Days Update Friday, December 8, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tate eats at the Brady Pub as Roman comes by and jokes about using his employee discount. Tate stops Roman to ask if he can talk to him about his schedule. Roman tells him to make it quick as he is on his way to meet his new grandson. Tate congratulates him on that and asks if he can take tomorrow night off. Roman guesses he has big plans with Holly since Johnny told him that they are seeing each other.

In the town square, Chanel gives Holly scones from the bakery and apologizes for thinking she had a crush on Johnny and admits that she was wrong. Holly says it’s okay and jokes that having a crush on her own stepbrother would be cringey. Chanel points out that she did at one point say she was hot for her stepdad. Holly calls that eons ago and says it’s completely different now.

Johnny enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and tells EJ that he’s sorry as he wishes he didn’t have to go through this. Johnny mentions that Holly told him about the DNA test. EJ responds that they completed it and it proved that Eric and Sloan’s baby was not their baby, so Nicole has no other choice but to accept that their son is deceased.

Sloan sits at home with her tablet, reading an article on Dimitri admitting all. Sloan remarks that he didn’t admit all as she looks over the baby. Sloan is thankful that she got him that deal for Leo to go free. Sloan declares that now that Dimitri is behind bars, he’ll never tell anyone who the baby really is.

Leo visits Dimitri in prison and says he was up all night, imagining him in there. Leo says he made him a list of survival tips based on his previous experience in prison. Dimitri insists that he’s fine and that he will be okay. Dimitri then decides he will take any tips that he has. Leo says first they need to talk about the bomb he dropped on him yesterday. Leo questions what Dimitri meant when he said that EJ and Nicole’s son isn’t really dead.

Tate tells Roman that he doesn’t have plans with Holly tomorrow night and that Brady doesn’t really want him dating right now. Tate guesses he wanted to keep his dating life on the DL but he forgot to mention that to Johnny. Roman assures he doesn’t have to worry as his lips are sealed.

Chanel tells Holly that she’s glad things worked out for her and Tate. Chanel adds that Tate is going to be on staff at the Bakery so that means they will be seeing Holly more often. They talk about how Nicole craved jelly donuts while pregnant. Holly mentions that Nicole is going through a really hard time right now. Chanel relates to her sister losing a baby and says she can only imagine what they all are going through right now.

Dimitri tells Leo that he’s sorry as he didn’t mean to leave him in suspense and he wouldn’t have dropped that shocking news on him if he knew Rafe was going to storm in and drag him out. Leo says he was relieved because he was devastated thinking the baby was dead. Leo then asks Dimitri where the hell the baby is then.

Sloan tells baby Jude that it’s only been a few days but she already can’t imagine her life without him. Eric joins her and talks about Sloan being maternal. Sloan jokes about Jude falling asleep while she read him a story last night. Eric says he’s loving this side of her. Sloan admits she’s loving exploring that side but she does regret not taking maternity leave but says work has been too crazy. Eric mentions reading that Dimitri turned himself in and asks about him still being at fault for Nicole’s baby’s death.

Johnny tells EJ that he feels helpless and wishes there was something he could do other than say sorry over and over again. EJ talks about not expecting anything different with the DNA test, but Nicole was so convinced that Eric and Sloan ended up with their baby that she took it pretty hard. Johnny asks if EJ thinks Nicole is now accepting reality. EJ confirms that she appears to have, but he thought she did before, so he doesn’t know if it’s going to stick. EJ remarks that lately Nicole’s behavior has been rather erratic right as Nicole enters the room and questions if he thinks she’s gone off the deep end. Nicole tells EJ to just say that he thinks she’s crazy.

Leo goes over how Dimitri left the accident site and was supposed to take the baby to the hospital. Dimitri explains that he did go to the hospital but it was crawling with cops, so he panicked and went to Sloan’s place, thinking that since she was Leo’s lawyer, she could help. Dimitri goes over how he was running out of time and Dr. Rolf was leaving town. Dimitri tells Leo that Sloan and Melinda agreed to bring the baby to the hospital for him. Dimitri says that he left town and assumed they did so but when he got back to town, he found out that Sloan kept the baby for herself and now she’s passing him off as her adopted son while EJ and Nicole are mourning their dead baby.

Johnny decides to get going and tells EJ he’ll see him later. Johnny tells Nicole that he’s sorry as he exits the mansion. EJ apologizes to Nicole. Nicole asks if he thinks she’s crazy to question whether their baby was really dead and that the DNA test might not be enough to prove it to her because she’s an erratic crazy mess. EJ assures that he doesn’t think that, but he knows she’s grieving and been through so much so he’s worried about her. Nicole tells EJ that the first time that she lost their child, she did go off the rails and stole Sami’s baby to pass off as her own. Nicole states that when she accused Sloan of doing the same thing, maybe she was projecting. Nicole tells EJ that she’s not going to lose it and that she just needed to know for sure. Nicole says now that she knows, this is her life again. Nicole agrees to try to find a way to get through it like she always has. EJ thinks every day about the babies they have lost and says they will never ever forget them. EJ says right now the pain is excruciating and eclipses everything, but someday she will feel joy again. Nicole responds that part of her knows he’s right, but right now in this moment it doesn’t feel like it as she cries. EJ brings up Nicole saying she had given up and suggests that maybe they could try again.

