Y&R Transcript Friday, July 5, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Nick: Well, hello, ladies.

Summer: Dad. Hey, what are you doing out so late?

Nick: Well, clearly this is the happening spot. All the pretty people are hanging out.

[ Phyllis chuckling ]

Nick: So, no snappy comeback? No patented eye roll?

Phyllis: Huh. Uh…

Nick: All right. Well, I just came to get, uh, Christian some pastries for his breakfast in the morning. What are you two doing here?

Phyllis: You know, just hanging out, complaining,gs.

Summer: Um…

Nick: Right. Okay. I’m gonna… And then I’ll… So, you guys… You never saw me…

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Hey, hey.

Summer: Dad, wait. Hang on.

Phyllis: No. We’re not griping about each other. Or you. Definitely not you. Sit down.

Summer: Yeah.

Nick: Feels like a trap. I…

Summer: No. It’s not a trap. Trust me. I have way bigger issues to worry about. Namely, my ex-husband.

Victor: Why would you tell your father that you and I are colluding against him?

Kyle: What makes you think I did?

Victor: Well, he certainly knew something. He came storming into my office, running all kinds of accusations and warning against me.

Kyle: Victor, I swear I haven’t said a word about our connection.

Victor: You’re sure?

Kyle: Uh, my dad and I, we were arguing. He got all riled up and jumped to some wrong conclusions. I mean, you know how he gets, but… look, that is my problem, not yours. I’m sorry he came at you like that.

Victor: I’m not worried about your father’s accusations. Okay? What I am concerned about… is disloyalty in people who work for me.

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: Chels? Are you okay?

Chelsea: I don’t know. You?

Adam: Same. Do you want to talk about what happened here?

Chelsea: I wouldn’t know where to begin. I’m not sure I even know what happened myself.

Nick: So, Kyle hurt you again? What’d he do this time? I knew I should have popped this dude in the mouth the first time he broke your heart.

Phyllis: Ah, come on, come on. That’s a little too much. Listen, for what Kyle did to our daughter, I’m thinking of more of a, I don’t know, a long-term punishment.

Summer: Okay. Um, Well, I appreciate the support, you guys, but I’m actually not looking for a fistfight or whatever solution you had in mind, Mom.

Phyllis: Okay, you tell us what happened. We will decide on the approach.

Summer: Honestly, it’s not even about what’s happened. It’s about what’s going to happen. I mean, Kyle, he just keeps on making all of these bad decisions, and I feel like it– it’s going to end in disaster.

Phyllis: Oh, are we talking about Harrison’s new nanny, Scary Poppins?

Nick: Is that still a thing? I thought, you know, you were cool with Claire now.

Summer: Y– you know what? I doubt I’m ever going to be “cool” with her, but yes, it is working out so far and Harrison does adore her.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, that– that’s good.

Summer: I still hate the fact that Kyle hired her against my wishes.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, it was shady, for sure.

Summer: The whole way he handled that situation, a red flag.

Nick: And that’s what’s got you so ticked off?

Summer: No, this is… about his latest stunt.

Phyllis: What’s his latest stunt?

Summer: Kyle… is involved with Audra Charles, again, and she is even bigger trouble than Claire.

Phyllis: Oh, what? Again? Audra Charles? She swooped in. I mean, she swooped in right when there was the hint of any problem in your marriage. She took full advantage, by the way.

Summer: Mm. Kyle’s the one that let her do it, but she did get him involved in all these shady business dealings with Tucker McCall.

Phyllis: Well, when it comes to Tucker McCall, it’s only shady business dealings.

Summer: Clearly, Audra is bad news.

Nick: So, how is Kyle involved with Audra?

Summer: I saw them together. They were getting a drink at the bar at the Athletic Club.

Nick: Just, uh… having a drink?

Summer: No, it’s not like it was some casual drink. No, they had– they had their heads together, like they were conspiring about something.

Nick: And that’s it?

Phyllis: That’s more than enough for Audra Charles, trust me. And, you know, let’s be honest, Kyle doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to trusting women.

Summer: Uh, excuse me?

Phyllis: Well, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about all the others, like Tara, his mom. He believes any lie his mom tells him. That’s where his issues come from, I’m sure.

Nick: So, you think Kyle is romantically involved with Audra again?

Summer: Um, no, I don’t think so. At least not yet, but I guess, yeah, it could go that way, though.

Nick: Why do you care?

Phyllis: I mean, he’s right. Why do you care? Honestly, just let Kyle screw up his life.

Summer: Um, I care for Harrison’s sake. This is Audra we’re talking about. I don’t trust her. I don’t want her anywhere near my son.

Nick: Look, I get it. You’re extra vigilant when it comes to Harrison right now, and you should be, but… I don’t know, is there a chance you’re making more out of this than you need to? I mean, you saw them having a drink, that’s it, and now you’re making a leap to Audra hanging out with your son. I just feel like… you might be searching for trouble.

[ Summer scoffing ]

Phyllis: I mean, it could have just been, you know, a random meeting.

Summer: It wasn’t.

Phyllis: Okay. What makes you so sure?

Summer: I don’t know, it’s just the vibe, I guess.

Phyllis: Is there more going on for you to get this vibe than you’re telling us?

Summer: Okay, fine, yes. There is… something more, but… I’m not supposed to say.

Phyllis: Oh, well. I mean… Okay. Well, you’re definitely gonna have to tell us.

Kyle: You have my word, Victor. There has been no betrayal.

Victor: You know the press release comes out tomorrow?

Kyle: And I haven’t said a single word about my role at Glissade or your investment in it. You and Audra are the only two who know.

Victor: Well, then. Just know if I can’t rely on you, my offer to you is rescinded.

Kyle: Hmm. Well. I’ve accepted your terms and conditions, and I’m not about to violate them. I mean, this is my chance to show the world what I can do. I mean, why would I blow it up now when it means so much to me?

Victor: Now, why did your dad talk about you and I colluding against him?

Kyle: Well, I think it may have had something to do with your run-in with my mother earlier.

Victor: Oh, I see.

Kyle: You raised her suspicions when you let on that you knew I had left Jabot. It was so soon after it happened, it wasn’t public knowledge yet, so it sent her on high alert, and she went running to my father. They confronted me about it.

Victor: And you didn’t let on?

Kyle: No, not a word. Just pure speculation. They immediately assumed that you offered me a role at Newman Enterprises, but they know nothing about Glissade or your investment in it. Yeah. My parents cut me out of Jabot, the company I was raised to believe I was going to inherit, the company I poured my heart and soul into. And they showed me where their loyalties lie. Now, I’m just returning the favor. From this point forward, I have no allegiance to them.

Victor: So, you’re turning your back on your family?

Kyle: Let’s just say, um, I’m moving out of the house to put some distance between us.

Victor: Hmm. They can’t be happy about that.

Kyle: Mm. Well, It’s for the best. Look, you have offered me the opportunity of a lifetime, to build a cosmetics company from the ground up that’ll rival Jabot. I am all in.

Victor: Good. So… I can trust you?

Kyle: Absolutely. There is no way I would betray your confidence in me by divulging your investment in Glissade, and I certainly wouldn’t tip off our future competitors.

Victor: All right, then.

Kyle: But there’s something you should know.

Victor: Which is?

Kyle: I can’t control my dad’s suspicions. You know how he is. He’s not about to let this drop.

Victor: I don’t give a damn about your dad’s reaction, okay? All I need to know is that I can trust you.

Adam: I’m– I’m at a loss for words, too. It’s not like we planned this, or expected it. It just… happened. You know, we’ve gone through so much these past few weeks, and we’ve been on edge, and we’ve been worried to death.

Chelsea: Well, I mean, we’ve been living this nightmare together every single day, on this roller coaster of highs and lows and– and– and– hopes and fears, worried about our son.

Adam: And tonight, it just all spilled over. I mean, all the anxiety, all the worry, and, yes, all of the love just came pouring out. We couldn’t help it.

Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, we just, uh, we just– we just just let our emotions get out of control and…

Adam: We got caught up. We got caught up talking about the good memories, when things were good, when Connor was well and we were happy.

Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it was– it was– it was so loving and light and– and fun back then.

Adam: And I think that’s why it felt so good to remember. I think we just– we– we desperately needed to reconnect with those feelings again.

Chelsea: Yeah, I think we just got caught up. It was– it was — it was a moment. It was just, it was… Oh, my God. It was just an unexpected slip. A…

Adam: Mistake.

Summer: You know what, Mom? You’re right. Why should I honor Kyle’s request for discretion, when he’s making so many mistakes?

Phyllis: So, Kyle asked you to be discreet about something.

Summer: He did, but, I mean, it’s gonna be public knowledge in the morning, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t tell you two now.

Phyllis: I agree.

Nick: You know, maybe it’s none of our business and we can just wait for 12 hours.

Phyllis: Okay, wait, don’t listen to him. What did Kyle ask you to be discreet about?

Summer: Kyle is going to work with Audra Charles.

Nick: Now, that’s strange. So, he left Jabot. Why the big secret?

Summer: Because this new company that they’re working for, it’s a cosmetics company. It’s gonna be Jabot’s direct competition.

Nick: Mm. I don’t get it. Why leave your family’s company to launch some upstart, unknown competitor?

Summer: Because his family fired him. Well, Diane fired him, but Jack didn’t fight her on it.

Phyllis: Diane fired her own son from his birthright? That makes no sense. Who does that?

Summer: Apparently, Diane does.

Phyllis: And how did Audra Charles get her hands on her own cosmetics company?

Summer: That’s where the even bigger secret comes in.

Kyle: Here, take a look at this. It lays out the best way to merge the European cosmetic companies Tucker acquired with Glissade. Now, all the entities will be seamlessly streamlined into one big corporation.

Victor: So, you’ve given this quite a bit of thought.

Kyle: We have. Everything is moving along according to plan.

Victor: And by we, assume you mean you and Audra, right? You’re on the same page.

Kyle: Absolutely. The new and improved Glissade leadership in action. We’ll be doing a press conference as soon as the release goes out, and then, of course, we’ll be leaving your name out of it.

Victor: Good. I’m sure your father would be quite surprised to find out that his son so quickly assumed the leadership of a new company.

Kyle: He’s going to be blindsided. I guarantee you, he will not see this coming.

Victor: Good.

Kyle: Um, there is something I do need to ask you and I need complete honesty.

Victor: Go ahead.

Kyle: My father was right, wasn’t he? This is an attack on him. Some sort of retaliation for what happened with Nicky, how he handled being her sponsor. This is why you plotted the secret takeover of Glissade, isn’t it?

Adam: I mean, that’s what it was. Wasn’t it? A mistake?

Chelsea: Yes. Yeah, of course. I– I guess you could call it that.

Adam: Then, maybe the best thing to do is to not talk about it to anyone.

Chelsea: You’re right. Yeah, you’re right. What happened, happened. You know, we can’t pretend like it didn’t, but it’s over now, and we– we just– we just have to put it behind us.

Adam: Agreed.

Chelsea: I– We were just trying to deal with what happened with our son, and we were focusing on the good memories and trying to forget the bad ones, so, you know, it was– it was only natural that we turn to each other.

Adam: Yeah. I mean, I– I needed that. We both did.

Chelsea: But this doesn’t make me any less committed to Billy, okay? Or– or you to Sally, right?

Adam: Of course. It doesn’t.

Victor: There’s only one thing I want from you right now.

Kyle: Hmm.

Victor: I want you and Audra to concentrate on the task ahead.

Kyle: Well, that goes without saying.

Victor: Right.

Kyle: So, you’re not gonna answer my question, then?

Victor: If you see this as an opportunity to get even with your father and to blow Jabot out of the water? You go for it.

Kyle: Well, that’s exactly what you want too, right?

Victor: What I want is a massive success. Whatever it takes, however you do it. Okay?

Kyle: We’re on the same page.

Victor: Good.

Kyle: Success is at the top of my to-do list.

Victor: Good. All right, Kyle.

Kyle: Hmm.

Victor: My goodness. What are you doing at this time of night?

Claire: Oh, you have got to stop worrying about me so much. I don’t need a bodyguard anymore.

Victor: Sweetheart, you’re my granddaughter. I will always worry about you. It’s late.

Claire: I’m just getting some takeout and bringing it back to the ranch. I’ll be fine.

Victor: I adore you. Bye.

Claire: Bye.

[ Kyle chuckling ] Well, I am just dying to hear what brought you back here after our dinner earlier.

Kyle: Oh, I could ask you the same question. Join me for a drink? I promise I won’t make you drink champagne again.

[ Kyle and Claire laughing ]

Nick: I got to be honest. I’m dying to know what the big secret is.

Summer: Well, the cosmetics company that Audra and Kyle are partnering up to run is Glissade.

Phyllis: Isn’t that Tucker’s company?

Summer: It was, until it wasn’t anymore. Somehow, Audra managed to steal it right out from underneath him.

Nick: Where would Audra get the capital required to gain that kind of investment?

Summer: Word is, it’s some wealthy mystery investor. Came in, pulled a hostile takeover.

Phyllis: That sounds shady to me.

Summer: To me, too.

Nick: Tucker McCall is not the kind of person you want as a mortal enemy.

Phyllis: Oh, definitely not. He’s gonna go after Audra very hard.

Summer: And with Kyle at Glissade, too, he’s gonna be in the line of fire.

Nick: Not a good place to be at all.

Summer: Do you see what I’m saying? This is a mess. How can Harrison be okay when he’s in the middle of all of this nonsense?

Nick: Look, Tucker is a slimeball. There’s no doubt about that. But I don’t think even he would go after a child for revenge. I mean, nobody would stoop that low.

Summer: Maybe not. But if Kyle is the target of a revenge attack, then Harrison could get hurt, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, but Kyle won’t put Harrison in harm’s way.

Summer: Kyle’s gonna be busy running this new company and waging war with his parents, Harrison’s grandparents. This is a reckless path that he’s on. And I just don’t want Harrison to be surrounded by all of this stress and angst and that– That’s why I just– I feel like I want Harrison to be spending more time with me.

Nick: What are you saying?

Phyllis: Are you saying you want to take… You want to take Harrison away from Kyle?

Summer: No, I don’t want to take Harrison away from Kyle. I mean, I did tell him that I thought that we should talk to our lawyers to formalize a custody agreement, but I have since taken a breath and thought about it and realized that that would just escalate things, and I am hoping to avoid that.

Nick: That’s smart, because I gotta tell you, Summer, as soon as you take your problems to a lawyer, things can get real ugly real quick.

Phyllis: Yeah, we’ve both been down that road, and, um, the minute you start introducing lawyers into the situation, it’s just not a good look.

Summer: Okay, I know how damaging a custody battle can be for all parties involved, so like I said, I’m hoping to avoid that. I want us to be able to work it out between us, but I can’t just sit back and watch while Kyle brings all of this chaos into Harrison’s life. I feel like I have to do something, you know, for Harrison’s sake.

Phyllis: Okay, like what?

Summer: Well, I’ve actually been looking at houses with yards, you know, so that when Harrison is with me, he can feel more comfortable. Like I said, I’m not trying to take him away from Kyle. I just, I want his time with me to feel more official.

Nick: It’s not gonna be an easy argument to make, um, whether lawyers are involved or not.

Summer: Did you not hear all the reasons that I listed?

Nick: I did, but Summer, Kyle is Harrison’s biological father.

Summer: Don’t tell me you’re going there.

Nick: Just to say that unless the child is feeling, um, unsafe or, um, there are problems or if Kyle is a threat, you’re just not gonna win that argument, and Summer, none of those things are true. Harrison is a very happy kid.

Phyllis: Hey, babe, you know, maybe you’re just still a little nervous and worried after Harrison’s abduction, and all of that would be understandable.

Summer: This isn’t about that, okay? This is about Kyle and his erratic behavior.

Phyllis: Okay, are you sure? Maybe it’s not more about Claire than it is about Audra?

Summer: Oh, my God, I cannot believe that you guys aren’t supporting me on this.

Phyllis: Of course we’re supporting you. Of course we are. Listen, babe, we love you. We’ll always support you, always.

Nick: I think you just need to take a minute and really consider where your concerns are coming from.

Summer: Thank you for the advice, but I’m actually not the problem here.

Nick: Summer–

Summer: Thank you.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: We’re so good at this.

Phyllis: We’re so awesome.

Chelsea: We could always blame the bourbon, you know?

[ Adam scoffing ]

Adam: Yeah, right. Time-honored tradition, blame the booze. It’s always the booze’s fault.

Chelsea: You should probably go back to your room, don’t you think?

Adam: Okay, maybe there’ll be some good news about Connor in the morning.

Chelsea: Yeah, let’s hope.

Adam: Good night, then.

Chelsea: Good night. Oh, God.

[ Adam sighing ]

Kyle: So, what brings you back here again at this hour?

Claire: I don’t know. I guess I was feeling wired and stir-crazy. I had to get out. And then, I realized I was craving empanadas.

Kyle: Okay, I tried to get you to order some at dinner.

Claire: I know, and I was a fool for saying no, so I decided to exercise my newfound freedom for some takeout. What about you? What is your excuse?

Kyle: Oh, I just needed to get out of the house. Wish it was for something as simple as empanadas.

Claire: Oh, what’s wrong. Did something else happen?

Kyle: Oh, just another turn in the ever-spinning world of the Abbott family saga.

Claire: Don’t tell me things got worse. I didn’t think that was possible after your own mother fired you.

Kyle: Believe it or not, they did. And I might as well fill you in, since it’ll affect you, too.

Claire: Is Harrison okay?

Kyle: Yeah, Harrison’s fine. My parents and I had another argument.

Claire: What happened?

Kyle: My day of liberation just got even more liberated, believe it or not.

Claire: I’m not following.

Kyle: As soon as I find a new place, Harrison and I will be moving out.

Diane: Summer, you okay?

Summer: Um, yeah. I just came by to peek in on Harrison, actually. I mean, I know that he’s sleeping, but I love the way he looks when he’s sleeping. So peaceful, and I could really use that right now.

Diane: Um, before you go up, um, could I speak with you for a minute?

Summer: What is it?

Diane: I need your help.

Nick: What do you think is going on with our daughter? I haven’t seen her this vehement in a very long time. I mean, where do you think it’s coming from?

Phyllis: Vehement. Passionate. Forceful. Heated. Spirited. Yeah, I don’t know where that’s coming from.

Nick: Oh, yeah. I wonder.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, she gets it from both of us. Definitely from both of us.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: But we’re on the same page. It’s a very, very bad idea to start talking about custody. You know? It’s not thought out. It’s not logical.

Nick: Seems like it’s emotionally triggered, which makes sense. I mean, Summer’s had a rough time lately.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. She hasn’t been the same since Harrison’s abduction. I think she’s carrying around some guilt.

Nick: About the kidnapping? Why? Why would she feel guilty about that? That was because of that psychopath, Jordan.

Phyllis: Because of the divorce. I just think she’s thinking that if she hadn’t divorced Kyle, it wouldn’t have happened. Or at least she would have been at the house and she could have prevented it from happening somehow.

Nick: I don’t know. It’s a lot of if’s and maybe’s. I mean, I really hope she’s not beating herself up over that scenario, but maybe… Maybe that’s why she’s so quick to blame Claire. More to the point, Kyle.

Phyllis: I think she’s carrying around guilt. I do.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: Did she tell you that?

Phyllis: No, she didn’t tell me. But I know her. I carry around my own guilt.

Nick: Yeah? You’re gonna have to walk me through that one.

Phyllis: Well, she wouldn’t have divorced Kyle if it hadn’t been for me and everything that went on last year. All my issues with Diane.

Summer: I’m sorry, Diane. I think that I’m the last person you should turn to for help.

Diane: On the contrary, I think you are uniquely qualified for this particular problem.

Summer: Is Kyle home? Maybe you should talk to him about this.

Diane: No, he went out, and I’m not sure when he’ll be back, but that’s fine because it’s Kyle that I’d like to discuss.

Summer: Well, I don’t think that he would really appreciate me talking to his mother about him behind his back, and honestly, Diane, I’m not super comfortable with it either. Things have been really tense between us, okay? I just, I don’t want to make it worse.

Diane: Could you please just hear me out? It’s for Harrison’s sake.

Summer: What is it?

Diane: We need your help. And I don’t know anyone else who can get through to Kyle at this point, so I’m hoping that he’ll listen to you.

Summer: Get through to Kyle about what? And what does it have to do with Harrison?

Diane: Summer, you have got to convince Kyle that moving out of the house is not the answer, and it’s definitely not a good move for Harrison.

Summer: Wait, what?

Diane: You don’t know? Kyle didn’t tell you?

Claire: Moving out of your family home, that’s big news. Okay. Um… I have a lot of questions. First, Harrison, how does he feel about moving?

Kyle: I have to admit he was a little thrown when I first told him, but then I explained to him that he could decorate his new bedroom however he liked, and the big backyard I was going to find for him. He started to warm up to the idea. He was pretty excited by the end of the conversation, provided, of course, that there is a tree house. He even wanted to start packing for his big new adventure.

Claire: Well, that sounds just like him.

Kyle: His main concern was that he wouldn’t be able to see his mom, or you, again.

Claire: I hope you assured him that we would still see him like always.

Kyle: Of course. I explained that everything would stay the same, just a whole new house.

Claire: Good. But everything won’t really be the same. I mean, not as far as Grandpa Jack and Grandma Diane are concerned. He will see them less often. Just logistically speaking.

Kyle: Yeah. True.

Claire: I have to ask.

Kyle: Mm.

Claire: Are you doing this to punish them for firing you?

Kyle: No, I would never use my son that way. And I couldn’t cut him out of their life. I couldn’t be that cruel. Even though they’ve had no problem hurting me.

Claire: I can’t imagine how stressful this situation has been for all of you. But to move out?

[ Kyle scoffing ]

Kyle: Now, you sound like them. Did everyone just expect for me to live with what they did? Just go on, sit at the breakfast table while they discuss business for a company I’m no longer a part of?

Claire: Yeah, that sounds tense. But will moving be any less difficult? Aren’t you worried about uprooting Harrison and leaving your home?

Chelsea: Billy, I know it’s late and you’re probably sleeping. It’s really late here. I, uh, I woke up and I can’t fall back asleep. So many thoughts racing through my mind. I’m just missing you. And thinking about you. And I’m wondering if maybe staying here isn’t the best idea. Maybe you were right. Maybe I should come home and wait for word about Connor from there. Where I can get your support and your hugs. I miss those. Um… I’m kind of bouncing off the walls here. So, if there’s no news about Connor in the morning, we’ll fly back. Well, that’s not we. I don’t– I don’t know about Adam. I can’t speak for him. He might want to stay. But I can’t. I can’t wait in limbo like this any longer.

Adam: I don’t think that I can stay here anymore. Waiting day in and day out. It’s um… It’s torture, Sally. It’s, uh, messing with my head and that’s not helping anyone. So if there’s no news about Connor tomorrow, I’m going to come home. I need to be with you.

Kyle: The truth is, I probably should have moved out a long time ago. But when Harrison, Summer and I relocated from Italy, it just made sense moving home. And then, we got busy launching Marchetti in the U.S. and getting Harrison settled into a new school. We didn’t have time to look for a new house.

Claire: Yeah, that was– that was a big move, especially for Harrison.

Kyle: Yeah, but Claire, I’m a grown man who doesn’t need to be living with his parents anymore.

Claire: Well, it’s not like you’re living in some cramped basement because that’s all you can afford. It’s a huge, beautiful home with lots of room for you and your son.

Kyle: And it’s still not big enough for all of us to coexist in peace. Not now. Not after everything that’s happened.

Claire: I know there’s been a lot of tension between you and your mother lately, but surely there’s still a lot of love there. And I thought you and your father were really close.

Kyle: Yeah, I thought so too. But I guess I was mistaken. He made his choice and it wasn’t me.

Claire: You said that Summer was reconsidering your custody agreement. How does she feel about the big move?

Kyle: I don’t know. I haven’t told her.

Nick: Look, you and Summer both need to stop blaming yourselves for things that weren’t in your control.

Phyllis: Easy for you to say.

Nick: Look, Harrison’s home. And he’s safe. He is sound. He seems to be getting over the fact that he was kidnapped by some psychopath. Things could have turned out so much worse.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. I know. Don’t go there.

Nick: And look at Summer. She’s in a relationship now. She seems extremely happy.

Phyllis: Yeah, she does, right?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: I think Chance is good for her.

Nick: Absolutely. Things have completely worked out.

Phyllis: Yeah. That’s a good way to look at it. Okay. Hey, thank you.

Nick: What are you thanking me for?

Phyllis: Well, after all our fights and disagreements back in the day, you never fought for custody for Super Girl ever. And I really want to thank you for that because after what happened with me and Daniel, I would have never been able to get over that.

Nick: Why would I have? You’re an amazing mom. And you love our daughter more than life itself. We have both made her a priority since the day she was born.

Phyllis: Yeah. Thank you for that, too.

Nick: No matter how old she gets, we can never stop looking out for her.

Phyllis: Never. We gotta figure this out. Something’s going on with Super Girl. Something’s going on and whatever it is, it’s pushing her to the extreme.

Diane: Forgive me. I didn’t mean to drop the news on you like that. I just assumed that you would be the first person he’d tell.

Summer: Well, he did tell me all about how you fired him and why. But no, he didn’t say anything about moving out.

Diane: Well, I’m sure Kyle didn’t admit that he forced my hand, that he backed me into a corner and I had no choice but to let him go.

Summer: Look, whatever’s going on between you and Kyle, that’s really none of my concern and I’m not going to argue with you about it. All I care about is… Kyle’s not planning on taking Harrison out of Genoa City, is he?

Diane: What? Well, I certainly hope not. No, I just thought that he would be moving close to home. He didn’t say.

Summer: I don’t believe this. You fired your son, now he’s moving out of this house with your grandson and you have no idea where they’re going? Diane, how could you let this happen?

Chelsea: The waiting is killing me.

Adam: And Connor’s in good hands, right? You’ve been telling me that. Everyone has.

Chelsea: I mean, why should I be worrying here alone when I can be there, worrying with you?

Adam: Plus, I want to have some say in some of the throw pillows. Either way, um, I’ll be home soon.

Chelsea: I need to come home, Billy. I need to be with you.

Adam: I miss you.

Chelsea: I miss you.

[ Chelsea sighing ] Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

[ Traci gasping ]

Christine: Bonjour.

Danny: Enchanté.

Traci: Oh, look! Oh.

Summer: You’re moving and you didn’t tell me? If you think that I’m going to let you take Harrison away, you’re delusional.

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you.

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GH Transcript Friday, July 5, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Well, who are you here for? ‘Cause if you tell me, I’ll keep my eye out for them. Well, a waiter would be nice, but I’m not sure that’s what you’re talking about. The Jordan that I know rarely leaves the deputy mayor’s office. So if you’re here, you got to be undercover. Does it look like I’m dressed for wearing a wire? Even my cell phone’s in my locker. So you really are here just to relax? I am, indeed. Laura asked me to take over one of her meetings for her. So many suits and so many horrible people wearing them. Mm. They were angry when we were done, but when the receptionist told them that we don’t validate, I thought they were gonna burst into flames. Make you miss your old job, I bet. Well, the prisoners did use nicer language. After subbing for Laura at the mayor’s conference in D.C. and that dumpster fire of a meeting I just had, she told me to take the rest of the day off. So for once, I actually took her up on it. What about you? I just took a chance to get some pool time in. I, uh, am trying to take advantage of the last few days before I make my announcement. Once I officially run for Congress, I’d better get my laps in at like 6:00 in the morning, ’cause the days are gonna be crazy. [ Chuckles ] Well, on the upside, at least you’ll probably have the pool to yourself. And I am thrilled for you, Drew. And for us when you win. The campaign trail awaits. Are you sure all this stuff is from the one dorm room? Most of it, yes. That’s why it was so comfortable. When I transferred units in the Army, I had one backpack and one small bag. I know that you’re making a point about packing light, but that just makes me sad for you. It really does. I mean, one cute pillow and your tent becomes a home. Well, sure, but only if it’s really cute. Well, I was thinking about turning one of my bedroom walls into a gallery wall. Yeah, you have the space. And the light. Uh-oh. Look at you appreciating light. And my work here is done. Alright, Gio said that there’s some tools that we might need in the garage, so Dex and I can go grab them. Okay. ♪ ♪ ♪ I know that trolls live to be nasty, but some of these comments — Are over the top, even for a bunch of losers who don’t have lives. Yeah, some of the things they’re writing about Blaze and Deception… Makes you want to track each one of them down — And teach them a lesson. I don’t know what’s worse, the homophobic trolls that are spamming us or — The Deception customers who feel deceived and betrayed that Blaze wasn’t completely transparent. Because somehow they are entitled to know every single thing about her life, whether she wants them to or not. Oh, check this one out. “Deception. It’s all in the name.” I guess we kind of walked into that one. Well, judging from all the similar comments, I guess we did. Trolls aren’t a particularly imaginative bunch, are they? No. This is a bona fide disaster. I-I hate that any Deception customers think we would want Blaze to hide who she really is. Like Deception would be anything but supportive of the LGBTQ community. Yeah, it goes against who we are. Personally and professionally, or as a brand. I just feel so terrible for Blaze. Her mother knew the truth about her and still said those things. How much do you think that had to hurt? I can’t imagine. You know, I-I talked to Blaze about being open with her fans, but she just wasn’t ready. And you respected that. But let’s be honest, she wasn’t ready because of her mom. And if it was up to Natalia, Blaze would never be ready. Probably not. But you know what? Blaze deserved to decide if and when she wanted to come out. I remember a time when outing people was a thing. I hated it then, and I hate it now. Yeah, well, I hated every single word that came out of Natalia’s mouth. But this is between Natalia and Blaze, and they deserve the space to navigate through this privately. Someone took that away from them. You want to hate me? Fine. You can hate me. I don’t really like you very much either right now, so I will survive. But what you have just done to your daughter? To Allie, the person I love? Unforgivable. I didn’t know that I was being recor– You didn’t know what? You were being recorded? I didn’t know! Of course not! At the top of the list of the things you don’t know, you don’t even know your own daughter. Allie is amazing. She’s so special. And — And how could you do this, reduce her to the things that you said about her? You are her mother. You’re supposed to protect her. What is wrong with you? Hey. Hey. What can I do for you, Officer? Just wanted to check in on you, see how you’re doing. Well, you’ve checked in, did your duty. And you can tell the Commissioner that I’m doing nothing. So, uh, Natalia, huh? Yeah. I mean, come on, I know — I know you liked her. You took her to the wedding. Seemed like you guys were having a good time. Yeah, it doesn’t mean that I don’t hate what she said on that recording. Oh, no, that — That makes two of us. But who I despise is Ava. ‘Cause it was Ava’s fault. And I’m going to hurt her in ways she doesn’t even know. ♪ ♪ ♪ To be honest, I’ve said some things I wouldn’t want recorded and broadcast to the world. Not me. I’ve always been thoughtful and kind. Yeah, you’re a real angel. Yeah. Even as a joke, it’s not believable. No. It’s not. [ Both chuckle ] What Natalia said, though, it’s — it’s out there on the internet forever. And she can’t take that back even if she wanted to. Yeah. I don’t know how she and Blaze move past this, you know, try to repair the relationship, if they even can. Well, we need to figure out how to turn this around. Otherwise, Natalia’s comments are gonna cancel Blaze and Deception. We need to shore up the company, figure out how to turn our public image around and save our customer base. Otherwise… Otherwise we lose everything, for everyone. Including us and our careers. We will do whatever we can to support Blaze. I’m sensing a “but.” But with everything going on, I just think maybe it might be a good idea to take a break from Blaze being the Face of Deception. Natalia: Are you done? Or do you need me to order you some room service so you can keep your energy up so you can keep yelling? Are you actually making a joke right now? No, I am taking this very seriously. Right. Only, in your world, gay people aren’t very serious about life. We’re not serious about it at all, right? That’s what you said. The “alphabet soup” that we call ourselves, we’re very flighty? I will give you this, though, Natalia. You packed a hell of a lot of homophobia into one sentence. No. Reckless, and it was wrong for me to voice my — my private thoughts to somebody that I barely knew. Voice them? How could you even think them to begin with? I didn’t grow up the way you did, Kristina. I didn’t. I can’t change that. I’m not going to apologize for having grown up in a different way than you did, okay? So, but part of your life, you lived with your daughter. Allie is none of the things that you said. She is the hardest working woman, and she is more serious about her career than anybody I know. And flighty? I don’t even know where you got that. Maybe I wasn’t referring to her. Must be some book. You looked like you were far away from here. Yeah, I was just caught up in a memory. A good one, I hope. Spencer gave me this book. He was really into art. And — And not the way that people say they are. He really understood how important it was. Art was something you shared, then. It really was. Spencer traveled, too. He’d actually been to places I’d dreamed of. And I used to imagine a future with him, and… now none of it will ever happen. And even though I know that he’s gone, sometimes I — I expect to look up and see him coming through the door. It’s like you can still feel the person you lost. Sometimes you can only feel their absence. What did Ava do now that’s got you out for her blood? Natalia showed up at my place, you know, to drop off something. She got to talking to Ava. Ava recorded the conversation and sent it to The Invader. Ava’s behind that recording? I mean, I get that she’s capable of worse, but why — why would she even bother doing this? Because she’s jealous that I took Natalia to the wedding. You were supposed to take Ava? So she’s gonna conveniently wipe her memory of all sorts of things? I’m telling you, the Falconeris wouldn’t be forgetting about them. I’m not gonna offend Connie’s family by bringing Ava to the wedding. I told Ava that, and I made it very clear. But now that she’s gearing up for a-a custody battle, she’ll do anything to hurt me. Well, you might be right about that. You want to come after me, you’re an idiot. You want to come after my daughters? You’re a dead man. Okay, look, I get that you’re furious right now. And what Ava’s done to you and Kristina, that definitely crosses a line. I’ll take care of it. You go ahead and go. Yeah, I’m not going anywhere. Do you have a warrant, Officer? For what? If you don’t have a warrant, then you need to get out of my place. You want me to make you leave? You know what, Dad? I’ve just been shot again and almost died again. So maybe we save the threats and the hitting each other for…never, you know? ‘Cause that’s not what we do with each other. You told me a long time ago that a guy like me couldn’t live in your law and order life. So get outta my life. Yeah, I’m sorry, but no. Who are you to come in here and say no to me? I’m your son, alright? And I love you, unfortunately, okay, Dad? So when you hurt, I hurt. I know you’re full of whatever it is right now — rage, aggression. You’re ready to pop. You feel like you need to do something. You don’t. The last thing I’m gonna do is walk out that door and let you do something that could come back and destroy you. Thank you. So what does Scout think about your campaign plans? Nothing. She doesn’t know yet. You don’t think she’s gonna notice something’s up when she turns on the TV and sees ads about you running for office? Yeah, I just want to make sure everything’s kind of lined up and under control before I tell her. It’s really, really important that my campaign disrupts her daily routine as little as possible. That could be a challenge. I know, but Scout isn’t the one running for office, right? It’s really important that she just gets to be a regular kid. You know, this could be a pretty unique opportunity for the both of you. You could take Scout on the road with you, and she could see a political campaign in action. And let’s be honest, the sooner she gets this experience under her belt, the better, because we’re gonna need her to run for office. Her smile could get me a few extra votes. Mm-hmm. And your policies and approach are gonna be great. But people vote with their emotions, and hearts are gonna melt when the voters see you and Scout together. I have no doubt that she is gonna be your secret weapon in this campaign. See, you already had my vote, and that was before I knew Scout was on the ticket. Yes. Ah. See? What did I tell you? Sorry I’m late. I was on the phone with the architect. But it is nice to see that the Deputy Mayor got started without me. Um, well, I’ll have you know that I am off the clock. And you never could resist a good strawberry daiquiri. Oh, my gosh. Well, why would I? They’re even delicious when they’re virgin. You and I got to get in there and start doing our laps before we end up with a margarita in our hand. [ Chuckles ] Okay, well, I am going to soak up the sun, enjoy my drink, and maybe order some chips and guac. Chips and guac? Now, see, that’s just playing dirty. Drew: Yeah, it is. Have fun. [ Chuckles ] I lost my mom. I was 10. I’m so sorry. Thank you. You know, she was a musician. A violinist. That sounds about right. She was my first violin teacher. She was great. But then, she was a great mom, too. You know, people always say that, but when you say it, I believe it. It’s really true. My mother and I were like our own little family inside this big Cerullo clan. And then one day, she was gone. And then you’re stuck wondering how someone who just filled up your whole world could just disappear all at once. That’s how it was with my mom. And I, uh, didn’t mean to get us so off track. No. Don’t apologize. I — I get it. I know you do. So, um… it’s pretty hot outside. I think I’m gonna just grab some waters from the house. Okay. Yeah. Thanks. That’d be great. ♪ So I’m the flighty gay who’s not very serious? Well, if you think that about me, then you know less about me than you do your own daughter, which is saying a lot. Well, it’s funny, ’cause you have a whole lot to say for someone who has only seen a single, tiny snapshot of a decades-long relationship that I have had with my daughter. I carried her in my body. I loved her before she was even born. Then why can’t you love her right now for exactly who she is? I do. I do love her very much. That’s not how it works. You don’t get to — to do that. You don’t get to love somebody by picking and choosing pieces of them that you’re going to accept, and expecting them to hide away the parts of themselves that you don’t approve of. Pretty easy for you to just stand there and tell me, lecture me about things you know absolutely nothing about. What are you even talking about? Well, let’s just see where you’re at in about 20 years when that baby you’re carrying is hurting, and you would do anything, even if it means them hating you, anything to spare them the tiniest bit of pain. Now, I know that you are not having this baby because you want to be a mother, but I just think that you are in for some pretty big surprises. You don’t know anything about why I am carrying this child. I am doing this for my sister because I love her, and I have never been more serious about anything in my entire life. You know you gotta stay calm and take the emotion out of it. And you gotta think while the other guy’s reacting. You’re about to do something you might regret because of Ava? That’s not like you. Well, it’s not like me to let Ava live under my roof. The only reason I did it is because I needed somebody to talk to. Okay, look, you’re going through something right now. Okay? And she was there, and so was Avery. Maybe it felt like you had your little family. The Jeromes aren’t my family. My family’s dead because of them. Connie was murdered. Morgan… Ava messed with his medication. And I still, for whatever reason… …made sure she was safe. Yeah, that seems to be what you do. And what Ava does is stab me in the back again and hurt the people that are closest to me. while since we swam laps together, but you’ve become part dolphin. Well, you used to keep up just fine. You’re gonna get it back. Remember you said that, because I’m swimming laps with you from now on. I’m gonna get my strength back. I can’t, you know, have you flapping your pruney feet in front of me all summer. [ Laughs ] I love it. I love it. Well, you might love it less when I start lapping you. [ Laughs ] And I will deal with that when it happens. In the meantime, I just want to tell you that I’m gonna be announcing my congressional campaign at the Quartermaines’ July 4th picnic. I’ll be right there cheering you on. I know you will, and I appreciate that. I also just wanted to say how much I appreciate the extra work you’ve been taking on, with the Wellness Division rollout. That’s — That’s been pretty much all you. Alone is fine. Fewer people to butt heads with. Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working. You locked in the flagship property, and you also narrowed the target markets for the rollout. Well, what can I say? I love the work. I love what I’m doing. But you, you need to focus on that congressional seat, you know? Does no good to run a great campaign only to come in second. Yeah, well, I only plan on doing the first part of that. Good, because the woman you’re running against, Chelsea Grimes, she’s a populist reactionary, okay? So I’m convinced that she’s only running to gratify her ego and, uh, to gain a few followers. So her idea of public service is to use the public services to get more of everything for her? Pretty much. And so when you accepted that nomination, you took on the responsibility of taking that woman down, and I’m gonna do everything in my power to make it happen. Thank you. Oh, come on. Oh! I got you. Thank you for the save. Happy to help. Uh, what are you doing? I’m — I’m changing the — the battery of the smoke alarm. You know, this one lasts five years, so that I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night and turn it off in four months. Okay, well, why don’t I go see if I can find us a real ladder somewhere? No, you don’t have to. I almost had it. You just have to spot me. Here to help. And thank God. [ Chuckles ] You know, when I said that Trina and I could do this move ourselves, I-I might have been a little bit overconfident. I mean, I think that we could still do it. We just might need another week. So, am I hearing that you’re happy for my help, even though you were too stubborn to ask for it? [ Scoffs ] Me? Stubborn? You sound crazy. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Hey. Blaze, hi. Did you text? How did I miss that? No, I just showed up. I hope I’m not interrupting. No. No, no, we’re just talking — Look, I’m — I just want to keep this brief. I am so sorry about the things my mother said, and I am so sorry for my decision to stay closeted for so long. Um, it’s pretty clear that I’m a liability to Deception, and that’s the last thing I want, so… I resign. Maybe you’re able to just have that baby and hand it off and move on with your life and be completely indifferent to it. But my babies were my life. They still are. I mean, there wasn’t a single day that I wasn’t grateful for them. Like not — not a single day. My children are — They’re the best part of me. I didn’t just stop loving them or stop caring about their happiness, even though they no longer needed me for their literal survival. But your love is limited. And — And you can’t love Allie for who she is. I’m struggling to accept something that I-I wasn’t raised to believe in. What? That — That gay people existed? No, that gay people were confused. That there was, like… something not right. [ Voice breaking ] And that they — They chose to be the way they were, and so it was wrong. Okay. But you have to know now that that’s not true. I mean, you know that, right? There’s science and — and genetics. I mean, it’s proven. It just — You know, it takes time, um, to reconcile a past with a present that is so different from what is ingrained, you know? So I’m sorry if I’m not doing that quickly enough for you. No, Natalia, it’s not that you’re not doing it quickly enough. It is that you are a bigot because you are choosing to be a bigot. You can blame your upbringing all you want, but the reason you are a bigot is you. And while you are working so hard to become a decent human being, your daughter is hurting, and she is in pain. And you are the reason for that. rn because I’m not. I’m not. Fine. Yeah. You win. You’re a human willow tree. Okay, well, let’s not go that far. I’m just saying that I can adjust my attitude to situations or new information as it presents itself. Good to know. I mean it. You know, I-I can write someone off, but I can also see when they’ve changed. And I can also notice when I have to change. And no one knows everything. And no one’s perfect. You come pretty close, though. Pretty close, huh? I am crazy about you just the way you are. ♪ ♪ I don’t want to rush this. Yeah, me neither. That’s not true. I do want to rush it, but I won’t risk messing it up. Trina: I’m so glad we don’t have — Ohh…Wow. [ Indistinct conversations ] Good afternoon, Madame Deputy Mayor. It’s good to see you out of your office. Yeah, I have to admit, it is nice being in sunlight for a while. Yes, I bet. I hope you’re enjoying the amenities and… …the view. Well, I would prefer a view with fewer ex-husbands in it, but I guess who can complain? Yeah, that’s right, that’s right. Well, I hope you enjoy yourself. You deserve it. Thank you. I think so, too. Nina: Drew. Sorry to interrupt, but something has come up, and I wanted to bring you up to speed. What’s going on? Blaze’s mother made some homophobic remarks and outed Blaze in process. Clearly, the remarks were made in private, but The Invader got ahold of them, and now they are everywhere. Social media has already piled on from every conceivable quarter. They are desperately trying to make this into a scandal. So what do you want to do? As publisher, I have already done it. I held the Crimson print run so I could give Deception time to pull the Blaze ad and replace it with a simple two-page statement — “No One Cancels Love.” What kind of a delay in publication are we talking about? 24 hours, give or take. ♪ So, what do you think? Dante: Look, I hate what’s happened to Kristina. But I’m not worried about her. ‘Cause she’s a fighter. She’s a protector. I guess you could say she got that from you. All Kristina gets from me are mistakes, my mistakes. First mistake was, you know, letting Ava back in my life. Second mistake was letting her live in my house. All that matters is Avery. And let me tell you something. I could have found a different way to keep her safe. Okay, but if you’re saying your different way would have been something happened to Ava, how do you think that would work out for Avery if something happened to her mom? It would have been the best thing for every-everyone. What do you mean? Listen to me. [ Sighs ] Avery’s mom is like the rest of the family. But everybody, you know, they judge me. But I have a code. What do you want, blood on the streets? You want drugs everywhere? That’s the Jeromes. Okay, no one’s sad that the Jeromes aren’t around anymore. Olivia Jerome’s bomb could have been the one that killed Morgan, but it doesn’t really matter, because it was Ava who messed with the medication. Yeah, okay, but Olivia was a-a bona fide psychopath, Dad. So is Ava. She just puts a face on it. That’s what makes her more dangerous. Well, now we know everything she’s capable of, okay? Well, we don’t know for sure. Look what she did to Connie. Look what she did to Morgan. How do I know that she’s not gonna do something to Avery? Because she loves Avery. She’s not gonna hurt her. Ava is what she is — the last of the Jeromes. And I’m gonna take that last psycho down. You have every right to question the things that I said, but don’t you dare ever question my love for my daughter. Exactly where was that love in the things that you said about her? You have no idea what you have lost. Allie is amazing. And unlike you, I appreciate and accept her for the gift that she is. You know, I think I have seen and heard enough of you for a lifetime. And honestly, the only reason that I let you go on this long is out of respect for your father. Oh, but not out of respect for your own daughter? That’s — Hey, now, that is consistent. You are right. We — We are done. You’re a prisoner of your own prejudice. And you — You wouldn’t even free yourself if someone were handing you the keys. Enough, Kristina, okay? Come on. Tell my daughter I love her. Nobody needs the kind of love you have. And I’m going to make sure that Allie doesn’t need you again for anything. ♪ ve nothing to be sorry for. We’re sorry you’re going through this. I mean, my heart hurts for you. I appreciate that. We were talking, though, and… just given everything that’s going on, we think it might be a good strategy for you to just pause being the Face of Deception. You know, we’ll hit the ground running in the fall and just let everything die down a little. I don’t think it’s — [ Cell phone chimes ] Oh, sorry. I’m sorry. No, it’s okay. Look, I appreciate you trying to keep me on, but I don’t think it’s the right move. Blaze, I’m so sorry. Your label just made an announcement. Um… They’re dropping you. So that’s it, then. No reason for me to be the Face. Not anymore. That’s not true at all. Absolutely not, okay? We believe in you. We know what you have to offer. Which is nothing without my music. You don’t want to say it, but you know it’s true. Okay, what I know is that we have been counted down and out several times. And Lucy has come back a miraculous and upsetting number of times, and she doesn’t have a tenth of what you have to offer. You can ride this out. Despite how you feel right now, we know you can come back from this, okay? And we will be here with you and for you. We’re gonna turn this whole thing into a triumph. People are gonna be sorry they turned their backs on you. And we’re gonna love when that happens. We live for payback. It’s not Deception’s official motto, but low-key, it really is. Thank you both. Really. ♪ Yeah, this is a tough situation P.R.-wise, not only for Deception, but also for Crimson and Aurora. But, Nina, I think you made the right call. I was concerned that you’d be worried about the costs. Yeah, well, normally I would be, but, uh, in this case, I’m very impressed with the compassion you showed Blaze. And I think it’s a better business decision in the long run. I really do. I mean, it’s better to hold the run for 24 hours and issue a statement of tolerance than to kind of rush into it, make your deadline, and walk right into a firestorm. Thank you. Thank you. Curtis: You know, Nina, you’re real good with P.R., and that’s no small thing. This guy could use your help in his congressional campaign. You’d be a valuable asset. [ Cell phone chiming ] Sorry to interrupt your meeting, but, Drew, your phone is blowing up. [ Cell phone chimes ] You got five messages in the time it took me to walk over here. Are you okay? Yeah. No, no, I’m, uh — Uh, yeah. It’s all good. Drew, you’re not really selling the “all good” part. [ Chuckles ] It’s just that the, uh — the name change is now legal and official. So, uh, you are now looking at Drew… Quartermaine. ♪ Trina: 7 Starlight and moon drops are waiting for thee 7 ♪ Sound of the rude world 7 ♪ Heard in the day Why’d you stop? That was great. You have a fantastic voice. [ Chuckles ] I don’t know about that. I mean, I love to sing, but I usually save it for my shower. Most showers have good acoustics. I mean, the selling point of mine is that it has me alone in it. [ Both chuckle ] You’re lucky. You can’t play the violin with the water running. Oh, give me a break. When it comes to music, you’re, like, on a completely different level. I don’t think that at all. Your voice is an instrument, and if your instrument gives you joy, that’s all that matters. Well, you have to say that because you’re my friend. I don’t say anything about music that I don’t mean. Okay. Um… So, who do you listen to? There’s so many. Uh, Hahn, Vengerov, and, of course, Perlman. Ah, the legend. And you? Legend category? Aretha. Hard to imagine anyone giving you anything but R-E-S-P-E-C-T. [ Both laugh ] time to officially christen the place. Josslyn: Yes. Absolutely. Who wants to do it? Trina: I’ll do it. Okay. Thank you! To good friends, independence, and new adventures. Cheers. I cannot believe Blaze’s label dropped her. They caved in to an anonymous mob. Yeah, a mob that’s gonna move on to somebody else’s mess in a few hours. I meant what I said, Brook Lynn. I’m not giving up on Blaze. And neither will Deception. Blaze doesn’t want to be a model. She wants to be a singer. She is a singer. I know. It’s her passion. I may have lost my chance to sing, but there is no way I am letting Blaze lose hers. Hi. [ Crying ] Hi. Oh. Did something happen? I — Sorry. Did something else happen? My label dropped me. Oh, my God. It’s over. Everything that I — I poured my heart and soul into my career for years. I mean, this was the thing that my mother wanted for me more than anything else, and now it’s just — It’s gone. ♪ You go after Ava, you lose Avery. Simple as that. And that’s what she wants you to do. She wants you to do something stupid so that she can be standing there with a camera and a tape recorder and a lawyer to take the whole thing in. She’s gonna be sorry if she does that. Just stop. No! I’m not! I mean, look, you want — you want everything to be my fault? ‘Cause that’s what I’m hearing right now. I’m doing everything I can to make sure I do right. But I’m not the bad guy. I don’t hurt kids. I’ve never hurt a kid. But — But Ava hurt mine, and she wants to take another one of my kids. So you know what I’m gonna start doing? Here’s what I’m gonna start doing. I’m gonna start acting like what everyone thinks that I am. You lash out at Ava, you’re gonna cut your own throat. You want to beat her, you got to pull it together.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, July 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[tense music]

Good morning, Bobby.

[inhales sharply] I don’t know why you’re here, but I’ve nothing to say to you.


I’ll speak to Jada. No one else.

So I went and saw my ex at Bayview yesterday. [soft music]



Oh. OK. So when you got there, which one–

It was Bobby.


Yeah, the doctors haven’t been able to reach Everett.

So he made good on his threat?

Yeah. And Stephanie thought that maybe I’ll be able to reason with Bobby, but unfortunately, I hit a wall when he would not let Everett out.

Well, it was a total waste of time.

Not necessarily.

Where are you, Kristen? Damn, this is going to be a giant waste of time.

Excuse me, Ms. Trask.


I’m Connie Viniski.

Oh, I remember you well, the avenging angel who attacked me on Valentine’s Day and blamed me for Li Shin’s death.

I’m sorry about that. I was completely irrational that night. But it was only because I was jealous of you.


Well, things didn’t work out between me and Li because he was clearly still hung up on you. But that wasn’t your fault, and it definitely doesn’t make you responsible for his death. I’m very sorry.

Well, I suppose we all have our moments.

That’s very gracious of you. And now that I’ve said my piece, I won’t take up any more of your time.


[chuckles] You know the best thing about being CEO? You can be as late as you want to wherever you’re going, and everybody else just has to deal with it.

Nice perk.

Hmm. Let’s get down to business. My brother, EJ, wants me to hire you as the mayor’s general counsel. And I am just trying to figure out why.

Where is your wife, Stefan? I’ve been looking all over for her.

She’s on a flight back from Arizona.

What is she doing there? Arizona? I need her here now.

Oh, OK, pipe down a little bit. She was visiting Ariana. That kind of takes precedence. What do you need her for, anyway?

What time does she land?

Later this morning. Answer the question.

Mayor Price feels that my reinstatement as DA isn’t playing well with the constituents. I’m holding a press conference today to boost my image.

Will there be cheerleaders? I hear free food and booze always helps.

I want Gabi there to talk about how valiantly I fought for her freedom.

[laughs] Sorry, what?

Don’t start. I need this.

Valiantly, my ass. OK? It’s not like you overturned Gabi’s conviction because it was the right thing to do. You did it so I wouldn’t tell Nicole the truth about Jude’s paternity.

[sighs] [birds chirping]

Nicole, hi.

Oh, hey. Good, you’re here. Listen, I’m covering EJ’s press conference. I want you to come with me and take some photos.

I’m– I’m sorry, I can’t.

Eric, I know he’s not your favorite person. And it’s been awkward since you had to hand Jude over to him–

No, that’s not the reason. [soft music] I can’t. It’s just that I don’t work here anymore.

Does that mean–

One of the jobs that I applied for, it came through.

Oh, I see.

I’m moving… to Paris.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[soft music]

France? Paris, France?

Yeah. I’m going to be the head photographer for a prestigious magazine.



That– that’s amazing. Congratulations.

Thank you.

I’m sorry. I– I– I’m sorry if I seem a little caught off guard. I mean, who knew that they would respond so quickly. And– and you just said that you don’t work here anymore. So does that mean you quit your job already?

Yeah, I did. Xander, he agreed to let me out of my contract right away. I’m flying out today.

Hmm, said your piece? Got it off your chest? Good. Now, listen up. I held up my end of the bargain. Gabi is free. Hold up yours and keep your mouth shut.

Relax, brother. I haven’t told Gabi a word. And she has asked me a lot of questions as to why you actually helped us out. So worry not.

And stop phrasing everything like a threat. I’ve got enough trouble with Melinda nipping at my heels.

Oh, so that wasn’t a casual visit?

Casual? Casual? The woman was in a frenzy of rage and nearly told Nicole the truth. It took some doing, but she’s agreed to keep it zipped.

How much doing? [tense music]

I offered her the position of general counsel at DiMera.

What, as a practical joke? EJ, you can’t offer her a janitorial position without Kristen’s approval, and she hates your guts right now.

Or perhaps she’s feeling magnanimous after outmaneuvering me for the CEO job. But if not, if Kristen doesn’t come through, Melinda goes back to being a ,-volt livewire.

Have you ever considered selling the rights to your life story? Because America could use a good laugh right about now.

Damn it, Stefan, this is my relationship with Nicole, which I treasure beyond words. So I don’t appreciate you making light of this, especially since if you hadn’t blackmailed me, I wouldn’t be in this mess!

And if you hadn’t lied to the woman you say you love, I couldn’t have blackmailed you. So this is your doing.

I’m home. What did I miss?

Detective Hunter came to see you last night. You said that she was the only person you wanted to see. So tell me how that went.

No cuts, no bruises. Yeah, I think our conversation was quite productive.

And just so you know, Bobby did want me to give him another chance.

Oh. Well, that must be so flattering to get hit on by someone who isn’t even real.

He was real to me.

Right. No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Of course, he was. So what did he dangle to entice you to get involved with him again? I’m just curious about my competition.

He offered to help solve a case.

What? Wow. So he’s like Hannibal Lecter now, huh? I hope you didn’t humor him.

Well, I have to admit that I am intrigued, Rafe. I mean, he claimed to have– he claimed to have information on a crime, and not just any crime, a murder. [tense music]

Murder? That does change things.


So was, like, Mr. Plum in the library with the candlestick or something less obvious?

OK, can we please just not?

All right, I’m sorry. Go on.

He didn’t give me any details. But he said that we can further discuss it if I go back and visit him today.

A bluff, %.

Yeah, I considered that.

Do you not– Jada, he just wants to spend more time with you. That’s it.

Maybe. Although he could have information on a serious crime and want to see me at the same time.

Nope. It’s pure manipulation, Jada.

Either way, I’m going back. I need to hear him out.

OK. I don’t want this to sound harsh, but the guy is mentally unstable. This could be a trap. He– he could get violent. I just– I think that you should stay as far away from him as possible.

I’m glad you had a positive experience with Jada. I– I know you still have feelings for her. But shouldn’t you consider Everett? I mean, couldn’t you just briefly let him out?

No, I don’t think so. He’s not ready to face the past.

Well, if that’s the problem that he’s having, then we should explore that. What happened in the past?

Why don’t you sum it up for me? Why is EJ so eager for me to give you this job?

Couldn’t be the most obvious reason, could it? He feels guilty for stealing the DA job from me.

Yeah, no, DiMeras are generally not wired for a guilty conscience.

But he likely knows the value of rewarding a good deed. I was the one who handed over the evidence that freed his sister-in-law.

Yeah, that’s another thing I don’t understand. I mean, previously, EJ refused to reopen Gabi’s case. And then all of a sudden, it’s at the top of his to-do list. He hates her, and I don’t think he’s very fond of Stefan either.

I know from personal experience that being the DA, you serve at the pleasure of the mayor. Politics and optics are just as important as the results in court. Sounds like to me he just decided to go for an easy win right out the gate.

Yeah, no, I don’t buy that. Yeah, let’s just table all the EJ questions for now. I’m curious about you. Why do you want to work for me? I assume that you still blame me for your daughter’s death.

You did push her down a flight of stairs.

It was an accident, as I have told you before. Look, I was out of my mind with grief. I was horrified at what happened to your daughter.

Yeah, well, I’ve been out of my mind with grief since I lost her, my only child. And since you are responsible for her death, even if unintentionally, I am triggered just being in your presence. But nevertheless, I am a professional. So for the sake of the job, I can put aside our personal differences.

Wonderful. I can’t say the same.

So just like, that you punch out of here, and the next minute, you’re on the left bank.

Well, I need a clean break. The sooner I start a new life, the better. I told you why. [tense music]

Yeah, you did. And I know it’s not getting any easier without Jude. In fact, it’s getting harder. I just wish there was something I could do.

The only thing that I know is I need time. I need distance.

Right. Well, and– and who knows what adventure awaits you? I am really going to miss you.

I’m gonna miss you. But I don’t know. Maybe this is for the best for all of us. I mean, EJ never did like us working together.

Yeah. And he liked it even less when he saw us kissing.


You know that night you brought me home, and I was wasted, he saw us.

Why didn’t you tell me?

Well, because he just told me recently. And– and I reassured him that it meant nothing. And obviously, it upset him.

Of course, it did. I mean, if we were together– I don’t know what I’d do if I saw you kissing another man.

I was going to pick you up from the airport.

Mm, I got in early, so I took a rideshare. Mm.

So? Tell me about Ari.

So incredible. I cannot believe how grown-up she is. I wanted her to come back with me, but she signed up for this performing arts club.

And I’m sure she’s going to be the next Ariana Grande. Look, you can gush over your offspring any time. Right now, I need you to glam yourself up for a press conference.

I’m all for being objectified, but why?

It’ll give you a chance to express your boundless gratitude for my having ensured your exoneration.

I just landed, and I’m exhausted.

You owe me, Gabriella. Stefan, you too.

We’ll be there.


What time?

An hour and . Please don’t be late.

You really want me to do this?

I do. Let’s throw him a bone.

Fine. But only if you tell me how you strong-armed EJ into overturning my conviction.

I told you, I pleaded to a sense of family loyalty.

And I told you, I don’t buy it, especially after I just overheard you talking about blackmailing him when I interrupted you two before.

Ah, whoops.

Hmm. Truth bomb, baby. Let’s have it.

OK. Brace yourself. About Nicole’s baby, Jude. EJ’s not the father.

You know, you’ve said to me really protecting Everett, but I have a sense that you’re more concerned about yourself.

And I have this sense that this is all really boring and that I’d like to get back to my book. [tense music]

All right, I’ll leave you for right now. But, Bobby, we can’t go on like this. [chuckles]

We’ll see about that.

Just remember one thing. This guy’s in Bayview for a reason.

Bobby wouldn’t hurt me. Look, it’s very rare for alters to be violent. And plus, I’ve been doing a bunch of research about people with DID, and Marlena said the same thing.

Still. If you’re looking to investigate a crime, I’ve got a whole stack of them at the office, OK? You can have your pick of felonies. This is just too risky.

Hmm. OK, you know, I’m guessing that you wouldn’t pull this on a male detective, this whole too-risky business. My job is to investigate crimes, Rafe.

I’m not involved with any of the male detectives at work. Only you. OK. Obviously, there’s no stopping you.

No, there is not.

All right. I’ll just go with you.

You can’t. Bobby will not tell me anything in front of you or even if he knows that you’re there. Look, this is all about trust, OK? And I just need to go there alone.

I hate this a lot.

There’ll be a doctor right outside the door.

OK. All right. Just be careful. I love you.

Well, I should really get to the press conference.

Yeah. I need to finish my rounds, you know, farewell tour.

OK. And then it’s off to the airport?

Yeah, that’s the plan. [soft music]

Well– well, do you want to see Jude before you go? He’s at home. I could let the nanny know that you’re coming.

No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

EJ won’t be home, if that helps.

I’m tempted. But thank you for the offer.

So is this really goodbye? I mean, it just– it just seems so final. May– maybe we could say, I don’t know, see you later. OK, maybe– maybe that doesn’t work, so–

So this really is goodbye? [sighs] How about we just don’t say it, OK?

OK. We won’t.



So you’re not willing to set aside our personal differences? And here I was thinking that I was the one with a very serious grievance with you, not the other way around.

Maybe so, but I would always be looking over my shoulder with you around, worried whether or not you were playing the long game or not.

Well, you can stop worrying. I plan to keep my head down and work my ass off. Period. And you would be extremely lucky to have me in your employ.

Mm. I do feel like I owe you. I just don’t think it’s a smart move for me at this moment.

Hello, ladies. Settled on a starting salary, just negotiating the perks now?

We are at an impasse, actually. It seems your sister doesn’t want to hire me.

What? Why not? Linda is extremely qualified.

[scoffs] Oh, what, to stab me in the back? We have been just talking about that.

Oh, for God’s sake, I am not a threat, dammit, at least not to you.

Kristen, what can I do to help seal this deal?

EJ, I really don’t–

What if I offer you my DiMera shares?

[gasps] I’m still– wow. Eric is Jude’s father, not EJ? And Eric has no idea?

[sighs] Yeah. In EJ’s defense, he hasn’t known about this since the very beginning.

Well, the way you described it, he’s known long enough. When exactly did Sloan tell him the truth? Months ago?


And he’s sat on it ever since?

He was afraid of losing Nicole. He still is. He thinks if Nicole finds out that Eric is Jude’s father, she’ll leave him.

I bet he’s right. Once you discovered those test results–

I realized I had him right where I wanted him. And I had all the tools necessary to secure your freedom.

It’s Independence Day all over again. And now Eric will get his child back. [tense music]

I’m sorry, what?

Stefan, we can’t keep this to ourselves. We have to tell Eric the truth. [dramatic music]

Don’t look at me like that. Telling Eric that Jude is his son, Stefan, it’s the right thing to do. It’s the only thing to do.

I can’t believe you’re even saying this.

And I can’t believe you think there’s any other choice here. [soft music] Look, you and I may not exactly be pillars of morality, but I was unjustly separated from my daughter for almost a year. It killed me to miss out on so much time with her. Do you expect me to stand by and let Eric miss out on his child’s entire life?

OK, look, I don’t love it either, but EJ came through for us. You are free.

Exactly. We got what we wanted. So what’s stopping us from telling Eric?

A very solemn promise. That’s what’s stopping us. I– I’d like to think that that means something here.

Does it, though?

Yes, it does. It absolutely does. I– look, we finally have a ceasefire with EJ. Now, I don’t need or want another war with him right now.

I get that. But Eric’s a really good guy. He’s Ariana’s great-uncle. What did he do to deserve this?

Gab, Gabi, you just got out of prison for a crime you didn’t commit. Do I need to remind you again that life is unfair sometimes? And look what Jude has to gain from all this. He will want for nothing.

So growing up without your real dad is OK as long as you’re a one-percenter?

It’s not just that. Despite EJ’s faults, he is also a very good father. This is the price that we have to pay for your freedom. It could be a lot worse.

Tell Eric that.

OK, Gabi. Hey, I hate it. I honestly hate it. Please, please, don’t rock the boat right now. I just got you back. And I can’t risk anything getting in the way of us living in harmony.

OK. OK. OK. I’ll try and see it your way.

Please. It’s the only way. It’s for the best. [tense music]

So let’s go play nice with EJ? Mm?

Mm-hmm, OK.

You have fought tooth and nail to amass those shares. And now you just want to hand them over to me?

Why do I need them? The board has made it clear they don’t want me in charge. And playing another game of CEO musical chairs is pointless. Plus, I am completely content being DA.

Still, you’ll sacrifice a tremendous amount of power to get Melinda this job, not to mention the money.

Oh, to be clear, you’ll also get the voting rights and the power that comes with those shares, but the dividends will continue to flow, again, in the direction they always have. Melinda may be an excellent attorney, but I have my limits.

I wonder what those might be.

A solid block of votes in your corner. That should help eliminate any insecurities you may have about holding on to your position.

Either there’s something that you’re not telling me, or being a new father has turned your brain into mush.

