Beyond The Gates Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
I want you to stay away from my wife. Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. Can I get you something? That woman had the audacity, the sheer gall to show up to my home unannounced like a raging bull. I take full responsibility for my shameful behavior. We definitely won this round. So, you’re telling me you’re out here
sleeping with two guys?
I didn’t say that. Chels, I swear. [chuckles] Chill. It’s one guy and his wife. This video is incredible. Andre, were you…
about to kiss me?
[chuckles nervously] Andre? [stammers] I guess I need to work on my impulse control. Yeah, you do that. I have a boyfriend who I love very much. And your lack of impulse control must have come with a side of selective amnesia, because somehow you seem to manage to forget all about Derek. [door opening] Eva, what’s going on? Oh, Kat had a friend over for dinner earlier, and I had some things to finish up on my computer, but then I saw the way she left things, so I just wanted to pitch in and help out. Thanks, but it’s not your job to clean up after my daughter. My job is about making your life easier, which includes making sure you don’t come home to a mess. Since I have you here, would you mind helping me out with something else?
I want to find a server from the awards banquet last night. Her name’s Sherry Carter. [huffs] Mm. Oh. [grunts] Ugh. Stop being so damn happy. Oh, crap. ♪ ♪ I mean it, babe. I’m gonna make it up to you for cutting our honeymoon short. I promise. In so many delicious ways. Hayley. Baby, are you sure you’re not disappointed that we left Italy early? I’m fine, Bill. But look at this traffic. We’re not moving at all. I just want to be home. What was I thinking? I can, I can refill this bottle with some other expensive wine. Bill would spot that in a heartbeat. And I can’t put the cork back in and the foil back on. [gasps] Please, please, please, please, please. Please, please, please. Okay. Thank God you’re there. Help!
Ashley, hear me out.
You can’t explain away trying to kiss me. But it didn’t happen. Look. Ashley, I’m sorry, it– That’s not an excuse, but… Look, what didn’t happen but almost happened, it was out of line, all right? And I’m sorry. [scoffs] Look, I don’t mean to overreact. I mean, nothing actually happened. But what almost happened cannot actually happen, Andre.
I love Derek. I know. I know. Okay. Look, I’m sorry. [elevator dings] [sighs] DEREK: Ash. [chuckles nervously] Additional sponsorship provided by…
Where did you come from?
From what is now my former hospital room. Can finally blow this place, babe. Came looking for you to give you the good news. Well, discharged patient or not, you cannot just get in a chair and wheel yourself around the hospital without assistance.
We have rules.
Yeah? Any rules against this?
Derek, Derek, Derek.
[laughs] Or how about rules against… …telling my girlfriend how much I love her. Dad? Pop. Don’t say anything to them. You can’t keep trying to deal with this by yourself. How was school? Same old. Come on, Samantha.
Back down here for homework.
SAMANTHA: Okay. Something’s off. You got that in less than ten words. When you know, you know. Um, Sherry with one “R” or two? Uh, two. Uh, if I hadn’t seen her name tag last night, I’d have no idea. I barely know her. Oh, okay. I’ll call the club. Hopefully they know how to track her down. I’ve never seen her at the club before, so she must have been extra staff that they brought in for the events banquet. I… It was such a surprise to see her like that. You mean you know her from somewhere else? We met a few days ago. The encounter was… memorable. I heard from one of the nurses about you talking a suicidal woman off the hospital roof. Was that her? I’m sorry, Eva. I can’t talk about the details of that incident. I get it. Um, I’ll make that call. Oh, and you should know that Sherry got fired from the gala that night and asked to leave the club. Oh, um, then I’m sure the banquet manager will remember her. NICOLE: I really want to make sure she’s all right. So if you need to drop my name to get a phone number or an address, do that. Okay. What the hell are you doing in your ex-husband’s new house? Is it Glorietta Interiors? You’d think Bill would get a new designer for the new wife.
Were you able to get everything?
