Days Update Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Marlena finishes a call at the hospital as Leo arrives and rushes to her, saying he knows they don’t have an appointment but events have transpired that have affected his mental health. Marlena asks if it’s about Lady Whistleblower. Leo says that’s an emergency too but this isn’t about that. Leo tells Marlena that this is about the cutest guy he ever blew it with.

Javi sits at home with the phone from Gabi’s office. He answers two calls and puts them on hold, then answers a third call and tells them that Gabi is in a meeting. After being accused of lying, Javi admits that Gabi went to Vancouver with her ex-boyfriend to pose as her dead frenemy to find a crazy escaped convict.

In Vancouver, JJ and Gabi continue searching Clyde’s apartment until JJ finds Clyde’s laptop, but it’s password protected. Gabi correctly guesses his password is “Nancy”. JJ gets in and says it looks like he can access his text messages from there. Clyde then arrives with his gun raised, surprising Gabi and JJ. JJ steps forward but Clyde warns that’s not a good idea as any sudden movement might make him flinch and pull the trigger, spilling Gabi’s guts all over the floor. Clyde guesses JJ wasn’t expecting him back so soon and asks if he should call him Chad as he holds Gabi at gunpoint.

At the Pink Kitten Club, Chad holds his gun on Cat, reminding her that they need to make this look good. Chad calls out to Clyde that he did what he wanted and brought him Cat. Chad shouts that he knows Clyde is there but the door opens and they are shocked to see Cat’s mother, Catharina enter with a gun. Cat tells Catharina to put the gun down, but she doesn’t believe her, arguing that she would know her own daughter. Cat explains that after the car accident, she had to have plastic surgery and promises that she is her daughter. Catharina responds that Clyde told her that she would lie to her to try to trick her. Chad argues that all Clyde does is lie. Catharina reveals that Clyde gave her the gun because he wants them both dead. Chad then points his gun back at her.

Clyde mocks Gabi and JJ coming all the way to visit him. Clyde warns Gabi that he has no problem hurting her and says shame on them for trying to pull a fast one. Clyde guesses he’ll just have to teach JJ a lesson in what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. JJ says that’s fine and tells him to let Gabi know so they can settle their differences as she has nothing to do with it. Clyde argues that Gabi made the unfortunate choice to accompany him, so she’s going to have to suffer the consequences.

Javi tells the person on the phone that he’s not supposed to tell where Gabi is, but insists he’s not making it up and that Gabi is out trying to track down some homicidal hick. They don’t believe him and hang up. Javi hopes Gabi’s cover story is better than his because he doesn’t know how much more of this he can take. Kerry then shows up at his door, so Javi invites him in. Kerry says Javi told him that he was working from home today, so he thought he’d bring him a mocha. Javi says he was dying for one. Kerry admits it was an excuse to see him.

Marlena asks Leo about Javi. Leo says he apologized with flowers but he just slammed the door in his face and then he tried again but that didn’t work. Leo adds that there’s a new wrinkle, reminding Marlena of when he tried to hook up with Kerry last summer but now Kerry is sparking with Javi. Leo tells Marlena that he needs her help fixing his problem. Leo knows it sounds paranoid but he can’t help but feel Javi and Kerry are conspiring to drive him insane. Leo worries about his former hookups hooking up. Leo declares he will not live in a world where Javi is sparking with Kerry.

Kerry tells Javi that he doesn’t want to keep him from his work, but he just wanted to tell him he had fun last night and hopes they can do it again. Javi ignores the phone and tells Kerry they can go on another date right now, so they agree to go to lunch.

Brady sits in the town square and calls Kristen, wanting to talk about picking up Rachel on Friday but Kristen says she already has plans. Brady argues that they talked about this and says he knows he missed Rachel’s recital but he had to work at Basic Black. Brady complains that he hasn’t seen Rachel in weeks and has tickets to the Nutcracker but Kristen informs him that she already took her to it. Brady argues that Kristen knew he wanted to take her, but Kristen tells him there’s always next year and hangs up. Ava approaches Brady and asks if something is wrong. Brady explains that he was supposed to take Rachel to The Nutcracker this weekend but Kristen already took her. Brady adds that Kristen is just screwing with him. Ava thinks this might all be her fault.

