
Blog Post #207!
Welcome to our new WordPress site! Well, almost….  Our main site is still over at and will be for quite a while. However, we’re building the new site here on WordPress. Right now it’s found at, as it’s still a “test” site, but it will be at Very soon!

Happy Halloween!

For the past few months, we had to work hard at figuring out how to edit this new design in WordPress (which you may have read about in my blog back in July), and how to make it exactly how we want it. I had a lot of help (see our credits page).  I had to learn how to use WordPress better.  Then it was a matter of figuring out how to build the new site.  I put up the main pages, and then, while I figured out how to use the software, I built our new Arrow site, adding lots of updates and news.  Then I had to figure out how to put in ads and other stuff. It’s been very trying, but thankfully, we’re all done with that. Now, as soon as I finish building the basic pages, we’ll start bringing more content over and move to the new address. I’ll continue to update the current show pages as I bring them over, and we’ll be able to put up more content for the new shows that I like much easier. We’ll probably leave the older shows pages on the old site for a while.

Happy Halloween!

I hope you like the changes! It will make things way easier for all of us here that work on it, and it should be easier for you to read, too, and should look nicer and load better. Also, you can make comments now!  Please leave comments!  We love hearing from you guys.

The Haunting of Hill HouseWe have some new volunteers, too, which is always exciting. We lost Ellen, who was helping to write the Y&R Updates, so Christine has been writing all five days. Christine is a fabulous writer, but I don’t think she really wants to do them daily, so we’re looking for someone else to help her out. I might have someone, but it might be a while before she can start… in the meantime, Eva has been writing the Y&R short recaps all five days. We may have someone to help her out, too, a great new write named Cherie who will be writing Monday’s Y&R recaps one day ahead, and also stepping in to write for Eva while she goes on vacation in December.  Please visit our Volunteer Jobs page if you would like to help out writing Y&R Updates or anything else! We have many jobs available.

In August, I spent a lot of time building our 2018 Primetime Schedule, which Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloweencovers all of the broadcast shows and when they premiere. I also made the cable listings which tells when all of those shows are returning to premiering. I haven’t had time to update that much, though. Still, it might be useful, so I hope you can check it out!

In my last blog, I talked about “Bold & The Beautiful,” which I watch every week day.  I’m glad that they brought Eric and Quinn back into the show with more story (just please don’t break them up again!).  It’s also great to have more story for Pam and Charlie. I still don’t like Thorne and Katie together. They were largely used as a plot device to get Ridge and Bill at each other’s throats again. She and Wyatt Thorne and Katie's weddingwere much better together, and they broke them up too quickly for no good reason. Now that Katie won her court case, we rarely see her and Thorne any more, unless it’s connected to Ridge and Bill. I notice that we don’t see too much of the interns Emma, Xander and Zoe any more. Good. I guess I’m not the only ones who didn’t like them or their bland story.

Lately I’ve been recording and watching “Stargate Atlantis” and “Stargate SG-1” off the El Rey channel. I saw some of SG-1, but I never got around to finishing it, Stargate Atlantisand I never saw the other show. I did see and love “Stargate Universe,” which to me was very similar to “Star Trek: Deep Space 9.”  Anyway, they’ve been showing them from the beginning, so I’m getting to see them, and I really love them.

Unfortunately, my DVR is really filled up with so much with “General Hospital” and “Young & The Restless” from the past few years, so I’m having a hard time watching enough shows to keep it from going to 100%. I did buy an external disk drive, so I could backup some of the shows, and make more space, but I haven’t had time to figure it out yet. I need to do that this week!  With the new Fall season in full Lodge 49 castswing, I have a lot of shows to catch up on already.

We had quite a few new interviews with TV stars the past few weeks, so I hope you can check those out.  I watched “Lodge 49” this Fall (to interview 2 of the stars) and really loved it. It’s been renewed for a 2nd season, so I hope you can watch it.Manifest cast

Of the new series on TV, I’m enjoying “The Rookie” and “Manifest” so far. There are still a few I haven’t seen. I didn’t really enjoy the first episode of Alec Baldwin’s new Sunday night interview show, but the second episode was really good. He seemed more at ease. He interviewed Ricky Gervais, who is one of my favorite comedians, and Jeff Bridges, one of my favorite actors! So that was great fun to see.  I tried to watch Busy Philipps’ new show “Busy Tonight” on E!, but I couldn’t stand it. Too mindless for me, and her voice (plus her Valley Girl accent) is grating.

"Will & Grace" on NBCThere are many reboots this season, but so far, the only one I’m enjoying it “Will & Grace” on NBC. I saw the first episode of “The Conners,” and I thought it was very depressing, and not very good. To be fair, I didn’t much like last year’s “Roseanne” reboot, either.  I do watch “Murphy Brown,” but it’s not that great. It’s just too heavy-handed and not that funny. I loved the old show, but it’s not the 1980’s anymore. They need to be quicker, wittier. I don’t know. I’m still watching it, but it’s very uneven. I saw the first episode of “Magnum PI” and it was boring. So was the new “Charmed.”  So, kudos to “Will & Grace” for not only coming back as great as before, but even better.

I do like “God Friended Me,” “New Amsterdam” and “A Million Little Things,” but DaredevilI just don’t have time to add them to my list of shows to watch. I haven’t even had time yet to watch the latest season of “Daredevil” on Netflix. As always, I’ve got a whole stack of DVD’s to watch and review, as well as a whole list of shows I should be checking out. It never ends. It’s gotten a lot worse with Netflix, HULU, Amazon and so many other new streaming services coming out.

I had to delete “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” from my DVR. Hopefully I can put him back on once I’ve moved some shows over to the external hard drive. Oh, I’m also watching “The Cool Kids,” which is so-so, but I love the actors on it.  None of the new sitcoms seemed funny to me.  I wasn’t very impressed with Danny Rand (Iron Fist) and Luke Cage (Power Man)the CW drama “All-American,” which was kind of dull.

I’m very annoyed that Netflix has canceled “Iron Fist” and “Luke Cage!” I sure hope they do another “Defenders” or these characters show up in “Daredevil” or “Jessica Jones.”  They make a lot of crappy shows on Netflix and the other streaming services that I never watch, but I always catch the superhero shows! I’m heartsick that those shows are gone. 😟

On the positive side, I’m very glad to have all my CW superhero shows back, and “Supernatural,” and “Doctor Who” with the new female doctor! And “The Resident” and “Gifted” on FOX, “Big Bang Theory” on CBS, “Blindspot,” “Midnight Texas” and “The Good Place” on NBC, and “How to Get Away with Blindspot season 4Murder” on ABC.  We still watch “Family Guy” on FOX, too, but we stopped watching “South Park” because it’s just not funny any more.

What is your favorite Halloween show or movie? I don’t like to go to scary movies very much. I don’t mind some of the older ones on TV. I don’t mind if a show is about things like vampires, ghosts, witches, or werewolves, but I hate zombies. Linus, Sally, and the rest of the Peanuts gang in the pumpkin patchI love the old Charlie Brown special from when we were kids! I love Halloween, but I don’t like being grossed out or scared too much. A little scary is OK, though.

Leave a comment below to let me know which Halloween show or movie is your favorite!

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Easy/Quick Volunteer Jobs!

Here are some easy or quick jobs you can do for our site!

We have about 25 part-time volunteers, and we are ALWAYS looking for more! This is an excellent resume-builder if you are unemployed, a student, stay-at-home mom, recovering from an illness, etc.

Please note that we have NO income for this site, so we can’t afford to pay anyone. We have ads that pay for the site’s hosting and other expenses. We do usually give out small gift certificates at the holidays…

Here are things that need doing for our site that won’t take up much time and you don’t have to do it more than once!

1. FIND LINKS FOR NEW SECTIONS – we need more links for our newer pages. Go to Google, type in “30 Rock” and find links to other 30 Rock sites. Send me the name of the site, and the URL or web address, like this: Official NBC Site Go through about 10 pages of Google to find as many as you can. When you are done, send me the list of links you’ve found. You can also look for cast-related links. Go back to Google and type in the actor names like “Alec Baldwin” and look for sites about him. You can go to our 30 Rock cast list to find the actors’ names. We need links for our other pages, too, for Bones, Burn Notice, Castle, Dexter, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Eureka, Glee, Hollywood Heights, American Idol, Leverage, Mad Men, Medium, Veronica Mars, The Mentalist, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles,  Stargate Universe, Supernatural, Ugly Betty, plus many more that we will be building pages for soon. Just finding links for ONE of these shows shouldn’t take more than an hour or so, depending on your net connection… Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

2. CHECK EXISTING LINKS – We have many links pages for all the shows, networks, other TV sites, etc. and so we really need people to click on each linkand let us know if the site is still there or not. That’s it – so easy!  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

3. FIND MORE LINKS – We also need to find more links for the shows that already have them. New sites crop up all the time! You can do this in Google but also go to places like Facebook and Yahoo to search.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

4. FIND PHOTOS – We need photos posted on our Pinterest site regularly, and we also need to find photos to build our new sites for shows like Once Upon a Time. It’s easy, you just go to Google Images and type the show’s name, save the picture you like and email it to us.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

5. WRITING ARTICLES – Do you love or hate a show, and want to tell us why? Send us your opinion and we will post it as an article! It should be 3-5 paragraphs long, at least, though.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful! Or if you have only a short one then post it on our Facebook Group or one of our many forums.

6. GATHER NEWS OR SPOILERS – Look around the net and find news and spoilers about the various primetime TV shows we cover. We always need more info! Make sure it’s for current and upcoming shows.  Send it in any time.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

7. WRITE A REVIEW – If you just bought a new TV show DVD, write up a review and send it to us. Watching one of the new primetime shows? Same thing. We always need reviews. Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

8.  FAVORITE QUOTES – If you watch and like a show that we cover, and especially if you have it on DVD, just send a list of the funny bits of dialogue from the show. It doesn’t matter if you only have one season on DVD! Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

9. MAKING PUZZLES, ETC. – We always need episode guide recaps poems, puzzles, top ten lists, fan fiction, predictions/rumors, cast list info and more so please email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful! You can just do it once, see if you want to do more – it’s up to you!

Please check out the main Volunteer Jobs Page as there are many more volunteer jobs.

Contact us if you are interested!   Only dependable people who are serious about helping us  should bother contacting us.

Volunteer Jobs!

We always need lots of help!

NOTE: All written content submitted to our site should be ORIGINAL (nothing that is already on another page). You can use other sites for research or information, though (credited).

We have about 25 part-time volunteers, and we are ALWAYS looking for more! This is an excellent resume-builder if you are unemployed, a student, stay-at-home mom, disabled, etc.

Please note that we have NO income for this site, so we can’t afford to pay anyone. We have ads that pay for the site’s hosting and other expenses. We do usually give out Amazon gift certificates at the holidays…

No experience or particular skills are necessary for many of these jobs! We just need people with some extra time who are willing to help!!! Below is the help we need, but we are open to other content suggestions!

Why volunteer? Follow the link to learn about the benefits of volunteering in general.

Even though there is no pay for these jobs, we expect you to act professionally and take your responsibilities seriously like the rest of us do.

New Volunteers, please read our Volunteers Page!

For reference purposes, you can see a list of all of the shows we cover in depth.

We have these positions below available; click on the link to see the details of each job. Please ask if you have any questions, and any suggestions about jobs not listed here are welcome!

Just want to do something one time for our site, or try something easy? Check out our list of Quick, easy or one-time jobs!

Here are the jobs we are MOST in need of right now!

