly then realizes she can’t send it and says it would ruin everything if he found out. Holly remarks that if Johnny loved her back, he wouldn’t have left her all alone just because Chanel called and he would’ve stayed to watch her blow out candles. Holly complains that nobody cares about her.

Chanel tells Johnny that they got Paulina set up in the exam room and hopes she doesn’t make a run for it. Johnny asks how she’s doing, then calls it a stupid question as he’s sure she is worried about her mom. Chanel comments on even being in the hospital on Christmas Eve. Johnny calls it the worst. Chanel asks if he’s talking from personal experience. Johnny reveals that he has a prosthetic eye. Chanel asks what happened. Johnny explains that he had a type of cancer when he was a kid and this is the time of year that he had his surgery. Chanel can’t believe she didn’t know about that. Johnny assures he is okay now and just has to get checkups for the rest of his life. Johnny admits he still gets nervous but he’s very lucky in so many ways. Johnny adds that she never even knew he was sick and hugs her. Johnny encourages that Paulina is a very strong woman and the doctors are amazing, so he tells her to keep the faith.

Roman talks about being up late for wrapping gifts for the kids toy drive if he doesn’t get help. Steve agrees to help if he doesn’t expect much. Kayla calls Steve the original secret Santa and talks about their first Christmas and how many Santa hats he has. Steve says that Kayla is no slouch as Santa either as they flash back. Kayla talks about thinking Victor would kill her if she didn’t come home for Christmas. Steve recalls Victor as being his first employer in Salem while John calls him a tough son of a bitch who basically owned him but then he became his father in law and friend. John knows for a fact that Victor knew everything about his past, but took all those secrets to his grave. John declares that he’s grateful to have those secrets stay there forever.

Johnny gets a call from Holly, who is drunk and questions if he even had her number saved. Johnny assures that he did or else he wouldn’t have answered. Holly tells him not to lie to her. Johnny asks if she’s been drinking. Holly tells him that she’s all alone in the house with enough alcohol for a cruise ship so she has been drinking. Holly complains that nobody cares what she does. Johnny tells her that he does care. Holly argues that if he cared, he wouldn’t have left her to go hold Chanel’s clammy hand. Johnny tells her to slow down and points out that Chanel’s mother is sick. Holly then accidentally drops her drink glass, smashing it on the floor. Johnny asks what just happened. Holly admits she broke a glass. Johnny tells her not touch it and leave it there for Harold to clean up. Holly says that sounds good to her. Holly adds that she called him to tell him that he’s a big fat jerk. Holly then hangs up. Chanel asks if Holly is okay. Johnny responds that he doesn’t think she is. Chanel says he should go home as it sounds like she needs him. Johnny feels he’s the last person she wants to see. Johnny explains that it’s Holly’s birthday, she’s all alone, and he ditched her. Chanel feels that Holly clearly needs someone and it seems like he’s all she’s got so he can un-ditch her. Johnny asks if she’s sure. Chanel assures that they will be okay here. Johnny tells her to call if she hears any news. Chanel promises to do so and says she loves him. Johnny tells her to take care of her mom as they kiss and then Johnny exits the hospital.

Holly worries about what she has just done. Holly then passes out on the couch. Johnny comes home and checks on her, waking her up. Holly tells him that she’s so sorry about the glass. Johnny tells her not to worry about it. Holly then falls back asleep so Johnny covers her with a blanket. Johnny then gets a call from Chanel, who asks how Holly is. Johnny responds that she’s knocked out and judging by the amount of alcohol, she’s gonna have a rough Christmas morning but she’s going to be okay. Johnny asks how Paulina is doing. Chanel responds that she’s waiting to see a doctor, so she just wanted to call and check in. Johnny sends his love. They wish each other a Merry Christmas and hang up.

Chanel sits with Paulina and tells her about the Christmas carolers at the hospital. Chanel suggests calling Abe to let him know what’s going on but Paulina says no as they don’t even know what’s going on. Paulina feels Abe has enough to worry about. Chanel reminds her that she invited Abe over for Christmas, so he should probably know to make other plans. Paulina refuses and declares that she will be home and Abe will be coming over for Christmas. Paulina promises that she’s going to be fine.

Steve, Kayla, John, Marlena, and Kate wrap Christmas presents for the kids. Roman comes over and says he just got a call in for a last minute pie order. Kate asks why he didn’t tell them no until he reveals it was from Julie. Roman explains that Julie said she has some last minute guests coming over for Christmas and she didn’t bake enough. Roman remarks that he can’t blame Julie for being a little grouchy due to the presence of Xander and Konstantin, which shocks Steve, who says he thought Maggie already washed her hands of him. Roman says apparently not, as Julie told him that Maggie invited Konstantin to the Horton Christmas celebration. Marlena asks John if he’s okay. John admits that all the talk about the past got to him a little. John thanks everyone for a great evening and wishes them a Merry Christmas. Marlena thanks Roman as they all gather up their wrapped Christmas gifts.

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Days Update Wednesday, December 20, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp comes home to Wendy and apologizes for being late. Wendy says she understands his work but he’s here now and they get to spend their very first Christmas Eve together as they kiss. Wendy asks him what’s in his bag. Tripp responds that he picked up some stuff for tonight because their place could use a little Christmas cheer and she could too.

Maggie sits alone in the town square until Sarah approaches with baby Victoria. Sarah asks how she is. Maggie says she had some last minute Christmas shopping to do and wanted to see the lights and decorations before going to Doug and Julie’s tonight. Sarah sits with her and asks what’s wrong. Maggie cries that she misses Victor so much.

Alex exits the Brady Pub and runs in to Xander. Xander comments on noticing piles of unsold Bella magazines and how that must feel for him. Alex says he’ll see him around. Xander tells Alex to face that the new launch is tanking which is what he gets for putting a professional screw-up in charge, just because he’s sleeping with her.

Konstantin is in his room at the Salem Inn, complaining that Theresa thinks she can walk away with no consequences. Konstantin makes a call and declares this is not over yet.

Theresa sits in the park and rejects Konstantin’s call. Theresa’s brother Andrew then appears and greets her. Theresa hugs him and says she’s so glad to see him right now, right before Christmas. Theresa then stops and asks why he looks so sad. Andrew informs her that John and Steve asked the ISA to investigate the attempted kidnapping of Victoria from the Kiriakis Mansion. Andrew reveals that Shane passed the case over to him and they used technology to enhance some surveillance photos. Andrew tells Theresa to imagine his shock when the face in the photos was her.

Maggie tells Sarah that Victor would be so honored that she named her daughter after him, so it’s too bad he didn’t get a chance to know her. Konstantin appears in the town square and hides behind the Christmas tree to watch them. Sarah tells Maggie that she knows it must be hard as it’s her first Christmas without Victor. Maggie cries that she misses him every day, but especially the holidays. Sarah understands a piece of her heart is missing and she’s lonely. Sarah can’t help but wonder if that feels worse because Konstantin moved out.

Alex tells Xander to keep Theresa’s name out of his mouth and says she’s doing a spectacular job as new launches take time. Xander mocks that it will take forever. Xander says when he ran Titan, Bella was already on it’s last breath and that Maggie made the right decision in shutting it down while Alex made the wrong decision in resurrecting it. Alex tells Xander to focus on his third rate newspaper and keep his thoughts to himself. Alex questions why he would ever take business advice from the guy his father hired to mow his lawn.

At the police station, Rafe asks Jada if there’s a problem. Jada complains that she promised herself that she would solve the attempted kidnapping of Victoria by the end of the year but she can’t catch any breaks. Rafe tells her not to be so hard on herself as there hasn’t been any movement on that case in weeks and if the Greek mafia is involved, there probably won’t be any. Rafe adds that the baby is home safe and sound, so it’s not a pressing case and it won’t be solved by Christmas day. Rafe tells Jada that there is one mystery that he hopes they can solve right now. Rafe then asks Jada if she’s going to move in with him or not.

Andrew shows Theresa the photos and asks if it’s her. Theresa remarks that it looks like her, then admits that it is her. Andrew question what the hell she has gotten herself into. Theresa thinks back to Konstantin ordering her to kidnap Victoria. Theresa tells Andrew that she doesn’t know what to say. Andrew tells her that John and Steve think that Konstantin is somehow involved in the kidnapping and possibly even the Greek Mafia. Andrew questions why the hell Theresa would get involved with something like this. Theresa tells him that it’s not what he thinks and asks him to let her explain.

Tripp decorates he and Wendy’s apartment with Christmas decorations. Wendy thanks him for doing it. Tripp says she’s been through a lot so he knows it’s going to be a tough Christmas without her brother. Wendy cries that she misses Li so much while the rest of her family is halfway across the world in China. Tripp sits with Wendy and suggests she tell him about her Christmases growing up. Wendy talks about the Chinese not really celebrating, but spending time in Hong Kong and the US, they picked up some traditions while her parents did keep some Chinese traditions. Wendy informs Tripp that on Christmas Eve, they all give each other apples because in China it is believed that eating a peace apple means you will be blessed with a peaceful year ahead. Wendy recalls Li getting a saxophone one year for Christmas but he was horrible at it so his father made him give up on it. Wendy adds that Li later got a flute and was pretty good at that. Wendy admits she got sick of him playing it over and over, but she never told him that because he was proud of himself. Tripp is glad that she has these memories and says he wants to hear a lot more of them.

Rafe and Jada go in to the interrogation room. Jada tells Rafe that she’s been giving it a lot of thought and even started cleaning out her closet and getting rid of clutter in her room. Jada admits that she’s been going back and forth on the decision. Jada says her heart tells her to move in with Rafe and start their lives together with the man she loves, adding that she wants to get a moving truck and start this next chapter of her life. Rafe senses there’s a “but” coming.

Konstantin continues listening in as Maggie tells Sarah that Konstantin leaving has nothing to do with what she’s feeling now. Sarah asks if she’s sure since she knows Maggie was enjoying his company and his memories of Victor. Maggie says she was but it was time for him to go. Maggie thinks she honored Konstantin and Victor’s friendship by helping him and paying off his debts, but she couldn’t have him putting her family in danger, especially Victoria. Sarah points out that they don’t know for sure that Konstantin was a danger. Maggie wasn’t willing to take the risk. Sarah doesn’t want her to be unhappy because she’s trying to protect them. Sarah admits she thought Konstantin was trouble at first, but decides she likes him, especially after what he did to get Victoria back. Maggie thinks it’s best for him to keep his distance. Maggie says she’s glad that Sarah and Victoria are there as it’s just what she needed. Maggie invites her to join her in finishing Christmas shopping. Sarah says she has to meet Xander to go over Victoria’s Christmas schedule.

Xander tells Alex to do what he wants, but that he warned him about Theresa. Xander guesses he’s been warned by everyone who has had the misfortune of knowing Theresa. Xander then stops and says it is Christmas, so he assumes Alex and Theresa are going to Maggie’s Christmas dinner tomorrow. Alex says unfortunately. Xander says that Maggie probably wants them all to get along, so out of respect for Maggie and Victor’s memory, they can make peace for one day. Alex agrees they can put their differences aside, but remarks that Xander is the one who can’t keep his jealousy in check. Alex warns that they might break a lot more than bread if he keeps this up. Alex then wishes him a Merry Christmas and walks away.

Theresa informs Andrew that she met Konstantin in Greece and he was really nice to her, friendly and generous. Andrew asks if that means they are right that Konstantin is involved in this. Theresa says technically yes, but it isn’t some big mafia plot or something the ISA needs to worry about. Theresa says that Konstantin is just a sweet old man who really likes Maggie and wanted to impress her, so he came up with this saving the baby idea. Andrew calls it a hero complex. Theresa adds that Konstantin assured her that the baby would never be harmed and be returned immediately, so she agreed to play matchmaker and help him out since Maggie’s been so lonely. Theresa claims that she was just trying to help. Andrew says he’d call utter BS coming from anyone else, but admits this sounds like the kind of thing that she would get mixed up in. Theresa comments that he really does know his sister. Andrew calls her an accomplice and accessory to a kidnapping, then asks for one good reason not to turn her in right now.

Jada informs Rafe that she ran in to Stephanie yesterday and was surprised to learn that things didn’t work out for her and Chad. Jada says that Stephanie had just moved out and was very upset about it, so she felt the universe was sending her a sign as it brought up bad memories with her ex-husband, Bobby, and how she blamed her problems on moving too fast. Rafe notes that she had never mentioned his name before. Jada says she realized she didn’t know Bobby well enough before making that plunge, but they were madly in love and talked about growing old together so they got married but unfortunately, they didn’t know each other as well as they thought and for various reasons, they started to resent each other and then one day they decided it was over and done. Jada adds that she hasn’t seen or heard from him since. Jada mentions also running in to Eric yesterday and it was like the universe was giving her all these reminders of what can go wrong when she moves too fast.

Sarah tells Maggie that she should get going as Xander is waiting for her and she’ll see her at Doug and Julie’s tonight. Sarah calls it Victoria’s first Christmas and tells Maggie that she loves her and will see her later as she walks away. Alex then walks through the town square. Maggie greets him and wishes him a merry Christmas Eve. Maggie mentions meaning to call him as she’d like a word with him about Titan. Alex reminds her that it was her choice to not be involved in Titan. Maggie points out that she inherited half of Victor’s estate and she’s seen the numbers, so she was disturbed to realize the cost of the first issue of Bella far outweighed the ad revenues. Alex says it’s just startup costs and assures the next issues will have no trouble. Maggie understands he was resurrecting Bella to make a point to her, but says you don’t make business decisions based on emotion. Maggie argues that magazines are dying and everything is going computerized. Maggie adds that Alex not only brought it back but put someone unqualified in charge of it, just because he’s in a relationship with her. Konstantin continues to listen in.

Theresa sits with Andrew and tells him that she’s really sorry as she feels really terrible for what she did. Andrew responds that she always does, but nothing seems to change. Theresa cries that she doesn’t want to disappoint their parents and worries that everyone is going to hate her. Andrew asks what she expected and tells her that she’s so lucky the baby is okay and that Konstantin moved out. Theresa asks what Andrew is going to do. Andrew responds that he’s first going to tell John, Steve, and Shane that they were unable to reveal the kidnapper’s face. Andrew then says he’s going to tell Theresa what she’s going to do.

Tripp has two apples delivered to the apartment which Wendy calls so sweet. Wendy thanks him for the wonderful gift of peace apples. Wendy now wants to hear about Tripp’s Christmas traditions growing up. Tripp responds that he actually didn’t have any but he vaguely remembers his adopted mom always trying her best to make things nice when he was little, but after she died, he just tried to stay out of the way. Tripp says his adopted dad was abusive, so this isn’t the most cheerful topic for Christmas Eve. Wendy apologizes as she didn’t mean to bring up bad memories. Tripp says it’s okay as it’s in the past. Tripp declares that it’s time that they start making their own happy holiday memories.

Jada hopes Rafe understands that she really wants to be with him, but she really wants to take things slowly and do it right. Jada guesses that Rafe is disappointed. Rafe says he has a string of exes too and maybe if he took things slower, he would’ve avoided some heartache himself. Rafe tells Jada to set the pace of their relationship as he loves her and wants her to be at peace with the decision she makes. Rafe says she can let him know when she’s ready.

Alex tells Maggie that he thinks it’s better that he and Theresa don’t come to Christmas dinner tomorrow. Maggie argues that they have to come and apologizes for bringing up business now. Maggie promises to not talk business during Christmas dinner and tells Alex that Justin really wants to see him there and misses him. Maggie adds that Victor would want the family together on Christmas. Alex says he gets that, but all they do recently is fight, so he doesn’t care what it means if it’s just going to be another miserable experience. Alex tells Maggie to have a wonderful Christmas, but to consider him out, as he walks away. Konstantin watches with a smile as Maggie looks on disappointed.

Andrew tells Theresa that he needs no more funny business or antics from her and that she’s going to walk the straight and narrow from now on. Andrew tells her to stay the hell away from Konstantin. Theresa claims that he left town anyway so she’s never going to see him again. Andrew advises Theresa to stop getting involved in schemes that she knows are wrong which she promises to do. Andrew warns her to keep that promise because he will be watching. Andrew says this will be the last time he covers for her. Theresa hugs him and thanks him. Andrew adds that he’s only giving her this chance because she’s his sister and he loves her. Andrew asks her not to jeopardize his job or her future. Theresa assures that she will take his advice. Andrew says he has to get going as the ISA jet is waiting for him. Andrew wishes her a Merry Christmas. Theresa calls him the best and says she really loves him. Andrew then walks away.

Maggie complains that she made things worse on Christmas Eve. Konstantin then appears and greets Maggie, surprising her. Konstantin says it’s so wonderful to see her. Maggie didn’t know he was still in town. Konstantin says he hasn’t been in town and that he was staying with his cousin in Cincinnati but he went off with his wife’s family for Christmas, so he ended up back in Salem which he finds a very special place. Konstantin calls it very fortunate to run in to her and offers her egg nog as he invites her to have a Christmas Eve drink together. Maggie hesitates but agrees.

Alex finds Theresa in the park and asks what she’s doing here. Theresa says he scared her half to death. Alex asks if everything is okay.

Jada tells Rafe that she hopes they can keep having lots of sleepovers which Rafe agrees with as they kiss. Rafe surprises her with a gift of keys, even though they aren’t moving in together, so she can come and go as she pleases. Jada calls it the best gift she will get this Christmas as they kiss.

Xander and Sarah sit together at the Brady Pub. Xander thought it was his turn to have Victoria tonight but Sarah explains that she wanted to take Victoria to Doug and Julie’s for her first Horton Christmas and adds that Maggie’s been having a tough time without Victor. Xander says he understands and tells Sarah to drop Victoria off with him afterwards because it’s his first Christmas with her too. Sarah gets upset and points out that means she won’t get to spend Christmas morning with Victoria. Xander says one of them has to miss her first Christmas morning and he’s willing to give up her first Christmas Eve. Sarah decides this isn’t working.

Tripp brings out Jenga but Wendy thought they could play a different game and they start kissing until Wendy gets a phone call from her mom. Wendy says she knows it’s been difficult lately. Wendy says she’ll call her back later and to give her love to her dad as she hangs up. Tripp asks if everything okay. Wendy informs him that it was her mom, who is very concerned with her dad as he hasn’t been doing well since Li’s death and his health is declining. Wendy then reveals that her mom wants her to move back to China.

Jada suggests to Rafe that they take things elsewhere. Rafe agrees and jokes that it is Christmas Eve so they have to go to bed early as they exit the police station together.

Xander reminds Sarah that they agreed to shared custody. Sarah clarifies that it isn’t working tonight since Victoria is only going to have one first Christmas and she won’t remember it, but they will. Xander says that’s why he wants to spend time with her too and points out that she chose Christmas Eve, so he gets Christmas Day. Sarah then suggests Xander came to Doug and Julie’s with them. Xander questions participating in the hanging of the Horton Ornaments and said he would be honored, but asks if they would even have him. Sarah says of course and reminds him that they got married in their living room. Sarah tells Xander that it would mean so much to Maggie and her.

Konstantin and Maggie sit together in the town square as he tells her about his past Christmas traditions with Victor. Maggie asks what his plans are for Christmas. Konstantin says he has no plans at the moment as he doesn’t know much about American Christmas traditions. Maggie tells him that there is one unique tradition that is very special to her late first husband’s family. Maggie invites Konstantin to accompany her to the Horton tree trimming. Konstantin calls that unexpected and wonderful, saying he’d be most grateful to attend with her.

Alex asks Theresa what’s wrong. Theresa claims she’s just really feeling the Christmas stress as it’s already Christmas Eve and she hasn’t done her Christmas shopping. Alex tells Theresa that they aren’t going to Maggie’s because of family drama, so they can forget about it all and enjoy the holiday. Alex informs her that he made a reservation for them at the Bistro to enjoy a nice Christmas Eve dinner. Theresa says that sounds really nice, but she really does have Christmas shopping to do so she’s hoping the stores are still open. Alex tells her to go finish up while he goes home to change and he will see her soon. Alex then walks away.

Konstantin was starting to worry that he would be alone this Christmas but thanks to Maggie, he has reason to celebrate. Maggie says she’s happy he’s still there and that they ran in to each other, calling it an unexpected gift. Konstantin tells her that he will pick her up at her place and they will go to Doug and Julie’s together. Maggie says she will see him later and walks away.

Theresa makes a call about a Christmas gift. Theresa then hangs up as she gets another call and it’s Konstantin, who says he didn’t appreciate her hanging up on him earlier. Konstantin warns that he can make her life very difficult if she does not cooperate. Theresa says there’s nothing she can do for him and tells him not to call her again. Theresa adds that she cannot help him with Maggie at all. Konstantin responds that she can and she will.

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Days Update Tuesday, December 19, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

In the town square, Stephanie asks Alex and Chad how they are doing and if they finished their Christmas shopping. Both say they haven’t. Stephanie admits this is a bit awkward. Chad feels it doesn’t have to be since they are all going to run in to each other from time to time. Chad tells Stephanie that he just wants her to be happy. Everett approaches and wishes them a happy holidays. Everett tells Stephanie that he’s looking forward to hanging out later and mentions making a reservation at the Bistro.

Theresa walks past the Brady Pub with shopping bags and gets a call from Konstantin. She asks what he wants from her and says Maggie kicking him out is not her problem. Theresa adds that kidnapping babies is way more than she signed on to do. Theresa declares that she can’t do anything more for him and tells him to lose her number. Brady approaches and comments on Theresa rummaging through trash cans and now taking mysterious phone calls.

Stefan goes to the Bistro and tells Ava to give him a bottle of scotch. Ava says she’s afraid to ask. Stefan informs her that he got a call from the prison infirmary and found out that Gabi has a broken leg. Ava says she’s so sorry. Stefan says that obviously Clyde said he had a message. Stefan declares that their plan to get rid of Clyde needs to be ramped up because he needs to be stopped.

Brady asks Theresa who she was urging to lose her number. Theresa claims it was just spam. Brady warns her that she owes it to their son to stay out of trouble. Theresa argues that she’s the one who raised Tate while Brady was sleeping with all the women in Salem. Brady argues that they are raising their kid together, so they should be civil with each other to try and set an example for Tate. Theresa calls Brady a sex addict. Brady disagrees and argues that he’s been in several relationships and loved every one of them but it hasn’t all been based on sex. Brady decides he wants to end this conversation and tells her to have a really good day. Theresa sarcastically wishes him happy holidays as they walk off in opposite directions.

Stephanie tells Everett that she’s not that hungry as she had a big breakfast. Everett suggests they can just take a walk then but Stephanie decides she’d rather be alone right now. Stephanie tells them to take care and walks away. Everett goes after her as Chad tries to say that she wanted to be alone. Chad remarks that Everett must be a stalker and there’s something weird about him. Theresa then joins Alex and they kiss. Theresa mentions having to do something at Titan and needing to steal Alex away. Theresa wishes Chad a Merry Christmas and walks away with Alex.

Ava sits with Stefan and asks for more details on what exactly happened to Gabi. Stefan says she has a broken leg in two places after she supposedly slipped and fell but Stefan doesn’t believe it. Stefan says that Clyde must have heard about the returned shipment. Ava guesses he did this as a warning to them. Ava argues that Clyde has to know that it wasn’t their fault since the buyer was hauled off to jail before the shipment got there and the warehouse was shut down, but they got it back before the Feds even knew so Clyde should be thrilled. Stefan says it’s tens of thousands of product and they are running drugs through the Bistro. Stefan adds that Ava dating a cop is not going to help their situation and she knows it, unless they start using him for insider information. Ava refuses to use Harris in any way. Harris then arrives at the Bistro and asks if he’s interrupting. Stefan says they were just discussing boring business stuff but he thinks they have it all sorted out, so he then exits. Harris tells Ava that he hopes the opening is going well. Ava says it was great and very busy but everybody was thrilled that they were back up and running. Ava asks if Harris ended up finishing the book he was determined to finish. Harris reveals that he didn’t actually read last night because he ran in to Jada and Stephanie at the Pub. Harris says they insisted he join them for a drink, so he got pretty drunk and they were pretty wasted so it all went downhill from there. Ava asks so. Harris explains that Stephanie was in no shape to go anywhere and ended up crashing at his place. Harris adds that they were both drunk and they kissed. Harris assures it didn’t go any further, didn’t mean anything, and never will. Ava asks why he’s telling her all of this. Harris points out that they never said they were exclusive, but it felt wrong and he just wanted to be honest with her. Harris apologizes and hopes she can accept it. Ava tells Harris that she can’t.

Paulina is woken up on the couch by a knock at her door. She answers the door to see Abe with a present. Paulina says she wasn’t expecting him. Abe asks if it’s a bad time. Paulina says not at all and she was just resting as she didn’t sleep well last night. Paulina says she’s happy to see him and invites him in. Paulina wishes she knew he was coming as she would’ve put on something nicer. Abe tells her that she looks beautiful as always but senses that she’s not her usual lively self. Abe asks if everything is okay. Paulina claims everything is fine now that he’s here.

Chad goes to the Brady Pub and finds Stefan having a drink. Chad remarks that it must be 5:00 somewhere. Stefan says that’s what he’s counting on and calls for another drink. Chad asks him what’s wrong. Stefan asks if he can’t guess. Chad admits he probably can as he’s sure that it’s been hell with Gabi not around. Stefan argues that Gabi isn’t just not around, she’s in prison which is bad enough without a broken leg. Chad questions what happened. Stefan says he doesn’t want to know and he can’t know, so he tells Chad to leave him alone and go away as he shouts for another drink.

Stephanie sits in the park. Everett catches up to her and says he can tell she’s not okay which she confirms. Stephanie apologizes for saying they could have lunch and then canceling on him. Everett says he understands and asks if she can talk about what has her so upset. Stephanie says it’s nothing he will find surprising, but she and Chad ended things between them. Everett tells her that he’s sorry and it’s no wonder she’s having a tough time. Stephanie hopes he knows that just because she and Chad are over doesn’t mean anything. Everett assures he won’t assume anything other than that she’s hurting and will need time to heal and recover which she confirms. Stephanie decides that she needs to take a break from relationships. Everett says he gets that and asks what about friendships and if he can still be her bestie.

Theresa searches the Titan office for a receipt that she’s supposed to get to accounting. Alex reveals that he found it and they start to kiss until Brady arrives. Brady says he’s just checking on things since this is his first official day back. Alex gets a call and tells them to play nice as he steps out to answer it. Brady asks Theresa if Alex is under the impression that she’s completely reformed and that she can persuade him that being together will be drama free. Theresa asks why he cares. Brady responds that he cares about the messes that Theresa could get in to which may affect their son. Brady says he’s very concerned about what he heard from her on the phone because she was nervous and he knows it usually means there’s a Mexican drug lord involved or something. Theresa tells him that she’s sorry to disappoint him since he thrives on her failures, but claims that all is well and she’s fine. Theresa says she’s just preparing for the holidays and hopes all is well with him too. Theresa insists that she does feel happy when she knows he’s well because she does care about him. Theresa says she has very fond memories of their time together. Brady admits that he does too. Theresa says she has a few stops she has to make before the end of the day. Theresa tells Brady to just tell Alex that she will see him at home. Theresa tells Brady that she really does hope he has a wonderful Christmas. Brady says same to her. Theresa adds that he doesn’t have to worry about her because everything is fine. Theresa then exits the office. Brady wonders why he doesn’t believe her.

Stephanie tells Everett that she’s not giving up on friendships which relieves him. Stephanie repeats that she’s taking a break from romance. Everett says he gets that and if it makes her feel less uneasy around him, he is too. Everett doesn’t think he could feel romantic about anyone but her and comments on her finding his engagement ring. Everett decides that since Stephanie is not available in that way, he is also only interested in friendship for now. Stephanie is glad they are on the same page and admits he’s a really good listener. Everett credits it to being a reporter. Stephanie admits it’s really lifting her spirits just talking to him. Everett tells her that she is always lifting his spirits. Everett says he really likes living in Salem and his job, but more than any of it, he loves being her shoulder and her friend. Everett swears that there won’t be any pressure from him to be anything more.

Abe brought cookies that he made which impresses Paulina. Abe asks where Chanel is. Paulina says she is in her room, wrapping Christmas presents. Paulina mentions trying to come up with the Mayor’s Christmas Speech for her podcast, but she’s having serious writer’s block. Abe calls that hard to believe. Paulina asks if there’s any chance Abe could help her and be her writing partner.

