BTG Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Boss, you are dripping so hard, they’re gonna have to

put out a flood warning.

It’s not too much, is it? No, not for your big interview. I got you and Ted smoothies on my way in. Thank you, but can you put mine in the fridge? I don’t want to be late to my parents’ place for this interview, which is not that big. On television. Local TV, but I can’t leave before.

Have you seen my bracelet?

Your good luck charm? Yeah, I have a really bad habit of leaving it in the most random places.

I don’t really need it, but…

If you need it, you need it. You seem more on edge than usual. Is it that obvious? I’m just not as comfortable in the spotlight like my parents. You know, my mom with her decorated music career, my dad with his political activism. You with your achievements in mental health. You’re getting the same service award your dad did, Nicole. That’s major. Right. I should be proud.


And less nervous, because most of the focus will probably be on my dad anyway. Him and your sister.


Mm. How’d it go with Dani? Did you talk some sense into her? I reminded her that this interview was about Nicole and her award. You emphasized that we’d handle the difficult questions? Without coming right out and saying it, I tried to get across that we were concerned that she might lose her cool if put on the spot. Mm. Do you think she was listening? Well, of course, Daddy. Don’t I always? The reporters are here. I can let them in whenever you’re ready.

How long will this take?

Not long, babe. Okay? Come hell or high water, we’re going on our honeymoon tonight. Saw the setup for the press conference.

Good news on that libel case?

Mm-mm. I’m doing a bit of counter programming. The Duprees think that they’re slick by going on some local morning show acting like it’s about Nicole winning some award.

And it’s not?

Nah. They’ll use the opportunity to make more defamatory comments about Hayley and me, and I’m not about to let that slide. You’re only guessing that’s what this is about. And you know, it’s getting old, standing on the sidelines watching you battle with your ex-wife and her family. Let me know when you’re ready. Babe, this is about us, okay? I’m protecting you and our future from the Duprees’ character assassination gang. What, by instigating more trouble? Because this time, it will be you starting this, Bill. No, no, babe. I’m anticipating the inevitable, okay? Remember, I was a part of that family. I know how they think. They’ll see us leaving the country as their chance to seize the narrative, but I’m gonna flip the script before they even get a chance. ♪ ♪ You sleep okay?

No, not really.

Yeah, you must have heard me snoring from all the way on the couch. Tell me, was it more Chewbacca or Jabba the Hutt this time?

Jacob, I’m not in the mood.

Naomi, please. No, no. You knew better than anyone how I feel about my father and what he did to my mother, to our family. And you knew how hard it was for me to trust a man, any man, after being raised by Bill Hamilton.

And then you, you…

Did my job. You executed his sneak attack. That’s what you did. How do you expect me to trust you after that? Because right now, I don’t recognize the man that I married. [clears throat] Oh, good morning, Ted. Nicole just left. Yeah, I managed to give her a good-luck hug on her way out. Thanks for this. Sure. So what is it with that photo? Uh, everything’s right with it. I always wanted a brother or sister. Especially a sister. Someone to braid my hair, gossip with me about boys, get in and out of trouble with.

So you’re an only child?

As far as I know. Since I never knew my bio dad, I could have a dozen brothers or sisters who don’t even know I exist. It must be tough. And I’m sorry for opening up old wounds. Oh, don’t sweat it. I’m an open book. Ask anything you want. Send the reporters up now. Should be quite a show. Bill has a flair for drama. It’s what makes him a beast in the courtroom. The court of public opinion is a different beast altogether. Let’s hope it doesn’t backfire. Like it already has with Hayley?


Come on, Caroline. You picked up on it, too. And if that marriage blows up and throws Bill off his million-dollar game, it could tank this firm. And your upward mobility. Nothing wrong with looking out for mine. That’s worked for Bill. At least so far. Yes, you’re the expert on the Duprees, but do we really need to keep this tug-of-war going? Can’t we just drop the rope? Letting your guard down doesn’t work with these people, baby. Okay? Underneath all that faux gentility, they are as cutthroat as a razor. And until we make them understand that when you come for the king and his queen– mm– you best not miss. Well, can you promise me that this will at least be the end of it? Okay. Let me school them real quick. All right? Then we can start our happily- ever-after. Baby, trust me. I want this over just as much as you do. Okay? How do I look? Good?


Yes. Believe it. No one is more eager to put this mess behind them than me. Then please let your mother and me handle it when it comes up. I am not prepared to go on camera. I’m so glad to hear that.

Hello, everyone.

Oh, Nicole, darling,

you look lovely.

Thank you, Mother. Dani, I wasn’t sure if I’d see you here. Do not worry, sissy. I am not here to steal your shine. Why do you keep making me seem like the villain? I did my job, same as always.

Oh, did you now?



I made sure your mother was treated with respect. She had everything she needed right up until the moment they let her go. Oh, and do you want a gold star for that? Being polite to someone you wrongfully arrested doesn’t make you a hero, Jacob. Where’s Dani’s responsibility in all of this? Why do you keep skipping right past that? My mother was provoked into acting out. She never meant to hurt anyone. You know that. Oh, okay, so you’re excusing her for bringing a loaded weapon and firing it at a wedding? Oh, my God. She’s not some hardened criminal, Jacob. And as her top-notch lawyer, you would have brought up those mitigating circumstances in court. Because that’s your job, not the arresting officer’s. So what? You would have arrested Rosa Parks

if that was part of your job?

Come on, Naomi, don’t go there. It’s not the same thing. Because orders are orders, right? Your mother waving a gun around isn’t about fighting injustice. Then tell me, Detective, since it seems like that badge means more to you than that ring on your finger.

Would you have arrested me?

You’re unbelievable.

I’m also running late.

Naomi. My family needs me. And unlike you, I know where my loyalties lie. [door closes] Maybe we should start the interview in the garden. Listen, I understand why you might be skittish about what to expect from me. I can only imagine how mortified Mother must be. Her own daughter arrested in her own home

for attempted murder.

That must have been terrifying. I hate I wasn’t there to support you. Martin said you were kept at the hospital for some emergency. A woman was on the roof attempting to jump. No. I guess someone was having a worse night than me. [laughter] Hey, ladies. Well, someone’s in high spirits today. Well, she’s practically glowing. Oh, I’m just feeling myself getting to enjoy being out here

and living my best life.

Ooh. Okay. Quite a difference from just a few weeks ago. Yeah, I feel like I’m finally starting to recover from Alan’s passing. God bless his soul.

Did you meet someone?

[scoffs] I wish. Unfortunately, no new man yet. I just woke up feeling optimistic. That’s wonderful, Leslie. The future suddenly seems filled with possibilities, and it hasn’t been that way for a hot minute. [all laugh] Well, I hope this good mood of yours sticks around. Something tells me it will. So no one ever went looking for your biological father? I mean, Leslie’s always been good to me. And Alan, her husband, wasn’t exactly what you call fatherly, but he was okay. I mean, I wondered about my bio dad, but why push it if he already rejected me? I can see that logic. But if you were to ask me, it was his loss. Makes me think about what I missed out on. My nephew, he… took it rough after he lost his folks. Andre? I met him.

He’s nice.

Yeah. My brother and sister-in-law, they died in a plane crash years ago. And Nicole and I tried to jump in and fill that void, but you can never fill a void of a loss of that magnitude.

At least you tried.

Yeah, Andre’s situation forced me to think about my own kids and how they would feel if they lost me. My son is very close to Nicole’s father, so he’d have Vernon to lean on. Kat, you know she’s a daddy’s girl. She needs me. Guess a lot of people depend on you. I wouldn’t say that. But my offer still stands. If you ever need an ear or a laugh, Eva, you know who to call. I’ll keep that in mind. Oh, I should get to the clinic.


Oh. I got this, Ted. Have a good day. You, too. ♪ ♪ Hi, guys. I peeped the Grands outside showing the hosts around. Tell me that’s not what you’re wearing for the interview. Oh, God, no. No, I am just here for moral support. The Grands want me to keep a low profile.

Wait, they’re excluding you?

It’s for the best.

[approaching chatter]

That’s my cue. [mouths] Linda, this is our daughter Nicole and our granddaughter, Chelsea. Hi. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Naomi just texted. She’s on her way. Well, in that case, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go ahead and let my cameraman in. Okay. Good morning. It truly breaks my heart that it’s come to this, but over the past several months, I’ve made every attempt to resolve issues privately with my former wife. But you’ve all seen how that turned out. My wedding devolved into a horror show, and my beautiful bride Hayley and I have not had a moment’s peace since. And adding insult to injury, Ms. Dupree not only resorted to violence, but to malicious slander. Now, I’m a patient man. I really am. I’m a patient man. But soiling my name and reputation is something that I cannot let go unaddressed. So I’m prepared to answer any and all questions. I have nothing to hide. [all clamoring] No, I didn’t invite my ex-wife to my wedding to humiliate her. I was showing our daughters that as family, we can still treat each other with respect and dignity. I even invited some of Dani’s loved ones so she’d have emotional support and because I’d hoped that they could keep her in check. Now, Dani’s sister is a psychiatrist, and perhaps she should be re-evaluated since they’re all sadly in denial about how far my ex-wife’s mental state has deteriorated. Soon, Leslie won’t be the only one with something new.

[gasps] Do tell.

It’s my day off tomorrow. I’m going to the mall to get some much needed retail therapy. Mm. New attitudes all around.

I love it.

You deserve a moment. Honestly, I’m just looking forward to time away from all the constant Dupree chaos. Right? Who would have thought Bill would cause more trouble out of the family than he ever did in it?

Oh, my goodness. Look.

Mm. MONA: You have got to be kidding me. Excuse me, waitress, can you turn that up? LINDA: I’m sure Nicole is very proud to be following in your footsteps, Senator Dupree. I’m the one who’s proud. She’s accomplished so much. I think of my award as belonging to my father, too, and to my mother and all of their friends that continue to be active in civil rights. I could never have accomplished all I have in my life without the sacrifices that they made. Everything I am, I owe to them. Well, you do have another daughter who is in the news lately for a very different reason. There’s a viral video online of your daughter Dani threatening her ex-husband with a loaded gun at his wedding. She was later arrested on attempted murder, but those charges have been dropped. We have nothing more to say on that subject.


As we stated before, we don’t condone Dani’s behavior, but we certainly understand what drove her to it. The cruel and unforgivable behavior of her ex-husband and his secret mistress, now wife. And that’s that. Next question. I have just been informed that Bill Hamilton is giving a press conference at this very moment, and he is alleging that your daughter Dani is suffering from mental deterioration. Do you have any sort of response to that? I can respond to that. Oh, my God. This is getting juicy. Attagirl, Dani. Give him hell! Let me tell you something about Dani Dupree. That woman had the audacity, the sheer gall to show up to my home unannounced like a raging bull. She came to threaten me, to berate my wife. After she had already destroyed and ruined our blessed day. That’s what pushed me to finally say, enough… …is enough. I was hurt deeply. But that does not excuse my actions. I am filled with remorse. My heart aches for all the pain I have caused. I am so… …arrogant. That’s what the Duprees are. They walk around like, like the rules don’t apply to them, like they’re above the law, God’s and man’s. And until they take some responsibility… I take full responsibility for my shameful behavior. When I think about the example I set for my precious girls, I am so ashamed. That is not how my parents raised me. It is a mistake that I will never make again. What’s to stop her from doing it again? Hmm? Dani Dupree is a manipulative serpent who wants to punish me for daring to find happiness. Happiness was a memory at that point. I never intended to hurt a soul. I was just filled with such pain. They shattered my world, and I wanted to ruin their day. Sounds… …petty and desperate jealousy turned Dani into a monster, a violent and dangerous… …threat to no one, least of all Bill and Hayley, after they showed such generosity in dropping those charges. I am filled with gratitude for that. And for my family.

So, you’re my new partner.

Marcel Malone. I’ve been looking forward to this. It’s not every day you get to break cases with a legendary detective. Well, you can start by getting my coffee. I take it black. I’m a cop, not an errand boy. You can fetch your own coffee. Good answer. But you forgot to address me as “Detective.” And that’ll be the last time you disobey an order. Okay, rookie? It’s a pleasure meeting you, too. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe you thought we’d become friends and do brunch, but here’s how it’s gonna go. You gonna keep your nose clean and out of my business. Otherwise, you gonna wish you never met me.

Any questions?

Just one. So when we hit the streets and play good cop, bad cop, I’m guessing I’m the good cop, right, Detective? ♪ ♪ I know it’s early, but after that performance, you’ve earned it. Thank you, sweetie. I mean, the way you handled yourself in that interview was just perfection. You sound surprised. What did you think was gonna happen when Dani Dupree

walked in the room?

With you, we never know. But I’m glad you got to set the record straight. Listen, girls, I wanna apologize for everything that I’ve put you through over the past year. Now, I meant what I said the other night before Jacob walked in with handcuffs. I am ready to move on. And I hope you are too, sweetie. Have you kissed and made up with that fine husband of yours yet? It’s not that simple.

He arrested you.

He was doing his job, Naomi. I was wrong. Baby, don’t let my mistake cost you the love of a lifetime. He’s one of the good ones. Stop pushing him away. Linda and her crew have all departed. We can breathe easy now. Done. Good. I can give you back your outfit, Mom. These shoes are squeezing my toes. Helped with the waterworks.

I was crying from pain.

Glad to be of service. I know I promised I wouldn’t interfere, but once I saw what Bill was up to, I couldn’t let his voice be the only one people heard. No apology necessary. You showed the world why the Duprees are a force to be reckoned with. We should have had more faith that you’d be able to hold your own in that situation. Your daddy and I are so proud of you. My mother never had anything this nice. Oh, look what I found in your drawer.

Oh, thank goodness.

Mm-hmm. I wouldn’t want to lose this. It was an anniversary gift from Ted. Every time I look at it, I can’t help but think how different my life would have been without him. Did you catch the interview? I did. It looked like Dani was going through it. I really felt for my sister. But at the same time, her daughters witnessed their mother being accountable for her actions. Not every parent has the strength to do that.

KAT: Yo, Chels.

Hey. What’s good? I’m prepping for that meet with the venture capital firm. Kat, I keep telling you I want us to do this on our own. And that’s still an option. But we’d be crazy not to take the meet and hear their pitch.

I guess.

Table it for now. You gotta be on mental overload after Aunt Dani’s arrest and that interview this morning. I’m doing all right. Mom seems to be more stable than she’s been in a minute. And thank God Dad dropped the charges against her. But back to this venture capital thing. We’ll table it till tomorrow. Tonight, let’s wild out and celebrate. I’d love to, but I can’t.

I already made plans.

Another photo shoot?

Come on, reschedule.

This one’s personal. For real? I’m about to miss my mom’s award ceremony for our business. The least you could do is push back a date with one of your random situationships. Uh, it’s more than that.

I don’t want to get into it.

Since when? Your whole life is online. You stay posting everything. What’s with the secrecy all of a sudden? Look, the people that I’m seeing, they like

to keep things low-key.

Hold up. People?

As in more than one?

Mm-hmm. Again? Did the lieutenant okay overtime, rookie? Or we’re just not that welcome at home since you put your mother-in-law behind bars? I thought we were staying out of each other’s business. Don’t flatter yourself. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your personal life, except when it affects the job. Now, you lose focus out there crying about wifey, and it puts my life on the line. And that I won’t tolerate. You done? Not so eager to work with this legendary detective now, are you? I’ll see you tomorrow. Smart-ass. NICOLE: Did you catch the interview? Yeah. Had it on in the clinic waiting room. Dani had them eating out of her hands.

Here or the dining room?

Here. I’m sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when Chelsea and Naomi came over and hugged her at the end. Bill’s not gonna like that, having his daughter side with Dani. We’re not gonna have people looking at his side of things. Bill can go to hell. I am done with his ego and narcissism. Yeah, pitting his daughter against her husband, to arrest Dani? Hmm. That is some next-level selfishness. [chuckles] Yeah. I hope Jacob and Naomi are working things out. If you want me to talk to him, I’m happy to. That’s sweet. But what would you say? Well, that we’ve had our share of challenges over the years, but we never threw in the towel. And that everything that we’ve built has been because of the choices that we made way back then. Smartest decision I ever made was agreeing to marry you. Mm. And leave my wife the hell alone. Because if you ever come for my wife again, I will destroy you. Ooh… Why, Teddy. Teddy bear. I’ve never seen you this angry before. You need to consult a good therapist. What’s the latest on the Richardsons? Nicole’s excited about the award ceremony coming up. That makes two of us. I, uh, I had a chat with Ted today.

Oh. What about?

My father. What? I told him I never knew my real dad, and I always wondered about him. You need to be careful, Eva. You’re playing a dangerous game. Okay, so this is the Mims case. You’ll be taking point while I’m on my honeymoon. You think you can handle it? De una.I got this on lock. Go enjoy your Roman holiday. Hit up some pasta joints, toss a coin in the Trevi, and come back shining like new money. I’m gonna do that and then some, all right? Just don’t burn the place down while I’m gone. Speaking of heat, I ran into your niece Kat at the wedding.


She’s a Dupree, so I know it’s a sticky situation, but if you’re not opposed. Look, hey, man, I’m not about to police your life, okay? You wanna play with fire? Be my guest. NAOMI: When did you know? JACOB: About your dad and Hayley? I mean, I didn’t see it coming. But you, you’re a cop. You read people for a living. And I’m learning to read you. You don’t want to tell me the truth. Would it make a difference? Well, before, I would have said you have a right to your inner thoughts, but now it feels like everybody’s

just lying to me.

Baby, no, that’s not true. It is. It is. And I’m right in there with the rest of my family. Chelsea, my mom, and I all lied to each other for years, telling ourselves that even if Dad was the ultimate manipulator as a lawyer, he’d never pull that crap at home. And then he hides his affair with Hayley for months and compounds it today by announcing his engagement. He just showed the entire world that she means more to him than us, his family. When did you know? [sighs] I didn’t trust Bill Hamilton since the moment I met him. Why not?

Because I see myself in him.

How can you say that? I’m a cop. And part of my training is spotting people’s weaknesses and using it to get the truth. But the difference between me and Bill is why we do it. I use that skill to protect and serve the people of the district. Bill’s about serving himself. So what’s to keep you from crossing those lines like my dad did? One of these days when you get angry with me

or you get tired of me.

Babe, listen. I will never do what Bill did and lie to you about us. Not ever. And if we’re unhappy in this marriage, we’ll say something and do everything we can to save this miracle we found in each other. And whenever you ask, I’ll do my best to tell you the truth. Unless? Unless my job won’t allow it.


The same way your job won’t allow you to tell things to me sometimes. That’s fair, I guess. Look, after everything you’ve been through, you have every right to ask questions. So I’m telling you to have at it. You can check my phone, check my… check my location, check my mileage.


No, I do trust you. I do. But if it comes down between choosing my family over your job… Like that will ever happen. I mean, I could see Bill getting arrested maybe, but your grandfather, the senator? Your mom, the fashion model? You don’t ever have to worry about our worlds colliding. I don’t want to jinx it by saying it out loud, but it feels like we might actually be about to go on our honeymoon. Oh, girl, it’s happening. You’ve dealt with all the drama. It’s time for some well-deserved R&R. I can’t thank you enough for having my back, Caroline. Please. That’s what a maid of honor is for. Well, most maids of honors don’t have bullets flying past their heads. True. You newlyweds didn’t have the smoothest start, but the important thing is: you did it. You’re right. I’m so excited. I’ve never been overseas, and I am so ready to have Bill all by myself. Ooh!

Don’t hurt him now.

Oh, I make no promises. [both laughing] Oh, come here. So you’re telling me you’re out here sleeping with two guys?

I didn’t say that.

More than two?

Chels, I swear.

Chill. It’s one guy and his wife. Oh, like the same couple as before or…? Same couple. I’ve been with women before, but now I’m feeling it. Actually, really feeling it. So are you, like, bi-leaning now? Ugh– labels. I just like what I like. Doing you in the moment, I feel that. I figured you would, since your brother identifies as queer. Oh, yeah, I wasn’t tripping about that. For me, it’s the whole throuple situation. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Nah, that’s not my lane. No shade, but I’m more of a “Michelle looking for her Barack” kind of girl. Mm. Different strokes.

So, how is it?

Oh! Like, for real? [both laughing] Well… Well, if you must know. [whispering]



[both laughing]

Mm-hmm. I know. [continues laughing] [bag zipping] What are you doing? I’m not sleeping on the couch again. My back’s killing me, and I need my strength to deal with this new ass at work. I’ll get a hotel room. Well, you don’t need to do that. I don’t know what you expect from me, Naomi. I tried looking the other way when it came to your mother, but it didn’t sit right. And I won’t apologize for doing my job. Well, I don’t want you to leave. But you won’t listen to me either.

So now what?

I don’t know. [cries]


I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Hey. No, no, no, no. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. It’s okay. All right? I’m here.

It’s all right.

[sniffling] There we go. I see you found your bracelet. Where was it? You know that saying, “If it was a snake, it would have bit me”?


It bit Eva instead. She found it in my desk. Wow. I’m glad to see she’s working out. I had a good talk with her this morning. She seems to be a real sweetheart. Thank you. I can’t believe you actually talked to him.

What were you thinking?

Leslie, chill. Look, I’m still calling you the right name in public, and Ted still has no clue who I really am. I don’t even know why you broached the subject with him. It’s too risky. Says the woman who introduced herself to Nicole under a fake name and pretended she was suicidal. That was different. I had a plan. Yeah, a plan that could have left me alone out here with no one. I just tried to get to know my father. Is that so wrong? His actions should tell you all you need to know about him. He abandoned us before you were even born. That was forever ago. People can grow and learn from their mistakes. You’re right. You need to learn from mine. Because trusting Ted Richardson was the biggest mistake I ever made. Oh, you were right. My mother was on your side. But even before I talked to her, I knew. I came at you way too hot. And I know you didn’t arrest her to hurt her or bully her. I know how much Bill let you down. But I need you to hear me loud and clear. I’m not Bill. I would never in a million years treat you like that sorry excuse of a man did. I know. I know. That’s why I fell in love with you back when you were testifying cases that I was trying. You were clearly a man of integrity, someone I could trust. So you… you don’t need this anymore. And you’re definitely not sleeping on the couch.

I’m glad we’re okay.

We’re more than okay. [phone vibrating]

What’s good?

Just thinking about you, beautiful. Can’t seem to get you off my mind. Oh, really? And what exactly were you thinking? That I’d love to see you again soon. Is that right? Well, I’m actually headed out of town. Ah, qué pesar. That’s too bad. But when I get back, maybe I could cook you some dinner. It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other. You cook too, amor. You are full of surprises. Anita, darling. I think I might need to call my old friends at the NAACP. ‘Cause when Dani walked in, you crushed my hand like it was Birmingham 1973 all over again. Come on, Vernon, you can handle a little hand holding. And don’t act like you weren’t just as worried she might make a scene and sabotage the whole affair. I’ve seldom been happier to be wrong. Our girl really rose to the occasion. Yeah. It takes a lot for Danielle to humble herself like that. Especially in public. After all the indignities Bill subjected her to. Exactly. And I really am worried that all of this has been too hard on her emotionally. She can at least take pride in the outcome. We definitely won this round. ♪ ♪ Hey, the car is downstairs ready to whisk us off to the airport. I’m just gonna go freshen up before we bounce. Okay. Yeah, I’ll be ready when you are. And baby, trust me, this honeymoon is gonna

be well worth the wait.

Ooh. Yes! All righty. ♪ ♪ BILL: Thank you for coming out to hear the real stories behind the salacious headlines. Now that we can put this all behind us, my beautiful bride Hayley and I have more important matters on our agenda. Namely, our long-awaited honeymoon in Italy. I’m not gonna spend another second on this foolishness when there’s so much happiness for us to embrace.

Isn’t that right, sweetheart?

Yes. Mm. Kiss this, baby. Could I get a fresh gin and tonic, please? Uh-uh, leave it. I want to watch it go bye-bye.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Traci, for someone who’s been on an absolute whirlwind, you seem refreshed.


Doesn’t she? Traci seems to sparkle no matter what. All right, you are so sweet. And you are so silly. Traci, allow the man to gush. It is his prerogative. Thank you for the back up, Jack. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Please proceed. You know, you seem pretty happy yourself, Alan. Well, I can explain the chemical reactions my brain has when it sees Traci. There’s the dopamine, which is the high, the oxytocin, which is the warmth, and the serotonin, which is the contentment. All good stuff now that I’m finally seeing you. Which is to say, I missed you very much. I missed you too. Has it been that long since you two have seen each other? A lot longer than I thought it would be. Really? What happened?

You want to tell the story?

Oh, no, no. I would not deprive you of the pleasure.

Please, you go ahead.

You sure? You two are just adorable. Tell the story. All right, so I was on my way to a conference in D.C. And I was in New York, as you know, doing a little business, meeting with my publisher and the like. So, I had the brilliant idea of sneaking up to New York to surprise her. Oh, be still my heart. But you know what they say, man plans, God laughs. Didn’t go exactly as you thought it would. Complete and utter disaster. All right, show me where Phyllis was grabbed. Right here, but that’s where she was last seen. Where she was grabbed. This is where Sharon was last seen. All right, where was the van stolen? Right here. Hey, what are you guys looking at? Has here been news about Mom? Not specifically, no. We would have contacted you right away. But we do have some new information. We’re getting closer, kiddo. Yeah, the van that was taken from the medical supply parking lot, we have security cam footage of some of the vehicle’s movements. Does that mean that we know where Mom and Sharon are located? No, but we think we have the general vicinity. Every step gets us closer to finding them. Hey, freak, you watching this? You, ooh, are you watching me now? Look what I’m doing. I got a metal object in my hand. This is your chance. It’s your chance. You could zap me with 1,000 watts of electricity and take me out. Huh, you don’t have any response to that? Really, you’re not even going to use your loud noise? You listening? Maybe you’re not even there anymore. Doesn’t matter. Sharon, rise and shine. All right, come on, come on. You got to help me. You got to help me now. Get up. Teamwork makes the dream work, whatever that is. Come on. Sharon. Sharon. Sharon! Alan, I have a hard time believing that your very romantic idea ended in disaster. Yeah, not with the way you two look at each other. Come on, how do we look at each other? I have no idea what they’re talking about. Neither do I. Tell us about New York. Ah, yes. Well… complete and utter panic on my part.

Not on Traci’s, of course.

I was already in New York. I knew nothing about the surprise. But my agent decided to book me on a last minute book reading in Charleston. So, as my train was pulling into Penn Station, her plane was taking off from JFK. So, by the time we were able to actually connect, it was too late for him to come and meet me. Right. So then I decided to come back here, set up a nice warm welcome home and then my flight here was delayed. Freezing rain in March. It does happen. So it’s been quite a long time. It has. But somehow we survived because we are so brave. So brave. Courage. Traci, I love you. Mm. Too much? Should we stop?

No, no, never.

No, no. That is not what you were going to say. No, I was going to say, Traci, I love you and you deserve all the happiness in the world. And Alan, after everything you did for Ashley, you deserve some happiness too. I hope the two of you get more than a couple days together this time. Oh, thank you. We are grateful no matter how much time we get together. But what if I’m grateful and greedy? What if I want more? Well, I want more too, but work is work. Alan, what can we do? No, I’m glad you asked that because I was thinking if I quit my speaking engagements, we’d have more time to travel together, if that’s what you’d like. You sound so confident, Dad. That’s because I am. Really? I mean, you’re sure that we’re going to find them? You don’t think that there’s a possibility that it might be too late? Supergirl, I swear to you, on my life, that thought has never crossed my mind. Just think about how tough your mother and Sharon are. How hard they would fight to get back to the people they love. Besides, somebody took Sharon and Phyllis for a reason and it wasn’t to hurt them. We don’t know who kidnapped them or why they did it. If they were even kidnapped. Seriously? If? Oh, look, I’m not trying to downplay that at all. I’m just going by the facts. You know, I’m trying not to make assumptions. The security footage, it doesn’t show abduction and I’m just keeping that in mind. Okay, but Chance, facts aside, you have instincts, right? What are those telling you? Well, after what we just learned in the past 12 hours, I will admit, I do have a bad feeling about this. Sharon, hey, come on, get up. Sharon, come on. Come on, let’s get up. Let’s get up. Don’t– don’t– don’t’ freak me out, okay? Please don’t freak me out. Come on, we’re in this together. Sharon. Oh, my– oh, my God. Sharon, come on, come on, come on. I don’t– There’s no pulse. Oh, my God, I don’t feel a pulse. What did you do to her? What did you do to her? Hey, Sharon, wake up. Come on, come on. Oh, my God. Now, don’t say no, okay? Say you’ll think about it. And remember, I’m the most amazing travel companion ever. Well, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. Alan is the only one who’s figured out how to wake me up when I have these early meetings that I just dread. ALAN: Room service coffee set up by the bed so that the aroma wafts into her dreams. And then he sets up my shower for me. Which is scalding, by the way. It’s kind of terrifying. I actually did complain about the hot showers

and the steam in the room.

All that aside, it sounds like a match made in heaven. Who can say no to that? Everybody, let’s slow down for a second. Alan, you’re talking about giving up your public speaking career. What am I actually giving up? You know, being away from you to talk to strangers and say the same things I’ve said a dozen times. No, but I would never ask you to do that, to give up something, such a big part of your life. Alan, if I may. Please, thank you. He offered it, sweetheart. Maybe he means it. Maybe that’s what he wants. But– but I also know that you have a life. I don’t want to crowd you or… No, no, it’s not about that. I mean, I look at you and it’s always more joy. You could never crowd me. I mean it. That’s a relief. For a minute, I thought you were going to say you like taking breaks from me, which would be totally understandable. Oh, come on and tell me that you know better than this and you’re just teasing. You know, I thought Jack was the king of romantic gestures, but Traci, you’ve got a strong contender here. You two have seen each other through the dark times into the light, and I, for one, think we could all use a few more bright moments. I’m glad you see my logic. I am glad my sister has you in her life. Oh, I’m the lucky one. Traci has a wonderful family, a brilliant career, people who love her. It’s very true. My life in Paris wasn’t quite so full, and after last year, it got a little bit worse. Losing your brother. Yeah. I was alone in Paris, and I could still be alone, but I’m not because of you. Alan, I love hearing the compliments and hearing how you see me, but you have to know I am more grateful for you. When I look at you, I am reminded what it really feels like to be completely happy in a way that I haven’t felt in years. So yes, yes, I would want more moments like that. Thank you very much. JACK: Isn’t that the essence of love? To want more days, more moments with someone we know makes us happy. By that definition, I am tragically in love. In fact, if I thought I had a shot, I’d ask you to marry me right now. Oh my God, this is bad. This is really bad. Dad, do you still feel so confident after hearing him say that? Hey, I did not say that to make you worry, okay? This is me just assessing the situation. Now based on what I’ve seen, I do think a crime has been committed, okay? I don’t think your mother or Sharon left of their own volition. You guys have said as much and I’m just agreeing, that’s all. But if you have a bad feeling… Chance is just listening to us, all right? He is on our side. He’s going to help us figure this out. Yes, put it a lot better than I did. Thank you. Bottom line is we’re going to bring them home. Okay, yeah, you’re right. What do we do next? I think we should do a door-to-door search, like a four-block radius. Agreed, agreed. I’m working on some search warrants right now, too. Search warrants? How long is that going to take? I can’t be sure.

It depends on the judge.

Man, forget the judge. I’ll just put Newman Security on it.


Are you going to tell me no? No, I’m going to tell you that using a private team could compromise evidence for an investigation and a possible trial. Man, I don’t care about that. The only thing that matters is finding Sharon and Phyllis. Chance, please. I’m not arguing. I’m just saying. What streets are you looking at? Well, I think we should start here, and if we don’t find anything there, then we–

We expand the search.

Exactly. What is this area? I don’t recognize it. CHANCE: It’s a bunch of medical warehouses, some office buildings, a medical facility here and there. You know what? New Hope used to source from a company there, but then the vendor went out of business. Yeah, it looks like most of these places around here are empty, maybe all of them. So, it’s just a bunch of abandoned buildings? Yeah, deserted, no workers, no trucks going in and out. Checks all the boxes. SUMMER: I don’t get this. I don’t. Why would somebody take the both of them? I mean, what do they want? It’s not money or else they would have reached out by now. So, they clearly don’t want the cash.

What do they want?

Hey. What’s going to happen if they don’t get it? Listen to me. We’re close, okay? We’re going to get you every answer that you need. Just hang in there a little bit longer. PHYLLIS: Oh, my God, I can’t feel her pulse. Are you listening? Do you hear me? Oh, my God, how do I help her? What do I do to fix it? Is it the water? The water? The antidote? Oh, my– The bottle, the bottle. Where is it? Oh, God. Oh, God. I drank it all. Oh, my God, I drank it all. But you knew that, didn’t you? What do I do? Oh, my God, what do I do? Tell me what I do! Oh, my God. What is this? You freak. When I find out who you are… “I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears.” Crazy freak. I’m going to find out who you are after I save her. I’m coming for you. I swear I am coming for you. Sharon, Sharon. What a person won’t do to get a free trip to Manhattan. I can see a smile on your face, but panic in your eyes. I threw way too much at you before your second cup, and I’m so sorry. Alan, Alan. This is not panic.

You know, we could, um–

Right, I forgot. We could say a lot of awkward things to get us out of here. Oh, no, no. I don’t want to drive you guys away. JACK: No, not at all. Trust me, he wouldn’t leave his baby sister alone right now if he didn’t know that’s exactly what she wants. Thank you, Diane. And I’ll see you later, Jack. See, I can take a hint. [Alan sighing] Not very smooth, am I? I will let you know in a minute. Is there something that you wanted to say to me? Yeah, get a full crew ready. I’ll meet you there. Okay. Chance is right, all right? We’re closing in. My crew is going to tear that place apart. You’re going to keep me posted, right? Even if it’s just to say that there’s no news. Yes, I will, but if I don’t get back to you right away, please don’t assume the worst. Dad, I’m not, I’m not sure about this. All right, how about this? I will do my absolute best to keep a cool head, and you do the same. [Summer sighing] All right, you’ll let me know if you learn anything new? I’ll call you. Same goes for you. All right.

A little bit longer.

Be careful. Let’s get you something to eat. You know that I can’t eat. Want to try? Can you eat right now? Well, you know me. I can always eat. Sometimes I think we know each other too well. It’s not a bad thing. You’re right. I knew that you were worried about my mom and Sharon, even though you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Yeah, look, I’m– I’m apprehensive. Okay, I have concerns, but I am very confident that we’re going to find them, and we’re going to bring them home. I can tell that you mean it. That’s the only reason I’m not a complete wreck right now. Good. [Summer sighing] If you can, please trust me on this. Okay, I know it’s hard after everything with Daniel. I’m trying. You don’t have to get into us right now. But just please know that you can count on me. No, I, I, I do. I mean, you listen to me about my mom and you’re helping my dad. You didn’t even put up a fight when he wanted to use a private search team. Yeah, well, we’re lost. You’re a good guy, Chance. You’re a good cop. Thank you for that. Can you promise everything is really going to be okay? Hey, we are going to find your mom and we are going to find Sharon, and we are going to bring them home safely. It’s just a matter of time. PHYLLIS: I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears. I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears. I swear to God, I hate you. My God. Sharon, all right. I gotta, I gotta, um, do– do CPR. Okay. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Sharon? Please. Hey. Wake up. Okay, pinch your nose. Come on, come on, Sharon. One, two, three, four. Come on, come on. I swear to you. I swear to you. Do not leave me here alone, please. One, two, three… One, two, three, four. One, two, three– Oh, God. Oh, God. Are you okay? Are you okay? Please say you’re okay. What happened? Oh, my God. Sharon, you died. You died. You were dead. He murdered you, and he just left you there, and there was a card. There was a card, and if I didn’t see it, oh my God. The brain has only so much time. The oxygen to your brain. How many fingers do I have up? My head is killing me. Because you died. You were dead. Unless that was a trick. Was it a trick? I CPR’d you. There’s no way you can fake that. You died. How did he do that to you? I brought you back to life. Did I pass the test? Go slow. Just go slow, okay? Just keep breathing. Keep breathing. You saved my life. Well, the V-bot didn’t give me options, you know? I had to. No, you didn’t have to do that. Yeah, I did, Sharon. I had to do it. Turns out I was right about you, wasn’t I? Don’t make a big deal out of this, okay? I mean, a few minutes ago, you were a corpse. So, if you want to spend the rest of your alive days saying, I told you so. No, you can spend it however you want, Phyllis, but I saved your life, and you saved mine. Yeah, they will be in touch, Chance. They know they have to be fast and thorough. And we will be. Okay, thanks.


Hey. Thought you might be here. Do you have anything new? Chance is going over some security footage. Um, it might narrow down the search area for where Sharon and Phyllis are being held. Okay, well, that’s great. Whereabouts? It’s an old warehouse district. A lot of abandoned buildings. A lot of places in the shadows to hide where nobody can hear you. It’s not exactly a reassuring thought, is it? No, it’s not. Have you got something? I do, actually. Um, I got a text. Usually, I would trash it because I would assume it’s spam, but– Not this time? No, and I think when you see it, you’re gonna agree with me. Look, anything you have is worth taking a look at. Okay, so I got the number for Phyllis’ burner phone from Daniel, the one that she called Summer from. And I called it, you know, once or twice. Yeah, we’ve done that, too. We never got an answer. No, nobody picked up, but this text came through.

What did the text say?

Look at it. Does that make any sense to you? Click here for information on the Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic. [Alan sighing] Alan, I’m really not trying to put you on the spot. I just want to understand what it is you’re saying. Oh, can you tell I’m winging this? Um, I don’t know what to say. Look, it was spontaneous. Uh, it was not planned and maybe ill-conceived. I– I– We don’t have to have this discussion right now if you don’t want to. You mean you want to set aside this conversation and maybe circle back to it, maybe not? I mean, you know, if that’s what you want. It’s not what I want. I spent a lifetime without you, Traci. It was productive, interesting, challenging, you know. In some ways, they were good. In some ways, I wish I could forget. But then, I think, was it really living? I don’t think so. Because now there’s this woman in my life who radiates warmth, humanity, who has a curious mind, a generous heart. And when I was away from you, it made me remember what my world was like before you. And you know what? It was not enough. Not compared to what we have. Look, I want to give you space, but I want to be nearer to you. I want to be your partner, your friend, lover, family. You are the one thing in my life I never realized I didn’t have. I love you very much. Traci Abbott, will you marry me? Alan Laurent, yes, I will marry you. ALAN: I just want to hold on to this moment. Oh, I do too. Is it all too fast? For whom? For you, I don’t know, the world. Obviously not for me. I’ve been the picture of restraint until today. If it was up to me, I would have proposed after the first kiss. Well, that might have been a little bit too soon. Well, some might say today is too. Well, who cares what the rest of the world thinks? How about you? What do you think? How do you feel? Oh, Alan… you come to a point where you convince yourself that you don’t need this kind of love anymore. Your life is fine. It’s full of joy. Little, small, big joys, wins, losses, memories of your special people. Like your daughter who passed away. Yes, I talk to her every single day and I’ve told her all about you.

You think she’d approve of me?

TRACI: I do. Finding you has been this really unexpected gift, like, like a bonus chapter to what’s already a lovely life. Well, all the days we have left, I want to spend with you. That sounds wonderful. But we have to make it official. What? Isn’t it official?

No, no.

You asked, I answered.

It seems official.

We need the ring, okay? We need to get you a ring. And don’t say you don’t need one. This is for me, okay? Because if we do spend time apart, you need to have a reminder of me right on your hand. Well, that sounds beautiful. But all of this can wait. No, I disagree. I’ll be right back. No, you’re so impulsive today. Yeah, but this is our time, all right? Let me make it special. I’ll be right back. I’ll be back, don’t worry. Hey, I hope you’re not fleeing the scene. Oh, no, it’s just a little something that’s missing. It’s very important, but I’ll be back in no time at all.


Okay. Thank you. Traci, Alan was just leaving. He was practically running. So, sis, any news? It reads like an automated response, like a courtesy text you get when a business is closed. So you didn’t get that text when you called the burner phone? Nope. And neither did anyone else or they would have mentioned it. Okay, so to me, this is either on purpose or it’s one hell of a glitch. What about that link? Did you click on it? No, not yet. I didn’t want to risk it. Smart. Let’s get that to Chance right away. You don’t think this is spam, Nick? Let’s see if this is even a real place to start with. Mm. So Havenhurst Clinic is an actual clinic. It seems like it’s permanently closed, though. I’ve got a map of the warehouse district that Chance’s team can search. Let me guess.

Havenhurst is in there.

It is. And that can’t possibly be a coincidence. Please, Sharon, don’t drink that fast. Don’t chug it just in case this freak spiked it. Please. Our host has way too big of an ego to try to pull the same trick twice. They’re enjoying impressing us with their creativity. Well, I think you’re giving whoever it is too much credit. Just go slow. Gee, it almost sounds like you care, Phyllis. And you know what? It’s starting to become very clear to me that’s what all of this is about. Getting past the hate, seeing the bigger picture. Mm, well, the joke’s on them. Because I can still hate you and not want you dead. But you’ve wanted me dead in the past, haven’t you? So now, what’s different? This situation has changed things. It’s changed us. Mm. You don’t have to psychoanalyze the situation. It’s not that deep. You know, there’s no bigger picture. I mean, this is just some twisted fun for that sick freak that likes to see us suffer. That’s true. The voice is enjoying this. Get some sort of joy out of gaining a sense of control and power. Thank you. Of course, there can be other layers to this, regardless. Remember, I told you what the voice said. To think of this as an experiment. They’re getting some sort of satisfaction out of accomplishment. Right. Right. Like a puppet master. Yes, but he or she was looking for some sort of a result. Like, they were trying to convince us, or themselves, that humanity can rise above darker emotions. Okay, or self-preservation trumps all. Really? Maybe we saved each other because we just didn’t want to be alone. That’s not very noble, isn’t it? Okay, well, now we’re just talking in circles because you insist on being so contrary. Well, you insist on being a know-it-all. Well, I’m not saying that that’s the only reason behind all this. I’m sure there are others. But I am saying that one of the points is to cast a light on our relationship. That is clear to me. And it has become very serious. It’s gotten to an extreme point. Literal life or death. All right. So, I mean, did we dance to your tune? The question is, what happens next? Look, I know this is tough, but we’re going to figure it out. I am going to go update Daniel and try to get some work done, but I will be waiting for a phone call from you and my dad. Okay. Now, if you need anything… I will call you. Hey, glad I caught you both. Billy got a text. A text from who, Phyllis? No, but it’s all connected. Tell him. I called Phyllis’ burner phone. Daniel gave me the number. Nobody picked up when I did call, but once I disconnected, a text came through from a business, like a follow-up text. Wait, from the same number? I mean, why now? I’ve called that number like a million times. I don’t know. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. So the phone is connected to a business. What did the text say? Text mentioned something about a Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic, which just happens to be…

In our search zone.

You got it. Wait, so one of those abandoned medical buildings. Does that mean we’re in the right area? It’s a very specific clue, but is it the truth? Or is it a trap? What’s next? I think that’s the wrong question. Well, of course it is, because I’m the one who asked it. No, no, no, no. Because it puts everything back. That freak show’s court gives them the control. We take the control. Just like you said, we had to get past everything. I saved your life, you saved my life. We got past all of our history. And then it was just us, and we had to lean on each other. Not just tolerate each other, not just put up with each other. We had to believe in each other emotionally and mentally. We had to keep breathing together. That’s what it is. Oh, my gosh. That’s the final riddle. We have to find an escape route together. If it were that simple, we would have done it already. No, we wouldn’t have, Sharon. Because we had the distraction of being here together, and fighting, and everything, our basic loathing with each other. And dare I say, things are different now. Listen. I don’t hear anything. No. No, you don’t hear anything because the voice is gone. So, you’re saying this is it? This is our chance to get out? Yeah, this is it. And there is a way out. There has to be. Because if there weren’t, we were never intended to survive. And that’s not the case. Death is not an option. It’s not an option. It’s not. Okay? It’s teamwork. Pure and focused teamwork. That’s how we get our freedom. Alan’s left you speechless. He sure ran out of here on a mission. If you want to keep all this to yourselves for now, we understand. No, no, no, I want you to know. I want the whole world to know. Oh, Jack, love finds you in the strangest, most surprising times. And now, I think it appears I’m going to be married. And Alan has run out to buy a ring to make it official. Wow, how wonderful. Oh, and so romantic. It is, isn’t it? I’m still trying to catch up. Okay, let me recap. Alan misses you and wants to spend as much time with you as possible, so he very sweetly and spontaneously asked you to be his partner for life. Is that what happened? Yes, and it appears you said yes. I think I did. I think I did. Oh, it just doesn’t feel real yet. Hey, are you happy? I am, Jack. And is this really what you want? More than anything. [phone pinging] Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

[ominous music plays] How could you possibly let Luna out of prison? You put our daughter and our family in danger. I am making sure you will not hurt anyone else. You’re going back where you belong. No, please. Please, Dad, please don’t let them do this. -I can’t go back there! -You’re a convicted murderer. You never should have been here in the first place! She was going to be killed in there. No one cares about that. You’re putting everyone at risk! Say goodbye to your freedom, Luna. -No, no! -Oh, yeah, come on. Vacation’s over. You had your fun. Let’s go. Dad, please, please do something! I can’t go back there. I’m gonna die in there! Please! [Luna crying] -Enjoy. -Thank you so much. -[sighs] -I was just thinking. Could you imagine having Luna as a daughter? It can’t be easy on Poppy. Yeah, well, my pity only goes so far. You can’t blame Poppy for this. What, that her daughter’s a serial killer? I mean, she raised her, Sheila. Oh, yeah, that’s right. That’s right. Just blame the mom, huh? That’s what everybody seems to do. Um, her dad was a pretty good soul. I mean, I think Tom Starr woulda been a terrific dad. Come on, baby. That’s a little bit of a stretch, don’t you think? Not that I didn’t adore Tom. You know, Poppy left pretty quickly. Yeah. I guess Li wanted to see her. DEACON: Hmm. -But I do wonder why. -I don’t know. Li’s a tough cookie. I wouldn’t wanna be on her bad side. [edgy music plays] She lied to me. She swore up and down that I wasn’t the father. Luna’s my daughter. POPPY: Li. Hi! You wanted to see me? You know, we don’t know the real story. I mean, we’ve got no idea why Li and Poppy were estranged all those years. Yeah, well, families just get messy sometimes. Yeah, I get that. I mean, you know, it sounds like Poppy was a wild child, you know, going to music festivals, -living life on the road. -I don’t think they could be any more different, quite honestly, but… I don’t know, this thing with Luna– I think it might have changed their dynamic. Well, Poppy did say that she and Li haven’t been this close in years. So you see? Maybe something good did come out of this tragedy. Maybe they…they’re finally gonna have a relationship that’ll last. [laughs] I was so excited to get your text. And I thought… let’s do brunch this weekend. -Hmm. -Yeah let’s spend time together like now that we’re acting like real sisters again. Mm? My sweet little sister. All right. You know, I used to hate that when you called me that– your sweet little sister. But now…I love it. I do. It’s a badge that I wear with honor. Oh, with honor. Really. Li, you’re one of the most influential people in my life. I’ve admired you from the day that I was born. And the fact that we’ve made peace… …that means the world to me because family is everything. -[strained] Mm-hmm. -It’s everything. Yes, my family matters to me more than you could ever imagine. I will do everything I can to protect the ones I love. I know I don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy. -Far from it. -And I’m not making excuses for myself, okay? I am so horrified by what I’ve done. But I cannot go back to prison. -You have no choice. -I’m gonna die in there! Please, Finn! I’m your daughter now. You just said that you wish you were around to help me, and now I need your help now. Please, Finn, I’m gonna die! Yeah, Luna, you are my daughter, but first and foremost… …you killed two men and you attacked the love of my life. [intense music plays] [soft background music plays] Luna’s a bad seed. She’s definitely got the crazy gene, that’s for sure. Yeah. She’s gonna be paying for it. She’s gonna be incarcerated for the rest of her life. Yeah, well, that’s not long enough as far as I’m concerned. I mean, all Tom wanted to do was be a part of her life, and she barely even knew Hollis. But, you know, he was on to her, so she had to take him out too. I can’t help it. Every time– Sheila, every time I look at Poppy, I just feel… It makes me think what her daughter took away from us. Hey. I understand why you’re feeling that way. Do you? I mean, do you really? Because you seem–you seem super invested in Poppy right now. I mean, frankly, I’m just surprised you’ve got so much sympathy for her. Poppy is really feeling it right now, and quite honestly, I am too. I know what it’s like to be a mother separated from your child. I get that, I get that. I understand. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Sheila, I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something about Poppy that I do not trust. Li, I need to tell you something. Do you remember when I said that Luna wasn’t at the prison? -Yes. -And they wouldn’t say anything about where she was, whether she had been transferred to another facility, if she was sick or injured, and I have no idea where she is. I’m worried about her, Li, and I don’t know what to do. I tried calling her lawyer, and he won’t return my calls. And I hate to say it, but… I’m beginning to wonder if she’s still alive. Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Penelope. Of course she’s still alive. Okay. B-but how would we know that for sure? I haven’t heard from her in so long, and there’s no way for me to get in touch with her. And they just turn me away at the facility with no explanation, just that she’s still serving her sentence, but they won’t tell me where. I know where she is. -You do? -Yes. Where? She’s at Bill’s. Bill…Spencer’s? No, no. No, that’s impossible. That can’t be correct. It is. I’m certain of it. How– You’ve seen her? No. But Finn did. My son. Your nephew. Luna’sfather. [dramatic musical sting] Luna, you are my daughter… but you killed two people. Maybe I could have changed things for you. Maybe I could have changed the course of your life, and I wish I would have been given that chance. But Steffy’s right. You need to go back to prison and pay for your crimes. No, Dad, I can’t go back there. Please, I’m begging you. -It’s the right thing to do. -LUNA: You don’t mean that. Okay? I-I’m good here. I feel like my old self again, like when I was little. You remember that girl, right? Only this time, I’m your daughter. I’m your own flesh and blood. And nothing’s gonna change that, and you’re also not gonna change my mind. Bill– STEFFY: Oh, stop. Bill can’t save you. Not this time, Luna. You should be ashamed of yourself. TAYLOR: Did you even consider the repercussions? Having her released on house arrest? You know what, next time you get lonely, Why don’t you rescue a dog or something? All right, enough! Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I overstepped. But I wanted to help Luna in a way that no one helped me when I was a kid. Oh, boy. Poor Bill. Do you understand how insane you sound? Luna killed two people. You may feel sorry for her, but I don’t. Now, I’m gonna get justice for Tom and Hollis and for me, too. [phone rings] -Baker. -Chief, it’s Steffy Forrester. Steffy. What can I do for you? I’m with an inmate you might be interested in. An inmate? Yes. Luna Nozawa. She’s at Bill’s house. -Are you safe? -At the moment, yes. I’ll be right there. Don’t let her leave. I won’t. She’s not going anywhere. Hear that? Cops are coming. Enjoy your last moments of luxury, because you’re going back to prison. Please, please, I-I can’t go back there, okay? Not when I just found you. Please let me stay. Please. I-I won’t leave this house. I just… I don’t wanna be away from my dad. [somber music plays] [moody music plays] Hey, what do you mean that-that you don’t trust Poppy? It’s just a feeling I get. It’s a feeling I’ve learned not to ignore. Come on, Sheila. Poppy has got a lotta secrets. LI: I know your secret. Finn told me everything. -Li, please– -Your sick, sordid behavior. I’ve always known you had no morals. But to take advantage of my 18-year-old son? No, no, wait, please. It wasn’t like that. We had– Like hell it wasn’t, Penelope. I don’t care that Finn was adopted. He’s family. You’re his aunt. -[whispering] I know, I know. -His aunt! -[loudly] I know! -How could you, Penelope? -Do you resent me that much? -[whispers] No. Did you do it to get back at me? To take the most precious thing in my life? No, no, no, no, no, no, i-it wasn’t like that, I swear. I would never pressure Finn into anything, okay? He wanted it as much as I did– Oh, stop it! I don’t believe you. This behavior is right up your alley– sleeping with one guy after the next. But to stoop so low… Okay, no, it is–it is not how anything that you’re imagining, okay? It was–it was just– we had something beautiful– Beautiful?Beautiful? [scoffs] You’re delusional. You got pregnant with your nephew’s child, Penelope. His cousin is now his daughter, and you’re telling me he wanted it? I know, okay? I understand how it looks, okay? And-and it-it wasn’t– it wasn’t appropriate– It’s disgusting! Reprehensible! You crossed a line, Penelope, that you will never come back from–do you hear me? You will not get away with this! [intense music plays] [tense music plays] You can’t run, Luna. The police will be here any second. No. I’m not going back there. You’re gonna stay right where you are. No, I won’t survive. I swear. I mean it. Do you have any sense of what you’ve done? Any at all? You almost took Steffy away from us, away from her children. And I’m sorry. I really am. -No, you’re not. -I mean it! Okay? If I could take it all back, I would. I-I wouldn’t have hurt all those people. -I don’t know what got into me. -How dumb do you think we are? You’re only saying this because you’ve been busted. You want Finn to think that you feel remorse. [whimpers] No… You’re a psychiatrist, right? You understand how damaging traumatic childhoods can be. That’s no excuse for what you’ve done. I have patients with backgrounds far more tragic than yours, and they’ve managed not to kill anyone. Why do you think you’re entitled to walk away with a slap on the wrist? And you–you got her out. There’s no excuse in the world for what you’ve done. LUNA: Bill is not to blame, okay? He’s been wonderful. He-he understands how much I’ve struggled not having a father growing up and not having a dad to-to care for me and to protect me. But now I do, okay? Now I know who helped bring me into the world, and it’s the most incredible man I know, and you guys are trying to rip me away from him! This is because ofyou,Luna! Youmessed this up. All-all I’m asking is just please just let me stay a little longer. Not a chance in hell. But I may never see my father again! [crying] Police. Chief Baker, she’s right here. What the hell is she doing here? -Ask Bill. -[police radio chatter] You’re supposed to be locked up. I can explain, okay? I’m on house arrest. Enough! Chief Baker, take her away. [dark music plays] Okay, Li, just-just stay calm and, you know, sit down because, you know, we can– -we can discuss this. -And what, listen to more of your excuses? No, no, okay? I-I will tell you anything that you wanna know– the truth, everything that you wanna know– More than 20 years, Penelope, more than 20 years you’re hiding this. You looked me in the eye, never said a word. ‘Cause I swear I didn’t know who the father really was, and -I didn’t wanna start trouble– -How could you have known? How could you have known? There were so many men, including my son! I–You’re starting to scare me. You should be scared. You created a monster. My son and Steffy will have to live with that for the rest of their lives because of yourirresponsibility, your twisted, depraved behavior. How can you even look at yourself in the mirror? I can barely stand to watch you breathe. I’ve always known you have no integrity. But this? Huh? God, what a fool I’ve been. I felt so bad for you! Uh-uh. I accused you of having an affair with my husband in my own home. I felt guilty for thinking you could do such a horrible thing. I was wrong. But what you did was a thousand times worse. You didn’t just target my husband. You went after my son! -No–wait, n-no– -Yes! You went after my son, and now he has to accept that he has a daughter that tried to murder his wife? Because of you, Penelope! -You! -Aah– [Li grunts] [intense music plays] Somebody tell me what’s going on here. Luna was released into Bill’s custody. It’s all legit. I have an ankle monitor -and everything. -CHIEF BAKER: I see. But that doesn’t explain anything! I understand why you’d be confused. But Luna’s right. It’s all on the up-and-up. The powers that be know that she’s with me. If that’s the case, it’s highly unusual, -to say the least. -I made a deal… under the condition that she stays on my premises under 24/7 supervision. So the translation to that is you paid people off! CHIEF BAKER: You’ve got a nice estate here, Mr. Spencer, but you’re not equipped to hold a high-risk criminal, especially somebody as deadly as Luna Nozawa. -Cuff her. -LUNA: No! No, please, please! Dad, please, I swear I’ve changed, okay? I-I promise I won’t cause anyone problems, please. -[phone rings] -Please say something. Help me. Please! -[metal clicks] -Baker. What? [stammers] Say that again. Are you sure? Yes, sir. Okay. Very well. Uncuff her. What? W-whoa, whoa! Wh-what’s going on? Remove her ankle monitor too. STEFFY: What? Why? Why? What’s going– -I’m sorry. I’m sorry. -Sorry about what? Luna Nozawa has been pardoned. -STEFFY: Pardoned? -She’s been what? CHIEF BAKER: I’m afraid so. RIDGE: She’s guilty! -She confessed! -There’s nothing I can do about it– she’s a free woman. -TAYLOR: Free woman? -STEFFY: That can’t be true! RIDGE: Yeah, s-something’s wrong here. What about her sentence? You’re just throwing that out? STEFFY: Yeah! She killed two men! [stammering] You can’t do this! No, there’s no way this is happening. There is no way. This can’t be real. She cannot get away with this! She needs to go back to prison! Finn, please, you have to do something! Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[dramatic music]

Mom, what brings you by?

