Days Update Thursday, December 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Belle sits in the living room, looking at her wedding ring on her finger as Marlena comes in and joins her. Marlena says she heard Shawn’s voice and thought about saying hello, but figured they might want some time together. Marlena asks how it went and if they were able to work things out. Belle says no, but they did come to a decision and announces their marriage is over.

Shawn sits at the Brady Pub. Philip comes in and calls him his favorite nephew. Shawn remarks that he thought his day couldn’t suck any worse.

Stephanie is at the Body and Soul studio, doing PR work on the phone. Stephanie convinces Daily Confidential to not run the Body and Soul spoilers by promising them an exclusive interview with Alex, shirtless. Stephanie hangs up and declares that now she just has to get the other numerous publications not to run the leaks. Stephanie gets a call but says that will have to wait until tomorrow as she cannot deal with one more headache today. Xander then arrives and declares that he knows what she’s been up to, so he’s here to put a stop to it.

Ciara comments to Lucas on Leo really letting them have it. Lucas questions Leo being an expert on Steven after spending five minutes with him. Ciara worries about if Leo was right that Steven was innocent and they just accused the wrong person of stealing Alice’s necklace.

At the Horton house, Doug III approaches the mantle and looks at the family photos as he then pulls out Alice’s diamond necklace from his pocket. Hope then comes home and calls out for Julie, asking if anyone is there. Hope enters the living room and asks who Doug is and if she knows him. He responds that his name is Doug Williams. Hope gets upset and argues that her father is Doug Williams, not him.

Shawn tells Philip that he’s not in the mood for him. Philip says he’s not looking for trouble and just wanted to say he’s sorry about his Grandfather as he was a great man. Shawn doesn’t think he will ever get used to thinking of Doug in the past tense. Philip relates to feeling the same about Victor. Philip thought Shawn was on the wagon. Shawn questions that being his business. Philip advises him that getting hammered won’t make the grief go away. Shawn then informs him that it’s non-alcoholic. Philip says he’s glad for his and Belle’s sake. Shawn responds that whether he drinks or doesn’t is not Belle’s problem anymore. Philip asks what he means. Shawn then reveals that they are getting divorced.

Stephanie asks Xander what the problem is and says to make it quick because she’s busy. Xander asks her to put a stop to the propaganda machine on Philip’s behalf, effective immediately.

Lucas argues that Ciara knows better than to trust Leo Stark, insisting that Leo and Steven only got along because they are both liars and thieves. Ciara suggests Steven could change but Lucas insists that Steven took the necklace and asks who else would do something like that on the day they say goodbye to Doug.

Hope questions who Doug III is and why he is in her family’s house. Julie then comes in and is shocked to see Hope as they embrace. Julie thought she wasn’t coming and asks if Bo woke up. Hope reveals that he did not wake up after all, but insists that he will someday. Hope apologizes for not getting there sooner. Julie says they will keep praying for Bo and that it’s so good to see her. Hope questions what is going on here and who this person in the house is. Julie hugs Hope and explains that this is Doug’s grandson and Hope’s new nephew.

Marlena asks if Belle was taken by surprise that Shawn wanted to end the marriage. Belle says it was hard to hear but admits that she had been feeling the same way for awhile. Marlena guesses she was just hoping they could work it out. Belle says she was hoping that too, but the feelings they once shared just aren’t there anymore. Belle adds that she’ll always love Shawn and he’s a good man but she thinks their marriage has been over for awhile.

Philip argues that Shawn and Belle have broken up but always end up back together. Shawn says this time feels final. Philip says he’s sorry to hear that which Shawn questions. Philip assures that he has no interest in going after Belle. Shawn asks if that means things are going well for he and Chloe but Philip informs him that things didn’t work out for them either. Philip remarks that he has far more pressing matters to deal with than his love life, like reclaiming his birth right.

Stephanie questions Xander’s problem. Xander tells her it’s obvious that she’s been helping Philip and complains about biased articles about him. Stephanie responds that whether he likes it or not, Philip has a legitimate claim on Titan due to the letter from Victor stating he wanted the company to go to his son, Philip. Xander argues that Victor left him the company in his will. Stephanie asks why he’s so worried about her PR if he’s so sure. Xander argues that they know how it can affect public opinion and suggests that Stephanie start spinning things in his direction instead of Philip’s.

Hope tells Julie that she kind of remembers Doug saying he had a son through IBF. Julie explains that man was this Doug’s father. Hope question why he’s calling himself Doug Williams. Doug explains that his dad told him that he named him after his biological father, so he only recently changed his last name. Julie calls it a miracle for Doug’s grandson to appear. Hope welcomes him and he says he’s very happy to be here among family. Hope asks about Ciara and Shawn. Julie says they had to leave but informs Hope that Ciara opened the time capsule which was full of old family heirlooms including Alice’s diamond necklace. Julie asks if she’d like to see it. Hope says she wants to see all the mementos later, but cries that right now she just wants to see Doug.

