Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Alex and Stephanie eat together at the Brady Pub. Alex says he has no room for dessert but Stephanie tells him that he has to have one special cupcake which Alex questions. Roman then brings out the cupcake, revealing it’s for Alex’s birthday.
Cat joins Marlena in her office at the hospital. Marlena asks her about Vancouver. Cat says she had amazing quality time with her mom and her brother, Aaron. Cat thanks Marlena for letting her go before starting as her assistant, but now she’s ready to dive right in. Marlena appreciates her enthusiasm but remarks that they both might be looking for a new job soon.
Leo goes to see Chad at the Horton house. Leo tells Chad that he went to the Spectator office but they said Chad was working from home today which he confirms. Leo asks about Chad getting his message about coming back to work at the Spectator. Chad responds that he doesn’t think it’s a very good idea.
Javi goes to work at Gabi Chic, joining Gabi in her office. Gabi blames Leo for Javi being late but Javi says he left with plenty of a time, then he happened to run in to Jada. Gabi asks how she’s doing. Javi responds that she’s not great, especially after the bomb he dropped on her.
Shawn finds Jada crying in the town square and asks if she’s alright. Jada says she’s not as she hugs Shawn. Shawn asks what happened and what Rafe did now. Jada responds that he cheated on her.
Roman wishes Alex a happy birthday as Alex tells Stephanie that he didn’t think she even knew when his birthday was. Stephanie admits that Bonnie tipped her off. Alex calls this a very sweet gesture. Stephanie tells him that it’s not over yet as she presents him with a birthday gift of cuff links shaped like arrows to remind him of his time as Arrow on Body and Soul. Alex asks how he could ever forget, pointing out if not for Body and Soul, they might not be together and that’s the best gift he could ask for. Alex thanks Stephanie and kisses her.
Shawn questions Jada about when Rafe cheated on her. Jada tells him it was the night before their wedding and that he was with the stripper from the bachelor party. Shawn can’t believe it and asks how she found out. Jada informs him that Javi told her.
Gabi tells Javi that there must be a mistake but Javi assures that he caught “Rafe” red handed on the day of his wedding. Javi explains that he saw Savannah the stripper in “Rafe’s” room with nothing but a towel on. Gabi asks why he didn’t say something sooner. Javi reminds her that he and Leo almost did at the wedding but the wedding was called off so they kept quiet as they figured it was pointless to pile on the drama, but when he saw Jada and she was so torn up about “Rafe”, he felt it was the right thing to do. Gabi questions when her brother became such a dirtbag.
Arnold sits at Rafe’s home and says he can’t believe he’s saying this, but he’s bored with porn and he needs the real thing. Arnold declares that he knows just who to call as he picks up his phone.
Cat questions Marlena about the hospital just closing. Marlena says Kayla is looking in to possibilities but to stay open, the hospital would need a large influx of cash. Cat suggests organizing a fundraiser.
Leo doesn’t understand why Chad doesn’t want him to come back to the Spectator. Chad explains that after the whole Kerry fiasco, he thinks it’s best to retire the Lady Whistleblower column. Leo agrees which confuses Chad. Leo explains that he wants to come back, but not as Lady Whistleblower, as he has always considered himself very versatile. Leo tells Chad that he wants to come back to the paper but as Chad’s newest ace reporter.
Javi tells Gabi that Rafe wasn’t always like this and asks when he turned in to a slimeball. Gabi says she’s as shocked as he is because she knows Rafe and he’s not usually a cheater. Javi asks if he’s done something like this before. Gabi brings up the time that Rafe cheated on Ava with Nicole, but that doesn’t count to her since Ava was a psycho mafia princess. Gabi then admits there was another time where Rafe slept with Sami while engaged to Hope. Javi is surprised to learn Rafe has done this before. Gabi explains that Rafe and Hope had a huge fight and thought they were over. Javi wonders if this was a blind spot for them and if Rafe has been a slimeball all along.
Shawn tells Jada that he’s not excusing what “Rafe” did but wonders if there’s an explanation. Shawn brings up that he did something sort of similar when he slept with Jada’s sister Talia while married to Belle. Shawn says he was in a bad place and made a really bad decision so he wonders if Rafe got really drunk and made a really stupid choice. Jada doesn’t think it was anything like that since Javi said “Rafe” tried to downplay it like it was no big deal with no remorse at all. Shawn tells Jada that he’s sorry and that she doesn’t deserve this. Jada thanks him for saying that. Shawn suggests getting Jada home so they walk off together.
Stephanie tells Alex that since Jada is still crashing on her couch, she thought maybe they could hang out at his place tonight. Stephanie offers to make him a birthday dinner which Alex says he would love. Alex asks Stephanie how Jada is holding up. Stephanie admits she’s a mess since she’s being falsely accused of corruption and “Rafe” isn’t even standing by her side. Stephanie says she’s itching to give Rafe a piece of her mind. Roman comes over and says he’s on the phone with Will, who wants to know if Alex has time for a birthday video chat with he and Sonny. Stephanie tells Alex to go ahead as it will give her a chance to have that conversation with “Rafe”. Alex says he’ll see her later as he exits the Pub.
