Michele and Cheryl J.
Our names are Michele and Cheryl. We are twins sisters who work on the TV MegaSite. We’re from Newark, New Jersey. We’ve lived in New Jersey for the bulk of our lives. We’ve worked on the MegaSite for two years. We started out writing opinions for the MegaSite’s Passions page and then we became the managers of the page. We write opinions columns, winners and losers, countdown, nitpicks/flubs, moments, and lines of the week. We also write predictions, poems, and we put up quizzes. We gather news and scoops for the NBC newsletter, and we host the Days and Passions message board.
In our spare time, we like to listen to music, write, read, watch movies, use the computer, and shop. We love to watch Days and Passions. We have been watching Days for almost 15 years and we’ve been watching Passions since it debuted. We also write other columns for both shows at other pages. Maybe we should consider being writers on the shows. LOL! Since we enjoy writing about the shows so much, maybe we can become writers one day.
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