Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Javi and Leo pack Leo’s bags in his room at the Salem Inn. Leo comments on Javi convincing his cousins to let him move in, but Javi reveals he hasn’t exactly told Gabi and Rafe yet.
Gabi goes home where Rafe is looking for leftovers in the fridge. Gabi informs him that she and Jada finished them because they stress eat. Rafe asks what they are stressed about. Gabi complains that EJ kidnapped Rafe and is going to get away with it again.
Paulina meets with Jada in her office at the police station. Paulina assumes there’s another fire to put out since it’s been one thing after another, but Jada informs her that this time is good news as they may have a witness who can testify to what EJ did to Rafe. Paulina excitedly asks if this means Rafe remembers what happened to him. Jada responds that he doesn’t, but Rachel Blake sure does.
Kristen sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion where she reaches in to her purse and pulls out the gun that her mother had. Her mother then enters the room and asks if Kristen is going to give the gun back to her.
EJ storms in to the Brady Pub to confront Kate about telling Johnny exactly how he was conceived.
Leo questions Javi not telling his cousins that they are moving in together when it’s their house. Leo points out that Gabi hates him and he’s not exactly Rafe’s favorite person. Javi argues that he’s their favorite cousin so all that matters is how happy Leo makes him. Javi insists that it will be fine and gives Leo a key to the house. Javi tells Leo to finish checking out and he will meet him at home as he then exits.
Kristen tells Rachel Blake that they talked about this and she said the gun was a family heirloom. Kristen asks what if she misplaces it which she calls a reasonable concern. Rachel Blake then suggests mounting the gun in the room. Kristen reminds her that her daughter lives there, so it would not be safe to display a firearm. Rachel Blake hopes Kristen doesn’t plan on disposing of the gun as it means a great deal to her. Kristen isn’t sure what she’s going to do with it. Rachel Blake suggests Kristen hang onto it since it is her father’s and you never know when it could come in handy, especially since she’s chosen to live in this viper’s nest. Rachel Blake warns Kristen to sleep with one eye open around any of the awful DiMeras.
Johnny finishes a run in the park and thinks back to Kate telling him about EJ raping Sami. Johnny then pulls out his phone and calls Sami, leaving a message to call him back because he needs to talk to her about EJ.
Kate tells EJ that she didn’t intend to tell Johnny about he and Sami as she didn’t want his whole world to come crashing down around him. EJ complains that Kate wanted to hurt him so bad that Johnny was just collateral damage. Kate explains that Johnny heard EJ was accused of rape, so he came to her because he wanted to hear the whole story. EJ screams that it wasn’t her story to tell. EJ asks where Johnny would have even heard of something that happened decades ago and asks who else would want to hurt him. Kate responds that it just slipped out and that he loves Johnny. Kate tells EJ to drop it but EJ realizes that it was Roman.
Rafe tells Gabi that they don’t know that EJ is going to walk. Gabi doesn’t have faith in Salem’s justice system. Rafe doesn’t blame her after what happened to her last year. Gabi clarifies that she’s talking about the fact that the district attorney is screwing EJ which surprises Rafe. Rafe then realizes it makes sense why Paulina said that Belle recused herself from EJ’s case. Rafe decides he will stop by the police station to see what he can find out. Rafe encourage Gabi that EJ won’t get away this time as he exits.
Kate admits to EJ that it was Roman who told Johnny, but that he immediately tried to walk it back. EJ doesn’t believe it and threatens to go after Roman. Kate reminds EJ that he’s already on thin ice with the police and asks if he wants to add assaulting the former commissioner to his long list of charges. Kate remarks that Roman could still wipe the floor with EJ. EJ doesn’t want to hear another word about what a family man Roman is and declares he will never forgive him for this. Kate calls EJ unbelievable and incapable of taking responsibility for what he’s done. Kate tells EJ that actions have consequences even if they come decades later. Kate says if he’s wondering why this came to light, he can look in the mirror since he hired Arnold Feniger to take over Rafe’s life again.