Chad questions Stefan being unable to tell him how Gabi broke her leg and he wants him to go away. Chad says okay and moves to the next table over. Stefan apologizes for telling him to go away and tells him to come back but Chad declines. Stefan mocks him being so emotional. Stefan then asks how Chad and Stephanie are and if they have any fun holidays. Chad reveals that they broke up. Stefan thought they were happy. Chad responds that they were until they weren’t. Stefan says he knows how that goes and he’s very sorry. Chad tells Stefan that it’s his turn to open up, vent, and talk about what he wants to talk about to stop him from drinking. Stefan responds that no amount of venting or opening up will change the fact that his wife is in prison and in a lot of danger. Chad questions why she’s in a lot of danger and if she mouthed off to a guard or another inmate. Stefan then spills that it’s that son of a bitch Weston. Chad then gets up and questions if Clyde Weston is the one going after Stefan and Gabi. Chad demands an answer. Stefan tells him to leave it alone but Chad shouts that Clyde killed his wife as he continues to demand an answer. Stefan responds that there are some things happening that Clyde is unhappy about. Chad wants more but Stefan says he has to go. Chad tries to stop him but Stefan says no. Chad repeats that Clyde killed his wife as Stefan exits the Pub.

Paulina tells Abe that the challenge in her speech is to give people hope while also being honest about the limitations of what can be done. Abe encourages that she’ll meet that challenge. Abe calls her a spirited soulful woman with a heart of gold and says she has a wonderful way with words. Paulina calls that very kind of him. Abe says it’s the truth and calls her the Paulina that he’s getting to know again. Abe suggests putting pen to paper and getting this show on the road.

Alex returns to the Titan office and says they are all set and ready to go. Brady informs him that Theresa left and said she will see him at home. Alex guesses she’s finishing Christmas shopping. Brady warns Alex not to screw Theresa over because she’s the mother of his kid and he’s worried about her as he can see she’s stressed which can lead to a relapse. Brady says he has no idea if Theresa is doing the work or seeing her sponsor. Alex admits he doesn’t know either but says that Theresa has a great work ethic, is excited and motivated. Alex suggests just seeing how they do and taking it a day at a time. Alex tells him to have a good evening and exits the office.

Everett tells Stephanie that he’s a little worried about all the pressure she’s putting on herself. Stephanie isn’t sure what he means. Everett says it’s something he’s sensed. Everett calls her an amazing person but feels that she’s too hard on herself. Everett adds that being driven can be good but not if it’s undermining her sense of mind. Stephanie admits she is hard on herself and wants to have a good career, to be able to support herself, buy a house someday and have a family. Everett calls those reasonable goals but says she has time for that. Stephanie talks about women having less time to procreate than men. Stephanie says some of her friends have no problem waiting until their 40s to be a mom but says if she’s lucky enough to be a mom, she wants to be a young mom like her mom was. Stephanie talks about how Kayla had her in her 20s, still worked a great job, and now has it all including the perfect man for her. Everett encourages that she can have all of that too.

Harris questions Ava being unable to forgive him. Ava argues that the Bistro has to be her focus right now. Ava tells him that she has a lot to prove to everyone and she needs to protect herself from him. Ava argues that if he’s seeing somebody else, this is not going to work. Harris insists that he’s not. Ava argues that now that she knows he kissed Stephanie, she got an uncomfortable feeling that she had before with Rafe and Steve. Ava says she didn’t listen to that feeling before and got hurt really bad. Ava brings up her mental illness and worries that kind of pain could cause a relapse and she can’t have that. Ava declares that as much as she really likes Harris, she can’t risk that again. Harris repeats that the kiss with Stephanie was nothing. Ava calls it a dealbreaker. Harris apologizes but Ava says she can’t hear it. Harris asks if she’s saying it’s over and this is it. Ava confirms that this is it and asks Harris to leave. Harris then sadly exits the Bistro. Ava then starts to cry.

Stephanie tells Everett that she knows she has to stop being so co-dependent and needy and needs to feel like she likes and respects herself to feel like she’s okay on her own. Stephanie adds that she’s not ready for that relationship and repeats needing a break. Stephanie tells Everett that she’s really glad he is her friend and she’s here for him too. Everett hopes she finds what she’s looking for and that she comes to realize what an amazing person she is. Everett feels very lucky to know her. Stephanie says the same about him. Everett tells her to have a wonderful Christmas Eve and walks away.

Theresa walks through the park and gets a call from her brother Andrew. Theresa wishes him a Merry Christmas and is surprised to learn he is in Salem. Theresa says she was just heading home but agrees to meet him in the park.

Stefan returns to the Bistro. Ava asks how his call went. Stefan responds that he got a whole lot of nothing from the Warden other than the story that Gabi slipped and fell. Ava says she’s sorry. Stefan asks if she’s okay and what’s going on. Ava informs him that she just kicked a really great guy out of her life. Ava confirms that she and Harris are over. Ava adds that they couldn’t risk being found out by him, so as much as it really hurts now, she did what had to be done.

Chad walks through the town square and stops at the Christmas Tree in front of the Tom and Alice plaque. Chad recalls coming there so many times with Abigail over the years and how the plaque always made her smile because she loved her family very much. Chad knows it wasn’t easy for them all to accept him at first, but they did eventually and he knows that’s because they saw how much he loved Abigail and how much she loved him. Chad states that he was a better man because of her and her family’s strength and love. Chad declares that Clyde Weston took her away from him and his children. Chad promises to make Clyde pay.

Paulina finishes writing her speech and asks Abe to tell her what he thinks but then pulls it back. Abe is sure it’s perfect but says he’d rather hear it than read it, so he suggests she stand up and practice. Paulina stands up and begins reading her speech to Abe. Paulina finishes by wishing everyone a joyful holiday. Abe calls it perfect and wishes Paulina a Merry Christmas and they hug.

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Days Update Monday, December 18, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel goes home and tells Paulina about the holiday rush at the Bakery. Chanel questions Paulina still being in her robe. Paulina responds that she just had a hard time waking up. Chanel comments that it’s the middle of the afternoon, it’s not like her to sleep in, and she still looks tired. Paulina responds that she’s fine and that it’s nothing a strong cup of coffee can’t fix.

Stephanie is at home and pours a cup of coffee until the doorbell rings. Stephanie answers the door to see Chad.

Sloan paces in the interrogation room and thinks back to arguing with Leo on the phone. Sloan tells herself that Leo took the baby to blackmail her, so now she has to tell them the truth as she exits the room. Eric tells Sloan that he was getting worried and asks what’s going on. Sloan tells Eric that there is something she needs to tell him. Harris announces a lucky break and that he just got a tip on who might have taken the baby, relieving Sloan.

EJ goes down the tunnels to the wine cellar searching for Nicole. EJ enters the wine cellar and finds Nicole with baby Jude. Nicole tells EJ that she’s so sorry as he hugs her. EJ thought she accepted that this child was not their baby. Nicole responds that she did and she still does, but complains that Sloan left him. Nicole explains that she saw Sloan walk away from the stroller and leave him all alone. Nicole declares that she saved his life. EJ understands she did what she thought was right in making sure that the child was safe, but now he needs to go back home. Nicole tells EJ no and that the baby needs them. Nicole argues that EJ has all the money in the world and that he knows people who could hide them to help them start a whole new life with the baby. Nicole states that he could be their little boy.

Paulina gives Chanel a cup of coffee too. Chanel mentions that her work is not over yet since she has to go back to the Bakery to prepare for tomorrow and then do some shopping after that. Chanel suggests Paulina join her so they can shop together but Paulina says she already slept half the day and has a lot of work, so she should probably get to City Hall. Chanel asks if Paulina wants anything while she’s out. Paulina suggests Christmas lights. Chanel promises to get her a fully functioning set. Paulina mentions getting Abe some bourbon toothpicks for his stocking. Chanel jokes about getting them some mistletoe but Paulina says not to get ahead of themselves. Chanel agrees to leave that out for now as she then exits the apartment. Paulina drinks her coffee and complains that it’s still hard to swallow but says she is too busy to get sick now.

Stephanie asks if Chad came to search the place and see who else she’s getting busy with. Chad says he deserves that, but he came to apologize because he was out of line yesterday for accusing her and Alex of being together. Stephanie agrees and mentions her headache but says she’s fine. Stephanie accepts Chad’s apology and asks if there’s anything else. Chad thinks it’s time that they both say out loud what they are both thinking which is that it’s time they officially end things between them.

Eric and Rafe ask about the tip. Harris says a woman saw another woman in a hoodie walking away from the town square with a stroller. Rafe asks if there’s any leads on Nicole but Harris says nothing yet. Rafe questions Nicole and baby Jude going missing at the same time and asks how it can’t be connected. Eric brings up when Sarah’s baby Victoria was kidnapped and wonders if it could be the same person who kidnapped his son.

EJ tells Nicole that she knows what it’s like to lose a child and that’s what Eric and Sloan would be feeling now. Nicole argues that it’s different because their baby died while Eric and Sloan’s baby is safe with them. EJ knows the pain that she suffered over the loss of their son but says they can’t ease the pain by taking another couple’s baby. EJ declares that it’s time to do the right thing and take the baby back to his parents. EJ decides they will do it together.

Alex walks through the town square while on the phone with Theresa. Alex says he’ll be home later as he’s doing a little Christmas shopping. Alex tells her that she will find out what he got for her on Christmas and hangs up. Alex runs in to Chanel, who notes that it’s been awhile. Chanel says she’s been mostly good and asks about Alex. Alex mentions that things have been complicated so Chanel offers to talk about it.

Stephanie questions Chad wanting to end things. Chad clarifies that he doesn’t want to but he understands that she doesn’t trust him because he did something stupid which he deeply regrets. Chad wishes he could take back going after Everett but it’s done. Chad adds that Stephanie is ready for more than a commitment than he’s able to give right now, so he seems like he would just continue to disappoint her and he doesn’t want to do that. Stephanie decides that if that’s the way he sees it, then she agrees that it’s best for them to go their separate ways. Chad tells her that it all makes him sad, especially for the kids because they love her. Stephanie says that is what’s making this so hard for her. Chad suggests maybe things will change in time and he’ll be able to get over his past and be there for her fully and maybe she’ll be able to trust him again. Stephanie says maybe in time. Chad repeats that he thinks it’s best that they just let each other go. Chad tells her that she’s welcome to keep their apartment while he and the kids can move back to the DiMera Mansion. Stephanie argues that the kids shouldn’t be uprooted since it’s their home too and they are dealing with enough big changes in their life. Chad thanks her and says he will e-mail her his official resignation from SJPR. Stephanie says that’s not necessary as they are responsible adults and can still work together. Chad thinks it would be too much right now and mentions that he hired Everett back at the Spectator because he has to work with the best. Stephanie calls Everett a talented journalist. Chad apologizes as he knows he’s responsible for blowing up their relationship. Chad acknowledges that he allowed his jealousy to make him so extreme, devious, and stupid. Chad admits that he lost sight of what was right and wrong and he wishes he hadn’t. Stephanie says she does as well.

Harris tells Rafe that he sent a car to get the witness to the police station and the sketch artist is standing by. Eric encourages Sloan that Sarah’s baby was found fine so he knows that Jude will be too. Sloan prays that he’s right. Eric asks Sloan what she was going to tell him earlier before the tip came in. Nicole and EJ then arrive with Jude. Nicole hands Jude back to Sloan. Sloan and Eric are relieved as EJ says they can explain everything and asks to go somewhere private. Sloan refuses and demands to know what happened because she has a right to know. Rafe says they will handle this and takes EJ and Nicole in to the interrogation room. Harris says he knows they are overwhelmed and frustrated but the important thing is that the baby is alright. Eric mentions calling to tell Marlena and Roman the good news. Sloan offers to go with him so they exit the station together. Harris then checks his phone and sees a voicemail from Stephanie.

Rafe tells Nicole that it’s obviously a tremendous relief for all of them that she and the baby are both safe, but it’s also very concerning. Rafe asks what happened. EJ starts to explain but Nicole just says that she took him which Rafe questions. Nicole explains that she saw the baby was alone and she took him.

Alex tells Chanel about no one having any idea that he was Victor’s son until it was put in his will and blew everything up. Chanel asks why Victor would do that. Alex says they may never know. Chanel says her family had their own parent swap and it was as hard for Lani. Alex calls it crazy but says he’s learned that just because somebody gave you life, doesn’t mean they are a parent. Alex declares that as far as he’s concerned, Justin is always going to be his dad.

Chad tells Stephanie that she’s going to do great. She thanks him and then her phone rings with a call from Harris, who says he got her message. Harris says he’s sorry he had to rush out this morning but the good news is that they found the baby. Harris asks if she’s free to talk. Stephanie says she will be soon. Harris asks if she wants to call him back but Stephanie thinks it’s better if they do this in person. Harris says things are settling down at the station and suggests meeting at the park in ten minutes. Stephanie says she’ll see him there and hangs up. Chad says it sounds like she has to take care of something. Stephanie calls it just a little fire that she needs to put out. Stephanie asks Chad if there’s anything else. Chad guesses not and tells her to take care. Chad thanks her for how good she was with his kids as he holds back tears. Chad hopes she will still spend time with the kids. Stephanie says she would love that as she misses them already. Stephanie tells Chad to explain to the kids that they had nothing to do with this and it was all on them. Stephanie tearfully thanks Chad for sharing those great kids with her for awhile and says it meant so much to her, as Chad did too. Chad calls her a beautiful person inside and out. Chad says he will treasure the memories of the good times they had together. Chad starts to cry as he then exits. Stephanie then begins to cry as well.

Eric and Sloan return to the police station. Eric tells Harris that Nicole seemed off and asks about her. Harris tells him that Rafe is handling it. Sloan tells Eric that in the meantime, their baby could use his attention so Eric asks what he can do.

Rafe questions why Nicole would take the baby. Nicole argues that Sloan doesn’t deserve to be a mother. Rafe tells her that isn’t her call. EJ tells Nicole to just explain what happened. Nicole explains that she went out for fresh air and saw Sloan in the town square, walking away from her baby and leaving the stroller unattended. Nicole adds that she knows it’s not her baby and she’s accepted that, but when she saw him all alone, she felt a bond that she can’t explain and declares that taking him home felt like the right thing to do.

Chad goes to see Paulina and says he was in the area so he figured he would drop some papers off. Paulina says she’s glad to see him as she was wondering if he took her advice and talked to Stephanie. Chad confirms that he spoke to her, so Paulina asks what happened and if they are back on good terms.

Harris meets Stephanie in the park. Stephanie is glad that he found the missing baby. Harris calls it a huge relief. Harris asks how she is. Stephanie admits she’s a little freaked out and confesses that she doesn’t remember how she wound up in his bed or much of anything after they left the Pub last night. Harris is not surprised as she was wasted. Stephanie reveals that she remembers they kissed which Harris confirms. Harris notes that he was a little drunk too and he shouldn’t have let it happen. Harris tells Stephanie that it was a mistake and he’s sorry.

Sloan tells Eric that she wants to hear Nicole’s story but she is exhausted so she just wants to go home with their baby. Eric says he understands and says he can handle things here. Rafe then comes out of the interrogation room and calls Eric and Sloan in, telling them that they need to hear this. Rafe asks if Nicole wants to tell them what happened. Nicole admits to them that she didn’t find the baby, she took him.

Alex asks Chanel what’s going on in her world. Chanel informs him that she and Johnny are back together. Alex calls that great. Chanel says she really loves him still but she has one worry that he has to keep between them. Chanel notes that Johnny always has some other girl after him and that he can be a player, but admits that she can be too. Alex jokes that he is the #1 player in the universe but that doesn’t mean they can’t be good guys too sometimes. Chanel says she often thinks about the very interesting time that she, Alex, and Allie had. Alex agrees that it was certainly interesting and calls it pretty great which Chanel agrees with. Alex tells her that he still feels bad about what happened between he and Allie afterwards as he’s sure she really misses her and he does too. Chanel admits that she does miss Allie, but says sometimes things just aren’t meant to be.

Paulina is sorry to hear Chad and Stephanie have broken up as she was praying they would work things out. Chad says he was too but the truth is he knew that because of his stupid mistakes and issues about being in a serious relationship, he knew it was over and it just took him time to accept it. Paulina points out that they will still see each other at work so maybe they will feel different but Chad reveals that he resigned from SJPR which Paulina says she’s sorry to hear, but she understands. Paulina says she will miss working with Chad since he’s smart, talented, and makes her laugh. Chad says that anybody who gets to work with Paulina or be in her orbit is very lucky.

Harris and Stephanie sit together in the park as Harris explains that he took Stephanie to his room since he couldn’t take her to Jada’s room since she was passed out. Harris notes that Stephanie was in no shape to travel and could barely make it up the stairs. Stephanie questions waking up in his t-shirt which Harris explains was because she threw up all over her clothes. Harris says he gave her his shirt, she changed, he put her to bed and they both passed out. Stephanie asks if nothing happened between them then. Harris realizes what she thought but assures that nothing happened and he wouldn’t lie to her about that. Stephanie asks if they can keep this between them and forget that it ever happened. Harris responds that he’s sorry but he can’t.

Sloan questions Nicole taking her baby as she thought they were done with her thinking their baby was her baby, but she’s clearly still totally deluded. Nicole says she just saw the baby all alone and she lost control. Nicole knows it was wrong and swears it will never happen again. Sloan agrees because she’s going to be behind bars. Sloan declares that she doesn’t care that Nicole is EJ’s wife, she wants her prosecuted. EJ suggests they all take a breather but Sloan refuses as she wants Nicole in prison. Sloan warns that if EJ won’t make that happen, she will call the state attorney general.

Paulina gives Chad coloring books for his kids as a parting gift from the mayor’s office. Chad says they will be thrilled as they’ve been having a rough time since Stephanie moved out. Paulina encourages that they are lucky to have such a loving and caring dad. Chad thanks her but he’s concerned he’s not enough. Paulina suggests that at some point when he’s ready, he can get them a mom. Chad doesn’t know since he couldn’t make it work with Stephanie, so maybe it’s time to accept there is no one else for him and he will never be able to get over Abigail as she was just his one great love. Paulina tells him to stop talking nonsense. Paulina knows he’s been through Hell and that the pain of losing his wife is something he’ll never completely get over. Paulina adds that they are not meant to live their lives alone and says he needs someone to love and for someone to love him. Chad argues that lots of people get by fine being alone. Paulina brings up raising Chanel on her own after her father died, so she knows what he’s going through and she thought she could do it all on her own too but she was miserable. Paulina says once she got another chance at love with Abe, she got to fully experience again how great life can be. Chad assures that he takes her words seriously but his only thoughts right now are to be the best father he can be and he will have to hope that’s enough.

Stephanie doesn’t understand why she and Harris can’t forget what happened yesterday. Harris points out that he and Ava are dating and if their relationship is going to grow, it has to be based on honesty and trust. Stephanie asks if he can keep her name out of it since she doesn’t want the mafia princess who tried to kill her mom finding out that she made out with the guy she’s dating. Harris assures that Ava won’t react bad once he explains the circumstances. Harris believes that 100% transparency is the way to go in any relationship, so he has to tell Ava. Stephanie calls him a good man. Stephanie wishes he was like the rest of the people in Salem with deep dark secrets, but totally respects that he wants to be honest with Ava and says she’ll just have to deal with that. Harris tells her to take care of herself and to stick to club soda tonight. Stephanie assures that she learned her lesson and wishes him luck with Ava. Stephanie then leaves the park. Harris calls Ava and says he’s coming to the Bistro because they need to talk about something.

Chanel returns home from shopping and finds Paulina asleep on the couch. Chanel remarks that Paulina said there was nothing to worry about.

Alex runs in to Stephanie in the town square and swears that he feels like he’s running in to everyone he knows today as Chad then appears as well.

Baby Jude wakes up crying. Eric suggests to Sloan that they step outside to talk so they don’t upset Jude as he worries that he can sense their stress. Eric and Sloan exit the room. Rafe then announces that he’s sorry but under the circumstances, he has to arrest Nicole.

Eric tells Sloan that he doesn’t believe Nicole did this with malicious intent. Sloan asks how he can say that when she stole their baby. Eric suggests Nicole could’ve prevented a tragedy if someone else would have taken the baby. Sloan asks if he’s saying this is her fault. Eric says no and just thinks they should show compassion to Nicole and be grateful that their son was brought back safe and unharmed. Sloan argues that Nicole could come and take their baby anytime she wants. Eric assures she won’t do it again and believes that she’s going to get help. Eric declares that Nicole is going to heal and they need to as well. Eric insists that forgiveness leads to peace as he hugs Sloan.

Nicole argues that she brought the baby back and was just trying to protect him. EJ adds that Rafe knows damn well what Nicole has been through lately. Rafe states that what happened is still a kidnapping so he’s going to have to read her rights. Sloan and Eric then return to the room with Jude. Sloan declares that won’t be necessary and claims that she asked Nicole to babysit because she was tired and there was no crime here. EJ says that’s good enough for him as district attorney. Rafe gets what they are trying to do and says he feels bad for Nicole too, but tells EJ that she needs help. Nicole insists that she will get it. Eric declares they are done here as he and Sloan exit with Jude. Rafe then follows them out. Nicole asks EJ what just happened. EJ responds that he has no idea.

Sloan asks Eric to take Jude to the car while she stops to use the restroom so Eric puts Jude in the stroller and exits.

EJ tells Nicole that he will make sure everything is good with Rafe and then they will go home. EJ kisses Nicole and exits the room. Sloan then storms back in and tells Nicole to shut up and listen to her. Sloan swears that if Nicole ever comes after her child again, she will make her life hell in ways she cannot even imagine. Sloan then storms back out.

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Days Update Friday, December 15, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Harris wakes up in bed with Stephanie and wonders what he has done..

Nicole joins EJ in the living room of the DiMera Mansion and tells him that she’s going for a walk around the lake to get some fresh air. EJ offers to go with her but Nicole assures that she will be fine on her own as she is feeling a bit better this morning. Nicole admits last night was hard but says now that she knows their baby is at peace, she is at peace too. Nicole says she will be back soon and kisses EJ. EJ tells her to have fun and sits down with his phone as Nicole exits the mansion. Nicole stops and looks at the spot where she and EJ scattered the ashes and thinks back to last night.

Eric and Sloan are woken up by Jude crying. Eric starts to get up but Sloan stops him and says he did all the changing and needs his sleep. Sloan decides taking Jude for a walk might put him to sleep so she brings him to the stroller. Sloan tells Eric that she will stop by the bakery for coffee and donuts. Sloan then takes Jude and exits as Eric tries to go back to sleep.

Leo sleeps on a park bench until he’s woken up by kids throwing something at him. Leo complains that they ruined a great dream where an evil demon was about to get her comeuppance. Leo declares that she will get it in real life because Sloan has it coming and it’s going to come on hard.

Sloan walks through the town square with her baby Jude until she gets a call from Leo. Sloan asks what he wants. Leo responds that he wants her head on a platter. Sloan says she’s with the baby and can’t talk right now. Leo remarks that she means she’s with Nicole’s baby. Sloan repeats that it’s not a good time. Leo warns that it will be much worse if she doesn’t listen. Leo knows she already knows that Dimitri was sent to super max, so he doesn’t know when or if he will see him again. Sloan says she’s really sorry but there’s nothing she can do in a federal prison. Leo argues that she should’ve done something before he was sent there because she promised that if he turned himself in, she would have the most serious charges dropped. Sloan tells Leo to stop yelling and asks what he wants from her. Leo says he already told her that he wants money and power which still won’t make up for the fact that he’s not with Dimitri, so he will hate her for the rest of his life. Sloan gets that he’s upset but says she needs time to figure things out. Leo threatens to put it out to the world that the baby’s real parents are Nicole and EJ. Sloan pleads with him. Leo warns to get him everything he requested or he will make sure she is suffering the same pain that he is suffering right now. Leo then hangs up.

Marlena and Roman sit together at the Brady Pub, talking about how they’ve never seen Eric so happy. Marlena calls it wonderful to have a new grandchild. Roman jokes about going through the toy store daily. They relate to scrolling through pictures of the baby. Marlena talks about having so much to look forward to. Marlena knows they were skeptical in the beginning about the relationship since Eric had broken up with Nicole and they had their concerns about Sloan, but she thinks they are going to do all they can to make this relationship work. Roman states that they are a family now, so he hopes they can for the baby. Marlena hopes they can really enjoy the happiness that a new baby brings.

Sloan gets baby Jude to fall asleep. Sloan looks through her purse and realizes she left her wallet at the Bakery. Sloan leaves Jude in his stroller and goes back to the Bakery to get her wallet. After she walks away, someone appears in black gloves and steals the stroller. Sloan returns and begins to panic, shouting for help as someone stole her baby.

Harris gets upset by a text message which wakes up Stephanie. Stephanie wakes up confused, questioning what happened. Harris tells her that they can talk later as he has to go to the police station because there’s been a baby abduction.

Eric is woken up by a phone call from Sloan, who tells him that the baby is gone. Sloan cries that someone took him after she took her eyes off of him for five seconds. Sloan tells Eric that she’s in the town square and someone stole their baby boy.

Marlena tells Roman that she wonders how Sloan will handle everything with her career. Roman states that he can’t see Sloan giving that up as she’s very ambitious and driven, but raising an infant is a very demanding job. Marlena gets a call from Eric and says they were just talking about him. Eric informs her that Jude has been kidnapped.

EJ remains at home when he gets an alert on his phone about another missing baby.

Rafe and Harris walk through the town square. Rafe says he’ll get Sloan’s statement while Harris interviews witnesses. Sloan cries for Rafe to help her and explains that she left her baby in the stroller as she went in to the Bakery for five seconds and when she came back out, he was gone. Sloan cries asking where her baby is as Rafe hugs her. Eric then arrives and hugs Sloan, asking what’s going on. Sloan explains that she went back to the Bakery to get her wallet and questions what kind of mother leaves her baby. Eric tells her to calm down and answer Rafe’s questions. Rafe asks if she saw anyone nearby. Sloan cries that she didn’t and says she was on the phone with a coffee in her other hand so she was distracted. Sloan talks about how Jude had just went to sleep she didn’t want to wake him up and left him alone. Harris comes over and says he interviewed a few people but they didn’t see anything. Harris asks if Sloan has any idea who might have done this. Sloan claims she doesn’t know anybody. Eric asks to talk to Rafe so they step aside. Eric tells Rafe that he hates to even think it, but brings up Nicole once taking Sami’s baby. Rafe says he will head to the DiMera Mansion now to talk to her.

EJ calls Nicole and leaves a message, saying she must be having a nice walk as she’s been gone a long time. EJ suggests they have brunch when she gets back and asks her to check in as he’s getting a bit worried.

Stephanie comes downstairs at the Pub and sneaks out the back door which Leo sees as he enters the Pub with the baby stroller. Leo calls that interesting, questioning why Stephanie would spend the night at the Pub.

Stephanie runs in to Tripp in the park and tells him that she had a rough night and did something really stupid. Tripp asks if she wants to talk about it since his shift doesn’t start for awhile. Stephanie calls that kind of him but says it’s kind of fuzzy so she doesn’t want to get into it. Stephanie adds that she has a massive headache and a wicked hangover. Stephanie asks if Tripp has a cure to recommend. Tripp brings up a smoothie that Wendy swears by but Stephanie feels that will make it worse. Stephanie says that’s enough about her stupidity and asks how Tripp has been. Tripp says he’s been good and working long hours. Tripp mentions that Steve told him that she was moving back in with he and Kayla. Stephanie complains about Steve telling everyone everything. Tripp points out that he is her brother, so he should know these things. Stephanie agrees and apologizes as she just feels awful about it. Tripp asks what made her move out of her place with Chad since Steve didn’t give him the details on that. Stephanie informs him that Chad was insanely jealous of her ex, Everett, who came to Salem, sort of to find her but also for a job at the Spectator. Stephanie explains that she and Everett started working together and Chad didn’t like that, so he bought Gwen’s half of the paper just to fire Everett. Tripp calls that pretty extreme and crappy. Stephanie says for her, it was the last straw.

EJ answers the door at the DiMera Mansion to see Rafe. Rafe asks if Nicole is there and says he’s called but it’s gone straight to voicemail. EJ informs him that she went for a walk and asks how he can help. Rafe mentions the kidnapping which EJ says he saw the alert. Rafe informs him that it was Eric and Sloan’s baby that was taken from the town square. EJ is shocked and says they just saw them last night. Rafe asks if he has any idea when Nicole will be back. EJ says he’s not sure but questions if Nicole is a suspect in the kidnapping. Rafe says he’s just trying to find the baby. EJ questions if he thinks Nicole is capable of this when they just scattered the ashes of their baby last night. EJ states that for the first time, Nicole is at peace and went to give Eric and Sloan a gift last night, to say sorry for the pain she caused. Rafe says he’s glad she’s at peace but he still needs to talk to her. EJ argues that Nicole doesn’t need this right now as she’s been through enough already and declares that she had nothing to do with the kidnapping. EJ yells at Rafe to go find the actual culprit and leave them the hell alone.