Lemon bars. Homemade.

Ooh, delicious.

I thought it would boost morale around here. Everyone seems to be so worried…


About the hospital closing. OK. [coffeepot rattling] What happened to the coffee?

Oh, it’s a victim of budget cuts.

My dear, it’s more dire than I thought.

Mm-hmm. Why is it whenever there’s a financial crisis, the coffee and bagels are first to go, like that’s gonna solve everything? Might as well be telling everybody to find a new job.

And speaking of new jobs, I heard your husband has hired Alex back at Titan. 2

Yes. Yes, today is his first day back.

Well, I’m very happy. I know Victor would have loved knowing that he’s returned to the family business.



Unless it ends in disaster.

And why would it? What do you mean?


That’s the thing. They’re actually acting like brothers. Xander even asked Philip to move back into the mansion.

He did?

OK, yeah, so it was to make it seem like they were a united front, but still. Everything is working out the way I’d hoped.

That’s great, Sarah. I just hope nothing happens to change that, for your sake and mine. Things are going really well with Alex. I doubt that he would be too happy to know that I kept quiet about all this.

So then we’re in agreement.


For the greater good.

Yeah. For the greater good.

Sarah? What makes you think that Alex working at Titan is a bad idea?

[light music]


Stephanie. Hey.

Thank you so much. Yeah, it was just dropped off. A pregnancy test. Patient name: Wesley, Joy.


Something on your mind?

I–I just wanted to see how your first day went. You and Alex started at Titan today, right?

Right. Right, yeah. Good. Mostly onboarding. Lots of paperwork, orientation seminars. Once I was finished with all that, Philip sent me home, so…

That was nice of him.

Yeah, well, he didn’t really need me to stick around. He was headed back to the mansion with Alex and Xander for some top secret meeting, so… [dramatic music]

It’s good to have you back in the fold, Alex. I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye, but the family’s stronger together.

Case in point, my brother and me.

Mm, welcome back to Titan, cousin. Cheers, fellas.

That’s a 25-year Macallan?

Very nice. Didn’t realize you knew your way around a bottle of scotch.

Oh, I know the stuff ain’t cheap. And as much as I’d like to think it’s about celebrating my first day, I know something’s up, because you would not insist on an off-site meeting unless something big was on the horizon.

Kid’s good. 9

I guess it is about time Philip and I pulled back the curtains and told you what we’ve been working on.

Is this something to do with the big plans for Titan you had mentioned?

The biggest.

We’re taking over DiMera.

Is that your article about the DiMeras? I thought you turned that in yesterday.

I did, but alas, Chadwick forced me to have legal review it.

And the verdict?

Apparently some of my sourcing is thin. [scoffs] Ridiculous. How is anybody supposed to get any clicks when every single detail needs to be verified? I never had to worry about any of this when I was Lady Whistleblower. 11

Except now you’re a respectable journalist, which I find very sexy, by the way. [both chuckle]

Don’t tempt me just yet. I still have a few more “I”s to dot before I finish, but then I am all yours.

Oh, you might be a little longer. I have some information you’ll want to add to your article.

A boyfriend and a source. Go on.

Well, Gabi called me while I was on my way over. And we all know that EJ is behind Rafe’s kidnapping, so it sounds like that he’ll probably get away with everything.

[upbeat rock music playing over headphones]

[knock at door]

Felicity, can you get that? [knock at door]


Did you say something?

Oh. Never mind. [sighs] [gasps] [quirky music]

Is it a bad time?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[sultry music]

I’m sorry, am I early?

No, no, I’m late. [laughs] I got stuck in this long conversation with my mother’s lawyer, and then I thought I could squeeze in, like, a little yoga session, and I completely lost track of time. Anyway, I’ll–I’ll go throw some clothes on, and we can talk about the fundraiser. Come on in.

OK. Yeah, no rush. I’m just gonna–I’ll just hang out here with Felicity.

OK. Yeah. I’ll be right back.

You don’t think I embarrassed her too bad, do you, making her answer the door in her towel?

That’s not why she’s embarrassed.

It’s not?

No. Because she likes you. [dramatic music]

I don’t get it. If Rafe remembers coming face-to-face with his doppelganger– on the DiMera estate, no less– how does that not implicate EJ?

He could argue that Arnold broke in without his knowledge.

That is a crock.

No, that is probable cause. So unless Rafael suddenly gets all of his memories back, EJ will probably walk away scot-free.

I’m so sorry.

Don’t be. You can help instead. If you put all of this into your article, we can pressure Belle into bringing charges against EJ.

Would your cousin be willing to go on the record?

Are you kidding? He would do anything to nail those DiMeras to a wall.

You want to take control of DiMera? How many of those have you had, cuz?

He’s not joking. This is our moment to strike.

Oh, your moment to strike? What is this, a hostile takeover? It’s not gonna happen without the support of the family.

We don’t need the support of the family. We have Wei Shin in our corner. 19

You got Wei Shin to agree to join forces with you?

He sees the writing on the wall. Tony and Stefan are gone. EJ and Kristen are too busy trying to stay out of prison. They’re neglecting their duty to the shareholders. Our timing is never gonna get better than this.

It’s now or never. So what do you think?

I think it’s a hell of a swing. Not to mention incredibly risky.

But something tells me Uncle Vic would approve. So who am I to disagree with the best there ever was? Let’s bring down the DiMeras. [glasses clink]

Top secret meeting. News to me.

I’m just as in the dark as you are. I mean, Alex may be inner circle, but I am a mere assistant.

Oh, still–still, it must be like déjà vu in a way, you and Alex coworkers again.

Yeah. Yeah, except at Titan, we’re not jumping into bed together, pretending to make out.


I don’t know why I just said that. The more I try not to be awkward around you, the more I word vomit. I’m sorry.

No, I get it. I get it. And I don’t want things to be weird between us either.

Great, then let’s make a pact that it won’t be. I’m really happy for you and Alex, and whatever relationship we had, it’s–it’s completely in the past.

We both know that’s not true.

What’s that supposed to mean? Alex and I are just friends. Nothing more.

Unless you’re pregnant with his baby.

[sighs] What did you just say?

Nothing. Forget it. I–

Yeah, too late for that. Why would you think I’m pregnant?

[sighs] I was at the hospital doing some PR work, and I overheard Sarah talking about your pregnancy test to the lab.

Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me! What, was she saying it over the loudspeaker?

No, nothing like that. I–I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yeah, well, that tracks with my luck lately. [dramatic music] I guess this means that you told Alex? 25

No. No, I realized it wasn’t my place to violate your privacy like that.

[sighs] But you’ve thought about it?

Honestly, it’s all I’ve been thinking about since yesterday.

Join the club.

So at the risk of sticking my nose further into your business, what was the verdict? Are you pregnant or not? 26


It’s an honor to go into battle with both of you.


But before we do, I should clear the air. With you in particular. I know when I first got back to town, there was some… friction between us.

Yeah, you could say that, Philip, yeah. I’ll admit I was a little jealous about you being with Stephanie.

But we’re all good now?

Yeah, we’re good. Just don’t try and win her back.

Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about that.

Did it never occur to you, Philip, that had people found out that you were committing fraud that they might think that I was in on it, that–that maybe I was helping to deceive the public into thinking that you were this poor victim who was wrongly deprived of his birthright?

But I was. If I had overcome my demons just a few months sooner, it would have changed everything. My dad would have left me in charge–

That is pure speculation, and you know that will is solid. Meaning you stole half the company from Xander.

Well, he deserved to have it stolen from him. I mean, it’s not like Xander is some upstanding guy either.

That is irrelevant. Damn it, Philip, I never would have done PR for you had I known that you were trying to pull this scheme.

You used me. [sighs]

No, no, Steph.

Look. [sighs] Let’s talk about this over dinner.

Oh, there is no dinner. In fact, you and I are through, Philip. Professionally and personally.

When Stephanie and I broke up, she made it pretty clear that what we had was over for good.

Don’t listen to me, Mom. I’m sure Alex is gonna be great. 31

But you have reservations.

Well, it’s only just, you know, because he used to be CEO, and now he has to report to Xander and Philip. I just–I don’t want it to cause any conflict.

That happened a long time ago. I mean, Alex has had a whole new career since he found out that he wasn’t Victor’s son. I mean, Xander doesn’t blame Alex for what happened last year, does he? 32

No, no, no, no, no. No, Xander knows that Alex was fooled by Theresa, just like everyone else.

Yeah, I still don’t understand how she could be so cruel to someone she cared about, forging a letter and lying to him about his birthright.

Yeah, well, I’m guessing that she just never thought her secret would come out.

Then she’s an idiot. A secret like that, it always comes out.

Of course. No problem, primo. No, no, no, I think we got everything we need. I will. All right, bye. Rafael says thank you.

Mm, I should be the one thanking him. His interview has made my article all the more scintillating. Ah, and now it is in the hands of my editor. I wonder if “The Spectator” is gonna hire protection for me.


Yeah, pretty sure the DiMeras are gonna come after me after they read that or send creepy Dr. Rolf.

Mm. Don’t worry. I’ll be your bodyguard.

That’s very sweet, but have you seen the biceps on EJ? Or Kristen, for that matter?

Hey, my biceps aren’t half bad either. 35

Well, maybe I need a reminder.

Yeah? [quirky music] [grunts]

You think I can take him on now?

How about you go a few rounds with me first?

So your sister said she likes me, huh?

She told me you can’t like her back. 36

Mm. Well, that’s because of what she had to do to save your mom. I was pretty angry at first. But I’ve– I’ve come to understand why she did what she did. [dramatic music]

Good. Then you can be together now, right? [door clicks open]

[dramatic music]

What’d I miss?

[chuckles] Felicity was just telling me that you kind of liked me.


Then I said that… because I understand better why you did what you had to do to save your mom that maybe I could like you too.

[laughs] Well, I really wish you hadn’t discussed that with Chad, Felicity.

No, I’m very glad she did. You’re very direct, and as a newsman, I admire that.


And you’re also behind the times. She’s behind the times. Because remember, I told you I am– I’m over Chad, the little silly crush that I had. We’re just friends now. Remember that part?

You could be such a good couple.

You’re so funny. [laughs] You’re so funny. OK. You’re gonna go to your room and do your homework there, and Chad and I are going to work on the fundraiser details.

I could help.

Oh, I think you have helped so much. So very much. This way, lady. This way, lady. Come on. Come on. Are you good? OK. Thank you so much.

Thank you, Felicity.

Yeah, you’re welcome. [door clicks shut]

[sighs] [knock at door]

It’s EJ. See, I was only half kidding about taking him on.

Room service. I ordered us an early dinner.

You’re so thoughtful.

What can I say? I’m a catch.

Thank you.

You have got to try the fried chicken. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve had it twice this week.



Looks a little dry.

What is this?

The Salem Inn called in my tab.

I still can’t believe that you got Wei Shin to agree to this DiMera takeover. You sure we can trust this guy? 43

As long as we carve him out a big enough piece of the pie, I believe we can. Plus, Philip very shrewdly reminded him of how Gabi destroyed Li’s life and EJ sullied his memory.

Well, it wasn’t a hard sell at that point. I can’t take too much credit. Something funny?

No, no. It’s just, couple months ago, you were at each other’s throats. Now look at you guys. If you would have known you would have made such a good team, you could have saved us a hell of a lot of trouble, that’s all.

You got me half believing we can actually pull this off.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.


On that note, why don’t we call it a half day? We’ll have to regroup bright and early to plan our next move.

Oh, fine by me. Gentlemen, have yourselves a great one. Let’s do this.

What was all that about?

[sighs] What was all what about?

You pulled the brakes on what was shaping up to be a rather nice little family moment. Are you having second thoughts about working with Alex? Do you not trust him?

No, it’s not that. Actually, I’m more concerned about Alex trusting me.

What do you mean?

I’m worried what Stephanie might say about me behind my back.

Look, I understand if you don’t want to answer my question. It’s obviously none of my business. 47

No, it’s not. Anyways, there is no answer yet. I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not. I haven’t gotten the results back yet, so…



I see.

[sighs] You’re probably gonna hate this next question that I ask you, but…

Are you sure the baby is Alex’s– if there is a baby?

Excuse me?

No! No judgment. I–I–I just want to get a full picture.

Right, well, sorry to dash your hopes, Stephanie, but Alex is the only person I’ve been with lately, so…

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t–


I shouldn’t have asked. I just–I just wanted to be sure.

[sighs] I get it. You and Alex are finally together, and me being pregnant could ruin your happily ever after.

Look, I’m just anxious. Clearly not as anxious as you.

You’ll probably feel better once you get the results back. Test could still be negative, right?


Only one way to find out. [sighs]


Well, perhaps I should donate to the Caffeinate the Doctors and the Nurses Fund.

I mean, you don’t have to do that, but…

Consider it done. [both laugh] I love you. 51

I love you.

Love you more

No, I love you more, Mom. [both smooch] [laughs] [phone ringing]


Dr. Kiriakis, it’s Joy Wesley.

Oh, hey, Joy. How are you feeling? 52

Physically, much better than yesterday. Emotionally, not–not so much. Did my results come in yet?

I put a rush on them, so let me check.

Yeah. Actually, yeah, they just came in a few minutes ago.

Great, then would I be able to come in and look at them? – Of course. I’ll see you soon. 53

Great. Thank you. Results are in.

If they’re positive, will you tell Alex?

I honestly have not even thought that far ahead, but I suppose it would be much too messy now to ask you to keep this from him.

Look, this is– this is your life. You don’t need to factor me into any of this.

Well, I appreciate that. I am gonna stop by his place afterwards to talk this over with him, regardless of what the results are. Could you do me a favor, please?

After how I’ve handled this conversation, you can ask me just about anything.

I don’t have the bandwidth to start from the beginning with Alex. Can you catch him up to speed for me?

Of course.

Wish me luck.

OK. [sighs, clears throat] Where are we on auction items?

I’ve gotten a pretty good response from the local businesses. Lots of fun packages to–to bid on. I can–I can send you a list of what I got so far. 56

Oh, perfect. Thank you. I have already ordered carnival games, including the dunk tank.

Mm. Any volunteers yet?

Well, I have a wish list. I have a feeling that if EJ and Leo sign up, we will endow the hospital for years to come.

[laughs] That’s probably true. And–and where did we land on the– on the bachelor-bachelorette auction? 57

Oh, I love it. Especially if you sign up.

[blows raspberry] No way.

Oh, come on.


People would bid a lot of money to snag a handsome, successful guy like you…


For a little date action.


Oh, we’re not trying to marry you off. It’s just a date. And it’s for a very good cause, Mr. DiMera. So come on. It’s in good fun. [dramatic music]

[clears throat] OK, fine. One condition, though.

Name it.

If I’m gonna be the eligible bachelor, you’re gonna be the eligible bachelorette.

This is your bill? How much did you spend this week?

Don’t be ridiculous. That’s a list of all my unpaid bills since “Body & Soul” sacked me.

Leo, that was weeks ago.

Look, Suze Orman says there is good debt and there’s bad debt.

And this is?

Bad debt.

Yeah, well, the message is noted. So when are you gonna plan on paying for this? You–you can pay this, right?

Mm, if I drain my entire life savings, yeah. Look, journalism doesn’t pay the same as an aggregate minimum of five episodes minus script fees.

Well, don’t you think it’s a little extravagant, living in a hotel?

But I like living here. They make my bed. They clean my room. Those little bottles of alcohol magically replenish themselves. 61


I was paying for those?

Did you think it was included in the rent?

Phyllis was never clear about that. I swear that woman has it out for me.

I mean, all the reason for you to find a new place to live.

Easier said than done. Where am I gonna go?

You could move in with me.

What are you worried that Stephanie might say about you?

She’s an ex. We didn’t end on good terms. She could say any number of things.

Look, I don’t know Stephanie very well, but she and Sarah are friendly enough. She doesn’t seem like the type to hold a grudge.

[sighs] Yeah, that’s true.

Then please stop looking for problems where there aren’t any. Trust me, if our plans for the family go up in flames, it won’t be because of Stephanie.



Oh. Mm. Mwah.

[laughs] I was just thinking about you.

Oh, yeah?

Wondering how the first day went.

Oh, my God, it was actually fantastic. Both Xander and Philip were very welcoming to me.

Oh, that’s great.


How did the secret meeting go?

How did you know about the–

I ran into Joy earlier.

Ah. OK, well, I can’t talk too much about it, but let’s just say that Titan has some very ambitious plans, and I am extremely excited to be a part of them. 65

Oh. I’m really happy for you.

Steph, it’s thanks to you. It was your idea to go back to Titan, so let me take you out to dinner and properly thank you.




Did I say something wrong?

No. No, no, no, not at all. I–I–I just need to talk to you about something. It’s pretty serious.

OK, now you’re scaring me. [chuckles] What’s going on?

[exhales heavily]

Joy Wesley might be pregnant… with your baby.


Ah, good timing. The lab just brought these.

Have you–have you checked the results?

No, I haven’t had a chance to yet. So do you want to go in my office and we can look at them together?


OK. [phone beeps]


Oh, damn it. 68

Is everything all right?

There’s an emergency downstairs. I–I would say wait in my office, but I just– I don’t know how long I’m gonna be.

Could I just see my results for myself?

I mean, they do belong to you, so if you want to go over them yourself, that’s your decision.

Thank you.

Well, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate. I’m here for you. [suspenseful music]


[scoffs] You play dirty!

What do you mean? Fair’s fair. If you’re gonna auction off a date with me, then we’re gonna auction off a date with you. 70

OK, yeah, but exactly how is that gonna go, huh? The auctioneer is like, step right up! Someone bid on the imposter who duped half of Salem. Oh, going once, going twice. Sold for $1, Bob!

See, you’re gonna start it off with an auction bit, and then you’re gonna turn it into a “Price is Right” bit? That’s awful.

OK, I’m not the writer. You’re the writer. But that’s not the point. The point is, I’m not gonna bring in any money. Certainly not the big bucks.

What are you talking about? Of course you will. You’re smart, beautiful, and–and you’re single. [soft music] So, you know–and it’s for a great cause.

OK, use my words against me. Fine. Add my name to the list.


Oh, God. 72



[dramatic music]

You want us to cohabitate?

You make it sound so clinical. Yeah, that’s the idea.

Isn’t it a little soon?

I mean, what other choice do you have?

Also, is it your call to make? You live with Rafe and Gabi. 73

They won’t have a problem with it.

Are you forgetting that Gabi hates me?

Well, good thing that you won’t be sharing a room with her.

No, just a kitchen, a living room, access to a bathroom mirror.

OK, my cousins keep saying mi casa es su casa, so it’s time for them to put their money where their mouths are. And this is important to me.

Are you sure about this?

I am. But I don’t want to pressure you or anything, so I won’t be offended if you think it’s too fast.

We’ve only been dating, like, a month or two.

Yeah, but we’ve known each other longer. So what do you say? Are we gonna do this?

[dramatic music]

It’s from Wei.

What did he say?

That he’s presenting our plan to his associates later today. He’ll keep us posted.

This is really happening. By this time next week, we could be in charge of– [babbles]

My, my.

I guess I can still make them tongue-tied. [chuckles] Don’t mind me, boys. I’m here to fetch Victoria’s stuffed bunny. I’m not interested in your secret business plans.

You’re more than welcome to sit in, Maggie. You are still a part of this company.

Well, that’s very sweet of you to say, but I stepped back to give you brothers a chance to take the reins. And I’m very proud of it, because I think it’s wonderful seeing you working side by side. I’m very proud of you both. And I think Victor would be very proud of you too.

I can’t believe this is happening.

I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I just didn’t think it was my place.

I don’t blame you, Steph, at all. And I’m sorry that you’re even in this position at all. I–I just– it’s a lot to think about, actually the possibility of me being a father.

Joy and I didn’t talk about what would happen if she really was pregnant, whether she was going to keep the baby or– that’s a discussion for the two of you, obviously.

Steph, this– this affects you too. 79

Don’t worry about me.

No, no. I need you to understand something, that no matter what happens with this, no matter what, if Joy is pregnant or if she decides to keep this baby, I am committed to you. And–and nothing is gonna change that.

If–if that is the case, then I will do whatever they both need, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re the person I want to be with. I promise you, I will not let anything else come between us.

[knock at door]




Alex. 81

I– I told him everything.

Joy, I am sorry. [sighs]

Did you get the results back?

I did, yeah.

And? Are you pregnant?


OK, we have a few more things to cover, and then we’ll be finished. What are your thoughts on clowns?

Hard veto.


What, you don’t find clowns creepy?

Well, yeah, maybe they’re a little creepy, but I like that they’re creepy.

Shut up. Seriously?

Yeah, like, zombies, vampires, ghosts, I love all that stuff.

What are you– aren’t you the person who was scared of “Scream” as a kid?

Oh, OK. You remembered that?


It’s not the same thing. It’s completely different. That’s a– that’s a real-life threat, whereas clowns are, like, you know, supernatural-y vibes. I like all that stuff. 84

And killer clowns?

That’s totally fictional.

What do you mean? There’s a–there’s a whole genre of true crime docs that you are apparently missing out on.

OK, do not ruin clowns for me.

Oh, my God, I’m so sorry.



Look at him. Look at him. Look. He would be a huge hit.

Oh, my God. He’s gonna give everybody a heart attack.

Oh, that’s more revenue for the hospital.


Aha. You think I’m funny.

Mm-mm. No, I don’t.

[laughs] [dramatic music] 86

What are you doing? You’re so twisted.

[laughs] You’re laughing.


Please, Chad, let me come to the fundraiser…

OK, OK, stop.

Or I will haunt your dreams!

Stop! No! [laughter] No. Oh, uh-oh.

Oh, God. Hi. [laughs] I thought– you scared me.

Wow, you two laugh a lot.

Oh, I’m so sorry. I literally had you go do your homework, and we were being so loud. We will be quiet, I promise.


[scoffs] [gentle music]

What? What are you thinking?

I guess you two are so happy together. You should be boyfriend and girlfriend.



So do you want to move in with me, or– [quirky music]

OK, yes. But we are gonna call this a trial run, because I don’t want this to preclude us from moving in together at a later, more appropriate time.

Whatever you say.

No, I’m serious. I can be a lot to handle sometimes, and I want this to work out. I want us to work out.

Me too. So do you want me to help you pack, or–

You might as well. Although there is something I need to take care of first.

What’s that? 90


Well, I should take this to Victoria. Someone is in dire need of a cuddle and a story.

Well, why don’t I come with you?

OK. Oh, hi, sweetie. [dramatic music]

Darling, you’re home early. We were just about to head up to see our little girl. 91

Yeah, I–I will– I will meet you up there. I just–I need a minute to catch my breath.

Rough day, honey?

Yeah, yeah. Well, we were understaffed. But we saved some lives, so that’s what counts, right?


[chuckles] Mm. [chuckles]

OK, me next. [laughs]

Love you, Mommy.

The hospital is lucky to have you.

Thanks. How’d things go with Alex?

Went really well, actually. But it’ll all come crashing down if Stephanie decides to tell him that I forged Victor’s letter.

I don’t– I wouldn’t worry about that. She and Alex are finally happy. And she wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that.

Well… what do the results say?

False alarm! I’m not pregnant.

Oh, thank God. Oh, my God.

Yeah, really dodged a bullet there. 94

No, no. I just mean for all of us…

It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s OK.

Really, Joy.

Look, I’m relieved too, OK? Let’s be real. If I were pregnant, this wouldn’t just be a burden on me. It’d be one on both of you too. Nobody wanted that.

Right. Yeah.

Well, there’s really nothing left to say, so… 95

Well, are you sure you’re all right?

No, really, Joy, I mean, you’ve been dealing with this all alone this whole time and–

Yeah, if you want company, stay. We could–we could order a pizza or something.

Don’t you think I’ve been third wheel long enough? No, it’s time for a clean break, so…


But thank you.


Take care, Joy. [door clicks shut]


[somber music]


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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Oh, Kyle, this is beautiful. Hm. I’m so grateful that Jack and Diane offered to babysit so we could keep our date. Oh, believe me, no one is happier than Harrison. Oh, I’m not sure about that. Your parents both seemed pretty psyched about movie night with their grandson. They’re planning on using him to settle a long-standing argument. I thought Jack and Diane were getting along well. They are, and they still have their differences. Such as? They can’t agree on the definitive James Bond. My dad says Sean Connery, mom says Roger Moore, so they’re gonna watchGoldfinger, thenLive and Let Die. Let Harrison be the judge. To be honest, I’ve never seen any of those movies. Are they age-appropriate? They promised they would skip the questionable parts. You really haven’t seen them? You’re more of a romantic comedy type, aren’t you? Sure. Although, I’m not immune to the charms of a handsome, dashing man of mystery. If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna tell you all my secrets. I can’t wait to hear them. Champagne? Yeah. James Bond drank martinis. I’ve never had one of those. Maybe next time. What are we celebrating? I’m celebrating the fact that tonight… I finally get to spend some alone time with you. Come here. [Kyle sighing] Kyle, um… I know that this probably isn’t the best time, but… we really need to talk.

Hey, Vic.

VICTORIA: Hey. Thanks for meeting me. You know that we’re all here for you, Nick. So, any news at all about Phyllis or Sharon? I mean, Chance is doing everything he can to find them, but so far, he’s come up with nothing. You don’t know for sure if either one of them is in trouble. You’re right. You’re right. They could be fine. You know, they could walk through that door, but I know at this point, that’s just wishful thinking. It’s just, it’s so unlike Phyllis to stay off the radar. Especially after everything that went down with Sharon. She knows better than to not call anyone back. Though, it’s not outside of character for either one of them to resist what they might see as overprotectiveness. They both could be just ignoring me on their phones to teach me a lesson. I don’t know. I don’t know which one of them is more stubborn at this point. Well, they’re very lucky to have you looking out for them. We all are. Oh, it’s been quite a year for this family. Sure has. It’s getting harder and harder to stay positive with everything that’s been thrown at us. But we have to. We have to lean on each other and stay strong for our kids. So, if something is wrong, that’s what Phyllis and Sharon would want you to do. Oh, my God. Phyllis, you need to hang on. Think about your kids. There– there’s so much pain. It feels like I drank battery acid. Phyllis, you need to drink this. It’s the only bottle that was different than the others.

It has a yellow sticker on it.

Oh. Phyllis? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, whoever did this, whoever did this, it feels like, it feels like– like my heart is beating out of my chest. Oh, God. Your– your pulse is racing. Oh. I– I felt like those lunges would prepare me for what my body was gonna go through. Oh, my God, it’s so stupid. I am sure that this is the answer to the riddle. I’m the beginning and the end, though you can’t see me. The poison, it was in the water. That was the beginning when you drank it. When you drink the water again, that will be the end. What if it’s the end for me? Here. Here. No. Seriously, what if that bastard did this, and if I drink that, it’s game over? They said that this is a game. You and I both agreed that if they were going to kill us, they would have done it by now. Whatever is going through my insides right now, maybe it’s just game over for me. Did I get the answer right? Did I solve the riddle? Is that the antidote? [Phyllis gasping] It is clear that Phyllis trusts me less than she trusts you, so you need to answer me right now! Uh-uh. I’m sorry to interrupt. No, you’re not. Is there a problem, Summer? Kyle, it’s about Harrison. Harrison’s fine. In fact, he’s more than fine. Harrison is upstairs with my parents, watching movies, eating popcorn and gummy worms, getting spoiled rotten. SUMMER: I know that. But there’s something that we need to discuss as his parents. Can we just step away for a few minutes and talk, please? We just sat down. It’s okay, Kyle. I understand. If this really is about Harrison. Yeah, it is. Then, our date can wait. I will step aside and let the two of you talk.

Thank you, Claire.

Yeah. [Kyle and Summer sighing] Okay. What is it? What’s wrong, Summer? Kyle, I’m concerned about what Harrison might hear about my mom at school. It looks like she really is missing. Wait, you still haven’t heard from your mother? No. And Chance is doing everything that he can to find her, but the thing is that there are other cops on the force who have kids in Harrison’s class. And they could overhear something at the dinner table from their parents, which could make its way back to our son. There’s nothing we can do about that, but I just don’t want Harrison to be afraid that something bad has happened to his grandma, you know? He’s a sensitive kid. He’s probably already picked up on what you’re feeling. He has. He’s already asked me some questions. I mean, he was supposed to have a playdate with my mom yesterday. He wanted to teach her how to play ping-pong. Phyllis playing ping-pong. Now that’s an image that can’t help but make you smile. She’s gonna be okay, Summer. I really hope that you’re right, but the fact is… we don’t know. And I know that Harrison still remembers being taken from his room by Jordan. And that could lead to some equally scary thoughts about what could be happening to your mom. Do you think that I’m being crazy overprotective right now? When you’re a mom, is there really such a thing? Listen, I will think about some things to say to Harrison if he hears about Phyllis. No, no, I don’t think that we should wait until after the fact, Kyle. Yes, let’s hope for the best, but we need to prepare for the worst. Kyle, we need to talk to our son tonight. You’re right, of course. I keep telling Summer, Faith, and Noah that they don’t need to worry about their moms, but kids, no matter how old they are, they pick up on stuff. That just reminds me how incredible our parents are, you know? How strong they are for us every single day despite everything that they’ve gone through. They always manage to put on a brave face. Yeah, I was talking to Billy about that earlier. You were? NICK: Yeah. I went by his place just to see if he had heard from Phyllis, and, um, you know, he picked up on what I was going through and how badly I want to be there for my kids. You’re both great fathers. You have that in common. I’m sorry. I know it must be hard. You always have to be the one who’s always there for everyone. It’s all right. I do my best. You don’t always have to be so strong, you know that? It would be nice if there was, like, a day or two where everything didn’t fall apart, you know, so I didn’t have to worry about everyone. Look. I actually believe that that day is coming soon. There are some really good things happening right now. Remind me again what those are. Well, Dad is recovering nicely from his gunshot wound and Mom, I mean, she’s sober now, and she’s taking Chancellor to new heights. Claire, she’s finally rid of Jordan, thank God. And she’s working at Chancellor, and she’s turning heads. Look, I know that Sharon and Phyllis are gonna reach out soon, and we’re just gonna find out that this was some big misunderstanding. I hope you’re right. And I am grateful for all the good things that are in our lives, I am. But, Vic, I’m telling you, I got this sinking feeling in my gut that Sharon and Phyllis are in real danger. Oh, God, this feeling, it’s not going away. Damn it! What, are you shocked by this? This lunatic probably likes this. Am I putting on a show for you? You like watching me die! You’re not gonna die, Phyllis. I’m not gonna let that happen. Like you have a say. All of the other bottles were identical. Drinking the one that was marked is the only option. You think I trust you more than this lunatic? You think I’m trying to poison you now? You tried to poison my son’s whiskey. I was trying to get rid of that bottle of poisoned alcohol when Heather walked in. God. Maybe you want to finish the job. Maybe you– maybe you have the guts for premeditated murder now, Sharon. Look at me. Why? Why do you want me to look at you? So I can see the murderous look in your eyes? Is that why? Do you remember the last time you accused me of trying to kill you? I thought you tried to run me off the road, yes. Right. And you were wrong about me then. And you’re wrong about me now. Drink. No. I can’t. No. No. No. So, you want to die out of spite? That’s what I’m gonna tell your kids. I’m gonna tell Summer and Daniel and Lucy that you would rather lose your life than to have me be right about something. I can’t force you to drink that. This is your call. Oh, my God. Give it to me. Whether it kills me or not, at least I don’t have to listen to you. I don’t have to listen to you and your self-righteous know-it-all voice anymore. Shut up! [Phyllis gasping] It’s Mariah. In the last hour, I’ve gotten texts from her, Faith, Summer, and Noah. They all want updates on their moms and I can’t give them to them. You’re worried that they’re gonna hear the worry in your voice. I’m just trying to keep everyone calm, you know? But I also don’t want to give them false hope. I don’t blame them for being freaked out after what Ian and Jordan put Sharon and Phyllis through. I tell them and myself, like you said, we don’t know that they’re in trouble. That’s the truth. Sharon said she was taking some personal time, and Phyllis said that she was gonna be away on business. I’m trying to get them to take them at their word, at least until we get more information. I guess I could lie to them. But you can’t lie to yourself. I can tell from the look on your face that you’re 100% convinced that Phyllis and Sharon need your help, aren’t you? Well, I’m with you on that. You know, it’s like you can tell your kids the same thing that I’ve been telling Lucy. Everything’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about, but then you try and you tell yourself that, and you’re just not buying it. Phyllis. Phyllis. Still here. [Sharon sighing] So, whatever was in that bottle, it did the trick. I don’t know. I feel horrible. Oh, God, I feel like I swallowed a whole tackle box of fish hooks and it’s being pulled out of my stomach. Maybe drink some more. Maybe the dose you need is the whole bottle. Can’t get any worse, right? Where? Drink all of it. Okay, anything? If that was my last meal, I want a do over. It tasted horrible. Maybe it’ll take a little while for it to work. Maybe. Maybe you should get up, move around. Ugh. Are you trying to make me vomit? Just get your circulation going so that the antidote gets into your system faster. I feel– I feel so faint from the pain. Here, let me help you. You can lean on me. Come on. Oh, God.

I feel so sick.

SHARON: Let’s go. Hey, I gotta do this. Yeah. Here you go. Okay. How are you doing? No, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t do this. I gotta sit down. I’m so– I’m so weak. I can’t. What is it? More pain? I think it’s fading. Look, I know that my mom can take care of herself, but it’s just… It’s driving me crazy not knowing where she is and if she’s okay and I’m… I’m just trying to focus on the things that I can control. I get that you want to protect Harrison. I do, but I don’t see the urgency. I don’t think we should interrupt his movie night with my parents. And why bring this up when there’s a chance that he might not even hear about this? But what if he does? Kyle, don’t you remember the nightmares that he had after his kidnapping? Do you want our little boy to feel even a moment of being afraid or confused again? [Kyle sighing] You’re right. You’re right. [Summer sighing] I’m– I’m sorry that I wrecked your romantic dinner with Claire. We’ll go upstairs and talk to Harrison. Kyle, look, I really appreciate you hearing me on this. Yeah, we promised each other that going forward, Harrison would always come first. I have every intention of keeping that promise. Hm. Now, it feels like I’m the one who’s interrupting. Do the two of you need more time? I’m sorry, Claire. Summer made me realize we need to tell Harrison about Phyllis. And it really can’t wait. We’re worried that if he hears about Phyllis, it’ll trigger the memories of his own kidnapping. I know how worried you are about your mom. And I also know firsthand about the trauma that Harrison experienced when my Aunt Jordan kidnapped us both. So, I totally understand. You go do what you need to do. Yeah, I don’t think it’ll take long. You mind waiting here for me? Not at all. Are you sure? I– I don’t want to hold you up. And I also don’t want to rush our talk with Harrison. Maybe you could reschedule? Take all the time you need. I’ll just, uh, wait here at the bar for you.

KYLE: Great. Thank you.

CLAIRE: Mm-hmm. Hi. I will have a sparkling water, please. Actually… I’m going to live dangerously. I’ll have a martini. Daniel, there’s no point in any of us jumping to worst case scenarios. Nick’s right. We don’t know for a fact that anything’s happening to Phyllis or Sharon. We don’t know that. But, I mean, we all feel it, right? Look, I appreciate the two of you trying to calm me down, but I just overheard where you’re at with this, Nick. I didn’t say that I’ve lost hope. But it is getting harder and harder to explain why the two of them have been AWOL for so long. Maybe that’s because there is no explanation. Maybe whatever they’re dealing with is a whole hell of a lot less than innocent. I mean, what if we never see my mother or Sharon again? Better? What’s better? We’re never going to see our kids again? Don’t say that. Your pain stopped. That had to be the antidote. We passed the test. What test? I’m not brimming with optimism. Can we not celebrate for at least five minutes that you didn’t die? Yeah, sure, let’s celebrate. We’re being imprisoned against our will by some crazy, psychotic, wannabe game show host. That’s the truth. Hey! Hey, let’s make a deal! Let us go, and I swear when I see you, I won’t rip your eyes out. I’ll be really gentle with you. Nothing? Hey, we saved your life. We won. We won, but what about next round? [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE:Well done, Sharon. You solved the riddle. Hey, listen, before you tell us what our prize is, can you please just walk away from the microphone so we don’t get that feedback anymore, please? SHARON: This is getting out of control. We agreed to play your game. I didn’t agree to anything. But physically hurting one of us, that is out of bounds. If we’re going to play, can we at least play nice? [feedback blaring] I’ll take that as a no. They wanted me to save you. Okay, well, I’m all for giving homicidal lunatics the benefit of the doubt. No, Phyllis, this was a part of the game. Okay, if the game was, let’s put Phyllis in the most excruciating pain possible. I could have just as easily been the one who drank the poison. The voice had no way of knowing which one of us would pick up the tainted bottle. That’s true. It couldn’t be me, writhing on the floor, losing all hope, praying for death just to take the pain away. It makes me wonder… if it had been me, would you have saved me? Thanks. Hm, that’s strong. I guess James Bond is a little tougher than me. Somehow, I doubt that. What you’re drinking there is straight alcohol. Ian Fleming’s protagonists drink Vespers. He drank Italian scooters? That’s Vespa, which I’m sure he chased plenty of those in his time. Vesper, you can drink without a chaser. It’s still a martini, but when you add a little Lillet instead of vermouth, it changes everything. May I? Uh, two Vespers, shaken, not stirred. After everything you’ve done to my family… maybe death by poison is what you deserve. Are you shocked to hear me say that? No, not at all. I just don’t believe you. You think I’m a liar. Oh, I know that you hate me, Phyllis, but I don’t believe that you would just stand idly by while my life hangs in the balance. Maybe I wouldn’t have figured it out. Maybe I wouldn’t have unraveled the riddle. Maybe. I mean, because clearly I’m not as smart as you, Sharon. Maybe so, but you did figure out that last riddle pretty quickly. Yeah, I did. Look, if this is the way you want to play it, it’s fine with me. If hating me is the distraction you need right now, I’m good with it. I know that you’re concerned, but never seeing them again? From what Nick said– I’ve been in constant communication with Chance. You know, he’s called in a bunch of favors to friends on the force. They’re using a ton of resources to try and find my mother and Sharon, and they’ve come up with absolutely nothing. I don’t have to tell you what this is doing to Summer.

No, you don’t.

Yeah. Because, you know, she’s freaking out. She’s worried that Harrison might overhear something at school, and it’s going to trigger everything that happened with him and Jordan. And my own daughter is starting to ask me questions like, “Why isn’t Grandma texting me back?” So, I can’t really send her off on tour with her grandfather again without tipping her off that something’s wrong here. You’re not thinking of telling her that? Not unless I have to. Look, if you think it will help, I’ll have Johnny reach out to her, have her come out to the ranch. Yeah. Yeah, actually, that might be nice. She’s been through a lot lately. You’re a good dad, Daniel. You just have to trust your instincts. Well, my instincts right now are telling me that this is very bad. I mean, I don’t understand how this can be happening all over again. Yeah, I know. I’ve got a lot of questions too. Maybe we’re about to get some answers. Hey. Hi, you guys are both here. I, uh, have some news about Sharon and Phyllis. That’s better. That’s much better. I had a feeling you’d like it. So this is your drink of choice? Well, mine and Mr. Bond’s. What’s in it? Or, let me guess. You’ll tell me, but then you’ll have to kill me, right? Mm, fortunately, a signature cocktail is the only thing I have in common with a licensed killer. Fortunately. What you’re drinking there is gin, vodka, and Lillet, which is a white wine liqueur flavored with fruit and a hint of quinine. Quinine? Isn’t that a poison? In large doses, yes. Yet you drink it by choice. Well, they say, “Pick your poison.” This is mine. Maybe mine too. That whole vodka martini thing, that’s just for the Bond films. Sean Connery or Roger Moore? Mm, Daniel Craig. I’ve never actually seen any of the films. But I do know who Daniel Craig is. He’s very sexy. I would say skip the movies, read the books instead. You’re into spy fiction? My best friend makes fun of me for it. He’s partial to 19th century French literature. Sounds fun. He has his moments. I’m Holden. Claire. Oh, looks like Claire has made a new friend. Excuse me. Claire. Hey. How’d it go with Harrison? We prepared him in case he hears something. We told him that Phyllis might be out of town, which could be true. And if not, we figured a little white lie wouldn’t hurt. We just don’t want him to be scared. I think you did the right thing. Well, thanks for doing that with me, Kyle. We’ll talk later, okay? Good night. Good night. Is that a martini? It’s actually a Vesper. James Bond drinks them in the books. This gentleman introduced me to them. As you both know, the GCPD surveillance team has been working with Newman Security on this. Yeah, going over the CCTV footage. I thought you came up short. We did, but we expanded the scope a bit and had more to sift through. Appreciate the extra eyes, by the way. Yeah, of course. Anything that will find Phyllis and Sharon. If they need to be found. Well, we now have evidence that suggests they do. What evidence? We have footage of your mom leaving the Athletic Club. Now, we’re able to track her progress for a little bit, but she turns a corner and we lose her. Moments later, a white van with no windows comes around that corner and drives down the street. I don’t really like the sound of that, Chance. Same day, not ten minutes later, we got Sharon leaving the Cassidy First offices on tape. Heads for the parking lot where her car is, but we both know her car didn’t leave that parking lot. Another one did, though.

Same white van, no windows?

Right. Now, between you guys and mine, Nick, we have some sophisticated software that allowed us to scan the rest of the footage. And? Well, since then, there’s been no sight of Phyllis or Sharon. So, you still hate me and I still hate you. And, you know, even though I’m sure you will claim that I’m only saying this to make a point that I’m a bigger person, I’m going to say it anyway. I’m glad you’re okay. And I know that you will deny this until your dying day, which is not today, but I do believe that if the tables were turned, you would have done the same for me. So, you are saying you think my brush with death brought me closer to forgiving you for everything you put me and my family through? Did it? I’ll go on record saying that I don’t know if I’ll ever even forgive myself for everything I put Daniel through in the wake of Heather’s death. There’s that. And I know that it can’t make up for all of the pain that caused you, but surely saving your life is worth something, right? Sharon. Oh, I mean, I know you want to have a talk right now. Just… Oh. I’m so exhausted. I’m so exhausted from what my body just went through. I just, I want to… Oh, God. How can I relax in this hole? SHARON: You will. You will sleep. And you will be safe. Because I’ll be watching over you. Thank you. For what? Thank you for saving my life. You’re welcome. Sorry, again, about the interruption. You have nothing to apologize for. You know how much I adore Harrison. Almost as much as you adore his father? Don’t make me choose. Yeah, Summer puts on a strong front, but I can tell she’s really scared about her mom. Really, I get it. It’s okay for you to look out for your son and your son’s mother. I’m not threatened by her. Is that liquid courage? Do I have any reason to need it when it comes to us? None at all. Besides, we don’t even know if Phyllis is in trouble, so I would like to redirect all of my focus back to you. I like the sound of that.

KYLE: Yeah.

Do you want a taste? Oof, not my thing, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I think I might have another. Oh. You sure about that? It’s kind of hard to tell how hard it’s hitting me because I always feel a little lightheaded when I’m around you. Oh. So, someone took Sharon and my mother. Someone who has a white van. We find it, we find them. We ran the plates. The van is registered to a medical supply company, and it turns out it was reported stolen from its main lot the morning that Sharon and Phyllis disappeared. You know where this van is now? We don’t know yet, but we’re all hands on deck.

I promise you that.

Yeah, but this is something. We suspected this was happening, and now that we know it and we have a lead, we are going to find Phyllis and Sharon and bring them home. Get some rest, Phyllis. I think we’re going to need it. MODULATED VOICE: Again, well done, Sharon. You’re one step closer to liberation. What the hell does that mean? Why are you doing this? I know this is a game to you, but what is your goal here? Why does it matter so much to you that Phyllis and I reconcile? What’s in it for you? MODULATED VOICE: The satisfaction of accomplishment. So, this is personal? Some achievement that you want to check off of a list? Do we know you? MODULATED VOICE: This isn’t personal. My position is objective. Think of this as an experiment and nothing more. So, we’re just your lab rats? We mean nothing else other than that? What is it you mean when you say liberation? Does that mean that we will be set free from this place at some point? If we win, is that our prize? Or do you have something else in mind? MODULATED VOICE: You should rest too, Sharon. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for the two of you. But… [feedback blaring] [Sharon screaming] What? What? What is it? I don’t think we’re getting out of here anytime soon. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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GH Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Alright. Come on in. You must be exhausted. We’ll get you settled in. Don’t touch me! Oh, sorry. Papa’s running for his life, and it is all your fault. Please, please tell me you have some good news for me. Are you coming to work at the Metro Court? I can’t thank you and Olivia enough for the offer. And believe me. I was tempted. Yeah, that sounds like a “no.” [ Sighs ] I have decided to stay with the Quartermaines. [ Sighs ] I hope you’re not mad. Oh. No, I’m not mad. It’s your life. You should do whatever you want with it. That’s a really refreshing take. But I have to say I’m surprised. The last time we talked, you were at your wits’ end. What changed?

[ Knock on door ] Hey. What happened to meeting at the restaurant? I got off work early. So I thought I would come and surprise you. Yeah… [ Chuckles ] I wanted to see you in your natural habitat. And? [ Chuckles ] You were born for this, babe. [ Both laugh ] Drew must really be missing this place. Probably. But Drew has no one to blame for that but himself. Well, I hope you have a free cell, since nothing can be done about this until morning. Done about what? Your attack on Mr. Evans, the county’s surveyor. [ Laughs ] I didn’t even touch him! Really? Well, I wonder how that’s gonna hold up in court. You are despicable! I can’t believe you descend from my brother Alan. Well, I’m so sorry to disappoint. Disappointment is the least of it. Do you know I miss my brother Alan every single day? He was taken from us way too soon. But I think there was a silver lining. He never had to meet you. Martin. Thank you for coming.

You sounded panicked.

I am. Things are rapidly spinning out of control. And just when you think spring is around the corner, bam, you are hit with a second winter. You know, I don’t think it’s necessary to stand guard the whole night. I highly doubt anyone’s gonna bulldoze the place. I know you have to go, but I’m staying. I told Tracy I would. You are gonna freeze to death. I’ll be fine. Okay, Bensonhurst. Have you ever camped or spent the night outside before? No. But it’s not like I’m far from the house in case I need anything. I just got the best idea. Do not go anywhere. I’m gonna be right back. I was looking for Maxie. I definitely didn’t expect to find you here. Uh, well, James — Uh, he broke his arm. Oh, no. Is he okay? Yeah. He’s fine. He’s got a cast, but, uh… Maxie and Spinelli took him and Georgie out for some consolation ice cream, and it was already past Bailey Lou’s bedtime, so I guess I’m the babysitter, if you can believe that. Yeah, I can. You’re great with kids, Dante. That’s why you’re such an amazing father. What haven’t you told me about my child? Brook Lynn, w-what do you mean? W-Where is this coming from? Martin Grey has an entire file on my baby, Ma. Who told you that? Martin? I know you talked to Martin. He knows that Dante is the father. You told Martin Grey I had a son, Ma?! Why?! Gloria: Yoo-hoo! Hi. The housekeeper said you would be in here and… What in the Bensonhurst is going on here?

Thanks. I appreciate that. Lulu: Well, it’s true. You know, you’re, uh — you’re a great mom. I hope you know that. Seeing you with Rocco, it has been incredible seeing you guys connect again. I thought so, too — at first — but the last couple days have been really weird. It’s like Rocco can’t even be in the same room as me. Have you noticed that? Yeah, I have, actually. So I’m not crazy? No. It’s like — He’s a good student and everything, but for him to bail on dinner with you and Laura for homework? Right? You know, maybe I’m just making a bigger deal out of it. It — He probably just prefers Sasha’s cooking. I do. You know what? That kid would eat dirt if it meant hanging out with you. There’s got to be something else. What? I have an idea of what it might be, but I’m too scared to say it out loud. Scar– Lulu Spencer’s not scared of anything. I have been so preoccupied with finding Charlotte. Maybe Rocco feels like I’m choosing his sister over him. I have forgiven you for a lot of things, but I will never forgive you for using my papa and driving him away! Oh, there’s a lot of things that you don’t understand about th– No. No. I understand perfectly. You betrayed my papa and sent the WSB after him. Everything that has gone wrong is because of you. No, Charlotte. You’re upset. And — And you have every right to be. Thank you so much for your permission. Please, Charlotte. No! Anna, you have finally done it. You ruined my father’s life. And mine too! I hate you! Char — Charlotte. Hey. Can you, uh — Can you just give us a minute? Please. Yeah. I’ll be on the balcony.

Thank you. I don’t think I could have spent another minute in that room with her. Charlotte, you can hate Anna all you want. Thanks. I will. But she’s the reason you and your dad are still alive. You’re right. Drew dug his own grave. With an excavator. It still astonishes me the way he’s treated his family and friends. To think of how grateful I was to him for helping rescue Trina. Feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? I didn’t think it was possible for a person to change that much. I was completely thrown off by Drew’s transformation. But you… Babe, you took it in stride. You didn’t lose a step. Drew went shady, you did what needed to be done, and you won. Oh. I’m not sure Drew would agree with that, but, uh… here’s hoping. Well, maybe that should be the end of it. What do you mean? Do you really want Drew as an enemy? You got what you wanted. He’s out. You’re in. Maybe this is the perfect time for a truce. You say that like it’s up to me. Well — It’s not? I’m not the one that’s continuing to fight. If you want peace, you need to talk to Drew. The part I don’t understand is, how did Drew find out that a portion of the Quartermaine crypt was on publicly owned land? Martin? I may or may not have mentioned something to that effect. To Drew?! Yes, to Drew! It’s my job! It’s my duty to represent my client, right? Right. Detective Chase! Rough night? You could say that. Anything I can do to help? Well, the Commissioner is on assignment, Mac’s not here, and I’m being ordered by a U.S. Congressman to lock up my wife’s grandmother in a jail cell. [ Groans ] Don’t suppose you could help out with any of that. I am so sick of this family’s hypocrisy. And I’m so sick of the sound of your voice, and yet here we are. Every single one of you has lied and cheated and blackmailed and so on and so on. And all I did was fall in love. “Fall in love”?! Falling in love is one thing. Acting on it is an entirely different thing. With your nephew’s wife? Remember that part? I love the way that detail keeps getting left out of the story. Why can’t you just admit that you hold me to different standards than everybody else? Oh, I’ll readily admit that. I do hold you to different standards. You’re worse. You blew up Willow’s marriage. You betrayed the trust of your nephew Michael. And you severely hurt the woman who welcomed you with open arms into her home. Monica. How was your trip? It was fine. Yeah. Well, you just got in. I’m sure you’re hungry. Sasha’s off the clock, but I’ll find you something in the kitchen. Something’s going on. What is it? It is a personal, legal matter, Grandma. Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about? You were talking to your mother about your baby, weren’t you? What’s all this stuff? I found it in the boathouse, and I think it’s gonna work. Stakeout’s about to get a lot more comfortable. [ Sighs ] Thank you. I know I talked a good game, but I wasn’t too pumped about freezing my butt off out here. Yeah, I wouldn’t be, either. You know I’d stay if I didn’t have my animal-rights meeting later. Ooh. Don’t worry about it. It’s good. Can you believe what a jerk Drew was earlier? I mean, just the way that he was laying into poor old Tracy like that. Don’t ever let her hear you say that. The “poor” part? The “old” part. Actually any part. Yeah, in the future, I’ll just go with “Tracy.” [ Chuckles ] And Tracy can handle herself. You don’t need to jump into the whole Quartermaine mess. It’s kind of my thing. You know, my mom says I’m a born crusader. I’m never not missing my mom, but at least I know where she is and can visit her whenever I need to. If someone came out of nowhere, threatened to move her… …I’d probably be in that cell next to Tracy. You told Grandma? I’m so sorry, Brook Lynn. I needed someone to confide in. The — The whole teenage pregnancy thing. It was a first for both of us. And I-I didn’t know how to navigate it. I just can’t believe this. I just wanted to make sure that you and your baby were protected. And you’ve known for all these years, and you never said anything to me? We both thought it was your goal to put this behind you. I left your past in the past. I don’t understand. If you wanted to leave my past in the past, then why, after all of these years, did you go talk to a lawyer?! Lois: For the very first time, Brook Lynn has expressed interest in possibly finding her child, and I-I just — I just need to know. Is that possible? I mean, could she get the adoption unsealed? Could she find out who her child is? It depends. I mean, your secret should be safe. You said that my baby was happy… and that everything was fine. Is that not true? It must not be. Why else would you talk to Martin Grey? Because I told her to. What? Look. I’m sorry. Okay? I’m sorry. It was a mistake. It was part of a negotiation. I just wanted to use the information as a bargaining chip to get her to drop the cease and desist. [ Chuckles ] Except now, Drew wants to have the Quartermaine crypt moved. A bit of a misfire, maybe. Ya think? Do you think these charges against Tracy Quartermaine will stick? They could, if the county’s surveyor is willing to testify. But you realize none of this would have happened if she had just given in. Have you met Tracy Quartermaine? Oh, come on. Not you, too. What is so special about that stupid name? It represents her family, and she’s protecting it the only way she knows how. Monica didn’t have to welcome you into the family, and you repaid her generosity by destroying her grandson’s marriage and his happiness in favor of your own. You know what? You don’t deserve to be a member of our family. Why don’t you leave Port Charles for good? Maybe you could give me some tips. I mean, you’ve been kicked out of Port Charles on more than one occasion — by your family, no less. What makes you think that it couldn’t happen again? I thought about your job offer a lot, but the truth is… You like working at the Quartermaines’. [ Sighs ] Is that horrible? No, it’s not horrible. I mean, your own kitchen, all that space. And it’s really fun cooking for the kids. Yeah. What about the rest of them? They are… growing on me. [ Chuckles ] Yeah. And I kind of think they need me. Of course, they need you. Just don’t put yourself on the back burner and forget about what you need. I am in a much better financial position now. I have negotiated my way into the beginnings of a nest egg. For a single mom, that’s big. Yeah, financial independence is an achievement. And I’m happy for you. Thank you. But there is one thing that makes your situation different, as far as single mothers go. Your baby’s father. Anna saved your life tonight — and your dad’s. You were there, too. Why give her all of the credit? I mean, I bet you didn’t even need her help. You know, Anna was the first one to warn your dad that he was in trouble. When we were still in Port Charles? Yeah. Actually, I wanted to turn him in. And Anna convinced me to give him a head start. She’s the reason that you guys got a chance to run. And then when your dad got into even more trouble and the WSB was after him, Anna knew that your dad would want to keep you safe, so she tracked you down again. She did that because she felt guilty for shooting me. Yeah, that’s — that’s a part of it. But everybody knows that you’re your dad’s whole world. So Anna is protecting you for him because she cares about both of you, and she’s gonna do everything she can to keep you safe. So you get to feel however you want about her… but at the very least, she deserves a little respect. Those guys really would’ve killed us tonight? Yeah, they really would’ve. Charlotte’s sleeping. Are you sure? She could be pretending in order to run away. She’s not gonna get very far. I need you to do a favor for me. Uh, okay. I’m listening. Okay, I want you to take Charlotte and get her back to Port Charles in one piece. Where will you be? I’m gonna get another hotel room for tonight, and then I will make my own way back to New York. It’s — It’s just too hard for her to be around me, and I think to force her, it just feels sort of — feels kind of cruel. Would you do that for me? I will. But I think you’re making a mistake. Portia: You clearly don’t need me to tell you what to do. But? But… [ Chuckles ] But I do remember the old Drew… as distant as he may seem. I mean, remember him? He was a good guy. He was a hero. I think that’s why he originally ran for Congress in the first place. Well, whatever Drew’s motives were back then, obviously they’ve changed. Absolutely. I 100% agree with you. But…I don’t know. Maybe we could just let him save face, afford him a little bit of dignity… he’ll back off. I hear what you’re saying. And you don’t agree? Well, you know, Drew’s reputation is tarnished. It’s not on me to fix that for him. But you don’t need to rub it in his face. If you could just accommodate him a tiny bit, it could work out in your favor. Okay. Look. Here’s the deal. I’m furious with Drew. Rightly so. [ Chuckles ] But I’m not interested in payback. Now, obviously, him coming back to Aurora is a non-starter. But if there’s a path to peace, I’m here for it. As long as the terms are reasonable. That’s all I’m asking for. Nothing more. Hm. [ Knock on door ] Hi. Hey. Come in. Sorry to barge in, but I need to speak to you. It’s important. What’s up? The situation with Drew has gone from bad to worse. He is officially out of control.

You may be in the catbird seat right now, Tracy, but that’s gonna change. I mean, right now, yes, I’m the black sheep, I’m on the outside looking in. But not for long. Because as much as you hate to admit it, I am a Quartermaine and I will get my way. Huh! Is that so? And you know what happens then? You’re on the outs with your nose pressed up against the glass, wondering how you got there. And the answer… is me. I’m how. And I will relish every second. Congressman, the Mayor would like a word.