Chad tells Catharina that Cat is telling the truth that she is her daughter. Cat tells her to forget what she used to look like and listen to her voice. Cat brings up how they thought Catharina died in the accident and when they found out she didn’t, they were worried that Clyde killed her. Cat says that she, Mark, Felicity, and Aaron have all missed her so much and they were so worried but she is alive. Cat declares that now they can all be a family again and she can bring her back to them. Catharina keeps her gun raised and says she has to do this because Clyde told her to and she has to do everything he says.

JJ tells Clyde that he’s not going to get away with this. Clyde tells him that he will tell the police that he came home to find them ransacking his apartment, so he had to stand his ground and kill them. JJ argues that the police would recognize him from his mugshot and send him right back to prison. Clyde questions JJ’s faith in the police. JJ warns Clyde that this isn’t going to end well for him and he’s screwed. JJ tells Clyde to just save them the time and trouble and tell them what he did with Abigail’s body.

Brady asks Ava how it could be her fault. Ava explains that after Kristen saw them together at the Pub, they got in to it and Kristen accused her of going after him and being a homewrecker. Brady calls Kristen delusional. Ava admits she lost it and told Kristen not to get her hopes up. Ava adds that she told Kristen that Brady told her that he made no promises to her and she knows she shouldn’t have shared that. Ava feels she opened her big mouth and now Kristen is taking it out on him. Brady explains that he already knew since Kristen already gave him Hell about telling her. Ava apologizes for betraying his confidence but Brady says she wasn’t sworn to secrecy. Brady adds that he told Kristen that he wanted to keep their relationship strictly about parenting Rachel which she didn’t take well. Brady admits that Kristen thinks he’s pushing her away because of Ava since she accused him of being interested in Ava.

Javi and Kerry sit together at the Brady Pub. They take turns asking each other questions until Leo walks in while leaving a message for Rafe and stops when he sees them.

Clyde warns JJ about making demands when he’s holding a gun on Gabi. Gabi argues that in a fair fight, she’d put Clyde down like the rabid dog he is. Clyde responds that life is not fair. JJ remarks that Clyde loves threatening women. Clyde says as long as JJ wants to play the hero, his gun renders him helpless. Clyde tells JJ to face it that he’s holding the cards here. JJ guesses he’s calling Clyde’s bluff then and pulls his gun on him.

Cat questions Catharina saying she has to do everything Clyde tells her to do. Chad asks if Clyde threatened her. Catharina asks why he would do that when Clyde is her friend. Cat argues that Clyde has been threatening to kill her. Chad guesses Catharina is brainwashed. Catharina insists that Clyde told her the truth that they are both bad people who want to hurt her. Cat argues that she is her daughter and would never hurt her. Catharina shouts that she has to do this. Chad then pushes Cat aside and charges Catharina as the gun goes off.

Clyde warns JJ not to get too cocky with his gun, bringing up how JJ put Theo in a coma. Clyde says he’s not playing around and if JJ shoots him, his reflex is to pull the trigger. Clyde orders JJ to hand over his gun or Gabi gets shot. JJ reluctantly puts his gun down and kicks it to Clyde. JJ reaches in to his pocket to use his phone while Clyde questions what he’s going to do with them.

With Catharina now tied up, Cat can’t believe that her own mom tried to kill her if Chad didn’t tackle her when she did. Chad gets JJ’s SOS text message and says they need to get to Clyde’s apartment now. Cat feels she can’t leave her mother here. Chad hands Cat the gun and instructs her not to let Catharina out of her sight.

Ava asks Brady about Kristen accusing him of being interested in her and admits she’s not surprised. Ava talks about Kristen thinking that she’s moving in on her territory and went on about how she likes to take other people’s men. Ava jokes that Kristen isn’t totally wrong since it’s happened but says you can’t control someone’s delusions. Ava says if Kristen is paranoid enough to think she made a play for Brady, it makes sense that she would think it worked. Ava calls it ultimately unlikely and ridiculous but Brady asks if it is that far fetched since they are two single people who get along really well.

Leo approaches Kerry and Javi at the Pub and guesses their date went well last night since it carried over to today. Javi informs Leo that they did not go home last night. Leo asks if there was no real attraction between them then. Javi assures that there is, but he didn’t want to make the same mistake he made with Leo, so they have decided to take it slow for now.

