Days Short Recap Friday, March 21, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe and JJ talked about Gabi and how she was upset over what happened with Arnold. JJ said he would make EJ pay for what he did. Rafe told him about the lead he and Jada had. Doug asked for Julie’s advice on how to tell a girl how he felt about her. Julie told him the thing she and Doug did. She told him about Doug taking her to the Bistro and wanted to go there. When they were on their way to the Bistro, they ran into JJ and invited him to go with them. Holly went to see Tate. He told her that Theresa went to California because Kimberly’s leukemia progressed. Holly offered sympathy for him. Tate wondered why she was being nice to him after their fight. Holly told him she loved him. They talked about their fight. Tate admitted that he was jealous of Doug and was afraid of losing her. Holly said nothing was going on between them. She needed someone to talk to since they don’t see each other that much. He told her the adoption may work out, but EJ was the problem. Holly said EJ would be able to fix things with Amy. Kristen told Jada that her mother would take the plea deal after Melinda looked at the deal. Jada warned her that time was running out. When Kristen left, Rafe showed up and invited Jada out to dinner. Jada told him she got Kristen to agree to Rachel’s testimony. Rafe said he was glad she had her job back. He said he would rather have his investigator job. Rafe said he wanted to make her his wife. He said he never made wedding plans with her and hated how Arnold ruined their wedding. While he was talking, he noticed her ring gone. Jada said she thought Arnold still had it. Rafe didn’t care about it because his focus was making her his wife.

Kristen met with Melinda at the Bistro so she could look at the plea deal. Melinda said it was a good deal for Rachel but bad for EJ. She told Kristen to have Rachel sign it and testify. When Julie, Doug, and JJ came in the Bistro, she noticed Melinda wearing the necklace Julie went to the table and asked Melinda where she got the necklace. Kristen walked away from the table. Julie told Melinda she was wearing stolen property and wanted it back. When Melinda laughed at her, Julie asked JJ to arrest her. Melinda said JJ couldn’t arrest her for wearing a necklace that looked like Julie’s grandmother’s necklace. She said she wouldn’t be wearing stolen jewelry. JJ asked where Melinda got the necklace to which she said she got it from a private jeweler. Julie said she never reported it stolen so Melinda said for them to leave. Julie wanted to report it to the police and took a picture of Melinda wearing the necklace. JJ and Julie walked out the Bistro while Doug and Melinda looked at each other. While talking to Rachel, EJ realized Kristen took a deal to sell him out. He went to the safe and took out the serum and warned her that she wouldn’t be testifying against anyone. He let her know what the plan was before he stuck her with the serum. After he stuck her with the serum, he said he wasn’t sure how much she would remember. When he asked if she had anything to say to Kristen, she demanded to know where Kristen was. Rachel pretended to lose her memory until she slipped up. When EJ realized she was pretending, she told him she remembered everything. She admitted that she saw him playing with the serum before, so she switched it out with a placebo. Rachel said she would be testifying against him after all to which EJ said she wouldn’t be and went towards her. When Kristen came home, she wondered where Rachel was. EJ said he didn’t know. He said she left without saying a word. Kristen realized he was up to something and knew he was lying. She asked where her mother was. EJ told her not to worry when there was nothing she could do about it. When he left, Kristen picked up Rachel’s gun. At the police station, Julie asked JJ how Melinda got the necklace. Melinda warned Doug that she was going to throw him under the bus if something happened to her over the necklace.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gabi told Rafe that Belle was sleeping with EJ so there wouldn’t be justice. Rafe said he understood why she recused herself from the case. He wanted to go to the police station and see what was going on. Before he left, he told her EJ wouldn’t get away with what he did. Javi came in and told Gabi that Leo was moving in with them. Gabi said he wasn’t moving in. She reminded him of the things Leo did. to Will and Sonny. Gabi said Leo was a monster who hurt people. While Gabi was talking about Leo, Javi let her know that she was in love with him. When Leo came in, she told him to leave. Javi said he would leave if she kicked Leo out. Gabi changed her mind and agreed to let Leo stay but warned him that he would answer to her if he hurt Javi. She left them alone. Paulina went to Jada’s office. Jada told Paulina that she was certain that Rafe was being held at Aremid and told her about what happened with EJ at the DiMera mansion. Jada said Rafe was there and EJ panicked when she went down in the tunnels and moved him. Paulina said she would never get a DiMera to turn against another DiMera. Jada reminded her that Rachel wasn’t a DiMera so they could get her to flip.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen pulled out Rachel’s gun. Rachel walked in and asked for the gun. When Kristen didn’t give her the gun, Rachel suggested putting it on the mantle. Kristen reminded her that her daughter lived there. Rachel agreed but wanted to keep it as an heirloom. While they were talking, Kristen brought up how Rachel could have taken her away from the DiMeras. When Rachel got upset, Kristen said she was glad to have her back in her life. Kristen said they had to be careful because Jada was investigating them, but Rachel wasn’t worried about it. Jada showed up at the DiMera mansion. She demanded Rachel’s testimony about Rafe. Jada warned her she would go down with EJ if she didn’t give her testimony. EJ went to the pub to confront Kate about telling Johnny how he was conceived. Kate said she didn’t want to tell him, but Johnny pushed him. While she was defending herself, she blurted out that Roman was the one who told Johnny his secret. EJ wanted to hurt Roman, but Kate stopped him by reminding him that he was already in trouble with the police. She told him actions had consequences and blamed him for what happened. Kate reminded him that he hired Arnold to take over Rafe’s life again and tempted fate by working with the man who raped Sami. She said she and Roman would never forgive him. EJ said she was just trying to pay him back to which she said she wasn’t sadistic. She reminded him of all the things that were done to Sami and thought it was time it came out. Kate said people in Salem may have forgotten what he’s done, but she hasn’t. EJ told her she may hate him, but Johnny never needed to know the truth. He said she would pay for opening her mouth. While he was talking, he threatened to expose the things she had done. He said he may ruin her sons’ lives. Kate threatened to kill him if he hurt any of her children. After EJ left, Paulina showed up. Kate told her that EJ threatened her children. Johnny ran into Rafe. They talked about EJ being responsible. Johnny said he wished he could find the proof against his father. Rafe said EJ would go to prison if there was proof of what he did. Johnny said he was happy that EJ would go to prison after what he did to his mother. Rafe thought he was talking about Arnold, but Johnny corrected him and said he was talking about EJ raping his mother. He was surprised Johnny knew about that. Johnny wanted to know why no one told him about it. Rafe apologized and said it was Sami’s story to tell. Johnny said Sami was trying to protect EJ and not him. He questioned how Sami could have married EJ and build a life with a man like that. Rafe said she was his mother and the victim. In Jada’s office, Kristen called Melinda to let her know he needed her. Jada walked in with the immunity deal for Rachel. Kristen refused the deal and said her mother had nothing to do with EJ. Jada asked if Kristen was going to let her mother live her life in a cell. She said she wanted Kristen to sell EJ out. Kristen agreed to the deal but said she wanted her lawyer to look at it first. At the DiMera mansion, Rachel let EJ know that Kristen was working out a deal for her even if it meant he was in trouble. EJ thanked her for the warning and pulled out the memory serum. He let her know that she wouldn’t say anything to the police.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny and Laura had a talk. Sonny tells Laura that Valentin broke into the house and the reason that he didn’t kill Valentin is because he thought of what she would say to him. Sonny tells Laura that she would tell him not to kill Valentin because Charlotte needs her father. Laura tells Sonny that since she is Mayor and he does what he does they are going to disagree but she thinks that he is trying to be a better man and it is an exciting time to be his friend right now.

Brook Lynn gets into a big argument with her mom because Brook Lynn can’t trust Lois since she told Gloria that she gave her baby up for adoption and didn’t bother to tell her that her grandmother about the adoption. Brook Lynn tells Lois that she told Chase that Dante is the father of her child because she doesn’t want to keep any secrets from Chase. Brook Lynn assures Lois that Chase won’t tell Dante the truth. Lois tells Brook Lynn that she thinks they need some time apart so she is going upstairs to pack and she is going back home to Bensonhurst. Chase tells Lulu to leave Brook Lynn alone and not tell Dante that he has a child or he will arrest her for breaking into Martin’s room and looking at confidential attorney files.

Jack is about to kill Valentin but Anna arrives and persuades Jack not to kill Valentin because she is going to arrest him and make sure he pays for his crimes. Anna tells Valentin that it is time he pay for his crimes so she will not let him escape this time.

Jason tells Jack to stay away from Carly because he doesn’t intend to have Carly be poisoned because of him again.

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Days Update Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie goes to see Sarah at the hospital and says she’s here to volunteer since she knows they are short staffed. Sarah comments on Maggie having a busy morning after volunteering at the prison. Maggie hopes this is a more pleasant experience since she had an encounter at prison with Vivian Alamain, who managed to track her down to talk about Philip and the letter that Victor wrote to him.

In the town square, Philip asks Stephanie again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a tree as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret. Philip says he thinks it’s best this way. Stephanie thinks it’d be best if there was no secret at all, but she agrees that Alex would feel totally betrayed by them if he knew the truth, leaving Xander confused as he listens in.

At Titan, Alex asks Joy to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him. Alex asks what’s on her mind. Joy thinks back to reading her pregnancy test results.

Brady sits at home as Tate enters the living room. Brady jokes with him about sleeping late. Brady then informs Tate that Marlena and Steve had a chat with Shane. Tate asks if they have any updates about John.

Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news. Theresa asks him what’s going on and if it’s about John.

Brady tells Tate that Shane didn’t have a lot of information to give, but he did give the last location John was seen at which was Estonia, so Steve and Marlena are planning to fly there today. Tate questions him not being more specific and if they are just going to wander around Estonia. Brady encourages having faith in Steve’s detective skills. Tate feels it’s not much to go on but Brady says it’s a start and he has to believe they are going to find him. Tate questions Shane not knowing anything else. Brady says he wasn’t willing to share but Marlena felt he could’ve told them more and was definitely holding back.

Theresa tells Shane that Brady told her that his father was missing. Shane responds that they don’t have any new information. Theresa asks what the upsetting news is then. Shane reveals that it’s not about John, but about Theresa’s mother.

Alex notes Joy seeming nervous. Joy isn’t sure she wants to have this conversation but mentions that Philip suggested she clear the air with him. Alex thought they already did that. Joy tells him that she wasn’t totally honest with him the last time they talked. Alex asks if she means she still has feelings for him. Joy says no and tells him to get over himself. Joy then informs Alex that she has some pretty major life changing news to share with him and she wanted him to hear it from her.

Philip knows Stephanie feels bad about keeping this secret from Alex and he’s sorry for putting her in a tricky spot. Stephanie responds that what’s done is done and she’s made her peace with it. Stephanie states that no one else needs to know, but then she spots Xander nearby.

Sarah asks Maggie what Vivian said about the letter. Maggie says that she was just going on about being glad she gave Philip a chance to stake his claim on the company. Sarah talks about Vivian always thinking of Philip as her son. Maggie points out that Vivian stole the embryo from Kate. Sarah questions why Vivian felt the need to track Maggie down for this conversation and asks if she said anything else about Victor’s letter. Maggie tells Sarah that Vivian’s exact words were that she was so grateful that she was able to ‘forge’ a new relationship with Philip, but Maggie had no idea what she meant.

Philip questions Xander observing he and Stephanie from behind a tree. Xander claims he wasn’t doing that and that he was just passing through, then he saw them deep in conversation and didn’t want to interrupt. Stephanie claims they were just talking about how hard they have been working at Titan. Xander says the grind never stops, though it looks like Philip has found plenty of time to socialize in the town square. Philip says that he and Stephanie were just catching up after not seeing each other for awhile. Xander says he would think not since Stephanie spends so much time with Alex. Philip says he was just telling her that he’s happy for them. Xander tells Stephanie that Alex is over the moon that they are giving it another go and remarks that he hopes nothing happens to screw it up this time.

Alex asks Joy what her big news is. Joy says when they broke up, she really wanted to move on and start over because she knew that’s what he wanted. Joy adds that she was angry but felt like she should respect that and then things haven’t gone as planned. Alex talks about Stephanie being very understanding. Joy responds that she might feel differently down the line but stops and talks about how she thought they wouldn’t run in to each other every day at Titan but the office is small. Joy then says Alex is going to find out sooner or later, so she’s telling him now that she has decided to quit the job.

Tate looks up an article on Estonia but says he doesn’t know what to look for and he can’t stop thinking about why John was sent there or what could have happened to him. Brady says he did the same thing earlier but worrying about what if is not going to help John. Brady decides to change the subject to ask about Tate coming in late last night and if he was hanging out with Holly. Tate tells him they actually had a fight as Holly was angry after his adoption plans fell through. Tate explains that he was helping Sophia finish her shift at the Bistro which Brady questions and then tells him to continue. Tate calls it no big deal and that he was just being nice, but while he was there, Sophia’s mother called and said she talked to Paulina about the adoption. Brady thought the adoption wasn’t happening anymore because of EJ’s scandals. Tate says it wasn’t, but Paulina must have gotten through to her because Amy is apparently open to the possibility again. Brady calls that quite the 180. Tate says he’s really relieved, but doubts Theresa will feel the same way.

Theresa asks Shane what’s going on with her mom. Shane reveals that Kimberly’s cancer has come back. Theresa questions when he found out. Shane says about an hour ago and he wanted to call, but Steve and Marlena burst in to his office to grill her about John as they seem to be under the assumption that protocol rules don’t apply to them. Theresa questions them pestering him at a time like this. Shane says to be fair, they hadn’t heard about Kimberly yet and he hasn’t told them yet. Shane felt it was better to tell their kids first, but he hasn’t been able to reach Eve. Shane encourages that Kimberly has beaten cancer twice before so she will again. Theresa says she really hopes so, but asks Shane to tell her the truth about how bad it is. Shane informs her that the leukemia is progressing again but Kimberly is going to start treatment right away. Shane says it will be a rough road ahead but the medical advancements and therapies will help her survive this. Shane asks what is going through her mind right now. Theresa cries that she just hates that Kimberly has to go through this all over again. Shane encourages that she won’t be alone because he’s going to get back to Los Angeles to be with her. Theresa says she wants to be there for her too in any way she can and asks if there’s anything she can do for her now. Shane responds that there actually is.