Mayor Collins. It’s always a pleasure. I’m sorry that Tracy dragged you down here this time of night. Oh — No. That was me. Drew, I am going to urge you to do the right thing here. Which is what, in your opinion, Madam Mayor? Stand down. Drop the charges against Tracy Quartermaine. And why would I do that? May I be blunt? Please. Because if you don’t, it won’t bode well for you, politically or otherwise. Dante: I don’t think Rocco’s like that. I don’t think he’d be jealous of Charlotte. Then what is it? Well, I thought maybe he was picking up on the tension between me and you. But you don’t think so anymore? No, I actually think it’s simpler than that. I think he’s…perceptive. Like you. And he can see how worried you are about Charlotte. And in his own weird, non-subtle way, he’s trying to give you space. I hope you’re right. Oh, well, that’s saying something ’cause you never want me to be right. It’s just — It’s the strangest feeling, Dante. I am Rocco’s mother, I’ve raised him, but then I missed this pivotal stage of his life, and then, whoosh, I’m out of the loop, and I know nothing about parenting a teenage boy. No, no, no. I think you’re doing great. Am I, though? Because it doesn’t feel like it. Yeah, but that’s the thing with teenagers. You never feel like you’re doing anything right. I can’t imagine what it would be like to miss out on years of your kid’s life. And you’ve had to do it twice. Literally both of your children, you’ve had to make up for lost time, and you’re doing it with grace and love and patience. I don’t know about that last one. Well, I do. I miss out on that many treasured moments, I wouldn’t be handling it anywhere close to as well as you are. If you ever got locked up… I’d buy you a cake, then I’d hide a file in it so you could spring yourself and Tracy. Tracy has her own file. It’s called the Quartermaine legal team. [ Chuckles ] You know, I was pretty intimidated by her at first, but I like her. She always gives it to you straight, even if it’s not what you want to hear. Maybe especially then. Maybe. She can take it as good as she gives it. Tracy actually listens to me. Well, then, I think Tracy sounds pretty smart. I really wish I could stay and guard the crypt with you. It’s fine. You got your meeting. Those lab animals aren’t gonna free themselves, you know. Okay. But one of these days, I’m gonna take you on a real camping trip. Ehh. I’m all set. This time’s enough for me. No. I’m gonna wear you down eventually. But in the meantime… please stay warm.

Yeah. I’ll try. I told your mother to consult a lawyer because I wanted to make sure all of you were protected. But it was you and your mother that decided on a closed adoption. For a reason. For many reasons. So my baby could have a happy and stable life. For you, too, so you could have a stable and happy life. We wanted you to have enough time to grow up, to fall in love, and then have a family of your own. Okay, Grandma, but I’m not 16 anymore. A closed adoption made sense then, but it’s starting to make less sense now. Brook Lynn — No, Ma! I need to know who adopted my son! And where is he? Carly, I respect your opinion, and I know you’re close to Jason, but my experience with him has been a little different. Yeah, he’s protective. For sure. And he will definitely speak his mind if he thinks you’re putting yourself at risk. But he will never tell you how to be a mother. I believe that. And if you or the baby ever need anything, he’ll be there in a heartbeat. Jason is the most loyal person I know. Don’t do yourself a disservice and cut him out of your baby’s life. Carly, I know how lucky I am. Not only am I preparing to have a baby who I cannot wait to meet… …but the father respects my wishes and has agreed to support me in any way he can. It’s the second-greatest gift he could give me. And Drew admitted that he was the one who called the county’s surveyor in. Wow. I never thought I’d have sympathy for the Quartermaines. You know, this just sounds like their normal family drama. I say we do what we always do. Stay out of it. With all due respect, I disagree. This isn’t about the Quartermaines and how dysfunctional they are. It’s about how Drew is abusing his power. You endorsed him for Congressman. Which clearly was a mistake. First, he blocks the Esplanade and attempts to move it for his own personal gain, and now he’s focused on settling a score with his family? Drew needs to be doing his job — enacting laws, securing funding for our schools, or fulfilling any of the other campaign promises. The only thing that will check Drew is public outcry. Well, it’s a good thing that I know somebody who is the head of a media company. [ Sighs ] Look, I don’t want to make any promises, but I will see what I can do. Drew: It’s not like I’m making it up. It’s not like I’m attacking the Quartermaines for no reason. They broke the law. The land was public. They took it without thought. I mean, don’t I owe it to my constituents not to turn a blind eye just because Tracy’s family? I understand where you’re coming from. I do. I do. But do you really think that putting Tracy Quartermaine in jail overnight is — is the pathway to justice? Seems like a whole lot more trouble than it’s worth. Fine. Tracy can go home. I will talk to the surveyor and I’ll get him to drop the charges. Thank you, Drew. But I will say this. It’s far from over. Brook Lynn, I can explain. She doesn’t know the details. But you do. You know where my son went. Yes, but I haven’t been in contact since the papers were signed on a closed adoption. Okay, but what if I want to find him? Grandma, you know what Chase and I have been going through trying to start a family. What if I gave away the only child I’ll ever have? You may not have raised that boy, but you are the birth mother, and now you gotta act like it. Let that young man be. [ Gasps ] “Young man.” Brook Lynn, don’t put your pain on your son. You made the right decision years ago. Abide by it. You may be right, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way right now.

Ma, I can’t do this. Lower your voice. Ma, do you see how heartbroken she is? I can’t do this to her. Brook Lynn needs to know that Gio is her son. There’s only one person to blame for Valentin’s situation, and that’s Valentin. I don’t even know how he’s gonna get out of this one. He may not. [ Sighs ] And I don’t think Charlotte’s in a position to accept any of that. Well, she doesn’t want to accept it. Jason, she may be losing her father. If she needs someone to blame, it might as well be me. T-That’s not what Charlotte needs. Charlotte needs an example. She needs to see how somebody makes mistakes and what they do afterward. She sees that you made mistakes and that you’re being accountable and that you’re keeping your word to her father. She doesn’t need you to disappear. I don’t think I can do all that, not — not given the pain that I put her through. I’ve never seen you run before. Don’t start now. You can’t tell Brook Lynn the truth.

Don’t you think we have to?

No. Ma, we have held so much from her over the years. It’s not fair! Not to Brook Lynn and not to Gio. Honey. Gio knows who he is. He’s Camilla’s son. He worshipped his mother. Don’t take that away from him. Camilla is dead, Ma! I’m sorry. I know that’s harsh, but it’s the truth. And Gio’s birth mother is right here in the same house. Don’t Brook Lynn and Gio need each other? Hey. Gio. I saw someone sitting out here. I thought it was a ghost. What are you doing out here? Do you want the short version or the long version? I’m exhausted. Let’s go with the short. Your grandmother got into a fight with the county’s surveyor, and Chase had to arrest her. My husband, Chase? That’s the one. That must have been interesting. Ooh. I’m out here standing guard in case someone tried to do something under the cover of darkness. Where’d you get all this gear? The boathouse. Don’t worry. I’ll put it all back in the morning. I’m not worried. Is it okay if I join you for a little? Yeah. I’d — I’d love the company. Ooh!

‘m out here keeping my word to Tracy, but… why are you? [ Sighs ] I just needed some fresh air. Clear my head. Is everything okay? My other grandmother is here. Gloria. Well, that’s great! Unless it isn’t. I know my grandma loves me. She’d do anything for me. Gloria’s solid. You can trust her. I can trust her. And my mom. But…what they are asking me to accept, Gio, it’s just really hard to live with. I owe you an apology. Uh, no, you don’t. No, no, I feel like I do, and you should let me say it because you know these don’t come around often. Okay. [ Chuckles ] I didn’t love the way our last conversation ended. I was short with you at the Quartermaines’, and I shouldn’t have been. I know you were just trying to run interference between me and Brook Lynn. I’m sorry, too. Look at us! Acting like grown-ups. [ Sighs ] I don’t think I made anything better by defending Brook Lynn, either, so that was stupid. I appreciate that. Listen, I don’t think I’ve said it enough, too, just, uh… what an actual miracle it is having you back, whether I’m seeing you laughing with Rocco or freaking out on Brook Lynn. Okay. Exaggeration. It sounds a little cheesy, but it’s like my heart actually skips a beat or something because it’s you and you’re here after all this time. We’re not gonna agree on everything — or anything… …but I want you to know that I don’t take for granted you being here. Dante, I — I need to tell you something. [ Bailey Lou crying ]

Uh, duty calls.


Hold that thought.

Sure. Alright?

For a man of few words, you certainly know how to choose them. Calling me a coward? I never said that. Well, you said that I’m running away. Are you gonna run? No. No. Alright. I’ll see it through. Good. We’re gonna have to keep an eye on Charlotte. She’s smart, resourceful, and she really believes she’s invincible, and that is a dangerous combination. Do you think the WSB will come back after her? Valentin is the target. She should be alright. I mean, it’s saving Charlotte from herself that’s gonna be the challenge. Well, I’ll take the first watch. Okay. You wake me in three hours? Mm-hmm.

Carly, I am fully aware that I have it a lot better than most single moms. I wasn’t left high and dry to support a baby on my own. I asked the father to step back, and he didn’t fight me on it. Okay, but you may change your mind once the baby’s born. Life is a big fan of throwing curveballs our way. I promise you. If I need any help from the father, I won’t hesitate to ask for it. Honey, let Drew implode all on his own. Let Tracy and the Quartermaines handle him. This isn’t even about my animosity towards him. I mean, you heard Jordan. He’s failing to represent the people that elected him. And that includes you and me, by the way. I’m just not gonna stand by and watch. Uh… Hey, Brian, I want you to rally the troops. I want to do a big Aurora media push on Drew Quartermaine’s abuse of office. Drew, you’re a United States Congressman. I don’t think a man like you needs an enemy like Tracy Quartermaine. Everyone else may be afraid of Tracy. Not me. I’m gonna break her. Tracy? Hi. Aww. So, uh… would you like the good news or the bad news first? Good. You can go home tonight. [ Sighs ] [ Laughs ] But, unfortunately, I don’t think Drew is going to back down about this property issue. I think you’ve got a real battle on your hands. Give me the bad news. That was the bad news. Not in my book. You know, I can’t help but feel that your parents would probably say to you right now to choose your battles wisely. I am. I will not allow that grifter to steal my family name or to force me to move my parents from their final resting place. If Drew Cain wants a battle… bring it on. What? What? Her brother and sister get ice cream. A little extra playtime is in order, I’d say. Huh, Bailey Lou? You downplayed your babysitting skills. This kid loves you. I don’t know. She likes the giraffe and the doll, though. What was it you, uh — you were gonna say to me before? Huh? Oh. Um… I can’t remember. Must not have been that important.

If you tell Brook Lynn Gio is her son, you will ruin three lives — Brook Lynn’s, Dante’s, and Gio’s. Lois… think of the “why.” Why did you make that decision so many years ago? To protect Brook Lynn and her child. Exactly. And nothing has changed. They need you to protect them now. Sorry I’m being so cryptic. Well… we are at a crypt. [ Chuckles ] It’s just… I trusted someone. And they didn’t tell me something that they should have. I can’t tell you anything else. You don’t have to. W-We can just sit out here, look at the stars, dream of heat. [ Chuckles ] For what it’s worth… I love them, but I know that Aunt Lois and Gloria are a lot. You think? [ Sighs ] It must feel so nice to have your mom and your grandmother looking out for you. You must miss your mom so much. So much. Every day. Just know that you got people looking out for you, too, okay? A whole crazy family of them. Whether you like it or not. [ Chuckles ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

But what you did– getting Luna out of prison– is sick, even for you. And you. You’re going right back where you belong–behind bars, for good this time. You are never gonna see or hear from Finn ever again. [intense music plays] SHEILA: There is nothing–nothing that can sever the relationship between a parent and a child. [door opens] You remember Mrs. Lane, the case referred to us from Seattle? Could use your eyes on these scans. Finn? Finn, what is it? Um…[sniffles] Mom, there’s, um, there’s something you should know. Something I shoulda told you… years ago. [intense music plays] -Mm. -Oh. You’re breaking the bubble. Yeah? What bubble is that? You know, on this couch… we can sit in silence and try to forget about everything. Like, in the bubble, Luna isn’t… Finn’s daughter… and Steffy isn’t dealing with another obstacle in her marriage. I hate to tell you, but I haven’t forgotten about any of it. Me neither. But we raised a strong woman. Steffy knows what she’s doing. Is that part of the bubble game, stating the obvious? Yes. Otherwise, all I can do is… feel terrible that I can’t do anything to help her. Tell me. What’s going on? It has to do with your sister. Your Aunt Poppy? Yeah. Um… All those…years ago, um… …when she stayed with us. Something… something happened, Mom. What does-what does that mean, “something happened”? Between Poppy and me. -See, it’s all in the hips. -Mmm. Hey, like what you see, Mrs. Sharpe? -Oh, my God, how could I not? -Uh-huh. Look at those arms, and if you look at the– Ha ha ha. Somebody looks very thirsty. We can’t have that, now, can we? Just, uh, go easy on her. -Hi! -Hi. How’s it going? -Good. You’ve been well? -Yeah, I’ve been well. -Are you looking to eat today? -Oh. Maybe you’re the one that should go easy. Hey, Sheila. -Hey. -Hi, Deacon. -It’s nice to see you again. -Hey, Poppy. Uh, can I put in an order for you? Yeah, it might take a while, though. We’re still pretty– pretty understaffed, you know? We lost two of our best employees. Good friends. Thanks to your daughter. I’m just not sure that it will ever feel real. Luna’s Finn’s daughter. -Couldn’t have predicted that. -Yeah. Good news is we don’t have to worry about Luna. She’s behind bars. Far away from our daughter. STEFFY: How could you do this? For her? You went above and beyond. You used, what, your connections, your bribes to get this monster out of prison? Bill, what the hell are you thinking? Answer me! [dramatic music plays] Something happened between you and my sister? You and Dad were… out of the house a lot back then. You both had demanding careers. Not-not that I ever felt neglected. It’s just… it’s just, you know, that’s– that’s why Poppy was… there staying with us. She was helping you out, and you gave her a place to live. So I was 18… and, uh… Poppy and I were alone a lot… together. And, uh… we became close and, um… [gasps] Then, uh, one night… [gasping] No. [breathing heavily] No. You two– [whimpers] You– you and my sister? [gasps] Oh! Oh! Deacon, I am sorry, and please know how deeply ashamed I am of my daughter’s actions. Actions? You mean crimes. I mean, let’s call ’em what they are. Okay, look, despite what Luna did, it’s her flesh and blood. You’re never gonna stop loving her because nothing can break the bond between a mother and her child. It has been a lot to process, I mean, especially with, you know, recent developments. What? You still don’t know where she is? No. It’s just like she… disappeared. [scoffs] What Poppy did with Finn is… ugh–twisted. Imagine how Li’ll react when she finds out. I mean, how did we end up in a world where Luna is Finn’s daughter? And Sheila is his birth mother. That poor kid. Our poor daughter! This is horrifying. The only saving grace in this whole situation is that Luna’s behind bars… for the rest of her life. I thought you cared about me… about your granddaughter. Instead, you let this monster loose? I’m still serving my sentence. I’m just not in prison. Oh, my G–Bill’s estate? Really? It’s a pretty cushy sentence for killing two men and putting me in a cage and leaving me to die. And you allowed this! I don’t expect you to understand this, but Luna and share a deep, profound understanding of each other– the trauma that we experienced in our childhood. You cannot be serious, Bill. -I am. -This lunatic tried to kill me, leaving Kelly and Hayes without a mother! She almost destroyed my family! I mean, she–she should never see outside of a prison again! Wait, wait, wh-what are you doing? This…is over. I’m calling the police. [heavy music plays] Wait a second, wait. Luna’s no longer in prison? -And you knew. -I didn’t wanna upset you. Where the hell is she? [gasping] I can’t believe it. You were just a child. I was 18, so… Oh, please! Oh… She took advantage of you. [gasping] God. [breathing hard] What she did was sick. Oh, my God. I never wanted you to know about any of this. And the only reason I’m telling you now is– …is because I just recently learned something. -What… -Poppy and I moved on. We never talked about it again. I mean, I just wanted to forget it. What? You’re scaring me, Finn. What are you saying? Tom Starr wasn’t Luna’s father. You proved that. And then you ruled out Dad. I confronted her as soon as she found out that she was pregnant before she left, and she swore to me that the baby wasn’t mine. -I believed her. -Oh, my God! I believed her, Mom, but it turns out that… She lied. -She lied to me. -[crying] Wha… She swore up and down that I wasn’t the father. She swore there was no chance and I just–I don’t know why, but I trusted her. I trusted her, and I don’t know why she would betray me like that. Why would she leave me out of it? Out of what? My child’s life. Luna’s my daughter. Oh, my God! No. No! [gasping] STEFFY: This has gone on long enough. It doesn’t matter if Finn is your father. You’re not spending another night here. He can’t help you! You’re going back to prison where you belong. [phone rings] [ringing] I-I can’t talk. I have an important call I have to make. -What’s going on? You okay? -I’m at Bill’s. With Luna. Luna? Bill got Luna out of prison. She’s under house arrest here at Bill’s. There’s no way. It’s real. I’m staring at both of them. All right. Don’t move. Your mom and I are on our way. -Luna’s at Bill’s. -What? I’ll explain on the way. Let’s go. Please don’t do this, Steffy. Please don’t call the police. You know what? No. I refuse to believe it. This is just another one of Penelope’s lies. No, Mom, no. After you proved that Tom Starr wasn’t Luna’s father, I got her blood sample from the lab. I wanted to rule myself out, so I took a paternity test. I took two of ’em and… No, there’s no mistake. I’m…Luna’s my child. [exhales] [whispering] My sister and my son. Under my own roof. And Luna’s your child. Does Steffy know? Oh, my God. I can’t even imagine how she reacted. -First Sheila, now Luna? -I know. I know. I know, Mom, and… my heart breaks for her. I mean, we have just been tested… so many times. At least you two have this time to process and heal while Luna’s behind bars– thank God. Luna’s not in prison. Yeah, she’s still incarcerated. We just don’t know where she is. She’s serving her sentence under house arrest. At Bill Spencer’s. Wh-what? I don’t know. Bill somehow got her out. -Have you seen her? -Yes. I’ve seen her, and Steffy– she’s over there right now. Mom, look, I-I know that you’re trying to make sense of all of this and everything that I’ve just put on you, but I haven’t heard from Steffy. I need to get over there. I’m worried about her. Mom… Go. Go be with Steffy. The only information that I have is that she is still incarcerated somewhere. -[phone chimes] -POPPY: Oh. It’s my sister. She wants to see me. It seems kind of urgent. Well, maybe Li’s got some news. Well, I doubt it. They wouldn’t tell her own mother where she is. [sighs] Well, I guess the one good thing to come of this horrible situation is I feel like I have a sister again. I mean, Li and I, we have never been closer. Still lying to my face all this time. I know how it sounds, okay, me beggingyou,of all people, for mercy, but I promise you, I’m not the same person -who committed those crimes. -I am not buying that, Luna. It’s true! I’m haunted by it. Harming you–that was never supposed to happen! So the torture you put me through wasn’t premeditated? I don’t care. It doesn’t change my mind. There-there’s not much to do around here except relive what I’ve done every single day, over and over, okay? I-I can barely sleep ’cause– ’cause every time I close my eyes, it-it’s Tom or Hollis or you staring back at me. Bill knows! Bill, tell her. Bill, tell her about the conversations we had, about how I can change and start to atone and– Oh, my God, Finn’s my dad. That makes you my stepmom. Oh, y-you stop! Enough! I’m never gonna be a mother figure to you, so just stop talking. [door opens] You okay? What the hell is wrong with you? This is my daughter you’re putting in danger. This is the mother of your grandchild! Every time I think you-you’ve gone too far, you find another gear for yourself. Say something! I don’t expect any of you to understand this, but Luna and I have a lot in common. We both suffered significant trauma in our childhoods, and the result is that there are situations that make us emotionally shut off and lash out. Do horrible things. That’s why Luna committed those crimes. She was in fight or flight mode. She felt–shefeltlike she had no choice. You know what I feel, Bill? I feel that you are delusional! She was being beaten in there. It was just a matter of time until she was killed. I couldn’t just stand there and let that happen! Sharing traumatic childhoods is not a reason to get her out of prison. You can’t fix her. She was serving her time. More importantly, she was contained, allowing us and Steffy to feel safe. You’re going back to prison where you belong. Please! I-I can’t go back there. Guys, I’m gonna die in there! Dad! Dad, please, please, you have to help me! They wanna send me back to prison! You–okay, listen, You guys didn’t see me when I first got out, okay? I was covered in cuts and bruises. I was gonna die in there! And you don’t want that. I know you don’t want that, Finn. We just found out that we’re father and daughter! We can help heal each other together, okay? The family that I’ve always wanted is finally possible, and I can show you guys the real me, the real me inside that I’m not the same person who committed those crimes. Please! Please, I cannot go back there. Please, Dad, you have to help me. I am gonna die in there! Please! Please help me. Please, please, please, please. Please. [crying] [whispering] Please, please, please. [intense music plays] Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Kristen’s mother tried to–

Kill me. She tried to kill me, Brady. She showed up here with a–with a knife, and she attacked me.

You–you–you’re bleeding.

OK, hold on. She’s fine. Will everyone just stop overreacting?

Hey, hold on. Why–why are you here?

Hey! Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing? 1

What do you think I am doing? I’m calling the police. [dramatic music]

And to make matters worse, there’s a pack of reporters camped in front of my office, demanding to know when the person responsible for what happened to Rafe Hernandez will be brought to justice. And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that that needs to happen swiftly.

Am I boring you, DA Black?

Oh, no. Sorry, I was just checking my messages. My mom started a group text to give us updates about my dad.

Oh. Well, I–I can understand why you’re distracted. And I’m very sorry for what you’re going through.

Thank you.

You know, we can pick this up later if you need to go and be with her.

Oh, no. You know what? It’s OK. I actually need to be busy. [both chuckle]

Just the two people I’m looking for.

[siren wailing]

What’s up?

Hey, JJ. 4

Where are we on the Feniger case?

I’m just going over everything that we have again, just making sure we didn’t miss anything.

We’ve got to get to the bottom of this fast, Shawn, so we can nail EJ, put that son of a bitch away.

Did something happen?

Let’s just say Gabi is very determined to get justice for her brother.


I want to know when the hell you’re gonna do your job. 5

I don’t know what you mean.

When are you going to lock up EJ DiMera and throw away the key?

And look, if you’re going to start in on another one of these fantasies about the still-deceased Arnold Feniger–

It’s not a fantasy. We know we were dealing with Feniger at one point because his DNA didn’t match Gabi’s. 6

Correction. You know you had someone in custody who was not Rafe. There’s no proof it was Feniger.

But we all know that it was. And we know that you were behind it. And you are not gonna get away with it this time, DiMera. That’s a promise.

Are you hearing this, Officer? Your paramour barged in here and assaulted me. And on top of that, he’s ranting about dead people. I strongly suggest you send him back to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. He’s clearly unwell.


Rafe, no. He’s not worth it.

Oh, it’ll be worth it. It’ll be worth it to do what I should have done to you a long time ago and take this son of a bitch out of his misery.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[dramatic music]

Now, take it easy, Gabi.

No, I will not take it easy. My brother has gone through hell, and I want justice for him.

As does the mayor’s office. 9

Gabi, we are working really hard on this, OK? I promise you.

If EJ DiMera is behind Rafe’s disappearance, he will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Yeah? Well, I find that a little hard to believe, since our esteemed district attorney here is sleeping with her number one suspect.

Just admit it, EJ. You and Feniger were working together to destroy our lives.

Oh, we’re back to that again.

Yeah, we sure as hell are back to that. Because the last thing I remember was seeing Feniger in this room.

That’s impossible, because Arnold Feniger is dead. Now, I’ve endured enough harassment from the two of you, so I suggest you leave my home immediately, or I’ll have you thrown out.

Oh, I’d like to see you try. 11

Rafe, let’s just go.

I’d listen to your fiancée if I were you.

This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.

Ava, Ava, Ava, Ava, I’m terribly sorry, but there is no need to involve the police.

Oh, like hell there’s not. She wants me dead. 12

Oh, my God, look at her. Look at her. She’s distraught. She’s frightened. I mean, you have to understand that she has been traumatized.

Oh, my God! She’s been traumatized? You hear that, Brady? Granny comes after me like Mike Myers, and Kristen’s making her out to be the victim.

My mother, she is a confused old woman. 13

Kristen, that witch knows exactly what she is doing. Her plan to keep me hostage in that haunted house went bust, so she came here to kill me.

You know what? I’m gonna take my mother home. Come on. Get up. You better have a talk with your girlfriend.

Hell no! Brady, no!


Brady, Brady, wh– why are you letting them leave?

What are you talking about? Belle’s relationship with EJ DiMera was over ages ago. [dramatic music] At Jada’s bachelorette party, she confessed that being with EJ was her biggest regret.

Yeah. I confessed that too. The only difference is that I didn’t start it up again with the bastard.

Belle… what do you have to say for yourself?

Go ahead, Belle. Tell your boss how the whole time that EJ was holding my brother captive and using his evil twin to torture Jada, you two were going at it like rabbits.

So Gabi pulled a gun on EJ? 16

Yeah, she was desperate to find her brother. Rafe’s back now, which is a huge relief. But EJ is still denying he had anything to do with his disappearance, and I promised Gabi we wouldn’t rest until we can prove otherwise.

Believe me, I want that bastard behind bars just as badly as you do. And it’s not because– it’s not because he’s sleeping with my ex. It’s because the guy is a menace. I still–I cannot believe that he let that scum Arnold Feniger loose to take over Rafe’s life– again– all because of some ridiculous vendetta that he has against Jada.

It’s pretty messed up.

No, it’s– no, it’s worse than that. No, it’s–it’s–it’s sick. I mean, on–on EJ’s orders, Arnold walked Jada down the aisle just to– just to dump her right there, in front of everybody. And then he announces that he’s been secretly investigating her and he has this–this so-called dirt against her. And then–and then when she gets suspended from the force, what does he do? He just turns around and he just turns his back on her.

Yeah, it’s been a nightmare.

[scoffs] No, Jada doesn’t– she doesn’t deserve this. OK, if anybody’s ever met Jada, they know. They know that that woman– that woman is amazing.

Wow, you–you almost sound as passionate about this as Gabi.

I mean, Rafe is– Rafe is a friend. And, you know–and Jada’s– Jada’s our boss. Well, I mean–well, she used to be, anyway, until EJ and Arnold set her up to make everybody believe that she was a crooked cop.

Wh–why are you–why are you looking at me like that?

It’s just– look, it’s obviously upsetting as hell to all of us, what happened to Jada, but… how you’re defending her seems kind of personal.

I still think we should have gone back to the hospital. Make sure you’re OK.

Jada, honey, I’m fine, OK? Really. Wish I didn’t have this gap in my recent memory. If I could remember what happened, we’d probably have enough to put away EJ.

I know it’s frustrating.

[sighs] Yeah.

But as we’ve seen, memories have a way of coming back.

Yeah. Yeah, and I remember last time Feniger came to town, he took the husband act a little too far.

I heard.

Please tell me that history didn’t repeat itself.

Oh, I see you managed to track down your runaway mum.

Mm-hmm. Mom, why don’t you go sit on the couch and rest, all right?

Thank you, dear. I do feel rather tired after my excursion. 23

Yeah, yeah, yeah, just go relax. I–I’m gonna go talk to EJ for a minute. [sighs]

What happened?

Exactly what I feared. I found my mother in Ava’s room at the Brady Pub. She went over there with a knife to kill her.

No luck, I assume?

[sighs] Ava, she was injured but not seriously.


[sighs] But my mother, she is even more unstable than I thought.

Mm, I’m sure Bayview has room for her.

[sighs] God, yeah. And Stateville’s got room for us. [sighs] What if this makes Ava change her mind about going to the police?

What the hell? Brady, why did you stop me?

Can we just sit and talk for a second?

What is there to talk about? That crazy old lady just tried to kill me.

I know, and I’m furious about it, just like you are, OK? It’s just–

What? It’s just what?

Ava, you know what. If we turn Kristen’s mother in to the police, I could lose my daughter forever.


Look, Gabi, I don’t know where you’re getting your information–

Really? You’re denying it? Jada told me you and EJ were hooking up again. [dramatic music]

Wow, well, she sure does know how to blab about my personal life. Not that it’s any of her business.

So this is true?

[sighs] Yes. EJ and I were seeing each other briefly, until I found out he was involved in Ava Vitali’s kidnapping.

And why exactly wasn’t he arrested for that?

Because Ava decided not to press charges.

And without her, you can’t prosecute your boyfriend. Amazing how that worked out.

That’s not fair.

Oh, save it. Do you get it now? Why I can’t trust her to get justice for my brother?

OK, EJ is not my boyfriend, and I just said we ended things.

And you also said that he was your biggest regret, and then you dove right back into his bed.

So why should we believe that you won’t let that son of a bitch walk so that you can keep screwing him?

Didn’t Ava promise Brady she wouldn’t go to the police?

Yeah, but that was before my mother went after her a second time. How is Brady gonna convince her to keep quiet now?

Kristen, sweetheart, I’m feeling a little lightheaded. Might I have a bite to eat?

Yes. Yes. [chuckles] I will have Cook whip you up something right now. Poached eggs and toast points?

Perfect. Thank you, my darling.

You’re welcome. EJ, please keep an eye on her.

Oh, don’t worry. I won’t let Mummy Blake out of my sight.

Brady, you know I understand why you didn’t want me to press charges against Kristen’s mother for kidnapping me, OK? But this is a completely separate crime. And your kid–your kid had nothing to do with it.

Ava, you still can’t talk to the cops.

Why the hell not? Kristen’s mother came this close to killing me. She needs to be behind bars.

And I don’t disagree with you, OK? It’s just– [sighs]

What? What–what–what, Brady? 32

I’m afraid what Kristen’s mother will say if she’s in police custody. She will–she will bring Rachel’s name up.

No, she won’t, because they’re not gonna be talking about the kidnapping.

They will ask her why she attacked you. And she’ll say she did it for her family, for her daughter, for her granddaughter. And if that door opens up, she’s gonna talk about Aremid, OK, and–and–and how Rachel lured you there in the first place.

She’s not gonna do that. She’s not gonna say that.

How do you know that?

Because–I– don’t you remember why Kristen didn’t let me go in the first place? It was because her mother reminded her what might happen if the authorities found out that Rachel was involved with the kidnapping.

Ava, I can’t risk it.

[sighs] 34

I can’t leave my daughter’s fate in the hands of that woman. CPS is serious. They’re serious. I don’t want to lose my kid forever.

So you’re asking me to let Kristen’s mother walk for a second time?

Is that what you’re asking me, Brady?

I swear to God, if Arnold so much as laid a finger on you–

He didn’t. Look, nothing happened between us.

But he was living here with you, pretending to be me, your fiancé.

Thankfully, we didn’t spend much time alone together. OK?


Rafe, look at me.

Arnold Feniger and I never shared a bed. I never had sex with that man.

Maybe I have gotten a little overprotective of Jada. It’s only because I just– I hate what EJ and Arnold did to her.

They put her through hell, no doubt.

Yeah. Yeah, they did. And for whatever reason, she turned to me during all this. And–and I was there for her. And, you know, I let her lean on me, and I gave her a shoulder to cry on.


I don’t know, Shawn. Look, maybe I’m totally off base here, but I’m… kind of getting the vibe like there’s–there’s more to it.

But hey, it’s none of my business.

You know, you’re right. It isn’t your business. But look, I just feel like I need to be– I need to be honest with you, because I trust you. And not only do I trust you; you’re my cousin, and you’re a good guy. And I know you’re not gonna go anywhere with this. 39

With what?

You’re not off base.

What do you mean?

Jada and I slept together.

I would never let my personal life interfere with my job. And I don’t think it’s very fair of you– 40

You know what’s not fair, Belle? That EJ could get away with replacing my brother not once but twice.

OK, listen, Gabi, I get it. EJ’s not your favorite person, but he is still entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Listen to her. She’s already defending that lowlife when she should be building a case against him.

Now that’s enough, Gabi. Now, Belle, I’m beginning to wonder if you should recuse yourself from this case. [dramatic music]

I understand you had quite the eventful afternoon.

If only Kristen hadn’t followed me there. I was so very close to disposing of that awful woman.

Well, as you know, I share your disdain for Ms. Vitali. But I suggest you leave her well enough alone. That is, if you want to stay out of prison. 42

Oh, it won’t come to that.

Oh, but it will if you go around stabbing people in broad daylight.

If Ms. Vitali reports this to the police, there may not be anything Kristen can do to help you this time.

Well, I obviously have more faith in my daughter than you do in her abilities. However, if she is unable to protect me, I’m sure you will use your considerable resources to keep me out of prison.

That is, unless you want to join me there.

That’s it, isn’t it, Brady?

You want me to let Kristen’s mother off the hook– again. You want me to keep quiet about nearly being slashed to death because you’re–you’re afraid to lose your daughter?

Ava, Ava–

Brady, what about me? What about what I stand to lose? Am I just supposed to sit around here and–and wait until the crackpot finishes me off?

I won’t let that happen.

How the hell are you gonna stop her? Just this morning, you tried to convince me that it was over. And then just a few hours later, she shows up and she picks the lock with a bobby pin and she pulls a knife out of her purse. You got no idea what she will do next.

We’ll figure it out. Hey, hey, hey. I promise. We will figure it out. Please. Please don’t talk to the police.


Listen, Brady… [scoffs] I know– I know how scared you are of losing your daughter…

But I need somebody who is gonna be looking out for me.

I need somebody whose top priority is gonna be protecting me. And obviously, you’re not the one who’s gonna be doing that.

So the only choice I have left now is to handle this on my own. And I am gonna do whatever it takes to protect myself.

You slept with Jada?

And hey, of–of course it’ll stay between us. But how did it happen? You know, you don’t have to explain. 48

No, no, no, no. No, it’s fine. Just–it was right after she found out that the guy that she thought was her fiancé slept with a stripper the night before her wedding.

Right. Well, I can–I can see how that would throw her into someone else’s arms.

Do you think she’s gonna tell Rafe?


Your guess is as good as mine.

I’m so relieved to hear that you didn’t sleep with Feniger. Just the thought of another man’s hands on you was tearing me up inside.

[breathing heavily]



Jada. Jada, what’s wrong.

Rafe, there’s something I need to tell you.

Jada, what is it? You can tell me anything. You know that. [dramatic music] OK, look, if something did happen with Arnold, I just want you to know that I wouldn’t blame you. The guy was pretending to be me. And for God’s sakes, he’s–he’s a predator.

Nothing happened with him. I was telling you the truth.

OK. I believe you.

So what is it, then?

Feniger and I never slept together, but he did kiss me a couple of times. At midnight on New Year’s Eve and once or twice after that.

Look, let’s not talk about him anymore, OK? How about you take a nice hot shower and I’ll make us some lunch?

OK. OK. Yeah.

Well, thank you for telling me. You know…

Honestly, it wasn’t all that shocking.


You know, it was tough to hear, but it’s all right. And I do feel better now that everything is out in the open.

And I’m so happy. I’m so happy to be home with you.



I don’t know if Jada’s gonna tell Rafe what happened between us.

You guys haven’t talked about it?

We haven’t had the chance. It was almost immediately after we– after we were together, we found out that Feniger might be back. And so we just jumped right into action mode and tried to figure out whether or not it’s true.

Yeah, I get it.

I mean, and obviously, Jada, she didn’t know that Rafe wasn’t the one that– that betrayed her so badly. So she feels– she feels terrible. And I do too. Like I said, Rafe, he’s a friend.

But like you also said, you both thought it was Rafe who ruined things with Jada, cheated on her, called off their wedding. If you both knew it was–it was Arnold, you two obviously wouldn’t have hooked up.

No. No, never.

But we did.

Well, no one’s gonna hear about it from me.

Hey, do you mind if I– do you mind if I step out for a little bit? I’ve got– I’ve got something I need to do.

Yeah, not at all. No problem. And, Shawn, you know, if you need to talk more about this or anything else, I’m here for you, man.

Thanks, partner. Appreciate it.

[door clicks open and shut]

[sighs] 58

You’re taking me off this case?

Considering your relationship with EJ, I think it would be for the best.

I don’t know how many ways I need to say this. There is no personal relationship. Not anymore.

Still, even a hint of impropriety would compromise the investigation. I’m–I’m afraid you’re gonna have to step aside and let one of your ADAs take over the case now. Perhaps I should appoint a special prosecutor.

Mm, now we’re talking.

Listen, you don’t need to do that, OK? I am more than capable of overseeing this case without any bias. I am just as horrified by what EJ may have done as you are.

“May have”? You see? She’s doing it again, making excuses for her boyfriend.

Oh, my God, how many times do I have to say he is not my boyfriend? What he is, is a skilled attorney, and he is as ruthless and diabolical as they come. If there is a loophole, he’s gonna find it. And if there is a technicality, you better believe he’s gonna exploit it. And listen, with all due respect to my amazing ADAs, they do not have the knowledge or the experience to oversee this case, but I do. I know EJ. I know how he thinks and how he operates. I can anticipate his moves.

Oh, I’m sure you can.

Oh, stop it, Gabi. Stop. Now, Belle does make some valid points.

What? But–but you just said–


Oh. OK. I get it now. Maybe all that “you should recuse yourself stuff” was just a performance for my benefit. Before I walked in here, the two of you were probably strategizing on how to keep EJ out of prison.

Excuse me?

[scoffs] I thought Belle was the only one I had to worry about not doing her job. But I just remembered that your daughter is a DiMera.

Oh, what does that have to do with anything?

If EJ is locked up, your son-in-law would suffer, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.

Oh, for God’s sake! You know Johnny doesn’t want his father to get away with pulling this kind of switch thing again. You were at the DiMera house yesterday. You saw him. He warned EJ he better not be lying about bringing back Arnold Feniger.

EJ is lying.

And so are the two of you. You’re both full of it.

Oh, Gabi, come on.

No! Screw this.

It’s obvious that if I want EJ to pay for what he did to my brother, I’ll just have to take matters into my own hands.

Oh, Gabi, come back. Gabi! Gabi, come back! [sighs] That went well.

[scoffs] I am so sorry to have put you and the city through this, Mayor Price. I know I never should have gotten involved with EJ again.

Well, what’s done is done. Oh, well, now, if you’ll excuse me, I–I need to head to my next meeting.

Well…[clears throat] Are you gonna let me stay on the case?

For now. But if I even get a whiff that you are going easy on EJ, you will not only be replaced on this case, Counselor. You’ll be looking for a new job.

I beg your pardon, Mother Blake?

I thought I was clear. If I go down for ridding the world of Ava Vitali, I will tell anyone who listens about the man you held captive in my attic.

You old cow.

I’ve warned you about threatening me, have I not?

All right, Mother, your food is ready. Why don’t we go upstairs and have it in your room, hmm?

Sounds lovely, dear. EJ, you have a most pleasant afternoon.

And you the same, dear Rachel. [chuckles]

Sorry if I made it sound like Rachel is the only thing I care about here. Mm-mm. I do care about you very much.

And that’s the problem.

Well, how is that the problem?

[scoffs] Because Rachel sees me as the one and only obstacle standing in the way of her mommy and daddy being together.

We talked about this. She’s in therapy. She’s doing well. She’s making progress. She understands that that’s never gonna happen, ever.

Yes, but she’s always gonna wish that it–that it would, OK? And she believes that if I was gone that her entire family would be together and happy again. And now she’s got her deranged grandmother fighting for this cause. 70

Well, I’m gonna find a way to neutralize the deranged grandmother, OK? I will.

OK. How? How are you gonna do that, Brady, without handing her over to the police?

Ava, I will. I promised you I would. And I will.

But please, you’re just gonna have to trust me a little bit.

Oh, Brady.

I–I can’t. I can’t do this.

[dramatic music]

I’m sorry. I know you’re probably still very upset about what– what you’ve been through.

I am.

[sighs] I just– I need some time to think.

Of course you do.

You should go.

Look, you got–you got enough going on with your dad being missing.

Yeah, yeah. OK, OK. I’ll–I’ll go. I’d like to call you later, if I could.

I’ll be here, trying to figure out a way to protect myself against Rachel Blake’s next attack.

I really am sorry about all of this. And I realize that we’ve only been seeing each other a very short while.

I just really don’t want to lose you.


Gabi. What’s going on?

Desk sergeant said I could find you in here.

Is everything OK?

Far from it. I can’t trust the mayor or the DA to make sure that EJ pays. And with Arnold gone and Rafe unable to remember anything, JJ, you’re my only hope. [sighs]

This is all your fault, Father. If you hadn’t blown up that woman’s car all those years back, she might still possess a few of her marbles, and we wouldn’t be in this mess. [sighs] Now I have to figure out how to make sure that miserable crone won’t say anything to anyone about what she knows about Rafe Hernandez.

I also don’t like the idea of someone else kissing you on Valentine’s Day.

Oh, no?


Who should it be, then?

Oh. Well, let me show you. [both chuckle]

You may have pulled the wool over my eyes twice now, EJ, but you best believe there will not be a third time. If I find any proof that you had anything to do with what happened to Rafe, I will personally nail your ass to the wall.

[knock at door]


Bad time?

No. What’s going on?

Look, I was just hoping that we could talk. Rafe’s still in the hospital, right?

Nope. He’s right here.

Oh. Hey, how you feeling?

Well, happy to be back home with the woman I love.

So what did you want to talk to Jada about? Oh… well, I just–I wanted to let her know that JJ and I are doing everything we can to prove that, you know, EJ was the one behind this whole mess with Feniger. Listen, I promise you both, he’s not gonna get away with this.

Oh, I’m sorry, Kristen. [sighs] I know how much you’ve been enjoying your blessed reunion with your mother.

But it’s all going to come to an end.

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Interview with Josh McKenzie and Patrick Sabongui

TV Interview!


Josh McKenzier and Patrick Sabongui with The Hunting Party key art; (Photo by: NBCUniversal)

Interviews with Josh McKenzie and Patrick Sabongui of “The Hunting Party” on NBC by Suzanne

I enjoyed speaking with both of these actors. I interviewed Josh a few times previously, for the show “La Brea,” also on NBC. He’s very popular due to his previous roles.  I’m very glad I got to speak with Patrick because not only is he doing a bang-up job on this show, but he was amazing in “The Flash” as Captain Singh (a small but notable role). I hope they get a second season!

Josh McKenzie interview from 3/3/25

Patrick Sabongui interview 3/7/25


THE HUNTING PARTY -- Season: 1 -- Pictured: (l-r) Josh McKenzie as Shane Florence, Patrick Sabongui as Jacob Hassani, Melissa Roxburgh as Rebecca Henderson, Nick Wechsler as Oliver Odell, Sara Garcia as Jennifer Morales -- (Photo by: Lindsay Siu/NBC)

MORE INFO: Official Site  Trailer

Josh McKenzie

Shane Florence, “The Hunting Party”

Josh McKenzie stars as Shane Florence, former solider and current prison guard, on the NBC drama “The Hunting Party.”

He first broke out in native New Zealand in the acclaimed THE HUNTING PARTY -- Season: 1 -- Pictured: Josh McKenzie as Shane Florence -- (Photo by: Lindsay Siu/NBC)feature “Hopes & Dreams of Gazza Snell,” for which he won the Oscar equivalent for Outstanding Feature Film Debut.

He’s familiar to audiences for his starring role on the NBC series “La Brea.” Prior to that, he was featured in the Australian series “Five Bedrooms.”

Other credits include roles in the international series “Shannara Chronicles” and “The New Legends of Monkey” on Netflix. He can be seen in season two of the Australian series “The Twelve.”

Patrick Sabongui

Jacob Hassani, “The Hunting Party”

THE HUNTING PARTY -- Season: 1 -- Pictured: Patrick Sabongui as Jacob Hassani -- (Photo by: Lindsay Siu/NBC)Patrick Sabongui stars as CIA agent Jacob Hassani on the NBC drama “The Hunting Party.”

Sabongui’s most recognizable television credits include “Homeland,” “Shameless,” “Firefly Lane,” “Shooter” and CW’s “The Flash,” where he played Captain David Singh for nine seasons.

On the big screen, his credits include “Godzilla,” “300,” “Drone,” “Between Borders” and the upcoming feature film “In Cold Light,” with Oscar winners Helen Hunt and Troy Kotsur. Other films include Zack Snyder’s “Watchmen” and “Sucker Punch,” “Tron: Legacy” and “Interrogation.”

On stage, credits include the Canadian premiere of Ayad Akhtar’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play, “Disgraced,” and, most recently “Art” by Yasmina Reza at The Guthrie Theatre.

Sabongui earned a BFA in drama for human development from Concordia University, Montreal; a collegiate degree in drama from Vanier College, Montreal; a certificate from the National Theatre Conservatory Intensive, Colorado; and a Master of Fine Arts degree in acting from the University of California.

Sabongui is an advocate for underrepresented voices and professor of theater and head of the BFA acting program at CUNY: Brooklyn College.

The Hunting Party

Series Premiere Monday Feb 3 on NBC (10 pm ET/PT)

A high-concept crime procedural about a small team of investigators who are assembled to track down and capture the most dangerous killers our country has ever seen, all of whom have just escaped from a top-secret prison that’s not supposed to exist.

The cast includes Melissa Roxburgh, Nick Wechsler, Patrick Sabongui, Josh McKenzie and Sara Garcia.

Co-showrunners JJ Bailey (creator) and Jake Coburn are writers and executive producers. Thor Freudenthal is director and executive producer. Keto Shimizu is writer and executive producer.

“The Hunting Party” is produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.THE HUNTING PARTY -- "Arlo Brandt" Episode 106 -- Pictured: (l-r) Josh McKenzie as Shane Florence, Melissa Roxburgh as Rebecca 'Bex' Henderson, Patrick Sabongui as Jacob Hassani -- (Photo by: James Dittiger/NBC)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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BTG Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


There’s a woman on the roof of the hospital threatening to jump. She asked for you by name

and will only talk to you.

NICOLE: Hello? How can I help? Kneel or so help me. [screaming and shouting]


[screaming] The shame you have brought on this family. HAYLEY: I guess dreams really do come true. BILL: And this is just the beginning. HAYLEY: I’ve never been happier. Danielle Dupree, I’m here to place you under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Son, if this is about Danielle firing a weapon at the wedding, there’s been some kind of miscommunication back at the station. The officer on the scene interviewed everybody and determined the charges were unmerited. Mr. Hamilton came forward with new charges.

My dad did this?

Of course he did. I thought I was waking up from my nightmare. I’m still in it. Since when does my ex-husband, who is not a part of the DA’s office, have an iota of say in who gets charged? Excellent question. Explain yourself, Jacob. It’s not unusual for victims to advocate for police to pursue charges. Bill presented the video evidence and… CHELSEA: My damn video. He’s not answering the phone. That coward. He presented it to the state attorney’s office, who determined it was enough evidence for an arrest. I can’t stop these wheels from moving. I have to bring you in. He can’t take another thing from me. Did my father request the added humiliation of the arrest being handled by my mom’s son-in-law? My lieutenant agreed this should be handled with discretion. So I figured someone who knows and respects the family should be… You dare use the word “family” and “respect” while Mirandizing your own mother-in-law? I’m just doing my job. When you called me tonight, you told me you were the job but you were my husband first. If you meant a word of that, Jacob, don’t you dare put those cuffs on my mother.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm. Thank you. [R&B music playing] Kimberly. Yeah. Bill Hamilton here. Listen, loved this morning’s piece. You are fearless when it comes to taking down the long-standing institutions people once thought were untouchable. And along those lines, if you’re looking for a shot at an exclusive, one of the gates’ finest should be getting arrested right about now. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to room 818. MAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to the third floor. [elevator bell dings] [wind whistling] [phone vibrating] Who is that calling? Because if it’s security, I promise you… You wanted me alone. That’s what you got. If you get any closer, I promise you… If you get any closer, I’ll jump. I don’t think that’s what you want. You asked for me. Not wanting to be alone is a positive sign. [chuckling] What if I just want an audience? [laughing] I hope, however we’re connected, I can help you. We don’t know each other. Not directly. I feel like I do. You’re that psychiatrist that… I’ve seen profiled in those glossy magazines. Oh, you must be the best. [Leslie crying] Please help me. Please help me. ♪ ♪ Welcome back, Dr. McBride. Mr. Armstrong informed us all of your privileges have been restored and your account is in the black. Will you be needing anything while you’re at your table? Well, Dr. McBride, will you? No, I’m good. Randy. Oh, it is good to be back,

all thanks to you.

And Joey. Oh, yeah, that Joey, he’s something else. You know, you had me thinking he was some thug when he’s just a solid dude trying to carry on his family business. In another life, we could have been bros. Now that might be pushing it a bit. Yeah, your boss did have some scary moments. He’s a tough guy to read. Anyway, may play a couple of these rounds that Joey gave me and get a head start on repaying him. Or… …you could just slow your roll, Doug. You got a fresh start, man. Use it. Leave. Never come back here again. Give up gambling for good. [R&B music playing] Hello. Uh-oh. That look has bad news written all over it. A text from Naomi. She and Jacob, they’re not just couple friends, they’re couple goals, but tonight might put a strain on that, and it just makes me so glad that you fight fires and not crime. Uh, more details, Ash. You’re doing that thing where your mind races faster than your words. Remember how the Duprees had their press conference to defuse the whole Dani shooting up the wedding thing? Yeah, she got lucky the whole world took the Dupree side. Well, the Dupree luck might have run out. Dani just got arrested. Wow, that’s rough. But how does that put a strain on Naomi and Jacob? He was the arresting officer. Last time I saw a pair of those, I was the one playing officer. Just ask Bill. Oh, wait. He’s already calling your shots, isn’t he? I’m still your son-in-law. You know I don’t want to do this. Then why are you? There are other cops… Who won’t give a damn about you or your family. My lieutenant ordered me to bring a patrol unit with me.

I can’t believe this is happening.

I convinced him to kill the lights and the sirens, but if I don’t execute this warrant in a timely manner, things could get ugly. Jacob is right about that much. We better move before we have a SWAT team at the gates. Baby, I’ve been where you are, seeing my reflection in a pair of cuffs. Yeah, but you were fighting the good fight for rights for our people, not embarrassing your family. Back then, they used the cuffs to make us feel powerless. We used them to prove how powerless they were. Dani, no one can take your dignity. Have at it, Detective. I will be representing my mother. Repeat the charge for the record. Attempted murder. Dani Dupree, you have the right to remain silent. DANI: I know. I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say will be held against me. So what happens if I say that this arrest is a load of crap? Will you charge me with telling the truth? Let’s go. Do you understand the charges that I’ve read to you? Oh, yes. Mom is right. You let my father get to you and turn you into his errand boy. I hope it was worth it, because I will never forgive you. Let’s go. ♪ ♪ [indistinct police radio chatter] You can wait outside while I start processing. Go right ahead. We’ll watch. Can you do one thing for me? Stop. Can you just take a step away from the ledge? No. No, not yet. That’s… that’s too much pressure. That’s the problem with everybody. They just keep moving too fast. Okay, you can set the pace. We’ll move slow. With your name? Is there a reason you can’t tell me? Are you in some kind of trouble? Other than the obvious? No. I’m Sherry. Nice to meet you, Sherry. I’m Nicole. Do you want to tell me what upset you so much that brought you up here? How much? Your red bottom shoes cost more than I make in a year. I’m guessing the last five minutes must have cost me a week’s worth of pay. You asked for my help, and I’m here to give it to you. Free of charge. If you’re ready to share, you can tell me what brought you here. I lost my husband six months ago. I guess I started losing myself around the same time. Grief can be devastating. You’re not alone in that. But I feel alone. Alone with all this pain. And I can’t take it. [sobbing]: I can’t take it.

I can’t take it.

Sherry, no! It’s been too long, Shanice. She’s still not responding to her texts. Well, would you expect her to? I don’t know, but I have a feeling. She’s up on the roof with a jumper and no support and… Give it time. Security is following protocol. Damn protocol. I can’t leave my wife up there just winging it. I’m going to the roof. [R&B music playing]

Oh, wow.

Mm. You’re you, aren’t you? I’m sorry, I think you got me mixed up with someone a little more fabulous. Andre Richardson, right? The photographer. Mm. Okay. It’s not every day a stunning woman recognizes me. Oh, sorry, that must have sounded like… I wasn’t flirting. I’m Eva, your aunt’s temporary assistant. Ah, Eva.



Aunt Nicole is the best of us.

Yeah. That’s all the recommendation I need. Have a drink with me. Also not flirting. You’d actually be doing me a favor since I had plans tonight and they were canceled. Fell through. Okay. I just hate it that the Dupree family chaos is messing with what Naomi and Jacob have. All couples fight, Ash. About money, about family, about not seeing enough of each other.

I know, but what if…

Stop worrying. Naomi’s probably already over it. Okay. I’m gonna decide you’re right about this because Naomi loves Jacob and he loves her. True. But I love you more. You are so getting lucky tonight. After I saw the incredible video you shot of Nicole, I had to look you up on Insta.


That’s how I recognized you. Mystery solved. Okay, so what did you think of the work?

I liked it.

Mm-hmm. But? And my favorites were the pictures where you showed the people behind the mask. You revealed every imperfection, and at the same time, you made them somehow perfect again. All right, look, you got to stop. If you keep puffing my ego, I just might explode. No, no, I’m telling the truth. Can you see that or do you need your magic lens?

Magic lens?

Mm-hmm. Okay. I’ll play. So let’s see. It’s a rare thing for you to be all the way real. You do that self-effacing thing that pretty girls do because they think that it makes people less envious of them. You’re curious, you’re smart. And, uh, with those you trust, honest. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that many nice words strung together about me. All right, that’s a flat-out lie. So since you work with Nicole, I assume that you met my Uncle Ted. He’s a good guy. Works hard to make me feel welcome. Must be nice being a part of his family. ♪ Womp, womp, womp, womp♪ ♪ Ooh, you know you bad♪ ♪ Tall, tall, tall, tall, better handle that♪ ♪ Haters get out of line♪ ♪ Don’t let it stop your sass♪ ♪ Haters get out of line♪ ♪ You gotta bounce, bounce back♪ ♪ Back up with the drama, drama♪ ♪ I don’t want it, give that to your mama, mama♪ ♪ If she crying, get your life right, Dalai Lama♪ ♪ Yeah, you better handle that.♪ I know I said I would follow your lead, but what if you slipped? I don’t know you well, Sherry, but I don’t think you’re ready to give up. But what would you know about it? If you don’t think I’m serious… I don’t doubt that you’re serious. Is this the part where you tell me it’s a long way down? It is. But I’m not talking about the distance from this roof to that sidewalk. Then what? Many steps brought you here, Sherry. Heartbreaks, disappointments. Sometimes the simple act of voicing what brought you here brings comfort. Do you want to try it? I think… I think I do. I would like that. Then let’s do that. I think we’d be more comfortable in my office, though. We can sit down, warm up, I can make you some tea. [wind whistling] I can’t put the cards down yet. Not when I still owe Joey. Then use those next-level hands to stitch up a few extra hearts and you’ll be good to go. I took an oath to my patients. If I start overloading the schedule now, I’d end up making a mistake, and I… I can’t risk that. And playing with Joey’s money, there’s no risk?

What if you lose?

I won’t. After the solid that Joey just pulled for me, I think my luck is about to change. You’ll see. My office is just down this hallway. I don’t know how this is gonna make things better. This is just the start, Sherry. It will take work for you to rebuild your life, and this is the first step. But you are not alone this time. If you feel wobbly, just hang on to me. I’m here. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to Pediatrics. They can’t keep Mom overnight, can they? Night court is still in session, so she should be offered a bail hearing this evening. But nothing is guaranteed when there’s an outside hand with his grubby fingers all over the scale. I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but there’s a reporter from the Washington Sleuthmagazine sitting on the bench out there. That’s not exactly the police blotter beat. Someone tipped him off. This is Bill. The police agreed no crime was committed. Now suddenly, they’ve decided that Dani tried to murder two people. That son of a… Martin, there are eyes on us. Now, we have to stay calm and remember any move we make reflects on Dani. No, no. Please go. Don’t stop on my account. I do miss these Dupree family gatherings and complete with a speech by Queen Anita herself. Don’t disrespect my grandmother. I meant no offense, Congressman. Now, where is the star of the evening? I was hoping to catch Dani in that orange jumpsuit. How could you do this, Dad? Haven’t you hurt Mom enough? Girls, listen. I’m sorry you’re suffering because of your mother’s criminality. Congressman. I’m sure you can spin this fiasco to your advantage. Yeah? Aren’t you cosponsoring a bill to create employment opportunities for paroled felons? I mean, since you have a future parolee in your own family.

That’s enough.

