Y&R Character Description – Victor

Victor Newman

Victor Newman

Victor, is the son of Cora and Albert Miller. His parents, an impoverished couple in Buffalo New York, named him Christian Miller. After his father abandoned the family, Cora couldn’t afford to take care of her two sons, she took the oldest, seven year old Christian, to an orphanage. Though she promised to return for him, she never did. Christian ran away from the orphanage as a teenager and changed his name to Victor Newman, a name stating his intent to become a victorious new man. He started out selling soap out of the trunk of his car, and he eventually built a skill set to land a job running Chancellor Industries. He later started his own company, Newman Enterprises and turned it into a billion dollar conglomerate. In addition to being a wealthy and powerful businessman known world-wide for his shrewd skills, he’s also a husband and father. He and Nikki have been together off and on since the 1980s, and though they’ve hurt each other deeply and sworn that they’d never forgive each other, their love has proven to be unbreakable, and they continue to come back together. Victor did see his parents again. He and Cora made peace before her death. Albert became a wealthy man, though nowhere near as well-off as Victor. When Albert met his son again, he had no idea what a success he’d become. Albert rejected Victor, and, he offered to pay Victor to leave him alone. Hurt and furious, Victor revealed who he was and made it clear that he didn’t need Albert or his money.

Victor loves his family, but he’s never fully gotten over the abandonment he experienced as a child. He has sometimes crossed lines in order to do what he feels is best to protect his loved ones and keep them close. Victor is demanding, both in business and in his personal life. He has been known to pit his children against each other in an effort to push them to excel or to toe the line. When his family disappoints him, his reactions can be harsh. Victor once had Victoria arrested in an attempt to stop her wedding to Billy. When Nick and Sharon made plans to relocate to California and take Faith and Christian with them, Victor started a legal battle over custody of Christian (Adam’s biological son, who was being raised as Nick’s child). Victor also teamed up with Chloe to frame Adam for murder. It’s difficult for Victor to admit it when he’s wrong, but he usually eventually does. While being Victor’s relative means being held to a high standard, it also comes with perks. He gave Victoria, Nick and Abby every advantage in life that he did not have. Hope wanted her son, Victor Jr., AKA Adam, to have a simple peaceful life. Victor reluctantly allowed her to raise their son in Kansas, and he reached adulthood without knowing his mother’s “friend” Victor was his father. Hope told Adam the truth on her deathbed. Adam felt cheated and lied to, and he spent a lot of time punishing Victor for abandoning him and lashing out at his siblings because they had the childhood that he missed out on. Victor has said that if he could do it all over again, he’d raise Adam.

Victor has been embroiled in a bitter feud with Jack Abbott for decades. Jack once left Victor to die after he suffered a medical event, and Victor once kidnapped Jack and replaced him with a lookalike. Now that Jack and Victor have become seniors, they’ve found common ground, and while they are not friends, they have developed a grudging respect for each other.

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Victor, Jill and Neil




Y&R Character Description – Victoria

Victoria Newman

Victoria Newman

Victoria is the first child of Victor and Nikki. She feels that she shares many traits with her namesake, and she’s proud to be like her father. She’s strong and self assured and tenacious, with a sharp mind and business sense. A devoted mother and a loyal daughter and sister. However, she has done things that Victor considered to be a betrayal, such as successfully suing him for control of her $500,000,000 trust fund. She also threatened to take him down after he attempted to take control of Newman from her. He backed off and did not remove her as CEO. These acts did not come out of nowhere; they were the result of Victor doing things to Victoria that she felt were unjust. She believed that she was standing up for herself and taking what she deserved, just as Victor would’ve in her place. Victoria often takes Victor’s side when he does controversial things, and when she isn’t immediately supportive, she is quick to forgive him. This habit has caused tension between her and her romantic interests over the years.

Victoria loves Newman Enterprises, and she’s dreamed of running it since childhood. When she returned from boarding school, she took a job in the Newman mail room, and as she moved up the ranks, she learned everything there was to know about the company. She’s confident in her business skills, and she believes that she is the rightful heir to the company. As of 2020, she is the CEO. She’s pragmatic and doesn’t often let emotion get in the way of doing what she feels needs to be done. This has earned her a reputation for being cold, but she also has a spontaneous and playful side, which was seen more often after she developed a friendship and romance with Billy.

Her confidence was shaken after she suffered mental and physical abuse at the hands of JT Hellstrom. She was wary about falling in love again, but Billy convinced her to take a chance on him. She felt happy and secure in the relationship, and she thought they were building toward spending the rest of their lives together, but that fell apart after he informed her that he was dissatisfied with the relationship. She has made a promise to herself not to ever take him back.

