Days Short Recap Thursday, March 6, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex and Joy told Stephanie that they were going to be working together at Titan. Stephanie flashed back to hearing Sarah talk about Joy’s pregnancy results. When Stephanie started to panic, Alex and Joy said they wouldn’t take the jobs. Stephanie told them they were being silly. Joy said she thought about going to the show, but she took too long to make a decision. She said she had to get a job soon so it had to be Titan. Alex let her know it was fine before he and Stephanie left. Gabi was upset that she couldn’t find anything on her brother. JJ let her know they would find Rafe and bring him home. Gabi was concerned that EJ might have killed Rafe to which JJ said EJ was too smart to commit murder because it would make things worse for him. Gabi said EJ was the only one with the answers they needed. She insisted that they had to find a way to get the answers. He warned her to be careful to which she said she would be. Gabi asked if he was going to Arnold’s room at the Salem Inn. He said he was but warned her not to do anything she would regret. When JJ left, Gabi grabbed Rafe’s gun and said she wouldn’t regret it. Shawn went to Small Bar to talk to Savannah. She said she remembered him from the bachelor party. When he pulled out his badge, she said she quit being an exotic dancer. He said he wanted to question her about the bachelor she slept with. Shawn told her the guy was an imposter pretending to be Rafe. Savannah asked if his name was Arnold. She told him about the last time she was with him. Shawn said Arnold was pretending to be Rafe for months. Savannah said she couldn’t help him because they didn’t do much talking. When they were finished, Shawn left.

EJ told Rita that they gave Rafe too much of the serum and he didn’t have his memory. He said Gabi had a DNA test done on Arnold before Rafe came back. EJ said Rafe was back, but everyone thought Rafe was Arnold and that he still had the real Rafe. Rita warned him that Rolf’s drug only lasted temporarily. EJ said he knew that but was afraid that Rafe would still remember what EJ did. He said Jada and Gabi showed up looking for answers he couldn’t give them. When he asked if Arnold was out of the picture, she let him know that Arnold was in Argentina. While they were talking, Gabi came in. Rita left them alone. When EJ tried to stop Gabi, she pulled out the gun. She demanded that he tell her where her brother was. EJ said she wouldn’t shoot him and risk going back to prison for murder. Gabi asked if he wanted to test that theory and said she would shoot him if she had to. When Gabi said she would wipe off the prints, EJ said Rita saw her coming in. He let her know that killing him wouldn’t solve her problem. Gabi wanted to know where Rafe was. In the interrogation room, Jada wanted answers from Rafe. She told him that Rafe was her boss before he was her fiancé. Rafe remembered the day he hired her. When she didn’t believe him, he told her what happened when he hired her. He told her what he remembered, including that he loved her. While he was telling her the things he remembered, he asked her what day it was and if they were married. She said they weren’t married. He said the last thing he remembered was sneaking into the DiMera mansion and seeing Arnold. Rafe said he didn’t remember EJ or anything else that happened. Jada left the room to check on the fingerprints they took off Rafe. Shawn showed up and said they caught Arnold. Jada told him the person they got was Rafe and explained why she thought he was Rafe. When she got a text, she said he was the real Rafe. When Alex and Stephanie went back to her place, he said it was obvious that she didn’t like the idea of him working with Joy. He said he said he didn’t like it either but after what he did to her; he owed it to her to work things out. Stephanie said she trusted him but was concerned about them being close to each other. She was also concerned about Joy getting attached. Alex let her know that he and Joy had nothing tying them together. When JJ went back to the Hernandez house, he noticed that Gabi and the gun were gone. Before Gabi pulled the trigger on EJ, JJ showed up in time to stop her. He said Rafe was at the police station. Jada went back in the interrogation room and told Rafe it was really him. She said she loved him with all of her heart and kissed him.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

At Nicole’s office, Eva looked through Nicole’s desk. Kat walked in and asked who she was. Eva said she was a friend of Mona’s. Kat told her she only got the job because of who she knew and not for her style. While they were talking, Kat continued to be rude to Eva. She let Eva know that she didn’t run her schedule and didn’t want her to worry about what she was going. Kat said her father was handling Laura’s care so she would be back soon. She warned Eva not to get too comfortable. When Eva wanted to start over, Kat wasn’t interested because her assignment wasn’t going to be long. She said it might be shorter than Eva thought. Jan, Leslie, and Mona talked about Laura’s situation. Mona said with the security footage near the area, the police should find out what happened soon. Jacob told Ted that the security footage wasn’t useful, so they hit a dead end. Eva was listening to them. Later on, Jacob met with his father Elon and talked about Laura’s case and how the security footage didn’t prove anything. While they were talking, Jacob said he felt like a failure of a police officer because he didn’t act sooner when Dani pulled the gun at the wedding. Elon tried to make him feel better about what he did. He wanted Jacob to let it go.

Eva ran into Ted and was upset about it. She thought that he acted like he was God’s gift to women. Eva told Leslie about seeing him and how she was tempted to expose him. Leslie wanted her to be patient because the time would come. It occurred to Eva that Leslie had a history of riding motorcycles and asked if she was responsible for what happened to Laura. Leslie was appalled that she would ask her that. She asked if Eva was getting cold feet. Eva said she wanted to do it and thought Ted would be getting what he had coming to him. At the club, Vanessa met with her husband Doug. He apologized to her for neglecting her. She suggested that he stop working so much and realized that she was lucky to have him. While they were talking, Diego interrupted them to ask her about one of her listings. He said his cousin wanted him to check out the place before he comes to town. While Diego and Vanessa were talking, Doug was thinking about gambling. One of his poker chips fell on the table. He was at a casino and was told he couldn’t borrow any more money until his tab is paid off. Doug called Randy who suggested that he talk to Vanessa about his problem. He said Vanessa’s family was rich, but Doug said he had too much pride to ask them for the money. Kat talked to Nicole about Eva. She told Nicole that they could have another Hayley on their hands. Since Nicole didn’t know that for a fact, she wanted Kat to be respectful. Kat said Eva was suspicious and would regret letting her in their lives. Later on, Nicole talked to Bradley. He opened up about feeling lost now that the kids were more independent. When Nicole suggested he join Martin’s political team, he said he was trying to be a reporter again. He said he didn’t tell Martin yet. Martin was listening to the conversation. He came over and said he was thinking about running for president.


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Days Short Recap Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena asked Cat about Chad. Cat told her about the fundraiser and how Chad was going to use the paper to help. Marlena thought she was putting her in a tough spot having her work with Chad. Cat said she told Chad that she was over him. Marlena asked if she was lying to him or herself. Cat said she had feelings for Chad, but her feelings were better left hidden. While they were talking, Marlena got a call. The call was from Shane. Marlena wanted him to let her know when he found out anything on John. Cat wanted to know what was going on. Marlena said John was missing. She told Cat that John did undercover work for the ISA and was missing for a while and no one knew where he was. Marlena thought it meant he went rogue or something was wrong. Cat said it was like what happened with her mother. She said if her family got a miracle, Marlena and John could too. Marlena said she and John have been through a lot but eventually time would run out. She said she didn’t know what she would do if anything happened to John. Leo wanted Chad to check a draft of an expose he was writing about the DiMeras. Chad said he wasn’t interested, but Leo continued to insist that it would be explosive. Chad decided to print the story on the front page. He wanted Leo to fact check his information because EJ was a lawyer and would come after them. Chad told Leo to leave Rachel out of it. Leo agreed to do it.

