B&B Transcript Friday, April 26, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Deacon: Sugar and sheila are one and the same.

Finn: Yeah, I’m not following you, deacon.

Deacon: Sheila convinced sugar to have cosmetic surgery, but sheila was in cahoots with the surgeon. When he was finished with sugar–

Finn: They look alike?

Deacon: No, not alike. Identical.

Finn: So, what, this sugar woman, she’s just been rotting in prison all this time?

Deacon: Yes, yes, except, except, she was recently released. Sugar is a mirror image of sheila, but with ten toes. That’s who I saw in the crematorium. Sugar, not sheila.

Finn: And you’re really buying this?

Deacon: Yes, sheila is out there. I don’t know where she is, but you and me, we gotta go find her.

Steffy: Sure you don’t want any breakfast? Babe? Breakfast. You hungry?

Finn: Oh, um, no, I’m– I’m good. I’ll just– I’ll grab something later.

Steffy: Hey, you were like this last night. Quiet, distracted. Is it a work thing? You wanna bounce ideas off of me?

Finn: Thanks. I, um– right now, I have more questions than answers, but hopefully that’ll change soon, and when it does, you’ll be the first to know.

Steffy: I love you so much. You’re so caring and loyal to your patients, people you care about. It’s really sweet. All right, I’m gonna head to the office.

Finn: I love you too. I mean it. And I know I’ve put you through a lot recently, but never question my love and commitment for you.

Steffy: I don’T. No, we’re doing great. I know how much you love me, how you always put me and the kids first. I know that. I’ll see you tonight.

[ Finn sighs ]

[ Phone pings ]

Deacon: Today’s the day we’re gonna find you, sheila.

Carter: Wow, the contracts with the new distributors have been finalized. You had a productive trip, my friend.

Ridge: I did, and it was a fun trip, too, hanging out with douglas and thomas. Pretty good.

Carter: I’m glad to hear they’re adjusting, that they’re doing well.

Ridge: You and me both. Projections look good.

Carter: Yeah. Yeah, if everything stays on the current trajectory, yeah. Ridge, are you sure you don’t wanna think about reallocating funds to couture–

Ridge: Yeah, I’m sure everything’s good. And hope for the future’s gonna stay the same. They’ve been rattled enough.

Carter: Have you seen any designs?

Ridge: I have. Preliminaries, anyway. Hope for the future’s in really good shape. Even with thomas taking a break, I think that rj and zende, they’re a good team. And, give them enough time, they’re gonna handle anything put in front of them.

Luna: You heard?

Brooke: I did. Oh, luna. Are you okay?

Luna: You’re not upset?

Brooke: No, I am. I’m very upset. I’m upset for you and for rj and for this whole situation. I can’t believe it. Your mother and the mints? And zende? I’m shocked at zende. But really, I’m– I’m here because of you. I wanna make sure that you’re okay, and just to let you know that, woman to woman, this is a safe place.

Luna: Thank you.

Brooke: I was taken advantage of a long time ago.

Luna: That’s– that’s awful, but I wanna be clear, zende did not take advantage of me.

Brooke: Well, I don’t think that he would. But… he still… [ Scoffs ] He knew. He knew that you’re in a serious relationship with my son, and that you went to eric’s with rj. And yet, he thought that he could just sleep with you?

Ridge: Do we have any idea where brooke is?

Carter: No, I haven’t seen her yet.

Ridge: Huh. I really thought she’d be in this meeting, to just keep me from cutting the budget on hope’s line.

Carter: Maybe she didn’t wanna influence you.

Ridge: That is exactly why she would be here. Anyway, I’m not cutting the numbers. I think we’re doing great. We gotta make sure that rj and zende keep working together. It’s good for the line.

Carter: Yeah.

Ridge: Yeah? What is that?

Carter: It’s nothing.

Ridge: No, it’s something. What are you doing? I know. I get it. They’re cousins, and they’re both up-and-coming designers, but you know what? They’re gonna lock horns. That’s what artists do. It’s okay. At the end of the day, they’re gonna talk to each other, and they’re gonna compromise.

Carter: If you say so.

Ridge: If I say– yeah, you know what? Get out. Ye of little faith. Go do something.

Steffy: Oh! You just get back from your business trip and you’re already kicking people out.

Carter: Perfect timing. And for the record, he’s not kicking me out. I was gonna leave on my own.

Ridge: I am kicking you out. That’s why you’re leaving.

Carter: I was gonna leave before you kicked me out.

Ridge: Okay. See ya. Hi.

Steffy: Hi.

Ridge: How you doing?

Steffy: I’m good.

Ridge: Did you miss me?

Steffy: I’m good. Of course I missed you.

Ridge: I missed you more. You look great.

Steffy: Thank you. How was your trip? You did see douglas and thomas, right?

Ridge: I did. Douglas is great. You know, he’s just thriving. And thomas is good. What about you? Is deacon still pulling the same stuff about sheila? Is he still telling stories?

Deacon: Hollis, I’m gonna need you to hold down the fort today. I’ve got something I’ve got to take care of. It’s personal. You can do this. I trust you. All right. Bye.

[ Knocking on door ] Finn, hey. Thanks for coming. How you doing? Yeah, me too. I didn’t sleep all night. Just going over in my head about sugar and sheila and everything we learned.

Finn: Yeah, I’ve, um– I’ve thought about it too.

Deacon: Good. So, you believe me. Sheila’s alive.

Finn: I mean, as farfetched as a story as it is, and as improbable as the whole thing seems, I mean, yeah, you– um, you have me thinking.

Deacon: Well, good, ’cause I’m right. And time’s running out for sheila, and we need to find her right now.

If you’re taking

an antidepressant,

Luna: When did you find out?

Brooke: The other day. But don’t worry. Rj insisted that I don’t tell anybody. He’s very protective of you and your feelings.

Luna: God, I’ve– I’ve hurt him so much.

Brooke: I know this is a complicated situation, but he does love you very much.

Steffy: Sheila carter died that night. Her death was investigated. I was cleared. This should be the end of it.

Ridge: It is the end of it. And whatever story he’s coming up with just make him look like a complete idiot. He went to the crematorium, he saw it, and then a few seconds later, he comes up with this new story.

Steffy: Yeah, that he says he saw ten toes. It should be nine. What?

Ridge: None of this makes sense to me, but that’s deacon, right? He hasn’t played with a full deck for a long time. But this is messed up. Even for him.

Deacon: I was up all night long trying to figure out how the hell we’re gonna find sheila with what we have.

Finn: Okay, which isn’t much, by the way. Well, all we know is that sheila’s arch-nemesis, sugar, was released from prison some time ago.