Sloan and Eric meet Roman and Marlena at the police station. Sloan asks them not to judge her as she knows she shouldn’t have left her baby alone. Marlena encourages that no one is blaming her and she doesn’t want her to blame herself. Marlena says the important thing is finding the baby and that should be everyone’s focus right now. Harris sits with Sloan and says they will be posting photos up everywhere. Sloan doesn’t understand how a baby just disappears and cries that she turned her back for just a few seconds. Leo then arrives at the station with the stroller. Sloan can’t believe it was him. Leo then claims that he just found the stroller in an alley but there was no baby inside. Leo claims he wishes he had found her baby since she’s his lawyer and got him out of jail, so he owes her everything.

Rafe understands that EJ has been through his own personal Hell in losing his son but clarifies that he’s not accusing Nicole of anything and just needs to talk to her. Rafe tells EJ to just be rational and that he’s just doing his job. EJ says okay but points out that Nicole is not around. EJ remembers putting a locator on her phone and uses it to find out where she is. EJ then discovers that her phone is still in the house which means she left it and that’s why she’s not answering his calls. Rafe points out that Nicole’s car is still in the driveway which EJ notes doesn’t make sense since she said she was going to the lake and she would’ve had to have driven there. Rafe points out that the lake is next to the town square. EJ repeats that Nicole did not kidnap that child. EJ asks where Nicole would’ve taken him without a vehicle. EJ tells Rafe to focus on trying to find Nicole instead. EJ wonders why she left her phone and where the hell she could’ve disappeared to.

Tripp tells Stephanie that he’s so sorry for what she’s going through. Tripp questions Chad feeling so threatened by Everett that he’d resort to getting him fired. Stephanie doesn’t think Chad would be as threatened if they weren’t already having serious problems. Tripp didn’t know that as they seemed so happy together. Stephanie responds that they were, but Chad’s still grieving Abigail and still thinks of her as the love of his life. Tripp knows that had to be very tough on her which Stephanie confirms. Stephanie adds that she just found out a couple days ago that before the accident, Everett was going to propose and bought an engagement ring for her, so when he came to Salem, he thought he’d put it on her finger but she was with Chad. Tripp asks if now she thinks she and Everett might get back together now that she and Chad have broken up or if she’s hoping that she and Chad can work things out.

Harris thanks Leo and says he’ll have the stroller dusted for prints. Harris tells Leo to let him know if he remembers anything to help find the baby. Leo remarks that he’s so sorry about this turn of events and says he’ll be praying for all of them as he leaves the station. Sloan claims she needs to go freshen up, so she exits. Eric tells Roman and Marlena to go home and rest, but Roman doesn’t think they will rest much until they find the baby. Marlena encourages Eric to stay positive as she hugs him. Eric says he’ll keep them posted if he hears anything. Roman encourages that they will find the baby as he hugs Eric. Roman and Marlena then exit together.

Sloan confronts Leo in the interrogation room, accusing him of stealing her baby to get her to concede to his blackmail demands. Leo questions how that makes sense when he brought the stroller in. Sloan argues that he’s trying to deflect suspicion from himself. Leo insists that he brought the evidence in so that the child could be found. Leo adds that if Sloan really thought he had the baby, she would’ve told the police that and explained what his motive would be, but she couldn’t do that because then she’d have to admit it’s not her baby and her entire world would be blown up. Sloan declares that she’s done talking to him. Leo remarks that she’s not fit to be a mother, calling her mean and selfish. Leo adds that maybe he does know where the baby is. Sloan demands Leo tell her. Leo asks why he should tell her when he asks and asks but doesn’t receive. Sloan asks what he wants. Leo says a place to live would be nice along with a boyfriend and savings account. Leo warns that all he has is her dirty little secret which he can blow out of the water any time he chooses. Leo tells her that the clock is ticking and then storms out.

EJ tells Rafe that the servants are searching the house for Nicole’s phone but there’s no sign of it yet. Rafe adds that he made some calls and she didn’t take public transportation. EJ notes that her clothes are still there. EJ knows Rafe is thinking it’s too much of a coincidence that Nicole and the baby went missing at the same time, especially given Nicole’s history. EJ insists that someone must have taken Nicole to get to him, suggesting Clyde Weston or Ava. EJ tells Rafe to find his wife and bring her back to him. Rafe assures that he’s doing his damndest and decides he’ll try to have Wendy geo locate her. Rafe says he’ll be in touch and exits. EJ wonders where Nicole could be. EJ then looks over at the tunnels and wonders if it’s possible, so he goes to enter the secret passage.

Stephanie tells Tripp that she’s really worried about Chad’s kids, Thomas and Charlotte, as she loves them so much and they already lost their mom so suddenly and tragically. Stephanie says they didn’t love her in the same way, but she knows she was like a mother figure to them. Tripp tells Stephanie that she has to do what feels right for her and no one else. Tripp knows the kids will be really sad for awhile but encourages that they will be okay. Tripp goes over Stephanie finding out that Everett hadn’t ghosted her and planned to propose, but she stayed with Chad. Stephanie assures that she loved Chad and that she would be fickle to fall out love with him and in with someone else. Tripp asks if she’s talked to Chad. Stephanie explains that he came to see her last night but Alex was there and Chad jumped to the wrong conclusion and acted like a jerk, so she left the two of them there. Stephanie thinks back to kissing Harris. Tripp asks her what happened. Stephanie says she had too much to drink and that’s how she ended up in the state she’s in. Tripp says Chad showed up so he must have had something to say and asks if she wants to know what that was. Tripp suggests she call Chad and talk to him. Tripp says they are both really good people and seemed to have something great going on, so he encourages her not to throw it away so easily. Stephanie thanks him for the brotherly advice. Tripp wants her to be happy and tells her to take care of herself which means no drinking tonight. Tripp says he has to get to work as they hug. Tripp then walks away. Stephanie then pulls out her phone and calls Everett. Stephanie asks how he’s doing and says she hoped they could grab a coffee.

Rafe returns to the police station and tells Harris that there’s no news on the baby and no luck at the DiMera Mansion while now Nicole is missing. Harris asks if he thinks Nicole took the baby. Rafe says he would suspect that but her car is still at the house along with her clothes and her phone.

EJ goes down the tunnels to the wine cellar searching for Nicole.

Sloan paces in the interrogation room and thinks back to arguing with Leo on the phone. Sloan tells herself that Leo took the baby to blackmail her, so now she has to tell them the truth as she exits the room. Eric tells Sloan that he was getting worried and asks what’s going on. Sloan tells Eric that there is something she needs to tell him.

EJ enters the wine cellar and finds Nicole with the baby. Nicole tells EJ that she’s so sorry as he hugs her.

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Days Update Thursday, December 14, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Xander brings baby Victoria to the hospital which excites Sarah, who says she missed her so much and that it’s hard to be away from her for two days. Xander relates to it being hard for him too to be away from her for the next two days, but admits he likes seeing Sarah.

Marlena is in her office and finishes a call with a patient. John then arrives to surprise her.

Johnny and Holly come in to the DiMera Mansion after practicing fencing. Holly credits Johnny for being her teacher. Johnny goes to get them some water as Holly smiles at him.

Chanel asks Paulina which dress she should wear as she and Johnny are going to dinner at the Bistro. Paulina comments on them spending a lot of time together these days. Paulina hopes they are not getting too serious too fast. Paulina likes Johnny but thinks Chanel needs to guard her heart a bit more. Chanel states that they have been very honest about everything that’s happened and they both think there is something between them that may be worth fighting for. Chanel then informs her that Johnny is planning a surprise for what would’ve been their second anniversary and she can’t wait. Chanel declares that it feels so good to put all the drama and dark days behind.

Nicole and EJ eat together at the Bistro. EJ jokes about Nicole not wanting dessert but then eating it. EJ says it warms his heart to see her smile. Nicole admits that bringing a baby gift to Eric and Sloan did lift her spirits. EJ tells her that he admires her strength and resilience. Nicole admits she’s starting to feel like she’s coming out of the dark a little.

Sarah thanks Xander for bringing Victoria to the hospital and saving her a trip. Xander mentions her being welcome to come over any time. Xander adds that Victoria slept through the night which surprises Sarah. She asks what his secret is. Xander admits he sang a Scottish lullaby which she calls so sweet and jokes that she will have to learn that. Sarah talks about being wiped out from work. Xander says he’s there to help and for whatever she needs.

John says he got Marlena’s text that she’s working late so he came to see if she wanted dinner or anything else. Marlena wishes she had more time in the day. John understands it’s hard for her to say no to people who need her help. Marlena knows she needs to find a balance between her patients’ needs and her needs, but says it’s so hard at this time of year because people are depressed, anxious, and struggling.

Nicole wonders if they should’ve got a Christmas tree and says she needs to remember to be grateful for what she does have like Holly. Nicole feels Holly deserve a good birthday and Christmas and she hasn’t been there for her. EJ is sure she understands. Nicole comments that Holly is a kid and wonders how much a kid can really understand what an adult is going through. Nicole adds that she is glad that Holly has had Johnny to lean on, but he’s older so she wishes that Holly would get out and hang out with people her age. EJ mentions that Johnny said something about something brewing between Holly and Tate which surprises Nicole.

Johnny adds some scotch to his water. Holly jokes that she’ll take some too but Johnny says maybe in about five years. Holly then gets a text from Tate, asking if they are on for tonight. Holly responds not tonight because she has plans. Holly suggests she and Johnny order food but Johnny informs her that he’s taking Chanel to dinner at the Bistro.

Paulina tells Chanel that she couldn’t muster up the strength to walk to the kitchen. Chanel asks if Abe’s memory is coming back. Paulina says no, but she did invite him to join them for Christmas and he said yes. Chanel is glad to hear. Chanel decides she’ll invite Johnny too and if they have Eli, Lani, and the kids coming home, it will be the best Christmas ever. Paulina then informs Chanel that she has some bad news. Paulina reveals that she called Eli today and found out that Lani’s release has been delayed because of paperwork being backlogged, so he doesn’t think she’ll be out before Christmas. Chanel calls that BS. Paulina complains about Lani being kept in prison when she should be free and being kept away from her family at this time of year. Paulina cries that it’s so wrong as Chanel hugs her.

Holly tells Johnny that EJ and Nicole are going to the Bistro tonight, so it might be a little weird to have a hot date with Chanel when they are in the room, so maybe he could go another night. Johnny says he doesn’t mind EJ and Nicole being in the room and figures they’ll be done by the time he gets there anyway. Johnny suggests Holly call Tate and hang out with him, calling him a pretty good kid. Holly remarks that boys his age only think about one thing and she prefers a guy that’s more mature. Johnny says he has to shower or he’s going to be late, so he’ll see her later. Johnny then heads upstairs. Holly pulls out her phone and texts Tate that plans have changed and suggests they have dinner.

EJ and Nicole head home to the DiMera Mansion. Nicole calls it a beautiful night and EJ points out the mistletoe hung at the door, so they kiss.

John tells Marlena that he’s been waiting for her to come home to give this to her but decides maybe she wants to keep it in her office as he presents her with a framed photo of baby Jude. Marlena is excited and talks about being so happy for Eric and Sloan. Marlena mentions Eric having the baby at the hospital the other day for the DNA test. Marlena says she feels for Nicole but claiming to be the baby’s mother caused so much upheaval. John says maybe the DNA test put all that to rest since there’s no arguing with facts. Marlena thinks Nicole is accepting it, so she hopes she gets the help that she needs to see this through.

Xander tells Sarah that he can hang out for a bit if she needs more time to finish up. Sarah informs him that she just signed out so she is good to go. Sarah comments that Victoria is starting to look like Xander. Xander jokes that he’d rather her look like Sarah. Sarah holds Xander’s hand but then pulls away and says she has to check on a patient real quick so she’ll be right back.

Paulina tells Chanel that she’s fine and just feeling overwhelmed between the news about Lani and work. Chanel decides she will call Johnny to come over so they can order in because she doesn’t want to leave Paulina alone. Paulina insists that she’s fine and tells Chanel to go out with Johnny and have a nice evening while she goes to bed because she’s so tired. Chanel asks if she’s sure. Paulina says she’s positive that she just needs a good night sleep and tells Chanel to go get ready for her date.

John tells Marlena that they never forget those they loved and lost, especially the little angels as he hugs her. Sarah walks in and hopes she’s not interrupting but they tell her to come in. John offers to get them coffee as he steps out. Marlena asks Sarah what’s going on. Sarah responds that she’s just terrified that she’s making a huge mistake.

Xander talks to baby Victoria about her looking more like Sarah. John approaches, so Xander greets him but John just walks on to the coffee. Xander goes to John and says he can tell him to get lost, but asks if he can ask him for advice.

EJ brings Nicole in to the living room where he surprises her with a Christmas tree, explaining that he had the staff set it up while they were out. Nicole says they will have to get an extra holiday bonus. Nicole thanks EJ and says it’s beautiful. Holly and Johnny come back in, surprised to see the Christmas tree. Holly thought they weren’t doing that this year and that Nicole cancelled Christmas. Nicole says she didn’t and explains that she just thought she couldn’t do Christmas like they normally do this year and admits that this Christmas didn’t turn out like she thought it would, but she knows she is incredibly blessed to have Holly in her life along with Johnny and EJ. Nicole declares that they have each other and they are all together as a family. Johnny hates to cut the moment short but says he has a date with Chanel. Holly mentions that she has her own plans too. Nicole tells her to be home by 10. Johnny remembers that a package was hand delivered today and points it out on the coffee table. Johnny and Holly then exit. EJ bets they got their first Christmas present and goes to look but finds out that it’s from the funeral home. EJ says they don’t have to do this but Nicole asks him to just open it. Nicole pulls out the box that is believed to be their baby’s ashes.

Sarah tells Marlena that she’s allowing herself to get sucked in by Xander again. Sarah talks about how many years they’ve known each other and how her stomach feels when he looks in to her eyes. Sarah says she would think she learned her lesson after always regretting letting her guard down, but now they have a child together so the stakes are so much higher. Sarah points out that they work so great together as friends and are successfully co-parenting. Sarah asks why she would change any of that and wonders if she should just stick to the status quo. Marlena asks if that’s what she wants to do.

Xander tells John that he knows asking him for advice is out of the blue but talks about how John and Marlena have been through so much, reunited after being torn apart, and their history is the stuff of romantic legend. Xander hoped maybe John would be willing to give him some tips since he’s heard that John wasn’t always the man he is today and had his dalliance with the dark side. Xander says that most people think he’s a bad person, including himself sometimes. John admits he thinks Xander is an ass and a screw-up, but he’s also a firm believer that people grow and change because he did.

Holly joins Tate in the town square. Tate says he’s glad she could make it and she looks great. Tate asks what happened to her other plans. Holly claims that she decided she’d rather hang out with him. Tate tells her that she’ll be glad she did and mentions having the Basic Black gold card. Tate tells Holly they can do whatever she wants, joking that they could jet off to Paris or San Francisco or take a limo to Chicago. Holly sees Johnny and Chanel walking through the town square and then tells Tate that she can’t just jet off somewhere since she has to be close to her mom with everything that’s been happening. Holly then suggests they just have dinner at the Bistro. Tate feels that’s not too exciting. Holly claims they’ll work up to something for next time. Holly mentions hearing the Bistro just opened and has a new menu so she’d kill for a shrimp cocktail. Tate tells her whatever she wants as the sky is the limit and they walk off together.

Chanel and Johnny sit down for dinner at the Bistro. Tate and Holly then arrive. Chanel questions what they are doing here as this is not exactly a hopping teen hang out. Johnny figured Holly would’ve mentioned that when he told her they were coming. Chanel says that would explain it. Johnny thought they had finally accepted that Chanel was wrong about Holly having a crush on him. Chanel says she’s now not 100% convinced. Johnny insists that Holly is like his little sister and she’s on a date with Tate, so he thinks Chanel is reading too much in to this.

Nicole tells EJ that every time she feels like there’s light at the end of the tunnel, she gets another big blow. Nicole talks about how just tonight she was feeling better and like maybe she could go back to work but now she can’t do it. EJ tells Nicole that maybe this is God’s way of helping them, by showing them a way of having a sense of closure and laying their baby to rest. EJ offers to arrange a service in the DiMera Mausoleum, surrounded by family but Nicole says she wants it to just be the two of them and she wants to spread his ashes somewhere where he feels close by. EJ responds that he knows the perfect place.

Sarah tells Marlena that the status quo is not what she wants and questions how she could ever be just friends with Xander when there’s so much history between them. Marlena asks if he feels the same way. Sarah says she thinks so as she’s getting all the familiar signals. Sarah feels she knows Marlena will tell her to make a mental check list of the pros and cons of getting back together which she’s already done. Marlena states that she’s clearly aware of the situation so it sounds like she’s taking this very seriously. Sarah assures that she is and thanks her for listening. Sarah wishes she knew what the future held. Marlena suggests that Sarah do what she can to stay in the moment as she has an amazing life right now with a baby girl. Marlena encourages her to enjoy her baby because it goes so fast.

John tells Xander that he and Sarah have created a beautiful child together, so they need to do right by that child which means he has to turn over a new leaf and for good this time, not just for his sake but especially for Sarah and Victoria. Sarah comes over and apologizes for interrupting again. John says he was just telling Xander what a precious daughter he has. Sarah thanks him and agrees. John decides he will go see if Marlena is ready to go, so he tells them to enjoy their evening. Sarah thanks John as he walks away. Xander asks Sarah if she’d be okay with him walking her and Victoria home. Sarah responds that she would like that very much.

Johnny tells Chanel to just forget about Holly and Tate and everyone else in the restaurant as he just wants tonight to be focused on them. Johnny asks how her day was. Chanel says it was actually really crazy with all the Christmas cookies she was decorating at the Bakery. Johnny asks if Paulina can help. Chanel says Paulina is even more exhausted than she is with Abe, her job, and Lani’s prison release being delayed so she won’t be home for Christmas. Chanel says that Paulina was excited to have the whole family together, so she’s pretty down about it. Johnny offers to ask EJ to pull some strings. Chanel points out that EJ is the district attorney of Salem so she doesn’t think he can do anything about Lani being in federal prison in Washington DC. Johnny says he doesn’t know since EJ always says to never underestimate the DiMeras as they have their ways.

Holly and Tate sit down for dinner at the Bistro. Holly comments on Tate not eating. Tate angrily tells her that he knows what’s going on, complaining that he offered her anything in the world and she chose the Bistro because of Johnny. Holly claims that she had no idea he would be there.

Chanel tells Johnny that if there’s anything he could do to get Lani released, he can go for it since Paulina’s connections don’t spread as far as she needs and she could use any help she can get. Johnny responds that he’s happy to help his former mother-in-law, especially because she might be his future.

EJ and Nicole exit the DiMera Mansion with the box of what they believe is their baby’s ashes. EJ suggests a spot next to the mansion which Nicole calls perfect. Nicole asks EJ to go inside and get her scarf because she’s cold so he heads back inside. Nicole begins to talk to God and says she knows it’s been a while since she’s checked in and she’s sure he’s not thrilled with all the sins she’s committed and the people she’s hurt. Nicole asks for God’s forgiveness and prays that he gives her the strength to heal. Nicole begs him to look after her baby until the day they reunite. Nicole declares that she will see her baby again along with his brother and sister. Nicole cries that until then, he will always be in her heart. EJ comes back out with her scarf and apologizes for taking a minute to find it. EJ then asks if they are ready, so they open the box and EJ removes the bag from inside. EJ takes Nicole’s hand and then scatters the ashes.

John returns to Marlena’s office and mentions just seeing Sarah leave, so he hopes she’s ready to do the same. Marlena responds that she has a lot of paper work. John thinks she’s finished for today. Marlena jokes that he’s in charge of her work. John says he’s not but if she decides to come home with him now, she’ll discover a few surprises waiting for her. Marlena says she’d be glad to come home with him as they hug. John calls her his everything. Marlena declares that they are so lucky.

Xander and Sarah walk through the town square with Victoria. They joke about Victoria crying during her first photo with Santa. They talk about learning from the past. Sarah spots a beautiful dollhouse. They both state they are going to buy it for Victoria. Sarah tells Xander that he should but Xander says Sarah should, so they compromise that they can both get it for her from mom and dad. They agree that they would like that very much. Sarah says Victoria is too small to play with it, but they can put it in her room as a symbol of family.

Tate asks if Holly thinks he’s stupid. Holly says of course not but Tate declares that he’s done with her using him to get closer to Johnny. Tate remarks that he can’t wait to get back to school. Holly asks if he really has to go back. Tate says it beats living here and questions why she’d care anyway. Holly comments that not that many people in Salem get her. Tate questions if she’s saying she actually likes having him around. Holly says she does a little, but reminds him that he did say he would help her with Johnny. Tate declares he’s now saying he won’t anymore. Tate tells Holly to wake up because it’s never going to happen between them and is just some crazy fantasy. Holly brings up Johnny spending two hours teaching her fencing today. Tate argues that Johnny looks at her like a sister and that’s all she will ever be to him. Tate adds that Johnny is too old and storms out of the Bistro.

Johnny reminds Chanel that there are certain perks to marrying into a rich and powerful family. Chanel reminds him that she comes from one as well with a rich and powerful single mother at least. Chanel says she’s grown a lot since coming to Salem and she realizes it’s not material things that make her happy. Chanel feels she needs to be courted and romanced. Johnny asks if she’s saying she doesn’t need to live like a queen, but just to be treated like one. Johnny jokes that he bows down to her as the ruler of her heart as they kiss. Holly watches on in disappointment.

EJ and Nicole go back in to the living room. EJ asks if she’s alright. Nicole says she thinks so and that being outside under the stars gave her peace. EJ feels their baby is one of those stars. Nicole feels he’s closer than that. EJ then surprises Nicole with a gift of a Christmas ornament representing their son. Nicole tells EJ that she doesn’t know how she would’ve gotten through this without him. EJ feels the same as they kiss. EJ and Nicole hang the ornament on the tree and declare that every year they will hang it for their son and they wil never forget him.

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Days Update Wednesday, December 13, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

At the Bistro, Harris asks Ava if there’s anything he can do to help. Ava says there’s not so Harris plans to go home and read a book. Harris asks Ava if he’s sure she’s alright since the last time she seemed this nervous, EJ had a hit out on her. Ava responds that she’s fine and she just needs everything to go perfect tonight.

In the town square, Stefan is on the phone with Clyde. Stefan says he heard him loud and clear but that was not part of their original deal. Stefan warns him about anything happening to Gabi but then says he’s not threatening him. Stefan questions Clyde saying he will go nuclear. Stefan then hangs up and screams in frustration.

Jada runs in to Stephanie at the Brady Pub. Stephanie tells her about dropping a water bottle on her foot and then fleeing the scene of her two jealous exes. Jada informs her that she’s cleaning out her closet and organizing. Stephanie asks if there’s any reason in particular. Jada reveals that Rafe asked her to move in with him. Stephanie asks if she said yes. Jada says she told him that she would think about it. Stephanie invites her to have a drink with her and take a break. Jada says she usually stays away from day drinking but agrees to join her.

Everett is at the Spectator with the article up about there being no leads on Victoria’s kidnapping. Chad arrives. Everett greets him and says he’s surprised to see him since he thought he was the kind of boss to stay in a mansion and be hands off, then comments on the money not coming in. Everett questions why Chad is hanging on to the Spectator now that his reason for buying it is moot. Chad responds that he thrives on a challenge so he’s going to make the Spectator a success again, which is why he plans to be very hands on.

Theresa walks through the park with a bag with the hoodie she wore while kidnapping Victoria. Theresa then stuffs the bag in the trash as Brady and Tate approach. Brady asks Theresa if times are really tough. Theresa claims that she threw a coffee cup away and her phone fell in the trash so she was just getting it out. Brady doesn’t want to know what she’s doing but says he’s glad he ran in to her since he texted her like six times. Theresa claims that she’s been busy and greets Tate. Brady explains that he’s been trying to get Tate’s school to give him another chance, so they need to jump on this opportunity. Theresa says she doesn’t have his immunization records and tells him to stop harassing her about it. Brady points out that he doesn’t have Tate’s doctor’s name but says he wanted to have a discussion with her about setting Tate up for success this time around. Brady then remarks that it seems like Theresa wants to turn everything in to an argument. Alex then arrives and tells Brady that it sounds like he’s the one looking for an argument.

Everett tells Chad that he doesn’t have a lot of time to chat as he is on a deadline. Chad acknowledges that Everett is a solid reporter. Everett mocks Chad not having much knowledge of reporters. Chad warns him about shooting his mouth off when he just gave him his job back. Everett argues that he only did it to help himself and because he has an ulterior motive, not because it’s the right thing to do. Everett calls that glaringly obvious and guesses that Stephanie forgave him. Chad reveals he hasn’t been able to tell her yet that he hired him back, because she moved out. Everett admits he’s not sorry to hear that at all.

Jada asks if Stephanie is having second thoughts about moving out. Stephanie says no but then says maybe. Stephanie talks about being so over the moon to move in, thinking it would be a lovefest. Stephanie then clarifies that she’s not implying it’s a bad thing to move in with a guy. Jada calls it a helpful reminder that she needs to take her time to decide.

Stefan goes to the Bistro and asks if he’s interrupting. Ava says she and Harris were just saying goodbye. Harris encourages her and wishes Stefan luck with the opening as he then exits. Ava tells Stefan that he’s not the only on one edge and assures that she can handle money laundering. Ava declares that they will get through this and get Clyde off their back. Stefan wishes it was that easy but reveals that he got a call from Clyde this morning and things have changed.

Everett states that he knows Chad blames him for things blowing up between he and Stephanie. Everett adds that Stephanie confided in him that things weren’t rosy between them when he arrived. Everett advises Chad to go easy on the fellow routine. Chad argues that he’s not jealous. Everett knows Chad plans to lean on him and warns that it’s not going to work on Stephanie. Chad acknowledges that Everett is good but reminds him that he’s the boss. Chad warns that Everett might know journalism, but he knows business and when it comes to the Spectator, if he has to be ruthless, he will be.

Brady tells Alex to stay out of this as it’s none of his business. Theresa declares that the conversation is now over and she will give Brady the name of Tate’s pediatrician because he apparently decided that Tate is going back to boarding school, but complains that Brady expected her to do all the leg work to get him re-enrolled. Brady argues that he asked her for one thing. Tate asks if they can just go which Brady agrees with, so they walk away. Theresa remarks to Alex that she doesn’t know what she ever saw in Brady and decides she doesn’t want to talk about him anymore. Theresa asks if Alex is ready to go. Alex says he’s been thinking about it all day. Theresa can’t believe he’s never been to a Christmas tree farm before.

Ava asks Stefan what happened. Stefan informs her that Clyde called him this morning and plans to start moving product about the back. Ava complains that she never agreed to that and they will have every addict hanging out around back. Stefan worries about headlines writing about the head of DiMera being caught in a drug operation while Ava worries about if someone dies from the drugs they are pushing. Ava declares that she’s worked too hard to get her life back and is not having this hanging over her head. Ava says she won’t do it so Stefan asks what she plans on telling Clyde Weston then.

Stephanie jokes with Jada about men leaving their socks around and the toilet seat up. Jada talks about how her ex used to walk around the apartment with one sock because he couldn’t find the other one. Jada says she’s been on her own since the divorce and admits that she loves having her own space. Stephanie can’t wait to have her own place and declares that she is giving up on men, maybe forever. Jada points out that she said that too, especially after breaking up with Eric. Stephanie talks about her break up with her Seattle ex and how she thought he ghosted her but it turned out that he was in a coma. Stephanie explains that he came to Salem looking for her, found out that she had dated Alex and Chad, then remarked that she really gets around. Jada calls him a jerk. Stephanie wonders how many women he’s been with, noting that he’s an introvert and a workaholic. Jada remarks that he sounds like her ex. Stephanie points out that their families are so close but she doesn’t know anything about her ex. Jada responds that he’s not worth talking about. Stephanie toasts to hating him then. Jada clarifies that she doesn’t really hate him, but things just didn’t work out. They joke together as Jada states that he was everything she wanted until he wasn’t. Stephanie asks if she has a picture of him. Jada confirms that she was just looking at a photo of him earlier and brings up the picture of her and Everett on her phone. Jada goes to show it to Stephanie but Harris arrives and greets them. Jada asks if Stephanie has met her partner. Stephanie confirms that they meet in Greece where Harris helped rescue her mom. Jada invites him to join them as Stephanie offers to buy him a drink for all of his help with her family. Harris says that sounds tempting but he’s going to read upstairs. Stephanie insists that he sit down for one drink.

