Days Update Thursday, March 20, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Javi and Leo pack Leo’s bags in his room at the Salem Inn. Leo comments on Javi convincing his cousins to let him move in, but Javi reveals he hasn’t exactly told Gabi and Rafe yet.

Gabi goes home where Rafe is looking for leftovers in the fridge. Gabi informs him that she and Jada finished them because they stress eat. Rafe asks what they are stressed about. Gabi complains that EJ kidnapped Rafe and is going to get away with it again.

Paulina meets with Jada in her office at the police station. Paulina assumes there’s another fire to put out since it’s been one thing after another, but Jada informs her that this time is good news as they may have a witness who can testify to what EJ did to Rafe. Paulina excitedly asks if this means Rafe remembers what happened to him. Jada responds that he doesn’t, but Rachel Blake sure does.

Kristen sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion where she reaches in to her purse and pulls out the gun that her mother had. Her mother then enters the room and asks if Kristen is going to give the gun back to her.

EJ storms in to the Brady Pub to confront Kate about telling Johnny exactly how he was conceived.

Leo questions Javi not telling his cousins that they are moving in together when it’s their house. Leo points out that Gabi hates him and he’s not exactly Rafe’s favorite person. Javi argues that he’s their favorite cousin so all that matters is how happy Leo makes him. Javi insists that it will be fine and gives Leo a key to the house. Javi tells Leo to finish checking out and he will meet him at home as he then exits.

Kristen tells Rachel Blake that they talked about this and she said the gun was a family heirloom. Kristen asks what if she misplaces it which she calls a reasonable concern. Rachel Blake then suggests mounting the gun in the room. Kristen reminds her that her daughter lives there, so it would not be safe to display a firearm. Rachel Blake hopes Kristen doesn’t plan on disposing of the gun as it means a great deal to her. Kristen isn’t sure what she’s going to do with it. Rachel Blake suggests Kristen hang onto it since it is her father’s and you never know when it could come in handy, especially since she’s chosen to live in this viper’s nest. Rachel Blake warns Kristen to sleep with one eye open around any of the awful DiMeras.

Johnny finishes a run in the park and thinks back to Kate telling him about EJ raping Sami. Johnny then pulls out his phone and calls Sami, leaving a message to call him back because he needs to talk to her about EJ.

Kate tells EJ that she didn’t intend to tell Johnny about he and Sami as she didn’t want his whole world to come crashing down around him. EJ complains that Kate wanted to hurt him so bad that Johnny was just collateral damage. Kate explains that Johnny heard EJ was accused of rape, so he came to her because he wanted to hear the whole story. EJ screams that it wasn’t her story to tell. EJ asks where Johnny would have even heard of something that happened decades ago and asks who else would want to hurt him. Kate responds that it just slipped out and that he loves Johnny. Kate tells EJ to drop it but EJ realizes that it was Roman.

Rafe tells Gabi that they don’t know that EJ is going to walk. Gabi doesn’t have faith in Salem’s justice system. Rafe doesn’t blame her after what happened to her last year. Gabi clarifies that she’s talking about the fact that the district attorney is screwing EJ which surprises Rafe. Rafe then realizes it makes sense why Paulina said that Belle recused herself from EJ’s case. Rafe decides he will stop by the police station to see what he can find out. Rafe encourage Gabi that EJ won’t get away this time as he exits.

Kate admits to EJ that it was Roman who told Johnny, but that he immediately tried to walk it back. EJ doesn’t believe it and threatens to go after Roman. Kate reminds EJ that he’s already on thin ice with the police and asks if he wants to add assaulting the former commissioner to his long list of charges. Kate remarks that Roman could still wipe the floor with EJ. EJ doesn’t want to hear another word about what a family man Roman is and declares he will never forgive him for this. Kate calls EJ unbelievable and incapable of taking responsibility for what he’s done. Kate tells EJ that actions have consequences even if they come decades later. Kate says if he’s wondering why this came to light, he can look in the mirror since he hired Arnold Feniger to take over Rafe’s life again.

Rafe finds Johnny in the park. Johnny tells Rafe that it’s good to see him and not Arnold. Johnny says he’s sorry he had to go through all that and asks if he’s okay. Rafe says he wishes he knew how it all went down but he’s fine. Johnny questions if he doesn’t remember anything. Rafe says not after he saw Arnold at the DiMera Mansion. Johnny thinks they both know EJ is responsible. Rafe is surprised that Johnny isn’t giving EJ the benefit of the doubt. Johnny responds that he knows who his father is now and he wishes there was something he could do to help them prove it was EJ who kidnapped Rafe. Rafe assures they are not giving up and if they are able to prove it was EJ, he’s going away for a long time. Johnny responds that after what EJ did to Sami, he’s more than okay with Rafe and Jada bringing him down.

Jada tells Paulina about her and Rafe’s theory that Rafe was being held at Rachel Blake’s home in Aremid, noting they are still trying to put the pieces together. Jada recalls when she followed EJ in to the DiMera tunnels and hearing something but EJ said it was construction while Johnny didn’t know anything about it. Jada figures EJ knew she was on to him, so he moved Rafe somewhere else. Jada argues that there’s no way Rachel Blake wouldn’t have seen Rafe so she could testify against EJ. Paulina argues that she’ll never get another DiMera to turn on another DiMera because that family is like the mob. Jada points out that Rachel Blake is not a DiMera and her life was destroyed by Stefano. Paulina notes that Kristen controls every aspect of her life, so she’ll never drop on EJ without Kristen’s say so. Jada suggests they can offer immunity and there’s no way that Kristen will choose EJ over her own mother.

Kristen reminds her mother that she’s a DiMera, so it’s her family that she’s disparaging. Rachel Blake argues that she is her family and that Kristen is only associated with the DiMeras because of Stefano took her in when her real parents seemed to have died. Kristen argues that Rachel Blake could’ve came back and taken her away at any time but she didn’t. Rachel Blake says she won’t be talked to like this. Kristen apologizes for upsetting her and she is truly grateful that they found each other after all these years, but they cannot get reckless. Kristen brings up that Jada has been asking all sorts of questions. Rachel Blake has no doubt that everything will work out because she knows Kristen will do whatever it takes to protect her because family stick by each other no matter what.

Javi goes home with Leo’s bags and quietly mentions Leo moving in with him but Gabi says over her dead body. Gabi declares there is no way that Leo is living under her roof and calls him a sociopath. Gabi brings up Leo torturing Will and Sonny for years which Javi calls an exaggeration. Javi acknowledges that Leo has done terrible things in the past but he believes people can change. Gabi disagrees and brings up EJ trying to ruin Rafe’s life. Javi argues that Leo is not EJ. Gabi remarks that at least everyone knows EJ is a monster while you never see it coming when Leo screws you over. Gabi complains that Javi is blinded by his meaningless fling with Leo. Javi questions her thinking that’s what this is. Gabi argues that Javi was in town for two seconds before dating Kerry. Javi calls that different and declares that he’s in love with Leo as Leo then opens the door.

Rafe asks Johnny what EJ did to Sami. Johnny clarifies that Sami is in Italy and hasn’t seen EJ in years as far as he knows. Rafe brings up Gabi telling him that she and Jada crashed their lunch, so he knows that Arnold slept with Sami years ago. Johnny argues that he took advantage but that’s not what he meant either. Rafe questions what he’s talking about then and encourages that he can talk to him. Johnny says to Rafe that EJ raped Sami. Rafe realizes Johnny knows about that then. Johnny guesses it’s not news to Rafe. Rafe confirms that he’s known about it since before he married Sami. Johnny questions why Rafe never told him the truth about that.

EJ tells Kate that he had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger this time. Kate argues that everyone knows he’s guilty. EJ says he’s not going to debate this. Kate talks about EJ thinking what he did to Sami would be bury forever, but he tempted fate by working with the other man who assaulted her. EJ argues that he’s nothing like Arnold. Kate says that EJ is worse since Arnold tricked Sami in to sleeping with him but it pales in comparison to what EJ did. Kate complains that EJ was going to let her son die unless Sami had sex with him. Kate shouts that she and Roman will never forgive him. EJ responds that he had it all wrong as he was thinking that Roman was to blame when it was Kate’s doing. EJ accuses Kate of not even trying to deflect when Johnny asked her. EJ guesses this is her getting payback for Lucas after all this time. Kate responds that she’s not as sadistic as him and she got no joy at all from telling Johnny what his father did. Kate says instead of attacking her, he should be thanking her for leaving out the sordid details of the true love story between Sami and EJ. EJ says she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Kate argues that she could’ve told Johnny about the time that EJ was on the run after shooting Sami’s Grandmother’s husband and using Sami as a human shield. Kate adds that EJ has decades of sick and twisted games. EJ doesn’t want to hear it. Kate says the people of Salem have become complacent in accepting EJ in to the fabric of the community and have forgotten who EJ is and what he has done, but she didn’t. EJ screams at her that he has had to live with regret over what he did to Sami for decades. Kate mocks that being difficult for him. EJ tells Kate to hate him if she wants and maybe he deserves it, but Johnny never needed to know the truth. EJ swears that Kate will rue the day that she burdened Johnny with it.

Kristen suggests to her mother that she get some rest and wake up with a fresh perspective. Kristen tells her to go upstairs since there will be no peace and quiet when Rachel gets home from school and she’ll check on her in a bit but Jada arrives and questions where Rachel Blake is going.

Leo says he can come back later but Gabi thinks it’s best that he not come back at all. Leo tells Javi that it’s fine as he knew this wasn’t a good fit and offers to go stay at a motel while looking for an apartment. Javi says he will go pack his things and declares to Gabi that he and Leo are going to live together and if it’s not here, it will be somewhere else. Leo tells Javi that he doesn’t have to do this but Javi declares that he loves Leo, so they are going to live together. Gabi then agrees to let Leo live there, temporarily and conditionally. Gabi clarifies that she’s doing it for Javi, not Leo. Gabi wants to make clear that when her daughter Arianna visits, Leo is gone as he will not be under the same roof as her. Leo says he understands and thanks her. Gabi then adds that if Leo does anything to hurt Javi, he will answer to her. Gabi then exits the house. Javi tells Leo that he told him it will be fine.

Rachel Blake remembers meeting Jada last night in Aremid. Kristen says that’s enough and questions how Jada got in. Jada responds that she flashed her badge and most people cooperate after that. Rachel Blake calls it rude to stop by someone’s house unannounced. Jada talks about trying to find out who kidnapped Rafe and says that she might be able to help her with that. Jada explains that she saw Rachel Blake’s face when she asked if she saw Rafe, so she knows she knows something. Kristen repeats that’s enough and tells Jada to stop harassing her mother. Jada argues that they know EJ kidnapped Rafe so it’s only a matter of time before they prove it. Jada adds that Rachel Blake’s testimony could help move it along and also give her a chance to save herself. Kristen tells Jada to get the hell out of her house. Jada warns that either Rachel Blake cooperates with her investigation or she goes down for aiding and abetting. Kristen argues that she can’t prove anything. Jada declares that she will not give up until EJ is behind bars, so it’s up to Rachel Blake if she wants to join him. Kristen asks Jada if that’s a threat. Jada responds that she doesn’t make threats, she makes promises. Jada asks if their family reunion is going to get cut short or if Kristen will help her bring EJ to justice.

Kate tells EJ that he doesn’t scare her. EJ argues that she spoke of his past and ruined his relationship with his son, so perhaps he should return the favor. Kate says she’s been honest with her children, so she doubts he could tell them anything that could shock them. EJ says there are plenty of other ways to hurt them. Kate tells EJ to get out. EJ remarks that there are so many sons to choose from, bringing up Lucas, Austin, Rex, and says then there’s Philip, who he calls her favorite. Kate warns EJ that if he lays one finger on any of her children, she will kill him, herself. EJ tells Kate that he’ll see her around as he then exits the Pub.

Rafe sits with Johnny in the park and apologizes as he knows he’s hurting, but Johnny was just a kid when he was with Sami and he felt it was her story to tell, not his. Rafe explains that Sami didn’t want them to know and was trying to protect them. Johnny argues that Sami was trying to protect EJ because if she was worried at all, she wouldn’t have married EJ twice. Rafe apologizes as he doesn’t know what to say. Johnny doesn’t know what to think and questions how his mom could build a life and have another child with a man who hurt her like that. Rafe says he can’t speak for Sami so only she can answer that question. Johnny says he just tried calling her, but he doesn’t even know what he expects to hear about something so insane. Rafe points out that Sami is still his mother, so no matter how they feel about the choices she made after, she’s still the victim. Rafe advises Johnny not to go lashing out at Sami. Rafe adds that he doesn’t disagree that he deserves answers and he won’t act like he knows what’s going on with him, but over the years, he had a lot of similar questions. Rafe says what EJ did was like a cloud over them, so when Sami got back with him after their relationship ended, he still doesn’t have the answers. Rafe declares that he knows Sami loves Johnny and his siblings from the bottom of her heart. Rafe suggests they go grab some lunch at the Bistro, but Johnny says he’s going to finish his run as he has a lot to think about. They agree to a rain check as Rafe hugs Johnny. Rafe promises Johnny that he’s not alone in this as he then walks away.

Paulina goes to the Brady Pub and calls out to Kate, asking if everything is alright. Kate responds that it’s not because EJ just threatened her children.

Kristen goes to the police station and calls Melinda, ordering her to drop everything because they are talking about her mother’s freedom. Jada joins her in her office and presents Kristen with an immunity deal, promising that Rachel Blake will not be charged with any crime if she testifies against EJ. Kristen argues that her mother is an elderly woman who had nothing to do with anything EJ may or may not have done. Jada argues that she sat silently while EJ held a kidnapped man in her home and asks if she wants to roll the dice here. Jada asks if Kristen will gamble with her mother’s life. Jada says it’s possible that EJ could walk, but she risks the chance of losing her brother and her mother, so Rachel Blake would have cheated death just to spend her twilight years in a cell. Kristen calls her deplorable. Jada tells Kristen that she is offering her mother’s freedom with a lifeboat and that she’s only asking her to throw EJ overboard.

EJ returns home to the DiMera Mansion and pours a drink, which Rachel Blake notes it’s a little early for. EJ asks where Kristen is. She responds that she’s busy. EJ questions Kristen leaving her unsupervised and calls her an unstable woman. Rachel Blake responds that she’s no longer concerned about Ava as she’s beneath her and notes there’s a much bigger threat to worry about. EJ refers to her as Mother Blake, but she shouts that she’s not his mother, she’s Kristen’s and that Kristen will do anything to keep her safe even if it means EJ finally has to pay for all of his sins.

Rafe runs in to Gabi in the town square. Gabi questions him not answering his phone when she’s been calling and texting him. Rafe apologizes and notes that he had his phone on silent during an important conversation and asks what’s wrong. Gabi reveals that Javi invited Leo to live with them.

Javi offers to show Leo to their room. Leo stops him and asks if he’s sure he wants to do this because he doesn’t want to cause problems between he and his cousins. Javi insists that Gabi was just being overprotective and she will come around. Javi adds that he meant every word he said and tells Leo that he loves him which Leo questions. Javi knows it’s still new so it’s okay if he’s not there. Leo assures that he loves him too as they kiss.

Rafe questions Leo Stark living in his house. Gabi says she tried talking Javi out of it, but he called her bluff and complains about having to look at Leo’s face every morning. Rafe says they will deal with it. Gabi thought he would be fired up and talk some sense in to Javi. Rafe responds that Leo is the least of his worries right now as he got some perspective today which Gabi questions. Rafe explains that Johnny just discovered how he was conceived and that EJ raped his mother. Gabi asks how Johnny is. Rafe says he’s obviously devastated. Gabi remarks that EJ is the gift that keeps on giving.

EJ asks Rachel Blake again where Kristen is. She responds that she shouldn’t have said anything. EJ states that they may not be family, but he still cares deeply for Kristen so her well being is just as important to him. EJ encourages that he can help if she tells him what’s going on. Rachel Blake supposes it’d be easier for Kristen if she had EJ’s blessing. EJ questions where she went. She explains that Kristen followed Jada to the police station, so they are making arrangements to tell the authorities about EJ keeping Rafe in her attic.

Kristen accepts Jada’s offer and says she will have her mother tell her everything she knows, but she will have a lawyer look over it first. Jada warns her not to take too long because the clock is ticking and the second they get enough evidence to put EJ away, the offer is null and void and then Kristen’s mother and brother can kiss their freedom goodbye.

EJ guesses Kristen is brokering an immunity deal for her mother. Rachel Blake explains that if she tells the cops what she knows, they won’t send her away and it’s not Kristen’s fault that she’s responsible for her. EJ thanks her for the warning. EJ then opens the safe and pulls out the syringe, declaring that Rachel Blake won’t be testifying against anyone.

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Days Short Recap Friday, March 21, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe and JJ talked about Gabi and how she was upset over what happened with Arnold. JJ said he would make EJ pay for what he did. Rafe told him about the lead he and Jada had. Doug asked for Julie’s advice on how to tell a girl how he felt about her. Julie told him the thing she and Doug did. She told him about Doug taking her to the Bistro and wanted to go there. When they were on their way to the Bistro, they ran into JJ and invited him to go with them. Holly went to see Tate. He told her that Theresa went to California because Kimberly’s leukemia progressed. Holly offered sympathy for him. Tate wondered why she was being nice to him after their fight. Holly told him she loved him. They talked about their fight. Tate admitted that he was jealous of Doug and was afraid of losing her. Holly said nothing was going on between them. She needed someone to talk to since they don’t see each other that much. He told her the adoption may work out, but EJ was the problem. Holly said EJ would be able to fix things with Amy. Kristen told Jada that her mother would take the plea deal after Melinda looked at the deal. Jada warned her that time was running out. When Kristen left, Rafe showed up and invited Jada out to dinner. Jada told him she got Kristen to agree to Rachel’s testimony. Rafe said he was glad she had her job back. He said he would rather have his investigator job. Rafe said he wanted to make her his wife. He said he never made wedding plans with her and hated how Arnold ruined their wedding. While he was talking, he noticed her ring gone. Jada said she thought Arnold still had it. Rafe didn’t care about it because his focus was making her his wife.

Kristen met with Melinda at the Bistro so she could look at the plea deal. Melinda said it was a good deal for Rachel but bad for EJ. She told Kristen to have Rachel sign it and testify. When Julie, Doug, and JJ came in the Bistro, she noticed Melinda wearing the necklace Julie went to the table and asked Melinda where she got the necklace. Kristen walked away from the table. Julie told Melinda she was wearing stolen property and wanted it back. When Melinda laughed at her, Julie asked JJ to arrest her. Melinda said JJ couldn’t arrest her for wearing a necklace that looked like Julie’s grandmother’s necklace. She said she wouldn’t be wearing stolen jewelry. JJ asked where Melinda got the necklace to which she said she got it from a private jeweler. Julie said she never reported it stolen so Melinda said for them to leave. Julie wanted to report it to the police and took a picture of Melinda wearing the necklace. JJ and Julie walked out the Bistro while Doug and Melinda looked at each other. While talking to Rachel, EJ realized Kristen took a deal to sell him out. He went to the safe and took out the serum and warned her that she wouldn’t be testifying against anyone. He let her know what the plan was before he stuck her with the serum. After he stuck her with the serum, he said he wasn’t sure how much she would remember. When he asked if she had anything to say to Kristen, she demanded to know where Kristen was. Rachel pretended to lose her memory until she slipped up. When EJ realized she was pretending, she told him she remembered everything. She admitted that she saw him playing with the serum before, so she switched it out with a placebo. Rachel said she would be testifying against him after all to which EJ said she wouldn’t be and went towards her. When Kristen came home, she wondered where Rachel was. EJ said he didn’t know. He said she left without saying a word. Kristen realized he was up to something and knew he was lying. She asked where her mother was. EJ told her not to worry when there was nothing she could do about it. When he left, Kristen picked up Rachel’s gun. At the police station, Julie asked JJ how Melinda got the necklace. Melinda warned Doug that she was going to throw him under the bus if something happened to her over the necklace.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gabi told Rafe that Belle was sleeping with EJ so there wouldn’t be justice. Rafe said he understood why she recused herself from the case. He wanted to go to the police station and see what was going on. Before he left, he told her EJ wouldn’t get away with what he did. Javi came in and told Gabi that Leo was moving in with them. Gabi said he wasn’t moving in. She reminded him of the things Leo did. to Will and Sonny. Gabi said Leo was a monster who hurt people. While Gabi was talking about Leo, Javi let her know that she was in love with him. When Leo came in, she told him to leave. Javi said he would leave if she kicked Leo out. Gabi changed her mind and agreed to let Leo stay but warned him that he would answer to her if he hurt Javi. She left them alone. Paulina went to Jada’s office. Jada told Paulina that she was certain that Rafe was being held at Aremid and told her about what happened with EJ at the DiMera mansion. Jada said Rafe was there and EJ panicked when she went down in the tunnels and moved him. Paulina said she would never get a DiMera to turn against another DiMera. Jada reminded her that Rachel wasn’t a DiMera so they could get her to flip.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen pulled out Rachel’s gun. Rachel walked in and asked for the gun. When Kristen didn’t give her the gun, Rachel suggested putting it on the mantle. Kristen reminded her that her daughter lived there. Rachel agreed but wanted to keep it as an heirloom. While they were talking, Kristen brought up how Rachel could have taken her away from the DiMeras. When Rachel got upset, Kristen said she was glad to have her back in her life. Kristen said they had to be careful because Jada was investigating them, but Rachel wasn’t worried about it. Jada showed up at the DiMera mansion. She demanded Rachel’s testimony about Rafe. Jada warned her she would go down with EJ if she didn’t give her testimony. EJ went to the pub to confront Kate about telling Johnny how he was conceived. Kate said she didn’t want to tell him, but Johnny pushed him. While she was defending herself, she blurted out that Roman was the one who told Johnny his secret. EJ wanted to hurt Roman, but Kate stopped him by reminding him that he was already in trouble with the police. She told him actions had consequences and blamed him for what happened. Kate reminded him that he hired Arnold to take over Rafe’s life again and tempted fate by working with the man who raped Sami. She said she and Roman would never forgive him. EJ said she was just trying to pay him back to which she said she wasn’t sadistic. She reminded him of all the things that were done to Sami and thought it was time it came out. Kate said people in Salem may have forgotten what he’s done, but she hasn’t. EJ told her she may hate him, but Johnny never needed to know the truth. He said she would pay for opening her mouth. While he was talking, he threatened to expose the things she had done. He said he may ruin her sons’ lives. Kate threatened to kill him if he hurt any of her children. After EJ left, Paulina showed up. Kate told her that EJ threatened her children. Johnny ran into Rafe. They talked about EJ being responsible. Johnny said he wished he could find the proof against his father. Rafe said EJ would go to prison if there was proof of what he did. Johnny said he was happy that EJ would go to prison after what he did to his mother. Rafe thought he was talking about Arnold, but Johnny corrected him and said he was talking about EJ raping his mother. He was surprised Johnny knew about that. Johnny wanted to know why no one told him about it. Rafe apologized and said it was Sami’s story to tell. Johnny said Sami was trying to protect EJ and not him. He questioned how Sami could have married EJ and build a life with a man like that. Rafe said she was his mother and the victim. In Jada’s office, Kristen called Melinda to let her know he needed her. Jada walked in with the immunity deal for Rachel. Kristen refused the deal and said her mother had nothing to do with EJ. Jada asked if Kristen was going to let her mother live her life in a cell. She said she wanted Kristen to sell EJ out. Kristen agreed to the deal but said she wanted her lawyer to look at it first. At the DiMera mansion, Rachel let EJ know that Kristen was working out a deal for her even if it meant he was in trouble. EJ thanked her for the warning and pulled out the memory serum. He let her know that she wouldn’t say anything to the police.