Brady asks Tate if Theresa wants him to keep the baby. Tate confirms that she did and that she argued Eve was screwed up by being adopted. Brady calls that interesting that Theresa would think that. Tate says it made no sense to him either and he tried telling her that this situation is completely different. Tate truly believes their child would be better off with Johnny and Chanel as parents. Brady responds that he hopes so too. Tate thought he was on board with the adoption. Brady says he is with an adoption, but not this adoption. Tate asks if he doesn’t think Johnny and Chanel would be good parents. Brady clarifies that it’s EJ’s involvement and influence as he doesn’t like the idea of his grandkid being raised under the same roof as EJ. Tate asks if this means he won’t support their decision. Brady calls it a drawback but he knows families aren’t perfect and he understands the clock is ticking, so if Johnny and Chanel want to care for and love the baby and they feel this is the best decision, then he will support this adoption. Tate thanks him and says it means a lot. Brady hopes things work out but he also hopes that Johnny and Chanel would move out of the DiMera Mansion to get away from not just EJ but Kristen and her mother. Brady mentions it bugging him that Rachel still lives there. Tate thinks they do plan to move out eventually. Brady offers to talk to Theresa to get her to back off but Tate says in the end, she reluctantly came around. Tate wants them to know that it’s not because he doesn’t care about the baby, but that he truly believes the child will have a better life this way. Brady hugs him and says he really understands.

Maggie tells Sarah that as far as she knows, Philip hasn’t been in touch with Vivian since her uncomfortable appearance at Victor’s funeral and he was furious with her, so she doesn’t know when they had time to develop this so called new relationship. Sarah calls it strange. Maggie brings up Vivian coming back to town last year before she was arrested and it was the same time Philip came back, so she wonders if she saw him then. Sarah thinks it’s likely that the relationship is mostly in Vivian’s head as she’s certain that Philip would want nothing to do with her. Maggie says that Vivian is always up to something and remarks that Philip is too smart to get sucked in to her web.

Stephanie questions what Xander means by something screwing up her relationship with Alex. Xander says he didn’t mean anything by it and just that he’s rooting for them. Philip mentions that he was on his way to pick up breakfast from the Pub and invites Xander to join him and then they can go to the office together. Xander says he has another errand to run so he will catch him later. Xander then walks away. Stephanie asks Philip if he thinks Xander heard them.

Alex questions Joy and tells her that she can’t quit. Joy repeats that she doesn’t want to be a problem for he and Stephanie. Alex promises she won’t be but Joy argues that he doesn’t know that. Alex feels it’s unfair, like he’s forcing her to leave. Joy assures that it’s her decision and what she thinks is best for both of them as she can’t pretend the situation will get any less awkward. Alex suggests maybe he should quit since Joy was hired first. Joy argues that it’s his family’s company while she’s just an assistant so it makes more sense for her to leave. Alex questions what she’s going to do for work and if she has a plan. Joy declares that it looks like she’s moving back to New York which Alex questions. Joy says she pretty much only came to Salem for Body and Soul, so now there’s not much for her here while New York has her parents and her sister. Alex brings up that Joy hated going back and her mother being very hard on her. Joy says she’ll deal with it. Alex offers to find her something in Salem but Joy decides that New York is where she needs to be at this point in her life. Alex tells Joy that he will miss her which she says is nice of him. Joy assures that this move is what’s best for everyone.

Sarah knows Maggie is doing good work at the prison, but advises her to be careful. Maggie assures that the guards are always watching so she’s safe. Xander arrives and asks what they are talking about. Maggie informs him that she was just telling Sarah about the run in she had with Vivian at Statesville and how she had an odd comment. Sarah cuts her off to remind Maggie that her shift is starting, so Maggie says she’ll see them at home and walks away. Sarah tells Xander this is a nice surprise and asks what he’s doing here. Xander says he wanted to talk to her as he just had a curious run in with Philip and Stephanie.

Philip tells Stephanie that he was worried for a minute but he doesn’t think Xander heard anything. Stephanie feels he was acting weird and questions the comment Xander made about screwing up her relationship with Alex. Stephanie feels like Xander knew they were hiding something. Philip doubts it because he would’ve confronted him right away if he heard about the forgery. Stephanie guesses he’s right but says this whole thing has her on edge. Philip says he doesn’t like it either as he used to hate Xander’s guts, but now he actually feels bad about lying to him. Philip mentions not having a close bond like this with his siblings so he wouldn’t want to lose that. Stephanie remarks that it’s too bad that bond is based on a lie. Philip calls her so negative sometimes. Stephanie tells him to just be glad that she’s keeping his secret and that she’s doing it because in the end, it doesn’t really affect Alex. Stephanie says he may have roped her and Sarah in to his scheme, but warns that Philip is the one who would lose everything if the truth comes out.

Tate asks Brady if he thinks John would be disappointed in him. Brady questions why he would say that. Tate points out that when John left, he didn’t know about the baby, so if he wonders what John will think about him if he comes home and finds out he got a girl pregnant and they are giving the baby away. Brady encourages that John would be very proud of him for doing the right thing and that he will always love him. Tate asks if he really thinks John will be alright. Brady responds that John has been on so many dangerous missions in his life but he always comes back to them, so he believes he will. Brady decides they should go to the batting cages and that John would definitely approve of that, so Tate goes to get dressed. Theresa then shows up at the door and tells Brady that she needs to talk to Tate. Brady asks if everything is okay. Theresa says not really and reveals that her mom’s leukemia is back. Brady hugs Theresa as she cries. Tate comes back from his room and asks what’s going on. Theresa informs him that she has some news about his Grandma Kimberly and reveals that her leukemia is back. Tate tells her that he’s so sorry as he hugs her. Tate asks what her prognosis is. Theresa says it’s too soon to tell but she’s going to start treatment right away. Tate knows how hard it was on her last time. Theresa then reveals that is why Shane asked her to go be with Kimberly in Los Angeles and she said she would.

Alex joins Stephanie in the town square and they kiss. Stephanie thought he was going in to the office. Alex says he did and is now on his way to a business meeting but he’s glad he ran in to her so he can tell her how crazy his day has been with the interesting encounters he’s had. Alex informs Stephanie that he ran in to Theresa and asks if she knew she was out of prison. Stephanie apologizes for not telling him. Alex says it’s okay and was just jarring seeing her back in Salem. Alex adds that as much as he hates what Theresa did to him and his family, he’s moved on from it so in the end, they ended on pretty good terms. Stephanie says that’s good to hear since Theresa is her cousin after all. Stephanie asks about Alex’s other interesting encounter. Alex informs her that was Joy, who had some major news to share.

Philip returns to the Titan office where Joy tells him that she really appreciates him giving her the opportunity, but she doesn’t think it’s going to be a good fit for her and she hopes he understands when she tells him this is going to be her last day. Joy explains that she did what he said and talked to Alex and she thinks it’s just best for her to leave the company. Philip says this isn’t what he expected when he gave her the advice and questions if Alex did anything to make her leave. Joy assures it’s not his fault and says she just needs to be in New York where she belongs. Joy repeats that she’s sorry to leave him like this, but she’s made up her mind. Philip guesses all he can do is wish her luck. Joy thanks him. Philip says to give his best to Chloe as Joy then exits.

Sarah questions Xander running in to Philip and Stephanie. Xander explains that he overheard them in the town square, talking about a secret they were keeping from Alex. Sarah questions him eavesdropping. Xander says they said that Alex would feel betrayed if he found out the truth, so he couldn’t just walk away after hearing that. Xander says it all started to click and he knows exactly what they were talking about, guessing Sarah does too.

Theresa tells Tate that she hopes it’s okay that she’s leaving when he has so much going on with Sophia’s pregnancy. Tate understands she has to be there with Kimberly. Theresa comments on just getting back and being so far away. Tate offers to go with her for a few days while on spring break. Theresa doesn’t want to overwhelm Kimberly so she suggests waiting a bit. Tate and Brady tell her to tell Kimberly they are praying for her. Tate invites Theresa to come to the batting cages with he and Brady. Theresa says she would love to but she has to get to the airport to catch her flight. Theresa guesses this is goodbye. Tate tells her he loves her as they embrace.

Alex informs Stephanie that Joy quit and is moving back to New York. Stephanie hopes they didn’t drive her away. Alex says he said the same thing but she assured it was her choice. Stephanie says that’s too bad as she hoped maybe one day they could be friends. Alex says that Joy pointed out there was nothing keeping her in Salem so she thought it’d be best to move back home. Stephanie hopes it works out for her, knowing it couldn’t have been an easy decision.

Joy goes to the Brady Pub and calls her mom to inform her that she’s moving back home. Joy says she’s on her way to the airport and she knows it seems sudden, but she will explain everything when she gets home. Joy says she will see her soon and hangs up. Joy pulls out her pregnancy test results and looks over them again, remarking that it hasn’t changed. Joy thanks Salem for making her a soap star as she then takes her bags and exits the Pub.

Philip calls Kate and tells her that Stephanie promised not to tell Alex or anyone else about the forged letter. Philip says no one else was really in ear shot, but Xander did interrupt them. Philip tells Kate not to freak out because he didn’t hear and he’s positive that Xander doesn’t suspect a thing.

Xander tells Sarah that it’s obvious that Philip and Stephanie are having an affair behind Alex’s back and guesses they realized they had some unfinished business. Xander remarks that he was so impressed that Philip was able to work with Alex but he’s with his girlfriend behind his back. Xander brings up the question of whether or not to tell Alex. Sarah says he can’t, reminding him that he and Philip still have to work together and have been getting along. Xander agrees but questions being expected to lie to Alex. Sarah calls it not an outright lie. Xander still feels he’s betraying his trust. Xander declares that he either betrays his cousin or his brother, but either way, something tells him this secret will end up tearing his family apart.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Cody gets arrested for stealing his own car because the arresting officer transposed the numbers on Cody’s license plate. Cody asks Alexis to represent him, and Alexis tells Molly to recuse herself because they have a family connection.
Ric happens to be at the courthouse and offers to represent Cody. Ric and Alexis get into an argument because Ric wants to help Cody but Cody explains the mix up to Molly and she drops the case and Cody is let go. Cody tells Ric that he should try to be civil with Alexis because his arguments with her hurt Molly. Molly tells Alexis that she should stop letting Ric goad her into arguments.

Ava’s accountant tells her that, despite the money that Nina loaned her, she is still broke because she needs to pay her taxes. Ava’s accountant tells her that she has to tighten her budget even further and he also takes away all her credit card except for one.

Tracy takes great pleasure in telling Drew that Martin is on his way to California with a federal Marshall because he didn’t pay alimony to one of his wives. Drew tells Tracy he can get another lawyer so she better get ready to move the crypt. Tracy tells Drew she will fight him and take away everything he has if he doesn’t leave the family crypt in its place.

Nina tells Willow that she will buy her a house so she doesn’t need to move in with Drew. Willow agrees to think about it and then heads to Drew’s place to talk to him. Willow arrives while Tracy and Drew are still arguing and Willow tells Tracy if she would have Wiley and Amelia welcomed Drew into the family he would have been the most loyal Quartermaine but since she didn’t do it she brought this on herself. Tracy tells Willow she will soon be saying those words to herself. Willow tells Tracy that Drew is a good man and Wiley and Amelia love him and are excited to move into his house.

Valentin stops by Laura’s place, but Charlotte isn’t home because she is at the Quartermaine’s with Rocco. Laura promises to protect Valentin if he turns himself in to the police. Valentin tells Lulu he can’t turn himself in it’s too late for that now. Valentin asks Lulu to tell Charlotte that he loves her more than anything and he will always be with her.

Sonny calls Jack that Valentin is in town, and he will have a boat waiting for him at pier 55. Jack repays Sonny’s favor by telling him Carly is in hospital. Anna tells Sonny and Jason that the Champagne that poisoned Carly was meant for Jack. Sonny tells Jason to go to pier 55 and make sure Jack finishes the job on Valentin. Anna calls Jack and leaves a message telling him not to kill Valentin. Jack arrives at pier 55 just as Valentin is about to get on the boat, points a gun at him, and says it’s over my friend.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie assured Philip that she wouldn’t say anything about the letter. Xander was listening to Stephanie and Philip, but he only heard part of the conversation. He heard Philip tell Stephanie to keep their little secret. Stephanie made peace with her decision not to tell Alex about the secret. She spotted Xander lurking around them. Philip was surprised that Xander overheard them talking. They tried to cover up what they talked about, but Xander hoped Stephanie didn’t do anything to ruin her relationship with Alex. Philip wanted Xander to go back to the office with him, but he had something to do. After Xander walked off, Stephanie asked Philip if he thought he heard them. Philip didn’t think Xander heard them. Stephanie wasn’t sure about that. Philip felt bad about lying to Xander, but he wanted to live so he wasn’t going to say anything. Stephanie was upset about what Philip did even though she’s not going to tell the truth. Joy wanted to talk to Alex at Titan. She wanted to clear the air with him. Alex assumed that she still had feelings for him. Joy didn’t tell him about the pregnancy. She told him that she was quitting. Alex assured her that she wouldn’t be a problem for him and Stephanie. Joy rubbed her stomach and said he didn’t know that. She decided to move back to New York to be with her family. Maggie showed up at the hospital and ran into Sarah. She talked to Sarah about her run in with Vivian at Statesville. Maggie wanted to talk about Victor’s letter to Philip. Sarah froze when she heard that. Vivian was happy that the letter helped Philip get back into Titan. She was also happy that she could forge a new relationship with Philip. Maggie didn’t realize that Vivian and Philip had a relationship. Sarah didn’t say much about it. She chalked it up to Vivian being delusional. Xander arrived at the hospital, and Maggie told him about her conversation with Vivian. Sarah cut Maggie off by sending her to work. She kept Maggie from talking about the forged relationship. Xander told Sarah about overhearing Philip and Stephanie keeping a secret from Alex. He told her that he knew what the secret was. Xander asked Sarah if she knew about it too. Sarah became visibly nervous.

Shane called Theresa to let her know that he had some news about Kimberly. He told her that her cancer returned. Shane wanted to tell the kids about it first. He assured her that Kimberly beat cancer before and can do it again. Theresa was devastated by the news. Shane assured her that she wouldn’t be alone. He was going back to LA to be with her. Shane said there was something she could do. Brady talked to Tate about what Marlena and Steve found out from Shane. Marlena and Steve were going to Estonia because it was John’s last known location. Tate didn’t feel hopeful about the lead, but Brady assured him that Steve was a good PI. He could find out what happened to John. Brady shifted gears and talked to him about Holly. He told him that Paulina might have gotten through to Amy, but he wasn’t sure if she’ll change her mind. Tate thought the baby was better off with Johnny and Chanel. Brady didn’t like the idea of EJ being part of his grandchild’s life. He was willing to support it if everyone was on board with it. Tate wondered if John would be disappointed in him if he came home. Brady assured him that John would come home and wouldn’t be disappointed with him. Theresa arrived at the townhouse, and she was very upset. She told them about what happened with Kimberly. Theresa decided to go to California to be with her mother. The trio share an emotional goodbye as she prepared to go to California. Xander told Sarah that Stephanie and Philip were having an affair. He thought it was the only explanation that made sense. Sarah didn’t think he should say anything about it since he was getting along with Philip. Xander didn’t like it because he was betraying a family member either way.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Andre showed up at Dani’s house and found her passed out. When she woke up, she told him that she doesn’t drink that much. Andre said she could have gotten hurt or worse. Dani didn’t want him to tell anyone what he saw. He agreed not to say anything because the family would want to stage an intervention, and he would have to explain why he was there. When he finished helping her, he wanted to leave. She stopped him from leaving because she wasn’t ready to let him go, but she was ready to stop drinking. After Andre was finished with Dani, he went to see Nicole. He told her he was putting his feelings for Ashley behind him. Nicole was glad to find out that he was moving on from Ashley. While Derek was fixing Ashley something to eat, she flashed back to Andre trying to kiss her. When Derek had to leave for work, Ashley looked at the collage Andre gave her. Jan came over to see Ashley. Ashley showed her the collage Andre took. Ashley asked if she wanted it. Jan wondered why she was giving it away. Ashley told her that Andre tried to kiss her.