Your favorite aunt. Dani Dupree can be the poster girl. Could you crack that door. Better? I don’t like being closed in. I don’t pose a threat. I mean, I’m already regretting being on that roof. What’s changed? I looked it up online, depression, and that’s me. After, uh, my husband left me, that’s when it started. When you said your husband was gone, I assumed he died. He rejected me. He deserted me. That must have been incredibly painful. Still is. They live here, him and his new wife. And they look straight through me like I’m dead. Like I’m a ghost. So I went up on that roof thinking I might as well be. As overwhelming as that pain is, Sherry, I can assure you it’s temporary. Suicide is never the answer. I wanted him to see and know how much he hurt me. So your actions tonight… Oh, listen, I would give nothing better than to get revenge on that man. But sitting here with you, I realize that I would love to see the look on his face when, after everything he did to me… …I win. Aside from my own parents, Ted and Nicole are the gold standard. Thank you for telling me more about them.


Now… I’m going to sit here and enjoy the rest of my drink while you say hello to your friends. You…


Ah. [Eva chuckling] It was a pleasure meeting you. Same. Excuse me. Uh, my tab. Martin. Babe, this isn’t the time or the place. [Bill chuckles] You want to go at me, Congressman? Hmm? Bring it. Another Dupree up on charges. Simple assault. This moment is a long time coming. Come here. No one is going to jail. I’ll see the charges against Dani dropped before the end of the night. [chuckling] Even if you could grease enough palms to make that room full of people develop amnesia, you’d still be screwed, Vernon, because there are a million more witnesses. The video Chelsea made– phew– it went viral. So unless you plan on paying off, what, half the Internet… Why do you keep doing this to me? This could end with Mom in prison, Dad. And I’d have to live knowing that I did that to her. No, Chelsea, sweetheart. Hey, hey. You’re the heroine here. You made it possible for justice to be served. How dare you use your own child to justify your aberrant behavior. You are nothing but a petty, conniving

sack of…

Stop! This all stops now. I didn’t tell you about the arrest because I didn’t want you anywhere near it. Okay? And how’d you hear about it, anyway?

Was it in the press?

It doesn’t matter how. What matters is you keeping this from me. Hey, come… Our evil stepmother’s pissed. Maybe there isn’t a woman alive Dad can’t alienate. Mm-hmm. Trouble in adulterous paradise? Mm-hmm. What were you thinking going for him? Bill’s gone too far. Someone needs to put him on notice. With your fists, surrounded by cops? As much as it pains me, we both know who holds the cards in this situation. We agreed to let it go, to let Dani go. No, no, technically, we agreed that everything would turn out as it should. Huh, but you couldn’t be trusted. That you would play me like you played her. Baby, the only one playing you is Dani. Oh. So did she reignite these theatrics tonight? No, that was you, Bill. And now I’m the home-wrecker who stole Dani’s ex-husband and got her arrested for attempted murder. Now look, we cannot be ruled by what people think. Then why do you care if people think that your ex got away with the wedding lunacy? [Bill sighs] You’re holding on to Dani. You know that’s not true. Oh, then your need to win is more important than me. Either way, I’m the other woman. Baby, there’s nothing left between Dani and me.


Okay. Prove me wrong. You made the charges appear, make them disappear. Let her go for real this time, Bill. You make me think I’m not crazy. NICOLE: You’re going through a traumatic event, and you need tools to deal with that. I would love to keep our conversations going, free of charge. I’ll forever be grateful that you met me on that roof, but I don’t think us spending more time together is a good idea. ‘Cause it’ll remind me of what my lowest moment was. I mean, that make sense? It does. But please know you have nothing to be ashamed of. This is a list of therapists that I highly recommend. It’s imperative that you call one to make an appointment right away. And I’ll remain available to you if you need me. Thank you, Nicole. You are beyond what I hoped for. [indistinct P.A. announcement] What the hell are you doing here? Bam! This put a huge dent in what I owe Joey. You’re smart, man. Get out while you’re ahead. I’m calling it a night. But… I’m golden.


It’ll be no sweat to win back the rest of what I owe. Then I’ll get out before my lucky streak ends. The charges have been dropped. You’re free to go. If you’re looking for a thank-you, you can find it in hell. It’s my new bride you should thank. You have no reason to believe me, Dani, but I am sorry you had to experience even a moment’s more pain. My mother always said you can’t use a passive voice when you make an apology. This pain didn’t just happen, Hayley. You made it happen. I wouldn’t be in this police station, I wouldn’t have been in the country club either because I would still be married to Bill. You’re right. It’s time for me to self-own. Look, I don’t regret loving Bill, but I do regret the pain that I caused you. [scoffs] Since you just actually admitted to taking your mother’s advice, let’s go home. What about me? Can I come home? You could have at least given me a heads-up. I could have prepared Mom. We could have taken her in on our own terms. You know how volatile your mother is. I couldn’t risk her getting spooked and taking off. You should have taken the risk. But you didn’t trust me in that moment… and I don’t trust you in this one. ♪ ♪ Would you please just drop it? Has anyone heard from Nicole? Oh… Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I got a text from Mom on the way over. She’s been involved with a patient and she promised to call you and Aunt Dani later. That’s reassuring. And the support that the two of you provided tonight,

greatly appreciated.

Anytime. Let’s hope we don’t have to hold you to that. Martin, I know you’re upset, but going after Bill like that is feeding right into what he wants. Granddad already reminded me, Smitty. I don’t need my husband piling on. And I can’t stand by while someone I love gets hurt right in front of me. That would normally be hella sexy, but I don’t want my Romeo punching his way out of the office. I won’t. It was a one-off.

It’s over.

Martin… [sighs] I didn’t know you were seeing Eva. I’m not. We just met tonight. Yeah. She’s nice though. So, delivered any babies without me? No. Elevator babies are rarer than you think. [chuckles] I’d say once in a lifetime. Yeah. Well, it’s good to see you out here. Yeah, Ashley was kind of worried that the new nursing gig might ruin her social life. But look at you, crushing the whole work-life balance. Yeah, we’re figuring it out. Well, I’m glad everything’s working out for you. I got to take off. Hope to see you soon. Yeah.


Yeah. Thanks, man. ♪ ♪ You worked that mug shot. That’s why you’re my favorite nephew. And only. [chuckles] The way Martin went for Bill, it worried me, Vernon. Since you pulled him aside and talked him down, you must be on the same page, right? My grandson was expressing a… a healthy momentary descent after Bill goaded him. My whole family wanted to do the same. It’s just that Martin got there first. Stop worrying, son. You know, I had the best lawyer

in the whole world today, baby.

[scoffs] But I hope it didn’t cost you anything. I didn’t want to drag your man into this. No. No, you didn’t. Jacob chose to insert himself into Dad’s agenda. ANITA: Naomi. When I married your grandfather, I knew what I was getting and all that entailed. You did, too, with Jacob. Now, he is everything we want law enforcement to be. But you can’t expect him to make excuses when it’s inconvenient for our family. [scoffs] What Dad did tonight was twisting the law into some sort of revenge pretzel. Jacob knew that, and he still backed Dad and the blue instead of our wedding bands. How do I reconcile that? You know what? I am lousy company. I love you both. Do not mess with my wife. But it’s such enjoyable payback. After you left me for her. We had an affair. And after I paid you off years ago,

you agreed.

I caved. I’m rethinking it now. How much would it take to make you go away? Mm, something you never gave me before. Respect. And if you can’t handle that, then I guess I’ll have to book a session with Nicole. Tell me, if I confide in your wife about our affair, is she allowed to confront you about it or be bound to that hypocrite oath of yours? I don’t know why you’re here, but wherever you came from, you need to go back and leave my wife the hell alone. Because if you ever come for my wife again, I will destroy you. [chuckles] Ooh… Why, Teddy. Teddy Bear. I’ve never seen you this angry before. You need to consult a good therapist. [sighs] There you are.


So glad to see that face. I was nervous for you. Yeah, it was a nerve-racking experience. But thankfully, she came down off the ledge. How’d you do it? [chuckles] What did you say? What did she say to you? Dr. Richardson, you know not to ask me that. Doctor-patient confidentiality applies even to spouses. So that woman is gonna be your patient. You gonna see her again? No. Sherry wants to start fresh with someone new. But I told her my door’s always open. Given what we just experienced, who knows? She might walk right back through it. At this point, it’s up to her. I could be dead, but I’m very much alive. What does that even mean? And what were you doing at the hospital in the first place? The plan is you stay out of sight while I get close to Ted and Nicole. I sort of met her. Well, Sherry did. [chuckles] Who is Sherry? My alter ego. Sherry Carter. And Sherry made quite the first impression on both Dr. Richardsons. Wait, you talked to Ted, too? I pissed him off. [laughs] It was so satisfying. He saw me. Saw my power, and he was afraid. I just hearkened back to my theater days and gave my best Juliet. You didn’t. That is awful. So was that video of her and Ted pretending to be a perfect couple. Leslie, none of this is okay. It was necessary. I needed to see her in person– Ms. Nicole. And play with her a little. Then Ted, he cornered me, made these empty threats. I can’t wait until he finds out about you. [chuckles] Mmm. Delicious. Promise you won’t do anything like this again. You worked too hard on this plan to blow it up with unnecessary risks. When the time is right, you’ll have your revenge. Oh, yes, I will. Did you mean what you said earlier? I don’t hate you. Don’t. I keep going back to you siding with my dad. Choosing him over me. That’s not what this was. That’s how this feels. Naomi, we never go to bed angry. I’m going to bed. You can sleep on the couch. [sighs] What is it gonna take for you to realize everything I did was to protect you? You were protecting you. You might not love Dani anymore, but you sure as hell care what she thinks of you. If you want us to work, Bill, you have to stop antagonizing Dani and the Duprees. They can’t be this important. Can you do that, or should I start packing for my honeymoon for one? I don’t even know how I can look him in the eye after this. Listen, Chelsea, your father is an ass, but what I am not going to do is let his stupidity rob you of having a dad. I’m old enough for this to be my decision. Okay, well, weigh this in, then. I have never doubted your father’s love for you and Naomi. And I want you to base your relationship with him on how he treats you, not on how he treats me. [scoffs] All right. [kisses] Get some rest. I’m very proud of you. I might hold off on some of that pride. I know how hard you all fought to get me home tonight. And I hate what Bill put us through. But there’s a part of me that wonders why he did it. I was done. I told Hayley that plain as day. I let him go. And as soon as I did that, he is on the phone getting me arrested. And you’re interpreting that as what? I think deep down, this was his invitation back to the dance. Tonight, Bill could have had me locked up. Instead, he dropped the charges. This wasn’t some boy pulling your pigtails to get your attention in fifth grade. You’d be in a cell right now if it weren’t for his new wife who threatened to leave him.

This was all Hayley.

No. No one makes Bill Hamilton do what he doesn’t want to do. I know it doesn’t make sense. But I think this was his way to get my attention back. You cannot mean that. Despite everything, I love that miserable, wicked man. And if this was an overture… …I’m ready to take him back in a heartbeat.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

What’s really going on with Holden and me? I don’t know what you mean. I caught that look between you two before he took off. Definitely sensing there’s something you wanted to keep private. That was all Holden, not me. What does that mean exactly? The guy claims he needs a friend in town and wants it to be me. You’re not thrilled? I’m not. I ran into him at Crimson Lights. He wanted to have lunch and I agreed. But I’m only humoring him because he’s my in to learning more about your brother. So, whatever look you saw between us, that’s all it was. What are you doing, Sharon? You’re hardly looking up. What are you, writing a bucket list or something? I’m trying to concentrate. I mean, it’d be impossible to really write a bucket list. You can’t really mark anything off in this hellhole that we’re in. Oh, my head. I bet I can guess what’s on your bucket list. I’m not writing a bucket list. Oh, just– You know what? Let me guess. Let me guess. It’d be a fun game. The word “game” won’t seem very fun to me ever again after this.

Can we just drop it?

PHYLLIS: No. [Phyllis sighing] I bet I could figure it out. You’re not hard to figure out. Oh, my gosh. What would be on your bucket list? Um… It would be something having to do with your kids. Right? Yeah. It’d be one last time saying goodbye to them. One last time that you get to snuggle with them. Oh, one last time that you get to express your eternal love for your children. That would be on my list, with Daniel and Summer. Makes sense, given that you didn’t get those moments with them when you faked your own death. You know, we were having a nice moment just now, and you have to go there. I just know your history. Okay, well, I know your history, Sharon. All right? You’re not much different. You know, a bucket list is supposed to be like, um, your– your choices on how you’re going to live large before you die. That’s why I can guess what you would do, because you would do something incredibly self-sacrificing. Would you stop? No, that’s what you’d do. You’d, like, give away all your money to charity, and you’re supposed to put that in your will, but you wouldn’t do that. You wouldn’t do that, because you would do it while you’re alive, so everybody could say, “Oh, isn’t Sharon incredible? Isn’t Sharon generous? “Isn’t Sharon amazing?” You know what? You would choose something that would guarantee all eyes on you. Phyllis, front and center, selfish to the very end. Mm-hmm. I would. I’d go out with a bang. That’s what I would do. And you would, too. What would be your last item on your bucket list? What would it be? Mm, mm. So easy. To be saved by Nicholas. Nicholas, your knight in shining armor once again. Tell me that you don’t want Nicholas to burst through that door right this second and save us. Hey, sorry to drop by like this. I know we just saw each other a couple hours ago. No, please. I told you I wanted to be kept in the loop, so… tell me you’ve got something. I talked to Daniel and Summer. Uh, there’s no update on Phyllis. What about Sharon? Nothing. Look, why I came by was I was wondering if there might be a list of associates or contacts that Phyllis may have linked up with. I’m sure it’s a long shot, but I’m just trying anything and everything. No, I agree. We got to do everything we can. In fact, I made those phone calls already. Nobody’s heard anything. Damn it. I’m sorry, Nick. Yeah, it’s just with every lead that doesn’t pan out, with every hour that goes by, our worst suspicions are being confirmed. There’s something wrong here. I agree. Damn it. I can’t believe you’re wasting so much time on that. It’s ridiculous. I mean, obviously, it’s not working, so just do lunges with me or something. Do I need to remind you that we are in a life or death situation? Everything hinges on how well we play the game and solve the riddles. Yeah, I know, but it’s not working. What you’re doing isn’t working. Well, then why don’t you help me? We play the game, we get rewarded. Maybe that will be our ticket out of here. But it’s not, Sharon. We already solved two riddles. It didn’t get us anywhere. It didn’t get us better food. We didn’t get anything for participating. Staying alive is not enough of a prize for you? Of course it is. But maybe that’s not the goal. Maybe we’re doing all of this to amuse him or her. Do you really want to take that chance? That all of this is just so whoever is behind this can pass the time? You do want to see your children again, right? Don’t say that to me. You know I want to see my children. Well, then help me. At first, I thought maybe this was some sort of long anagram or it had some secret meaning, but so far, I’ve got nothing. Are you serious with that? Seriously? Really? I mean, because I figured it out a long time ago on my, like, fifth jumping jack.

You solved it?

Yeah. It’s here. Then, what does it mean? Tell me. No. I’m not telling you. Here. I feel like you could use that. Uh, yeah, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got to go meet up with Chance and talk to the security team. What are you going to do in the short time it’s going to take us to have a beer? Nick, you’ve been burning the candle at both ends since this started. I’m right behind you, okay? Sit down, have a beer. Put our heads together and maybe we can find something that we missed. All right. Thanks. I appreciate you making those calls. It means a lot. Look, I’m going to confess something to you, okay? It took me a while to admit that Phyllis could be in real trouble. My first thought, of course, was a selfish one. She wasn’t picking up the phone. She wasn’t calling me back. I thought I made a mistake joining forces with her at Abbott Communications. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s perfectly normal to think that Phyllis may have gone AWOL. I mean, how many times has she gone rogue? Yeah, she’s very capable of that and you would know. I feel like I know Phyllis pretty well and she is very excited about this company. I mean, she’s committed and then she vanishes. I’m sorry I didn’t figure this out straight out of the gate that something’s wrong. She absolutely wouldn’t do this to her kids and neither would Sharon. You know, when you first mentioned the idea that maybe Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped, I’m really starting to think that’s a possibility. Let me ask you a question. How sure are you that Ian Ward is dead? You believe me, don’t you? You’ve brought me up to speed on your past relationship with Holden. I have no reason to think you’d lie to me about what’s going on now. I will take the vote of confidence. But… you do know that if there was something more to whatever that was between you and Holden, you can tell me anything, right? That sounded an awful lot like I trust you, but I don’t. I guess it did. I didn’t mean it like that. I trust you. I just know sometimes it can be hard to be completely open about an old flame to your new man. That’s all. It can be. Now, do you want to hear what I learned about Damian or not? Absolutely. Uh, why don’t we head back to my place? You can fill me in there. What is it? Amy won’t be back from Chicago for a while, right? Nope. Um, after her appointment with Dr. Kelly was done, she was going back to her place to grab a few things. Why? Is there something she shouldn’t hear? I don’t know, but I’d rather tell you first and let you decide. How about a drink? Hm. Sounds good. Huh. Amy forgot her scarf. It’s so chilly today. Chicago isn’t the Windy City for nothing. I hope she isn’t too cold. It’s sweet, the way you worry about her. I can’t help it. You know, she is facing so much and she’s been so strong. I just want to be there for her. You talked to her. How did she sound? A little flustered. She said she wasn’t expecting Dr. Kelly to whisk her off to Chicago for tests so soon. She thought it was just a consult. But that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Absolutely. Given the severity of her condition, there’s really no time to waste. I really hope your doctor friend can do something to help her. You and me both. Now, Damian. Another situation that would be best if resolved quickly.


So, what have you learned? Well, according to Holden, he and Damian were best friends before Damian hired Holden to work for him at Danglars Properties and Monte Cristo Investments. And what? Things changed after that? Their dynamic was totally different. Suddenly, Damian had all the power, and Holden was answering to him instead of feeling like an equal. I’ve been there with Devon. It wasn’t easy at first, but we managed to work it out. Our relationship is stronger for it. Well, I got the sense that in this case, things are not going well. The way Holden speaks about Damian, his tone, it feels like Holden resents Damian. Because he’s successful? More like because Damian treats him like an employee first and a friend second. Hm. Yeah, that could be challenging. I think I saw some of it in play back at the Athletic Club. It looked like Damian came down pretty hard on Holden. Holden didn’t seem happy about it. And there’s something else. Holden admitted that Damian has a hell of a temper when he’s crossed. And it sounds like Holden’s been at the receiving end of it more than once. Ian Ward. It’s funny you say that. When you first floated the idea that Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped, that’s the first name that popped into my head. And I asked myself, am I absolutely sure he’s dead? And? I saw him get shot. I walked by his dead body. I even called the morgue and confirmed that he was there. He was cremated, Billy. This isn’t Ian Ward. Well, sounds like you made sure. I hate to think there’s another madman running around the streets of Genoa City. No. We don’t know if a madman is behind this. Okay, so Phyllis and Sharon are missing. It’s not Ian Ward. It’s not another madman. Can you tell me what the hell happened? What is wrong with you? Why won’t you share the answer with me? [Phyllis scoffing] We don’t have enough information about the game, Sharon. And if we’re really playing against each other, maybe it’s winner take all. And if I give the correct answer, I get to go home. You would really leave me here? Mm-hmm. I’d send someone for you, eventually. Well, it’s just as possible that the game is about the two of us working together. So, if you have the answer, out with it. Nah. Plus, the answer is a completely ridiculous concept. You know what? We are at the mercy of some maniac who probably doesn’t care if we live or die. So, how about you stop insulting me and refusing to offer any bit of cooperation? How about you stop playing the role of the mean girl and grow the hell up? Our lives could be on the line here. And I definitely plan to see my children again. So, if this answer could have even the slightest possibility of helping us get out of here, then for the love of God, give it to me. Okay! Shh! Ah. It’s forgiveness. Forgiveness. That’s the answer. Costs nothing. Worth everything. Yeah, that’s it. I think you’re right. Although it’s not ridiculous. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Forgiveness? Um, that’s never, ever, ever gonna happen, okay? After what you did to my family? After what you did to my son? And Lucy? Not to mention what you did to Heather’s body. I’ll never forgive you. Ever. I’m not even talking about the stuff that you’ve done to me in the past. I would have to forgive you as well. What do you have to forgive me for? Are you kidding me? Oh, Sharon, seriously, that’s ancient history. You are still holding on to that? That’s ridiculous. Instead of you insulting me yet again, why don’t we focus on trying to figure out the game? No! No! It’s boring. I don’t want to figure it out with you. The music and the first two riddles, they were in reference to fights that we had had in the past. This riddle is about forgiveness. Clearly, whoever is behind this abduction has an interest in seeing the two of us make amends. Okay. Actually saying the words and meaning it? Well, if it gets us out of here, why not accomplish the goal?

At least try.

No. No. I will tell you this. I would rather die and have rats gnawing at my decaying body than ever, ever say and mean, “I forgive you, Sharon.” So? My brother has a temper. Holden’s exact words were, “Like a cornered mountain lion.” Did Holden know you were trying to get information out of him about Damian? It just pretty much came up in conversation. Why? A spotlight on my brother is the last thing I want right now. I’m just trying to help. I know you are and I appreciate it. The thing is Lily’s been doing some digging too. Well, that’s a good thing, right? You wanted to find out more about Damian. So, what’s the harm? I’m afraid if he finds out too many people are rummaging around his life, it’s going to scare him off. And I don’t want that to happen for Amy’s sake. Neither do I. But you were all for me getting intel from Holden. I knew about that one time. I was rather shocked to see you two walk into the Athletic Club together. Like I said, I just ran into him. Huh. But you said Lily’s been checking into Damian as well. What did she find out? Turns out Damian doesn’t actually own Danglars Properties or Monte Cristo Investments. He is just the CEO. So, another lie? But why? Your guess is as good as mine. If Damian has to answer to someone, keep up this front, that must be incredibly stressful. Maybe that’s why he can be so harsh with Holden. It’s possible. You’re upset? I’m not. I just think too many people asking too many questions can blow this up. You do know Lily and I are just trying to protect you. I do and I appreciate the thought, but I am more than capable of making these assessments on my own. You don’t think you might be a little too emotionally involved to be objective? So, what are you trying to say? Do you see something in Damian that I don’t or can’t see for myself? The man vanished for years. When you track him down, he sends another man to impersonate him. And then he seems to own all these companies, but he doesn’t. He’s just a hired hand. I mean, that is a lot to unravel. But you seem to be ready to just give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m not ready to completely trust my brother. No, not yet. But I want to. Is that misguided of me? Maybe it’s a little too optimistic. Nothing wrong with leaning into hope, is there? Especially when the good I see it’s doing Amy, to finally be reconnected with her son. And hopefully, with some work, they’re on their way to having a real relationship. And you wouldn’t mind having a brother

in your life, would you?

Is that so wrong, Audra? I think when it comes to your feelings about your brother, you have to follow your instincts. That said, Damian’s lies, his inconsistencies, it can hurt to be cautious. I want to believe there is a good man behind it all. And I think I’ve seen glimpses of that. I hope you’re right. But would it be so crazy that we find out everything we can about Damian before we let him any further into our lives? You know, the thing that I keep bumping up against is the fact that Phyllis and Sharon both called one person from a burner phone to describe or explain their absence at the same time. That, to me… tells me that they are together. Agreed. The animosity between those two is at an all-time high because of Heather’s murder, of course. So, I– I don’t see them running off into the sunset willingly together. Yeah, they’ve been going out of their way to avoid each other lately. Okay, so let me ask you this then, too. This idea that Summer floated about Phyllis kidnapping Sharon in order to get revenge, or the flip side, Sharon being triggered and her kidnapping Phyllis. Is there any legs there? Look, I know that Sharon’s got her issues, but she’s in a good place right now. I’m serious. And Phyllis has been extremely vocal about wanting to move on and get rid of all these revenge fantasies. For her kid’s sake. Billy, I believe her. No, I agree. So do I. So that puts us back where we started. Possible kidnapping. Well, I know that Chance is going to really lean into that angle. He’s already talked to the highway patrol, all the hospitals, the local clinics. Maybe that’ll turn something up. Everything helps. Yeah, but the waiting, man, it’s starting to kill me. I’m finding it harder and harder every day not to go out and just start hitting things. This isn’t easy for you, Nick, especially after this nightmare that your family just went through. It’s been hell. And now this. It’s just taken everything to another level. It’s really starting to take its toll. Stop doing this. It’s useless. I’m looking for clues. We figured out the clue. It’s forgiveness. It’s not going to happen. I’m hoping maybe there’s something here that we overlooked. You overthink things. Maybe it’s not about the riddle so much. It’s more about finding some kind of insight into who is behind this. Well, it’s obvious who’s behind it. A psychopath with a God complex. What is the motivation? Kidnappers thrive on power, control. Oh, they’re most definitely in control. Yes, but the music, the mystery, the performance of it all, it’s almost as if this is somebody who wants to prove how brilliant they are or how intimately they know us. So, if we can figure out why they’re doing this and what their goal is. Well, their goal is to torture us, clearly. I mean, that’s the goal. And you’re succeeding. We are most definitely tortured. So give it up on the paper, please. At least I’m trying to find the key to getting us out of here. I’m not wasting time doing jumping jacks and lunges and withholding information. I gave you the information. I told you it was forgiveness. And by the way, you should do sit-ups and jumping jacks. We need to be strong physically and mentally, especially if we’re going to be here for the rest of our lives, you know? And the goal is to forgive each other. And that’s most definitely not going to happen on my end. It’s really that hard for you to imagine doing that. Sharon, you framed my son. You framed him for murder, purposely. And not just any murder. The murder of the woman he loved.

I was drugged.

Oh, see? There we go. I was drugged. No responsibility. I have taken responsibility. No, you haven’t. You haven’t taken any responsibility. My son is suffering. He may never get over it. I know for a fact I’m never going to get over it. I am never going to forgive you. What if it’s the only way out of here? Well, then I can lie, right? Oh, my God. I could say I forgive you. I could just lie. But I think the freak is going to know I’m lying, you know? But I could just say, yeah, I think you’re a good person. I could say that. Like, everybody in town believes that you’re a good person. And I could just say, “Yeah, Sharon is a good person.” I could– Oh, my God. What is it? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I’m so nauseous. [Phyllis gasping] I understand why you, Lily, and others have your reservations about Damian. I’ve had my guard up as well. But I think I’m a little more forgiving because… I’ve seen how happy his coming around has made Amy. You have to have seen how hopeful she’s become almost overnight. I have noticed the change.

It’s wonderful.

Yes, and that’s what matters. I have a feeling Amy never would have considered undergoing more treatment for cancer if she didn’t feel Damian and she were on the path to reconciliation. And I’m going to do everything in my power to help make that happen. It’s all I want. The happy, healthy ending Amy deserves with her son. [Nate sighing] I just don’t want Damian to disappoint her or worse, hurt her or you. I have to believe that Damian, now that he knows all the facts, will not only make Amy’s final days her happiest, but that reuniting with her will change him for the better. You’re swinging big on this, aren’t you? Maybe it’s all too pie in the sky. Maybe we’re all going to get burned. But a big part of me wants to believe we can trust Damian, that… there’s hope we can be a real family. You want to talk about it? Nope, I’m fine. No, you’re not. I don’t know, man. It’s just… when I think I got my family back on track, you know, with all the fear and worry behind them and they can start to heal. I could have lost Sharon and Phyllis too. And now this. It’s hard not to think that this somehow falls on me. You know that’s not true, Nick. Yeah, I know intellectually speaking, of course. But I just keep wondering, what am I missing? You know, what did I miss? I’m doing everything I can to convince my children that their mothers are going to be fine. We’re going to find them and it’s all going to be okay. You’re being strong for them. That’s what you got to do. Yeah, but honestly, I don’t know how this is going to turn out. I see how tore up Daniel and Summer are about their mother. Doing what I can to keep Mariah and Faith close. Convincing Noah not to hop on the first flight home. Yeah, there are times when I don’t know if I’m going to make it through the other side of this. Look, man, it’s a tough spot that you’re in. Okay, you’re a single father. I mean, I know that from experience and I’ve got a partner in Victoria, but you’re doing this on your own right now. That’s not easy. I’ve got help. I do. You know, Faith’s been amazing. My parents are always there for me. I’ve got Vic. Man, certain days, I really feel the weight of this. Because you’re the rock for your family, for Phyllis, for Sharon, for everyone. I think you got to give yourself a little bit of slack. You know, Phyllis just loves to give me a hard time about the fact that I always ride off to Sharon’s rescue. But she conveniently forgets that I do the same thing for her. Well, hopefully I can help you do that. I think I’d like some help. Look at us, huh? Coming together to try and find Phyllis and Sharon. It’s, uh, it’s a little ironic, given our history. It’s kind of crazy.

[Phyllis groaning]

Let’s get you to the couch. Sit down, okay? All right, well, what do you think is wrong? I don’t know. May– maybe food poisoning or… Sharon, maybe– maybe just poison. Maybe there’s something in– in the food or the water. Oh, my God. This is… Hello? Are you there? We need help. Phyllis is sick. There’s something wrong. Please help us. You sound like you care. Just simple human decency. I would think you would do the same for me. Oh, my God. Hello? Can you hear me? Phyllis needs medical attention. [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE: Then you’d better start looking for the antidote. What have you done to me? SHARON: Where do I look? What am I looking for? I’m not even sure what’s wrong with her. MODULATED VOICE: Perhaps Phyllis is dying. Maybe I’ve decided to make good on my threat, since she seems to be unwilling to progress through the stages of the game as agreed. You son of a bitch! I just want to make sure you and Amy don’t let down all your defenses, and then Damian turns out not to be who you hoped he was. And given his history, that’s a very real possibility. And I don’t want either of you hurt. Me either. [Nate sighing] Maybe I need to believe the best about Damian, if for no other reason than this has been such a rollercoaster ride. Mm-hmm. And I don’t think Amy or I could handle another bombshell. So, let me keep digging. I will be discreet. I already got Holden to a place where he feels safe opening up about his relationship with Damian. I’m sure I can get him to tell me a lot more. I don’t think I’m okay with that idea. Because you don’t want the information? Or you don’t think I can handle myself? Or is there a third option? What does that mean? You might be a little jealous. Hardly. It wouldn’t be so terrible if you were a little green-eyed. A bit of proof that our relationship is important to you. [Nate sighing] I hope I don’t need to act jealous for you to know that. All right. I really appreciate the beer, but I gotta go. Um, sorry to drop in unexpectedly like this again. You know, I’m just trying to cover all the bases. It’s okay, Nick. You don’t have to apologize. Let me know if you ever want to talk again, okay? Yeah, no, I, you know, this was cool and all, but it’s not like a, you know, a bonding moment. Yeah, no, I get that. That’s not what I was offering. Cool. On the same page.

Okay, great. Great.

Yeah. [phone ringing] That’s ranch security. Hold on. Hopefully, they have news. What have you got? SHARON: Okay. Where could it be? It would help if I knew what I was looking for. [Phyllis groaning] It could be in here. Oh, gosh. A pill, a bottle. Nothing. Oh, my God, it’s getting worse, Sharon.


It’s getting worse. Hold on, hold on. I’ll find it. Can you help me out and give me a clue, another, a riddle, something, anything that will give me a place to start? This can’t be what you want. If Phyllis dies, the game is over. [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE: I’m the beginning and the end, though you can’t see me. She’s in so much pain. Please, can you give me more than that to go on? Okay, I can do this. “I’m the beginning and the end, though you can’t see me.” I’m the beginning and the end of what? What the hell does that mean? I know exactly how we can continue this. I’m all ears. One large pizza, jalapeno, and pepperoni, extra cheese. I missed out on lunch today, remember? I love the way you think. I’m in. Anything interesting? It’s Holden. This is your life, your family. How do you want me to respond? Whatever you say, I’ll follow your lead. You’ve got one.

Okay, thanks.

So? They checked all the CCTV footage. They came up with nothing.

Nothing? Damn it.

Yeah. All right, I’m gonna go check in with Daniel and Summer and Faith and Mariah. If you hear anything, you’ll check back with me?

Yeah, of course.

All right, I’ll do the same. Thanks again for the beer. Yeah. I’ll see you later. Damn it, where are you? “I’m the beginning and the end.” I’m sorry for what I said to you. Oh, my God, my stomach feels like it’s on fire. “But you can’t see me.” Oh, water. Water, that’s where I need to look. What are you doing? The water. Water? Is it poisoned?

Oh, my God.

It’s got to be here. Yes, this is it. Yeah, here, drink this. I think that this is the antidote. You think? I’m almost positive. It’s the only one with a sticker on it. Oh, I need more than almost. It answers the riddle, okay? It’s clear, you can’t see it. It’s the beginning because it made you sick and it will end the pain too. Drink it. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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GH Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Jordan, if you want me to go, I’ll go. That’s not what I said. But obviously you have a problem with me investigating Sidwell. Would I prefer that you stay away from the guy who held me hostage, sent an assassin after me and tried to kill my best friend? Yes. Yes, I would. Well… Sidwell seems to like me. That gives me an advantage that law enforcement doesn’t have. And if I can learn something that could prevent him from hurting anyone else, then I’ve got to try. But if our being together hinges on me dropping the investigation, then… I guess this is it. Okay. It was worth a shot. [ Scoffs ] So that’s it? Uh, how’s, uh — How’s James? Oh, uh, Dr. Gannon said it was a clean break, and kids heal quickly, so James is going to be fine until he decides to sled off the roof again. Or does something else that’s really stupid. Yeah, boys, they, uh — they think they’re invincible. Just boys? Yeah. You’re right. Women can be pretty reckless, too. You know, that’s not what I meant. Hey, listen, I need your help with something. Okay. You have it. It’s Lulu. I’m just worried she’s going to get herself into a situation that she can’t get out of. Brook Lynn: So that’s it? You’ve decided that you know best. You’re willing to stomp all over other people’s lives, regardless of the consequences? The only consequence will be Dante knowing he has another son somewhere. And then what?! Think of somebody other than yourself for once, Lulu. Please. Telling Dante will blow up a lot of lives. How will him, knowing this make anything better for anyone?

Daddy, Mother, we, uh — We have a situation. But rest assured, as long as there is breath in my body, I will protect our legacy. I will not allow Drew to take anything from this family. Martin: Drew, listen to me. I strongly advise we wait. Drew: No time like the present. Put it up. What? Well, that is a thing of beauty. I appreciate you making it happen so quickly, Martin. Yeah, well, now that I have, we best make sure we can back it up. Henry, better get busy. I just wish I could see Tracy’s face when she finds out. What’s going on? What’s different with Gio? Yes. Time and again, we have seen people under Sonny’s so-called “protection” lose everything because of their association with him. So why are you suddenly okay with Gio becoming on of Sonny’s charity cases? Gio isn’t a charity case. He’s family.

Okay, so first impressions, they’re right. Minimal security. One guard in the gatehouse. One guard patrolling the area. I mean, there’s too much area for one person to cover. Okay. Any sign of Charlotte? Nothing. I mean, we traced the phone back to this house, but that’s all. Maybe they ditched the phone and went into Buenos Aires. No. No, the curtains may be drawn, but there’s definitely movement inside there. I saw it. Well, how much? Like, you know, minimal. Look, I know Valentin. If he and Charlotte are in there, they’re alone.

Valentin: Charlotte. Get away from the window. Come on. You know better than that. I know, I’m sorry, but something’s up. I don’t like it here. How long do we have to stay? Not long. Thank God. Where are we going? Not “we,” ma petite. You. It’s time we say goodbye. The guard on patrol should pass us in five. That’s going to give us a 15 minute window to get in, get Charlotte, and get out. It should be an easy job. Yeah, it’s too easy. Something’s wrong.

I know Gio is an honorary Cerullo. Damn right he is. But what does that have to do with taking money from Sonny? Especially when it comes with such a risk. There is no risk. Really? Okay! There is minimal risk. But Gio is not alone. He has all of us. And he is not his only influence. So why risk Sonny’s involvement at all? Because us Cerullos, we love Gio. We loved his mother, we watched with our own eyes how she passed her talent down to him. That much is obvious. And we could give Gio all the love in the world. But it takes Sonny’s financial support to make sure that his talent is cultivated. I understand all of that, Lois. But now that Gio is here… [ Sighs ] Lois, why would you go to Sonny rather than come to me? Did you think that I wouldn’t help? What is this? That is an official notice stating that this building has been seized and must be vacated. You’re both trespassing. Where’s my security? Well, they had no choice but to let us in. We’ve got a court order. Can I see that court order? So I can figure out who to have removed from the bench? By all means.

I’m not wasting my time with you. I’m calling the police. Go ahead. It’s not gonna do you any good, though. The law is on our side. What’s the type of situation you think Lulu has gotten herself into? Oh, I see. You already know something. What? No, no, I don’t. I-I don’t know anything. And that’s because Lulu won’t return my phone calls. So I have no idea if she even found– Found what? Where? Nowhere. Okay. And now you’re stalling. Which tells me that it’s worse than I thought. No, no. It’s not. Look, I promise, okay? I saw Martin this morning, and he doesn’t have any clue that Lulu broke into his hotel room. Is it even breaking and entering if she had an actual key? Okay, you know what? I changed my mind. I don’t think I want to know. Cool, cool. This conversation never happened. No, but the problem is, it did happen. And now I know that she’s out of control. Dante’s life will be better once he knows the truth. Wh– When I found out about Charlotte, my whole world changed. That was a completely different situation, Lulu. Charlotte was still a child when you found her. My child… My son is legally an adult by now. He’s lived an entire life without me or Dante. He might not even know he’s adopted. And what if he does? What if he wants to know who his birth parents are and why they gave him up? It would be the happiest day of my life if he showed up on my doorstep and asked why. Maybe he wouldn’t hate me. Maybe he’d want me to be in his life. Then tell Dante and make it happen. No! Because it’s the child’s choice. Not mine, not Dante’s, and certainly not yours. And if I tell Dante, you know he would move Heaven and earth to find his child. Yes he would. Because Dante is a wonderful father. Any boy would be lucky to have Dante in his life. So give him that standing. Please admit he’s the father. What if I won’t?

You can’t have us removed, Tracy, because we, like that crypt, are on public land. I beg to differ. I’ll have my surveyor clear this up. You, over there! Not “you.” Henry. This is Henry. He is the county surveyor. Yeah, as the congressman of this district, I was able to get somebody down here really quickly to protect the public’s interest. [ Laughs ] You don’t care about the public. All you care about is throwing your weight around. That’s your MO, Tracy. You Quartermaines, you make me sick. Yeah. We Quartermaines, of which you are not one. You always think that you can do what you want. I mean, Edward had how many acres? Really? And yet he had to steal public land. Because why? He just loved this view? It really is a lovely view. Who cares? This land abuts acres and acres of public land. We’re not disturbing it. Why would we? That conservation area is protected, which means the Quartermaines can’t take it just because they want to, so I don’t care who you think you are, you’re not going to get your way this time. Emma: Hey! Leave the old lady alone. I’m not leaving you. This is my fault. I should have made you go with your mother back in Prague. No. We’re a team. We are a team. We’re a good team. But I’m being selfish because it’s dangerous for you to stay with me. So you’re gonna do what? Just send me on a plane back to Port Charles? No. I’ve texted Rocco, pretending to be you. Lulu will see the text and use it to track us down. She’s probably already on her way.

Charlotte, you miss her, don’t you? I really do. But I don’t want to leave you. So do you think the more security Valentin had, the more attention he’d get? Yeah, possibly. And after he attacked Brennan, he had to know that the WSB would double down on their efforts to find him, possibly put a kill order out on him. Too bad they weren’t better at it. Something else to consider is that Charlotte told Valentin that she was meeting Lulu in Prague. So if past is prologue… Valentin is expecting us. He’s expecting someone. We got a vehicle. There haven’t been any in the past hour. Okay. That means the WSB found Valentin. Okay, we got to make a move now. I’m confused. Why? I asked you to stop going after Sidwell, you said no, end of discussion. It is? Because I expected you to be halfway out the door by now. [ Chuckles ] If those are your terms, I accept them. I mean, I have my pride. I noticed. [ Laughs ] But I’m not going to stop going after someone as interesting, and frankly, as gorgeous as you just because I didn’t get what I wanted. Is that what you used to? Ultimatums. Please do not get me started. Let me ask you then. Are you going to walk away the second we disagree on something? Because statistically, it’s bound to happen. Mm. Well, it depends on the disagreement, but all things equal, no. Great. [ Chuckles ] Then I guess we should get used to spending a lot of time here. I guess so. [ Chuckles ] Okay. Then, uh, we’re going to need to do some grocery shopping. Oh. [ Laughter ] Old lady? You need to back off. Okay, the Quartermaines have appropriated public land, and Tracy here continues to interfere with county business. And she’s very close to a Class D misdemeanor. This is the Quartermaine estate, yes? He knows full well it is. Not all of it. The mausoleum right here is over the property line and is on protected land. Mausoleum? So people are buried here? Exactly. And these gentlemen want to deny me access to my parents final resting place. Because Edward Quartermaine was– Edward Quartermaine saved my life. And you rescued me from kidnappers. I did, Emma. I did. And now you want to remove her father? The man who saved my life from his final resting place. They do. Listen. I’m Congressman Drew Quartermaine– Cain! Drew Cain! You will never be a Quartermaine. So you’re not even a cop. You’re nothing but a petty congressman. There’s no police here. Oh. Well, in that case, none of you have jurisdiction here. In fact, you’re trespassing. They are. And I am calling the police. No, there is no need to waste the station’s time. And why would I call the station? I have a direct line to the police right here. Ned, you — You already give a lot of money to a lot of different, wonderful causes. Well, I would have been thrilled to support Gio. Yes, I know you’re a very generous man, but Sonny didn’t grow up with the same things you grew up with. He didn’t have any family or support. He wants to make sure that Gio isn’t going to struggle the way he had to. And look, I know how you feel about Sonny, but he has a good heart. Well, now that Gio is living here, the Quartermaines can support him financially. Okay, well, that is up to Gio, and clearly he chose Sonny. Gio: Aunt Lois! Gio, I’m in here. Hey, honey. What’s wrong? Good, Ned, you’re here too. [ Exhales ] Drew’s at the crypt. So is Tracy.

Ever since Lulu woke up, she’s been… tearing into Brook Lynn like, every chance she gets. Okay, maybe she’s just making up for lost time Okay, but then I have to defend Brook Lynn, and that hurts Lulu. Here’s a wild idea, but have you considered talking to Lulu about this? Actually, yes, I have. And I asked her to maybe have a little patience with Brook Lynn. But that only made Lulu think that I was taking Brook Lynn’s side over hers. You did. You do know that, right? No, I did– Look. Maybe I could understand her more if she would talk to me. But the problem is we can’t talk anymore. [ Sighs ] Because of Sam. Because Sam. I miss her a lot, Maxie. And I’m just trying to keep our family together. That has to be incredibly hard. And something’s going on with Rocco, too. I don’t know, it’s probably because there’s all this tension between me and Lulu, and that’s having an effect on him and that’s not okay. My number one priority is being a dad to my son, and I would do anything for him. Are you saying that you would lie, and say Dante wasn’t the father? I’m saying I would do anything to protect my son’s happiness. Don’t pretend you’re doing this for your son. You’re doing it for you. You don’t want Dante to know because you don’t want him to hate you. You’re right, I don’t. But if I had to choose between Dante’s happiness and my child’s, I would choose my child’s any day. And I know that you would do the same damn thing. You have no idea what I would do. And only someone as arrogant as you would pretend that they do. You have always been so threatened by my relationship with Dante. Even when the two of you were solid. You mean when you couldn’t break us up? Ask yourself one thing — Will exposing me to Dante and telling him the truth be worth hurting him? I’m not hurting him, you are! How? How can Dante miss a son he doesn’t even know he has? How convenient. For you. It’s not! It’s agony! And if you tell Dante that I got pregnant that summer and gave up our child, then you will be subjecting him to the same agony that I have been living with for 21 years. And you know that Dante will turn this world upside down trying to find our son. Just like you are for Charlotte. And where will that leave Rocco? Rocco knows I love him just as much as I love Charlotte. Rocco knows that his dad is there for him. But if he starts searching around for our child, Rocco will have been abandoned by both his parents. After all of the running and hiding we’ve done, you’re just letting mom find us? You deserve a better life than this. No. I deserve to be with you. I need you to trust me. This is for the best. There’s a kill squad right behind us. Take Charlotte and go. Go now! Chase, finally. Arrest these trespassers. Please, if anybody’s trespassing, it’s the Quartermaines. And this man right here, he can prove it. And you are? Henry Evans, county surveyor. And yes, my preliminary calculations indicate a significant portion of this building extends beyond the Quartermaine property line. And my surveyor assured me that that crypt is fully on our property. Yeah, how much are you paying your surveyor? I don’t know, Drew. How much are you paying yours? This man works for the county. Drew, Drew! Save the performance. There are no cameras here. But when there are cameras here, I expect you to have a single tear right here. So what you’re saying is that the Qs have to tear down their family crypt? Of course not. They can move it so it’s no longer infringing on public land. I am not moving. My parents remains. The thought of it is obscene. What difference does it make if one little corner is over the line? Because it’s protected conservancy property, it’s illegal to build on it. And this is really all about your last name? Yeah, that, and that he hates this family. Oh, so you’re abusing your power in office. Got it. Congressman. [ Recording button beeps ] Shouldn’t you be helping your constituents instead of traumatizing them by digging up their beloved parents?

Don’t you dare throw my son in my face. Someone has to. [ Chuckles ] Rocco may be your son, but I live with him. I see him way more than you do. And when you went off to Prague, he was afraid and hurt. He finally had his mom back, and the first chance she got, she up and left him again. That’s low. But not wrong. You’re using my kid to justify your lies. Your son is lucky you gave him up. If you can use someone else’s child against them, then it’s a good thing you’re nobody’s mother.

Teenage boys are notoriously moody. Yeah, but I feel like Rocco has just been struggling ever since Lulu woke up. I thought he seemed happier. He is okay for the most part. But then Lulu took off to Prague to find Charlotte and ever since then, this kid is terrified he’s going to lose her again. Yeah, that makes sense. And I’m not blaming Lulu for doing that. If it was my kid, I’d done the same thing. I’d still be looking for her. I know you would. And Rocco wants his sister back. Look, Lulu and I, we both want our son to be happy. But for some reason, we can’t come together to make that happen. It’s like anytime we talk to each other, we can’t do it like normal people would. Well… But I can talk to Brook Lynn. Which hurts Lulu’s feelings. Right, it doesn’t make her any less mad at Brook Lynn. I mean, this thing has been going on for 15 years. I can’t believe it. Oh, it’s not because of that. It’s because Lulu is still in love with you.

All right, you let me handle this, okay? Under no circumstances fire your weapon. I won’t unless they give me reason to. Could you just maybe not look for one? How about that, yeah? This is Anna Devane. Police commissioner of Port Charles, New York. Don’t shoot! Where is Valentin Cassadine? He just left. You missed him. Get down on the ground! Search the house. Wait. Before you do that, you should call Jack Brennan. Tell him that you’re with me and he will give you your orders. Jack Brennan is not running this op.

Look, now that you found me, your mission has changed. You know, you need to talk to Brennan. Stop moving. Anna: You okay? Yeah. You? Yeah. I don’t know where Valentin is. He and Charlotte are probably long gone. Not this time. Hello, Anna. You seem very civic-minded and I applaud that. But you are on the wrong side of this. Tracy is not some downtrodden member of the public. She is an entitled bully who expects to get whatever she wants. Says the man who is using his public office to retaliate against the family who threw him out. Well, it sounds to me like Emma has a good point. You’ve only been in Congress, what, a few months? Hmm, which is interesting because Congress is in session right now, and yet you’re still here. Your votes in action, Port Charles. Well, there has to be bigger problems facing your constituency than, what, a property line. Look, when a problem is brought to my attention, I see it through. Lois, you were there when Alexis and Martin tried to work this out. Oh, yeah. No, I’ll never forget it. It was the day that Tracy was willing to bend. Yet here you are pushing it. I’m just following the law. Your a surveyor just said that his findings were preliminary, which means you got the order without confirmation to seize the building. All I’m saying is, it’s better to see the produce, touch it with your hands before you buy it. But since we can’t risk being seen… Oh, well, you accepted my terms, so there’s no backing out now. I’m rolling with. [ Chuckles ] Okay, so why am I buying tomato paste and tomatoes and garlic and basil when I can just get the sauce that I like? You don’t cook. Okay. I’m a fantastic cook. I just don’t have time to cook. Okay, well, homemade is superior to canned in every way. Oh, you are such a food snob. Deal breaker? [ Chuckles ] Well, as long as you don’t make me cook with you. Why not? I promise I will make it worth your while. Oh, really? Really. [ Chuckles ] [ Cellphone rings ] Hey, Ned. It’s been a long time. What’s going on? What are you talking about, Maxie? Maxie, okay, Lulu and I we’re connected with Rocco, but she’s not in love with me. She was going to marry Dustin. What?! No, she was not. She was. Oh, God forgive me, because I’m about to break girl code here. But the night of the explosion, Lulu actually broke things off with Dustin because she realized that she was still in love with you. And so she told you that? Yeah. And I’m pretty sure she was about to tell you when she collapsed. Wh– I don’t know. I don’t know what to do with that. I just lost Sam. And I think Lulu is trying to accept that. Which is why she’s not putting her feelings on you and she pushes you away when you’re trying to help her. Yeah, that is what she does. Yeah, she’s trying really hard not to love you. Classic Lulu. And if memory serves me correct, uh, when she went into a coma, you wanted her too. Well, yeah, I-I did, but, uh, then she was gone for so long, and then I fell in love with Sam. Look, all I know is she’s doing her best not to push her feelings on you. And that she didn’t want you to know this at all. So why did you tell me? Because, Dante, you asked her to be patient with Brook Lynn, but I think you need to be patient with Lulu. Look, you have to be careful with her, okay? She is really doing the best that she can.

I am a mother. I went through 12 hours of labor and then gave my baby to some stranger from an adoption agency. I couldn’t even let myself hold him. I didn’t even know if it was a boy or a girl until you told me.

I’m sorry about that. I assumed you knew. Probably also assumed it was easy for me, but it wasn’t. I loved my baby. With all my heart. And I still do. And I have to believe that giving him away gave him a better life. [ Sobs ] But don’t you want to know for sure? More than anything. But not at the expense of his happiness. Or peace. Even I’m not that selfish. Look. If he wants to find his birth parents, he will. In the meantime, Lulu, please, I am begging you, leave it alone.

Look, I’m sorry, but for the record, you did come here asking for my help. And for once, the truth was the only thing I could think to say. Well, you could have just said, “I don’t know.” Ah, but I usually do know. Look, Rocco needs you. Both of you, obviously. And Lulu knows that. She’s a great mom, and I know she loves her son. And she knows you’re a great dad. I could actually do with her telling me that less. [ Chuckles ] Look, whenever Rocco needs extra assurance, you guys can come together to give him that. No matter what’s going on between the two of you. So what are you gonna do? I don’t agree with any of this. But I don’t want to be the one who blows up Dante’s life… …or your child’s. So you’re not going to tell Dante? No. I’m not going to tell Dante. I still think that he should know, but I think you should be the one to tell him. I made my choice years ago. I just… I need the past to stay the past.

You should know I never would have found out about any of this if your mother hadn’t talked to my Uncle Martin. So this secret of yours, it’s not the past. That’s now. Believe me, I know.

Drew: Deputy Mayor Ashford, you really didn’t need to concern yourself with this. Actually, Jordan is here as a favor to me. I saw her negotiating skills firsthand when I was mayor, and she was the police commissioner, and I thought that she could just help us keep the peace. Right. Well, I’m sorry that Ned dragged you into this. There’s really nothing to negotiate here. The Quartermaine crypt is partially on a protected conservation area, and the law’s the law. And I’m sure you got better things to do. Mm. Then why was Martin so willing to drop everything if I allowed you to retain the Quartermaine name? What? Busted. I do believe you referred to that meeting earlier. Lois was a witness. Drew, I understand you feel provoked, but if you move forward with this, you will be using public funds to fight a personal battle. And that’s not who you are. What do you think, Tracy? Am I Drew Cain? Or am I Drew Quartermaine? Thank you for taking care of the WSB. I was expecting Lulu. You knew about the text. I sent the text. I need Charlotte to be safe. I’ll be safe with you. When the kill squad doesn’t check him, they’ll send another one. Why are you here? Where’s my mom? We’ll explain everything on the way. I don’t want to go with you. Then come with me. I promised Rocco I’d bring you home. That’s what’s going to happen.

Papa? Je t’aime, mon petit. Je t’aime aussi, Papa.

I feel like that’s the last time I see my daughter. It doesn’t have to be. Why don’t you come with us? Let me bring you in. Maxie. It’s me. I need to talk to–

Wait. Did you take me out of there because Anna’s going to kill my father? Anna wouldn’t do that. She came all this way to bring you home. And knowing her, she’s going to probably try to save your father, too. You always come through for me, don’t you? Don’t remind me of that. We got to say goodbye. I’m glad. It doesn’t have to be goodbye. Why don’t you come back? Wait. We can make a plea deal. I know too much. I tried to kill Jack, if that bridge wasn’t burned already… You and I both know the WSB is not going to let me live. But if Charlotte is safe, then I’m free to do what I have to do. Valentin, just please don’t throw your life away. The time when you thought you loved me, those were the best months of my life. I didn’t think I loved you. I loved you. A part of me always will. Thanks for that. Take care of Charlotte for me.