It’s a deal. I will have the interim DiMera lawyer draw up the paperwork, in addition to Melinda’s contract. I am sure that you will find the pay package more than suitable.

OK. The job is yours, which means you now have to keep your trap shut about Jude’s paternity from now to eternity. Correct?

Nicole won’t hear about it from me.

Won’t hear what? [dramatic music]

Hmm. I was hoping you’d come back.

I almost didn’t. And just so we’re clear, I won’t let you keep me on the hook. I’m going to need answers. OK, you said you have information about a murder, so I need you to tell me what you know. [tense music]

You always loved to dive right in, didn’t you? Fine. But I’m going to need something in return first.

Honestly, I don’t understand how you keep talking to this conniving lowlife, who helped another conniving lowlife steal our son.

Believe me, I’m aware.

And I know this conversation isn’t about the court cases that EJ’s taking over for you again. You said, Nicole won’t hear it from me, meaning?

We were just talking about Kristen hiring me to work at DiMera. And I guess now you have indeed heard it from me.

Why would she do that? Is the company’s reputation in danger of improving?

I knew– I knew that you would be upset. And I’m so sorry that you walked in on us like that. I– I wanted to break the news to you myself.

Well, guess the cat’s out of the bag now. Excuse me, I have to go pick out some very expensive office furniture.

EJ, I don’t get it. Don’t Kristen and Melinda have a terrible history?

My guess, Kristen hired to spite me.


Are you– are you here for my press conference? I didn’t realize you’d be making a show of support.

Actually, I’m here covering for “The Spectator.” Objectively, of course.

Ah. Well, to make it up to me, please ensure Eric takes a rather flattering photo of me for the front page. Sadly, it must include Gabi as well, but hey, I’ll soldier on.

Eric doesn’t work for “The Spectator” anymore. He’s taking a job in Paris.

Paris, France?

Mm. He realized that living in the same town as Jude is too hard. He needs a clean break.

Well, that makes sense. I– I know it’s– I know it’s a big change, but I think that Eric has made the right decision for everyone.

Oh, I’m glad you’re here, hermano, but you didn’t have to come out for this dog and pony show.

So today, are you the dog or the pony?

Oh, and there it is, that wicked sense of humor I have not missed at all.

Oh, you love it. You love it. And I love you, which is why I’m here, to support you, even though I’ve got to listen to this blowhard DA.

Yeah, well.


Mrs. DiMera.


I just wanted you to know how happy I was to hear you were exonerated.

I’m sorry, do I know you?

No, but I knew Li Shin quite well, actually. And I know he wouldn’t be able to rest in peace while someone was being wrongfully punished for his murder. So thank goodness you got justice and that his true killer was revealed.

Thank you. It means a lot. Hmm, so nice.

Seemed a little strange to me.

Maybe a little.


So when is Eric planning to go?

Oh, well, he booked a flight for later this afternoon.

Wow, so soon? Then I’m glad you got to say goodbye.

You’re loving this, aren’t you? I’m waiting for you to break out in song.

I’ll admit, I’ll sleep a lot easier knowing that I have you all to myself. But I do feel bad for Eric. He lost his wife and his child in one fell swoop. I’d be devastated too if I were in his shoes.

Paris? What? Are there no photographer positions open in, I don’t know, Missouri? All right, I understand.

Do you think I’m weak? Weak for running away?

No, not at all. Look, nobody blames you for needing space. You’ve got a lot of adjusting to do.

Thank you. Thank you for saying that. And thank you for what you’re not saying.

Meaning? [soft music]

Meaning Nicole. You know very well Nicole is the other reason why I’m moving away.

Thank you, everyone, so much for coming. It goes without saying that it’s been a rather tumultuous time in your district attorney’s office, the chaos, the instability. This city deserves better. And I want to assure the citizens of Salem that the right person is finally on the job. As the DA, I hereby recommit myself to upholding the law and making sure justice prevails no matter how hard the fight. To that end, my first act as your newly reinstated district attorney was to reopen the Li Shin murder case. In light of new evidence, we now firmly believe that the real culprit was a Mr. Gil Carter, a drug dealer who is now deceased. But this is not just about seeking justice for Mr. Shin. Gabriela Hernandez DiMera was wrongly convicted of this crime. She too was seeking justice. I personally presented my findings to the judge regarding the new evidence. And he agreed with me that Mrs. DiMera’s release was immediately called for. Ladies and gentlemen, the system works because today she has her freedom. So now, I would like to welcome her to the podium to say a few words. [applause] [tense music]

I suspected you might want something in return. What would that be?

Get me released. Then we could go someplace private, just the two of us.

I knew you were just playing games.

It’s not a game. I do actually have the information that you need to know.

About a murder?

Mm-hmm. And I will tell you all about it as soon as you get me sprung, baby.

Rafe was right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. OK, I will tell you.

[soft music]

You wanted to see me?

Yes. I– I received EJ’s shares. And I am a woman of my word, so here is the contract. All you have to do is sign.

Oh, you weren’t kidding about this pay package.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, see, it’s worth it because now you answer to me. Now, let’s have it. Why did my brother push so hard to get you this job?

All I can say is your brother was doing what’s best for him.

I am so grateful to be standing before you here today. The last eight months have been the worst of my life. I wouldn’t have survived if not for the support of my family and friends. There are so many people I have to thank, but first and foremost, I must acknowledge my husband, Stefan DiMera. His love and unwavering faith in me got me through the darkest of hours. He never once doubted my innocence and fought tirelessly to secure my freedom. Te amo, mi amor.

OK, let’s have it.

Mm, God, I love it when you talk dirty.

You have five seconds to spit it out, or I’m gone.


, , , , .

It’s about the murder of Li Shin. [dramatic music]

And I’d also like to thank Detective Jada Hunter and my brother, Commissioner Rafe Hernandez, for pursuing every angle of this case. They worked tirelessly to make sure justice was served. And finally, there is one more important person I need to acknowledge, the victim, Li Shin. As someone recently mentioned to me, Li can finally rest in peace now that his true murderer is known. [dramatic music]

[lock clicking] [keys jangle]


You’ve asked me not to bring up Nicole. I respect that you don’t want to talk about it.

Yeah, but now that I’m leaving, I can be honest with you, not just you, but… Myself too. [soft music] I tried to move on. But the one simple fact is that Nicole will always have a piece of my heart.

Excuse me, Mrs. DiMera. I was just wondering, what role did DA DiMera play in overturning your case? [tense music]

Of course. How could I forget? Much credit must go to your husband. He was the one who approved the immunity deal for Ms. Trask, who then handed over the evidence needed to exonerate me, even though DA DiMera was the one who wrongfully prosecuted me in the first place under the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence.

You’re not helping. [shutter clicks]

But in the end, he was big enough to admit that he was wrong, that he let his personal animosity toward me cloud his judgment. You and I are similar in that way. Sometimes we let our emotions guide our decisions. In your case, you sent me to prison out of hate. But you freed me out of love.


Not for me, obviously. For Nicole.

Nicole has nothing to do with this.

Of course she does. This is all about Nicole.

What are you talking about?

The only reason he exonerated me was because he was desperately afraid of losing his beloved wife to Eric Brady.

Why would he be afraid of that?

Because you’re still in love with Eric. And he’s the father of your baby.

[dramatic music]

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B&B Transcript Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: Paris, you know that this engagement to Thomas is rushed. I mean, a few months ago, he wanted a life with me,

Paris: And now he’s over you. I can understand how my engagement to Thomas could be confusing and shocking for you. And I’d hoped that we could talk this through as friends. But then, instead, you made a play for my fiancé. [scoffs] We used to be close.

Hope: And I want that. But the life that I had with Thomas before he left LA.

Paris: He proposed to you. You said no.

Hope: Oh… It is not that simple. Thomas loved me. He wanted me to be his wife. I am a mother to his son. And, yes, he proposed to me. But you really think he just moved on from it that fast? So, uh, yes, I do believe that ring and your engagement is happening way too soon. So, yeah, I am concerned, for you and for Thomas. ♪

Carter: Thomas, man, you are full of surprises. Congratulations on your engagement.

Thomas: Thanks, man.

Eric: Now, finding someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with is a pretty rare thing. I’m proud of you. I wish you and Paris the best.

Thomas: Thanks, granddad.

Ridge: Hey. Hey.

Eric: Hello.

Carter: Happy Independence Day. There you are.

Eric: Hello, beautiful. Hi.

Ridge: Thank you so much for doing this.

Donna: Of course.

Eric: Of course. I mean, what better way to celebrate Independence Day than here in this wonderful, big old house?

Ridge: Yes.

Donna: Come. I need to talk to you.

Ridge: Hey, guys… come on.

Eric: Oh, let me see this.

Katie: [sighing] I’m not trying to come off as insecure or jealous or anything like that. I just… I’m still trying to wrap my head around you having a daughter.

Bill: And Poppy being in my life?

Katie: Yeah. I… I don’t know what it is about her. I just… I get a bad vibe. ♪♪

Poppy: Hey. Looks like you two are getting ready to celebrate.

R.J.: Are you sure you don’t want to come? Granddad would love to have you.

Poppy: I really appreciate that, but… I’m gonna wait for Bill to get home.

Luna: Where is he?

Poppy: Oh, he’s with Katie.

Luna: Uh, you’re not worried that Bill’s spending time with Katie, are you?

Poppy: I’m sure that they have a lot to discuss regarding Will.

Luna: Okay, Mom, I know you, and I can tell when something’s bothering you, but don’t make it more than what it is, okay? I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and trust me, you have nothing to worry about.

Bill: You’re getting a strange vibe from Poppy? What are you saying, Katie?

Katie: I’m not sure. I’m just wondering if you let your guard down too quickly. I care about you, Bill… and I don’t want to see you taken advantage of or hurt by Poppy. ♪♪ [light rock playing]

Thomas: It’s too bad that Steffy, Finn, and the kids couldn’t make it.

Ridge: Well, they both are so busy, they want to spend some time with their family. They’ll be here later.

Brooke: R.J. and Luna are on their way.

Eric: I’m glad to hear that. More the merrier. That’s what I love, this house full of love and laughter. The only thing better would be a couple of really dry martinis.

Donna: Sparkling water maybe.

Eric: That’s what I said, isn’t it?

Ridge: Where’s your bride-to-be?

Thomas: That’s actually a good question, I’m gonna find out. [music playing]

Hope: Paris, for years, I was the only woman in his life.

Paris: That’s not the case anymore.

Hope: No one falls out of love that quickly.

Paris: So what are you– what are you trying to say? That it’s only a matter of time before Thomas comes running back to you?

Hope: I am saying… be careful. Thomas is still very much a one-woman man. ♪♪ ♪♪

R.J.: Do you have everything?

Luna: Um, yeah, I think so.

R.J.: Yeah?

Luna: Mom?

Poppy: Have a great time, you two.

R.J.: Hey, if you change your mind and you want to come, you’re welcome.

Poppy: Aw, thanks, but I’m good. Okay.

R.J.: All right, bye.

Luna: Okay, bye. [door shuts]

Poppy: Why aren’t you home, Bill?

Bill: After everything we’ve been through, it’s nice to know that you still care about me so much.

Katie: Of course I do.

Bill: Right, because I’m the father of our son.

Katie: No, not just because of Will. Because I’ll always want what’s best for you.

Bill: For so long, I was certain that that was the two of us. Reuniting our family. ♪♪

R.J.: It’s good to see you, bro.

Thomas: You too. Yeah. How are you doing, Luna?

Luna: Good, how are you?

Thomas: Good. I’m good. Yeah. So, I mean, I’ve been trying to catch up with you.

R.J.: Oh, dude, it’s been crazy, you’ve left some big shoes to fill with Hope for the Future. Thanks.

Thomas: You’re doing just fine.

R.J.: Trying.

Thomas: Yeah.

R.J.: Enough about work. Come on. Look at you. Congratulations. You’re getting married.

Luna: I know. We’re so happy for you.

Thomas: Thank you. We’re really happy.

R.J.: Where’s the– Where’s the beautiful bride- to-be, anyways?

Thomas: That is a good question.

Paris: I don’t appreciate you warning me about Thomas’s loyalty when you’re the one making moves on him.

Hope: I’m being honest.

Paris: Huh. Honesty has been something me and Thomas’s relationship has been built on. We’ve shared so much. We’ve bonded on a very deep level. You know nothing about my relationship with Thomas or Douglas. Yeah, that’s a part of it, too, isn’t it? How Douglas has embraced me? I can see how much that stings.

Hope: Well, as Douglas’s mother, it would.

Paris: And I’m sensitive to that. You… you think this is some kind of rebound, like Thomas can never get over you. Thomas loves me with his eyes, his touch. We lay in bed and daydream about our home, our… our future together, raising our children. That’s something you and Thomas never had. He’s left you in the past, and it’s time for you to do the same. It’s time to respect our engagement and leave my fiancé alone. ♪♪

Paris: I don’t want any drama. I understand how hard this is for you. I get it.

Hope: Do you, Paris? I mean, do you really get how much Thomas and I loved each other?

Paris: You didn’t want to get married again, and that’s okay. But that’s not what Thomas wanted, so he moved on. Look, I… I know what you’re thinking. Thomas is a one-woman man. You were that woman. Not anymore. I am that woman now. ♪♪

Katie: I know you have a lot of guilt when it comes to what happened between you and me. But that’s not the man I see when I look at you.

Bill: Who do you see?

Katie: I see the man that I always knew was there. Someone strong and caring. You have a way of… making someone feel like they’re the only person in the world.

Bill: Wow. All this time, I thought I was bullheaded and arrogant and aggressive.

Katie: Yeah, and a sore loser and boastful and… did you mention bullheaded?

Bill: I think I did, yeah. I think I checked that box,

Katie: Okay, good, just wanted to make sure.

Bill: Mm-hmm. [laughing] I would also like to think that maybe I’ve grown up a little bit.

Katie: You most definitely have.

Bill: Well, I owe the vast majority of that to you. Best thing that ever happened to me. You know how I feel… how I’ve always felt. You’re the love of my life, Katie. ♪♪ Life goes on. And– and… and you were right to– to move on with yours. And it’s taken me a while, but… I’ve moved into my next chapter. ♪♪

Katie: Say that again.

Bill: Life goes on.

Katie: You know what I mean. ♪♪

Bill: You’re the love of my life. You’re my Katie. ♪♪

Eric: Everyone, to the woman of the hour.

Ridge: Woman of the hour.

Men: Woman of the hour.


Brooke: Such a surprise.

Ridge: You look amazing. This is my future daughter-in-law. Still feels strange to say that, but yes.

Thomas: Can I get you a drink?

Paris: Please.

Thomas: You got it.

Carter: Paris. Beautiful as always.

Paris: Thank you. Not too bad yourself.

Carter: That’s some piece of hardware you got there.

Paris: I know, Thomas did good, didn’t he?

Carter: He definitely did. I’m glad you found happiness. Congratulations. Thomas is a very lucky guy.

Paris: Yeah.

Carter: Well, I’ll let you two lovebirds catch up.

Paris: Ooh, ooh–

Thomas: There you go.

Paris: My hero.

Thomas: So, I was gonna send Charlie to come looking for you. What happened?

Paris: Did you miss me?

Thomas: Always. So? What happened? Where were you?

Paris: I was at the office. I had a few loose ends I needed to tie up.

Thomas: Hmm. I hope they’re all tied up. ‘Cause I’m not letting you out of my side for the rest of the night. ♪♪

Bill: Um, I’m sorry, Katie. I, uh… I feel like I’m sending you mixed signals. I will always love and care about you.

Katie: But you’re moving on with Luna and Poppy.

Bill: I am. And… And I’m happy. But I will always hold what we shared… Right here. We have so many wonderful memories. ♪♪ We had an incredible life. Family. I often wonder what it could have been if I hadn’t screwed things up.

Katie: So do I.

Bill: So, uh… what’s going on with you and, uh, what’s the name?

Katie: [laughing] Carter.

Bill: Carter– yeah, Carter.

Katie: Yeah… touché. Oh, gosh. I think… I think we’re better off as friends. Honestly… I can’t really see myself moving… moving on with any man at this point. I really wish that you… would think about what you say before you say it.

Bill: What do you mean?

Katie: It’s hurtful for you to say that I’m the love of your life when you don’t mean it.

Bill: I do mean it. Don’t ever doubt my love for you, Katie. ♪♪

[soft chatter] [music playing]

[soft chatter continues] [music continues]

Brooke: Are you okay? Being here with Thomas and Paris?

Hope: I mean, it’s… pretty surreal.

Eric: Listen, everybody, if I might say something for a second, just a second. I’m… very glad that you’re all here. I really am. That you decided to spend the Fourth with us. Thank you.

Ridge: And thank you for having us in your home. Right? Speaking of home… [sighing] …my son is home. And he brought a very special, very beautiful surprise. Paris, his fiancé. So let’s hear it for Thomas and Paris. Can we?

Eric: To Thomas and Paris.

All: Cheers.


Thomas: Um… I’m sure it’s kind of a surprise for everyone here that I came back and we are engaged. When I left LA, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I got over there to International, and I never would have expected to… fall in love. But that is exactly what happened. Paris and I reconnected, and… really helped each other. You mean the world to me. And I love you.

Paris: I love you, too. And I can’t wait to be married.

Thomas: Me either. And that being said, Grandpa, you and Grandma made this house exactly what it is, which is a wonderful home. A home of love and family. And that’s what this place represents. Well, Paris and I, we’ve been through problems and issues in the past, but I think we helped each other get through those things and move past that point. Considering how well you have welcomed her into this family, I think it would be wonderful, with your blessing, to potentially get married here, if you are okay with that.

Paris: Yeah, that would be wonderful.

Thomas: So, Granddad, could we get married in your home?

Thomas: Well, um… I guess we’re about to have another wedding. To Thomas and Paris.

Ridge: Thomas and Paris. You guys, that’s gonna be great.

Eric: All right… isn’t that just beautiful?

Ridge: Dad.

Eric: The two of them. It’s gonna be nice. Well done. Well done. Well done.

Eric: Well, let’s– we should celebrate, shouldn’t we? [loud pop]

[overlapping chatter]

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, July 4, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Sally: Hi. Coffee, no creamer, please. Thank you.

Billy: And I’ll get a refill. Please. Hi. Fancy meeting you here.

Sally: Likewise.

Billy: Can’t get enough of the coffee?

Sally: A long night of work ahead and hopefully, this will do the trick.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: But the truth is I– I can’t stop thinking about Adam and worrying about him. What’s your excuse?

Billy: Ha. Yeah, a long night of work ahead. And I can’t stop thinking about Chelsea.

Sally: Great. Thank you.

Billy: Any news from Baltimore?

Sally: All quiet. You?

Billy: Same.

Sally: Well, maybe that’s a good thing.

Billy: Or not.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

[ knocking on door ]

Adam: Need some company?

Chelsea: You got my text?

Adam: I couldn’t sleep either. Oh, and I am not alone. I was hoping that maybe a nightcap could calm my nerves.

Jack: We need to talk.

Victor: What prompts you to barge into my office uninvited?

Jack: My son. You stay away from him!

Diane: Kyle, wait.

Kyle: All talked out.

Diane: Please.

Kyle: I don’t have anything left to say.

Diane: I understand how angry you are.

Kyle: I’m not sure you do.

Diane: But we have to put Harrison first and find a way through this anger for him.

Kyle: Harrison will be just fine.

Diane: After everything he’s been through, do you really want to put that sweet little boy through another change? This is his home. He loves it here. Please, Kyle, please don’t take him away from the family he loves here.

Kyle: How dare you use Harrison as ammunition against me? Not one call all day from Connor’s facility. What is he doing? Is he okay? Is he not okay? When are we going to be able to see him again? Tomorrow? In a week?

Adam: That’s pretty much what kept me awake too.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Chelsea: I’ve been trying to do all of my calming techniques. You know, I went for a walk around the harbor and doing deep breathing. Telling myself everything’s going to be okay, but… I just keep coming back to… how is this happening?

Adam: I don’t know. But what I do know is we’re here. And we’re not going anywhere. It’s got to mean something. As long as it takes, whatever it takes, we’re going to get Connor to the other side.

[ Adam sighing ]

Chelsea: Thanks for this.

Adam: What? The bourbon?

[ Chelsea chuckling ]

Chelsea: No, not the bourbon. The reassurances. It helps to hear you say it so confidently. Makes me feel like…

[ Chelsea sighing ] Makes me feel like who knows, maybe things will get better, even though that’s very hard to believe after today.

Adam: Are you going to make me play the optimist again?

Chelsea: Well, you are getting pretty good at it.

Adam: Well, how about this? We have both screwed up plenty in our lives, but somehow we… managed to create a miracle of a kid.

Chelsea: Yeah, he really is the best of both of us, isn’t he?

Adam: And who would have thought the best of us would be such a great human being?

Chelsea: Right? And he’s just so… He’s so kind.

Adam: I know. He gets that from you.

Chelsea: I don’t know. You’re the one who showed up at my door in the middle of the night with an excellent bottle of bourbon so I wouldn’t have to be alone. You didn’t have to do that.

Adam: Well, if I can’t help our son tonight, maybe I can at least try to help his mom. Even if that does mean I have to share my bourbon.

[ Chelsea chuckling ]

Chelsea: Was that supposed to be funny? Because if it was, Connor definitely gets his excellent sense of humor from me.

Adam: Look, this– this setback has been hard and it’s taken the wind out of us, but don’t for a second try to find a reason to blame yourself.

Chelsea: But that’s my superpower.

Adam: Chelsea, you’re an amazing mom. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Connor is a strong, loving, resilient boy. You did that.

Chelsea: We both did that.

[ Adam exhaling ]

Adam: To loving the hell out of our kid.

Diane: I’m not trying to use Harrison as ammunition. I’m trying to think what’s best for my grandson.

Kyle: What, and I’m not? My decision is very much about Harrison and what’s best for my son is to live in a house full of love. Not one where family turns on its own, where there is no trust.

Diane: Oh, that’s not fair. You’re the one who turned on me at Jabot.

Kyle: You know what? I’m done defending my efforts to help you to cover for your inexperience. Now, if you’ll excuse me…

Diane: Just wait. Don’t you see what you’re doing? All this secrecy about your new job, taking Harrison away from us? You are just trying to punish me and your father.

Kyle: Oh, are you really playing the victim right now? Because last time I checked, I was the one who was fired. I was the one who was pink slipped out of my family legacy. No, Mom, you did this. You brought this down on all of us. Now, you have to live with the consequences.

Victor: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Jack: Oh, this is how we’re going to play it after all these years? Really?

Victor: Make your point and get out.

Jack: You think I don’t know when you’re bluffing?

Victor: Paranoia does not suit you, Jack.

Jack: This isn’t paranoia. This is history. This is right out of the Victor Newman playbook. You hire my son to use against me. It didn’t work before. It won’t work this time.

Victor: And yet you’re here, aren’t you? Did you and Kyle have a rift?

Jack: You know we did. And there you are to weaponize the fallout.

Kyle: Your son hates you. You blame me? Get out.

Jack: Or what? You’ll have your security staff throw me out?

Victor: I don’t need my security staff to throw you out. I’ll throw you out on the street myself.

Jack: This I like. This is why I’m here. For one-on-one confrontation.

Victor: Oh, really?

Jack: Yeah. You feel the need to pursue a vendetta against me? You come at me! Only me! You stay away from my wife and son!

Victor: How dare you come at me after what you have done?

Jack: Oh, enough with this misguided anger over what happened to Nikki in that hotel room.

Victor: You mean after Nikki almost drank herself to death and you almost died?

Jack: Nikki was at her lowest point.

Victor: And you decided to overdose! That your way of helping her?

Jack: You weren’t there.

Victor: If I had been there, I promise you, I would have let you foam at your mouth and let you rot!

Jack: Is it really so difficult for you to admit that the great and powerful Victor Newman couldn’t be the one to save his wife? That Nikki would have drunk herself to death while you were convincing everyone else and yourself that only you could save her? I’m the one who brought her there and you can’t forgive me for it.

Victor: Are you on pills right now?

Jack: No, I am deadly sober. And I’m giving you a warning. You want to come after me, you come after me and me alone. Or there will be hell to pay.

Victor: I will give you a warning. When I decide to retaliate, you will not see it coming.

Jack: Last time. You stay away from Kyle.

[ door slamming ]

Nick: You okay?

Jack: Your father’s playing games with Kyle. I came here to set him straight. Let’s hope for all our sakes he listened.

Chelsea: Mm, can you remember that photo album we looked through? Connor’s first Thanksgiving. That silly family selfie.

Adam: He– he was so happy.

Chelsea: We all were. We all were.

Adam: Oh, he–

[ Adam laughing ]

Chelsea: What? What?

Adam: The turkey painting?

[ both laughing ]

Adam: You tried to convince me that Connor somehow managed to finger and foot paint?

Chelsea: Yeah. Remember, we made such a mess? Oh, it was so much fun. Oh, it was– it was just the best day.

Adam: It was. Although, I was going to say, that, uh, that masterpiece looked more like a turtle than a turkey.

Chelsea: Mm. What do you have against turtles?

Adam: Nothing. You– you went all out that day. You were bound and determined to just make it beyond special.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: Whether Connor would remember it or not.

Chelsea: You know, I know where that painting is. So, I am going to dig it out and I am going to hang it up. This year. For Connor, for Thanksgiving. He’s going to love it.

Adam: What is it?

[ Chelsea sniffling ]

Chelsea: What if Connor’s not home for Thanksgiving?

Diane: Okay, fine. You want to move out? You think that’s the best choice? The– the wisest choice for Harrison? Just go ahead and do it.

Kyle: I don’t need your permission.

Diane: I know you don’t. But can’t we at least try and heal this rift between us?

Kyle: I’m not in the mood for warm and fuzzies right now, Mom, but, uh, I’ll share this with you. Um, I will thank you very soon for ripping my birthright out from under me. When one door closes, you know–

Diane: All right, what is this game you’re playing? Why won’t you tell us where you’re working? What’s the big secret?

Kyle: Now, that’s on a need-to-know situation and you and Dad just didn’t make the cut. No offense.

Diane: Well, it would stop us from assuming the worst.

Kyle: Oh, because that’s where you go with me, huh?

Diane: Oh, that’s not what I mean.

Kyle: Assuming the worst?

Diane: And you know that.

Kyle: Are you searching for some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy here? Do you want me to turn on you the way you turned on me? Go dark, is that it? Because I would give you an excuse to justify what you did to your own son.

Diane: Kyle, of course that’s not what I want.

Kyle: Well, I don’t know. Going dark, it poses some interesting possibilities and it could definitely be arranged.

Diane: Why are you acting like this? Why are you being so hateful? Do you enjoy stringing us along? I mean, has your ego really been that wounded?

Kyle: No, this has nothing to do with my ego.

Diane: This has everything to do with your ego. And you are no more a victim than I am. You undermined me every chance you could. You provoked me. You didn’t even try to make things work. And no CEO would ever put up with that kind of insubordination.

Kyle: Oh. Did you learn that in the CEO handbook, huh? Because last time I checked, you didn’t have any idea. Zero experience on how to truly lead a company.

Diane: And you have so, so much experience that I’m sure your new position is on a level commensurate with your considerable skills.

Kyle: Hold on. Is that your tricky way to figure out where I’m going?

Diane: No, but I am worried about you.

Kyle: No, you’re worried that the lesson you wanted to teach me, to punish me with, backfired and now I’m free to do what I want, where I want. And you will know where that is when I want you to. But I’ll share this one thing with you. There is nothing that’s going to change my mind about moving out of this house and getting away from you.

Jack: What’s going on here?

Kyle: How was Victor? Did you set him straight?

Nick: Hey.

Victor: Hey, son.

Nick: Came by to see if you wanted to grab a drink, but why don’t you tell me what’s going on with Jack? I ran into him outside your office. He seems pretty ticked off.

Victor: Oh, yeah? You know, he’s an idiot.

Nick: Something to do with Kyle? What’s going on?

Victor: Jack Abbott always gets riled up about something.

Nick: I haven’t seen him that riled up in a long time, Dad.

Victor: Yeah, he’ll get over it.

Nick: Jack is as fiercely protective of his family as you are of yours. If Kyle’s involved in whatever this is, I don’t think you should dismiss him so easily.

Victor: You know, that guy’s delusional. He thinks he can pick a fight with me and win. End of story.

Jack: What makes you think I went to see Victor?

Kyle: Tell me you didn’t.

Jack: Victor is still furious at me for trying to shock Nikki sober. A furious Victor is not a good thing.

Kyle: So, you did pay him a visit.

Jack: He’s also not the kind of person you want to turn to for help in mapping out your future.

Kyle: Well, I don’t know about that. I mean, Victor seems like a good option. Given my own parents just torched my future, why not give him a shot?

Diane: So, you admit it. You are involved with Victor.

Kyle: Well, I’m not admitting to anything. I’m merely making a point. Victor has always appreciated my business acumen. It’s nice to be valued and not seen as a threat, which is more than I can say for my own flesh and blood.

Jack: That is simply not true. You are my son. I love you. I only want what is best for you.

Kyle: If that’s the case, prove it. Fire Mom. Or at least give her a demotion. Give me the job I deserve. Right now.

Sally: I mean, that Adam and Chelsea could have such a great day with Connor and see him so happy and getting better and that there was real hope for the first time in a long time and then to have him relapse?

[ Sally sighing ] It’s just heartbreaking.

Billy: Yeah, Chelsea said to me that it’s as if the OCD is– is punishing him. Like it’s reminding him that he doesn’t deserve to be happy, which is, you know, heartbreaking, of course. I mean, how could happiness be a trigger in that way?

Sally: I mean, Adam has tried so hard to be optimistic about this treatment and it does not come easy for him. And now for this to happen, for Connor to be getting worse and trying to harm himself, I just really, really wish there was something I could do to get Adam through this.

Billy: Yeah. I feel the same way with Chelsea. You know, I try to be there for her. I try to support her. Of course, I would drop anything and everything to physically be there for her, but it doesn’t seem to help. It definitely doesn’t fix anything and it just ends up leaving me feeling…

Sally: Helpless?

Billy: Exactly.

[ Sally sighing ]

[ both chuckling ]

Sally: You know, maybe we should talk about something else.

Billy: I think that’s a good idea.

Sally: Yeah.

Billy: How about, uh, how about the weather?

Sally: Oh, jeez. That’s boring.

Billy: Are you into sports?

Sally: Um, only if you’re a Cubs fan.

Billy: Oh, God, no. You know this is Brewers territory, right?

Sally: Uh, jeez. Um, Politics?

Billy: And we’re back to the weather.

Sally: Work. Work. Let’s talk about work. What is happening at Chancellor-Winters?

Billy: Ha. Yeah, what is happening there? Um, a lot. A lot. Ultimately, uh, I really– I’m excited about where we’re headed.

Sally: That’s great. Where is that?

Billy: We’re headed for some pretty big changes.

Sally: That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me?

Billy: That’s all I can share. I am sworn to secrecy, but, uh… Look, um, we’re working out the details, but we’ll be making some pretty big announcements very soon.

Sally: Well, I look forward to it.

Billy: How about you? How are you fitting in at Marchetti?

Sally: Oh, my God. It has been the best experience. I’m back doing what I love. There’s a flow. There’s a joy in the work. And I am reminded that fashion is definitely a way better fit for me than interior design ever was.

Billy: Well, that’s good. It’s, you know, it’s good to love what you do.

Sally: I’m so excited. There’s all these ideas and this energy, and– and now that Summer has agreed to hire Chloe, I– I– I– I just feel like anything’s possible.

Billy: Well, you’re clearly jazzed about it. Congratulations to that.

Sally: Thank you. Am I… Am I being a jerk?

Billy: What do you mean?

Sally: I mean, I’m subbing for Chelsea, who’s going through hell, you know? And it just feels weird to be excited about a job that Chelsea can’t do because her son is in pain and she has to be there for him. I just feel like I’m taking advantage somehow.

Billy: You’re not being a jerk, Sally. In fact, I think you’re actually helping Chelsea. You know you’re there, you’re focused on the business and you’re keeping the wheels on, so that’s– that’s a good thing. She can focus on being there for her son.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Well, thank you for saying that.

Billy: Plus, you’re so talented that maybe she’ll keep you on in some capacity.

Sally: Yeah, that would be amazing. But right now, all I care about is that Adam and Chelsea get home with Connor happy and healthy.

Billy: That’s what we all want.

Adam: Hey, it’s all right.

Chelsea: It’s not all right, Adam. It’s not all right.

[ Chelsea sniffling ]

Chelsea: I was so determined to give our son everything I didn’t have. The– the childhood I never had. Every– every– The holiday and– and birthday and tradition was going to be special. And I really thought if I could just do that, if I could just give Connor days of joy, everything would be okay. And he’d be happy, and he’d have a great life. And now… I mean, how many holidays is our son going to have to miss because he’s in this clinic? How many days and– and weeks and months is he going to spend there hating himself or wanting to hurt himself?

[ Chelsea crying ]

Adam: Come here. Come here, come here, come here. Okay.

Chelsea: Thank you, Adam.

Adam: Go ahead. Just let it out.

Chelsea: We can’t have failed him, Adam. We can’t.

Adam: Listen, you have never in your life failed Connor. You were the most remarkable parent that any kid could have hoped for. I’m in awe of you, Chelsea, and I always have been.

Chelsea: I don’t feel very remarkable right now.

Adam: That doesn’t make it any less true, okay? Forcing your father to choose between the two of us. How selfish can you be?

Kyle: No, this isn’t about me. It’s what’s best for the family and Jabot. The corporate world will finally respect Jabot again. And Harrison could grow up right here with his two loving grandparents. Isn’t that what you want?

Diane: Jack, are you considering his request?

Jack: I am considering what might bring some peace back to this family.

Kyle: Looks like things may be going my way. Don’t worry, Mom. I– I’ll let you keep your parking spot.

Jack: Okay, that’s enough, Kyle.

Kyle: Hm.

Jack: As much as I love you, as much as I am grateful for everything you have brought to Jabot in the past, I will not let you manipulate me into another corporate reshuffle. As some kind of reward for your disrespect and your total lack of professionalism.

Kyle: Mm. Hm. I was hoping for a minute there you’d make the right choice.

Jack: Kyle, there are other options.

Kyle: No, there was only one option and it’s… It’s good to know where you stand, Dad. Goodbye.

[ Diane sighing ]

[ door slamming ]

Diane: I cannot believe how horribly this is spinning out of control.

Jack: And it only manages to get worse. Did you tell him that I was on my way to see Victor?

Diane: No, no. But I guess after the argument we had and how you left so abruptly, I guess Kyle just assumed that’s where you went.

Jack: Which only gives us credence to the fear that he has already joined forces with Victor.

Diane: Did you talk to Victor?

Jack: Yeah, I did.

Diane: Well, I want to hear all about it, but, um… first, I need to ask you a question.

Jack: Yeah, what is it?

Diane: Well, I’m– I’m very grateful that you stood up for me and didn’t give in to Kyle’s childish demands, but were you actually considering his request? Is that why you hesitated?

Nick: So, you’re really not worried at all about how angry Jack is?

Victor: Why would I worry about how Jack Abbott feels? Cheers, old boy.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: Cheers. Mm. Mmm.

Victor: Is that good?

Nick: Boy, that is good.

Victor: Yeah. Got a bottle of it stashed behind the bar.

Nick: Oh, really?

Victor: That does not give you permission to take a drink every time you want to, all right?

Nick: I wouldn’t dream of it, but it is behind the bar, right?

Victor: Yeah. It’s behind the bar, yes. Now, I understand that Sally Spectra gave up her interior design business. You never told me about that.

Nick: I mean, there’s not much to say. It just, uh, didn’t work out.

Victor: You took a hit on the investment, right?

Nick: Look, you know how business is. There can be any number of reasons why something doesn’t succeed, but I believe her talent speaks for itself.

Victor: Well, I’m still sorry that she failed, really.

Nick: Yeah. Well, I ran into Vic. It sounds like you’re making some progress in convincing her to come back to Newman Enterprises.

Victor: I have prevailed upon her to think about it long and hard. I hope she makes up her mind.

Nick: Still planning on installing Adam at Newman Media?

Victor: Yeah.

Nick: Replacing Mom with Adam. I don’t like it.

Victor: It’s only temporary.

Nick: Oh, we both know we’re gonna have to drag Adam out of there, kicking and screaming out of this temporary position.

Victor: Let me worry about Adam, okay? Have you seen him lately or talked to him lately?

Nick: No, not since he took off for Baltimore. Have you?

Victor: Yeah, I just got a text. Apparently, Connor has taken a turn for the worse. This must be very hard on both Chelsea and Adam, so that is why they’re staying longer.

Nick: Yeah, it’s just rough for all of them.

Victor: Yeah, I hate that for the kid. I really do. I feel sorry for what he must be going through now. And this is… It’ll be very tough on Adam.

[ Chelsea moaning ]

Sally: Well, as much as I have loved this charming attempt at a diversion…

Billy: I can’t stop thinking about Connor, Adam, and Chelsea.

Sally: Yeah, pretty much. And now that Adam has no idea when he’s coming home, I feel this real need to be there for him, like physically be there, you know? Hug him, hold his hand, let him know he’s not alone.

Billy: Yeah, no, I feel the same way about Chelsea.

Sally: Then, let’s do it.

Billy: Let’s do what?

Sally: Well, don’t you have access to a family jet? Let’s surprise Adam and Chelsea.

[ Chelsea panting ] think for a moment I would even consider Kyle’s demands?

Diane: Because maybe there’s a part of you that blames me for what’s happening with Kyle. I fired him without giving you any warning, practically forcing you to choose between the two of us, and you chose me.

Jack: I chose what was best for the family, for the company. Even if Kyle doesn’t agree with that.

Diane: But Jack, be honest with me. Really, are you sure you don’t resent me for firing him without consulting you first?

Jack: I wish we had discussed it first. I’ve told you that before, but I understand why you did what you did. I totally support that this was the only decision you had left.

Diane: So, that hesitation before turning him down was what?

Jack: His demand was outrageous. I didn’t know how to react.

Diane: Oh. Well, I wish I could say I was surprised, but this is what it’s come to with our son.

Jack: Honey, he’s lashing out. He’s wounded. We’re in the heat of it all. Once things cool down, once he steps back from his anger, I’m hoping what you said earlier is true, that… this is a good thing for Kyle. This is what he needs. To learn from his mistakes. To find himself. To forge his own future that he can be proud of.

Diane: Well, I’ll hold out hope for that. But right now, it seems like his only goal is to shut us out of his life completely. And Harrison’s caught in the middle.

Jack: Oh, God. The idea of not seeing that smiling face first thing in the morning.

Diane: Jack, Jack, we have got to find a way to fix this before it’s too late.

Jack: Actually, there might be a way forward. But it would depend on you.

Victor: All I can tell you is that I pray for Connor to win this battle and I think he will.

Nick: Yeah.

Victor: Puts a family’s squabbles and conflicts in perspective, doesn’t it?

Nick: In principle, I do agree with you. But this is Adam we’re talking about. There have been several squabbles over the years that have certainly been warranted.

Victor: Yeah, but remember, in these moments, it is family unity, moments of crisis like this, that makes us survive. Right? Makes us strong.

Nick: Absolutely. And I know Adam really needs us right now.

Victor: Well, that’s why I put him back at the head of Newman Media. Because he needs to focus.

Nick: I do find it very interesting. That is exactly why Mom wanted to go back to work, but she doesn’t seem to be getting the same consideration.

Victor: Why do you say that, son? You know that I’m always concerned about your mother. You kidding me? This is temporary.

Nick: Right.

Victor: Right.

Nick: So, Mom has time to get her recovery on solid ground and it will give Adam a chance to regain a stronger sense of purpose.

Victor: Exactly.

Nick: Yeah.

Diane: I’ll do it. I’ll resign. I will. But if I step down now, then we are just pacifying Kyle and his tantrum.

Jack: I absolutely don’t want you to resign.

Diane: Then, what do you want me to do?

Jack: I was just hoping maybe there was some way to approach Kyle. Mother to son.

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: All right, but in order for that to work, I would need to be able to have a conversation with him and remain in the same room for a while, and I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Jack: Okay. Maybe, I’m just hoping against hope. Maybe the only thing we can do is let things play out.

Diane: No, you’re right. You’re right. It is up to me. I– I don’t know how I’m going to fix this, but I– I can’t just do nothing. You know, things might have exploded beyond repair professionally for the two of us, but I’m still Kyle’s mother, and I can’t let it end this way, not after all the time we already lost. Jack, you know how hard I worked to get back into his life and to earn his forgiveness after leaving him and… I just will not lose my son again.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. Come here.

Diane: Thanks. So, what happened with Victor? Was he gloating? Was he taking credit for bringing this hell down on us?

Jack: No, he admitted to nothing. He was very clear that he was still furious at me for what happened in that hotel room with Nikki.

Diane: So, Michael’s and my suspicions were right. This is all about revenge he wants on you for that night.

Jack: Yeah, that could well be, but I warned him, stay away from Kyle and you. If he wants to come after me, he can do that, but only me.

Diane: I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but I can handle Victor. I’ve had lots of experience.

Jack: Well, let’s hope you don’t have to. That said, we should prepare. One of the things he warned me was that if he chooses retaliation, I won’t see it coming.

Diane: Well, that’s a chilling thought. But maybe this is his revenge. Maybe he’s accomplished it. Turning Kyle against us. And not just at Jabot, but in every way that matters.

Nick: All this talk about how the latest game of corporate musical chairs is best for the family, yet I cannot shake this feeling that there’s something more at play here. So, what aren’t you telling me?

Kyle: Hi. Good evening.

Victor: Hi, Kyle.

Nick: Hey, man.

Victor: Good to see you. What’s happening?

Kyle: Oh, you know, fresh off another lesson that family’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Kyle: Mm.

Victor: Huh.

Nick: It’s funny, Dad was just saying the opposite, that the family bond trumps any petty conflicts.

Kyle: I used to feel the same, but not anymore. Please excuse me.

Victor: All right.

Nick: Well, it’s getting late. I gotta go. Thank you for sharing your tequila with me.

Victor: Son, nothing makes me happier than spending time with my family.

Nick: Even when we don’t see eye to eye?

Victor: Well, you get over it.

Nick: Oh, so the añejo was a bribe?

Victor: Well, you know, I’m trying. But, in all seriousness, I need your allegiance.

[ Nick laughing ]

Nick: I think we both know that you don’t need my allegiance because you’re gonna do whatever you want anyway, right?

Victor: You know me pretty well, don’t you?

Nick: Good night, Dad.

Victor: Good night, son.

Nick: See you, Kyle.

Kyle: See you.

Victor: Kyle, why don’t you have a seat?

Kyle: I’ll take it over here.

Victor: Let me ask you something, Kyle. Why did you tell your dad that you and I were in collusion against him?

Billy: Surprising Adam and Chelsea? That is… It’s very tempting.

Sally: So, that’s a yes?

Billy: Well, I had a conversation with Chelsea about it earlier. I told her that I would come out and be there for her, but she waved it off. I think she and Adam really want to focus on being there for Connor, and as much as we would be trying to help, I think, ultimately, we would be a distraction. I don’t want to cause any more stress for her.

Sally: You’re probably right. I just hate doing nothing.

Billy: You’re not doing nothing. You’re doing a lot. You’re loving. You’re supportive. And that counts, Sally.

Sally: Thank you. I think I needed to hear that.

Billy: I think I needed to hear it too.

Sally: Well, this has been nice. You know, getting to talk to someone who understands. Being able to lean on each other, if that’s not too presumptuous.

Billy: No, it’s not. I mean, the truth is, we’re connected now. Because of our love for Connor.

Sally: I meant what I said earlier. Chelsea’s really lucky to have you in her corner.

Billy: And I meant what I said. Not as lucky as Adam is to have you. Good night.

Sally: Good night.

[ both panting ]

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Days Transcript Thursday, July 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[pleasant music]

[heavy breathing]

Ooh, we got another RSVP to our wedding.

It’s not from my mum, is it?

Uh, no. It’s from Justin and Bonnie. They will be there with bells on.

Oh, joy.

Xander, Justin and Bonnie are family. And given your most recent history, you should be lucky that they’re supporters of our relationship.

Bonnie is.

Yeah, she definitely is. I mean, she even went out of her way to help with the invitations, which is quite big of her considering you once locked her in a shed.

Yes, yes, we– we both know what I did to Bonnie. But if she can let it go, why can’t you?


Happy Independence Day, my love. [clink]

“Where liberty dwells, there is my country.”

Mmm, that’s beautiful.

Benjamin Franklin. Excellent quote master and statesman and inventor.

And one of our Founding Fathers to boot.

Indeed he was. He had lots of children.

Mm-hmm. [giggles] Honey, we have so much to celebrate.



More than our country’s independence?

Mm. Oh, besides that. We have an engagement to celebrate.

Oh, so you’re talking about Xander and Sarah.

Well, not just them. Didn’t you hear the other good news? Theresa and I are getting married too. [suspenseful music]

Hi. Thanks for coming.

Yeah. Well, your message said it was urgent.

Well, there’s really no time to waste.


So hear me out. Given the circumstances and the anxiety attached to everything, I made a decision that I think is best for everyone– one that I hope you will go along with. [phone rings]

Hey. There you are. I’ve been waiting for your call.

Hey. Sorry I hung up on you like that last night. I had to move fast before anyone saw me talking to you.

I get it. You didn’t want to get busted again.

So, uh, I just wanted to check in, make sure everything is still a go. You still want to run away together, right? [suspenseful music] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Well, aren’t you going to congratulate me? Theresa and I have been engaged for two days now, and you haven’t said a word.

Because I hadn’t heard.

I was waiting for you to tell him.

Ah. Well, now you know.

Yes. Now I know.

You don’t seem thrilled about it.

Oh, Alex, I just need a little time to process it.

Yeah, well, you wouldn’t need to process it if you actually liked Theresa. You could have just been happy for me, for us.

I’m sure he is, honey. And he likes Theresa just fine. Don’t you, honey?

Yes. Yeah.

You just don’t trust her, and you don’t think I should trust her. Isn’t that right, Justin?

It’s been an emotionally charged week for everyone, I mean, to say the least. I mean, you– you– you could have lost your life.


And I know you’re– hey, I know you’re probably still shaken up about it. And I– I still am.

[scoffs] Brady, the other night when I– when we were together and I– I told you that I want to be with you, I was– I was confused and I was upset. And now I’m not confused anymore.

Hey, Theresa, it’s– I know. You want to be with Alex. You’ve told me that. You want to marry him. This is not about that.

Oh. OK, then what?

It’s about our son.

You want to spend the summer together, right? Because there is no way that I’m going to stupid lacrosse camp, so we gotta figure something out.

I know. But, Tate, how are we gonna pull this off? I mean, even if your parents weren’t shipping you away to that camp, I’m practically locked up in a tower with a moat surrounding it.

It’s that bad, huh?

Bad enough. I mean, I’m like double super grounded, and I don’t think my mom’s gonna unground me anytime soon.

[sigh] That’s why we have to make sure our parents won’t be watching us.

How are we gonna do that?

Well, Holly, I am so glad you asked. I have a plan.

Would you say it’s better than the prom plan?

[chuckles] Yeah. Uh, OK. That one did not work out so well, did it? But this one will. Trust me.

I do trust you.

Good. I’ll call you as soon as it’s safe to talk, OK?


OK. Bye.



Bye. [beep]


Rachel! Hey, girl, I didn’t see you there.


I was just about to watch a movie. You want to join me?

Not really. But I do want to know what you’re plotting with my brother.

Baby, you know that’s not fair. I have let go of what happened, what you did to Bonnie and Susan. I mean, lord knows I’ve made my mistakes. Not telling you about Victoria is, of course, at the top of that.

You had reason not to trust me. Sarah, I promise you. Never again will I let myself be corrupted by money.

Or anything else, right?

Well, maybe the love of a beautiful woman. [moaning] I’m sorry I’m all sweaty. [laughter]

Don’t mind. [knocking]

Terrible timing, whoever you are.

[laughs] Mom! Is everything all right?

Fine, sweetheart. I, uh, brought something for Xander.

What’s this?

A check– for your share of Victor’s estate.

I’m just cautioning you to be careful, Alex, and not rush into this.

And I appreciate the cousinly advice. I really do. I didn’t ask for it. I certainly don’t need it. See, I’m just trying to emulate my father. You see, Victor, he always went with his gut. That’s exactly what I’m doing.

Victor was not a fan of Theresa.

Honey, Victor’s not here, so–

Yeah, well, he obviously trusted my instincts. Why else would he have given me controlling interest in Titan?

I seem to remember Victor making Maggie CEO over you when he was still alive.

Yeah, well, maybe he didn’t think I was ready. And you know what, Justin? Maybe he was right. But before he died, he changed his mind. He changed his will. And as you well know, he gave me that power. And he left me half his fortune.

OK, guys, guys, guys, Victor trusted both of you.

And as executor of his estate, Victor entrusted me to distribute his money, which is why I’m going to give you this cousinly advice. If you do plan on marrying Theresa, you better make sure she signs an airtight prenup.

Lacrosse camp in Upstate New York? You want to send Tate there for the summer?

Yeah. I think it would be a great way for him to hone his skills and get ready for his senior season.

So this is about Tate’s lacrosse skills?

No. I mean, look, it’s a bonus. Theresa, he’s gonna be in a controlled environment, right, on a college campus. He’s gonna be working his butt off all day, but most importantly, he’s gonna be out of Holly’s orbit. There’s gonna be distance between them.

You know what? Actually, that’s not a bad idea.

Right? OK. OK, so you don’t have a problem with it?

What, do you wish I did?

I didn’t wish you did. I was thinking that you– might not like it. I didn’t think it would be an easy sell.

Why would you think that I’d be so against it?

Because I thought that you’d probably want to keep him close by, to keep an eye on him. And I thought you might be a little annoyed that I was the one that came up with the idea, and just– you know, came up with it without you.

God, you really think I’m that controlling? You know what? Don’t answer that, actually.

All right. So seriously, are we good with this?

Would I have been inclined to send Tate to the military school or the actual military? Yeah, maybe. But as long as Tate will be far away from Holly Jonas, lacrosse camp is fine by me. Yeah.

So this is the camp, huh?

Looks awesome, right?

Yeah. I mean, wow, you get to dorm. There’s a girls’ camp running at the same time.

Yeah. I was hoping you’d be into it. Apparently, this is, like, the best place to train if you have serious hopes of playing in college.

Yeah. No, I would love to go to a place like this. I mean, I would never be able to afford it.

That’s why it’s lucky my dad is paying for me to go.

I thought you and I wanted to go together.

No. Actually, I was hoping that you could go in my place.

I wasn’t plotting anything with your brother. We were just talking. See, the thing is, Tate and I, we really want to be together.


But the problem is your dad and Tate’s mom and, well, my mom, they’re trying to keep us apart. So the only way for us to be together is by–

Is by sneaking around.

I wouldn’t say sneaking so much as just not telling our parents about it, which is why you can’t say anything.

You want me to lie to my dad?

No, you don’t have to lie. Just don’t say anything.

Sorry, but I don’t want to get in trouble.

What– Rachel, what are– are you calling your dad?

No, I’m calling your mom.

Rachel! No, you can’t.

That’s– a lot of money.

Well, I told you I intended to share my half of Victor’s fortune.

You did, but [sighs] it’s been a little while since you said that.

Well, you didn’t think I’d change my mind, did you?

Honestly, it’s more that I just haven’t really been thinking about it.

Well, I’m sorry for the delay. Uh, it took Justin and me a little while to work out all the details.

I’m just surprised, especially given everything that just happened with Konstantin.

Yeah, well, uh, this is just the right time. See, when Konstantin tried to take everything from us, you stood up to protect this family. And you deserve to be rewarded.

Are you sure about this, Mom?

Yeah. Yeah. This is what I want to do. You deserve every penny, Xander.

Thank you, Maggie. It really is incredibly generous of you. And it means a lot. But I can’t accept this. [sad music]

A prenup, huh? What, you think Theresa is planning to murder me for my money?

You know damn well I’m not suggesting that.

Right, right. You’re just concerned she’s gonna milk me of my father’s fortune while I’m still alive.

I’m not suggesting that either, Alex.

Alex, I think what your fa– um, what Justin is trying to do is protect your interests.

And the interests of your future heirs. You owe it to yourself and the family to protect yourself. You’re a very wealthy man. This must have occurred to you.

Wow. Just a little insulting, don’t you think, suggesting that Theresa is only interested in me because I’m rich?

Alex, I didn’t mean– I didn’t mean to insult you. This is not about– hey, this is not about you. It’s about her. The fact is, she has a history of chasing men who have money. As a matter of fact, I’ll tell you this– that’s one of the reasons she was interested in me from the very beginning.

I don’t need protection from Theresa. Despite what you or Brady or anybody else thinks, she’s not marrying me for my money.

Huh. Brady. Who said anything about Brady?

Theresa’s in this for the right reasons, OK?

Then she won’t have any problems signing an agreement laying out exactly what she’s entitled to in case this marriage doesn’t work out.

Hi. I’m sorry. Are you guys talking about a prenup?

So after the whole prom mess, my dad decided to send me out of town for the summer, to keep me away from Holly.

Oh, that’s harsh.

Yes, it is, except I had this brilliant idea. I thought, basically, when I go away to camp, I’m off grid. So my parents will be relieved when I’m there, and they’ll stop worrying and paying attention.

Oh, yeah, or they could set up a Tate-cam in the camp like they do for baby pandas at the zoo.

Could they do that?

What? No. Dude, I’m kidding.

Bro, you– why not? You can’t even joke like that. My mom would do something like that if she could.

Oh, she’s not that bad, is she?

She kind of is. The camp doesn’t allow visitors, so my parents can’t drop by. And I will turn off tracking on my phone, so it’ll look like I’m in New York. And then all I would need is somebody that would go to the camp and say that they’re Tate Black. And I know you’re really good at lacrosse and you love it, and I thought this could be a really good opportunity for you.

Yeah, for me? I– [sighs] How would we even pull that off?

Easy. No one at the camp knows who I am. They don’t know what I look like. My dad will be paying for the whole thing. And, uh, so I would have my summer of freedom, and then you would get all the perks of playing at a world-class lacrosse camp.

I don’t know, man.

Are you kidding me? Dude, if you have a summer of training like this, colleges will be throwing scholarships at you, throwing them at you.

Do you think so?

Yes. I mean, they basically promise it in the brochure. This is a win-win, man. What do you think?

Rachel, you can’t just call my mom.

Why not? Wait, is she home right now?

No– hey. You can’t tell her or your parents. Please, I’ll do anything.

Like what? What’s in it for me?

[stammering] Well, how about for starters, you would be a hero for your brother. Yeah, I mean, do you really want to make things worse for Tate after all he’s been through with getting kicked out of his school and what happened with his mom recently?

I guess not.

Of course not. Look, I get that your mom says I’m bad news and all, but you and I, we used to have fun together, remember? And you know I would do nothing to ever hurt you or get you busted.

Well, you might.

No, I wouldn’t. Rachel, please, I really need your help. Look, you’re old enough to understand that I like Tate. I really, really like him. And it means so much to me if you could just help us out. And– ooh, how about this? I would give you my favorite perfume you like. Vanilla orchid. Remember, I spritzed it on you the other day?

So like a bribe, right?

It would be a gift for being a good friend. Can I count on you?

Hi. What are you two talking about?

Um, nothing important. We were just talking about perfumes. Right, Rachel?


Yeah, perfumes.

Perfumes. OK. Seemed a little intense to just be perfumes.

[chuckle] That’s because Rachel wanted to put some of mine on– vanilla orchid. That’s the name of it. Well, actually, it’s a cologne. And I told her that’d be completely fine, but I didn’t know if it’d be OK with her mom.

I think it’d be OK with her mom. But, um, it’s gonna have to wait because we do have to get going.

Oh, too bad.

Yeah. Want to see some fireworks? Are you ready? Huh?

Yes. Can I go get the glow sticks that Mommy got me?

Oh, totally. Yes, we need glow sticks. Yes. All right.

I’ll be quick.

See you at the front door. Thank you for hanging out with her.

She’s a really great kid. And I know Kristen doesn’t really trust me. Well, actually, I don’t think any moms do right now.

Look, I know Theresa was kind of hard on you the other night.

It’s OK. We don’t have to talk about it.

I want to. I want to. I just wanted to say, I wish things had gone a little differently. But I didn’t think it was cool that you and Tate decided to sneak around our backs.

I know. And we’re really sorry that it all happened like that.

Yeah. Well, you should know, Holly, that we’ve decided to send Tate to lacrosse camp for the rest of the summer.

Lacrosse camp? Really?

Yeah. We think it’s best that you two spend a little time apart.

Yeah, I– I understand. How did Tate react when you told him this?

Not too well, as you can imagine. But look, it’s only– it’s only for the summer. It’s not forever. You know, and maybe you two can– we can reevaluate the situation when he– when he returns. And who knows? You know, if you two prove to be trustworthy, I don’t see why things couldn’t look a lot different your senior year.

Yeah. I really hope so.

So you’re asking me if I want to go to a world-class camp, all expenses paid, to play lacrosse all summer to potentially have a D scholarship?


Where do I sign?

Wait. Seriously, you will do this?

Um, yeah. I feel like I’d be pretty stupid not to. I mean, I would just need to ask my brother, but he would love to have me out of his hair for the rest of the summer. So as far as I’m concerned, hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Tate Black.

Yeah. [laughing]

You don’t want the inheritance?

I’m beyond grateful, Maggie. I just– I literally just promised Sarah that I’m not going to be so money driven anymore.

This– this would allow you to never think about money ever again.

Not– I don’t think that’s how it works, darling. More money, more problems. Besides, if Victor wanted me to have this, he would have left it to me himself.

[sigh] Victor was a stubborn man who didn’t like to admit that he was wrong. I can admit it. I want you to have it. I mean, consider it a wedding present from the both of us.

I really am moved by your generosity, Maggie. I am– more than you can know. But I also know that Victor didn’t really consider me one of his heirs.

Like I told you the other day, Victor did love you. And if he had put that ego aside, I believe he would want you to have that money.

Theresa, this prenup was not my idea.

So, then, I assume, then, it was your idea, Justin?

Yes, it was. I brought it up.

[scoffs] You really think I’m marrying Alex for his money?

No one’s saying that, honey.

I was talking to Justin, not you, Bonnie.

Look, Theresa, it’s not my place to judge you or anyone, but I am legal counsel for the family. Alex has come into a substantial fortune. It’s my responsibility to look out for his best interests, both as his lawyer and as his– As someone who loves him. I’m sure you’d agree that it’s not unreasonable for me to have concerns.

How could Theresa have known that I was Victor’s son?

Well, I care about Alex, too. Obviously, I love him. I love you– very much, in fact.

I’m happy to hear that.

Really? I don’t think you are. And I don’t blame you being skeptical. I know that my history has a lot of black marks, but, um, I was interested in Alex before I knew that he was Victor’s son and heir– ever since we connected in Greece.

You remember when the three of us went to Greece, right?

Of course.

And you remember how we went after Konstantin and she stayed back at the hotel, right?

That was where we really got to know each other on that brief trip to Greece. It was the first time we realized that we were really drawn to each other. I just saw him as this great guy. I had no idea that he was Victor’s son and heir, none at all.

Yeah, and while we were out, her father delivered Granddad’s briefcase, which happened to be the only thing that contained evidence that you were Victor’s son.

So– so what are you saying, Brady? What, you think she secretly opened the briefcase?

Maybe. I know she likes to snoop.

That’s why I was just as surprised as everybody else was when I found out the truth, that Victor had left Alex a substantial fortune, as you put it.

I mean, if that were true, then she would have known the truth about the– fortune before her and I even slept together.


Alex knows all this already. Don’t you? You trust me, don’t you, Alex? [suspenseful music]

Of course I trust you. Theresa, I asked you to be my wife.

But– do you want me to sign a prenup?

I mean, I–

Because I think I should.

Huh. Didn’t see that coming.

Yeah, well, frankly, I’m tired of people thinking ill of me, thinking that I’m only after your money and that I don’t really love you. Yes, it’s– it’s no secret, it’s sad, but a lot of marriages don’t last. So I– I think you have every right to protect yourself, Alex.

That’s a very practical way of looking at it, Theresa.

Well, I’m not naive, Justin. I know what people are thinking and saying about me. It comes with the territory. But I also know my heart. My heart belongs to you, my love. And simply because you are a wonderful person, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. All I want is to make you happy.

You do, Theresa. You make me so happy.

[sigh] You guys are too sweet.

So, since you’re both in agreement about the prenup, would you like me to draw up the papers?

Yeah. Sure. Draw ’em up, counselor.

Xander, are you sure you won’t accept this check?

I’m sure.

Sarah, do you want a minute to talk this over with your fiancée?

Don’t need it. This is entirely up to him.

OK, then. I respect your decision.

Thank you, Maggie. But we will be expecting an extravagant wedding gift. Yes?

[laughing] Duly noted. Now, give me the check. [laughs]

Feel free to order off our registry.

Oh, I think I can afford a few place settings of your China.

Oh, don’t spoil the surprise.

Oh, Xander, I am so proud of you for making this decision. And I believe that Victor would have been, too.

Thank you for saying that.

All right, sweetie. I love you, darling. OK. Thank you.

Love you, Mama.

Love you.


I can’t believe you just did that.

Sorry. Did you have your eye on a mega yacht or something?

No. That was amazing!

I meant what I said, Sarah. I spent so much of my life just clawing and scraping for just trying to get my hands on money I didn’t deserve. It’s time for me to actually earn it. I mean, I’ve got a good job now. I’m doing fine.

You said that The Spectator was struggling.

For now.


I’m working on it, like I told you. And that’s the point. It’s legitimate work, and it’s mine.

You never cease to surprise me.

I surprise myself sometimes.


And look, I know your mom meant well with her offer, but– felt a bit too much like pity, I mean for Victor leaving me out of his will. And I don’t need pity because I already have the best prize of all. I’ve got you.

You’re quite a prize yourself, you know. [soft music] If I slept with you right now, would it be pity sex? Because I’ve never wanted you more.

Then I don’t care what you call it. [squealing, grunting]

Oh, Holly, I just love it when a plan comes together.

What happened?

Well, Aaron agreed to go to lacrosse camp in my place so my parents won’t wonder where I am when I don’t show up.

That’s brilliant.

So now all we have to do is find someplace local where I can stay hidden, and you can come visit me all summer. [smack]


Gotta go. I’ll text you later.

What’s up, guys?

Hey, Rach.

Hi, Tate. Hey, Aaron.

Hi, Rachel, how’s it going?


We, uh– we just were walking by. We saw you guys in the window, and– how you doing, Aaron?

Doing good. How are you, Mr. Black?


Yeah, um– I was just telling Aaron about the camp that you’re shipping me off to.

Tate, you should know that your mother is completely on board with it.


Listen. You don’t know how lucky you are, OK? If it was up to your mom, she’d probably send you to military school, OK?

At least that wouldn’t start until the fall.

I think the camp looks super cool, Mr. Black.

Thank you. I do too, actually.

So are you guys here to eat, or?

There’s not enough time before the fireworks. You want to come?

Yeah. Hey, hey, you should come. I can get two more tickets if you want to.

Oh, sorry. No, I have plans. My mom is having people over for a barbecue.


I should probably head home. Gotta pack for my big summer.

Tate, it’s gonna be a great experience. I’m sure of it. [fireworks popping] [soft music]


I take it our little angel is asleep.

She is down for the count.

Mm. That’s good. I would have liked to show her the fireworks, though.

Next year.

Yes. Although there are benefits to being an adult-only viewing.

Well, if you want, we could just make some more fireworks of our own.

I’d like that very much. [giggling] It really is beautiful, isn’t it?

It sure is. You know, we might not be the richest couple in town. But we are the luckiest.

And the happiest. [soft music]

[party horn honks]


I’m pretty sure those are for New Year’s.

Oh, well, no wonder they were on sale, then. [laughs] Oh, who cares, honey? It’s the birthday of our great nation. America, land of the free and home of the free refills at the movies. [laughter]

Yes. I’ll– [party horns honking]

Oh, hi.


This sounds like a joyous celebration.

Please join us.

Thank you, I will. But first you need to see this.

What is this?

Uh, Xander turned down the inheritance money.



Yeah, really. He was adamant. He said, um, he wants to be his own man.

Did you see that now? That’s cool.

Hey. Hey, Rachel, great fireworks, right?

They were better last year.



Everyone’s a critic, huh?

Yeah. Speaking of being critical, I thought you’d be interested to know, Theresa’s offered to sign a prenup.

What? Alex, why would you bring that up right now? We’re talking about the fireworks.

Daddy, can we go get some ice cream?

Ah– yeah. Yeah. Yeah, let’s go get some.


Why did you do that right now? Why did you tell him? It’s none of his business.

Don’t worry about it. You weren’t supposed to hear that.

I am worried about it. I mean, the way you just said that, the way you just, like, blurted it out– in front of his daughter, no less. Look, I– it’s obvious that he’s bad mouthing me, telling you to stay away because I’m just after your money.


What did he say to you, Alex?

It doesn’t matter. I wasn’t buying it, and I trust you completely.