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Days Update Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie goes to see Sarah at the hospital and says she’s here to volunteer since she knows they are short staffed. Sarah comments on Maggie having a busy morning after volunteering at the prison. Maggie hopes this is a more pleasant experience since she had an encounter at prison with Vivian Alamain, who managed to track her down to talk about Philip and the letter that Victor wrote to him.

In the town square, Philip asks Stephanie again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a tree as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret. Philip says he thinks it’s best this way. Stephanie thinks it’d be best if there was no secret at all, but she agrees that Alex would feel totally betrayed by them if he knew the truth, leaving Xander confused as he listens in.

At Titan, Alex asks Joy to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him. Alex asks what’s on her mind. Joy thinks back to reading her pregnancy test results.

Brady sits at home as Tate enters the living room. Brady jokes with him about sleeping late. Brady then informs Tate that Marlena and Steve had a chat with Shane. Tate asks if they have any updates about John.

Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news. Theresa asks him what’s going on and if it’s about John.

Brady tells Tate that Shane didn’t have a lot of information to give, but he did give the last location John was seen at which was Estonia, so Steve and Marlena are planning to fly there today. Tate questions him not being more specific and if they are just going to wander around Estonia. Brady encourages having faith in Steve’s detective skills. Tate feels it’s not much to go on but Brady says it’s a start and he has to believe they are going to find him. Tate questions Shane not knowing anything else. Brady says he wasn’t willing to share but Marlena felt he could’ve told them more and was definitely holding back.

Theresa tells Shane that Brady told her that his father was missing. Shane responds that they don’t have any new information. Theresa asks what the upsetting news is then. Shane reveals that it’s not about John, but about Theresa’s mother.

Alex notes Joy seeming nervous. Joy isn’t sure she wants to have this conversation but mentions that Philip suggested she clear the air with him. Alex thought they already did that. Joy tells him that she wasn’t totally honest with him the last time they talked. Alex asks if she means she still has feelings for him. Joy says no and tells him to get over himself. Joy then informs Alex that she has some pretty major life changing news to share with him and she wanted him to hear it from her.

Philip knows Stephanie feels bad about keeping this secret from Alex and he’s sorry for putting her in a tricky spot. Stephanie responds that what’s done is done and she’s made her peace with it. Stephanie states that no one else needs to know, but then she spots Xander nearby.

Sarah asks Maggie what Vivian said about the letter. Maggie says that she was just going on about being glad she gave Philip a chance to stake his claim on the company. Sarah talks about Vivian always thinking of Philip as her son. Maggie points out that Vivian stole the embryo from Kate. Sarah questions why Vivian felt the need to track Maggie down for this conversation and asks if she said anything else about Victor’s letter. Maggie tells Sarah that Vivian’s exact words were that she was so grateful that she was able to ‘forge’ a new relationship with Philip, but Maggie had no idea what she meant.

Philip questions Xander observing he and Stephanie from behind a tree. Xander claims he wasn’t doing that and that he was just passing through, then he saw them deep in conversation and didn’t want to interrupt. Stephanie claims they were just talking about how hard they have been working at Titan. Xander says the grind never stops, though it looks like Philip has found plenty of time to socialize in the town square. Philip says that he and Stephanie were just catching up after not seeing each other for awhile. Xander says he would think not since Stephanie spends so much time with Alex. Philip says he was just telling her that he’s happy for them. Xander tells Stephanie that Alex is over the moon that they are giving it another go and remarks that he hopes nothing happens to screw it up this time.

Alex asks Joy what her big news is. Joy says when they broke up, she really wanted to move on and start over because she knew that’s what he wanted. Joy adds that she was angry but felt like she should respect that and then things haven’t gone as planned. Alex talks about Stephanie being very understanding. Joy responds that she might feel differently down the line but stops and talks about how she thought they wouldn’t run in to each other every day at Titan but the office is small. Joy then says Alex is going to find out sooner or later, so she’s telling him now that she has decided to quit the job.

Tate looks up an article on Estonia but says he doesn’t know what to look for and he can’t stop thinking about why John was sent there or what could have happened to him. Brady says he did the same thing earlier but worrying about what if is not going to help John. Brady decides to change the subject to ask about Tate coming in late last night and if he was hanging out with Holly. Tate tells him they actually had a fight as Holly was angry after his adoption plans fell through. Tate explains that he was helping Sophia finish her shift at the Bistro which Brady questions and then tells him to continue. Tate calls it no big deal and that he was just being nice, but while he was there, Sophia’s mother called and said she talked to Paulina about the adoption. Brady thought the adoption wasn’t happening anymore because of EJ’s scandals. Tate says it wasn’t, but Paulina must have gotten through to her because Amy is apparently open to the possibility again. Brady calls that quite the 180. Tate says he’s really relieved, but doubts Theresa will feel the same way.

Theresa asks Shane what’s going on with her mom. Shane reveals that Kimberly’s cancer has come back. Theresa questions when he found out. Shane says about an hour ago and he wanted to call, but Steve and Marlena burst in to his office to grill her about John as they seem to be under the assumption that protocol rules don’t apply to them. Theresa questions them pestering him at a time like this. Shane says to be fair, they hadn’t heard about Kimberly yet and he hasn’t told them yet. Shane felt it was better to tell their kids first, but he hasn’t been able to reach Eve. Shane encourages that Kimberly has beaten cancer twice before so she will again. Theresa says she really hopes so, but asks Shane to tell her the truth about how bad it is. Shane informs her that the leukemia is progressing again but Kimberly is going to start treatment right away. Shane says it will be a rough road ahead but the medical advancements and therapies will help her survive this. Shane asks what is going through her mind right now. Theresa cries that she just hates that Kimberly has to go through this all over again. Shane encourages that she won’t be alone because he’s going to get back to Los Angeles to be with her. Theresa says she wants to be there for her too in any way she can and asks if there’s anything she can do for her now. Shane responds that there actually is.

Brady asks Tate if Theresa wants him to keep the baby. Tate confirms that she did and that she argued Eve was screwed up by being adopted. Brady calls that interesting that Theresa would think that. Tate says it made no sense to him either and he tried telling her that this situation is completely different. Tate truly believes their child would be better off with Johnny and Chanel as parents. Brady responds that he hopes so too. Tate thought he was on board with the adoption. Brady says he is with an adoption, but not this adoption. Tate asks if he doesn’t think Johnny and Chanel would be good parents. Brady clarifies that it’s EJ’s involvement and influence as he doesn’t like the idea of his grandkid being raised under the same roof as EJ. Tate asks if this means he won’t support their decision. Brady calls it a drawback but he knows families aren’t perfect and he understands the clock is ticking, so if Johnny and Chanel want to care for and love the baby and they feel this is the best decision, then he will support this adoption. Tate thanks him and says it means a lot. Brady hopes things work out but he also hopes that Johnny and Chanel would move out of the DiMera Mansion to get away from not just EJ but Kristen and her mother. Brady mentions it bugging him that Rachel still lives there. Tate thinks they do plan to move out eventually. Brady offers to talk to Theresa to get her to back off but Tate says in the end, she reluctantly came around. Tate wants them to know that it’s not because he doesn’t care about the baby, but that he truly believes the child will have a better life this way. Brady hugs him and says he really understands.

Maggie tells Sarah that as far as she knows, Philip hasn’t been in touch with Vivian since her uncomfortable appearance at Victor’s funeral and he was furious with her, so she doesn’t know when they had time to develop this so called new relationship. Sarah calls it strange. Maggie brings up Vivian coming back to town last year before she was arrested and it was the same time Philip came back, so she wonders if she saw him then. Sarah thinks it’s likely that the relationship is mostly in Vivian’s head as she’s certain that Philip would want nothing to do with her. Maggie says that Vivian is always up to something and remarks that Philip is too smart to get sucked in to her web.

Stephanie questions what Xander means by something screwing up her relationship with Alex. Xander says he didn’t mean anything by it and just that he’s rooting for them. Philip mentions that he was on his way to pick up breakfast from the Pub and invites Xander to join him and then they can go to the office together. Xander says he has another errand to run so he will catch him later. Xander then walks away. Stephanie asks Philip if he thinks Xander heard them.

Alex questions Joy and tells her that she can’t quit. Joy repeats that she doesn’t want to be a problem for he and Stephanie. Alex promises she won’t be but Joy argues that he doesn’t know that. Alex feels it’s unfair, like he’s forcing her to leave. Joy assures that it’s her decision and what she thinks is best for both of them as she can’t pretend the situation will get any less awkward. Alex suggests maybe he should quit since Joy was hired first. Joy argues that it’s his family’s company while she’s just an assistant so it makes more sense for her to leave. Alex questions what she’s going to do for work and if she has a plan. Joy declares that it looks like she’s moving back to New York which Alex questions. Joy says she pretty much only came to Salem for Body and Soul, so now there’s not much for her here while New York has her parents and her sister. Alex brings up that Joy hated going back and her mother being very hard on her. Joy says she’ll deal with it. Alex offers to find her something in Salem but Joy decides that New York is where she needs to be at this point in her life. Alex tells Joy that he will miss her which she says is nice of him. Joy assures that this move is what’s best for everyone.

Sarah knows Maggie is doing good work at the prison, but advises her to be careful. Maggie assures that the guards are always watching so she’s safe. Xander arrives and asks what they are talking about. Maggie informs him that she was just telling Sarah about the run in she had with Vivian at Statesville and how she had an odd comment. Sarah cuts her off to remind Maggie that her shift is starting, so Maggie says she’ll see them at home and walks away. Sarah tells Xander this is a nice surprise and asks what he’s doing here. Xander says he wanted to talk to her as he just had a curious run in with Philip and Stephanie.

Philip tells Stephanie that he was worried for a minute but he doesn’t think Xander heard anything. Stephanie feels he was acting weird and questions the comment Xander made about screwing up her relationship with Alex. Stephanie feels like Xander knew they were hiding something. Philip doubts it because he would’ve confronted him right away if he heard about the forgery. Stephanie guesses he’s right but says this whole thing has her on edge. Philip says he doesn’t like it either as he used to hate Xander’s guts, but now he actually feels bad about lying to him. Philip mentions not having a close bond like this with his siblings so he wouldn’t want to lose that. Stephanie remarks that it’s too bad that bond is based on a lie. Philip calls her so negative sometimes. Stephanie tells him to just be glad that she’s keeping his secret and that she’s doing it because in the end, it doesn’t really affect Alex. Stephanie says he may have roped her and Sarah in to his scheme, but warns that Philip is the one who would lose everything if the truth comes out.

Tate asks Brady if he thinks John would be disappointed in him. Brady questions why he would say that. Tate points out that when John left, he didn’t know about the baby, so if he wonders what John will think about him if he comes home and finds out he got a girl pregnant and they are giving the baby away. Brady encourages that John would be very proud of him for doing the right thing and that he will always love him. Tate asks if he really thinks John will be alright. Brady responds that John has been on so many dangerous missions in his life but he always comes back to them, so he believes he will. Brady decides they should go to the batting cages and that John would definitely approve of that, so Tate goes to get dressed. Theresa then shows up at the door and tells Brady that she needs to talk to Tate. Brady asks if everything is okay. Theresa says not really and reveals that her mom’s leukemia is back. Brady hugs Theresa as she cries. Tate comes back from his room and asks what’s going on. Theresa informs him that she has some news about his Grandma Kimberly and reveals that her leukemia is back. Tate tells her that he’s so sorry as he hugs her. Tate asks what her prognosis is. Theresa says it’s too soon to tell but she’s going to start treatment right away. Tate knows how hard it was on her last time. Theresa then reveals that is why Shane asked her to go be with Kimberly in Los Angeles and she said she would.

Alex joins Stephanie in the town square and they kiss. Stephanie thought he was going in to the office. Alex says he did and is now on his way to a business meeting but he’s glad he ran in to her so he can tell her how crazy his day has been with the interesting encounters he’s had. Alex informs Stephanie that he ran in to Theresa and asks if she knew she was out of prison. Stephanie apologizes for not telling him. Alex says it’s okay and was just jarring seeing her back in Salem. Alex adds that as much as he hates what Theresa did to him and his family, he’s moved on from it so in the end, they ended on pretty good terms. Stephanie says that’s good to hear since Theresa is her cousin after all. Stephanie asks about Alex’s other interesting encounter. Alex informs her that was Joy, who had some major news to share.

Philip returns to the Titan office where Joy tells him that she really appreciates him giving her the opportunity, but she doesn’t think it’s going to be a good fit for her and she hopes he understands when she tells him this is going to be her last day. Joy explains that she did what he said and talked to Alex and she thinks it’s just best for her to leave the company. Philip says this isn’t what he expected when he gave her the advice and questions if Alex did anything to make her leave. Joy assures it’s not his fault and says she just needs to be in New York where she belongs. Joy repeats that she’s sorry to leave him like this, but she’s made up her mind. Philip guesses all he can do is wish her luck. Joy thanks him. Philip says to give his best to Chloe as Joy then exits.

Sarah questions Xander running in to Philip and Stephanie. Xander explains that he overheard them in the town square, talking about a secret they were keeping from Alex. Sarah questions him eavesdropping. Xander says they said that Alex would feel betrayed if he found out the truth, so he couldn’t just walk away after hearing that. Xander says it all started to click and he knows exactly what they were talking about, guessing Sarah does too.

Theresa tells Tate that she hopes it’s okay that she’s leaving when he has so much going on with Sophia’s pregnancy. Tate understands she has to be there with Kimberly. Theresa comments on just getting back and being so far away. Tate offers to go with her for a few days while on spring break. Theresa doesn’t want to overwhelm Kimberly so she suggests waiting a bit. Tate and Brady tell her to tell Kimberly they are praying for her. Tate invites Theresa to come to the batting cages with he and Brady. Theresa says she would love to but she has to get to the airport to catch her flight. Theresa guesses this is goodbye. Tate tells her he loves her as they embrace.

Alex informs Stephanie that Joy quit and is moving back to New York. Stephanie hopes they didn’t drive her away. Alex says he said the same thing but she assured it was her choice. Stephanie says that’s too bad as she hoped maybe one day they could be friends. Alex says that Joy pointed out there was nothing keeping her in Salem so she thought it’d be best to move back home. Stephanie hopes it works out for her, knowing it couldn’t have been an easy decision.

Joy goes to the Brady Pub and calls her mom to inform her that she’s moving back home. Joy says she’s on her way to the airport and she knows it seems sudden, but she will explain everything when she gets home. Joy says she will see her soon and hangs up. Joy pulls out her pregnancy test results and looks over them again, remarking that it hasn’t changed. Joy thanks Salem for making her a soap star as she then takes her bags and exits the Pub.

Philip calls Kate and tells her that Stephanie promised not to tell Alex or anyone else about the forged letter. Philip says no one else was really in ear shot, but Xander did interrupt them. Philip tells Kate not to freak out because he didn’t hear and he’s positive that Xander doesn’t suspect a thing.

Xander tells Sarah that it’s obvious that Philip and Stephanie are having an affair behind Alex’s back and guesses they realized they had some unfinished business. Xander remarks that he was so impressed that Philip was able to work with Alex but he’s with his girlfriend behind his back. Xander brings up the question of whether or not to tell Alex. Sarah says he can’t, reminding him that he and Philip still have to work together and have been getting along. Xander agrees but questions being expected to lie to Alex. Sarah calls it not an outright lie. Xander still feels he’s betraying his trust. Xander declares that he either betrays his cousin or his brother, but either way, something tells him this secret will end up tearing his family apart.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie assured Philip that she wouldn’t say anything about the letter. Xander was listening to Stephanie and Philip, but he only heard part of the conversation. He heard Philip tell Stephanie to keep their little secret. Stephanie made peace with her decision not to tell Alex about the secret. She spotted Xander lurking around them. Philip was surprised that Xander overheard them talking. They tried to cover up what they talked about, but Xander hoped Stephanie didn’t do anything to ruin her relationship with Alex. Philip wanted Xander to go back to the office with him, but he had something to do. After Xander walked off, Stephanie asked Philip if he thought he heard them. Philip didn’t think Xander heard them. Stephanie wasn’t sure about that. Philip felt bad about lying to Xander, but he wanted to live so he wasn’t going to say anything. Stephanie was upset about what Philip did even though she’s not going to tell the truth. Joy wanted to talk to Alex at Titan. She wanted to clear the air with him. Alex assumed that she still had feelings for him. Joy didn’t tell him about the pregnancy. She told him that she was quitting. Alex assured her that she wouldn’t be a problem for him and Stephanie. Joy rubbed her stomach and said he didn’t know that. She decided to move back to New York to be with her family. Maggie showed up at the hospital and ran into Sarah. She talked to Sarah about her run in with Vivian at Statesville. Maggie wanted to talk about Victor’s letter to Philip. Sarah froze when she heard that. Vivian was happy that the letter helped Philip get back into Titan. She was also happy that she could forge a new relationship with Philip. Maggie didn’t realize that Vivian and Philip had a relationship. Sarah didn’t say much about it. She chalked it up to Vivian being delusional. Xander arrived at the hospital, and Maggie told him about her conversation with Vivian. Sarah cut Maggie off by sending her to work. She kept Maggie from talking about the forged relationship. Xander told Sarah about overhearing Philip and Stephanie keeping a secret from Alex. He told her that he knew what the secret was. Xander asked Sarah if she knew about it too. Sarah became visibly nervous.

Shane called Theresa to let her know that he had some news about Kimberly. He told her that her cancer returned. Shane wanted to tell the kids about it first. He assured her that Kimberly beat cancer before and can do it again. Theresa was devastated by the news. Shane assured her that she wouldn’t be alone. He was going back to LA to be with her. Shane said there was something she could do. Brady talked to Tate about what Marlena and Steve found out from Shane. Marlena and Steve were going to Estonia because it was John’s last known location. Tate didn’t feel hopeful about the lead, but Brady assured him that Steve was a good PI. He could find out what happened to John. Brady shifted gears and talked to him about Holly. He told him that Paulina might have gotten through to Amy, but he wasn’t sure if she’ll change her mind. Tate thought the baby was better off with Johnny and Chanel. Brady didn’t like the idea of EJ being part of his grandchild’s life. He was willing to support it if everyone was on board with it. Tate wondered if John would be disappointed in him if he came home. Brady assured him that John would come home and wouldn’t be disappointed with him. Theresa arrived at the townhouse, and she was very upset. She told them about what happened with Kimberly. Theresa decided to go to California to be with her mother. The trio share an emotional goodbye as she prepared to go to California. Xander told Sarah that Stephanie and Philip were having an affair. He thought it was the only explanation that made sense. Sarah didn’t think he should say anything about it since he was getting along with Philip. Xander didn’t like it because he was betraying a family member either way.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve and Marlena barged in Shane’s office to which he was upset. Shane questioned how they got in his office and what they wanted. Marlena wanted to know where John was. Shane told her what he told her before. Steve wanted to know what mission John was on. Shane informed them that he couldn’t say anything. Steve and Marlena demanded to know where John was last. They said they would find out where John was and bring him home. When Marlena tried to reach out to Shane, he ended up telling her that John’s handler lost him in Estonia. Theresa ran into Xander who wanted to call the police until she told him she was out jail and paid her debt to society. Xander said she didn’t pay her debt to him. Theresa said kidnapping Victoria was wrong, but he got what he wanted except having to share everything with Philip. When Theresa thought she offended Xander, he told her working with Philip has been great. He said they brought out the best in each other. While he was talking, he brought up the forged letter she used. When Xander was about to walk away from her, she apologized for working with Konstantin. Xander warned her to stay away from his family and they wouldn’t have a problem.

At Titan, Joy looked at her pregnancy test results. Philip walked in while she was looking at them. Joy lied about what the results were. She opened up to him about causing trouble for Alex and Stephanie. A confused Philip wondered how she would cause trouble for them. Joy said her presence was a reminder that she and Alex were together. She said she was already the enemy for what almost happened with Johnny. Philip told her that Alex and Johnny were the bad ones so she shouldn’t carry the burden on her own. He advised her to talk to Alex, so they were on the same page. At the pub, Roman and Kayla talked about John. Kayla thought they could still lose John despite what Marlena and Steve were doing to find him. She said her worst nightmare was getting the call that Marlena got about Steve. Kayla said she didn’t want to lose him but didn’t know how to get him to stop playing hero. Stephanie showed up at the pub. Philip came in not too long after. He wanted to see his mother but when she wasn’t there, he asked to talk to Stephanie. They went outside to talk. A shocked Alex ran into Theresa at the town square. He told her he moved on with Stephanie. While they were talking, he told her he hoped things worked out for her. Philip asked Stephanie how things were going between her and Alex. He also wanted to know if she was going to keep quiet about the forgery. She said the truth would hurt people and warned him to stay on the same page because Alex could never know what was going on. Xander was listening to them behind a tree. Steve and Marlena made plans to go to Estonia. She said she believed Shane, but she knew he was hiding something.

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Days Update Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Steve and Marlena arrive at their hotel in Washington DC. They talk about not getting any sleep. Marlena mentions being worried about what they might find out. Steve says he hasn’t been in to contact with Shane but he has a couple of buddies who might be able to get them in to the ISA building. Marlena says that’s a start and declares that if Shane thinks he can keep John’s whereabouts from her, he’s got another thing coming.

Shane is on the phone in his office, saying he just got the reports and it’s as grave as they feared.

Theresa is in the town square. She calls Shane and leaves a voicemail, saying she’s been trying to call him since last night about Tate’s other Grandfather. Theresa hangs up and complains that it’s like she’s the last person he wants to deal with. Xander appears and remarks that she seems to bring that out in all of them.

Stephanie has a nightmare about Joy being pregnant with Alex’s baby then wakes up in a panic. Alex asks her what’s wrong and if she wants to talk about it. Stephanie tells him about the nightmare. Alex tells her it’s okay, reminding her that Joy told them that the test results were a false alarm and she’s not pregnant.

Joy goes to work at the Titan office and looks over her positive pregnancy test results again. Philip comes in and asks what she’s holding. Joy claims that she just donated blood and informs him that she surprised him with breakfast from the Brady Pub. Philip compliments everything Joy has done thus far and calls it an impressive start, saying he’s so glad that she’s working at Titan. Joy wishes she could say the same.