Arnold calls Savannah the stripper and tells her that the wedding was called off so he’s single and ready to mingle. He invites her over so they can have some fun, noting that he has the house all to himself.
Marlena tells Cat that she’s not sure a fundraiser would raise enough money to save the hospital. Cat feels it would also rally public support and spread awareness, so it could attract the attention of people who could really help. Marlena likes the way she thinks. Marlena invites Cat to lunch so they can talk more about it.
Chad tells Leo that he doesn’t know about hiring him back, questioning if he has any real experience as a real reporter. Leo reminds Chad the article he wrote about Tom and Alice Horton. Chad calls that a one off. Leo insists that he’s capable of writing more than just salacious gossip. Leo remarks that he can’t be any worse than some of his current reporters. Leo asks Chad for a chance to prove that he can be a serious journalist. Chad then agrees to give it a shot. Leo excitedly hugs him.
Shawn brings Jada home to Stephanie’s apartment. Jada thanks him for getting her out of the town square so she doesn’t have to have everyone watch her break down. Shawn encourages that she’s a strong woman who has just been badly hurt. Jada appreciates him but says he should go because he’s done enough. Shawn refuses to leave her in this condition. Jada insists that she’ll be fine, saying she’s just going to listen to Adele and cry herself to sleep. Shawn feels that doesn’t sound like a good idea. Jada agrees and jokes that she’ll listen to BeyoncĂ© instead. Shawn tells her that he has a shoulder to cry on if she wants as he comforts her. Jada admits it feels good and says she can’t help but feel that everything that’s happened is her fault which Shawn questions. Jada brings up that after her disaster of a marriage to Bobby, she promised herself that she would never let that happen again and be with a man who would treat her bad, but for some reason with Rafe, she missed all of the red flags. Shawn asks why she’s being so hard on herself when this is not her fault. Shawn says before this happened, everyone thought Rafe was a good guy so none of them could have saw this coming. Jada tells Shawn that last night, she wanted to kiss him but she stopped herself because of her love for Rafe even after he secretly investigated her and took her job. Jada declares now that she knows “Rafe” cheated on her, any feelings she had for him are dead, so she sees no reason to stop what they started last night. Jada then kisses Shawn.
Gabi tells Javi that she knows Rafe isn’t a saint, but she feels like something is off with his current behavior. Javi says it was like Rafe didn’t feel a thing. Gabi doesn’t get it since she knows Rafe had serious regret over hurting Hope and Ava and those relationships were rocky, but with Jada it was different as they were so good together. Gabi brings up the night they got engaged and they went out to Small Bar to celebrate. Gabi says she had never seen Rafe so happy. Javi states that clearly something has changed big time, but he wonders what could have caused it. Gabi says this may sound far fetched but she has a theory.
Stephanie goes to see “Rafe” and asks if he was expecting someone else. He claims he was expecting the pizza delivery guy. Stephanie says she’ll make it quick as she came to talk to him about Jada. She tells him that Jada is a total wreck and asks why he’s treating her this way. “Rafe” argues that he didn’t tell her to move out. Stephanie asks what she was supposed to do since he left her at the altar, took her job, and hasn’t defended her against the accusations. He argues that the mountain of evidence says she’s guilty. Stephanie says he knows Jada and that she would never do what she’s accused of. “Rafe” tells Stephanie that this is none of her business. Stephanie says it is, arguing that she cares about Jada and she knows he does too. Stephanie states that she just wants to help. Arnold asks if she wants to help, then grabs Stephanie and kisses her.
Alex finishes his video chat with Will and Sonny and tells Roman that they seem more happy and in love than ever. Roman agrees that they are doing great. Alex swears that Will and Sonny are like relationship goals. Roman points out that Alex is not doing too bad in that department since he and Stephanie are back together. Alex acknowledges that he’s a lucky guy. Roman hopes he remembers that since last time they were together, he hurt Stephanie badly, so he hopes this time, he will be more mindful of her feelings. Alex assures that he’s done a lot of work on himself and he knows Stephanie is amazing, so he swears that Stephanie will be treated with all the love she deserves.
Stephanie pushes “Rafe” off from kissing her and asks what the hell was that. He argues that he knows she’s Jada’s friend but she can’t deny that there’s heat between them. He tells her to give in to her desires, but she knees him in the groin and calls him a disgusting pig as she storms off.
Gabi tells Javi that Jada was wondering if “Rafe’s” behavior could be a delayed reaction to his coma. Javi wonders if that’s even possible. Gabi suggests convincing “Rafe” to see a doctor and get an MRI, so that maybe there’s a fix. Javi asks if she thinks he’ll go for that. Gabi responds that she won’t give him a choice. Javi comments that Rafe is lucky to have a fierce sister, always looking out for him. Gabi says he’s lucky to have him too. Javi doubts he’ll feel that way after he finds out that he blew his secret. Gabi encourages that he did the right thing. Javi says he loves them both and doesn’t want to mess it up. Gabi hugs Javi and tells him that she’s so grateful he’s here. Gabi remarks that she just wishes he wasn’t dating the devil.
