Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Jason and Dante talk and, after the talk, Jason decides to move back into the Quartermaine Mansion so he and Danny can live there with Dante, Rocco, and, Scout since Scout told Drew she didn’t want to live in Washington. Drew will live in the mansion with Scout and he will commute back and forth to Washington.
Mac and Felicia give Sasha a letter from Robert saying he will return to Port Charles when he gets Holly out of trouble. Robert tells Sasha that he is looking forward to getting to know her when he returns home. Mac and Felicia welcome Sasha to the Scorpio family and tell her that they will be there for her whenever she needs them.
Michael tries to persuade Curtis to team up with him to kick Drew out of Aurora Media but Curtis doesn’t want to help Michael with his revenge on Drew. Aunt Stella persuades TJ to go to Ava’s trial and support Molly. Molly and Kristina decide they need to get justice for the death of their daughter at Ava’s trial. Molly is upset with her dad Ric for defending Ava and making her testify for the defense.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
While Johnny was sleeping, he called out Joy’s name. He said they shouldn’t do this. Chanel was confused when she heard him call out Joy’s name. When he woke up, Chanel asked what shouldn’t he and Joy be doing. Kristen was upset about Brady talking to Ava about their relationship. She texted him and wanted to meet. He thought she wanted to talk about Sarah. Sarah told Maggie that she could feel the water bottle on her leg. She thought the serum was working. Sarah was looking forward to taking Victoria out. When Xander showed up, Maggie left them alone to celebrate. They were happy that she had feeling in her legs. Kristen told Brady that he wouldn’t want to be with her since the serum didn’t work. She told him the serum was legit. While they were talking, Maggie called him to thank him for getting Kristen to give Sarah the serum. When he got off the phone, Kristen was happy for Sarah and said he was the reason why Sarah got the good news. She asked if there was a chance for them to get together now that the serum worked. Philip and Stephanie ran into each other at the pub. She told him about what’s going on at Body and Soul. When she mentioned Alex eating the poisoned cupcake, Philip brought up how she used to date him. She told him about their relationship and said they were better off as friends. When she brought up his fight to get Titan, he said he wanted to hire her firm to represent him. She refused to take the job.
Johnny lied to Chanel and said he was dreaming about Joy’s choices. He said he must have been working too hard if he was dreaming of the actors. Later on, she told him that the other people from Body and Soul got sick from the cupcakes. She said he would be fine but the same couldn’t be said about Sweet Bits. He told her to find out if the cupcakes came from her bakery. Brady told Kristen that they could co-parent Rachel and be friends. Kristen was furious and told him that she gave up a lot to be with him. She said he played her and laughed at her with Ava. Kristen was convinced that he wanted to be with Ava. Brady denied her claims. Kristen tried to convince him to give her another chance for Rachel’s sake. Brady said Rachel was strong and would be fine. Kristen said Rachel would be fine because she had her. When Brady noticed her threat, he warned her not to try and keep him from Rachel because it would hurt her. Kristen said she wasn’t making any promises. At the hospital, Sarah told Xander and Maggie that she was determined to walk. Xander and Maggie didn’t want Sarah to push herself, but she wanted to walk. Stephanie told Philip she wouldn’t represent him because they used to be engaged. He said it would be business and begged her to help him until she agreed to do it. When Johnny was alone, he said he couldn’t keep lying to Chanel. Joy was at Alex’s place to check on him. While they were talking, the subject of Johnny and Chanel came up. Joy said she didn’t deserve a friend like Chanel because she had a fling with her husband. Alex wanted to know what happened. She told him how she met Johnny and how they ended up sleeping together. Joy begged him not to tell anyone just as Chanel showed up at the apartment.
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Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Alex is woken up on the couch by a phone call from Stephanie, who says she wanted to see how he’s doing since Kate told him that he had one of the tainted cupcakes. Alex says his fever just broke so he’s on the mend. Stephanie asks if he needs someone to come take care of him, but Alex reveals that somebody is already there as he looks up to see Joy.
Chanel goes to check on Johnny in bed as he’s having a nightmare and he says “no Joy, we shouldn’t do this.”
Kristen storms through the town square, complaining about Brady confiding in Ava about their relationship.
At the hospital, Xander tells Brady that he would give up everything for Sarah to walk again. Xander worries that the serum is Sarah’s last chance. Brady encourages that it will work and to hang in there. Brady gets a text from Kristen, wanting to meet in the town square, so he guesses she wants an update on Sarah. Xander tells Brady to go ahead as he has to get back to Sarah. Brady tells Xander to give Sarah his best as he exits the hospital.
In her hospital room, Sarah decides she’s a little hungry so Maggie brings the tray of fruit salad over to her. As Maggie moves the tray, the water bottle accidentally falls onto Sarah but Sarah excitedly acknowledges that when the bottle fell, she actually felt it hit her leg. Maggie then hugs Sarah as Sarah declares that the serum is working. Sarah starts talking about being able to take Victoria to the park and able to go back to work. Sarah says she can’t believe this as Xander returns and asks what he missed. Sarah informs him that she can feel her legs, so the serum is working. Sarah repeats that she’s going to be able to walk again.
Brady meets Kristen in the town square and assumes she wants an update on Sarah’s condition but Kristen says that’s not the reason she wanted to talk to him. Kristen then questions why the hell he was discussing their relationship with Ava and told her that he wasn’t sure he wanted a future with her.
Joy brings Alex water and he thanks her as Stephanie questions someone being at his place. Alex explains that Joy stopped by to run lines and ended up sticking around to make sure he’s okay. Stephanie says that’s good of her. Alex says it was rough for a while but nothing too serious. Alex thanks Stephanie for calling to check on him. Stephanie tells him to let her know if he needs anything. Alex says he will and thanks her. Stephanie tells him to feel better and hangs up. Philip then appears in the Pub, surprising Stephanie. Alex tells Joy that Stephanie was just checking on him.
Johnny wakes up as Chanel asks how he feels. Johnny jokes that his stomach has been through a meat grinder. Chanel brings him ginger ale and saltines. Johnny calls her the best and thanks her. Chanel brings up that Johnny was talking in his sleep when she came in and he said “no Joy, we shouldn’t do this.” Chanel questions what exactly he and Joy shouldn’t be doing.
Xander tells Sarah this is incredible. Sarah says it’s everything they hoped for. Maggie says she will let them celebrate while she goes to find Kayla to examine her. Sarah assures Xander that this is really happening. Xander tests Sarah’s feeling in her legs and she confirms to feel him. Sarah talks about her heart bursting with love for everyone that’s been there for her through this. Sarah adds that she’s really glad it’s happening for Xander because of how much it meant to him. Xander says that’s because she is everything to him. Xander calls her his miracle and says he loves her so much as they hug.
Philip and Stephanie hug, talking about how it’s been awhile. Philip sits with Stephanie and comments on her changing her hair but still being as beautiful as ever. Philip asks if everything is okay since she looked a million miles away when he walked in. Stephanie explains that she’s dealing with a PR crisis as she’s working for Body and Soul and they had a journalist spoiling their biggest storylines along with someone poisoning their cast and crew with tainted cupcakes. Philip remarks that he’s missed Salem. Stephanie adds that she was just on the phone with Philip’s cousin Alex, who ate one of the tainted cupcakes. Philip asks if he’s okay. Stephanie says he’ll be fine and has someone there looking after him. Philip brings up their relationship. Stephanie says that she and Alex went out for awhile, but that’s over now.
Alex tells Joy that she doesn’t have to stay and babysit him. Joy says she has nothing else to do. Alex asks about her friends from growing up. Joy says she was born here but grew up in New York. Alex asks about her making new friends from the show, like Johnny and Chanel.
Chanel asks Johnny about his dream and what he and Joy should not have been doing. Johnny claims he’s not sure and then says it’s coming back to him. Johnny says he was directing Joy in a scene and didn’t agree with some of her choices so that’s why he said they shouldn’t do this in the scene. Johnny reminds Chanel that it happened the other day on set when they had a disagreement on set at the hospital. Chanel remembers that but calls it kind of weird that Johnny would be dreaming about that. Johnny agrees and guesses it proves he’s working too hard since he’s dreaming about his actors.
Kristen questions why Brady would tell Ava that he doesn’t know if they have a future. Brady doesn’t see the big deal since he’s told Kristen that. Kristen questions why he was confiding in Ava in the first place. Brady says they were just talking. Kristen asks if it’s because the serum isn’t working and he thinks she’s pulling a fast one on him. Kristen swears on Rachel’s life that the serum is legit and that Dr. Rolf promised her that the serum would heal Sarah’s paralysis. Brady gets a call from Maggie, who announces that Sarah is regaining feeling in her legs. Sarah says Kayla is in surgery, so another doctor is on his way to examine Sarah. Brady calls it incredible. Maggie says it’s everything they prayed for. Brady thanks Maggie for calling to tell him. Maggie tells Brady that they are so grateful to him since he’s the one who convinced Kristen to hand over the serum, so he’s the reason this is happening. Brady says he has no words and to send his best to Sarah and Xander. Maggie repeats how thankful they are to Brady. Brady says he is elated to hear the news as they hang up. Kristen guesses it’s good news which Brady confirms. Brady informs Kristen that Sarah is starting to regain feelings in her legs. Kristen exclaims that she knew it was just a matter of time and she’s so thrilled that Sarah got her miracle. Kristen tells Brady that they made this happen. Brady says he just talked her in to handing over the serum but Kristen feels he should take a lot more credit. Kristen knows he didn’t make any promises but then says it’s too soon so she’s not going to say anything as she doesn’t want to seem too desperate. Brady says he’s pretty sure what she was going to ask him, so Kristen asks him if he wants to give them another chance.
Stephanie finishes telling Philip about her sad but brief tale of her and Alex. Philip calls it quite the relationship. Stephanie says that’s why it’s best they just remain friends and colleagues. Stephanie asks Philip about him blocking Xander from turning Titan over to Kristen. Philip guesses word still travels fast in Salem. Stephanie brings up that her PR firm used to represent Titan. Philip then tells Stephanie that he might have the perfect new client for her in himself.
The doctor tells Sarah that it’s astounding that she is regaining her feeling in her legs. Sarah asks about when she can walk again but Xander reminds her to be patient. The doctor goes to set the wheels in motion and exits. Xander encourages Sarah that it won’t be long now. Sarah decides she wants to try to walk right now.
Brady tells Kristen that he’s been thinking a lot about it since they last spoke and he does want a relationship with her as co-parents of Rachel and hopefully as friends which Kristen questions. Brady says it’s for Rachel’s sake, but that’s all. Brady says regardless of them being drawn to each other physically, they have areas where they are not compatible and he knows she knows this. Kristen gets upset and says she can’t believe this after how far she’s gone for him. Kristen asks if he has any idea what it would mean to her to be the DiMera heir who delivered Titan on a silver platter, making DiMera one of the most formidable conglomerates in the world. Brady says he’s aware of what she sacrificed. Kristen argues that she could’ve maintained leadership of her family’s company for at least a generation, but now the board and her siblings will think of her as nothing but a pathetic, lovestruck fool. Kristen cries that Brady played her and never intended for them to get back together. Kristen argues that he probably never even considered it but she was gullible to believe and trust him. Kristen asks Brady if this was all just a game to him and she’s just the biggest loser while he enjoys every minute of it.
Chanel tells Johnny that it feels like his fever broke. Johnny says maybe it wasn’t the flu. Chanel confirms that she spoke to Paulina and a slew of people got sick including Abe and Roman. Johnny says that’s awful and asks if something is going around. Chanel informs him that it was tainted cupcakes as someone sent them to the entire cast and crew. Johnny asks if it anybody else got sick. Chanel tells him that they got Alex too.
Joy tells Alex that Johnny and Chanel have been really nice to her but she wouldn’t exactly call them friends. Alex brings up that she was just at their place watching Body and Soul. Joy argues that was a work thing. Alex says co-workers can be friends too but Joy says they are married and she’d be a third wheel. Alex feels married couples need friends too. Alex says he doesn’t know Johnny that well but he does know Chanel and says she is good people. Joy remarks that Chanel is great which makes this a million times worse. Alex asks what she means. Joy says she doesn’t deserve a friend like Chanel. Alex encourages that she does but Joy says he wouldn’t say that if she knew. Alex questions her about that so Joy then reveals that she hooked up with Chanel’s husband.
Chanel informs Johnny that they think Hattie is the number one suspect behind the cupcakes which shocks Johnny. Johnny thinks he should go to the hospital after being poisoned but Chanel encourages him to stay in bed. Chanel explains that Paulina had Abe’s blood tested and the poison found was non-fatal. Johnny is relieved that he will survive. Chanel hopes she can say the same for her Bakery.
Alex questions Joy hooking up with Johnny. Joy explains that it was the night before her audition when they were just two total strangers at the bar. Alex questions how Johnny let this happen when he’s married. Joy explains that Johnny was in a bad way and thought his wife had cheated on him, but they didn’t know at the time that she didn’t. Alex asks what exactly happened. Joy explains that they talked at the bar, had a few drinks, and ended up back in her hotel room.
Stephanie is surprised that Philip wants to hire her and asks why he would need a PR firm. Philip explains that he’s pursuing a claim that he’s the rightful heir to Titan, claiming he has a letter written by Victor stating that he wanted him to run the company. Stephanie points out that Victor left it to Xander in his will. Philip says that’s why he has quite the fight on his hand and could use Stephanie’s help in court. Philip asks if Stephanie will take him on as a client, but she says absolutely not.
Maggie returns to Sarah and Xander to ask what the doctor said. Sarah says that he confirmed that she is regaining the use of her legs. Xander adds that the doctor wants to run a few tests to be safe, so he’s encouraging Sarah to be patient. Sarah jokes that she’s done being patient. Sarah says for the first time in a long time, things feel right, positive, and hopeful so she doesn’t want to wait. Sarah declares that she wants to walk right now. Sarah asks Xander to let her try.
Kristen tells Brady to go ahead and admit that he dangled a reunion over her head. Brady says it’s not true but Kristen argues that he would’ve done anything to get the serum and he knew that she would’ve done anything to reunite their family. Kristen complains that Brady got what he wanted and now he and Ava will be laughing behind her back which Brady questions. Kristen tells Brady to admit that he is salivating to get it on with Ava and that Ava wants to get her hooks in to him. Brady responds that he’s only salivating to end this conversation because it’s stupid and pointless. Kristen argues that it’s her life and future. Brady responds that he’s not in a relationship with her and he’s not interested in Ava in that way. Kristen asks why not and if he’s too high and mighty for an ex-mob princess. Kristen then remarks that Brady’s last bedmate was Xander’s trainwreck of a mother, Fiona. Brady says he can’t talk to her when she’s like this. Kristen complains that he’s victim blaming and gaslighting her. Brady declares that he’s done but Kristen stops him and says he’s not going anywhere until she has her say.
Maggie agrees with Xander that Sarah should wait until the doctor clears her before trying to walk again. Sarah jokes about it being two against one and needing someone to come in on her side. Maggie says this is about her health and she doesn’t want her to risk her recovery by doing anything against her doctor’s permission. Maggie gets a call from Bonnie and exits the room to give her the update. Xander tells Sarah no more trying to walk until they get her test results back. Xander encourages Sarah to take a nap before all her tests so she promises to try. Xander says he’ll be right down the hall and to text him if she needs anything. Xander exits the room and then Sarah removes her blankets and moves to try to get up.
Philip tells Stephanie that he was expecting a negotiation but questions her hard no. Stephanie says she’s sorry but it just can’t work. Philip asks if she’s too swamped with Body and Soul or if she thinks changing public opinion about him would be pointless. Stephanie says it’s not those. Stephanie acknowledges that Philip is Victor’s son and should have just as much right to Titan as Xander and would probably run it better. Philip questions why she won’t work with him then. Stephanie reminds him of their history. Philip questions her refusing to be his publicist because they were involved years ago. Stephanie points out that they were engaged.
Chanel and Johnny talk about how last time they had tainted biscuits and the Bakery got shut down by the health department. They talk about how they aren’t sure the cupcakes came from the Bakery but it’s possible. Johnny says she needs to go talk to her employees about any cupcake order. Chanel agrees that she probably should but she doesn’t want to leave Johnny here. Johnny says he’ll be fine and insists that Chanel needs to make sure the Bakery won’t get shut down again. Chanel adds that there’s a big staff at the mansion if he needs anything. Johnny encourages her to go and promises he’ll be there when she gets back. Chanel says he better be and then exits.
Joy tells Alex that after Johnny left her hotel room, she thought she would never see him again only to find out her random hookup is the director of her new job and married to one of the stars of the show, who is determined to be her friend. Joy calls this so bad. Alex agrees. Joy feels that she shouldn’t have told Alex and asks him to promise not to say anything to anyone.
Philip tells Stephanie that their engagement is ancient history and taking him on as a client would be strictly professional as he just wants to reclaim his birthright. Philip asks Stephanie to help him for old time’s sake. Stephanie can’t believe she’s saying this but agrees to help him which thrills Philip.
Brady tells Kristen to stop making a scene. Kristen complains of what it’s doing to her heart. Brady says he’s grateful for what she did for Sarah but they are not good for each other. Kristen argues that they aren’t toxic, they are just human and make mistakes but they also created Rachel together. Brady says that’s why he just wants a platonic, healthy relationship with her for Rachel’s sake. Kristen argues that Rachel wants her parents to be a couple under the same roof but Brady says that can’t happen. Brady insists that Rachel will adjust to the reality and be fine. Kristen says she will be fine because she has her. Kristen then declares that she will see to it that they will get through it as just the two of them. Brady says he’s not missing the subtext in her tone and words. Brady asks Kristen not to punish him by keeping him away from his daughter again since it will hurt Rachel as much as it hurts him. Brady asks if that’s not her intention. Kristen remarks that she’s not making any promises and walks away.
Johnny questions why he’s saying Joy’s name in his sleep and right when Chanel walks in. Johnny tells himself to get it together and declares that he can’t keep lying to his wife.
Alex tells Joy that Chanel is not just his co-star, but his friend, and she has a right to know what happened. Joy worries that a scandal like this would ruin her career before it even starts and the producers would fire her on the spot if they found out. Joy begs Alex to promise not to tell anybody about her and Johnny. Chanel then shows up at the door.
Maggie finishes her call with Bonnie and tells Xander how excited Bonnie got about Sarah. Xander prays that this means Sarah will be walking again soon. Sarah then walks out of her room with a walking cane and declares it looks like his prayers have been answered, shocking Maggie and Xander. Xander offers to help her but Sarah says to let her do it. Sarah uses her cane and the counter to walk to Xander as they then embrace.
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Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Maggie goes to the hospital and asks Kayla why there’s no update when it’s been 24 hours since she gave Sarah the serum. Kayla apologizes and wishes she could update but they don’t know since the drug is so experimental. Kristen arrives and questions Kayla not returning her messages. Kristen argues that she provided the serum so she could at least tell her if it worked.
Xander sits at Sarah’s side in her hospital room, telling her about putting Victoria to sleep and how she misses her. Xander hopes she won’t be stuck in this bed for much longer. Sarah points out that Kayla gave her the serum yesterday, but she still doesn’t feel anything so she worries about it not working.
Ava runs in to Brady at the Pub. Brady invites her for coffee but Ava declines and sits at her own table. Brady goes over to her and asks if he did something wrong. Ava says no, but his jackass of a son certainly did.
Tate and Holly walk through the town square holding hands. Tate says he missed them hanging out. Holly didn’t think they would get a second chance. Tate says he’s so relieved that they don’t have to hide their relationship from their parents anymore. Holly says there was something exciting about all the sneaking around. Tate feels it’s so much better not having to hide how he feels about her. Tate kisses Holly until Sophia walks up and remarks that it certainly didn’t take long.
Brady asks why Ava called his son a jackass. Ava says she doesn’t want to say what she really thinks. Brady asks her to elaborate. Ava explains that Sophia came to see her last night, humiliated. Brady asks if Tate broke up with her. Ava then reveals that Sophia broke up with him because while they were in bed together, Tate called her Holly.
Sophia calls it so predictable that Tate went running back to Holly the second they broke up. Tate swears that he did not mean to hurt Sophia as it was not his intention at all. Sophia says whatever and wishes them the best. Sophia then warns Holly not to be surprised if Tate calls out her name when she finally gives it up to him. Tate and Holly then walk away.
Kayla tells Kristen that she’s not at liberty to update her on Sarah’s condition since she’s not family. Kristen repeats that she’s the one who provided the miracle drug but Kayla doesn’t think she has a right to be kept in the loop. Maggie informs Kristen that there’s been no improvement or reduced swelling on Sarah’s spine. Kayla says they haven’t pushed walking so as to not further Sarah’s injury. Kristen argues that there’s no reason to be cautious with this serum and says to take the bull by the horns. Kristen declares that’s exactly what she’s going to do and heads towards Sarah’s room. Kayla complains that this is the last thing Sarah needs and calls Kristen a lunatic. Maggie insists that Xander is in there and he can handle Kristen. Maggie adds that she’s willing to give Kristen an amount of grace since she did give the serum, but declares that if Kristen got Sarah’s hopes up for nothing, she will tear her from limb to limb.
Xander encourages Sarah that he feels in his soul that she will walk again. Kristen storms in and orders Xander to help her pick Sarah up but Xander stops her and questions what the hell she’s doing.
Aaron finds Sophia eating a piece of cake in the town square. Sophia responds that she’s rewarding herself for not committing murder right here in the square. Aaron asks what happened. Sophia informs him that Tate and Holly are back together.
Tate and Holly go to the Kiriakis Mansion where Holly comments on their awkward run-in with Sophia. Holly admits she kind of feels bad since Sophia is obviously really hurt. Holly questions what Sophia said about Tate calling her name out in bed. Tate then explains that she said that because that’s what he did to her.
Brady is shocked to learn that Tate called Sophia, Holly. Ava says that means he’s obviously not over Holly and questions why he was stringing Sophia along. Brady insists Tate didn’t mean to do that and was trying to give their relationship a shot as he feels Tate felt like he owed it to Sophia. Ava argues that they shouldn’t have slept together if Tate was still hung up on someone else. Brady blames it on Tate being a teenager so he’s not making the most mature decisions in his love life. Brady points out that he and Ava are not teenagers but still don’t make the best decisions there either. Ava says she’s just upset because Sophia is really heartbroken. Brady admits he’s upset that Tate hurt her in that way and feels he should’ve been more observant in that situation but he’s been distracted by what’s going on with Sarah. Ava apologizes since it’s not Brady’s fault what happens with Tate and Sophia so she’s sorry for lashing out at him. Brady gets that she cares about Sophia. Ava decides to change the subject by asking if the serum is working for Sarah. Brady says she received the final dose, so it’s just a matter of waiting and hoping for the best.
