Days Transcript Thursday, July 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Ah, good morning, Mother.

Oh. Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Did I sleep well? [laughs] So much better than Statesville. So much better than the monastery and that Podunk motel room in Montana. No, this was amazing. It was like the Ritz, which is nice.


Yeah. Although I did hear someone crying last night, I think. Maybe I dreamt it.

Uh, no, that would be Ava. Roman just told me that Harris broke her heart, left town. Apparently, he’s following a lead on Megan Hathaway.

Wow. I hope he finds her.

[chuckles] Well, knowing Megan, he has a better chance of finding Amelia Earhart.

Yeah. I guess you’re right about that. I just wish that I had a chance to say goodbye and thank him, you know, for making the moves to get me out of jail finally.

Yeah. Well, he took long enough. I mean, I forgive him now because I have my son back.

Yeah. Yeah, you do. But not for long.

Oh, Chad. Thank God! You didn’t come home last night. I was so worried about you.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Well, where’d you go?

Well, I went to Salem PD, and they said that Clyde had been shipped off to Supermax. So I drove all the way out to this, you know, citadel of a–of a prison.

Why would you want to do that? [tense music]

[chuckles] Look what I found. [chuckles] Jules left her little blankie.

[laughs] Well, this must be Carver’s.

Oh, well, I just have to put them both in the mail.

Yeah. Or we would have a good excuse for asking Eli and Lani to bring those twins back here for a visit.

[chuckles] I like the way you think.


I can’t believe it, Abraham. I just said goodbye to one daughter, and I’m about to say goodbye to my Chanel, and yet another grandbaby growing up thousands of miles away.

Well, you know, Johnny and Chanel might be back here before you know it. Oh, and besides, you are going to be plenty busy.

What do you mean by that? [soft music] “Radioactive Mayor Victoria says recall effort fails.”

[laughs] Congratulations, Mrs. Mayor.

Can you believe my grandma knitted us little baby booties?

Marlena Evans, a woman of many talents. You had any room in your suitcase for them? Because I can’t fit another thing.

What? Really? They’re going to take up like square inches. Okay, we’ll put them in mine.



That’s what I thought.

Hey there, Chanel, Johnny.

Dr. Green.

Chanel, how are you feeling today?

Uh, fine. The morning sickness is nearly gone, and I already made an appointment with my OB at UCLA.

Excellent. Did the tech come by?

Yeah. She just gave us a bunch of ultrasound pictures.

Everything looks good, right, Doctor?

Overall, the baby appears to be developing normally, but there is one concern I’d like to discuss. [tense music]

[sighs] Come on, Leo. Remember who you are. You are strong. You are resilient. You’ve got this. You better buckle up, Mom, because I have a lot to say to you, and you are gonna sit there, and you are gonna listen. I am not unlovable. I am not worthless. Oh, don’t give me that look. You know which one. It’s the same one you gave me when–

When you spilled my Mai Tai in the Poconos. [chuckles] Or was it a green martini? You were always a little clumsy, kiddo. [tense music]


[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Leo, Leo, Leo. It’s been a while. To what do I owe the– well, I won’t say pleasure, but– hey, what you got here? What’s that? A script?

Just some notes, Mom.


You know, we can’t all go through life just unfiltered, shooting from the hip like you.

Oh, listen to you. You’re one to talk. Do you remember when you were yapping at that lady in that little, tiny teacup ride? You almost had us thrown out of that. What was that place called?

Super Duper Funland?


I was a kid, Mom. And that lady’s halitosis was ruining everything. I was just brave enough to take a stand.

Oh, is that why you’re here, take a stand?

If you must know, I started therapy. And Dr. Evans says that I have to confront my childhood traumas.

Oh, please. You don’t have anything better to do than listen to that new age quack?

Dr. Evans is not a new age quack. She’s a top-notch therapist. And how do you deal, Mom? You just scream at your ex-husband into a payphone? [soft dramatic music]

I may be in a federal penitentiary, but I am still your mother, and you will treat me with respect. Therapy. [chuckles] Why don’t you just man up for once in your life and–

Damn it, Mom.

You may be an underachiever, an also-ran, and you may, I don’t know, have consider– well, you do cut kind of a sad, lonely figure, but you are not crazy. So why on God’s green earth do you need therapy?

Because of you.

What’s your concern, Doctor?

Well, today’s ultrasound, it showed two soft markers, as they’re called. And they may very well mean nothing, but they could be indicators for a congenital abnormality. So I’m going to refer you to a genetic counselor in Los Angeles, run some further tests.

These soft markers, could they be from radiation exposure?

Well, your exposure was brief, and the levels were relatively low. But there’s no way to know for sure. [soft dramatic music]

Radioactive Mayor. What kind of nickname is that? I sound like one of those characters out of a superhero movie with all the CGI.

You know, now it’s all going to blow over that we– we know that Concerned Citizens has been revealed to be EJ DiMera.

And a handful of folks that he paid off to sign his damn petition. Ooh, you know, Abe, it still galls me that I had to reinstate that two-timing EJ DiMera to make this go away, oh, especially since I promised Melinda the job as long as she wanted it.

Did you offer her something else?

Yeah, yeah. And she took it as an insult, told me to take the job and shove it. Oh, and, you know, now I do– I desperately need a head of sanitation.

You have another candidate in mind?

No. No, I don’t. You know, and with the market so tight right now–

Well, you know, I may know someone who’s interested.

Really? Who?

Me. [tense music]

Jack, I didn’t realize you were here still.

Oh, he decided to spend the night.

Yes. Yes. I’m driving back to Boston later this morning.

Great. Well, I’m glad– I’m glad we get to say goodbye now.

Just a minute. Before we say goodbye, let’s just back up a second. Why would you want to see Weston again? He’s told you everything you want to know, hasn’t he? [dramatic music]

I hope you didn’t go after Clyde with some revenge plot in mind.

I did. You know, I found him in Montana, and– and I pulled the tri– I was gonna pull the trigger, and I didn’t, ultimately, because that’s–you know, Abigail wouldn’t have wanted that, so–

No, she wouldn’t have wanted that. She would have wanted you to think of Thomas and Charlotte and how much they need their dad right now. So as much as I want Clyde to rot in hell, I’m really glad you didn’t make that choice. Well, I better get going. I will see you soon.




Julie, I love you.

Love you too.

See you soon.

Jack, wait. [soft dramatic music]

So, Doctor, you’re saying that if something is wrong with our baby, it could be from radiation exposure?

We can’t rule it out at this point.

I just want to say, as the older brother of someone with Down syndrome, I wouldn’t be where I am today without my sister. She’s brought so much into my life. She’s the kindest person I know.

And she’s also an excellent baker. I’m gonna miss Felicity a lot.

I know she was hoping to say goodbye to you.

I know. I was hoping the same, but it’s just been such a whirlwind. But you know what? Our flight isn’t until later tonight. So I’m gonna text her and see if she can meet up with us. I think it would do my heart a lot of good.

Yeah, mine too.

You want to be my head of sanitation?

I know the job. Town obviously has a need.

Oh, here I thought you were enjoying retirement. But, Abraham, do you really want to be my subordinate?

Well, if that means spending more time with you, absolutely.

Oh, yeah, well, you know, I would love that too. But the only thing I’d be concerned about is it’ll be viewed as nepotism. [soft dramatic music]

Is that you’re really concerned about?

Well, what does that mean?

It means I get the feeling that you really don’t want me working for you.

Lucas, I just spent months fighting to get you home. And now you’re going to pack up and go to Phoenix?

You know I want to– I want to go to Phoenix to be with Will and Allie. You know that. And you know that I miss my grandkids. You know I miss my kids, and I just have to make amends for what I did to Sammy. You know, I’m surprised that they’re even speaking to me at all.

What do you mean? Of course they’re speaking to you. They know exactly what their mother did, how she tormented you. I mean, basically, she drove you to do what you did. Of course, she doesn’t beat herself up. You know, she always gets a pass.

Oh, two wrongs don’t make a right, doesn’t justify my behavior.

[sighs] That’s true. I mean, I can’t just blame Sammy, I guess. There’s someone else I could blame, though.


You’re looking at her. [mellow country music playing]

Oh, yeah, sure. Let’s blame Mommy. That’s original.

I’m not blaming you.

Then what are you doing? Oh, I get it. You came all the way here to make me feel guilty. Well, that was a waste of time and good gas money.

Listen to me, Mother. The last time I was here, you told me I was an utterly worthless human being whom no one could ever love.

Well, and you agreed with me.

Because you gaslit me my entire life. Do you remember telling me that I had the voice of an angel, that I was destined, destined for stardom?

What are you talking about?

Of course you don’t remember. I entered a talent show at school. And in front of the entire auditorium, I’m singing my little heart out thinking that, because of you, that I’m a younger, cuter Billy Joel, the piano boy, as you put it.

Oh. [laughs] The piano boy. I have no memory of this.

Not surprising. Then right in the middle of “New York State of Mind,” I see pens, pencils, all sorts of things being hurled my way on stage because, it turns out, I cannot sing worth a lick. You lied to me.

Oh! Oh, kiddo. If that actually happened– [sighs] And I’m highly skeptical, maybe it was good for you. You know, character building. You know, I read about someone who was mercilessly bullied, Gene Hackman. Look how he turned out.

I am not going to sit here and take any of this. Do you hear me? I am going to say what I came here to say, and you are going to listen to me. [tense music]

You expect me to sit here and listen to your whining and moaning and blaming all of your inadequacies on me? Tell me, Leo, how many times have you come to visit your mother in all of these years? Twice. Not even so much as a birthday card.

You don’t like birthday cards.

Not the mushy, gushy ones.

You don’t like the funny ones either.

Anything would have been better than nothing. You selfish little ingrate. And now you show up once in a blue moon and, of course, it’s all about you and your imaginary childhood traumas.

I didn’t imagine it, any of it. The way I feel and what I’ve been through has meaning. I have meaning.

I don’t want to hear it! Guard!

I am not worthless. I am not unlovable. I am Leo Stark.

Oh, God! Here we go again.

I am Matthew Cooper. I am whoever you wanted me to be. My whole life, I did as you said, because all little Matty ever craved was your love. And it has taken me this long to realize there was nothing I could do or be that was ever enough for you.

Yada, yada, yada.

Nobody was ever enough for you. That’s why you had no friends. The people you thought were your friends, you just used them and manipulated them to get what you wanted, just like you did with your own son.

Oh, God, the self-pity.

You let me believe that I was John Black’s son just so you could get your hands on him. Did it ever occur to you how that might have affected me? He was the closest thing I ever had to a parent, to someone who loved me for who I was. And then when all was said and done, he hated me too.

[screams] Guard, take me back to my cell, please!

But I learned a lot from you, Mother– to lie, to cheat, to hide who I really was, to keep everything superficial and betray the few people who truly cared about me. But most of all, I learned that you never should have been a mother in the first place.

Not to a dead loss like you. May I see that? Please?

My script?

Your script. Yeah. Yeah, your script. [moans] [wails]

How is it your fault that I went crazy and kidnapped my ex?

Well, maybe it’s in your DNA. You know, I– I’ve been thinking about Philip and the extremes that he went to to hold on to Chloe. And I’m thinking maybe you both could have inherited this particular form of madness from me.

But you never did anything like that. You never did anything like what Philip and I did.

No, not for a man. But for my kids, I certainly did.

Mom, you’re protective and you’re overbearing, that’s true. But you’re fiercely loyal, and you’ve always been there for us. That’s all that matters.

You have always done the same for your kids.

That’s right. That’s why I have to see them now. You know, I miss them very much.

And they miss you. I know they do because every time I talk to them, they ask about you. They really do miss you a lot. And you know I’m gonna give you my blessing to go to Arizona and see them as long as you promise to come back.

I will.


[clears throat]

I’m gonna miss you. I missed you so much. [sighs] I am so grateful that you’re free.

I am beyond grateful. I will never take my freedom for granted again. [mellow country music]

What is it?

I want you to have this. [chuckles] I have tried everything known to man to open it. I have failed. And I got to thinking about Jennifer. Well, she spent her teenage years in this house. She was so close to Alice and Tom, her grandparents. And, well, she’s a clever girl. So maybe she has the magic touch.

She just may.

So will you take it to her?

I will.

[chuckles] Don’t drop it.

Oh, precious cargo. I got it.

Yeah. Oh, Jack, you’re the precious cargo. You mean so much to all of us. Please come back soon, will you?

I will.

And bring Jennifer.

I certainly will.

[laughs] [somber music]


Love you.

Love you too. Chad, I love you both.

We love you. And give our love to Jennifer, please.

Jeez, I thought you were about to tell him.

I’m not gonna tell him anything. Besides, I don’t really have anything to say, not yet.

I know. I really hoped that we were going to have some good news before he left. But, you know, now I wonder if we’re ever gonna know at all.

You’re right. You’re right, Abraham. I don’t love the idea of you being my new head of sanitation. But it’s not for the reason you think.


Well, you’re vastly overqualified for the job. You know that. But that’s not why. I would love to work alongside you, Abraham. The keyword being “alongside,” as equals. I–I don’t want to be your boss.

Oh, I understand.

Really? Really?

Yeah. I mean, the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.

Oh. [laughs] Oh. I appreciate that. [laughs] Oh, and, you know, something else will come along. You’ll see.

Well, I’ll be patient.

Mm-hmm. [chuckles] Hey, oh, too bad you don’t have the skillset to take over a certain bakery that I have up for lease. Ha.

Well, maybe– maybe Chanel could give me a crash course.

Yeah, yeah, but, you know, it’ll have to be by Zoom, unfortunately.

[chuckles] [gentle music]

Are you okay?

[sighs] Well, I thought I was. I thought I was at peace with leaving everything behind.

You’re not, though.

Not what?

You’re not leaving everything behind. You’re gonna– you’re gonna open up a Sweet Bits in California. You can start with an LA location, and then you can branch off into–

I know, I know, but it’s not that. It’s–[sighs]

Then what is it?

Well, it’s just that I– I really convinced myself that everything was gonna be okay with our baby, even though I knew that there could be risks and even though, you know, everyone tried gently to tell me that I was being naive.

Chanel, are you saying that you’ve changed your mind about the pregnancy?

It’s just that it suddenly just feels so real. You know? And we weren’t planning to start a family this soon. And I just–like what if I’m not ready to be a mother? Felicity! Hi.

Hi, Chanel. Hi, Johnny.


Are you okay, Chanel?

Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Thank you for asking.

Are you sure?

Well, I guess I’m just– I’m having mixed emotions. You know, part of me is feeling really excited to be moving to California, and then another part of me is just feeling really sad to leave Salem.

I’m sad too. I’m going to miss you a lot.

I’m going to miss you too, Felicity.

Will you write to me?

Yeah, of course I will.

You promise?

I promise.

I love you, Chanel.

I love you too, Felicity. [tender music]

Ah. You know, Sweet Bits is a special place. I’m gonna miss it.

Me too. But I plan on being the first customer in line at the LA location as soon as Chanel opens it. [chuckles] Oh, my stomach is growling just thinking about it.

Oh, you know what? Speaking of that, I thought that I would swing by the pub and pick up some takeout.

Oh, well, could you pick up something for Chanel and Johnny too?

Oh, of course. Chanel still on that cheeseburger and extra pickles kick?

At least this week. Who knows what’s next? [laughs] Oh, Abe, I am gonna miss that child. Oh. Johnny too.

[chuckles] Well, at least we’re going to have each other close by and right here, same apartment.

Thank God for that.

[laughs] [tender music]

You’re not giving up, are you?

I’m just–just frustrated. I mean, you know, I can’t believe they shipped Clyde off so fast, you know, before I could even talk to him. It just–

I know. Rafe said he wanted to talk to Clyde too, some of the information he thought he might have about getting Gabi out of jail. Well, do you think Rafe could intercede for you?

Oh, the feds already know that Clyde could have information on a missing person. They said no exceptions. Look, Julie, I know that there’s such a slim chance that Abigail could be alive. But I mean, now that Clyde gave us this information, I just– I can’t rest until I get some answers.

Of course not. I feel exactly the same way. I’m with you in this all the way.

I know. So… I mean, if we’re gonna find out who this woman in this video is–

Yeah. We’re gonna have to do it without the help of the big jailbird.


What sanctimonious psychobabble. I am not to blame for your degenerate lifestyle. It is not my fault you are the way you are.

What do you mean by that, Mother? Gay?

Single, friendless, disloyal, unloving, unloved. I miss anything?

No, that covers it.

And if that quack, Marlena Evans, think you were going to fix all of your problems by filling me with guilt, then you have wasted a lot of money on your therapy, not to mention my time. [tense music]

I came here to get some things off my chest. This was for me, not you.

Did it work? Feel better?

There’s only one other time I can recall where I poured my heart out to you. Do you remember?

Why would I want to?

It was the first time Dad hit me. I had gotten a B on some exam. And the irony was he never even looked at my grades, let alone cared about them. But for some reason, that B really pissed him off. [soft dramatic music]

He hit me so hard.

I begged you to make him stop. And do you remember what you said to me? You told me to suck it up, to be a man. So that’s what I did. Nine years old. I didn’t say a word.

And when I finally killed him to protect both of us, you blamed me for all of it. He was the villain. You were the villain.

You were my mother. You were supposed to protect me. That was your job, your one job. And you didn’t do it. You never did it. [breathes sharply] [sighs]

Are you gonna say anything?

I am at a loss, actually. And bored, if you must know.

[sighs] I guess it was expecting too much to hear you say “I’m sorry” or “I wish things were different.” Certainly shouldn’t have expected an “I love you.”

The next time you decide to come visit, just don’t.

I won’t.

I have something for you.

Oh, okay.

My big brother gave this for me when I was little. And it’s my favorite stuffed animal.

Oh, sweetheart, I can’t. I can’t take that.

Yes, you can. It’s time for it to have a new home.

Are you sure?

I want your baby to have it.

Just promise that you’ll take care of it.

We will.

Yes. And we promise that he or she will too.

Well, okay, I have to go home now. Bye, Chanel. Bye, Johnny.

Bye, Felicity. [gentle music] We will talk very soon, okay?



I forgot I told her that we were having a baby.

Well, it was very sweet of her to give this to you.

Oh, Johnny.


Sometimes, I feel like I– I forced this on you, you know, going through with this– this pregnancy.

Whoa, what? No, you did not force anything on me, okay?

Yeah, but when I decided that I wanted to have the baby, I didn’t really leave any room for disagreement.

Okay, look, I will admit it took me a little while to warm up to the idea. But now that I’ve seen those ultrasound pictures, I am completely on board. Okay?

And the test results, they didn’t change anything for you?

No. Not at all. Did they–[clears throat] Did they change anything for you?

No, no. It’s just I– I’ve been thinking, you know, a child can be born perfectly healthy and you still never know what could happen down the road.


Like take Theo, for example. You know, Abe and Lexie, I’m sure that they were so worried when they found out that he was autistic. But look at him, he’s just a wonderful guy. And Felicity, she’s an amazing person. And her family, they’re so blessed to have her.

And so are we– blessed to have each other and to have this baby on the way.


I love you, Johnny.

I love you too. And I promise you that whatever life throws at us, we will get through together.

I’ve watched this video a thousand times– sped up, slowed down, zoomed in, zoomed out. And still, I just, you know, I go back and forth between definitely Abigail’s alive and– and, you know, she’s definitely not alive. There’s no possible way she could be alive. [doorbell rings]

Doorbell. I’ll get it. I’ll get it.

Oh. [laughs] Look, look, look, look, look, look.


Hey, man. What are you doing?

Ah, you know, hanging out.

[laughs] Big news. Drum roll. The rest of his sentence has been officially commuted.





[grunts] Congratulations.

Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I just actually came to say goodbye.


Yeah. I got to get to Phoenix. I got to check in on Will and Ali. It won’t be for that long.

Well, I hope not.

No, no, no.

Okay, well, the kids are gonna be thrilled to see you.


Man, I’m so happy.

Thanks, dude. What’s going on here? What do you guys got?

It’s all right. It’s all right, as long as he doesn’t tell Jack or Jennifer.

Yeah. You got to keep it quiet.

Yeah, I won’t say anything to anybody. Just tell me what’s going on. [suspenseful music]

There’s a video. It might possibly be proof that… Abigail is still alive.

Oh, wait until Dr. Evans gets a load of that Hindenburg disaster of a visit. Oh, that’s right, she doesn’t take walk-ins. [sighs] [soft dramatic music] [phone beeps] Hi. This is Leo Stark. I need to see Dr. Evans ASAP. Tomorrow? No, no, I’m here now. This is an emergency. No, I’m not thinking of harming myself. This is about my sociopathic nightmare of– Okay. Okay. I will be here tomorrow. [phone beeps] [soft dramatic music] “The next time you want to come and visit me, just don’t.”

I won’t. I won’t come visit you again, Mother. In fact, I never want to see you again. In fact, you can burn in– oh, no, no, you can’t… because you’re my mother.

And as sad–as sad as it is, I still want you to love me. I want that so bad. [crying]

Hey, are you okay?

So what do you think?

I think Clyde’s playing mind games with you. I just don’t see, you know, how this– this video shows that this is Abigail. I really don’t. But I know you need to find out your own truth, you know. So you think about having the photos enhanced anyway?

That’s what I was gonna do next.

All right. I mean, we all wish that it were true. We all wish that this could be Abigail, but–

We all wish it, more than anything in the world. [somber music]

Hello, Kate.

Hey. Hi, Abe. You’re here for breakfast?

No, no. I’m here to pick up takeout for Chanel and Johnny. They are leaving town later today.

Really? I don’t know, I think that’s going around. So is Lucas. I mean, he’s leaving town. He’s going to go to Arizona and visit Will and Ari.

Oh, they’re living there now?

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he says he’s coming back, you know. But in a way, I think maybe the universe is trying to give me a heads up that I need to stop obsessing over my children and get on with my life. Maybe even get a job.

[laughs] You know, there’s a lot of that going on. I–I had a similar thought earlier.



We used to have a lot of fun working in that Mayor’s Office, didn’t we? You know, do you ever think about going into business again, maybe partnering up?

What kind of business?

I don’t know. I haven’t really– really haven’t thought about that yet.

Well, when you do, let me know.

You can be sure I will. Anyway, I’m gonna put an order in because we don’t want to keep a pregnant woman waiting, do we?


So how was the appointment?

It was–

Everything’s fine.

Oh. Well, I’m glad to hear that. Oh, give me a hug. Give me a hug, you two. Oh. Oh, and you know what? I hope you brought your appetites with you because I just sent Abraham on a mission to the pub. He’ll be back any minute.

Well, I must be hungry because my stomach is growling.

[chuckles] Oh.

Are you okay?

What’s wrong? What’s wrong, baby?

Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I just–[winces] Ahh!


[dramatic music]

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Blaze and Kristina go on the Perez Hilton show and talk about the scandal involving Natalia’s recording that was made without her consent. Blaze and Kristina tell Perez that Natalia is the victim because she was recorded without her consent. Blaze is hopeful that she can repair her relationship with her mother.

Nina helps Willow with another public service announcement to promote bone marrow donation.

Ava asks Nina and Willow to testify on her behalf at the custody hearing but they both say no because they don’t want to get involved in the situation.

Anna asks John to let Jason go because Jason fulfilled his part of their agreement. John refuses to do it so Anna tells him she won’t rest until she ruins his career. Anna won’t allow John to twist the law in order to get revenge on Sonny.

Jason manages to persuade Carly that he needs to go do his next assignment for the FBI because she can’t turn herself in because her daughter Donna needs her. Carly goes to the Metro Court and tells the desk clerk that John Cates is checking out so he should send two bellhops upstairs to his room to pack his things and bring his suitcases downstairs.

Jason calls Danny to tell him he has to go away to his next assignment. Jason tells Danny he is a good son whom he is proud of and loves very much. Jason gets on the bus to Quantico headed for his next assignment.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Traci tells Alan that she has to go to Los Angeles because they want to turn one of her books into a movie and she has to meet with the producers. Alan tells Traci he cancelled speaking engagements so he could spend more time with her. Traci asks Alan to go to Los Angeles with her and he gladly accepts the invitation.

Abby talks to Ashley via video call and tells her that she and Devon are engaged. Abby tells Ashley that she had doubts because of her long history of failed relationships. Ashley advises Abby to follow her heart and Abby thanks Ashley for the perfect advice just when she needed to hear it. Devon asks Victor for his permission to marry Abby. Victor approves. Later, Victor, Devon, and Abby have a champagne toast to celebrate the engagement.

Summer finds another judge that grants an order prohibiting Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris until the custody issues are resolved. Kyle and Summer argue once again about the trip to Paris and then Kyle leaves to talk to his lawyer. Kyle’s lawyer tells him he can’t do anything to reverse the judge’s order.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


  – Oh, my God.   Do you think it’s possible?   – That Everett isn’t really Everett?   Yeah, I do.   – But I don’t get it.   Why would Bobby be pretending to be Everett?   How could that possibly benefit him?

[sighs] Never mind. Dumb question.   It got him out of Bayview.

Yeah, exactly.  

[eerie music]


You’re absolutely right, Dr. Johnson.   It is none of your business.  

[tense music]   Gosh, um,   that sounded rude, didn’t it?

Yeah. Yeah, it did.   – Look, I’m– I’m really sorry.   I’m dealing with, like, a–   a pretty serious mental illness.   I’m just trying to get my life back on track.   And on top of it all, I’m working under a new boss.

[sighs]   It’s just been a really stressful time.

Yeah, I’m sure–   I’m sure it is.

Well, it’s, like, more than you can imagine.   So, to be frank, worrying about Stephanie’s feelings   just isn’t my top priority right now.

Got it.


Sorry, again.

Damn. First I sounded rude.   Now I sound insensitive.   But I suppose you understand   I have to focus on my mental health.   – Course.   – Now, if you’ll excuse me, I–   I need to get to a therapy appointment.   – Right.   – Uh-huh.   Well, you know, when he calls, you need to tell him that–   never mind. I’ll tell him myself.   Ugh.

Now what’s going on? What’s that all about?

Ugh.   Everett Lynch– he’s the editor of “The Spectator.”   Ugh.   The man has called my office four times   this morning, harassing me for a quote about   the police commissioner stabbing.   And the minute– the minute I finally   get some time to call the man back,   he’s out till after lunch.