Deacon: Yeah, with revenge on her mind.

Finn: Okay, but we don’t even know that for sure.

Deacon: Okay, but you’re forgetting about the text that sugar sent sheila. I mean, they were pretty damn menacing.

Finn: That’s true.

Deacon: Plus, we heard from lauren fenmore about how sugar feels about sheila.

Finn: She hated her for what she did to her face, and that she let sugar go to the mental ward for the crimes that sheila committed.

Deacon: Come on, if you were sugar and she did that to you, wouldn’t you feel the same way? You’d be looking for payback.

Finn: Okay, you really think she did something to sheila?

Deacon: All I know is when I start putting all this together, I get a chilling feeling, you know?

Finn: No, I don’t, I’M… okay, I’m trying to wrap my head around this and go there with you, but, like, even if this was true, like, how do you even expect to find sheila? She could be anywhere.

Deacon: Well, like I said, I stayed up all night and came up with an ace in the hole. Sheila’s credit card password is on her tablet. I figure we go through her spending history, we’ll find a clue that leads us to her.

Deacon: Finn, come here. Take a look at this. These are all her purchases in the days and weeks leading up to that night.

Finn: It seems like stuff you’d expect, huh?

Deacon: That’s a lot of pedicures for a lady with nine toes.

Finn: Whoa, wait, deacon, stop.

Deacon: Why?

Finn: Go back, you’re scrolling too fast. What is… what’s that charge? It’s a convenience store.

Deacon: That’s kind of a rough neighborhood.

Finn: Why would sheila go someplace like that?

Deacon: She wouldn’t, at least not voluntarily. Finn, this could be it. This could be the clue that we’re looking for. Let’s go.

Luna: I know I should’ve told rj sooner, but I swear, I wasn’t– I wasn’t trying to lie to him. I mean, keeping this secret was– was killing me. I mean, I– I just– I love him so much, and I wanted to protect his relationship with zende.

Brooke: It’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for.

Luna: Oh, we were so happy at eric’s, and there was so much love and excitement in the air, and I had– I had no idea that I had been taking my mom’s laced mints. So, um, I got tired and I left, and– and then I started getting really thirsty, and there was some water in the guest house, and I don’t know, that’s– that’s the last thing I remember. I must’ve laid down or something. It was supposed to be such a beautiful evening, and… it turned into a nightmare.

Ridge: Well, at least deacon hasn’t gotten into finn’s head with all this garbage.

Steffy: Not yet, anyway. If he keeps chipping away, it’s gonna make it harder and harder for finn to make peace with sheila’s death.

Deacon: Hey. You work here?

Finn: Okay, look, I understand this is extremely random, but we’re looking for someone.

Deacon: Look, a woman made a purchase here in your store a couple weeks ago. Bought a couple hundred bucks worth of stuff.

Michele: You two cops?

Deacon: No. No, but we think this woman could be in danger. Look, you recognize her? You seen her face before?

Michele: I can’t say I have.

Finn: Are you sure? Can you look again?

Michele: Nope. Never seen her.

[ Buzzer sounding ]

Dinn: Okay. Now what?

Deacon: I don’t know. We can’t give up.

Tom: Let me see your friend. I see everyone that comes in and out of this place. If you spit blood when you brush, And I landed this internship, and I didn’t think that my life could get any better. Right? And then, I meet rj and you and ridge and eric. I mean, the whole family, you guys have been so wonderful and welcoming towards me. And the last thing I wanna do is cause any of you pain. I mean, especially rj.

Luna: We know who you are. Sweet and kind and honest.

Luna: I, um… I love your son so much. And the way he’s changed my life and the experiences we’ve shared together, it’s just… it really breaks my heart what happened with zende.

Brooke: I think that he’s trying to be understanding.

Luna: I know. But that’s who he is. He’s just, like, this amazing guy, but I know that this is killing him.

Brooke: And I hate what’s happened to you. It’s really not fair. You know, you’re a beautiful, intelligent, positive young lady that’s brightened our son’s life. All of our lives. You know it’s not your fault, right? I just want you to know that I’m here for you. And I always will be. Always.

Ridge: So wait, every time deacon calls, finn goes over there?

Steffy: You know finn. He’S… okay, it’s hard for him to say no.

Ridge: Okay. Even if it’s not in his best interest.

Steffy: Dad, I’m not gonna let finn get caught up in deacon’s craziness. I’m not gonna let deacon resurrect sheila in finn’s mind.

Finn: You doing all right?

Tom: Been better.

Deacon:: You hang out here a lot?

Tom: Oh, sure. When I’m not vacationing in cabo or cruising the mediterranean in my yacht.

Deacon: Maybe you can help us out.

Tom: What, you want me to take a look at that picture you got there?

Deacon: Yeah.

Tom: Well, a man could use a little money.

Deacon: Yeah, sure. Here. Look, somebody very important to us has been missing for weeks, all right? They bought something in that convenience store right before they disappeared.

Tom: Well, let me see the picture. I may be down on my luck, but I never forget a face.

Deacon: You recognize her, don’t you? You’ve seen this face before.

Tom: Yeah, yeah, I recognize her. Like I said, I never forget a face, especially one as pretty as that.

Finn: Well, tell us more.

Deacon: Anything. Anything is important.

Finn: Look, this is important, all right? Possibly a matter of life or death.

Tom: Well, when I saw her, she walked into that building right over there.

Deacon: Wait a minute, she– she didn’t drive?

Tom: No.

Deacon: You’re sure?

Tom: Yeah. And that’s when the screaming started.

Finn: What– screaming?

Tom: Yeah, and it didn’t stop.

Deacon: What’d you do?

Tom: I didn’t do nothing. Listen, you learn to mind your p’s and q’s when you’re living on the street. It’s survival. It eventually stopped.

Finn: Maybe there’s something in that building that can lead us to sheila. Or is it possible that sheila’s been in that building all along?

Deacon: Let’s just hope we’re not too late.

Announcer: Here’s a look ahead.

Tom: I hear a lot of weird things around here.

[ Shouting ]

Ivy: Oh, my god, it’s so nice seeing you, liam.

Liam: It’s been too long.

Ivy: I think about you a lot.

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B&B Transcript Thursday, April 25, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Finn: Okay, so you’re telling me that there’s someone out there that looks exactly like sheila?

Deacon: Exactly like her, but with ten toes.

Finn: Okay, deacon, come on. Man, I knew I shouldn’t have answered your text. I don’t even know why I’m entertaining this. If steffy knew I was here–

Deacon: Listen, I don’t care if steffy thinks I’m a crackpot, all right? Don’t you get it, man? Come on, this is huge. Steffy didn’t stab sheila that night. Your birth mother’s alive.