Rafe finds Johnny in the park. Johnny tells Rafe that it’s good to see him and not Arnold. Johnny says he’s sorry he had to go through all that and asks if he’s okay. Rafe says he wishes he knew how it all went down but he’s fine. Johnny questions if he doesn’t remember anything. Rafe says not after he saw Arnold at the DiMera Mansion. Johnny thinks they both know EJ is responsible. Rafe is surprised that Johnny isn’t giving EJ the benefit of the doubt. Johnny responds that he knows who his father is now and he wishes there was something he could do to help them prove it was EJ who kidnapped Rafe. Rafe assures they are not giving up and if they are able to prove it was EJ, he’s going away for a long time. Johnny responds that after what EJ did to Sami, he’s more than okay with Rafe and Jada bringing him down.
Jada tells Paulina about her and Rafe’s theory that Rafe was being held at Rachel Blake’s home in Aremid, noting they are still trying to put the pieces together. Jada recalls when she followed EJ in to the DiMera tunnels and hearing something but EJ said it was construction while Johnny didn’t know anything about it. Jada figures EJ knew she was on to him, so he moved Rafe somewhere else. Jada argues that there’s no way Rachel Blake wouldn’t have seen Rafe so she could testify against EJ. Paulina argues that she’ll never get another DiMera to turn on another DiMera because that family is like the mob. Jada points out that Rachel Blake is not a DiMera and her life was destroyed by Stefano. Paulina notes that Kristen controls every aspect of her life, so she’ll never drop on EJ without Kristen’s say so. Jada suggests they can offer immunity and there’s no way that Kristen will choose EJ over her own mother.
Kristen reminds her mother that she’s a DiMera, so it’s her family that she’s disparaging. Rachel Blake argues that she is her family and that Kristen is only associated with the DiMeras because of Stefano took her in when her real parents seemed to have died. Kristen argues that Rachel Blake could’ve came back and taken her away at any time but she didn’t. Rachel Blake says she won’t be talked to like this. Kristen apologizes for upsetting her and she is truly grateful that they found each other after all these years, but they cannot get reckless. Kristen brings up that Jada has been asking all sorts of questions. Rachel Blake has no doubt that everything will work out because she knows Kristen will do whatever it takes to protect her because family stick by each other no matter what.
Javi goes home with Leo’s bags and quietly mentions Leo moving in with him but Gabi says over her dead body. Gabi declares there is no way that Leo is living under her roof and calls him a sociopath. Gabi brings up Leo torturing Will and Sonny for years which Javi calls an exaggeration. Javi acknowledges that Leo has done terrible things in the past but he believes people can change. Gabi disagrees and brings up EJ trying to ruin Rafe’s life. Javi argues that Leo is not EJ. Gabi remarks that at least everyone knows EJ is a monster while you never see it coming when Leo screws you over. Gabi complains that Javi is blinded by his meaningless fling with Leo. Javi questions her thinking that’s what this is. Gabi argues that Javi was in town for two seconds before dating Kerry. Javi calls that different and declares that he’s in love with Leo as Leo then opens the door.
Rafe asks Johnny what EJ did to Sami. Johnny clarifies that Sami is in Italy and hasn’t seen EJ in years as far as he knows. Rafe brings up Gabi telling him that she and Jada crashed their lunch, so he knows that Arnold slept with Sami years ago. Johnny argues that he took advantage but that’s not what he meant either. Rafe questions what he’s talking about then and encourages that he can talk to him. Johnny says to Rafe that EJ raped Sami. Rafe realizes Johnny knows about that then. Johnny guesses it’s not news to Rafe. Rafe confirms that he’s known about it since before he married Sami. Johnny questions why Rafe never told him the truth about that.
EJ tells Kate that he had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger this time. Kate argues that everyone knows he’s guilty. EJ says he’s not going to debate this. Kate talks about EJ thinking what he did to Sami would be bury forever, but he tempted fate by working with the other man who assaulted her. EJ argues that he’s nothing like Arnold. Kate says that EJ is worse since Arnold tricked Sami in to sleeping with him but it pales in comparison to what EJ did. Kate complains that EJ was going to let her son die unless Sami had sex with him. Kate shouts that she and Roman will never forgive him. EJ responds that he had it all wrong as he was thinking that Roman was to blame when it was Kate’s doing. EJ accuses Kate of not even trying to deflect when Johnny asked her. EJ guesses this is her getting payback for Lucas after all this time. Kate responds that she’s not as sadistic as him and she got no joy at all from telling Johnny what his father did. Kate says instead of attacking her, he should be thanking her for leaving out the sordid details of the true love story between Sami and EJ. EJ says she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Kate argues that she could’ve told Johnny about the time that EJ was on the run after shooting Sami’s Grandmother’s husband and using Sami as a human shield. Kate adds that EJ has decades of sick and twisted games. EJ doesn’t want to hear it. Kate says the people of Salem have become complacent in accepting EJ in to the fabric of the community and have forgotten who EJ is and what he has done, but she didn’t. EJ screams at her that he has had to live with regret over what he did to Sami for decades. Kate mocks that being difficult for him. EJ tells Kate to hate him if she wants and maybe he deserves it, but Johnny never needed to know the truth. EJ swears that Kate will rue the day that she burdened Johnny with it.