Victor taught Victoria to box to help her feel like she was in control of her life again. She regained her confidence, but she slipped into a depression when she was stabbed by Ripley Turner in a case of mistaken identity. With help, Victoria made progress, and she returned to work. Adam blackmailed Victor into making him CEO and firing Victoria. Victor assured Victoria that it would only be temporary, and he asked her to let him handle it. Victoria decided to take charge and show that she could be as ruthless as Victor was. Victor did not agree with the way Victoria went about things. He told her that she could have her job back, but she’d lost his respect. Victoria, who usually craved Victor’s approval, was unfazed, marking a new point in their relationship.

Grandparents: Albert and Cora Miller (paternal), Nicholas Reed (maternal), Parents: Victor and Nikki Newman, Children: Reed Hellstrom, Johnny Abbott (adoptive), and Katherine Abbott, Siblings: Nick Newman, Adam Newman (paternal-half), Abby Newman (paternal-half), Dylan McAvoy (maternal-half), Aunts and Uncles: Matt Miller, (paternal), Casey Reed (maternal), Nieces and Nephews: Cassidy Newman (adoptive, deceased), Noah, Summer and Faith Newman, Christian Newman, Connor Newman

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Victoria and Reed


Y&R Character Description – Christian

Christian Newman


Christian has been described as a happy child, in spite of all the upheaval and revolving door of parental figures.

Christian had a complicated start in life. He’s the biological son of Adam Newman and Sage Warner Newman, but at birth, most people thought that Nick was his biological father. Sage had a DNA test while she was pregnant. Adam bribed the lab tech to say that Nick was the father. At the time, Adam had faked his death and had lead most of the town to believe his name was Gabriel. Victor knew Adam tampered with the results. Victor thought Adam didn’t he want the lab tech running the paternity test to notice he and Nick were related, which would blow his cover. Adam had been growing closer to Chelsea, under his Gabriel persona, and he feared that having a child with another woman just as they were connecting would jeopardize the connection he was building with Chelsea.

Christian was born prematurely, and Sage and Nick were told he died, but he was actually alive and well and being used in as a pawn in a revenge plot against Nick. Sandy Allen was a classmate of Sharon and Nick’s. As teens, she and Nick were hanging out, when he dared her to dive into a swimming pool from the roof. Sandy accepted the challenge and was paralyzed from the neck down as a result. Victor paid the family off, and Sandra disappeared from everyone’s lives. She made a full recovery and resurfaced as a psychiatrist working in Fairview and going by Sandra Anderson. Sharon checked into Fairview after a miscarriage that she was hiding from everyone except Mariah. She hoped to get pregnant again before anyone found out. Sandra found out about this and put her plan into motion. She lead Sharon to believe that she’d gotten pregnant again, and she kept her drugged and isolated so that no one would find out the truth. She tricked everyone into believing that Sharon gave birth, and she presented her with Christian.

Sharon and Dylan took “their” baby home and named him Sullivan. They raised him for months. Adam was seemingly killed in a cabin explosion, never knowing his son was alive. Prior to this, he’d come clean to Chelsea about Christian’s paternity. Sharon learned that Sully was truly Christian, but she couldn’t bear to lose the boy, so she hid the truth. Sage found out, and she confronted Sharon, but she was killed in a car accident before she could tell anyone else. Eventually, Nick learned the truth, and he took “his” son from Sharon and Dylan.

Chelsea told Phyllis that Adam was Christian’s father, and the information got back to Sharon. Sharon felt that she owed Nick the truth, even if it hurt, so she let him know. Nick was crushed, but he still saw Christian as a son. It turned out that Adam was not dead, and when he returned, he fought for custody of Christian. The judge was unhappy with Nick and Adam’s behavior, and Christian was temporarily placed in Victoria’s care. During a court ordered visit, Adam told Christian that he was really his father. Christian was too young to understand, and he thought Adam was making a joke. In the end, Adam withdrew his petition for custody, and Christian went back to Nick.

Due to being raised by his biological uncle, his siblings are his biological cousins, and his cousin Connor is his biological half-brother.

Parents – Sage and Adam Newman (biological), Nick Newman (legal), Siblings – Cassie, Noah, Summer and Faith Newman, Aunts – Victoria and Abby Newman, Uncles – Adam Newman, Cousins – Reed Hellstrom, Johnny and Katherine Abbott, Connor Newman

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Christian, Nick, Sharon and Dylan


Y&R Character Description – Tessa

Tessa Porter


In 2017, Tessa became a fixture at Crimson Lights, where she sang and played her guitar for tips. Nikki noticed her and soon hired her to give Reed guitar lessons. After Nikki learned that Tessa was living out of her car, she allowed Tessa to move into the main house at the ranch. Nikki saw a lot of herself in Tessa, a young woman who was determined to overcome adversity and build a better life, and she also gave Tessa a job as her personal assistant. Born and raised in a dangerous Chicago neighborhood, Tessa’s father was a drug dealer, and her mother was a drug user, who often disappeared for days at a time, leaving Tessa to fend for herself and protect her younger sister, Crystal. After meeting the Newmans, Tessa began to take part in open mic nights at Nick’s bar, the Underground, and she met Noah Newman. They soon began to date. Tessa would later confide in Mariah that she was never in love with Noah, though she thought he was sweet (11/14/2018). She’d come to Genoa City hoping to marry one of its many wealthy citizens, then walk away with half of everything in a divorce settlement. Tessa’s plan went awry when she found herself developing real feelings for Noah’s sister, Mariah.