Hayley talked to Bill about the way people are treating her. She thought he was trying to minimize her feelings and suggested they call off their marriage. Bill told her to forget about the Duprees. Hayley said it wasn’t easy and accused him of enjoying it as much as Dani enjoyed torturing her. Bill surprised her with a romantic evening. Eva wanted to watch television, but Leslie wanted to focus on bringing down the Richardsons now that she had access to their house. She told Leslie about the argument she had with Kat over Tomas. Leslie advised her to stay away from him. They ended up arguing over it. Leslie told her to leave Kat alone and told her about the new plan. She told Eva to plan an even around Ted so they could expose him. Leslie thought Ted and Nicole’s anniversary was the perfect opportunity.


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GH Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn tells Chase that Dante is the father of her baby and Chase tries to persuade Brook Lynn to tell Dante about the baby. Brook Lynn tells Chase that she doesn’t want to disrupt Dante or their son’s life because their son may not know that he is adopted. Brook Lynn promises Chase that if her and Dante’s son comes looking for her and Dante then she will tell Dante he has a son. Brook Lynn asks Chase not to tell Dante the truth about his son. Chase agrees not to tell Dante the truth.

Valentin sneaks into Sony’s house to get something he left behind, but Sonny catches him. Valentin apologizes to Sonny for tampering with his medication and explains that Jack made him do it because he threatened Charlotte. Valentin also tells Sonny that a hit man named Smolinsky bought the incendiary device that set off the bomb in his penthouses. Valentin tells Sonny he doesn’t know the name of the person who v hired the hit man.

Sasha tells Jason that Willow can’t find out that she is pregnant with Michael’s child because she could use the information in court to get custody of Wiley and Amelia. Sasha tells Jason they must protect Michael. Jason agrees not to tell Carly that Sasha is carrying her grandchild. Carly was poisoned with polonium and Anna calls Robin on the phone so she can give him instructions on how to stabilize Carly until they can get the antidote to the poison. Anna calls Jason to tell him to go to the hospital because Carly is sick. Carly goes into cardiac arrest and Isiah must shock her heart to get it beating again. Jack arrives with the antidote and gives it to Isaiah to put into Carly’s IV. Jack sits by Carly’s bedside and tells her that his heart belongs to her.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Nick asks Sharon if she ever thinks that they should get back together. Sharon tells Nick that she has thought about it before but she hasn’t had fantasies about them getting back together. Nick tells Sharon he has also thought about them getting back together but he is scared he will hurt her again and that will ruin their friendship. Nick also tells Sharon that he doesn’t want to go to England with her because he thinks she should spend time with Mariah, Noah, and Faith so she can heal her ideal love. Sharon persuades Nick take more time to think about going England with her.

Traci tells Jack that she and Alan want to get married in Paris. Jack worries that Traci wants to elope, but Traci promises Jack that she and Alan won’t elope. Traci asks Jack to walk her down the aisle and he is honored to accept. Traci tells Jack, Kyle, and Diane about Alan’s phone being hacked. Traci also tells them about the strange messages Alan got on his phone about a security breach at the clinic.

Kyle tells Jack, Diane, and Traci that Phyllis and Sharon were held captive at an abandoned clinic just outside of town. Traci considers telling Alan what Kyle told her but decides not to do it because the two events couldn’t possibly be connected it is just a strange coincidence.

Chelsea surprises Adam with a lunch of quiche Lorraine and the cake she made for him when they were first dating. Adam tastes the cake and tells her that it is much better than the cake she made him when they were first dating because that cake was inedible. Adam and Chelsea make love because Chelsea is ready to make the most of their second chance.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve and Marlena barged in Shane’s office to which he was upset. Shane questioned how they got in his office and what they wanted. Marlena wanted to know where John was. Shane told her what he told her before. Steve wanted to know what mission John was on. Shane informed them that he couldn’t say anything. Steve and Marlena demanded to know where John was last. They said they would find out where John was and bring him home. When Marlena tried to reach out to Shane, he ended up telling her that John’s handler lost him in Estonia. Theresa ran into Xander who wanted to call the police until she told him she was out jail and paid her debt to society. Xander said she didn’t pay her debt to him. Theresa said kidnapping Victoria was wrong, but he got what he wanted except having to share everything with Philip. When Theresa thought she offended Xander, he told her working with Philip has been great. He said they brought out the best in each other. While he was talking, he brought up the forged letter she used. When Xander was about to walk away from her, she apologized for working with Konstantin. Xander warned her to stay away from his family and they wouldn’t have a problem.

At Titan, Joy looked at her pregnancy test results. Philip walked in while she was looking at them. Joy lied about what the results were. She opened up to him about causing trouble for Alex and Stephanie. A confused Philip wondered how she would cause trouble for them. Joy said her presence was a reminder that she and Alex were together. She said she was already the enemy for what almost happened with Johnny. Philip told her that Alex and Johnny were the bad ones so she shouldn’t carry the burden on her own. He advised her to talk to Alex, so they were on the same page. At the pub, Roman and Kayla talked about John. Kayla thought they could still lose John despite what Marlena and Steve were doing to find him. She said her worst nightmare was getting the call that Marlena got about Steve. Kayla said she didn’t want to lose him but didn’t know how to get him to stop playing hero. Stephanie showed up at the pub. Philip came in not too long after. He wanted to see his mother but when she wasn’t there, he asked to talk to Stephanie. They went outside to talk. A shocked Alex ran into Theresa at the town square. He told her he moved on with Stephanie. While they were talking, he told her he hoped things worked out for her. Philip asked Stephanie how things were going between her and Alex. He also wanted to know if she was going to keep quiet about the forgery. She said the truth would hurt people and warned him to stay on the same page because Alex could never know what was going on. Xander was listening to them behind a tree. Steve and Marlena made plans to go to Estonia. She said she believed Shane, but she knew he was hiding something.

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Beyond the Gates Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Dani was excited that she secured a gown from the Smithsonian collection for Chelsea’s fashion show. The victory made Dani feel like herself again. Chelsea didn’t share the same enthusiasm because she was thinking of how to tell her mother that she didn’t want to be a model anymore. Later Chelsea was at the club having breakfast with Kat and Tomas. Things took an awkward turn when Eva arrived at the club. Kat wasn’t happy to see her. She was upset that her mother let Eva wear one of her outfits. Kat didn’t want to eat with her and considered her an enemy. She was so upset about Eva being at the club that she wanted to end her breakfast with Tomas. They didn’t show affection towards each other because they didn’t want the Dupree family to judge their relationship. Eva started flirting with Tomas on her way out. Kat wasn’t happy about that. After Tomas left, Kat confronted Eva. Eva tried to downplay what she did. She thought Kat should talk to a therapist about why she felt threatened by her. Jacob and Marcel were on a stakeout. Marcel gave Jacob a hard time. Things picked up for them when they spotted Joey going into a sketchy building.

Naomi met with three potential clients. They used to work at Bill’s company. The clients were harassed by one of Bill’s partners named Mike. They wanted Naomi to sue her father’s company after seeing her mother take a stand against him. Naomi was the perfect choice since she didn’t get along with her father. Mike talked to Bill to get the details about Tomas’ relationship with Kat. He talked to Bill about Hayley being hot. Hayley went to the country club, but she wasn’t welcomed. The staff ignored her while she was there. She got so upset about getting ignored that she stormed off. Hayley ran into Dani on her way out. They had a brief exchange before Hayley left the club. Later Hayley talked to Bill about the way she was treated at the club. She felt like Dani should have been treated badly since she was the one shooting up the place. Bill promised her that she would be treated better by the community. He planned to bring Fairmont Crest to its knees. The community rejecting her is making her rethink their marriage. Hayley thought they should end their marriage. Dani was in her kitchen and drowned her sorrows in alcohol. She was on the floor laughing and crying.


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Days Update Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Steve and Marlena arrive at their hotel in Washington DC. They talk about not getting any sleep. Marlena mentions being worried about what they might find out. Steve says he hasn’t been in to contact with Shane but he has a couple of buddies who might be able to get them in to the ISA building. Marlena says that’s a start and declares that if Shane thinks he can keep John’s whereabouts from her, he’s got another thing coming.

Shane is on the phone in his office, saying he just got the reports and it’s as grave as they feared.

Theresa is in the town square. She calls Shane and leaves a voicemail, saying she’s been trying to call him since last night about Tate’s other Grandfather. Theresa hangs up and complains that it’s like she’s the last person he wants to deal with. Xander appears and remarks that she seems to bring that out in all of them.

Stephanie has a nightmare about Joy being pregnant with Alex’s baby then wakes up in a panic. Alex asks her what’s wrong and if she wants to talk about it. Stephanie tells him about the nightmare. Alex tells her it’s okay, reminding her that Joy told them that the test results were a false alarm and she’s not pregnant.

Joy goes to work at the Titan office and looks over her positive pregnancy test results again. Philip comes in and asks what she’s holding. Joy claims that she just donated blood and informs him that she surprised him with breakfast from the Brady Pub. Philip compliments everything Joy has done thus far and calls it an impressive start, saying he’s so glad that she’s working at Titan. Joy wishes she could say the same.

Stephanie admits that she’s very relieved that Joy isn’t pregnant. Alex says he is too, obviously. Stephanie feels selfish for thinking how it all worked out for her. Alex acknowledges that the baby would’ve screwed things up between them and Joy didn’t want a baby now either, especially not with someone who is with somebody else. Alex says this was the best outcome for everyone, not just her. Alex says if the baby did happen, he would’ve done what he needed to do for both of them, but he would have never let it come between he and Stephanie. Alex feels they’ve been through so much and survived it all that they are stronger for it, so nothing is going to come between them as he kisses her.

Xander questions what Theresa is doing in Salem. Theresa responds that she decided to go for a stroll and window shop. Xander questions her being out of prison. Theresa says she doesn’t have time for this. Xander threatens to call the cops, so Theresa reveals that she got released. Xander guesses her father pulled some strings because there’s no other way she’d be out so soon after kidnapping his daughter. Theresa tells him that she’s really sorry about that as it wasn’t right but she was only gone for an hour. Xander calls it still kidnapping. Theresa assures that this was the justice system at work and she’s paid her debt to society. Xander responds that she hasn’t paid her debt to him.

At the Brady Pub, Roman calls Johnny and leaves a message, saying he heard Kate told him what happened before he was born and he’s sorry for leaving him hanging as that wasn’t fair. Roman says he was just so worried about hurting him, but now that he knows, he’s here if he needs to talk. Roman says he loves Johnny and is proud to be his Grandfather. Roman then sits with Kayla, who asks if everything is okay. Roman calls it family drama that he can’t really get in to. Roman says for them to get to business now. Kayla repeats that she’s so grateful for him getting all of Salem behind the hospital fundraiser. Roman offers to take one of the committees off her hands but Kayla thinks she has it all covered. Roman reminds Kayla that she does have a demanding day job. Kayla assures that she’s okay and highly motivated. Roman guesses she’s trying to distract herself from thinking about John. Kayla prays that Shane can tell Steve and Marlena something about what happened to him.

Shane says on the phone that he understands why he thinks they shouldn’t go public with this right away, but there are folks out there who deserve to know and he’s not sure he feels comfortable keeping it. Steve and Marlena then enter to tell Shane they want answers and they are not leaving until they get them. Shane says under any other circumstances, he would say it’s good to see them but bursting in to his office without warning, they are lucky he didn’t shoot them. Shane questions them getting past his assistant. Steve responds that he still has connections in the ISA building. Shane asks to what he owes the pleasure. Marlena tells him this is not a social visit and they are here to get some answers, like she wants to know where her husband is. Shane responds that he already told her everything he knows which is that John’s handlers lost touch with him weeks ago. Steve argues that’s not the whole story and demands Shane tell them what the mission was that John went on before he went missing.

Xander tells Theresa that he will never forgive her for what she did to his daughter and for her trying to cheat him out of his birthright. Theresa responds that her plan went belly up and she lost everything while Xander got Titan and everything else, but maybe not everything. Theresa suggests her sentence should’ve got a few months knocked off since her con only cost him half his birth right. Theresa asks how Xander feels about having to share his big inheritance with Philip.

Philip questions if Joy regrets coming to work at Titan. Joy asks him to forget she said anything. Joy clarifies that she likes working at Titan and she’s beyond grateful that he took a chance on her, so Philip asks what the problem is. Joy guesses she’s just afraid that her presence at the office might cause some issues because it’s going to be weird working there with Alex and she doesn’t want to cause trouble for he and Stephanie. Philip questions why she would be causing trouble for them.

Stephanie tells Alex that she’s sorry if it seems like she’s borrowing trouble, but she feels so used to things always going wrong that it somehow feels off when everything works out. Alex tells her that Marlena once told him an uncomfortable feeling doesn’t mean it’s bad, just unfamiliar. Alex suggests they stop paying attention to all the noise and just focus on their future together, because that’s all he wants more than anything. Stephanie responds that she wants that too as they kiss.

Roman tells Kayla that he has every confidence that Steve and Marlena will shake something out of Shane. Kayla asks what if it’s not the answer they want or if something really happened to John. Roman admits the thought has crossed his mind too. Kayla says her heart sank when she heard that Marlena got that call and says that is her worst nightmare. Kayla brings up her and Steve getting in to it last summer about all of this after Steve and Chad were getting on a jet to track down Clyde without telling her. Kayla wanted Steve to pass the torch and let somebody else be the hero. Roman guesses that’s what his sisters get for marrying ISA agents, pointing out that Kayla and Kimberly knew what they were getting in to. Kayla argues that sooner or later, this life catches up with you and she prays that it hasn’t caught up to John.

Shane tells Steve that he should know mission detail are confidential. Shane wishes there was more he could do. Steve tells him there is as he could tell them where John was last seen and they will start their own investigation. Marlena adds that if the ISA will not bring John home, then she will.

