Y&R Best Lines Monday, May 13, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Well, looky here. Shouldn’t you be working on your super important case?

Christine: Ah, shouldn’t you be minding your own business?

Phyllis: I guess you’re drowning yourself in coffee and muffins because danny’s about to hit the road.

Christine: You don’t have to worry about me. I’m getting plenty of cardio these days.

Phyllis: Hm. Slacking off, I see. You know, if I were your client, I’d be mad. I would think I wasn’t getting my money’s worth.

Christine: Well, you couldn’t afford me and…

[ Christine laughs ] …I would never defend you. So, actually, I’m doing exactly what I should be at the moment.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, so I guess your important case wasn’t really that important after all.

Christine: You’re right about that.

Phyllis: You didn’t really want danny, did you? You just wanted to make sure I didn’t get him.


Phyllis: Oh, great, great. Well, I will let you guys say your goodbyes. You know, I bet it’s gonna be exciting going in front of all your adoring fans and washing the stink off of an old flame. Somebody who chose work over romance.

Danny: You didn’t tell her?

Christine: No, she was too busy reading me like an open book.

Phyllis: Tell me what?

Christine: Uh, a little plot twist. I turned down the case. I’m going with danny after all.


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