Stephanie admits that she’s very relieved that Joy isn’t pregnant. Alex says he is too, obviously. Stephanie feels selfish for thinking how it all worked out for her. Alex acknowledges that the baby would’ve screwed things up between them and Joy didn’t want a baby now either, especially not with someone who is with somebody else. Alex says this was the best outcome for everyone, not just her. Alex says if the baby did happen, he would’ve done what he needed to do for both of them, but he would have never let it come between he and Stephanie. Alex feels they’ve been through so much and survived it all that they are stronger for it, so nothing is going to come between them as he kisses her.

Xander questions what Theresa is doing in Salem. Theresa responds that she decided to go for a stroll and window shop. Xander questions her being out of prison. Theresa says she doesn’t have time for this. Xander threatens to call the cops, so Theresa reveals that she got released. Xander guesses her father pulled some strings because there’s no other way she’d be out so soon after kidnapping his daughter. Theresa tells him that she’s really sorry about that as it wasn’t right but she was only gone for an hour. Xander calls it still kidnapping. Theresa assures that this was the justice system at work and she’s paid her debt to society. Xander responds that she hasn’t paid her debt to him.

At the Brady Pub, Roman calls Johnny and leaves a message, saying he heard Kate told him what happened before he was born and he’s sorry for leaving him hanging as that wasn’t fair. Roman says he was just so worried about hurting him, but now that he knows, he’s here if he needs to talk. Roman says he loves Johnny and is proud to be his Grandfather. Roman then sits with Kayla, who asks if everything is okay. Roman calls it family drama that he can’t really get in to. Roman says for them to get to business now. Kayla repeats that she’s so grateful for him getting all of Salem behind the hospital fundraiser. Roman offers to take one of the committees off her hands but Kayla thinks she has it all covered. Roman reminds Kayla that she does have a demanding day job. Kayla assures that she’s okay and highly motivated. Roman guesses she’s trying to distract herself from thinking about John. Kayla prays that Shane can tell Steve and Marlena something about what happened to him.

Shane says on the phone that he understands why he thinks they shouldn’t go public with this right away, but there are folks out there who deserve to know and he’s not sure he feels comfortable keeping it. Steve and Marlena then enter to tell Shane they want answers and they are not leaving until they get them. Shane says under any other circumstances, he would say it’s good to see them but bursting in to his office without warning, they are lucky he didn’t shoot them. Shane questions them getting past his assistant. Steve responds that he still has connections in the ISA building. Shane asks to what he owes the pleasure. Marlena tells him this is not a social visit and they are here to get some answers, like she wants to know where her husband is. Shane responds that he already told her everything he knows which is that John’s handlers lost touch with him weeks ago. Steve argues that’s not the whole story and demands Shane tell them what the mission was that John went on before he went missing.

Xander tells Theresa that he will never forgive her for what she did to his daughter and for her trying to cheat him out of his birthright. Theresa responds that her plan went belly up and she lost everything while Xander got Titan and everything else, but maybe not everything. Theresa suggests her sentence should’ve got a few months knocked off since her con only cost him half his birth right. Theresa asks how Xander feels about having to share his big inheritance with Philip.

Philip questions if Joy regrets coming to work at Titan. Joy asks him to forget she said anything. Joy clarifies that she likes working at Titan and she’s beyond grateful that he took a chance on her, so Philip asks what the problem is. Joy guesses she’s just afraid that her presence at the office might cause some issues because it’s going to be weird working there with Alex and she doesn’t want to cause trouble for he and Stephanie. Philip questions why she would be causing trouble for them.

Stephanie tells Alex that she’s sorry if it seems like she’s borrowing trouble, but she feels so used to things always going wrong that it somehow feels off when everything works out. Alex tells her that Marlena once told him an uncomfortable feeling doesn’t mean it’s bad, just unfamiliar. Alex suggests they stop paying attention to all the noise and just focus on their future together, because that’s all he wants more than anything. Stephanie responds that she wants that too as they kiss.

Roman tells Kayla that he has every confidence that Steve and Marlena will shake something out of Shane. Kayla asks what if it’s not the answer they want or if something really happened to John. Roman admits the thought has crossed his mind too. Kayla says her heart sank when she heard that Marlena got that call and says that is her worst nightmare. Kayla brings up her and Steve getting in to it last summer about all of this after Steve and Chad were getting on a jet to track down Clyde without telling her. Kayla wanted Steve to pass the torch and let somebody else be the hero. Roman guesses that’s what his sisters get for marrying ISA agents, pointing out that Kayla and Kimberly knew what they were getting in to. Kayla argues that sooner or later, this life catches up with you and she prays that it hasn’t caught up to John.

Shane tells Steve that he should know mission detail are confidential. Shane wishes there was more he could do. Steve tells him there is as he could tell them where John was last seen and they will start their own investigation. Marlena adds that if the ISA will not bring John home, then she will.

Xander tells Theresa that Titan is none of her concern. Theresa guesses she hit a nerve and asks if it’s eating him up inside that he’s only half the heir he thought he was. Xander supposes he could forgive her being out of the loop since she was locked up, but partnering with Philip has been a positive experience for both of them. Theresa accuses him of lying. Xander admits he wasn’t keen on sharing Titan at first, but Philip has stepped up to the plate over the last few weeks with cutting edge ideas. Xander says they compliment each other which shocks Theresa, who questions if Xander is actually happy that Victor’s letter cost him his birthright. Xander responds that he is, feeling he and Philip bring out the best in each other. Xander remarks that unlike Theresa’s letter, Philip’s is the real deal.

Philip tells Joy that he knows Alex hasn’t always been the most mature, but he thinks he can handle working with an ex unless there’s something still going on. Joy assures that they are over, but she worries that her presence will be a constant reminder to Alex and Stephanie that they once had a thing and it will only get worse with time. Philip insists these situations usually get better with time. Joy points out that did not happen with Johnny and Chanel as she’s still dealing with the fallout. Philip feels Johnny was the one who did Chanel dirty, the same way that Alex did Joy. Philip encourages Joy that it shouldn’t be on her that men lacked integrity and that she doesn’t have to carry this burden. Joy wishes that were true, so Philip asks what she means. Joy admits there’s something she hasn’t told Alex yet, that will change everything. Philip thinks she means that she still has feelings for Alex. Joy tries to deny that but Philip says he doesn’t like that she has to spare her feelings for someone else and suggests she go talk to Alex to clear the air, so they can get on the same page and decide how to proceed. Joy decides maybe he’s right. Philip says he has to go visit his mom at the Pub. Philip tells Joy to think about what he said as sometimes it’s best when these things are out in the open. Philip then exits the office.

Alex and Stephanie continue kissing in bed until Stephanie remembers she’s supposed to meet Kayla for a meeting about the hospital fundraiser. Stephanie reminds Alex that it’s his second day at Titan and won’t want to be later than he already is. Alex thinks he’ll be alright after he was brought in to the inner circle in the secret meeting at the mansion. Alex asks if it bothers Stephanie that he can’t tell her about it. Stephanie flashes back to arguing with Philip about the forged letter. Stephanie then tells Alex that she understands sometimes in family business, that’s the way it goes, so there will have to be secrets between them.

Xander asks Theresa if he needs to spell out the difference between Theresa’s lies and finding out Victor’s true wishes. Xander calls her more delusional than he thought and goes to walk away but Theresa tells him that she’s sorry and that she deeply regrets ever getting mixed up with Konstantin as Xander and Maggie did not deserve to get caught in that. Xander tells Theresa that they won’t have a problem as long as she stays away from Maggie, Sarah, and Victoria. Theresa says she understands as Xander walks away. Theresa calls that a hell of a way to start the day as she tries to call Shane again.

Marlena knows Shane thinks the fate of the world rides on every mission, but John is her world along with his children and grandchildren, so she’s going to bring him home. Marlena tells Shane to either help her or get out of her way, but she will not stop and she will find him. Marlena asks if Shane wouldn’t do this for the person he loves. Shane responds that he will deny he ever did, but he can share that John’s handler lost track of him in Estonia. Marlena thanks him. Steve asks if there’s nothing else they need to know. Shane puts his hand over a folder on his desk. Shane repeats that he’s not authorized to tell them anything about John, but says that’s all he knows. Marlena guesses that will have to do, so she exits. Steve thanks Shane and follows her out.

Kayla asks Roman how he found peace in letting go of his badge to run the Brady Pub and asks if there are any tips to use on Steve. Roman says it just came to a time where saving the world meant nothing if he couldn’t save his family, but notes that Steve and Kayla seem to have it well adjusted. Stephanie then arrives at the Pub to meet with Kayla. Stephanie greets them and asks if everything is okay. Kayla responds that they are just worried about John. Philip then enters the Pub and greets them. He asks if Kate is around but Roman says he just missed her as she went to Chicago to visit Cassie but he’ll tell her that he stopped by. Philip thanks him and then asks Stephanie if she has a second to talk in private, so they step outside. Kayla tells Roman that maybe if they didn’t have such solid kids, Steve would have to pack it in. Roman warns her to be careful because where ever Alex Kiriakis goes, drama is sure to follow.

Alex runs in to Theresa in the town square and is shocked that they released her. Theresa is sure he has a lot to say, but she just ran in to Xander and can’t take another pile on. Alex says he doesn’t admire what she did last year, but he moved on and is happy now with Stephanie. Theresa is surprised to learn that they are back together and jokes about the Kiriakis boys keeping it in the family. Theresa says humor is how she copes with being persona non grata now. Alex gets it and hopes things work out for her. Alex says it’s not remotely in the same league as what she did, but when everyone thought he was Victor’s son, he became a jerk to everyone especially his father and he just recently ended a relationship poorly, so he knows first hand that people can make mistakes and learn from them. Alex repeats that he hopes things turn around for Theresa. Theresa thanks him and wishes him the very best with Stephanie, as she hopes nothing gets in the way of his happiness.

Joy looks over her pregnancy test results, wondering if Alex and Stephanie can handle the truth.

Philip and Stephanie go to the town square where she asks what he wants. Philip just wanted to see how things are going with Alex. Stephanie responds that things are going really well and that Alex was really excited about his first day at Titan. Philip says he’s glad to hear it and they wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Stephanie guesses that’s what he wanted to talk about. Philip talks about being co-CEO of Titan and having a duty to his employees, shareholders, and himself, so he needs to know if she’s planning to blow up everyone’s lives. Philip then asks Stephanie if she’s going to tell Alex that he forged Victor’s letter.

Roman tells Kayla that Maggie called him last night and offered to buy coffee for the whole hospital staff until the financial crisis is over. Roman asks if Kayla can help him out until Kate gets back. Kayla knows he’s trying to distract her and she loves him for it. Roman says he knows it’s hard and he’s worried about John too. Roman says he’s learned over the years that when Steve and Marlena form a united front, it’s best not to underestimate them.

Steve and Marlena return to the hotel. Steve says he’ll arrange their flights to get to Estonia by morning, if they think Shane was telling them the truth. Marlena thinks he was by his expression and body language. Marlena says she doesn’t think Shane was lying, but she thinks he might have been holding something back and that there’s something he doesn’t want them to know.

Shane remains in his office and calls Theresa back. Theresa complains that she was starting to feel ghosted. Shane apologizes as he was a bit distracted as he just received some rather devastating news…

Stephanie tells Philip to skip the pleasantries next time and get straight to it. Philip asks her again if she’s going to tell her boyfriend that he forged his father’s letter. Stephanie tells him that she doesn’t like any of this but she knows the truth coming out would cause a lot of suffering for everyone. Xander walks by and listens from behind a bush as Philip tells Stephanie that they are on the same page about never telling Alex any of this and Stephanie agreeing that it will be their little secret.

Joy prepares to leave the Titan office as Alex arrives and says he was just looking for Philip but guesses he’s not there. Alex tells Joy that he’s glad he ran in to her as he wanted to apologize for last night because he realized he could’ve handled that a lot more gracefully. Alex tells Joy that he and Stephanie didn’t mean to upset her as they know she’s going through a lot. Joy thanks him. Alex asks her to let Philip know that he stopped by. Alex goes to leave but Joy stops him and says there’s something she needs to tell him.

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Days Short Recap Monday, March 17, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ apologized to Chanel when Johnny showed up at the mansion. Johnny punched EJ in the face. He let EJ know that he knew what he did. EJ tried to defend himself, but Johnny let him know that he wasn’t talking about Arnold. He informed him that Kate told him about how he was conceived. EJ slowly sat down. Chanel was surprised to hear Johnny tell EJ that he knew that he forced Sami to have sex with him to save Lucas’ life. EJ told him that he and Sami moved past it. Johnny talked about how traumatized Sami had to be after it happened, and EJ enjoyed having power over her. EJ felt like it wasn’t Kate’s place to tell him that. It’s a story that Johnny didn’t need to know about. Johnny said that he only existed because his father raped his mother. Chanel was visibly shocked by the news. Sami was called a slut because her kids had different fathers, but it was EJ’s fault it happened. Chanel wondered if everyone in the family knew about it. Johnny let her know that everyone didn’t know, but the ones who did agreed not to say anything. He was the victim of a lie. EJ tried to explain that he and Sami had feelings for each other, but she denied her feelings. Johnny thought he was blaming her for what happened. EJ told him that Stefano pushed him to do what he did to Sami because he needed the stem cells to save his life. Johnny got upset because he wasn’t taking responsibility for what he did. EJ just wanted him to understand the situation. Johnny realized he wasn’t wanted. His stem cells were the only things that were needed. He wanted to get away, but he can’t run from what he is now. Johnny told EJ that he was finished controlling him. He would never allow EJ to be around his grandchild. His family would never be part of the DiMera dynasty. EJ tried to tell him that he’s changed. He would always regret what happened, but he wouldn’t have Johnny if it didn’t. EJ asked Johnny to forgive him. Johnny was done with him. He wanted EJ to leave so he walked out of the room. Chanel tried to comfort Johnny, but he felt lost. If he had a gun, he would have killed him. EJ was in the hall and started crying. Jada and Rafe ran into Paulina at the town square. They were happy until Paulina told them about Belle. Jada wasn’t surprised by her news. She apologized for ruining Johnny and Chanel’s chance at adoption. Paulina told her what happened at the family meeting. She reinstated Jada as the commissioner. Arnold made the accusations so felt they weren’t valid. Jada and Rafe were ready to celebrate the news. They talked about what they could do to get back at EJ. Jada thought they could go to Ava since she said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. They wondered if it was possible that Rachel Blake got him to help her with the kidnapping because she threatened to tell that he was captive at Aremid. Jada suggested they go to Aremid.

Melinda was having a drink at the Bistro when Ava appeared. She noticed Ava’s hand and wondered what happened. Ava told her about everything that happened to her. Rachel Blake was free and could still hurt her. She didn’t have any protection from her. Melinda went into her purse and gave her a gun. Melinda got the gun after Connie kidnapped her. She thought Ava needed it more than she did. Rachel Blake went back to her house and searched for her gun. Kristen arrived at the house because she was worried about her. Rachel tried to hide the gun, but Kristen wanted to see it. Kristen wondered why her mother had a gun. Rachel thought Ava would try to kill her so she needed it for self-defense. Kristen wanted her to stop going after Brady and took the gun from her mother. Jada and Rafe arrived at the house and wanted answers. Jada wanted to know if they knew about EJ holding Rafe there. Brady talked to Belle about what happened with Rachel being at the townhouse. He was able to convince Kristen to let Rachel stay there. Brady told her about Rachel Blake’s latest antics. Belle assured him that putting his daughter first was the right thing to do. He thought he ruined things with Ava. Brady thought it would be good that EJ would go to jail for what he did to Rafe. Belle said she wouldn’t be prosecuting the case. Brady wondered why she wasn’t prosecuting EJ, and she admitted that she slept with EJ again. She admitted that she can’t stop sleeping with him. Brady said that she was addicted. Ava told Melinda that she didn’t need a gun, but she put it in her purse. Jada wanted answers from Rachel Blake, but she wanted her and Rafe out of her house. She and Kristen didn’t have anything to say to them. Jada told her that someone was going down for what happened to Rafe, She wanted to go after EJ, but if Rachel wasn’t careful, she would be back with a search warrant.

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Days Update Monday, March 17, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

After Belle tells Paulina on the phone that she is going to recuse herself from the investigation in to EJ, Paulina calls it a major disappointment but not a surprise. Paulina hangs up as Rafe and Jada approach in the town square. She greets them while Jada notes that she looks like she just got some bad news. Paulina confirms that Belle has recused herself from the EJ case. Jada guesses that’s because of her personal involvement with him. Paulina remarks that anyone who comes in to contact with EJ winds up as collateral damage.

EJ tells Chanel that he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face. Johnny calls EJ a son of a bitch and says he knows what he did.

Melinda sits at the Bistro and says she could use a martini. Ava approaches and tells her that she’s going to have to get it somewhere else because she’s Kristen’s lawyer, who helped her get away with everything.

Rachel Blake sneaks to her old home and opens an old trunk where she proclaims to have found just what she was looking for. Kristen comes in and says she’s been looking all over for her, questioning what she’s doing here. Kristen says when she wasn’t at the house, she thought she might have gone after Ava again and questions her being in the attic and what she has behind her back.

Melinda tells Ava that she knows she’s not a fan of Kristen and she doesn’t like it either, but she’s the CEO of DiMera. Ava asks how Melinda got her job anyway. Melinda asks how Ava got her job and guesses she made her own share of devil’s bargains. Ava then agrees to get her martini.

Paulina explains to Rafe and Jada that after Jada and Gabi showed up at the DiMera Mansion, Amy decided that Chanel and Johnny might not make the best parents after all. Jada apologizes as they had no idea they were in the middle of such an important lunch. Paulina understands they were trying to Rafe and remarks that EJ has done so much damage to so many people. Rafe asks if this news about Belle means she has to put the case against EJ on hold. Paulina says it might take a day or two to replace Belle, but there is something she can do right now to fix some of the damage that EJ has already done. Paulina then announces that she is reinstating Jada as police commissioner, effective immediately.

EJ tells Johnny that he had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger replacing Rafe. Johnny accusing him of denying while EJ shouts that he’s not lying to him. EJ says he knows it’s a sensitive subject because of what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny responds that it has to do with what EJ did to her.

Jada questions Paulina reinstating her when she thought the investigation could take months. Paulina explains that they now know the accusations were made by Rafe’s impostor, so she’s making an executive decision to put her back in charge immediately. Jada excitedly thanks her. Paulina tells them to go celebrate. Rafe and Jada step aside where Rafe congratulates her and suggests they go grab a drink to celebrate. Jada says she would love to but thinks they should go home since she has a lot of cases to catch up on. Rafe agrees to a rain check on the drink. Jada wishes her first case back would be going after EJ for what he did to Rafe, but they don’t have any witnesses. Rafe suggests questioning the servants and siblings since they love stabbing each other in the back. Jada asks what about Ava and if she could know anything about what EJ did to Rafe.

Chanel questions what Johnny is saying that EJ did to his mom. Johnny asks if EJ wants to tell him or if he should. EJ says he doesn’t have a clue. Johnny then informs EJ that he was just talking to Kate and found out something he never knew about EJ, Sami, Lucas, and the cabin. EJ goes silent so Johnny says he’s got it then. Johnny continues the story of Sami and Lucas ending up in a remote cabin during a storm where Lucas got trapped when the roof caved in, so Sami went looking for help and found EJ. Johnny declares that Sami begged EJ to help save Lucas and he agreed to, if Sami had sex with him which shocks Chanel as she listens.

Belle paces at home and thinks back to kicking EJ out of the house. Brady then comes home with Rachel which Belle calls a nice surprise. Rachel reveals they are having a sleepover and goes to her room. Belle tells Brady that she didn’t know she was seeing her tonight. Brady calls it a last minute schedule change. Belle is surprised that Kristen approved. Brady explains that Kristen’s mother is now living in the DiMera Mansion, so he made the case that it wouldn’t be a good idea for Rachel to be under the same roof as her unhinged Grandmother.

Rachel Blake claims to Kristen that she has nothing behind her back but Kristen insists. She tries to claim it’s just a family heirloom but then reveals that she has a gun.

Brady still can’t believe Kristen’s mother encouraged her own granddaughter to be part of a kidnapping plot and he had to tell Ava to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing, including a stabbing after she attacked Ava with a knife. Brady adds that he had to tell Ava not to call the cops. Brady knows he shouldn’t be saying these things to the district attorney, but she wouldn’t have a case since he already told Ava to keep quiet. Brady reminds her that if Rachel Blake gets arrested, she will tell the cops about her grand plan and they will be obligated to call child protective services and he could lose his daughter permanently. Belle encourages that Ava understands he has to put his daughter first which is why she agreed to let this go. Brady responds that he’s not sure she has let it go. Belle asks where things stand with them. Brady informs her that Ava said she needed time to think which to him means, they are done.

Melinda asks Ava about her hand being bandaged up. Ava informs her that Kristen’s mother came after her with a kitchen knife after breaking in to her room because she wants her out of the way permanently so Kristen and Brady could be together again. Ava adds that Kristen came in just in time to save her. Melinda notes that she didn’t get a call from Kristen to bail her mother out. Ava explains that she’s not pressing charges for attempted murder because Brady convinced her not to again since he could lose custody of his daughter, so now she’s constantly looking over her shoulder worried if that maniac is going to come after her again. Ava wishes she still had some kind of protection. Melinda then reaches in to her bag and offers Ava a gun.

Rafe asks Jada how Ava would know anything. Jada reminds Rafe that Ava said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. Rafe points out that Ava recanted her statement and it didn’t have anything to do with him. Jada is not sure, explaining that Ava said EJ was going to let her go but then Rachel Blake showed up and they left to have a secret conversation, convincing EJ not to help Ava. Rafe guesses she must have been holding something over EJ. Jada adds that she was certain Rafe was in the DiMera tunnels but there was no sign of him, so it’s possible that he was being held with Ava in Aremid. Jada thinks this could be the key to nailing EJ.

Kristen questions what her mother is doing with a gun and what she’s planning on doing with it.

EJ tells Johnny that he and Sami put this behind them a long time ago. Johnny responds that he hasn’t and never will. Johnny calls this a new level of sick and bets EJ enjoyed it. EJ argues that Kate had no right to tell him any of this. Johnny asks what about his mom’s right to not be sexually assaulted. EJ asks why dredge this all up now other than to upset him, feeling there was no need for him to know any of this. Johnny thinks they can both agree that it definitely affects him. Johnny adds that he hasn’t even gotten to the best part, being that Sami got pregnant. Johnny declares that the only reason he exists is because his father raped his mother.

Jada tells Rafe that if EJ took Rafe to Rachel Blake’s house, they should go talk to her. Rafe figures she’s already lawyered up. Jada says if they are going to put away EJ, they need evidence and she thinks Rachel Blake could be a witness. Jada suggests they go to her house in Aremid.

Rachel Blake claims she doesn’t know what she was planning on doing with the gun. Kristen compares it to the knife she took from the mansion and says she’s not helping her or Rachel by hurting Ava. Rachel Blake asks what if Ava hurt her and she was forced to retaliate in self defense, then Ava would be out of the way for Kristen and Brady to be a family and no one would be the wiser.