Sloan works on her laptop while taking care of baby Jude. Eric comments on her multi-tasking. Sloan mentions that she’s also baking cookies for Roman’s visit which impresses Eric. Roman then arrives and hugs Eric. Roman takes a first look at his grandson and calls him beautiful. Roman comments that he reminds him a lot of Eric when he was born but guesses he could just be imagining the resemblance.

Holly joins Tate at the Brady Pub. Tate asks if she wants a coffee or egg nog. Holly responds that she wants Tate to leave him alone. Tate questions if she’s mad at him. Holly says she’s not mad but Tate feels she is. Holly calls him a genius, so Tate asks why she’s mad. Holly brings up that Tate slipped his arm around her without her consent and complains that he gave the entire world the impression that they are dating.

Johnny joins Chanel in the town square and greets her with a kiss. Chanel comments that he looks like he needs coffee. Johnny admits he had to leave home quickly since Nicole overheard he and EJ talking about her mental state and got pretty upset. Chanel mentions that she was just talking to Holly about Nicole having a tough time. Chanel hoped that the DNA test would help Nicole accept the truth. Johnny thinks that Nicole does accept it now, but it’s like getting your heart ripped out all over again. Johnny feels so bad for Nicole and EJ as nobody should ever have to go through that, let alone three times.

Leo questions Dimitri about Sloan keeping Nicole’s baby. Dimitri explains that Sloan and Eric were trying to adopt, so they hired Melinda as their attorney and got matched with a kid but at the last minute, it fell through and that was right when he showed up with a baby in his arms, so he guesses Sloan thought it was destiny since after he left, she and Melinda came up with the plan to kill off Nicole’s baby so that Sloan could keep him and pass him off as her adopted baby all along. Leo says his mind is blown then questions why Dimitri didn’t tell him about this before.

Roman asks if the baby finally has a name. Eric introduces him to Jude Roman Brady. Roman feels it has a nice ring to it as Eric has Roman hold Jude for the first time. Roman says he was starting to think he’d never have this again after Rex told him that Victoria wasn’t really his, but he is sure that Jude is Eric’s baby and his grandson.

Nicole questions EJ wanting another baby. EJ clarifies that he’s not saying right away as he realizes there is no replacing the child they just lost, but now thanks to modern medicine, they know that she can carry a baby to term so he sees no reason to give up on her dream. Nicole yells at EJ to stop and declares that it’s over for her forever.

Chanel asks how Johnny is doing. Johnny says he’s fine. Chanel points out that Johnny did lose a baby brother so it’s his pain too. Johnny says he just feels helpless. Chanel hopes that he and Holly can be there for each other since they are both going through this. Johnny questions if she’d be okay with that. Chanel says she’s just glad she was wrong about Holly having feelings for him. Johnny jokes about Chanel being jealous. Chanel is glad that Holly moved on from EJ to Tate which Johnny agrees with. Chanel talks about being all over the place when she was Holly’s age too and encourages that she will get it together. Chanel hopes things work out for Holly and Tate, feeling they are really cute together. Johnny says they are too and kisses Chanel.

Holly argues that Tate knew she only said she liked him so Chanel wouldn’t know she likes Johnny and that he took advantage. Tate admits that he did and offers to say that Brady made them break up, but Holly tells him don’t dare.

EJ apologizes for upsetting Nicole and understands it’s too soon to talk about or even think about. Nicole says this isn’t about timing. Nicole argues that they can’t try and weren’t even trying in the first place. Nicole calls it a miracle that she even got pregnant and says she was a nervous wreck the whole pregnancy. Nicole talks about hearing the baby cry and holding him. Nicole thought she finally broke the curse but cries that she was so wrong. Nicole tells EJ that she will never have his child and if he can’t accept that, then she doesn’t know where to go from here.

Sloan goes to check on the cookies as Eric tells Roman that he’s sorry he didn’t get to meet Jude sooner. Eric mentions that he did stop by the Pub but he doesn’t know where Roman was and then he ran in to Nicole, who wanted to see the baby. Roman knows that had to be tough on her. Eric tells Roman about Nicole’s idea that Jude was her son and that Sloan pulled off some epic baby switch so he agreed to a DNA test to prove it wasn’t true. Eric admits that Sloan kind of freaked out because he didn’t tell her so she thought he was believing the idea that she was a kidnapping nutcase. Roman calls that not a good way to start out parenthood but says things seem fine now. Eric states that Sloan feels better that Nicole has accepted the truth that her baby is dead.