Everett asks Chad if he has any experience in the newspaper business. Chad says he has more than Xander and Gwen did when they bought the paper. Everett calls the bar low then. Chad informs him that his late wife had his job and shared hundreds of stories with him. Chad adds that Abigail told him that it was her civic duty to give the paper everything she had, so he plans to do the exact same for her and her memory. Everett hears what he’s saying and says he wants the paper to be the best it can be too. Everett adds that he wants Stephanie to be happy too, so he hopes they can work together and find some common ground. Everett asks if Chad thinks they can do that.

Brady and Tate sit together in the town square. Brady knows it upsets him when he and Theresa argue. Brady apologizes but says they have gotten in to a pattern and Theresa doesn’t listen which frustrates him. Tate calls it nothing knew. Tate then suggests there’s a reason that Theresa didn’t get him the paper work and that maybe she doesn’t want him to go back to school. Tate declares that maybe he doesn’t want to go back either and asks if Brady even thought to ask him.

Alex and Theresa return home with a Christmas tree. Alex points out that he doesn’t have ornaments and has never done the whole tree thing before. Theresa suggests the old fashioned way of using popcorn instead. Theresa calls her childhood like a fairy tale after her mother got over her personality disorder and her parents got married for the third time. Theresa remarks that she was the black sheep.

Stefan warns that Ava can’t back out now because Clyde will kill her son and his wife. Ava asks what they are supposed to do then. Stefan doesn’t know but warns that if Clyde even thinks they are coming after him, he will go nuclear. Stefan declares that he doesn’t care what has to be done because his wife’s life is on the line, so he is going to get rid of Clyde Weston, permanently.

Brady doesn’t understand since Tate was really upset about leaving school and being forced to move back to Salem, so he just assumed he wanted to go back. Tate points out that Brady went to boarding school and didn’t like it. Tate asks if they can just have one normal lunch without Brady ragging on Theresa, so Brady agrees not to talk about her at all. Tate complains that he knows Brady hates her. Brady says that he doesn’t but repeats that he won’t mention Theresa at all unless absolutely necessary and that’s the way it has to be which Tate agrees with.

Alex tells Theresa that he can relate to the whole black sheep thing. Theresa thinks his pales in comparison. Theresa points out that they don’t have mistletoe. Alex remarks that he never really needed an excuse for someone to kiss him. Theresa says she didn’t either as they kiss.

Stefan asks Ava if she’s sure she’s ready to do what it takes to get rid of Clyde. Stefan understands she’s reluctant and wishes it hadn’t come this far but declares that they can’t have any part of selling drugs. Ava remarks on Stefan reminding her of his twin brother Jake and says it gets to her that she works with someone that looks like Jake but isn’t him. Stefan asks if she misses Jake. Ava says of course she does as he was the closest thing to a normal relationship with a guy that she ever had. Stefan asks about Harris and says he seems normal, but warns that dating a cop right now is dangerous since Clyde already made her compromise him once with stealing his keys. Ava argues that she and Harris aren’t even officially a couple and questions Stefan getting onto her about her love life as she accidentally calls him Jake.

Everett knows civil is a loaded word and says he means they can barely tolerate each other but be polite. Chad says it wouldn’t be the first tumultuous partnership in the Spectator’s history. Everett reveals that he thought Abigail was an amazing reporter and that he actually wrote her a fan letter once. Everett recalls Stephanie talking about how cool, smart, and talented that her cousin Abigail was. Chad gets a call from his son Thomas. Chad says he left him snack money on the table but forgot his lunchbox account. Chad asks if he can share with someone today but Thomas hangs up. Everett notes that his son sounds angry and asks if he wants to bring him something from the office. Chad says he’ll be fine and admits that Stephanie was handling all of the lunch stuff but he probably had her doing too much. Chad talks about his kids being through a lot since losing their mom. Everett calls it a terrible tragedy and says he’s really sorry.

Harris sits with Stephanie and Jada for a drink. Stephanie rambles while drinking. Jada informs Harris that Stephanie has sworn off men. Jada brings up being in a relationship with her boss. Harris finishes his drink and says it’s been a pleasure but now he’s heading up. Stephanie tells him that he can’t leave because they have a very important question to ask him. Stephanie asks Harris how he is with socks. Harris calls that the weirdest thing anyone has ever asked him in his life. Stephanie says he doesn’t have to answer, but he can’t leave because the party is just getting started as her and Jada laugh together.

Ava tells Stefan that she’s sorry she called him Jake but it’s understandable since he looks just like him. Stefan says he has Jake’s heart but that’s where the similarities end. Ava agrees since Jake was kind, generous, and took him in when she had nowhere to go. Ava can’t imagine Stefan being so kind. Stefan says she’s damn right, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to solve the Clyde Weston problem.

Brady tells Tate that he remembers what it was like to be his age. Brady states that he was an entitled jerk to Marlena and gave her crap on a daily basis. Brady says if he was that much of a trainwreck, Tate’s damage to the school gym is nothing. Brady asks Tate to tell him about school and his friends. Brady asks if Holly is one of the reasons that Tate wants to stick around. Tate admits that he really likes her, but she’s not in to him. Tate adds that Holly said she would go out with him, but has blown him off so far. Brady suggests it’s time they fix that. Brady hands Tate his gold card and declares that he wants Tate to have fun on him.

Alex and Theresa decorate their Christmas tree. Alex asks what else they need to do to make the place Christmas ready. Theresa suggests stockings but Alex says he doesn’t have any, so she says he can use socks. Alex jokes about not keeping track of his socks. Alex mentions that his family really cared a lot about Christmas too, especially Adrienne and Victor. Alex calls Justin his dad but corrects himself. Theresa then kisses Alex and tells him to just shut up and make love to her right now.

Stephanie tells Harris that this is better than reading a book. Harris calls it a definite 180. Stephanie suggests ordering another drink while Jada thinks she should slow down. Stephanie instead takes Jada’s drink and toasts to love in life being overrated.

Alex and Theresa have sex on the floor in front of the Christmas tree.

Tate questions Brady wanting him to have fun with his credit card. Brady says within reason. Tate excitedly thanks him. Brady tells him to call Holly and have a great time. Brady says he’ll see him later and walks away. Tate then calls Holly and reminds her that she agreed to go on a date with him. Tate reveals that he has a gold card that is ready to start tapping and asks if tonight would work.

Everett tells Chad that he hates to cut their bonding short but he does have six stories to edit. Chad clarifies that they weren’t bonding as he still doesn’t like him and is sure that Everett doesn’t like him. Everett says no comment. Chad states that Everett is back on board but warns that he will be watching him and if he makes one wrong step, he’ll make his life Hell. Everett responds that if he means what he thinks he means, then he will just have to fire him. Chad responds that he would love to. Chad declares that he and Stephanie may be separated but they belong together. Everett points out that if it wasn’t for his accident, she and Chad would’ve never crossed paths as they were in a fully committed relationship. Chad repeats that his eyes are open. Chad then tells Everett that he’s at his desk so he’s going to need him to move his stuff somewhere else. Chad then exits the office.

Ava tells Stefan that maybe Clyde was just screwing with him and trying to keep him in line since he never had them run drugs through before. A man then arrives with six cases of canned tomatoes, courtesy of Clyde Weston and asks if they want them in the back.

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Days Update Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Chad sits in the town square with his tablet on the Spectator article about there being no new leads in the kidnapping of Sarah’s baby. Chad calls it unbelievable that they’ve ran the same story five times with nothing new to report and declares they have to do better. Alex walks through the town square and stops when he sees Chad. Alex approaches and tells Chad that he knows he was avoiding him in the gym this morning and that he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it, but he just wanted to say he’s sorry about he and Stephanie.

Steve and Stephanie are on their laptops at home. Steve decides it’s time for a break and that he’s going to take a walk to get some fresh air. Steve invites Stephanie to join him but she says she has a lot to do. Steve knows she doesn’t want to talk to him about what happened with Chad. Steve knows she was hoping that Chad was the one and says that he and Kayla were too. Steve tells her that she gave it a good go, put her cards on the table, and told Chad the commitment that she expected. Steve declares that Chad didn’t deliver and if that’s not going to change, then moving out was the right thing to do. Steve tells Stephanie that she deserves someone who will give her exactly what she wants and needs.

Eric walks past the Brady Pub with baby Jude in his stroller. Eric talks to Jude about where his great grandpa Shawn used to take them fishing nearby and they will do the same one day. Jada comes out from the Pub with a box and runs in to Eric.

EJ sits with Nicole in the park and tells her that Leo Stark darkening their doorstep was the last thing either of them needed. Nicole thinks back to Leo suggesting it wasn’t true that he couldn’t bring her son back. Nicole wonders what Leo could have possibly meant about their baby, saying he didn’t die. EJ remarks that he doesn’t believe whatever Leo meant because he’s bad news, so he figures Leo was just trying to exploit their grief. Nicole questions how anyone could be so cruel.

Leo goes Sloan’s apartment. Sloan questions what kind of trouble he got into after just getting out of jail yesterday. Leo informs her that he was assaulted and humiliated because of her. Leo declares that this is all Sloan’s fault.

Chad tells Alex that he’s so full of it, not believing that he’s sorry about he and Stephanie. Alex clarifies that he’s sorry that Stephanie got hurt and asks what Chad did. Chad responds that it’s none of his business. Alex questions why Stephanie moved out. Chad insists that he didn’t do anything and tells him that it’s because her ex has been lurking around Salem and admitted that he wants her back, so he refused to tolerate that. Chad then reveals that he bought Gwen’s half of the Spectator and fired Everett. Alex calls that ruthless and guesses he thought they wouldn’t find out he was behind it. Alex points out Stephanie being smart and Everett being an investigative reporter. Alex thought Chad learned that the jealous caveman routine isn’t what Stephanie is in to. Chad doesn’t want to hear Alex’s take, feeling he’s just going to swoop in. Alex tells him to relax as he’s with Theresa now. Chad remarks that it’s never stopped him and he might could even get another threesome. Alex questions the whole town knowing about that. Alex states that he doesn’t want Stephanie and that Chad does, but screwed it up, so he tells him not to take it out on him. Chad admits that he is taking it out on him and apologizes. Chad admits that he blew it and the only person he can be mad at is himself.

Stephanie tells Steve that she knows she did the right thing, especially how Chad treated Everett and how he was willing to turn Everett’s life upside down out of jealousy. Stephanie argues that Chad had no reason to be jealous as she told him multiple times that she wasn’t interested in getting back with Everett because she was fully committed to her relationship with Chad. Steve assumes that she still loves Chad. Stephanie calls that not relevant at the moment. Steve argues that it’s always relevant because if she loves Chad and he did what he did because he loves her and didn’t want to lose her, then maybe she could give him another chance.

Jada comments on Eric having his hands full and congratulates him. Eric thanks her and introduces her to Jude, which Jada calls a sweet name. Jada tells Eric that she’s glad things worked out for him and that Jude is a very lucky kid. Jada says she’s very happy for him. Eric thanks her and asks about her box. Jada reveals that Rafe asked her to move in with him. Eric assumes that means she said yes.

Nicole tells EJ that she can’t help but wonder what Leo would have to gain by telling them that their baby is alive. EJ says who knows what scheme he is cooking up with Dimitri. EJ points out that Leo is desperate with no job, home, or income and the love of his life was just put away for the better part of a decade. EJ is sure that Leo was just trying to extract some cash from the DiMeras. Nicole guesses that must be it. EJ calls it a horrible timing to give Nicole false hope when she just accepted the truth. EJ asks if Nicole isn’t wavering on that anymore. Nicole assures that she saw it in black and white with the DNA test, but she can’t stop herself from wondering if there couldn’t be anything to what Leo said.

Sloan questions Leo saying it’s her fault that he got in to a fight because she got him out of going to prison. Sloan calls that a stretch. Leo responds that he got clobbered because he had an attack of conscience and was willing to do the right thing and make a huge sacrifice. Leo reveals that the love of his life told him Sloan’s dirty little secret about Nicole’s baby.

EJ is sure there is no truth to whatever Leo was trying to tell them. EJ brings up that Leo was recently incarcerated and facing felony murder charges for their baby’s death, so if there was any chance he was alive, Leo would’ve sung like a canary then. EJ informs Nicole that after she left, Leo snuck back in through the underground tunnels and he had to punch him in the face just to get rid of him. Nicole says she’s sorry he had to deal with that. EJ admits it didn’t do his blood pressure any good. EJ complains that he knew he shouldn’t have agreed to the deal with Sloan to get Leo free because he doesn’t deserve to be free and Nicole doesn’t deserve to have to see him around town. Nicole insists that she’s fine. EJ questions her being upset. Nicole admits that she saw Eric and the baby right before EJ got there. Nicole says it’s too much for her but she is happy for Eric. Nicole adds that she can’t help but feel compelled to want to do something for Eric and Sloan because she feels terrible for what she put them through. EJ argues that she is the one who has been through hell. Nicole decides she’s going to the town square and she’ll be right back. EJ offers to go with her but Nicole says this isn’t something that he can help her with as she then walks away.

Sloan claims not to know what Leo is talking about. Leo informs her that Dimitri told him everything, starting with how he gave her Nicole’s baby to bring to the hospital. Sloan argues that Dimitri promised her. Leo says that Dimitri told him that if he used it against Sloan, she’d give him anything in the world to keep him quiet. Leo states that he delivered the baby and it changed him forever. Leo then reveals that he tried to tell EJ and Nicole the truth but EJ threw him out, punched him, and wouldn’t believe a word out of his mouth so he never got to say that their baby is alive. Sloan thanks God but Leo tells her not to thank God yet. Leo declares that he’s here now because fate is telling him that he should use what Dimitri told him to blackmail the hell out of Sloan.

Jada informs Eric that she hasn’t given Rafe an answer about moving in with him but she’s just getting rid of things in case she does decide to. Eric is glad things are going well with her and Rafe. Jada responds that she hopes to keep it that way, mentioning that she hasn’t lived with anyone since her ex-husband and he knows how that ended. Eric says it was really good catching up and wishes her the best. Jada wishes him the same.

Chad talks to Xander on the phone, saying he knows Everett is a great editor-in-chief which is why he hired him back. Chad states that restoring the reputation of the Spectator is important to him too because it was important to Abigail. Paulina approaches so Chad hangs up and asks what he can do for her. Paulina responds that he and Stephanie can both do plenty.

Stephanie tells Steve that for now, she just wants to focus on work and doing some things that she’s been putting off like friendships she’s neglected. Steve calls that a good plan and assures that she can stay for as long as she likes because he’s happy to have her. Steve hopes she makes peace with whatever decisions she makes about where to live and about Chad. Steve says he’s going to take his walk and he’ll see her at dinner. Stephanie tells him that she will cook. Steve hugs her and says he loves her. Stephanie says she loves him too. Steve then goes to leave right as Alex shows up at the door. Steve guesses he’s not there to see him.

Chad tells Paulina that there is something he should tell her but Paulina goes ahead and explains that she wants to hire SJPR as her leads for her campaign if they can juggle it with their other projects in Salem. Paulina adds that she was just about to call Stephanie before she saw him. Chad suggests she just call Stephanie directly, so Paulina asks if something is wrong. Chad reveals that Stephanie moved out and they haven’t really had time to discuss the status of their business relationship yet.

Steve tells Alex that he was just on his way out. Alex asks if it’s okay if he speaks with Stephanie. Stephanie assures that she’s got this. Steve advises her to stay strong as he then exits. Stephanie tells Alex that she was just telling Steve that she just wants to focus on work now and some stuff that she’s been neglecting. Alex assures that he wasn’t trying to come win her back and reminds her that he’s dating her cousin. Stephanie jokes about Alex playing the field. Alex clarifies that he came to return her water bottle that she left at the gym which Stephanie admits that she was looking for.

Leo tells Sloan that he owns her now, so she is going to obey him like a well-trained hound and give him whatever he asks for if she wants to keep her son. Leo declares that Sloan is first to get Dimitri out of prison. Sloan calls that impossible. Leo demands she make it possible. Sloan argues that she already got him the best deal possible and had the most serious charges against him dropped which Leo says is not enough. Sloan asks if he wants money, a job, or a place to live. Leo says he’ll take all of the above and he’s dead serious. Leo threatens to write a detailed story about how Nicole is her baby’s real mother. Eric then comes home with Jude and questions what the hell is going on here.

Paulina is sad to hear about Chad and Stephanie. Chad admits he screwed up and he tried to fix it but it was too late, so she moved out and just gave the key to their neighbor, Alex. Chad is sure she knew that would be icing on the cake. Paulina says she’s hardly in a position to give relationship advice since her husband doesn’t remember a thing about their life together, but they are still trucking along. Paulina asks what Stephanie is saying about all of this. Chad responds that he got the message loud and clear that she doesn’t want to talk. Paulina argues that she does want to talk since she loves him and that Chad needs to make it clear that he’s very sorry for whatever he did. Paulina tells Chad to go do something about it.

Stephanie tells Alex that she appreciates him returning her water bottle but she has work to do. Alex stops and says he should tell her that he ran in to Chad earlier and he told him what happened. Alex says that for what it’s worth, Chad knows that he was an ass and he thinks he’d really like to apologize if she was willing to hear it. Stephanie responds that she’s not. Stephanie declares that the only person he should be apologizing to is Everett. Alex says maybe at some point, but assures that Chad understands what he did was wrong and he regrets it as he obviously loves her. Alex adds that Chad looks really miserable over what happened. Alex says he hates getting in between but remarks that it looks like Stephanie is kind of miserable too, so he asks if he’s sure this is what she really wants.

Steve runs in to Jada at the Pub. Jada hugs him and thanks him for inviting her to dinner recently but says work has been crazy. Steve tells her that she has a standing invitation and asks how she’s been doing. Jada claims she’s fine but Steve says she can talk to him and asks what’s on her mind. Jada then admits she’s having a rough day.

Nicole returns to EJ in the park with a shopping bag that she says is not for her.

Eric asks if Leo is upsetting his wife. Leo says he was just leaving and comments on their miracle baby. Leo tells Sloan that they will talk soon as he then exits. Eric tells Sloan that he told her taking Leo’s case would be nothing but trouble and questions what he wanted.

Steve sits with Jada and asks if she wants to talk about it. Steve jokes that he’s a pretty good listener even if his daughter doesn’t always think so. Steve assures that he’s here for Jada too and she can come to him anytime. Steve asks what is bothering her. Jada responds that she saw Eric earlier today and met his baby. Jada assures that she’s happy for him, but it brought back a lot of memories. Jada thinks she’s just emotional today in general because it’s the anniversary of her dad’s passing which Steve remembers. Steve calls Marcus his first best friend and says it was them against the world for a lot of years, so he could never forget this day. Jada thanks him and says he has no idea what that means to her.

Stephanie tells Alex that she just told Steve that she is sure she made the right decision and her only regret was not getting to say goodbye to Thomas and Charlotte as she loves the kids and she knows this will be hard on them. Alex questions if that’s her only regret. Stephanie thanks Alex for bringing her water bottle and repeats that she really has to get back to work. Alex then agrees to leave. Stephanie goes to walk Alex out but drops her bottle on her foot and hurts herself. Alex goes to help her sit down right as Chad arrives and remarks that it didn’t take them long to pick things back up.

Leo walks through the town square and looks at the donation bucket. Leo comments that he doesn’t even have two cents and wonders where he goes from here.

Sloan complains to Eric that Leo came demanding she get a better deal for Dimitri when she already did the best she could. Eric asks why she’s so rattled. Sloan claims that she just missed him and Jude as they took longer than expected. Eric admits they ran in to some old friends on their walk in Jada and Nicole. EJ and Nicole then show up at the door. Nicole asks if it’s a bad time.

Jada thanks Steve for being there for her and says she doesn’t want to keep him from lunch. Steve responds that he didn’t come for lunch but to see her as he knows how tough these anniversaries can be, especially around the holidays. Jada recalls buying her dad a Christmas present before he died and she found it while cleaning out her closet upstairs. Steve reveals that he still has a keychain that Marcus made for him when they were kids and calls it one of the only things he still has from his childhood. Steve jokes about the trouble that they got in to as kids but says Marcus was always trying to follow the rules while he was leading him down the wrong path. Steve is not surprised that Jada ended up on the side of law and order. Steve wants Jada to know that her dad would be so proud of her. Steve hugs Jada as she cries.

Stephanie can’t believe Chad would think what he’s thinking and declares that she has to get out of here. Alex offers to drive her to the hospital but Stephanie says she will drive herself and storms out. Chad guesses that wasn’t what it looked like which Alex confirms. Alex explains that Stephanie dropped her water bottle on her foot and thinks she broke her toe. Alex and Chad then decide to have a couple beers.

Sloan tells Nicole that it’s not a bad time and that Eric just told her that he ran in to her. Nicole comments on seeing how big the baby was getting and assumed he would be outgrowing his newborn clothes. Nicole presents them with a Santa shirt that she got for the baby from a store window. Nicole knows this doesn’t make up for what she put them through. Eric calls it very generous and thanks her. Sloan thanks her as well. EJ tells Eric that he appreciates him letting them drop by unannounced as Nicole really needed to do this to show that she was healing and moving on. Sloan and Nicole watch over Jude and comment on not waking a sleeping baby.

Leo calls the prison and finds out that Dimitri has been moved to a super max facility which upsets him. Leo angrily hangs up and declares that he knows Sloan did this, so now he’s going to blow up her world.

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Days Update Monday, December 11, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Lucas confronts Dimitri in the prison visiting room.

Kate goes to see Abe at Steve and Kayla’s place.

Paulina runs in to Melinda in the town square. Melinda mocks Abe not remembering Paulina. Paulina tells Melinda to mind her damn business and remarks that at least she can afford Christmas presents while Melinda is unemployed during the holidays. Melinda informs that she’s not unemployed and is making a lucrative career as an adoption attorney. Melinda adds that she just helped Eric and Sloan through the process by getting them the most beautiful baby boy.

Sloan goes to leave but Eric sees he had a voicemail from the attorney that Melinda was dealing with, who says he wanted to apologize for the adoption falling through and them not getting the baby. Eric questions what he’s talking about. Eric decides he’s going to call him back and find out but Sloan stops him and says she knows what he’s talking about. Eric asks her to enlighten him. Sloan reveals that she hasn’t been entirely honest about the adoption.

Leo goes to the DiMera Mansion where Nicole questions what the hell he’s doing at her house. Leo thinks back to Dimitri informing him that Nicole’s baby was still alive. Leo then tells Nicole that he really needs to speak to her about her baby.

Kate sits with Abe and has Christmas cookies from Sweet Bits Bakery. Abe tells Kate that he enjoys her company, but he can’t help but wonder what she’s doing here. Kate says she wanted to check on him and see how things are going. Abe responds that things are going well and mentions spending Thanksgiving with Paulina, which he calls a very nice evening. Abe states that he knows why he wanted to marry Paulina and why she had his heart, but he still has no memory of falling in love with her.

Paulina tells Melinda that she’s happy for Eric because he’s a good man who will make a wonderful father but remarks that she wouldn’t trust Sloan to raise a pet rock. Melinda states that Sloan has made her share of mistakes but asks who hasn’t. Paulina tells her not to lump her in with Sloan because not many are in Sloan’s league as far as mistakes go. Paulina remarks that she feels damn sorry for the baby and declares that the only thing that will change Sloan is a lobotomy. Paulina wishes Melinda a happy holiday and walks off.

Eric asks what Sloan hasn’t been entirely honest about. Sloan informs him that there were some obstacles in the adoption process because of her reputation. Eric points out that they have a little boy, so he thought everything was going smoothly. Sloan says that it did and they have their son which is the best thing to ever happen to them. Sloan reveals that she didn’t mention to him that Jude wasn’t the first baby that Melinda found for them and she believes that’s what the lawyer was calling about. Eric had no idea they were in the running for other babies. Sloan explains that she didn’t want to get his hopes up until she was sure and says the first mother changed her mind because of what she had heard about her, so she was devastated. Sloan says she felt so guilty that Eric wouldn’t be a father because of her past, so she didn’t have the words to tell him. Sloan apologizes to Eric and asks if he can forgive her.

Nicole tells Leo that she doesn’t want to see him now or ever. Leo says he totally understands. Nicole doesn’t want to hear an apology because her son is dead and there’s nothing he can say can bring him back. Leo asks what if that wasn’t true?

Kate tells Abe that she remembers her and Roman going to Abe and Paulina’s weddings. Kate states that their first wedding was interrupted but the second one was so beautiful and romantic. Abe responds that the harder he tries to remember, the further away those memories get pushed. Kate suggests not trying to remember. Abe says that’s what Steve and John told him, but it makes him sad for Paulina to look at him and see her whole life while he remembers none of it. Kate says she doesn’t often agree with John and Steve, but she does on this and tells Abe to take it one day at a time.

Dimitri tells Lucas that he comes in peace while Lucas complains that he held his mom captive for months and let everyone think she was dead. Dimitri argues that Kate was very well taken care of until she was rescued and calls it a happy ending. Lucas is relived that Dimitri is finally in prison where he should be. Lucas tells Dimitri that prison has a way of taking a man’s spirit and warns him to just wait.

Eric hugs Sloan and tells her that there’s nothing to forgive. Eric states that if anyone should apologize, it’s him. Eric tells Sloan that he’s so sorry that she had to go through all of that alone. Eric appreciates her for being honest and assures that she can tell him anything. Eric wants her to forget about jerks that think she’s an unfit mother because he thinks she’s a wonderful, kind, and loving mother. Eric kisses her and tells her that he and Jude are very blessed to have her with them. Eric is thankful that she made them a family.

Nicole tells Leo that her baby is dead because of him and his monster of a boyfriend. Leo wants to explain but Nicole yells at him to get out. EJ rushes to the door to see what’s going on and questions what the hell Leo is doing at his home. Nicole says he wants to talk about the baby but EJ says no way in Hell. Leo pleads that there’s something important they need to know. EJ warns that there is no police commissioner to separate them and tells him to get the hell out of his house. EJ adds that Leo is only free because he wanted to put Dimitri away for good but warns that if he catches Leo around his house or his wife again, he will put him away in a cell for life. Leo tries to say what he needs them to know but EJ yells at him to go and slams the door shut.

Kate admits that she is a hopeless romantic, so she hopes Abe falls madly in love with Paulina all over again and they have a clean slate. Kate adds that she would envy that because she sometimes wishes that Roman didn’t remember parts of their history since she made some big mistakes. Abe states that they all make mistakes and he’s sure that he made plenty himself. Kate jokes that he’s not even batting in her league. Kate thinks it’s important to find a romantic partner who accepts them for who they are because that’s what love is about. Kate tells Abe that she really enjoyed sitting with him, but she needs to get going. Abe tells Kate that he was so glad to see her again and he really enjoyed her company. Kate tells Abe to promise not to give up hope. Kate then goes to leave as Paulina shows up.

Lucas calls Dimitri a sick, twisted bastard. Lucas wishes he was there when the police busted him and says that would’ve been great to see. Dimitri clarifies that he turned himself in. Lucas asks what the hell he did that for. Dimitri responds that it was for love.

Melinda goes to see Sloan and asks what’s going on as she sounded frantic on the phone. Sloan tells Melinda that she has no idea and that she had to convince Eric to take Jude to the park so that they could talk. Melinda encourages her to breathe and calm down. Melinda asks what exactly got her so freaked out. Sloan complains that she can’t calm down and explains that Nicole saw the baby and was convinced it was her baby. Sloan says Nicole kept going on about how she would never forget her baby’s face and they tried to convince her otherwise but she wouldn’t let it go. Sloan then informs Melinda then without her knowledge, Holly and Eric decided to run a DNA test, so she thought she was done and was going to buy a one way ticket out of here or blow her brains out but thankfully they couldn’t get enough DNA off of Nicole’s toothbrush, so they used a sample from EJ and it didn’t match because EJ is not the father. Sloan says she lucked out but it feels like every time she puts out a fire, there’s another one burning in the distance.