Marlena tells Belle that she’s so proud of her for being so strong and knowing who she is. Belle responds that she’s not feeling that strong right now, just very sad. Belle cries that she’s loved Shawn since she was a teenager and even though they had ups and downs, she always assumed they would be together forever. Belle remarks on going to law school to end up drawing up her own divorce papers. Marlena asks Belle to wait there as she has an idea of something that might make her feel a little better.

Shawn questions Philip thinking Victor’s letter trumps his will. Philip questions if he’s saying he thinks Xander deserves the company. Shawn assures that he’s not, says he’s glad that Philip is going after the company and he hopes he gets it.

Stephanie questions Xander wanting her to spin in his direction. Xander brings up that Stephanie once had a mutually beneficial contract with Titan and suggests their two companies could make magic again. Stephanie questions Xander wanting her to work for him. Xander says he’ll make it worth her while and offers to double what Philip is paying her.

Doug III tells Julie that it had to be tough for Hope to miss her dad’s funeral but understands why she did if she thought Bo was waking up from a coma. Julie talks about Bo being the love of Hope’s life, thinking he was dead, then finding him only to lose him again. Ciara and Lucas return, so Julie introduces them to Doug. Julie tells Ciara that Hope was there which surprises her, but causes her to realize that Bo did not wake up. Julie encourages that they have to keep praying for him. Ciara asks where Hope went. Doug says she went to go visit their Grandfather which Ciara questions. Julie then reveals that he is Doug’s grandson, also named Doug Williams.

Hope goes to the cemetery and places flowers on Doug’s grave. Hope cries that she’s really sorry she didn’t get there sooner, but she knows he’s always with her only now she’ll never be able to hug him again and she already misses him. Hope says he will always be in her heart and she loves him so much. Jennifer then joins Hope and hugs her as she cries.

Marlena brings Belle chocolate chip cookies and ice cream as her heart break cure which makes Belle laugh.

Philip questions Shawn saying he’s on his side. Shawn confirms that he is pulling for him. Philip asks why. Shawn says they’ve never seen eye to eye but they grew up together and he watched Victor groom him to run Titan, so he deserves to run it. Philip thanks him and says it means a lot coming from him. Shawn thinks they can both agree that Xander is an untrustworthy menace that will run their family’s reputation in to the ground. Shawn warns that Xander will come after Philip with everything he has. Philip responds that he’s ready for everything he throws at him, which is why he brought in Stephanie as his secret weapon.

Xander asks if Stephanie will come back to Titan. Stephanie calls his offer tempting but says she’s going to pass which Xander questions. Stephanie declares that she made a commitment to Philip so she intends to see it through. Xander asks if that’s all there is to it and brings up their history, asking if Stephanie is standing beside Philip now because she wants back in his bed.

Jennifer encourages Hope to think about how happy Doug would’ve been to see the whole family together. Hope agrees and comments that Julie must have been happy to have Steven there. Hope says she hasn’t seen him since she was a child and asks how he is. Jennifer says Steven is good. Hope is glad as she knows he had his challenges. Jennifer tells her that she’s sorry about Bo as she knows Hope thought he was coming around. Hope talks about being torn as she wanted to be there for Doug but she was terrified to not be there if Bo woke up. Jennifer assures that everyone understood she made the right decision and what’s important is that she’s here now. Jennifer adds that if anyone understood the length she’d go for the love of her life, Doug would. Jennifer points out all the times Doug moved Heaven and Earth for Julie.

Ciara calls it wild to think that Doug had a grandson that they knew nothing about. Ciara asks if Shawn knows yet. Julie says not yet and explains to Doug III that Shawn is Ciara’s brother. Lucas calls it overwhelming to have a lot of new family members to keep track of. Lucas relates to being about Doug’s age when he found out he was apart of the family and he can’t imagine his life without them. Julie mentions wanting to show Hope the contents of the time capsule but she wanted to go see Doug. Lucas starts to say there’s something they need to tell Hope but Doug III interrupts to ask if there’s anything to eat, so Julie goes to the kitchen to heat something up for him. Doug guesses they were about to tell Julie about the missing necklace. Ciara questions how he knew about that. He explains that Jennifer and Marie didn’t want to tell Julie about it as they were concerned about her state of mind. Ciara agrees that it would be devastating for Julie to find out that her brother stole from the family on the day they buried Doug.