Yes. And you don’t get to see a bit of it until you answer my questions. Why are you here? And what is with this strange and very specific shopping list? [gasps] Dani! This is Bill’s fault. The minute he took over that press conference and told the world how little I matter… Ugh. Consider the source. That man is not fit to kiss your Louboutins. You matter a hell of a lot more than he does. This is why you are my oldest– make that dearest– friend in the world. Same goes. What needs to be done? We have got to get everything back where it was. There cannot be one speck of evidence that can be used against me. Mm. Bill can be a force in the courtroom. Who cares about him? I fear the wrath of Anita Dupree. [exhales] What’s up with you two? Tyrell. You got something on your mind? No chatter, please. You guys are always honest about how quiet study habits are vital to getting into a good college. You’re both right. School is important, but so is family time. I’m in the middle of something. The sooner you share, the sooner you can get back to it. You first, Tyrell. Is everything good at school?
I got asked out today. To what and by whom? It doesn’t matter, since I’m the only 16-year-old in the DMV who’s not allowed to date. Samantha, we’ve already discussed this. Then it was a possibility. Today I had to turn down a crush material guy because I had to hit him with a no and a lame excuse because my two dads won’t let me go out with boys. That’s not only mad unfair, it’s humiliating. Do we even know this boy?
So not the point.
I disagree. Pop, you’re all about freedom.
[chuckles] I enjoy it.
Shouldn’t I have the same freedom to explore that all my friends have? What kind of “exploring” are we talking about here? SAMANTHA: Pop, don’t be cringe. That’s not what she meant. Come on. I just want to be clear what you’re talking about when you say you want to date these young, horny little bastards. Why are you taking it there? Because, Samantha, he’s a boy. And everyone except for you in this house knows exactly what that means. For me, it means hitting up a movie. That might not be so bad. With supervision, of course. Yeah, yeah. We could do like a double date. It would be a secret double date. Your pops and I would be seated a few rows behind you. We’d even pay for the popcorn. [muffled scream] [laughs] Okay, joking. I don’t think she has a sense of humor about this, Martin. But it might be time to rethink the no-dating rule. I think that it’s at least worth the discussion. Bet! Discuss it into a “yes” this time, please. No promises on the outcome. If I’m well enough to go home, I’m well enough to leave here on my own two feet. You have been around this place long enough to realize that it has rules. [chuckles] And you’re the queen of following rules. I know.
You should be glad I am.
Oh, yeah? Thought I was the only one coloring outside the lines today. What rule were you tempted to break, Nurse Perfect? Well, I had a highly illicit make-out session at this very nurse’s station just a little while ago. Did you now? I even ended up in a patient’s lap. Can you believe it? You bad, bad girl. Oh, I am. [weak chuckle] Those activities are frowned on around here. Breaking the rules like that, you must be in love. And who can object to that? Not me. [scoffs] Come on. Let’s get the man of my dreams out of here. Danielle Dupree, you are nothing if not consistent.
And that is not a compliment.
I will admit, I am an “act first, ask questions later” type of gal. You always say that when we’re in the middle of an impossible situation you created. Now is not the time, Pamela. We don’t have time to delve into the core of my personality. I can’t have Bill and Hayley get back from their stupid honeymoon and put together that I was here, or that I helped myself to their wedding present, or that I adjusted their wedding photo. Honey, you breaking in here was bad enough. Everything else is just cherries on top. I didn’t break in, per se. One of the security guards has a soft spot for me. And you batted those eyes at him? I’m very grateful for people like him and friends like you who I can turn to in a pinch. You’d do the same for me. [gasps] Oh! Voilà!
Miracle worker.
[laughs] Looks like a match to me. Right down to the vintage. What about the picture frame? Not even close. All we need is the glass in the frame. It’ll fit just like the one you broke.
I mean adjusted.
Great. Now, about that bow. I’m afraid I trashed the original one. Let me work my magic on that while you switch out the glass in the frame. Deal. Oh. There we go. It is a really good thing that you disconnected those security cameras when you waltzed in here. Your tracks should be covered. Mostly, anyway. Great. I need a nap. Oh, you need to get it together and fix things before Bill and Hayley come back. We’ve got time. Hayley’s probably still drooling over those cliché tourist attractions in Italy. BILL: Yes. Okay. That works out perfectly. All right. Thank you. What did you do? Just pulled some strings. Momentarily, we’ll have a police escort just beyond the next exit. Where we will find…?
Helicopter transport.
[gasps softly]
How did you pull that off?
[laughs] Well, I represented a city official in a particularly embarrassing lawsuit a few years back, and I won, of course. And he owed me a massive favor. Oh, my goodness. So…
We’ll be home real soon, okay?
Thank you.