Steffy: We never have to see sheila’s face again.

Hope: And we are all relieved about that.

Steffy: Yeah. Everyone. Except deacon.

Hope: And maybe finn?

Steffy: Look, this whole saga has been really rough on finn. But he’s getting back to himself. He’s, like, becoming better. Before sheila came into his life and wreaked havoc. Like, he’s really starting to heal and let go. I’m just grateful that sheila’s no longer a threat.

[ Brooke moaning ]

Ridge: I missed you.

Brooke: Not as much as I missed you.

Ridge: Yeah?

Brooke: Mm-hmm.

Ridge: I think that’s a lie. I miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

Brooke: Okay.

Ridge: I was on that plane, just thinking about what it was going to do to you when I got here.

Brooke: Hm. That’s nice.

Ridge: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: So.

Ridge: So.

Brooke: How was your trip?

Ridge: It was good. Oh, no, it was really good. Hang on. Uh, it was… it was a good trip.

Brooke: What’s this?

Ridge: I had them sign the deal for distribution.

Brooke: Congratulations. I knew you could do it. And how is thomas and douglas?

Ridge: Thomas is amazing. And douglas loves european lifestyle. Can’t blame him.

Brooke: Oh, I’m glad. I mean, we all miss him so much.

Ridge: Yeah. They send their love. What about you? What’s going on here? Did I miss anything?

Ridge: Edward, I– no, I think you’re not listening because I didn’t say I didn’t like paris. I like paris. I just prefer london. Maybe it’s the people. I don’t know. Maybe it isn’T. Look, they’re all nice. They just…

Brooke: I am heartbroken for luna. I am. And for you, honey. How could zende do this?

Rj: All I want to do is tear his head off every time I see him now. I’m not saying that he took advantage of luna. He didn’T. I believed him when he told me that he didn’t know she was on anything. Zende would never do anything against her consent.

Brooke: I don’t think that he would. But still, think about it. Luna went to eric’s party with you. As your girlfriend. On your arm. You two have been together for months. Everybody knew that. Zende knew it. So for him to do this is– is a terrible betrayal. It is. It’s unforgivable. When your father finds out about this–

Rj: No. You cannot tell dad.

Brooke: Rj, he needs to know.

Rj: Mom, please. I want to protect luna because this isn’t her fault. I don’t want this getting around and people misunderstanding and it hurting her reputation. Please, mom. Do not say anything. It would devastate luna if this got out.

Ridge: It’s two acts. The second act could have been an hour and a half shorter. But I’ll get you tickets. Okay. I got– I really gotta go. All right. Me too. Bye. Oh, my goodness. Where were we?

Brooke: Uh, you were talking about missing me.

Ridge: Yes, because I did miss you so much. It was a nice trip and it was good to see thomas. Great to see douglas. But yeah, I missed all of this. I missed being here. I missed seeing rj. He’s home. I love that. And he’s good, right? Is he– is he okay?

Steffy: I love finn. And I’m always gonna try to support him, but–

Hope: But the whole sheila situation.

Steffy: Yeah, this has been extremely difficult. You know, I’m trying to understand his connection to her. Like, how could you? She’s a vile human being. But thankfully, it’s no longer an issue. Because sheila’s no longer an issue.

Deacon: Okay, this isn’t the end of sheila.

Finn: Deacon, you have been talking a lot of crazy stuff lately.

Deacon: Listen, I know this sounds nuts, all right? It’s not all in my head. Lauren fenmore told me, this– this sugar woman, right? Her face was changed to look exactly like sheila’S. The spitting image. I know, it sounds far-fetched.

Finn: No, deacon. It sounds impossible.

Deacon: I get it, man. I didn’t believe it when I first heard it either. But I’m telling you, it’s the truth. I swear to you, it’s the truth. Type 2 diabetes?

Ridge: No, I don’t want to go to the club. It’s numb. Yeah, you can come to the house. Sure. Um, can you– I’m sorry. No, she’ll make something. She loves cooking for you guys. Yes. No, I’m excited too. I can’t wait. Okay. I– I will. I’m sorry. Again.

Brooke: It’s okay. Word travels fast. Everybody wants a piece of you now that you’re back.

Ridge: I want a piece of you now that I’m back doing– um, hey, hi. What were we talking about before ted called? What did–

Brooke: Uh, the kids and your trip. But why don’t we talk more about douglas and thomas.

Ridge: Douglas and thomas. Favorite part of the trip.

Brooke: I’ll bet.

Ridge: It really was because the two of them, they’re– they’re bonding. They– it’s nice to see. It really is.

Brooke: That’s wonderful.

Ridge: But douglas, he brought up a couple of times how much she misses hope. And I’m sure she misses him too.

Brooke: Yes. She is really struggling with that. As well as having a father who refuses to believe that sheila carter is dead.

Steffy: Deacon needs to accept the truth. Sheila’s life ended. It happened right here. I mean, I– I still have visions of her coming at me. Must have been terrifying.

Steffy: Yeah, it was awful. And then finn shows up and he sees his biological mother’s blood on the ground. I mean… the point being is that sheila’s dead. Somebody needs to give your father the message.

Hope: I do think that deep down, he realizes that.

Steffy: Yeah, but the way he’s been talking–

Hope: I know. I know, steffy. But at the same time, he is still my dad. And I feel bad for him. I– I mean, I am allowed to worry about him.

Steffy: It’s just so weird to me. How could you love somebody like that?

Hope: I– believe me, it was weird for me too. But now that sheila is no longer part of the picture, I’m hoping we can all just move on.

Steffy: But how can we move on when deacon is saying that sheila is alive? Like, that is so irresponsible. Especially after all the things she has done to us.

Hope: No, and I agree. I just think my dad is… he’s processing it in his own way. And he is going to have to accept reality eventually.

Steffy: Well, until your dad is ready to face the facts, he needs to stay out of my husband’s head.

Finn: You need to snap out of it.

Deacon: Don’t put me in a straitjacket yet, doc. Look, I’m not insane. Just hear me out. Lauren said that she and sheila went way back, right? I mean, there was stuff that I hadn’t heard about.

Finn: What, like this sugar person?

Deacon: Yes, exactly. Okay, sugar went to go see the plastic surgeon, but sheila paid the surgeon to make sugar look like her.

Finn: What, so she’s basically had herself cloned?

Deacon: No, no, only her face. But that was enough to put sugar away to pay for sheila’s crimes.

Finn: And you’re buying this story?