Devon Hamilton, Mariah’s boyfriend at the time, took her, Noah and Tessa to San Francisco for a music festival. The women secretly shared a kiss during that trip. Tessa explained the moment away, and they continued on as friends. When Mariah admitted that she was falling for Tessa, Tessa claimed that she didn’t feel the same way. Meanwhile, Crystal got trapped in a prostitution ring and called the crisis center where Sharon volunteered, for help. Tessa found out about it, and she and Mariah kidnapped a woman who was involved in running the operation and forced her to give up information on Crystal’s whereabouts. Crystal was rescued and sent to witness protection.

Later, Crystal left witness protection to confront Zack, the head of the prostitution ring. She found him threatening Abby and Scott’s lives, and she killed him. It turned out that the gun Crystal used belonged to Nikki, and Tessa had to admit she stole it from the ranch and gave to her sister for protection. Devon signed Tessa to a recording contract, but she ran into problems again when she read Mariah’s diary without permission and used it to to write a song. Mariah recognized her words in the lyrics and threatened to sue. She proved her claims by letting Noah read her diary, and as a result, he found out about the kiss Mariah and Tessa shared. Noah left town.

Kyle took it upon himself to help his friend, Mariah by helping her and Tessa get together. Just as they started dating, Tessa had to leave town to help Crystal. Tessa returned after Crystal moved to Canada. Tessa worked two jobs to earn enough money to pay off the shady people who helped Crystal start over with a new life in another country. When the money didn’t come fast enough, someone attacked Tessa. Meanwhile, Nikki, Sharon, Phyllis and Victoria had hidden JT’s body after they believed Nikki killed him. Tessa found out about their secret, and she blackmailed them. She hid the money she got in her mattress. Mariah found out about it after she threw the mattress away and bought a new one, but Tessa lied and said she earned the money by selling a song. When Mariah learned the truth – that Tessa had blackmailed Mariah’s mother, she broke off the relationship.

Eventually, Mariah came to understand and forgive, and she took Tessa back. Tessa opened up and was honest with Mariah, and their relationship grew. Tanner Watts, a famous singer, asked Tessa to go on tour with him. Tessa had to reveal that he was her ex-husband. They’d gotten married in Vegas on a drunken lark, while they were on tour in the past.

Mariah was upset that Tessa had kept something from her again, but they worked through it, and Tessa went on tour. Mariah mistakenly thought that Tessa was cheating on her with Tanner, so she slept with another woman in retaliation. Tessa was devastated and refused to forgive Mariah at first, but with Tanner’s help, Mariah was able to convince Tessa to give her another chance.

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Y&R Character Description – Ashley Abbott

Ashley Abbott

Ashley Abbott

Ashley Abbott is the biological daughter of Dina Mergeron and Brent Davis. She grew up believing that her biological father was John Abbott, and she did not find out the truth until she was an adult. The decision was made not to tell John, and he died never knowing Ashley was not his biological child. Ashley and John were very close. He doted on her and nicknamed her “My beauty.” Ashley had a more strained relationship with Dina, who left the family to start a new life in Europe, when Ashley was eleven, and didn’t return for over a decade. Things with her mother became more fractured when Ashley learned that she was the result of one of Dina’s many affairs. Dina returned to Genoa City in 2017, because she wanted to reconnect with her family after learning of her Alzheimer’s diagnosis. 

Ashley is very competitive, a hard worker and a proud Abbott. She spent a lot of time vying with Jack over control of Jabot. When Jack thought he was at risk of losing to Ashley, he revealed that he’d written a clause into the company by-laws preventing non-blood Abbotts from being CEO. Ashley was devastated and furious that Jack would do this to her. She tricked her mother into believing that Jack was not a biological Abbott either, then she arranged for this false story to be publicly revealed to humiliate Jack and show him how it felt. Eventually, Ashley learned that Dina talked John into giving Ashley ownership of all the patents for the products Ashley created, as the Jabot chemist. This went a long way toward healing Ashley’s relationship with her mother.