Well, just take it easy on him.   He’s just released from Bayview.   – And how is that my problem?   Honestly, Abe, Abe, I just–   I don’t want some needy reporter   wasting my time when I am dealing   with a police commissioner who is in a coma and not–   not one single lead as to who put him there.   Not to mention, I still need to appoint   an interim police commissioner, you know,   while Rafe’s recovering.

Well, well, who’s on your mind?   I mean, who are you thinking of?   – Jada Hunter.   She’s the best, best candidate so far.   But the man she loves, he’s fighting for his life.   So I imagine that any free time she has,   she wants to spend at his bedside.  

[somber music]


What are you doing in here?

– Well, I just–   I saw the news about Commissioner Hernandez   and the stabbing.   It’s just awful.   And I’m sorry to intrude, but I just feel terrible   about what’s happened to him.   – You know Rafe?   – Well, not personally, but I feel as though I do.   I mean, we, all of us in Salem,   we owe him such a debt of gratitude, don’t we?   For keeping the streets safe–   more or less safe, anyway.   Um, I just– well, I can’t believe   that someone would be so cruel and brazen enough   to– to stab the commissioner.   And I wanted to come visit him to see if I could help.

Why don’t you cut the crap and tell me   why you’re really here?  

[dramatic music]  

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– Well, you know, I’m sure you’re right   that Jada is focusing on Rafe, his recovery.   – Mm-hmm, yeah.   But on the other hand, come to think of it,   she just might want to put as much overtime on the job   as she can so she can nail the bastard who attacked him.   I guess I’ll find out today.   I plan on reaching out to her right after   my appointment with Kayla.

All right.   Before your appointment,   take a couple of deep breaths   because you don’t want to get another lecture   on your blood pressure.

Well, I’m not worried.   I haven’t felt this good in years.

[chuckles]   I’m sure I’ll receive an excellent report.  

[bright jazz music]

Well, Marlena never would have released Everett,   would she, if she thought there was   a chance he was faking it?

Oh, no.   And I was there when Everett emerged,   and he was very convincing.   I mean, there was no way to think that, you know,   that that wasn’t him.   I don’t know.   Who knows?   Maybe the guy is just a really good actor.

Yeah, maybe.  

[eerie music]   But if he is faking it, why now?   What’s changed?

I think I have an idea.


Damn.   This being Everett thing is stressing me out.   Not sure how much longer I can keep it up.



Hey, Dr. Evans.

I didn’t mean to startle you.

Oh, no, not at all.   Not at all.

Were you talking to someone?

Just myself.

Oh, OK.

First sign of insanity, right?


OK. You got me.   I’m not here because of Rafe.

Uh-huh.   So why are you really here?

Because of you.  

[dramatic music]

Ah-ha, welcome back.

Hey, hey.

Welcome back.

Thank you.   Is this a good time?

Oh, yes, it’s a good time.   I’m just eager to hear how things went in LA.

Well, um, it wrapped up a little sooner than I thought.


Yeah.   I mean, the producers, they– they loved our proposal.   You know, they thought the financials were solid,   especially with Chad involved,   and they’re really eager to see the show continue,   but unfortunately, they don’t have the means,   and they also appreciated that you were a loyal fan   and would be a good steward of the show.

Uh-huh.   But?

There’s no buts.

No buts?   Wait a minute.   They didn’t say no?

They did not.   In fact, they said a resounding yes.   We got the rights.   “Body and Soul” is ours, Abe!


[bright music]

Oh, man.


Oh, hello, Kayla.   Just give me one second.

[muttering]   Oh, sorry about that.   It’s a madhouse at City Hall.

Oh, I can imagine.

So any updates on   Commissioner Hernandez’s condition?

Unfortunately, no.   But, uh, how are you feeling?

Physically?   Never better.

Well, I’m glad to hear that.   Um, I got the results of your thyroid panel,   and they are excellent.   Your TSAs, your T, your T, everything   is in optimal ranges.   And your tumor panel, well, there’s–   there’s no markers whatsoever.   They’re undetectable.   – Oh, praise the Lord. Oh.   – I do have one concern, though.  

[tense music]   – What do you mean, you’re here because of me?

Well, the last time I ran into you,   you asked me to send my résumé, remember,   for a job at Gabi Chic, assuming you’re still   reviving the brand with DiMera.   – Yes, that is happening.   Actually, I just signed the paperwork to make it official,   but that doesn’t– – Oh, wow, congratulations.   – Thanks.   But that doesn’t explain why you’re here   in my brother’s hospital room.

Well, as I was saying, I sent my résumé   that you requested, but then you didn’t respond.   So I wanted to bring you a hard copy in person.   I have one right here.   And I also took the liberty of coming up with some ideas   for the business.


[chuckles]   So let me get this straight.   You came to my comatose brother’s hospital room   hoping to run into me to hand-deliver a résumé?  

[dramatic music]   You know that sounds nuts, right?   – Well, I’d hardly say nuts. – No.

Listen to me.   Look, I know you said you’re a Gabi stan,   but this is getting creepy.   I never even laid eyes on you until the other day,   and now every time I turn around,   there you freaking are.   I guess you think it’s flattering,   but I do not have the time for a stalker in my life.   I need you to leave now.   – I’m sorry. I can’t do that.


Look, uh, I know this is, like,   a -or-so-minute appointment, but, um,   do you think that we could end things a little early today?  

[soft dramatic music]

Why would we do that?

I just– because I’m–   I’m really busy.   I have so much to do.   Um, my head’s just spinning.   You know?

When you were released from Bayview,   you assured me that you were %   dedicated to your recovery.

I am.   I absolutely am.   Um, I just– my stress level is at that point   that it honestly feels like it will impede my recovery more   if I stay here rather than it would if I just, you know,   went home and– and dealt with stuff   and just got my life in order.


I know your job is important to you,   and I know your relationship with Stephanie   is important to you.

But– but we just–   I don’t know.   We have to agree that– that your treatment   takes precedence.

Yeah.   Well, at least Stephanie won’t be an issue anymore.


Why not?

Oh, I broke up with her.


Why do you think Bobby was suddenly so eager   to get out of Bayview?

I don’t know.   I mean, I didn’t see him for weeks   after he was admitted.   As you know, I only went to go visit him   after you asked me to.   I mean, he didn’t seem to care that he hadn’t seen me.   I don’t know.   Maybe it was like something like out of sight,   out of mind thing.

Right.   But you said when you finally–   when he finally did see you, he was–   he was acting like he wanted to rekindle your relationship.

Oh, yes.   He was coming on very strong–   flirtatious, even.   And even in Rafe’s room, he was doing the same thing.   He offered me a shoulder to cry on,   which I found very strange and confusing.   I mean, Everett never wanted anything to do with me.

Mm-hmm, that’s true.   But Bobby only had eyes for you.

Yeah.   – So if Everett really is Bobby,   that would explain why he dumped me   and let you know right away that he was unattached.   –

[sighs] Who knows?  

[eerie music]   Wait a minute.   – What?

I was with Bobby when Everett, you know,   supposedly re-emerged,   and it wasn’t until I was questioning him   about Li Shin’s murder, and I started, like,   to follow up with questions, and he seemed really thrown.   Yeah, he– he later said that he had no memory   of talking to me about Li Shin’s murder.   And then Marlena said that that made sense   because Everett wouldn’t have any memories   of what Bobby witnessed.   – But oh, my God, if he’s still Bobby–

Then that means he really knows who killed Li Shin,   and he’s pretending to be Everett   so he can cover up the truth.  

[dramatic music]   –

[laughter] This is incredible.

Yes, it is.   But, um–   – You know– you know, when “Body and Soul” was canceled,   it was like I was in a– a state of mourning   for these characters, and–  

[soft dramatic music]   What’s that look on your face for?   I– I thought you said “Body and Soul” was ours.

Well, yes. It is.   But, well, there’s one major issue   that could make the whole deal just kind of unravel.


Oh, Kayla, I’ve had so many things wrong with me this year.   So, please, tell me this is nothing major.   I don’t– I don’t think I can take any more bad news.

OK, how about this?   The good news is that we caught this   before it turned into bad news,   and that makes it not that big a deal.

OK. All right. All right.   Then, well, what is it then?

It’s your cholesterol.   It’s moderately elevated.   And of concern is the LDL-C, which is also   known as the bad cholesterol.

Oh, I know LDL-C.   Big Mama’s been dealing with it for years.

Well, she’s been doing a good job managing it.   Look at her good health at her age.   What is she? She’s in her s?

She is .

There you go.   Mm-hmm.   Well, I would say that you have longevity genes, then.


Lucky you.   But given your medical history–

I know, I know.   Elevated bad cholesterol increases your risk   for a heart attack or a stroke.

That’s very good, yes, correct.   And so we need to get that level down.   All right?

Yes, yes, OK.   But– you know, I know I can google it, of course,   but how do we do that?

Well, you start with a low-fat diet.   I brought you a brochure. You can read all about it.   And exercise, and there are medications.   Have you heard of statins? – Of course.   Of course. I’ve heard about statins.   Big Mama, she takes them every day.   But forget it.   I’m not taking any meds.   No way.  

[soft dramatic music]

You won’t leave.


OK, then I guess it’s time to call security.

Now, there’s no need for that.   What I was trying to say is I won’t leave   because you need me.

I beg your pardon?

Think about it.   When was the last time that you–   you slept or you ate?   You have so much on your plate right now.   You’re trying to get your business back on its feet.   You’re trying to get your life back in order   after all those months in prison.   And now you have to spend every free moment you have   here with your poor brother.   I can relieve you of that burden.   I could be your assistant.


I am in the middle of interviewing assistants.

Oh, well, I would offer my services for free.

For free? What’s the catch?

Well, there is no catch.   I told you, you’re my ultimate role model.   It would be my honor to serve you.   – Look, I really don’t have the time for this.

– Well, before you say no, just think about it.   I’m gonna go get you some coffee.   How do you like it, honey?

Half cup, extra hot, extra foam.

[sighs] You–   you broke up with Stephanie.   Why?   I mean, I thought that rekindling your relationship   with her was one of the main reasons   you wanted to be out– out of Bayview, wasn’t it?   – It was. It was.   And I– I really like Stephanie.   She’s a great person, you know?   But when I got out, I just–   I felt, um, overwhelmed, you know?

Like, I have so much going on at work,   and there’s– there’s therapy to focus on, obviously.

Ultimately, it just– it didn’t–   it didn’t seem fair to Stephanie, I guess,   to make her just, like, wait around until I’m–   until I’m mentally healthy.   You know?   Just didn’t seem fair.   And also, uh–

[nervous laugh] Sorry.   – Also? Also what?   – Also, I, um–   I was telling Jada this earlier,   but after my last session with you,   I do feel like I’m starting   to feel some of Bobby’s feelings.

– Really? – Yeah, really.   I just feel, um, I don’t know–   tougher, stronger.   That’s good, right?   – That could be a sign of progress.

Progress?   Yeah.   Yeah, progress, um, speaking of which,   I know that I’ve been really reluctant to–   to face everything that happened in my past, you know?   But you said that I need to deal with it   in order to get better, right?   I think I’m ready, Dr. Evans.   I think I’m finally ready.

Would you hypnotize me again?


If Bobby really does know something about   Li Shin’s murder, why would he bring it up to you   and then not tell you anything about it?   It doesn’t make any sense.

I know.   I know. It’s so strange, right?   But like I said earlier, he was stringing me along   up until I gave him an ultimatum, OK?   I told him that if he didn’t tell me everything   he knew, that he was never gonna see me again.

You don’t think he had anything to do   with Li Shin’s murder, do you?

Who knows?   You know, at one point, I thought that Bobby   could never hurt a fly.   But on the other hand, I also thought that   he would never be a liar either.   –


[phone rings]

Oh, it’s the station.   Excuse me.   Yeah, Harry?  

[eerie music]   No, do not give Everett Lynch any specifics   on the investigation of Rafe’s stabbing   and do not give him any leads either.   What?   He called three times?   No, no, no, no, no.   I can handle it.   OK, thanks.

[phone beeps]   What the hell is going on with him?

OK. Jada, um, I’m no detective here,   but just– just follow my thinking just for a second.


OK.   So Bobby’s desperate to get you back, right?   – Mm-hmm.   – And if he thinks that Rafe is the only thing   standing in his way, maybe he’s also desperate   to know the status of the investigation   into Rafe’s stabbing because–

Oh, my God.   Could he be the one who did it?  

[dramatic music]

So what’s the problem?   – So you know how we were always concerned   about being able to get the original cast   to relocate to Salem, right?   – Well, we discussed that we could   recast some of the minor characters   with local actors. – Yeah.   Well, the producers told me that the three actresses   who play Cassandra, Charmaine, and Lorna   are not going to be able to come out here.   It’s impossible.   Um, two of them have contracted to other projects,   and another one is married to a makeup artist   who’s doing a show in LA,   and she just doesn’t want to relocate.   – Well, you know, why can’t we just fly them   out here when we need them?

Well, Abe, we don’t have the budget for that.   – Well, they’re the three female leads.   I mean, they’re– they’re iconic.   The– the fans have loved them for decades.   It– it wouldn’t be “Body and Soul” without them.  

[soft dramatic music]

– I know it sounds crazy to think that–   that Bobby stabbed Rafe.   I mean, it’s a huge leap, right?   – Yeah, no, no.   Huge, huge leap.  

[ominous music]   But–   – But what?   – I mean, the timing does kind of check out.   Rafe got stabbed after Bobby was released from Bayview.   I mean, granted, yeah, police officers   do have enemies, but, I mean,   there’s no obvious suspects here.   – Oh, man. Oh, wait a minute.   I– I did see Everett at his hotel room that day.   So depending on what time Rafe was stabbed,   it’s possible that I could– I could be Bobby’s alibi.   – Do you remember what time you went to the Salem Inn?   – Um, let me think.   I– I was at the hospital with my mom   when Marlena called, and she said that he was released,   and then I went over there straight away.   – Mm-hmm.   – Um, let’s see.   Yeah, she called me at :, and I was over there   in about  or  minutes.   – OK. Um, OK.   That was after I found Rafe in the cemetery.   Um, let me see.   Yeah, I called the ambulance at :,   nearly an hour before you saw him.   So that means that if Bobby does have an alibi,   you’re definitely not it.


Everett, let’s–   let’s start with the good memories, OK?   The ones you– you told me about the other day,   you know, your–   your mother.

Can you picture her?   – Yeah.

How old are you?

I had, uh, just had my fourth birthday.

And do you remember what you told me?


I said, um–   I said, “Why did you do it, Mom?”   – Do what?   – Why did you let him hurt me?   – Who?

Tell me who.

My father.   I, uh–   I see him with his big belt,   the big belt buckle.   I see him coming toward me.   No! Dad! No!   Stop!   Stop, dad! Stop!  

[intense music]


Hey, Rafe.   I wonder if you can hear me.   I hope so.  

[tender music]

I’ve been thinking so much about   when we had breakfast the other day.

You asked me about my life.   You were so sweet, caring.   Selfish me, I barely even asked you about yours.

Did I even tell you that I love you,   or how proud I am that you’re my brother?   ‘Cause I am.

You’re so kind and funny and sweet.

And you always believed in me, no matter how much   of a jerk I’ve been or how much I’ve disappointed you.



Please, please wake up, Rafe,   so you can help us   find out who did this to you,   and I can wipe that scum right off the face of the Earth.

– She drives me insane–   half-caf, extra hot, extra foam– diva bitch.   After I find a way to off her brother   so he can’t finger me,   that woman’s going to pay for what she did to Li Shin.


[dramatic music]   – You don’t want to take medication?

Oh, Lord, I already take   the thyroid pills and the blood pressure.   No more, please.   – What if I told you that it’s not a pill   and the safety profiles really are excellent on this?   And I– it’s my opinion that the benefits   outweigh the risks.   – Ugh.

What is it?   – I just–   I just hate feeling like I’m crumbling from the inside out,   you know?   I thought my health problems were over.   – Well, I think if you take these preventative measures,   they will be over for quite some time.

Mm?   – Yeah.   – Well, if you put it that way, it’s–   Kayla, and I’m sorry I’m being so grumpy about this, you know,   and self-pitying.   I mean, how dare I complain, right?   I mean, not many people have been nearly   as lucky as I have been, you know, health-wise   or in every other way.   – You are lucky.   And you are important to a lot of people and loved by so many.   – Well, that’s kind of you to say.   And please don’t tell my husband about the hard time   I’ve been giving you about taking this medication,   please, because if you do, I’m sure he will lecture me.   – My lips are sealed.   But I think that he would really be proud of you   for contemplating this.   – Eh, I suppose.   But he’s been so preoccupied lately   about securing the rights to his soap opera   that sometimes he barely even notices me.   But, you know, at least gives him–   gives him something to do, you know,   instead of just moaning about it being canceled.

Well, I guess the only answer is to recast the show.   – What? All three leads at once?   What do you– you don’t want us to be   a pale imitation of the show.

Oh, no, yeah, no, we don’t.

Unless we reimagine the entire thing.   I don’t know.   Maybe “Body and Soul: the Next Generation,”   set it in the future somewhere or something like that?   – Then it wouldn’t be my show.  

[soft dramatic music]   – OK, look, I understand that.   I really do.   We just have so much to talk about.   I mean, it’s really–   it can get daunting.   And casting is only part of it.   We need a casting director.   We need directors. We need writers.   We need crew.   We need craft services.

Craft services?   What’s that? – OK.   We have a big learning curve ahead of us.


Thank you, Connie.

Can I get you anything else?

I’m good.

Well, I sure hope your brother wakes up soon   so he can get back to work.   Hey, maybe he’ll catch his own assailant.   Wouldn’t that be something?   In the meantime, if you need anything at all,   anything– admin, errands, aura readings–   I’m your gal, morning, noon, or night.

Aura readings. Got it. Thank you.

All right, then.

Wait.   Before you go, I should tell you   that I took a look at your ideas.   – You did?   – Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much,   but I was kind of blown away.   – You were?   – Yeah, and your résumé is very impressive.   – Well, thank you.   – Truth is, I could actually use   someone like you right now–   on a trial basis, of course.

I am pinching myself.   Oh, I will prove my worth to you, Gabi DiMera.   I can’t wait to get started.   – OK, when you were in Bobby’s room,   you didn’t see any signs of blood or anything   like that, right?   Never mind.   You wouldn’t have kept that to yourself.   – No, I wouldn’t have.   But come to think of it, he was getting out   of the shower when I showed up.  

[eerie music]   I just– I thought that he was cleaning up   after leaving Bayview,   but what if he was getting rid of evidence?   Or have I been reading way too many murder mysteries?   – Oh, my God.   Speaking of murder mysteries,   Bobby was reading one in Bayview.

He was? – Yeah.   And it’s obviously all speculation right now,   but I’ve had stranger theories turn out to be true.   – So how do we figure out if it is true?

– Three, two, one.   Everett, open your eyes.


[sobbing]   – Look at me.   Look at me.   You’re OK.   It’s safe.   You’re right here.   Tell me what happened.   –

[breathing heavily]   Sorry.   I haven’t remembered that until now.  

[somber music]   My father, Robert Stein, he, uh–   he terrorized me.

And that must be why–   that must be why Bobby came out that day, to–   to protect me, and stayed until now.

– What do you mean, stayed until now?   – Well, I mean, now that   I remember everything,   I don’t need him to protect me anymore, do I?   I– I have his memories, you know, and his–   his feelings.

[laughs]   It’s like, um–   it’s like I’m a complete person now.

[laughs]   I mean, I should have done this months ago.   You– you encouraged me to, didn’t you?   But I was–   I was too scared.

[sighs]   But I should have listened to you   the first time because…

[sighs]   This is incredible.   I feel incredible, seriously.  

[dramatic music]   I don’t know how I can ever thank you, Dr. Evans.

You’re a miracle worker.

[soft dramatic music]

Hello. Hello, Gabi.   – Mayor Price.   – Oh, I’m just–   I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.   – Thanks.   – You– did you just come from seeing your brother?   – I did. No change.

Oh, well, I’m praying for him.   All of us in Salem are.   And we will find whoever did this to him.   Justice will be served, I promise you that.   – Thank you.   – Uh, well, I do have a big learning curve   ahead of me. – No, we both do.   – But you have television experience.   – Oh, not on a scripted show, I don’t.   – Well, I may not have the experience,   but I make up for that with a lot of enthusiasm.

[laughter]   You know, I think we should hold off   on casting just for a minute.   And besides that, I know exactly   who should play Lorna DeLorean.

No, no, no, no, no.   Don’t look at me because I’m a producer, not an actor.   And even if I was tempted to play the part,   you would still have two more roles to cast.   – Ah, but I know exactly who should play   those roles too.

– Yeah?   – Got a minute? – I’m on a break.   I’m all yours. – Thank you.   I just wanted to talk to you about Everett Lynch.   I– I had an encounter with him this morning,   and it really left me quite troubled.   – Yeah, well, I just had a session with him   that also left me rather troubled.   – Right. He was on his way to see you.   Did– it didn’t go well?

No, I would say that it went well.   It went almost too well.

What do you mean?   – He appeared to have a major breakthrough,   one that I wouldn’t have expected for some time.   – Do you think he’s putting on an act?   –

[sighs] I don’t know exactly.   You know, he’s so intelligent,   and– and he’s so clever,   and he’s able to, I don’t know, take drastic measures   to secure his own self-preservation.

Anyway, if the session today was not as it seemed,   then I think I made a serious mistake   in releasing him from Bayview.  

[eerie music]

[sighs]   Sorry, Commish.

I never meant for this to happen to you.   I mean, I knew Connie was kind of a wacko.   If I’d known she was gonna try to kill you,   I would have stopped her.

I’m a reporter.   I should have asked more questions.

See, I never meant for you to die.   I just wanted you out of the way…   so I could have Jada all to myself.

– I’d like to bring Bobby in for questioning,   but I’m gonna have to handle it very delicately.   In the meantime, don’t say anything about this to anyone.   – Of course not.

I mean, the last thing we need is for someone else   to know that we think that Everett is Bobby   and that he might be the one who stabbed Rafe.

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Days Update Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Ava goes to the DiMera office where Kristen informs her that she heard about her encounter at the Brady Pub last night and questions why she didn’t tell her about it.

Gabi goes to her bedroom where Stefan is sleeping. Stefan wakes up so Gabi apologizes if she woke him and explains that she just needed to get her rosary before heading back to the hospital to be with Rafe. Stefan asks how Rafe is doing. Gabi says he’s still in a coma. Gabi goes to leave but Stefan stops her and says they need to talk.

Jada sits at Rafe’s side in the hospital. Kayla comes in and suggests Jada go home to get some rest but Jada says she’s okay. Kayla encourages that Rafe wouldn’t want her to sit there 24/7. Jada responds that she’s afraid of leaving his side. Kayla insists that Rafe is a fighter. Jada worries about the machines still breathing for him with no sign that he’s getting any better. Jad asks Kayla to be honest with her about the chances that Rafe will ever wake up.

Connie sits at home with her vision of Li Shin. Connie talks about using gloves when she stabbed Rafe so no one will ever know it was her. Her vision of Li then warns her that if Rafe ever wakes up, she’s screwed.

Bobby sits at the Brady Pub, reading the Spectator article about Rafe being in a coma after being stabbed. Bobby tells himself that he’s sorry as he didn’t think crazy Connie would take it this far but there’s nothing he can do about it now. Bobby declares that he shouldn’t waste this golden opportunity to get closer to Jada and that he should probably get to the hospital now but Stephanie arrives and greets “Everett.” He says he didn’t see her there while she says she couldn’t help but overhear him saying he’s heading to the hospital. He claims he has a therapy appointment with Marlena. Stephanie asks how that is going. He claims to be making a ton of progress. Stephanie says she’s glad to hear that. He tells her not to get too excited because they are not getting back together. Stephanie says she didn’t think that. He says he just didn’t want any confusion and that he should get going as he then hurries out of the Pub, leaving Stephanie confused.

Kayla wishes she could give Jada a definitive answer but says there is no real way of knowing when Rafe will wake up. Jada worries about the longer he is in a coma. Kayla encourages that Rafe has been through this before and made a full recovery. Jada notes that Rafe never mentioned that to her. Kayla says it was many years ago when Rafe was attacked and almost killed. Kayla says things looked dire but Rafe has a strong spirit. Kayla adds that there’s no reason to think he won’t come back to them. Jada hopes she’s right and says Rafe has a lot left to do in this world.

Gabi tells Stefan that she doesn’t have the energy for another fight. Stefan says he doesn’t want to fight and wants her to stop pushing him away. Gabi asks him to please move. Stefan refuses and says he didn’t say a word when she told him not to come to the hospital last night or when she decided to move out of their room. Stefan tells Gabi to stop being so stubborn and let him be there for her. Gabi asks if he’s not still mad about her revealing the truth about Jude since he said she may have started another war with EJ. Stefan declares that none of that matters now that her brother is fighting for his life. Stefan asks Gabi to let him help her through this. Stefan knows how scared she must be. Gabi admits that she’s scared of losing Rafe as Stefan hugs her.

Ava tells Kristen that she knew she should’ve said something to her. Kristen argues that she owes it to her. Ava asks how she found out anyway. Kristen reveals that Gabi left her a message that she ran in to her at the Pub and pitched the idea of reviving Gabi Chic at DiMera. Ava realizes it’s about that and not Brady. Kristen questions why Ava didn’t tell her about it. Ava calls it a terrible idea and reminds Kristen that she slept with Gabi’s husband while she was in prison. Kristen points out that Gabi doesn’t know about that. Ava argues that Gabi still hates her so there’s no way she’s going to stand side by side with her. Kristen tells her that’s actually exactly what she’s going to do. Kristen calls Gabi Chic a valuable asset that will give them a chance to compete with Basic Black. Ava guesses it’s about Brady then but Kristen claims it has nothing to do with Brady as unlike Ava, she doesn’t let her personal feelings get in the way of a good business decision. Kristen tells Ava that she will have to suck it up and work with the woman whose husband she slept with. Kristen wants Ava to track Gabi down and get her to sign with them today, before she changes her mind. Ava thinks Gabi has more important things on her mind right now, like the fact that her brother is in a coma.