Xander tells Theresa that Titan is none of her concern. Theresa guesses she hit a nerve and asks if it’s eating him up inside that he’s only half the heir he thought he was. Xander supposes he could forgive her being out of the loop since she was locked up, but partnering with Philip has been a positive experience for both of them. Theresa accuses him of lying. Xander admits he wasn’t keen on sharing Titan at first, but Philip has stepped up to the plate over the last few weeks with cutting edge ideas. Xander says they compliment each other which shocks Theresa, who questions if Xander is actually happy that Victor’s letter cost him his birthright. Xander responds that he is, feeling he and Philip bring out the best in each other. Xander remarks that unlike Theresa’s letter, Philip’s is the real deal.

Philip tells Joy that he knows Alex hasn’t always been the most mature, but he thinks he can handle working with an ex unless there’s something still going on. Joy assures that they are over, but she worries that her presence will be a constant reminder to Alex and Stephanie that they once had a thing and it will only get worse with time. Philip insists these situations usually get better with time. Joy points out that did not happen with Johnny and Chanel as she’s still dealing with the fallout. Philip feels Johnny was the one who did Chanel dirty, the same way that Alex did Joy. Philip encourages Joy that it shouldn’t be on her that men lacked integrity and that she doesn’t have to carry this burden. Joy wishes that were true, so Philip asks what she means. Joy admits there’s something she hasn’t told Alex yet, that will change everything. Philip thinks she means that she still has feelings for Alex. Joy tries to deny that but Philip says he doesn’t like that she has to spare her feelings for someone else and suggests she go talk to Alex to clear the air, so they can get on the same page and decide how to proceed. Joy decides maybe he’s right. Philip says he has to go visit his mom at the Pub. Philip tells Joy to think about what he said as sometimes it’s best when these things are out in the open. Philip then exits the office.

Alex and Stephanie continue kissing in bed until Stephanie remembers she’s supposed to meet Kayla for a meeting about the hospital fundraiser. Stephanie reminds Alex that it’s his second day at Titan and won’t want to be later than he already is. Alex thinks he’ll be alright after he was brought in to the inner circle in the secret meeting at the mansion. Alex asks if it bothers Stephanie that he can’t tell her about it. Stephanie flashes back to arguing with Philip about the forged letter. Stephanie then tells Alex that she understands sometimes in family business, that’s the way it goes, so there will have to be secrets between them.

Xander asks Theresa if he needs to spell out the difference between Theresa’s lies and finding out Victor’s true wishes. Xander calls her more delusional than he thought and goes to walk away but Theresa tells him that she’s sorry and that she deeply regrets ever getting mixed up with Konstantin as Xander and Maggie did not deserve to get caught in that. Xander tells Theresa that they won’t have a problem as long as she stays away from Maggie, Sarah, and Victoria. Theresa says she understands as Xander walks away. Theresa calls that a hell of a way to start the day as she tries to call Shane again.

Marlena knows Shane thinks the fate of the world rides on every mission, but John is her world along with his children and grandchildren, so she’s going to bring him home. Marlena tells Shane to either help her or get out of her way, but she will not stop and she will find him. Marlena asks if Shane wouldn’t do this for the person he loves. Shane responds that he will deny he ever did, but he can share that John’s handler lost track of him in Estonia. Marlena thanks him. Steve asks if there’s nothing else they need to know. Shane puts his hand over a folder on his desk. Shane repeats that he’s not authorized to tell them anything about John, but says that’s all he knows. Marlena guesses that will have to do, so she exits. Steve thanks Shane and follows her out.

Kayla asks Roman how he found peace in letting go of his badge to run the Brady Pub and asks if there are any tips to use on Steve. Roman says it just came to a time where saving the world meant nothing if he couldn’t save his family, but notes that Steve and Kayla seem to have it well adjusted. Stephanie then arrives at the Pub to meet with Kayla. Stephanie greets them and asks if everything is okay. Kayla responds that they are just worried about John. Philip then enters the Pub and greets them. He asks if Kate is around but Roman says he just missed her as she went to Chicago to visit Cassie but he’ll tell her that he stopped by. Philip thanks him and then asks Stephanie if she has a second to talk in private, so they step outside. Kayla tells Roman that maybe if they didn’t have such solid kids, Steve would have to pack it in. Roman warns her to be careful because where ever Alex Kiriakis goes, drama is sure to follow.

Alex runs in to Theresa in the town square and is shocked that they released her. Theresa is sure he has a lot to say, but she just ran in to Xander and can’t take another pile on. Alex says he doesn’t admire what she did last year, but he moved on and is happy now with Stephanie. Theresa is surprised to learn that they are back together and jokes about the Kiriakis boys keeping it in the family. Theresa says humor is how she copes with being persona non grata now. Alex gets it and hopes things work out for her. Alex says it’s not remotely in the same league as what she did, but when everyone thought he was Victor’s son, he became a jerk to everyone especially his father and he just recently ended a relationship poorly, so he knows first hand that people can make mistakes and learn from them. Alex repeats that he hopes things turn around for Theresa. Theresa thanks him and wishes him the very best with Stephanie, as she hopes nothing gets in the way of his happiness.

Joy looks over her pregnancy test results, wondering if Alex and Stephanie can handle the truth.

Philip and Stephanie go to the town square where she asks what he wants. Philip just wanted to see how things are going with Alex. Stephanie responds that things are going really well and that Alex was really excited about his first day at Titan. Philip says he’s glad to hear it and they wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Stephanie guesses that’s what he wanted to talk about. Philip talks about being co-CEO of Titan and having a duty to his employees, shareholders, and himself, so he needs to know if she’s planning to blow up everyone’s lives. Philip then asks Stephanie if she’s going to tell Alex that he forged Victor’s letter.

Roman tells Kayla that Maggie called him last night and offered to buy coffee for the whole hospital staff until the financial crisis is over. Roman asks if Kayla can help him out until Kate gets back. Kayla knows he’s trying to distract her and she loves him for it. Roman says he knows it’s hard and he’s worried about John too. Roman says he’s learned over the years that when Steve and Marlena form a united front, it’s best not to underestimate them.

Steve and Marlena return to the hotel. Steve says he’ll arrange their flights to get to Estonia by morning, if they think Shane was telling them the truth. Marlena thinks he was by his expression and body language. Marlena says she doesn’t think Shane was lying, but she thinks he might have been holding something back and that there’s something he doesn’t want them to know.

Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news…

Stephanie tells Philip to skip the pleasantries next time and get straight to it. Philip asks her again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a bush as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret.

Joy prepares to leave the Titan office as Alex arrives and says he was just looking for Philip but guesses he’s not there. Alex tells Joy that he’s glad he ran in to her as he wanted to apologize for last night because he realized he could’ve handled that a lot more gracefully. Alex tells Joy that he and Stephanie didn’t mean to upset her as they know she’s going through a lot. Joy thanks him. Alex asks her to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him.

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Days Short Recap Monday, March 17, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ apologized to Chanel when Johnny showed up at the mansion. Johnny punched EJ in the face. He let EJ know that he knew what he did. EJ tried to defend himself, but Johnny let him know that he wasn’t talking about Arnold. He informed him that Kate told him about how he was conceived. EJ slowly sat down. Chanel was surprised to hear Johnny tell EJ that he knew that he forced Sami to have sex with him to save Lucas’ life. EJ told him that he and Sami moved past it. Johnny talked about how traumatized Sami had to be after it happened, and EJ enjoyed having power over her. EJ felt like it wasn’t Kate’s place to tell him that. It’s a story that Johnny didn’t need to know about. Johnny said that he only existed because his father raped his mother. Chanel was visibly shocked by the news. Sami was called a slut because her kids had different fathers, but it was EJ’s fault it happened. Chanel wondered if everyone in the family knew about it. Johnny let her know that everyone didn’t know, but the ones who did agreed not to say anything. He was the victim of a lie. EJ tried to explain that he and Sami had feelings for each other, but she denied her feelings. Johnny thought he was blaming her for what happened. EJ told him that Stefano pushed him to do what he did to Sami because he needed the stem cells to save his life. Johnny got upset because he wasn’t taking responsibility for what he did. EJ just wanted him to understand the situation. Johnny realized he wasn’t wanted. His stem cells were the only things that were needed. He wanted to get away, but he can’t run from what he is now. Johnny told EJ that he was finished controlling him. He would never allow EJ to be around his grandchild. His family would never be part of the DiMera dynasty. EJ tried to tell him that he’s changed. He would always regret what happened, but he wouldn’t have Johnny if it didn’t. EJ asked Johnny to forgive him. Johnny was done with him. He wanted EJ to leave so he walked out of the room. Chanel tried to comfort Johnny, but he felt lost. If he had a gun, he would have killed him. EJ was in the hall and started crying. Jada and Rafe ran into Paulina at the town square. They were happy until Paulina told them about Belle. Jada wasn’t surprised by her news. She apologized for ruining Johnny and Chanel’s chance at adoption. Paulina told her what happened at the family meeting. She reinstated Jada as the commissioner. Arnold made the accusations so felt they weren’t valid. Jada and Rafe were ready to celebrate the news. They talked about what they could do to get back at EJ. Jada thought they could go to Ava since she said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. They wondered if it was possible that Rachel Blake got him to help her with the kidnapping because she threatened to tell that he was captive at Aremid. Jada suggested they go to Aremid.

Melinda was having a drink at the Bistro when Ava appeared. She noticed Ava’s hand and wondered what happened. Ava told her about everything that happened to her. Rachel Blake was free and could still hurt her. She didn’t have any protection from her. Melinda went into her purse and gave her a gun. Melinda got the gun after Connie kidnapped her. She thought Ava needed it more than she did. Rachel Blake went back to her house and searched for her gun. Kristen arrived at the house because she was worried about her. Rachel tried to hide the gun, but Kristen wanted to see it. Kristen wondered why her mother had a gun. Rachel thought Ava would try to kill her so she needed it for self-defense. Kristen wanted her to stop going after Brady and took the gun from her mother. Jada and Rafe arrived at the house and wanted answers. Jada wanted to know if they knew about EJ holding Rafe there. Brady talked to Belle about what happened with Rachel being at the townhouse. He was able to convince Kristen to let Rachel stay there. Brady told her about Rachel Blake’s latest antics. Belle assured him that putting his daughter first was the right thing to do. He thought he ruined things with Ava. Brady thought it would be good that EJ would go to jail for what he did to Rafe. Belle said she wouldn’t be prosecuting the case. Brady wondered why she wasn’t prosecuting EJ, and she admitted that she slept with EJ again. She admitted that she can’t stop sleeping with him. Brady said that she was addicted. Ava told Melinda that she didn’t need a gun, but she put it in her purse. Jada wanted answers from Rachel Blake, but she wanted her and Rafe out of her house. She and Kristen didn’t have anything to say to them. Jada told her that someone was going down for what happened to Rafe, She wanted to go after EJ, but if Rachel wasn’t careful, she would be back with a search warrant.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Monday, March 17. 2025

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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Ashley ripped into Andre for trying to kiss her. She reminded him that she had a boyfriend. Nicole asked Eva to help her find “Sherry.” Dani woke up in Bill and Hayley’s house after finishing the champagne. She realized what she did and called someone to help her. Andre apologized for trying to kiss Ashley. She said she was out of line but it couldn’t happen again. Andre left the hospital. Derek showed up to tell her that he wasn’t a patient anymore. Ashley said he couldn’t leave his room without assistance. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her. Nicole said she met “Sherry” a few days ago. Eva asked if she was the person she talked off the roof, but Nicole couldn’t tell her. While Nicole was talking to Eva about “Sherry,” Ted was listening. Dani called Pam to come to Bill and Hayley’s house. Pam wanted to know why she was there and why she needed her help. Dani reminded her what Bill did to her. She told Pam she was afraid of feeling Anita’s wrath, so she needed her help. Dani wanted to get the place cleaned up before Bill and Hayley came back. Pam pulled out a bottle of champagne so Dani could switch. She also had a picture frame to replace the one Dani broke. Pam thought Dani’s tracks would be covered since she disconnected the security cameras. She wanted to hurry up and get the place cleaned, but Dani thought they had more time since Bill and Hayley were on their honeymoon.

Ted asked Nicole why she was getting in touch with the server from the gala. Nicole said the server was fired. Andre showed up with the proofs from the gala. When there was an awkward silence, Andre wondered if he was interrupting things. They said he wasn’t. Eva offered to do Nicole’s schedule, but she wanted her to go home. She told Nicole she wanted to wait for the banquet manager to tell her about “Sherry.” When Ted and Eva left, Nicole wanted to know the real reason Andre was there. Ashley tried to take care of Derek, but he said he didn’t need help. Bill and Hayley came home. He noticed the alarm wasn’t set. Dani thanked Pam for helping her. Pam said she wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. Dani said Bill and Hayley were thousands of miles away. Pam asked her to leave her name out if Bill and Hayley found out about it. Hayley reacted to seeing the picture frame. She said it was in a different spot and looked different. After Bill convinced her that nothing was going on, he wanted to pour them something to drink. When he held the bottle, Hayley noticed the inscription was gone. They realized that Dani snuck in their house. Bill offered to take care of Dani, but Hayley said she would do it. Nicole wanted Andre to tell her the truth about why he showed up at the house. Andre told her that he almost kissed her. He said Ashley knew he wanted to kiss her and was angry at him. Nicole asked if he wanted her to give him permission to kiss Ashley because she wasn’t doing it. She reminded him that Ashley was in love with Derek. Andre understood that but didn’t know where his feelings came from. He wondered if it was because she’s with someone else. Nicole said he needed someone to tell him to stay away from Ashley. Ted told Nicole that she needed to let go finding the server. While he was talking to her, Eva was listening. Nicole said there wasn’t a coincidence that “Sherry” was there to which Ted told her was why she needed to stay away from her. Hayley went to see Dani to let her know that she and Bill were home. She said she wanted to tell her personally so she wouldn’t find out on the street. Dani asked if that was the only reason why she was there. Hayley noticed a picture of her and dropped it. She told Dani that she knew she was in her house and violated it. Hayley called her out for being obsessed with her life with Bill. She warned Dani to stay away because it was bringing her to her breaking point. If she pushed Hayley to it, she said she would get a restraining order against her. She said she would press charges against Dani if she violated it. After Hayley warned Dani about trying her, she left. Nicole asked Ted why he was telling her what to do. Ted said “Sherry” wanted more from her and warned her that she was fixated on her. He told her not to treat “Sherry.” Nicole agreed but thought “Sherry” needed help. Ted said she wasn’t the one who should help her. Eva continued to listen to them. After Ted and Nicole were finished talking, Ted told Eva that she didn’t have to look for the woman at the gala. When Hayley came home, she let Bill know that Dani wouldn’t be a problem anymore. She told Bill that she stood up for herself and for them. Bill decided it was time to forget about Dani and getting revenge on her.