When the truth came out about what Ashley had done to Jack, she took her patents and moved to Paris to start her own cosmetics company, called My Beauty. This left Jabot scrambling to create new products to sell. She later renamed her company Abbott Exchange. As time passed, Ashley and Jack reconciled, and they merged Abbott Exchange with Jabot. Ashley resides in Paris, but she returns to Genoa City often for family events and to spend time with her mother, who is on the verge of succumbing to Alzheimer’s.

Ashley has a daughter, Abby with Victor. Her siblings are Jack and Traci Abbott. They are legally full siblings, but because of Ashley’s paternity, they are biologically her maternal half-siblings. She also has a maternal half brother Eric Vanderway, and a paternal half brother Billy Abbott. Though Ashley and Billy don’t share blood, they share a sibling bond.

Her nieces and nephews are Keemo and Kyle, through Jack, Colleen, through Traci, Theo, through Eric, and Delia, Johnny and Katie through Billy.

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Ashley and Neil


Y&R Character Description – Chance

Phillip “Chance” Chancellor IV


Phillip Chancellor IV, or Chance, for short, is the son of Nina Webster and Phillip Chancellor IV. He also has an older maternal half brother who was kidnapped by a baby broker as a newborn. An Iraq war vet, former police officer and federal agent, he’s been described as an adrenaline junkie. He’s also sometimes called a boy scout, because he’s generally known for being an upstanding person, but sometimes the nickname is used derisively, by morally gray characters. Chance grew up believing his father died in a car accident, and he thought of his one time stepfather, Ryan McNeil as a father. As an adult, Chance learned that Phillip III faked his death and started over in Australia. Phillip returned when Chance was an adult, and in time, they bonded. While Chance was a police officer, he was assigned a new partner – Ronan Malloy, and they were tasked with investigating a drug ring.

Chance began to suspect that Ronan was a dirty cop and began to investigate him. Chance did not realize that Ronan was working undercover with the justice department and that the leader of the drug ring was the district attorney. Ronan also happened to be Chance’s brother, the baby kidnapped decades ago, all grown up. To protect Chance, Ronan secretly told him everything, then they faked Chance’s death. They told Nina and Philip the truth and swore them to secrecy, then Chance left for witness protection, and Ronan went with him.

Eventually, Ronan returned, but he was sick and in need of a liver transplant. Chance left witness protection to donate part of his liver to his brother. He dated Heather for awhile, then after they broke up, he reenlisted in the Army and left town. Chance spent time living in Las Vegas, while undercover. He met Adam, who was suffering from amnesia and going by Spider. Chance recognized Adam, but he didn’t interfere with the new life Adam had made by exposing his real identity.  They became friends, and Adam killed a man who was about to kill Chance. They hid the body in the desert. Victor later found Adam and brought him back to Genoa City. 

Some time later, Chance turned up and arrested Simon Black, a criminal who’d taken Adam, Chelsea, Abby and Connor hostage. Abby and Phyllis assisted Chance in taking Simon down. Chance decided to settle in Genoa City, and he left his job as a federal agent. He opened his own security firm, and as of 2020, he’s dating Abby.

Family – Nina (Mother), Philip (Father) Jill Abbott (Paternal Grandmother) Phillip Chancellor II (Paternal Grandfather), Aiden Lansing AKA Ronan Malloy (Maternal Half-Brother), Billy Abbott (Paternal Uncle), Lauren Fenmore (Paternal Great-Aunt)

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Adam and Chance


Y&R Character Description – Rey

Rey Rosales

Rey Rosales

Rey Rosales was sent to Genoa City in 2018 to investigate the disappearance of JT Hellstrom. He is the oldest of three. After his father left the family, Rey stepped into a paternal role and took care of Arturo and Lola. Arturo resented what he felt were his older brother’s attempts to control him. The brothers became estranged after Arturo slept with Rey’s wife, Mia, before the Rosales’s arrival in Genoa City. The situation was complicated by the fact that Arturo and Mia were in dating before she married Rey. Lola, the youngest, tried to mediate between her brothers. Rey correctly suspected Sharon knew something about what happened to JT, so he found ways to insert himself into her life, and he recommended that she take a job at the police station. Sharon took the job, so that she could keep an eye on the JT investigation. Becoming coworkers brought Sharon and Rey closer together. Romance seemed on the horizon for them, but when Mia arrived, wanting to reconcile, Rey gave his marriage another chance.

A snowstorm stranded Rey with Sharon, and Arturo with Mia. While Rey and Sharon didn’t cross any lines, Mia strayed with Arturo for the second time, and this time, she got pregnant.  At first, Rey was furious, but he eventually moved past it. Arturo and Mia moved away to have their baby, and Rey ended up with Sharon. Rey was able to be happy for Arturo and Mia when their son, Mateo was born. Rey is a strong believer in the law, but after he found out that he’d helped get Sharon, Victoria, and Nikki for a crime they didn’t commit, he assisted in helping them escape from the prison van. It cost him his job, but he was eventually rehired at the GCPD. He is very protective of the people he loves, like Sharon, Lola and his mother, Celeste. He also holds grudges against people he feels have wronged him or people he cares about.

