GH Transcript Thursday, June 6, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Whistle blows ] Hey! No diving, please! Thank you.

[ Rapid footsteps ] Josslyn: Hey, you, slow down. Yeah, slow down, james! Oh, gosh. Sorry. Okay. Okay. Alright. Let’s go. -Hi. -Hey. Yes. Uh, apologies. Um, it may have been a mistake to give him an ice with extra syrup. Oh, well, the pool will be a perfect place for him to burn all that energy. Yeah. Hey, um, you know, it was great seeing jason at brook lynn’s wedding, but I haven’t heard from him since. Have — have you seen him lately? No. That was the last time I saw him, too. Oh. Curious. I-it appears there’s some discord between jason and sonny, which in the former days would have been unthinkable. But details are scarce, as jason is being predictably tight-lipped about it. But I’m worried, and I know I’m not the only one — cannonball! No, no! Stop right here, mister!

‘Cause I’ll still want you

when times get rough

and I’ll still see it through

all the sleek and rough

’cause you are… I’m really glad you could stop by. This is great. I mean, as you can see, we’re gonna — we’re gonna be at it here for a while, so… nice day, though.

[ Chuckles ] It’s beautiful out.

Right next to you you probably prefer being out in the sunshine, um, rather than stuck in here watching everybody work. No. Allie’s giving off all the light I need.

Finn: Hey, georgie. Were you looking for me? Yeah, for you

and violet. Okay. Mom! Hey, bro. Georgie: Mom! Georgie, what are you doing? Remember where we are. Use your inside voice. But we’re outside. Yeah, but this is a solemn occasion, so it’s like we’re inside outside. Mom, that makes zero sense. Just lower your voice.

[ Gasps ] Violet! Finn: It’s okay. Dad would have liked knowing his memorial was a lively affair.

[ Sighs ] I’m really sorry for your loss. Thank you. Maxie. How are you guys doing? We’re hanging in there. Trying to, anyway. Um, I’m sorry about your dad, too. Thank you, georgie. I appreciate that. We’re going to the pool, and we’re hoping it’s still okay for violet to come. Well, it’s up to violet. Do you still want to go, sweetheart? Yes, please. Okay, well, as long as it’s okay with maxie. Oh. Yeah. Absolutely. I will take them to the pool, let them exhaust themselves, and then we can do dinner and ice cream before we have a movie night and a sleepover. Wow! That sounds really nice. Well, violet’s bathing suit and her overnight bag are in chase’s car, so I’ll just go grab that. Maxie: Okay. No, I’ll go. It’s fine. Y-you sure? Yep. I’m getting it. Finn: Okay. How’d it sound? Just waiting for marv to sign off. It’s clean.

[ Chuckles ] Okay. We got it. I don’t know. I, um… I feel like I would do better with another take. Maybe a few tweaks on the chorus. I don’t think it’s necessary, honey. I mean, that was — you nailed that one.

[ Chuckles ] Why mess with perfection? Can you send marv on a break, please? Do you want to go ahead and take five? And then, um, you know what? Let’s save that last one and make sure you sweeten it ’cause that’s the one. Okay. Got it. I know this isn’t exactly my area of expertise, but… shouldn’t you let allie decide what she wants? It’s her music. I…know my daughter. She is a perfectionist and she is never satisfied with any of her takes, so… and she loves to question my opinion. But I’ve been in the studio with her plenty, and, uh, I’m never wrong. Hm. But, I mean, allie is the artist, so wouldn’t she know what she wants and whether or not she’s gotten it yet? Yeah, she’s the artist, but I’m the mother. And trust me — she — she’s gonna another few takes and then she’ll play around with those takes, and she always comes around. She ends up agreeing with my assessment every time. I’m really glad that you were able to pop in today. I thought, uh, that we heard you weren’t coming. Yeah, well, I wanted to be here to support allie, so I switched some things around in my day so that I could be here to support her. I know I caught you by surprise, but it’s okay with me. After all, I’ve only ever been a surprise to you, right? James, is it? Well, james, you’re lucky. If I hadn’t grabbed you, you would have made such a big splash that you would have drenched everyone around the pool. Yes, or you could have hit your head on the bottom of the pool since you were diving into the shallow end. Yeah. Remember we talked about this, buddy? You could’ve been hurt — or, at the very least, banned from this water wonderland. You don’t want that, right? No. I was just really excited to go in the pool. Hey. How about this? If you’re really careful and you follow all the rules for the rest of the day, I’ll make sure you get off with just a warning. Really? Yes. If you behave. I will. Okay. Well, that is most generous of you both. I’ll make sure james is a perfect angel the rest of the day, right, bud? Alright. Come on. Giovanni palmieri?!

[ Chuckles ] Good memory. Yes, well, it’s hard to forget the way you played at that wedding. And I think a few of your family members may have mentioned you by name. Oh, god. What did they say? Mm-hmm. Oh, they just said that you were a genius who played like an angel.

[ Chuckles ] I — I’m sorry. Don’t be. You can’t help what they say about you. I’m just a little confused at what such a genius that plays like an angel is doing working as a pool attendant.

My aunt olivia is one of the owners. She got me the job. Wow. That’s a long commute from bensonhurst. It’s a good thing I’m local. Oh. What about you? I’m also a local. My mom co-owns the hotel with olivia. I guess that makes you carly spencer’s daughter. Yes. Guilty as charged. I’ve heard a lot about your mom from my aunt olivia. Yeah, I mean, they’re — they’re really good friends. I know they’re super-excited to be running this place together again. I guess that makes us both nepo hires. Whoa. Speak for yourself. My aunt olivia didn’t hire me because we’re family. She made me sit down for an interview, and I had to be on my best behavior and impress her. Wow. Yeah. No. And she put me on probation for the first month. God. All that after pulling through for your family at that wedding? Two totally separate things. My family has total faith in my musical abilities. Not so much when it comes to hourly employment. Hmm. Most of my cousins had jobs, but my aunt said that it would cut into my practice time. And olivia is breaking with tradition by putting me to work here. Well, all of that practice time when your cousins were working really paid off. I mean, you’re amazing. I don’t know if you’re an angel or a genius, but you’re really good. I mean, why are you slumming it down in port charles when you should be blowing up carnegie hall? Okay, now that violet is out of earshot, you can be totally honest. If you want her to stay, I can come up with an excuse to make it look like it’s my fault so you’re not the bad guy. And I could tell georgie so there’s no blowback. You know , t-that’s verythoughtful of you, maxie, but, um, I think it’d be good for violet to be around friends. She could probably use a break from all this. Okay. As long as you’re sure. Yeah, it’ll give me a chance to go through some of my dad’s things. I-I don’t want violet watching me getting my dad’s clothes together to donate, you know? She’ll probably want to keep everything, and it’s gonna be really hard on her. Yeah, that kind of thing is difficult at any age, but especially if you’re a kid. Mm. You know, finn, I could help you go through gregory’s clothes if you want. You know? It’s gonna be hard. It’s not something you should do on your own. Maybe you, me, and chase can do it together. Get each other through it. Yeah, no. Thank you, brook lynn. Um, I think I’d just like to do it on my own. You know, for — for what it’s worth, when my sister died and I had to pack up her stuff, I thought I wanted to do it alone, but if I didn’t have spinelli there by my side, I probably wouldn’t have gotten done everything I needed to. What I’m trying to say is, finn, y-you do have people that want to help you. Maybe let them. Yeah, I don’t — I don’t need any help. Maybe I’m just better at handling these kind of things. Yeah. Of course. I’m so sorry. No, it’s okay. No, in situations like these, everyone just needs to do what feels best for them. I know. Yeah. All of violet’s things should be in here, but you can call us if you need anything else. I’m sure everything will be fine. And if violet needs anything, she could borrow it from georgie. Okay? Okay. Uh, alright. Come on, girls. Finn: Hey, sweetheart. Listen. I want you to go and I want you to have a really great time, alright? And make sure the lifeguard is always watching you when you’re swimming. And you listen to everything that maxie tells you, okay? But you know the most important thing you have to do is? No? Have fun. Have so much fun. You think you can do that for me? I don’t know. You don’t know? Why not? D-did you change your mind about going? Do you want to come home with me instead? No, I still want to go. Okay. Alright. Then, what is it, sweetheart? Hey. It’s okay. You know you can tell me anything. I don’t want to leave you all alone. Well, I take it by your tone that you feel like I have been rude to you. That’s not what I said, and it’s certainly not what I meant. Okay, well, what did you mean? I mean, I think you should just be honest. I don’t want us to have any misunderstandings between us. I doubt that could happen. You’re about as subtle as a brick. You always make sure I know exactly how you feel. Well, you say that like it’s a bad thing, but I honestly feel like that’s a compliment because I’m just not in the habit of — of repressing my feelings to make other people feel comfortable. Honestly. I just feel like it’s better to be honest, right, so that everybody knows exactly where they stand, don’t you? Yeah. No. I-I definitely think honest communication is valuable. But I was raised that honesty without tact equals cruelty. Wow. Okay. So…

[ Clears throat ] You’re saying I’m rude or cruel or both? I didn’t say you were either. I just — I’m confused. For a woman who prides herself on such candor, you wouldn’t just come right out and say you don’t want me here. Be honest. You’d rather I leave, right? Well, I — you know what? I’ll admit — there are a lot of things about your relationship with alison that I wish were different, but I am also very aware of the fact that I don’t have any control over that. She’s a grown woman, and she makes her own choices. But I’m also not gonna pretend like… your new role in my daughter’s life isn’t a surprise. And I’m — I’m still adjusting to that reality, okay? But, also, I believe that you are a lovely, unquestionably selfless young woman with a really bright future. Thank you. You — you may not be exactly who I would have expected my alison to choose as a partner. I mean, but look — I’ll bet you a lot of mothers don’t feel that way when their daughters introduce them to someone special. Yeah, I’m sure my mom would say the same thing. I’m sure she would. Good moms always look out for their kids, no matter how old they are. You know, I’ve — I’ve come to realize how deeply alison cares for you, and I can — I can see it all over her face every time she looks at you. So I’m trusting you. I’m trusting you to put her feelings before yours when the time comes for you two to part ways, which you inevitably will.

Are you crying, daddy? No. Maybe just a little. Um… but just because I have the sweetest daughter in the whole world and I am so proud of you. And these aren’t sad tears. And I don’t want you to ever worry about me. But I heard you worry about me. Yeah, well, that’s my job. I-I’m your dad. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Daughters have jobs, too. Oh, yeah? What’s that? To make sure their dads aren’t lonely. Well, you are doing a very good job at that. As a matter of fact… I can’t remember the last time I felt lonely. Really? Really. Matter of fact, you’re doing such a good job, I think you deserve a break. So I’m putting you on sabbatical. What’s a sabbatical? Sabbatical is when you go on a really long vacation and you can relax the whole time because you know your job’s gonna be waiting for you when you get back. How long will my sabbatical be? Hmm. How do you feel about 20 years? Dad!

[ Laughter ] I love you, violet. I love you so much. Listen. I want you to go have a really great time. Alright? And I’m gonna see you tomorrow. And no trying to break your record for holding your breath underwater unless I’m there to record it, alright? I won’T. Okay, sweetie. Alright. So we’re good? Absolutely. Okay. Thank you, maxie. Hey. No problem. And don’t worry about her. She’s gonna have a great time. Okay. Finn: Well. It’s been a long day. I feel like I could sleep for a week.

[ Chuckles ] Been really good, bro. I don’t know if I could have done what you did. What do you mean? You put on a really good memorial for dad. I just — I wish he could have been there to see it. He would have loved all the speeches about him. I guess. Yeah. Well, if you don’t mind, I’m — I’m, uh… I’m gonna take off, alright? I’m just gonna call a car and head on home. I thought we could spend more time together today. Talk a little bit about dad and…some other stuff. You don’t work tomorrow, right? No, I’m still on leave, but, um… I really want to get home and start… packing up, uh, dad’s stuff. I don’t want violet to have to see that anymore. Uh, but, look, let’s get together tomorrow. Let’s get together this week, alright? Please take good care of him. I will. I know. You know, I-I told finn that, um, we could help him go through your dad’s stuff earlier when it came up, but he was really clear it’s something he wants to do on his own, so… yeah, I think he, uh… just wants to be alone so he can drink in peace. Allie and I are really happy together. Why would you imply we would break up? Because allie cares for you so very much, and her career is at a precipice right now. She is poised to jump to the next level. And when those opportunities start rolling in for her and she is so close to her lifelong dream, she’s gonna be torn. It’s gonna be very painful for her to make a choice between seizing that moment, which may never come again, and choosing to stay with you here. But you have the power to alleviate that pain. You can actually take that choice out of her hands. If you could just… if you could let alison go gracefully…

[ Scoffs ] Look. I know. I know it’ll be hard for both of you. I know it’ll be painful, but you know this is the best decision for my daughter! You don’t know that. Because you can’t predict the future.

[ Groans ] I don’t need to be a fortune-teller to be able to see that the path the two of you are going down is gonna end in some kind of pain and disappointment for both of you. Look, I’m just telling you, as a mother, I’m trying to head that off at the pass. I’m trying to protect my daughter. You’re gonna learn soon enough that that is what mothers do. Carnegie hall is always on my mind. I dream of playing at lincoln center, too. Uh, it’s impossible not to when you grow up in brooklyn. But as of right now, I’m just focused on getting my gershwin in shape for summer stage. Wait. You’re doing the concert in the park? A solo here and there. People camp out, like, days in advance for those tickets! Yeah. Getting your hands on tickets is pretty hard. Unless you know someone who has comps. Josslyn: Okay. I don’t want to put you on the spot, but I’m gonna put you on the spot. Can you get me in? Uh, depends. Can you spell me picking up wet towels and maybe sweeping the pool area?

[ Scoffs ] Lifeguards don’t sweep. Oh! Oh, my god! I’m so sorry! That was a total accident!

[ Both laughing ] Oh, my god. Do I — do I get hazard pay for this?

[ Laughter ] I’m so sorry! Josslyn! Oh, my god. Hey. What’s so funny?

[ Laughs ] Look! Oh, god.

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ] Oh, god. I’m so embarrassed. Here. You lifeguards don’t know your own strength. Look, if anyone asks why the new pool attendant decided to take a swim fully clothed, I will take full responsibility. Deal. Well, now that we got that settled, how about an introduction? Absolutely. This is trina robinson, my very best friend. Trina, this is giovanni palmieri. He’s brook lynn’s cousin. Call me gio. H-hi. Um, I’m sorry. I — it’s nice to meet you. You, as well. Uh, I apologize if I got any water on you, but in my defense, I’m soaking wet because of your friend josslyn. Hey! It was an accident. Even though I have a feeling you’re not gonna let me forget it. Me? Gio is that amazing violinist I told you about that played at brook lynn and chase’s wedding. Oh! Oh, y-yeah. Joss told me that you were incredible. She’s exaggerating. I thought I was a little rough that day. Okay, well, if that’s true, you were the only one who noticed. And you were good enough to get a solo at summer stage, although I won’t know how good you are until you get me those tickets. Don’t worry. I’ll follow through. I’ve seen what you can do! I don’t want to get on your bad side. Alright. Very funny.

[ Laughter ] And if for some reason it doesn’t work out, you’ll have plenty of chances to see me perform at pcu this year. Wait. You’re going to school here?!

[ Chuckles ] I am. Hopefully that means we’ll all be seeing more of each other. James: Mom, get your swimsuit on. You have to come in the pool with us. Yeah. We want to have chicken fights with you. Yeah. Aww. Absolutely not. Spinelli: Oh! Maxie: I spent way too much time on my hair and makeup today to get wet. Mom! You’re no fun! Don’t worry. We’ll lure her in one way or another. Uh, no, you will not. And if I even get misted, there will be dire consequences for all of you. We have the whole rest of the summer to make it happen. And your mother has proven powerless in the face of my considerable charm.

[ Laughs evilly ] Can I come sit with you? Sure! Was the water too cold? No, it was nice. Well, you don’t have to do the chicken fights if you don’t want to. I like chicken. O-kay. Why don’t you want to get in the pool? I keep thinking about my dad. Do you think he’s okay? Finn thought he was alone, and I watched him down two shots of tequila, one after another. He couldn’t down ’em fast enough! And then he pulled out some breath spray to cover up the scent like he planned it. Like he meant to drink — and hide it.

[ Sighs ] You don’t seem surprised. I wish I was. I was worried something like this would happen. And you didn’t say anything?! It was just a feeling I had. Look. I was hoping that I was wrong. I didn’t think it was my place to say anything. I was hoping that — that you knew your brother better than I do. Well, obviously I don’T. In fact, I’m wondering if I even know finn at all. Thanks. I’m glad we’re all on the same page. Absolutely.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ] Well, you’ll be happy to hear that the three of us are in agreement. There’s no need to do another take. The one you liked was great. Go ahead. Say, “I told you so.” No, I don’t need to gloat. You just — you sang that one so beautifully and so truthfully. There just was no doubt in my mind that that was the one. And I am quite sure that brook lynn’s gonna agree. Thank you, mummy. Um, what did kristina say to you? Um, about the song? No, in general. I said the two of you were chatting. I just wanted to know what you guys were talking about. Oh. Yeah. You know, not — not much. But, then, kristina’s not here to see me, now, is she? I’m gonna go and listen to my daughter’s perfect voice before we wrap up here, and I’ll send kristina in ’cause I’m sure she’s gonna want to tell you how much she loves it. Thank you. Hi. Hi. You were really getting into that song. It took me a couple of tries to really feel it. You know, after the way we left things, I’m kind of surprised to see you here. Yeah, I’m sure you are. I wasn’t planning on coming, but I couldn’t put this off any longer. Put what off? My apology. I have to tell you how sorry I am and ask you for your forgiveness.

I overreacted. A lot. I was upset when you told me that you filled molly in on everything that happened after the wedding, but that’s not an excuse. I never should have yelled at you and stormed out like that. I should have just stayed and given you the benefit of the doubt and tried to work it out together. Thank you for saying that. I’ve been sick over it. I’ve tried calling you, like, a hundred times, but I wasn’t sure you’d pick up. I mean, you have to know that I never meant to betray your confidence or hurt you in any way. No, I know. I do know that. I was just shocked, honestly. And I could blame it on the hormones, but… I would probably react the same exact way, just as emotionally, even if I wasn’t pregnant. It’s really sensitive for me when we talk about my dad. I know. But I did talk to molly. She said that you really did not want to talk to her about what happened… and she had to pry it out of you. I felt like I was being cross-examined. I know. I should have just been upfront with molly myself and told her what my dad did. I shouldn’t have expected you to keep the secret for me or gotten so upset with you when you couldn’T. Acting like we had this shared code of silence and then treating you like an enemy because you broke it? That’s — that’s what my dad does. And I-I don’t want to be like that. I’m sorry. I know how hard this is. What did finn say when you brought it up to him? I thought it would be a mistake to confront finn in public, especially with violet here. I didn’t want to make things worse. But I don’t know. Maybe it was the wrong call. No. Don’t second-guess yourself. Look, you had to make a decision in a — in a split second, and you did what you thought was best. How did I not see this? I’m a detective. I spend my days questioning people, gathering evidence, putting puzzle pieces together. I have seen people do awful things when they are hurting, a-and I know how much dad’s death is affecting finn, and I still didn’t realize that he is lying to me! Alcoholics are very good at deception. But he’s my brother. I should have seen through the lies, but instead I let myself be completely fooled. You are mourning, yourself, chase. And you trusted your brother because he’s given you years of reasons to do so. Listen to me, okay? The most important thing is now you know and we can move forward from here. But, please, stop being so hard on yourself. You’re right. The most important thing is — is we figure out how to help finn. Yes. I need to talk to him… let him know that I am there for him, have it out with him. If it comes to that. I-I need to hear it in his words why he’s drinking again and — and lying about it. I just hope you can get through to your brother. Me too. Hey. Uh, I was just wondering — the last time I-I came by, the church hall was closed because of construction — have the aa meetings resumed there? Thank you.

[ Door opens ] So, what made you want to enroll at pcu? Uh, they recruited me, actually. Yeah, I was fourth chair at the conservatory when pcu called, and… they got this huge endowment to expand their music program, um, invited me to audition, and wound up offering me a full ride and first chair in summer stage. Wow. Uh, yeah. It’s an — it’s an amazing opportunity. I’m really lucky. Or really talented. Look. I have no doubt you’re gonna be amazing at pcu. But a word of caution — they always put their scholarship students in the absolute worst dorm. Yeah, be prepared to take the fastest shower of your life because the hot water. Runs out in, like, 30 seconds. But, honestly, all the dorms are pretty bad, which is why trina and i are looking at apartments off campus. Well, I appreciate the heads-up, but I’m staying at the quartermaines’. Oh. Well, they

definitely have the room. Yeah, ned offered me the apartment over the garage, but aunt olivia and lois insisted I live in the house. And, um, how well do you actually know the quartermaines? I know they can be a little overwhelming, but, uh, I love the noise and the togetherness of living with a big family. It makes me feel like I’m back home. It may not be a typical college experience, but, uh, I’m actually enjoying it. And how much time have you spent with tracy? Not a lot, but I’ve been warned. Ohh! [ Laughs ] Yeah. Brook lynn says that she — she likes music, so maybe — I don’t know — that’ll score me a few points. Well, actually, I work at an art gallery, and we’re throwing a big reception for this amazing new artist and we’re looking for live music that won’t overpower people’s conversation. Could be good exposure for you. Something that you would be interested in, maybe? Definitely. I’m — I’m trying to make as much money as I can this summer to get me through the school year. Yeah. Uh, can I give you my number? Sure.

Why won’t scout play with us anymore? He has something called osteoarthritis pain. It’s joint pain that hurts him all the time. Come on, scout. Now, there’s librela. The first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog’s oa pain. Veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. This is the best day of my life! I don’t have to do a whole lot to sweeten blaze’s performance. Yeah. She’s got that touch. Blaze:

I’ll be here for you kristina, you’re nothing like your father. I’m not so sure. My number-one rule when we got together was that we are open and honest with each other, but the second that would have presented some discomfort with molly, I threw that rule right out the window. I never should have expected you to keep my secret for me. And I shouldn’t have gotten upset with you when you couldn’T. That wasn’t fair. I’m not angry. I get why you did that. You were just shielding the baby from any fallout with molly and tj, thinking like a mother would. It’s okay. I -I forgive you. Thank you for being so understanding. Alright. Well, my break went way too fast. I’m so jealous of you. You get to just lie down. I should probably help poor gio.

[ Both chuckle ] He’s nice, right? And he’s super-talented. I mean, I cannot wait for you to see him play. Yeah, he seems cool. Are you okay? You seemed a bit frazzled when you got here. Yeah, it’s just that, um… when spencer first died, I-I thought I saw him everywhere — on the street, at bobbie’s, even at the gallery. And it hasn’t happened in a while. And I-I — and I thought that my mind finally accepted that spencer’s gone. But when gio stepped out of the pool, it, um — yeah, I know. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Georgie: We’ve got you! Oh, I’m surrounded!

[ Laughs ] Mommy didn’t even bring her swimsuit. Oh, well, you know what? There’s always tomorrow or the next day. Or any day after that. You promise? I’m not going anywhere. And neither is your mom.

[ Gasps ] Except in this pool someday very soon.

[ All laugh ] Hmm. I think that your dad is just sad about his dad. I know this is probably hard to understand, but you can be sad and okay at the same time. I think that’s uncle chase. And there’s something different about my dad, even when he acts happy like everything’s okay. Yeah, well, sometimes parents will act happier than they feel because they don’t want to worry their kids. I don’t think it’s working. I’m still worried about him. It’s my job. And he’s still alone, at home. Grown-ups definitely like being by themselves sometimes. Look, if you don’t want to sleep over, I can take you home. But I know your dad loves you so much. And he’s probably really glad that you’re hanging out with friends and having some fun. That way, if he is sad and wanting to be by himself, he won’t be making you sad, too. What’ll it be? Tequila. I know you’re just trying to make sense of it all, but I don’t think that we should attribute finn’s drinking solely to the fact that today was a hard day for him. It may be more than that, but we’re not gonna know until you talk to him. And I-I’m happy to go with you, unless it’s something you want to do on your own. No, no. I want you there. Well, then that’s where I’ll be. Look, I do think that your instincts were good. I think we should start by telling finn that we know that he’s drinking again and lying about it. We’ll see how he responds, and we’ll go from there. We won’t be doing him any favors if we make excuses for him. What if he makes them himself? I need to go in with a plan. I need to know exactly how to help finn if he won’t listen to me. Chase… I know that this is hard to hear, but if finn wants to keep drinking, there may not be anything else we can do to help him. God, I hate this! I-I feel so helpless! When it comes to finn, we might be. But not violet, okay? There is still plenty we can do to help that little girl. And we’re gonna need to step up, especially if — if what? Chase… with finn’s current state, you don’t think that he would ever do anything to put that little girl in harm’s way, do you?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Wednesday, June 5, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Follow me down where the waters run deep

I’ll let you drown in the worst of me

if my intentions are good, why can’t I come clean?

If heaven’s above hey.

Where does that leave me?

Am I looking for revival?

Am I dressed in others’ sins?

Hold my breath until I’m honest okay. You ready to go? Well, go ahead.

Will I ever breathe again?

When the world’s so heavy I can’t stand

I close my eyes and start again

though my heart is in my hands

I won’t break, give me faith to bend

am I looking hey.

For revival?

Am I dressed in others’ sins?

Hold my breath hey.

Until I’m honest

will I ever breathe again?




am I looking uh, you could’ve left that in the car. I couldn’t just set him down, leave him there, and walk away. Yeah.

Hold my breath until I’m honest

will I ever breathe again?

Am I looking for revival?

Am I dressed in others’ sins?

Hold my breath until I’m honest

will I ever breathe again?

Will I ever breathe again?

Will I ever breathe again?




am I looking for revival?

Am I dressed in others’ sins?

Hold my breath until I’m honest

will I ever breathe again?

Ready to do this? I already told you I was. Okay. Why do you look so depressed, then? I’m not depressed. I just don’t feel great that we’re re-recording this track without brook lynn here. I’ve done this a zillion times. I know. I just — I feel bad for what brook lynn and chase are going through. I know. I know. And it is — it’s really sad what brook lynn’s going through with her father-in-law. But, I mean, we’d already booked the studio time and paid for it, and brook lynn wouldn’t want us to waste it, so… and it’s not like either one of us knew, um… professor chase. Gregory chase. Chase. Right. Look, if you can’t dial up the energy, there’s no point in us being here. I mean, what happened? Did you stay up too late last night? No. Okay. Well, then — I don’t know — maybe you can borrow some energy from kristina when she decides to grace us with her presence. I just hope that her being late isn’t already going to be a distraction. She’s not coming. Sorry. I forgot. I meant to tell you. Well, forgiven. You know, I — I’m the one who needs forgiving, but not from you. From whom? Kristina. I said something to her sister I had no business sharing, and now kristina and I might be over. Honey, I’M… oh, baby, I’m sorry. Honey, everybody’s been through a big heartbreak and that — it’s horrible. Thank you. Nothing lasts forever. I mean, no matter how much we want it to, it just — it just doesn’t, especially relationships. I thought kristina and I were gonna last. Felt like we had a real chance. Well, if your hope is lost, then what you still have is your pride and your enormous talents. And you got your passion for your music, and that — that should be enough to get us through this session today. Oh. Hey. Hi. Look at you. Ready for battle. It’s my lawyer uniform. Oh, here. I know it’s early… thank you. …But I called the office, and they said you were in court today, so I figured you might have some continuance or, I don’t know, some other, uh, lawyer time-out, and I might be able to buy you a snack. Oh. That’s so sweet, but my calendar’s back-to-back. I’m gonna be in court all day. Oh. Well, that’s okay. I don’t mind waiting. Since when? You’re terrible at waiting. Ha ha. I’m fine with it. I have things to do for the corinthos-davis house when it picks back up again, and it’s nice and quiet here. It’s totally fine. Okay. Um, well, just don’t be mad at me if I’m in there a long time. It is going to be a while.

[ Chuckles ] Promise I will not be mad. Is there something specific you wanted to talk about? No, just, you know, thought it’d be nice for us to have some sister time. Yeah. Okay, great. Well, if you get tired of waiting and you want to go, just, no worries. I can always catch up with you later. Yeah, it’s totally fine. All good. Okay.

[ Both laugh ] Thank you all for coming today. My father wished to be returned to the earth, and we’re all here today to honor that wish. My dad had a good life, and while we wish it would have been longer, the time that he did have was filled with love, family, laughter, joy, and meaning. The disease he bore so bravely can’t steal anything more from him. You know, I never thought of my dad as a particularly religious person, but I found this prayer on his nightstand. He was using it as a bookmark. Uh, I thought it’d be a good way to start. This is psalm 121. “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved. He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The lord is thy keeper. The lord is thy shade upon the right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The lord shall preserve thee from all evil. He shall preserve thy soul. The lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth… and even forevermore.”

I don’t know how many of you know this. This was one of my dad’s favorite spots, and it is fitting that he become part of a place that brought him so much joy and contentment. We used to sit here. Yeah. That’s right, sweetheart. My dad would come up here, and he would… he would read to violet. Even when the walk became challenging, he would still make the climb, even though, for him, it was probably a lot like mount everest would be for us. And you’ll be surprised to know that he was not open to offers of assistance when it got to be too much. Chase and I told him that we’d help get him up here and then we’d wait for him and violet at the bottom. My dad said no. The climb meant as much as getting to the top. And I was so worried about him physically that, uh, I wasn’t quite sure what he was saying. But I do now. It drives home the point that I will… I will never be as wise as my father. All the people that mattered most to my dad are here. So I thought I’d open it up. If anybody would like to say anything, there’s — there’s no pressure. But I thought the hole that my dad left in our lives might feel a little less empty if we fill it with memories and stories that we share together. From the minute I met gregory, there was just something about him. He took me in under his father umbrella, and I didn’t even know it was happening. I felt like I could tell him anything. And I did. Probably things he didn’t want to know. But he always just listened. And he never judged me. And sometimes, he would respond in words, and sometimes it would be with just a hug or a smile. But I knew he always understood exactly what I was trying to say, and that understanding and support I will forever take with me. And now that I know that kind of kindness and compassion and wisdom like his is possible in a person all wrapped up into one, I’m not gonna settle for anything less. Thank you both for sharing your dad with me. With all of us. In between my time as a lawyer and most recently as a journalist, I’ve met a lot of people that have endured hardship. And I’ve considered those people to be very inspiring. But after meeting gregory, I realized that I had to redefine inspiring because to call als a hardship is just wrong. It’s minimizing, and it’s patronizing. And it’s a not-so-secret code for “thank god it’s not me.” It’s a devastating disease, and it takes resolve. And gregory had resolve. Wow. I mean, to watch him reject all the limitations that the doctors put on him was so impressive. It was also a lesson to me, because it made me very well aware of my own limitations that I put on my life that I’m so lucky to have. We all are. There is no one on the face of the earth that could have ever convinced me to jump out of a plane, except for your father. And we did it. We had a big, mad, passionate kiss at the end, and that’s something that I get to have forever. Do you know about that? How would I know about that? I don’t know that I would have tried to get my law license back, if not, for gre– in fact, I know that I wouldn’t have. And even if my efforts didn’t pay off, gregory made me see that even when you’re doomed to lose, you try. That’s the triumph. I, uh — I wish I could say i learned forgiveness from my dad. I should have. God knows he forgave me for all my transgressions. And I will forever hold him in my heart as an example of the kind of man that I want to be. And I am already sorry for all the ways I know I’m going to fall short. I’m sorry, dad, it took me so long to… become the son you deserved. I had a great example of that. It just took me too long to learn it. Gregory did not suffer fools. He once told his son, in front of me, not to value the opinion of snobs. I was the snob, and I was being foolish. And I regret it, deeply. You know, as time marches on, the missed opportunities in life loom larger and larger. The things we might have done, the things we might have been, the weight of questions never asked. It all just gets heavier. I don’t have a lot of regrets. I don’t really believe in them. But gregory was a great friend to me. But… he was also a missed opportunity. If I’d known him sooner, longer, better… would he have been…? I don’t get to know. So you might be asking yourselves right now, what is the moral of this story? And it’s that if an opportunity doesn’t present itself… …make one. Because, contrary to conventional wisdom, you can miss… what you didn’t have.

I’m gonna go warm up. Is brook lynn not coming? Uh, no, she had a death in the family. I’m sorry to hear that. How’s she doing? She’s really sad. She is. I’m natalia. I’m blaze’s business manager. Nice to meet you. You know, brook lynn and blaze are always welcome here. I was just surprised to see that they were redoing these tracks. Why is that? Because I didn’t think that blaze’s single needed any more improvement. You know, she nailed every moment, every note. I thought it came together really well. Yeah, I heard the, uh — I heard the single, as well. So I just think that maybe we can, um… implement some of these notes that I made in the next couple of tracks, and let’s just see if we can make it better. I think of gregory as magical. Almost like a wizard. First of all, he created my wonderful husband, a man I still can’t believe is real. And he stood up in a church and gave chase to me. So many words. You know, sometimes life makes us feel like there’s no such thing as magic, that it isn’t real. Because of gregory, I know that it is, that it’s real. And a life filled with just a little bit of magic is more than anything I could have hoped for. I don’t know if ghosts are real, but… I found this poem that my grandpa used to read to me, and I knew all of the words by heart. I don’t know how it happened, but this was the last poem my grandpa read to me. “It’s not always easy. It’s not always fair. Some roads will be winding. Sometimes you’ll get scared. But trying new things is the best way to see how wild and wonderful this world can be.” I hope you’re happy, grandpa. My father was a good man, a strong man, and a gentle man, in all the ways that mattered. It’s probably going to be a long time before I can live up to his example. But the thing is, he wouldn’t mind. He thought that finn and I and people, in general, were just fine and in no need of improvement. He did think violet was perfect. Probably because she is. I think the most upset I ever got at my dad is when he called himself ordinary. I remember thinking, “what? Ordinary?” It took me until just now to realize what he meant. Ordinary is what we’re meant to be. We shouldn’t feel like we’re better than someone else or worse. We shouldn’t think that our problems are so special that nobody could possibly understand or relate. We’re supposed to find something remarkable in every single person that we meet. If I could be ordinary like my dad —

[ Exhales sharply ] — I’d be extraordinary.

I was very touched by your words earlier, and I’m so sorry. It was a really nice memorial, and I think that gregory would have been pleased. I know I may not act like it all the time, but, um, I know how lucky I am to have you. Love you so much. Thank you. I love you, too. Now toss that back. What? Why would either of us do that? Because gregory once talked me into doing a shot with him, so I thought we should do one in his honor.

[ Glasses clink ] Well, in that case, to gregory. To gregory. Oh, I am certainly awake now. Hoo! Bracing. Oh.

[ Coughs ] How’s chase?

[ Clears throat ] I guess he’s as fine as he can be. You know, sadness is healthy and normal. Just another reminder of how sane and steady he is.

[ Chuckles ] Well, at east one of us should experience that in our lifetime. Yeah, it’s his brother I’m really worried about. Finn seems pretty much the same — subdued, sad, but coping. I don’t know. Chase and I were thinking that maybe violet can come stay with us or at the q house for a little while. You know, give finn some time to grieve without worrying that it’s gonna upset violet. They’re both grieving. I don’t think finn is going to want to be separated from violet. She’s as much comfort to him as he is to her. It was heartfelt, it was simple. And your father would be so proud of you. Thank you. Yeah. Chase did a — a great job. Of all of my dad’s books and papers, he found the ones that meant the most to him. He’s a good son. Yeah. So are you. You know how much he loved you, right? And if you feel like going to a meeting, I’ll take you with me. Yeah, I appreciate that, but spending time with violet is my only priority right now. Hey, what’s the story with you and my dad and your embrace on a windswept tarmac? Did you and my dad have a romance I didn’t know about?

[ Music starts ]

Next to you

is the only place I ever wanna be

loving you is all I’ll ever need

[ Scoffs ]

[ Clears throat ]

Without you

I’d be lost alone out in the sea first take of the day, it’s always rough. She’ll get there. She always does.

[ Music continues ]

[ Music stops ] What’s wrong? Nothing. Uh… it’s me. I’m off. I just need a minute. You think I should reach out to brook lynn? No, she’s not available. I told you. We don’t need her for this. Just — [ Scoffs ] I mean, we don’t want to bother her for this. Let’s just take 12 tracks for the drums on this next take, and then we’ll go again, okay? Honey, what do you need? Water or tea? Some throat spray? No, it’s okay. I don’t need anything. Well, you do clearly need something. I’m just not feeling the music. I can’t find a way in. Okay. Well, then you’re gonna have to fall back on your discipline and training. That’s what professionals do. I feel like a fraud. I mean, I’m sitting here singing a song about love, and every word that’s coming out of my mouth is a lie. And if I’m feeling that way, everyone else will hear it in my voice. Okay. Do you want me to call kristina and see if she might come by after all? That’s okay. She knows I’m recording today. If kristina wanted to come… she would have shown up a while ago. Pretty sure she still feels too hurt and betrayed to be around me. Sorry. That judge loves the sound of his own voice, so I knew it was gonna be a long morning. No. That’s okay. You did warn me. Besides, I’m the one who just showed up and took a risk. So, can I take you for a quick lunch? I wish I could, but I have a staff meeting. Okay. Is everything okay? Yeah. Yeah. You good? Yeah. Good. Yeah. How are you and tj? Busy. A lot of hellos and goodbyes in passing these days. But what else is new? That sounds…not great. Yeah. Yeah, it is not great. Um , so I gotta — I gottaget to the staff meeting. But you didn’t even ask me about the baby, and I know you want to know. Of course. How is the baby? Anything new to report? No. Everything is good and moving along exactly as it’s supposed to. Good. Good. Yeah. Okay. The only thing that — that actually is new is… I know allie told you about what happened after the wedding, and, well, you’re standing here, pretending like you don’t know anything about that.

Fine. I mean, it’s obvious you didn’t want me to know what went down at the wedding because you didn’t say a single word to me about it. I’d still be completely in the dark if I hadn’t run into allie and she hadn’t made one innocent remark that I picked up on and pressed her about. And even then, all she would say was that you and the baby were fine, and even that I had to drag out of her. She’s probably never gonna speak to me again after the interrogation I put her through. Allie’s very forgiving. Yeah. So is tj. Probably the only reason we’re still in our respective relationships. But, look, if the topic of my own baby has to be off-limits to keep you happy, then so be it. I will honor your wishes for a few more months, no matter how obnoxious and unfair I think that is. Molly, that’s not what I said, and that isn’t what I want. Look, I — I get easily defensive, but that’s not news. No, it isn’T. We’ve had some version of this conversation hundreds of times. How could i not be defensive? Molly, look at you. You are my perfect, overachieving sister. “Perfect”? We’re in this situation because I can’t reproduce. Basic, fundamental human process, and I can’t do it. So maybe adjust your definition of “perfect.” Just stop it. You have had to rescue me from bad decisions countless times, along with so many other people in our family. So, yeah, I get defensive sometimes. Okay. Okay. Let’s not conduct a review of every decision we’ve made in our entire lifetimes. I am, and I will eternally be grateful to you for this thing you’re doing, mostly for me. And I can’t wait till the baby’s here and we can just argue about who spoils them the most and who’s being too tough. Well, I think we already know the answer to both those questions. Might surprise each other. Honey, just tell me, what happened with you and kristina? No. It’s okay. Getting into it with her sister was my first mistake. Telling you anything about it can only make things worse. What is this “it” that shall not be named? Nothing. Okay? And don’t get it out of mr. Corinthos. Please, just don’T. Well, what would i even ask him about? What does he have to do with “it”? You know what? I’m ready. Let’s do it again. As my business manager would say, “time is money.” Yes, she would say that, but not — not right this second. Look, I know as painful as this situation is with kristina, I am just hoping that now you’ll start to understand that these relationships aren’t real. What relationships? The relationships like the one that you have with kristina.

[ Scoffs ] My relationship with kristina is real, thank you. Was it, or was it infatuation? Because we can all respond… warmly to somebody who admires us. I know the difference between fans and stalkers and regular people. Maybe. Or maybe kristina really wanted that image of you that she saw on stage, and you misconstrued it as love. If I was half as gullible as you make me sound, my portfolio would have nothing but magic beans in it. I’m the one who manages your portfolio. With me. What two people do in the privacy of their hotel room, that’s their own business, as long as there’s some mutual respect and nobody gets hurt. But do not tell yourself that that is love. Okay. Now you’re making me angry, and that’s not an energy that we need on this single. So if you could go back into the studio and let me find my inner professional before our time is up… it’s a mother’s job to tell her child hard truths. Please. Go. Your dad had every quality I should look for in a man. He was funny. And he was so smart. And he was so authentic. Not many guys like that running around in the wild. So why didn’t you move forward? ‘Cause I was too chicken to take a risk. That doesn’t sound like you. Oh, yes, it does when it comes to my personal life. Ah. I think that I was just too cowardly to fall in love with a man I knew was dying. How you holding up? You ready to go home? I — I’ve been ready. Tracy’s taken care of everything, but I feel like I should stay. But if you want to go, you — no way. I’m not leaving you. I love you so much. Hope you don’t get sick of hearing that. It’s not possible. I didn’t know that our wedding night would be the last time that I’d see my father. And it made me realize that we don’t know when our last moment will come. So every time I walk away from you, I am going to tell you how much I love you and how much I always will. You seem a lot more settled today. The memorial help? Yeah, it did. I… I feel more settled. Although sometimes I worry I’ve gotten so good at pretending that I might be… fooling myself.

next to you

is the only place I ever want to be

loving you is all I ever need

without you

I’d be lost alone out in the sea she’s killing this.

By your side’s my favorite place to be

and I’ll still love you

[ Knock on door ]

Through thick and thin

and I still hold through any pain I’m in

you are the sun

I am the moon

and I’ll be here for you

I’ll still want you

when times get tough

and I’ll still see it through

through sleek and rough

and you are the sun

and I am the moon

and I’ll be here for you

I’ll be right next to you



ooh, ooh ooh ooh see ya. Tracy, thank you for arranging all of this. It meant a lot to be together. And I think it helped my heart hurt a little bit less. I think so, too. Bye, boys. -Bye. -Bye. Chase. Thank you for being you. Back at you. We’re family. It’s what we do. Hey, I think, um, finn had to take a phone call or something. Can you guys just let him know that I’ll call him later? Yeah. No problem. All right. See you soon. Bye. Bye. I hope finn wasn’t called in for work. My heart breaks for her. Yeah. Me too. I’m gonna go look for finn. Okay. Hey, sweetie, can I get you something? Maybe a cookie or a shirley temple? No. I’m okay. My grandpa says whenever you wish you were somewhere else, just read a book. Your grandpa’s right. Come, let’s take a look.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Tuesday, June 4, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


That wasn’t sonny who picked up. No, it wasn’t sonny. Who was it? -Bad time? -No, no. Come in. Seriously. Come in.

[ Chuckles ] Really good to see you. Good to see you. What’s up? I’m thinking of running for public office. Is that a joke? ‘Cause if it is, I don’t get it. I’m serious. Oh. Okay. What are you thinking of running for? City council? Uh — congress. Congress?

[ Chuckles ] Really? Like, the U.S. House of representatives in washington, D.C., Congress? You think it’s a bad idea, don’t you? No, no, I don’T. I mean, this is all — you know, it’s coming out of nowhere. I haven’t seen you in forever, and [Chuckles] Wow. Why? An opportunity came up, and I’m just — I’m really — I’m thinking of grabbing it. What kind of opportunity? Congressman mcconkey isn’t seeking reelection, and… he offered to endorse me. How do you even know congressman mcconkey? Nina introduced us. Is that…? Okay. So, uh, how’d it go? Uh, it’s pretty simple, actually. Everybody was kind. I signed some papers, and… they handed me this. Box? Not an urn? It’s a scattering box. It’s, uh, for — well, the name’s actually pretty self-explanatory. Yeah. This is all that’s left of my dad. And tomorrow, after they scatter his ashes, he’ll truly be gone forever. Whatever they came for, it looks like they didn’t get it. Jason made them pay for it for breaking in. So why is this my problem? It’s your problem, sonny, because someone tried to kill jason here tonight. And you have been very vocal about your anger towards him. John: Fbi. Step aside. Mr. Corinthos. -Jagger. I have a few questions for you about the attempted murder of jason morgan.

Aiden made butterscotch brownies. They’re violet’s favorite. Oh. Thank you. That’s very thoughtful of him. Yeah. He hoped it might help a little. Tomorrow’s going to be a hard day. It will be. Thank you. You already said that. Yeah, I guess I did. I haven’t been drinking. That’s not what I was looking for. You weren’t? No. But I am here to check in with you because tomorrow is your dad’s memorial, and because I want to support you and because I love you. -Second thoughts? -Hmm? About scattering your father’s ashes. No. Wouldn’t dream of defying my father’s wishes. Okay, then what’s wrong? I can’t help but feel a burial is permanent. It’s a place to visit, to talk to him. But this [Sighs] Kind of feels like I’m throwing him away. Well, what if he stayed here? -What? -Yeah. What if we put him on the mantel and got a really nice picture of your dad? We put it right next to it, and that way you can see him and talk to him whenever you want. Okay, I don’t thinkmy brother would go for that. Besides, I’m the executor. It is my job to fulfill my dad’s wishes, not my own. What you’re feeling is understandable. Okay, you’re missing your dad. So however that’s making you feel is right and appropriate. And you grew up believing in good, old-fashioned burials, and you want to have a connection to your dad’s physical body. I guess, but my dad wanted — to be everywhere. To be on the wind, on the ground, on the water, on the lake. So wherever you go, wherever you are, he’s with you. That’s a nice spin. Look, I truly believe that gregory isn’t gone, but his spirit will always be close because he’s in you. -It’s a kind thing to say. -It’s not just kindness. It’s the truth. I see it all the time in your kindness and your decency and your sense of humor. What your dad really, truly was, all of his goodness and his values, it lives on in you. Well, I always liked mcconkey’s policies, but nina, she’s just not someone I would think he would be friendly with. No, mcconkey was friends with her father. Oh. Okay, so what’d you do? Crash a high tea at the house of representatives? Nina had a meeting with mcconkey. I tagged along just to kind of pitch a big urban-renewal project that I was working on. How’d that go? He’s tough. He’s got a forceful personality. Well, nothing you’re not used to.

[ Chuckles ] He appreciated my tenacity, signed on for the project, and then shortly after suggested I run for his congressional seat. Are you going to do it? Well, I haven’t decided, but I’m leaning in that direction. Okay. So why are you here? Do you want me to talk you into it, or do you want me to talk you out of it? There’s a lot of reasons to do it. Yeah. I mean, power, money, influence. I was actually thinking about serving our nation and the people of the district, but — of course you were.

[ Chuckles ] But I got to be realistic, too. I’ve got to weigh the downside, you know, for myself, for the people that I care about. If I sign on for this, then the first thing that’s going to come up is… your latest stint in pentonville. Wow. One lunch with nina, and the whole insider-trading thing rears its head again, huh? Yeah. And if it does, if I do run, your name is going to come up. The whole thing is going to be dredged up yet again. And I need to know, if I commit to this, how you feel about the possibility of that? I have no more questions. You’re free to go. I’ve trusted you with everything. Anna. You need to trust me, too. Who picked up? Head of pikeman. Whoever it was, you recognized them. I could see it on your face. It was valentin.

[ Sighs ] Are you sure? Of course I’m sure. I’d recognize his voice anywhere. Oh, gosh. I told you, didn’t I, that, uh, valentin was the one that brought the pikeman offer to sonny in the first place. I thought he was just an intermediary, a go-between. I had no idea he was in this deep. No idea. But then the moment I heard his voice on the phone, it all made sense. The attack on you? That is a tried and true wsb tactic. It’s making a volatile incident into something that it’s not, like, in this example, taking advantage of the hostility between you and sonny, hiring mob hitmen connected to sonny so that everybody would assume that he was behind the attack on you. I mean, it’s working. Even people in sonny’s life think he’s responsible. Did you? I thought it was possible. But you still weren’t going to give him up. Doesn’t matter. Sonny’s innocent. Oh, god. Let’s not get carried away. He’s not complicit in the attack on you, but he’s far from innocent.

[ Sighs ] I mean, I’d bet good money that man hasn’t taken an innocent breath since his teens. Uh, okay. Maybe not. But you were still going to protect him. You were going to protect valentin. You recognized his voice, and you told me that I was free to go. Yeah. And the moral of this story is what? I understand… …why you want to cover for valentin… …but I need to know why he wants me dead. I have to confess something. I’m surprised to see you at an actual crime scene. Instead of raiding warehouses where no one’s committed a crime until after you arrive.

[ Chuckles ] And I’m not used to showing up at the site of a gangland hit and finding the gangster who ordered it waiting for me. You’re a real time saver. This is my place. So I actually want to report a break-in. You know, I got to say, sonny, you guys made a real mess. Yeah, what guys are you talking about? The forklift guys, the packaging guy, or my clipboard guy? Because none of them would have anything to do with this, jagger.

[ Sighs ] All these shots fired, and morgan still walks away. You need to hire better help. Agent cates, your insinuation that my client had anything to do with this is both offensive and slanderous. Please. We both know sonny’s fingerprints are all over this. Go ahead and look. You won’t find anything. Because you covered your tracks. Agent cates, please search to your heart’s content. But this conversation with my client, as scintillating as it might have been, is now over. He will not be answering any more of your questions. Well, I am glad to hear you say that. Oh, why’s that? Because I can place him under arrest and question him down at the pcpd.

Sorry. I can’t get any of this right. One minute, I’m apologizing for how I treated you when I was drinking, and now I’m apologizing for how I’m speaking to you when I’m not. You don’t need to apologize again. Thank you. But I do feel like I just need to say that the way you spoke to me was really unsettling. I know. I would — I would give anything to be able to undo that, just make it so it didn’t happen, but I can’T. All I can do is keep trying to get better and keep moving forward. I’m going to two meetings a day as a precaution. That’s great. I’m not going to drink again. But even if I did, I’m not an alcoholic. What do you mean? I’m an addict. I got hooked on zekenestrol when I was fighting blackwood’S. But it was not like I was doing it to get high. It was literally keeping me alive. But then when I formulated a cure… I, uh — I couldn’t stop. But you made a point of not drinking. Yes. Once I got clean, I made a decision to not drink. Out of caution. But as far as drinking was concerned, alcohol was never really the problem. On what grounds will you arrest my client, agent cates? Attempted murder. Two men entered the warehouse and tried to kill jason morgan. I was across town at the time of the attack. Well, it’s not like you to do your own dirty work. Well, then shouldn’t the person who actually did the dirty work be the one that you arrest for the attempted murder of jason morgan? Funny you should mention that, ms. Miller… oh. …Because your other client, the intended victim, jason morgan, just so happened to kill one of his would-be assassins, and we were able to identify him as a low-level contractor affiliated with a crime family with whom mr. Corinthos has been known to do business. I think you left out the term “allegedly.” Forgive me. Allegedly. Now, mr. Corinthos, if you’d like to come with me. Now, why would he do that when all you’ve presented is the thinnest of circumstantial evidence? Animosity between longtime colleagues and one dead gunman who may be connected to people who may or may not be connected to my client. That’s hardly grounds for arrest, don’t you think? We’re in the process of collecting additional evidence now. If the hit had succeeded, it would have killed two birds with one stone. First eliminating you. You infiltrated pikeman, and you know too much. And then it would’ve got sonny out of the way, framing him for your murder. And then pikeman can operate undisturbed. Oh, god, that is classic valentin. Classic. You know, he, brennan, and I, we all went to the wsb training together. He and brennan were very good friends. Okay, so — so what was that like? Well, you know, I mean, jack, he was a rising star. He was very charismatic and highly intelligent. That’s what the two of them, they had in common. So… what, they were allies? Yeah. Valentin had A… very, very bright mind, but he faced these — these kind of physical challenges at the time, but brennan always saw him, or at least treated him, as an equal. But, you know, when I brought this up to valentin, their — their friendship together back then, he just kind of downplayed it. He said that they barely knew each other. He’s covering his tracks. Yeah. In retrospect, I… I think that valentin has been involved with pikeman all along, and with brennan in prison, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s running it. Thank you. That’s what I needed. You’re going to have reporters banging on your door. You’re going to have people bothering you at work. I have security. -At bobbie’s? -At bobbie’s, I have jason. I’m sorry. Nothing to be sorry about. But now that you mention him, he’s — he’s your close friend, he’s a known associate of sonny’S. He’s your brother. So in addition to our brush with insider trading, you have literal family ties to alleged organized crime and you’re worried about me? All I can do is answer truthfully to whoever asks — the press, my opponent — that I got nothing to do with jason. I never really did. It’s still a lot of dirty laundry by association. Are you sure you want to do this? -I’m still weighing the — -drew, it’s a lot. It’s a lot. And it’s a long shot that you’d win. I’m still weighing the options, but… the more I think about it, the more I really believe that I can make a difference. I admire your idealism. I don’t get it, but I admire it. And let’s not forget, while they’re doing the digging, they’re going to have to remind everybody that I served my country honorably, and that I’m involved in a major urban-renewal project and involved in a nonprofit that fights cancer, a disease that took my son. Oscar would be proud about that. About which part? All of it. I’d like to believe that. Brings me back to my original question of whether or not I should run. I really — I really believe that I owe this to my family, to the people I care about, the people of port charles, that I need to step up, and I got to try.

You know, the grief really does come in waves. Half the time I can’t move, I miss him so much. How do I go from that to just forgetting that he’s gone? ‘Cause something will happen, and then I’ll reach for my phone. You know, once I called him just so I could hear his voice. I want him back so bad. I want another day, another week, another month, another year. Until I remember what that time would be like — wheelchairs and ventilators, not being able to reach out and touch the ones that he loved. He would’ve hated that. It was already a struggle for him. And then I realized he held onas long as he did for us. To keep his promise to us. And once that promise was kept… …and he knew that we were safe and happy, that he could go. Peacefully… …on his own terms, and without pain. And now talking about him like this, it just makes me want him back even more, and then I feel like a hypocrite, so I don’t — listen. You can grieve his passing and feel relief that he’s not hurting anymore. You can want him back with everything you’ve got and still let him go. You can miss him terribly and celebrate that he lived an amazingly rich life, filled with people that he loved and who loved him. If you want my opinion, here it is. If this is something you want to do, you should do it. Mcconkey is smart and he is tough and he has a great record. And somehow with the gridlock in washington, he’s able to get a lot of good things done. So if he wants you to replace him, that means he thinks you’re suited for the job. Trust his judgment. And when you consider the alternative, your opponent is just awful. And if you don’t step up, you can’t complain about the outcome of the election. -That’s what I was thinking. -Right. And if you crash and burn, at least you tried.

[ Laughs ] What about you? I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve had tons of practice in saying, “no comment.” -Okay. -Okay. Well, you’ve given me a lot to think about. Good. You know what? Good luck. Thank you, carly. ‘Night. Hey, um, just so you know, if you do run, you got my vote. Diane: You ever heard the phrase “innocent until proven guilty,” agent cates? Well, proof is something you are sorely lacking. Yet here you are. You’re making threats. You’re pointing fingers. By the way, your superiors at the fbi are going to receive an official complaint from me regarding the way that you have harassed my client. Now, is that really the road you want to go down? Or perhaps you were just a little hasty in threatening to take my client into custody. We can wait until the rest of the evidence comes in. Sound reasoning, agent cates. Indeed. Good night, jagger. You know what the best part of all this is, sonny? Ah, I can’t wait. That you’ll go down for trying to kill jason morgan, the last in your line of protégéS. Of all the kids you took in and exploited, including karen and stone, jason’s probably the saddest because you turned him into a killer. You took a young man with brain damage, and you turned him into your enforcer. Then, after a lifetime of doing your bidding, you turn around and try to kill him. That’s some thanks. Yeah. I am really going to love seeing you behind bars once and for all. Can you believe that guy? You really had nothing to do with this? I wasn’t involved. You thought I was? I did. And I’m not the only one. Thank you for trusting me. Wait. Where are you going? I’m going to find cates and tell him that valentin’s the head of pikeman. No. Why would you involve cates? Well, because that was the deal. If I give the fbi the head of pikeman, the fbi gives me my life back. I’ll tell them to contact you for details. No, I can’t let you do that.

And once he knew his time was limit you know how people refer to an illness as a battle? “So-and-so lost their battle to,” whatever. But my dad, he — he fought like hell. He jumped out of a plane, for pete’s sake. Yeah, he got alexis to do it with him. [ Chuckles ] And once he knew his time was limited, he made the most of every single day. And it wasn’t just a battle. It was an all-out war. When he started having trouble walking, all I could think about was how athletic he was when I was a kid. He used to go for runs. We’d play basketball in the driveway. And now, ever since he got sick, when I run or go play basketball, all I can think about is him. What if he didn’t lose his battle to als? Maybe he won. Damn right he did. So I guess I should follow his example that he set for me — living life, pursuing joy — more joy — and not wasting happiness. That is the best way to pay tribute to my dad. I love that idea. Let’s do that. It’s my understanding that aa and na deal with the addict’s need to alter their reality regardless of the method they use to alter it. Right. But it’s not like I become a drunk because I had a couple drinks. I had one slip. And part of me felt like that gave me permission to have another. I was wrong. But I was hurting. You know, I had found my dad, and the way they took his body out of here, it just put me in a dark place. And maybe I wouldn’t have opened that bottle if I already hadn’t had that glass of champagne. But I did. I drank. And now I’ve stopped. I have no desire to drink. Pretty much ever again. So you’re saying this was just a one-time thing? I hope so. You know… there’s plenty of people — we — we know some of them — that are in recovery for addiction and may have a drink every now and then. I can’t sasay who they are. I know who you mean. I cut alcohol out of my life as — as a precaution. Not because it was the problem but to prevent another one. Even so, you still won’t drink again, right? Okay, what’s going on? Did something happen with kristina? This is not about kristina. Okay, if you’re here to see donna, she’s already asleep — something happened tonight, carly, and I wanted to tell you face to face. It had nothing to do with me. Okay. What happened? Somebody attacked jason at the warehouse. What? Is he okay? Is he in the hospital? He’s not hurt. Oh, my god. Okay, how do you know this, sonny? Why are you telling me this? Brick called me. He told me two gunmen were after jason. One is dead. The other one got away. And agent cates thinks it was me. So does my own lawyer. But it’s not me, carly. I wanted you to know. I heard valentin pick up a call from an assassin’s phone. I didn’t record it. I have no hard proof connecting him to the attack on you, let alone pikeman. I don’t give a damn about pikeman, okay? I just want out from under the fbi, and the way to do that is tell cates about valentin. No, if you involve cates, he will come in guns blazing, and valentin will outmaneuver him, and all of this will amount to nothing. Okay, that’s on cates. Once I give him valentin, carly is free to go. I can walk away. Whatever happens after that is not my concern. What are you talking about? If valentin gets away and the fbi doesn’t get what they want, they will never let you go, jason, and you know that.

[ Sighs ] Okay. Okay, I won’t go to cates until we get the evidence. Fine. Okay. What are you doing? I’m going to get the evidence. From valentin.

your father was a wonderful man. You inherited the best parts of him. Yeah, well, that might not be all I inherited. There’s a chance — it’s a slim one, less than 10% — that he may have passed down a predisposition to als. What if what happened to him…? There’s nothing we can do about it, right? I don’t think so. Then if it happens, we deal with it then. Until then, we live our lives. But if it happens, I don’t want that for you. I don’t want you to have to take care of me. Elizabeth, I’m not going to drink again. I’m not going to take that risk. Okay. Okay? Okay. Okay.

[ Sighs ] Really does seem empty here without him. Not just the room. Do you want me to keep you a little bit of company? Thank you, but I think I need a little more time alone. I understand. I should go home. Yeah. Please thank aiden for the brownies. I will. See you tomorrow. I’ll see you tomorrow.

[ Door closes ] I’ll see you tomorrow. How exactly are you going to get evidence incriminating valentin from valentin? Valentin is probably not running pikeman from his elq offices, so that leaves his house. But you think he has evidence like that lying around his home? Evidence that we need? Probably not. But it could lead to something, and it’s worth a shot. And shot is exactly what you will get when his security catches you breaking and entering. On top of that, valentin will now know that he’s blown. Yeah, well, I’m pretty good at this. I know. But you weren’t trained by the wsb, and valentin was. Okay. You have another strategy? Yeah. What? I think the only way we get solid proof that valentin is running pikeman… is if I get it. If you get it? How is you breaking in different than me breaking in? I don’t have to break in. I’ll be invited in. What, you don’t think valentin suspects that you’re onto him? Of course he does. But he also loves me. I don’t know how far that’s going to get you. It’s going to get me inside. And then when I’m in… …I can get us the evidence that we need… …to bring him down. But I’m going to need time. I believe you.

[ Sighs ] Tell jason when you see him that, um, I just want to make myself clear. I’m still angry, and I want him out of the biz, but I did not try to have him killed. Why don’t you tell jason yourself? You know why. ‘Cause he’s a traitor, right? Yeah, that’s right. Except you know he’s not. He’s not your enemy. And you know that deep down, or why else would you be here?

First of all, the chances of you inheriting als from your father are less than 10%, right? Yeah, but — okay, so there’s a greater chance of you getting it randomly. It could just as likely be me. Do not say that. Why not? It’s true. Because I can’t bear the thought of you going through what he did. What if I had als? Would you bail, or would you stick around, take care of me? There are no wrong answers. Of course I would stay. You sure about that? ‘Cause I’m already a handful. For better or worse, in sickness and in health. Exactly. We’re in this for the long haul, so whatever comes, whatever happens, we stick together. Okay, then. We stick together.

[ Crying ] If you really believe that jason turned against you, you wouldn’t give a damn if he thought that you tried to take him out. You still care about what jason thinks. Jason is an fbi informant.

[ Scoffs ] In my world, that means you have no code, no honor. I don’t want anything to do with him anymore. Jason: Anna, I’m sorry. Sounds like you’re — you’re playing some kind of long game with valentin, and i do not have that kind of time. I need to move right now. If you do that, you will tip our hand. I’ve been trying to get out from under the fbi for almost three years. You can’t ask me to keep waiting anymore. -I’m asking you to trust me. -Anna, it’s taking up so much — I’m telling you, jason, that if you want to bring valentin down, the only way to get him is for me to do it personally. Is it too personal? I can do this. I can. But I need backup. And I need that to be you.

[ Sighs ] Okay. We’ll do it your way. Okay.

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GH Transcript Monday, June 3, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


I wasn’t even here. Jason uses this place as his office. Diane, I don’t — I don’t know what happened tonight, but I can tell you this — I had nothing to do with it. I wasn’t even here. Jason uses this place as his office. Maybe you should ask him the same question. Well, jason was here tonight when two armed men broke in and started shooting at him, one of whom ended up very dead. Now, look, sonny, if you want me to represent you to the very best of my ability, you have to tell me everything I need to know — before those cops take you into custody. Sit down. Sit. Come on. I’ve told you all I know. Do you have a death wish? No. Really? ‘Cause that’s not what it looks like. You just came within an inch of being killed tonight, and you’re still protecting sonny. I am not! You and I both know that he threatened to kill you the other day. How many bullets are you gonna take for him? No, really. I-I get loyalty. I understand it. But I thought you were smarter than this. You’re looking out for sonny, and he is off sending people to kill you! When does it end?! And how much blood will we shed before it does?! You know, I’m meeting a very interesting side to you. You’ve got issues, jack, and I’m not just talking about the stitches in your stomach from your freshly self-inflicted stab wound.