See more detailed descriptions and info below

  • Short Recap Writers for Bold and Beautiful , General Hospital and/or Young and the Restless
  • Update writer for Bold and Beautiful, Young and The Restless and/or General Hospital (updates are detailed recaps)
  • Best Lines chooser for Bold and Beautiful and/or General Hospital
  • Soap Opera Digest summarizer (Saturdays or Sundays)
  • Days and GH Transcript Proofreaders (very involved-requires you watching the show a few times)
  • News Manager (posting press releases and other news to our site regularly at TVMEG.NEWS
  • Primetime schedule builder (daily/weekly – helping to build our weekly primetime schedule by editing and posting)
  • Bold and Beautiful, Days of Our Lives or Young and The Restless transcript proofreader (a lot easier)
  • Fill-in Writer for all Daytime Soap Short Recaps and Updates
  • Editor to transfer content to WordPress (fairly easy and at your own time)
  • Days of Our Lives article writer

(Here is a list of suggested content you can contribute as well…)

  1. Daily Soap Summary Writers
  2. Soap Opera Digest summarizer
  3. Transcribers
  4. Content Managers
  5. FrontPage Editors
  6. Newsletter Editor
  7. Link Checkers/Finders
  8. Expert Proofreaders
  9. Transcript Proofreaders
  10. Writers – both daytime and primetime needed!
    1. Character Descriptions
    2. Trivia Quizzes
    3. Top Ten Lists
    4. Fan Fiction
    5. Articles/Essays
    6. Puzzles
    7. Poetry/Haiku
    8. Predictions/Rumors
    9. Best Lines or Quotes
    10. Episode Guides
    11. Primetime Reviews
    12. Interviews
    13. TV Blog
  11. Appearances finder
  12. Graphics–Slideshow Maker
  13. Promoter
  14. Search Engine Promoter
  15. Forum Managers
  16. Daytime Manager
  17. Primetime Manager
  18. News Manager
  19. Volunteer Manager
  20. Screen Capture Maker
  21. Primetime Schedule Builder

Daily summary writers for the daytime soaps.  We often need someone new for these as people come and go quite often.  Right now we need these volunteers below.

You must be a pretty good writer (good with grammar, punctuation, and with writing clearly) and able to put detail into your updates.

We just lost our GH and B&B update and recaps writer, so we need someone to take on the job for either. Even if you can do just one day per week, it would be a big help!

We need  backup writers for most of our other daytime summaries (people to fill in when our volunteers can’t do it).   These still have to be written well, with details, but they don’t have to be on time.

We may also sometimes need some writers for short recaps. These are just 1-2 short paragraphs that describe the main points of what happened (no details needed).

    This requires someone who watches the show to write summaries for the days they choose.  They will be put up at a page like this.  Some good examples of the kind of summaries we need, and instructions on how to write them, are at this page.  We like them fairly detailed.  

NOTE: This list changes often because our volunteers come and go often.  WE ARE VERY PARTICULAR about the type of writing we need so please make sure to follow the instructions!  However, we are willing to work with ANYONE on improving writing skills or getting it just right to suit our needs.

Soap Opera Digest Summarizer
Weekly-we need someone who can summarize the news and spoilers parts of the magazine weekly. We would supply you with a link to our Zinio account so you can view the magazine to use it. It should be done no later than Sunday night. It’s usually available Fridays on their site.

This is not difficult to do at all as long as you’re not a bad writer. It might take a few hours if you’re a slow reader/writer. It gets faster, the longer you do it.

We need some interview transcribers for when we have one-on-one phone interviews with actors.Even if you can transcribe only one thing occasionally, it would be helpful!

We might also have some older daytime soaps that you can transcribe for us (mostly online, or we can send you some on DVD).

These have to be very exact. You can’t leave parts out. It would be difficult to do if you don’t have a lot of patience or don’t know proper punctuation. You have to be able to watch the show while you type, and pause the show when necessary.

NOTE: We need some people to help us specifically with our “General Hospital” weekday transcripts. We have a device that grabs the closed-captioning from the shows, but ABC has changed the way they the CC, and now we have to put in all of the characters’ names and separate each line of dialogue. It’s not quite proofreading and not quite transcribing. It requires that you watch the show while you fix it up, so you can see who’s saying what. You also have to edit out any commercial bits and put in line dividers between each scene as well as fix any other mistakes you see. Even if you can only do ONE day a week, it would be a big help!

We also have some transcripts for primetime shows like “Smallville” that are not finished; just like the GH transcripts above, you need to put in the names and listen to the dialogue from the show and fix it up on the transcript. These need to be exact. You have to have good knowledge of English grammar and punctuation as well as have a good ear and attention to detail. We may also have transcripts some for other shows like “Gotham” and “The Flash” that also need the same type of editing.

Managers of each section of our site
This requires that you have a good knowledge of TV or of a particular show we cover.  For instance, you have to be a fan of The Bold & The Beautiful to manage the B&B section.  You have to be a fan of Star Trek to manage the Star Trek section.  Or you have to have a good knowledge of most of the soaps to manage the daytime section. And so on…It would help if you know MS Frontpage (FP) or Expression Web (EW) or are willing to learn it.  Your duties would include finding more volunteers to make content, making content yourself, helping to publicize your section, making sure your section’s pages match up, putting up ads or other changes, etc.  We especially need people to run each of our soap sections and our sections for current shows like Arrow, The Flash, Big Bang Theory, Law & Order, Gotham, Grey’s Anatomy, South Park, and others.  Please see this list for all shows we cover.  We have managers already for Days of Our Lives. We also need someone to run our sites for soap actors Cady McClain, Hunt Block, Tamara Braun, Maurice Benard, Agim Kaba and more.

Editors to edit the site using the software Microsoft Frontpage or Expression Web.
We only will take someone who we can trust and who has a lot of experience in FrontPage or Expression Web.  We need people to help us update the old site and move sections over here to WordPress. We can help you learn FrontPage or Expression Web, so email us! Requirements: knowledge or interest in learning Frontpage or Expression Web, owning the software, and an aptitude in using software. Right now we mostly need people who don’t mind fixing problems or maintain sections of the site, which could involve writing or finding information.

 We really need some people for this, to help us putting new content on pages, putting the existing older pages in the newer design, and building new pages. This is top priority for our site!

WordPress Editor
WordPress knowledge required, for transferring content from our old site to our new site.

We’re moving content to our new site at Content must be updated and tranferred one page at a time.

Newsletter Editor
We have newsletters for scoops/spoilers for each of the soap operas, so the editor gathers the info from select web sites and puts it together. This must be done either Sunday night or early Monday. We need someone to do our weekly GH, and/or CBS spoilers newsletters.  We also have a monthly newsletter for SciFi TV and one for jokes.  No special skills needed, but you have to be reliable and able to copy/paste text.

Volunteers to find new links for all/any daytime and primetime shows and check existing ones
We have tons of links pages for many shows.  Web pages come and go very quickly so we need to get rid of any dead links and surf the net looking for new sites. It’s not hard and again, we can teach you how to do this if you’re not sure how.  We need LOTS of people for this! Requirements: internet connection to the web and ability to follow directions.  Knowledge of shows helps! VERY EASY JOB!!!

Proofreaders to proofread parts of the site for us and soap opera summaries
You must be an excellent proofreader and have a great knowledge of grammar and spelling.  It helps if you know Frontpage or HTML but it’s not required.  We require that you take and pass a proofreading test that we supply. We also need proofreaders for our primetime episode guides and some fan fiction.

Proofreaders to proofread soap opera transcripts
For Bold & Beautiful, Days of Our Lives  and Young & The Restless–You should be able to run the spell-check, read through to catch mistakes, and insert horizontal lines between the scenes.  Very easy.

For General Hospital–We need someone who can watch the show while they read the transcript; put in the characters’ names and separate each line of dialogue as well as the above.

Writers to generally add more content to our TV show pages (either daytime or primetime) ; here is a list of our shows
We have made a good start but we need to add a lot of content to all of our television show pages.  Any suggestions are welcome.  Some more specific ideas are below.    Requirements: knowledge of a particular daytime or primetime TV show or of shows in general.  If you have one show you really like, you can be in charge of that whole section!  Especially if you know WordPress, Frontpage or HTML.

Writers of Character Descriptions;
These are a description of what the character’s personality is like.  Are they a good guy or a bad guy?  What are their habits, who are they related to, who are their friends, and some personal history.  Example here, but it doesn’t have to be that long.  We currently have someone writing them for Days and Passions, but all others are available.

Writers to make trivia quizzes about each show (either daytime or primetime) ;
These are like multiple choice questions; you send in 5-10 questions, with multiple answers, and also the answer key to tell which is the right answer.  It can be about the current storyline, past storylines, the characters, the actors, anything.  Example here

Writers to write top ten lists for all/any daytime and primetime shows
This would be writing funny top ten lists (a la David Letterman) about any given TV show.  Here are some examples for Bold and the Beautiful, As the World Turns, and Passions.  We are NOT picky about the writing or humor!!!  We will take them for ANY show that we already have a page for (either daytime or primetime) and will consider them for other shows that we don’t have yet.  Requirements: knowledge of a particular primetime or daytime TV show or of shows in general.

Writers to write fan fiction for all/any daytime and primetime shows
Here are some examples on our site of fan fiction for One Life to Live and Y&RWe are not particular about writing style, length, subject matter (as long as it’s about a TV show…racy is okay, but no porn), which show, or how often you send in a segment.  The only requirement is that it be about a TV show and that it be finished at some point.  It should also be original and be written well, in story format (not all dialogue).  Requirements: knowledge of a particular primetime or daytime TV show or of shows in general, writing skills.

Writers to write opinion articles or reviews (prefer funny but not necessary) for daytime and primetime shows, as well as new DVDs.
We need essays/observations/columns/articles about TV and/or TV shows.  They can be funny, obnoxious, or anything you like.  We are not particular.  Here is an example of some General Hospital and Days of Our Lives essays on our site.  Requirements: knowledge of a particular primetime or daytime TV show or of shows in general; writing skills.

Writers to make puzzles for all/any daytime and primetime shows or general TV/soap ones
We will take any kind of puzzles, word games, etc. that use TV or TV shows as the theme.  It’s VERY easy to make puzzles; we will show you how if you are interested.  You can download a free computer program to do most of the work or there are some sites where they can make them for you.  All you have to do is come up with the clues and answers, which should be easy if you are knowledgeable about any TV show.   Requirements: knowledge of a particular primetime or daytime TV show or of shows in general.  Access to a PC.

Writers to write poetry or haiku about shows
We have some for OLTL, AMC, PC, and Passions, but it would be good to get more for ANY show. It’s easy and fun!  Example here

Writers to help contribute to our Predictions and Rumors section for each show
This requires someone who watches the show and would like to tell us what they think will happen on the show or pass on any rumors they might hear about in mailing lists/groups/forums.  Example here

Someone to find celebrity appearances
Requirements: Just time to find appearances on the net, copy them and send them in regularly. In-person appearances at book-signings, conventions, etc. as well as in movies, other TV shows or on talk shows.  We know where they are and can tell you where to look. It’s not hard.

Fans to choose “Best Lines” or “Best Quotes”
Requirement: watch the show every day or week and pick out the best lines of dialogue and send them to us.  For the soaps, we have daily transcripts so you can use those as references. Example here We currently need them for General Hospital and many primetime shows.

Episode Guide Writers for primetime shows We currently need them especially for “South Park”,  and our newer sections for “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Flash”, and more.  If you want to write them for other shows, we might accept those as well.  Please see our list of primetime shows to see what we cover.
Requirement: Watch every episode of the show live or on tape/DVD and write summaries of what happened on the shows.  They can be either detailed or short, as long as they are descriptive enough so that you can tell one episode from another.    If you are proven to be reliable, we could rent or buy you the DVDs when needed.

Primetime Show and DVD review writer We need someone who watches new TV shows or new TV DVD’s to write short reviews for our site. We can send you new DVD’s to review for us and you can keep them when you’re done!

TV Blog Writer We have a TV Blog that we never have time to write in. It needs someone to write in it weekly/regularly about what’s going on in TV, your opinions or other things about TV. Basically, you can write anything you want, as long as it’s about TV (and not just all about the same show over and over).  Plus we might ask you to also put in photos and references to some of our pages on our site, for promotional purposes.