Alex ran into Joy at the pub and apologized for the way he handled the breakup. Joy said she would get over their fling. Alex pointed out that she didn’t eat her food to which she said she didn’t have much of an appetite after losing her job at Body and Soul. Alex left her alone. When Joy tried to eat a fry, she ran to the bathroom. Stephanie went to the hospital and told Sarah that she was there to talk about the hospital funds. While they were talking, they ended up talking about Philip’s forged letter. Stephanie was furious that Philip made her and Belle complicit in his fraud. Sarah didn’t like it either, but she wanted Stephanie to keep the secret. Stephanie agreed to keep quiet because of what it would do to her marriage. Sarah told Stephanie that the secret was the best thing. She thought Xander and Philip getting along would keep them from being destructive towards each other. Sarah told her that Xander invited Philip to live at the mansion. They shook and agreed to keep the secret. Philip told Xander that they had the money to take over DiMera. Xander was curious as to why Victor left him in charge of Titan. Philip wondered why he was questioning the will. Xander said there could be problems if they didn’t why Victor did what he did. Changing the subject, Xander said Mr. Shin was meeting with them today. While they were talking, Mr. Shin showed up. Mr. Shin wondered what they wanted. They told him they had a proposition for him about Titan taking over DiMera. Mr. Shin said DiMera Enterprises wasn’t for sale. Philip said there were other ways to make the deal happen. He offered Mr. Shin a powerful position. They told Mr. Shin about the scandals that could affect DiMera. Mr. Shin was confused about who was running Titan. Xander said he and Philip were working together. He asked Mr. Shin to think how the DiMeras would handle a similar situation. Xander asked if Mr. Shin was sold on the takeover. Mr. Shin said he wasn’t comfortable doing this behind Kristen’s back. Philip reminded Mr. Shin that EJ convicted the wrong person for Li’s murder. Xander said Gabi and Kristen treated Li badly. Mr. Shin said he remembered how his son was treated. Philip said Mr. Shin would be in charge of the DiMera component at Titan. Mr. Shin said he wanted everything in writing. Joy went to the hospital and told Sarah that she was having issues with her stomach. She asked if it had anything to do with being poisoned. When Sarah asked if it was the flu, Joy wondered if she could be pregnant. Joy said she was late, but it wasn’t unusual. Sarah asked if she was sexually active to which Joy said she was. She took Joy to a room to get tested. When Sarah was on the phone asking about the results of Joy’s pregnancy test, Stephanie was behind her.

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Beyond The Gates Short Recap Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Recap written by Michelle & Cheryl

Bill told Hayley that he had to do a press conference because he couldn’t let Dani get away with what she did at the wedding, but Hayley wanted to get over it. She wanted to get in the covers and celebrated their wedding, but he wasn’t letting Dani get away with it. When Vernon wanted to do the press conference to cover up what Dani did, but Martin said the incident went viral. Vernon said he wanted to help Dani. Nicole said she could say Dani was going through psychological problems. While they were talking, the press showed up. Vernon talked to them about what Dani did. He said it wasn’t a crime. The press wanted to know why Dani was there. Dani showed up and said they all deserved to know the truth. Nicole wanted to know why Dani was at the press conference. Dani said it was about her and that she wanted to help the family. A reporter asked why Dani had a gun at the wedding. Before Dani could answer, Vernon said the family had to protect themselves, but the reporter thought he was trying to put a protective spin on what Dani did. Bill tried to convince Hayley that his practice would be affected if Vernon convinced everyone it was his fault. Hayley didn’t want him to go to the press conference. She understood why he wanted to do it, but he wanted her to think about her feelings. It would look bad, so she wanted him to leave it alone. Vernon to the press that Dani had no intention of shooting anyone. A reporter asked why Dani brought the gun. Vernon said Dani shifted the gun before shooting anyone. Another reporter asked Dani if she meant to shoot anyone. Before Dani could answer, Anita stepped up to answer. She blamed Bill for having an affair under Dani’s nose and brought up how Hayley used her granddaughter to get into Bill’s bed. Anita said Dani was wrong, but Bill pushed her to it. The reporter asked if Dani was going to get away with what she did. Dani wanted to answer the question.

Dani said she wanted to apologize for her actions. She addressed her parents and said she couldn’t apologize enough for disappointing them. Dani said this was a low point in her life and hated that her daughter blamed herself for it. She assured Chelsea that she didn’t do anything wrong. While she was talking, Bill and Hayley showed up at the press conference. He wanted to add a testimony of his own. Bill addressed the press conference and told them about embracing the charges Dani did. He said it wasn’t Chelsea’s fault and thought Dani pressured her into recording the incident to humiliate him. Bill said Dani has been harassing him and Hayley for days. He said he should have had Dani arrested sooner, but he wanted to respect his daughter. Bill said he could handle whatever Dani did but wasn’t going to let her bully his wife. Vernon told Bill to back off at the conference. When Bill walked away from the podium, he let the press know the conference was over. Bradley confronted Martin about how his grandparents reacted when they were talking about his past. Martin tried to explain what was going on. Dani told her parents that she wanted to take responsibility for her actions and asked him to call the police. When the policeman showed up at the club, Naomi told him he better have probable cause to be there. Martin and Bradley talked about what happened during the press conference. He thought Bradley was enjoying what their family was going through. Bradley said he missed reporting. Bill told Vernon that he didn’t let Dani take responsibility for her actions. Vernon said he hoped he and Hayley got what they were looking for. He told Bill that he and Dani were even. Dani went to the bar and flashed back to the night of Naomi’s wedding. Bill talked about the sacrifices Dani made during their marriage. He promised that she wouldn’t regret what she gave up being with the family that needed her. Dani said she would do it again to have him look at her the way he did. He asked if she promised to keep him forever. She asked if he promised to keep her too. When Dani’s flashback was over, she got on her phone. Cat tried to convince Chelsea that she didn’t do anything wrong for streaming the wedding. Chelsea blamed herself for what happened. Cat apologized for her reaction. Chelsea wanted to stop being on social media, but Cat said she shouldn’t do that because of what they have going on. Cat blamed herself for her mother getting arrested, but Cat said Dani didn’t blame her. Andre was in Dani’s house when she got there. They kissed each other. After they made love, Dani told Andre what she did at the wedding. She said her father got her out of trouble. Andre said he was glad she called him over but thought she was attracted to danger.


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Days Opinions For The Week Of February 24, 2025

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Shawn and Jada from Days

It’s so obvious that Chad and Cat had to work together to save the hospital. The writers had to come up with an excuse to have them together. You would think Chad wouldn’t want anything to do with her after what she did. She may have schemed to save her mother but that doesn’t change what she was willing to do. The writers should have come up with a better way to get Chad and Cat together.

Speaking of the writers, they are going overboard trying to make the audience believe that Stephanie is the only one with a brain in Salem. She was the only one who realized that Rafe could be Arnold. Gabi has been around him, but didn’t realize he could have been Arnold. Unless we remember it wrong, we thought Gabi was in town when Arnold was the first time. Gabi couldn’t be the one to figure it out. It had to be Stephanie. How many ways do we have to be told that Stephanie saves the day?

Jada wasted no time sleeping with Shawn. We know “Rafe” cheated on her, but she wasn’t right to do the same thing. She basically used Shawn to get over Rafe. Just because she said she was attracted to Shawn when they were partners doesn’t change that she used him. How was she any different from Rafe? Now that she knows that Rafe wasn’t himself, she cheated on him for nothing. We know the truth will come out eventually and she will expect Rafe to forgive him.

Why would Marlena expect Kayla to accept Cat so easily? Kayla was right to think Chad shouldn’t want to be around Cat after what she did. Marlena forgives everyone no matter what they do to her family and friends. This is the same person who embraced Ben after he tried to kill Will so it’s not a surprise that she would be Team Cat.

We don’t understand why it was so hard to believe that Arnold could be alive. People never die in Salem so they should know that it was possible that he could still be alive. Did they really have to be convinced that someone is still alive? Look at all the other people who have returned from the dead.

It was so convenient that EJ was able to get Rita to get rid of Arnold before he got busted. We know the writers had to come up with something to get EJ off the hook but that was too convenient. The same thing happened with Kristen. She conveniently talked Brady into convincing Ava not to press charges against Kristen for kidnapping her. The writers shouldn’t have come up with stories like these when it paints their characters into a corner.


EJ from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of February 24, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Leo from Days


-The music playing while Marlena and Cat were shown could be heard playing while Chad and Leo were show.

-Shawn could be heard talking to Jada while Alex and Stephanie were shown kissing.

-Gabi could be heard talking to Javi while Jada was shown.

-Leo could be heard talking to Chad while Marlena was shown.

-Why would Will call Alex to tell him about a birthday video with Sonny and Arianna when Sonny could have called himself? Alex is Sonny’s brother, not Will’s so you would think Sonny would have called him.