[ Chuckles ] I think you need to relax. I think you need to learn how to delegate, trust other people. You know, you’re forgetting how you got where you are and the people that helped you do it. Took you a long time to get to the top, val. But it’ll only take you, oh, seconds to fall all the way back down. Are we threatening each other?

[ Laughs ] I’m gonna assume those are the painkillers talking. So you heal up and let me take care of everything. You know, we don’t even know what jason told agent cates about pikeman’s overseas operations. Assuming he knows anything. He may not. “May not”? You want to put our entire operation at risk over “may not”? Jason morgan was smart enough to infiltrate pikeman without getting caught. If he puts the pieces together… okay. Calm down. Will you calm down? Once jason morgan figures things out, assuming he does, sonny will have already taken him off the chessboard and saved us both the trouble.

I don’t know how long my guard will be occupied. I need to get back to my room before he does. Okay, but… can we get one thing straight? Once sonny eliminates jason, I will get word to you in pentonville. Until then, we are not to talk to one another. So what am i supposed to do? Stab myself again the next time I want some fresh air? Jack, you’re an enterprising fellow. Find something to do. Join a book club, make a friend. God. You’ll be fine! You’ve been stalling for months. And when the hell are you gonna get the charges against me dropped?! Okay. Okay. I hear you. I hear you. I just need a little bit more patience, my friend. Because if we shine light on the wsb/pikeman connection, it’s gonna backfire. It’s all gonna blow up in our face. So stay strong. Be patient. I’ve got everything under control. Okay, so, obviously, you know what’s going on between my dad and me. Yeah. Can we sit? Jason called me right after he broke up the fight. He told me that you saw sonny attack dex and then threaten to kill him. Yeah, so then you also know that everything josslyn ever said about my dad is true. And I am so stupid for even arguing with her because she was right all along. Okay. I love my daughter more than anything, but josslyn has her own issues with sonny. It doesn’t even matter what josslyn said. I know what I saw — and i keep seeing it over and over and over again. Watching my dad be so violent and just out of control. That must have been so awful for you. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Especially now. Well, I think it’s something that all of sonny’s kids have to go through eventually, right? I mean, you know that more than anyone with michael. I’m just the idiot that took so long to finally see the truth. Kristina, you’re not an idiot. No, I’m not anymore. Because now my eyes are wide open. And whether dex files charges against my father or not, I will never forget what I saw my dad do. So now I’m just ashamed I… I didn’t admit what I saw right in front of me sooner. That’s because you wanted to see the best in sonny. That’s because you love your dad. You loved him, too, once. Do you think you ever really knew him? It sounds like you don’t approve of your daughter’s relationship with kristina. You — you could say that. I don’t want to pry, but… is it because they’re gay? No, I’m not a prude. Whatever people do behind closed doors, that’s — that’s their own business. I just feel like… gay people — or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days — they’re just — they’re flighty. They’re just not very serious about life. I don’t think that’s true at all. Well, you just said so yourself that kristina has had a lot of problems, made bad decisions. Well, years ago when she was younger. You can say the same thing about a lot of straight people, too. Hm. Kristina’s really gotten herself together. She works hard. She’s very serious about her baby. Okay, but, see, that choice of words is very interesting because it’s not really her baby, now, is it? Well, n-not in the way that you’re talking about, no. Right. So she’s gonna be pregnant for nine months, give birth, and then just hand the baby over. You see, to me, it just seems like kristina and alison just think, “oh, wouldn’t it be so fun to have a baby? As long as we don’t have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it.” Y-you know, like, what are they gonna do? They’re gonna visit the child every once in a while or — I don’t know — take it to an amusement park sometimes? I — I’m so sorry if this offends you, but I think that is just a very unfortunate way to look at this beautiful thing that kristina is doing for her sister. Okay, well, you, you know — entitled to your opinion, as am I. I-I do try to stay open-minded. It’s just that if my way of thinking is considered, um, old-fashioned, then, you know, so be it. I know how deep your loyalty to sonny goes. I do. I used to look at him through rose-colored glasses myself at one point. But what if the person you used to know no longer exists? Or, worse, it was an illusion all along… and sonny never really was the man you believed him to be?

[ Door opens ] Yes. Forensics thought you’d want to see what they found on the assailant, commissioner. Thank you. Thank you. Looks like a burner phone. Yeah, it’s very useful to report back to whoever it was ordered you to make the kill.

Uh, you know, I shouldprobably get going, really. Yeah. Yeah, will you do me a favor, and make sure that sonny gets my gift? Yeah. Of course. Let me walk you out. Thank you. Okay. Well, I, um — I enjoyed our chat. We should do it again sometime. Mm-hmm! Perhaps.

[ Sighs heavily ]

[ Beeping ] Natalia: I just feel like… gay people — or whatever alphabet soup they’re calling themselves these days — they’re just — they’re flighty. They’re just not very serious about life.

I married a complicated man . And I knew that going in . And without making excuses for sonny, he was capable of many things. Great love. Great anger. I watched sonny have incredible highs and amazing lows, but he was never downright cruel and he always had a reason for doing what he did. And he never hurt someone just because he could. But do you think that he’s the same man now, or do you think that he’s changed? That’s hard to answer because we’re not as close as we used to be, so I don’t know. But what I do know is the bond that you have with him. Your father loves you more than anything. He brags about you all the time. I mean, he would give up his life for you. So you have to decide… how much that matters and where it fits in to the relationship you have with sonny, along with all the…stuff you’ve learned about him recently. But what if it doesn’t fit at all? Then you’re gonna have to really think about… can you live your life without your dad? I’ve been trying to figure out what those guys wanted, but nothing makes any sense. I mean, we’re a coffee warehouse. It’s not like, you know, we have product here that anybody wants to steal. We don’t keep a large amount of cash here. We do have small bills for cash expenses. But there they are. Everything’s right there. You see that, diane? Okay. Alright. So it wasn’t about the money. No. They must have had some other target in mind. Whatever they wanted, they didn’t get it. And… jason made them pay for breaking in. So why is it my problem? Miss me? Only one number in the call history. I’d really like to know who it belongs to you.

[ Line ringing ] Valentin: Is it done? Just tell me if it’s been done.

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GH Transcript Friday, May 31, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hey, jason. You free? ‘Cause I’d like to, uh, clear the air.

[ Siren wails ] Elizabeth. Hey. How are you? I am so sorry about your dad. And I’m sorry you and brook lynn couldn’t go on your honeymoon. It’s okay. There’ll be other opportunities to travel. I’m just glad we didn’t get on that plane. Yeah. You know, I didn’t know your dad for very long, but he really touched my life. And my boys were really fond of him. Cameron was sad to hear the news, but he sends his best. I know he was fond of your family. And he loved you, elizabeth. The feeling was mutual. If there’s anything I can do, any support I can offer, will you just tell me? Oh, well, in that case, uh, my dad named me executor. Do you know who I can talk to to get a couple copies of his death certificate? I need them for insurance, social security, and a couple other things. There’s so much red tape. Yeah. Normally, the funeral home can provide a copy of that. Right. I knew that. Um, I am so scattered right now. I’m sorry to bother you. Wait. Actually, you know what? The hospital’s record department should have it. You’re already here. Let’s figure this out. This is just absurd! They’re acting like I’m leading the charge to have heather’s conviction overthrown, to have her walk out of prison a free woman! All I have done is request copies of her records.

[ Sighs ] We could have a problem here. And I was well within my purview to do it, too. Not as the mayor. As a citizen. Because, for better or worse, heather gave me her power of attorney. We’ve got to find out who got their hands on this information and leaked it to the press. Curtis: I th ought I should bethe one to show you this. I’m glad you haven’t seen it yet. Portia: Wait a minute. She’s really going through with this? No. No, no, no. H-how could laura even think of letting heather webber walk free after everything that she has done? I thought jordan was overreacting when she spoke with aunt stella and trina about revisiting heather’s case. Honey, I’m just as shocked as you are to learn that they’re moving forward. But there’s got to be something more to this story because the laura I know would never do this. Fbi. Alright, brennan. Let’s go. Where’s your jumpsuit? Dry cleaners? Well, let’s hope we can find you another one. What you got on is gonna be a little drafty where you’re going. And that is? Back behind bars where you belong. You’re a dangerous prisoner. And a flight risk. And the sooner you’re back in pentonville… the safer we’ll all be. Carly! Hey, molly. Hi. Hey. Um, do you have a second to talk in private? Ohh. I’m so busy right now. I’m so sorry. Oh, please, please. It’s about what happened at brook lynn and chase’s wedding reception. I just — I need to know what happened with kristina.

Thank you. Okay. The records department will have your copies in 20 minutes. Oh. Thanks, elizabeth. This helps a lot. I was dreading having to track this down. It’s one thing I can check off my list. And if I’m being honest, it’s a pretty long list. You’ve got a lot going on. It seems that way, although maybe it’s because the reality of my dad’s death keeps hitting me in the face about every 30 seconds. It’s like I’m moving underwater… like everything is slower because — because I’m slower. Well, it’s good you recognize that. And if you can stand a little advice, just accept that what you’re going through is a lot. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. I just did. And you came through. Um, now that we have a little bit of time, can I talk to you about something else? Sure. Uh, it’s about finn. I thought you might ask. Uh, he was drinking when you showed up? He was. In retrospect, I may have handled that wrong. Finn wanted some time with violet, so instead of going straight from the airport to his place, we went back to the quartermaines’ first. But I-I didn’t want him to be alone, and I thought that violet could use the support, so I called you. Obviously it blindsided him when you walked in. Chase… finn… he’d already been drinking by the time I got there. Yes, I surprised him, but his reaction was his own. It had nothing to do with the timing, and it certainly wasn’t your fault for calling me. Finn realizes he was out of line, and I-it really shook him up — not just that he drank, but, you know, how it made him feel acting the way he did towards you. But he’s doing all the right things, okay? He’s going to the meetings. He’s doing the work. He told me. Finn is gonna be okay. He’s not gonna keep turning to alcohol. I wasn’t at chase and brook lynn’s wedding or their wedding reception. I was at home with my feet up. So I don’t really know what I could tell you. So you don’t know that sonny attacked dex? Look. This isn’t an official inquiry, carly. I’m not here as the A.D.A. And you’re not the first person I’ve spoken to. I talked to anna, off the record. But I don’t know what else I can tell you. You’re — you’re family. Carly! You were kristina’s stepmother for years and my aunt by marriage, which shows you just how convoluted our family ties are. But what I mean is… you’ve known me my whole life, and I’m asking you for help. I don’t know what I can tell you. I wasn’t there. But jason was. Jason tells you everything, right? Kristina witnessed an altercation, and she had a physical response, one that could impact the baby she’s carrying for tj and me. I would ask her myself, but I-I just… I can’t risk upsetting her right now. She’s too fragile. But I think I have a right as the mother of the baby she’s carrying to know what happened. As long as you understand that what I say stays between us. If you turn this into a statement for the D.A., I will have no recollection of his conversation whatsoever. Understood. I still can’t imagine laura taking this on. Well, I can. No, she is testing the waters on this, and this article is proof of that. This is another step on the road that ends with heather webber being released. [Scoffs] Okay. Honey, we’re not gonna let that happen. Alright? That’s what I’ve been trying to say. But, um, realistically… what can we do? If laura finds a lawyer to take heather’s case and a judge to reopen it? How are we gonna fight the whole justice system? Excuse me? Dr. Robinson? Yes. I need you to sign this patient’s outtake form. Oh. Just give me one second. You know what? Uh, I gotta go. And we’ll talk tonight. Yeah, you better believe it.

[ Sighs ] No. No, no, no. This — this isn’t right. Who ordered this? Since when does the fbi supervise prisoner transfers? Only when the prisoner was the head of the wsb and arrested for violations of the national security act. And I haven’t overlooked your involvement with pikeman or how you funneled money between pikeman and the bureau. You’re no garden-variety criminal, brennan. You’re a trained intelligence agent. You are dangerous by definition. You should be insulted if i didn’t show up to take you back to the pen. You know, it’s not unusual for the feds to feel inferior to the wsb. Don’t play into it. Dr. Robinson. Say goodbye to your patient. He’s leaving immediately. Agent cates, I hate to disappoint you, but this patient isn’t going anywhere. Uh, it’s been a while since you stopped by. Yeah. Yeah. I’m not gonna stay long. I just wanted to let you know that I reached an agreement with dex. I’m done with him. He’s free to do whatever he wants to do. He wants to be a cop. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m not gonna get in his way. That sounds like the right call. I want to make the same deal with you. How would that work? I want you to go work for the fbi, whatever it is that you’re doing. I don’t want to have anything more to do with you.

Finn was very apologetic and embarrassed for what happened, both for the drinking and just his behavior. He said that he was — he was in shock after finding your dad… but that talking to you really helped. Finn came home from dropping violet off from school, expecting to see my dad up and waiting for him. Instead, he found him dead. Finn is the one who had to call 911, who had to sign the paperwork, who had to watch our father — watch his body be taken away. If that bourbon wasn’t in the apartment, there is no way that he would have gone out to find a drink of alcohol. Chase, you don’t have to defend your brother. I understand the sequence of events. What I didn’t understand is his reaction to me. He was argumentative and angry with me for suggesting he go to a meeting, which he refused. And I know finn feels terrible about that. Violet was in the house. I feel terrible about that. I get it. Finn made bad choices, and he knows it. Look. We’re all pretty raw right now. I know I’m not at my best. All I’m saying is my brother screwed up. Nobody’s questioning that. But don’t you think, that given the situation, he merits a little understanding? Alright. Look. The first time I had heard that anything had happened is when jason called me to tell me that sonny went after dex and kristina witnessed it. Now, then jason asked me to come to the metro court for sonny. I never saw kristina, but I do know that sonny tracked her down first. Do you know what happened? I-I know that sonny was upset. He didn’t go into detail, but from what I understand, when jason was pulling sonny off of dex, they realized kristina saw the whole thing. She ran off. Sonny took off after her. He found her in a ladies’ room right off the ballroom, and he tried to explain to her what had happened, but kristina was really upset. He said she was hysterical and that she was afraid of him.

[ Scoffs ] Can you blame her? No. No. And I — I think that kristina was scared of sonny because she saw him act in a way that she had never seen before. I mean, kristina grew up hearing whispers about sonny being a mobster. I mean, I’m sure you heard it, too. Absolutely. And I just think that kristina told herself that, in sonny’s case, being a mobster in this day and age, it’s just somebody with some shady business practices. So witnessing the attack and then hearing sonny threaten to kill jason and dex… I mean, I’m sure that was devastating for kristina. Yeah. For the first time, she realized what they all mean by “mobster.” Sonny, we had this conversation months ago. My position hasn’t changed. Coffee business is half mine, and I’m not leaving. The offer to buy you out still stands. What’s your price? I’m not — I’m not selling. Did the fbi order you to stay here so you can keep tabs on me? I’m not selling because this is our business. We founded this company together as equal partners. The partnership was based on trust. That trust has been broken. You broke it. So I’m offering you a way out. If you’re smart, you’ll take it. I’m not staying for me. I’m staying for you. With all due respect, dr. Robinson, this man’s a security risk. He’s handcuffed to the bed, and he’s guarded around the clock. Look, I don’t have to like the patients that find themselves in this hospital, but I do have to provide them with the absolute best medical care possible. And his surgeon hasn’t cleared him to be released. I don’t think you realize who this man is. He’s a former intelligence agent, a national security risk, and well-trained in the art of disinformation, making things look like what they’re not. You’re playing right into his hands. You think this is a game for me? ‘Cause I’m certainly not playing it. Mr. Brennan was wounded severely and was bleeding excessively, and it required surgery. And he will not leave this bed until his surgeon says that he is okay to be released. Now, I’m not sending him back to prison so his wound can open up and he can bleed out. My decision stands. This patient stays right here. You were saying, agent cates? Donald. I have a favor to ask. Jordan ashford would like to come down and talk to you about a confidentiality concern that we have. Thank you. Yes. She’ll be down later this afternoon. Thanks. Bye-bye. Okay. Donald rollins — waiting for you in the records room. Here you go. Okay. Mm-hmm. I’ll check it out. I know you warned me that this might happen. And… I just want to say thank you for not saying “I told you so.” Well, I didn’t expect it to happen this fast, but I really think you should get ahead of the story — now. Issue a statement saying you have no intentions of reopening heather webber’s case and of trying to mitigate her sentence. I don’t want to paint myself into a corner, making a promise that I might not be able to keep. Yeah, but you don’t advocate for freeing heather, correct? Correct. Then draft a statement saying that.

[ Knock on door ] Come in! Hi, laura. Hi, curtis. What can I do for you? You mind if we talk for a minute?

Jordan. I am sorry ifI’m interrupting your meeting. Oh. No worries. We were just wrapping up. Curtis. You look wonderful. It’s so good to see you up and about. Thank you. Feels good to be up and about. Yeah. Well, um… I’ll get going on that project we were just discussing. I’ll be in touch. Yeah. Good to see you, curtis. Likewise. Okay. I think I might know why you’re here. Laura, a few months ago, around the time of heather’s initial diagnosis, portia was worried that you were looking into — into heather’s diagnosis, her case being reopened. I didn’t pay it too much concern at first because I didn’t think you would do that. Fast-forward to today, and I read an article in the invader that says just that. Please sit down. That article should never have gone to print. I agree… if it’s a lie. But I don’t hear you saying that it is. The headline is a lie. I am not looking to get heather freed. So you’re not examining the legal ramifications of her medical diagnosis? I am exploring whether or not there are any legal ramifications. And since I’m not a lawyer, I need to consult one. In order to do that, I needed to request copies of heather’s records from the time of her arrest through her sentencing. Curtis… I can’t predict how a judge will decide. I can’T. But I can tell you it’s my personal feeling that in light of heather’s recent diagnosis, she deserves to have her case reopened. You know, um, we are family. And I’ve seen the relationship between kristina and her father. She is truly a daddy’s girl. Yeah. And sonny loves her so much. But she was going to have to see sonny more realistically at some point. I’m sorry that it happened now. Yeah. I’m still trying t o figure outhow I feel about it all. I bet you are. What are you gonna do about it? Nothing. I think. Just gonna sit on it. I mean, I can’t tell tj. He would just go straight to kristina and confront her, which would only make things worse. So I will just sit on pins and needles and send up a silent prayer, hoping that kristina will be alright, that she will do the right thing — for herself and this baby. Everything else is out of my control. Wow. You already sound like a mom. You do! I mean, all those feelings you’re talking about. They’re always gonna be there. I don’t mean to scare you, but you’re gonna be afraid and you’re gonna be worried. That’s never gonna go away. And you’re gonna constantly be sending up those silent prayers, praying that your kids are happy and healthy, all the while knowing that it’s all out of your control. Kristina’s made of good stuff. I have a feeling that she and the baby… they’re gonna be just fine. Thank you, carly. I really appreciate you being honest with me. Okay.

[ Both chuckle ] I have to stay because corinthos coffee is your only legitimate business. It’s your only shield left against rico charges. Is that what your handlers told you to say just in case I try to push you out? Who do you think has been running the business while you were doing whatever you were doing? You pay no attention to this place. It was barely operational when I came back. I increased the inventory. I added some staff. I’m trying to build this business back up. Because it’s the best cover that you have. You’re not protecting me. You’re spying on me. I want you out of my business. Out of my life. I am your friend. I’m your friend for as long as I can remember. And I’m telling you right now… …you are in real trouble.

I know finn feels bad about his behavior, and I am sympathetic to what your family is going through. Maybe it’ll get easier. Or things will make more sense once the memorial is over. I keep telling myself that finn and i will start to feel closure. I hope you both find that. My dad wanted his ashes scattered. We’re planning a small gathering of those closest to him — just friends and family. I’d love it if you were there. Finn already told me. And of course I’ll be there. It’s been 20 minutes. Your copies should be ready. I’ll go get them. Oh, no, no, no. I’ve imposed enough. I can bypass the line. I’ll be right back. As the good doctor pointed out, I’m still recovering from surgery. I tire easily. Care to clear out and give me some rest? Since I can’t take you back to pentonville… …I’m just gonna have to question you here. Oh, you can ask all the questions you like. I have nothing more to say to you without my lawyers present, and they are

very busy people. Maybe it’s time for new lawyers. I mean, it isn’t it curious that you spend months behind bars without your case being brought to trial? What are you paying these people for? What’s the holdup? You’d have to ask the justice department. I have. It seems your lawyers are very busy asking for postponements, and their justifications are flimsy at best.

[ Chuckles ] Almost as if they’ve been given a directive to stall. You better watch that legal bill. It’s gonna be a doozy. Yeah, I-I told them to take their time because I wanted the full pentonville experience. My stay just wouldn’t be complete until I’ve been stabbed in the showers. Yeah, maybe I’ll tell them I’m ready for them to move things along now. Or maybe you’re waiting for something else to happen. Maybe you don’t want to leave… until the time is right. -Hey. -Hi. Thanks for stopping by. Couldn’t get away. Yeah. Here’s your phone. And yours. I promise. I will get a different-colored case. Bound to happen eventually. I’m just glad I wasn’t on call. Yeah, you didn’t miss anything important. Your gym membership is about to expire. Oh. I get many calls? Not really. I, uh… kind of expected to see some calls from kristina, but nothing. No. Yeah. I-I saw her at my mom’S. She okay? If you mean kristina, she seemed fine. If you mean my mom, she’s pretty sure she’s gonna lose her case. But she’s not that worried about it right now. I think, um, gregory chase’s death really put things in perspective for her. I, uh, called your office a little while ago. They said you were out? Yeah, I-I’ve been on the go. I just was, um… wrapping up a meeting at the metro court when you called, and I came straight here. So the paper was right. You do want to set heather free. No. I don’T. I am advocating to have her case reopened, taking into consideration that she was suffering from an undiagnosed illness at the time she committed those crimes. Even if it results in a lesser sentence?

[ Sighs ] Curtis… I-I know how upset you are about this, but really, at this point, this is all just speculation, okay? All I’ve done is ask for some records. There’s — no action has been taken yet. “Yet.” If I decide to go forward with anything, I will let you know first, okay? Trina’s family does deserve the truth. We deserve justice. I do understand that sentiment. Laura, it’s not just a sentiment! Imagine if it was your child that watched their friends and their mentors being stalked, attacked, and killed. Now imagine if it was your child who was the real target all along, that the killer was just waiting for an opportunity. Would you still be okay with “mitigating” the sentence, a-as the article put it? Or would you want that killer locked away in a super-max so they would never have the opportunity to hurt your child again? You attacked a police cadet at a wedding. You threatened to kill me and dex not 200 feet from your closest friends. And kristina saw the whole thing. She saw a side of you thatshe never even knew existed. Sonny, you’re making sloppy decisions. You’re not — you’re not thinking clearly. You’re not thinking things through. You have to rein it in. Please let me help you. I’m trying to be friendly. Just for the record… you’re turning me down. So I’m not gonna be friendly anymore. You don’t get out of my way… you’re done, you’re gone.

I can tell you this much. My lawyers aren’t stalling. They’re trying to make sense of the charges. Well, they’re pretty straightforward, actually. You’ve been charged with, among other things, criminal conspiracy and attempted murder. Just who did I try to kill? Carly spencer? Even she doesn’t believe that. Anna devane. And dante falconeri. When anna and the detective showed up — with their guns drawn, I might add — I wasn’t holding a weapon. I made no threatening moves whatsoever. Now, granted, there was a slight misunderstanding with ms. Spencer. I had neglected to tell her that I was the director of the wsb, and she mistakenly thought that she had to defend herself. Now, anna, on the other hand, she knew exactly what she was doing when she came through that door. That was a nice deflection.

[ Chuckles ] I was talking about the hit you put out on anna and dante at the pier. But let’s talk about anna’s involvement in your takedown. Very convenient, wasn’t it? Well, that’s not how I felt when she had a gun trained on me at point-blank range. And I happen to know from prior experience she’s an expert shot. Now, if this lackluster interrogation is over, I’m getting very tired. You and commissioner devane were at the wsb together in the ’80s, weren’t you? You know we were. So, what are the odds that when you get busted your old friend crashes through the door at the perfect moment to take you down? I’ll catch up with kristina later. It just seemed strange that she’d go radio silent. She’s in her final trimester. The baby’s due in august. It just stands to reason that we would want to know how our baby’s doing. Maybe go with her to her next doctor’s appointment. I could check with dr. Navarro. I-I wouldn’T. You know how kristina feels about boundaries. Molly, I understand boundaries, but I also understand that we are the baby’s parents. Yes. So we — I am so sorry to interrupt. Molly, I really need to speak with you as soon as you have a free moment, okay? Oh. No, no. Yeah, I-I’m free now. What’s up? Tj, would you mind giving us a moment? I’ve got rounds. Uh… see you at home, moll. What can I do for you? Have you seen the invader today? No. Um, I’ve been pretty busy today. Why? Well, laura collins is attempting to free heather webber, and I’m extremely concerned. I would just like to knowhow the D.A.’S office would plan to fight this. I understand completely how you feel. You want to protect trina, and you have every right. What about everybody else’s rights? Brando corbin. Rory cabrera. Britt westbourne. Those young people had a right to live. Heather killed those people. What about the survivors? Ava jerome. Diane miller. Have you once asked them how they feel about you reopening heather’s case? Heather does not deny her crimes. Okay? I am having a hard time locking this woman away for the rest of her life when she may not have possessed the — the mental capacity to tell the difference between right and wrong. Those people are dead still either way. I know that! But metallosis could have been the deciding factor there! Now, I think that should go — I think it must go in the record. And if it alters her sentence? That’s for the court to decide. Okay. What i can tell you is that no motion has been filed that I’m aware of. There’s no hearing scheduled. Whatever’s in this article, it’s pure speculation. Would your mother maybe know more? I doubt it. She’s been out of town the last few days, and she only just got back. She’s probably going to be livid this got published without her. It’s full of holes. But if a motion is filed, how are you gonna fight it? Heather’s attorney is probably going to argue that heather is not guilty because she lacked the mens rea to commit the crime — there was no way for heather to be in control of her actions because the cobalt poisoning was controlling her behavior. Therefore, she is not responsible for what she did. And if she’s no longer responsible and no longer a danger to others — no, that woman

is a danger to others. And don’t give me this technicality about the diagnosis of cobalt poisoning. Really, allowing this woman to walk free? I mean, isn’t it the D.A. Office’s duty to see that justice is done and to ensure that this woman remains behind bars? You owe her victims that much.

[ Carly laughs ] Carly: Sonny. Sonny! Hey! What are you doing here? Where are you going? Uh, I have business to attend to. Okay. Well… have you talked to kristina? Not today. Today I’m dealing with jason.

Sorry. That took longer than I thought. Here are 10 copies. Thank you, elizabeth. I really appreciate you going through all the trouble. Just glad I could help. You okay? It’s just so official. So formal and real. This is all that’s left of my dad. No.

You are what’s left. You and finn and violet. He loved you guys. He’s always gonna be with you. I haven’t seen any motions to reopen heather’s case, but I feel confident that, should that happen, the D.A.’S office can successfully argue against any mitigation of her sentence. Look, I want to believe you, molly, but I can’t just sit here and relax and hope that you take it from here. I am gonna fight against any type of release because I’ve learned the hard way that when it comes to heather webber anything is possible. Laura, this whole thing reeks of what happened to heather’s daughter. Esme was never held accountable for her actions because of her supposed amnesia. My daughter, trina, didn’t press charges against the “new” esme because esme wasn’t aware of what the “old” esme had done. So look at what we have now. What if some legal loophole puts heather back on the street? Do you want to open the door to that possibility? It is up to the court to decide.

[ Scoffs ] I still think it’s the fair thing to do. Life is not fair, laura! Certainly wasn’t fair to those young people who were murdered by a poisoned hook. Now, you know… you know I respect you and I consider you a good friend. But you’re wrong on this one. You’re wrong. And you’re leaving portia and me no choice but to fight you on it. And we will. You can trust and believe we will with everything we got.

[ Door closes ] I’m not sure I understand. Why are you bringing my prior relationship with anna into this? Maybe you and anna planned that bust. That’s interesting. Why? Maybe you were too conspicuous as the head of both pikeman and the wsb. But I’m not head of pikeman. Maybe that bust was a hand-off of power from you to anna. What’s her role in pikeman, anyhow? Oh, you’ll have to ask anna about that. Don’t worry. I will. Heal fast. He’s all yours. You were dealing with jason? What’s going on? Did you guys talk? I offered to buy him out of the coffee business, gave him a chance to walk away. He refused. So… what happens next is on him.

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GH Transcript Thursday, May 30, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Josslyn, if you got something to say, say it. It’s a fantastic opportunity, drew! And what a compliment — that he wants you? Yeah, it’s, uh… definitely intriguing. “Intriguing” was the total eclipse a month ago. You are being recruited to run for a powerful congressman’s seat — by that very congressman! Aren’t you excited? Well, possibly not as excited as you are, but, no — yeah, I am. It’s — it’s a rush. It’s kind of crazy and — and obviously an honor, but what makes you think that I can do this? And I’m not fishing for compliments here. I-I really want to know. Are you kidding? You single-handedly changed the course of my life — and my family’s life. You risked your life for me, drew. You — you genuinely care about people. Think about what you could do with — with more resources on a wider scale and a bigger stage. Oh. Drew. Hey. Hey. Is this — is this about the new tomorrow institute? I’m not interrupting a work session, am I? Actually, drew has something important to tell you. So, I hear this wedding was really something. Very eventful. Uh, yeah. Why? Did you, uh — did you talk to kristina? Sam. I haven’t actually talked to kristina much since the wedding. I’ve just a lot going on at work, and, um, I need to tie up a bunch of things so I can take time off when the baby comes. Oh, yeah. The baby. Congrats again. Yes. [ Chuckles ] Uh, do you have, uh, tj painting the nursery or something like that? No, but I should. Yeah. You should. Yeah. -Yeah. -That’s a good idea. -Get him working. -Thank you. Soon. Very…soon. Hmm. Um, well, I’d better get going. I’ll — I’ll see you later, dante. Yeah. Yeah. See you around.

[ Exhales sharply ] Thanks for meeting me. Hi! Allie!

[ Chuckles ] Molly! Been a minute. I know. My family calls me a workaholic, and I’d love to deny it, but…

[ Both chuckle ] Um, hey, have you seen kristina lately? I just left her at her mom’s house. At your mom’s house, actually. She wanted to see how alexis was doing. Yeah. No. I-I’m headed there, too, after I just drop something at the courthouse. The davis girls will be in full support. We should hang out soon. Kristina and i and you and tj. Yes! I would love that! Maybe we can all talk about what went down at this eventful wedding.

[ Chuckles ] No pro blem, mom. Just gethere as soon as you can. No, molly is not here yet. Okay. I’ll see you soon. I love you. Did she say anythingabout gregory? How did she sound? Okay…ish. I hope she’s alright. I mean, she’s just been so upset since gregory passed. Yeah, I know. Gregory’s death hit her pretty hard. I mean, she and gregory were supposed to go to the wedding together until the hearing came up. Yeah, I know. I hope it was worth it. I just worry that if she loses her law license, she — no, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t — don’t — don’t — don’t say that please. Because I worry, too. But we have to remember that sometimes mom is a lot stronger than we give her credit for. Yeah. And so are you. That’s a lovely sentiment. Why are you looping me in with that? Because sometimes things can get… conflicted. And you are fiercely loyal and protective to the people that you love. But in the end, you have to be just as fiercely loyal and protective to yourself. And I believe that you will. You believe I-I will what, sam? Uh, well, when push comes to shove, I believe that you will do the right thing. Even if it comes at a cost to sonny.

Alright, so the reason your “minecraft” log-in has been so glitchy is because of, well, cookies.

[ Gasps ] I warned you not to eat over your keyboard. -I don’T. -Oh, that’s interesting. Why is there all this dried frosting caked around the touchpad? Okay, well, the cookies I’m talking about are more of a cyber variety. I suspect james has accumulated an ungodly amount of those pesky website cookies, which can slow down your processor. But I’ve run a quick cleanup app, and voil…

[ Beeping ] You’re back in business, bud. -[ Laughs ] -Thanks. You’re the best. -Ohh! -Thanks, dad.

[ Maxie clears throat ] Oh. Maxie, you’re home! Hi, honey! We were so engrossed with spinelli’s wizardry, we didn’t hear you come in. Clearly. Yeah, I tried for two hours to figure out what was wrong with the computer. Dad fixed it in, like, 10 minutes, the same as he did that one night that I was writing a paper and the computer crashed and I thought I lost it, but he saved it. Yeah. Your dad is a tech genius. There’s no question about that. Yeah, and he’s super-handy to have around. Yeah, it was great when he lived here. Can’t you move back in? Pl-e-e-ease? Don’t worry about kristina. I mean, she’s still a bit fragile, but she’s doing better. She’s fragile? Why? You were just talking about the wedding. I thought you knew. Okay. Seems we just got our wires crossed. What? I-I think you should talk to her about it. Oh, but — but you’re right here. That’s not my business. If kristina wants to tell you everything, that’s up to her. Well, but — and you just said she’s fragile, so kris might interpret any well-meaning questions I might ask as an interrogation, and that would really blow things up between us, so… okay. Okay. Um… her father went after dex. And kristina saw the whole thing.

[ Sighs ] She called me from the ladies’ room hysterical, sobbing, hyperventilating. At first, I was afraid it was the baby, but it wasn’T. Okay? I-in fact, I suggested that we go to the E.R., But kristina didn’t want to. She just needed to calm down. I just caught a glimpse of dex’s face inside. He looks really banged up. I mean, if kristina saw that, no wonder she’s so upset. Well, she was, but… she’s doing fine now. Really. Okay. Um… yeah. Thank you. Thanks for letting me know. Blaze: Bye. Obviously you know about what happened at the wedding, so who told you? Sonny. He stopped by looking for dante, and he gave me his version of the story. That’s why dante’s been blowing up my phone. You haven’t spoken to dante? I’ve been busy! What, busy avoiding his phone calls? Dante is worried about you, kristina. And so am I. Wait. You just got finished telling me how strong you think I am.

[Chuckling] Wow. Wow. You were actually listening to me. Sam. Strong people hurt, too. And I’m just worried that you’re carrying this weight about what to do with sonny, and it’s wearing on you. Sam, it’s already been decided. Dex isn’t filing charges. Oh. Well, how do you feel about that? How do I feel about that? How do I feel that my dad isn’t potentially facing prison? Well, yeah, that…and the fact that he hurt dex and isn’t gonna have to face any consequences. You know, look, at the end of the day, he has to face himself. And he — he knows what he did, and he knows that i know what he did. So… it’s wrong!

[ Door opens ] It’s — hi. Kristina: Hi! Hi, girls. Not a word to mom.

[ Door closes ] Hey, mom. I’m so sorry about gregory. Oh. Uh…

[ Chuckles ] Thank you. Sam: How are you doing? I’m, uh — I’m okay. Um… you didn’t have to upend your day and come over here. But I’m glad you did. We brought lunch. How sweet. That’s sweet. How was albany? Um, how about we talk about that when molly gets here? You look pale. Me? No. That’s ’cause she stays out of the sun. You should try it sometime. She’s fine. Are you doing okay, man? Up a few stitches, down a deductible.

[ Sighs ] I guess it looks like it could have been worse. Yeah, thanks to jason, it wasn’T. I guess you have a decision to make. It’s already made. I’m not filing charges. Really? You’re not? Why not? Partly for kristina. She was a witness. And I’m not gonna put her through that, with the baby and all. I can’t do that to her… even though she told me not to back off for her sake. She did? Kristina’s always been a friend to me. What kind of a friend would I be if I made her testify against her father? So, you said part of the reason was kristina. What’s the other part? Best case scenario, sonny gets a year and some change behind bars. That’s after a bitter court battle where I end up getting dragged through the mud. So is it worth it? And why bother for such little benefit? Sonny would still have reach. He’d still probably run his organization. And on his release, he’d have me killed… assuming he even waited that long. I’m not wasting my breath sharing my thoughts with you. And you’re not gonna listen anyway. Maybe not, but you can get it off your chest. We used to be honest with each other, sonny. You were my stepfather. You were there for me when oscar died. You were there for everyone with mike. But you’re not that person anymore. You think that you can do whatever you want to anyone at any time, and you never have to pay for it. You’re very young, josslyn. You don’t know what I’ve been through. I know that you should be in jail for what you did to dex. You should be locked up praying that all of your prior crimes don’t get diane laughed out of court. I bet you’re not even grateful to dex. Grateful for what? For him trying to rat me out to the pcpd?! Sonny! You attacked dex unprovoked. You threatened to kill him! But you lucked out, again, because dex isn’t pressing charges. Why’d he back off? Out of concern for the people that you so willingly shoved aside. He did it for your kids.

You’d be taking mcconkey’s seat and he — and he’s — he’s backing you? Well, he’s, um, retiring, and he thought I’d make a good candidate. He came to drew and proposed it to him. Isn’t that amazing? Yeah. No, it is, it is. I just — I had no idea you were interested in politics, drew. I’m not disinterested. I mean, obviously I’ve never thought about running for office until he pitched it to me. Well, mcconkey made the right call. I’d vote for you. What about you? I value your opinion. I want to hear it. I mean, obviously, there’d be implications for aurora.

[ Sighs ] Okay. Um… well, off the top of my head… I think that it’s a dicey time to split focus with the launch of the wellness division. Curtis at the helm of wellness is the right choice, but he lacks c-suite experience, and we were counting on your supervision there. I mean, he’d catch on. I’m not worried about it. Plus, you could help with that. Drew, if you’re elected, you’re gonna have to put your stock into a blind trust, and you know the sec is gonna be watching. No doubt about it. And you’ll have to take time away from the company, robbing aurora of your vision and guidance. All valid points. Look. I’m sorry. You asked. If you were hoping for a blanket endorsement, I-I’m sorry. I can’t — I can’t give it to you. So, so sorry. Gregory was such an amazing guy. Yeah. It’s hard to believe he’s gone. You know? Yeah. I mean, you know, I knew he had als, and I know what that meant. And I knew that he was declining, but I-I just didn’t expect it this way this soon. I mean, we just jumped out of a plane together!

[ Laughter ] Well, we all know the parachute opened and the jump worked. How about the appeal? Alexis: How about the appeal? That bad? Wasn’t good. Turns out that neil’s brother, fergus byrne, sat on the disciplinary committee when my case first came up. Neil’s brother? That’s a massive conflict of interest. Yeah, that’s what we said. And we gave a strong argument. We fought hard, and he fought dirty. H-he put a tainted take on everything I said. Well, hopefully the judges will see right through that. You know, I don’t think the odds are very good. So I’m gonna prepare myself for a ruling against me. How long will that take? 30 days. A month. That long? They’re really gonna make you wait that whole time? Hey, you were right to fight. However this goes, I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself and making the appeal. Yeah, well, at least we know who turned me in for perjury. Ava jerome. Sam: What? I was with dex when michael asked him to reconsider turning you in. Michael? Yes, michael. Your son. The one that you had renounced. Kristina was such a wreck over what might happen to you that she went to michael and she asked him to “fix it,” which meant going to dex, and that’s what michael did. So, what? I’m supposed to be grateful to michael?

[ Chuckles ] No. That would mean that you can see the good in other people instead of focusing on yourself, so, no, I don’t expect you to be grateful. Just know that if you lift your hand against dex again, the only reason you can is because the man you wanted dead had the grace to let you go. Sonny came to me and told me what happened.

His version of the story. At least that’s how I found out. I see. I told him I wasn’t gonna step in. So I’m not here on his behalf. Didn’t think you were. But I also didn’t arrest him, either. The least I thought I could do was warn him, try and make him understand the gravity of the situation, that if something had happened to you or something does happen to you, he’s the one we’re coming looking for. Think it made a difference? I don’t know. In the past, when I’ve had these conversations with my father, they have deterred him, but right now I don’t know — I don’t know what’s going on. He’s got his temper, sure, but he never openly flouted the law. And right now he’s acting like he’s untouchable. So I don’t know. I guess I misjudged my father… like I misjudged you.

Ava? Of all people? S-she murdered connie, she sabotaged morgan, and — and she goes to the bar and tries to get your license taken away for essentially what amounts to a white lie? Ava’s vicious and ruthless, but she’s smart. She knew how to hit you where it would hurt you the most. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, she took away your law license. Well, she had help. Fergus byrne. That guy should have been disbarred. Not you. No kidding. We pointed out the conflict of interest, and I don’t know that if it swayed the judges or not — I hope so — but at least it’s on the record. Mom, I’m proud that you stood up for yourself. Yeah, and when the outcome we want isn’t guaranteed.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh. It’s dante. I-I gotta handle this. Hey. Why don’t you let me drive you there? Okay? Thank you for coming by. You girls always make me feel better. -Love you. -Love you, too. -I love you, mom. -Alright. -I’ll see you soon. -Alright, honey. Alexis: Be careful. Sam: You know we will. -Bye. -Bye.

[ Door closes ] Okay. So what’s up? You didn’t even touch your food. Oh. Um… I don’t want you to worry that I’m gonna start drinking. Alright? I’m sober. Resolutely so. I’m glad to hear you say that. And I meant what I said. I’m really, really proud of you. I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind. What’s on your mind? No. Today’s not about me. No. Today’s about us. So, again, what’s on your mind? How did kristina seem to you just now? Pale. Subdued. Why? Because apparently sonny lost it and assaulted somebody at the wedding right in front of her. I’ve been avoiding you at the station because I didn’t want people thinking I was indirectly trying to pressure you to protect sonny. Well, I’ve been avoiding you, too. To be clear, I never felt any kind of pressure from you. I will admit, I was a little worried when you asked to meet with me today.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. But the problem is, by giving distance, I’m also probably making you think I doubt you as a cop — and I don’T. I think it’s pretty cool you’re trying to turn your life around. That’s all I’m out to do. I should have never gotten tangled up with sonny. Working for him was turning me into someone that I never — never meant to be. I just want to put that behind me. I want to… do better and be better. Earn a badge and be worthy of it. That’s good. That’s good to hear. Look. I appreciate you. You helped save my life. And I am grateful that you aren’t pressing charges, mainly for kristina. Look, I’ve witnessed how much sonny loves his kids. He’s probably shaken up about letting kristina down. Ahh. I don’t know, man. I used to think that, but right now… right now I just don’t know. James, um, whose idea was it for you to ask spinelli to move back in? Was it georgie’s or grandma’s? It was my idea. Georgie: But it’s a good one, and I’m here for it. Please, dad. Move back in. We love having you around, and you’re really helpful around the house.

[ Gasps ] Good point.

[ Gasps ] O-okay. Who wants ice cream? Come on! Let’s, uh, go find a treat! Follow me! Yeah, that’s grandma’s way of giving them time to talk. Felicia: After you.

[ Door closes ] I thought you were coming over for dinner. It’s a little early. Yeah, I was. And I hope to still stay. Um, I don’t think georgie and james engineered my early arrival. I think the computer was truly buggy. Well, I-I’m glad it was. Glad? A cookie-fied laptop is no trifling matter. No, spinelli. I’m glad it was because it — it gives us a moment to talk. I didn’t want to say this in front of the kids, and I don’t want to put you on the spot, but… I miss having you here, too, and I would love it if you would move back in.

Michael, I thought you’d understand why it’s so important for drew to run. No, it’s okay, willow. I asked for michael’s opinion. I wanted to hear what he had to say. That’s what he has to say. And he’s pragmatic. He’s looking out for aurora. Looking out for me. This is what I need to hear. Mcconkey was already facing a real challenge from an opponent who’s had their ground game up and running for months. I mean, you’re — you’re late coming in. Drew has a name and his own money. His opponent will try and accuse drew of buying a congressional seat. Politics gets dirty. Opponents say anything. Yeah, speaking of — the opposition’s research is going to be daunting, so expect mudslinging that’s going to be very hard to shake off. I can handle that. And let’s not forget about mcconkey’s endorsement. That’ll only get drew so far. Look. Okay.

[ Sighs ] Worst case, you lose… and the wellness division’s roll-out is compromised and aurora is destabilized right when we were recovering from the stock inflation scandal. All sound arguments for why I shouldn’t run. You asked for my opinion. I just — I think you have more to lose than you do to win. I couldn’t disagree more. Josslyn: Blaze. Josslyn. How was your run? Ah. It was good. I had to let out some steam. Ha. I hear that. Nice seeing you. Good to see you. Hey, um, how’s kristina doing? She was doing better… until I let slip to molly about what happened between dex and sonny… and how kristina reacted. Molly is the last person kristina would want to worry about her. Welcome to the madness.

[ Exhales sharply ] I’m sorry that you’re pulled into it. Kristina’s worth it. I just… wish I had a better perspective about things weeks ago. And, in fact, I owe you an apology.

[ Scoffs ] For what? You were right about sonny. Blaze said that kristina witnessed sonny going after dex and just got all hysterical. And then I did some quiet checking with anna, and, yeah, sonny assaulted dex. I mean, apparently it would have been much worse if jason hadn’t pulled sonny off. And kristina witnessed the whole thing! It must have been terrifying for her. I imagine it was terrifying for dex, too, though he’s elected not to file charges, which is his own right. I can’t even worry about him right now. I’m just worried about kristina and the baby. She didn’t even call me! She hasn’t said a thing about it! If I hadn’t run into blaze, I wouldn’t know that she had some meltdown in the ladies’ room! She didn’t mention it to me. I-I’m sure she didn’t because she worried that I had too much going on. I don’t know if kristina is keeping quiet because I’m the A.D.A. Or because she doesn’t want me hovering, which, of course, is my natural instinct because she’s my sister and she’s carrying our baby! And now I’m tiptoeing around her boundaries. But what about mine? I mean, don’t I have a right to know about her emotional and physical state?! I understand. She should have told you. No I can’t even bring it up to her without risking setting her off, and so now I’m in this horrible position of having to choose whether to tell tj or hide it from tj, knowing full well that he will go straight to kristina if he knows, which will absolutely set her off, so what am i supposed to do? Sam said dad came looking for you yesterday, so I assume that’s why you wanted to talk to me? Yeah, he did, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here for you — because you’re my sister and I love you. Sorry. I’ve just… been kind of a mess since the wedding. Well, yeah. You — nobody should be subjected to that. You shouldn’t have witnessed something like that. Dad tracked me down after, and he tried to justify it, but anything he said or ever says is never gonna make me forget that image. I-I just — he was hitting dex, and — and the blood was just, like, dripping down his face. And then he was yelling at dex that he was going to kill him — and jason. It was awful. Look. Dex is okay. I just talked to him. Well, I’m not okay. I’m all over the place. All I kept thinking about at first was just like, “this can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.” And then I was looking at him and I just kept thinking, “that can’t be my dad.” But it was. And look. I know that my dad has flaws. And I know that he’s, you know, hurt people, but not like that. Not, like, directly, physically like… or maybe he has. I don’t know. I don’t know. Just — the man that I saw, he was so ugly and — and full of rage and… I don’t know, dante. It was like he was, like, wearing a mask or something. Or maybe he’s been wearing a mask this whole time whenever he’s with me.

[ Sighs ] Look. It’s, um… it’s a complicated situation. But you’ve seen him like that before, haven’t you? When he shot you. Uh, no. Actually, he was quite the opposite. He was like a stone. Unemotional. It was like… shooting me was nothing. Except it wasn’t on purpose. It was an accident, right? T-that’s why he didn’t go to jail. Uh, no. No. I lied about that.

I never should have kicked you out. I overreacted. You were wonderful. The kids really miss you being here, and so do I. Will — will you move back in? I can’t believe I’m saying this, um, but I must respectfully and regretfully decline. Maxie… I love you. I don’t want to be roommates. I-I want to… I want us to be partners. I want to be a couple. Well, I do, too. Okay, well, then, how would this work? Would we — would we share a bedroom? I mean… are you ready for that? Uh, no, not yet, but I am open to that in the future. It’s just…the kids. Yes! No, no. Right. Georgie’s at the age where it could be awkward. Look, spinelli. I-I do want to be a couple, but I think we need to take things slowly. I mean, can’t we just be roommates for now? You can move back in — into the guest room. Or would that be too difficult if we’re not… “together, together”? Relax. I just want to talk to you. How’d you find me? You probably know by now I can find anybody I want to. You gonna invite me to sit down? I’m unarmed! I’m alone! You wanna frisk me? If this is an ambush and you came to finish the job, I won’t take it lying down. Noted. I heard you opted to keep what happened… in-house. I’m not in your house. Not anymore. No, I’m not filing charges, but I didn’t do it to help you. I did it to help kristina. It would have been bad for her. I appreciate that. That’s why I’m here. I just want to let you know that… as far as my part… this is over. Let’s just sit here and put our emotions on the side and put our lawyer caps on, okay? Mm-hmm. What’s the primary goal? A healthy baby. And how do we accomplish that? With a calm and centered kristina. And how are you going to assist in that? By not confronting her.

[ Groans ] Don’t rile her. What? So just tread lightly? Treat kristina like a minefield keeping me from my baby? As you know, I didn’t know sonny was my father when I was working undercover. But I got to meet you guys. And I fell in love with all of you. I mean, michael the fixer, morgan the wise ass, and you — you’re the princess. I felt like we were all family even before we knew we were. And I wasn’t gonna take him away from you. And I didn’t want to take him away from me, either. It’s, uh… it’s really hard growing up without a father. I mean, I had a lot of family. Look. They were great. They made a lot of noise at my little league games, but I — I didn’t hear that one voice that I always wanted to hear. And in the playground and in the street when kids are saying all sorts of things about my mom because we didn’t know who my father was, like… look, I gave as many bloody noses as I got, but I’d always say something stupid like, “you guys are gonna get it when my dad shows up.” But, um… he never did. And after a while, I stopped kidding myself that he ever would. So when I woke up at G.H. With a bullet hole in my stomach and lulu told me I had a father… …I justified not turning him in. For his kids. For you. But I’m one of his kids, too, so I did it for me, too. Finding out I had a father, that was a gift, and I wasn’t gonna give it back, no matter who he was. So I did what I had to do to keep my dad out of prison. I know that dex is keeping quiet because of me. And, honestly, part of me feels relieved that I don’t have to testify. But the other part of me is scared that I’m making everything worse.

Waited years for you, maxie. Suppose I’ve always been waiting for you. So, yeah.

[ Chuckles ] I can wait. As long as needed. So… you’ll move in… and we will date. Nothing would delight me more than being here with my family.

[ Door opens ] Felicia: We’re back!

[ Laughter ] We got you rocky road and birthday cake. What?! Those are your favorites, right? Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Dad, we’re bribing you. Please say you’re moving back in! I’m moving in.

[ Laughs ] Yay! Everyone is so tired of politics. Reason being, why bother? Why believe in someone? Most of the time. It’s ugly and people aren’t listening to each other, any more than the politicians are listening to the people. And congressman mcconkey was one of the rare ones, who actually tried to govern fairly. He didn’t suffer fools gladly, and he has hand-selected drew because he recognizes drew’s potential, his desire to make a difference, to serve the people. He’s a decorated war hero who has already served our country, a man of determination and strong character who can more than withstand any bad press the opposition might throw at him. And as for his wealth, no need to shy away from it because it’s actually proof that drew won’t have special-interest groups behind the scenes pulling the strings. And as for aurora, michael, you know you can handle it without drew. You’ve done it before. Whatever expansions are on the horizon, you’ll manage them. Because right now drew has something more important to do. Contributing to a functioning government is worth a few sacrifices. Wow. Maybe I should get you to be my campaign manager. I would say yes, but I want you to have someone who knows what they’re doing. Well, I gotta say, uh, you have convinced me. Yeah. Me too. I mean, I was on the fence, but… willow, you made me realize that I have an opportunity to make things better. And if I turn it down, it’s like I’m skipping out on my duty, and I can’t do that. So if I do this, I’m gonna need some help from you two. Yeah, you got it. We’re all-in. Yeah. Congressman cain. Hm. Aside from likening yoursister to an explosive device, you’re on the right track. Just tread lightly. All I can do now, I suppose. And I will serve as a buffer between her and sonny. No, mom, I don’t want you getting involved with sonny now. Trust me. I can handle him. I’m concerned about my girls. One needs to calm down, and the other needs to get some rest, ’cause you’re gonna need all your energy when you become a mom. I can handle anything if it means keeping this baby healthy. Yeah. And in a couple of months, I will not need to be relying on kristina anymore. When this baby comes, I am going to keep kristina and her drama far away. This is not on you. No. It’s not. This is on sonny. Okay, but what about tomorrow or the next day or the next year, or the next time that he does something like this? Then it is on me because I didn’t stand up and stop him when I had the chance. Okay. If that’s the way you want to be about it. If it’s gonna be on you… then it’s gonna be on me, too. I thought you were way out of line.

[ Chuckles ] Now I see you were just trying to warn kristina, make her see her father for who he is. I see how kristina could have illusions about sonny. But now the blinders are off… and she’s seen what he’s capable of with her own eyes. And a part of me really wishes she hadn’T… and that she was still safe in those illusions. It’s ironic, isn’t it? I’ll see you. This thing between us, this bad blood. It’s over. Just like that? You’re a distraction. A distraction I don’t need. I got more important things to deal with. You’re not one to back off a grudge. You don’t know me as well as you think you know me. As a matter of fact, I don’t — I don’t even want you to think about me at all. Please. You want to be a cop. Be a cop. You’re not worth my time and energy. You’re nothing to me now. For your sake… keep it that way.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Wednesday, May 29, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


hey. Good morning. Want some coffee, or are you gonna go back to bed? Uh, coffee. I have to meet my brother, and I don’t want to be late. Well, I’m sure he’ll understand. Uh, no, it’s not like that. I have to support him. I need to make sure he doesn’t feel guilty or alone or whatever he felt yesterday that had him reaching for a bottle. Look, finn’s grieving. Okay? And — and he’s not just grieving the loss of your dad. He’s also grieving the time he stayed away. He’s gonna feel what he’s gonna feel. And you think I should just let him feel it? There’s no stopping it. Look, you can reach out, offer your support. I know finn would really appreciate that. I’m so sorry about your dad. I know he meant a lot to you, too.

[ Sighs ] Come in. Thanks. You just get back? Yeah, 10 minutes ago. I wanted to get here before you did because I, uh — I made some coffee, and if you — I figured you’d want that. And while we’re waiting, I thought maybe we could talk. How did things go in albany? I want to talk about your dad.

[ Crying ] I’m so sad. I’m so sad that I missed the wedding.

[ Sighs ] You know, um… it wasn’t perfect, but it was close. There was A… there was a moment where I didn’t think my dad was, uh, gonna be able to finish the wedding. Yeah. But then tracy and violet — they got him back on track and… he just willed himself through the rest of the ceremony and… it was beautiful. I know how much that would have meant to him. I do, and I’m so glad that his last day was beautiful. I am. -Hey. -Ooh. Thank you. -This one’s for you. -Thank you. And thank you so much for meeting me. As soon as ava gets here, we can head out, and then we can check out those apartment listings. Of course. Yeah. Um, but I thought you had the day off. Yeah, I don’t know. All I know what happened was that ava called me. She wanted me to open up. She said that there was an emergency meeting at “crimson.” These deception ads are gorgeous. Yeah, the camera really loves blaze. I can’t wait to run them. Be careful, maxie. Integrity isn’t nina’s strong suit. Not that that’s news. Madison! Oh, she’s not at her desk. She couldn’t have stopped me anyway. Note to self — buy madison a taser. Ava! As you can see, we are busy. So how about you go out there, make an appointment for, I don’t know, next millennium? I’d be happy to see you then. You’ll see me now. You broke our deal. I wanna know why. Hi, boss. [ Chuckles ] Come in. Well, I’m not hereon business, so you can just call me mr. Cain. Oh. Sir, yes, sir. Ha, ha! Is michael around? There’s something I want to run by him. So this isn’t entirely a social call? Nope. Not entirely. It was michael’s turn to run wiley to school. But he’ll be back soon if you’d like to wait. Happy to. Great. Coffee? Always. But what I really need from you is… I need your opinion on something. About what? Well, there’s something that I want to run by you, but you gotta promise that you’re not going to tell the rest of the quartermaines.

For the apartments… mm-hmm. …Location-wise I’m thinking around pcu, but does that work for you?

[ Sighs ] I don’t know. I-I haven’t decided whether or not. I’m going back after my semester off. But if I do, I’m done with dorm life. It just — it reminds me too much of spencer. Well, I hear you there.

[ Chuckles ] And to be honest, I’m pretty tired of drunk people no, yeah. In our halls at all hours of every day… …and the cafeteria food. And I’m tired of smelling everybody’s takeout, and it’s coming through our walls. Yeah, and just the noise of other people in general.

[ Chuckles ] What? Nothing, except… I don’t think you are in a position to be complaining about other people’s noises when you made your fair share of noise yourself. Right. I did not. Because you only made those noises at dex’s house.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ] Okay, okay. Uh, you know what? It — it doesn’t even matter now. So when was the last time you ran into dex? At the wedding. So how was it? Um, it was surprisingly good. Mm. Yeah. My parents told me that it was really beautiful. Yeah, it was. And so was the reception… right up until sonny attacked dex. I am not sure what deal you are referring to, but you are more than welcome to forward a copy to my assistant. You know very well what deal. You promised me that you would devote two pages to the U.S. Debut of harriet nekaya at the gallery. Oh, now I recall that discussion. Yes. The assistant editor that you lobbied lobbied me, and I had every intention of including it. Then why isn’t it in here? Space. Space? You see the size of this magazine? Of course I see it. I published. Then how is it possible there isn’t any space? Like I said, ava, I have every intention of putting her in the magazine. But in this issue, I needed to make space for something a little bit more timely. Like what? Like an in-depth profile on an exciting new charity initiative that my daughter’s involved in.

[ Scoffs ] Willow doesn’t even talk to you. Since you and i aren’t friends anymore, how could you possibly know what’s going on between me and my daughter? Or a gentleman friend that I may or may not be seeing? Let me guess. I wouldn’t know him, right? He lives in canada.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, I would love to stand here and dish with my bestie, but since you put a knife in my back, that’s not you, so how about you leave and report back to sonny? You know something, nina? I think it’s really sad that your head trip as — as queen of crimson is all you have left in your… little life.

[ Sighs ] That was nuts. Right? I mean, she was

way out of line. Yeah, she was definitely out of line, but I was talking about you. Me?! Nina, why would you antagonize ava jerome like that? So, I happen to know that congressman mcconkey is not gonna be running for reelection next fall. And I met with mcconkey recently and… he’s urging me to run for his seat, which means — wait, wait, wait, wait. I just want to make sure I understand. Larry mcconkey wants you to run for his seat in congress? Yeah, that’s what he said. I mean, I haven’t fully wrapped my mind around this yet. Are you going to do it? You would be perfect! Took violet to school. When I got home, I found my dad had… passed in his sleep. But I don’t think he felt any pain. Well, at least that was a blessing. Uh-huh. Then I called 911, and they took forever. And while I was waiting, I… I looked over and I saw this — this bottle of bourbon, this gift from the cerullos that they gave to me at the rehearsal dinner. And I was gonna give it away. Instead, I drank a third of it. Okay. You don’t seem entirely surprised. It’s okay, finn. You know, I keep asking myself, would I have drank yesterday if I didn’t accidentally drink that glass of champagne the night before? And I’m 99% sure I-I wouldn’t have. But then there’s that 1% of me that’s not so sure. And that’s the part that’s winning. You have to try to look at it objectively. I’ll try. I mean, regardless of you slipping the night before, you woke up the next morning, and — and… it was tragic. It was heartbreaking. So you have, um, a pretty sympathetic reason to break your sobriety.

[ Sighs ] Doesn’t excuse it. Forget about excuses because I’ve learned that, you know, nothing really excuses anything. There’s just explanation and forgiveness. And after everything you’ve been through, it can certainly be explained. Hey, you know, I’m not the only one that has suffered a difficult loss here. How are you? You mean, do I want a drink?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Did you drink? No. No. And I have no intention of it. Yeah, well, neither did I, but here we are. I think maybe it’s — it’s a two-a-day meeting kind of thing for a while, huh? Way ahead of you. I was at a meeting this morning. That’s — that’s why I didn’t pick up when you called. Yeah, that’s a damn good reason. I drank. But I’m never gonna drink again. For now. Yeah, for now. So… you know, the thing to really remember is you know, you and me…

[Voice breaking] We have each other. Yeah.

[ Both chuckle ]

Why am I antagonizing ava, maxie? Yeah. Well, um, maybe it has something to do with, I don’t know, telling me that she was going to go to bat for me with sonny and help me save my marriage… I know that — …then sandbagging me because she wanted to get her claws into sonny herself. All that was awful — she implied that if I sold the metro court to jason, that sonny would approve of that, knowing full well that sonny hates jason now. Okay, nina, do you regret selling the metro court? No. Do you regret signing the divorce papers? No. I regret

having to sign them. But sonny and I were broken beyond repair. Then why take the time to make ava your enemy? Becoming my enemy was her choice. That woman has a history of murder and mayhem with a touch of poisoning. Please, who doesn’t? Maxie, come on. I don’t think I’m in any physical danger. Okay, maybe not today. But if you keep this up… I’m telling you, though — did you see that scowl on her face? Now, that — that was almost worth a little arsenic. Chase: I’m so sorry. What do I tell you about apologizing, huh? That this is how we’re spending your dream honeymoon. Honeymoons are two things, okay? First of all, they are a vacation. Italy’s not going anywhere. We will take that trip later and make up for all the lost time. I like the way you think. I know. What about the other honeymoon? The other honeymoon is this — everything else. Ah, forever. This is my dream. Coffee and scones? Being with you through good times and bad. And, yes, the coffee and scones are a definite bonus. Are you sure you don’t want another one? Yes. If I haven’t made myself clear, whatever I can do for you, for us, for our family, if — if that’s jumping in and helping or giving you time to grieve with finn, or both, I’ll do it, okay? I got you. You are amazing. I really am. I love you so much. Ditto. How are you? Not great. I’ve since learned there are greater losses than my law license. I’m so sorry about gregory. I know how important he was to you. I called him last night, and chase answered the phone. That’s how I found out. Any word on the — from the court of appeals? Well, the wheels of bureaucracy do not accelerate to steamroll over you, no matter how much it seems like they want to. Any new insights? I thought we stood a really good chance of at least having your disbarment reexamined, if not completely vacated. Yeah. And now? Now it’s clear that your disbarment was motivated by personal animus, no vigilance toward the law, and that animus stemmed from two conspiring sources — ava jerome and fergus byrne. By the way, I’m going to be filing a harassment complaint against counselor byrne a little later on today. Maybe more than one, depending on my mood. Well, if you need any ammo… please. …We had a little run-in at a diner in albany. Say more. I was just sitting there, minding my own business, drowning my sorrows in a salad, and the avenging angel strolled by. What did he say? You know, it’s not what he said. It’s what I think is true. It’s not about his vengeance. It’s about his guilt because he was estranged from both his brothers when they died about some inheritance issue. Oh, interesting. Maybe I can use that. Oh, go ahead. You know, if I’m being blamed for destroying two of the byrne brothers, might as well make it a trifecta.