Kristen questions Xander yelling at her when she’s here to help. Xander argues against forcing Sarah to walk before she’s ready. Kristen tells Sarah to push herself if she wants to walk again. Xander tells Kristen they are good. Kristen urges Sarah to push herself, asking what she’s so afraid of, as Xander drags Kristen out of the room.
Aaron is shocked as he was just talking to Holly yesterday and she said Sophia and Tate were a couple. Sophia responds that they were for like five seconds but Tate went running back to his true love, Holly. Aaron doesn’t get it as he realy thought Tate was in to Sophia. Sophia says she thought so too until his real feelings for Holly came out at the worst possible time in the worst possible way.
Holly is shocked to learn Tate said her name while he and Sophia were in bed and asks how she reacted. Tate responds that Sophia completely freaked out, told him to go to Hell, and stormed out. Holly assumed Tate broke up with Sophia and questions if he’s saying it’s the other way around. Tate confirms that to be the case and asks why that matters. Holly responds that now she’s wondering if Tate only got back with her because Sophia broke up with him.
Maggie and Kayla go to Sarah’s hospital room where Sarah and Xander tell them about Kristen thinking she could just pick Sarah up and Xander says he had to drag her out of the room before she did more damage. Kayla doesn’t get it since Kristen has never given a damn about anyone but herself, so she questions why she cares so much about Sarah’s recovery. Maggie thinks she’s just trying to score points with Brady.
Brady tells Ava that Sarah is a really good person, so he’s really hoping the serum works for her. Brady pays for their coffee and apologizes for getting defensive about the Tate and Sophia situation, but he thinks it’s sweet how Ava is so protective of Sophia. Ava repeats that Sophia reminds her of herself. Ava apologizes again for laying in to Brady since it’s not his fault that his son did some stupid teenage thing. Brady says there is nothing to forgive and understands why it upset Ava. Ava thanks him for understanding. They assure they are good and still friends. Ava admits it’s really important to her. Ava talks about knowing how lucky she is to have a job and a roof over her head, but she’s been going through a rough time, missing her son and a lot of things, so it means a lot to have Brady’s friendship. Ava tells him that she’s very grateful for him. Brady responds that he’s grateful for her as well. Brady and Ava hug until Kristen walks in and questions what is going on here.
Kayla questions Maggie thinking that Kristen feels she stands a better chance with Brady if her serum gets Sarah back on her feet. Sarah admits that she thinks Kristen might have helped a little bit with the idea that she should push herself and says maybe that’s not a bad idea. Xander asks if she’s sure about this. Sarah responds that she is and decides it’s time to push her fearless side now. Maggie worries that there’s a difference between fearless and reckless. Sarah assures she’ll be okay. Xander insists that he won’t let her fall no matter what. Xander then helps Sarah up but she cannot walk.
Sophia tells Aaron how she told Tate it was over and got the hell out. Aaron can’t believe Tate did that and guesses he freaked out right after. Sophia asks how he thinks she felt and remarks that she hates her life. Aaron responds that it could be worse, bringing up his brother sitting in jail for attempted murder. Sophia says that’s crazy. Aaron adds that’s not even the full story as his family is incredibly screwed up right now. Sophia says she has nowhere else to be, so she tells him to lay it on her.
Tate argues that Holly was not his backup plan. Holly asks if he can see why she might think that. Tate insists he meant every word he said last night as all he ever wanted was to be with Holly from the first time he met her in the park. Tate talks about thinking Holly all the time and calls her everything to him, so he hopes she believes him. Holly responds that she does because he’s everything to her too as they kiss. Holly then asks if Tate wants to go up to her room.
Ava tells Kristen that nothing is going on but a friendly hug. Kristen didn’t know they were friends. Brady confirms they are. Kristen questions what interests they share. Ava responds that they actually just like to talk. Kristen says whatever and that she’s glad she ran in to Brady as she was just at the hospital, checking on Sarah. Kristen notes that there’s no improvement yet but Dr. Rolf is confident that the serum will work if Sarah has the right attitude. Brady mentions planning to go check on Sarah later but Kristen suggests he do it now because Sarah is feeling defeated. Kristen points out that Brady means a lot to Sarah so his encouragement could help her attitude. Brady agrees and decides to go now. Brady tells Ava that he’ll see her around and exits the Pub. Ava decides she should get to the Bistro, mentioning that she runs it now that Stefan skipped town. Kristen then stops Ava and says she’s not going anywhere.
Sarah tells Maggie that it was a huge fail as she couldn’t even take a step. Maggie points out that she took a shot. Sarah says she’s fine physically but emotionally drained. Sarah admits she’s worried and feels like she’s letting Xander down which Maggie questions. Sarah says ever since Xander found out his mom caused the accident, she feels he has all this guilt in his eyes that it’s somehow his fault. Sarah feels like the only way Xander will let go of the guilt is if she walks again and she’s worried that if she doesn’t make a full recovery, then he won’t either.
Brady goes to the hospital and sees a frustrated Xander getting coffee. Brady goes over and asks if he’s okay. Xander claims he’s good. Brady mentions running in to Kristen, who says the serum hasn’t worked yet which Xander confirms. Xander mentions Kristen’s attempt to force Sarah out of bed to walk again. Brady notes that she didn’t tell him that part. Xander adds that Sarah thought maybe it was worth a shot, so they tried but Sarah collapsed in his arms. Brady says he’s sorry as that must have been hard. Brady encourages that it might still work since it hasn’t been a long time. Xander says it’s just so hard to watch Sarah go through this and wishes he could trade places with her. Brady states that Sarah doesn’t deserve this and he’s sorry for both of them. Xander responds that he’s sorry.
Ava asks Kristen if there’s a problem. Kristen responds that there sure is if she’s moving in on Brady. Kristen remarks that Ava has a nasty habit of going after other women’s men, but going after her friend’s man is a extra low. Ava tells Kristen that they are no longer friends after she betrayed her trust and then fired her from DiMera. Kristen argues that she doesn’t have to defend herself and Gabi gave her no choice. Kristen reminds Ava that she saved her life once, so she should show more respect and not throw herself at the man she loves. Ava argues that she and Brady were just talking like friends do and Brady was just giving her a friendly hug because she was upset about someone she cares about. Kristen says she gets it but she can’t blame her for asking. Ava complains that she wasn’t asking but threatening. Kristen remarks that she just assumed since Stefan left town, Ava was looking for another home to wreck. Ava calls Kristen the woman who wrecks lives and says there is no home to wreck because Kristen and Brady are not together. Kristen points out that they do share a child and since she generously gave over the serum, it’s only a matter of time before she and Brady find their way back to each other. Ava says that’s not what she heard which Kristen questions.
Aaron tells Sophia that Mark is basically heading to prison so he’s been watching out for Felicity. Sophia says she’s so sorry and asks if his mom could still be alive. Aaron says he doesn’t want to give his hopes up. Sophia talks about how she was going on about her love life when he’s going through much worse. Sophia tells Aaron that she feels bad for him and offers him the rest of her cake. Aaron asks if it helped with her heartbreak. Sophia says not even a little.
Tate tells Holly that they just got back together so they don’t have to rush things. Holly says she knows but they were heading in that direction before they broke up. Tate says he doesn’t want to make any mistakes with her and wants to do this right every step of the way. Holly asks if he’s okay with waiting then. Tate assures that he is, because then when they finally are together, he wants it to be really special. Tate adds that he wants to take her out on a proper date since they’ve only ever had one, like a year ago on New Year’s Eve which Holly notes was a disaster. Tate feels this is their chance to start fresh as he wants to take her out to dinner, a movie, and maybe even dancing. Tate wants to do normal couple things which Holly says she can get behind. Tate says after doing all that, they will see where it goes which Holly says sounds perfect.
Aaron finishes Sophia’s cake. She asks if it helped at all. Aaron says it kind of did but he thinks talking to her is really what helped. Sophia says she’s glad. Aaron says he should go study. Sophia responds that he should but asks if he wants to, pointing out that they could go do something fun instead. Aaron questions her wanting to hang out with him. Sophia asks why wouldn’t she. Aaron says she’s never asked before and they’ve known each other since third grade. Sophia suggests they never had anything in common, but now their lives both suck. Aaron asks what she has in mind. Sophia suggests they could go watch the first episode of the new Body and Soul. Aaron accepts and they walk off together.
Tate and Holly sit on the couch with books but both decide they can’t concentrate. Tate suggests they take a break and do something else. Tate then turns on music and asks Holly to dance, which she accepts. Tate says if they cross this off their list, they’ll be one step closer to seeing what happens.
Kristen questions Ava’s snide little comment and what Brady told her about her. Ava tells her to forget it but Kristen demands to know what Brady told her. Ava says he told her why Kristen gave Sarah the serum since Brady said if she didn’t, there would be zero chance of them getting back together. Ava notes that Brady added that he never gave her any promises. Kristen questions why Brady would share their business with her. Ava says because they are friends and friends confide in each other. Ava says as a former friend to another, she wouldn’t get her hopes up if she were Kristen. Ava then walks out of the Pub.
Xander apologizes to Brady for so many things like blaming him for Sarah’s accident. Brady understands he was going through hell, was angry, and needed to lash out. Brady feels there was no harm done. Xander says there was but Brady’s been extremely kind, especially by going out of his way to get the serum. Brady says Sarah deserves to walk again. Xander agrees and says he’s grateful to Brady for giving her that chance. Xander then offers Brady his job back at Basic Black which Brady accepts. Xander says it’s the least he could do, especially since Brady is also the one who got Kristen to drop her demand for Titan. Brady calls that a miracle and admits he’s surprised Xander even considered the deal. Xander says he spent most of his life wanting to run Titan, but he would give up everything for Sarah to walk again. Xander worries that the serum is Sarah’s last chance. Brady encourages that it will work.
Sarah asks Maggie to go check on Xander and make sure he’s okay. Maggie suggests she get some rest. Sarah decides she’s a little hungry so Maggie brings the tray of fruit salad over to her. As Maggie moves the tray, the water bottle accidentally falls onto Sarah but Sarah excitedly acknowledges that when the bottle fell, she actually felt it hit her leg. Maggie then hugs Sarah.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
At the town square, Bonnie told Kate that Lady Whistleblower spoiled the show. She said Leo knew who it was. Kate was upset about the story as well as the poisoned cupcakes and wondered who poisoned them. Bonnie said it might be Hattie. Kate told her she should tell the police if she thought it was Hattie. Rafe went to the police station to see Jada who thought he changed his mind about quitting. He said he didn’t change his mind and came by to drop off his badge and gun. She said she thought he might have changed his mind after he slept on it. He said he was more sure than he was before. When she asked why, he told her Roman told him he could sue Paulina for taking away his job while he was injured in the line of duty. She asked if he was going to sue. He said he didn’t want to cause trouble, but he couldn’t work for a place that treated him the way they did after all the years he put in the department. She pointed out that they worked together before, but he thought it was different now. When she said it was his pride, he said getting demoted affected his pride. She said she would give up the job, but he told her not to. He said she was a good cop and boss. She said he didn’t want to work for her to which he said he didn’t want to resent her in the long run. He said he took this as a sign to do something else because she is more important than the job. She asked if he would come back if she asked him stay. Before Rafe could answer, Paulina showed up and told them about the cupcakes. She gave them the card that was with the cupcakes and said no one on the show knew who they were from. Paulina told Rafe to go to the hospital to investigate, but he said Jada would have to get someone else to do it because he was quitting. He told Jada he would see her at home before he left. Paulina was shocked that Rafe quit. Jada told her the demotion hurt him and he didn’t want the job to come between them. Paulina said she didn’t expect this to happen when she picked her to replace Rafe, but they had to find out who poisoned the cupcakes. Kate showed up and said it might be Hattie. Jada wanted to wait until the test results came back because it could have been food poisoning. When Paulina called Kayla, she said the cupcakes were poisoned, but it wasn’t enough to hurt anyone. Jada said she was getting her team on it and would put an APB out on Hattie.
Leo went to Gabi Chic to confront Javi. He accused Javi of being Lady Whistleblower. Javi didn’t know what he was talking about. Leo accused him of spoiling the show. He said he found Javi with the laptop that had all of the storylines. Javi was appalled that he was accusing him, but Leo reminded him that he said he needed a second job. Javi told him as a bartender. He told Leo that someone on the cast could be doing it, but Leo said he just wrote down the storylines so he knew it was Javi. Leo said he liked him and thought they had a connection. Javi said he felt the same way, but Leo thought he only wanted to be with him to take advantage of him. Javi sarcastically admitted to being Lady Whistleblower. He said the only thing he was guilty of was falling for a jerk and didn’t want anything to do with Leo. Leo ended up leaving the office. Gabi ran into JJ and asked if he figured out why EJ wanted the charges dropped against Cat. JJ said Chad asked him to do it because he made a deal with Clyde. He told her that Chad was trading Cat for Abby’s remains. JJ said he didn’t think Chad would trade Cat. He said Cat claimed she did what she did to save her mother. Gabi wondered if Cat and Clyde were still working together. JJ said it was possible but thought Cat could be a double agent and planned to hand Chad to Clyde. Gabi wondered what he was going to do. JJ said he wanted to put Clyde away, but thought Chad was in over his head. When Gabi said she was worried about him, JJ said he was a trained cop and would be okay. She offered to help him take down Clyde since he ruined her life. JJ said he would let her know if she could do anything. Clyde called Chad. Chad told him Cat thought he forgave her and didn’t know he was handing her over to him to get revenge. He told Clyde he would wait for the next instructions. When Chad got off the phone, he told Cat that Clyde wanted them to check into a hotel as husband and wife. Cat said she didn’t like it. She said she played Clyde’s game long enough so they needed to have a plan of their own. Cat said they were vulnerable if they checked into the hotel. If they had someone else check into the hotel, they could wait until Clyde showed up and get him. Chad wondered where they would get two people to pretend to be them. She said her brother would help them. Chad said he wasn’t going to help get the man who tried to kill him out of jail. Cat asked who else could they use. When JJ walked in the Horton house, Chad said they couldn’t use him because it was too dangerous. JJ wanted to know what was going on. Chad told him what Clyde wanted them to do and how they were staying a step ahead him. JJ agreed to do it. Chad warned him that it would be dangerous, but JJ said he didn’t care. When Chad said they would need someone to play his wife, JJ said he knew who could do it.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Kayla was explaining to Maggie why there wasn’t a change in Sarah’s condition when Kristen walked in the room demanding answers. The doctor informed Kristen that she wasn’t entitled to any information because she’s not family. Kristen reminded her that she was the one who gave her the serum, so she should know if it worked. Maggie interjected and told her there hasn’t been any changes. Kristen thought she should get up and start walking. Sarah admitted to Xander that she was afraid the serum might not work for her. He wanted her to give it more time. Kristen barged in her room and told her to push herself to walk. Xander dragged her out of the hospital room. Brady got a chilly vibe from Ava when he tried to sit with her. He wondered what he did wrong. She told him that Tate was the one who did it. Brady wanted details about what happened so she told him that Tate called Sophia by Holly’s name. He was shocked but tried to defend his son. Brady tried to tell her that they screwed up when they were kids. She couldn’t deny his point, but she felt sorry for Sophia because she got her heart broken. Tate and Holly walked together at the town square. They were happy they didn’t have to hide their relationship anymore. Sophia approached them and warned her that Tate might call her by her name. Holly was shocked by what she heard. Sophia stormed off and ran into Aaron. They talked about what happened with Tate. Aaron told her that his brother was in jail for attempted murder. She wanted to hear the details.
Tate and Holly were at the Kiriakis mansion, and she wanted to know what Sophia’s comment meant. Tate admitted that he did call her name out in bed with Sophia. Holly assumed that he broke up with Sophia and not the other way around. She wondered if he was with her because it didn’t work out with Sophia. Tate assured her that she wasn’t backup for Sophia. All he ever wanted was to be with her. Holly felt the same way and asked him if he wanted to go to her room. Sarah and Xander told Maggie about what happened when Kristen was in the room. Maggie thought Kristen wanted to know if Sarah was walking again to score brownie points with Brady. Sarah said Kristen wasn’t wrong about her pushing herself. Kayla gave her the okay to start walking, so Xander helped her stand up. Sarah had trouble, and Xander caught her. Ava apologized to Brady for the way she reacted. She was having a hard time and missing her son. Ava appreciated their friendship. He felt the same way. They hugged each other while Kristen walked in the room. She was surprised that they were friends. Kristen told them there was no news on Sarah. She thought Brady should go see Sarah. After Brady left, Kristen confronted Ava about betraying her. She thought Ava went after her ex. Ava reminded her that she betrayed her by firing her. She and Brady were only talking. Brady wasn’t with Kristen anymore. Kristen said it was only a matter of time. Ava told her that Brady didn’t make any promises to be with her. Brady found Xander at the hospital. Xander told him about Kristen, and Sarah’s attempt at walking. He apologized to Brady for accusing him of hitting Sarah. Brady understood everything. Xander gave Brady his job back at Basic Black, and he accepted the offer. Brady assured him that the serum would work. Sarah confessed to Maggie that she felt like she was letting Xander down. She knew he blamed himself for what his mother did. The only way he would get over it was if she walked again. Maggie gave Sarah her food tray and tripped. She dropped a water bottle in Sarah’s lap. Sarah got excited because she felt the bottle hit her legs.
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Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Rafe goes to see Jada in her police commissioner’s office. Jada asks if this means he’s changed his mind on quitting the force. Rafe says definitely not and that he just came to drop off his gun.
In the town square, Bonnie asks Kate if the day can get any worse which Kate questions. Bonnie reveals that there’s a new Lady Whistleblower and they put Body and Soul spoilers out. Bonnie says the good thing is that Leo seems to know who did it, but he ran off before he could tell her. Kate asks where Leo is now. Bonnie assumes he’s confronting the leaker as they speak.
At the Gabi Chic office, Leo tells Javi to get his hands off of him. Javi asks what’s wrong. Leo responds that he knows what he did and he’s not going to get away with it. Javi questions what he did. Leo tells him to cut the act and asks if he should call him Lady Whistleblower.
Outside of the Pub, Gabi talks on the phone about having to get back to them on the numbers since her personal assistant booted her out of her own office. Gabi hangs up and runs in to JJ. Gabi thanks JJ again for having her back with EJ and asks if he ever found out why he dropped the charges against Cat. JJ reveals that it turns out EJ let her off because Chad asked him to.
Cat paces in the Horton house until Chad asks her to stop. Cat points out that Chad’s been pacing all morning. Chad says they both should stop then. Cat doesn’t understand why Clyde hasn’t called back since he got her off like he wanted. Chad asks how he should know and points out that Cat was the one working with him. Cat argues that she wasn’t working for him but being blackmailed by him and they are on the same side now. Chad says for now. Chad then gets a call from an unknown caller and answers. Chad tells Clyde it’s about time. Chad tells him he’s got it. Chad remarks that Cat actually thinks he forgave her and has no idea that he’s handing her over to him. Chad tells Clyde that he gets that he wants revenge and so does he, so he doesn’t care what he does with her.
Gabi questions JJ on why Chad wants the charges against Cat dropped after what she did to their family. JJ explains that Chad asked him not to tell anyone why he’s doing it, but he refused, so he might as well tell her. JJ then informs Gabi that Clyde forced Chad’s hand and made him a deal that he’s pretty sure Chad is going to regret.
Jada tells Rafe that he could’ve just given her the gun at home and didn’t need to come all the way down here. Rafe says he wanted to make it official and he needed to get some things from her desk. Jada questions him being set on quitting and not reconsidering. Rafe confirms that he woke up more sure than ever. Jada is not sure she understands why. Rafe says he didn’t mention that Roman pointed out that he could sue Paulina for removing him from his job since he was injured in the line of the duty. Jada asks if he’s going to do that. Rafe admits he thought about it, but he also realized he didn’t want to work somewhere where he would be treated this way after all his years of service which Jada says she gets. Rafe adds that he didn’t want to cause trouble for Paulina or Jada. Rafe calls Jada a great commissioner and says Salem PD are damn lucky to have her.
Javi questions Leo calling him Lady Whistleblower. Leo explains that was his pseudonym when he wrote the gossip column of the local paper and suddenly there’s a new Lady Whistleblower writing about Body and Soul, giving away all his storylines. Javi questions Leo thinking he’s writing those columns. Leo responds that he knows he is. Javi questions where he got this idea. Leo says he’s sure because he told Javi all of his story projections were on his laptop and when he got out of the shower, Javi had his laptop. Javi argues that he was bringing up his show to watch together. Leo feels he was dumb enough to believe him. Javi questions Leo thinking he went through his laptop for his dumb storylines and insists he’s not that interested. Leo argues that it’s about the fans and Javi said himself that die hard fans would kill for the spoilers. Javi questions Leo concluding that he’s a no good dirty liar. Leo calls him a thief who is having a hard time making ends meet and needed a second job. Javi argues that anyone could have spilled but Leo says some of the ideas were so new that he hasn’t shared with anyone and is why he never lets his computer out of his sight, but now feels his mistake was letting Javi out of his sight.
Bonnie tells Kate about Lady Whistleblower ruining the whole first week of Body and Soul with every cliffhanger and storyline. Kate calls it a nightmare but says she can’t even do anything about it as first she has to find out about the tainted cupcakes and if Roman and Abe are okay. Kate wishes she knew who did this. Bonnie responds that she actually does.
Jada asks Rafe why he’s quitting if he doesn’t want to cause problems for her since she needs him on the force. Rafe argues that there’s plenty of other cops out there and he doesn’t want to screw things up between them. Jada argues that they have worked together before. Rafe says this is different. Jada guesses that Gabi was right when she said that he wouldn’t be fine working under her. Rafe doesn’t want to get in to this. Jada asks him to be honest with her. Rafe admits it’s hard for him to do that without sounding like a total ass. Jada guesses this is all about his macho pride then. Rafe says he didn’t say that. Jada questions why it was okay for her to work under him but not the other way around.