Deacon: This is the only explanation.

Finn: Okay, deacon, you may be gullible–

Deacon: Okay, wait a minute. Steffy saw what she thought was sheila’s face when she stabbed her that night. I saw the same face at the morgue, and then again, right before the body went into the cremation chamber. But she had ten toes.

Finn: This is the most ridiculous story I’ve ever heard.

Deacon: I get it, I get it! But that’s what happened. Sheila’s more of a genius than we ever thought. If advanced lung cancer

[ Brooke sighs ]

Brooke: I’m worried about hope.

Ridge: Well, with deacon, as her father, how can you not be?

Brooke: He’s been acting very strangely lately.

Ridge: He always acts strange, that’s what he does. And he was never there for her, ever.

Brooke: Thankfully, you were. I never could have asked for a better father figure than you for my daughter.

Ridge: Well, thank you. I hope she sees it that way.

Brooke: I’m sure she does. Although I know she would have liked to have her father around more.

Ridge: I’m sure she would have liked that. Maybe this is a blessing. I mean, look at him. He’s– he’s a strange boy. He’s a convicted felon. And he tries to hang out with psychopaths.

Brooke: Nobody condones that, especially my daughter.

Ridge: I wouldn’t say anybody condones it, but look what he’s doing. He’s hanging out with sheila, and after everything that she’s done to you, to me, steffy, finn.

Brooke: My daughter wants a relationship with him. And they were getting close, until he hooked up with her. I mean, now that sheila is gone, maybe they’ll be able to build their bond again. That is if deacon can move on and forget about sheila.

Steffy: Finn thinks your dad is just conjuring up some fantasy.

Hope: Well, my dad is convinced that he saw ten toes.

Steffy: Okay, that didn’t happen. Deacon is delusional. He’s, like, painting some picture where sheila could just come back to life. And that’s just not happening.

Hope: But, obviously, my dad is struggling. Otherwise, he wouldn’t even be entertaining these theories.

Steffy: Because as soon as he digests the truth, then it becomes real. So, he’d rather live in denial. I mean, this whole thing is just a waste of time. Was he really that in love with her?

Hope: Evidently.

Steffy: Deacon needs to wake up. He needs to deal with his problems. Stop dragging finn into this spiral. Asking to see him? That is so disrespectful. I mean, finn is still trying to work through everything. Everything with sheila, that happened right here, at my hand. Look, deacon is making it extremely difficult for finn to just let it go. He’s constantly reminding him, bringing it up and I just want to be able to live in peace again. Deacon needs to stop talking about all this nonsense that sheila is alive.

[ Steffy grunts ]

Deacon: Lauren said sheila bragged years ago about what she’d done to sugar.

Finn: How do you know lauren’s not messing with you?

Deacon: Why would she lie? This is bonkers. Come on, man, you couldn’t write this stuff if you tried.

Finn: No, the whole scenario.

Deacon: There’s more, okay? So sugar finally gets put away for sheila’s crimes, right? And then lauren goes to visit sheila, or the person she thought was sheila, in the mental ward. Ultimately, sugar escapes, goes after lauren’s son, posing as sheila. But then lauren, she realizes that sheila would never go after her son. And when the police caught who they thought was sheila, it was lauren who put it all together. The authorities, they confirmed it with the fingerprints. Sugar confessed to everything. She sang like a canary.

Finn: So what, this sugar woman, she’s just been rotting in prison all this time?

Deacon: Yes, yes, except, except, she was recently released. And somehow, wound up at your place, inside your house, where she got stabbed by steffy. And before that happened, I think she did something to sheila.

Finn: Like what?

Deacon: I– I don’t know, something bad. I think your mother’s in real trouble. At bombas, we’re obsessed with socks.

Ridge: I planned a nice little evening for us.

Brooke: Oh?

Ridge: Couple’s massage. Mm-hmm. Gourmet dinner, and then, lucky you, you can have me all to yourself.

Brooke: Sign me up for all of the above. It’s been no fun sleeping without you.

Ridge: It’s gonna be nice to reconnect.

Brooke: Yes. We can put everything else behind us.

Ridge: Okay. So, what is deacon saying about sheila? He doesn’t believe she’s gone?

[ Brooke sighs ]

Brooke: He’s making some ridiculous claims.

Ridge: Like what? What is he saying?

Brooke: He’s refusing to believe that sheila passed away.

Ridge: She passed away. She’s gone. It’s done. The witch is dead. The coroner said she was gone, right? So– he saw her go up in smoke.

Brooke: I don’t know what deacon’s thinking.

Ridge: No one knows what he’s thinking. You know what, he just, he can’t live in a world that– that– that makes sense to anybody else. Sheila is gone. Out of our lives. He’s gotta deal with that.

Brooke: Yeah. I just wish he would stop fighting it. For all of our sakes. Especially hope’S. It’s beginning to take a toll.

Ridge: That’s not fair. It’s not fair to hope. It’s not fair to steffy. They shouldn’t have to think about sheila carter ever again.

Steffy: Deacon needs to get a grip.

Hope: Uh, he is heading down a bit of a dark path, but I’ve tried warning him.

Steffy: He’s already there. He’s in full-on crazy town. Like, is this really how he wants to live his life? Who he wants to be? He’s like living in a different reality.

Hope: I’m just hoping that he needs to get it out of his system, and once he realizes that he was imagining things, that sheila is not returning, he will get back to his old self.

Steffy: Yeah, well, hopefully that can happen today.

Hope: Tell me about it.

Steffy: Has finn said anything to you? Well, I know you two have spent some time together.

Hope: Uh, yeah, finn’s mentioned sheila. There’s feelings for her, but intricate and nuanced.

Steffy: I wish it was more cut and dry, that finn saw sheila for the monster that she was, but I guess his– his heart is just way too big. I just don’t want finn buying into deacon’s twisted fairy tale.

Finn: It’s too implausible.

Deacon: I think so too. If I couldn’t show you something to prove that it’s the truth. She’s a dead ringer for your mom. No pun intended.

Finn: Have you ever heard of photo editing?

Deacon: Come on, man, you’ve got to stop doubting me. What I’m telling you is legit. Look, I get this sounds nuts, maybe the most ludicrous story you’ve ever heard, but I’m not lying to you, and lauren fenmore wasn’t lying either. Why would she? She’s got nothing to gain from it. She hates your mother. Look, finn, the simple fact is this. Sugar is a mirror image of sheila, but with ten toes. That’s who I saw in the crematorium. Sugar, not sheila.

Finn: You’re really buying all of this?

Deacon: I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.