[ Chuckles ] I like the way you think. I’ve been getting all the flack for this, anyway. It was harmony who killed neil in my bed and then shoved his brother brendan off a cliff. So why is that idiot after me? I’ll make sure to ask him at his disciplinary hearing. In the meantime, I am off to general hospital. I’ve got to meet with gregory’s sons for the reading of his will. I’m glad that he retained you. After I represented the plaintiff suing his son, even I was a little surprised. He knew you were just doing your job. I mean, we both know that the justice system works best when there’s capable attorneys on each side. And you are capable attorney. You’re not as good as I am. Oh. But you’re a capable attorney. Okay. I’m really glad he retained you. Listen, you are mentioned in this will. You want to attend? Amy said you’d be in here. Is this okay? I want to — I need to apologize. I was wrong, and you were right. And I never should have spoken to you that way. I have no excuse. I was grieving my father, and I drank to numb the pain. Again, that’s not an excuse. It’s just what happened. But chase — he talked me through the worst part of it, and I’ll never drink again. I’ve already been to one meeting this morning. I ju– I just wish I had the words to explain how sorry I am to you. Thank you for saying all that. I know you mean it. And I’m really glad to hear that you’re doing what you need to take care of yourself. But I hope you understand that I wasn’t trying to take charge or tell you what to do. It was only thinking about violet and how she just found out that she had lost her grandfather, forever, and… I needed to put her first. I understand. Good. Because you didn’t seem to yesterday.

You know what’s funny?I didn’t think this was a thing, but now that we’re married, I feel different. In what way? It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s like, you know when you’ve been away for a while and you finally come home and you crash in your own bed? Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s like that, but everything is better. Even the bed is better. And somehow you love everything even more. It’s like your capacity to love has just leveled up in a way that you didn’t even know was possible. And here you are. Here we are. We’re home. We belong, and we’ll always belong, because the person we belong with is always by our side. And it’s not like some huge, major revelation. It’s just like remembering something that we always knew but now we won’t forget. Because here we are. Because here we are. So is dex okay? Is he — is he gonna press charges? How are you feeling? I’m pissed off. I’ve been so angry at sonny for so long. God, it’s like I’m permanently stuck like this. Yeah, I hear you. So is — is dex… well, I took him to the E.R., And we had to wait there all night because he needed stitches. Dex needed stitches? Oh, it could have been a lot worse had jason not been there to pull sonny off of him. Josslyn. You more than anybody should know better than to spread gossip. Um, it’s not gossip. I was there. Oh. You saw sonny hit dex? No, but I saw dex right after. So, no, you didn’t see anything. And yet… and yet kristina saw

everything, and she was very freaked out by it. And how far along is kristina? Now, what you girls wouldn’t know is that when you’re pregnant, sometimes the — the littlest thing can freak you out. Oh, this was not a little thing, sorry. But what you do know, both of you, by now, is that when men drink, they fight. And I’m sure this encounter between dex and sonny wouldn’t have escalated if jason hadn’t insinuated himself. Okay, you know what? This conversation isn’t going anywhere, so maybe we should just dead it here. And we have those apartments to go see, yes? No, you know what, trina? You’re so right. And I shouldn’t argue with your boss, who wasn’t actually

at the reception — I can’t imagine why you weren’t invited — um, and couldn’t have possibly known what actually happened. I’m not gonna go to the reading. I think that’s for finn and chase. Oh, honey. I’m sure they’d welcome you. Besides, I have to pay a visit to a certain gallery owner. Ah. Give ava hell. Anyhow, I think I know what gregory would like me to do from his will. You can guess, but I can neither confirm nor deny till the will is read. He wants me to be literary executor, and I’m proud and happy to do it.

[ Chuckles ] I had a feeling you would be. I really wish that I had gone to the wedding… …and seen him in his proudest and finest moment. I just really never thought that it would be his last.

Violet has always been your first concern. But yesterday, you…

[ Sighs ] You made it seem like she was something that belonged to you that I shouldn’t take, instead of a little girl who had just lost her grandfather and probably needed a lot of reassurance. Not only have I never seen that side of you before… …I honestly didn’t think you were capable of it. You’ll never see that side of me again. And I want to thank you for looking out for my daughter.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Sighs ] I’m sorry. Um… chase is here. Is he okay? Yeah. He’s, uh… diane miller’s coming by my office to read my father’s will. So there is a subtle but clear narrative direction that — I mean, who does ava think she is telling me that I don’t have a life? I’m literally a trendsetter. The question isn’t whether or not we should — anyone can hang paintings on a wall. I dictate fashion. It’s more like how much space to — I mean, the woman doesn’t even have a place to live. She’s imposing on the father of her child, a man who will never, ever love her. Okay, since we’re obviously not going to talk about the ads, which is the actual reason for this meeting… I’m — w-what are you doing? What — I’m sorry. What were you saying? No, no, no, it’s too late for what I was saying. You clearly need to get this out of your system. Um, who was the gentleman friend you were mentioning to ava? Maxie. You know. Yeah, but I was hoping I was wrong. You and drew are still, um… whatever? Yeah, well, he’s no gentleman, and he’s certainly not a friend, but we have a good thing going.

[ Sighs ] Nina, he’s your boss. It doesn’t hurt business. And you two don’t like each other? Well, that definitely doesn’t hurt business. Can the sex really be that good? It’s a huge decision. I mean, this is gonna affect everybody that I care about. But you want to do it, right? You want to run for mcconkey’s seat? I mean, I didn’t even take it seriously at first. I thought he was kidding when he brought it up. But the more I think about it, I mean, I do see the upside. You seem to think it’s a good idea. Uh, no, I think it’s a great idea. But it’s crazy, right? I mean, it’s nuts. I mean, would I even have a shot? Absolutely. Government needs people like you. Really? People with no previous government experience? Because that typically doesn’t work out very good. Well, it does when those people are unselfish and open-minded, when they get involved in order to try and help make life better for people. Yeah, those people typically stay out of politics. Which is exactly why we need more of them in politics. And if you don’t mind my saying so, I think — I think it’d do you good. How so? Well, you were in a very dark place for a while, and I know you’ve made it out the other side, but that darkness — it stays with you. And you think me running for public office is gonna cure whatever is ailing me? I think being in office, making a difference — no, it won’t cure it, but it will help. It’s why I loved being a school teacher and why I’m going to love being the spokesperson for the new tomorrow institute. Raising awareness of the need for bone marrow donors will make a difference. It will help make people’s lives better, or it’ll help them live at all. And I will — I will get to help make that happen because you offered me the chance to. And I’m very glad that I did. Okay, I promise I will not say a word to anyone else about you possibly running for congress, but I really, really hope you’ll do it. Hey. Hey. Oh. Come on in. So how are you this morning? I’m okay, all things considered. How are you? I didn’t sleep much. Ended up sitting in dad’s room half the night, trying to feel close to him, I guess. I didn’t drink again. Matter of fact, I went to a aa meeting this morning. Good. I’m glad you’re doing what you gotta do. Just so you know, I’m not checking up on you. Really? Why not? Because I trust you to take care of yourself and violet. Ah, alexis. Good morning. Are you shopping for yourself or somebody else? No. I just got back from albany. I met an old friend of yours. How? I don’t know anybody in albany. Oh, sure you do. Fergus byrne. Fergus byrne. Hmm. Any relation to those other two byrnes whose lives you destroyed? Actually, it was harmony miller who destroyed their lives. But, yes, he’s their brother. But, of course, you already know that because you hired him to get me disbarred. Oh, him.

[ Chuckles ] Of course. I remember him now. How’s he doing? I imagine he’s having a very, very good day. You know what I’m really curious about is why you chose to be anonymous. Because I would’ve thought you’d be thrilled at the thought of me knowing that you were responsible for the implosion of my career and my life. No, alexis. You are responsible for that. But I was more than happy to help. Will that be all?

“I, gregory chase, being of sound mind and unsound body, et cetera, et cetera” — and just so you know, in addition to the regular legalese, he actually wrote out, “et cetera, et cetera” — “the first order of business, I suppose, is to name my executor. And that would be my son, harrison chase.” Wait, what? Yes, sir. You are responsible for seeing to it that your father’s wishes are followed. Uh, okay. Um, what are his wishes? Brief and clear. Just take a breath. Don’t worry. If you need any advice, I’m always here to help. Thank you. I will take you up on that. “While harrison will be the executor of my estate, such as it is, I also name alexis davis as my literary executor. As for my rather modest estate, it is to be divided evenly between my two sons, harrison and hamilton, with the exception of my library, which I leave to my brilliant, imaginative granddaughter, violet, to enjoy when she is ready.” She’s gonna love that. Yeah. “Finally, I request that my body be cremated. Rather than a church ceremony and a burial, I want an open-air memorial with my family and closest friends gathered to witness the scattering of my ashes near my favorite tree in the park. Violet knows which one. I want my family to focus on life, not death — the sky and the world around you, not a hole in the ground. In setting my body and spirit free into the air, I can happily return to the earth, which has been so generous to me.” Well, if that’s what dad wanted… that’s what we’ll do. I’m not talking about sex. That’s really not part of it anymore. Oh, no. Nina, are you developing feelings for drew? What? God, no! You know that saying about protesting too much? You are, like, the literal illustration right now. No, it’s just that…

[ Sighs ] Somehow the — the frenemies with benefits really did have benefits. Because of drew, I’m back on semi-speaking terms with willow. Okay. What’s he getting out of it? What else is he getting out of it? I got him a meeting with congressman mcconkey on this big urban-renewal project aurora’s working on with the city. Okay. Hmm. Yeah, I know. We’re actually, like, business partners, sort of. I still have to ask, what — what are you gonna do if temptation a-arises again? Maxie, don’t worry. For me, drew cain is the opposite of irresistible. Nina, if that were the case, why do you keep

not resisting him? Why would you go out of your way to destroy my career? Oh, alexis. It wasn’t out of my way at all. And as to the why, you knew my brother loved you very much. And you used that against him over and over again, leading him on, drawing him in, only to cast him aside. It didn’t matter that he saved your life more than once, or that he dried you out after you ran him over with your car while out on a bender. Actually, I was on a bender after being manipulated by julian to defend carlos rivera, who he then murdered, which your bestie fergus described in glorious detail to the court. Well, I wish I could have seen that. So you’re still blaming julian for all your failings? No, ava, I’m blaming you for getting me disbarred. I see, so here you are standing in my gallery, blaming me, even though you committed perjury. I mean, did I call the bar and make a statement? Yeah. Did I tell them you committed perjury? Yep. Which you did. So don’t blame me. Blame yourself.

The more I learn of public service, the — the more I like it. But the campaign could get nasty. I was in prison not too long ago for insider trading. Which you’ve owned up to. And now you’ve seen firsthand what prisons are like, so you can campaign on reform. You’ve paid your debt to society, which appeals to those who value accountability. You’re an ex-navy seal, which appeals to the military-minded. You’ve already shown a commitment to the public good, which appeals to mcconkey’s base. Wow! Will you be my campaign manager? Thanks, but I’m busy. Oh, yeah? Really? Well, you’re fired. Oh, okay.

[ Laughs ] Oh, I love the sound of that — “congressman cain.” Yeah, yeah. Mcconkey had something to say about that, too. Hey, thank you. Really. This is… this is way more than I could have hoped for. You can thank me by agreeing to run.

[ Knock on door ] Thought you’d still be here, even though you’re not working today. Yeah, I figured since I was here anyway, I might as well catch up on some paperwork, maybe it would help keep my mind off…things. Is it working? Eh. What do you got there? Dropping off x-rays seems like it’s beneath the head nurse’s pay grade. I’m never too busy to help the people I love. Thank you for that. How’d it go? The reading of your dad’s will? He left all his books to violet. Sounds like him. Instead of a funeral, he wants his ashes scattered in an open-air memorial. That sounds beautiful. Yeah. And if you don’t mind my asking… ask me anything. …When’s your next meeting? In about an hour. Do you want me to pick up violet from school? Is she even at school? Yeah. I didn’t — I didn’t want to disrupt her schedule. And she insisted it’s what her — her grandpa would want. She’s probably right. Then consider it done. Thank you. I’m — I’m sure violet will love that. I should get back to work. Yeah, me too. How’d the reading go? Uh, good. My dad made me executor. Really? Wow. What an honor. Yeah. I always thought I would go to finn because he’s the oldest, but it’s almost like my dad knew that he’d be struggling and shouldn’t be burdened. Or maybe your dad just trusted that you could take care of things. Yeah, I guess that’s a possibility. So how are you feeling with everything? Better. I’m glad that I have one more thing that I can do for my dad. Now I just have to not let him down, or anybody. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, chase. Well, not only do I have to carry out my father’s wishes, but I have to worry about finn and violet. I have to get them through this. Wow. Yeah. It’s just so awful that you don’t have anyone by your side to help you through any of this. Oh, wait. There you are. Here I am. Don’t you forget it. Did you even see the affidavit I signed? Yes. Was there anything in there that wasn’t true? Nope.

[ Chuckles ] Then what in god’s name are you objecting to? I’m objecting to your cruelty, ava. You have only two ways of dealing with adversity. Just two. You either deflect blame, or you inflict harm. My brother would be alive today if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of what you call love. I got nothing to apologize for. You mean nothing that you’ve been caught and prosecuted for…yet. Which makes me miss being able to practice law that much more. But license or not, you’re going to regret making that complaint.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Tuesday, May 28, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


another visit? I had to come. I hear you stabbed yourself for me.

Yesterday I saw you dining alone? How you doing there? I can’t believe he’s really gone. I know. Keep looking at the present he got us, thinking he was just holding this. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift. Unexpected but perfect. Typical of your dad. I feel like i should be doing something, but all I want to do is sit here right now. Hey, then that’s what you should do. You know, I’m going to make myself useful and, um, start unpacking our suitcases.

[ Sighs ] This is so surreal. We’re supposed to be on our honeymoon right now. I know.

[ Knock on door ] Are you expecting anyone? No. Somebody probably found out about my dad. I’m not sure I can handle any more sympathy right now. Don’t worry. I will get rid of whoever it is. Ah. Fair samantha, come in. Thank you. Oh, gosh.

[ Chuckles ] Welcome to my humble workspace. You can never have too many external hard drives. -That’s what I always say. -So, you know, I’ve been thinking about what we discussed at the wedding. So much was going on. And, you know, of course, I was naturally, deeply troubled by the revelation that jason was coerced into working for the fbi. So upon further reflection, I feel like I just have to re-emphasize that tangling with the federal bureau of investigation is highly ill-advised. What do you mean, spinelli? Are you saying that you don’t want to help me anymore? It’s, uh — it’s late. Something happen? You tell me. You don’t have any bruises, huh? Why would I? Last night you got in the middle of sonny attacking dex.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Obviously, I’m dining alone — by choice. So feel free to move on. My salad is getting cold. What are the odds? Both of us choosing the same diner? I think you’re following me. Go away. I haven’t even ordered yet. How’s the food? Now, fergus, am i gonna have to report you to your own disciplinary committee for harassment? I’ll leave you to your salad and your novel momentarily. But first, I’m curious. Why now? Is that a metaphysical question? You were disbarred years ago, but yet you weren’t even interested enough to show up in person to hear the verdict or to file an appeal. And yet, here you are on a pilgrimage to albany, where the fate of your law career hangs in the balance. So I’ll repeat the question — why appeal now? Chase, I’m so sorry about your father. He was a wonderful man. I will cherish him always. Thank you. I know he really enjoyed your friendship, too. We appreciate you coming by, but, um — I brought you something. This is in lieu of a casserole, which I couldn’t make anyway. I brought you this. Oh, my. Barolo? Wow, this isn’t easy to find here. Well, the two of you should really be on your honeymoon, strolling arm in arm through a piazza under the moonlight. And since that isn’t possible, I thought I’d bring a taste of italy to you. -Thank you. -It’s very generous. Thank you for everything. I’m going to go open one of these up. I’m glad to have a chance to thank you for being such a good friend to my dad at a time when he really needed one. That’s very kind, but I would prefer to skip the platitudes, if you don’t mind. I haven’t changed my mind, per se. And, you know, if jason had asked me directly, I’d gladly do anything I could, but… going behind jason’s back feels wrong. You know how much jason trusts you. I think the only reason why he hasn’t contacted you is ’cause he doesn’t want to drag you into this. It is very jason-like to try to handle everything on his own. It is still near impossible for me to believe that he’s been acting as an fbi informant. I know, which means they must have something on him, something huge, spinelli. I mean, what sort of circumstance could force him to be an fbi informant? I don’t know, but that’s what we need to figure out. De x came to my office earlier.Interesting conversation. Said sonny had attacked him and you intervened and kristina witnessed it, obviously traumatized by it. Why wouldn’t she be? It’s a hell of a thing to see your father do. Is dex pressing charges? No. He — he decided that he didn’t want to do that to kristina. Thank you. Don’t thank me. It was dex. He made the call. Do you agree with him? Yeah, I do. I mean, if we could get a conviction, what, sonny would serve two years max. Better to wait to bring sonny to justice with a charge that carries a longer sentence. So why are you here? Well, I heard dex’s version of events… …and now I need to hear yours. Well, normally, I’d send flowers, but my options were somewhat limited in prison. Ah. And a self-inflicted wound was the next best thing, huh? See, you, you get me. -Let me see the scar. -[ Laughs ] Well, unfortunately, my wound is bandaged, so the scar will have to remain a mystery for now. But if it makes you feel any better, pretty epic. I look forward to seeing it at another time. So are you gonna tell me what really happened? Some thug jumped me in the showers, uh, waited until I was vulnerable, then he made his move. Oh. I’m not buying it. -Why not? -Aren’t you a spy? Well, that’s not the job title on my business cards, but, uh, I suppose that’s an accurate description of my skills. Exactly. And with your experience, you would never let yourself be that vulnerable. And I’ll bet that you could outpower most of the prisoners at pentonville. Well, maybe I did just want to see you. Well, I understand that. I am good company.

[ Chuckles ] But I don’t believe that you would leave a liter of your blood on the shower floor for a chance meeting with me. So what’s really going on?

It’s not a platitude. It is the truth. I’m sorry. That came out all wrong. You’d think, with all the people I’ve lost in my life, that I would be able to do this better, but it just never gets easier. I’m sorry for offending you. It’s fine. I didn’t mean to snap at you. Tu rns out I’m not very goodat this grief stuff. You know, if it had been up to me… …your father and I really never would have been friends. I don’t know if you noticed, but, um, I have acquaintances but very few friends. That’s because I find most people annoying. But not your father. Caring about him as much as I did sort of… it snuck up on me. Yeah, he — he does, uh… he did that to people. He was… warm and engaging and never self-pitying, even when his illness gave him every right to be angry and feel sorry for himself. That was one of the most impressive things about him. He faced the end of his life with great dignity and courage. Chase, you should be very proud of him. I am. I’m so proud. And that is why it is killing me that — that I, uh…

[ Sighs ] That you what? It doesn’t matter. Oh, chase. If there’s one thing that I learned from my husband luke’s death, it’s that regrets only bring you more pain. And I don’t think your father would want that for you. So if, in fact, there is something that’s bothering you, you need to let it go. I can’T. Why not?

[ Sniffles ] Because it’s all my fault.

[ Sniffles ] My dad pushed himself so hard because I asked him to officiate my wedding. I wanted him up there so bad at the altar that I didn’t even think about what it would do to his body. That wedding was too much for my dad, and that is why — oh, chase. Do not do this to yourself. Clearly you think there’s some big secret here. But there’s really nothing nefarious about this. It just took me a long time to recognize what a huge miscarriage of justice my disbarment was.

[ Scoffs ] I don’t buy that for a second. Well, it’s a good thing your opinion doesn’t matter then. I think you’ve been playing the long game, biding your time until you figure everybody forgot about what you did so you could sneak back in the side door and plead procedural violations to get your law license reinstated with minimal pushback.

[ Sighs ] I cannot believe how well you know me. You’re right. This was all part of my master plan, because now I have the legal system just where I want it. Oh, stop painting yourself as some sort of helpless victim. You clearly are not helpless. You have an excellent command of the law, and you are nobody’s victim. You essentially did this to yourself. With a lot of help from you. And on that note, I have a question for you. What’s the real reason that you made it your mission to keep me from practicing law? That’s a bit of an exaggeration. Is it? Because you went out of your way to track ava down to get her to sign that affidavit against me. It’s very complicated. Uh, you wouldn’t understand. Oh, well, maybe if you talk real slow and I can try and sound out the big words, I might be able to keep up. I’ve offended you. That wasn’t my intention. I’m not offended. I don’t like being lied to. My evasiveness has nothing to do with your intelligence. I think you are extremely smart. But as you said, I’m a spy. And these are spy games. All that entails. Everyone plays fast and loose with the truth, and everyone has a double or triple motive. It is, to quote a master of our craft, a wilderness of mirrors. Nothing is as it appears to be. So you’re not really guilty. Is that where you’re going with all this? I’m in prison because I’ve been accused of being the head of pikeman. But I haven’t been tried yet for my alleged crimes because they’re afraid of what would come out in a courtroom. So there I sit. Well, everyone is entitled to due process. But you’re not exactly innocent. Not by a long shot. But neither are any of the people that I’m playing against. And that includes anna devane. I didn’t see the fight start. When I got there, sonny was kicking dex, and I just — I just pulled him off. How did you even know the fight was happening? I mean, I could see that sonny wasn’t happy that dex was at the reception, and I just, you know, had a bad feeling. Rightly so. And when sonny followed dex out, I — I went after them just in case. And you found sonny attacking dex? Anything else? Dex has already decided he’s not going to press charges. This isn’t an interrogation. It’s informational for me, jason. I’m trying to understand what the hell is going on with sonny. Is it off the record? Yeah. I mean, he lost it. He threatened to kill me and dex. What exactly did he say? -I’m sure dex told you. -No, I need to hear it from you.

[ Sighs, clears throat ] He said, uh — sonny said something about emptying a gun in both of our heads. Oh, gosh. I-I — I do not understand how sonny would allow something like this to happen in a public place where anyone could witness it. I mean, I was — I was 200 feet away, not to mention the bride and groom and bride’s extended family, who, for all intents and purposes, seem to think that sonny walks on water. They certainly wouldn’t if they saw that, though. No, they wouldn’T. Do you think that sonny would try to have you and dex killed?

Officiating your wedding was the honor of your father’s life. You saw him at the reception. He was fully present and over the moon watching you in brook lynn. But you saw what happened to him during the vows. I mean, what if that was too much for him? What if it was exactly the opposite? Your father was struggling recently. But he was determined to seeyou and brook lynn married. Officiating your wedding was the thing that was keeping him going. It’s what kept him alive. I never thought about it like that. Sometimes we get too close to a situation to really see it clearly. You trusted him to officiate. You didn’t infantilize him. You made sure he had his dignity to the end of his life. Do not punish yourself for his death. It was sad and unfair. But sometimes that’s just the way life is. And it’s nobody’s fault, least of all yours. But I tell you something else. I never heard your father brag… …except… when he talked about you and finn.

[ Chuckling ] He was so proud of you. He loved to talk about you. He never stopped talking about you. In fact, it was his only truly annoying quality.

[ Laughs ] Oh, man. I think that was the first time I laughed since I got the news. Glad I could amuse you. Care to let me in on the joke? You had to be there. Okay. Here you go. Oh, uh, actually, I cannot stay. So you two enjoy this. And don’t bother to show me out. This place is the size of a postage stamp. Don’t listen to my grandmother. It’s just who she is. She calls them like she sees them. Spinelli, I would not be involving you if I thought I could do this alone. But there’s no way I can hack into the fbi’s system by myself. Finding evidence like that is next to impossible. Jason is far too important of an asset. Whatever they have against him, the fbi will be protecting with their strictest of security protocols. Look, I know that I am asking a lot, maybe even too much, but I would never be asking for your help if it were just for me or — or for jason. But please, spinelli. Do it for danny. He is just a kid, and he’s been through so much already. And he adores his father. And he just got him back. I don’t know what danny would do if he lost jason again. You know, there was a time I would have told you that sonny would never think about targeting me. Because you two were so close. Because it would be the wrong call. I mean, something happens to me, something definitely happens to dex? Sonny’s the first suspect. He’s got to know the pcpd and the fbi will do whatever it takes to put him away for life. Of course. I mean, the sonny that I knew was smart, he was cool-headed. There were lines that he would not cross. I’m hoping that’s still the case. But you can’t be certain anymore. Anna and I go way back. We came up in the wsb together. We worked side by side on, uh, ah, too many ops to count. Which may be why anna suspects me of all kinds of nefarious things. A few of which I’ve actually done. But no one is innocent in our world. That’s just how it works with espionage. It’s hard enough to navigate that twisted universe when you’ve been trained for it, and you clearly haven’t been. What is that supposed to mean? If you were a spy, you never would have made the mistake of visiting me at pentonville. And here I thought you enjoyed that visit. I did. Which is why it pains me to say this, because I worry it means this will be the last time you come see me. But you have no idea what you gave me that time. Okay. You’re a spy. Former head of the wsb. Mm-hmm. I assume, even in prison, you have a way of keeping yourself in the loop. Mm-hmm. What could I have possibly told you that you don’t already know? Well, allow me to give you your first lesson in espionage. A good spy never tells.

Really have to hand it to my grandmother. She really knows her stuff about wine. This is exactly. What I needed tonight. Yeah. Me, too. Something wrong with that sip?

[ Sighs ] No. No, actually, I’m really enjoying it. Good. It’s just crazy how fast everything can change. I mean, one minute, we’re about to go enjoy our honeymoon. And the — the next, I’m getting the worst news of my life. It’s like I have whiplash. Does that make sense? It does. Chase, you are grieving an incredible loss. I know how much pain I’m in. And it must be even worse for finn. I mean, dad is the last parent that he had left. So how can I blame him for drinking when I’m — I’m doing it, too? Your situations are very different, though. You don’t have a problem with alcohol. Finn’s in recovery. -Yeah. Alcohol is dangerous for finn in a way that it just isn’t for you. Yeah, you’re right. I talked to finn when you took violet on a walk. Mm-hmm. He said he’s aware that he broke his sobriety and what that means. And he told me to pour out the rest of the bourbon. And then he promised he would never have another drink. That’s good. I’m not saying that it isn’t a big deal that he had a drink because he’s been sober for so long, but… …finn is the one that found dad. Every time I think about what that must have been like, I… look, I don’t — I don’t want to add to how much finn is already beating himself up. If I’m as supportive as possible, I-I know… I know that I can get him through this without another drink. Okay. That’s what you’re going to do. And I’ll be right by your side supporting him through it. Thank you. Hacking into the fbi is a federal crime which can land us both in prison for life. Are you willing to chance losing your freedom over this? I would never risk being separated from my family if I didn’t think it was absolutely necessary for both danny and jason.

[ Knock on door ] Knock, knock. Sorry I’m late. James was refusing to eat his broccoli. Ooh. Sam, hi. Maxie, hi. It was so great seeing you guys at brook lynn’s wedding. Dante was really getting his groove on.

[ Chuckles ] After everything he’s been through, it’s nice to see him doing so well. I know. Right? He’s, like, basically back to his old self again. The doctors are really amazed how quickly his recovery has been. -I really love that. -Me, too. You know what? I am, uh — I’ve got to get going, but why don’t the four of us grab dinner sometime? On me. That sounds great. Right, spinelli? -Yeah? -Offer most delightful, yes. Okay, so I’ll call you, and we’ll schedule something? -Yeah. -Okay. Think about what I said? I’ll be in touch. Bye, maxie. -Bye. That was cryptic. I’m guessing I interrupted something? What is it sam wants you to think about? She contacted the paneland offered to sign an affidavit that you had perjured yourself. Fergus, did you ever think about checking into ava’s past before you decided to take her on as an unimpeachable witness? The woman is quite literally a murderer. Doesn’t make her allegations any less true. How about the fact that she had a personal vendetta against me? Well, ava did mention the fact that you essentially destroyed her brother’s life. Strikingly similar to the way you destroyed both my brothers’ lives. You know what I find interesting? Neil never once mentioned you to me. I mean, that’s weird. We were very close. I mean, that’s not normal that he didn’t tell me that he had a brother. So, fergus, why do you think that is?

That’s the hardest part my brothers and I… had issues. Emotions were running high after my father’s death, and we argued over his estate. Angry words were exchanged. Feelings were hurt. I didn’t speak to either of them for a decade. So much for brotherly love. I deeply regret that we weren’t able to resolve our differences before they passed. But how was I to know that, within the span of two years, they’d both be gone? And all because of you. At lea st I was able to consolemyself with the knowledge that you’ll never be allowed to practice law again. And I intend to do everything in my power to make sure you never are.

Yet another reason that you’d be able to take somalie going after me isn’t going to make up for abandoning your brothers, alienating them, or the decades of time that you wasted that you’re not going to get back. You know, I was actually hoping that you’d be able to take some responsibility for your actions, but clearly that’s not the case. Yet another reason you’re probably not fit to practice law. I’m just upholding the ethics and standards of my profession. Despite what you think, it’s not personal. You know, if you were under oath right now, you would have just committed perjury. Actually, you’re the perjurer, and I’m the one with the law license. Enjoy your salad. When I first heard about my dad’s als diagnosis, I did a lot of research. I know that it’s always fatal. Intellectually, I knew that it would eventually take my dad’s life, but… my dad’s so strong. I mean, he was superman to me. But now that he’s gone, I realize that there was a tiny part of me that actually thought he’d beat it. Beat a fatal disease. How insane is that? No, it’s not. It makes sense.

[ Sighs ] I just wasn’t prepared for how much this would hurt. I’ve called him — or, I’ve tried to call him like four times today. I just can’t believe I’m never gonna talk to him again. I just wish there was something I could do to make this even a tiny bit easier for you. Just you being here. That makes all the difference. And I think my dad knew that. What do you mean? Your grandmo ther made me realizehow much it meant to my dad to see us getting ready to spend our lives together. And… I think that he felt like it was okay to go after the wedding. He knew I wouldn’t be alone. He knew I’d have you. Always. Sam thinks it’s the only way that jason can retake control of his life. By you hacking into the fbi? Ah, I know how it sounds. In light of our — you know, our renewed closeness and — and — and our daughter, I just — I thought you should know what was going on. But you haven’t told sam yet whether you’re going to do it or not. Well, at the wedding I-I said that I’d do it, but just now I was telling her I was having second thoughts, and she had some very persuasive and heart-tugging arguments. So your entrance was incredibly well-timed, because it now gives me some breathing room to — to think it over. Okay. First, I think it is insane what the fbi is doing to jason. And, of course, I want you to help him get out from underneath their thumb. And I really do understand where sam is coming from as far as danny is concerned. She’s just trying to protect her son. But, spinelli, isn’t hacking the fbi a felony? A federal crime of the most punishable nature. Mm. They could lock me up and throw away the key if I get caught. Yeah, yeah, that’s what I thought. So you doing this could put you at risk, and in turn, your family. That’s — that’s why, if you don’t want me to do it, I’m — I’m — I’m happy to turn sam down. So I had ahold of sonny, and I told dex to — to go, and sonny was just yelling threats. And then we heard some plates drop, and we turned and we saw kristina. And kristina was in shock. She was staring at sonny, and then — and then she took off. And I told dex to go again, because I still had sonny. And it wasn’t — you know, he was still not rational, but he was no longer completely out of control, and I let him go. And then he went after kristina, and I called carly. To talk sonny down. She’d be the only one who could get through to him. Carly to the rescue again. What do you mean? What does that mean? Who else did carly rescue? I don’t care. I don’t care what information I gave you in pentonville. I don’t care about the crimes that anna suspects you of. I don’t care that you stabbed yourself because I know you’re going to be fine. The only thing I care about is that my friend, my best friend, jason, that he stays safe. Never met the man. But he must be a great guy if he can inspire you to be this loyal to him. He deserves peace now that he’s home. Ah, yes. Peace. I remember what that’s like. It’s been a while, though. I’m just asking. Whatever is going on, keep jason out of it.

[ Monitor beeping ] Given the respect I have for your intelligence, I won’t go through the motions of assuring you that I’ll never harm your friend when I’d probably kill him if I had to. But cheer up. I mean, what are the odds I’ll even run into your mr. Morgan? After this little vacation, I’ll be whisked back to pentonville and locked away in a cell again. Glad to hear it. I should go. Get some rest. Maybe I’ll come back and see you before you head back to prison. You shouldn’T. You should stay far away from me.

If I wasn’t a part of this equation, would you do this? Despite a plethora of misgivings, I would. Okay, I think you should help them. -Really? -Yeah. Yeah, you’re the only person with the skill set who could actually pull this off. I just — I have one requirement. Anything, maximista. Don’t get caught. I wasn’t planning on it. I mean it, spinelli. You can’t get caught. You have to promise me you’re going to be careful. And if it seems like the fbi is even a little bit onto you, you abandon ship because no one, especially jason, wants you to sacrifice yourself for him. I’ll be cautious and untraceable. You better be, ’cause the kids and I really need you. -You do? -Yeah. They asked about you like four times today. James even said you would not have made him eat his broccoli. That little scamp. He’s right. He’s right.

[ Both chuckle ] Everybody really misses you living with us. Think maybe you could come over for dinner tomorrow night? Just try and stop me. Brennan was stabbed. Pentonville. He is currently undergoing treatment at G.H. And the stab wound was serious enough he lost a lot of blood. He’s going to be fine. Timing seems a little suspicious, don’t you think? Yeah, the placement of the wound, it makes me believe that the injury was self-inflicted. Get-out-of-jail-free card. Because he knows that, at G.H., He’s going to have a much easier time communicating with whoever it is that’s running pikeman for him. Yeah, so what does any of this have to do with carly? Initially, brennan insisted that he had been stabbed in the shower by another prisoner when his guard was down. But I know this man. His guard is never down. And he could tell that I wasn’t buying his explanation, and he changed his story and said that actually he had stabbed himself in order to see carly again. Is that possible? It’s not impossible. I mean, he does seem to be genuinely taken with her. But we both know that brennan is up to something, and he might be using carly as a cover. People will tell you I’m a bad, bad man that you should avoid at all costs. I don’t listen to people. I make up my own mind. Beautiful and smart. I have never meant anything more than the vows I said to you. Me either. I’m so glad my dad was there to hear them. Me, too.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Did you change your ringtone? Uh, no, I think that’s my dad’s phone. I took it from finn’s place. It’s alexis.

[ Ringing continues ] She must not know yet. My dad mentioned she was going out of town. Well, you should answer it before it goes to voicemail. Alexis, this is chase. Hi. Hi, chase. Can I talk to gregory, please? Yeah, I am — I’m sorry to do this over the phone, but, um… there’s something I got to tell you.

[ Gasps ]

[ Exhales slowly ] I’m sor– I’m so sorry, chase. I’m so sorry. Will you tell me if there’s anything I-I can do and details about the service? Yeah, take care. Take care of yourself.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Friday, May 24, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 he’s gonna give himself a migraine if he keeps that up. He obviously hates me, which is fine, ’cause I hate him. Good. He knows that I didn’t have any responsibility in neil’s death. That didn’t stop him. As a lawyer, you and I both know that sentence was over after the words “didn’t have any responsibility.” Nothing that man has said today bears any relevance on your case, nor is it factual. He’s completely unhinged. Okay. All rise. Hi, elizabeth. Hi. I’m so sorry to hear what happened. Finn called me and told me about gregory and that he wasn’t gonna be in today. I didn’t know him that well, but I knew him to be an incredibly decent man. Better than decent. One of the best. He handled his als diagnosis with phenomenal dignity. I felt ver y lucky to see himin his element yesterday, how proud he was of his family, and how much he clearly loved them. It was really beautiful. Yeah. It’s hard to fathom the wedding was just yesterday. Finn didn’t tell me very much. He just said that it happened suddenly? In his sleep. Oh. And sometimes when that happens, it can be very difficult for the family members who are left behind. More difficult than I could have imagined. I know about a lady who lived to be over 100. Yeah? I wonder if my dad could do that. Maybe. I wish grandpa could have. I wish he could have, too. But we know that was impossible because grandpa was sick. I searched up als. It’s easy to spell. It is. Brook lynn, I’m scared. Why, honey? Because I forget things all the time. I forget my times tables. I forget my eights. And even though I tell myself not to, what if I forget my grandpa? Not possible. How do you know? Because his hugs and smiles and funny stories — those aren’t things you can memorize for a test. The people that love us and that we love — that changes us. That love becomes a part of us, imprinted on our hearts. Like a tattoo? Exactly like that. Tattoos are forever. That’s why my daddy says I have to be sure if I want to get one, because they’ll stay. Just like your grandpa’s love for you. It’ll never go away. Look, I don’t want anyone telling me how to handle losing dad, so I’m not gonna turn around and judge you for how you’re dealing with it. This is gonna be one of the hardest days of our lives, especially for you. Chase, no. No, that you had to find him like that. I-I don’t know how you did it. I had no choice. Still. It’s not like it was my first dead body. It’s not a body, finn. It’s dad. It didn’t look like dad. You know, our dad’s eyes, they were kind and understanding, and his mouth — you know how curved up at the edges?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Like he was always ready to give a smile if anyone gave him half a reason to.

[ Laughs ] Yeah. That wasn’t the person that I found, bro.

[ Voice breaking ] It was… he didn’t smell like old spice anymore. And he was so cold to the touch. I mean… colder than you could ever imagine was possible. That wasn’t our dad. Our dad was warm. Yeah. One of warmest people I’ve ever met. Yeah.

[ Crying ] I don’t want this to be happening. I don’t want it to be happening. Neither do I, finn.

[ Crying ] Neither do I.

[ Humming ] Um, [Chuckles] How was the ride? Mm-mm!

Just what the doctor ordered, I mean, literally. I have to thank that dr. Randolph for telling me to get outside more. Sun on my face, wind in my hair — yummy. That’s — that’s — that’s great. I’m really glad. Um…I was told you’re needed up at the house, so don’t worry about the mount and the saddle. I’ll take care of that. Really? No one was up when I left. And if they’re up now, it’s ’cause they’re gossiping about the bensonhurst family members that I met at the wedding and thankfully have already forgotten. It sounded pretty important. Really? Who needs me? Chase. No, chase in brook lynn are on a plane to florence. They — they didn’t get on it. They — they couldn’T. Why not? Why not?! I’m sorry.

This must be hard for you, too. Gregory wasn’t simply a patient. You were practically a part of the family. Felt that way. So how’s finn holding up? He’s struggling. We all are. If you want to take the day off to go be with him — I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want me around right now. Well, that doesn’t sound like finn, [Chuckles] Especially under these circumstances. Positive. Honey, are you sure? Elizabeth, what’s going on? I am your friend, too, remember? You’re also the co-chief of staff. Gregory died? I’m sorry. I-I know I already said that, but I just… I don’t really know w-what to — to say. Um, here. Why don’t — why don’t you take a seat, and I’ll — I’ll get you a water. Here. Um… is there anything else I can do? I wish you’d seen… gregory at the wedding yesterday. Must have been proud. He was happy. How is it that that person no longer exists? I-I’m sorry. It sounds ridiculous. No, it… doesn’t sound ridiculous to me. We all knew it was coming. It’s just that… …this is so sudden. I don’t know. I-I feel like you can intellectually expect something and then still feel punched in the gut when it actually happens. I’m just — I’m sorry that you had to hear it from me. I’m not. I used to… try to imagine what gregory would have been like when he was young. And you know what? What? I imagine that he was a lot like you. Court is now back in session. Are you ready for this? I’ve done nothing but prepare and be ready for this. What more do you want me to do? What more do i want you to do? I want you to get mad at somebody other than yourself. And I want you to fight like hell, or just give it up and go home. At this point, I don’t care. But what I don’t want is even a hint of the wishy-washy, “oh, maybe I deserve this” nonsense.

[ Door opens ] I trust everyone had a productive recess. We’re ready to hear your final statements, starting with ms. Davis.

[ Exhales ] Your honors, if I may, I would like to return to my earlier points without them being obscured by opposing counsel, if that is at all possible. Yes, I lied under oath. But that perjured testimony was made in front of a medical board hearing and not a court of law. And why does that distinction matter? Because I wasn’t testifying as an attorney. I was testifying as a private citizen who was desperately trying to protect the career and the reputation of a man that I deeply cared about, a man that just so happened to be the late brother of opposing counsel fergus byrne.

I have handled everythingin the worst possible way. No, you haven’T. Yes, I have. What am I doing? Hmm? Hurting elizabeth, pushing her away? Being someone that you and violet can lean on? No, I have selfishly made this about me and that bottle. There is no right way to grieve. No, but there’s a wrong way. And that’s what I’ve done. You’re being too hard on yourself. You’d think after all this time, I would have been stronger. You are strong. You know, it’s not like we weren’t prepared. We’ve — we’ve known dad was… we’ve known he was dying for months. Yeah, but knowing it and experiencing it are two completely different things. I hurt him. I… I hurt him so many times, and now I’ve — I’ve gone and thrown away my sobriety, the — one of the things he was really proud of me for. No, now you’re just rewriting history. Did I or did I not ruin my relationship with dad? Did you rebuild? Did you? Landing in a place of understanding and trust and love? You did it with dad. You can do it with your sobriety. I need a favor, bro. Anything. Get rid of it. You know, I-I really am flattered that I remind you of gregory, but I gotta say I-I don’t see it. You both have a quiet, open way about you, unhurried, unworried.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, believe me, I worry plenty. Just good at hiding it? More like good at alleviating it.

[ Horse whinnies ] Or the horses are, rather. You know, I come here to the stables and I hang out with these guys, and I figure a world with them in it can’t be all bad. That is exactly what gregory would have said, except about his family. They are what grounded him and what gave him a reason to keep smiling. I’m happy he had ’em. Me, too. Want some more similarities? If you wanna share ’em. You don’t talk too much, and you don’t miss a thing. And you don’t push people around. You give people a lot of grace. That, my friend, is a gift. Heading back to the house? No. Not yet. Off to finn’s? Mnh-mnh. He needs time. Did you notice — did I leave some clothes in the tack room? Um, yes. I hung them up behind the towels so they wouldn’t get dusty. Thank you. Yeah. Um…if anybody asks, would you tell them that you, um… you told me the news? Of course. I really am sorry, tracy.

[ Voice breaking ] I really am sorry, too. Molly. Hi. Hey, I thought we were meeting downstairs. Oh, I couldn’t remember if that’s what we said, so I just came up in case you were waiting for me. What do you feel like for lunch? You pick. Actually, I picked last time. And you did such an amazing job of it. Bobbie’s? Bobbie’S. Bobbie’S. Molly. Hi. Uh, I’ve been trying to get ahold of your mom, and I keep getting her voicemail. To tell her about gregory? Tj let me know what happened. I’m so, so sorry. Thank you. It’s gonna be a really big loss for my mom. They were really close. It’s not every day you jump out of a plane with someone. Yeah, yeah. So, do you know where she is or how I can reach her? She and diane are in albany for a court of appeals hearing. Oh! Right. That’s why she couldn’t go to the wedding. How’s it going? I haven’t heard anything yet, but she should be home tomorrow. Do you want me to try to call her? No. That’s okay. I would like to talk to her myself, but thank you. Okay.

As soon asI learned that my brother neil figured into the complaint against ms. Davis, I recused myself from the medical review board. And was replaced by his partner of his law firm. Sounds like an inside job to me.

[ Sighs ] Something else that I think is very noteworthy is that ava jerome was the sister of my ex-husband. And I think that her credibility should be called into question because she had clear motive to have me disbarred. Which was? Retaliation for divorcing her brother. Ms. Jerome’s animus toward ms. Davis is irrelevant, your honor. I beg to differ. We’re going in circles here. Ms. Davis perjured herself, plain and simple. Which I already admitted. It’s where I perjured myself that’s relevant. What’s also relevant is that I was never informed of my disbarment hearing, or the fact that his law partner was sitting on that panel, or that ava jerome was involved. And had I known any of those things, I would have proceeded differently. It has become very clear to me, and I hope to you as well, that this disbarment is not about my wrongdoing, but about the personal vendetta of the jerome family and fergus byrne. What do you think’s happening at the hearing? I wish I knew. I hope it’s going well. Can you imagine? I mean, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that my mom comes home from albany and is able to practice law again. I certainly wouldn’t bet against alexis and diane. Whoo. Me neither. What about a little davis girls matchup? You mean if my mom and I went up against each other in court? Yeah, who do you think would win? That is a nightmare scenario that I do not even want to think about. You’d know all of her weak spots. Yeah, and she would know all of mine. Even so, I’d put my money on you. You have to say that. You’re my domestic partner. Rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

[ Both laugh ] How about…dp? Is that better? Dp. Ah… I could get used to that. I could get used to you. You better. Because I’m not going anywhere.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ Sighs ] It’s a hard day. One of the hardest. If you’re looking for finn, he — no, I assume he’s home. He is. Actually, I was looking for, um, stella henry. You know where she is? Yeah, last I saw her, she was in the break room. Okay, thanks. And I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for yours.

[ Sighs ] I heard about gregory.

[ Door closes ] Please don’t leave. Look, I was confused and honestly a little hurt that you didn’t want to talk to me. Am I wrong about our friendship? I — no. No. But what I would be talking to you about — it’s not my story to tell. Okay. Okay. Just know that you can trust me if you change your mind. I’m worried about you. I’m not the one you should be worried about. Now you’re scaring me.

[ Sighs ] Is someone in trouble? When I went to finn’s this morning… …he was drinking.

You have to understand that finn had just found his father’s body, and you even said how difficult it is when the death is sudden like that. There’s no warning. There’s no chance to say goodbye. Gregory was just gone, and finn was in shock and needed to hold on to something. And he grabbed the wrong thing. It’s all been… wrong. Yeah. Right. Portia… …don’t make me regretconfiding in you. Thank you. You and gregory were very close. I’m glad with the time we had together. But you wish you’d had more. So much more. Curtis and portia told me the wedding was magical.

[ Chuckles ] It was. Gregory officiated over the ceremony beautifully. It was so important to him. Mm. And chase in brook lynn, I’m sure. Did you hear anything else? About the wedding? No. About his… his cause of death. Well, from what I understand, it — it was in his sleep. No seizures, no paralysis? Not that I’m aware of. It sounded peaceful. What do you think it was? I’ve heard a few theories. Cardiac arrest. Pulmonary embolism. Both merciful outcomes for an als patient. I-I’m sure doctor kramer’s filed his death certificate. Do you want to see it? No, I do not. But do you think there’ll be an autopsy? No. There won’t be. Good. Family shouldn’t have to go through that. I agree. I-I wonder if you could do something for me. Name it. Okay, I know your job title is, uh, patient advocate, but I get the feeling you sort of run this place?

[ Laughs ] Don’t tell my supervisor. Okay, so if anything comes up, like medical bills or official notifications, anything that I can handle with my hands or my checkbook, would you let me know? Ah. Absolutely. So how are you spending the rest of your day off? I was thinking about going for a walk around the bluffs. That sounds great. But?

[ Laughs ] I mean, do I sound too much like a dad if I’d prefer you didn’t go alone? Well, seeing as you are about to be a dad, you should probably start sounding like one. Ask kristina. I did, actually, um, but she said yes, and — and that was a few days ago, and now she’s not answering my calls. Was that my fault? It’s what your fault? That there’s this rift between you and kristina. I wouldn’t call it a rift. I mean, we talked about going on a walk casually. I’m sure kristina didn’t even know it was, like, a plan plan. Oh, okay. Well, um… why didn’t you just say that from the start?

[ Chuckles ] Because you think the moment you mention kristina not being the paragon of perfection, I’ll jump on it. Right? Would I be wrong? Oh, I missed you. We weren’t even gone a whole hour. Still too long. You smell like toothpaste. Yeah? Did you have lunch yet? No. I was waiting for you. Does a grilled cheese sound good? With tomatoes like grandpa used to make it? You got it, kiddo. Why don’t you go wash your hands? I’ve made choices in my life that I wish that I hadn’t, but I paid for them. I don’t think that my personal life, as flawed as it may be, should have any bearing on my ability to practice law. I’m a good lawyer. And I have a track record to prove it. I’ve lost my career as a result of a personal vendetta, and I was never given a chance to speak my piece. So I’m speaking it now. Thank you for listening. Ms. Davis asks us for separation of her personal and professional lives. It’s ironic, don’t you think, since all of the mitigating factors she presented were personal? Get to the point, mr. Byrne. Ms. Davis asks us to rely on her ability as a lawyer, citing examples of her work in and out of the courtroom. And those examples are impressive, though decidedly cherry-picked. Before we start polishing her lawyer of the year trophy, let me point out a few details that she conveniently left out.

I think when it comes tomy sister, we’re both to blame. Don’t you think? I mean, you say something about kristina, I jump to her defense. I say something, it’s your turn. Well, I haven’t done much defending lately. I’ve been too busy second guessing her every move. I’m sorry, molly. You’ve been hesitant to bring up your own sister and that — that’s not right. I mean, I think it’s just easier to worry with kristina. What do you mean? I mean, it’s easier for us to doubt our surrogate because it’s my sister. Like, if it were andrea or another candidate, do you really think we’d be monitoring their bedtime and showing up with groceries? Or looking for parts of their family tree to chop off. Yeah. Doubtful. We’d just want them to be healthy and happy and living their lives. That’s what we should want for kristina, too.

[ Chuckles ] What? Oh, I’m just trying to picture how anyone else would react to our… inquiries. You mean you don’t think our surrogate would welcome me showing up on their doorstep with kale and yogurt? Greek yogurt. Full-fat. Obviously, our baby needs protein. Mm. Say that again. Protein. No.

[ Chuckles ] Our baby.

[ Chuckles ] We’re having a baby. I can’t wait. You’d really step up for gregory’s family like that? They have enough to negotiate. So if there is any issue with his literary works or his papers at the university, I’ll just take care of it and get them professionally stored. That could be a lot of work. I don’t mind. I have one more favor. Okay. As much as I will miss gregory immensely, it really is not my loss. And I want you to keep this just between the two of us. I don’t want my name all over it. Okay. I understand, and I will. But let me be very clear on something. It is your loss, tracy. Not yours alone, but it’s your loss. In my neighborhood, when someone is grieving, you bake them a casserole.

[ Laughs ] Oh. Nobody wants me baking a casserole.

[ Laughs ] The point is, these are extraordinary gestures. Stella, it’s what I can do. Yeah, a lot of people can do things, but they don’t have your heart, so they end up doing nothing. Gregory changed me. For the better, it would seem. Well, he expected a lot of me, and I don’t want to let him down. Not this soon anyway. What ms. Davis didn’t tell us is that she was suspended for a time for discouraging her client carlos rivera from taking a plea deal which would have afforded him a lighter sentence. That’s a curious choice… until it’s revealed that the man mr. Rivera would have been testifying against was none other than her husband at the time, julian jerome. And I assume mr. Rivera can testify to that. Unfortunately not, your honor. Before the case could come to trial, mr. Rivera was murdered by julian jerome. Perhaps ms. Davis’s plan all along. Objection! Objection! Prejudicial! My apologies. It’s just that it’s difficult to keep ms. Davis’s personal and professional life separate when the two are so entangled! I encourage you to try and avoid such wild speculation. Understood.

[ Scoffs ] Is it, though? In addition, my other brother, brendan, futilely attempted to hold ms. Davis accountable for my brother neil’s death, which tragically led to brendan’s death, as well. That is a wildly inaccurate statement… you want to accuse me of perjury? Meant to inflame the panel. That’s exactly what you’re doing right now. I said “led to.” Show me the lie. Oh, you know very well that I had nothing to do with either one of your brothers’ deaths. Do you truly think… order! …That my brother neil wouldn’t be alive today if he had never met you? Of course he would! And brendan would, too! Order in this court. You destroyed my family, alexis! And I’m here to make sure you never destroy anyone else’S. Order!

[ Bangs gavel ]

You have someplace to be? Not really, but I probably should head home. I have avoided my family long enough. Ah, what’s a few more minutes?

[ Laughs ] Yes.

[ Laughs ] Let’s schedule an mri. Mm-hmm. Dr. Park and I are gonna need copies of the results. Can you check on mr. Rand in 307? He was having back pain, and I just want to make sure it subsided. Okay. Okay, thank you. And please keep me updated on her condition. Thank you. Okay, I’m sorry I dumped all of that stuff on you earlier. I-I just come from his apartment, and we had gotten into it, and — elizabeth, it’s — it’s fine. Really. I, uh… I can’t really imagine what must be happening with the two of you right now. But I am glad that you trusted me as your friend. It’s all just really fresh, you know? I think that once the dust settles, then it’ll all go back to normal. And finn…

[ Quietly ] Finn having a drink was a complete aberration. He had a-a moment of weakness, and that’s all it was. It was a moment. Mm. You know, he has to take care of violet, and I know he’s going to pull himself together and be strong for her. And he has patients that are counting on him as well. Of course, and he would never put his patients in danger. You know that. Portia, you have to keep this a secret. Please. I know how important finn’s sobriety is to him. And I’m sure that this was a, uh… a one-time crisis. And it’s probably over already. Yes. Thank you. Um… I really needed to hear someone say that. I’m glad I could be the one to say it. Saved you the last bite. You are too good to me. I know. Mmm! So good. Can I play on my tablet for a little? Sure. But first, daddy needs a hug. I love you so much. Never, never forget that. I won’T. Brook lynn, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry you’re missing your honeymoon. No, no, no, no, no. Our family being together is the most important thing right now, okay? And I’m here for whatever you need — errands, um, food, laundry, babysitting. Consider me at your beck and call. Thank you. Of course. But right now, what I think I need is a meeting. I think that’s a great idea. Lying under oath is perjury, your honors. Yes, it took place at a medical board hearing. And, sure, some would argue that makes it less impactful. But the repercussions from that lie had enormous impact. Your honors, how many times [Chuckles] Will opposing counsel say exactly the same thing? Wrap it up, mr. Byrne. Ms. Davis’s lie set off a chain of events which led not only to the deaths of both my brothers, but removed ms. Davis from the state bar as well. She has demonstrated repeatedly that she has no regard for legal ethics. Nothing that happened can be undone, but that should include the disbarment of alexis davis. Thank you, mr. Byrne, ms. Miller, ms. Davis, for your statements. The court will communicate our decision within the next 30 days. Court is dismissed. You should be ashamed.

[ Door closes ] Well, I’ll say this for you — you swung for the fences. Oh my god. What is your n ame? Bi ll. I love you, bi ll. Bill, are you really doing t his?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Thursday, May 23, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


oh! Thank you so much for coming, carly. Please. Yeah, well, I would say you’re welcome, but I don’t really feel like I was asked, more like I was summoned. Gosh. I-I do apologize for that. Please. No, wait. I’m gonna save us some time. I have no idea what’s going on with sonny. I really — I don’t talk to him much anymore. And when I do, we’re barely civil. Oh, no, I didn’t ask you here to talk about sonny. Hallelujah. I never thought I’d live to see the day. A friend of yours is in hospital. Who? Jack brennan. He was admitted to gh last night. What happened? Is he okay? He was stabbed in the abdomen. But no major organs were hurt. Well, thank god. Yes, god could be one explanation. Maybe brennan was visited by a miracle. Or he stabbed himself. Kristina is in her third trimester now, right? So — so, sonny, trust me when I tell you that your daughter is now in, um, a swirl of emotions, and all of them heightened. It’s not her fault. No, it’s not her fault. Right. But right now, kristina is more than capable of taking something she saw and blowing it way out of proportion. I know that’s not an easy offer to make, kristina, and I do appreciate it. It’s the right thing to do. I’m not sure what I’m gonna do yet. Of course. Uh, I’M… I’m just so sorry, dex, for all of it, not just the attack, but you have saved my dad so many times. And you have proved your loyalty to him. You — you — you did not deserve this. As the court already knows, I was disbarred for committing perjury, but — there you go, your honors. Now she’s a confessed liar. Case closed. Your honors, if mr. Byrne refuses to restrain himself, perhaps we should adjourn until we can find someone more dispassionate to substitute. Justice caldwell: Mr. Byrne? Will that be necessary? No, your honors. Apologies. Your mother said you needed me. What can I do? Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry about the honeymoon. We can reschedule it when you’re ready. I don’t care about that. Chase just lost his dad, and he’s completely heartbroken. And my dad is still here. And I just want him to know how very much I love him. I love you, too. I love you, too. I know you’re in pain and you’re grieving, but I care about you way too much to just let you throw away your sobriety. You’ve already lost so much. So, what you’re saying is, put away the bourbon for your sake. I’m saying the bourbon isn’t helping you. And whatever you do next, you got to do it for you. And that little girl in her bedroom who just lost her grandfather.

Kristina saw jason grab me like I was a crazy person that needed to be held back. That’s what scared her. And it wouldn’t help that the person she saw grabbing you was once your best friend. I don’t need friends. Not anymore. Take care of yourself, kristina. You and the baby. He’s right, you know.

[ Sighs ] Hey. You didn’t do anything wrong. The problem is I did. In my own way, I’m — I’m just as guilty. It is true that I was under oath when I denied having sexual relations with dr. Neil byrne, but that oath was administered in a medical board hearing, not in a court of law. A distinction without a difference, your honor. Oh, it’s a big difference. If you ever ended up in a lawyer’s office when you should have seen a doctor.

[ Chuckles ] You’re not in charge of my sobriety. I am. You’re right. You are. And it’s been me and that little girl every day since her mom walked out on us five years ago. Just the two of us. So you don’t get to walk in here now and tell me if I can have a drink or tell me what’s really important to violet. Oh, no, no, no. No. We care about each other’s children, and I’m just looking out for her, like you look out for my boys. You are welcome to look after violet. You can stay here and you can make friendship bracelets with her. Or you can leave. Those are the two choices. You decide. Please, just — just hear me out. Alright, so, if you stab yourself… uh-huh. …Yes, it’s gonna hurt for a minute, but you take care not to hit anything critical. And then you still get an acceptable loss of blood. And then before you know it, you’re out of prison, in the back of an ambulance, on your way to gh for a few days. I mean, it’s not the worst plan in the world, right? Right. I mean, when you put it like that, I’m surprised more inmates aren’t stabbing themselves. Just to clarify, brennan neither confirmed or denied that the wound was self-inflicted. He did say, however, that if he had stabbed himself, it would give him a chance to see you again.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Elizabeth? Chase. Hi. Uh, I know that you — you’ve got a lot going on right now, but your brother needs you. And so does violet. Are you okay? Uh, no. Are you with them? I was. But I’m not who they need right now. You are.

So, I didn’t realizethat you and jack were so close. Oh, I barely know jack brennan. Okay. And we certainly don’t have a “stab myself to see you” kind of relationship. But you did visit him in prison. Anna, jack brennan has very little, if anything, to do with me. Are we done here? Because I have a lot going on in my life without this. Okay, carly, you seem to be in a hurry to go somewhere. I trust that it is not to see brennan. Right?

[ Door opens and closes ] I was notified that I was accused of perjury by affidavit. I never even saw the actual document itself. And instead the bar association met without my being present. And it just so happens that mr. Byrne was a member of that panel. Mr. Byrne? It’s true, your honor. I was a member of that panel. But when mrs. Davis’s case came up for adjudication, I recused myself. And his place was taken by his law partner. He has an impeccable reputation. How dare you impugn his integrity? I did not impugn his integrity. I would hope not. Unlike you, he has a sterling reputation. And now you’re impugning my reputation. Your honors, I — I’m sorry, but I, for one, don’t need to listen to mr. Byrne wax poetic about his law partner’s curriculum vitae. I’m assuming he’s brilliant. Otherwise, mr. Byrne would not have offered him employment in the first place. I agree. Let’s move on. I would love to. That is, if it’s alright with mr. Byrne. Simply put, I don’t think that I was given a fair hearing. Not that mr. Byrne’s friend — excuse me — law partner had anything to do with it, but I didn’t even know the name of my accuser. Mr. Byrne? I submitted the accusation. And? Ms. Davis never requested the name of her accuser.

[ Scoffs ] Well, I’m requesting it now. What are you doing? Putting something together to feed people. Why? What people? People we know. You know, they might want to gather here today. Besides, we have a guest coming, in brook lynn and chase are here. Brook lynn and chase are gone. What did you do to make them leave? Nothing. Brook lynn wanted to see me, and I thought it was about the honeymoon. I told her that we could reschedule it, but it wasn’T. She just wanted me to know how much she loved me. Of course I told her how much I loved her. That sounds like brook lynn. Where did she and chase go? Chase got a call from elizabeth. Said he had to go over to finn’s, like, now. Oh. Okay. Well, I’m glad she went with him. They’re each other’s family now, you know? And brook lynn more than chase, will tell us what’s going on later. Chase looked really upset. I mean, he didn’t say what the call was about, but… he was worried.

[ Sighs ] You know, every couple gets tested, right? But these two — they’re just right out of the gate. What more can the universe throw at them right now? I finished the friendship bracelet. Oh! I think it looks pretty good. Yeah, look at that. Let me see. Where did elizabeth go?

[ Sighs ] This is amazing, sweetheart. And aunt elizabeth — I think, um — I think something came up at the hospital. But, you know, you can — you can give her this bracelet later. It’s not for her. It’s for aiden. Yeah. Aiden. That’s what I meant.

[ Knock on door ] Hey. Oh! Chase: I’m so sorry, bro. I’m so sorry. Oh, that’s gorgeous. Thank you. I made it for aiden. He’s a lucky guy.

[ Door closes ] Part of me was hoping you’d get on that plane and you’d fly to italy and when you came back, everything would be the same, but…[Sighs] Nothing’s ever gonna be the same. The important thing is that we’re here now, together.

Sonny, kristina’s gonna come around. She justst needs a minute to realize that you’re the same dad that she’s always known and loved and adored. Yeah, yeah. There’s something else weighing on you, isn’t there? My sons. They’ve turned on me. Sons, plural? I know where things stand with michael, but dante — he’s a cop. And that comes first. I just thought maybe it would be different. Oh. Well, it’s just terrible that dex turned out to be the traitor that he is and that kristina misinterpreted your actions. But, really, it’s jason’s fault, isn’t it… yeah, yeah, yeah. …When it comes down to it for butting in and making the situation much worse. Yeah, you got that right.

[ Knock on door ] I’m gonna tell whoever that is to go away. Yeah, yeah. ‘Cause, sonny, you deserve some peace.

[ Knock on door ] Come in.

[ Door opens ] Oh, my god, dex. What happened?