JJ tells Gabi about Clyde reaching out to Chad to offer a trade. Gabi questions what Clyde could possibly offer Chad. JJ explains that Clyde told Chad that he would tell him where he would find Abigail’s body if he handed over Cat. Gabi questions EJ going along with this just because Chad asked him to. JJ says EJ didn’t like it but guesses family loyalty does mean something to him. Gabi says sometimes. Gabi assumes Clyde wants to kill Cat for screwing up his master plan. JJ says probably, but he’s pretty sure Chad isn’t going to let that happen.
Chad tells Clyde he will wait for his next instructions and hangs up. Cat asks what the hell that was. Chad says he had to make him think he’s handing her over willingly. Cat questions him laying it on so thick and asks if he really thinks she’s an idiot. Chad says he could say a lot of negative things about her but idiot is not one of them. Cat asks what the plan is for Clyde’s marching orders. Chad responds that he wants them to be Mr. and Mrs. Chad DiMera again. Cat doesn’t get it. Chad says Clyde wants them to check in to a hotel under that name. Cat worries that Clyde is toying with them. Chad asks what they can do when Clyde holds all the cards. Cat argues that it’s possibly all a setup. Chad says they have no other choice. Cat says Chad was right when he said they should’ve found another way. Cat declares that she’s been playing Clyde’s game for a long time, so it’s time they play their own.
Gabi questions JJ thinking Chad would protect Cat. JJ explains that he isn’t saying Chad’s not furious with her, but she’s been worming her way in to his life for some time now. Gabi points out that it was all lies. JJ says as hard as it is to believe, Cat claims she actually started to care about Chad and now says she only went along with Clyde to save her mother’s life. Gabi asks if he believes her. JJ says he certainly doesn’t trust her. Gabi wonders if there’s a possibility that Cat and Clyde are still working together. JJ doesn’t think it’s crazy to believe Cat could be a double agent, handing Chad over to Clyde. Gabi asks what JJ is going to do about it.
Rafe admits to Jada that this is about his pride as he was demoted and asks how that could not hurt his pride. Jada says she understands and asks if he wants her to walk away from the job. Rafe assures he does not want that as she deserves this and he’s happy for her, he’s just disappointed for himself. Jada says she is too. Rafe understands why Paulina put her in that chair, praising how she is a great boss. Jada remarks that she’s so great that Rafe doesn’t want to work for her. Rafe says their relationship started with a certain dynamic. Jada points out that she was his subordinate and he can’t get used to the reverse dynamic. Rafe says the last thing he would ever want would be to end up silently resenting her. Rafe brings up that he was also nearly killed in the line of duty and asks for what. Rafe says to potentially ruin their relationship by working together under these circumstances seems to him like a sign to do something else. Rafe declares that their relationship and Jada is more important to him than a job at Salem PD, so he thinks it’s best for everyone if he just walks away. Jada asks what if she disagrees, asks him to stay, and says she needs him here. Jada asks if he would reconsider and come back to the force.
Bonnie tells Kate her belief that Hattie sent poisoned cupcakes to the cast and crew, pointing out how furious she was when fired, she refused to do her last scenes, and put a curse on the show. Kate guesses she should take this tip to the police station. Bonnie suggests having her arrest the new Lady Whistleblower too. Kate is not sure positing soap opera spoilers is a crime. Bonnie argues that it should be.
Leo says he can’t believe this because he actually liked Javi and thought he finally met a person with a real connection. Javi says he thought the same. Leo complains that Javi betrayed him in the worst way. Javi questions Leo thinking he only slept with him to steal storylines off his laptop. Leo argues that it’s the only possible conclusion he could come to and accuses Javi taking advantage of him being vulnerable. Leo tells Javi to have the guts to admit it. Javi mocks the idea as he goes over coming to town two days ago after his mother died, became Gabi’s assistant, and did all this to Leo to spoil a show he had never heard of, claiming he would have had to have published it all in ten minutes. Javi remarks that all he really did was fall for a world class jerk.
JJ admits to Gabi that he doesn’t know what he’s going to do but he can’t just sit back and let Chad do Clyde’s bidding. JJ is sorry to dump all of this on her. Gabi says it’s okay. JJ says he doesn’t have anyone to talk to who gets it. JJ says his mom had the feeling all along but Jack is wrecked as he really believed Abigail was alive. JJ mentions that he thought about going to Steve, but he’s afraid that he would go rogue and do something to tip Clyde off. Gabi understands it puts JJ in a tough position. JJ says he wants to find Abigail’s body and he wants Clyde put away for good, but he’s worried that Chad is in over his head. Gabi admits she’s worried about Chad too but also about JJ. JJ says he’ll be fine, pointing out that he’s a trained cop so he’ll figure it out. JJ thanks Gabi again for listening.
Cat tells Chad that if they check in to the hotel like Clyde wants, they are just sitting duck with no way to protect themselves, but if someone else checks in under their names, they can sit back and watch, then turn the tables on Clyde when he arrives to grab her. Chad admits that’s not a bad idea, but questions where they would find two people willing to put their lives on the line for them as decoys. Cat brings up her brother Mark and says he’d do anything to save their mom and to make up for what he did to Chad. Cat adds that Mark worked with Clyde for months so he knows how he thinks. Chad brings up the problem that Mark is in jail. Cat points out that she was too.
Before Rafe can respond to Jada, Paulina arrives and says she’s glad they are both there because she just came from the hospital where Roman and Abe are out on their backs. Rafe and Jada question what happened as Paulina adds that Johnny and Alex have both gotten sick as well. Rafe questions what they are sick with. Paulina explains that someone sent cupcakes to the cast and crew of Body and Soul. Jada asks if it’s food poisoning but Paulina says more like just poison. Paulina adds that Kayla is waiting for the blood tests to come back to identify the toxin. Rafe asks if they know where the cupcakes came from while Jada asks what makes her think someone intentinoally poisoned them. Paulina explains that the cupcakes were sent to their homes with the letter saying it’s from their Body and Soul family, but no one on the crew knew anything about it. Rafe questions how they would have everyone’s address. Paulina worries that this could be national news if a crime is committed against a popular TV show. Paulina tells Rafe to get to the hospital and start investigating right now. Rafe responds that he’s sorry this happened but Jada will have to assign someone else to the case. Paulina says she wants him on it, but Rafe reveals that he was just telling Jada that he is officially resigning from Salem PD. Paulina questions why. Rafe says it’s personal reasons. Rafe tells Jada that he’ll be back for his stuff later and will see her at home, leaving Paulina shocked. Paulina can’t believe Rafe is quitting the force. Jada says she tried to talk him out of it but he was very adamant as he’s hurt by being demoted and doesn’t want the work dynamic to get in the way of their relationship. Paulina says she’s sorry to hear that but that was not her intention when she kept Jada as commissioner. Jada says Rafe feels very strongly about it and she can’t blame him. Paulina says if she can’t assign Rafe the cupcake case, then she needs the best detective on it to find out who tried to poison Abe and his co-workers. Kate arrives and says she thinks she can help with that.
Cat asks Chad to get EJ to drop the charges against Mark but Chad says that will never happen since EJ already got in big trouble with Paulina for getting the charges dropped against Cat, adding that Mark is about to be facing attempted murder charges. Cat argues that he didn’t want to do that but Chad points out that he was about to whether he wanted to or not. Chad says he’s not thrilled about freeing a guy who tried to put a bullet in his head. Cat says she understands but it could give them the upper hand with Clyde but Chad insists the answer is no.
Gabi asks JJ if there’s anything she can do to help. JJ thanks her but can’t think of anything right now. Gabi assures that she’s here for him and his family, not just because she cares about him but she knows it’s hard to believe that she misses Abigail and she’s really sad that she’s gone, but she deserves to rest in peace. Gabi adds that Clyde kind of ruined her life, so she’d love the chance to repay that favor. JJ says he’ll let her know if he needs anything. Gabi tells JJ that it was good to see him and wishes him luck as she walks away.
Javi tells Leo that he thought he hit the lottery by meeting this nice guy who is also a bad boy, sexy, and funny. Javi thought they made a real connection too and says he was just fantasizing about having sex with him on this desk before he came in, but that sure is not going to happen now because after how he talked to him, he wouldn’t touch him ever again. Javi tells Leo to get the hell out before he calls security. Leo tries to explain that he was upset and paranoid but Javi tells him to get out, so Leo exits the office.
Paulina questions Kate thinking Hattie poisoned the cupcakes. Jada asks what makes her think it was Hattie. Kate explains that Hattie was outraged when she was fired, made threats against the show, and has a criminal record. Kate adds that Hattie would have contact info for the cast and crew. Paulina asks where Hattie is now. Jada says it’s possibly still just food poisoning so they will see what the blood tests show and go from there. Paulina decides she will call Kayla right now and asks about the blood tests. Paulina says that’s just what she thought and thanks her as they hang up. Paulina confirms to Jada and Kate that the cupcakes were definitely poisoned but luckily, not enough toxins to cause major harm so everything will be okay. Paulina remarks that it sounds like attempted murder to her. Jada agrees to put her team on it right away and put an APB out on Hattie.
Cat asks Chad who else is there if they can’t get Mark to help. Chad says he’ll find someone. JJ walks in, but Chad says not him as it’s too dangerous. JJ asks what’s going on. Chad explains that Clyde wants he and Cat to meet him at a hotel. JJ asks what else he said. Chad says just that he wants him to hand over Cat, no questions asked, but they are trying to figure out how to stay a step ahead of Clyde by sending in decoys to check in to the hotel. JJ tells Chad that he’s in. Chad says he didn’t finish. JJ says he doesn’t need to and agrees to do it. Chad warns him how dangerous this is going to be but JJ doesn’t care. Chad says they are going to have to find someone to play Mrs. Chad DiMera and asks if he has any ideas. JJ responds that he actually does.
Javi paces and thinks back to first meeting Leo at the bar. Gabi returns to her office, glad that Leo is gone and asks if she can have her office back now. Javi says sure and then informs her that he and Leo are done. Javi then deletes Leo’s number from his phone.
Bonnie finishes a call with Alex and then runs in to Leo in the town square and asks what happened with his confrontation. Leo responds that he thinks he made a huge mistake.
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Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[dramatic music] [phone ringing]
Hey, Steph.
Hey, yourself. I just wanted to call and see how you’re doing. Kate told me that you ate one of the tainted cupcakes.
Heh, did I ever. Oh, yeah. Luckily, my fever just broke, so I think I’m on the mend.
Good, well, if you need someone to come over and take care of you–
Oh, thank you. But actually, uh, somebody is here right now.
[moans] No. No, Joy. No, we shouldn’t do this. [moans] [ominous music]
Unbelievable. Why would Brady confide in Ava Vitali about our relationship? Yeah. There’s only one way to find out. [sighs]
I’d give up everything if it meant Sarah could walk again. And the serum was– was the last hope. If this doesn’t work out–
Hey, hey. It’s going to be all right. Hang in there, OK? [phone beeping] Oh. Yes, it’s–it’s Kristen. She wants to meet me in the square. She probably wants an update on Sarah’s condition.
You go. I should get back to Sarah anyway.
Will you give her my best, please?
Will do.
Oh! Oh, my God.
Oh, God. I’m–I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It didn’t spill. It didn’t spill.
It didn’t spill.
Mom, when the bottle fell on my leg, I could feel it. I–I could actually feel it.
You felt the bottle?
Yes! [laughs] Yeah, I did. I felt it. The serum is working, Mom. It’s working.
Oh, wow.
[laughs] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
Oh, Sarah, my darling, precious girl.
You know what this means, Mom? I’m going to be able to take Victoria to the park. I’m going to be able to push her in her stroller. I’m going to be able to go back to work, finally. Oh, my God. I can’t believe this!
Believe what?
Baby. Baby.
What did I miss?
I can feel my legs, baby.
What did you just say?
I can feel them. The serum is working. Yeah, I’m going to be able to walk again. [laughs]
Oh. [sobs]
Uh, I was with Xander when you texted. I assume you want an update on Sarah’s condition, right?
No, that is not the reason I wanted to talk to you.
OK, what is it?
Why the hell were you discussing our relationship with Ava Vitali?
When did–when did I ever–
You told her that you weren’t sure if you– you wanted a future with me.
Oh, that.
Yes, that.
Thank you.
You said someone’s at your place?
Uh, yeah. Joy stopped by earlier before I got sick to–to run some lines. And she ended up sticking around to just make sure I’m OK.
Oh. Well, that was good of her.
Yeah. Yeah, it was–it was a rough go for a while, but, uh, nothing too serious, thank God. But thank you for calling me and checking on me.
Of course. Uh, let me know if you need anything. Just–just give me a call.
I will. Thank you.
OK, well, feel better.
That was Stephanie, huh?
Yeah. She was checking on me.
[groans] [sighs] How long was I out?
A good while. How do you feel?
Um, like my stomach’s been through a meat grinder.
Well, I brought you some more sustenance– saltines and ginger ale.
You’re the best. Thank you.
Mm-hmm. You know, when I came into the room, you were talking in your sleep.
I was? What–what was I saying?
You said, “No, Joy, we shouldn’t do this.” What exactly shouldn’t you and Joy be doing?
Sarah. Oh, my God, Sarah, this– this is just incredible.
[laughs] It’s everything we hoped for.
I’m going to let you two celebrate, and I’m going to track down Kayla. I’m sure she’s going to want to examine you really soon. [laughs]
This is really happening?
It is. It–it really is. [laughs]
Um, do you mind if I, uh, you know, test how much you’re feeling?
Knock yourself out. [chuckles] Ow! Not that hard.
You really felt that?
I totally felt that.
What about that?
I feel that.
What about this?
I definitely felt that. [laughs] I felt all of it. And right now, my heart is just– it’s just bursting with love for you, and our daughter, and– and everyone that’s been there for me through all of this. And also, baby, I’m really, really glad that this is happening for you, too. I know how much it means to you.
It means so much because you are everything to me, Sarah. And I know you would have accepted whatever happened with courage and grace. But this, this is a miracle.
You are my miracle. I just love you so much.
I love you, too. God, I love you. [laughs] [soft music]
So, long time, no see, huh?
It’s been a while.
Mind if I join you?
Not at all.
I thought that was you when you came in. You changed your hair.
I’ve changed my hair at least six times since I last saw you, Philip.
Right. You haven’t changed in other ways. Still as beautiful as ever.
Everything OK with you?
Sure. Yeah, why?
When I walked in, you looked like you were a million miles away.
Oh, well, I’m dealing with a bit of a PR crisis. I’m–I’m doing publicity for your mom’s soap.
Oh, yes, that classic daytime show that jumped to streaming.
“Body and Soul,” right. And, uh, we have this journalist who is bent on spoiling some of our biggest storylines.
Ah! No.
And on top of that, someone has poisoned our cast and crew with tainted cupcakes.
God, I missed Salem.
Yeah, never a dull moment, right? And, um, I was just on the phone with your cousin Alex. And I’m sure you know he’s one of the leads of the show. But he ate one of the cupcakes.
Damn. Is he OK?
Yeah, he’s going to be fine. He’s got someone there with him, looking after him, so–
Oh, well, that’s good. Hey, didn’t you two–
Yeah, we–we did. We went out for a while, but that’s over now.
You know you don’t have to stay here and babysit me, right?
Well, I have to make sure you’re going to live.
It’s not like I have anything else to do.
Come on, you’ve probably got a bunch of friends in town. You were born here, right?
Born here, but brought up in the mean streets of New York, which means all my friends are back east.
Ah, but you must have some new friends from the show, right? Johnny, Chanel. [dramatic music]
Well, tell me about your dream. What should you and Joy not have been doing?
Um, I’m not sure. I, uh– oh, do you know what? Yeah, I, um– yeah, it’s–it’s– it’s coming back to me. I was, um– I was–I was directing her in a scene. And I just–I– I didn’t agree with some of her choices, so that’s why I said, we shouldn’t do this. I was talking about the scene. Yeah.
Yeah, you remember? Remember that–that happened the other day on set. We had a disagreement when we were shooting at the hospital.
Oh, yeah, right. I do remember that.
That’s–that’s kind of weird, don’t you think, that you’d be dreaming about that?
Yeah, I agree. I agree. I–I don’t know. I guess that proves I’ve been working too hard, right, since I’m dreaming about my actors.
Well, why in God’s name would you have told Ava that you don’t know if you and I have a future?
Oh, what’s the– what’s the big deal? All right? It’s nothing I haven’t said to you before.
All right, you know what? I’m just gonna rephrase this. I’ll rephrase this. Why were you confiding in that woman about us? Hmm?
We were talking. We were talking. I mean, do we have to make a federal case out of it?
Is it because the serum isn’t working? Or you think that I’m pulling a fast one on you?
For God’s sake, Kristen, no.
No, I’m telling you. I–I swear to you on Rachel’s life that the serum is legit. I mean, it’s the real deal, Brady. Dr. Rolf, he assured me. He promised me that the serum would heal Sarah’s paralysis. [phone rings]
OK, hold on. Please, one second. I gotta take this, OK? Maggie, what’s up?
Oh, Brady, I have the most wonderful news. It’s beginning to happen. Sarah is regaining feeling in her legs. [dramatic music] Brady, are you there?
Yeah, I’m–I’m here. Are you sure?
I saw it with my own eyes. I wouldn’t have believed it myself. Kayla’s in surgery, so another doctor is on his way over to examine her.
[laughs] Maggie, this is incredible.
Yes, everything we prayed for.
It is. Thank you for–thank you for letting me know. Thank you for calling me and telling me.
Of course. Brady, we are so grateful to you. I mean, you’re the one who convinced Kristen to hand over the serum. And you made all this happen.
Oh, there’s just– there’s just no words. I am–please tell Xander and Sarah how happy I am for them.
I will. And thanks again, Brady, for all you did to help.
Oh, it’s my pleasure. I’m elated to hear this. You take care, OK? [sighs]
Good news, I imagine, if you were so elated to hear it?
It’s–it’s really great news. Sarah is starting to regain feeling in her legs.
Yeah, it’s–
I–I knew it! I knew! I knew it. I mean, it was just a matter of time. Oh, my God, Brady. [laughs] Oh, I– I just–I’m so thrilled that Sarah got her miracle. And I mean, you and I, we made this happen.
No, no, I didn’t make this happen. I just talked you into handing over the serum, that’s all.
Oh, Brady, Brady, Brady. You should take a whole lot more credit than that. [sighs] Um, and, um, I, um– I know that you didn’t make any promises. And now that Sarah’s, um– that she’s going to walk again, um– OK, you know what? [laughs] It’s just– it’s too soon. I’m not going to say anything. And I don’t want to seem too desperate.
Kristen, I’m pretty sure I know what you were just going to ask me.
I know. I know. Um… [laughs] So what’s your answer? Do you want to give us another chance?
That is the sad, brief tale of Stephanie and Alex.
It sounds like you and my cousin had quite the tumultuous relationship.
Mm, which is why it is best that he and I remain only friends and professional colleagues.
Got it.
So, um, what is this I hear about you blocking Xander from turning Titan over to Kristen DiMera?
Yeah. Word still travels fast in Salem.
Speed of light, especially in my profession. My PR firm used to represent Titan.
That’s right. I’d forgotten. And, you know, now that I think of it, I might have the perfect new client for you.
Oh. Really? Who?
So, what do you think?
This is astounding. You appear to be regaining some feeling in your lower extremities.
Yes, no, I know that. I just meant like, how soon do you think I can be up and walking again?
OK, slow down, darling. We want the doctors to do a thorough examination first.
Yeah. No, yeah, totally. I’m just impatient, obviously. So let’s get a CT scan of my spine and a complete blood workup and–
All of that. I’ll go set the wheels in motion.
Thank you, doctor.
Thank you.
[sighs] It won’t be long now, darling.
I know, because I’m going to try to walk right now. [soft music]
I’ve been thinking a lot about this, actually, since we last spoke. And Kristen, I do– I do want a relationship with you… as co-parents of Rachel, and hopefully, hopefully friends.
[sighs] Friends?
Friends. For–for Rachel’s sake. My God. But that’s–that’s– that’s all it should be. I mean, regardless of the fact that we’ve been drawn to each other over the years, physically, we have areas that we’re not very compatible. I know you know this as well as I do.
I can’t believe this. Do you know what I have done? How far I’ve gone for you? Do you–do you have any idea what it would mean to me to be the DiMera heir who delivered Titan Industries on a silver platter? I mean, that acquisition, it would have made us one of the most formidable conglomerates on this continent.
Listen, I am very aware of what you sacrificed, OK?
I don’t think you do, Brady. Oh, my God, I mean, this–this– this would mean that I could have maintained leadership of my family’s company for– for at least a generation. And now–and now the board and my siblings, they think I am nothing more than a pathetic, lovestruck fool.
Kristen, listen to me.
No! You–you–you– oh, my God. [laughs] [tense music] You played me! You played me. You never intended for us to get back together, did you? I mean, you probably never even considered it. But me– just gullible me, I believed you! I trusted you! Oh, my God, and you played me. And this was all just a game to you, wasn’t it? And I’m–I’m just the biggest loser. And you are enjoying every minute of it. Isn’t that right?
OK, well, it feels like your fever broke, and your color’s coming back.
Yeah, well, maybe it wasn’t the flu after all.
Oh, no, it definitely was not the flu. I spoke to Mama, and it turns out you were one of a slew of people who also got sick.
No way. Who–who else got sick?
Uh, let’s see. Abe, your Grandpa Roman.
Wow, that’s–that’s awful. What–I guess, something must be going around or–
Yeah, something like tainted cupcakes.
Yeah, you know those cupcakes that they sent us for the premiere of “Body and Soul”?
Well, it turns out that someone sent them to the entire cast and crew as well. [dramatic music]
Oh, no. Did, uh–did anybody else get sick other than, you know, me and Abe and Grandpa Roman?
Yep. They got Alex, too.
Well, um, Johnny and Chanel, they’ve been really nice to me, but I wouldn’t call them friends exactly.
No? Weren’t you just at their place watching the “Body and Soul” premiere?
Yeah, but that was a work thing.
Oh, I mean, co-workers can be friends, too, right?
I know, but they’re married. I mean, who wants to be a third wheel?
Oh, come on. Married couples need friends, too, Joy. And Chanel and Johnny, you know– I don’t know Johnny all that well, but, uh, Chanel, I do. We had our fair share of issues, but we worked through them. She’s good people.