Ava is surprised Melinda carries a gun. Melinda reminds Ava about Connie holding her prisoner for a month, so she figured she could be more careful. Ava questions her not needing it. Melinda responds that she’s feeling a lot safer with Connie locked up in Bayview while Kristen’s deranged mother is still out there.

Kristen tells her mother that she has to let go of the idea of her, Rachel, and Brady being a family. Kristen demands she turn over the gun so she does.

Brady tells Belle that he hates that he did this to Ava since she suffered a lot and no one is going to pay for it. Brady says the only silver lining might be that EJ gets locked up for what he did to Rafe. Brady says it won’t make up for what he did to Ava but at least he’d be paying for something. Belle hopes that he will be prosecuted but reveals it won’t be by her because she just called Paulina to recuse herself from any cases involving EJ. Brady is shocked and questions why, believing there’s no conflict of interest since she washed her hands of that dirtbag. Brady then realizes she hasn’t.

Johnny knows Sami took a lot of crap for her twins not having the same dad and people called her a slut and a whore. Johnny wonders what Susan would think when she finds out EJ is a rapist. Chanel questions everyone in the family knowing about this. Johnny explains that Kate said the only ones that did know made a pact never to tell him. EJ says they did it to protect him but Johnny argues that EJ was protecting himself. Johnny calls himself a lie because he didn’t come from love and he’s here because a monster viciously violated an innocent woman. EJ knows it was terrible but argues that he doesn’t know the whole story. EJ talks about Sami ignoring the spark between them. EJ tries to explain that Stefano was dying and believed he could use the baby stem cells, so he was trying to save his life. Johnny complains that EJ is blaming Stefano and Sami and shouts that he’ll blame anyone but himself. EJ cries that he’s just trying to make him understand. Johnny says he doesn’t and he never will.

Kristen tells Rachel Blake that they will get her out of there but Jada and Rafe arrive. Jada hoped they could answer some questions but Kristen says they don’t need to talk to them. Jada reveals she was recently reinstated as police commissioner. Kristen says she’s not going to arrest her mother. Jada repeats that she just has questions. They then ask if either of them know anything about EJ holding Rafe there. Rachel Blake flashes back to Rafe waking up there.

Belle tells Brady that she still can’t believe she did this after everything EJ did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. Belle knows that EJ is terrible for her but she can’t stop. Brady calls it an addiction. Belle thinks he might be right. Belle says she did throw EJ out tonight and made it clear this was the las time, so she hopes she can do it. Brady jokes that it sounds like the District Attorney could use some DiMera Anonymous.

EJ repeats to Johnny that he was just trying to explain. Johnny complains that he’s refusing to take responsibility for raping his mother. EJ says he’s not blaming Stefano or Sami as he knows what he did was wrong. Johnny continues to complain and says that EJ never wanted him, he just wanted to harvest his stem cells. Johnny says he and Sami weren’t people, just things for EJ to use and throw away. EJ calls that not true. Johnny brings up that Chad warned him to take Chanel as far away as he could from this family and he wishes they could now to get away from EJ, but the problem is that it doesn’t matter where he goes as he will still be a product of EJ’s crime. Johnny states that rape is not about sex but about power and control. Johnny remarks that EJ has tried to control him for his entire life including his career and his child. Johnny brings up when Chanel was pregnant with a baby they knew could have abnormalities and how EJ said the child was a DiMera first and foremost. Johnny calls EJ just like Stefano. Johnny says Stefano might have controlled EJ but EJ will never control him or his child. EJ promises to stay out of the adoption process. Johnny tells EJ that he will stay out of the baby’s life. Johnny declares that the DiMera legacy is cruel and violent and they want nothing to do with it. Johnny asks how it feels for him to be unable to control him. EJ asks what he can do to make things right. Johnny says he can’t. Johnny states that EJ is his father and he’s supposed to be able to trust him, but he kept this from him for his whole life. EJ explains that he never wanted him to know because he’s not that man anymore and ever since it happened, a part of him has regretted it. EJ states that as much as he hates it, if he hadn’t of done it, he wouldn’t have had Johnny. EJ knows he’s hurting and that he’s disappointed him terribly, but he loves him more than anything. EJ asks if there’s any chance at all that Johnny can find it in his heart to forgive him.

Belle tells Brady that Marlena and Steve made it to the airport for their flight. Brady hopes they get Shane to get them some answers about John. Rachel comes in and says she wants John to read her a bedtime story. Belle offers to read it and says that John used to read her the book when she was her age which Rachel accepts.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s nuts if he thinks he will forgive him. Johnny declares that he will never forgive him and he can’t even look at him. Johnny tells EJ to just leave and screams at him to go, so EJ then exits. Chanel tells Johnny that she’s so sorry. Johnny doesn’t understand any of this and asks how his own father could do something so horrible. Johnny doesn’t know what to do or think about himself and everything. Johnny remarks that this is the only reason EJ is his father. Johnny declares that he hates EJ and swears that he would kill him if he had a gun.

EJ stops on the stairs and breaks down crying.

Ava tells Melinda that thanks to her time in Bayview, she’s not eligible to purchase a gun. Melinda says she’s lucky that she’s offering her one then and calls it a peace offering. Ava says she will give it back to her. Melinda says there’s no rush and if she needs it, use it. Ava takes the gun and hides it in her bag.

Jada asks Rachel Blake if EJ brought Rafe to this house. Kristen responds that they have nothing to say to them and asks them to leave. Jada says she’s not trying to cause trouble but she could easily bring Rachel Blake in as an accessory after the fact. Jada says she wants to bring in EJ and asks Kristen to tell her what she wants to know. Kristen repeats they have nothing to say to her. Jada declares someone is going down for what happened to Rafe and she’s only interested in EJ, but if she can’t get evidence against him, someone else will go down, so Rachel Blake might want to reconsider being quiet because next time she comes, she will bring a search warrant and an arrest warrant. Kristen and Rachel Blake then exit. Rafe says she definitely knows something while Jada declares they won’t stop until they find out what it is.

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Days Update Friday, March 14, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes to see Sophia at the Bistro to ask if her mom is still pissed about the lunch at the DiMeras. Sophia points out that he didn’t have to come in person to ask that and could have just texted. Tate notes that he didn’t have anything else going on. Sophia questions him not hanging out with his girlfriend on a Friday night. Tate responds that he and Holly are not really talking.

Holly goes to the Horton house where Doug III answers the door without a shirt on.

EJ goes to see Belle, who tells him he can’t be there. EJ asks her not to shut him out.

At the Brady Pub, Johnny says what happened to Rafe and Jada was terrible but he talked to EJ, who said bringing Arnold to town the first time still haunts him to this day and that he never wanted Sami hurt like that. Roman calls that total BS and declares that it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same exact thing that Arnold did. Johnny questions what he is talking about. Roman tells him to forget it but Johnny demands to know how EJ did the same thing as Arnold. Roman claims he doesn’t know what he’s saying and is just upset about what happened to Rafe. Johnny argues that he knows EJ has done some bad things over the years but nothing like what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny questions Roman thinking EJ is as bad as Arnold when Arnold is a rapist. Roman remarks that Johnny has no idea who his dad really is. Roman declares that if Arnold Feniger is a rapist, then so is EJ DiMera.

Sophia asks what happened with Tate and Holly. Tate responds that they had a fight. Sophia guesses it was about the baby. Tate admits that was part of it since he promised her that the adoption was a done deal and now who knows thanks to EJ. Sophia remarks that she’s sorry their baby is such a problem for his relationship. Tate points out that he said that was only part of the fight. Sophia asks what else it was about. Tate says it’s not what, but who, as he tells her it’s Doug Williams III.

Doug III tells Holly that he was just getting in a workout. Holly says she can come back later but Doug III says he was basically done and he’s glad she’s there.

Belle tells EJ that he can’t come in as they have nothing to talk about unless he’s there to confess his crimes. EJ responds that the only thing he’s guilty of is being unable to stop thinking about her. Belle tells him not to do that. EJ says he’s just telling her how he’s feeling. Belle says he shouldn’t be there but EJ says there is nowhere else he’d rather be. EJ tells Belle that he’s missed her ever since she stormed out on him the other day. EJ asks if she misses him too.

Johnny questions Roman saying his father is a rapist. Roman tells him to forget it since he knows how much he loves his dad and what he said was in the heat of anger. Johnny questions it being true. Johnny tells Roman that he knows he wouldn’t just throw something out that terrible unless it was true.

Holly tells Doug III that she wanted to talk about the necklace as she keeps thinking about how Melinda refused to sell it to them. Holly says they have to do something but Doug III isn’t sure what they can do. Holly declares she’s here because she has a brilliant idea.

Paulina and Chanel sit together in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Paulina asks where Johnny is. Chanel says he went to get takeout from the Pub. Paulina says she did have some news to share with them both about her sitdown with Amy Choi. Chanel says she can tell her and then she’ll tell Johnny, so she asks how it went. Paulina says it went surprisingly well so Chanel asks if she got her to come around on the idea of them adoption. Paulina excitedly tells her that she thinks she convinced Amy that the baby would be lucky to have them as parents. Chanel hugs her and says that’s amazing. Paulina adds that there is one sticking point. Chanel bets she can guess what that is.

Belle tells EJ that the only thing she feels for him is disgust for what he did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. EJ says that’s what he allegedly did. Belle questions playing this game. EJ argues that there is no evidence to support the outrageous claims against him. Belle calls him unbelievable for lying to her face. EJ knows she’s only hearing horrible accusations against him and everything in her life is pushing her to lose faith and abandon him, but he knows she doesn’t want to walk away from what they have. Belle tells EJ that she doesn’t want him anywhere near him. Belle says she is the district attorney while he is a criminal. EJ remarks that she knew exactly who he was when she got involved with him. Belle admits she thought maybe he would try to change, but he doesn’t want to so he never will. Belle calls EJ the same selfish son of a bitch he’s always been.

Roman tells Johnny that he was just trying to say that he was responsible for what Arnold did to Sami since he hired him to take over Rafe’s life. Johnny doesn’t think that’s what he meant. Roman says he was just upset and now he’s sorry for upsetting Johnny. Roman says he has to get to the back of the Pub for a delivery. Johnny wants to finish the conversation but Roman promises they will talk later and walks away. Kate arrives and greets Johnny, asking if he’s okay. Johnny responds that he just had a very strange conversation with Roman which Kate questions. Johnny informs Kate that Roman accused EJ of being a rapist and then tried to walk it back. Johnny asks if Kate knows something. Kate tries to explain but Johnny asks for the truth and says not to try to protect him because if EJ committed that horrible crime, he has a right to know.

Tate complains to Sophia that a month ago, Holly didn’t even know who Doug III was and now it’s like she’s spending all of her time with him. Sophia asks if he’s pissed that she’s friends with him. Tate responds that it’s not jealousy but he doesn’t trust him. Sophia asks if he did something to make him not trust him. Tate thinks back to Holly telling him about Doug III stealing the necklace. Tate then tells Sophia that Doug III has done some very shady stuff, so he doesn’t want Holly to get sucked in to his mess of a life more than she already has been.

Doug III asks Holly what her solution to dealing with Melinda is. Holly talks about Melinda not selling it to them even though she knows it was stolen. Holly then suggests sneaking in to Melinda’s apartment to steal it back.

Tate tells Sophia that he’s worried that the more time Holly spends with Doug III, the more she’s going to get caught up in his mess. Sophia asks what kind of mess they are talking about. Tate says it’s just not good. Sophia guesses he thinks Doug III is a bad influence on Holly. Tate confirms that, then apologizes for dumping all of his problems on her. Sophia says it’s okay and sees that he’s really hurting. Tate wishes Doug III never showed up in Salem and adds that on top of all that, his grandpa John is missing which shocks Sophia. Tate informs her that Marlena just left to go looking for him. Sophia says that’s so scary. Tate agrees and says growing up, he thought of his Grandpa as an invincible super spy while now, he can’t help but think what if he doesn’t come back. Sophia hugs Tate and assures that John will be okay.

EJ asks if Belle can pretend that he’s nothing to her. Belle responds that what he did was unthinkable and says he ruined Rafe and Jada’s life over a district attorney job. Belle argues that nothing EJ can say can make this better. Belle brings up what he and Kristen did to Ava and complains that he only cares about himself. Belle calls him ruthless and sadistic, arguing that he’s hurt so many people that she cares about. Belle questions how he expects her to forgive him. EJ argues that they don’t have to let any of this come between them. Belle asks if he just wants her to look the other way when he’s accused of kidnapping two people. Belle warns EJ that he will be in handcuffs on his way to prison. EJ responds that he’s not going to prison. Belle is not sure about that and declares that as soon as she has enough evidence to link him to these crimes, she will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. EJ tells her to go ahead but says she cannot tell him that she doesn’t want him just as much as he wants her. Belle then grabs EJ and they start kissing as they move in to the bedroom.

Kate thinks Johnny should wait until Roman comes back to have this conversation. Johnny complains that he will just lie to him again and he can tell Kate knows what he was talking about. Kate argues that he should have this conversation with Sami. Johnny questions what Sami has to do with this and argues that she’s not making sense. Johnny says he knows Sami has defended some of the things EJ has done but there’s no way she would defend him raping someone, so she can’t know anything about this. Kate then reveals to Johnny that Sami is the one that EJ raped.

Doug III questions Holly suggesting stealing the necklace from Melinda’s apartment. Holly argues that it doesn’t belong to her and questions why they can’t just return it to it’s rightful owner. Doug III worries about breaking and entering being a crime. Holly argues that Melinda couldn’t report it without incriminating herself. Holly complains about Melinda helping Sloan kidnap her baby brother and putting her family through Hell, so she’s not about to have sympathy for that bitch. Doug III comments on never seeing her like this before. Holly responds that she believes in karma and asks if they are going to break in to get the necklace back or not. Doug III says absolutely not.

Sophia gets a call from her mom and says she’ll see her tonight after work. Tate asks what that was about. She informs him that her mom met with Chanel’s mom and they apparently really hit off. Tate excitedly asks what this means. Sophia responds that there is hope that Johnny and Chanel will be able to adopt their baby.

Paulina tells Chanel that despite her best efforts, Amy still has reservations about EJ being involved with the baby. Paulina assures that EJ won’t be a problem much longer, even if she has to see to it personally. Chanel questions what she is planning. Paulina responds that she plans to use her influence to make sure EJ goes to prison for what he did to Ava, Rafe, and Jada. Chanel asks if she really thinks he’s going away. Paulina responds that she met with Belle today and she’s committed to throwing the book at EJ. Chanel comments on her seeming confident. Paulina then admits to Chanel that Belle had been having an affair with EJ, but she promised her that they were finished. Paulina insists that Belle will keep her promise because she knows what’s at stake.

Belle and EJ lay in bed after having sex. EJ laughs and questions her not saying anything. Belle can’t believe she just did that and calls it a conflict of interest. EJ remarks that she didn’t seem to care while she was in his arms. Belle complains that he’s under investigation for multiple felonies and mentions promising Paulina that they were done sleeping with each other. Belle calls this a nightmare and asks what the hell is wrong with her. Belle warns that if Paulina finds out about this, she could lose her job, so EJ tells her not to tell her. EJ suggests telling Paulina that there is no case because they both know the police won’t find any real evidence linking him to the crimes. EJ claims his hands are clean and Belle just has to make them accept that. Belle argues that EJ came over to seduce her in to dropping the investigation and calls him such a bastard.

Johnny questions Kate telling him that his father raped his mother. Johnny asks how and when. Kate doesn’t want to go in to details but Johnny says she can’t just say that and walk away from it. Kate suggests going upstairs for privacy but Johnny demands the truth right here. Kate asks where to start. Johnny tells her to try the beginning and not leave anything out as they sit together. Kate guesses the beginning is Sami and Lucas going skiing in the mountains where their car broke down and they ended up at a remote cabin where there was a huge storm that caved in the roof of the cabin. Kate explains that Lucas was pinned underneath and Sami was afraid he was going to die. Johnny asks what this has to do with EJ raping Sami. Kate continues that Sami went out to the road for help and found EJ, so she begged him to come back to the cabin to help her save Lucas. Kate reveals that EJ agreed to do it, if Sami had sex with him first. Johnny is shocked to learn the truth.

Holly asks Doug III what’s wrong with her plan. Doug III points out it being illegal and that breaking the law is why he’s in this mess. He feels Holly has done more than enough to help him and he appreciates her paying off his debt, but he’s not going to allow her to do something dangerous on his account. Doug III encourages that she’s going to graduate high school and has her whole life ahead of her, so she doesn’t want to start it behind bars. Holly admits maybe it wasn’t her best idea as they joke together.

Chanel asks if Paulina really thinks they don’t have to worry about Belle going easy on EJ. Paulina says she won’t if she values her career because EJ needs to be locked up for a long time. Chanel agrees that it would be a relief if EJ was out of the way for the adoption, but he is Johnny’s dad and she knows Johnny still loves him. Paulina argues that EJ should’ve thought about family before breaking the law, so he deserves whatever is coming to him. Paulina adds that after EJ is gone, Chanel and Johnny can finally start their lives with a beautiful new baby.

Johnny tells Kate that it can’t be true as he knows EJ can be ruthless or go too far in business, but there’s no way he could do that to his mom. Kate says she’s sorry and knows it’s hard for him to hear this, but she knows in his heart that he knows it’s true. Kate states that it’s what Roman was trying to tell him but he stopped himself and she thinks she should’ve stopped too. Johnny says it’s okay because he begged her to be honest with him. Johnny asks when this happened. Kate informs him that it was before he was born when Sami and Lucas were a couple. Johnny questions no one wanting to ever tell him about this. Kate reveals that they all made a pact to keep it from he and Allie. Johnny then asks if this is the reason why he and his twin sister have separate fathers. Johnny realizes that Kate just told him the story of how he was conceived. Johnny remarks that his sister was born out of love while he was a product of rape. Kate repeats that she’s so sorry. Johnny declares he has to get out of here and storms out of the Pub, leaving Kate in tears.

Belle accusing EJ of using her and calls him a son of a bitch. EJ insists that he came to see her and not about the case. Belle calls him a liar. EJ argues that she’s being unreasonable. Belle screams at EJ to get out of her bed and her house so EJ storms out in a rage.

Tate tells Sophia that Paulina must have really impressed Amy which Sophia notes is no easy task but she doesn’t want to get their hopes up too high because Amy is still concerned about EJ. Tate feels that if Johnny and Chanel can distance themselves from EJ then hopefully she will come around. Sophia admits that would be amazing and says she should get back to work. Tate offers to stay and help her clean up, saying he wants to hang with her. Tate adds that he doesn’t want her to work herself too hard. Sophia guesses he’s worried about the baby but Tate says he wants her to be okay and happy. Sophia responds that she wants the same thing for him, so they go to work together.

Doug III tells Holly that it means a lot that she was willing to go that far for him. Holly says she wants things to work out for him as she really cares about him. Holly asks how they plan on getting the necklace back if they aren’t going to steal it back since they can’t just let Melinda win. Doug III offers to heat up leftovers while they brainstorm. Holly decides she’ll get started in the kitchen while he goes to take a shower.

Paulina sits in the town square as she gets a call from Belle and says she was just reassuring Chanel that Belle would be doing everything in her power to put EJ away for his crimes against the citizens of Salem. Belle says she’s been thinking about their conversation and she thinks it would be best if she recused herself from the investigation in to EJ DiMera.

Roman comes back to the Pub and finds Kate, asking her what’s wrong and what happened. Kate informs him that she came in to Johnny talking about EJ and blindsided her with a question about why he didn’t tell him that his father had raped someone. Roman apologizes and says he was just so upset about Arnold Feniger that it just came out and he should’ve known Johnny wouldn’t let it go. Kate confirms he was very persistent. Roman talks about all these years of trying to protect Johnny and Allie from the awful truth. Roman asks what Kate said to Johnny. Kate responds that she had no choice but to tell him the truth, so his grandson now knows that his father raped his mother and he’s the result of that.

EJ goes home to the DiMera Mansion and greets Chanel in the living room. Chanel decides she will go wait for Johnny in their room. EJ stops her and says he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Jada from Days

Brady needs to get his priorities straight. His concern should be with his family, but he only worries about Ava. We understand that he has been unlucky in love, but he should be focused on what’s going on with his family. His son is dealing with giving his baby up for adoption, yet he hasn’t been involved in the story. John is missing yet he didn’t want to do anything to help find him. The only thing on his mind is Ava and making sure she doesn’t break up with him. We do give him a little credit for mentioning Rachel, but he doesn’t care about anyone else.

Why are the writers shoving Chad and Cat down our throats? Cat may have had a “justifiable” reason for scamming Chad, but it doesn’t change what she did. Her actions made him lose Abby all over again so you would think he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. We get that the writers don’t want Chad to be alone, but they didn’t have to pair him up with Cat. The writers must think having her be a “good” person to people changes her actions. Unfortunately, all of us aren’t fooled by her nice girl act.

Jada is the hypocrite of the week. She demands truth and honesty from people, yet she didn’t tell Rafe the truth about sleeping with Shawn. The only thing she told him was she kissed Arnold. She had the opportunity to tell him that she slept with Shawn, but she kept it from him. We all know the secret will come out, but she will expect him to forgive what she did. If the shoe were on the other foot and Rafe slept with another woman, Jada would have broken up with him.

Was there a reason why the writers suddenly put EJ raping Sami on the front burner? They went out of their way to romanticize EJ and Sami’s relationship as if the rape never happened. Suddenly the rape came back into the story. Roman set up Johnny finding out that EJ was a rapist. Kate ended up telling Johnny the truth. This is a secret that has been kept for years and now it’s suddenly come to light. Roman was suddenly so appalled by what EJ did to Sami, yet he hasn’t said anything about it. Sami went on to marry him as well as have another child with him so she couldn’t have been that phased by the rape.

Speaking of Roman, he resents EJ for bringing Arnold in Sami’s life yet he’s willing to let Ava stay in the pub. Did he forget that Ava killed his father? You would think that he wouldn’t want anything to do with her after what she did to his father. In the grand scheme of things what Ava being responsible for Shawn’s death should measure up to what EJ did with Arnold.

What is going on with Belle? She’s obsessed with EJ. We understand that she is suddenly attracted to dangerous men, but sleeping with EJ again was ridiculous especially when she knows what he did to Rafe and Jada. She was the same person who was determined to make EJ pay for what he did, but she ended up in bed with him anyway. Paulina warned her that she could lose her job if she slept with him again, yet she did it anyway. It will serve her right if EJ uses her to get her fired. Let’s see how obsessed she will be with him then.


Belle from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Brady and Doug from Days


-The music playing in Brady, Tate, and Theresa’s scene could be heard while Holly and Tate were shown.

-Holly’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Rafe and Jada were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Jada while Brady and Theresa were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Melinda while Tate and Theresa were shown.

-Rachel sliced Ava’s hand with a knife but there was no blood on it.


-Paulina could be heard talking to Belle while Brady was shown.

-Belle could be heard talking to Gabi while JJ was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Jada and Rafe while Gabi was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Brady while EJ and Rachel were shown.