Gabi tells Stefan that she’s used to Rafe being the big strong hero and her protector, but now he’s just lying in the bed, helpless. Stefan asks if the cops have any idea who did this to him. Gabi says not yet, but she just keeps thinking about how he was stabbed in the back. Stefan points out that it’s like Li. Gabi says that makes her think about if there’s a connection. Stefan points out that Gil Carter is dead and asks how that could be. Gabi then informs Stefan that Everett Lynch’s alter, Bobby claims it wasn’t Gil. Stefan questions him telling the truth. Gabi doesn’t know but declares that if he is, that means the person who murdered Li is still out there. Stefan brings up all the evidence pointing to Gil Carter and that being used to get Gabi cleared and that Rafe himself believed the evidence. Stefan suggests it could just be a horrible coincidence. Gabi says that all she knows is she just wants her big brother back as Stefan hugs her. Gabi thanks Stefan and admits she’s been trying to push him away, but says it feels really good to have him here with her. Stefan promises that he’ll always be there for her, whenever she needs him. Gabi then tells Stefan to make love to her as they kiss.

Jada remains at Rafe’s side and tells him that she’s going to need him to get better. Jada talks about being impatient and she knows Rafe deserves a little rest, but repeats she will need him to wake up, not just for her but for everyone at the department, his friends and family. Jada wants Rafe to know that the whole community is praying for him and she hopes that he can feel that. Jada hopes Rafe knows how much she loves him. Jada talks about the past few months being the happiest she’s ever been and she’s not ready to lose that as they have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of them. Jada cries for Rafe to please wake up, so she can hold him again and he can help her find the person who hurt him. Bobby then enters the room and sees Jada crying at Rafe’s side.

Connie tells her vision of Li that Rafe is barely hanging on, so she doubts he’ll make some miraculous comeback. Her vision of Li asks what if he does. Connie states that she came up from behind so he didn’t see her. Her vision of Li states that she’s being awfully cold about this when an innocent man is in a coma and she’s just going about her day with no remorse. Connie questions what she was supposed to do since Bobby was going to tell Jada what she did to Li, so it was the only way to stop him. Her vision of Li asks what if Bobby doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain.

Kristen tells Ava that Gabi is very upset about Rafe, but they both know she has no problem setting aside her emotions to get what she wants. Kristen knows they have their issues and that Ava feels guilty about sleeping with her husband but if she wants this job, she’s going to have to get over it. Ava then agrees to go talk to Gabi and make her an offer. Kristen reveals that she already drew up a contract. Ava repeats that she still thinks it’s a terrible idea but Kristen doesn’t care. Kristen then orders Ava to track down Gabi and get her to sign on the dotted line.

Gabi and Stefan lay in bed after having sex. Gabi guesses now is a good time to say she’s sorry about the whole mess with EJ. Stefan asks how he knows she actually means that. Gabi states that she’s not sorry that Eric got his kid back and admits it was very satisfying to screw EJ over for sending her to prison, but she is sorry that she betrayed Stefan’s trust. Stefan accepts her apology and says he’s sorry for getting so mad at her. Gabi feels he had every right to be mad. Stefan says not after how long they were apart and he almost lost her for good. Stefan says he shouldn’t have let something like that come between them. Gabi understands he was hurt and she doesn’t blame him. Gabi says when it comes to other people, they can lie, cheat, and steal but they need to be able to trust each other. Gabi holds Stefan’s hand and swears to never keep secrets from him ever again. Gabi declares that from now on, it’s honesty and trust as they continue kissing.

Kayla joins Stephanie at the Brady Pub and says it sounds like she missed quite a wedding. Stephanie points out that it was two weddings. Kayla can’t believe Theresa pulled off that scheme as she really thought she had changed. Stephanie thought so too and brings up how Theresa treated Alex. Kayla asks how Alex is. Stephanie says he’s a mess. Kayla asks if she saw him after everything. Stephanie confirms that she followed him after the whole mess to try and comfort him but she didn’t think it did much good. Kayla points out that they have a history. Stephanie assures that history is all it is. Kayla guesses that she and Everett are back together now that he’s out of Bayview but Stephanie reveals that’s actually history too.

Bobby enters Rafe’s hospital room, pretending to be Everett, and says he heard the news about Rafe so he wanted to tell her how sorry he is. Jada calls that kind of him. He asks how Rafe is doing. Jada responds that he’s not good and the doctors aren’t sure if he will ever wake up. Bobby calls that terrible and asks if the police has any leads on who could’ve done this. Jada says forensics are analyzing the knife but other than that, they don’t have much to go on. Bobby tells her to let him know if he can help at all and offers to put a team of journalists from the Spectator to try and dig it up. Jada thanks him but thinks it’s best to let the police handle this. Bobby tells her that he has the full support of the newspaper and his as well if he can do anything for her.

Connie questions what reason Bobby would have to double cross her. Her vision of Li suggests he could use it to get closer to Jada. He warns that her plan could blow up in her face. Connie says she appreciates his concern, especially since she’s the reason he’s dead, but says she isn’t worried and that Bobby will be careful around Jada. He asks what if Jada figures out Bobby is faking. Connie assures that she won’t. He points out that if she did, Bobby would have no reason not to throw her under the bus.

Jada appreciates “Everett’s” offer to help but admits she’s a bit confused by it since they barely know each other. He says that he was in a coma for a year, so he has a lot of sympathy for the situation. Jada says he has a lot going on to get his life back on track. He talks about continuing therapy with Marlena and claims the integration process has been really successful so far. Jada says that’s great. He says he doesn’t fully understand it yet but he’s starting to feel like Bobby is becoming part of who he is. Jada questions that happening already. He’s sure he has a long way to go but feels like he’s starting to remember some of Bobby’s life. Jada asks if he has any memories on the murder of Li Shin. He says that Jada mentioned that before. Jada brings up Bobby claiming to have information on the death of Li Shin. He then claims not to know anything about that. Jada tells him to let her know if something comes back to him. He then clarifies that by remembering Bobby’s life, he’s starting to feel what Bobby is feeling, especially when it comes to Jada.

Kayla tells Stephanie that she’s sorry as she knows how excited she was about Everett coming back. Stephanie feels she was foolish since she was all set to tell him that she was ready for a serious relationship but he’s not. Kayla understands if he wants to focus on his mental health. Stephanie says she fully supports that but it still hurts. Stephanie calls Everett a great guy and says she’s really going to miss him even if it seems he won’t miss her because he seemed thrilled to be getting rid of her. Kayla questions what she is talking about. Stephanie informs Kayla that before she got there, she ran in to “Everett” and he was so dismissive and cold.

Stefan joins Kristen at the DiMera office and talks about his savvy negotiations, comparing it to Stefano. Kristen tells him to leave before his ego gets any bigger. Stefan says he will leave since he doesn’t want to run in to Ava. Kristen tells him not to worry since Ava is off trying to convince Gabi to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera which surprises Stefan.

Ava goes to the hospital to find Gabi. Ava knows it’s a really bad time as she’s sorry about Rafe. Gabi asks if she means she’s sorry she’s not the one who did it. Ava says she knows things ended badly between them but she cared deeply about Rafe and would never wish this on him. Gabi asks what she wants. Ava says if she has a few minutes, she’d like to talk business as she talked it over with Kristen and they decided they would love to have Gabi’s brand back in DiMera. Gabi guesses she was right to go over Ava’s head and that Kristen forced Ava to come to her which couldn’t have been easy for her. Ava says they completely understand if she needs to concentrate on Rafe right now, but it’s a standing offer if she’d like to take a few months before jumping in. Gabi calls that considerate but says they don’t know when Rafe will wake up so jumping back in with Gabi Chic would be a welcome distraction. Gabi adds that one of the last things Rafe said to her was that she needs to get her life back together, almost like he gave her his blessing. Ava says that’s great as Gabi asks if she has a contract for her to sign. Ava presents the contract to Gabi, which she says seems surprisingly fair. Ava says that Kristen is eager to get her back in the fold and tells her that she can have her lawyer look it over if she wants. Gabi says she worked with plenty of contracts like this when she was CEO of DiMera and it seems pretty standard. Ava wants to make sure Gabi knows how much work it’s going to take to get her brand up and running again. Gabi asks if Ava is trying to talk her out of this. Ava says not at all and repeats that Kristen is eager to have her on board which means she is too. Ava states that she just doesn’t want Gabi to sign and then have regrets when the workload starts to come in, especially since she will have to be juggling Rafe’s medical needs. Gabi guesses that Ava worries she might not be up for it but says she handled all the pressure of running DiMera, so she can handle Gabi Chic. Gabi then signs the contract and says it’s a deal. Gabi knows Ava has her doubts but promises that neither of them will regret working together.

Stefan questions Kristen saying that Gabi and Ava are going to be working together. Kristen confirms that’s the plan. Stefan asks why the hell she would do that. Kristen says it was Gabi’s idea to restart Gabi Chic at DiMera. Stefan complains that Gabi didn’t realize she would be working the woman who slept with her husband. Kristen argues that Gabi doesn’t know about that and Ava won’t tell her. Stefan questions why Kristen moved forward with it. Kristen calls it good for business. Stefan asks if she’s sure about that or if it’s her way of getting back at him and Gabi.

Kayla encourages Stephanie not to take “Everett’s” behavior personally since it’s probably just disorienting to be back. Stephanie agrees that she shouldn’t take it personally or complain. Stephanie says she’s glad that Everett is himself again as he deserves to live a life that he chooses for himself. Kayla says she’s so proud of her. Stephanie thanks her. Kayla realizes her break is over and suggests they have a girls night tonight since Steve is still in Greece so Stephanie can come over and watch a movie with popcorn and ice cream. Stephanie agrees so Kayla says she’ll see her in a bit as she exits the Pub.

Jada questions if “Everett” is suggesting that he’s developing feelings for her. He says that he knows Bobby really cared about her so he guesses he’s starting to feel that affection and he just wanted to come offer his support as a friend. Jada says she’s sorry if she misunderstood. He calls it a very confusing situation. Jada says the important thing is he’s getting healthy. He says that means a lot coming from her. Jada decides she’s starving so she is going to get takeout. He offers to pick something up for her but Jada says she could use the fresh air. He tells her to call if she needs anything since he’s trying to stay busy now that he’s alone. Jada asks what about Stephanie. “Everett” tells her that they are sadly not seeing each other anymore. Jada says she’s sorry to hear that. He says it’s for the best and he’ll see her around as he then exits.

Connie says she’s been ruminating about Bobby and that he could end up being a liability. Her vision of Li asks what she’s going to do about it. Connie guesses if it comes to it, she’ll have to get Bobby out of the way just like she did to Rafe.

Kristen questions why she’d want to get back at Stefan and Gabi. Stefan suggests maybe the way they stole their DiMera shares. Kristen states they made it look like she was abusing her own daughter and admits she was very upset about it, but they can let all that go because now they have a mutual disdain to bond over in EJ. Stefan is glad they’ll always have something to bond over. Kristen tells him to let go of his paranoia and know that she’s not out to get he and Gabi. Kristen jokes that she won’t spill the beans about his one night stand as she wouldn’t do that to Ava. Ava then walks in and asks what about her. Kristen says she was just filling Stefan in on how Ava will be working with Gabi. Ava presents Kristen with the contract and declares that it’s a done deal.

Stephanie runs in to Jada outside the Brady Pub and says she’s so sorry about Rafe and asks how she’s holding up. Jada says she’s hanging in there and asks how Stephanie is since she ran in to “Everett” and he told her they broke up. Stephanie confirms they did but she’s surprised he told her about that considering all she is going through. Jada admits that he was acting very weird. Stephanie asks what she means. Jada says that he just wasn’t acting like himself at all. They then agree that it’s possible that “Everett” isn’t really Everett.

“Everett” runs in to Kayla at the hospital. Kayla says she’s so glad to hear about his breakthrough and asks if he has a minute to talk about her daughter since Stephanie told her that they aren’t seeing each other anymore. He says he has to focus on his recovery. Kayla talks about how Stephanie was very upset about how dismissive he was earlier and she cares about him. Kayla hoped he would be a little more sensitive to her feelings. Bobby then remarks that she’s absolutely right that it is none of her business.

Connie sneaks in to Rafe’s hospital room and reaches towards his machines but Gabi walks in and questions what she is doing in there.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Carly tells Sonny that John is after him and he won’t stop until he is in prison. Sonny tells Carly that John has no evidence to put him in prison. Sonny is more concerned about his custody battle with Ava. Sonny asks Carly to smooth things over with Michael and persuade him to talk to him again so he can apologize for their earlier argument. Carly tells Sonny to smooth things over with Micheal on his own because she won’t clean up his mess for him.

Michael talks to Kristina about her testifying for Sonny at Avery’s custody hearing. Kristina doesn’t think she would be a good witness for Sonny because she saw him beat up Dex at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding.

Jason tells Anna about his new assignment and he asks Anna to use her contacts at the FBI to get him out of the assignment.

John tries once again to persuade Ava to give him evidence against Sonny, but she is scared that Sonny will kill her. John tells Ava he will find another way to get Sonny. Ava is touched by John’s gesture to protect her that she gives him a kiss.

John gets called to his boss’s office because Anna called John’s boss and told him he needs to stop John because he is out of control. John later went to Anna’s office because he is upset that she called his boss. Anna tells John to stick to his agreement with Jason or she will bury him.

Jason tells Carly about his new assignment and she decides to turn herself in to the FBI.

Sonny and Tracy share memories of Luke on his birthday.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lily tells Devon that she has decided to stay with Billy at Abbott-Chancellor because she doesn’t think that she and Devon can work together at Winters because he likes to work alone. Devon is hurt by Lily’s decision, but he is glad that Lily finally told him the truth.

Devon and Abby go to the park. Devon asks Abby to marry him and she accepts his proposal.

Lily tells Billy about the plan she and Devon had for her to go work with him at Winters and leave Billy high and dry. Billy knew that something was going on and he appreciated that Lily told him the truth.

Mariah and Tessa celebrate the anniversary of their first date by having a picnic in the park.

Nikki isn’t sure she wants to be the CEO of Chancellor Industries when and if Victor acquires the company. Nick isn’t sure that the takeover will be easy, but Victor is confident he will acquire Chancellor Industries and that Nikki will be the CEO.

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Days Update Monday, July 22, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

As Maggie officiates Xander and Sarah’s wedding, she asks if anyone objects. Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook, then arrives and declares that she’s sorry she’s late, surprising everyone in attendance. Fiona approaches Xander and comments on him being so handsome and grown up. Xander comments on her missing a decade of his life. Theresa looks worried while Leo watches on with excitement. Fiona declares to Xander that at long last they are all together now. Bonnie looks on with a big smile. Andrew comments to Paul that Xander’s mother sure knows how to make an entrance while Paul texts Brady to ask if he’s OK.

Brady sits at the Brady Pub with a drink at his table but texts Paul that he just got to a meeting.

Xander questions Fiona why she didn’t tell them she was coming. She explains that she was traveling when she got the invitation and sent an RSVP but when she realized it wouldn’t make it in time, she just hopped on a plane and is thrilled to be here. Xander then introduces his mom to Dr. Sarah Horton. Sarah tells Fiona that he’s so happy to meet her and she’s very glad she’s there. Fiona responds that she wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Sarah repeats that they are so happy she’s there to celebrate their special day and that it means a lot to them. Xander then introduces Fiona to her granddaughter, Victoria. Fiona guesses she’s named after Victor which Xander confirms. Fiona supposes that’s appropriate and calls her a lovely child. Theresa watches on uncomfortably. Maggie then greets Fiona as her other grandmother. Sarah introduces Fiona to Maggie, who mentions that she is also Victor’s widow. Fiona says she’s sorry for her loss as she and Victor were close many years ago. Maggie brings up Fiona being married to Victor’s brother. Theresa then interrupts and asks if they can catch up later so they can get on with the wedding.

Ava goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Brady. Ava says she’s grateful that Kristen gave her a job but after an entire day of spreadsheets, she could really use a drink. Ava then stops and tells Brady that she thought he didn’t drink. Brady responds that he doesn’t.

Theresa introduces herself to Fiona as Theresa Donovan. Leo quickly points out that she should mean Theresa Kiriakis and informs Fiona that Theresa just married Victor’s son which Fiona questions and asks if he is Philip. Alex introduces himself as Victor’s other son. Fiona is confused as she thought Bo was Victor’s only other son, but says she’s been out of the loop for years. Alex tells Fiona not to worry about as he just found out he was Victor’s son after he died and thought he was his nephew for all his life. Fiona asks about how this revelation came to light. Theresa interrupts again and asks why it matters. Alex questions her hurry. Theresa claims she just wants to get on with the double wedding so they can get to the celebration. Fiona apologizes for bringing everything to a crashing halt. Sarah tells her it’s okay. Fiona states that after been gone for so many years, she has so many questions about the Kiriakis family. Alex explains that after the reading of Victor’s will, they found a letter from his mother naming him as Victor’s son which Fiona questions as Theresa looks annoyed. Fiona questions Alex learning he was Victor’s son from a letter which Alex confirms. Fiona asks if he still has the letter. Alex asks why she asks. Theresa asks Maggie to just get on with the ceremony but Fiona says this can’t wait. Xander questions what this is all about. Fiona responds that she’s sorry to tell him this on such a joyous occasion, but his cousin Alex is a fraud, shocking those in attendance.

Ava asks Brady if he wants her to call someone like his sponsor. Brady says that would be Maggie and she’s busy officiating her daughter’s wedding. Ava asks if Brady didn’t want to go. Brady says he went but he left at the half since it was a double wedding with Xander and Sarah, then his ex-wife Theresa and his newly discovered uncle, Alex Kiriakis. Brady says he watched Theresa and Alex get hitched and then got out of there. Brady decides they deserve a toast as he continues drinking. Ava is thinking Brady is very much not happy and asks if he wants to talk about it.

Theresa tells Fiona that her husband is not a fraud. Xander asks what this is about and what Fiona is trying to do. Fiona responds that she’s trying to stop a travesty of justice as they have all been fooled by this man. Alex says he has no idea what she’s talking about, but Fiona thinks he does. Fiona explains that Alex has been posing as Victor’s son but it’s all a lie. Justin argues that they all saw the letter. Sonny adds that Victor wanted Alex to know the truth. Fiona demands Alex show her the letter. Xander worries that she’s making a scene. Fiona says if he’s not hiding anything, he will let her see it. Justin then reveals that he has the letter and hands it to Fiona, explaining that Anjelica wrote it to Victor not long after Alex was born. Fiona reads the letter and says Anjelica may well be Alex’s mother, but she assures that she did not write this letter. Justin questions how she knows that. Fiona then reveals that she is the one who wrote the letter. Justin questions Fiona saying she wrote the letter which she confirms. Fiona says she wrote it and sent it to Victor. Alex argues that it has nothing to do with her as it’s about he and his parents. Xander questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona calls it something she should’ve done many years ago but she was ashamed. Maggie tells her to just say what she’s trying to say. Fiona is sorry it has to come out like this but reveals that many years ago, while married to Titus, she slept with Victor and got pregnant. Leo exclaims that now it’s a Salem wedding. Xander questions Fiona getting pregnant with Victor which she confirms. Fiona explains that she didn’t want Titus to know that she betrayed him, so she wrote Victor a letter in private, informing him of his son, Alexander. Alex says that is him while Justin adds that is the name he was given at birth. Fiona says that’s true but it’s also the name she gave Xander. Bonnie interrupts to say they’ve all seen the letter signed by Anjelica. Fiona says when she wrote the letter, she signed it herself so someone else must have changed the signature later. Alex argues that this can’t be right. Fiona questions how they obtained this letter. Justin explains that it was in a briefcase with Victor’s personal belongings which was returned to them by the ISA. Fiona asks if someone else could’ve had access to the briefcase. Paul looks to Andrew while Alex turns to look at Theresa.

Ava doesn’t think Brady should be drinking but says she’s not his sponsor or his mother and the last person who should lecture anyone on the choices they make. Brady tells her that she can’t stop him and gives her a drink on him. Ava guesses that since Brady is here instead of at the wedding reception, he still has feelings for his ex. Brady responds that he didn’t think he did and he thought he was over her, but she lured him in to bed when she was on the outs with Alex and reminded him of how good they used to be. Brady states that he slept with Theresa and it was the first time in a long time, but then the morning came and everything changed as Alex came crawling back in so Theresa kicked his ass to the curb. Ava tells Brady that she’s sorry as that sucks. Brady blames himself for falling prey to Theresa’s BS. Ava isn’t sure it will make him feel any better but says she has her own doomed love story. Brady tells her to tell him a Harris story. Ava explains that she thought they were going somewhere but he was going right out of town. Brady declares that love makes fools of them all which they toast to.

Alex accuses Theresa as she had access to the letter in Greece because her father left Victor’s briefcase in the room with her and she was alone while he and Brady were out looking for answers about Victor’s death. Alex demands the truth from Theresa. Theresa calls it crazy. Alex shouts that she’s crazy and asks if Brady was right that Theresa opened the briefcase and didn’t find a letter that said he was Victor’s heir. Xander points out that the letter said Alexander. Alex says she made it look like that Alexander was him. Theresa denies it. Alex yells at her to tell the truth for once in her life and asks if she changed the letter. Theresa then breaks down and admits that she changed the letter. Alex states that she made him and everyone else believe that he was Victor’s son and questions how she could do that. Xander calls it obvious. Alex tells Theresa to explain herself. Theresa then explains that when Shane left, she was alone with the briefcase and got curious so she opened it and found Fiona’s letter. Theresa says she realized the circumstances of the letter fit Alex just as much as Xander, so all it took was changing a signature. Xander calls her sick while Sarah asks if she really hated Xander that much. Theresa responds that she was afraid of Xander being that rich and powerful and the damage he could cause. Xander shouts at her wanting to talk about damage. Alex questions this being more about punishing Xander than it was about him. Theresa says it wasn’t like that so Alex asks how it was. Alex says they all want to know how she did it and questions her being some expert in forgery or if somebody helped her. Theresa admits she had help. Justin questions her finding a forger in Greece on short notice. Alex points out that they weren’t gone that long, so he asks how she found somebody. Theresa then reveals that she didn’t have to because Konstantin found her.

Ava explains to Brady that Harris got a lead on Megan Hathaway from Hope, so he took a leave from the force and was gone. Brady questions him just ending their relationship like that. Ava says that Harris couldn’t get past trust issues. Ava admits that she did lie to him repeatedly. Ava remarks that unlike Brady, she brought it all upon herself. Brady states that doesn’t make it hurt any less which Ava agrees with. Brady is glad that Harris is God knows where so Ava doesn’t have to see his face as a constant reminder of what she lost. Ava guesses he means like how he had to see Theresa and Alex. Brady complains that they are in the town square having a hell of a good time on their wedding night…

Alex questions Theresa about Konstantin being there which Theresa confirms. Maggie asks why he was at the hotel. Theresa explains that Konstantin heard about Victor’s briefcase and thought he was in the will, so when he found out that he wasn’t, she mentioned her idea to him and he offered to forge Anjelica’s signature. Maggie asks if she’s saying she was working with Konstantin this whole time. Theresa says she didn’t intend to be and she didn’t know he would show up in Salem. Sarah argues that Theresa knew the whole time that Konstantin was just after Maggie’s money. Theresa cries that she didn’t know Konstantin was dangerous and planning to kill her. Alex calls this whole thing a lie and says that Theresa never loved him, she loved the money. Theresa cries that it’s not true and asks if they can go somewhere to talk. Alex tells her that there’s nothing to talk about. Alex brings up that Brady accused her of knowing before she slept with him and she acted so insulted and insisted she was falling in love with him. Alex declares that everything was a lie. Theresa says to let her explain. Xander argues that she already explained that she’s been deceiving everyone this whole time and took something that was rightfully his to give to Alex for her own greedy and vile reasons. Alex tells Xander not to feel bad because he feels Xander got the better deal because Theresa may have screwed him over, but at least he didn’t marry her. Theresa then runs away in tears. Sarah hugs Xander while Justin stands with Alex. After the town square begins to clear out, Alex remains with Justin, Sonny, and Bonnie. Sonny asks if Alex is okay. Alex responds that he just feels so stupid as Bonnie says she’s so sorry for everything that happened. Alex brings up that Brady tried to warn him but he was so caught up in being Victor’s son that he didn’t realize everything was a lie, including this marriage. Bonnie points out the one good thing is that Justin is actually his father. Alex agrees as he and Justin embrace and say they love each other. Sonny adds that he’s still his kid brother after all as he hugs Justin and Alex. Alex declares that he’s so grateful for both of them and he can’t stop thinking about how Theresa lied to him about who he was for all these months. Justin says he will get the marriage annulled, call the police to report fraud, and make sure that Theresa can never hurt him again. Justin adds that if Alex wants to make a statement, they can do that. Alex says he’s sorry but right now, he just needs to get out of here and storms off.

Brady and Ava continue drinking at the Pub. Ava decides she’s had enough and is going upstairs to go to bed early. Brady asks if she wants some company. Ava asks if he’s offering. Brady says they both want to feel good and suggests maybe they could feel good together. Ava admits they probably would tonight, but then tomorrow probably not so much. Ava brings up Kristen being her new boss. Brady jokes that Kristen doesn’t need to know but Ava says they both know that secrets do not stay buried in this town. Ava admits she is tempted but she’s made impulsive decisions before, especially while drinking, and they’ve always turned out to be a mistake. Brady says you can’t blame him for trying. Ava understands why Brady wants to drown himself in booze but encourages himself to try not to think about Theresa for too long since she’s a married woman now, so he has to move on. Ava calls it Theresa’s loss because Brady is a great guy. Brady says he appreciates that and thanks her. Ava asks how he’s getting home. Brady promises to order a ride. Ava tells Brady to take care of himself as she heads upstairs.

Justin and Bonnie talk about it being tough for Alex and how they will be there when he’s ready. Bonnie tells Justin that she couldn’t be happier that Alex is his son as they embrace along with Sonny. Fiona comments to Xander, Sarah, and Maggie about Theresa being a despicable woman and questions them wanting to share their wedding with her. Xander questions Fiona for lying to him his whole life, knowing that Victor was his father. Fiona explains that they didn’t want to hurt Titus and knew he would be devastated if he found out about their affair that Xander wasn’t his son. Xander asks what about after Titus died. Fiona says she was in no shape to deal with it as she fell apart after he died while she and Xander were barely speaking. Sarah asks about Xander having no idea. Xander says when Titus died, he fell apart too but his mom was nowhere to be found as she was off somewhere, drinking herself into oblivion. Fiona apologizes for not being there for him. Xander responds that he doesn’t want her here now and tells her to get out of his sight. Fiona argues that she came to his wedding and wants to get to know her grandchild, but Maggie points out that he asked her to leave, so Fiona exits. Sarah asks if Xander is okay. Xander says he’s fine and tells Sarah that he still wants to get married. Maggie says they could move the ceremony to another time. Xander argues that they’ve been waiting so long for this day. Sarah feels they can wait a little bit longer and suggests just going home to sort everything out. Xander agrees to see them at home then and walks away. Leo approaches Paul and asks where his boyfriend is and questions if Andrew was conspiring with his sister.