EJ tells Nicole that he’s so sorry that he had to let Leo out of jail, but he’s going to make sure he never shows his face around here again. EJ vows to have a judge sign a restraining order by the end of the day. EJ and Nicole head in to the living room where EJ suggests they take the rest of the day off. Nicole instead says she needs to get out of here. EJ offers to go with her but Nicole says she just needs air and some alone time. EJ doesn’t think that’s a good idea but Nicole insists that she’ll be fine. Nicole kisses EJ and then exits. Leo then emerges from the tunnels through the secret door. EJ can’t believe it and begins to call the police, saying he doesn’t want to hear another word out of Leo. Leo asks even if it’s to tell him that his baby is alive?

Melinda praises Sloan for handling things like a pro since Eric totally bought it and the DNA test worked out so that Nicole can’t say the baby is her baby. Melinda adds that Dr. Pierce won’t say anything and her lips are sealed so Sloan’s secret is safe. Sloan reminds her about Dimitri and reveals that he came in to her home and threatened her since he knows everything about the baby and said he was going to tell EJ. Sloan thinks she convinced Dimitri that it wouldn’t help anyone but she doesn’t think she can trust anybody. Sloan points out that she did hold up her end of the bargain and got him a deal, so he owes her. Sloan wishes they could put a muzzle on him. Melinda declares that she has an idea.

Lucas questions Dimitri falling on his sword for Leo and asks what is wrong with him. Dimitri argues that Lucas has no idea who Leo really is and calls him a very funny, charming, and caring guy. Lucas guesses he should be grateful to Leo for getting Dimitri locked up, but calls Dimitri an idiot for giving up his freedom for Leo. Dimitri adds that he gave Leo a parting gift that he could use to make a better life for himself and he hopes that Leo is cashing that in now.

EJ punches Leo down and questions him showing up and spouting his cruel nonsense to his grieving wife. Leo tries to explain but EJ warns that if he says another word, he’ll be picking up his teeth. EJ calls Leo a sewer rat but he didn’t think he would stoop this low. EJ doesn’t know what Leo’s angle is but warns that he should be thankful that Nicole wasn’t there to hear him spewing nonsense. Leo pleads with EJ to hear him out but EJ yells at him not to say another word unless he wants him to break his legs. EJ screams at Leo to get out.

Eric walks through the park with Jude in his stroller. Eric talks to Jude about Christmas and thanks God for giving him a son. Nicole then approaches. Eric says they were just passing through. Nicole tells him that he doesn’t have to run every time he sees her. Nicole acknowledges that the DNA test was conclusive, so she just has to accept that this is not her baby.

Paulina tells Abe that she was just doing some Christmas shopping when she walked past a shop window with a mannequin wearing a three piece suit and it made her want to see him, so she hopes he doesn’t mind. Abe tells her that he’s always glad to see her. Paulina asks if he recognizes her bracelet. Abe assumes that he should. Paulina explains that he gave it to her last Christmas and she’s worn it every day since. Paulina apologizes and says she shouldn’t have. Abe looks at the bracelet and calls it very pretty. Paulina points out that Abe has great test.

Melinda tells Sloan that one of her former ADAs is now a prosecutor and Dimitri was recently wanted for numerous federal crimes. Melinda believes his current crimes are trivial by comparison, so a maximum solitary prison might be a better place for Dimitri with no visitors. Sloan calls her brilliant. Melinda decides she’ll make the call and have Dimitri transferred this week. Sloan excitedly tells Melinda that she owes her for everything and she can’t believe how much Melinda has done for her. Melinda says she’s glad she could help, especially since she only got to be her own daughter’s mom for a short time, she misses it and this gives her vicarious pleasure. Melinda tells Sloan to cherish every moment she has with the baby. Sloan recalls when her parents died and says now that her brother is in prison, she doesn’t really have family. Sloan says meeting Eric gave her a purpose which is why it’s so important to her to give him a child, even if she’s not the mother. Melinda insists that she is the mother and the only one the baby will ever know or need.

Eric sits with Nicole and tells her that he wishes there was something he could do to help her pain. Nicole says everyone is trying to get her spirits up and mentions EJ suggesting they have another baby but she said that’s not what she wants right now. Eric asks why. Nicole cries that this was her miracle baby as she thought she could never carry a baby to term again but then she did and before she could do all she dreamed about, he was taken from her. Nicole says she can’t go through that again and declares that she’s never going to have another child.

Lucas tells Dimitri that he sees through him and doesn’t buy that he did it all for love. Dimitri calls him a cynic who has never been in love before. Lucas argues that Dimitri doesn’t have a heart and brings up Dimitri slamming in to Nicole, causing her to lose her newborn baby. Dimitri then grabs Lucas and shouts that he has no idea what he’s talking about.

EJ talks to the portrait of Stefano, questioning how he suffered so much loss but stayed so strong and never let it kill his drive. EJ wishes he could take after him in that.

Outside the DiMera Mansion, Leo complains about getting punched for trying to do the right thing. Leo declares that he may have fallen off the horse, but he’s going to get right back on it and walks away.

Abe tells Paulina that he’s sorry that memories of Christmas past have eluded him. Paulina understands he’s trying his best and invites Abe to join her and Chanel for Christmas and make some new memories. Abe agrees that he would like that. Paulina says she’ll be in touch. Abe says he will see her soon as she exits. Abe then gets a text from Kate with a photo of he and Paulina.

Dimitri and Lucas fight until Kate arrives and calls for the guard, questioning what is going on. Dimitri remarks that Lucas is the one who can’t keep his mouth shut. Dimitri tells them to have a lovely visit and walks off. Kate asks Lucas to stay away from Dimitri. Lucas declares that he’s going to make sure he pays for what he did to Kate. Kate doesn’t want to see Lucas get in any more trouble. Lucas assures he’s good friends with the warden and he’ll put in a good word for Dimitri to get a job in the kitchen.

Nicole tells Eric that she keeps playing the accident over and over again in her mind. Eric encourages that in time, the pain will lessen. Nicole says it doesn’t feel that way now, maybe because there are so many reminders like Leo coming to the house to talk about the baby. Eric questions why he would do that. Nicole suggests he wanted to apologize and ease his conscience but she doesn’t give a damn. Nicole says seeing Leo’s face made it all come back and she never wants to look at him or forgive him. Eric says he understands. Nicole tells Eric that what’s strange is that when she told Leo there’s nothing he could say to bring back her child, he said that wasn’t true. Nicole wonders what Leo meant by that. Jude then wakes up crying so Eric guesses his nap is over and he should get him home. Eric tells Nicole that if she ever wants to talk about anything, she can call him. Nicole thanks Eric as he then walks away.

Melinda tells Sloan that she’s got this and encourages her to stay calm and stick to the plan while she will handle Dimitri. Melinda says that every day that passes, the secret gets buried deeper until one day it’s gone and forgotten. Melinda tells Sloan to just concentrate on her precious new family. Sloan agrees to try and thanks her for talking her off the ledge and for everything. Melinda then exits.

Nicole remains in the park as EJ joins her and hugs her as she cries.

Sloan looks at a photo of her and Eric with Jude on her phone and declares that they are going to have the most wonderful life and put the past behind them so everything will be perfect. Leo shows up at her door and tells her that they need to talk.

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Days Update Friday, December 8, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Tate eats at the Brady Pub as Roman comes by and jokes about using his employee discount. Tate stops Roman to ask if he can talk to him about his schedule. Roman tells him to make it quick as he is on his way to meet his new grandson. Tate congratulates him on that and asks if he can take tomorrow night off. Roman guesses he has big plans with Holly since Johnny told him that they are seeing each other.

In the town square, Chanel gives Holly scones from the bakery and apologizes for thinking she had a crush on Johnny and admits that she was wrong. Holly says it’s okay and jokes that having a crush on her own stepbrother would be cringey. Chanel points out that she did at one point say she was hot for her stepdad. Holly calls that eons ago and says it’s completely different now.

Johnny enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and tells EJ that he’s sorry as he wishes he didn’t have to go through this. Johnny mentions that Holly told him about the DNA test. EJ responds that they completed it and it proved that Eric and Sloan’s baby was not their baby, so Nicole has no other choice but to accept that their son is deceased.

Sloan sits at home with her tablet, reading an article on Dimitri admitting all. Sloan remarks that he didn’t admit all as she looks over the baby. Sloan is thankful that she got him that deal for Leo to go free. Sloan declares that now that Dimitri is behind bars, he’ll never tell anyone who the baby really is.

Leo visits Dimitri in prison and says he was up all night, imagining him in there. Leo says he made him a list of survival tips based on his previous experience in prison. Dimitri insists that he’s fine and that he will be okay. Dimitri then decides he will take any tips that he has. Leo says first they need to talk about the bomb he dropped on him yesterday. Leo questions what Dimitri meant when he said that EJ and Nicole’s son isn’t really dead.

Tate tells Roman that he doesn’t have plans with Holly tomorrow night and that Brady doesn’t really want him dating right now. Tate guesses he wanted to keep his dating life on the DL but he forgot to mention that to Johnny. Roman assures he doesn’t have to worry as his lips are sealed.

Chanel tells Holly that she’s glad things worked out for her and Tate. Chanel adds that Tate is going to be on staff at the Bakery so that means they will be seeing Holly more often. They talk about how Nicole craved jelly donuts while pregnant. Holly mentions that Nicole is going through a really hard time right now. Chanel relates to her sister losing a baby and says she can only imagine what they all are going through right now.

Dimitri tells Leo that he’s sorry as he didn’t mean to leave him in suspense and he wouldn’t have dropped that shocking news on him if he knew Rafe was going to storm in and drag him out. Leo says he was relieved because he was devastated thinking the baby was dead. Leo then asks Dimitri where the hell the baby is then.

Sloan tells baby Jude that it’s only been a few days but she already can’t imagine her life without him. Eric joins her and talks about Sloan being maternal. Sloan jokes about Jude falling asleep while she read him a story last night. Eric says he’s loving this side of her. Sloan admits she’s loving exploring that side but she does regret not taking maternity leave but says work has been too crazy. Eric mentions reading that Dimitri turned himself in and asks about him still being at fault for Nicole’s baby’s death.

Johnny tells EJ that he feels helpless and wishes there was something he could do other than say sorry over and over again. EJ talks about not expecting anything different with the DNA test, but Nicole was so convinced that Eric and Sloan ended up with their baby that she took it pretty hard. Johnny asks if EJ thinks Nicole is now accepting reality. EJ confirms that she appears to have, but he thought she did before, so he doesn’t know if it’s going to stick. EJ remarks that lately Nicole’s behavior has been rather erratic right as Nicole enters the room and questions if he thinks she’s gone off the deep end. Nicole tells EJ to just say that he thinks she’s crazy.

Leo goes over how Dimitri left the accident site and was supposed to take the baby to the hospital. Dimitri explains that he did go to the hospital but it was crawling with cops, so he panicked and went to Sloan’s place, thinking that since she was Leo’s lawyer, she could help. Dimitri goes over how he was running out of time and Dr. Rolf was leaving town. Dimitri tells Leo that Sloan and Melinda agreed to bring the baby to the hospital for him. Dimitri says that he left town and assumed they did so but when he got back to town, he found out that Sloan kept the baby for herself and now she’s passing him off as her adopted son while EJ and Nicole are mourning their dead baby.

Johnny decides to get going and tells EJ he’ll see him later. Johnny tells Nicole that he’s sorry as he exits the mansion. EJ apologizes to Nicole. Nicole asks if he thinks she’s crazy to question whether their baby was really dead and that the DNA test might not be enough to prove it to her because she’s an erratic crazy mess. EJ assures that he doesn’t think that, but he knows she’s grieving and been through so much so he’s worried about her. Nicole tells EJ that the first time that she lost their child, she did go off the rails and stole Sami’s baby to pass off as her own. Nicole states that when she accused Sloan of doing the same thing, maybe she was projecting. Nicole tells EJ that she’s not going to lose it and that she just needed to know for sure. Nicole says now that she knows, this is her life again. Nicole agrees to try to find a way to get through it like she always has. EJ thinks every day about the babies they have lost and says they will never ever forget them. EJ says right now the pain is excruciating and eclipses everything, but someday she will feel joy again. Nicole responds that part of her knows he’s right, but right now in this moment it doesn’t feel like it as she cries. EJ brings up Nicole saying she had given up and suggests that maybe they could try again.

Sloan works on her laptop while taking care of baby Jude. Eric comments on her multi-tasking. Sloan mentions that she’s also baking cookies for Roman’s visit which impresses Eric. Roman then arrives and hugs Eric. Roman takes a first look at his grandson and calls him beautiful. Roman comments that he reminds him a lot of Eric when he was born but guesses he could just be imagining the resemblance.

Holly joins Tate at the Brady Pub. Tate asks if she wants a coffee or egg nog. Holly responds that she wants Tate to leave him alone. Tate questions if she’s mad at him. Holly says she’s not mad but Tate feels she is. Holly calls him a genius, so Tate asks why she’s mad. Holly brings up that Tate slipped his arm around her without her consent and complains that he gave the entire world the impression that they are dating.

Johnny joins Chanel in the town square and greets her with a kiss. Chanel comments that he looks like he needs coffee. Johnny admits he had to leave home quickly since Nicole overheard he and EJ talking about her mental state and got pretty upset. Chanel mentions that she was just talking to Holly about Nicole having a tough time. Chanel hoped that the DNA test would help Nicole accept the truth. Johnny thinks that Nicole does accept it now, but it’s like getting your heart ripped out all over again. Johnny feels so bad for Nicole and EJ as nobody should ever have to go through that, let alone three times.

Leo questions Dimitri about Sloan keeping Nicole’s baby. Dimitri explains that Sloan and Eric were trying to adopt, so they hired Melinda as their attorney and got matched with a kid but at the last minute, it fell through and that was right when he showed up with a baby in his arms, so he guesses Sloan thought it was destiny since after he left, she and Melinda came up with the plan to kill off Nicole’s baby so that Sloan could keep him and pass him off as her adopted baby all along. Leo says his mind is blown then questions why Dimitri didn’t tell him about this before.

Roman asks if the baby finally has a name. Eric introduces him to Jude Roman Brady. Roman feels it has a nice ring to it as Eric has Roman hold Jude for the first time. Roman says he was starting to think he’d never have this again after Rex told him that Victoria wasn’t really his, but he is sure that Jude is Eric’s baby and his grandson.

Nicole questions EJ wanting another baby. EJ clarifies that he’s not saying right away as he realizes there is no replacing the child they just lost, but now thanks to modern medicine, they know that she can carry a baby to term so he sees no reason to give up on her dream. Nicole yells at EJ to stop and declares that it’s over for her forever.

Chanel asks how Johnny is doing. Johnny says he’s fine. Chanel points out that Johnny did lose a baby brother so it’s his pain too. Johnny says he just feels helpless. Chanel hopes that he and Holly can be there for each other since they are both going through this. Johnny questions if she’d be okay with that. Chanel says she’s just glad she was wrong about Holly having feelings for him. Johnny jokes about Chanel being jealous. Chanel is glad that Holly moved on from EJ to Tate which Johnny agrees with. Chanel talks about being all over the place when she was Holly’s age too and encourages that she will get it together. Chanel hopes things work out for Holly and Tate, feeling they are really cute together. Johnny says they are too and kisses Chanel.

Holly argues that Tate knew she only said she liked him so Chanel wouldn’t know she likes Johnny and that he took advantage. Tate admits that he did and offers to say that Brady made them break up, but Holly tells him don’t dare.

EJ apologizes for upsetting Nicole and understands it’s too soon to talk about or even think about. Nicole says this isn’t about timing. Nicole argues that they can’t try and weren’t even trying in the first place. Nicole calls it a miracle that she even got pregnant and says she was a nervous wreck the whole pregnancy. Nicole talks about hearing the baby cry and holding him. Nicole thought she finally broke the curse but cries that she was so wrong. Nicole tells EJ that she will never have his child and if he can’t accept that, then she doesn’t know where to go from here.

Sloan goes to check on the cookies as Eric tells Roman that he’s sorry he didn’t get to meet Jude sooner. Eric mentions that he did stop by the Pub but he doesn’t know where Roman was and then he ran in to Nicole, who wanted to see the baby. Roman knows that had to be tough on her. Eric tells Roman about Nicole’s idea that Jude was her son and that Sloan pulled off some epic baby switch so he agreed to a DNA test to prove it wasn’t true. Eric admits that Sloan kind of freaked out because he didn’t tell her so she thought he was believing the idea that she was a kidnapping nutcase. Roman calls that not a good way to start out parenthood but says things seem fine now. Eric states that Sloan feels better that Nicole has accepted the truth that her baby is dead.

Leo can’t believe Dimitri didn’t tell anyone that Nicole’s baby is still alive when they were almost charged with felony murder and Sloan knew the whole time. Dimitri didn’t feel like pissing off their lawyer was the wise strategy and points out that he has so many other charges against him, so he put all his energy in to freeing Leo. Dimitri explains that they made the deal for Sloan to free Leo while he agreed to keep his mouth shut. Leo points out that now Dimitri has opened his mouth big time. Dimitri tells Leo that it’s now his to use and warns him to use it wisely against Sloan because she will do anything to keep the truth from coming out.

Tate questions Holly being mad that he said they were dating, but now she wants them to date. Holly clarifies that Chanel totally bought the fable that they are together, so she wants her to keep thinking that so she will never see it coming when she swoops in and steals Johnny from her. Tate can’t believe Holly is still on Johnny. Holly asks why he wouldn’t be. Tate calls it a crash and burn since Johnny is in love with someone else. Holly argues that Johnny just needs a little help to see her as a romantic interest and she feels she has the perfect opportunity since Johnny asked her to help him plan his wedding anniversary. Tate questions how that’s going to help her. Holly says that’s where Tate comes in.

Chanel and Johnny kiss in the town square until Johnny asks about coming by later. Chanel mentions that her mom will be home while Johnny says his place is a bit of a funeral at the moment, so Chanel guesses they will have to wait. Johnny asks if she has any plans next weekend. Chanel doesn’t think so and asks why. Johnny informs her that it will be two years since they got married in Italy, so he’s planning something special to celebrate what would be their anniversary. Chanel calls that sweet and asks what he had in mind. Johnny calls it a surprise.

EJ tells Nicole that as much as he would love to have her child, he completely understands her feelings. EJ states that he has two beautiful children and Nicole has the light of her life in Holly and they have each other, so their lives are already full. EJ says he was just trying to make her feel better but he made her feel worse. Nicole wishes there was something that could make them feel better but guesses they will just have to get through this one day at a time. EJ assures that they will together as he kisses and hugs her.

Roman tells Sloan that the cookies are so tasty which she calls so kind, especially after her infamous clam chowder incident. Roman knows he hasn’t been the most supportive when it comes to Sloan’s relationship with Eric, but now they are married and have a child together. Roman adds that Sloan’s miscarriage was devastating and he knows it was her idea to adopt, so now Eric is a father because of her and he’s also very happy which he thanks Sloan for as well. Roman thanks Sloan for bringing so much joy in to Eric’s life.

Leo tells Dimitri that this is a lot. Dimitri knows there are so many options. Leo doesn’t know if he can keep the secret and asks what about EJ and Nicole, mourning a baby who is alive. Dimitri jokes about Leo suddenly developing a conscience. Dimitri declares that he’s given up his freedom for Leo, so he asks him to make the most of it. Leo agrees to try. Dimitri tells Leo to have a wonderful life. Leo says he’s talking like this is some kind of goodbye. Dimitri responds that he just doesn’t know when he’s going to see him again. Leo assures that he will come back. Dimitri wants to make this moment count as they kiss. Leo repeats that he will see him again soon. Dimitri says he knows where to find him as Leo then exits. Dimitri repeats for Leo to have a wonderful life.

Chanel tries to guess Johnny’s surprise but he says he won’t ruin the surprise. Chanel asks for a hint. Johnny tells her that it’s going to be a night that she will never forget as they kiss.

Tate asks Holly what now and complains that this is starting to get old. Holly points out that he agreed to help her break up Chanel and Johnny and that he owes her for the stunt he pulled. Tate asks what she wants him to do. Holly instructs Tate to make sure that Chanel never makes it to the anniversary dinner. Tate feels that’s a big ask and he wants something in return. Holly asks what he wants, so Tate declares that he wants to go on a real date with her.

After Roman leaves, Eric tells Sloan that his dad’s opinion has finally turned the corner on their relationship. Sloan is glad that he’s finally so supportive. Sloan decides that she should get going and tells Eric that Jude will be ready to eat in an hour. Sloan goes to leave but Eric sees he had a voicemail from the attorney that Melinda was dealing with, who says he wanted to apologize for the adoption falling through and them not getting the baby. Eric questions what he’s talking about.

Nicole tells EJ that she’s going to go for a walk. EJ offers to take her out for her favorite meal if she’s up to it which she agrees would be nice and thanks him. EJ decides he will get ready for the day and tells Nicole that he loves her as they kiss. Nicole says she loves him too and picks up EJ’s iPad, saying she missed her daily gossip fix. EJ heads upstairs to get dressed. The doorbell then rings so Nicole answers the door to see Leo, who asks if it’s a bad time.

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Days Update Thursday, December 7, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie runs in to Konstantin outside of the Pub. Konstantin says he was just getting some fresh air and thanks her for taking care of his expenses at the Salem Inn. Maggie imagines he has a lot on his mind since he’s going back to Greece soon. Konstantin confesses that he cannot go back to Greece which Maggie questions. Konstantin assures it’s not about money and offers to tell her about it over a cup of coffee.

Alex and Theresa sit together in the Brady Pub. Alex asks if he gets credit for making good on his promise to have dinner before sex next time. Theresa admits she hoped for more than burgers and fries. Alex says it’s not his fault that ths Bistro was closed and kisses Theresa, which she says makes up for it. Theresa says given the circumstances, she’s actually having an amazing night and nothing can ruin it. Konstantin then walks in with Maggie.

John goes to see Steve, who says after what went down at Maggie’s on Thanksgiving, Konstantin is even shadier than they thought so they need to step up their investigation before Maggie gets hurt.

Everett sits alone in his room and says he can’t believe it was Chad. Everett remarks that he guesses Chad isn’t quite the man that Stephanie thinks he is.

Stephanie finds Chad in the town square. Chad says he was just about to send her a text. Stephanie asks if it was about how he secretly bought the Spectator just to fire Everett. Chad questions why he would fire Everett. Stephanie says now that he owns half the paper, he could and he wanted him out of her life without giving a damn about how he did it, even if it was amoral and underhanded. Stephanie asks if he’s really going to deny it. Chad knows she’s upset. Stephanie responds that she’s more than upset, she is appalled. Stephanie explains that after Xander told Everett that he had nothing to do with his firing, Everett called Gwen, who wouldn’t tell him who she sold to, so he did some digging and came up with a shell company that happened to be owned by Chad. Chad then admits that it’s true that he fired Everett.

Rafe and Jada lay in bed together after having sex. Jada jokes about Rafe keeping her warm and suggests he stay the night. Rafe says as tempting as that sounds, he forgot his extra shaving kit at the police station. Jada says she’ll have to get him another kit to keep there. Rafe then invites Jada to move in with him.

Maggie greets Alex and Theresa. Alex claims they were just on their way out. Maggie points out that they haven’t finished their meal. Alex says they realized they have something better at home. Alex and Theresa go to rush out but Konstantin stops them and tells Theresa that there is something he needs to stay to her.

John asks Steve what Konstantin said when he confronted him about what they found in Greece. Steve says Konstantin did a lot of tap dancing to make himself sympathetic. Steve tells him what Konstantin told Maggie about the table cloth. John asks about the loan that Victor never forgave. Steve says that Konstantin claimed he didn’t want Maggie to think ill of Victor. John questions Maggie buying that and asks if Konstantin admitted to having something to do with the kidnapping of Sarah’s baby. Steve explains that Konstantin claimed the Greek mafia took the baby as a payback for a loan which John laughs at. John asks how they are going to pin Konstantin down. Steve thinks the only way to do that is to prove that he faked Victoria’s kidnapping.

Konstantin tells Theresa that he just wanted to apologize for accusing her of only being involved with Alex for his money as it was a stupid thing to say. Theresa points out that he already apologized. Konstantin says that after Maggie spoke so highly of Theresa, he realized his error in judgment and asks if Theresa can find it in her heart to forgive him.

John tells Steve that if Konstantin arranged Victoria’s kidnapping, he had to have help. They agree that if they can find out who, then the whole plan unravels. They talk about how they couldn’t have gotten far if Konstantin chased them down. They decide on checking the security cameras from around the Kiriakis Mansion.

Theresa tells Konstantin that she can’t stay mad at him after an apology like that and forgives him. Konstantin says he’s grateful as Theresa agrees to let bygones be bygones. Theresa appreciates Konstantin understanding that she’s not a gold digger and remarks that she’s sure they can say the same about him.

Jada questions if Rafe would rather have her move in to his house. Rafe says it would be nice to have privacy since every time he leaves Jada’s room, Roman’s down at the Pub and he feels like he knows exactly what they were doing. Rafe adds that Harris is living above the Pub now too, so he feels that when he goes to work, everyone is privy to their business. Jada questions Rafe being serious.

Stephanie is glad that Chad finally confessed but she still doesn’t understand why Chad would secretly buy the paper just to fire Everett. Chad responds that he’s a jealous idiot and they were fighting because she had just taken Everett on as a client and it was obvious to him that he was moving in on her. Stephanie complains that Everett just made a smart business decision. Chad argues that they both know Everett was trying to reel her in, so he decided to try and stop it. Stephanie asks if she’s just a fickle, shallow person who gets easily reeled in and isn’t loyal. Chad says she knows he doesn’t think that. Stephanie feels he obviously doesn’t trust her. Chad responds that he doesn’t trust Everett. Stephanie complains that Chad pulled the same pathetic, jealous moves with Alex and that he almost cost her a job. Stephanie adds that at least Chad talked to Alex but calls what he did to Everett sneaky, mean, and unforgivable. Chad argues that she doesn’t understand that he did it for them because they were having an issues and Everett was just causing problems. Stephanie complains that Chad is fine having her as his live in girlfriend but not his wife because that’s too much of a commitment. Stephanie then remarks that at least Everett was willing to marry her which Chad questions. Stephanie says she shouldn’t have brought it up since it’s not relevant but Chad says it is to him. Chad asks if Everett proposed while they were together. Stephanie reveals that he planned to. Chad asks if he told her that recently then. Stephanie explains that she found a ring box in his bag while at his office and when she asked about it, he admitted that it was for her because he was going to propose before the accident. Chad notes her not mentioning they were that serious which Stephanie says she didn’t know. Stephanie calls it ironic that the guy who ghosted her wanted to marry her while the guy she’s living with now does not. Chad asks if she’s saying she wanted to marry Everett. Stephanie says that’s not what she is saying at all and asks why he would think that. Chad argues that she’s saying it like she would’ve said yes if he proposed. Stephanie asks why it matters since he didn’t propose so it’s not relevant. Chad complains that it’s relevant to him. Stephanie argues that she was making a point that Everett was willing to commit to her instead of searching his soul to try and figure out if he loved her enough. Stephanie then storms off.

Rafe questions if Jada thought he was joking when he asked her to move in. Jada admits that she did. Rafe asks if she thinks it’s impulsive or too soon. Jada admits she kind of does as she didn’t think they were there yet. Rafe says he’s been thinking about it for awhile since Gabi’s been gone, so he has the whole house to himself now. Rafe thought it would be nice to share it with someone that he loves. Jada admits it’s tempting but she hasn’t lived with someone in a really long time so it’s a really big step for her. Rafe asks about her living with someone before which Jada confirms was her ex-husband.

Alex and Theresa go home. Alex promises next time they are going to the Bistro, but points out that if they didn’t go to the Pub, they wouldn’t have ran in to Konstantin and Maggie. Theresa questions that being a good thing and remarks that she could’ve lived without it. Alex acknowledges that Konstantin at least had the decency to apologize. Theresa says that’s assuming he was sincere but questions Konstantin giving her the benefit of the doubt. Alex asks what other reason he would have to apologize. Theresa suggests he could be trying to score points with Maggie.

Maggie tells Konstantin that it was very gracious of him to apologize to Theresa. Konstantin calls it very unfair of him to accuse Theresa of only staying with Alex for his money, since as she pointed out that someone could say the same about him with Maggie.

John and Steve talk about the kidnapper leaving the Kiriakis Mansion and where they would’ve gone next. Steve looks up security footage on his laptop from a bank near the park. Steve declares that he thinks they found their culprit. They find the security footage and zooms in but the image is grainy. John suggests calling the bank to get the raw footage. Steve worries that they wouldn’t be happy that they tapped in to their feed, so he thinks he has a better idea.