Stephanie tells Xander that it’s beyond insulting that he thinks she’s choosing Philip because she wants to sleep with him. Xander remarks that a conspiracy theorist would think she’s aiming higher and that she could be the next queen of Titan. Stephanie argues that none of that interests her and insists that her relationship with Philip is strictly professional. Xander brings up her relationship with Alex. Stephanie then tells Xander to get out. Xander warns her to be careful because Philip will use her to get what he wants and then toss her aside. Xander tells her to have a nice night and exits the studio.

Philip tells Shawn that Stephanie has done a masterful job so far. Shawn insists he’s going to need more than good press to get control of Titan. Philip calls it just step one and says it was important to let the public know he’s capable of running the company. Shawn asks if he’s worried about things getting messy working so close with Stephanie. Philip says they agreed to keep their relationship strictly professional. Shawn questions where he’s heard that before. Shawn then gets a text from Ciara that Hope is in town. Philip says to send them his best and adds that he’s truly sorry about Shawn and Belle. Shawn thanks him and says it’s for the best as it’s time to see who they are as separate people with separate lives.

Belle tells Marlena that she did make her feel better which makes her happy. Marlena asks what to do now and suggests watching a movie. Marlena suggests they watch Doug’s favorite movie “Love, Actually” which Belle agrees with.

Julie, Ciara, Lucas, and Doug III eat together until Ciara gets a text from Shawn and says they have an errand to run so she’ll be back soon. Ciara tells Doug it was nice to meet him and welcomes him to the family as she then exits.

Hope informs Jennifer that she just met Doug Williams. Jennifer acknowledges him as the grandson that Doug never knew he had and calls it unbelievable. Hope remarks that’s one word for it. Jennifer says she knows her detective look and asks what she’s thinking. Hope admits that there’s something about Doug that she doesn’t trust and suggests calling her half brother to see if he’s even his son. Hope states that something just doesn’t sit right with her about this whole thing. Jennifer gets it as she felt the same way about the woman that Chad and Jack found in Missouri, claiming to be Abigail. Jennifer says she knew in her gut that it was wrong. Hope says she was unfortunately right and she’s so sorry. Jennifer questions Hope thinking Doug is lying about his identity. Hope responds that it would be great if someone was keeping an eye on him after she flys back to Europe to be with Bo. Jennifer guesses she’s referring to her which Hope confirms. Hope tells Jennifer it’s so good to see her and she’s missed her so much as they hug. Jennifer tells Hope that she can always count on her. Jennifer then realizes she has to go and says she’s so sorry. Jennifer offers to give her a ride back to the house but Hope says she wants to stay a little longer at the cemetery. Jennifer says she hates to leave her and that she loves her as she then exits. Hope looks back at Doug’s grave.

Philip goes to the Body and Soul studio to see Stephanie and asks if she’s okay as she seems a little tense. Stephanie informs him that Xander just darkened her doorstep. Philip asks what the hell he wanted. Stephanie responds that first Xander ordered her to stop generating positive press for Philip, then he tried to get her to drop Philip as a client and come work for him, even offering to double her pay but she turned him down flat. Philip tells her that he’s happy to hear that but knows it must have been tempting as it’s a lot of money. Stephanie responds that there’s not enough gold that would make her work for Xander and she doesn’t know how Sarah puts up with him. Philip asks what Xander said to her that got her so mad. Stephanie says it doesn’t matter but Philip feels it might make her feel better to talk about it. Stephanie then informs Philip that Xander basically accused her of being a gold digger who sleeps with every guy she works with. Philip calls Xander a jackass. Stephanie declares that he should actually be thanking Xander since after his visit, she’s more determined than ever to help Philip take control of Titan. Philip likes her fire. Stephanie assures that she’s more fired up than ever to help him win this.

Marlena informs Belle that she spoke with Shane earlier to try and get in touch with John, so she’s going to check back with Shane and heads to her room. Belle picks up her phone and calls her daughter Claire. Belle tells her about Doug’s memorial service and says everyone asked about her so she’s definitely missed. Belle adds that she wanted to talk to her about her and Shawn.

Hope remains at Doug’s grave and talks about being so proud to be his daughter. Hope thanks him for everything that he gave her. Hope says he always put his family first and whenever she felt worried or alone, she would close her eyes and see his smile as she’d imagine him telling her everything would be alright. Hope wishes she could hold his hand now. Shawn and Ciara then arrive and embrace Hope. They tell Hope that they are sorry about Bo. Hope insists that Bo is going to wake up and urges them not to give up Hope. Ciara knows how hard it must have been for Hope to leave Bo’s bedside. Hope states that today is about Doug and tells them how much Doug loved them. They vow to always keep Doug in their hearts as they hug.

Lucas and Julie tell Doug III about the time JJ put pot in brownies. Jennifer comes home and joins them. Lucas talks about officially welcoming Doug in to the family while Jennifer thinks back to Hope expressing her doubts about him.

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