Are you sure?

Yes, I’m sure.

Can I get double scoops?

Yes, you can get double scoops. I might as well get used to spoiling you, since it’s just gonna be you and me this summer. Are you gonna miss your brother Tate?

Yeah, definitely, but not as much as Holly will. [fireworks popping]

So is everything a go?

My mom is totally on board with me going away to lacrosse camp. And since Aaron agreed to take my spot–

That means we’ll be able to spend the whole summer together.

And no one will ever know. [soft music]

[ominous music] [loud smooching]

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: You were a really good friend to him, Dad. So just try to focus on that and not all the rest, okay? I love you, too. Okay, bye.

Thomas: Is everything okay?

Hope: Uh, not exactly. Um, the man who officiated my father’s wedding to Sheila died yesterday at Il Giardino, so my dad is pretty shook up about it.

Thomas: Uh, what happened?

Hope: Apparently a drug overdose.

Bill: This guy looks vaguely familiar.

Poppy: Who?

Bill: Says his name is, uh, Tom Starr.

Poppy: Tom? Uh, what happened to him?

Bill: Uh, he died at the restaurant last night. You were incredible earlier.

Poppy: Well, you are always incredible. [ Bill chuckles ] You really have changed my life and my– our daughter’s life.

Bill: I’m still trying to wrap my head around it myself.

Poppy: So, do I have you to myself a little bit longer?

Bill: Hmm. Actually, I’m heading over to Forrester Creations.

Poppy: Hmm. Meeting?

Bill: I want to talk to Katie. ♪♪

Katie: Well, I hear congratulations are in order.

Paris: Ah, good news travels fast.

Katie: Wow. Oh, my gosh.

Paris: Yeah, that’s exactly what I said when Thomas slipped it on my finger, asked me to be his wife.

Katie: Yeah, I gotta admit, it’s, um, a bit of a shock, you being engaged to Thomas.

Thomas: This may not be the best time, given what happened, but, um, do you mind if we talk?

Hope: Okay.

Thomas: First, I wanna say, um, I– I didn’t appreciate how Steffy spoke to you the other day, if that wasn’t clear. And she owes you an apology. I don’t expect you’re gonna get one. But… [ both chuckle ]

Hope: Um, well, thank you for your concern. Um, I’m not too worried about Steffy. I’ve been dealing with her for a while now. I am more concerned about you, though. Thomas, please just… promise me that you will think long and hard before you rush into this marriage. ♪♪

Poppy: You’re meeting Katie?

Bill: Yeah. We’re Will’s parents. We still have a lot to discuss now that he has a new sister.

Poppy: Of course. But, uh, just don’t be gone too long because I miss you when you’re gone.

Bill: Hmm. I have to grab something from the den before I go.

Poppy: Katie.

Paris: You’re wondering if I’m bothered by how fast Thomas proposed.

Katie: Well, clearly, you’re not or else you wouldn’t have said yes, right?

Paris: Absolutely. You know, I learned the hard way what it’s like committing to someone who isn’t fully committed to you. I know I’m not gonna go down that road again. And I was completely upfront with Thomas about that.

Katie: Was he as upfront with you about Hope, how she was everything to him until she wasn’t and then you were? I’m sure there’s no one that’s more shocked about this than Hope.

Hope: Despite everything Steffy said, I still do love you.

Thomas: I love you, too. But…

Hope: But…

Thomas: I…

Hope: Paris has stolen your heart. You can’t imagine a life without her. And that’s why you’re rushing into this marriage.

Thomas: Hope…

Hope: Is anything I said true? Because if it isn’t, then it doesn’t make sense to me why you were just running toward the altar. I mean, what is the real reason, Thomas? Are you running toward Paris or are you running away from me? ♪♪

Paris: I heard through Thomas that what you assumed is true. Hope was very thrown to learn about the engagement.

Katie: He told you that?

Paris: Honesty has been the cornerstone of my relationship with Thomas since day one. He’s been very open and honest with me about Hope, everything she was to him.

Katie: You really think that he doesn’t still have feelings for her?

Paris: Yes. Though it doesn’t sound like Hope’s too convinced.

Hope: In no way am I saying that I think I am the only woman that you can ever love. If we aren’t meant to be, then– then I understand that that is inevitable. And Paris, she is a– a wonderful, kind, beautiful woman.

Thomas: But?

Hope: I mean, let’s be real here, Thomas. It just– it feels like you’re trying to copy paste Paris into your life instead of me when we both know you were planning a future for the two of us. You envisioned what it would be like for– for you and me and Douglas, our son. And I know that you wanted that. I know that’s what…

Thomas: Yes, I did. But you didn’t. And that’s why you turned me down over and over again.

Hope: Because I wasn’t ready. That didn’t mean that I wanted our relationship to end, Thomas, because I still love… God– God, I still love you. Thomas, and deep down, I believe that you– you still love me, too. ♪♪

Tom: Lady, there’s a sad little lady. [ cheers and applause ]

Poppy: Yay!

Tom: Last night was amazing.

Poppy: You were amazing, Tom Starr, on stage… and off stage, too.

Tom: Poppy, you’re my inspiration. When I see your face in the crowd, under the moonlight, wow, I never forget a face, especially one as beautiful as yours.

Poppy: What we’ve been sharing, I’ll never forget. I’ll carry a piece of you inside me forever. I’m so sorry, Tom. I’m so sorry. [ sobbing ] ♪♪ [ keys clacking ]

Bill: Do you ever slow down?

Katie: [ scoffs ] That’s rich coming from you, who’s always juggling a million things.

Bill: No, no, no, no. You see, that was the old Dollar Bill. The new Dollar Bill has it on chill. I am– I am stopping to smell the roses.

Katie: No. No, I’m not buying it.

Bill: Okay, fine. I’m not on chill. I’m on full blast. But– but I am stopping to smell the roses now that I suddenly have this new daughter.

Katie: Yeah. Life is just full of surprises. How’s it going, by the way? You know, Luna, your new family with, um, um…

Bill: Poppy?

Katie: Poppy. That’s the one.

Bill: Mmm. Mm-hmm.

Katie: Is it everything you thought it would be? Is Poppy everything that you remember her to be?

Bill: What exactly are you asking me, Katie?

Katie: I’m just curious as to how it feels, spend your days and your nights with someone who kept this huge, inconsequential secret from you for all these years. ♪♪

Bill: Well, as if I didn’t already know, you don’t mince words, do you?

Katie: You don’t have to answer if you feel like I’m overstepping.

Bill: You could never overstep, Katie. You mean way too much to me to ever do that. We have so much history. And truthfully, you are one of the only people in my life that I completely trust.

Katie: Well, that’s because I’m always honest with you, and I don’t let you get away with anything.

Bill: No, ain’t that the truth. [ both chuckle ]

Katie: You were my first true love, the man of my dreams. I grew up with you. And we had a wonderful life. And we have a wonderful son. And I thank God for him every day.

Bill: So do I. He is the best of both of us.

Katie: Mm-hmm. He is. Just like Luna is the best of you and Poppy?

Bill: How well do you even know Luna? I mean, she works here, so obviously you interact with her to some degree.

Katie: Yeah, quite a bit, actually. I think she’s wonderful. She’s smart, she’s creative. She’s driven and ambitious. I– I– I don’t know where she gets that from.

Bill: Ah, must be her mother.

Katie: It must be. I actually see a lot of you in her, as a matter of fact. Just like I see a lot of you in Will.

Bill: You know, I– I really want the two of them to meet. I’d like to do it sooner rather than later.

Bill: If you’re okay with that.

Katie: Yeah, absolutely. Of course. Yes.

Bill: I’ll talk to Luna. I– I know she’ll be up for it.

Katie: What about Poppy?

Bill: What about Poppy?

Katie: Well, it’s just that this has happened so fast. You’ve moved her into your house. I mean, I– I know that that she’s Luna’s mother, and you want your daughter to be close to you.

Bill: What are you saying, Katie? You think I should have excluded Poppy?

Katie: This is just– it’s all happening so fast.

Bill: I suppose. And I am painfully aware of how fleeting life is, how precious it is, and– and how much time I missed out on with Luna and Poppy. And truthfully, uh, I’ve been alone for quite a while now. It’s not what I wanted. What I wanted is you… is my Katie. [ Katie sighs ] ♪♪

Thomas: I’m not sure why you’re bringing up all our feelings from back then.

Hope: Back then? Thomas, it wasn’t that long ago.

Thomas: A lot has happened since.

Hope: Yeah, exactly. That’s why I’m worried about you. Your life is changing so rapidly. It’s like you practically ran from me to Paris.

Thomas: That’s not what happened. You know it.

Hope: Oh, really? I think you were running from your feelings. I think you wanted to put me and what we shared behind you in the past so fast because you just didn’t want to deal with it.

Thomas: You didn’t want to marry me, so I had to move on, Hope. And I found Paris, and we were there for each other.

Hope: Well, I am so happy that you found that kind of support. But is that really a reason to rush into a marriage? Thomas, I haven’t forgotten what it was like between us. Have you? I mean, the passion, the connection.

Thomas: Hope… you have to stop this. You made it clear. We aren’t going anywhere. It’s over. [ Hope sobbing ] [ door closes ]

Paris: Do I have to remind you that Thomas is my fiance? You’re out of line, Hope. ♪♪

Katie: Why are you– you– you talking like that, Bill? I mean, Poppy is living in your house. You– you moved her in. You clearly have feelings for her.

Bill: Sure, I do. She’s given me a daughter.

Katie: And she’s also in love with you. Which is– which is really hard for me.

Bill: What– what are you saying, Katie?

Katie: I– I just– I feel like an interloper in– in my own home. I– I feel like I– I go over there, and I’m– I’m not allowed to be there in this place, this home where we– we built a family. That was our house, you and me and Will, and… I have so many amazing memories of that place with us.

Bill: So do I. I always will.

Katie: Yeah.

Bill: Katie, what– what is this? What is really going on?

Katie: It’s just, I guess, I– I haven’t wanted to admit to myself how… how difficult this is for me, this situation with Luna and Poppy. I’m sorry. And I also, I just– I just– I don’t– I don’t trust Poppy.

Bill: What do you mean? In what way?

Katie: I don’t know. There’s just– there’s just something about her that I can’t put my finger on. But whatever it is, please be careful. ♪♪

Poppy: For the last time, she is not your daughter. The paternity test proved it.

Tom: I’ve kept my distance. But it’s time for Luna to know the truth.

Hope: Let me explain.

Paris: Explain what? How you could do something like that to someone who you used to consider a friend? We used to be close, Hope. I was a valuable part of Hope for the Future.

Hope: I haven’t forgotten.

Paris: Then how can you stab me in the back like you just did? Thomas put this ring on my finger. We’re engaged.

Hope: I know.

Paris: And yet you refuse to accept it.

Hope: Thomas and I, we were in love. And you should know that I still love him. And I believe that he still loves me, too.

Paris: Oh, sure. He’ll always care about you, but he’s moved on. And he’s not going back. Look, Hope, you had your chance, and you rejected him time after time, repeatedly. Thomas has too much self-respect to let you do that to him again. He’s with me now. And I love him. And we’re going to be married. So don’t you ever make a play for Thomas again.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Audra: Hey there.

Nate: There she is. Genoa City’s newest… mogul?

Audra: Newest? I thought I’d already established myself as one to watch.

Nate: True, true. I stand corrected. But you are about to take things to the next level.

Audra: Care for some company? It makes me sad to see you here, just drinking all alone.

Nate: Well, I, uh, hate to be the reason for anyone’s unhappiness. Especially yours. By all means, join me.

Audra: Okay.

Nate: Hm. So, how goes the corporate intrigue?

Audra: All that intrigue is a thing of the past. The only thing left is unbridled success.

Summer: Hey.

Chance: Hey.

Summer: Sorry it took me so long. I had to stop to make.

Chance: No worries. Thank you for coming.

[ Summer sighing ]

Summer: Oh. You already ordered me a drink.

Chance: Yeah.

Summer: Thank you. Mmm. I’m glad that you called. I’ve had a hell of a day.

Chance: You and me both.

Summer: You will never guess what Kyle has done now. I mean, he keeps on making one bad decision after another, and I actually can’t really get into what it is, because I promised him that I wouldn’t. Why I feel any loyalty to him anymore, I have no idea. He doesn’t feel that way towards me. He doesn’t actually respect my feelings at all, even when it comes to our son. I mean, I admit, I felt a little bit sorry for him when I found out why he made his latest choice, but the more he talked about it, the more I realized he was just making another colossal mistake. But does he listen to me? No, he does– he does not. Mm. Here I am, not listening to you, or not letting you get a word in edgewise. I could tell something was up with you based on your text. Are you okay?

Chance: Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine. I, uh, just really wanted to see you.

Summer: Let’s reset, okay? You have been listening to my problems plenty lately. What’s going on with you?

Chance: Well, I got some news that you are not going to believe.

Billy: There you are.

Lily: Are you following me?

Billy: Yes. I mean, you basically sprinted out of the building after the meeting.

Lily: Well, I, um, I had to get out of there.

Billy: Without me? We’re supposed to be together, celebrating.

Lily: Well, I guess congratulations are in order.

Billy: You guess? Really? Do I have to remind you what happened back there? Because just in case you missed it, we won.

Jack: Okay, I’ll ask again. What are you up to with Victor Newman?

Kyle: Who says I’m up to anything?

Jack: I don’t know. Somehow, he seems to know that you’ve already left Jabot.

Kyle: Huh. He told you that?

Diane: No, he told me.

Jack: How would he know that unless you told him?

Kyle: Well, Who knows how Victor gets his information.

Jack: After your mother fired you, you said you had a job lined up, something in the works.

Kyle: Exactly what are you accusing me of now?

Diane: We are simply trying to put the pieces together. Has Victor offered you a job at Newman?

Kyle: Hm. Me? Working for Newman Enterprises? That’s an interesting idea.

Jack: Well, look at you, the cat that swallowed the canary. Believe me, getting tangled up with Victor again is nothing to smile about.

Kyle: Oh, I don’t know about that. Might actually be a good fit.

Diane: Please tell me you don’t really believe that.

Kyle: I’ve worked there before. Victor understands what a capable businessman I am. He probably appreciates my skill and knowledge, more so than most people.

Jack: Then you are considering an offer from Victor?

Kyle: Oh, I’m considering several potential offers. It’s amazing how many jobs are out there for someone with my expertise.

Diane: You still haven’t answered the question.

Kyle: That’s because I’m not going to. What I do from here on out is none of your business.

Jack: What you do is always of concern to us.

Diane: We’re still your parents, even though we’re not your employers anymore.

Jack: We care about your well-being, we care about your future.

Diane: And we love you very much.

Kyle: Hm. I must have missed that in my termination letters. I guess it was in the fine print.

Jack: Okay, I can see you’re still upset.

Kyle: How astute of you. How do you expect me to feel after I find out my mother wants me gone and my father was right there with her? Neither one of you gave a damn about yanking away my birthright to the Abbott family legacy. But yeah, sure, you still concerned about my well-being.

Diane: We are, and we always will be, whether you choose to believe that right now or not. >>

Kyle: No, no, I choose to let your actions speak for themselves. Proclamations of love mean nothing after what you did to me, and future discussions about my business plans, you’re no longer entitled to.

Jack: Uh, listen to me. I know getting pulled back into Victor’s web is a mistake. Nothing good will come of it, Kyle. You know that better than anyone.

Kyle: I don’t need or want your advice.

Jack: Whatever he is offering you, it’s not worth it. It does not end well. It ends with him on top and you vulnerable.

Kyle: No, no, this is just condescending and insulting. You really don’t think I can handle myself in the business world?

Nate: Well, sounds like, uh, congratulations are in order.

Audra: Yes, they are. But maybe you should hold off until the official press release hits.

Nate: So, big news drops tomorrow?

Audra: First thing in the morning, and I called my favorite business reporter to offer her, you know, the official inside scoop.

Nate: Look at you, feeling yourself.

Audra: Mm. On top of the world. You finally have got what you’ve always wanted. I’m happy for you. And– and for Glissade. You’re both better off without Tucker.

Audra: Yeah, good riddance. You know, my whole world was tied to him one way or another for way too long.

Nate: And he took full advantage of that.

Audra: He’s definitely a– a master at manipulation. I see now that was his way of motivating and inspiring people to do whatever he wanted. And I got caught up in it.

Nate: Many have. He knows how to lure folks in.

Audra: And when you pry yourself away, you– you end up feeling like a crash victim. Just wondering what the hell just happened.

Nate: You’re tough, Audra. But also a decent person. Which makes it hard to believe there are actual people out there in this world who can behave like Tucker.

Audra: Yeah. That’s– that’s nice of you to say.

[ Audra sighing ] But you know, if I’m being honest with myself, um, I was aware of his ruthless ambition. I admired it. And part of the relationship was pure ego on my part. It was so intoxicating that the great Tucker McCall saw something special in me.

Nate: All part of a manipulator’s con.

Audra: Mm. Well, I will file that under learning experience.

Nate: Yes, and deep six that file.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: Okay. Now that I have broken that connection, I feel like everything’s changed for me. I now have this burst of energy and drive that’s opened up a whole new future for me.

Nate: I can see that.

Audra: Mm. My aura.

Nate: And feel it.

Audra: My magnetism.

Nate: Both. Like never before.

Summer: Okay, so what’s this unbelievable news?

Chance: Well, this isn’t public knowledge yet, so you gotta promise not to say anything.

Summer: I promise, I promise.

Chance: Billy managed to get the Chancellor-Winters board to separate the companies.

Summer: It was such a big deal when they merged.

Chance: Mm-hmm. Joining the two entities was a massive undertaking.

Summer: They made such a splash with all the publicity that they got.

Chance: All the rebranding, all the restructuring to combine the two. And now, they’re just gonna rip it apart.

Summer: Undoing it’s gonna get just as much press.

Chance: If not more.

Summer: So, what’s the upside of this? I know both parties must think that it’s to their advantage, but how?

Chance: Well, it’s what the powers that be want. You know, that’s the upside, but they’re already moving forward with the severing.

Summer: How is that gonna work?

Chance: Well, Devon’s gonna take back all the original Winters divisions, including gaming and a couple more elements, and Billy and Lily are gonna run Chancellor. But Billy wants to rename it Abbott-Chancellor.

Summer: Wow.

Chance: Yeah.

Summer: That is big.

Chance: And there’s more. Guess who Billy wants to be his new COO?

Summer: Wait. Is it my favorite Chancellor?

Jack: I’m not criticizing, Kyle. I know you can handle yourself. You’ve proven that time again. We are talking about Victor Newman and his insatiable appetite for revenge and manipulation.

Kyle: So what are you saying? I’m no match for Victor?

Jack: This has nothing to do with your business savvy or your maturity. Kyle, I know this man. I have watched him operate for decades. He takes advantage of anyone and everyone he meets.

Diane: Kyle, your father’s right. We have been dealing with Victor since before you were born. Everything, and I mean everything he does, has a hidden agenda.

Jack: If he wants to hire you, there is some self-serving nefarious reason behind it.

Kyle: Wow, the insults just keep coming, don’t they? Why don’t you just admit it? You don’t believe that I can land a job based on my own merits. There has to be some mysterious plot behind someone wanting to hire me.

Diane: Stop twisting our words to sound like we don’t believe in you.

Jack: That is not what we are saying at all. You have every right to choose whatever career path you want. And there will be plenty of great jobs out there for you, and they will be lucky to hire someone of your skill.

Diane: I completely agree with your father. What happened between us was about business. It had nothing to do with your abilities. I’ve always thought you were a brilliant businessman. You’ve– you’ve learned from the best.

Kyle: But still, somehow, I wasn’t worth keeping in my family’s company.

Diane: Kyle, you were let go because of your insubordination. And that came out of a personal conflict between the two of us. It had nothing to do with your expertise.

Kyle: Hm. Can you quote that to HR? It might give me a bigger severance package.

Jack: The issue we’re discussing right now is Victor Newman.

Kyle: Dad, what makes you so certain that Victor is a part of my plans just because he mentioned to you that he suddenly knows I’m out of a job?

Jack: Things don’t just happen with Victor.

Kyle: Now, is it impossible that I just ran into Victor and told him that I had lost my job, and he offered his sympathy and acknowledged what a mistake the two of you have made?

Diane: What? And then he made you an offer you couldn’t refuse? Kyle, I spoke with Victor. He had that annoying, smug tone about him. I’m telling you, it’s a red flag.

Jack: Son, we are just trying to look out for you.

Kyle: No, what is it you’re not getting? I don’t want or need you looking out for me! I’m not a teenager who needs to run things by you. And you voluntarily left all those years, when I needed your caring and guidance. You don’t get to reclaim them now.

[ Diane exhaling ]

Summer: Chance, that’s– that’s amazing. That’s a huge promotion. I mean, you’ve got to be thrilled, right?

Chance: Honestly, I’ve got mixed feelings about the whole thing.

Summer: Why?

Chance: Sure, it’s a– it’s a great opportunity, right? And I’m very honored that Billy has that kind of faith in me.

Summer: Well, I think it’s pretty damn good, especially considering how new you are to the job.

Chance: Yeah, I hear you, but I spoke with Jill, and I found out that she’s disappointed in the breakup. Billy didn’t tell me this, so how am I supposed to get behind it if Jill’s not?

Summer: So, the company’s splitting up and Jill’s against it. How is that even possible? Couldn’t she have stopped it if she wanted to?

Chance: Not if she was outvoted.

Summer: So, Billy voted against his own mom’s wishes.

Chance: Yeah. There’s more to the story, too, if you can believe it.

Summer: Oh, like what?

Chance: It’s something I can’t really share with you right now. I’m sorry.

Summer: Okay.

Chance: Yeah, there’s just something about this demerger that doesn’t feel right. And I don’t think I can completely trust why Billy made me this offer.

Lily: I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel like a victory to me, you know? I really thought this was going to be a unanimous vote.

Billy: Look, I know you think you let my mom down, but trust me, you didn’t.

Lily: I don’t know, I just can’t stop thinking about her reasons for opposing the split. She made some good points, you know? Like, both companies were doing really well under the merger, so it’s like, why are we going to tear that apart?

Billy: We’re building a new one.

Lily: Yeah, but how long is that going to take? And I mean, aren’t both companies prospering? A good argument for keeping them together?

Billy: Well, Chancellor was strong and profitable before the merger and it will be again. And to be honest, I think my mother’s reservations says more about where she’s at in her life right now, and everything she’s going through. She’s… very risk adverse. But I’m looking at the big picture here now, okay? And when she sees that Abbott-Chancellor logo emblazoned on the side of the building, trust me, those reservations are going to evaporate.

Lily: I mean, I don’t– I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.

Billy: I think she’s going to come around. And at the end of the day, the vote is done. That part has been decided. We’re moving forward. Unless my mother’s position has somehow changed your feelings about all of that. Have you changed your mind about what we’re talking about here?

Lily: I mean, it’s changed a lot. Like maybe everything.

Summer: Okay, so exactly what do you think Billy’s motives are?

Chance: I have no idea. Self-advancement, maybe? I just, I get a feeling that he’s taking an unfortunate situation and using it for his own benefit.

Summer: Yeah, could you at least tell me what kind of unfortunate situation we’re talking about here?

Chance: Look, I’m sorry. I really wish that I could, but I can’t.

Summer: Look, I promised you that I wouldn’t say anything about the company’s secrets. I would not say anything about this either.

Chance: Oh, it’s not that. I know you wouldn’t, but I gave my word.

Summer: Okay. I’m not going to push. I know that you must have your reasons. Okay, so, so Billy. You don’t trust his motives. You also don’t really know what they are. Are you worried that his ambition might negatively impact you?

Chance: It’s possible, yeah.

Summer: What would Billy’s endgame be?

Chance: I mean, I can only assume he wants to be king of the hill, right?

Summer: Isn’t he kind of already that, by Jill appointing him her proxy?

Chance: Yep, but that is the thing about ambition. You get a little taste of it, and you crave more. Don’t even realize it. The next thing you know, it’s overtaken you. You’re blinded to reality and your own actions.

Summer: So, you think Billy’s being driven by blind ambition?

Chance: I do. And he’s not even aware of it. Happens to the best of ’em.

Audra: So, tell me, Mr. Hastings. Exactly what is it you see now that you never saw before?

Nate: Are you sure you’re ready to hear the answer to that?

Audra: I am.

Nate: From the moment I met you, I knew you were capable and destined for great things.

Audra: Just like that?

Nate: I like to think I have a flair for reading people.

Audra: Well, I like what you read. Tell me more.

Nate: Seeing you the way I did, I– I never understood why you thought you had to team up with Tucker, for anything. I mean, you’re brilliant, insightful, intuitive and driven. All of my favorite things.

Audra: Mine too.

Nate: And Tucker is the little man hiding behind a curtain. A con man who uses smoke and mirrors to advance his convoluted agendas. Meanwhile, the world has moved on from his successes of the past. But, sadly, he couldn’t see it over his big, fat ego.

Audra: Yeah, you saw it and you tried to tell me.

Nate: Yes, and you finally embraced the truth. That you can and will accomplish anything you want to. All on your own. So, what do you think?

Audra: I– I suppose I could have done without the part, uh, where I wasted so many years with Tucker. Especially now that I see there was this insightful man right in front of me. Ready to tell me he understands my true nature. And how wonderful I am.

[ both chuckling ]

Nate: Oh, uh, there’s something else I understand.

Audra: Oh, what is it?

Nate: That you deserve a celebration for your triumph. How about it?

[ Audra chuckling ]

Diane: Kyle, I– I thought we’d come to terms with the past. You know how much I regret leaving you for so long and– and missing out on all those important years.

Kyle: I thought so too. Until I realized you’re still the same cold-hearted woman who cuts me out of her life when it’s in her own self-interest.

Jack: Kyle, that’s a low blow. Your mother has worked very hard to make up for that time.

Kyle: Hm. What about all the nights she missed tucking me in? Or my plays or graduations. Or maybe when I just needed a mother’s love. I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel. And you. You say my actions got me fired. Your actions have gotten me to see how selfish you are.

Jack: Enough! You’re saying things you’re going to regret.

Kyle: No, no, no. You don’t get to have it both ways. You don’t want to be my boss, but you still want to boss me around. That’s not how this works.

Diane: All right, Kyle. I– I know you’re upset with me, but please just try to listen to me.

Kyle: No, Mom, I don’t want to listen to this! I have had it. From now on, my career, my future, my decisions, are no longer your concern. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to check on Harrison.

Diane: Ow.

Jack: Hey, you okay?

[ Diane grunting ]

Diane: That was ugly.

Jack: Hey, he’s– he’s emotional. The wound is still so raw. He’s not seeing reason.

Diane: No, he obviously just resents me to the core, and my firing him has just brought it all back up again.

Jack: Sweetheart, don’t take what he says too hard.

Diane: Well, it’s– it’s really hard not to. But you know what, Jack? I maintain that something had to be done about his behavior, and I would do it again.

Jack: The way he just behaved, we couldn’t walk things back with him if we wanted to.

Diane: God, he was– he was actually gloating.

Jack: I know.

Diane: I mean, he was– he was enjoying keeping us in the dark about whatever he’s up to, and I am convinced more than ever that it has to do with Victor.

Jack: You said earlier, you had an interesting conversation with Michael. What exactly did he say that tipped you off to all of this? : Michael confided in me that Victor asked him to rekindle our friendship.

Jack: Wait, why would he do that?

Diane: Hang on, there’s more. He also asked Cole Howard to keep an eye on Kyle, all in the same breath.

Jack: To spy on him?

Diane: Well, more like befriend Kyle. Make a point of getting to know him better.

Jack: Why would he do that? What’s he up to?

Diane: Well, unfortunately, Michael and I think this is all about you. He knows that Kyle and I are your closest connections, and we suspect that Victor’s plotting some sort of retaliation for what happened with Nikki.

Jack: Well, Victor made it very clear how he felt about that night. He was furious with me. And we both know he is capable of holding a grudge, but… do you think he is taking steps to reignite our feud?

Diane: I do, and I think I’m one of those steps. When Victor ran into me, I could tell that he was pushing my buttons for some reason.

Jack: What do you mean? In what way?

Diane: Oh, he couldn’t wait to rehash that whole night. You know, he wanted to see how jealous and angry I could get about, well, the fact that you spent an entire night in a hotel with Nikki. But it was like he was trying to drive a wedge between the two of us.

Jack: And you think Kyle is also part of this plan?

Diane: Well, why else have Cole befriend him?

Jack: So he’s recruiting spies to keep tabs on my family?

Diane: Yes, and there’s no peaceful explanation about that. And when I told Michael that you and I suspected Kyle had a new job, he put the pieces together with the timing and tied it all back to Victor.

Jack: I know Kyle is furious at both of us. You honestly think he’s mad enough to team up with Victor?

Summer: So, the corporate world’s a little more complicated than you thought.

Chance: I expected a certain amount of intrigue, but this is next level.

Summer: You’re not fed up with it, are you?

Chance: No, no, no. There’s still a lot that I like about it. You know, at the very least, my mother didn’t have to worry about me. Not out there dodging bullets every day.

Summer: I am with Nina on that one, but you definitely don’t seem sold on this new opportunity.

Chance: Part of me’s hopeful. You know, maybe splitting up the companies will end all this infighting that’s been driving me nuts.

Summer: Yeah? What about the other part?

Chance: Well, I just wonder if I came out on the right side of this thing. You know, when I first started, it felt like Nate and I were the lone voices of reason around that place. I could confide in him.

Summer: That’s changed.

Chance: I don’t know. I have no idea. I know I’d feel a lot better about this if Jill was on board. Just feels… messy.

Summer: But look, there’s nothing wrong with taking the win.

Chance: COO, huh?

Summer: That’s a huge promotion.

Chance: Yeah, but how much of it is based on the job that I’m doing? And how much of it is based on purely convenience for Billy?

Summer: What’s in it for him?

Chance: Well, I don’t know. Maybe he’s trying to buy my loyalty.

Summer: Look, I know that you’re wary of Billy right now, but he already has a pretty strong ally in Lily. I mean, she’s leaving her own brother’s company to stay at Chancellor with Billy.

Chance: True.

Summer: I think that that says a lot. You know, I’m actually kind of shocked that she made that choice.

Billy: Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts. But if you are, talk to me. What’s changed?

Lily: There’s just a lot to think about.

Billy: ‘Kay, but you were very excited about the potential of what we’re going to do in the future, right? So– so don’t let my mother’s little speech dampen that energy.

Lily: Well, I mean, maybe you can ignore her feelings, but I can’t.

Billy: I’m not ignoring her feelings. I’m just thinking about all the stuff that we’ve talked about. All these divisions that we’re going to create. The expansion of the research and development. We can do amazing things and we don’t need the Winters side to do that. We can exceed my mother’s expectations as partners–

Lily: Okay. Okay, Billy, I– I don’t– I don’t need a sales pitch right now, okay? I just need some time to think, to process everything that’s happened without you pressuring me.

Billy: I’m not trying to strong-arm you. Lily, I’m really not. I just– I want to know where we stand.

Lily: Yeah, I know. So do I. Which is why I just need some time to think.

Billy: About what, exactly? Okay, you’re scaring me a little bit here because whatever this is, whatever you’re feeling, it– it– Sounds like it’s going to affect me, too.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, if I leave the company? Yes, it will. surprised that Lily wanted to stay at Chancellor, too. I think everybody was.

Summer: Why do you think she did it?

Chance: Well, my grandmother did bring her in and entrusted her to run the whole company.

Summer: So, she feels some loyalty to Chancellor.

Chance: Yeah, Jill invested in her, you know. Gave her a career.

Summer: Kind of like what Billy’s doing for you?

Chance: Is it the same?

Summer: Look, I know that Billy is not the most reliable person in the world, but I think he actually respects you. And– and I don’t think that he would offer you such an important position as COO if he didn’t really believe in you.

Chance: I hope you’re right.

Summer: Look, I know that I am right, so you can just cross that concern off of your list. My suggestion is that we actually just celebrate this news.

Chance: Oh, uh, I wish I could.

Summer: What?

Chance: I– I just don’t see our boardroom turning friendly overnight. The tension’s so thick, I don’t think it’s ever going to end.

Billy: Hey, don’t do that. We haven’t even got started yet, okay? Don’t blow apart this deal because my mother is having the jitters.

Lily: Come on, Billy, please. It’s more than that.

Billy: It is. My mother is not in the right place right now. Everything she’s going through, it’s coloring her judgment, which is why I am more determined than ever to protect her interests.

Lily: I know. And I– I– I know you’re going to protect her interests. You’re going to be fine, okay? I– I– Maybe Devon’s right. You don’t need me. You can run Abbott-Chancellor all by yourself.

Billy: I don’t want to do that. I want to do it with you because I know how capable you are. I want to do it how we talked about it, okay?

Lily: Okay, are you sure that’s what it is? Or is it just that you need me to get everyone to agree to your takeover?

Billy: Lily, you wanted this. You knew she had the potential to vote this way. You were prepared for this and now, all of a sudden, you’re talking about walking away.

[ Lily sighing ] Lily… have you been playing me this entire time?

Nate: To you, awesome lady.

Audra: To success. Mm. So, tell me, how are things at Chancellor-Winters? I imagine it must be terribly boring there without me on the team.

Nate: Oddly enough, we’ve managed to keep plenty of drama going without your help.

Audra: Oh, fill me in. I’m dying to hear.

Nate: I’m sorry, but I’m not at liberty to discuss it yet.

Audra: Oh.

Nate: All I can say is there will be some seismic shifts happening very soon. And I’m sure you will hear all about it.

Audra: Mm, I can hardly wait.

Nate: Well, stand by. There will be a press release very soon.

Audra: This does sound good. I mean, can’t you give me a little hint? I promise I won’t tell a soul.

Nate: You know what? You’re right. Why should I keep secrets from you?

Audra: You can trust me.

Nate: Oh, I do. I just, um– I want to make sure you can trust me, too. Tell me who this mystery investor in Glissade is.

Audra: Okay, fine. You got me.

Nate: What? No deal?

Audra: You know, I just hope that whatever this big news is means good things for you.

Nate: Oh, there will be plenty of opportunities opening up for me. And this time, I will handle it right and I will not blow it.

Audra: Here’s to the sky really being the limit for both of us.

Jack: I want to think Kyle is much too smart for that vulture’s manipulations.

Diane: Hm. What if he’s not being manipulated?

Jack: Wow. Yeah, I guess we have to consider the possibility he’s doing this willingly.

Diane: I hate suggesting it or even thinking about it.

Jack: No, you’re right. This wouldn’t be the first time he has been lured into betraying us before.

Diane: Yeah, but I’m the one he’s angry at. I’m the one who fired him.

Jack: I’m the one who backed you up.

Diane: True, and you did give me the job over him.

Jack: God, I thought he was over this. Clearly, I was wrong.

Diane: Still, choosing Victor over you? Actively seeking to hurt you?

Jack: No, no, no. I’m not saying it’s true. I’m saying we have to consider the possibility. He has been lured to the dark side before.

Diane: Uh, so, um, according to the projections, the fragrance line is really in demand.

Jack: Yeah, we’ll have to beef up production for the holidays.

Kyle: Yeah, I know you guys are talking about me, but you don’t have to cover for my sake anymore.

Diane: Um, we weren’t covering.

Kyle: Look, I don’t want things to get any more strained than they already are, so I’ve made a decision. I think it’s best for all of us if I find my own place for Harrison and me. Someplace where he won’t be subjected to all this tension. u for a lovely celebration. Between Paris and tonight, I really do feel like I’m on top of the world.

Nate: Hope you don’t have a fear of heights.

Audra: Nope. I’m very comfortable up here. Think I’ll stay a while. Free of the past and firmly focused on the next big thing.

Nate: With any luck, I’ll be joining you up there. The future certainly has endless possibilities.

Audra: Tempting as it is, I’m not going to invite you to my room for a nightcap.

Nate: Hm. Oh. Well, tempting as it is, I will respect your wishes.

Lily: I’m playing you? Like, what does that even mean?

Billy: I mean, it’s all making sense now, to be honest. You and Devon want me out, so we divide the companies. I walk with Chancellor. Does that sound familiar? Is that the game plan here?

Lily: Okay, I– I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Billy: Okay, you fall in love with my plan in order to divide the companies, then once that happens and that’s finalized, then you kick me to the curb.

Lily: Oh, my God.

Billy: I mean, Lily, I was wondering how you came around so easily.

Lily: Okay, you sound delusional right now.

Billy: In fact, there was a moment… there was a moment at the board meeting today between you and Devon, and it seemed very odd when it happened.

Lily: Sorry, what moment?

Billy: He looked you dead in the eye and he very pointedly asked you, “Is this really what you want to do?” As if he was making sure that you could be trusted. Do you remember that?

Lily: Okay. Now you’re asking why I looked at my brother? Do you realize how crazy you sound right now?

Billy: He wanted final confirmation that you were going to go through with this before he voted.

Lily: Okay, Billy, enough. I am not going down this road with you.

Billy: It’s really amazing, actually. I mean, why else would you walk away, right?

Lily: Oh, my God. I didn’t say I’m walking away. I just need some time to think. Is that too much to ask?

[ Lily sighing ] Hey.

Chance: Hey. What happened there? She looked kind of mad.

Billy: Lily’s fine. Everything’s fine.

Chance: Okay, uh, we’re going to grab a table.

Billy: Okay.

Chance: Anyways, uh, back to you. Said you were pretty hopped up about Kyle.

Summer: Yeah, I was. I mean, I– I am.

Chance: Have– have you given any more thought to the whole custody thing?

Summer: I— I know you suggested that I not escalate things or get lawyers involved. He just– he made me so mad earlier.

Chance: No, you didn’t.

Summer: I did. Oof. But you’re right, you’re right. I want to keep things civil. I do. And everything has just now settled down for Harrison. I mean, I don’t want to cause any more turmoil.

Jack: Wait, you and Harrison can’t move out.

Kyle: I don’t have a choice.

Diane: Kyle, you’re taking it too far. Please, don’t take Harrison and leave your family home. Our problem is a– is a business issue. Don’t let it affect your personal life this way.

Kyle: And whose fault is that? I mean, really, Mom. What did you expect was going to happen?

Jack: Listen to me. Neither of us wants you to move out of this house.

Kyle: What about what I want? Oh, oh, yes, that’s right. My wants don’t matter with you two.

Jack: Kyle, Kyle, just don’t rush this. Let’s let the dust settle.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Look, all of our emotions are high right now. Give it time. Think it through. And remember how much we all love each other.

Diane: Please don’t do this. Come on. We have always been able to settle our differences in the past. And– and we can come back together again.

Kyle: I’m afraid it won’t be that easy this time.

Jack: It wasn’t easy last time. It never is, but we can do this. We can get through this.

Kyle: Dad, it’s different this time. You think things are tense now? It’s only the beginning. Things are about to get way worse.

Jack: Wait, what does that mean?

Diane: What’s about to get worse?

Kyle: You’ll find out soon enough.

Jack: Okay, that’s enough. I’ve had it with the secrets and innuendos.

Diane: What are you doing?

Jack: This has got to stop.

Diane: Well, what are you doing?

Jack: If we can’t get the answers from Kyle, I’m going to get ’em from the mustache myself.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


(Sorry, we’re missing the second half and will get it later)

I know, Diane. I just really need to know if there’s any news. Am I worried? Ha. A little worried, but I do know if there’s anyone who can keep me from going to prison, I know that that’s you and… Um, I have to go. [ Sighs ] Thanks for the update. Okay. Don’t make me ask. Okay. I really wanted to protect you from this. I know I don’t have to, alright? But this is one I really wish you were still little. Well, I’m not. So what is going on? Okay. Here’s the deal. The only way to get Jason out from under the FBI is if I risk going to prison.

Well, this is gonna surprise both of you, but I actually agree with Lucy. Well, thank you. See? Sometimes I am right. I’m not finished. I agree that Deception needs to make it clear we do not stand with Natalia and her views. But we’re not gonna fire Blaze. Ohh! Okay. But what does that say about our company if we keep Blaze as Face — Face — of Deception? By keeping Blaze on, keeping her as the face of our product, that will show the world that we stand by her right to define herself. Which means coming out on her own terms, in her own time. Absolutely, Maxie. I agree with you 100%. Thanks, Lois. T-That’s swell. But you know what? You are a spokesperson, not a partner. You don’t really get a say in this. Then make it 200%. I mean, come on! As for keeping Blaze on… [ Sighs ] …you’re right, okay? I’ve been sitting here thinking like a total corporation and not a person. Okay. Uh, now that we’re all on the same page, should we talk about damage control? Hey. I heard the recording. Oh. Well, your ears must have been burning. It’s a disaster, especially for Blaze and Kristina. And what does The Invader have to say for itself? I will get to that in a moment. Right now I’m here regarding your company. Another hit to Deception is the last thing that you need. We were just about to discuss damage control. Good. Then I showed up just in time.

Stop torturing yourself. I’m only getting what I deserve. What do you deserve? Oh, my God. Okay. Uh, so, people are garbage. And I’m a coward. I wanted to come out. I wanted to tell the world about us, about me, but, no. I’m a grown woman, a bad-ass rock star, but I let my mother pressure me into staying in the closet, and now my weakness ended up hurting you. You done? Kristina, I — No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to be a question, actually. Uh, let me try this again. You’re done. You’re gonna stop apologizing, and you’re gonna listen to me right now.

We need to have a conversation, one that won’t be recorded. Alexis, you’ve already scolded me for telling the truth about your perjury incident. You can’t possibly have anything more to say. Stop it, Ava. DeWitt already gave you up. And all I had to do was threaten a lawsuit that would leave him destitute. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know that you turned over that recording of Natalia to The Invader. Hurting me is one thing. Hurting my daughter is another. That was a big mistake.

You’re saying it was Ava? I had what I thought was a private conversation with her, but she evidently took great pains to edit out her part of the conversation, and then she used my words to ruin my daughter’s career. And Kristina. W-Why? What happened? You know how hard it was for Kristina to — to create this foundation for the kids? Did something happen to the center? Let me tell you something. Because of what you said, the activists, they don’t want her anywhere near what she created because they think that she’s, you know, ashamed of being gay. Oh, my God. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize. I’m sorry. No, no. You may have said the words… but it was Ava who delivered that recording. And now she’s gonna pay for it.

Your life is your own, and you are not obligated to share your personal business with anybody, no matter how many songs you sell. That’s easy to say, but — Allie. You owe them great songs. You owe them a great show. But you do not owe anybody anything else beyond that. Hell, neither do I. People don’t have a right to know who we’re dating or even if we are dating. So to the people who think that they have a right to say I am unworthy to run my center that I built from the ground up or the people calling you a “hypocrite,” they don’t know why we made the decisions we made, and they’re not entitled to know that. They are the ones who are in the wrong. I know you’re right. I do. But it’s just — But nothing. But nothing, Allie. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and neither do I. If anything, the person who should be ashamed is the one who violated your privacy and mine a-and leaked that recording of your mother to The Invader. That’s who should be ashamed. Tell me you know that. Out loud. Please tell me you know that. I know that. Okay. Okay. I still wish I came out the minute I knew that it was real between us. Well, you didn’t. You didn’t. But now we only move forward. Okay? Okay. [ Knock on door ] You don’t think the reporters got past the doorman, do you?

This issue of Crimson has a two-page Deception spread, as you know, and it features Blaze. Well, I was able to hold the print run as a favor to you, because I can’t imagine that you’d want Blaze for Deception on the newsstands this week. First of all, Deception 100% supports Blaze. But you’re right — it would be a disaster and probably just draw more outrage. Right. Lucy? Thank you. I get a say? Of course you do! You’re a partner. Look, you know that I support Blaze. I do. It’s just that — [ Chuckles ] You know, really, this is gonna take away from the product, which is what the spread was all about. Alright. You’ve already bought the space. What do you want me to run instead? Okay. What about this? We, um… We do a brief history of Deception. A-And, of course, I-I would be more than willing to give an interview. Oh. Would you? Or we could print a two-page transcript of your viral “Home & Heart” appearance where you talk about you, you, you, and you. Okay. Okay. You know what? I happened to be magnificent that day. I was articulate and concise and informative, charming — You were a talking test pattern. Lucy, the last thing we need is to not sell product in two mediums. You know what? I-I may be a lowly employee, but I do have a suggestion.

Oh, yes! I heard that recording. The Internet was all abuzz about it. I had nothing to do with it. Why would DeWitt lie? Who’s DeWitt? You know who DeWitt is. You know he’s the gossip columnist at The Invader, Ava. The Invader? Come on, Alexis. Connect the dots. Nina, the publisher, decided out of the blue that she hates me, and now she’s conspiring with this DeWitt person to frame me. Okay. Why don’t we prove it? Why don’t I subpoena your phone service provider? They keep all that data transfer. I mean, I’m sure that file you recorded on Natalia is pretty hefty. My lord, Alexis. A subpoena. Based on what? Has it really been so long since your dishonorable discharge from the law that you have forgotten how things work? Well, good. Good thing I’m taking all these refresher classes to catch up. Why? You didn’t know? Nobody told you? Oh, I got my law license back. Well, how long until you’re done with your remedial law school and you can hang your shingle? Well, I’ll be working at Diane Miller’s firm, but I won’t be taking on any clients yet. That’s alright. Baby steps. Yeah, because I’m gonna be so busy on this big case. It’s really — It’s big. It’s huge. It’s brutal. It’s bloodbath. Care to guess what it is?

iend, Special Agent John Cates, and his superiors have been pulling Jason’s strings for the past two and a half years by threatening me. With what? Is this about the insider-trading thing? [ Chuckles ] They have a recording of me. When Sonny was in Nixon Falls and we all thought he was dead, I went to a meeting and I announced that I was running the Corinthos organization. Oh, my God. Tell me you didn’t.

Sasha. Hi. Hi. I would ask if this was a bad time, but that’s… kind of why I’m here. Come in. Come in. Sorry. The reporters and paparazzi are outside. One of them recognized me. But not before your doorman did. He’s — He’s doing an amazing job. [ Sighs ] How are you doing? Better now, but still not great. Not that we don’t always love to see you, but — No. I get it. I get it. You’re not in the mood for company. This is just a drive-by. I, um, I was out shopping for the Quartermaines when the story hit, and… Well, as someone whose life has been blown up in the press more than once, I, um — I wanted to give you the benefit of my, uh, hard-won experience. Maybe instead of running the spread featuring Blaze, we give Blaze those two pages to make a statement, get her truth out on the record. I like the spirit of the idea, but — But the timing isn’t ideal. Lucy: No, it’s really not. And we’re also supposed to be spending, you know, our money on selling our products, those advertising dollars, not wading into some scandal that I know is gonna divide our customer base. Okay, whatever you decide to do, we have no time for anything as elaborate as a photo shoot. Okay? This issue needs to go to print now. I’m sure that you have old shots of Sasha that we could pull from your photo archives. No, no. Absolutely not. We do not want to make it look like Deception is dropping Blaze. No, we can’t, because the Internet would have an absolute field day. Okay. How about this? Across both pages, a simple message in bold type. “No one cancels love.” Underneath that, our company name, Deception. Black pages. White letters. That’s it. Nothing else. That’s perfect, Maxie. It is. It’s genius, if I do say so myself. Lois: I don’t like it. I love it! It takes the pressure off of Blaze, and we steer the conversation in the right direction! Uh — [ Clears throat ] Excuse me. What is this “we” again? The “we”? I mean, Maxie, you have thought of everything! Thank you, Lois. Okay, Nina. Let’s run with it. Yeah, I’m on it. Lois: Ooh! Wow. Okay. My work here is done. Okay. Wait. Again, what is your work here? I mean, why are you even here today at all? Oh, Lucy. Ohh! Ciao! Ciao. What’s next? Well, I can tell you who’s next. Adrian DeWitt. He’s gonna answer for what he’s done.

It was that day that I stopped by your apartment to bring you that single malt scotch as a thank-you gift. Yeah. I recall. Do you remember? And, um, you weren’t home, so Ava invited me in to wait, which — which should have been my first clue. And then she just started some small talk, and she wanted to talk about Brook Lynn’s wedding and the reception. And she — Then she started talking about Kristina. What about Kristina? Well, she was talking about how, you know, you’re very comfortable with Kristina’s sexuality. And so then I admitted to her that I’m struggling with Alison’s, um, which, I mean, obviously, you and I have talked about many times. Yeah, I remember. And I — Yeah. I should have known better than to… talk about my daughter’s personal life with a relative stranger, but how was I gonna know that she was recording the conversation? Who does that? There is no limit to how far Ava will go. I should have told you earlier. Yeah, well, I should have also trusted my gut instinct with her. But to be honest, I… [ Scoffs ] I just — I think I was too arrogant. I was too sure that I could handle anything that anyone threw at me. Until this morning. And I just… I don’t know why someone would do something like that. Why would she do it? I never thought that she’d… come after my daughter like this. lindsided when Maxie played that recording. I-I didn’t even recognize my own voice at first, and then I — I realized, “Oh, that’s me,” that my private thoughts were out there. And then… to see, like, the pain and the… shock and the betrayal on my daughter’s face a-and the realization of what I’d done and the — how that recording was gonna completely ruin her career and all of that hard work and all of that — the negotiating and the — and the networking and — let all of it just up in flames. Did you really think about what she felt about that recording? Yeah. Of course, I did. Because I never wanted my discomfort over my daughter’s personal choices ever to distract her or to hurt her. So I always kept those things to myself, you know? And she was never supposed to hear… What you’re like? I just went through something with my daughter Kristina. Um, she saw something she wasn’t supposed to see. She saw a side of me… I never wanted her to see. And I was terrified that I was never gonna see her again. Exactly.

Ms. Reeves. Ladies of Deception. Sir. I must tell you how gratifying it was to see The Invader’s jump in Web traffic today. Can I assume that that is what this little tête-à-tête with our favorite advertiser is all about?


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Days Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Well, happy Fourth of July, sweetheart.



Is it happy? I mean, yes, yes, yes, I’m relieved to know that Chanel’s miscarriage wasn’t my fault, but I’m still so sad for her and Johnny.

Yeah, so am I.


But at least they’re not moving to LA, right?

Oh, thank heavens. Oh! And not that I’ve spent that much time there, but I’m not a fan of that city. Oh, I’ll tell you that. How does anyone ever get anywhere with all that traffic?

[laughs] Well, you know, the weather’s nice. And it’s where they produce my favorite show.

Mm. Oh. Speaking of, what time is it? You’re missing your story.

Oh, yes, yes. You’re right. You’re right. – But that’s not true for your email. It can be read by almost anyone, unless you protect yourself–

Well, that’s… – You’ll find a guide–

That’s weird. [soft dramatic music] – Snoop-proof your email by following the latest…

What– what happened to “Body & Soul”?

[sighs] Johnny. Please give Chanel my love. I’m just so sorry about the baby. I’ll check on you both tomorrow. OK. [phone beeps] [knocking]

Oh, hi.


What a nice surprise. Come in.

Uh, I won’t stay long. I know you’re busy.

It’s all right. What’s going on?

I wanted to give you a heads-up about a conversation I just had with Detective Jada Hunter.


Stephanie. Are you OK?

No, I’m not. I’m worried we’re going to lose Everett forever, and the only way to stop that from happening is for you to speak to Bobby. You need to speak to your ex-husband, Jada, please.

OK, slow down. What happened?

Marlena asked me to go to Bayview with her to talk to Everett.

Why you?

She said that his doctors felt that he would be most responsive to the person who knows him best.


Then when we got there, he was still Bobby, and he wanted nothing to do with me. Jada, we both know that I’m not the one who knows Bobby best.

Right. That would be me.

And that’s why you might be the right person to get through to him, the only one who can convince him to let Everett out.

Time for your morning meds, Mr. Lynch. You want to get better, don’t you? I think not, Nurse Margaret, I think not. [ominous music]

I think I’m happy just the way I am. Everett out of the way for good.

Chad, honey, looking at this video time after time, do you really think you’re gonna see anything new?

No, but it’s all I can think about, so…

Me too.

Waiting for that technician to say whether or not he can improve the– the scene on it. It’s like time’s standing still.

[sighs] Is that you, Abby?

Are you out there somewhere?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[sighs] It’s gonna make me crazier than I already am.

And we don’t need that, do we? So stop. OK? No more looking at that video, OK?


So tell me, was this technician optimistic about getting a clear picture?

Beyond enhancing, no. Well, you know, they’re gonna try to find some– see if they can find any info on the electronic signature, I guess the, you know, date, time, location maybe, and– and try to– try to make sure it wasn’t tampered with.

Oh. Darling… [sighs] Are you ready to receive some answers that– that Abigail is alive or not?

You know, I– I– I used to know the way that she moved. You know? The way she looked when she turned, the way her hair– you know. And– and I just don’t remember. I should– I should– I should know if that’s my wife or not.

Mm-hmm. It’s Clyde. This is exactly what Clyde wanted. He wanted to just give you enough information to just drive you crazy.

Well, it’s working. I mean, every time I– I– I, you know, think it’s true, I remember what it was like finding her that night, and I’m brought right back to the hospital and when Kayla told me that she was gone. [bright dramatic music]



I mean, could she be wrong, Kayla? Could she have missed something?

Well, then you should talk to Kayla.

“Body & Soul” was canceled?


Did they say why?

Apparently, it looks like it was a dispute between the producers and the network.

I know people loved it. I– I even read that it was a very, very popular show.

They said the decision to pull the plug took everyone by surprise.

Wow. Do you think Abe knows?

Oh, I’m sure he does. He reads all the soap boards and the soap magazines.

Oh, I know that. I’ll tell you, when he was staying with Steve and me, you could not even talk to him when the show was on. And he kept telling me that I reminded him of one of the leading ladies.

He said the exact same thing to me.


That’s so weird. He also said that the characters were beginning to seem like his family, though.

Oh, then poor Abe. He’s not gonna be happy when he finds out that his TV family has gone bye-bye.

I don’t get it. I mean, the local news shouldn’t be on for another hour.

Well, maybe they changed the lineup. Well, um, you know, I have to get to the office. Now, will you be able to entertain yourself while I’m gone?

Uh, yeah, sure, I’ll– I’ll watch the weather report.

[laughs] OK, I’ll see you later, my love. Oh, well. Ah.


Well, what happened to “Body & Soul”?

Better not be canceled.

Steph, I don’t know if me going to visit Bobby is a good idea. I mean, as you know, he wants me back, so I don’t think that I’m the best person who’s gonna be able to bring out Everett.

OK, but what if– what if you made it very clear to Bobby that you were through with him, that you never want to see him again?

[sighs] And you think that would work?

It might. [soft dramatic music] Marlena says that Bobby is trying to protect Everett by keeping him buried inside. But what kind of life is that for him? Stuck in Bayview, all alone, pining for someone he can’t have.

Right, especially when you are right here, waiting for him.

This isn’t about my relationship with Everett.

What is it about?

He’s a good person, Jada. He’s sweet. He’s funny. I just want him to have his life back.

I want that too.

But this is hard for you. I get it.

It’s just– it’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the man I love, the Bobby I knew, he never even existed.

Marlena says that Bobby’s personality will always be a part of Everett, that their personalities will be integrated.

But Bobby would be gone.

OK. I’ll see what I can do. Do you want to go right now?

Actually, I– I can’t go with you.

Why not?

When I was there earlier, I– I kind of lost it on him. I was just so frustrated. Marlena had to basically drag me out of there before it got too far, but I don’t think that I would be welcomed back.

OK, I see. Well, I could probably get in by showing him my badge. [sighs] Stephanie, I’ll– I’ll do my best.

That’s all I can ask. Thank you.

Yeah, you’re welcome.


Oh, my. So you turned yourself in to the police for helping Clyde escape?

I needed to come clean. But you need to know that I left John out of it, Ava too. I told Jada I acted alone.

I see.

I need you and John to be aware, because Jada didn’t buy my story, but she has no evidence that anyone else was involved. So if she comes to you asking you questions, don’t let her bluff you into telling her anything.

I’ll be careful. Are you sure about this?

Yes, I’m sure. And you need to make sure that John knows as soon as he’s back.

OK, he will.

[sighs] How’s he doing anyway? I know he went to Greece to pay his respects to Konstantin’s daughter. And I thought he’d be back by now.

I did too. I know he was hoping to get closure. It feels like he just hasn’t been himself lately.

Why do you say that?

Well, we haven’t been able to– to talk on the phone, and– and when we text, it’s just very terse.

Do you think there’s something wrong? [tense music]

I’m thinking that he– he doesn’t want to come home.

Why is that?

I don’t think you know this, but before he left for Greece… he tried to kill you.

Did you just say John tried to kill me? [soft dramatic music]

It was at Maggie’s wedding. You know that I’ve been– been teaching him techniques to try to resist Konstantin’s brainwashing.

Yeah, and it’s been working. I mean, Konstantin produced the Pawn card. He ordered John to shoot me, but John resisted. And the guy had to shoot me himself.

Yeah. Well, John confided to me later that when all that chaos erupted, he looked at the card, and it had a bit of an effect on him.

How so?

He heard Konstantin’s voice in his head telling him to shoot you. He went as far as actually picking up the gun. Then he said he– he felt disoriented. I wasn’t sure what to do.

I remember John holding the gun. And Sarah said something to him, and it was like he didn’t even hear her. But he didn’t pull the trigger.

He’s been fighting his fight through all that. You can imagine how difficult this has been for him.

So you’re saying he’s staying away because?

Because he doesn’t want to hurt you.

What do you think?

Well, you know, I’ve been doing a lot of work trying to help deprogram him.

Yeah. And where’s the Pawn card? Where’s that?

I have it. And I– I don’t think that John would hurt himself or anybody else. He just– he’s worried.

Yeah, I’m sure he is, based on what you just told me. So if John left because he’s afraid of hurting me, I’m the one who has to go there and bring him back home.

Kate, I was just going to call you.

So you’ve heard?

Yes, I was watching it. I mean, I can’t believe they preempted “Body & Soul” for a story about dogs and fireworks.

Preempted. So you don’t know?

Don’t know what?

“Body & Soul” was not preempted. It was canceled. [tense music]

I’m so glad we could meet this morning, Paulina. I know how busy you are.

Oh. Well, at least I’m not dealing with that nasty recall business anymore. Oh, and thank you for your support with that, Stephanie.

Oh, of course.

Mm-hmm. I can finally get back to the business of promoting my new initiatives and running this city. Oh, no distractions anymore. Ooh, thank heavens.

Well, that’s not quite true.

What? What do you mean?

I mean, you may have cleared one PR nightmare, but I’m concerned there’s a new one brewing. [bright acoustic music]

Bobby. [soft dramatic music]


What are you reading?

Oh, just a murder mystery you recommended. It’s– it’s very well written. It’s suspenseful.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

So far, so good. Let me guess. Dr. What’s-Her-Face sent you over here, right? Or maybe it’s Everett’s neurotic girlfriend.

OK, their names are Dr. Evans and Stephanie, and they are very, very worried about you. So am I.


Yes, I am. And like I told you before, you know, all the things that I blamed you for, I realize now that you had no control over any of that.

[sighs] I never stopped loving you. That’s– that’s the truth. I mean, we– we had good times together, didn’t we? Happy times. I never meant to hurt you.

I know.

Do you think we can get past it? I mean, can you ever accept my apology?

I can, and I do. And, Bobby, I still care about you. – Yeah, I don’t– I don’t think I should talk to Kayla.

Why ever not?

Because she’s– she’s close with Jack and Jennifer, you know, and we agreed that we weren’t gonna say anything until we knew for sure.

Kayla is discreet. You just have to tell her that.

Right, but I can’t do that. I can’t ask her to be that– that secretive. I mean, you know, she’s not even gonna be able to talk to Steve.

Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to ask these questions?


It’s just such a slim chance, so–

Yes, it’s a slim chance. You don’t ask, you’ll never get any answers.

[sighs] You still care about me?

Yes. Yes, I do. I want you to get well. And I want you to get out of this place.

You want me to come home?

Yeah, uh, when you’re feeling better. [tense music]

[sighs] You mean you want Everett to come home? [exhales sharply] I’m so stupid. You know, for a second there, I actually thought we had a chance.

Look, you know that I’m with Rafe now, OK? We’ve gone over this, Bobby. You signed the divorce papers.

Everett signed the divorce papers.

You are Everett. That’s the real you. He’s your host personality, and you’re just– you’re his alter.

What are these words that you’re saying? What are these words you’re– we had a life, Jada. We had a life together.

OK, I shouldn’t have put it that way.

No, you shouldn’t have, but I think I know why you did. Host personality? You’re talking about me like I’m some parasite, like I’m some illness, some defect in Everett’s psyche, not like I’m an actual person that matters.

OK, that’s not what I think. No, you do matter.

No, do you have any idea what I do to protect Everett? Do you have any idea the horrors that he has seen in this lifetime, horrors that I protect him from? My God.

It would make you as sick as it makes me.

OK, Bobby. I know that you have been there, and you’ve done so much to protect Everett from these– these horrible memories. It’s actually admirable, heroic even. And you are so strong. Just– maybe just a little too strong.

What does that mean?

It means that maybe if you just let Everett come back out and let him face the truth, then you would be helping, Bobby.

OK, let’s have it. What PR nightmare are we dealing with now?

People aren’t happy with the way you fired Melinda Trask and replaced her with EJ.

Why do they care?

Because, well, not only does it create a sense of instability in Salem, but–

But? But– but what?

You fired a woman of color and replaced her with a rich white man.

Ah, seriously? They’re coming after me for diversity issues?

EJ also happens to be a rich white man who you just so happened to fire and who has a well-known record of corruption. The optics are not good.

Yeah, well, I don’t like them either, but, you know, I did what I had to do.

I’m not sure anyone else sees it that way.

Melinda Trask was accused of stealing a baby, Stephanie! I think I was completely justified by relieving her of the top law enforcement position in my administration.

And EJ?

Hmm, EJ resolved the conflict of interest that caused me to let him go.

OK. OK, we can– we can use that.

Plus, you know, I offered Melinda another position.

Head of sanitation.

It’s a respectable gig.

I’m sure you weren’t surprised when she declined.

Yeah, well, not my problem.

Only it is your problem if it gets in the way of your agenda as mayor. Paulina, people are saying…

What? Huh? Well, come on out with it. Out with it. What–

That– that–

What– what are people saying?

That you treated Trask like trash.

Why would they cancel “Body & Soul”? It’s been on for decades.

Well, from what I’ve read, there were some political issues behind the scenes. I– I’m so sorry. I– I know how important the show was to you while you were recovering. [soft dramatic music]

That’s it? I mean, no– no goodbye? No thanks for watching? It’s just– just over.

Steve, you can’t go to Greece. You’ll be violating the terms of your bail.

Justin is working with the DA’s office. He thinks he can get me a deal, given the extenuating circumstances.

You mean because Clyde threatened to hurt your son?

That’s right. So I could get off with probation.

That would be wonderful. And look, I– I– I do know that John would never, ever want you to take the fall for him.

Well, it was the right thing to do for everyone involved.

I’m so grateful to you. Look, I don’t know how much more John could handle.

John’s my best friend. And he’s my partner. I need him back here healthy. And I also need him to know that I’ve got his back, no matter what. [tender music]

I know. He’s grateful to you for that.

Yeah. [chuckles] You know, he never would have agreed to break Weston out of prison if he wasn’t helping me. And he never would have been in this mess with Konstantin if not for me. I owe him my life.

John would say the same thing about you. He owes you his life. Steve, I know how much you want to bring him home.


Yeah, yeah.


Hi. Chad, so good to see you.

Uh, do you have a few minutes?

Of course, I do. Please, have a seat. What can I do for you?

So… it’s kind of a sensitive subject, so I’d appreciate it if we could keep it between us.

Of course.

This is complicated, really, my question.

Whatever it is, you can trust me.

You know, it’s about Abby. [dramatic music]

Marlena, I just can’t sit around here while John needs me.

Well, I appreciate that, but John told me he wants to do this on his own.

Yeah, I’m sure he said that because he didn’t want to drag you into it. But I’ve been involved in this thing from the very beginning.

Yes, but, you know, I don’t want you– [phone ringing]

Hold on a second. It’s Justin. Hey, man. What’s up? [chuckles] Oh, yeah? That’s great news. Yeah. OK, thank you. Hey, listen, I’m here with Marlena. Can I give you a call back? All right. [exhales]

What? Good news about your case?

Yeah, I’d say. I guess EJ was feeling charitable. I got a suspended sentence, hours of community service.

Oh, that’s wonderful news.

Yeah, it is because now I’m no longer out on bail, so there’s nothing stopping me from going to Greece. [tender music]

Oh. Right. Well, I appreciate this. I’m so grateful to you. And I– I know that John– John will be as well.

Marlena, he’s going to be OK.


I just know it.

So what do you think?

Uh, well, you know, I mean, it could be her. It’s just– it’s just so grainy, I can’t really tell.

I know. That’s the problem. But, you know, Clyde said it, so I– I can’t just dismiss it.

No, of course you can’t.

And please don’t say anything to Jack and Jennifer.

No, I won’t. But I have to ask you– you said this is just between you and Julie. Why are you telling me now? [dramatic music]

Well, I mean, you were the last person to be with her before she died, you know? And I need to know what those final moments were like. You of all people know that miracles can happen. So, you know, do you think that it could be possible that this is true? That Abby could be alive?