-Cat could be heard talking to Chad while Jada and Shawn were shown kissing.

-Alex could be heard talking to Stephanie while Cat was shown.

-Jada could be heard talking to Shawn while Cat was shown.

-Arnold could be heard talking to Gabi while Stephanie and Alex were shown.

-Shawn could be heard talking to Jada while Arnold and Savannah were shown.


-Why was it hard for Belle to believe that Rachel Blake was alive when her mother has returned from the death several times?

-Kristen could be heard talking to EJ while Belle and Brady were shown.

-Jada could be heard talking to Stephanie while Rafe was shown.

-Gabi could be heard talking to Arnold while Shawn was shown.

-Shawn could be heard talking to Jada and Stephanie while Arnold was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Belle while Kristen and EJ were shown.

-When did Ava become Brady’s girlfriend when they only went on one date?


-Belle could be heard talking to EJ while Brady was shown.

-Marlena could be heard talking to Kayla while EJ was shown.

-In Wednesday’s episode, Rafe had dog tags on his neck, but in this episode, the tags were gone.

-EJ could be heard talking to Belle while Shawn and Jada were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Shawn and Jada while Gabi was shown.

-Kayla could be heard talking to Gabi while Ava was shown.


-Sophia could be heard talking to Tate while Holly was shown.

-Marlena could be heard talking to Johnny while Tate was shown.

-Chanel could be heard talking to Paulina while Johnny was shown.

-The music in Doug’s scene could be heard while Holly was shown.

-Doug’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Doug III from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of February 24, 2025

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Chad: What’s up?
Leo: Well, I was on one of my therapy-recommended anxiety strolls and this was on my route.

(to himself)
Arnold: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m bored. I’m bored with porn. I need the real thing.

(to Marlena about the hospital being sold)
Cat: The hospital’s going to board up the building and put a for sale sign on it?

(to Chad)
Leo: I’ve always considered myself to be very versatile, something of a Renaissance man, sort of like the Talented Mr. Ripley minus the murder and sadism but keeping in Jude Law and the luscious Italian scenery.

(to Chad)
Leo: Would you call Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights a one-off?

Jada: For some reason with Rafe, I missed the flags, all of them.
Shawn: Why are you being so hard on yourself? This is not your fault. Before this happened, Rafe was a stand-up guy. Everybody thought so. I mean, the man had more green flags than a Brazilian soccer match.

(to Javi)
Gabi: I just wish my angel of a cousin wasn’t dating the devil.

(to Javi)
Leo: I’ve seen my fair share of devastated faces, beginning with my father’s when he discovered my collection of Cher cassettes. But I digress.

Kristen: You know what p*sses me off?
EJ: What doesn’t p*ss you off?

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Days Short Recap Friday, February 28, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Maggie and Holly talked about Valentine’s Day. When Maggie was concerned about Doug ruining Holly’s day, Holly said he didn’t. Maggie said she was glad that Doug came into Julie’s life since he’s nice. Holly thought about Doug stealing the necklace. She told Maggie that Doug admitted to having feelings for her. Maggie asked how she felt about that. Holly said it didn’t mean anything because she loved Tate. She said Tate didn’t know about Doug’s feelings, but he’s jealous of him. Maggie wondered if Doug knew where he stood with Holly to which Holly said she wanted to let it go. Changing the subject, Maggie asked how things were going with Sophia’s pregnancy and wondered what would happen if the adoption didn’t happen. Holly said they would figure it out. Doug flashed back to confessing his feelings to Holly. Julie showed up and wondered what he was thinking. He said he was thinking about his grandfather. While they were talking, Julie said Doug’s book of poems meant everything to her. She said she would never forgive herself for her grandmother’s necklace disappearing. Doug said it was the thief’s fault. Julie said she was upset that she accused her brother of stealing the necklace. She said her brother sent her a letter saying he didn’t steal the necklace. Despite her brother’s past, she didn’t think he stole the necklace. Doug asked if she thought he stole the necklace. Julie said she didn’t think he stole it. She said she was going to file a police report with JJ since she didn’t think Steve stole it.

Tate ran into Sophia at the town square and told her about Johnny and Chanel wanting to adopt the baby. Sophia asked why he didn’t tell her about it before. When it occurred to Sophia that Valentine’s Day was yesterday, she realized Tate told Holly before he told her. Tate said Holly knew about it. Sophia said Holly was happy that the baby wouldn’t be a problem anymore. When Tate apologized, Sophia said she wished he talked to her first. She said she knew he was happy about the idea of Johnny and Chanel adopting the baby, but her mother may not like it. Her mother was going to want the parents to have good Christian values and be a member of the Korean Baptist Church. Amy showed up while they were talking and wondered what was going on. Sophia told her that Johnny and Chanel wanted to adopt the baby. She said they were religious. Tate agreed with Sophia’s lies. Amy wanted to meet them. Tate said he would set it up. Johnny went to see Marlena and told her Chanel’s procedure went well and the tumor was taken out. He said they didn’t tell Paulina yet because it would scare her. While they were talking, he told her he and Chanel were starting a family. Marlena asked why they were rushing after everything they were going through. Johnny said they were stronger than ever. He said Tate and Sophia wanting to give their baby up for adoption was the perfect chance to start a family. Marlena asked what Amy said. Johnny said they had to have good Christian values. Paulina went to see Chanel at the hospital and was upset about the way she found out about Chanel’s situation. Chanel said she had a small procedure to have tissue removed from her uterus. Paulina asked if she had cancer. Chanel said she didn’t, but she had cancer cells removed. She said she didn’t want to upset her after everything she has been through. Paulina insisted that she be there for her. Chanel told her how they found out about the cells and that she and Johnny were planning to adopt. Paulina was thrilled and thought it was the safest thing for her. She said she would help Chanel if there was any red tape. Chanel said it would be easier if they adopted Tate and Sophia’s baby. Paulina was concerned about the adoption being within the family. She mentioned what happened when she gave Lani to her sister to raise. Chanel said she and Johnny were going to upfront about the adoption. Johnny and Marlena showed up. He got a text from Tate about meeting up. Johnny and Chanel met Tate and Sophia at the town square. Chanel told them she was excited to meet Amy. Sophia warned her that there were a couple of things she should know ahead of time.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 27, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kristen lets Brady know that Ava going after her would cause CPS to take Rachel from them. Brady said CPS would understand that she and her mother used Rachel. Kristen said CPS didn’t understand when they saw him before. She said they would lose Rachel unless what happened at Aremid stayed there. Kristen left to check on her mother. When Kayla went to Marlena’s office, Gabi came in and said Rafe was Arnold. She said EJ did it again. Marlena and Kayla remembered Arnold and what he did. Gabi was able to convince them that Arnold was back which explained his behavior. She said she needed Kayla’s help. When they were at the nurse’s station, Gabi said she could give her Arnold’s hair, but Kayla said she needed something to compare the DNA. It occurred to Kayla that Arnold may not have any relatives to compare the DNA against, but Rafe did. Kayla said it wouldn’t prove that it’s Arnold, but it would prove that it’s not Rafe. She said the lab was closed, but she would rush the results. Belle told EJ that she was done with him and was going to prosecute him. When he tried to flirt with her, she reminded him that Ava’s kidnapping was a serious matter. She said she was taking him down for it. After she finished talking to him, she went to talk to Marlena. She told Marlena that EJ was involved in Ava’s kidnapping and had to prosecute him. Belle said she should be glad it was just one crime. Marlena told her about Arnold being back. A shocked Belle wondered where Rafe was. Belle realized Rachel must have known and convinced EJ not to say anything about Ava. She let Marlena know that she could tell her that she was right. Marlena said people made mistakes. Belle said she chose to ignore the warning signs about EJ. She beat herself up for defending EJ to Shawn.