Andrew follows Theresa to her room where she is gathering her things and asks if she is going somewhere.

Paul tells Sonny that just once, he wouldn’t mind a simple and boring wedding where everyone goes home happy. Sonny says he’s been to a few and they were pretty nice. Leo comes over and says he likes a little drama with his romance. Leo offers them some of Theresa and Alex’s wedding cake, saying they won’t be using it. Paul questions Leo cutting the cake himself. Leo argues that just because the wedding was a disaster is no reason to let a perfectly good cake go to waste. Roman calls Kimberly and questions if Theresa didn’t call her about the wedding. Roman tells her that she might want to sit down.

Theresa tells Andrew that she doesn’t need to hear what he has to say right now. Andrew doesn’t care and questions her lying to him too, bringing up her kidnapping adventure with Konstantin. Theresa wants to explain but Andrew doesn’t want to hear any more lies. Andrew states that she convinced him not to turn her in when he saw her on the security footage and swore that she only agreed to work with Konstantin in some matchmaking scheme, but she was working with him the whole time to get their hands on Victor’s money and she convinced Maggie that Konstantin was some hero, just so he could help her sink her claws in to Alex. Theresa swears that she really cares about Alex but Andrew tells her to stop lying. Theresa asks if he’s going to turn her in now and tell everyone that she was Konstantin’s accomplice in Victoria’s kidnapping. Andrew says he won’t but if she had a shred of dignity left, she would do it herself. Andrew then exits.

Stephanie catches up to Alex in the park and says she just wanted to see if he’s okay. Alex responds that he’s not, so Stephanie hugs him.

Bonnie tells Justin that she knows a lot of crazy things happened today, but he got the best news about two people he loved very much as Victor didn’t lie to him for all those years and Alex is his son, now and forever. Sarah and Maggie watch over Victoria as Sarah promises she and Xander will get married soon. Maggie calls it hardly the wedding she was expecting. Sarah jokes that she’s had worse. Maggie asks if she’s alright. Sarah says she’s okay but she doesn’t know what happens next. Sarah declares that whatever it is, she will be there to help Xander through it.

Xander goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and has a drink. Xander pours another and then looks up at the portrait of Victor. Xander toasts to his father and then smashes the glass by throwing it at the portrait.

Fiona goes to the Brady Pub and asks Brady if someone is sitting there. Brady responds that she left so no one has touched the drink and it’s all hers, so Fiona takes the seat.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[light music]

– Hey, boss. You wanted to see me?   – Yeah, come on in.   – Thanks.   So what’s going on?   – Well, I heard about your encounter at the Pub yesterday.   – The Pub?

Mm-hmm.   Roman Brady’s greasy spoon, that pub.   Want to explain why you didn’t tell me about it?  

[intriguing music]


Sorry if I woke you.   I just needed my rosary before I head back to the hospital   to see my brother.

How’s he doing?

He’s still in a coma.   Now, if you’ll excuse me.   – No.   We need to talk.

Why don’t you go home and get some rest?

I’m OK.

Well, you can’t sit here  hours a day.   You know that Rafe wouldn’t want you to do that.

I know.   I’m afraid.   I’m afraid that if I leave his side, he’ll–

You can’t think that way. Come on.   He’s a fighter. You know that.   Really.

Yeah, but the machines,   they’re still breathing for him.   And there’s no sign that he’s getting any better.

That doesn’t mean that he won’t.

But it doesn’t mean that he will either.   Be honest with me, Kayla.   What are the chances that he’ll ever wake up?

That’s not the same knife you used to stab Rafe in the back,   is it?   – No, that would be unsanitary.   Besides I left that planted between his shoulder blades.   I’m assuming it’s in some police evidence locker.

Hmm.   And you’re not worried about your prints showing up?

Oh, please, do you take me for an amateur?   I wore gloves.   No one’s ever going to know it was me.

Unless Rafe wakes up from his coma,   in which case you’re screwed.  

[light guitar music]

– Sorry, Commish.   I didn’t think Crazy Connie would take it that far, but…   nothing I can do about it now.   I see no reason to waste this golden opportunity   to get closer with Jada.   I should probably get over to the hospital now.


[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– Steph, I–I didn’t see you standing there.

I–I couldn’t help but overhear.

Overhear what?

Did you say you’re heading to the hospital?

Yes, I am.   I–I have my therapy appointment with Dr. Evans.   – Right, of course.   How’s it going?   – Great.   Yeah.   I’m making a ton of progress.   – I’m so glad to hear that.   – Well, don’t get too excited.   I don’t want you to think we’re getting back together.

I–I didn’t think that.

Good.   I just don’t want there to be any confusion.   Anyway, I should get going.   – I wish I could give you a definitive answer   of when Rafe will wake up,   but there really is no way of knowing.   – Well, I think the chances are that the longer he’s out,   the longer it’ll take him he’ll wake up, right?   – I don’t trust the odds.   And if it’s any consolation to you,   Rafe has been through this before,   and he has made a full recovery.   – He has?   He’s never mentioned that to me before.   – Well, it was years ago.   He was attacked and almost killed.   I mean, things looked pretty dire back then.   But Rafe had a strong spirit.   And he has a strong spirit now.   There are a lot of people praying for him.   There’s no reason to think that he won’t come back to us.   – Well, I hope you’re right   because he has a lot left to do in this world.   – I was up most of the night at the hospital.   I don’t have the energy for another fight.   – I don’t want to fight with you either.   I just need you to stop pushing me away.   – Please move.   – No.   I didn’t say a word when you told me not to come   to the hospital last night   and certainly not when you decided   to move out of our room.   But now I need you to stop being so stubborn,   and let me be there for you.

Aren’t you still mad at me for revealing   that EJ lied about Jude?   You said I may have started another war with your brother.

OK, none of that matters now.   Doesn’t matter now that your brother   is fighting for his life.   So please, let me help you through this.   I know how scared you must be.

Yeah, it’s more than scary.   I’m scared I’m gonna lose him.

Come here.   Come here.

I knew I should have said something to you.

Yes, you should have.   It’s me, Ava.

How did you find out about it anyway?

Gabi left a message last night.


Yes.   She said that she ran into you at the Pub   and pitched you the idea of reviving Gabi Chic at DiMera.

Right, Gabi Chic.

Mm-hmm.   And why didn’t you tell me about this offer?

Because it’s a terrible idea.

Says who?

Says me.   And you well know that I slept with her husband   while she was in prison.

God.   And she doesn’t know about that, don’t she?

No, she does not, OK?   But she hates me.   And there’s no way that I’m going to be sitting   side by side next to her.

Actually, that’s exactly what you’re going to do.

Gabi Chic is a valuable asset.   And it will give us a chance to compete with Basic Black.

So this is about Brady?

No, this is nothing to do with Brady.   Unlike you, I don’t let my personal feelings   get in the way of a smart business decision,   which this most certainly is.   So you’re just going to have to suck it up and accept the fact   that you’ll be working with a woman   whose husband you did sleep with.   So…   I want you to track her down   and get her to sign with us today   before she changes her mind.

Don’t you think Gabi’s got more important things   on her mind right now?   Like the fact that her brother is in a coma.

I’m used to Rafe being this big, strong hero.   You know?


My protector.   Now he’s just lying in that bed helpless.

Cops have any idea who did this to him?

Not yet.   I just keep thinking about the way it happened–   stabbed in the back.

Like Li?

Yeah, like Li.   And it makes me think, I mean, what if there’s a connection?

But Gil Carter’s dead.   How could that be?

Well, apparently, Everett Lynch’s alter, Bobby,   claims he knows that Gil wasn’t the killer.

Oh.   And you think he’s telling the truth?

I don’t know.   But if he is, that means the person that murdered Li   is still out there.

All the evidence pointed toward Gil Carter.   And that was the evidence that we used   to get your conviction overturned.   I mean, Rafe himself was convinced.   I don’t know.   Maybe this is just some horrible coincidence?

Maybe.   All I know is I just want my big brother back.  

[music playing]

Thank you.   I know I’ve been trying to push you away.   But it feels really good to have you here with me.

I will always be here for you whenever you need me.

Promise?   – I promise.   – Make love to me, Stefan.

Listen, Hernandez.   I’m going to need you to get better.   You know I am not a patient woman.   You know I hate red lights.   Remember that time you were going to cite me   for hitting my siren at that long red light?   And I know that you deserve a little rest,   but I’m going to need you to wake up, OK?   I mean, not just for me,   but for everyone at the department,   for your friends and your family,   Gabi.   I want you to know that the whole community   is praying for you.   And I hope that you can feel that.   I hope you know how much I love you.   You know, these past few months has been the happiest   that I have ever been.   And I am not ready to lose that.   We have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of us.   So, Rafe, will you please, please wake up?   So I can hold you again,   and so you can help me find the person who hurt you.

Rafe’s barely hanging on.   I doubt he’ll make some sort of a miraculous comeback.

And if he does?

He didn’t see me.   I came up from behind him.

You’re being awfully coldhearted about all this.   – What do you mean?

I mean, an innocent man is in a coma thanks to you.   And you seem to just be going about your day   without an ounce of remorse.

What was I supposed to do?   Bobby was going to tell Detective Hunter   what I did to you.   And the only way to keep him from blabbing   was to get rid of the Commish.

And how do you know he won’t still blab?   What if Bobby doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain?

I am sure Gabi is very upset about her brother.   But you and I both know that she has no problem   setting aside her emotions   in order to get what she wants.   And look, I know that you two have your issues,   and that you feel guilty about sleeping with her husband   while she was behind bars.   But if you want this job,   you are going to have to get over it.   – Fine.   I will go talk to Gabi today.   And I will make her an offer.

Great.   I took the liberty of having a contract drawn up.

Fine.   For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea.

Yeah, and for the record, I don’t care.   So track down my sister-in-law   and get her to sign on the dotted line.



[sighs]   Feels like now’s a good time to say I’m sorry   for the whole mess with EJ.   What?

How do I know you actually mean it?

Well, I’m not sorry Eric got his kid back.   And yes, it was very satisfying to screw your brother over   after he sent me to prison.   But I’m sorry I betrayed your trust.   I really am.

Well, I accept your apology.   I do.   I’m sorry I got so mad at you.

You had every right to be mad.

No.   Not after how long we were apart.   Not after I almost lost you for good.   I shouldn’t have let something like that come between us.

Easy to say.   You were hurt.   And I don’t blame you.   When it comes to other people,   we can lie, cheat, steal.   You and I need to be able to trust each other.   Give me your hand.   I swear I’ll never keep secrets from you ever again.   From now on, honesty and trust.

Honesty and trust.

It sounds like I missed quite a wedding.   – Well, two weddings– double the drama.

I still can’t believe that Theresa orchestrated   that whole scheme.

I know.

I mean, stealing Xander’s birthright.   You know, I really thought that she had turned a corner.

Me too.   And the way she treated Alex.

How is he doing?   – He’s a mess.   Why wouldn’t he be?

So you’ve seen him after this whole thing went down?   – He took off from the wedding.   And I followed him just to try to comfort him best I could.   But I don’t think it did much good.   – You comforted him?   – Well, not like that.   – Well, I mean, I just mean that the two of you   have a history.   – And that’s all it is–   history.   – Right. Right. That’s right.   You and Everett are back together now   that he’s been released from Bayview, right?   – Well, actually, that’s history too.

[knocking]   – Everett, what are you doing here?

I’m so sorry to intrude.   I just–I heard the news about Rafe.   And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.   – Oh, that’s very kind of you.   – How’s he doing?   – Not good.   The doctors aren’t even sure if he’ll ever wake up.   – It’s terrible.   Do the police have any leads on who could have done this?   – Forensics is analyzing the knife now   to see if they can pick up any prints or DNA.   But besides that, we don’t have much to go on.

Well, if I can help at all,   let me know.   I’ve got a team of journalists at The Spectator.   I could put them on the case see   if they could dig anything up.

Thanks, but I think it’s best that the police handle this.

I understand.   I just–I want you to know that you have   the full support of not just the newspaper,   but me personally.   Whatever you need, I’m here for you.   – What reason does Bobby have to double cross me?

He was using his knowledge about my murder   to cozy up to Detective Hunter.


So what if he decided to   ID you as my killer   as a way to ingratiate himself to her?   I don’t mean to rain on your parade, Connie,   but this plan of yours could possibly   just blow up in your face.   – I appreciate your concern, Li,   especially since I’m the reason you’re, you know, dead.   But I’m not worried.   Bobby will be careful around Detective Hunter.   He’s shrewd.

So is Jada Hunter.   And Bobby’s her ex.   What if she figures out he’s faking?

She won’t.

I hope you’re right.   Because if he’s caught,   Bobby will have no reason   not to throw you under the bus.

I appreciate your offer to help, Everett.   But I have to admit I’m a bit confused by it.

Why is that?

Because you and I, we barely know each other.

True.   But I was in a coma for a year.   So I have a lot of sympathy for the situation.   – Right.   And you have a lot going on.   So you got to get your life back on track.   I don’t want to be an imposition.

You could never be that.   Look, um…   The truth is I–   I’ve been continuing my outpatient therapy   with Dr. Evans.   And…   the integration process has been, like,   really successful so far.

That’s great.

Yeah.   I mean, I can’t say I fully understand it yet,   but I don’t know.   I’m–I’m starting to feel   like Bobby’s becoming   part of who I am.

Really? Already?

I’m sure I’ve got a long way to go.   But yeah, I feel like–   I don’t know–like, I think I’m starting to remember   some of Bobby’s life.

Do you happen to have any memories   on the murder of Li Shin?

Li Shin?   Yeah, you’ve mentioned that before.

Well, Bobby claimed that he had some information   on the death of Li Shin.   – Oh.   Wow.   No.   No, I don’t know anything about that.   Sorry.   – No need to apologize.   But if something comes back to you, you let me know.

Of course.   And just to clarif,   what I said before about remembering Bobby’s life,   I meant I’m starting   to sort of feel   what he’s feeling   now,   especially when it comes to you.   – Sweetheart, I–sorry.   I know how excited you were that Everett was coming back.   – I was, foolishly in retrospect,   since I was all set to tell him   that I was ready for a serious relationship.   It turns out he’s just not ready.   – Well, that’s understandable.   He might just want to focus on his mental health, you know?   – Which I fully support.   – But it still hurts.   – Yeah, it does.   Everett’s a great guy.   And I’m really gonna miss him,   even if it seems he won’t miss me.   – What?   – He seemed pretty glad to be rid of me.   – What are you talking about?

Before you got here, I ran into him.   Mom, he was so dismissive,   so cold.   – All set.   You know, some would say   this was the savviest negotiation since the big man   himself was in charge.   – Are you now comparing yourself to Stefano?

Just saying.   – All right, leave before your head gets too big   to fit through the doorway.   – You know what?   I am going to get out of here before I bump into Ava.

Oh, don’t worry about it.   She’s not here.   She’s off trying to convince your wife   to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera.

Oh, Gabi.

Ava.   – Hey. – Hey.   I know this is a really bad time.   I’m very sorry about Rafe.

Sorry you’re not the one who did it?

Oh, come on, Gabi.   Come on.   I know things ended badly between us,   but I care deeply about Rafe.   I would never wish this on him.

Right.   So what do you want?   – Well, if you’ve got a few minutes,   I’d like to talk business.

Is this about Gabi Chic?

I talked it over with Kristen,   and we decided we would love to have you revive   your brand with DiMera.

So I was right to go over your head.

I wouldn’t say that.

Kristen forced you to come to me, huh?   It couldn’t have been easy for you.

Look, we completely understand   if you need to concentrate on your brother right now,   but it is a standing offer.   So if you’d like to take a few months before jumping in–

That’s very considerate of you,   but we don’t know when Rafe’s situation might change.   And jumping back in the game with Gabi Chic   would be a welcome distraction.

Are you sure?   – Yes.   In fact, one of the last things that Rafe said to me before he   was attacked was that I needed to start thinking about getting   my life back together.   It’s almost like he gave me his blessing.

That’s great.

So got a contract for me to sign?

Seems surprisingly fair.

Well, Kristen is eager to have you back in the fold.   Feel free to have your lawyers take a look at it,   get a second set of eyes on it.   – That’s OK.   When I was CEO of DiMera, I worked with plenty of contracts   like this.   Seems pretty standard.

Um, Wait.

What’s the problem?

No, no, no problem.   I just–I want to make sure that you realize   how much work it’s going to take   to start your company again.   – Are you trying to talk me out of this?   – No, not at all.   And Kristen is eager to have you on board.   And therefore, so am I. I just–   you know, I don’t want you to sign and then have regrets   when the workload starts to come on in,   especially since you’re going to have to be   juggling Rafe’s medical needs.   – Oh, I see.   – You see what?   – You’re right. I may not be up for it.   – No, I didn’t say that.   – Look, I ran all of DiMera.   I can certainly handle the pressure of Gabi Chic.   It’s a deal.   I know you have your personal doubts,   but I can promise you, neither one of us   are going to regret working together.   – I’m sorry.   Did you just say that Gabi and Ava   are going to be working together?   – That’s the plan.   – OK, why? Why?   Why?   Why the hell would you do that?   – Hey, it was Gabi’s idea.   I mean, she’s the one who wants to restart   Gabi Chic here at DiMera. – OK.   But of course, she didn’t realize   that she’d be working with the woman   who slept with her husband.

Yeah, but she doesn’t know about that.   And Ava’s not gonna tell her.   I mean, Ava wasn’t too thrilled about the situation either.

Of course, she wasn’t.   So why did you move forward with it?

Because it’s good for business.   – Right.   You sure about that?   Or is this your way of getting back at me and Gabi?

Listen to me.   Do not take Everett’s behavior personally.   Look, he has been locked in his psyche for months.   I’m sure it is just really disorienting to be back,   you know? – Yeah.   Yeah, you’re right.   I shouldn’t take it personally.   And I shouldn’t complain.   I’m glad that Everett is himself again.   And he deserves to   live a life he chooses for himself.   – I am so proud of you.   – Thanks, Mom.

Oh.   My break is over.   Listen.   Why don’t we have a girls’ night tonight?

Really?   You sure you’re up for it?

%.   Look, your dad’s still in Greece.   You can come over.   We’ll order in.   We’ll watch a movie.

Well, can we do   popcorn and ice cream?

You know it now, huh?   I love you, baby girl.

I love you too.

All right.   See you in a bit, OK?   – OK.   – If you’re suggesting that you’re developing   feelings for me–

No, no.   I just–   I know Bobby really cared about you.   And I guess I’m starting to feel that affection.   I just wanted to come and offer my support   as a friend.   – OK.   Sorry if I misunderstood.

Not at all.   It’s a very confusing situation.

Yeah, for all of us.   But the important thing is that you’re getting healthy.

That means a lot coming from you.

You know, I am suddenly starving,   so I’m gonna grab some takeout.

You know, I’m headed into town.   I can pick something up for you.   – Oh, no, I could–   I could use the fresh air.   – I understand.   If you need anything, just call.   I’m just trying to busy myself, you know, other than work.   I’m trying to stay busy   now that I’m alone.

Alone?   What about Stephanie?   – Oh, yeah, we–   we’re not seeing each other anymore.   Sadly, that had to end.

So sorry to hear that.   – That’s OK.   It’s for the best.   Anyway, I’ll see you around.   – I’ve been ruminating on what you said about Bobby.   And maybe you’re right.   He could turn out to be a liability.   – What are you gonna do about it?   – Well,   I guess if it comes to it,   I’ll have to get him out of the way   just like I did the Commish.   – And now, why would I want to get back at you and Gabi?   – I don’t know, Kristen.   Maybe for the way we stole your DiMera shares?

You mean the way you made it look like   I was abusing my own daughter?   – Yeah, that. – Yeah, that.   And I was very upset about it.   But…   we can let all that go, right?   Because now we have a mutual disdain that we can bond over–   our brother EJ.   – I’m glad we’ll always have something to bond over.

Mm-hmm.   So you can let go of your paranoia   and know that I am not out to get you and Gabi.   And I am not gonna spill the beans   over your one-night stand.   I wouldn’t do that to Ava.   – What about Ava?   – Oh, I was just filling Stefan in   on how you’ll be working with Gabi.   – It’s a done deal.   – Jada.   – Steph, hi.   – I’m so sorry about Rafe.   How are you holding up?   – I’m hanging in there.   But how are you?   I saw Everett, and he told me that you two broke up.   – Yeah, we did.   I’m surprised he told you about that,   considering all you’re going through.

Right. Well, he was acting very weird.   – Well, what do you mean?

Let’s just say he just wasn’t acting like himself   at all.

Oh, my God.   Do you think it’s possible–   – That Everett really isn’t Everett?   Yeah, I do.   – Everett.

Dr. Johnson.   – Hi. You know what?   I was so glad to hear about your breakthrough   that you’re doing better.

Yeah, I am.   Thank you. Thank you.   – Wait. Do you have a minute?   Actually, I’d like to talk to you about my daughter.

Oh?   What about?

Well, Stephanie told me that the two of you   aren’t seeing each other anymore.

Yeah, I’m sure she told you I really need to focus on   my–on my recovery.

Yeah, she did.   But she also was very upset about how dismissive   you were with her earlier.   And I just thought that you should know   how much she cares about you.   And maybe it’s none of my business,   but I was just hoping that you would be a little more   sensitive to her feelings.

You’re absolutely right.   It is none of your business.

What are you doing in here?

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Nick goes to Sharon’s house to check on her and she insists that she is fine…she is just trying to get adjusted to her new medication. Sharon admits to Nick that she has been missing Cassie. Nick tells Sharon he has been missing Cassie too since the 20th anniversary of her death is coming up soon. Sharon later has a fantasy that she and Nick kiss.

Nikki, Victoria, and Nick demand that Victor tell them what he intends to do once Nikki returns from her leave of absence. Victor waits for Adam to arrive before he tells everyone that he is about to acquire Chancellor Industries and he wants Nikki to run the company.

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Days Transcript Monday, July 22, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


  If there’s anyone present   who knows any reason why these two   should not be joined in matrimony,   speak now or forever hold your peace.

[intriguing music]

– I’m so sorry I’m late.   – Who’s that?


I’m so sorry.   Forgive me, everyone. I didn’t mean to–   Alexander, is that really you?

Hello, Mother.

Look at you.

[laughs] So handsome.   You’re so grown up.

Yeah, it tends to happen when you miss a decade or so   of someone’s life.   – Yes, I suppose it does.   Here we all are now together.   At long last.



[exhales]   Xander’s mother sure knows how to make an entrance.   Paul.

Oh, sorry.   I’m just sending Brady a text,   making sure he’s okay.   –


[tense music]


Mum, but why didn’t you tell us you were coming?

Well, I would have,   but I was traveling when the invitation arrived.   I did put the RSVP in the mail,   but when I realized that it wouldn’t arrive on time,   I threw caution to the wind and hopped on a plane.   And I am just thrilled to be here for the happy couple.   – Speaking of happy couple.   – Oh, Xander, is this your lovely bride?   – It is, yes.   Mum, meet Dr. Sarah Horton.   Sarah, this is Fiona Cook, my mother.

I’m so happy to meet you, and I’m very glad that you’re here.

I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– We are so happy that you’re here, Ms. Cook,   to share in our special day.   – Oh, Fiona, please. – Oh, okay. Fiona.   It really–it means a lot to all three of us.

All three?

Oh, of course. Um…   this is your granddaughter, Victoria.

Whoa.   Oh, my.   Victoria?   Named after Victor?   – That’s right.   – Huh, I suppose that’s appropriate.   Mm, what a lovely, lovely child.   Hello, darling.   I’m your grandma.   Yes, I am.

Hello, Fiona.   I’m Victoria’s other grandmother.   – Uh, I’m so sorry. Yes.   This is my mom, Maggie Kiriakis.   – Kiriakis?   – I’m also Victor’s widow.   – Oh. – It’s nice to meet you.   – Likewise.   And I’m very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Victor and I were close many years ago.   – Of course.   You were, uh, married to Victor’s brother.   – Um. You know what?   We could just catch up later, can’t we?   Can we just get on with this wedding?

Wow. – Mm.   both: Hey.   – Oh, is it nighttime already?   Wow, I was starting to get cabin fever up there.   Oof.

Oh, no.   You weren’t being held prisoner again, were you?

I might as well have been.

[laughs]   I’m really grateful that Kristen gave me this job,   but after an entire day of studying spreadsheets,   I, uh, could really use one of those.

Mm. Mm.   – Wait, wait, wait.   I thought you didn’t drink.

I don’t.  

[enigmatic music]


[exhales]   – I’m sorry.   And you are?   – Theresa Donovan.   – Um, don’t you mean Theresa Kiriakis?   – Yeah.   – See, you may have noticed not one bride,   but two, Ms. Cook.   This here is a double wedding.   One down, one to go.   See, uh, Theresa here just married Victor’s son.

Victor’s son?

Hi there.

Oh, you must be Philip?

No, Victor’s other son, Alex.

I’m sorry. I thought Bo Brady   was Victor’s only other son.   Forgive me.   Been out of the loop this last–well, many years.

Mm, don’t even worry about it.   Honestly I just found out   I was Victor’s son after he died.   All my life I thought I was his nephew.

Hmm. How interesting.


And how did this revelation come–

You know what? What does it matter?   Really, we’re just wasting time here.   I mean, aren’t we here for a wedding?



Take it easy, Theresa.   I mean, what’s the hurry?

“What’s the hurry?” The hurry is   that I just wanna finish this double wedding   so that we can get to the celebration.


Yes, of course you do.   Well, you all do.   I’m so sorry, I just brought everything to a crashing halt.

No, no. It’s okay, Fiona.