Kristen suggests to her mother that she get some rest and wake up with a fresh perspective. Kristen tells her to go upstairs since there will be no peace and quiet when Rachel gets home from school and she’ll check on her in a bit but Jada arrives and questions where Rachel Blake is going.
Leo says he can come back later but Gabi thinks it’s best that he not come back at all. Leo tells Javi that it’s fine as he knew this wasn’t a good fit and offers to go stay at a motel while looking for an apartment. Javi says he will go pack his things and declares to Gabi that he and Leo are going to live together and if it’s not here, it will be somewhere else. Leo tells Javi that he doesn’t have to do this but Javi declares that he loves Leo, so they are going to live together. Gabi then agrees to let Leo live there, temporarily and conditionally. Gabi clarifies that she’s doing it for Javi, not Leo. Gabi wants to make clear that when her daughter Arianna visits, Leo is gone as he will not be under the same roof as her. Leo says he understands and thanks her. Gabi then adds that if Leo does anything to hurt Javi, he will answer to her. Gabi then exits the house. Javi tells Leo that he told him it will be fine.
Rachel Blake remembers meeting Jada last night in Aremid. Kristen says that’s enough and questions how Jada got in. Jada responds that she flashed her badge and most people cooperate after that. Rachel Blake calls it rude to stop by someone’s house unannounced. Jada talks about trying to find out who kidnapped Rafe and says that she might be able to help her with that. Jada explains that she saw Rachel Blake’s face when she asked if she saw Rafe, so she knows she knows something. Kristen repeats that’s enough and tells Jada to stop harassing her mother. Jada argues that they know EJ kidnapped Rafe so it’s only a matter of time before they prove it. Jada adds that Rachel Blake’s testimony could help move it along and also give her a chance to save herself. Kristen tells Jada to get the hell out of her house. Jada warns that either Rachel Blake cooperates with her investigation or she goes down for aiding and abetting. Kristen argues that she can’t prove anything. Jada declares that she will not give up until EJ is behind bars, so it’s up to Rachel Blake if she wants to join him. Kristen asks Jada if that’s a threat. Jada responds that she doesn’t make threats, she makes promises. Jada asks if their family reunion is going to get cut short or if Kristen will help her bring EJ to justice.
Kate tells EJ that he doesn’t scare her. EJ argues that she spoke of his past and ruined his relationship with his son, so perhaps he should return the favor. Kate says she’s been honest with her children, so she doubts he could tell them anything that could shock them. EJ says there are plenty of other ways to hurt them. Kate tells EJ to get out. EJ remarks that there are so many sons to choose from, bringing up Lucas, Austin, Rex, and says then there’s Philip, who he calls her favorite. Kate warns EJ that if he lays one finger on any of her children, she will kill him, herself. EJ tells Kate that he’ll see her around as he then exits the Pub.
Rafe sits with Johnny in the park and apologizes as he knows he’s hurting, but Johnny was just a kid when he was with Sami and he felt it was her story to tell, not his. Rafe explains that Sami didn’t want them to know and was trying to protect them. Johnny argues that Sami was trying to protect EJ because if she was worried at all, she wouldn’t have married EJ twice. Rafe apologizes as he doesn’t know what to say. Johnny doesn’t know what to think and questions how his mom could build a life and have another child with a man who hurt her like that. Rafe says he can’t speak for Sami so only she can answer that question. Johnny says he just tried calling her, but he doesn’t even know what he expects to hear about something so insane. Rafe points out that Sami is still his mother, so no matter how they feel about the choices she made after, she’s still the victim. Rafe advises Johnny not to go lashing out at Sami. Rafe adds that he doesn’t disagree that he deserves answers and he won’t act like he knows what’s going on with him, but over the years, he had a lot of similar questions. Rafe says what EJ did was like a cloud over them, so when Sami got back with him after their relationship ended, he still doesn’t have the answers. Rafe declares that he knows Sami loves Johnny and his siblings from the bottom of her heart. Rafe suggests they go grab some lunch at the Bistro, but Johnny says he’s going to finish his run as he has a lot to think about. They agree to a rain check as Rafe hugs Johnny. Rafe promises Johnny that he’s not alone in this as he then walks away.