At the Hernandez, Rafe woke up on the kitchen table. Shawn and Jada came in and asked where Rafe was. Rafe said he didn’t remember anyone or anything. Shawn and Jada didn’t believe him. They accused him of being Arnold and was pretending to have amnesia so he wouldn’t be in trouble. When Jada asked where Rafe was, he said he didn’t know what she was talking about. Shawn arrested Rafe for suspicion of kidnapping. When they took Rafe to the station, Shawn thought Rafe may not be pretending, but Jada thought he was lying. He said he would talk to Rafe again. Jada was determined to find Rafe. Shawn said he would find out what’s going on. Before Jada left, she and Shawn talked about what they did. Shawn told her to focus on Rafe. Kristen went home and told EJ that she wasn’t able to see her mother. EJ wasn’t concerned about that. He let her know that Belle was there and was going to prosecute him as an accessory. Kristen said she made sure that Ava wouldn’t be a problem. She told him about the plan. Kristen said Ava may hate her, but she wouldn’t hurt Brady by making him lose his daughter. EJ wasn’t convinced that Ava would be concerned about Rachel. He asked if she thought Brady would be able to convince Ava to let it go. Kristen believed he would be able to convince Ava because she’s a mother. EJ let her know that Arnold was leaving Salem and Rafe was back at with his family. Kristen told him that the situation with Belle was getting to him. She apologized to him for getting him involved in this mess. EJ didn’t want to talk about Belle and was concerned about Rafe getting the right dosage. Brady went to the pub and told Ava that Kristen wasn’t arrested yet. He tried to convince her not to press charges against Kristen. Ava brought up what Kristen did to her and said she needed to be punished. Brady said Kristen did what she did to protect Rachel. Ava understood what he was saying but she wanted them to pay. Brady didn’t like the idea of Kristen and her mother getting away with what they did, but he had to protect his daughter. He asked her not to say anything. Shawn questioned Rafe, but he didn’t know what Shawn was talking about. Rafe told Shawn that he wanted a lawyer. Gabi went to Stephanie and Jada’s to tell them she was getting a DNA test done. Jada said Rafe pretended to have amnesia when she and Shawn confronted him. Gabi wondered how they were going to find Rafe.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad and Cat talked about how to save the hospital. She apologized to him because he had to work with her. He said he was okay with working with her. Cat told him she felt awkward around him since he knows how she feels about him. Chad said it was okay. He said they were working past what happened and would be able to get to a better place soon. They went over ideas to save the hospital. At the Hernandez house, Arnold was upset that Gabi wasn’t on his side. While he was talking to Gabi, he called her a b*tch which infuriated her. Gabi ripped into Arnold. She said she was trying not to hit him because she thought he was sick or messed up from the coma. Arnold didn’t care what she had to say. Gabi wanted to take him to the hospital to get checked out, but Arnold refused to go. While they were talking, Savannah showed up. Gabi was upset and left. Savannah thought Gabi was being a drama queen. When Savannah couldn’t believe they were related, Arnold said he was adopted. He told her to call him Arnold when she wanted to make out. She agreed to do it and the two went to his bedroom. After Shawn and Jada made love, they talked about how strange it felt. Jada said she thought she was going to be with Rafe for the rest of her life, so it was strange to be with him. When she said she felt guilty, Shawn told her she didn’t do anything wrong.

At the pub, Stephanie told Alex about Arnold and how he acted when he was in town. She told him that EJ and Stefano created Arnold to look like Rafe and how he died in prison. It occurred to her that Stefano and EJ dealt with fake deaths. She said EJ was involved and that Arnold could still be around. They thought they should call Jada, but Jada didn’t answer the phone. When Stephanie decided to go home to tell Jada, Gabi came in. Gabi told Stephanie and Alex what happened with Rafe Alex told Gabi their theory about Arnold. Stephanie left to talk to Jada. Gabi had trouble believing it even though she heard of Arnold. When Gabi said Arnold was dead, Alex asked what if he wasn’t. Before Shawn went in the shower, he told Jada to check her phone. Jada heard Stephanie’s message about wanting to tell her something important. When Stephanie got home, she told Jada about Rafe’s past. Jada interrupted her to insult Rafe. When Jada told Stephanie about Savannah, Stephanie knew that Rafe wasn’t Rafe. Alex continued to convince Gabi that Rafe wasn’t himself. Gabi realized Alex could be right and said it would explain Rafe’s behavior. Jada was shocked when she read an article about Arnold and noticed how much he looked like Rafe. While she was reading the article, she saw that Arnold was dead. Stephanie said he could be alive. She said that meant Rafe didn’t cheat on her or leave her at the altar. Shawn came out of the bathroom.

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Days Short Recap Friday, February 21, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Javi told Jada that Rafe cheated on her before the wedding. Jada didn’t believe Rafe would cheat on her. Javi said he was telling her the truth. When Jada wanted more information, Javi told her it was the stripper from the bachelor party. Jada was shocked when Javi said he caught Rafe with the stripper. While Javi was telling her about the stripper, he said Rafe admitted to cheating. Jada was curious as to why Javi was telling her about it. Javi said Rafe made him promise not to say anything and used the family card to guilt him into keeping quiet. Jada understood since she did the same for Talia. Javi said he told Leo and assured her that Leo wouldn’t say anything. She said that would explain why they spoke out at the wedding. Jada told him about the dream she had of them getting back together. After what she told her, she knew things were over between her and Rafe. Steve and Brady showed up at the Blake house. Brady told Ava how they ended up at the house. Ava said she was there because Rachel lured her there. She said Rachel sent the text saying she went to China. While she was telling them what happened, Ava told them Kristen’s mother helped Rachel. Brady was surprised because Kristen’s mother was dead. Ava said she was alive and walking around wearing white. Brady said someone was tricking her because Rachel has been dead for years. When Ava said she was telling the truth, Steve wanted to know where she was. Ava said she was just there but didn’t know where she was. Steve left to check the house. Brady couldn’t believe what Rachel did. Ava said Kristen and her mother were in on it together. Brady wanted to know what happened. Ava said Kristen figured out what happened. It occurred to Brady that Kristen knew where Ava was. Ava let him know that Kristen wanted to help, but her mother talked her out of doing it. She thought Kristen did it to protect Rachel. Ava said EJ knew she was there and didn’t help her.

Rafe asked Rachel who was in the house. He said she would be going to prison. Rachel said she made a deal with EJ. Rafe said he would let her go if she helped him with EJ. When Rafe said EJ was like Stefano, Rachel was interested. Rachel thought about what Rafe said and decided not to help him because she had to think about Kristen and her granddaughter. She put the gag back on his mouth. When she left the room, she ran into Steve. She wanted to know who he was and why he was in her house. Steve said the woman downstairs was the mother of one of his children and told her to come with him. Kristen pulled out a vial from an envelope and told EJ it was the answer to their prayers. When EJ wanted to know what it was, Kristen said it was from Dr. Rolf. She said it was a miracle drug. EJ realized it was the drug Megan used to make them forget being held in the tunnels. Kristen said they would be in the clear if they use it on Ava and Rafe. EJ reminded her that the memory loss was short term and that they remembered what happened. Kristen said the dose was stronger and would work. She said the only other alternative was to kill them. EJ didn’t want to kill them. At the police station, Shawn told Belle that he was busy trying to prove that EJ framed Jada. Belle wanted to know what evidence he had. Shawn said he would get the evidence soon. They got into an argument over it. He said he couldn’t be impartial towards the man she’s having sex with. Belle accused him of being jealous. Shawn said she was blinded by what’s in front of her. Belle let her know that her life was none of his business. She asked him how he knew she was seeing EJ. He said Jada told him. Ava said EJ was surprised to see him tied up. She said she thought he would help her, but he didn’t. Ava said she knew EJ hated her, but thought Rachel was the one behind it. While they were talking, Steve showed up with Rachel. Shawn told Belle that Jada knew she was lying about being at the DiMera mansion to see Johnny, so she figured she was there to see EJ. He said he couldn’t believe Belle would sleep with the man who framed the woman who got her the DA job. Belle yelled at him for judging her. When Kristen and EJ went to the Blake house, they didn’t see anyone. EJ went to check on Rafe. While Shawn and Belle were arguing, Steve showed up with Rachel. He said she needed to be arrested for kidnapping. EJ saw Rafe tied up. When EJ was about to stick him with the syringe, Rafe grabbed his arm. Kristen showed up while EJ and Rafe were fighting over the syringe.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ noticed Belle staring at him in bed. She said he talked about setting Jada up in his sleep. He didn’t believe her and accused her of lying. Belle said she made it up, but believed he set Jada up. They ended up making love. When they were finished, they talked about their relationship. Arnold went to see Jada at Stephanie’s apartment. He apologized for the way he acted and said he couldn’t believe he believed EJ’s lies. Arnold got on his knees and begged her to forgive him. Jada woke up and realized she was dreaming. She looked at the Spectator and saw the story about her. Steve showed up and said he felt bad about what she was going through. Jada said she was glad her father wasn’t there to see what she was going through. Steve said her father would believe that she was innocent. Changing the subject, Steve told her that he was looking for Ava. He told her what was going on with Ava. Jada said she wished she was still the commissioner so she could help him. Steve said she would get reinstated, and they were going to get EJ. Jada said she appreciated his help, but Shawn and JJ were helping her. She said she wanted him to focus on finding Ava. Kristen called her mother Rachel (the woman in white) said she wouldn’t have to take care of Ava and Rafe long because she found a solution. Brady showed up while Kristen was talking so she got off the phone. When Rachel took off Ava’s gag, Ava started screaming.