No, it’s just that having been gone so long,   I have many questions about   the Kiriakis side of the family.

Mm, it’s not all that complicated.   After we found Victor’s will,   it included a letter from my mother   that he wrote to Victor naming me his son.

Did you say a letter?


[tense music]


You said you learned you were Victor’s son from a letter?

Yeah, my mother wrote a letter   to Victor many years ago.

Really?   Do you still have it?

Why do you ask?

Uh, Maggie, can we just get on   with the ceremony, please?

No, I’m sorry, this won’t wait.

I’m–I’m–I’m very confused.   I don’t understand.

Mum, what is this about?


[sighs] Well, I’m sorry to tell you this, dear,   especially on what’s supposed to be a joyous occasion,   but your cousin Alex here is a fraud.  

[dramatic music]


You–uh, you want me to call someone for you?

Who are you gonna call?

I don’t know, your sponsor maybe?

Sponsor? Oh, that’d–ooh– that’d be Maggie.   And she is–she’s busy.   She’s officiating her daughter’s wedding.

Ah, right.   Xander and Sarah’s wedding.   What? You didn’t want to go?

No, I went.   I-I left at the half.   Ergo my dapper attire.

Oh, you left the wedding at halftime?

Yeah, it was–it was– it was a twofer.   Double wedding, big deal.   Uh, you have Xander Cook and Sarah Horton,   and then on the other side you have, uh,   my ex-wife Theresa and my, wait for it,   newly discovered uncle, Alex Kiriakis.   So I-I-I stayed for the latter, watched them get hitched,   and then I got the hell outta there.

Mm. I see.

You know what?

[sighs]   They deserve– they deserve a toast.   They deserve a toast that other,   the latter couple.


So I’m gonna do that, all right?


Here we go.   To the happy couple, to the–   to them, you know, may they live happily ever   whatever in their whatever is happy to them   in the ever after–

[laughs] Whatever’s happy for them.

Yes. Brady, Brady, Brady.

Yay!   – Um, listen. Mm, okay, there you go.   – What? – Na–   you know, I’m just– I’m just thinking that, um,   the way you’re knocking those back,   I’m thinking that you’re very much not happy.   You want to talk about it?  

[light ambient music]

– How dare you.   My husband is not a fraud.

My God, Mum. What–what is this about?   What are you trying to do?

Trying to stop a travesty of justice.   –

[scoffs] –

[laughs]   You’ve all been fooled by this man.   – Lady, I have no idea what you’re talking about.   – Oh, I think you do.   You see, Alex here has been posing as Victor’s son,   but it’s all a lie.

What?   He’s not posing.   We all saw the letter.

Victor wanted him to know the truth.  

[intriguing music]

Show it to me, Alex.

Show you what?

The letter.

Mum, you’re making a scene.

If you’re not hiding anything, let me see it.

I have it.   I have it right here.

Convenient.   – As Alex said,   it’s from his mother.   She wrote it to Victor not long after Alex was born.


“Sincerely Anjelica”?

Yeah, my late mother, Anjelica Deveraux.

This Anjelica person may well be your mother,   but I can assure you she did not write this letter.

Huh, and how do you know that?

Because I did.


You’re saying you wrote this letter?

I did, yes.   I wrote it, and I sent it to Victor.

Listen, I don’t know you, but this is my wedding   and that letter has nothing to do with you.   It’s about me, my mother, and my father.

I’m afraid it’s not.

Mum, what are you doing?

Something that I should have done many years ago,   but I was too ashamed.

Fiona, just say what you were trying to say.

I’m really sorry that it has to come out like this.

[sighs softly] But many years ago,   when I was married to his brother Titus,   I slept with Victor and I got pregnant.

Ooh! Now it’s a Salem wedding.


You–you got pregnant with Victor?

Yes.   I didn’t want Titus to know I’d betrayed him,   so I privately wrote to Victor   telling him about his son, Alexander.

I’m Alexander.

Yes, but it’s–

But what?   That’s the name he was given at birth.

And it’s also the name I gave you, Xander.   Titus and the rest of the family   might have called you Alexandros,   but to me, you were always my little Alexander.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.   But we’ve all seen that letter, and it was signed by Anjelica.

Mm-hmm, yeah. Well, I don’t know   how this woman’s signature got here,   but when I wrote this letter, I signed it myself.   Someone else must have changed the signature later.

No, no, no. This can’t be right.

Dear God.

How did you obtain this letter?   – It was in a briefcase among Victor’s personal effects.   The ISA returned it to us after Victor’s plane crash.

Could someone else have had access to the briefcase?  

[tense music]


Um, that one’s on me.

Thanks.   But, Brady, um, for the record,   I do not think you should be drinking.   But I’m not your sponsor, and I’m not your mother.

[laughs] And I am the last person   who should be lecturing anyone on the choices that they make.

And plus, you can’t stop me.

No, I cannot.

So come on.   There you go.

So I am guessing that since you are   not at the wedding reception and you are here   basically chug-a-lugging these martinis   that you, uh– you still got feelings for your ex.


[sighs] I didn’t think I did.   You know, I thought it was over, I really, really did.   But you know what she did? She–she lured me–   lured me– lured me in the bed.   – Oh, did she?   She lured you, huh? – She did.   She was on the outs with Alex at the time.   And she got into my ear, and she went,   “Brady, remember how good we used to be?   “Remember? Remember how it felt?   Maybe we should be a little more than co-parents.”   – Oh. So you slept with her.   – Yeah, I did. – Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.   But hey, hey, hey, it was the first time   in a long, long time, okay?   – Mm.

But then, hey, the morning came and everything changed.   Alex comes crawling back in.   “Theresa, I-I want to be with you.   I-I want this to work,” you know.   And then–then kicked my ass to the curb.   How ’bout that?   – How ’bout that?   I’m sorry. That sucks.   – It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s my own fault.   I fell prey to her–her BS.   – Right. Right.   Now, listen, I’m not– I’m not so sure   this is gonna make you feel any better,   but, uh, I got my own doomed love story.   – Tell me a Harris story, come on.


[laughs] Yeah.   Well, you know, I thought that we were going somewhere.   Turns out he was going right out of town.   Right out of town.

Oof. Ah.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.


[sighs]   Ava, what do they say?


“Love makes fools of us all.”


[sighs] Ain’t that the truth?   Amen.   – It was you, wasn’t it?

What–what was me?

You had access to the letter.


In Greece.   Your father left Victor’s briefcase   in that hotel room with you.   And you were alone while Brady and I   were out looking for answers about Victor’s death.

What are you accusing me of?   – Damn it, Theresa!   Tell me the truth.  

[tense music]   Tell me the truth.

This is crazy.

No, no!   You’re crazy. You’re crazy.   Brady was right, wasn’t he?   You opened the damn briefcase,   but you didn’t find a letter   that said that I was Victor’s heir, did you?   – You found a letter naming Alexander.

And you made it look like that Alexander was me.

No. No. You’ve got it–

Admit it!


Admit it!

You have it wrong.   They have it wrong.

For once in your miserable life, tell the truth.   You changed the letter?   Tell me the truth!   You changed the letter.   –

[breathing heavily]   I–yes.



Yeah, it was me.   I changed the letter.   I’m sorry.


Oh, my God.   You made me and everybody else believe I was Victor’s son.  

[unsettling music]   How could you do that?   – Isn’t it obvious?

Go ahead.   Explain yourself, Theresa.


Well… okay.   When my father left, I was alone with the briefcase,   and I just got curious, so jimmied it open and I–   I found Fiona’s letter.   And as I was reading it,   I realized that the circumstances   of the letter fit you just as much as they fit Xander.



You even had the same birth names.   So… all it took was just changing the signature.

You are a sick woman, you know that?

You really hated Xander that much?

I hated the thought of him being so rich and powerful.   The damage–

Damage?   You want to talk about damage, Theresa?   You lying, vindictive– – No.   Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.   – So this was more about punishing Xander   than it was about me, right?

No. – No?   – No, no. – That’s not it?   – No, no. It wasn’t–it wasn’t like–   – That it wasn’t like that? How was it?   How was it?   How was it? We all want to know.   We all want to know, how did you do it?   huh?   What, are you some expert in forgery now?   Or did somebody help you?   – Yes.

So you, what, found a forger in Greece? On short notice?   – We weren’t gone that long, Theresa.   Where–how did you do it?   How did you find somebody?   –

[sniffles] I didn’t have to. They found me.   – Who?   Who found you?   – Konstantin Meleounis.

[sighs] so Harris got a lead on Megan Hathaway from Hope,   and then he took a leave from the force, and poof!   He was just gone.   –

[sucks teeth] Poof! – Poof.   – Then he just–just ended your relationship with that.   – Yeah. Mm-hmm. – Ugh.   Yeah, he said he just couldn’t get past, um, trust issues.


[laughs] – Yeah.   But, you know–no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.   In his defense, he– I will say I did lie to him.   Repeatedly.   About, um…   – Ooh. What? Tell me.   – Well.   – Come on. – Yeah.   Let’s just say, unlike you,   I brought it all upon myself.

Doesn’t make it hurt any less, does it?   – No.   No, it doesn’t.


[sighs]   I’m glad–   I’m glad that Harris is God knows where,   because then you don’t have to see that face,   which is a constant reminder of what you lost.

You mean like how you have to see Theresa and Alex?


[sighs] God, Ava.   Right now, right now they are over there in the Horton Square   just–just having a hell of a good time,   a hell of a good time on their wedding night.

Konstantin was there?


[tearfully] Yes.

Why was he at the hotel?

He’d–he’d heard about Victor’s briefcase.   And he thought he was in the will, and…   When he found out that he wasn’t,   I mentioned my idea to him.   And he offered to forge Anjelica’s signature.   – Theresa, are you saying that you’ve been working   with Konstantin this whole time?

I didn’t intend to be.   I didn’t know he was just gonna show up in Salem like that,   the way he did.

So all that time   he was conning us into believing   that he cared about my mother,   you knew that he was just after her money.   – I didn’t know that he was dangerous.   I didn’t know he was planning to kill her.   – This whole thing was a lie. –

[gasps shakily] No.

This whole thing was a lie, Theresa.   You never loved me. You loved the money.   This was about Victor’s money.

No. No.   That–that’s really not true.

Yes, it is.

Alex, can we just–can we just go somewhere and talk?

There is nothing–

Let’s go somewhere and talk.

There’s nothing to talk about.   Brady accused you of knowing that I was there   before you slept with me, and you were so insulted.   And you insisted that you were falling in love with me   before you knew.   Everything was a lie.

Just let me explain.   Just let me explain.

But you already have explained.   You’ve been deceiving everyone for months.   And you took something that was rightly mine, Theresa,   and you gave it to him   for your own vile and greedy purposes.   – Xander, don’t even feel bad.   Don’t feel bad, because the way I see it,   you got a better end of the deal, really.   ‘Cause she may have screwed you over,   but at least you didn’t– you didn’t marry her.



[somber music]

– You okay?   – I can’t believe it.

I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened.   – I just feel so stupid.   Brady tried to warn me, you tried to warn me.   I was so caught up with being Victor Kiriakis’ son,   I didn’t even question it.   This whole thing was a lie, just like this marriage.

Well, there’s one good thing.   Justin is actually your father.  

[gentle melancholic music]   – That is a good thing.   Hey, Dad. –

[laughs]   Son, come here.   Oh.   I love you. – I love you.

[breathes deeply]   Love you.

And looks like I’m still your kid brother after all.   –


Another good thing.   – Get in here. –




[sighs]   Oh, man.   Oh, I’m so damn grateful for both of you, really.   I mean, I just can’t stop thinking about the fact that   this woman that I married was lying to me   about who I was for all these months.   – Okay. Look.   Alex, we’ll get the marriage annulled.   I’ll call the police, report the fraud.   I’ll make sure that Theresa can never ever hurt you again.   And if you want to make a statement right now,   we can do that.   – Look, I’m sorry.   I-I, uh–I think right now,   I just need to get outta here.

[laughs]   –

[hums] Mm.   – Oh, thank you.   Yeah. No. Mm-mm. – Hmm?   – No, I think I’ve had enough.   – Are you sure? –

[laughs] Yeah.   Oh, God. I think I’m just gonna–   I’m gonna go upstairs, and I’m gonna go to bed early.   – Okay.   Hey, um, you want some company?

Oh.   You, uh, offering?   – Yeah, um, I thought   you want to feel good, I want to feel good.   Maybe we could feel good together.

Yeah, we probably would.   Tonight.


But then tomorrow,   probably not so much when my new boss skins me alive.


Look at me. Hey, Kristen–   Kristen, she doesn’t need to know anything.   She doesn’t need to know anything.   –

[laughs] Brady.   – It’s fine. It’s fine.

You know as well as I do   that secrets do not stay buried in this town.   And, uh, as tempted as I am…  

[light jazz music]   Yeah, you know, I have made impulsive choices before,   especially when I have been drinking.   – Yeah. – And, uh…   they have always turned out to be a mistake.   – Okay.   Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?

No. Yeah.   Listen, Brady, I understand why   you may want to drown yourself in booze, in me.


[sighs] Well.

But come on. Listen to me. Listen to me.   Try not to think about Theresa for too long.   She’s a married woman now.   You gotta move on, right?   –

[sucks teeth] You gotta move on.

Hey. Listen to me, listen.   It’s her loss, ’cause you’re a great guy.

Appreciate that.


Thank you.

Uh-huh.   Wait. Wait. No. How you getting home?


[sighs]   Roller blades. – Oh, fun.   – I’m kidding. I’m gonna order a car.   I’m gonna order a car, right? –

[laughs]   Hey. – I promise.   Promise.

All right.   Take care of yourself.

You too, Ava.

That poor kid.

Yeah.   This is a tough one.   But we’ll be here when he’s ready.   – Justin, I know this is gonna sound really weird right now,   especially with Alex hurting so much, but honestly I–   I couldn’t be happier that he’s your son.

[sobs] Oh. – Yeah.   Oh, my God.   – Hey, come here, you. – Come here.

[laughs] – Buddy.   – What kind of despicable human being is that Theresa woman?   And how on earth could you want to share your wedding   with someone like that?   – What about you?   – Me?   – You lied to me my whole life.   – Alexander. – You knew   that Victor was my father and you–   you kept that from me.   – Yes, because we didn’t want to hurt Titus.   Victor and I agreed that he would be devastated   if he found out about our affair,   and especially that you weren’t his son.   – Okay, but what about after he died?   –

[sighs] Do you think I was in any kind of shape   to deal with this then?   I fell apart after your father–   after Titus died.   And you and I,   we were barely speaking at that point.   – You had no idea?   – How could I?   Titus was my dad.   When he died–

[sobs] when he died, I fell apart too,   but my mum was nowhere to be found.   She was off somewhere drinking herself to oblivion.   – I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you.   – Well, I don’t want you here now either.   So go.   Just get out of my sight.   – But–but–but I came to your wedding.   I want to get to know my grandchild.   – He asked you to leave, Fiona.   So please do.  

[dark music]

– Hey, are you okay?   – Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s, uh–   let’s get married.   – Now?   – Xander, we could move the ceremony to another time.   – Right, but we’ve–   we’ve waited so long for this day.   – I know, baby, I know.   We can wait a little bit longer, okay?   Let’s just–let’s go home   and we’ll sort everything out, Okay?   – Okay. – Okay.   – All right. I’ll see you back there.  

[somber music]

– Hey.   – Hi.   – So…

[sighs]   Where’s your boyfriend?   Hey, just between you, me and Lady Whistleblower–   never mind, this could be just between you and me.   You are a lovely guy, very handsome to boot.   Andrew wasn’t conspiring with his sister, was he?  

[intriguing music]


[gasps]   – Going somewhere, sis?

– You know, just once I wouldn’t mind   a simple boring wedding.   People exchange rings, they say the vows,   and everyone goes home happy.

I’ve actually been to a couple of those.   I wouldn’t call ’em boring. They’re actually pretty nice.   – Oh, I don’t know.   I like a little drama with my romance.   Paul, Jackson, would you like some cake?   – Whose cake is that?   – Well, it’s Theresa and Alex’s, of course.   Figured they’re not gonna be using it any time soon.

You cut into it yourself?

What?   Just because the wedding was a disaster   is no reason to let a perfectly good cake go to waste.  

[playful music]


[phone beeps] –

[sighs]   Hey, sis.   Um, Theresa didn’t call you about the wedding?   Okay. I see.   Well, um, you might want to sit down.

Whatever you have to say to me,   I really, really don’t need to hear it right now.   – I don’t care what you need.   My God, it was not enough for you to lie   to your fiancé and his entire family.   You had to lie to me too? – Wha–   what are you talking about?   – Your little kidnapping adventure with Konstantin.   Ring a bell?   – Just let me explain– – Stop.   I-I don’t want to hear any more lies.   I… you convinced me not to turn you in   when I saw you on that footage.   You swore that you’d only agreed to help Konstantin   as part of some harebrained matchmaking scheme,   but you were working with him the whole time   so that the two of you could get your hands   on Victor’s fortune.   And you convinced Maggie that he was some hero   just so he could help you sink your claws into Alex.   – I care about him, I really do–

Stop, stop, Theresa! – I swear I do.   – Stop lying.  

[soft dark music]

[sniffles] Are you gonna turn me in now?   Are you gonna tell everyone that–   that I was Konstantin’s accomplice   in Victoria’s kidnapping?

– No.   But if you had a shred of dignity left, you would–   you would do it yourself.   –


[despondent piano music]


[approaching footsteps]   – Sorry, I know you probably wanted to be alone.   I just wanted to see if you’re okay.

No.   No, I’m not.

– Oof, I know a lot of crazy things have happened today.

Oh. – Mind-blowing in fact.   – Uh-huh.   – But you got the best news   about two people you love very much.   Victor didn’t lie to you all those years.   And Alex is your son now and forever.  

[gentle music]

Yeah. – Yeah.   –

[laughs] – Yes.   Mm, sweet girl,   Mommy and Daddy will get married soon, I promise.

Hardly the wedding you were expecting.   – I’ve had worse.

[laughs]   – Are you all right?   – Yeah, I’m okay.   I just–I don’t know what happens next,   but whatever it is,   I’m gonna be there to help Xander through it.


[liquid pouring]


[mysterious music]

To you, Father.   Looks like you saved the best joke till last.

[glass shatters]

Someone sitting here?

[sighs]   Uh, she’s gone.   So that–that drink is up for grabs.   No one’s touched it.   – Really?   – Really.   It’s all yours. It’s nice and strong.

How gallant.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

James sneaks out of his house and goes to the Quartermaine stables to talk to Cody. James tells Cody that his Grandpa Mac told him he can’t take riding lessons with him anymore. Cody calls Maxie and Spinelli to come get James. Maxie explains to James that she is the person who decides where he takes riding lessons not Grandpa Mac. Maxie and Spinelli tell James that Grandpa Mac is going through something private and they need to give him time to work things out. Maxie tells James he may have to go someplace else for riding lessons for a little while, but she will work it out for him. Cody tells Sasha he is heartbroken that James is hurting because of his situation with Mac.

Jason tells Carly that John is determined to put Sonny in prison and he has to find a way to get through to Sonny so they can work together to keep him out of prison.

Josslyn gives Trina the turtledove figurine Spencer gave her. Trina grieves Spencer once again.

Gio and Tracy talk in the Quartermaine’s kitchen. Gio tells Tracy his favorite places in New York.

Dante and Laura go to visit Lulu and they have a long talk and Laura advises to let Rocco decide when he wants to visit his mother.

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Days Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander ran into Jack at the town square. Jack told him that he was in town because Abby might be alive. He reminded him that he stole The Spectator from him. Xander offered his half back to him. He regretted what he did because he lost the only friend he ever had. Xander told him that he would have Justin draw up the paperwork. Jack planned to look out for it. He wished Sarah his best. Jack wondered what she saw in him. Maggie went to Sarah’s apartment as Sarah and Bonnie wondered what happened to Xander’s mother’s invitation. Theresa panicked and looked away. Sarah and Bonnie eliminated the suspects until they got to her. Theresa admitted that she was afraid that Xander’s mother would ruin the wedding. Bonnie admitted that she mailed the invitation. Sarah realized she didn’t RSVP. Maggie and Bonnie help Sarah get dressed. Theresa hoped that she wouldn’t show up. Alex let Justin know that he wasn’t his father anymore, and he needed to accept that. He backtracked on what he said and realized he didn’t mean to say it like that. Alex felt like it was time for Justin to let go of his anger at Victor. Justin couldn’t get over the fact that the man he thought of as a second father pitted them against each other from the grave. Alex let Justin know that if he has a problem with Victor, he didn’t have to officiate the wedding anymore. Justin angrily agreed when Sonny arrived. Alex wanted to leave so Justin could catch up with his real son.

Sonny asked Jusitn if he was okay. Justin teared up and said he wasn’t okay. He missed Victor, but he would never forgive him for what he did. Sonny wouldn’t forgive him either. Justin pulled out the letter Anjelica wrote to Victor. He carries it around and rereads it to look for one thing that would tell him that it wasn’t a mistake. Sonny assured him that he would always be his son. He hugged Justin. Alex came back and apologized for what he said earlier. He wanted him to officiate his wedding again. Justin was honored to do it. Roman talked to Kimberly about not being able to make the wedding. Andrew showed up at the pub as the representative for the family. He touched base with Roman. Andrew thought about confronting Theresa about helping Konstantin kidnap Victoria. He told him that Theresa didn’t know he was there. Brady was about to pour himself a cup of vodka when Paul showed up. He didn’t realize that Paul was going to be there. Paul reminded him that his boyfriend’s sister was getting married. He wondered if Brady fell off the wagon. Brady admitted that he was thinking about it. After they talked about Theresa, Brady slid the drink away. He said it was a weak moment. Paul grabbed the bottle to pour it out, but Brady stopped him by hugging him. Theresa got ready for her wedding when Andrew showed up. She was happy to see him. He motioned to Victoria and referred to her as the girl she kidnapped. Sarah wasn’t too far away, so she wanted him to keep his voice down. He said he didn’t tell anyone about it. Andrew told her that Sarah called him wanting information about Konstantin’s accomplice. He said he told Sarah the trail went cold. She asked Andrew to walk her down the aisle. Everyone got ready for the double wedding. Justin officiated the ceremony. He wondered if anyone had any reason why Xander and Sarah couldn’t get married. A woman appeared and apologized for being late. Everyone at the ceremony looked at her. Xander was shocked to see his mother. Theresa panicked when she found out who she was.

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Days Update Friday, July 19, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

The town square is set up for the double wedding. Xander arrives and then Jack comes up behind him, remarking that it’s a nice night for a wedding.

Maggie goes to Sarah’s with the bouquets and asks if everything is alright. Sarah explains that they are trying to solve a mystery of how Xander’s mother’s wedding invitation ended up in the trash can. Bonnie says she just assumed that Sarah changed her mind about sending it but Sarah assures that she didn’t. Bonnie questions who did then.

Alex tells Justin that he gets why he’s hurt, but he doesn’t think it’s right for him to drag his name through the mud when he’s not here to defend himself. Justin doesn’t understand how Alex can defend Victor. Alex says it’s because he was his father. Justin shouts that he was too. Alex tells him that he’s not anymore and it’s time for him to accept that.

At the Brady Pub, Roman is on the phone with his sister Kimberly, saying it’s too bad that she and Shane couldn’t make it back for Theresa’s wedding. Roman says they will be missed but he will be there as they have to have at least one Brady to represent. Kimberly and Shane’s son, Andrew Donovan then arrives and tells Roman they’ll make it two.

Brady goes home and tells himself not to think about it, repeating that he and Theresa were never good together. Brady thinks back to when he and Theresa had sex. Brady asks how he’s going to get through this wedding. Brady then searches through a drawer and finds a bottle of vodka and a glass. Brady pours the drink but his half brother Paul arrives home and questions what he’s up to there. Brady gets up and greets Paul with a hug, saying he had no idea he would be in town. Paul explains that his boyfriend’s sister is getting married and that John always said you have to be there for family when you can. Paul says that’s why he has to ask about this and if Brady is off the wagon. Brady says no and admits he was thinking about it. Paul asks if it’s because of Theresa marrying someone else.

Justin asks how many times that Alex told him they would always be father and son and guesses that was all talk. Alex says he didn’t mean to lash out like that. Justin questions what the hell he meant then. Alex thinks it’s time for Justin to get over his anger at Victor, pointing out that they don’t know why he lied about Justin being his father. Alex says he’s sure Victor had his reasons. Justin demands one reason that makes sense then. Alex admits he can’t do that and asks why that matters. Justin argues that it matters to him because a man that he considered a second father has pitted them against each other and he’s doing it from the grave. Alex questions if Justin sees him as an enemy then and declares that maybe he shouldn’t be officiating his wedding then. Justin agrees and then his son Sonny arrives.

Roman tells Kimberly that she knows how to keep a secret since Andrew just walked in. Roman hangs up and hugs Andrew, calling him a sight for sore eyes. Andrew explains that since his parents couldn’t make it, he’s the designated family rep. Roman tells him that Theresa will be thrilled that he came. Andrew says he hopes so. Roman questions why she wouldn’t be. Andrew flashes back to revealing to Theresa that he found out she was the one who kidnapped Victoria.

Maggie doesn’t understand why Bonnie would think that Sarah would throw Xander’s mother’s invitation in the trash. Bonnie informs her that she found it in the trash when she accidentally knocked the can over. Theresa flashes back to stealing the invitation. Bonnie explains that she assumed that Theresa got in to Sarah’s head since she kept going on and on about what a bad idea it was to invite Xander’s mother. Sarah admits to remembering that. Maggie questions who did it then. Bonnie points out that it wasn’t her or Sarah, so Theresa then admit that it was her which shocks Sarah.

Xander is surprised to see Jack is back in town. Jack informs him that his daughter’s body was being exhumed except it wasn’t there which Xander questions. Jack reveals that it seems Abigail may still be alive. Xander questions how that’s even possible. Jack calls it complicated and he doesn’t want to talk about it. Xander says he understands but he hopes it’s true. Jack comments on Abigail dying too young and never getting to realize her true potential, raise her children, or run the newspaper that Xander stole from them. Jack tells Xander that he doesn’t have to say anything since he has more important things on his mind. Jack hopes this double wedding goes better for him than his last one. Jack points out that Xander and Gwen landed on their feet by blackmailing the Spectator out from he and Jennifer. Jack wishes Xander the best on his wedding day and looks forward to reading all about it in the Spectator tomorrow. Jack remarks that he still reads the Spectator out of habit. Xander stops Jack and tells him to take the paper back.