Paulina goes to the Brady Pub and calls out to Kate, asking if everything is alright. Kate responds that it’s not because EJ just threatened her children.
Kristen goes to the police station and calls Melinda, ordering her to drop everything because they are talking about her mother’s freedom. Jada joins her in her office and presents Kristen with an immunity deal, promising that Rachel Blake will not be charged with any crime if she testifies against EJ. Kristen argues that her mother is an elderly woman who had nothing to do with anything EJ may or may not have done. Jada argues that she sat silently while EJ held a kidnapped man in her home and asks if she wants to roll the dice here. Jada asks if Kristen will gamble with her mother’s life. Jada says it’s possible that EJ could walk, but she risks the chance of losing her brother and her mother, so Rachel Blake would have cheated death just to spend her twilight years in a cell. Kristen calls her deplorable. Jada tells Kristen that she is offering her mother’s freedom with a lifeboat and that she’s only asking her to throw EJ overboard.
EJ returns home to the DiMera Mansion and pours a drink, which Rachel Blake notes it’s a little early for. EJ asks where Kristen is. She responds that she’s busy. EJ questions Kristen leaving her unsupervised and calls her an unstable woman. Rachel Blake responds that she’s no longer concerned about Ava as she’s beneath her and notes there’s a much bigger threat to worry about. EJ refers to her as Mother Blake, but she shouts that she’s not his mother, she’s Kristen’s and that Kristen will do anything to keep her safe even if it means EJ finally has to pay for all of his sins.
Rafe runs in to Gabi in the town square. Gabi questions him not answering his phone when she’s been calling and texting him. Rafe apologizes and notes that he had his phone on silent during an important conversation and asks what’s wrong. Gabi reveals that Javi invited Leo to live with them.
Javi offers to show Leo to their room. Leo stops him and asks if he’s sure he wants to do this because he doesn’t want to cause problems between he and his cousins. Javi insists that Gabi was just being overprotective and she will come around. Javi adds that he meant every word he said and tells Leo that he loves him which Leo questions. Javi knows it’s still new so it’s okay if he’s not there. Leo assures that he loves him too as they kiss.
Rafe questions Leo Stark living in his house. Gabi says she tried talking Javi out of it, but he called her bluff and complains about having to look at Leo’s face every morning. Rafe says they will deal with it. Gabi thought he would be fired up and talk some sense in to Javi. Rafe responds that Leo is the least of his worries right now as he got some perspective today which Gabi questions. Rafe explains that Johnny just discovered how he was conceived and that EJ raped his mother. Gabi asks how Johnny is. Rafe says he’s obviously devastated. Gabi remarks that EJ is the gift that keeps on giving.
EJ asks Rachel Blake again where Kristen is. She responds that she shouldn’t have said anything. EJ states that they may not be family, but he still cares deeply for Kristen so her well being is just as important to him. EJ encourages that he can help if she tells him what’s going on. Rachel Blake supposes it’d be easier for Kristen if she had EJ’s blessing. EJ questions where she went. She explains that Kristen followed Jada to the police station, so they are making arrangements to tell the authorities about EJ keeping Rafe in her attic.
Kristen accepts Jada’s offer and says she will have her mother tell her everything she knows, but she will have a lawyer look over it first. Jada warns her not to take too long because the clock is ticking and the second they get enough evidence to put EJ away, the offer is null and void and then Kristen’s mother and brother can kiss their freedom goodbye.
EJ guesses Kristen is brokering an immunity deal for her mother. Rachel Blake explains that if she tells the cops what she knows, they won’t send her away and it’s not Kristen’s fault that she’s responsible for her. EJ thanks her for the warning. EJ then opens the safe and pulls out the syringe, declaring that Rachel Blake won’t be testifying against anyone.
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