Rafe woke up and heard screaming. Rachel showed up to give Rafe food. He wanted to know where he was and who she was. She said she was there to help him. He said she worked for EJ. She told him she was holding him there for her family. Brady told Kristen that Child Protective Services came to see him. He said they asked him about Rachel running away. Brady said Child Protective Services had a thick file on them and what Rachel went through throughout her life. He let Kristen know that she was going to get a visit from a social worker. Kristen said they should be on the same page, but Brady said they should make sure nothing else happened with Rachel or them. He said if anything happened, they would take Rachel from them. Kristen realized holding Ava hostage could cost her Rachel and suggested they work together. When Kristen said Rachel had a half day at school, Brady said he couldn’t stay because he was going to help Steve look for Ava. Before Brady left, they agreed to keep each other updated. EJ and Kristen talked about Rafe and Ava. Kristen told him about Child Protective Services and how Brady was going to meet Steve. She told him not to worry because she had a plan. Brady met with Steve. Steve got an update on the voicemail. When they listened to the voicemail, they heard Ava saying she got a call from Rachel and the address. Brady recognized the address and told Steve they had to go to Aremid.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gabi ran into Jada as she was about to move out of the house. Jada said it was the last place she wanted to be. Gabi said she understood and wished she and Rafe could have worked things out. Jada said whenever she tried to talk to Rafe, things got worse. She told Gabi that she took off the engagement ring and told her about the argument. Gabi assured Jada that she would help her and suggested that Jada move on with her life. Changing the subject, Jada asked how things were going with JJ. Gabi said she and JJ haven’t seen each other much lately. While they were talking, flowers were delivered to Gabi from JJ. Doug III was looking at Doug’s song book when JJ walked in and wanted to see it. JJ asked Doug about the cabin. Doug told him that he ran into Holly and Tate. JJ wondered if it was uncomfortable for him. JJ realized Doug wasn’t happy about Holly being with Tate. Doug said he wasn’t happy because he likes her. JJ empathized and suggested he talk to someone other than Holly about his feelings. Doug said he appreciated the advice and was wrong about JJ not liking him. JJ said he was keeping an eye out for him because of Jennifer. He said she thought he might have taken the necklace, but he didn’t think he took it. When Doug was about the confess, JJ got interrupted by Gabi calling to invite him over.

Abe and Paulina celebrated Valentine’s Day. While they were celebrating, EJ showed up to talk about Jada. He said he was a concerned citizen who wanted to clean the mess now that Rafe was commissioner. Paulina couldn’t believe EJ and told him to leave. EJ said Belle wouldn’t be able to prosecute Jada if she had to. Paulina said she was confident in Belle and Rafe. EJ continued to plead his case until Abe wanted to take over. Abe told EJ that everything was about him. He said he was going to throw EJ out. Before EJ left, he told Paulina that she knew he was right. Arnold ran into Belle at the Small Bar. He told her that he needed a break after cleaning up the mess Jada caused when she stole his job. When Belle tried to defend Jada, Arnold told her that she stole EJ’s job. Belle wanted to know what was going on. He said he was being a good cop. Belle said he should have followed his gut and should know Jada better. Arnold tried to comfort her about Shawn and kissed her. Belle pushed him away and said it would never happen in or out of the office. Abe and Paulina talked about what EJ told them. Paulina wondered if EJ could be right until she realized how desperate he sounded. Abe said they would know soon enough. Paulina said EJ would never get the DA job. Belle went to the DiMera mansion and told EJ what “Rafe” did to her. EJ threatened to kill him. When EJ was going to confront him, she said she took care of it. Jada went to the Salem Inn to tell Rafe that she was moving out of his house. Arnold told her they could get in the bed. She couldn’t believe his nerve. When he insulted her, she told him off and said she was sorry she ever met him.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of February 10, 2025

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Joy from Days

You would never know that Paulina wanted to hire Jada as the police commissioner when she got rid of Rafe. Paulina acted as if she was on a mission to make Jada pay for the “crime” she thought committed. If she felt so strongly about getting rid of Jada, she shouldn’t have hired her in the first place. Paulina practically prosecuted Jada with little to no evidence. When the truth comes out, Jada doesn’t need to take the commissioner job back.

We want to applaud Joy for breaking up with Alex. She could have easily strung him along to keep him from being with Stephanie, but she chose to have self-respect for herself. We thought Joy was going to keep dating Alex so Stephanie couldn’t be with him. There have been plenty of times when people stay in relationships to keep people apart.

Speaking of Alex, Stephanie has become obsessed with Alex. She went from barely wanting to talk to him to be willing to quit her job for him. Also, she talks about him constantly as if she wasn’t with him before. You would never know she was the one who wanted to be friends when they first dated. They could be together now if she didn’t dump him to be with Chad. Fast forward and now she talks about him nonstop.

The writers wasted time with Body and Soul. If Abe and Kate were going to give up the show, they could have let it go to Los Angeles before. We understand people didn’t care for the story, but the writers could have kept it going. It gave Kate and Abe a storyline. If the writers took their time with the story. it could have worked. Now they will go back to barely being shown.

Why did it take so long for Seth to tell Kayla the hospital was closing? If he knew for months, why didn’t he say something? Also, why did he care if Bonnie sued the hospital if it was closing? You would think he would have said something sooner. With the hospital closing, where is everyone supposed to go when they are sick or hurt?

Jada brought her problems on herself when she got EJ fired. She should have known EJ would retaliate when she got him fired. Did she really think he would sit by and let her cost him his job? If she left well enough alone, she would have her job and not have to worry about being set up. We aren’t trying to make excuses for what EJ did to her, but she made it easy for him to set her up.


Kate and Abe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of February 10, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Jada from Days


-Jada could be heard talking to Belle while EJ was shown.

-Steve could be heard talking to Brady while EJ was shown.

-Kristen and the woman in white cried without any tears.

-Rafe screamed in the tunnels, but Jada didn’t recognize his voice.

-How was EJ able to bring Rafe to the Blake house without anyone seeing him?


-Stephanie could be heard talking to Kayla while Leo was shown.

-Joy’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-When did Bonnie make a miraculous recovery? The last time they showed her she could barely speak but now she’s seemingly better.

-Alex could be heard talking to Joy while Stephanie was shown.

-Kayla could be heard talking to Stephanie while Alex was shown.


-Kayla could be heard talking to Seth while Joy was shown.

-If Seth knew the hospital was closing, why did he care if Bonnie sued the hospital?

-Speaking of the hospital, where are the people supposed to go if the hospital is closed?

-Joy could be heard talking to Alex while Johnny was shown.

-Leo could be heard talking to Seth while Alex was shown.


-Kristen’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Why does everyone talk to a portrait out loud? You would think they would keep the thoughts in their heads especially since they are in open space and anyone could hear them.

-Arnold could be heard talking to himself while Kristen was shown.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Kristen while EJ was shown.


-Kayla could be heard talking to Steve while Holly was shown.

-Steve’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

The music playing in Chanel, Johnny, and Kayla’s scene could be heard while Julie and Doug were shown.