[ Door closes ] Before I answer that, can we talk off the record? Yeah. I could just really use some advice, just person to person, and i didn’t know who else to ask. Of course. Sit down. What — what do you need? Do you need anything? No. No. Thank you. I’ve already been to the emergency room. What happened? Between the wedding and now, what the hell happened? Sonny. After you left. Jason stepped in and put a stop to it, but not before kristina saw the whole thing. Hey! Have you seen your mom? Not for a while. Why? ‘Cause she and gregory were close. I think you need to check on her. She’s got to be hurting. Yeah. I’ll, uh — I’ll talk to her later. I mean, uh, I’ll just give her some time to deal with it in her own way. She’s not big on emotional displays. Tracy’s got a lot of feelings, and they run very deep. Maybe you haven’t noticed them because of elq and how you guys squabble and eddie maine, but… I think tracy had real feelings for gregory. Like, romantic feelings? Yeah. Maybe. But he was sick when she met him. So what? I thought all they did was argue. I mean, I know that he would push back whenever she said something. And when it came to the wedding prep and rehearsal dinner, I know he flat out told her that she had to be nice. And she was. She was very nice and very generous. She didn’t snark at anybody.

[ Chuckles ] I kind of missed it. And you know how much she respects people who stand up to her. Some people. And those people are the people that she cares about and has feelings for. You’re right. I didn’t see it. I’m a terrible son. No. No, of course you’re not, ned. Come on. If there’s anything we’ve learned in the last 24 hours, it’s, whether you’re a parent or a child, there’s an invisible clock ticking. We just got to be better to each other. Violet, sweetie, how do you feel about going for a walk? I know how I feel about it. I think it’s a great idea. Gives your dad and I a chance to talk about some grown-up stuff. You know what grown-up means, right? Boring? Exactly. Is it okay with you? It’s okay by me, sweetheart, if it’s okay with you. Let’s go. Violet? I’m gonna be right here when you get back. Love you, dad. I love you, sweetheart. Let’s go, sweetie.

[ Door closes ] Hey.

[ Exhales heavily ] You okay? You need anything? I just want to know what happened, step by step. And, finn… I mean everything that happened.

Surely your honors can see that ms. Davis is attempting to turn this hearing into a personal vendetta. You’re the one who tried to avenge your brother by getting me disbarred. So I think vendettas might be your area of expertise. I didn’t need to do anything, counselor. If there was any damage done, it was self-inflicted. I have made my share of mistakes, but I’ve taken responsibility for them. And I’m taking responsibility for them right here and right now. You, on the other hand, let other people do your dirty work for you. I have a right to face my accuser.

[ Chuckles ] Apparently, my colleague can’t tell the difference between an appeals hearing and a criminal trial.

[ Gasps ] This — your — your honor — he says this hearing is about justice, not a vendetta. So let’s let him prove that by telling me the name of my accuser, please. Hi, carly. Hi. Uh, I appreciate you running over here, but as you can see, I’m absolutely fine. Can we talk in private? Well, ava knows everything. You can talk about it here. Does she? It’s a shame that dex has forgotten who his friends are. Well, that seems to be going around a lot. Have you heard from kristina? She’s in an — in an emotional place right now, and she’s gonna calm down and get over it. Sonny, your daughter who thinks you walk on water saw you beat a man. And when your friend tried to drag you away, you threatened to kill them both. You can’t make things right for your dad. And you can’t make dex decide one way or another. I know, but I tried to pressure dex into doing what I wanted him to do. I just did it through michael. I am my father’s daughter. You’re much more than that. But you have to make yourself and your baby your biggest priorities. If this priority gets any bigger, I’m not even gonna be able to walk.

[ Laughs ] Hey, it’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. I just… I want — I want my baby to have a better world than I had. And I’m not doing my part in making sure that happens by letting my dad go free again. What a mess. She thinks the world of him. I don’t think so anymore. But I don’t want to make her testify against him. That’s very compassionate of you, but are you sure? If it were just her, it would be bad enough, but it’s not. There’s a baby to worry about. I respect you, and I admire you, so I need to hear it from you. If I decide not to press charges, for whatever reason, am I tarnishing the badge before I even put it on? You want a drink? Yeah. I’ll share a small glass of wine with you. I have been weeping on and off all day, and my stomach is in knots. Oh, mine, too.

[ Sighs ] Not for nothing, but your idea of sharing needs work. Well, not for nothing, but if you want more, I’ll pour some more.

[ Both laugh ] Hey, ned. I’m really glad that I married you. Huh. And I am — I’m so glad that we were young and that we were in love. Then we had our beautiful brook lynn. You know what? I wouldn’t change a thing. Except maybe not having my heart broken so much. Although, you know what? Scrap that. Because everything that happened brought us exactly to where we are right here. Exes who love each other. And we’re the best of friends. And we share a beautiful daughter, and years in the future we’re gonna share some beautiful grandchildren. I’m looking forward to that.

[ Laughs ] Yeah. Me too. Although I have to say, I’m a little nervous, you know? I mean, yeah, I’m gonna be over the moon when I get to hold that grandbaby, but the thought of being a nonna? Ohh. I’m just afraid somebody’s gonna ambush me and throw me in a black dress with support hose and orthopedic shoes.

[ Laughs ] Well, gloria didn’t let that happen to her. And for that matter, it didn’t happen to my mother, either. Well, your mother’s not italian. Gloria is, and she didn’t turn into a little old lady in a black dress. Why would you? Alright, you know what? You’re right. I’m gonna be a — a nonna in combat boots.

[ Laughs ] And you will rock them!

[ Laughs ] See? See? You are a wonderful man, ned. You know what? Life is short. And we don’t know how much time we have here. So, for the record… I love you and I appreciate you. You changed my life, lois. I met you, and nothing was ever the same. And it was all exponentially better. And I love and appreciate you, too. Thank you. And I’m really looking forward to seeing a nonna in combat boots.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Sighs ] Yeah. It’s just really sad, though, you know? Because… someday when we get to hold that hypothetical grandchild… …gregory won’t be here to hold that baby. Justice caldwell: Upon review, it is our decision that ms. Davis does have the right to know the name of her accuser. So? Ava jerome. What?! The name of your accuser. Ava jerome.

[ Exhales sharply ] Gio! Hi. Ooh! Your honors, I request a hearing to determine the credibility and reliability of ava jerome’s testimony. On what grounds? On the grounds that the revelation that ava jerome is the witness changes the entire complexion of this case. Ms. Davis forfeited the right to a hearing when she failed to offer up a defense years ago. Ms. Davis was denied information years ago and, as such, felt mounting a defense would be futile. A separate hearing will not be granted. This case has been settled for too long. Then, uh, I would ask for a recess so that we may formulate a response to what can only be described as an ambush. That’s ridiculous. Your honors — justice caldwell: I’ll grant 10 minutes. Upon return, we’ll expect to hear both parties’ final statements. The recess starts now. How about I take you home? You trying to get rid of me? No. I’m trying to get you to rest. But while you rest, I’ll whip up an omelet. No, wait, wait. You know how to make an omelet? I’m a woman of many talents. That I know. Wait. So, I shouldn’t expect breakfast in bed anytime soon? No, not exactly. You’re fine with pop-tarts, right?

[ Laughs ] Come on. Showing compassion for kristina under no circumstances compromises you as a cadet, certainly not as a cop. So, failure to report a crime is okay? Let’s just think about this for a second. Just say that we could secure a conviction of aggravated assault against sonny. And we both know that that’s not a sure thing. Understood. Diane miller — she would work her magic and he’d be out, in, what, 18 months, give or take? Right. Meanwhile, his entire family would be dragged into this, and there is no telling what that stress of testifying would do to kristina and her baby. On the other hand — and this is very important, dex — you are the victim of a vicious assault that required medical attention. Allegedly. So, what are you telling me to do? I’m not telling you to do anything. I’m just reminding you that a single crime rarely affects a single individual. Every crime has ripple effects that just sort of reach out and touch people that had nothing to do with the crime. Their lives, your life — they’re changed forever. Sometimes in small ways and sometimes in not-so-small ways. You know, you are certainly within your rights to report this assault. But you’re under no obligation to. And… I just… I don’t know if — if this is the right time for us to go after sonny. Everything would be a lot easier if things were just black and white. Life isn’t black and white. People aren’t, either. They’re gray. Cops don’t have things easy. You know, if we did, anybody could be a cop. I thought you and I came to some kind of an understanding, at the very least, a — a truce. I was in a bad place, and you stopped me from going to a worse place. And I appreciate that. But you didn’t see what happened. Okay. Then tell me what happened. I lost my temper. And I punched dex. I — first punch. Maybe a few more punches. And I kicked him. And then jason came in and he grabbed me and then it all escalated. So it’s jason’s fault. Well, you know, he just grabbed me real tight. He’s a strong guy, and I was furious. I couldn’t move. And then I started saying things. I don’t even remember what I said. And then kristina’s there. She heard — I don’t know what she heard. And she ran off.

[ Sighs ] None of this would have happened if jason had just stayed out of it. So now it’s jason’s fault. Before, it was dex’S. Before that, it was me and michael. What are you gonna do when you run out of traitors? Who are you gonna blame for the man you’ve become?

I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. I know how busy you are. I don’t know if I helped in any way, but I’m always happy to listen. Dex, I… I hope I didn’t discourage you from pressing charges — ’cause the law is the law. That actually is black and white. Which is a good thing because it prevents us and saves us from having to make more subjective decisions. I understand. But I’m not gonna press charges. And I’m sorry if that makes me a terrible cop, but for now, I’m gonna live in the gray. For what it’s worth… …I think you’re gonna be a very good cop.

[ Door closes ] Alright, carly, you said what you need to say. I think you should probably go now. Yeah. You seem to have everything you need right here. Carly. I appreciate what you did for me last night. Kristina and I are good. We’re gonna be fine. I hope so.

[ Door closes ]

[ Exhales sharply ] After hearing that, sonny, I tell you, I am impressed by your restraint. It’s almost as if carly wants you to be estranged from your children. Ugh. According to ava, I made her brother’s life a living hell. After he tried to kill me, I sure hope I did. You know it was julian, right? You know, it was julian who announced to everyone that I was involved with neil. Of course. Mm-hmm. And then ava takes it upon herself to call neil’s brother, fergus, who was sitting on the bar disciplinary committee at the time. Certainly seems that way. Meanwhile, counselor byrne is sitting on his own giant conflict of interest. I cannot believe we went through this whole ordeal for nothing. Nothing! You know, all the work we did, all of the legal precedents we found, all of the ethics cases, everything — nothing. You know why? Because my disbarment was never about the law. So the law is not gonna help me get my license back. It’s time? Yes. Ava jerome. You know, under the guise of sticking up for her sociopathic brother, do you know what she did? I mean, she cost me my career. And not only that — because of her, I lost myself. Ah! Welcome, welcome. Here, let me help you with your stuff. Come on in. Come on.

[ Groans ] Oh, my goodness! Who helped you pack? Was it my ma or was it zia francesca?? Zia francesca. I told her I don’t need all this. Yeah, but you know what? Don’t worry about it. The room you have, the closet is huge. You’re gonna be able to fit everything, no problem. Just tell me where I’m going. No, no, no, no, no. Just leave it right there. It’s okay. Yuri will bring your stuff up. Seriously? Seriously. Here. Come here. Sit down. I — I want to tell you something. Here. Sit right here. Um… so, you know, uh, gregory, chase’s father, the man who officiated the wedding, right? Yeah. Well, um…

[ Voice breaking ] He passed away last night, so… wow. Th-that’s — I-I’m so sorry. It’s okay. It’s okay. I know. It’s — it’s a loss. But, um, brook lynn and chase — they canceled their honeymoon, and right now they’re both over at chase’s brother’s place. Maybe this is the wrong time for me to come stay. I-I can look for a rental — absolutely not. Monica is already on board with all this. And, you know, we’re getting your room ready. The quartermaines don’t even know me. They will. I mean, you’re extended family. Emphasis on “family.” I missed you, G. You know? And I was a little worried about what kind of trouble you might be getting into without me having my eyes on you. I was good as gold. You are good as gold. And I am so happy that you’re here in port charles. I really think that this is the — this is the right place for you. You must be feeling really sad right now. I’m sad, too. You know, sweetie, you can talk to me about your grandpa, but you don’t have to. We can just sit here and be quiet together. I’m thinking about my dad. Grandpa was his dad, so he must be especially sad right now. He is. What if something ever happened to my dad? It’s really scary to think about, isn’t it? I love him so much. He’s my everything. You don’t have anything to worry about, sweetie. Your dad is strong and healthy. He’s gonna be around for a really long time. Step by step. Please.

[ Sighs ] I dropped violet off at school. I came back, and, um, the apartment was quiet. It was so quiet. I called out to dad, but he didn’t answer me. So I went in his room and… he was so still. I called 911. And the coroner came out not long after that. Pronounced him deceased. Yeah, I had a drink. Okay. Maybe more than one. I’m not really sure.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Wednesday, May 22, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


finn: It’s chase’s rehearsal dinner, alright? He should be able to enjoy it without wondering if he’s abandoned you. Gregory: And you of all people would know what it’s like to be abandoned before your wedding. I recall feeling great about my rehearsal dinner with jackie and then wondering where the hell you were when the wedding started. But no, by all means, son, you lecture me on proper wedding etiquette.

[ Door opens ] Hey. What are you doing home so early? We had a half-day, silly. Ah. Mm. Hi. Just wanted to make sure violet got in okay. Yeah. Thank you, mary. Thank you. Uh, well, gretchen’s in the car, so I got to run. But see you two tomorrow? Sure. Yes. See you tomorrow. Bye.

[ Door closes ] Maybe we can take my bouquet out for a walk. Flowers love fresh air. And we can tell grandpa to come, too, if we don’t go too far. Yeah. We, um… yeah, we can go for a walk, sweetheart, but, um… come over here. I just — I want to talk to you about something. Okay, but shouldn’t I tell grandpa to get ready? We can’t wait too long in case of the rain. Grandpa isn’t here, sweetheart. Is he at the doctor’s? No. Grandpa isn’t with us anymore. Grandpa passed away last night. I haven’t turned sonny in. Because you don’t intend to or because you haven’t had time yet? I haven’t decided yet. Why? Because kristina and I — we don’t want you to report it. What the hell’s going on with you, dante? You know the history here. Michael and dex — they conspired to take me down. Now, I didn’t take the proper steps to contain it. I let it go. You want a — you want a medal, dad, for not killing someone? That’s not — that’s not what I’m saying. I left dex alone, and look what’s happened. Even more betrayal. He’s hiding behind a badge in the office with anna talking about my business or whatever he’s talking about. He’s still trying to take me down, and you refuse to see it, son. No, I think the only thing I can see really clearly right now… is you. What does that mean? This isn’t some isolated incident, dad. You have a — a pattern, a history with violence. And I’m not talking about what happened with cyrus. This goes back — you and I both know — a long time. What are you accusing me of? Okay. You’re right.

[ Laughs ] Whether the robes buy this or not, I want to stand in front of them and make my argument. Testify! Testify. Welcome back.

[ Sighs ] There’s a reason why you win all your cases. Hmm? You’re not just pretty. You’re very persuasive. Oh. Don’t forget either of those things. Now let’s go win this. Alright. I have to grab something first. What is this hoodoo? It’s from gregory to bring me luck. Ooh, let’s hope it works. Good news! I spoke to monica, and she is all for it. I’m not surprised. We have plenty of room. Have you warned him about my mother? Oh, about her irrational bias against those of us who were blessed enough to grow up in bensonhurst? No, not yet. You know she loves you, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, I do. I also know that tracy loves to complain about me. And olivia. And I’m sure she’s gonna complain about him, too. But olivia and I — we’re adults, and, you know, he’s just a kid. You said he was 21. 21 is still a kid to me. Well, maybe he’ll win my mother over. She loves music. As long as it’s not eddie maine who’s playing it. Can I get you anything? You want some water? I’m not thirsty. Announcer: This is the final boarding call for flight number 384 to rome. Dad was so happy yesterday. He was so full of life. I thought that… I thought that we would have so much more time. I did, too. And there were so many things that I wanted to say to him, and now he’s just…

[ Sniffles ] He’s never gonna know. He knew, chase. I promise he knew.

Boarding for flight 384 to rome has now closed.

This isn’t just about you. It’s about me. I’ve looked the other way so many times for so long.

[ Sighs ] It’s embarrassing, really, like… not admitting who you are and who you’ve always been. But, uh… I’m done with that now. I’m not gonna do it anymore. Too many people are getting hurt. And if you don’t do something to fix that, it’s just gonna get worse. Do you think I should turn sonny in? I think that that’s up to you. You were attacked. It’s your decision. And you have no opinion on it? That’s a first. Okay, I’m — I’m tired of telling people what they should and shouldn’t do and giving them ultimatums, alright? It hasn’t exactly worked out for me in the past. Dex, I-I know I have no right to ask anything else from you. Right, but you are asking me. But it’s not like when I worked for sonny, okay? I’m a police cadet now. I have direct knowledge of a crime. Look, what if somebody else gets hurt and me turning sonny and could have stopped it from happening? I’m not asking you to do this to protect sonny, believe me. Look, sonny deserves to pay for what he did to you. I’m asking you for kristina’s sake because if you accuse sonny, she will have to be a witness, she’ll have to testify against her own father. And she’s already an emotional wreck from all of this. And she’s pregnant, dex. I — [ Sighs ] I’m just worried it’s too much for her. When is it too much for me? I can’t deny that what your dad did last night scares me. Yeah, I know. It scares me, too. I’m not as afraid of sonny as I am of what all of this is doing to you. You’re the one I care about here. I hate seeing you in this much pain. Besides, I’m the last one who should be throwing stones at anyone’s parents. My mother gave you every reason to run from our relationship. But you didn’T. So I won’t, either. You’re not your father, kristina, no more than I’m my mother. I don’t even know who he is anymore. I saw him attacking dex, and I — after hearing him scream those threats, I just feel like he’s a completely different person. Grandpa — he wasn’t in any pain. He just — he went to sleep and — and didn’t wake up. That can happen? Oh, no, not to you and me. You know, grandpa — he was real sick. It was his als? Yeah. That’s probably what it was. They say — they said his — his heart just stopped beating. But his heart was fine yesterday. I know. You know, sweetheart, sometimes when people are sick inside, we just don’t know. But I want you to think about how — how amazing grandpa was yesterday, how much fun he had, and think about how lucky we are to have gotten to spend all this time with him, right? No, I want grandpa to still be here. Grandpa! Grandpa!

Where is he? Hey.

[ Sighs ] The paramedics — they, um… they took grandpa away.

[ Crying ] He didn’t get to say goodbye.

[ Voice breaking ] I know, sweetheart. You know, if grandpa had known it was gonna be the last time he was gonna see you, he would have hugged you so tight.

[ Both crying ] Gregory: You take after your dad. When Finn was a boy, he always had his nose in some book. You’re funny, grandpa. Everyone knows you can’t draw with your nose.

[ Laughs ] You’re so much smarter than I am. The wisdom of youth. What’s youth, grandpa? It’s everything you are, sweetheart, and everything old guys like me long to be.

[ Sniffling ]

[ Exhales heavily ] No. Life is so beautiful. But sometimes it’s cruel and it’s not fair. Life is so beautiful that it hurts sometimes. I love you. I love you, too. You okay? Not really. I just wish I could have gone straight from the airport to finn’s place. Me too. But finn wanted some time to tell violet about gregory when it was just the two of them, so… I don’t blame him. I just… I know. I know. I know. Do you know what? We’re gonna have to tell them everything at some point, so we might as well get it over with. Are you ready for this? I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready, but waiting isn’t gonna make it any easier. Poor ned.

[ Chuckles ] You know, I bet you tracy would support your musical side had brook lynn not decided to follow in our mutual footsteps. Thank you. If brook lynn just fell in line and lived her life the way my mother wanted, my mother would never respect her. Mm. And brook lynn would be miserable. That, too. My mother will never admit it, but she loves the way brook lynn stands up to her. Oh, I love it, too. Mm.

[ Glasses clink ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Door opens ] Hey. Hey. What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane, sipping champagne, watching another little plane on the screen in front of you get closer and closer to rome? Okay, what’s the matter? Was your flight canceled? Now that you have nearly rubbed gregory’s good luck charm to shreds, do you feel its luck coursing through your veins? Not if luck and anxiety feel the same way. Fine. Well, then put it away. Take a deep breath because you don’t need luck. You have a brilliant attorney pleading your case. Perhaps you know her name — alexis davis? Who do you think is our esteemed colleague? I have no idea. But something about him looks familiar. Bailiff: All rise.

[ Sighs heavily ] Are you okay? Are you?

[ Sighs ] I’m very sad. But I know it — it had to be hard for you

[Sighs] To go into grandpa’s room just now. It was for me. He was supposed to be in there. I know. But if grandpa’s not here with us, where is he? What happens to grandpa now?

[ Sighs ] Don’t lay a finger on dex heller. In fact, don’t go anywhere near him, dad. Because if something happens to him, everyone’s gonna know it was you. That’s how you’re helping me? By telling me to hide from someone? Keep my mouth shut like some coward? It’s not about being a coward, dad. Mm. It’s about being smart. You better hope this kid doesn’t press charges because if he does, you can’t make amends to your family from behind bars. And your freedom now rests on the shoulders — the decision that a guy’s gonna make that you threatened to kill. My own son is forsaking me. Oh, forsaking you? If I was forsaking you, I’d be taking you down to jail right now in cuffs. I’m trying to save you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am. You know, I think the problem you’re having is I’ve just kind of reached my limit with you, okay? I am done protecting you. You committed a crime, and now you have to face the consequences of that crime, alright? Okay? I hate that I asked michael to fix things with dex. That was so unfair to him. It’s pretty clear that your brother loves you and will do whatever he can to help you. I know, and I love michael, too, but you would never be able to tell by the position I just put him in. Alright, you’re being too hard on yourself. I wish. I hate it, but there’s really only one way for michael to “fix” things, and that’s by convincing dex not to press charges against my dad. I came to port charles because you hired me to take sonny down. What happened last night is further proof that your first instinct was right. Look, sonny is not just a danger to his enemies. He’s a danger to his loved ones, too. And we are never gonna get a better chance to stop him than right now. Maybe, but like I said bef– okay, michael, there’s no maybe. He’s right. Sonny absolutely deserves to be punished for what he’s done. The question is, does kristina? And does her baby? I guess you’re not afraid to share your opinion after all. Hey, I’m thinking about you, too. Because if you press charges and then kristina’s a witness and they interview her, is the stress gonna be too much for her and the baby? I know you, and you’re gonna feel terrible if it is. I’m not interested in telling you what to do. I can only ask — please don’t file charges against sonny.

There you are. I was worried. You barely said two words last night, and you were gone by the time avery went to school. She missed her dad this morning. Hey, sonny, please don’t shut me out. I’m — I’m here. Just… kristina saw something, got the wrong idea. She’s one of the last people that believed in me, and now I lost her. So, did you see sonny at the wedding? Yes. I did my best to ignore him. He iced me out at the church. Not that I was expecting anything different, but… I was watching him at the reception with brook lynn’s family, and they were all over him. I mean, they adored him. He was charming. He was flashing his dimples. He was — he was smiling and flirting with the ladies and making jokes with the guys. And I was just… I was watching him, and I was just thinking, “there he is. You know, I know that guy. That’s — that’s my father.” I remember feeling that way about him, thinking that he was so kind and empathetic and [Scoffs] Thinking how lucky I was to have him as a stepfather. It’s not that he’s lying, though. I mean, the… all that charm, the dimples, all that stuff, the love — that’s real. But so is the ugliness, the — the brutality, the rage. He used to be better at hiding it and controlling it. That’s why mom and I wanted dex to stay around dad — to keep an eye on him, to protect him from himself. Yeah, well, now dex needs protection from sonny. Hey, speaking of dex, I saw you two. You know, you were dancing at the reception. I know you waited for him afterwards and it didn’t — actually, the whole night didn’t go as planned. But…are you, uh — are you two back together? Well, in a few days, sweetheart, there will be something called a funeral. And that’s where all of grandpa’s family and his friends will get together to say goodbye to him. But how do we say goodbye if he’s not here? Right. Well, we — we say it in our thoughts and we say it in our prayers. Or if you want, you can say it out loud. It’s different for everyone. It’s whatever feels best for you. But when we say goodbye, does grandpa go to heaven? Is he with the angels? Yeah. Grandpa’s with the angels.

[ Knock on door ] Ohh. Hi. Chase called me. I’m so sorry. My dad’s sad, too. I think he needs a hug. I’m sure.

[ Door closes ] On behalf of my client, alexis davis, and myself, I would like to thank the court for hearing our petition today. We come before the court to appeal ms. Davis’ disbarment and ask that she be returned to the bar and allowed to practice law in new york state once again. And should you accept her appeal, the state and the people in it will only be the better for it. Thank you. With all due respect to my colleague, ms. Miller, the state of new york and its citizenry will be better off without ms. Davis, a proven liar, abusing their trust again. And what is the name of the party opposing ms. Davis’ appeal? Fergus byrne. I am opposing her appeal. My brother, neil, was a casualty of ms. Davis’ utter and complete disregard for the law.

The church, the music, everything was just beautiful. There were people there from the old neighborhood that I grew up with, you know, like the cerullos and the falconeris, mostly. Church was packed. I look over. I see dex. What? Yeah. He had no right to be there. He knew it. Then he looks over at me with this little smirk, like he knew he was getting away with it. Why would he do that? ‘Cause he’s a punk kid with no respect for anyone or anything. What did you do? I — I punched him a few times. More than a few times. But he deserved it. And then jason stopped me from doing something really bad that I was gonna really regret. I’m sure dex got the message. Guys like dex — they never get the message. If michael’s willing to ask dex to drop the charges, maybe it’s a good thing. You on my dad’s side? Would have lost that bet. Okay, I’m on your side first and always, but if I’m honest, I’m worried about what the effects of sonny’s possible arrest and prosecution would have on you. You’re very pregnant and already under a lot of pressure. I know. Seeing my dad attack dex that way didn’t make it any better. It’d be worse if you had to go up in court and testify against him. My god, I didn’t even think about that part of it. I have been so focused on what would happen to my dad, I didn’t even… that’s why michael agreed to talk to dex. It wasn’t for my dad’s sake. It was for me. Michael already knows you have a lot to think about with the baby. On top of the already complicated history you have with your dad, I’m guessing he’s putting himself out there because he wants to spare you. That’s a pretty amazing brother thing to do. I know, but I just feel so bad. Michael’s going out on a limb, and I — what? I-I love my dad. No one’s asking you to stop loving sonny. It’s not like you’re turning off a faucet. I know, but he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with attacking people and threatening to kill them just because I love my dad. I don’t think he should, either. What’re you doing? What I have to do.

[ Breathes deeply ] Hey. It’s kristina. I’m at the metro court. How soon can you be here? No, dex and i are not back together. Oh, sorry. Forget that I asked. No. I mean, why wouldn’t you ask? I’m asking myself the same question. I’m the one who broke up with dex, even though I still was in love with him. He just did something that I couldn’t accept, and I thought that that was the end of it. But it’s not? I just hate couples that keep breaking up and getting back together. You know? It’s like they’re terminally indecisive or — or they’re just addicted to the drama of it all. God, it just reminds me of mom and sonny’s relationship, you know? Every time she got rid of him, she would go running back. Not saying that dex and sonny are the same. They could not be more different. Oh, understood. My point is, it’s just not the kind of relationship that I wanted. You know? And when I broke up with dex, I really meant it. But then he radically changed his life, you know? I mean, he’s gonna become a cop. And at — at first, I thought it was to make amends with me. I know I sound like an egomaniac. You’re saying that dex didn’t apply to the police academy to impress you? Because that seems like the obvious explanation. Violet, can I ask you for a favor? Sure. Aiden has been begging me for a friendship bracelet. Can you make him one? Definitely. Thank you. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. But it’s obvious you’ve been drinking. So I’m gonna take violet home with me, and you can get yourself to a meeting, okay? No. Not okay. Violet’s staying with me. And I don’t need to get myself to a meeting. Finn, this isn’t just about you — my father’s dead. And you must be in so much pain — I stood right over there, and I watched two strangers wheel out my dead dad. Please, just let me help you.

[ Scoffs ] Nothing can help what I’m feeling. Nothing.

so he — he’s taunting me. You know what I mean? He’s not — I mean, he didn’t say anything, but, you know, he’s still taunting me. Jason grabbed me, and then kristina showed up. I don’t know what she heard, what — and then she took off without… I wasn’t able to explain anything to her. I’m so sorry. Kristina was the only one who… who really, really believed in me. And every time she would look up at me, she would smile. This time when I finally caught up with her… …my little girl was afraid of me. Come on in.

[ Door closes ] Looks bad. I’ve had worse. Never at a wedding, though. I-I don’t even know what to say, dex. Um, I — “sorry” doesn’t even begin to cut it. Thank you for even agreeing to come here. Can I get you anything? Aspirin? Ice? No. No, thank you. Joss stayed with me at the E.R. While I waited to get stitched up. Josslyn was right about my dad. She — she can say “I told you so” for, well, the rest of my life now. That’s the last thing that she wants to do. There’s no victory lap when it comes to being right about sonny. Right. Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be flippant about it. I, uh — I’ve… I’ve had blinders on when it came to my dad. Everyone saw that but me. I wanted to think of him as the man i knew him to be, not who he was, not — not in his entirety. For what it’s worth, when I worked for sonny, I also saw what I wanted to see. And I was just as wrong. I know my brother asked you not to press charges. Michael did that because of me, because I asked him to. But I shouldn’t have. Why not? Because you are entitled to justice. And if you choose to pursue it, I want you to know that I will testify on your behalf against my father. Dex really believes in what he’s doing. He wants to be a cop. He wants to wear that uniform, to protect and serve. And I think he’s gonna make a really good cop, like dante. He’s gonna help people. And I — I think that he would really like it if we got back together. But if for some reason we don’t, you know, dex is gonna be fine. He respects himself. And some other girl would get him, and I’d be kicking myself. You know, there is an easy solution to this. You know, you can just tell dex that you want to try again. Michael, I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. What i do know is that I’m done changing my mind. Dex deserves better. Okay. You know, I’m gonna guess, though, dex would tell you that there is nobody better than you.

[ Sighs ] You’re my big brother. You have to say nice things to me. It doesn’t make them any less true. Your honors, mr. Byrne just admitted to being the brother of the late dr. Neil byrne, who was a factor in my client’s disbarment. This is clearly a conflict of interest. My brother was much more than a factor in your case, though I shouldn’t be surprised that you’ve reduced him to such. My brother, neil byrne, would be alive today if it weren’t for alexis davis. Your honor, is absolutely — your honors, I have no problem with mr. Burns’ role here today. In fact, I welcome it. I’ve never pleaded my own case in court before, but I intend to do so today, so it seems fitting, maybe even necessary, that mr. Byrne have a front-row seat to it. I am so sorry, chase. Ohh. Your father was a wonderful man. And he was a wonderful father. You’re proof of that. Every moment I spent in his company was pure joy. Thank you. Baby, you okay? I’m so sorry, chase. Um, where’s my grandmother? She went down to the stables. She was going out for a ride. I’ll go down there and see if she’s left yet. Okay. Chase, I’ll walk you down. I can’t believe he’s gone. I mean, I — I knew it was gonna happen someday, but — I know, but someday wasn’t supposed to be now. Well, you know what? Sometimes god has a plan for us, you know? And it —

[ Sighs ] I guess it would just be nice sometimes to get a little heads-up. Yeah. You know, because of you and chase and that beautiful wedding, gregory died the happiest man on the planet, right? Yeah. He was also one of the bravest. Yeah. Yeah, he was. The way he officiated your wedding. It was with so much courage and determination. He had so much strength, you know? And he used so much of it to get through that ceremony. It’s like he just… didn’t have any left. Oh, baby.

[ Both crying ] Chase is the one who needs holding. He just wanted a little more time with his dad. I know. I know. But you know what? You’re here to hold chase now, okay? Yeah. And to let him know that he is not alone. You all know what eased the pain for a few minutes? One drink. One — one drink. You know, I think I have the right to do whatever it takes to get me through this day. If that’s how you choose to treat your pain, then I can’t stop you. But I will not let you get drunk with that little girl in this apartment.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Tuesday, May 21, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


There’s no time to. Does it hurt? A lot more when you touch it. Sorry. I’m starting to see why you left medicine for environmental science. It’s not funny. If sonny had gotten you a quarter of an inch either way, you could be blind in that eye right now. But he didn’t, and I’m not. Look, my injuries will heal. Bright side of getting my ass kicked — at least when brook lynn and chase find out, they will forget that I didn’t bring a gift.

Posso vedere la lista dei vini? I have no idea what you just said. But how do you say in italian, “you are the world’s most beautiful bride”? Mm. Andiamo, chico. No, wait. I think that might be spanish. Right? I’m not sure. Oh. But, uh, don’t worry about it. Everybody in europe pretty much

[Yawning] Speaks english anyway. Unh-unh. No, no, no, no, no. Excuse me. No, no yawning. Look, we have to stay awake the entire flight so that when we land, we can adjust to italian time. Look, you’ll have plenty of time to sleep tonight at the hotel. Well, I got news for you, mrs. Chase. Neither one of us is going to be getting much sleep tonight. Oh, is that right?

[ Drawer opens, closes ] Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt your dance, but we got to get a move on. Even half days start on time. And we got to pick up gretchen along the way. Okay. Oh, can I have wedding cake for lunch? Sure, sure. If by cake, you mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But grandpa said — shh, shh. Grandpa’s still sleeping. Yesterday took a lot out of him. Not me. I loved it. I wish someone we knew got married every week. Yeah.

[ Gasps ] Could I bring my bouquet to school to show all my friends? Yeah. I don’t know. I mean, all those people touching it, you think maybe — maybe that might ruin it? That’s true. I’ll leave it here. Mm. Protect it. I’ll guard it with my life. You ready to go? Yes. Quick! To the automobile. The automobile.

[ Door closes ] I know, I know. I set my alarm for — for P.M. Instead of A.M., A-and then I-I tried to get the shower working, but the thing doesn’t work right, and it scalded me when I stepped in. And this is all wrinkled. So what am I going to do? There’s no iron. I called down for an iron. But they don’t have one.Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Who doesn’t have an iron? Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! Take a breath. Don’t make me slap you. I’m gonna stop you right there. I may be neurotic, but I’m scrappy.

[ Laughs ] You are. Don’t worry. We can get you ready. I think. And then we’re gonna go to court. We’re gonna make our case, which you will win, and you will be reinstated to your rightful place at the new york state bar. Your family will be very proud of you. How are you feeling? Terrible. I didn’t sleep at all last night. Every time I would drift off, I would just get this vision of what happened and jolt back awake. It’s like my brain just would not turn off. Sorry. I’ve been there, and it’s terrible. Yeah. Would some room-service breakfast help? I can’t even think about food right now, which is saying a lot. What I really want right now is to talk to my family. My mom is in albany trying to get her disbarment overturned. And obviously I can’t talk to molly about this. She would just freak out. And this is just more stress for the baby. On top of which, she’s the ada, so she would feel obligated to report my dad. Same with dante. And usually when I’m this upset, I would talk to my dad. But he’s the last person on earth I want to talk to right now.

[ Knock on door ] Hey, dad. Late night? Uh, yeah. Um, come in. Did we have plans or something? No, I just thought I’d stop by, you know. Um, sam here? Uh, no, she and the kids, they just left. I didn’t even hear them leave, actually. So I guess you went out after the wedding? Uh, yeah. Yeah. Maxie and spinelli, they were supposed to save me, but cousin patty, she’s pretty persistent. This, uh, after-reception party. There were shots. Limoncello. It was gross. Lot of limoncello. Gloria can really put that stuff back. Looks like you did some damage yourself. So I’m gonna go ahead and go. No. No. You know, I’m — I’m awake now. Did you like the wedding? And what happened to your fist? Who were you punching? I’ve wanted an eternity with you from the second I met you.

Did you know the word “honeymoon” was first used all the way back in medieval times? And roughly translated, it means “a time when life is sweet.” Uh, I did not know that. I mean, how perfect is that? What’s more perfect than you and i exploring florence together? Nothing I can think of. What are you looking for? Uh, my passport. What? You just had it when we checked in. You had it at security, chase. We have to find it, or they’re not gonna let us in. They’ll send us back. No, I swear, after security, I put it — ah! Ah! Oh. Here we go. Crisis averted.

[ Sighs ] Whew. Okay. Okay, I’m just gonna put this over here. What’s this? I’ve never seen that before.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Gasps ] It’s from dad. That’s sweet. I wonder when he had time to slip it in there.

Gregory: Brook lynn and chase, thank you for including me in your wedding and in your life together. Your happiness has brought me so much joy. This gift is a small token of my gratitude. From time to time, you may both lose your way. But with each other to lean on, you’ll never be lost.

Wow. What? Oh, my gosh. Is it a compass? Let’s see.

[ Gasps ] “With love… dad.” Dad? I got bagels from eckert’S. Even got you the last cinnamon raisin. Dad? Dad? Everything alright?

[ Knock on door ] Hey, I’m gonna come in, okay? Hey, dad. Hey.

[ Breathes shakily ]

[ Sobbing ] I love you. I love you.

[ Sobbing ] You were all the good things I am.

[ Sobbing ] Dad. I love you.

Your knuckles look pretty bad. Eh, I’m fine. What about the other guy? Dex? He walked away. You beat up dex? So? What do you mean “so”? He’s a cop. No, he’s not a cop. He’s — he’s — he’s in training. I don’t think anna’s gonna make that distinction. Well, if anna knew about this, I’d be in a cell right now. No. Not necessarily. Warrants take time, you know. So what are you gonna — you gonna haul me in for defending myself?

[ Sighs ] So what are you saying, that dex came after you? Is that hard to believe? Yeah, he doesn’t strike me as a particularly stupid guy, so yeah. You know, the whole night was supposed to be a celebration of everybody from the old neighborhood, who I haven’t seen in years, just watching brook lynn get married. It was supposed to be a happy time. Dad, what happened? What happened is dex. That’s what happened. Everywhere I looked, he was — I would look to the right, to the left. He’s talking to gio. He’s talking to — he’s dancing with lois, sucking up to gloria, like he owned the party. Like he could do anything he’d want and I couldn’t stop him. So, yeah, he grabbed my arm, and I punched him. I was defending myself. Dad. No, I don’t want a — sorry, sorry. I didn’t come here for a lecture. I just came here to see if you could deliver a message. Dad, I’m not — I can’t and I won’t go to dex for you. Not dex. Kristina. Kristina? Yeah. Why? She saw the — the — the whole thing. My dad finally stopped texting. I’ve never ignored him like this before. It feels so wrong, even after what he did. I just — I don’t even know what I would say to him. Hey, it’s okay to need some time. You’re totally justified going no contact until you figure out how you want to handle this. Yeah, but really, that’s just postponing the inevitable. As much as I want to hide from this, I can’T. It just — I don’t know. I wish I knew how to solve it. Okay, if by solve you mean figure out when you want to talk to your dad again, that’s entirely up to you. But if you mean solve what you witnessed — your dad attacked someone. That’s not your problem to fix. It is if no one else is gonna step in and stop him from imploding. Is that really the case, though? There’s no one else? No, there is — there is someone else I can call. They’ll know what to do. Yeah, I want to report a — my father passed away in his sleep. I was wondering if you could send someone. It’s, uh, 347 portside road, apartment number nine. Thank you.

[ Cellphone clatters ] You did it. Court appearance ready. Not a wrinkle in this jacket. I don’t know how you do it. I-I should have known to pack that portable steamer in my overnight bag. I’m happy to help. Let me ask you a question. These pre-trial jitters, is this kind of something new you’re exploring? ‘Cause — or has it simply been so long since you’ve litigated anything that I’ve plumb forgot this is how you get? Yeah, it’s a little of both. You have veins of steel. You don’t worry about anything.

[ Laughs ] Wrong. Here’s a tidbit for you. Before I leave for court every day, I scream into a pillow. True. Gets all of my anxiety out and has the added benefit of bringing all the blood to my face so it lifts and plumps. Works better than any expensive cream. Well, that wouldn’t work for me, because if I start to scream, I’m not gonna stop screaming. Because you know what I want to do right now? I want to — I want to check out of this hotel, and I want to go home. And I am never gonna forgive you for bullying me into doing this. Let’s not rewrite history, shall we? I merely offered you an avenue that you hadn’t thought to pursue. You were the one who took me up on it. Well, I have it on very good authority from a very smart person that I won’t regret giving this my all as much as I would regret not trying at all. Why doesn’t it feel like that at this moment?

[ Knock on door ] I’ll get it. Hey, blaze. Hey, michael. Kristina. Hi. What happened? Um, I’m gonna go get some food, leave the two of you alone. No, no, no. Uh, you should stay. I mean, unless this is too much for you, which I understand. No, if you want me here, I’m happy to stay. Thanks.

[ Sighs ] Uh…

[ Clears throat ] Last night, as the reception was winding down, I went to the ballroom to get some cake, and when I came out, dad… was in the anteroom punching dex. And dex had blood on his face. He — he — he wasn’t fighting back or anything. He was just trying to get away. And then jason, he showed up out of nowhere and he pulled dad off of him, and dad… just… started screaming, and he said he would kill both of them. He said he — he’d empty a gun in their heads. Sorry you had to see that.

[ Sighs ] But it’s not just what he said, michael. It’s how he said it. I believed him. I know this isn’t a surprise for you, right? You — you’ve always known exactly who dad is. I’m the one who refused to believe it. So, tell me what happened. What did kristina see? I don’t know. I was — I was kicking dex, and jason grabbed me. I said, “let go,” and then I threatened both of them. Then I heard, like, a crash. I looked to the right. Kristina’s right there with some plates. I guess she dropped the plates, and she stared at me for a little while. And then she ran off. Did you go after her? Of course I did. I ran after her and I told her, “this is not what it looks like.” She didn’t understand. She was just crying. She was just crying and crying and crying. And then I — I went to comfort her. And she — she — she flinched, like she was afraid. Now she won’t call me. She won’t text me. And I j– I just want you to just go to her and say, “look.” Make her see the truth of what she saw. I’m a police officer, dad. I can’t do that. And I wouldn’t even if I could. My dad usually gets up pretty early. We had this family wedding last night, and, uh, he was exhausted, so I thought he was just sleeping in. I see. Then I went to, uh — when I hadn’t seen him, I got a little worried, so I went in to check on him. And this was about what time? About 9:30.

[ Radio chatter ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Dispatch, I can confirm we have a deceased male at this residence, 73 years old. Based on rigor and body temp, I’d estimate tod to be between midnight and 2:00 A.M. Cod? All the signs point to heart failure. It was almost certainly quick and painless. Your father didn’t suffer. I’m gonna have to get your signature, but take all the time you need to read them first. I’m aware of the forms. I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you.

[ Door closes ]

I’m just — I am really struggling to reconcile how the man I saw attacking dex is the same guy who has always been so gentle and loving with me. Yeah. It’s never gonna make sense. And you can twist yourself into knots trying to justify and explain dad’s behavior or… lose yourself trying to punish him for it. Kristina, dad is a product of choices he made long before we were born, and we don’t have the power to change him. Yeah. I’m sorry, michael. About what? I judged you for your anger at him and how you went after him. I thought you were being unfair to him. But really, i was the one who was being unfair to you. And I just feel — I feel so stupid. No. I don’t know how I could have been so blind. No, ’cause you — you love dad. At least the person that you thought he was, the great man that he — that he showed you. Kristina, there’s nothing wrong with that. Yeah, but now that the veil has been lifted, I see exactly who he is. All of him. I’m sorry. I know — I know how hard this is for you. You can only avoid the truth for so long. Now that I’ve seen it, I just —

we have to decide what we’re gonna do. No, no. Hey, kristina. It is not on us to clean up after dad. Okay, but — I mean, I know. Blaze was saying the same thing, but I — he has cleaned up after me countless times. And you. And morgan. And all of us. And I know that dad deserves to be punished for what he did to dex. I know that, and I feel terrible saying this, but I don’t want him to be, because I still love him. I know. I know you do. Okay, so can’t you fix this?

[ Sighs ] Yeah. Um, I can try. Okay, thank you. Thank you, michael. Take care of her. I will.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ] Figured we could both use some caffeine after the night we’ve had. Thanks. It’s okay if you need to take off. You’ve already gone above and beyond. You’re trying to cut me loose? No, just don’t want to be a burden. It’s been a crazy 12 hours. You kept watch over me at the er. You opened up bobbie’s at 6:00 A.M. To feed me pancakes. Now you’re buying me coffee. Maybe I think you need a little bit of spoiling after the night you’ve had. Is that a problem? Depends on if you plan on sticking around and doing it on a more permanent basis. Wouldn’t want to get used to it. Well, um, you know, my reputation would suffer greatly if I was seen with such a terrible dancer. Oh, I seem to remember you busting a move with me. That is, before cousin patty cut in. She could not get enough of my lack of rhythm. Yes, well, I think cousin patty had far too many negronis. See, it’s easy if you try. Try what? To forget about sonny. Instead of dwelling on him, you put your attention on someone much more worthy of it.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Hello? At rice park. Yeah, I’ll wait for you here. So much for forgetting about sonny. So that’s the way it’s gonna be? Y-you’re gonna go against me, too, like everybody else? I’m not — I’m not against you, dad. I’m with you. And I love you. But not enough to make it right with kristina? What? I mean, why not? You know I’m not just your son, right? I am a cop, too, right? Yeah. Okay. So… …whether dex provoked you or not doesn’t matter. Whether he’s a cadet or not doesn’t matter. What matters is, if he reports this, which at this point, I don’t know why he wouldn’t, this whole conversation here, I have to offer that in as corroboration. Why — why would you — why would you put me in that position? But enough about me. Let’s focus on kristina here, okay? You want me to go to her for you, right? So I do that, what happens then? She gets interviewed by detectives. They want to know what she saw. Is she gonna be honest with them and tell them that I came to her on your behalf to massage the truth? Or do you want her to stick her neck out… for you? Protect you? And lie to the police for you?

Hey, thanks for waiting.I, uh, just saw kristina. She told me what happened last night. She’s devastated. Oh, god, I can’t imagine. I mean, we fought about sonny all the time, but I would never want her to see him be that violent firsthand. You’re not gonna be fighting over sonny anymore. Her eyes are wide open.

[ Sighs ] How you doing? I’ll live. Kristina told me that jason stopped the fight and then sonny threatened to kill both of you. Yeah, he did. Yes, dex came to me with blood dripping down one side of his face. I took him straight to G.H., But they couldn’t see him for hours. Why did you need to see me? To find out if you intend to press charges against sonny.

[ Sighs ] Feel better? Yeah. Hot shower helped. So did talking to my brother. I admit, I was surprised he’s the one you called. Michael and i used to be really close. I’m the one who pulled away from him. I didn’t like the way he was treating my dad. Joke’s on me, right? But still, the second I called him, he showed up. Brothers can be useful that way. Yeah. I’m lucky. I’m lucky for more than just michael. You have been nothing but supportive since last night, and I have been so wrapped up in my own stuff, I haven’t even thought about you and how you might be processing all of this insanity. I wouldn’t blame you if this, on top of everything else, was just too much baggage for you to deal with.

[ Both laughing ] Woman:

Now boarding group one.

[ Gasps ] That’s us. Italy, here we come.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Finn. Hey, we’re about to board.

Finn? Think he butt-dialed me. Well, tell his butt you got to go. Finn, did you hear that? My wife says I got to go. Chase. Oh, so you are there. It’s about dad. What happened?

I don’t know how to do this, bro, so I’m just gonna say it. Dad’s not with us. Dad’s gone.

No, no, no. I was with him last night. I-I-I saw him at the wedding. He —

I know. He was — he was amazing at the church. And he had such a good time at your wedding, but… he came home last night and… he went to sleep and he didn’t wake up. I, uh — I found him this morning. The coroner said he — he died peacefully in his sleep. Probably from heart failure. He wasn’t in any pain.

I-is — is he with you right now?

I called 911, and… they came and took the body away.

[ Stammers ] Do you think he felt any pain?

No, there wasn’t any pain, bro. I’m so sorry. Yeah. Your dad? He died.

[ Sniffling ]

If — if dex decides to press charges, I’m sure diane can handle it. I don’t — I don’t need detective dante falconeri to, you know, get me out of trouble. I need my son to stand up for me. Kristina needs her brother. Listen, you did not see kristina. She was shaking. She was scared. I’ve never seen her like this. I’m worried. Now, all I want you to do… is make her see that — what? What? See what a good guy you are? That you’re the victim here? That you protect your family? Protect kristina? If she saw what she saw, how do you think that’s gonna go down? I just — I just want you to tell her… …that I love her and I need her. And, you know, that it was an accident. He — he — he — I was defending myself. Just tell her I was defending myself and just tell her the truth. I’ll — I’ll talk to kristina, dad. Great. And I’ll make sure she’s doing okay. And if she’s not, I’ll stay with her until she is. Okay. But that’s all I’m gonna do. W-w– I’M… I’m done carrying water for you. I’m not gonna defend you from the life that you’ve made for yourself. Are you saying you want to give up? I-I think it’s the least painful path. Okay, if you weren’t representing yourself, you were representing someone else, say, would you quit before you even made an argument? No. Uh-huh. What about all those pro bono clients you say you want to help when you get your law license back? What about them? You quitting on them? You giving up — you might be their only hope. There are plenty of lawyers. They’ll find somebody else. No one who is going to care about their situations nearly as much as you. Well, I don’t know about that. Well, I beg to differ. Okay, what’s the — what’s the bottom line here, honey? What’s — what’s the end result? Do you just want to go crawling back to the invader and spend your days bickering with adrian dewitt about headlines and internet traffic? Is that gonna make you happy, alexis? Or do you want to go in there and fight like hell to get your disbarment overturned? And if you don’t want to do it for you, then do it for me, your bestie, who has spent countless hours, pro bono, that I could have been billing a paying client. I knew you were gonna do the guilt trip on me. You’re a brilliant litigator, alexis davis. Some might even say that you are my equal. I would not, of course. But there are those who would. Don’t you want to show everyone how brilliant you are once again and get your career back while you’re doing it?

Finn: It’s chase’s rehearsal dinner, alright? He should be able to enjoy it without wondering if he’s abandoned you.

Gregory: And you of all people would know what it’s like to be abandoned before your wedding. I recall feeling great about my rehearsal dinner with jackie and then wondering where the hell you were when the wedding started, but, no, by all means, son, you lecture me on proper wedding etiquette!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Monday, May 20, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


They havea baby soon… so I can be the older cool cousin.

[ Chuckles ] Slow down. You may be cool, but you’re not old. I’m old. Let’s give the newlyweds a chance to be newlyweds. I suppose.

[ Sighs ] But I still want to babysit. What was your favorite part about the wedding? Oh, why, you singing, of course. Right, finn? Absolutely. You were amazing, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you. What was your favorite part? Hmm. Catching this, of course. And the kissing. They’re gonna live happily ever after. I believe they will. And the dancing! Uncle chase asked me to dance.

[ Chuckles ] Look at you go. I love to dance, grandpa. Almost as much as I love to sing. And you’re brilliant at both of them. Okay. Well, now that we’ve established that, it’s — it’s pretty late. I think it’s time for bed, kiddo. Aww. Okay. Keep this safe for me, grandpa. I want to keep every single petal. I live to serve. Violet’s right. It was a magical day. Yeah. And I couldn’t have gotten through it without you, son. Not just today, but all these past few months. I truly appreciate you, finn. Ah! I love my dress, but it feels so good to be out of it. Can’t argue with that. I like you out of your dress, too. I have no idea what to eat first. Olivia’s too much. She’s been spoiling us ever since we checked in. Now she sent this comp food basket? Are you surprised? She lives to pamper. True. Ooh! That chocolate wafer looks good. Are you hungry? I just realized I’m starving. Between the dancing and the greeting of the guests and the toasts, I didn’t take more than two bites of dinner at the reception. Except for that bite of cake you gave me. Oh. Okay, then. Whatever my beautiful wife wants… ohh. “Wife.” I love the sound of that. Me too. I love you. Come on!

[ Dex grunting ] Do you know what I do to traitors? Huh? Come on!

[ Grunting ] Let go of me! Let go! Go! Get out of here! Sonny: I’m gonna kill you both! You’re both dead to me! I’m gonna put a gun in your heads! K-kristina. It’s not what you think. Wait, wait, wait! No, no, no! No.

[ Sighs ] Get off of me! Dex, go! Get out of here! No! You’re not. You’re not going after him. Screw him! What about kristina?! Let go of me! What did she see? When did she come in? I don’t — I don’t know. You do know ’cause you called her here, didn’t you?! No. I-I didn’T. Listen to yourself, sonny! Just calm down! Stay away from me. Stay away from my family. Carly. I’m at the hotel. Sonny’s in trouble.

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Door closes ] Jack? God, you’re gorgeous.

[ Chuckles ] No wonder poor valentin was so obsessed with you. Well, you’re on the mend, then. Ah, you know me.

[ Chuckles ] Nothing gets me down for long. Not even a shiv attack? It was a-a shiv? Inmates aren’t supposed to have those. Against the rules, eh? And you always follow the rules, don’t you? About as well as you do, anna. Josslyn: Oh, my god. Oh, my god! Dex! Hey! What happened?!

[ Stammers ] It was sonny. Oh. Where’s jason? H-he came in and stopped him. Can you see? Uh, yeah, mostly. Okay. I need to take you to the hospital. We need to go. No, no. I’ll go tomorrow. No. No! We need to go right now. I’ll take you. Well, it’s been quite the day,but it’s catching up to me. I think I’ll turn in now. Hey, uh, dad, before you do, um… I appreciate what you said. I… you don’t know how good it makes me feel… …to be here for you after we missed out on — on so much time. Oh. Hamilton, that’s — that’s ancient history. I’m very much A… “live in the moment” kind of guy these days. Yeah. And you’ve been such a rock for me, you know, letting me move in here and… managing all my doctor’s appointments and medications, even when I threw a fit about it, cheering me on to do chase’s wedding when I was doubting myself… and then putting up with my…orneriness as I was trying to make peace with this disease. I could go on and on, but I think you get my drift. I’m in awe of you… in awe of the strength and determination you’ve showed since you’ve been diagnosed and how — how brave you’ve been, and not just ’cause you jumped out of an airplane, but the way you’re still embracing life. No, I-I don’t have a choice. Now is all I have. Yeah. Finn: Yeah. Thanks, grandpa. I’m gonna put these in water now. You know, you could, uh, dry those out and preserve them that way. You just need to hang them upside down for a few weeks. Really? Yeah. I’m gonna put these next to my bed ’cause they smell so good. Will you help me tomorrow? You bet. Thanks, grandpa. Good night, grandpa. Good night, dad. Good night, sweetheart. Wait. A-are you saying it’s not necessary to tuck you in tonight? I can get in my bed by myself. Oh. Okay. Yeah. See you guys in the morning! Love you, grandpa. I love you, too.

[ Smooches and blows ] You okay, son? Huh? Yeah. I just — I, uh… had a vision of saying goodbye to violet on her wedding day. She’s growing up so fast. Eh, not that fast. And don’t worry. Violet will always need her dad. Yeah. That never goes away.

[ Breathing sharply ]

[ Breathing shakily ] Allie? I need you. No, I’m — I’m in the bathroom across from the ballroom. Please hurry. Ooh…

[ Gasps ] Hey. Just let me explain.

Chase, I want to ask you something, but I don’t want to bring you down. I doubt you could. How do you feel about your mom not being here? I mean, I know she’s on assignment halfway around the world, but…

[ Sighs ] Um, at first, I was disappointed, but I’ve, um, had a lifetime of experience with my mom’s job. And I also think because of everything that happened between her and finn and how that revelation nearly tore my family apart, she didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. So… she just bowed out. Oh, that’s a really loving thing to do. It’s a good thing we took a ton of pictures. We can send them to her. Yeah, it’s a good thing. All in all, I think today was a perfect day. It was the best. You know, I washaving a lot of guilt asking your dad to officiate, but I’m so glad he did, that he was the one to marry us. You know, I-I… I want to clear the air about something. I’m so sorry about the words we had yesterday. No apology needed. No. Please. I-I need to get this out. I was angry and… yes, bitter, but not at you. It was at — at my disease, at my inability to be whole and feeling helpless in the face of that. And I lashed out in a petty and… I’m ashamed to say, a vicious way. And I’m so sorry. Um… I’m not holding onto some old past injury. It was a cheap shot, and — and I regret it. I love both of my sons so fiercely, and I-I’m so proud of both of you. And not just because you’re my sons, but because of who you are a-and who you’ve become, based on your own values and standards and hopes and dreams. You’re A… a good man, finn. You’re a loving father to violet, who’s a joy and A… a ray of sunshine in this world. You’re doing a wonderful job with her. That’s because when it comes to making a parenting decision, I say to myself, “what would my dad do?” Because you’re the best father I know. Well, thank you. I wish I could take some credit, but… you’ve done all the work. You’re a good son. My son.

[ Sighs ] I hope… I’m half the man you think I am. Just keep doing what you’re doing. And you’ll be fine. Hey, dad? I love you, too. Hi. Where’s sonny? I don’t know. He went to look for kristina. This is where he attacked dex — out here in the open?! He was out of control. Oh, my god. Kristina must have been shocked! Thank god you were there to stop him. Yeah. I saw how sonny was watching dex at the reception, and, you know, like, everybody was having a good time, then lois’ mom made a big fuss out of dex, and sonny did not like that. And then after a while, dex left and sonny followed him. Sonny meant to do this? He planned on ambushing dex? Right here when all of his friends and family are out in the garden?! Carly, it looks that way.

[ Sighs ] We gotta find sonny. I’ll check the parking lot. And I’ll check the terrace. Kristina, just — can you listen to me? No. Yes. Okay. Look, sweetheart. Just — no. Okay… d-dex and jason they turned on me. Stop! No! I don’t want to hear this anymore! Listen, b– no, don’t! Don’t! Please! Okay. You don’t have to be afraid. No! Don’t! Don’t be afraid of me. Please no! Don’t ever be afraid of me. Understand? Don’t ever be afraid. No. Just go, please! Please just leave!

[ Kristina sobbing ] It’s okay.

[ Exhales shakily ] We’re okay. Really.

[ Sobbing ]

Special occasion? Mm-hmm. As a matter of fact, I was having a lovely evening. And then I get a call that you’re en route to the hospital. Yeah, prison violence can be so inconvenient. Yeah. Isn’t it, though? Ah. Yeah. But I-I understand that you’re projected to make a full recovery. Yeah, the stabbing, it missed any major organs. You know, I don’t recall giving permission to release my medical information. Police commissioner. Prisoner. Yeah. Being a prisoner, it abridges certain privacy rights. Have you forgotten that? Ah, it must have slipped my mind, what with, uh… everything that’s gone on. You’ve had a very eventful evening. You want to tell me exactly what happened? I guess those vicious thugs in pentonville were too much for me. You know, i can make it into my room on my own. I know, dad. I know. Still, it’s, uh… it’s been a long day. I’ll grant you that. You know, violet already turned me down. You’re — you’re kind of stuck with me. Here. Here. Thanks, son.

[ Sighs ] Finn: Hey. I’ll drop these off at the dry cleaners in the morning. Don’t even think about tucking me in. Even I have my limits.

[ Both chuckle ] Hey, dad… what’s the l ast thing you alwaystold me as a kid before bed? I won’t forget to brush my teeth. Good night, dad. Have good dreams. Good night, son.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey! Finn am I calling too late? You weren’t sleeping, were you? No. I’m working. I got papers all over the place. How was the wedding? Wonderful? Yeah, it was wonderful. I drank.

[ Breathing shakily ] Kristina?

[ Sobbing ] Is it the baby? We have to go to the hospital. No, no, it’s — it’s not the baby. It’s my dad. Did something happen to your father? No, he was — he was beating dex. He was — he was punching him. He attacked him. He was kicking him and… he was going to kill him. Okay. Hey. I talked to security. They’re gonna locate sonny using the security cameras. His car is still in the parking lot. He must have driven himself. I haven’t seen any of his guys around.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, my god. Oh, hold on. Yes. Okay. Great. No, no, no. No. I can handle it. Thank you. Security located sonny in the garden. Okay. If I go with you, it could set him off. I know. I can handle it. I know. I’m just gonna be out of sight, but I’ll be close. Okay. Come on. Well, at least the bleeding seems to have stopped. Look. It’s a busy night. Let’s just go. Hey. No. No. You need stitches. And they’re gonna see us soon. It was really nice of you to give me a ride, but you don’t have to sit around and wait with me. I’ll be fine. Okay. I’m gonna ignore that. How bad does it hurt? It’s not that bad. It’s more on the inside of my head like when your ears are ringing. Okay. You might need a ct scan. Sonny meant business. I didn’t want to fight back. I just tried to dodge, but he just kept coming. He was out of control, joss. I think he wanted to kill me. Sonny. Jason call you? He told me what happened. W-why did you stop me from going after dex… and just ended it?! I had him right there! Is that what kristina heard you say? I don’t know what I said. Bastard grabbed my arm. I punched him. Kristina walked in. Where is she? I saw her in the restroom. My little girl’s afraid of me.

Thank you. I cannot wait to see all the pictures from the reception. The candids are always the best. I hope someone got one of violet catching the bouquet. That was so adorable.

[ Chuckles ] Can you believe that song she sang and wrote? She was a total showstopper. Everyone had the best time. It was like our wedding was a gift to them. And I’m so glad. They deserve a thank-you for loving us and getting us to the point where we could find each other, which is saying a lot when it comes to me. Hey, you turned out great, so I think they did just fine. And for that, I can’t thank them enough. Me neither. And there’s no pain or bleeding? No. No. No. It’s not the baby. Alright. You sound short of breath. It’s not — it’s — it’s not the baby. It’s my dad. I told you. I feel like such a — I feel like such a fool. Josslyn tried to tell me. Tj, dex, everyone. Everyone tried to tell me all this time, and I-I just — I didn’t believe them. I thought that I knew him better than anyone. My dad, I thought I knew, and he had this — he had this code of ethics. All this time, I’ve just been defending him. Over and over and over again, I’ve just been defending him! And I don’t even know who that man was! I don’t even recognize him. He was so angry and he was so violent. And he… he said he was going to kill him. He said — he said he would empty a gun in their heads. That is who my dad is? I didn’t even realize what I was doing. Brook lynn’s grandfather handed me the glass, and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, and I was just gonna set it down. But then, violet, you started singing the song that she had written, right? And everybody was going crazy, and they were applauding. And then he made a toast to her, and I just… I just started — I drank without even realizing what I was doing. Uh, I see. What? No such thing as an accident, right? No, that’s not what I said. I-I… I-it’s just, now that you brought it up, do you think maybe subconsciously you wanted a drink? I mean, to me, it soundedlike you just were, you know, having a good time and got caught up in the moment. I was. Am I overreacting here? No, I didn’t say that either. Look, we both know that, you know, staying sober is a struggle and we also know a slip is a slip, which is why the important thing is — and you need to listen to me… you did not fail here. Alright? So you need to forgive yourself, which is really hard for people like us to do. The hard thing — coming to terms with this. Seven years sober, and it’s gone in 20 seconds. Sonny: There are things parents need to keep from their children for their own good. Y-you know, a father needs to protect his daughter, even from himself. Well, there’s a part of you that kristina has never seen, a part that even scares you. But that’s just one part of sonny corinthos. And it isn’t outmatched by the part kristina has always known. The loving father. The good part. She didn’t look at me that way. She looked… scared. And then when I reached out… …s-she flinched. She flinched! Because it just happened, sonny! She’s raw and she’s confused. Kristina’s gonna need some time to calm down and to process, but she’ll remember the father that you’ve always been. And you can help remind her by leaning into the good. You can show her the father that she’s always loved. I am not sure… anyone loves me anymore.