Maybe there is.

Oh. It’s– it’s not like I can just ask for a do-over, fire EJ, rehire Melinda Trask again. For one thing, who knows what EJ is going to do to retaliate this time?

We definitely don’t need another recall campaign against you.

And I’d offer Melinda another job, but she’s bound to turn me down again. She only wants to be DA.

OK, right, yeah. So no more personnel changes.

Huh. [soft acoustic music]

In fact, you know what I think you need to do? I think you need to lean in to the changes that you’ve already made.

Lean in?

Mm-hmm. Convince your constituents that reinstating EJ as DA was the best choice for the people of Salem.

Oh, well, how do I do that?

We’ll launch a PR campaign that makes EJ look heroic. He sent Gabi DiMera to prison, but then when he found out that she was innocent, he– he moved his own ego aside and campaigned to get her free.

Mm, that’s a– that’s a very generous interpretation of events.

PR is all about creating a narrative, as I’m sure you know.


People love the idea of someone righting a wrong. Gabi’s the self-made hometown girl who built her own fashion brand. She was wrongly convicted, and now she’s out, thanks to EJ, your highly principled DA.

EJ DiMera, principled? Well, there’s a good one.

You’re gonna have to sell it, Paulina. And I know you can. So we’ll schedule a press conference, OK? You can tout what EJ’s done for Gabi, but then you– you can use it as a launching pad, talking about your own success and how you want to move toward the future. And I think that’ll go a long way toward restoring goodwill.

Well, I’m glad that’s what you think, but I don’t.

[ominous music]

You came here to get rid of me.


Didn’t you?

No. That’s not true.

You want Everett to take over and for me to go bye-bye forever.

OK, listen. Yes, I want Everett to come back out because it’s what’s best. And, Bobby, you will always be a part of him. OK?

It’s easy for you to say.

Look, like I said before, it’s– it’s what’s best. It’s what’s healthy. [bright dramatic music]

Why are you looking at me like that?

Hmm? What? Nothing. No, I was just thinking. You know, there’s so much pressure on you right now, right? I mean, everybody wants poor sweet Everett to come home because that’s what everybody wants.

You know, there’s something that I guess I can give you that Everett never could.

Bobby, I told you that it’s over between us.

Oh. I wasn’t talking about that. [chuckles] I can help you solve a crime.

But on the other hand, maybe this could be really good news for us and the show we’re creating, right? Abe?

Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just– I’m just– just frustrated. I mean, now I’ll never know who killed JP or if Charlemagne will tie the knot for the th time. [soft dramatic music]

Or maybe we will know.

You won’t hold a press conference?

Look, I’m not one to brag about my accomplishments. Oh, OK, maybe– maybe I am. But right now, it feels like it could– it could come off as disingenuous. Good PR is not supposed to seem like PR, right?

Right, right. I agree. [bright acoustic music] All right, then let’s have EJ give the press conference. He certainly isn’t shy about bragging about himself.

[laughs] You can be damn sure. In fact, you’ll probably have to drag his pompous ass away from the podium.


You want to contact him?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Fine, fine. Oh, but you know what? I– ooh, I need to be locked up in an asylum for trusting EJ DiMera. Oh. Oh. Stephanie, am I boring you?

No. Sorry. I’m– I’m just waiting to hear news about an old friend.

What do you mean, you could help me solve a crime? [soft dramatic music]

Well, I have information about a certain unsolved crime that I suspect you as a detective would find very useful.

Did you commit this crime?

You’ve always loved a cold case, right? Well, I can help you solve an important one, if you let me. But if Everett comes back, you’ll never know the truth.

Awfully convenient.

Mm, well, sometimes the truth is convenient.

OK, well, how come you didn’t mention this earlier?

You know, I’ve had a– a lot on my mind.

OK, tell you what? We can talk about this, but you have to tell me what kind of crime we’re talking about here.

It’s– it’s nothing too serious. Just– just a murder. [dramatic music]

You know, when Abigail was brought in, she had lost so much blood, it was nearly impossible for her to survive that.


But, you know, I– I– I was sitting at Steve’s bedside when he flatlined. I was sure that he was gone. And then by some miracle, he came back to us. And like you said, look what happened to me and Marlena and Kate and Bo. So I would never say that something is impossible.

How could something like that happen here, do you think? [tense music]

Well, Dr. Rolf aside, there are drugs that can be given that would slow your heart rate down and your breathing for a time that could mimic death.

Like “Romeo and Juliet”?

Well, sort of. But as you know, her body was taken to the hospital morgue, but a full autopsy was not performed.

Yeah, well, she– she’d been through enough.

No, I understand. I do.

But her body still would have had to be embalmed and prepared for burial. And that would have been performed by the funeral home. And, well, there’s only one way of knowing if that had really happened.

So you’re saying that we can do something about the cancellation? Start an online campaign maybe, or rally the fans.

OK. That would take way too much time, and we don’t even know if that would work. But what I’m thinking is instead of creating a whole new show, we try to buy the rights to “Body & Soul.” [soft dramatic music]

You and I? Buy the rights to “Body & Soul”?

Yes! Yes! It would make it so much easier on us, and there’s a whole lot of very loyal fans who would be so happy, including you.

And besides, we would be the reason that that show and those characters live on.

Hey, baby. You want to grab some lunch? Hello?



Oh, I’m sorry. It has been such a busy day.


What’s going on?

Well, I’ve got some good news. Justin called. My deal came through. I’m not gonna have to serve any time.

Oh, thank God. Oh, that’s such good news.

Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh.

But there’s bad news, isn’t there?

No, just news. Just news. I need to go to Greece.

What? Why?

I just spoke to Marlena. It sounds like John’s in a bad way. He needs me. I’m gonna be there for him. [dramatic music]

Stephanie, hi. Please, come in. Come in. You just missed your father.

Oh, too bad.

What can I do for you?

I came to talk to you about Everett.

Oh. You know, I don’t think I can get you in to see him again.

No, I– I know. I know. And I need to apologize for the way that I acted earlier, for– for losing it the way that I did. I– I just– I was so upset, obviously.

I understand. It’s very difficult to see him that way.

It is. And I’ve realized that I’m not going to be able to get through to him. But I’m– I’m hoping Jada could.

Oh, because of their history. That’s a very good idea. I’ll call her.

I’m one step ahead of you. She’s with Everett as we speak. [suspenseful music]

You have evidence about an unsolved murder? Whose murder?

Now, see, I can’t tell you that part yet.

Bobby, this is nothing to tease about. If you know something, you have to tell me!

Come see me again tomorrow. We’ll talk about it then.

EJ, as soon as you get this message, could you please call me back? There’s something I need to discuss with you.

Mayor Price.


Hi. I’m glad I ran into you. I– I– I need to ask you a– a favor.

Hmm? Well, all right. Well, what is it?

Well, and, you know, I normally wouldn’t ask it, but I’m– I’m– I’m desperate at the moment.

Well, go ahead. Go– go ahead. Just ask it.

I need your permission to– to exhume my wife’s body. [dramatic music]

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Nikki: Jack! Hi, good to see you.

Jack: Hey. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing.

Nikki: And yet, you haven’t called.

Jack: Ringer on my phone works.

Nikki: Touché.

Jack: No, seriously. No– no judgment. I’m… I’m happy to see you. I– I assume you’ve been busy. How’s the outpatient program?

Nikki: I have good days and bad, but overall I’m doing well. Today, I feel strong.

Jack: Well, I hope you found a new sponsor and that he or she is giving you all the support you need.

Michael: Voila. What you see before you is a cappuccino with extra foam, and a chai latte. For your pleasure.

Diane: When I said surprise me, I didn’t expect you to be so adventurous.

Michael: You know me better than that.

Diane: Yes, you like a grand gesture.

Michael: All right. Are you going to pick one or am I going to have to do all the work here?

Diane: I’ll take the chai.

Michael: Yes, you will.

Diane: Thank you. You know, I was really happy to get your call. It’s like you have a sixth sense. You could tell I needed someone to vent to today.

Michael: What’s the topic?

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: I fired Kyle from Jabot this morning.

Michael: Oh. I wasn’t expecting that. Ah, that’s the stuff of a Greek tragedy.

Diane: I was looking for a little support, Michael. Not comparisons to tyrannical parents.

Michael: All right, all right. I’m sorry. What I meant to say is, that couldn’t have been easy. You know, I know exactly how important the family is to Jack and, you know, John Abbott’s legacy is still a guiding force of theirs.

Diane: Yes, don’t I know it. And Jack was not pleased. But I really didn’t have a choice. I mean, Kyle was undermining me. He was looking for any opportunity to prove that he was better suited for my job than I am.

Michael: Doesn’t sound very professional of Kyle.

Diane: Uh-uh.

Michael: Well, maybe a little time off will, um, shake a little sense into the boy.

Diane: Oh, I doubt he’s doing any self-reflecting. Especially since he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. And besides, it almost sounds like he’s already found another job.

Michael: Hmm. Really? Where would Kyle land so fast?

Diane: I’m not sure. He– he was kind of vague about the details, but he just– he said he had something in the works. You know what? It almost sounds like he welcomed being cut loose.

Michael: I wonder.

Diane: What? Have you heard any rumors? Do you know something?

Michael: No, no. It’s– The timing’s interesting.

Diane: Michael, don’t be so cryptic.

Michael: Okay. It’s just a hunch, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Kyle’s job can be traced right back to Victor.

Diane: What?

Victoria: Mmm. You do make a really excellent cup of tea.

Cole: Hmm. Well, I was always a coffee guy before I lived in England. But the Brits, they made me appreciate a good afternoon cuppa.

Victoria: Oh, look at him now. He could serve the King.

Cole: Well, I was always amazed at how seriously they took their tea rituals. You know, it’s a lot more than just boiling water.

Victoria: Oh, you’ve mastered it, for sure.

Cole: Hmm. Well, I could teach you.

Victoria: Mm-mmm. No, I know you could, but I prefer you serving me, actually.

Claire: You two are adorable.

Cole: All right, okay. On another subject. I was hoping that we could have dinner tonight. The three of us. My treat.

Claire: I would love that, but you two are going to have to go without me.

Victoria: Okay. Enough with this whole matchmaking thing.

Claire: That isn’t it. I have other plans.

Victoria: Oh, well, I’m– I’m so happy that you’re making friends. You going to have another girls’ night with Mariah? Is Tessa going to join you this time?

Claire: Actually, it’s with Kyle.

Audra: Hello.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. Look at the two of you. By now, I thought you might have strangled each other, but that obviously is not the case.

Audra: Well, thank you for meeting us, Victor. Uh, we wanted to tell you we’ve smoothed out our differences.

Kyle: And how excited we are to be working with each other.

Victor: I’m so glad to hear that. Please have a seat. You know, I somehow felt that you would reach common ground.

Kyle: Your pitch was persuasive.

Victor: Thank you. Are you all right with leaving Jabot?

Kyle: It’s done. I’m out completely.

Victor: Huh. Welcome.

Audra: Well, we are ready to move full speed ahead. The first step is a press release announcing Glissade’s new leadership team.

Kyle: And how we will be presenting ourselves as the next big thing in the industry, highlighting my experience at Jabot.

Audra: Yeah, we’ll work on that language. Uh, for now, we wanted to see how you wanted us to position your role.

Victor: I want you to keep my name out of it. The mystery investor will remain a mystery.

Victoria: Is this a date?

Cole: I mean, I haven’t even had a drink with this young man yet. Sussed out his intentions.

Claire: Don’t you start.

Cole: Only seems fair to me. I mean, you’ve been giving it to us here.

Claire: It’s not a date. And the topic is going to be Harrison. I– I overheard a heated conversation between Kyle and Summer earlier. I heard lawyers mentioned. So, Kyle suggested we talk about it at dinner.

Victoria: Are you sure you should be going?

Claire: Why wouldn’t I?

Victoria: Because Kyle is technically your boss. And so is Summer. I mean, what if he is trying to win you over to his side of some argument? You should not get in the middle of some conflict between Harrison’s parents. Especially if it’s some legal battle.

Claire: I think you’re overreacting. If anything, he wants a friendly ear.

Victoria: Well, I don’t like it.

Claire: Well, I’m not worried. And you shouldn’t be either. I should go. I have an errand that I want to run first, and I don’t want to be late. You two have a lovely dinner without me.

Cole: Hmm. So, let me guess. You’re going to worry.

Victoria: Oh, absolutely.

Kyle: Victor, I… I hope you don’t mind me asking a question.

Victor: No, go ahead.

Kyle: Why invest so much money into Glissade if you want to remain anonymous? Newman Enterprises used to be quite the player at one point in time. Even rivaled Jabot. I think we should play that up in the press. Why wouldn’t we?

Audra: Well, I think it’s Victor’s prerogative if he wants to be named or not.

Kyle: Well, I just don’t understand the secrecy. Unless, there’s a reason you don’t want your involvement.

Victor: Well, Kyle, there’s nothing nefarious about my decision. All I want to happen is that Glissade succeeds on its own merits. And yours.

Kyle: I’m sorry. I’m– I’m just having a difficult time believing this is just a selfless gesture.

Nikki: I haven’t replaced you yet, not that you are replaceable.

Jack: Nikki, this is an important part of your recovery. You know that. I am sorry I left you in the lurch here.

Nikki: No, you didn’t, Jack. I’ve just been busy focusing on my outpatient treatment, and I decided to wait until that was over, because it can be pretty intense. But I see it as serving the role of a sponsor.

Jack: Okay, I can see that. But if it is that strenuous, a sponsor could offer a lot of support.

Nikki: I know. I know. And don’t worry. I will do it. Soon. I’m feeling so well that, uh, I’m ready to go back to Newman Media.

Jack: Hey, that is great. Work has always given you purpose and focus, and that kind of accomplishment can be empowering.

Nikki: Thank you.

Jack: For what?

Nikki: Understanding that about me.

Jack: You and I know each other pretty well.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Well, Victor is fighting me on it. Even though I told him I would ease my way in and share my responsibilities, he is digging in. But I know, I know. It’s only out of concern and love.

Jack: He does have a powerful need to protect you.

Nikki: He insists that he knows what I need better than I do. It’s infuriating. It– it’s exhausting. I want to go back to work.

Jack: Well, hopefully, Victor will come around soon.

Nikki: Ever the diplomat. Look, I hope things have calmed down between you and Diane. I still feel guilty that I’m the reason that you jeopardized your life and your marriage.

Diane: What are you saying? You think Kyle’s going to work for Victor Newman?

Michael: I don’t know if that’s exactly it. It’s, like I said, the– the timing. I just think there’s a connection between all this.

Diane: All what?

Michael: Remember how you witnessed Victor firing me?

Diane: Oh, that’s hard to forget.

Michael: Hmm.

Diane: Mmm.

Michael: Well, in order to get back into his good graces, he gave me sort of a loyalty test. I was supposed to rekindle my friendship with you.

Diane: Excuse me?

Michael: Yeah! I had the same reaction.

Diane: Yeah, but why would he do that? How does our friendship benefit Victor?

Michael: I don’t know.

Diane: Okay, hang on a second. So, that’s why you invited me for coffee? You’re sitting there pretending to be my friend when what you’re really doing is pumping me for information for Victor?

Michael: If I didn’t think of you as a true and trustworthy friend, why would I be telling you all this?

Diane: Well, I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe it’s part of your strategy. Maybe the two of you staged that whole firing in front of me so that I would feel sorry for you, and now you’re pretending to confide in me, when what you’re really doing is helping your boss plan some kind of attack on me.

Michael: Attack?

Diane: Yeah.

Michael: I would never do that to you.

Diane: Well, I don’t know if I believe you. Victor’s manipulations are legendary, and for some reason, the man inspires loyalty in you.

Michael: Please, please just listen to me? I don’t– Listen! I don’t think you’re the target.

Diane: Well, I’m sure Victor doesn’t want you to befriend me because I’m lonely. He clearly has an agenda.

Michael: You think? Of course, he does. After he asked me to do this, he asked Cole to cozy up to Kyle. Now, think about it. Why? Why would he do that?

Diane: Um, okay, so maybe it’s because Claire is Harrison’s nanny, and he doesn’t trust the Abbotts, so he wants Cole to be pals with Kyle, so that it’s some sort of extra security for Claire under the evil Abbott roof.

Michael: No. I’ve known Victor a long time. I know the way he thinks. It’s bigger. It’s bigger than that.

Diane: So, what is it?

Michael: What’s the common denominator between you and Kyle?

Diane: Of course. This has to do with Jack.

Jack: You are not responsible for any tension in my marriage. That’s on me. I’m the one who chose to take the pills that night.

Nikki: Because you were trying to help me.

Jack: Yes, but I think you’ll agree, I went a step too far. And frankly, it was Diane’s fear of my actions that made me see that clearly.

Nikki: So, she was angry.

Jack: She was furious.

[ Nikki sighing ]

Nikki: The things that happened that night are still causing trouble for you, and I hate that. Jack, be honest with me. Diane is the reason why you decided not to continue as my sponsor.

Jack: Her fear may have been a factor, but don’t blame her for this. It was my choice.

Nikki: Well, as much as I would like to, I can’t hold it against her.

Jack: Stop blaming yourself, too. Look, we have worked our way through this.

Nikki: You have, really?

Jack: I swear. We are on the other side of that particular conflict.

Nikki: So, there’s another one.

Jack: The tension between Diane and Kyle hit a breaking point today.

Nikki: That’s what’s been weighing on you.

Jack: It is tearing me apart.

Nikki: Talk to me, Jack. Let me be there for you the way you have been here for me.

Audra: Victor’s investment is a big vote of confidence in the company and us.

Kyle: It would be, if he wasn’t remaining anonymous.

Audra: Leave it.

Victor: Audra, that’s all right. I actually respect Kyle’s suspicion, and his skepticism. Indicative of an active mind.

Kyle: Thank you.

Victor: But my decision stands, and I want you to now redirect your active mind to the business at hand, okay? I expect great things from both of you.

Kyle: Thank you, Victor.

Audra: Thank you.

Kyle: Bye.

Audra: Here’s a helpful career tip. Don’t disrespect the person signing your paychecks. Or are you trying to insult your way out of a job?

Kyle: Oh, I’m not going anywhere. Victor and I go way back. You heard him. He admires someone who looks at all the angles.

Audra: Yeah, apparently not enough to answer all your obnoxious questions.

Kyle: What? You’re telling me you’re not at least suspicious of his motives.

Audra: The– the why doesn’t matter. He made it possible for me to take Glissade from Tucker. I don’t see why you can’t let it go.

Kyle: Oh, I don’t know. A gut feeling? Come on, Audra. He purchased a cosmetics company that, if we succeed, will rival Jabot. Then he lured me away from that family company and made me co-CEO.

Audra: Well, it didn’t take a lot of luring. Sounded like you were ready to jump ship.

Kyle: Yes, because there has been a lot of behind-the-scenes drama that has made me dissatisfied. You’ve known this.

Audra: I’ve known about you pretending it existed to double-cross Tucker.

Kyle: And now it’s all real, and Victor’s taking advantage of it. But there’s no way he could have known about how I felt before he gave me the job offer. That’s what bothers me. He came to me out of the blue, said that I should have the top spot over my mom. He was working me. I didn’t bite. I didn’t agree with him. Not at first.

Audra: Doesn’t mean he doesn’t sense your real feelings. He’s savvy. Good at reading people.

Kyle: Yeah, so am I. Which is why I think this job offer has very little to do with Victor’s great confidence in me. No, no, this is about Victor versus my father. He… He is up to something.

Audra: And what if he is? Is that a deal-breaker? Are you going to go running back to play third fiddle at your family’s company again?

Kyle: All I want is Glissade to be a success. If that is a blow against Jabot, all the better.

Diane: Victor’s hatred of Jack is epic. I should know. I was wounded in many of their battles. But is this really war again?

Michael: Please, I’ve never bought any of their declarations of peace. They were tenuous at best. And now, these two seemingly innocuous requests of Cole and me to befriend you and Kyle. I– I can’t stop spinning scenarios in my head. And none of them are good.

Diane: Well, Victor was furious with Jack when he, you know, overdosed, took pills, to try and help Nikki. He said it was stupid, it was dangerous, and that Jack would regret it.

Michael: Yeah, and he didn’t waste any time riling you up about it, from what you told me about that conversation I walked in on.

Diane: Yeah, it was right before you were fired. Victor made a big point of sitting down and– and telling me how Jack’s actions were a massive betrayal of me.

Michael: He was trying to stir up trouble between you and Jack.

Jack: Ever since I made Diane my co-CEO, and moved Kyle to the Chief Operating Officer spot, the conflict between them has grown.

Nikki: Kyle hasn’t liked taking orders from his mother.

Jack: No, more like he’s telling the whole world that he is the better person for her job, including Diane.

Nikki: Hmm. She didn’t take that well.

Jack: No, not well at all. She tries to talk to him, that only makes matters worse. He denies it, claims she’s overreacting, being too sensitive. He’s only doing his job.

Nikki: Well, is he?

Jack: He’s overreached. He definitely has. And a few too many times, and Diane felt she had no choice but to fire him.

Nikki: Oh, my God. How did he take that?

Jack: Not well. I’ve stayed out of it, hoping the two of them could work things out, and now I regret that. If I’d only somehow intervened, maybe we could stop things from escalating this far.

Nikki: Jack, it is not your fault. I doubt you could have changed the outcome. Maybe it was just a momentary flare-up, and they’ll come around.

Jack: I’m not so sure. Kyle may have found a new job.

Nikki: What? Where?

Jack: He won’t say.

Kyle: Here I invite you to dinner and I’m late.

Claire: Oh, so rude. No. I’ve only been here for like two minutes.

Kyle: Still, I apologize.

Claire: No need. Busy day?

Kyle: To say the least.

Claire: Well, I know you said you wanted to fill me in on what was going on between you and Summer, but I get the feeling you’d rather forget about today.

Kyle: Well, tempting as it is, I think I need to process it. Things got even more complicated after I saw you.

Claire: Happy to listen.

Kyle: Well, first, I think I need to fill you in on what you walked in on between Summer and me. She wants to revisit our custody arrangement.

Claire: It’s because of me, isn’t it?

Kyle: Uh, I suppose that’s part of it. She’s not, um, getting used to you being Harrison’s nanny as quickly as I thought she would.

Claire: Am I being fired?

Kyle: What? No, no, of course not. Harrison adores you. Summer accepts and acknowledges that. She appreciates it.

Claire: Thank goodness.

Kyle: I think there’s something else at play here. Summer doesn’t like a business move I’m making,

Claire: Mmm, why would Summer care about that?

Kyle: I need you to keep this quiet for now.

Claire: I won’t tell a soul.

Kyle: Summer doesn’t like who I’m going into business with. A woman named Audra Charles.

Claire: Audra? I know Audra from my time at Newman Media when I was Nikki’s assistant.

Kyle: Huh.

Claire: She’s a powerhouse. I got the sense that she didn’t trust me, but she had good reason.

Kyle: Well, she doesn’t trust me either.

Claire: But she hired you?

Kyle: Well, she runs a cosmetics company, and I know the industry.

Claire: And why would that bother Summer?

Kyle: Audra and I worked together before, and we have a tumultuous history.

Claire: So, why would you leave your good job Jabot to work together again?

Kyle: I was fired by my mother.

Claire: Well, now this all makes a little bit more sense.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Claire: Can I give you some unsolicited advice?

Kyle: Sure.

Claire: Revenge is never worth it.

Cole: You’re awfully quiet.

Victoria: Sorry, I just– I can’t shake this worry that I have about Claire.

Cole: Well, I know you have concerns about her having dinner with Kyle, but she assured you that it’s all right. And she was so excited and upbeat.

Victoria: Yeah, but that’s what I’m worried about. I just don’t want her getting caught in the middle of something messy.

Cole: It’s just a meal.

Victoria: Yeah, but what is Kyle’s agenda? She said that Summer mentioned lawyers. I mean, clearly there is some kind of conflict between the two of them. And if it’s about Harrison, what if Kyle is trying to get Claire on his side?

Cole: That’s a lot of assumptions.

Victoria: Well, I have been in divorces and– and custody battles, and– and it can get very ugly. And– Summer, she’s– she’s never trusted Claire. She never wanted her to be Harrison’s nanny in the first place. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see this ending well.

Cole: Vic, it’s just– it’s just none of our business.

Victoria: It is! It is our business when Claire might be caught in the middle of all of it.

Cole: Okay, okay. All right.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I– I know I’m worrying about the what-ifs. I get that, but this is all so new to Claire, and I feel like it’s my job to look out for her.

Cole: You’re doing a great job. I mean, look at how far she’s come.

Victoria: Mm. Yeah, well, a big part of that is due to you.

[ Cole sighing ]

Cole: It’s the great joy of my life to see her so happy.

Victoria: Yes, I want– I want her to stay that way.

Cole: Well– Vic, Vic, listen, honey. We have got to let her make her own choices.

Victoria: Yes, I know that, but we also– We have to at least try to undo some of the damage that Jordan did raising her. That witch was nothing but… revengeful, and– and she taught her nothing but manipulation. And we need to show her that there’s another life, and try to steer her away from conflict.

Cole: You’re right, about all of that. But there’s also a part of that that’s leading by example.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I don’t follow.

Cole: To teach her to enjoy the here and the now, and no more of the spinning these worst-case scenarios.

Victoria: Are you saying that’s what I’m doing?

Cole: Did you see how happy she was when she walked out that door?

[ Victoria sighing ]

Victoria: Yes, but I–

Cole: Okay, I think for tonight, that we let her have dinner with a friend, free of any worries or strife.

Kyle: Taking this job with Audra, it isn’t about payback.

Claire: So, you have no feelings about your mother firing you?

Kyle: Oh, no, I have plenty. Uh, relief, excitement, hope. I– it’s the best thing that could have happened. I mean, things with my mom were becoming untenable. I was ready to quit.

Claire: But she beat you to it?

Kyle: I rescued a deal for the company that she was about to botch. Her ego was hurt, so she handed me my walking papers.

Claire: And what about your father? Doesn’t he have the last word?

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm. He backed her up.

Claire: Ouch.

Kyle: Mm.

Claire: That’s gotta hurt.

Kyle: No, it– it was the best thing that could have happened. I mean, I can leave the family company without any guilt. I can put all that frustration behind me and now I can show the world what I can do. I– I’m free to show what Kyle Abbott can achieve when he’s not being held back by good old mom and dad.

Claire: I’m glad that you seem so happy about it.

Kyle: I am. You know, I– I– I want to toast to my new freedom. I– I want to turn this dinner into a celebration, uh… to my day of liberation.

[ Claire laughing ]

Michael: So, did Victor’s tactics work?

[ Diane laughing ]

Diane: Well, I knew he was pushing my buttons. But like I told you then, I was as upset with Jack as he was. Maybe even more so. I mean, Victor and Jack are sworn enemies, but Jack is my husband. I expected better of him. And as much as I hate to admit it, Victor’s right. I– I did feel betrayed by the risk Jack took for Nikki.

Michael: So he did. He did. He stirred up trouble between you and Jack.

Diane: No, because I knew Victor was goading me. I didn’t run home and start a fight about it.

Michael: No, but it did get under your skin.

Diane: All right, well, there hasn’t been any more problems about that. I think that knowing that Jack’s not Nikki’s sponsor any more has helped.

Michael: So, it hasn’t caused any lingering issues between you two?

Diane: Why are you pushing me on this?

Michael: Because if this is Victor’s new mind game, I’m trying to see if it’s working.

Diane: Well, Michael, you even warned me yourself about Jack and Nikki’s incredible bond. But no, there hasn’t been any more tension on that front.

Michael: Then fine, so things are still solid between you and Jack. That’s a relief.

Diane: Why are you telling me all this, anyway? If– if Victor’s really planning all this, then you’re betraying his trust. I mean, I thought the whole point of befriending me was to prove your loyalty to him.

Michael: Because I get the sense that I might have to step in and protect Victor from himself.

[ Diane chuckling ]

Diane: How noble of you.

Michael: And more importantly, I care about you, Diane. You’re my friend. And I don’t want to see you trapped in another Victor-Jack war. You’ve turned your life around. You don’t need Victor to implode it now.

Victor: Thank you.

Diane: Oh. Oh, by all means, Victor. Join us.

Victor: So, I understand your son Kyle is leaving Jabot?

Diane: Oh, listening to idle gossip? How unbecoming.

Victor: Well, I gotta tell you that I’m not surprised, because every time I’ve run into him in the past, he seems to complain about being constrained by his parents.

Diane: You know, Victor, why don’t you find someone else to aim your insults at today?

Michael: Yes, Victor. Diane’s not looking for a fight.

Victor: I’m not fighting, I’m just making an observation, you know? Yeah. I’m not blaming you for his dissatisfaction, I blame Jack.

Diane: Well, I’m probably going to regret this, but how do you figure that?

Victor: You know, he made the egregious mistake of appointing you as co-CEO of Jabot. You certainly weren’t qualified, were you? By doing so, he demoted his own son, therefore causing a lot of upset and dissatisfaction. And you are hardly qualified to fill that position, are you?

Diane: Wow, I do regret that. Um, my promotion was not just Jack’s decision. Kyle was very much a part of the discussion. But you know what? Your rumor sources are correct. Kyle is leaving Jabot, and I heard that he might already have another job.

Victor: Hm.

Diane: Hm.

Victor: Well, I’m sorry that he’s leaving you. Let me ask you something. When will you run out of excuses for Jack Abbott?

Diane: Well, let me ask you something. When are you going to explain yourself? Because I know that you hate me as much as you hate Jack, and yet lately you’re trying to protect me. So, what are you up to?

Nikki: Why would Kyle be secretive about his new position? You’re going to find out about it anyway.

Jack: That’s the worst part of it. Kyle is so bitter, it’s like he’s holding back information just to punish Diane and me.

Nikki: Well, he might be mad at her, but he worships you.

Jack: Well, he may have at one time, but not right now, and I hate it. We live in the same house, we are family first and foremost, far more important than anything that happens at the office.

Nikki: And you will find a way to remind him of that. He just needs time to cool off.

Jack: God, the look in his eye when I backed Diane and her decision, it cut right through me.

Nikki: So you agreed with her that he needed to be fired?

Jack: No, in the moment, I understood he pushed her to that decision, but now I’m wondering what it’s going to cost us. I mean, it’s one thing to lose a COO, it’s quite another when your son decides to cut you out of his personal life.

Nikki: Jack, I can see that you’re hurting. You will find a way to bring your family together, I know it. That’s who you are.

Kyle: To a new chapter.

Claire: I’ve never really had champagne like this before.

Kyle: Oh, you mean this expensive? It’s definitely a different experience than the cheap stuff.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: No, I mean, I don’t really drink alcohol.

Kyle: Wait, you’re kidding. I could have sworn I’ve seen you with a drink.

Claire: You’ve seen me with the seltzer and lime. Sometimes, I order a glass of wine to fit in.

Kyle: What about margarita night with Mariah?

Claire: Sometimes, I take a few sips so that no one feels weird. Mariah went through all that effort. I didn’t want her to feel awkward or like she was drinking alone. But you’d be amazed, people don’t really seem to notice if you don’t make a big deal about it. And here I am making a big deal about it. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put a damper on your celebration.

Kyle: No, no, no, no, I had no idea you were sober.

Claire: Oh, no, it’s– it’s not like that, it’s just… Jordan forbade it. She said it clouds your judgment, so I never developed a habit or– or a taste for it.

Kyle: Well, let’s get you a mocktail to toast with.

Claire: Well, hang on there, just a second. I’m actually quite curious. Champagne always seemed so elegant to me, like something that fun and carefree people always have in the fridge, ready to pop open with any excuse.

Kyle: Mm, I don’t want to corrupt you.

Claire: Well, I can take a sip. To toast. To new chapters.

Kyle: For both of us. Hm?

Claire: Mm!

Kyle: Hm. Hm.

[ Kyle laughing ]

Claire: Bubbly.

Kyle: Nice try, but that is not a face that says carefree and fun.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: I guess I’ll have to stick to my usual.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. One seltzer and lime, coming up.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Victor: But you’re quite right, I do not like you. But my loathing of your husband supersedes that. Hope you both end up desperate, and alone and miserable. And I’m sure I won’t have to lift a finger to make that happen. You do it all on your own.

Diane: Wow. There’s the Victor that I know so well.

Victor: Mmm.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Michael, kindly follow me to the ranch. Some business to discuss.

Michael: I thought I was fired.

Victor: I’ll see you at the ranch.

[ Diane scoffing ]

[ Michael scoffing ].

Michael: I admire your fortitude for sitting through all that hot mess without exploding. And thank you for not throwing me under the bus by revealing what I told you.

Diane: Well, I wouldn’t have done that to you. And I doubt it would have helped get a straight answer out of him anyway.

[ Michael chuckling ]

Michael: The man remains a mystery.

[ Diane laughing ]

Diane: I think you like the challenge of figuring him out. And I hope you do. Because I’m convinced you’re right. He’s after Jack. But how? What is his plan of attack?

Michael: Well, by the way he’s prodding you, he’s definitely ramping up against Jack. But how and when the attack will happen, only Victor knows for sure.

Diane: All right, follow him to the ranch and see what you can find out. I need to tell Jack about this so we can get ahead of it, before it’s too late.

Kyle: Oh, thank you for joining me. I had a good time. Talking to you made the stress of today disappear.

Claire: Are you sure that wasn’t the champagne?

Kyle: That may have played a part, given that I had to drink most of the bottle.

Claire: Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you with that.

Kyle: We should do this again. Find you a perfect signature mocktail.

Claire: Something that says fun and elegant and carefree?

Kyle: I don’t think you need a drink to say that. It’s who you are.

Claire: I’d like to do this again sometime.

Kyle: Yeah, me too.

Claire: Bye.

Kyle: Bye.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Cole: Well, you’re being just a little obvious.

Victoria: What? I thought I heard something, that’s all.

Cole: Ah, you’re watching for Claire to come home from dinner.

Victoria: Look, I know it’s silly. I know she’s a grown woman, but I can’t help it. We– we weren’t there for her teenage years. We didn’t get to be there for her first date.

Cole: Are you going to pounce on her the moment she walks through the door?

Victoria: Yes, I am. And I don’t care what you say. I — I want all the details. I want her to recount the whole evening. I’m a mother. It’s my prerogative to be overprotective.

Cole: Well, I’m not going to try to talk you out of it anymore because I think it’s sweet. And if you’re going to continue to be the worried mom, I am going to be the reassuring dad.

Victoria: Okay, then. You can tell me what I want to hear.

Cole: Our daughter is safe, and she’s happy, and she’s going to stay that way.

[ Cole chuckling ]

Diane: Oh, good. I’m glad you’re home. I have some news.

Jack: Please tell me you worked things out with Kyle.

Diane: No, no, no. But I was having an interesting conversation with Michael Baldwin. And Victor showed up and started talking about Kyle leaving Jabot.

Jack: But how would he know that already?

Diane: That’s exactly my question. Jack, I think Victor’s up to something. And Michael thinks that Kyle’s job prospect has something to do with Newman Enterprises.

[ door opening ]

Jack: Kyle would not dare to… Hey! What are you up to with Victor Newman?

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GH Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Hi. Thanks for coming by so quickly. Well, your tone was rather…demanding when you summoned me. What’s wrong? [ Exhales heavily ] My daughter. You have many daughters. You’ve got to be more specific. Avery. Has something happened to her? She’s not hurt, is she? Not yet. My daughter is not safe with Ava, and I want Avery with me. Put him on.

I don’t care if he’s busy. Put him on the phone now! Or I will see to it that you don’t have a job by the morning! Thank you.

I need to see you. And obviously I can’t come there, or someone might see me and associate me with the story on Natalia, so you have to come here to my room. Just to take the elevator up to the pool level and take the stairs the rest of the way. Yeah, yeah. The stairs. You can handle it. We can’t risk anybody seeing you come to my door! Y-You got it? [ Exhales sharply ] Good. And hurry up about it! Okay, I have narrowed down the list of people to fill in for me at the center while I’m on maternity leave. Okay. These are the top five. Can you take a look, let me know what you think? Okay, honey, but I don’t know what I’m gonna see that you haven’t seen. I’m sure whoever you picked is gonna do a great job. Honey… [ Sighs ] But they’re… I knew there’d be a “but.” I’m not that concerned about the center right now. I’m concerned about you.

[ Cellphone dings ] Oh…my God! [ Devices beeping ] [ Chuckles ] Wow! Oh — Okay. It looks like all of us have our phones set for Deception’s news fee– This is a-amazing. Maybe it means our stock prices are sky-high. Lois: Oh, I-I bet you’re right. I bet you Blaze’s fans are ditching Fenty for Deception in droves right now! Girls, I bill by the hour, so if you want to look at your phones… or do you want to talk contracts? The contract is irrelevant! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Blaze, why don’t you and I go into the conference room and talk in private? Why? What’s going on? I’ll tell you what’s going on! The Invader has posted a recording that at least a dozen other sites have picked up. A recording of what? [ Sighs and chuckles ] Your mother. You know, for someone so overly cautious about media exposure, you really need to learn a lesson about a hot mic. What are you talking about? If you people have started some sort of a media disaster, then tell me what’s going on. Oh, there’s a disaster, alright, but we’re not the ones that caused it.

Come in, come in! DeWitt: [Breathlessly] Water! [ DeWitt breathing heavily ] Did anybody see you? Water! Just give me some answers. No. The coast was clear. Alright. Good. Which was lucky because anyone I encountered would have definitely recognized me. But Mommy Dearest’s big exposé has spiked The Invader’s web traffic through the roof and made me Port Charles’ most sought-after talking head. I’m already booked on TMZ, and Andy Cohen wants me to bartend. Don’t you have anything without bubbles? You listen to me. I don’t care how many interviews you do or how you exploit this to raise your own personal profile. Just keep my name out of it! I took great care to edit myself out of that conversation. I don’t want the blowback should anybody figure out I was the person that Natalia was talking to. I was a successful society columnist for many years, and the first thing you learn is always protect your sources. Now, I know how to keep your secret. Glad to hear it. And besides… you’re not the story. Natalia is. All anyone cares about is what she said, not who she said it to. You agreed to joint custody with Avery’s mother. Yeah, well, I don’t agree anymore. I want sole custody. I-I don’t even want Ava to have visitation. She’s a snake, and my daughter shouldn’t be around her. [Chuckling] Okay. Yes, Ava’s a horrible person. But what else is new? Exactly. No, no. No. What I mean is, everyone already knows about Ava’s history, including her stint in prison. What’s important here is, has she committed any new crimes that we can prove? Because I can make a case to change custody if Ava has harmed Avery or endangered her in any way. Breathing the same air. Isn’t — Isn’t that… [ Both chuckling ] Hmm. Would that it were. No. Sonny, the court takes the parent/child relationships very seriously. In order to get you sole custody, we have to prove that Ava is not simply unfit to raise Avery, but that she is more unfit than you. Because — trust me — for every reason that we give as to why Ava is corrupting Avery, she’ll throw one right back at you. Sounds like you’re already prepared to lose. No. My job is not only to plead your case, but to provide you counsel. And I think you need to know the steep hill that you are about to climb, not to mention what happens if we take this to court. What’s that? Avery’s not a baby anymore. Okay. If she sees you trying to take her mother away from her, that might permanently alter her relationship with you. Are you willing to risk that? Well, I’d rather her hate her father than become her mother. Your call.

[ Beep ] Get dates and other details for a family-court proced– [Phone beeps] What’s the problem? Well, it’s a big one. Do you, um — You mind if I make a phone call?

You’re in the homestretch of your pregnancy, and this last part is gonna be challenging physically and emotionally. It could be daunting. It could be scary. And I love you. And I just want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. I do know that, but it never hurts to hear it. Thank you. I’m lucky I have Allie, too. She’s been amazing. I’m happy for you. [ Cellphone rings ] Excuse me one second. [ Cellphone rings ] Hello? I just saw The Invader’s news alert. What on earth are you doing?! I’m here with Kristina. We’re celebrating because I quit my job at The Invader. Tabloid life is behind me. Um, and I-I don’t know anything about any news alerts. Unless it’s — it’s a picture of my face on a dartboard that they’re running.

[Whispering] Alexis is with Kristina. No, it’s not about you, but it’s bad. You need to go to The Invader’s website now. What am I looking for? Believe me. You’ll know it when you see it. And make sure you turn the audio up. And tell Kristina I’m sorry. Okay.

Huh. What’s going on, Mom? Is everything okay? It’s an article about Natalia. I have it on audio. I’m gonna push play. [ Beep ] Natalia: Well, they’re not really a “normal” couple. Are they? Kristina’s pregnant with her sister’s baby. She’s holding hands with Alison out in public. I was scared to death that somebody’s gonna take a picture and sell it to the tabloids because my daughter’s career is just taking off. It’s gonna be such a scandal. I’m not a prude. Whatever people do behind closed doors, that’s their own business. I just feel like gay people or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days, they’re flighty. They’re just not very serious about life. It just seems like Kristina and Alison just think, “Wouldn’t it be so fun to have a baby? As long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.” I do try to stay open-minded. But if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then so be it. Well, don’t hold back, Mom. Tell us how you really feel! Natalia: I do try to stay open-minded. But if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then so be it. Turn it off. I’ve heard enough. I get the gist. Are you okay? No, I’m not okay. I am so mad. My blood is boiling. I can’t imagine how you feel. I mean, I’m gonna be fine. I’m not the one who was just outed and discriminated against by my own mother for — for the whole public to hear. I’m angry, obviously, but I’m gonna be fine. Is there any word from Blaze? No. Nothing. And usually we text constantly. Well, maybe she hasn’t seen it yet. I doubt that. Deception PR probably reached out to her immediately, and I’m sure they’re locked in a room together, strategizing a response. Do you want to go talk to her? No. Allie doesn’t need me to swoop in. She’ll call me when she can. I honestly don’t understand how any mother can talk about her daughter that way. I know. You don’t. And that’s why I’m so grateful. I just realized… Forget about me taking a maternity leave from the center. After this, they’re not even gonna let me in the front doors. [ Beeping ] Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! My phone is blowing up! [ Gasps ] Do you want to join me and celebrate? Listen to me, you little worm. Forget you know me. When I say my name is not to cross your lips, that means not anytime and not to anyone. Especially not Nina. Ooh! Sounds like there’s a story there. Care to dish? Ask me that again, and I’ll see to it that you are typing with your toes from now on! And don’t think I won’t do it. Men have killed on my behalf for a lot less. So just stick to our agreement. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you and I have never met, we’ve never even spoken. I already told you — And take down the recording! Okay? By now, it’s had the desired effect. There’s no reason to have it posted online anymore. Are you crazy? I can’t do that. Taking it down would just draw more attention to it. People would be asking why it disappeared and all sorts of other questions, questions to which every answer is “Ava Jerome.” Exactly what you don’t want. And, besides, the wire services have already picked up the story. It’s everywhere. There’s no going back now. I-I don’t — I don’t know what that was, but — I-It’s not like it sounds. It — Really? Are you denying it was your voice on the recording? I’m not denying that. It obviously was me, but — Alright. Alright. She said it. The tape is real. Deception has a PR mess right now. Do you — Do you have any crisis-management people on retainer? -Um, we did. -Oh. Uh, but we let them go when we needed to save money. -Lucy! -Well, that wasn’t a good idea. You know what? I had no idea that something like this would happen! Lucy, I know a guy. No! Everybody just stop talking, okay?! This is what’s gonna happen. Lucy, you’re gonna call our regular PR team and coordinate a response. Lois, text Brook Lynn, tell her to lock down all of our social-media accounts. No comments allowed. Scott, guard the door. From who? From Tracy! We’re all gonna need protection if our stocks take a nosedive! And you — you’re gonna tell me everything you know about that recording. Where did that interview even take place? There was no interview. There was — I’ve never spoken to a reporter ever on that topic. I don’t even remember saying those words or — or who I could have said them to. Because you say such vile, disgusting things so often? To so many people? Cannot believe it’s Natalia Ramirez. I didn’t realize that you knew her. Right. But, then, of course, you would. Yes. She’s Kristina’s girlfriend’s mother. Listen. You know, I knew she had a problem with her daughter being gay — Blaze. But I didn’t think she would spew that kind of garbage. Could it have been faked somehow? A.I.? Well, technically, it’s possible, but I doubt The Invader would have run such an inflammatory story without being able to authenticate it. Not to mention… [ Chuckles ] …they’re opening themselves up to a hell of a lawsuit. It doesn’t make sense. That Natalia is a homophobe and has a gay daughter? You’d be surprised how many times that happens… and how easily some people can hide their ugliness in polite company. Even if Natalia believes what she says, I thought she would be smart enough not to be talking to somebody who could be recording her. Sometimes people let their hatred get the better of them. Why did Alexis publish it? Alexis didn’t. What do you mean? Alexis quit The Invader this morning. The first she heard about any of this was when I called her. Well, whoever did this, you know, they hurt my daughter. And that means there’s a target on their back. arning right now very seriously. Even things that are said in the privacy of your own home, behind closed doors, run the risk of being exposed to the public. I know the dangers of being recorded. Good. Okay. Because it’s things like this, things that are said in anger, that will work against you in your custody fight for Avery. The court needs to see you as a reliable, stand-up parent that the court trusts. [ Cellphone chimes ]

How good of a parent would I be if I don’t do anything about this kind of garbage? Has something else happened? [ Stammers ] See for yourself. Activists on social media are calling on Kristina to resign from the LGBTQ center that she… that she founded. They don’t think that she should be running the outreach because she’s dating somebody in the closet. They think that Kristina — [Scoffs] has too much “internalized homophobia” to be trusted. Well, I’m sorry, but that’s — That far from describes Kristina. But, boy, people love to get worked up over things they know nothing about.

Don’t jump to the worst case scenario. That center exists because of you, and you will be able to work this out. I don’t know. You heard the tape. Natalia was saying such ugly things about gay people. It was appalling. Appalling. Worse is she robbed Blaze of her chance to come out on her own terms. And now everybody knows. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something that we can do about this. What? No, no. Mom, no. No, I’m not gonna interfere between Blaze and her mother. I’ll let Blaze handle that. But I am going after the person who made that recording public. I didn’t set out to hurt Kristina or Blaze. Or me. But if you just keep your mouth shut, I will have plausible deniability. And if anybody comes poking around asking for the identity of the person who provided you with the recording — It came to The Invader via its anonymous tip line. That’s right. It did. Now go. Get out of here. Hey! Have you — Have you learned nothing?

-Go. -Okay. Okay. Okay.

I have been going over it and over it in my head, and I have no memory of ever saying any of those words to anyone. I’m just — I-I’m wondering. Maybe my phone was tapped. It doesn’t sound like it was over a bad connection. It sounds like it was in person, but… I don’t think that’s the real issue here. [ Chuckles ] You are so right. It’s not about how or why. It’s about… what the hell are we gonna do now? I know you need to respond because I’m the “Face of Deception,” but, to me, this is so much more. This will impact my music career. You’re right. Yeah. No. You’re right. So, um, Alison and I will put together a joint statement that we can release to some friendly outlets. Absolutely not. Why would I ever want to publicly associate with you after the whole world has heard what my mom really thinks of me? Alison. [ Sighs ] Those weren’t specifically about you, those words on the tape. It was more just a — It was just a generalization, really. You mentioned both me and Kristina. But would it really matter if you left my name out of your bigoted stereotyping? Alison. Look — No. Tell us, Mom! Which gay people are disturbing and offensive to your delicate sensibilities? Does the sight of a drag queen on a Pride float make you angry? If the thought of Kristina and I holding hands in public makes you sick to your stomach, are we the problem or would any two women in love disgust you?! Oh, yeah. You’re real quiet now. You couldn’t shut up on the recording, but the minute you have to defend your homophobia, you have nothing to say?! I just think we should talk about this in private, please. Why? The whole world… has heard your words by now. You know, I should have known something like this was gonna happen eventually because this is the way you always talk about gay people. Dismissively. Pityingly. Reducing us to how we look and talk and who we love like we’re not real people to you! Myself included! You know, it really is ironic that the same person who locked poor Blaze in a closet is the same person who just outed her. Lucy, you are not helping. You know what? I am a victim here, too. [ Lucy scoffs ] Somebody has used me to try to damage my daughter’s career. Why are we not talking about that?! You haven’t heard a single thing I’ve said, have you? I let you convince me to portray the kind of straight person you thought my career needed, and now you and your words have destroyed it all! Along with any hope I have for a future and a life in music!

really sorry. Um… My daughter gets very emotional sometimes. I think she has a right to be. Blaze is very upset. Do you want to go after her? No. No. I don’t think it would, um, do any good because she’s not really in the frame of mind to continue that conversation right now, so… I mean, believe me, I know my daughter. Do you? Okay. Um, I have nothing more to contribute. I should go. No, I think you should stay. We might need legal advice. You know, you’re right. I-I think a lawyer probably should be here — as we finalize the very last addendum on Blaze’s… contract. What are you doing? You can’t — You can’t do that! My daughter is known everywhere as the “Face of Deception.” Stop it! If you do that, if you try to get rid of her, there’s gonna be such a backlash in the press — and in the courts. Actually, I — I think we’re well within our rights. This will change our relationship with Blaze.

Oh, hi. Hi. Didn’t you hear me knocking? Uh, sorry. I was just zoned out on my phone. The Invader article, I’m guessing. Yeah. I was hoping you hadn’t seen it yet. Although, then I would have had to have been the one to break the news to you. Uh, no. I’ve definitely seen it. These comments are just awful. The ones on Instagram are particularly brutal. Wow. Looks like I’m canceled. I think we both are. Oh! Uh, bring me a margarita pitcher and the guac trio — extra salty chips. And put it all on Nina Reeves’ tab. Right away, sir.

You’re in my sun. Better than being all up in your business, which I will be if you don’t agree to play ball. I had to harass your poor assistant until he cracked so that I could find out where you were. Note to self — fire assistant. Anything you want to discuss can wait until tomorrow. Now, you are intruding on my hard-earned afternoon off. Good. Because by posting that loathsome recording, you intruded on my daughter and her girlfriend. [ Chuckles ] Is that what’s snapping your brassiere? Hm-hm. Keep yukkin’ it up, DeWitt. ‘Cause it’ll just be more fun for me when I sue both you and The Invader into oblivion. Are you saying that my daughter is no longer good enough to be the “Face of Deception”? The — Her services are no longer needed since she’s been outed? And she can’t sell your fragrances because she’s gay? Uh, Maxie, could I have a word before you open yourself up to — I’m saying the exact opposite, actually. What Deception cannot afford is to have a face representing us who is ashamed to be gay. Lucy: That is so right. Deception has a very diverse clientele that we are proud of. YouTubers, TikTokers, makeup artists, influencers. A lot of whom are gay and have a very large social-media presence. What Deception cannot do is align itself with someone who is ashamed of her identity, an identity a lot of these people also share and are very proud of. Deception is a gay-friendly company, so you and Blaze needed to either get with the program or kick rocks. Lois: Look. Um, listen. [ Chuckles ] I think we’re all parents who love our kids, and this is a very difficult situation that’s evolving. It’s — It’s less about contracts, as it is about a mother and daughter trying to find their way back to each other, so maybe we can just — we could just be a little… careful with our hurtful words. I’m not being hurtful. I’m telling the truth. She is. And you have a point. We love Blaze, but we just can’t sacrifice Deception’s reputation for her. I agree with you 100%. We can’t do that. I’m just saying that maybe we could just put the contract negotiations aside. We can work on our PR response. That gives Natalia the chance to go after Blaze and try to make peace with her daughter. Right? So what do you say? My relationship… [ Clears throat ] …with my daughter is none of your business. Lucy: Whew! Any of your business. [ Lucy chuckles ] Excuse me. But when it comes to the contract… of Deception and my daughter, if any of you do anything to hurt her, you’re gonna have to deal with me.

I’m so sorry. [ Exhales heavily ] I read some of the posts on the way over here. People are saying horrible things about you and the center, and it’s all my fault. No. It’s not your fault, Allie. It’s your mother’s fault. Come on, Kristina. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if I had just been truthful about being gay. You — You did what you thought was best, Allie. No. I did what was easiest. I didn’t want to rock the boat with my mother, so I tried to have it both ways, and now it might have cost me everything. Including you. I know how much the center means to you. If… you can’t forgive the damage my mom and I have caused your life, I understand. We could go our separate ways. No hard feelings. But I — You don’t have to decide right now. I’ll — I’ll leave. Let you figure it out… Don’t you dare. You are not going anywhere. You haven’t caused any damage to my life. I was already planning on handing over the reins to the center. And, you know, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing that I’ve lost is the title of “undercover Girlfriend.” We’re already out. There’s nothing to hide anymore. Yeah, well, there also might be nothing left to salvage. What if I lose everything that I’ve worked so hard to make? Allie, that’s not gonna happen. Your career is not gonna suffer just because you’re gay. It’s not because I’m gay. It’s because I hid it. People hate liars, and I can’t blame them. Okay. You are breaking my heart. I can’t stand to see you beat yourself up over something that isn’t even your fault. I know it feels like everything is falling apart right now, and I get that, but it’s gonna be okay. Alright? We’re gonna be okay. We can — We can get through this. I have faith in us. Allie, you feel the same way, right? Hey. I’m sorry, Kristina. No, I don’t. Go ahead. Do your worst. [ Chuckles ] I mean, if your legal skills are anything on par with your ability to publish a newspaper, I think I’ll be just fine. Cute. Besides, I have the Bill of Rights on my side. No, you don’t. Even the Bill of Rights has limits, even to freedoms of speech and the press. I distinctly remember warning you about that, DeWitt. I told you to be very cautious how you deploy secret recordings. Secret?! Is Natalia Ramirez boo-hooing that she didn’t know she was being recorded? Oh, ho. Too bad. New York is a one-party consent state. [ Gasps ] Perhaps you should consult the legal books before your triumphant return to court. Perhaps you should seek counsel, because Nina is gonna cut that little tightrope that you walk on and send you plummeting to the ground when she finds out how exposed you’ve left The Invader… and Nina. Did you ever hear of “reasonable expectation of privacy”? Blaze is the “Face of Deception” and a famous singer. Public figures don’t get to claim privacy. True. Blaze is public. But her mother isn’t. See, you and The Invader have monetized and commercialized the name of a private citizen without her consent. I mean, that’s a pretty big softball you left hanging, waiting for me to just hit it right out of the park. It’s also a career killer. I think I’d like to consult my lawyer. Why? You have a lawyer right here. Me! In fact, I’ll just — I’ll just waive the whole retainer. Wait. I will just make the whole thing go away in exchange for one small thing. What do you want? I want the name of the person who supplied you with that recording. [ Breathing shakily ]

[ Beep ] Natalia: I just feel like gay people or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days, they’re flighty. They’re just not very serious about life. [ Beep ] [ Beep ] It just seems like Kristina and Alison just think, “Wouldn’t it be so fun to have a baby? As long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.” [ Beep ]

Who was I talking to? Why the hell would they record it and send it to the media?

Okay. Let’s brainstorm. Besides the press release, what is our next move? Okay, well, maybe I should cool it with my appearances. Okay? We don’t want the world mistakenly thinking t-that it’s business as usual at Deception while I’m out there slinging bronzer! No, we — we need you slingin’ because you are now the only “Face of Deception” we have left. Look, I think it’s important you to be out there even more to show people we aren’t hiding anything and we have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Yes. Lucy is — is right. We should deal with this Blaze thing head-on! Okay. You know what? This might not be popular, but I’m just gonna go right out and say it. You know, we can’t afford another stumble with Deception, so maybe we need to just put it out that we are completely not going to associate in our contract with Blaze right now. Just like you said. like you said. No, Lucy, I didn’t mean that part, okay? I only said it to prompt Natalia into sacrificing herself, but I seriously underestimated that woman’s self-absorption. Lois: I just don’t think we should be hasty, okay? Why can’t we just take a day to think about it? Because we don’t have time! We need to issue a statement immediately. We need to make sure that everyone knows that we do not agree with Natalia’s views. Otherwise, Deception could implode. We could be inundated with candlelight vigils and marches and — and we could be canceled on social media. What’s it gonna be, Maxie? Should I draw up a statement? Blaze in? Or is she out? I’m not saying I want us to break up. The thought of not being with you anymore… I just don’t see a way for us to move forward after this. Okay. Okay. Then I-I do. I-I will guide us both. That’s a huge responsibility, Kristina. I don’t care. I-I don’t care, Allie. You’re worth it. And I love you. I-I refuse to accept that — that your enormous talent and your huge heart won’t override every ugly thing that anyone will ever say about us. And it is not love that is making me say this to you right now, but it is love that will make me continue saying this to you over and over and over again until you believe it. We will talk again after you set up a strategy to get me sole custody of my daughter. I have a lot of research ahead of me. [ Door opens ] Sonny. I’ll be in touch.

[ Clears throat ] I can, uh, tell by the look on your face that you’ve heard the recording. Yeah. I have. Yeah. I know that, uh, you must be pretty upset by what you heard and that you, I’m sure, don’t have a very high opinion of me now. Pretty obvious, huh? I don’t blame you. I’m not gonna force my presence on you here, so I’ll be going, but first I just wanted you to know — I wanted you to hear where that recording came from. You were on the tape… Yes. …insulting your daughter a-and my daughter. Yes. Unfortunately, those are my words. Yes. Um… But they were to someone close to you… who secretly recorded it. Who? It actually took me a little while to remember who I even had that regrettable conversation with, but when I — [ Chuckles ] When I finally realized who it was… The person who edited out their part of that recording is the same person who supplied it to The Invader. Ava Jerome. My room service was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. Is there a problem? [ Knock on door ] Ah. There it is now. Thank you.

We need to have a conversation.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Roman told me about Chanel. Abe, I am so sorry. I brought these for Paulina.

Oh. That’s so kind of you, Kate.

So how is Chanel? How’s she doing?

She’s taking it pretty hard.

Yeah, of course she is. And Paulina?

She’s also taking it hard. You know, she’s–she’s heartbroken for her daughter, and…she blames herself for the miscarriage.

Well, why would she do that?

Well, I’m sure you know, when she rescued Chanel from Smith Island, she exposed her to radiation.

So she thinks that’s the reason that Chanel lost the baby?

She thinks it could be the reason. She’s at the hospital right now trying to– trying to find some answers. [soft tense music]


Oh, oh. Oh, hi.

Do you have a moment?

Yes, I do. Listen, I am so sorry that Chanel lost the baby.

Oh, thank you. Do you know if she’s been discharged yet?

No, I don’t. Last I heard, she was fine physically, resting comfortably.

Oh. That’s–that’s good. Oh.

Can I do anything to help?

You can tell me it wasn’t my fault.



How are you feeling? Any pain?

No, I’m–I’m fine. But I, uh– I just had this dream.

Yeah? Tell me.

I, uh–well, we were at our baby shower.


And I had this huge belly. And all our friends and family were there. And we were all so excited to meet our child. And there was Christmas decorations and lights, colorful everywhere. And there was presents, so many presents. And my mom got one of everything in pink and in blue because we didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl. [somber music] I was so happy, Johnny. And you were, too. And you, you had the biggest smile.


And then I– I woke up and… I realized that we would never, ever meet Noelle or Noel because… he or she is no longer with us. And we will never know if it was a boy or a girl. And we will never… hold him or her… in our arms, ever.



I heard the good news about your father. He was released from the hospital yesterday?

He was. And now Mom and I are doing our best to get him to take it easy.

Yeah. That’ll be a big job.

Oh, yeah, definitely. Ah, the man can’t sit still to save his life.

Yeah, yeah. I’m just–I’m glad he’s OK, and I’m glad he’s home.

Thanks. But I’m guessing you didn’t ask me here for an update on my dad.

No, you’re right about that.

Then this must be about Everett. Has he made any progress?

I’m afraid he hasn’t. Bobby is still in control. [tense music]

Morning, detective.

Steve. What are you doing here?

Well, you did say you needed to see me.

Yeah, I was gonna come to you.

Well, I saved you a trip. What’s up?

I’m sorry to do this, but I’m afraid I have to book you on a felony.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I assume this, uh, felony has something to do with me breaking Clyde Weston out of Statesville?

Are there any other felonies that I should be aware of?

Not that I can recall.

OK, before you say anything else–

I know the drill. You don’t have to Mirandize me because I waive my right to an attorney. I waive my right to remain silent. I’m just wondering why we’re doing this now. Justin was working on a deal for me. Did that fall through?

Well, a plea deal is still a possibility. But because you already confessed to a crime, I have no choice but to formally charge and book you.

Won’t be my first time posing for a mugshot.

All right, I know you’re acting all cool about this because you’re Steve “Patch” Johnson. But if your lawyer doesn’t find a way to get you out of this, you’re looking at up to five years in prison.

Kayla, I didn’t sleep a wink last night. It’s hard enough knowing that my girl is in so much pain. And when I think about how I– I may have caused that pain exposing her to radiation the way I did–

Paulina, miscarriages are more common than people think, and it could have been caused by any number of things.

That’s what Dr. Green told me, but he couldn’t–he– he couldn’t rule out the possibility that I did this. Now, Kayla, Chanel blames me. I blame myself. So I need to know. Now, is–is there any way to tell for certain what caused my daughter’s miscarriage?

I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up.

You were here all night. It’s OK for you to take a break.

No, no, I– I should have been here.

Well, you were getting me breakfast. A girl’s got to eat, right? Although I don’t have much of an appetite.

Well, you know what? At least, for me, try and drink some water, OK? You should stay hydrated.

And did you, uh–did you ever talk to Peyton Russo?

You know, I, uh– I left him a message last night, but I haven’t heard back from him.

Mm. Well, it’s– it’s still early in LA.

Yeah. But he’s probably on set and, uh, has much bigger things to deal with than me not showing up. [phone ringing] Or maybe not. Uh, it’s him.

Well, maybe he still, uh, wants you to– wants you to come out there and work on the film.

OK. Uh, Peyton? Hello.

I just feel so badly for Chanel and Johnny. I feel badly for all of you, Abe. So if there’s anything that I can do–

Oh. We’ll let you know. I just appreciate your company. Hey, can I get you a cup of coffee?

Um, that really depends, because if you’re still serving up that mud that you used to make both of us drink when we’re working late at City Hall, eh.

[chuckling] I am past all that now. I have an espresso machine in the kitchen, and Chanel has taught me how to make a killer latte.

What? No. OK, I definitely have to see that. And I was gonna wait, but I think maybe now is the right time.

Time for what?

Well, to pitch an idea I have to you about us working together.

I didn’t think you were serious about that.

Well, now that I know there’s lattes involved, it’s even more appealing. [both chuckle] So how do you feel about the two of us working together in the TV business?

So Everett’s doctors at Bayview, they haven’t been able to help him?

Everett’s alter has been protecting him nearly his whole life. That’s why it’s so hard for any professional to break through.

Right. I get that.

Well, the staff thinks, and I agree, that it might be helpful if we had somebody who knew Everett personally. That–that might help us create a breakthrough.

I see. And since I assume you want him to work with me that–that’s why you asked me here. I–I have to say, Marlena, I– Everett and I were close, obviously. But we didn’t know each other for very long. Wouldn’t–wouldn’t a relative be better?

Yes. But we don’t know anything about Everett’s family. We haven’t been told. So at this moment, you’re our best bet.

OK, then. I’ll do whatever I can to help. Should we head over there now?

[stammers] I’m free if you are.

I am.

Great. I’ll remind you that, um– that he can be volatile. You recall how angry he got at the intervention.

I can handle that. I’ll do whatever I can to help get Everett back.

So you remember that talk show that I produced that pushed my housewares line, right?

Oh, yeah, of course I remember, Kate’s Hearth and Home.

[chuckles] That’s right. Martha Stewart had nothing on me.

I agree with that. So are you thinking of reviving it?

No, no. Been there, done that. I want to do something new.


So what I’m thinking about is scripted programming. ‘Cause you remember when I headed up, when I ran Titan Publishing? I was the one with the eye for the story. So I’m thinking, why not apply that talent, that skill to producing our own television show? Right?

Well, I would never bet against you doing anything you set your mind to, but what I don’t see is where I fit in.

Oh, come on. Abe, you ran the entire Salem PD. You ran the mayor’s office. I think doing television production would be child’s play for you.

I don’t know about that.

Obviously, it would be a learning curve for both of us. But I do know that we would collaborate brilliantly. We’d make a wonderful team. And also, Abe, I– I really miss working with you.

I miss it, too. All right. You have my attention. So tell me more. [funky upbeat music]

I totally understand. And, uh, just thank you for–for calling me. I know you’re probably really busy. Um… yeah, I mean, I would– I would love the opportunity to–to work together again, yes. Yeah, well, right, right. And–and thank you again for–for getting back to me. Yeah. Bye.

What’d he say?

Uh, just, you know, he was really kind. He said he’s sorry for what we’re going through, but obviously, they can’t stop the production just for me. So he’s already replaced me.

Mm. Well, that’s too bad.


But. I mean, maybe you can join the production at a later time.

No. Chanel, I’m not going anywhere, OK? The only place I want to be is right here. With you. [tender music]

I haven’t had a chance to look at Dr. Green’s notes in Chanel’s chart from yesterday, but I do remember that her radiation levels were fairly low.