Finn: Deacon, this is beyond the realm of reason or anything that I have ever even heard of as a doctor. And look, I have come to peace with sheila. I’ve accepted that she’s gone and we’re never going to see her again. And even then, after everything that she has done to me, it was hard letting go of her. All right? That connection that I’ve never been fully able to understand or articulate was destroyed. It ceased to exist. And so what? Now you’re telling me now that that’s not the case? That I might have a second chance with the woman that brought me into this world?

Deacon: Yes, yes, sheila is out there. I don’t know where she is, but you and me, we got to go find her. We got to find sheila right now.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Deacon: Prisoner janet webber, former warden, released from prison a couple months ago. My god. She– she was alive. She was free. That could have been her that I saw in the slab at the crematorium. Because it sure as hell wasn’t sheila.

Steffy: Where’s your scrub, dr. Finnegan?

Finn: In the bag. Is this for me?

Steffy: Oh, I thought you’d be working from home today.

Finn: I won’t be at the hospital long.

Steffy: Okay, good. I’ll make sure I’m ready for you when you come home.

Finn: That sounds nice.

[ Knocking on door ]

Steffy: It’s open.

Hope: It’s open? Well, that’s a nice surprise.

[ Steffy chuckles ]

Steffy: Yeah, no guards.

Hope: Well, it must be quite a relief.

Finn: Yeah.

Steffy: Now that sheila’s gone, we can finally breathe again.

Hope: Uh, about that, before we get to work, I just wanted to take the opportunity to apologize on behalf of my dad for the crazy things he’s been saying about sheila.

Luna: I thought that I was with rj, zende. I saw his face. How could I make that up? What have I done? How could I do this to him?

[ Carter clearing his throat ]

Zende: Hey, carter.

Carter: How’s it going?

Zende: I have been better.

Carter: Yeah, I see that. It’s hard to work when you can’t stop thinking about luna.

[ Door slamming ]

Luna: Oh, ridge, I brought– rj.

Zende: Hope’s counting on me. I want to give her my best designs.

Carter: Well, judging by your face, if it’s too much here, you can work at home, zende.

Zende: Yeah, where luna and I spent the night? Now, that’ll really help me focus.

Carter: You want to talk about it? You’re a good guy, zende. What happened with luna was messed up.

Zende: It was a bad misunderstanding. Luna thought she was with rj, not with me.

Carter: Yeah, that might be true. But you knew you were in bed with your cousin’s girlfriend, right?

Zende: You haven’t talked to anyone about this, have you? I mean, especially your best friend, my uncle ridge.

Carter: It’s not my place to say anything.

Zende: Thank you. Please, please keep it that way. I can’t even imagine how ridge would react being rj’s dad. He would never understand.

Carter: Understand, zende? Do you fully understand? You slept with your cousin’s girlfriend. That’s your cousin. That’s your family. And you’re worried about ridge? You can’t stop thinking about her. He is the least of your concerns. You betrayed your family, man. And despite all that, you’re crazy about her. It’s written all over your face.

Luna: Hope is, uh, really excited about the new fabric samples and she wanted your dad to see them, so. Uh, I’ll– I’ll go.

Rj: Wait, luna, don’t go. I miss you.

Hope: I really have no idea what my dad is doing. Going around town saying that sheila is alive.

Steffy: Well, she’s not.

Hope: Well, of course not. And we have no reason to believe that.

Finn: Deacon does.

Hope: Well, he’s wrong. And I understand that my dad is hurting, but it is not fair. I mean, we’ve already suffered enough because of sheila. Especially you, steffy.

Finn: I agree. And I don’t think that’s deacon’s intention. He’s in denial. It’s part of the process. He’s convinced himself he saw ten toes on sheila to give himself some hope that she’s still alive. It’s the only explanation.

Deacon: You can’t make this stuff up. This is unbelievable. I’m not losing it. This explains it. It– it wasn’t sheila that got cremated. It was sugar. It was sugar. Then where the hell are you, sheila? Damn it, where are you? My celebrity colorist?

Zende: You’re right. I am crazy about luna. The way I acted when she showed up at my place, I, um, I kicked myself, but that night, I thought that she really wanted to be with me. She said she was waiting for me. I thought she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

Carter: And it didn’t matter she’s with your cousin?

Zende: Rj didn’t even cross my mind. Is that wrong? Totally. But in the moment, all I could think about was luna. If I could take it all back, I would do things differently. But I can’T. Carter, I can’t work. I can’t focus. All I can think about is that night. It never should have happened. But I can’t stop thinking about it, either. Because… for me, it was real.

Luna: You know, you don’t have to say that if you don’t mean it.

Rj: I do.

Luna: You– you miss me?

Rj: Of course, I do. I hate being apart. I want to call you, wondering how you are. I keep wanting to talk to someone about all this. The only person I want to talk to is you. It’s just everything. It’s so awkward now. I don’t know what to say to you. I don’t know how to act when we’re around each other. I mean, this isn’t us. This isn’t us. This isn’t– this isn’t who we are. It’s just– it’s just so weird.

Luna: Yeah, uh, I feel the same way, but I don’t know what to do about it.

Rj: Neither do I.

Luna: So what are you saying, rj? You know, you can tell me. I need to know where things stand between us.

Steffy: Deacon can believe whatever he wants. Just don’t bring our family into it.

Finn: Nobody’s buying his theories.

Steffy: Because it’s ludicrous. Like, I don’t care what deacon thinks. I know what happened. What sheila forced me to do.

Hope: Look, no one wants you to relive that, steffy, but at the same time, my dad is struggling. And like finn said, he clearly just can’t accept the fact that sheila’s gone.

Steffy: Well, he needs to accept it. Because sheila is gone. And thank god she is. Sheila’s no longer a threat to us. I’m fine, finn. I’m fine.

Finn: I gotta get going to work. Are you going to be okay?

Steffy: Yeah, babe, I am. I am.

Finn: I’ll be home soon, okay?

Steffy: I love you. Yeah, it’s fine.

Finn: I love you too. See you soon.

Hope: So, dining room table?

Steffy: Yeah, let’s do it.

[ Phone pings ]

Hope: I wanted to talk to you about the projections for hope for the future.

Steffy: [Indistinct]

Hope: Steady. Uh, I also wanted to show you a little bit of what zende and rj have been up to.

Steffy: Their designs have been incredible.

Deacon: Your mother may still be alive, finn. Ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in?

Carter: So, luna, she really thought you were rj.

Zende: Yeah. I didn’t know until the next morning. When I think about that night, part of me remembers feeling so close and connected to her. And then I think about the next morning, seeing her so upset, realizing what a mistake it was.