Family – Celeste Rosales (Mother), Adrian Rosales (Father), Arturo Rosales (Brother), Lola Rosales (Sister), Mateo Rosales (Nephew)

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Arturo Lola and Rey


Y&R Character Description – Traci

Traci Abbott

Traci Abbott

The Abbott siblings often call Traci the heart of the family. Kind, patient and loving, one of the things she wants most is for her relatives to get along. She is very sensitive and is distressed when her siblings are feuding. The youngest of Dina and John’s children, Traci is also the most level-headed of the Abbotts, and she slips into the role of peacemaker when her siblings are at odds with each other. She is known for giving moral support, being non-judgmental and her optimistic viewpoint. When Traci was young, she suffered from low self esteem. She struggled with her weight and because she felt like she didn’t measure up to her older sister, Ashley. She got addicted to diet pills, but she overcame it. She started dating her college professor, and when she found him in bed with another student, she attempted suicide. Fortunately, Christine saved her life. She learned that she was carrying the professor’s child. Danny Romalotti wanted to raise the baby with Traci, so they married, but she had a miscarriage when Patty Williams shoved her down the stairs.

Traci didn’t have much of an interest in the running the family business, and she set out on her own path and became an accomplished novelist. She spent years living in NY with her husband, Steve, but frequently returned to Genoa City to visit her relatives. The marriage ended due to Steve’s infidelity. Traci had a daughter, Colleen, with Brad Carlton. In 2003, when Colleen was 23, she was kidnapped by Patty Williams. Colleen fell into the lake during an escape attempt. She was rescued, but it was too late – she was declared brain dead. Traci took her daughter off life support, and her heart was donated to Victor. Traci has recently relocated to Genoa City, to help Jack care for their mother, who has Alzheimer’s disease.

Family – John Abbott Sr. (father), Dina Mergeron (mother), Jack Abbott (brother), Ashley Abbott (maternal half-sister), Billy Abbott (paternal half-brother), Eric Vanderway (maternal half-brother) Colleen Carlton (late daughter), Keemo Volien Abbott (nephew) Abby Newman (niece), Kyle Abbott (nephew), Cordelia Abbott (late niece) Johnny Abbott (nephew), Katherine Abbott (niece), Theo Vanderway (nephew)

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Y&R Character Description – Connor

Connor Newman

Connor Newman

Connor is the son of Chelsea and Adam Newman. As of 2019, he was eight years old. Connor has two half siblings. Johnny, Connor’s older half brother, is the biological son of Chelsea and Billy Abbott. Chelsea relinquished her rights, and Victoria Newman has adopted Johnny. Christian, Connor’s younger half brother, is the biological son of Adam Newman and Sage Newman. Adam has given up his rights, and Christian is now the legal son of Nick Newman. As of 2020, Connor knows Johnny and Christian as his cousins and is unaware that they are his biological half-siblings. Connor struggled with anxiety after he and his parents were taken hostage and after Adam left town. Connor began acting out in alarming ways, such as locking Christian in a dark garage, and leaping from the jungle gym and breaking his arm. Chelsea and Adam decided to temporarily move back in together to help their son recover. One thing lead to another, and Adam and Chelsea decided to resume their romance. Connor was thrilled that the three of them would be staying together.

Family: Grandfathers – Victor Newman (paternal), Jeffrey Bardwell (maternal), Grandmothers – Hope Adams (paternal) Anita Lawson (maternal) Nikki Newman (paternal, step), Siblings – Johnny Abbott (maternal, half) and Christian Newman (paternal, half), Aunts – Victoria Newman, Abby Newman, Uncles – Nicholas Newman, Cousins – Cassie Newman, Noah Newman, Summer Newman, Faith Newman, Christian Newman, Reed Hellstrom, Johnny Abbott, Katherine Abbott.

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Connor and Chelsesa


Y&R Character Description – Elena

Elena Dawson

Elena Dawson

Elena came to Genoa City in 2019. She had been a medical resident, but she took a leave of absence to care for her uncle, Jett Slade. Jett also happened to be Ana’s father. Jett, who was once a major R&B artist,  had his career sidelined because of nodules on his vocal cords. Ana learned that he was her father, as an adult, and she’d put him and her cousin, Elena up in a motel room while she worked to earn enough money for Jett’s medical treatment. Devon followed his sister, Ana to the motel one day and knocked on the door. Elena answered, and that was viewers’ introduction to the character. Devon asked Elena and Jett to join him and Ana in his penthouse. Elena and Jett were uncomfortable with accepting charity, but they ultimately accepted.