Could you– could you just please, please take a look at my daughter’s charts? Dr. Green, well, he–he could be a little green. Um, no pun intended. But I would like someone with your experience to see if he missed anything.

I’m happy to look at Chanel’s chart, but I have to let you know that I won’t be able to discuss anything with you until we have your daughter’s consent.

That’s fine. That’s fine. Even–even if it turns out that I was at fault, at least she won’t have to live with the uncertainty.

I’ll get on it right away.

Mm-hmm. Thanks, Kayla.


And once Weston and I got to the airfield, he was supposed to tell me where Tripp and Wendy were.

But he didn’t?

No. Son of a bitch double-crossed me. And then your former colleague, Officer Goldman, hit me on the back of the head and knocked me out. When I came to, they were both gone.

Is there anything else that you want to add?

That’s the whole story.

All right, off the record, I totally get what you did and why you did it. Your son’s life was at stake. And you knew that you couldn’t trust the Salem PD because Goldman was on Clyde’s payroll. So you had no other choice but to bust him out.

I appreciate you saying that. Do you think a judge will feel the same way?

I think you have a pretty good chance. But there’s only one problem.

What’s that?

Your story is complete BS. [tense music]

What do you mean, my story’s BS? You know I never would have lifted a finger to help Weston if he hadn’t been threatening Tripp and Wendy’s lives.

It’s not your motive that I’m questioning. It’s your means that doesn’t add up. Look, you’ve already admitted to me that you acted alone when you freed Weston from Statesville.

That’s right.

And Ava Vitali, Tripp’s mother? Was she involved in this at all?

Come on, Jada. You know me well enough to know that I don’t trust Ava Vitali. If I wanted someone to watch my back, it wouldn’t be her. Why are you looking at me like that?

Well, because… Clyde sent that video of Tripp and Wendy to Ava. And she sat on that for some time. So that makes me think that she’s been planning something.

Not with me. I’m the only person Weston asked to bust him out.

Even though Ava admitted to the police that he was trying to blackmail her to move drugs through the Bistro?

Stefan DiMera already took responsibility for everything that happened at the Bistro.

Man, that– that woman has a way of getting men to take the fall for her, doesn’t she?

Some men.

All right, listen. Um, Steve just–just be real with me for a minute, OK? What I don’t understand is after everything that Ava Vitali has done to you, to Kayla, why are you protecting her? Because she’s Tripp’s mom? OK, you know what? Let’s just leave Ava Vitali out of this for a minute, all right? We have eyewitnesses who will testify and security footage that corroborates that there were two people in hazmat suits that escorted Clyde Weston to safety after that chemical spill. You’ve already admitted that you were one of them. Who was the other?

Rebecca Goldman. Who else?

Was it John Black?

[scoffs] John? No, of course not.

I mean, come on. You two are partners.

We’re partners at Black Patch, but we’re not partners in crime. Now you tell me something. Do you have any actual evidence that I’m lying to you about what happened that night?

No. Just a hunch.

Well, your hunch is wrong. [tense music]

So maybe we could do a cop show.

Um, eh. I mean, it’s not exactly my thing. I mean, I loved “Law and Order.” But I mean, how would we top that, right?

Yeah, you have a point. So what do you have in mind?

Actually, I called Will last night, and I think he gave me some great advice. He said that we should find a project that we’re absolutely passionate about.

Hmm. You know, when I start thinking of TV shows that I’ve been watching lately, that I’ve gotten hooked on, one in particular comes to mind.

Really? What is it?

“Body and Soul.”

[laughs] What? That silly soap opera?

Well, it’s not– it’s not so silly. And–and some of the acting is just wonderful.

[laughs] Come on. Seems like a torture to me.

No, no, it’s– it’s just the opposite. You know, now I understand why people get addicted to those kinds of shows. The characters, they– they start to feel like family. There’s one character, one character in particular, Lorna DeLorean. And she reminds me of you.

I hope that’s a compliment.

Definitely, definitely. Look, I have some episodes recorded. I’ll show you. [upbeat music] [soft music]

Are you going home?

Yeah, uh… Dr. Green gave us the all clear. Uh… we should get going.

Um, Ch– wait, wait, wait. Chanel, please. There’s something I need to say to you.

I don’t want to talk right now.

Well, you can just listen. I promise, it won’t take long. Now… I just wanted to say again how sorry I am. If I could go back in time, I would do things differently. And I love you to the moon and back, and I never– I never meant to harm you and your unborn child. Now, if you–you never forgive me, I get it. And even if you do, well– well, I will regret what I did the rest of my life. And I just– I just wanted you to know that.

I’d like you to take me home now.

Ah, Chanel, I’m glad I caught you. I was just reviewing your lab results, and, um, I think there’s something you should know.

[breathing forcefully] [grunts] What do you two want?

We are here to talk to Everett.

Oh. Everett’s not here right now. But I’m happy to pass along a message.

We know that Everett lives inside of you, and that’s because you’re protecting him. We’re not here to hurt him.

No. No, no, no, you’re just wanting to do years of therapy and confront his past. Right? Not gonna happen.

We just want to help him.

The problem is, you two don’t know the difference between helping someone and hurting him. Get the hell out of here. [tense music]

You two hard of hearing? Get lost. [whispers] Bye. Bye. [normal volume] I’m gonna do my workout. [grunting] [soft tense music]

Everett, it’s me, Stephanie.

And I know you’re in there, so please just talk to me. You don’t have to be afraid.

You’re wasting your time, sweetheart.

Everett, you know you can trust me, like I trusted you when you helped me with my breakup with Chad. I can help you deal with whatever happened to you in your past.

Oh, shut up! Just shut up. I have been in here for weeks. Where have you been? [firmly] Where have you been? Things get a little hard, a little bit hard for you and Everett, and you abandon him like everybody else.

Oh, that’s not true. I care about Everett.

You only care about yourself. You’re such a liar. My god. I do what it takes to protect Everett, OK? From everyone, and that includes people like you, Stephanie Johnson. So get out of my face.

Everett, please.

Everett’s not here. Not here! Do you see him?

You have that sort of annoying personality that thinks she’s always wanted.


Don’t you? Yeah. Let me say something, just clear the air about it ’cause it seems like it’s not totally getting through. I want nothing to do with you. I find you desperate, and pathetic, and unattractive. You do nothing for me.

Is that right? Well, I want to hear that from him. From Everett. So let him out. Let him out, you bastard.

See what I mean? Watching Lorna DeLorean must be like looking in a mirror for you.

Well, I, um– I mean, there’s a slight resemblance, I guess.

Of course there is. And what about Kassandra and Charlemagne? Don’t they remind you of Kayla and Marlena?

Abe, I really have to say, I think spending all that time with that delusional nurse has really skewed your perception of reality.

I’m surprised you don’t see it. But anyway, let’s just get back on track here. What do you think about the show itself?

OK, I totally admit, it holds one’s attention. I really do. And I’m all for strong female characters, so.

So are you thinking what I’m thinking?

That we should be producing our own soap opera?


Well, I guess I have no choice but to accept your statement.

Well, like you said, you have no evidence to the contrary.

You know, my dad always said that you were trouble.

Marcus meant that as a compliment.

And how does Kayla feel about all this, about you taking the fall?

She’s not happy about what I did. But she understands why I did it, and she’s on board with me taking responsibility for it.

I’m guessing being married to you is no walk in the park.

I have tested Kayla’s limits quite a bit lately. But I’m gonna find a way to make it up to her.

Well, I really hope your deal comes through soon so you have a chance to do that.

What did you find out, Dr. Johnson?

Chanel, if you’d like, we can go to my office and talk about this privately.

No, no, it’s OK. Go ahead.

Dr. Green knew that you had concerns about the cause of the miscarriage. So he ran some more tests, and the results just came back.

Was it– was it radiation exposure?

No, it wasn’t. You had what’s called a partial molar pregnancy. It’s something that happens at conception. It’s not very common, and if you like, I can certainly get you some information on it. But basically, the fetus wasn’t viable from the very beginning.

So does–does this mean that I was always gonna lose my baby?

I’m afraid so.


Oh, baby. Oh. Oh.




Oh, Mama, I am so sorry that I blamed you for everything.

No, no, you shush. You shush. You have–you have absolutely nothing, nothing to apologize for.

But I was so cold to you, so mean.

Mm-mm. No, it’ll be OK, baby. Everything will be OK, everything. Oh, honey. Oh.

Chanel, you know, now that we know why you had the miscarriage, we’re gonna want to monitor you for a few months.

Uh, why?

It’s unlikely, but just to make sure that there’s no complications.

Can you do it remotely? Because Chanel and Johnny, they’re moving to LA.

Oh, well, um… actually, our plans have changed. We’ve decided to stay in Salem.

OK, my only concern is I read somewhere that soaps are a dying genre, so.

Well, I understand that, you know, they’ve been saying that for years. And if you–you look at the stories on a lot of entertainment, well, they borrow quite a lot from soap operas.

Mm-hmm. So where do you think most of the soap operas are produced, in New York or Los Angeles?

Los Angeles.

Well, I don’t think either of us are prepared to relocate to Los Angeles. We could shoot it here. And perhaps that would be cheaper.

Yeah, I would assume so.

And I have money that I’ll put in, but I’m also gonna hit up contacts to invest.

I think we’re going to do this. [both laugh]

I mean, I– I think we need to do research before we commit. But, Abe, I am really excited.

You and me both. [upbeat music]

Well, I hope the dudette who snapped my mugshot got my good side.

Well, that’s why they take both profiles, to make sure. And not to worry; you look like a perfectly respectable criminal.

Well, thank you.

Ooh, you better hustle on over to the courthouse. Your bail hearing starts in minutes.

Oh. Yeah, I’m really glad Justin was able to put that together so fast.

Me, too.

You mean that? I know I– I really had you frustrated earlier.

Yeah, you did. But it was only because I care about you.

The feeling is mutual, Detective Hunter. Now I know I’ve said this many times before, but your dad would be so proud of you.

So proud of me.

Yeah, that’s right. Just like I am.

Thank you. That means a lot to me.

Come here. Mm. OK. You have a good day.

All right. You, too.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa.

[gasps softly]


This isn’t working. We need to go.

I’m sorry, Marlena. I didn’t– I didn’t mean to lose it.

You know what? Why don’t I see if there’s any rooms for her here at Bayview? Just because it sort of seems like she’s the one–

I know you think you’re protecting Everett, but you know what? You know what? You’re making things worse. And he is never going to be free and safe until he confronts his own issues.

You’re that sort of personality that thinks she’s always right, don’t you? Mm-hmm, very common in your profession. See, I’ve been keeping Everett safe a long time. In fact, that poor soul has only made it this far because of me. So if you two keep pushing, no one will ever see Everett again. [tense music]

Why, Kate! You look awfully engrossed in something there.

Well, actually, I was. Abe and I are thinking about collaborating on a new business venture. So, um, doing some researching.

Wow. What kind of business?

We’re thinking of producing a soap opera.

Who came up with that idea?

Abe did, actually. He happens to be a big fan of “Body and Soul.”

Oh, I know that, actually. Do either one of you have any experience in producing a soap opera?

Well, you know, sometimes I feel like I’m living a soap opera. But otherwise, no, we don’t. So that’s why I’m doing my due diligence and doing a little research and see if– wow. Oh, my god. He is going to freak out.

What is it?

Well, Soap Opera Digest says “Body and Soul” has been canceled.

Sweetheart, did you talk to Kayla?

Yes, I did. And, Abe, she– she told us that the fetus that Chanel was carrying, it wasn’t viable from the moment of conception.

Oh, Paulina. That means that you– you’re not responsible for Chanel losing the baby.

That’s what it means.

Oh, sweetheart.

Oh. Oh, Abe. Oh, and I was just so– I was so afraid that Chanel was gonna hate me for the rest of her life.

No, that would never have happened. She would have forgiven you eventually.

Well, I suppose, but now I– well, I don’t have to wait for eventually.

Now you can be there for your daughter.

Mm-hmm. Yes, I can. It’ll be a whole lot easier to be there for her now because, Chanel and Johnny have changed their minds about moving to LA.

Do you, uh– do you need anything?

Just you. Do you think you could hold me for a bit?

No, not for a little bit. How does forever sound?

It sounds perfect.


Oh, Johnny, it is such a relief to know that the miscarriage wasn’t my fault or my mom’s. It just wasn’t meant to be.

Yeah, right. Hey, we’re gonna get through this, my love, OK? Together.

Yeah. Yeah, we will. And, Johnny, I’m–I’m sorry that you lost your dream job.

Forget about it, OK? I already have. And besides, sharing my life with you, the best person that I know, well, that is already a dream come true right there.

I love you, Johnny.

I love you, too.

[soft dramatic music]

– [echoing] Bobby. You have to let me out.

Shut up, Everett. – You should have let them talk to me. What you said to Stephanie about me not wanting her, it wasn’t true.

Yeah. Well, what would you think is true and what I know to be true are two very different things. I know what’s best for you. And it sure as hell isn’t Stephanie Johnson.


Stephanie, are you OK?

No, I’m not. I’m worried we’re going to lose Everett forever. And the only way to stop that from happening is for you to speak to Bobby. You need to speak to your ex-husband, Jada, please.

[tense music]

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Y&R Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Summer: Yeah, I’m just at the house to check on Harrison now, so could you push my four o’clock to five? You know what, actually? Could we just reschedule that for tomorrow morning? Yeah, I just want to spend some extra time with my little guy. Okay, thank you. Bye.

Traci: Abby, honey, I’m going to go make some tea. Would you like some?

Abby: No, thank you.

Traci: Something a little stronger, maybe? Abby, are you okay?

Abby: I guess so.

Traci: Ashley was so happy to see you. She just lit up when you walked into the room. It was the right thing for you to come.

Abby: It was so hard to see her that way. Locked away in an institution. So vulnerable and alone. I had no idea it had gotten this bad.

Traci: I know. We– we didn’t know that either until we came back to Paris the second time and your mom was able to sort of put together what happened to her.

Abby: It sounded so terrible.

Traci: It was. But Ashley is on her way back. She has made tremendous progress. Even since the last time I was there to visit. That’s what you have to hold on to. Focus on the hope that Ashley can put all of this behind her.

[ Abby sighing ]

Billy: Hey, just the two of us?

Lily: Uh, yeah. Devon’s on his way.

Billy: Okay, great. When he arrives, we will call Abby and Jill and we can get the show on the road. Abbott-Chancellor, here we come.

Lily: Well, I wouldn’t get ahead of yourself.

Billy: Why do you say that? Is there a problem?

Lily: Uh, have you spoken to Jill?

Billy: Yeah, I talked to her this morning. I made sure that she knows everything’s going to go according to plan.

Lily: Okay, well, that’s not the message that I got. She’s concerned that maybe I’m not completely on board with the move and that I might be having second thoughts.

Billy: Well, I hope you set her straight.

Lily: I mean, I tried to reassure her.

Billy: You’re not thinking about what Devon said yesterday, are you?

Lily: No.

Billy: Okay, because Lily, I swear on my life, I would never do that, okay? I would never use you to try and push this vote through. I would never betray you like that. And if I’m excited and jazzed up about running this company together with you, it’s because– because I am, and I think it’s going to be great, and I hope that you feel the same way.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, I’m going to follow through on what needs to be done and that I can promise.

Billy: Okay, good. That’s all I needed to hear.

Lily: I think the person that we have to worry about is your mother.

Summer: Hi.

Claire: Hello, Summer.

Summer: I was hoping to take Harrison out for some ice cream after his first day at camp.

Claire: Oh, no, I’m sorry.

Summer: Don’t tell me you beat me to it again.

Claire: It isn’t that. Um, Harrison’s just so worn out from playing with the other kids that he’s upstairs right now taking a nap. I think all that activity must have gotten to him.

Summer: Are you sure that’s all it is?

Claire: What do you mean?

Summer: Well, it’s just, it’s Harrison’s first day being away by himself since the kidnapping and I’m just– I’m worried that he might be having some issues with that.

Claire: He didn’t seem to be.

Summer: What about the other campers? I mean, were they giving him a hard time at all?

Claire: No. Summer, everyone got along great. Harrison had a really good day. And a lot of his friends go to this camp. They all know the story, or a version of it, and they think Harrison’s a hero.

Summer: And you see that as a positive thing?

Claire: I don’t see it as a problem. Do you?

Summer: Harrison might enjoy the attention right now, but it also could trigger traumatic memories for him when he was terrified. I just, I don’t want him to have any more nightmares.

Claire: I understand your concerns. I have the same ones. But I swear to you that if I thought those things were happening, I would tell you. I feel like camp is a great thing for him right now.

Summer: So, you’re an expert on summer camps, too.

Abby: You know, Aunt Traci, I’m trying to stay positive, but when I think about what my mom went through with Alan’s psychotic brother.

Traci: Yes, if it was a horror movie, nobody would believe it.

Abby: And I was in the dark the whole time. Even when I felt like my mom was off, I just went about my life thinking that my mom was having mood swings. But the truth was, she was being driven out of her mind.

Traci: I know and I’m so sorry.

Abby: How could you do this to me? You didn’t think I could handle it?

Traci: No, no, that’s not it at all.

Abby: Because I can, you know?

Traci: Of course you can, Abby. Of course, you can.

Abby: Then why did everyone shut me out? I wanted to be there for my mom, the way that she had been there for me all of these years, but my mom must have been thinking her– her only daughter was the only person in her family who didn’t care about what she was going through.

Traci: That’s not it at all. Ashley wanted to protect you.

Abby: You know, Billy said the same thing. But I don’t know because my mom is struggling. She was struggling and you want me to believe that she had the frame of mind to order you to keep me out of it?

Traci: Honey, it’s the truth. When Ashley was really herself, she didn’t want any of this to worry you.

Abby: You should have told me.

Traci: You know what? If we had it to do over again, we would. Your mother was in such a fragile state of mind, we didn’t want to do anything to upset her. You’re right. Abby, we had no business making that decision for you. I’m sorry. I, of all people, should know better.

Abby: Why? What do you mean?

Traci: Well, I– I’ve always been the youngest, until years later when Billy came along, Jack and Ashley’s first instinct was always to protect me from any crisis in the family. It got even worse when I moved to New York. Some harrowing thing would happen and I wouldn’t hear about it for weeks, sometimes months.

Abby: So, you get it.

Traci: I do get it and I should have got it sooner. And I promise, it will never happen again. Not with me.

[ knocking on door ]

Alan: Hello.

Traci: Alan, what are you doing here? Hi.

Alan: Special delivery.

Traci: What– what’s this?

Alan: Something I thought you might like. Open it. Go ahead.

Traci: Uh, okay.

[ Traci gasping ]

Traci: Oh, it’s– it’s gorgeous.

Alan: I saw you admiring it through the window of that boutique, so I thought I’d surprise you.

Traci: You did.

Alan: Good.

Traci: Thank you. Alan, I just– I love it. Oh, my gosh. Come in. Please come in. Sorry.

Alan: Abby.

Abby: Hi.

Alan: When– when did you get in?

Abby: Last night.

Alan: Abby, Ashley’s gonna be so happy that you’re here. She’s gonna be really thrilled to see you.

Traci: Actually, we just came from visiting her.

Alan: And how did she seem?

Traci: Um, Abby is a little shaken by seeing her mom in the hospital like that, but as I explained, it’s night and day from when she was admitted. I really feel like her treatment is going very well.

Alan: This is what my colleagues are saying as well. You know, they’re all very optimistic about a full recovery, really. But it’s just one small step at a time, you know?

Abby: Yeah, yeah, I’m– I’m trying to accept that, but it’s hard since this is all new information for me.

Alan: Yeah.

Abby: But, Alan, I’m actually glad that you’re here because I wanted to thank you in person for everything you did for my mom.

Alan: Oh, well, that’s, uh, that’s very kind of you, although I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt the opposite way.

Abby: You’re not responsible for what your brother did.

Traci: That’s what I keep reminding him.

Abby: You know, what happened to my mom was– was horrible, but you lost your brother and I can’t imagine how hard that is.

Alan: I lost Martin a long time ago, really, but, uh, thank you. Thank you very much. That was very kind of you to say.

[ phone pinging ]

Traci: Is everything all right, honey?

Abby: You know how I said I was strong enough to handle anything? This might put that to the test.

Billy: You don’t have to worry about Mom.

Lily: Well, you keep saying that, but she did not seem like she was on board with the dividing the companies. She had very strong concerns.

Billy: Okay, yeah, she voiced those concerns to me as well, but I think one thing we’re forgetting here is that I have her voting power, okay, so it’s gonna be fine.

Lily: Are you sure that’s still on?

Billy: Yes, of course it is.

Lily: Then why did she tell me that she might vote on her own today? Oh, my God. Billy, I thought you had this wrapped up.

Billy: I did. I do.

Lily: Okay, it doesn’t seem that way.

Billy: No, let’s not blow this out of proportion.

Lily: This plan is completely off the rails.

Billy: Lily, it’s fine.

Lily: I mean, you led me, you led all of us to believe that she was 100% on board with this. So were you lying or was that just false bravado?

Billy: No, of course not. I’ll call her right now to work it out.

Lily: It’s too late for that.

Billy: Lily, calm down. We’re fine.

Lily: Okay, don’t tell me to calm down because I might have just turned on my brother for nothing. I mean, what are we gonna do? We’re gonna work here miserably ever after?

Billy: Of course not.

Lily: How do you think that’s gonna turn out?

Billy: Listen, hold on. Just let me explain it, okay?

Lily: Yeah, sure, explain how we’re headed off a cliff.

Billy: Lily, we’re fine. I did not lie to you and I’m not trying to be big man here, okay? I am very confident that my mother is not gonna backstab me like that. She knows how important this is to me personally and professionally, and if she did something like that, that type of betrayal would cause a permanent rupture. She does not want that right now, especially not now, okay? This vote will go our way. I promise you that. This merger will end today as is planned.

Devon: Everybody ready for this meeting?

Lily: Uh, yeah. Jill and Abby are ready to go.

Devon: Let’s do it.

Billy: Um, can you give me a minute? Actually, there’s, uh… There’s something I would like to share with you.

Devon: Can we just get to the end of this meeting, Billy?

Billy: I think you’re gonna want to know this.

Devon: If this is, like, a last-minute trick you’re trying to pull, I’m gonna leave.

Billy: It’s not. In fact, I think it’ll help explain my reasoning and my urgency behind wanting to separate the companies.

Devon: Okay.

Billy: Uh… my mom… she’s sick.

Traci: Well, this board meeting sounds really big.

Abby: It is. I– I wish I could tell you about it, but, um–

Traci: Oh, honey, no. I’ve been around enough Jabot deals. I understand discretion. You tell me about it when it’s all over.

Abby: I will. I promise.

Traci: I have no doubt that whatever decision is required, you’ll make the right one.

Abby: Thank you. Um, I’m gonna go take it up in my bedroom. That way, it won’t bother you two.

Alan: Well, I was, uh, gonna ask Traci out for drinks anyway, if you’d like.

Traci: Oh, I would love to.

Alan: All right, great. And please, uh, join us after your call, if you’d like. We’ll have Traci text you where we are.

Traci: Is it the same place?

Alan: Yes. It’s beginning to feel like our place a little bit, huh? Shall we?

Traci: Yeah, let’s.

Abby: All right. And we’ll, uh, we’ll talk to you later.

Traci: Bye.

Alan: Bye-bye.

Devon: What do you mean that she’s sick? Like, what’s wrong with her?

Billy: Fancy medical words for her heart. It’s not working the way it’s supposed to.

Devon: And what did the doctors say?

Billy: Well, I mean, she’s getting treatment and they’re testing new medications, but, uh, she’s not out of the woods yet, and you know doctors, they’re not gonna guarantee anything.

Devon: All right. And it’s been going on for a while? Wow.

Billy: Look, I would have said something earlier, but she swore me to secrecy, but I– I hope this helps you understand why I wanted to add– want to add Abbott to the company letterhead because, you know, for her… For her legacy while she’s still here to see it.

Devon: Yeah. All right. And, hey, you knew about this?

Lily: I did.

Billy: Lily’s the only one that I confided in, and– and Chance knows because my mom told him personally, but she doesn’t want anyone to know about this, so out of respect for my mom, I hope we can not say anything during the call.

Devon: Oh, yeah, for sure.

Billy: Thank you.

Devon: I won’t say a word.

Billy: Appreciate it.

Devon: Yeah. I do find this very interesting, though.

Billy: What’s interesting?

Devon: The timing is interesting. It’s… You essentially decided to drop this bomb right before we’re about to decide on dividing the company.

Billy: Yeah, I– I understand that, but I– I thought it’d be a good thing to, uh, to let you know where I’m coming from.

Devon: Well, I think the– the jury is still out on that.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Devon: Well, because you could have shared this information with me back when Jill first gave you all of her power, or when you first came up with this idea to demerge the company. But you didn’t do that. You’ve waited ’til right now. And why at the last moment? Is it to try and get a sympathy vote out of me?

Billy: I see it as a courtesy.

Devon: Oh, okay. I mean, if you say so.

Billy: You can think whatever you want, okay? I really don’t care how you see me or my motives. At the end of the day, my mother gave me her voting power, so if you want to turn this into a conspiracy theory, you go right ahead, but you’re playing that game by yourself.

Jill: Hello?

Billy: Hi, Mom.

Devon: Hey.

Jill: Ah, I’ve been waiting. Surely everyone’s on by now.

Devon: Just have to get ahold of Abby. Lily You look good, Jill.

Jill: Oh, thanks.

Lily: Yeah, you seem rested.

Jill: Well, God knows I’ve been getting plenty of that.

Devon: How you feeling, Jill?

Jill: I’ve been feeling okay. Why do you ask?

Devon: I just haven’t talked to you in a while. Just curious.

Jill: Yeah, sure you were. You told them, didn’t you, Billy?

Traci: Are you sure you’re okay being here?

Alan: Yeah, I’m having a great time.

Traci: Good. I– I just was–

[ Traci sighing ]

Traci: Never mind.

Alan: What is it, Traci?

Traci: Well, I know that this is the place that Ashley met Martin and the whole thing started and I’m sure this is bringing a lot of things up for you.

Alan: Well, it does.

Traci: And it doesn’t bother you?

Alan: It’s kind of a closure in a way, you know? I mean, I have to live with Martin’s crimes, his illness, the fact that he was sad and lonely, but also, you know, I’m mourning someone I love very much. It’s– it’s…

Traci: Complicated emotions.

Alan: Yeah, very complicated. But, you know, being here with you, it feels like you, uh… you cleanse the place, you know?

[ Traci laughing ]

Alan: I feel like I’m replacing the bad memories I had here with good memories of you.

Traci: Oh, well, good. I’m so glad that you think these are gonna be good memories.

Alan: No, they already are. They already are. No, I feel like you, uh, I feel like you sage the place, you know?

Traci: Sage?

Alan: Yeah, you know, when they burn sage to drive away negative energy? I– I… I feel like you, uh, you do that.

Traci: Well, I don’t know about that.

Alan: Well, it’s true. Being with you is… It’s just very reassuring. You know, your kindness, compassion… It’s just very rare.

Traci: Oh, well, thank you.

Alan: Well, that’s why I like talking to you so much. You mean that. I know all that’s real.

Traci: Alan, I– I think that when you have been through some of the experiences that I’ve been through, well, I have started to look at life as a continuum, from the very great joy to bone-cracking sorrow, you know? Um, from happiness to heartbreak, love, sadness. The whole messy package. Y– you just have to find a way to accept it. All of it. And you have to find a way to move forward. At least that’s what I’ve tried to do.

Alan: That is a lesson we can all learn from you.

Traci: Oh, no, no, no. You flatter me again and I think that we’ve had quite enough of talking about me.

Alan: Oh, I don’t think so. I could talk about you all night long.

Traci: Oh, well, but I know so little about you.

Alan: Oh, well, there’s not really much to tell.

Traci: I think I should be the judge of that.

Alan: Oh, okay. So, uh, what do you want to know?

Traci: Uh… everything.

Claire: Summer, you’re clearly upset. Let’s talk about it.

Summer: Look, I– I already told you, I’m just concerned about my son.

Claire: I understand that.

Summer: I– I don’t know how you could, considering you’ve never had a child, especially one who just went through a horrific event like Harrison just did.

Claire: Caused by my Aunt Jordan, yes, I know.

Summer: I wasn’t bringing up that part.

Claire: You don’t have to. It’s true. I’ve never had kids. And up until recently, I never had parents or their love or desire to do what’s best for me, but I do have that now and I can see how much they worry about me. I can feel it. So, I must know a little bit what it must be like for you. And I can only tell you what I’ve already said. Harrison is a really strong and resilient little boy and a big part of that is because he’s so completely confident in his parents’ love for him. And Harrison’s love for you, it’s as natural to him as breathing. And I would just, I would hate if you felt that… That I was in some way hurting that.

Kyle: Hey. I got your message. Is everything all right?

Claire: I’ll go check on Harrison and see if he’s gotten a second wind.

Summer: No, I can do it. We’ll talk after.

Kyle: What did I just walk in on?

Claire: Nothing you haven’t seen before. I don’t think Summer’s ever going to be comfortable with me being in Harrison’s life.

Jill: Damn it, Billy!

Billy: Uh, let me explain, okay?

Jill: I specifically told you not to tell anyone about my condition, if that’s what you want to call it.

Billy: Okay, I understand that, but given the circumstances, I thought it was fair that they know.

Jill: What about my right to privacy?

Billy: Again, Mom, I’m sorry, but I made the call.

Jill: Why did you make the call? Was it to get Devon and Lily to feel sorry for me so they would give you what you want?

Billy: Yeah, you and Devon share that opinion. It’s not true, by the way.

Lily: How are you feeling, Jill?

Devon: Is there anything that you need or that we can do for you?

Jill: No, but thank you, thank you. I’ve got a lot of good doctors, so many that I can’t even remember their names. In fact, there’s even a rumor I might live.

Lily: Well, Abby will have to know about this, but besides her, we will not tell another soul.

Jill: Speaking of Abby, where is she?

Devon: I’ll let her know we’re ready.

Jill: Good. It’s time to get this over with.

Devon: Yeah, we’re all here. How you doing?

Abby: It’s been a long day, but we can talk about it later.

Devon: All right, for sure. I’ll call you afterwards.

Jill: Let’s get started.

Lily: I’m calling this meeting of the Chancellor Winters Board of Directors to discuss the proposed separation of the two companies.

Jill: Since this involves the future of the company that I built, I’m going to be exercising my own vote.

Billy: Understood. You know where I stand. And I’m hoping now that everyone had a little bit of time with the proposal, this vote will be a formality.

Devon: It might be to you. It’s not to me, though.

Billy: Okay, Devon, why don’t you go ahead and voice your concerns?

Devon: Just a little curious about how we’re actually going to divide things up. Who’s going to get what?

Billy: Well, we’ve already talked about this, Chancellor. We’ll take all the assets that they came in with, and the same thing will happen with Winters.

Devon: Right, I understand that part. But what about the new divisions that were created after the merger took place, like the video games and Omega Sphere? Who gets that?

Billy: We can figure that out later. Right now, this is an overall concept on whether we want to divide the companies.

Devon: Right, but how the assets are divided is part of the overall concept. And I’d like to not just kick that down the road and wait.

Billy: Okay. Um… Because gaming falls more easily under the Winters umbrella, you can have Omega Sphere. Every other company that was created after and under this merger, Abbott-Chancellor, we’ll take those companies. Does that make sense, everyone?

Devon: Yeah, sounds good to me.

Billy: Great. Any other concerns?

Abby: Should we have a vote whether to discuss the details now, or wait?

Billy: I vote waiting.

Lily: I agree.

Jill: I’ll make that a majority. Let’s vote.

[ Traci laughing ]

Traci: I can see that I’ve terrified you. Oh, Alan. When I meant that I wanted to know everything about you, about you, Martin doesn’t have to be a part of this.

Alan: Well, it’s kind of hard to do that without including Martin.

Traci: Ah, twins, of course.

Alan: Mm. We were inseparable, you know? All the cliches abound. Two halves of the same whole. But I’ll say this, it’s impossible to be lonely when you grow up a twin.

Traci: Oh. And I’m very close to my brother and sister, but I’m sure it’s nothing like that. Yeah– to grow up with such companionship, to have that sense of security that there’s someone on Earth who knows you better than anyone else, must be a really intense bond.

Alan: It is, exactly. Ah, the things we used to do when we were kids.

Traci: Like what?

Alan: Mmm. We used to pretend to be each other, and see if people could tell.

Traci: Oh, you know what? I’ve heard that twins try to do that.

Alan: As I said, all the cliches abound.

Traci: Did you get away with it?

Alan: Uh, yeah, for the most part we did, but my mother could always tell. You know, I was always the serious one, always reading and thinking great thoughts at ten.

[ Traci chuckling ]

Alan: But Martin was the more personable one. You know, he’d get along with anyone at any age. He was… such a dreamer. So sweet when he was young. Wanted to conquer the world. Sad, such a loss, huh?

Traci: Especially for you. Someone so close to you. So much a part of you, suddenly gone. Alan, I’m so sorry.

Alan: Sorry? For what?

Traci: I– I’m sorry that I made you go there. We can talk about anything else you want to.

Alan: No, no, no, really. You know, I– I think it’s good, because I’ve needed to process this, and, you know, get it all out, and… Truth is, I don’t usually open up. I don’t usually talk to people.

Traci: Really? Well, then I am very glad that I could be that person for you. >

Traci: If you weren’t such an amazing writer, you’d be a fantastic therapist. You really can read people’s hearts.

Kyle: So Summer’s still giving you a hard time.

Claire: That isn’t why I brought up her not being thrilled with me.

Kyle: Mmm.

Claire: I need to coordinate more with her, make sure Summer gets to spend more time with Harrison.

Kyle: That’s very thoughtful, of you, Claire, but this isn’t your problem to solve. No one is standing in the way of Summer seeing her son.

Claire: But there have been some occasions where she’s felt left out. I get it. She has a job. She can’t be in two places at once. So it’s part of my job to make it easier for her.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Kyle: How is he?

Summer: He was still sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb him. Uh, he looked a little sunburned, actually. Maybe that’s why he’s so tired. Did– did you put sunscreen on him earlier?

Claire: I did. But I probably could have used more. Be more on top of it from now on.

Summer: Thank you.

Claire: I’ll go make Harrison a snack for when he wakes up. He’s bound to be hungry.

Kyle: Really, Summer?

Summer: What?

Kyle: You’re busting her on sunscreen?

Summer: I’m not busting anybody. And Claire seemed to take the suggestion just fine. So what’s your problem, Kyle?

Kyle: I don’t have one.

Summer: I do. What’s going on between you and Audra?

Kyle: I don’t owe you any explanations about who I spend my time with.

Summer: Well, I think you do, when it comes to her.

Kyle: Okay, fir–

Summer: What’s wrong with you, Kyle?

Kyle: First of all, it’s not anything like you think it is.

Summer: You have no idea what I think.

Kyle: There is nothing personal going on between me and Audra. Truth is, I left Jabot.

Summer: You quit?

Kyle: I was fired, actually, by my mom.

Summer: Diane fired you?

Kyle: She was threatened by me constantly proving her incompetence right and left, so she had me removed.

Summer: What did Jack have to say about that?

Kyle: Not so much, as it turns out. Mmm. Too bad, kid. It’s her call, so you’re out.

Summer: Kyle, I… Kyle, I don’t even know what to say. I– I– I’m sorry. I– I– I know that must have hurt you.

Kyle: Yeah, well, it opened my eyes, I can tell you that much.

Summer: What does any of this have to do with Audra?

Kyle: Audra now runs Glissade. Tucker McCall’s old company, and Tucker is out of the picture completely.

Summer: Hmm, we’ve heard that before.

Kyle: No, it’s true. Uh… She turned the board against them, and they voted them out.

Summer: Audra did that alone?

Kyle: Not entirely alone. She brought on a new investor that now owns the company.

Summer: Who?

Kyle: They want to keep their identity under wraps for now.

Summer: Let me guess the rest of the story. Audra wants you to come work for her.

Kyle: Mmm. Not for her. With her, we’d both be co-CEOs. Clean slate and all that.

Summer: Are you out of your mind?

Alan: You know, last night, I downloaded one of your novels.

Traci: You’re kidding!

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Traci: Really, which one?

Alan: It was “Echoes of the Past.” I mean, incredible. It was really fant– I could not put it down. I was up all night long.

Traci: Oh, that was a really good one. It’s about Ashley, and me. Very personal.

Alan: Yes. And very much like you. Kind and loving and beautiful. Inside and out.

Jill: You don’t look happy, Devon.

Devon: I’ll– I mean, that’s not really the point of today, right, Jill?

Abby: Devon, if you’re having issues with us…

Devon: No! I’m not having any issues at all. Let’s get to the voting.

Lily: Okay. The topic on the table is to separate Chancellor-Winters into two companies.

Billy: I vote separate.

Lily: I agree.

Devon: It’s really what you want?

Lily: Yes, it is.

Devon: Okay. Then I vote the same. Yes.

Abby: Well, it seems like a fair solution, and what everybody wants, so I vote yes.

Billy: Does everyone want this? Mom?

Jill: Mmm. I find myself in the unfortunate position of casting a vote that really won’t mean anything. You already have the majority.

Lily: Well, it means something to me, Jill.

Billy: It means something to me, too. I think it means something to all of us.

Lily: So, Jill, what do you think?

[ Jill chuckling ]

Jill: I guess I should’ve prepared a concession speech for this moment.

Billy: Mom, this is not a loss, okay? Your vote means so much more, even if these companies separate.

Jill: Oh, good try, son, but I am not convinced. All right, I’m gonna speak from my heart. I think what you’re about to do is a huge, horrible mistake.

Lily: Why?

Jill: Because, Lily, despite all the problems and the infighting, this company has prospered during the merger. I hate that Billy and Devon couldn’t make it work. And what I hate most of all is that the only option we have is to tear it all apart.

Devon: So– okay, so what are you saying?

Jill: I’m saying that I am voting no. I realize it’s only a symbolic gesture, but it is the only way I can truly express how I feel. And, Billy, you got what you want. I only hope it’s worth it to you in the end.

Devon: I’ll call you in a little bit.

Abby: Okay.

[ Devon sighing ]

Lily: Well, it’s done.

Billy: You don’t seem excited.

Lily: I’m not. I feel like we let Jill down.

[ Alan chuckling ]

Traci: Oh, my goodness. That was the best evening. I had the most wonderful time.

Alan: So did I. Thank you for your patience and kindness, Lily. Lily Oh! Thank you for sharing some of your story with me.

Alan: Well, I think I could trust you with just about anything. So, anyway, good night.

Alan: Yes.

[ Traci gasping ]

Summer: Do I really need to list all the reasons why this is a terrible idea?

Kyle: Do I have a choice?

Summer: First of all, this whole secret owner thing, it’s sketchy, all by itself.

Kyle: That’s your opinion. And what we just talked about, it stays between us, okay?

Summer: No, I’m not gonna tell a soul. I mean, it’s too embarrassing. Kyle, you would be going into competition with your own family’s company, the company I still work for, by the way.

Kyle: Summer, Glissade won’t go after Marchetti. Our target is Jabot, because we are a cosmetics company. And if you think I’m going to feel bad about going after them after what they did to me, you’re dead wrong.

Summer: I admit, what happened to you seems unfair.

Kyle: Unfair? It was an out-and-out betrayal. It was treacherous.

Summer: Kyle, look… I understand that you’re angry, okay? I’m just asking you to think about it for a second. Doing this is a declaration of war against your own family. And Diane might deserve that. But does Jack? And talk about treacherous? I mean, are you forgetting what Audra did to you last time?

Kyle: Oh, now hold on, it was a deception on both sides. It’s a different dynamic this time.

Summer: I think it sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Kyle: Well, that’s your opinion. But I– it was my decision, so if it goes wrong, I’ll try something else.

Summer: I think you’re a fool, Kyle. And I’m warning you, I do not want Audra anywhere near Harrison.

Kyle: What? Summer, why do you keep trying to dictate who I spend time with?

Summer: Honestly, I don’t care who you spend time with, or what you spend your time doing. I just care about Harrison, okay? Maybe it’s time we revisit our custody agreement.

Kyle: I’m sorry, is that a threat?

Summer: Call it what you want.

Kyle: Summer, do you really want to go there? Do you really think that would be good for our son?

Summer: Uh, look, I, um… I’m going to have my attorney call yours.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Claire: Everything all right?

Kyle: Um, no, no, it’s not all right, but I don– I don’t want to get into it with Harrison here. So, you know what? Have dinner with me tonight.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Tom: I want to see Luna.

Poppy: No, impossible.

Tom: Poppy, she deserves to know who her real dad is.

Poppy: She’s not your daughter, Tom. You need to stop this and stop being delusional. Stay out of my daughter’s life.

Tom: Our daughter, Poppy. She’s our daughter. ♪

Hollis: Boss.

Deacon: Thanks. No, Tom was fine before he went on last night. I mean, there was no indication that he was gonna collapse like that.

Hollis: Yeah, and right on stage.

Deacon: He started getting wobbly. Poor guy.

Finn: Hey, Deacon.

Deacon: Hey, uh, yeah, I got some bad news–

Finn: I uh, I heard at the hospital.

Deacon: Yes.

Finn: Can’t believe Tom died here last night.

Deacon: It’s crazy, right? I haven’t heard anything since I left the hospital. He was such a sweet guy. You know, he helped us find Sheila, he married us. Anyway, thank you for coming. I just– I need to know why he went down like that. I mean, what happened? ♪

Bill: Poppy?

Poppy: Bill. Ah… I thought you were at work.

Bill: Not yet. What’s going on? Something wrong? [theme music playing]

Luna: Hi.

Zende: Luna, uh– Sorry, I didn’t see you. I can come back later.

Luna: No, no, it’s fine. You can stay.

Zende: I don’t wanna bother you.

Luna: No, I’m fine.

Zende: I, uh– I can see that. You seem… pretty chill, at ease.

Luna: Yeah, a lot’s changed recently.

Zende: I’ve heard, you, um, found out who your dad is.

Luna: [chuckles]

Deacon: He was such a good guy. You know, he– he had a– a really kind heart.

Hollis: Yeah, and he was picking up his music again.

Deacon: Yeah. I mean, this was gonna be a new start for him. And now the guy’s dead. I mean, he seemed fine before he went on. I mean, even when he started playing.

Hollis: Yeah, and then he got all shaky and unsteady.

Deacon: You think it was like a, I don’t know, a stroke or an aneurysm or something?

Finn: No, it, um– It wasn’t either one of those.

Deacon: You know something.

Finn: Yeah, um– Look, I’m really sorry, and I know you were working with him to try and help him turn his life around, but… Tom died of a drug overdose. ♪

Bill: You’ve been crying?

Poppy: What do I have to cry about?

Bill: Nothing that I know of, but… looks like you’ve been upset to me.

Poppy: Well, I’m just– It’s nothing for you to worry about. Oh, just a little emotional.

Bill: About what? You can talk to me. Poppy… If there’s something upsetting you, I want to hear about it. There’s nothing you can’t tell me.

Poppy: [sniffles] ♪ ♪

Zende: It must feel like a movie or something.

Luna: Yeah, it’s pretty surreal.

Zende: It’s like finding out you’re really a princess.

Luna: Well, no, I have never thought about it that way, but, yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m not a princess, but I am a Spencer. And all of this is very new to me. Not just the money and the opportunities, which is very impressive and honestly, a little bit overwhelming. But the most-mind blowing part of it all is that I’m part of this big family. Like, I have brothers and nieces.

Zende: Yeah, big families are awesome.

Luna: Yeah. And, you know, it’s always just been my mom and me and this question that’s been looming over me my entire life.

Zende: Poppy finally told you what you always wanted to know.

Luna: Yeah. Well, she told Bill first, but he was overjoyed. And we were all together when Aunt Li did the paternity test.

Zende: Wow. Talk about a big moment.

Luna: Yeah, I’m never gonna forget it.

Zende: So it’s official. You are Bill Spencer’s daughter.

Luna: It’s like my life’s biggest mystery has finally been solved.

Zende: Worth the wait?

Luna: Definitely. And, you know, this is just the beginning, because now Bill, my dad and I can finally get to know each other and form this relationship. Something that I never thought that I’d have. You know, my mom never wanted to discuss it, and she’d put it off anytime I brought it up for years. Yeah, it’s crazy. My whole life, it felt like my dad was dead. But turns out he’s very much alive. [chuckles] ♪

Deacon: Drug overdose? It just doesn’t make sense.

Hollis: Could there be some kind of mistake?

Finn: I, well, the– full toxicology report is still in progress, but his, um, his presentation was textbook. I’m– I’m– really sorry to you guys.

Hollis: Yeah, me too. I mean, we were really becoming friends. You know, if I had just known, I would have tried to help him.

Deacon: We all would’ve.

Finn: He, um– He was a great guy.

Deacon: I mean, he was always positive, upbeat, soulful.

Hollis: And talented. I mean, he used to play music festivals back in the day.

Deacon: Yeah, and nobody was ever a stranger to Tom. He never forgot a face.

Finn: Yeah. Oh, it’s awful. I mean, he was a guy with, you know, friends and people who care about him. And he has so much to live for. And then, you know, drugs took that all away.

Deacon: He wasn’t using. I mean, not anymore.

Finn: Hey, was there something in his past? Like, did you know, did he have a history of drug abuse?

Deacon: Tom was in recovery. I mean, he was trying to put his life back together. I just– I don’t understand why he would go back to that.

Bill: All right. Thank you. [hangs up phone] Now, let me know what it is, and I’ll fix it.

Poppy: No, it’s not like that.

Bill: You’d be surprised what I could fix. There are those who might describe me as being somewhat tenacious.

Poppy: And understanding, caring, generous. It’s a lot.

Bill: What? Me?

Poppy: Well, all of it. The paternity tests, this new life… Waking up next to you every morning, being here with you and knowing you are Luna’s father

Bill: That’s what’s got you upset?

Poppy: I’m just overwhelmed. It’s so far from anything I could’ve imagined. And every fear I had about the future, what learning about her father could do to Luna, our relationship. I don’t know. I guess it sounds crazy, but it’s like– The life I’ve known has died.

Bill: For the better.

Poppy: Yeah. Much better. I’m so grateful to you, Bill. I can’t ever thank you enough. So, um, do you have to rush to the office right away?

Bill: [chuckles] I might be able to spare a few minutes.

Poppy: Good. I was hoping you’d say that, Because I’d like to show you what life with you… …really means to me.

Bill: Mm. ♪

Luna: I almost gave up because no matter how many times I asked my mom, she would never tell me anything about my dad.

Zende: Even after she hooked up with Bill again, she still kept it to herself.

Luna: I’m sure she had her reasons, but you know what? It doesn’t matter because I know now. I know who my father is, and he wants to get to know me.

Zende: Of course he does. You’re an amazing person, Luna.

Luna: Well, it didn’t have to go that way. He could have been angry or suspicious to have another kid just show up out of the blue. He didn’t have to accept me, but he did. Like, immediately. There was this connection between us right off the bat. Like, this was way before my mom even knew. And back when Bill was just my mom’s boyfriend, he, like, offered to be a father figure to me if I ever needed one. And after we did the DNA test, it feels like everything just made sense. You know, like– This– bond of love formed right at that moment, like we were instantly father and daughter.

Zende: Family is very important to him.

Luna: And he wants me to be a part of it, officially. He wants to give me his last name. He wants to adopt me.

Zende: Wow. You weren’t kidding. He’s all in.

Luna: Yeah, it’s pretty wild.

Zende: That’s great. I’m glad that you’re getting everything you deserve. I mean, you’ve waited a long time for this, and you’re finally gonna have your dad in your life. ♪

Finn: Relapses happen.

Deacon: Yeah, believe me, I know, but that can’t be what it was. I mean, look, Tom was very upfront about his history of drug abuse, but he swore that he kicked out of it.

Finn: It’s terrible. And look, I get not wanting to believe what happened.

Deacon: Finn, you knew him. I mean, this isn’t the guy that married me and Sheila. The guy that you saw working around here.

Finn: No. No, it doesn’t seem like him. But that’s what makes addiction so awful and hard. I mean, Deacon, it’s a lifelong battle.

Hollis: Yeah, but, I mean, he never even seemed high. Not even a hint. The guy was sharp.

Deacon: I expect that of all my employees.

Finn: Unfortunately, addicts can function for a long time. Until they can’t. Until drugs become more important than anything else.

Deacon: Yeah, okay, I get that, but, I mean, Tom was focused on his work and on his music and– performing again, it was like a chance for him to start his life again where it went off track. But do it right this time. I mean, this is a guy that was looking forward, was making plans. He– he wanted to do something different. He said that he was reclaiming his life. It just doesn’t make sense that he would start using again. ♪

Bill: Mmm. That’s the kind of thank you I like.

Poppy: Mm, now I feel like I owe you another.

Bill: Really?

Poppy: Mm-hm.

Bill: On that case, I’m gonna have to call the office, cancel my meetings, and let them know I have something more important to attend to. [alarm beeping]

Poppy: Looks like I’m not the only one who wants you right now.

Bill: Yeah, well, we can just ignore that.

Poppy: Well–

Bill: Mm… What?

Poppy: It could be one of your kids or– Some big mergers that I can’t let you close.

Bill: Seriously?

Poppy: It’s your kids.

Bill: Oh, fine.

Poppy: What is it?

Bill: Hmm. Uh, news alert. This guy looks vaguely familiar.

Poppy: Who?

Bill: Says his name is, uh, Tom Starr.

Poppy: Tom?

Bill: Oh, wait a minute. That’s– it’s the– the bus boy who– who spilled the water all over us.

Poppy: Uh, what happened to him?

Bill: Uh, he… died at the restaurant last night.

Poppy: Died?

Bill: Yeah, it says something about a live– Oh, I guess he was a busboy slash musician, and he was performing during this new live music night, and he collapsed on stage.

Poppy: Does it say why? What happened to him?

Bill: Drug overdose. Wow, that’s a shame. He died right on stage last night.

Poppy: Oh, my God, that’s so horrible. ♪

Deacon: Yeah, I’m not gonna make any assumptions about Tom till the final tox screening comes out.

Finn: Look, I– I get that, Deacon, but the– but the prelim says it all, okay? And, look, the news outlets have already picked it up. I mean, you’re gonna have a full day of fielding calls and dealing with news vans.

Deacon: I don’t care about any of that. Tom deserved better than this. He was making a comeback. Yeah– People don’t just throw away second chances. Look, at your mom?

Finn: Let’s not go there.

Deacon: Seriously? We can’t even talk about her now?

Finn: I just came by to talk to you about Tom. I didn’t make this a habit. I don’t want to risk running into Sheila. I have to honor my wife’s wishes, keep my distance. Steffy and the kids will always come first with me.

Deacon: Well, then I guess I’m thankful that you came by, even if I don’t like the news.

Finn: But drug addiction, it affects all kinds of people, all right? At every stage of life. It’s heartbreaking, and it’s just the way that it robs people of their potential and ruins careers and families. Did he– did he have one?

Hollis: A family?

Finn: Did he ever mention that he was close with someone? Did he have kids?

Deacon: Not that I’m aware of.

Luna: This is not where I thought I’d be a few months ago. It’s been a roller coaster, but I’m thrilled to finally know my father.

Bill: Seems like you hear about this kind of thing every day. I feel so blessed that my family hasn’t been touched by it. There’s so many families out there that aren’t that lucky, I mean– Look at this poor guy. He’s gone.

Poppy: It’s so tragic.

Bill: Life can be so fleeting. I’m so grateful to have you and Luna in my life now. You’ve given me this incredible daughter. A strong, resilient young woman, just like her mom.

Poppy: We struggled for so many years holding our life together. A single mother, barely making ends meet. But I did my best to raise Luna in an environment where it was safe and encouraged her to dream. And it’s all come true now, thanks to you.

Bill: You don’t have to worry about any of that stuff anymore. You have my word. I will always take care of you and Luna.

Poppy: I can’t tell you what that means to me, Bill. Your love and support have changed my life. But more than anything, I’m thrilled that Luna finally knows your father. You’ve done a fantastic job with her, and now she can depend on me, too.

Poppy: Thank you, Bill. That just makes it all worthwhile.

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B&B Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Steffy: You have made the best decision for you and for Douglas.

Hope: By breaking up with me? That was best for our son?

Thomas didn’t turn you down. You rejected him.

Hope: Because marriage is a big step. One that people shouldn’t take lightly.

Steffy: Thomas knows exactly what he is doing. He is engaged to a wonderful woman. A woman who Douglas adores. I am so thrilled for you. You deserve this. You found a woman who truly loves you. So go with Paris. Step into the future and leave Hope in the past where she belongs. ♪♪


RJ: Can we do more of that?

Can we, please? It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.

RJ: It’s for good reason. You’d be getting acquainted with your dad.

Yeah, one of your least favorite people.

RJ: Hey, formerly least favorite. ‘Cause now I know he created you.

You’re so sweet, RJ. You wanna know what else is sweet? Like, off-the-charts sweet? My dad wants to adopt me. [chuckles] [rock music playing]

Deacon: Right?

Hollis: Boss, we’re all set. Just waiting on Tom.

Deacon: Uh, he wanted to get in the zone, so I sent him up to my apartment. Our apartment. He’ll be down in a few minutes.

Sheila: This is exciting. Come on, you gotta admit, this is exciting.

Deacon: This crowd has no idea what they’re in for.

Hollis: It’s gonna be great.

Deacon: Big night.

Poppy: I didn’t appreciate your little stunt earlier, showing up at Bill’s uninvited.

Tom: Well, I just wanted you o come to the show. I thought maybe you’d bring our daughter along.

Poppy: She’s not your daughter, Tom.

Tom: Oh, come on, Poppy.

Poppy: No! You need to stop harassing me and leave Luna and me alone.

Tom: I just want her to get to know me. She doesn’t even know who a real dad is.

Poppy: Oh, yes, she does. And he is a kind and wonderful man.

Tom: You only wish it was Bill Spencer, but it’s not. It’s me. I’m Luna’s dad. ♪♪ [upbeat music playing] ♪♪

RJ: Wow, that’s awesome. That’s exciting. I’m excited for you.

Luna: I know, thank you.

RJ: It’s adoption. That’s a big step.

Luna: Right? I went from wondering my entire life who my father is to finding out that it’s Bill Spencer. And now he wants to legally make me his daughter. I mean, this– It’s everything to me.

RJ: Yeah, it’s a full circle moment.

And I can tell it means a lot to my mom, too.

Tom: I want to see Luna.

Poppy: No, impossible.

Tom: Poppy, she deserves to know who her real dad is.

Poppy: [groans] She’s not your daughter, Tom. You need to stop this and stop being delusional. Stay out of my daughter’s life.

Tom: Our daughter, Poppy. She’s our daughter,

Poppy: [sighs]

Hope: You have some nerve interfering yet again.

Steffy: I’m only speaking the truth, Hope.

Hope: Oh, by telling him to leave me in the past?

Thomas: Can we not?

Hope: I am the mother of his child, Steffy, and I will not be dismissed or belittled by you.

Steffy: Hope, if you truly loved him, if you wanted a future with Thomas, then you would be the woman wearing his engagement ring. ♪♪ You said your piece, and I appreciate your concern, but I don’t want you to be so rough on Hope.

Steffy: I’m looking out for you, Thomas.

Thomas: I appreciate that, but I can handle my own life, all right? This engagement to Paris has got to have caught everyone by surprise, and that includes Hope. So maybe give her some time to process it, and I think that– that she’ll realize that in the end, it was a good thing for everyone. Now I need to go pick up Douglas, so… could you stop arguing? I hate it when you fight. [door closes]

Hope: I wish I could agree with Thomas. I wish we could get along… but I am tired of your disrespect, Steffy, and I will not let you mess with my life any longer. ♪♪

Luna: This is just so surreal.

RJ: Mm?

Luna: Like, my mom and I, we– we struggled. Well, we were happy. And, yes, we did have a great life, but… you know, there was always, like, this… this void.

RJ: Not anymore.

Luna: [chuckles] And, you know, now that my mom and dad are back together and we’re living at the Spencer estate, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my mom smile this much in my entire life.

RJ: So I wanted to ask you about that. See, that’s what I don’t understand, is… If Poppy’s had such strong feelings for Bill, then why didn’t she reveal to you sooner that Bill might be your dad?

Luna: I mean, if you knew my mom like I do, it’s not that surprising. You know, my mom can be a little bit mysterious sometimes. [cellphone chiming] Oh, shoot, I forgot I have an appointment. I have to go.

RJ: Okay, bye.

Luna: Okay, bye. ♪♪ [upbeat music playing]

Hollis: Or cash.

Jack: Thank you.

Hollis: Thank you. [crowd chattering]

Jack: Don’t remember you being one for live music, Li.

Li: You think you know me so well, Jack.

Jack: Am I wrong? You ducked out of the hospital early to, uh, get your game on, did you?

Li: [groans] Fine. I’m here to pick up. Didn’t know all this was going on.

Jack: Join me for a drink while you wait. Hollis?

Hollis: Yeah?

Jack: Another one for the lady, please.

Hollis: You got it. [crowd chattering]

Poppy: I never want to see you again.

Tom: This is my life, Poppy. My daughter. You’ve been trying to keep me away for so long, trying to land a rich man. It’s just not fair. Luna needs to know who her real dad is.

Poppy: She does know her real dad. Bill Spencer.

Tom: Now, that’s a lie. You trapped that poor sucker. And worse, you’re lying to our daughter.

Poppy: For the last time, she is not your daughter. The paternity test proved it.

Tom: Bull, Poppy. Listen, I’ve kept my distance, but it’s time for Luna to know the truth. ♪♪

Jack: A toast to our son Finn.

Li: [chuckles] I’ll drink to that. [clink] [rock music playing]

Jack: Are you… looking to pick up food, or are you looking to pick up someone?

Li: What?

Jack: You’re looking for someone.

Li: [groans] [rock music playing]

Sheila: This is a rare sighting at Il Giardino these days. What are you doing, Li?

Li: [scoffs]

Justin: Sheila.

Sheila: Justin Barber, uh– Thanks for filling up, huh?

Justin: Yeah, best food in town. Now live music I wouldn’t listen for the world. [chuckles]

Poppy: You have to stop stalking and tormenting my daughter and me.

Tom: I just want to talk to our daughter.

Poppy: Tom, for the last time–

Tom: She’s mine, Poppy. I can tell. We spent a lot of nights together. Remember San Francisco?

Poppy: We didn’t spend that particular evening together, Tom, because you were passed out on the tour bus. I spent the evening with Bill Spencer.

Tom: Of course you say it’s Bill Spencer. He’s got more money than you can shake a stick at.

Poppy: That is not why. We ran a paternity test. And my sister, the doctor, administered the test herself, and it was proven without a shadow of a doubt that Bill is the one. Bill and I are Luna’s parents.

Tom: Well, why didn’t you figure it out sooner? Listen, I tried reaching out to you, but you shut me down. Why?

Poppy: You were in a band, and you were caught up in that lifestyle. The booze, the drugs, the women, the partying. And I wanted to protect Luna from all of that. But you kept on harassing me, calling me, and sending me those letters.

Tom: Letters that always got returned.

Poppy: Because they didn’t mean anything. You’re just a fling from my past, Tom. Now leave us alone.

Tom: You know you can’t keep me from Luna. I got a show to do. But after, I’m gonna track Luna down and tell her that her dad ain’t Bill Spencer. You can do the right thing. Come clean with Luna, or I’ll do it. Either way, she’s gonna know that I’m dad. Now it’s showtime. I gotta hit the can, and you gotta go. ♪♪ [door closes]

Hope: Oh, God, I am so tired of defending myself to you, Steffy. I owe you no explanation.

Steffy: No, but you owe it to Thomas to step back and let him enjoy this magical moment.

Hope: So you really have no worries about this engagement at all?

Steffy: I trust my brother knows what he wants.

Hope: You don’t trust Thomas at all. If you did trust Thomas, you would let him make up his own mind. You wouldn’t interfere and get in his head and take my son to Europe.

Steffy: The best thing he could’ve done was to get as far away from you. ♪♪

Hollis: Say, boss, any ETA? I mean, maybe it’s time to go check on Tom.

Deacon: Hey, there he is. There he is. Hey, uh, do you need anything?

Tom: Oh, no, no. I’m all set up. I got my, uh– Oh, boy. My sports drink. I need my hydration.

Hollis: Well, I’ll just go get you one from the back.

Tom: Wait, no. It’s gotta be ice blue. I must have left it backstage. ♪♪

Hollis: Hey, everyone. So we’re just about set up. So grab your drinks, move around get a nice view of the stage. We’re gonna be starting shortly.

Deacon: You okay? You need any help?

Tom: I just have a lot on my mind.

Deacon: That’s normal. Come on. This is a big night.

Sheila: Don’t be anxious. We’re all here to support you.

Hollis: Yeah, you got this, dude.

Tom: Yeah, well, you know, I better go warm up.

Deacon: Well, you’re gonna knock ’em dead.

Sheila: Yeah.

Jack: Hey, can’t wait to hear you live today.

Tom: Thanks–

Li: Oh– Excuse me. [strings ringing] [strumming] ♪♪ [crowd chattering]

Tom: Okay, okay… Come on, Tom. ♪ There’s a sad little lady 7 ♪ She wears the no name jeans 7 i tce ytoou You turned him down twice. He was heartbroken, but he is over that now. He is finally out of this fog, so you need to let him go. ♪♪

Hope: What if I don’t want to? What if I still love him, Steffy?

Steffy: Well, Hope, I’m sorry for you. You didn’t appreciate Thomas. He gave you so many chances. But it’s done now, okay? Go be with somebody else, someone who’s single. Because my brother is off the market, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way. Thomas has an exciting future ahead with Paris. A future without you. ♪♪ [crowd chattering]

Deacon: These people have no idea what they’re in for. You are gonna own the stage, pal.

Tom: I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Deacon. I didn’t think it was gonna happen. Listen, tonight’s about a fresh start. I’m gonna take my life back, reclaim what’s mine.

Deacon: That’s it. Go get him. Your set’s gonna kill. See you out there. [crowd chattering] Well, good evening, everyone.

Man: Hey.

Deacon: Damn, this is a good looking crowd. [laughing] You guys, I’m Deacon Sharp. I’m the owner of this fine establishment, and I want to welcome you all to the first night of live music here at Il Giardino. [cheering and applause] You are in for a real treat tonight because we have a rock star in the house. He’s back here tonight to make his triumphant comeback, just for you. So without any further ado, let’s give it up for the man of the hour. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Tom Starr! [cheering and applause All right. All right.

Tom: Well, hello, everybody. [applause] It’s my honor to be here. And I know tonight. Tonight’s gonna be a good night. I feel it. I feel it in my blood. [cheering and applause] I wrote a song years ago and I’d like to sing it for you. I think some of you might remember it. [guitar playing] ♪♪ ♪ When the song came on 7 ♪ I was thinking of you 7 ♪ Miles from home 7 ♪ On highway 82 7 ♪ Cranked the tune ♪ Let it blast ♪ Didn’t care 7 ♪ If I drove too fast 7 ♪ Rock and roll 7 ♪ Makes me lose control 7 ♪ I got you by my side ♪ You plus me 7 ♪ Can’t get hotter than that ♪ All this heat is on 7 ♪ Baby shine ♪ Let it shine, let it shine [guitar playing continues] ♪ H-O-T-T 7 ♪ Hotter than that ♪ H-O-T-T 7 ♪ Hotter than that ♪ Hot, hot ♪ Hotter than that [guitar playing continues] [music ends] [cheering and applause] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [cheering and applause]

Tom: I, uh– Thank you, guys. [sounds distorting] You don’t know– um– how much this means– [thud] [gasping]

Hollis: Tom, buddy. Hey, Tom.

Deacon: Tom. Tom, you okay?

Hollis: Tom, buddy, wake up. What’s going on? Pal, wake up.

Sheila: This nurse will take your pulse, Tom.

Hollis: I’ll call an ambulance.

Deacon: Yeah. Breathe, Tom. [crowd chattering]

Hollis: Yes, in Il Giardino in Beverly Hills. We have a patron that just collapsed. Hey, they’re asking if he’s breathing.

Nurse: I’m not getting anything.

Deacon: Hang in there, Tom!

Hollis: He’s not breathing right now.

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GH Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Thane


I can’t believe you didn’t approve my budget. Well, believe it. I’m not paying travel arrangements for three editors. You kidding me? Take one. That’s preposterous, Drew! This is Paris Fashion Week! We have to make a notable presence. I’m already footing the bill for you, one editor, three photographers, and your assistants. This is Fashion Week. It’s not like you’re the focus of Fashion Week. This is Crimson, Drew — your number-one brand. Or have you forgotten that? Thank you so much for reminding me. I really appreciate that. So who are you gonna get rid of in lieu of those two editors? Are you intentionally being obtuse, or is this just a very good impression? Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt, but, Nina, your office said I’d find you here. Yeah, that’s because she’s always in here demanding one thing or another. Well, maybe I wouldn’t have to be in here if you actually did your job and stopped getting in the way of mine. Sometimes Nina forgets that I’m her boss. Nina, do you think we could move to your office? I need to speak to you. Well, I’ll come get you when I’m done, Alexis. As you can see, I’m in the middle of something! Well, this is important. Well, it’s going to have to wait because I am busy. Or have you forgotten that I’m your boss? Not anymore.

