Days Best Lines For The Week Of May 13, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Sloan)
EJ: You weren’t lying. Not this time anyway.

Everett: I’m going to order the hot dog.
Stephanie: You’re going to order the hot dog?
(when Stephanie started laughing)
Everett: Is there something funny about that that I don’t know about?

Eric: You’re a hot mess.
Leo: Zaddy? You’re putting me to bed again? It’s like gayja vu.

(when Leo was upset about Dimitri dumping him)
Leo: Did everything work out for you two?
Nicole: We have both moved on and are happily married to other people
Leo: Sure Jan.

(to Leo)
EJ: You don’t remember letting me in? How many sheets to the wind are you?

Leo: Nicole and Eric were here.
EJ: You don’t remember Nicole and Eric being here?
Leo: I remember because I wanted Nicole to leave so I can be with the salt and pepper…

(to Theresa when he looked up to Victor)
Alex: I forgive you Dad. If I’m looking in the right direction.

(to Stefan)
Kristen: I know that you love Gabi and for the life of me I can’t figure out why.

Sloan: I have been looking all over for you.
Leo: Let me know when you find me.

(to Leo)
Sloan: Guilt is a waste of time. Nobody gets anywhere by suffering.

Rafe: Can we talk?
EJ: I’ll assume I have no choice.

Rafe: The truth is Gabi is innocent.
EJ: Your sister is far from innocent.

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