Yeah. Yeah, she’s great, which… makes this a million times worse.
Makes what a million times worse?
Nothing. I just–I don’t deserve a friend like Chanel.
Oh, come on, Joy. You’re good people, too. You do deserve it.
You wouldn’t say that if you knew.
If I knew what?
That I hooked up with her husband.
What? So they really think that Hattie is the one behind all this, that she had those cupcakes poisoned?
Yeah. From what I hear, she is the number one suspect.
Wow, OK. I guess she took getting canned a lot harder than we all realized.
Whoa, slow down, cowboy. Where do you think you’re going?
You just–you just said I’ve been poisoned. Shouldn’t I go to the hospital to get my stomach pumped?
No, what you should do is stay right here in this bed. Mama already took Abe to the hospital. They tested his blood, and the pathogens that they found is one that is commonly found in non-fatal poisoning cases.
So, I’m going to survive, huh?
Mm-hmm, I think you will. I just hope that I can say the same thing for my bakery.
You and Johnny– you hooked up? When did this happen?
The night before my audition.
Your audition? Is that how you got–
No, no! It had nothing to do with me getting the job. We were just two total strangers who happened to be sitting next to each other at a bar.
Oh, my God, Johnny boy. How–how did he let this happen? The guy is married.
He was in a really bad way. He thought his wife had cheated on him.
Yeah, but she didn’t.
Yeah, well, he didn’t know that at the time, and neither did I.
So what exactly happened?
We, um, talked for a while at the bar. We had a few drinks, a few laughs. Ended up back in my hotel room.
So you want to hire me?
You sound surprised.
That’s because I am. Why would you need the services of a PR firm?
Well, because I’m pursuing a claim that I’m the rightful heir to Titan. I have a letter written by my late father, stating that he wanted me to run the company.
But didn’t Victor leave Sandra the business and half of his estate?
That’s how it appears in his will. And that’s why I have quite the fight on my hands. And I could really use the talents of a savvy PR consultant as I make my case in court and in the all-important court of public opinion. So, what do you say? Will you take me on as a client?
Absolutely not.
What did the doctor say?
Well, he confirmed what we all hoped, and I already knew. I am regaining the use of my legs.
Oh, sweetheart, that’s wonderful.
But he also said that he wants to run a few tests, just to be on the safe side.
Well, that makes sense.
Of course it does, which is why I’ve been telling your daughter that she needs to be a slightly more patient, patient.
And I have been telling my husband that I am done being patient.
And, oh, so what does that mean?
Well, it just means that, for the first time in a very long time, things feel right, and positive, and hopeful, which is why I don’t want to wait. I want to walk right now. Baby, please, let me try. [soft music]
Admit it. You dangled the prospect of a reunion over my head like a carrot.
No, that’s not true.
No, that is true. That is true. You would have done anything to get that serum for Sarah.
Kristen, I never said–
I know what you said, Brady. And you knew that I would do anything to reunite our family. And you–you got what you wanted, Brady. You got it! And now you and Ava will be laughing your asses off behind my back.
Whoa, whoa.
Isn’t that right?
Oh, come on. Come on, admit it. You say that you two are just friends, huh? I know that you were just salivating to get it on with that woman, and she just wants to get her hooks into you. [ominous music]
Kristen, the only thing I’m salivating for is to end this conversation because it’s stupid and pointless.
It’s not stupid and pointless. This is about me, my life, my future, Brady.
I am not in a relationship with Ava. I’ve had some conversations with Ava. I’m not interested in her that way.
Why not? [scoffs] You think you’re too high and mighty to be involved with an ex-mob princess?
Ah, here we go.
Oh, although though your last bedmate– hmm, that I know of– was Xander’s train wreck of a mother. Or should I say, car wreck?
[chuckles] I can’t talk to you when you’re like this, all right? Can’t do it.
Oh, victim blaming, gaslighting– what else do you have in your arsenals there, Brady, huh?
Kristen, nothing, nothing, nothing. I’m done.
No, you’re not going anywhere, not until I have my say. [dramatic music]
Darling, I’m afraid I agree with Xander. I think that you should wait until your doctors give you an all-clear before you should try to walk on your own.
Damn. It’s two against one, which I think is kind of unfair personally. I would like to get somebody in here who leaps before they look, you know, flies by the seat of their pants. Not you guys, you know what I mean?
I’ve lived dangerously myself, as you know, from time to time. But this is about your health. And I’m not going to condone you risking your recovery by doing anything without your doctor’s permission.
Sarah, you know I’m with your mom on this one. [phone beeping]
Oh, Bonnie. Oh, she probably wants an update. I’m going to call her back. And you two do whatever you do. [chuckles] [soft music]
So, we’re all agreed, aren’t we? No more trying to walk until we get these test results back.
Do I have a choice?
No, you don’t. Come on, darling, you’re tired. Why don’t you try and catch a nap before they whisk you away for all these tests?
You want me to sleep at a time like this?
Please? For me, try.
I’ll try.
And no more getting up.
I know. I know. I know.
I promise.
Good girl. Close your eyes.
All right. I’ll be right down the hall.
Text me if you need anything.
[door clicks]
Wow. I was expecting a good-natured negotiation, not a hard no.
Sorry, it just can’t work, Philip.
Because what, you’re too swamped, putting out fires at “Body and Soul”?
Can’t take on another client?
That’s not it.
Or maybe because you think changing public opinion about me would be pointless?
It’s not that either. Look, you’re Victor’s son, and so is Xander. So you have just as much right to his legacy as he does. And you’d probably do better by Titan than he will.
So? If you’re not too busy and you think my case is righteous, why won’t you work with me?
Did somebody do a memory wipe on you? Because of our history.
Wait. [clears throat] You’re refusing to be my publicist because we were involved, like, a million years ago?
We were a little more than involved, Philip. We were engaged.
Talk about deja vu, right?
Right. I mean, first, there were those tainted biscuits.
Now there’s poisoned cupcakes.
And the last time there was a baked goods incident, Sweet Bits got shut down by the health department.
Look, are they sure that the cupcakes are even yours?
No, they’re not. You see, Sweet Bits had never fulfilled a custom order for “Body and Soul.” That I knew, obviously. However, there is a possibility that someone could have ordered them plain and then added the B&S logo afterwards.
OK. So then you need to go talk to your employees, right? See if there was an order placed for just plain cupcakes, as you said.
Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I probably should do that. But I–I don’t want to leave you here.
Oh, come on. I’ll be fine. Besides, Sweet Bits is your baby. You need to go make sure that you’re not going to get shut down again.
Yeah, yeah, I do. And besides, there’s a big staff here if you need anything.
Exactly. Go. I promise I’ll be here when you get back.
All right, you better be.
And then he left my hotel room. And I thought that I would never see the guy again. Just two ships passing in the night. So you can imagine my surprise when I show up to the set of my new job and find out my random hookup is the director.
And married to one of the stars of the show.
Yeah, who is now determined to be my friend.
Well, Chanel obviously really likes you.
And I like her.
Oh, God. This is so bad, isn’t it?
It’s pretty bad, yeah.
I shouldn’t have told you.
Well, you did.
Why did you say it like that? Alex. Alex, you’re not going to tell anybody, right? Alex, you have to promise me that you’re not going to say anything. Promise me.
Look at you. You can’t even say the word, can you?
Well, who wants to say those three sad, depressing words, “We were engaged?” And anyway, that’s ancient history. Take me on as a client, and it’ll be strictly business.
[scoffs] Where have I heard that before?
Look, I can’t speak to what went on between you and Alex. My sole focus now is reclaiming my birthright. You said yourself you thought I’d do well by Titan. Did you mean it?
Yeah, of course. But–
Will you help me? For old time’s sake. Pretty, please?
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but yes, I will help you.
Well, all right! Whoo-hoo!
Stop it. You’re making a scene.
Oh, my God. Is that what you’re worried about, what it looks like, I mean, instead of what it’s doing to my heart, Brady?
I am grateful for what you have done for Sarah. But you and I are not good for one another. You know that. You know it. We are–we’re–
What? What? What? Do not say it. Do not say toxic. I’m so sick of that overused word. And you know what, Brady? We are not toxic. We are not. We’re human and we make mistakes. The both of us do. We–but we also– we’ve created this beautiful daughter together.
Yes, we do. She is beautiful. And that’s why I just want to have a platonic, healthy relationship with you for her sake.
But Rachel, she just wants her parents to be a couple. I mean, maybe–maybe not husband and wife, but, you know, living under the same roof. I mean, that’s what she wants desperately, Brady.
I know that’s what she wants, but it can’t happen. It can’t happen. She’s a strong girl. She will adjust to the reality, and she will be fine. [tense music]
She will be fine… [sighs] Because she has me. And you know what? I will see to it that she is fine. She and I will get through it, the two of us, and just the two of us.
Don’t think that I’m missing all the subtext with your tone of voice and the choice of your words. Kristen, for the sake of our little girl, please don’t punish me by keeping me away from my little girl again. You know that will hurt her as much as it will hurt me. You look at me and tell me that’s not your intention.
What is that phrase you like to use, Brady? [chuckles] Oh, right. I’m not making any promises.
Damn it! Why am I saying Joy’s name in my sleep? [sighs] And right when Chanel walks in, too. [laughs] My luck. Gah! Just get it together, DiMera! [sighs] I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep lying to my wife.
You know, Chanel’s not just my co-star. She’s my friend. She does have a right to know what happened.
Alex. Alex, a scandal like this would ruin my career before it even got started. Look how quick you were just to assume that I hooked up with the director to score a spot on the series.
And the producers– the producers would fire me on the spot if they found out. Alex, you can’t tell anybody about me and Johnny. You have to promise me. [knocking]
Need to get that.
Yes, Bonnie. Me, too. I know. I know, sweetie. Thank you. Yes, I’ll tell Sarah. OK, bye-bye. I think Bonnie burst my eardrum. She got so excited about Sarah.
Oh, gosh. It’s just incredible, isn’t it?
Oh, Maggie, I just pray that this means that Sarah will be walking again soon.
Looks like your prayers have been answered. [laughs]
Sarah, oh, my God!
Sarah. Wait!
No, no, no. Let–let me help you.
No, no, no, no. Please, let me do it. Let me do it. [laughs]
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Interview with actors Sara Silva, Sean Patrick Thomas, John Harlan Kim and Khobe Clarke; and writers/EP Sara Goodman and Phoebe Fisher of “Cruel Intentions” on Prime by Suzanne 11/13/24
I really enjoyed watching this show, and the actors I chatted with couldn’t have been nicer; it was the same with the two producers. You don’t want to miss this show! It’s not just any teen drama. The writing is top notch. Even if you never saw the movie(s) or book it’s based on, you should enjoy it; it dragged me into the drama!
Sara Silva (CeCe) and Sean Patrick Thomas (Hank)
John Harlan Kim (Blaise) and Khobe Clarke (Scott)
Sara Goodman and Phoebe Fisher (co-showrunners, writers, and executive producers)
MORE INFO: Official Site Trailer
All eight episodes of Prime Video’s highly anticipated series, Cruel Intentions, will premiere November 21 in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide. Twenty-five years after the iconic film captivated audiences with its provocative drama, sex, and scandal, this series introduces a new class of cruel characters who are ready to take their games and manipulation to a whole new level. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the film or new to the twisted tale, the series promises binge-worthy fun that audiences won’t want to miss.
In this new adaptation, Cruel Intentions follows the elite students of Manchester College, a Washington, D.C.-adjacent university, where reputation means everything, fraternities and sororities are the gold standard, and two ruthless step-siblings, Caroline Merteuil and Lucien Belmont, will do anything to stay on top of the cutthroat social hierarchy. After a brutal hazing incident threatens the entire Greek Life system, they’ll do whatever is necessary to preserve their power and reputation – even if that means seducing Annie Grover, the daughter of the Vice President of the United States. Hearts will be broken, loyalties will be tested, and secrets will be revealed in this modern-day royal court that is Manchester College.
Cruel Intentions stars Sarah Catherine Hook as “Caroline Merteuil”, Zac Burgess as “Lucien Belmont”, Savannah Lee Smith as “Annie Grover”, Sara Silva as “Cece Carroway”, John Harlan Kim as “Blaise Powell”, Khobe Clarke as “Scott Russell”, Sean Patrick Thomas as “Professor Hank Chadwick”, and Brooke Lena Johnson as “Beatrice Worth”.
The series is produced by Sony Pictures Television, Amazon MGM Studios, and Original Film. Sara Goodman and Phoebe Fisher serve as co-showrunners, writers, and executive producers. Neal H. Moritz and Pavun Shetty of Original Film also executive produce along with Roger Kumble. Moritz produced the original film, which was written and directed by Kumble. Bruce Mellon along with Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi of Iervolino & Bacardi Entertainment are producers.
SARA SILVA is a Brazilian-American actress from the San Francisco Bay Area. She studied acting at UCLA’s School for Theater, Film and Television, where she starred as Medea in Euripides’ titular play and Maritza in Tanya Saracho’s Mala Hierba.
Sara will star as ‘CELESTE “CECE” CALLOWAY’ in the Prime Video SeriesCRUEL INTENTIONS written by Phoebe Fisher, and based on the 1999 film by the same name, which starred Selma Blair in the same role.
Sara also recently starred opposite Colson Baker (Machine Gun Kelly) in the feature TAURUS written and directed by Tim Sutton, which premiered domestically at the 2022 Tribeca Film Festival. You can also spot Sara in the recent season of FX’s anthology series AMERICAN HORROR STORIES in episode ‘Necro’. Other recent television roles include the Freeform seriesGROWN-ISH, and Amazon’s THE BOYS. Sara also recently played the Sorority leader ‘Hunter’ in the short ‘Scotty’s Vag’ written & directed by Chaconne Martin-Berkowicz, which was nominated for the Grand Jury Award at the 2023 SXSW film festival.
Sara is drawn to provocative stories and loves finding empathy for the twisted characters she plays. When she’s not acting, she’s writing plays, making music with her band “Dance Arts Center” and cuddling with her black cat, Pepita.
Respected actor/producer, Sean Patrick Thomas, is continuing his hot streak. Recently wrapping production on the TV version of “Cruel Intentions,” Thomas is the only member of the original film to appear in the series. He is currently in production on the second season of fan favorite, “Gen V.” Previously he was seen in the critically acclaimed, award-winning feature, “The Tragedy of Macbeth” with Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand and the MGM/UA film “Till,” which tells the heartbreaking story of Emmett Till. Other projects include the Hulu limited series, “Reasonable Doubt,” reuniting him with Kerry Washington, who executive produced the series and directed its pilot episode along with a recurring role in “For All Mankind” on Apple+.
Previous film credits include “The Curse of La Llorona,” the ensemble hit franchise “Barbershop,” Darren Aronofsky’s “The Fountain,” John Sayles’ “Honeydripper,” “Cruel Intentions,” “Halloween: Resurrection” and the box office smash “Save The Last Dance,” for which Thomas won two MTV Movie Awards. On the small screen, Thomas starred in Kenny Leon’s “A Raisin in the Sun,” for which he earned a nomination from the NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Actor in a TV Movie. And on Broadway he conquered a different character, that of Nigerian suitor Joseph Asagai, in “A Raisin in the Sun” once again opposite Denzel Washington. He starred on the CBS series “The District” and recurred on “The Good Fight” as well as voicing the character of Professor Macalester on the animated series “Vixen.” Additional television credits include “Insecure,” “Madam Secretary,” “American Horror Story,” “NCIS: New Orleans” and “NCIS.”
John Harlan Kim will next star in a series regular role as ‘Blaise Powell’ on Prime Video’s “Cruel Intentions,” the highly anticipated television adaptation of the 1999 feature cult classic. The series will be released globally on the streaming platform in November 2024. Previously, John appeared as ‘Bobby’ in the hit Apple TV+ series, “The Last Thing He Told Me,” opposite Jennifer Garner and Angourie Rice. Previous television credits include: the Ryan Murphy Fox series “9-1-1,” the CW series, “Nancy Drew,” and the TNT series “The Librarians.” His film credits include: Netflix’s “Purple Hearts” opposite Sofia Carson and the Warner Brothers’ thriller written and directed by John Lee Hancock,“The Little Things,” opposite Denzel Washington, Jared Leto and Rami Malek.
Khobe Clarke was born and raised in Alberta, Canada. His childhood was filled with incredible outdoor experiences, including a motorcycle trip across Mongolia, and a trek to the base camp of Mt. Everest. But despite his love for climbing the world’s tallest mountains and exploring the Canadian wilderness, acting was his true passion, and the only thing he wanted to do.
After graduating high school he picked up and moved to Vancouver, BC to pursue a career in film and television. Things started to move quickly for Khobe. Within 2 short years, after signing with his Vancouver agent, he landed a number of great roles. Most notably a major recurring guest star role on Netflix’s popular series Firefly Lane (S2), a lead role in a 4-part movie event series V.C. Andrews Cutler Series for Lifetime, and also recurred on the Emmy-Nominated Showtime series Yellowjackets. Khobe is so excited to be part of the Cruel Intentions cast, and can’t wait to see what type of adventure this brings.
Sara Goodman
She was born 1973, in Toronto, Canada. She’s known for her work in I Know What You Did Last Summer, Gossip Girl (2007), Preacher, Outsiders, The Detail, Rake.
Produced by
Sony Pictures Television, Amazon MGM Studios, and Original Film
Co-Showrunners, Writers, Executive Producers
Sara Goodman and Phoebe Fisher
Executive Producers
Neal H. Moritz
Pavun Shetty
Roger Kumble
Bruce Mellon
Andrea Iervolino
Monika Bacardi
Caroline Merteuil played by Sarah Catherine Hook (First Kill; The White Lotus S3)
Lucien Belmont played by Zac Burgess (Boy Swallows Universe; Totally Completely Fine)
Annie Grover played by Savannah Lee Smith (Gossip Girl)
Cece Carroway played by Sara Silva (American Horror Stories)
Blaise Powell played by John Harlan Kim (The Last Thing He Told Me; 9-1-1)
Scott Russell played by Khobe Clarke (Firefly Lane; Yellowjackets)
Professor Hank Chadwick played by Sean Patrick Thomas (Till)
Beatrice Worth played by Brooke Lena Johnson (You)
Proofread and Edited by Brenda
Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
EJ opened a box of cupcakes that were sent to the mansion to celebrate the premiere of Body and Soul. He gave one to Johnny who felt guilty about cheating on Chanel. EJ advised him not to feel bad about it. Johnny said fate was helping him feel that way because Chanel invited Joy to have dinner. EJ told him not to look guilty or say anything because Chanel didn’t need to know the truth. While they were talking, Chanel walked in and wanted to know what they were talking about. EJ lied and said they were talking about a disagreement he had with Paulina over a case. He said he would make things right with Paulina and offered to leave them alone so they could make up. Johnny thanked her for the cupcakes to which she said she had nothing to do with. She said she wished there were more because she invited Joy over to watch the premiere of the show. Kate ran into Joy at the Brady Pub. Joy was reading her lines at the time. Kate advised her to have fun and asked if she met anyone yet. Joy said she met the cast and had dinner with Chanel. Roman came over and brought a cupcake for the premiere. Kate wondered who sent the cupcake. When Kate left to find out about the cupcake, Roman had a talk with Joy. While they were talking, Joy got a text from Chanel inviting her to watch the premiere at the DiMera mansion. At Abe and Paulina’s place, Abe got a cupcake. Paulina wondered who sent it since the card didn’t have a name on it. Kate called Abe to talk about the cupcake. He invited her and Roman over to watch the premiere. Later, Kate and Roman showed up at Abe and Paulina’s to watch the premiere. Abe was the only one who ate the cupcake. They all enjoyed the show and celebrated it being a hit.
Johnny told Chanel that he wished she didn’t invite Joy over. He wanted her to take back the invitation because he wanted to watch it in bed with her. Chanel said she felt bad because Joy had nothing to do. EJ came in and brought Joy in with him. Chanel, Johnny, and Joy watched the show. EJ said he would watch it later. He and Johnny ate the cupcake. After they watched the episode, Joy said Chanel was great. Chanel said she owed it to her husband. Joy said she met everyone on the show except the one who played Charlamagne. Johnny and Chanel let her know about Hattie and the curse she put on the show when she got fired. Joy said she had to leave because she had to run lines and had to call her mother. When Joy left, Chanel thought something was going on with Joy and wanted Johnny to go after her to check on her. Johnny went after Joy and told her she shouldn’t have accepted Chanel’s invitation. He said they couldn’t keep doing this because the guilt was getting to him. Joy reminded him of the promise he made not to tell Chanel the truth. Johnny said the promise he broke to Chanel was eating him alive. He said he didn’t know how to make it right. When Johnny went back to Chanel, he told her Joy was okay. Chanel thanked him for checking on Joy. She looked at her lines and said if Arrow was honest with Faith, they might have been able to work things out, but the cover up was worse than the crime. Kate met with Abe at the office and told him the network was happy with the numbers. She thought Hattie’s curse was wrong. While they were talking, Abe ended up getting sick.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Leo read Lady Whistleblower’s column and noticed the story about Bonnie. He became enraged because the story ruined the plot for the soap. Bonnie held his hand while he had a panic attack about it. As he continued to read the story, he saw the spoilers for the rest of the show. The stories came from his dream, so he put it together that someone had to get into his laptop to find out about them. He flashed back to Javi being in bed with his laptop. Leo was upset and started to scream out. He stormed out of his room leaving Bonnie confused. Kayla was with Roman at the pub. He bit into a cupcake. She started talking about why she missed the premiere of Body & Soul. He struggled to talk and ran out of the room. At the DiMera mansion, Johnny became sick and ran away from Chanel. She found him and took care of him. He felt like he didn’t deserve her and didn’t want to lose her. She assured him that she wasn’t going anywhere. Joy went to Alex’s place to run lines with him. He warned her not to sleep with her co-stars. She became startled until she realized he meant Stephanie. He finished the cupcake he was eating and became sick. Alex rushed to the bathroom.