Of course. [sighs] EVA: Hi, yes. This is Dr. Nicole Richardson’s assistant,
and I’m calling from…
Hey, hon. Why are you trying to get in touch with that server from the gala? Do you know she was fired in the middle of the event? No. But are you sure? [doorbell rings] I’ll get that. So the banquet manager has already left for the day, and his assistant doesn’t have access to the employee records. But she’s going to try to reach him at home. NICOLE: Okay, that’s great. Hey, Aunt Nicole.
Hey. We weren’t expecting you, Andre. Yeah, I got the proofs from the gala. Oh, they look spectacular.
That’s wonderful.
Yeah. Uh, I thought you were gonna have a messenger bring them by, though. Um, I was, but, um, I realized that I’d be in the neighborhood, so I figured I would bring them anyway. Uh, it was no trouble. Unless… did I interrupt something? No, of course not. And thank you for these. Um, Nicole, while you’re looking over the photos, I can finalize your schedule for tomorrow. Oh, you don’t have to do that this evening. It’s getting late. I kind of want to wait around anyway to see if we hear anything back from the banquet manager. Okay. Thanks.
[phone vibrates]
I’m sorry. I need to get this. Well, Andre, now that we have the room to ourselves, would you like to tell me the real reason you came by here tonight? [chuckles] To bring you the pictures. Try that on somebody that doesn’t know you as well as I do. Something is going on with you, so you might as well just tell me what it is. ASHLEY: Here we go. Why are we at your place instead of mine? You think I trust your roommates to take care of you? The guys are okay. They park me in my favorite chair with pizza and beer. Right, which is why you’re staying right here where I can look after you until I think you’re ready to be on your own. Ash, I’m fine. I don’t need to be babied. A building fell on top of you, Derek. And this isn’t babying.
Look, I’m not complaining.
Really? ‘Cause it kind of sounds like you are. No way.
I love your TLC.
Good. ‘Cause I like giving it. Look, we’re two years into this thing that we’re doing, and I think it’s going pretty well. That plan we laid out for ourselves is really coming together. I was thinking the same thing. I like the way things are going very much. Then maybe don’t fight me when I try to show you how much you mean to me. Maybe just relax and enjoy it when I want to show you how grateful I am that you’re here. And I’m here. And we’re here. Together. Let me get you something to drink. Wait, what are my choices? Water, milk, apple juice? How about a beer?
Best girlfriend ever.
Okay, wait. Don’t get too excited. It’s the nonalcoholic type. But Jacob swears it tastes like the real thing. Maybe second best girlfriend ever? [chuckles] [exhales] Boy. Hey. I could have sworn I set the security code before we left, babe. You just feel safe behind these gates. [chuckles]
Italy is beautiful…
Mm. …but I love it here, Bill. Let me put these bags away so we can get settled in. Okay. After all that, I could use another drink.
Want one?
Yes, please. Thank you. What the hell? BILL: Hayley? I never liked plain water. I bet that’s the smartest thing you’ve put in your system all day. With that and the aspirin, when you wake up tomorrow, you won’t have the slightest trace of a hangover. I owe you, Pamela. You saved my skin today. If you hadn’t have panicked, you would have been able to handle it all on your own. You nixed my nap and got us out ASAP even though Bill and Hayley are thousands of miles away. So smart to get it done and me out of there. I wasn’t in my right mind. Just do me a favor. If Bill and Hayley ever figure out that you busted into their place, leave my name out of it. I would never use your name as an accessory. I might need you to bail me out. What is it? What…? I don’t get it, babe. What’s wrong? This photo. I already thought it was weird at first because it wasn’t where I put it. I left it over there before, but then I just found it here on the mantel. Okay. And then when I picked it up and looked… See? There’s a deep scratch in the middle of the photo. It wasn’t there before. I’m sure of it. Okay. [chuckles] Babe, I see the scratch, but how could it have gotten there? Unless the glass broke somehow. But the glass isn’t broken. This just doesn’t make any sense. Okay, look, I have an idea. Why don’t we open this, and we can pour ourselves some superb wine and just relax, babe, okay? We’re just edgy from a long flight. We spent forever in traffic. When you’re tired, everything looks like a problem.
Maybe you’re right.