Kayla from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of February 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe: There’s no way Feniger’s smart enough to pull off being police commissioner.
EJ: Well, you got away with it for long enough.

Ava: I hate to interrupt this little reunion.
The Woman in White: Then don’t.

(to Kristen and the woman in white)
Ava: You know, if you untie me, I will be on my merry way, and the two of you can continue this little mommy-me play date.

(when Jada found EJ in the tunnels)
Jada: Here you are. I knew I was right.
EJ: That would be a first.

(to the woman in white when she said Ava was going to be Rachel’s new mother)
Kristen: I doubt that relationship would go far given Brady’s track record.

(to Hattie when she wanted something to drink)
Leo: I could use a break from the five minutes of writing.

Hattie: Thank you for taking care of me after that psycho tried to kill me.
Leo: Don’t mention it or anything else.

Sarah: Not everyone is as delusional as you, Kristen.
Kristen: I’m many things but delusional I am not.

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Days Short Recap Friday, February 14, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Julie thought about her first Valentine’s Day with Doug. Doug III showed up with flowers for Julie. She told him about her therapy sessions with Marlena. While they were talking, she asked him if he met anyone. He told her the person he had feelings for had a boyfriend. Julie said it was good to respect the relationship, but he should tell the girl how he felt about her. She told him about Doug being paid to break up her marriage which wasn’t a problem since she didn’t love her husband. When she wanted to show him a book of lyrics, she realized it was at the Horton cabin. He offered to get the book for her. Tate and Holly talked about their plans to go to the cabin. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t pressuring her to go. She said she didn’t feel pressure, but she wished they were each other’s firsts. While they were talking, Maggie showed up. Holly thanked Maggie for letting them use the cabin. Tate took the keys and left. Maggie asked if they were going to have sex. Holly and Maggie talked about her plans with Tate. Amy and Sophia were at the town square. Sophia told Amy that she and Tate were giving the baby up for adoption. Amy didn’t like the idea of Sophia giving the baby up for adoption. Sophia told her that she and Tate were going to find a Christian couple to adopt the baby. Amy said the baby would be better with its biological parents to which Sophia said it wouldn’t be. She said they were too young to have the baby and wouldn’t be together. While they were talking, Tate showed up. Sophia wanted him to help her. Before Tate could say anything, Sophia was in pain. When the pain showed up again, they took her to the hospital.

Johnny and Chanel talked about starting a family. She said she was ready to start a family but was afraid of having a miscarriage. Johnny told her that Kayla said the chances of her having a miscarriage were low. He said they didn’t have to rush, but Chanel wanted to make an appointment with Kayla to make sure. They went to see Kayla at the hospital. She told them they shouldn’t try to get pregnant now because Chanel’s HGC levels were high. Kayla said it could be a new tumor from leftover tissue from her last pregnancy. She said they needed to check on it more so this wouldn’t be the time to try to get pregnant. Fortunately, it shouldn’t affect her chances of getting pregnant later on. Chanel was glad that they checked. She thought they shouldn’t try to have a baby. Johnny comforted her and told her being healthy was important. Kayla checked on Sophia. She told Sophia, Tate, and Amy that Sophia had Round Ligament Pain which was common. Amy told Sophia and Tate that they cared about the baby and wondered why they were giving it away. Sophia said that was why she had to give the baby up. Amy agreed to the adoption if they found a good couple. Holly was at the Horton cabin and unpacked her things. She took out a nightgown and put it on. Doug showed up and walked in on her. Tate texted Holly to let her know he was running late. When he noticed Johnny and Chanel, he told them about Sophia and how her mother was willing to let them give the baby up for adoption. He said they had to find the right couple. Chanel and Johnny said he found the right couple.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Philip made a toast to Victor’s painting and said he was doing what he had to do. Xander walked in on him and said he knew what he did. Philip was afraid that he knew the truth. Xander said he knew about the detective Philip hired to research him. Philip said the detective searched information on the DiMeras board members so they could get them to vote their way. He said the detectives asked about Xander because of his work with Kristen and Rolf. Xander said that was a good idea. He said Peter could side with them, but Philip didn’t think he would. Philip told Xander about the Blake family. They continued talking about the DiMeras. While Kristen was at the bar drinking, she thought about seeing her mother. Sarah showed up to check on her after what happened with Rachel. She said she was happy that Rachel was safe. Kristen thanked her for her concern. She said it was good to see Sarah walking again thanks to the serum. Sarah reminded her that she extorted Xander for the serum. Kristen realized that Sarah wasn’t concerned about Rachel. She said Sarah was holding a grudge against her. They ended up arguing over whether or not Xander would have done the same thing in her position. When Sarah left, Kristen called Rachel, but she didn’t answer.

Arnold was in the commissioner’s office at the police station with his feet up. Jada walked in and was upset that he was getting comfortable in the office. She told him that EJ framed her, but he didn’t care. He told her EJ did a great job of framing her and that she was too toxic for the job. Arnold said this was the best thing for her. Jada said he lost his mind if he thought she was going to take what was happening to her. Arnold told her to let the situation go and he would talk to Paulina about hiring her back as a detective. She was upset at the idea of working for him. He said they would go back to the way things were before. When he kissed her, she slapped him. She said he was a chauvinist who was intimidated by a black woman in charge. Jada took off the ring and said she didn’t want him or the job. When she walked out, she told Shawn to come with her. While EJ was at the Blake house, Rita called him. He let her know that he put Rafe in a safe place. When heard something, he noticed Ava tied to a chair. He took the gag off and asked what she was doing there. She said the two Rachels did that to her. The woman in white showed up. EJ wanted to know who she was. The woman in white asked the same thing. Ava said she was Kristen’s mother. EJ said that wasn’t possible because Rachel was dead. He said he would know because he was Kristen’s brother. Rachel said he wasn’t Peter. EJ said she should let Kristen know she was alive. Ava said Kristen already knew, but she left her there. When EJ started to untie Ava, Rachel said he wouldn’t be helping Ava. Ava asked EJ not to listen to Rachel. Rachel said she knew the real reason why he was there. Rachel and EJ left so they could talk. When they were alone, Rachel told him she saw him put Rafe upstairs. She said if he let Ava go, she would tell the police what he did. Rachel said they were on the same side. She said little Rachel did this so letting Ava go would keep Kristen from her daughter. EJ said Ava kidnapped Susan before. Rachel said to consider it karma. EJ agreed not to say anything as long as she didn’t say anything about Rafe. He said he was doing this for Kristen and Rachel and ordered her not to do anything to Ava and Rafe or he wouldn’t be able to protect Kristen and Rachel. Brady talked to Belle about Ava. He said something was wrong and told her what was going on with Ava. Belle said Steve would find out what was going on. Changing the subject, Brady asked her about EJ. He said Marlena told him about them. Belle was shocked that Marlena was gossiping about her. Brady said he wanted to know what was going on. She told him what was going on with EJ and why she was with him. Brady didn’t like her being with EJ but understood that she wanted to be with someone dangerous. Belle agreed that she wanted to be with someone dangerous. Jada told Shawn about what happened with Rafe. Shawn couldn’t believe Rafe talked to her the way he did. She said Rafe was like a different person. Shawn said you don’t always know the person you love. Jada assumed he was talking about Belle. Shawn told her Belle slept with EJ. She thought about seeing Belle at the DiMera mansion and told him that she probably slept with EJ again. Arnold called EJ and told him that Jada was on to him being different. EJ told him to calm down. When he got off the phone, he ran into Kristen. He told her that he met her mother. Rachel told Ava that EJ wouldn’t help her. She said no one would help her.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie went to see Kayla at the hospital. She told Kayla that she quit the show and was getting back together with Alex. While they were talking, Stephanie told Kayla about Alex was having trouble breaking up with Joy since she was poisoned. Kayla got a text from Abe and Kate about a meeting. Joy checked her phone to see if Alex reached out to her. There weren’t any messages. She thought about seeing him kiss Stephanie. Alex showed up to see her. Joy thanked him for saving her life and offered to take him out to dinner on Valentine’s Day. When he hesitated, she wondered if there was a reason why he didn’t want to go out with her. Before he could answer, they both got a text from Abe and Kate about a meeting. Bonnie and Johnny talked in the lobby of the hospital. They talked about what happened with the scripts. He let her know that he was okay and wondered what she was doing in the lobby. She said someone was supposed to take her back to her room but stopped when they saw the elevator. Johnny told her the person who did everything was caught. Seth showed up and gave her a document to sign stating the hospital wasn’t responsible for what happened to her. Johnny took the pen from Bonnie and tells Seth to back off. Seth said he knew Bonnie didn’t want to make trouble for the show but if they tried to sue, the hospital was pulling out of the show. He took the pen from Johnny and gave Bonnie the document. They got the text from Abe and Kate about the meeting.