Graphics Person to make slideshows using RealSlideshow or other programs.
We would like slideshows for all of our shows. We have some right now for General Hospital, One Life to Live, and Smallville. These are animations or videos with music.

Promoter to advertise our site on the web, in newsgroups, etc.
Right now we need someone to post on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Facebook regularly. This would require that you know how to post on those sites as well as simple graphics creation.

We also need someone to post on message boards and newsgroups for more help.  Requirements: This does not require any special knowledge or skill; we will tell you where and what to post.

Later we will need someone to post on all those places to let people know about our great site.  We currently do this ourselves.

Forum Managers

We need a co-manager for our Primetime Forum Manager to help run our forum at TVMEG.NEWS.  You would need to post news and press releases as well as promote the forum around the net and get conversations going.  You would also need to read what anyone else posts to make sure there is no spam or fights.

We also need a manager for our ABC Soaps Forum at Same basic description as above except it’s only about General Hospital, All My Children and One Life to Live, not the rest of TV. (Mostly it’s about GH since the others have been canceled)

We also need a manager for our CBS Soaps Forum Same basic description as above except it’s only about The Bold & The Beautiful and The Young & The Restless (knowledge of past CBS soaps is helpful, too, but not required).

Daytime Manager
This person would be in charge of our entire daytime section, posting info when it is sent to him/her from other volunteers, finding news and spoilers to keep current pages updated, etc. Requirements: Knowledge of WordPress/Microsoft Frontpage or Expression Web, and at least a few free hours per week. Ability to follow instructions and fairly good writing skills.

Primetime Manager
This person would be in charge of our entire primetime section, posting info when it is sent to him/her from other volunteers, finding news and spoilers to keep current pages updated, etc.  Requirements: Knowledge of WordPress/Microsoft FrontPage or Expression Web, and at least a few free hours per week.  Ability to follow instructions and fairly good writing skills.

News Manager
We need someone to post some news items sent to us by various networks and their publicists, such as USA Network, Discovery, History, MTV, HBO, TVLand, FOX etc. The items are posted on our news page and some of our other news and spoilers pages. WordPress and/or FrontPage/Expression Web knowledge required.

Volunteer Manager
We need a new person to do some administrative chores to help us keep more organized about our volunteers.  We have 25-50 volunteers at any given time, and people come and go often, so we need someone to help keep track of people in our spread sheet.  We also need this person to keep track of the work people do, remind them to do the work and to go to our Volunteer Forum, add to and remove them from the forum, send them Birthday e-cards, etc.  Requirements:  Ownership of and Knowledge of Excel is helpful.  You must be a detailed, organized person with fairly good social skills online, since you will be contacting our volunteers via email quite often.

Volunteer to make pictures for our site (screen captures)
We need some more pictures for our site all of the time.   We do not want someone else’s pictures (unless they are your own that you took at a fan encounter or from the set of a show) or pictures scanned in from magazines because they are copyrighted.  You can make the caps from the shows online very easily (we can tell you how) or by using a Snappy or ATI device.

We need someone with TV contacts to do interviews with TV actors. You must have some experience or be able to figure out how to get interviews with them via their publicists or agents.

You must be able to either take shorthand or record the phone interview so you can then write it up as an interview or transcript. This requires some skills for writing and interviewing. You should have a good phone voice and be clear and professional on the phone. You should be able to come up with 10-15 minutes of questions if necessary, even if it’s someone you don’t know or for a show you have never seen (i.e. do research online). We can help you out with suggestions, but you must do the bulk of the work.  We need reliable people who will do this regularly.

Daytime Soap screencap maker
We need someone to make 4-6 screencaps for the soaps Monday through Friday, so we can put them in our Updates. This is very easy. You must live in the US so you can see the soaps online.  Helpful if you know how to work with graphics, but it’s not required.  We just recently lost our regular volunteer who did this for us for years.

Primetime News and Schedule maker
We need someone to help build our weekly schedule of shows. The ideal candidate would work on it daily, but we’ll take however many hours per week you can handle. It requires that you gather press releases (or get them from our news page), edit them into small blurbs, add some information such as network and date, organize them in a certain way and find promos for each if you have time.

Contact us if you are interested!   Only dependable people who are serious about helping us and can donate at least a few hours a week should contact us. Thanks!

Free online sign up sheets by VolunteerSpot

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The TV MegaSite Team

President / Founder Suzanne

Editor-in-Chief Brenda

Content Managers Michelle & Cheryl – (Days of Our Lives and Passions)

Our Daytime Soap Updaters, Recappers & Transcribers

Click on the person’s name to see a short bio. Please note that this list changes often!


B., Barbara Y&R Updates daily
D., Eva Y&R and GH Recaps Tuesday through Friday
J., Cheryl & Michele Days Recaps daily
L., Suzanne All Transcripts daily and occasionally writes other updates ore recaps
M., Joseph Days Updates daily
M., Dustin-Shane GH Updates daily

Other Volunteers

People who contribute in other ways (this list changes often):
Click on a volunteer’s name to see their bio.




C., Krista Sometimes Interviews TV stars
D. Akpene proofreads daytime transcripts occasionally
D., Eva Chooses Y&R Best Lines and reviews TV shows
D., Nikky Hosts Port Charles Forum and provides photos and write-ups of TV fan events
J., Brenda Creates new daytime pages for best lines, updates, transcripts and recaps, and archives older ones; proofreads articles
J., Michele & Cheryl Host Days & Passions Forum, choose Days best lines, write Days articles & Days winners & losers, and compiles weekly scoops newsletter
K., Karl Takes San Diego Comic-Con photographs and Writes Primetime Articles
L., Suzanne interviews actors, writes reviews, writes blog, Chooses B&B Best Lines, summarizes SOD for soap news pages, updates social media pages and more
M., Jaspreet creates content for “The Vampire Diaries” section.
P., Thane Helps with scripts or writes articles occasionally; Interviews TV stars
R., Niki Proofreads older Days of Our Lives Transcripts
R., Jamie helps with interview opportunities, transcribing and Photoshop
S., Marlene Writes DOOL Articles occasionally
W., Jim writes occasional articles or helps out in other ways
W., Zina Takes photos at San Diego Comic-Con
Y. Nancy Helps move older site pages to new site pages, makes other new pages and helps with any WordPress issues.

This site is dedicated to our late and beloved volunteers:

Hilary, who passed away in May 16th, 2006

Amanda, who passed away in November, 2008

Beth, who passed away in October, 2010

Bettye, who passed away in July, 2013

Boo, who was our friend as well as a kind and super-energentic, talented manager for many years; she passed away in November 2013 and is still sorely missed.

Other people who have helped us a great deal in the past:

Lee Garig-Meyer, who designed our current logo

Hiren Patel and Sammi Turano, who helped us set up the WordPress site.

Dave Prescott, who designed our site in 2003

Derrick Austin of Texas Tech

Former volunteers Nadine, Thane, Heather, Rebecca, Linda, Amanda D., and Imran who helped us a lot.

Dennis Massey for making our past logo.

Marcos Rubinstein, who hosts our page and so much more!

Gisele, who helped run the site for many years after Boo left.

Thank you to David Warthen for all of his help throughout the years.

Some of our financial contributors:

Leo O., Subha R., J.V., David W., David L,, Barbara H., Karen L., Penny K., Tiffany B., Aisha D., Kevin G., Elaine E., Maria C., Melissa L., and Philippe B.

Thanks especially to  all our volunteers!  Thanks to all the helpful fans who email us and let us know when links are broken and give us helpful information.  Thanks to the networks for making great shows!

Legal Stuff

This site is a fan effort and is based on television shows with which we have no affiliation whatsoever. All characters are copyright & solely to the copyright holders.  This is a fan site created by the fans for the fans.

TVMEG.COM is owned by Suzanne Lanoue and The TV MegaSite, Inc.

Animated GIFs made with this free site!

Please always let us know your input.

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Arrow Favorite Quotes: An Innocent Man

Our favorite Arrow Quotes!

104 “An Innocent Man”

Malcolm in An Innocent Man Favorite Quotes

Oliver: Found a couple of things.
John: What, archery classes?

Oliver: Starling City is dying. It is being poisoned by a criminal elite who don’t care who they hurt as long as they maintain wealth and power.
John: And what are you gonna do, take them all down by your lonesome?

Laurel: I care about the lives of other people, Oliver. Maybe you should try it sometime.
Oliver: Oh, man.
Thea: That was harsh. You OK?
Oliver: Sure. Second time tonight that a friend of mine has taken me to the woodshed. Kind of tires you out.

Oliver: What am I supposed to do with that? Does that mean “bird”? I don’t speak Chinese!

Oliver: What are you watching?
Thea: Peter Declan.
Oliver: Hmm?
Thea: Oh, a guy who killed his wife. Right. This guy killed his wife in their baby’s room. Psycho.

Thea: So why don’t you make a play? I mean, she did come over here just to make sure you didn’t get shot.
Oliver: There are reasons.
Thea: What are they? Besides you sleeping with her sister and her sister dying and her father hating your guts and you being a jerk to everybody since you’ve been back.
Oliver: Those are the top ones.

Moira: Mr. Diggle’s replacement.
Oliver: Replacement?
Moira: Yes. He tendered his resignation this morning.
Oliver: Did he say why?
Moira: He said he didn’t approve of the way you spend your evenings particularly given that they always begin with you ditching him.

Oliver: Firm grip you got there, Rob.
Rob: That’s five years SWAT with Monument Point MCU.
Oliver: I feel safer already.

Oliver: Say, Rob, I wanna go into town. Could you please get the car for me?
Rob: No offense, but I have been filled in on your tendency to slip the leash. If it’s all the same to you, I’d prefer keeping you in my sights at all times.
Oliver: We’re 20 miles from the city. If you don’t drive me, how else am I gonna get there? Right. I like him.

Joanna: You know, if you go somewhere that’s not work or your home your odds of meeting someone increase by a gazillion percent.
Laurel: Oh, that’s not true. I could still get mugged on the way home.
Joanna: In that case, I hope he’s cute and single.

Moira: Well, it looks like someone forgot a lunch date with his wife.
Walter: What do you mean? Lunch isn’t for another… Forty-five minutes ago. I’m so sorry.

Carly: So when are you gonna tell me?
John: Hmm.
Carly: About what happened to your arm.
John: Oh, it’s my shoulder, and it’s fine.
Carly: I knew that Queen guy was trouble.
John: Hey, I never said this happened protecting Queen.
Carly: Oh, yeah? Then what’s he doing here?
Oliver: Hello, Diggle-sister-in-law Carly. I’m Oliver Queen.
Carly: I know who you are.
John: No, you really don’t.

Oliver: Hello. I couldn’t help but notice a distinct lack of police cars when I got home. I knew you wouldn’t drop a dime on me. So have you considered my offer?
John: Offer? Heh.That’s one hell of a way to put it.

John: Please. You were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth, Queen. What, you spent five years on an island with no room service and suddenly you found religion?

Oliver: I’m gonna go to the washroom, Rob.
John: Oh, that boy is long gone now.

Joanna: You actually think he’s innocent?
Laurel: Someone does.
Joanna: So you said, but you didn’t say was who.
Laurel: A guardian angel.
Joanna: The guy in the hood? Wha– ? You’re kidding.

Laurel: He breaks the law and God knows what else.
Joanna: How are you not afraid that he’s not gonna do “God knows what” to you?
Laurel: He won’t. I don’t know, I can feel it.

Laurel: If what you’re doing isn’t wrong then why are you hiding your face with a hood?
Oliver: To protect the ones I care about.
Laurel: That sounds lonely.
Laurel: It can be.

Walter: I was hoping you could find out some of the details – of the transaction for me.
Felicity: Find out?
Walter: Dig up. Discreetly.
Felicity: I’m your girl. I mean, I’m not your girl. I wasn’t making a pass at you. Thank you for not firing me.