Leo thanks Chad and says he can’t wait to start his first assignment. Leo throws out some ideas he has. Chad tells Leo that if he’s going to attempt to be a real reporter, he’s going to need to uphold journalistic ethics and standards. Chad thinks Leo will need to learn what those are. Leo promises to work day and night and that he won’t regret this.
Shawn wants to make sure Jada is not doing anything she might regret. Jada assures that she and Rafe are very much over. Shawn says he knows that but she’s upset and vulnerable. Jada assures Shawn not to worry about taking advantage of her because she knows exactly what she’s doing. Shawn asks if she’s getting back at Rafe. Jada admits there’s an element of truth to that but says she’s just trying to move on and she thinks Shawn is trying to too, unless he still has feelings for Belle.
Marlena and Cat have lunch in the town square. Cat suggests highlighting the personal impact of the hospital on the community, so they are hearing from real people about how they save lives. Chad arrives and jokes about always running in to Cat in the town square. Cat says she can’t get enough of the fries. Chad greets Marlena and questions them talking about the hospital. Marlena is sure Chad heard there’s a chance they might shut down. Chad says he’s sorry as there’s so many jobs that would be lost. Marlena tells Chad that Cat has some thoughts on it and invites Chad to join them so Cat can share her ideas with him.
Javi tries on a wig at Gabi Chic until Leo shows up and startles him. Leo jokes with him about the wig and then informs Javi that he just scored a new job as he hit up his old boss at the Spectator. Javi hopes he’s not dating Lady Whistleblower again. Leo assures he’s a real journalist now. Javi says he’s so proud of him. Leo jokes that he’ll get out of his hair now. Javi stops him and says there’s something he should know. Javi then reveals that after leaving his place this morning, he ran in to Jada and told her everything.
Shawn denies still having feelings for Belle and assures they are done, especially after they got in to a big fight when he confronted her about her relationship with EJ. Shawn says it’s clearly not just a fling and it’s not his business, but he still felt the need to warn her about it which she did not love. Jada points out that Belle is doing whatever she wants and “Rafe” is doing whatever he wants, so she doesn’t see why they can’t do whatever they want. Shawn admits there is a growing attraction but he wants to make sure they are doing it for the right reasons. Jada assures Shawn that he’s not just a convenient warm body and that they’ve had a connection ever since they were partners on the force. Jada says that Shawn being here through this whole mess is making her see him in a whole different light, so she really feels there could be something really special between them. Shawn admits that he feels the same and guesses she’s right that there isn’t anything holding them back. Shawn and Jada then continue kissing.
Arnold complains about Stephanie being a tease until Gabi comes home and asks what in God’s name is wrong with him as he cheated on Jada with a stripper. He questions how she found out. Gabi admits that Javi told her. “Rafe” argues that Javi broke the bro code. Gabi asks what the hell happened to him.
Stephanie returns to the Pub where Alex asks how it went with Rafe. Stephanie responds that he made a pass at her which shocks Alex. Stephanie explains that she gave him a piece of her mind and the next thing she knew, he was sticking his tongue in her mouth. Alex wants to go confront him but Stephanie stops him. Stephanie talks about how something has been bothering her about “Rafe”. Alex blames that on “Rafe” assaulting her. Stephanie tells him that she can’t help but feel a strange sense of deja vu. Alex asks what she means and if Rafe has hit on her before. Stephanie comes to a realization and asks what if it wasn’t Rafe.
Chad thinks a fundraiser is a great idea. Marlena acknowledges they have been very successful in the past. Cat adds that the Spectator could be a key sponsor of the event. Marlena gets a message and says she has to get back to the office. Cat offers to go with her but Marlena tells her to stay with Chad and brainstorm. After Marlena exits, Cat apologizes to Chad for being put on the spot like that. Chad asks what she means. Cat feels like she’s the last person in the world that he would want to be working with.
Alex asks Stephanie how it could not be Rafe. Stephanie explains that a long time ago when Rafe was with her cousin Sami, a similar thing happened. Stephanie says it was here in the Brady Pub and she was stressed about her love life, then she ran in to “Rafe”, who was very sympathetic, but then gave her a very inappropriate hug. Alex asks if she’s saying that Rafe has pulled this crap before. Stephanie says that’s the thing as she found out later that it wasn’t Rafe and it was actually Arnold Feniger.
“Rafe” tells Gabi to lighten up with the melodrama because he doesn’t need a lecture. Gabi asks why he’s being such a jerk. “Rafe” asks why she’s being a pain in his ass when she’s his sister and supposed to be on his side. Gabi asks why she would be on his side when Jada is her friend and he cheated on her which she calls a sleazy thing to do. “Rafe” remarks that she doesn’t have to be such a bitch about it.
Javi tells Leo that he told Jada and Gabi the truth about “Rafe” and asks if it was a bad idea. Leo calls it completely unfair of “Rafe” to ask him to keep the secret, making him an accomplice. Leo adds that Jada had a right to know. Javi brings up Jada being devastated. Leo gets that it’s really hard for him. Leo asks what Jada is going to do now that she knows the truth about “Rafe”.
Shawn and Jada continue kissing on the couch and begin to undress.
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