-Jada’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Sarah’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Stephanie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Why would Cat answer the door with a towel on? She could have asked Felicity to answer the door instead of answering it with a towel on.

-Philip could be heard talking to Alex while Stephanie and Joy were shown.

-Philip’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Why would Theresa go to a bar when she’s an addict?

-Marlena could be heard talking on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Stefano’s painting while Chanel was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking Theresa while Steve and Roman were shown.


-Doug answered the door without a shirt on.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Roman while Belle and EJ were shown.

-Doug could be heard talking to Holly while Tate and Sophia were shown.

-When did Maggie and Julie go to Bay City? Maggie was just with Xander and Philip in Wednesday’s episode and she didn’t mention going to Bay City.


Doug from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of March 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Brady and Tate when they were shocked that she was out of prison)
Theresa: Don’t everyone congratulate me at once.

Tate: Did you escape from prison?
Theresa: No. Do you see any broken handcuffs here?

Doug: Holly, you know this woman?
Hope: Unfortunately.
Melinda: Rude.

Ava: You think you can take me on? I used to run a mafia organization.
Rachel: Now you can sleep with the fishes because I’m the one holding the knife.

(to Kristen when she couldn’t get in touch with Ava)
EJ: If your mother has killed Ava Vitali, at least we can be absolutely certain she won’t testify against us.

(to Rafe and Jada)
EJ: If you two could take your couple’s therapy elsewhere that would be great.

(about Rachel)
Ava: She’s been traumatized? You hear that, Brady? Granny comes after me like Mike Myers, and Kristen’s making her out to be the victim.

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Days Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Tate went to the Bistro to check on Sophia. He wanted to talk about what happened at the DiMera mansion. Sophia wondered why he was there on a Friday night to which he said he and Holly weren’t speaking to each other. Tate said they argued over the adoption and Doug. When Sophia asked if he was jealous, he said he wasn’t. Tate said he wasn’t jealous but thought Doug was shady. He apologized for talking about his problems with Holly. Sophia said she was okay with it because they have moved past their issues. While they were talking, he talked to her about John being missing. Amy ended up calling Sophia. Sophia said there was good news about the meeting Amy had with Paulina. Holly went to the Horton house to talk to Doug. She said she had a way to fix the situation with Melinda. Holly suggested they sneak into Melinda’s place and steal the necklace. When Doug thought Holly was kidding, she said she wasn’t. Holly said Melinda couldn’t report a stolen necklace stolen again. She told him about Melinda’s involvement with her brother being switched. Doug said they weren’t going to break into Melinda’s place. He thanked her for what she’s done but wouldn’t let her break the law for him.

EJ told Belle not to shut him out. Belle didn’t want to let him in. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about her and said he missed her. EJ wondered if she felt the same way. Belle said she was disgusted by what he did to Jada and Rafe. EJ denied having anything to do with what happened but knew people were trying to get her to ignore her feelings. Belle said he was the same monster he’s always been. When EJ came into Belle’s place, she told him what he did to Jada and Rafe was despicable. EJ tried to defend his actions, but Belle brought up what he and Kristen did to Ava. She wondered how she was supposed to forgive him after what he’s done. EJ told her that nothing needed to come between them. Belle asked how she was supposed to defend her boyfriend after the crimes he’s committed. He thought it was cute that she called him her boyfriend. She said she was going to prosecute him. They ended up making love. While they were in bed, she told him that she could lose her job if Paulina found out she slept with him. He told her to tell Paulina that there wasn’t a case since there wasn’t any evidence against him. Belle thought he seduced her to get her to drop the investigation. She told him to leave. Johnny asked Roman what he meant when he said EJ did the same thing as Arnold. He couldn’t believe Roman would compare his father to Arnold. Roman said if Arnold was a rapist, EJ was too. When Roman tried to clarify what he meant, Johnny said he was telling the truth. Roman said EJ brought Arnold to Salem. When Roman couldn’t take it anymore, he went in the back. Kate came in the pub and ran into Johnny. Johnny told her that Roman accused his father of being a rapist but then tried to get out of it. When Kate reacted, Johnny wanted her to tell him truth. Kate suggested he have a conversation with Sami. Johnny said Sami would never let EJ get away with raping her. Kate said EJ raped Sami. A shocked Johnny wanted to know what happened. Kate told Johnny what happened when Sami asked EJ for help when she went skiing with Lucas and the roof caved in. She said EJ agreed to help if Sami had sex with him. An angry Johnny refused to believe what Kate was saying. He said his father wouldn’t have done that to his mother. Kate said she understood that what she was saying was hard to hear. She knew he believed her and apologized for telling him what Roman couldn’t. Johnny asked when it happened to which Kate said it happened before he was born. Johnny wondered why he never knew what happened. Kate said they wanted to keep it a secret from him and Allie. He asked if that was the reason why he and Allie had different fathers and realized that Allie was conceived in love while he was conceived in rape. When she tried to comfort him, he left the pub. At the DiMera mansion, Paulina told Chanel about her meeting with Amy. She said everything was good with the exception of EJ. Paulina said she told Amy that EJ wouldn’t be a problem for much longer because she was going to use her influence to make sure he went to prison. She said she was concerned about Belle having an affair with him. Chanel was okay with EJ going to prison but was concerned about Johnny. Paulina said EJ did it to himself. Belle called Paulina and told her she was recusing herself from EJ’s case. EJ came home and ran into Chanel. He apologized to her for what happened with Amy. While they were talking, Johnny came in and punched EJ.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, March 13, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Theresa and Tate were at Small Bar. She talked to him getting Sophia pregnant. He said they were responsible but it didn’t work. Theresa said it might not be a good idea to give the baby up for adoption, but Tate didn’t agree with her. She changed her mind about the adoption until he mentioned Johnny and Chanel adopting the baby. Theresa didn’t think it was a good idea for them to adopt the baby. They continued to talk about it until Theresa said she would support him. While they were talking, Amy showed up and wondered why Tate was in a bar. Tate introduced Amy to Thereesa. Theresa lied to her and said she was out of town visiting her mother. Amy said she knew she was a convicted felon. When Theresa tried to defend her actions, Amy said she wasn’t concerned about it. Her concern was EJ’s actions. At Marlena’s house, Belle noticed Marlena’s luggage and wondered where she was going. Marlena told her she was going to find John. She told Belle that Shane kept dodging her calls. Belle agreed that Marlena should look for him. Marlena told her about the plan to find Shane and bring John home. She said Belle would do the same thing for the person she loved. Belle said she would know that if she ever found the person she loved. Marlena wanted Belle to talk to her. Belle opened up to her about her love life. She said she was trying to figure out who she was and decided that she might not need a love life. Marlena asked if she was talking about EJ too. Belle said it was over with EJ. She said what EJ did to Ava and Jada were the last straw and was going to make him pay for what he did.

Chanel ran into Paulina at the town square. Paulina asked how she was doing after the meeting with Amy. Chanel regretted that Amy didn’t get to know the real her and Johnny. Paulina said she had a plan to fix the situation. She was meeting Amy and would win her over. EJ talked to Stefano’s painting and debated on using the memory serum on Rachel. Johnny walked in and wondered what he was talking about. He asked EJ what he did. EJ said he was making family problems go away. EJ blamed Jada and Gabi for what happened to which Johnny said he knew he was behind Arnold being back. Johnny demanded to know how he could get involved with Arnold after what he did to his mother. EJ lied and said he didn’t do it. While they were talking, EJ told Johnny that he had a plan to fix things with Amy. Johnny wasn’t interested in EJ’s plan and didn’t trust him. EJ wanted to talk about Arnold and apologized for what happened with Sami years ago. He said hurting Sami was one of the biggest regrets in his life. Johnny appreciated his apology, but said it wasn’t up to him to forgive. Steve went to the pub to let Roman know about the search for John. When Roman offered to help, Steve said he didn’t want to scare Shane. He asked if Roman could keep an eye out on Kayla while he was gone. Roman agreed to watch out for her and said he would watch out for Black Patch since there was no one else after what EJ did. He said he could kill EJ for what he did to Sami and said she was still traumatized about it. Johnny met with Chanel at the town square and told her about EJ’s apology. He said it was the first time they talked about it. Chanel wondered if he believed EJ about Rafe’s kidnapping. Johnny wasn’t sure what to believe. Paulina and Amy met at Small Bar to talk. She told Amy that they could solve the problem. Amy thought they could and said Johnny and Chanel were lovely people. She said she didn’t want the baby near EJ. Paulina said she would make sure EJ wasn’t near the baby. Steve went to Marlena’s house and promised Belle they would find John. Before Marlena and Steve left, she suggested that Belle be honest about what’s in her heart. Belle thought about telling EJ off and said she would think with her head. EJ suddenly showed up at the house. Johnny went to the pub to get food. Roman said he didn’t want EJ to get anything. Johnny said he talked to his father, and he was upset about what Arnold did to Sami. Roman didn’t believe that EJ was sorry. He said it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same thing. Johnny wasn’t sure what he was talking about.

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Days Update Thursday, March 13, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Theresa sits at Small Bar with Tate, having a mocktail. Tate comments on it looking like a real drink which is triggering considering her and Brady’s history. Theresa apologizes and assures that she is committed to her sobriety, especially now that she’s out of prison and free. Theresa declares that she wants her life back and won’t do anything to jeopardize that. Theresa assumes Tate stays away from alcohol which he confirms. Theresa questions Tate being sober then when he knocked up Sophia.

Marlena is at home, on the phone with Steve and says they can get on the road whenever he’s ready. Belle comes home and questions where Marlena is going. Marlena responds that she’s going to find John.

Chanel finds Paulina in the town square. Paulina says she just wanted to see how she was doing after the lunch from Hell with the DiMeras and Amy Choi. Paulina comments on how terrible she feels about how that went down. Chanel says she has nothing to apologize for. Paulina responds that there is one person who owes her an apology and that’s EJ.

EJ stands in the living room of the DiMera Mansion with a syringe. EJ looks to the portrait of Stefano and says he would never hesitate. EJ declares that Rachel Blake is the only one who can implicate him in Rafe’s kidnapping, so once he makes her forget, this will all be over even if Kristen never forgives him for it. EJ states that he knows what needs to be done, right as Johnny walks in questioning what that would be and what he’s up to this time.

Paulina blames EJ for ruining the lunch with Sophia’s mother. Chanel complains that Amy didn’t get to know any of them since she and Johnny were too busy pretending. Paulina insists they are good people and would be excellent parents. Paulina says she won’t let EJ stop them from adopting the baby and reveals that she has a plan to fix this that’s already in motion.

Tate tells Theresa that he was sober when he got Sophia pregnant. Theresa remarks that it seems strange that he would be so careless. Tate assures that they were responsible and used protection but no birth control is 100% effective. Theresa guesses he had to learn the hard way. Theresa is grateful that he was responsible about sex, but now he’s going to have to be responsible for Sophia and the baby. Tate talks about their plans to find a couple to adopt. Theresa questions if he’s sure that’s the right thing to do.

Marlena explains to Belle that Shane has stopped returning her phone calls and she understands where John is has to be kept confidential. Marlena says she and Steve feel the best way to get answers is to go to DC to confront Shane, so he’ll be forced to tell them about John’s last location. Belle asks what happens next. Marlena declares that she will find John and bring him home. Marlena calls John the love of her life and thinks Belle would do the same for the love of her life.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s sorry to interrupt his little chat with Stefano. EJ says he’s not the only one who still seeks his guidance. Johnny worries that it’s never a good sign and usually it’s when someone is trying to get something terrible off their chest or looking for approval to do something terrible. Johnny asks what exactly EJ is doing. EJ claims it’s damage control and declares that he’s going to make their family’s problems disappear.

Steve goes to the Brady Pub where Roman greets him and says it’s been awhile. Steve says he’s had on a lot on his plate and reveals that he has a flight to catch because he and Marlena are going to DC to see Shane. Roman guesses there’s still no answers about John. Steve explains that Marlena thinks it would be harder for Shane to stonewall her in person. Roman offers to go with them as backup, insisting that Kate can hold down the Pub. Roman knows Shane is following protocol but he needs to be reminded how much John stuck his neck out for the ISA. Steve says he would normally agree but thinks this time they need a softer approach and appeal to his humanity rather than all three of them storming in. Roman agrees that he’s probably right. Steve tells Roman that there is something he can do for him.

Tate asks Theresa not to do this again. Theresa questions if adoption is really the right decision, asking what if the baby grows up with abandonment issues or the parents are monsters. Tate argues that thousands of babies are adopted every year and most end up fine. Theresa says they can never be sure. Tate gets that adoption is a triggering concept for Shane’s side of the family, but says she can’t put that all on him or the people who want to be parents as it’s unfair. Theresa comments on him being level headed unlike she and Brady. Tate reveals that Johnny and Chanel were the ones who wanted to adopt the baby but the DiMeras didn’t make the best impression on Sophia’s mother which is the snag they’ve hit. Theresa thinks it’s a little close to home since Johnny is his cousin. Tate talks about Johnny and Chanel being the only ones close to meeting Amy’s standards but he’s starting to think Amy will make it impossible because she only wants he and Sophia raising the baby. Theresa asks if that’s a non-starter for him. Tate argues that they aren’t even a couple. Theresa points out that she and Brady co-parented just fine. Tate argues that they were adults while he and Sophia are just too young and they want to go to college next year. Theresa says she just wants that for him but there are no straight lines in life. Theresa says she and the family can all step up together. Tate stops her and says he can’t deal with pushback from her in addition to Sophia’s mom. Tate asks Theresa to support their decision.

Belle jokes with Marlena that she’ll let her know when she finds out who the love of her life is. Marlena says she didn’t mean anything by that. Belle apologizes for focusing on herself. Marlena says she worries about her and notes that she has time before her flight to catch up. Belle says it’s stupid but Marlena says she will judge that and asks if it’s her divorce. Belle says it’s about what’s next as she always thought Shawn was the love of her life. Marlena says she’s so sorry. Belle thinks it’s good that they’ve got to this place as they tried for so many years to work things out while now she gets to figure out who she is without Shawn. Belle says if she doesn’t find the epic kind of love that John and Marlena had, that’s okay as not everybody gets that. Belle suggests maybe she doesn’t have a love of her life, so Marlena asks if they are ruling out EJ.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s learned to expect the worst from him, so he asks what problem he’s making disappear. EJ claims it’s the situation with Amy Choi as he hides the syringe in his pocket. EJ says he’s going to convince her that she has the wrong idea about their family. Johnny tells him not to waste his time because there’s no way Amy is going to let them adopt the baby after what happened. EJ blames Gabi and Jada while Johnny argues that it was EJ’s fault because it’s obvious that he hired Arnold to come to town to replace Rafe. EJ insists he had nothing to do with that. Johnny declares that if EJ respects him, he’ll admit it. Johnny says he needs to know how he could get involved with Arnold after what he did to Sami.

Steve asks Roman to keep an eye on Kayla for him since the hospital bankruptcy has been weighing on her and he told her that he’d help with the hospital fundraiser but now he’s leaving town. Roman agrees to do that along with keeping an eye on Black Patch while he’s gone. Steve thanks him and admits Black Patch has seen better days since John is missing and now Rafe is still recovering from his ordeal. Roman complains that he could wring EJ’s neck for pulling that stunt again.

Belle asks Marlena why she would bring up EJ right now. Marlena reminds her that she walked in on them. Belle insists that she and EJ are through and she made that clear to him. Marlena questions if she made that clear with herself.

EJ tells Johnny that he had nothing to do with Arnold coming back to town. Johnny complains that he doesn’t respect him and questions EJ’s hands being clean. EJ repeats that he had nothing to do with bringing Arnold to town and points out that they don’t even know that it was Arnold. EJ tells Johnny that he can throw baseless accusations at him but he will never stop loving him. EJ says Johnny can blame whoever he wants while he will focus on Amy with a do over which Johnny questions. EJ explains that they will wine and dine her with zero interruption from Jada and Gabi this time. EJ says he will be his most charming self and Amy will realize that Johnny and Chanel are the perfect parents for her grandchild. Johnny questions that being EJ’s idea of damage control and tells him thanks, but no thanks.

Chanel questions what Paulina is planning. Paulina asks if she trusts her and says all she did was ask Amy to meet her for a drink which she agreed to. Paulina reveals they are meeting in 15 minutes and there will be no DiMera in sight so they can hash this out mother to mother. Paulina promises to get Amy to see that Johnny and Chanel would be wonderful parents. Chanel questions thinking this will work and thanks her as they hug.

Theresa assures Tate that she will support him, but she wanted to be sure that he’s really thought this through and he clearly has. Tate thanks her and says it means a lot. Theresa says she always has his back as Amy arrives and greets Tate. Tate questions what she’s doing there. Amy responds that she should be asking him that since they are in a bar. Tate introduces Amy to his mother, Theresa. Amy says it’s nice to finally meet her since most of her dealings have been with Tate’s father. Theresa explains that she’s been in California with her sick mother. Amy remarks that it must have been difficult to deal with that while she was in prison.

Roman tells Steve that what gets him is that Jada is a good person and cop that didn’t deserve to be duped like this by EJ. Steve is just grateful that she learned the truth before too much damage was done. Roman worries that it lingers and compares it to Sami being traumatized the last time that Rafe was replaced and they never forgot it. Roman argues that EJ can pretend to be reformed but he’s still the scum of the earth. Steve says now that Rafe is back home, they can all focus on making sure EJ pays for what he did. Steve hopes that Belle will throw the book at him.

Belle asks Marlena if she’s missing something because she thought Marlena couldn’t stand the idea of her and EJ together and that she hated EJ. Marlena assures that she does hate EJ and worries about the blow back from Sami, so Belle questions why she’s pushing her on this. Marlena argues that Belle knew the terrible things EJ had done to her family before getting involved with him again. Belle says she doesn’t justify any of the things that EJ has done but time has a way of making you forget things. Belle adds that when she found out what he did to Ava and saw the hell that he put Jada through, it was a reminder. Belle declares that she and EJ are done and that she has reassured Paulina that she will make sure EJ faces justice for what he has done.

EJ questions what the issue is. Johnny says it’s him. Johnny says he and Chanel are handling this so he’d appreciate if EJ just stayed out of it. EJ then stops Johnny and admits there’s something he hasn’t told him about Arnold Feniger.

Theresa didn’t realize that Amy knew that she was a convicted felon and says she didn’t intend to lie to her but she doesn’t lead with that when she first meets someone. Theresa explains that she fell in with a shady character who convinced her to do terrible things. Amy says she doesn’t need to confess her sins to her as it’s between her and God. Amy insists that she doesn’t wake up intending to judge everyone but she can see why they would think that. Amy says she just has high standards when it comes to who adopts the baby and remarks that Theresa’s past crimes don’t bother her, but EJ’s very much do.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s listening. EJ says he’s been thinking about their conversation after Amy left where Johnny said if he was involved with Arnold, he’d never see him again. Johnny insists that he meant it because Arnold raped his mother. EJ acknowledges they have rarely spoken about his role in that happening all those years ago. EJ says that Arnold sleeping with Sami wasn’t part of the plan and admits he hadn’t thought it through that much. EJ calls hurting Sami like that one of the greatest regrets of his life. Johnny questions if he’s trying to gain sympathy. EJ says he’s not and he just wants him to know that what happened was horrific. EJ remarks that nobody deserves that, especially the mother of his children so he is very sorry and always will be. Johnny appreciates that but says if he’s looking for forgiveness, it’s not his to give. Johnny then exits.

Johnny joins Chanel in the town square and tells her that he ran in to EJ and things got a little intense. Chanel asks what happened. Johnny says they got to talking about the lunch which EJ said wasn’t his fault, but he did apologize for his role in bringing Arnold to town all those years ago and what happened to Sami. Johnny notes that was the first time they really talked about it and the first time he ever really felt like EJ had a conscience and regretted what happened. Johnny declares that none of it really matters because if he had anything to do with Arnold this time, he’d be the biggest hypocrite in the world. Chanel asks if Johnny believes him. Johnny doesn’t know and questions if he would really work with someone who hurt his mother. Johnny adds that EJ made this big deal about wanting to fix things with Amy Choi but he shut it down. Chanel informs him that they already have someone else looking out for them as Paulina said she would make things right with Amy.

Paulina meets Amy at Small Bar and apologizes for keeping her waiting. Amy says she was in the neighborhood. Paulina asks about ordering drinks but Amy wants to get to business as she’s sure she wants to talk about the lunch at the DiMeras. Paulina admits she doesn’t like how they left things and she thinks as two Christian women, they can overcome the crisis and do what’s best for their families. Amy says she couldn’t agree more.

Theresa goes to the Brady Pub to surprise Roman. Roman hugs her and says he was hoping she’d come by today. Theresa questions him knowing she was back in town. Roman informs her that he was on the phone with her mom this morning and she shared the good news. Theresa says she should visit her mother in California as she hasn’t seen either of her parents in so long. Roman tells her that her dad Shane is going to have his hands full with two uninvited guests.

Steve goes to get Marlena. Belle hugs him and says she’s so grateful for what he’s doing for John. Steve promises they will find him. Steve figured they can strategize at the airport about how to get through to Shane. Belle asks if Brady knows what’s going on. Marlena confirms that he does and that he’s with Rachel, but he said to find his dad and bring him home. Steve takes their bags to the car. Marlena guesses this is goodbye. Belle tells her to give Shane hell and come back soon as they hug. Marlena tells Belle that she only gave her all that pressure because she loves her so much and wants her to be happy. Belle assures that she is moving on. Marlena notes that she can’t move on without being completely honest about what’s in her head and heart. Marlena says what’s in her heart usually wins for better or worse. Marlena then exits.

EJ remains in the living room and pulls out the syringe again. EJ looks to the portrait of Stefano and then decides to put the syringe back in the safe. EJ pours a drink and thinks back to being with Belle on Valentine’s Day.

Theresa tells Roman that she hopes Marlena can get what she needs out of Shane for Tate’s sake. Theresa offers to call Shane. Roman says that Steve thinks they need a delicate touch. Johnny arrives, so Roman calls it a family reunion. Johnny asks if there’s something on Theresa’s mind. Theresa says she just has to run and tells Roman she will see him again soon as they hug. Theresa promises to call her mom as she quickly exits the Pub.

Paulina tells Amy that both want the same thing in the baby being raised by loving parents. Amy says she has no doubt about Chanel and Johnny, but she can’t consider letting them adopt the baby if it means EJ DiMera is part of the baby’s life. Paulina declares that she’ll make sure EJ is completely out of the equation.

Belle sits at home, reading Leo’s article on the DiMeras in the Spectator. Belle remarks that the heart usually wins for better or worse and thinks back to ending things with EJ. Belle declares that it’s time to think with her head instead because she ended things with EJ for a reason, so she has to stay strong and cannot go back on that now. EJ then shows up at her door.