Andrew tells Roman that he didn’t tell Theresa that he was coming and maybe he should’ve since she doesn’t like to be caught off guard. Roman asks who doesn’t like surprises. Stephanie then enters the Pub and excitedly hugs Andrew, saying she didn’t know he was coming. Andrew says he didn’t know if he could get away from his assignment. Stephanie states that Theresa will be so happy to see her big brother. Andrew tells Stephanie that he’s so happy to see her and he can’t wait to catch up with Kayla and Steve. Stephanie reveals that they won’t be coming tonight as Steve is out of town and Kayla is stuck at the hospital. Roman mentions that Kate won’t be making it either as she’s in LA, trying to secure the rights to a soap opera which he calls a long story. Roman asks how Andrew has been. Andrew says he’s been great and tells them that Paul is in town too as he stopped to see Brady. Roman can’t wait to see him and heads to the kitchen to square things away. Stephanie remarks that she hopes Brady is okay and starts to bring up he and Theresa, but then decides that Theresa is marrying Alex so she’s sure there’s nothing between them anymore. Andrew assures that Brady is fine. Andrew asks about Stephanie since she was dating Alex not long ago and asks how she’s doing with all of this.

Sonny hugs Alex and Justin, then asks if he came at a bad time. Alex says not at all but he didn’t think Sonny would be able to make it so this is great. Sonny tells Alex that he’s his cousin but he’ll always see him as his brother no matter what. Alex says he feels the same way and thanks him. Alex decides he will go get ready and tells Justin that he’ll let him catch up with his real son. After Alex exits, Sonny tells Justin that he’s not sure what he just walked in on. Justin tells him not to worry about it. Sonny asks if he’s okay. Justin admits that he’s not.

Paul thought Brady and Theresa were over a long time ago. Brady says they were and now they are focusing on co-parenting now that Tate and Theresa are back in town. Paul asks how Tate is. Brady says he’s at lacrosse camp and Theresa was upset that Tate couldn’t be at the wedding. Brady doesn’t understand the rush to the wedding. Brady admits that it crossed his mind that Theresa was doing it for the money, but she did agree to sign a prenup. Paul brings up what if Theresa still happened to have feelings for someone else. Brady assures it’s not him and that he and Theresa have been over for a long time. Paul got the impression that maybe Brady wishes he and Theresa weren’t over or that Brady still has feelings for her. Paul asks if he’s wrong.

Sarah and Bonnie question Theresa throwing out Xander’s mother’s invitation. Theresa repeats her worries about Xander’s mom being an alcoholic and causing a scene. Sarah suggests she could be sober now and she can’t believe Theresa did that, calling it awful and appalling. Theresa admits that’s true and says she’s really sorry. Bonnie says there’s no harm, no foul as she reveals that she mailed the invitation herself.

Xander tells Jack that he wants him to take back his half of the Spectator. Xander says he was angry and desperate back then, leaning in to his worst impulses and he regrets it now. Xander adds that Jack got the better end of the deal since Jack lost the paper, but he lost his best friend and maybe the only one he ever had. Xander declares that the Spectator belongs to Jack’s family, not his. Jack questions what he’ll do for money. Xander says he’ll figure something out and points out that Sarah is a doctor. Xander insists that he doesn’t want the Spectator anymore and that he’ll hire Justin to draw up the papers. Jack agrees to keep an eye on the mail. Jack sends his love to Sarah and questions what exactly she saw in him. Xander calls that the burning question. Jack tells Xander that he got a good one and tells him to earn it as he walks away.

Paul tells Brady that he just wants to help and understand him having a drink in his hand earlier. Brady never thought he would feel like Theresa was the one that got away. Paul tells him that he doesn’t have to go to the wedding but Brady says he’s not going to back down now. Paul asks if he will be okay. Brady assures he won’t take a drink and that he doesn’t need it as he just had a weak moment. Paul decides he’ll pour it out. Brady says he’s really glad to see him and hugs him.

Justin tells Sonny that he’s so grateful that he’s here because he’s having a hard time. Sonny says he is too and calls it surreal that Victor would do this to all of them. Justin says he mourned Victor and he misses him, but he will never forgive him for this. Sonny says he won’t either. Justin says that Alex has and he’s perfectly content with how things turned out. Justin complains that the more Alex accepts Victor, the more it feels like a slap in the face. Justin talks about having a hard time believing it’s true and says he’s carried around the letter from Anjelica, trying to find one thing that would show it’s not true and that Alex really is his son. Justin asks if he’s crazy. Sonny calls him a kind, caring, great person and says he’ll always be his son no matter what. Sonny tells Justin that he loves him as they hug. Alex then returns to the room. Justin says he will let them catch up but Alex tells him not to go. Alex says he thought about what he said and tells Justin that he’s truly sorry. Alex says he would be grateful to have Justin marry he and Theresa today. Justin says it would be his honor.

Stephanie tells Andrew that she’s very happy that Alex and Theresa are getting married and assures that she gave Theresa her blessing as she and Alex had been over for a long time. Andrew asks if she’s seeing anyone new. Stephanie says that she was, but not anymore, as it wasn’t meant to be. Stephanie calls it kind of funny that she’s been going through a revolving door of men lately while wild child Theresa is the one settling down. Andrew points out that Theresa is settled down a few times, so he hopes this one sticks. Stephanie talks about the trouble they got in to growing up and repeats that Theresa is a wild child, noting that Andrew must be happy that Theresa is turning over a new leaf. Andrew states that is the dream.

Theresa is shocked to learn that Bonnie mailed Fiona’s invitation herself. Bonnie knows it wasn’t her place to do so but she thought Sarah would thank her which she does. Sarah just wishes Fiona would’ve RSVP’d. Maggie suggests maybe the invitation never got to her. Theresa thinks maybe she dodged a bullet. Sarah doesn’t see it that way and tells Theresa that she should be sorry. Victoria wakes up crying so Maggie goes to get her. Bonnie tells Sarah that she better go get ready and takes her to her room. Theresa then remarks to herself that Fiona better not show up or else she is screwed. Andrew then shows up at the door. Theresa can’t believe it and excitedly hugs him. Theresa tells Andrew that she’s watching Victoria while Sarah gets ready. Andrew jokes about the irony of her watching the kid she kidnapped. Theresa tells him to keep quiet. Andrew assures that he hasn’t told anyone including Paul and he assumes that Theresa has been staying on the straight and narrow like she promised. Theresa says that she totally has. Andrew talks about Theresa misjudging Konstantin and how he could’ve killed her. Theresa calls it one of the scariest moments of her whole life. Andrew says she doesn’t have to worry about Konstantin anymore while he doesn’t have to worry about her. Theresa is so grateful for Andrew covering for her. Andrew mentions how Sarah called the ISA asking if there were any leads on Konstantin’s accomplice and he hated not being able to tell her. Sarah then comes out from her room and asks what he wasn’t able to tell her.

Xander goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn, so he can use his room to change in. Leo refers to Xander as his boss but Xander reveals that he’s not anymore as he just gave his half of the Spectator back to Jack. Leo is shocked and asks if he’s going to get fired now. Xander assures that he won’t and that everyone loves Lady Whistleblower. Xander says he should get changed so he tells Leo that he will see him downstairs. As Xander starts to undress, Leo sits down. Xander repeats for him to go downstairs. Leo jokes about having hidden cameras in the room and then agrees to go downstairs, declaring that he will be covering the wedding of his now ex-boss.

Andrew greets Maggie and Sarah, then says he was just saying that he hated not being able to tell Sarah that they had a lead in Victoria’s kidnapping. Andrew adds that with Konstantin dead, the trail has gone cold. Andrew claims they still assume that Konstantin hired a local thug to help him and that he’d have no more interest with Konstantin dead. Sarah agrees that there’s probably no more danger but calls it disconcerting that they are still out there. Theresa realizes that with Shane unable to attend the wedding, she doesn’t have anyone to walk her down the aisle, so she asks Andrew. Andrew says he’d love to. Theresa points out that it’s getting late and suggests they go have a wedding. Sarah mentions that Bonnie is still doing her makeup. Maggie is glad that Sarah and Theresa are going to be sharing the stage tonight and says they make her so proud. Maggie says she loves them and is beyond thrilled for them both.

Sonny arrives in the town square for the wedding and runs in to Leo. Leo asks where Will is. Sonny responds that he couldn’t make it. Leo talks about finding his angle for the article on the wedding. Leo brings up Will being related to both brides and asks if him not being there means there’s trouble in paradise. Sonny threatens to punch Leo, who tells him to relax and says he does have journalistic integrity. Paul walks up, so Leo points out that it’s another one of Sonny’s exes and jokes that they made a better couple than Sonny and Will. Leo suggests that if Sonny ever wises up and dumps Will, he should go for Paul. Andrew walks over and asks if that’s a fact as he kisses Paul. Leo tells Sonny that he’s sorry and that he tried as he walks away. Stephanie greets Alex and congratulates him. Alex asks how she is. Stephanie calls him a lucky groom and Theresa a lucky bride, saying she’s so happy for them both. Alex hugs her and thanks her. Maggie walks through with Victoria in her stroller and talks with Brady. Brady says he’s good and tells Maggie not to worry about him. Bonnie and Justin walk through as she encourages Justin about officiating. Justin informs her that he got fired from the job but guesses he and Alex are just destined to be a work in progress. Bonnie hopes one day Alex realizes how lucky he is to have Justin in his life. Maggie calls for everyone to take their seats as they are about to get started. Xander and Alex meet at the altar. Xander comments on sharing the spotlight with Victor’s billionaire bastard. The wedding then begins as Andrew walks Theresa down the aisle. Maggie then walks Sarah down the aisle. Bonnie then stands up and announces that they forgot one of the most important details of which one is getting married first. The couples step aside to discuss it. Theresa thinks Xander and Sarah should go first since it was their wedding to begin with. Bonnie suggests maybe they should go second then so it’s like Alex and Theresa are their opening act. Bonnie then suggests they flip a coin. Alex calls heads while Xander calls tails. Bonnie flips the coin and it lands on heads but they didn’t decide if that’s first or last. Bonnie then decides that Alex and Theresa are up first. Justin then begins officiating the ceremony. Justin asks if anyone objects. Theresa looks over at Brady, who remains quiet. Justin then calls for Theresa and Alex to say their vows. Alex states that for a long time, he was nothing but a player but after coming to Salem, all of that changed. Alex says the biggest change was realizing that he was Victor Kiriakis’ son which turned his world upside down. Alex tells Theresa that he would’ve never made it through that without her as she helped him embrace who he really is and he will be eternally grateful for that. Theresa gets emotional and says she will keep it brief as she just has one thing to say to him. Theresa tells Alex that she just wants to make him happy and she will because he deserves that. Alex and Theresa exchange vows and their rings. Justin then pronounces Alex and Theresa as husband and wife, so they kiss. Brady looks annoyed as everyone else applauds. Justin introduces them for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kiriakis. Everyone stands and applauds. Brady reluctantly joins in but then turns to walk away. Paul goes after him but Brady insists that he’s fine and he’s going to a meeting. Brady tells Paul to stay as he exits the town square. Andrew tells Leo not to write that. Leo questions how he knows what he wrote. Andrew reminds him that he’s a spy and that he saw him watch Brady walk out. Leo remarks that it’s not his fault it was the best view. Bonnie calls for everyone to take their seats because they have to do this again. Maggie asks if Xander and Sarah are ready as they head to the altar. Maggie then begins to officiate their ceremony. Maggie says she knows that Victor would be very happy that his family has come together in this way tonight. Maggie asks if anyone objects. Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook, then arrives and declares that she’s sorry she’s late, surprising everyone in attendance.

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Days Transcript Friday, July 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

– Nice night for a wedding.  

[tense music]

– Well, I picked up the bouquets.   – Oh.

Is everything all right in here?   – Yeah, we’re just trying to solve a mystery.   When the wedding invitations went out,   Xander’s mother’s ended up in a trash can.

And I just assumed that Sarah changed her mind and tossed it.

Well, that’s the thing. I didn’t.

Well, then, who did?


Look, Justin, I get why you’re hurt.   I do.   But I don’t think it’s right for you to stand here   in my father’s house and drag his name through the mud   when he’s not even here to defend himself.

What he did was indefensible.   And I, for one, don’t know how you can stand there,   waxing sentimental about him!

Because he was my father.

So was I, damn it!  

[dramatic music]


But you’re not anymore.   And it’s about time you accept that.

– Yeah, Kim, it is too bad you and Shane can’t   make it back for Theresa’s wedding.   You’ll be missed.   Oh, you better believe I’ll be there.   Got to have at least one Brady to represent, right?

Let’s make it two, just so we’re covered.  

[mellow country music]


[cars honking]

[keys jangling]   –


[soft dramatic music]

Stop thinking about it.   You and Theresa, you were–   you were never good for each other.   You were never good for each other.   You were never…   good for each other.

[heavy breathing]



[laughs]   How am I gonna get through this wedding, huh?   How are you gonna do this?   How are you gonna do–



– Whatcha up to there, bro?

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”


Oh, hey, man.   It’s great to see you.   I had no idea that you were gonna be in town.

Ah, well, my boyfriend’s sister’s getting married,   and Dad always says you have to show up   for family when you can. – Ah.   True, true.   – Which is why I’m sure he’d want me to ask about that.


[sighs] – You off the wagon?

No.   No.   No. I was–I was–   I was thinking about it.   – Why, Brady?   I mean, is it because of Theresa?   Is it because she’s marrying someone else?  

[soft dramatic music]

– How many times did you tell me that we would   always be father and son?   I guess that was all talk.

I didn’t mean to lash out like that.   – Then what the hell did you mean?

I mean, I think it’s time for you   to get over your anger at Victor.   You don’t know why he let you believe   you were my biological father; I don’t either.   But I’m sure he had his reasons.   – Then tell me one.   – Well, I can’t do that–

Just tell me one reason that makes sense!

I can’t do that right now.   And why does that matter?   – It matters to me, Alex.   It matters a whole lot, actually.   Because a man that I considered my second father   has pitted us against each other,   and he’s doing it from his grave!   – That’s what you think.   You think I’m your enemy now?   Because if that’s what you think, Justin,   you think it’s all his doing, then you probably shouldn’t   be officiating my damn wedding ceremony tonight.

Maybe I shouldn’t.






Doesn’t look so good and fine to me.


Well, sis, you do know how to keep a secret.   Yep, Andrew just walked through the door.   Of course I’ll give him your love.   Talk soon.

[phone beeps]   Oh.

[laughs]   Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes, young man.

Well, since Mom and Dad couldn’t make it,   I’m the designated family rep.

Which is just great.   Theresa will be thrilled you came.

I hope so.

What do you mean?   Why wouldn’t she be?  

[tense music]

John and Steve asked the ISA to investigate   the attempted kidnapping of Sarah Horton’s baby   from the Kiriakis mansion.

Oh. And?

Well, Dad passed the case on to me.   John and Steve sent in some surveillance photos   to be enhanced by our technology.   Imagine my shock when the face in the photos was yours.


Well, I don’t understand, Bonnie.   Why would you think that Sarah would throw   Xander’s mother’s invitation in the trash?

Well, because that’s where I found it   when I accidentally knocked over the trash can.

Oh.   – Finish your story!   Well, did you ever find your clothes?   Did you–did you have to jump into the flooded quarry?   Was it deep enough?   It was pitch black. You almost died.

Has anyone seen the stamps?

No.   Wait, are you sitting on them?

Oh, no, wait!   Oh. Oh.

I just assumed that Theresa got into Sarah’s head.


Mm-hmm.   Well, she kept going on and on how she thought   it was not a good idea to invite   Xander’s mother to the wedding.



That’s right.   She did go on and on about it.   And I didn’t change my mind.

Well, if you didn’t do it, then who did?

Yeah.   If you didn’t do it, and I didn’t do it,   that means–

Okay. Yes, it was me.  

[tense music]


Jack, I didn’t know you were back in town.

Yes.   I am in Salem.   My daughter’s body was being exhumed,   except it wasn’t there.

I’m sorry. What was that again?

It seems Abigail may still be alive.

Jack, that’s–   oh, my God. How is that even possible?

It’s complicated.   I don’t want to talk about it.

No, I understand. I–   well, I pray that it’s true.

As do I, of course.   She died too young.   Never had a chance to realize her full potential,   raise her own children,   or run the newspaper that was her birthright and legacy.  

[soft dramatic music]   You know the one I mean,   the one you stole from us.


Hold on, Jack–

You don’t have to say anything.   You–   you have more important things on your mind.   And I do hope that this double wedding goes better   for you than your last one.

Jack, I–

Although I have to say that   both you and Gwen landed on your feet,   blackmailed “The Spectator” right out   from under Jennifer and me.

Look, I admit–   – And I–   I wish you the best today on your wedding day.   I do.   I look forward to reading all about it   in “The Spectator” tomorrow.   I still read it, by the way.   Force of habit.   – Jack, wait, I–   Take it back.  

[soft dramatic music]   – Excuse me?   – The paper, Jack.   Take the paper back.

– I didn’t tell Theresa I was coming.   Maybe I should have.   She doesn’t like to be caught off guard.   – Oh, come on.   Who doesn’t like a good surprise?


[gasps] Oh, my God!   Andrew!   Oh!   I didn’t know you were coming.

I didn’t know if I could get away from my assignment.   It helps to know people in high places.

Aw. Well, Theresa is gonna   be so happy to see her big brother.   She always worshipped you, you know.

Well, I am so happy to see you.


And I can’t wait   to catch up with Aunt Kayla and Uncle Steve.

Oh, no.   Neither of them are going to the wedding.   My dad’s out of town,   and my mom’s stuck at the hospital.


Well, Kate’s gonna be missing tonight too.   She’s in LA trying to secure the rights to a soap opera,   believe it or not.



Long story.   Hi, honey.

Hi.   Hi.

So how you been, Andrew?

Oh, I’ve been great, really.   Oh, Paul’s in town, too, by the way.   He stopped by to see Brady.   – I can’t wait to see him,   but for now, if you’ll excuse me,   I need to get back to the kitchen,   get some things squared away.



I hope Brady is doing okay.   I got the impression at one point that   maybe he and Theresa–   you know what? Never mind.   She’s marrying Alex.   If there was anything between her and Brady, it’s over now.

Hmm.   I’m sure Brady’s fine.   But how about you?   You were dating Alex not too long ago, right?   How are you doing with all this?




Hey.   So…   did I come at a bad time?

No. No, not at all.   I just didn’t think you’d be able to make it.   This is great.

Of course.   What, are you kidding me?   You’re my brother, or cousin.   Whatever.   It doesn’t matter.   Although I’ll always see you as my brother, no matter what.   – I feel the exact same way.   Thank you.   I should probably go get ready.   And I will let you catch up with your real son.  

[soft dramatic music]


So I’m not sure what I just walked in on.

Don’t worry about it.

Of course I’m gonna worry about it.   Are you okay?   – No.   I’m not.


I thought you and Theresa were over a long time ago.


[sighs] We were.   We were.   Look, right now, we’re just focusing on co-parenting,   now that Tate and Theresa are back in town.

How is he, by the way?   – He’s good. He’s good.   He’s off to lacrosse camp right now, but I don’t know.   Theresa was really upset that he couldn’t   make it to the wedding.   And honestly, this whole wedding came up   like that, you know?   I don’t– I still don’t understand   why there was such a rush.

You don’t think–   – That Theresa is doing it for the money?   Yeah.   Yeah, Paul, it crossed my mind, okay?   But she–she did agree to sign a prenup, though.   – Oh, so maybe not.

Yeah.   – But if–big if–   Theresa happens to still have feelings   for someone other than the very wealthy guy   she’s about to marry–   – Look, if you’re subtly suggesting   that I’m that guy, no, no.   No, Theresa and I are over.   We’ve been over for a long time.   Why are you looking at me– don’t–   why are you looking at me like that?   – Because, I mean, I just get the impression that   maybe you wish you and Theresa weren’t over.


[sighs]   – That you still have feelings for her.   Am I wrong?  

[soft dramatic music]   – You threw out the invitation?   – How could you do such a thing?

Well, like I said, you know,   Xander’s mother is an alcoholic.   What if she– what if she causes a scene   and she disrupts the whole wedding?

Or she’s sober now and would have loved to see her son   and meet her granddaughter.   I cannot believe you did that, Theresa.   It’s really awful.   It’s appalling, actually.   – I know. That’s true.   It is.   I’m really sorry.

Well, no harm, no foul.


Yeah.   Because I mailed the invitation myself.


[gasps, chuckles]




– I mean it, Jack.   I want you to take back my half of “The Spectator.”

But you–

I know what I was.   I was angry. I was–   I was desperate and leaning in to my worst impulses.   And I regret it now, profoundly.   And you should know.   You–you actually got the better end of that deal.

How is that?   – Well, you might have lost the paper, but I lost–   I lost my best friend.   Maybe the only one I’ve ever had.   And “The Spectator,”   it belongs to your family, not mine,   to the extent I even have a family.

What will you do for money?


[exhales] I’ll figure something out.   I mean, my wife is a doctor.   It’s not like I have to worry   about our daughter going hungry.   I don’t want “The Spectator” anymore.   I mean it.   I’ll hire Justin to draw up the papers.

I’ll keep an eye on the mail.  

[soft dramatic music]

You give my love to your bride.   What exactly did she see in you?

That is the burning question, isn’t it?   – Well, you got a good one.   Earn it.

– Look, I just want to help. Okay?   And I want to understand about that drink I saw   in your hand from earlier.


[sighs]   I never thought that I would feel that   Theresa was the one that got away.

Well, you know, if–   you don’t have to go to the wedding if you don’t–   – No, I–   I’m gonna go.   I gotta go.   I’m not gonna– not gonna back down now.

You gonna be okay?  

[light tense music]

Yeah.   I’m not going to drink this thing.   I don’t need it.   It was just a weak moment.

– I’ll go pour this out.   – Hey, man.   I’m really glad to see you.

– Sonny, I’m so grateful you’re here,   ’cause I’ll be honest, I’m–   I’m having a hard time.   – I know.   I am too.   I mean, it’s surreal that…   Uncle Vic would do this to you.   I mean, to all of us.   – I mourned him, I miss him,   but I will never forgive him for this.   – I won’t either.   – Alex has.   He’s perfectly content with the way things have turned out.   And the more he embraces Victor,   the more it feels like a slap in my face.

[sighs] And I’m–   I’m having a hard time even believing that it’s true.   I carry around this damn letter that Angelica wrote to Victor,   reading it, rereading it,   trying to find just one thing that   will tell me that it’s all a mistake,   that Alex really isn’t Victor’s son.


[paper rustles]   Tell me I’m crazy.   – You’re not crazy.   You’re not crazy, okay?   You’re kind.  

[tender music]   You’re caring.   You’re an all-around great person.   And I’ll always be your son, no matter what.   I love you.

I love you, too, son.   Oh, Sonny.


[door opens, shuts]   Well, I’ll let you two catch up.

No, no, don’t–   don’t go.   I thought about what I said earlier,   and I’m truly sorry.   If I’m being honest with you, I would be grateful   to have you marry Theresa and me today,   if you’re willing.

– It would be my honor.

I’m very happy that Alex and Theresa are   getting married.   I gave her my blessing, and I meant it.   Alex and I have been over for a long time.

Seeing anyone new?

I was.   But not anymore.   – Hmm. I’m sorry.   – Oh, it wasn’t meant to be.   And you know what? It’s kind of funny.   I’ve been going through this revolving door of men lately,   and meanwhile, wild child Theresa,   she’s the one settling down.

She’s settled down a few times.   Let’s just hope this one sticks.

I keep thinking about all the trouble we used to get into   when we were growing up.   – You mean that she got into.   – Yeah, yeah.   She’s a wild child, like I said.

[laughs]   And you must be happy she turned over a new leaf.

That’s the dream.  

[mellow acoustic music]


You did what?

Oh, I put a stamp on Fiona’s invitation   and put it in the mail myself.   Now, I know it wasn’t my place to do so,   as it was not your place to throw it in the trash,   but I figured Sarah would thank me later.

And I do thank you, Bonnie.   It was very kind of you.   I just wish Xander’s mom would have RSVP’d.

Well, maybe it never got to her.

Or maybe she just didn’t want to come at all,   that or– it’s one or the other.   – Well, again, truly, I’m sorry.   But honestly, maybe you kind of dodged a bullet.   – I don’t see it that way.   And you should be sorry, Theresa.

[baby crying]

Oh, oh.

I’ll get her.

Thank you, Mom.

You know what? You need to get back there   and start getting dressed, missy.   – Okay. – Let’s go.   March.   Wedding march.


[door shuts]   – Oh, my God.   That woman better not show up or I am screwed.


[dramatic music]

[knocking at door]   Sarah’s–Sarah’s in the–   Andrew!   Oh, my God, I can’t believe it!

[laughs]   – You look gorgeous.   – And you look so handsome, of course, as always.   –

[chuckles]   Come in.   – Uh…   – Oh, yeah, that’s, Victoria.   I’m just watching her while Sarah’s getting ready.   – Oh, the kid you kidnapped. – Shush.   – Ironic.

[chuckles]   Well, I haven’t said anything.   I told you I wouldn’t, not even to Paul.   And I’m assuming that you’ve been staying   on the straight and narrow, like you promised.   – I have. Totally have.   – Hmm.   Well, you sure misjudged Konstantin.   You thought he was a sweet old guy trying to woo Maggie.   He could have killed you, you know.   – I know. That was the–   one of the scariest moments of my whole life.   – Mm. Well, you don’t have to worry   about him anymore,   and I don’t have to worry about you.

I’m so thankful for you.   Thank you for covering for me.

Mm, yeah, I still don’t feel great about it.   Sarah checked in the other day and asked   if the ISA had any leads on Konstantin’s accomplice.   I hated not being able to tell her that–   – Not being able to tell me what?  

[tense music]

– Thanks for letting me get changed in here.

Oh, consider this the Home for Naked Scots.   – How’s that?

I said, anything for the boss.   – Well, I’m not really your boss anymore.   You know, I just gave my half   of “The Spectator” back to Jack.