Thea: Oh, my God. What is wrong with your face?
Oliver: What do you mean?
Thea: There’s something really weird on it, like this thing with your mouth. It looks like it’s in the shape of a smile.
Oliver: Yes. That’s cute.
Thea: So why are you grinning?
Oliver: I took your advice with Laurel – to be myself.
Thea: And?
Oliver: It’s helping.
Thea: I got mad relationship skills, bro. Let me know if you need trendy places to propose.
Oliver: I think you’re getting a little bit ahead of yourself. Little bit. Rob! You gotta keep up.

Felicity: The company Mrs. Queen– Er, Steele. Mrs. Queen-Steele. Does she hyphenate? She seems like a woman who would hyphenate.
Walter: Ahem.
Felicity: Right.

Carly: Enough moping.
John: Mm.
Carly: You quit. It’s done. My advice would be to move on.
John: Ah. If it were only that easy.

Moira: You wanted to see me?
Malcolm: You look nervous, Moira.
Moira: Do I have a reason to be?
Malcolm: We all do.
Moira: A modern-day Robin Hood. What? Are you worried that your net worth makes you a target?

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Arrow Favorite Quotes: Lone Gunmen

Our favorite Arrow Quotes!

103 “Lone Gunmen”

Felicity Lone Gunmen Favorite Quotes

Oliver: What happened? Thea okay?

John: The cops brought her home. She and some of her friends broke into a store tried on some dresses last night. Lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree. So how was your evening, sir?

Oliver: You mean, after I said I had to go bathroom at dinner and never came back?

John: I guess from now on I’ll be watching you pee.

Moira: Last time it was public intoxication. This time breaking and entering. My, how we are moving up in the criminal world.

Thea: Mm. You know, when you pay off the store owner you should check out the merchandise. – They got some pretty killer outfits.

Lucas: Maybe he’s finally figured out there’s easier ways to kill people than with a bow and arrow. Uh, it’s like you said, the guy’s a whack job.

Oliver: So what do you think? Great spot for a nightclub or what?

Tommy: Sweet. Though, I gotta tell you, man, f you’re thinking calling it Queens, I don’t think you’re gonna get the clientele you were hoping for.

Oliver: Private office?

Tommy: For the private one-on-one meetings, I would imagine.

Oliver: Hopefully the occasional two-on-one meeting.

Tommy: [Laughs]

Tommy: How about tomorrow night, the two of us go and scope out the competition? There’s a new club opening downtown. It’s called Poison. Max Fuller owns it.

Oliver: Max Fuller.

Tommy: Mm-hm.

Oliver: I slept with his fiancee.

Tommy: Yeah, before the wedding.

Oliver: It was at rehearsal dinner.

Tommy: The rehearsal dinner is technically before the wedding, right? Ha, ha.

Oliver: Ha, ha.

Tommy: And besides, who stays mad at a castaway?

John: Well, this is the Glades, right? Your rich white friends wouldn’t come to this neighborhood on a bet.

Laurel: Joanna, I’m over him.

Joanna:  [Scoffs]

Laurel: And you don’t believe me.

Joanna: Well, I would have if I wouldn’t have just caught you trolling for articles on him!

Laurel: I wasn’t trolling!

Joanna:  Okay. That’s gotta stop. So we are going out tonight. And– and we are gonna have some shots, and we are gonna dance with men that we don’t know, and we are gonna stay out way too late.

Laurel: I really don’t think I can go out tonight.

Joanna: It is adorable that you actually think I’m giving you a choice.

Thea: Grounded? I’ve never been grounded.

Moira: Well, you’ve never committed larceny before.

Alexei: First, we will drink to each other’s health then I will look into the identity of this man you seek.  Aah. I will also confirm that you are really Bratva captain. Should this not be the case, I will send my mechanic here to find you and kill you and your family.

Bouncer: I don’t see your name on the list.

John: Mr. Queen.

Oliver: Oh. I have never seen this guy before in my life. Ever.

Tommy: Oh, wow.  Doesn’t you going out and having fun violate some kind of law? You know, like the ones that are carved on a stone tablet?

Laurel: That’s cute, Tommy.

Tommy: Thanks.

Tommy: You wanna get to him? You’ve gotta go through me.  Wow, they are probably gonna go through me.

Laurel: So is this over, Max? Or are you gonna have your boys pound on me next?

Tommy: The girl’s pretty cute.

John: That’s my sister-in-law.

Tommy: Who I will never speak to or look at…Ever. Gonna grab a booth.

Carly: So sweet of you to adopt two white boys.  They need a good role model.

Tommy: Look, man about Laurel. I was gonna tell you. I was just trying to figure out the right way.

Oliver: To tell somebody that you slept with their girlfriend after they went missing and were then presumed dead.  What, there’s no greeting card for that?

[Both chuckle]

Oliver:  No, Mr. Queen was my father.

Felicity:  Right, but he’s dead. I mean, he drowned. You didn’t, which means you could come down to the IT Department and listen to me babble. Which Will end.  In 3…2…1.

Oliver: Having trouble with my computer and they told me that you were the person to come and see.  I was at my coffee shop surfing the web and I spilt a latte on it.

Felicity:  Really?

Oliver: Yeah.

Felicity:  Because these look like bullet holes.

Oliver:  My coffee shop is in a bad neighborhood.

Felicity:  Look, I don’t wanna get in the middle of some Shakespearean family drama thing.

Oliver:  What?

Felicity:  Mr.  Steele marrying your mom.  Claudius, Gertrude… Hamlet?

Oliver:  I didn’t study Shakespeare at any of the four schools that I dropped out of.

Tommy:  I wanted to talk to you about last night.

Laurel:  You mean how I saved your asses? You’re welcome.

Tommy:  Okay, first of all, we shall never, ever speak of that ever again.  Secondly, I think you know that I meant the other thing.

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Arrow Favorite Quotes: Honor Thy Father

Our favorite Arrow Quotes!

102 “Honor Thy Father”

Favorite Quotes Honor Thy Father

Oliver: This guy gets more air-time than the Kardashians, right?
Thea: Five years on an island and you still know who they are.
Oliver: I’ve been catching up. It’s nice to see how much our culture has improved while I was away.

Oliver: It’s fine, Walter, I’ve been in a courtroom before.
Tommy: Four times by my estimate. You know, there was the DUI, the assault on that paparazzi douchebag, stealing that taxi, which was just awesome, by the way, and who could forget peeing on the cop?
Moira: I wish everyone would.

Laurel: What are you doing here?
Oliver: Oh, they were bringing me back from the dead. Legally speaking.

Laurel: Oliver just got back from five years on an uncharted island. Before that, he was cheating on me with my sister. He was with her when she died. And last week, he told me to stay away from him. It was really good advice. Excuse me.

Moira: I hired you to protect my son. Now, I’m not a professional bodyguard, but it seems to me that the first requirement would be managing to stay next to the man you’re hired to protect.
Diggle: With all due respect, ma’am, I never had a client who didn’t want my protection.

Oliver: Thea, do you think this is what Dad would want for you?
Thea: Dead people don’t want anything. It’s one of the benefits of being dead.

Quentin: Well, I owe you an apology, Mr. Somers. We come all the way down to your docks, and it turns out, you don’t need the police after all.
Somers: Which is exactly what I’ve been saying.
Quentin: Yeah. So I guess that 9-1-1 call that we got last night from your stevedore, saying that you were getting attacked by a guy in a green hood and a bow and arrow… I-I guess…I guess that, well… Hmm. Was that a practical joke?
Somers: These guys like to fool around.
Quentin: Yeah. [Scoffs] Well, you know, I’d be very much inclined to believe an honest, upstanding businessman like yourself, except, well, one of my men found this at your docks.
[Quentin pulls a green arrow out of an evidence bag and shows it to Somers.]
Quentin: You see, there’s this vigilante running around. He thinks he’s some kind of Robin Hood. He’s robbing the rich, he’s trying to teach them a lesson I guess. I don’t know, I don’t know. But the point is… the man’s a killer. And nothing, and no one, is going to stop me from bringing him down. But like you said…

Walter: I remember when your father used to bring you here when you were a boy. You always were so excited.
Oliver: Dad let me drink soda in the office.
Moira: Ah, so that’s why you enjoyed coming.

Moira: Sweetheart, Oliver, Walter and I have something to discuss with you. Come, please sit.
Oliver: Mom, it makes me nervous when you ask me to sit down.

Walter: Everyone here understands that this transition is really difficult for you.
Oliver: Thank you, Walter. Which part, though? Everyone fantasizing that I got my MBA while I was on the island? Or the fact that my father’s CFO now sleeps down the hall from me?
[Moira starts walking away, but turns around and looks at Oliver.]
Moira: You know, five years ago, your irresponsibility was somewhat charming. It is a lot less so now.

Oliver: Wow. This place hasn’t changed in five years. (Chuckling)
Laurel (frustrated): I haven’t really had time to redecorate.
Oliver: I’m a jerk. Before the island, I was a jerk. And now I’m just a… I’m a damaged jerk.

Oliver: I thought about many things on the island, but there was one thing that I thought about every day. I actually dreamed about it, and I promised myself that if I ever got a chance to do it again, I’d do it with you.
[Oliver holds up a tub of ice cream.]
Oliver: Eat ice cream.

Quentin: Oh, thank God. Thank God. Are you all right?
Laurel: I’m okay. Those cops that you put on me…
Quentin: [Sighs] They…
Diggle: I went outside to ask for a light, and they were both dead in the squad car.
Quentin: It’s okay. Mr. Diggle, thank you. Feel free to run as many red lights in the city as you want.

Quentin: Your job is not going after people like the Triad or Somers.
Laurel: My job is to use the law to fight for what is right. Just like you taught me.
Quentin: Well, that’s dirty: using me against me. You can’t do that.

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Arrow Favorite Quotes: Pilot

Our favorite Arrow Quotes!

101 “Pilot”

Arrow Favorite Quotes Pilot

Laurel: You and I against an army. I love those odds.

Joanna: Why do you hate me?

Oliver: Are we in trouble?

Robert: One of us is.

Tommy: What did I tell you? Yachts suck.

Walter: I didn’t realize you took Russian in college, Oliver.

Oliver: I didn’t realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter.

Oliver: That’s not very scientific.

Sarah: What would you know about science, Mr. Ivy League Dropout?

Thea: Where did you get these?

Girl: Roxie’s. Thank you, Daddy’s ACL tear.

Thea: Ollie!

Oliver: No one’s called me that in a while, Speedy.

Thea: Worst nickname ever.

Oliver: I have something for you.

Thea: You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir.

Tommy: A rock! That is sweet. You know, I want one of those t-shirts that says, “My friend was a castaway, and all I got was this crappy shirt”.

Tommy: Have you noticed how hot your sister’s gotten? Because I have not.

Tommy: Your funeral blew.

Oliver: Did you get lucky?

Tommy: Fish in a barrell. They were so sad…

Oliver: No…

Tommy: And huggy…And I am counting on another target rich environment for your welcome home bash.

Oliver: At my what?

Tommy: You came back from the dead. This calls for a party.

Tommy: So what’d you miss most? Steaks at the Palm? Drinks at the Station? Meaningless sex?

Oliver: Laurel.

Tommy: Everyone is happy you’re alive. You want to see the one person who isn’t?

Joanna: It’s fun being your friend. I get to say “I told you so” a lot.