Shortly afterward, Devon, who was already dealing with the loss of his wife, Hilary and their unborn child, lost his father, Neil. Elena was there for Devon and helped him through his grief. She also knew what it was like to lose a parent. Her mother, Monica, was an epileptic, and Elena took care of her. Elena was working erratic hours during her residency, and while she was at the hospital, her mom hit her head, had a seizure, and died. Elena blamed herself. She confided in Devon that she never knew her father. In addition to Devon and Ana, Elena also befriended Nate. He convinced her to apply for residency at the local hospital, and she got the job. Devon and Elena were drawn to each other, and they became a couple, though there were setbacks, because it was not easy for Devon to let go of what he’d lost. 

Elena was not always sure Devon was ready to move on, but he assured her that he was, and as a way to prove it, he packed away Hilary’s possessions. Devon surprised Elena by paying off her student loans, but instead of being pleased, she was upset that he did this behind her back. They talked through it, and he understood that he’d overstepped. At Elena’s suggestion, Devon opened a free health care clinic in a working class neighborhood, and she and Nate work there, when they aren’t at the hospital.

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Elena Dawson


Y&R Character Description – Lola

Lola Rosales

Lola Rosales

The youngest of three, Lola was raised by a single mother, because her father left the family before her birth. She did not meet him until she was an adult. She has a close bond with her brothers, Rey and Arturo, but they sometimes clash because she is independent, and they can be overprotective. She first appeared in 2018, when Kyle placed an order at her food truck. Lola has been passionate about cooking since she was a small child, with a focus on Cuban cuisine. Her dream is to own her own restaurant. She was initially reluctant to start a serious romantic relationship, because she didn’t want anything to distract from her goals. However, she and Kyle were drawn to each other and became a couple.

Lola didn’t come from a wealthy family, and she was uncomfortable with what she perceived as Kyle’s frivolous spending. Their differing values was one of the reasons that the relationship was on again off again.  Just after one of Lola and Kyle’s breakups, she was attacked in, a case of mistaken identity, and hit her head when she was pushed into the Abbott pool. Kyle rescued her, but she spent a month in a coma. While in the hospital, it was discovered that she was in liver failure. Summer was a match, and Kyle offered to marry her for one year if she’d save Lola’s life. Summer accepted the deal and donated part of her liver to Lola, but Kyle left Summer, for Lola, before their terms of their agreement were met.

After Lola’s recovery, she took a job as head chef at Devon and Abby’s restaurant. Kyle and Lola were married, and her parents, Celeste and Adrian came to town for the wedding. Lola gave her father a chance, but he was still unreliable, and soon disappeared from her life again. Lola made friends with Kyle’s cousin, Theo after discovering that they had a lot in common. Kyle was jealous of Lola and Theo’s bond, and it caused friction in their marriage. Kyle realized he and Lola rushed into marriage too quickly, and he admitted to her that he still loved Summer and wanted to be with her. Lola accepted this, and they separated. As of 2020, Lola is working on opening a restaurant in Miami, while retaining her job in Genoa City. She and Theo have made plans to go on a date.

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Kyle Summer Lola Theo


Y&R Character Description – Nate Hastings Jr.

Nate Hastings Jr.

Nate is the son of Olivia Barber and Nate Hastings Sr. Nate was a child when his father died, so he was primarily raised by his mother and stepfather, Malcolm Winters. The marriage did not last, but Nate continued to consider Malcolm a father figure. He also had a close relationship with his uncle, and godfather, Neil. Olivia is Dru’s sister, and Malcolm was Neil’s brother, so Nate is Lily and Devon’s cousin. Nate is generous and helpful, which sometimes causes friction when he gives unsolicited advice. He followed in his mother’s footsteps and became a doctor. He returned to his hometown in 2018, after the death of his girlfriend, Carolyn, and moved in with Neil. When Neil died, Nate inherited his penthouse, but he later sold it to Adam. Nate purchased Cane and Lily’s old home, and he lives there as of 2020.

His devotion to his patients has sometimes come into conflict with his personal and professional ethics. When Victor decided to fake his death, he asked Nate to help. Nate reluctantly agreed after deciding this act was necessary to protect Victor, but he later regretted participating in the plot. He argued with Abby over his ethical issues with her father’s scheme, and when she supported Victor’s actions, Nate broke up with her.

When the state medical board learned that Nate falsely declared Victor dead, they tried to revoke his medical license. He hired Amanda Sinclair to represent him and won. He and Amanda grew closer and eventually started dating.

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Nate Hastings Jr.