What? Why?   – Well, let’s just say I had an attack of conscience.

What about having an attack of looking after me?   Am I going to get fired?

Of course not.   Who doesn’t love Lady Whistleblower?

Everybody whose whistle I’ve blown.

Well, lucky for you, that list does not include Jack.   Now, I should get changed.   I’ll see you downstairs, yeah?  

[light jazzy music]


I thought you weren’t supposed to wear   underwear under that thing.

The Scots did invent going commando,   yes, but I’ll see you downstairs.

Oh, fine. Be that way.   Have the place to yourself,   just you and all the hidden cameras.

Cameras?   – I’m teasing.   – Ah.

I’ll be downstairs where I’ll be covering   the wedding for my ex-boss.



Maggie, hello.

Hi.   – Sarah, I was just saying that I hated not being able   to tell you that we had a lead in Victoria’s kidnapping,   but with Konstantin dead, unfortunately,   the trail’s gone cold.

Oh. Well, what do you know?

Well, we still assume that he hired a local thug   to help him out, someone who would have no interest   in causing you any more trouble now that Konstantin’s dead.  

[soft dramatic music]

Yeah, I’m sure you’re right that there’s no danger,   but still, just, whoever it was being out there,   it’s disconcerting, to say the least.   – You know, I just–   I just realized something.   Since Dad can’t come to the wedding,   I don’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle,   so could you maybe–

Jeannie Theresa,   of all the nervy, pushy, last minute–   I’d love to. – Oh!   – Oh, wonderful.

Oh, wow.   Well, it’s getting late.   Look at the time.   Why don’t you say we go have a wedding or two?   – Well, Bonnie’s still doing her makeup.   – Oh, well, put your feet up.   We got a while then.

[laughs]   – I must say, I’m so glad that   the two of you are gonna be sharing the stage tonight.   I mean, you’ve both grown up so beautifully,   and you make me so proud.   I love you,   and I’m beyond thrilled for you both.  

[tender music]

[elegant violin music]

[indistinct chatter]   –

[sighs]   Sonny!   – Jeez.   – Well, of course, you’re here for your brother–   your cousin’s wedding.   Where is your not-better-half?   – Will couldn’t make it.

There it is.   – There what is?   – The angle for this wedding story   I have desperately been seeking.   Now, Will is related to both brides,   if I parsed the family tree correctly?   Is this surprise absence indicative   of trouble in paradise?

Oh, does that question earn you a punch in the nose?   – Jackson!   There is no reason to take that tone.   I do have journalistic ethics.

Oh. Here’s another of your exes.   Hey, you two made such a better couple than Swill–   or would it be Wonny?   Literally the worst of the portmanteaus.   But if you ever wise up and dump that buzzkill,   you should go for this guy.   – Is that a fact?

– Sorry, Sonny. I tried.   – Hey, handsome devil.   Congratulations.   – Steph, how are you?

Oh, you are one lucky groom.   And you know what?   My cousin is one lucky bride.   I’m so happy for you both.   – Thank you.

– Oh, Victoria, those are beautiful flowers.


[chuckles]   Well, she was supposed to be the flower girl,   but she fell asleep.   – Mm.   I’m sure it’s gonna be a perfect day anyway.   – I hope so.   Are you doing okay?

Yeah.   Yeah, I’m good.

Well, if you need anything.

Maggie, the last thing you need   today is to worry about me.

So do you have your lines memorized?   – I have a cheat sheet. – Oh, good.   I mean, just kidding.   You’ll be great. – You think?   – Oh, yeah.   – Well, I almost got fired from the job a few hours ago.


Ah, it’s okay.   Alex and I– I guess we’re just destined   to be a work in progress.

Oh, honey.   I hope one day Alex realizes how lucky he is   to have a father like you in his life,   as blessed as I am to have a husband like you in mine.   – Everyone, please take your seats if you haven’t already.   We’re about to get started.   Places, you two.

Oh, look at us, the heir and the spare.


[chuckles]   That’s a cute skirt.   Are you ready to do this?   – Share the spotlight with Victor’s billionaire bastard?   Can’t wait, mate.  

[soft tense music]

[harp playing wedding march]


[music stops]

Oh, wait.   Oh, my God.   We forgot to plan one of the most important details.   – What? What is it?   – Who’s getting married first?  

[dramatic music]

[indistinct chatter]   – Okay, I think that Xander and Sarah   should go first since this was their wedding to begin with.   – Well, maybe that’s why they should go second   because you’re like the opening act to their star attraction.

Oh, thank you, Bonnie.   – I really don’t care.   – Me neither.   – How about– how about we flip a coin?   – Seriously?   – Heads.   – Tails.   – All right.

[coin clinks]   Heads it is. – Yes.   – Wait, but does heads go first or last?   – Oh, for God’s sake.   – All right, you know what?   I’m going to make another executive decision here,   all right?   Theresa, Alex, you’re on.   How about that?  

[gentle acoustic music]   –


– Welcome, all, on this joyous day,   family and friends here to celebrate   the joining of two couples.   We’re here to unite in matrimony   Jeannie Theresa Donovan and Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   and Sarah Horton and Alexander Cook Kiriakis.   The marriage contract is not to be entered into lightly,   but rather thoughtfully and seriously,   with a deep appreciation of its obligations   and responsibilities.   If there’s anyone present who knows any reason why   these two should not be joined in matrimony,   speak now or forever hold your peace.   The groom and the bride will now say their vows.   – For a long time, Theresa knows,   everybody knows,   I was nothing but a player.   After coming to Salem, all of that changed.   A lot of things changed.   The biggest of them all was realizing that   I was Victor Kiriakis’s son.   That turned my world upside down,   to put it mildly.  

[soft dramatic music]

Theresa, I would never have made it through that   if it weren’t for you.   You helped me embrace who I really am.   And for that, I will be eternally grateful.

You okay?   – Yeah, I’m just a little choked up.   – Okay.   –

[clears throat]   So I’m gonna keep this brief.   I just have one thing I want to say to you.   And that is, I–   I just want to make you happy,   and I will, Alex,   because you deserve that.


Alex, please repeat after me.   I, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   take you, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   to be my lawful wedded wife.  

[tender music]   – I, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   do take you, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   to be my lawful wedded wife.

To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or worse, for richer or poorer,   in sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   so long as we both shall live.   – To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or for worse,   for richer or poorer…

Through sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   as long as we both shall live.

Now you, Theresa.   I, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   take you, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   to be my lawful wedded husband.

– I, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   take you, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   to be my lawfully wedded husband.

To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or worse,   for richer or poorer,   in sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   so long as we both shall live.   – To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or for worse,   for richer or poorer,   through sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   as long as we both shall live.

– May I have the rings, please?

Alex, place this ring on Theresa’s finger   and say these words.   With this ring, I wed you as a symbol   of my commitment to love, honor, and cherish you.   – With this ring, I wed you…   as a symbol of my commitment   to love, to honor and cherish you.   – Theresa, please place this ring on Alex’s finger   and say these words.   With this ring, I wed you   as a symbol of my commitment   to love, honor, and cherish you.

With this ring, I wed you   as a symbol of my commitment   to love, honor, and cherish you.

– It is with great pleasure that I,   by the power vested in me,   now pronounce you husband and wife.   You may kiss each other.

[cheers and applause]  

[tender music]

– Allow me to introduce for the first time   Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kiriakis.

[cheers and applause]  

[tense music]

– Brady.   – Hey. I got to go.   I got to go.   Listen, I’m headed to a meeting, all right?   So, no, I’m fine.   Please stay.

– Hey. Don’t print that.   – Ugh.   Do you have X-ray vision?   Can you read upside down?   How do you know what I wrote?   – I’m a spy.   I know all.   Plus, I saw you watch Brady walk out of here.   – Not my fault that’s the best view.

– Okay, if everyone could please take your seats,   ’cause guess what?   We’ve got to do this again.


Well, are you two ready?  

[sentimental music]

Okay.   Well, it is my honor and pleasure   to preside over the final wedding tonight   of my beloved daughter, Sarah,   to the only man who she’s ever truly loved.   I’m blessed to have known Xander for many years   and watched him come into his own   and be changed by my daughter’s love.   It gives me great joy to see them walk through the fire   and emerge stronger with a beloved daughter,   my granddaughter,   who was named after my husband,   who we lost recently.   I know that Victor–   he would be very happy that his family has come together   in this way tonight.

So if there is anyone here who knows any reason   why these two should not be joined in matrimony,   speak now or forever hold your peace.

I’m so sorry I’m late.

[dramatic music]

Who’s that?


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Days Update Thursday, July 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in his room at the Salem Inn, trying to come up with something for his column. Leo tells himself to think of his fans and how they must be waiting for the gossip. Leo mentions the woman outside of Everett’s room who was certainly odd. Bonnie then shows up and tells Leo that she thought he would be interesting in the story of the century.

Sarah comes home as Xander is working out. Xander jokes that he’s getting pumped up for the big event today. Sarah jokes like he’s getting ready for a wrestling event as El Erotico. Xander tells her that he’s getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world and calls her absolutely perfect as they kiss.

Alex talks on the phone in his room, saying he’s elated that they were able to lock in this deal and how the 3rd and 4th quarters are looking very profitable. Alex says he’s now going to get ready for his wedding and hangs up. Justin enters his room and says he just came by to see if he was ready for his big day. Alex says he just needs to shower and change. Justin says he won’t keep him but there is something he needs to say.

Brady thinks it’s a little late in the game to have Tate come to the wedding. Theresa points out that a flight would only be a couple hours away. Brady feels direct flights will be sold out by now. Theresa argues that Alex could send the Titan jet. Brady questions that not being too extravagant. Theresa says not for the future heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Theresa decides she will call the lacrosse camp now to tell them to get ready because she’s sending a charter jet to pick up one of their campers.

At the Horton Cabin, Tate and Holly kiss until they are interrupted by a knock at the door. They wonder who that is and if they’ll just go away. Sophia calls out from the door that she knows they are in there and that they are so busted. Holly then answers the door and questions what she’s doing there. Sophia hoped they enjoyed their staycation because it’s all about to come to an end.

Alex tells Justin that he won’t talk him out of marrying Theresa. Justin says she signed the prenup so it’s all good. They agree they don’t want to fight. Alex asks what Justin came to say then if not to warn him against marrying Theresa. Justin declares that if it’s alright with him, he’d like to perform his wedding ceremony.

Brady stops Theresa and tells her to let Tate get settled in at camp and make friends. Theresa argues that Tate wants to be at his mother’s wedding. Brady thinks she’s overestimating a teenager’s interest in weddings. Brady tells her that he’s sorry but she will run out of time and it won’t work. Theresa guesses he’s right but complains that she really wanted Tate to be there. Brady says he’ll send him tons of pictures and videos. Theresa can’t help but think this is all Holly’s fault since if she just kept her distance, they wouldn’t have had to send Tate off for the summer. Theresa remarks that at least they know Tate is not in Holly’s clutches..

Sophia jokes that she thought the cabin would be harder to find but used her GPS. Tate questions how she even knew they were there. Sophia reveals she saw them in the park on the 4th of July and plotting how they tricked their parents. Sophia admits that sending Aaron in Tate’s place to camp was a pretty slick move. Tate says he can explain. Sophia wonders what Tate’s parents would say if they knew he wasn’t there. Sophia thinks they would freak out and asks if they should call them. Holly says she can’t tell their parents. Sophia mentions running in to Theresa earlier in the town square and they were chatting and she almost told her, but she changed her mind. Holly thanks her for not saying anything. Holly gets that she’s angry with her but asks if they are still best friends. Sophia thinks their best friendship set sail when Holly became a backstabbing bitch. Sophia then reveals that she didn’t say anything to Theresa because she’s getting married tonight.

Brady tells Theresa that they can’t put all the blame on Holly since she’s a kid and Tate did go out of their way to lie to their faces and go behind their back. Theresa argues that she’s known girls like Holly all her life and they like to manipulate the nicest looking guy to doing whatever they want. Brady remarks that sounds like someone he knows. Theresa tells him to be nice on her wedding day. Theresa knows it’s not her first wedding obviously, but it is her first proper ceremony. Brady jokes that she might have a proper ceremony but it won’t be as cool as they one they had in the Vegas chapel. Theresa admits it was cool. Brady says he doesn’t remember every moment since he was high as a kite. Theresa admits she may have taken advantage of the situation a little. Brady compares that to what she said about Holly. Theresa says she got the point and that it was more of a scheme than a wedding. Theresa feels the actual wedding was the unofficial one upstairs in his bedroom. Brady says he remembers that very well. Theresa says for one shining moment, the stars were all aligned and they were actually happy. Brady calls it a shame that it didn’t last.

Alex questions Justin wanting to officiate his wedding. Justin explains that he was talking to Maggie and that she’s officiating Sarah and Xander’s wedding, so he offered to take one wedding off her hands. Alex questions why Justin would want to marry them when he thinks he’s making a big mistake, unless this is some kind of trick.

Sarah tells Xander that she’s barely checked off any of her list and they have so much to do before the wedding. Xander suggests letting Alex and Theresa do it since they are horning in on their wedding. Sarah asks if he’s having second thoughts about the double wedding. Xander says they’ve been through a lot to get here, so he’d prefer the day be all about them. They agree that it’s too late to back out now but it would be nice if they brought his family together. Xander jokes that Alex should cover the whole bill since he inherited all that money. Sarah jokes about him being jealous. Xander insists that having tons of money is no longer his goal in life as he wants to make a good, honest living and make his wife and daughter happy. Xander declares that marrying the woman of his dreams again is all that matters. Sarah tells him the same and jokes with him. Xander says he will dig up his lucha libre mask to bring back El Erotico to remind her how macho and suave he can be as they kiss.

Leo questions Bonnie saying a double wedding is the story of the century. Bonnie says it doesn’t happen every day. Leo calls it the idea of betraying his readers with a double snoozefest. Bonnie asks about Leo having a double wedding. Leo says he suppressed that memory. Bonnie talks about how it was Xander and Gwen plus Leo and Craig and how the drag queen crashed it and revealed that Leo was just marrying Craig for his money. Leo sarcastically thanks her for bringing up that memory and tells her that he’s in therapy now, working on becoming a more honorable person instead of the shallow and manipulative dirtbag he was. Bonnie says she doesn’t judge since she has been that herself. Bonnie assures that this double wedding won’t have the drama that his did, at least not the drag queen part. Leo then asks which part will it have and asks if it’s the marrying for the money part. Bonnie feels she’s said too much already but Leo guesses it’s Theresa and asks if Bonnie is saying that Theresa is only marrying Alex because he’s the heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Bonnie claims not to know much of anything. Leo argues that he knew he was right about Theresa and demands Bonnie tell him everything. Bonnie admits there have been some concerns about Theresa’s motives for marrying Alex but begs Leo not to put it in his column. Leo complains that he could really use the content. Bonnie says he has to understand that Alex is family and Theresa will soon be. Leo gives in and admits he kind of likes Theresa anyways since she reminds him of his old BFF Gwen, who he betrayed and now hates him with a vengeance. Leo tells Bonnie that he hasn’t spoken to Marlena but he’s read that when feeling terrible guilt about ruining a friendship, he should exhale the guilt and inhale the serenity but says it’s not working. Leo says he doesn’t blame Theresa for wanting what Alex has and jokes that he’d marry Alex for nothing. Leo comments that between Alex and Xander, it’s like a dry run for another Magic Mike movie.

Xander and Sarah lay on the couch after having sex. Sarah jokes that they might have done this out of order. Xander thought it was perfect but hopes it’s not bad luck for them to see each other before walking down the aisle. Sarah thinks they’ve had their share of bad luck, so no more worrying. Xander recalls when Kristen stuffed her in to a trunk before their other wedding. Sarah recalls when Xander got imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit but that’s all in the past.

Justin questions Alex thinking he’s trying to trick him. Alex points out that he just did that with Konstantin and Maggie’s wedding. Alex says he wouldn’t be surprised if halfway through the ceremony, Justin bursts out of his seat to accuse Theresa of embezzling funds. Justin asks if Alex is serious when he knows damn well why it went down like that with Konstantin. Justin questions Alex not trusting him over that. Alex apologizes for making that analogy but asks if he can really blame him after he gave him a lot of pushback about Theresa. Justin assures that he has no ulterior motives and just thought it would be nice. Justin says he may not be the father of the groom, but he just wants to be a part of his special day, but not if it doesn’t work for him. Alex responds that it actually does work for him and he’s sorry for accusing him of ulterior motives. Justin accepts his apology. Alex notes that he will have to ask Theresa first but he doesn’t think she will have a problem with it. Justin agrees to go prepare his script for the ceremony. Alex thanks Justin as he exits the room.

Theresa tells Brady that it’s been their problem that they would be good for awhile but can’t seem to make it last. Brady wonders why that is. Theresa guesses it’s probably her fault because she screws up a lot. Brady says she can’t take all the blame since he was so stubborn most of the time and pretty unforgiving. Theresa hopes things are different with Alex. Brady says he’s rooting for them because despite everything, he just wants her to be truly happy. Theresa says she wants that for him too. Brady says that at least one of them found true love. Brady tells Theresa that she deserves it. Theresa then states that she has to confess something to him.

Tate questions Sophia announcing that Theresa is getting married tonight. Sophia explains that she was outside the Bakery going on about her wedding cake. Tate says he knew Theresa was engaged to Alex but he didn’t realize the wedding was tonight. Sophia says she didn’t want to spoil Theresa’s big night by telling her that her son was a liar, so she’ll just tell her tomorrow instead. Holly pleads with her and asks if she really wants to hurt them this badly. Sophia reveals that’s why she ratted them out the first time and asks how they think Theresa caught on to their plans to sneak off on prom night. Holly questions how she could do something so spiteful. Sophia says it’s the feeling of betrayal after Holly let her make a fool of herself by asking Tate to the prom when they were secretly seeing each other the whole time. Sophia asks if she has any idea how humiliating that was. Tate says he had no intention of hurting her and thought maybe she would get with Aaron and they would all be happy. Sophia argues that she never expressed interest in Aaron. Holly admits they screwed up and she’s been a terrible friend. Tate apologizes for lying to her and says they were so caught up in keeping them a secret that they didn’t think about how it would hurt other people. Sophia mocks them and says they are only apologizing so she won’t snitch on them since the stakes are high. Holly insists that she’s really sorry. Holly worries that if she tells their parents, Tate will get sent off to military school and they’ll never see each other again. Sophia calls that her problem. Holly pleads with Sophia to keep their secret and says she will do anything.

Brady asks what Theresa wants to confess but Alex walks in and interrupts, questioning Theresa not getting ready for the wedding. Theresa says she was just telling Brady that she’s really happy he is coming to the wedding, even if Tate can’t be there. Brady says he’ll see them at the ceremony and exits. Theresa tells Alex that she should get to Sarah’s now. Alex says he wanted to run something by her first. Alex then informs her that Justin offered to officiate their wedding so he wanted to see if she had any objections. Theresa says of course not and that it’s fine. Alex says he just wanted to talk to her first since he didn’t about the prenup. Alex tells Theresa that he wants to be the best husband for her because he loves her and can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. Theresa responds that she feels exactly the same way as they kiss. Alex hugs Theresa while she looks over at a photo of Brady on the mantle.

Xander comments to Sarah that Victoria is still asleep. Sarah says she’ll be well rested for the ceremony and looks over the final guest list. Xander points out that his mom never got back to them. Sarah assumes she moved. Xander says maybe she just doesn’t give a damn. Sarah apologizes for pressuring Xander to reach out to her because she didn’t mean to reopen old wounds. Xander understands it was worth a shot for Victoria. Xander says it’s probably just as well that she’s not coming as they hug.

Bonnie tells Leo that she’s sorry for wasting his time as she didn’t realize a double wedding was a snoozefest as he said. Leo stops her and says as vanilla as it is, maybe they can find an intriguing angle which Bonnie questions. Leo asks if anything scandalous happened at a bachelor party but Bonnie says they skipped all of that. Leo asks for any inside details on the ceremony. Bonnie then informs Leo that there might be a surprise guest in Xander’s mother. Leo is shocked as he didn’t know Xander even had a mother. Bonnie emphasizes that she might be coming to the wedding. Leo questions it being a surprise. Bonnie explains that she and Xander have been estranged for years since she had a drinking problem. Bonnie adds that Sarah worked hard to track her down and got an address for her in Paris to send her an invite but then she found the invite in the trash. Leo questions why she would throw it away. Bonnie thinks Theresa got in Sarah’s head since she was discouraging her and repeating what a bad idea it was. Leo asks how Xander’s mom got the invite then. Bonnie admits she sent it and she thinks Xander and Sarah would thank her later. Leo questions her not telling them. Bonnie jokes that a surprise is not a surprise if no one is surprised.

Xander jokes to Sarah that the positive of his mom not coming is that the bar won’t get ransacked. Theresa then arrives with her dress. Xander questions Theresa not thanking them for letting them join in on their wedding. Theresa then thanks them and says they are eternally grateful. Xander goes to get ready. Sarah tells Theresa that she’s sorry about Xander. Theresa says it’s okay and thanks her for letting them crash their wedding. Sarah says it’s no problem and points out that they are all going to be family.

Justin joins Alex in the living room. Alex tells him that he and Theresa would both love to have him perform their ceremony. Justin says that’s great and he’s very happy. Alex says he knows it’s what Victor would want. Justin responds that he doesn’t mean to speak ill of the dead but he doesn’t give a damn what Victor would’ve wanted.

Sophia tells Holly and Tate that she will consider keeping their secret but she wants something in return. Sophia declares that since Aaron took Tate’s place at lacrosse camp, it’s only fair that Holly takes her job as a waitress at the Bistro. Sophia tells Holly that she’s sure Stefan won’t mind if she gives up her spot to her, but the stipulation that she gets every cent of her paycheck. Holly argues that if she works her job at the Bistro, she’ll never get to see Tate. Sophia says she will as soon as she gets off work and asks what Holly says to that. Holly agrees, so Sophia exits. Holly tells Tate that she can’t believe she’s spending her summer working at the Bistro without seeing a single cent from it. Tate doesn’t want her to make such a sacrifice and says he’ll just go to lacrosse camp for a couple of months but Holly says no. Holly would rather do what they are doing than not see him at all. Holly decides they will just have to make the most of the time they do have together as they kiss.

Leo begins writing his column about the double wedding, saying it promises to be the social event of the season and remarks that hopefully it will have a happier ending than the last Kiriakis wedding which ended in Konstantin being killed.

Justin tells Alex that Victor was a narcissist and a manipulative control freak. Alex didn’t think Justin was still so angry with him. Justin asks how he couldn’t be when he robbed him of a son. Alex argues that he was never Justin’s son in the first place. Justin complains that he shouldn’t have kept it a secret or revealed the plot twist in his will. Alex doesn’t think Justin should be dragging Victor’s name through the mud in his house. Justin doesn’t understand how Alex can defend Victor. Alex says it’s because he was his father. Justin shouts that he was too.

Brady goes home and tells himself not to think about it, repeating that he and Theresa were never good together. Brady thinks back to when he and Theresa had sex. Brady asks how he’s going to get through this wedding. Brady then searches through a drawer and finds a bottle of vodka and a glass.

Bonnie joins Sarah and Theresa and says she has everything they will need, but she forgot the bouquets so Sarah says they will just grab them on the way. Bonnie stops Sarah and says there’s something she needs to tell her about Xander’s mom. Bonnie reveals that she knows Sarah threw Xander’s mom’s invitation in the trash. Sarah stops her and questions what she’s talkiing about because she didn’t throw any invitation in the trash, while Theresa looks worried.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole went to the Spectator to confront Leo. She yelled at him for knowing the truth about Jude. He said he’s trying to be a better person with his therapy with Marlena. Nicole said she wondered if Marlena knew about his part in letting everyone Jude was a DiMera and not her grandson. Leo said he didn’t know Jude was Eric’s son. It occurred to him why EJ paid him to keep quiet. Nicole was shocked to hear that. Leo apologized for what he did. She said he could make it up to her by testifying in court. Marlena showed up at the DiMera mansion. EJ thought she was there to see Jude and told her he wasn’t there. Marlena said she came to do this. She slapped him. He said she had a right to be angry because there was no excuse to do what he did. Connie told Bobby that she stabbed Rafe in the back with a knife. Bobby said he didn’t want Rafe murdered. Connie said he wanted Rafe gone. She asked what else was she supposed to do. Connie said she held up her end of the bargain so he could be with Jada. Kayla told Jada and Gabi that Rafe was in surgery. She said the knife penetrated his lung. Kayla said they wouldn’t know the extent of the damage until they got in there. When Kayla left, Gabi told Jada that someone stabbed Rafe the same way Li was killed. Jada said she would investigate every lead. Gabi said the knife could help her prove who did it.

Bobby told Connie that there was going to be a murder investigation. Connie said she didn’t know if Rafe was dead or not, but it didn’t look good. Bobby was upset, but Connie said Jada would be devastated if Rafe died and needed someone there to pick up the pieces. She said that was what he wanted. Connie said she held up her end of the bargain and asked if he would do the same. Bobby said he wouldn’t tell anyone he saw her the night Li died. He said no one could ever see them together now that Jada thought the identity of Li’s killer was in Everett’s head. Jada went in Rafe’s room. There was blood on the sheets. After she put on latex gloves, she put the knife in a bag. When she saw Rafe’s shirt, she put it to her face. Leo was hesitant about testifying against the Salem D.A. Nicole said she wanted to divorce EJ and make sure he went to prison. She said Leo testifying against EJ would make sure it happened. Leo didn’t want to help her. Nicole said she would talk to Rafe and get him immunity. Leo said that wasn’t why he wouldn’t testify. He said EJ suffered enough by losing his wife and kid and now had to deal with his worst nightmare of her and Eric being together. EJ told Marlena that he thought he could make Nicole love him if he had enough time. Marlena said he was like Stefano who also didn’t like to lose. EJ talked about losing Sami which made him desperate to keep Nicole. He said it didn’t matter because Nicole and Eric were together and he had nothing. Marlena said she didn’t feel sorry for him. EJ said he got his comeuppance so all should be right with her world. Marlena said she hoped his suffering just begun. While they were talking, he got his divorce papers. EJ said his comeuppance happened sooner than she thought. Kayla told Jada and Gabi that there was a complication. She said the surgeons removed a clot from Rafe’s lung, but he slipped into a coma.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Justin approached Alex at the mansion. Alex didn’t want to fight with him. Justin offered to officiate the wedding. Alex wondered if it was a trick. Brady tried to talk Theresa out of bringing Tate home for the wedding. She blamed Holly for why Tate had to leave in the first place. Theresa was glad that he was away from Holly. Brady thought she and Holly were similar. Theresa wanted him to be nice to her on her wedding day. She realized it wasn’t her first wedding, but it’s her first proper ceremony. Brady thought their Vegas wedding was cooler. Theresa admitted taking advantage of the situation. She realized they were happy briefly. Brady thought it was a shame it didn’t last. Sophia interrupted Holly and Tate kissing at the Horton cabin. She threatened to call their parents. Sophia admitted that she almost told Theresa what they did, but she didn’t want to ruin her wedding day. She planned to tell her after the wedding. Alex thought Justin was planning a repeat of Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding. Justin got offended and said he didn’t have an ulterior motive. He wanted to be part of his special day unless he didn’t want him to be. Alex softened and apologized for accusing him. He wanted to ask Theresa first. Alex sincerely thanked Justin as he prepared to leave.