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Days Update Monday, March 17, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

After Belle tells Paulina on the phone that she is going to recuse herself from the investigation in to EJ, Paulina calls it a major disappointment but not a surprise. Paulina hangs up as Rafe and Jada approach in the town square. She greets them while Jada notes that she looks like she just got some bad news. Paulina confirms that Belle has recused herself from the EJ case. Jada guesses that’s because of her personal involvement with him. Paulina remarks that anyone who comes in to contact with EJ winds up as collateral damage.

EJ tells Chanel that he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face. Johnny calls EJ a son of a bitch and says he knows what he did.

Melinda sits at the Bistro and says she could use a martini. Ava approaches and tells her that she’s going to have to get it somewhere else because she’s Kristen’s lawyer, who helped her get away with everything.

Rachel Blake sneaks to her old home and opens an old trunk where she proclaims to have found just what she was looking for. Kristen comes in and says she’s been looking all over for her, questioning what she’s doing here. Kristen says when she wasn’t at the house, she thought she might have gone after Ava again and questions her being in the attic and what she has behind her back.

Melinda tells Ava that she knows she’s not a fan of Kristen and she doesn’t like it either, but she’s the CEO of DiMera. Ava asks how Melinda got her job anyway. Melinda asks how Ava got her job and guesses she made her own share of devil’s bargains. Ava then agrees to get her martini.

Paulina explains to Rafe and Jada that after Jada and Gabi showed up at the DiMera Mansion, Amy decided that Chanel and Johnny might not make the best parents after all. Jada apologizes as they had no idea they were in the middle of such an important lunch. Paulina understands they were trying to Rafe and remarks that EJ has done so much damage to so many people. Rafe asks if this news about Belle means she has to put the case against EJ on hold. Paulina says it might take a day or two to replace Belle, but there is something she can do right now to fix some of the damage that EJ has already done. Paulina then announces that she is reinstating Jada as police commissioner, effective immediately.

EJ tells Johnny that he had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger replacing Rafe. Johnny accusing him of denying while EJ shouts that he’s not lying to him. EJ says he knows it’s a sensitive subject because of what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny responds that it has to do with what EJ did to her.

Jada questions Paulina reinstating her when she thought the investigation could take months. Paulina explains that they now know the accusations were made by Rafe’s impostor, so she’s making an executive decision to put her back in charge immediately. Jada excitedly thanks her. Paulina tells them to go celebrate. Rafe and Jada step aside where Rafe congratulates her and suggests they go grab a drink to celebrate. Jada says she would love to but thinks they should go home since she has a lot of cases to catch up on. Rafe agrees to a rain check on the drink. Jada wishes her first case back would be going after EJ for what he did to Rafe, but they don’t have any witnesses. Rafe suggests questioning the servants and siblings since they love stabbing each other in the back. Jada asks what about Ava and if she could know anything about what EJ did to Rafe.

Chanel questions what Johnny is saying that EJ did to his mom. Johnny asks if EJ wants to tell him or if he should. EJ says he doesn’t have a clue. Johnny then informs EJ that he was just talking to Kate and found out something he never knew about EJ, Sami, Lucas, and the cabin. EJ goes silent so Johnny says he’s got it then. Johnny continues the story of Sami and Lucas ending up in a remote cabin during a storm where Lucas got trapped when the roof caved in, so Sami went looking for help and found EJ. Johnny declares that Sami begged EJ to help save Lucas and he agreed to, if Sami had sex with him which shocks Chanel as she listens.

Belle paces at home and thinks back to kicking EJ out of the house. Brady then comes home with Rachel which Belle calls a nice surprise. Rachel reveals they are having a sleepover and goes to her room. Belle tells Brady that she didn’t know she was seeing her tonight. Brady calls it a last minute schedule change. Belle is surprised that Kristen approved. Brady explains that Kristen’s mother is now living in the DiMera Mansion, so he made the case that it wouldn’t be a good idea for Rachel to be under the same roof as her unhinged Grandmother.

Rachel Blake claims to Kristen that she has nothing behind her back but Kristen insists. She tries to claim it’s just a family heirloom but then reveals that she has a gun.

Brady still can’t believe Kristen’s mother encouraged her own granddaughter to be part of a kidnapping plot and he had to tell Ava to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing, including a stabbing after she attacked Ava with a knife. Brady adds that he had to tell Ava not to call the cops. Brady knows he shouldn’t be saying these things to the district attorney, but she wouldn’t have a case since he already told Ava to keep quiet. Brady reminds her that if Rachel Blake gets arrested, she will tell the cops about her grand plan and they will be obligated to call child protective services and he could lose his daughter permanently. Belle encourages that Ava understands he has to put his daughter first which is why she agreed to let this go. Brady responds that he’s not sure she has let it go. Belle asks where things stand with them. Brady informs her that Ava said she needed time to think which to him means, they are done.

Melinda asks Ava about her hand being bandaged up. Ava informs her that Kristen’s mother came after her with a kitchen knife after breaking in to her room because she wants her out of the way permanently so Kristen and Brady could be together again. Ava adds that Kristen came in just in time to save her. Melinda notes that she didn’t get a call from Kristen to bail her mother out. Ava explains that she’s not pressing charges for attempted murder because Brady convinced her not to again since he could lose custody of his daughter, so now she’s constantly looking over her shoulder worried if that maniac is going to come after her again. Ava wishes she still had some kind of protection. Melinda then reaches in to her bag and offers Ava a gun.

Rafe asks Jada how Ava would know anything. Jada reminds Rafe that Ava said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. Rafe points out that Ava recanted her statement and it didn’t have anything to do with him. Jada is not sure, explaining that Ava said EJ was going to let her go but then Rachel Blake showed up and they left to have a secret conversation, convincing EJ not to help Ava. Rafe guesses she must have been holding something over EJ. Jada adds that she was certain Rafe was in the DiMera tunnels but there was no sign of him, so it’s possible that he was being held with Ava in Aremid. Jada thinks this could be the key to nailing EJ.

Kristen questions what her mother is doing with a gun and what she’s planning on doing with it.

EJ tells Johnny that he and Sami put this behind them a long time ago. Johnny responds that he hasn’t and never will. Johnny calls this a new level of sick and bets EJ enjoyed it. EJ argues that Kate had no right to tell him any of this. Johnny asks what about his mom’s right to not be sexually assaulted. EJ asks why dredge this all up now other than to upset him, feeling there was no need for him to know any of this. Johnny thinks they can both agree that it definitely affects him. Johnny adds that he hasn’t even gotten to the best part, being that Sami got pregnant. Johnny declares that the only reason he exists is because his father raped his mother.

Jada tells Rafe that if EJ took Rafe to Rachel Blake’s house, they should go talk to her. Rafe figures she’s already lawyered up. Jada says if they are going to put away EJ, they need evidence and she thinks Rachel Blake could be a witness. Jada suggests they go to her house in Aremid.

Rachel Blake claims she doesn’t know what she was planning on doing with the gun. Kristen compares it to the knife she took from the mansion and says she’s not helping her or Rachel by hurting Ava. Rachel Blake asks what if Ava hurt her and she was forced to retaliate in self defense, then Ava would be out of the way for Kristen and Brady to be a family and no one would be the wiser.

Ava is surprised Melinda carries a gun. Melinda reminds Ava about Connie holding her prisoner for a month, so she figured she could be more careful. Ava questions her not needing it. Melinda responds that she’s feeling a lot safer with Connie locked up in Bayview while Kristen’s deranged mother is still out there.

Kristen tells her mother that she has to let go of the idea of her, Rachel, and Brady being a family. Kristen demands she turn over the gun so she does.

Brady tells Belle that he hates that he did this to Ava since she suffered a lot and no one is going to pay for it. Brady says the only silver lining might be that EJ gets locked up for what he did to Rafe. Brady says it won’t make up for what he did to Ava but at least he’d be paying for something. Belle hopes that he will be prosecuted but reveals it won’t be by her because she just called Paulina to recuse herself from any cases involving EJ. Brady is shocked and questions why, believing there’s no conflict of interest since she washed her hands of that dirtbag. Brady then realizes she hasn’t.

Johnny knows Sami took a lot of crap for her twins not having the same dad and people called her a slut and a whore. Johnny wonders what Susan would think when she finds out EJ is a rapist. Chanel questions everyone in the family knowing about this. Johnny explains that Kate said the only ones that did know made a pact never to tell him. EJ says they did it to protect him but Johnny argues that EJ was protecting himself. Johnny calls himself a lie because he didn’t come from love and he’s here because a monster viciously violated an innocent woman. EJ knows it was terrible but argues that he doesn’t know the whole story. EJ talks about Sami ignoring the spark between them. EJ tries to explain that Stefano was dying and believed he could use the baby stem cells, so he was trying to save his life. Johnny complains that EJ is blaming Stefano and Sami and shouts that he’ll blame anyone but himself. EJ cries that he’s just trying to make him understand. Johnny says he doesn’t and he never will.

Kristen tells Rachel Blake that they will get her out of there but Jada and Rafe arrive. Jada hoped they could answer some questions but Kristen says they don’t need to talk to them. Jada reveals she was recently reinstated as police commissioner. Kristen says she’s not going to arrest her mother. Jada repeats that she just has questions. They then ask if either of them know anything about EJ holding Rafe there. Rachel Blake flashes back to Rafe waking up there.

Belle tells Brady that she still can’t believe she did this after everything EJ did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. Belle knows that EJ is terrible for her but she can’t stop. Brady calls it an addiction. Belle thinks he might be right. Belle says she did throw EJ out tonight and made it clear this was the las time, so she hopes she can do it. Brady jokes that it sounds like the District Attorney could use some DiMera Anonymous.

EJ repeats to Johnny that he was just trying to explain. Johnny complains that he’s refusing to take responsibility for raping his mother. EJ says he’s not blaming Stefano or Sami as he knows what he did was wrong. Johnny continues to complain and says that EJ never wanted him, he just wanted to harvest his stem cells. Johnny says he and Sami weren’t people, just things for EJ to use and throw away. EJ calls that not true. Johnny brings up that Chad warned him to take Chanel as far away as he could from this family and he wishes they could now to get away from EJ, but the problem is that it doesn’t matter where he goes as he will still be a product of EJ’s crime. Johnny states that rape is not about sex but about power and control. Johnny remarks that EJ has tried to control him for his entire life including his career and his child. Johnny brings up when Chanel was pregnant with a baby they knew could have abnormalities and how EJ said the child was a DiMera first and foremost. Johnny calls EJ just like Stefano. Johnny says Stefano might have controlled EJ but EJ will never control him or his child. EJ promises to stay out of the adoption process. Johnny tells EJ that he will stay out of the baby’s life. Johnny declares that the DiMera legacy is cruel and violent and they want nothing to do with it. Johnny asks how it feels for him to be unable to control him. EJ asks what he can do to make things right. Johnny says he can’t. Johnny states that EJ is his father and he’s supposed to be able to trust him, but he kept this from him for his whole life. EJ explains that he never wanted him to know because he’s not that man anymore and ever since it happened, a part of him has regretted it. EJ states that as much as he hates it, if he hadn’t of done it, he wouldn’t have had Johnny. EJ knows he’s hurting and that he’s disappointed him terribly, but he loves him more than anything. EJ asks if there’s any chance at all that Johnny can find it in his heart to forgive him.

Belle tells Brady that Marlena and Steve made it to the airport for their flight. Brady hopes they get Shane to get them some answers about John. Rachel comes in and says she wants John to read her a bedtime story. Belle offers to read it and says that John used to read her the book when she was her age which Rachel accepts.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s nuts if he thinks he will forgive him. Johnny declares that he will never forgive him and he can’t even look at him. Johnny tells EJ to just leave and screams at him to go, so EJ then exits. Chanel tells Johnny that she’s so sorry. Johnny doesn’t understand any of this and asks how his own father could do something so horrible. Johnny doesn’t know what to do or think about himself and everything. Johnny remarks that this is the only reason EJ is his father. Johnny declares that he hates EJ and swears that he would kill him if he had a gun.

EJ stops on the stairs and breaks down crying.

Ava tells Melinda that thanks to her time in Bayview, she’s not eligible to purchase a gun. Melinda says she’s lucky that she’s offering her one then and calls it a peace offering. Ava says she will give it back to her. Melinda says there’s no rush and if she needs it, use it. Ava takes the gun and hides it in her bag.

Jada asks Rachel Blake if EJ brought Rafe to this house. Kristen responds that they have nothing to say to them and asks them to leave. Jada says she’s not trying to cause trouble but she could easily bring Rachel Blake in as an accessory after the fact. Jada says she wants to bring in EJ and asks Kristen to tell her what she wants to know. Kristen repeats they have nothing to say to her. Jada declares someone is going down for what happened to Rafe and she’s only interested in EJ, but if she can’t get evidence against him, someone else will go down, so Rachel Blake might want to reconsider being quiet because next time she comes, she will bring a search warrant and an arrest warrant. Kristen and Rachel Blake then exit. Rafe says she definitely knows something while Jada declares they won’t stop until they find out what it is.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Amy gets admitted to the hospital in Chicago because a spot opened up in the Clinical trial for the experimental drug. Damian and Nate get a call from Amy telling them that she is in the Clinical trial so Damian and Nate decide to go to Chicago to support Amy.

Holden and Audra have lunch, and Audra reminds Holden that they are just friends. Devon and Lily see Audra and Holden having lunch and Lily tells Devon that she can’t shake the feeling that Damian and Holden are hiding something from Nate.

Summer has lunch with Kyle because Claire can’t have lunch with him because she has to go back to work. Summer tells Kyle she thinks Victor wants them to get back together and that is why he doesn’t approve of his relationship with Claire.

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BTG Transcript Monday, March 17, 2025

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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I want you to stay away from my wife. Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. Can I get you something? That woman had the audacity, the sheer gall to show up to my home unannounced like a raging bull. I take full responsibility for my shameful behavior. We definitely won this round. So, you’re telling me you’re out here

sleeping with two guys?

I didn’t say that. Chels, I swear. [chuckles] Chill. It’s one guy and his wife. This video is incredible. Andre, were you…

about to kiss me?

[chuckles nervously] Andre? [stammers] I guess I need to work on my impulse control. Yeah, you do that. I have a boyfriend who I love very much. And your lack of impulse control must have come with a side of selective amnesia, because somehow you seem to manage to forget all about Derek. [door opening] Eva, what’s going on? Oh, Kat had a friend over for dinner earlier, and I had some things to finish up on my computer, but then I saw the way she left things, so I just wanted to pitch in and help out. Thanks, but it’s not your job to clean up after my daughter. My job is about making your life easier, which includes making sure you don’t come home to a mess. Since I have you here, would you mind helping me out with something else?