You can call yourself Drew Smith for all I care. You’ll never be a Quartermaine. If that’s your choice. And if your decision is based on hers, it just proves that you’re abusing your power in office for the purpose of petty revenge. “How to recall a congressman.” Ooh. I like her grit. Me, too. Hey! Stop that! Hey! Drew: That is assault. Chase, arrest her. I’ll show you assault. Tracy. Sir, do you wish to press charges? [ Laughs ] Yes. You wouldn’t dare. I’ll forgo the handcuffs. Tracy Quartermaine, you are under arrest for assault. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to… Hey. Oh, hey, Brook Lynn. I was down at the crypt with your granny and Drew. It was… I got your text. You’re upset. What can I do to help? You bet I’m upset. How much haven’t you told me about my baby?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

[tense music plays] Steffy, please. I’m sorry. You’re a monster. I don’t know what Bill was thinking getting you out of jail, but that’s exactly where you’re headed. FINN: Mr. Williams, your ALT level’s still above the safe threshold. Well, good. I commend you on making those lifestyle changes, but unfortunately, in some cases, what you did in the past affects your life today. Yeah, uh, no, yeah, I’m still here. Uh, yeah, give a call to Nancy and, uh, set up a follow-up. Okay. Thank you. She’s incarcerated, but she’s not in prison. She’s under house arrest. House arrest. At Bill Spencer’s. [gasps] SHEILA: Tough day? I was in the building. I just wanted to stop by and say hello to my handsome son. Daphne has no place here– not after what she’s done. So tell her, Carter. Why don’t you tell her to go back to Paris…today? Hope. Why are you hesitating? She crossed a line when she kissed you. She betrayed our trust, so… she needs to go. Isn’t that right, Carter? You shouldn’t be here. Well…I miss you. Oh, I ca-I can’t- I can’t do this right now. Something’s bothering you. It’s nothing. Sweetheart, look at me. No, I can see it in your eyes. Something’s wrong. [uneasy music plays] I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, okay? -I feel terrible. -Not terrible enough to serve your time, apparently, take accountability for your crimes. I hate myself for what I did, especially to you–Finn’s wife. My dad’s wife. I wouldn’t get too comfortable calling Finn your dad because you’re never gonna have a relationship with him ever again. [heavy chords play] Daphne obviously has no respect for me, for us, or Forrester. Au contraire. I have deep admiration for Forrester. But this isn’t Forrester– not really. Yes, it is, and it’s better than ever. Is that what you believe, Carter? You’ll make Forrester better without the Forresters? HOPE: [sighs] Please do not listen to her. She obviously has an agenda, and she is trying to make you feel guilty. I don’t need to make him feel anything–look at him. This takeover is weighing on him. I don’t need to explain this to you, but it has been weighing on both of us. Mm. That’s not true. Carter’s the only one who’s tormented. Taking Forrester from the people who saw him as family– it’s killing him. That family ignored and discounted him. You’re still making excuses, I see. You know, when I first arrived at Forrester, I didn’t expect to admire Carter. I thought I would meet a power-hungry, self-centered egomaniac. I was surprised to know that this man had principles and values. Unlike me? Carter made terrible mistakes. He lost his way. But you didn’t lose yours, did you? This is exactly who you are. Okay. Okay, Daphne. It was my idea to take over the company. An idea that tortured you, no? Stabbing your best friend in the back. Did your loving companion stop you… try to talk some sense into you? Or did she see it as an opportunity? Open your eyes. Hope’s using you. [heavy music plays] I’m fine, Sheila. Now, if you don’t mind, -I have– -No. You know what? I know my son, and I can tell when something is weighing on you and you’re trying to hide it– what is it? Nothing that I wanna get into. You shouldn’t even be here. Oh, because of Steffy? No, because of you, Sheila. My wife and I have every right not to want you in our lives. Steffy has been very clear about that. Oh, yeah, she has made it painfully clear. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done. But you know I am not that person any longer and, Finn, I am your mother. You’re my birth mother, Sheila. I have a mother who raised me. It’s my blood running through your veins and your child’s veins. I can’t even tell you the heartbreak that I feel not being close to my children. I missed out on your life, your childhood and now I have an opportunity, and Steffy won’t let me anywhere near you. But I pray that you never experience the pain that I feel… just wanting to be close to your child. Not sleeping at night, just wondering -if things had been different. -Sheila. I lost out on the opportunity to be your mother. And that’s a loss that I am going to have to carry with me for the rest of my life. [somber music plays] Look, I know that this is really painful and confusing for you, but Finn is my dad. It doesn’t matter. Of course it matters. Finn’s a part of me. I’m a part of Finn. We’re all family! Hayes is my brother now. Don’t you ever say his name again–ever! It’s the truth, Steffy. Finally, I have my truth. This question has been hanging over my head for my entire life– who my dad is. My mom lied to my face for over 20 years. She didn’t tell me that the most incredible man I’ve ever known is my father–things would be so different if I had known. Oh, so that’s the excuse now. Because you didn’t have a-a daddy it gives you every right to be a vicious murderer? No. That is not what I’m saying. I own what I did, and I’ll be haunted by it for the rest of my life. But please, Steffy, please don’t take Finn away from me. Steffy. How could you, Bill? -Please listen. -She tried to kill me. How could you release this monster from prison? How! [dramatic music plays] Honestly, this is getting so old, this narrative about me using people, discounting the fact that I have spent years building a successful line. Then you were fired and your line was killed. -What changed? -I don’t know. You tell me, Daphne. Sounds as if you’ve been talking to Steffy. What warped version of the story has she told you? I’ve been here long enough to formulate my own opinion. Carter’s a wonderful man who’s lost his way to defend you. -I didn’t– -DAPHNE: What? Lose your way? Yes, you did. Because of her. You don’t know anything about us. Carter and I spent a lot of time together. We shared personal stories. I understand he’s been waiting for the right woman And he’s found her. I’ve done nothing but support his dream, his vision. But I have a sneaking suspicion that you maybe are the one projecting because you haven’t found the right one, have you? So… if you care that little about her, why don’t you tell her to leave Forrester and never come back? Hope, um, you know how much I love you, and I get you’re outraged. But forcing Daphne to leave would be a mistake. [scoffs] [whispers] What? It was one kiss, and it should have never happened, but it was one mistaken kiss. You can understand how that can happen, right? -You can relate to that, right? -[sighing] And the fragrance line is integral to Forrester’s success. It’d be bad business if Daphne left for Paris, especially now. You want Daphne to stay. I know you’re upset… but yes. It’s best for the company if Daphne doesn’t go back to Paris. [dramatic music plays] SHEILA: I’m just trying to help you. I’m fine. No, you’re not. Honey, I can tell something is wrong. [sighs] Does it have to do with Steffy? What the hell were you thinking, Bill? She killed two innocent men and pinned it on her mother. She left me in a cage to die. She was gonna destroy my family! Leaving your granddaughter without a mother, and you… you got her out of prison? She’s still serving her sentence. Serving her sentence, what, here at your estate, really? She’s under house arrest. She can’t leave the property. Oh, my God! She is dangerous. She is gonna bring so much danger into our lives! -I have this under control. -You do not have Luna under control, Bill! I understand her in a way that no one else does. She manipulated you into thinking that you were her father! This bond that you think you have–it is a lie! -It’s not. -What are you talking about? How can you not see that she is a monster? What Luna did was beyond terrible–I’ll never defend it. But she’s a broken person, and I can help her. Has she been here this entire time? I didn’t want anyone to know. You would never understand. No one would understand. But Finn found out, and obviously he told you. I am not the same person who committed those crimes. And Bill believes me. BILL: The fact is that Luna has been dealt a horrible hand. She suffered things as a child that no one should. It doesn’t justify her crimes, but she has her whole life in front of her to make up for it, to be a better person. Luna is an evil person, and she belongs behind bars. And I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure that happens. You’ll do everything in your power to put your husband’s daughter back behind bars, to destroy any chance they have at a meaningful relationship? Really, Steffy? You’re sure that’s something you could do? [dark music plays] [somber music plays] I cannot believe you are siding with Daphne. I’m siding with Forrester. We took over this company because we saw its potential, to treat our employees fairly without judgement. She kissed you. She apologized. She recognizes she was wrong. -Oh, you buy that? -Hope, we both know what it’s like to lose ourselves in the moment and regret it. We can show Daphne the same grace we wished Steffy showed you. It is so much deeper than that, Carter. Steffy is clearly in her head. She is accusing me of using you. As long as she makes a fragrance that takes this company to the next level, it doesn’t matter what she thinks. Both Zende and your mom, they’re conflicted. Steffy thinks you’re using me too–none of it matters. As long as they do their job, there’s no problem. Now, as manager of the LLC that runs Forrester Creations, I’m telling you, it’s imperative that Daphne stays on in Los Angeles. [speaking French] I know you think that you’re helping me, but whatever I got going on, I’ll figure out. -Okay? -I’m… I just wanna help because I love you. You’re my child, my blood, and it doesn’t matter how much distance or how tall those walls are are Steffy’s trying to build between us. There is nothing–nothing that can sever the relationship between a parent and a child. I miss you. I miss you and my grandchild so very much. [edgy music plays] My entire life has been one bad dream after another, okay, Steffy? I was-I was hurting and I-I– Oh, my God, save the sob story, Luna. No. I just want you to understand that finding out that Finn’s my father has been the most amazing thing to happen to me. To know that someone so amazing and honest and kind is the reason why I’m here– it makes me believe that maybe there’s some good in me too. There is no good in you. You have Sheila’s blood running through your veins. It’s Finn’s blood. He’s my dad. And I understand this is really complicated. We grew up thinking that we were cousins– Not to mention you’re a murderer. When he looked at me, he didn’t see what you see. He saw his daughter. I could feel his love. It was like this special bond that was created, like we connected on a deeper, more meaningful level. You’re a parent. You understand this. You tried to send your mom to prison for killing a man you thought was your father, and you’re gonna try to talk to me about a parent’s love? How’d that work out for Poppy? You have no idea what it was like growing up with her. She was never fit to be a parent, but Finn– Finn is exactly what I was missing in my life, okay? I want nothing more in the world to prove to you, to Bill, to Finn, to everyone that I’m a changed woman, okay? I wanna be someone that a father can be proud to look at. You are out of your mind! And you–Bill, you are so naive. She tricked you and made you think that you were her father after she killed two men! People change, Steffy. Enough! Enough! I don’t even wanna hear it! I don’t care what you have to say. Nothing you have done has changed. You committed murders. I don’t care what kind of strings you had to pull, what kind of bribes you had to do to get Luna out of prison. I’m gonna make it my personal mission to put you behind bars. And you know me, Bill. I will do everything I can to protect my family! -Steffy, I am your family! -No, you are not! You are nothing to me and you are especially nothing to Finn! You’re not his daughter. He doesn’t care about you! He doesn’t want a life with you! What you thought you saw in his eyes– you thought you saw love? That was pity. -No. No. -Yes, it was. Luna, I know exactly who you are. You tried to kill me. I begged for my life! I wanted to see my children, and I searched– I searched for every ounce of some humanity in your eyes, but I couldn’t see it. It wasn’t there! You just wanted me out of the way. I was some kind of like inconvenience to you. So I don’t care if you think you have some connection to Finn, that he is in your blood. You’re not his daughter. You never will be, Luna. Ever. [intense percussive music plays] Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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Days Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Dad, Dad!


Dad, why didn’t you tell me what was going on?

What–why aren’t you in school?

Well, Uncle Andrew called me, and he told me that Grandpa is missing. Is that right?

He is.


He is. Listen, I’m sorry that you didn’t hear it from me first, but I didn’t want to worry you until I knew more. 1

OK, but what are we gonna do?

Listen, Andrew’s on the case, Uncle Paul is, and Grandpa Shane is as well, OK? We’re–it’s gonna be OK, OK? We’re gonna get through this as a family. [dramatic music]

Does that include me?



Guess who got her “get out of jail free” card.

Tate and I had a fight.

Oh, no. What was it about?

Oh, my God. Like, Julie has no problem living under the same roof as some guy that stole from her?

OK, he’s not just some guy. He’s Doug’s grandson. And Julie doesn’t know he took the necklace.

Are you kidding me? Doug still hasn’t told her?

No, he hasn’t. Not yet. Tate, you’re not gonna say anything, are you?


It was just about the whole adoption thing. It’s gotten really screwed up, you know? 4

I’m sorry to hear that.

Yeah. So what’s new with you?

Well, I actually have some positive news. I just came from talking with Leo, and he managed to track down the woman who bought the necklace.


She’s gonna meet me here any minute.

Oh, my God. That’s amazing.

It is, only I have no idea who I’m looking for. 5

That would be me.

Melinda Trask?


You bought the necklace?

Doesn’t it look so beautiful on me? And it goes so perfectly with my ensemble, mm. [siren wailing] [soft music]

[door clicks open]


Hey, you.

There you are, my love.

How are you doing?

Well, my head’s still a bit fuzzy, but otherwise, I feel great. Can’t wait to get out of here and go home…with you.

Oh, Rafe. I am so grateful to have you back.

Well, I’m all yours… forever.

I’m gonna hold you to that. 7


So what did Kayla say?

Well, she said… outside of the big recent memory loss, I am the picture of health, apparently. And as soon as I finish this IV, she’s gonna discharge me.

Thank God. Now we just have to pray that you get the rest of your memory back so we can nail EJ for what he did to you.


Well, I’m sorry that Gabi’s foul mood is casting a pall over the office, Rita, but if it’s because she’s frustrated that Rafe can’t remember anything to tie me to his abduction, well, that works for me, obviously. Pkew. [chuckles]

Mother? Mother, where did you go? 9

Kristen, good morning– or not. Something wrong?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, something is wrong. My mother is missing. [tense music]

[door slams]

Hello, Ava.


Rachel. How the hell did you get in here?

It’s amazing what you can do with a bobby pin.

What the hell do you want?

Well, I just got out of jail, so I thought I’d just come and pay a friendly little visit.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[dramatic music]

[sighs] Well, don’t everybody congratulate me all at once.

No, no. I’m sorry. I’m just–I’m surprised. I just got off the phone with Uncle Andrew, and he didn’t say anything about you being released.

Well, maybe the media hasn’t heard about it yet. Theresa, are we harboring a fugitive right now with–

Oh, no. No, Mom. Please tell me you didn’t escape from prison.

No, honey. No, of course not. What, do you see broken handcuffs here? I’m a legally free woman. OK? There’s no tricks here. My release date just got moved up, so… Come here. Give your mom a big hug, will you?

This is amazing! I can’t believe you’re here. This is awesome. [laughs]

I don’t get a hug? No hug for the mother of your child?

Kayla says it’s impossible to know whether I’ll get my memory back.

And what about the tox screen? 14

Came back clean as a whistle. So if I was drugged, it’s all out of my system now.

If you were drugged?

Well, who knows? Maybe Dr. Rolf brainwashed me. Kayla says that the heavy blow to my head could have affected my memory.


God, I don’t even know how long I was gone.

Do you want to know?

Lay it on me.

OK, well, you said you remember– the last thing you remembered was seeing Arnold in EJ’s living room, right?


So that was the last normal day I had with you. So I’d say it’s been about three months.

Three months?

I know. But look, look, you’re here now, OK? So all we can do at this point is move forward and focus on the case.

Yeah. Yeah, right. So what do we have?

OK, well, we have a lot of evidence, all points to EJ. It’s circumstantial, but still, we have the DNA that Gabi pulled from Arnold’s hair. And we have your eyewitness account that places Arnold at the DiMera mansion. 17

Right before he took me out.

Right, and we have a history of EJ having done this to you once before.

Son of a bitch. I can’t believe that he took my life from me again. It’s the last time.

The last time.

Your mother’s missing? I thought she was in jail.

She was released from police custody. Melinda pulled some strings. And I just brought her back here a little while ago, and now she’s disappeared.

Well, shall we alert the authorities?

No, no, no, no, no. Please, that won’t be necessary. One of the conditions of her release was, I guaranteed I would keep an eye on her. 19

Ah, well, doing a bang-up job there.

I trusted her, EJ. I mean, she seemed, you know, so happy and thrilled to be home with me. And she promised– she promised that she wouldn’t pull anything. And I told her– I told her to stay right here while I talked to Harold about getting her room ready. Oh, and, you know, yes, I was gone a little longer than anticipated due to a work issue. I mean, you remember work, right? [laughs] Yeah, anyway… [clears throat] When I came back, she was gone. And I have no idea where the hell she went.

Ms. Blake, you should not be here.

And where should I be, Ms. Vitali? In jail, in that hellhole you put me in? 21

I did not put you there. You kidnapped me. And now you have broken into my room, which is also a crime. Look, if you leave– if you leave right now– if you leave right now, we can forget this ever happened, all right?

You know, there were some very rude people in lockup. And I had no trouble expressing my displeasure to them.

Meaning what?

Meaning I have a very low tolerance for people who cross me or stand in the way of my happiness or the happiness of my family. So now I am going to express my displeasure to you.

Holly, you know this woman?



What am I missing? 23

Well, Ms. Trask here helped a woman named Sloan Petersen kidnap my baby brother. And then she let my mom and everyone else believe he was just dead.


Allegedly. I also happen to be the former DA.

No, what you are is a horrible person.

Well, if you think I’m so horrible, I’ll be off. I don’t need to stand here and be insulted by some high school brat and her petty thief companion. 24

No, wait. Please, Ms. Trask, don’t go. [dramatic music] I really need that necklace back.

[sighs] OK, no hug for me. You’re still angry with me, now and forever. I get it. And I don’t blame you.

Theresa… I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind right now.

Oh, yeah? Such as?

My father is missing.

Oh, my God. What?

That’s what Tate and I were talking about when you walked in. He was on an ISA mission, was deep undercover. They lost contact with him. Marlena said that your dad and Andrew are–are– they’re trying to find him, but that’s all I know, OK? That’s it. I’m sorry.

No, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this.

You may not have a hug for me, but… would you object if I had a hug for you?

Come here.

The last time EJ had Arnold take over my life, it was to ruin my relationship with Sami and to destroy my bond with Johnny. But I just don’t understand why he would do it now.

Well, I have an idea. Shortly after the switch must have happened, EJ hired you–well, Arnold– to do some PI work for him. 28

Like I would ever work for that swine.

I thought that too. But he had you– or Arnold– [sighs] Arnold told me that he wanted to do the job to make some extra money for the wedding, which we all thought was very strange. And we found it stranger when we found out what EJ hired him to do.

What did he have me do? 29

He had you dig up dirt on me.

There is no dirt.

Right, well, he managed to find some dirt– a lot of it. And he revealed it in the most humiliating way possible…

In front of all of our family and friends on our wedding day.

Oh, my God, Jada. I am so sorry.

And you–or Arnold– used this supposed information to ditch me at the altar. I know this was all EJ. I’m sure of it.

Well, she’s not down in the tunnels, obviously.

No, no. No sign of her there.

And I just spoke with Harold. She’s nowhere else in the house either.

I don’t understand. Why would she just wander off like that? I mean, she seemed so happy to be here with me. I mean, although she was a little unsettled by Father’s portrait.

Is it possible she went home? It’s been a long time since she’s been out in the real world. She doesn’t exactly have fond memories of all things DiMera. Maybe she feels comfortable in Aremid with the Parrot Man and the ghosts of yore.

Maybe. But–

But what?

Ah. I mean, she was a little preoccupied with the idea of getting Brady and I back together again.

Just a little? Wasn’t that the whole reason she kidnapped Ava?

Yeah, which is why I told her she needed to let that be. I did point out that Ava almost sent all three of us to jail because of her ill-conceived plot.

[clears throat] And when you told her to let it be, what did she say?

She said that she would stay out of it.

What if she didn’t?



Look, lady, you should be counting your blessings that you are out of jail.

No thanks to you.

Actually, yes, thanks to me.

Maybe you haven’t heard, but I’m not pressing charges against you or your daughter. And as much as I think that you deserve to be punished, I agreed not to say a word for the sake of your granddaughter so she wouldn’t be taken away from her parents.

Well, I’m very grateful for that. I’ll just get out of your hair.

[blade shings] [suspenseful music]

Brady, I am so, so sorry that you’re going through this. [dramatic music] And, sweetheart, I know that this is– this is very upsetting news about your grandfather, but I have no doubt that Grandpa Shane and Uncle Andrew, they’re gonna find him. OK?


How are you, besides that? Are you–you and Holly still doing OK?

I’d rather not talk about me and Holly, if that’s OK. 37

Oh, really? Oh, no. What happened? Did you guys break up?

No, no. They didn’t. Look–look, they ran into an issue with the baby.

Oh, no–

But I mean, I’m sure Holly–

The baby? What are you talking about? What baby?


Jada, I still don’t get it. Why would EJ want to stop our marriage? Why would he want to come between us?

I don’t think it was about us. I think it was about me and you were just collateral damage.

You see, the same day that this switch supposedly happened, I had persuaded Mayor Price to fire EJ as DA and hire Belle Black. 39


Yeah, so I put a target on my back, and EJ hit the bull’s-eye. Revenge, plain and simple.

He took everything from me, Rafe– my fiancé, my reputation. Oh, and by the way, you’re commish again, so congrats.

Right. So not only were you heartbroken, but you lost your job, and you thought it was all because of me.

I am so sorry. I’m so sorry that this happened to you, baby. Oh, gosh.

Do you think your mother went to go see Brady?

No, I’m sure he would have called if she had. No, why would she go after him? There’s no leverage there. No, Ava, Ava is– is the threat to Rachel’s and my happiness. And I mean, honestly, my mother, in her heart, she’s– she’s a kind and gentle soul, but– [sighs]


Well, she’s obviously not in her right mind. [scoffs] So I wouldn’t be surprised if she went after Ava again.

What the hell are you doing?

Well, I went to the DiMera kitchen earlier today to get a little snack, and I found this beauty just– just lying there, calling my name.

You know, the servants must pay a lot of attention to the sharpening, ’cause this one… [breathes deeply] Could cut through flesh like butter.

Any particular reason you’re telling me that?

My daughter asked me to stay away from this, to let it all go, but I just can’t.

You really should listen to your daughter.

No. I have to listen to my heart. My sweet girl was taken from me to be raised by that awful family, leaving me for dead.

I’m very sorry that happened to you.

As am I. So now I owe it to Kristen and now to Rachel too. I have to make up for lost time.


For a lost life.


I have to give them what I couldn’t give them before. 45

Oh, come on, Rachel. You think you can take me on? I used to run a Mafia organization.

And now you’re gonna sleep with the fishes because I’m the one holding the knife.


You haven’t told your mother?

Told me what? What is going on?

I assumed when you went to Statesville, you mentioned it to her.

Is somebody gonna tell me what’s going on?

OK, OK, I was going to, but I– I didn’t want to drag you down. And I knew–I knew it was gonna upset you, so– and I couldn’t find the time to do it.

Hello! Hello! What is gonna upset me? What baby? [gasps] Oh, my God. You got Holly pregnant, didn’t you? [dramatic music]

So you see, I had no right to sell that necklace in the first place.

Yes, I do see. That really is quite the fix you got yourself into.

It is. And I deeply regret what I’ve done. My grandfather’s widow has been nothing but generous and kind to me. She took me in, treated me like family. 48

Because you are family, Doug. You just made a mistake. Look, Ms. Trask, he really is sorry. I’ve seen it. He’s been agonizing over it.


All I want to do is make this right. That necklace belongs to Julie. It would mean the world to her to have it back. So please, I’ll do anything.


That really is a touching story. Truly. Dickensian, almost. But I’m sorry, I don’t see how any of this is my problem.

[suspenseful music] [phone ringing] [both grunting]

Aah! Ooh! [panting]

All right, Ava’s not picking up the phone. It went straight to voicemail.

Well, think of it this way. If your mother has killed Ava Vitali, at least we can be absolutely certain she won’t testify against us.

OK, don’t you joke about that, EJ. No, I don’t want to lose my mother again. And anyway, Ava, we don’t have anything to worry about. She said that she would keep her mouth shut. Rafe is the one you have to worry about. Yeah, Dudley Do-Right is surely to rat us out, given the chance.

And I’ve made absolutely sure that he won’t get that chance. Trust me. Any incriminating evidence has been wiped clean from that man’s thick skull.

Great, great. ‘Cause that’s one less thing I have to worry about.


I have to go find my mother. 52

Well, good luck.

Oh, yeah. Thank you. I’m afraid I’m gonna need it. [groans]

[scoffs] [dramatic music] – That arrogant bastard. All because he wasn’t DA anymore? I mean, he put you through hell. The man is pure evil. 53

And not to mention what he put you through. We don’t even fully know what he really did to you, Rafe. And now with Arnold being gone and if we don’t get your full memory back, I’m afraid we’ll never be able to make EJ pay.

Oh, I am gonna make him pay.

No, Rafe, Rafe, stop. Stop.

No, I have lost enough time. It’s time for me to get some answers out of EJ if it’s the last thing I do.

Look, Ms. Trask, I know you love the necklace. And you have great taste. It certainly is beautiful. But we’ll pay you well above what you bought it for.

[laughs] In what, 10,000 easy installments while your friend here saves up money flipping burgers?

Look, my grandma is Victor Kiriakis’ widow. So if money’s your concern, then–

Oh, I see what’s really happening here. You really like him.

What? No, I–I just–

And not that you asked for my advice, but it’s never a good idea to get mixed up with someone who traffics in stolen merchandise.

And never a good idea to parade around town wearing stolen merchandise. I mean, what if Julie Williams just strolls on by and sees you wearing her necklace, huh?

Then I guess Doug III will have a lot of explaining to do, won’t he? OK, I think we’re done here.

Wait! Ms. Trask, I’m sorry. OK? I apologize if I offended you, but please don’t take it out on Doug.

I appreciate the apology, as insincere as it was, but I could never get something like this for what I paid for it. So our business here is concluded. [dramatic music]


No, no, Mom, you’ve got it completely wrong. Holly isn’t pregnant.

I don’t understand this. There’s a baby, but–

Yeah, it’s Sophia Choi’s.

Sophia? Sophia, the girl that you took to prom and didn’t want to be at prom with?


Sophia’s pregnant?

Mom, it is a very long story, OK?

You know, I–I have something that I need to do back there in the kitchen. So I–you two talk.

Dad, come on! Mom–[sighs] Look, I didn’t cheat on Holly, if that’s what you’re thinking. We were broken up.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I don’t believe this. I mean, my baby is gonna have a baby. [panting] I’m gonna be a grandmother?


Well? What do you mean, well?

The snag that Dad and I were just talking about, we were hoping to give the baby up for adoption, and Sophia’s mother vetoed the whole idea.

Of course she did. Why wouldn’t she?


Mother, stop!

Oh, God. Oh, God. Kristen, please. Please help me.

You shouldn’t be here. You can’t have anything to do with this.

OK, Mother, I need you to give me the knife. 61

No, no, no, I can’t. I have to–I was just trying to help.

Just give her the knife.

You shut your mouth! You.

Mother, Mother, I need you to look at me.


Look at me, please.


Please. The only way that you are gonna help Rachel and me is to not hurt Ava, not go back to prison. Please, Mother, if you love me, just give me the knife. Give me the knife, please.

Ah! [sobbing]

You son of a bitch. I know what you did.

As per usual, Hernandez, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Cut the crap, EJ! Out with it! All of it!

Rafe, stop.

Why? Why should I? After what he did to me, I’m not in my right mind, so I can’t be held responsible for killing him. [both grunting]

Rafe, please don’t! Please!

[grunting] [shouts] [coughs] Oh! Thank you, Jada.

Don’t thank me, slimeball. I’m trying to protect him. Why’d you ditch me at the hospital? 64

I just wanted to get a head start, that’s all.

If you two could take your couples therapy session elsewhere, that would be great. both: Shut up!

Look, if you’re going to start in on another one of these fantasies about the still-deceased Arnold Feniger–

They’re not fantasies. Look, we know we were dealing with Feniger because his DNA didn’t match Gabi’s. 65

Correction. You know you had someone in custody that was not Rafe. There’s still no proof it was Feniger.

Oh, but we all know that it was. And we know that you were behind it. And you are not gonna get away with it this time. That is a promise. [dramatic music]


Know what? Don’t be so dramatic. It’s just a scratch.

Ow. Are you kidding me? She almost cut my hand off. You know what? Your mother should be locked up. And yeah, oh, God, I am only sorry that I didn’t press charges.


Brady. [laughs]

What’s going on here? Are you OK?

No, I am not OK, because Kristen’s mother just tried to kill me!

OK, Mom, not that I asked for your opinion, but Sophia and I are in high school. Like, do you think that that’s a good idea for us to raise a child?

No, no, I don’t. And I’m sure there are plenty of really heartwarming adoption stories out there. But, you know, it doesn’t always go that way. I mean, look at Kristen freakin’ DiMera. She is all kinds of messed up since Stefano adopted her.

OK, but we’re not looking at criminal masterminds to be our baby’s parents, Mom.

OK, OK. All right. What about your Aunt Eve? She’s always grown up so abandoned. Not that her mother even bothered to tell my father that she existed, but she’s all kinds of a hot mess now.

OK, look who’s talking. 69


I’m sorry. I didn’t–I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t–I didn’t mean that.

I know you’re sorry. I know you’re just upset.

Honey, so am I, but…

I don’t want this for my grandchild, OK? And I know you don’t care what I think, but I feel like Sophia’s mother throwing a wrench into your plans could just be a blessing in disguise.

God, Doug, I’m sorry. I should have just kept my mouth shut and stayed out of the whole situation. 71

No, it’s OK. You did everything you could think of to help, and I’m very grateful. None of this is your fault– I took the necklace or that I don’t have enough cash to buy it back.

Still, I definitely didn’t do you any favors. Probably should have just gone to school today.

Well, it’s not too late. I know you want to make things right with Tate.

Actually, I don’t want to talk to Tate right now. Besides, we still have a lot of work to do.

What do you mean?

What I mean is, this definitely isn’t over. I don’t care if Melinda’s not interested in selling it to you. We’re getting that necklace back.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, March 7, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Ahh. Miss Charles. I was hoping I’d get to see you again. How nice. If you’ll excuse me. Give me another minute, please. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I got to town. Well, then I suggest you find a hobby, or at least another woman to smile at, because I meant what I said. The past is in the rearview. So, this doctor friend of yours. Carol? Sorry. Uh, thank you.

Dr. Kelly.

Yeah. She’s the best. Truly insightful. And most of all, she gets it. She understands how fearful Amy is right now and how important this is to all of us. The look of hope in my mother’s eyes. She didn’t have that when she told me about her illness.

NATE: Mm-hmm.

And she looked… defeated. She wants more time. And deserves it. I’m just happy she agreed to see Carol. Yeah, and I’m grateful you made it happen. Sounds like you’re moving closer to forgiving your mother for everything. Does it? Because I don’t know if I could ever really get there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh, my gosh. Oh, I’m so sorry, Jack. I’m just a little preoccupied. You okay? Billy mentioned that Phyllis has you a bit worried. Any updates? No, but Chance is on it. Have you heard that Sharon is also supposedly out of town, and that they found her car left at the Cassidy First parking lot? That is definitely, definitely unsettling news. Um, I’m glad to hear Chance is on the case. It’s good to have a personal connection with the police department. Oh, well, it’s not quite as personal as it once was. We’re on a break. Or maybe it’s permanent. I– I don’t know. I really haven’t had time

to think about that.

I reached for something comforting when I mentioned Chance. I’m sorry, I was wrong about that. I– SUMMER: It’s okay. At least Chance has listened to my concerns when maybe another detective wouldn’t have. I just don’t want you feeling like you’re alone in this. Thank you. I know that I’m not. Actually, Kyle has been really supportive, and that’s helpful. I’m really glad that we’re reconnecting this way. Reconnecting what way? Kyle, hey! So, I was just at the house, and it is coming along so well. Okay. Is Dad still having a panic attack every time he talks about it? Only about once a day. [Kyle chuckles] Harrison is loving going from my suite to his mom’s, but I can tell the little guy wants some more space to do his thing. I’m sure the same can be said for you, especially when it comes to Claire. Eh, not a lot of alone time these days, no. But some people will be thrilled to hear it.

Grandpa, hi.

VICTOR: Sweetheart!

Come here.

CLAIRE: It’s not a bad time? No! Come here. Never. Hi.

Sit down.

Thank you. I thought you’d be working now. Your grandmother tells me how hard you work, and she doesn’t stop singing your praises.

Well, she’s an incredible boss.

Yeah? She gives me lots of breaks, just like this one. So sweet. CLAIRE: I have an important question for you. I hope you’ll give me an honest answer. Of course. Is there a chance that… [scoffs] …you’re urging Summer to reconnect with Kyle? Are you sure you wanna be seen with me since we don’t actually know each other? According to you. Now you’re making yourself a bigger problem than you are. Hmm. Being alone with me was off-limits until you wanted to convince me to work on Damian. Which you did, and I was very grateful. And now you’re going back to the West Coast. And… you’ll miss me? Okay. Let me make myself clear. I am with a handsome, successful, brilliant man who treats me with respect, so if you’re thinking about me, I don’t need to know. Keep it to yourself. I met as someone who used to be a close friend. Back in the day.

Not that close.

Mmm. Speak for yourself. Then you were gone, just like that. And I forgot about you. Mmm. Clearly. Then Nate reaches out to Damian, and now you and I are here having this conversation. That’s wild, don’t you think? Okay, don’t get it mixed up. A coincidence isn’t kismet. Why do you have this wall up with me? Me. I don’t want anything from you, Audra. Good, because you’re not getting anything. Damn, can’t we just be friends? You know how to do that. We could count on each other back in LA I can’t force you to be my friend again. There’s no point in that. I’m just saying, Damian is gonna be spending some time here, as far as I can tell. Really? He’ll do that for Amy? Which means I’ll be here too. So he’ll be off doing his thing, and I will be sitting in this place, working from my phone all day long. Unless I have a friend I can call and hang out with. Is that too much to ask? [Audra sighs] How does that even work? How do you look at your dying mother and think, “No, I can’t forgive her”? That’s– that’s not what I meant. Then please, explain it to me. Look, when I lost my father, I lost my mother, too. It may have felt that way, but she is still here. No, no, no. She lied to both of us, to me and my dad. And it didn’t have to be that way. I’m sure it was a confusing time. Really? And what about every day after? Every birthday I had, when my father would tell me how nervous and excited he was the day I was born. Every Father’s Day card I made him, when my mother was just sitting on the truth all that time. I hear you. But when was she supposed to tell you?

[Damian sighs]

When you were just a kid? After Jackson died and you blamed her for everything? How would you have handled it? I don’t know. And I never got the chance to find out. How does a child wrap his head around that?

[Damian scoffs]

You’re a grown man now with years of life experience. You understand the world is messy and complicated. People do things they regret. And look how hard it is for you. Amy wanted to protect the love her husband and son had for each other. And now is when you have to decide how long it’s gonna take you to forgive her. So you think that I want Kyle Abbott to be with one of my granddaughters, but not the other? I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking. You know what I think about Kyle Abbott, right? I do, I do. And his entire family. But… Kyle and Summer are co-parents. They have history, and people tell me that you didn’t have an issue with them being together in the past the way that you do about Kyle and me now. You want me to be honest with you, and I have to tell you, I don’t want Kyle Abbott to be with anyone in my family, with neither one of my granddaughters. Okay? I’ve got to be furthermore honest with you and tell you that I feel sorry for Summer, but she has to be with Kyle now because of Harrison. But you don’t want them together. No. Absolutely not. I really don’t. SUMMER: Oh, no, no, no. I don’t mean “reconnecting” like that. [laughs] I just mean that Kyle and I have known each other forever, and even before we were a couple– Yeah, that bond has always been very special. Yeah. And I missed it. And we can finally talk about Harrison together as a team again, and we can ask each other about our days, and… he’s been really supportive of everything that’s going on with my mom, like I said. I care about Kyle, you know? I think I always will. And I think it’s important that Harrison can see that. Oh, he does. You have a very happy, confident, loving son, and that’s because he feels safe and protected by both of you. And by you. His grandpa. Hey, you know… I’m really glad we can talk like this. As much of a bond as Kyle and I have, ours came first. Starting the day you were born. Which is why I am so happy that you and Kyle are good again, and Kyle is like himself again. You know, it makes it feel like old times in the best way possible. Uh, Kyle, I– I have to ask, and I’m not trying to be pushy, but is there some reason that you haven’t asked Jack and me to take Harrison for a while? You mean while we’ve been at the club? Yeah, is there some lingering concern that you haven’t wanted to discuss? You know, some reason that you haven’t wanted Harrison to hang out with us? Mom, you don’t think I’m holding a grudge, do you? That I’m keeping Harrison from you? Well, I– I don’t know what to think. Mom, no, no, no. This isn’t a snub. Nothing like that. Honestly, it just… never occurred to me to ask you to babysit. Well, why not?

I don’t know.

[laughs] Well, Kyle, Jack and I looked after Harrison all the time at home. I mean, the whole family worked together as a team. That doesn’t have to change. Hey, we could take Harrison to the movies. Or he can come to our suite, hang out, and have that Sunday. And you’d be his hero forever. Yes. We would get Harrison time, and you could have some time with Claire. So just say the word, and it is Grandpa and Didi reporting for duty. [chuckles] It’s actually really cute. I mean, Harrison running from Kyle’s suite to come say good night to me, or going there to say good night to him. And then when he can’t decide where he wants to sleep, he has this little routine that he does. All so no one gets their feelings hurt. Right. He has Kyle and I play rock, paper, scissors for it.

Ooh! Clever little man.

[laughing] Sounds like you’re all finding your way through things, and maybe even having some fun. Yeah. We are. And I think a lot of it is because Kyle’s just lighter these days. You know? He’s let go of all that anger and tension since you made up, and I’m just– I’m so happy for all of you. Yeah, it was a hell of a risk trying to tear him out of Victor’s clutches the way we did. You know, it was a bold move, but I don’t know if it was a risk. Kyle loves you and Diane so much, even when he can’t express it. And look, I don’t let my grandpa off the hook. I’m used to it. I can handle it. The one thing I won’t accept is it affecting my family.

Which is my family too.

Yeah, I agree. I’m glad you feel that way. I do too. Long before you were married to my son, you were an honorary Abbott. And before you were my father-in-law,

you were my Uncle Jack.

In my heart, I still am, and that’s never gonna change. Jack, I want you to know that… I would never side with my grandpa against you. Oh, that’s very sweet. I appreciate that. And hopefully you won’t be involved in whatever his next move is. And there’s always a next thing with your grandfather. I mean, it has to end sometime, right? Just the thought of Harrison being caught between

the two sides of his family–

Wait, wait. Nothing Victor ever does is going to touch Harrison. You have my word. Kyle and I will make sure of it. Let me ask you something, darling. Do you honestly feel that I’d be more protective of one of my granddaughters than the other? Why do you think that? There’s no easy way to answer that. I– It’s a feeling, or an instinct. Do you have that feeling because you lived with your aunt so long? That could be it. Or it could just be insecurities. But why insecurity in regard to Kyle Abbott? You are way above him. So is Summer. Grandpa, this relationship is important to me. And I wanna talk to you about it, but the way that you feel about him, it makes it difficult. [sighs] You asked me to be honest with you. So I’ll ask you an honest question. Are you feeling insecure because deep down, you know that your relationship with Kyle Abbott is a mistake? I’m not insecure about my feelings. Or about Kyle’s. My concern is that you’re never gonna give us a chance together. That miraculous little boy who has already been through so much in his life still has this sweetness to him, this joyful fearlessness that only comes of feeling loved and secure and safe, and you and Kyle have done that. Aww. Well, it’s not just us. I mean, he gets love from all sides. Yeah, that’s true. And look, I know Victor probably adores his grandson. It’s just he has a long history of using people to get what he wants. I know that Grandpa loves Harrison. And I don’t think he would ever pull anything that would hurt him. At least not intentionally. Well, the fact that you felt the need to qualify that tells me you know how badly things can go even when there are good intentions. I mean, this is my life. This is my family that we’re talking about. Because you have to take the good with the not so great, you know? But Harrison’s happiness and safety are the most important thing to me. I can see that. It shows. And it’s the same for Kyle. And we’re finally working as a team again, and I really feel like Harrison can feel that, you know? And I think it’s in large part to do with Claire going to work for my grandma. It might’ve been the best thing to ever happen to our family.

That’s a brave offer.

Don’t be silly. Your father and I would love to help you out with Harrison. I should have asked sooner, or you should have. That’s a complete oversight on my part, probably from the novelty of being there. But reality’s settling in. Yeah, and you deserve a date with your girlfriend. I had one planned for tonight, but Summer has a video conference with Tokyo, and she won’t get back till after Harrison’s bedtime. Did you cancel already with Claire? Give her a call. Tell her it’s back on. [chuckles] You’re the best. Are you keeping your distance because you’re afraid Nate might clue in? He knows. I told him. But you told him about me after all that? I told him we knew each other from LA and that I didn’t say anything because he showed up with some other man’s name, and I wasn’t about to step into that mess. What did Nate have to say about that? His priority is his half-brother along with Amy, some guy I knew years ago doesn’t rate. Uh-huh. Okay. And why are you pestering me when Damian should be your priority too? And what is he anyway, your friend, your boss? Even when I’m thinking like a friend, still on the payroll. Mmm. Makes it messy. Well, you were on Tucker’s payroll, I figured you’d understand. Watch it. Yes, ma’am. So Damian was your friend first, right? Good guy. The best. Then he hits the jackpot and brings you along for the ride. Smooth. I like it. How you’re low-key fishing for information. Story for another day. Or never, since you don’t want to know me. Must be hard to find the new normal after something like that. They have to trust you to keep you around. But how do you trust them knowing they can take away your livelihood if anything goes wrong? Well, it may have been like that for you and whoever. AUDRA: Mmm. The trust is there for Damian and me. But right now, he’s a lot more boss than friend because he has a lot on his plate. So yes, I’m still on the market for a friend in case you change your mind. And what if you told him you needed one? Would he do that for you? That’s not something I would do right now. So I couldn’t tell you. Holden, you are being so ridiculous. The way that you’re so cagey and careful about what you say about Damian, are you afraid of him or something? It’s not fear. It’s respect for his situation. But fine. It is a transition, going from buddies who used to watch a game to taking orders. And then taking major heat when things don’t work out. Does that mean Damian has a temper? Like a cornered mountain lion. How I feel about my mother, I know it’s not rational. But it’s there. It’s like a mountain I can’t move. But maybe, maybe with more time. For what it’s worth, the fact that you sat with your mother and talked to her, it’s already made all the difference. I don’t think she would agree to see Dr. Kelly if you two hadn’t had that conversation. Part of it is this loyalty to my dad. To a good man who loved both of us. And part of me wants to know more about my biological father, but… Maybe it feels like you’re choosing sides, but it isn’t. I’d be happy to tell you what I know about our dad, which isn’t a lot. As you know, he passed when I was young. Then you don’t have much left of him either. Other than genes. I have stories from my mother. How our father became a private investigator. And I think my mom and her sister, Devon and Lily’s mother, were in love with him at the same time. So he was a charmer. Are you surprised? No. I’m not. I don’t think he was the easiest man to live with. And as far as I can tell, there was a lot of drama. And I think he passed before they could fix it. Which is a shame. Mmm. And was my mother ever part of that drama? Or was I? If you’re asking if our father ever knew he had another son, I believe Amy when she said she never told him. So, no, I never heard a word about anything like that. But I can imagine him wanting to know you. Be a part of your life. Yeah. I had the best dad I could ever ask for. Until he died. NATE: Mmm. So, we have that in common, I guess. Losing our fathers. It’s bad enough when you’re young, that loss. DAMIAN: Yeah. But you grow up, need advice, have questions you want to ask. Then it hits you all over again what you lost. Yeah. That you’ll never get those answers. No matter how much you need them. No, we won’t. Texture is key, along with the color palette. And I want you to know, I kept Harrison in mind with the renovation. I don’t want anything to feel off limits or intrusive to him. He needs to be as comfortable in the house as your father is. And above all, this place really needs to be a home that Jack still loves. Just embracing the future, and not just the past. So, this is all for Dad? Yeah, what do you mean? I hope everyone appreciates the changes. I think I’m asking what this means for you. I mean, not for Dad, or for Harrison, or anyone. You always could read me really well. Don’t give me that much credit. I didn’t know that you and Dad were faking your separation. And I bought in too easily, I’m ashamed to say. Well, maybe the reason we were so convincing is because that’s how badly we wanted you back. Dad said that’s dumb, that people believe the worst in you. That must have hurt more for you. I’m used to it. Don’t forget, I’ve had decades of being an outsider to this family. Things have gotten better, though. Yes, and then after the fight, things got worse. Especially with your aunts. Oh, also, also with Billy. I would like for this renovation to be a peace offering for everything that we put them through. Is that all? Okay, I admit, I suppose I’d like to see a little of myself reflected in the house, you know, to feel like it’s my home too. Is that– is that so terrible? I’m not trying to take anything away from the house or from the family. It’s just I’d like to feel… included. Mom. It is your home. This is your family. I think the fact that Dad’s sibling signed off on the refresh is a peace offering, too. Yeah, I just hope that everything goes well and that everyone loves the house, especially your father. He will, deep down. Way, way deep down. I’m kidding. But Harrison and I can’t wait to see it. Well, Harrison and I can discuss it over hot chocolate tonight while you have your date with Claire. Thanks, Mom. You saved me. Sweetheart, you must know that I’ve known Kyle Abbott since he was a baby. I know how the Abbott’s work. In fact, I warned your mother against her relationship with Billy Boy Abbott, that idiot. She finally got rid of him. From what my mom tells me about Billy, he doesn’t sound like Kyle at all. What do you mean? I disagree. CLAIRE: I could tell. What I’m asking is that you don’t do anything to make your point. You’re over 21. You make your own decisions. You make up your own mind. Okay? Just know where I stand. Okay. You can disagree. But nothing else? No. Nothing else. So I have your word? Oh, yeah.

I’ve got this.

Please, you’re my guest. At lunch and in Genoa City. I insist. Okay, I’ll get the next one. I hope there is one. Yeah. I’m glad we did this, man. Me too. Looks like your understudy is trying to fill in for me now. What’s that? Oh, no. I’m sure that… Just joking. Just joking. Well, this is a nice surprise. Let me introduce you to Damian. This is my brother. Audra, hi.

Hey. So nice to meet you.

Thanks. And it’s so nice to see you two together. I thought you were on your way back to LA. I still am.

Just on a later flight.

Huh. So, what are you up to, Audra? Holden hates airplane food, so I agreed to have lunch with him. And I offered to pay, but she insisted we go Dutch. Which is quite the statement, considering I’m out of a job. What I really liked is an update on Amy’s meeting with the oncologist. Just got word they’re on their way to Chicago to run some tests. Amy’s agreed to that? I mean, that’s huge. I’m so pleased for her. And you must be, too. It’s progress. Sorry to eat and run, but…

Please don’t go on my account.

No, no, no. I have some things to take care of. But I’ll be in touch.

Yeah. Glad to hear it.

All right. You got a second?

Uh, of course.

Yeah, come on. What the hell are you doing? Oh, gosh. Next time, stop me from talking your ear off. Oh, all those wonderful things you said about my grandson and my son. That was rough. Well, Harrison is my favorite topic. Yeah, I could see that. Listen, the other topic, your grandfather. I know sometimes it’s difficult to… You know, it’s not easy to confront all the damage that my grandpa can cause, but I do understand. And Kyle and I are very much in sync on this. I’m glad to hear that. Good to know that two people I adore have found their way past some harsh feelings. I was a little worried there for a while. You don’t ever have to worry about Kyle and me. We have the kind of history where… nothing can come between us for too long. To know that we have your support means everything to me. Thank you, Grandpa, for taking the time to speak with me. You’re welcome, my sweetheart. So just know that you can always come to me and ask me directly, all right? I don’t want the Abbots to fill your beautiful head with nonsense, all right? My aunt said enough horrible things about everyone I love to last a lifetime, but it doesn’t matter. And the Abbots would never try to come between us. They know that it’s not possible. Sweetheart, there’s one thing you must understand about the Abbots, okay? They envy us. They envy our success. They envy the success of our company. And they envy our closeness. Do you understand? That has been the case ever since Jack Abbott became the head of the family. Okay? Remember that.

Come here.

All right. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of a few things before I’m on grandma duty. Text me to coordinate the Harrison handoff. And I will make sure to load him up on sugar before he gets to you. Get him all hyped up. You know me. I don’t scare easily. Kyle, hi. You didn’t make other plans for tonight, did you? Tons. Yeah, I’m all booked up. No. Why? Because I want you all to myself. Thank you. Look, we didn’t come to this town to play Holden. I know that. It doesn’t look like it. Damian, it’s all good. You got a lot on your plate I’m not about to have. But you are, okay? You’re supposed to be landing at LAX right now, focusing on business, so I can deal with this. I’m handling things from here. No, what you need to do requires in-person discussions. And you know it. And the delay won’t change that. No, this is my business, okay? My call. The plan was for you to go back and do what needs to be done. Instead, you walk in here with Audra Charles? Look, this trip is an excuse to get back with your ex. According to her, she was never with me, so she can’t be my ex. Are you listening? Yeah, I hear you. This is complicated enough, okay? I’m here because of my mother and my half-brother, who is clearly involved with Audra. You don’t see the issue with that? It doesn’t seem to bother you that Lily Winters was Nate’s cousin? Excuse me? Just commenting. It’s none of my business. Stay away from Audra. Stay away from all of this. Go back to Los Angeles and do the job I pay you to do.

Hello, my love.

Hello. I went by the house. Progress is excellent, but no, I won’t tell you anything else. I’m starting to think this cover of secrecy is a good thing if it’s gonna keep you this happy. Oh, it’s not just about the house. There’s more? Yeah, we have big plans tonight. Oh, I didn’t know. Neither did I, but it’s something that we haven’t done for quite a while. Um, a concert, an evening of dancing, a trip up to the cabin? Better. We’re watching Harrison. Well, not what I was expecting, but yeah, that sounds great. How’d that happen? Um, well, Kyle made it clear that he was missing time with Claire, and we haven’t spent time with Harrison lately, so there you have it. Oh, sounds like a wonderful plan. For everyone. Well, not everyone’s gonna be happy about it, especially the Kyle and Claire part. Uh, who could possibly object except for Victor, and who cares what he thinks? I was thinking Summer. No, no, no, she’s, um, taken care of. She’s speaking with Tokyo or something, so Harrison is all ours. What about Kyle? Well, he’s going to be with… Wait, is Claire the problem? I have this nagging thought. Summer might have decided she wants Kyle back. I just hope you didn’t book a sitter because of me. Nope. Well, my dad and Didi will take Harrison tonight so we can have our date night as planned. Oh. I hope they don’t mind. KYLE: No way. She volunteered, practically insisted. Couldn’t understand why I hadn’t asked her sooner, so when I told her that I miss seeing you, she made the offer. That’s so sweet of her. She’s our cheering section, and I, for one, am grateful. So am I. I can’t wait. It’s always very nice to run into you. It gives the day a little jolt of excitement. It does. But I promise I won’t sit too closely or ask you to come upstairs. But I know you have work to handle, not to mention things with Damian and Amy. You’re in a very good mood. Like I said, because I got to see you. [phone ringing] Gotta take this. So, uh, you mind waiting for me? Absolutely. Sorry about that. Everything okay with Damian? He reminded me of some business I need to get on right away. Meaning you have to go back to Los Angeles right now. How about lunch when I get back?


Come on. Give me a call if you make it back to town. Safe travels. Sorry I had to take that call. Well, I’ll leave you two to your lunch. There’s no need for that. I’ll have to take a rain check. Got a plane to catch. Take care. Bye. NATE: Okay. So, what’s really going on with you two? ANNOUNCER: Next week on The Young and the Restless… When I look at you, I am reminded what it really feels like to be completely happy. If I thought I had a shot, I’d ask you to marry me right now. Hmm. That’s strong. I guess James Bond is a little tougher than me. Somehow, I doubt that. Oh, my God. What is it? What’s wrong?

What’s wrong?

I’m so nauseous. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Days Transcript Friday, March 7, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[light music]

Your carriage awaits, madam.

Oh, Tate.




Mwah. Hi. What are you doing here?

Well, I thought that maybe you’d like a ride to school. The 2011 hatchback isn’t exactly a limo, but–

It beats the bus.

That’s right.

OK, let me just grab my backpack. 1

That’s good. Guess Doug didn’t steal that.


Wow, under ten minutes, Antonio. I should have– oh, Doug.

Sounds like you were expecting someone else.

Room service. I should have known eggs over easy weren’t going to be that easy. Young Douglas, what brings you by?

Well, I was hoping you might have some news for me about whoever bought that necklace.

Well, as a of fact, I do.

Would you please tell him that I called–again? It’s Marlena Evans. My missing husband has dedicated his life to your agency. You know what also? It’s about Director Donovan, who is not returning my calls. [dramatic music]

Yeah, Paul, we’re just keeping everybody in the loop. That’s why I’m calling. I was wondering if Andrew had heard any info from the agency. I–hey, I know it’s classified. I was just hoping that–

All right, well, listen, man, if you hear anything, let me know. And I’ll do the same. [knock at door] I got to go. Keep the faith. Bye.

[siren wailing] 5

Peter, I told you, you don’t have to worry. Well, I didn’t like Mom being in a cell overnight either. But by the time I got to Brady’s sanctimonious sister, the courts were adjourned for the day. Yeah, well, I’m–yeah, I’m here at the station right now, and the lawyers are working on her release.

Oh, you know what? I have to go. And I will call you as soon as she’s free. Bye. Where is my mother?

We need to talk.

No, no, no, Melinda. We have done enough talking. I want my mother out of that hellhole. Now, you said that you were gonna have someone bring her up.

I was, but I’m afraid there’s been a bit of a problem.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

May I come in?

Of course. [dramatic music]

Look…[sighs] I am really sorry that I hung up on you yesterday.

It’s OK. I know I’m asking a lot, you not testifying about your own kidnapping.

Yeah, well, Kristen has put you in an impossible position.

Yeah, what else is new?

You really think that if it came out that Kristen and her mom kidnapped me that Child Protective Services would take Rachel?

Given Kristen’s well-documented history and, frankly, mine, yeah, I would say there would be some strong signals that Rachel was not in a safe environment.

It’s just–it’s not fair.

What’s not fair is that you have been in the center of this whole damn thing.

Yeah, well, I don’t know. I just–I couldn’t live with myself if it turned out I was the reason that you lost Rachel.

[sighs] Thank you. for understanding that. 10

I just hate, though, that it means that Kristen and her mom are gonna get away with it.

– What’s the problem? Now that Ava’s not going to testify against my mother, Belle doesn’t have a case, right?

Well, yes.

I thought I made it clear that she was to go back to the judge and revisit bail.

And Belle had the order rescinded. In fact, all the charges against your mother were dropped.

OK, then why hasn’t anyone brought her up?

Because your mother got into a fight.

What kind of a fight?

Apparently, one of the other inmates decided to taunt her, called her a name– the Broad in Blue, I believe it was. Anyway, your mother took offense, and she went on the attack.

What exactly did she do?

According to the guard, she grabbed hold of this other inmate, and she bit her.

Come on. That was uncalled for.

So Doug’s not a thief?


But you told me he stole a valuable necklace. 13

Yes, he made a mistake, but–

OK, well, all I’m saying is that I’m glad he didn’t make another mistake and, say, take your laptop.

Stop, OK? It’s not like stealing’s a regular thing for him.

But how do you know that?

I just do. Look, the only reason he stole that necklace is because he owed these people money.


He was desperate!

OK, that just makes it OK? 14

I didn’t say that. And obviously, he knows it’s not OK. He feels awful about it. He’s trying to make it right.

[sighs] OK, fine. I’ll take your word for it. But I don’t get it.

Get what?

I don’t get why you’re bending over backwards to defend this guy.

So I spoke to the fence who sold the necklace for me.


And it turns out that the woman who purchased it lives right here in good old Salem.

You’re kidding.

I’m not.

She’s here? That’s awesome. I mean, how do I get in touch with her? What’s her name?

I have no idea. 16


I don’t understand. The guy sold the necklace to this woman, right? How does he not have her name?

OK, let me let you in on a little secret since obviously, you’re new to this whole “fencing stolen goods” racket. People who purchase expensive jewelry from guys on the street tend to not use their real names, lest their society friends find out they got said items at– well, let’s just call it a deep discount.

Great. So even though she lives right here in town, I have no way of contacting her?

I wouldn’t say no way.

What do you mean?

Well, yours truly is the original and the greatest Lady Whistleblower. Digging up information is kind of my bag. 18

OK, well, have you started digging?

In fact, I have, yes. And I can be very, very persistent. I do not like taking no for an answer.

Same here.

Right. See, now, normally, I think that’s a positive trait. But not always.

What do you mean? When is it not? 19

Well, from my POV, when I see somebody running headfirst into a brick wall. [dramatic music] Why don’t you tell me a little bit about you and Holly Jonas?

Look, Doug is my friend. That’s all. I’m just trying to explain why he took the necklace.

But you’re excusing it.

No, I’m not. I’m just–I’m trying to get you to see his point of view. That’s all. And like I said, he feels bad. He’s trying to get the necklace back. I mean, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Julie.

Hurt Julie?

Never mind.

What does Julie have to do with it? Holly, what does Julie have to do with it?

I shouldn’t have said anything.

Holly, answer me. What does Julie have to do with it?

OK, fine. It was Julie’s necklace.

[knock at door]



Is it OK if I come in?


Sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I was called away on a last-minute case for Black Patch.

Yeah, Kayla told me. 22

I just heard. John is missing?

Yeah. Shane was meant to set up a phone call between us, but before he could do that, he heard from John’s handler that they’d lost contact.

How long’s it been?

Over a day. Apparently, John is completely off the grid.

And there’s been no update since then? 23

Shane won’t return my call. That’s a bad sign, isn’t it?

You know, Kristen may not have personally kidnapped me, but she was more than willing to leave me in that house forever. And now she’s just gonna walk–again.

Believe me, it’s not what I want either. If my daughter wasn’t at risk here, I would want Kristen locked up for a long time. 24

If only.

I’m just grateful that she didn’t succeed with her plan and that Steve found you.

Yeah, and I owe you for hiring him in the first place.

Well, I wish I would have figured it out sooner. I hate that you spent one minute in that godforsaken place. But the important thing is, you’re safe, and the whole thing’s over. 25

Is it, though?

What do you mean?

Brady, your daughter has made it very clear that she will do anything to keep you and me apart. And she is desperate to have you and Kristen back together.

I love my daughter. She is not gonna dictate my romantic life.

Well, she’s not gonna stop.

Listen, I don’t want to be with Kristen, Ava. I want to be with you.

I don’t think that Rachel got the memo.

Well, she will, OK? Hey, she’s in therapy right now. Apparently, she’s learning that there are things that she cannot change just because she wants them to. According to her therapist, she’s making progress.

And I’m glad to hear that. But what about the other Rachel?

My mother bit someone?

Yeah, but luckily, she didn’t break the skin.

[sighs] Great. Is that why they’re not letting her go, because of that incident?

No, apparently, they’re not gonna press any charges. Once the guard on duty files a report, then they’ll bring her up here. 28

OK, well, that’s a relief.



Listen, Kristen, now that your mother is about to be a free woman, I think you need to consider the fact that she might be a little unstable.


I would advise that you take some precautions.

Melinda, I’m going to be just fine.

You sure about that?

Well, it’s not like she’s Hannibal Lecter. I mean, obviously, she’s been under a lot of stress. I mean, she’s locked up in a cell with hostile strangers.

I’m not just talking about the incident in the cell. I’m trying to get you to look at the bigger picture here.

Which is what?

Which is, you are responsible for her now. And having a mother in police custody is not the best look for the CEO of DiMera. Wei Shin and the other board members aren’t gonna be happy with this negative publicity. 30

Well, then it is a good thing that she’s out of police custody.

For now. But you’re about to take her home to the mansion, so you need to do everything within your power to make sure your mother stays out of trouble.

Well– [chuckles]

Hello, Mother. How are you feeling?

Oh, I’m fine, dear. I’m fine. You can go now.

Thank you, Officer. [dramatic music]

Are you sure you’re all right?

Oh, I’m sure. I’m sure, sweetheart. Yes, I mean, I’m not saying it wasn’t– being locked up wasn’t a terrible ordeal. But I’m free now, so we can go home. I just want to soak in a hot bath.