Okay, good. You put in Natalia’s provision regarding interviews, just like she asked. Yeah, yeah, just following orders, Maxie. But don’t be surprised if Natalia doesn’t try and play hardball anyway. Yes, because this is the fourth, the fourth, addendum to this contract. You know, that woman has given a new meaning to the word “momager.” Yeah, well, she’s already ensured most of the work falls on Lois. Yeah, well, let’s just hope Lois doesn’t screw up. Oh, I thought that was your job, Lucy.

Why can I never find my phone every time I’m in a hurry to get somewhere? Do you want me to call it? Ha! Never mind. I got it. Oh, okay. Well, now that you found your phone, can we have breakfast? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m gonna go to the Deception office before my mom gets there. She’s in hard-nosed negotiator mode, so I need to either pull her back, or at least warn Brook Lynn about it. Well, your mom always has your best interests at heart. Or what she thinks are my best interests. Not always the same thing. ‘Kay. Bye.

Hey, Avery, Uncle Sonny. Gio. How’s it going? How are you doing? Hi, Gio! Hi. I wanna go say hi to Joss. Okay, but don’t run. Don’t run! So, are you still at the Quartermaines’? They driving you crazy? No, no, not at all. They’ve been — They’ve been great. And the grounds are so big, I can just… go off by myself and practice without bothering anyone. So… You never bother me when you’re playing. Maybe you’re a little bit biased. Eh… [ Chuckles ] Anyways, uh, the living situation is working out great. I even have, uh, new neighbors. Joss and her friend, Trina. I’m moving into an apartment on the grounds.

[ Knocking ]

Finally! Hi! Hi. Were you expecting someone else? Uh, room service. I’m starving. What do you have for me? Printer proofs for the Harriet Nekaya opening. Ah! Oh, well, these borders still aren’t right. Harriet is very particular. They’re gonna have to do them again. Okay. Okay, I’ll relay the message. Uh, is there anything else that you’ll need? You know, actually, there is something… you can do for me, Trina. You can tell me everything that Joss has ever told you… about Sonny.

I bring Brook Lynn’s regrets, but she won’t be joining us today. Is everything okay? What?! What is more important than her job? Brook Lynn is fine. She’s just needed elsewhere. Okay? And so where is the other dynamic mother/daughter duo? I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Hey, how is everything going, Lois, overall? I mean, we are getting all positive feedback about your department store appearances. Oh. Oh, that makes me so happy because I am having a blast. I mean, it’s helping me hone my skills, getting me ready for all those Home & Heart appearances. Oh! Oh, funny story. Okay, so I’m at Wyndham’s the other day, and this woman comes up to me and she’s raving about Blaze and telling me how proud I should be of her because she thought that I was Blaze’s mother. Can you imagine? [ Laughs ] Natalia: No, I can’t.

What is it now, Alexis? Are you upset about something else? I’ve been upset since you’ve managed to turn a job I never really loved into a job that I really, really hate. Anyway, I quit! [ Scoffs ] We have a contract, Alexis. Do we? No. We don’t. Never had one. Shawn and I didn’t really need one because we trusted each other. And the reason I never brought it up to you is for just this very reason. And I kind of wish that we did, since a contractual dispute with you would be a really cool warm up now that I’ve got my law license back. What?! Alexis, that’s incredible! Congratulations. Yeah. Congratulations, Alexis! You were born to argue. At least now it won’t be with me. Good luck and goodbye, Alexis. I have to go inform Adrian DeWitt that he is being promoted as acting editor-in-chief, effective immediately.

I think that went very well, don’t you? You sure seemed to enjoy it. I’m not very happy about her handing the paper over to DeWitt, though. He was the bane of my existence. You got to have some regrets, though, don’t you? Some mixed feelings after all the work you did at The Invader? Reframing it, elevating its reputation? You did that, Alexis. You should feel proud. I do. Thanks. I mean, it wasn’t “Camelot,” but it did have some shining moments. Anyway, I’m gonna let you get back to what you were doing. Not until I tell you that watching Nina try to recover after you cut her down to size, that was the most fun I had all week. Thank you. [ Chuckles ] Josslyn. Sonny. Uh, I just want to thank you for looking out for Gio. Of course. He’s a nice guy. Yeah, he’s a special kid. Uh, I mean, he’s talented and all, but, you know, he’s — he’s a special kid.

What’s your point? Well, uh, I’ve known the Cerullos my whole life, and Gio’s like, you know, family. And I think it’d be best if… you didn’t give him your personal views on me and what I do. I think it would be better just to… leave the subject of me… out of the equation. Well, it’s clear that Gio puts you on a pedestal, so I have not shared my opinions of you with him… Oh, good. …and I don’t expect that to change. You know, I regret ever trying to open Kristina’s eyes about you. It was not my place, and you are her father… and she’s entitled to those illusions. So I’m not gonna make the same mistake twice. Gio finds out the truth about you… it’ll be because of something you did.

I don’t know what to tell you, Ava. I don’t keep tabs on Sonny Corinthos. You and Joss are so close. Right? And y-you’ve spent a lot of time with Dex too. There’s got to be something you’ve heard that I can use. Use for what? To protect myself! And Avery. Sonny said that I should expect to hear from his attorney, right? And that means that he’s going for full custody.

I — I — Okay, I understand that’s upsetting… Trina, I — Please. I need you to be my eyes and ears, okay? Please, just listen to Joss and pass on anything she says about Sonny. It’s only a matter of time before he tries to revoke our shared custody. He wants to take my baby, Trina. I can’t let that happen.

I’m sorry, Ava, but… Joss never talks about Sonny. In fact, she avoids the subject. And why is that? She hasn’t said. Probably because Sonny and her mom have had so much drama over the years. Joss has never given me details. I’m sorry, Ava, but… I’m afraid that the only thing I can do is cover for you at the gallery and run errands for you. But — But I’m happy to do that for you.

Okay, well… let me know if you think of anything, okay? Every little bit helps. Okay.

[ Door closes ] So I walked right into Drew’s office. Nina was there, and I quit… [ Gasps ] …right then and there. Go, Mom! Yes! Nina pulled out the “you’re under contract” threat. And guess what. What? I don’t have a contract. What? Wait. You’ve been working at The Invader all this time without a contract? I didn’t need one. I told Nina that Shawn and I trusted each other, but I would be happy to go up against Nina in a dispute now that I’m getting my law license back. Well, I’m very happy for you. But, gosh, I’m kind of sad for Nina because you were such an asset to The Invader. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Besides, she has her little pet gossip columnist, and now she doesn’t have to worry about that pesky little “truth in reporting.” Well, congratulations. I think we should celebrate your freedom with some celebratory mimosas, hold the champagne. You mean just orange juice? Yeah, but, you know, in flutes.

I am sure you get people fan-girling and fan-boying about Blaze all the time. I’m — I’m just saying that I found it amusing that they associated me with her because, you know, we share the title of “The Face.” Sorry I’m late. What did I miss? Uh, just some amusing little story about how Lois is meeting your fans at different stores and places that you don’t have to go to. Oh, and I’m having a ball. And when I tell them that my daughter actually manages you, they ask me for my autograph. I’m having a ball, too, being the other Face of Deception. People even ask me if you’re my mother. [ Gasps ] I know, I know! I was just saying that. [ Laughs ] Oh, we are all just so fortunate to have both of you representing Deception. I mean, splitting the duties of The Face was definitely one of my more inspired ideas. Right, Lucy, because who knows where this company would be without your inspired ideas? Yes, the rest of us can only marvel. Oh, stop. I did not mean to imply I did this all by myself. Good, because we all know what happened the last time you did that. Okay, you know, could we really not keep bringing up my appearance on Home & Heart? Please? Please? Are you talking about our lowest hour of sales ever? No. Why would I want to bring that up? Because we all agreed that will never happen again. Which is why we have Lois, who is not only a dynamite representative, but she’s done a slew of in-store appearances where she’s bonded with our client base. You’re not only gorgeous, but you’re warm and approachable, and we’re really lucky to have you. Right, Lucy? Yeah. You know, that’s what I always say. I’ve been saying that. I’ve said that. See, I believe that we’re actually here to finalize the addendum to my daughter’s contract.

[ Knocking ] Hi. Got a minute? For you? Always. I thought you were out of town. I was, but I just got back from a mayor’s conference in D.C., where I was subbing for Laura, and I heard some interesting rumblings. Rumblings? About what? About you. So, are they true? Are you running for Congressman McConkey’s seat? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I just didn’t think it’d come out so soon. So it is true? I am tentatively planning on announcing the th of July. Here, have a seat. That is, if I get my name change to go through, and I get the yard signs printed up in time. You’re changing your name? According to McConkey, “Quartermaine for Congress” has a really nice ring to it. Wow. So a congressional run and a name change. Aren’t you full of surprises? I hope you don’t think I’m bailing on the Esplanade project. No, no. No, later for that. But is this something you’re doing to raise your profile, or do you plan to win?

One second.

Hi. What’s going on? Don’t look up. What? Why? Ava’s got a room overlooking the pool area, and I just left her, and — and she just made me very uncomfortable. What happened? She’s wound up about Avery. She thinks that Sonny’s gonna file for full custody. Joss? Okay, look, there’s certain things that we just shouldn’t talk about, and Ava is one of them. Okay, no. Just say what you’re thinking. Okay. This is gonna sound ironic, but I think that she’s better off with her dad.

Ava’s always been very supportive and loving to me. I consider her a close friend, not just an employer. But the Ava that I’ve been seeing lately… it’s — it’s like the one that Spencer used to talk about. Look, if Ava and Sonny go to family court, that’s gonna get really ugly. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be dragged in the middle of this. No, I’m — I’m steering clear. Not even trying to be the go-between. I just feel bad for your little sister. She’s the one in the middle.

[ Scoffs ] You sure took your time. I’m not accustomed to being summoned. I certainly wasn’t gonna visit you at The Invader’s office. I have had a very busy morning, so I hope this covert visit is worth the hype. Now, what do you have for me? What do you know about Natalia Ramirez? She’s the mother of that pop star, Blaze, right? What about her? Ms. Ramirez is controlling, insufferable, hypocritical, and definitely not politically correct. Did you get the audio file I sent you? Yes, but I haven’t had time to listen.

[ Beep ]

Natalia: I’m not a prude. Whatever people do behind closed doors, that’s — that’s their own business. I just feel like gay people, or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days, they just… they’re flighty, just not very serious about life. Kristina, she’s gonna be pregnant for nine months, give birth, and then just hand the baby over. See, to me, it just seems like Kristina and Alison just think, “Oh, would it be so fun to have a baby, as long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.”

I do solemnly swear that I will give my campaign everything I have in terms of time, finance, dedication, and I fully intend on winning that seat. Alright, then you have my full support. Well, thank you. It means a lot. Do you want to hear my platform? Because I’d appreciate your input. I’m happy to give it. But the reason you have to win comes down to a name — Chelsea Grimes. My soon-to-be opponent. That woman should not be considered a serious candidate, but her numbers are creeping up and her campaign is picking up steam. And believe me, she is an absolute terror. Only out for herself and will do or say anything to get into power. She’d be a complete distraction in Congress, a waste of a seat for her constituents, and she must be stopped at any cost. So, my friend, my advice to you is to get up off your butt and start campaigning — with or without merch and yard signs. Okay, I would like to propose a toast to my accomplished mother’s very bright legal future ahead. Alexis: Aww, thanks. So what happens next, Mom? When do you get to start practicing again? Um, I just have to do some continual education stuff first. Oh, sorry. That’s okay. What’s with all the résumés there? You staffing up at the center? Uh, no. Actually, I’m looking for a replacement. Someone to fill in for me while I’m on maternity leave. Oh. Yeah. It’s kind of overwhelming. That bad? No. God, no. It’s good. It’s really good. There are candidates who have master’s degrees in social work and people who have over a decade worth of experience in the field. You know, while there’s me just figuring it out as I go and learning on the job. And doing a splendid job of it. You know, that center exists because of you, and I’m sorry you have to deal with delays with construction and having to change the — the opening from June to August. But, you know, that kind of stuff just happens with a project like this. Yeah. Yeah. It’s kind of ironic, though, right? The center is finally opening up its doors right when I’m taking a leave of absence. Hello, neighbor. You coming or going? Uh, planning to change and take a dip in the pool? Uh, no. I’m just here for work. Ava needed to see the proofs for the announcements for the new gallery opening. You want to see? Sure.

I figured it would just say “live music.” I didn’t think I’d be credited by name. You did this, didn’t you? Did I spell your name correctly? It’s all good. I — I really lucked out. I — I moved here and I met all the nicest people in town in my first month. Well, I got you a gig at the gallery, but I can’t do a thing here at the pool. In other words, I better get back to work, huh? Yeah.

I agree. Let’s get this show on the road. Here you go. Great idea. Okay. Um, I would like to start by saying that the new ad campaign featuring Blaze turned out fantastic, and we are getting great response from it. We also all agree that the division of duties for The Face of Deception worked out beautifully. You each reach a different segment of our market and we’re very happy about that. I am sure Lois’s upcoming appearance on Home & Heart will go spectacularly. And, Blaze, I speak for myself, Lucy, and Brook Lynn when I say we are happy to accommodate the addendum to your contract. Third time’s a charm. Actually, it’s the fourth time we’ve tried to satisfy your mom.

Natalia: I do try to stay open minded. It’s just that if my way of thinking is considered, um, old-fashioned, then, you know, so be it. [ Exhales sharply ] [ Beep ] Now, is this legit? It’s not doctored or AI? Oh, it’s the real deal. Or should I say the real Natalia Ramirez? You can have the whole recording to use however you like… as long as you can assure me that none of it gets tied back to me. Oh, don’t worry. I always protect my sources. Isn’t her daughter the new Face of Deception — the cosmetics line that prides itself on environmental and social consciousness? [ Chuckles ] Oh, mama! Now, you may encounter some resistance with Alexis on writing this story. [ Chuckles ] Your timing could not be more perfect. Alexis Davis is bye-bye. Out. As of this morning, you’re looking at the new editor-in-chief. You can send that entire audio file to our anonymous tip line. I’ll be watching and waiting for it. And stay tuned to your laptop, Ms. Jerome. This smoking-hot story is going live today. It has been an absolute pleasure.

Get me the copy department please. Ta-ta.

Pleasure’s all mine. I promise to give my opponent the fight of her life. Well, I hope you’re prepared because that woman will definitely fight dirty. Nina: Okay, Drew, I can manage Paris with two editors and two photogra…phers. I am so sorry. I didn’t know that you were in a meeting. Hi. Is this about the docks project? You know what? I’ll just come back another time. No. No. No need to. We were just wrapping up. I need to get back to City Hall to see what’s been going on in my absence. I just stopped by to do some fact-checking. I-It’s okay. Nina knows about the campaign. And I promise that I’m gonna make my announcement very soon. And when I’m elected, the whole McConkey Esplanade, that is gonna move so much faster once I’m able to support that in Congress. Well, then, Congressman Quartermaine, I look forward to the yard signs and buttons. -See you soon. -Talk soon. Congressman Quartermaine? Thank you. Mm-hmm. All the delays and the endless meetings with the architects and the contractors and the change order and permits… It’s all just a lot to handle. Now my due date and the center are both set for August. The timing is not great. Do you think that you’re not entitled to take time to recuperate because you’re not gonna be raising the baby? Because that’s just not the case. You’re entitled to maternity leave, even as a surrogate. Yeah, I know. I know I am. That’s why I am looking now for my replacement to take over while I’m away. Kristina. What aren’t you saying?

That I’ll be away from the center giving birth to a baby that I have carried for nine months that was never meant to be mine. Uh — [ Chuckles ] I think what Lucy meant to say is that Natalia is very…diligent. It’s okay, Maxie. I know exactly what Lucy meant to say. And I’m not gonna apologize for the care that I take with my daughter’s career. As a matter of fact, I think the fact that we’re here in this room having this discussion right now is validation that I’ve been very successful in my efforts. My mother has always had my best interests at heart. And she has good instincts. Thank you, sweetheart. Can we do this? Scott: Uh… Yeah. Okay. I drafted up a new version that… Oh! Thanks. …should address all of your concerns. I think you’ll find it acceptable.

Natalia: No. No. This is awful. This is not what we agreed to.

Mom! Hi, ya little fish! How are you? Hey, Joss. Hey. You want to help Sonny out? Sure. W-What’s up? Here. Follow my lead. Avery, there’s ice cream being served downstairs in the garden. Um, I can’t take you because I’ve got to stay and watch the pool, but Gio can. You remember Gio, right? I’ve known him since he was smaller than you. Hello, Gio. Hi, Ms. Jerome. Well, Avery, it’s fine by me if you want that ice cream. I can get you extra sprinkles. I know a guy. [ Chuckles ] Come on. I was watching from my balcony, and I saw the two of you. Avery is becoming quite the strong swimmer. Ava, I showed you to the door ’cause I don’t want to see your face anymore. Not at my place. Not here. Not anywhere. Are you still harping on this? Fine. You can have two editors, two photographers. Well, thank you… Mr. Quartermaine. I appreciate your generosity. You can make fun of it all you want, but it definitely raises the recognition factor, not that I expect your support. I beg your pardon? I backed you to McConkey! Yeah, that’s because I put you on the spot and you just said whatever the Congressman wanted to hear. I also happen to remember that you extracted your quid pro quo immediately afterwards. I told McConkey that you would be a great representative for Port Charles and that you are just the kind of “loathsome” that will do well in Washington. Please. Nina. My head is spinning with all the compliments. Drew, I am a supporter. I’m gonna go all-in to get you elected. And despite Alexis’ dramatic exit, it appears that The Invader will survive, so my publication stands ready and willing to support you at the most opportune time. If I knew what I was doing, I would offer to be your campaign manager. And why would you help me? You know, it’s just the reality is hitting. The reality that I am planning for maternity leave, but I’m not the mother, you know? I’m just the… [Voice breaking] The surrogate. And… You know… I think now that I’m experiencing it and the experience is coming to an end… I keep thinking that it is exactly like you and Sam warned me. Because my body doesn’t know the difference, you know? I mean, my hormones don’t know whether it’s TJ and Molly’s baby or if it’s my baby. And I just keep thinking, you know, if everything goes according to plan and if Molly and TJ stay together and they raise this baby… are they gonna miss me? You know? Will they even think about me at all? What’s gonna happen? I mean, will they know… that the woman holding them isn’t the woman who actually carried them? Does that — Maybe it doesn’t even matter. I don’t know. I just… I can’t stop thinking about what’s gonna happen to me. What am I supposed to do, Mom? W-What do I do in six weeks? I just, what, bounce back to work and I get my body back in shape and then I go to the center like nothing ever happened? Nobody expects that from you, honey. I know, but it’s just — it’s — The closer that I get to my due date, I… See? That’s another thing. That’s a perfect example. My due date? Like, is it even my due date? No. It’s really Molly and TJ’s due date. And I’m just the — the — the woman, the person that’s just doing the labor. I’m giving birth. It’s not really my due date. It’s definitely your due date. I’m sorry, Mom. I’m just — I’m — I’m spinning out a little bit because I just — I — I know you warned me about this, and I don’t want you to be disappointed at me. Disappointed in you? I am so proud of you… I could cry. Oh. Don’t do that. [ Sobs ] Oh, honey. It’s okay, baby. What is your problem now? Natalia, what specifically are your concerns? Yeah, I drafted this up to reflect your concerns. The last sticking point was the interviews with Blaze. She said that she would do them if she knew the questions ahead of time. It’s here in black and white. [ Cellphone chiming ] What — What — What’s your problem? Where did this language about “video interviews” come from? Well, welcome to the st century. Scott! Lucy: Uh, he’s right. You know what? A lot of celebrities do video, on-camera interviews. That’s how they build up their followers, their views. Well, in fact, I have quite a few of those. I should know. Here we go. [ Clears throat ] [ Cellphone chiming ] Can you turn that thing off, please? I-I’m sorry. I get an alert every time Deception’s in the news. Lucy: It’s probably because Deception is trending. You know, come to think of it, I did give a really nice motivational post this morning. It was about authenticity! Okay. Alright. I’m sure it will calm down. Can we just continue, please? Okay. Can we start with page one, paragraph three?

I don’t want any trouble, Sonny. I simply saw you and our daughter at the pool and I came down to say “hello.” No harm in that, right? As long as we understand each other. Oh, I do. Maybe you don’t. You need to be very careful, Sonny. Because if you even think about taking my daughter from me, it’ll go worse for you than you can even imagine. And why wouldn’t I help you, Drew? I mean, we’re managing to get along, and Willow idolizes you. And, clearly, this is something that you’re committed to, to the point of changing your name. And if I help you get elected, maybe it will help me with Willow. All about the public service, aren’t you, Nina? Well, I’m desperate to have a better relationship with my daughter, yes. That’s nothing new. But… I do believe in you, Drew. And you’re no worse than most of the politicians out there. And you’re vastly preferable to your opponent. So stop questioning my motives, okay? If you’re gonna win this — and I want you to… you’re gonna need all the help that you can get.

Look what you’ve done. You volunteered to have this baby for your sister and for TJ, and it is an incredibly generous act. Then… you know, you opened an LGBTQ+ — I got it right, right? [ Laughs ] For the youth. I mean, another incredible, incredibly generous act. You, Kristina, have the biggest heart. It’s because I’ve always been so loved and accepted and supported. And when I think of Allie and her relationship with her mom, I think of… how I am able to do what I’m able to do because of you and Dad. And I know you guys don’t always see eye to eye, but you have always made me feel important, accepted, and you’ve let me be me. And why wouldn’t we? When who you are is just so damn fabulous.

That’s my girl. Are you threatening me, Ava? It’s not a threat, Sonny. It’s a promise. You forget who I am… what I’m capable of. I suggest you remember real quick. Avery is my daughter, and I will do whatever I have to do to make sure she stays with me. And while my history may be questionable in some respects, yours is much, much worse. You can’t afford the kind of trouble I can make for you.

[ Cellphone chiming ] Maybe we should reschedule. Oh, what? To revise the fourth or draft up a fifth? No, no. [ Cellphone chiming ] Guys, we’re gonna get this done, okay? Let’s get this done right now. And, Maxie, could you just turn off your phone? You know what I guess this probably is? Is Deception is trending because we are having so much success. Our sales are soaring because of our new products and because — thanks to you and all your hard work. And, yes, Lois, thanks to you, too, we’re doing very well. Lois: Thank you. I feel so welcome. Scott: Alright. Come on. Come on. Come on, girls! Can we get down to business? Oh…my God!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[phone ringing]

Brady. What can I do for you?

I’m calling to see if I can take Rachel to the fireworks tomorrow night. I know how much she loves them, and I just happen to have two passes for the VIP viewing section.

And no one else to bring except Rachel? Did a date fall through or something?

No, Kristen. I just miss my daughter. And in the future, by the way, I’d love to spend a little more time with her, now that you’ll be very busy running DiMera.

Well, not so busy that I don’t have time for my daughter, if that’s what you’re insinuating.

I’m not insinuating that at all. I just know that Rachel means everything to you, as my kids do to me.

Well, Brady, you caught me at a very good time. So yes, you can take her.

Thank you very much. I will be there around : to pick her up.

Well, then I’ll see you then.

Hey. There he is.

Guess you didn’t get me a VIP ticket.

I didn’t think you’d wanna hang out with your old man and your kid sister.

It’s not like I have anything better to do, thanks to Mom.

Tate, I’d be happy to get you another ticket.

No. It’s okay. Fireworks aren’t really my thing. However…

However, what?

I just– I just heard you tell Kristen that I mean everything to you?

Yeah, son. You do.

Okay. Then prove it. Stop Mom from ruining my life. Let me see Holly.

Eric. Hey.

Holly. Hey, how are you?

Okay, I guess. Things have been a little crazy at home lately.

Yeah, I guess having a new baby at the house can really turn things upside down.

That’s one way to put it. Oh, my gosh, Jude, he’s so adorable. I’m so happy for my mom and EJ. But Eric, I just wanted to say I’m really sorry that you had to give up your son.

DA DiMera.


Your butler let me in. I just wanted to thank you for the immunity deal.

Oh, the immunity deal you didn’t deserve, you mean. Don’t mention it.

Oh, but I’m terribly grateful. And I just needed to, you know, gush and tell you how much it means to me and how liberating it is, especially now that there’s nothing you can do to me when I tell Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father. [tense music]

Why would you do something like that?

Mm, spite. You forced Mayor Price to move me out so you could take my job. You blew up my life without a second thought, so now I’m gonna blow up yours.

Uh, what’s going on here?

Do you wanna tell her, or should I? [soft music]

How long were we kissing?

Not long enough. Where the hell did Rafe go?

He’s gone. So is that annoying guard. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to touch you without someone barking at me to stop.

Oh, that’s never gonna be a problem again because you can touch me whenever and wherever you want. Because we are finally getting you out of here.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I tracked down Rafe. He’s with the warden.

Is there a problem with my release?

No, they’re just finalizing the paperwork, and then you’re out of here.

Thank God. I wanna be anywhere but here.

Yeah? Tell me where you wanna go. We can stroll the Montmartre in Paris.


We can go whale watching off the coast of Norway. Double cheeseburgers at Buddy’s Burger Barn.

Ooh. Sounds like a full day.


There is one place I wanna go more than any other in this world.

You name it.

Home. Take me home, Stefan. [soft music]

EJ seems struck dumb, so I guess I’ll tell you.

Melinda was– she was just thanking me.

Thanking you for what?

The immunity deal I gave her.

You gave her an immunity deal?

EJ gave me immunity from prosecution in the state’s case against Sloan Petersen. Anything I may or may not have done–

Oh, my God, may or may not have done? Are you–are you out of your mind? You stole my son, you bitch!

Nicole, please.

You stole him, and then you gave him to that psychopath. And then you led us to believe that he was dead and then cremated. How could you do that to someone? How could you be so cruel? Do you have any idea how much pain and suffering I’ve been through?

I know that you and EJ have been through a lot.

And Eric. He had no idea Jude was our son, and it almost killed him when he had to give him up.

Yeah, it must have been a nightmare for poor Eric. But maybe there’s something I can do to make it up to him. [groaning in disgust]


Oh, hey.

Thank you for inviting me to dinner.


Did it have to be here?

I know this place holds some bad memories, but it’s the only place you can get a great steak au poivre, unless you go to Chicago.

Yeah. You know, they also have a very nice cassoulet. But I’m sure that you did not invite me here to discuss the menu.

Mm-mm. No, actually I didn’t. Um, I was just thinking about our conversation earlier, and I wanted to see you in person to let you know that I’m really sorry that Harris left to hunt for my erstwhile sister.

Well, I think Harris leaving wasn’t just about finding Megan Hathaway.


Look, he wanted to put some distance between us.

Why would he wanna do that?

Maybe because of all the lies I’ve told.

You did what any mother would do to protect their child. Clyde Weston threatened your son. I mean, you had no choice but to run the drugs out of this restaurant.

Yeah. Okay, maybe that was true. But Clyde didn’t force me to sleep with Stefan. God. You know, I– I just–I have so many regrets in my life, especially around the men that I have loved.

Well, I know exactly how you feel.

Your mom is not trying to ruin your life.

Wow, for someone that’s not trying, she’s sure doing a really good job of it, Dad.

You snuck out of the prom and you got a room with Holly Jonas, for God’s sake.

Dad, I have told you so many times, we just wanted to be alone somewhere, somewhere we could be together without someone busting down the door to interrupt us. But you and Mom, you sure found a way, didn’t you?

You’ve got plenty of culpability in this, by the way.

I’m sorry, no.


No, I don’t. I don’t think so. What did I do that was so wrong?

You lied! You defied your parents, son.

Yes, because I felt like I had to or I was gonna go crazy. Dad, come on. I’m gonna be next year. . I’m gonna go to college. Is Mom gonna follow me around when I go there? What, is she gonna check my dorm, make sure no one’s in there? Is she–what, stalk me forever?

She’s not gonna stalk you, okay? She’s trying to protect you, all right? No, it’s not gonna last forever. Listen, Holly jeopardized your future when she let you take the blame for her overdose. You could have gone to prison for a really, really long time. We wouldn’t be talking about college at all.

Dad, she apologized. She made a mistake. Look, I feel like I’ve been really responsible lately, okay? I’ve been looking for jobs to pay back the money that I still owe you. In fact, I just put in an application to the club. You know, you make really good money in tips there, much better than I make over at the–what?

The club. Is that the–is that the club that the DiMeras have a membership to? The club that most likely Holly Jonas will be at the pool every day? That club?

[stuttering] No. Yeah, but yeah, maybe her mom and EJ belong and she doesn’t. I don’t know. Maybe she’s not–

Son, come on. Come on.

Okay, Dad, fine.

All right.

My God. Come on.

Now we’re talking.

Well, maybe she’s gonna be there sometimes, and maybe I’ll see her.


But do you realize the more that you try to keep us apart, the more we’re gonna want to be together? And I don’t wanna go behind your back or Mom’s. So please, please, Dad, can you just talk to Mom? Just talk to her and get her to let up about me seeing Holly.

I can’t do that.

I can’t even imagine how hard this has been for you. I mean, I saw you with Jude. You were always so awesome with him.

I appreciate you saying that. You know what helps is knowing that Jude has an amazing big sister like you.

Yeah, well, my mom sure doesn’t think I’m so amazing, except at one thing, actually–disappointing her.

Holly, that’s not true. She’s so proud of you and how amazingly smart you are, how kind.

Yeah, well, maybe you can remind her of that, because right now, she acts like I’m the worst daughter in the world. And honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can take it.

How the hell are you gonna make this up to Eric? I don’t even know what that means. [laughter]

Gabriella! You’re free! How wonderful.

Not feeling it, EJ.

Yes, well, I understand how overwhelming this all must be, but so uplifting to have you back where you belong. So how about I open a bottle of champagne to celebrate your homecoming while I escort Melinda out?

I think I’ll stay for the bubbly, actually, since I was about to say something very important.

Whatever it is, it can wait. This is a family gathering, Melinda.

Let go of me.

You’re leaving, Melinda. We don’t want you here.

Damn you, get your hands off of me!

That duplicitous shrew is lucky EJ dragged her out of here. I was about to scratch her eyes out.

It’s good to be home.

How dare you manhandle me like that.

Easy now.

Get the hell out of my way. I’m going back in there. I’m gonna tell your wife everything.

I see that you’re upset.

Upset doesn’t even begin to cover it. I lost my job because of you.

What if I could offer you a better job? [tense music]

Holly, I’m really sorry things are so hard for you right now with your mom.

It just keeps getting worse and worse. You should have seen what happened last night.

Actually, I was at home when Brady and Tate came home from the prom.

Oh, so then you know how crazy Tate’s and my parents have been about all this then, right? I mean, Theresa acts like I’m this demon seed, I swear. And then my mom grounded me again, which means there’s been exactly one day I haven’t been grounded or in a coma in the past six months. Like, seriously, this is no way to live.

I’m sorry, Holly. I really wish there was something I could do.

Maybe there is. Eric, my mom, she listens to you. She respects your opinion, so… I don’t know, maybe you could talk to her for me?

You know, I thought I could talk to you about stuff, that you would be on my side.

Hey, it’s not about sides. Come on. I have differences with your mother, but when it comes to co-parenting, we have to have each other’s backs.

Even when one of you is completely wrong?

[sighs] Look, I’ll admit, in my opinion, I think your mother overreacted to what happened last night.

Okay, thank you.

Don’t thank me yet. I still think you were dead wrong. You lied to your parents and you were sneaking around.

Yes, because what you guys are doing is completely unfair.

This isn’t– you know what we need? We need a reset.

A reset?

Yeah, a reset.

What does that even mean, a reset?

Basically what that means is, we all need to take a step back. And we need to go to our neutral corners. We need to breathe a little bit and chill out, okay? Number one–number one– you can forget about the country club job because I’m not going for it. I know your mom is not gonna go for it.

This is great. This is so great, Dad. You know, I knew this was gonna happen. Seriously, what am I supposed to do all summer then?

Here’s an idea.

So what are your regrets?

[chuckles] God, too many to list. Look, my point is, is that we all have them. And no one knows that you and Stefan slept together. So come on, I mean, why don’t you just pretend like it didn’t happen?

I can’t do that. I already told Harris.

I–I thought that he understood that you were in a bad place, that you were under a tremendous amount of pressure from the threats of Clyde, that you were protecting him. And that’s why you had to keep him at arm’s length.

Yeah, I mean, that’s what he said. He said he understood. But he tried to get past it, I’m sure, but I just– look, I’m not sure I buy it, it’s just– Kristen, I have made an absolute mess with all the men in my life.

Okay, you know what? Stop beating yourself up about it. Just stop. I think there is something else to consider here.

I’m listening.

All right. You were engaged to Stefan’s identical twin brother, Jake, before he was tragically killed. So it makes sense that there is this underlying attraction to a man that has the exact same DNA. And, not to mention, you said that you were totally wasted when that, um, attraction happened.

All right. Maybe I can buy a little bit of the twin thing here, the resemblance, of course, but… it was such a big mistake. And nobody, nobody else can find out about this, especially Gabi. [soft music]


Oh, I’m not in the mood to celebrate. No offense.

None taken. Melinda turns my stomach too. But even she can’t ruin this day for me. I’m back home with the man I love. I’m so grateful you waited for me, my darling.

I would have waited forever, but I am grateful I didn’t have to. To you, mi amor.

And I–I just wanna say that I– I know that there’s been some bad blood between us, and I really hope we can move forward now.

I hope so too.

So congratulations, Gabi, on your freedom. I’m really happy for both of you. I am.

Thank you. It’s very generous of you. And I’m happy for you and EJ that you got your baby back.

Thank you.

I can’t wait to see my little nephew. I bet he’s a charmer.

Oh, you have no idea. He is. And lucky for him, he looks a lot like Nicole and nothing like EJ.


Now, if you’ll excuse us, my wife has been dying to take a hot shower.

I have. I might need some help, though. Someone to, you know, wash my back, et cetera.

Duty calls. Excuse us.

– [scoffs] What better job? The only job that I’m interested in is the one that you stole from me, unless you’re considering giving it back.

Look, I would be more than happy to relinquish the role of district attorney, but I’m quite certain Mayor Price would take issue with that. The optics of what would appear to be a game of musical chairs would be quite unfavorable.

Got it. So since I understand that you’ve been ousted from your position of power at DiMera, you have obviously nothing to offer me. So I’m gonna go back in there, and I’m gonna destroy your life. [tense music]

Lacrosse camp in upstate New York. Is this a joke?

No, this is not a joke. As a matter of fact, this could be a really great experience. It can also get a lot of those top college recruiters to get their eyes on you, son.

Dad, I’m not, like, bad at lacrosse, but honestly, no one’s gonna want to recruit me.

You’re selling yourself short, because I actually had a chat with your coach, and he said your son has natural ability, natural talent. He said he’s getting better every day.

When did I even say that I wanted to play college lacrosse?

We talked about it.

Yeah, we talked about it before I rode the bench all of last season. Like, have you– have you read this?


Seriously? You have to pay all of this money for me to live in an all-guys’ dorm, eat–I’m sure– bad cafeteria food, and work out for hours a day. hours.

Excuse me, I’m sure the food is fine. There is nothing on there that says you have to work out for hours a day. And by the way, this will give your mom time to cool off. And then maybe in the fall, we can talk about you and Holly Jonas getting together once again. Come on, it’s a great idea. Just–will you please just– son, give it some thought, okay?

Well, I’ve thought about it, and there is no way that I’m doing this.

Holly, after everything that’s happened with Sloan, I think I need to give your mom some space.

What do you mean?

Well, I already told her, but I’m– I’m thinking about leaving Salem.

What? No, Eric, you can’t leave Salem. We’d all miss you so much.

That’s very nice of you to say.

No, I’m not being nice. It’s true. Especially for me. Especially since things just keep getting worse and worse. I mean, Eric, my best friend, she’s not even talking to me, not that I totally blame her for that. And I can’t even leave the house unless it’s to pick up takeout.

It’s really that bad?

It’s totally that bad. I mean, my mom’s literally tracking me as we speak. My phone, she knows exactly where I’m at at all times. I don’t even know who lives in my own house, let alone which DiMera is trying to stab the other one in the back. And then my mom’s so preoccupied with everything else besides me, until she remembers to take the time to make my life miserable. And Eric, if you leave, I’m just going to cry.

Holly, I promise things will get better.

No, they won’t. Eric, I don’t need to tell you what it’s like to not be able to be with someone you really wanna be with. So could you maybe please talk to my mom about letting me see Tate?

Holly, it’s– it’s really not my place to give parenting advice. Whether or not you can see Tate, that’s gotta be up to your mom and your stepdad.

Melinda, if you tell Nicole that Jude is Eric’s baby, you’ll be outed as a baby napper and you’ll never work again. Have you thought about that? Well, you damn well better think about it now. Because yes, you may be destroying my life when you waltz back in there and blurt out the truth, but you’ll be destroying your own as well.

What’s your job offer?

General counsel at DiMera.

You want me to work for Kristen? She killed my daughter!

My–my sister was out of her mind when she thought her baby had died. You know that she didn’t mean for Haley to fall down those stairs.

Whatever the hell she meant, it would be my worst nightmare to work for that woman. But even if I could bring myself to accept your position, you are in no position to be offering it to me.

I’ll speak to Kristen.


I’m certain she will agree to it out of guilt over what happened with your daughter, if nothing else. Plus, I know that my sister knows that you despise me, which is incentive enough for her to employ you.

What about Belle Black? I thought she was general counsel.

Belle is on leave to work on her marriage. The attorney who has taken her spot is just a placeholder. [suspenseful music]

Melinda, I’ll see to it that that job is yours if you want it. Think about it this way. Sure, the DA has power, but you’ll be working for a multinational company that has power. Plus, you’ll be earning a hell of a lot more income. Your alternative is to be poor and jobless… while destroying both our lives.

What the hell is she still doing here?

Listen, your secret is safe with me. Now, let’s raise our glasses to my new job as the new CEO of DiMera. [laughter]

Congratulations, my friend. Oh, goodness. No, no, no, one is my limit tonight. I’ve got an early morning shift at the pub.



You ran a multinational crime organization, and now you’re slinging hash for Roman Brady. [laughs]

Okay. My employment prospects were not so great after the drug debacle here at the Bistro.

Well, then why don’t you come work for me?

Well. [suggestive music]

I’ve been dreaming about this for months.

So have I.

It’s like I’m washing away everything– the stink of Statesville, the distance between us, the time apart.

But you can’t wash away all the pain you suffered.

You know what will help, what I want more than anything?

For you to shave off that damn mustache.

Oh, really?


You don’t like it?

Hate it.

Wow. Well, in that case. Okay, then.

Do you want a personal chef, or are you interested in my skills as a mafia boss?

Ah. Neither. I would just love to have a friend come work for me, especially one who shares my worldview. And frankly, I need an ally in that snake pit. [laughs]

EJ would lose his mind.

Oh, yes, and that is another reason to have you come on board. My little brother needs to be knocked down a notch or . Not to mention, getting under his skin is one of my favorite pastimes.

I completely understand why that would be.

So Ava, come on, this will be great. Hmm? Woman power? Hmm? [laughs] Oh, and then you can say goodbye to that sad little pub room with the lingering smell of clam chowder. What do you say?

I say you’re making me an offer I can’t refuse.

Well then, Ava Vitali, welcome to DiMera. [glasses clink] [chuckles]

I don’t–I don’t think you understand. I’m not giving you a choice.

What? [soft tense music] You literally just told me to think about it. Oh, my God. Wow. Wow, you really don’t care about what I think or what I feel, do you?

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

You are worse than Mom.


Do you know that? Because at least she is straight with me about her crazy rules. You–you– I mean, does she know that you’re trying to send me away again?

Tate, I’m trying to make this as easy for you as I can. You know where your mother wants to send you for summer, most likely? She’s gonna call Grandpa Shane, and your butt’s gonna be in military school for the whole summer.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Seriously? This is probably my last free summer ever, and you get to decide how I spend it.

It looks that way.

You know something? It doesn’t take a shrink to figure out that you just can’t stand to see Holly and me happy because you and Mom have no idea how to be happy, together or separately.

Tate, don’t go there.

Why? Why not? It’s the damn truth, isn’t it?

You wanna know the damn truth?


The damn truth is that you have had two dates with this girl that I know of, and they’ve both ended up in disaster.

And whose fault is that?

You’re not helping your case at all. By the way, I put down a deposit for the camp. It’s gonna be great. You’re going, whether you like it or not.

EJ, he’s just gonna go along with whatever my mom has to say. He’s crazy about her. He couldn’t care less about me.

Holly, that is not true. EJ arranged for you to have treatment in Italy, which saved your life.

Yeah, I guess. But still, I’m not as important to him as his own kids. I mean, the way he looks at me sometimes, it’s like– it’s like he totally disapproves of me.

Holly, you could be imagining that, couldn’t you?

Yeah, I guess.

Try to keep an open mind. Okay? It’s best if you try to get along with him.

What’s the point? My mom’s gonna divorce him, probably soon. I mean, in fact, they’ve gotta be close to their expiration date by now.

What are you talking about?

I mean, it’s true. They never work out. It’s only a matter of time before one of them does something to blow it all up. Eric, sometimes I just wish that she’d stayed with you forever.

I’m sorry I can’t do any more to help.

It’s okay. It’s not your fault anyways. None of it is. Okay, well, I’d better get my food and go before my mom sends out a search party. And Eric, please don’t leave Salem. Okay? Please.

Holly… I love you. And I’ll be praying that things get better for you.

Thanks. Love you too.

Melinda and I were just discussing the disposition of a few important cases.

One in particular.

Which we resolved, did we not?

We did. Thanks again. [tense music]

Why did you do it, EJ?

What do you mean?

After everything that woman put us and our baby through, what possible reason could you have for giving her an immunity deal? [suggestive music]

So, better?

So much better.


You know, this robe, it feels really good after all that time in those prison clothes. But I don’t wanna wear it right now. I wanna feel nothing against my body. Nothing but you.

Dad, look, just please, is there anything that I can do to change your mind about this?

Tate. Tate. It’s a done deal. You’re going. [soft tense music] The summer will be over before you know it. I’m sure you’re gonna have a great time. I want you to give it a chance. Please.

[line trills] [phone rings]

Hey, what’s up?

Hey, you okay?

Not really. You?

Not even close. How would you feel about running away together?

Look, I hated helping Melinda. If it were up to me, I would have nailed her to a wall. But I had no choice, sweetheart.

Oh, no choice? Why the hell not?

Rafe was desperate to help his sister, claiming that Gabriella was suffering greatly in solitary confinement. And Stefan was playing on family loyalties.


As laughable as it is, given what happened with Kristen at DiMera, I thought it would be advantageous to put my brother and his wife under our debt. And the truth is, Gabriella was innocent.

Yeah, but Melinda was not.

I know. It’s galling, sweetheart.

No, it’s more than that, EJ. It’s sick, actually. And you know– [sighs] I just–I need some time out here alone.

Of course. Of course. I’ll be inside.

Mm-hmm. [pensive music]

I thought you weren’t coming in today.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to. I–there’s something I need to tell you.

Okay. What is it?

I might be leaving Salem.

Mmm. “Mr. Brady, we reviewed your portfolio “and would be happy to offer you a position in our Paris office.” [soft tense music]

Well, is the little prince asleep?

He is.

Mm. Well, I am off to bed. I have an early morning conference call with Hong Kong.

Before you turn in, may I– may I ask a favor? It’s about a potential hire.

Roman, hey. It’s Ava. Listen, thanks for everything that you’ve done for me, but you’re gonna have to hang up that Help Wanted sign again because I just got a new job.

Oh, Ari, I can’t wait to see you, either. Tell Will and Sonny I’ll be taking the DiMera jet to Phoenix first thing in the morning. I love you too, my sweet girl. Till tomorrow. Bye.

I bet Arianna is so thrilled that she gets to see you tomorrow.

Not as thrilled as I am. You have no idea how good it feels to be held after all this time.

To me too. [soft music]

I’m sure it was really hard for you, us being apart for so long. You must have been so lonely.

Lonely for you, my beautiful wife. Oh, God, I missed you.

And yet, even with all the beautiful women out there in the world, you didn’t give in to temptation. [panting] Not a chance. You are the only woman I wanna be with, now and forever.

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GH Transcript Friday, June 28, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[ Door opens ]

Hey. Why’d you need to see me? Because I know.

How’d it go with Finn? Okay, I think. He’s really owning what happened. He apologized for the lies and the other things he said… thanked me for getting a restraining order. He did? Like, he actually said the words? He did — for that and taking custody. He realized what he’s putting Violet through and he’s kind of torn up about it. Good. I mean that in the most supportive way possible. I know. [ Groans ] When Violet said, “I thought you died like Grandpa,” I just — I lost it. ,::, Yeah, I had to pull over on the drive back.

So… what’d you think of the rehab place? I didn’t go inside. Finn wanted to take that step on his own. But — But you made sure he went in, right? Oh, yeah, I watched him go all the way inside/ But the outside was nice. Even at night. It was very — very peaceful. Good. Sounds like just what he needs. How’s Violet doing? Is she in bed? Yeah. She’s out like a light. She was exhausted. Yeah. Chase, um, listen. We didn’t get a chance to discuss this before when Finn was here. Um… Discuss what? I had a long talk with my grandmother. Uh-oh. She made a very strong case for how she thinks we should proceed. What did the Empress have to say? Well, she thinks it would be best if the two of us move in here — with Violet. Natalia: Hi! [ Laughs ] Thank you for coming. I’m so flattered you asked. Now, it’s not — it’s not too late for you? Oh, no. I’m a — I’m a total night owl. I always have been. And you couldn’t have picked a better location. My room is right here, right downstairs. Good evening. What can I get you? North Sterling scotch, neat, for the lady. You remembered. Thank you. And I’ll, uh — I’ll have the same thing. Very good. Coming right up. Thank you. So, what has you up so late? [ Sighs ] I’ve been — I’ve been feeling a little stifled lately at my place. Yeah. I can imagine. Yeah, so I had to change the, you know, living situation. Did you trade in the luxurious penthouse for the Metro Court Presidential suite? [ Both laugh ] N– No, no, no, no, no, no. What do you mean, then? Ava moved out. Did she? She seemed pretty ensconced. Even so… it was time to go. Thank you for coming by so late. Yeah. I got your message. Have you heard from Nikolas? No, not since he was transferred. I’m sorry. Did you think this was about him? Uh, more like I was hoping. I-I haven’t heard from him either, so… Anyways, I’m here. Uh, I didn’t realize you were staying at the Metro Court. As of this morning. It turns out I’m safer here than under the same roof as Sonny Corinthos.

Some of this stuff seems so impressive, but I can’t tell if it is or if it’s a total line of B.S. Like, look. For example… “Oversaw the distribution of priority communication throughout a complex interdepartmental network.” Sounds impressive or… Sounds like mailroom? Right? Kristina, are you sure you want to be handing over the day-to-day running of the LGBTQ Center to someone else? I mean, it is your baby. No, I don’t want to. The Corinthos-Davis House was my idea, and I’m really passionate about it, but… I want someone else to take charge right now, and that’s what’s best for the center. Okay. How exactly is you stepping back serving the center? Because. I came up with a really powerful idea. But there are people who are far more qualified than I am who can run the center and really make my vision a reality. Besides, it’s a little weird to be going back and starting back up again at the Corinthos-Davis House and then have to leave because I’m going on maternity leave like five seconds later. “Maternity leave”? So, was Tracy’s suggestion that we move in here an invitation or a demand? It was a very strong invitation. And she decided this unilaterally? Well, Monica and Olivia both signed off on it. Monica and Olivia agreed with Tracy? Both of them? I know. It’s like the seven seals of the apocalypse all burst open at once. But, of course, I told her that I wasn’t gonna make any decisions without discussing it with you first. Okay. Let’s discuss it. What are the pros? Okay, well, um… my grandmother first pointed out that we — we can’t move in to your brother’s place with Violet, what with her grandfather dying there and then her finding her father passed out and bleeding on the floor. That is a good point. So we’ll move in to our place. Yeah, it’s just… That it’s too small. We can get a bigger place. We’ve been talking about doing that anyway. What better time? Yeah. We could. Where would we stay here that has more privacy than our own place? Uh, well, there’s a suite with two bedrooms and a private bath, and there are tons of kids running around, not to mention Monica and Olivia and — and Willow and Sasha. Lots of positive, nurturing maternal energy. You didn’t say Tracy. Neither did she. Right. So those were Tracy’s talking points? Pretty much. I mean, she also said that Violet needs consistency now. Not when we move, but right now. And you agree? I thought they were really good points. What do you think? You know, when I was driving back from the rehab place alone, I was thinking about something Finn said to me — about how I was being the big brother, taking care of him. My whole life, I had my dad to take care of me, and now I’m responsible to take care of my family and provide for them and make sure they’re safe. And when I was driving, every minute, every mile, I was — I was coming up with a plan and then revising it — because I’ve never had a kid. And now I have custody of one. And I know it’s just temporary, but we don’t know how long it’ll be, not really. But the whole way back… I thought to myself, “Yes… I can step up for my niece. I can give her a home that she deserves.” Sonny: Thank you. Natalia: Thank you. I mean, after what Ava did to Kristina’s mom, I would imagine it got pretty tense in the house. Yeah, but not — not for long. You know, I’ve been — I don’t know what I was thinking having her move in to my place. Well, you were thinking about your daughter Avery, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. By the way, I think I can guess who came up with that name. You’d be right. Still, I think it suits my little girl. Yeah. Um, look, it’s none of my business, but… Go ahead. Fire away. Well, I mean, aside from this recent cohabitation, Ava just doesn’t seem like she’s “the one that got away.” Ava can’t get far away enough. [ Chuckles ] Okay. Well… To long distance. [ Glasses clink ] [ Chuckles ] There is one person who I thought I could count on till my dying day, and she turned her back on me. Was that your — your wife Nina? No, no. Nina was a different mistake that — Oh. [ Chuckles ] Whatever she did… you know, happened around the same time. These people that I thought I could count on, I figured out I couldn’t count on them at all. You said “people.” So more than one. Well… [ Sighs ] I discovered that, uh… …these two people were the closest to me out of anyone. And they were conspiring against me. And at that time, I didn’t think Ava was, so I let her in. Which I should have known better. Because Ava was and always will be… a treacherous viper. I know you and Sonny have a complicated history, but I thought the two of you had sort of come to an understanding of late. Yeah. I certainly thought so. As far as I knew, Sonny and I were closer than ever. And we had become — Well, “friends” might be too big a word, but we had begun to let our guard down. We were confiding in each other. There was a kind of trust. And now? Now I’m living in a hotel, scrolling through real-estate apps. What? What? Ah. I-I’m sorry. It’s just — It’s not like Sonny to put the mother of one of his children out on the streets. I’m not exactly destitute. No, that’s — that’s very true. Well, would you mind telling me what happened between you two? I wish I knew. I’m sure you’ve noticed how erratic Sonny has been lately. He’s lashed out at almost everybody, and up until now, I’ve managed to avoid being the target of his wrath. Uh-huh. And you have no idea why he suddenly turned on you? No. No, I don’t. I-I wouldn’t be able to correct it even if I did. Because, with Sonny, any offense is a capital crime, right? Real or imagined. Yes. I’m aware how he feels about loyalty. Ah. Been the brunt of it yourself, I see. Now, don’t worry. I won’t pry. Thank you. If anything, I’ve been trying to support Sonny, and he seemed to be appreciating it. But then today, he… he became completely irrational and he picked a fight with me over I don’t even know what. And it was just so unsettling, Laura. It was so unmoored from reality that I felt like I had no choice but to leave. Y-You know, I’ve become aware just recently that Sonny is not the man I thought he was. Hm. Except that it seems like lately he’s been giving in to all of his worst impulses. Except that I have never known you to be a completely helpless victim, so come on, now. Why don’t you tell me what you were really fighting about? The FBI used me to strong-arm you into being an informant. Which means it’s my fault that you lost two and a half years of your life that you could have spent with your family. Who told you? Doesn’t matter. Yes, it does matter. I need to know who else knows. Sam. Sam. And she’s not happy about it. And she blames me. And I get it. How’d she find out? How do you think? Spinelli? She got Spinelli to hack into the FBI’s evidence file, and they found a recording — of me at that meeting with Cyrus Renault and the Five Families announcing to everyone that I was head of the Corinthos organization. Spinelli wasn’t able to delete the file. I mean, that’s good. I think they would have noticed that. He was able to make a recording, though. And Sam played it for me.

You had a choice. Your freedom and your family… or me. Why did you pick me? Apparently Kristina made some petty accusation against me. And because she is the apple of his eye, I got the boot. I’m sure she’s throwing a party somewhere as we speak. My concern is… the person who will suffer most from my moving out is Sonny. How so? Well, I-I’ve tried to be a stabilizing influence. I haven’t been very successful, especially considering what happened at that wedding. What wedding? Oh, uh, Brook Lynn and Chase. Yeah. Laura… Sonny beat a man within an inch of his life at the reception. Oh, my God. And it’s no surprise you haven’t heard about this because, as usual with Sonny, no charges were filed. I just meant “maternity leave” in the sense of, like, the — the time period that a woman takes after she gives birth, whatever that time period is called. So family leave. I said “whatever.” Obviously you will need time to recover, but isn’t that like weeks? Yeah. And isn’t that so that the new parents can get acclimated to raising their newborn? It’s for whatever they need it to be for. But, yes, most importantly for that. But if you’re not raising the baby, then can’t you return to the center in the amount of time that doctors recommend? Six weeks. Okay. Why give up running the center that you built from the ground up when you can just start six weeks later? Because I don’t know what’s gonna happen! I don’t know if Molly and TJ are going to break up. I don’t know if they’re gonna stay together. I don’t know if maybe they’re gonna stay together and then maybe a year later they’re gonna break up! I don’t know! A-And if TJ decides that he does want full custody a-and he does because it is his biological and legal right with that baby — Okay. That’s enough hypotheticals. Stay with me! Molly has no legal or biological claim to this child, but I do. Hold on a second. Are you saying that you would actually try to get custody for Molly? You know, I haven’t had much interaction with Ava, but she just always seemed so disingenuous to me. That’s putting it kindly. Well, if I ever cross paths with her again, I’ll just, you know — I’ll have my guard up. Do me a favor. Don’t cross paths with her. Just go in a different direction. [ Chuckles ] Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. I don’t scare easily, though, so I don’t like to give anybody that kind of power over me — to be afraid. Well, I’m not — I’m not telling you to be afraid. I’m just saying that, you know, don’t underestimate Ava. Duly noted. And enough about her, anyhow, so… Here you go. Hear, hear. Hear, hear! On to more pleasant topics. Um, what were we talking about before her? Betrayal. Oh, well. There’s pleasant. It’s a downer. I know. [ Laughs ] Well… It is a beautiful night in a beautiful place. Yeah. And, uh, the scotch is amazing. And the company… Loves misery. No! No? It’s not afraid of the dark. Ohh! To the darkness! To the darkness! And to the light that follows! [ Laughs ] I don’t, um — I don’t want to belabor the topic, but, um… there just is no pain quite like the wound of betrayal, so I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. Uh, the same. What about you? Did you ever forgive the person who betrayed you? Who said there were just one? Oh, there was more than one! Yeah. Oh, I didn’t know that. Ooh. Forgive? I don’t know if I forgive. I…move on. I don’t forget. Um, the Lord wants me to forgive, so I try. How about you? No. No? Just no? That’s it? [ Both chuckling ] No, no. It’s, uh — You know what? Actually, I — With family, I forgive, and family forgives me. And that’s what families do, right? Yeah. But don’t you find it harmful not tempering anger with mercy? Sometimes. You know, I’ve been thinking lately that the people who turned away from me… …who I trusted, you know? That they believed in me. We all have one thing in common. Me.

[ Sighs ] I never wanted you to know about this. Why? It’s my life. I’m the one who could be charged. Yeah, I made sure you wouldn’t be. [ Scoffs ] By sacrificing yourself?! No, because I knew when you found out you would confront the FBI and dare them to charge you. And that didn’t make any sense at all! And you becoming an informant does?! For more than two years, Jason?! Okay, I didn’t think it would be that long. I thought it would be six months. One undercover operation, I’m out, you’re safe. But… [ Sighs ] Then there was another year and another year after that. It was just — Jason… There was never a moment when it was too much. I never… once thought about bailing. Of course, you didn’t. This is what you do. You always protect me. But this time I was the target. I deserved to know! And I should have a say in how we handle things! We? There is no “we,” Carly. I’m handling it the way I’m handling it. That’s not an option anymore. I am not gonna let you throw your life away because of me. I won’t do it. I am not throwing my life away!

I agreed to do a job! And that’s what I’m doing! How do you know that Cates won’t double-cross you? How do you know he won’t say, “Thanks for your help, here’s your next mission”? I mean, do you honestly believe the FBI and John Cates are ever gonna let you go? I just want to know what my options are. Options that keep the baby in the family so that Molly can raise it? Or do you want the baby for yourself? Well, now who’s going into hypotheticals? Have you actually looked into these options? No, I haven’t, but I did ask my mom for guidance. She just didn’t want to give me her opinion. Very wise, your mother. She did direct me to the legal statute involved if, hypothetically, I did want to pursue custody. I guess that’s not so bad. And I may have drawn up a mock petition that could arguably be filed in court. Kristina… I think my chances are better than %. But the baby’s not just a package you can hand over, you know? If the courts agree with me a-and if I do get custody, then I’m gonna be the one who has to raise this child. And I… Allie, you… You once said that you wished this baby were ours. How would you feel about co-parenting? This is the first I’ve heard that Sonny attacked someone at the wedding. Who was the victim? Well, I tried to ask him, but Sonny was pretty distraught himself over losing control in front of Kristina. Kristina saw it? From what I understand, she witnessed the whole thing… Ohh! …and she became extremely upset. Not that it matters now. Apparently all is forgiven, and Kristina and her father are once again thick as thieves. Thank you for telling me this. I know that it’s not the happiest news to impart, but I thought you should know. Although, it’s not why I-I asked you here. Oh. I didn’t think so, actually. But it is about Sonny. He’s become so erratic that I don’t know what he’s gonna do from one moment to the next. And the way we left things, I’m afraid he’s become so unhinged and paranoid that he is gonna try to get our custody agreement overturned and keep Avery for himself. I cannot allow that to happen! Violet is your niece, so, of course, you want to take the lead of figuring out the best course of action for how she moves forward. So I-I’m gonna tell Tracy that we are gonna leave and go home. Wait. Wait, wait, wait. I am so grateful to you and your family… They’re your family, too. …for wanting to help and take the three of us in. Well, of course. You know how much my grandmother loves Finn. And your father. May he rest in peace. And she also loves making decisions. What I was trying to say earlier — when I was driving and — and planning and worrying about what to do with Violet, I walked through the front door and I saw you… and it made me realize I don’t have to do this alone. I have my wife, the best partner and — and co-pilot and teammate that I could ask for. Chase, I not only love you, I admire you. Because you show up for the people you love the most, and you never complain. I complain sometimes. Well, you are kind and strong and gentle and you lead with your heart. You should write all this down for when we renew our vows. Oh, I’ll remember it.

So, now that we’ve said all those things… what do you think of Tracy’s idea? You have no way to be sure that the FBI will ever let us off the hook — not now, not ever! No. I don’t. But that’s the risk, and I’m willing to take it. Well, I’m not! That’s why I started exploring other options. What are — Who have you been talking to? I talked to Diane because I want to know my chances of an acquittal if I turn myself in. Well, I hope Diane said zero. She said thirty. Oh. Oh. Thirty. Diane’s a great lawyer, but I would round that number down a little bit. No. I get it, Jason! They’re not great odds! But what are the odds of the FBI letting you go and giving your life back? The only way to stop them is to call their bluff. Oh, Carly. This…

You keep talking about the time… that I’ve lost with my family. If you turn yourself in… if you go to prison, then everything that I did, everything that I sacrificed to protect you means nothing! So please… do not throw all of that away. Here’s the deal. When I married you, I knew that a boatload of Quartermaines, Falconeris, and Cerullos came with the package. For better or for worse. And now that I’ve met them… Okay, I know what you’re gonna say, but they really do mean well. I was going to say I definitely think it’s for the better. Oh. Well, they do mean well. Except for Cousin Patty. She’s a mess. Anyway, what were you gonna say? I came from a pretty small family to begin with, and now that my dad’s gone, my mom’s off in parts unknown, and Finn is getting back on track, your loud, crazy family full of meddlers and busybodies — You are skating on thin ice, pal. I’m just saying… I shouldn’t be surprised that they’d be willing to welcome me and Violet into the fold. Well, of course. They adore Violet. And I’m pretty sure they already prefer you over me. I think it’s ’cause I’m easier to get along with than you. That’s just a lot of words for “pushover,” ‘kay? And, yeah, the Q’s and the Cerullos are a crazy mixed bag, but we love each other. Even Cousin Patty? You know, she keeps getting invited to stuff, so I guess so, which only proves my point. When — When something’s up with one of us, we come together, we step up for each other. And you and Violet are a part of that family. You’re stuck with us.

Gio. Oh. Hello. Speaking of family. Hi, Gio. What’s up? Sorry for interrupting. Violet heard me tuning my violin and came looking for the sound. Then she got lost finding her room, so I helped her find it. Uh, she was, uh, pretty tired, so I’m pretty sure she’s asleep now. Thank you for looking out for Violet. Yeah. Uh, listen. If nobody minds, I’m just gonna go outside and practice. Is this for Ava’s gallery? Yeah. Play badly. If only I knew how.

Okay. So what do you think of the move? Uh… hold that thought. I’m gonna go check on Violet. Okay.

Ava, did you ask me here because you want me to assist you in a custody battle with Sonny? Well… yes. You know, I-I really shouldn’t be getting involved in something like that. Laura. You once said that we’re family. Even after Nikolas and I divorced. Did you mean that? Yes, I did. I did. Because I believe that you truly loved my son. And, actually, I think he still loves you. I love him, too. But, you know… oil and water. I know. At this point in my life… other than Avery… you and Trina are the closest thing I have to family. And that — that means something to me. Family means a lot to me, too. And while I do care about you, Ava, don’t you dare use that to work me! If there’s something that you want from me, you be direct — you ask me. Okay. Okay. Cards on the table, then. Please. I spoke to Scott. And he said that if Sonny tries to smear me in court… it could work. Ohh. And I cannot let that happen. I cannot let him have Avery. He’s barely fit to take care of himself! Yeah, you’re right. You’re right. So as I see it… the best defense is a good offense. Right? So I’m… I’m looking for character witnesses, just in case. So… may I give your name to Scott as someone who would be willing to appear in family court on my behalf?

[ Exhales heavily ] How’s Violet doing? She’s fine. You know, seeing her sleeping peacefully up in her bed and then coming down and seeing you sleeping peacefully on the couch has me thinking there is no better place for the three of us to spend the summer. Really? Are you sure? It’s the right thing to do for Violet. She’ll have kids to play with, boats to ride, docks to swim off, horses. She’s super-jazzed about the horses. And I am super-jazzed about spending the summer with my amazing wife and her massive family. “Our.” Our massive family. Tomorrow… we’ll start moving our stuff. And Violet’s, too. I understand your need to keep Avery really close to you right now, especially since, lately, Sonny’s behavior has been genuinely concerning. Does that mean you’ll help me? Can I give you your name to Scott? Yes, you can. But that’s because if Avery has to have only one custodial parent right now, I believe it should be you. Thank you. Thank you so much, Laura. Yeah. Ava, don’t make me regret this. No, no. I won’t. I promise. Your faith and support mean everything. I-I’m sure Scott will be contacting you. Okay.

Oh, and Laura… Mm-hmm? I promise you that if I do hear from Nikolas, I will let you know. I really do want only the very best for him. Thank you. Me too.

Carly, if you go forward with this and you get convicted, this life that you have now — with the kids, Bobbie’s, the hotel — it’s done. You’re probably gonna go away for years. And then Josslyn and Michael can take turns bringing Donna to visit you until she’s old enough to visit you on her own. And all for what? All because you wanted to turn yourself in when you didn’t have to. And how’s Donna gonna feel when you abandon her for me? Donna will always know that I love her. But not enough to stay out of prison for her? That’s not fair, Jason! That’s a fact!

Here’s another fact.

If you go to prison…

…I will blame myself every day for the rest of my life.

So if you don’t want your daughter to grow up without you and you don’t want me to carry that guilt… just stop. Just back off and let me finish what I started! Okay. Fine.

I t’s fine? I get it! I-I-I get that you have to follow through with all this. Okay? I get it. [ Sighs ] Thank you. But what if I can’t stand it? Honestly, if the situation presents itself, would you want to co-parent this child with me?