Kate met with Kayla and Roman at the hospital. Kayla informed her about Roman’s condition. Kate said the only thing Roman to eat were the cupcakes. She let them know that Abe got sick after eating one. Kayla was upset because they were dealing with tainted baked goods again. Kate left to inform the cast and crew about what happened. Later, Kate ran into Bonnie. They had a conversation about the cupcakes. Kate told her the cupcakes were tampered with. Bonnie let her know that Lady Whistleblower was ruining Body & Soul. Gabi and Javi were having a conversation about his relationship with Leo. Javi let her know that he enjoyed his time with him and didn’t need her opinion about it. After their conversation, Gabi promised not to interfere with their relationship and leave Leo alone. Gabi walked out the office, and Leo stormed inside to talk to Javi. He knew what Javi did, and he wasn’t going to let him get away with it.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Danny talks to Jason because he feels terrible because he blamed his Uncle Lucas for the death of his mom. Danny feels badly that Lucas stayed away from the funeral because of what he said to him.
Alexis reads Sam’s will and it says that she wants Drew to be Danny and Scout’s guardian because she wanted her kids to stay together. Alexis tells Molly the will was written when Jason was presumed dead. Alexis and Molly think Sam never updated the will because she never thought she needed to update it.
Brenan once again asks Lucky if he has decided to take the WSB mission and Lucky tells him that he hasn’t decided what to do about the job offer yet.
Portia tells Lucas that Sam’s autopsy shows that her death was not caused by a surgical error. Portia tells Elizabeth that Sam’s death was caused by an overdose of digitalis. Portia wants to review everything that was done by Elizabeth and the nurses that cared for Sam.
Lulu wakes up at Turning Woods long-term care facility but, when she hears Cyrus talking to her doctors outside her room, she pretends to still be in a coma when Cyrus and the doctor come in to check on her. Once Cyrus and the doctor leave, Lulu takes the tube’s out and sits up in bed.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Summer can’t forgive Chance for arresting Daniel and not looking for any other suspects. Summer thinks Chance made a mistake and stopped doing his job. Chance doesn’t think he made a mistake and they need to figure out a way to get past this situation but Summer thinks they need a break from each other for a while.
Billy asks Jack for a job as co-CEO. Jack tells Billy he can’t give him a job and can’t tell him the reason why yet. Billy is depressed and thinks his family is a screw up.
Sally listens to Billy and cheers him up and makes him laugh. Billy and Sally kiss after their talk.
Lucy returned home and talks to Daniel and Summer about her time on tour with grandpa Danny.
Lucy sits beside Phyllis’ bedside at the hospital and asks her to wake up because Daniel needs her. Lucy gives Phyllis her friendship bracelet and tells her she loves her. Phyllis opens her eyes. Daniel, Lucy, and Summer are happy she is awake.
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Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[soft dramatic music]
Kayla, what is taking so long? I mean, you gave that serum to Sarah hours ago.
I know, Maggie. I’m sorry. It’s just, I wish I could give you a clear timeline, but I can’t because the drug is so–so experimental. There’s no way to predict when it will actually take effect.
Kayla. Kayla, why–why haven’t you returned any of my messages? I mean, my God, since I was the one to provide the serum for Sarah, the least you could do is tell me if it worked. [sighs]
When I put Victoria to bed last night, she kept saying “Mama” over and over and over again.
Mm. Sounds like she’s missing me as much as I’m missing her.
Of course she is. I also think it was a protest against me being the one to tuck her in.
Mm. Did you sing her a lullaby?
I sang her eight lullabies.
Well, that explains it. She probably thought you were torturing her.
What’s wrong with my singing voice? [scoffs] You never heard my rendition of Britney’s “Hit Me Baby One More Time.” I mean, it crushes at karaoke.
They just like the skirt, hon.
It’s my amazing singing voice they like. I’ll give you–give you a performance right now.
Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just because I am stuck in this bed does not mean that I will not call for help. [chuckling]
Well, hopefully you won’t be stuck in this bed for much longer.
[sighs] I don’t know, baby. And Kayla gave me the serum yesterday, and I just don’t feel anything. What if it doesn’t work?
[mellow music]
Ava. Want some coffee?
No, thanks.
Are you sure? Hey, it’s my treat.
I can buy my own coffee.
OK. I may be nuts, but I’m sensing a real frosty vibe here. Did I do something wrong?
No, but your jackass of a son certainly did.
Mr. Nugent, he picks up Jared’s phone, and he reads his entire text chain out loud.
No way! Are you kidding me?
Yes, the eggplant emojis and all.
Wait, what did Jared do?
He said he was just sharing his mom’s eggplant parm recipe.
Oh, my God. [giggling] I missed this.
Missed what?
Just us hanging out together.
Me, too. I didn’t think we’d get a second chance.
Or third or fourth. [chuckles] I stopped keeping count.
Yeah. [chuckles] Same.
I’m just so relieved that we don’t have to hide our relationship from our parents anymore.
I don’t know. I mean, there was something a little exciting about all the sneaking around.
Well, sometimes, but it’s so much better not having to hide how I feel about you and being able to do stuff like this whenever I want.
Well, certainly didn’t take long. [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
So why did you call my son a jackass?
‘Cause I’m a lady, and I don’t want to say what I really think.
OK, well, how about you elaborate on that, please?
Sophia Choi came to see me last night. She was a total wreck. She was hurt, and she was humiliated.
I’m sorry. Did my son break up with her or something?
No, she dumped him.
How does that make him a jackass?
Because the reason that Sophia dumped him is that while they were in bed together, he called her Holly.
So predictable. The second we break up, you go running back to her.
Sophia, I just–
You really know how to make a girl feel special.
Let me just say, I swear, I really did not mean to hurt you. It wasn’t my intention at all.
Whatever. It’s fine. I wish you two lovebirds all the best. But, Holly, just a heads-up– when you finally do give it up for him, don’t be surprised if he calls out my name.
OK, um, just, let’s– let’s go.
Kristen, I didn’t return your phone calls because I am not at liberty to update you on Sarah’s condition. You are not family.
Uh, hello? Didn’t I just point out that I was the one who provided the miracle drug? I mean, don’t you think that I– I have the right to be kept in the loop?
Actually, no, I don’t.
I got this. You know what? There’s been no improvement yet.
Nothing? Really?
Well, on the most recent test, there has been no evidence of a reduced swelling around Sarah’s spine.
OK, well, has she tried walking yet?
No. No, we haven’t pushed that because we don’t want to further her injury.
OK, no offense, Kayla, but that drug, there is no need to be cautious. You gotta take the bull by the horn, and that is exactly what I am going to do.
Don’t! Don’t.
Well, this is the last thing that Sarah needs. I mean, that woman is a lunatic.
Yes, she is. But Xander is in there, and he can handle her. Yes, she did hand over the serum with no strings attached, so I’m willing to give her a certain amount of grace.
You are a very good woman, Maggie.
Yeah, well, be careful what you say, because if Kristen has got Sarah’s hopes up for nothing, I’m going to tear that Jezebel from limb to limb.
You are going to walk again, Sarah. I–I feel it in my soul. We just need to give it some time, yeah? [door clicks]
All right! Come on, you two. Let’s get the show on the road.
Wait a minute. What the hell are you doing?
All right. Make yourself useful, Xandy, and you grab that arm. I’m going to grab this one.
What? Wait, what? What? What’s happening?
All right, on the count of three, you get over there. We’re going to hoist you to your feet.
Kristen, stop! What the hell do you think you’re doing? [dramatic music]
Whoa. That’s a pretty big piece of cake you got there.
Don’t judge me, OK? I’m rewarding myself.
For what?
For not committing murder right here in the square.
OK. What happened?
Oh, you haven’t heard the good news? Tate and Holly are back together.
All right.
Huh, awesome. Thank you.
So, that was pretty awkward, huh, running into Sophia like that.
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
I kind of feel bad for her. I mean, she’s obviously really hurt. But still, what she said, that was just weird and harsh, saying not to be surprised if you, like, call out her name while we’re in bed? Does she really think she has that much of a hold on you? [soft dramatic music]
Uh, that’s not what she meant. She said that because that’s what I did to her.
Oh, man. Tate, he did that? He actually–
Yes, Tate did that. He actually, yeah, called her Holly while they were in bed, which means he’s obviously not over her. So why did he string Sophia along?
I–I know that he didn’t mean to do that. I think he was trying to give their relationship a shot, and I think he felt like he owed it to Sophia.
Because they slept together, which shouldn’t have happened if he was hung up on someone else.
I don’t disagree with you at all, but he’s a teenager.
Oh. Oh, OK. That’s a good excuse. Yeah.
No, no, no. Hold on.
Wait, wait, wait. Hear me out. It’s not an excuse, OK? But you can’t expect Tate– he’s a teenager– to be completely self-aware and make the most mature decisions when it comes to his love life. Hey, we’re not teenagers anymore, and I think we’ve screwed up in that department a couple times. What do you think? Try to deny it, please. Hmm?
I can’t. I can’t. OK, I’m sorry, but I’m just– oh, man, I am upset because Sophia’s heart is really broken.
And I’m upset at the fact that he hurt her that way. I have to admit, I feel like I maybe should have been a little more observant in that situation, seen that coming. But I–I’ve been a little distracted with what’s going on with Sarah.
Understandable. And I–I am sorry. It is not your fault, whatever happens between Tate and Sophia. I know it’s not your fault. And I’m sorry that I just lashed out on you. Sorry.
It’s OK. You care about her, and I get it.
Yeah. OK, all right. Change the subject. All right, Sarah.
Yeah. You said that Kristen handed over the serum. So, is it working?
Last I heard, she received the final dose. So now it’s just a matter of waiting and hoping for the best.
Damn it, Kristen! Stop! Get your hands off of her!
Why are you yelling at me? I’m just here to help.
What, by forcing her to walk before she’s ready? How the hell is that helping?
All right, why are you wimping out about this?
OK, that’s enough.
Mm-hmm. I need you to listen to me. If you want to walk again, you need to push yourself. Show some gumption, some courage! Now put your feet on the floor and get on with the business of living.
Hey, hey. Thank you so much for the deranged pep talk. But as you heard my wife say, we are good, and you’re out of here. Come on.
You’ve got to challenge the body. I am telling you, Sarah. If you–the serum works! You just have to push yourself. What are you so afraid of?
Thanks for stopping by. [door slams] [intense music]
I don’t understand. I was just talking to Holly yesterday, and she said that you and Tate were a couple.
We were–for, like, five seconds.
OK, what happened?
What happened is he went running back to his true love, Holly.
Just like that?
Pretty much. Your bestie is a real prince of a guy.
I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I really thought Tate was into you.
Me, too. But then his real feelings for Holly came out in the worst possible way at the worst possible time.
Oof. What do you mean?
Take a wild guess.
Oh, no.
Oh, yes.
[scoffs] You’re joking, right?
I wish.
You actually said my name out loud while you guys were– oh, oh, my God. Wow. How did she react?
How do you think? I mean, she completely freaked out and basically told me to go to hell and stormed out.
Wait, when you came here last night, I kind of assumed you were the one who broke up with her. Are you saying it was the other way around?
Yeah, it was. Why does that matter?
Well, it matters because now I’m wondering if you only got back together with me because things were over with Sophia. [soft dramatic music]
So Kristen thought she could just hoist you up onto your feet, and somehow your legs would respond?
That’s exactly what she thought, yes. And then she accused me of being a wimp for not going along with her very brilliant theory.
Yeah, I had to drag her out of the room before she did any more damage.
I don’t get it. Kristen never has given a damn about anybody but herself. Why does she care so much about your recovery?
I don’t think she does. I think it’s because she cares about Brady. She wants the serum to work so she can score points with him.
Sarah’s a really good person. I’m really hoping that serum works for her.
Yeah. Me, too. Hmm. OK.
Oh, wait, wait, wait. No, no.
No, it’s–
No, my treat, remember?
And listen, I am sorry that I got a little defensive about the Tate and Sophia situation, but you need to know that I think it’s really sweet that you’re so protective of her.
Well, like I told you, she reminds me of me. You know, she may act all strong and confident, but she’s just hoping people don’t see how insecure and vulnerable she really is.
Anyway, again, I am sorry, again, for lacing into you. I mean, it’s not your fault that your son did something that’s, I guess, just a typical, stupid teenage thing to do? Mm.
Yeah, yeah. Hey, nothing to forgive. She was hurt. You were protective of her. I can understand why that would upset you.
Yeah, well, thank you for understanding. So, um, you and me, we’re–we’re good? We’re still friends?
Oh, psh. We’re–yeah, we’re good.
‘Cause it’s–it’s really important to me, and especially right now, that, um– look, I– [sighs] I really hope this doesn’t sound like– like I’m feeling sorry for myself or anything. I just–ugh. You know, look, I know how lucky I am. I’ve got a job. I got a roof over my head. And I just– I’ve just kind of been going through a rough time. You know, I miss my son. I miss a lot of things. [chuckles] And, um, it just means a lot that I have your friendship. I’m very grateful for you.
Oh, I’m grateful for you as well.
Come here. [chuckles]
Mm. [door clicks] Oh.
[sighs] Well… [chuckles] What is going on here?
So you think, in Kristen’s warped logic, that she stands a better chance with Brady if he sees that she not only hands over the serum to you, but also gets you up on your feet?
Exactly. And no harm done, as you said.
Actually, I think–
What, darling?
Well, I think that– I don’t know–Kristen might have helped a little bit. Just the idea that I should push myself, maybe– maybe it’s not a bad idea.
Sarah, are you– are you sure about this?
Yeah. Yeah, I am, I– I’ve always thought of myself as fearless. So, it’s time to push the fears aside now.
Honey, there is a difference between fearless and reckless.
I know. I’m going to be OK. Help me do this, please?
All right. But no, I’m not going to let you fall, no matter what.
OK, that’s it. [suspenseful music]
Yeah, OK. That’s it. That’s it.
Let’s try it.
That’s it.
That’s it.
[chuckles] [yelps]
It’s OK. I’ve got you. I’ve got you, darling.
Damn it.
And then I told him it was over and got the hell out of there.
Wow. I can’t believe Tate did that. He must have freaked out right after it happened.
How do you think I felt?
Oh, of course. No, way worse.
[sighs] God, I hate my life.
It could be worse, you know?
Well, your brother could be sitting in jail for attempted murder.
Wait. What? Your brother is in– oh, my God. That’s crazy.
Yeah, and that is so not even the full story. My family is incredibly screwed up right now.
Well, I have nowhere else to be. So, lay it on me.
Holly, you weren’t, like, my backup plan or anything like that.
OK, well, can you see why I might think that?
Yes, but I meant every word that I said last night. All I ever wanted was to be with you. You know, from the first time I met you in the park, it’s been you and only you. I think about you all the time, like when I’m in class or I’m studying, playing lacrosse. Holly, you are everything to me. So I hope you believe me.
I do. I do believe you. Because you’re everything to me, too, Tate.
Do you want to go up to my room?
Nothing’s going on, Kristen. You walked in on a friendly hug.
Oh, I didn’t know you two were friends. Hmm?
Well, we are.
Oh, ho, ho. Well, what interests do you two share?
Not that it’s any of your business, but we actually just like to talk. OK?
OK, fine. Whatever. You know what? I’m glad I ran into you. I was at the hospital, checking in on Sarah.
How’s it going? I mean, is there any progress now that she’s taking the serum?
No, no, no, not yet. Dr. Rolf, I mean, he is very confident that it will be successful, but that is if, uh, Sarah has the right attitude.
All right, I think I should probably go over there later today to check things out–
You know, Brady, I really think you should go over now. Sarah seems really down and somewhat defeatist, and that’s not good, obviously. You mean a lot to her, Brady. I think it would make a difference if you go and encourage her to have the right attitude, positive attitude, right?
I agree. I agree. I’m gonna do that. I should–I’m gonna go now.
Thank you.
I’ll see you around.
OK. You know where to find me. And I should get to the bistro. Yeah, seeing that your brother has skipped town, now I run the place.
Yeah, you’re not going anywhere. [tense music]
Well, that was a huge fail. I couldn’t even take a step.
Honey, you took a shot. I just hope you didn’t hurt yourself.
I’m fine, physically. Emotionally, I’m drained. [sniffles] I’m just–I’m– I’m worried. I feel like I’m letting Xander down.
What? Why would you say that?
Because ever since he found out that his mom caused the accident, it’s just like, whenever he looks at me, he has all this guilt in his eyes that somehow, it’s his fault.
Well, it isn’t. Of course it isn’t.
No, I know. And I keep trying to persuade him to that, but– I don’t know. I just– I feel like the only way that he’s going to let go of the guilt is if I walk again, and… [soft dramatic music] I don’t know. I just– I’m worried that if I don’t make a full recovery, then– then he won’t, either.
Oh. [elevator dings] [kettle thunks loudly]
Xander, are you OK?
Yeah, I am. I’m good.
Look, um, I ran into Kristen, and she told me about the serum and that it hasn’t worked yet.
No, it hasn’t. Sarah’s still paralyzed, despite Kristen’s best efforts to drag her out of bed and force her to her feet.
She didn’t tell me that part.
Yeah. I was going to throw the woman out of a window, but Sarah thought maybe she had a point, that it might be important for her to push herself. So when Kristen left, we gave it a go.
So, Sarah, she tried to walk?
Yeah, I boosted her to her feet. And then Sarah promptly collapsed into my arms.
Sorry. That must have been hard. But it may still work. I mean, it hasn’t been a long time yet.
No, no, no. It’s just so hard watching Sarah go through this. And if I could trade places with her, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Sarah doesn’t deserve this. And I, um– I’m really sorry for both of you.
No, Brady. I’m sorry.
Is there a problem, Kristen?
Yes, there sure as hell is if you are moving in on Brady.
Oh, for God’s sake.
What? What? Is that so far-fetched? I mean, come on, Ava. [laughs] I mean, you have this nasty little habit about going after other women’s men. I mean, what, Kayla, Gabi– although going after your friend’s man is just a little extra low.
Oh, Kristen. You didn’t get the memo. You and I, we are no longer friends, especially after you betrayed my trust and then you fired me from DiMera.
Oh, my God. I do not have to defend myself to you, Ava. Gabi gave me no choice. And, you know, I saved your life once, as you may recall. [laughs] So you might want to show me a little more respect and not throw yourself at the man I love.
Kristin, I wasn’t throwing myself at him. We were talking. You know, talking? It’s what friends do. They talk. And then you saw us hugging. He was comforting me by giving me a friendly hug because I was upset about somebody I care about whose heart happens to be broken. OK?
Do you get that?
I get it.
I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it, Ava. Listen, I mean, you can’t blame me for asking.
[laughs] You call that asking? That was threatening.
Oh, please! I was just doing my due diligence. I mean, I just assumed that since Stefan left town, that you– you were looking for another home to wreck.
[laughs] This from the woman who wrecks lives. Oh, Kristen, you know what? There is no home to wreck because you and Brady are not together.
[laughs] Technically, no, but we do share a child. And, you know, since I generously gave over that serum, it’s just a matter of time before we find our way back to each other.
Really? Not what I heard.
What is that supposed to mean?
And since my brother is basically headed for prison, I’m pretty much going to be watching after Felicity and myself.
Oh, my God, Aaron, I’m so sorry. And your mom, could she really still be alive?
I don’t know. At this point, I would just rather not get my hopes up.
I can’t believe you had all this going on, and I was rambling about my stupid love life. Your situation is, like, , times worse.
I guess.
You guess? No, of course it is. I feel so bad for you. So, here. You need this more than I do.
[laughs] Did it help with your heartbreak?
Not even a little.
[sighs] Mm.
Holly, you know, we just– just got back together. We don’t have to rush things.
Yeah, I know, but we were heading in that direction before we broke up, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but here’s the thing. I–I don’t want to make any mistakes with you. You mean so much to me. And I want to do this right every step of the way.
So, you’re OK with waiting?
Yes, of course I am. ‘Cause then, when we finally are together, I– I want it to be really, really special. And besides, I want to take you out, like, on a proper date. You know, we’ve only even ever had one of those? It was like a year ago, New Year’s Eve.
It was also a disaster.
Yes, exactly. So this is our chance to start fresh. I want to buy you dinner. I want to take you to a movie. Hey, who knows? Maybe even take you dancing.
Yeah, do all the normal couple things.
OK. Yeah, I guess I could get behind some normal couple things.
Good. Me, too. Then, once we’ve done all that, then we’ll see what happens. That sound OK to you?
That sounds perfect. [chuckling]
Do you want the last piece?
I’m good, thanks.
Did it help at all?
[laughs] You know what? It actually kind of did, although I think talking to you is really what helped.
Good. Good, I’m glad.
I should–I should go study.
You should. But do you want to?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, you could go study, or you and I could go do something fun.
[clears throat] [stammers] You want to hang out with me?
Why wouldn’t I?
I don’t know. We’ve known each other since the third grade, and you’ve never asked me to hang out before.
Well, we’ve never had anything in common before, and now we do– both of our lives suck.
[laughs] Um, I guess you have a point. So, uh, what do you want to do?
Well, I heard they dropped the first episode of that “Body and Soul” reboot, so we could go to my place and watch that.
You want to watch a soap opera?
I’ve seen the promo. There’s a lot of hot girls in it.
[laughs] I can’t concentrate. Come on.
Me neither.
Why don’t we take a break and do something else?
Like what? [soft music]
What are you doing?
* Are you with me? *
Dance with me.
[laughs] Right now?
* Driving down this highway *
‘Cause if we cross this off our list, we’ll be one step closer to seeing what happens.
[chuckles] I’m down with that.
* This feeling inside, I’ve searched far and wide * * Now is the time for the ride * * Are you with me? * [soft music]
What the hell did that snide little comment mean? What did Brady tell you about me?
Oh, you know what? Forget it. Forget I said anything.
No, no, no. We’re not going to forget that he said anything. [mocking laugh] No, what did Brady tell you?
Oh. Well, he told me why you gave Sarah the serum, that, um, he said if you didn’t, then there’d be zero chance of the two of you ever getting back together again. So then when I pointed out that you might be expecting a future with him, he said he never made you any promises.
[laughs] Damn it. Why? Why? Why would Brady share our business with you?
Oh, because we’re friends, as we told you, and friends confide in each other. So, as, uh, one former friend to another, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you. [laughs]
Mm. [sighs]
I’m sorry for so many things, Brady, obviously. But blaming you for Sarah’s accident, that’s very high on the list.
Xander, you were going through hell, and you were angry. And you needed to lash out, and I– I get it. Besides, the last time I looked, I’m still in one piece, so no harm done.