Carter: How’s luna doing with it?

Zende: She feels beyond guilty.

Carter: That’s not right. It’s not her fault.

Zende: No. She realizes it was because she was drugged by her mom’s mints. But she feels guilty for lying to rj. For keeping it a secret as long as she did.

Carter: She told him?

Zende: Yeah.

Carter: What’d he say? Did he understand?

Zende: Would you? Who knows what rj’s gonna do now.

Rj: And you wanna know where we stand, and you deserve an answer.

Luna: Yeah, but, like, if you’re still trying to figure it out, I can–

Rj: I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m hurt. And I’m more confused now than when you first told me. Because every time I think about it, I see you in zende’s bed, in his arms. It’s not your fault. You thought it was me. And I– I– I believe you. I mean, what happened that night was terrible, but nobody can blame you for it. No one. And don’t you dare do it either.

Luna: But, what if you can’t get past it?

Rj: I want to. I want our life back.

Hope: I’m confident that hope for the future can meet these targets.

Steffy: It’s pretty ambitious.

Hope: I have an ambitious team.

Steffy: Well, if you do need more time, we can talk to katie and just tweak the schedule.

Hope: Oh, zende and rj are pretty revved up about it, and I trust them to follow through.

Steffy: Sounds like you’re managing the transition.

Hope: Since thomas left?

Steffy: He and douglas are enjoying their time overseas.

Hope: I heard.

Steffy: It’s good for them.

Hope: It’s been challenging for me. I miss them.

Steffy: So do I.

Hope: Well, I don’t think you have to worry about hope for the future. I am determined to make our next collection a success.

Steffy: I’m sure it will be.

Hope: Steffy, you wanted me away from your brother, so you don’t have to act sympathetic, really. Just be grateful for what’s going right in your life. Sheila’s gone, and you are married to an amazing husband and father.

Deacon: Finn.

Finn: Look, I’m on my way to the hospital. What’s going on?

Deacon: Okay, listen. You’re gonna want to sit down for this.

Finn: Sit down? I’m pretty sure I won’t, because I assume this has to do with sheila.

Deacon: I would not have texted if it wasn’t important.

Finn: Look, and I told you last time, I am done talking about sheila and this crazy idea that she isn’t dead.

Deacon: Look, I know. I thought I was crazy too, okay? But I think I figured it out, okay? And it makes perfect sense. Now more than ever, I’m convinced that sheila’s alive.

Bother the bugs. Happy mother’s day! Some things never change. Like a mother’s love. Get something as timeless as a mother’s love at harryanddavid.Com. Life is a gift. Share more. (Tammy) I used to smoke,

Carter: So, you don’t know if rj can get past this?

Zende: Luna is hoping he can.

Carter: What about you?

Zende: I think rj would be a fool not to forgive luna.

Luna: I miss you too. So much. I miss seeing you here. I miss talking to you about my day. Joking together about anything. And I miss– and I miss being with you at the beach. You know, just us. Feeling you close. I’m so sorry for hurting you, rj. Really, I am. And I– I hate this distance between us. I mean, what can we do? What can we do to fix this? I– I need to fix it, please.Ever you’re thinking, I just… I just– I don’t want you to forget how much I love you.

Rj: I’m never gonna forget. I love you too, luna. I’m never gonna stop loving you.

Steffy: I know how blessed I am to have finn in my life.

Hope: You’ve been through a lot together.

Steffy: Yeah. And that made us closer. Having sheila as his birth mother, it was– it was a challenge.

Hope: Yeah, but finn’s always been loyal to you, though.

Steffy: Yeah, but he’s always kind of had this connection to sheila. But it’s broken now.

Hope: All right, look, the important thing is you don’t have to worry about her anymore, and she’s never going to be a part of your life ever again.

Steffy: I’m really grateful for that. I just don’t know how much more of sheila my marriage could take.

Finn: Sheila is dead. And I realize that you don’t want to accept that, or you can’t, but it’s the cold, hard fact.

Deacon: No, it’s not. There’s more to it, more you don’t know.

Finn: Steffy stabbed sheila. She saw her face. You saw her face. It is not healthy to be clinging to this idea that sheila might still be out there.

Deacon: She is out there. I don’t know where, but that’s why I called you. We have to go find her.

Finn: Look, you’re wasting your time, and you’re wasting mine.

Deacon: Listen to me, please.

Finn: No, you need to let this go, okay? I’ve heard enough. You need help, deacon.

Deacon: I need your help. Your mother needs your help.

Finn: My birth mother is gone. She’s not coming back. And I don’t care about ten toes. I don’t want to hear another word about it. I don’t care what you think you saw at the crematorium. I am done.

Deacon: Listen– listen to me, please. It’s not about that, okay? Listen, I found out something, all right? Your mother, she had a friend, an accomplice, sugar.

Finn: You told me about her. I don’t know who this is.

Deacon: I know, I know. I didn’t either, okay? But somebody from your mother’s past, from genoa city, came to visit me and I asked her about it.

Finn: Asked who about it?

Deacon: Lauren fenmore. It doesn’t matter. If anybody knows about your mother’s past, it’s lauren. And yeah, she thought I was nuts too, okay? Until I mentioned sugar. Brace yourself, pal, because this is legit. I don’t, I just, I couldn’t figure out, how could I have seen sheila’s face and seen ten toes?

Finn: Because you didn’T.

Deacon: You’re right. I didn’t because it wasn’t sheila’s face. Lauren put it together for me. Sugar and sheila were one and the same.

Finn: Yeah, I’m not following you, deacon.

Deacon: Plastic surgery. Sugar thought sheila was her friend. Sheila convinced sugar to have cosmetic surgery, but sheila was in cahoots with the surgeon. When he was finished with sugar, she had sheila’s face.

Finn: She had sheila’s face?

Deacon: Yeah.

Finn: So, would they look alike?

Deacon: No, not alike. Identical.

Finn: Deacon, this is insane.

Deacon: This is the wackiest story I’ve ever heard, but it makes perfect sense. Don’t you get it, man? There is somebody out there that looks exactly like sheila with ten toes.

Finn: So, you actually–

Deacon: Yes, yes, I think it was sugar that was in the crematorium. Not sheila. Don’t you get what this means, man? Your mom is still alive. Sheila is out there, and she is still alive.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Deacon: Thanks.

[ Indistinct chatter ] She actually got cosmetic surgery to look like sheila.

Steffy: Oh, my gosh, that water was amazing.

[ Steffy laughs ]

Finn: Yeah. I was just… getting to be alone out there with you.

Steffy: Yeah.