Do I want kids at all? I think… someday maybe. But… Right now, with my career on the upswing, I just don’t think it’s a good time for me to be a mom. I hope you’re not too disappointed. No. No. How could I be? I mean… It’s not exactly the right time for me to be a mom right now, either. But, I mean, look, in a perfect world, Molly and TJ would peacefully and blissfully raise this child on rock-steady ground. I wouldn’t even have to think about this. Okay, then why think about it at all? Look. Couples fight. I-I know — not Molly and TJ — but, yes, Molly and TJ! It’ll all blow over, and then you’ll just have wasted a lot of energy over nothing. Allie, no. I have to be prepared. If this goes badly and TJ wants custody of this child, then I have to make sure my sister has access to this baby! And the only way to do that is by suing TJ for custody. Do you usually have trouble sleeping? Do I look tired? No. No. [ Chuckles ] Restless, maybe. But that might just be me projecting. ‘Cause there’s so many nights that I lie awake with just a million thoughts racing through my head. It almost feels like… Like ghosts, you know? Does that ever happen to you? All the time. Well, I think you have the right idea. In situations like this, when you’re being swarmed by ghosts. Reach out to a friend and grab a drink in the night air. Try to make all that noise stop. To finding our friends. In the darkness. [ Chuckles ] Cheers. Cheers.

To new beginnings. I admit that you’re right about all of it. Well, good. I’ll take it from here. But what if it’s too much of a cost for me? What if I can’t live with knowing that I’m the reason you haven’t had a day of freedom since November ? You don’t have to live with it. I do. Jason… I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for you. My life wouldn’t be what it is if I hadn’t met you. So how do I let the FBI use you knowing I had the power to stop it? You just said you were gonna do this my way! I know, but I changed my mind! You can’t change your mind, Carly! Not about this! I chose to take the FBI’s deal. So, please, I’m asking you. Do not get in the way of it!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, June 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[apprehensive music]


Oh. Abe. Oh, thank God you’re here.

I got your text. I got your text. So what happened?

It’s Chanel. Right after she and Johnny came over, she started having cramps, bad cramps. Johnny and I had to rush her over here.

How is she? Is–is the baby okay? Paulina?

No. The baby is not okay at all.

I didn’t realize until now.

You didn’t realize what?

I didn’t realize how much I loved having a little life growing inside me, a life that we made. I didn’t realize until now how much he meant to me. Although maybe it was a girl, little girl. And now we’ll never know.

I am so sorry, Chanel. [somber music]


Oh, hi.

I’m sorry to interrupt. Do you have a moment?

Yeah, I thought you weren’t coming in today.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to. I–there’s something I need to tell you.

Okay, what is it?

I might be leaving Salem.

Rafe, it’s DA DiMera.

EJ. I assume that this means…

Yes, I did speak with the judge about your sister. That’s why I’m calling. If you want Gabi to be released from prison, you need to find Melinda Trask immediately. Drag her butt down to the station, and make sure she brings the evidence that she is holding on to illegally.

Well, that might be easier said than done.

Really? Even though this is for Gabi, your sister?

EJ, look. I am well aware.

Lucky for you, you’re police commissioner with an entire department at your beck and call. So put them to work, Hernandez, and do it now. Otherwise, your sister will be spending the rest of her days in Statesville.

[sighs] [gentle music]


Oh, Stefan. I’m–I’m so happy to see you.

Oh, my wife. My love. Oh, my God, how I’ve missed you. [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

No touching!

Sorry, officer.

You do that again, you’re out of here.

How are you, my love?

Relieved to be out of solitary, even if–

Even if what?

Honestly, you’d think Clyde was still around, the way I’ve been getting beaten up. But I’m okay. They broke it up pretty fast this time.

Okay, well I will see to it whoever picked that fight with you gets their prison sentence extended.

Forget it. It’s not worth it. I just wanna make the most of our visit. We only have an hour.

We’re gonna have a lot more time than that because today, my sweet wife, is the day you go free.

Look, what I was trying to say is, I am well aware that Melinda Trask is laying low. But I am confident that my guys can track her down.

Then why are we still on the phone?

Because of the other thing that you want.

Try to follow along, will you? The judge will not vacate Gabi’s conviction until he sees the new evidence that Trask is holding on to.

Yes, and as you well know, Gil Carter’s little black book is her ace in the hole. And she is not gonna give it up until she gets an immunity deal.

Damn it, Rafe. This took a lot of persuasion on my part. And the judge has all but agreed to overturn Gabi’s conviction, but only when he sees the new evidence and holds it in his hot little hands. Have I laid that out clearly enough for you? Now, do you want your sister out of prison or not?

You know the answer to that.

Then find Trask and get her to turn over that black book. I will take care of the rest. [sighs] [chuckles] Times like these, I really wish I were an only child. Your namesake has forced me into this untenable position. Melinda is a loose cannon, and it’s a high risk no matter what I do. But I have no choice if I don’t want to lose Nicole.

You’re leaving town? Why?

The truth is, I’m– I’m leaving for my own personal reasons.

Well, where will you be going?

Well, I applied for a few job opportunities in other cities, and just hoping that they pan out.

And then you’ll move?


Eric, are you leaving because of me? [pensive music]

Look, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up.

Well, Gabi, you should be cheered up because you get to go free today. What, you don’t believe me?

I want to. It’s just, after all these months, I’m afraid to hope.

Okay. I get that, all right? But this is not a pipe dream. This judge already believes in the potential of this new evidence.

That black book you turned over to the police, you mean? The one Trask is holding on to?

Yes, that black book. And now with EJ back in his old job as DA, he has the power to grant Trask immunity in exchange for that book. So you’ve got Li’s blood, Gil Carter’s fingerprint. The only thing that’s missing is a flashing neon sign that says Gabriella DiMera is innocent.

Stefan, I think you want this so much, you’ve put on blinders. You don’t see how it could all fall apart.

It won’t, Gabi. I promise.

How can you promise that when EJ hates us? Why in God’s name would he want to help me?

Never mind. Why would you be leaving Salem because of me? That’s not what I meant. What I meant was, are you leaving because of Jude, because it’s too painful to be around him?

No, act– actually, it warms my heart to see him. What’s painful is leaving.

Right. And I know that you’re still attached to him. I mean, you–you spent all that time with him all those months. And even when I ran into you, there he was, little Jude. You two seemed inseparable.

Yeah, we kinda were. I mean, it’s– that’s why I need some time apart. To accept that he’s not my son, that I’m not Jude’s father. [baby crying]

Oh. [soft music]

Any more pain?

No, I’m fine. Just trying to get comfortable since Dr. Greene says I’ll be here for a while.

He–he wants to keep you overnight, yeah, just–just as a precaution. If it were up to me, I’d carry you out of here right now.

Yeah, I know you would. And I know you can’t.

Maybe I should just– you know, I could go home, get you some–some of your stuff, your PJs, your tablet. Anything else?

No, thank you. That’ll be perfect. But, oh, if you see my mom on your way out, don’t let her in here. I don’t wanna talk to her.

I’ll take care of it. And on my way back, I will stop by the pub. You must be starving.

Actually, I’m not. And…no more cravings.

Okay. [somber music]

Then when the doctor let me back in, Chanel said the miscarriage was all my fault because I’d exposed her to radiation.

Oh, Paulina.


So sorry. So sorry. Excuse me just for a moment. I’ll be back. Be back. Johnny, I–I’m just so sorry. Paulina just told me what happened. Is Chanel all right? Oh, stupid, stupid question. Of course she’s devastated.

Yeah, it’s–it’s tough. I’m just headed home to get her some–some stuff. The doctor wants her to stay overnight.

Maybe I should just go, you know, and sit with her, you know, while you’re gone.

No, that’s not necessary.

Well–well, she shouldn’t be alone in that room.

Paulina, no. She doesn’t wanna see you.

But–but, Johnny, I–

Please just respect her wishes.

You have to trust me, Gabi. This plan to free you is well on its way to coming together.

But Stefan, we screwed EJ out of DiMera. And then he went after me with both barrels when I first got arrested. He did everything in his power to put me in prison for a crime that I didn’t commit.

Yes, but this is his chance to make that right, to make a stand for justice. He is on our side now.

So you say. But why?

We both know that she would dump your sorry ass the second she found out she had a child with the man she truly loves.

Shut your damn mouth.

Gladly. For a price.

Oh. So we’re back to this again, huh? Mm. Blackmail.

Yes. It seems that, EJ, you and I are in a constant state of tug of war. Turns out, I got all the leverage this time.

Answer me, Stefan. Why are you so confident that EJ’s going to come through for me? I mean, you and EJ have stabbed each other in the back so much you’ve practically turned it into an art form. What’s changed?

Well, that wasn’t humiliating or anything, having those cops pick me up off the street like I’m some common criminal.

Well, you made it too easy.

Walking down a public street, minding my own business.

Next time you’re craving birria tacos, maybe you should order from the app. I do wanna thank you because I have been meaning to try these ever since you recommended them.

You know, well, I didn’t tip, so the guy might have spit in them. What am I doing here?

We need that black book now.

That’s why you dragged me down here?

Listen, Trask, you were already pushing it when you were DA. But now? You’re just an ordinary citizen, and one who is in possession of stolen evidence.

I already told you, I am not turning anything over until I have immunity for that mess with EJ and Nicole’s kid.

You’ve got it.

[laughs] Right. How many times have you and I sat on the same side of this table, Rafe? I know all your tricks.

There are no tricks. No tricks, okay? You’ve got it. EJ has already signed off on the deal.

What? And why would he do that? [pensive music]

Nicole? Johnny. Shouldn’t you be at the airport?

[clears throat] No. Uh, I need to be here.

I’m confused. You and Chanel are leaving for LA today, yes?

We were, yeah. But then we–we just stopped by Paulina’s to say goodbye. And then, uh, something happened.

Is it about the job?

No. No, it’s not about that.

Son, you’re starting to worry me.

Chanel lost the baby. [somber music]

I hate this, Abraham. My baby in that sterile hospital room all alone. I just wanted to keep her company. That’s all.

Johnny made her wishes quite clear, Paulina.

I know. I’m–yeah, yeah. She doesn’t wanna see me because she thinks that I’m the reason that she lost her baby, my grandbaby.

But is that exactly what Dr. Greene said, that the miscarriage was caused by radiation exposure?

No, I talked to him earlier. He said it wasn’t likely.

Then you– you weren’t to blame.

He also said that he couldn’t totally rule it out. Then he–he tried to comfort me, going on about how common miscarriage is and that it’s nature’s way of ending a pregnancy when it– when it’s not going right, when it–

Well, listen, whatever happened with the baby, you can’t blame yourself, you know? Chanel is young. She has plenty of time to get pregnant again.

That’s true. But I’m sure that’s not what she is thinking. Right now, all she’s thinking is that if not for her impulsive, reckless mother, all would be well with that little one that she’s carrying. All she’s thinking is that I am the reason that she lost that baby. [baby crying]

Oh, honey, shh, shh, shh, shh. It’s okay, baby. Shh. Mama’s here. It’s okay. Oh. Shh.

Do you mind if I try?

Oh, um, yeah. Yeah, of course.

Hey, big guy. What’s going on? Huh? Do you wanna hear one of your favorite songs? Yeah? You remember “The Itsy Bitsy Spider?”


* Itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout * * Down came the rain and washed the spider out * * And out came the sun and dried up all the rain * * The itsy bitsy spider * * Crawled up the water spout again * [both laugh]


There you go.

Look at that, you cheered him up.


He’s smiling.

Yeah, that “Itsy Bitsy Spider” song usually does the trick.

Yeah. I’ll have to remember that.


I’m sure he misses you so much.

Well, he’s got you now.


He’s lucky. [soft music]

[somber music]

[knocking on door]

[gasps] [knocking on door] Go away. I don’t wanna talk to you.

Hello? May I come in? Just–just for a few minutes.

Oh, yes, Abe. I’m so sorry. Yes, come in.

Hey. I heard about the baby. And my heart, it just– It just breaks for you and Johnny. Oh…


Do you need anything?

No. No, I’m fine. Thank you.

You know… [sighs] You know, your mom… She feels terrible about what happened.

And she should.

Well, um, the way I understand, that it’s possible that this radiation–

Abe, would you please just stop? Okay? I never wanna hear the word radiation again. And I definitely don’t wanna talk about my mother.

Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah. Let’s just– Let’s just sit here. Okay, then?



Drink up. You have all my sympathy, son. Tell me about Chanel. How’s she doing?

She’s doing, uh, as well as can be expected. She’s still at the hospital. They wanna keep her overnight. Just precautionary.

Does she have a good doctor? I could fly–

We have a good doctor, thank you.

Okay, but if there’s anything else I–

What, what, why– I’m sorry, why are you being so nice about this?

What? Johnny.

Is this sympathy even real, or are you privately relieved? Because–because from what I recall, you didn’t think Chanel should even have this baby. You didn’t–you didn’t think we should go through with this pregnancy at all.

But you did.


Johnny, look. Hey. You’re my son. And I love you. Yes, this is real, my sympathy for you, for Chanel, because in the end, I want what you want. And when you’re in pain, I’m in pain, okay? Come here. [soft music]

Thank you for calming him down.

You would have figured it out on your own.

Oh, I don’t know about that. I haven’t exactly been mother of the year this year.

Call it a hunch.


Safe bet.

Yeah. Eric, I know I don’t have to tell you this, but… I don’t want you to leave town. But I understand if you do. But… it doesn’t mean I won’t miss you.

Well, I still have to see if I get anything from the résumés I sent out. Haven’t gotten any bites yet.


I’ll, um–I’ll see you later.


I’ll let you know what happens. [pensive music]

Okay, long story short, I managed to persuade EJ to see the light.

You didn’t brainwash him, did you?

No, no, his brain is more or less intact.

Then how? And what if there’s a double cross coming?

There won’t be. And as to how I did it… Let’s just say I reminded EJ that DiMeras value family loyalty over anything else and that an external attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. And you, my love, are one of us.

There’s more. I know there is. Do I have to get my friend over there to pry it out of you? You know he’s just looking for an excuse. [phone beeps]

Speak of the devil.

EJ. What does he say?

He says that Rafe is on the case now. So you better bet that your brother’s not gonna allow any double crossing to happen. This is the part of the conversation where you say, oh, Stefan, you’re right. You have had this together all along. And, oh, just hearing your name turns me on.

Well, that is true, actually. That last part, I mean.

Well, I’m glad to hear that. It’s only a matter of time, mi amor. And then it is hasta la vista Statesville.

But EJ hates me for what I did–allegedly did.

Yeah, no question there. But, uh, Stefan was able to persuade EJ to help my sister.

And yet from what I understand, he hates Gabi even more than he hates me.

Well, I wouldn’t sell yourself short there, Melinda.

Oh, come on. No one inherited Stefano’s taste for revenge more than EJ. And yet he’s willing to let me get away with what I allegedly did.

All right, listen. I’d like to wrap this up sometime this week. So can we just say that there is an implied allegedly every time you open your mouth, all right? And let’s stop doubting this immunity deal that you are extremely lucky to be getting, and just hand over the damn book.

Okay. You got it.


One condition.

Let’s hear it.

Until EJ’s deal, the one I’m extremely lucky to get, is signed, sealed, and delivered, you’re not getting a single page.


Paulina. Hi. Is everything okay?

Not really.

I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?

No. Um, Chanel lost her baby.

Oh, no. I’m so sorry.

Thank you. Thank you. Oh, oh, I just– I just–I just realized–

No. Please. Never mind. Just–Chanel and Johnny, they must be heartbroken.

Oh, they are. Chanel, well, she blames me. And I can’t even be there to comfort her because she doesn’t want me anywhere near her.

Okay, I think I got everything. Oh. Abe.

Yeah, uh, Abe was just keeping me company.

Yeah. And now that you’re here, I will– I will leave the two of you alone. Johnny, um… you know, if you ever need to talk–

Yeah, I, uh– I just saw my father. I talked to him. It, uh–it helped.

I’m glad. I’m glad.

Thank you, Abe, for stopping by.

Yes, and… Well, my heart– My heart goes out to both of you.

[sighs] So how did it go with Abe? Did he, uh, try to convince you to forgive your mother?

He started to, but, um, he backed off when I asked him to. You know, of course he’s gonna try to defend her. She’s his wife, so he’s always gonna be on her side.

And I am always gonna be on yours. [soft music]

You’ll see, my love. Once Rafe does his thing, you will walk out of here with your head held high. They tried to break you, but they failed.

I wanna believe that.

Okay, well, when you want a fantasy to become a reality, you make plans. Plans make it real. Plans give you something to believe in.

Sounds like you’ve given this some thought.

Oh, you have no idea. Starting out with a– a long trail of red rose petals, more candles than St. Peter’s, champagne on ice, and then a sumptuous bubble bath awaits.

Honey, I love you. But when I walk out of here, it’s going to be straight into a shower with max water pressure. I want every microbe, every last disgusting remnant of this place blasted off of me and sent down the drain forever. And then maybe we can think about romance.

Hmm. Oh, there is not gonna be any thinking involved. Just feeling. And we’ll sink into our incredibly soft bed and make love for the next hundred years.

That sounds perfect. But I’m not signing off on anything for a hundred years until I see my daughter.

Oh, my God, of course. Yes. A compromise. After that cleansing shower, it’s off to the DiMera jet, and we will wing our way to Phoenix.

You’re a master of efficiency.

And you are the love of my life, who is finally coming home to me.

It all sounds like a dream. Which is honestly why it’s hard to believe. What if it doesn’t come true?

It will. You’ll see.

[phone rings]

Well, do you have the book?

Trask won’t turn it over without a signed agreement.

I’ll send it over to you now. Just get her to give you that book, and get it to the judge stat.

Hi. We’re home.

So you are. Come here. [baby fussing] Ooh. I’ve missed you, little man. Oh, I am so lucky to be your father.

Hey. Is everything okay?

Oh, um, Johnny came by. Chanel had a miscarriage.

Oh, no.

She’s all right. Physically, that is.

Well, are they upstairs? Maybe I could see if there’s something–

No, no, no. They’re not here. The–her doctor recommended she stay in the hospital overnight. Johnny just stopped by to pick up some of her things.

Chanel was so looking forward to this baby. I mean, they both were. I’m just sorry they won’t have the same happy ending as we did.

Mm. We are very lucky to have this beautiful child. And now, all is right in the world for our little family.

And speaking of beautiful babies, I need to put him down. So I’ll just get him upstairs and check back with you in a little while?


Okay. [baby fussing]

Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.

Goodnight, Daddy. Sorry.

Hey. I managed to convince the warden to let me stay past visiting hours while we await word from the judge. And there’s no reason to believe that as long as that judge takes a look at the evidence, he will make an immediate ruling.

Hey, sis. You know, if you’re not out of here before checkout time, they charge you for another day.

Oh, my God.

Come on. Pack up your stuff. Let’s go.


All right?

Okay. Thank you.


Commissioner, you know the rules. There’s no touching.

Yeah, Yeah.

Oh, you wanna see touching, pal? I’ll show you touching. Hey. [soft music]

So you hungry yet? Because I am still perfectly willing and able to go make that pub run.

I don’t have an appetite. Oh, but you could still make it if you hurry.

Make what? The pub’s still gonna be open for hours.

No, your flight to LA.

Are you crazy? There is no way that I’m leaving.

But Peyton Russo is expecting you on set first thing.

Who cares? Chanel, who cares?

You do. This is your dream, Johnny.

Look, Chanel, you are my dream, okay? You’re more than my dream. You’re my– you’re my life, okay? The only place that I wanna be is here with you.

What happened? How’s Chanel?

She’s gonna be fine. Johnny’s with her.

Oh. I’m glad she’s not all alone. Oh. It’s been a long day. I need to go fix my face.


Hey, buddy. I heard about the baby. I’m sorry for Johnny and Chanel and you and Paulina.

Thank you. And how are you doing? I–I heard you’re suffering through a loss as well.

[sighs] Yeah. Me, I–you know, honestly, I’m fine. Just trying to figure things out. It’s hard.

Ah. I remember when Lexie and I had to– had to give up Isaac and how difficult that was.


And in time, I had to accept that he wasn’t my child. In time.

DA DiMera.


Oh, your butler let me in. I just wanted to thank you for that immunity deal.

Oh, the immunity deal you didn’t deserve, you mean? Don’t mention it.

Oh, but I am so terribly grateful. I mean, I just needed to come over here and gush and tell you how much it means to me and how actually liberating it is, especially now that there is nothing that you can do to me when I tell Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father.

What? What are you– Why would you do something like that?

Mm, um, spite. You forced Mayor Price to move me out so you could take my job. You blew up my life without a second thought. So now I’m gonna blow up yours. [tense music]

What is going on here?

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Y&R Transcript Friday, June 28, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Mariah: Mom? Mom? Hello?

Sharon: Oh, hi honey. I didn’t hear you come in.

Mariah: Are– are you all right? You were a million miles away.

[ knocking on door ]

Diane: Busy?

Jack: You have the Joplin figures already?

Diane: Oh, I– I haven’t even started. I–

Jack: Kyle.

Diane: It’s all I can think about. How badly things have fallen apart with our son.

Jack: Well, that makes two of us.

Diane: Jack, I know that this is tearing you apart. Jabot is Kyle’s legacy, and it’s been our dream for him to run the company someday, and now I’m… I’m just really sorry.

Jack: Yeah. Maybe time will heal. Kyle’s left the company before and come back. No reason that can’t happen again.

Diane: It’s not just Jabot that will be affected. I’m… I’m worried that our family will never be the same.

Jack: So what, you’re having second thoughts?

Diane: Well, that’s what I keep asking myself. You know, what could I have done differently? What other… What other option did I have?

Jack: And what conclusions have you come up with?

Diane: Only that, business-wise, I made the only call I could when I fired Kyle.

Audra: Hey.

Kyle: Few minutes late.

Audra: Yeah, I have priorities.

Kyle: I’m not one of them?

Audra: I was on the phone with Victor. I wanted to make sure this meeting you wanted was legit.

Kyle: Suspicious.

Audra: Can you blame me?

Kyle: Eh, it goes both ways.

Audra: Yeah, but then here you are, all that suspicion, but suddenly eager and ready to run Glissade with me.

Kyle: I gave your offer some thought and I realized it’s an opportunity I can’t afford to pass up.

Audra: Even if it means working with me?

Kyle: Given Glissade’s potential, I’m willing to overlook our past.

Audra: You were absolutely against working with me. “No way in hell,” was your exact quote. So tell me, has hell frozen over?

Sharon: I’m right here and I’m fine. I’m– I’m happy to see you.

Mariah: Okay. Are you sure? Because you didn’t hear me when I knocked, or when I opened the door, or I called out a couple times.

Sharon: My mind’s been wandering a little bit lately. Just for a few moments, and then that’s it. I’m– I’m all good.

Mariah: Um, well, maybe more than a few, because your tea is cold.

Sharon: No, I just made it. I– I thought.

Mariah: Are you coming down with something? Are you feeling okay?

Sharon: What? No, of course not. I’m fine. You know what? It’s so wonderful having Faith back home. I did her laundry earlier.

Mariah: You did? You’re kidding.

Sharon: It was fun.

Mariah: Oh, I think you need to revise your idea of fun.

Sharon: You know, I think Faith would agree with you on that.

Mariah: How is she doing, by the way? Her breakup with Moses?

Sharon: She is struggling, but she has her friends and her family and she’s determined to move ahead.

Mariah: She is resilient, that one.

Sharon: I think it’s a family trait.

Mariah: Well, I was hoping to, uh, catch her here this morning.

Sharon: Oh, she ran off with some friends and as far as I know, she’s going to be busy all day.

Mariah: Well, maybe you and Nick freaked her out with that blow-by-blow true confessions about your guys’ epic love story.

Sharon: Do you think that Nick and I went too far, telling her everything?

Mariah: Look, she’s very, very strong. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it brought up some not-so-great memories.

Sharon: Well, I think maybe sharing our story reminded her and showed her how much love this family is capable of, no matter what obstacles we face.

Mariah: The good, the bad and the ugly?

Sharon: Yes. And there was a lot of good. And I think that that’s what Faith is holding on to. And so am I.

Faith: Thank you so much for texting me to meet. We’re kind of sort of related, so I figured we’d get to know each other.

Lucy: Yeah, I’d really like that, and I love these.

Faith: It’s one of the things I miss most about Genoa City. Nobody makes a better latte.

Lucy: You know, I don’t really know how much I would miss home if I went off to college. I mean, not that I don’t love my parents and living here, but, you know, when my mom and I were living in Savannah, there was a college really nearby, and it just seemed like everyone was having so much fun all the time. You know, living in the dorms and all the freedom and the parties. You know, it just seemed like– seemed like a blast.

Faith: There’s this one thing called studying you kind of have to squeeze in every once in a while.

Lucy: Yeah, right. Are you, uh, in a sorority? I don’t know. Those always seemed like so much fun. All the parties with the frats and being a little sister.

Faith: I hate to disappoint you, but no Alpha Delta Pi for me. I mainly just hang out with my friends. My boyfriend.

Lucy: You have a boyfriend?

Faith: I should have said ex. We just broke up.

Lucy: Oh, no. I’m sorry. What happened?

Faith: He was a jerk.

Lucy: Right. Well, it still must have really sucked. So, I’m sorry.

Faith: More time to hang out with my girlfriends. My family. And the party thing? I don’t drink, so I’m not really into it.

Lucy: Like, never?

Faith: Not a drop.

Lucy: Not that that’s weird or– or anything.

Faith: Thank you?

Lucy: I just, like– I thought that everyone in college drank. Isn’t that kind of part of the whole experience?

Faith: Not for me. At least not anymore. The last time I drank, I almost died.

Kyle: Victor was right. I have been unhappy working at Jabot under my mother and father.

Audra: Demoted again. Last I remember, you were only COO working under your father. And now, you are third in command. Ugh, must be such a grind after having been king of the world.

Kyle: Something like that. I accepted it, focused on what was best for the company, tried to help out where I could.

Audra: But?

Kyle: My mother is supremely inexperienced. Insecure. She’s in way over her head. She takes concern as criticism, help as interference, and instead of showing gratitude or trying to learn something, she’s constantly pulling rank. Turning everything into a power struggle.

Audra: And your dad is okay with this?

Kyle: He supports her completely. No matter what.

Audra: Well, that is no way to run a business.

Kyle: Now, you understand why I’m more than ready to make a change.

Audra: Even if it means working with someone you profoundly distrust?

Kyle: I’m impressed by your memory of every disparaging word I’ve ever said about you. But I like to believe that trust can be rebuilt.

Audra: Yeah, that makes one of us. But I’m willing to try, if you are.

Kyle: Here’s the good news. We know everything there is to know about each other.

Audra: And then some.

Kyle: We move fast. We break things. We take no prisoners. We do whatever it takes to get what we want, and we don’t stop until we do. Have we screwed each other over? Absolutely. A healthy dose of mutual distrust will keep us on our toes. So, why not roll the dice and see what happens?

Sally: Okay. You’re right. Yeah. Everything you said. It’s the perfect solution.

Chloe: I know. God, I love doing this.

Sally: I’m really sorry that Summer hasn’t leapt at the chance to rehire you.

Chloe: You know, I– Look, I– I know it was a bit of a reach, bringing me on as your second. You know, I was a bit of a pain when I walked out on Marchetti.

Sally: A bit.

Chloe: Hey, look, I– I have ideas and I am passionate about what I do. I mean, I– I love what I do and I’m really damn good at it.

Sally: Mm-hmm. Yeah, you’re one of the best. Which is why I am hoping that Summer makes a decision soon.

Chloe: I’m not holding out hope. [ phone pinging ]

Sally: Would you look at that.

Chloe: Well, is it good news or bad news?

Sally: Well, it’s Summer, and she wants to meet with me. And you.

Chloe: Oh.

Sally: Looks like she’s coming around.

Chloe: No, she just wants to crack her whip. Make me jump through hoops that are too high or too small or too something. She wants to watch me squirm.

Sally: Okay, well, there is only one way to find out.

Audra: You’ll understand if I’m a bit skeptical. Last time you told me how unhappy you were at Jabot, you were setting me up.

Kyle: And then you double-crossed me.

Audra: Because I was all in with Tucker at the time.

Kyle: And then you screwed him out of Glissade.

Audra: You judging me?

Kyle: No, I was thinking more along the lines of… respect.

Audra: Okay, don’t lay it on too thick.

Kyle: Hey, you outplayed a man who considers himself a master. I have to ask how you did it.

Audra: Tucker broke his own rule. He let emotion get in the way.

Kyle: Because he loved you.

Audra: No, it made him weak.

Kyle: Oh.

Audra: Once I realized there was no future for us, the rest was academic. Assess Glissade’s value, rally the board, find an investor. Yeah. When Tucker realized what I’d done, the man was so desperate to stop me, so out of moves, that the best he could come up with was to fake a heart attack to put off the board vote.

Kyle: Wow, that’s bold, even for him.

Audra: It was pathetic. I can’t believe I ever thought he was such a mastermind.

Kyle: Maybe you’re the one who won’t let her emotions get in the way again.

Audra: That’s never gonna happen again. Trust me.

Kyle: Right there. That’s common ground.

Audra: You’re– you’re saying all the right things.

Kyle: Well, I’m here because I want a job. You’re here because you moved on from whatever doubts you have about me.

Audra: Wrong. I’m here because Victor’s given me no choice.

Kyle: I bet your head exploded when he insisted we work together as co-CEOs.

Audra: Just stay in your lane and we’ll be fine.

Kyle: You really believe that? Look, Victor Newman trying to force us to work together is him just playing God. But what I don’t understand is how he fits in all this. I mean, what does he want? Why would he buy a Paris-based cosmetics company? Is he trying to create a viable rival to Jabot? Is this somehow tied into his decades-old battle with my father?

Audra: Interesting.

Kyle: What?

Audra: You’ve agreed to partner with me even though you suspect that Victor could be using Glissade to target your father.

Kyle: So.

Audra: Maybe this is what you’ve wanted all along. Retaliation against the family who doesn’t appreciate you.

Diane: Look, tearing this company and this family apart is the last thing I wanted, but Kyle’s insubordination, his refusal to show me any respect. What other choice did I have?

Jack: There are always choices.

Diane: Well, do you think I’m wrong? Jack, when you brought me into Jabot, I was so grateful. I– I was excited, I was inspired to put my skill set and my experience to good use, and then when you made me co-CEO, I was determined to prove that I was worthy of your belief in me. To work side by side with my husband and my son to build Jabot into the best it could be? It was like a dream come true.

Jack: Yeah, that’s what we all wanted.

Diane: Yeah, but instead, it’s– it’s turned into this nightmare. I mean, Kyle is– He’s just so resentful. And he’s so angry and– and so condescending. And the lack of trust it’s created, the tension? I mean, the whole thing is just unraveled into this horrible mess.

Jack: I just can’t believe it’s gotten to the point where we have to take such drastic measures.

Diane: Well, firing Kyle was a last resort. And believe me, it was not an easy decision. But Kyle had so many chances to be a team player. But he didn’t even try. Instead, he went out of his way to undermine me. And that kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.

Jack: I agree. At the same time, he seems a bit old to be punished by his mother and father.

Diane: I didn’t make that decision to fire him as his mother. I made it as co-CEO of this company. And it’s not like I didn’t try to find other solutions. I even offered to step down and switch positions with him, but remember, you disagreed with that. But, look, all that aside, our son was given more chances than I would have given any other employee.

Jack: I know you did everything we could.

Diane: I did. But honey, when I see how much this is hurting you, I wish there could have been another solution.

Jack: Yeah, so do I. But this just tells me I made the right choice when I decided not to reinstate him as co-CEO, and it appears our son has some maturing to do.

Kyle: The situation with my family has changed considerably since I was spying for them. Were there issues back then? Absolutely. But I felt like I could prove myself to earn back my co-CEO position and I had my mom’s support every step of the way. And then she got a taste of the C-suite power and she’s only been out for herself ever since. And my father blindly enables her.

Audra: I’m sorry to hear that.

Kyle: Yeah, no, you’re not. Now, back to the question you avoided. What is Victor up to?

Audra: No idea.

Kyle: Would you tell me? Even if you know?

Audra: Probably not. All I do know is Victor wants his name kept out of it completely. Even Tucker doesn’t know it was Victor who helped me steal his company.

Kyle: I’m impressed you didn’t decide to share.

Audra: In case I haven’t made myself clear, Tucker and I are through. I will be sharing nothing with him. And that doesn’t mean he didn’t try to get it out of me. He actually thought your father was my backer.

Kyle: Not a bad guess, given how much they hate each other.

Audra: That could be what’s behind Victor’s move as well. Good old-fashioned hate. But does Victor’s motive really matter if he lets us run Glissade the way we want?

Kyle: I doubt it’ll be that cut and dry. Nothing with Victor Newman ever is.

Audra: Yeah, I don’t see this as such a straightforward move for you either.

Kyle: What’s that supposed to mean?

Audra: This isn’t the first time Newman Enterprises has gone big in the cosmetics world. Given that, plus my business expertise and your contribution, aren’t you worried about the competition for your family’s sacred Jabot?

Kyle: Are you kidding me? I couldn’t be more excited.

Mariah: So, Aria’s latest and greatest word is “oggie.” Yep. And every time she sees an “oggie”, she laughs and smiles and she like jumps up and down and does this dance thing that she does. I mean, it’s– it’s adorable. But Tessa had to sit her down and unfortunately explain to her that we’re probably not getting an “oggie” anytime soon, because she really, really wants one. And then the cow ran away with the spoon.

Sharon: You know, that’s so cute.

Mariah: Really? Because I have a sneaking suspicion you didn’t hear a word I said.

Sharon: What? You were talking about Aria.

Mariah: Uh-huh. And?

Sharon: How cute she is.

Mariah: Yes, but that’s very generic. Since when do you zone out on an Aria story? Especially when her word count has jumped to four.

Sharon: Oh, I’m sorry. You know, this Cassidy First Grant program is just swirling around in my head and I probably didn’t get enough sleep last night, but you know how much I adore Aria. So, please continue. I will hang on your every word.

Mariah: Okay, well, it’s actually more show and tell. After Tessa ix-nayed a puppy, Aria created this masterpiece.

Sharon: What is it?

Mariah: Her very own oggie.

Sharon: Oh, right. Yeah. I can tell. There’s the tail.

Mariah: I think that might actually be the nose, but I’m not sure. Do you like it?

Sharon: I was just thinking about how much Cassie liked to paint and draw. I used to hang her artwork all over this house. Our refrigerator was just loaded with her masterpieces.

Mariah: Well, maybe this can be an honoree on the fridge.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Okay, that’s it.

Sharon: What’s it?

Mariah: You are working so hard. You’re juggling Cassidy First and Crimson Lights. It is obviously too much. You’re exhausted. Okay, so Dr. Mariah has a prescription that always does the trick.

Sharon: What?

Mariah: We are going to have a little sunshine and a little grandma time.

Sharon: Oh, that just sounds great. And there is nothing I would love more, but you just said it yourself. I’m swamped with work. I can’t.

Mariah: Uh-huh. So, you have time to do loads of laundry, but not see your granddaughter?

Sharon: Well, it has been a while since we had a play date.

Mariah: Great! And it just so happens I’m on my way to the park to see Tessa and Aria. We’re doing a little picnic, so you’re coming, all right?

Sharon: You know what? You’re right. Some Aria time, that’s exactly what I need.

Lucy: Wow, you almost died. That’s– that’s terrible. What happened?

Faith: I was going through a rough time. I made some bad choices, bad friends. I started drinking. One night, I got drunk. I had the brilliant idea of stealing a truck from my grandparents’ ranch. I crashed.

Lucy: Wow. Were– were you hurt?

Faith: It was pretty bad. I had to have surgery. Then, I got an infection. I probably would have died if my Uncle Adam hadn’t given me one of his kidneys.

Lucy: Wow. That all– that all sounds pretty horrible. But you’re totally fine now?

Faith: Good as new.

Lucy: That’s why no drinking.

Faith: Pretty good reasons, I’d say.

Lucy: Yeah, I guess that all makes a lot of sense, but, I don’t know, don’t you ever feel like you’re missing out on all the fun?

Faith: I guess it depends on what your definition of fun is. [ phone pings ] This has been great, but I have got to go. I’m meeting up with some friends.

Lucy: Oh, I didn’t even get to hear about the crazy kidnapping story.

Faith: We can save it for another time.

Lucy: Yeah, that sounds great. Well, I’m pretty much around, so.

Faith: I’ll let you know.

Lucy: Okay, well, have fun.

Faith: Enjoy the rest of your day.

Kyle: My mother’s paranoia, and my father’s support of it, has completely soured me on Jabot. A company that is run like a mom-and-pop echo chamber doesn’t deserve to be at the top, and they won’t be for long.

Audra: Hm, spoken like you mean it.

Kyle: I do.

Audra: Look, I don’t have a problem taking down Jabot, not that I have anything against Jack, but Diane has never liked me.

Kyle: She didn’t like it when she saw the two of us together the other day.

Audra: Yeah, she went all uh, snarky mama bear on me. So overprotective of her little boy. You sure she’s really turned on you?

Kyle: My mom also let me believe that she was dead for years, so there’s kind of a lack in consistency there.

Audra: Hm, good point.

Kyle: Regardless of the way my mom feels today, I’m going to take everything I’ve learned and turn Glissade into a powerhouse rival like Jabot has never seen before.

Audra: This might work out after all. [ indistinct chattering ]

Sally: What’s wrong?

Summer: Nothing. Just, um, my ex acting like an idiot again.

Audra: Have you brought Summer up to speed on your employment situation?

Kyle: We are officially divorced, so our conversations are limited to Harrison.

Audra: Good to know. You ready for next steps?

Kyle: Um, before we do that, I want to discuss the very real possibility that Tucker could be out for revenge. He could come back fighting for Glissade. Are you ready for that?

Audra: No, the man was broken. He literally gave up and walked away. My guess is he crawled back into whatever ashram he came out of. If he does rally, I’m ready.

Kyle: I will be too.

Audra: More common ground.

Kyle: Ah. So about those next steps?

Audra: I’ll have Legal write up a contract for you to review. How quickly can you disentangle yourself from Jabot?

Kyle: I can fast track it. Just tell me when you want to get started.

Audra: The sooner the better.

Kyle: I can handle that.

Sally: I have incorporated the bell sleeve. Summer.

Summer: Sorry, what?

Sally: Uh, the restyling of the sleeve. I think it brings a lot to the design.

Summer: Uh, you know what? Actually, I just– I don’t think that that’s quite right for this collection.

Chloe: How can you say that? I think that that’s exact–

Summer: You think… You think what?

Chloe: I think… when I think Marchetti, I think wearable, elegant, modern. And the bell sleeve can be incorporated into that style, but there are certainly other options.

Summer: Good save. And wearing Marchetti to the meeting, that’s a nice touch. But Chloe, you really don’t have to suck up to me. I’ve considered Sally’s request to rehire you while Chelsea’s away and… I’ve made my decision.

Tessa: Hi!

Mariah: Hi– Oh.

Tessa: I’m trying to get her to take a nap.

Sharon: Okay.

Mariah: Okay.

Tessa: Maybe Grandma can take her?

Sharon: Yeah, why don’t I stroll her over? We’ll look at the ducks. Yeah, the duck pond.

Mariah: Thank you, Grandma!

Tessa: I didn’t know Sharon was going to be here. I mean, not that I object, but I would have brought an extra sandwich.

Mariah: Well, it was sort of a last minute decision.

Tessa: Is everything okay?

Mariah: I don’t know. I– I went to stop by and she just seemed out of it, you know? I knocked on the door, she didn’t answer, I had to use my key, and it’s like she didn’t hear anything I said to her.

Tessa: I mean, Sharon has been working a lot lately. Cassidy First and Crimson Lights, she’s probably just exhausted.

Mariah: Yeah, that’s what I said. So, I thought a dose of sunshine and Aria would just be the thing.

Tessa: Well, it seems to be working.

Diane: After everything you went through in Paris with Ashley and Traci, I’m just– I’m just really sorry you had to come home to this.

Jack: Yeah, so am I. I understand why you felt you needed to terminate Kyle. I just wish we talked about it. We could have presented a united front. Have a discussion, a constructive discussion on how to move forward. And maybe we could have avoided this whole mess.

Diane: Well, maybe I– maybe I should have waited and spoken to you first and I– I apologize for that, but Kyle seemed to feel that your absence gave him license to be even more difficult. And a line had to be drawn.

Jack: Yeah, I understand. I do.

Diane: Well, maybe we can have that united front now. I mean, we need to look for a new COO as soon as possible and I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with the perfect person.

Jack: I’ll give that some thought.

Diane: Yeah. And– and also, I know you really don’t want to consider this, but we should probably look for someone to fill in for Ashley while she’s gone.

Jack: No way. Ashley’s absence is temporary.

Diane: Yes, I know. But without her skill set and her leadership, the lab is in a holding pattern. We can’t expect it to run itself. I mean, we have– we have new products in development. Some are ready to launch. R&D is stalled. And that affects our bottom line.

Jack: How do we assure the quality of our new product without Ashley’s expertise? This was her– her idea, her patents. She’s not easily replaced here.

Diane: I agree. It will– it will be a challenge.

Jack: Look, I’m convinced once she is through treatment, she’s going to come back stronger than ever.

Diane: Well, I’m just suggesting an interim solution. Or do you suggest we just freeze the lab until she’s back?

Jack: I understand on a corporate level, decisions have to be made, but on a personal level, I hate that the Abbott family company has so few Abbots. First, Ashley, then Billy. And now, Kyle. It’s just depressing.

Diane: I know, but Allie is still working for Jabot in the Paris office and I think she is just as brilliant as Ashley. And there is no doubt in my mind that with some experience, she could be running the entire lab herself. Jack, the future for Jabot is wide open. And so is the door, whenever our family members are ready to come back. me back.

Summer: Chloe.

Chloe: I really– I know that I was a real pain when we were working with each other before.

Summer: Chloe!

Chloe: But I’ve been working on myself and trying to listen more. Well, I’m doing it again.

Summer: Chloe!

Chloe: What?

Summer: Look, I am willing to give you a second chance.

Chloe: You are? Wait, you mean it? Okay, well, this is great!

Sally: Thank you so much, Summer. This really will make all the difference.

Summer: All right, so where are we at with the winter line?

Sally: Uh, we are on track. I have all the edits with the changes you requested. The tailored outerwear, the soft feminine one-and-done knit dresses.

Chloe: Yeah, and the off-the-shoulder silhouettes. I think that maybe if we add a statement belt, I think that would be amazing.

Summer: Um, I have to get back to Marchetti, actually, for a meeting, so let’s follow up on this this afternoon.

Sally: Okay, sounds– Sounds good.

Summer: Audra!

Audra: Can I help you?

Summer: You and Kyle looked quite friendly for two people that supposedly hate each other. What’s going on?

Kyle: Co-CEOs hugging it out. Looks like it’s business as usual here.

Jack: I hope you’ve had time to cool down, maybe reconsider.

Kyle: Mm, sorry to disappoint, Dad. I’m just here to clean out my office.

Diane: Oh, well, there’s no sense drawing this out. It could be civil, painless.

Kyle: Unlike the last few months working here.

Jack: Kyle, we can solve this.

Kyle: Mom already has.

Jack: I’m sure your mother would be willing to reconsider if you were open to compromise, if you were willing to change your attitude.

Kyle: My attitude is just fine and I am comfortable with the decision. I mean, who knows, Mom? Maybe I should thank you.

Diane: What’s that supposed to mean?

Kyle: You freed me up to explore other opportunities and there is one in particular that may just appreciate what I bring to the table.

Diane: Really? That almost sounds like you’ve already found another job.

Tessa: Well, I’m so glad that you could join us. Aria definitely seemed thrilled.

Sharon: You know, I just love how she does that thing with her head. It’s so precious.

Mariah: What thing with her head?

Sharon: Oh, you know, when– Just when she smiles at me, she does this little head tilt and Cassie used to do that.

Mariah: Really?

Sharon: Yeah, well, especially when she wanted another cookie or another story or she wanted to stay up a little bit later. She would look up at me and smile and there was that little head bob, and it was impossible to say no.

Mariah: Well, you know, you never really talked about what my sister was like when she was little. I would love to know anything you could tell me about Cassie. Mom? H– hi, are you all right? What’s going on?

Sharon: You’ve already asked me that. The answer hasn’t changed. I’m thinking about my grant project for Cassidy First. That’s all. I’m distracted.

Mariah: I am your employee, so if you need any sort of help, just put me to work, please.

Sharon: No, don’t worry about it, sweetie. I’ve got this. In fact, I better get back to it. Oh, but, thank you. You were right. This is exactly what I needed.

Mariah: There really is no reason to rush off.

Sharon: No, I have to get back to work, but we’ll talk soon, okay?

Mariah: Okay.

Tessa: Okay.

Mariah: Bye.

Tessa: Bye. Okay, that was interesting.

Mariah: Right? Something is definitely off with my mom. [ Sharon sighing ]

Sharon: What is going on with me? Hello, Doctor, this is Sharon Newman. Yeah, these new meds that you gave me, I think there’s something wrong with them. They’re making me feel so… odd.

Diane: Have you been looking? Was this your plan all along?

Kyle: I’ll be in my office, packing up. [ Diane sighing ]

Diane: I wasn’t expecting that.

Jack: So, go to him. Talk to him. There might still be a way to get around this. We have to try.

Diane: No, no. Kyle might be right. This might be the best thing for him. Maybe he felt too stifled here.

Jack: I still think there’s a way to work this out.

Diane: Well, as far as our son is concerned, the only way to do that is for me to step down and for him to take my position. And if you want me to do that, I will.

Jack: That is not an option.

Diane: Is anything Kyle said true? About me? I mean, I don’t– I don’t want to be seen as some mercy hire whose only qualification was being married to you.

Jack: No, no, no. You have proved yourself time and again. I could not be more impressed with you.

Diane: Thank you. That means more than you know. Because I feel like I really belong here. That I’m just getting started. And there’s so much ahead for us at Jabot. And as painful as it is, maybe– maybe that’s what Kyle needs. He needs to find a place where he feels he belongs.

Jack: I just wish he felt he belonged here. This is his family’s company.

Audra: You are quite inquisitive for an ex.

Summer: Kyle and I share a child and I don’t trust you, so yes, I’m curious.

Audra: You know, I think most people will call it nosy.

Summer: You didn’t answer the question, Audra. What’s going on between you and Kyle?

Audra: Summer, I still can’t figure out what difference that would make to you. Have a nice day.

Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

Lily: Well, I guess congratulations are in order.

Billy: We won.

Jack: It is tearing me apart.

Nikki: Talk to me, Jack. Let me be there for you the way you have been here for me.

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B&B Transcript Friday, June 28, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: How much do you really believe in Thomas’s new relationship?

Steffy: What do you mean? I don’t think it’s fake.

Hope: So do you really support Paris and him, or do you just support him being with anyone but me?

Steffy: Paris wants to marry Thomas. You don’t.

Hope: Okay. So you don’t actually care about their relationship at all. You just care about pushing your brother toward any woman who isn’t me.

Ridge: Thomas, if this is a rebound, if you still have feelings for hope…

Thomas: Yes. I still have feelings for Hope. I’m always gonna love her. But…[sighs] will she commit to me for the rest of her life? No. Right? I mean, two failed proposal attempts speak to that.

Ridge: So, you’re moving on with a woman who will commit.

Thomas: Not just will commit. Who was thrilled to say “yes” when I pulled out that ring.

Luna: Look, I understand you not wanting to tell me if my dad was like some criminal or, I don’t know, somebody you’d wanna protect me from. But Bill–I mean, Bill’s a successful businessman. You know, he’s somebody that you’d want me to emulate. He could’ve been my role model, but…you decided to keep quiet instead. And, look, I know that you said that you were trying to protect me in your heart, but… I can’t help but wonder if something else is going on. Is there more to this? Is there something else going on that made you not wanna tell me that Bill could be my father? [guitar plucking]

Sheila: Hey. So, you excited for tonight?

Tom: Oh, very. Pretty cool Deacon hatched this idea.

Sheila: Well, that’s my husband for you, though. He’s the ultimate promoter. I’m hoping we get a good crowd here tonight. And I’m thinking maybe some of your old fans show up. What do you think?

Tom: How cool would that be. I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing a face or two popping in from the past.

Deacon: I just realized that maybe I should hire extra security. I mean, if the rumors are right about you being such a ladies man during your rock star years, I don’t know. We could have women rushing the stage.

Tom: Oh, no, no. It was a long time ago that I could cause any sort of stampede. You know, I was sort of a Casanova. Oh, yeah. Back in the day.

Deacon: Well, look, you got yourself a venue, so don’t go hanging up your Romeo hat yet, all right? You just do your thing, strum that guitar. You’re gonna have women begging for your attention. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky tonight.

Sheila: Might.

Deacon: Maybe I’ll get lucky. [Sheila chuckles]

Poppy: I thought I was doing the right thing raising you on my own, but… I was depriving you.

Luna: Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that, because… You know, it’s true. It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s in the past. And all that matters is that I know Bill’s my dad, and Aunt Li’s test proved that.

Bill: Mm. And I’m thankful that it did.

Poppy: It really does mean the world to me to see my gorgeous daughter so happy and reunited with her father.

Thomas: Look, Hope’s rejection, it–it hurt. And I didn’t know how or when I would be able to move past it. It turns out going to International was exactly what I needed. It gave me some space and some time to reflect, but it also gave me the stability to cross paths with Paris who was a unexpected and very welcome surprise.

Ridge: Speaking of surprises, how’s Hope? Was she surprised?

Thomas: She was pretty thrown. Upset. Which, I guess, is to be expected, considering that I am engaged to another woman.

Steffy: Give me a break. You’re not looking out for Thomas. You’re doing what you always do best–playing the Logan card.

Hope: Oh, my gosh. Steffy–

Steffy: And playing it well, I might add. But, of course, it’s just like your mother. But it’s not gonna work this time. I won’t let it. I won’t let you get into my brother’s head.

Thomas: Yeah, maybe I should have told Hope earlier. But I didn’t want this to be something that I told her over the phone. I wanted to say it in person.

Ridge: No, you’re right. That makes sense.

Thomas: Yeah. Except, um… When Douglas and I got here and saw Hope and Douglas ran into her arms, um, Hope thought that I was back to give our relationship another try.

Ridge: But you’re not here for that. Right? You’re not gonna give it one more try with Hope, are you?

Hope: I don’t know why you think I’m messing with Thomas.

Steffy: Seriously?

Hope: Anyone who cares about Thomas should be concerned right now. We all know how deeply your brother felt about me, how he proposed to me. And now all of a sudden, he shows up engaged to someone else? I am sorry, Steffy, but this relationship with Paris, it is– it is happening way too fast.

Tom: Deacon.

Deacon: Yeah.

Tom: I think I gotta start getting ready for the show.

Deacon: Okay.

Tom: You know, get quiet, get in the zone.

Deacon: Yeah. Okay. We’ll leave you be.

Tom: Hey, Deacon. Thanks. I hope I don’t disappoint.

Deacon: Impossible.

Tom: Seriously, though, you have no idea what this means to me.

Poppy: It’s hard to believe now how afraid I was of your rejection, that you would shun me, turn your back on our daughter. Most men would have. But not you. You welcomed us into your life, your home. You’ve literally changed our lives.

Bill: Well, you know what? Uh, I would like to change them even more. Talk’s cheap. I’m a man of action. I wanna do more than welcome you into my home. I wanna welcome you into my family. Now, I know the two of you have this, uh, intense bond. You talk about your “Nozawa power,” and I respect that. I don’t wanna interfere in it. But I think you could maintain your connection even if you took on another name. Even if you became a Spencer. Now, I know that I’m not on Luna’s birth certificate. But I’d like to fix that. I would like to adopt Luna and make it official.

Luna: What? You–You wanna adopt me?

Poppy: You would really do that?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Poppy: You would make Luna your daughter, not just biologically but legally, too?

Bill: Well, yes. She already is my daughter. But in the eyes of the law. If you’re both okay with that.

Poppy: Yes. Are you kidding? I couldn’t have imagined a better life or future for my daughter. Or for me. I know it’s been over 20 years since we first connected, but it feels like it happened just 20 minutes ago. And I have never felt more connected or in a love with a man. [Poppy, Bill laughing] Oh, Luna Spencer. I like the sound a lot.

Luna: Yeah, I do, too.

Bill: Who would have thought that a chance encounter at Il Giardino would be so incredibly impactful.

Poppy: You know what? I think that you two should have some time alone. You know, all this talk of adoption and Luna becoming a Spencer, that just feels like a father/daughter bonding moment that I should let you two share. My beautiful girl. This is the life and the happiness that you deserve. And now that you have it, nothing and no one can ever take it from you. [Bill chuckles]

Bill: Let’s go look at your, uh…

Luna: These are my brothers.

Bill: …brothers-to-be here. So great. You…

Luna: I can’t believe you’re talking about making this legal. Making me an actual Spencer?

Bill: And not to pressure you, but the Spencers do fairly well in the world of mass media. So if you ever get tired of making dresses, there’s a place for you here. You are always welcome.

Hollis: Hey, Tom. Can I get you something before the big show? Anything at all?

Tom: Oh, no. No, I’m fine.

Hollis: Yeah?

Tom: Hey, Hollis. I really appreciate you, man. I mean, thank you for taking me under your wing.

Hollis: Oh, come on. Look, it’s just– Tom, I really wanna see you succeed.

Deacon: Hey, we all do. Listen. If you wanna decompress before the show, you’re welcome to go up to my apartment.

Tom: Really?

Deacon: Yeah. You know, it’s got privacy. You can tune your guitar up. Sure.

Tom: Then that’ll be great. Thanks.

Deacon: Absolutely. You know, I’m just– I’m just really proud of you, the way you’ve turned your life around.

Tom: You know, it’s been a journey. I mean, listen. I’ve had my demons. I was living on the streets. But you know what? I’m clean now. I got a job. And I’m proud to be working here at El Giardino.

Deacon: Well, you know what? We’re proud to have you.

Hollis: We sure are.

Tom: And listen. I just want you to know how much I value what’s going on here and the direction my life’s going. And I wanna give it my all up on that stage. I have a new beginning. There’s no more gloom and doom. I’ve got a future. Speaking of the immediate future, I’ll take you up on that apartment offer.

Deacon: Okay.

Tom: I promise I won’t trash it.

Deacon: I believe you.

Hollis: Yeah.

Ridge: Son, I don’t wanna make it sound like I’m against this engagement because I’m not. I like Paris. And if she’s the one for you, then I’m very happy. But you keep saying that you have feelings for Hope, that part of you will always love her. And as a parent, that’s a little concerning.

Thomas: Yeah, I understand that that’s concerning, but… there’s also just truth to it. I’m always going to love Hope, but that doesn’t change the reality of the situation, which is that she is a woman who does not want to commit to me. And I want a commitment. I wanna have a family, you know? I wanna give Douglas a brother or a sister.

Ridge: Wait. Hang on. You’re already talking about that?

Thomas: Yeah, we’re talking about that. And we’re on the same page about that. I’m glad I finally found someone who wants the same things as me. [sighs] I wanna create a life and a family for me and Douglas. And– Speaking of Douglas, I actually need to go find him. So let’s catch up later.

Ridge: Okay.

Steffy: Is the engagement quick? Yeah. Maybe. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t genuine. Just let Thomas be happy. He finally found what he was looking for– a commitment, an engagement. You couldn’t give that to him, so don’t begrudge him finding it with someone else.

Hope: Will you please stop pretending like you care? I–I–I really don’t believe that you genuinely care about Thomas’s happiness, about if he finds love or not or if he gets married or not. As long as it doesn’t involve me, that is what matters to you. That is your priority– making sure that I have no part in your brother’s life. Let’s be real.

Thomas: Is everything okay?

Steffy: Yeah. Everything’s fine. But I think you should come in. You need to hear this.

Thomas: Need to hear what?

Luna: When I used to dream about who my father might be, sometimes I’d picture like a baseball player or a famous actor or a chef. Never did I imagine this. Someone as loving and accepting as you. [laughs]


Tom: Ah, come on in, boss. Huh. What are you doing?

Poppy: I’m putting you on notice, Tom.

Tom: Huh?

Poppy: I wasn’t amused by your little “pizza delivery” earlier. You’re never to come to the Spencer estate again. Do you understand me?

Tom: Why? Suddenly you don’t like free pizza?

Poppy: I have told you before. I want nothing to do with you. Stay away from me. Stay away from my daughter.

Tom: Our daughter. We both know the truth. Luna’s mine. I’m Luna’s father.

Thomas: All right, Steffy, what’s going on?

Steffy: I just want you to know that I am not gonna be putting up with Brooke 2.0.

Hope: Excuse me?

Steffy: You are more and more like your mother every single day, and it’s really painful to see because you were the one Logan I thought who knew the difference between right and wrong.

Hope: I still think I do.

Steffy: That makes your behavior even worse, because even Brooke didn’t know that she was supposedly wreaking havoc.

Thomas: Steffy, come on.

Steffy: No, you need to hear this. Brooke ran through our family and tore it apart, and now Hope is picking up right where she left off. You will not do to Thomas what Brooke did to our father all those years. So, yeah, am I being a little overprotective? Maybe I am, considering his obsession with you in the past. Thomas, you know how much we’ve talked since you moved.

Thomas: Yes, we have.

Steffy: Okay. And in the course of those conversations, the beginning was tough for you. I mean, you were sad. But look at you now. You’re happy. You’re engaged. And, Hope, if you truly cared about Thomas, you would leave him alone. Like I said, he is happy. Do not interfere. Do not ruin things for him, please.

Hope: All I have done is question whether or not this engagement is the right move for you. I don’t understand Steffy’s strong reaction.

Steffy: Okay, just stop. Don’t listen to Hope. You’re engaged to a fantastic woman, a woman who is devoted to you and accepted your proposal. You deserve this. You deserve a stable future with Paris and with Douglas. Like, look at you. You are in such a better place ever since you left for Europe, ever since you’ve been away from Hope. So marry Paris. Just do it. And don’t even think about Hope again.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead…

Poppy: Leave Luna and me alone.

Tom: I’m Luna’s dad.

Hope: Oh, God, I still love you, and deep down I believe you still love me, too.

Eric: I guess we’re about to have another wedding.

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Days Transcript Thursday, June 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[dramatic music]

What the hell is taking so long? Damn it, EJ.


Well, what happened? Where have you been?

Where do you think? I’ve been tied up in court, trying to get your wife out of prison.

And? Where is she? When is she coming home?

She isn’t.

Your daddy’s pretty upset that your brother, Johnny, is moving to California, so we have to do everything we can to lift his spirits, OK? [baby coos] You know what that means, mm-hmm. That means no more spitting up on his fine imported suits, OK? Even though it’s kind of funny. [laughs] [cell phone rings] Oh. Hey, Eric, I heard you weren’t coming in today. Is everything OK?

Yeah, everything’s good. I just wanted to call and– checking in on you, see how you’re doing.

Ah. I assume you heard about the drama with Holly and Tate last night.

Yeah, I happened to be at my mom’s house when Brady came home with Tate. My brother seemed to be a bit upset.

Wow, you and– you and Theresa are getting married.

Yeah, I popped the question last night. She said yes.

Wow, that’s– that’s–that’s– that’s–that’s unexpected. I’m–Alex, I don’t know what to say.

I mean, you could try “congratulations,” but I’m sensing you’re not really feeling it. [sighs]

How did you track down an address for Xander’s mom? I thought Bonnie said that that was a dead end.

Yeah, it was, and then Xander realized that there was a very slim chance that his Aunt Maisie, his mom’s sister, might know how to track her down, so he called her.

Well, why didn’t Xander think of that before?

I know, but I guess his mom and her sister had been estranged for a really long time, so he just kind of figured that was still the case. But as luck would have it, Fiona Cook had just recently reached out to her sister and gave her an address.

Ah! [laughs]

Are you sure that she’s still at that address?

I mean, there’s only one way to find out, just good old-fashioned snail mail, send her a wedding invitation and just see what happens.

You can’t do that.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[dramatic music]

I can’t invite Xander’s mother to our wedding? Why? Why–why do you care?

Well, I’ve–I’ve just heard that this woman has a lot of issues. I mean, she’s a raging alcoholic, is she not?

Why are we assuming she still is? She could very well be sober now.

She could also be, I don’t know, a loose cannon who’s, like, ready to go off. She could be the next Konstantin.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Theresa, this is a completely different situation. Look, look, look, I know you’re still probably traumatized from that man trying to choke the living daylights out of you, but it’s not like Xander’s mom’s gonna try to kill anybody.

Can we just please get back on track?

I’m on track. Who’s off track?


Look, I just– I’m worried that she’s gonna ruin everything.

What are you talking about? Ruin what?

She–she can ruin your wedding with– with Xander. What if she gets bombed and says a bunch of awful things?

Theresa, anyone could get bombed and say a bunch of awful things. And I know that I don’t know this woman, Xander’s mother, but I choose to believe that she’d be very happy to be at our wedding and will behave appropriately.

And ditto to what she just said. Why do you care so much all of a sudden? I mean, you’re not exactly Xander’s biggest fan.

That’s true, but I care about you, and I care about Maggie, and I care about Alex, and I care about you and–and Justin. And, well, I just think that if this woman just comes to Salem and starts stirring things up, there could be some really terrible consequences for all of us.

Look, Brady, I know you and Theresa have history, obviously. But I didn’t think you’d have a problem with it because just the other night, you wished us the best.

And I do. I do.


It’s just that you– it’s just that you marrying Theresa affects my son. Our son. And I’ll be honest with you. I’m a little concerned that you two are moving a little too quick on this.

Well, actually, I bought the ring a while back. If you remember, I was gonna do it on Valentine’s Day.

But you didn’t.

Right, and that’s partly because I felt like I wasn’t ready for the responsibility of… committing to a recovering addict.

All right.

And also–

Also what?

Never mind.

No, no, no, Alex, Alex, look, we’re talking about my ex-wife here, so you’re not gonna tell me anything that I probably don’t already know.

I understand that, but this is not so much about Theresa, more about my own cynicism.

Your cynicism?

I just got a hard time trusting people, always thinking that somebody is gonna try to get over on me or privately screw me. It’s not the best way to go through life, right?

Probably not, but you’re telling me that you– you’re having a hard time trusting Theresa.

Had a hard time, past tense.

And now?

Now I… completely trust her.

Well, Alex, maybe you shouldn’t.


To be honest, I’m more upset with Theresa than I am with Holly. She’s insane. I swear, she was hurling insults at Holly as if she was the one corrupting her precious son.

Yeah, Theresa can be a bit high-strung sometimes. [chuckles]

She’s possessed. I mean, she put all the blame on Holly as if she’s some criminal mastermind and Tate is just some lost babe in the woods. He is a teenage boy, for God’s sake. I don’t think he needed any convincing from Holly to sneak behind his mother’s back and get a hotel room so he could have sex with a beautiful girl.

And what did Holly have to say about that?

[sighs] She… groaned and moaned. And, you know, as it turns out, she’s grounded again. She’s not happy with me, obviously, but… what disappoints me the most is that she’s lying to me again, after all we’ve been through.

I understand. Nicole, I–I know you two love each other a lot. And…you’re both kind, and you’re good people.

Thanks, Eric.

This, too, shall pass.

Yeah, I know.

Well, I’ll let you get back to work and… hey, I just want you to know that I’m always here for you if you need me. That goes for both you and Holly.

Thanks, Eric. Have a good day, OK?

You too. [light music]

Oh, look at us. Both on baby duty.

Yeah, well, I’m about to be on baby duty from home, ’cause I just asked Chad for some time off.

Ah, good for you, and congrats on getting your little boy back.

I’m really grateful. And this really is a dream come true.

Oh, I’m sure, for you and for EJ. Although I imagine, for Eric, this must be his worst nightmare.

[sighs] [dramatic music]

We had a deal, EJ. I agreed not to tell Nicole the truth about Jude’s father, and you agreed, in exchange for my brotherly silence, to get my wife out of prison!

Would you keep your voice down?

No, not until my wife is out of prison!

I tried my best, damn it!

You tried your best? How cute. This isn’t Little League, EJ. This is life. You don’t get a box of orange juice and some apple slices and a participation trophy for striking out. You lose your family.

So try harder. Your house of cards depends on it.

If you threaten me like that again, I will–

You’ll what?

[exhales heavily] Look, I met with the judge. I cited the new evidence that indicated Gil Carter likely murdered Li Shin. And in light of this new discovery, I asked the judge to vacate Gabi’s conviction and recommended her immediate release.

And yet she still isn’t here.

The judge was actually receptive to my argument, but there’s just one hitch.

[laughing] Of course. Let’s hear it.

I was able to provide police photos from the Salem PD of Clyde’s black book, but the judge insists that it needs to be the real deal to move forward. He needs the physical evidence in hand. Otherwise, Gabi is not getting out of prison.


Theresa, your… concern, I don’t– I don’t really get it. Terrible consequences if Xander’s mother comes to Salem for our wedding? She’s a–she’s an alcoholic, not a homicidal maniac. Like I said, she could very well be sober now.

[sighs] OK, I admit that I’m, you know, maybe just overreacting just a bit.

A bit?