Alex questions Theresa thinking that Konstantin’s apology was all for show. Theresa points out that Maggie is very forgiving and would appreciate him giving her the benefit of the doubt. Theresa feels it’s the perfect angle if he’s making a play for Maggie. Theresa adds that Maggie is a wealthy widow and he wouldn’t be the first to try. Alex talks about being unable to get a good read on Konstantin and says he liked him well enough in Greece. Theresa reminds him of the horrible things he said about her. Alex points out that he apologized but agrees that maybe he needs to keep a better eye on him. Theresa decides maybe she’s just overreacting and she’s been known to hold a grudge. Alex worries about the possibility of Konstantin scamming Maggie for money and asks how low you can go.

Maggie asks why Konstantin would say something like that when he hasn’t gone after her money and she’s willingly paying off his debt. Maggie reminds him that she needs to keep her distance from him for the sake of her family because of the danger that his life is in and she needs to keep her family safe. Maggie adds that even though Konstantin has made some very bad decisions in his life, she doesn’t think of him as a gold digger at all. Konstantin responds that he appreciates that more than she knows. Konstantin insists that he’s not a gold digger, but a survivor.

Rafe acknowledges that Jada never really talked about her marriage. Jada feels they don’t need to talk about it now but Rafe wants to get to know her better which means hearing about her past. Jada admits that Rafe asking her to live with him brought back a lot of memories of the night that her ex-husband proposed to her. Jada explains how he was planning it for months but it didn’t go exactly as planned. Jada calls it a night to remember and says they were intense, but they were good together as she thought it was going to last forever.

Chad goes to Everett’s room at the Salem Inn. Everett asks what he can do for him. Chad responds that he knows he found out that he’s the one who fired him which Everett confirms. Everett says that means their business is concluded but Chad says it’s not. Chad reveals that he’s here to offer him his job back. Everett asks what the catch is. Chad wants him to answer one question truthfully. Chad asks if Everett is in Salem to get Stephanie back. Everett admits that he is, that he loves her and that he wants her back in his life. Chad appreciates his honesty and then walks away.

Rafe tells Jada that he understands how she feels as marriage is supposed to be forever. Rafe mentions having high hopes of that when he got married, all three times. Rafe tells Jada that she doesn’t have to answer moving in with him now as it’s just something in his head and he’s more than happy to keep coming to her room here above the Pub, unless she changes her mind. Jada jokes about that meaning Rafe having to do the walk of shame every morning he stays over. Rafe decides he doesn’t care if Roman, Harris, or anyone else knows as long as he gets to be with her. Rafe tells Jada to take her time deciding on whether to move in with him or not which she agrees to do. Jada adds that just because things ended with her husband, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t still believe in love as she believes that finding the right person can actually be forever. Rafe says he believes that too. Jada tells Rafe that she’s very grateful that she found him and that she’s in love and very lucky. Rafe feels he’s the lucky one as they kiss.

Konstantin tells Maggie that she’s probably tired of hearing about his friendship with Victor. Maggie says not at all as it warms her heart to hear what Victor was like when he was a young man. Konstantin talks about knowing Victor when he had nothing and watched him fight for everything. Konstantin says Victor also owed money but found his way and became a successful businessman. Konstantin calls him a self made man. Maggie then reminds Konstantin why he won’t be returning to Greece. Konstantin claims that he doesn’t want to burden her but Maggie insists. Konstantin says he made a few calls and made it clear to his contact that he would pay the debt in full thanks to Maggie. Maggie asks if the Greek mafia agreed to stop coming after him. Konstantin responds that they did on the condition that he never goes back to Greece or else he’s dead.

Steve suggests to John that they send the security image to Shane and that the ISA will be happy to put Konstantin away if he’s the con artist that they think. John says he has to go pick up food for Marlena and tells Steve to let him know what he finds out. Steve hopes that Shane can give them the identity of the kidnapper.

Alex tells Theresa that the housekeeper came by today and he told her to focus primarily on his bedroom which she calls good news. Alex assures that it’s very clean for now, so maybe she’d want to try out his bed sheets. Theresa responds that she’s actually really comfortable here on the couch. Alex reminded her that she said next time she wanted the bed. Theresa says she changed her mind and they start kissing.

Maggie questions the mafia not letting Konstantin go back to Greece. Konstantin tells her not to worry as he is not her responsibility and she has done all she can, so he is more grateful to her than words can express. John then enters the Pub and heads to the counter. Konstantin tells Maggie that her generosity will allow him to stay at the Salem Inn for a little while as he works things out. Maggie asks if he has any idea of where he will go next. Konstantin admits he doesn’t know yet but says his VISA will not allow him to stay in the country much longer. Maggie asks if he can extend it. Konstantin says he’d have to get a job and a work VISA or if he marries a US citizen.

Steve calls Shane and thanks him as finding the identity of the kidnapper will go a long way in proving Konstantin is not who he says he is. Steve says he will send him the image now and to hit him back as soon as he finds something.

After having sex on the couch, Alex goes to take the trash out. Alex runs in to Chad in the hall and says that Stephanie came by and left her key which she asked him to return to Chad.

Stephanie shows up at Steve’s door with her bags packed. Steve questions what’s going on. Stephanie reveals that she moved out of her and Chad’s place and hoped she could stay with him for a little while.

Everett pulls out his engagement ring for Stephanie and declares that maybe now he has a second chance to put a ring on her finger.

Rafe and Jada kiss in bed until Rafe decides he’s going to take a shower. Jada talks about enjoying the night they had and just being with him. Rafe jokes about having to borrow her robe as being another reason that she should move in with him. After Rafe goes to shower, Jada grabs her phone and takes photos of their Christmas tree. Jada then looks at a photo on her phone, revealing that her ex-husband is Everett!

Everett remains in his room, looking at the engagement ring.

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Days Update Wednesday, December 6, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Wendy comes home, surprising Tripp as he thought he was picking her up from the airport. Wendy says her flight got in early so she just took a ride share. Tripp feels bad that he couldn’t go with her to Hong Kong. Wendy understands that he had an obligation to his patients and says he was with her in spirit. Tripp knows how difficult it must’ve been at Li’s memorial. Wendy says it turned out to be a small family thing. Wendy knows Li was screwed up and made some terrible mistakes and cries that it’s too late for him to get the right help as Tripp hugs her.

Harris and Ava kiss at the Bistro. Harris asks where they should have their first date. Ava mentions Wendy coming home from her trip so her place won’t work. Harris suggests the Bistro since it’s private and shut down for awhile. Ava calls that a great idea and offers to make them dinner but Harris decides that with her permission, he’d like to be the one to make dinner. Ava laughs at the idea but Harris insists he’s a pretty good cook and offers to make seafood linguini. Ava calls that very ambitious. Harris asks if Stefan will mind him messing around the kitchen. Ava thinks back to Stefan talking to her about wanting to kill Clyde. Ava assures Harris that Stefan won’t mind him using the kitchen as he’s got more pressing issues on his mind right now..

Stefan walks through the town square and calls Vivian, leaving a message saying he needs her help and he doesn’t want to get in to details until they can actually talk but it’s urgent. Stefan says he knows it’s late in Alamainia but this can’t wait. Stefan hangs up and remarks that Clyde threatened his wife, so the bastard needs to die. Chad then appears and asks Stefan who he wants dead.

Everett is in his room at the Salem Inn and receives a call back from Gwen. He thanks her for getting back to him as he hopes she might reconsider her decision to fire him. Everett notes that Xander said it was Gwen’s decision because she owns half the newspaper. She then reveals that she no longer owns it which he questions.

Wendy tells Tripp that her father could be pretty harsh on Li and they didn’t always get along, but Li was his only son and he loved him. Wendy adds that her father wouldn’t let anyone comfort him and just suffers quietly on his own. Wendy thinks he feels very guilty about the way things ended between him and Li. Wendy states that he was so angry about Li for losing his DiMera shares and they never had a chance to reconcile, all because of Gabi. Wendy questions why Gabi had to kill Li. Tripp points out that at least Gabi is behind bars. Wendy mentions that she’s not convicted yet and she hates to wish ill on anyone, but she’ll never get over the loss of her brother. Wendy declares that the only way she will feel Li’s death is avenged is if Gabi is put away for good.

At the police station, Rafe tells Jada that Gabi will be happy to hear that Dimitri is paying for his crimes. Jada still can’t believe Dimitri turned himself in to save Leo. Rafe comments on it being true love. Jada questions how long that will last while Dimitri is behind bars. Paulina then arrives and says she’s glad someone is behind bars as she questions letting a drug dealer go. Rafe apologizes but says they had no choice since the evidence went missing. Paulina doesn’t understand how evidence just disappears.

Stephanie goes to see Everett and asks if it’s a bad time. Everett says not at all. She says she wanted to see him in person because she got really good news to share with him which Everett says he could use. Stephanie tells him that she and Chad feel awful about him getting fired, so after thinking about it, Chad called Jack and Jennifer, who own a newspaper in Boston. Stephanie informs him that they said they would be happy to hire him and agreed that Gwen made a terrible mistake in firing him. Everett calls that very generous of Jack and Jennifer and notes that he might have to take them up on that, but reveals that Gwen is not the one who fired him. Everett explains that he just spoke to Gwen on the phone and she said she recently sold her half of the paper but she wouldn’t say to whom. Everett declares that whoever bought her half is the one that wanted him gone and he’s going to find out who that is.

Rafe tells Paulina that they are still not sure how the evidence went missing but they are looking at security protocols to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. Paulina doesn’t mean to be harsh but calls it a pretty big screw up. Jada assures that they are very upset about it too. Paulina worries about drug business picking up in Salem. Rafe insists that they are not giving up and if there is a new drug cartel in Salem, they will find it and shut it down. Paulina says she hopes so as she then gets a call and steps away to answer. Rafe tells Jada that he knew Paulina would be upset about this. Jada wonders if it’s her fault that the evidence went missing since she was in the evidence room and thinks she saw the drugs there and worries that it’s possible she forgot to lock the door, questioning how else it could’ve happened. Rafe reminds Jada that Harris’ keys went missing, so there’s a good chance someone used them to get in there.

Harris informs Ava that dinner is almost ready. Ava asks where he learned it from. Harris says it was from a cookbook and he perfected it while in the navy. Ava jokes that she takes her pasta seriously and won’t cut him any slack just for saving her life once. Harris mentions not wanting to make any mistakes. Ava jokes that as their first date, their entire relationship could depend on it. Harris says he’s going to go make sure he times it right then.

Stefan tells Chad that he doesn’t understand. Chad asks if he was talking about EJ, guessing he wants to kill him for prosecuting Gabi. Stefan asks what he expects when EJ is charging Gabi with a murder she didn’t commit. Chad argues that Gabi was caught with a bloody knife. Stefan insists that she was set up. Chad asks by who. Stefan says if he knew the answer to that, she would be set free. Chad brings up Li pointing the finger at Gabi in his dying breath. Stefan argues that Li was dying and didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. Chad says he knows he didn’t mean it literally about killing EJ, but he doesn’t know why Stefan is so angry at EJ since it’s not his job to prove her innocence. Stefan explains that he’s just worried about his wife being in prison since the last time she was there, she was beaten within inches of her life. Stefan doesn’t expect Chad to care but Chad assures that despite their problems, he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Gabi or EJ. Stefan states that he’s not going to murder EJ and admits he’s just desperate to keep Gabi safe. Stefan calls Gabi the most important person in his world and he knows she’s suffering in prison. Stefan just wants this nightmare to be over and declares that he would do anything to make that happen. Chad says he can understand his willingness to do anything for Gabi, admitting that he’s gone to extremes in the past for love. Stefan remarks that it’s good to know that he’s not alone in going to extremes for love. Stefan tells Chad that he can’t stop there and asks what exactly he did.

Stephanie questions if Xander didn’t tell Everett who owns half the Spectator. Everett says that he was cagey about it before, so he doesn’t imagine he would tell him now. Stephanie asks how he’s going to find out. Everett responds that he’s an investigative journalist and that’s what he does. Everett opens up his laptop and says he was thinking that there must be a public record of the sale transaction which means they must be able to find that record somewhere. Stephanie asks if there’s anything she can do for help. Everett says if she’s up for it, she can make some phone calls when he pulls up some numbers for the city. Stephanie says she would be happy to find the jerk who fired him and get his job back…

Tripp guesses Wendy is not too hungry but brings her some food. Wendy acknowledges that he’s going through a tough time, worrying about his mom. Tripp responds that Ava is actually doing okay since EJ decided not to press charges on the death of Gil. Wendy says Ava must still be traumatized from Gil trying to assault her. Tripp says Ava is acting all tough about it, but he knows she’s really fragile as it shook her badly, so he is worried about her. Wendy declares that they will look out for her. Tripp thanks her for being so nice about his mom and everything. Tripp adds that Harris has been there for Ava too. Wendy asks if they are officially together now. Tripp thinks it’s heading that way. Tripp knows he was down on Harris at first, but he did help Ava out of the murder charge which had him thinking that Harris really is on Ava’s side and she needs someone like that, so he hopes it works out for them.

Ava and Harris have dinner. Harris asks for her verdict. Ava responds that since it wasn’t made by an Italian, she tells him job well done which relieves Harris. Ava talks about Harris usually being so self assured and confident and jokes about him being human. Harris brings up losing his keys. Ava thought they weren’t going to talk about that. Harris worries about someone using them to steal the evidence. Ava points out that he doesn’t know that while Harris feels it’s the only reasonable explanation. Ava insists that he is an asset to the police department and that there will be plenty of opportunities for him to make up for this. Harris admits he knows one way that he can. Harris brings up that Paulina said there’s an increase in recent drug activity through Salem and she suspects a new drug cartel. Harris vows to make it his mission to take it down.

Paulina tells Rafe to let her know immediately if he gets any new information on the drug ring. Rafe agrees to do his damndest to take care of this problem. Rafe brings up his late sister, Arianna, trying to take down a drug cartel herself so he’d like to think he’s taking up this mantle in her honor. Paulina is sure that he will do them proud and tells them to have a good night as she exits the station. Jada tells Rafe that they are both off the clock and suggests they leave and look at the drug ring with fresh eyes. Rafe agrees and they exit.

Stefan asks Chad what drastic thing he did in the name of love. Chad thinks back to buying half of the Spectator from Gwen to fire Everett. Chad then tells Stefan that he pulled a gun on Clyde when he found out that he murdered Abigail and he would’ve killed him if he hadn’t got the best of him. Stefan responds that he wishes he had killed him. Chad questions why he said it like it was personal when as far as he knows, Stefan never had any involvement with Clyde.

Stephanie makes calls but tells Everett that all the offices seemed to have closed, so they probably won’t hear anything back until tomorrow. Stephanie brings Everett diet cola and salted almonds. Everett comments on her remembering his favorites. They talk about not coming up with anything yet. Everett wonders if he’s looking at the wrong database but then finds something that tells him who bought the Spectator.

Wendy thanks Tripp for making her a sandwich. Tripp reveals that he’s been thinking maybe they should move out of this apartment since a lot of bad things have happened there recently. Wendy points out that a lot of good things happened too and she has wonderful memories of living with Li. Wendy adds that coming home actually made her feel closer to Li. Wendy still can’t believe that Li is gone. Wendy talks about looking at old photos of them and reading old e-mails he sent while on her flight back. Tripp tells Wendy that if the place makes her feel closer to Li, then they will stay. Tripp adds that it’s also the place where they fell in love, joking that it actually goes back to when he and Joey were competing for her attention in Hong Kong. Wendy jokes about beating them in poker. Tripp blames being distracted by his dad missing and suggests they have a rematch. Wendy thinks that will cheer her up a little, so she agrees.

Ava tells Harris that it’s too dangerous and she’s scared of him getting hurt. Harris appreciates her concern but assures that he can handle himself and the ones that should be scared are the people running drugs through Salem.

Rafe and Jada go back to her room with a small Christmas tree which they decide to decorate together. Jada calls it nice to have time to themselves. Rafe agrees that they haven’t had a chance to do it in awhile due to being so busy at work. Rafe still can’t believe they had to let the drug dealer go. Jada reminds him that they are not giving up and plan to find the kingpin to take down the whole operation.

Stefan claims Chad is right that he doesn’t have any involvement with Clyde and doesn’t even know the guy, but he did care for Abigail. Chad doesn’t want to hear that and brings up Stefan knowing she was mentally ill. Stefan calls it the biggest regret of his life but says that doesn’t mean he didn’t care for her or that he doesn’t want to see Clyde punished for robbing Chad’s children of their mother. Stefan declares that Clyde should be burning in Hell where he can’t harm another innocent life. Chad states that they don’t see eye to eye on much, but they agree on that.

Everett gets a name of the company that bought the Spectator, Flynn Industries, and tries to figure out who owns it but nothing comes up so he wonders if it could be a shell company. Stephanie says if that’s the case, the whole thing could be shadier than they thought. Everett acknowledges that investigating shell companies can be a long, complicated process. Stephanie reveals that she has a shortcut and declares that her uncle Shane is the director of the ISA, so if anyone can get them a quick answer, it’s him. Stephanie then calls Shane and asks for a favor.

Rafe and Jada agree that their Christmas tree turned out better than they thought. Jada toasts to a festive holiday season. Rafe states that she’s way more in to Christmas than he thought. Jada calls it one of her favorite holidays and turns on her Christmas lights in the room. Rafe calls it nice and romantic as they kiss onto the bed.

Wendy beats Tripp at poker. She thanks him for cheering her up and finding a way to take her mind off of being sad. Tripp asks if there’s any other way that he can cheer her up as they kiss. Wendy says she was looking forward to being in his arms on the whole way home. Wendy tells Tripp that she needs him so much as they continue kissing.

Harris feels he ruined the mood by talking about work and jokes that Ava said their whole relationship is riding on the first date. Ava assures that she was kidding. Harris still wants to correct course. Harris then turns on music and asks her to dance which she agrees to and they kiss.

Chad tells Stefan that he’s going to pick up dinner from the Bistro. Stefan informs him that it’s actually closed since the owner met an untimely demise. Chad says he forgot about that and that it sucks because it’s Stephanie’s favorite place. Chad asks if it’s closed for good. Stefan then reveals that it’s not because he bought it. Chad questions Stefan buying a restaurant and not having enough on his plate at DiMera. Stefan claims he couldn’t pass up a good investment. Chad questions Stefan buying a shiny new eatery while his wife is facing a life sentence and feels it doesn’t add up. Stefan calls it a great distraction. Stefan then gets a call and walks away.

Stephanie hopes it won’t be long before Shane e-mails with a name. Stephanie mentions that Chad is picking up dinner, so she should probably get going. Everett thanks her for her help and says it means a lot as they hug. Stephanie tells him to keep her updated. Everett then gets an e-mail from Shane. Stephanie asks what it is. Everett claims that Shane couldn’t come up with anything but Stephanie doesn’t believe him, pointing out that Shane is a super spy. Everett tells Stephanie that it’s none of her concern. Stephanie tells him to just show her or else she’ll just call Shane. Everett then shows Stephanie the e-mail and she is shocked to discover that it was Chad.

Rafe and Jada lay in bed after having sex. Jada feels this is going to be the best Christmas ever because she’s with him. Rafe says he feels the same and tells Jada that he loves her. Jada says she loves him too as they kiss.

Tripp and Wendy go to the bedroom and continue kissing as they begin to undress and have sex.

Harris cleans up the dishes after dinner and offers to walk Ava home but Ava says she has a few more things to wrap up at the Bistro. Harris offers to wait but she says that’s not necessary. Ava thanks him for a wonderful first date. Harris asks if that means there will be a second date. Ava responds by kissing him which Harris calls a great answer. Ava agrees. Harris tells her to text him when she gets home and says goodnight as he then exits.

Stefan walks past the Pub as he gets a call back from Vivian. Stefan informs Vivian that Clyde is threatening to kill Gabi, so he needs her to have Ivan take him out. Vivian says no. Stefan argues that she’s in Alamainia so they can’t arrest her there. Stefan complains that she doesn’t understand that this affects him too since Clyde is using his love for Gabi to get him to run drugs for him. Stefan says he can’t just stop loving Gabi. Stefan then angrily declares that he will find a way to eliminate Clyde himself and thanks her for nothing as he hangs up.

Everett sits alone in his room and says he can’t believe it was Chad. Everett remarks that he guesses Chad isn’t quite the man that Stephanie thinks he is.

Stephanie finds Chad in the town square. Chad says he was just about to send her a text. Stephanie asks if it was about how he secretly bought the Spectator just to fire Everett.

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Days Update Tuesday, December 5, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Ava sits at the Bistro until Stefan startles her. Ava questions how he got in since the Bistro has been closed since Gil died. Stefan informs her that Clyde made sure he had the keys to the kingdom and reveals that Clyde wants the Bistro back open ASAP. Stefan adds that’s not happening because he’s not moving Clyde’s drug money through the Bistro. Ava remarks that at least Clyde isn’t having them sell drugs. Stefan questions if she’s saying just laundering the money is cool. Ava clarifies that she hates having any involvement in it but questions what choice they have. Stefan declares that the only way out of this mess is to kill Clyde.

Rafe goes to the police station and asks Harris about EJ cutting a deal with Leo Stark. Harris responds that he doesn’t have the details but reveals that Dimitri just showed up to turn himself in which surprises Rafe.

In the interrogation room, Leo signs his deal with EJ. Leo asks if that means he’s free to go. EJ says once his boyfriend shows up which he doubts. Dimitri then arrives as Leo comments on EJ having little faith. Dimitri announces that he’s here to turn himself in, so EJ has to let Leo go.

Eric enters Kayla’s office with the baby, surprised to see Sloan. Sloan declares that she had to come here because he has to put a stop to this immediately. Nicole points out that Sloan is refusing to go along with this because she knows the truth is coming out. Sloan complains that she never gave her consent to put their baby through a DNA test. Eric tells Sloan that he’s sorry but it’s a little too late for that as he’s got the test results right here. Nicole suggests opening them right now to prove that child is her son.

Rafe questions Dimitri turning himself in. Harris tells him that he said it was all for love. Rafe calls that a win. Harris hopes that gives Gabi peace of mind, knowing that the guy who tried to kill her is going to be put away. Rafe adds that it will also put a dent in their case clearance rate. Rafe informs Harris that the 5 kilos they seized were stolen from the evidence room. Harris asks if he thinks it was someone from the inside. Rafe says that’s obviously the first concern, especially with drugs, as there was no sign of forced entry. Rafe suggests maybe it wasn’t a cop and that he can’t help but think it might have had something to do with Harris’ keys going missing.

Ava questions Stefan wanting to kill Clyde Weston. Stefan brings up Ava being in the mob and asks when she gets squeamish about taking somebody out. Ava reminds him that she just did someone in. Ava brings up when Jake DiMera worked for their family, he was the last person they sent out. Stefan argues that he’s not his brother and he will do anything and everything to keep his wife safe. Stefan states that Clyde threatened his wife and he would say he’ll live to regret that but he won’t. Ava agrees that she would do anything to protect her son but feels that taking out Clyde from the outside would be damn near impossible. Stefan asks who said it would be from the outside. Stefan suggests he go to the prison to let Clyde know they disposed of the evidence. Ava asks if he’s just going to shoot him. Stefan says if meets up with somebody on the inside, he does the job for them and their hands stay clean. Stefan reveals that he has somebody in mind.

Dimitri tells EJ to release Leo but EJ says he’s not going to release either of them. EJ asks why he should when he has them both now. Leo argues that they had a deal. EJ rips up the paper and says not anymore. EJ declares that he’s going to prosecute the hell out of them for the death of his son. Leo points out that he just dropped the felony murder charge. EJ responds that he has a long list of charges that he can file against both of them.

Nicole orders Eric to open the envelope. Sloan argues that she never agreed to this so it’s not right. Eric argues that if she wasn’t running out the door, he would’ve explained things to her. Sloan complains of taking the baby out in to the cold and exposing him to hospital germs because Nicole is refusing to accept reality. Nicole argues that it’s a simple test and it’s already been done. Nicole says it’s so obvious why Sloan is freaking out and that she can see the fear in her eyes. Nicole declares that the truth is about to come out and show that it is her baby.

Ava assumes Stefan has a lot of friends in prison. Stefan says just Vivian’s henchman, who helped her bury people alive. Stefan adds that it’s not exactly outside of his area of expertise and Ivan will do anything to keep Vivian happy. Stefan says all he has to do is make a phone call to Alamainia which is Vivian’s home country. Stefan states that Vivian won’t be returning to Salem any time soon but she won’t hesitate to call Ivan to eliminate Clyde. Ava responds that she doesn’t like the plan and thinks it’s a big mistake.

Rafe brings up that Harris had a copy of the evidence room key on his keychain which Harris confirms. Rafe notes that the drugs would be missing at the same time as his keys. Rafe suggests maybe someone lifted the keys, who wasn’t a cop and didn’t have access to the evidence room. Rafe states that this means the case will likely be thrown out and the drug dealer will be back on the streets.

Dimitri argues that EJ can’t do this as the deal was signed. EJ points out that he didn’t sign it while Dimitri says that doesn’t matter as it’s legally binding. Leo points out that Dimitri went to law school. Dimitri argues that Leo has met the stipulations and hasn’t done anything wrong. EJ points out that Leo helped Dimitri flee the district. Dimitri argues that he’s here now and tells EJ to take him or he’ll make sure he leaves with nothing.

Sloan complains that she doesn’t have to take this from Nicole and she’s taking her baby. Eric stops her and says they’ll just open the envelope and put everybody at ease. Sloan says fine and tells him to go ahead. Nicole then opens the envelope and reads that the DNA analysis reveals there is not a match. Nicole doesn’t understand as she is sure that the baby is her baby. Sloan says she tried to tell her. Eric says he’s sorry but Nicole questions if he really is. Kayla enters and apologizes for the delay. Eric says it’s okay as they opened the envelope and got the results without her. Kayla is sure they didn’t want to wait any longer and asks if there’s anything she can explain further. Sloan calls it self explanatory while Nicole questions if Kayla is sure there wasn’t a mistake and that she tested the baby’s DNA against her DNA. Kayla responds that they actually didn’t.

Ava tells Stefan that she wants Clyde off their backs as much as he does, but she’s not sure this is going to work out like he thinks because Clyde has a huge network of people that work for him. Ava feels those people could still come after them if he takes Clyde out. Stefan argues that they won’t because Clyde is the head of the operation, so without him, the threat is eliminated. Ava sees his point but wouldn’t count on a washed up valet being able to take out Clye. Ava worries that if Ivan screws up, they are screwed and Tripp and Gabi will be dead. Ava states that Clyde needs to keep his operation running and he won’t hurt Gabi or Tripp as long as they keep him happy. Stefan feels that’s a hell of a gamble and that Clyde’s demands are going to get more unreasonable. Stefan worries that as long as Gabi is in prison, she is not safe. Stefan says he is focused on getting Gabi out, but as long as Clyde is involved, they’ll be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives. Ava reluctantly agrees and declares that they need to come up with another way to get rid of Clyde.

EJ questions Dimitri planning to make sure he gets nothing when he already has him. Dimitri points out that he’s not under arrest and hasn’t confessed or signed anything. EJ reminds him that he’s in the middle of a police station, surrounded by cops, so he can’t just stroll out. Dimitri calls it highly unlikely that EJ can make this case stick without a confession. Dimitri tells EJ to just handcuff him now, accept what he’s offering him, and take the win.

Harris tells Rafe that he just started the job, so he would feel awful if the dealer went free because of his screw up. Rafe jokes that he’s going to take his badge and suspend him, then tells Harris to stop beating himself up as they don’t know anything for sure. Rafe suggests focusing on the positive that they got Dimitri. Harris agrees that’s a big fish. Rafe wonders what is taking so long. EJ comes out of the interrogation room and tells Rafe to go book Dimitri.

Nicole questions Kayla not testing the baby’s DNA against her DNA. Kayla clarifies that the lab couldn’t get enough DNA off of Nicole’s toothbrush, so one of the lab techs pointed out that they still had a sample from EJ so they used that instead. Sloan reminds Nicole that there was no question that EJ was the father of her baby, so it doesn’t matter if they used her DNA or his. Sloan adds that if it was their baby, the results would’ve come back positive. Nicole cries that she was sure and asks how she could be so wrong. Eric repeats that he’s so sorry but Nicole yells at him to stop saying he’s sorry because he knew he’d be taking the baby home and just did this test to appease her. Nicole angrily congratulates the new parents and then tearfully says goodbye to the baby before storming out of the office.