Of course there was harm done. And yet you have been extremely kind to us, Brady, especially going out of your way to get us that serum.
Sarah deserves to walk again.
Yes, she does. But you’ve been instrumental in giving us a chance to make that happen. And I’m just so grateful. And to prove it, I’d– I’d like to offer you your job back at Basic Black.
If you’re still interested, that is.
[laughs] Yes, I am interested. I will–I will take you up on that. Thank you.
Of course. The least I can do, especially since you were also the one that got Kristen to drop her demands for Titan.
That was more of a miracle than we’re hoping the serum will be. Frankly, Xander, I’m surprised that you even considered her deal.
Well, you know I spent most of my adult life wanting to be CEO of that company, but… I would give up everything if it meant Sarah could walk again. The serum is– it’s our last chance. If this doesn’t work, then I just don’t–
Hey, hey, hey. It’ll work. You hang in there. It’ll work.
Will you do me a favor? Will you go check on Xander? Just make sure he’s OK?
Of course. But you need to get some rest.
Yeah, I will. I’m actually kind of hungry. Will you–will you bring me my tray? It has–I’m going to have that last little bit of fruit salad.
Of course.
Thank you.
OK, here we go. Here we go. Wait a minute. I– [clattering]
Ah! Oh, my God.
Oh, no. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. No, it didn’t spill.
No, Mom. Oh, my God. I felt that. I actually felt that when the water bottle hit my leg. I felt that. [suspenseful music] [laughs]
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Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[dramatic music]
Hey, you.
Sorry to bother you. I know how busy you are, Commish.
You know I always have time for you. And I’m really glad you’re here. Does this mean that you changed your mind on quitting the force?
No. No, definitely not. No, I just, uh, came here to drop this off. [soft dramatic music]
Gee, can this day get any worse?
What do you mean?
Well, you didn’t see? Oh! Apparently, there’s a new Lady Whistleblower in town, and she somehow got a hold of Leo’s stories, and she ran a bunch of spoilers in her column.
Yeah, I know, I know. But the good news is, Leo seems to think he knows who’s behind it, except he ran off before he could tell me.
Uh, OK, where is Leo now?
Oh, I assume he’s confronting the leaker as we speak.
I’m so glad that you’re here.
Get your hands off me.
What’s wrong?
Oh, plenty is wrong, and dishonorable, and unethical, and downright contemptible.
Leo, what the hell?
I know what you did, Javi! You’re not gonna get away with it.
What happened? What did I do?
Oh, cut the act, Javi. Or should I call you Lady Whistleblower? [tense music]
I’m gonna have to get back to you on those numbers. Oh, believe it or not, my personal assistant just booted me out of my own office. Well, he’s family, and he’s going through some stuff, so… Yeah. I’ll call you back in an hour. OK. JJ, hey.
Hey, Gabi.
Uh, how’s your hand?
Uh, much better. Thanks again for the ice.
Yeah. Thanks again for having my back with EJ.
So did you ever find out why he dropped the charges against that Abigail imposter?
Cat Greene. Yeah, uh, it turns out that EJ let her off the hook because Chad asked him to.
Could you stop that?
Stop what?
The pacing.
You’ve been pacing all morning.
OK, fine. Well, then we both should stop.
I don’t understand. You– you did what Clyde wanted. You got me out of jail. It’s been hours. Why hasn’t he called back?
How should I know? You were the one working with him.
I wasn’t working with him. I was being blackmailed by him. We’re on the same side, Chad.
For now. [phone ringing] It’s an unknown caller. It’s Chad DiMera. It’s about time, Weston.
[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
OK. Yeah, I got it. Well, Cat’s not that smart, and she thinks I actually forgave her. No, she has no idea I’m handing her over to you. Yeah. Look, I get it. You want your revenge. So do I. I don’t care what you do with her. [soft dramatic music]
Chad wanted the charges against Cat dropped after what she did to him and your family? Why?
He asked me to promise I wouldn’t tell anyone the reason.
But I refused because I think he is making the wrong call, so I might as well tell you. He asked EJ to drop the charges because Clyde forced his hand. Made him a deal, one that I am pretty sure he is going to regret.
You could have just given this to me at home. You didn’t have to come all the way down here.
Yeah, I know. I just, uh, needed it to feel official. [laughs] Plus, there’s some things I need to get from my– your desk.
So you are % set on quitting.
I told you I was.
I know. I was just hoping that maybe you’d sleep on it, reconsider.
Yeah, and I woke up this morning even more sure than ever.
Yeah, but I’m just not sure if I understand why.
Look, I, uh– I didn’t mention to you that Roman pointed out to me yesterday that I could sue Paulina for removing me from my job, given that I was injured in the line of duty.
Oh. So are you gonna do that?
Thought about it… but I also realized that I don’t want to work at an agency that would treat me this way after all the years of service I’ve put in.
I do get that.
Mm-hmm. Nor do I want to cause any trouble for Paulina, or more importantly for you.
You’re a great commissioner. You are. And Salem PD is damn lucky to have you.
Lady what-blower?
OK, I’ll play along. Lady Whistleblower was my pseudonym when I wrote the gossip column for the local paper. It’s the job I gave up to become the head writer of the soap opera, but you already knew that.
Why would I know that?
Because suddenly there’s a new Lady Whistleblower in town, and her columns have started to appear online again, and she’s writing about none other than “Body & Soul,” giving away all my storylines.
And you think I’m the one writing those columns?
Oh, I don’t think you are. I know you are. [tense music]
Where the hell did you get the idea that I am the second coming of Lady Whisperblower?
It’s Whistleblower, as if you didn’t know. And I didn’t just get the idea. I’m sure that it’s you because I told you all of my story projections are on my laptop.
So when I got out of the shower this morning, you had appropriated said laptop for your own use.
For my own use? I was cueing up your show so that we could watch it together. I told you that.
Yeah, and I was dumb enough to believe you.
Wow. [laughs] This is nuts. You really think I went on your laptop looking for your stupid storylines? [tense music]
Stupid? You said you liked them.
I did like them! But we’re not talking about nuclear secrets here. Trust me, I am not that interested.
It’s not about whether or not you’re interested. It’s the fans. You said yourself, die-hard fans would kill for these spoilers!
So from that comment, you came to the conclusion that I am a no-good, dirty liar?
Not to mention a thief who is having a hard time making ends meet.
You said yourself Gabi isn’t paying you enough. You need to find a second gig.
Yes! Like as a bartender, not as a gossip columnist. Plus, how many people have access to these stories of yours? Anyone could have spilled. Cast or crew, the guy who dumps the recycling.
No, no, no, because some of these ideas are so new, I haven’t shared them with anybody. They exist on my hard drive and nowhere else, which is why I usually never let my computer out of my sight. Turns out my big mistake was letting you out of my sight.
So Lady Whistleblower ruined the whole first week of the reboot.
Mm-hmm. Every twist of the plot, every hanger off the cliff.
My God. This is a nightmare.
Oh, I know.
[sighs] And I can’t even do anything about it because first I have to find out if Roman and Abe and the rest of the cast and crew who ate those tainted cupcakes, I have to find out if they’re OK. I just– I wish I knew who did this. [relaxed music]
Actually, I do.
If you don’t want to cause problems for me, Rafe, then why are you quitting? I need you on the force–
Oh, come on. Look, you’ll find another detective.
Not like you.
There are plenty of other skilled cops out there, but there is only one you and me, and I don’t want to do anything to screw this up, all right?
We’ve worked together before.
Yes, but this is different.
Mm. So Gabi was right.
About what?
She told me that no matter how many times you said you were fine with me being commissioner and you working under me, that deep down, you weren’t.
[laughs] I– no. I don’t want to get into this. No.
Come on. Just– just be honest with me please.
See, that’s really difficult because it’s hard for me to do that without sounding like a total ass.
OK, so you’re admitting that this is all about your macho pride?
I did not say that.
Yeah? So tell me, why was it OK for me to work for you, but not the other way around? [soft dramatic music]
So Clyde reached out to Chad and demanded a trade.
That’s right.
What could that monster possibly offer Chad?
The location of my sister’s remains.
Oh, God, JJ.
Yeah. Son of a bitch said he’d tell Chad where to find Abigail’s body if he handed Cat Greene over to him on a silver platter.
And EJ went along with all this? Why, just because Chad asked him to?
Well, he didn’t like it, but I guess family loyalty does mean something to him.
Sometimes. So I’m assuming that Clyde wants to kill Cat for screwing up his master plan.
I don’t know. Probably. But I’m pretty sure Chad isn’t gonna let that happen.
OK. Yeah, I got it. I’ll wait for your next instructions. [phone beeps]
What the hell was that?
Well, I had to make him think I was handing you over willingly, right?
Did you need to lay it on so thick?
Which part? Where I called you an idiot?
Yeah, the part where you called me an idiot. Is that how you feel?
I could say a lot of negative things about you, but, no, an idiot is not one of them.
OK. What is his plan? What are the marching orders?
Clyde wants us to be Mr. And Mrs. Chad DiMera. Again.
I don’t get it. We’re back at Clyde wanting us to get married?
He just wants us to check into the hotel as Chad and Abigail DiMera.
What hotel? Where?
I don’t know. He said he would call with the info.
[sighs] He’s toying with us.
What can we do? He holds all the cards.
It’s possible that this is a complete setup, that he never intends to lead us to Abigail or to my mother.
Yeah, that’s a possibility, but we don’t really have another choice, do we?
[sighs] That’s what I thought when he had me masquerading around as your dead wife, and what did you tell me about that? [soft dramatic music]
That we should have found a different way to save your mother. Any other way.
And you were right. I’ve been playing Clyde’s game for a long time. It’s time we started playing a game of our own.
So you actually think Chad would protect that Abigail imposter? I mean, after all the torture that she put him through?
Look, I’m not saying that he isn’t furious, but she’s been worming her way into his life for a while now. Reciting their wedding vows to him, pretending to walk down memory lane.
Pretending being the key word. It was all lies.
Of course, it was. But as hard as it is to believe, Cat claims that she’s actually started to care about him, and now she’s going with the story about how she only went along with Clyde to save her mother’s life.
Do you believe her?
I certainly don’t trust her.
Do you think there’s a possibility that she and Clyde are still working together?
Sure, there is. Weston hates Chad, obviously, so it’s not crazy to think that Cat would be some kind of double agent, pretending to be on Chad’s side when she’s actually delivering him to Clyde.
If you really think that’s a possibility, what are you gonna do about it?
OK. So yeah. Yeah, this is about my pride. I was demoted, right? How could that not hurt my pride?
I understand. Rafe, if you want me to walk away from this–
No. No, Jada, lis– no. Of course, I do not want that. I have told you so many times, you deserve this, and I am happy for you. I’m just– I’m just disappointed for myself.
I am too.
Look, I understand why Paulina put you in that chair. You’re an amazing cop. Your case clearance rate is off the charts. You work your– your little butt off.
For all intents and purposes, you are a great boss.
So great that you don’t want to work for me.
Look, our relationship started with a certain dynamic.
Right. I was your subordinate.
Jada, you know I never thought of you that way.
And you just don’t think you can get used to the reverse dynamic.
OK, listen. The last thing that I would ever want would be to end up silently resenting you. And also…
And also what?
I was nearly killed in the line of duty. For what, right? For– for what? So to potentially ruin our relationship by working together under these circumstances, it just seems to me like it’s a sign, like it’s a sign to do something else.
Like what?
I don’t know. I really don’t, but what I do know is that our relationship– you, you are more important to me than a job at Salem PD, so I think it’s just best for everyone if I just walk away.
So what if I disagree? What if I ask you to stay? What if I say that I need you here, Rafe? Would you reconsider?
Would you come back to the force?
So Hattie. Hattie Adams sent poison cupcakes to the cast and crew.
Why not? You know how furious she was when you fired her. Plus, she refused to do her last scenes and put a curse on the show. Honey, you don’t have to be Jada Hunter to crack this one.
So if you’re right–
Of course, I’m right.
Well, if you’re right, I should take a trip down to the station with this little tip.
Yes, you should. And while you’re at it, you might want to have them arrest the new Lady Whistleblower, whoever she is.
[chuckles] Well, I’m not sure that posting soap opera storylines is a crime.
Well, it darn well should be, for spoiling in the first degree.
I can’t believe this. I actually liked you. I thought I had finally met this rare person I had a real connection with.
Yeah, I thought the same.
Oh, don’t do that. Don’t play on my feelings, not after you betrayed me in the worst possible way.
So you really think the only reason I went out with you, the only reason I slept with you was to steal storylines off your laptop?
Yeah, as twisted as that sounds, it is the only possible conclusion that I can come to. You saw that I was vulnerable, and you took advantage. Why don’t you just, like, have the guts and admit it?
OK. You’re right. I confess.
You confess?
Yeah, I confess. See, I came to town two days ago after my mother died, moved in with my cousin, got a job working as her assistant, saw you at the bar, found out you were the head writer of “Body & Soul,” a show I had never heard of in my life. And because I wanted the fans to know exactly what was gonna happen on your show so they wouldn’t have to keep watching, I got hired as a gossip columnist, even though my grammar sucks and I failed th grade English.
Your grammar’s fine.
So I seduced you, and I had sex with you, and I waited for you to get in the shower so I can get on your laptop and find your secret files, and memorize all the details of your oh-so-fascinating stories, after which I quickly ditched you, and I came here in the ten minutes to publish it all. [soft dramatic music] So the only thing I did do was fall for a world-class jerk.
Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I can’t just sit back and let Chad do Clyde’s bidding. It’s– you know what? I’m sorry about dumping all this on you.
Oh, it’s OK.
It’s just– I don’t really have anybody to talk to who gets it. My family’s wrecked. My mom was always skeptical, but my dad really thought Abigail was alive, and now it’s like he’s lost her all over again.
I’m sorry, JJ.
Thought about going to my Uncle Steve, but given his history with Clyde, I’m afraid he would go rogue and do something to tip Clyde off.
Puts you in a tough position.
I want to find Abigail just as much as Chad does, and I want Weston put away for good.
But you’re worried Chad is in over his head.
He just wants it so badly.
I’m worried about Chad too. I’m also worried about you.
I’ll be fine. I’m a trained cop. I’ll figure it out.
I hope so.
Thank you again for listening.
Of course. Any time.
If we check into the hotel like Clyde wants us to, we’re just sitting ducks. He sees us arrive, we have nothing to protect ourselves, but if someone checks into the hotel under our names, then we can keep our distance. We can watch and turn the tables on Clyde when he arrives to grab me.
It’s not a bad idea.
But where are we gonna find two people willing to put their lives on the line to be decoys for us?
What about my brother?
What about him?
He wants to get my mom home as much as I do, and I know he would do anything to try to make up for what he did to you.
Yeah, I bet he would.
He’s worked with Clyde for months, Chad. He knows how the guy thinks. He could be a really big help.
Yeah, well, see, there’s a little problem. Your brother’s in jail.
Yeah. So was I.
Jada, you don’t really want me to do this.
Whoa, whoa! Whew! Great, great. You’re both here.
Mayor Price.
‘Cause we have got trouble. Now, I just got back from the hospital. Abraham is flat on his back. So is Roman.
What? Oh, my God! What happened?
That we don’t know yet, but I called around to the cast and crew of “Body & Soul.” Turns out Johnny is sick too, as is Alex Kiriakis.
Sick with what?
Well, someone sent cupcakes to the cast and crew, and every person that ate one went down for the count.
Food poisoning?
More like poisoning poisoning. Kayla’s waiting for the blood test to come back to identify the toxin.
All right, do we know where the cupcakes came from?
And what makes you think that someone intentionally poisoned them?
Well, the cupcakes were delivered to each person’s home, along with this card.
“From your B&S family.”
Mm-hmm. Except nobody who works there knows anything about it.
OK, so if this person wasn’t on the show, then how did they get everyone’s addresses?
Good question.
This could be national news if a crime is committed against a popular TV show. We need to get ahead of it. Now, Rafe, you need to get to that hospital and start investigating right now.
Yeah, I’m sorry that this happened, but, uh, Jada’s gonna have to assign someone else to the case.
But I want you on it.
Right, but I was just telling Commissioner Hunter that I am officially resigning from Salem PD.
What? Why?
Personal reasons. I’ll be back for my stuff later, and, uh, I’ll see you at home.
Well, I can’t believe this. Rafe is quitting the force? Did you try to talk him out of it?
Yes, I did. He was very adamant. He feels somewhat hurt about being demoted, and he also said that he doesn’t want the work dynamic to get in the way of our relationship.
Oh, well, I’m very sorry to hear that. But now, I hope you know that that was not my intention when I kept you in the commissioner’s job.
Yes, yes, I do know that, but here we are. and Rafe feels very strongly about it, and I can’t say that I blame him.
Well, if you can’t assign him the cupcake case, then just, you know, get the best detective you have on it, because we need to find out who the hell tried to poison my husband and his coworkers.
I think I can help with that. [soft dramatic music]
You could talk to your brother again. EJ got the charges dropped against me. He could do the same for my brother–
No, it’s never gonna happen.
Why not?
Why? Because my brother got in serious trouble with the mayor for getting you out, and your brother’s facing attempted murder charges for trying to kill yours truly.
He didn’t want to do that, Chad.
OK, well, he was about to do it whether he wanted to do it or not. And– and it’s not exactly like getting you out, all right? I’m– I’m not– I’m not thrilled at the idea of helping free a guy who tried to put a bullet in my head.
I understand that. I get it, OK? But if it can give us the upper hand with–
No! The answer is no.
JJ, if there’s anything I can do to help…
No, thank you, but I can’t– I can’t think of anything right now.
Yeah, well, um, I’m here for you and your family. I mean it.
And not just because I care about you. Uh, I know it’s hard to believe, but I miss your sister…
And I’m really sad that she’s gone. I think she deserves to rest in peace.
Yeah. Yeah, she does.
Also, Clyde Weston, well, he kind of ruined my life, so I’d love the chance to repay that favor.
So, uh, whatever you need.
I’ll let you know.
Please do.
[laughs] It was good to see you, JJ. Good luck.
Thank you. You too.
You know, I thought I’d hit the lottery. [laughs] I met this nice guy who was also a bit of a bad boy. He was sexy and funny. Checked a whole lot of boxes. And, yeah, I thought we made a real connection too. And I was sitting here fantasizing about having sex with you on this desk before you came walking in here.
You were?
Yeah. I was. But that sure as hell is not gonna happen now, because after the way you talked to me, I wouldn’t touch you with a -foot pole ever again. So do me a favor. Get the hell out before I call security.
Javi, please, just let me explain.
I said…
I was upset and paranoid.
Get out. [tense music]
So you think Hattie Adams poisoned those cupcakes?
Do you have proof of this?
Isn’t that where you come in?
But what makes you think it was her?
Because it all adds up. She had motive. I fired her from “Body & Soul.” She was outraged. She made threats against the show. And besides that, she has a criminal record.
Would she have contact info for the cast and crew?
Yes, of course.
Do you know where Hattie is now? You must have had to forward her paycheck.
OK, listen, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, OK? It’s possible that it was still just food poisoning, in which case, it would be under the jurisdiction of Department of Health. So let’s see what the blood tests show, and we’ll go from there.
Oh, well, now I am gonna call Kayla right now. Oh.
[phone beeps]
Oh. Ooh. Ah, hello? Hello? Hello, Kayla? Yeah, hi. Um, you know, anything back with those blood tests yet?
Uh-huh. Just what I thought. Thank you.
The results are back from the lab?
Yep, Uh, those cupcakes were definitely poison. Ooh. But luckily, there were not enough toxins in anyone’s bloodstream to cause major harm.
Ah, so everyone’s OK?
Mm-hmm. Thank God. But this sounds like attempted murder to me.
Yeah, I’m gonna get my team on it right away. And in the meantime, I’ll put an APB out for Hattie Adams.
Well, if we can’t get my brother to help us pull one over on Clyde, who else is there?
I’ll find someone.
Like who? Well, not him. It’s too dangerous.
What’s going on?
Um, Clyde called a little while ago. He, uh, wants me and Cat to meet him at our hotel. Time and place TBD.
OK. What else did he say?
Just that he wants me to hand over Cat, no questions asked. But we’re trying to figure out a way to stay a step ahead of him.
By sending in decoys to check in. So, um, I’m thinking that– that if–
I’m in.
No. You– you didn’t let me finish.
No, I don’t need you to. Of course, I’ll do it.
You realize how dangerous this is gonna be?
I do, and I don’t care.
OK. All right. Um, well, we’re gonna have to find someone to play Mrs. Chad DiMera. Got any ideas?
Actually, I think I do.
Your drink looks good. What’s in it?
Mezcal grapefruit soda. Little bit of jalapeno.
You want to try it?
You don’t mind?
No, I definitely don’t mind. Go for it. [relaxing music]
Mm. That is good. Sorry. I guess I didn’t realize how thirsty I was.
[laughs] Join the club. I mean, I like this place, but the waiters have a tendency to disappear. What’s in a caipirinha?
It’s cachaça, lime, and a little bit of sugar. It’s refreshing if you like something sweet.
I like sweet, sometimes.
Well, I’ll share mine if it ever arrives. It’s only fair.
[laughs] Good. [soft dramatic music]
Oh, good. He’s gone. Can I have my office back now?
Sure. And for the record, Leo and I are done.
Honey, I told you not to eat that cupcake, didn’t I? All right. No, feel better. I’ll call you later. OK, sweetie, bye. Hey! Hey, hey, hey. What happened with spoiler gate? What did the perp have to say?
Well, I confronted the guy.
And? What happened?
I think I made a huge mistake. [dramatic music]
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Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Leo tells Bonnie that he was just about to go online to see what people are saying about Body and Soul. Leo then finds a column claiming to be from his old writing name, Lady Whistleblower, saying they are back.
Gabi finds Javi in her office and questions where the hell he has been.
Leo reads the new column from “Lady Whistleblower”, who says they have the scoop on what happens next on Body and Soul including spoilers.
Kayla joins Roman at the Brady Pub and comments on Roman having Kate’s cupcake. Roman explains that the cupcakes were sent for the Body and Soul premiere and they don’t know by who, but he’s very grateful.