I want to find a server from the awards banquet last night. Her name’s Sherry Carter. [huffs] Mm. Oh. [grunts] Ugh. Stop being so damn happy. Oh, crap. ♪ ♪ I mean it, babe. I’m gonna make it up to you for cutting our honeymoon short. I promise. In so many delicious ways. Hayley. Baby, are you sure you’re not disappointed that we left Italy early? I’m fine, Bill. But look at this traffic. We’re not moving at all. I just want to be home. What was I thinking? I can, I can refill this bottle with some other expensive wine. Bill would spot that in a heartbeat. And I can’t put the cork back in and the foil back on. [gasps] Please, please, please, please, please. Please, please, please. Okay. Thank God you’re there. Help!

Ashley, hear me out.

You can’t explain away trying to kiss me. But it didn’t happen. Look. Ashley, I’m sorry, it– That’s not an excuse, but… Look, what didn’t happen but almost happened, it was out of line, all right? And I’m sorry. [scoffs] Look, I don’t mean to overreact. I mean, nothing actually happened. But what almost happened cannot actually happen, Andre.


I love Derek. I know. I know. Okay. Look, I’m sorry. [elevator dings] [sighs] DEREK: Ash. [chuckles nervously] Additional sponsorship provided by…

Where did you come from?

From what is now my former hospital room. Can finally blow this place, babe. Came looking for you to give you the good news. Well, discharged patient or not, you cannot just get in a chair and wheel yourself around the hospital without assistance.

We have rules.

Yeah? Any rules against this?

Derek, Derek, Derek.

[laughs] Or how about rules against… …telling my girlfriend how much I love her. Dad? Pop. Don’t say anything to them. You can’t keep trying to deal with this by yourself. How was school? Same old. Come on, Samantha.

Back down here for homework.

SAMANTHA: Okay. Something’s off. You got that in less than ten words. When you know, you know. Um, Sherry with one “R” or two? Uh, two. Uh, if I hadn’t seen her name tag last night, I’d have no idea. I barely know her. Oh, okay. I’ll call the club. Hopefully they know how to track her down. I’ve never seen her at the club before, so she must have been extra staff that they brought in for the events banquet. I… It was such a surprise to see her like that. You mean you know her from somewhere else? We met a few days ago. The encounter was… memorable. I heard from one of the nurses about you talking a suicidal woman off the hospital roof. Was that her? I’m sorry, Eva. I can’t talk about the details of that incident. I get it. Um, I’ll make that call. Oh, and you should know that Sherry got fired from the gala that night and asked to leave the club. Oh, um, then I’m sure the banquet manager will remember her. NICOLE: I really want to make sure she’s all right. So if you need to drop my name to get a phone number or an address, do that. Okay. What the hell are you doing in your ex-husband’s new house? Is it Glorietta Interiors? You’d think Bill would get a new designer for the new wife.

Were you able to get everything?

Yes. And you don’t get to see a bit of it until you answer my questions. Why are you here? And what is with this strange and very specific shopping list? [gasps] Dani! This is Bill’s fault. The minute he took over that press conference and told the world how little I matter… Ugh. Consider the source. That man is not fit to kiss your Louboutins. You matter a hell of a lot more than he does. This is why you are my oldest– make that dearest– friend in the world. Same goes. What needs to be done? We have got to get everything back where it was. There cannot be one speck of evidence that can be used against me. Mm. Bill can be a force in the courtroom. Who cares about him? I fear the wrath of Anita Dupree. [exhales] What’s up with you two? Tyrell. You got something on your mind? No chatter, please. You guys are always honest about how quiet study habits are vital to getting into a good college. You’re both right. School is important, but so is family time. I’m in the middle of something. The sooner you share, the sooner you can get back to it. You first, Tyrell. Is everything good at school?


I got asked out today. To what and by whom? It doesn’t matter, since I’m the only 16-year-old in the DMV who’s not allowed to date. Samantha, we’ve already discussed this. Then it was a possibility. Today I had to turn down a crush material guy because I had to hit him with a no and a lame excuse because my two dads won’t let me go out with boys. That’s not only mad unfair, it’s humiliating. Do we even know this boy?

So not the point.

I disagree. Pop, you’re all about freedom.

[chuckles] I enjoy it.

Shouldn’t I have the same freedom to explore that all my friends have? What kind of “exploring” are we talking about here? SAMANTHA: Pop, don’t be cringe. That’s not what she meant. Come on. I just want to be clear what you’re talking about when you say you want to date these young, horny little bastards. Why are you taking it there? Because, Samantha, he’s a boy. And everyone except for you in this house knows exactly what that means. For me, it means hitting up a movie. That might not be so bad. With supervision, of course. Yeah, yeah. We could do like a double date. It would be a secret double date. Your pops and I would be seated a few rows behind you. We’d even pay for the popcorn. [muffled scream] [laughs] Okay, joking. I don’t think she has a sense of humor about this, Martin. But it might be time to rethink the no-dating rule. I think that it’s at least worth the discussion. Bet! Discuss it into a “yes” this time, please. No promises on the outcome. If I’m well enough to go home, I’m well enough to leave here on my own two feet. You have been around this place long enough to realize that it has rules. [chuckles] And you’re the queen of following rules. I know.

You should be glad I am.

Oh, yeah? Thought I was the only one coloring outside the lines today. What rule were you tempted to break, Nurse Perfect? Well, I had a highly illicit make-out session at this very nurse’s station just a little while ago. Did you now? I even ended up in a patient’s lap. Can you believe it? You bad, bad girl. Oh, I am. [weak chuckle] Those activities are frowned on around here. Breaking the rules like that, you must be in love. And who can object to that? Not me. [scoffs] Come on. Let’s get the man of my dreams out of here. Danielle Dupree, you are nothing if not consistent.

And that is not a compliment.

I will admit, I am an “act first, ask questions later” type of gal. You always say that when we’re in the middle of an impossible situation you created. Now is not the time, Pamela. We don’t have time to delve into the core of my personality. I can’t have Bill and Hayley get back from their stupid honeymoon and put together that I was here, or that I helped myself to their wedding present, or that I adjusted their wedding photo. Honey, you breaking in here was bad enough. Everything else is just cherries on top. I didn’t break in, per se. One of the security guards has a soft spot for me. And you batted those eyes at him? I’m very grateful for people like him and friends like you who I can turn to in a pinch. You’d do the same for me. [gasps] Oh! Voilà!

Miracle worker.

[laughs] Looks like a match to me. Right down to the vintage. What about the picture frame? Not even close. All we need is the glass in the frame. It’ll fit just like the one you broke.

I mean adjusted.

Great. Now, about that bow. I’m afraid I trashed the original one. Let me work my magic on that while you switch out the glass in the frame. Deal. Oh. There we go. It is a really good thing that you disconnected those security cameras when you waltzed in here. Your tracks should be covered. Mostly, anyway. Great. I need a nap. Oh, you need to get it together and fix things before Bill and Hayley come back. We’ve got time. Hayley’s probably still drooling over those cliché tourist attractions in Italy. BILL: Yes. Okay. That works out perfectly. All right. Thank you. What did you do? Just pulled some strings. Momentarily, we’ll have a police escort just beyond the next exit. Where we will find…?

Helicopter transport.

[gasps softly]

How did you pull that off?

[laughs] Well, I represented a city official in a particularly embarrassing lawsuit a few years back, and I won, of course. And he owed me a massive favor. Oh, my goodness. So…

We’ll be home real soon, okay?


Thank you.

Of course. [sighs] EVA: Hi, yes. This is Dr. Nicole Richardson’s assistant,

and I’m calling from…

Hey, hon. Why are you trying to get in touch with that server from the gala? Do you know she was fired in the middle of the event? No. But are you sure? [doorbell rings] I’ll get that. So the banquet manager has already left for the day, and his assistant doesn’t have access to the employee records. But she’s going to try to reach him at home. NICOLE: Okay, that’s great. Hey, Aunt Nicole.


Hey. We weren’t expecting you, Andre. Yeah, I got the proofs from the gala. Oh, they look spectacular.

That’s wonderful.

Yeah. Uh, I thought you were gonna have a messenger bring them by, though. Um, I was, but, um, I realized that I’d be in the neighborhood, so I figured I would bring them anyway. Uh, it was no trouble. Unless… did I interrupt something? No, of course not. And thank you for these. Um, Nicole, while you’re looking over the photos, I can finalize your schedule for tomorrow. Oh, you don’t have to do that this evening. It’s getting late. I kind of want to wait around anyway to see if we hear anything back from the banquet manager. Okay. Thanks.

[phone vibrates]

I’m sorry. I need to get this. Well, Andre, now that we have the room to ourselves, would you like to tell me the real reason you came by here tonight? [chuckles] To bring you the pictures. Try that on somebody that doesn’t know you as well as I do. Something is going on with you, so you might as well just tell me what it is. ASHLEY: Here we go. Why are we at your place instead of mine? You think I trust your roommates to take care of you? The guys are okay. They park me in my favorite chair with pizza and beer. Right, which is why you’re staying right here where I can look after you until I think you’re ready to be on your own. Ash, I’m fine. I don’t need to be babied. A building fell on top of you, Derek. And this isn’t babying.

Look, I’m not complaining.

Really? ‘Cause it kind of sounds like you are. No way.

I love your TLC.

Good. ‘Cause I like giving it. Look, we’re two years into this thing that we’re doing, and I think it’s going pretty well. That plan we laid out for ourselves is really coming together. I was thinking the same thing. I like the way things are going very much. Then maybe don’t fight me when I try to show you how much you mean to me. Maybe just relax and enjoy it when I want to show you how grateful I am that you’re here. And I’m here. And we’re here. Together. Let me get you something to drink. Wait, what are my choices? Water, milk, apple juice? How about a beer?

Best girlfriend ever.

Okay, wait. Don’t get too excited. It’s the nonalcoholic type. But Jacob swears it tastes like the real thing. Maybe second best girlfriend ever? [chuckles] [exhales] Boy. Hey. I could have sworn I set the security code before we left, babe. You just feel safe behind these gates. [chuckles]

Italy is beautiful…

Mm. …but I love it here, Bill. Let me put these bags away so we can get settled in. Okay. After all that, I could use another drink.

Want one?

Yes, please. Thank you. What the hell? BILL: Hayley? I never liked plain water. I bet that’s the smartest thing you’ve put in your system all day. With that and the aspirin, when you wake up tomorrow, you won’t have the slightest trace of a hangover. I owe you, Pamela. You saved my skin today. If you hadn’t have panicked, you would have been able to handle it all on your own. You nixed my nap and got us out ASAP even though Bill and Hayley are thousands of miles away. So smart to get it done and me out of there. I wasn’t in my right mind. Just do me a favor. If Bill and Hayley ever figure out that you busted into their place, leave my name out of it. I would never use your name as an accessory. I might need you to bail me out. What is it? What…? I don’t get it, babe. What’s wrong? This photo. I already thought it was weird at first because it wasn’t where I put it. I left it over there before, but then I just found it here on the mantel. Okay. And then when I picked it up and looked… See? There’s a deep scratch in the middle of the photo. It wasn’t there before. I’m sure of it. Okay. [chuckles] Babe, I see the scratch, but how could it have gotten there? Unless the glass broke somehow. But the glass isn’t broken. This just doesn’t make any sense. Okay, look, I have an idea. Why don’t we open this, and we can pour ourselves some superb wine and just relax, babe, okay? We’re just edgy from a long flight. We spent forever in traffic. When you’re tired, everything looks like a problem.

Maybe you’re right.

Yeah. You know? Tell you what. We’ll get a new one printed up to replace this one. It was probably just a defect that we didn’t notice before. But in the meantime, a glass of 1992 Château de La Colère will go down nicely right about now. Wait, Bill, stop. Babe, what is it, huh? Did the bottle move, too? No, but there was a beautiful inscription engraved on the back, remember? Celebrating us. It’s not there anymore. You see that? No sign of an inscription that made it such a special gift. Look, Bill, this isn’t tiredness talking. Something is wrong. Yeah, you’re right. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? The alarm was off… The scratched picture… The bottle of wine obviously replaced… BOTH: Dani. That bitch broke in here. She invaded our home. I’m gonna find her. She’s gonna wish she was never born. No. She’s mine. Yeah. If you hate it, I will run out and get you the real thing. It wouldn’t exactly necessarily not be good for you.


Ash. I don’t deserve a beer. I haven’t been appropriately grateful for all the love and affection you’ve been throwing my way. Don’t make a fuss. I like taking care of people. Hello? Nurse. Yeah, but a fuss is what you deserve. And I want to make sure I’m not sending you the wrong signal. I’m the luckiest guy in the world because I found you. And I never want you to doubt my feelings for you. I don’t. Good. And all your loving, all your caring, pour it all on me. Every drop. I can’t get enough of it. And you’re 100% right about our plan. It’s right on track. And I love where it’s going. Almost as much as I love you. Just know that you don’t have to run into a burning building to motivate me to show my love for you. Are you sure? Because with my job,

I have plenty of opportunities.

Absolutely sure. If you ever want more of my attention, all you have to do is… That. [chuckles softly] We both know that you didn’t have to bring these pictures over here tonight. They’re just a handy excuse, weren’t they? [scoffs] Auntie? Are you trying to shrink me? No. But now Auntie knows she’s right. Do you remember that conversation we had before you became a professional photographer? You were worried you were making a mistake. I practically had to pull it out of you with dental instruments. But we both knew that you needed to talk it out. So what is it this time? It’s Ashley. Haven’t we already talked about your leanings towards Ashley and how you should resist them? Yeah, I know, but I… I wanted to… I-I thought– I thought about kissing her. Actually, I almost did.


Almost. Fortunately, she pulled back at the last minute. Thank goodness. Yeah, but she knew what I wanted to do.

And now she’s angry.

And she has the right to be. I’m just afraid to think what would have happened if I would have actually gone through with that. I hope you’re not here trying to get permission to pursue her because you’re not gonna get it from me. I know. Ashley is deeply in love with Derek and vice versa. And I know you know that because you have eyes. I know that. But what I don’t get is where are all these crazy attractions coming from? I knew Ashley long before she ever got together with Derek. And the idea of making a move on her never even occurred to me. So, why now, when she’s with somebody do I have this, this urge to…? Where does that come from? That’s not me. That– I don’t typically go for girls who already are attached. [sighs] And I can’t figure out why I did it this time. Or nearly did it. I think this is why you really came here tonight. You need someone to tell you you need to stay away from Ashley. No matter what impulse you’re feeling, you know they’re wrong. Besides, there are plenty of women out there besides Ashley. Yeah, there’s no shortage of pretty ladies, that’s for sure. Why don’t you stay a bit, join us for dinner. No, thanks. I’ve already interrupted enough of your night. You are never an interruption. [chuckles] Thank you, but… you gave me the kick in the butt that I need, and I’m over it. [chuckling] Thanks, Auntie. All right, I’ll let myself out. [relieved sigh] Andre leave? Is everything okay with him? Yeah, he just needed to get something off his chest. Well, he came to the right place for that. Actually, there’s something else that I need to talk about. Of course. Let me just finish up with Eva and track down this server. No, Nicole, you need to let that go.