See, the thing I remember is that you were always first in class in hand-to-hand combat training at the wsb. Didn’t you almost snap the instructor’s neck once? How long ago was that? Years of desk work have left me, uh, lax, somewhat feeble, I suppose. No. [ Chuckles ] “Feeble” and “lax.” They’re not two words that spring to mind when assessing you. Is that what you’re doing, anna? Always. Yeah. Placement of the wound. It’s just so suspiciously fortunate. No vital organs hit. Is prison life so dreary that you had to stab yourself in order to get a change of scenery? Because you were never afraid to take a risk to get what you want. You know, it doesn’t seem fair, interrogating a helpless victim. I very much doubt you’re helpless.

[ Chuckles ] I’m chained to a bed. And I’m too weak to stand. Well, then, I’ll be gentle. You’re never more dangerous than when you appear harmless. In sonny’s mind, I’ve betrayed him and I’m coming after him by joining the pcpd. I keep hoping to see some look of recognition in his eyes that he remembers that I was someone he used to care about and that cared about him, too. I’m so sorry. But… you know, sonny either loves you or he hates you. And right now he hates you. I’m just really grateful that jason kept his promise. Jason pulled him off, but it was kristina who stopped him. You did not intentionally drink, so you did not mess up your sobriety date.

[ Exhales shakily ] It feels like I did. I understand why you feel that way, but you’ve been to enough meetings to know that people who have been in recovery for a long time do slip up. And they come back. Those chips are a great motivator, right? But we know that it all comes down to us because we’re constantly having to climb uphill, and there’s no summit. So…you might have a misstep, but then you — you find your footing again, right? I’m sorry. I know that I am waxing poetic and I’m really punchy and I’m very tired. But, finn… will you just please tell me that this is not the end of your sobriety and you know that? Your children love you. Kristina wouldn’t be so upset if she didn’t love you. You did not see her face, carly. She — she — she looked at me like she didn’t know me. Like she was afraid of me. You can’t change what happened, sonny. You can’t explain it away. And you can’t make kristina unsee what she saw. But it was one night. Hell, it was less than that. It was five minutes! Weighted against a lifetime of love and support and understanding. You’re gonna get kristina back. But you’re gonna have to give her time.

Why did you ask jason to protect me? Why do you think? I love you. And that was never a problem. Come on. Let’s go to my room. You can take a bath and get into some comfy clothes. I don’t want to be alone. I won’t leave you alone.

[ Sniffles ] You may be right. Five minutes is nothin’ compared to a lifetime. And the memory… could fade. But she’s not gonna forget.

[ Sighs ] There’s always gonna be a part of kristina that’s gonna be waiting and afraid that I could do it again. Then don’t do it again, sonny. You know I can’t promise that, carly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this. I don’t know if I got through to him. I think you did. I’m so scared for him. I heard you had a visitor at pentonville. Carly spencer. I find that so odd. Because the last time the two of you were together, you were gonna zip-tie her and drag her off to god knows where.

[ Sighs ] The zip ties… are an occupational hazard. In my work, as in yours, we carry zip ties the same way that civilians carry pocket tissues. No. That’s not a thing, jack. No. Okay. Yes. You found me out. I’m so hot for the gorgeous ms. Spencer that I stabbed myself in the improbable hope that she’ll come visit me in hospital. So… you think I have a chance?

[ Chuckles ] There’s that twinkle. You’re very good, jack. You think so? But I’m better. Thanks for taking the time to talk me down off the ledge. You’re gonna be okay. You are. You just — you freaked out. That’s all. And it’s understandable. You just needed me to tell you that. Yeah, well, I appreciate you. Hey, good luck tomorrow with the court of appeals. Thanks. I’m gonna need it. Yeah. Look. And if you need to talk to someone after… you’ll be the first person that I call. You be good to yourself. And give brook lynn and chase my best, okay? Okay. Ugh! I am so tired. And I have never been more in love. So glad… …we have our whole lives ahead of us.

Those were the days when we had childish dreams I love both of my sons so fiercely, and I’m so proud of both of you. I hope I’m half the man you think I am. Just keep doing what you’re doing. When I was a kid, any time that I was scared of something, you would take my hand and you would say, “I got you, son.” And in that moment, I knew that everything was gonna be okay. I got you, dad.

And I love the lovely years, no worries, no fears love you, grandpa. Love you, too.

[ Smooches and blows ]

Oh, what a great life gregory: Violet’s a ray of sunshine in this world. You’re doing a wonderful job with her. Finn: When it comes to making a parenting decision, I say to myself, “what would my dad do?” “Ho, ho, ho!” Finn: Because you’re the best father I know.

Holding a child gregory: Violet will always need her dad. Yeah. That never goes away. I’m in awe of you, in awe of the strength and determination you’ve shown since you’ve been diagnosed. You’re still embracing life. Don’t have a choice. Now is all I have. Something on my bucket list.

[ Laughter ]

And I love the lovely years first words and steps… violet: You were right, brook lynn. When you make a wish on a christmas tree, your wish comes true. Gregory: My christmas wish — I want to live to see my son marry the love of his life more than anything. Brook lynn: Then we’ll make it happen. And I promise I will bring the strength and love that you inspire in me every single day to our marriage, to our children, just as my dad always did for me.

We’ll sit and repeat ourselves my bucket list is now complete.

Telling our favorites stories

good night, sweetheart.

And we’ll love the lovely years remembering all the years of such a great life and we’ll love the lovely days they’ll never fade away just look in my eyes

violet: Good night, grandpa.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Friday, May 17, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


excuse me.I’ve got some rounds to make. Wait, wait, wait. Aww![ Chuckles ] Lucky man, my friend. I sure am. Sam, I was going to ask you. How’s the pi business? Any interesting new cases? Same old, same old. Hey, jason. Hey. Hey. I’m so glad monica got you to come. Yeah. I know she wanted to come herself. And I know she would wantme to tell you congratulations. Thank you. Good to see you. Sonny, we don’t see enough of you. You don’t come around the neighborhood as much as you should. Carmine: Gloria’s right. Now, listen — we’re having a big 4th of july party, just like every year. I want to see you there this year. Alright, I’ll try. No, no trying. Commit! Uncle dimples! I’m so glad you came. I would not miss it for the world. Aww. Okay. Say “formaggio!” Okay, no, that’s okay. We’re — yeah, we’re not — well, you’re not the mother of the bride. I am, and I’m walking around taking pictures of everyone. So pick your favorite cheese and say “formaggio!” Formaggio! Formaggio! Formaggio. Great. Oh, you’re beautiful. Our great grandkids love your music. Oh, thank you. Don’t be embarrassed. Tell her. Tell me what? She loves it, too. Kids start dancing, she’s right there with them. I’m afraid she’s gonna break something.

[ Laughter ] I’m gonna break you.

[ Laughter ] So, blaze, are you gonna perform today? For our brook lynn? Yeah, who we love so much. Oh, blaze is a guest. Yeah, I know she’s a guest, but she’s here and she’s got that amazing voice. Oh, well, um, I… well, actually, she really wanted to perform, but when you think about it, if brook lynn had her most important client perform at her wedding… exploitation. Yeah. See? You got it. Exactly. And that’s not a good look, not at all.

[ Light laughter ] What did you think of my song? Oh, we loved your song. And you wrote that all by yourself? Yes, I did. Jason, it is so good to see you! At this wedding, obviously, but also just in general, spinelli really missed you. And so did I. It’s always good to see you. Are you free to enjoy yourself, or do you still have responsibilities? Uh, no, this is olivia’s show now. My responsibilities ended at the church. Can I commend you on the music? That violinist was superlative. I thought so, too, but I can’t take any credit for that. He’s a cousin of the cerullos or something? Usually, when a family says they have someone they want to play the ceremony, it can be a total mess, but I think he was really good. Oh, gio, your performance was perfection. You could not have given brook lynn a greater gift. I’m glad that she liked it, but, I mean, brook lynn was a little busy. I doubt she even noticed. Are you kidding me? Everyone noticed your talent. Oh, honey. Oh, the family is so proud of you! Oh! Mm! Violet: Daddy. Huh? I need to ask you a question, and you need to be honest with me. Okay. Ask away. What did you think about my song? Honestly? I thought you were amazing. Mm.

[ Breathes deeply ] Violet, it’s almost dinnertime. Why don’t you go find our place cards in the ballroom?

[ Gasps ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Soft piano music playing ] You seem upset. Did something happen?

[ Knock on wall ] Well, what’s this? It’s samples. I just finished up wrapping up all the after-party prep. Hmm. Catering for two families. What were you thinking, volunteering for such a mission?

[ Sighs ] I honestly feel so bad that I couldn’t make it to the wedding. I-I wanted to go. I was planning on going. But I had no idea how much lois and olivia were expecting from me for this after party. They gave me this long list of food to prepare and, being so new at the job, I couldn’t say no. I get it. Well, yuri and leo are splitting some takeout and playing video games. Monica wanted a light dinner. And being as everyone else is still at the reception, it seems that you and i have the quartermaine manse all to ourselves. Mm.

[ Soft piano music playing ] Sorry. I didn’t mean to strand you.

[ Laughs ] Not at all. Not at all. Actually, it’s been really nice getting to see you hang out with your really loving family and friends. Oh. Oh, my god. For the love of god. I know it’s a party, but you’re causing a scene. Can you just rein it in? Everything okay? Why wouldn’t it be? I don’t know. Three names — cates, brennan, pikeman. Why don’t you just forget about all that for the evening, yeah? I will if you will. Try killing bugs the worry-free way.Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you don’t have to. Zevo. People-friendly. Bug-deadly. Gio! Mwah! Mwah! Thank you so much for playing! Didn’t I tell you he was brilliant? You did, and you did not exaggerate.

[ Laughter ] I know it’s not in your nature, but it wouldn’t kill you to mingle. You’re right. Yeah. It’s not in my nature. Oh. [ Laughs ] I see. It’s not like I’m asking you to just go up to total strangers and start discussing the trends in — I don’t know — coffee, fashion… gadgetry. But there’s a lot of people here who’ve really missed you. Dante: Look, no matter what my cousins say or do, we are not going to this after party, okay? They’re going to try and get to me through you. They’re going to get you to go and then drag me along, and we — we got to present a united front, okay? This is new for you. What is? Cowardice. Wow. Too slow. What do you mean? I saw it, man. Pretty little homemade shank. Well, I’m not saying that I — I have such an item, but if I did, what could I offer you to pretend you never saw it? How about I just take the item? You wouldn’t want the guards finding something like that on you. Uh…no deal. You see, I made it. Make a new one. Ugh!

[ Laughs ] I know jack about wine, but judging from this year, I’m guessing these grapes were not growing in napa last summer? They were not. Mm-hmm. And you didn’t get this bottle from a local wine and spirit outlet. Ned uncorked it last night and only had one glass. Okay, I’ve been — I’m wondering, are the q’s gonna be okay with us absconding with this bottle? We didn’t abscond with anything.

I did. A chef. Even so. Cody, please. I have had their wine before, and it never bothered them. So, why would it now? Maybe because this bottle is expensive, even for them. It probably was before it was corked, but you can be sure of one thing — that wine is good tonight and it definitely won’t be tomorrow. Well, then, as a budding wine connoisseur, I cannot in good conscience allow today’s good wine go to waste tomorrow.

[ Sniffs ] How are you and brook lynn related again? Oh, we’re cousins, once removed. Wait. Or is it twice? I always get that part confused. Anyways, he’s a cerullo on his mom’s side. He gets his musical talent from his mom. Ah. So, your dad’s not musical? Uh, I-I don’t really know. He — he was in the military. Died before I was born. I am so sorry. No, no, no. It’s fine. I’m very proud of him. As you should be. You know, actually, that guy in the blue suit there — he served in afghanistan. He’s now at the police academy. Does he like it? You got to ask him. Oh, no, no, no, no. Do not try to recruit gio to be a cop. My grandmother would have a heart attack, not to mention the rest of the family. No, no, no, gio is going to be a concert violinist. Isn’t that right? Yeah, that’s the plan.

Close your eyes and see I know it wasn’t easy seeing your dad struggle. But look. He’s fine. Yeah. He seems to have recovered, thanks to tracy. She’s really good with him.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, she is. Who would have thought?

[ Laughs ] Point is, let’s not think about what happened ’cause your dad is having a wonderful time right now. You’re absolutely right. It’s been a while. Yeah, it has. Excuse me. Hey, know what? Um… cadet heller — how’s he doing in the academy? Oh, I’m not allowed to discuss that with you. And you should know better than to ask.

[ Laughs ] Should we go find our seats? What do you think? Yeah, let’s do that. Yeah? Okay.

[ Indistinct conversations ] I’m getting hungry.

I think one of the most important lessons I’ve learned from brook lynn is that just because you can’t stand somebody, for very good reasons, I might add…

[ Laughter ] …Doesn’t mean that your lifelong enemy can’t become one of your very best friends… …a friend that is there for you when you need someone the most. Congratulations, brook lynn. Love you. I love you.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, yeah and chase. Um…

[ Laughter ] You sweet, handsome, honorable man. Just do your best not to arrest her again. Good luck with that.

[ Chuckles ] Congratulations to the happy couple. -Aww! -To the couple! -Cheers! -Happy couple! -Cheers! -Aww. Thank you for being the best wicked stepmother ever. Oh! I do what I can.

[ Laughs ] You done good. You didn’t do too bad yourself. Hi. I’m gio. Dex heller. Uh, chase was telling me that you served in afghanistan. My dad did, too. Oh, yeah? Do you know where? No, no. He was killed in action before I was born, so, uh… no, I don’t have a lot of details about his service. I’m sorry for your loss. Thanks. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything. I-I just… I-I think what you did was very important. Thank you. So do I. Your dad must have gone over there pretty early. Was it 2001, 2002? Uh, it was 2002, yeah. Did you like it? Serving in the military? Yeah, I — I did. You know, it’s hard when you’re deployed. You, um — you spent a lot of time thinking about home. I bet your dad spent a lot of time thinking about your mom and wondering who you would turn out to be. A violinist? I bet he would have really liked that. When you’re surrounded by destruction, you have a lot of respect for the people who create the things that are beautiful, like your music.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Do me a favor. Can you stop gio from talking to that guy right there? Why? He used to work for me, and he’s not trustworthy. Oh, come on. It’s a wedding reception, sonny. They’re probably talking about sports scores or something. I don’t care. I don’t want him talking to him to him. What — listen. Bigger deal you make of this, the bigger of a deal it’s going to be. So just let it go, okay? …Up to her due date, so there was probably never…

[ Soft music playing ]

Speak my name maxie? Yeah? Maximista. Uh-huh.

[ Chuckles ] When’s the last time I told you how beautiful you looked? You mean, like in the last 15 minutes? That’s far too long. It’s unforgivable. Spinelli, hey. Allow me — what? Huh? Got a minute? Uh — sorry.

[ Sighs ] I really wonder how the wedding is going. It’s a wedding. It’s either great or it’s god-awful. There is no in-between. Well, if those are the options, then I think it’s going great. Well, you can wish all you want, but there’s about a billion things that could go wrong. They could forget the rings. Someone could object. There could be food poisoning, runaway bride, runaway groom. Wow. Okay. Well, until I hear otherwise, I choose to believe that this wedding day is everything brook lynn and chase would want. And I can’t wait to see pictures. You want some more? ‘Cause I could use some. Hey. Whoa. What — what is with you? You’re with me. Do you have something against weddings? No, not weddings, per se. I just kind of thought… you know, I hoped it was a cliché that all women dream of a big formal church wedding. Why does it matter? Because even if a guy like me could convince a woman to marry him, I doubt I could afford the big fancy wedding of her dreams.

[ Stammering ] I thought you didn’t want to discuss this tonight. Yeah, well, I changed my mind. Okay, look, samantha, you know, I would love to help you, but I also value my freedom far too much to investigate the fbi. Spinelli. Okay. What is — what’s the goal here, anyway? Besides getting locked up in federal prison? Full disclosure? Yes, by all means. Redact nothing. I’m not sure.

[ Exhales sharply ] Samantha.

[ Sighs ] Okay, a fishing expedition is one thing, but the data stores of federal law enforcement are vast beyond comprehension. How would we even know how to start? I don’t know. Maybe you can help me. All I do know is that jason has been working for the fbi as an informant. I’m sorry. Working for the fbi? Yeah. I know. It sounds crazy, right?

[ Stammers ] Um, but jason actually told me so himself. And the only reason why he would work as an informant would be… if the fbi held damning evidence against him. Yeah. And we have to find it. Well, it is that time, folks, where we welcome our beautiful newlyweds to the dance floor.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ The como brothers’ “I see something” plays ]

I see something in her smile

it makes me feel as though that I could fly

[ Cheers and applause continue ]

I see something in her smile

it makes me feel as though I’ve

always really known her now

I hear something when she speaks

it’s everything I want and what I need

I feel something when she breathes

it makes me feel as though I

never want to leave her now

and I’ve been searching for something all my life

yeah, I’ve been looking for someone with your eyes


Each of us

has a story

about how we came to where we are

and each of us

has a big dream may I have this dance? Yes, you may. Don’t be jealous. Of what? Think of a reason.

[ Laughter ]

[ Whispering ] I’m gonna go dance with gregory.

There’s a great big world that’s waiting for all of us may I have this dance? Gregory: Um…

there’s a great big road you don’t need that.

And we’re kicking up the dust be my honor.

There’s a great big sky

and we’re shooting for the stars

there’s a fire burning in our hearts ng knowi this is just

this is just the start

I can see

a new life before our eyes

and I can feel a feeling move us

to a new chapter of life he looks like he’s having a good time. He’s surrounded by cerullos. How could he not be?

[ Both laugh ] You know, you’re lucky to have a dad like sonny. But I think you already know that. I do. Although I got to say, if you only knew him back in the day… oh! Do I even want to know? Your dad is a stand-up guy. Always has been. He always will be.

Knowing this is just and you’re certain that this would help jason? Honestly, I don’t know. But I think we have to at least try because jason would do the exact same thing for us. I’m in. Thank you.

[ Up-tempo dance music playing ] Think you can keep up with my sick moves?

Close your eyes I can try.

Let’s live it up

baby, give me your love

this is the night that we’ve been dreaming of

ooh the bride gets to pick who she dances with on her wedding. It would be my honor.

Tonight we’re gonna celebrate and live it up

living for the night may I have this dance? I thought you’d never ask.

[ Laughs ]

Ooh, ooh, ooh

living for the night

ooh, ooh

living for the night, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Okay, first of all, I don’t think that all women dream of getting married in the first place, let alone have a big wedding that takes over a year to plan. And at least a year’s salary to pay for. And traditionally, the groom doesn’t even pay for the wedding. The bride’s family does. Okay. Is that a part of the dowry, or is that in addition to? Since we’re talking tradition. And traditionally, sure, every fairy tale ends with a wedding. Mm, you clearly weren’t raised by germans. The grimm brothers. And popular culture tells little girls that their wedding day is that one day they get to be a princess. But I think that… it’s just one way to celebrate love. If you have a better way, I’m all ears. Well, take me and brando, for example. We got married in a garage. And, yeah, that wasn’t really what we imagined, but we were just so excited to get to the “happily ever after” part. And when that didn’t happen… yeah, I felt cheated. Because a wedding day is just one day of your life. But the marriage, the chance to grow old with your best friend, that lasts a lifetime. Or it’s supposed to, anyway. All the single ladies! Come!

[ Guests murmuring ] Ladies, ladies, keep your head in the game! Alright. They’re ready. Okay. You ready?

[ Gasps ]

[ Cheers and applause ] I caught it! I caught it! Congratulations, violet!

[ Cheers and applause continue ] Not so fast! I want another dance with my beautiful bride. I love you, I want to dance with you, but I’ve got to check the viennese table. Ahh. But do you, really? You’re impossible.

[ Chuckles ] Fine! Hey. Going so soon? Yeah. I’ve got a big day ahead. Can I give you a ride? No. You know, I think I’m gonna stay a little longer. Well, that’s too bad. I’ve been meaning to tell you about my last conversation with mcconkey. Please don’t tell me he wants an entire pier to go with the esplanade? Ah, no, let’s just, uh — let’s just say the congressman has given me a lot to think about. We’ll talk. You tease!

[ Sighs ] Excuse me. Would you like water? Oh, thank you, young man. Of course. With all the excitement and the dancing and everything, my head was beginning to spin a little bit. Um, what’s your name? I’m dex heller. Hi, dex. And how do you know my granddaughter and her new husband? I’m a cadet with the pcpd.

[ Gasps ] You’re a policeman. Oh, your family must be so proud of you. Ooh. We’re so pleased and thrilled to have chase in our family. Well, chase is an exceptional officer. Yes, and of course you know dante. Yes, ma’am. Yes. Well, dante, let me see. He’s got to be three — no. Fifth cop in his generation in the falconeri side of the family. Oh, lois, do you know dex? Mm-hmm. Yes. He saw that I was parched, and he brought a glass of water over to me. That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you, dex. It was no problem. And you know what else? Mm-hmm? Dex is at the police academy. You should introduce him to your cousin lucia. If they were to marry, then there would be four cops on the cerullo side. Ma! Ma! You just met the guy, and you already marry him? I’m so sorry… oh, not at all. …For my mother. Really. Although I will say, you should meet lucia. I mean, she is a beautiful girl. And also very smart. She has a degree in computer science. But no — no pressure, though. Stop. Stop. No pressure at all. Ma.

[ Groaning ] Unh!

[ Groans ] Ugh!

[ Breathing heavily ]

never really ponderedthe whole “ever after” thing. You know? I make sure the horses are healthy. I clean out their stalls. I live day to day. Given where I’m from, the whole long-term thing didn’t really seem like a great option. I get that. When you marry someone you love, thinking “long term” is the default setting. But then when it’s cut short, you realize that making big plans and relying on them happening — it sets you up for disappointment. Don’t — don’t get me wrong. I mean, you know, hoping for a future with the person you love doesn’t seem like a bad thing. It’s just, in my personal experience, when you don’t plan too far ahead, it leaves you open for surprises. Like parachuting into a swimming pool. Yeah. Or quitting your spokesmodel job because someone calls you too wholesome. Or finding a family, even though you can’t tell them you’re part of it. Or this, you know? Great wine, great food, great company. Hold that thought. I didn’t say anything. No, hold it!

[ Static hissing ]

[ Soft music plays ] May I have this dance? I remember how much trouble you used to be. Well, why I married a cop. Needed an inside man.

[ Laughter ] Oh, that was good thinking. Well, you should try it sometime. Ohh! Just saying. Oof.

[ Laughter ] Well, uh, brook lynn, congratulations. And I know next time my maxie gets drawn into a convoluted deception involving risk, danger, and intrigue, she’ll be in excellent hands. That’s sort of our thing.

[ Laughs ] Believe it or not, I think I’ve said all I have to say. And I heard it. You’re gonna have the best life. Just wish I deserved it. What are you talking about? Of course you deserve it. That’s why it’s yours. We saw you two on the dance floor. Nice moves. Yeah. You know, it’s kind of like dex forgot that josslyn’s my little sister and that I’d do anything to protect her. Okay. That’s enough. Thank you. Oh, dex knows that I’m kidding. Actually, I’m — I’m not kidding.

[ Laughter ] Found someone’s hearing aid. It’s probably carmine’S. I’m gonna go find him then. You’re coming to the after party, dante. I won’t take no for an answer. Aw, geez, patty, I would love to go, but I got kids to tuck in and crime to fight and — that sounds great. I think you should go right ahead. What? Deputy mayor, are you coming? Oh, you know, I can’T. I, um — I got a city to deputy-run. Dante, don’t worry. Spinelli and I can drive you and jordan to the after party. I don’t — I don’t — I don’t want to go. I — yeah, I-I really can’T. Uh, yes, you do. Yeah, you can. Oh! Okay, yeah, yeah. Hey, you know what, patty? We’ll — we’ll meet you there. How’s that? Perfect. Jordan: Yeah. Can’t wait. See you there. See you there. See you there. Bye.

[ Laughter ] Dad! I cannot stop thanking you. I would do it again in a heartbeat. And thank you for… yeah. I certainly hope you regret, um, arresting me. You know, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

[ Laughter ] Good answer. Come on, violet. Let’s go. Let me walk you out. Thank you. For what?

[ Sighs ] Everything. Always. The cerullos are my people. You enjoying yourself with my people? I’m having a good time. A great time, actually.

[ Laughs ] That’s the wrong answer. They’re like family to me. You stay away from my family. I was invited the same as you. You are a snitch! A spy! You’re lucky to be breathing. I’m gonna tell you — you stay away from me and mine. Or you may not be breathing much longer. I’m not your enemy.

This is the best day of my life!

[ Gasps ] Wow.

[ Both groan ] We did it. Yeah. We tied the knot. We crossed the finish line. Ahh. And you are my husband. And you are my wife. Oh, your wife. Now what? Now we have a great wedding night, followed by a great honeymoon in florence. And then we spend the rest of our lives together. How’s that sound? I’m so glad I hit you with that bottle. Wait, I thought that was an accident. Oh, that was no accident. It was luck. Hey, kristina, I seem to have misplaced your father. Oh. Sorry about that. Uh-oh. What’d you do to him? I didn’T. He hasn’t seen his family in a long time. Probably got caught up telling stories from back in the day. Oh. Well, that makes sense. I’m just ready to go up. Do you want to ride up with me? I’m not tired just yet. Okay. Well, will you tell your dad I had a great time, thanks again, and to have a really great evening? Yeah, sure. Okay. Bye. Okay, don’t judge me, but I kind of want to get another piece of cake. Grab two and meet me in my room. Done. Ah!

[ Chuckles ]

I wouldn’t dream

how’d this be without you here I should probably go. The reception should be over. Probably.

If you weren’t the angel… ned and olivia and tracy will be home soon. Can’t keep them waiting. And I’ve got an after party to throw, so… I got to go. Okay. One more song.

If you were here to hold dr. Andy: What have we got? Stab wound to the abdomen. Bp 70 over 40, heart rate 130. He’s lost a lot of blood. Let’s get him to trauma one. Ooh, olivia, olivia — what? What? What’s wrong? Who’s under arrest? We were so close. No, no one’s under arrest. I just wanted to say, it was a great party.

[ Exhales heavily ] Thank god. Always good when a wedding is over and no one is in custody. It is, ye

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Thursday, May 16, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


gregory: [Weakly] We are… g-gathered here today to…

[ Clears throat ] …Witness and… uh, celebrate, uh… the…marriage of — of these… two… beautiful young people.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Groans ] Brook — brook lynn and ch-a-ase… are you… …r-ready to enter — enter into the… the holy state of… matr– matrimony?

[ Gregory inhales deeply and groans ]

[ Groans ] Dad?

[ Groans ]

[ Exhales shakily ] Are you okay? Just give him a minute.

[ Gregory groaning ]

[ Gregory groaning ]

[ Exhales sharply ] Can you breathe?

[ Grunts ] Y-yeah. Good. It’s okay. Take all the time you need. Everybody understands. It’s okay.

[ Gregory groans ]

[ Gregory exhales sharply ] Don’t worry about the order. Breathe.

[ Gregory groans ] I can finish this like I promised you. Or we can just wait. Nobody minds. Thank you. As I was saying…

[ Light laughter ] Brook lynn and chase… are you ready to enter into the holy state of matrimony, which is an honorable estate and not one to be entered into lightly but humbly and reverently? Are you willing to take your vows in the presence of this company and in the sight of god?

Brook lynn and chase, please take hands. Harrison, do you take brook lynn to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love and comfort her, to honor and keep her in sickness and in health… in prosperity and adversity… and, forsaking all others, to be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live? I do. Brook lynn… do you take harrison to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love and comfort him… to honor and keep him in sickness and in health… in prosperity and adversity… and, forsaking all others, to be faithful to him for as long as you both shall live? I do. Shakespeare wrote… “true love cannot be found where it truly does not exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.” Harrison and brook lynn, your love cannot be hidden. It illuminates you both. May the light of love you see in each other’s eyes today be with you for all the years to come.

Harrison, repeat after me. Actually, dad, I have this memorized and I’m kind of proud of it, so…

[ Laughter ] Okay. I, harrison chase, take you, brook lynn quartermaine, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health… to love and to cherish till death do us part.

[ Exhales sharply ] Brook lynn? I, brook lynn quartermaine, take you, harrison chase, to be my wedded husband… to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health… to love and to cherish until death do us part. Best man, do you have the rings? Yeah.

[ Laughter ] These rings that you present each other are emblems of the union which you this day, declare, and they will henceforth affirm. May they remind you and all others of the bond between you and of the act of faith in which you now partake. Harrison… place this ring on brook lynn’s finger and repeat after me. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Chase: With this ring… I thee wed. You know, some people, they — they just know the first time they lay eyes on each other. It’s like they’re struck by lightning.

[ Chuckles ] That was not us.

[ Laughter ] No, the first time I saw you, I was struck by a bottle that you swung at my head! That bottle is still in evidence lockup. Now it… it’s just evidence of my love for you. You’re a force of nature, brook lynn. You are a tsunami, a tornado, and earthquake all in one — unstoppable, invincible, impossibly beautiful woman. And that love and faith that you have in me… makes me feel invincible, too. And I promise I will bring the strength and love that you inspire in me every single day to our marriage… …to our children. Just as my dad always did for me. I don’t know if anyone’s ever been so lucky to get hit in the head with a bottle. But here I am! At your side. Forever. Gregory: [ Clears throat ] I’m okay. Just…very, very grateful.

Brook lynn… place this ring on harrison’s finger and repeat after me. “With this ring, I thee wed.” With this ring… I thee wed. When I was a little girl, I used to wonder, “what kind of man will I marry?” Being surrounded by so many strong women, they always taught me never to settle, to hold out for the best possible man like they did. So I made myself a list. My groom-to-be had to be… handsome… and strong… and smart. And he had to love music. And he had to love me. Check, check, check, check, and check.

[ Laughter ] But there was one thing I forgot to put on that list. This is a biggie. The husband of my dreams also had to be good. He had to be kind… and patient… and fair… and just…good. And you, chase, are a good man. You literally make the world a better place every single time you leave the house, and you make my world a better place every single time you come home. You keep people safe… and right wrongs… and you do your best to prevent people from making bad decisions, no matter how stubborn they may be. Not gonna mention any names, but it’s me.

[ Laughter ] And even when those baddecisions sometimes happen, you show up with patience… and forgiveness… and always, always love. So I am so grateful I hit you over the head with that bottle!

[ Laughter ] And it was an accident! I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that! So I just hope that, when I need it, you’ll give me your forgiveness. And I promise I will always give you mine. But the promise I make to you today, to love and to cherish you always… it’s the easiest promise I ever made. Even easier to keep. By the power vested in me by the state of new york… I now pronounce you husband and wife. Son, you may kiss your bride.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cheers and applause ] Congratulations, pal. Thank you so much. Thank you for the best wedding ever. Oh. Thank you, son. For being patient when I got a little stuck. Everybody loves a comeback. I’m just glad nobody left. On the bright side, I — well, my bucket list is now complete. About that, I have one more thing to add to your list. Holding our first child. There you go. There you go. Take one of those with you. I’m not hungry right now.

[ Laughter ] Honey, those aren’t for eating. Then what are they for? You just follow me, and I will show you just what to do. You know, you are the one that served the love potion at the picnic, so, technically, this whole thing is kind of your fault. So I’m the bringer of happiness. You’re damn straight you are. You guys, I’ll see you there, okay? -Olivia? -Yeah, honey. Can you take me to the reception? Well, but you’re gonna — you’re gonna miss out on throwing the bird seed, honey. That’s okay. I need to get ready for my big surprise. Ohh. Okay. Well, then, let’s go. See ya.

[ Laughs ] What? Oh, your mom. Your — your whole family. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They’re something else, aren’t they? Damn straight. Uh-huh. Hey, well, lucky you.

[ Patting ] We’re part of your family now, too.

[ Laughs ] Yeah… dex: Yeah, she looked great…

[ Indistinct conversations ] Dad, everything okay? Yeah. Lot of familiar faces. People I haven’t seen in years. They’re still always your people.

[ Chuckles ] Nothing changes that, right? Mnh-mnh. Well, your people are my people, so you’ll have to introduce me at the reception. Oh, I will. That was such a beautiful wedding. I thought I saw you get all teared up with the bride and groom. I guess I’m one of those people who cries at weddings. Maybe you should think about that. Nice job, kiddo.

[ Sobbing loudly ] -You gotta stop crying! -You first! So, the ceremony. Any notes? Ask maxie. Oh, I was just saying the natural light could have been a touch brighter. Doesn’t the natural light come from the sun? Exactly, spinelli. The sun had one job.

[ Brook lynn chuckles ] Well, did the natural light work for you? I don’t know. All I could see was you. Aww. I wish we could do it all over again. Too bad. Because this wedding was your first, your last, and your only… though I would be open to renewing our vowels every 30 years or so. Yeah, well, I was thinking every 10 to 15. Well, I can’t wait to argue about it. How do you feel about sitting down? I found a quiet little room off the altar. Oh, the sacristy.

[ Chuckles ] Is that what it’s called? Everything’s called something. Thank you. I could use a quiet moment. Alright, then. Follow me. You know, I appreciate you, tracy. You’re always thinking ahead, anticipating what I might need, but always letting me make the choice. You know me. I don’t like to be pushy.

[ Chuckles ] You have great finesse… and grace, which everyone here saw today when my body was refusing to make words. Well, I believe that every wedding should have some suspense.

[ Chuckles ] Um, forgive me if this is… uh, too much. I’m on the edge of my seat. I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I had met you when I was 25 or 30. I…have had the same…question. A couple of times. And? What answer did you come up with? That life would have definitely been very different. Today… would have been very different. And since today our two families were joined in such a beautiful, joyous way… …why would anyone want to change that? Why, indeed.

[ Cheers and applause ] Lois: Aww!

Oh, my god. That wedding was so beautiful. Wow. This is a fun party. Who knew lois would be the subdued one?

[ Laughs ] Ah. After you. Grazie. Thank you. To the happy couple. Cheers. Mm. At what point… do you think it’s okay to slide out of a wedding reception without it being rude? Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you’re bored already. Oh, no, no, I’m not bored. It’s just that at weddings I tend to look around and I see missed chances. Thank you. You know, watching brook lynn and chase today made me realize… you know, when you say those vows, you really think you know what you’re in for. Truth is… none of us have a clue. I’m just glad that we’re in it together. I am gonna pretend like I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ll be right back. Didn’t expect to see you here. Yeah. Monica asked me to come. Yeah. I meant, I didn’t expect to see you at all. But I guess ne ither of us havemade an effort to see each other since your return. Should we? I think the fact that you’re asking that question pretty much answers itself. Okay. Okay. Okay. Pictures, pictures! Okay, a little separation of the black suits there. You step right to the side, to the side, to the side, side, to — okay, you’re good. Um, you move there, and I’m here. We’re ready. Everybody say, “formaggio.” All: Formaggio!

Easy feeling

like it’s meant to be

nothing in my life so appealing

ever seemed so right for me girls, girls! We need to even it out. Come on, over here, over here. Okay, flowers out, flowers out. The pretty. Smile. Okay.

Will last ’cause

all that you are is better by far

than all I hoped you’d ever be

a million dreams whisper to me

from inside your name

next to you I found my way

to someday touching up or hiding out? A little bit of both.

[ Chuckles ] And what about you? I notice that you’re here with drew. Oh, well, drew’s here. I’m here. And that’s all there is to that. Mm-hmm. Seems like you and drew had a little bit of a vibe going on. Well, we are both single people at a wedding. We tend to travel in packs for our own survival. Ah. Been there.

[ Laughs ] I’m not exactly sure

why I was invited. Well, you were chase’s boss for a really long time. Not anymore. But that is the kind of guy chase is. Come to think of it, it could have been ned’s idea, too. Ned? Why ned? Yeah. Yeah, ever since I became deputy mayor, he’s become a lot more friendly. Oh, so this is a schmooze invite.

[ Chuckles ] At this point, anything’s possible. Yeah, curtis thinks we were invited because brook lynn has booked clients at his club. Including chase. So I guess we were both schmooze invitees. Exactly. Anything is possible. Mm-hmm.

[ Chuckles ] Ah. Oh. Excuse me. Everything okay? Everything’s fine. Yeah. We were actually just trying to figure out which family invited us. Oh! And since one of those families is your family… we thought maybe you could shed a little light on the mystery. Well, that would either be a lois question or a tracy question. Mm. Yeah, we’re gonna ask lois. We’ll ask lois. Yeah. 100%. My two cents — any social event is only improved by the gorgeousness. Aw.

[ Laughs ] Woman’s got a point. That does explain it.

[ Chuckles ] Shall we? Yes. Oh, it is so pretty. So, um, [Laughs] Thank you for a really wonderful afternoon. You’re not leaving, are you? Well, alison and i are staying here in the hotel, actually, I mean, just for the time being, but, um, I figured you’d want to catch up with friends and family. Stay. You know why? I don’t know if you know, but one of, uh, those old friends owns a hotel, and she throws great parties.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I will then. Um, excuse me, mr. Corinthos. Ah, come in! What, you’re two grown up to call me uncle sonny? Uncle sonny. Yeah, look at you, gio. Fix your tie there. Natalia, this is giovanni palmieri. We call him gio. Gio, nice to meet you.

[ Chuckles ] That was beautiful today. I really admire your musicianship. Well, thank you. How long have you been playing? Oh, as long as I can remember. Uh, my mother was a violinist and… she was much better than I am. He’s just being modest. He studied with the best teachers in new york. Thanks to uncle sonny. He paid for my lessons and my first two years at college. Really? Very generous.Let me tell you something. He deserves a shot. I’m gonna tell you why. He will be a concert violinist. Ain’t that right, gio? Thanks to you, uncle sonny. Get over here. Aw.

Sam? Wow, you two. Hi. Enjoy the wedding? Oh, it was so beautiful. Yes. And chase’s dad. I know, so brave. He did such a nice job, right?

[ Cellphone chimes ] Yeah. Yeah. It was amazing. Uh-oh. Dante’s cousin patty is causing trouble again. Well, sam to the rescue. Yeah, so we’ll, uh, talk over cake. Yeah, for sure. Bye. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little over-chaperoned. Your mom was nice today.

[ Chuckles ] She made eye contact. She smiled, even. In a warm and welcoming way? You know, more of a “keep your hands off my daughter” way, but, hey, I’ll take it. It’s funny, my mom’s been known to do the same thing. She’s objected to your girlfriends? One in particular. But I can’t say she was entirely wrong. And if you ever tell anyone that… okay, who would even believe me? Good.

[ Chuckles ] Where’s your mom anyway? Albany. The law license thing. Yes. God, I hope she gets it back. You really like your mom, don’t you? Uh, I love my mom. Mm. Like? Kind of depends on the day, you know? I hear that. Yeah. There’s one thing our moms have in common that’s so important — they’re crazy about us. Just not so crazy about our choices. Of course, she just wants the best for you. My job is to convince your mother that what’s best for you is me. Actually, you don’t need to convince her about anything, because you’ve already convinced me. Some– sometimes my lens gets caught under my eyelid, and I can’t get it out. I’m half blind. Ma, ma, just lean your head back. I’m gonna try and fish it out. Come on. Are you crazy? You’ll skewer my eyeball with those nails of yours. You know, let me get you a tissue. You know what? I have an idea. Like, just look down — can you look down at your shoes for a second?

That same pretty girl gave me a smile I can see! Ah! I can see! Aw, see? I’m going back to the dance floor.

[ Laughter ] Anna: I think they look very nice. Lovely. They’re really so nice. Me, too. Thank you. So… okay, let’s go dance. Okay. Ah. Thanks. Hey, uh, what can I get you? Not a thing. Why don’t you sit here with me? I’d love to.

[ Sighs ] You were a rock star today. That’s nice of you to say. Dad, you were. Everybody’s been talking about how perfect the wedding was. I hope you’ll allow yourself a little pat on the back. If you insist, but if anyone was a rock star today, it was tracy. She bravely stood between me and disaster. Yeah, tracy was something else. You two make a good team. I’m just glad the ceremony came off. Performing that ceremony in front of all these people — skydiving’s got nothing on that. Oh, gregory. Thank you so much for such a lovely service. It was my pleasure. Hey, this is my pops, carmine cerullo. Pops, this is the father of the groom, professor gregory chase. Yeah, we met at — yeah, when we were taking pictures. Yeah. Oh! And, of course, you know that familiar mug. Right? Come on. You remember sonny. Sonny.

[ Chuckles ] This one — this one was at my house so much when he was a kid that after you’d go home, my gloria, she’d take a headcount at bedtime, just to make sure none of ours are out there getting into trouble. She’d say, “pop, we’re short one. Sonny’s not here.”

[ Laughter ] Come here. -Thank you. -Thank you. Uh, yes, sales are up. And I have a feeling it has to do with our new face of deception. That’s so good to hear. Well, I look forward to having our accountant verify your tally, and that way my daughter can get her cut, as per her contract. You don’t get invited to a lot of parties, do you? Well, this is a surprise. Yeah, people keep saying that. Monica asked me to come. So here you are. Yeah. So, tell me if this is a bad idea. Oh, boy. Do you think jake would like to go out on the lake with me? You mean, like, fishing or something? Uh, that, or, you know, if he thinks that’s too boring, maybe we’d get a speed boat or something. Excuse me. Are you jason quartermaine? Mrs. Cerullo. Ah! It’s been a long time. But did you ever become a doctor? No. Oh. You know what? I don’t blame you. I can’t stand the sight of blood, either. Oh. Oh! Look who’s here — our honorary son, sonny!

[ Both chuckle ] Hey, maxie. Question. Spinelli. Response. Was there a — a bride at the wedding? Was there a what? Because all I could see… was you.

[ Laughs ] I can’t think of a better place than at my best friend’s wedding to tell you that I love you.

[ Cheers and applause ] Kisses! Kisses!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Gregory, thank you so much. The ceremony could not have been more perfect. I think it could have used fewer pauses, myself. Hey, you were there. You did it. And I will thank you for this day every day of my life.

[ Glass tapping ] Can I have everyone’s attention, please?

[ Tapping continues ] Everyone’s attention, please.

[ Tapping continues ] Yo! I’m trying to talk here!

[ Laughter ] Thank you. Now that we have the guests of honor, I would like to present them with a tray of the cocktail of the day. This gorgeous concoction is known as — wait for it — the brook lynn chaser.

[ Laughter ] You get it? Please explain the subtleties to us. You know what? We’ll take two right here. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. This delicious beverage was such a hit at the bridal shower, I decided it deserved a revival, but the happy couple gets first dibs. Oh, my god, no, no, no, no, no. I’m terrified of spilling anything on my dress. What for? It’s not like you’re gonna wear it again. Yeah! Well, in that case, I’ll take two! I want to toast my groom. I’d prefer to be called your husband. Mm. Oh. Hey, hello again. Ah. Hey. Hello, mr. Cerullo. We didn’t get a chance to talk before when they were taking the pictures. Yeah, we were all kinds of busy. We were. But, um, we’re not now. Are you? Uh, no, no, I guess not. So I understand my granddaughter’s new, uh, new brother-in-law is a — is a doctor. A doctor, yes, yes. Yes, I am. I gotta show you something. I got the… worst rash on my leg over here. Is there any kind of a, uh, lotion or a cream that I should be using? I mean, my wife has got, like, a dozen or so at home, but nothing seems to work here. Spinelli. Hi. Oh, hey, samantha. Are you enjoying the festivities? I am, indeed. Actually, I like watching dante being swarmed by his relatives.

[ Chuckles ] And you? Yourself? Ah, yes, I am having the best time I’ve had in years. Okay. Well, um, I’m not gonna keep you long. I just wanted to know if the jackal would be available to work with me on a new case? Uh, could you give me a tiny hint as to who we’d be investigating? The fbi. Friend of mine, she happens to be the best dermatologist in the city. Since you’re gonna be in town for a few days, you give her a call, you tell her I sent you. Thanks again, doc. It’s tough to sleep with your leg on fire from 2:00 A.M. On. Can really spoil your day. Yeah. So, to express my gratitude, have a drink on me. Oh. Cheers. Yeah. Uh, excuse me, everyone. Can I have your attention? Please? Excuse me. That’s my daughter. Ooh, she’s an angel, hmm? We have a little surprise for the newlyweds. Violet promised the bride and groom that she would sing a song at their wedding. But what she didn’t tell you is that she would write the song herself. So brook lynn, chase, this is for you.

[ Strums guitar ]

Today is a day for the ring and the cake the sun shines above, it’s true love today is the day all your worries fly away into the blue with the doves, it’s true love everywhere that you look, it’s true love every picture you took, it’s true love every promise you make, it’s true love can someone bring me some cake? My true love today, with a kiss you both got your wish that you’re dreaming of, your true love today you said yes in your beautiful dress the doves fly by with true love la-la-la-la-la-la it’s true love la-la-la-la-la-la it’s true love la-la-la-la-la-la it’s true love la-la-la-la-la-la it’s true love

[ Cheers and applause ] Your little one isn’t just an angel. She’s a star. Yeah.

Salute. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Wednesday, May 15, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Joke. I said, is the coast clear? If, by that, you mean, “are gloria and carmine on their way to the church?” That is precisely what I mean. Then, yes. I sent them with a flower arrangement so they would feel like they were doing something. Good. I am very glad to have some time alone with you. Uh-oh. Am I in trouble? No. No.

[ Exhales sharply ] You are a very good father. A-a wonderful father. Thank you?

[ Laughs ] Is it — is it that unusual that I give you a compliment? Uh, you just caught me by surprise. That’s all. Clearly. Thank you. For saying so. I haven’t always been perfect. But I do try. And it shows. The upcoming nuptials have me thinking about all of the milestones that I missed, and the most glaring of them, of course, was your wedding to lois. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. It was my loss. I’m glad you’re here now. Me too.

[ Ned chuckles ] Place looks great! Yeah? Yeah. Not as great as the owner, but… co-owner. Looking pretty good yourself, as always. Thank you. Everything set? God, I hope so. I am just so over-the-moon happy for brook lynn and chase. They’re — they’re great together. The best. The best. And I know tracy’s picking up the tab for the reception, but this is my hotel, so my gift to the happy couple is everything’s got to go off without a hitch. The guest book is in place. Excellent. I cannot believe their wedding day’s finally here. Has anyone talked to brook lynn? She texted me earlier. She is getting ready with her mom. Aunt #1: Dante! Ohh. Speaking of the cerullo side of the family. Aw, jordan! Your dress is absolutely beautiful. Oh, thank you. Yours is gorgeous, too. So, I stopped by drew’s office at aurora media the other day. Now, I don’t want to spread any rumors, but I understand there might be an announcement for a new division? I can either confirm or deny. Well, just in case. Congratulations.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, okay. You can tell me. When are you drew gonna make the big announcement? Well, we want to build anticipation, so we can just let the rumors start flying. You’re gonna be great. With you by my side, how could I be anything else? Well…

[ Chuckles ] So, how am I looking? Yeah. Uh… you look pretty good. High praise. Thanks. Isn’t part of my best-man duties to prop you up, no matter what? Maybe you should brush up on your propping techniques. Don’t listen to your brother. You look extremely handsome. Violet: I agree! Well, thank you both so much, but I don’t think it’s gonna matter that much ’cause all eyes are gonna be on my gorgeous bride. Lois: I don’t think anyone has ever been more beautiful. Ma, we haven’t even finished my hair yet. Ohh! Oh, I’m talking about the glow. You are literally radiating happiness. And it makes my heart want to burst. I am happy, ma. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, and I owe it all to chase. No. No. You owe

some of it to chase. Come here. Come on. I want you to look in the mirror. And I want you to say “thank you” to yourself for knowing what you wanted, for waiting until you found it, and to fight, to hold onto it when things got rough. Because here you are — on the brink of forever with the man you love. Can you believe it? I’m getting married today!

[ Laughs ] Yes, you are. Let’s get you ready! Okay.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

You look beautiful! Aww! We do, don’t we? Aww. Oh, I was talking about me and the baby. Oh. But you look great, too.

[ Chuckles ] Thanks. Hey! Welcome to the, uh, wedding of this century — or so maxie tells us. How are you guys? Good! Good. No complaints. This is crazy ’cause I remember the first time I met you I was getting an autograph for rocco, and now here are you dating my little sister. Little sister who is getting bigger and bigger by the minute. Dante: Yeah. Where’s my hug, by the way? It’s right here. Huh?

[ Kristina chuckles ] Hey. Dex. Didn’t know you’d be here. Chase invited me. Well, welcome. Thank you. Hi, sam. Hi, michael. Michael: Hey. New recruit. Commissioner. Oh, uh, brook lynn wanted everyone to sign the guest book. Oh. Want to do that? Yeah. Okay. See you inside. Incoming. What? Mikey! Michael: Hey, patty! Was last night not so much fun? Yeah, it was — it was fun. Don’t forget. You said you’d save me a dance. I did. I did. Um… I got to go find my wife. I’ll be…back. What did he say? I — just… I-I don’t know. But he is a good dancer. I’m glad there’s so many people from the old neighborhood here. You’re only saying that ’cause you don’t know any of them. No, I’m serious. It’s really important that dad sees these friends who aren’t just ava jerome. Wait. You don’t think he’s inviting ava, do you? Josslyn: Hi! Hi. Bride’s side or groom’s side? Uh, neither. That is, uh… the bride is my cousin. Oh. Ah. Giovanni palmieri. Josslyn jacks. Hi. Hi. Nice to meet you. Uh, you don’t want to sit with your family? Oh, no, I have no problem sitting with them, but… I’m here to play. Oh. Another musical cerullo. Kind of the family business. That and, uh, fixing cars. Cool. Uh, well, I can show you where to set up. Thanks. Uh, you know if sonny corinthos is gonna be here today? That looks better, doesn’t it? Well, it kind of looks like it did before. I mean… don’t make fun of me! Who’s making fun? You’re making fun of me! Ahh… and what are you doing not at the church already anyway? I’m picking up my plus-one. Really? Yep. Do tell. Natalia: Hi!

[ Laughs ] Olivia quartermaine, this is natalia ramirez. Hi. How do you do, natalia? Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too. You know blaze? Of course. That’s her mother.

[ Gasps ] Guilty. Oh! Your daughter is so incredibly talented. Thank you. And she and kristina makes such a beautiful couple. They seem happy. They do. Uh, well, you know what? I hate to cut this short, but I got to run. The — the party’s not gonna throw itself, right? Nice to meet you. Really nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Thank you.

[ Exhales sharply ] Are you ready? I am ready. Yes.

[ Laughs ] And if I didn’t mention it earlier, thank you so much again for including me. Yeah. Lois: You always had the most beautiful hair as a toddler. Yeah, well, there were times you never would have known it with some of the hairstyles he gave me. All those styles were cutting-edge. Yeah. If you say so.

[ Sighs ] Ma, I’m sorry! No! I loved all my haircuts! No. No, no, no. It’s not that. It’s — then what? This is the last time I’m gonna be doing your hair like this. Ma, you can come over whenever you want. You know how much I hate blow-drying my hair. No, I mean, you know, like this, like — like you’re all mine, you know? After today, you’re gonna be a married lady. Yeah, but I’ll still have hair.

[ Laughs ] God. It’s always the wise cracks with you. But I made you laugh, though, didn’t I? Yeah. You did.

[ Both laugh ] How’s your dad doing today? My dad? He, um… he seems good. Upbeat. He says he’s buoyed by the adrenaline of the wedding. “Seems”? I’m worr iedhe wouldn’t tell us if he wasn’t up for officiating. Yeah. ‘Cause this means so much to him. Yeah. You know, I want more than anything for it to work out for my dad and for chase. But, you know, his — his stamina hasn’t been good the last few days, and I don’t know if my dad physically can make it through the ceremony.

Hey, chase, you want to go check on dad? We probably should get going soon. Yeah, I’m on it. Yeah? Hey. Hey are we good? All set. Okay. See you at the church. See you at the church.

[ Exhales heavily ] Is the famous flower girl in our mist? That’s me! You look absolutely stunning! Thank you! And you look debbie downer, grandpa. I’m sorry? I-I-I think she means “debonair.” That’s what I said.

[ Laughter ] Elizabeth:

Very debonair. And I have the final touch. Precious greetings, commissioner. Hey, spinelli. How are you doing? Uh, you just arriving or in need of a breather, as they say? Well, taking a breather. Not — not in need of one. We ll, it’s — it’sa beautiful day for it. Yes. It is. Are you waiting for someone or…? Uh, just… gathering courage. For? Maxie invited me as her date, which I’m clearly delighted about. Oh, but you’re a little nervous? More than a little. Which seems silly ’cause we were almost married once upon a time. Oh. No. I-I can understand that. It’S… you can? Yeah. I-I mean, it’s like you and maxie are rediscovering each other. And, uh, that can be scary. Could also be fun and exciting. “All the feels,” as georgie would put it. Right! Exactly. All the feels. Yeah. You’re maxie’s godmother. And as such, I… I want you to know that… my intentions are nothing but honorable. I have no doubt. Happy wedding day. Oh, back atcha. You look very nice. Thank you. I don’t mean to interrupt if you’re in the middle of… texting somebody. Ah. I’m just checking work e-mails. Is that terrible? Why would that be terrible? I don’t know. I feel like I should be focused on love and fun and not government business. You can be focused on anything you want. You hear solo? Free as a bird. What do you think about these two birds sitting together? So you’re saying you want to join my flock. Do I, uh, pass muster? You’ll do. Whoa. Shame on me. What’d you do? Uh, I haven’t told you how great you look. Thank you. And you look very handsome.

[ Laughs ] Is that a friend of yours or…? An ex-employee who… violated my trust. Shall we? Yes, we shall. Anna. Hi. Hi, sonny. Uh, I want to introduce you to natalia. This is the police commissioner of port charles. Hi, anna. Or should i call you commissioner? Oh, no, no. I’m off the clock. No. Very nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Have fun. Yeah. You too. Are you ready to go back inside? Yeah. Sure. Oh, my god. Look.

[ Exhales heavily ] Perfect. Are you sure? Ma! Again, with the tears! What?! I can’t help it! Remember when you were trying on wedding dresses and I said it’s like a snapshot? Well, this is another one. You… you’re all grown up, about to walk down the aisle. Ma, are you sad that I’m getting married? Sad? No! Nostalgic for your childhood? Yes. Insanely proud of the beautiful, accomplished woman you’ve become? Absolutely. But never sad. No. I mean, I’m so happy for you. I’m happy for all of us. You said that before. Well, I mean it! Brook lynn. Being your mother… has been the best thing that ever happened to me. And I’ve… I’ve loved every second of it.

Every second? Well… yeah. Every second. I’m so lucky. I’m lucky, too, ma. And, yes, I am marrying chase this afternoon, and hopefully someday we will start a family of our own. Oh, well… okay. But just for the record, I will always need my mom. You promise? Promise. (Avo) kate made progress with her mental health… …but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. So her doctor prescribed austedo xr- a once-daily td treatment for adults.

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Ah. Mummy. Hi! Can I talk to you for a quick sec? Sure. See you in a bit. What are you doing? What do you mean? Really, dad? You just showed up with my girlfriend’s mother on your arm. It’s not what you think. Okay. What am I thinking? Well, I mean, natalia wanted to come. I had a plus-one. I brought her. It’S… why are you — why are you upset? Are you kidding me? Just be…charming. I’m always charming, honey. Not, but, like, extra charming. Like, amp it up a little. I could use all the help I could get. Are you surprised to see me? Ha! I shouldn’t be. You always get what you want. Honey, you should hope so because I only want the best for my baby girl. And hopefully someday you’ll see that. Mommy. Alli. I told you I was coming here with christina. You did. And now I’m here, too. But, isn’t that great? Because now we can all celebrate this beautiful event together. Congratulations, ned. Thank you. Thank you, curtis. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming, portia. Portia: Oh…

[ Organ playing ] Thinking about

our wedding? It was the most incredible day. Until it wasn’T. Yet, here we are over a year later. We made it, baby. Yeah. And I’m — I’m grateful. I just — I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you. You’re never gonna have to find out. Stress levels — on a scale of one to ten? Surprisingly, not off the charts. I would say a solid six. Six? Six. That’s impressive. Everything is done at the metro court. At least it better be. How about you? Well, I got what I needed from finn. Yeah? We’re gonna remember this day forever, ned. Yes, we will. What? Something else happen? What? I had a moment with my mother. Okay. A good moment or a tracy moment? It was surprisingly good. I think her relationship with brook lynn has affected her for the better. Yeah? My mother is much more open with her feelings these days. You see that? It’s the power of love.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Knock on door ] Come in. Hi, granny! Uh, well, um, I guess you get to call me that with my blessing. Today, and today only, the bride makes the rules. You look stunning. I got nothing on you.

[ Chuckles ] Nerves? No. I feel surprisingly peaceful. That’s not surprising. It’s not? No. Because you believe in yourself. You believe in your instincts, your…convictions. It’s one of the things I admire most about you. I didn’t know you admired anything about me. Well, I do. And I’m unbelievably happy for you. Took me a long time to find luke, the man that I loved. And I’m thrilled you found chase so early on and he sees all of you. Loves me in spite of it. No, brook lynn. He loves you

because of it. You, my darling granddaughter… …are just spectacular inside and out. Wow. I don’t even know what to say. Thank you, granny. Ohh. Well, you said I could! I know! I’m regretting it already! 85th time’s the charm?

[ Chuckles ] Cut me some slack. It’s been a while since I’ve been up in front of a crowd. You’re gonna do great, dad. All those years lecturing college students, a wedding should be a walk in the park. It’s not just a wedding. It’s — [ Grunts ] My son’s wedding. I-I don’t want to let chase down. You could never. The car is here. Oh. Well, that’s our cue. Are the ladies ready? I was ready yesterday, daddy. Yesterday? You’ve been demanding a wedding date for months, as I recall. Then I was ready months ago! Ah, I appreciate the accuracy.

[ Door closes ] So much build-up. Now it’s finally here. How do you feel? I’m excited. But weirdly calm at the same time. The perfect combination. Can I give you some advice? Please. Try to take it all in. The sights, the sounds, the smell of the flowers, especially, though, the — the feelings of joy and hope because that’s what all of us out in the church are gonna be experiencing. Try to take a mental picture that you can keep with you forever. I know I will. Thanks, dad. And not just for the tip, but for being the best dad a kid could ask for. You made it easy, harrison. No, I really mean it. Growing up, I was always surrounded by love and support. And I know that not everyone can say that. I love you so much, dad. I love you, too, son. Now… let’s get you hitched!

[ Chuckles ]

What you got there? Oh! It’s for you.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Gasps ] It’s beautiful. It was your great-grandmother’S. This was lila’s? I have cherished it for years.

[ Gasps ] Now it is…yours. Ohh! I’m honored. You’re a lot like her, you know? In what way? Well, you see… the glass half-full. My mother was like that. Not that she avoided reality. She looked at reality and still saw reason to hope, to see the best in people. That is not a quality that I possess, but my mother did, and… …so do you, brook lynn. And while you have been and will continue to be, I’m sure, a colossal pain in the ass… right back atcha. …I adore you. Beyond measure. I love you. I’m so grateful for you in my life. I’m so grateful, too. Have no fear. I will take copious pictures of the bride and her gown. And, of course, I’ll tell mom how beautiful she looks. Uh, georgie, I’ll call you back, okay? Love you. At long last, I…

[ Chuckles ] I see you in the flesh. Spinelli.

[ Jason grunts ] The fact that you’re here… my gratitude knows no bounds. Okay. Okay. Ahh… I’m sorry. For what? I mean, this is the first time I’ve seen you. I wanted to reach out, but things have been so… just complicated. I didn’t want you involved. No. No. I suspected as much. Welcome home, jason. Thank you. -Hey. -Sonny: Hey. You’re look sharp, old man! Good to see you. Uh, natalia, this is dante. He’s my son. Hi. Hey. Nice to meet you, natalia. So nice to meet you. Yeah. Alright. Alright. Cool. I, uh — you guys good finding seats? I got to go take care of some stuff. Yeah, yeah, you — we’ll see you later then. Alright. Alright. Dante: See ya. Good to meet you. Nice to meet you. Hey, dad. We got to — we got to find a seat.

[ Organ playing ] I should probably explain. Only if you want to. That’s my other son, michael. And you’re not close? We used to be. He disappointed me deeply. I understand. My kids have sometimes disappointed me, too. I-I should go straight in, conserve my energy. I’ll come with you. You want to check out the decorations in the church? Yeah! Yes! Come on. How are those sweaty feet doing? I’ll have you know my feet are the perfect temperature. Big day, bro. One of the biggest. I’m honored to be standing by your side for it. Thanks for standing up for me. Means a lot. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.

Hi. -Thank you. -You’re welcome. Hey! Hey, leo!

[ Chuckles ] So, where is brook lynn? She’s doing her finishing touches with maxie. Ahh. You didn’t want to go with her? Of course, I did! But she said that I was, um — what — what was it? What? Your vibe was making her nervous. Ahh, those pesky vibes of ours. Right. But how is she doing? Oh, she’s perfect. She — she’s the picture of calm. On her wedding day! Now, that is impressive. Yeah. And that’s exactly why we know it’s right. Our brook lynn has found her happily ever after.

[ Laughter ] Ohh! There you are. Where have you been? I was at the house getting ready. You were supposed to be taking notes for me at the rehearsal. What are my cues? When do I stand? I — how do I make the day perfect for chase and brook lynn? You being here makes it perfect.

[ Chuckles ] That’s — that’s nice and all, but I was hoping for some detailed instructions. You don’t — have nothing for me? I got nothin’ ’cause there is nothing. Just say what you’ve written, speak from the heart. That, I can do. Jason. Monica asked me to come. It’s wonderful you can make it. Brook lynn’s almost ready, so we should probably take our seats. Michael: Good idea. You are the most handsome father of the bride ever. I love you. I love you, too. And my escort’s not so shabby either, huh? No, he isn’t! Looking good.

[ Laughs ] Come on, sweetie.

[ Exhales deeply ] Hoo. Can you believe it? No. No. You know… you think about this day when you have a child, right, especially if that child is your daughter. And it just — it seems so far away, like it’s never gonna happen. Look at us now. I’m tellin’ you. Brook lynn, she — oh, she takes my breath away. I mean, she is so smart and so beautiful and so poised, and she is hilarious. She’s a lot like her mother that way. Oh, well, you’re no slouch, either. I made a lot of mistakes with brook lynn. Hm. We both did. But there has to be

some things we did right. The proof is in the pudding, my friend. Um, please tell me you did not just refer to the bride as pudding. Oh, no. You had to be there. Are we all clear? Yeah. Ned: Just us. You can come in now.