Theresa blamed herself for why she and Brady didn’t work. She hoped things would be different with Alex. Brady was rooting for them to work. He wanted her to be happy and she wanted the same for him. Brady was happy one of them found love. Theresa wanted to tell him something when Alex walked in the room. Brady walked out of the room. Alex asked Theresa about Justin officiating the wedding. She said it was fine. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. She felt the same way, but she looked at Brady’s picture while they hugged. Holly begged Sophia not to tell her and Tate’s parents about them being together. Sophia was happy to tell them what she knew after they betrayed her during the prom. Holly agreed to do anything. Sophia agreed to keep quiet if she took the job her parents made her get and give her all the money. After Sophia left, Tate offered to go to lacrosse camp, so she didn’t have to work. Holly would rather him be there so they could spend time together. Alex told Justin that he could officiate the wedding. He looked at Victor’s portrait and said it’s what his father would have wanted. Justin didn’t care what Victor wanted. Alex didn’t realize that Justin was still upset about it. Justin wondered how he couldn’t be upset. He said Victor robbed him of his son. Alex told him that he was never his son to begin with. He defended Victor to Justin. Justin wanted to know why, and Alex said because he was his father. Justin reminded him that he was his father too. Brady returns to the townhouse and wonders how he would get through the wedding. He went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny found his father drinking at the DiMera mansion. EJ told him that Nicole wanted to divorce him. Johnny wasn’t surprised after what he did. EJ thought Johnny was mad at him too. Johnny felt bad for Nicole and Eric. He was excited about having a new brother but that wasn’t going to happen now. Nicole went to Eric’s room at the pub and let him know that she and EJ were done. Brady went to the Kiriakis mansion to look for Maggie but ran into Alex. He let Brady know that she was running last-minute errands. Brady thought he meant for Xander and Sarah’s wedding, but Alex told him that he and Theresa were getting married too. He was surprised by Alex’s news. Alex told him that Maggie thought it would bring the family together. He would understand if Brady didn’t want to go to the ceremony. Brady thought it was a good idea since he assumed Theresa was only after his money. He knew that wasn’t the truth, so Brady wondered if there was another reason why Alex didn’t want him at the ceremony. Brady flashed back to his night with Theresa and said he would go to the wedding. Alex was okay with it, but Brady seemed troubled.

Sophia ran into Theresa at the town square to talk about Tate and Holly. Theresa apologized to her after the way Tate talked to her. Sophia blamed Holly because she was her best friend. Theresa assured her that Tate and Holly would be far away from each other since he would be at lacrosse camp in New York. Sophia thought about overhearing Tate and Holly’s conversation about deceiving their parents. She told Theresa there was something she needed to know. Chanel interrupted them to talk about the wedding cake. After hearing about the wedding, Sophia decided not to tell her about Tate and Holly. Johnny let EJ know there was no justification for what he did to Nicole and Eric. He was disappointed, but he still had his back. EJ apologized for not being as supportive as he and Chanel needed him to be. He knew they wanted to move out, but he hoped they would stay at the mansion. Johnny agreed to stay longer. He assured EJ that he would never lose him. Johnny wanted to take Chanel to lunch, and EJ thought he was a good husband. He knew Johnny didn’t get that from him. Johnny thought he didn’t meet the right woman yet. He didn’t think EJ and Nicole were meant to be. Johnny thought he should sign the divorce papers and move on with his life. Nicole said she and Eric could figure out a custody arrangement unless he planned to move to Paris. Eric wanted to leave because it was too painful to be around Jude but there was no reason he couldn’t stay and make a fresh start with Jude. He looked at Nicole and said he could make a fresh start with her too. Nicole said EJ knew she wasn’t over Eric which is why he did what he did to them. Eric wanted to know if she knew, and she admitted that she did. Theresa arrived at the Kiriakis mansion. She was surprised when she found out that Brady considered not going to her wedding. Theresa let him know she wanted him there. Alex hoped they could all be a family after the wedding. Theresa did too. When Alex walked away to take a phone call, Brady wanted to know why Theresa didn’t say she was getting married so soon. She admitted that she should have told him about it. Brady assured her that he’s happy for them. Theresa apologized for things not working out with them. He would always be special to her because he’s Tate’s father. She realized that she couldn’t get married without her son. Theresa wanted Tate at the wedding. Nicole admitted to Eric that she would have left EJ if she knew Jude was theirs and that he still loved her. Eric would have done the same thing with Sloan. They were about to kiss when there was a knock at the door. Eric opened the door, and EJ was there. He knew he would find Nicole there. She snatched the divorce papers and saw that he didn’t sign them. EJ said he didn’t plan to sign them. He assured her that he refused to let them take Jude and run off into the sunset together.

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Days Short Recap Monday, July 15, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kayla told Stephanie about Abby possibly being alive. Stephanie talked to her about Everett. Marlena called Stephanie and told her Everett was back. Stephanie wanted to go see him, but Kayla told her to give him time. Stephanie wanted to know if he was really back. Being without him made her realize how much she missed him. Kayla told her to be with him. Jada and Gabi ran into each other at the pub. Gabi thanked her for helping get her out of prison. Jada said Rafe and Stefan deserved all the credit. While they were talking, they talked about Bobby saying he knew who really killed Li. Jada thought she wouldn’t be able to get answers now that Everett was back. She said she needed to find Rafe and let him know what was going on. Gabi said he was at Abby’s grave. While Rafe was on the phone with Paulina, Connie stabbed him in the back. Connie apologized, but said she had to do it so Bobby wouldn’t say anything about her killing Li. She said she had to bury him in the empty grave so no one would know. When Connie heard Jada call out to Rafe, she ran off. Jada went to Rafe and called for help.

Stephanie went to see Everett. Bobby was disappointed that Stephanie wasn’t Jada. He pretended to be Everett. Stephanie was happy to see him until he told her they couldn’t see each other anymore. He said he had a long way to go to be fully integrated and needed to focus on his mental health. Stephanie was disappointed but said she understood. She said she would be there for him as a friend. He said she was the best and would never forget how hard she fought for him. Gabi left Ava a message about starting up Gabi Chic at DiMera. She said she was putting a team together. Connie showed up and was excited. She asked where she could sign up because she’s very loyal. At the hospital, Jada watched Kayla working on Rafe. Kayla told her to wait in the hall. Jada told Rafe she loved him. Connie went to Bobby’s hotel room. Bobby told her he faked being Everett so he could get out of Bayview to avoid talking about LI’s murder. He asked what she did to hold up her end of the bargain. She said Rafe wouldn’t be a problem for him or anyone else. While Jada was on the phone, she ordered someone to find the person who stabbed Rafe. Gabi showed up and wondered who hurt her brother. In Rafe’s room, Kayla said he was going into shock. She said they were losing him.

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Interview with Gabriela Pessions and Dimitri Leonidas

TV Interview!


Gabriela Pessions and Dimitri Leonidas of "Those About to Die" on AMC and AMC+

Interview with Gabriela Pessions and Dimitri Leonidas of “Those About to Die” on Peacock by Suzanne 6/28/24

It was fun to speak to these two actors. You don’t want to miss this epic series, which stars Sir Anthony Hopkins (among many others). It has a huge cast. It’s filmed more like a movie than a TV show. If you loved “Spartacus” or “Gladiator,” you should love this one as well. I love the characters, the politics and the action. It starts 7/18!


MORE INFO: Official Site Trailer

All episodes premiering July 18 on Peacock, just in time for viewers to also watch the 2024 Paris Olympics (July 26 – Aug 11, 2024) 

THOSE ABOUT TO DIE is an epic drama set in the corrupt world of the spectacle-driven gladiatorial competition, exploring a side of ancient Rome never before told — the dirty business of entertaining the masses, giving the mob what they want most…blood and sport. The series introduces an ensemble of characters from all corners of the Roman Empire who collide at the explosive intersection of sports, politics, and dynasties.

Directors: Roland Emmerich (Ep 101, 102, 103, 109, 110), Marco Kreuzpaintner (Ep 104, 105, 106, 107, 108)

Created by: Robert Rodat (Wrote Ep 101, 102, 103, 109, 110)

Executive Producers: Roland Emmerich, Harald Kloser, Gianni Nunnari, Robert Rodat, Stuart Ford, Lourdes Diaz, Miguel A. Palos Jr., Marco Kreuzpaintner, Herbert G. Kloiber, Martin Moszkowicz, Oliver Berben, Jonas Bauer, Charles Holland, Namit Malhotra.  THOSE ABOUT TO DIE -- Episode 104 -- Pictured: Dimitri Leonidas as Scorpus -- (Photo by: Reiner Bajo/Peacock)

Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Iwan Rheon, Sara Martins, Tom Hughes, Jojo Macari, Moe Hashim, Johannes Haukur Johannesson, Rupert Penry-Jones, Gabriella Pession, Dimitri Leonidas, Emilio Sakraya, David Wurawa, Pepe Barroso, Gonçalo Almeida, Eneko Sagardoy, Romana Maggiora Vergano 

Studio: AGC Television   

Production Companies: Centropolis Entertainment, Hollywood Gang Productions, Street Entertainment    

THOSE ABOUT TO DIE -- Episode 105 -- Pictured: (l-r) Rupert Penry-Jones as Consul Marsus, Gabriella Pession as Antonia -- (Photo by: PEACOCK)Format: Drama Series, 10 x 60 min episodes

Gabriella Pession plays “Antonia”. An American-Italian actress born November 2, 1977 in Florida, she starred in the TV show Crossing Lines 2013 to 2015. She was also best known for Wilfred (2011) and The Red Door (2017). In 2015, she received the America Award from the Italy–USA Foundation. In 2014 she had a son, Giulio, with her Crossing Lines co-star Richard Flood. They got married in 2016.

Dimitri Leonidas plays “Scorpus”. He was born on November 14, 1987 in England, UK to an English woman and a Greek father. He is an actor, known for Centurion (2010), Rosewater (2014), The Monuments Men (2014) and Riviera (2017).

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nina makes Mr. DeWitt apologize to Blaze and Kristina for publishing the article in The Invader that outed Blaze. Nina agrees to give Blaze and Kristina Media training so they will be ready for the interview Brook Lynn has set up for them to do.

Cody tells Tracy that Mac is his father, but Mac is upset with him because he didn’t tell him that he was his son. Tracy also tells Cody not to leave town and give Mac time to get used to the news.

Natalia agrees to let Brook Lynn and Blaze handle the artistic side of Blaze’s career and she will handle the business side of her career.

Chase tells Dex to do the best job he can at the academy and he will earn the respect of his fellow policeman.

Jason intended to spend time with his boys and keep working at Corinthos Coffee. Jason is also going to tell Sonny the truth about Why he became an FBI informant. Jason hopes that Sonny will let him back in the organization so he can keep him out of trouble.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Victoria helps Claire realize that she does have feelings for Kyle, but Claire decides to respect the fact that Kyle is her boss and not act on her feelings for him. Claire calls Kyle and tells him she would love to go to Paris with him and Harrison.

Summer feels like she doesn’t have any rights as Harrison’s mother when her lawyer sends her a text message telling her that she can’t stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris.

Chelsea almost tells Billy that she and Adam slept together but she thinks better of it because Billy has been a blessing in her life.

Nick and Phyllis worry about Sharon because she is talking to them and she suddenly gets angry with Phyllis when she tells her that she had a talk with Faith.

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Days Update Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel officially reopens the Sweet Bits Bakery and posts a help wanted sign in the window. Chanel gets a call from Johnny, who asks how she is doing. Chanel talks about how busy she is. Johnny asks if she’s sure she’s not pushing herself too hard and offers to come help since he’s unemployed. Chanel assures that she is okay and that there’s nothing he could do. Chanel finishes the call as Theresa approaches and says she thinks Chanel can help her and it’s kind of an emergency.

Holly joins Tate at the Horton Cabin on Smith Island. Tate says he missed her and kisses her as they hug.

Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and asks Alex if Maggie is there. Alex says she went out to run errands for the wedding but he’ll let her know that he stopped by. Brady talks about knowing Maggie is busy with Sarah and Xander’s wedding but he wanted to make sure after everything with Konstantin, that a wedding isn’t triggering for her. Alex says he hopes they can make some better memories tonight which Brady questions. Alex then informs him that it’s a double wedding as he and Theresa are getting married tonight too which surprises Brady.

Johnny enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and sees EJ having a drink, commenting that it’s a little early. EJ responds that it’s 5 o’clock somewhere and reveals to Johnny that he’s looking over Nicole’s petition for divorce.

Nicole joins Eric in his room with Jude. Eric thanks her for letting Jude stay with him. Nicole says of course since he is his son. Nicole tells Jude that she still missed him like crazy even for one night. Eric asks how Nicole is doing. Nicole responds that she stayed at the Salem Inn last night after leaving EJ and now she has to find a place big enough for her, Holly, and Jude. Eric asks how Holly is taking him being Jude’s dad. Nicole tells him that Holly adores him and is really happy for him, but she’s been grounded a lot lately so she’s miserable. Eric mentions that Holly told him when he ran in to her and she needed to vent a little. Nicole thanks him for letting Holly vent and guesses it was mostly about her. Eric says it wasn’t and that Holly loves her very much. Nicole says she loves Holly with all her heart and that she let Holly stay with a friend last night because she needed time to think things through. Eric asks what she is going to do. Nicole reveals that she called her lawyer to serve EJ divorce papers because they are done.

Johnny tells EJ that he can’t be that surprised that Nicole wants a divorce since it seemed kind of inevitable after she moved out. EJ admits that it did and assumes Johnny is quite upset with him. Johnny says he feels horrible for Nicole and Eric. Johnny adds that he thought he had a little brother and told everyone how happy he was that EJ got his son back and they were going to raise their babies together. EJ is sorry for letting him believe that. Johnny declares that now none of that is going to happen.

Theresa tells Chanel that she knows she just reopened and it’s last minute, but she desperately needs a wedding cake today. Theresa explains that she and Alex got engaged and planned to get married in a couple months but then decided on a double wedding today with Sarah and Xander. Chanel suggests just using the cake she made for Sarah and Xander since it’s definitely big enough. Theresa says that it is, but it’s a spice cake and she hates spice. Chanel says she gets it and isn’t a fan of it either. Theresa hoped they could have their own cake so Chanel asks what kind she wants. Theresa says as long as it’s not spice cake, she’s good with anything. Chanel agrees to see what she can do.

Tate talks to Holly about never seeing the inside of the mythical Horton Cabin. Tate calls it the perfect summer hideout. Holly asks if he’s heard from Aaron. Tate says he ran six miles today at lacrosse camp. Tate thanks Holly for saving him from what would’ve been the worst summer of his life. Holly hopes their parents never find out they are here. Tate asks how they would and declares that as long as they are careful, they’ll never know.

Brady questions Alex getting married tonight. Alex says they just decided and asks if Brady is shocked. Brady says it’s just fast. Alex says that he said the same thing when they got engaged. Brady says that’s because that was only a few days ago. Alex explains that Bonnie suggested the idea of the double wedding and that he and Theresa agreed it was a great idea. Alex says Sarah and Xander did all the work and their guest lists overlapped. Brady thought Alex hated Xander’s guts. Alex admits they’ve had their differences but Maggie hopes this can eliminate some of the baggage. Alex adds that he knows he and Brady have gone through it the last few months, so if he’s uncomfortable being there to support he and Theresa, he’s sure that Sarah and Xander will understand if he rescinds his RSVP. Brady agrees that he doesn’t want to ruin his big day, so he asks him to send Sarah and Xander his deepest regrets. Alex says he’s not hinting that he doesn’t want Brady to come to the wedding and is just giving him the option in case he’s uncomfortable. Brady admits he is a little uncomfortable, partially because he should’ve never had the idea that Theresa would marry him for his money and he never should’ve said anything. Alex says he’s over that and admits the thought had crossed his mind. Brady says the prenup pretty much proves him wrong and tells Alex that there’s a lot of reasons that Theresa would want to marry him. Alex asks why Brady wouldn’t want to be there if he accepts that Theresa’s not marrying him for the money, unless there’s another reason.

Chanel tells Theresa that she will go check to make sure she has everything to make her cake at the Bakery. Sophia then approaches Theresa and asks if she can talk to her about Holly and Tate.

Holly tells Tate that she’s sorry she couldn’t make it last night since she missed the last ferry. Tate still can’t believe that EJ pretended Eric’s kid was his own. Holly says she feels so bad for them. Tate asks how Holly is doing with all of this. Holly acknowledges that she and Nicole haven’t been getting along but assures that she is completely on her side because this was so wrong. Tate points out that it kind of blew up her whole family. Holly says it’s not really about that for her since she only felt like she had a real family when Eric was her stepdad. Tate asks if she thinks there’s a chance that Eric and Nicole might get back together. Holly says who knows and she’s just glad to get away from all the drama for a little while. Holly jokes that the timing works out for them because she can’t be grounded if she doesn’t have a home. Holly decides that’s enough talk about that and asks what they should do now they are finally alone.

EJ tells Johnny that he’s sorry that he was hurt. Johnny asks if he means he’s sorry that he hurt him. EJ then apologizes for hurting him and a lot of other people too. Johnny admits he’s done some crazy things to hang on to a relationship but argues that Eric is the nicest guy and asks how EJ could let Eric hand him his child. EJ says he won’t try to justify his actions. Johnny knows that he knows he can’t. Johnny recalls when he was a little kid and EJ would tell him how disappointed he was in him. Johnny remarks that now he knows how EJ felt.

Eric tells Nicole that divorce is a big step and asks if she doesn’t think she needs more time to think it through. Nicole compares it to Eric ending his marriage to Sloan, arguing that what EJ did is just as bad as what Sloan did. Nicole talks about Jude bouncing between homes and says they are going to have to figure out a custody arrangement. Nicole then asks if Eric is still planning to move to Paris. Eric admits that Roman asked him the same question and he said he didn’t know because he needed to talk to her about it.

Brady tells Alex that he just thinks it would be awkward for Theresa if he was at their wedding. Alex questions why since Brady said their relationship was good for him since he and Theresa were toxic unless he didn’t mean that. Brady admits they haven’t always brought out the best in each other and says they have both moved on. Brady then thinks back to being with Theresa. Brady then tells Alex that he’s going to do a total 180 and decides they are family, so if Alex doesn’t have a problem with him being there, then he’d love to be at his wedding. Alex tells him it’s settled then as they hug.

Theresa tells Sophia that she wants to apologize first for how her son treated her because she knows that must have been so hard for her, but she’s so glad that Sophia told her about Tate seeing Holly being their back. Sophia clarifies that she’s cool with Tate but blames Holly because she was supposed to be her BFF and knew she was in to Tate but didn’t tell her they were seeing each other. Theresa complains that she can’t stand Holly and then tells Sophia that Tate and Holly will be far away from each other this summer because they just sent Tate to lacrosse camp in New York. Sophia then thinks back to hiding in the bushes when Tate and Holly discussed their plan to be together all summer on the Fourth of July. Sophia then tells Theresa that there’s something she should know.

Tate tells Holly that there’s a lot to do and that he found old board games, picking out the game of Life which Holly recalls playing with Maggie all the time so they decide to play.

Johnny tells EJ that he doesn’t mean to kick him while he’s down and he understands it sucks that he lost Nicole, Jude, and his CEO job to Kristen. EJ adds that he might lose his district attorney job if he’s charged as an accessory after the fact. Johnny hopes that doesn’t happen. EJ thanks him for saying that. Johnny admits he is mad at him but that doesn’t mean he won’t always have his back. EJ calls him his loyal son and apologizes for not being as supportive of Chanel’s pregnancy as he needed to be. Johnny acknowledges that he came around eventually. EJ asks if he and Chanel are still thinking of getting their own place. Johnny says they haven’t really talked about it. EJ says he’d understand if he would want to put distance between them, but assures they are welcome to stay as long as they wish. EJ then admits it would mean a great deal to him if they did stay.

Nicole tells Eric that it would obviously be a lot easier to share custody of Jude if Eric was in Salem but after everything he’s been through, she doesn’t want him to give up anything because of her. Eric explains that he was leaving because it was too painful to be around Jude but now he knows he is his. Nicole points out that Eric could stay. Nicole adds that she’s sure Chad and Xander would love to have him back at the Spectator like she would even though it’s not Paris. Eric says he just wanted a fresh start but there’s no reason he can’t have that with Jude and with Nicole.

Theresa asks Sophia what about Tate and Holly. Sophia starts to explain but Chanel comes back and tells Theresa about the cake she can make. Theresa thanks her. Chanel promises the cake will be made with love. Theresa calls her an angel as Chanel heads back to the Bakery. Sophia asks Theresa about getting married which Theresa confirms is today. Sophia congratulates her. Theresa asks Sophia what she wanted to tell her. Sophia says it’s her big day so she can wait. Theresa insists but Sophia claims it’s really nothing and tells Theresa to enjoy her wedding as she walks away.

Tate and Holly play the board game Life which Holly wins. Tate asks if she wants to play something else. Holly suggests movie trivia which she wins again. Johnny questions how she even knows all of this about old movies. Holly admits she watched a ton when she had a thing for a guy who was a big movie buff which Tate remembers as being Johnny DiMera.

Johnny tells EJ that he and Chanel are not going to live there forever, but they will stay awhile longer. Johnny says he knows EJ has lost a lot but promises he will never lose him. EJ says that means the world to him. Johnny says he’s going to take Chanel to lunch. EJ calls him a good husband which is something he definitely didn’t learn from him. Johnny suggests maybe EJ just hasn’t found the right person yet and that he and Nicole just weren’t meant to be. Johnny thinks EJ should sign the divorce papers and move on. EJ agrees to take that under advisement. Johnny encourages that he will be okay as he then exits the mansion.

Nicole asks if Eric is really staying in Salem. Eric feels Jude has been moved around too much already so he’s positive. They talk about how things would’ve been a lot different if they found out Jude was Eric’s when Nicole was first pregnant. Eric admits he wanted to put some distance between them. Nicole says whenever they are together, they can never seem to get it right. Nicole thinks EJ knew that she never really got over Eric and maybe that’s why he went to such extremes to hold onto their marriage. Eric asks if she knew that too. Nicole says that in her heart, she did.

Johnny goes to the town square and invites Chanel to a late lunch. Chanel says she’s so swamped. Johnny encourages that she still has to eat. Chanel promises that she’s been eating well and says it’s sweet of him to check on her as they kiss.

Holly tells Tate that she didn’t mean to bring up Johnny. Tate says it’s not like he didn’t know since Johnny was all she talked about when they first met. Holly calls it a dumb crush and a stupid fantasy. Holly says she’s so lucky to have Tate now as they kiss.

Alex tells Brady that it will mean a lot to Theresa to have him there tonight. Brady is not so sure about that. Theresa walks in and asks about what, so Alex informs her that Brady will be coming to their wedding. Theresa assures Brady that she would want him there. Alex says he can’t wait to see her in her wedding dress. Alex knows they have had ups and downs, but he hopes after the wedding, they can all come together as family.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s never admitted it out loud to anyone but if she had known Jude was their son back then and if Eric would’ve taken her back, she would’ve left EJ. Eric recalls finding out she was pregnant and wishing the baby was his. Eric admits he wanted the same thing that she did. They almost kiss but are interrupted by a knock at the door. Eric answers to see EJ.

Theresa says she ordered the wedding cake and now she just needs to get ready. Alex decides they both should. Alex then gets a call and says he has to take it. Alex tells Theresa that he will see her at the altar and kisses her. Alex then answers his call and exits the room. Brady tells Theresa that he didn’t know she was getting married today. Theresa responds that she didn’t know that either until the other night. Theresa knows Brady is on Sarah and Xander’s guest list, so she should’ve just told him and given him a heads up. Brady says he’s happy for them. Theresa says there’s no problem then. Brady apologizes again for bringing up the whole money thing to Alex. Theresa says he already apologized and she gets it because of her history. Brady says he also knows that she has a huge heart and calls Alex a really lucky guy. Theresa tells Brady that she’s really sorry things didn’t work out between them, but Brady will always be very special to her. Theresa brings up that Brady is Tate’s dad and then suddenly realizes that she thought Tate would be home for her and Alex’s big day until they agreed to the double wedding. Theresa declares that she can’t get married without Tate as she needs her son there at her wedding.

Tate and Holly kiss until they are interrupted by a knock at the door. They wonder who that is and if they’ll just go away. Sophia calls out from the door that she knows they are in there and that they are so busted.

Chanel tells Johnny that the Bakery is her dream but she wants him to follow his dreams too and they could still move to LA. Johnny says there’s no chance and he’s not even thinking about that right now. Johnny adds that EJ just asked if they are still looking for their own place here which they are going to do. Johnny says that EJ won’t mind having them at the house since he’s a little lonely. Chanel asks if there’s any chance EJ and Nicole can get past this. Johnny says no as Nicole already served him with divorce papers, so he told him to just sign them and move on, so he hopes EJ takes his advice.

EJ says he thought he would find Nicole here. Nicole asks what he’s doing here. EJ responds that he brought the divorce papers. Nicole points out that he didn’t sign them. EJ reveals that he doesn’t plan to. EJ says if they think he’s just going to roll over, let them take Jude and wander off to the sunset together, they are sadly mistaken.

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