Well, I can make that happen for you.

Followed by poached eggs on toast points.

OK. Yes, of course. We’ll call Harold from the car.


Well, I am just glad that everything turned out OK.

Yes, thank you. Thank you so much for everything. And it’s really good having you on my team.

Yeah, it’s all in a day’s work as the general counsel for DiMera. Good luck, Kristen.

Thank you.

Take care, Ms. Blake.

Thank you, Counselor. I’ll do my best. Did they tell you what happened down there in the cell?

We can talk about it later, Mom.

Oh, no. I don’t mind. I did what any self-respecting woman would do to defend herself.

Yes, I know. Of course you did. Of course you did. You know, why don’t we get home and get you that bath, hmm?

Oh, wonderful. And on the way home, we’ll talk about how you’re gonna get Brady back.

[sighs] 35

The other Rachel.

Yeah, Kristen’s mother, Rachel Blake. Look, she doesn’t want us together any more than your daughter does.

She’s a frail old woman. What is she gonna do about it?

Look, I learned the hard way not to underestimate her. She may be old, but she’s scary as hell.

Well, she has done some unusual things in the past.

Unusual? OK, look, I read up on the Woman in White and what she did to Jennifer Horton. You know what? Forget ancient history. She kept me trapped in that creepy old house. And she went on and on, talking about the parrot man. Look, she is off her rocker, Brady.

Yeah, I know. She’s off. You got me on that one.

Yeah, and she’s dangerous, too, maybe even more dangerous than Kristen. 37

Look, Ava, I’m so sorry for what you went through. But we can’t let ourselves be intimidated by Rachel Blake or Kristen. I mean, they can’t scare us off.

Yeah, well, that’s easy for you to say.

It’s easy for me to say because I know that I want to be with you.

Actually, I need you, especially with what I’m going through right now. 38

What, everything with Tate?

It’s not about Tate. It’s about my father.

Well, it’s not like Shane to avoid your phone calls.

Right. But, then, my husband has never gone missing on his watch before.

Maybe Shane just doesn’t have anything new to report.

Then he should tell me that. Look, they must at least have something like his last location.

Well, probably. But you know how the agency works– everything cloaked in secrecy.

Yes. So they can deny any responsibility in case something goes badly, which, clearly, it has.

Well, we don’t know that yet. And listen, maybe John being incommunicado is still a part of the case.

What am I meant to do with that? Just sit on my hands and wait?

You’re not sitting on your hands. You’re here working.

Because I have patients who need– You know who else needs me? John needs me.

Marlena, you know that John can handle himself. 41

Yeah. So can I. You know what John would do if I’d gone missing?

He would be scouring the planet looking for me.

And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m going to go find him.

Doug stole Julie’s necklace? 42

Well, technically, no. It was her grandmother’s.


It was in a time capsule the Hortons found after the fire.

So Doug just had no problem helping himself to a family heirloom?

He didn’t know what it was. He didn’t know the significance.

Yeah, but that didn’t stop him from snatching it from his own family.

He hadn’t met Julie yet when he took it. 43

Oh, OK. That makes it so much better. Oh, my God. Like, Julie has no problem living under the same roof as some guy that stole from her?

OK, he’s not just some guy. He’s Doug’s grandson. And Julie doesn’t know he took the necklace.

Are you kidding me? Doug still hasn’t told her? 44

No. No, he hasn’t. Not yet. Tate, you’re not gonna say anything, are you?

Why would you want to talk about me and Holly? What does any of this have to do with her?

Well, you did bring her over here yesterday.

Yeah, because she’s my friend. And she’s been helping me with this whole necklace situation.

Right, I get that. 45

And why are you looking at me like that? I know she’s got a boyfriend.

Not just any boyfriend. Yes, she and Tate may be teenagers, but this is no passing fancy.

Why are you telling me this?

Because you’re new in town and you may not be up on the lore.

And what lore is that?

Holly and Tate. Tate and Holly. Tally. They have been through some serious, serious obstacles to be together, and the last thing they need is some scruffy yet handsome bad boy coming between them.

I’m not trying to come between them.


Yes, really.

OK. You’re gonna stand there with a straight– and I do mean straight–face and tell me that you have no interest in Holly Jonas?

Where is this coming from, Mr. Stark?

It’s Leo. And there’s no reason to get defensive, Douglas. I just picked up on a vibe. See, I used to be the head writer of a soap opera. So I’m an excellent vibe detector. Not to mention, I know chemistry when I see it. [dramatic music]

Fine. Maybe I do kind of like Holly.


But I’m not gonna do anything about it, OK? I respect that she’s with Tate. And she and I, we’re just friends, and that’s it.

OK. I hope you mean that. Because if you do expect anything more, it can mess with your head, possibly even ruin your life.

Look, Julie just lost her husband not that long ago. I mean, do you really want to upset her right now?

I guess, yeah, finding out that Doug’s grandson stole from her would be very upsetting. But don’t you think she has a right to know who stole her grandmother’s necklace?

Yeah. Yeah, I do. And Doug’s going to confess.

When? What is he waiting for, her to dig up the next time capsule in 60 years?

He’s trying to get the necklace back first. That way, he can just make the whole situation right.

OK, does he have a timeline for this whole plan?

Seriously, Tate, I thought you, out of all people, would understand.


Yes. 51

I’m not a thief.

Yeah, but you’ve made mistakes, big ones.

You’re talking about Sophia.

I’m talking about how you’ve messed up but you’re owning up to it and moving forward, making the best out of a difficult situation. I mean, that is why you’re giving the baby up for adoption, isn’t it?

That was the plan. But it’s hit a bit of a snag.

I see the house has been redecorated since I was here last. Everything looks so different.

Well, yes. A lot has changed in this family.

Well, not everything. That monster is still looming over the place.

[sighs] Stefano can’t hurt you anymore. Why don’t we sit down and talk before you take your bath? Hmm? Come on. Please?

Why do I feel as if I’m in trouble?

Actually, I’m trying to keep us both out of trouble.

How’s that?

Well, for starters, you need to stop trying to get me back together with Brady.

I thought you loved him. 54

OK, that’s not the point, Mother.

Well, of course it’s the point. Don’t you want to be with the father of your child? It’s certainly what my granddaughter wants.

Yes, yes.

She has her heart set on you three being a family again.

Yes, I know that, Mother. But you plotting with her almost cost us our freedom.

Oh, don’t be so dramatic.

Dramatic? I mean, if I hadn’t done some quick thinking, Ava Vitali would have had us both in prison.

But you did think quickly. And all is right with the world. You were always such a smart girl.

You know, I’d prefer not to be so smart or clever. Now, I know you meant well. I really do, Mom. But I am CEO of an international conglomerate, and I can’t keep running around putting out fires like this. So I need you to promise me that you will try to stop doing any of this, please. Do I have your word?

Your dad is missing? Oh, my God, Brady, why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why did you let me go on and on about Kristen?

Because what’s going on with Kristen is important as well.

Yes, but not as important as what’s going on with your dad. Oh, my God, you must be so worried.

I am. We all are.

So does Tate know?

No, I haven’t told– I haven’t told him. He’s dealing with Sophia’s pregnancy right now. I didn’t want to have to burden him until we know more.

You haven’t been dealing with this all alone, have you?

No, no. My brother and my sister are part of it and my cousin Andrew and Marlena, obviously. 58

Oh, my God, she must be going out of her mind, going crazy.

She’s tough, but… I think she’s really trying hard to hang in there. And I don’t know how much longer she’s gonna be able to do it. It’s the waiting and just not knowing.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute.

No, no, I’ve been holding on long enough. I’m tired of waiting. I’m done.

Marlena, where are you gonna go? You said yourself, you don’t have any intel on John’s last location. You don’t even know where to start looking.

No, I don’t. But Shane does.

So you’re gonna go to D.C. and confront Shane?

I am, and I’m not leaving until I get answers. I’m gonna find out where my husband is. And don’t try to stop me, OK? ‘Cause if you try, you’re just wasting your time.

[sighs] I’m not gonna try to stop you. I’m gonna go with you.

So what experience are you talking about?

Well, let’s just say there was this guy. He was great– sweet, handsome, funny. Perfect for me. And for a minute, I thought that we might have a chance, but he was half of a golden couple, the gay Tate and Holly, if you will. And nothing could keep them apart, not even death.

So you thought you might have a chance with the guy that was perfect for you.

What can I say? I like a challenge. And honestly, I made some inroads. I opened up my heart. I started to believe. And that’s when my hopes were dashed. See, the two of them ended up closer than ever, and I was left out in the cold. And I would hate to see you get hurt like that.

I won’t get hurt, but I appreciate you looking out for me.

What are friends for? [phone beeps] [dramatic music] Oh, speaking of looking out for you–

Is that him? Is that your fence?

Yep. He tracked down the woman who purchased the necklace, and she’s willing to meet with you.

So right in the middle of the adoption meeting with Johnny and Chanel–

Jada and Gabi charged in and accused EJ of kidnapping Rafe. 64

Oh, my God.

And yeah, Sophia’s mother freaked out, of course. And now I don’t even know if she’s gonna let the adoption happen now.

Hmm. Great. So what does that mean? Are you gonna have to raise the baby with Sophia now?

No, no. I don’t know. I just–I am really hoping that Sophia’s mother changes her mind.

Can we please just talk about this later? We need to head to school.

You know what? I think I’m actually just gonna take the bus.

Wait. You’ll really go with me to talk to Shane?


I can’t ask you to do that, to take yourself away from your work. And Kayla, she’s so busy with the hospital, with the–

No, no, Kayla would never forgive me if I didn’t help you.

Are you sure?

Yes, I’m sure.

John is my partner. You know what that means? We always have each other’s backs. So the last thing I’m gonna do is let him twist in the wind or let you do this on your own. So if you’re going to D.C., I’m going with you.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you.

Brady, if there’s anything that I can do, you let me know, OK?

I appreciate that. You know what? There is something.


Something I want you to do for me. Don’t give up on us.


I know what Kristen and her mother did was insane. And it looks like they’re gonna get away with it. But please trust me. I’m gonna make it right.

I’m not gonna let Kristen get in the way of us, OK?

I promise to behave, sweetheart. Don’t you know that the only thing that matters to me is your happiness?

So I don’t have to worry about you messing with Ava again, hmm?

Darling girl, I just want to spend time reconnecting with you. Oh, and my little namesake, of course. [both laugh] 70

Well, I know that Rachel wants to spend time with you too.

Oh, she’s a treasure, that one.

Mm. Yes, she is. Oh, look at us. [laughs] Three generations of Blake women finally under the same roof.

Ooh. [laughs]

It’s a true blessing. 71

It is. Thank you, Mother, for understanding and respecting my wishes.




Oh, you. OK, I have got to get busy and rearrange my patient schedule.

OK, I’ll head home, pack a bag, and tell Kayla about our plan. You let me know when you’re ready to go.

I will. [dramatic music]

Marlena, we are gonna get the answers we need. I promise.

All right. I am coming for you.

[light music] 73


Oh, hey.

No school today?

Oh, there’s school. I’m just not going.

OK. Why?

Well, I was headed to the bus stop, and just kept walking.

Any particular reason? 74

Tate and I had a fight.

Oh. What was it about?

It was just about the whole adoption thing. It’s gotten really screwed up, you know?

I’m sorry to hear that.

Yeah. So what’s new with you?

Well, I actually have some positive news. I just came from talking with Leo, and he managed to track down the woman who bought the necklace.


She’s meeting me here any minute.

Oh, my God. That’s amazing.

It is, only I have no idea who I’m looking for.

That would be me. [tense music] [chuckles]

Yes, Peter, Mother is home with me, safe and sound. Oh, well, I had Harold set up a room for her. Do you want to talk to her? Yeah, sure. No, no, no, not a problem. I’ll go get her. Mother, Peter wants to say hello. [eerie music]

That’s strange.

Hello, Ava.

Dad, Dad!


Why didn’t you tell me what was going on?

Wait, wait, why aren’t you in school?

Well, Uncle Andrew just called me, and he told me that Grandpa is missing. Is that right?

Yes, he is. I’m sorry you didn’t hear it from me, all right? But I didn’t want to worry you until we knew more.

Oh, my God, OK, well, what are we gonna do about this?

Tate, Andrew’s on the case. Uncle Paul is as well. So is Grandpa Shane, all right? Hey, we’re gonna get through this as a family.

[door clicks open]

Does that include me?

[dramatic music]

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GH Transcript Friday, March 7, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I watched Gio grow up. He’s a great kid, but I care about him enough to just stay away if that’s, you know, the best thing for him. Sonny. Gio is old enough to make his own decisions. It’s up to him whether he wants your support or not. And clearly, today, it looks like he made his choice. You didn’t answer my question. Do you trust me around Gio? As much as I did that very first day in Bensonhurst when I invited you over so the two of you could meet. Thank you. [ Doorbell rings ]

Hey. I’m glad you’re here.

I just hope that someone —

[ Door opens ]

Dante: Hey. Is, uh, is everything okay?

Where did you get that? I found it in a cabinet in the downstairs living room. The workmanship is exquisite. It’s obviously very valuable. That’s impossible. That should be at the bottom of the harbor. Jordan: [ Muffled ] Just a minute. Oh, my God. Jordan, uh… Wait, please. I like the look. Okay, okay. Okay. I’m sorry. It’s just, um… It’s nice for this mere mortal to see that you’re not a goddess 24/7. What are you even doing here? I thought we could get lunch. Well, I already have lunch coming, so… Uh, sorry. Not anymore. [ Cellphone rings ] What is it, Colette? I’m about to grab lunch. No, no. It’s fine. How’s she doing? Good. I want hourly updates on her progress. You’re special, Josslyn. It’s clear to me you have all the qualities necessary to make a great agent. Ingenuity, initiative, mental and physical fortitude. You’re willing and able to do what’s necessary. Necessary for what? For the WSB. I want you to become one of us.

I would do anything for you to wake up right now. Or for someone to wake me up and tell me that this is just a nightmare. But… God, that’s not going to happen. You’re gone. You’re… You’re really gone.

Vaughn: Break’s over. Looking tired. Sure you want to stick around? Absolutely. Okay. On to the next phase. What brings you by? I wanted to check out the new place. I hope I’m not interrupting something important. Oh, no. No, just family stuff. Yeah, we were just talking about Gio.

Is everything okay? I’m actually glad you’re here, Lulu. That’s a first. Oh, Granny’s on a tear. And you are one of the few people she lets get away with murder, so maybe you can calm her down. I’m not doing you any favors. Not after what you’ve done.

Excuse me?

I think you heard me. Hey. Are — Are you okay?

Lulu: Dante Falconeri. Father? “Not listed on birth certificate”? But I do think that Dante deserves to know that he has a child out there somewhere. In a perfect world, I agree with you. But this isn’t just about Dante anymore. Yeah. Um… I was just saying that I don’t want to get involved. Whatever your issues are with Tracy, you’re gonna have to solve them yourself. Thanks. Far be it for anyone to ask you for help. I really hope everything’s okay with your dad. Yeah. Lulu, next time, maybe you should call before you just drop by. [ Scoffs ] Hey, what was that? I thought we talked. You were gonna cut her a little bit of slack. I am done. You guys can coddle Brook Lynn all you want. Okay, you know what I think? Actually, I’m done. Okay? I don’t want to referee you two anymore. Look, no one’s asking you to. I came to talk to you. Yeah. Is it about Rocco or Charlotte? No, but — Then it’s gonna have to wait because this thing happened with my dad and Gio and, believe it or not, Tracy, and if you’re not into helping anybody, then I got to go deal with that, if you don’t mind. Absolutely. Go handle it.

So, is everything okay with Gio? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sonny very generously set up a educational trust for Gio so that he could go to grad school after PCU. That’s great. What’s the problem? Tracy told Gio not to take my money. Of course she did. Tracy has always been biased against Sonny. Yeah. You don’t have to tell me. Yeah, but she’s barking at the moon on this one because you and I, we’re always going to be family. And the entire Cerullo clan is always going to be grateful for everything you’ve done for Gio. Family is family, and I’m happy to do this for him. But, you know, the real reason is I can’t really say no to you, Lois.

Jordan: So, let me get this straight. You ran into my food delivery guy? [ Laughs ] Literally. There was pad Thai all over the pavement, but, uh, don’t worry. I helped him clean it up, and I tipped him. Well… That’s great and all, except now I don’t have any lunch. Oh. No problem. I could fix something up for you. You cook? Oh, I cook. Well, good luck, because I don’t think I have anything in the fridge except for baking soda and, um, a packet of soy sauce. I’ll see what I can do with what you’ve got. But I’ve been known to work a miracle or two, you know. Oh, really?

You feeling tired? You’ve been up for 48 hours. I’m good. What about martial arts? Got any training? A little kickboxing. Nice. Got good instincts. Not up to agency standards, but decent starting point. [ Grunts ] [ Laughs ] Not bad. You haven’t slept. You’re in the middle of nowhere. Why are you doing this? What? Kicking your ass.

Clearly, this tiger is of some significance to you. I suspect that its provenance was something worth determining. I’m only aware of two owners — my stepmother and the person that she bequeathed it to… Me. It’s quite the unique gift. It’s not a gift. It’s a curse. Helena Cassadine was my stepmother, and she used that dagger to slit my mother’s throat. Hey, uh, Gio. I’m so sorry if things got a little intense here this morning. I hope my grandmother didn’t offend you anymore than she usually does anyway. She really does mean well, even when she’s doing wrong. And, um — [ Knock on door ] Uh, okay. I’ll see you at home or give me a call back if you want to talk. Bye.

I thought we were done. Oh, we are far from done.

You know what’s good about the fact that there’s no real connection between us? Except that you’re my terrible assistant and you’re mooching off my grandmother. I don’t have to pretend to give a damn about you. Okay, so we’re doing this? You’re going to want to close the door. I doubt you want everyone in the house hearing this particular conversation. What conversation? What is this about? It’s about how you have been lying to Dante for years. Sonny, is there anything else we need to discuss regarding the trust in Gio? No. I’m gonna — I’m gonna talk to him and let him know that he doesn’t have to feel pressure to take my money. Well, I doubt he’ll feel that way. I mean, he knows how generous you are. We all do. Anyway, I’ll be in touch. Carly. Educational trust fund? That’s an investment. Well, you know, I mean, education is very important. And the Cerullos are my family, and they’re not going to be able to afford Gio’s musical education. I’m in a position to do it. I’m happy to do it. I know that. I believe it. It doesn’t surprise me. You always take care of the people you love. I try. But Tracy reminded everybody that those same people… …they’re going to end up hurt by me. Okay. You know, are you sure Tracy wasn’t talking about herself? And she doesn’t get to remind you of anything. I don’t know, Car. Maybe she has a point. She doesn’t have a point, Sonny. And Gio is an adult, right? You’ve known him most of your life. He gets to decide, not Tracy, if he wants to accept your help. Michael didn’t decide to be my son. Look where he’s at. Michael’s the other reason that I stopped by. I actually talked to him on the phone today. He called me. He’s up to making phone calls? Yeah, I mean, he said he’s doing…better. I mean, it’s slow, but he’s in therapy and he’s moving in the right direction. That makes me — I feel great. Do me a favor — next time you talk to him, tell him I love him. I will. But I know he’s going to call you. And you can tell him yourself. I know he loves you too. I still can’t believe you made this terrific pasta out of, I don’t know, whatever I had in my pantry. I mean, I had to work with what I had. You have like three ingredients in this place. That is why I order in. I see why now. But I’m glad you’re enjoying your meal. So why did you stop by? Was it to assault my delivery driver or impress me with your culinary skills? The cooking part was a bonus, but I’m glad I get to see you. Is that so? It is. I thought the whole idea behind you going after Sidwell was that we’d pursue whatever this is in private.

I read your file. Oh, yeah? What’s in it? Josslyn John Jacks, PCU pre-med, switched to environmental science major. Volleyball player. Huh. Former volleyball player. Former. Billionaire dad. Hotel owner mom. Rich girl. You could do anything and be anywhere. But you’re here. Well, in about five minutes, you’re going to wish I wasn’t. Why aren’t you sipping some fruity drink on a beach in Cancún? Huh, maybe it’s not because I’m some — some rich girl who enjoys suntans and dysentery. [ Chuckles ] But why this? Why the WSB? Well, I’ve seen people die. I’ve seen people take advantage of their power and use it to hurt others. I want to balance the scales, get a little justice. If you mean any of what you just said, there’s the door. You need to understand something. Out of respect for my grandmother and for Dante, I have allowed you to push my boundaries. But that ends now. Look, I am happy for your children and your family that you are awake. But you have gone way too far with me. And I have zero grace left to give you. So if you have something to say to me, go ahead, say it, Lulu, I dare you. Okay, how about this? You had Dante’s baby and you never told him.

I’m surprised that Lucy didn’t fill you in on the sordid history of this property and its former owners. Well, she gave me some of the history, but clearly she omitted a few of the important details. Apparently. So, to be clear, this dagger was used to murder your mother? Yes. Well, in light of that, the least I can do is offer you a drink. No, thank you. I’m sober. Well, in light of that, I’ll make myself one.

[ Liquid pouring ] Forgive me, but, um…

Did you witness your mother’s murder?

Jordan, I don’t want to pressure you or put you on the spot, but if now’s not the right time for you or you’re not interested, I get that. We’re cool. But I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding. I am very interested in seeing what this could be, even if it’s just here in this apartment. You and me.

So, how you, uh, how you liking the place? Well, you know, it’s not bad. As you can see, it’s bigger than the penthouse, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. It’s great. Yeah. Did you get it de-Cassadined? Did you get a priest in here, do an exorcism and everything? [ Laughs ] Well, you know, I mean, look, I had my concerns, but it’s all good. It just needs to be comfortable for my daughters. Yeah. Are you kidding? Donna and Avery, they’re gonna love it here. That’s the plan. You want to drink something? No, I’m good. Actually, I just — I came to see you, uh, because I just wanted to apologize. All that crap Tracy was saying, I should have said something sooner. You don’t have to defend me. I can handle myself. I know you can. But what you’re doing for Gio, it’s — it’s just really generous, and I should have spoken up. You don’t have to apologize if you agree with Tracy. So, the new edition of the book will be delivered tomorrow? Fantastic. My son Leo loves these books. Thank you. Where is she? Your mother. Oh, well, hello to you too. She’s out for a ride. Why? Oh, I will give her a ride — right off the end of the dock. Any particular reason? She’s gone too far this time. You want to know what she did? It doesn’t matter. You’re going to tell me. Absolutely I will. Sonny very graciously created a trust for Gio’s musical future for him to use now or whatever he might need. Well, that’s very generous of him. Yes, it was. And when Sonny brought the paperwork over here for Gio to sign, your mother stuck her face in their private business and told Gio not to sign it. Uh-huh. I see what the problem is now. Yeah, of course you do. I mean, the gall of that woman. Can you imagine? Yes. And this time my mother’s right. This is new — a speechless Brook Lynn. Whatever you think you know… Save it. I know the truth. Don’t bother trying to deny it. I didn’t deny anything. I didn’t confirm anything either. You don’t need to. I saw the paperwork. What paperwork? From your lawyer. Come on, Brook Lynn. I saw Martin’s files. You had a son, and Dante’s the father. You gave him up for adoption, and Dante never even knew he existed. Yeah. That’s right. You. You did that. You kept Dante’s child from him.

[ Quietly ] A boy? I had a son?

Hold on. You have the power to throw me out? No. But you have the power to walk away. And why would I do that? So, what you just described, that’s idealism. Take it to the Peace Corps. I’m not going anywhere. Idealists in this line of work end up dead or worse. What’s worse? You need to understand. This world, the WSB, it changes people. Ideals get shattered. They get corrupted. and people? There’s no one more corrupt in this world than a person who used to have ideals.

[ Paper cup clatters ]

Carly, you really got to help me out here. Where is this coming from? You really need me to spell this out for you? You should be with someone like Vivian. You should — Someone who’s fun with no strings attached. Because I can’t do that. And I don’t want to do that. And I know that I was crazy to think there was something else going on between us. Carly, there is something else going on.

No matter how long, no matter how much

Didn’t expect to see you here again.

If I hadn’t seen the notes in Martin’s room with my own eyes, I — I might actually be buying your act. It’s not bad. But it’s clear from the notes that you were trying to track down your son. Or at least find out something about him. That’s why you went to Martin. I never went to Martin. I have never talked to a lawyer about my baby. I’ve never talked to anyone. Give it up, Brook Lynn. I saw Martin’s notes. You had a baby when you were a teenager — Dante’s baby. You can at least admit that much. I can show you pictures of that too, if you’d like.

I had a baby. I gave birth in San Francisco. I didn’t even know if I had a girl or a boy. Couldn’t know. I never even h-held him.

I have never looked for him and I have never talked to a lawyer. Well, your mother has because she showed up at Martin’s hotel room. Forget it, Ned. You never liked Sonny. I should have known better than to talk to you about this. Lois, wait. Look, I know you and Sonny go back to the old neighborhood and that the Cerullos and Sonny have a rock-solid relationship that goes back before Columbus. Yeah, and then some. And that is never gonna change. I know. And, honestly, I don’t love it, but it’s not my business. I wish your mother understood that, too. But what I don’t understand — and I’m guessing my mother didn’t either — is why you would encourage Gio to tie himself to a known criminal, especially knowing where his money comes from. Oh, please! This has nothing to do with Sonny’s businesses. Yet. If you let Sonny create a trust in Gio’s name… and Gio, being a good guy, he is going to feel indebted to him, Lois! It’s that simple. And what if Gio decides to, I don’t know, follow in his benefactor’s footsteps or do Sonny a favor and he ends up being in the line of fire? How does your loyalty to Sonny help Gio then? Well, no, I didn’t agree with Tracy. And if you thought I did, well, it’s a good thing I came over. Well, I gotta — I gotta admit that — that — it’s good to hear. Dad, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve agreed with Tracy on anything. But you should know that if you ask Jason or Stone, they’d both tell you the same thing, that they were happy to have you in their lives. As am I. You think your brother would feel the same way? Yeah, Dad. I mean, Michael, he got — he got hurt in the penthouse. But you’re his dad, and he loves you. And this thing you’re doing for Gio, it should be appreciated, okay, not picked apart by Tracy or anyone else. I appreciate the hell out of you, Dad.

When I suggested we spend time together clandestinely, I thought it would be…sexier. Excuse me? I’m bringing the sexy. Oh, yes, you are. But look at me. I’m in sweatpants and pedicure pads. No. No, no. I have seen grown men stop mid-sentence when you enter a room. But I like seeing the you that other people don’t get to see. But if you want me to even the playing field, I could run home, get on the treadmill, run a quick two miles, get super sweaty. You could. But I can think of better ways to get sweaty.

Well, I came here hoping to see you. But then again, I’m always hoping to see you, Carly. Okay. What, uh — What happened? We were heading in such a nice direction. What changed? Come on, Jack. You remember what happened on our date. I explained about Vivian. Yes. You were clear and above board. So what — what’s the problem? This is the problem. Yes, you were up front with me about Vivian and your lifestyle. I just was fooling myself, believing that our lifestyles were compatible. They’re just not. So you’re telling me you don’t care about anything? You’ve got no ideals at all. I’m saying that sometimes you got to do bad things to prevent worse things from happening. [ Scoffs ] That’s cynical. That’s pragmatic. I’ve got no illusions about lighting the way for truth and justice. Then I feel sorry for you. It must be a pretty hopeless existence. But, hey, we’re not the same. And I can do this. You sure about that? [ Josslyn grunts ] Rule number one. Never fight fair.

[ Chuckles ] Rule number two? See rule number one.

Still think you got what it takes?

I’m sorry for asking such a difficult question. My curiosity can sometimes come across as a lack of common courtesy. It’s a tragic story with an all-too-common theme. My father was Mikkos Cassadine, who fell in love with my mother, Kristin. She was an opera singer. And also his mistress. And when his wife, Helena, found out about it, she came to our home and she murdered her right in front of me. Ohh. So, yes, I watched it. I am so sorry. It’s a horrible thing for a child to see. You don’t strike me as someone easily shocked. You don’t strike me as someone that shares something like this openly.

And with a stranger, no less.

Yeah, sometimes it’s easier to talk about something with a stranger. Especially when it’s something that’s barbaric. And now this dagger keeps reappearing like it’s haunting me. And I — I know the weight of it. It’s not a replica. I wouldn’t know.

I threw this in the harbor. [ Exhales sharply ] Maybe you misremembered? Trauma can wreak havoc with memories. Maybe. In any event… looking at it, holding it is… horrific.

Hm. [ Chuckles ] Okay. That was the last thing I expected when I ordered that pad Thai. Normally, I would never stand between a woman and her takeout. Hope you’re not too disappointed. Well, I do love pad Thai, but I’m okay with the way things turned out. Would you say it was a pleasant surprise? Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Definitely.

So, uh, why do you think this Gio thing is bothering you so much? I just think Tracy’s words hit home with Gio. She made him feel like, you know, now he feels obligated to take the trust because of his loyalty to me. I don’t know. Maybe it has nothing to do with that. Maybe he’s got his own reasons. But I don’t want — I don’t want him to feel forced to take my money. Well, then don’t. Tell him. Talk to him. Tell him he can take it or leave it, but either way, it’s not gonna cost him his relationship with you. Forget — Forget the trust right now. Forget the money. Okay. ‘Cause it’s just, you know… Yeah. How are you doing? I don’t know. I don’t know. I thought finding out what happened to Sam would give me closure, but it hasn’t. You miss her. That’s not gonna change. It’s just gonna get a little more manageable. Yeah, I think the reason I’m having a hard time managing is, uh, Lulu. You saw my mother in Martin Grey’s hotel room? Not exactly, but — What were you doing in there? I’m pretty sure that Martin just didn’t hand you his notes. No. He didn’t. Well, how did you get those pictures? What does it matter?! The truth’s the truth! You broke in to Martin’s hotel room, didn’t you? You got that information illegally! I swear, if your cousin Carly gave you the master key… Carly had nothing to do with this! And this has nothing to do with you! The child you gave birth to is my son’s half-brother. Dante’s son. He has another child out in this world! Dante cares about you… and I believe that you care about him, so how could you give birth to his child and never tell him his son existed?! What would you like me to do with it? It’s yours. You can take it with you. Though, I totally understand why you might not want to. Oh, it came with the house. It’s your property now. I’ll walk you out. I know the way.

So I guess we’re gonna see where this goes? Absolutely. Good. Because we need to be careful. Sidwell can’t know we have a connection. [ Sighs ] Are you really sure you want to cozy up with Sidwell? Is that what this is about? You want me to change my mind? No. No, no, no. I just don’t understand why you have to be the one to expose Sidwell. The WSB and PCPD already have eyes on them. And you’re not in law enforcement anymore. So why be involved in this? Wouldn’t you rather just have a — What, date you than bust Sidwell? No. Not sneak around. Well, that’s the deal, Isaiah. And if you’re uncomfortable with that, then I’ve got a simple solution. Opt out.

So, to be clear, you don’t want to see me anymore because of my lifestyle. Exactly what type of lifestyle do you think I’m leading right now? One where you defuse bombs, spark revolutions, and sleep with women without commitment or consequences. What if I want commitment and consequences? Don’t. Don’t do that. That’s not fair. Because you don’t want that, not really, and I have to be honest with myself about this.

Alright, then. Take care of yourself, Carly.

When I had you on the floor, you didn’t pull out all the stops. Rule number three. Do whatever you have to to survive. Claw. Scratch. Bite. [ Grunts ]

Something like that? [Weakly] Yeah. Something like that. Look, Lulu’s trying to help. I know that. But honestly the person who’s been the biggest help grieving Sam has, uh — has been Brook Lynn. She stepped up? Yeah. You know, Dad, she’s been great. But that hurts Lulu. Lulu doesn’t get it. You and Brook Lynn have known each other your whole lives. There’s a lot of history there, trust. Just like me a-and her mother. There’s a kinship there. You are being unfair, Ned. Not this time. I’m actually confused, Lois, by your whole take on this thing. I mean, you’ve always been loyal to Sonny, but in the past, your loyalty had some guardrails. I mean, you went out of your way to extricate L&B Records from a business relationship with Sonny. [ Sighs ] I mean, you even encouraged Brenda to wear a wire and record the man! But eventually I saw the financials and confirmed that every single penny he put into that was legit, including the money that he put into Deception. But now Gio’s trust is perfectly fine — because Sonny says so. Why? What changed? Where is your due diligence, Lois?! Why is it different with Gio? You call me a hypocrite? You got pregnant in high school, too! Remember? I certainly do! And you made a choice that was right for you. And you had people supporting you, as they should have. Well, Lulu, I… made a different choice. I gave birth to my child, and I gave him up for adoption so he could have a better life. I wasn’t ready to be a mother. And had I told Dante the truth, that choice would have been taken away from me! So you get off your high horse, okay?! We both made choices! Do you regret yours? I made the choice that was right for me at the time. And I am glad that you feel that way. I’m not judging you for your choice, so don’t you dare judge me for mine! I am not judging you for your choice. I am judging you for your lies! Dante has a son out in the world, and because of your lies, he doesn’t know it. No matter what your circumstances were then, he deserves to know now. And if you won’t tell him, I will.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Friday, March 7, 2025

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

[mellow instrumentals] Finn, you know I love you and I don’t blame you for any of this. Look, if I would have known that Luna was my daughter, I could have been there for her. Things would have been different. What might have been, Finn, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change the horrific things Luna has done. So can we please just… forget about her? Tell me we’re never gonna talk about her again. I’m sorry, Stef, I– I just can’t do that. BILL: A relationship with your father. Tom Starr’s dead. You killed him. I know, and I’ll have to live with that for the rest of my life, but Bill, I didn’t kill my father! -Luna, I just– -He’s alive! And I know who he is. [uneasy music plays] [door closes] You wanna tell me what’s going on with Daphne? Uh, w-what do you mean? You know, she’s going back to Paris. Why aren’t you trying to stop her? I respect your talent, Daphne. After all, you have created a beautiful fragrance line for Forrester Creations, but… if you think I’m just going to stand idly by when you make moves on my man, well, then… you don’t know me at all. You know, I’ve seen your… type before. -Type. -Yeah. Someone who uses a good man to get what she wants. That’s what you’ve done. Let me be…crystal clear. Stay away from my man. [tense music plays] Daphne needs to get back to Paris. Wait, just when the fragrance line dropped? And it’s such a critical time. There’s more to it. Why’s Daphne suddenly deciding to take off? Or do I already know? It has something to do with you, doesn’t it, Carter? HOPE: Carter and I are in a committed relationship. I do not doubt it. And yet, you kissed him anyway? I admitted I was wrong. You know, I feel for him. That’s all. He seems a bit…lost. Don’t you think? Taking over Forrester Creations– it’s eating away at him. I wonder how long he’ll be able to live with that. You know who your father is. Who? Finn. Finn? Your cousin…Finn? STEFFY: Finn, I get how conflicted you are finding out that you have a daughter. But you need to get Luna out of your head. I’m her father. She’s not a child, Finn. She killed two men. She tried to kill me. You can’t save her. But I can’t rule out my responsibility. It’s all tragic. And how can we not say that her actions weren’t caused by a chaotic, unstable childhood, a childhood without a father? Whoa, Finn. Just because you have a messed-up childhood doesn’t mean that you can go out and kill someone. No, I know, I know, but yes, I think that I could have -made a difference if I’d known. -Oh, Finn. She killed Tom and Hollis. She tried to kill me. Thank God she is locked up in prison for the rest of her life. Look, she’s…[exhales] she’s incarcerated, but she’s not in prison. She’s under house arrest. House arrest. At Bill Spencer’s. -[gasps] -[intense music swells] You’re the reason that Daphne’s going back to Paris, aren’t you? She has feelings for you. I can tell. And you have feelings for her… don’t you, Carter? DAPHNE: Carter’s tormented about what the two of you have done. How can you not see that? Maybe you prefer not to. You know nothing… about our love. This love affair has been very beneficial for you. Eric, Ridge, and Steffy are gone. -[huffs] -You, your mother, and Carter are in. You got everything you wanted. I mean, you-you’ve been in Los Angeles for how long? You don’t know me. And to imply that I am using Carter when that couldn’t be further from the truth, I mean… Wow. Okay. You know what? Go ahead. Go ahead. Flaunt yourself in front of him. Embarrass yourself in front of him. But you know deep down that nothing is going to stop him from loving me… and me from loving him, and you know that, don’t you? That is why you are going back to Paris, because you know it is a lost cause, so… …let me be the first to say bon voyage. Slow down. Just-just slow down. If Finn just found out about this, how did you find out about it? I mean, I’m sure he didn’t post it on social media. No. So where’d you get the information? -Finn told me. -Finn tol– Finn was here? Well, he just showed up at the door. And you answered the door? -Luna, you know the deal. -I know, I know. I’m not supposed to see or talk to anyone, but, Bill, he’s my dad. He told you this, and you believe him. He did tests, okay? When he found out that Tom Starr wasn’t my father, he thought maybe it could be him. He never suspected it before? My mom lied to him. All my life, she swore that I wasn’t his. -How did he know you were here? -I don’t know! He went to the prison looking for me, and he somehow found out that I was here. Well, for your sake and for mine, you better hope he keeps his mouth shut or you’re gonna end up exactly where you don’t wanna be– locked up for the rest of your life. [heavy music plays] There’s no way I heard you right. Luna isn’t in prison? She’s under house arrest… at Bill’s? Yeah, I-I couldn’t believe it either. -Ho-ho-how did that happen? -I don’t know. I-I-I don’t know. I went to the prison– Wait–you went to the prison? Why would you do that? I went to see her, Steffy, but she wasn’t there. And then later I found out that she’d been released to Bill’s custody. So…you went to his house? Yeah, I did. Steffy, I needed to see her. You need to understand that. Okay? I needed to see my daughter. Your daughter… who tried to kill me. [dark music plays] [exhales] I love Hope. My commitment’s to her. -Are you sure about that? -I don’t like what you’re speculating, Zende, and I suggest you not share it with anyone. Daphne’s on her way back to Paris as we speak. I’m not making excuses, but perhaps you should ask yourself why Carter was so vulnerable. Carter and I are a team. We have love and respect for each other, although I don’t expect you to understand that. What I understand is that Carter has lost everything that makes him who he is– his principles, his values. The man you say you respect is a shell of himself. I respect Carter for the man he truly is, and he knows it. Maybe-maybe it’s okay that Finn knows, you know? -He’s my dad. He won’t say– -I warned you. I warned you. I told you what would happen if you broke the rules– you would end up back in prison. No, no, I-I can’t go back there. I have a father. I have a future. I have a father -who’s good and honest– -Luna–Luna! -What you’ve done… -No. I can be good too, Bill. Finn’s my dad. He’s half of me, and he’s wonderful. I can be my father’s daughter. [intense music plays] -Oh my God. -I know. I know. -This is upsetting. -Upsetting? Luna locked me in a cage. She tried to kill me, and she’s under house arrest at Bill’s? I mean, she killed two men. What is Bill thinking? -I don’t know. I don’t know. -My God! But I had to tell you. I wasn’t gonna keep it from you. Look, honey, hey, I love you. I love you, okay? More than anything. And I hate–I hate what Luna did to you. But… But what? She’s… she’s my daughter. And when I saw her, honey, I felt this pull inside. I couldn’t help it. I–it’s just that she’s a part of me. I can’t change it. We can’t change what she’s done, either… the crimes she’s committed. Oh, I know. I know. And when I found her at Bill’s, the moment she saw me, she broke down. She told me that she feels horrified about everything that she’s done. She begged me to believe that she was sorry. She said it felt like an out-of-body experience, like it wasn’t even her committing those crimes. Believe me, Finn… she was in her body. It was her. Why would you even listen to her? Because in that moment, all I could think about was that was my little girl. Steffy, she was mine. I didn’t get to hold her. Okay? I didn’t dry her tears, and I didn’t protect her. If Poppy would have told me all those years ago, I mean, Luna’s life would have been so different. She wouldn’t have hurt those two men -and she wouldn’t have hurt you. -[scoffs] Poppy robbed me of the chance to be a part of Luna’s life. She robbed both of us. I could have been her father from the beginning, and I never, ever would have failed her. So does she know? Did you tell her? Yeah. Luna knows. She knows that she’s my daughter. [edgy music plays] So Luna knows? How’d she react? She was shocked. She…couldn’t believe it. She broke down in tears. Her whole life, she’s wanted to know who her father was. It was emotional and intense. As intense as…killing two men and locking me in a cage? -Steffy, honey, I didn’t mean– -I cried too. Do you know that? I cried. I thought I was gonna die. I thought I was never gonna see Kelly or Hayes again, that I would never watch them grow up, that I would never hear their voice or be able to hold them in my arms. I cried for you. -Do you know that? -No, of course I do, honey. I– So when you were talking with Luna, when she was begging you to believe her, did she mention that she made me beg? Beg for my life? To be let go? Did she tell you that she enjoyed watching me cry? No. She didn’t. She’s not your sweet little girl. I get that this is hard for you that you weren’t part of her life. I get that that was difficult, but it doesn’t matter. She’s broken, Finn. She tried to destroy our-our family! God! She’s manipulating you and Bill. -Oh, my God. -Hey, whoa, Steffy, hold on. -Where are you going? -No. I’m going to Bill, and I’m gonna ask him why he brought that psychopath out of prison! -Okay, just listen– -No, no, do not try to stop me. Listen to me, Steffy. I love you. Okay? You. You are the most important person to me in this world. Just–sweetheart. Do not forget that. Do not forget that. I gotta go. [heavy music plays] Now, I wonder what the time could be. I don’t want you to miss your flight. I fly private. Plane takes off when I decide. What’s going on? Just having a little tete-à-tete. Yes. Daphne was just telling me about her plans to go back to Paris, and I think it is a wonderful idea. After all, the fragrance launch was a success, so we don’t really need her here anymore, right, Carter? Why don’t you tell her to leave for Paris? [moody music plays] My father. [crying] [door opens] It’s really true. You’re out of prison? Living here at Bill’s? -Wait. I-I can explain. -Save it. I don’t give a damn. You are not gonna get away with this. You killed two men. You drugged me and you left me to die. And I’m sorry, Steffy. I am so sorry. -I never wanted to hurt you. -Oh, my God! That is such a lie, Luna! You laughed in my face, remember? You laughed in my face when I begged you, begged you to let me go. -You tried to kill me. -I swear, that wasn’t me, okay? I would never do anything to cause you pain or any harm. Especially now. Especially now…what? Now that you found out my husband Finn is your father? Look, I-I realize that this is a shock for you. I-i-it’s a shock for me too. But-but it’s the truth. And it’s the most amazing gift. I mean, I can’t name anyone more remarkable and kind and caring than Finn. This is more than I could have ever dreamed of. What makes you think you deserve a dream like that, hmm? You don’t deserve any of that. Not Finn’s love, not his kindness, not his caring–none of it. So get that out of your head. You are a cold-blooded murderer who’s gonna spend the rest of your life in prison. So forget about Finn. Forget that you have a dad, because you don’t. You’re never…ever gonna see Finn again. [intense music escalates] -STEFFY: Here’s a look ahead. -Where do things stand now between you and Carter? The old Carter’s still in there. I hate that it came to this. -You cannot be serious, Bill. -I am. This lunatic tried to kill me! You went after my son! -You– -Aah– Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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BTG Transcript Friday, March 7, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


This is the second time I caught you creeping in my mom’s things. Give me a second, Kat. I need to close this. What did you just delete? What are you hiding? Nothing. You seem upset. Not upset. Astute. Laura usually does her work at the home office. Why are you in my mom’s hospital office alone, messing around with her computer?

It’s called working.

I’m calling it messy. The Duprees have a family motto: “Fool me once, it’s on me. Fool me twice, it’s your funeral.” [sighs] [indistinct police radio chatter] [phone vibrating] I was just staring at this stack of legal briefs, thinking I’d rather be staring at Detective Jacob Hawthorne in his briefs. [chuckles] I love the way you think, woman. Let the record show, though, you’re the one who caved and called after

we just saw each other.

But we weren’t alone. Hmm. How much longer do you have to work? It’s hard to say. Listen, Naomi. You know I love you, right? Mrs. Hamilton. Or… Ms. Dupree. Forgive me. What should I call you? Thirsty. Yes, ma’am. The usual? Time to embrace the unusual.

Surprise me.

[phone vibrates] You got it. [“No Consequences” playing] ♪ ‘Cause there’s♪ ♪ No consequences♪ ♪ There’s nothing to lose♪ ♪ You could burn this house right down…♪ [song continues faintly] [laughs softly] ♪ ♪ [upbeat music playing] [line ringing] CHELSEA [recorded]: Hey, it’s Chels. Leave a message, but while you’re leaving it, please note that I probably won’t ever hear it.

Text me.

[line beeps] Chelsea Bear. It’s Momager Bear. Your presence is requested tonight at your grandparents’. I have something earthshaking to share, and you are going to want to hear it in person. I need you to know that there is nothing and no one above you, and I would never, ever intentionally cause you a moment of pain.

You think I don’t know that?

Yeah, I just… I needed you to hear it. And I needed to say it. I love you something fierce, Naomi. I love you more. EVA: Why do I feel like I wandered into one of those fancy shops where the salespeople eye me like I have sticky fingers? Victim act. Good pivot. Might have worked if I didn’t see you just blank that screen. I blanked the screen because even though you’re Dr. Richardson’s daughter, you aren’t authorized to… Exactly. I can’t see those files, and I’m related to her. You just hung up your apron at the salon, but you have full access? Don’t even. Mom’s still here. Let’s ask her. Nicole’s probably not answering because she’s still in the psych unit finishing up her rounds. Now, if you want to go run and whine to your mommy, go right ahead. And while I’m gone, you’ll bolt. Since I’m not the one with the issue, I’ll stick around and make sure nothing conflicts with that big award ceremony she has coming up. Everything’s all set with that. Except for last-minute details. You’re right. I’m new to all this. But I am not new to scoping out a client’s needs. Just give me a break, Kat. I’m trying to make the most out of the opportunity Nicole so graciously gave me. Nah, I’m not buying it. Mom should be out of her rounds by now. We’ll both be back and see what you’re really about. I didn’t come looking for this job. It got dropped in my lap by some random curveball. You’re saying Laura getting slammed by that biker is your lucky day? Stop twisting everything. I’ve got no beef with you, but you seem to be gunning for me. Maybe you should ask yourself why. Oh, I know exactly why. And now my mother will know, too.

There’s my award winner.

[chuckles] They haven’t given it to me yet, and who knows if they still will? Now that the Dupree name is synonymous with wielding a deadly weapon. You’re synonymous with grace, brains

and beauty.

[laughs] For instance, the curve of your neck and the taste of your… [laughing]: Ted, stop. Remember where we are. Remember who loves you. MAN [over P.A.]: Nurse Hugo to ICU. I have one more patient to see. And I have a few files to update. Meet me in my office when you’re done. Oh, how much of that smush did you have to witness? You don’t have to be embarrassed when your husband’s being romantic like that. Some of us would kill to have what you’ve got. [elevator bell dings] Mom, I’ve been looking all over for you. You will never guess what that queen of locks did. Queen of locks? You mean Eva? Do you have another hairdresser on your payroll? I didn’t need to see the video. I was there, George. Thank you for your concern. I know you can empathize with… after what you went through with Grayson. Send Adelaide our love, too. Was that George giving you the business about our girl?

I set him straight.

Mm-hmm. How many calls have you fielded

from the ladies who lunch?

Too many. Remember all the calls we got when Dani begged us to go to New York and start modeling? I thought she had perfected the art of the tantrum then. She’s outdone herself with the revival. If we just hadn’t forced her to go to that wedding, she never would have touched that gun. Bill didn’t give us a choice. We cannot go back, my love. All we can do is pray our beautiful daughter can finally move forward. You sound happy. Jacob just called a little while ago just to tell me he loves me. Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t think. Naomi, honey, never apologize for being happy. I tell you, I am so grateful for the grace I have received. I may hate Bill forever, but after that stunt I pulled, I am glad that your father is still breathing and that I am not dripped out in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. So not my color. You know, I thought Jacob’s call was the best thing to happen to me today, but hearing you sound like you might be a close second. Well, there’s more where that came from. When you’re wrapped, come on to the Grands’. I’m gathering the whole family together. Some things are best done face to face.

Like what?

Oh, gotta go. Be there tonight. Later, baby. Dani Long Legs! [grunting rhythmically] [laughs] Vandanna! Vanessa McBride, I thought you were never going to get here.

We have to get you a drink.

Yes. Doug McBride. Joey Armstrong. I’ve seen you around the club. I like to take private meetings in my car. You ever read that book The Lincoln Lawyer? No. No? Michael Connelly’s a genius. You should check it out. You look a little nervous there, McBride. Everything all right? I’m thinking maybe I made a mistake. R-Randy didn’t think we should meet. I think maybe I should have listened to him. Maybe. Or maybe we should talk it out. Find out if you got into the right car… or if you should hitch another ride home. I thought we put this to bed the other day. That was before I caught Eva creeping again on your work computer, Mom. When you caught Martin and me doing that once, you grounded us for a week. You really think Eva was snooping in my patient files? Well, you gave your passcode keychain to the kingdom to an imperfect stranger, someone you barely know and wouldn’t even trust to do your hair. Eva is not a stranger. Mona recommended her, and we trust Mona implicitly. Mona’s smart, but Eva’s slick. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to pediatrics. [sighs] You think Eva is some type of grifter out to steal my patient files and blackmail my clients? It’s possible. You’re reaching, Kat. That girl has stepped up, and she has been a capable, courteous and effective assistant. So you’re just gonna ignore this transgression? Alleged transgression. And this will all soon be moot. Laura will be back at work, and Eva will be out of our lives with a glowing recommendation. I’m telling you, her vibe is off. Not just off. Wrong. Dead wrong. You expect me to fire someone based on vibes? Baby, the only one having bad feelings is you. So my opinion doesn’t count? I don’t need you to be friends with Eva. Do I need you to see her as a person of value? You should want to give her a hand up. You mean like a makeover? ‘Cause she could use that. You know what is not a good look? My spoiled brat of a daughter looking down on someone based on vibes.

Mom, if you would just listen…

No, you listen. Just like when you were a little girl. I need you to sit and spin and think on this. And do not revisit this with me until you realize how wrong you are. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Orderly to 211. So I’ve been playing cards since I was a kid. M-Me and my boys, we got this Saturday night game. Small stakes. Anyway, when V and I sent our kids off to college, I ended up spending a lot more time at a casino and ended up owing more than what I had on hand. So you went to Randy? Yeah. Yeah, we-we have a history. Randy was this scrawny little kid, and one day, I found myself on the opposite side of a bully, and there was Randy offering up a punch. We got our asses kicked. [laughs] And now Randy’s still that little kid looking out for you. But he doesn’t see what I see. A grown man responsible for his own debts. That number look familiar? That’s exactly what I owe to the penny. How did you know? I know you own the casino, but… I take an interest in my clientele, Doug. And they become friends. I can always use more friends. Friends like you. For my daughter to strut wearing those Walking Deadrucksacks. Make it happen. I’m so sorry. I hate to be rude. It’s good seeing you handling business. You mean instead of a .45? [laughs] Yes, this is preferable. I’m just glad you can make time.

What are we celebrating?

Me, of course. Grands? I was just texting you.

Granddaddy indulged me.

[laughing] Cassiopia was visible tonight. [laughing] You see, when we’ve been married as long as you have, I hope Jacob and I are strolling under the stars, too. Aw. And I’m sorry for barging in, but Mom insisted I get over here ASAP. Oh, we got the same vague call, too. Okay. Any inkling? Good surprise or bad? And your mother sounded confident, grounded. I think Dani’s bearing good news. Or… she’s run out

of things to break.

[laughter] I’m here. It better be for a good reason. You look like you just got out of bed. I told you I was meeting up with a couple of new friends. Emphasis on “couple.” What’s up?


Seriously? You chose this time and place to bitch about the temp? This place because when I was little, my dad used to bring me out here to see the… the skyline and beyond are mine for the taking. And this time, because tonight, I caught Eva creeping on my mom’s work computer. News flash: assistants often use computers. She’s my mom’s personal assistant. My mom’s personal office is at the house. But her person is at the hospital. Checking Aunt Nicole’s iCal at whichever office is just part of the gig. I’ve hired and fired enough assistants to know it’s suspicious. And when I told my mom that, she acted like I was being privileged. Can you believe that? [scoffs] Okay, I know I can be bougie to the max, but this isn’t that. Something is off about Eva. She makes my baby hair stand at attention. Then whip out the gel for five more minutes before she’s out of there. Cuz, you are putting way too much emphasis on a passing hiccup in your big, beautiful life. But Eva doesn’t feel temporary. It feels like… I don’t know, like she’s being diabolical and strategic. [both laughing] What? Ah, why does she bug me so much? Maybe it’s my mama’s drama that’s got us all acting out of character. Oh, like bringing home two total strangers? That’s completely in character for me. But deciding that the new girl can’t sit with us at our table because she wore combat boots in your mom’s office? That reeks of some high school “mean girl” shizz. You were never that girl, Kat. I’m still not. [scoffs] Oh, uh, you summoned me to the top of your daddy’s castle, where he told you that the world was yours. We are literally standing in your “special spot” looking down on one of your mom’s subjects. The assistant. Just pretend for one second I’m right about this.

Then what?

[phone chimes] [sighs] I got to jet. Mom wants me at the Grands’ for some big announcement.

Thanks for coming, Chels.

Aw. I’m sorry for making this about me. I could give a masterclass on that. My mom is at the lowest point in her life, and all I can think about is telling her I want to quit modeling to work full-time on our purse empire. And my advice? Tell her, stat. My advice? Let it go. We just barely survived Hayley’s insurgence, and now I’m supposed to be okay with this perfect stranger coming into my family’s life? Not happening. [sighs heavily] Ted. Hi. Nicole got hung up and I thought I’d wait for her here. Okay, well, um, I’ll just go. Don’t rush off. Tell me, how are things going with you?


Yeah. I know my wife’s schedule can be a lot sometimes. I’m just happy that Nicole, after all these years, hasn’t figured out that she can do so much better. But you’re a godsend, and she adores you. And she’s a good judge of people. You don’t have to be so nice. Well, it’s the truth. Try it. Tell me, what’s bothering you? Nothing. See you tomorrow. Eva, I can’t let you leave like this. I think I know what’s going on here. You leave any couture for the rest of us? I just realized my closet is a mausoleum. Everything I wore was to make Bill look good, so everything’s gotta go. I love that the first step in your rebirth is shopping. Please tell me the next step is something tall, dark and fine. Like gym rat hottie over there? VANESSA: Diego. The club’s most in-demand trainer. I hear it’s because he specializes in locating the G spot. So, what’s happening with you? Things good with Doug? I didn’t know an empty nest meant an empty house. Now that the twins are away at college, Doug’s never home.

Then again, neither am I.

You okay with that? It works for us. Doug and I are still partners. The hearts and flowers and sex have long faded, but when we’re actually around each other, we’re content and comfortable. And we trust each other not to let anything or anyone screw up this thing we’ve built. I used to think that about Bill. Just because you’ve had it on lock for years doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep locking it down. I told myself Hayley was a passing fling until Bill was about to say, “I do.”

[phone vibrates]

Oh, there’s my cue. I can’t be fashionably late for a family gathering that I called.

Wish me luck.

You don’t need it. You are Dani Dupree.


You’re right. Ms. McBride. You forgot something. Yes, I did. So how does this work, exactly? Do I, do I sign a marker or… These hands, they might not look like much, but they can get me back in the black. A few valve repairs and some stents, and I can pay you back

with interest and…

Doug, relax. Your debt’s been paid. I took care of what you owe my casino, and… for a little extra touch, I’d like to float you some more.

Look, I can explain.

Is it the Dupree of it all?

You got me.

[laughs] They can be intimidating. But you belong here, Eva. Never doubt that. I know your parents must be very proud of you. Well, sort of. I never knew my dad. And my mom died when I was little. I don’t even remember her. But I have Leslie, who raised me. And, yeah, she’s proud, for sure. I’m sorry to hear about your parents, especially since they’re not here for you when you’ve been mistreated.

I’m not mistreated.

I know Kat came at you before. Has she done that again? She’s just looking out for Nicole.

I’m not mad at it.

That’s our father’s parents. We wanted her to think that the world was hers. I guess we overdid it. And it seems like you got a taste of her entitlement. That’s okay. If you ever run into that again from anyone, you have me as a resource. You mean that, don’t you? I’m a man of my word, Eva. Sure. Look, it’s okay if Kat doesn’t like me, but I don’t just want this job.

I need it.

Are you strapped for money? Isn’t everybody? WOMAN [over P.A.]: Code blue. Look, and working for Nicole makes me feel like I can learn and grow and have the same kind of place in this world you gave your daughter. Whatever Kat felt about you, I think she was off base. I feel it. I was just telling Kat the same thing.


