Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Jennifer, Lucas, Ciara, and Marie return to the Horton house. . Marie asks about the time capsule. Ciara tells Marie about Alice’s diamond necklace that had been locked away for over 60 years. Ciara goes to the time capsule and says she could’ve sworn that Julie put the necklace back in the box. Jennifer confirms that she did but Ciara reveals it’s not in there and questions where it could’ve gone. Lucas says it better turn up soon because the necklace was priceless. Jennifer comments on the sentimental value. Marie argues that they would’ve noticed if someone broke in and stole it. Lucas suggests maybe whoever took it didn’t need to break in…
Steven Olson sits at the Tom and Alice plaque in the town square. Steven comments on who knew the treasure that Alice was holding in the house. Steven admits the old him might have been tempted by that diamond necklace, but he’s a changed man. Leo appears at a nearby table and quotes Dolly Parton to Steven.
Shawn shows up at Marlena’s to see Belle and says he knows he should’ve called first but they didn’t get much of a chance to talk at Doug’s memorial. Shawn notes that Belle seemed a little surprised to see him. Belle says probably as surprised as he was to see her at the memorial. Belle explains that Claire got sick and couldn’t make it, so she hopes she didn’t overstep. Shawn assures that she didn’t and he’s glad she came.
Julie sits at the cemetery, crying over Doug and says all she ever wanted was to be his wife, so she questions what to do now. Julie is then approached by a young man, who introduces himself as Doug Williams. Julie tells him that Doug Williams is deceased. He responds that he knows that, but he’s very much alive. Julie says she doesn’t know what his story is, but this is Doug’s grave and she was his wife. Doug responds that he knows that and that they were crazy about each other since Doug got out of jail and came to Salem. Doug reveals that he also got out of jail today and came to Salem to see Julie.
Marie tells Lucas that it doesn’t make any sense since they would’ve seen someone steal the necklace if they didn’t break in. Jennifer points out that they weren’t close to the necklace at every moment. Marie suggests maybe Julie put it somewhere for safe keeping but Lucas and Jennifer assure that they saw her put it back in the box before the funeral. Lucas notes that Julie went upstairs to get ready with Steven.
Leo tells Steven that he used to make a living off overhearing things he wasn’t supposed to hear but assures him that hearing him talking to the plaque of Tom and Alice will go no further than here. Steven questions who he is. Leo introduces himself. Steven confesses that he could really use a drink, so Leo invites him to join him.
Belle tells Shawn that Doug’s memorial was a beautiful ceremony and so many people came to pay respects. Shawn thanks her for coming all the way. Belle says she wanted to be there for him to show support and how much she loves Doug and Julie. Shawn tells Belle that Doug thought the world of her, as does Julie. Shawn adds that since they are finally in the same place at the same time, he thinks they need to talk about their marriage. Belle mentions that Marlena was just asking how they were doing and she just told her that they hadn’t seen each other in awhile until today, so it’s been a strange year. Shawn agrees and talks about going to rehab and focusing on his recovery, so he hasn’t had much time or energy to work on them and their relationship. Belle says she’s just so glad he’s getting the help he needed. Belle understands that he was under a tremendous amount of stress while worrying about Bo and taking care of Hope which is why she thought it was best to give him space and that’s why she went to Hong Kong. Belle admits that all the time apart and space between them has prevented them from confronting their issues. Shawn agrees that what they need to do now is make a decision.
Leo assumes Steven is in Salem for Doug’s funeral. Steven confirms that and informs Leo that Julie is his sister. Leo comments that most people in Salem don’t think very highly of him and jokes that he would feel pressure to live up to expectations if they did like him. Steven says he’s sorry to hear that but he finds Leo to be very personable and charming. Steven adds that he’s impressed by his self awareness. Leo tells him that he feels the same and already considers him a friend. Steven responds that it’s good to have a new friend. Leo asks how long it’s been since he has been in Salem. Steven responds that it’s been many moons. Leo asks what caused him to abandon the town. Steven reveals that he had to leave Salem, so Leo says he would love to know why. Steven agrees to share since he sees Leo is not judgmental. Leo assures that he won’t judge so Steven explains that he got involved in some shady dealings and did some questionable things that he shouldn’t have. Steven informs Leo that one of his petty crimes was skimming tips when he worked at Doug and Julie’s coffee shop and then when he worked for Julie’s antique shop, he stored some questionable goods there which resulted in Julie inadvertently selling canes filled with cocaine. Steven says he finds it cleansing to open up about his past mistakes and reveals that he was also involved in fencing stolen jewels. Leo informs Steven that he too has dabbled in to jewel theft. Steven tells Leo that his involvement was with diamonds from Trish Clayton, who lifted them from a drug smuggler name Durand and he was caught in the middle. Steven says he’s deeply ashamed of the man he was at that time and how he lived his life, but says he’s put all of that behavior behind him and his life of crime is a thing of the past.