Excuse me?

If that woman needs help, she needs to get it somewhere else. NICOLE: She absolutely needs help, Ted. She didn’t just happen to get a job at a gala that I was being honored at. Like Freud said, there are no coincidences. You’re right. There are no coincidences. But that’s why you need to stay far away from that woman. Hayley. I know it’s impolite to just drop by, but I wanted you to be the first to know that Bill and I are back. One of his cases went into overdrive, and he’s just crushed. He had to cut our honeymoon short after promising me the trip of a lifetime. But I don’t have to tell you. You were married to him long enough. Yes, I was. So here we are, home again. We landed just a little bit ago, actually. And I figured you’d rather I tell you personally instead of running into each other on the street. No one likes a rude surprise, am I right?

I don’t know anyone who does.

Hmm. Hayley, is this the only reason–? That I came by? Actually, there is one other thing. Oh, wow. You were really something. Thank you. It meant a lot to get that cover. Oh, well.


Oops. What is going on? Are you crazy? One of us sure as hell is. And the crazy ends now, if you know what’s good for you. I know you were in my house, bitch. I know you drank our wine, and I know you smashed our wedding photo. You violated my space. You found your way in in that entitled, petty way that you have because you are just so obsessed with the life that Bill and I are making that you just can’t stay away. But you need to do that. Stay away, Dani. Stay far away and stop dwelling on us. You know, it’s only making you look like the pathetic witch that you are. And all it did was bring us to the breaking point. You and Bill? Mybreaking point. If you don’t leave us alone, I will get a restraining order against you. And if you violate it, I will have your ass thrown in jail and the charges won’t be dropped. You might have started on a high ground, painting me as the home-wrecker, but you violating my home, invading it, and destroying my things, that makes you the villain, Dani. Yeah, and then everyone will see you for the wack-job that you really are. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


If you have evidence of these alleged actions, please, let’s have it. Otherwise, it’s just a steaming load of crap like your pathetic marriage. You can deny it all you want, but we both know the truth. Don’t try me again, Dani. You don’t want to see what happens when you do. Bye now. Damn it. Hey. It’s that time again. You know where I am. [scoffs] Dinner, everyone. Hurry, before it gets cold. [clears throat] Tyrell. Is there something you want to talk about? We talked to Samantha about dating, but we never got around to what was going on with our son.

I’m fine.

SMITTY: Really? You’ve always been quiet, but you’ve been keeping to yourself a little more lately. Except for those secret looks with your sister that you don’t think we notice. ‘Cause she wanted me to push the whole dating thing. Is that it? Are you sure? SMITTY: I remember what it was like when I was your age, and I wanted… wanted help with things, but I didn’t want to ask. Dad, I can handle it. Handle what? I’m having problems with calculus. I’m getting through them, though. You see? I told you. Nothing major. Now we can eat because starving the boy won’t help anyone. [sighs] NICOLE: Would you care to explain why you’re trying to tell me what to do? TED: What I mean is, she made you come up to the hospital roof. She only wanted to talk to you. So if she came to the gala on purpose, she wanted something more from you. Agreed. Which is why I need to find her. Look, Nicole, what I’m trying to say is this lady is fixated on you. I’m no psychiatrist, but I don’t think the right thing to do is for you to treat her. I mean, you’re not wrong if I’m part of her problem in some way. The thing is, Sherry needs help and I don’t think she’s getting it. TED: Whatever the situation, I think we both know and agree that you’re the wrong one to treat her. I’m sorry for coming on so strong. I just wanted to protect you. I appreciate that. Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been through a lot the past couple of days. Are you checking to see if I’m strong enough? Just try me. Thanks for staying so late, Eva. Nicole values your time and dedication.

I’d do anything for her.

Good. Good. Oh, by the way, you don’t have to worry about looking for that woman from the gala again. Nicole has decided it’s best to just… let that go. Oh, if that’s what Nicole wants. Thanks. [scoffs] [phone vibrating] Hey. Are you okay?

I was starting to get worried.

Oh. You had nothing to worry about. And I’m glad you didn’t try to follow me. I had no problem tearing Dani a new one. Oh, Lord. We can breathe easy. Your evil ex won’t be bothering us anymore. Oh… Who is this woman before me? She bears little resemblance to my polite little wife. Oh, I’m the same woman that you married.


I’m just done. And you know what? I think you would be proud of me because I’ve just been taking it and taking it in the name of making peace. But tonight, I stood up for myself, for the both of us.


Mm-hmm. You know what? I am proud of you. And I am more than ready to be done with all of this. You know what? No more getting back at Dani for all the things that she’s done. Forget about her, right? We got better things to do and a life to build together. [both laughing, moaning] Mm. [pop music playing] I checked the time. It’s “never again” already.

So it is.

Yeah. You want something to drink? Uh, sure. What do you want? Surprise me. ♪ ♪ Damn buttons. Bad day? [sighs] Yeah, to put it mildly. You? Well… It was an adventure. You want to talk about it?


[scoffs] No, I do not. [sighs]

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Days Update Friday, March 14, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes to see Sophia at the Bistro to ask if her mom is still pissed about the lunch at the DiMeras. Sophia points out that he didn’t have to come in person to ask that and could have just texted. Tate notes that he didn’t have anything else going on. Sophia questions him not hanging out with his girlfriend on a Friday night. Tate responds that he and Holly are not really talking.

Holly goes to the Horton house where Doug III answers the door without a shirt on.

EJ goes to see Belle, who tells him he can’t be there. EJ asks her not to shut him out.

At the Brady Pub, Johnny says what happened to Rafe and Jada was terrible but he talked to EJ, who said bringing Arnold to town the first time still haunts him to this day and that he never wanted Sami hurt like that. Roman calls that total BS and declares that it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same exact thing that Arnold did. Johnny questions what he is talking about. Roman tells him to forget it but Johnny demands to know how EJ did the same thing as Arnold. Roman claims he doesn’t know what he’s saying and is just upset about what happened to Rafe. Johnny argues that he knows EJ has done some bad things over the years but nothing like what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny questions Roman thinking EJ is as bad as Arnold when Arnold is a rapist. Roman remarks that Johnny has no idea who his dad really is. Roman declares that if Arnold Feniger is a rapist, then so is EJ DiMera.

Sophia asks what happened with Tate and Holly. Tate responds that they had a fight. Sophia guesses it was about the baby. Tate admits that was part of it since he promised her that the adoption was a done deal and now who knows thanks to EJ. Sophia remarks that she’s sorry their baby is such a problem for his relationship. Tate points out that he said that was only part of the fight. Sophia asks what else it was about. Tate says it’s not what, but who, as he tells her it’s Doug Williams III.

Doug III tells Holly that he was just getting in a workout. Holly says she can come back later but Doug III says he was basically done and he’s glad she’s there.

Belle tells EJ that he can’t come in as they have nothing to talk about unless he’s there to confess his crimes. EJ responds that the only thing he’s guilty of is being unable to stop thinking about her. Belle tells him not to do that. EJ says he’s just telling her how he’s feeling. Belle says he shouldn’t be there but EJ says there is nowhere else he’d rather be. EJ tells Belle that he’s missed her ever since she stormed out on him the other day. EJ asks if she misses him too.

Johnny questions Roman saying his father is a rapist. Roman tells him to forget it since he knows how much he loves his dad and what he said was in the heat of anger. Johnny questions it being true. Johnny tells Roman that he knows he wouldn’t just throw something out that terrible unless it was true.

Holly tells Doug III that she wanted to talk about the necklace as she keeps thinking about how Melinda refused to sell it to them. Holly says they have to do something but Doug III isn’t sure what they can do. Holly declares she’s here because she has a brilliant idea.

Paulina and Chanel sit together in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Paulina asks where Johnny is. Chanel says he went to get takeout from the Pub. Paulina says she did have some news to share with them both about her sitdown with Amy Choi. Chanel says she can tell her and then she’ll tell Johnny, so she asks how it went. Paulina says it went surprisingly well so Chanel asks if she got her to come around on the idea of them adoption. Paulina excitedly tells her that she thinks she convinced Amy that the baby would be lucky to have them as parents. Chanel hugs her and says that’s amazing. Paulina adds that there is one sticking point. Chanel bets she can guess what that is.

Belle tells EJ that the only thing she feels for him is disgust for what he did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. EJ says that’s what he allegedly did. Belle questions playing this game. EJ argues that there is no evidence to support the outrageous claims against him. Belle calls him unbelievable for lying to her face. EJ knows she’s only hearing horrible accusations against him and everything in her life is pushing her to lose faith and abandon him, but he knows she doesn’t want to walk away from what they have. Belle tells EJ that she doesn’t want him anywhere near him. Belle says she is the district attorney while he is a criminal. EJ remarks that she knew exactly who he was when she got involved with him. Belle admits she thought maybe he would try to change, but he doesn’t want to so he never will. Belle calls EJ the same selfish son of a bitch he’s always been.

Roman tells Johnny that he was just trying to say that he was responsible for what Arnold did to Sami since he hired him to take over Rafe’s life. Johnny doesn’t think that’s what he meant. Roman says he was just upset and now he’s sorry for upsetting Johnny. Roman says he has to get to the back of the Pub for a delivery. Johnny wants to finish the conversation but Roman promises they will talk later and walks away. Kate arrives and greets Johnny, asking if he’s okay. Johnny responds that he just had a very strange conversation with Roman which Kate questions. Johnny informs Kate that Roman accused EJ of being a rapist and then tried to walk it back. Johnny asks if Kate knows something. Kate tries to explain but Johnny asks for the truth and says not to try to protect him because if EJ committed that horrible crime, he has a right to know.

Tate complains to Sophia that a month ago, Holly didn’t even know who Doug III was and now it’s like she’s spending all of her time with him. Sophia asks if he’s pissed that she’s friends with him. Tate responds that it’s not jealousy but he doesn’t trust him. Sophia asks if he did something to make him not trust him. Tate thinks back to Holly telling him about Doug III stealing the necklace. Tate then tells Sophia that Doug III has done some very shady stuff, so he doesn’t want Holly to get sucked in to his mess of a life more than she already has been.

Doug III asks Holly what her solution to dealing with Melinda is. Holly talks about Melinda not selling it to them even though she knows it was stolen. Holly then suggests sneaking in to Melinda’s apartment to steal it back.

Tate tells Sophia that he’s worried that the more time Holly spends with Doug III, the more she’s going to get caught up in his mess. Sophia asks what kind of mess they are talking about. Tate says it’s just not good. Sophia guesses he thinks Doug III is a bad influence on Holly. Tate confirms that, then apologizes for dumping all of his problems on her. Sophia says it’s okay and sees that he’s really hurting. Tate wishes Doug III never showed up in Salem and adds that on top of all that, his grandpa John is missing which shocks Sophia. Tate informs her that Marlena just left to go looking for him. Sophia says that’s so scary. Tate agrees and says growing up, he thought of his Grandpa as an invincible super spy while now, he can’t help but think what if he doesn’t come back. Sophia hugs Tate and assures that John will be okay.

EJ asks if Belle can pretend that he’s nothing to her. Belle responds that what he did was unthinkable and says he ruined Rafe and Jada’s life over a district attorney job. Belle argues that nothing EJ can say can make this better. Belle brings up what he and Kristen did to Ava and complains that he only cares about himself. Belle calls him ruthless and sadistic, arguing that he’s hurt so many people that she cares about. Belle questions how he expects her to forgive him. EJ argues that they don’t have to let any of this come between them. Belle asks if he just wants her to look the other way when he’s accused of kidnapping two people. Belle warns EJ that he will be in handcuffs on his way to prison. EJ responds that he’s not going to prison. Belle is not sure about that and declares that as soon as she has enough evidence to link him to these crimes, she will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. EJ tells her to go ahead but says she cannot tell him that she doesn’t want him just as much as he wants her. Belle then grabs EJ and they start kissing as they move in to the bedroom.

Kate thinks Johnny should wait until Roman comes back to have this conversation. Johnny complains that he will just lie to him again and he can tell Kate knows what he was talking about. Kate argues that he should have this conversation with Sami. Johnny questions what Sami has to do with this and argues that she’s not making sense. Johnny says he knows Sami has defended some of the things EJ has done but there’s no way she would defend him raping someone, so she can’t know anything about this. Kate then reveals to Johnny that Sami is the one that EJ raped.

Doug III questions Holly suggesting stealing the necklace from Melinda’s apartment. Holly argues that it doesn’t belong to her and questions why they can’t just return it to it’s rightful owner. Doug III worries about breaking and entering being a crime. Holly argues that Melinda couldn’t report it without incriminating herself. Holly complains about Melinda helping Sloan kidnap her baby brother and putting her family through Hell, so she’s not about to have sympathy for that bitch. Doug III comments on never seeing her like this before. Holly responds that she believes in karma and asks if they are going to break in to get the necklace back or not. Doug III says absolutely not.

Sophia gets a call from her mom and says she’ll see her tonight after work. Tate asks what that was about. She informs him that her mom met with Chanel’s mom and they apparently really hit off. Tate excitedly asks what this means. Sophia responds that there is hope that Johnny and Chanel will be able to adopt their baby.

Paulina tells Chanel that despite her best efforts, Amy still has reservations about EJ being involved with the baby. Paulina assures that EJ won’t be a problem much longer, even if she has to see to it personally. Chanel questions what she is planning. Paulina responds that she plans to use her influence to make sure EJ goes to prison for what he did to Ava, Rafe, and Jada. Chanel asks if she really thinks he’s going away. Paulina responds that she met with Belle today and she’s committed to throwing the book at EJ. Chanel comments on her seeming confident. Paulina then admits to Chanel that Belle had been having an affair with EJ, but she promised her that they were finished. Paulina insists that Belle will keep her promise because she knows what’s at stake.

Belle and EJ lay in bed after having sex. EJ laughs and questions her not saying anything. Belle can’t believe she just did that and calls it a conflict of interest. EJ remarks that she didn’t seem to care while she was in his arms. Belle complains that he’s under investigation for multiple felonies and mentions promising Paulina that they were done sleeping with each other. Belle calls this a nightmare and asks what the hell is wrong with her. Belle warns that if Paulina finds out about this, she could lose her job, so EJ tells her not to tell her. EJ suggests telling Paulina that there is no case because they both know the police won’t find any real evidence linking him to the crimes. EJ claims his hands are clean and Belle just has to make them accept that. Belle argues that EJ came over to seduce her in to dropping the investigation and calls him such a bastard.