Of course. Our daughter can be a little hard on people, especially new people. But you just keep doing what you’re doing, and you won’t be going anywhere. At least until Laura gets back. Well, I really hope she gets well, but I do like working for you. Remember that. You work for me, and Kat works for Ted. The only business of mine that Kat is involved in is the business of being my daughter. She does not hire or fire or even ask for so much as a latte. I wish I could say that Kat will get over this and stop making your life difficult, but that’s not her way. Understood. Any, um, advice on how to deal with her? [chuckles] Don’t give her any oxygen, and hopefully she’ll stop breathing down your neck. But you know where to find us if the situation escalates.

I would hate to lose you.

And I have some advice. Get out of here and don’t give us or our colorful family any more thought. I’ll try to do that. And, Eva, when you get to the office tomorrow, make yourself at home. She seems like a good kid.

I feel bad.

Why? You didn’t do anything. WOMAN [over P.A.]: We need a nurse to trauma bay seven. [hushed]: Eva. [hushed]: You can’t be here. Nicole and Ted are just down the hall. I got your video. I watched it a dozen times. If I knew the video would upset you, I wouldn’t have sent it.

But you’ve got to go.

Imagine being that entitled that you think that the whole world revolves around you and your family, that untouchable. And him looking at her like she’s freaking Beyoncé. He used to look at me like that. You’ve waited years for this. You can’t just blow it on impulse. People build gates to make them feel safe. They don’t realize that by building them, the whole world knows that there’s something precious inside. It’s just an invitation to burn it all down. I’m going to make Ted and Nicole wish they never met. [elevator bell dings] [elevator doors open] [R&B music playing] Hey, babe. I’m at Uptown. You wanna come join me for a drink? Oh, okay. No, no, no, babe. Hayley, enjoy your steam, okay? You deserve it. All right, babe. I’ll see you at home. Oh, and you were right, by the way. Everything’s gonna work out fine. Better than fine. [playing gentle piano music] [laughter]

No, stop, stop, stop.

I know you’re out here saving civilization one pro bono case at a time, but I hate that the world doesn’t

get to hear you sing.

Oh, no, Gran.

I’m just happy I get to sing with you.

[door opens]

Are you kidding?

[door closes] Ugh. I rushed here, and Mom is not even here yet? Dani’s not late, and neither are you. Your grandfather is certain she’s going to show up here a changed woman. Oh, you don’t share his sunny forecast? I think that child of mine might actually be part tornado. Best case, I’m hoping this isn’t a prelude to more storms. Anita, have a little faith. Okay, sunshine. You might be right. Since she’s never announced her bad behavior in advance. I will remember that for next time.

Your mother meant no harm.

I know. She’s just worried like the rest of us. I know. And I realize… that none of this was fair to any of you. I put you all in an impossible situation, and still you backed me up. That’s what Duprees do. So, what’s the big announcement, Mom? Wait. Where’s Nicole? I don’t think I can do this twice. She’s wrapping up at the hospital. She’ll be here momentarily. We’ll fill her in. We just need to know what’s going on and whether or not we need to intervene. Just let her get it out. Go on, Dani. [clears throat] Nicole was clinical. Daddy was kind. Mother was matter-of-fact. Chelsea was blunt. Naomi was funny. You all said it, and still I couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t feel it. Until today. My marriage is dead, and I am finally ready to bury it. It’s really, finally, absolutely over. Where’s the applause? Isn’t this what you all wanted? ♪ ♪ I know, I know I’ve made similar noise before, but this is different. I am different. No more outbursts at weddings. No more bullet holes in the country club ceiling. No more forceful use of a golf club. I am done with all of it. Uh, it’s not that we don’t believe you, baby girl, but what is this about a golf club? And do I really want to know? Oh, uh, Mom recreated Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” video in Dad’s office. All of that was because I was stuck in a nightmare from which I could not wake up. But today, I woke up, standing right in front of Hayley.

Oh, how awkward for her.

And Bill? Wasn’t there. But I could still smell his damn cigars in the home that Hayley had someone else decorate where she is living with my husband. [Anita clears throat] And it was then that it struck me in the face, in the gut, in the heart, all at once. Bill is not my husband anymore.

He’s hers.

Mom. And I told Hayley, newly Hamilton, that she doesn’t matter to me anymore. Bill doesn’t matter to me anymore. Daddy, you used to say that words have power. And I tell you, when I said those words, for the first time in a long time, I felt free. And that is why I have called you all here tonight. Because as free as I felt back there, nothing is really real until I share it with my family. So, Mom, try me. You say that man’s name, and I will say, “Bill who?” Now, I know you can’t completely forget. But you can get over it, right? I was thinking about my first runway show tonight.

You remember that?

[laughter] I was strutting, and I fell flat on my ass. I laughed, I pulled myself up,

and I started strutting again.

Like you will now. That fall made my career. Before that, I was the daughter of Vernon and Anita Dupree. After that, I was Dani. One name, like Naomi or Cindy. Until I met Bill. I took his name, and I lost my own. Danielle… More than words, I know you all need action. Now, I can’t go back, but I can show you by being the best daughter, sister, mother and woman that I can be– the woman I should have been all along. And I am gonna take Chelsea to heights I never reached. I… I promise. That is my mission. I might stumble, but I am back on my feet and ready to strut again. I can’t speak for the whole family, but I believe you. Oh, Mom. Mom, anything you’d like to say? You’re wrong about only one thing. You are always, always a Dupree. Our girl has seen the light.

Can I get an amen?


Can I get an A-woman?



[laughter] Vernon, put on some music so we can see this strut.

Ma, it was a metaphor.

Oh, come on, Mom.

Come on, you got it.

Like you said, Duprees, we need words into action.

Let’s do it.

All right.

It’s been a minute.

Oh, you still got it.

[music playing]

You got it.

Oh, yes. Yes! Yes!

Take your time.


[excited chatter]

Chin up, Mom. Chin up, Mom.

You get up here.

Come on up here.

[excited chatter] You still got it. Teach her, too. Come on! Come on!

Like mama, like daughter.

[excited chatter] [laughter] How the– how the kids do it. [laughter] Oh, baby, you still got it. Oh, my goodness, my goodness. You had us worried for a minute. I know. I know. I was scared.

No more worrying.

[excited chatter] [music continues]

Mama two-step. Hey!

Hey! ALL: Hey! Oh! Oh! Your generosity is appreciated, Joey. And unexpected. Now, Randy gave me a different impression on how you would take my request for assistance. Randy knows I only make an investment when I know I’ll make a return. Financially and personally. “Investments.” We are wielders of fate. You with your heart surgeries and me with my business. Wielders of fate, is that it? That’s it. We’ll be in touch. Well, thanks again, Joey. You-you saved my life. You have no idea. Yeah, I do. [door closes] [sighs] Doug has the worst poker face this side of the Potomac. You gave him money?

I did.

And it’s as good as gone. And you always say don’t throw good money after bad karma.

Friend or no.

I know. Then why float a sinker? He’s not good for it. Because I want Doug McBride in my debt. You have to understand, he’s no longer your friend. He’s a mark. And we’re going to make sure he digs a hole so deep, he’ll never escape it. Almost done. I hate being late for Dani. Dr. Richardson, we have a situation.

A trauma?

There’s a woman on the roof of the hospital threatening to jump. An RN tried to stop her, but she pushed her way past. The nurse said she asked for you by name and will only talk to you, alone. You’ll need a couple orderlies to go up there just in case things get hairy. No, no. If she sees anybody with Nicole, the woman may do something drastic. You can’t go up there without some kind of support. Ted, you just told me how much faith you have in my abilities. This woman needs me. We don’t want to do anything to spook her. I can talk her down. I swear I will be careful. Nicole. Nicole! WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to pediatrics. Hello? I’m Dr. Richardson, but you can call me Nicole. I heard you asked for me. How can I help? ♪ ♪ [playing gentle piano music] [soft laughter] That’s a good one. Jacob, baby. How long have you been standing there? Stop looking so serious, bro-in-law. It’s a celebration. Dani has turned the page on all this Bill nonsense. Yes, I am officially done with Bill and Hayley. They cannot touch me anymore. Son, is this a social call or…? It’s a social visit. Jacob’s family. Tell them. Danielle Dupree, I’m here to place you under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you. ♪ ♪

Sherry, no!

Leave my wife the hell alone. Because if you ever come for my wife again, I will destroy you. Dani, no one can take your dignity. Oh, my God. Wait. Derek! So you’re a congressman who’s itching to blow up. By that I mean run for president. Have you lost your ever-loving mind? You need to get out of here before it’s too late. Leave me alone, Little Miss Big Shot. I’ve got drinks to serve.

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Interview with Nikohl Boosheri, Amber Afzail, Roya Mahboob and Elaha Mahboob

TV Interview!


"Rule Breakers" actors Nikohl Boosheri and Amber Afzail with activists Roya Mahboob and Elaha Mahboob of "Rule Breakers" movie from Angel Studios.

Interview with Nikohl Boosheri and Amber Afzail and with activists/writers Roya Mahboob and Elaha Mahboob from the film “Rule Breakers” by Suzanne 2/13/25

This is a truly inspiring story that everyone should watch. It’s based on the real story of how Aghani entrepeneur Roya Mahboob taught young women in Afghanistan and put together a female robotics team that entered in world-wide robotics competitions for students during war and oppression in Afghanistan.  Besides the drama, it has moments of fun, too, and you’ll be cheering on the women, no matter what. I enjoyed speaking to two of the actresses: Nikohl Boosheri (who played Mahboob) and Amber Afzail, who played Esin (one of the young women), and real-life heroines Roya Mahboo, and her sister, Elaha, who co-wrote the movie.  Usually, I only interview actors, producers, etc. but this is one of the few times I’ve interviewed the real-life people whose story has been brought to life.  It’s always fascinating.  I have to say that all of these women are beautiful, inside and out.  Don’t miss the movie, which premieres today, Friday, March 7, in theaters everywhere. Buy tickets here!

Nikohl Boosheri  and Amber Afzail

Roya Mahboob and Elaha Mahboob


"Rule Breakers" key artMORE INFO: Official Site  Trailer

Nikohl Boosheri as Roya Mahboob (“Supergirl,” “Altered Carbon”) + Amber Afzail as Esin (“Dear Home”) (Paired)

Executive Producer and Subject of the Film Roya Mahboob + Co-Writer Elaha Mahboob (Paired)

Synopsis: In a nation where educating girls is seen as a rebellion, a visionary woman dares to teach young minds to dream. When their innovation draws global attention, their success sparks hope-and opposition. As threats loom and sacrifices are made, their courage and unity ignite a movement that could forever transform the world.

Directed by: Bill Guttentag

Produced by: Bill Guttentag and Samudrika Arora

Written by: Jason Brown, Bill Guttentag, Elaha Mahboob

Cinematography: John Pardue (The Girl; Resistance; And Then There Were None)



Nikohl Boosher (“Circumstance”) as Roya Mahboob

Ali Fazal (“Death on the Nile”)

Phoebe Waller-Bridge (“Fleabag”)


Nikohl Boosheri stars in the film"Rule Breakers" from Angel Stuadios.Nikohl Boosheri is a Canadian actress based in Los Angeles. She made her film debut in 2011 with the Sundance Film Festival Audience Award Winner, “Circumstance.” Her acclaimed performance in the film won Best Performance at three other Film Festivals: LA Outfest, International Rome Film Festival, and the Noor Film Festival.

At the Tribeca Film Festival, 2013, Nikohl was named among the 10 Actors to watch for by IndieWires for her performance in Meera Menon’s feature “Farah Goes Bang.”

Nikohl’s credits include acting opposite Thandie Newton in DirectTV’s “Rogue”, and portraying the colorful character Sara in Daniel Grove’s “The Persian Connection.” This has been a busy year for Nikohl, she is playing a wide range of roles across several Networks this fall. Nikohl is also a songwriter, frequently collaborating with LA artist Wild the Coyote.Amber Afzali stars in the film"Rule Breakers" from Angel Studios.

Born in Las Vegas, Nevada, Amber Afzali discovered her passion for acting at an early age. After moving to Southern California with her family when she was eight, Afzali’s parents enrolled her in acting classes to help her overcome her shyness. It didn’t take long for Afzali’s natural talent to shine through and, when her teacher presented her with an award for best commercial skit, her confidence began to flourish. While she loved the creative freedom that performing afforded her, Afzali soon found it difficult to balance the demands of acting classes with her school work and made the decision to focus on her education as she pursued her dream of attending an Ivy League University. She channeled her energy into academics and other pursuits including serving as school president and in student government, among many other activities. After graduation, her Ivy League dreams came true when she enrolled at The University of Pennsylvania to study Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations. It wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic forced Afzali to return to California and continue her studies remotely, that she began to realize her creative spark was missing. As the world began to reopen, she sought out a local acting class and once again found her love for performing. With her passion reignited, Afzali decided to seriously pursue a career in acting which would ultimately lead to an audition that would change her life forever.

Her big break came when she went on her first audition after returning to acting and landed a lead role in the upcoming Angel Studios film Rule Breakers. The movie chronicles the inspiring true story of the first all-girls robotics team from Afghanistan founded by Roya Mahboob, which would defy cultural expectations and go on to compete in competitions around the world. Afzali stars as Esin, a member of the team, alongside a talented cast including Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Nikohl Boosheri, and Ali Fazal just to name a few. It is set to be released in theaters March 7th.


Roya Mahboob co-wrote the film "Rule Breakers" from Angel Studios.Roya Mahboob is Afghanistan’s first female tech CEO and entrepreneur, making a significant impact beyond the business world. She leverages her tech success to foster education and empowerment for Afghan women and girls and champions their rights. Mahboob founded the Digital Citizen Fund (DCF) to improve Afghan women’s technological and financial literacy. She is also the co-founder of the Afghan Girls Robotics Team and supports their endeavors while promoting robotics education through the Inoura platform. Additionally, she started a robotics company and is launching her educational project called Roby Robot, which is set to hit the market on July 25. She is also launching Zalla, an online platform to elevate the voices of Afghan women and journalists.

Roya Mahboob’s commitment to STEAM education and economic opportunities for women, with a strong emphasis on human rights, has earned her global recognition. She was named among TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in 2013, received the Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award in 2014, and received other prestigious accolades, such as the Advancement of Gender Equality through Education Award. She was a Young Leader at the World Economic Forum in 2015, an Asia Game Changer in 2019, and received the Doha Forum Award in 2022. Her contributions have been honored with the Lantos Human Rights Awards, the Presidential Leadership Scholarship, and an honorary Doctorate of Science from McMaster University.

Elaha Mahboob co-wrote the film "Rule Breakers" from Angel Studios.Elaha Mahboob is a tech entrepreneur, social impact advocate, and Forbes 30 Under 30 Finalist in Social Entrepreneurship. She co-founded the Digital Citizen Fund (DCF), an organization dedicated to advancing opportunities for Afghan women and children through technology education, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship training. Among DCF’s innovative programs was the creation of the Afghan Girls Robotics Team, whose remarkable journey is the subject of the feature film Rule Breakers. Through its IT centers across Afghanistan, DCF has equipped thousands of women with essential skills in technology and entrepreneurship, building pathways to economic independence.

As the co-writer of Rule Breakers: The Story of the Afghan Girls Robotics Team, Elaha brings to life the resilience and determination of young women breaking barriers in science and technology.

Elaha is also the founder of Teamix, a platform that connects startups in emerging technologies—AI, Web3, and Robotics—with top talent to drive innovation and scale. Teamix is on a mission to create meaningful, human-centric jobs that AI and automation cannot replace, while addressing the growing demand for skilled professionals in these industries.

With expertise in driving growth and forging strategic partnerships, Elaha has been instrumental in delivering impactful solutions within the tech sector. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Herat University in Afghanistan and a Master’s in Public Administration from Cornell University, combining her technical expertise with a deep understanding of leadership and public policy.

Photo Credit: Joanna Degeneres

Female cast members of the film "Rule Breakers"; photo from Instagram post by Nikohl Boosheri

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, March 6, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Kyle. You meeting someone for lunch? I just grabbed a quick bite to eat before I head back to the office. I’m getting mine to go. You should have texted me. I would have grabbed it for you. I mean, we do sort of live together again. Right. One big, happy family at the Athletic Club. Harrison is sure enjoying it. Spending one night in my suite and the next in yours is like having a slumber party every night. How much longer are the renovations on the Abbott house gonna take? Not too much longer, I hope. I’ll be glad when it’s finished and we can get home. Have you heard any news about Phyllis? No, Not since that one phone call from the burner phone. I’ve been trying to convince myself not to worry. Trying to convince myself that everything’s gonna be okay. But I can’t deny how odd this whole thing is. Because she hasn’t called again? Yeah. I mean, if she really is just on a business trip, why hasn’t she replaced her phone by now? That’s a good point. It’s just after everything, with Heather and Mom in the hospital, she knows how worried we would be. And I don’t think that she would put us through that nightmare, you know, at least not intentionally. It just makes me feel like… maybe something really bad really did happen. Hey. [Summer sniffles] AMY: I mean, I can hardly believe it. I feel like I finally made a connection with my son again. That’s wonderful, Amy. Exactly what we were hoping for. Now, come on. I’m not deluded that, you know, everything is suddenly perfect. But…we reminisced, you know, cried about the past. I mean, we talked about the misunderstanding between us, pain and grief that we both felt over the years as a result. It…

Sounds intense.

Yeah. But we share good memories, too. It just seems that… [exhales] It might be that he is willing to give me the benefit of the doubt, you know, and maybe even try to find his way to forgiveness. What more could you ask for? Ah, there is one more thing. He did speak about getting to know you better, too. Well, um, I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear all this, Amy. And relieved. You and me both. Especially considering, ooh, how much anger he carried along with him when we lost Jackson. I didn’t know what to expect. His first reaction to being tracked down? It wasn’t positive. I expected as much. I kept a lot of secrets from him that he suddenly had to process. True, but he’s been pretty mysterious himself. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d left Genoa City and we never heard from him again. Mysterious? [chuckles] Why do you say that? Did you learn something about Damian that I don’t know? Hello, Lily. Always good to run into you. Damian. Damian Kane, this is my brother, Devon Winters. Yes. The famous Devon Winters. Nice to meet you. Good to meet you, too. I don’t know about this famous stuff. Well, you know, as soon as I thought I was being offered a position at Winters, Inc., I did my research. I wanted to know more about the company, more about you and your cousin. And I gotta say, your success is quite impressive. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that compliment. And for the record, I wasn’t aware of Nate’s offer until after the fact. I’m not surprised, since the job was bogus to begin with. But, hey, there’s no reason for me to hold any of that against you. Well, good. Do you mind if I ask you a question then? Yeah. Feel free. I have nothing to hide. Yeah? You sure about that? ‘Cause last I checked, your name isn’t Aristotle Dumas, which means you don’t own any of the companies that you claim to own. I did learn something about Damian, and it’s something you need to know. Okay. Lily did some investigating on her own. Well, a deeper dive. I’m almost afraid to ask. What did she find out? Damian doesn’t actually own Danglar and Monte Cristo. It turns out they’re really owned by a man named Aristotle Dumas. And who is he? No one knows, really. Dumas is known by reputation in certain circles, but keeps a low profile. Some people believe it’s a front name for a conglomerate. At the very least, this person or entity has gone to great lengths to make it seem like Damian owns these two companies when, in fact, he’s just the CEO. Well, on one hand, I’m relieved to hear this. I was worried about how Damian got enough money to buy these companies in so little time. But on the other hand? On the other hand, it’s just odd that he would agree to be a front for this Dumas person. [sighs] What did my son get himself into? I have to wonder, too. Did you ask Damian about it? I only found out last night while you two were at dinner. [clears throat] But… we shouldn’t worry just yet. There are plenty of reasons a reclusive mogul like Dumas would set his businesses up this way. We shouldn’t automatically assume the worst. If you say so.

You’re skeptical?

Yeah. I’m a mother. I will always worry about my son. But you’re right. Until we get all the information, I’m just gonna have faith that everything is gonna be okay. And from what I can tell, you know, Damian is doing quite well for himself.


Yeah. And your dinner with him last night went better than we could have imagined. Yes. I also have some more good news for you. [chuckles] Don’t tell me. I won the lottery. I hope so. Remember my oncologist friend from Chicago I told you about? Mm-hmm. Well, she cleared her schedule and has agreed to come see you today. Today? She’s gone over your medical records and wants to discuss treatment options. Think you feel up for it? I am up for anything and everything that is going to give me more hope. Oh, I see the investigation continued even after they tracked me down. Well, that was me. I felt compelled to investigate you further. It’s funny. You didn’t mention that at dinner. Well, I did tell you that Devon and I are very protective of our family, and we just couldn’t get over the fact that you sent an imposter in your place to meet Nate. Yeah, I explained all of that, okay? I was suspicious of your cousin’s outreach to me from the very beginning. So I was simply being cautious, not nefarious. Well, I wonder if all of your caution has to do with your questionable business dealings. Look, whatever you think your investigation turned up, believe me, you don’t have anywhere near the full story. Well, listen, we get that sometimes there’s good reason to keep corporate connections under wraps, all right?


What I don’t get is that you obviously wouldn’t have taken the job at Winters even if it were real, ’cause you clearly don’t need it. Okay. What’s your question? My question is, why would you pursue something that you thought was a scam? And what were you looking to find by coming to Genoa City? Information. Nate’s offer came out of nowhere. And nothing about it matched my background or my résumé. In fact, everything about it raised red flags, so… I suspected that something more had to be going on. And what do you know, I was right. Yeah, that doesn’t justify your deception, though. And why wouldn’t you just confront our cousin? I believe you’re only asking because, like Lily, you want to protect your family. But despite whatever you think you dug up about me, I have no secret agenda. Well, then why all the subterfuge? Hey, I’m the one that’s playing catch-up here, okay? I just learned that almost everything I thought I knew about myself and my family was based on a lie. So whatever it is you’re wondering about me and my behavior, just know that I’m wondering the same things about you. [laughs] I don’t think it’s the same thing. No, actually, it’s worse, okay? Because I just found out I have a brother I never knew I had. And after years, I’ve been unexpectedly reunited with my mother, only to find out that she’s dying. So it’s pretty obvious the wrong person is in the hot seat here. Hi. Claire. What a nice surprise. Hi, Claire. Is something wrong? Did you hear something from Phyllis? There’s been no more news. And the more time goes by, the more upsetting it is to Summer. I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope everything’s gonna be okay. I’m sure you’ll hear something soon. Yeah, I hope so, too. Are you gonna be all right? Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Just going through it all again kind of got to me. And you’re a friendly ear. Always. If you’re sure you’re gonna be okay. Yeah, positive. It’s all good. And I need to get back to the office. What are you doing here? Nikki has a business lunch that she wanted me to sit in on. She thinks it’ll be a good learning experience for me. Nikki’s right. The more you soak up about Chancellor’s business, the faster your meteoric rise to the top will be. Claire, are you already vying for a promotion? I didn’t realize how ambitious you were. At least in the corporate world. I’m actually finding it quite exciting. I guess I’m still surprised that you gave up on your dream of working with children. I mean, you made it seem like you were so passionate about it when you were Harrison’s nanny. I loved every minute of that job. Which is why I’m so grateful that I’ll still get the chance to hang out with him. He’s grateful, too. We both are. Spending every day with Harrison was the best. It really helped center me after all that trauma with Jordan. And you helped him heal, too. But now that I’m back in the corporate world, I’m surprised how comfortable and energized I feel.

Oh, you know what that means?

What? You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. I guess that’s why I feel more and more comfortable in my new life each day. I’m finally where I belong. I guess anywhere would be better than the hell that Jordan put you through, making you do all of those horrible things to our family. It’s so much more than that. For the first time in a long while, I’m not grasping onto something out of desperation. I don’t think anyone’s accusing you of that. Yeah, of course not. Well, Claire, you beat me. [laughs] Always be early to a business meeting. One of your rules. Summer, any word from Phyllis? I’m afraid not. [sighs] No word from Sharon either. I assume that you’ve heard that they found her car at Cassidy First, right? Yes. Very concerning. I’m just hoping that there’s some harmless explanation and that this will all be over soon. There you go. Stay positive. Knowing your mother, I’m sure she’s getting ready to make her grand entrance any moment. I hope so. Kyle, I’m going back to the office, too. My car’s been giving me some trouble. Do you mind giving me a ride? Sure. Yeah. No problem. All right. I’m just going to grab my food.

Bye, Grandma.

Bye, hon. Good luck in your meeting. See you at dinner. I’m already looking forward to it. [kissing] Is everything all right, Claire? That’s great. I was hoping you’d be open to meeting Dr. Kelly. She is one of the leading oncologists in this area. Everything is going so well, I’m just afraid to hold out hope. This field is moving quickly. It’s hard to keep up with all the advances, but she is on the cutting edge. So if you don’t mind, I’m gonna remain hopeful. Really? I’m a believer in positive thinking combined with great science. And with Carol– that is Dr. Kelly–we have both. I admit, I am flooded with positive vibes from you and Audra. Now all you have to do, just join in. You two are so wonderful. I am profoundly grateful for all your support. And now that I know that there’s a chance that Damian and I can heal, I am going to cling to as much time as I possibly can get. Which is why I’m eager for you to see what she thinks about your case. If I could just get a few more months, maybe a year, I’ll do whatever it takes. Even if that means thinking positively. Now, that’s what I’m talking about. I know I haven’t been very good at this lately, but…things are looking up in so many ways. Why not believe in this miracle, too, right? If modern medicine can extend your life, I’d be thrilled to help make that possible. Whether this works or not, you have already done so much for me. More than I can ever deserve.

Bring it in.

[chuckles] Bring it in. [exhales] Okay. You’re right. You have had a lot to deal with. And we’re not accusing you of anything either. No. Our curiosity and our concern comes from a place of love for Nate. I get it. I do. And I’m not being defensive here, okay? But it’s been so much for me to take in. And you suggesting that I can’t be trusted, it’s a bit ironic, considering how I got here in the first place. Sorry, guys. I have to take this. Why don’t we have a seat? Listen, I know that you probably don’t know this, but you and I actually have a lot in common. How so? Well, I didn’t know who my biological father was for most of my life growing up. Hmm. Well, from my research, I thought you were adopted by Neil and Drucilla Winters as a teen, so you had to know that he wasn’t your bio dad. I did, yeah. I did, for sure. And Neil and Dru took me in, and they gave me a home. But my biological mom always lied to me about who my dad was. So it wasn’t until later in life that I found out.

Tucker McCall.

That’s right. And I tell you this to say that I can relate to the confusion that you’re feeling. Thanks, man. I appreciate you sharing that with me. I still don’t trust you completely. ‘Cause even though I can sympathize with everything you’re going through, you know, the way you’ve operated has been questionable, to say the least.

The way I’ve operated?

Yeah. What about your cousin? Well, you’re the one that sent an imposter to get information while you could stay hidden, right? And then you told everybody that you own two companies when you really don’t own them. You’re just the CEO. And on top of hiding your connection to Aristotle Dumas, when we confronted you with the truth, you didn’t really want to talk about it. So I hope you can understand that I’m not gonna be very quick to let you off the hook. [scoffs] Okay, fine. To be fair, both Nate and I have been a little guilty of deception, so… Sure. But at least we know what Nate’s motives are, right? You, not so much. And it makes me curious as to why you have so many things that you’re keeping secret. I honestly don’t think I need a motive other than curiosity and a deep need to protect my personal privacy. Besides, I was the one that was contacted with a lie. So is it any surprise I’d want to know why? Well, no, but why wouldn’t you just come straight out and ask? Okay. And you think Nate would have just come clean? Well, I guess we’ll never know, will we? Shouldn’t we be past the point of distrust by now? I am. And I have every reason to be suspicious of Nate and my mother, but I’m still here willing to talk things through. Nate and my mom are open to that. Why aren’t you and Lily on the same page? If you really want to know, I’ll be blunt about it with you. There are just things about your story and your past that don’t add up to me. That being said, I’m still willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I guess that’s the most I could ask for. At least you’re being candid about where you stand, and I appreciate that. Yeah. I’ve never been one to hold back how I feel, so you can always count on me being blunt and direct with you. [laughs] Thanks for the warning. And thank you for joining me for dinner the other night. Perhaps we could do it again sometime soon. Maybe. When did you have in mind? The sooner the better. How about tonight? Well, my appointment just texted me. He’s running a little late, so we can use the time to talk. I prepped the meeting brief for you, so I’m actually pretty up to speed about the goal of the lunch. I’m not talking about work. When I came in here, I felt that there was some awkwardness in the air. Is there a problem between you and Summer? Why would you say that? Very little gets past me. Really, it’s– it’s nothing, Grandma. Now, darling, I thought by now you would be so comfortable with me that you would talk about anything. Even though Summer is your granddaughter, too? I don’t play favorites. I love all of my grandchildren equally. I get the feeling that Summer’s not happy about my relationship with Kyle. Well, honey, that’s not surprising. I mean, she and Kyle have shared a lot together, including a child. They have a long history, yes, I know, and they’ll always be connected by Harrison. Yes, but that doesn’t mean that there’s anything more to it than that. Are you worried that Summer wants Kyle back? I don’t know, but I… get the sense that there’s something more going on. Do you think it’s possible that Grandpa is urging Summer to reconnect with Kyle? You were awfully quiet on the ride over here. Was I? You still concerned about your mom, or is there something else on your mind? What else would it be? I keep getting the feeling that you’re upset about my relationship with Claire. So tell me, is this going to be a problem? Uh, how about I check my calendar and I will get back to you? [chuckles] You know, I hear they have calendars on phones now. Hmm. Fine. Consult your planner, and I’ll just keep hope alive that a “yes” is coming, so call me. I’m sure my number’s in your Rolodex. Well, sorry I had to take that call. What did I miss? What you walked in on was pretty much the gist of it. But I wasn’t as forgiving of the man as you seem to be. Yeah. I noticed. Why did you tell him what we know about Dumas and his companies? You saw how hard Nate came down on me for getting involved. It’s like, why would you open up to him about all of that? I don’t know. I just felt compelled to, ’cause like you heard me say, there’s a lot of things that I just don’t trust about the guy, and it’s concerning that he seems to be winning you over. Look, I don’t have a problem with you dating Claire. You have every right to live your life how you want with whomever you want. Glad to hear it. I still get the feeling there’s something more at play here. Look, Kyle, I– I care about you.


Okay? How could I not? So, yeah, I will admit that there’s some residual protective feelings when it comes to you. I just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all. If that’s all it is, then please let it go. My parents have worrying and overprotection cover, so the last thing I need is for you to jump on that bandwagon. I get that. But where this is concerned, I see their point.

Come on, Summer.

No, you come on. You seriously aren’t at least a little bit worried that my grandpa’s going to try to mess things up for the two of you? He’s clearly not a fan of your relationship. Victor’s opposition doesn’t scare me. Yeah, but do you really want to put yourself through that? You know how my grandpa can be when he doesn’t get his way. Your grandfather is not going to run my life, or Claire’s, for that matter. What about Harrison? Have you thought about how this could impact him? No. I’m not about to let Victor’s opinion of my relationship impact Harrison in any way. And I don’t give a damn if I have his approval or not. I’m surprised you would suspect your grandfather of such a thing. It’s no secret that Grandpa has gone to great lengths in the past to protect people in this family from the people they’ve chosen to love. Mm, he has been known to take things a bit far on occasion. From what you and Mom have told me, it’s more than a bit. Have you actually seen anything that would make you think that he’s trying to push Summer back with Kyle? No. Not specifically. And I hate that the thought even entered my mind. But, you know, Grandpa has been so adamant about not wanting me to be with Kyle. And Grandpa and Summer are so close. Well, yes, of course they are. I mean, you’ve seen how protective Victor is of his family, and she is his granddaughter, but so are you. I know, Grandma. But lately Summer seems so…emboldened when it comes to Kyle, and I can’t help wondering what’s behind that. Hey, did your work call go okay? Nothing I can’t work out. What are you so engrossed in? I’m actually doing research on your oncologist friend. Seems like she is quite well-known and highly respected. Only the very best for you, as promised. [chuckles] She’s exactly that. Her qualifications are very impressive, and then some of the results she’s achieved has made me hopeful. Like I said, there’s lots of progress being made all the time. And Dr. Kelly’s research is responsible for several recent breakthroughs. Well, I’m trying not to get overly optimistic. I can’t afford to let my expectations get unreasonably high and then disappointed. And I don’t want to give you false hope. We need to take this one step at a time and see where it leads. [knocking] That’s probably her now. [clears throat] Darling, you know that Summer’s concerns about you aren’t new. She had issues with you before you and Kyle ever got together. I know. It took her a long time to trust me with Harrison. And I thought once she saw how wonderful you were with him that those feelings would dissipate. So did I. But Summer has never let me forget my past. And it’s almost like she’s been more aggressive since Kyle and I have grown closer. Aggressive in what way? Like she’s using their history as husband and wife and as Harrison’s parents to reconnect with him and drive a wedge between us. You don’t honestly believe that. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being insecure and paranoid. Leftover vestiges of what Jordan instilled in me. Oh, and you’ve worked so hard to get past that. I have. But maybe some of it’s still ingrained in me. All right, well, I’m impressed at your determination to stand up to my grandpa. But many have tried and most have failed spectacularly. Victor may have gotten me fired at Glissade. But that was different. He doesn’t have the power to fire me as Claire’s boyfriend. You sure about that? Look, I hate the pressure that Claire’s under, but she’s strong enough to stand up for herself, and she’s not about to be bullied into a breakup that she doesn’t want. And as for Harrison, do you really think I would let Victor’s manipulations affect our son? Kyle, I know that you would move heaven and earth to protect Harrison. Mm-hmm. But everyone knows how far Victor Newman is willing to go to stop something he opposes. You’re really not worried at all about how bad it could get? I mean, is this really worth it? It’s more than worth it. Kyle, are you actually falling in love with Claire? Look, I’m not saying that you’re wrong to be cautious about Damian, but I kind of see his point where he said that he felt the same way about us that we feel about him. I can see how he would think that we’re being untrustworthy. And I’d agree if we were blatantly and obviously hiding something from him. But we’re not. Our cards are on the table. Yeah, I guess that’s true. And it’s why I wanted him to be aware that we knew about his lies when it comes to his business affairs. Why? You wanted to see what he would do? Yeah, and I think it was pretty telling that he went straight into defense mode and started playing the victim. There’s a lot more secrets that Damian has than what we’ve uncovered. And as much as Nate claims that he doesn’t trust the guy, I know that he wants things to work out, especially for Amy’s sake, ’cause he’s hoping that she’s gonna have this reconciliation with her son before it’s too late. Which is all fine and great. But I do feel like that’s blinding Nate to the bigger picture here. I know, but I kind of understand how he feels. And I feel for Amy, too. She should be able to spend her final days with her son. Sure she should. And I’m not saying that this whole Damian situation is bad. I’m just saying that we shouldn’t trust everything the guy says to us. Well, look, I’m glad that you’re leaving some room for doubt, but I will say I have spent a bit more time with Damian. You know, we shared a meal, and I got to get a feel for him. And that was after Victor informed me of his deception around his business connections. But I really don’t feel like he’s dangerous. Well, I never implied that he’s dangerous, but I’m wondering why you are going out of your way to defend him and make excuses. In spite of everything we just talked about, you still want to go have dinner with him. Is there more going on? What do you mean, is there more going on? I mean, is this turning into something personal for you? NATE: Damian, uh, this is a surprise. Hey. I was hoping to find my mother. Please. You found me, I am happy to say.

So good to see you again.

You, too. I was just telling Nate what a lovely time I had last night. I enjoyed it, too. In fact, I was hoping that we could do it again. Can I treat you for lunch? I would love nothing more to spend more time with you, but I’m actually meeting the cancer doctor that Nate recommended. Hopefully, she has some new options that we can discuss. So, this is the specialist you told us about. She cleared her schedule to come see Amy today. Oh, man. That’s great. Thanks again for using your connections to arrange this. And lunch can absolutely wait for another time. This is clearly far more important, so… Thank you. Devon, I just met the guy, okay? There’s nothing personal going on. I’m just as curious about him as you are. And I’m definitely not ready to trust him either. Then why are you willing to spend so much time with him? What’s the harm in getting to know him better? He’s Nate’s brother. And I have a lot of unanswered questions, and I feel like this is a way to get answers without scaring him off. And that’s all it is, in spite of Nate asking you not to get involved? We have our business and our family at stake. We’re already involved, and I’m not gonna let Nate sideline me that easily. All right, that all sounds fine. I just have to ask if it’s more than that, ’cause I would hate to see you get close to this man and become personally involved only to have our worst suspicions come true. Thank you so much for coming, Carol. I know how busy your schedule must be. Anything for you, Nate. Then let me introduce you to Amy Lewis, whose medical records I sent. And this is her son, Damian. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Kelly. And I’ll be very grateful for anything you can do for my mom. Thank you for coming, Doctor. I hope Dr. Hastings explained this is a preliminary meeting. I made it clear you need to gather more information to update the records I sent. Yeah. Nate has explained everything to me, and I am happy to share whatever you need. Why don’t we go grab some lunch while they talk? Why not? Now, Claire, you listen to me. You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful young woman, and you don’t need to feel insecure about anything. It seems that you and Kyle have a good relationship. So hang on to that as long as it makes you happy. But what about Summer? What if I can’t hold on? I love Summer as much as I love you. But I can’t deny that she has some of her mother’s…drive, if you will. And she can be a bit of a bull in a china shop sometimes, but you can’t let that intimidate you. I guess I just have to accept the fact that Summer will always be in Kyle’s life. Yes, she will. But I believe that things will start to settle down soon, and the three of you can learn to live happily as a blended family. I mean, that is what you want and deserve, right? To be happy. That’s what I want more than anything. Well, I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure nobody takes that away from you. Not Victor, not Summer, not anybody. Thank you, Grandma. It really means so much to have your support. My darling, you will always have my support. KYLE: In love? Honestly… I don’t know if our relationship has reached that stage yet, but I can see it getting there. And the last thing I want to do is force anything. Claire and I just want to let things develop naturally and see where it leads us. Even with my grandpa ready to do everything he can to stop it? Even with that. I just– I hope you’re being sincere, that me being with Claire isn’t an issue for you. Kyle, I already have so much on my plate right now. Work. Harrison. Everything that’s going on with my mom. I can barely handle all of that. So, no, I’m not wasting any time thinking about you and Claire. So you can just put that out of your mind completely. That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say. I’ll meet you in the car. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Days Transcript Thursday, March 6, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


So I took your suggestion, and I talked to Xander about going back to work at Titan. And he just hired me.

Oh, that’s great. Congratulations.

Thank you.

But that’s not so crazy, right? I mean, you did work there before.

Well, that’s not the crazy part.

I talked to Philip today and he actually gave me a job there, too. [Joy chuckles]

Oh. Wow. That isbig news.

Thank you so much. Yeah, it was just dropped off. [tense music] A pregnancy test. Patient named Wesley, Joy.


[upbeat jazzy music]

Excuse me? Savannah?

Yeah? Was I expecting you? No, I guess not. I’m sure I’d remember if a handsome face like yours booked me for an engagement.

Actually, I, um–

Wait, I know. You were at that bachelor party that I worked a few weeks ago, right? Sam, was it?


Well, are you looking to hire me for a lap dance, Shawn?

No, not exactly. And I probably should have mentioned it’s Detective Shawn Brady, if we’re being technical. I have a few questions for you, Savannah. [suspenseful music]

[Gabi sighs]

I’m glad Jada didn’t waste any more time here, because going through Arnold’s things has gotten us exactly zero more leads on Rafe.

[Gabi sighs] I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I’m really glad you’re here to help, JJ. It’s just that I–

It’s fine. I totally get it. I’m disappointed, too. But it was an avenue that we had to pursue. And now, we’ll move on to the next one.

Hey, we’ll find your brother. I’ll bring him home. Promise.

[Gabi sighs]

[EJ sighs]

Well, Father, I must say I am rather relieved you aren’t alive to witness the mess Feniger’s made of things. And after you and I deigned to save his life, no less. I could, however, certainly use your advice on the matter of what to do now.

I doubt the man is flush with ideas, considering he’s got canvas for brains.

Rita, it’s about time. I was beginning to think that you’d run into some issues disposing of Feniger.

Why do you say that? Were there are some issues on your end?

[siren wailing]

Where’s my lawyer?

Not here. Is that a problem?

It is, actually, yes. Because you can’t question me without my attorney present.

You know, it figures that police procedure is the one thing you claim to remember. It’s pretty convenient, wouldn’t you say?

Well, trust me when I say that there is very little that is convenient about being stuck here.

Well, get used to it because I know police procedure, too. In fact, I know it backwards and forwards. Which is the main reason why Rafe hired me in the first place. [suspenseful music] You know, Rafe, my fiancé, the man that you replaced? That’s right. Before he was my fiancé, he was my boss.

You coming?

Does that mean I got the job?

Welcome to Salem PD.

Oh, my God. I remember.

You remember what?

The day I hired you.

You expect me to believe that?

Yes. I said, “Welcome to Salem PD.” It was the best damn decision I ever made. [suspenseful music] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Steph, everything OK?

Huh? Yeah, everything is fine.

Look, Stephanie, I– I get that it’s a bit weird that me and Alex are going to be working together. And to be honest, I’m not exactly psyched about it myself.

No, it’s–it’s not–

And look, Joy and I haven’t even had the chance to discuss it at all, really. But now that we’re all here, maybe we should hash it out. None of us could have predicted that we’d be working together. Right? [Stephanie sighs] And look, maybe if it’s easier, I’ll just tell Xander that I’m not going to be able to take the job.

Oh, God, no, no. Alex, Titan is your family business. That’s why I suggested that you go back to it in the first place. [Alex groans] You have every right to take that job.

So in other words, um, you think the one who should decline the job is me. [chuckles uncomfortably]

Hey, I don’t want any trouble, OK? I quit that job way before the cops raided that place. And those drugs were not mine, I swear.

Uh, well, that–that all sounds very interesting, but that’s not the reason why I’m here.

It isn’t?

No. No, I’m not here to talk drugs. I’m here to talk about the bachelor that you slept with the night before his wedding. [tense music]

Thank you, JJ. And thank you for everything you’ve been doing to help me find Rafe. I just– I can’t help but worry that even if we do find him that it could be too late. [somber music] My God, what if EJ decides to kill him?

EJ may be a despicable human being, but he’s smart enough to know that killing a person only causes more problems than it solves. Just look at what he and his father went through to make sure Arnold stayed alive the first time around. If they bothered to save a creep like that, I can promise you Rafe is alive.

But alive where? EJ has enough money and power to have him stashed anywhere in the world. I mean, we could look for months and not find him.

But EJ is also the sort of guy that likes to keep his problems where he can see them. I bet whatever noises Jada heard in the DiMera tunnels all those weeks ago was actually Rafe being held captive. EJ probably just had him moved by the time you and Jada went back down to investigate.

And the minute we find him, EJ could just move him again. Damn it!

EJ is the only one with the answers that we need. We just need to find a way to get the truth out of him.

[tense music]

It seems I struck a sore spot. Was there an issue with the plan?

There have been a few– [clears throat] Unforseen challenges.

Such as?

[sighs] It seems Rafe may have been given a stronger dose of CRS-17 than we’d originally planned for. Not only has he forgotten everything about his own kidnapping, but the rest of his mind seems to have gone as well.

Well, that’s certainly not ideal.

No. And I wouldn’t care one way or another except for the fact that Gabi took it upon herself to run a DNA test on Feniger before we were able to make the switch.

Why would she do that? [EJ sighs and clears throat]

If I were to bet, Feniger gave himself away in one way or another. And she started to suspect that he wasn’t her brother. But what matters now is the fact that Gabi and whoever else she decided to confide in now knows that Rafe was being doubled.

She just doesn’t know when the imposter was deployed.

Exactly. So when the real Rafe was discovered back in his own kitchen, whoever found him thought him to be Arnold still and took his–[sighs] Amnesia as some sort of desperate ploy by Feniger to avoid prosecution.

Hmm. Not an insane theory.

Except now the authorities believe the actual Rafe Hernandez is still out there and being held captive by me.

Well, now I can see why you were turning to old Father Dearest for help. But how long will this problem last? If I remember correctly, the drug Dr. Rolf gave to Gabi first wore off eventually. Maybe the same thing will happen with Mr. Hernandez.

And he’ll remember who he is? Well, if that were to come to pass, let’s hope to God that he doesn’t remember everything. Otherwise, it could blow up in all our faces. [tense music] 23

I remember now. I am Rafe Hernandez.

Oh, God. Of course Rafe said, “Welcome to Salem PD” when he hired me. That doesn’t prove it was you. Come on, Feniger. You are not fooling anybody with this whole–

Your father’s name was Marcus Hunter. Your younger sister is Talia. 24

Hmm. All right, go on. Go on, keep spouting out names that EJ fed you before you start–

You are the best damn detective that I ever hired. And then… [chimes playing] [soft dramatic music] The first time we kissed, you rocked my world. And I knew that we were meant to be together.

I love you, Jada. I love you and I have missed you so much.

Go to hell.

No, of course I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take the job. Where you choose to work is none of my business.

You’re right, it’s not. And to be honest, I can’t exactly be picky with my employment opportunities at the moment. Especially not now that I’m–

I totally get it. Look, I just– I just thought that maybe you would be following the rest of the “Body & Soul” cast to Los Angeles, that’s all.

Well, as I was telling Alex, I was considering it. But by the time I made up my mind, they’d already recast my part, so–

Oh. I’m very sorry to hear that.

Yeah. I probably would have decided sooner, had I been in a better headspace. But, you know, with me having been poisoned and then dumped, I–

Joy, Joy, I am truly very, very sorry.

The point is that I have to play the hand that I was dealt. And in this case, it means taking this assistant gig working at Titan. And if you have a problem with that, he’s the one who can quit.


Joy, nobody has to quit. Stephanie’s not saying that. It’s a big company. I’m sure it’ll be fine. [soft upbeat music]

[sighs] Either it will or it won’t. Regardless, I’m staying.

Roger that. I will see you at the office then. OK? Steph, come on.

[tense music]

Jada, I was only trying to tell you that I remembered everything.

Watch it, Feniger. You are on very, very thin ice with me right now.

OK. Well, would Feniger know all the crap that we had to put up with when the department said that we couldn’t date? [somber music] Would Feniger remember the first time that we made love? Would Feniger have memorized every word that he said to you when he proposed? It’s from my Tía Hilda.

You know, she said to me that it broke her heart every time she saw my heart break when my relationships fell apart. When she died, she gave me this with a very specific set of instructions.

And what are those instructions?

That I have to give it to someone that I know that I am going to love for the rest of my life. [Jada gasps] Don’t worry. Because that person is you. So… [Jada gasps] Jada Hunter, will you marry me? [soft dramatic music] [Jada inhales sharply]

And then a crowd started to gather around us. And you said, “No pressure, huh?” And then you said, “Of course I will marry you, Rafe.” And you made me the happiest man in the world.

Jada, I know that I am going to love you for the rest of my life. I know that you’re the one for me.

And I hope you still feel the same way about me.

Wait, a second. What day is it? Are we already married?

No. We never got a chance to finish the wedding.

[softly] No. Why not?

The bachelor I s– [sighs] You mean that guy Hernandez?

Yeah, well, that’s the thing. The guy you slept with was not Rafe Hernandez. He was some kind of imposter.


That doesn’t surprise you? 35

Not really, now that I think about it. Let me guess. His real name was Arnold, right? [suspenseful jazzy music]

Oh, damn, damn, damn. I can’t believe we managed to pull off the switch with Rafe and Feniger only to have everyone in Salem assume that Hernandez is still out there somewhere.

Well, everyone in Salem seems a bit of an exaggeration, don’t you think? People do have their own lives, you know.

Oh, really? Tell that to Rafe’s sister and ex-fiancée. I’ve already had a house call from the both of them insisting upon searching down in the tunnels. And they will not stop until they get answers. That I cannot supply, obviously. Please, please tell me you were able to dispose of Feniger without much trouble?

Oh, I certainly made sure he won’t be doing any talking. Although I probably should tell you he’s not exactly nursing a Mai Tai down in Argentina as we planned. [suspenseful music]

What do you mean, not exactly?

He wouldn’t get on the jet. Kept making all these threats and demands. So in the end, I made the executive decision that there needed to be a more… permanent solution.

Permanent solution. What exactly did you do to him, Rita?

Uh-oh. I know that look.

What look?

The I’m not going to sit back and let the police handle this look.

Can you blame me?

No. But I also care about you. I don’t want to see you get hurt.

I care about my brother, too.

I know you do. And look, I’m sorry we didn’t find anything here. But there still could be some leads in Arnold’s room at the Salem Inn. 40

Are you heading there next?

I was going to. But–

No, look. [chuckles] I’m fine. Go.

OK. Just please… don’t do anything you’re going to regret.


I promise.

And I certainly won’t regret this.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, what do you say? Should we– should we have a little drink and toast to your new job?

Uh, I’m not exactly sure we should be toasting to something you’re not really that happy about. 42

What are you talking about? I’m happy.

Steph, I saw the way you reacted back there.

OK, fine. I was–I was a little blindsided. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not happy for you. I just–

You wish I wasn’t working with Joy. I get it. And as you just heard, I’m not completely thrilled with it either. [Stephanie sighs] After everything that went down with me and Joy and the breakup, I just feel like– [soft dramatic music] Like I owe her the courtesy of seeing this through.

I agree. You do owe her that.


But nothing.


You trust me?

Of course I trust you. I know the two of you working together, you’ll– you’ll keep it professional. That’s not what I’m concerned about.

What are you concerned about?

Oh. Oh, hey, hey, hey. You OK?


Looked like you were about to fall over. 45

I’m fine. I’m fine.

You don’t seem fine. Hey, I’m a cop. I was an EMT before. If you just let me see? [soft dramatic music]

Well, your pulse is going about a mile a minute. You’re going to need some real help.

No, no, no. I don’t want any help. I’m just–I’m just a little lightheaded, OK? 46

Yeah, and you nearly passed out. Hey, if you just let me get you to a doctor, maybe they could figure out what’s wrong.

No, I already know what’s wrong. [somber music]

I might be pregnant.

Damn it, why can’t I remember what happened at my own wedding? 47

What doyou remember? [soft dramatic music]

Well, I remember talking to you about getting married on my birthday.

I remember going to see EJ about a PI case that I had for Black Patch. And EJ threw me out. But I knew that he was hiding something, so I snuck back in. [soft suspenseful music]

Oh, my God. I saw Arnold Feniger. [Rafe sighs]

How did you know that?

That the guy’s name was Arnold? He told me to call him that. He said that that was his real name. Said that that was his name before the Hernandez family adopted him. [suspenseful jazzy music] So I’m guessing that’s not true.

Well, except for the part where he called himself Arnold. His full name is Arnold Feniger. We feel that he’s been masquerading as Rafe for a while now, possibly even a few months.

[scoffs] So if he’s pretending to be someone else, what happened to the real Rafe Hernandez?

That’s what we’re trying to find out. Is there anything else that he told you besides his real name? Anything that would give us a clue as to where we could find Rafe?

[exhales deeply]

– Answer me, Rita. What happened to Feniger? You didn’t kill him, did you?

EJ, I– Rita. What are you doing here?

I was just dropping off some paperwork for Ms. DiMera. Please tell her I stopped by. 51

I will, but Rita–

Thank you, Mr. DiMera, but I have to get back to the office now. Lots to do. [chuckles] [Gabi clears throat] [suspenseful music] [Gabi clears throat]

Gabi, what is it? I’ve already told you I have no idea about this alleged Rafe imposter and I certainly don’t know where your dimwit of a brother is, so just jog on, would you? 52

Maybe this will jog your memory. [tense music]

I guess I’m just a little concerned about Joy and you being in such close proximity. Day after day. I just–I don’t want her to get too attached to you again. You know, after the whole poisoning debacle, she– she sort of saw you as her– as her rescuer and savior and–

Well, trust me, she does not think of me that way anymore. She just wants to move on, Steph. And so do I, obviously. [soft dramatic music] There’s nothing tying us together anymore. Promise you.

Oh. Well, congratulations, I suppose.

Not exactly the word I would use. If I’m pregnant, I’m screwed. [somber music]


And by that, I mean the father, already in a relationship with somebody else, so–

I see.

Is there–is there anything I–I can do to help?

Aside from turn back time? No. I will be fine. I’m probably just a little dehydrated right now, That’s all.

Well, then let me get you some water.

No, no, really you– you don’t have to.

Sure, I do. Public servants, after all.

No, no. Honestly, I am– [soft upbeat music] I am fine. See? I am all good. But, um, thank you for your concern, Officer. 56

Call me JJ.

All right. Well, I appreciate it, JJ, but I’m– I’m going to get going.

To be honest, Detective, Arnold and I didn’t exactly do a lot of talking, if you know what I mean?

Listen, I get it. But come on, he must have– he must have told you something. I mean, from the sound of it, it sounds like you guys have been hanging out for quite a bit.

Nope. Sorry, I got nothing.

I hope you’re telling me the truth right now. Because if you’re not, you’d be aiding and abetting a felony. You know that, right?

Look, the guy wasn’t exactly deep, OK? All I know is that he was good in bed. Albeit sweaty and a bit more of a sexist pig than my usual clientele. Which is saying a lot.

OK. Well, if you can think of anything else, anything at all, please give me a call. Rafe’s life could depend on it. [suspenseful jazzy music]

[tense music]

Now, now, Gabriella, let’s not do anything rash.

What did you do with Rafe?

I haven’t done anything with Rafe. I’ve told you that. Now, why don’t you be a good girl and put the gun down and we can have a civilized–

You lied! This is my brother’s gun, EJ. And I swear to God, I will use it to blow your head off unless you start telling me the truth. Now, where the hell is he?

– You saw Arnold?


And then what?

Well, I realized that he obviously hadn’t died in a jail cell like we all thought. So then I went to call for backup, and… [tense music] It all went black after that.

Do you remember seeing EJ when you woke up?

No. No, damn it. That– that’s the last memory that I have. Until you and Shawn woke me up in my kitchen. What happened in between?

I don’t know. But I know how we can find out. [laid-back jazzy music]

Oh, my God. I know you.

Excuse me?

You’re Regan Holloway from “Body & Soul.” I love that show.


Of course. I never miss an episode.

Wow. I guess I’m just surprised that you recognized me. I’ve barely been on.

Are you kidding me? You’re my favorite character. You’re hot, you’re stylish, you don’t take crap from anyone. [Joy chuckles] Unlike that Faith character. God, she was so spineless, always playing the victim. I’m glad they got rid of her. [scoffs] Besides, you and Arrow make a much better couple.

You think so? 64

Oh, yeah. Oh, my God, your chemistry is off the charts. You two are totally made for each other. [soft tense music]

Jada should be getting home from work soon.

Oh. Well, since we’re hanging out in what is essentially her bedroom, what do you say we go back to my place? We can have a little bit of alone time together.

Actually, Jada is moving back into the Hernandez house.




Yeah. As you know, she was only staying here because Rafe had broken up with her. But it turns out that that person actually wasn’t Rafe. So there’s no reason why she shouldn’t move back in there until–

The real Rafe is found and everything goes back to normal. 66

Well, normal for Salem.

Mm. Do the police have any leads on Rafe’s location?

No, not yet. Jada’s a great cop. She’s not going to rest till she finds him.


OK, just send me a text as soon as you know for sure.

Great news. Our guy really is Feniger. Savannah the stripper, just confirmed it.

Except I don’t think he is. 67

What do you mean?

We’ll know for sure once forensics runs the prints we took off of him yesterday. But I think that’s really Rafe.

OK, what about the DNA test that proves that it isn’t Rafe?

He just shared with me all these memories, only memories that Rafe could have. I don’t know, I don’t know, maybe EJ switched him with Arnold after Gabi took his DNA? 68

Well, that would be quite the coincidence.

I mean– I mean, yeah, that could be. We would have to wait. [phone beeps] [suspenseful music]

What? [Jada gasps softly] What–what is it?

Forensics just confirmed it. It’s him.

It’s really Rafe. [Jada sighs] [soft dramatic music]

[Jada gasps softly] [knocking on door]

Gabi? Hey, Gabi, I didn’t find anything at the Salem Inn, but– oh, no. [tense music]

Oh, no.

Gabi, sweetheart, we both know you’re not going to shoot me.

Oh, yeah? Would you like to test that theory?

Would you like to go back to prison for murder? I was only there in the first place because you prosecuted me for a crime that I didn’t commit.

And the real killer has been found. You’ve been released, vindicated. Would you really like to give up your freedom?

You know, I thought for a nanosecond about trying to seduce the truth out of you. But… never again. You disgust me, EJ.

The feeling is mutual, I assure you. But I hardly think disgust will stand up as a defense against murder in a court of law.

If I have to shoot you, I will. And then I’ll just wipe my prints off the gun and be on my merry way.

Mm. Not so merry considering Rita saw you come in.