Roman asks Johnny what he can do for him. Johnny says he and Chanel were hoping to get burgers to go. Roman says sure as long as EJ doesn’t get any. Roman states that he reserves the right to refuse service to anybody and he draws the line at EJ after what he did to Rafe and Jada. Johnny says what happened to them was terrible but he talked to EJ, who said bringing Arnold to town the first time still haunts him to this day and that he never wanted Sami hurt like that. Roman calls that total BS and declares that it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same exact thing that Arnold did. Johnny questions what he is talking about.

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Days Update Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie goes to the hospital with lemon bars, hoping it will boost morale as she talks to Sarah about everyone being worried about the hospital closing. Maggie mentions hearing that Xander hired Alex back at Titan. Sarah confirms today is Alex’s first day back. Maggie says she’s very happy as she knows Victor would love hearing that Alex has returned to the business. Sarah says unless it ends in disaster. Maggie questions what she means. Sarah flashes back to talking to Stephanie about Xander and Philip actually getting along like brothers and agreeing to keep Philip’s secret for the greater good. Maggie then asks Sarah what makes her think that Alex working at Titan is a bad idea.

Joy goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Stephanie, who flashes back to hearing Sarah talking about Joy’s pregnancy test at the hospital. Joy asks if something is on her mind. Stephanie says she wanted to see how her first day went at Titan. Joy says it was good and mostly paper work, then Philip sent her home since he didn’t need her to stick around as he, Xander, and Alex were headed to the Kiriakis Mansion for some top secret meeting.

Alex, Xander, and Philip meet at the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander welcomes Alex back to Titan and says the family is always stronger together as they toast a drink. Alex says he’d like to think this is about celebrating his first day, but he knows something is up because Xander wouldn’t insist on an off sight meeting unless he had something planned. Xander then reveals to Alex that they are taking over DiMera.

Leo works on his article on the DiMeras for the Spectator in his room at the Salem Inn as Javi talks to him about being a respectable journalist. Javi informs Leo that Gabi called him when he was on his way over and they know EJ was behind Rafe’s kidnapping, but it sounds like he will probably get away with everything.

Felicity does homework at home with her headphones on as there’s a knock at the door. Cat calls out to her to answer the door but she doesn’t hear her, so Cat comes out of the shower and answers the door in a towel to see Chad, who asks if it’s a bad time or if he’s early. Cat explains that she is late as she lost track of time. Chad decides he’ll just hang out with Felicity while Cat goes to get dressed. Felicity remarks to Chad that Cat likes him.

Leo asks Javi how EJ is not implicated by Rafe remembering seeing Arnold at the DiMera Mansion. Javi says that they could say Arnold broke in, so unless Rafe gets all of his memories back, EJ will probably get away with it. Javi encourages Leo to use his article to pressure Belle against EJ. Leo asks if Rafe would be willing to go on record. Javi responds that Rafe would do anything to take down EJ.

Alex questions Xander wanting to take over DiMera. Philip insists it’s their moment to strike. Alex argues that it won’t happen without the support of the family but Xander reveals they got Wei Shin on their side as he sees the writing on the wall and the timing will never get better than this. Philip declares it’s now or never and asks what Alex thinks. Alex thinks it’s a hell of a swing and incredibly risky, but something tells him that Victor would approve so he can’t disagree with the best there ever was. Alex then toasts to bringing down the DiMeras.

Stephanie tells Joy that a top secret meeting is news to her and comments on her and Alex being co-workers again. Joy jokes that they aren’t jumping in bed together and pretending to make out anymore. They talk about not wanting things to be awkward between them. Joy tells Stephanie that she’s really happy for her and Alex. Joy adds that any relationship between her and Alex is in the past but Stephanie responds that they know that’s not true if Joy is pregnant with his baby. Joy sits down and questions what she said. Stephanie tells her to forget it but Joy says it’s too late for that and asks why she would think she’s pregnant. Stephanie admits she was doing work at the hospital and overheard Sarah talking about her pregnancy test, so she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Joy comments on her luck lately and guesses she told Alex but Stephanie says it wasn’t her place to violate her privacy like that. Stephanie admits it’s all she’s been thinking about since yesterday. Stephanie then asks Joy if she’s pregnant or not.

Xander calls it an honor to go in to battle with Philip and Alex. Philip declares that he should first clear the air with Alex. Philip knows there was friction between them when he first got back to town. Alex admits he was a little jealous about him being with Stephanie, but they are all good now. Alex warns Philip to stop trying to win her back. Philip assures he won’t have to worry about that and thinks back to Stephanie complaining about Philip’s lie and breaking up with him. Philip tells Alex that Stephanie made it clear that what they had was over for good.

Sarah tells Maggie that she’s sure Alex will be great but he used to be CEO and now he has to report to Xander and Philip, so she doesn’t want any conflict. Maggie says that was a long time ago and Alex had a whole new career since then. Sarah assures that Xander doesn’t blame Alex and knows he was fooled by Theresa like everyone. Maggie doesn’t know how Theresa could be so cruel to someone she cared about. Sarah guesses Theresa just thought her secret would never come out. Maggie says she’d be an idiot then because secrets like that always come out.

Javi finishes a call with Rafe and says they got all they need. Leo is excited to add Rafe’s interview to his article but says he’s pretty sure the DiMeras will come after him after they read it. Javi jokes that he’ll be his bodyguard and removes his shirt for Leo.

Chad questions Felicity about Cat liking him. Felicity responds that Cat told her that he can’t like her back. Chad says that’s because of what she had to do to save her mom and he was pretty angry at first but he’s come to understand why she did it. Felicity asks if they can be together now then as Cat comes back in to the room and asks what she missed. Chad responds that Felicity was just telling him that Cat kind of likes him and he was saying that he understands better that she did what she did to save her mom, so he might could like her too. Cat wishes Felicity hadn’t talked to Chad about that but Chad says he’s glad she did. Cat reminds Felicity that she told her she was over her silly crush on Chad and that they are just friends now. Felicity insists they could be such a good couple. Cat calls her funny and tells Felicity to go continue her homework in her room while she and Chad work on the hospital fundraiser.

Leo and Javi are interrupted by room service. Leo brings it in, expecting fried chicken but instead finds a long receipt on the plate and realizes the Salem Inn called in his tab.

Alex still can’t believe they got Wei Shin to agree to the DiMera takeover and asks if they are sure they can trust him. Xander believes they can, pointing out that Philip reminded him of how Gabi ruined Li’s life and EJ sullied his memory. Alex brings up how a couple months ago Philip and Xander were at each others’ throats and jokes that they could’ve saved them all a lot of trouble if they knew they’d make such a good team. Philip decides to call it a day and they can regroup in the morning. Alex tells them to have a great one and exits. Xander questions Philip pumping the brakes on their nice family moment and asks if he doesn’t trust Alex. Philip responds that he’s more concerned with Alex trusting him because he’s worried about what Stephanie might say about him behind his back.

Stephanie understands if Joy doesn’t want to answer her question since it’s none of her business. Joy responds that there is no answer yet as she hasn’t gotten her pregnancy test results back yet. Stephanie asks if she’s sure the baby is Alex’s. Joy assures that Alex is the only person she’s been with lately. Stephanie apologizes and says she just wanted to be sure. Joy gets that they are finally together and her being pregnant could ruin their happily ever after. Stephanie says she’s just anxious and feels Joy will feel better when she gets the test results back as it could still be negative. Joy pulls out her phone and says there’s only one way to find out.

Maggie tells Sarah that she will donate to the hospital fund as they hug and Maggie then exits. Sarah then gets a call from Joy and asks how she’s feeling. Joy responds that she’s physically much better but not so much emotionally and asks if her results came in yet. Sarah checks and finds out they just came in a few minutes ago. Joy asks if she can come look at them, so Sarah says she will see her soon. Joy informs Stephanie that the results are in. Stephanie asks if Joy will tell Alex if it’s positive. Joy admits she hasn’t thought that far ahead but guesses it would be too messy to ask Stephanie to keep it from him. Stephanie says it’s Joy’s life so she doesn’t need to factor her in. Joy says she will stop by and talk to Alex afterwards, regardless of the result. Joy then asks Stephanie to catch Alex up to speed for her as she exits the Pub.

Cat and Chad talk about an auction for the hospital fundraiser. Cat mentions ordering carnival games including the dunk tank. Chad brings up the bachelor auction idea. Cat says she would love it, especially if Chad signed up and insists people would pay a lot of money. Cat insists it’s for a good cause and in good fun, so Chad reluctantly agrees on the condition that Cat also sign up.

Javi questions Leo’s bill and how much he spent this week. Leo explains it’s all his unpaid bills since Body and Soul axed him which Javi says was weeks ago. Leo calls it bad debt. Javi questions when he plans on paying it and if he can. Leo says it would drain his entire life savings. Javi thinks it’s a little extravagant to live in a hotel. Leo talks about how he likes living there. Javi suggests finding a new place to live. Leo questions where he’s going to go. Javi responds that he could move in with him.

Xander asks Philip what he’s worried that Stephanie might say about him. Philip says she’s an ex and they didn’t end on good terms, so she could say any number of things. Xander talks about Sarah being close with Stephanie and how she doesn’t seem like the type to hold a grudge. Xander advises Philip to not be looking for problems where there aren’t any. Xander then remarks that if their plans go up in flames, it won’t be because of Stephanie.

Alex goes to see Stephanie, who says she was just thinking of him and asks how his first day went. Alex responds that it was actually fantastic and that Philip and Xander were both very welcoming to him. Stephanie asks how the secret meeting went. Alex asks how she knew. She mentions running in to Joy earlier. Alex says he can’t talk too much about it but that Titan has some very ambitious plans that he’s very excited about. Stephanie says she’s really happy for him. Alex credits her for the idea of going back to Titan, so he wants to take her out to dinner to properly thank her. Stephanie tells Alex that she needs to talk to him about something pretty serious so he asks what’s going on. Stephanie then informs Alex that Joy might be pregnant with his baby.

Joy goes to the hospital where Sarah says she will take her to her office to read her test results together, but Sarah gets a text that there’s an emergency downstairs and doesn’t know how long she will be. Sarah then hands Joy the test results and tells her not to hesitate if she has any questions as she’s there for her. Sarah exits as Joy opens the test results.

Cat mocks the idea of auctioning off a date with her, feeling she won’t bring in any money. Chad insists that she will, pointing out that she’s smart, beautiful, and single. Cat then reluctantly agrees to add her name to the list.

Leo questions Javi wanting them to live together, thinking it’s a little soon. Javi asks what other choice he has. Leo argues that it wouldn’t be his call since he lives with Rafe and Gabi, reminding him that Gabi hates him. Javi says he wouldn’t be sharing a room with her but Leo points out that they would be sharing a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Javi says his cousins tell him their house is his house, so it’s time for them to put their money where their mouth is because this is important to him. Javi tells Leo that he’s serious about this but he doesn’t want to pressure him so he won’t be offended if he thinks it’s too fast. Leo points out that they’ve only been dating for a month or so. Javi argues they’ve known each other longer, so he asks what Leo says.

Xander gets a text from Wei Shin that he is presenting their plan to his associates later today and he will keep them posted. Philip excitedly talks about this really happening but stops when Maggie comes in. Maggie says not to mind her as she’s not interested in their secret business plans. Xander tells her that she’s welcome to sit in since she’s still part of the company. Maggie thanks him but says she stepped back to give them a chance to take the reins. Maggie thinks it’s wonderful to see them working side by side. Maggie says she’s very proud of them both and thinks Victor would be too.

Alex can’t believe this is happening. Stephanie apologizes for not saying anything sooner as she didn’t think it was her place. Alex doesn’t blame her and is sorry she’s in this position at all. Alex calls it a lot to think about. Stephanie says they didn’t talk about what would happen if Joy is pregnant as far as keeping the baby since that’s a discussion for them. Alex says this affects her too. Stephanie says not to worry about her. Alex assures that no matter what happens, he is committed to Stephanie and nothing is going to change that. Alex says he’ll do whatever they both need but it doesn’t change the fact that Stephanie is the person he wants to be with. Alex promises that he won’t let anything else come between them. Joy then shows up at the door. Stephanie informs her that she told Alex everything. Alex tells Joy that he’s sorry. Stephanie asks if she got the results back. Joy confirms she did, so Alex asks if she’s pregnant.

Cat tells Chad that they have a few more things to cover and then they will be finished. They jokingly argue over including clowns in their carnival idea. Felicity comes back in as Chad and Cat laugh together. Cat apologizes if they were being loud and promises to be quiet. Felicity comments that they are so happy together that they should be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Javi asks if Leo wants to move in with him. Leo says yes but calls it a trial run because he doesn’t it to preclude them from moving in together at a later time and he wants them to work out. Javi offers to help Leo pack. Leo says he has something to take care of first as they get in bed together.

Maggie mentions heading upstairs to Victoria. Xander offers to go with her as Sarah comes in. Xander notes her being home early. Sarah says she’ll join them upstairs but needs a minute to catch her breath. Sarah notes that they were understaffed but they saved some lives. Xander and Maggie then head upstairs. Philip tells Sarah that the hospital is lucky to have her. Sarah asks how things went with Alex. Philip says really well actually, but it will all come crashing down if Stephanie decides to tell him that he forged Victor’s letter. Sarah tells him not to worry about that because she and Alex are finally happy and she wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that…

Alex asks Joy what the test results said. Joy calls it a false alarm and announces she’s not pregnant, remarking that they really dodged a bullet there. Joy says if she was pregnant, it’d be a burden on all of them and nobody wanted that. Joy decides there’s nothing left to say. Stephanie asks if she’s sure she’s alright and invites her to stay if she wants company. Joy says she’s been third wheel long enough that it’s time for a clean break. Joy thanks them and exits. Alex breathes a sigh of relief and hugs Stephanie. Outside the apartment, Joy looks at her test results which reveal that the pregnancy test was actually positive.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie was at the pub when Joy showed up. They had an awkward conversation until Stephanie blurted out that she overheard Sarah talking about her pregnancy test. She let Joy know that she didn’t tell Alex about the pregnancy. Stephanie wanted to know if Alex was the father of her baby. Joy said that he was the only possibility. She thought it was possible that the test was negative. Joy deiced to call Sarah to check on her test results. Stephanie wondered if she would tell Alex the truth if the test came back positive. Once she gets the results, she will have a conversation with Alex about it. Maggie went to see Sarah at the hospital. They talked about Alex working at Titan again. Sarah blamed Theresa for Alex’s birthright getting mixed up. Maggie thought Theresa was crazy to think that a secret like that would stay hidden for long. Secrets always have a way of coming out. Maggie left just as Joy called Sarah about her test results. Sarah told her they were ready. Later, Joy showed up at the hospital to get her test results. Sarah had an emergency so she couldn’t go over the results with her right away. She gave Joy the test results and left. Joy looked at the test results. Alex, Xander, and Philip celebrated working at Titan together. While they were drinking, Alex noticed something off with Philip and Xander. They let him know their plans to take over DiMera Enterprises. Alex wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, but he was down for it. Philip wanted to talk to Alex about Stephanie. He said they were good. Alex thought it was great that Xander and Philip were able to work together. Philip seemed like he was in a rush to get rid of Alex. After Alex left, Xander wondered why Philip wanted him to leave. Philip was concerned about what Alex and Stephanie say about him behind his back. He thought she would badmouth him so Xander suggested he stop looking for trouble and move on with his life. Maggie showed up and told the brothers that she was proud of them for being able to work together.

Stephanie and Alex met on their way home. She wanted to talk to him about Joy possibly being pregnant with his baby. He was shocked by her news. Alex wasn’t sure what to do about it, but he assured her that he was committed to her. Leo was working on his story about the DiMeras when Javi walked in the room. He had to deal with a lot of legal issues so the article was difficult. Javi suggested writing about EJ getting away with kidnapping. He told him that without Arnold or Rafe’s side of the story, EJ will get away with everything. Javi thought the story would pressure Belle to prosecute EJ. He called Rafe to get quotes for Leo. Leo thanked him, but he was worried about the DiMeras coming after him. There was a knock on the door. Javi answered the door and saw a huge bill. He was shocked to find out that Leo hadn’t paid his bills since he lost his job at Body & Soul. He didn’t have the money to pay them. Javi suggested he move in with him. Leo wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to live with Rafe and Gabi. Javi thought it would be fine for him to move in with them. Sarah arrived home and saw Philip. She wondered how things went with Alex. He said things were okay, but he was worried about Stephanie telling him the truth. Sarah told him that Stephanie was happy with Alex and wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that. Joy saw Alex and Stephanie. She announced that she wasn’t pregnant after all. They were all relieved by the news. Joy walked away and looked at the results while she was alone. The test results proved that she’s pregnant after all.

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Days Update Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Ava tells Brady about Rachel Blake trying to kill her with a knife. Brady points out she’s bleeding. Kristen argues that she’s fine and asks them to stop overreacting. Brady questions why Kristen is there. Ava declares that she’s calling the police.

Paulina sits with Belle in the town square, complaining that the people are demanding justice for what happened to Rafe. Belle mentions Marlena starting a group chat for updates about John. Paulina is sorry for what she’s going through and understands if she needs to go be with her but Belle says she needs to be busy. Gabi then approaches and says they are just the two people she’s looking for.

JJ joins Shawn in the interrogation room to ask about the Arnold Feniger case. Shawn says he’s just going over everything they have to make sure they didn’t miss anything. JJ tells Shawn that they have to get to the bottom of this fast so they can nail EJ and put him away. Shawn asks if something happened. JJ responds that Gabi is very determined to get justice for her brother.

Gabi asks Belle when she is going to do her job, lock up EJ, and throw away the key.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ accuses Jada and Rafe of having fantasies about Arnold. Jada says they know it was Arnold because he didn’t match Gabi’s DNA. EJ argues that they had someone in custody but there’s no proof it was Arnold. Rafe promises that he’s not going to get away with it this time. EJ accuses Rafe of assaulting him and suggests sending him back to the hospital for a psych evaluation. Jada tells Rafe that EJ’s not worth it. Rafe responds that it would be worth it to put EJ out of his misery.

Paulina tells Gabi to take it easy. Gabi refuses and says she wants justice for her brother. Belle promises they are working very hard on this. Paulina adds that if EJ is behind it, he will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Gabi remarks that she finds that hard to believe since Belle is sleeping with their number one suspect.

Jada tells EJ to just admit that he and Arnold were working together to destroy their lives. EJ questions going back to that again. Rafe tells EJ that the last thing he remembers is seeing Arnold in this room. EJ calls that impossible since Arnold is dead. EJ declares that he’s endured enough harassment from them and warns them to get out of his house before he has them thrown out. Jada says they will go while Rafe warns that this isn’t over as he and Jada exit.

Kristen stops Ava and says she’s terribly sorry but there’s no need to involve the police. Ava argues that Rachel Blake wants her dead. Kristen argues that she’s been traumatized while Ava complains about Kristen making her mother out to be the victim. Kristen calls her mother a confused old woman. Ava says she knows exactly what she’s doing and declares that she came to kill her. Kristen says she’s taking her mother home. Kristen warns Brady to have a talk with Ava as she exits with her mother. Ava questions why Brady is letting them leave.

Paulina questions what Gabi is talking about, arguing that Belle’s relationship with EJ was over ages ago. Paulina remembers Belle confessing at Jada’s bachelorette party that being with EJ was her biggest regret. Gabi says she confessed that too, but she didn’t start it up again. Paulina asks what Belle has to say for herself. Gabi tells Belle to go ahead and tell her boss how while EJ held Rafe hostage and tortured Jada, they were going at it like rabbits.

JJ informs Shawn that Gabi pulled a gun on EJ as she was desperate to find her brother, but Rafe is back now and EJ is still denying he had anything to do with Rafe’s disappearance. JJ notes that he promised Gabi he would not stop until they put EJ behind bars. Shawn assures that he wants EJ put away just as badly as he does, not because he’s sleeping with Belle, but because he’s a menace. Shawn still can’t believe he let Arnold loose to take over Rafe’s life again all over some vendetta against Jada. Shawn calls it sick that Arnold walked Jada down the aisle just to dump her in front of everyone and announces his investigation with so called dirt against her, then turns his back on her. JJ calls it a nightmare. Shawn argues that Jada doesn’t deserve this as she is amazing. JJ remarks that Shawn sounds almost as passionate about this as Gabi. Shawn calls Rafe his friend and Jada was their boss until EJ and Arnold set her up to look like a crooked cop. JJ says it’s obviously upsetting as hell to all of them, but he feels how Shawn is defending Jada is kind of personal.

Jada brings Rafe home and says she still thinks they should’ve gone back to the hospital but Rafe assures that he’s fine. Rafe wishes he could remember what happened so they could put EJ away. Jada encourages that memories have a way of coming back. Rafe remembers last time Arnold came to town, he took the husband act a little too far. Jada says she heard. Rafe hopes history did not repeat itself.

Kristen brings Rachel Blake home to the DiMera Mansion where EJ remarks that she tracked down her runaway mom. Kristen sends her mother to relax on the couch while she talks to EJ. EJ asks her what happened. Kristen says it was exactly what she feared, as she found her mother at Ava’s room where she went with a knife to kill her. Kristen notes that Ava was injured but not seriously and her mother is more unstable than she thought. EJ is sure Bayview has room for her. Kristen remarks that prison has room for them too and worries about this making Ava change her mind about going to the police.

Brady asks Ava if they can talk while Ava asks what there is to talk about when that crazy old lady just tried to kill her. Brady reminds her that turning her in to the police means he could lose his daughter forever.

Belle doesn’t know where Gabi is getting her information. Gabi asks if she’s denying it when Jada told her that Belle and EJ were hooking up again. Belle complains about Jada blabbing about her personal life that isn’t her business. Paulina questions if it’s true then. Belle admits that she and EJ were seeing each other briefly, until she found out that he was involved in Ava’s kidnapping. Gabi asks why he wasn’t arrested for that. Belle informs her that Ava didn’t press charges while Gabi mocks Belle not having to prosecute her boyfriend. Gabi asks if Paulina gets now why she can’t trust Belle to get justice for Rafe. Belle argues that EJ is not her boyfriend and she just said they ended things. Gabi points out that Belle also said EJ was her biggest regret and then dove right back in to bed with him. Gabi then questions why they should believe that she won’t let EJ walk so that she can keep screwing him.

EJ reminds Kristen that Ava promised Brady that she wouldn’t go to the police. Kristen says that was before her mother went after her a second time and wonders how Brady will convince Ava to keep quiet now. Rachel Blake tells Kristen that she’s feeling light headed and asks for something to eat. Kristen agrees to have Cook make her something and asks EJ to keep an eye on her mother as she exits.

Ava understands why Brady didn’t want her to press charges against Kristen’s mother for kidnapping her but this is a completely separate crime that his daughter had nothing to do with it. Brady says she still can’t talk to the cops. Ava argues that Kristen’s mother needs to be behind bars. Brady agrees but he’s afraid that she will bring Rachel’s name up while in police custody because she will say she attacked Ava for her granddaughter. Ava insists she won’t do that. Ava reminds Brady that Kristen didn’t let her go because her mother reminded her what might happen if the authorities found out Rachel was involved in the kidnapping. Brady insists that he can’t risk it because CPS is serious and he doesn’t want to lose his kid forever. Ava asks if he’s asking her to let Kristen’s mother walk for a second time.