Johnny returns to Chanel in the living room and says that Joy was just eager to get home and prepare for tomorrow’s shoot. Chanel thanks him for checking and talks about looking over her scenes for tomorrow. Chanel forgot how much goes back to the first episode, pointing out that if Arrow just told Faith the truth from the beginning, it would’ve saved them both a lot of heartache as the crime is not as bad as the cover up in this case, it’s much worse. Johnny thinks back to kissing Joy in her hotel room. Chanel calls out to him so Johnny apologizes for spacing out. Chanel asks him what is wrong.
Javi tells Gabi that he might have been late, but he’s here now and making her and her company look good. Gabi argues that she’s been here for hours while he was nowhere to be found. Javi mentions that he did send her a text which Gabi reads and asks him what came up. Javi then admits to Gabi that he was with Leo Stark.
Leo starts to panic while Bonnie tries to keep him calm. Leo continues reading the column where the “Lady Whistleblower” writer spoils upcoming episodes of Body and Soul about how Cassandra’s life will be saved and Charlemagne takes a plunge. Leo declares that his story is completely ruined.
Joy goes to Alex’s apartment and says she’s sorry to just show up but she got his address off the show’s contact list. Alex invites her in as Joy says she tried calling and texting but he didn’t answer. Joy asks if it’s not a bad time and he’s not busy. Alex says he was just having a cupcake. Joy explains that she hoped she could run lines with him and rehearse since they have big scenes coming up. Alex asks if she watched the show. Joy says she did and it was great as Chanel invited her over to watch with her and Johnny. Alex remarks that must have been tense. Joy questions why he would say that.
Johnny tells Chanel that he’s not alright. Chanel notes that he looks really pale. Johnny then gets sick and rushes out of the room.
Leo questions how this could have happened and complains that all his hours of work has been ruined. Bonnie encourages that it will be okay even if people know what’s going to happen. Leo complains that people will have no reason to tune in and questions where the information could have come from…
Gabi reminds Javi that she told him to stay away from Leo and that she is his boss. Gabi doesn’t understand since she warned Javi about Leo and how he came between Will and Sonny. Javi says it actually intrigued him and made him want to get to know Leo better, which he did. Javi then reveals he spent the night in Leo’s hotel room, had a great time, and enjoyed every minute of it.
Alex guesses Joy didn’t hear about Johnny and Chanel’s misunderstanding. Joy confirms that she did. Alex says if he was Johnny, he would’ve checked in to the story more. Alex adds that Johnny’s lucky it didn’t cost him his marriage considering how upset Chanel was. Joy says they seemed to be getting along and moving on while watching the show which Alex says he’s glad to hear. Joy decides it’s probably best for that whole situation stays in the past which Alex agrees with.
Johnny returns to Chanel in the living room and worries that he’s coming down with a stomach bug. Chanel encourages him to go lay down and takes him upstairs.
Roman finishes his cupcake and tells Kayla it was good. Kayla says he deserves a treat after being Kate’s biggest cheerleader throughout all of this and now the day’s finally here. Roman asks if Kayla caught the premiere of Body and Soul. Kayla says she didn’t as she actually slept at the hospital so she could monitor Sarah. Roman questions if she had a setback. Kayla says it’s actually the opposite and they are hopeful she will walk again which shocks Roman. Kayla explains that Dr. Rolf developed a serum that could possibly reverse her paralysis. Roman calls that incredible but asks if it’s safe. Kayla says there’s always questions but Xander and Sarah were willing to take the chance, so they started last night and so far there have been no adverse reactions. Kayla says it would be amazing if Sarah could walk again, play with her daughter, and dance with her husband. Roman agrees that it would be a miracle. Roman starts to feel uneasy, causing Kayla to get concerned.
Joy and Alex rehearse their lines. Alex tells Joy that she’s really good while Joy calls him a pro. Alex says he’s completely new to this too as his life was on a different track then it all blew up, career wise and romance wise. Joy notes that doesn’t sound fun. Alex says after all the drama, he needed something new, so this happened and now he loves this job as it’s fun and exciting. Joy says she loves the job too. Alex then advises Joy not to sleep with her co-workers.
Chanel puts Johnny in bed to take care of him. Johnny states that he doesn’t deserve her.
Kayla worries about Roman looking terrible and pale. Kayla feels that Roman is warm. Roman then admits he doesn’t feel good at all and rushes to the restroom.
Gabi questions Javi liking Leo. Javi calls him funny, interesting, hot, and romantic. Javi says they had a really good time ordering room service and watching Body and Soul. Gabi argues that Leo is self centered and lacking integrity. Gabi calls Leo a creep while Javi says he didn’t get a creepy vibe at all. Javi repeats that he likes Leo. Gabi warns that it’s a recipe for disaster and that Javi is setting himself up for heartbreak. Javi says he can make his own decisions while Gabi argues that Leo could ruin his life and she’s just looking out for him. Javi questions if she is and remarks that he’s thinking it’s all about her.
Leo questions who would’ve given the gossip to the impostor Lady Whistleblower as it’s weeks worth of stories. Leo wonders if it was someone in the cast. Bonnie insists that she only told things to Justin but it couldn’t possibly be him. Leo says whoever did it knows the characters so it has to be someone on the show. Bonnie suggests reading more to try to find a clue. Leo continues reading about a potential return of Charlemagne, mentioning his serial killer dream from Halloween. Bonnie questions how they could know what Leo is dreaming. Leo responds that when he woke up, he wrote it all up on his laptop. Leo then remembers Javi being on his laptop and calls it impossible. Leo then remembers telling Javi that all of his stories were on his laptop and Javi saying he bets the fans would kill to see what’s on it. Leo then screams out in frustration.
Javi argues that Gabi isn’t trying to protect him from heartbreak, but brings up Gabi’s own heartbreak. Gabi asks if he thinks she doesn’t want him to be happy just because Stefan hurt her and if he really thinks she’s that selfish. Javi suggests Gabi is hurting so much that she’s down on love in general. Gabi tries to deny it but then admits maybe this is about her being hurt, having her heart broken, and not wanting the same thing to happen to him. Javi then hugs her.
Chanel tells Johnny that Cook is making him jell-o and offers to get him another blanket. Johnny worries about Chanel getting sick too but Chanel says for him, she will risk it as she gets in bed with him.
Joy asks Alex about hooking up with the show’s publicist. Alex admits he messed that up and almost cost Stephanie her job. Joy says maybe it wasn’t his fault, but the curse that she heard about. They talk about Hattie. Joy says maybe she put her hex on everybody. Alex doesn’t know how much he believes in that any more than he believes the cupcakes are poisoned as he takes a bite of his cupcake.
Kayla brings Roman in to the hospital. Kate arrives and asks what happened. Roman insists that Kayla overreacted and he’s fine. Kayla argues that he got violently ill and almost lost consciousness. Kate asks if there’s something going around or if it was food poisoning. Roman responds that the only thing he ate was Kate’s cupcake. Kate reveals that she just brought Abe home early as he got sick. Kayla wonders if they are dealing with tainted baked goods again.
Joy asks Alex why he thought the cupcake was poisoned. Alex explains that Bonnie thought it was Hattie’s revenge so she tried to throw it in the trash. Alex insists that Bonnie was wrong because he feels fine and the cupcake was delicious.
Kayla wants to draw Roman’s blood to see what is in his system. Kayla asks about the cupcakes. Roman says there was no label on the box and he would hate to think someone is out to get Chanel again. Kayla feels they need to get to the bottom of this. Kate says she will go ask around as she exits.
Johnny tells Chanel this is really nice as they lay in bed together. Johnny tells Chanel that he loves her so much and that she means everything to him and he never wants to lose this. Chanel asks why he would think he would lose it.
Javi tells Gabi that he’s so sorry that Stefan hurt her but he’s not worth her tears if he doesn’t know how lucky he was to have her. Javi calls Gabi an amazing person and says he’s proud to be her cousin. Gabi apologizes for giving him a hard time about Leo. Javi asks if that means she will back off because he likes Leo a lot and felt they had a real connection, so he could use her support.
Leo argues that this can’t be and questions why he would as it makes no sense. Leo thinks back to Javi telling Leo that he needed another job to make ends meet. Leo then rushes out of his room, leaving Bonnie confused.
Johnny tells Chanel that he’s just so lucky to have her and he truly loves her so much. Chanel assures that he’s not going to lose her as they have been through way too much and just went through a really tough thing but it wasn’t unfixable. Chanel says she loves him too and she’s not going anywhere.
Kayla tells Roman that she will take his blood to the lab to see what’s going on. Roman wonders if somebody did tamper with the cupcakes. Kayla says it’s possible and hopes anyone else who had one is okay.
Joy and Alex resume rehearsing but Alex gets sick and runs to the restroom.
Kate runs in to Bonnie in the town square. Kate informs Bonnie that Abe and Roman both got really sick after eating cupcakes. Bonnie says she suspected that and made sure Alex didn’t eat his. Bonnie asks if the day can get any worse which Kate questions. Bonnie reveals that there’s a new Lady Whistleblower and they put Body and Soul spoilers out. Bonnie says the good thing is that Leo seems to know who did it, but he ran off before he could tell her.
Javi asks Gabi if she will let him date Leo in peace now. Gabi decides he’s a grown ass man and will refrain from commenting. Leo then walks in to the office and tells Javi that he needs to speak to him in private. Gabi says she has a meeting to get to anyway. Gabi warns Leo that if he messes with Javi, he messes with her. Gabi then exits. Javi tells Leo that he’s sorry about his cousin being protective. Leo tells Javi to get his hands off of him. Javi asks what’s wrong. Leo responds that he knows what he did and he’s not going to get away with it.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
The entire episode focuses on Sam’s funeral.
Sam’s family and friends gather to share memories of her. The audience sees clips of each person with Sam and, at the end of the funeral, the audience sees more clips and memories of Sam.
Lucas and Ava are at Julian’s grave having a talk. Lucas tells Ava he isn’t at Sam’s funeral because Danny didn’t want him at the funeral since he blames him for Sam’s death. Lucas tells Ava that he won’t know what caused Sam’s death until they get the results of the autopsy. Lucas tells Ava he will gladly take the blame if it will help Sam’s family grieve. Ava reminds Lucas he isn’t alone and, if he needs to talk, she will be there for him.
Lulu opens her eyes.
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Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Sally tells Chelsea that she has accepted the inevitable, that she and Adam belong together because Adam has never stopped loving her. Chelsea tells Sally that she and Adam will never get back together. Sally thinks Chelsea is lying to herself about her feelings for Adam.
Diane tells Jack there is something suspicious about how easily Victor gave her Glissade. Diane thinks the only way they will heal the rift with Kyle is to make him co-CEO of Jabot. Jack and Diane decide to keep up the act that they are getting a divorce until Jabot officially belongs to Diane.
Billy tells Jack that he has not only lost Abbott-Chancellor but he has lost the relationship with his mother too.
Daniel demands that Sharon tell him why she killed Heather. Sharon tells Daniel she never intended to kill Heather and apologizes for all the pain she has caused him and Lucy.
Jordan is grateful to Ian for the identity swap that helped her escape from prison. Jordan makes it clear they are equal partners in this plan. Ian asks Jordan to find out how Faith and Mariah are being affected by Sharon being arrested for Heather’s
Daniel tells Nick he will make sure Sharon serves time in prison for what she has done and she doesn’t spend time in a psychiatric ward. Michael tells Christine he is going to use the insanity defense to help Sharon. Daniel and Summer worry because Phyllis still hasn’t awakened and remains unconscious.
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Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
I was just going to go online to see what people are saying.
What the–
What is it? What’s wrong?
Lady Whistleblower is “back”?
Cuz, hi.
Where the hell have you been?
I thought you were Lady Whistleblower?
So did I.
Well, what did she say, whoever she is?
“Lady W here. I’ve been gone for a spell. But now I’m back. And get comfortable, dear reader, for I have returned to my rightful position as the all-seeing, all-knowing frenemy to all. And, darlings, Lady W just caught the premiere of “Body & Soul.” And, boy, do I have opinions. That premiere left me on the edge of my seat. You too? Dying to know what happens next? Well, gird your loins, my angels, because Lady Whistleblower’s got the scoop.” Scoop? What scoop?
I’m not sure I want to know.
“If you like spoilers, you’ve come to the right place.”
Well, that looks yummy. Is that a new addition to your dessert menu?
No, I did not get into the bakery game. Someone sent these to the cast and crew of “Body & Soul” for Premiere Day.
Yeah, but you are not part of the cast or crew. So how did you rate?
Katie was kind enough to give me hers.
Oh, aren’t you lucky? So who sent them?
I don’t know. But whoever did, I am very, very grateful.
Everything all right with Joy?
Yeah, yeah, she just– you know, she was just eager to get home and prep for tomorrow’s shoot, like she said.
Oh. OK. Well, thank you for checking.
You too, huh?
Well, looking over my scenes for tomorrow, yeah. Oh, wow, it’s– it’s actually crazy. I forgot how much goes back to the first episode.
What do you mean?
Well, if Arrow had just told Faith the truth from the very beginning, then it just would have saved them both a lot of heartache, you know? So I totally get where Faith is coming from. I mean, the crime is not even as bad as the cover-up in this case. It’s worse. It’s much worse. [dramatic music]
Johnny? Johnny? Hello?
Sorry, I– yeah, I must have– must have spaced out for a minute.
OK. Is something wrong? Johnny, what is it? [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
Girl, it’s all good.
Excuse me?
I might have been a teensy bit late. But I am here now. And I am making my A-list cousin and her blazing hot company look good.
A teensy bit late? I’ve been here for hours, Javi– white-knuckling it without my soy latte, I might add, because you were nowhere to be found. I finally gave in and poured myself a cup of swill from the kitchenette.
Oh, I’m sorry. But I did send you a text.
The text, right. The incredibly informative text. “Something suddenly came up.” Could you have maybe been a little bit more specific?
Fine. If you must know, I was with Leo Stark.
Spoilers? What does she mean by spoilers?
More like spoiled, like last week’s hollandaise.
OK, what else does she say?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I feel a panic attack coming on.
What is it? What can I do? What can I do?
Just hold my hand, OK?
No, I will hold your hand.
I’ve got all the symptoms. My–my heart is racing. My mouth is dry. My ears are ringing. And my tongue is starting to swell. Does it look bigger to you?
No, it doesn’t look any bigger. But, well, I don’t know what your tongue–
Of course. How would you know what my tongue looks like? Just hold my hand while I read the rest, OK?
I won’t let it go.
OK, here goes. “In the premiere episode airing today, it looked as though Kassandra Lovegood was doomed to die of a disfiguring disease. But plot twist, everyone, she will be spared when her son Arrow returns from the jungle with a lifesaving begonia.”
Doesn’t that happen next week?
End of next week.
OK, maybe you should–
No, no, no. I need to see what this riffraff rip-off artist knows. “Still with me, Pineview Heads? You might have thought Kassandra would wind up six feet under. But Charlemagne’s headed for the sub-sub-sub-sub-basement when her shenanigans catch up with her and she takes a header down the elevator shaft.” Oh, my God. I don’t believe this. It’s all in here. My story is ruined. Completely ruined! [hyperventilating] [knocking]
Mm. Joy, hey.
Hi, Alex. I’m sorry to just show up like this. But I got your address off the show’s contact list.
Oh. OK, yeah, no problem. Did you want to come in?
Are you sure?
Yeah, come on.
OK. I–I tried calling. I texted too. But you didn’t answer.
Oh, I’m sorry. My ringer must be off.
OK, so it’s not a bad time? You’re not busy?
No, I’m just having a little cupcake. What can I do for you?
Well, I was actually hoping to maybe go over some of my scenes for next week, learn my lines a little bit better. Does the constant freaking out about forgetting them ever go away?
Oh, my God. I hope so. But not for me yet.
Oh, great. Well, that’s too bad. Anyway, I was just thinking, since today is a dark day for the show and we have a couple of big scenes coming up, maybe we could rehearse a little bit?
Sure, yeah, please. Did you watch the show today, the premiere?
Yeah. Yeah, I did. It was great. Chanel actually invited me over to watch with her and Johnny.
Really? That must have been tense.
Why would you say that? [nervously chuckles]
Johnny, are– are you all right?
Actually, no, I’m not.
Well, what’s wrong? What is it?
Johnny, you look really pale.
Ooh. Oh, no. OK. Ugh. [tense music]
How could this have happened? All my hours and hours of work ruined.
You stop talking like that right now. Do you hear me? Leo, nothing is ruined. So what? Some people know what’s going to happen on the show. I was watching “Beverly Hills Housewives” last night, right? And I know exactly what’s going to happen when Annemarie throws that party for Diamonds and Diplomats. But you know what? I’m now even more excited to watch the next episode.
Well, maybe that works for the “Housewives of Beverly Hills,” Bonnie, but not for “Body & Soul.” Oh, my God. The show has barely hit the internet, and already an audience can pass a pop quiz on a whole month’s worth of episodes. They know you’re going to be saved by the miracle begonia and that Charlemagne is going to take a tumble down the elevator shaft.
OK, OK. I see your point. But let’s try to look at the bright side. I mean, my fans will be happy, right? I mean, they’ll keep watching even after my deathbed scenes.
No, the reward for watching is the surprise that you live! There would have been parties dancing in the street. People would have been kissing perfect strangers. Now they have no reason to tune in when Arrow shows up with that begonia.
Calm down, Leo! Some people like spoilers.
Well, I am not one of them. And where would Lady Plagiarizer have even gotten any of this information? Where could it have come from? [curious music]
You were with Leo? Damn it, Javi. Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from–
You’re not the boss of me, prima.
That’s exactly what I am. But since your tush is parked in my chair, maybe you’re confused about that. I don’t understand, Javi. I’ve warned you about that jerk and how he tried to come in between Will and Sonny.
That was a warning? Because, you see, the part about Leo and Sonny having sex on the desk actually intrigued me. Made me want to get to know him better. Which I did.
Which–are you telling me–
Yeah, that’s what I’m telling you. I spent the night in Leo Stark’s hotel room. And guess what? I had a really great time. And I enjoyed every minute of it, in fact. And I like him.
Well, I’m guessing you didn’t hear about Johnny and Chanel’s little misunderstanding.
Oh, that. Yeah, yeah, I heard all about that.
OK, then you know that it was pretty embarrassing for all concerned. I mean, nothing against Johnny. He’s a good guy, good director. But if Seth Burns told me that my wife was having sex on set with a costar, I would have done a little more checking into that story before just running off half-cocked, which Johnny did.
Yeah, I heard.
Man, he’s lucky that didn’t cost him his marriage. Seriously, that’s how upset Chanel was that day.
Yeah, I guess it was pretty bad. But, I mean, when I was watching the show with them earlier, they seemed to be getting along just fine. I mean, seems like they’re both moving on.
Good. Well, I’m glad to hear.
I mean, we all have a job to do, right? So it’s probably best if that whole situation can just, you know, stay in the past.
Totally agree. For sure.
Oh, there you are. I was just about to come check on you. How are you feeling?
Not good. I think I must be coming down with something. Maybe some kind of stomach bug.
Oh, no. OK, come on, you need to go lie down. All right, I’m taking you upstairs.
Ugh. Good.
[chuckles] Ooh.
Damn, that was good.
Yeah, I could tell. I mean, you devoured it in two giant bites.
Oh, I didn’t offer you any.
No, please. I–I don’t want any. Listen, I’m just giving you a hard time because, you know, I do believe that you deserve a treat after being Kate’s biggest cheerleader through all this. But, look, the day has finally actually happened.
It has, indeed. Did you catch the episode?
No, no, I didn’t. I–I actually slept at the hospital last night so I could monitor Sarah.
Sarah? Did she have a setback?
No, no. Actually, you know, kind of the opposite. In fact, we’re very hopeful that she’s going to walk again soon.
Yeah. I mean, good old Dr. Rolf– a genius, though wacko scientist– has developed a serum that could possibly reverse her paralysis.
I mean, that’s incredible. But the serum, is it–is it safe?
Well, there’s always a lot of unanswered questions with something so experimental. But Sarah and Xander were willing to take a chance on it. So we started last night.
And so far, no adverse reaction. I mean, wouldn’t it be amazing, Roman, if Sarah could walk again and run and play with her daughter and– and dance with her husband?
Yes, I mean, that would be a miracle. But you know what? No matter what, I do know that Sarah’s– Sarah’s going to be in great hands because, I mean, there are, you know, there are doctors, and then there is Dr. Kayla Johnson.
I appreciate that. But I’ll tell you something. Dr. Kayla Johnson is a little concerned about Mr. Roman Brady’s health at the moment.
What? I mean, why?
Well, because you are starting to look a little green around the gills, big brother. [unsettling music]
Stop pretending, damn it. We both know what you want.
I know what I want.
Or so you think. You are deluding yourself, Arrow.
Or is it possible that you’re the one who’s deluded? Is it possible that you are in denial about my love for Faith?
Please. You know damn well that goody-two-shoes will never be enough for you. You need a real woman. Someone who knows what makes you happy and satisfied. You need me. [sultry music]
“On Arrow, tempted.” Wow! Good!
You really think so?
Yes, I think so.
Oh, my God. I feel like it’s all I can do to memorize my lines. And you, wow, you– you’re such a pro.
Oh, my God. Not at all. That’s the last thing I am. Are you kidding me? I’m completely new to this stuff, too. Seriously, my whole life was on a completely different track before all this. And then, I don’t know, it all just kind of blew up, career-wise, romance-wise.
Oh. That doesn’t sound fun.
Nah. It was tough for a little while. But, you know, after all the drama, I just needed something new, you know? So this happened. And I’m grateful. You know, I love this job. It’s fun. It’s exciting.
Yeah. Yeah, for me, too. I love this job.
Good. I’m glad. A little advice, though. Don’t sleep with your coworkers. [tense music]
Yeah, saltines and ginger ale.
Oh, yeah. Well, I’m not sure I can keep that down or anything down.
Well, you have to have something in your stomach, all right? And that’s what Mama used to always give me when I was sick. Bland is your friend right now, OK?
You take such good care of me.
Oh, this is nothing. Play your cards right, and I might even make you some Jell-O.
Oh, Chanel, I don’t deserve you.
I’m serious. You look–you look terrible.
Well, gee. Gee, thanks, Sis.
No, no, you look greener and paler by the second. You know, you’re definitely warm.
OK, Sis. You know, now that you mention it, I– you know what, I don’t feel good. I–I don’t feel good at all. Not at all.
You like Leo Stark?
What’s not to like? He’s funny. He’s interesting. He’s hot. He’s romantic.
