Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Brady comes home, surprised to see Belle. Belle explains that she didn’t plan to come back but came back for Doug’s funeral. Brady wishes he made the service and says he needs to go see Julie. Belle talks about Julie delivering a beautiful eulogy. Brady asks how Shawn is doing and if they are better. Belle informs Brady that they are getting a divorce.
Shawn and Justin sit together at the Brady Pub as Justin goes over Shawn and Belle’s divorce papers, noting that it seems pretty standard with nothing out of the ordinary. Justin tells Shawn that he’s looked it over, so he can sign it and send it back to Belle. Shawn thanks him as Justin says now he can help Xander hold on to Titan.
Xander works out in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion as Sarah comes in. Xander informs her that he’s preparing for battle as tomorrow he and Philip are going to war.
Stephanie goes to Philip’s room at the Salem Inn where Philip answers the door without a shirt on.
Belle tells Brady that as painful as the divorce is, she’s glad that they are able to move forward since their marriage has been over for awhile and they just hadn’t admitted it to themselves. Brady says he’s always there for her. Belle asks how Brady and his kids are. Brady jokes that Rachel is a lot and speaks her mind. Belle talks about missing her. Brady says Tate is learning that love, life, and relationships are very complicated. Belle asks if there are any exciting developments in Brady’s love life. Brady says not for awhile but reveals he does have a date this weekend. Belle asks who he’s going on a date with. Brady then informs her it’s Ava Vitali.
Kristen sits in the town square on the phone with Mr. Shin, saying she’s disappointed she wasn’t able to get Titan but reassures him. Kristen finishes the call as Ava approaches. Kristen comments on running in to people you don’t want to see while Ava mentions wanting to give her hell.
Justin explains to Shawn that he is representing Xander since he and Philip are going to court. Justin knows that Shawn and Philip aren’t close, so he hoped that Shawn would be willing to give a deposition that Xander is the best man for the job. Shawn responds that he’d like to help him but he’s sorry that he can’t. Justin questions why not. Shawn then reveals that he’s rooting for Philip.
Stephanie reminds Philip that they had a meeting scheduled. Philip apologizes and says he thought he had enough time for a quick workout. Philip tells her to make herself comfortable as he goes to change clothes.
Xander tells Sarah that he will be at the top of his game, fighting in court tomorrow. Sarah jokes about the judge voting in his favor because of how buff he is. Xander calls it a mind and body connection, feeling that the stronger he is, the more confident he will be. Xander declares that he’s not letting Philip take his company from him and says that when they step in to the court room tomorrow, they will be two gladiators stepping in to the ring and he cannot let Philip win.
Stephanie tells Philip about reviewing his case and presents him with what she has. Philip thanks her and says she’s really gone above and beyond, but he’s not sure it will tip the scales in his favor. Philip asks if she thinks it’s enough for him to win the case and take Titan away from Xander.
Sarah invites Xander to the Bistro for dinner. Xander says that sounds great but he still has 45 minutes left of his workout and asks Sarah to help him by sitting on him as he does pushups which she does.
Justin questions Shawn saying he wants Philip to gain full control of Titan. Shawn knows they haven’t been exactly close, but he ran in to him yesterday and he told him about the letter that Victor wrote. Shawn knows that Philip has Titan in his blood, so if he has proof that Victor wanted him to run the company then he has every right to try. Justin says he obviously feels strongly about this so he won’t try to change his mind. Justin tells Shawn that it was great to see him again and exits the Pub.
Belle tells Brady that she didn’t even know he and Ava knew each other. Brady explains that they recently became acquaintances. Belle questions him being romantically interested in her. Brady clarifies they are going to see the Nutcracker as friends. Belle argues that they are both single, so it’s a romantic date which Brady accepts. Belle jokes that it’s good that she’s getting a divorce so she doesn’t have to go tell Shawn that he’s going on a date with the woman who brought down the plane that killed his father. Brady argues that she wasn’t in her right mind then. Belle offers to bring up other things Ava has done. Brady says he knew that people in town were not going to approve of him dating Ava but assures he can handle it, except for when Kristen finds out, there’s going to be hell to pay.
Kristen tells Ava that she doesn’t have time for this. Ava brings up Kristen taking Rachel to the Nutcracker when she knew Brady already planned to. Kristen questions how the hell she knew about that and what business it is what she does with her daughter. Ava argues that Brady is her friend. Kristen remarks on Brady wasting two tickets to the ballet, but Ava reveals that Brady invited her, so she guesses she has Kristen to thank for that.