[ Gasps ] Ohh. Don’t cry. I just touched up my mascara. Ohh! Are you kidding me? It’s gonna be niagara falls in there! What do you think, dad? I think you are a sight to behold. We ll, in that case, let’sget this wedding started. Ohh…

He’s like his mother. He plays like an angel. The rest of your life is about to start. You ready? I’ve never been more ready for anything. I love you, bro. I’m really happy for you. I love you, too. I don’t tell you enough how proud I am of you, brook lynn. You tell me plenty. The woman you’ve become… the story that you’ve already written for yourself. And I can’t wait to see how the rest of it unfolds. Me too. Bet you there’ll be some curveballs, though.

[ Laughs ] No doubt. Ready to give me away? Ohh… I will walk you down that aisle, and I’ll hand you over to the man you love. But I can’t give you away. Because you’ll always be my little girl.

[ “Bridal chorus” plays ] Alright. Here we go. You know it feels like forever since I’ve seen you? I saw you last night. Like I said. Forever. You two let me know when you’re finished, and I’ll get started.

[ Laughter ]

[ Gregory clears throat ] Welcome, family and friends of brook lynn and chase. Um, I know I speak for the bride and groom when I thank you for — for being a part of this —

[ Clears throat ] …This, uh… most special and moment–

[ Groans ] Momentous day.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Clears throat ] We are gathered here today… to… wit– witness and celebrate, uh, the marriage of — of these — these two beautiful…

[ Clears throat ] …Young people.

[ Gregory groans ] Um… brook lynn and chase. Are — are — are you read– [ Clears throat ] Ready to enter into… into the holy s-state of… of matrim–

[ Groans ] Dad?

[ Groans ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Exhales softly ]

[ Gregory groans ]

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GH Transcript Tuesday, May 14, 2024

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Without me, you talk to carly? Yeah. We’ve got trouble. Your, uh, regular wine list is somewhat lacking tonight. Didn’t the previous owner keep a supply of interesting wine for the more discriminating customer? That’s still the case. Special occasion? Hoping to rekindle an old flame.

[ Cellphone rings ] Yes? This is clement, the pharmacist. I’m aware.

Our deal is off. I’m gonna need you to clarify that. I’m done messing with sonny corinthos’s medications. His wife is on to us. “The basis for my disbarment was an accusation of perjury based on hearsay evidence. No one involved with the accusation was present for or affected by the statement in question.” That bad, huh?

[ Chuckles ] I’m sorry. I got distracted by pictures, uh, of the rehearsal dinner at coney island. Let me see. Aw. Yeah. It looks like they’re having a good time. How long do you think it’ll be before lois convinces tracy to go on the cyclone?

[ Scoffs ] Anything’s possible. Yeah, well, nothing compares to our parachute jump. Nothing at all. No, I didn’t mean to — to get us off track. Let’s get back to rehearsing your pitch for reinstatement to the bar. You know what? It’s fine. Let’s take a breather. Absolutely not. If you’re gonna spend your evening babysitting me, at least let me make myself useful. How bad? Oh, god. Well… I think the severity of this situation all hinges on whether or not you can handle carly before she blows this entire operation and gets herself sent to prison in the bargain.

Think of the mcconkey esplanade like — like the high line in manhattan, right? The plan is to transform something that’s rundown and flat-out dangerous into something that’s beautiful and safe and clean, a place where pedestrians can gather in — in large numbers. I’m telling you, we do this right, and it should vastly improve the city’s fortunes. And alter the perception people have of port charles being a haven for organized crime. Yeah, that couldn’t hurt. So what do you think? I mean, is this kind of what you pictured? Well, I am definitely impressed. It’s a bold and imaginative idea and a big investment for the future of port charles. Well, that’s great news. I’m glad we are in agreement on that. But it’s not big enough. The way you have it laid out, this proposal won’t even get off the ground. Come on, alexis. I know finn asked you to watch over me while everyone’s off at coney island. He did not. He is worried about your well-being while he’s away, but my coming here was my idea, because, “a,” I really do want your help, and, “b,” you are my friend. Not my charge, and certainly not someone that I need to babysit for. Okay. Maybe that was a poor choice of words, but my point remains. Gregory… finn just wants you to be okay. And he agonizes over how to do that without trespassing on your autonomy. He knows that — that your time is limited, and he doesn’t want to waste any of it with the two of you being at odds with each other. Wow. Sounds like you two had quite the emotional conversation.

[ Sighs ] I’m guessing he also told you that I lost my temper and dredged up his little tryst with jackie on our wedding eve? Of course he did. Finn was hurting, and you’re his friend. Look, I got frustrated. I-I wanted to be left alone by myself for a few hours. And when he argued against it, I retaliated by laying a hell of a guilt trip on him. It was a cheap shot. As cheap as they come. Okay, listen, tell me exactly what’s happened. Sonny’s wife came to my office earlier today asking a lot of questions about his prescription. She knows he’s not on the full dose of his meds. Okay. And?

And what?! Isn’t that bad enough? She — she knows! She threatened you? Have the police been contacted? Sonny? N-no, no. But — but y-you’re not listening to me. No, I am listening. I’ve heard everything

that you’ve said. You said that a woman claiming to be mrs. Corinthos approached you, claiming that she knows you have been delivering sonny a lower-than-prescribed dose of his bipolar medication. And rather than going to the authorities, she turned and walked away. Does that sound about right?

[ Stammers ] More or less. Why aren’t you as upset about this as I am? Okay, listen, if this “wife” of sonny’s wanted you arrested, you’d be in handcuffs by now. Can you describe her to me? Well, s-she was — she was blond, beautiful.  Honestly, that’s all I remember. It all happened so fast. I can identify her. In the meantime, you stay the course and continue to deliver sonny the lower dose. But w-what if sonny’s wife actually does report me? Sonny doesn’t have a wife, not currently. But he does have several beautiful blondes in his orbit, and I am familiar with all of them. I’ll identify the woman who approached you, and I will deal with her appropriately. You were right. Carly was listening in on your conversation with john, and she took it upon herself to go visit brennan in pentonville, where she proceeded to inform him that cates was looking into pikeman. So now that means that this operation is — is blown. I can’T… yeah, because brennan — he’s gonna reach out to whatever allies he has left at the wsb to obstruct this investigation. And if the fbi can’t build a case against pikeman — well, then my deal with cates is blown. And carly will be prosecuted. Yeah, and that can’t happen. I know! It can’t happen. Well, I’ve been thinking. It stands to reason that the first person he would reach out to is ostensibly the same target that we’re after. Right. Whoever’s running pikeman. Right. So if we can find out how he makes contact with his successor, then, actually, we could use carly’s mistake to our advantage. Well, this is fortuitous. I was thinking about you, and here you are. Oh, perfect timing. What’s up? I’ve heard from charlotte. I have an update on that equestrian event in normandy. Oh, I do want to hear about that, but, unfortunately, I have a meeting that I have to get to. Oh, all right. Well, then, another time. Okay. Um, just one question. You haven’t reconciled with sonny, have you? Um, no. No. I-I’m sorry. Where did you hear that? I just — I thought I heard somebody say. Obviously, I was mistaken. No, sonny and i are not together, and we’re not getting back together, either. Sonny and I are done for good. Okay. Well, you know how I feel about him. His loss. And ava’s gain. Come again? Well, ava’s worming her way into sonny’s house and his life, and she somehow made it where she’s one of the very few people that sonny feels like he can trust. They’re very close now. And ava wouldn’t have it any other way. Well, then, I guess you’re well and truly out of it. Perhaps I am, yeah. I really have to go. I’ll see you?

Ava. Spare a femoments for a friend? Projects of this size need so many different approvals from the regulatory bodies in the government. And they’re all just looking for a reason to say no. Now, the environmental review will be particularly tough, but our chances will increase exponentially if we have enough powerful friends in albany and dc. And I’m assuming you know how to win them over? I thought you’d never ask. Let’s start with the parking lots. That’s incredibly valuable real estate. And you have so much space allocated for them. Well, people have to park. Only if you drive in. Now, there’s an abandoned rail line ending right at the waterfront. It may be old, but it’s still viable. What if we get it back into workable shape, then connect it to the existing light rail network? And voil. Now, it’s not just a waterfront redevelopment. It’s mass transit. Exactly. And we can just sit back and watch the state and federal grants pour in. That is an amazing idea, jordan. It is, isn’t it? But I’m not done yet. I also think we should dredge the harbor at the dock adjacent to the esplanade and make it suitable for ferry service. Like, service to canada? Yeah. Think about it. The current drive time to toronto from port charles is three hours. A high-speed ferry will cut that time down to one hour. We would be an international tourist destination. And those tax dollars will pour in. Jordan, you are really good at this.

[ Chuckles ] I appreciate the enthusiasm. How could anybody say no to this? Feel like the next thing to do is just break ground. Okay, slow down. Slow down. We still have to get official approval. And then we can pop the champagne. What are we celebrating? Okay, so if brennan reaches out to whoever’s controlling pikeman, we just need to be ready and watching. Okay. I’ll talk to the authorities at pentonville. Meanwhile, I’m still pursuing the other angle. What was that? Valentin. So I’m — I’m meeting with him shortly. You okay with that? Yeah, I mean, you know, he — he claimed to be in europe when he was actually here monitoring the first attempt on sonny’s life. So that’s proof that he’s more involved with pikeman than he’s letting on. And I-I really need to find out just how involved. And you are our best chance of getting any information from him. Maybe. I-I think there’s something else that we need to discuss. Do we give john a heads up as to what we’re doing? As far as I’m concerned, I don’t need to talk to him until I tell him who’s running pikeman. I don’t want to work with him. I don’t want to deal with him. But you’re the police commissioner. This is a joint operation, so I will take your lead. I agree with you. John’s playing it very close to the vest. So will we. Sorry, nina. Gallery’s closed. Oh, you can make time for me, ava. After all, I never told sonny how you manipulated me into selling my hotel to jason. Is that what I did? I’m sure you can appreciate my discretion. On the other hand, I wish you’d be more forthcoming in your dealings with crimson. Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have nothing to do with crimson. Really? Well, that’s odd. Because my assistant just asked me for my approval for a last-minute addition to next issue’s cultural calendar. Wouldn’t you know, there’s an exciting, new african artist making her debut in the united states, and her opening just happens to be taking place in the very gallery we’re standing in. I’m very successful at what I do. It stands to reason that a talented artist would choose my gallery. And to promote said artist, you’ve lobbied one of our assistant editors for the mention. Okay. All right, nina. You got me. But the fact is, the artist is extremely talented, and their work deserves to be seen. I make no apologies for that. I agree. I agree. Her work is beautiful. And I think crimson should spotlight worthy artists. I have no issue featuring her, despite your many,

many transgressions. Then what’s the problem? I don’t like that you went behind my back. You come to me first. Next time, I’m not gonna be so generous. I was protecting the artist, nina. I thought you would cancel the mention if you knew it came from me. Yeah, you’re smart to worry. ‘Cause you snaked sonny away from me, all while lying and pretending to be my friend. If that’s not worthy of payback, I don’t know what it is. There you go again. Always looking for somebody to blame. You ruined your relationship with sonny all on your own with your lies. And you didn’t wait five minutes before you took advantage of our breakup. That’s okay. What’s done is done. I don’t have a future with sonny. I know that now. I have finally accepted that… we’re over for good.

You expect me to believe that you’re suddenly fine with your marriage to sonny being over? You were there when I signed the divorce papers. Oh, I imagine that you delivered those papers to sonny yourself, didn’t you? It’s not what I wanted, but I’ve accepted the reality of it. Well, that sounds… too evolved to be true. Ava, you don’t think that I can grow and change? The way I see it, baby snatching, letting sonny’s family believe he was dead, and anonymous tips to the sec are all different sides it’s the same vindictive coin. So, no, no, I don’t see any evidence of you growing or changing, nina. Well, I never claimed to be perfect. The point is, I’m trying to be better. You should know what that looks like. You tried it once. For a minute or two, you and nikolas sort of had something real, didn’t you? And who knows if you could have sustained it, ava? You might still be married, and he wouldn’t be in prison. Well, you’re probably right about that. I-I went to see him — don’t mistake me for someone who still cares. We have no friendship anymore. We did. I know that. It was really nice being able to confide in you. But the first chance you had to help yourself to something that was mine, you took it, and the friendship is over. I mean, professionally, I’m sure that the two of us can be mature enough to get the most out of it, but that’s all that we will ever be to each other now. I hope it was worth it. Things just got out of hand. I-I felt like he was ignoring my wishes, like he wasn’t listening to me. He wasn’t seeing me, his father, and had just reduced me to this stinking disease again. I should have just stopped the conversation and said, “let’s start again when we calm down,” but instead I lashed out and said the cruelest thing possible.

[ Sighs ] I can’t tell you how much I regret it. Do you have any idea how much stress you’re under? It’s ridiculous. Show yourself some grace. I mean, my god, do you know how many times I’ve screwed up as a mother? And I had no excuse. Did I ever tell you about the time kristina came out to me? Did I tell you about how I reacted? I don’t believe so. Yeah, well, she didn’t get the love and acceptance that she was hoping for and deserved. Really? That surprises me. I would have thought — yeah, that I would have, you know, put out the rainbow flag. And, yes, I am 100% supportive of the lgbt community, but when it was my own daughter in front of me, I-I got scared. Of what? Of how much harder her life could be and people’s prejudices and scary moments that would happen to her, and I wouldn’t be able to protect her. I mean, there she was,

so vulnerable and wanted my unconditional love. And, honestly, it was one of my worst moments as a mother. I’m sorry to hear that. Well… it became my best moment, one of my best moments, anyway. Because, you know, you make a mistake, you learn from it, and I did. I self-reflected. I-I educated myself. I listened to other people talking to me. I apologized to her, and I explained to her why I reacted the way I-I did, and she understood. And we were better off for it. I’m glad to hear that, but I really don’t think our situations are the same. Gregory, your situation is exactly the same. You made a mistake. You’re human. And by the way, that is quite a relief because your being so saintly is really infuriating. Just apologize to him. Don’t let fester. I plan to.

[ Sighs ] I just — I’m not sure that an apology alone will do. I didn’t expect to see you today, jordan. It’s, uh, been a while. It has. Yes. I think the last time we spoke, I sent a group of apartment residents over to your office. “Sent”? “Sicced” is, I think, the word you’re looking for. And they were mightily disgruntled that I didn’t want to support their, um, affordable housing project. And was dealing with them not worth the return of my “get out the vote” efforts for your re-election campaign? Oh, I always know where my bread is buttered. Well, jordan is a valuable ally. And don’t you forget it. I have to get going, but thank you for getting behind the esplanade. We are really appreciative of your help, and we will definitely do good things in your name. Oh, I appreciate that. Yeah. Jordan, we’ll talk soon. Yeah, I’ll see you soon. Bye. So, yo ur timingis impeccable, because I’ve got a layout — yeah, just leave that alone for now. I’ve got another reason for being here. Um…why do you think I should get into bed with a convicted criminal?

[ Door closes in distance ] Danny.

[ Sighs ] What are you doing here? Came here to see you. Or are you gonna tell me to leave? Anna: You started without me. Just a little something to calm my nerves. Good lord, you’re beautiful. I didn’t realize I could still make you nervous. Well, you can. It’s been a while since we’ve done this. Exactly. So you should enjoy. Relax. No need to be so serious. With you, it’s always been serious.

Sorry I kept you waiting. Don’t apologize. Your work’s important. How are things at the pcpd, by the way? Complicated at the moment. There — there are rumblings that the heather webber case is going to be reopened. And then, of course, there’s the ongoing business of sonny. “Ongoing” is a good way to put it. He’s been a thorn in the pcpd’s side for decades. It got a bit more complicated recently because a former employee of his — a young man, dex heller — got accepted into the police academy. Oh, yeah? From the mob foot soldier to police cadet? That’s a hell of a career change. Yes. The other officers have been very quick to judge because of his former occupation. But I’m more worried that sonny will retaliate, you know, because he’s switched sides. Yeah, sonny’s not really a “forgive and forget,” is he? Why would dex risk his wrath by becoming a cop? It was my doing. I originally suggested that he should apply to the police academy because I thought it would be a way to back sonny off and protect the young man. But now I-I think the drive behind it is dex and his need to redeem himself. You can understand how powerful that is, yeah? Well, he could hardly find a better mentor if he’s looking for redemption. I mean, you’ve been spending your entire career chasing that. Why do

you think an apologyis not enough for finn?

[ Sighs ] I honestly don’t know. Like your reaction to kristina’s coming out, I shocked myself with what I said to finn. I thought I was long over all the hurt and anger about what happened between him and jackie. I was just grateful to have finn back in my life and be able to spend time with him and violet. I-I was blindsided to realize that I’m holding on to that resentment. Explain it to finn the way you explained it to me. He will understand, because I know that he still feels guilt about this, too. I thought we were long past all of that. What happened in the past happened. Pretending it didn’t happen is just giving it power. So just acknowledge it and just get over it and beyond it. Move on. I see your point. The fact that you two love each other is literally all that matters right now. You make a very compelling case. Anyone ever tell you you’d make a great lawyer? That’s your cue to hit me with your opening statement again. Really? I mean, are you in the head space for that? Absolutely. Come on. Give it a go, counselor. Convince me you should be reinstated. May it please the court. Well, then I guess we’re done here. I guess so. Agent cates. Ms. Jerome. Am I interrupting something? Not at all. Nina was just leaving. Ms. Reeves. I don’t think that we’ve officially met. Oh, I did see you at the metro court with carly. If I recall, you were wearing a lot less at the time. You seem to have gotten the wrong idea — I don’t think I care enough to really remedy that. Enjoy the art. Beware of the gallery owner. She’ll take you for all you’re worth if you aren’t careful. You two seem close. It’s been a very long day. So can whatever you came here for please wait until tomorrow? No, it can’T. I’m here about sonny. Ah, of course I like seeing you, but there are good reasons I told you not to come to the warehouse. This part of the neighborhood is very dangerous, especially at night. Oh, well, you don’t have to worry, you know. Yuri’s — he’s outside waiting, and no one’s gonna mess with him, so… this place is pretty cool. Does your mom know you’re here? Oh, it’s fine. Brook lynn has her running some last-minute errands for the wedding tomorrow. And so she’s dropped me and scout and rocco off at the quartermaines’. That’s right. It’s, uh, brook lynn and chase’s wedding tomorrow. Yeah. That’s why I’m here. Uh, grandma monica — she has a message for you. When I ran a search on you, what do you think was the first thing that popped up? My conviction for sec violations. Mm-hmm. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? I mean, popular notions aside, politicians do do their own research. I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. Well, because you wouldn’t want to open with that when you’re trying to sell me on the esplanade. It wasn’t relevant to the deal. And, yes, had I brought that up, it would have been the only thing that you were thinking about, and I would have gotten an immediate no on the esplanade. But I had to make you fall in love with the project first. Well, what makes you think I won’t pull out now? Because it’s a great idea for port charles, and if my name is an obstacle, we will just leave it out. Really. I’ll delegate everything to my nephew michael so there isn’t even a hint of scandal. Really? You would do that, even though it’s your idea? Of course I would. It’s not about me. This is about doing something great for port charles.

[ Chuckles ] It sounds like a campaign slogan. Look, it’s my home. This is where my daughter’s growing up. And if I have a chance to make it an even better place, why would I sacrifice that just for stroking my own ego? Well, it’s good to hear you say that, but fun fact — you can, uh, still be convicted and serve in the U.S. House of representatives.

So, uh, how is — how is monica? She’S… she’s pretty good. I mean, she still has pneumonia, but she says she’ll be back to normal by the summer. She just has to stay in bed and rest up until then, though.

[ Sighs ] Well, I’m glad she has you as her messenger. That’s why I’m here. Grandma needs you to represent her at brook lynn’s wedding. So, if my career has been all about redemption, what’s at the heart of yours? Crippling self-doubt.

[ Chuckles ] That’s funny. No. I-I think it’s the opposite. I think you’ve always believed you were smarter than everyone else. I don’t feel the need to analyze what motivates me. I don’t think I’d like what I find. That’s disappointing, to be honest. I think self-reflection is very good for the soul. Others have found plenty about you to like. Love even. Myself included. You know the whole story, don’t you? Yeah. The chip on my shoulder. How badly I wanted to fit in at the wsb, and when that didn’t happen, I went my own way, and I hurt a lot of people, did a lot of bad things for a long time. Which I know you regretted. Charlotte came along. She made me want to be a better man. But, anna, I don’t think that you can ever close the door on your past, not entirely. And so I compartmentalize to ensure that whatever I feel compelled to do… …doesn’t affect the things and the people that I love the most. What is it you want to know? Has sonny received any overtures from the other crime families? Does he have any theories as to why he’s been targeted? Well, I don’t speak for him. You’re gonna have to ask sonny these questions. Sonny won’t talk to me. Well, he doesn’t talk to me either. Not about that kind of stuff, anyway. I find that hard to believe. You were glued to sonny’s side the night of the warehouse shooting and have barely left it since. And you’re a member of the jerome crime family. You had mob ambitions of your own a few years ago. I don’t know what you’re getting at. But my business here is totally legitimate. That’s good to know. But I’m more interested in your relationship with sonny. Are you in love with him? Or are you setting him up for a takeover?

[ Scoffs ] How dare you? What’s your end game? Are you planning to walk away with control of sonny’s organization? What’s my end game? My end game is co-parenting a child sonny and I both adore. And you need to live with sonny to do that? Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m between residences. Sonny offered his place, and I took him up on it because I want to keep my daughter safe ’cause somebody keeps shooting at her father. Crimes you haven’t been able to solve, by the way. You can try to turn this around on me, but it’s obvious you know more than you’re saying. So consider yourself on notice. Sonny’s a person of interest for the fbi, and now so are you. So if you get the feeling you’re being watched… it’s because you are. I have stage 4 lung cancer. Hearing those words, getting my, uh… well, ticket punched makes me wonder just what I want to leave as a legacy. Mm? I got into politics to — to help people, and I want my seat to go to someone who desires to serve their country. But, um, well, the people in my party want me to endorse somebody who is either a-a crook or a moron or sometimes both. Well, that’s a tough position to be in. I liked what I saw when we were talking before. You have convictions and you’re not afraid to stand up for them. I believe you would use the office to do good things. Well, that’s very kind of you, sir, but I don’t think I have the pedigree for politics.

[ Chuckles ] Well, clearly, you can handle tough situations, which is good because politics is not for the faint of heart. Not to mention that you’re rich, which means, of course, that you won’t have to bow down to the, uh, lobbyists to get something done. It may be technically legal for an ex-convict to run for congress, but, I mean, who’s gonna vote for him? Oh, well… the world loves a comeback. And, you know, y-you’re kind of a cowboy hero. I think you’re a perfect fit for it.

[ Chuckles ] Even so, you need more than just a good story to win an election. Well, yeah, that’s true. You need me. “And so, after presenting all the evidence, I’m asking you to render the only verdict that respects the law and precedent and overturn my disbarment. Thank you.” What do you think? Well, with the caveat that I’m obviously not a lawyer… I’m asking for a rhetorical review, not a legal analysis. I think you’re off to a really good start. Oh. But it could definitely use some streamlining. My guess is because it’s so personal to you that you’ve gotten caught in the trap of restating your argument too many times in hopes of winning them over. That’s a good note. All right. I’ll take a look at it. All right. What about the logic? What about, did I make my case? Yeah, I think you have a really strong argument to overturn your disbarment. You’re clear and articulate. You have a great command of your subject matter. As far as I’m concerned, you have all the elements necessary to trial. All except one.

summation was missing? Luck. I wasn’t expecting you to say that. I got this medal in seventh grade. “Debate. 1st place.” Winning this changed the course of my life. It gave me the confidence to pursue the things I wanted in life. I’ve had it with me ever since — every debate, every big lecture, every public engagement, even when I was defending my dissertation. It’ll fit right in your pocket. And it’s guaranteed to bestow good luck on whoever holds it, which is why I’m giving it to you — because no one deserves a win more than you. Ah.

[ Chuckles ] No one wants to say no to a dying man. I mean, how would that look? If I endorse you, the rest of my party will fall in line, and then I’ll put my considerable resources to work making sure you get elected. I can’t say how flattered I am in your belief in me, but I-I mean, I’ve never even considered a career in politics. Well, get considering, and fast. I mean, it’s already may. We’ve only got a few months before the election. Look, if you’re not interested, I-I understand. I’ll move on, but I think you’re making a huge mistake. You could do some great things with a real chance of winning. Hmm? You might also want to change your name to quartermaine? We’ll talk. You care for a nightcap? Not tonight. Maybe next time. I’m happy to hear there’ll be a next time. My place? I’ll cook for you. Really? What? You want to find out? You have to show up. I look forward to it. You wouldn’t dare put me under surveillance. I already have. You’re bluffing. This morning, you dropped your daughter off at school. Then you had a long breakfast with sonny. Feel free to tell me what the two of you talked about. Then you went to the hospital, where you spoke to the chief pharmacist. Then you went back home, and then you finally came here to work. It’s a wonder the gallery is so successful, given the odd hours you keep. Bastard. You stay the hell away from me. I have been tasked with uncovering why sonny’s been targeted, so I will be using the full weight of the fbi to investigate whomever I want until this case is resolved. Monica said she isn’t well enough to attend brook lynn’s wedding, so she needs you to go in place of her. She knows you don’t like wearing a suit and tie, but says you can handle anything for just a few hours. All right, I’ll go. You will? Yeah, I mean, look, I can’t — I can’t argue with monica. And now you? Come on. It’s late. I’ll give you ride home. What about yuri? Um, I’ll explain to yuri that I can give my son a ride home.

[ Laughs ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Monday, May 13, 2024

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Continued any further without them seeing each other for who they ar that we have avorite vintage. Enjoy. Hey, so, I need to let the chef know that we have a party of six coming in, and they’re celebrating their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Okay. So I want to have some white-chocolate mousse sent out to them with some raspberry coulis, compliments of the hotel. Fantastic. I’ll let them know. Great. Oh. And somebody’s here to see you. Thank you. Commissioner. Can I get you a table? Oh, no. Thank you. I don’t need a reservation. Need some answers. Could you explain to me why you went to visit jack brennan in pentonville? Hey, michael. Michael: Hey. Did you have dinner? I can heat something up for you. I’m just scoping out recipes. No, no, you’re fine. I grabbed something to eat when I got home from work. You take a break. You’ve earned it. Your cooking is getting rave reviews from the adults and kids alike, and you know how hard the kids are to please, so… well, in this case, it’s the adults that have me digging through recipes. Well, I have not heard any complaints from them. So you’re doing great. Well, if they’re happy, I’m happy. They are thrilled.

[ Laughs ] Not only is olivia less stressed, but we’re getting regular meals, and we still have access to our own kitchen, so you are the perfect cook. Well, I am very glad that someone thinks so. You know, I am, um — I am a little surprised that you did take the job, though. Yeah? Why? ‘Cause I used to be a glamorous spokesmodel? Uh, ’cause, um… well, because of you and me. Nice ride, tracy. You have a great seat. Anyone ever told you that?

[ Horse neighs ] Not in a while. That is a great saddle. Thank you for letting me try it. Yeah, no problem. Expecting someone? Yeah, I thought I was, but now I think I’m getting stood up. Who would do that to you? Tracy! Sorry I’m late. Stella: Ah!

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] Go ahead. Thanks. You just worked a full shift at G.H. Are you sure you don’t want to just soak in a hot bath, order in, watch one of your favorite shows? Don’t try to back out of our movie date with a sweet attempt to find something else for me to do. You can’t stay cooped up in this gallery all day surrounded by… nice style. Different style of art. Well, that’s called the “ode to duchamp.” Yeah. Mm-hmm. I know art is subjective and expensive. That’s how ava stays in business.

[ Chuckles ] You know, your great-grandmother, she used to say, “a fool and his money are soon parted.” ‘Cause our father was always coming home with these get-rich-quick schemes. I’ll tell you about ’em someday.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I can’t wait. And… I just want to say… I know what you’re doing. And I want to let you know… that it’s working. Are you sure about this? I don’t know. I — maybe this is a mistake. You know, the last few times that willow and i have been together, we’ve actually parted ways without things deteriorating. I don’t know. I don’t want to push it. I really don’T. And I don’t want willow to think that we’re handling her in a certain way. Would you calm down and stick to the program?

[ Sighs ] I’m your boss. I called you in to talk about crimson. Don’t worry about it. I got everything else handled. Drew, this psa copy looks great. I hope I can do it…justice. Nina. Hi, willow. What are you doing here?

Were just wrappingup some crimson business. Did I answer all your questions about the new accounting system? Hm! Okay. Good. I’ll make sure I speak to the software engineers and I express the rest of your concerns, okay? Thank you. Thank you, drew. Uh, lots of changes since I’ve been back. Absolutely. Sure is. And my door is always open. You guys can wrap up. I can step outside and go over this copy. No! No, no, no. Stay. Stay. Um, willow is prepping for her very first psa for the new tomorrow institute. Yes! That is really, really great! I-I’m so proud of aurora for supporting such a worthy cause… and you for being the spokesperson.

[ Chuckles ] Okay. Well… I’ll leave you to it. Hey. Hold on a second. I just had a brilliant idea. Would you mind sitting in? What do you mean, you know what I’m doing? You act like I have some ulterior motive for trying to spend time with you. Well, don’t you? The last time we went on a coffee date, you were worried about how I was handling losing spencer. And I took your advice. And I tried to do something meaningful that helped me get closure. Did it help? A bit. But I’m no closer to knowing what to do with myself. I know, honey. I do see you trying and I see you struggling. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and take all the hurt away. Me too. Josslyn is your great friend. And keeping yourself busy here at the gallery. But sometimes you just need a hug and a shoulder to lean on him and… so here I am, baby. Thank you.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, we got to keep going, right? Yeah. 15 grand, huh? Yeah. A-ha! No accounting for taste. Aunt stella!

[ Stella and trina laughing ] Hello, ladies. Hey, jordan. Hey, jordan. Hey. I am really glad to see you both so happy. But I’m sorry to say I am about to be a buzzkill. So this is an interrogation? Well, I’m just curious as to why you would visit your attempted abductor in prison. So I have to check my comings and goings with the pcpd? Maybe, when you’re talking to the former head of the wsb… and pikeman security group. Has that been confirmed? Brennan was head of pikeman? Working theory. I’ve answered your question. Now you answer mine. You know, last time you came knocking on my door with the third degree, you and agent cates accused me of harboring a criminal. Don’t you have better things to do with your time? I do. I have to run a hotel. Okay, so, the fact that jason slipped out of your house doesn’t mean that he wasn’t there. You’re deliberately not answering my question. Why is that? How do you know I went to pentonville? Well, brennan may be sequestered, awaiting trial, but he is still considered a dangerous man. He has a lot of eyes on him. Especially the fbi’s? I was beginning to think I had been stood up. Well, since you asked yuri to drive me, I could hardly “ghost you,” as violet would say.

[ Chuckles ] And it was such a lovely evening, I asked him to take the route around the lake, and the sunset was breathtaking. So I asked him to stop, and h-he found a nice spot and pulled over and… piped tchaikovsky into the back seat. And I just soaked in the music and the splendor and got lost in it. I think we both did. I’m sorry I missed it. Uh, I am, too. You would have enjoyed it. And I would have enjoyed it more with you. Well, I-I did get to see some of the sunset on my ride. And you’re so right. It really was lovely.

[ Chuckles ] You know, gregory, I-I bet we could convince tracy to hop back on her horse. Two of you could finish that sunset together. What do you say? Want to trade out your cane for a saddle? Maybe next time.

T-that’s an interesting assumption. The fbi. Yeah. If this is your way of trying to figure out what I know, let me save you some time. John cates was asking jason about a connection between sonny, brennan, and pikeman, but brennan didn’t seem to know anything about it. So you told brennan, then? That agent cates was on his case? Like, specifically. Yeah, it’s not like it’s some deep dark secret. Yes, carly! It was! Didn’t you learn first-hand how law enforcement works when you were married to the mob?! I’m sure nina has more important things to do than listen to me practice my psa. Well, like I said, I’ll let you two get to work. Well, j-just hold on one second. Are you sure, willow? I mean… nina listens to pitches and ad campaigns just about every day. It’d be a shame not to take advantage of her expertise. Someone with so much media and promotion experience. J-just figure she might see something that I could miss. Unless you’re not comfortable. I — well, I’m not sure I’ll ever be comfortable with being a public figure, but it is important and I agreed to do it. But nina has a magazine to run. I’m just suggesting it because this is your first psa, and we really want to knock it out of the part. But, of course… it’s completely up to you. You know what happened the first time I rode a merry-go-round? I fell off.

[ Chuckles ] Stop trying to make me feel better, cowboy. No, no. It’s — it’s a true story. I was, uh — I was a little younger than leo. I was probably 8 or 9. I was trying to impress a very cute girl. Hard to believe. And she kept looking at this brass ring that was at the top of the pole. So I-I climbed up on t-the carousel pony and I stretched out my little body as far as it would go, and I just kept reaching for that brass ring. And then I fell — flat on my face. Don’t know how I didn’t break my nose, but I got eight stitches in my head. Too bad it didn’t knock some sense into you. Wait, wait. W-what about the girl? The next day, she sat next to me on the school bus.

[Chuckling] Ohh! And? The moral is? Reach for that brass ring. You may fall flat on your face, but… ya never know. He’s well-meaning. Yeah. I wish everyone treated me so kindly or gave me such good advice. Sasha: I don’t know, michael. Given your family’s history with relationships, I’m pretty sure the fact that you and i used to be a couple barely even registers on their radar. Maybe you’re just disappointed that I never used to cook like this for you. I’m a little disappointed, yeah.

[ Chuckles ] No, it’s just — I, uh — I’m just sorry that you even had to take this position. I never thought you would’ve walked away from deception. I mean, I could have negotiated, like, a golden parachute or something. I just hate that you left all that stock on the table and now you’re here cooking for my crazy, mixed-up family. Please. Take that off your mind. I wanted to walk away. And, yes, selling all my shares was a big…gulp. Sure. But… it was a loss that I was willing to take for my peace of mind. And gladys already took all my money, so it’s not like I didn’t have any practice. You know, sasha, you don’t have to do that with me, you know, pretend that you’re — you’re okay. I’m not pretending. It was time for me to go, michael. I’ve made peace with my decision, and, honestly, I haven’t even looked back. When olivia offered me this job, I jumped at it. I-I had other options, but none that I liked. Okay. You know, maybe if you would have given your job search a little more time, I-I would have lent you the money to tide you over. I’m sure sonny would have, too. I really appreciate the gesture, michael. But, first, I would not have taken it. And, second, there’s no need. I like it here. You know, I-I don’t know if you remember, but I always used to say that I longed to be part of a family… after growing up without one. So now I get to cook for your “crazy, mixed-up family.” I get to practice my cooking and stay in a home with people I know and trust. Trust? I wouldn’t — I wouldn’t go that far.

[ Laughs ] But, I mean, maybe… I should have asked you before I said yes. I mean, I-I never even talked to willow about it. I really hope that I have not made things awkward between the two of you, have I?

I didn’t even think to ask willow how she might feel about me moving in here. We used to be so close, and then with everything that has happened to both of us, we’ve lost touch. And then after she had amelia and I showed up at the gatehouse hopped up on pills, she’s probably worried about having me around the kids. No, no. Hey. Sasha, that is not the case at all. We know what the situation was. Y-you were sabotaged. We trust you. Thank you. As far as us and our — our history… yeah, we shared a lot of memories, but we’re good, though, right? I mean… unless you’re saying it’s awkward for you. No. No. I-I really like being here. Good. Because the quartermaines, who rarely agree on anything, agree on you. Especially the kids, ’cause they love your beignets. I’m so glad. And, honestly, michael, this is not a step down for me. I really love cooking for your family. I… I’ve found it really… nurturing and grounding. I like seeing how happy people are when they eat my food, knowing that I’m contributing to their well-being. And I really love seeing how happy you are with willow. You guys are really inspirational. The love and the commitment that you share.

[ Door opens ] I, um — I used to have that once, so… maybe I will again. Have what? I don’t know if there will be an actual motion to reopen heather’s case, but I wanted to let you know what was brewing.

[ Scoffs ] This is preposterous! I’ve lost count of that woman’s victims! And she almost made trina one of them! What is there to revisit, jordan? How could this even be considered?! Well, it’s been discovered that heather was slowly being poisoned by an artificial hip implant decades ago with neurotoxic results. Wait. What? They think her artificial hip made her crazy? I-I read about this. A-and I did some digging. Some people who were poisoned by heavy metals have been affected mentally w-with anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunction, bipolarity, even schizophrenia. But even if that were the case, heather is a brutal killer. Surely, this can’t erase her actual crimes! No, but some people think it can help explain them. “Some people”? Who? Who would even advocate for heather webber?! Well, you’re gonna find out anyways. My boss has raised the question. Spencer’s grandmother? Blood cancers once considered fatal can now be cured… if only people knew where to look for help. I should know since a marrow donor saved my life. That’s why the new tomorrow institute was created — to help people like you and me. Willow , that was so good,especially for your first try! Thanks, drew. Uh, nina? Anything to add? You come across very sincere and authentic. But? No. [ Chuckles ] I don’t — I don’t want to make you feel self-conscious. No, what you’re doing is — is spot-on. Nina, it’s okay. I… I’d like to hear what you have to say. Okay. Willow, you’re living proof that cancer doesn’t need to be a death sentence. You are the success story. You’re the example that people can aspire to. You came through a harrowing ordeal, and now you have a wonderful, healthy, happy, fulfilling life. Show that. Show the people that are dealing with cancer and their families that they not only stand to survive, but, like you, to thrive. So, in other words… totally okay to smile a little.

[ Both laugh ] Noted. Anything else? You got this. I’m gonna go back to my office. Nina. Thank you. Any time.

[ Door closes ]

[ Exhales sharply ] Why on earth would you think it was a good idea to tell brennan that he and pikeman were subjects of an fbi investigation?! Because I wanted to know how he’d react. Why? Are you running an investigation of your own? From the minute I laid eyes on brennan. Oh, he hasn’t asked you to call him “jack” yet? No. He told me he was in the “security business.” And I took that to mean he was ex-intelligence or ex-military. I thought he was going after sonny, then I realized he was working with that guy hume. And when I heard the name pikeman in connection with brennan, it’s not a far stretch to think the fbi had their sights on him. Okay. God. Don’t know why I’m telling you this. Okay. Listen. The fbi didn’t realize that the former director of the wsb was involved with pikeman, maybe even running it, because he had managed to conceal his involvement. And that is why he came after me. But did brennan come after you? Well, yes. I thought that was hume. Did jack brennan come anywhere near you? How did he find out about john cates? You know, ’cause brennan was already in prison when he came to town. Did he tell you that or did… did you tell him? I may have mentioned it. Okay. So you blithely confirmed to brennan that he is under fbi surveillance… and you have put pikeman on high alert… and you have compromised a major investigation!

What happens with your investigation is not my problem. Okay, you know, you need to listen to me, carly! So you understand what’s at stake! Like what?! Never mind. I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know. Because why should I trust you? Why should I trust

any of you? I mean, john shows up being all nice and genuine. Then he goes to jason and he hassles him about pikeman! And you know this how? I don’t think john would have shared that information with you. Were you listening? You were listening, weren’t you? Oh, my god. Of course, you were listening! You just asked me why you should trust me. It’s because I’m trying to help you! Or have you forgotten that brennan could have killed you the day that we arrested him? I remember you and dante bursting in with your guns drawn. The only thing brennan was packing was a couple zip ties. Yeah, like everyone walks around with zip ties in their pocket! Well, apparently, all spies do. Where are yours? In your pocket or in your purse somewhere? I don’t have any — okay. Look. I have never, ever considered you to be stupid or naive. But brennan could have kidnapped you that day or worse. You know what? I’m not so sure about that. I mean, if jack brennan is as dangerous as you say, he could have taken me down, he could have pulled a gun. He didn’t do either. I mean, maybe what you saw as a life-or-death situation was just a miscommunication. Why don’t you try to be as smart as you think you are? You stay the hell away from jack brennan! Oh, really? Hey, fritz. Um, I don’t feel like driving tomorrow, so I’m gonna need a ride. Yes. Yes, that’s right. Well, I would like to go to pentonville. Yes. No. I-I want to leave from here. Great. I’ll see you tomorrow. Well, that’s nice of you — to still visit your friends behind bars. Finn and violet have probably already left for the rehearsal and coney island, so why don’t you have dinner with me? As it turns out, sasha is a fabulous cook. All she has to do is heat it up for us. I’m not having dinner with you tonight, tracy, because you are going to coney island.

[ Laughs ] Oh, in the words of the bensonhurst brigade… “fuggedaboutit.” This is lois’ event, not mine. And while they’re all dining on hot dogs and cotton candy, I will be enjoying sasha’s delicious meal with cloth napkins and a tablecloth. Besides, I’m not in the ceremony, so there’s nothing for me to rehearse. I couldn’t disagree with you more. I need you to stand in for me at the rehearsal. That way, you can tell me when the music starts and stops, when I make my entrance, where to stand, all the little details that I need to know. Is this why you wanted to see me tonight? Uh, partially. T-there’s something else. I guess you could call it my “fail-safe” plan — in case I can’t make it to my son’s wedding. I am really excited about hopefully helping so many people, but I have so much to learn when it comes to the media side of things. I have no doubt that you’re gonna get the hang of it. Plus, you got so many people around you to help. It was a really good idea to have nina stay for the rehearsal. Her suggestion to simply smile made it so much easier the next few rehearsals. You really are a natural, but I have to admit nina’s media savvy probably could help us reach our target audience. So if you’re open to it, I mean, I could ask her to become more involved. Well, I’m not surprised… since you and nina planned this whole thing. Didn’t you? I’m just here to scrounge. I was hoping to find some yummy leftovers in the fridge. Yeah, I take it you’re hungry? Aren’t I always?

[ Laughs ] This is what I like to see. Checking out new recipes? Yeah, I am thinking of trying out some new appetizers. Ooh! Stick around long enough, and you might get to sample them. I’m really glad we talked, michael.

[ Sighs ] She’s amazing. Oh, I know. So, what are your plans for all of her…amazingness?

oh, baby, how are you feeling about this? I can’t feel anything but betrayed. For me and spencer. I understand, baby. And I don’t blame you one bit. And right now I’m — I’m straining my objectivity to try to see it from laura’s point of view. I’m trying to think how I might feel if this was a member of our family. Stella, that’s big of you. Really. It’s amazing. You know, I was police commissioner throughout heather’s hook killing spree, her jail breaks, and I’m struggling to find objectivity, too. But, still, I recognize laura’s courage to even consider taking this on. She has to realize the political firestorm she’ll cause if she gets that case against heather re-opened. So, are you saying that laura’s asking for heather to be set free? Well, you just put that out there, didn’t ya? I find it saves a lot of time to be direct. I saw you two just now. There’s sparks, you know? T-there’s something there. Yeah. Yeah. We have a good time. We’re friends. Friends. Okay. Friendship’s good. Can’t have too many. But some friendships are more special than others, and I just — I hope you realize how special sasha is. Don’t I ever. I mean… her molten chocolate lava cake is to die for. Are you ever serious? I’m very serious about my job, so no worries there. Okay. What about sasha? She has been through a hell of a lot these last few years. And she’s come through. She’s one of the best people that I know. So I hope you’re serious about being good to her. I will be as good to her as she’ll let me be. Willow, are you — are you accusing me of — of setting you up? I am accusing you of being a well-meaning friend who is trying to patch things up between nina and me. I’ll admit. I would love if you and nina work things out, but I am a businessman, and nina coaching you makes for a better psa, which may widen the reach for the appeal, which is what aurora promised the new tomorrow institute. So it’s good business. I would never do anything that I thought would hurt you. I hope you know that, willow. A-and I do get how sensitive the situation is between you and your mother. Ahh. My “mother.” That still lands with a jolt. I haven’t thought of nina in those terms in a while. I know, willow, but if I can get past it and find a way to work with her, maybe you can, too. I meant what I said before. Your attitude toward nina, your ability to put the past in the past and deal with her here in the present, made me rethink my own attitude. But it’s hard. I have opened myself up to nina on more than one occasion, and it did not go well for me. There was always a lie or manipulation, and then I’m left feeling angry and foolish. Like, how many times do I have to go through the same thing before I learn my lesson? Nina was the one that needed to learn her lesson, willow. Maybe she has. Maybe? I can’t be sure. But I’m willing to give her a chance. And I — I realize that it’s easier for me. She sent you to prison! I have a professional relationship with her, not a personal relationship with her, so she can, like — she can disappoint me, she can frustrate me, but she can’t — she can’t wound me. So I get… I get how letting her in is just a much bigger risk for you than it is for me. And saying that… …I realize that I owe you an apology. You? Why? I, uh… may have finagled the meeting and pushed things a bit so that you guys would have a chance to interact. And I’m sorry. But I stand by my business perspective. She really did make things better. So if you’re not comfortable… no, no. I’ll — I’ll think about it. Good. Then why do you look so upset? Because I have no right to come down on you. Not when I’ve been keeping something from you myself. Keeping something from me? About your brother. Carly: I can’t do this! I don’t have time. I’m sorry. That’s — that was unnecessary. Carly, I’m having the best day ever, and I do not want to ruin it. Look. We are never gonna hear bluebirds or see rainbows when our paths cross, but we don’t have to take shots at each other unnecessarily. Like you just did? It — that was a reflex that I regret. And I’m sorry. I approached you because there was actually another reason why I needed to talk to you. It can’t be another apology. I’ve already heard them all. No. I wanted to tell you that…

[ Exhales heavily ] …You were right about sonny.

I cobbled together some traditional texts along with some thoughts and musings of my own. I’m sure it’s very beautiful. Thanks, but I’m not looking for assurance. I’m holding you to your promise to take my place if I — yadda, yadda, yadda! You are presiding over chase and brook lynn’s ceremony. It’s meant to be. The only things that are “meant to be” are death and taxes. Yeah, well, I take exception to the latter. Tracy, don’t tell me you have stage fright.

[ Scoffs] Whether I do or not is beside the point. You’re the officiant! I-I’m just — I’m covering my bases, in case I can’t read my notes or I-I lose my breath, things that have been happening more and more these days. I’ll need my understudy to go on if that happens. Well, I seriously doubt that I’m gonna need to “go on,” as you put it, because you are perfectly capable of marrying those two, all while being… the most attractive man in the room.

[ Chuckles ] Flattery… will get you everywhere. Except coney island. Now, can we get to the airport in time? You have to make that rehearsal. I’ll get there. Oh… w-what’s the dress code for coney island? Think mermaid.

[ Groans ]

[ Laughs ] I heated you up some beef bourguignon. Otherwise known as beef stew.

[ Chuckles ] Where’s michael? Uh, he, uh — he left… right after warning me to be good to you. Okay. Well, I know michael. He had the best of intentions, but it’s not his job to make sure that I’m well-treated. It’s mine. I get to decide all on my own if a situation works for me, if it fits my needs. So we’re talking about your job as a cook? “Situation” is pretty vague. It covers my job, but also the people I associate with. Like me. You don’t need a lecture from michael on being good to me, cody. You already are. Trina, I can’t speak for laura’s intentions, but I do know her as my boss and as a person. She is smart and sensitive. So let’s not jump to any conclusions. The immediate question is, where does heather belong while they sort out her medical and legal issues? My vote is someplace safe and secure. T-this is a very complicated issue. I’ve worked with psych patients and their families, and — and I know that people’s pain, whether mental or physical, can drive them to do and say things that would otherwise be unthinkable. Okay, aunt stella, maybe heather was acting out of mental or physical pain, as you say. But what about her victims? What about the victims’ families? What about the pain she inflicted on us?! What I’m about to tell you is confidential, okay? Okay. When jason got back to port charles, after he jumped off the bridge… michael and I found him in the boathouse badly wounded. And we bandaged him up and got him antibiotics from the hospital. Jason should never have put you guys in that position. We had to do something. He was shot. So did you stitch him up? Of course you did. Because that’s what you do, willow. You help people. You helped jason. You help people at G.H. And now you’re helping people through the new tomorrow institute. I appreciate you so much, willow. And your secret is safe with me. Nina: You said that it wasn’t going to last, that sonny would leave me, and he did. If I had listened to you, maybe I could have saved myself some heartache, but, you know, I-I wouldn’t listen to you or anyone else. I had to live it. And I have. Is that all? I’m trying to make amends with drew. I understand needing to be on good terms with your employer. It’s in drew and my best interests to have a good working relationship. Then I guess it’s all worked out, huh? You and drew have a working relationship. You’re back at crimson. I have my hotel back. I mean… no reason to look back at all the damage done, huh? It’s good for all just to move forward. You make it sound easy. Not easy. Necessary. I’m not looking back. I’m not going that way. Jason? Jason?!

[ Exhales sharply ] Well, you were right.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Friday, May 10, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


thank you so much for all this. I, um — I guess we should probably finish it up and get on our way? You in a hurry? ‘Cause I’m not. I — I like having you here. I enjoy your company. Well, I have a personal belief that no one should ever have to dine alone. Well, lucky me.

[ Laughs ] The ties between pikeman and the wsb go back to your early days as an agent, anna, in the ’80s. I can tell you flat out I’ve never had anything to do with pikeman. Jack brennan, who — who ended his rather brief tenure as head of the wsb by being shipped off to pentonville — he could tell you more. It’s alleged that he was running both pikeman and wsb. Unless you think that I’m the new head of pikeman and that, by packing him off to prison, I was making a big power grab. Anything is possible.

[ Knock on door ] Come in.

[ Door opens ] You wanted to see me, commissioner? I did, yes. Um, I just wanted to check in, you know, since it was my bright idea to have you apply for the police academy. Detective bennett — he thinks that your performance in class and training exercise is outstanding. So I just wanted to check in with you personally. Uh, first of all, I want to thank you. It would have never occurred to me to become a police officer, but every day I’m more certain that this is where I’m supposed to be. Why do you feel certain? The men and women in my class are exceptional. I’m very proud to stand next to them. Ah. And the other officers — you know, the rank and file — how’s that going? Uh, it’s getting better, mostly thanks to detective chase. He’s really gone out of his way to take me under his wing and smooth the way a bit. Oh, good. Yes, yes. He’s very well liked and well respected, so I’m sure that the other officers will trust his judgment. That’s good. Uh, he invited me to his wedding tomorrow. Ah. Can you attend? Wouldn’t miss it. Mm. My sentiments exactly, yeah. I’m sure I’ll run into you there. Will that be all, commissioner? One other thing. Have you had any interaction with detective falconeri? Hey. Sorry for making you wait. Hey. What’s going on? Dante, you’re not gonna believe it. What? I finally got some answers from jason about what he’s been up to the last few years. Jason is an fbi informant. Mr. Morgan. The fbi has some questions for you. Yeah? Well, you don’t have to follow official procedure, cates. Nobody’s here but us. I still have questions. Why was carly visiting the former director of the wsb in pentonville? What did you tell her?

what did you say to carly? Did you mention pikeman or brennan to her? No. Then why did she drive out to pentonville? I don’t know. This is the first time I’m hearing about it. Why was she visiting brennan of all people? What was she hoping to find out? I just told you, I don’t know. If you even hinted to carly that you’ve been tasked with finding evidence against pikeman, it violates our agreement. I only took the agreement to protect carly. Why would I turn around and give her information that puts her at risk? Well, I could just sit here all day — if I didn’t have a dozen phone calls to make. I know how that goes. I would imagine you’re a pretty busy man. Okay. I know you were waiting for someone when I showed up. Who would have the audacity to stand you up? Well, I didn’t get stood up. It’s just — it was ava, you know, the one that you met at my place. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I brought her here. I said something she didn’t like, and she got upset. She stormed off. So, um… she missed out, but, uh, I didn’T. Well, it was a lovely meal. And the conversation was equally so. It’s amazing how that works.

[ Laughs ] Do you think things will have calmed down by the time you get home?

My home, not ava’S. You see, I brought her and my daughter, avery, to my home because — basically, for avery’s sake. But at first it worked out, and now it’S… not really. Yeah. No, I get it. I get it. I mean, when a relationship is ending or transitioning, that’s hard enough, but when kids are involved, it’s just so complicated. Sounds like you’ve been through it. Yeah, well, my husband and I are separated. Ah. That’s alison’s father. And then I have son from a previous relationship. Remember I told you that my family’s complicated? Mm. Mm-hmm. Life’s a long and winding road.

[ Groans ] Full of all kinds of paths and forks not taken. Ugh. [ Laughs ] Well, I do hope that — that it’s a little calmer when you get back. Well, either that or, you know, I’m gonna go home to an empty apartment.

[ Laughs ] Ava could be packing as we speak. But as long as we — we sip this coffee really slowly… it will give her enough time, you know?

[ Laughing ] Okay. Some of the print on this bottle has rubbed off. I’m planning an extensive trip, and I just want to know how many refills are left for my husband’s prescription of lorphenadine. We’re gonna be out of the country, you see, and I think maybe we should be stocking up. Actually, I wouldn’t mind a little more information about the drug itself. Well, normally, I wouldn’t disclose this information, but since you’ve gone to all this trouble, I can at least take a little look. Mm. Dante and I haven’t had much interaction. I think we both have the same avoidance strategy. Is he icing you out? No, nothing like that. He nods hello when I walk through the squad room, but otherwise he pretends I’m not there. So, you say you have, uh, the same avoidance strategy. Why are you avoiding him? Dante is senior detective. He also just got shot in the line of duty. He’s highly respected here. But he’s also sonny’s son. And everyone here knows I worked for sonny for more than a year. So if we get seen together too much, people might think we’re working together on sonny’s behalf. A lot of people already suspect me of that, so why put it on dante? Do you have any reservations about dante, like maybe… suspicions that he might act on his father’s behalf? Look, I’m only telling you until we figure out what to do with this information. Jason saved my life. He… he must have been with the shooter when they were trying to take out sonny. That’s got to be the reason why the sniper missed. Jason said that he has been working undercover while he’s been away, that he’s been working under an assumed identity. Still? He’s working undercover? What’s he doing right now? I don’t know his exact role, but he’s working with agent john cates. Oh, my god. What? My god. Sam, I-I-I — I knew this. I already knew that jason was an fbi informant. What do you mean? How? My father told me.

mr. Corinthos has four refills left. Mm. That’s what I thought. I just wanted to be sure. As per usual, I’ll call the prescribing doctor when it’s time to renew unless I hear anything else. So, will that be all, mrs. Corinthos? As you know, my husband just started taking this new drug. I do have some concerns about it. Really? Well, um… um, lorphenadine was recently approved by the fda, but it’s highly effective and safe in combination with other drugs like lithium in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Uh, have you discussed your concerns with his doctor? Not yet. I didn’t want it to seem like I’m undermining the doctor. Sonny is very comfortable with him. I’m sure it’s fine. I do wonder, though, what would happen if a patient, for whatever reason, didn’t take the medication as prescribed or took less than the prescribed dosage. Because, as I’m sure you know, mistakes do happen. Maybe you should go home and talk to ava and try to resolve things. You know what? I was being flip. Ava’s fine. We just got in a stupid argument. Mm. I was invited to go to some social event. She wasn’t invited. I couldn’t push it because it was the bride’s family calling the shots. It was a wedding, right? So then I didn’t even know ava wanted to go, and then she says she wants to go. I made it clear — “you can’t go.” And then she, you know, got upset, stormed off, like I said, and that’s basically that. Yeah. I mean, but I get it. I empathize. You know, it’s a pretty terrible feeling, feeling like you’re being excluded. Who would exclude you?

[ Both laugh ] Well, thank you, but… come on. …Um, you know, I am a newbie in a new town, and it’s a town that’s got a very tight-knit social set. So, you know… alison’s going to her manager’s wedding, and, you know, she might even be performing. I don’t even know. And so, you know, obviously, kristina is her plus one, so I miss out. Brook lynn quartermaine’s wedding? Mm-hmm. That’s what I was talking about.

[ Laughs ] Everything you’ve done up until this point has been for carly, so it doesn’t make any sense you’d involve her in this. I wouldn’T. Well, that leaves us with a big problem. Why was carly at pentonville? Could carly and brennan have some kind of understanding? No. I doubt that. They know each other. Brennan was arrested at bobbie’S. Well, then it was kelly’S. Carly was the only other person there. She never said anything about this? I never asked. Ask her now. Why? Before he was incarcerated, jack brennan was career wsb. He rose all the way to director. It can’t be a coincidence that he lands in port charles and starts cultivating sonny’s ex-wife. Carly must be useful to him somehow. Or — and this seems much less likely — he’s of use to her. Either way, it’s in both of our best interests to find out. I’ll leave it to you to figure out how. Do you think dante might be protecting sonny? I asked you first. No. No. Not consciously, anyway. But he might have an unconscious bias in sonny’s favor. I saw enough of their relationship when I worked for sonny to know that he and dante are close. Sonny was estranged from michael, so he relied on dante, even though he was a cop. I’ve seen them interact as family. They’re easy and relaxed around each other. They trust each other. I don’t think dante would deliberately look the other way if sonny committed a crime. But I do think maybe, when dante looks at sonny, he — he just sees what he wants to. Mm. Thank you for your perspective. Yeah. To be clear, I think dante is an incredible officer. He’s the kind of cop that I want to be. Yeah. There’s no one better you could emulate. No one. Okay, that’s all. Thank you.

[ Door closes ]

[ Cellphone ringing ] Yeah. Hi. What’s up? Alright. I’m coming over. Wait. You knew that jason was working for the fbi and you didn’t say anything to me? I didn’t remember. It just hit me with all the things you were saying. I-I — I don’t know. I mean, I was out of it in the hospital. I’d just woken up. I don’t know who I saw or what I said. Well, I hope you remember me. Of course I remember you. But now I remember sonny was there. He came into my room. He told me that, yeah, jason was working as an informant for the fbi. And then jason came in my room and told me the same thing. It must have been these meds. Okay, well, that actually tracks to what jason said because he said that he and sonny aren’t close anymore. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that sonny would actually think that jason would turn his back on him. Well, yeah, if he’s working for agent cates, sonny would consider that betrayal.

[ Exhaling sharply ] Joss. Hi. What are you doing here? I’m, uh, obviously working out.

[ Chuckles ] Um, I just heard about the challenge, the, um, stadium run without the stadium. You want to race? Only if I get a head start. You’re already warmed up. Absolutely not. Hey, no cheating! You know, agent cates and I — we didn’t get off to such a hot start. I didn’t trust him. He didn’t trust me. He said he was trying to protect sonny. I didn’t believe that for a second. Well, yeah, because why would the fbi be protecting a mob boss? Although I-I believe it, though, but I think it’s probably secondary to whoever’s behind those hits. This is bigger than my father. You know, these four crime lords that were taken out — big cities, major transportation hubs. Some sort of smuggling ring? I’ve been doing some digging on my own. And what sticks out — these were not mob hits. I know it’s last minute, uh, but I do have a plus one. If you want to go to the wedding with me, I’d love to take you. Uh — wait, what?

[ Laughs ] That is just so — that’s so generous. But I don’t want to impose. I mean, this is — especially at this late date. You met lois. Yeah.She’s a close friend of mine. All I got to do is tell her that I’m bringing somebody else. Unless you don’t — you don’t want to be seen with me.

[ Laughs ] And I understand. No, it’s just so, um — I mean, are you sure? Uh, yes. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked. We can be like a mom and dad posse for both of our children. They’ll love that.

[ Both laugh ] Um… yes. Alright. Yeah. I accept with pleasure. Thank you so much.

[ Laughs ] Okay, wait a minute. Um… that means I need to come up with a dress, shoes, and I got to somehow talk my way into a hair salon appointment, so I think — so I’m out of here.

[ Laughs ] Alright. I’ll let you know what time… okay. …And the whole thing. Alright. And thank you again. I mean, honestly, thank you again for everything, the lovely meal, the — your thoughtfulness. I’m just — I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. So, bye for now. Alright. Yeah. Thank you. I assure you I take quality control very seriously. I’m sure you do. But we’re all human. It seems you’re concerned about your husband’s dosage. Well, I don’t stand over my husband and make sure he takes his medication on time. What if he doesn’t? What if he takes less than the prescribed dosage? What if he skips? Could his behavior change? For example, could he become aggressive? Or even violent? That would depend on his behavior patterns when he’s not medicated. Symptoms could return, but that’s beyond my scope. I’m a pharmacist. I’m not a physician. I was hoping you could ease my mind before the big trip. Well, uh, what I can tell you is that it’s important a person on mood-stabilization medication take their medication regularly. And while unmedicated bipolar disorder may manifest in behavioral issues, people generally don’t become ax murderers overnight.

[ Chuckles ] That’s good. Ax murders are, uh, definitely to be avoided.

[ Chuckles ] Have you noticed any change in your husband’s behavior? Why do you ask? Well, if you’re worried about him not taking his dosage, you should speak with him — and his doctor. That’s not necessary. You know, this is a new drug and all, and I had some — some questions about it, so I thought I’d — I’d come to the expert. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain things to me. Thank you for all you continue to do for my husband. I’m glad I could help. And good luck with the trip. Hey. Hey. Thanks for coming. Yeah. What’s so urgent? Okay, so, I need all the information that you have on brennan’s arrest here in port charles. Oh, it was relatively uneventful, you know? Dante and I — we made the arrest at bobbie’S. Yeah. Was carly there? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Why? Did she say something to you about it? No. No. Cates did. That’s strange. Well, he was asking why carly would visit brennan at pentonville. She did what? Wait. He didn’t tell you? No. God. I don’t know. John is not very big on sharing. But then that’s fine because there’s a lot about this supposedly joint investigation that I haven’t been sharing with him. More to the point, it’s actually very concerning that carly would visit brennan. Why exactly? Because when we made the arrest, it looked as if brennan was going to kidnap her. The man had zip ties in his pocket. I mean, this is months ago, but why would she suddenly take it upon herself to go see him now?

[ Sighs ] There’s only one thing I can think of. She thinks she’s helping me.

Whew! Okay. Okay. That’s nice. You know, for a second there, I thought you were gonna let me win. Oh, and face your wrath? Well, thank you for respecting me enough to beat me. Two out of three? No way, no. Okay. It’s a good thing you’re not at the academy. You would kill yourself trying to finish first in everything. Like you don’t finish first in everything. Well, not everything. No, false modesty, please.

[ Breathes deeply ] It’s going good, though? It’s — it’s all good? Yeah. Yeah, things are good. I had to face down a lot of people’s doubts, including my own, but… it turns out if you stick with things and don’t walk away, they get better. Why would carly think she was helping you by going to see brennan? Well, a couple days ago, I was with carly. John shows up. And carly wanted to call diane. I said, “don’T. I’ll take care of it. Just leave.” Well, she didn’t want to leave. So, I’m sure she found a spot to eavesdrop in on our conversation.