Yeah. You know? Tell you what. We’ll get a new one printed up to replace this one. It was probably just a defect that we didn’t notice before. But in the meantime, a glass of 1992 Château de La Colère will go down nicely right about now. Wait, Bill, stop. Babe, what is it, huh? Did the bottle move, too? No, but there was a beautiful inscription engraved on the back, remember? Celebrating us. It’s not there anymore. You see that? No sign of an inscription that made it such a special gift. Look, Bill, this isn’t tiredness talking. Something is wrong. Yeah, you’re right. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? The alarm was off… The scratched picture… The bottle of wine obviously replaced… BOTH: Dani. That bitch broke in here. She invaded our home. I’m gonna find her. She’s gonna wish she was never born. No. She’s mine. Yeah. If you hate it, I will run out and get you the real thing. It wouldn’t exactly necessarily not be good for you.
Ash. I don’t deserve a beer. I haven’t been appropriately grateful for all the love and affection you’ve been throwing my way. Don’t make a fuss. I like taking care of people. Hello? Nurse. Yeah, but a fuss is what you deserve. And I want to make sure I’m not sending you the wrong signal. I’m the luckiest guy in the world because I found you. And I never want you to doubt my feelings for you. I don’t. Good. And all your loving, all your caring, pour it all on me. Every drop. I can’t get enough of it. And you’re 100% right about our plan. It’s right on track. And I love where it’s going. Almost as much as I love you. Just know that you don’t have to run into a burning building to motivate me to show my love for you. Are you sure? Because with my job,
I have plenty of opportunities.
Absolutely sure. If you ever want more of my attention, all you have to do is… That. [chuckles softly] We both know that you didn’t have to bring these pictures over here tonight. They’re just a handy excuse, weren’t they? [scoffs] Auntie? Are you trying to shrink me? No. But now Auntie knows she’s right. Do you remember that conversation we had before you became a professional photographer? You were worried you were making a mistake. I practically had to pull it out of you with dental instruments. But we both knew that you needed to talk it out. So what is it this time? It’s Ashley. Haven’t we already talked about your leanings towards Ashley and how you should resist them? Yeah, I know, but I… I wanted to… I-I thought– I thought about kissing her. Actually, I almost did.
Almost. Fortunately, she pulled back at the last minute. Thank goodness. Yeah, but she knew what I wanted to do.
And now she’s angry.
And she has the right to be. I’m just afraid to think what would have happened if I would have actually gone through with that. I hope you’re not here trying to get permission to pursue her because you’re not gonna get it from me. I know. Ashley is deeply in love with Derek and vice versa. And I know you know that because you have eyes. I know that. But what I don’t get is where are all these crazy attractions coming from? I knew Ashley long before she ever got together with Derek. And the idea of making a move on her never even occurred to me. So, why now, when she’s with somebody do I have this, this urge to…? Where does that come from? That’s not me. That– I don’t typically go for girls who already are attached. [sighs] And I can’t figure out why I did it this time. Or nearly did it. I think this is why you really came here tonight. You need someone to tell you you need to stay away from Ashley. No matter what impulse you’re feeling, you know they’re wrong. Besides, there are plenty of women out there besides Ashley. Yeah, there’s no shortage of pretty ladies, that’s for sure. Why don’t you stay a bit, join us for dinner. No, thanks. I’ve already interrupted enough of your night. You are never an interruption. [chuckles] Thank you, but… you gave me the kick in the butt that I need, and I’m over it. [chuckling] Thanks, Auntie. All right, I’ll let myself out. [relieved sigh] Andre leave? Is everything okay with him? Yeah, he just needed to get something off his chest. Well, he came to the right place for that. Actually, there’s something else that I need to talk about. Of course. Let me just finish up with Eva and track down this server. No, Nicole, you need to let that go.
Excuse me?
If that woman needs help, she needs to get it somewhere else. NICOLE: She absolutely needs help, Ted. She didn’t just happen to get a job at a gala that I was being honored at. Like Freud said, there are no coincidences. You’re right. There are no coincidences. But that’s why you need to stay far away from that woman. Hayley. I know it’s impolite to just drop by, but I wanted you to be the first to know that Bill and I are back. One of his cases went into overdrive, and he’s just crushed. He had to cut our honeymoon short after promising me the trip of a lifetime. But I don’t have to tell you. You were married to him long enough. Yes, I was. So here we are, home again. We landed just a little bit ago, actually. And I figured you’d rather I tell you personally instead of running into each other on the street. No one likes a rude surprise, am I right?