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Arrow Favorite Quotes

Our Favorite lines from “Arrow”



Honor Thy Father

Lone Gunmen

An Innocent Man



“Muse of Fire”


“Year’s End”


“Trust But Verify”



“The Odyssey”


“Dead to Rights”

“The Huntress



“Unfinished Business”

“Home Invasion”

“The Undertaking”

“Darkness on the Edge of Town”


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Arrowverse Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover – Everything We Know

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, January 21 Promo “Green Arrow & The Canaries” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) STAR CITY 2040 – It’s the year 2040 in Star City and Mia Queen (Katherine McNamara) has everything she could have ever wanted. However, when Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) suddenly show up in her life again, things take a shocking turn and her perfect world is upended. Laurel and Dinah are tracking a kidnapping victim with direct ties to Mia and they need her help. Knowing it will change everything, Mia can’t help but be a hero and she, Laurel and Dinah suit up once again to save the city. Tara Miele directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Marc Guggenheim & Jill Blankenship & Oscar Balderrama (#809). Original airdate 1/21/2020.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, January 14 “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV) Promo OLIVER HAS BECOME SOMETHING ELSE IN PART FOUR OF “CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS.” EPISODE PENNED BY MARV WOLFMAN & MARC GUGGENHEIM – Stuck in the Vanishing Point, the Paragons search for a way to escape. The futility of the situation is compounded by The Flash’s (guest star Grant Gustin) disappearance. However, hope appears in the form of Oliver (Stephen Amell), who reveals that he has become something else. Meanwhile, the origin stories for The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett) and Anti-Monitor are revealed. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marv Wolfman & Marc Guggenheim (#808). Original airdate 1/14/2020.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, December 17 “Welcome to Hong Kong” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)Promo THE RETURN OF TATSU – Oliver (Stephen Amell), John (David Ramsey), Laurel (Katie Cassidy), and Tatsu (guest star Rila Fukushima) seek out an important person within The Monitor’s (guest star LaMonica Garrett) plan. Connor (Joseph David-Jones) has a heart to heart with his brother (guest star Charlie Barnett). Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Jill Blankenship & Sarah Tarkoff (#802). Original airdate 10/22/2019.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, December 3 “Purgatory” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV) Promo BYRON MANN GUEST STARS – Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) mission takes him to Lian Yu where he tries to ignore the repercussions of the looming Crisis until he receives help from an old friend. Meanwhile, a united Team Arrow faces a recognizable villain. James Bamford directed the episode written by Rebecca Bellotto & Rebecca Rosenberg (#807). Original airdate 12/3/2019.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, November 26 “Reset” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) YOU CAN’T FIGHT YOUR FATE – After being double-crossed by Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson), Oliver (Stephen Amell) finds himself facing a life or death situation that seems very familiar. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) has the opportunity to make amends with the past. David Ramsey directed the episode written by Onalee Hunter Hughes & Maya Houston (#806). Original airdate 11/26/2019.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, November 19 “Prochnost” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV) Promo DON’T LET YOUR PAST DEFINE YOU – Upon learning the key to oppose The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett), Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team return to Russia on a mission to gather the necessary materials. Diggle (David Ramsey) reunites with a figure from his past. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#805). Original airdate 11/19/2019.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, November 12 “Starling City” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo SEASON PREMIERE – While trying to decipher The Monitor’s (guest star LaMonica Garrett) mission, Oliver (Stephen Amell) returns to Starling City where he encounters familiar faces. Meanwhile, Mia (Katherine McNamara) and William’s (Ben Lewis) team clash with a new foe. James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Marc Guggenheim (#801). Original airdate 10/15/2019.

The CW Arrow– Tuesday, November 5 “Present Tense” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo ECHO KELLUM GUEST STARS – When a mysterious new Deathstroke appears in Star City, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Team Arrow insist on taking down this villain themselves. Meanwhile reeling from the loss of one of their own, the future Team Arrow figures out a new way to try and stop JJ. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Jeane Wong (#804). Original airdate 11/5/2019.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, October 29 “Leap of Faith” Promo  – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) WILLA HOLLAND GUEST STARS – Reunited with his sister, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (guest star Willa Holland) find themselves searching through a familiar maze of catacombs. Meanwhile, John (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) partner on a special ops mission. Katie Cassidy directed the episode ritten by Emilio Ortega Aldrich & Elizabeth Kim (#803). Original airdate 10/29/2019.

The CW Arrow – Tuesday, October 22 “Welcome to Hong Kong” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo THE RETURN OF TATSU – Oliver (Stephen Amell), John (David Ramsey), Laurel (Katie Cassidy Rogers), and Tatsu (guest star Rila Fukushima) seek out an important person within The Monitor’s (guest star LaMonica Garrett) plan. Connor (Joseph David Jones) has a heart to heart with his brother (guest star Charlie Barnett). Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Jill Blankenship & Sarah Tarkoff (#802). Original airdate 10/22/2019.

The CW ARROW – Tuesday, October 15 SEASON PREMIERE – “Starling City” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo While trying to decipher The Monitor’s (guest star LaMonica Garrett) mission, Oliver (Stephen Amell) returns to Starling City where he encounters familiar faces. Meanwhile, Mia (Katherine McNamara) and William’s (Ben Lewis) team clash with a new foe. James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Marc Guggenheim (#801). Original airdate 10/15/2019.

The CW ARROW – Monday, May 13  SEASON FINALE – “You Have Saved This City” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
FAMILY TIES – The battle between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Emiko (Sea Shimooka) comes to a boiling point which brings back some familiar faces and leaves others in dire jeopardy. James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Rebecca Bellotto (#722). Original airdate 5/13/2019.

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Airing again: The CW Crisis Aftermath I – Monday, January 6 ONE-HOUR SPECIAL – “Crisis Aftermath I” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV) PART ONE OF A TWO-PART SPECIAL – In celebration of the massive new DC crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths, The CW is proud to announce Crisis Aftermath hosted by superfan, and frequent series director, Kevin Smith. We’ll go behind the scenes to explore every angle of this year’s explosive crossover, hear from the shows’ stars and the creative minds behind The CW’s biggest event yet, plus special guests, sneak peeks and surprises. Original airdate 12/8/2019.

2 specials this week you may want to watch after all of the Crisis episodes:

The CW Crisis Aftermath I – Sunday, December 8 ONE HOUR SPECIAL – “CRISIS AFTERMATH I” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) PART ONE OF A TWO-PART SPECIAL – In celebration of the massive new DC crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths, The CW is proud to announce Crisis Aftermath hosted by superfan, and frequent series director, Kevin Smith. We’ll go behind the scenes to explore every angle of this year’s explosive crossover, hear from the shows’ stars and the creative minds behind The CW’s biggest event yet, plus special guests, sneak peeks and surprises. Original airdate 12/8/2019.

The CW Crisis Aftermath II – Tuesday, December 10 ONE HOUR SPECIAL – “CRISIS AFTERMATH II” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) PART TWO OF A TWO-PART SPECIAL – In celebration of the massive new DC crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths, The CW is proud to announce Crisis Aftermath hosted by superfan, and frequent series director, Kevin Smith. We’ll go behind the scenes to explore every angle of this year’s explosive crossover, hear from the shows’ stars and the creative minds behind The CW’s biggest event yet, plus special guests, sneak peeks and surprises. Original airdate 12/10/2019.

Stephen Amell was nominated for, and won a 2019 Teen Choice Award for Action TV Actor for “Arrow”. Also, The show was nominated for Action TV Show, Emily Bett Rickards was nominated for Action TV Actress, and Sea Shimooka (Emiko) was nominated for TV Villain.

Arrow Ending

Arrowverse crossover pic

From The CW:  We are pleased to announce the dates for The CW’s epic crossover event with The Flash (12/9), Arrow (12/10) and Supergirl (12/11) this year.  Please note for the this year’s crossover, The Flash and Supergirl will swap time periods for this one time only (as indicated here).   The crossover will also mark the first appearance of Batwoman (Ruby Rose).

Arrow premieres Monday, October 15th on The CW. The first episode picks up with Oliver in prison. The title of the second episode suggests that he will meet the Longbow Hunters villains. The trailer suggests that Oliver will have a naked fight in prison.  more Info (possible spoilers)

Arrow’s Willa Holland has wanted Thea written off since Season 4

Catch up with last season’s Arrow episodes before the premiere

It’s Time To Finish What He Started… ARROW: THE COMPLETE SIXTH SEASON
Contains All Action-Packed Episodes from the Sixth Season,Plus a Crossover Featurette, 2017 Comic-Con Panel, and More!
The Crusade Continues On Blu-ray™ & DVD August 14, 2018
BURBANK, CA (May 16, 2018) –The CW’s longest-running DC series will be coming to a city near you on August 14, 2018 as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season on Blu-ray and DVD. Averaging 2.3 million Viewers weekly for each original episode, Arrow is the #3 series on The CW season-to-date amongst Adults 18-34, behind only The Flash and Black Lightning.* The release contains all 23 exhilarating episodes from the sixth season, plus the show’s 2017 Comic-Con Panel, the crossover featurette and much more. Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season is priced to own at $44.98 SRP for the DVD and $49.99 SRP for the Blu-ray which includes a Digital Copy. Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season is also available to own on Digital via purchase from digital retailers.
*Source: Nielsen National TV View, 2017-18 broadcast season to date (09/18/2017 – 03/18/2018), Live + 7 Day ratings; excluding movies, sports, repeats, specials, less than 3 telecasts
Following the devastating explosion on Lian Yu, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) returns home to confront a challenge unlike any he’s ever faced: fatherhood. Oliver is determined to embrace this new role while continuing to serve and protect Star City as both Mayor and The Green Arrow. But enemies past and present, including Black Siren (Katie Cassidy), Vigilante (Johann Urb), Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), Cayden James (Michael Emerson) and others, threaten him on all fronts. And bonds within the ranks of Team Arrow—veteran John Diggle (David Ramsey); tech genius Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards); former police captain Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), plus newest team members Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez) and metahuman Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy)—have become dangerously decayed. The future of Star City is at stake in all 23 of Season Six’s ferociously fast-paced, can’t-miss episodes.
“Just in time for the season seven premiere on The CW, fans can catch up on all 23 gripping episodes from the sixth season,” said Rosemary Markson, WBHE Senior Vice President, Television Marketing. “Arrow retains a solid fan base who can continue to build their collections with this latest season and enjoy the new behind-the-scenes extras included in the set.”With Blu-ray’s unsurpassed picture and sound, Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season Blu-ray release will include 1080p Full HD Video with DTS-HD Master Audio for English 5.1. In addition to featuring all 23 episodes of season six in high-definition as well as a digital copy of the season, the 4-disc Blu-ray will also include all four crossover episodes, a tremendous value and collectors opportunity.Arrow stars Stephen Amell (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows), David Ramsey (Dexter), Willa Holland (The O.C.), Emily Bett Rickards (Brooklyn), Echo Kellum (Sean Saves The World), Rick Gonzalez (Reaper) and Juliana Harkavy (Dolphin Tale), with Katie Cassidy (A Nightmare on Elm Street) and Paul Blackthorne (The River, The Dresden Files) . Based on the characters from DC, Arrow is produced by Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (The Flash, Supergirl, Riverdale, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Marc Guggenheim (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Wendy Mericle (Desperate Housewives) and Sarah Schechter (The Flash, Supergirl, Blindspot, Black Lightning). BLU-RAY & DVD FEATURESThe Best of DC TV’s Comic-Con Panels San Diego 2017The Split of a Man: DeathstrokeInside the Crossover: Crisis on Earth-XRevenge in Ones and Zeros: The Story of Cayden James23 ONE-HOUR EPISODES
“Fallout””Tribute””Next of Kin” “Reversal””Deathstroke Returns””Promises Kept””Thanksgiving””Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2″”Irreconcilable Differences””Divided””We Fall””All for Nothing””The Devil’s Greatest Trick””Collision Course””Doppelgänger””The Thanatos Guild””Brothers in Arms””Fundamentals””The Dragon””Shifting Allegiances” “Docket No. 11-19-41-73″”The Ties That Bind“Life Sentence
DIGITALThe sixth season of Arrow is also currently available to own on Digital. Digital allows consumers to instantly stream and download all episodes to watch anywhere and anytime on their favorite devices.  Digital is available from various retailers including Amazon Video, iTunes, PlayStation, Vudu, Xbox and others. A Digital Copy is also included with the purchase of specially marked Blu-ray discs for redemption and cloud storage. BASICSStreet Date: August 14, 2018Order Due Date: July 10, 2018BD and DVD Presented in 16×9 widescreen formatRunning Time: Feature: Approx 1,380 minEnhanced Content: Approx 116 min DVD
Price: $44.98 SRP
5 DVD-9s
Audio – English (5.1)
Subtitles – ESDH, Spanish, French
BLU-RAY Price: $49.99 SRP 4-Disc Elite BD Audio –DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 – EnglishBD Subtitles – ESDH, Spanish, French
About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc.Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment’s home video, digital distribution and interactive entertainment businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels, and is a significant developer and publisher for console and online video game titles worldwide. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees.About DC EntertainmentDC Entertainment, home to iconic brands DC (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash, etc.), Vertigo (Sandman, Fables, etc.) and MAD, is the creative division charged with strategically integrating across Warner Bros. and Time Warner.  DC Entertainment works in concert with many key Warner Bros. divisions to unleash its stories and characters across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, and interactive games.  Publishing thousands of comic books, graphic novels and magazines each year, DC Entertainment is one of the largest English-language publishers of comics in the world.ARROW and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