Jada assures Rafe that nothing happened between her and Arnold. Rafe complains that Arnold was living with her, pretending to be him. Jada says thankfully they didn’t spend much time alone together. Jada tells Rafe that she and Arnold never shared a bed and she never had sex with him.

Shawn admits maybe he has gotten overprotective of Jada because he hates what EJ and Arnold did to her. Shawn adds that for whatever reason, Jada turned to him during all of this and he was there for her, to give her a shoulder to cry on. JJ says he might be off base but he’s getting the vibe that there’s more to it. JJ decides it’s none of his business. Shawn agrees but admits he feels he needs to be honest with JJ since he trusts him, he’s his cousin and a good guy so he knows he won’t go anywhere with this. Shawn then confirms that JJ is not off base and reveals that he and Jada slept together.

Belle tells Gabi that she would never let her personal life interfere with her job and she doesn’t think that’s very fair of her. Gabi calls it unfair that EJ could get away with replacing her brother twice. Belle gets that EJ is not her favorite person, but says he’s still entitled to presumed innocence. Gabi argues that Belle should be building a case against EJ. Paulina says that’s enough and then wonders if Belle should excuse herself from this case.

EJ comments on Rachel Blake having quite the afternoon. She admits that she was so close to getting rid of Ava. EJ shares her disdain for Ava but suggests leaving her alone if she wants to stay out of prison. Rachel Blake says it won’t get to that but EJ assures that it will if she goes around stabbing people in broad daylight. EJ warns that if Ava goes to the police, there might not be anything Kristen can do to help her this time. She remarks that she has more faith in Kristen’s abilities than EJ does, but if she is unable to protect her, she’s sure that EJ will use his considerable resources to keep her out of prison unless he wants to join her there.

Ava questions Brady wanting her to let Kristen’s mother off the hook again and keep quiet about nearly being slashed to death because he’s afraid to lose his daughter. Ava asks if she’s supposed to sit around and wait for Rachel Blake to finish her off. Brady says he won’t let that happen. Ava argues that Brady just tried to convince her this morning that it was over, so he has no idea what she will do next. Brady promises they will figure it out and pleads with Ava not to talk to the police. Ava knows how scared Brady is of losing his daughter, but she needs somebody who is going to look out for her and protect her which is obviously not Brady, so the only choice she has now is to handle this on her own and she’s going to do whatever it takes to protect herself.

JJ is shocked to learn that Shawn slept with Jada and assures it will stay between them, but asks how it happened. Shawn explains that it was right after Jada found out that who she thought was Rafe had slept with the stripper. JJ admits he can see how that would drive her in to someone else’s arms. JJ asks if he thinks she will tell Rafe. Shawn says his guess is as good as his.

Rafe tells Jada that he’s so relieved to hear that she didn’t sleep with Arnold because the thought of another man’s hands on her was tearing him up inside. Jada then thinks back to having sex with Shawn. Rafe asks Jada what’s wrong. Jada responds that there’s something she needs to tell him. Rafe asks what it is and says she can tell him anything. Rafe adds that if something did happen with Arnold, he wouldn’t blame her. Jada repeats that nothing happened with him. Rafe says he believes her and asks what it is then. Jada responds that she and Arnold never slept together, but he did kiss her a couple times including at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Jada decides not to talk about that anymore and suggests Rafe take a shower while she makes lunch. Rafe thanks her for telling him and admits it was tough to hear but not that shocking. Rafe adds that he does feel better now that everything is out in the open. Rafe declares that he’s so happy to be home with her as they kiss. Rafe then goes to shower.

Shawn doesn’t know if Jada will tell Rafe what happened between them since they haven’t had the chance to talk about it as it was almost immediately after that they found out Arnold might be back, so they jumped straight in to action. Shawn adds that Jada didn’t know that it wasn’t Rafe who betrayed her so they both feel terrible. Shawn repeats that Rafe is his friend. JJ points out that they both thought Rafe cheated on Jada and called off their wedding, but they wouldn’t have hooked up if they knew it was Arnold. Shawn says they never would have, but they did. JJ assures no one will hear about it from him. Shawn decides there’s something he needs to do so he’s going to step out. JJ tells Shawn that if he needs to talk more, he’s there for him. Shawn thanks JJ as he exits.

Belle questions Paulina taking her off the case. Paulina thinks it would be for the best considering her relationship with EJ. Belle insists there is no personal relationship anymore. Paulina argues that even a hint of it could compromise the case, so she will have to let one of her assistants take over and considers appointing a special prosecutor. Gabi says now they’re talking. Belle argues that she doesn’t need to do that and she is more than capable of overseeing the case. Belle says she is just as horrified by what EJ has done while Gabi feels she’s making excuses for her boyfriend. Belle repeats that he is not her boyfriend but argues that he is a skilled, ruthless, and diabolical attorney so if there’s a loophole, he will find it and exploit any technicality. Belle states that her assistants do not have the knowledge or experience to oversee this case but she does and she knows EJ so she can anticipate his moves. Paulina admits Belle makes some valid points which upsets Gabi. Gabi guesses Paulina was just performing for her benefit and that they were probably strategizing on how to keep EJ out of prison before she walked up. Gabi says that she thought she only had to worry about Belle but now she remembers Paulina’s daughter is a DiMera, so if EJ goes to prison, her son in law would suffer and she wouldn’t want that. Paulina argues that Johnny doesn’t want EJ to get away with this switch again, reminding Gabi that Johnny warned EJ that he better not be lying about Arnold. Gabi declares that EJ is lying and so are both of them. Gabi says they are full of it and if she wants EJ to pay fo what he did to Rafe, she’ll just have to take matters in to her own hands. Gabi then storms off. Belle tells Paulina that she’s sorry to put her and the city through this as she knows she shouldn’t have gotten involved with EJ again. Paulina says what’s done is done and she has to get to her next meeting. Belle asks if she will let her stay on the case. Paulina agrees to for now but if she even gets a hint that she’s going easy on EJ, she will be off the case and looking for a new job.

Rachel Blake warns EJ that if she goes down for getting rid of Ava, then she will tell anyone who will listen about EJ holding Rafe captive in her attic. EJ calls her an old cow and starts to warn her but Kristen comes back and says her food is ready, so she suggests they go up to her room to have it. Rachel Blake wishes EJ a pleasant afternoon as she then heads upstairs with Kristen.

Brady tells Ava that he’s sorry if he made it sound like he only cares about Rachel when he does care about Ava very much. Ava says that’s the problem which Brady questions. Ava points out that Rachel sees her as the only obstacle in the way of her mom and dad being together. Brady says they talked about this and Rachel making progress in therapy. Ava argues that Rachel will always wish her family was together and now she has her deranged grandmother. Brady says they will neutralize her, so Ava asks how he’s going to do that without handing her over to the police. Brady promises that he will. Brady asks Ava to just trust him. Ava responds that she can’t do this. Brady apologizes as he knows she’s probably still upset about what she’s been through. Ava confirms that she is and she just needs some time to think. Ava tells Brady that he should go as he has enough going on with his dad missing. Brady agrees to go and says he’ll call her later. Ava says she’ll be here, trying to figure out a way to protect herself against Rachel Blake’s next attack. Brady repeats that he really is sorry about all of this. Brady realizes they’ve only been seeing each other a short while but he really doesn’t want to lose her. Brady then exits her room as Ava gets up and locks the door.

Gabi joins JJ in the interrogation room. JJ asks if everything is okay. Gabi responds that she can’t trust the mayor or the district attorney to make sure EJ pays. Gabi adds that with Arnold gone and Rafe unable to remember, JJ is her only hope as she hugs him.

EJ looks up at the portrait of Stefano and says this is all his fault for blowing up Rachel Blake’s car all those years ago, otherwise they wouldn’t be in this mess. EJ declares that he has to find a way to make sure she doesn’t say anything to anyone about what she knows about Rafe.

Belle remains in the town square and thinks back to being with EJ on Valentine’s Day. Belle declares that EJ may have pulled the wool over her eyes twice but there will not be a third time and if she finds any proof that he had anything to do with what happened to Rafe, she will personally nail his ass to the wall.

Shawn goes to see Jada at home and says he hoped they could talk, assuming Rafe is still in the hospital but Rafe comes to the door and says he’s here and happy to be back home with the woman he loves. Rafe then asks what Shawn wanted to talk to Jada about. Shawn says he just wanted to let her know that he and JJ are doing everything they can to prove EJ was behind what happened with Arnold. Shawn promises them that he’s not going to get away with this.

EJ declares that he knows Kristen has been enjoying her reunion with her mother but it’s all going to come to an end as he pulls a syringe out of the safe

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

In Ava’s room, she, Brady, Kristen, and Rachel got in a heated argument. When Ava wanted to call the police, Kristen took her mother out of the room. She warned Brady to handle it. Brady tried to stop Ava from going after Kristen and Rachel which upset her. He told her that it would cost him his daughter. She told him that the crime had nothing to do with his daughter and said she could go to the police. Brady said he was afraid of what Rachel would say in custody. He said it all went together and said he couldn’t risk CPS taking Rachel. Ava asked if he wanted her to let Rachel get away with what she did. She was furious that her life was in danger, yet no one could control Rachel. Brady begged her not to say anything. She said she needed someone to look after her. Since Brady wasn’t looking out for her, she had to do it herself. He apologized to her and let her know that Rachel wasn’t the only one he cared about and was going to keep Rachel from going after her. Ava said she needed time to think and asked him to leave. Brady asked if he could call her, but she said she would be protecting herself. Before he left, he apologized to her and said he didn’t want to lose her. Ava locked the door when he left. Paulina met with Belle at the town square. While they were talking, Gabi showed up and asked hen Belle was going to do her job and arrest EJ. Belle and Paulina tried to calm Gabi down, but Gabi revealed that Belle was sleeping with EJ. Gabi let Paulina know about Belle and EJ’s relationship. Belle ended up admitting to being involved with him briefly. Gabi said Belle couldn’t be trusted to make EJ pay. Paulina asked if Belle needed to recuse herself from the case. Belle convinced Paulina that she could do the case. She told Paulina that she was the only one who could handle the kind of attorney EJ is. Despite Gabi’s interference, Paulina agreed to let Belle do the case. Gabi accused Paulina of helping EJ because of Chanel and Johnny. Before Gabi left, she let them know that she was going to take matters into her own hands.

JJ and Shawn were in the interrogation room going over Arnold Feniger’s case and how to put EJ away. He told Shawn what Gabi did. Shawn said EJ’s scheme was sick. When the subject of Jada came up, JJ noticed that Shawn was passionate when it concerned her. Shawn admitted to being passionate but said it was because he hated what EJ did to her. He said he gave Jada a shoulder to cry on. JJ thought it might have been something more. Shawn admitted to sleeping with her. He said they never had a chance to talk about it because they found out about Arnold. JJ promised not to say anything. EJ argued with Rafe and Jada about Arnold being back. Rafe said he should have put him out of his misery. Before EJ threw them out, he told them Arnold was never there. Jada dragged Rafe out and warned EJ that it wasn’t over. When Jada and Rafe went home, she told him his memories could come back. She told him that she and Arnold never slept together and barely spent any time together. Rafe was glad that they didn’t because the thought of another man touching her tore him up inside. Jada thought about sleeping with Shawn. Jada said she and Arnold never slept together, but they kissed a few times. Rafe was happy that everything was out in the open. Kristen brought her mother home and told EJ what happened at Ava’s. EJ was upset that they didn’t succeed in killing Ava. They were afraid that they would go to prison if Brady couldn’t convince Ava to keep quiet. When Rachel wanted food, Kristen went to get it. EJ told Rachel to leave Ava alone. Rachel was convinced that he would be able to keep her out of prison unless he wanted to go to prison too. She reminded him about the man he kept in the attic. EJ threatened her to keep quiet. She left to eat her food. Gabi went to the police station to let JJ know he was the only one she could trust since she didn’t trust Belle or Paulina. Shawn showed up at the Hernandez house to talk to Jada. He thought Rafe was in the hospital until Rafe showed up and let him know that he wasn’t. Shawn said he was there to let Jada know that he and JJ were on the case.

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Days Update Monday, March 10, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes home, questioning why Brady didn’t tell him what’s going on. Brady asks why he’s not in school. Tate reveals that Andrew just called and told him John is missing. Brady apologizes as he didn’t want to worry him until they knew more. Tate asks what they are going to do. Brady tells him that Andrew, Paul, and Shane are on the case and they are going to get through this as a family. Tate’s mother Theresa then arrives and asks if that includes her. Theresa announces she got her get out of jail free card, shocking Brady and Tate.

In the town square, Holly informs Doug III that she and Tate had a fight. He asks what it was about. She thinks back to arguing with Tate about Doug III, but claims it was just about the whole adoption thing getting screwed up. Holly asks what’s new with him. He responds that Leo managed to track down the woman who bought the necklace and she’s meeting him here any minute, but he has no idea who he’s looking for. Melinda Trask then arrives and reveals that it’s her, remarking that it looks so perfect on her.

Jada visits Rafe in the hospital. Rafe says he feels great and can’t wait to go home with her. Jada says she’s so grateful to have him back. Rafe assures that he is all hers forever. Jada asks what Kayla said. Rafe says outside of the big recent memory loss, he is the picture of health, so she will discharge him as soon as he finishes his IV. Jada prays that he gets the rest of his memory back so they can nail EJ for what he did to him.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ talks to Rita on the phone and says he’s sorry about Gabi’s poor attitude at the office, but she can’t tie him to Rafe’s abduction. EJ then hears Kristen looking for her mother and goes in to the living room, questioning if something is wrong. Kristen responds that her mother is missing.

Ava returns home where Rachel Blake is waiting in her room. Ava questions what the hell she wants. She responds that she just got out of jail, so she came for a friendly little visit.

Tate tells Theresa that Andrew didn’t say anything about her getting released. They question if she’s a fugitive escaped from prison but Theresa assures that she is legally free and her release date just got moved up. Tate calls it amazing and can’t believe she’s here as they hug. Theresa asks if Brady doesn’t have a hug for the mother of his child.

Rafe tells Jada that Kayla said it’s impossible to know if he will get his memory back as if he was drugged, it’s all out of his system now. Rafe mentions not knowing how long he was even gone. Jada brings up the last thing Rafe remembers being seeing Arnold in EJ’s living room, so it’s been about three months but he’s here now, so all they can do is move forward and focus on the case. Rafe agrees and asks what they have. Jada says all evidence points to EJ and they have the DNA from Arnold’s hair along with Rafe’s eyewitness account that places Arnold at the DiMera Mansion along with their history. Rafe can’t believe EJ took his life from him again and declares that’s the last time.

EJ thought Kristen’s mother was in jail. Kristen explains that Melinda pulled some strings to get her released and she just brought her here, but she’s disappeared. EJ asks if he should call the authorities. Kristen complains that one of the conditions of her release was that she would keep an eye on her. Kristen talks about trusting her after she promised not to pull anything. Kristen says she was getting her room ready and when she came back, her mother was gone and she has no idea where the hell she went.

Ava tells Rachel Blake that she should not be here. She complains that Ava put her in jail. Ava argues that she kidnapped her and now breaking in to her room is also a crime. Ava says if she leaves now, they can forget this ever happened. Rachel Blake gets in Ava’s face and says she had no trouble expressing her displeasure with the other inmates, which she does to anyone who stands in the way of the happiness of her or her family, so now she’s going to express her displeasure to her.

Holly tells Doug III that she unfortunately knows Melinda, filling him in on how she helped Sloan kidnap her baby brother and let them believe he was dead which shocks him. Melinda says that’s allegedly and argues that she also happens to be the former district attorney. Holly calls her a horrible person. Melinda says she doesn’t need to be insulted by some high school brat and threatens to leave but Doug III says he really needs the necklace back.

Theresa understands Brady is still angry with her and always will be, so she doesn’t blame him. Brady apologizes and says he has a lot on his mind right now as he reveals John is missing which shocks her. Brady explains that is what they were talking about when she walked in as John was deep undercover on an ISA mission and now Shane and Andrew are trying to find him but that’s all he knows. Theresa is sorry he’s going through this. Theresa says he may not have a hug for her, but asks if he would object if she had a hug for him. Theresa then hugs Brady.

Rafe tells Jada that the last time EJ had Arnold take over his life, it was to ruin his relationship with Sami and destroy his bond with Johnny, but he doesn’t have an idea why he would do it now. Jada explains that shortly after it happened, EJ hired “Rafe” to do private investigator work for him to dig up dirt on her. Rafe argues that there is no dirt. Jada says he managed to find a lot of dirt and revealed it in the most humiliating way possible, in front of all of their family and friends on their wedding day. Rafe says he’s so sorry. Jada adds that Arnold used the supposed information to ditch her at the altar. Jada responds that she’s sure it was all EJ.

Kristen comes out from searching the tunnels while EJ informs her that Harold confirmed Rachel Blake is nowhere else in the house either. Kristen questions why she would just wander off when she seemed so happy to be with her here, despite being unsettled by Stefano’s portrait. EJ asks if it’s possible she just went home since she hasn’t been out in the real world in so long. Kristen admits she was a little preoccupied with the idea of getting her and Brady back together, but she told her to let it go. Kristen adds that she did tell her that Ava almost put them all in prison. Kristen notes that her mother said she would stay out of it but asks what if she didn’t.

Ava warns Rachel Blake that she should be counting her blessings that she’s out of jail, thanks to her. Ava says maybe she hasn’t heard, but she’s not pressing charges against her or Kristen despite thinking they deserve to be punished. Ava explains that she agreed not to say a word so that Rachel wouldn’t be taken from her parents. Rachel Blake responds that she’s very grateful for that and will get out of her hair then. She instead turns and pulls out a knife.

Theresa repeats that she’s so sorry Brady is going through this and she knows it’s very upsetting news for Tate, but she has no doubt that Shane and Andrew will find John. Theresa asks how Tate is aside from that and if he and Holly are still doing okay. Tate would rather not talk about he and Holly, so Theresa questions if they broke up. Brady clarifies that they didn’t, but they ran in to an issue with the baby. Theresa is shocked and questions what baby.

Rafe tells Jada that he still doesn’t get why EJ would want to stop their marriage and come between them. Jada thinks it was about her and that Rafe was just collateral damage, since she had persuaded Paulina to fire EJ as district attorney and hire Belle. Jada feels she put a target on her back and EJ hit the bullseye for revenge by taking everything from her. Jada then informs Rafe that he’s police commissioner again and congratulates him. Rafe complains that she lost her job and thought it was all because of him. Rafe tells Jada that he’s so sorry this happened to her as they hug.

EJ asks if Kristen thinks her mother went to go see Brady. Kristen is sure Brady would have called if she had and questions why she would go after him when there’s no leverage there. Kristen declares that Ava is the threat to her and Rachel’s happiness. Kristen argues that her mother at heart is a kind and gentle soul, but she’s not in her right mind, so she wouldn’t be surprised if she went after Ava again.

Ava questions what the hell Rachel Blake is doing. She responds that she found this knife in the kitchen of the DiMera Mansion, talking about how it’s sharp enough to cut through flesh. She says Kristen asked her to stay away from this and let it all go, but she has to listen to her heart. She complains about Kristen being taken from her to be raised by that awful family, leaving her for dead, so now she owes it to Kristen and Rachel to make up for lost time and a lost life. She has to give them what she couldn’t give them before. Ava warns that she used to run a mafia organization while Rachel Blake warns that she’s the one holding the knife.

Brady questions Tate not telling Theresa as he assumed he mentioned it when he visited her in prison. Theresa questions what is going on. Tate explains that he was going to but he didn’t want to upset her. Theresa demands answers and asks if Tate got Holly pregnant.

Doug III explains to Melinda how he had no right to sell the necklace in the first place and he deeply regrets what he’s done as Julie took him in and treated him like family. Holly encourages that he just made a mistake and talks about how sorry he is. Doug III says he just wants to make it right since it would mean the world to Julie to have the necklace back. He says he’ll do anything. Melinda calls it a touching story, but she doesn’t see how any of this is her problem.

Ava and Rachel Blake struggle over the knife as Ava’s phone rings.

Kristen tells EJ that Ava is not answering. EJ jokes that if Rachel Blake did anything to Ava, they wouldn’t have to worry about Ava testifying against them. Kristen tells him not to joke about that and insists that Ava was going to keep her mouth shut, so Rafe was the one he had to worry about since he will surely rat them out. EJ assures that he’s made sure Rafe won’t get that chance as any evidence has been wiped clean from his skull. Kristen calls that one less thing to worry about while she has to go find her mother. EJ wishes her luck. Kristen thanks him as she’s afraid she’s going to need it. Kristen then exits the mansion.

Rafe calls EJ an arrogant and evil bastard for what he put Jada through. Jada comments that they don’t even fully know what EJ did to Rafe and she’s afraid that without Rafe getting his memory back, they’ll never be able to make EJ pay. Rafe assures that they will and declares that it’s time for him to get answers out of EJ if it’s the last thing he does.

Holly tells Melinda that they will pay her more than what she bought for the necklace, reminding her that Maggie is her Grandma if money is her concern. Melinda guesses Holly really likes Doug III, warning that it’s never a good idea to get involved with someone who traffics stolen merchandise. Holly asks what if Julie sees Melinda wearing it. Melinda responds that Doug III would have a lot of explaining to do. Holly apologizes for offending her but asks her not to take it out on Doug III. Melinda turns down their offer and declares that their business is concluded as she walks away.

Tate tells Theresa that she’s got it completely wrong and Holly isn’t pregnant. Theresa questions there being a baby. Tate reveals that Sophia is pregnant which shocks Theresa. Tate calls it a very long story. Brady says he has something to do in the kitchen, so he exits to let them talk. Tate tells Theresa that he and Holly were broken up. Theresa can’t believe that her baby is going to have a baby and she’s going to be a Grandmother. Tate explains that they hoped to give the baby up for adoption but Sophia’s mother vetoed the idea. Theresa asks why she wouldn’t.

Kristen finds her mother holding the knife on Ava and yells at her to stop. Rachel Blake tells Kristen that she can’t be here and insists she’s doing what she has to do. Kristen tells her to give her the knife as the only way to help her and Rachel is to not hurt Ava so she doesn’t go back to prison. Kristen takes the knife as her mother breaks down crying.

Rafe goes to the DiMera Mansion to confront EJ and says he knows what he did. EJ claims not to know what he’s talking about. Rafe tells EJ to cut the crap and let it out. Jada runs in to tell Rafe to stop. Rafe asks why and begins choking EJ as he says he can say what EJ did to him made him not in his right mind for killing him. Jada pulls Rafe off of EJ. EJ thanks her but Jada says not to thank her as she’s trying to protect Rafe. Jada questions Rafe ditching her at the hospital. Rafe says he just wanted to get a head start. EJ tells them to take their couples therapy elsewhere and accuses them of having fantasies about Arnold. Jada says they know it was Arnold because he didn’t match Gabi’s DNA. EJ argues that they had someone in custody but there’s no proof it was Arnold. Rafe promises that he’s not going to get away with it this time.