Y&R Character Description – Mariah

Mariah Copeland

Mariah Copeland

Mariah Copeland is the daughter of Sharon Newman and Frank Barritt and twin of Cassie Newman. Sharon went into labor, and she’d been drugged, so did not know she gave birth to twins. The doctor who delivered the babies sold Mariah. Mariah was raised in Portland by an impoverished and neglectful single mother who was devoted to cult leader, Ian Ward. The woman who raised Mariah died, and she considered Ian a father figure. As an adult, Mariah was willing to lie, cheat and steal to support herself, so when Victor offered her money her to come to town and “haunt” Sharon, she took the job. Sharon thought she was hallucinating. At the time, no one realized that Mariah was tormenting her own mother or impersonating her twin sister. Mariah terrorized Sharon for months until Nick saw the Cassie lookalike and realized Sharon was not hallucinating.  Sharon and Mariah eventually discovered they were family, and Mariah reformed herself, thanks to her mother’s love and support.

Mariah was surprised to find herself developing feelings for her brother, Noah’s girlfriend, Tessa Porter. At the time, Mariah was dating Devon. Devon took Mariah, Tessa and Noah to San Francisco for a music festival. While Tessa and Mariah were alone in the hotel room, they shared a kiss. Eventually, Tessa’s relationship with Noah ended. Mariah and Tessa became a couple, but, like all soap opera pairings, there have been bumps in the road. It was difficult for Tessa to trust, and honesty didn’t come easy to her, either. Mariah knew what that was like, and because of this and her deep love for Tessa, she forgave the transgressions.

While Tessa was on tour with her ex-husband, musician, Tanner Watts, Mariah found out that Sharon had cancer, then she lost her job. She didn’t confide in Tessa, because she didn’t want to interfere with Tessa’s musical career. Mariah misconstrued a moment between Tessa and Tanner and thought they were having an affair. She impulsively reacted by sleeping with another woman. Tessa came home early, to surprise Mariah, and walked in on them. Tessa was not cheating, and Mariah was remorseful, but Tessa ended the relationship. After a grand gesture (Mariah got on stage during one of Tessa’s concerts and poured her heart out in front of the whole audience), and a profuse apology, Tessa took Mariah back. In addition to Noah and Cassie, Mariah is also a sibling to Faith, and she is a role model to her younger sister.

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Mariah and Faith


Y&R Character Description – Amanda

Amanda Sinclair

Amanda Sinclair

Amanda Sinclair is a lawyer who moved to Genoa City from Madison. She first made contact with Devon Hamilton when she sent him a letter informing him that there was a problem with Katherine Chancellor’s will. Devon was stunned and suspicious when Amanda appeared on his doorstep, because she was the spitting image of his late wife, Hilary. Devon immediately accused her and her client of trying to swindle him out of his rightful inheritance. Amanda denied being a con-artist, and she claimed she had no idea who Hilary was.

Most people in the town were skeptical of the private and reserved Hilary lookalike. They thought she’d been hired because her looks would shake Devon up and make it easier to steal his money. She became friendly with Nate and Phyllis, but Devon and Elena remained wary. Victor hired a private investigator, to delve into Amanda’s past, and gave the report to Devon. He learned that Amanda had her online presence scrubbed, and he became even more convinced she was hiding something. He was partially right. She was hiding from someone – her possessive ex-fiance, Ripley Turner. When the relationship ended, Amanda took out a restraining order on Ripley, and he retaliated by doing the same. Amanda hid a tracker on Ripley’s car and frequently checked to make sure that he wasn’t in Genoa City. When Nate’s medical license was in jeopardy, he hired the Stanford and Yale educated Amanda to represent him. She won, keeping her perfect record intact. She decided to close her office in Madison and stay in Genoa City for awhile.

Amanda and Billy became friends after they happened to start frequenting the same dive bar. She revealed to him that she’d grown up in foster care, and she’d never attempted to find her biological family. Amanda gave Billy the non-judgmental support her was seeking, and he taught her how to seize life. Although their relationship was platonic, Billy’s decision to confide in Amanda instead of Victoria lead to him splitting up with Victoria. Victor didn’t want Victoria to take Billy back, so he lied and told her he had proof Billy and Amanda were sleeping together.

Ripley found the tracker and took it off his car, so Amanda was caught by surprise when he broke into her hotel room. He pleaded with her to take him back, but she was not interested. He was arrested, and in a move Amanda would come to regret, she dropped the charges on the condition that he left town. Ripley returned a few months later, determined to get his revenge. He followed Billy and Amanda to Victor’s 50th anniversary party and hid in the darkness, watching them talk. Due to the dimly lit setting, Ripley didn’t realize that Amanda had stepped away and that Billy was now conversing with Victoria. Ripley stabbed Victoria in the side, and caused serious damage. Amanda was guilt-ridden, because she didn’t press charges when Ripley broke into her room. There was a manhunt, and Ripley was apprehended and sent to prison.