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Arrow Episode List



1 1-01 October 10, 2012 “Pilot”
2 1-02 October 17, 2012 “Honor Thy Father”
3 1-03 October 14, 2012 “Lone Gunmen”
4 1-04 October 31, 2012  “An Innocent Man”
5 1-05 November 7, 2012  “Damaged”
6 1-06 November 14, 2012 “Legacies”
7  1-07 November 28, 2012 “Muse of Fire”
8 1-08 December 5, 2012 “Vendetta”
9 1-09 December 12, 2012  “Year’s End”
10 1-10 January 16, 2013 “Burned”
11 1-11 January 23, 2013 “Trust But Verify”
12 1-12 January 30, 2013 “Vertigo”
13 1-13 February 6, 2013 “Betrayal”
14 1-14 February 13, 2013 “The Odyssey”
15 1-15 February 20, 2013 “Dodger”
16 1-16 February 27, 2013 “Dead to Rights”
17 1-17 March 20, 2013 “The Huntress Returns”
18 1-18 March 27, 2013 “Salvation”
19 1-19 April 3, 2013 “Unfinished Business”
20 1-20 April 24, 2013 “Home Invasion”
21 1-21 May 5, 2013 “The Undertaking”
22 1-22 May 8, 2013 “Darkness on the Edge of Town”
23 1-23 May 15, 2013 “Sacrifice”


24 2-01 October 9, 2013 “City of Heroes”
25 2-02 October 16, 2013 “Identity”
26 2-03 October 23, 2013 “Broken Dolls”
27 2-04 October 30, 2013 “Crucible”
28 2-05 November 6, 2013 “League of Assassins”
29 2-06 November 13, 2013 “Keep Your Enemies Closer”
30 2-07 November 30, 2013 “State v. Queen”
31 2-08 December 4, 2013 “The Scientist”
32 2-09 December 11, 2013 “Three Ghosts”
33 2-10 January 15, 2014 “Blast Radius”
34 2-11 January 22, 2014 “Blind Spot”
35  2-12 January 29, 2014 “Tremors”
36 2-13 February 5, 2014 “Heir to the Demon”
37 2-14 February 26, 2014 “Time of Death”
38 2-15 March 5, 2014  “The Promise”
39 2-16 March 19, 2014 “Suicide Squad”
40 2-17 March 26, 2014  “Birds of Prey”
41 2-18 April 2, 2014 “Deathstroke”
42 2-19 April 16, 2014 “The Man Under the Hood”
43 2-20 April 23, 2014 “Seeing Red”
44 2-21 April 30, 2014 “City of Blood”
45 2-22 May 7, 2014 “Streets of Fire”
46 2-23 May 14, 2014 “Unthinkable”


47 3-1 October 8, 2014 “The Calm”
48 3-2 October 15, 2014 “Sara”
49 3-3 October 22, 2014 “Corto Maltese”
50 3-4 October 29, 2014 “The Magician”
51 3-5 November 5, 2014 “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak”
52 3-6 November 12, 2014 “Guilty”
53 3-7 November 19, 2014 “Draw Back Your Bow”
54 3-8 December 3, 2014 “The Brave And The Bold”
55 3-9 December 10, 2014 “The Climb”
56 3-10 January 21, 2015 “Left Behind”
57 3-11 January 28, 2015 “Midnight City”
58 3-12 February 4, 2015 “Uprising”
59 3-13 February 11, 2015 “Canaries”
60 3-14 February 18, 2015 “The Return”
61 3-15 February 25, 2015 “Nanda Parbat”
62 3-16 March 18, 2015 “The Offer”
63 3-17  March 25, 2015 “Suicidal Tendencies”
64 3-18 April 1, 2015 “Public Enemy”
65 3-19 April 15, 2015 “Broken Arrow”
66 3-20 April 22, 2015 “The Fallen”
67 3-21 April 29, 2015 “Al Sah-Him”
68 3-22 May 6, 2015 “This is Your Sword”
69 3-23 May 13, 2015 “My Name Is Oliver Queen”


70 4-1 October 7, 2015 “Green Arrow”
71 4-2 October 14, 2015 “The Candidate”
72 4-3 October 21, 2015 “Restoration”
73 4-4 October 28, 2015 “Beyond Redemption”
73 4-5 November 4, 2015 “Haunted”
75 4-6 November 11, 2015 “Lost Souls”
76 4-7 November 18, 2015 “Brotherhood”
77 4-8 December 2, 2015 “Legends of Yesterday, Part 2”
78 4-9 December 9, 2015 “Dark Waters”
79 4-10 January 20, 2016 “Blood Debts”
80 4-11 January 27, 2016 “A.W.O.L.”
81 4-12 February 3, 2016 “Unchained”
82 4-13 February 10, 2016 “Sins of the Father”
83 4-14 February 17, 2016 “Code of Silence”
84 4-15 February 24, 2016 “Taken”
85 4-16 March 23, 2016 “Broken Hearts”
86 4-17 March 30, 2016 “Beacon of Hope”
87 4-18 April 6, 2016 “Eleven-Fifty-Nine”
88 4-19 April 27, 2016 “Canary Cry”
89 4-20 May 4, 2016 “Genesis”
90 4-21 May 11, 2016 “Monument Point”
91 4-22 May 18, 2016 “Lost in the Flood”
92 4-23 May 25, 2016 “Schism”


93 5-1 October 5, 2016 “Legacy”
94 5-2 October 12, 2016 “The Recruits”
95 5-3 October 19, 2016 “A Matter of Trust”
96 5-4 October 26, 2016 “Penance”
97 5-5 November 2, 2016 “Human Target”
98 5-6 November 9, 2016 “So It Begins”
99 5-7 November 16, 2016 “Vigilante”
100 5-8 November 30, 2016 “Invasion!”
101 5-9 December 7, 2016 “What We Leave Behind”
102 5-10 January 25, 2017 “Who Are You?”
103 5-11 February 1, 2017 “Second Chances”
104 5-12 February 8, 2017 “Bratva”
105 5-13 February 15, 2017 “Spectre of the Gun”
106 5-14 February 22, 2017 “The Sin-Eater”
107 5-15 March 1, 2017 “Fighting Fire with Fire”
108 5-16 March 15, 2017 “Checkmate”
109 5-17 March 22, 2017 “Kapiushon”
110 5-18 March 29, 2017 “Disbanded”
111 5-19 April 26, 2017 “Dangerous Liaisons”
112 5-20 May 3, 2017 “Underneath”
113 5-21 May 10, 2017 “Honor Thy Fathers”
114 5-22 May 17, 2017 “Missing”
115 5-23 May 24, 2017 “Lian Yu”


116 6-1 October 12, 2017 “Fallout”
117 6-2 October 19, 2017 “Tribute”
118 6-3 October 26, 2017 “Next of Kin”
119 6-4 November 2, 2017 “Reversal”
120 6-5 November 9, 2017 “Deathstroke Returns”
121 6-6 November 16, 2017 “Promises Kept”
122 6-7 November 23, 2017 “Thanksgiving”
123 6-8 November 27, 2017 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2”
124 6-9 December 7, 2017 “Irreconcilable Differences”
125 6-10 January 18, 2018 “Divided”
126 6-11 January 25, 2018 “We Fall”
127 6-12 February 1, 2018 “All for Nothing”
128 6-13 February 8, 2018 “The Devil’s Greatest Trick”
129 6-14 March 1, 2018 “Collision Course”
130 6-15 March 8, 2018 “Doppelganger”
131 6-16 March 29, 2018 “The Thanatos Guild”
132 6-17 April 5, 2018 “Brothers in Arms”
133 6-18 April 12, 2018 “Fundamentals”
134 6-19 April 19, 2018 “The Dragon”
135 6-20 April 26, 2018 “Shifting Allegiances”
136 6-21 May 3, 2018 “Docket No. 11-19-41-73”
137 6-22 May 10, 2018 “The Ties That Bind”
138 6-23 May 17, 2018 “Life Sentence”


139 7-1 October 15, 2018 “Inmate 4587”
140 7-2 October 22, 2018 “The Longbow Hunters”
141 7-3 October 29, 2018 “Crossing Lines”
142 7-4 November 5, 2018 “Level Two”
143 7-5 November 13, 2018 “The Demon”

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Arrow Character Profiles

Learn About Arrow Characters!

Oliver QueenOliver Queen/Arrow Oliver grew up a rich boy with little direction, spoiled and often getting into trouble, partying and cheating on his girlfriend with her own sister. After he was stranded on the island Lian Yu when his father’s yacht, The Queen’s Gambit, sank, he was forced to grow up and fend for himself against hostiles, natives, nature and the like, especially after watching his father shoot himself so that he could live. Yao Fei taught him to survive, to shoot arrows and kill for meat, but he was also tortured by Yao Fei’s enemies. As we learned over the past 5 years, Oliver had many adventures on and off the island and learned how to fight, especially with a bow and arrow, and how to disguise himself with a hood.  Oliver vowed to return to Starling City and bring the enemies of the people to justice (thanks to the list his father gave him). Oliver is very damaged and has killed people who got in his way, but he is basically a hero, as he proves each week by rescuing the innocent and punishing the evil. Arrow or “The Vigilante” was the costume and mask he wore, but when he was Oliver, he often had to pretend to be the old, spoiled rich boy as well. Oliver is not very trusting (with good reason) and is often caught in the middle between members of his family as well as between Laurel and her father, and between his real life and that of “Arrow”. After 5 seasons, Oliver has lost most of his family and many friends, but he’s matured. He’s now mayor of Star City (no longer called Starling City) and leads a small band of heroes. He now goes by the name Green Arrow. He has an on-again, off-again relationship with Felicity, who also helps them fight crime. He also has a son, William, from a past girlfriend. In Season 6, Felicity and Oliver married, but Oliver was forced to tell the world that he’s the Green Arrow, and they put him in jail.

FelicityFelicity Smoak She worked at QC and helped Walter and Oliver many times. She is a computer genius and suspected at first that Oliver was not honest with her when he asked for her help. Eventually, she became an important part of Team Arrow and is “Overwatch”, helping the team out in the field with her computer skills. She sometimes goes out in the field herself as well.  Her father was a great hacker and criminal, and her mother is a bit of a flighty bimbo, so Felicity has had a troubled relationship with them both. Felicity was a hactivist in college but quit after her boyfriend was arrested for it and hanged himself in prison. She and Oliver have been in love and had an on-again, off-again relationship. She was made paraplegic in an attack by the evil H.I.V.E., but she was given an experimental bio-stimulant that allows her to walk around. She dated Ray Palmer for a while and took over his company while he was presumed dead. She and Oliver were engaged for a while; they finally got married in 2017, and she’s helping to raise his son, William.

WilliamWilliam Clayton is Oliver’s son with his ex-girlfriend, Samantha. He and his mom had to move and adopt new identities to protect them from Damian Darkh. Adrian Chase tracked them down and kidnapped William. Samantha died on Lian Yu when Chase blew it up. William now lives with Oliver and Felicity. William doesn’t want his dad to be The Green Arrow.