Cat promises Catharina that everything is going to be figured out and they will find a way to undo whatever Clyde did to her. Catharina responds that she doesn’t believe a word out of her lying mouth. Cat swears that she is her daughter. Cat reminds her of her childhood and cries that it’s really her which seems to get through to her. Catharina tells her that she’s so sorry and she can’t believe she was going to hurt her. Cat tells her none of that matters anymore because she has her back and that’s all she cares about. Catharina asks Cat to untie her so she can hug her.

Ava asks if Brady is saying Kristen’s crazy delusions about them are not that crazy after all. Brady assures that they are crazy and says there’s obviously nothing going on here, but feels Ava made it sound like they could never be attracted to each other. Ava says she didn’t mean that and she’s not saying it’s totally out of the question that they could move beyond friendship but it’s nuts that Kristen has any reason to be jealous now. Ava says they’ve barely hung out and had a few brief conversations, mostly about Tate and Sophia. Ava adds that it’s not like they ever focused on getting to know each other. Brady suggests maybe it’s time they did.

Javi asks Leo if there’s anything else he needs to know. Leo claims he’s just being friendly but Javi says he’s being nosey. Javi mocks Leo’s idea that he was Lady Whistleblower. Leo tells Javi that anything he tells him goes no further than this. Leo mentions that he will tell his shrink who is helping him get over ruining a really good thing. Leo talks about Marlena feeling terrible about his apology not going well. Javi asks why he would care. Leo hopes that maybe Javi isn’t so angry with him anymore and realized he has a good heart. Leo then argues that he’s way more fun than Kerry which he questions. Leo says Kerry seems nice enough but he doesn’t get a fun vibe from him. Javi stops Leo and says he doesn’t get to insult Kerry. Leo calls it just an observation. Kerry brings up Body and Soul and says it used to be a great show before Leo ran it in to the ground.

Cat unties Catharina and they embrace. They say they love each other. Catharina thanks Cat for rescuing her but then grabs the gun back from her. Cat questions what she is doing. Catharina declares that she’s sorry but she can’t let that son of a bitch get away with this and leaves the room.

Clyde tells JJ and Gabi that he has two hostages when he only really needs one. Clyde guesses that makes JJ expendable and turns the gun on him. Gabi asks if he’s just going to shoot him. Clyde responds that he could shoot her instead. Clyde remarks that it does seem cruel to Jack and Jennifer since he did take the life of their daughter Abigail and now would be doing the same to their son. Chad then arrives and knocks out Clyde from behind.

Ava asks what Brady is saying. Brady says he has two tickets to The Nutcracker and since Rachel’s already seen it, he would love for Ava to join him. Brady adds that he will get dinner and jokes that they don’t even have to talk about Tate and Sophia at all. Brady points out that Ava doesn’t have to go if she’s scared of incurring the wrath of Kristen DiMera. Ava responds that she doesn’t scare easily, so it’s a date.

Leo tells Kerry that the network is very happy with Body and Soul’s numbers. Kerry remarks that it won’t last, asking who needs to watch when they can just get the scoop from the new and improved Lady Whistleblower. Leo reveals he’s hired a private detective to stop the leaks. Kerry wishes him luck and says goodbye to Leo, so Leo walks away while Kerry and Javi continue their date.

Chad wakes Clyde up with JJ and Gabi holding guns on him. Chad bets Clyde is surprised to see him as he thought he was dead after sending Cat’s mother to kill him while obviously brainwashed. Clyde remarks that it never hurts to have a spare assassin. Clyde says Catharina was already a hostage so he figured he might as well make use of her. Chad tells Clyde that his plan failed since Cat is keeping an eye on Catharina now and is going to make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone.

Cat tries calling Chad but he’s not answering. Cat leaves a voicemail that Catharina is on her way to Clyde’s apartment with the gun.

Chad comments on Clyde’s plan not working out too well. Chad declares the game he played with their lives is over now and asks what he did with Abigail’s body. Clyde supposes that’s the least he could do for him, since he won this round. Clyde says he will tell Chad the truth about Abigail, but he isn’t going to like it. Chad says he’s listening. Clyde starts to tell Chad about Abigail when Catharina suddenly appears and shoots Clyde in the chest, shocking Chad, Gabi, and JJ.

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