Ciara questions if Lucas thinks Uncle Steven took the diamond necklace. Marie says it wouldn’t be surprising if he did, revealing that Steven left town because of stolen diamonds. Jennifer can’t imagine that Steven would commit a crime against his own sister after she just lost her husband. Lucas says he can believe it after what Marie said and wants to go find Steven to question him. Ciara asks where to find him. Jennifer notes that he said he was going to see Tom and Alice’s plaque, so Lucas and Ciara go to find him. Marie remarks to Jennifer that this is shaping up to be quite the family reunion.
Julie questions Doug Williams getting out of jail and coming to Salem to see her. Julie remarks that next he’s going to tell her that his cellmate was Bill Horton. He responds that his last name wasn’t Horton, but his name was Bill. Julie questions him being Doug Williams but he says not exactly. Julie asks if he just got up today and decided he was. Doug explains that he was born Douglas LeClair after his father, but he changed his name. Julie realizes he is Douglas LeClair’s son. Doug explains that his father told him the story of his life and how his real father was Doug, which makes him Doug’s grandson. Julie is shocked and hugs him.
Jennifer thinks Lucas may be jumping to conclusions. Marie argues that Steven has a history with stolen diamonds, so she’s afraid history is beginning to repeat itself.
Steven suggests to Leo that they get another round of drinks. Leo starts to tell Steven about his recent heartbreak which came after he accused Javi of doing something he most likely didn’t do. Steven remarks that he hates when that happens, as Lucas then arrives with Ciara and asks Steven where the hell are the diamonds.
Belle reminds Shawn that last year they started having problems over Shawn’s guilt over his dad and blaming himself for Bo being in a coma. Shawn informs Belle that Bo squeezed Hope’s hand which excites Belle. She asks if the doctors think this means he’s waking up. Shawn says they aren’t sure but Hope is very hopeful and that’s why she didn’t come to Doug’s funeral which Belle calls understandable. Belle prays it means that Bo is finally waking up. Belle asks if Bo waking up would mean Shawn would finally be able to let go of all the guilt. Shawn says if they get the miracle, there’s no telling what kind of condition Bo will be in or if he will fully recover. Belle guesses he’ll find a way to still hold on to all of that guilt. Shawn says he’s working on that in therapy and coming to grips with the fact that he made a terrible mistake but he can’t keep beating himself up over it. Shawn adds that therapy also taught him that he’s changed which Belle questions. Shawn declares that if he can’t get past this guilt, he doesn’t think he will ever be able to be the man that he was, that Belle fell in love with. Shawn thinks that maybe it’s time they end their marriage.
Steven asks what Lucas is talking about. Lucas says he’s talking about Alice’s necklace from the time capsule that is now missing. Steven questions thinking he took it. Ciara says they don’t know what to think. Steven questions them jumping to the conclusion that he stuffed it in his pocket and ran off with it. Lucas explains that they know his history because Marie told them all about his track record with diamonds. Lucas points out that now Steven is here with Leo and questions if Leo is helping him. Steven repeats that he has no idea what he’s talking about. Lucas tells Steven to drop the innocent act, bringing up that Leo stole his cousin Abigail’s jewelry and tried to sell it to the guy who murdered her. Steven argues that he doesn’t even know Leo and that he just invited him for a drink. Lucas shouts that’s enough and that they know he has the necklace. Lucas tells him to just be a man and admit it.
Jennifer tells Marie that she knows Steven got in to a lot of trouble in Salem but that was a long time ago and Julie said he was a changed man. Marie says Julie wants to believe the best in her brother, but in her experience, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots. Jennifer worries that Julie will be heartbroken if it’s true.
Doug III tells Julie that he wanted to pay his respects to his grandfather as he just recently found out about him but he’s sorry he didn’t get the chance to meet him. He adds that he is glad to meet Julie. Julie questions him just getting out of jail. He admits he got in to some trouble on the way to Salem, but he made it. Julie asks if he’s tired after all the travel. He says he is pretty beat up and could use some rest, so he asks if she knows any cheap hotels around. Julie calls him her family, so he’s coming home with her.