Face it, Gabi. Killing me… is not going to end well for you.

If you don’t cough up my brother’s location… [shouting] Right now… it’s not going to end well for you either. [tense music]

Hey, I’d love to buy you a drink. I don’t want you to think that I came over here to bother you free of charge.

Oh, that’s OK. 74

No, really. What do you want?

Uh, maybe just a club soda.

You sure? They’ve got great martinis here.

I’ll just take your word for it. I’m not really drinking these days.

What are you, pregnant? [soft upbeat jazzy music]

Oh, my God. Wait, are you pregnant? Is that why Regan got pregnant in the show? Did they write it in for you?

Can we just change the subject, please? I don’t really want to talk about it.

Oh, OK. You don’t got to worry about me, babe. My lips are sealed.

Well, then, if you are right about Jada not coming home, that means we don’t have to find someplace else for us to have that alone time I was talking about.

[laughs] I– [soft dramatic music]

I’d love to, Alex. But–

But what?

But you’ve got your first day on your new job tomorrow, and I’ve got an early start as well. Maybe it’s best if you just go back to your place. 77


I hope you don’t mind.

Mm. Right. We should both definitely get our sleep.

Are you sure this isn’t about Joy? Because I will call Xander right now and tell him I’ll find another job.


I won’t take it. 78

I swear it is not about the job.

As long as you’re sure.

I am.

OK. [Alex sighs] [suspenseful music]

EJ, I am going to pull the trigger! Three… two…


Gabi? Gabi, stop.


Look, you don’t want to do this. He’s not going to tell you where Rafe is.

JJ, will you just–

But I can.



I know where Rafe is. I just got a call from Shawn. The guy they’re holding down at the police station, it’s not Arnold. It’s Rafe.

[soft dramatic music]

[gasps] Rafe. It’s really you. [Jada gasps]

You believe me?

I ran your prints. Oh, my God, Rafe. I have missed you so, so much. And I still love you with all my heart. I will love you forever.

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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Please don’t tell my mom what really happened. I’m not gonna lie to your mom, James. But I don’t know who she’s gonna kill first — you for doing it, or me for letting it happen on my watch. Come on. Gently. Hi, Willow. Uh, we need to see a doctor as soon as possible. I think James might have broken his arm. Okay. Don’t worry. We’ll get him checked out right away. Okay. Dr. Gannon, this is James West. Can you take a look at his arm? Hey, there, little dude. What happened? Nothing. Spill it, James, and make it the truth this time.

Ric: Came as soon as I could. Is this a good time? Absolutely. Thank you so much for coming. Um, how much exactly did Ava tell you? Well, she didn’t tell me anything. But I always enjoy hearing about hospital-related cases. They tend to be very lucrative. It’s not about the hospital. Well, not directly, anyway. It’s about me. I need some help. I’m desperate. Well, you’d have to be if you’re talking to me. Wow. It’s true. Kristina told me that you bought this house. I just had to come here and see for myself. Why on earth would you buy Valentin’s house? When Terry told me about your pediatric sports program, I jumped at the chance to be the hospital’s liaison. Yeah. The program is just all about making positive, life-changing impact for the kids, and I just — I knew that you’d be able to help with that, so I’m so happy that you’re on board. Me, too. I can’t wait to get started. Morning. Morning. Hey, Gio, you okay? Yeah. You look like you got an itch you can’t scratch. Yeah, no, I’m — I’m totally fine. I just have something to tell Tracy, and I don’t think she’s gonna like it. Oh, if it’s that Gloria is coming to visit, I already know. No, that’s not it. There’s a guy at the gate, and I think he’s surveying the property. Hey. Lulu. This is a nice surprise. You might not think so after I give you this. A room key? I stole it and posed as a member of your housekeeping staff to break into my Uncle Martin’s room. Why? I was trying to find something to help me figure out where Charlotte is. Did you? No. But I found something else. Something huge. Alright, judging by your face, it can’t be something good. Dante has a child. A child he knows nothing about.

I want the program to focus on the long-term pediatric patients, the kids that have been in the hospital longer than they’ve even been at home. the ones — Mm-hmm. The ones that are just so used to getting bad news that they can feel like there’s a little hope in their lives. Oscar would be proud of you. He was a great kid. He was the best. And he was so much more than his illness. And I want these kids to know that they are, too. And I also want them to know that there’s role models out there that they should know about so that no matter what they’re going through, that they can know in their hearts that it’s possible to have a brighter future. Well, this program is definitely gonna shine a light on that. That is my hope. And I’d like to think, wherever he is, that Oscar knows that I’m thinking about him and that I miss him, and I’m going to dedicate this entire program to him. Well, thank you for coming with me. My old coach thought it’d be a good idea for me to be a part of this new program the hospital is starting. Well, he’s right. The kids would be so psyched to see you. And you’ll raise their spirits, and they’ll keep your spirits up while you go to rehab. It’s gonna be great. I’m looking forward to it, but I might need your Aunt Stella to point me in the right direction, because I have no idea where I’m supposed to meet this guy. Oh, well, who are you supposed to be meeting? Some congressman named Drew Quartermaine. Oh. Uh, yeah, I can — I can definitely point him out. Um, uh… That’s actually him right over there. Yeah. The only problem that I ever had with you was your defense of Heather Webber. Yes, I can understand why that would upset you. I’m a parent myself. You were just trying to protect your daughter and keep her safe, just like any good mother would. I appreciate you saying that. Well, that’s — It’s true. And Heather Webber is no longer in Port Charles, so I think we can consider that whole thing water under the bridge. Well, I’m not sure if that’s the case, um, because the situation that I want to discuss with you, it involves Heather. So I need to make sure that you don’t have a conflict of interest. Well, I can confidently say that my client-attorney relationship with Heather Webber is firmly in the past, and I am open to working with you on your case. But if I’m gonna help you, you’ve got to stop speaking so cryptically and tell me exactly what is going on. Isaiah: Are you gonna tell me how you did this? Come on. I was just sledding. Off the roof. Off the roof, huh? That’s some real daredevil stuff. Thank you. It was fun, until… What’s the diagnosis, doctor? I have to wait on some X-rays to be sure, but my guess is that it’s broken. If it’s broken, does that mean I have to wear a cast? I’m afraid so. Sorry, buddy. If I get a cast, my mom will see it, and my life will be over. The only reason your mom doesn’t know what’s happened right now is because she’s in an important meeting. You’re gonna rat me out? I won’t lie to her, James, or keep things from her. And, dude, that’s not the kind of man you want to be, either. Besides, she’s gonna find out anyway, ’cause she’s a mom, and that’s the way moms are. Willow: And all the kids at school are gonna want to sign your cast. It’ll be very cool. Only if my mom ever lets me out of my room again. [ Chuckles ] Let’s not panic yet. How about we go to radiology, take some X-rays so we know exactly what’s going on? Sound good? Reporter: [ On TV ] A 9-year-old metro girl… Natalia. What a delight to see you. [ TV mutes ] To what do I owe the honor? Business or pleasure? Neither. I want some answers. I remember you having better manners. No “[Smooches] Hello”? No “how are you?” You were so much more demure in your youth. Yeah, ’cause I grew up, thankfully. I need to know what you want with Deception. Well, it’s not about what I want with Deception. It’s about what Deception wants with me. Oh, I remember you being much more direct. I have access to a rare mineral that Deception desperately needs. Yes, the zincite. That’s the one. So you see, my relationship with Deception is one of supply and demand. I know how. market forces work. Just stop, okay? I know you, and I know you’re not here for a collaboration. I know you’re here for a hostile takeover. [ Scoffs ] So, this thing with the house happened quickly. I had my concerns, but Kristina and Jason thought that I needed more security than I have at the Metro Court. I have that here. It’s just going to be temporary until I go — you know, I go back to the penthouse. I’m sure you know what you’re doing. Yeah. Oh. Alright, this is the paperwork you requested from Diane. It’s for Gio’s educational trust. Thank you for the heads up, Gio, but the surveyor’s here at my request. You hired him, Granny? Yes, I certainly did. I don’t trust Martin Grey’s claim that the family crypt is on un-permitted land. So I’m getting my own proof. What happens if, uh, your guy tells you the same thing that Martin told you? Are you suggesting that Martin knows the extent of this property better than I do? But even if Martin is right, you could afford to move the crypt. It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t understand the sanctity of the Quartermaine legacy. This is not a vase you can move around at will. This is the family crypt. But if you had to — I am gonna use every resource at my disposal to make sure that my mother, my father, and my brother stay exactly where they are. Dante has another child? Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. Oh, my God. It’s too late now. You already did. How did you find out about this information? Because Valentin trusts Martin. Martin’s his lawyer, and he knows how to get in touch with him. So I figured he might have that information in his room, so I broke into his room. Sort of. Look, I am not gonna apologize for doing what I have to do to find my daughter. I-I get it. I would, too. I would, too. I didn’t find anything about Charlotte, but… I did find notes on a newborn baby. I-I only saw pieces because Martin almost walked in on me, and I panicked, and I-I dropped all the papers. Okay, well then how can you be sure about what you saw? Because of part of it. What I saw said “Dante Falconeri — father.” And the notes also said… “Brook Lynn — mother.” Well, I’m gonna get going. Gio? If you have a few minutes, why don’t you stay and have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea with us? Why? Because I appreciate your vigilance and your thoughtfulness. Thank you. Well, you’re welcome, but, uh, I-I don’t want to intrude. Oh, you wouldn’t be intruding. I’m inviting you. I’d like you to join us, and I’m sure everyone would agree. We absolutely do. There it is. Alright, thank you. You’re welcome. This morning is turning out to be quite lovely. There you go. Ooh. I spoke too soon. Drew: Pleasure to meet you. Kai: You, too. The congressman actually saved my life. Well, I mean, he and my dad did. It definitely was a team effort. Well, Kai knows a lot about being on a team. He’s an incredible football player. I know. I’m a big fan of yours. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a quarterback think on his feet quite so quickly. Thank you. I bet you probably do a lot of that in your job, too. Well, some days more than others. You know, when we start this program, we get it up and running, the kids are gonna be thrilled to see you walking into their rooms. Well, I was actually thinking about it on the way over here, and I know a lot of other athletes at PCU, and not just football players. If I get the word out, I think a lot of them would be excited to be a part of this. Well, that would be amazing. Thank you. Yeah, happy to help. You know, any friend of Trina’s and her parents is a friend of mine.

Dante and Brook Lynn had a baby? I mean, I knew they were family friends who grew up together, and they had a lot of history. They do. Big time. And from what I’ve pieced together from Martin’s notes and from what I got out of Cody Bell without him knowing, this happened when they were teenagers. Dante, Brook Lynn, and Cody, they were all training to be counselors at a summer camp when Dante got Brook Lynn pregnant. Brook Lynn had a boy, and she gave him up for adoption. And I think that Lois is involved somehow, but I’m — I’m not sure about that part. This is crazy. And I’m shocked that Brook Lynn would keep this from Dante. I mean, they’re like family. It’s typical Brook Lynn. Now that I know this, I have to tell Dante, right? I mean, if I keep this huge, life-changing secret from him, doesn’t that make me just as bad as Brook Lynn? I have no intention of dragging Deception into anything. Wouldn’t that be a first. Well, for you, maybe. But we haven’t been married for years. I am a changed man. I can see that you bought some new suits, and you have cleaned up your act quite nicely. But I see right through your little facade. There is nothing to see. I’m not interested in anything in Port Charles, no — no — not one thing. Oh, I get it. ‘Cause it’s someone, right? Now that makes sense that you would go to all the trouble to relocate to Port Charles, because you’re after someone. And I would guess that someone is Sonny Corinthos. I am not pursuing Sonny Corinthos. From what I’ve seen, that one is you. Alexis: Hello? Sorry to interrupt. Your butler let me in. And I’m so glad that he did. Welcome, welcome. Ms. Ramirez, so sorry to cut this short. I do need to speak to Ms. Davis alone. Of course. Thank you, Mr. Sidwell. It’s nice to see you, Alexis. You, too. So happy you accepted my invitation. It’s so nice to see you here at Wyndemere. The feeling is far from mutual. Um, I know that there’s a lot of tension between you and Brook Lynn, but you can’t judge her. You made a somewhat similar decision, and I know you haven’t forgotten how difficult that was. Ending my pregnancy… is the hardest thing I ever did. Yeah. But at least I told Dillon about my decision, Right. Brook Lynn never even mentioned a word about her pregnancy to Dante — We don’t know what the circumstances were back then. All we know is that Brook Lynn made a different decision than you, and that doesn’t make her a bad person. And I’m not judging her. But I do think that Dante deserves to know that he has a child out there somewhere. Yeah, in a perfect world, I agree with you. But this isn’t just about Dante anymore. What do you mean? That baby is all grown up. And — And what if he has a happy, blissful life, and he doesn’t even know he was adopted? You could destroy all of that. Or at the very least, cause a lot of complications. I-I wouldn’t want to do that. I know. And then there’s Brook Lynn and her family, and Dante and his. This information could destroy a lot of lives, Lulu. If you tell Dante, the fallout could be devastating. Are you ready for that? Dante. Dante: Hey, Dad. How you guys doing?


Hey. Sonny. Uh, sit. I’ll make you a coffee. If you’re here about Deception, I suggest you do whatever it is you have to do at a more appropriate time and place — let’s say the, um, Deception offices, perhaps. I’m here to get a-a signature from Gio. That’s it. Uh-huh. Well, as he resides here, I am entitled to know what the business is you want to conduct with him. Gio, get your coat. We’ll talk someplace else. Granny, is this really necessary? You want Gio to sign anything, I want my lawyers to look at it. Uh, actually, Diane and Alexis already had everything signed up, and so your lawyers can just stay out of it. Okay, w-well, why don’t I take the papers and look at them later? I hope you don’t mind if I don’t take your word for it. Oh, no, no. Go ahead.

An educational trust? Oh. Absolutely not.

And I will tell Elizabeth Baldwin everything that we spoke about. She’s the hospital liaison for the program. I think she’s gonna love it as much as I do. Sweet. No, and if there’s anything else I can do in the meantime, just let me know. I will. I don’t know if Trina told you, but I started the program in honor of my son, Oscar, who died of cancer when he was a teenager. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Um, yeah, Kai and I actually haven’t talked about Oscar, but Joss and I talk about him all the time. And, you know, we miss him so much, and I just — I think that he’d really love this program. I think so, too. You and I really have lost some amazing people, haven’t we? Yeah. Too many. Um, well, actually, I think my mom is in her office. Are you gonna see her before you leave? You know, I just might. You’re being blackmailed? Yes. By two people, actually. Uh, unrelated people? A few months ago, a lab tech found out that I altered Heather’s test results. But he’s just been asking for, you know, little stuff like a day off or permission to go to a medical conference out of town. It’s not great, but it’s not my biggest concern. Someone else found out what I did. Drew Quartermaine. Congressman Quartermaine? There was a time that Drew and Curtis were best friends, but all of a sudden, Drew changed. He just turned into this horrible person. And now Curtis and Drew are at war, especially over Aurora. And now Drew is holding what I did over my head. What does he want? He wants me to broker a sit-down between him and Curtis so that I can convince Curtis to end the war. How much does Curtis know? Curtis values honesty, okay, above all else. So I told him that I tampered with Heather Webber’s test results. But what about you being blackmailed? He doesn’t know about that part. I see. So what am I supposed to do? Betray my husband on Drew’s behalf? Or tell Curtis the truth — that I’ve been keeping this secret from him for months. Well, I’m afraid you are in what we call in the legal community between a rock and a hard place. I don’t want to lose my job. I am scared to lose my medical license. But Curtis? He’s the one that I don’t want to lose the most. Why does Martin have this information to begin with? I’m not sure. But I know that Brook Lynn and Chase have been trying to have a baby, and they recently found out that Chase is sterile. That’s not public knowledge, by the way. So maybe Brook Lynn’s thinking about finding the baby she gave up. Makes as much sense as anything else. This whole thing just kills me. Uh, Dante would never think Brook Lynn would keep something like this from him. He thinks she’s such a good person. Okay. Look. I need to ask you a question. Is this about your rivalry with Brook Lynn? Not at all. I am not that petty, I swear. I just think that Dante deserves to know he has a son. Okay. But just know if you tell Dante, he may be inclined to shoot the messenger. I know. I was up all night last night going over this again and again in my head. Think about it. This child is Rocco’s brother. And he’s a Quartermaine. He’s Tracy’s great-grandson. And Lois, Ned, and Olivia are all his grandparents. And Sonny. And Sonny. So say I do keep this secret. That means you have to keep it, too. Are you sure you can keep this from your kids and from Sonny? Don’t sign it. Don’t even read it. I’m giving it back to Sonny. Don’t you ever get tired of being so self-righteous? I really don’t. Granny, maybe you should just stay out of this. I agree. Sonny has been paying for Gio’s tuition for years. Since I was 12 when my mom died. And I’m happy to do it. He’s a great kid, and he’s talented. He should pursue his dreams. But he’s older now. He’s more independent. He deserves to have a trust if he needs to get some money. It appears you’ve been very generous with Gio in the past, but that was before he came here. So as of now, his education will be managed by us. Tracy, I don’t know what the big deal is, really. I mean, he does the same thing for Rocco. What Sonny provides for his grandchildren is Sonny’s business. I will not allow Gio to be the beneficiary of Sonny’s ill-gotten gains. And I’m shocked you don’t agree with me, considering you usually wear a badge. And you. This man that you keep defending has been indicted on racketeering charges more times than I can remember. Do you really want him involved in Gio’s education? And you, my darling girl. Bad enough you were on board with letting Sonny get embedded in Deception. Now you want him embedded in Gio’s finances? Absolutely not. I won’t have it. Tracy, Tracy, leave them out of it, okay? If you want to say anything to me, just say it to my face. [ Chuckling ] Oh. My apologies. I thought I had. I will not allow that young man to be hurt by you. I have borne witness to the chaos you have wrought, and usually to impressionable and naive young people like Stone, Karen, Jason. Tracy, enough! This isn’t about my past. It’s about Gio. Um… Go ahead and sign that whenever you can and get it back to me. No, it’s — it’s okay.

Dante: I’ll walk you out.

Lois: We’ll go with you.

Brook Lynn: Yeah.

Wow. Look at that cast you’re rocking. I love it. Did you pick out the color yourself? I chose pink. It’s my mom’s favorite, but I’m not sure it’ll help. She’s still gonna be mad. Oh, for a minute, maybe. But mostly she’s just gonna be happy that you’re okay. I looked at the X-rays, and it’s a clean break. So you’ll be back to throwing fastballs and riding horses in no time. Dr. Gannon is right. It won’t even interfere with your spring break plans with Wiley. Well, I guess we better get home and face the music. Thank you so much for all of your help. Anytime. Come on, sweetie. Wish me luck. I know you. James, that is rude to point to people. I am so sorry about that. No, it’s okay. Hey, bud. What happened to you? I sledded off the roof. Wow. Well, I just got tackled wrong. You’re that football guy. You’re like a star. I see you on TV.

Take a breath. Okay? Alright? Let me do some research. Mm-hmm. I can assess the personal and professional fallout of your actions, should you be exposed. And what do I do in the meantime? Just keep this to yourself, okay? As hard as it’s gonna be, do not tell Curtis, at least not right now. As far as Drew is concerned, just, uh — just stall him. String him along. Make him think that you’re gonna give in to all of his demands. Okay. You’re right. I think you’re right about not telling Curtis the truth. Yeah, just for now. Right, just for now. But Curtis knows how I feel about Drew. If I’m all of a sudden sympathetic towards him, he’s gonna know that something’s up. Yeah, well, you’re gonna have to be subtle. You finesse your husband in the smallest way possible. Make Drew think that you are pressing Curtis as hard as you can. That’s exactly what Ava said. Well, Ava’s a very smart woman. And unfortunately, this is your only choice right now. Drew has to be completely convinced that you are playing by his rules. I have this feeling that you don’t like me, Miss Davis. I don’t know you. But I certainly don’t like what I’ve heard about you. Such as? Such as you held my grandson’s father, Jason Morgan, captive in Africa. That wasn’t very nice. Beyond that, I hate it here. So if you could just tell me why you asked me here so I could get going. I did make some mistakes in Africa. In my defense, that is how business is done there. You refer to kidnapping and human rights violations as mistakes. That’s interesting. I have no intention of conducting business in Port Charles in the same way. Oh, okay. That’s great to hear. But with all due respect, I don’t care because I have no plans of representing you or doing any kind of business with you. It’s not what you can or cannot do for me, it’s what I can do for you. Or more specifically, what I can give you. That was the most impressive thing I’ve seen you do yet. Wait, what? It took a lot of nerve to defy me. And you’ve done it twice. Once in defense of Scout, and just now. There’s a lot more to you than meets the eye. My family would learn from your example. Thank you for saying that. I-I know you have your reasons for how you feel about Sonny, but so do I. That is undoubtedly true. It was really hard for me when my mom passed, but Uncle Sonny made sure that I was okay. Some days, it was — it really wasn’t. And my Aunt Lois obviously helped, too, but Uncle Sonny made sure that I was always good. Sonny’s very loyal to the people he cares about. Yeah. Without my mom, it was like I was spinning. But Sonny supported my love of music, and it gave me a purpose. I-I can’t tell you how many violin recitals and concerts he sat through, but, uh — I don’t know what I would have done without him. Doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s always really painful to lose your mother. Just as Sonny is loyal to the people that he cares about, Gio, so am I. And my interaction with Sonny today had less to do with my obvious dislike of him, and more to do with my concern for you. You’re a great fit for the E.R. It would be nice to have a familiar face down here. For me, too. I love it down here. It’s exciting. I’m happy to help wherever I’m needed, but it’s nice to have that instant gratification of helping patients get treated right away. Thank you. All the kids at school are gonna be jealous when they see this. Hey, well, I’m happy to help you get some street cred. Thank you. James is a very big fan. He and his grandfather watch you play every Saturday during football season. It wasn’t a bad one, but that was the first time I ever heard my grandpa swear. [ Both laugh ] Oh, um, I hope that your physical therapy is going well, and you’ll be back on the team next season, if that’s what you want. Thank you. I do have some opportunities coming up that I’m really excited about. And one of them is right here in the pediatrics wing. Yeah. Really? Well, if this guy is any indication, you should be as big a success in pediatrics as you were on the football field. We’ll be rooting for you. Where’s the fire, counselor? Ah. Oh, no fire. I just, uh — I got a lot to do. Did you find who you were looking for earlier? Yeah, yeah, I did. It was, uh, Portia. [ Elevator bell dings ] I’m sorry, I-I just — I got to get going. I’ll see you later. Drew: I got your text. I assume that means that you’ve given my offer some thought. I have. I have. And as long as you agree not to tell what you know, I will absolutely do what you ask. I’ll convince Curtis to have a meeting with you so that you guys can bury the hatchet and mend your friendship. Good. Glad you finally came to your senses. Believe me, there’s nothing you could have that I would want. How can you be so sure? Wyndemere Castle, Spoon Island — Your family’s estate, was it not? I understand that you’re new to Port Charles, but you clearly don’t know very much about my family. Whatever you’ve got there, I don’t want it. Feel free to burn it. In fact, I encourage it. I would never burn anything as beautiful and intriguing as this.

I’m glad we talked about this. Me, too. And as for dismissing your opinions about Scout and Drew, I-I misspoke. I-I’m sorry I said what I said. It’s fine. I-I overstepped. I regret what I said. Scout is very lucky to have someone like you looking out for her. And while I certainly understand the reasons for your loyalty to Sonny, I — I just hope that it never ends up costing you someday. Alexis, give me a call when you can. Yeah, I got a-a signed document from Gio for you and Diane. [ Doorbell rings ] Uh, yeah, and listen, I’ll just send it over as soon as you call. Before you say anything, Tracy is wrong. And I am here to apologize on behalf of everyone who isn’t her. She had no right to stick her nose into whatever arrangement you and Gio got going on. I don’t give a damn what Tracy thinks of me. I just want Gio to have the best possible life he can have. Let me ask you a question. Do you think I should stay away from him? Carly: You know, in the past, I would have, uh, rushed out of here and gone straight to Sonny’s and told him everything that you just told me. Because family’s everything to him. But I’m not gonna do that, because family’s everything to me. And in this situation, Brook Lynn is Bobbie. I know how hard it was for my mom to give me up for adoption, and I know that it haunted her for years. I think Brook Lynn has been through enough, and I’m not gonna add to it by exposing her secret. I hadn’t really thought about how similar their situations are. But it’s not just that, you know? I may not have given up a baby, but I know a lot about making hard decisions to protect my children. It seems like the least we can do. That’s why I passed Michael off as Jason’s. So I could protect him from A.J. And Robin blew that secret up and wrecked our lives in the process. And you think that’s what I’m doing? I don’t know. Are you? Robin did have — I know I shouldn’t have lied, but I did what I thought was best for my kid. Just like my mom. Just like Brook Lynn. And just like you, when you broke into Martin’s room because you were looking for information that would lead you to Charlotte. We’re just moms doing whatever we can for our kids. I can’t argue with a single word. And I wish I could. [ Chuckles ] Did anything I say help you? I’m still not sure. I think I’ll get the clarity I’m looking for when I look into Dante’s eyes. One look, and I’ll know whether I can keep Brook Lynn’s secret… …or if I have to tell Dante everything.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Thursday, March 6, 2025

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

[somber music plays] What more could you possibly tell me about Luna? She’s your daughter…with Poppy and she lied to you about it for years. But this is about Luna… and where she is right now. LUNA: I’ve always loved you. I always looked up to you. You were my cool older cousin, and you always made me feel so safe and seen. I can’t think of a better man than you. And now, to know that you’re my father, I mean, this is more than I could have ever wished for. BILL: Are you crying? What is it, Luna? What’s wrong? I still can’t believe that Luna Nozawa’s Finn’s daughter. Steffy’s already been through so much. I mean, when is it gonna end? When is she gonna have a normal, sane life? I know. What I’m worried about… what if Finn feels he has some kind of obligation to Luna, you know? Even if she’s in prison, he’s gonna try and do things for her, help her any way he can, and… it’s gonna hang over his marriage. -It’s not gonna go away. -Yeah, this could end up destroying what Steffy and Finn have together, no matter how hard they try not to let it. [somber music plays] HOPE: Be honest with me. Hell, be honest with yourself. You’ve developed feelings for him, haven’t you? And I’ll do you the favor. I won’t draw this out. Uh, I saw you. I saw you kissing Carter. [heavy music plays] Oh, in the CEO office. You and Carter. With the door open for anyone to walk in and see you kissing him. How could you do that, knowing… He’s the love of your life. Yes. Something that you’ve been aware of from day one. Oui. Yet, that didn’t stop you from making a move. I shouldn’t have done that. Just like you shouldn’t have convinced Carter to steal Forrester Creation from Ridge… Carter’s best friend. You heard Steffy. She hasn’t given up on Finn, even with all this stuff going on. I know, but I-I still think we were right trying to convince her to come here with the kids and stay here with us at Eric’s. And I think Steffy sees that, but then there’s a whole other part where she wants to face everything with Finn because they love each other so much. We know how much they love each other, more than ever. But Finn is asking Steffy to accept things that no wife should ever have to accept. I just–I just wanna know that she’s safe. Her and the kids. She is safe because–I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but Luna is actually in prison. I realize that that should be really comforting to me, but the fact remains that Finn has two dangerous, psychopathic family members. Hayes has a grandmother and half-sister who– I just hope our little grandson never has to know who Luna is or that she even exists. Luna, what happened? You can talk to me. You gotta know that by now. There’s nothing you can say that will shock me. STEFFY: We know where Luna is right now. She’s in prison paying for her crimes. God, I-I can’t even fathom that… that Luna’s even related to you. I mean, you’ve never done a cruel thing in your life, -but Luna, she’s– -Well, she could never catch a break, Steffy. Her life has been in constant turmoil. Finn, you’re not responsible for that. You didn’t know she was yours. No. But now that I do… [sighs] That’s what I need to talk to you about. What happens now. [uneasy music plays] [laughs] I-I am… impressed by the audacity. You knew that Carter was in a committed relationship, and yet, you kissed him anyway. -I was wrong. -Yes, you were. But instead, you wanna make this about Carter and I taking over Forrester Creations. Carter’s conscience is weighing on him. The fact that you haven’t noticed, or have, but can’t admit it to yourself– Okay, stop. Stop. What we are going to do is turn this around on me when you are the one– Who crossed a line. Yes. And I’ve admitted that. But what about you, Hope? You say that you care about Carter– I do care about him. Who are you to question that? Obviously, he’s very important to you. So let me ask you something, mon cher. Have you listened to him? Like really listened? Because if you had, you would realize that he isn’t happy with what the two of you have done. It’s just…it’s just too much to put on Steffy. Yes, it’s a shock to Finn too, but what he’s asking of her, of their marriage… Yeah. Most wives would have bolted already. -[softly] Yeah. -But not Steffy. She stands by her man. She’s one of the strongest people we know. But even the strongest people– -Strongest people break. Yes. -Yeah. She’s just going through so much right now, you know? Dealing with everything at Forrester, and then Finn’s latest discovery. I know she’s determined not to let it affect her family. That’s a lot of pressure and stress. Oh. Yeah. And don’t get me wrong–I don’t blame Finn. I love how he loves our daughter. But he’s just bringing dangerous people into Steffy’s life. Luna’s just the latest. You’re always so worried about me, how I’m doing, how I’m feeling. Well, I feel a responsibility, -as your– -Jailer? [both laugh] I hope you don’t see me that way. No. Of course not. You saved me from a life behind bars. From brutal beatings and, worst of all, no hope. I’m forever gonna be grateful to you for that. You know, uh… I did have some…trepidation about this working. Could I trust you? But so far, so good. I think. You think? Well, when I walked in here and saw you emotional, it reminded me how much we opened up to each other but that there still might be some things you wanna share with me… …but haven’t -yet. -Uh… let’s just say that for once in my life, I feel like I have a… real shot at a future. One where I can reconnect with my family. [moody music plays] “What happens now”? To be honest, Finn, I’ve barely started to process what happened, much less… work through how I feel. It’s a lot. [sighs] I know. For me too. Yeah, especially for you. But like I told my parents, I’m not going anywhere. We’re gonna face this together. It’s not gonna be easy, but… God, I’m just… I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I just–I feel awful. And I’m just–I… I’ve upset you and… I’ve turned your life… upside down again. I’m sorry. Oh, babe. FINN: [whispers] God. [somber music plays] You…know…nothing about what Carter and I share. Of course, I listen to him. Then you should know how tormented he is about what he’s done. What he’s done is revitalize this company, tapped into its true potential. You’re proud of him for it. As well as you should be. Carter’s a remarkable businessman. Yes, he is. And you’re no longer fired. You’ve benefitted. Hope for the Future is back. What are you implying, Daphne? Are you implying that I’m using Carter? Finn and the kinda guy he is, I-I bet he woulda done anything -to spare Steffy. -I know. I know. He cherishes Steffy and their life together. If it weren’t for Sheila and Luna– They’d be walking around LA, this beautiful couple, not worrying about anything, just living their life instead of this siege. An attack on their relationship. Another test that they have to overcome. Why do Steffy and Finn have to be tested over and over again? They deserve some peace. It’s– God knows it’s long overdue. But at least she has us to lean on. We’ll keep her safe. And so will Finn. As long as he doesn’t let Luna get into his head like Sheila did. Then again…maybe she won’t, because you’re right. She’s in jail for the rest of her life. You know how they say your life can change in an instant? When you least expect it, something can happen and suddenly everything’s so different? Well, that’s kind of how it was for you, right, when you thought I was your father? Well, yeah, this whole new world opened up to me… until the truth came out and… I lost control. I couldn’t deal. But…I’m thinking of something else now. Someone else. Who? I know that it seems impossible, -but what if it’s not true? -What if what’s not true? What if my mom isn’t my only living parent? What if my father is out there, waiting for me? STEFFY: I’m trying, Finn. I really am. And as much as I wanna be a supporting, loving wife, this whole thing with Luna is… it’s incredibly hard. I know. And again, I’m so sorry. If I could spare you from this, I would. No, no, no, no, this isn’t you, Finn. This is all Poppy. She’s to blame. She took advantage of you, lying to you when she turned up pregnant. And I’m so sorry that you had to deal with something like that. And now here you are, left with the shocking realization that you have an adult daughter and it’s the same woman who tried to kill me, your wife. [somber music plays] You’re accusing me of using Carter. You’ve gotten everything you wanted… ever since Carter went against his nature, stole Forrester Creation from his best friend. You know who you’re starting to sound like? Steffy. She has used those exact words against me numerous times. Ha. And you couldn’t be more wrong about me. Was I, uh, humiliated at how my line was canceled, at how I was fired, at how I was paraded around in front of my coworkers to– to humiliate me? Yes, yes, I was. But that is because Steffy had a vendetta. So if you are going to accuse me of running after Carter and pretending to care about him… …you’d be wrong. Do not take my love and twist it to fit your warped narrative. I care about that man more than you know. So you… are not going to make another play for him. Tu comprends? [tense music plays] You know what? I’d be more worried if Luna wasn’t in jail. But knowing that she can’t hurt Steffy again… it helps me to rest a little easier. We all can. We can all rest. Especially Steffy. -Your father’s waiting for you? -[laughs] Yes. Okay, Luna, look, I-I know you don’t wanna believe that Tom Starr’s your father and you say that you feel it in your bones– I do. I always have. And for once in my life, I know without a doubt that I’m right. LUNA: I still can’t believe this is happening. All I know is that my father is here now. After a lifetime of wondering, I finally have a dad and… I couldn’t have picked a more loving, caring dad than you, Finn. [emotional music plays] I already asked so much of you… your understanding most of all, and to ask more would be… Finn, none of this is your fault. What happened with Luna is not…your fault. She wanted me out of the way. She locked me in the cage and left me in a building that was gonna be demolished. -Help. Help me! -I thought I was gonna die. Help me! I’m in here. I was gonna be buried in the rubble, and no one would ever find me. As hard as I try not to think about it, it– It still haunts me. I think like… what if Luna succeeded? I wouldn’t be able to see you again or Kelly or Hayes. And I thank God… I thank God that… that never happened… because of you. You saved me. [intense music swells] Oh, please get me out of here. Thank God I found you. I got you, okay? Your love saved me. So I don’t… I don’t blame you for being Luna’s father. I don’t blame you for being Sheila’s son. Do I wish it weren’t true? Yeah. – [Finn chuckles] -I wish they never came into our lives, but… I’m sure this is incredibly hard for you. And I know this is really confusing for you… to know that you have an adult daughter. -Yeah. -Finn. If it were anybody but Luna– anyone… I know she’s your daughter. But can we just… get Luna out of our minds? She’s locked up in prison. We don’t have to deal with her. I don’t wanna–I don’t wanna think or talk about her ever again. Can we do that? Please? [whispers] Please. [intense music plays] Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

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BTG Transcript Thursday, March 6, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


1 [soft chuckle] I need you at my place ASAP. Ah. You look as good in the daytime as you do at night. What’s up? Whew. Last night was amazing. [Andre chuckles] Bill, you home? Just beautiful. Oh! Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. No, i-it’s okay.

And I agree.

Mm. I get to call this elegant house

my home.

Mm-hmm. And this gorgeous, romantic, extremely hot man, my husband. You know, let’s have a party. I mean, look at this place. We have to show it off, like… But… nobody would come. They wouldn’t dare go against the Duprees. Yeah. That damn Dani. She’s danced through life because of her last name. And now, after actually firing a gun at our wedding, she gets off with barely a slap on the wrist. The good news is she’s done her absolute worst. You know, there’s nothing more that she or any of her family can do to hurt us now.




Mm… ♪ ♪

Hey, you.

Where have you been? I, uh, dropped off the dry cleaning, got the car washed. Kids? They’re still at school. They’re hanging out with their friends at the lacrosse game. It’s all on the calendar. Yeah, everything’s on the calendar… except for what matters. Clearly, we’ve progressed from the silent treatment of last night. I thought anything would be an improvement from that. But this? Not so much. I’ve got work to do. Hey, hold on. I need you to use your words and tell me why you stormed off this morning without saying goodbye. And why you haven’t answered a single one of my texts, okay? I didn’t know I was accountable to you for every action. It’s kind of in the fine print of the marriage license, Congressman. You’re accountable to me, and I’m accountable to you. And instead of shutting down, we are considerate of each other. You consider me? Really? Hey. Martin… …this is me considering you. Tell me what’s wrong. When were you gonna let me in on what you were planning?

I don’t– I wasn’t…

I heard. You had no problem with confiding in my mother last night. Oh. [sighs] That’s all you got? If you’re accountable to me and considerate of me… …why wouldn’t you tell me that you were thinking about going back to work as an investigative reporter? Oh, Ashley, not so fast. Our departmental rock star can’t leave for the day without giving you a little something-something. You’re kidding. I don’t need all this. Delivering a baby isn’t easy in the best of circumstances. Let alone in an elevator without any of the necessary equipment.

You can say that again.

I’m glad it wasn’t me. But you, Ashley, handled it with calm, skill and joy. And we wanted to honor that.


[clears throat] Let the record show I taught this girl everything she knows. [laughter] Glad to have you on the team, Ashley. All I did was focus on helping that mother bring her baby safely into the world. That is one lucky baby girl. [laughs] Thank you. Daddy, no, you are not wearing that tired blue suit to Mom’s gala. I look fine in that suit. You will look old in that suit. TED: I thought you liked it. KAT: Only because you said you liked it. Well, your mother liked it. And she only said that because she knows you think it makes you look “fine.” Kat, are you telling me that the women in my life have been lying to me? Only because we love you. [laughs] So wear the black and make your ladies proud. What would I do without you? Be a lonely, sad, badly dressed old man. [mock groans] You are so lucky to have us. Oh, sorry. Dr. Richardson forgot a patient file and asked me to come get it. No problem, Eva. Have you met my daughter Kat? KAT: Oh, yes. Eva and I are practically BFFs. I came to pick up my things I left the other night. You should have called first.


They’re still in the wash. Oh, that’s a shame. They won’t smell like you. Let me be clear, Andre. What we shared the other night was wonderful. Mm-hmm. And it can never happen again.

You mean again, again?

I mean no kind of again. Mm. Okay, got it. No more. Never again. [chuckles] Nice pig. Where’d, uh… where’d you get it? I seem to have earned a fan page on Facebook for being a total badass. No leather. But how do you really feel about it? I like it.


I spent so many years being the perfect lady on Bill’s arm. The new image suits the new me. Besides, Bill and that little witch deserved to have that sham of a wedding disrupted. Yeah, well, you certainly did that, Cowgirl Dani. And now I am putting away my six-shooter and moving on. I am officially leaving Bill and Faylee in my dust. Does that make me sound cold and heartless? Nah. You? The last thing I would ever call you is cold. All right, now go, Andre. My daughter’s coming over. Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I would hate to think that I was losing my touch. [chuckles] Later, Dani. Goodbye, Andre. [door closes] I got your message, Mom. What’s wrong now? If he has any questions, he can call me at home. Mm-hmm. I know. [chuckles] Okay. Yes. Thanks, Caroline. Thanks. She shouldn’t be bothering you on your honeymoon like that. Oh, it’s fine. And this case is really interesting. Yeah, babe, but that’s just because it’s relatively new to you, so… I think that it may be better that you leave now before you become disillusioned.

Are you firing me?

No. Never, babe. No, I just… I think it makes sense for you to resign. [scoffs] I’m not doing that, Bill. Baby, there is no need for you to continue working as a paralegal when there’s a busy social world ready to bow before the new Mrs. Bill Hamilton. But to quit my job? What is the issue? Well, Caroline and the rest of the staff are the only friends that I have here. And… plus, wouldn’t you miss seeing me at the office every day?


Hmm? Believe me, baby, if I could spend every minute of every day in your arms, I’d be a very happy man. But I’m just thinking of you, that’s all. I think you should be a little more independent. Wouldn’t quitting my job make me more dependent? Mm. Maybe a little more pampered. Acceptance of this gift shall not be construed as an indication of intent for me to terminate my current employment.

[chuckles] Duly noted.

Okay. What’s the occasion? Just loving you. Well, that’s the gift, sweetheart. Nothing in this box can top that. Mm. Good.

A credit card.

Mm-hmm. And that card has no limit. It’s good everywhere, and you’ll never have to see a statement. That is real independence. Aw. I love you so much.

You better, baby.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re welcome. Ooh. I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long to clock out, babe, but I had to answer a couple patient calls, and I really want to get these handoff reports right. Take your time. I think I should send thank you notes to everybody for the gift basket and flowers. I mean, it’s too much. I was just doing my job. Andre was here, too. I’m sure the photographer was a lot of help. He really was. He has a good sense of humor.

And that kept mom-to-be calm.

[phone buzzes] Now, I just have to… [laughs] Andre found out that his aunt sent me flowers, and he gave me a daisy GIF…


…to make sure he wasn’t left out. He spends, like, no money and gets a laugh. I drop serious cash, what do I get? You know, the best part of this whole thing is I made you proud. Always. No getting carried away at work. You’ll destroy my rep. Then let’s get out of here. Get busy in private. Okay, just a sec. Andre officially thanked, and now I just have to clock out. Please tell me you haven’t signed out yet. I was just about to, but… If you can hold off on that,

I could really use your help.

Sure. We are about to get slammed with new admissions, and the patient in 312 has been waiting hours for his discharge papers.

His doctor is…

I’ll handle it. And I’ll check in with you and see if you need any more help before we leave. Oh, that’d be great. Thanks, Ash. Sorry, Derek.


I’ll hang out in the waiting room

until you’re done.

Thanks. Maybe text Naomi and Jacob. I feel like it’s been forever since we did one of our couples things.

All right, I’ll see if they’re free.

Great. So, Eva, how has it been working for my wife? Is there anything else that we can do to make your job easier here? Thanks, Ted, but I’m good. Working for Nicole is fun and kind of exciting. I’m sure it is. I mean, this is the first real job you’ve ever had, right?


I checked out your social media, and all I could find were some pictures of you doing your friend’s hair. Oh, they’re clients, not friends. On a salon site where you worked for, like, a minute. Nothing else. Why is that? I apologize for my daughter. I did not raise her to grill anyone like this. It’s a simple question. What did Eva do for a living before Mom hired her? It’s okay, Ted. Kat doesn’t know me, and I get that she’s curious. The fact is, I’ve had a few side gigs, and I’ve always been good with hair, so it’s been an easy way for me to help my surrogate mom out with the bills. It’s been touch and go, financially, since her husband died. I think that is admirable, Eva. Now, can someone please tell me why my daughter is interrogating my assistant? I am asking questions you apparently didn’t bother to ask your new assistant about her background and experience. I can handle my own employees, Kat, thank you very much. I’m just trying to help. And I’ve got some bad news. I won’t be at your award ceremony. No, you have to be there. This is a major honor for your mother. I know, and I really am sorry, Mom. I would be there if I could, but I have got… this business thing out of town. If there are any last-minute details I can help with, though… We’ll figure it out. You and Eva. Got it. Oh, and I convinced Dad to ditch the blue suit. You’re welcome. I’m just glad you’re okay. You sounded strange

on the phone.

Well, hopefully I have left all strange behavior behind me. Then why the call? Is it about the video? Because I checked the stats and it seems to be finally running its course. Not entirely. Somebody made a creepy fan page? I don’t think it’s creepy. I think I look pretty damn good. Don’t you? This isn’t funny, Mom. If I hadn’t been recording… Hey, recording your life is part of the brand that we work so hard to create. There is no one here to blame but me. I acted a fool. Well, after the way Dad treated you… The most important thing is that we put your father and his child bride in our rearview. I can do that.

Can you?

Yes. Mom, if you keep letting them get to you, they win. We can’t have that. I am moving forward with the wonderful future that I planned for the two of us. The modeling world hasn’t seen half of what you’re capable of, but the two of us, working together, we will blow them away. Chelsea, from now on, you have all of me. Nicole, this tribute video, do you want me to make copies or distribute it to anyone? I think Andre has that covered. Oh, do you think we can get Andre to highlight that part where we were reminiscing

about when we first met?

Of course. We can take notes tonight and give them to Andre to edit. I can’t wait for the world to see you the way I always have. Working on your résumé? I’m putting the finishing touches on the constituent services article you asked me to draft for you. Oh. Forgot about that. Thanks. And thank you for giving me some time to cool down. I know you and I love you, Martin. And I was never gonna go back to work without talking to you first. So let’s talk. Okay. I hate it. Conversation over. Now who’s being selfish? I get to have a life, too. You don’t think being my husband and raising our kids is a life? Good to know. Do not even try that. I may not be a U.S. congressman or a member of the almighty Dupree family except by marriage, but it doesn’t mean that my needs and dreams are gonna be ignored by default. And I am not gonna put my life on hold just to avoid upsetting you. [door opens, closes] I promise. I’ll do better. Don’t make drunken promises, Rory. But when you sober up, try to remember there are people out here who will help you if you ask. And then? Ask. Take care of yourself, now. I didn’t realize I had an audience. Which makes you even more wonderful. That for me? Yeah, just trying to distract you from the fact that I’m interrupting you at your job. [Naomi clears throat] Something’s wrong. I work at a police station, Naomi.

Wrong is the norm.

No, no, no. Something’s wrong with you. Go ahead, start talking before I snatch that coffee back. I’m mad at myself for not doing anything to stop Dani at Bill and Hayley’s wedding. So that means your favorite cop is really bad at his job. [sighs] Let’s see. Okay. Oh… [sighs] Hey, cuz. Can’t talk long. I’m waiting for my date.

First date?

Skip the lecture. Tell me what you need. I need to vent after dealing with my mom and her little assistant. I’m picking up you don’t like the assistant. That’s because there is not a genuine bone in Eva’s fake ass and knockoff dress body. Uh-huh. Uh-huh what? You’re calling me a snob. Not out loud. I was thinking it real hard, though. Just because I don’t trust her and I’m sticking around to keep an eye on that sneaky little instigator does not mean… Oh. Gotta go. My date’s here. [sighs] Be careful, Chels. “Careful” is not in the plan for tonight. Okay. Thank you so much. EVA: Ashley. How are you doing? Hey, Eva. I’m good. You’ve been busy. That elevator baby is all anybody can talk about. Ah, I just did what anyone else would have done. Can I help you with something? Oh, I don’t know if you heard, but I’m filling in as Dr. Nicole Richardson’s assistant. ASHELY: I did hear. I’m glad we’ll sort of be working together. Right. I need to check on accessing files for a new admission. Oh, we just added it to the system. Eva, you should be good now. Oh, thanks. Naomi and Jacob are a go for drinks. Oh, I’m so glad they can make it. Night, Shanice. Thanks again for your help today. Anytime. You are going to enjoy working with Dr. Richardson. She’s the best.

Thanks. Bye.

Bye. Babe. Let’s go meet Ashley and Derek. I have to come back to work after, though. You know, I hate that you blame yourself for what happened at my dad’s wedding. Yeah, it was bugging me so much, I had to speak to my father about it. What did Elon say? That it wasn’t a dereliction of duty on my part, so… The chief of police should know.


You were being a good guy, like always, standing by your wife. You did it for me. Girl, I find it damn near impossible to say no to you.


You know that? The feeling is mutual. And now that Dad is married and Mom has thrown a public fit, the family drama is over and we can go back to normal.



Come on.

Yeah, let’s go. I’m serious. I’m literally the most boring person

on the planet.

Are you sure? There’s a lot of competition out there. I’ve got them all beat. I thought about lying to folks and telling them I’m a fighter pilot or an astronaut. Anything other than a tech nerd. Tech nerds are the new rock stars. You’re thinking about billionaire tech nerds. That’s the kind of guy that should be here with you. I mean, you’re a top model and a prominent social influencer, and yet you sit there. God, you’re gorgeous. Listening to me drone on. I am much too ordinary to be with someone like you. I think ordinary looks good on you. Guess it’s time to start being interesting. [chuckles] Let’s get this party started. Don’t worry. I’m unarmed. You don’t have to be carrying to be dangerous, Dani. And yet you let me in. Better for you to say what you came to say in here than on the doorstep. This is nice. Bill hired Glorietta Interiors, am I right? I’m sure you didn’t come here to judge my living room. Nervous, Hayley? If you try anything, Bill is right upstairs. Daddy to the rescue. We did think of you as a daughter at one point. Now I’m not here for Bill. I was, uh, talking to Chelsea, and I realized that if I am going to step into my future, I need to slam the door on my past. So I am here to have a long overdue conversation, woman to woman. I’ll settle for you. I will not allow you to abuse me in my own home. Oh, aren’t you special? Demanding that kind of courtesy after abusing my trust in my home?

We’ve already discussed–

Had this out? Not even close. It would be one thing if you were some girl I had never met. But you knew me, Hayley. Had my phone number in your phone and never hesitated to use it. I gotta give you your props, though. You never let on. You were sleeping with my husband and there wasn’t even a lift in your eyebrow to signal that change. You could have distanced yourself from me, stopped making yourself comfortable in my living room, but you never let your mask drop. You lied and kept on lying with every hug and every smile. Look, I never meant to do– Nobody cares what you meant. What matters is what you did. What you did to me? Bad. But what you did to my daughter? To Naomi? There is no measure for the depth of that betrayal. Do you have any idea how guilty she feels for befriending you, only to have you turn around and become her stepmother? Are you ashamed yet, Hayley? Because you should be. Why do you think I asked Bill to back off with you? I’m not proud of what I did. The thought of hurting you and Naomi really cut me deep inside– Spare me the crocodile tears. You had your eyes set on becoming Mrs. Bill Hamilton, and you didn’t care that the position was already taken. Look, I am sorry, Dani. Look, I said it before, and I hope you can hear it this time. I hear you. And you’ll be even sorrier. Are you threatening me? I’m informing you. The fairy tale never tells you how Prince Charming can become a real son of a bitch once that ring goes on your finger. I have wasted enough time on you and Bill, so I will keep my distance. And I suggest you do the same. That’s my best offer. Take it. Okay. Must have been my imagination, but I could have sworn I just heard Dani’s grating tone in here. No, she was just here. Wha… Baby, you should have called me. [sighs] Look, I think, in her own way, Dani came by to…. offer an olive branch. She said she needed to get some things off her chest so she could move on. Babe, no, okay? That– That’s her story for today, okay? And tomorrow, she’ll find another excuse to make our lives a living hell. Hayley, baby. Hey, look at me. Hey, listen. I need you to hear me well. Okay? You cannot trust Dani. [sighs]

Hi, guys.

Hey. Got your text. There’s a virgin mojito

and an NA beer headed this way.


Thanks, man.

Yeah. So, tell us about your new job.

It’s great.

NAOMI: Yeah?

Okay. Wait. Is that Chelsea over there?

It is.

And who’s the guy? Probably some guy hitting on her, like always. Or is it the other way around this time? [laughter] Fascinating as your sister’s sex life always is, I’d much rather talk about the fascinating ladies at this table.


Well, I heard somebody got flowers today, and it wasn’t me. [laughs] Derek gave them to me. Plus, she got a bouquet from all her friends at the hospital. Wow. You’re raking it in, Ash. Maybe I should deliver babies in an elevator more often.


Just say when. Hey, Andre. My partner in crime. More like birthing partner. Hey, sort of cousin. So Andre is my Uncle Ted’s nephew. You got all kinds of connections at the table. Are you busy? You want to join us?

I don’t want to intrude.

DEREK: No, you’re not. Any friend of my girlfriend is someone I’d like to know. Okay. Yeah. Get a chair. What are you doing here? Grabbing a drink? Eh, just around.

NAOMI: Just around?

In and out. You’re so mysterious. [laughter] I didn’t mean to sound insensitive or uncaring. You know I love you. Sometimes I wonder. Never doubt that. I couldn’t fathom what my life would be without you in it. And yes, I admit I don’t want you to go back to work. It’s true. But the traditional family optics of a stay-at-home parent, it’s what works best for the game plan. And you raising our kids projects stability in our lives. And me going back to work projects that there’s a whole country full of stable families with two working parents. We could be one of them. We can’t just look like an ordinary family. We have to be extraordinarily ordinary. For you to achieve your goals.

Our goals.

No, Martin. Your goals. Everything you just said is about you. Your goals, your needs. Most of all, your need for me to be a househusband for you to achieve them. And I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough for me. Not anymore. And what happens when you stumble across a big story? Somebody higher up the food chain will take it and run with it. No way. You might not remember what a great reporter you are, but I do. They will see how shrewd and astute you are, and you will become front and center. Martin, I need this.

What about what I need?

Look… …we don’t have to deal with this right now. Don’t handle me, Smitty. Listen to me. You will stick to the role you promised and let this job idea go. Am I understood? Yeah. You are. Well, if Dani’s willing to call a truce, I could have a real chance at being accepted here in Fairmont Crest. [sighs] Expecting peace from Dani is a fantasy that will never be realized, babe. Maybe it will. Please, give it a chance. Even if it doesn’t have a chance in hell of working? Bill… All right. [chuckles] I’ll do anything for you. [laughter] I was a wreck when I realized that baby was coming but the elevator wasn’t. Oh, man. But Ashley? Total pro. She didn’t even flinch.


She knew exactly what to do. Oh, I flinched. And I didn’t have a clue. No one could tell. [exhales] Sounds terrifying. I thought I was going to lose it. But Andre kept his cool. He said all the right things. He made sure we were both calm and focused. You saved the day. I’m sure you could have managed just fine without the towel.


JACOB: Okay. I still can’t get over the fact that Alex named her daughter after us.



DEREK: Whenever anyone asks where that child got the name “Ashley Andrea,” she’s gonna have hell of a story to tell.

NAOMI: Yeah.

Ashley and I and that baby will always have that link. Well, not much of one, right? It’s not like y’all are gonna be spending too much time together in the future. Well, I don’t know about that. Miracles always leave some kind of mark.


Yeah, I guess.

Let’s-let’s drink to that.




Cheers. This is my brilliant plastic surgeon husband, Dr. Ted… [door opens] This is getting to be a habit. Well, this has been fun, but I really should be going. So soon? Why? What did you have in mind? Um, my place. I thought you’d never ask. [pop song playing] Hey, honey. Chelsea, this is my wife, Allison. I’ve been dying to meet you. I don’t know. Something just came over me. Like, I-I can’t even remember how I did it. I think just– adrenaline just told me what to do.

It had to.

DEREK: That’s scary, right?


I got a thing, so… Oh, okay.

Thanks for joining us.


Hey, thanks for the drink.

Sure thing. We’ll do it again sometime.

Good to see you, Naomi.

You too, Andre. Ashley. See you around. Don’t deliver any babies without me. [soft laughter] Want another drink? Um… I think I’m ready for home.

Then I am, too.


Night, guys.

Oh. Good night.

Thanks for making this happen tonight.

DEREK: Yes. Here we go.

Wow. Well, see you soon.

Thanks, babe. Mm-hmm. Seems like everyone has someplace they can’t wait to be. So do we. We just can’t get there for a few more hours. [groans] Have I told you lately how lucky I am to have you in my life? I was thinking the exact same thing. And if we ever forget that… We won’t. All right? We won’t let that happen. I promise. Come on. I want to thank you for being there for me, Caroline. Maybe I can take you out to a nice lunch at the country club to show my gratitude? [Hayley laughs] Yes. Okay. Yes, we will take an extended lunch hour. I’ll clear it over with the boss. Ooh, yeah, I’d like that, too. Pick a date. Uh-huh. Dani? No more worries there. All right. Bye. ♪ ♪ ♪ You got me like a heart attack♪ ♪ Diggin’ ya soul♪ ♪ I think about you all the time♪ ♪ Making it known♪ ♪ It’s seriously something, babe♪ ♪ Holding you back♪ ♪ I’m waiting on yo other line♪ ♪ But can’t wait for too long♪ ♪ I like this so far♪ ♪ I want you around♪ ♪ It’s only one thing, eh♪ ♪ That’s keeping us down♪ ♪ You keeping your cool, huh♪ ♪ I’m high on you now♪ ♪ Just tell me one thing, what♪ ♪ This zone is about♪ ♪ Darling, don’t you lead me on♪ ♪ Darling, don’t you lead me wrong♪ ♪ Call me when you need me home♪ ♪ I wantcha, I need you in my space♪ ♪ Tell me when the timing’s off♪ ♪ Tell me when you feel it strong♪ ♪ Honey, if you need me gone♪ ♪ If so, hey, I’ll see you round my way♪

♪ Ya poppa was a rolling stone♪

♪ But I can dig that♪

♪ Ya mama was controller-prone♪

♪ Like I could fix that♪ ♪ The habits always hard to break♪ ♪ I feel a mismatch♪ ♪ The last one was hard to take♪ ♪ So this ya get back♪

♪ You never really let me in♪

♪ I wanna be down♪

♪ So I settle for you as a friend♪

♪ Could be your rebound♪ ♪ And I don’t want to try to pressure it…♪ I object.

Dani, no!

[guests screaming] ♪ ♪ [sighs] I need to see you right away.

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