Johnny questions Kate telling him that his father raped his mother. Johnny asks how and when. Kate doesn’t want to go in to details but Johnny says she can’t just say that and walk away from it. Kate suggests going upstairs for privacy but Johnny demands the truth right here. Kate asks where to start. Johnny tells her to try the beginning and not leave anything out as they sit together. Kate guesses the beginning is Sami and Lucas going skiing in the mountains where their car broke down and they ended up at a remote cabin where there was a huge storm that caved in the roof of the cabin. Kate explains that Lucas was pinned underneath and Sami was afraid he was going to die. Johnny asks what this has to do with EJ raping Sami. Kate continues that Sami went out to the road for help and found EJ, so she begged him to come back to the cabin to help her save Lucas. Kate reveals that EJ agreed to do it, if Sami had sex with him first. Johnny is shocked to learn the truth.

Holly asks Doug III what’s wrong with her plan. Doug III points out it being illegal and that breaking the law is why he’s in this mess. He feels Holly has done more than enough to help him and he appreciates her paying off his debt, but he’s not going to allow her to do something dangerous on his account. Doug III encourages that she’s going to graduate high school and has her whole life ahead of her, so she doesn’t want to start it behind bars. Holly admits maybe it wasn’t her best idea as they joke together.

Chanel asks if Paulina really thinks they don’t have to worry about Belle going easy on EJ. Paulina says she won’t if she values her career because EJ needs to be locked up for a long time. Chanel agrees that it would be a relief if EJ was out of the way for the adoption, but he is Johnny’s dad and she knows Johnny still loves him. Paulina argues that EJ should’ve thought about family before breaking the law, so he deserves whatever is coming to him. Paulina adds that after EJ is gone, Chanel and Johnny can finally start their lives with a beautiful new baby.

Johnny tells Kate that it can’t be true as he knows EJ can be ruthless or go too far in business, but there’s no way he could do that to his mom. Kate says she’s sorry and knows it’s hard for him to hear this, but she knows in his heart that he knows it’s true. Kate states that it’s what Roman was trying to tell him but he stopped himself and she thinks she should’ve stopped too. Johnny says it’s okay because he begged her to be honest with him. Johnny asks when this happened. Kate informs him that it was before he was born when Sami and Lucas were a couple. Johnny questions no one wanting to ever tell him about this. Kate reveals that they all made a pact to keep it from he and Allie. Johnny then asks if this is the reason why he and his twin sister have separate fathers. Johnny realizes that Kate just told him the story of how he was conceived. Johnny remarks that his sister was born out of love while he was a product of rape. Kate repeats that she’s so sorry. Johnny declares he has to get out of here and storms out of the Pub, leaving Kate in tears.

Belle accusing EJ of using her and calls him a son of a bitch. EJ insists that he came to see her and not about the case. Belle calls him a liar. EJ argues that she’s being unreasonable. Belle screams at EJ to get out of her bed and her house so EJ storms out in a rage.

Tate tells Sophia that Paulina must have really impressed Amy which Sophia notes is no easy task but she doesn’t want to get their hopes up too high because Amy is still concerned about EJ. Tate feels that if Johnny and Chanel can distance themselves from EJ then hopefully she will come around. Sophia admits that would be amazing and says she should get back to work. Tate offers to stay and help her clean up, saying he wants to hang with her. Tate adds that he doesn’t want her to work herself too hard. Sophia guesses he’s worried about the baby but Tate says he wants her to be okay and happy. Sophia responds that she wants the same thing for him, so they go to work together.

Doug III tells Holly that it means a lot that she was willing to go that far for him. Holly says she wants things to work out for him as she really cares about him. Holly asks how they plan on getting the necklace back if they aren’t going to steal it back since they can’t just let Melinda win. Doug III offers to heat up leftovers while they brainstorm. Holly decides she’ll get started in the kitchen while he goes to take a shower.

Paulina sits in the town square as she gets a call from Belle and says she was just reassuring Chanel that Belle would be doing everything in her power to put EJ away for his crimes against the citizens of Salem. Belle says she’s been thinking about their conversation and she thinks it would be best if she recused herself from the investigation in to EJ DiMera.

Roman comes back to the Pub and finds Kate, asking her what’s wrong and what happened. Kate informs him that she came in to Johnny talking about EJ and blindsided her with a question about why he didn’t tell him that his father had raped someone. Roman apologizes and says he was just so upset about Arnold Feniger that it just came out and he should’ve known Johnny wouldn’t let it go. Kate confirms he was very persistent. Roman talks about all these years of trying to protect Johnny and Allie from the awful truth. Roman asks what Kate said to Johnny. Kate responds that she had no choice but to tell him the truth, so his grandson now knows that his father raped his mother and he’s the result of that.

EJ goes home to the DiMera Mansion and greets Chanel in the living room. Chanel decides she will go wait for Johnny in their room. EJ stops her and says he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Jada from Days

Brady needs to get his priorities straight. His concern should be with his family, but he only worries about Ava. We understand that he has been unlucky in love, but he should be focused on what’s going on with his family. His son is dealing with giving his baby up for adoption, yet he hasn’t been involved in the story. John is missing yet he didn’t want to do anything to help find him. The only thing on his mind is Ava and making sure she doesn’t break up with him. We do give him a little credit for mentioning Rachel, but he doesn’t care about anyone else.

Why are the writers shoving Chad and Cat down our throats? Cat may have had a “justifiable” reason for scamming Chad, but it doesn’t change what she did. Her actions made him lose Abby all over again so you would think he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. We get that the writers don’t want Chad to be alone, but they didn’t have to pair him up with Cat. The writers must think having her be a “good” person to people changes her actions. Unfortunately, all of us aren’t fooled by her nice girl act.

Jada is the hypocrite of the week. She demands truth and honesty from people, yet she didn’t tell Rafe the truth about sleeping with Shawn. The only thing she told him was she kissed Arnold. She had the opportunity to tell him that she slept with Shawn, but she kept it from him. We all know the secret will come out, but she will expect him to forgive what she did. If the shoe were on the other foot and Rafe slept with another woman, Jada would have broken up with him.

Was there a reason why the writers suddenly put EJ raping Sami on the front burner? They went out of their way to romanticize EJ and Sami’s relationship as if the rape never happened. Suddenly the rape came back into the story. Roman set up Johnny finding out that EJ was a rapist. Kate ended up telling Johnny the truth. This is a secret that has been kept for years and now it’s suddenly come to light. Roman was suddenly so appalled by what EJ did to Sami, yet he hasn’t said anything about it. Sami went on to marry him as well as have another child with him so she couldn’t have been that phased by the rape.

Speaking of Roman, he resents EJ for bringing Arnold in Sami’s life yet he’s willing to let Ava stay in the pub. Did he forget that Ava killed his father? You would think that he wouldn’t want anything to do with her after what she did to his father. In the grand scheme of things what Ava being responsible for Shawn’s death should measure up to what EJ did with Arnold.

What is going on with Belle? She’s obsessed with EJ. We understand that she is suddenly attracted to dangerous men, but sleeping with EJ again was ridiculous especially when she knows what he did to Rafe and Jada. She was the same person who was determined to make EJ pay for what he did, but she ended up in bed with him anyway. Paulina warned her that she could lose her job if she slept with him again, yet she did it anyway. It will serve her right if EJ uses her to get her fired. Let’s see how obsessed she will be with him then.


Belle from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Brady and Doug from Days


-The music playing in Brady, Tate, and Theresa’s scene could be heard while Holly and Tate were shown.

-Holly’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Rafe and Jada were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Jada while Brady and Theresa were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Melinda while Tate and Theresa were shown.

-Rachel sliced Ava’s hand with a knife but there was no blood on it.


-Paulina could be heard talking to Belle while Brady was shown.

-Belle could be heard talking to Gabi while JJ was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Jada and Rafe while Gabi was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Brady while EJ and Rachel were shown.

-Jada’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Sarah’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Stephanie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Why would Cat answer the door with a towel on? She could have asked Felicity to answer the door instead of answering it with a towel on.

-Philip could be heard talking to Alex while Stephanie and Joy were shown.

-Philip’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Why would Theresa go to a bar when she’s an addict?

-Marlena could be heard talking on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Stefano’s painting while Chanel was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking Theresa while Steve and Roman were shown.


-Doug answered the door without a shirt on.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Roman while Belle and EJ were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Holly while Tate and Sophia were shown.

-When did Maggie and Julie go to Bay City? Maggie was just with Xander and Philip in Wednesday’s episode and she didn’t mention going to Bay City.


Doug from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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GH Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Trina’s family and friends surprise her with a birthday party at Ava’s art gallery. Emma gives Trina the same book about art that Spencer gave her for her birthday. Trina sneaks out of her birthday party to go look at the art book.

Sonny tells Kristina about his heart condition after she and Rocco arrive at his house and Dr Gannon is there checking on Sonny’s condition. Dr. Gannon takes Rocco home and, once they are gone, Sonny tells Kristina that he is taking medicine, keeping his stress level down and he will soon have surgery to fix his heart condition.

Charlotte is reunited with her grandma Laura and Charlotte tells both her and Lulu that she is happy to be home, but she misses her papa.

Brook Lynn is shocked that her grandma Gloria knew about her giving her baby up for adoption and never told her she knew her secret.

Gloria tells Lois that Brook Lynn would be very angry with her if she found out the identity of her child and didn’t tell her. Gloria also reminds Lois that Gio doesn’t know that he is adopted and, if this secret got out, it would ruin the memories he has of his parents.

Carly tells Jack that she was wrong to push him away, she was just scared of her feelings for him. Jack and Carly have sex and then Jack gets in the shower. Carly waits for the champagne they ordered from room service. Carly hears a knock on the door and brings the champagne inside. Valentin sneaks inside Jack’s room while Carly has her back turned opening the champagne.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

Days of Our Lives logo

Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Brady and Tate when they were shocked that she was out of prison)
Theresa: Don’t everyone congratulate me at once.

Tate: Did you escape from prison?
Theresa: No. Do you see any broken handcuffs here?

Doug: Holly, you know this woman?
Hope: Unfortunately.
Melinda: Rude.

Ava: You think you can take me on? I used to run a mafia organization.
Rachel: Now you can sleep with the fishes because I’m the one holding the knife.

(to Kristen when she couldn’t get in touch with Ava)
EJ: If your mother has killed Ava Vitali, at least we can be absolutely certain she won’t testify against us.

(to Rafe and Jada)
EJ: If you two could take your couple’s therapy elsewhere that would be great.

(about Rachel)
Ava: She’s been traumatized? You hear that, Brady? Granny comes after me like Mike Myers, and Kristen’s making her out to be the victim.

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Days Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Days of Our Lives logo

Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Tate went to the Bistro to check on Sophia. He wanted to talk about what happened at the DiMera mansion. Sophia wondered why he was there on a Friday night to which he said he and Holly weren’t speaking to each other. Tate said they argued over the adoption and Doug. When Sophia asked if he was jealous, he said he wasn’t. Tate said he wasn’t jealous but thought Doug was shady. He apologized for talking about his problems with Holly. Sophia said she was okay with it because they have moved past their issues. While they were talking, he talked to her about John being missing. Amy ended up calling Sophia. Sophia said there was good news about the meeting Amy had with Paulina. Holly went to the Horton house to talk to Doug. She said she had a way to fix the situation with Melinda. Holly suggested they sneak into Melinda’s place and steal the necklace. When Doug thought Holly was kidding, she said she wasn’t. Holly said Melinda couldn’t report a stolen necklace stolen again. She told him about Melinda’s involvement with her brother being switched. Doug said they weren’t going to break into Melinda’s place. He thanked her for what she’s done but wouldn’t let her break the law for him.

EJ told Belle not to shut him out. Belle didn’t want to let him in. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about her and said he missed her. EJ wondered if she felt the same way. Belle said she was disgusted by what he did to Jada and Rafe. EJ denied having anything to do with what happened but knew people were trying to get her to ignore her feelings. Belle said he was the same monster he’s always been. When EJ came into Belle’s place, she told him what he did to Jada and Rafe was despicable. EJ tried to defend his actions, but Belle brought up what he and Kristen did to Ava. She wondered how she was supposed to forgive him after what he’s done. EJ told her that nothing needed to come between them. Belle asked how she was supposed to defend her boyfriend after the crimes he’s committed. He thought it was cute that she called him her boyfriend. She said she was going to prosecute him. They ended up making love. While they were in bed, she told him that she could lose her job if Paulina found out she slept with him. He told her to tell Paulina that there wasn’t a case since there wasn’t any evidence against him. Belle thought he seduced her to get her to drop the investigation. She told him to leave. Johnny asked Roman what he meant when he said EJ did the same thing as Arnold. He couldn’t believe Roman would compare his father to Arnold. Roman said if Arnold was a rapist, EJ was too. When Roman tried to clarify what he meant, Johnny said he was telling the truth. Roman said EJ brought Arnold to Salem. When Roman couldn’t take it anymore, he went in the back. Kate came in the pub and ran into Johnny. Johnny told her that Roman accused his father of being a rapist but then tried to get out of it. When Kate reacted, Johnny wanted her to tell him truth. Kate suggested he have a conversation with Sami. Johnny said Sami would never let EJ get away with raping her. Kate said EJ raped Sami. A shocked Johnny wanted to know what happened. Kate told Johnny what happened when Sami asked EJ for help when she went skiing with Lucas and the roof caved in. She said EJ agreed to help if Sami had sex with him. An angry Johnny refused to believe what Kate was saying. He said his father wouldn’t have done that to his mother. Kate said she understood that what she was saying was hard to hear. She knew he believed her and apologized for telling him what Roman couldn’t. Johnny asked when it happened to which Kate said it happened before he was born. Johnny wondered why he never knew what happened. Kate said they wanted to keep it a secret from him and Allie. He asked if that was the reason why he and Allie had different fathers and realized that Allie was conceived in love while he was conceived in rape. When she tried to comfort him, he left the pub. At the DiMera mansion, Paulina told Chanel about her meeting with Amy. She said everything was good with the exception of EJ. Paulina said she told Amy that EJ wouldn’t be a problem for much longer because she was going to use her influence to make sure he went to prison. She said she was concerned about Belle having an affair with him. Chanel was okay with EJ going to prison but was concerned about Johnny. Paulina said EJ did it to himself. Belle called Paulina and told her she was recusing herself from EJ’s case. EJ came home and ran into Chanel. He apologized to her for what happened with Amy. While they were talking, Johnny came in and punched EJ.

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