Just, the thing is, is that when someone has a drinking problem– OK, and–and–and I understand that we are being sensitive and nonjudgmental here, but when someone is under the influence, they tend to not have a censor, and they tend to say some really mean and destructive things. And, you know, with all the stuff that this family has already gone through, the last thing we need is drama, right? And with little Victoria–

Who is my concern, not yours.

OK. Yes, you’re right. I understand. I–I’m just realizing that I’m being overprotective, and now I’m realizing that I’m also blurting things out and upsetting everybody. [dramatic music]

It’s OK. Can you please just trust that Xander and I have thought this through? And it may not go perfectly, but we are very willing to take that risk.

Of course.

And now we really should get to stuffing these envelopes, because I want to get these out before the post office closes.

Yeah. [chuckles]

Oh, I didn’t realize that you were in such a time crunch.

Hey, I can help you with those.

[laughs] Here we go again, huh? What is this, the– the millionth time you impress upon me that I shouldn’t trust Theresa?

[clears throat] Let me ask you something.


Did it bother you when you found Theresa and I in bed together recently?

Yes, Brady, it bothered me.


But I can hardly hold your little dalliance with her against her, because I was sleeping with Kristen. Theresa and I were both playing these stupid games, and it’s over now. I know I want to be with her, and she made it very clear she wants to be with me too.

Are you sure she wants you… or your money?

[scoffs] [clears throat]

Now, as you’re well aware, we don’t have the little black book because Melinda is illegally holding it hostage.

So what’s the problem, Mr. DA? Go get it.

I don’t know where she is. She’s not returning my calls. She’s not at home. Oh, maybe, maybe because I just stole her job at your behest.

Oh, so this is my fault.

Oh, face it, Stefan. Your elaborate little plan has completely backfired. Trask has absconded with the only piece of evidence that is going to free your wife, and now she is never going to cooperate with us. You’ve done this.

You know, your head is still on the chopping block, so I wouldn’t relish this moment too much if I were you.

Oh, I’m not relishing anything. I just have no idea what the hell we’re going to do at this point.

All right, we need to find a way to get Melinda to cooperate.

And I think I know how we’re gonna do that.

I do feel sad for Eric, especially because this is the second child that he’s fallen in love with that he’s had to give up. You know, Sloan being this time, and last time, it was–

Because of me.


But in my defense, I was trying to do something good, so…

By stealing Brady and Kristen’s baby?

You’re right, it was– it was terrible. But in my head, I was trying to spare Eric and Sarah the pain of losing a child– well, Sarah mostly.

And how did that work out?

In the long run, pretty good. I mean, come on. Let’s not forget that when it comes to switching babies, you’re the OG, Nicole. Maybe Sloan was just following in your footsteps, a little bit of karmic revenge, perhaps?

Wow, you are a piece of work.

And you’re a hypocrite.

How am I a hypocrite? And why are you pretending that you care about how Eric feels in all of this? ‘Cause you certainly didn’t care when you were gleefully destroying my marriage or when you tried to shoot him at his mother’s wedding and you put her in a coma instead.

From which she recovered completely.

Oh, well, all is forgiven, then.

Well, not by you, apparently. Look, if I’m such a monster, why’d you even want to work for me? Why don’t you quit? Or better yet, I’ll fire you.




What you up to?

Just checking out some websites. I saw Kate earlier. She seemed a bit down.

Yeah, she is.

Even though Lucas’ sentences got commuted?

Well, she was obviously thrilled about that, but then his first decision as a free man was to leave for an extended visit with Allie and Will.

I see.

I’m sure he’ll be coming back sooner rather than later, but it just seems like we’ve had to say too many goodbyes lately.

Yeah. Not to pile it on, but you may have to… have one more goodbye in your near future.

Who else is leaving town?


You’re leaving town? What, for a trip?

No, I mean– I mean moving. It’s just something I’ve been struggling with the past few weeks.

All right. Well, I understand. It makes me sad to hear you say that. But… where would you go?

Listen, I’ve been submitting opportunities for other jobs, you know, for photography work in other cities.

Eric, I thought you were very happy with your job at “The Spectator.”

Yeah, it’s been great. I’m really–I’m really proud of the piece that Nicole and I did on the homeless.

Right. OK, so this is more about the pain of losing your son– I mean little Jude.

[sighs] Of course, it’s not easy having him around, but… it’s actually because there’s another problem.

And what is that?

It’s Nicole. [light music]

First of all, like I said, I am taking some time off to care for my little boy. So you know what? Go ahead. Try and fire me, and see what Chad has to say about it.

Fine, whatever. Obviously you’re not fired. It’s not a great idea, picking a fight with the boss, though, is it?

I’m not picking a fight with the boss. It’s all you.

OK, OK. All is forgiven. I accept your apology.

What? I didn’t– OK, you know what? Just forget it. I don’t even care, anyway.

I’m just grateful that we can put our past differences behind us. You know, after all that ugliness, we both came out ahead. I mean, you’re married now, happily, with EJ and your beautiful baby boy. And soon Sarah and I will be married with our precious daughter in attendance.

Sarah agreed to marry you again?

Yeah. She’s working on the wedding invitations as we speak. Yeah, she’s going all out to make our wedding as special as possible. Even convinced me to invite my mum. [tense music]

I mean, we are under a time crunch. Are you sure you wouldn’t mind pitching in?

Oh, of course. I am so happy to help.

[chortles] Really?

Yeah, really.

Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re usually the last person to offer up free labor.

What? I’m happy to lend a hand.

Not to me. The other day, I asked you to help me bring in some boxes. And you said, what are the servants for?

I was being funny. And I–I had just gotten my nails done. Look, I–OK. I do have an ulterior motive for helping, and that’s because I’m hoping that you will return the favor when it comes to my wedding.

Your wedding?

Alex proposed last night.

Wow. Congratulations.


When is that wedding happening? I mean, have you two picked a date?

No, not yet, but the sooner, the better, as far as I’m concerned.

Ladies…[chuckles] I have an idea. Well, I know this may sound like it’s coming out of left field, but when you think about it, I mean, it might actually kind of bond you guys, in a way, I mean, since you’re all kind of related anyway. I mean, Maggie, she loves you guys so much, and it would really make her happy if you guys got along. I mean, I know she’s having some trouble with Alex. And he is Victor’s son, though, and she did adore that man. And I know, with all her heart, she would want to be able to mend fences with him and get along better–

Bonnie, I’m so sorry. I love you. What is your point? What’s your idea?

Well, like I said before, I mean, you and Alex are getting married. And you and Xander are getting married. And you guys really are kind of related, well, in a way. So I don’t know… maybe have a double wedding?

Wow. Just a little insulting, don’t you think, suggesting that Theresa’s only interested in me because I’m rich?

Alex, I didn’t mean– I didn’t mean to insult you. This is not about– hey, it’s not about you. It’s about her. The fact is, she has a history of chasing men who have money. As a matter of fact, I’ll tell you this. That’s one of the reasons she was interested in me from the very beginning.

Oh, you mean not because you were such a stud?

Well, I–you know, yeah.


Seriously, man, she did some desperate things to get her hands on my money.

Yeah, I know.

I’m telling you.

Yeah, I know, like marrying you in Vegas while you’re blackout drunk. I get it.


No, I’ve heard it over and over again. I’ve heard it. I’ve heard it all. I get it. Theresa has an affinity for the finer things in life, and she’s willing to do some extreme things to get there. This is not the case.

How can you be so sure?

Because I’m sure, Brady. She was interested in me before my windfall, before she had any idea that I stood to inherit half of Victor’s fortune.

What if she did have an idea?

How could Theresa have known that I was Victor’s son? [dramatic music]

You remember when the three of us went to Greece, right?

Of course.

You remember how we went after Konstantin and she stayed back at the hotel, right?

Yeah. And?

While we were out, her father delivered Granddad’s briefcase, which happened to be the only thing that contained evidence that you were Victor’s son.

So–so what are you saying, Brady? What, you think she secretly opened the briefcase?

Maybe. I know she likes to snoop. I know she was curious about the events leading up to grandfather’s death. And I can see her deciding just to open up that suitcase because it was the one personal item from that plane.

No, no. I mean, if that were true, then she would have known the truth about the… fortune before her and I even slept together.


A double wedding?

Well, you know, they are very popular here in Salem. [chuckles] And they very seldomly go terribly wrong– well, very seldomly. Oh, there was this one horrible woman who actually had two double weddings. And as memory serves, they both went pretty badly. God, what was her name?

You know what? Let’s just not talk about it. And for the record, moving forward, I would prefer we never spoke about that person anymore, so…

Yeah, sorry. OK, my point is, if you were to share your big day with Theresa and Alex, it kind of actually makes sense, I mean, ’cause the four of you basically have the same guest list, plus Xander’s mom.

Mm, yeah, but there’s just this teeny, tiny little problem. [clears throat] Xander and I don’t like each other. Sorry, no offense.

You know, constantly saying “no offense” actually makes it more offensive. And not for nothing, Xander isn’t Alex’s biggest fan either, no offense.

Oh, touché.

And things are especially tense right now. Ever since we found out that Alex is Victor’s son, Xander feels like an outcast, so…

See, but that makes it even better– no, you and Xander and you and Alex and a reaffirmation of the bond between the two Kiriakis men. Oh, my God. Oh, and they could even do their own little vows to each other about family.

Mm. Yeah, Bonnie, I don’t know.

Yeah, that just doesn’t seem like a good idea for almost anyone involved whatsoever.

Oh, nonsense. After all the tragedy and loss this family has sustained, a supersized wedding is exactly what the Kiriakis family needs.

You and your mom don’t get along, right?

I mean, we were fine when I was a wee lad. I didn’t start getting into trouble until I was a teenager.


Yeah, my dad tried to be there for me, but– you know, in his way. But my mum… [sighs] She was just flat-out done with me. It was like I was this huge burden to her.

Oh, I’m sure it was more complicated than that.

Yeah, well, it seemed pretty simple at the time. I was bad news, and she wanted nothing to do with me. She didn’t even show up to court when I was convicted of manslaughter.

Well, I’m sure that was a lot for her. Isn’t that when Victor stepped in?

Right. Yeah. I mean, he got years shaved off of my prison sentence. And he paid for my education. That’s when he started to become you know, something of a mentor to me. He definitely saved my ass. But my mum, she– she didn’t like that, not one bit.

Well, perhaps she thought Victor would be a bad influence on you.

Mm, maybe. In any case, I mean, things really fell apart when my dad died.

Yeah, that was when the drinking really began.

She just couldn’t take the pain, so she decided to just numb herself -.

I tried to be there for her, but she shut me out.

I think I must have… reminded her of him.

So really, when I lost my dad, I kind of– it’s like I lost them both. And thank God for Victor. I mean… he stepped up when no one else would, put me to work for him, and–

Well, I’m sure you don’t care about my sob story, so…

No, actually, I’m–I’m– I’m glad you shared with me.

Turns out… you’re actually kind of human.

OK, so you’re having problems working with Nicole. Is that because you still have feelings for her?

Dad, I’m not even divorced yet, and romance is not even on the radar.

Then what is the issue?

Nicole. [light music] She brought Jude to work the other day and asked if I had a problem with it, and of course I said no.

And that was a lie.

Not exactly. I mean, I really love to see him. But it was really hard saying goodbye.

So you’re saying that living in the same town as Jude and not being able to be a part of his life…

It’d be more than I could bear.

OK, Melinda is holding on to the evidence because she wants immunity. Rafe told me that. Now, he can’t give it to her, but you can. So give the woman what she wants. Make sure Melinda doesn’t face charges for taking Nicole’s baby.

And how the hell do you think Nicole will feel about that, that I allowed Melinda to walk? And I can’t exactly tell her that you’re blackmailing me.

I don’t give a damn how you handle this with your wife. Just get it done. Get Melinda, get the evidence, and get Gabi out of prison. And then we all live happily ever after, right? [tense music] Today, EJ, or I tell Nicole the truth.

Alex, think about it.


Think about it. [dramatic music] Theresa pries open the suitcase. She reads the news. And then all of a sudden, she goes from casual flirtation all the way to wanting to seal the deal? The timing is too good.

Except that’s not how it played out, is it? She tried to seal the deal with you, Brady, and you rejected her–harshly, if I remember correctly. And there she is, devastated, and I’m just there trying to comfort her.

And that’s probably what she had planned all along– to appear devastated, knowing full well that you’d come right in and pick up the pieces.

No, no, not possible. Our hookup was not premeditated, Brady. I am sure of it.

Besides, if that were true, that would mean that she’d been playing me this entire time.


And I can’t believe that.

You can’t believe that. You can’t, Alex, or you won’t?

Can’t, won’t, both. You’re wrong, Brady. You’re wrong.

You know, it would be very easy to just add Alex and Theresa’s name to these invites. I’m just saying.



For the last time, Theresa and I will talk about this on our own time.

OK, I’ll drop it– for now. So, Theresa, I know we talked about the chaperoning before, but how was the actual prom? Anybody get doused with a bucket of blood?

Oh, you like that movie too?

They made a movie about the Last Blast Dance at Salem High?


Oh, yeah. The high school dance years ago. Mimi told me a couple of kids tried to dump blood on poor Chloe Lane.

Well, I would not have minded if somebody wanted to pour blood on Holly Jonas.

Excuse me?

Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot she’s your niece. OK, well, in my defense, we just found out that she and my son have secretly been dating even when we explicitly told them not to.

Theresa, I know that Holly messed up when she didn’t clear your son’s name, but she’s a kid. She made a mistake. I’m sure you made plenty of mistakes in high school.

Yes, I did. That’s exactly– that’s the thing. I know Holly Jonas all too well. I got caught up in drugs, too, and I lied to my parents, and I fell in with the wrong crowd, and… well, I don’t want Tate dating someone like that, someone like me.

Well, from what my mom says, Holly’s doing great. She’s not doing drugs. She’s studying really hard, and she’s trying to turn her life around, so she deserves a second chance.

Great, just not with my son.

Oh, come on, Theresa. I was once a wild child too. A lot of us were. But eventually we learn our lesson– sometimes more than once, but we grow up. You did. I mean, come on. You’re not the lying, scheming, gold-digger woman you used to be, right?

I just think the only way to put Jude behind me is to put some distance between us.

[sighs] I understand. [light music] Years ago, when I took that job in D.C., it was mostly to forget about your mom, but there was still a part of me that was trying to deal with the fact that Belle wasn’t my daughter.

Did moving away help you?

I don’t want to tell you.


[sighs] OK. It did help, and that is why I will respect your decision if you choose to leave, though selfishly, I will be… [sighs] Very, very sad to see you go.

Well, you don’t have to worry about anything yet.

Nothing’s set in stone.

I know I never thought I would say this, but I can relate to you. Yeah, I–I had some major issues with my mom growing up. I mean, we fought all the time. And I blamed her for things that, in retrospect, weren’t entirely her fault. But…[sighs, chuckles] Let’s just say I know what it’s like to be a teenager feeling like the whole world is crashing down on you and not having your own mom to help you make sense of it.

Or to help you see that maybe you pulled the whole world down on top of yourself.

Mm. Right. [dramatic music] But to feel like you’re forever a disappointment to the most important person in your life, it just does a number on your self-esteem, you know?

Did you ever work things out?

Yeah. I mean, thankfully we were on good terms before she died, which is why I think it’s good that Sarah invited your mom to the wedding. You know, maybe there’s a chance you can repair your relationship before it’s too late.

Well, I’m not too optimistic. But thinking it through and talking about it, I– I think I would like to introduce my mum to this little angel.

[chuckles] Well, I hope she does go to the wedding. I think something good can come out of it.

And by the time the cops came, all we could see through the trees were red and blue lights. And it was so scary, but it was so exciting. But then we realized we could either get dragged downtown and have our parents called, or–

Or what, Bonnie? What? Finish your story. Well, did you ever find your clothes? Did you–did you have to jump into the flooded quarry? Was it deep enough? It was pitch-black. You almost died.

Has anyone seen the stamps?


Wait, are you sitting on them? Oh, no, wait. Oh, maybe they’re in here.

I found them.

[sighs] Oh, jeez.

So, Bonnie, tell me the rest of your story.

Look, I’m not claiming I know anything for sure, all right? But hypothetically, Alex, it could have gone down like that.


I’m just saying.

Yeah. I’m just saying, hypothetically, your theory is trash. Don’t say it again, especially in front of Theresa, OK?

All right. [knock at door]

Are my ears burning?


I just heard my name.

Babe, what are you doing here?

I thought we could go out to lunch.

I would love to go to lunch. Let’s go right now.



Yeah. Mm. Come on.

I’ll see you, Brady.

See you. OK. Actually, Theresa, I’m sorry. I–something I got to say to you. [dramatic music]

Alex told me the good news. Congrats on your engagement.

Thank you, Brady.




Let’s go.

[door slams]

[sighs] [light music]

Well, hey, you two. both: Mm. [baby babbles]

Hey yourself.

Oh, hi, tiny.

How’d you get on with Bonnie? You get all the wedding invitations done?

Yeah, yeah, I just dropped them off at the post office. Theresa helped.



Does she know who the groom is?

Yeah, I mean, she was relatively nice about it. Really, I just think she was laying the groundwork to call in a favor from me in the future. But it was worth it because our invites are officially on their way to our guests.

Thank goodness we got done in time for “Body & Soul.” I cannot wait to see what Charlemagne is doing today. Ooh! [metallic bang] Oh, damn, who put that there? Oh, jeez. [dramatic music] All right, who put this in the trash? No, Sarah, you let Theresa get in your head about inviting Mama Cook, didn’t you? WWCD. What would Charlemagne do? Hmm. Yep. Uh-huh-huh. [gasps] Aha! Nothing like a little push to help family do the right thing. Yes, sirree, Sarah’s gonna be very grateful, and I’m gonna put this in the mailbox myself… right after the show. [chuckles] Mm-hmm.



Oh, hi.

I’m sorry to interrupt. Do you have a moment?

Yeah. I thought you weren’t coming in today.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to. I– there’s something I need to tell you.

Rafe, it’s DA DiMera. Yes, I did speak with the judge about your sister. That’s why I’m calling. If you want Gabi released from prison, you need to find Melinda Trask immediately.


[door clicks shut]


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GH Transcript Thursday, June 27, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Thank you for coming right over. It sounded urgent on the phone. Well, there’s a reason for that. Many, actually. Would you like a cup of coffee? Because I’m gonna need one for this conversation. Absolutely. But before you start grinding beans, tell me what we’re looking at here. I need you to keep me out of prison.

[ Knock on door ]

Daddy! Hey! Hey, hey! Ohh. Let me see you. Hey. Did you have fun sleeping over here last night? How are you? Are you feeling better? ,::,

Hey. Hey. How did it go with Scout? Same as always — Nervous on the way over, but when she got there, she couldn’t wait to have the slumber party. That’s good. What’s, uh — What’s going on with you? Um, Rocco, he’s at the Woodchucks game with his friends, right? Yeah. He’s going to spend the night at Brendan’s, I think. Okay, I’m going to go check on Danny because he’s not allowed to overhear this conversation, you know? Um, that’s not a problem either, ’cause, uh, Jason picked him up. What? Where’d they go?

[ Sighs ] Sorry the gym was closed. It’s okay. This is way better than working out.

Are you sure you’re ready to do this? Oh, yeah.

Uh, Jason came by, wanted to take Danny to the gym. Danny was pretty stoked about it, so — Look, I — you and Jason I thought were — were, like, sort of okay. Was I wrong? Yes. But you couldn’t have known that, because that’s exactly what I was just gonna talk to you about. All right. What am I missing here? Spinelli and I found out what the FBI is holding over Jason. You and Spinelli? Jason stayed away from his family all this time because the feds have evidence against Carly. All right, most important thing is safety. It’s not just because you’re a kid. It’s for — for anybody. So if you don’t know how something works or how to use it, you just — you just ask me, okay? You can do your own maintenance? Yeah. I mean, I think it’s really important when you ride. Actually, it’s really important for any vehicle. You know, you don’t want to get stuck somewhere. Yeah, especially when — Especially when what? Well, you know, like, if someone’s like, after you. Yeah. Yeah, that’s true. All right. So… Did your father teach you how to fix cars and motorcycles? Alan? Not that I recall. He — He fixed people, not machines. Right. So when did you learn? It was after my accident. When Sonny was in Nixon Falls and everyone but Nina thought he was dead, I went to a meeting of the Five Families and claimed to be the head of the Corinthos organization. Sorry. No judgment. But why in God’s name would you do something like that? Because Cyrus Renault was trying to take over the territory and run a highly addictive narcotic through Port Charles. It was the drug that almost killed Sasha. Right, I remember that. But certainly you didn’t do that simply because of civic altruism. My family was in danger, and the threat to my family was business-related. Got it. Go on. Someone in that meeting was wearing a wire. So the FBI has an audio file of me committing RICO violations. And how did you become aware of this recording? A reliable source was able to hack into the FBI’s database and retrieve the audio file. Oh, good. Another felony. Please don’t ask me to tell you who my source is. Wouldn’t dream of it. Answer me this — Why were you or your source doing a deep dive into the FBI’s database in the first place? Hey. I don’t want you to ever worry about me, sweetheart. How’s the cut on your hand? Did you have to go to the hospital? Nah, my hand’s fine. I just needed a bandage. There was a lot of blood. Yeah, you know, but it, uh — It looked a lot worse than it was. It really did. But now that it’s better, can we go home now? I would love if we could go home, but… uh, you’re gonna be staying with Uncle Chase for a little while longer. But why? I want to come home with you. That’s what I want too. But the…thing is, I’m, uh — I’m not — I’m not — I’m not going home, sweetie. I’m gonna be going away. Where are you going? You have to take me with you. It’ll just be for a little while. I don’t care. I want to come with you. I know, but where I’m going, you can’t go, sweetheart. Why not? ‘Cause Daddy’s sick. You just said you were better. My hand’s better, you know, but… my head and my heart — I was so sad after Grandpa died. And I started drinking alcohol, and I never — I never should have done that. That’s why — That’s why I fell asleep on the floor. Can’t you stop drinking alcohol? No, there’s people that they can just stop. And I thought I was one of them, but I was wrong. So I need to go to a special hospital, and they’re gonna help me to stop for good. How long will you be gone? Doctor says three months. Three months? That’s a long time. Do you really have to go? I do, sweetheart, I do. But I can help you stop drinking alcohol.

What are you doing here? I just wanted to get a look at the new place. How did you find the new place? I used my sharp detective skills. You and Trina said that you got an apartment above the Quartermaines’ garage. So I followed that lead to the Q’s gate, walked up the driveway to the garage, and then I looked up. Oh. Hidden in plain sight. I want to know how you got past the gate. The gate was already open. I think somebody’s visiting in the main house. I don’t know who, though. You need better detective skills. Well, I’m just a cadet. I’m still learning. I know how much of a pain moving can be, so I brought provisions. Always thinking ahead. Even brought enough for Trina. Is she around? She’s not. She’s taking care of Aunt Stella. She is sick. Since it’s just you, you need help? Yes. Come on in. I’ve just finished cleaning, but I actually need help moving this. It’s not heavy, it’s just awkward. Sometimes it’s nice to have another set of hands. Yes, it is. Shall we?

If I can help you stop drinking alcohol, then you can stay with me. So that’s what we’ll do. Sweetheart, you know I — I don’t want to leave you. Not ever. But if I don’t go, I won’t get better. Because what happened can never happen again. I’m so sorry. You must have been so afraid when you got home to the house and you found me there, lying like that. I thought you were dead like Grandpa. I know, I’m so sorry. And I’m so proud of you for calling Tracy and getting help. That was absolutely the right thing to do. I wanted to take care of you. And you did. You did, sweetheart. But you know what? That’s not the way it’s supposed to be. I’m supposed to be looking after you. Can’t we take care of each other? We can. We’re really good at taking care of each other. But we both have to be able to, and right now, I’m not able to do that. And that’s why — It’s why I have to go away, so I can come back and I can be the best dad. Be the dad that you deserve. Hey, I made a terrible mistake, but none of that is your fault. You — You are so perfect. And I love you so much. I love you more than life itself. I love you too, Daddy.

I don’t really remember it, but I was told that I was worried about my brother AJ drinking and driving. So I got into the car with him, and… I don’t know, we crashed. And the next thing I knew, well, actually, the first thing I knew is I didn’t know anybody. Not my family, not my name. Nothing. Wow. That must have been hard. You know what a TBI is? Traumatic brain injury? That’s right. That’s what I had. Mom says that you’re drawn to danger. That’s why you do all these dangerous jobs. Yeah, look, I’ve done a lot of dangerous work, but I can’t — I can’t really talk about that. That’s why my mom doesn’t want me spending that much time with you. She doesn’t want you to get hurt. Now, look, you can keep asking questions, but we should get back to the bike. Okay. It’s so cool. Was it hard for you to learn how to ride, or were you just, like, a natural at it? No, I was not a natural. I had to practice. But it wasn’t that hard to learn. I just — I just loved motorcycles from the start. I was not involved in hacking the FBI. Someone brought the audio file to me. Are you telling me you’re being blackmailed? I’m not. Jason is. And this is the reason Jason lost three years with his family. The FBI threatened to charge me if Jason didn’t become their informant. Well, now all of this is beginning to make infinitely more sense. Yes, and I have it on good authority that the FBI will not honor their deal. Okay. This so-called authority, are you sure they are legitimate? Well, if anyone would know, this person would. And they’ve said that as soon as Jason is no longer of any use to them, they’re going to charge me anyway. I can’t disagree. The FBI could arrest you, yes. Whether or not Jason holds up his end of the bargain. Exactly. So why should Jason spend one more day working for the FBI? I say we call their bluff. Let them charge me. We can fight it out in court. I just need to know what are my chances of being acquitted?

Did you actually conduct any mob business? Did you make any, I don’t know, illegal wire transfers? No. Did you launder any money? No. Did you transport any illegal or stolen goods? No. Jason wouldn’t let me anywhere near that stuff. Might your name be on any incriminating documents? I don’t think so, but I’m not sure. Anyone at that meeting willing to testify against you? No one who would cooperate with the FBI. Well, who was there? Cyrus Renault, Selina Wu, Vincent Novak, and Charles Buscema. But they’re both dead. Anyone else? Various bodyguards. But if they turned state, they wouldn’t be long for this world. Not to mention, their testimony could be ripped to shreds in court. So the FBI’s case rests solely on this audio file. Yeah. What are you thinking? I’m thinking that in this age of deep fakes and digital trickery, the chain of custody for evidence like that is essential. The FBI would have to produce the original audio file to show that it had not been altered or tampered with in any way. That’s not going to be a problem. I mean, my source confirmed that the file can be listened to, but it can’t be altered or deleted. So where does that leave us? Given your decades-long history with Sonny, Jason, the Corinthos organization, and your recent dustup with the SEC, I think the Justice Department might be able to mount a strong case against you. So tell me about the Academy. What did you learn in school today? Well, we are up to de-escalation training. How to mediate a situation and calm things down. I know what de-escalation is. You know, I bet they make civilian courses that you could take that teach that skill. I’m just saying. Oh, you’re suggesting I take that class? No, no, I would never. Oh, you better not. You should actually come and do a role-play for the class. I bet you’d, like, be the person we need to de-escalate. You’d give us hell. I’m gonna take that as a compliment. Absolutely. I love that you never back down from a fight. Never afraid to call the question, even with… Don’t lose that. Don’t plan on it. But what I am learning is that each situation is a judgment call. Sometimes you need to rush in and act fast, but a lot of the time, everyone is better served by just taking a step back. You know, seeing what happens before you do something that you can’t take back. Yeah. I think I’m learning that lesson right now myself. How so? Let’s just say there’s a few things that I’ve done recently that I would take back if I could. Me too. Thanks for letting me help you change the oil. You didn’t help me. I helped you. You did all the work. Yeah. I did. Now, when are you gonna teach me to ride it? Carly just straight-up announces in the room full of mobsters that she’s taking over Sonny’s organization. Okay, look, look, just forget Carly, okay? Do you realize what you’ve done? What you’re telling me you’ve done? Wait, what are you talking about? Sam, you and Spinelli, you — you breached FBI files. It’s a federal crime. Like, if you get caught, you could be in prison for — for decades. I’m not gonna get caught. What Spinelli did was bulletproof. Okay, it’s the FBI, Sam. You really don’t think they can trace Spinelli? Who else knows about this? Just Spinelli, Carly, and now you. Great, so now I’m an accessory to a federal crime. You can’t — You can’t tell anybody about this, all right? Okay, but please don’t talk to me like — Look, I’m not — I’m just saying, like, if Cates for someone else from the FBI finds out that Spinelli was hacking their files at your request, you can be taken away from your kids. We, uh — We should probably get going. I know, yeah. Hey. You’re gonna have so much fun here with your aunt and uncle. And I’m gonna be back before you know it. I’ll miss you, Daddy. I’ll miss you, sweetheart.

Oh, no, it’s too small. No, no. You know what? It’s perfect. You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to put it right here, right — right next to my heart. And I’m going to keep it there. Always. Okay? I love you. I love you too. I love you.

It’s a great place. I know. We totally lucked out. You know… What? Nothing. Come on. It’s just, I, um… I used to think about maybe someday helping you move out of your dorm room… and into my place. Me too. I really enjoyed having dinner with you the other night. Me too. In that case, just, um, hypothetically, of course… What would it take for us to get back to where we were before? Before what? Before I told you I was willing to kill someone for Sonny.

[ Sighs ] Thank you. For letting me say goodbye to Violet. I know that went against the restraining order. What you did tonight is not what restraining orders are about. Believe me. And you were right. Violet needed to see you before you left. And I am sorry. The things I said to you and Brook Lynn. The things I said to Elizabeth. I can’t forgive myself. It was the alcohol talking., No. It was me. No excuses. And the worst of it, I passed out and I scared my little girl. Could have been worse. [ Chuckles ] Only you could find the silver lining in all that. You know, for a lot of people, they don’t take restraining orders seriously. They take it as a challenge, and they show up anyway. The number of domestic disturbances I’ve had to break up. Seeing terrified kids watch their mom and dad have knock-down drag-outs. The looks on their faces when we have to come in and take one of them away. It’s horrible. So thank you for not putting Violet in the middle of all that, for not making it worse for your daughter. Could it have been worse? You heard Violet tonight. She thought I was — She thought I was dead. She thought I had left her forever. How could I do that to her? It’s because you have an illness. And that is why you are going away. To get well. What? Look at you. My kid brother. Come on. I’ve been a grown-up for a while now. Yeah. It’s just — It’s different. Now it’s you coming to my rescue. No, I’m just a nice guy. Thank you for taking care of my little girl. You’re my brother. You did the right thing, chase. I know you were just trying to protect Violet. I’ll always be grateful for that. Come on. I hear riding a motorcycle is easier than riding a bike. We’re definitely gonna have to ask your mom first. It’s — It’s okay. I was just kidding. Were you? Yeah. I mean, I was kinda hoping you’d say yes anyways, but… Well, you know what? Maybe next time, if your mom agrees. Oh, I do not see that happening. Yeah, well, I mean, that’s fine. Ah, there’s plenty of other things to do. Like what? I don’t know. I mean, we’ll figure it out, but from what I saw today, you can do anything that you set your mind to. Tell that to my algebra teacher. What, you need help with math? ?You’re good at math. It’s a — It’s a skill I use, yeah. Awesome. You, uh — You shoot hoops? Uh, not for a while, but — I’m this close, this close to being able to dunk. Really? Yeah. I can’t wait to see that happen. I’m telling you, Spinelli covered our tracks flawlessly. Sam, I’m guessing you access Cates’ authorization somehow. So if the FBI finds out that there’s suspicious activity, they’re going to talk to him, and he’s going to know what happened and how. He barely knows who I am. He knows Spinelli. He confiscated the footage of me getting shot that was taken by a well-known hacker. Okay, well, even if he figures it out, it will be impossible to prove. Sam, Sam, Sam, you and Spinelli broke federal laws. Okay? This is why I didn’t want you to get involved with this. Exactly this. I had to know what the FBI had on Jason. Did you? You’d rather know what happened to Jason so badly, or would you rather stay with your kids? Or — Or would you rather have them come visit you in prison for the next years? ‘Cause those right there could be your options. Stay with my kids, obviously. So you got to — you got to leave this alone, okay? Don’t talk to anyone about it. Not Spinelli, not Jason, not Carly, nobody. And whatever you found out, you got to leave that alone too. And act like none of this ever happened. And you just got to hope that it doesn’t come out either.

You don’t have to worry about a thing. Okay? Brook Lynn and I are going to take great care of Violet. Yeah, I know you will. We love her like crazy, and we’re going to tell her every single day until you get back. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Okay. That’s what I want. It’s what we all want, but no shortcuts. Okay? No thinking you’ve got this handled or convincing yourself that it was just a slip. Yeah. It’s not my first rodeo. I understand. So when in doubt, you think of Violet, about how devastating it would be to put her through this again. And you stop. Which I know won’t be easy. It won’t. But I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna do it for Violet. The best thing you can do is to get well for your child. You’re a good cop. What does that have to do with this? Because I know you– I know you’ve seen some stuff. Comes with the job. And you still want to help. It’s a quality I really admire. Hey. Brought you a snack. That’s okay. I’m not really hungry right now. Okay. I’m going to put it right here just in case you change your mind. Do you have any questions? Want to talk about anything? I want to know about my dad’s hospital. Will he have to be in bed all day? Will he at least be able to watch TV? Is there going to be people that are nice to him? Oh, the place that your daddy is going is beautiful. So beautiful, your daddy’s not even going to want to stay in bed and watch TV. He’s going to want to hike and — and swim. And the people there are really kind. And they’re going to help your daddy learn how to not drink. Like camp? Yeah, kinda. I like camp. Camp is fun. But if Daddy’s away, what will I do? Oh, honey, there is so much to do here. Just name it. I want to go swimming. Then that is exactly what we’ll do. And I heard that Uncle Chase has been teaching you how to ride a bike. He says I’m almost ready to ditch the training wheels. That’s how he says it. I’m sure it is. I want to go horse riding. Oh, my goodness. Coincidentally, we have a whole stable full of horses. I know you know some of them, but all the rest will be so excited to meet you. I’m not sure how to put what you did behind us. But I didn’t actually do it. Please, just let me finish. I know that there are people that I care about in my life who have crossed that line. But what’s important is that you didn’t. And the other night at dinner, when I told you that you don’t have to prove that you’re good enough for me or redeem yourself, I really meant that. You know, it’s funny, when you applied to the PCB, I thought that you were doing it for me. In fact, I was certain of it. I know, way to make it about me, right? But now I see that you did it for you. And the longer that you’re there, the more I can see that you’re exactly where you want to be. Did I get that right? Yeah, %. Well, then I’m happy for you. But to be clear, if me becoming a cop were to impress and/or please you, I’m good with that.

I know you’re right. But? I was just trying to help. With now knowing that Jason abandoned Jake and Danny to save Carly, I thought that maybe, just maybe, for once he would put his kids first. But no, Carly is his priority. Always was, always will be. Nothing else matters. Not really anyway. And if Danny ever knew that, it would break his heart. We just got to make sure he never knows. All right, here’s what I’m thinking — The FBI’s case rests on your admission that you were head of the Corinth organization. Even as a figurehead, that could land you in some hot water. But you had compelling reasons to do what you did. You walked into a room full of known crime figures, and you claimed that you were one of them, all to protect your children. That takes guts. Yeah, I was terrified. And you need to say that on the stand. What? You’d have me testify? I know from prior experience what a compelling witness you are. How well you play to a jury. But — No “but.” No “but.” Please, can I just live here in this moment, please? Even with my skill as a litigator, my knowledge of jurisprudence, the tricky tricks I’ve got up my sleeve, I think — I think the best that we could hope for with regard to an acquittal, you have a % chance. % chance I go to federal prison. I don’t like those odds. Not for you. Not for Donna. Hey, Spinelli. So that case we’ve been working on, it’s hit a little snag. Don’t do anything until you hear back from me, okay? Bye. Hi, Mom. Hi, Dante. Hey, man. Uh, how was the gym? It was closed, but we got to go in the garage instead. Nice. I learned how to tune up a bike, and I even got to change the oil. Hey, those are pretty awesome skills to have, man. Yeah, I got an early morning. I should get going. Oh, okay. Good night, son. Good night, Dad. Well, it sounds like you had a good time with your dad. I did. He’s the best. No offense. None taken, man.

I don’t know how I leave Donna. I mean, especially with the way Sonny’s been acting. Sonny has been unusually tense, and that’s saying something. But it’s not fair for Jason to be under the thumb of the FBI. In what universe does Jason need you to save him? My advice? Let him keep doing whatever he’s doing. He’s supremely capable. Strategy is kind of his thing. And if he’s got a plan and you rush in to try to save him, historically, how has that worked? You made your point. Okay, well, I just hope it sticks. Look at it this way. Whatever arrangement he’s got with the FBI, it’s kept you out of prison so far. Yeah, but we don’t know for how much longer, right? We do not. Okay. So I want to be prepared. Can we start working on a defense just in case? We absolutely can. Or rather, I can. You, on the other hand, can sit tight.

I have an early morning tomorrow. You? No, actually. I — I lucked out. I don’t have anything tomorrow morning. Are the cadets running in the park? Always. Great. Well, maybe I’ll see you there. This is a really big house. You’re just noticing that? It’s different when you stay over. You can get lost in it. Many have. You’re so lucky you used to live here. I am. You know, one of the best parts about this house is the people who live here. Your family? My family. And one of the greatest parts about family is that when one of us is sick or in trouble, the rest of us step up and help out. Like you and Uncle Chase are helping my daddy? You’re helping your daddy too, sweetie. By being so brave. It’s easy to be brave when I can get help like with you and Uncle Chase. I’m so glad we can help. That’s what family’s for. I’m glad we’re family, Auntie Brook Lynn. Me too, kiddo. Me too.

Guess it’s time to do this. I’ll walk you in. I got it from here. Are you sure? It’s not like I can make a break for it. I wasn’t worried. You’ve always been a lousy liar. Promise me you’ll look after her. Give Violet a kiss every day. Tell her I love her. Oh, she knows that. But I will. I love you, bro. I love you too. Dad’d be proud of you. Oh, he’d be so proud of you for taking the step.

No point stalling any longer.

On three.

One. Two.

[ Engine starts ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, June 27, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Billy: Take your time, Chels.

Chelsea: Connor was happy. Happiest we had seen him in a really long time.

Billy: Well, that’s good, right?

Chelsea: Well, that’s what we thought. Until, after we dropped him off, his OCD flared. Apparently, because he was happy.

Billy: I’m sorry, Chels, I– I don’t understand that.

Chelsea: He had a good time. His spirits were soaring. His OCD wanted to punish him for that. Wanted to make him feel he didn’t deserve to be happy.

Billy: That’s awful.

Chelsea: Like, can you even imagine? My son can’t spend time with his parents without this monstrous disease trying to ruin it for him.

Billy: Did he… hit himself again as well?

Chelsea: Billy. He… He took a pen and tried to cut himself. Luckily, the nurse got to him in time, so he didn’t cause any major harm, but… [ Chelsea sighs ] …they had to transfer him to inpatient status.

Billy: Chels, I’m so sorry.

Chelsea: It’s just so unfair. You know, my sweet little boy. I’m so scared, Billy. I mean, what if– what if he’s never gonna be happy again? What if this is just the way it is for him, forever?

Billy: Okay, you can’t think that way, okay? You– you gotta trust that this treatment program will eventually work. I mean, he was taking positive steps forward before this point, right?

Chelsea: Yeah, when he was here, it was like the happiest we’d seen him.

Billy: And he will have those happy moments again, and he’ll learn to fend off those impulses to– to hurt himself. You– you just… You– you gotta believe that.

Chelsea: I know. I’m really trying. It’s just not easy.

Billy: I know it’s not easy. Not for you. Not for Connor. And not for Adam, either. How is Adam handling this setback?

Diane: Jack, I thought your plane had already landed. Could you please call me as soon as you get this? I have to do something, and I– I want you to hear it from me first. [ Diane sighs ] [ Kyle sighs ]

Kyle: Good morning.

Diane: I’m afraid it isn’t. And it’s about to get a lot worse.

Kyle: Can we please not do this? How about we just put our heads down and do our jobs? I’d much rather like to avoid some more drama.

Diane: It’s a little late for that.

Kyle: What’s this?

Diane: Your termination notice. You’re fired. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Audra: When Tucker finally realized he lost and I won, he panicked.

Sally: Cool, calm and collected Tucker?

Audra: Mm. Just before the board was about to vote, he faked a heart attack.

Sally: Oh, my God. He did not.

Audra: Can you believe it? He collapsed on the video call. The hotel doctor was called.

Sally: Okay, that is quite a stunt. Did anyone buy it?

Audra: There were some concerned executives, and his assistant will probably never be the same, but I knew exactly what he was up to.

Sally: So, what happened?

Audra: Well, his impromptu performance worked as a delay tactic, but not for long. When it was clear that he wasn’t going to die, the board reconvened and voted him out, and me in.

Sally: Wow, you actually pulled it off.

Audra: Did you doubt me?

Sally: No, never. It’s just a very bold move, considering how hard Tucker went after you. I mean, you’ve seen how volatile he can be. And yet, you poked the bear anyway.

Audra: It was risky, and honestly, nerve-wracking. But in the end, it was an exhilarating ride. It feels good to win. Mm. What a rush.

Sally: For now.

Audra: I plan to bask in this victory for a while, okay? And the best part, he doesn’t even know who he’s losing to.

Sally: What are you talking about?

Audra: Well, I didn’t pull this off all by myself. I had a partner who came in with a large cash infusion that played a big part in convincing the board that this was the right move.

Sally: Who was it?

Audra: I can’t say. That was part of the deal, and my investor wants to remain anonymous.

Sally: Well, I’m sure Tucker hates that. How did he react?

Audra: Not well.

Sally: He is a notoriously bad loser. Do you think he will try and retaliate somehow?

Audra: Just let him try.

Kyle: You’re– you’re actually firing me.

Diane: I’m afraid you’ve left me no choice, but you’ll see I included a very generous severance package.

Kyle: I thought you were threatening me. A warning to get me to back off. Now, I see you were setting up your ultimate power play.

Diane: This isn’t a game, Kyle.

Kyle: Yeah, this is you trying to prove who’s boss.

Diane: It’s amazing to me that you still can’t see this is the result of your actions.

Kyle: Look, Jabot is my family’s company! You really think you can just fire me like this?

Diane: I’m an Abbott too, you know.

Kyle: Only by marriage, and a recent one at that. Jabot is my birthright, and I have grown up knowing that one day, I’d be running this place. You think you can just rip that away from me with a piece of paper?

Diane: I have given you fair warning, and you have chosen to ignore me one time too many.

Kyle: You call this fair? Just springing this on me? and you know how much I love you. But to be honest, I’ve had it. I am done with you constantly tweaking my work, embarrassing me in front of colleagues, and stabbing me in the back whenever it’s turned.

Kyle: Does Dad know about this? He doesn’t, does he? Do you really think he’s going to sign off on this?

Diane: You know, I– I’m glad you’re here. I– I’ve been trying to reach you.

Jack: I just came straight from the airport, just in time to see my executive staff engaged in whatever this is. Both of you, in my office, now.

Sally: Well, I am impressed, because not only did you mastermind a coup, you almost seem like you’re daring Tucker to come after you.

Audra: Well, I’m sure he’s consumed with rage, plotting his revenge about now. He’s not used to getting outplayed, but I’ve covered all my bases, and there is no way in hell Tucker McCall is ever hurting me again, personally or professionally.

Sally: Wow, make it sound so simple and absolute.

Audra: It’s– none of this has been easy. That’s why I’m 100% sure that I’m done with him. You know, he broke my trust, and he doesn’t get any more chances there. But on the work front, I’ve got my mystery investor, and a person I promise has no intention of ever letting Tucker get his hands back on Glissade.

Sally: Right, yes, this mystery investor. What was their name again?

Audra: Nice try. You’re not getting it out of me. But I do have a feeling Glissade’s new owner is plotting the perfect time and place to reveal him or herself.

Sally: Well, congratulations.

Audra: Thank you.

Sally: To a seamless transition for the new head of Glissade, and I can’t wait to hear all about your new leadership when the news hits the press.

Audra: Cheers.

Sally: Cheers.

Audra: Mm.

Sally: Mm.

Audra: You know, there are still a few wrinkles I need to iron out before we go public with the changes, but I am working on that. Enough about me. I want to know what’s going on with you. I– I’m sure you’re killing it at Marchetti.

Sally: Well, not to be overly modest, but uh, yeah, I am.

Audra: Well, I will be the first in line to buy one of your designs.

Sally: Well, thank you. I am missing Adam, though. He’s still in Baltimore with Chelsea and Connor.

Audra: How’s that going?

Sally: Uh, not well. He was supposed to come home last night, but he called and said things had taken a turn for the worse, so they’re gonna be there for a little bit longer.

Audra: I’m sorry to hear that. Oof, my heart goes out to that little boy.

Sally: Yeah. It’s definitely been unbearable for all of them, but I just am afraid Adam is taking it worse than anyone.

Audra: Are you thinking of going to be with him?

Sally: I mean, it’s not really my place. You know, I know Connor, he’s an amazing kid, but I’m not his family, so…

Audra: Yeah, but you’re Adam’s partner, and it sounds like he could use your support.

Sally: He has Chelsea. You know, what they’re going through as Connor’s parents, it’s intense, and they’ve had to navigate a lot of their own tensions, and their different parenting styles, and I feel like they’ve finally found a way to do that, you know, to be there for their son.

Audra: If you say so.

Sally: It’s a tricky balance, and I just don’t wanna insert myself in the middle of it.

Audra: Now, I’m impressed. A lot of women wouldn’t appreciate their guy spending so much time with his ex-wife.

Chelsea: Believe it or not, Adam was a rock. After the doctor left, I completely fell apart, but Adam was the strong one. He’s been that a lot lately.

Billy: That is surprising.

Chelsea: Yeah, last night, we just stayed up, talking things through. It helped. I woke up feeling more hopeful today.

Billy: That’s good, I’m glad you’re staying positive. So, what happens now?

Chelsea: We don’t really know.

Billy: Oh, are you able to see Connor while he’s inpatient, or– or are you heading home?

Chelsea: Well, we wanna stay in town in case Connor improves and we’re allowed to go see him, so…

Billy: Yeah, of course. Um, well, you know, I can come out there and be with you, that’s no problem. I will go to your apartment, I can grab some fresh clothes and anything else you might need.

Chelsea: Billy, that’s so sweet.

Billy: I just feel so helpless. You know, there must be something I can do.

Kyle: You gonna tell him?

Jack: Tell me what?

Kyle: Mom gave me a pink slip. Did you agree to this?

Jack: No, I didn’t.

Diane: I was trying to reach you to explain what was going on, to avoid a scene.

Jack: It seems a bit late for that.

Diane: Jack, you know this did not come out of the blue.

Jack: What I want to know is what could possibly have happened in the short time I was away that would lead you to fire our son?

Kyle: Yeah. That’s what I would like to know.

Diane: Oh, come on, Kyle. You know exactly why you’re being fired. I have tried to reason with you. I have warned you multiple times to back off, and yet, you’ve persisted. You know what? You have pushed me too far, and your self-promoting actions have consequences.

Kyle: Do you hear this? I have done nothing other than the same job I’ve always done.

Diane: Yeah, and that’s the problem! It’s not your job anymore. It’s mine.

Kyle: Hey, are you gonna step in here? Mom is completely overreacting. Clearly, she doesn’t have the experience to be operating at this level.

Diane: Oh, please, please, do not come to his rescue now, Jack. Now, when every time I try to talk to you about this, you said you wanted to stay out of it. And you wanted Kyle and I to work it out between us.

Jack: I had hoped that the two of you would be professional enough to handle this in a reasonable manner.

Diane: I have tried everything to fix the problem, and nothing has worked. And he has left me no choice but to take the only option I had left, and I am not backing down.

Chelsea: As much as I would love you to come here and wrap your arms around me, I don’t want to pull you away from work. How did it go with the board vote and Jill?

Billy: Oh, you have enough on your mind right now, okay? I’ll fill you in on the details when you get back home.

Chelsea: Sounds slightly ominous.

Billy: I wouldn’t go that far. [ knocking on door ]

Chelsea: Hold on one second. Hey, come on in. Uh, I should go.

Billy: Okay. Um, I’ll call you later. I miss you.

Chelsea: I miss you more. Bye.

Adam: I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can go if you want to call him back.

Chelsea: No, it’s okay. Uh, did you talk to Sally?

Adam: Uh-huh. She wishes that she could do something to help, yeah.

Chelsea: Billy does too.

Adam: Hm. If only there was something they could do. There really isn’t, is there? There’s nothing anyone can do.

Sally: What are you talking about? If I’ve given you the impression at all that I’m jealous, I’m– I’m not.

Audra: Adam’s off in a hotel,untry, with his ex. A twinge of jealousy wouldn’t be surprising.

Sally: Honestly, it never even crossed my mind. Adam and Chelsea, their romance is long over.

Audra: Yeah, Tucker promised me he was also done with his ex, but every time I turned around, and there she was.

Sally: Well, they are a family in crisis, and their only focus right now is on Connor, and how to get him through this nightmare.

Audra: Yeah, um, I’m– I’m sure their son is their primary focus.

Sally: Exactly. And besides, Adam and I are in love. He actually just asked me to move in with him.

Audra: Oh.

Sally: He’s letting me buy throw pillows.

Audra: Oh, well, that is love.

Sally: Yeah, and I– I trust him. Completely.

Audra: Wow. I’m always amazed when people can do that.

Sally: What?

Audra: Trust. Yeah, I– I’ve learned the hard way to never trust anyone. Ever.

Sally: Never.

Audra: I mean it. I intend to spend the rest of my life relying only on myself.

Sally: Okay. All right then. Well, then in that case, what is your next step in launching your completely self-sufficient empire?

Audra: Making sure the last few pieces are in place to assure my success.

Kyle: Apparently, my mother needs a crash course on corporate protocol. Can you please enlighten your wife for me?

Diane: There it is again. That condescending attitude that I’ve had to put up with. Any other Jabot employee would have been fired a long time ago.

Jack: Yes, the attitude is a problem, but he is upset for a reason.

Kyle: Thank you for understanding. I– Dad, remember how we used to wo together as co-CEOs? We were in total sync. I never would have imagined firing someone without talking to you first, and I certainly wouldn’t have waited until he was conveniently out of the country.

Diane: Well, I have been waiting for you to pull yourself together and start acting like an actual executive instead of an entitled heir apparent, but you haven’t!

Kyle: Why don’t you just admit it? You want me gone because my mere presence shines a spotlight on all your inadequacies. [ Diane scoffs ] And I’m not the only one that sees it, am I?

Jack: Hold on right there. Diane has done an exemplary job.

Kyle: You have to say that, to keep peace in your marriage.

Jack: Kyle, tone it down. Now, what happened? What– what was the final straw?

Diane: Oh, why pick one when there’s been so many?

Kyle: Dad, see? She can’t point to anything.

Diane: You want to do this, Kyle? Fine. What about my press release that you rewrote, because you felt my copy was a little rushed?

Kyle: I made a few minor tweaks to clean it up a bit. That’s no big deal.

Diane: No, you changed my work without discussing it with me. And what about the meeting you canceled with my project manager and then rescheduled without including me?

Kyle: That– that was an oversight. I– I thought you were busy, so I stepped in for you.

Diane: Oh, nice try. And what about all of the emails addressed to me that you were merely CCed on, that you take it upon yourself to answer before I even get a chance to respond?

Kyle: You are harping on all of the tiny details.

Diane: Tiny details? All these tiny details undermine my authority.

Kyle: Yeah, I was just trying to help. Be supportive. Take a little work off your plate, and you have somehow unfairly managed to turn my good intentions into fireable offenses.

Audra: All right. I will see you.

Sally: Bye.

Audra: Bye.

Sally: Have a good day.

Audra: Billy.

Billy: Hi, Audra. Morning, Sally.

Sally: Billy.

Billy: Hi.

Sally: Hi. Uh, care to join me?

Billy: For breakfast?

Sally: I mean, I’d settle for coffee. I know we’re not exactly friends, but our lives seem to be crossing paths more these days and I don’t know, I thought maybe we should get to know each other a little better, especially since we’re so firmly Team Connor.

Billy: Can’t argue with that. Um, since you are being so generous, do you mind if I give you a tip of my own?

Sally: Please do.

Billy: The woman that just left.

Sally: Audra?

Billy: Be careful around her.

Sally: Okay. It’s funny, because people would probably say the same thing to her about me but, um, yes, uh, Audra has been nothing but a good friend to me so far.

Billy: Okay. Well, take it or leave it, but you’ve been warned.

Sally: Okay, duly noted. So, uh, when was the last time you spoke with Chelsea?

Billy: We, uh, we spoke this morning. She filled me in on what’s going on with Connor.

Sally: Yeah, I– I can’t believe it. Just when things were starting to get a little better, and then something like this had to happen.

Billy: Yeah. I mean, I hate what this OCD is doing to him. To all of them, frankly.

Sally: Yeah, it just seems cruel and unfair.

Billy: And they’re in Baltimore and we’re sitting here with no way to help.

Adam: Brought some coffee and your favorite pastries. You want to eat a little something?

Chelsea: Ah. Thanks, but I’m not hungry.

Adam: Oh. Yeah, me either. [ both sigh ]

Chelsea: Actually, we need to stay strong. For Connor’s sake, so, um, I’ll tell you what. I’ll have a bite if you do.

Adam: I’m not a toddler. So, you don’t need to talk to me like one.

Chelsea: I wouldn’t have to if you would just eat something.

Adam: Give me that. [ garbled ] Thank you.

Diane: Do you care to explain your good intentions to your father with the Huntley deal, hm?

Kyle: I– I was just trying to help.

Jack: Wait, wait. What happened with Huntley?

Diane: Uh, I specifically told Kyle not to finalize anything. That there were a few details I was still working out. And then, I came to the office this morning to find out that Kyle had gone behind my back and done exactly what I asked him not to do.

Kyle: The deal was done. I had ironed out the numbers months ago. Their CEO called me, furious, wondering what the holdup was. Said you were stonewalling him. You let it languish. Put a major deal at risk. He was ready to walk.

Diane: He wasn’t going anywhere. I had him right where I wanted him. He was just trying to play hardball. But then, you pushed the deal through, all on your own, despite my direct orders.

Kyle: He wasn’t bluffing. I talked to him. He wasn’t giving an inch.

Diane: Well, you’re wrong. You should have consulted with me. I was about to get Jabot a much better deal.

Kyle: Okay, look, about to and getting are two very different things.

Diane: Well, we’ll never know now for sure, will we? Oh, and on top of that, the man now won’t take my calls.

Jack: What? Why?

Diane: Because Kyle told him to bypass me, and deal directly with him. So tell me, how benevolent is that? How is that anything but a direct stab in my back?

Jack: I have to say, Kyle, hearing this, I agree. You went way too far.

Kyle: I don’t believe this. You’re– you’re actually siding with Mom on this. Won’t you just at least look at my Huntley numbers before you decide that I’m wrong?

Jack: Kyle, this isn’t about right and wrong.

Kyle: No, there is no way she could have brokered a better deal than the one I’ve–

Jack: Don’t you see what you’ve done? You have put it out there, in the business world, that you don’t believe in one of our chief executives. That they can just ignore her when they want to do business with Jabot. Why would you do that?

Kyle: That’s not what I did.

Jack: That is exactly what you did. You did damage to her credibility, and Jabot’s, and mine.

Kyle: Not true. Your reputation is stellar. Nothing anyone could say would change that.

Jack: Oh, Kyle, I wish it was that simple. You have made it look like I gave my wife a job she didn’t deserve and wasn’t qualified for. Nothing could be further from the truth. You were the one that advocated for me giving Diane that job to begin with.

Kyle: I don’t believe this is happening. Especially from you. I guess I’ll go clean out my office.

Jack: No, wait, Kyle. Wait.

Kyle: For what? The so-called Abbott legacy to kick in? So much for that.

Jack: Kyle, I believe you made an error in judgment. I also believe you being fired was premature. Can we just talk this out?

Kyle: What, and now you want to talk it out? Two minutes ago, your minds were made up.

Jack: We all make mistakes. That includes me. I made the mistake of insisting that the two of you work things out on your own. I should have jumped in and helped come up with the solution. Let’s do that now.

Kyle: No, don’t bother. This pink slip from Mom proves that we are way past any mutually agreed solution. Consider me gone.

Jack: Kyle, Kyle, don’t go. Come– come here. [ Diane sighs ]

Diane: Please don’t blame me for this.

Adam: I’m not trying to be difficult… but this waiting around is killing me.

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: We have no control at all and I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Chelsea: I know. We just, we have to be patient.

Adam: I mean, how? Our son’s well-being is completely out of our hands. Every parenting instinct tells me that this is, it’s all wrong.

Chelsea: Don’t say that. We are not helpless. I– I mean, look what we’ve done for Connor so far.

Adam: What did we do? Ship him off to a place where we can’t even visit him now?

Chelsea: Well, getting him into this clinic and convincing him and ourselves that this is the right place for him, that was a giant step.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: I know along the way we needed to fight our instincts, but we did the research. These doctors are the best in their field and we have to trust that they are gonna do what they’re trained to do. You know, and in the meantime, we– we send Connor positive thoughts. You heard him yesterday. He said that he could feel that. He knows we love him. So, we have to stay positive, okay? Until we’re allowed to go see him again.

Adam: You– you really are something, you know that?

Chelsea: What did I do now?

Adam: Reminded me, yet again, of your incredible devotion to fighting like hell for our son. I don’t know where Connor and I would be in all of this without you.

Chelsea: Well, back at you.

Adam: I have to wonder, though, are we making a mistake staying in this town?

Jack: I don’t blame you.

Diane: Good.

Jack: I just wanna know what happened. I wanna know how things escalated so quickly. You and Kyle were getting along wonderfully until you took over his old job.

Diane: I think you just answered your own question.

Jack: You really want me to believe this is as petty as resentment over a job?

Diane: Yes. Kyle clearly wasn’t happy being relegated to third position in a company. It was, I don’t know, it was just too much for his ego to handle. And so, consciously or not, he started retaliating in any way he could.

Jack: Much as I hate to admit it, you might be right.

Diane: Well, think about the timing for when things got tense between us. There’s really no other explanation.

Jack: This would not be the first time that Kyle betrayed a family member for his own personal gain.

Diane: Well, hopefully, it’s the last.

Jack: Was it really necessary to fire him, though?

Diane: Jack, do you think I wanted to do that? I mean, Kyle is my son. You know how much I love him. And after how hard it was to get him to trust me again, after how hard I worked on our relationship once I came back to town? Listen to me, this– this is not at all what I wanted.

Jack: That’s why I’m advocating for a different solution.

Diane: Yeah, but there isn’t one. I mean, Kyle is just– he’s just so angry with me. And then I, and then I fight back, right? And then I’m walking on eggshells, just trying not to make things worse. And you know, it’s not– it’s not just here at the office. It’s also happening at home. I mean, honey, it’s gotten to the point that the only time we are even remotely normal with each other is when Harrison’s in the room.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Victor: Hello, Kyle.

Kyle: Victor.

Victor: Have a seat. So… you ready to accept my offer?

Kyle: Oh, I am more than ready. I’ve officially left Jabot. ok, I know this is probably really awkward, considering how much you and Adam dislike each other.

Billy: We’ve had our moments. There’s no doubt about that. But none of that matters now.

Sally: I just keep thinking about Connor and how he must feel so alone.

Billy: Yeah, it’s impossible for me to not think about how this would feel for me or how I would react if it were Johnny and Katie. And I know you don’t have kids yet, but you can imagine… I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I apologize.

Sally: I know what you meant. And you lost a child, too, so I know you get the pain.

Billy: Yeah, it changes you forever. Makes you see life in a new light.

Sally: Yeah, it really does.

Billy: What’s hard for me is imagining Connor battling all these intrusive thoughts, you know, on his own, like he’s in some kind of prison.

Sally: Yeah, now he’s an inpatient and I feel like it’s even more isolating. I mean, the kid I know, he’s just fun and smart. We used to joke all the time.

Billy: You will again. But it is excruciating, knowing what he’s going through and the toll that it’s taking on Chelsea and Adam.

Sally: Chelsea’s really lucky to have you in her corner.

Billy: Not half as lucky as Adam is to have you.

Chelsea: How would staying near Connor be a mistake? He might need us. They could call any minute, saying he’s ready for a visit.

Adam: Yeah, but we don’t know when that call is gonna come. I mean, think about what it’s gonna be like to stay here while we wait for that.

Chelsea: Well, at least we’re close by. Otherwise, it’ll take us hours to get here when he is ready.

Adam: Yes, but we’re gonna be sitting in this room, wondering about Connor every second. Think about what that’s gonna be like. It’s gonna be pure torture, don’t you think?

Chelsea: Adam, we would be doing that at home, too.

Adam: The doctor said it could be a couple weeks before Connor is released. With nothing to do in this hotel room, I mean, we’re gonna be reduced to two frantic, stir-crazy parents by the time Connor finally gets to see us.

Chelsea: I see your point. I really do. But I have to be close to my son. At least right now. So if– if you wanna go, for whatever reason, I totally understand. And you can always hop on a plane and come back if things change.

Adam: Well, you’re not gonna get rid of me that easy. If you’re staying, I’m gonna stay, too.

Diane: Thanks, Jack. I could really use your support today. But I’m– I’m sure you could use mine after everything you’ve been through. I know it’s gotta be hard to come home from Paris to this.

Jack: Yeah, it’s been a rough few days.

Diane: Yeah, I know it’s horrible timing with all the stress about Ashley. How’s she doing?

Jack: She’s in a wonderful facility. I didn’t get to spend much time there, but… she seems strong and in control.

Diane: Well, did the doctor say how long she’ll be there?

Jack: Oh, I don’t think they know and they weren’t willing to share with me every step in her recovery. I– Alan did think that she will fully recover.

Diane: Well, I hope she rests as well and is home soon.

Jack: Thanks. I saw Allie.

Diane: Ah! She’s always so happy and positive on her phone.

Jack: Oh, she is so happy in Paris. Loved having her Aunt Traci there and Abby– Abby is pretty upset that she wasn’t informed about her mother’s situation.

Diane: I can imagine. It’s– it’s hard to know how to protect your child, even when they’re an adult. I mean, you just, you never know how far to go.

Jack: I’m not ready to give up on Kyle. Maybe he can still come back to Jabot. Maybe there’s a way to work this all out.

Victor: You left Jabot rather suddenly, didn’t you?

Kyle: I would say it’s right on time, wouldn’t you?

Victor: But something must have prompted you to leave so quickly.

Kyle: I realized you were right. I have way too much untapped potential to waste it somewhere that doesn’t value what I have to offer.

Victor: So, this is all right with your parents?

Kyle: What difference does it make? I’m a free agent now. I’m free to work wherever I like and I want to come and run Glissade for you.

Victor: Question to you is, are you really ready to become a serious competitor to Jabot?

Kyle: Oh, I have every intention of giving Jabot a run for their money.

Diane: I know you want to turn this thing around with Kyle. And in a perfect world, I want that too. The three of us working together at Jabot, making it an even stronger company for Kyle and Harrison to run someday.

Jack: It has been my dream since the day I found out he was my son.

Diane: Well, it’s my dream too.

Jack: You’re talking about the Abbott family legacy here.

Diane: And it can still happen. It can. But right now, letting Kyle go was the only course we had.

Victor: Well, Kyle, I am very happy that you are solidly on board with Glissade, but… there’s only one question and that is why did you leave Jabot so quickly?

Kyle: Leaving Jabot wasn’t a quick decision. I had been thinking about it for a while. It’s hard to stay somewhere when you’ve been demoted twice.

Victor: Now, I understand why you want to move on.

Kyle: Look, Victor, I have had it, being shunted around by my father, and the sad part is, it had nothing to do with my business skills. It was for purely personal reasons.

Victor: Well, Jabot’s loss seems to be Glissade’s gain.

Kyle: This is a perfect opportunity to prove to them what they’re losing.

Victor: I like your drive, Kyle. There’s only one caveat.

Kyle: What’s that?

Victor: Removing Audra from the equation is out of the question. She and you have to work out a way to work together.

Kyle: With all due respect, I think I can do a better job if I don’t have to constantly be watching my–

Victor: There’s no point. I want the two of you to work together, to turn Glissade into a powerhouse. If you can’t do that, then the offer is off the table.

Kyle: If that is a deal breaker and Audra and I have to share the top spot, I’m sure we can find a way to work through our differences.

Victor: Good. I had a feeling you would get on board with that.

Kyle: In six months’ time, when you see me dancing circles around Audra, hopefully you’ll reconsider your–

Victor: No competition between the two of you. I want you to work together, all right?

Kyle: Got it.

Victor: Now, I suggest you contact Audra and tell her that you’re on board and you find a way to work together. All right? I want you to hit the ground running. Time is of the essence.

Kyle: Yes, sir.

Victor: Thank you for coming by. [ Kyle sighs ]

Audra: Thank you.

[ phone pings ]

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