John DiggleJohn Diggle He was hired as Oliver’s bodyguard by Moira, but Oliver let him find out that he is Arrow, so John now assists Oliver in bringing down the bad guys. John was formerly in the Special Forces in the Army, so he can fight well. Oliver taught him some of the moves he learned from Yao Fei, and he even donned the Arrow costume once to help out. Now he has his own costume and goes by the superhero name Spartan. He remarried his wife, Lyla, and they have a son together, JJ.  John often serves as Oliver’s and the rest of his team’s moral compass. He had a falling-out with Oliver in Season 6, but they united in their fight against Diaz.

TheaSpeedyThea Queen Nicknamed “Speedy” by her older brother Oliver, Thea was a bit of a wayward teen who liked to go out and party. She and her mother had problems getting along. When her father and brother were presumed dead, Moira shut down and didn’t talk about them, which hurt Thea deeply. Thea did a lot of drinking and sometimes drugs. She had a crush on Tommy as well and liked to lay a guilt trip on Oliver about when he was gone.  Eventually Thea grew up and had to deal with her mother’s death and finding out that she was Malcolm’s daughter. She sometimes fights with Team Arrow. Thea died and was resurrected by the Lazarus Pit. After learning that Malcolm had drugged her and forced her to kill Sara Lance, she and Laurel forced him to bring Sara back from the dead as well, using the Lazarus Pit. Both Thea and Sara have trouble because of this, struggling with “the darkness.” Thea had to quit being a vigilante with Team Arrow because she couldn’t resist the urge to kill.  Thea was helping Oliver to run Star City, but she quit that as well because her ruthless tactics were hurting people. After emerging from a coma in Season 6, Thea left town.

Laurel Lance from Earth TwoDinah ‘Laurel’ Lance AKA Black Siren, is from Earth Two, where she was a villain. She was brought from Earth Two to fight but was defeated and imprisoned by Team Flash. She escaped due to Prometheus, so that he could use h er against Oliver. She was later recruited by Cayden James. She worked with Ricardo Diaz against Team Oliver (but she was really a mole for them).  She grew very close to Laurel’s dad, Quentin, and he taught her to be a better person. He died saving her life.


RoyRoy Harper Roy was a street-savvy young man from the Glades who became involved with Thea and her club.  He was injected with the super-serum Mirakuru, which gave him powers but also made it difficult for him to stay sane. He was cured by S.T.A.R. Labs and became Arrow’s sidekick, Arsenal. He had to fake his death and leave town in order to protect Arrow. He came back to town last year and then left again with Thea. He’s supposed to come back to town again this year and stay.


CurtisCurtis Holt He was part of Team Arrow the last few years. He used to work for Felicity at Palmer Technologies. He’s another computer genius, but he also trained to fight as one of the Team Arrow vigilantes. He became Mr. Terrific. Curtis is a big nerd and often just says whatever dorky thing comes into his mind. He is often comic relief on the show. He was married to his partner, Paul, who divorced him after finding out that Curtis was lying to him for months about being a superhero. He created a technology known as T-Spheres to help him with crime-fighting. Curtis, Rene, Dinah and John lost faith in Oliver. They formed their own team (without John) for a while.

ReneRene Ramirez He’s also known as Wild Dog. He was fighting as a vigilante on the streets of Star City when he was recruited by Team Arrow. A former Navy SEAL, he was discharged when he beat up a prisoner. He still is very violent and loves guns. Rene’s former wife was a junkie, and she was murdered by her dealer. Rene lost custody of his daughter when he accidentally let her get burned by the stove. He’s trying to clean up his life, with the help of Quentin.  He was a real hothead when he started, but now he’s grown a lot. He also helps Oliver at City Hall. Rene and Curtis have become very good friends, even though they don’t have a lot in common. Rene had to inform on Oliver in order to get back custody of his daughter, Zoe.

DinahDinah Drake The latest Black Canary, Dinah’s original name was Tina Boland. She was a police detective in Central City. She was being held captive by villains and watched her partner (and lover) die just as the particle accellerator hit, giving her powers. She was a lone vigilante after that, until Oliver convinced her to join Team Arrow. She also joined the police department in Star City and got an apartment, to settle down. She also has a device to magnify her sonic powers.


Lyla Lyla Michaels is in charge of A.R.G.U.S., a secret government anti-terrorist group. She’s also married to John Diggle and mother to his son, J.J.  They were married while both soldiers but had trouble adjusting to regular married life and divorced. They met up again later, she got pregnant, and then they got married. She worked with the Suicide Squad and worked for years under Amanda Waller.  Sometimes she and John clash because of their jobs, when they have different priorities.


Quentin LanceDetective Quentin Lance He was Laurel’s father, and a police detective. He was angry at Oliver and his family for his daughter Sarah’s death. Also, he wanted to catch the Arrow very badly. He had suspected Arrow was Oliver, but then Oliver had Diggle pose as him at the same time that he was throwing a party, so they had to drop the charges. He worried a lot about Laurel and was very over-protective. Eventually, he worked with the Arrow to catch the bad guys.  Damien Darkh threatened his family, so Quentin helped him take over Star City. This led to his losing his job as well as Laurel’s death.  Now he’s deputy Mayor under Ollie, with full knowledge of all of the team Arrow identities and secrets. Like Laurel, he’s a recovered alcoholic who sometimes slips. He had a brief relationship with Felicity’s mother, Donna. He became good friends with Rene and tried to help him get custody of his daughter. In Season 6, Quentin formed a father-daughter sort of relationship with the alternate-reality Laurel, AKA Black Siren.  He helped her become a better person and then he died when he took a bullet meant for her.

MalcolmMalcolm Merlyn His real name is Arthur King.  After his wife was killed during a robbery, he went to Nanda Parbat and joined the League of Assassins, gaining the name Al Sa-Her (“The Magician”). He left the group and was hunted by them, and Ra’s al Ghul, so he faked his death for a while. When season one started, he worked for the group The Tempest and met with Moira quite a few times (later we learned that they slept together and that Thea is his daughter). He figured out pretty quickly that Arrow qas targeting “The List” and thatOliver is Arrow. He masquerades as “Dark Archer” at times. He cut off his son Tommy from his fortune and tried to kill Oliver. Moira’s family thought that she and Malcolm may be having an affair because they keep meeting in secret for Tempest business. Malcolm has killed many people, as well as been involved in many criminal activities. He doesn’t have a lot of morality. He does protect Thea, but in a really weird, twisted way. At the end of season 5, he teams up with the Green Arrow to rescue Thea and the others. He ended up sacrificing himself for her by standing on a land mine.

LaurelDinah ‘Laurel’ Lance Laurel, Oliver’s ex-girlfriend, lost her sister, Sarah, in the same wreck that stranded Oliver. She had bitterness and anger toward Oliver for cheating on her and then taking her sister on the fatal journey, but she claimed when he returned she was over that blame. Her mother also left after Sarah died. Laurel grew closer to Oliver, but it was still hard for her to trust. She was a lawyer, working for a group called CNRI that fights for the little people against the evil, much like Oliver does, except in court. However, she can also handle herself in a fight. Her father, Quentin, taught her to do that. They had a shaky relationship. She and Oliver still love each other, but she was dating Tommy. Tommy died, but Laurel and Oliver still had a rocky relationship. Laurel had to fight to overcome alcoholism.  Then Laurel became the superhero “Black Canary” but was killed by Damian Darkh. She has a doppelganger from Earth 2 who is the villain Black Siren.

TommyTommy Merlyn Tommy was Oliver’s best friend, another rich playboy. While Oliver was missing and presumed dead, he and Laurel dated. He had real feelings for Laurel but was still very loyal to Ollie. He was estranged from his father, who is a bad guy. Tommy was cut off financially from his father but became a responsible worker. He was killed while saving Laurel.



MoiraMoira Queen She was Oliver and Thea’s mother, and she had a lot of influence in the family business, Queen Consolidated. She married Walter, who had been in charge of QC. She was in cahoots with this shady group, The Tempest, that sabotaged the yacht. She had a lot of secrets. She tried to have her son abducted but otherwise seems to love him and be concerned about him. She was caught up in a conspiracy with Malcolm Merlyn to destroy The Glades and was arrested and tried for that crime, but she was acquitted. She ran for mayor but was then killed by Slade Wilson, who was out for revenge on Oliver.

WalterWalter Steele He was running Queen Consolidated after Oliver’s father died. He was married to Moira, making him Oliver’s step-father. Oliver made a lot of rude jokes about how his mother jumped into bed with him. Walter found out that the company owned a warehouse, within which was the wreck of the Queen’s Gambit, and that Moira knew about it, so he got very annoyed at her lying and left town for a while. He was kidnapped by Malcolm and then rescued by Arrow. He divorced Moira but stil kept good feelings for her chidren. He became CFO of Starling National Bank.

RobertRobert Queen He was Oliver and Thea’s father, and Moira’s husband, and billionaire founder of QC. When he and Oliver were shipwrecked, he shot himself and another crewmember so that Oliver could survive. Before doing so, he gave Oliver a list of evil-doers in their town of Starling City and made him promise to go after them and save the city. Robert and Malcolm formed Tempest to get rid of the criminals in Starling City and clean up the Glade. Malcolm wanted to just kill everyone in the Glade, but Robert didn’t like that idea, so Malcolm sabotaged his ship, the Queen’s Gambit, thus causing his death and creating Arrow and White Canary (Sara Lance).

Sara LanceSara Lance She was Laurel’s sister and Quentin’s daughter. She was on the Queen’s Gambit, Robert’s ship, partying with Oliver, before it was sunk. She was thought dead when she fell out during the explosion.  She turned up later, having been rescued by Anthony Ivo and then recruited by the League of Assassins.  She left the league and returned to Starling City as The Canary to protect Laurel, but the League hunted her down. She was released from them by her former lover, Nyssa. She joined Team Arrow and took up with Oliver again. When she helped defeat Slade Wilson, she agreed to rejoin the League. Later, she helped them hunt down Malcolm, but he had drugged Thea to kill Sara. Sara was resurrected a year later by the Lazarus Pit and then was recruited to join the Legends of Tomorrow. She became their captain after their leader Rip went missing. She seems to prefer women now, not men.

AnatolyAnatoly Knyazev He’s a Russian mobster, leader of the Bratva, and Oliver’s good friend. When Oliver was presumed dead, he rescued Anatoly and became a member of Bratva in order to get their help to kill another Russian who had murdered a friend of his. Oliver and Anatoly have an on-again, off-again relationship due to Anatoly being a criminal.



Adrian ChaseAdrian Chase Originally Simon Morrison, he sought revenge on Oliver after The Hood killed his father, who was on The List. He studied everything about Oliver and his life as well as studied how to fight. He became the District Attorney in Star City and befriended Oliver.  Meanwhile, he was killing people as Prometheus. The media dubbed him “The Throwing Star Killer.” He tortured Oliver and did a lot of terrible things to him and his friends. He wanted Oliver to admit that he was a killer just like him, but Oliver refused.  Adrian was captured by A.R.G.U.S. but then escaped, kidnapping most of Oliver’s friends and family as well, including his young son, William. Oliver and Malcolm tracked him to the island, Lian Yu. Oliver helped his friends escaped from captivity, and then he had a confrontation with Adrian on his boat. Adrian was holding Oliver’s son at knife-point. Oliver saved William, but then Adrian killed himself, blowing up the island and all of Oliver’s friends and family.

RoryRory Regan He was avenging his family and others who died in Havenrock after it was destroyed in season 4.  He was using the mystical rags of the Devarim, which gave him a disguise and protection as well as superpowers.  He joined Team Arrow for a while when they were recruiting new members, but he saved everyone from a nuclear explosion using the rags, so his bond with them was destroyed. He left town, hoping to return when he was able to use the rags again.