I don’t know anyone who does.
Hmm. Hayley, is this the only reason–? That I came by? Actually, there is one other thing. Oh, wow. You were really something. Thank you. It meant a lot to get that cover. Oh, well.
Oops. What is going on? Are you crazy? One of us sure as hell is. And the crazy ends now, if you know what’s good for you. I know you were in my house, bitch. I know you drank our wine, and I know you smashed our wedding photo. You violated my space. You found your way in in that entitled, petty way that you have because you are just so obsessed with the life that Bill and I are making that you just can’t stay away. But you need to do that. Stay away, Dani. Stay far away and stop dwelling on us. You know, it’s only making you look like the pathetic witch that you are. And all it did was bring us to the breaking point. You and Bill? Mybreaking point. If you don’t leave us alone, I will get a restraining order against you. And if you violate it, I will have your ass thrown in jail and the charges won’t be dropped. You might have started on a high ground, painting me as the home-wrecker, but you violating my home, invading it, and destroying my things, that makes you the villain, Dani. Yeah, and then everyone will see you for the wack-job that you really are. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
If you have evidence of these alleged actions, please, let’s have it. Otherwise, it’s just a steaming load of crap like your pathetic marriage. You can deny it all you want, but we both know the truth. Don’t try me again, Dani. You don’t want to see what happens when you do. Bye now. Damn it. Hey. It’s that time again. You know where I am. [scoffs] Dinner, everyone. Hurry, before it gets cold. [clears throat] Tyrell. Is there something you want to talk about? We talked to Samantha about dating, but we never got around to what was going on with our son.
I’m fine.
SMITTY: Really? You’ve always been quiet, but you’ve been keeping to yourself a little more lately. Except for those secret looks with your sister that you don’t think we notice. ‘Cause she wanted me to push the whole dating thing. Is that it? Are you sure? SMITTY: I remember what it was like when I was your age, and I wanted… wanted help with things, but I didn’t want to ask. Dad, I can handle it. Handle what? I’m having problems with calculus. I’m getting through them, though. You see? I told you. Nothing major. Now we can eat because starving the boy won’t help anyone. [sighs] NICOLE: Would you care to explain why you’re trying to tell me what to do? TED: What I mean is, she made you come up to the hospital roof. She only wanted to talk to you. So if she came to the gala on purpose, she wanted something more from you. Agreed. Which is why I need to find her. Look, Nicole, what I’m trying to say is this lady is fixated on you. I’m no psychiatrist, but I don’t think the right thing to do is for you to treat her. I mean, you’re not wrong if I’m part of her problem in some way. The thing is, Sherry needs help and I don’t think she’s getting it. TED: Whatever the situation, I think we both know and agree that you’re the wrong one to treat her. I’m sorry for coming on so strong. I just wanted to protect you. I appreciate that. Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been through a lot the past couple of days. Are you checking to see if I’m strong enough? Just try me. Thanks for staying so late, Eva. Nicole values your time and dedication.
I’d do anything for her.
Good. Good. Oh, by the way, you don’t have to worry about looking for that woman from the gala again. Nicole has decided it’s best to just… let that go. Oh, if that’s what Nicole wants. Thanks. [scoffs] [phone vibrating] Hey. Are you okay?
I was starting to get worried.
Oh. You had nothing to worry about. And I’m glad you didn’t try to follow me. I had no problem tearing Dani a new one. Oh, Lord. We can breathe easy. Your evil ex won’t be bothering us anymore. Oh… Who is this woman before me? She bears little resemblance to my polite little wife. Oh, I’m the same woman that you married.
I’m just done. And you know what? I think you would be proud of me because I’ve just been taking it and taking it in the name of making peace. But tonight, I stood up for myself, for the both of us.
Mm-hmm. You know what? I am proud of you. And I am more than ready to be done with all of this. You know what? No more getting back at Dani for all the things that she’s done. Forget about her, right? We got better things to do and a life to build together. [both laughing, moaning] Mm. [pop music playing] I checked the time. It’s “never again” already.
So it is.
Yeah. You want something to drink? Uh, sure. What do you want? Surprise me. ♪ ♪ Damn buttons. Bad day? [sighs] Yeah, to put it mildly. You? Well… It was an adventure. You want to talk about it?
[scoffs] No, I do not. [sighs]
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