Stefan asks if Ava has any other ways to get rid of Clyde. Ava is surprised he doesn’t, feeling the DiMeras would have someone better positioned than Vivian’s henchman. Stefan explains that he’s never been involved in that part of the business, so anyone affiliated would be involved with EJ which is too risky. Ava asks if Vivian has anyone else. Stefan asks about Ava’s connections since she ran an entire crime syndicate. Ava reminds him that she walked away from all that to prove to her son that she was turning her life around. Stefan asks how that’s going now that Clyde has her doing all of his dirty work. Harris arrives and asks if he’s interrupting something. Stefan claims he was just filling Ava in that he purchased the Bistro and some of the changes he wanted implemented. Harris thought Stefan would be running DiMera Enterprises. Stefan says he won’t be running the Bistro as that’s what Ava is for. Stefan claims he scooped up the Bistro really cheap after the former owner died and he loves the food. Harris asks how Ava feels about that. Stefan says she doesn’t have any say. Ava says she doesn’t have a problem. Harris asks if she can quit if she feels not treated right. Ava responds that she won’t quit but hopes that Stefan won’t take any risks out the gate that they both might regret.

Rafe handcuffs Dimitri and tells Leo that he’s free to go. Leo asks for a chance to say goodbye. Rafe gets a text so he gives Leo five minutes and exits the room. Leo hugs Dimitri and talks about his sacrifice and how he loves him so much. Leo can’t believe Dimitri would do this for him. Dimitri admits that he almost didn’t.

EJ goes home to Nicole at the DiMera Mansion. EJ informs Nicole that he had to let Leo go, but the good news is that Dimitri has turned himself in. EJ adds that he had to drop the felony charges but Dimitri is still going away for a very long time. EJ knows it won’t bring their baby back but at least someone will answer for what happened. Nicole responds that she doesn’t care because she thought their baby was alive but now she knows he is not and she has no choice but to accept it.

As Eric and Sloan return home, Eric notes that the baby is still sleeping and asks if Sloan is mad. Sloan confirms that she is and questions why the hell Eric would humor Nicole and allowing her to think there was a possible truth to her pathetic fantasy that their adopted son was her baby. Sloan adds that would mean she was some depraved baby snatcher who took the baby from Nicole’s arms and questions if Eric thinks that’s true. Eric says of course not, at least not until Sloan freaked out about him having the test results and remarks that it was almost like Sloan was hiding something. Sloan can’t believe he’s accusing her of hiding something and calls that really hurtful. Eric apologizes and says she’s obviously upset with him. Sloan confirms that she is and argues that if anyone was hiding anything, it’s Eric doing a DNA test without her knowledge. Eric insists that he was trying to tell her but she had to rush out because of her client. Sloan remembers her client while the baby wakes up crying so Eric goes to check on him. Sloan grabs her phone and calls Rafe to check in. Sloan thanks him and calls it a relief as she hangs up. Sloan then informs Eric that Dimitri turned himself in, so Leo is free. Eric calls that great news and congratulates her. Eric apologizes about the DNA test and says he just thought they could help Nicole find closure so they could all move on. Sloan sees now that Eric was right and apologizes for overreacting. Sloan decides it’s actually better this way as Nicole can finally accept that he’s their baby. Eric points out that they can’t keep calling him their baby, so he thinks it’s time they find a name for the little guy. Sloan agrees and they kiss.

Nicole tells EJ that she tried to let it go but she couldn’t. EJ asks what she means. Nicole explains that Holly suggested a DNA test on the baby to see if he was really theirs which surprises EJ. Nicole says that Eric agreed so he brought the baby to the hospital. EJ questions why he didn’t know about this. Nicole admits that she didn’t think he would like it and he was busy. Nicole thought Eric believed her but says he didn’t and was just trying to get her to accept reality that it wasn’t their baby and he was right because the test showed that he’s not. Nicole cries that she feels like they lost their baby all over again. Nicole can’t stop thinking that her baby was dying while she held him on the side of the road and cries that she should’ve known. EJ encourages that she couldn’t have known and there was nothing she could have done. Nicole insists that when she held Eric and Sloan’s baby, she had an overwhelming feeling that he was her baby and questions what kind of mother doesn’t know her own child. EJ calls her a wonderful mother who has suffered a terrible, tragic loss and tells her not to beat herself up. EJ declares that they both now have to accept that their child is gone and they will get through it together as he hugs her.

Stefan assures Ava that he won’t be reckless with the Bistro and won’t take any risks that they will regret. Ava says that’s good to know. Stefan says he’ll be back to discuss the new waste management plan. Ava tells Harris that Stefan wants to try composting. Stefan tells them to have a good day as he exits. Ava tells Harris that this is a nice surprise. Harris says he thought seeing her would lift his spirits which Ava questions. Harris informs Ava that some critical evidence went missing from the police department and it could be his fault as it looks like the wrong person may have gotten their hands on his keys. Ava is sorry but asks how that’s his fault. Harris says that’s what Rafe said but he can’t help beating himself up over it. Harris recalls last time he had his keys, was unlocking the desk to get the recorder to record Ava’s statement about Gil’s death. Harris asks if Ava has any recollection at all as to what he did with his keys after that.

Dimitri explains to Leo how Darius Rose showed up at his door. Leo questions how he found him. Dimitri says he apparently has been stalking them and offered to take him to Canada, even bringing a drag costume. Leo questions why he would do that. Dimitri says it was something about screwing Leo over because Leo screwed him over and got him deported. Leo calls him a creep and asks why Dimitri didn’t go with him. Dimitri says because he loves him and that’s why he’s here giving up his freedom for him. Leo complains that he’s relieved but also heartbroken and guilt ridden. Dimitri points out that Leo was also willing to do the same thing for him. Dimitri adds that he did try to kill Gabi and Stefan plus he assaulted Kayla and Jada while Leo was just there to help. Leo worries that EJ is going to put him away for a very long time. Leo adds that he did talk to Sloan about making sure visits were in the deal. Dimitri credits him always thinking ahead. Leo then remarks that he might end up in prison right beside him. Dimitri assures that won’t happen. Leo asks what if EJ goes back on the deal or reinstates the felony murder charge. Dimitri repeats that won’t happen. Leo asks how he can be so sure. Dimitri then reveals to Leo that they didn’t kill the baby. Leo talks about it being linked to the accident that was their fault. Dimitri then repeats that they really didn’t kill that baby. Leo asks what he’s trying to say. Dimitri then informs Leo that Nicole’s baby is still alive.

Ava apologizes to Harris but says she didn’t notice what he did with his keys. Harris guesses he just left them on the desk when he took her home. Harris wants to think the police station is a secure place but guesses somebody could’ve grabbed his keys. Ava encourages him not to be so hard on himself. Ava offers to help take his mind off of all this, pointing out that they haven’t had their first date yet as they kiss.

Stefan walks through the town square and calls Vivian to tell her that he needs her help.

Sloan and Eric sit down to discuss baby names. Eric says that she brought up Eric Jr. but mentions he was named after an Uncle Eric who wasn’t the best namesake. Sloan accepts no Eric Jr. then and asks if there are other ideas. Eric asks what she thinks about Jude. Sloan mentions the Beatles song. Eric talks about St. Jude and how he’s been praying to him recently which Sloan understands. Sloan thinks they both thought their chance to be parents had passed them by. Eric points out that now they are both mom and dad, so he’s grateful to God for what he’s given them. Sloan thinks Jude is the perfect name as they hug.

Leo questions what Dimitri is talking about and shouts that Nicole’s baby is alive, asking why he wouldn’t tell anyone if that’s true. Dimitri tells him to keep quiet. Leo asks how he’s supposed to keep quiet when he delivered that baby. Rafe then returns to the room and informs Dimitri that it’s time to go to prison. Dimitri tells Leo that he’s everything to him and tells him to be good to himself as Rafe escorts Dimitri out.

EJ hates to think Nicole is suffering this loss all over again. Nicole calls it his loss too and says she knows that instead of wallowing in her grief, she should be grateful for all her blessings. Nicole says it’s not like she’s childless since she does have a beautiful daughter, but she fell in love with that little boy that she held inside for all those months and gave birth to. Nicole says she already had a deep connection with him, even if it was just for a moment before he was taken from her. EJ says he knows even without holding or seeing him as he felt that connection too. EJ suggests they go lay down upstairs. Nicole thinks back to holding her baby after giving birth and then agrees to go upstairs with EJ.

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Days Update Monday, December 4, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Dimitri remains in his motel room, looking at the photos he and Leo took as ghosts on Halloween. Dimitri can’t believe he’s doing this but decides that Sloan is right that if he wants to free Leo, he has to turn himself in. Dimitri never thought he would sacrifice himself for another person, but declares that’s how much he loves Leo. Someone then knocks on his door. Dimitri questions who the hell that could be. Dimitri says he was careful so it couldn’t be the cops, but a voice calls out for him to open up, saying he knows he’s in there.

In the interrogation room, Sloan announces that she just spoke to Dimitri and he’s willing to turn himself in if EJ drops all charges against Leo. EJ questions where the hell Dimitri is if she just spoke to him. Sloan calls that irrelevant but EJ argues that it is if she’s harboring a fugitive. Sloan denies harboring anyone since Dimitri is her client and repeats that he’s happy to turn himself in if EJ just signs some paperwork. Leo can’t believe it as he was certain that Dimitri was halfway across the world by this point. Sloan tells Leo that he’s not helping his case. Sloan then asks EJ if they should take this conversation outside.

In the town square, Chanel instructs Tate to just fill out the application and they will find something for him. Tate thanks her. Chanel says she’s going back to the Pub but Tate stops her and says she can’t go back yet. Chanel asks why not. Tate thinks back to Holly telling him that she would forgive him on the condition that he help her break up Johnny and Chanel. Tate then tells Chanel that there is something he needs to tell her.

Johnny questions Holly telling him that Eric agreed to a DNA test to help prove his baby is not their brother. Holly admits it’s bizarre while Johnny calls it sad and says he feels so bad for Nicole and EJ as this is going to crush Nicole when she finds out. Holly suggests maybe it’s still for the best. Johnny agrees that now this will force Nicole to face reality.

At the hospital, Nicole tells Eric that can’t believe that she’s about to have proof that this is her baby. Eric says they should know soon. Nicole says that her heart is beating so hard right now. Nicole then apologizes to Eric for going on about how excited she is to get the results and only thinking about herself which is nothing new. Eric thanks her but says it’s okay. Nicole disagrees because if it turns out that it is her baby, that means he’s not Eric’s. Nicole says she’s been so caught up in her own loss that she didn’t even think about what this is doing to him. Eric understands she is grieving and says she doesn’t need to worry about him. Nicole disagrees and says that he’s been so kind to her and always puts others before himself. Eric wants her to have peace of mind. Nicole asks what about him since she knows how much he’s always wanted a child and to be a father, so she should know more than anyone what this is doing to him. Nicole thanks him for allowing them do this DNA test. Eric responds that it’s not actually hard for him because he doesn’t believe his baby is her son.

EJ and Sloan exit the interrogation room. EJ clarifies that he has no interest in making any deals with Dimitri while they have Leo in custody. EJ points out how unreliable Dimitri has proven to be and asks what makes her so sure that he would even show. Sloan calls it her gut instinct and insists Dimitri will be there. Sloan argues that EJ knows this is a good deal and that Dimitri is the big fish here, not Leo. EJ admits she makes a good point since Dimitri was the one behind the wheel, so he’s the one who should pay the price for his son’s murder. Sloan responds that she’s afraid murder is off the table.

As the knocking on his door continues, Dimitri looks out the window and worries that the cops found him. The man outside the door calls out that he’s not the cops but he will call them if he doesn’t open the door. Dimitri then answers the door to see Leo’s ex, Darius Rose. Darius reminds Dimitri that they met before and they were both in drag. Dimitri assures that he’s never done drag. Darius brings up Dimitri pretending to be Agent Graham. Dimitri then remembers him as Jackie Cox from Arizona. Darius tells Dimitri to show him a little respect because he is his ticket to freedom.

Holly tells Johnny that her bracelet looks really cool on him and she’s so glad he likes it. Johnny calls it special and thanks her. Johnny adds that they have a few minutes before Chanel comes back and there’s something he wants to talk to her about, but Chanel can’t find out. Holly gets excited and says she’s all ears.

Chanel asks what Tate needed to tell her. Tate says it’s about why he asked for this job. Chanel remembers him saying he’s paying back damages he caused at school. Tate says he wasn’t being truthful and that Brady is making him pay back everything he makes at the Pub while he thought this second job could be a way for him to make some cash for himself. Chanel questions that being what he had to tell her and says she doesn’t care what he does with his money as that’s none of her business. Chanel jokes that as long as he doesn’t open up a rival bakery, they are good. Chanel says she should get back to Johnny but Tate stops her and says the oven looks complicated so he asks her to show him how it works. Chanel tells him to just fill out the application and then they will go over everything, if she hires him. Chanel then walks away to head back to the Pub. Tate begins texting Holly.

Nicole questions Eric not thinking it’s possible that his son could be her baby and asks if that’s because she’s crazy. Nicole asks if he’s just trying to placate her. Eric tells her that he’s been talking to Marlena and she said that after a loss like that, it’s natural that her mind could take a leap. Nicole tells Eric that he’s wrong as her mind is not playing tricks on her. Nicole insists that she knows the child that she carried for months. Eric tells her that he’s not her son. Nicole argues that Eric wasn’t there when he was born as he got there after the accident and after the baby was taken from her. Nicole says Eric didn’t hold him or see his first breath while she did and she insists that this is her baby.

EJ questions Sloan saying no murder charge when she just said Dimitri is turning himself in. Sloan says not for the baby’s death and argues that EJ knows it would be difficult to make felony murder charges stick. EJ asks what exactly Dimitri is confessing to then. Sloan suggests there’s a whole host of crimes that could put Dimitri away for a very long time. Sloan warns EJ not to press his luck as Dimitri is not going to plead guilty to murder. Sloan adds that he can’t be held accountable for what happened to EJ’s son. Sloan calls it a wonderful outcome for all and tells EJ to take the win. EJ agrees to go draw up the papers and walks away.

Dimitri questions what Darius is talking about as far as being his ticket to freedom. Darius tells him not to play innocent and says he’s been keeping tabs on him and Leo from Canada. Dimitri questions him stalking them. Darius says when he found out there was a cash reward on Leo, he came down to Salem to track down Leo and found them going through the town square on Halloween. Dimitri questions how he knew it was them since they had bed sheets over their heads. Darius remarks that he’d recognize Leo anywhere, but before he could rat him out, that bastard got himself caught. Dimitri assures that Leo will be released as soon as he turns himself in. Darius calls that a giant mistake and declares it as the very last thing that Dimitri should do.

Sloan returns to the interrogation room and excitedly informs Leo that it’s all set and that EJ is drawing up the papers as they speak. Leo instead tells Sloan to tell EJ to shred the papers because he doesn’t want the deal. Sloan questions what he means and argues that he’s talking crazy. Sloan tells Leo that he signs the papers and he’s a free man. Leo complains that Dimitri won’t be and would go to prison which he doesn’t think he could handle. Leo says the very thought of it makes him want to cry or bite his nails. Leo cries that he’s very anxious. Sloan tells him to calm down and think rational. Sloan points out that Dimitri wants to do this for Leo and is determined. Leo questions if Dimitri is willing to go to prison so that he could go free. Sloan confirms that Dimitri insisted on it. Leo can’t believe it as no one has ever done anything that selfless for him before. Sloan states that he obviously loves him very much. Leo declares that he can’t let Dimitri sacrifice his freedom for him. Sloan knows it’s not ideal but says if somebody loves him this much and wants to give him a gift like this, he should accept it.

Darius tells Dimitri that he doesn’t need to turn himself in because he can help get him out of here which Dimitri questions. Darius says he can guarantee Dimitri a safe trip to Canada. Dimitri questions why Darius would help him instead of turning him in and getting the reward. Darius remarks that he only wanted the reward for Leo, who he calls a creep and questions why Leo has Dimitri’s heart. Darius says the reward is now worthless to him, so he’s offering to help Dimitri because he loathes and detests Leo for good reason. Dimitri brings up that they were married. Darius complains that he’s still suffering from PTSD from their marriage and asks if Leo never told him about their marriage. Dimitri confirms he never went in to detail. Darius explains that Leo was supposed to get him a green card but he ended up deported when Leo fell for their mark, Dr. Craig Wesley. Darius declares that they had the perfect scam going and Leo ruined it. Darius argues that Dimitri may think that Leo loves him, as he did once too, but insists that Leo is playing him like he does everyone else. Darius declares that while Dimitri is sitting in prison, Leo will have moved on to his next mark. Darius asks why Dimitri would take the fall for Leo when he could set him free?

Holly asks what Johnny wanted to talk to her about without Chanel. Holly gets a text but ignores it. Johnny then informs Holly that he and Chanel’s wedding anniversary is coming up. Holly thought they were divorced. Johnny says that never should’ve happened and since they’ve been lucky enough to get a second chance, he wanted to do something to celebrate their wedding day so he hoped Holly would be willing to help them out. Holly asks why her. Johnny says that she knows them both pretty well and he could use a woman’s touch, so he thinks she’d be the perfect person to plan this surprise. Holly then agrees to help and asks when they start. Holly puts her hand on Johnny’s hand as Chanel then returns to the Pub. Johnny greets her and asks how it was at the Bakery. Chanel tells him it was fine and mentions that Tate was hellbent on checking out the ovens for some reason. Holly then checks her phone and sees her text from Tate, telling her to abort because Chanel was on her way back. Johnny jokes with Chanel that as long as Tate wasn’t checking her out. Holly remarks on her text so Johnny asks if it’s drama with her friends. Holly says it’s something like that. Johnny then gets a call from his sister Sydney and steps away to answer. Chanel then tells Holly that she’s glad they have a minute alone because she knows all about her crush.

Eric asks Nicole how he could’ve ended up with her son. Nicole suggests his wife probably stole him which Eric questions. Nicole brings up what happened to Eli and Lani’s twins and how a psycho nurse rolled Abe out of the hospital without anyone noticing. Nicole suggests Sloan could’ve had someone on the inside to take the baby without anyone looking. Eric calls that far fetched. Nicole argues that if she’s capable of it, so is Sloan. Nicole says instead of speculating on how all of this happened, they’ll just wait for the DNA test and then the truth will come out. Eric says they can agree on that. Nicole thought Kayla was putting a rush on the results. Eric says he will go check with her. Nicole thanks him and says she’ll stay and watch the baby but Eric says no and decides he will take the baby with him.

Leo tells Sloan that he’s never been so conflicted in his entire life. Leo talks about how if Dimitri does this for him, he’ll never see him again because Dimitri would be behind bars. Leo then decides he will do it. Sloan tells him that he’s making the right choice and says she will text Dimitri now. Sloan first gets a call from Eric. Eric says he knows she’s busy with a client but there is something she needs to know. Sloan asks what’s going on. Eric informs her that he’s at the hospital. Sloan asks if everything is okay with the baby. Eric says he’s fine but reveals that he asked Kayla to run a DNA test on him so they can prove to Nicole that he’s not her son, which shocks Sloan.

Holly questions Chanel knowing about her crush. Chanel tells her not to play dumb with her. Holly asks where this is coming from and asks if Tate said something to her. Chanel says no and she doesn’t have to get defensive because it’s very obvious whenever they and Johnny are together. Chanel declares that she’s seen it with her own eyes that Holly is smitten. Chanel gets that he’s a great guy and they’ve been spending so much time together. Chanel thinks that Holly knows they could never be together because Johnny is way too old for her, he’s her stepbrother, and he’s taken by her. Holly claims to not know what Chanel thinks she’s seen but that she’s way off base because she doesn’t have a crush on Johnny. Chanel asks why she asked if Tate said anything then. Holly then claims that it’s because she has a crush on Tate.

Dimitri questions how Darius’ plan will work if he says yes. Darius informs him that a friend is waiting with a car, so all he has to do is say the word and they are off to the Canadian border. Dimitri reminds him that there is a state wide manhunt out for him, so they will recognize him. Darius tells him not to worry as that’s all taken care of and presents him with a dress and a wig. Dimitri wonders why he’d go through all this trouble for him. Darius declares it’s not for him, but against Leo. Darius complains that he gave Leo some of the best years of his life and taught him every trick he knows in the sack. Dimitri tells Darius that he’s so sorry about what happened between he and Leo, but says he knows Leo, he loves him and knows that Leo loves him. Darius argues that Leo used to love him too but he betrayed him and left him for another man, so he deserves to get screwed just like he did him. Darius declares that the best place for Leo to get screwed is in prison.

Sloan questions Eric running a DNA test on their child. Eric says he tried to tell her but she took off before he could. Sloan calls it a completely unnecessary medical procedure. Eric assures that it’s not hurting him and there’s no harm at all. Sloan argues that he’s letting his ex-wife think he believes her ridiculous theory. Eric says he agreed to the test to prove to Nicole once and for all that their son is not her son. Sloan argues that they shouldn’t have to prove anything to anyone, especially Nicole. Eric insists that it’s a good thing because Nicole will finally have to face the truth and declares that they both know how the test will come out. Eric tells Sloan that he has to go as the test results could be ready any minute. Eric says he loves her and hangs up. Leo asks Sloan if everything is okay. Sloan responds that she has to go which Leo questions. Sloan says it’s an emergency. Leo asks about his deal. Sloan tells him that when EJ shows up with the paperwork, he signs it and Dimitri shows up, he’s a free man. Leo questions not having his lawyer present for this. Sloan tells him that all he has to do is sign the papers but if she doesn’t leave now, her life is over as she hurries out of the station.

Darius asks Dimitri if he’s going to be his plus one or if he will let himself be cuckolded. Darius argues that Leo doesn’t have a loyal bone in his body. Dimitri then gets a text from Sloan, informing him that EJ took the deal, so he can free Leo if he turns himself in. Darius argues that he hasn’t signed anything yet, so he can still back out. Darius asks if he’s really going to sacrifice the best years of his life for Leo or if they are going to drive off together. Darius asks him what it’s going to be.

Chanel questions why Holly was so concerned that Tate might have said something to her if she has a crush on him. Holly claims that she told Tate not to tell anyone how she feels and that Tate said his dad won’t let him have much of a social life which includes dating. Tate then arrives at the Pub and greets them. Chanel tells Tate that they were just talking about him. Holly tells Tate that she was just telling Chanel about her crush on him and how his dad won’t let them be together. Johnny comes back over and says that Sydney just wanted an update on how EJ was doing. Johnny then asks what they are talking about.

EJ returns to the interrogation room and says that everything seems to be in order but questions where Sloan is. Leo says that she had to step out on an emergency. EJ assumes that Leo wants his lawyer to look over the papers before he signs but Leo says just this once, he’s going to trust a DiMera and signs the papers. Leo asks if that means he’s free to go. EJ says once his boyfriend shows up which he doubts. Dimitri then arrives as Leo comments on EJ having little faith.

Darius dresses up in drag with the wig and dress and declares that it was worth a try but remarks that it looks better on him anyway as he then exits the motel.

Holly tells Johnny that she was just telling Chanel about her crush on Tate but that they can’t be together. Johnny says he’s sorry to hear that. Holly says that Brady won’t let Tate date because of what he did at his school. Tate responds that it’s not true and that they can date. Holly asks what about his dad. Tate says he doesn’t care what he thinks anymore and puts his arm around Holly.

Sloan goes to the hospital and finds Nicole in Kayla’s office. Sloan asks where Eric is. Nicole responds that Eric went to go get the test results and comments on how Sloan ran over here. Nicole asks if she’s afraid the jig is up. Sloan claims not to know what she’s talking about. Nicole tells her to save it, arguing that Sloan thinks she outsmarted her but she’s been through this before and the truth is going to come out. Eric then enters with the baby, surprised to see Sloan. Sloan declares that she had to come here because he has to put a stop to this immediately. Nicole points out that Sloan is refusing to go along with this because she knows the truth is coming out. Sloan complains that she never gave her consent to put their baby through a DNA test. Eric tells Sloan that he’s sorry but it’s a little too late for that as he’s got the test results right here.

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Days Update Friday, December 1, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny and Chanel have breakfast at the Brady Pub. Johnny suggests they do this more often now that Chanel finally found someone to replace Talia at the Bakery and will have more free time. Chanel assures that she plans to spend her time with him. Chanel asks Johnny about his bracelet. Johnny informs her that Holly made it for him and calls it cute. Chanel questions that and asks if he still doesn’t think Holly has a crush on him.

Holly is at home at the DiMera Mansion, holding a photo of Johnny as she thinks back to them eating together on Thanksgiving. Holly puts the photo down and tells herself to focus as she can’t sit around dreaming about Johnny all day when Nicole is struggling and needs her help.

Dimitri in his motel room and looks through the newspaper, saying that Sloan said she got Leo released so he looks for the article about it but instead finds out that Leo is to be arraigned on murder charges and questions what the hell this is.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ tells Nicole that he’s off to make sure Leo is held responsible for their baby’s death. Nicole tells him to go do what he has to do. EJ wishes Dimitri was also in custody. Nicole remarks that he’s the only one who really knows what happened that night. EJ states that they know Dimitri brought the baby in to the hospital where Dr. Pierce tried to save his life but couldn’t. EJ remembers that he said he wouldn’t keep trying to convince her that the baby that Eric and Sloan adopted isn’t their baby. Nicole says he doesn’t have to. EJ asks if that means she’s accepted that their child is gone. Nicole responds that she has, but there’s so many unanswered questions from that night and she won’t feel at peace unless she knows the whole story. EJ says he knows and hugs her.

Holly calls Eric, who asks if everything is okay. Holly wanted to confirm that he’s still going to do the DNA test today. Eric confirms he set up the appointment with Kayla. Holly thanks him so much for doing this as she thinks it might be the only way to prove that his baby isn’t Nicole’s. Eric asks if Nicole knows about the test. Holly says no as she didn’t want to get her hopes up in case Eric said no. Eric says he’s happy to do whatever he can to put Nicole’s mind at ease and that he just needs to talk to Sloan about it first. Sloan then walks in and asks what he needs to talk to her about.

Johnny tells Chanel that it’s just a friendship bracelet that Holly made for him to thank him for spending Thanksgiving with her. Chanel responds that she knows how teenage girls are. Johnny insists that Holly is not in to him and already admitted to crushing on his dad. Chanel talks about how that’s weird since EJ is her stepfather and asks why Holly is making gifts for Johnny then. Tate comes over while working at the Pub and declares that Chanel is right that Holly doesn’t have a crush on EJ.

Holly guesses Eric will have to get back to her. Eric doesn’t think it will be an issue but says he will text her to confirm. Holly thanks him and hangs up. Sloan asks who was on the phone. Eric tells her it was Holly and she’s concerned about Nicole. Sloan guesses Nicole’s still fixated on the idea that their baby is her baby. Eric confirms that she is and says that’s why Holly had this idea but they get interrupted as Sloan gets a text and says she’s waiting to hear from the judge on Leo Stark’s case. Eric asks what’s going on with that. Sloan responds that she filed a motion this morning to have the murder charges dropped ahead of his arraignment. Sloan then reads her text which is from Dimitri, saying that she lied to him and warning her to prepare for the consequences.

EJ meets Leo in the interrogation room. Leo tells EJ that he’s not speaking with him without his attorney present. EJ says he doesn’t have to talk as he just wanted to tell him that he’s going to relish throwing the book at him. EJ reminds Leo that he’s being charged with aiding a wanted fugitive and also with the murder of his son. Leo tells EJ that he’s sincerely sorry for what happened to his baby. EJ thought he wasn’t going to talk. Leo says he needs to say this because he delivered the baby and is heartsick that he didn’t make it. Leo adds that his attorney told him there is no way that EJ can get the murder charge to stick. EJ argues that he can and he will which means Leo is going to spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars.

Nicole joins Holly in the living room and tells her that EJ had to go to work as he has the hearing about Leo’s case. Holly says that’s too bad as she hoped to talk to both of them. Nicole asks what it is. Holly explains that she’s been thinking about the conversation that they had about the baby and guesses that Nicole still thinks that Eric and Sloan’s baby is her baby. Nicole confirms that she let EJ think that she was letting it go, but insists that she could feel it in her heart when she held the baby and she knew he was her son. Nicole wishes there was a way that she could prove it. Holly responds that maybe she can. Nicole asks what she means. Holly then reveals that she went to see Eric last night and he agreed to have a DNA test done on the baby.