[ Sighs ] Which was what? Which was john talking a lot about brennan and pikeman and possible ties with sonny. John didn’t mention you working for pikeman, did he? I made sure he didn’t just in case carly was listening. Oh, thank god you know her so well. Alright, so, what do you think it’s likely that she overheard john say? Well, he went on to talk about brennan being arrested with a pikeman guy. Yeah. Hume. Oh, no. Ohh. God. I hope you’re wrong about this. Because if carly knows that the fbi is investigating this pikeman/brennan connection and she inadvertently gives brennan that information, then she just made our job exponentially harder. These four crime figures that were taken out — it wasn’t by rivals or disgruntled lieutenants. It was all done the same way — long-range, professional, clean sniper shots. Which backs up your belief that jason did something to prevent the sniper from killing sonny. Right. The other thing is, these — these bosses that were taken out — it’s not like the organizations collapsed afterwards. The next in line took over with almost no interruption to the organizations, which tells me that this wasn’t to cause chaos or some kind of takeover from outside forces. So, if not that, then what was it for? I’m definitely not gonna lose any sleep over any dead mob bosses, but I do care about sonny. And I know that you care about him, too. And, dante, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I — I care about jason, too. And I believe him when he said that he didn’t stay away voluntarily, that he was coerced. And I think that we should help him. Actually, I — I want to help him, dante. Danny can’t lose his father again.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Exhales heavily ]

[ Sighs ] Surprised to see you here since you stormed off at the restaurant. Oh, yeah, I’m — I’m really sorry about that, sonny. It was so silly of me to let my feelings get hurt over a social event. You know, of course I understand why the cerullos and falconeris don’t want me there. That’s the point I was trying to make, ava! I know. I know. I realize that.

[ Sighs ] I’m embarrassed, actually. I like to think I have pretty thick skin, and I do with most people, but… not with you lately. Sonny, I’m — I’m so appreciative of how we’ve been able to connect and come to trust each other. I really care about our relationship. And that’s why, for avery’s sake, it is time for me to move out.

So, how’s school? You on summer break yet? Just about. Um, I’ve turned in most of my labs and my papers. I have a few exams left. But I actually just got a new summer job at the metro court. I’m gonna be a lifeguard there. That’s more fun than working at the front desk. Yeah, I know, right? I hope it’s fun. I just thought you’d have some high-powered internship lined up. Well, I’ve thought about it, but, um, I’m actually in the middle of switching my major. I’m glad you figured it out. So, what do you want? For your major. Oh, um, well, I’ll be taking some of the same labs and classes as last year, just with a different concentration — environmental science. Sounds like a good fit. God, really? I feel like I’m so late to change my major.

[ Sighs ] Just trust yourself, joss. I have no doubt that you could save the entire planet if you set your mind to it. Are you sure this sudden need to move out has nothing to do with what happened earlier? Yes and no. Once I cooled down, I realized that the most important thing here is the — the friendship that we’ve developed over these last months. Yeah. I really value that, sonny. Plus, I don’t want to ever put avery in the stressful situation of watching her parents fighting, right? So, it’ll take me a few days to find the right living situation for the two of us, one that meets the terms of our shared custody agreement, of course. Is this really what you want, ava, is you want another place? Well, I was looking for a place of my own… right. …After I sold wyndemere, right? And then you wanted us here when we were under threat. But that threat seems to be gone. And I’m starting to feel like I’m overstaying my welcome. Did I ever say that, ava? No. Then don’t put words in my mouth. I like having avery here, taking her to school, putting her to bed, um… what about me? What about you? I like having people around. I like — you know, I like the company. But just so you know, I didn’t ask you to leave. That was your call. So, if you want to… get a place… I’ll help you get a place. But just for the record… …I like the way things are. I hope you understand why I want to help jason. Of course I do, baby. You have a history together. He’s danny’s father. I’m not — look, I’m not threatened by any of that stuff. Danny is a big part of this, but it’s more than that. When you were in the hospital and I found out that jason was on that roof and everyone thought he was the shooter — I thought he was the shooter — I was so angry and cold to him. I was just so terrified that I was gonna lose you. I wanted someone to pay, and I had lost all faith in jason. So you want to make amends. You want to help. Yeah. I mean, I suppose I do. I know that jason loves danny. And danny has obviously formed some sort of a bond with jason. It’s just that danny needs his father in his life. 100% he does. He needs his father. And I feel like I owe jason. I just don’t know how to help him. Well, we’re gonna figure that out together… uh-huh. …’Cause that’s what we do. Mm. The thing is, I don’t know what this is. Like, this can’t be just a simple undercover operation the fbi has got jason doing. Okay. Well, we need to figure out exactly what it is that the fbi has on jason. So far, the fbi has been under the radar. And you being found out to be who you are didn’t actually rattle pikeman’s cages too much. Yeah, well, cates thinks they’ll still target me ’cause I know too much. Pikeman obviously doesn’t know that you were with the fbi. So that’s a good thing, at least.

[ Sighs ] And you are absolutely certain? You never told carly that you were undercover with pikeman? No, absolutely not. I want her to stay out of this. Yeah, well, that ship’s sailed. Alright. So, in all probability, brennan now knows that the fbi is on his trail, which means that we’re blown. And that’s a big problem ’cause brennan’s tentacles — they reach from pentonville to pikeman to wsb to god knows where. Are you afraid of this guy? Brennan’s a bit of a charmer, you know. Very smooth. Yeah. But behind those sparkling eyes is a mind constantly working, processing, reading everything, everyone in the room. He is very smart. He’s very shrewd. And we all learned as trainees that the most dangerous weapon was to give brennan information of any kind. Okay. So, what do we do now? We just wait for him to make a move? How do we know he’s gonna make a move? He will. He will? Yeah. He’ll find his target, and then he’ll act. And the fbi won’t know what hit them. I think what we need to do is find out exactly what carly told brennan. Cates said the same thing. There’s one problem. I can’t be the one to do it.


So, I thought I would escape taking bio chem by switching to environmental science, when, actually, I have to still take environmental chem, which is just as difficult, and I have to do all of the papers, all of the labs,

and I have to get my master’s after my undergrad degree. There’s no escaping it. You’re gonna have to be awesome. Thank you. And thank you for what you said earlier. It means a lot. I should go. Yeah. Me too. Um… hey, joss. It was really good to see you. It was really good to see you. Take care. Thank you, sonny. I know avery wants to stay, and… so do I. And, you know, I realized something. I’ve let myself become a bit of a recluse since the nikolas thing. And after I sold wyndemere, I wanted a fresh start, but, really, other than the gallery, I don’t get out too much.

[ Chuckles ] I guess that’s why I made the assumption about brook lynn’s wedding. Well, you don’t have to be cooped up in here or the gallery all the time. You should get out, have fun. I mean, you were always the social type. You don’t have to crimp your style on my account.

[ Laughing ] That’s — that’s some solid advice. Thank you. So, is there anything I can do to help you get ready for the wedding? I can get you a tie or I can get a gift. How about a painting from the gallery, even? Cash is king. There’s a lot of ties that I don’t even wear, so… mm. But thank you for that. How about I give you a ride? I can drop you off. I can pick you up. That way, frank doesn’t have to waste the day waiting around outside the wedding and the reception. No, I can drive myself. Besides, blaze’s mother is coming as my plus one. Oh. Natalie, right? Natalia. Yeah, blaze and kristina are going, so I thought it would be nice to include blaze’s mother. That’s very generous of you.

[ Laughs ] Yeah. Hey. Alright. I get you want to help. It’s important to you. It’s important to danny. And — and please don’t get angry at me for saying this, but I think you should stay out of it. Wait a minute. You just said that you have some digging of your own to do, which means you don’t know the whole story. No, I don’T. I don’T. But I can tell it’s a delicate situation. And you get involved with cates and the feds, and then maybe you’re in the line of fire and — look, there’s — there’s nothing you can do. Oh, no, I have a hard time accepting “there’s nothing you can do” as a policy. But you’re carly’s best friend. Who better than you to find out what she knows and what she’s done? You just answered your own question. Carly can read me like a book. If I question her, she knows something’s up. And even if I mention brennan, that’s it. She’ll decide she can help me by working him for information. Oh, god. We don’t want that. No, she cannot suspect anything more than she already does. So we have to find a way to stop carly from doing anything else to help me. Alright. Well, if you can’t question her, then… I’ll have to talk to her myself.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Thursday, May 9, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


We appreciate it. It’s been a okay, you’re gonna do the talking, right? Yeah. Yeah. That’s what I said. Thank you. It’s just, uh — it’s just what? I-I was thinking — I was thinking that… you could probably say it better. Why would I say it better? I’m not exactly known for my bedside manner, but you on the other hand… I what? You do things with… care and compassion. Okay, well, you can be caring and compassionate when you tell dad that we don’t think that he should come to the rehearsal dinner tonight — and I cannot wait to go to coney island! Ahh! Good morning, you two. Sorry it takes me so long to get up and dressed. Did I-I miss seeing violet off to school? Yeah. Yeah. But she’s only going for a half-day. I’m picking her up early so she can change before we go to the airport. Sounds like a plan. Yeah. And speaking of plans… uh, we want to talk to you about this evening. And I… chase? I was just preparing for my hearing next week. Ah, yes, I was so happy to hear that you were taking steps to overturn your disbarment. Tell me. How’s it going? I think I’m prepared — as prepared as I can be. But at this point, I think I’m just spinning my wheels. I think you’re gonna do great. You know? You’re an excellent lawyer. As matter of fact, that’s why I’m here. Sonny, I wanted to tell you — I-I contacted two of my most high-profile artists to see if — if either of them would like a large commission to create a piece for the city. Sonny: Turns out that’s not gonna be necessary because I’ve moved on to another idea. Definitely a delegation showing up. Ah.

[ Knock on door ] Hi! Can I come in? I don’t want to see anything I shouldn’t see. Mm-hmm, yeah, since you knocked instead of barging in, I think you’re safe. Okay.

[ Laughs ] What brings you by? Well, I wanted to see what outfit you’re gonna go with for the quartermaine wedding. I haven’t decided yet. Why? I don’t want to clash with it. Hey. Jason. Where’s danny?

So, I went to see heather in pentonville yesterday. Mmm. How did that go? Uh, pretty well. She’s recovering nicely from the surgery. But other than that… she’s still the same heather. No. No. She’s really not. Since they replaced the bad hip, the changes in heather are striking. In a good way? It appears so. “Appears” being the operative word. Yes, well, I know that you and kevin talked about this a few weeks back. I just wondered if you were able to find anything that would suggest that we might be able to revisit heather’s case. You know, laura, I’m surprised that you actually want to move forward with this. It’s just that the more I talk to heather, the more I believe the cobalt poisoning was affecting her ability to reason. So the metallosis was the reason why she killed those people and tried to kill all those other people and had two decades of horrendous and — and cruel behavior? I am not qualified to say. Alright? All I can say is up until this point, heather has always felt justified in her actions. And now? Now she’s beginning to question her violent behavior. And — and, uh… she’s showing signs of real remorse, you know? And I think, in general, she just seems like she’s more in control of herself, containing her anger better. That, I actually witnessed. You think she’s actually growing a conscience? Were you able to find anything that could help her? Actually, I-I did. Of course, I want to hear everything you have to say, son, but — but first, uh, there’s something i need to say. If it’s alright with — please. By all means. By all means. Having the rehearsal dinner on coney island is such a fun idea. And it’s beyond generous of tracy to bring us all down there, um, so that brook lynn can — can revisit one of the great joys of her childhood. Everything about it seems unmissable. Dad, the thing is — no. Please. Please let me finish. Um, I hope you won’t be upset with me. And I promise I will apologize to brook lynn and her family, but I really feel like I need to conserve my energy for the wedding itself. Dad, are you saying that — I’ve thought long and hard about it. And as much as I want to go, I’m not gonna go. I’m gonna ask tracy if she will stand in for me at the rehearsal. Well, I-I really wish you could make it, too, but — but I understand. And I’ll make sure everybody there does, too. Thank you, son. I know that had to have been a hard decision, dad, but for what it’s worth, I think it was the right one. Can — I can call the home-help agency and see if we can get someone to stay with you. No. That — that’s not necessary. Since when are you going to brook lynn’s wedding? Since your invitation arrived. Or did you not get a plus-one?

[ Chuckles ] I did. And I’m taking kristina. Kristina. Why?

[ Chuckles ] Because she’s my girlfriend. How could I forget? I don’t know. It seems to slip your mind a lot. Oh, no, your relationship with kristina is always on my mind, especially at times like this. I’m gonna hate myself for asking. Times like what? I think it is unwise for you and kristina to go as a couple to such a public event. I thought we had anunderstanding about that. Well, gee, mom, so did I. Apparently, we were both wrong. Jason: Danny’s not here. Well, all I know is that he’s not in school. I got a call from his counselor. He was concerned because he missed an appointment. Okay. Why is he seeing a counselor? Well, because danny occasionally has trouble following the rules. Anyway, he wasn’t marked as present in his first-period class, so I used that location app on his phone to – to see where he was, and I couldn’t find him. You’re track– you’re tracking danny? And it said that his phone was at home. So I went upstairs to his bedroom. And his — and his phone was on his bed under a pile of clothes, which means he — he deliberately doesn’t want me to know where he is. Okay, well, maybe he just forgot his phone. Jason, no teenager ever lets their phone out of their sight, especially danny, considering I just gave his back to him. I haven’t seen danny. And — and don’t you see that you’re training him to lie to you?

First of all, you don’t know anything about my relationship with danny. He knows he can trust me. How can he know that, sam? Every time he brings up the truth about wanting to spend time with me, he gets into trouble. He thinks, “hey, if I lie here, maybe there’s a chance I won’t get caught and I won’t get into trouble.” No, I have just warned him that being around you is dangerous, and our son refuses to listen to me! Okay. If you and I agree that danny and I can spend some time together, I won’t be somewhere dangerous. Okay, well, what happens if he just shows up at your place like he did the other day? Can you promise me that he won’t be walking into something dangerous? No. No! Exactly! And that’s what terrifies me. It’s not just about danny getting to know you and spending time with you. Jason, he wants the danger. He chases it just like you. Just like I used to. This is different. There was a time I didn’t care if I lived or I died. Okay? I don’t — I don’t see that in danny. Okay. Well, then tell me what it is that you… see in our son… as opposed to the last time you were in town. I just see a kid who likes freedom. Yeah, well, he’s a teenage boy. They all want their freedom. He just doesn’t know what to do with it. And let’s be real. You really don’t know anything about raising a teenager. Maybe not. No. Definitely not. Because the first rule in raising a teenager is being there. And you weren’T. You were alive, and I still have no idea where you were or what you were doing. And nice tattoo, by the way. Did you show that to danny? Did you at least explain to him where that came from? God! What are the odds that danny is gonna want a tattoo, too? Let’s just hope that he goes for one and he doesn’t just go full-out and get a whole sleeve. Or, I mean, I — I actually don’t know. Maybe that just happened… one tattoo at a time over the past two-plus years. Sam, I-I will explain to danny that — if you just — you will explain to him that he should just hide you in the boathouse and not tell me about it? Okay. Hold on. For what it’s worth, he walked in on me in the boathouse. I didn’t seek him out. You told our son to lie to me about it. Because that was the safest thing for danny right then. That was my decision. Be mad at me. I am mad at you, jason! But I am afraid for our son! Afraid that you can’t control him! I don’t even think you see it. I mean, no matter what danny does, it feels like he’s in trouble… that it’s wrong. He’s a kid. Look, if he skipped school, he’s gonna get into trouble. He’s got detention. He gets grounded. Take the phone away. He’s gonna pay the price. Life goes on. Okay. Well, if — if you know so much about our son, where is he right now? I found two cases where post-conviction relief was granted. Somewhere here. Because the key witnesses recanted their testimony. The most relevant was a forensic psychiatrist who acknowledged that his findings were based on incomplete evidence. So then a diagnosis of cobalt poisoning would have helped heather’s defense. Possibly. Look. If you can get a copy of the transcript of her court appearance, I will take a look at it. Thank you. But you got to manage your expectations. ‘Cause metallosis or not, there is no judge that will want to vacate her conviction because the body count is too high and she confessed and she pled guilty. Yes, but all of her actions were under the influence of something out of her control. Maybe she didn’t murder anyone before the metallosis, but, laura, you can’t pretend that heather was some sort of quirky free spirit. No, no. I know you’re right. This is a long shot. Are you saying that you can’t help me anymore? Because if you can’t, I-i certainly would understand that. As a citizen of port charles, as a human being, I’m hesitant. As a once — hopefully future attorney again… I believe that everyone is entitled to a fair defense. Even heather. Then I’ll see about getting you those transcripts. Mom, I’ve taken your advice on keeping my private life private. As much as I hate to say it, you have a point. You hate that I have a point? No, I hate that people are so intolerant. Even a quarter of the way through the 21st century, things for queer people — please don’t refer to yourself that way. Things for… people like me are getting harder and harder. All of this to say… this is a family wedding. Not a public event. Honey.

[ Scoffs ] Sometimes you can be such an innocent sweetheart. Yes, this is not a public wedding, but everybody is gonna read about it. And all the lucky invitees are gonna be plastering their social media with photos and — and selfies. And especially because there’s gonna be a celebrity in their midst. Which you are! I don’t think that’s going to change if they see me standing next to kristina. Honey, that doesn’t even count all — all the professional photos that are gonna be out there on the newswire. And that’s not just locally. It’s gonna start at the invader, and then it’s gonna proliferate outward. I wouldn’t worry. The quartermaines are used to protecting their privacy from the press. Yes, it will be a well-attended event, but only by close family friends. And I’m going with kristina. Honey, I just — you are thinking about this in the absolute wrong way! And how should I be thinking about it, mother?

[ Sighs ] You’re not going just as a regular person. Okay? And certainly not as somebody’s girlfriend. You have to think about yourself as a brand! Sure, ali can go to any old wedding she wants to with whoever she wants to, but the second somebody takes a photo of you and puts it online, you’re no longer alison. You are blaze. And we have worked too hard to create this brand so carefully. I just don’t — honey, I don’t want to see it all just — all this hard work and effort just be for nothing! So? What do you think of the new menu? Love the new menu. I want one of each.

[ Laughs ] So do I. I’ve heard wonderful things about the new chef. Yeah, they were a real find. Listen, I hope that you weren’t bothered by the guys down in the ball room and outside. We are pulling out all the stops for chase and brook lynn’s wedding. We want everything to be perfect. Well, I’m sure the reception is gonna be absolutely beautiful.

[ Cellphone rings ] Whatever you need, I’m here. You know that, right? Ah. It’s trina at the gallery. We’re expecting new pieces today. Excuse me. Hurry up. You don’t want to miss that.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Please tell me you are not bringing that one to the wedding. Look. Violet will be away with you. And while the caregivers are all perfectly nice, I could use a break from this endless procession of strangers in this apartment. Hey, dad. We — we’ve been through this before. I’d feel more comfortable knowing that you aren’t alone. You won’t even be gone overnight. You’re flying back this evening. We’ll probably be pretty late. Regardless, I’ll be fine. Hey, come on, dad. Listen. It’s — it’s one thing that if I spend the evening worrying about you, but it’s chase’s rehearsal dinner, alright? He should be able to enjoy it without wondering if he’s abandoned you. And you of all people would know what it’s like to be abandoned before your wedding. I recall feeling great about my rehearsal dinner with jackie and then wondering where the hell you were when the wedding started, but, no, by all means, son, you lecture me on proper wedding etiquette! Okay. Um… I think chase can take the conversation from here.

[ Door closes ]

[ Cellphone rings ] It’s danny’s school. Hello? Okay. Thank you. Thanks for letting me know. Okay. So, um… that was danny’s counselor. He got the time wrong. Danny’s in his appointment right now. So where’s he been? In class. The first-period teacher did not put the attendance into the computer until after the class was over. So… go ahead and just say it. Tell me, “I told you so.” I’m just glad he’s safe. Yeah. Me too. Um, okay. I’m gonna get out of your way and sonny’S. Yeah, sonny’s not here. What do you mean? Where is he? I don’t know. What do — of course you would know where sonny is. Jason, what’s going on? Did something happen between you and sonny? Brook lynn’s wedding hasnothing to do with my branding. Maybe — maybe I have not been clear enough, but this wedding — your manager’s wedding — has everything to do with your branding. It’s, like, the most amazing photo op. What? Honey, an event like this as prestigious as this quartermaine wedding… and you going as brook lynn’s client, this is incredible pr! Come on! Photos of you and brook lynn together. Or even you and me together! This is all brand awareness for you and your music. I will not use my friend’s wedding as a career stepping stone. Okay, but your friend is also your manager, and she should be all over this. Okay, look. I love you, mom. And I am so grateful for everything that you’ve done for my finances, not just when I started making money, but even before — to help me with my singing from voice lessons to paying for studio time and everything. Every little detail that’s helped me get this far. I hear a “but.” But there are decisions about my life that only I can make. And this is one of them. Ah. Come on in. Yeah? Thanks for letting me come over. Of course. Okay. Start at the beginning. Tell me everything. My dad. What’s wrong? You know, chase and I both thought that it’d be best for him if he didn’t go to the rehearsal dinner tonight in coney island. So we went over to talk to him, and he beat us to the punch, and he said he was gonna stay home and rest for tomorrow. Okay. That’s great. Yeah. Except I wanted to bring in a caregiver to keep an eye on him while we were all away. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess he didn’t like that idea. No, he reminded me that I slept with jackie and didn’t show up at his wedding. Whoa! That wasn’t the turn I expected this to take. No, me neither. So what did you say? Nothing. I-I left. I called you, and here we are. I abandoned him again. You walked away from an unwinnable argument. That is not abandonment. I kept g oing on with my lifefor almost 30 years. I-I convinced myself that after what I had done that staying away was the right thing to do, and I blamed him. I blamed him for moving on so quickly after my mom died. I even changed my name to try to distance myself from him as much as I could. And then you found your way back together. You guys worked it out. If I ever thought he was gonna forgive me, this morning proved otherwise. I’m not bringing ava. Lois has made it a point to not invite her, so — she doesn’t even know those people. Yeah, she may not know those people, but those people definitely know her. Ava: What people? The cerullos. Falconeris. All the people from the old neighborhood. They will be at my stepdaughter’s wedding tomorrow. I’ll send the waitress right over. Not that you asked, but just in case you want a plus-one for the wedding, I did pick out a pretty spectacular outfit. No pressure. There is no pressure ’cause you’re not going.

Hey, dad! I’m making myself b-breakfast if you, uh, want anything. I’m so sorry, son. I-I shouldn’t have said what I said. Now I feel like I’ve — I’ve spoiled the evening for you and for your brother. Oh, I don’t think you spoiled anything. Finn and I just want to make sure you’re okay here and that you have the help if you need it. Yeah. I understand. I shouldn’t have lashed out like that. I think I just I… let my nerves get the better of me. Wait. You’re nervous?

[ Exhales heavily ] Of course, I’m nervous. Tomorrow is a huge day. Tonight’s an important night, too. It’s the night before my son starts his life as a married man. And as much as I want to be there with you and brook lynn and everybody, tomorrow is more important. I want to go over everything that I’m going to say. I want to make sure I get a good night’s sleep. And I can’t do all that if I’ve got some stranger I’ve never laid eyes on before asking me if I’m alright every 15 minutes like I’m a toddler. I’m sorry. I-I don’t blame you. I don’t even blame your brother. I know he’s just doing it out of concern for me. A-and I’m sure from his perspective he thinks he’s right. Look. It’s not just that. Sometimes I wonder if brook lynn and i made a mistake asking you to preside over the wedding. Because what were you supposed to do? Say no? And I am concerned, with your illness, that we’re putting too much pressure on you. Son. Harry. Presiding over your wedding is the opposite of pressure. It’s the greatest honor of my life. I’m going to this wedding with kristina, period. You have made that clear. And yet you keep trying to talk me out of it. No, no. I accept your decision. It’s a bad one.

[ Chuckles ] And, look, I apologize if you have found my concern and my honesty disagreeable. Actually, I understand your concerns. But, mom, I know how hard you work for my continued success. Not just for yourself. I know you’re doing it for me, too. No. For you first, honey. And I understand how important my image is, especially how important it is to you, but nothing that I have done, nothing that kristina and I have done is a threat to my career. On the contrary, my music is taking off. My fans are going nuts on social media, demanding that I release my new single, and I think it’s gonna be my best one yet. Because I’m so happy with kristina. Happy musicians don’t make great music. Are you saying I have to be miserable to have a successful career? I just, uh, know you’ve made your decision. And, um… do what suits you. And we’ll see which one of us is right.

[ Door closes ] Webber. W-e-b-b-e-R. First name, heather. Yeah, now, there won’t have been a jury trial, but look for the arraignment, expert-witness hearings. Maybe one or two of those. There would be medical, psychiatric. And then sentencing. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Sorry about that. What can I do for you? Well, I came to give you an update on the progress drew’s making with that urban renewal project. Oh. That’s moving forward already? Mm-hmm. And it just got a big boost. From where? Mcconkey. Congressman mcconkey?! Mm-hmm. Oh, that’s amazing! Tell me more! I will, but, um, first I need to ask you something. What was all of that about heather webber? Is this about dante’s shooting? Because everyone knows it wasn’t you. I mean, you pretty much saved his life. I’ve been working as an undercover informant for the fbi. Wait. What? I-I don’t understand. How? It d– it doesn’t matter. No, of course, it does. What matters is… the undercover part is over… but my connection to the fbi is not.

what did olivia say about me? Olivia didn’t say anything. The cerullos and the falconeris are gonna be there, and they have long memories. I know what they think I did, sonny, but they — they don’t have to have proof. They know because olivia knows I know. You walk into that wedding, it’s disrespecting connie’s memory. And I can’t do that. Well, if that’s how you feel, then maybe I should rethink my place in your house. I can’t believe you — what ha– what happened to me being the only person you can trust, sonny? I can’t bel– I can’t believe you don’t see this. It doesn’t matter that…

[Hushed] …The evidence was destroyed. You still did what you did. What happened was a very long time ago. How long before you let go what ryan did to kiki? How dare you throw my daughter’s murder in my face. Well, you know what? That’s — that’s how the family’s gonna feel if you walk into the wedding. Listen to me okay? If you want to move out, you can move out. I mean, it’s safe now, so I’ll — I’ll buy a place for you and avery. Or…avery can stay with me. I’ll take care of my daughter myself. Just like I always have. I have, uh, taken it upon myself to investigate what legal proceedings were held in heather’s case. For the hook murders? Yes. And everything that happened at spoon island with ryan and esme. And what were you hoping to find? I just want to see what expert testimony was given, if any. I don’t know that much about the case. I had to distance myself from it at the time it happened. That sounds wise. But why all the sudden interest? Let’s sit down. It has recently come to light that heather has been suffering from, um, a medical issue that was brought about by a disintegrating hip replacement. Oh. Okay. Well, that sounds awful, but what does that have to do with her case? The hip raised her levels of cobalt and other metals in her system to the point of toxicity, and it’s quite possible that that chemical imbalance was affecting her judgment. Driving her to commit a series of kidnappings, jail breaks, acts of terror, and murders? Metallosis, or cobalt poisoning, is not permanent, so once the bad hip replacement has been removed, the patient can begin to recover. Okay, well, that’s all great for heather, but — look. I’m not saying this excuses heather of any of the violence she unleashed on this city. I’m just saying it is possible… that it may mitigate s-some of her responsibility in those crimes. If you’ve been working with the fbi, does that mean you’ve been working with that agent cates, the one who tried to question danny? Yes, it does. And that’s why sonny’s turned his back on you. And why you haven’t been in port charles. Yes. Jason, how the hell, of all people, do you get involved with the fbi? I can’t tell you. You mean you won’T. I’m saying this because I did not choose… to stay away from my family. I would never do that. I know what gregory said hurt you. It was true. What is also true is that he has forgiven you now ten times over. Well, he hasn’t forgotten. Well, it wasn’t that easy to forget. But it’s history. And I will tell you — most people would not have been able to overcome that. If this is a pep talk, it’s not going real well.

[ Laughs ] But you both overcame it. Unforgivable things can be forgiven. I know this. I’ve been on both sides of the sword. Like with your daughters? Yeah. Ahh. You know, sam and I did not have a great relationship when she found out that I gave her up for adoption. And kristina, she’s — you know, we’ve been duking it out I think since she’s been in the womb. Not molly? No. She’s perfect.

[ Chuckles ] Wait. No. No. No. She — there’s been things. She’s not perfect.

[ Chuckles ] Okay. So, what was this lesson you learned from angering your daughters? You know, sometimes i was the injured party. Of course. I’m sorry. I apologize. Thank you. But what we’re talking about is your lesson here, which is the fact that gregory felt safe enough to snap at you means that he has faith in this relationship. I’m glad he feels safe. You don’T. Not particularly. Why not? How do you feel? I need a meeting. Okay. Let’s find you one. I’m my brother’s best man. But how can I even think about getting on a plane tonight and flying down to that rehearsal dinner while my father is sick and refuses to let anyone stay with him? You are not missing your brother’s rehearsal dinner. I don’t see any other way around it. Not that my dad would even want me there at this point. I have an idea.

You have questions. Just one. What are you hoping to discover? That heather can no longer be held responsible for her crimes and be let off? Or that she can still be held responsible and kept safely away from the public? I’m just trying to get to the truth. And then what? Look. I can’t be objective. Not only did heather terrorize curtis’ daughter, which is very close to home for me, but trina’s involvement with spencer was part of the motive for heather to commit this series of murders. Including a cop. Rory cabrera. Yeah. And all of this was to avenge her daughter, who clearly didn’t need help with vengeance. I am well aware. Then you must be aware how this must make the families of the victims feel. I’m not taking this lightly. Quite the opposite. Well, I’m glad to hear it. Because the entire city suffered during heather’s reign of terror. Do you want my advice? Please. Do not go near this. Don’t challenge the convictions that heather webber so clearly deserved. But from an objective legal standpoint… you are not a lawyer. And neither am I. If you feel that heather needs a lawyer, then find a third party to hire one. But for you to get involved would be political suicide. But I’m not trying to have her exonerated or even released from custody necessarily. “Necessarily” will give your political rivals enough rope to hang you, and your constituents will line up to cheer them on. This city needs you, laura. You are a strong and effective mayor. I would hate to see you sacrifice your career and the welfare of the city for the likes of heather webber. Sonny. Hi. Good morning! Better now.

[ Laughs ] Oh, I-I see you’re waiting for someone. How do — how do you know it’s not you?

[ Chuckles ] Have a seat. Okay. Thank you.

[ Sonny chuckles ] Again, I’m so sorry. Again, you do not have to apologize. I feel like I do, especially to your brother. I am sure finn knows that you didn’t mean it. I hope so. Anyway, tonight is not about me, so go ahead and call the home-health agency. Thank you, dad. Uh, breakfast? Yeah. Fine.

[ Cellphone rings ] Alexis? To what do I owe this pleasure? My anxiety. I’m heading to albany in the morning. Already? I-I thought you had a little more time before you had to make your case. Yeah, but I’m just doing some last-minute research, and I can use your ears and your brain. How would you feel about I-I bring over some chinese or mexican food and we can go over my plea to the appeals court? Oh. Tonight? Uh… sure. I’d be happy to help. Thank you for telling me. And I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions about you and danny. I’m just glad he’s where he’s supposed to be. Yeah. Me too. And, um, about the whole boundaries thing that we discussed with danny… yeah. Yeah. No. I’ll — I’ll honor those. Thank you.

[ Exhales heavily ] I need to see you.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, May 8, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


hang on.

[ Grunts ] Oh. Hi, jason. Agent cates came to see me about pikeman. You better come in. I wanted to be here when you got home from work, but I had to take the kids to school. Don’t leave me in suspense. How did anna take it when you told her you were quitting the force? Did she want you to give a notice of some sort, like a month? That seems kind of fair of you, yeah? Uh, sam, I… I didn’t resign. We should do this more often. I agree. Barely eating, and barely talking. So what’s up? I’m sorry.

[ Chuckles ] I know we’re supposed to be out for a nice lunch together. I’m just a million miles away. This has to do with your visit with heather. I take it it didn’t go well. Just the opposite. It went really well. And that’s why I’m troubled. Hey! What brings you by? I just wanted to say hi. Unless this is a bad time? No, it’s, uh, it’s a perfect time. I’m — I’m actually in between patients right now. Um, I’m surprised you have any free time at all, considering it’s almost your wedding day. Yeah. Yeah, we’re really in the home stretch. Yeah. How are you feeling? I’m excited. Yeah. I — I can’t wait for… brook lynn to walk down the aisle. I mean… yeah. There’s just one big problem. Only one? I really don’t want dad flying to coney island for the rehearsal dinner. The last thing I want is for him to be tired and wear himself out the day before the wedding. But how do I tell him that when I know how much he’s looking forward to it? You don’T. Thank you for helping me pick out all the rehearsal dinner gifts. I just hope everyone likes them. Oh, come on. Chase’s family is so gracious. They’re gonna love what we bought him. And even if they don’t like it, they’re never gonna tell us. Now, tracy on the other hand? Oh, please. I think tracy is secretly looking forward to coney island. She just won’t admit it to herself.

[ Chuckles ] No way. What way? Don’t be obvious, but that guy over there is that dirtbag fbi agent who tried to question danny without sam present. Oh, my god. That’s jagger cates! Brennan: Well, well, well. This day just got 100% better.

I haven’t seen jagger in years. You say he’s with the fbi? I cannot believe you know that jerk. Oh, that “jerk” happens to be a very nice man. Come on. Let’s go say hello. Ma, no! Jagger! [ Laughs ] It’s me! Lois cerullo. I can’t believe how long it’s been. Aww! Oh, it is so good to see you. Aww. You have not changed. Oh, well, you know what? I don’t even care if you’re being nice. I’m gonna take that compliment. Ma, don’t you care about what this guy did to danny? And I — I know that you know my daughter, brook lynn. We’ve met. Unfortunately, not under the best of circumstances. That’s putting it mildly. Actually, I’ve been meaning to find you, brook lynn. Miss quartermaine. And why would you want to see me again? You want to interrogate me too? Not at all. I owe you an apology. And…my thanks. Oh. Heather was so much more rational this time. She was more clear-headed than I have seen her in years. It was like I had a glimpse of the old heather from way back when. Well, that makes sense now that she’s getting the medical attention she needs. And I gave her a picture of ace, and, kevin… she was so grateful. It — it clearly meant so much to her. She loves that little boy. Of course she does. But honestly, who wouldn’t?

[ Sighs ] And then we talked… about esme. Did heather happen to say anything upsetting? Maybe about spencer? She did mention spencer, but it was actually just in the context of, uh, of her regrets. I don’t know. I just realized in talking to her that — that… despite all the crimes that she’s committed and her crazy outlook on life, she’s really just… another grieving mother who’s missing her child. Well, of course you can empathize with that. I do. Well, you see why I’m distracted? I am empathizing with a serial killer. I went into anna’s office to talk to her. I put my resignation letter on her desk, and… she refused to accept it. What exactly did anna say? She said that resigning from the force was not going to solve this conflict that I’m having. That was going to open the door to further overtures from sonny, that the boundaries would be gone. Without my badge, sonny would see no reason to have distance between me and his business. I mean, she basically said that… like, to get out of sonny’s orbit, I’d have to leave port charles. I’m not gonna do that. Okay? I’m not gonna run away. I just, uh, I got to thinking, and it kind of felt like I was… running away from my duty. I’m a cop, sam. It’s what I love to do. It’s kind of the only thing I’m good at. And, you know, it just means I can’t be on a case that sonny’s a part of. Like right now, he’s involved in some… criminal investigation, right? Can you say something? You’ve been… you’ve been quiet. Well, I just… I — I don’t want to say the wrong thing. You can’t say the wrong thing. I want to work through this with you, so just say… say whatever you want to say. I should have known better than to get my hopes up. What did cates say about pikeman? Well, um, he asked a lot of questions about the ties between pikeman and sonny and talked about that guy up in pentonville. Oh, jack brennan. Yeah, he talked about how brennan was the director of the wsb and the alleged head of pikeman. You know what the funny thing is, though? He didn’t — he didn’t even mention valentin. I don’t think cates or the fbi is aware that valentin’s involved. That’s interesting. Did you mention valentin to cates? No. No. My deal with the fbi is to take pikeman down. Listen, I don’t — I don’t trust cates. I’m not gonna give him any more information than I have to. Well, I can’t fault you there. Um, jason… …if we’re going to do this… I feel like we should have full transparency. I think I need to know what it is that the fbi is holding over you… and what evidence they have against carly. I don’t get many visitors. Certainly never expected you to show up. I’ve been thinking about you. Well, that’s encouraging. I’ve been thinking that you ed to me about who you were,

and you tried to abduct me from my own restaurant. I never had any intention of abducting you. You had zip ties. Yes, I did. And I can see how that might look. I apologize… if you got the wrong impression. But the zip ties are — were — standard in my profession, so I’ve always carried them. But I never had any intention of trying to harm you in any way with zip ties. They just happened to be in your pocket. And sadly, you jumped to the wrong conclusion and nearly took off my head with that tray…

[ Chuckles ] …But, to say, no hard feelings over here. Let’s just chalk it up to miscommunication. Let’S. I also remember that night that anna and dante came in with their guns drawn, and they arrested you. Now, um, it’s still a little blurry, but I think anna said something about you being involved with a company or an organization… named pikeman? Anna said a lot of things about me… but, uh, not all of them is true.

While you were talking, I was running through all these options in my head, and I’ve got to tell you, there are no easy answers. You’re right — we can’t leave port charles because it’s our home. Our families are here. We’re happy here. We are. And that thing about you being a cop, if you gave up your badge, yes, you would probably… get dragged in deeper into sonny’s business. Well, I don’t — we don’t know that, but we don’t want that. But, dante, when you told me that you wanted to give up your badge, I just — I had this… huge wave of relief come over me. It was like I could finally breathe for a second because I was able to get just this tiny…little glimpse into what our future could look like… if I didn’t have to worry every time you went to work and walked out that door. Look, I don’t think it’s safe for dad to be flying right now either. So, look, I’ll go to him, and… from a medical standpoint, I’ll break the news to him. No. I can’t let you do that. Look, it’s gonna be hard, but… I owe it to dad to have the conversation with him, especially after the huge effort he made to be a part of my wedding. Although, telling him he can’t be a part of the fun the night before…

[ Exhales sharply ] …It’s a hell of a way of saying thank you. Yeah. Look, I just… just be honest with him, bro. Alright? Just remind him that by staying home from the rehearsal dinner and resting, it — it ensures that he’ll be well enough to be there and to enjoy your actual wedding day. That’s true, but I don’t know if he’s gonna see it that way. Dad would never want you spending the most important day of your life worrying about him… and he’ll know that this will put your mind at ease. He’ll understand because you’ve always been the devoted son. Come on. You’re a good son, too, finn.

[ Chuckles softly ] We both know that’s not true. My arrest was purely political. Made a lot of enemies on my rise to director of the wsb. My rivals framed me just to get me out of the way. You were locked up because people were jealous of you? Mm-hmm. And there were also, uh, allegations — completely untrue, by the way — that I was “secretly” head of pikeman.

[ Scoffs ] As if one could secretly head up a major arms manufacturer. So here I sit, uh, the prisoner of my own ambition, one might say, framed for crimes that I did not commit so that someone else can run the wsb. That’s a sad story. It is sad, so I try not to dwell on it. Let’s talk about something else. Distract me from my misery. Tell me all about you. You… want to thank me? I was wrong to question danny without a parent present. It may have been technically legal, but I shouldn’t have done it. And you had every right to call me out, and I’m grateful that you stopped me from doing something I would have regretted. Well, that’s very nice of you to say. If you really mean it. Once I walked away, I realized how furious I would have been if somebody had questioned my son when he was danny’s age. You made me see that. You have a son? I do. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Aww. His name is stone. You named him after your brother? What a beautiful way to honor his memory. Thank you. I just wish they could have met. Well…this is perfect timing. I’ve got to go meet chase down at the station, so you guys can catch up. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, I thought we were having coffee. You never said anything about meeting chase earlier. I’m so sorry, ma. I completely forgot. If your daughter has to leave, please join me. Coffee’s on me. I would love that. Thank you so much for helping me shop, ma. You’re welcome. Agent cates. Bye! Oh, we have so much to catch up on. I need your word that you will not use anything… …that whatever I say stays between us. Of course. This is the fbi’s case. It’s not mine. I’m under no obligation to act on any information that you would give me. Not that I would anyway. Whatever you tell me is between us. You have my word. Okay. The fbi has a recording of carly… at a meeting with other heads of organized crime families… …saying that she is in charge of the corinthos organization and saying that she controls all the business that goes through the corinthos territory. Oh, well, I had no idea that carly was involved in the mob so deeply. She wasn’T. It’s when we thought sonny was dead. His business was completely under siege. We were doing everything we could to hold it together and look strong as possible. I was supposed to be at that meeting. But I had been shot, so carly went instead. Oh. Against your wishes, I’m sure. Yeah, I mean, I didn’t want her to go, but she didn’t have a choice. She had to protect herself. She had to protect her kids. She knew that any sign of weakness, someone from another family would try to eliminate her and target her kids. So carly’s best defense was to present herself as part of the mob. And the fbi has it all on tape.

I can’t deny a part of me will always want that. But, dante, a cop is who you are. It’s who you were when I fell in love with you, and I knew what I was getting myself into. And I can’t try to ask you to change or be something you’re not. Well, I got to say that’s a huge relief — I can’t ask you… to be another man. The only thing I can control… is my response to your choices. So… will you stay with me if I’m still a cop? Metallosis — cobalt poisoning — manifests differently in different patients. In heather’s case, it seems to have tipped her from transgressive behaviors to a pathology that led to rampage. Okay, so then what’s next? Is it right to just leave heather in prison for the rest of her life, to pay for crimes that were actually brought on by the metallosis? And on the other hand, what about all the victims, you know? And all of their loved ones, their loss? Their pain is still very real. Would it ever be appropriate to show heather leniency? Chase, you’re the reason why I have a relationship with dad today. You were tireless… when you were trying to reconcile the two of us. I wanted nothing to do with dad and you refused to accept that. I knew you’d regret it later. I do. I hurt him. I was so…stubborn and self-righteous at the time. I know you still feel guilty, but that was a long time ago. You and dad are — are good now. Don’t you think it’s time to leave it in the past? I lost so much precious time with him… …because of my pride and my anger. Time that I will never get back. Finn… you got to stop beating yourself up. Dad has always loved you… and he always will. Why don’t you call the fbi’s buff? You know, let them proceed against carly? She has an excellent lawyer. She may well have beat the charges. With no guarantee… I couldn’t take that risk. Man, at first, I thought it would just be three months, six months. But now I’m almost three years in. I’m just in too deep. Look, I don’t — I don’t want carly to know that all — all of this was to protect her. Why not? She’s a strong woman. I think she deserves to know what the fbi has on her. Because if she ever finds out, I know exactly what her reaction’s gonna be. She’s gonna try to save me. She’s gonna do something crazy… …wind up sending herself to prison. Before things went, uh, sideways… I really look forward to talking to you. So, let’s pretend we’re at your restaurant, and I’ve just ordered a coffee and some eggs… sunny side up. How has the world been treating you? Well, my daughter just had her first dance recital. Soccer girl? Yeah. Yeah, that’s the one. And she nailed her solo, so I’m a proud mom. That must be a good feeling. It is. Recently went through a breakup. That’s been tough. But I’m getting through it, you know? Mostly because my friend — my best friend — is back. And he was missing for two years, and now jason is back in port charles and all is right in my world. Jason morgan? He got a lot of news coverage, right? I mean, at first he was A…a fugitive and then he was exonerated? Or, at least, the charges were dropped. Is that…? Yeah, you can’t believe everything the news says, right?Yeah. I mean, jason didn’t do any of the things he was accused of. And enough to talk about me. Let’s get back to you. Oh, that’s right. You came here ’cause you want to know about… pikeman. Yeah. You sure you’re not involved with them? If I was, I’d have their fleet of lawyers working to secure my freedom instead of me paying my own little attorney out of my own little pocket. So it would mean nothing to you that the fbi is investigating pikeman?

That is such a hard choice for you to make. Carly’s safety versus you having to allow the people you love think that you were dead. I just weighed what I had to lose against what carly had to lose. Just came down to our kids, you know? I knew jake and danny would be okay because they have great moms and stable homes. But, donna, I mean… she’s just a kid. She needs her mom. It’s very admirable of you. There’s another reason. I chose to work for sonny. I chose to come back into this life knowing the potential consequences. Carly never chose that. Me and sonny pulled her in. I mean, carly went to that meeting, she had no criminal intent. She was just going to try to protect her family. You got carly into this. And it’s on me to get her out. You’re a charming woman, carly, but I — I just don’t see you being tight with law enforcement. How would you know who the fbi is investigated? Because I’m friends with an agent. John cates. Oh. Yeah. He comes into bobbie’s to eat sometimes. And you struck up… an acquaintance? We have people in common. You know, john is originally from port charles and has recently moved back. Why? To work a case against pikeman? Why the interest? You have a problem with john cates being in town? Should I have a problem? I’ve been talking your ear off. Enough about me. Tell me about you. I mean, how did you wind up at the fbi? Ugh. Um, well… after my first marriage to karen broke up, I was kind of reeling, and that’s when I joined the bureau. Hey. I was really sorry to hear about karen’s death. Thank you. It took me a while to make my peace with losing her. Aw. You know, they say… that the ones we love never really leave us. But you know what? Enough about that. Let’s talk about something happy. I want to hear about your son, stone.

[ Sighs ] Well, I mean, talk about time flying. He’s 21 now. Oh! Stone’s on the spectrum, so he lives in a group home outside of quantico. It’s the perfect place for him, and he’s really happy there. Aww, it’s got to be so hard for you, though, being so far away. It is. I wish I could see him more, but… this is the way it has to be for now, so there’s a lot of texts and a lot of video chats.

[ Chuckles ] Thank god for cellphones.

[ Chuckles ] And what about you? How’s it been coming back to port charles? I mean, so much has changed. I know, I know. You know, all of our old hangouts, they’re all gone, except for this place. But, you know, used to be kelly’S. Yeah. But, I mean, places aren’t the only thing that’s changed. We have, too. Well, I guess I should only speak for myself, but… I know I’ve changed. All the dreams I had when I was young, you know, turned out to either be wrong for me or… slipped through my fingers. I do believe that heather’s metallosis was a major factor in her crimes, but it’s impossible to say that was the only cause. But couldn’t there be some middle ground? I mean, at least from a legal point of view.

[ Exhales sharply ] Philosophically speaking, I believe that heather should have a shot at building a better life, but not with absolving her for everything she’s done.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Oh. That’s a hospital I need to take — oh, yeah, go ahead. I’m fine. Alright. I’ll be right back. Mm-hmm.

[ Exhales sharply ] Laura? Valentin. Hope you don’t mind if I impose. That depends. What is it about? Okay, it’s settled then, alright? I’ll go to dad, and I will talk to him about staying at home and resting during the rehearsal dinner, and you just focus on getting married and having the best day of your life, alright? Thank you, finn. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Well, hey, you remember that and be forgiving when I stumble through my best man speech. Okay.

[ Door opens, closes ]

What I know for sure is that I love you and we have a family and a life together.

[ Sighs heavily ] Is something like this worth… breaking up for? I mean, what I do? I would have to tell you and rocco to leave. I mean, what would be the point? To separate our children so they would be miserable apart while we’re still missing each other? So are you… you don’t want me to leave? It’s not like I would love you any less or be less afraid of your safety if we weren’t together. All I would lose is you. So I… I will just have to learn to live… with the fear. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I’m making you feel that way. I hate it, and if I could… if I could take that fear away from you, I would. I know. And I’m really sorry that I gave you this false hope that I was gonna resign. Well, I — I can’t pretend that I’m not disappointed you know, I’m gonna have to… feel these emotions and just learn to work through it. W-whatever you need, however I can help you. Okay. I just… probably a little time so I can… yeah. …Process at all, you know? Whatever you need. I promise you, I will never take you for granted — you or what you’re sacrificing, okay? I love you. I love you. Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were gonna spend the day with your mom. Yeah, well, she ran into a friend, so I came here to distract you from your very important work. Oh, well, I only just got here. I actually went to speak to finn, and he agreed to talk to dad about not coming to the rehearsal dinner. That was nice of him. Look, I’m really sad that gregory’s not gonna be there, but I do think it’s what’s best. And now he’ll be well rested for the actual wedding day. That’s the idea. You know, I thought that my mom was crazy for wanting to have the rehearsal dinner at coney island, but now that it’s here, I’m actually really excited. I can’t wait to show you all my favorite places and to have cotton candy with you on the boardwalk and to ride all the rides together. Yeah, we are gonna be so busy that we’re not gonna have time to have any pre-wedding jitters, which everyone keeps warning me about. I’ve been waiting for them to happen, but so far, nothing. Really? Because I am a total wreck. I totally get what you’re going through, because I feel it, too. Being back in port charles is… harder than I thought it would be. What’s that saying? “You can never really go home again”?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Ain’t that the truth? But, you know, listen, don’t get me wrong. The last few months I’ve spent here with my daughter before she gets married, starts a family, and doesn’t have as much time for her ma has been amazing. You know, it’s a gift I’m always gonna treasure. But it’s like you said, you know? Being back here is A… it’s a constant reminder of what my life was, what I thought it would be and how it actlly turned out. But, jagger… different is not necessarily bad. I thought you might like to hear how charlotte’s doing in switzerland. Oh, that would be lovely. I always love to hear about my granddaughter. Well, she’s busying herself with school. She’s checking in with me once or twice a week by text or phone. We actually video chatted the other day, and I saw her room, so… she’s thriving. Oh, I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that! That’s so great. I mean, she sent me a couple of e-mails, but nothing on a regular basis. Well, she’s a teenager. We take what we can get. That’s true. Yeah, she did, uh, talk quite a bit about how much she missed that school of hers, so I’m glad that she’s happy to be back there. But do you think now that she’s in switzerland, she’ll be able to put everything that happened here in port charles behind her? Alright, say this does go according to plan… and you’re able to deliver john whatever the hell it is that he wants on pikeman. Do you think the fbi is going to hold up their side of the deal? I mean, with my experience with intelligence agencies, I say it’s very hard to believe that they would ever destroy that evidence. I mean, they might bury it for a time, but they will always have it to use against you and carly.

[ Sighs ] Look, I plan to honor my part of the deal and help the fbi take pikeman down, but after that, that’s it. I’m done. I have no intention of taking orders from john cates or the fbi for the rest of my life.

I feel so lucky to have you. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you.

[ Telephone ringing in distance ]

[ Items clatter ]

[ Exhales sharply ] I know that we’ve put so much work into planning this wedding, but there’s still so much that could go wrong. I mean, what if — what if the flowers aren’t what we wanted? What if my dress gets ruined? That’s not gonna happen. Well, don’t be so sure! I read this post about this custom designer gown. The bride was about to put it on, and somebody had left a black felt pen open, and there was a big black blob in the middle of the dress! No! Did they postpone the wedding? Article didn’t say! Look, if that happens… god forbid! …Then you can get married in blue jeans. You can get married in a bathrobe. You can wear the dress, ink stains and all. I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me. That is so sweet of you to say. But that’s impossible because our wedding day has to be perfect. But there is one thing that I am not nervous about, and that is marrying you. I cannot wait to be your wife. I can’t wait to be your husband. I shouldn’t kiss you in the squad room. No. You shouldn’T. It’d be a bad idea. The fbi made a deal with you, and they need to stick to it. And if they don’t, and if they continue to abuse their power, then, frankly, in my books, they are no better than pikeman. Yeah, but we have to take pikeman down first. It seems to me that the fbi are not onto valentin at all. But I still think he’s a key player in pikeman. And, luckily… he invited me out to dinner, and I accepted. And I think that that would be an opportunity for me to work him. Do you think he’ll give anything up? The date on the photo that dex gave you, it proves that valentin was here in port charles when there was the shooting at metro court. But he doesn’t know that he was caught in a lie, so he has no reason to have his guard up. I think if I… if I play it right… he could lead us to whoever is in charge of pikeman. I’m glad that charlotte’s happy back in school, but I can’t help but worry a little bit that it might be too soon, you know, for her to be so far from port charles and all of her family. Yeah, I was worried about that, too. But as it happens, I have a new business venture that’ll be taking me to switzerland quite often, so I can keep an eye on her. Oh! That should ease both of our minds. It does, actually. So what’s the new venture? Is it something for elq? Something for elq. See, I think you’re looking at this all wrong. I mean, you have achieved so much. Becoming an fbi agent? It’s so impressive! Do you like the work? For the most part, yeah. And even when I don’t, I can tell myself that I’M… …I’m accomplishing good things by enforcing the law, you know? Yeah.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Um, sorry. Uh, speaking of my job, I’m so sorry, but I have to make a phone call. Oh. Absolutely. You know what? You go save the world. And, listen, it was so great running into you, catching up. Mm-hmm. Oh! Hey. Don’t be a stranger. You’re neither. Okay. Yeah? Brennan’s got a visitor? What is carly spencer doing there? The only problem I have with this agent cates is that he still has his badge, his freedom, and most importantly… he gets to enjoy the pleasure of your company. Brennan. Time’s up. That’s my cue. Time flies when a beautiful woman comes to visit. I’m sure you could have done a lot worse to me that day than some zip ties. For whatever reason, you didn’T. Thank you. You visit really brightened up my day. Uh, maybe you could come back sometime? We’ll see. I’ll live in hope.

[ Footsteps retreating ] Watch your back, valentin.

[Theme music]

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GH Transcript Tuesday, May 7, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 You all right? I’m fine. I’m not sure sonny is, though. Am I late? No, I was early. Oh, okay. Um, how’s molly and tj? A little jumpy. Expectant parents. I hear ya. How’s kristina? Uh, she says being pregnant is not what she expected. It’s better.

[ Both chuckle ] Um, thank you for meeting me. Yes. You said you had a proposal? I want to make a significant donation to the city of port charles. Thanks for coming, drew. Absolutely, for sure. Okay, so, um, I guess this means that you made a decision? I’ve thought it through and talked it over with michael. And?

And I would be honored to be the spokesperson for the new tomorrow institute. Commissioner? Oh, detective bennet. This is unexpected. Uh, yeah. I was, uh, in the area, conducting a training exercise. Commissioner. Where do you want this?

[ Door buzzes ] Laura!

[ Chuckles ] Good to see you. Good to see you. Thank you, kelly. You may go. It’s procedure, ma’am. I understand. Especially for someone with an extensive history of escape. Thank you, kelly. Thank you. I’m kind of a celebrity around here. Sort of flattering.

[ Chuckles ] How are you feeling? A lot better. The — the new hip’s still healing, but it’s a lot less painful than the old one. Oh, I’m glad to hear it. And I don’t miss those rashes or that whole “not being able to breathe” thing, I can tell you that. You here to give me the lowdown on ace? You know, I wouldn’t hate prison so much if only I could see my grandson. Jason? Jason! Hey. Hey. Oh. What’s, uh — what’s wrong?

[ Sighs ] It’s sonny. He’s in trouble. And does one want to ask me any more questions? E top of my head a significant donation? That surprises you? Not at all. You have a long and impressive history of philanthropy. I can think of three programs off the top of my head that could benefit from your support. Why do I get the impression you don’t want to take it? Why do you think, sonny? Well, any — any donation from me is coming from a legitimate enterprise and also investments. I figured. But one needs to be sure. And does one want to ask me any more questions? Just one. Why come to me? Because you are the deputy mayor. You’re gonna know, right, where to put my money. And we both have children that are having a baby together. And that means a lot to me. How are things progressing with willow? Oh, incrementally. I mean, she came into drew’s office when we were going over the crimson budget. And when I went to leave them, she stopped me. What’d she say? She said if drew and i can manage to be civil to one another after everything I did to him, then maybe she was holding onto her anger at me a little too long, and maybe, just maybe, she can let some of those bad feelings go. Wow. That seems more than incremental. Yeah, I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, but right? What did you say? Well, I thanked her for saying that, and then I got the hell out of there before I started making lunch plans and offering to babysit.

[ Chuckles ] What? What? What did I do? No, no, no, no. You’re fine. I’m just, uh — I’m worried. Who knows what poison drew is putting willow’s ear about you. Oh, he’s not.

Not if he knows what’s good for him. Willow, I can’t tell you how happy and honored I am that you’re willing to work with the new tomorrow institute. Great?

[ Both chuckle ] It’s just that there’s — there’s been something that’s been kinda bugging me. Okay. I know that I sprung this on you, like, out of nowhere, and it just occurred to me that maybe that you feel pressure to say yes because — because you went to greenland, rescued my aunt liesl, and brought her back to port charles in time to save my life? Well, yeah. And I would never want you to feel a sense of obligation to me at all. You don’t owe me anything. Drew, I literally owe you my life. And that’s why I’m having second thoughts. Calvin, I told you that I took today off so that I could move into my new apartment. You did. And now you’ve assigned all the new cadets to help me move? Well, it’s just a few boxes. But you’re not allowing them to use the elevator. You’re making them bring said boxes up three flights of stairs. Ah, you can’t get a good cardiovascular workout on an elevator, can you? No. Okay. I really appreciate the gesture, but I’m telling you, if — if I get in trouble with internal affairs, I am so taking you down with me.

[ Chuckles ] Well, this is my doing, and I take full responsibility. So if I do go down for this, you’ll be in the clear with some shiny new recruits in the best shape of their young lives. I can’t have donna

stayingthe night over at sonny’S. Between ava being there and sonny going on and on about how I’m a traitor, it is not good for donna emotionally. That’s — that’s reasonable. So I went to tell sonny, but ava was there, and then she tried kicking me out, which is crazy. It’s like ava thinks she’s mistress of the manor or something. Maybe she thinks she is. Sonny was furious. And I expected that, I really did. But I was hoping once he got past his initial reaction that he would understand my position and respect it, but that’s not what happened. He just became more and more irrational. He even threatened to take me to family court, which is absurd. Yeah, now, that’s — that’s crazy. He has to know that he would lose that. He should. And because he didn’t, it made me think — is sonny off is meds? Thought about that, too. I asked him. He swears he’s taking his medication. I even went into his bathroom. I went through his medicine drawer. I checked his prescriptions. It looks like he’s taking them. Okay, but how did he react to that? He said just because we disagree about what to do with donna, that doesn’t mean he’s going off his meds. And he has a point. I may hate the way sonny’s living and the choices he’s making, but that doesn’t mean he’s headed for a breakdown.

I wanted to tell you — ace did the cutest thing. I’m sure everything he does the cutest.

[ Laughs ] It’s true, it is. But he sort of outdid himself with this one. Okay, so I’m humming him a lullaby. And just as he’s about to fall asleep, he starts to try to sing along.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, he starts making his own little sounds to the music. That is so wonderful. Hey, look, he’s already marching to his own drummer. Runs in our family, I guess. I guess. And y-you wanted to tell me that? I mean, like, when it happened, you thought, “I need to tell ace’s crazy grandma about this”? Well, I didn’t think of it quite like that, but yes. I did want to share that with you, heather. And in fact, um, I know this is not the same as seeing him in person, but I thought you might like to have that.

[ Exhales ] Thank you, laura. No, really. Thank you.

[ Laughs ] He is just the cutest thing ever. I think I see esme in him. Yes, he does look like esme. He does? You’re so lucky. I hope you know that. In terms of? You got to spend time with esme, really get to know her. I mean, at her worst, but also at her best. You know, I mean, sure, I got to spend time with her at spring ridge, but she didn’t really know who I was. And then, of course, there was her father. I hope that ryan is roasting over a pit in hell right now! Sorry. Oh, please, don’t be. ‘Cause he is a murdering bastard, right?

[ Chuckles ] Not unlike yours truly. Except I loved my little girl so much. And, yes, I did blame trina robinson and your grandson spencer and everybody else for all the bad things that happened to esme. But I believed in my heart that all those people deserved what esme did to them. So when they tried to put the blame on her, I mean, I did what I thought every good mother would do. I protected my daughter by — by punishing the people that hurt her. But now, laura, that I’ve been going over and over this in my head, I cannot for the life of me remember why I thought that killing those people, stabbing them with a hook, was gonna help my little girl. Any civic donations are subject to fiscal review by the city. Of course. And aren’t accepted solely at my discretion. Yeah, but with you in charge, I’m positive that my money’s gonna go where it’s needed the most. Well, that’s very flattering. No, it’s very true. But why now? My home’s in port charles. I raised my children here. And I want to help the community. I know that you are a private person. And if taking on this role demands that you share more of your personal history than you’re comfortable with…

[ Laughs ] What? Nothing. It’s just, you offered me this job, and now you’re trying to talk me out of it? No, I’m not trying to talk you out of it. You’d be perfect for this job! I know there’s nobody on the planet better for this than you are. I mean, you’re living proof that — that stem cell and bone marrow transplants from cord blood — thank you very much — can save lives, and that’s really not very great breakfast conversation, by the way. Drew, I’m a nurse. That’s true. Which is another reason you’re perfect for this. Not to mention the fact that you are warm and beautiful and charming. Okay, I am not sure where you’re hoping flattery will take you. I am getting a lot of mixed signals here.

[ Laughs ] I know. It’s not flattery. That’s just a list — a list of the many reasons that people will be able to hear you on this. All I’m trying to say is I don’t want you to do it if it compromises your privacy, or out of a sense of obligation. I appreciate everything you did for me. And it was heroic of you. I know that makes you uncomfortable, that you don’t see yourself that way. I don’t see myself as a hero because I’m not a hero. I just did — something completely, utterly heroic. I did the right thing. Okay. And here I am, alive and well,

because you did that right thing. Why can’t you be proud of that? I am. I’m very proud of that. And I always will be. So, tell me, how is it working for drew? I mean, after… you bought the invader, and I left you in the lurch? Well, I think I was referring more to you reporting him to the sec. Oh, that. And by the way, as for buying the invader, I have no regrets. You sure? Yeah. Because it gave you the leverage to get back to where you need to get to. And that’s money well spent. So was this part of your grand plan? To manipulate drew to get me back at crimson? No. Even I’m not that good. Oh, don’t sell yourself short. I think I was revealing a path to happiness post-sonny for you. And wherever that takes you is fine with me. Oh. So this was an entirely selfless act. Entirely selfless. That’s what I thought. Well, I’m not gonna deny that the invader is a surprisingly good investment and installing adrian dewitt as associate publisher was a genius move because now he’s reverted the style of the paper to tabloid, which has increased circulation.

[ Laughs ] That must drive alexis crazy. You must be hearing no end of it these days. Well, she’s still printing the hard stories, and more people are reading them because they don’t realize that’s what they’re buying. It’s a win-win. Even if alexis doesn’t realize it. So how much grief ishe giving you? I can take it. You know me. I’ll do whatever it takes to get when I want. I have to say, as much as I loved your old house, I think this place is perfect for you. I know. It’s nice, right? I mean, I-I couldn’t stay holed up at the metro court forever, so… stranded at a five-star hotel. Life is hard. It was nice, yes, but, you know, it wasn’t mine. No, I get it. And I understand that you needed time after everything with charlotte. Yeah, I did need time after what happened. Well, if you want to talk about it, we can talk about it. No, no, I’m fine. I mean, it’s not like I’m ever not thinking about it, but it’s beginning to go a little bit in the background now, you know. But she’s fine, right? Yes. Yeah, she just went back to boarding school in switzerland. So, yeah, she’s on her way. And you know this how? What? Have you and valentin been chatting? Look, the way sonny handled cyrus is proof that he’s not thinking clearly. So it is what happened in the pine barrens — hauling dex out there, planning to kill him when everybody in port charles knew he worked for sonny. It’s just — I-it’s sloppy. It’s impulsive. Sonny’s too smart to make a mistake like this. Then he’s gonna have to have his blood drawn and his medication recalibrated, and he refuses to do that. I mean, this is the frustrating part about bipolar disorder. It sends you spiraling while telling you that you’re fine and everyone else is wrong. Okay, let’s just take it one step at a time. Okay. Is there somebody that sonny still trusts who can convince him to get his blood drawn? The only person sonny trusts right now is ava, which is crazy because we all know that she switched morgan’s meds for placebos. You think she’s trying it out with sonny? Well, I-I think she’s capable of it, but I just don’t know what it would get her. And to be honest, sonny’s been off since nixon falls, and he’s been really bad since his breakup with nina. So maybe it’s not bipolar disorder. Maybe sonny’s pride is wounded and he’s got nowhere to put his anger.