Ava complains that Rachel Blake almost cut her hand off and shouts that she’s sorry she didn’t press charges. Brady arrives and asks what is going on here. Ava informs him that Kristen’s mother just tried to kill her.

Tate asks if Theresa thinks it’s a good idea for he and Sophia to raise a child while they are in high school. Theresa complains that adoptions don’t always go a good way, bringing up Kristen and Eve. Theresa knows he’s upset but she doesn’t want this for her grandchild. Theresa feels like Sophia’s mother throwing a wrench in his plans could be a blessing in disguise.

Holly tells Doug III that she’s sorry and she should’ve just stayed out of the situation. He assures that he’s grateful for her help and that none of it is her fault. Holly guesses she should’ve just gone to school today. Doug III says it’s not too late if she wants to make things right with Tate. Holly says she doesn’t want to talk to Tate right now and they have a lot of work to do still. Holly declares that this isn’t over and they are getting the necklace back.

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Days Update Friday, March 7, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and offers Holly a ride to school which she accepts. Holly goes to get her backpack, so Tate remarks that at least Doug III didn’t steal that.

Doug III goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn and asks if he has any news about who bought the necklace. Leo responds that he does.

Marlena is in her office, finishing a call with the ISA and comments on her missing husband and Shane not returning her calls. Marlena hangs up and looks at a photo of John.

Brady is at home on the phone with Paul. Brady says they are just keeping everybody in the loop and asks Paul if Andrew has heard anything from the ISA. Brady says they will keep in touch and hangs up as Ava shows up at his door.

At the police station, Kristen is on the phone with her brother Peter, assuring him that he doesn’t have to worry about their mother because the lawyers are working on her release. Kristen says she will call as soon as she is free. Melinda Trask arrives and says they need to talk. Kristen questions where her mother is as she wants her out of this hell hole and complains that Melinda said she was going to bring her out. Melinda responds that she’s afraid there’s been a problem.

Ava apologizes to Brady for hanging up on him yesterday. Brady says he knows he’s asking a lot for her to not press charges in her own kidnapping. Ava understands that Kristen has put him in an impossible position. Ava asks if Brady really thinks child protective services would take Rachel. Brady feels there would be strong signals that Rachel is not in a safe environment. Brady calls it unfair that Ava has been in the center of this whole damn thing. Ava declares that she couldn’t live with herself if she turned out to be the reason he lost Rachel. Brady thanks her for understanding. Ava hates that it means Kristen and her mom are going to get away with it.

Kristen asks Melinda what the problem is since Belle doesn’t have a case with Ava not testifying. Melinda confirms that all charges have been dropped but then reveals that her mother has not been brought out because she got in a fight with another inmate and bit her.

Holly tells Tate that was uncalled for. Tate questions if Doug III is not a thief despite stealing a valuable necklace. Holly says he just made a mistake and stealing is not a regular thing for him. Tate questions how she knows that. Holly explains that Doug III owed people money and was desperate but he feels awful about it and is trying to make it right. Tate says he’ll take her word for it but he doesn’t get why she’s bending over backwards to defend him.

Leo informs Doug III that the woman who purchased the necklace lives here in Salem which surprises him. Doug III asks how to get in touch with her, but Leo says he has no idea. Doug III questions how the guy who sold it to her doesn’t have her name. Leo explains that people who purchase expensive jewelry off the street don’t use their real names. Doug III guesses he has no way of contacting her then. Leo says he wouldn’t say that, pointing out that digging up information is his bag and he can be very persistent which he says is usually a good trait but not always. Doug III asks what he means. Leo says persistence is not good when someone is running in to a brick wall as he then asks Doug III to tell him about he and Holly.

Holly assures Tate that Doug III is her friend and that’s all. Tate feels she’s excusing him stealing the necklace. Holly explains that Doug III is trying to get the necklace back and hates that he hurt Julie. Tate questions what Julie has to do with it. Holly tries to cover and says she shouldn’t have said anything but Tate insists, so Holly admits that it was Julie’s necklace.

Steve goes to see Marlena in her office and says he just heard that John is missing. Marlena explains that Shane was meant to set up a phone call between them but they lost contact and apparently John is completely off the grid. Marlena adds that Shane won’t return her call and feels that is a bad sign.

Ava tells Brady that Kristen may not have personally kidnapped her, but she was more than willing to just leave her in that house forever and she’s just going to walk again. Brady assures it’s not what he wants and if it wasn’t for Rachel, he’d want Kristen locked up forever. Brady adds that he’s just grateful her plan didn’t work and Steve found Ava. Ava feels she owes Brady for hiring Steve. Brady wishes he figured it out sooner but says the important thing is that she’s safe and the whole thing is over. Ava questions if it is since Rachel has made it very clear that she will do anything to keep them apart and she’s desperate to have he and Kristen back together. Brady responds that he loves his daughter but she’s not going to dictate his romantic life. Ava worries that she’s not going to stop. Brady states that he doesn’t want to be with Kristen, he wants to be with Ava. Ava doesn’t think Rachel got the memo. Brady says that Rachel is in therapy, learning that there are some things she can’t change and the therapist said she’s making progress. Ava is glad to hear that but asks what about the other Rachel.

Kristen questions Melinda telling her that her mother bit someone and if that’s why they aren’t letting her go. Melinda explains that apparently charges are not being pressed so the guard on duty will be bringing her up. Melinda advises Kristen to consider the fact that her mother might be a little unstable. Kristen assures that she will be fine and blames it on her mother being locked up with hostile strangers. Melinda warns Kristen that she is responsible for her mother now, so having her in police custody is not a good look for the CEO of DiMera and brings up Wei Shin and the board members. Kristen responds that it’s a good thing she’s out of police custody then. Melinda warns that Kristen is about to take her home, so she needs to do everything in her power to make sure her mother stays out of trouble. Rachel Blake is then brought up to Kristen. Kristen checks on her and she assures that she’s fine. She says she’s free now to go home and wants to take a bath which Kristen says she can make happen. Melinda says she’s glad everything turned out okay. Kristen thanks her for everything and says it’s good to have her on her team. Melinda wishes them luck and exits the station. Rachel Blake tells Kristen that she was just defending herself in her cell. Kristen suggests getting her home while Rachel Blake says on the way, they will talk about how Kristen is going to get Brady back.

Ava tells Brady that Rachel Blake doesn’t want them together any more than his daughter. Brady argues that she’s a frail old woman and questions what she can do about it. Ava says she learned the hard way not to underestimate her. Brady admits she’s done some unusual things in the past. Ava tells him that she read up on The Woman in White and what she did to Jennifer. Ava complains that she kept her trapped and is off her rocker. Ava worries that she may be more dangerous than Kristen. Brady says he’s sorry for what she went through but they can’t let themselves be intimidated or scared off. Brady tells Ava that he wants to be with her and he needs her, especially with what he’s going through right now about his father.

Steve tells Marlena that it’s not like Shane to avoid her phone calls. Marlena remarks that her husband has never gone missing on Shane’s watch before. Steve suggests maybe Shane doesn’t have anything new to report. Marlena argues that he should tell her that then. Steve points out how the ISA does everything cloaked in secrecy. Marlena worries that something has gone bad. Steve encourages that maybe John is still on the case. Marlena questions what to do in the meantime and argues that John needs her. Marlena argues that if she went missing, John would be scouring the planet looking for her, so that’s what she’s going to do. Marlena declares that she’s going to go find John.

Tate is shocked to learn that Doug III stole Julie’s Grandmother’s necklace. Holly tries to explain while Tate continues to question it. Holly points out that Julie doesn’t know Doug III took the necklace. Tate can’t believe he still hasn’t told her. Holly asks Tate not to say anything.

Doug III questions why Leo would want to talk about he and Holly and what any of this has to do with her. Leo points out that he brought her over last time. Doug III says that’s because she is his friend and is helping him with the necklace situation. Doug III questions Leo looking at him and insists that he knows Holly has a boyfriend. Leo says it’s not just any boyfriend and talks about the lore of Holly and Tate. Leo says they’ve been through many obstacles to be together, so the last thing they need is him coming between them which Doug III says he’s not trying to do. Leo questions if he’s going to tell him that he has no interest in Holly. Doug III asks where this is coming from. Leo says that he just picked up on a vibe and he knows chemistry when he sees it. Doug III then admits that maybe he does kind of like Holly, but says he’s not going to do anything about it as he respects that she’s with Tate, so they are just friends. Leo hopes he means that because expecting more can mess with his head and ruin his life.

Holly reminds Tate that Julie just lost her husband not long ago and asks if he really wants to upset her right now. Tate guesses it would be upsetting but feels Julie has a right to know who stole her Grandmother’s necklace. Holly says Doug III is going to confess, but he’s trying to get the necklace back first to make the whole situation right. Tate questions if he has a timeline for this. Holly remarks that she thought Tate of all people would understand since he’s made mistakes, but he’s owning up to it and making the best decisions which is why he’s giving his baby up for adoption. Tate tells her that was the plan but they have hit a snag.

Kristen brings Rachel Blake home to the DiMera Mansion. She comments on things looking different. Kristen comments that a lot has changed in the family over the years. Rachel Blake says not everything as she points out the portrait of Stefano and remarks that monster is still looming over the place. Kristen encourages that Stefano can’t hurt her anymore and suggests they sit down to talk. Rachel Blake feels like she’s in trouble but Kristen says she’s actually trying to keep them both out of trouble. Kristen tells her that she needs to stop trying to get her back with Brady. She thought Kristen loved him and questions her not wanting to be back with the father of her child when that’s what Rachel wants. Kristen warns that plotting with Rachel almost cost them their freedom and if she didn’t think quick, Ava would have had them both in prison. Rachel Blake encourages that she did think quickly so all is right in the world. Kristen knows she meant well, but reminds her that she is CEO of an international conglomerate and asks her to stop.

Ava questions Brady about John missing and why he didn’t tell her sooner while she went on about Kristen. Brady says that’s important as well and admits they are all worried. Ava asks if Tate knows. Brady says he hasn’t told him since he’s dealing with Sophia’s pregnancy, so he didn’t want to burden him until they know more. Ava asks if he’s been dealing with this all alone. Brady tells her that Paul, Andrew, and Marlena have been apart of it. Brady says Marlena has been tough hanging in there, but he doesn’t know how much longer she’ll be able to do it with the waiting and not knowing.

Marlena tells Steve that she’s done waiting. Steve questions where she would go since she doesn’t even know where to start looking. Marlena responds that she doesn’t, but Shane does, so she’s going to DC to confront him and she’s not leaving until she gets answers. Marlena declares that she’s going to find out where her husband is and tells Steve not to waste his time trying to stop her. Steve responds that he won’t try to stop her, he will go with her.

Leo explains his similar situation to Doug III and says he would hate to see him get hurt like that. Doug III assures that he won’t get hurt, but he appreciates Leo looking out for him. Leo then gets a text, revealing his contact tracked down the woman who bought the necklace and she’s willing to meet with him.

Tate informs Holly that during the meeting with Johnny and Chanel, Gabi and Jada stormed in to accuse EJ of kidnapping Rafe, causing Sophia’s mom to freak out and now he doesn’t know if she’s going to let the adoption happen. Holly questions if that means he’s going to have to raise the baby with Sophia now. Tate responds that he’s really hoping her mother changes her mind. Tate asks if they can talk about this later since they need to get to school, but Holly decides that she’s just going to take the bus.

Marlena tells Steve that she can’t ask him to go with her and take him away from Kayla and his family. Steve insists that Kayla would never forgive him if he didn’t help her. Steve tells Marlena that John is his partner which means they always have each other’s back, so if she’s going to DC, he’s going with her. Marlena tearfully thanks Steve as they hug.

Ava tells Brady to let her know if there’s anything she can do. Brady says he appreciates that and there is something he wants her to do for him and that’s not give up on them. Brady knows what Kristen and her mother did was insane and they are going to get away with it, but assures that he will make it right and he won’t let Kristen get in the way of them as they kiss.

Rachel Blake promises Kristen that she will behave and says the only thing that matters to her is Kristen’s happiness. Kristen asks if she won’t have to worry about her messing with Ava again. She responds that she just wants to reconnect with Kristen and Rachel. Kristen says they are three generation of Blake women, finally under the same roof. Rachel Blake calls it a true blessing. Kristen thanks her for understanding and respecting her wishes as they hug.

Marlena tells Steve that she will have to rearrange her patient schedule. Steve says he will head home to pack a bag and tell Kayla about their plan. Marlena says she will let him know when she’s ready to go. Steve promises they will get the answers they need as he then exits. Marlena picks up her framed photo of John and declares that she’s coming for him.

Doug III finds Holly in the town square and questions her not being in school today. Holly responds that she’s just not going so he asks why. Holly explains that she was headed to the bus stop, but she just kept walking. He asks if there’s any particular reason, so she informs him that she and Tate had a fight about the whole adoption thing getting screwed up. Holly asks what’s new with him. He responds that Leo managed to track down the woman who bought the necklace and she’s meeting him here any minute, but he has no idea who he’s looking for. Melinda Trask then arrives and reveals that it’s her.

Kristen calls Peter and tells him that their mother is home, safe and sound. Kristen asks if he wants to talk to her and says she’ll go get her so he can say hello. Kristen goes back in to the living room, but her mother is gone which she calls strange.

Ava returns home where Rachel Blake is waiting in her room.

Tate goes home, questioning why Brady didn’t tell him what’s going on. Brady asks why he’s not in school. Tate reveals that Andrew just called and told him John is missing. Brady apologizes as he didn’t want to worry him until they knew more. Tate asks what they are going to do. Brady tells him that Andrew, Paul, and Shane are on the case and they are going to get through this as a family. Tate’s mother Theresa then arrives and asks if that includes her.

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Days Short Recap Monday, March 10, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady and Tate were surprised to see Theresa walk in the door. He wondered if she was a fugitive. Theresa told him that she was legally released from prison. She hugged Tate. Brady filled her in about John’s disappearance. She asked Tate how everything was going, and he announced that he’s having a baby. Theresa was shocked to find out that she’s going to be a grandmother. Rafe was ready to leave the hospital. He told Jada that Kayla said that he was only suffering from memory loss. Jada prayed that he got the rest of his memory back soon. He wanted to know how long he was gone. She let him know that he was gone for three months. Jada told him they had proof Arnold was at the DiMera mansion and how EJ switched him before. Rafe couldn’t believe that EJ stole his life from him again. He didn’t think EJ had a reason to do that to him. Jada informed him that Arnold helped EJ investigate her. She told him about what happened on the day of their wedding. Jada was convinced that EJ was behind the kidnapping. She explained why EJ wanted to go after her. Rafe hugged her. Kristen looked for her mother at the DiMera mansion. EJ was shocked to learn that Rachel was released from jail. He wondered if Rachel went back to Aremid. They thought she might have gone after Ava. EJ thought they would be safe if Rachel did kill Ava. Kristen didn’t think that was funny at all. She thought they should be more concerned about Rafe. EJ had Rafe under control. She left to look for her mother.

Ava went home and saw Rachel Blake. Rachel wanted to pay her a visit. Rachel couldn’t believe Ava had her in jail. Ava told her that she wouldn’t press charges if she left. Rachel Blake warned Ava that she didn’t like people interfering with her family. Ava reminded her that she was the reason she wasn’t in jail and that Kristen wasn’t arrested. She didn’t want Rachel to be taken by children’s services. Rachel Blake was grateful that her granddaughter was okay. She went to the door and grabbed a knife and turned towards Ava. Ava looked at her phone while Rachel grabbed a knife. She wanted to make sure that Kristen and her granddaughter had the lives they deserved. Ava informed her that she was a Mafia princess. Rachel threatened to kill her. Ava’s phone rang and the women started fighting. Rachel managed to cut Ava while they were fighting over the knife. Tate filled Theresa in about what happened with Sophia. Brady decided to leave so Tate and Theresa could talk. Theresa couldn’t believe her baby was having a baby. Tate filled her in about Sophia’s mother and how she didn’t want them to give the baby up for adoption. He was shocked when Theresa agreed with Amy. Kristen showed up just as her mother was about to stab Ava. She demanded that her mother hand her the knife. Kristen tried to reason with Rachel until she finally gave her the knife. Rafe arrived at the DiMera mansion and gave EJ a piece of his mind. Jada tried to stop him, but Rafe got his arms around EJ’s neck.

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Days Short Recap Friday, March 7, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Tate went to the Kiriakis mansion to take Holly to school. Things took a turn for the worst when he mentioned Doug being a thief. Holly defended Doug, but Tate continued to make cracks about him. He didn’t understand why she kept defending Doug. She said Doug was a good guy who didn’t want to hurt Julie. Tate wondered what she meant by that. Holly admitted that Doug stole Julie’s necklace. Tate was shocked that Doug stole the necklace. Holly let him know that Julie didn’t know Doug stole the necklace. She begged Tate not to say anything. He agreed to keep the secret. They ended up fighting when she said he should understand Doug’s situation after getting Sophia pregnant and giving up the baby. He ended up telling her about the meeting with Sophia’s mother. Holly asked if that meant he was going to have to raise the baby with Sophia. When he said he didn’t know, she decided to take the bus to school. Doug went to see Leo to find out about the necklace. Leo said he found out that a woman in Salem bought it, but he didn’t know anything else. While they were talking, Leo warned him to give up on Holly. He told Doug about Holly and Tate’s relationship. Doug said he had feelings for Holly, but he wasn’t going to do anything about it. While they were talking, Leo got a text from the person who bought the necklace. She was willing to meet.

Steve went to see Marlena to tell her that he heard that John was missing. She said John’s handler lost contact with him more than a day ago. When she told him Shane wasn’t returning her calls, she wondered if that was a bad thing. Steve tried to assure her that it wasn’t a bad thing. Marlena said John needed her. Steve said John could handle himself She said she was going to find her husband and was going to start with confronting Shane. When she let Steve know that he wasn’t going to stop her, he said he wouldn’t. Steve said John was his partner. Ava went to see Brady to apologize for hanging up on him. She asked if he thought CPS would really take Rachel away if Kristen got in trouble. When Brady said they would take Rachel, Ava agreed to help him. They were upset that Kristen was going to get away with what she did but were glad that it was over. Ava said Rachel was determined to keep them apart. Brady said Rachel was making progress in therapy. Ava asked about Rachel Blake. Brady said she was an old woman to which Ava said she was dangerous. He said he didn’t want to talk about it and wanted to be with her. She wanted him to let her know if she could do anything. At the police station, Kristen was on the phone with EJ. She talked to him about her mother. While she was talking, Melinda walked in. Kristen wanted to know where her mother was. Melinda said there was a problem. She said Rachel got into a fight with an inmate. Melinda said Rachel was getting out, but she should be careful with her. She said Kristen was responsible for Rachel and it wasn’t a good look for the company. A police officer brought Rachel to Kristen. Marlena told Steve that she was going to rearrange her patients’ schedule. Steve said he was going to let Kayla know what was going on and pack. He said they would get answers. Marlena picked up John’s picture and said she would find him. Doug ran into Holly at the town square. She told him about her fight with Tate. Doug said he had good news about the necklace. He said the woman wanted to meet him. While they were talking, Melinda showed up and said she was the woman. Tate went home and asked Brady why he didn’t tell him what was going on with his grandfather. He said Andrew told him about John being missing. Brady said everyone was helping and they would get through it as a family. Theresa walked in and asked if that included her.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex and Joy told Stephanie that they were going to be working together at Titan. Stephanie flashed back to hearing Sarah talk about Joy’s pregnancy results. When Stephanie started to panic, Alex and Joy said they wouldn’t take the jobs. Stephanie told them they were being silly. Joy said she thought about going to the show, but she took too long to make a decision. She said she had to get a job soon so it had to be Titan. Alex let her know it was fine before he and Stephanie left. Gabi was upset that she couldn’t find anything on her brother. JJ let her know they would find Rafe and bring him home. Gabi was concerned that EJ might have killed Rafe to which JJ said EJ was too smart to commit murder because it would make things worse for him. Gabi said EJ was the only one with the answers they needed. She insisted that they had to find a way to get the answers. He warned her to be careful to which she said she would be. Gabi asked if he was going to Arnold’s room at the Salem Inn. He said he was but warned her not to do anything she would regret. When JJ left, Gabi grabbed Rafe’s gun and said she wouldn’t regret it. Shawn went to Small Bar to talk to Savannah. She said she remembered him from the bachelor party. When he pulled out his badge, she said she quit being an exotic dancer. He said he wanted to question her about the bachelor she slept with. Shawn told her the guy was an imposter pretending to be Rafe. Savannah asked if his name was Arnold. She told him about the last time she was with him. Shawn said Arnold was pretending to be Rafe for months. Savannah said she couldn’t help him because they didn’t do much talking. When they were finished, Shawn left.

EJ told Rita that they gave Rafe too much of the serum and he didn’t have his memory. He said Gabi had a DNA test done on Arnold before Rafe came back. EJ said Rafe was back, but everyone thought Rafe was Arnold and that he still had the real Rafe. Rita warned him that Rolf’s drug only lasted temporarily. EJ said he knew that but was afraid that Rafe would still remember what EJ did. He said Jada and Gabi showed up looking for answers he couldn’t give them. When he asked if Arnold was out of the picture, she let him know that Arnold was in Argentina. While they were talking, Gabi came in. Rita left them alone. When EJ tried to stop Gabi, she pulled out the gun. She demanded that he tell her where her brother was. EJ said she wouldn’t shoot him and risk going back to prison for murder. Gabi asked if he wanted to test that theory and said she would shoot him if she had to. When Gabi said she would wipe off the prints, EJ said Rita saw her coming in. He let her know that killing him wouldn’t solve her problem. Gabi wanted to know where Rafe was. In the interrogation room, Jada wanted answers from Rafe. She told him that Rafe was her boss before he was her fiancé. Rafe remembered the day he hired her. When she didn’t believe him, he told her what happened when he hired her. He told her what he remembered, including that he loved her. While he was telling her the things he remembered, he asked her what day it was and if they were married. She said they weren’t married. He said the last thing he remembered was sneaking into the DiMera mansion and seeing Arnold. Rafe said he didn’t remember EJ or anything else that happened. Jada left the room to check on the fingerprints they took off Rafe. Shawn showed up and said they caught Arnold. Jada told him the person they got was Rafe and explained why she thought he was Rafe. When she got a text, she said he was the real Rafe. When Alex and Stephanie went back to her place, he said it was obvious that she didn’t like the idea of him working with Joy. He said he said he didn’t like it either but after what he did to her; he owed it to her to work things out. Stephanie said she trusted him but was concerned about them being close to each other. She was also concerned about Joy getting attached. Alex let her know that he and Joy had nothing tying them together. When JJ went back to the Hernandez house, he noticed that Gabi and the gun were gone. Before Gabi pulled the trigger on EJ, JJ showed up in time to stop her. He said Rafe was at the police station. Jada went back in the interrogation room and told Rafe it was really him. She said she loved him with all of her heart and kissed him.

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