Marie wonders if Lucas and Ciara found Steven while Jennifer points out that they aren’t answering their phones. Julie then returns and introduces Jennifer and Marie to Doug Williams, the grandson of her Doug. Marie asks how. Julie explains that he is the son of Douglas LeClair. Jennifer tells him it’s so nice he’s here after all this time. Julie says he came to pay respects to his Grandfather and now he’s going to stay with them for awhile. Julie calls it the second miracle of the day after Ciara opened the time capsule. Doug asks about the time capsule. Julie starts to explain and asks where it is so she can show him all the family treasures. Jennifer claims they put it away for now for safe keeping.
Steven tells Lucas and Ciara that he’s not admitting to stealing anything because he didn’t take any necklace, but argues that it belonged to his Grandmother so he has as much of a right to it as any of them. Lucas argues that they know he took it. Steven says he’s leaving. Lucas wants to search him but Steven calls him an idiot if he thinks he can get away with assaulting him in public. Steven tells Leo that he’s sorry he got his heart broke, but if he’s interested in getting back out there, his son Spencer is gay so he should look him up. Steven then walks away.
Belle tells Shawn that even though she’s had the same thought, it’s different hearing him say it out loud. Shawn apologizes and calls her the best person he knows, but says he doesn’t deserve her. Belle disagrees but Shawn says that’s how he feels. Shawn states that so much has happened and after Bo went in to his coma, there was Talia and everything that happened before this with Jan and EJ. Shawn adds that for the better part of the past year, they have been apart and they haven’t had the trust they had in so long. Belle asks if he doesn’t think they can get back to that. Shawn asks if she does. Belle cries that she knows she still loves him. Shawn responds that he still loves her too and they will always be connected through their daughter Claire. Shawn reiterates that he thinks it’s time that maybe they just let go. Belle guesses there’s no reason to make this any harder and says she can draw up some simple divorce papers to send over to him. Shawn decides he should get going. Belle asks him to let her know about Bo which he agrees to do. Belle tells Shawn to take care of himself and hugs him. Shawn then exits.
Julie tells Doug III that she will make up the guest room for him. Marie mentions that she has a plane to catch so she can’t stay. Marie and Julie hug, talking about how great it was to see each other. Julie says they will text and video chat to keep in touch. Julie then heads upstairs. Doug asks about the time capsule being hidden in the house, noting that’s not something you hear every day. Jennifer and Marie explain that they would show it to him, but a very valuable necklace in it has gone missing and they can’t tell Julie because she would be very upset since it belonged to her Grandmother. Marie hopes they can get it back before Julie misses it.
Ciara asks Leo if Steven said anything to him about the necklace. Leo tells her to give it a rest, assuring that he knows nothing about a necklace. Leo asks if it ever occurred to them that he could be innocent instead of treating him like a common criminal. Ciara asks why it matters to Leo when they just met. Leo says they had an instant connection and calls him a very charming guy. Leo adds that he knows what it’s like to be accused of a crime you didn’t commit, bringing up when everybody was so sure that he stabbed Sonny and murdered Abigail. Leo points out that he was innocent, so maybe Steven is too. Leo remarks that Ciara and Lucas have no business judging anyone anyways when Lucas kidnapped his own wife while Ciara is married to a convicted serial killer, so they shouldn’t throw stones. Leo then gets up and walks away.
Steven climbs through the window to return to the bedroom at the Horton house. Julie comes in and questions him not coming through the door. Steven responds that he didn’t want to make a big scene, but it’s time for him to leave again. Julie says he can’t leave and says she has the most amazing story to tell. Steven asks her to save it for next time as he has to go now despite loving spending time with her. Julie complains that he’s abandoning her again. Steven promises that he will be back. Steven repeats how sorry he is about Doug. Julie cries that Doug always wanted to know how Steven’s doing. Steven says now she knows. Julie goes over Steven becoming a changed man. Steven calls it a work in progress. Steven tells Julie that he loves her and to take care of herself. Julie says she loves him too. Steven then asks Julie not to believe everything she hears about him. Julie asks what he means. Steven responds that he’ll be in touch and exits back through the window.
Marie guesses she should call a cab so she doesn’t miss her flight but Jennifer decides she will give her a ride. Marie says goodbye to Doug III while Jennifer says she’ll see him later. Marie and Jennifer then exit together. Doug approaches the mantle and looks at the family photos as he then pulls out Alice’s diamond necklace from his pocket.
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