Ugh. Are we talking about the same Leo Stark?
I had a really great time, like I said. We ordered room service. We watched his show.
Oh. Well, that may have all seemed romantic. And Leo may be funny and interesting. But he is also totally self-consumed, not to mention lacking anything even resembling integrity. He’s a world-class creep, Javi.
Yeah? Well, I didn’t get a creepy vibe from him at all. And I will repeat, I like him.
Well, don’t say that I didn’t warn you that being with Leo is a recipe for disaster. You’re just setting yourself up for heartbreak, Javi.
So I can’t judge my own love life?
I’m talking about someone who could ruin your life. I’m just looking out for you.
Are you?
What does that mean?
You’re making this about me, protecting me. But I’m starting to think it’s all about you.
Someone had to give this so-called lady all the goss. But who?
Maybe someone left a script laying around.
It’s too much information for one script. This is weeks of story. Maybe it was someone in the cast.
Don’t look at me. I didn’t tell anyone anything.
OK, Justin. But it couldn’t possibly be him. First, he’s a good person. And secondly, he wants this show to succeed. And thirdly, he can’t keep any of the names of the characters straight. He keeps calling Faith “Charity.”
OK. So it’s not him since whoever squealed knows all the characters. More proof it’s someone who works on the show.
Oh, come on. There’s got to be a way to figure this out. Let’s read some more. Maybe there’s a clue.
“Don’t you worry, all you Charlemagne-iacs out there. The good Ms. Delacroix might only be mostly dead. You didn’t hear it from me, but it looks like she’ll be making a triumphant return soon as part of the upcoming Pineview Plunger story.”
Pineview Plunger? What the hell is a Pineview Plunger?
It’s a serial killer story that came to me in a dream on Halloween.
Oh, come on. How could this mystery gossip columnist possibly know what you’re dreaming?
Because when I woke up, I wrote it all up on my laptop. What are you doing? Oh, my God.
What is it? What’s wrong?
No, it’s impossible. It is literally, figuratively, every other-ively an impossibility. He can’t be Lady Whistleblower. Behold. Everything that will befall the citizens of Pineview for the next three months is resting in this very laptop, waiting for me to bring it to life. All the drama, the intrigue, the romance.
Wow. I bet your fans would kill to see what’s on there.
Gabriella, I love you. You know that. But this isn’t you trying to protect me from heartbreak.
Of course it is–
No, this is you full of your own heartbreak because your husband stepped out on you, he divorced you, he deserted you. Did I leave anything out?
You think I don’t want you to be happy because Stefan hurt me? You really think I’m that selfish?
No. But maybe you’re hurting so much that you are afraid that someone you care about is taking a risk because you’re down on love, which I would be, too, if I went through what you did. I’m just saying.
No, but this isn’t–I– look, I mean, I wouldn’t– Or maybe I would. Maybe this is about me being hurt. Having my heart broken… and not wanting the same thing to happen to you.
Come here.
[sighs] Cook got very territorial when I tried to make your Jell-O. So I decided to be the bigger person and step aside. It’ll be ready in a couple of hours.
When I was a kid, he used to always make me Jell-O when I was sick.
Mm. More ginger ale?
No, I’m good.
Maybe another blanket?
Yeah. Actually, I’m a little chilled.
Actually, I have a better idea.
Chanel, no, no. You’re going to get sick, too.
For you, I’ll risk it. [tender music]
Right, right. You hooked up with the show’s publicist, Stephanie.
Yeah, yeah. I kind of messed that one up. Almost cost her her job.
Well, maybe it wasn’t your fault. Maybe it was the curse.
[laughs] The curse. You heard about that, too, huh?
That they fired an actor who put a curse on the show for revenge?
Yeah, I heard about that.
Yeah, Hattie. She used to play Charlemagne.
God, it sounds more like a plot line than reality.
I know, right? Seriously. She overplayed her hand on that one. Next thing she knew, character’s just tumbling down an elevator shaft.
Yeah, but maybe she had enough time to put her hex on everybody before she went and split.
Yeah, I don’t know how much I believe in all that, any more than I believe that these lovely little cupcakes are poisoned. Mmm. Mm.
Roman? Kayla gave me the message. What happened?
It’s nothing. My little sister overreacted. That’s all. I’m fine.
Fine? You got violently ill and almost lost consciousness.
What? Well, what do you think it is? I mean, is there a bug going around? Do you think it’s food poisoning?
Hey, the only thing I ate this morning was your cupcake.
Oh, my.
Oh, my, what?
I just had to bring Abe home early from work because he ate a cupcake, and he got sick. I mean, I thought maybe it just disagreed with him. But now I–
Don’t tell me we are dealing with tainted baked goods again.
Why did you think that cupcake was poisoned?
Oh, I didn’t. My stepmom was ready to call the CDC on everyone who got them from “Body & Soul.” She thinks it’s, like, Hattie’s revenge or something like that. So she took mine and threw it in the trash.
The one you just ate?
Yes, that’s the one. Five-second rule.
That’s not really a thing, you know.
Honestly, though, it was in a box.
Far be it from me to judge.
Thank you. Regardless, Bonnie was wrong because I feel fine. Cupcake’s not poisoned. Actually, it was delicious.
Roman, I would like to draw your blood so we can see what’s in your system. And I’d also like to test the cupcake.
Well, I’m afraid I ate the evidence.
Oh. Well, Abe demolished his cupcake.
Well, do you know where they’re from?
Well, there was no label on the box. But first bakery that comes to mind is Sweet Bits. But after last year’s debacle with the biscuits, I just– I’d hate to think that somebody’s out to get Chanel again.
Well, so would I, but I think we need to get to the bottom of this, and fast.
OK, I’m going to go notify the cast and crew. Are you OK here–
I’m fine. Look, feeling better already.
All right. Well, I’m going to run by Sweet Bits as well and see perhaps if someone put in an order there. I’ll be back.
This is really nice.
What? What could be nice about lying in bed with a stomach bug?
Laying in bed with a stomach bug with you.
Mm. That’s so sweet.
You know, I love you so much, Chanel. You mean everything to me. Having you, having this, I just never want to lose it.
Why would you think that you would lose it?
[laughs] Damn. There goes my mascara.
I am so sorry that Stefan hurt you. But he is not worth your tears if he didn’t know how lucky he was to have you.
You’re just saying that to make me feel better. So keep it coming. [laughs]
You’re an amazing person. And I am proud to be your cousin.
Right back at you, Javier. I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time about Leo.
So does that mean that you’re going to back off? Because like I said, I like him a lot. I felt like we had a real connection. So I need your support on this. Will you stop trash talking the guy?
No, it can’t be.
What can’t be?
I mean, he wouldn’t.
Who wouldn’t?
Why would he?
All right, that’s a who, what, and a why. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
It makes no sense. He already has a job.
Ugh, I love my cousin, but, man, is she frugal. Ugh. And she’s barely paying me above minimum wage to be at her beck and call for /.
That’s not right. You need to ask for a raise.
I mean, maybe at some point, but in the meantime, I’ve got to find another gig to make ends meet.
Another gig, indeed.
Leo. Leo! Are–are you coming back here?
I’m just– I’m so lucky to have you. I–I truly– I love you so much. And I don’t know, if– if any–I don’t know, if something–
Johnny. Johnny. Johnny, listen to me, OK? You are not going to lose me. We have been through way too much. And we just went through this really tough thing. But it’s not like it was unfixable, OK? I love you, too, Johnny. And I am not going anywhere. [poignant music]
OK, I’m going to get this to the lab. And they’ll let us know what’s going on.
You think it could be the cupcakes? I mean, maybe somebody tampered with them?
Well, it’s certainly possible. I just hope that anybody else who got one is OK.
You can deny all you want, Arrow. But I know you want me.
Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t. [clears throat] Don’t touch me. I feel like I’m going to be sick.
No, Alex, your next line is–
No, I’m gonna– I’m gonna be sick. Ugh!
Oh, Kate, hi.
Bonnie, please, tell me you didn’t eat one of those cupcakes.
Sure didn’t.
Oh, good, good. Abe and Roman both ate one. They both got really, really sick.
I knew it. I suspected there was something up with those cupcakes. That’s why I made sure Alex didn’t eat his. Thank God. Jeez. Could this day get any worse?
What does that mean?
You didn’t see? Oh, apparently, there’s a new Lady Whistleblower in town. And somehow she got a hold of Leo’s stories, and she ran the spoilers in her column.
Oh, my–what?
I know, I know, I know. But the good news is, Leo seemed to know who did it. Well, he ran off before he told me who that was.
So, what do you say? Are you going to let me date Leo in peace?
Fine. You’re a grown ass man capable of making your own life decisions. So I will refrain from commenting from now on.
Hi. Hi.
Hello, Leo.
I need to speak to you in private.
Of course. Do you mind?
No problem. I have a meeting to get to anyway. Uh, and just so you know, Leo, you mess with him, you mess with me.
Sorry about my cousin. She’s just being protective. It’s so good to see you.
Get your hands off me.
What’s wrong?
Plenty is wrong. Wrong and dishonest and unethical and downright–
Leo, what the hell?
I know what you did, Javi. And you’re not going to get away with this. [tense music]
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Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
At the DiMera Mansion, Johnny joins EJ in the living room where EJ informs Johnny that someone sent cupcakes to celebrate the premiere of Body and Soul. Johnny reads the card as from the Body and Soul team. EJ mentions the show premiering this morning and questions Johnny not sounding excited. EJ guesses he’s still stewing over the situation with Joy Wesley. Johnny calls it a big situation. Johnny asks if he’s just supposed to forget it happened and put on a happy face. Johnny complains that he cheated on his wife and it’s all he thinks about.
Kate joins Joy at the Brady Pub. Joy talks about learning her lines. Kate hopes she takes time to have fun too and asks if she’s met anyone new or made any friends in Salem. Joy says just the other cast members as they’ve all been so nice, especially Chanel who invited her to dinner last night. Kate jokes about Joy trying to steal Chanel’s man on screen but says she’s very glad to hear they are friends off screen. Roman brings Kate a cupcake in celebration of Body and Soul’s first episodes streaming today. Kate wonders who sent it.
Paulina shows Abe that he got a cupcake delivered by messenger with no signature, just mentioning that it’s in celebration of Body and Soul. Abe guesses it could be from Kate but Paulina jokes that she’d definitely want the credit and sign her name so they wonder who sent it.
Bonnie goes to Alex’s apartment and says she doesn’t mean to barge in. Alex says he didn’t want to watch the premiere of Body and Soul alone anyway. Bonnie talks about everyone else at the Kiriakis Mansion waiting to hear the results of Sarah’s treatment. Alex knows it can’t be easy. Bonnie thought maybe they could distract themselves by watching Body and Soul and enjoying cupcakes. Bonnie notes that they were on Alex’s doorstep. Alex asks who sent them. Bonnie says the card doesn’t say, just that it’s from their Body and Soul family, but guesses it’s Leo. Bonnie talks about Leo having a sweet tooth, so she bets he’s lonely and lovesick.
Leo wakes up in bed with Javi. They joke with each other as Javi asks what Leo remembers. Leo recalls that they shut down the bar and then it gets hazy. Javi says one minute they were talking and then they start kissing.
Alex asks Bonnie why Leo would be so secretive if he sent the cupcakes instead of wanting them all to know how thoughtful he was. Bonnie agrees that’s true and suggests maybe it’s from their producers but Alex questions why they would send cupcakes anonymously.
Kate decides she will call Abe to see if he knows who sent the cupcakes because the Body and Soul family could be anyone. Roman is sure the mystery will be solved. As Kate steps away, Roman sits with Joy and asks how things are going with her new room above the Pub which she praises. Roman asks if his grandson is treating her well on set. Joy assures that he is and calls Johnny the best.
Johnny tells EJ that he’s the worst and nothing he says will make him feel any less guilty about what he did with Joy. EJ understands he made a mistake only because he believed that Chanel cheated on him and he can’t keep beating himself up like this. Johnny brings up Chanel inviting Joy over for dinner last night and calls it the most uncomfortable meal of his life. Johnny feels there has to be a way out of this. EJ warns that if he keeps wearing his guilt on his sleeve, Chanel is going to know something is wrong. Johnny asks if that would be so bad and says he hates keeping this from Chanel but he promised Joy that he wouldn’t say anything and he doesn’t want to put her job at risk. EJ asks what about Johnny’s job as he’s putting that at risk as well. EJ urges Johnny to keep his mouth shut, saying Chanel doesn’t need to know about any of this right as Chanel walks in and asks what she doesn’t need to know about. EJ claims they were discussing Paulina as they had a rather lively disagreement yesterday about a case he declined to prosecute. EJ knows there have been troubles on set, so he didn’t want to add to her worries, and assures that he will repair the damage with Paulina. Chanel says she’s not worried about it. EJ encourages that Johnny will eventually earn Chanel’s forgiveness. Chanel admits he’s getting there. EJ decides to leave them alone and exits the room. Johnny compliments Chanel on making the cupcakes but Chanel reveals that she has no idea where they came from. Chanel then informs Johnny that she invited Joy over to watch the Body and Soul premiere with them.
Roman asks Joy if everything is alright. Joy mentions missing a text from Chanel, who invited her over to watch Body and Soul with Johnny. Roman says that sounds fun but Joy worries that it’s just a pity invitation. Roman encourages that she wouldn’t have invited her if they didn’t want here there. Kate calls Abe and questions the cupcakes not coming from him or Paulina. Abe says Paulina thought maybe someone from the cast did. Kate calls it strange that no one would sign it and brings up the premiere. Abe invites Kate and Roman over to watch the premiere with them. Kate admits that she’d probably be less nervous if they were all together watching.
Leo invites Javi to stay for breakfast but Javi says he has to get to work and sees he has missed texts and calls from Gabi. Leo reminds Javi that today is the premiere of his show, calling it one of the first things he’s done in his life that he’s really proud of so it would be nice to share it with someone he likes. Javi responds that he likes him too and decides he’s going to stay. Leo asks about Gabi. Javi says he loves her but she’s barely paying him above minimum wage. Leo thinks he should ask for a raise. Javi thinks he’ll have to find another job to make ends meet but today, he’ll just be late and tell Gabi that something suddenly came up as he and Leo continue kissing.
Alex tells Bonnie that it was classy of whoever sent the cupcakes. Alex goes to take a bite but Bonnie stops him and says he can’t eat that and worries that it could be poisoned. Alex questions her thinking that. Bonnie says it’s possible. Alex asks who the hell would do that. Bonnie says there are plenty of sick and twisted individuals in this world, then asks what if it was Hattie since she was a part of the Body and Soul family and she was furious about getting killed off. Bonnie reminds Alex that Hattie put a curse on the show before walking off set, so this could be it. Bonnie reminds Alex of the drugged biscuits last year. Alex doubts history will repeat itself. Bonnie says they can’t be too sure and it’s better to be safe than sorry, so she puts the cupcakes in the trash.
Roman and Kate go to Abe and Paulina’s to watch the premiere of Body and Soul. Paulina mentions the cupcake that they can all share. Roman says he has Kate’s at the Pub since she’s not big on sweets so they can have it. Paulina says she has to watch her sugar and it was meant for Abe as the producer of the show. Paulina then gives Abe the cupcake and he takes a bite. Abe feels guilty about the only one eating the cupcake but Paulina says he should be rewarded for all of his hard work on what she knows will be the most successful soap opera in history. Paulina encourages Abe to eat the cupcake with no guilt so he continues.
Leo and Javi have room service breakfast in Leo’s room. Leo finds a cupcake with it and guesses it’s to celebrate the Body and Soul premiere. Javi asks what he should know before they watch the show. Leo explains that the show aired for years before moving to streaming and how he writes for all the characters. Leo remarks that everything that will befall the citizens of Pineview is on his laptop. Javi guesses the fans would kill to know what’s on it. Leo talks about how they would have no reason to watch if they knew what was happening. Leo talks about the anticipation and making sure that the information on his laptop never falls in to the wrong hands. Javi says he’s impressed and glad he stayed. They then decide they aren’t very hungry for good, so they resume kissing.
Johnny questions why Chanel would invite Joy over. Chanel says she was just being nice and asks why Johnny is reacting like this. Johnny says he likes Joy fine but they had dinner with her last night, so he hoped they could watch the premiere together just the two of them in bed. Chanel says that sounds really nice and they can get in bed together when they go to sleep but it’s too late now since she already invited Joy. Johnny argues that she could uninvite her and say something came up but EJ returns with Joy, saying he found her on his way out the door.
Bonnie suggests to Alex that they could invite Stephanie to their watch party but Alex doesn’t think that’s a great idea, reminding her that they are supposed to be keeping their distance. Bonnie thought that was only at work and jokes that she can be their chaperone. Alex thanks her but thinks they could use the space and that Stephanie is probably doing a bunch of press work.
Chanel urges Johnny to sit on the couch between her and Joy to watch the premiere, so he does. EJ wishes he could stay but says he’s looking forward to watching Body and Soul when he gets home. EJ asks if they aren’t going to partake in the cupcakes. Chanel tells EJ that he can have her cupcake, so EJ thanks her and takes it. EJ congratulates them on the show and then exits. Johnny then decides to eat his cupcake.
Paulina questions Abe not eating. Abe talks about feeling nervous about seeing the show. Paulina encourages that whether the show is a hit or not, they can look at what they accomplished. Roman adds that Abe and Kate put it all together, brought jobs to Salem and basically created a whole new industry. Paulina thinks they should be proud of themselves which Kate and Abe say they are. Roman jokes that he and Abe have come a long way from chasing down criminals. Roman toasts to Abe and Kate while Paulina toasts to Body and Soul. Paulina jokes that she already has her dress picked out for the daytime Emmys.
Javi suggests that he and Leo watch Body and Soul on his laptop. Leo jokes about feeling he’s attending a premiere as they lay in bed together to watch Body and Soul.
Bonnie and Alex finish watching the premiere of Body and Soul. Bonnie says she has goosebumps and calls it better than expected. Alex praises her being amazing in her acting and calls her incredibly talented. Bonnie thanks him and says it means so much because she thinks he’s the talented actor. Bonnie tells Alex that he has it all going on. Alex thanks her but hopes the viewers agree and keep tuning in. Bonnie decides she should get going to learn her lines for next week. Alex thanks her for coming by and watching with him as it was more fun than watching by himself. Bonnie thanks him for having her and jokingly wonders if she’ll be recognized or asked for an autograph as she walks home. Bonnie then exits.
Roman and Paulina applaud as Roman says Body and Soul was great. Kate agrees. Paulina calls it wonderful writing and praises the cast, adding that she’s so proud of Chanel. Kate tells Abe that she didn’t think they could do it in time, but they did. Roman congratulates them. Paulina wishes they could binge watch as she can’t wait to find out what happens next. Kate says that’s what they want from people all across the country.
Joy calls it a great first episode of Body and Soul which Chanel agrees with. Joy tells Chanel that she was great. Chanel says she couldn’t have done it without Johnny. Joy thinks she’s met everyone from the first episode except the actress who played Charlemagne. Johnny notes that would be Hattie Adams, so Joy asks what happened to her. Johnny says the producers fired her. Chanel adds that they killed her off and she went crazy. Johnny explains that Hattie was determined to get back at everyone and when she left, she announced she was putting a curse on the show which Chanel says was to make sure terrible things happen to everyone who wronged her. Joy questions if they believe Hattie has that kind of power. Chanel points out that Johnny’s birthday party did happen after that. Joy decides she should go, learn her lines, and call her mom. Chanel thanks her for coming and says it was fun so they should do it again sometime. Joy says she’ll see her at work and exits. Chanel comments that Joy was acting kind of weird and left really abruptly, so she asks Johnny to go make sure she’s okay.
Leo asks what Javi thought of Body and Soul. Javi calls it wild and assures that he loved it. Javi thinks Leo is a genius then says his life will come to a halt if he doesn’t get to work. Javi tells Leo that he had a wonderful time. Leo thanks him for staying. Javi looks forward to doing it again. Leo tells Javi that he hasn’t felt like this in a really long time. Javi doesn’t think he’s ever felt this way and talks about opening up to Leo last night about losing his mom which really helped. Leo says he’s sorry for his loss but not that it brought him to Salem. Javi says he’ll see him soon and they kiss goodbye as Javi then exits.
Joy apologizes to Johnny as that was so awkward. Johnny calls it torture and questions why she accepted Chanel’s invitation. Joy says she couldn’t think of a way out without making it worse. Johnny talks about having to sit between them and feeling like a bigger heel the longer he lies to Chanel. Joy reminds him that he promised he wouldn’t say anything. Johnny says it’s the promise he broke to Chanel that worries him and he doesn’t know how he’s ever going to make it right with her.
EJ sits in the town square and is about to take a bite of his cupcake when Paulina bumps in to him, causing the cupcake to drop to the floor. Paulina tells EJ that she has a bone to pick with him as there’s a personal matter that they need to discuss and that is Johnny calling Chanel a cheating slut. EJ assures that Johnny feels awful about what happened, knows he screwed up, and wants to fix this with Chanel so he suggests they should stay out of it.
Johnny returns to Chanel in the living room and says that Joy was just eager to get home and prepare for tomorrow’s shoot. Chanel thanks him for checking and talks about looking over her scenes for tomorrow. Chanel forgot how much goes back to the first episode, pointing out that if Arrow just told Faith the truth from the beginning, it would’ve saved them both a lot of heartache as the crime is not as bad as the cover up in this case.
Alex finishes doing pushups at home and then retrieves the cupcake from the trash can. Alex decides Bonnie was just being paranoid and it would be a shame to let the cupcakes go to waste, so he takes a bite.
Roman sits at the Pub with his cupcake.
Abe talks on the phone, saying that’s wonderful news and he’ll pass it along. Abe hangs up and informs Kate that the network are quite pleased. Kate excitedly hugs Abe and declares that they did it and they are a hit. Kate remarks so much for the curse of Hattie Adams. Abe then gets sick and rushes off with the trash can to vomit.
Bonnie goes to Leo’s room and says she had to come see what he thought of Body and Soul. Leo calls it brilliant and fabulous, guessing Bonnie must have tons of fans. Leo says he was just about to go online to see what people are saying. Leo then finds a column claiming to be from his old writing name, Lady Whistleblower, who is claiming to have the scoop on what happens next on Body and Soul.
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