Leo can’t believe Dimitri didn’t tell anyone that Nicole’s baby is still alive when they were almost charged with felony murder and Sloan knew the whole time. Dimitri didn’t feel like pissing off their lawyer was the wise strategy and points out that he has so many other charges against him, so he put all his energy in to freeing Leo. Dimitri explains that they made the deal for Sloan to free Leo while he agreed to keep his mouth shut. Leo points out that now Dimitri has opened his mouth big time. Dimitri tells Leo that it’s now his to use and warns him to use it wisely against Sloan because she will do anything to keep the truth from coming out.

Tate questions Holly being mad that he said they were dating, but now she wants them to date. Holly clarifies that Chanel totally bought the fable that they are together, so she wants her to keep thinking that so she will never see it coming when she swoops in and steals Johnny from her. Tate can’t believe Holly is still on Johnny. Holly asks why he wouldn’t be. Tate calls it a crash and burn since Johnny is in love with someone else. Holly argues that Johnny just needs a little help to see her as a romantic interest and she feels she has the perfect opportunity since Johnny asked her to help him plan his wedding anniversary. Tate questions how that’s going to help her. Holly says that’s where Tate comes in.

Chanel and Johnny kiss in the town square until Johnny asks about coming by later. Chanel mentions that her mom will be home while Johnny says his place is a bit of a funeral at the moment, so Chanel guesses they will have to wait. Johnny asks if she has any plans next weekend. Chanel doesn’t think so and asks why. Johnny informs her that it will be two years since they got married in Italy, so he’s planning something special to celebrate what would be their anniversary. Chanel calls that sweet and asks what he had in mind. Johnny calls it a surprise.

EJ tells Nicole that as much as he would love to have her child, he completely understands her feelings. EJ states that he has two beautiful children and Nicole has the light of her life in Holly and they have each other, so their lives are already full. EJ says he was just trying to make her feel better but he made her feel worse. Nicole wishes there was something that could make them feel better but guesses they will just have to get through this one day at a time. EJ assures that they will together as he kisses and hugs her.

Roman tells Sloan that the cookies are so tasty which she calls so kind, especially after her infamous clam chowder incident. Roman knows he hasn’t been the most supportive when it comes to Sloan’s relationship with Eric, but now they are married and have a child together. Roman adds that Sloan’s miscarriage was devastating and he knows it was her idea to adopt, so now Eric is a father because of her and he’s also very happy which he thanks Sloan for as well. Roman thanks Sloan for bringing so much joy in to Eric’s life.

Leo tells Dimitri that this is a lot. Dimitri knows there are so many options. Leo doesn’t know if he can keep the secret and asks what about EJ and Nicole, mourning a baby who is alive. Dimitri jokes about Leo suddenly developing a conscience. Dimitri declares that he’s given up his freedom for Leo, so he asks him to make the most of it. Leo agrees to try. Dimitri tells Leo to have a wonderful life. Leo says he’s talking like this is some kind of goodbye. Dimitri responds that he just doesn’t know when he’s going to see him again. Leo assures that he will come back. Dimitri wants to make this moment count as they kiss. Leo repeats that he will see him again soon. Dimitri says he knows where to find him as Leo then exits. Dimitri repeats for Leo to have a wonderful life.

Chanel tries to guess Johnny’s surprise but he says he won’t ruin the surprise. Chanel asks for a hint. Johnny tells her that it’s going to be a night that she will never forget as they kiss.

Tate asks Holly what now and complains that this is starting to get old. Holly points out that he agreed to help her break up Chanel and Johnny and that he owes her for the stunt he pulled. Tate asks what she wants him to do. Holly instructs Tate to make sure that Chanel never makes it to the anniversary dinner. Tate feels that’s a big ask and he wants something in return. Holly asks what he wants, so Tate declares that he wants to go on a real date with her.

After Roman leaves, Eric tells Sloan that his dad’s opinion has finally turned the corner on their relationship. Sloan is glad that he’s finally so supportive. Sloan decides that she should get going and tells Eric that Jude will be ready to eat in an hour. Sloan goes to leave but Eric sees he had a voicemail from the attorney that Melinda was dealing with, who says he wanted to apologize for the adoption falling through and them not getting the baby. Eric questions what he’s talking about.

Nicole tells EJ that she’s going to go for a walk. EJ offers to take her out for her favorite meal if she’s up to it which she agrees would be nice and thanks him. EJ decides he will get ready for the day and tells Nicole that he loves her as they kiss. Nicole says she loves him too and picks up EJ’s iPad, saying she missed her daily gossip fix. EJ heads upstairs to get dressed. The doorbell then rings so Nicole answers the door to see Leo, who asks if it’s a bad time.

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