Tate apologizes for eavesdropping. Chanel tells him it’s okay as she’s glad that someone finally agrees with her about the whole Holly thing. Tate repeats that Holly doesn’t have a crush on EJ, at least not anymore, as she told him that she’s completely over him. Johnny asks if Tate is saying that Holly did have a crush on EJ. Tate asks what he means. Johnny explains that Chanel thinks Holly having a crush on EJ was just a cover story for her really having a crush on him. Tate laughs that off and says no way. Chanel asks if he’s sure. Tate claims that he and Holly have gotten really close and that she trusts him with all of her deepest secrets. Tate thinks back to agreeing to help Holly break up Johnny and Chanel. Chanel guesses that if Holly hasn’t said anything to Tate about Johnny then maybe she’s wrong. Johnny jokes with her about admitting to being wrong. Johnny tells Tate that he’s sorry for distracting him from work. Tate says he’s actually glad he ran in to him as it reminded him of something important he has to do which kind of involves Chanel.

Nicole asks Holly if Eric thinks Sloan will go along with the DNA test. Holly confirms that he didn’t seem to think it would be a problem. Nicole calls that great and asks when they can do it. Holly says Eric set up the appointment for today and guesses they just need a sample from Nicole or EJ. Nicole gets excited and says that’s not a problem. Holly hopes she doesn’t mind that she did this without asking. Nicole assures that she’s incredibly grateful that she would do this for her. Holly says she just hates seeing her in pain and wanted to find a way to help. Nicole thanks her and says she has no idea how much it means to her. Nicole adds that everyone thinks she’s gone off the deep end so it means a lot that her daughter is on her side as they hug.

Dimitri texts Sloan that Leo is facing prison and she will be too when he tells Nicole everything. Sloan responds that she’ll be right over and tells him not to do anything until she gets there. Eric asks Sloan how the judge ruled. Sloan says it wasn’t from the judge but it was about Leo’s case and she has to go deal with it. Eric tries to tell her about Holly’s idea but Sloan just says whatever they want to do to make sure Nicole accepts the truth is fine by her. Sloan tells Eric she’ll see him later and hurries out.

Leo informs EJ that Sloan told him felony murder doesn’t count in his case because the baby died at the hospital which was after he and Dimitri were fleeing the police, not during the actual crime. EJ says that Sloan tried to spin the story the same way with him, but argues that it’s not accurate because his son died from injuries in the accident that Leo and Dimitri caused which makes him still very much responsible. Leo argues that Sloan would’ve mentioned that. EJ guesses that Sloan hoped she could change his mind and get him to drop the charges. EJ says that Sloan tried to sell that to the judge as well but he won’t approve of dismissing the murder charges since the doctor gave a statement saying the baby’s death was a direct result of Leo’s actions. EJ tells Leo to face it that he’s screwed.

Chanel asks Tate how she’s involved in what he’s supposed to do. Tate explains how he caused damages at his old school and his dad is making him pay for it which is how he got the job at the Pub. Tate jokes that he’ll be working off the debt until he’s Roman’s age, so he’s been looking desperately for a second job and hoped he could work at the Bakery. Chanel admits they could use the help and says she’ll send him an application. Tate offers if they can go fill it out now since he’s about to go on break as he’s anxious to get started. Johnny points out that they haven’t even eaten yet. Chanel says it’s fine as she will walk him over to get the application while Johnny orders for them and then she’ll be back before the food. Tate thanks Chanel and they exit together.

Holly remains looking at Johnny’s photo until Nicole returns to the room with her toothbrush for a DNA sample. Holly asks if she’s nervous. Nicole says she is but isn’t. Nicole declares that she’s not worried. Nicole talks about feeling something so deep in your soul that no one can talk you out of it and you would risk anything to get the world to understand. Holly looks at Johnny’s photo and thinks she has felt that. Nicole says that’s why she is not worried. Nicole asks if it’s too early to go to the hospital. Holly doesn’t think so and mentions that Eric texted her that he and the baby are already there.

Eric meets Kayla at the hospital with the baby. Kayla compliments the baby and asks what his name is. Eric admits that he and Sloan haven’t been able to settle on that yet. Kayla asks what they came in for today. Eric responds that he was hoping for a DNA test. Kayla assumes it’s for the purpose of genetic testing. Eric says maybe down the road, but right now it’s more to prove that his son is his and not EJ and Nicole’s son.

Leo asks EJ how his actions caused the accident when he wasn’t the one driving. EJ says he’s well aware but Dimitri isn’t here to face the consequences and Leo is. Leo swears he doesn’t know where to find Dimitri so EJ guesses it’s on Leo to carry the burden. Leo calls that not fair. EJ warns him not to talk to him about fair as he brings up his child’s life being cut short thanks to Leo and Dimitri and now Nicole will grieve and suffer for the rest of her life. Leo apologizes again but insists it was a terrible accident and no one ever intended for anyone to get hurt. EJ states that it doesn’t matter as all he has to prove is that Leo committed a crime that directly led to the death of his son. Leo complains that he did everything he could to save him including delivering him, himself. Leo adds that after Dimitri left, he didn’t leave Nicole’s side until help arrived and asks if that counts for anything. EJ says no, because in the end his son is still dead.

Sloan goes to see Dimitri at the motel and says she can explain about Leo. Dimitri argues that she lied to him when she told him that she would get the murder charges dropped. Sloan responds that she tried her best and she built a strong case but EJ wouldn’t listen. Dimitri complains that it still leaves Leo on the hook for a murder of a child that’s still very much alive and living in her apartment. Sloan insists that she’s far from done in fighting the charges against Leo as she filed a motion this morning to have the judge drop the charges and she has high hopes he will listen to reason. Dimitri states that is not good enough as she didn’t hold up her end of the bargain, so he has no choice but to call Nicole and tell her all about how Sloan stole her baby.

Nicole tells Holly that she’s all set to go but then she gets a call from an unknown caller. Nicole answers the call and it’s Dimitri, who says they need to talk. Nicole is really glad he called because she needs to talk to him about her baby and asks what happened when he left the crash site with her son. Dimitri says that’s exactly why he’s calling. Sloan then grabs the phone from Dimitri and hangs up. Nicole guesses they got disconnected. Holly asks what he said. Nicole says Dimitri was going to tell her what happened to her baby and how Eric and Sloan ended up with her son. Holly suggests just calling him back, so she does.

Dimitri asks Sloan for his phone back. Sloan ignores Nicole’s call. Sloan knows Dimitri is upset about the charges against Leo but argues that telling Nicole is not going to free Leo. Dimitri asks how that is since EJ will have to drop the charges if he finds out the baby is not dead. Sloan argues that Leo will still face charges for a litany of other crimes. Sloan adds that they could hear back from the judge any minute now that he’s dropping the charges based on the motion she filed. Sloan checks her phone and sees a missed call and a voicemail, so she hopes it’s good news.

EJ finishes a call with the judge and informs Leo that he denied Sloan’s motion to drop the charges, so the murder charge stays.

Dimitri asks Sloan what the judge said. Sloan responds that she’s sorry. Dimitri decides that he’s telling Nicole everything then. Sloan pleads with him that he can’t. Dimitri declares that he’s not letting Leo go away for murder. Sloan promises that he won’t and guarantees that Leo will walk, but there’s one thing he has to do to ensure that. Sloan informs Dimitri that he has to turn himself in.

Nicole complains that Dimitri isn’t picking up and guesses he won’t call back. Nicole decides they should just get to the hospital. Holly then gets a text from Tate that Johnny is alone at the Pub and that he will stall Chanel so that she can make her move. Nicole asks Holly if something is wrong. Holly says it’s nothing and that a friend wanted to meet up but it can wait. Nicole tells her that she can go to the hospital on her own. Holly feels like she should be with her. Nicole says she just has to give her toothbrush and wait. Nicole tells Holly that she’s done enough already and that thanks to her, she will be reunited with her son.

Eric explains to Kayla that Nicole thought it was her baby, so Holly came up with the idea of the DNA test to put her mind at ease. Kayla calls it really kind of Eric and Sloan to agree to it. Eric admits that he hasn’t had a chance to tell Sloan but Kayla says only one parent has to sign off so he doesn’t need her permission. Eric says that’s good because Sloan is getting very uncomfortable with Nicole claiming it’s her child. Kayla says she should be very relieved when the results come out then. Eric gets a text from Nicole that she’s on her way with her DNA sample so Kayla says they can get started.

Holly goes to the Pub and finds Johnny sitting alone. She calls it a surprise and asks if he’s eating alone. Johnny tells her that Chanel was with him but she took Tate to the Bakery to apply for a job. Holly notes that Tate has been talking about getting another gig. Holly offers to sit with him until Chanel gets back which Johnny allows. Holly notices that Johnny is wearing the bracelet she made for him and says it looks great. Holly adds that she’s glad they had a chance to be alone because she has something she wants to tell him but wants to keep it between them.

Kayla tells Eric that she just needs a sample from Nicole or EJ and they are all set. Nicole then arrives with her sample and hands over the toothbrush. Nicole thanks Eric for doing this. Eric says anything he can do to help. Nicole asks how the baby is doing. Eric says he’s great and sleeping right now. Nicole asks to look in on him and promises not to wake him which Eric allows. Nicole tells the baby that she’s so happy to see him and is sorry he had to be dragged to the hospital while taking a nap. Nicole hopes in the end that it will all be worth it.

Leo tells EJ that he’s making a big mistake going after him like this. Leo says that thanks to the support of the Spectator, the court of public opinion already decided he’s a victim. EJ says that’s not a real court. Leo suggests it’s the only one that counts and he becomes the story himself. Leo says that people are very invested in his happiness. EJ remarks that was before they found out he killed a baby. Leo argues that he didn’t as he delivered the baby himself and then Dimitri took him to the hospital. Leo insists that EJ will be screwed when they hear his side of the story as they will see that EJ is trying to railroad him and then they will be asking for his resignation. EJ thinks Leo is vastly overestimating his influence. Leo says he couldn’t be more wrong and claims his devoted fans are loyal and protective. Leo compares himself to the #FreeBritney movement which EJ laughs at. Leo declares that Paulina will have no choice but to fire EJ. EJ tells him it was a nice try but calls him completely delusional as no one gives a rat’s ass about him, including Dimitri.

Dimitri questions Sloan wanting him to turn himself in. Sloan says then they could make a trade with EJ, since it was Dimitri behind the wheel and not Leo. Sloan declares that if Dimitri agrees to plead guilty, Leo walks. Dimitri questions why he would ever do that when he can prove that Leo never murdered anyone and Sloan could fight the other charges. Sloan declares that she can’t fight the charges if she’s in prison for stealing Nicole’s baby. Dimitri shouts that he’ll hire another attorney then as she’s not the only one in town. Sloan complains that Dimitri is forgetting that EJ is incredibly dangerous and he will torture and punish Leo while holding him responsible for Dimitri’s claims. Sloan adds that Leo already admitted to much of what he’s done, so he is going to prison and maybe for the rest of his life. Sloan asks if that’s what Dimitri wants. Dimitri says of course not. Sloan states that what they need to do is make a trade with EJ and give him what he really wants which is Dimitri’s head on a platter, repeating that it was Dimitri driving when Nicole got in the accident. Sloan guesses the real question is how much Leo means to Dimitri. Sloan asks if he loves him enough to sacrifice himself to save him.

EJ tells Leo that Dimitri is probably off somewhere enjoying the good life and never looking back. Leo insists their love affair is real. EJ says maybe to Leo, but to Dimitri it was just a temporary diversion and now Leo is all alone. Sloan arrives and says that’s not true. Sloan announces that she just spoke to Dimitri and he’s willing to turn himself in if EJ drops all charges against Leo.

Dimitri remains in his motel room, looking at the photos he and Leo took as ghosts on Halloween. Dimitri can’t believe he’s doing this but decides that Sloan is right that if he wants to free Leo, he has to turn himself in. Dimitri never thought he would sacrifice himself for another person, but declares that’s how much he loves Leo. Someone then knocks on his door. Dimitri questions who the hell that could be.

Tate and Chanel walk through the town square. Tate thanks her for the tour of the Bakery and calls her a genius. Chanel jokes that he doesn’t have to suck up to her to get the job. Chanel instructs him to just fill out the application and they will find something for him. Tate thanks her. Chanel says she’s going back to the Pub but Tate stops her and says she can’t go back yet. Chanel asks why not.

Johnny tells Holly that she sounds serious. Holly says that it is. Johnny asks what it’s about. Holly responds that it’s about her mom. Johnny mentions that EJ told him that she thinks Eric and Sloan’s baby is her baby. Holly calls it so sad as Nicole is totally convinced their little brother didn’t die and that somehow Eric ended up with him. Johnny calls that a lot. Holly explains that she knew Nicole wouldn’t get over it until she had proof, so she came up with a plan. Holly reveals that they are doing a DNA test on Eric’s baby right now.

Nicole asks Kayla what happens now. Kayla says she will take the samples to the lab now and if they are lucky, they’ll get the results back within the hour. Kayla tells Nicole and Eric that they can stay and wait if they want. Eric thanks her as Kayla says she’ll see them soon and exits. Nicole can’t believe that she’s about to have proof that this is her baby.

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Days Update Thursday, November 30, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Sloan is at home and calls out to Eric that she is getting the baby his bottle. Sloan then gets a call from Dimitri, who asks if she’s gotten Leo out of prison yet. Sloan tells him to give her a break as it’s only been a couple hours. Sloan reminds Dimitri that she’s also caring for a baby. Dimitri says that’s not his problem and orders her to do her job, or else his next call will be to the baby’s real mother.

Nicole sits at home with her phone. EJ walks in and talks about his work call taking so long even on Thanksgiving. EJ asks if she wants more tea or something to eat but Nicole says she’s fine. Nicole asks if everyone else went out for Thanksgiving. Holly then walks in and is surprised to see Nicole is home.

Theresa calls that very gallant of Alex to come to her defense like that as she doesn’t think anyone’s ever done that for her before. Alex calls the knight in shining armor routine new for him too but says she had a rough day and Xander got what he deserved. Theresa checks on Alex’s hand. Alex admits it hurt and hopes that she knows she’s not the problem for Xander. Theresa states that he has lots of problems because of her. Alex argues that Xander always wants something he can’t have but he’s never going to be able to trade places with him. Theresa then asks why they are wasting time talking about Xander and suggests they go home.

Steve tells Maggie that he didn’t want to say anything until he had more information, but it’s very possible that Konstantin orchestrated the kidnapping to score points with Maggie and Sarah. Konstantin swears he would never do that and that he had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Steve questions if it was just a coincidence that a mysterious stranger just wandered in as soon as he started watching the baby. Konstantin then shouts that it was not mysterious at all and reveals he knows who did it. Maggie questions him saying he knows who took Victoria. Konstantin flashes back to retrieving the baby from Theresa. Konstantin confirms that he does, so Steve asks who it was. Konstantin calls it very hard for him to say. Steve tells him to just spit it out. Konstantin knows he said Steve was mistaken but he’s starting to believe he’s not completely off base. Konstantin declares that the person who took Victoria did it because of him, to force his hand.

Holly says if EJ and Nicole want space, she’ll just go up to her room. Nicole stops her and apologizes for what happened at the hospital, snapping at her when she was just trying to make her feel better. Holly assures that it’s okay as she can’t imagine what she’s going through. Nicole thanks her. Holly asks if she needs anything. Nicole hugs her and declares that she has everything she needs in this room. Nicole tells Holly that she’s so grateful to have her as her daughter and she loves her so much.

Dimitri tells Sloan to acknowledge that she heard his request. Sloan assures that she did, especially the part where he was threatening her and her son. Dimitri asks for a response. Sloan tells him that she will leave her son at home on his first night to go deal with Leo. Dimitri tells her that she can come see him at the White Dove Motel when it’s done. Sloan hangs up as Eric comes home and tells Sloan that he finally got the baby back to sleep. Sloan apologizes for forgetting to warm up the bottle. Eric asks if everything is okay. Sloan tells him it’s not and she has to deal with a client. Eric questions it being on Thanksgiving. Sloan calls it an emergency and asks if he’ll be okay alone with the baby. Eric jokes that the men will hold down the fort. Sloan thanks him and calls him a lifesaver as she kisses him. Sloan then exits as she wishes Eric a happy Thanksgiving.

Alex and Theresa go home where Theresa holds frozen peas on his injured hand. Theresa hates that he got hurt but is so grateful that he came to her defense twice in one day. Alex responds that Xander had no right to talk to her that way while Konstantin doesn’t know either one of them. Alex knows Maggie likes Konstantin and he seemed okay at first, but he’s starting to wonder about him. Alex mentions wanting to stop by the Kiriakis Mansion tomorrow after being swamped at work. Alex invites Theresa to come with him but Theresa questions where their professional relationship leaves their personal relationship.

Maggie questions Konstantin about someone kidnapping her granddaughter to force his hand. Konstantin says it was people back in Greece which Steve questions. Konstantin claims that it all started with his loan from Victor to start his restaurant and says he had every intention of paying it back, but when he couldn’t. he turned to an unsavory man with connections to the Greek underworld to help him. Maggie asks if he’s talking about the mob. Konstantin admits he couldn’t pay him either so before he knew it, he owed twice as much. Steve asks what this has to do with baby Victoria. Konstantin claims he thinks this man or one of his associates took the baby to use as leverage. Steve wonders why Konstantin waited until now to say anything.

Marlena goes to see Eric and wishes him a happy Thanksgiving. Marlena hugs Eric and acknowledges that her son is now a dad. Marlena asks to see the baby. Eric says he just put him to sleep but she can look in on him. Marlena adds that she brought a present for the baby. Marlena mentions not knowing his name. Eric explains that he and Sloan haven’t agreed on one yet. Marlena asks where Sloan is so she can congratulate the new mom but Eric informs her that she stepped out on a client emergency.

The doorbell at the DiMera Mansion rings so EJ tells Nicole and Holly that he will get that. Holly tells Nicole that she seems a lot better today. Nicole responds that she is and with good reason. Nicole adds that there is something she wants to tell Holly that she didn’t want to say in front of EJ. Nicole then declares that her baby is alive.

EJ answers the door at the DiMera Mansion to see Sloan.

Steve asks Konstantin again why he waited until now to speak up if he knew the mobsters took Sarah’s baby. Konstantin claims that he didn’t put it together until today, but now he wonders if they were watching him all along or if they followed him to wait for an opening and then jumped at the opportunity. Konstantin tells Maggie that he’s sorry for putting her family in danger.

Theresa tells Alex that she doesn’t mean to put him on the spot, but they haven’t really defined what they had. Theresa says they slept together in Greece because he felt sorry for her but Alex insists that was not pity sex. Theresa says that afterwards, they agreed to step back and take things slow. Alex notes that is what Theresa said she wanted. Theresa points out that they are living together now and even with separate bedrooms, people that are taking it slow don’t really share a bathroom. Theresa asks Alex where they go from here. Alex asks if there is some place she’s hoping to go. Theresa points out that they went on one date already and asks how he feels about another date or if the situation is too messy for him.

Eric opens Marlena’s present which is baby shoes. Marlena brings up Nicole’s baby and doesn’t know how she lives with the pain. Eric acknowledges that she had high hopes. Marlena says she thought about stopping in on her and EJ but thought about giving them more time. Marlena asks if Eric has seen Nicole. Eric confirms he ran in to her today. Marlena asks how she seemed. Eric responds that she was grieving, but when she held his baby, she was convinced that he was her baby.

Holly questions how Nicole’s baby could be alive and what makes her think that. Nicole explains that Eric and Sloan adopted a newborn baby boy today and she ran in to Eric at the Pub today. Nicole says she asked to hold him and that’s when she knew he was her baby. Nicole adds that Eric and EJ didn’t believe her and she knows how it sounds, but insists that it’s the truth that the baby that Eric and Sloan adopted is the baby that she gave birth to. Nicole declares that he is her baby boy.

EJ asks what the hell Sloan wants. Sloan says she came to offer her condolences for the loss of his child first. EJ thanks her and asks what is second. Sloan responds that she came on behalf of her client, Leo Stark, and says EJ has to drop the murder charges against him because he’s not responsible for the death of his son. EJ asks if Leo isn’t responsible, then who is?

Konstantin tells Maggie that he has deep regret about bringing criminals to her doorstep but assures that he was never in cahoots with them. Steve calls it quite a story. Maggie says it’s quite troubling but she thanks Konstantin for being honest. Konstantin apologizes to Steve for not coming to him and John earlier. Steve warns that he’s just lucky that Victoria is safe. Steve tells Maggie that he’s going to head home as Kayla is finishing up her shift at the hospital and he’d like to spend the rest of the holiday with his wife. Maggie wishes them a happy Thanksgiving and thanks Steve for his help. Steve then exits the mansion.

Alex says he can’t deny that their situation is complicated. Theresa asks if that means he wants to keep the romance out of it and just be roommates and co-workers. Alex says he didn’t say that but they have a lot working against them as he has family members that aren’t thrilled about them being together. Theresa thought he didn’t care about what Xander said. Alex notes that Xander isn’t the only one that warned him about her as Brady pretty much told him that he’d be risking everything by letting her in to his life and his company. Theresa admits that she and Brady have a very long history and most of it is bad. Alex is sure that Brady has his own agenda. Alex says the bottom line is that Brady is not scaring him off, because he doesn’t scare that easily. Theresa says she’s noticed that about him and it makes her very happy because she’s trying to accept the roommate living situation thing they have going but admits it’s kind of killing her. Alex asks how so. Theresa declares that she’s so in to Alex and it keeps her up at night as she can’t wait to see him in the morning. Theresa states that being this close to him makes it so hard to pretend that she doesn’t want to rip off his clothes. Alex then kisses Theresa. Alex suggests they take it to the bedroom as they continue kissing.

Marlena tells Eric that it’s not too surprising that Nicole would believe his baby was her baby as the grief can be overwhelming and rather than trying to cope, she’s subconsciously trying to deny it. Eric says it’s just uncomfortable and sad as Nicole wouldn’t even give the baby back until EJ came out of the Pub and convinced her to. Marlena asks if she accepted it then. Eric says she seemed to, but he’s just not sure. Eric talks about how Nicole looked back at the baby as she walked away, as if she wasn’t letting go of him.

Sloan understands EJ needs to blame someone for the death of his son. EJ blames Leo for causing the car accident with Dimitri. Sloan argues that Leo is not at fault for that and the baby was alive when he arrived at the hospital so he did not die during a crime. EJ says if Sloan is so hellbent on saving Leo, then she should produce the driver of the car, Dimitri. EJ declares that if she can’t, he will see her in court. EJ tells Sloan to show herself out and heads back in to the living room. Sloan follows him to stop him. EJ questions what the hell she is doing. Sloan responds that she just wanted to talk to him more. EJ threatens to throw her out but Nicole stops him. Sloan greets Nicole but Nicole then questions why Sloan took her baby. Nicole demands an answer as to why she took his little boy. EJ tells her that they talked about this. Sloan says she heard from Eric. Nicole asks if he said she was crazy. Sloan says she’s truly sorry for her loss, but their son is not her son. Nicole questions who gave the baby to her and how she got him. EJ declares that it’s time for Sloan to leave but Nicole argues that she needs answers. EJ says not tonight. Nicole pleads with him. Sloan tells Nicole to listen to EJ and put an end to this for everybody’s sake. Holly tries to stop Nicole as Sloan exits. Nicole cries that she needs to know why Sloan and Eric have her baby.

Konstantin tells Maggie that he’s so sorry and feels that he has ruined her holidays. Maggie calls it very troubling. Konstantin says he doesn’t blame Steve for being suspicious of him as he’s sure it serves him well in his profession. Konstantin adds that Maggie is very lucky to have a friend so protective of her. Konstantin admits Steve is correct that it was his fault that her granddaughter was in danger. Maggie questions those people making Konstantin’s life hell for years, but she doesn’t condone his involvement with them and won’t tolerate having her family’s safety threatened in any way. Maggie declares that she needs Konstantin to leave now.

Alex and Theresa continue kissing and start to undress. Theresa mentions that she has her clothes all over her floor and bed so suggests going to Alex’s room, but Alex admits he hasn’t changed his sheets since they moved in. Theresa refuses to get naked in there then, so they decide on the couch and continue kissing.

Marlena tells Eric that she’s sorry that he had an uncomfortable moment with Nicole. Eric states that she doesn’t deserve any of this and he just feels blessed to be a dad while he can’t imagine losing him. Marlena tells Eric that she’s so happy for him as he’s waited so long for this. Marlena decides she should get going and reminds Eric to name the baby. Eric says they will work on that and adds that they are planning a christening. Marlena says she’s looking forward to it and tells Eric not to worry too much about Nicole as she’ll figure a way through this. Eric thanks Marlena as she then exits.

Nicole questions why EJ let Sloan leave without going after her. EJ understands how upsetting it must have been to see Eric out with his son today. Nicole argues that it was their son and she needs to get him back from Sloan. EJ tells her that going after Sloan will just make her angry and sadder. EJ says they will discuss this further when she calms down. EJ tells Nicole that he loves her and that they will figure this out together. Nicole cries that she just wants her baby back as EJ hugs her.

Alex and Theresa lay on the couch after having sex. Theresa says who needs a bed while Alex agrees that sheets just get in the way. Theresa calls the couch enjoyable while Alex jokes that the floor wasn’t too bad either. Alex assures her that it was not pity sex. Theresa thanks him and suggests maybe they have dinner first next time, assuming there will be a next time. Alex assures there will be. Theresa jokes that maybe next time they can even try a bed as they continue kissing.

Konstantin questions Maggie wanting him to leave. Maggie is sure he will understand that the safety of her family will always be her first priority. Konstantin says he understands and respects that, but he doesn’t know where to go. Maggie suggests the Salem Inn for tonight until he books his flight back to Greece. Konstantin says he can’t afford to. Maggie gets that money is obviously an issue for him and since his debt was incurred because of her husband, she will pay off his debt to Victor. Konstantin says he can’t let that happen but Maggie insists. Maggie believes he’s a good man, who got involved in a very bad and dangerous situation. Maggie repeats that she doesn’t condone him borrowing money from a criminal because he was desperate. Maggie says she’s not judging him but she can’t have that danger around her family. Maggie agrees to give him enough to pay for his night at the Salem Inn and then she will cover his flight back to Greece. Maggie says she’s sorry it came to this. Konstantin says he’s heartbroken as he cares for her and her friendship is a blessing to him, but he understands she’s keeping her family safe and he will respect her wishes. Maggie decides she will pay off the criminals that harassed him and then maybe, he can get his life back. Konstantin thanks her for all that she has done and says her kindness and support means more than she’ll ever know. Konstantin goes to pack his things.

Steve walks through the town square and calls John. Steve knows they said no calls on the holidays but he didn’t think this could wait. Steve informs John that he just came from Maggie’s and he’ll never guess what Konstantin is claiming now. Steve reveals that Konstantin said Sarah’s baby being kidnapped was because of Greek mobsters that he owed money to and Maggie believed him. Steve thinks they need to step up their investigation and get Konstantin out of Maggie’s life before she gets in any deeper.

Sloan goes to see Dimitri at the motel. Dimitri complains that it took her long enough and asks if she talked to EJ. Sloan confirms that she did and claims the charges against Leo will be dropped in the morning. Dimitri tells her good work and that he knew she could do it.

EJ brings Nicole a glass of water and asks how she’s feeling. Nicole responds that she’s better now thanks to him. Nicole apologizes for earlier. EJ says there’s no need to apologize. Nicole knows EJ doesn’t think it’s possible that Sloan’s baby could be their baby. EJ understands that she does, so he’s not going to try to convince her otherwise. EJ calls it one of the longest days of his life and he’s sure she feels the same. EJ points out that it’s still Thanksgiving and they have a lot to be grateful for. EJ feels things will look a lot different in the morning. Nicole hopes so as she feels so bad for falling apart in front of Holly since she looked so worried. Nicole asks if EJ knows where Holly went.

Holly goes to see Eric, who calls it a nice surprise and wishes her a happy Thanksgiving. Eric asks if something is wrong and if her mom is okay. Holly responds that she was just with her and she still believes his baby is her baby, so that’s why she is here. Holly had an idea that maybe would put Nicole’s mind at ease. Holly asks if Eric would be willing to perform a DNA test on her baby. Holly assures that she knows the baby isn’t Nicole’s, but thought maybe if they could prove it to Nicole then she’ll have to let it go. Holly knows it will be hard for Nicole to face the truth but at least she would know for sure that the baby is not her baby.

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