Shawn remains at the Pub as Jada enters and greets him. Jada gives her condolences about Doug, noting that all of Salem has felt his loss. Shawn says he’s glad they ran in to each other and invites Jada to sit. Shawn assures Jada that he’s sober now which she says is great to hear. Shawn talks about doing the 12 steps and one of them is to make amends, so he wants to apologize to her for the trouble he caused her and Rafe while he was drinking and for what happened with her sister Talia, as he deeply regrets hurting them. Jada appreciates him saying that and knows it was a difficult time for him for many reasons. Shawn knows it doesn’t excuse his behavior. Jada admires him for making amends. Jada asks how long Shawn is in town for. Shawn says it won’t be for very long as he was just there for Doug’s funeral. Jada notes it might not be the best time, but asks if he would be interested in coming back to the Salem police department.
Xander finishes 50 pushups with Sarah on his back and thanks her. They kiss until Justin walks in and apologizes for interrupting. Sarah informs Justin that Xander is preparing for battle. Xander asks if Justin spoke to Shawn. Justin responds that he’s afraid Shawn won’t be going to bat for him as it turns out he’s team Philip. Sarah is surprised but Xander says he still has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Stephanie encourages Philip about having the public on his side but it will come down to what the judge believes. Philip knows that will be a tough battle since Victor left the company to Xander in his will. Stephanie brings up the letter that Philip has and says that will make it hard for Xander to claim he is Victor’s true heir. Philip decides he needs to be honest with her about the letter which she questions.
Belle asks Brady if Kristen is still hung up on him. Brady feels she has staked her claim. Belle asks how she’s doing that this time. Brady explains that Kristen was blackmailing Xander with Dr. Rolf’s serum to cure Sarah’s paralysis while demanding Titan and she led him to believe that she was doing it out of the goodness of her heart, so he led her to believe if she withheld the serum, there would be no chance of them getting back together. Belle assumes that Kristen gave up the serum. Brady continues that Kristen got it in her head that they would get back together if she gave the serum, but he never said that. Belle understands Kristen jumped to conclusions. Belle adds that Kristen isn’t just delusional but doesn’t take rejection well. Belle brings up Kristen going to extremes to break up Brady and Chloe. Brady feels that Ava has gone toe to toe with opponents tougher than Kristen, so he thinks she can hold her own.
Kristen calls Ava a snake and says she knew she was moving in on Brady. Ava argues that he just offered her his extra ticket. Kristen complains that she knows Ava wants nothing more than to steal Brady away from her. Ava argues that he isn’t hers to steal. Kristen argues that Rachel wants them to be a family again but Ava is determined to ruin that for them. Ava tells her to relax and that she’s just going to the ballet with a friend who had an extra ticket. Kristen calls her smug. Ava says she wasn’t going to tell her but figured she’d find out anyways. Kristen then slaps Ava. Ava slaps Kristen back and says she should’ve known Kristen wouldn’t know how to be an adult when Brady said he wanted nothing more to do with her. Ava warns Kristen that she might be able to push other people around, but it will take more to scare her because she’s not afraid of her. Kristen warns that maybe she should be.
Shawn questions Jada offering him his old job back. Jada explains that Paulina recently made her Commissioner. Shawn says he had no idea and calls that amazing as he congratulates her. Jada says she’s very proud to be the first black female commissioner in Salem’s history but she has a lot riding on her to do a good job, so it’s crucial to her to have the best. Jada brings up the hole left by Rafe leaving the force to go work for Black Patch. Shawn questions there being no one who already lives in Salem. Jada says there’s none as qualified as him. Jada knows what Shawn can bring to the job and that he would be a real asset to the force, so she asks what he says.
Brady tells Belle that he’s been back in town for two days and his inbox is already full. Belle brings up Brady going back to Basic Black which surprised her. Brady explains that he thought he was done there too but Xander had an attack of conscience after blaming him for Sarah’s accident. Brady informs Belle that at the height of his fury, Xander confronted him with a baseball bat and threatened to paralyze him. Brady adds that there was another incident where Xander drugged him and tried to kill him.
Sarah asks Xander what tricks he has up his sleeve. Xander calls it nothing for her to worry about but Sarah says that makes her worry a lot. Xander assures it’s no big deal but that Philip is about to have a little setback.