Everyone arrived at the meeting. Abe and Kate told everyone that the culprit was caught and hoped they would all cooperate with the police. They told everyone that the show couldn’t continue unless it was a safe place, so they decided to end the show. Everyone was concerned about the show ending. Abe and Kate said the show would continue, but the network decided to film it in Los Angeles. They were all able to keep their jobs as long as they relocate to Los Angeles. Everyone talked about the news. Joy told Alex that she wanted to live in California and assumed he was going too. Hattie told Johnny and Leo that she would take the offer. Johnny said it was too soon to go because he and Chanel were working things out. Leo said he didn’t want to move, but Johnny told him he could be head writer anywhere. Abe and Kate told each other they made a good team. Leo showed up and asked if they could give him the information to the network. He said he didn’t want to move, but he wanted to keep writing for the show. Abe and Kate let him know the network didn’t want him to be head writer. Bonnie and Hattie talked about the show. Hattie said she was going to Los Angeles, but Bonnie wasn’t sure if she would. Hattie said she hoped she would take the job. Alex said he was surprised that Joy would want to move to Los Angeles. Joy said she was surprised he didn’t want to go. He said he didn’t want to leave his family and friends. Joy wondered if he was talking about Stephanie. Stephanie asked Kayla if she thought Alex would move. Before Kayla could answer, Seth came in and said he was going to California to stay on the show. He said Kayla should come with him. Kayla said her work was at the hospital. Seth said that might not be the case for long because the hospital was about to file for bankruptcy.

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Days Short Recap Friday, February 7, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At Aremid, Ava screamed out for help which made the woman in white show up. She told Ava that no one is looking for her because of the message she came up with. Ava was upset with herself for telling the lady in white about her son. She asked her about going to China, but the woman in white thought she would call Brady. Ava said she would go see her son and move on with her life. She would let Brady and Kristen be together. The lady in white didn’t trust her and put the gag back on her mouth. Brady and Kristen talked about Rachel and her therapy session. When Kristen noticed that something was wrong with Brady, he said he missed Ava. Kristen insulted Ava for leaving Brady during this time but appreciated her leaving so he could reconnect with Rachel. Brady said he didn’t understand why Ava would leave without saying something to him. Kristen said her feelings must not have been that deep. Brady said he has reached out to Ava, but she hasn’t responded. He decided to text Ava. Kristen left the room and found Ava’s phone in Rachel’s backpack. While she was looking at the phone, she noticed the security code was disabled and looked at the texts. Kristen wondered where Ava was. When she looked through the backpack, she realized that Ava might be at the Blake house. She asked Brady to take Rachel to her therapy session because she wasn’t feeling well. When Brady went upstairs, Kristen left.

At Rafe’s house, Jade wondered why Rafe wasn’t returning her calls. Steve showed up to talk about the charges against her. She said she couldn’t believe what was happening. Steve let her know that he didn’t believe the charges. Jada told him that she left messages for Rafe, but he hasn’t answered them. Steve said people would support her and make sure her name is cleared. He said they should wonder about EJ hiring Rafe to investigate her. Jada told him that Rafe claimed he worked for EJ to make sure the investigation was on the up and up. Steve said he believed EJ fixed the evidence. She asked how they would prove her innocence. Steve said he had to check on Kayla. He told her about Whitley and the poisoned scripts. Jada said she would find out what’s going on. EJ called Arnold. Arnold told him that Jada called him, but he didn’t answer. EJ said he did a good job at the wedding, but it was time to take over as commissioner. When Arnold got off the phone, he listened to Jada’s messages. Paulina showed up. She told him the source of the charges against Jada came from the Salem PD and wanted to know who it was. Arnold said he promised not to say anything. He said the information was convincing. Paulina was surprised he believed it. He said he wasn’t surprised. She said she had to appoint a new commissioner. He offered to do the job. Belle and EJ talked about Jada. She knew that Jada’s situation was EJ’s fault. Belle thought it was strange that EJ had Rafe do the investigation instead of one of his people. EJ said he used Rafe so the investigation wouldn’t be questioned. Belle didn’t approve of his actions. EJ told Belle that Jada got him fired which allowed Belle to take his job. While they were talking, they made love. After they finished, Belle went downstairs and saw Jada. Jada said she was there to see EJ. EJ went in the tunnel to give Rafe his breakfast. Rafe thought Arnold and Jada were married. EJ said they didn’t get married. He told Rafe the plan was to expose Jada as a corrupt cop. Kristen went to the Blake house and found Ava tied up. They talked about what happened. Kristen said she couldn’t believe Rachel could do this by herself to which Ava said she had help. EJ told Rafe that Arnold would be the new commissioner. Arnold tried to convince Paulina that he would do a good job as commissioner. A reluctant Paulina agreed to give him the job. Ava told Kristen that someone was in the house. She said it was the woman in white. When Kristen heard a voice, she thought it was her mother.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 6, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad checked on Julie to see how she was doing and asked about her therapy. Julie told him that the session went well but it wouldn’t help with her problem. She said she was lost without Doug. They continued to talk about losing someone you love. While they were talking, Julie said she was willing to ease up on Cat because Clyde forced her to do what she did. When Julie said Chad and Cat were friends, he said they weren’t friends but could be someday. Julie said she would stop criticizing Cat but there were times when things might happen. She said she hoped Cat got the job working for Marlena. Chad left to go to the office. Xander went to the hospital to ask Sarah to go out to dinner with him. Sarah told him about everyone getting poisoned. When Xander brought up Justin and Philip, Sarah asked if he and Philip were getting along. Xander said he and Philip were getting along and were going to war against the DiMeras. Sarah was upset about it until Xander said they were doing it legitimately. He promised they would be careful and said it was Philip’s idea to go after the DiMeras. Sarah wondered why Philip changed his mind. Xander said Philp was less cautious since he wasn’t with Stephanie.

Alex and Stephanie talked about wanting to be together after what happened to them. Stephanie said the scripts were poisoned. Alex said Joy was poisoned too. He called Joy, but she didn’t answer. They went to check on Joy. When they got to Joy’s place, she was unconscious. They took her to the hospital. Sarah was afraid that she was under the poison for too long but there was an antidote that could help. Alex and Sarah talked about the antidote. Joy woke up and wondered where she was. In the receptionist area, Xander and Stephanie talked about Philip. Stephanie thought of her conversation with Philip. Before Stephanie could say anything, Sarah showed up to say how Joy was doing. Stephanie went to see Joy. When Xander left to get takeout, Sarah texted Philip. Kate talked to Philip about what was going on at Body and Soul. When Kate told him about the poisoning, he was concerned that Stephanie could have gotten hurt. Kate told him Stephanie quit the show. She said the soap has been more trouble than it’s worth and questioned if it was worth the trouble. Kate changed the subject by asking him about getting along with Xander. Philip said they were getting along. Kate was glad he was working with Xander. He told her that he and Xander were going after DiMera. Kate was concerned about Sarah causing trouble. She said Sarah knew his secret. Philip said he would have heard something by now if something happened. Sarah showed up to confront Philip. She reminded him that he was supposed to keep Xander in line and work with him. Philip said he was working with him and would keep him from breaking the law. Sarah said Philip wasn’t a great influence on Xander and considered telling him the truth. He asked her to be reasonable because no one would be there to keep an eye on Xander. She said they were going to be playing by her rules. Sarah said they could take over DiMera but if something went wrong, she was pulling the plug on it. Alex told Stephanie that it wasn’t the right time to break up with Joy and would do it when she was better. He said he wanted to be with her. When they kissed, Joy came out of her room and saw them.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Hattie went to see Bonnie at the hospital. She asked Bonnie what she thought would happen with the show. Bonnie couldn’t answer her because her mouth was wired. Hattie said she didn’t think Kayla would do a good job in Bonnie’s role. She pulled out the script and read that her character was going to die. A furious Hattie called Leo, but he didn’t answer the phone. She left to find Leo. Steve and Kayla talked about what happened at the wedding. They thought the corruption charges against Jada didn’t make sense. She asked if he was going to talk to Shawn, but he said he would wait until he got more information. They talked about Kayla’s script and how she’s going to be on the show. Kate and Alex talked about the show. When she brought up Alex and Joy’s relationship, she let him know that things could go wrong when workers get together. Stephanie showed up and told them about Jada’s wedding and what happened to her. She told Kate and Abe about putting out a press release about Kayla taking over the role of Cassandra. She said she handled the Lady Whistleblower story as well. Kate thanked for her hard work. Stephanie said she was quitting. She said she enjoyed working there, but she wanted to have a relationship with Alex. Alex being with Joy may keep them from getting together. Kate said things have been going wrong ever since Hattie put a curse on the show. Abe said they needed to rest. Kate decided to leave, but Abe had some things to do. Kayla called Abe to asked why Cassandra was dying. Abe didn’t know the character was dying and said he would take care of it.

