B&B Short Recap Monday, July 29, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Brenda

Zende photographs Brooke for the Brooke’s Bedroom Lingerie photo shoot. Steffi can’t believe Brooke is going to Monte Carlo with them. Hope tells Brooke that she can’t believe Steffi is going to Monte Carlo instead of letting Brook and Ridge have a romantic getaway alone. Hope tries to persuade Steffi not to go to Monte Carlo with Ridge and Brooke. Brooke warns Hope about leering at Finn.

Deacon does not believe Hollis and Tom were on drugs to have overdosed. He believes they were murdered and worries that the person who killed them may strike again. Katie accuses Poppy of having a relationship with Tom and of killing Tom and Hollis. Katie pumps R.J. for information. RJ reveals that Luna had once accidentally eaten what she thought were mints, but they were hallucinogens. Katie wonders if it was the same drug that killed Hollis and Tom. She worries for Bill’s safety.

Bill, Poppy, and Luna bask in the happiness of being a family and promise that nothing can come between them.


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