Stephanie asks Philip what about the letter. Philip stops and says he just doesn’t feel like it’s enough as he doesn’t know if an informal letter to a lost son will outweigh a will in a judge’s eyes. Stephanie gets his concern but says no matter what’s in the letter, what will make the difference is the case his attorney makes. Stephanie asks about his lawyer. Philip says he has the best in Ned Dickerson. Philip then gets a call from Ned with some news that surprises him.
Sarah asks for a moment alone with Xander. Justin decides the less he knows, the better and exits. Sarah asks what Xander is up to. Xander responds that all is fair in love and war. Sarah brings up that the last time Xander went to war with Philip, he pulled a gun on him. Xander promises this time will be totally civilized and she has nothing to worry about. Sarah wants to know what trick he pulled and what setback Philip is going to suffer.
Philip angrily hangs up and informs Stephanie that his lawyer just quit because he apparently once worked for Xander at Titan. Philip calls that convenient that he suddenly remembered that the night before the trial, so he has no doubt that Xander engineered this. Stephanie says she’s really sorry. Philip tells her that he’s going to have to cut their meeting shot because apparently he has to find another lawyer. Philip tells Stephanie that he appreciates everything she’s done and asks her to keep it up. Stephanie remarks that if only she could find out who the new Lady Whistleblower is, she could get her to stop printing spoilers for Body and Soul, but start printing dirt on Xander instead to kill two birds with one stone.
Belle is shocked to learn that Xander planned to shoot Brady if Jada hadn’t gotten there in time. Brady says they know Xander is willing to go to extremes for Sarah.
Kristen reminds Ava what happened to Sarah when she got in her way and she spent months on an island by herself. Ava warns Kristen about thinking she can mess with her. Kristen warns Ava to be careful as she walks away. Ava then pulls out her phone and texts Brady that she needs to talk to him.
Belle comments on Brady working for Xander again. Brady gets Ava’s text and says he has to go. Brady asks how long Belle is in town for. Belle says she’s actually leaving tonight which Brady questions. Belle says she doesn’t have any reason to stay in Salem anymore. Brady wishes she was staying and tells her to visit often. They hug as Brady then exits.
Shawn tells Jada that it’s a really nice offer and he’s completely surprised. Jada understands he has a lot on his plate and he’s anxious to get back to Bo, so she completely understands if the timing is not right. Shawn admits he’d like to stay by Bo’s side until he wakes up but there’s no telling when that will be and he’s not alone since Hope is there. Shawn jokes that he can hear Bo telling him to get out and live his life. Jada relates to her father saying similar to her when he thought she wasn’t following her dreams. Shawn says that’s pretty much all Bo wanted for him too. Shawn thinks maybe it’s time for a new chapter and accepts Jada’s job offer. They shake hands as Jada welcomes him back.
Brady meets Ava in the town square. They talk about their date tomorrow. Brady asks why Ava looks like she’s about to drop the axe. Ava informs Brady that she just had another unfortunate run in with Kristen.
Kristen goes home and complains about Ava putting her hands on her. Kristen remarks that her brother is district attorney and she’s Kristen DiMera, so she could have Ava in jail or buried with one phone call. Kristen pours a drink and looks to the portrait of Stefano, asking for any ideas on how to get Ava out of her way.
Jada tells Shawn that she will get the ball rolling on the paper work so he can rejoin the force ASAP. Shawn thanks her as she exits the Pub. Shawn sits back down and signs his divorce papers. Shawn then removes his wedding ring.
Belle remains at home and removes her wedding ring as well.
Xander informs Sarah that he convinced Philip’s lawyer to take a meeting with him so that he would have a conflict of interest by telling Philip that he worked for him in the past, so he had to drop his case. Sarah asks how that will do any good if Philip can just get another lawyer to represent him. Xander questions who would take his case the night before the trial…
Philip goes to see Belle, who says it’s so good to see him as they hug and she invites him in. Philip mentions running in to Shawn last night, who told him they were splitting up. Philip says he’s sorry to hear for both of them and knows it must be a difficult time. Belle thinks they both know it was the right decision. Philip says it sounded like Shawn knew that as well. Philip adds that he was surprised to learn Shawn was actually on his side in his case against Xander which starts tomorrow. Belle questions him not being at home getting ready. Philip reveals that his lawyer just quit on him, so he needs to a hire new one. Belle calls that pretty short notice. Philip says that’s why he figured it had to be someone he knows. Philip then asks Belle how she would like to be his lawyer.
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