Alex and Joy talked about the show. While they were talking, she told him she wished she never met Johnny. Alex said she didn’t know what was going to happen. When they rehearsed their lines, they found out Joy’s character was going to go into premature labor and die. Alex read that his character was going to die too. Joy said they could handle it later. She wanted to focus on hooking up with him and asked if he wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with her. He thought about his conversation with Stephanie about them getting together. When he agreed to spend Valentine’s Day with her, he got a text from Stephanie asking him to get together. He ended up leaving Joy’s place. Chanel went to see Johnny to talk about their marriage. She said they needed to work on talking to each other so they wouldn’t end up in this position again. Johnny agreed to talk to her and told her how much he loved her. They said they wanted to be together. Chanel said he almost slept with Joy, and she almost slept with Shawn, but nothing happened. He said he didn’t want to take his wedding ring off again and wanted one thing from her. Chanel wondered what he wanted. Johnny said he wanted her to come home. She agreed to come home. He suggested that they didn’t have to sleep in the same bed. She said they would take things one step at a time. Alex went to Stephanie’s place. She told him she quit the show and admitted to having feelings for him. Stephanie said she wasn’t trying to pressure him. When Alex was about to say something, Stephanie said she knew he was with Joy. He told her about Joy’s plans for Valentine’s Day. Despite his plans with Joy, Alex said he wanted to be with Stephanie. Hattie found Leo and told him about her character dying. Leo said he didn’t write the script. He said the person messing with the script might have been the one who sent the cupcakes. While they were talking, she passed out. Joy’s vision became blurry and she passed out. While Steve and Kayla were talking, she passed out. Alex and Stephanie passed out. Abe looked at the script and realized who was sabotaging the show.


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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of January 27, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Ava from Days


-The music playing during Leo and Javi’s scene could be heard while Doug was shown.

-Ava could be heard calling out Rachel’s name while Brady was shown.

-Brady could be heard calling out Ava’s name while Ava was shown.

-How did The Woman in White know to hide Ava’s body before Brady and Kristen got to Aremid?


-Johnny could be heard talking to EJ while Chanel was shown.

-How did Javi know to invite people to Rafe’s bachelor party when he doesn’t know any of them?

-Jada could be heard talking to Shawn while Javi was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard talking while Arnold was shown.


-The phone in Aremid could be heard ringing while Kristen was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking on the phone while Ava was shown.

-Shawn could be heard talking to Chanel while Brady was shown.


-Gabi could be heard talking to Jada while Rafe was shown.

-Arnold could be heard talking to Javi while Jada was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to EJ while Jada was shown.

-Javi could be heard talking to Rafe while Jada was shown.

-Jada could be heard talking to Stephanie while Arnold was shown.


-Jada could be heard talking to Stephanie while Kayla and Steve were shown.

-Leo could be heard talking to Javi while Arnold was shown.

-Why did Rafe choose to talk to Rita instead of leaving the mansion? He could have gone to the police himself instead of expecting her to call them.


Rafe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of January 27, 2025

gn=”center”>Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Belle and EJ from Days

Does Holly have any friends other than Sophia? Whenever she has a problem with Tate, she goes running to Doug. Why doesn’t she go to one of her other friends? She needs to stop telling him all her problems, especially since she doesn’t know him. We know the writers are heading towards putting them together, but it doesn’t make sense for her to keep talking to someone she barely knows about her boyfriend.

Why did Stephanie tell Chanel that she had her back when it concerned Johnny? Stephanie is Johnny’s cousin, yet she sided with Chanel. Johnny is the one in the wrong, but Stephanie could show some loyalty to her cousin. Stephanie has no loyalty to her family or else she wouldn’t have told Chanel that she would support her.

Belle needs to make up her mind about her feelings for EJ. One minute she considered him a regret that she slept with him and the next she defended sleeping with him again. Does she want to be with him or not? If she doesn’t, she has a hard way of showing it. She may as well give in to temptation and be with EJ if she’s going to keep sleeping with him.

Speaking of EJ and Belle, Marlena was upset about Belle being with EJ after what he’s done to the family. Did Marlena forget that she was willing to give Ben the key to the city after he tried to kill Will? If she’s going to be upset about what EJ’s done to the family, she should be upset with Ben for what he did to her grandson. She must have selective anger when it comes to her family.

We were shocked that Shawn defended Johnny to Chanel. Shawn and Johnny barely interact with each other, yet he was willing to defend Johnny to Chanel. It was good to see family look out for each other even if they don’t interact with each other. We applaud Shawn for telling Chanel that she should fight for her marriage considering he wasn’t willing to do that for his own marriage.

What is EJ’s end game? Does he plan on killing Rafe or keeping him in the wine cellar for life? We see how the writers are trying to make EJ come off like a saint because he’s feeding Rafe, but the man is still holding him hostage. Does EJ expect his plan to work and keep Rafe alive? It doesn’t make sense to keep Rafe tied up in the cellar. How long does he think he can keep people out of there before Rafe is caught?

The writers could have casted an actress to play Jada’s mother. What are the odds that her mother would be sick and not be able to go to Jada’s wedding? Since Jada’s mother has never been on the show, they could have casted her instead of making her miss the wedding. It’s bad enough her sister wasn’t making the wedding, but her mother wasn’t either. Both characters could have been casted so Jada could have someone from her family at the wedding.


Jada from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of January 27, 2025

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Leo)
Javi: Who do you have to sleep with to get a drink around here?

(to Leo when he thought his dimples attracted him)
Javi: Creative guys are my weakness, but creative guys with dimples? Guardame.

Kristen: I’m too work up.
Brady: I know. Me too.
Kristen: I mean, especially after I talked to EJ.
Brady: Talked to—what are you, a glutton for punishment?
Kristen: No. I mean, he was actually kind of being great.
Brady: EJ?

Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: EJ DiMera? Great?
Kristen: Well, we do have our moments sometimes.

Leo: You just focus on planning an unforgettable bachelor party. Although now that I think about it, the ones people can actually remember are probably the best ones.
Javi: Well, a night of debauchery is my plausible deniability.
Leo: Don’t forget—more alcohol, the better. Words to live by.

Doug: This is supposed to be the time of your life that people write songs about.
Holly: I’m sure a ton of people write songs about their boyfriends getting another girl pregnant, too.

(about EJ)
Kristen: He seemed curious about some of the more, well, shall we say colorful aspects of my upbringing.
Brady: Yeah, who wouldn’t be?
Kristen: Well, it was all in my memoir.
Brady: It’s going to be a Pulitzer Prize-winner for sure.

(to Doug)
Leo: There is only enough space in this dubiously decorated room for one drama queen, meaning—Why don’t you come work for me?

Stephanie: Do you know what this party needs?
Paulina: An exorcism?

EJ: Make a wish
Rafe: I wish you were dead.
EJ: You said it out loud, now it won’t come true.

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