Valentin and I, we just bumped into each other at the metro court bar the other night. And how’d that go? I was good, you know. We were very civil with each other. Oh, of course valentin can be civil with you. He’s been obsessed with you since the cold war.

[ Knock on door ] Expecting anybody? I don’t know. Maybe it’s detective bennet with another training exercise. Flowers for anna devane. That’s me. Thank you. Oh, wow. They’re lovely. Thank you so much. Oh, gosh. Let me guess. What? Uh, yeah. It’s valentin. It’s just congratulations on the new apartment. Shameless. And, uh, looking forward to dinner. Back up. You said that you talked to valentin. You didn’t say anything about dinner. Yes, I owe my life to you, and I will never, ever forget that. But I am not accepting this position out of any sense of obligation. The new tomorrow institute is doing important work. Getting people tested, recruiting donors can help save other lives like mine was saved. I want to be a part of that. Amazing. Then before we make it official, we should talk about scheduling. You might have to cut back hours at the hospital. That actually won’t be a problem. I have decided to leave my job there. Well, not because of this, I hope? No, no, because of my kids. When I was fighting leukemia, I kept saying how much I wanted to live to see my kids grow up. But after I recovered and got back to work, I realiz that bit by bit, day by day, their childhoods were passing me by. I have the privilege of being able to step back from my career. Most people can’T. But I have been given a second chance to be a mother to wiley and amelia, and I want to take full advantage of that. I know the feeling. Time with your kids — there’s, uh, nothing more precious. I was worried that drew had lured you back to crimson just to find new ways of punishing you. Yeah, well, that thought crossed my mind, but only for a second, because I really don’t think that drew would sabotage his own magazine. You have all new faith in him. No, it’s not faith. It’s more observation. I really can’t stand the guy. He’s arrogant, entitled, petty, and rude. Other than that? Other than that, he… is a savvy businessman. You sure he’s just not giving you a hard time?

[ Voice breaking ] It is a terrible thing to take people’s lives and only afterwards realize what that means, that those people all had people who loved them and who they cared about. How did I ever think that by killing people I would somehow help esme? Heather. Heather, this doesn’t excuse what you did. Heather. You were suffering from cobalt poisoning. Okay. No, listen to me. Listen to me. That line that you drew from wanting to protect your daughter to deciding that it was okay to kill people to do that — that line was drawn by the illness. And you were inside the illness at that time, so at that time, it made sense to you. I hear what you’re saying, and I — I want to believe that that’s right. But I knew the reasons for what I was doing right up till the minute that I had surgery. It’s just that now I-I can’t remember the logic. Just, I-I can’t conceive of why. But I can remember what I did. Every single moment. Okay, because now you’re outside the illness. And so you’re seeing things more clearly. And I’m seeing how other people see me, too. Boy… they must hate me. Jason: Let’s just go over a few things. Is it possible sny developed a-a tolerance to this dosage and the prescription needs to be adjusted? There’s only one way to find out. Right. All right. So who can reach sonny? Well, not a lot of people. Sonny’s convinced that everyone’s out to get him. I mean, dante is a possibility, kristina, but I wouldn’t want to involve her because she’s pregnant. Right. What about olivia? They’re still close. Or brook lynn? All options, yes. But if they were to approach sonny right now, he’ll know I’m behind it. So not only will he refuse to do it, it could damage his relationship with them, and then he’ll feel even more alone and persecuted. Okay. Is there anybody else you can think of?

[ Sighs ] Stella henry. Yeah. You think she would do it? I do, but think she has to witness his behavior firsthand. I mean, it’s hard. It is. And donna’s gonna be so upset that she’s not gonna see her father. And sonny so furious, he’s never gonna want to come to my house and see her. It’s a lot, you know? Well, I just — mr. Morgan. Ms. Spencer. I didn’t expect to see you here. Uh, well, I’m — I’m here visiting my best friend. What are you doing here? Official business. I have some questions for mr. Morgan.

Whatever the cause, you did do some really horrible things, but… you’re still human. You’re still ace’s grandmother. And as far as I can see, you’re still capable of love. Yeah, but I wonder if I’m only capable of love when it’s convenient for me. I discarded my children. Not just esme, but steven lars and franco. And I did all of that before the ski accident. Okay. But, heather, it’s not like you left them in the woods or by the side of the road, right? You made sure they were safe. Maybe I was sane enough back then to realize that i was really the thing that I wanted to keep them safe from. I-I was not in any condition back then to give them any kind of a good life. Wasn’t only till years later that I became obsessed with my children. I mean, I insinuated myself into their lives. I interfered with their relationships. I wonder — if I’d never had that hip replacement and had that metal poison my blood and my mind, you think I might have been a good mother? If memory serves, and it does, the entire reason you and valentin broke up was because you realized you couldn’t trust him. That was the reason, yeah. So then, why on earth would you have dinner with the man? Anna: Clearly, valentin does more for pikeman than just set meetings. You know, when you texted me, I was — I was with him. I bumped into him at the metro court bar, and he said he’d been out of the country, that he went to switzerland to deliver his daughter back to boarding school… that it was her idea. But now I’m wondering… if it doesn’t just make it easier for him to do pikeman’s bidding. It’s not like I think he’s suddenly trustworthy. Good. Then I don’t have to check you for a head injury.

[ Chuckles ] I hate to admit it, but… I miss him. I hope you’re not disappointed in me. Just a little bit. But whatever else I may think of valentin, I do know that he loves you. Drew and I have had some altercations, some of them quite fierce, but we’ve reached a kind of a quid pro quo. This quid pro quo — is this equally beneficial to both of you, or just to him? You know what? That’s an excellent question. Where are you going? I’m going to find out. I’ll be right back. Well, as you know, I was terrified, but now I feel silly because amelia has taken to swimming like — like a duck to water. Drew. Willow. Good morning, nina. Good morning. I-I didn’t mean to interrupt. I-I just — I need to run something past you for the next issue. I mean, it doesn’t need to be now, obviously, but sometime this morning. Anyway, that’s it. I’ll leave you to your morning. Actually, uh, nina, I would like you to be the first to know — if that’s okay with you? Yeah, absolutely. Know what? I have officially accepted the position as the spokesperson for the new tomorrow institute. Oh. Great. I’m so proud of you, if — if that’s something that I can be. I think it’s fine. Great. I’m very, very proud of you. Hey, I just had an idea. What if crimson does a story on the institute? And on willow? Well, I save you from being beaten, and you thank me by harassing my friend? Believe it or not, ms. Spencer, my being here has nothing to do with you. Well, I am present, so it does have something to do with me. And you know who’s not present? Jason’s lawyer. I’m gonna call diane right now. No, carly, don’T. Don’t, please. Don’t bother. Let’s just — let’s just get this over with. What do you think diane would say if she knew you said that? Carly, it’s gonna be okay. I’ll call you later. Fine. John: I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s calling your lawyer anyway. Probably realizes that ms. Miller will refuse to let you cooperate. And while I am impressed by her ability to obstruct an investigation without actually obstructing justice, I have no time today for ms. Miller’s legal pyrotechnics. We need to talk about pikeman.

I think the thing that made my relationship with valentin so complicated was the fact that we — we really did love each other. Yeah, that never goes away. Certainly not quickly, and most of the time, not completely. But I can’t share my life with someone I don’t trust. No, you can’T. No, but… you know, valentin — he understands me in a way that few men do. Yeah. You get each other. I mean, I-I don’t think he gets me quite the same way that I get him. Oh, no, you do. You see each other with perfect clarity. The only difference is valentin likes what he sees, and you don’T. Wow. Being the recipient of valentin’s devotion must feel amazing — to be seen, flaws and all, and still be loved so relentlessly. Yeah, it was something. It was. The tragedy of charlotte’s shooting will always be between you two. I know he doesn’t blame you. That doesn’t change how you feel about it. And you’ve only just started to recover. So I have to ask you, do you really think this dinner’s a good idea? Yes, uh, crimson is always looking for important stories to run alongside the arts and culture of fashion. And I would love to include an article about the new tomorrow institute, if it works for you as spokesperson. I can’t wait. Great. Well, someone from crimson will contact you. It — it just may take a little while. I still need to get up to speed on the institute. Oh, yeah, no rush. You just schedule something with the rep at crimson whenever. I’ll do that. Okay. Enjoy the rest of your morning. You too. Well, that looked like that went well. My daughter smiled at me. And she’s doing an interview for crimson. That’s wonderful. Good for you. And I take it your quid pro quo evened out a little. Oh, honey, right now, I’m way ahead. Valentin, I can put up with drew forever if he gives me access to my daughter. I should have asked before I pushed you together with nina. Drew, please. You’ve gotta stop treating me like I’m still that fragile woman in a hospital bed. I’m fine. I can handle this. Not that there’s anything to handle. It is an interview for a good cause. Oh, and it’s my job now. It sure is. Thank you. You, too. Always. Well, I will see what I can do and get back to you. That’s all I can ask. Good morning, jordan. Sonny. Hey, drew. Drew, you got second? Sure. What’s going on? Listen, uh, I’ve kind of… been thinking about it. I-I’ve reconsidered. I’m not gonna sell volonino’S. Oh. You know? Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but, um, no harm, no foul. Yeah. Good luck on your — on your project. Thanks, man. Thank you. Yeah. Uh, and I-I hope to hear from you soon. Well, I need to get back to the office myself. Actually, do you have a second? There’s something that I want to pitch you. How different would my life have been if I’d gotten medical treatment that didn’t turn me into a monster? Would esme still be alive? And, you know, even though I did give her up, would I be well enough to maybe go find her, be a mother to her? Laura, when I think of all the years that I spent in prisons and in mental institutions, all the things that I’ve missed, I — there’s just no way to know what might have been. You’re right. I might have been a great mother. I might have been a terrible mother. I mean, maybe this person that I’ve become is the real me, and the cobalt just brought it out. There’s just no way to know. But there’s one thing I do know. I hurt a lot of people. And understanding now all the wrong that I’ve done and, you know, feeling the guilt and responsibility for all the damage that I did — I guess that’s all just… part of the punishment.

Heather, I know how painful this is. But I think that it’s a very good thing that you’re starting to realize the severity of your crimes, because you’re taking responsibility, you know? That means that you’re coming back to reality. A reality without my daughter or franco. Two of my children are dead, laura. And the third’s in prison, and I’m probably never gonna be able to see him. I mean, not that he wants to see me. But… I have my grandson, who, thanks to you, is going to have a happy life. Heather, I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to make sure that ace has the best possible life. Thank you. I was able to convince him to throw some federal money at revitalizing the city. Our city? Port charles. Okay. That is unbelievable. What did he want in return? He wants a lot of things. Such as? Such as his name, like, all over the place. How all over the place? Well, so far, all I’ve promised him is, a, uh — an esplanade.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, that’s fine. What else? Front-row seats at the dedication. Done. What else? Well, that’s it, so far. Okay. Well, let’s get it all in writing. And drew, I’m impressed. Don’t be too impressed, because I-I pitched mcconkey like I knew exactly what we were doing, right down to the last detail. And how much do you have planned? Other than the mcconkey esplanade, not very much. I got some rough notes.

[ Chuckles ] Post-its or napkins? Yeah. Both. Well, in government, we call that a working draft. How can I help you? Well, you know exactly what the city needs. You know, I’ve secured the funds to make it happen, but you gotta help me figure out how to make port charles as attractive and as accessible as — as it can be. Okay. Yes, I’ll do it. Amazing. I kinda thought it would be harder to convince you. Why? When it was basically my idea. I talked to you about urban renovation and reclamation, and you found a way to make it happen. I…do need you to answer one thing. How did you get mcconkey to sign on? I mean, how did you even get a meeting with him? He is notoriously inaccessible. Everything is righting itself. Well, almost everything. And I have you to thank for all of it. I’m always happy to help a friend. It’s complicated. It’s just dinner. Famous last words.

[ Sighs ] Valentin and I — we had a very intense personal relationship. And you’re right. What happened with charlotte is — is always going to come between us. The result of that is that we — we’ve never really been able to have a calm, adult conversation about — about it. Is that the reason for the dinner? To have calm, adult conversation? I-I think we need closure. I hope you know what you’re doing. So do I. Your business partner is sonny corinthos. The fbi arrested him last fall on suspicion of facilitating an illegal arms shipment for pikeman. Corinthos was let go for lack of evidence, but it only means he was covering his tracks. Sonny hasn’t spoken to me about pikeman or anything else. We know pikeman was doingbusiness in port charles because the ex-director of the wsb, jack brennan, is in pentonville right now. And he was arrested for conspiracy with roman hume, a pikeman employee. I wasn’t here when any of that went down. No. But sonny was. And it points to an ongoing association between him… and pikeman. To check into hotels as his alias.

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GH Transcript Monday, May 6, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Kristina: So I accidentally said “my baby” one time on accident. T-that’s — it’s shorthand for “the thing that’s growing inside oan’t win. Tj thinks I don’t care about this baby enough, and you think that I care about this baby too much. So maybe the two of you should get together and settle on exactly how much you think I should care about this baby, and then you can let me know. Got it. Promise. Point taken. I understand why you’re frustrated. There’s been a lot of back-seat pregnancy-ing here, right? Yeah. I am… I am falling a little bit in love with this baby. But how could I not? It’s a part of me. And it’s not like I did it on purpose. It just happened. And it’s not a bad thing that this baby gets to feel loved before it’s born. Uh, another good point. So I don’t know what everyone is freaking out about. The fact that you don’t understand why everyone is so concerned is cause for concern all by itself. I’m so excited that miranda agreed to be my stylist. I know. Well, it took a little convincing. She didn’t just volunteer. I know, and I appreciate everything you did to make it happen. Well, I feel like you were resisting a lot of her ideas, and she didn’t show us anything that wasn’t amazing. Yeah, but I want her to design my looks for my tour and any public appearances. But when it comes to my downtime, I reserve the right to dress how I want. Honey, you don’t — you don’t have downtime.

[ Chuckles ] Building a brand and maintaining it, that’s a full-time job. So, I think you should talk to the union rep first… okay. …And then the lawyers. Alright. Okay? And, uh, all this is on your to-do list for tomorrow, as in just tomorrow and not the rest of the month? Well, it was going to be a long day. Even though you’re gonna be out of the office, I have a feeling you’re still going to have a long day. Yes. Almost certainly. But at the end of that long day, I will have checked out of the metro court and into my own absolutely perfect apartment. You have managed to be clear-eyed and honest about potential conflicts, and you always do the right thing. Do I, though? I mean, how many times have i erred on the side of being a son versus being a cop? So you think resigning from the force is the only way to reconcile your doubts? I think when I found out that dex was applying to police academy, my first thought should have been, “yeah, this kid, maybe he’ll make a decent cop,” not “I wonder what he’s got on my dad.” See? You just did it. One single, fleeting thought into a rebuke of your whole career. Okay, well, here’s another thing. You had to see the way these guys were treating dex at chase’s bachelor party. It was bad. I mean, dex was just on sonny’s payroll. I’m his blood. There’s no comparison between the two of you. You were a cop way before you found out that sonny was your father. Dex knew exactly who sonny was when he chose to work for him. Look, cops care about proximity to people like sonny. I’m his son. You don’t get any closer than that. I can’t even imagine what they all must think about me. I can imagine, because I was there when every single one of them showed up to donate blood when you were in the hospital. Y– you don’t do that for someone you don’t respect. Yeah, cops do that for other cops. You always do that. Carly shows up here like it’s her home, and then she tells me I can’t see my own daughter in my own home. Did something happen with donna? Of course not, but she wasn’t talking to me like I was donna’s father. She was talking down to me… like I’m not taking my medication. And then to top it off, she charges in the bathroom, goes into the drawer to check herself, like she’s still living here. I — I got to tell you, anybody else did that… well, it doesn’t — …you know what I would do? It doesn’t sound like she’s showing much respect… no! …For your privacy. She’s not showing much respect. To hell with that… and to hell with you, carly corinthos! Don’t you mean carly spencer?

Really, ava? That’s what you got out of everything I just said? It was a slip of the tongue, okay? That’s it. It just shows, though, how hard carly tries to push your buttons. She fails, of course — you’re you. But she does try. I have a lot of experience with carly. She plays a lot of games, but you know what? I play those games better. It’s staggering how entitled she is. She hasn’t been your wife in years. You’d never know that from the way she acted today. And not just a wife. A doctor, too, apparently. Well, you know what? To be fair… nobody knows my condition and whether I’m off medication… more than carly. Except you, obviously. Obviously. But you know what? You know what really gets me upset… is when she came in and started saying that I’m not remembering to take my medication, did I take my medication. I mean, what am I? A child? What is she thinking?! She’s not thinking, sonny. You have changed… but the way carly sees you hasn’T. She — she doesn’t know you anymore. You don’t have to tell me. You have put up with more than enough today. Why don’t you sit down, okay, and — and relax? What I want to do is I want to go to the hospital and get my blood drawn so they can test… the medication levels. And I can throw my results… …in carly’s face. Every time you walk out that door, I worry. But I also know how much you love your work. Not anymore. That was before I knew i was subconsciously looking the other way for my father. Now that I know that I’m doing that, I got to stop. Are you, like, messing with me or just venting? No, I’m not messing with you. I’m not venting. I…I really mean this. I can’t tell you how long I have waited… for you to say that you were ready to give up your badge. Had enough of hotel living, huh? Oh, more than enough. Living in hotels was a necessary evil for a better part of my career. You know, they were assignments, so it just didn’t make sense to — to rent any kind of long-term residences, because you had to be up and out within a moment’s notice. But then, living in hotels just became less of a convenience and more of a habit, so… it’s a habit that I’ve decided to break. I need a space of my own. Take… uh, with respect, it sounds a little like you’re trying to talk yourself into it. Okay, well, let’s just say that I’m reinforcing my decision. I’ve needed to do this for a while. Yeah. But then a perfect apartment came up. It’s fully furnished, and it’s in an ideal location, and I signed the paperwork yesterday. Congratulations. Thank you, calvin. Yeah. Yeah. I have everything I need all planned and accounted for in my itinerary at over 0800 hours tomorrow. That looks about right. I’ve got bungee cords and a hand-truck ready to take the files from storage I kept there since the fire at my old house. I’m just grateful that god invented elevators. You’re not using professional movers? Unless you can’t because there’s sensitive stuff in those files. Gotcha. Yeah. I’ve learned the hard way how valuable old records are. Can’t trust them to anyone except me. Do you remember how upset molly was when the first surrogate miscarried? She was devastated, and I will never forget seeing her face at the park that day. It broke my heart. All I wanted to do was help her. She’s my sister. It was her dream to have a baby, and I just wanted to help make that dream a reality, no matter what it took. And I love you for that, and so does molly. Yeah. She does, when she and her partner aren’t questioning my every move. Honey, I’m sure they regret that you felt scrutinized. I really do. But we are family, and we are really imperfect, but we love each other, which is why we have to give each other a lot of slack. You mean me.

I have to give them slack. That’s what you mean. N-no. Yeah, it is. Let me ask you something, mom. If molly and tj were using any surrogate other than me, do you think they would be policing her like they are me if she occasionally accidentally let a “my baby” slip every once in a while? Hey, has your music manager — has she said anything about the studio band’s demo? I mean, this is for your new single, so she must have some kind of feedback, right? Okay. She’s totally incommunicado until after the wedding? Why do you have such an attitude when it comes to brook lynn? I don’t have an attitude, but I do have questions about her priorities thus far. There’s nothing wrong with someone being more excited about marriage than you were. The guitar solo in the new single, it’s terrible. I don’t know what you were doing with all that studio time, but it clearly wasn’t your job. Excuse me? No, the guitar, you should have shut it down. Shut down the whole session as soon as you heard it. That single cannot be released like that until it’s fixed. What? I was the only one who heard it? Or was I just the only one who was listening? We’ll go back in and redo it. What other choice do we have? Look, we’re not going to continue to pretend like this current guitarist is anything better than just barely mediocre. This — this single is far too important. You’re kidding. It’s too important to use anybody other than… your brother. I knew this was where you were going. For the last time, mami, you have to let eloi live his own life and let me live mine.

Eloi is a talented musician. He’s a born performer, just like you. And he left the music business and said he wants nothing more to do with it. Any idea why? Yeah, because it’s contrary.

[ Scoffs ] He…he just doesn’t admit to himself that that’s where his heart lies. But once he does… he’ll what? Come running back, ready to jump in the studio and make up for lost time? Well, yeah. You joke, but I know my son. I know that music is — is the air he breathes. And once I remind him of that… how many times? And you wonder why eloi wants out. Well, what about you, honey? Do you want out too? No. I want to understand why I’m not enough. Ma, I chose to have a career in music, but it doesn’t matter because eloi is not involved — or headlining, which is what you really want. You’re being ridiculous because you know I love you both equally. I just hate seeing talent like that go to waste. Yeah, well, his talent, his choice. Yeah, but, as usual when the subject of eloi comes up, I’m wasting my breath. Honey. I got to go. Allie’s waiting for me at my place. Okay. Well, give her my best. I will. You know, you are so generous… and everybody knows it. And I want you to know that molly and tj are just anxious. You know, after everything they’ve been through… they’re just worried that this is gonna get snatched away from them just like everything else before. But you know who’s not worried? Hm? Babies. Most of the time, they come in happy and healthy… and this baby will, too. And you will know that you brought this life into the world without any agenda at all, but love. And that’s really cool. Thank you. You’re welcome. Love you. I love you. I can’t tell you how many nights… I laid in bed and prayed… …that you would come home and tell me you were done. We should have talked about this, like — like a long time ago. I know. You should have seen the looks of the faces of all the officers and their husbands and their wives, ’cause they were all there. I mean, they were devastated, of course. But I could tell that they felt guilty… …and relieved… because fate had made its choice that night, and it wasn’t them. Yeah, cops are… pretty superstitious. I know.

[ Chuckles softly, sniffles ] I live with one. And I love this one. So if you were to tell me that you were ready to give up your badge, I wouldn’t pretend to be anything… but grateful. If you think it’s worth the trouble of having a blood test to reassure carly, then… I think you should do it. Why waste my time when the results come back? You know, they’re going to be normal. She’s just going to judge me on something else.

[ Chuckles ] Very likely. And it’s probably a bad precedent to set, letting carly think that you need her approval on how you maintain your medication, that you need her approval about anything, for that matter. I don’t need carly’s approval. She doesn’t care about me. She’s probably with jason right now. I tell you what, if it wasn’t for donna I wouldn’t speak to her again. You know what? I — I got to cool off. I got to go. W-why don’t I come with you, okay? No. No. I need some time alone.

Oh, my. Well, I hope you’ve had better luck than I’ve had. The only thing I found in this book was a recipe for graham cracker crust that somebody shoved in here. I’ve never been partial to a graham cracker crust. All these books, there isn’t one case where the court has vacated a disbarment, not since my disbarment, anyway. Well, I managed to dig up some transcripts, some declarative judgments that can at least point us in the direction of what not to argue. I guess that’s better than finding out the hard way. So far, it’s just been the only way. Look, we knew this case was probably doomed from the onset. We knew no such thing, and we still don’T. Look, if you just want to give up, well, then, by all means, go find your kitchen, wherever it is, and make that hideous graham cracker crust recipe. I know where my kitchen is. It’s where I keep the aspirin.

[ Chuckles ] And I have been working on this night and day, this don quixote of a case, and you know what? I may have a legal crisis under my own roof. And if this one explodes, it’s going to shred my entire family. Hi. What do you think? Oh, I — I like it. I do. It’s a bit much, though, for movie night and takeout, but whatever you’re comfortable in. What I do really like, though, is that you finally used the key I gave you. It seemed safer coming here than the alternative. Which was? Strangling my mom in the park in broad daylight. Oh, although, anyone who’s ever met her might buy my insanity defense. I know the feeling. No one really makes you as nuts as your own mother, right? Oh!

[ Chuckles ] No, I didn’T…

[ Laughs ] I didn’t mean to scare you. I mean, you and your bags are safe. I don’t think there’s anything in your bags that would fit me anyway. Uh, no. I — and you don’t need help with your clothes, either. I’ve only seen you a few times, but… you approve? I do. Thank you. And you — you did me a favor ’cause I was just sitting here, you know, stuck in my thoughts, letting time slip away from me. It’s nice of you to give me a pass, but it’s not polite to sneak up on people. You made up for it. Appreciate that. It is such a beautiful day. I’m feeling a little selfish hogging up this bench. Care to join me? Yeah, yeah, I’d like that very much.

[ Knocking ] Yeah? Oh, hi. What are you doing here? I thought you were off duty. Yeah, I am. I just wanted to drop something off. Well, come in. Come in. Sit down. It’s nice to see you. Submitting a report? Uh, no. This is, uh… this is my resignation.

What’s prompted this? You were just in hospital. You were shot. I mean, it’s understandable that you might… yeah, it’s not just the fact that I was shot and almost died. Although that…played a part in it for me and for sam, but not the biggest part. Well, what? What is it? Uh, sonny stopped by my place today, and… yeah, we, you know, got to talking about father/son stuff, and then he mentioned dex heller. In what context? In the context that other cops… maybe even you, will believe what dex has to say about sonny’s business, uh, but not me. Not me, ’cause I would… I would know better. What did you take that to mean?

[ Chuckles ] I took it to mean that he doesn’t think that we should believe anything that dex is gonna say about his business. Did sonny ask you to do anything else other than not believe whatever dex might say? No, not immediately, but it’s not going to be the end of it. For sonny, he’s going to come back and then he’s going to ask what dex said. Assuming you would have access to whatever dex disclosed, if sonny asked… would you tell him? Not a chance. But sonny laying this groundwork like this is… I don’t know. It’s just… this line has — has gotten really blurry, you know, between what I do as a cop and what I do as a son. And… you know, I was trying to build this wall between… certain parts of our lives, you know, and sonny was on one side and I was on the other side and we could coexist. Yeah, I mean, that’s seemed to have been working in the past. Yeah, but, you know, then what you said at chase’s bachelor party really kind of hit home for me, and, uh… I have thought about what dax working for the pcpd could mean for my father… information that he could pass on, and I — I… I hate that that thought crossed my mind. You’re being really hard on yourself. I mean, aside from your remarkable recovery just now, you’re only human. Yeah, but I’m a cop. Yeah, you’re a damn fine one, too. And worrying about something isn’t the same as intervening or interfering or sharing intel. No. But to me, it sure feels like a betrayal of everything that this badge stands for. So… it’s got to end. Tonight. Sonny: Can I ask you what has you stuck in your own thoughts? Yeah. It’s my daughter. I have more than one, so I’m stuck in my thoughts a lot.

[ Both chuckle ] Man, I just have one, and that one’s a full-time job. And a thankless one a lot of times. I know what that’s about. You didn’t have an argument with kristina, did you? No, I get along great with kristina. I can’t say the same about my ex. Ugh. Nothing worse than a fight with your ex because you loved each other once, so they know what will hurt you and exactly where to aim it. My ex and i share the same daughter that I was talking about earlier. My daughter’s young, so she still likes me.

[ Chuckles ] Enjoy that while you can. But the other thing is that, uh… I’m bipolar… so my ex was instrumental in getting me… …diagnosed and recovery. Okay, so she’S… she’s not all bad. Well, that — that was then. Now, she’S… using it against me. Molly and tj have been nudging kristina about what she eats, where she sleeps, how worked up she gets. Well, surrogacy can be challenging for everyone involved, even when everyone’s being respectful and well behaved. But all molly and tj have to do is watch it and wait, and they are both very bad at it. On the other hand, for the most part, kristina is doing everything a pregnant woman should do. Uh-huh. What’s the other, lesser part been up to? Thinking that the baby is hers. Well, I’ve had some experience with surrogacy just from the legal side… and I know that whoever is carrying the child experiences a wide assortment of emotions, not the least of which is possessiveness. Yeah. Otherwise, she might as well be an incubator or test tube. But what kristina is feeling is different? She said she was… kind of falling a little in love with the baby and that when it kicks, she goes, “that’s my little kicker.” It’s not what she says. It’s — it’s the energy behind it, and it’s problematic for the role that she has. Okay, has anyone — for instance, you — broached the subject with her? Yes. And she got mad. Well, that’s also understandable. It’s understandable for now, but as this evolves, we’ll see what happens because it could be disastrous for my family.

Could be. Doesn’t necessarily need to be. But… kristina did supply the egg. It’s not a third-party donor. Therefore, in the eyes of the state of new york… the baby is legally kristina’S. What do you feel like ordering? Uh…

[ Knocking ] I’ll get it. Thank you. Blaze. Hi. I didn’t know that you were going to be here. I can come back if it’s — no. Please, come on in. We were just actually about to have dinner. You should join us. We’re having a meal of organic kale washed 10 times by nuns, with the side of polyunsaturated yogurt. Sound good? That is exactly why I did something I almost never do. Just walked out of the office in the middle of the afternoon. I had to see you. I hate the way we left things this morning.

I wanted to tell you that I talked to tj. Really? Yes. Really. I told him that micromanaging every aspect of your life is out of line and it has to stop. You said that to him? I did. I mean, telling you what to eat, when to sleep, it’s not okay. I’m a total control freak, and even I would hate that. Thank you. You’re welcome. I mean, you’re my sister, not an anonymous egg donor. Love you, and I trust you. Is there any chance you can have some version of this conversation with my mom? Yeah. Sure.

[ Laughs ] Could it wait till tomorrow, though? I took the rest of the afternoon off, and I think I might do something crazy and see if tj can get the afternoon off. Maybe go for a drink, or see a movie. Wow. I know.

[ Laughter ] I appreciate you talking to tj. Just so I’m clear, does this mean I don’t have to disown my dad? It’s really brave of you to be so open about your bipolar disorder. I mean, I don’t really know you, and yet… I really wouldn’t have expected anything less. I appreciate that. I know — I know how important it is to stay on your medication. But now my ex has reached a point where… she doesn’t give me the benefit of the doubt about anything. Did she give you a reason? No. Just, you know… excuses. Those are two very different things. You know, this is a really great bench…

[ Chuckles ] …But it doesn’t really offer any refreshments. None.

[ Laughs ] You want to — you want to go have a drink with me? Yeah, I would be delighted. I think I’m getting the better part of that deal. Eh… yep. I wasn’t there for robin at a very crucial part in her life, and sonny was. Right, she depended on him, and he was there for her. And I think that my gratitude for that morphed into a kind of bias always in his favor, no matter the circumstances, and I don’t think I realized quite how much. But whatever debt I felt I owed your father… I think now is paid in full. And I guess that I was waiting… for you to come to the same conclusion. I don’t know that I’m there yet. So you see why I have to resign? And then what? What do you mean? Well, you know, one day when sonny comes to your door and he needs a favor… without that badge, how do you justify refusing your father? How do you make sure that you and your family don’t just get dragged into his orbit? Well, I’m a grown man, anna. I’ve set boundariesand he respects them. Oh, boundaries. Oh, yeah, no. Come on. After a while, they become blurry, boundaries, especially in families. I mean, you could move. I’m — I’m not moving. My family is rooted here. Their lives are here. So are yours.

Your life is here. You didn’t use this badge to protect sonny. This badge protected you from him and the toxic cloud that follows him around. In short, I don’t think that you can afford to resign.

Well, there he is.

[ Chuckles ] How are you? You s– you seem better. Yeah. Uh, I’m good. Can I get that for you? Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Just… natalia, that’s ava jerome. She’s my daughter avery’s mother. Yeah. Not the ex you were talking about in the park. No. She’s — she’s here to, like, help out. You don’t have any nannies? I got a couple of them. I’m not one of them.

[ Chuckles ] You know blaze the singer? Yeah. Oh, yes. Kristina’s girlfriend? Yeah. She’s a rising star. And guess what? Natalia is her mother.

[ Chuckles ] Aww. How nice. Congratulations. Yeah, we saw each other in the park, and then we just talking… you know? You know, I think it’s time to crack open that 25-year-old scotch that I imported. Oh, let me get that for you. Yeah, can you pour a glass for natalia? ‘Cause I happen to know that she likes scotch every — every so often.

[ Chuckles ] We will probably never see eye-to-eye on sonny. It’s not personal. It’s just I’m an ada. It’s literally my job not to ignore who he is. And it’s literally my role as his daughter not to ignore him as my father. And I’m not asking you to. But it is public record that where sonny goes, danger follows. Let me ask you something. Do you honestly think that my father poses a threat to your baby? I do not. And I promise that tj will stop making it an issue. Good luck with that. Hey. Thank you so much for being there for my sister throughout all of this. It means a lot that she has someone who cares about her as much as you do. She deserves it. I think so, too. Alright. I’ll see you guys later. Thank you for… coming here and saying what you did. I know it’s not easy after what happened this morning. I appreciate it. It’s just another one of the reasons why I love you. Does kristina at least have a contract with molly and tj? Yes, and I told both the girls that this would never hold up in court. You’re right. It won’T.

[ Exhales sharply ] You know what? I’m probably overreacting. This is probably just hormonal and natural during pregnancy and when this is all said and done, the haze will lift, and she will be thinking clearly. It’s possible. Very unlikely that this will come down to a point of law, and I’m worrying for no reason other than I’m very, very good at it. Oh, honey, when it comes to worrying, you are peerless. However, I would be a sorry excuse for a best friend if I did not give you some advice. Now, on one hand… I’ve never been through anything like this. But on the other hand, not being personally invested gives me some objectivity. And that’s what you need right now, objectivity. Go ahead. I’m braced. Stay out of it. If your daughters want legal opinions, send them to other lawyers. Because… the worst case scenario is you could cause one of your daughters to lose a child, and in the process, you could lose that daughter. I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do. Just do what you’ve been doing.

[ Groans ] Look, if you see a file with sonny’s name on it , ignore it. If you’re in the squad room and they mention him, walk away. If something crosses your desk pertaining to your father, then you notify me and I will reassign it. Yeah. Okay, well, then maybe we need to look beyond that… to other situations that might relate to sonny. So if a case, an incident, even a rumor, sounds like it might lead back to your father, then you have to tell me. And if events are moving too fast, you hand it off to chase or bennett or the desk sergeant. Whatever you do, you cannot put yourself in a situation where you will be compromised — or where you will compromise yourself. Is that clear? Alright. I think you’re exactly where you should be. In fact, I think it’s the only safe spot for you. You’re staying, detective. Understood? So, is your whole family in the music industry or just blaze? Well, my whole family is musical, but, I mean, my son, he is an extraordinary musician. He’s amazing, but for right now, it’s just allie — blaze — who’s actively pursuing a career in music, yeah. I know how difficult it is to break into the music business. Excuse me for a second, can you? Sure. Um…do you have to make some calls for the gallery? You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. I believe I do. Okay. Well, thank you for turning a challenging day into a very pleasant one. Well, I can say the same to you.

[ Both chuckle ] It’s funny. I’ve walked by this building so many times and admired it, but…this view is more spectacular than I even imagined. Have you been here for a long time? Since the ’90s. Really? Yeah. I don’t believe it. Eh, well… I mean, it feels brand-new. Well, I’ve redecorated a few times since then. You got amazing taste. You think so? Yeah.

[ Both chuckle ] Well, I was thinking of making a change. So, like, I’d welcome your input. I mean, I think it needs a — a woman’s touch. Mm. What about ava? Oh, ava? It’s not like that with ava and me.

[Music playi ng]

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GH Short Recap Monday, May 6, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

At Alexis’ place, Kristina rants and raves to her mom about how Molly and TJ are upset that she accidentally said “my baby” once. Alexis tries to calm her down, but she’s clearly worried about both of her daughters. Alexis tells her that TJ and Molly are just worried because of all of the disappointment they’ve already faced; things will be better once the baby is born. They hug. Later, she visits Diane, who’s having trouble finding the legal precedent they need to get Alexis’ law degree back. Alexis asks Diane’s opinion about the situation with Molly, TJ and Kristina. Diane is sympathetic and reminds her that, in the eyes of the law, Kristina is the baby’s mother (even though they signed a contract). Diane advises Alexis to stay out of any problems between her daughters, or she might lose one of them.

At the park, Blaze and her mom bicker a bit about Blaze’s meeting with her stylist. Blaze wants to dress how she likes when she’s not working, but her mom insists that being a pop star is a full-time job with no down time. Natalia then asks about Blaze’s new single and blames Brook Lynn for being distracted with her wedding, so they argue about that. Natalie also wants Blaze to replace the guitar solo on the song and bring in her brother, Eloi to play. Blaze suggests that she let her children live their own lives, which leads to more bickering.

Kristina goes home and finds Blaze waiting for her. She used the key that Kristina gave her and is looking at the outfits that her stylist picked out for her. Blaze tells her about fighting with her mom at the park. Molly arrives and apologizes to Kristina about how TJ acted earlier. She told him to stop micromanaging Kristina’s pregnancy. Kristina thanks her and makes sure that TJ and Molly won’t be telling her not to see Sonny any more, either. Molly agrees and leaves.

Anna gives Detective Bennett a to-do list as she prepares to move into her new apartment. She’s not using professional movers for her stuff because she has sensitive documents.

Dante and Sam discuss his wanting to quit the force; he still worries about staying because of Sonny. She assures him that he would never compromise his ethics for Sonny, but she would be relieved if he quit, too. She tells him how hard it was for her when he was shot.

Dante brings Anna his resignation. She asks him about it, so he tells her why he wants to quit. He feels that Sonny is going to ask him to give him inside information about whatever Dex tells the police. He doesn’t want to even be seen as possibly compromised. Anna points out to him that if he gives up his badge, he’ll have no more excuse not to be dragged into Sonny’s business, whether he wants to be or not. She suggests that he just stay away from anything at the PCPD that might involve his dad. Dante agrees to stay.

At home, Sonny is in a rage to Ava about how Carly barged in and insisted on checking his medicine cabinet. Ava agrees that Carly isn’t treating him well. She looks alarmed when he says that he might go to the hospital to get his blood checked, so he can prove that he’s taking his medications. She calls his bluff and says that maybe he should do that, but then he decides not to do it because Carly will just find some other way to judge him. He rants and raves and then leaves to go take a walk and cool off.

Still at the park, Natalia hears someone coming up behind her, so she puts her purse in her lap and tenses up. Sonny comes up. She sees him and laughs. He apologizes for scaring her. They flirt, and she invites him to sit down. They talk about their kids and commiserate about dealing with ex-spouses. He shares with her that he’s bipolar and how he feels that, while Carly has always been helpful about it, she’s going to use it against him now. They discuss it some more, and then he invites to his penthouse for a drink, so they go. At Sonny’s penthouse, Ava is not too pleased to see Sonny cozying up to Natalia as he decides to open a nice bottle of scotch for her. After some brief chit-chat, Sonny suggests that Ava excuse herself. She does but then listens in on Sonny and Natalia’s conversation. Natalia admires Sonny’s penthouse and the beautiful view on his balcony. He mentions that he’s thinking of redecorating and could use a women’s POV. She asks about Ava, but he tells her that he and Ava don’t have that kind of relationship. In the other room, Ava looks angry.


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GH Transcript Friday, May 3, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Panting ] Come on. I thought we were just going for a run.

[ Coughs ] I can’t believe I let you talk me into hiit training. Okay, listen. What we just did in 20 minutes is the equivalent of an hour-long run. So I just did your heart a major favor. Well, don’t expect a “thank you” because the way my heart is beating out of my chest right now, I’m glad to be next to a doctor-to-be. Yeah. Um… I’m not so sure about that anymore. What? I used to be so sure about my future. Now, not so much. All right. Which one do I wear? What do you mean? Which one do I wear to the hearing? Mom, they both look the same. They’re nothing alike. This one is for summations, and I usually won those. And this one is the relaxed, “I don’t feel anxious” look. Okay, I-I’d say go with the one that makes you feel comfortable. Yeah. Well, they both do, for different reasons. Kristina, what do you think? Oof. Oh, fine. All right, fine. I’ll wear the lucky one. No, no, no, no, no. That wasn’t about the suit. It’s my little kicker weighing in. We’re here. Not so fast. We had an agreement. You were gonna help me get a meeting. I was gonna help you get closer to willow. I’m backing out already, are you? Just want to make sure that you fully appreciate what I am doing for you. Congressman mcconkey is a key figure in the U.S. House. He has the ear to all the major players in D.C., And he wants to speak with me. I’m sure you’re very honored. I am. And I also understand it’s because of his relationship with my father. This is happening because of my personal connection. And I want to make sure that you don’t screw it up. In other words, you want me to be grateful and follow your lead. How could I not, nina? You’re such a people person.

[ Sighs ] Hey. This is a surprise. Yeah. What’s going on? What’s that? Something for, uh, the kids? Open it. It’s for my son. Oh, for this kid?

[ Chuckles ] Oh, wow. What the heck? What for? These are amazing. Look at these. Thank you. Well, last time, uh, we were at the gym. I-I saw your gloves. They looked like they’ve seen better days, so… little rough?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. I got those. Uh… they’re, you know, 14-ounce, more padding. Yeah. They’re good to hit the bag with, okay? Um, you can use your old gloves… to spar. Yeah, when I get back, yeah. Yeah. I mean, look, I know you don’t hit the bag anymore, especially right now. I know you’re not into that. But, um… thank you. Appreciate it. It’s the least I can do since you’re the only person in my family right now that I can trust. Carly. Where’s frank? Uh, he’s down the hall. Sonny home? No. No, he’s out. Okay. Well, I’ll wait here till he gets back.

the congressman’s been looking forward to this. Well, thank you. That’s nice to hear. He and my father were great friends. Aw. Mr. Cain, you are not on his schedule. Mcconkey: Not in this lifetime, fred. I wouldn’t endorse him for dog catcher. The man is a pathological liar… perhaps we should come back if now’s not a good time. I’ve worked with him since he was in bell bottoms, organizing campus sit-ins. His bark is worse than his bite.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, really? No. Follow me. Mcconkey: I don’t give a damn about party loyalty. I care about a functioning government, and I bet that goober couldn’t even remember his actual name. Now, just stop wasting my time. Wow.

[ Chuckles ] Congressman. Oh, nina, look at you. The last time I saw you, you were riding on dan’s shoulders with your hair in ribbons. And you, congressmen, have never looked so distinguished. Oh, it’s the gray hair, is it? Well… and they say politicians are smooth talkers.

[ Laughs ] Nice to see you. And you. Thank you for seeking me out. And I feel honored that you’re trusting me with your statement. I trust you, but, uh, who’s the suit? I was so smug about being over my morning sickness. This little one is definitely making up for it with all his kicking and squirming. I thought maybe it was just from all the spicy foods I’ve been eating, but — oh, oh! Blaze found this incredible restaurant that has the most delicious

pasteles. You have to try it. It’s — it’s so good. We’re obsessed. Who? You and blaze? No, me and the baby. This little one loves spicy food as much as I do. Well, you didn’t when I was pregnant with you because I had indigestion the entire time. And we already talked about your kicking. This is really nice. You know, I don’t share too much about my pregnancy with molly ’cause it’s sensitive. Oh, I kinda get that. I think once the two of you get over this initial awkwardness, things will get a little easier. And she’ll probably enjoy hearing about the baby and how you’re doing. I don’t know. I just — I never want to hurt her feelings. But I do really appreciate that I can share this with you guys because this is the most powerful, profound experience I’ve ever had in my life. I mean, it’s amazing. Having this little life growing inside of me, it’s just like — phew! Anyway, it’s so incredible. I know both of you know exactly how I feel. I’m thinking about switching my major. From pre-med? Why? Because I’m not sure that I want to be a doctor. And it is such a huge commitment, trina. I mean, should I really be doing it if I’m anything less than all in? I-I guess not. Wow. What — what brought this on? I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. And then all of that stuff went down with adam, and it just freaked me out. Wait. Okay. Joss. Adam’s problems had nothing to do with his major. No, I know that, but it — it — it gave me a glimpse into the next few years of my life. And it’s another year with a full course load. And — and then it’s studying for the mcats. And then it’s med school, and then a residency, and then maybe a specialty fellowship. Like, I’m exhausted just talking about it. Yeah. I hear you. Becoming a doctor is no joke, and my mom has told me some pretty daunting things, but she always said that it was worth it and she loves it. Yeah. And she’s amazing at it. And I have nothing but pure admiration for those who pursue a medical degree. It’s just… is that for me? I mean, I know that I want to do something in science, but I’m just not sure that being a doctor is my passion. You can go do whatever you need to do, ava. I don’t need to be monitored. This is sonny’s house. And I am an invited guest. So let’s get something straight. You might think you can come in here and start ordering me around because of your prior relationship with sonny. But that’s over, carly. As far as sonny is concerned, you’ve gone too far. Wow. Okay. Well, as long as we’re getting things straight, let me be clear. You may have appointed yourself sonny’s gatekeeper, roommate, or whatever the hell you want to call yourself. But I will speak to my ex-husband, the father of my children, whenever I need to. And that’s never gonna change. You know, you got, uh — you got more people in your corner than you think you have. Well, people on my payroll don’t count. Diane is representing jason. But diane always represented jason. She can still represent you, too. Well, yeah, but, you know, we’ll see if she can work for both of us. Did you hear that nina signed the divorce papers? She’s another one out of my life. Yeah, I’m sorry that ended badly. I know you, uh… I know you really cared about her. Nah, that’s all right. That’s all right. I don’t — you know, I don’t trust her. I don’t trust really anybody anymore. I mean, jason, dex, nina, michael, carly. Carly hits the most ’cause you know that I-I went to the metro court the other day, and when she made her triumphant return, do you know what she said to me? “Get out of my life!” What do you mean, just like that, no lead-up? No. I-I asked — I said to her, why — “why, when jason offered to buy the hotel back for you, you said, yeah? When I offered, you turned me down.” And you know what she said? “Stay out of my life.” I mean, I-I can’t do that. Because we have, you know, kids, grandkids. She’s trying to cut me out. That ain’t happening! Okay, look, why don’t you let things cool down a little bit between you two, okay? You’ll work it out. No, because once carly makes up her mind like that, there’s no getting through to her. Okay, well, hey, it’s a good thing you got me, then, right? You know… it is a good thing that you have my back, ’cause I’ll always have your back. Hey. Is something going on? It’s — it’s — it’S… yeah. I’m concerned that, uh, dex has joined the pcpd.

He doesn’t have a camera,so he’s not a photographer. So, why is he here? Uh, congressman, this is drew cain — I’m andrew cain, congressman. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am the ceo of aurora media. I’m the publisher of crimson. But people call me drew. Well, drew… I have an appointment to speak with nina alone. I’m so sorry, congressman. I didn’t mean to overstep. It’s just I mentioned to drew that I was talking to you today, and he expressed an interest to come along. I’ve been a supporter of yours for years, sir. Well, you need to make an appointment. Um, and while I’m talking with nina, maybe you could see mariel, and she could fit you in maybe sometime after the election. I could totally do that, but we are both busy men. I’m here right now. Why not take advantage of the situation, right? There’s actually a specific project that I’d love to discuss with you in particular, sir. Yes, but I don’t hand out favors to corporations. Don’t worry, congressman. I will show drew out, and we can proceed with your statement. The project has nothing to do with aurora whatsoever. It has to do with the people of port charles — your constituents. Would you share a moment of your time for them? Well, I wish I could stay and chat a little longer, but I have gotta go pick up my nearly grown teenage son from school. How’s danny doing? Uh, I don’t know. He really hasn’t been talking to me much lately. I don’t know if it’s a teenage thing or a jason thing, but he and i are disagreeing on how much time he should be spending with his father, so… well, he’s got you to count on, and that’s everything, so just give it time. Thanks, mom. You’re welcome, honey. I love you. Love you, too. Bye. Love you. I love you, sis. Love you, baby.

[ Laughs ] She’s okay, right? Well, considering that her boyfriend was shot and her ex has mysteriously returned and danny wants to spend all his time with him. I-I-I love jason, but I really understand why sam is so worried about her son spending so much time with jason. Well, she’s very protective of danny. Speaking of protective mommies, how’s my girl? Seems like the trimester is going well for you. Mom, I’m actually — I’m really good. I am. It’s molly and tj I’m so worried about. So, now I have to figure out what major I want to switch to so I can still graduate on time. And in order to do that, I’ve gotta figure out what it is I want to do in the first place. Same. I’m behind on credits unless I want to play a game of catch-up during summer, and I definitely don’t want to do that. Yeah. All I can do is, like, work at the gallery. Well, I mean, you’re still grieving spencer. Yeah, but I really don’t want to be stuck on that. I really don’T. I want to care about… anything. And it’s weird because it’s just not like me. I used to know where I wanted to go and where I wanted to be, and — and now I don’T.

[ Exhales ] Well, I feel you on that. But you were on track. That’s why I’m so surprised that we’re here in the same boat. What changed? All right, halt. We’re heading back up. Yeah, I — yeah, I heard that dex was, uh, accepted into the academy. I can’t tell you how to do your job. But you’d be wise to stay away from him. Yeah, you know, dad, we probably shouldn’t be talking about that. Well, I-I’m just telling my son how to, you know — to watch his back, because from my experience, dex can’t be trusted. I mean, I was good to dex. I did everything for dex, and he turned on me. So if you’re ever in a — in a difficult situation, don’t expect dex to cover for you. Hey, look, I-I don’t expect to be in that position with dex. I mean, you know, anna and the cops and whoever else, they can believe all this — whatever comes out of his mouth. But I know you’re too smart. You know better. I’ll tell you right now, you’re gonna hit those bags…

[ Grunts and laughs ] …In no time, right? All right. You can talk to sonny whenever and however you want to. But sonny isn’t here. So why don’t you leave a message, and if sonny wants to talk to you, he will? But something tells me you’ll be waiting a while for that call.

[ Laughs ] You know, for someone who claims to be so confident in her situation, you sound a little defensive. You sound desperate. That’s why you came barging in here and planting your sad little flag in the middle of sonny’s living room. ‘Cause you can feel him slipping from your grasp. And you know you’ve screwed up with sonny for good.

[ Door opens ] Carly, what are you doing here? Where’s donna?

The docks have remained under-utilized for decades, and I think we can all agree, continue to attract criminal activity. Now, there’s two piers in particular — unused piers that have incredible infrastructure, beautiful views that can be developed into something amazing to benefit the people of port charles. And generate tourist revenue, eh? Well, that’s one of the goals. Absolutely. I’ve been working with deputy mayor jordan ashford to figure out ways to redirect some of that revenue into the city’s budget to be used for things like public transportation and to have more weekend hours in the libraries, more green-energy projects. Jordan, huh? Yeah, well, we crossed paths a few times when she was police commissioner, and I was pleased to see that she was taking on the deputy mayor. She has some impressive ideas. She really does. That’s why we’re working together on this, but as you know, a project of this scope requires federal funding. So I guess my question for you, sir, is, can we count on your support? Well, I’m intrigued. So far, it sounds good. But I can’t help you. What do you mean, molly and tj are having trouble? What happened now? Well, apart from tj giving me an inquisition about my sleeping habits and forbidding me from seeing my father? Well, this is why I told you that we have to have some grace, because this is a new situation. Yeah, it’s a funny thing about extending grace. You know, you actually have to acknowledge that maybe your behavior is part of the problem. I don’t see tj doing that anytime soon. And, you know, honestly, it’s insulting to insinuate I don’t know how to take care of myself or this baby. I think I’m doing a pretty good job. And it’s not just the way he’s being towards me. I feel like there’s some tension between him and molly. Well, there’s tension between every couple every now and then, particularly when there’s a life-changing event. Well, they can figure that out for themselves. I’m the one who is carrying this child, and I don’t deserve to be micromanaged. Hey. I’m sorry I’m

homelater than I thought, but I had to stop at my mom’s to see kristina. Hey, that’s okay. Is danny home? Uh, no, not yet. How’s kristina doing? Oh, you know, she’s hormonal and — and grumpy and stuff, all the pregnant — wait. Is that a gift for somebody? Oh, yeah. Sonny got me, uh… got me some new boxing gloves. Wow. That was really nice of him. Mm-hmm. These are really good gloves, you know. Yeah, they are. They’re nice. How was your visit with sonny? Yeah, that was fine.

[ Sighs ] Don’t do that.

[ Chuckles ] Something’s wrong. Obviously. You can talk to me. Uh, it’s just, you know, uh, you know, that line I’ve drawn between work and being sonny’s son. I don’t know, I kind of feel like maybe I might have crossed it. I need to talk to youalone. I wasn’t clear. Does carly get to dictate what happens in this house? I need to talk to you about donna. I’m not discussing our daughter in front of ava. I have a call to make to the gallery to check on a delivery. Excuse me. It’s donna okay? She’s fine. I just, um… I wanted to have this conversation in person. I’m not bringing donna to sleep over this week. I’m not bringing donna

here at all anymore. Why not? It’s not good for donna to be here with you.

Well, you might as well stay for this, drew. Um, I have lung cancer. Stage 4. I, uh, intend on serving out the rest of my term, but then I will be stepping down to be with my family. I know it’s a political cliché, but in this case, it happens to be true. I am so sorry, congressman, for you and for your family and for the people that you serve. And I know that you will be dearly missed by your colleagues in the house. Does your staff know? Does mariel? Yes, mariel knows, and select members of my staff. I wanted to stay focused on my remaining programs and legislation. And, um, well, I want this statement not to be about pity, sentimentality, or hysteria. There’s enough political spectacle to begin with. I assure you, I will see to it. I’m deeply saddened by this news, congressman. I’m so, so sorry. If there’s anything that I can do to help in any way, please let me know. But if I may, your term doesn’t end until january of 2025, correct? Drew, talk about being insensitive. Nina thinks I’m being insensitive, but I really think that this project could be your legacy for the people of your district, to take a place that was previously neglected and — and turn it into a showpiece. Give the people of port charles just something beautiful. A place to gather by the water like this would be such a gift, not only for the people here now, but for future generations. Well, go on. You do still have time to push this in the house. It could be your farewell piece of legislation, and given your current diagnosis, who’s gonna vote against you? When you told me that you were going into pre-med, I remember thinking to myself I never heard you express this before, but I was so proud of you that I didn’t put it together. Put what together? That it had something to do with dex. Oh. Well, yeah. I mean, when cam and i were falling apart and I was catching feelings for dex, he got really hurt. And I had to stitch up his side, and I had no idea what I was doing. And it was the most helpless feeling. And I remember wanting to be able to do more than just wait around and be concerned. You know, I wanted to be able to help people, especially in an emergency. And my people, you mean dex. Well, okay, well, sonny should have known better than to discuss police business with you. But from what you just told me, I think you handled it pretty well. Yeah, I mean, sonny didn’t come right out and tell me not to act on information dex may have, but, uh, you know, he sent a message. He assumes dex is gonna talk and that anna’s gonna listen to him. He didn’t ask you to interfere on an investigation. No, not yet, but he’s come this far, so that’s probably next. Anna called this, too. How so? At chase’s bachelor party, the guys were shunning dex, and, uh, I questioned the wisdom of bringing him onboard to anna. Okay. And what did anna think about that? Uh, she kind of reversed it on me and…

[ Chuckles ] …Said maybe it’s what dex could be telling us at the pcpd about my dad that — that might bother me and, uh, steer clear of him, and, uh, didn’t want to put me in a position where I’d be compromised or tempted to protect sonny. Yeah, well, there’s nothing wrong with setting boundaries. Yeah, but the thing is, I-I used to set the boundaries for myself. I-I didn’t need someone else to — to set them for me, you know? I think that you are being too hard on yourself. Everyone in town knows that dex worked for sonny. And cops — they are bound to be suspicious. And that does create a hostile work environment. I think it was good that you made that point to anna. There’s just — there’s one other thing that I haven’t told anna, or you for that matter, and that’s when I found out that dex was applying to the police academy, my first thought was, how could this hurt my father? That’s not thinking like a cop. That’s thinking like a son who’s worried that his father’s already guilty. You’re using our daughter to get back at me? No, I am protecting donna. She shouldn’t hear from her father that her mother betrayed him. Well, it sounds like you’re protecting yourself. No, I don’t want donna involved in an adult situation that she can’t possibly understand or poisoned by bitterness and resentment, sonny. Do you think I would do that, carly? I don’t know! That I would say something against you to our daughter? I barely recognize you anymore! I don’t know what you’re capable of, sonny. Well, I’m — I’m donna’s father. Legally, I have rights. If I have to take you to court, I-I’ll do that if I have to. Wait. Okay, please, take me to court. Let’s put it all out on the record. Let’s put it in the light of day and let the judge decide who donna should go home with. It’s not you. First, you turned on me. Now you’re using our daughter… no, I am trying to protect you both, sonny. Donna doesn’t deserve to be around your level of hate and anger right now. You’re getting everybody in my family to turn against me. Oh, my god. Why? Why? Because of jason? Can you hear yourself? Yeah. You’re not making any sense. You’re not listening to reason at all. Y-you’re living in an alternate universe. It’s like everybody’s out to g– oh, my god. Oh, my god! What? Sonny! Where are you going?

[ Sighs ] Carly, what the hell are you doing? I’m making sure you’re taking your medication.

Congressman, drew’s enthusiasm for his project has clearly clouded his sense of tact. He will wait outside while we finish our conversation. No, no, no, no. I’m not insulted, nor am I swayed, nina. Uh, do you know how many developers have sat in that chair with a slick pitch and an outstretched hand? More than a few, I have no doubt. But that is not what’s happening here, congressman. I truly believe in this project, and knowing what you’re facing, I think this would be such a legacy for you. Well, how do I know you’re not beautifying these docks just in order to turn them around into luxury apartments on the federal dime, you know? I-I believe in public projects. I-I like them, but I may not be around here to see how things work out. Well, do you really think that jordan ashford would be on board for a real-estate scheme? No. But if you’re well-funded and smart enough, she may not be able to stop you. Um, well… it all comes down to your true intentions. What do you think, nina? I mean, you brought this guy in here. Should I trust him? Molly and tj are — they’re very goal-oriented people, and that’s great for them in their career. All the power to them. But sometimes it does feel like they… look at this pregnancy and this baby as just, like, the next thing to check off on their list of accomplishments. That’s cynical. I hope you’re just being a little hyperbolic. I love molly and tj. You know that. And I know how badly they want this baby. It’s just they — they both get so focused on the practicalities of this pregnancy, and they’re missing out on the beautiful process of just absolutely falling in love with this baby as much as I am. You love your father. You don’t want anything to happen to him, just like billions of other sons and daughters all over this planet. Yeah, but I’m in a position to protect sonny, to put his welfare ahead of my badge. But, dante, you had one thought. I know you. You’re not gonna allow one thought to influence you or affect your work. We both know that life can get pretty messy and ambiguous when family is involved. And you have never compromised yourself for sonny. In fact, you had him arrested when he put cyrus renault in the hospital. I wish I could be as sure as you are. I mean, I used to be. I-I thought I could be both a good son and a good cop. And you’ve done that. Have I, though? Sam, sonny runs a criminal enterprise. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it. My job is to stop him. So why haven’t I? I need to call your pharmacist. You need to — listen! You’re not calling my pharmacist. Give me my pills. Not until you answer a question. When was the last time you took your medication? What is this? Because I didn’t agree with your custody arrangement, now you’re accusing me of not taking medication? I’m not judging you. I’m not judging you. I’m just trying to help you, sonny. Something is so wrong. You remember the last time you went off your meds? I’m fine. You’re not fine! Yeah, I’m fine. Is everything okay? Look at me. Look at me. Hold on. It is common for people dealing with bipolar to go off their medication. Okay, I’m not judging you. Just tell me, and I can help you. Do you really think I’d risk everything by not taking my medication? Do you think that little of me, carly?

Drew may be a very, very tenacious businessman. But, congressman, he’s also a decorated navy seal. And he’s known for his philanthropy and leadership at aurora, and he’s very committed to the city of port charles. Hmm. I can say truthfully that drew can be tough but fair. Not so different from you, congressman. Well, um… I’ll have to see some actual concept sketches and specs. But if the numbers check out and you can make this a reality, well, then you got yourself a deal. Excellent. Thank you so much, congressman. Sure.

[ Sighs ] It’s gonna be tough to wangle this through the house, you know, and I expect a little more than a park bench with my name on it. How about the mcconkey esplanade? Well, that’ll do. Of course, I’ll be long gone before this thing is finished, but you gotta promise you’ll have my wife front and center for the dedication. And you gotta let her cut the ribbon ’cause hazel does love a good photo op. Absolutely. You can count on that, congressman. You and I both know that molly and tj want and already love this baby. But maybe their misguided and annoying attempts to contribute to your pregnancy may be their awkward way of trying to just connect with you and be a part of it.

[ Scoffs ] By coming at me like — like I’m some clueless, irresponsible incubator? Stop. Stop. I want to ask you something, and it’s important to me that you answer it honestly. Okay. What? Do you think you’re starting to think of this baby as more yours than your sister’s? Okay, I did not get into pre-med because of dex, and I’m not thinking about getting out of it because we broke up. Trina: But he is a factor. Yes, but not because I was thinking dex is a criminal, and I need to be able to stitch him up in case he gets shot again. I guess it’s that dex and i are close in age, but we’re worlds apart in life experience. I mean, he’s already served in the military. That really matters. And it seemed to me that becoming a doctor would also really matter, and it would. But just because I have the grades to get into medical school doesn’t mean that it’s the right fit. I would be taking a spot from someone who really does have the passion and who very well could make a much better doctor. And I think I owe it to them, and to me, to figure out where I would do the most good and what I actually want to pursue. Well, look… whatever you decide, I’ll be here for you. Same. We’re in this together. I know. And while you’re trying to figure things out, admit that part of the future that you’re struggling with is about dex. You’re still in love with him, aren’t you? Why can’t you admit that you don’t want you and dex to be over? I think that you are being hard on yourself. Because I know how you value the law. And I know how you always walk that line. You’re a good cop, dante. Gotta give yourself a break. Mm-hmm. I think maybe I just have to face reality, you know? I have gone easy on my father because I love him and my siblings. And that right there is a conflict of interest. If I’m not willing to enforce the law, I have no business being a cop. Let’s just go to your doctor and get your blood drawn. Maybe you just need your dosage adjusted. No, I don’t need my dosage adjusted! Come on, get out, carly! No. I don’t want — please listen to me! I’ve listened long enough. You have to understand how serious this is, sonny. You gotta go!

[ Sighs ] There’s nothing wrong with me. No. But you do look furious. And you have every right. Carly is being unreasonable. Oh, my god.

[ Sighs ] Carly can go to hell.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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