EvelynEvelyn Sharp She was another new recruit in season 5, but she was secretly working with Adrian Chase to avenge her parents, who were killed when Malcolm blew up the facility they were in. She also blamed the Green Arrow, H.I.V.E. and all vigilantes. Her code name was Arsenal.



JoannaJoanna De La Vega was Laurel’s best friend, who seemed very devoted to her. They worked together at CNRI.  She went on to work at a private law firm. She always loved and supported The Arrow.



Detective Lucas HiltonDetective Lucas Hilton He was a police detective, who was partnered with Quentin. He disliked vigilantes and wanted to capture The Arrow.  He was killed by Cyrus Gold, who made him shoot himself in the head.




Yao FeiYao Fei Gulon He found Oliver on the island and taught him how to kill his own food, make traps, shoot arrows, etc. He was the first Arrow and had been sentenced to the island by the Chinese government, who thought him very dangerous. He was the father of two daughters, Mei and Shado.  He was once a student of Talia al Ghul. A villain named Edward Fryers shot and killed him.



AndyAndy Diggle He was John’s brother who had a drug problem when he was younger. He became a criminal while in the army and then joined H.I.V.E. He was presumed killed by the villain Deadshot, but H.I.V.E. had helped him fake his death in order to become one of their operatives. He later helped Damian Darkh escape. John tried to reach him, but he just kept betraying John and Team Arrow. He even tortured John and tried to kill his family. John was forced to kill him.



CarlyCarly Diggle She was John’s sister-in-law. Her husband, Andy, was supposedly murdered. She and Walter met sometimes at the restaurant she worked at, Big Belly Burger. John’s old friend suggested that Carly likes John as more than a relative.  John had feelings for her, but they broke up after he decided to take revenge on Deadshot for Andy’s murder. She was kidnapped by a man named Ted Gaynor as leverage against John.  John rescued her.  She later left town with her son, A.J. to a safer place.


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Arrow Cast List

Who’s on the show?


Oliver Queen/Arrow …Stephen Amell
John Diggle…David Ramsey
Thea Queen/Speedy…Willa Holland
Felicity Smoak…Emily Bett Rickards
Dinah ‘Laurel’ Lance/Black Canary/Black Siren…Katie Cassidy
Curtis Holt…Echo Kellum
Rene Ramirez …Rick Gonzalez
Dinah Drake…Juliana Harkavy
Lyla Michaels…Audrey Marie Anderson
Roy Harper…Colton Haynes
William Clayton…Jack Moore
Zoe Ramirez…Eliza Faria


Detective Quentin Lance…Paul Blackthorne
Malcolm Merlyn…John Barrowman
Talia al Ghul…Lexa Doig
Anatoly Knyazev…David Nykl
Adrian Chase…Josh Segarra
Rory Regan…Joe Dinicol
Frank Pike…Adrian Holmes
Evelyn Sharp…Madison McLaughlin
Susan Williams…Carly Pope
Samantha Clayton…Anna Hopkins
Donna Smoak…Charlotte Ross
Noah Kuttler…Tom Amandes
Sara Lance/White Canary…Caity Lotz
Dinah Lance…Alex Kingston
Amanda Waller…Cynthia Addai-Robinson
Nyssa al Ghul…Katrina Law
Slade Wilson…Manu Bennett
Tommy Merlyn…Colin Donnell
Moira Queen…Susanna Thompson
Walter Steele…Colin Salmon
Bethany Snow…Keri Adams
Shado…Celina Jade
Damien Darhk…Neal McDonough
Ray Palmer…Brandon Routh
Maseo Yamashiro…Karl Yune
News Reporter…Marrett Green
Taiana…Elysia Rotaru
Baron Reiter…Jimmy Akingbola
Tatsu Yamashiro…Rila Fukushima
Akio Yamashiro…Brandon Nomura
Sebastian Blood…Kevin Alejandro
Yao Fei…Byron Mann
Ra’s al Ghul…Matt Nable
Alex Davis…Parker Young
Dr. Anthony Ivo…Dylan Neal
Edward Fyers…Sebastian Dunn
China White…Kelly Hu
Isabel Rochev…Summer Glau
Andy Diggle….Eugene Byrd
Sin…Bex Taylor-Klaus
Adam Donner…Dylan Bruce
Deadshot…Michael Rowe
Barry Allen…Grant Gustin
Ruvé Adams…Janet Kidder
General Matthew Shrieve…Marc Singer
Deathstroke…Jeffrey C. Robinson
Joanna De La Vega…Annie Ilonzeh
Detective Lucas Hilton…Roger R. Cross
Robert Queen…Jamey Sheridan
Carly Diggle…Christie Laing

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

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Arrow Cast Birthdays

Find out when your favorite Arrow stars celebrate their birth!

Kirk Acevedo November 27, 1971
Keri Adams December 18, 1970
Cynthia Addai-Robinson January 12, 1985
Kevin Alejandro April 7, 1976
Jimmy Akingbola April 8, 1978
Tom Amandes March 9, 1959
Stephen Amell May 8, 1981
Audrey Marie Anderson March 7, 1975
John Barrowman March 11 1967
Manu Bennett October 10, 1969
Paul Blackthorne March 5, 1969
Dylan Bruce April 21, 1980
Eugene Byrd August 28, 1975
Katie Cassidy November 25, 1986
Roger R. Cross October 19, 1969
Joe Dinicol December 22, 1983
Colin Donnell October 9, 1982
Mike Dopud June 10, 1968
Michael Emerson September 7, 1954
Eliza Faria March 24, 2004
Rila Fukushima January 16, 1989
Kathleen Gati August 13, 1957
Summer Glau July 24, 1981
Rick Gonzalez June 30, 1979
Juliana Harkavy January 1, 1985
Colton Haynes July 13, 1988
Willa Holland June 18, 1991
Adrian Holmes March 31, 1974
Kelly Hu February 13, 1968
Annie Ilonzeh August 23, 1983
Celina Jade June 10, 1985
Echo Kellum August 29, 1982
Alex Kingston March 11, 1963
Katrina Law September 30, 1985
Caity Lotz December 30, 1986
Byron Mann August 13, 1967
Neal McDonough February 13, 1966
Madison McLaughlin November 5, 1995
Jack Moore April 2, 2003
Matt Nable March 8, 1972
Dylan Neal October 8, 1969
David Nykl February 7, 1967
Carly Pope August 28, 1980
David Ramsey December 31, 1973
Emily Bett Rickards July 24, 1991
Tyler Ritter January 31, 1985
Charlotte Ross January 21, 1968
Elysia Rotaru November 9, 1984
Brandon Routh October 9, 1979
Colin Salmon December 6, 1962
Josh Segarra June 3, 1986
Jamey Sheridan July 12, 1951
Venus Terzo October 17, 1967
Susanna Thompson January 27, 1958
Parker Young August 16, 1988
Karl Yune April 16, 1975

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Arrow Articles

Arrow Interviews and Reviews!

Interview with Michael Emerson (ex-Cayden) 8/31/15

Interview with Colin Donnel (ex-Tommy) 1/4/16

Interview with Kelly Hu (China White) 9/14/21

Interview with Eugene Byrd (Clark) 1/28/22

Review of the premiere episode

Second season review

DVD review: Arrow: The Complete Third Season

DVD review: Arrow: The Complete Fourth Season

DVD review: Arrow: The Complete Fifth Season

DVD review: Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season

DVD review: Arrow – The Complete Seventh Season

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Arrow Appearances

Where to find your favorite “Arrow” actors!

Katherine McNamara (Mia) stars in the new CW show “Walker: Independence,” the sequel to the hit show “Walker.”

Dylan Bruce (ex-Adam) stars in “Francesca Quinn, PI” Sunday 9/25 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

John Wesley Shipp (Henry) has a recurring role on “The Flash” on The CW Tuesdays. He appears in many conventions this summer and fall. See the list at RosterCon.

Neal McDonough (Damian Darkh) guest-stars on “9-1-1: Lone Star” Monday, February 21 on FOX.

Alex Kingston (Dinah) stars in the UK show “A Discovery of Witches,” also on AMC and BBC America. She is working on a new film, “James and Lucia.” She sometimes appears on “Doctor Who” as well.

Ruby Rose (Kate) has a few movies coming out.

Josh Segarra (Adrian/Promethus) has a recurring role on “FBI” Tuesdays on CBS.

Stephen Amell (Oliver) stars in a new TV series “Heels” on Starz.

Roger Cross (Lucas) stars in “Coroner” on The CW and on CBC in Canada.

Paul Blackthorne  (ex-Quentin) has 2 movies coming out and will appear in the new scifi TV series “Home Invasion.”

Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity) has 2 new movies coming out.

Katie Cassidy (Laurel) has 2 movies coming out this year and does a voice in a video game.

Willa Holland (Thea/Speedy) does a voice in the video game “Kingdom Hearts III.”

Colton Haynes (ex-Roy) has 2 new movies coming out.

John Barrowman stars in a web comic book series called “Acursion.”  He also does the voice of Merlyn in the video game “Lego DC Super-Villains” and a voice in the animated film, “Fireman Sam: Set for Action!” He appears at Fan Expo Cleveland, April 29-May 1, 2022 at Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland. More Info

Audrey Marie Anderson (Lyla) sometimes appears on “The Flash” on The CW.

Echo Kellum (Curtis) stars in the new comedy series “Grand Crew” Tuesdays on NBC.

Elysia Rotaru (ex-Taiaina) has a bunch of new movies coming out.

David Nykl  (Anatoly) has a few new movies coming out this year.

Colin Donnell (ex-Tommy) stars in the new series “Irreverent” on Peacock starting Nov. 30. More News

Celina Jade  (ex-Shado) has 4 new movies coming out this year.

Dylan Neal (ex-Anthony Ivo) has 3 new movies coming out.

Celina Jade (ex-Shado) has 3 new movies coming out.

Colin Salmon (ex-Walter) has 4 new movies coming out.

Jimmy Akingbola  (ex-Baron Reiter) has two movies coming out and appears in the UK series “In the Long Run.”

Karl Yune (ex-Maseo) stars in the animated series “Fraxtur.”

Katrina Law  (ex-Nyssa) has a regular role on “NCIS” Tuesdays on CBS and sometimes appears on “NCIS: Hawai’i” as well.

Adrian Holmes (ex-Frank) has 2 movies coming out this year. He plays Captain April on “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” on Paramount+.

Kirk Acevedo  (ex-Ricardo) has a new film coming out.

Roger Cross  (ex-Hilton) has a lot of new movies coming out.

Byron Mann  (Yao Fei) appears in “Little Fires Everywhere” on HULU and has a new movie coming o ut.

Joe Dinicol (ex-Rory) has some new movies coming out.

Kelly Hu (China White) guest-stars on “The Orville” 6/24 on HULU.

Parker Young (ex-Alex) appears in the BET series “Twenties.”

Michael Rowe  (ex-Deadshot) appears in the web series “Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe.”

Annie Ilonzeh (ex-Joanna) appears on “Chicago Fire” on NBC.

Eugene Byrd  (ex-Andy) has some new movies coming out and does the voice in a video game.

Bex Taylor-Klaus  (ex-Sin) does a voice in “Voltron” on Netflix and a few movies coming out.

Michael Emerson (ex-Caydem) stars in “EVIL” on CBS.

Jamey Sheridan (ex-Robert) has a new movie coming out.

Kathleen Gati  (Raisa) has a few movies coming out and still occasionally appears on “General Hospital” on ABC.

Mike Dopud (ex-VIktor) stars in “Power” on Starz and has a few movies coming out.

Dolph Lundgren  (ex-Kovar) has a lot of new movies coming out.

Jeffrey C. Robinson (ex-Deathstroke) is the flight/stunt co-ordinator for “Legends of Tomorrow” on The CW.

Melissa Benoist (Kara) stars in “Supergirl” on The CW and appears Tuesday, 10/5 on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on ABC.

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