[ Finn laughs ] Li’s such a saint, letting us have the morning.

Finn: Yeah. I mean, I could stay in the ocean all day with you, but, um, I mean, do you have any other ideas on how we could, uh, spend the rest of our morning?

Steffy: I think I have some ideas.

Finn: Yeah?

Rj: So this is what you’re telling me, you accidentally took your mother’s drugs and then you stumbled into one of the guest houses on my granddad’s property?

Luna: Yeah.

Rj: I– I wasn’t there, but someone was, right? Who was it?

Luna: I spent the night with zende.

Brooke: Good morning, sweetheart.

Rj: Hi, mom.

Brooke: Honey?

Rj: Hmm?

Brooke: You seem… what’s wrong?

Luna: I should have come to you right away that next morning. I should have told you exactly what happened.

Rj: You didn’T. You’ve been hiding it from me this whole time. I’m– I’m– I’m still trying to make sense of all this. It’s just every time I look at you, I see you in zende’s bed. In his arms. I just– I need time.

[ Knocking on door ]

Poppy: Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.

Poppy: Luna, I am so sorry. My mints.

Luna: I don’t want to talk about it, okay? I know that you gave them up and you feel horrible.

Poppy: I do. More than you’ll ever know. Where do things stand with you and rj?

Brooke: Rj, you’re starting to worry me. What is it?

Rj: I’d rather not talk about it, okay?

Brooke: Okay, I respect that, but I can see that you’re upset. So, is it work? Is it your friends? It’s not your grandfather, is it?

Rj: No.

Brooke: Okay, well, that’s good. Is it something to do with luna? You two have a disagreement? That’s okay, you know, because sometimes in a relationship, there are rocky times.

Rj: This is more than a disagreement or a rocky time, though.

Brooke: What happened? You know you can talk to me about anything. So what is it? Maybe I can help.

Rj: I don’t think you can. I can’t believe I’m saying this. Luna was with another guy.

[ Phone chimes ]

Finn: Mm. No. I better get it. Ah. Hmm. Oh, look at this.

Steffy: Oh, my gosh! Look at kelly and hayes. Oh, my god, they’re so cute. Look at them with li. I’m so glad beth was up for a play date.

Finn: Mm, believe me, she’s having as much fun as they are.

Steffy: Yeah, you’re right. It’s so nice. Just this beautiful blended family. I love it.

Finn: So do I. Speaking of blended families, hope stopped by yesterday and dropped off kelly’s goggles.

Steffy: Well, that was nice of her.

Finn: Yeah, it was. Also, gave me a chance to tell her that her dad still thinks sheila’s alive.

Deacon: Who the hell are you? Here we go. Okay. Janet webber, warden in hemet, california prison. This is crazy. Okay, so sheila tricks sugar into getting cosmetic surgery to look like her. And then sugar takes the fall for sheila’s crimes. Sheila wasn’t the one who was getting cremated. I’m not losing my mind here. Are you still alive? Shake up your shower

Poppy: Rj realizes that none of this was your fault, right?

Luna: It doesn’t matter. I broke his heart.

Poppy: What did he say?

Luna: He wishes that I let him know sooner. And as much as he still cares about me, he can’t stop picturing me in zende’s bed. He needs time.

Poppy: You are innocent in all of this. Doesn’t rj understand that? Can’t he forgive you?

Brooke: What are you saying, rj? Who was luna with?

Rj: Zende.

Brooke: Zende? Oh, my god, luna slept with zende?

Rj: Well, she thought it was me. She was– she was drugged by her own mother. She– poppy’s mints turned out to be more than just mints, mom.

Brooke: How can poppy be so negligent?

Rj: Luna had no idea.

Brooke: Are you sure about all of this? It’s really hard to believe.

Rj: I– I know, but it’s true. I believe luna.

Steffy: You told hope her dad thinks sheila’s alive?

Finn: Yeah, and, uh, she was pretty upset when she heard the things deacon was saying.

Steffy: Well, she should be. She should be extremely concerned. I mean, he is way off-base. He’s seeing things that aren’t even there.

Finn: I don’t know, it has to be the grief, but deacon’s really struggling. But I don’t know, i saw things too at one point.

Steffy: Finn, do not compare yourself to deacon. I mean, you had no choice having this connection to sheila. But deacon, he’s just, like, willingly diving into the drama, so of course he’s going to see things.

Finn: Well, grief has its way of playing tricks on your mind. And that’s the only explanation for why he thinks he saw sheila with 10 toes.

Deacon: Oh. Come on, there’s got to be more out here on you.

[ Laptop chimes ] No, I don’t want a free sample of ethically sourced coconut sugar. All right, there’s a person out there that looks exactly like sheila, but has 10 toes. Is that person you, sugar? That’s the question. My celebrity colorist?

Poppy: Rj knows that you never would have betrayed him if you were in your right mind, right? Can’t he forgive you?

Luna: I hope so. I mean, I– I can tell how much he still loves me.

Poppy: Of course he does. And that is all that matters.

Luna: Does it, mom? Is that really all that matters? I mean, will it ever be that simple for rj again?

Brooke: I am heartbroken for luna. I am. And for you, honey. But how could zende do this?

Rj: All I want to do is tear his head off every time I see him now. But I’m not saying that he took advantage of luna. He didn’T. I believed him when he told me that he didn’t know she was on anything. Zende would never do anything against her consent.

Brooke: I don’t think that he would, but still. Think about it. Luna went to eric’s party with you, as your girlfriend, on your arm. You two have been together for months. Everybody knew that. Zende knew it. So for him to do this is– is a terrible betrayal. It is. It’s unforgivable. When your father finds out about this–

Rj: No! You cannot tell dad.

Brooke: Rj, he needs to know.

Rj: Mom, please. I want to protect luna because this isn’t her fault. I don’t want this getting around and people misunderstanding and hurting her reputation. Despite everything, she means too much to me. I’ll take care of zende. Please, mom. Do not say anything. It would devastate luna if this got out.

Brooke: O– okay. I won’t tell your father. I– I just can’t believe this. I– I– I can’t believe the drugs. Your cousin. I– I know you’re dealing with a lot. And I know you’re shocked. But what about luna? I think about what she went through. How is she? Is she all right?

Deacon: There has got to be more of this janet webber, aka sugar. Damn it, sheila, where the hell are you? Okay, okay, go– go over the– go over the text chain. “How did you get this number? It doesn’t matter. I got nothing else to say to you. I’m going to find you. Leave me alone, sugar. Leave me alone, sugar.” You sounded scared. Scaring you was no small feat. So she’d just leave town without telling me? Are you still out there, sheila? Are you in danger?