Now that Ripley is no longer a threat, Amanda has started to relax more. Devon and Elena now understood that Amanda was hiding things to protect herself, and they apologized for the way they’d treated her. Amanda has stated that she didn’t tell many people that she’d had a stalker because she didn’t want people to pity her. Everyone learned that Amanda had nothing to do with scamming Devon out of his money, and she was completely vindicated. When Devon, Elena and Nate met a former foster child who was reluctant to accept their help, Amanda was able to get through to him. Billy expressed romantic interest in Amanda, and they kissed, but didn’t take things further. As of 2020, Amanda has started dating Nate. Lily and Billy offered Amanda a job as legal counsel for Chancellor Communcations. Billy and Amanda decided that their history wouldn’t interfere with their working relationship, so she took the job.

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Amanda Sinclair


Y&R Character Description – Theo

Theo Vanderway

Theo Vanderway

Theo’s parents died when he was young, and as he had no other relatives, he found himself alone. He and Kyle were part of the New York party scene. Though they were friends, Theo, whose blue collar roots meant he’d had to work hard for everything he had, harbored resentment toward Kyle, who had the Abbott money to fall back on. In 2019, Kyle recommended that Jabot contract with Theo’s media company, and he moved to Genoa City. Jack and Traci discovered that their mother, Dina had a baby by Stuart Brooks and placed him for adoption. This child, Eric Vanderway, was Jack, Traci and Ashley’s half brother, and Theo’s father. Jack, Traci and Ashley were eager to welcome Theo into the family fold, and Theo accepted them, although he was a bit wary about having an instant family, and he wasn’t sure where he fit in. Theo is also the nephew of Ashley and the Brooks sisters -Leslie, Peggy, Chris and Lorie. He’s cousin to Abby, Kyle and the late Colleen.

Theo’s friendship with Kyle fell apart, because he was angry that Kyle left the party life behind. At first, Theo blamed Kyle’s girlfriend, Lola for Kyle’s change, but in time, Theo and Lola found common ground and became friends. Theo teamed up with Summer to antagonize Kyle and make him jealous. Theo and Summer also dated for awhile. Kyle was unhappy about Theo being his cousin. Sometimes, Theo tried to bond with Kyle as a relative, but he also took pleasure in using their newly discovered connection to irritate Kyle. After Kyle broke things off with Lola, she and Theo made plans to go on a date.

Theo is fun-loving, creative, and competitive, but lonely. He has a jealous streak and insecurities that sometimes cause him to do underhanded things as he tries to prove that he belongs in the corporate world and in his new family. He lost jobs because he tried to sabotage his coworkers in an attempt to climb the corporate ladder. He claimed to regret for his schemes and worried that his family would turn their backs on him. Jack has compared Theo to himself as a young man, and he hopes his nephew won’t make the same mistakes. 

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Theo and Summer


The Bold and the Beautiful Character Description: Brooke Logan Forrester

Brooke played by Katherine Kelly Lang

Brooke Logan played by Katherine Kelly Lang

Brooke has a degree in chemistry, yet she was working for her mother’s catering company when she met Ridge, the love of her life, in 1987. They both fell in love, but Ridge was engaged to Caroline Spencer. Ridge’s mother, Stephanie, didn’t approve of Brooke, so she did everything she could, for years, to keep them apart or break them up.  Brooke also did some scheming of her own to win and keep Ridge.  Later, Stephanie admitted that she recognized Brooke as a younger version of herself.

Brooke fights hard for the man she loves, but she has fallen in love with many others as well, including Eric, Ridge’s father (with whom she had two children), and his brother Thorne, as well as Nick and Bill.  She’s very loyal to her family (two sisters and one brother) and helped raise her younger sisters. She’s also very devoted to her two daughters and her son, but she has, in the past, slept with her daughters’ boyfriends/husbands, which caused some problems.

Brooke seems to have grown up quite a bit since her younger years. She mostly concentrates on her children and husband, and working at Forrester Creations.  She and Taylor have feuded for many years, but Taylor seems more interested in carrying on the feud than does Brooke.  They have a lot in common. Not only did they both love Ridge for many years and have children with him, they both interfere in their own children’s lives (just as Stephanie did) and are fiercely protective of them.  Taylor seems a little more unhinged than Brooke, though.

Just like anyone else, Brooke can be jealous, or self-righteous, or nosy; but generally, she’s a good person with a big heart.

Brooke loves having family around her all of the time, so many of her children and their spouses either live in her house, or in the guest house.  None of the Logan sisters can cook, but they love the holidays and always gather with the Forresters to celebrate.

Brooke and Ridge had a terrible time in 2019 and 2020. They separated and almost divorced. Thomas worked hard to break them up, so that he could have Hope. Quinn and Shauna also had a hand in their marriage breaking up.  Ridge has been involved with Shauna, and Brooke was briefly involved with Bill.

Bold and Beautiful Ridge, Brooke and Carter at the wedding

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