(“Holiday road”)

Luna: I broke rj’s trust. I mean, I slept with his cousin. Mom, if you could only see how– how devastated he was. I can’t blame him if he– if he never gets past what I did.

Poppy: What you did? Luna, you’re talking like you went after zende. That you intentionally and willingly spent the night with him. It was an accident.

Luna: I betrayed him.

Poppy: No, you didn’T. You would never do that to him on purpose.

Luna: No, of course not. I love him.

Poppy: And he loves you.

Luna: Yeah, but I– I should have never kept this from him. You were trying to protect his relationship with his cousin. That’s noble. You wound up telling him anyway. You could have kept this all to yourself. That is not who you are. You’re kind, honest, loving. Of course rj’s hurting right now. But he knows who you are. He knows what you stand for. Please, sweetheart. Please don’t lose faith in rj and his love for you.

Brooke: How is luna handling all of this?

Rj: She’s still so torn up. She’s blaming herself. Wondering how this could have happened. She thinks she betrayed me and our family.

[ Brooke gasps ]

Brooke: Are you kidding me? She is not to blame. She’s not. It was her mother’s drugs. She didn’t know. I believe it. And as a woman, I can only imagine what she felt. Waking up thinking that she was with you, her boyfriend. When really… I feel a sense of responsibility for her. She works at forrester creations. And this happened at the forrester estate. And she is a sweet, young, beautiful woman who went through a traumatic experience. I mean, this is terrible. What happened to her was– it’s horrifying, honestly. Can you imagine realizing that you think you’re with your boyfriend, but you wake up with somebody else, like, zende. Oh my god, zende! What was he doing? What was he thinking? How could he do this to you, honestly? He’s your cousin. And he knows how much you love luna. This, honestly, is a horrible betrayal. I’m sorry, honey. I am. I’m so sorry. I can see that you still love luna.

Rj: Of course I do. None of this was her fault. I–

Brooke: No. No, it wasn’T. And I will not tell your father, I promise. I just want you to know that I’m here for you. For you and luna. Whatever you need. Okay?

Rj: Okay.

Brooke: I just hope that you and luna can get back to where you were before this terrible night.

Brooke: Okay?

Rj: Okay.

Finn: Deacon’s inability to let sheila go concerns hope.

Steffy: Well– well why does it have to be a problem for us? I mean, deacon chose to love that monster. Sorry.

Finn: No, no. I’m sorry. Talking about sheila is getting me all worked up, and I don’t want to upset you.

Steffy: No, but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me.

Finny: I can talk to you. I know you can talk to you. I– you have been my rock through all of this. I couldn’t get through this without you. I’m the luckiest man in the world to have a woman like you. Married to you.

Steffy: And don’t you forget it.

Finn: And look, I know I have this very illogical connection to sheila, but it doesn’t and it will never compare to the connection that I have with you and the kids. You’re my light. Right through all this. But guess what? We’re free. Steff, we never have to worry about sheila again.

Deacon: What the hell happened? All right, come on, man, focus. Finally! How– how the hell did I miss this? Okay, prison warden janet webber was serving a prison sentence. Oh, my god. She was released a couple months ago. That could have been her that I saw at the crematorium. 10 toes and all. And if that was sugar, and if she had it out for sheila, and now sugar’s dead, then where the hell is sheila?

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B&B Transcript Monday, April 22, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Mellow music ]

Deacon: Right, so you’re– you’re telling me that this sugar woman had cosmetic surgery and looks just like sheila?

Lauren: Not looks like. She’s sheila’s identical twin. Look, deacon, I realize how farfetched this all sounds.

Deacon: Farfetched? This sounds insane.

Lauren: But still, it’s true. And that means…

Deacon: What it means is that I’m not crazy after all. That I did see sheila’s face and ten toes.

Steffy: Deacon’s delusional. I told him that the other day.

Liam: You two got into it?

Steffy: Sheila’s dead. I was there. I’m the one who killed her.

Liam: Yeah, I know. In self-defense.

Steffy: Yes! There’s no way she’s still alive. Like I said, the guy’s delusional.

Hope: Well, clearly my father must be in a considerable amount of pain if he’s saying things like this.

Finn: Look, grief can do strange things to a person.

Hope: This is beyond bizarre, what my dad is claiming. I mean, obviously he’s mistaken, but…

Finn: I’m sure he’ll realize eventually.

Hope: Well, what about you? How are you feeling? My dad asked you if a part of you still wishes your birth mother could be here. And you said it didn’t matter because she’s gone. But how would you feel if, against all odds, my father was right about sheila?

Hope: I– I’m not trying to put you on the spot.

Finn: No, I know, and I appreciate that.

Hope: Hm. I mean, your feelings are your feelings. I just– I don’t know, I can’t help but wonder. I mean, does some part of you wish that sheila were still alive?

Liam: It’s has gotta be getting to you, right? Wearing you down?

Steffy: I’m fine.

Liam: Yeah, okay, but– but you would say that even if you weren’T.

Steffy: If deacon would move on, we could all get on with our lives. Instead, he’s concocting these absurd stories. I just want to be done with sheila once and for all.

Deacon: You saw this woman, sugar’s face, with your own two eyes?

Lauren: Yes.

Deacon: She’s the spitting image of sheila?

Lauren: Sheila’s mother wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Deacon: But how is this even possible? I mean, to– to transform one person into another, to give them the same face? I mean, look, I don’t care how talented a plastic surgeon is, to pull something like that off, it’s– it’s–

Lauren: It’s mind-blowing.

Deacon: It’s preposterous. This is the craziest story I’ve ever heard. Sheila really did a number on you, didn’t she?

Lauren: For years. Decades. The nightmare that was sheila carter began with me, and I was so happy that it ended with steffy.

Deacon: And now, like me, you’re wondering if maybe it didn’T. Lauren, this is why you have to tell me everything that you know about sheila and sugar.

[Alarm bell]

Hope: Yeah, but feelings are already complicated enough as is. And then, to have people that have had a big impact on our lives, good or bad, that just–

Finn: Like– like sheila.

Hope: Yeah. I mean, finn, you didn’t know who your birth mother was for the majority of your life. All those years of wondering, and then to finally find out, and it’S… her?

Finn: Yeah, and unfortunately, sheila came with a lot of baggage. She’s done terrible things to my wife and her family. And after all of that, I shouldn’t have any feelings at all for sheila. But I have felt a connection to her. One that I have never fully understood. And I don’t know if it’s biological or what it is, but to answer your question, do I want sheila dead? Stabbed to death by my wife? No.

Steffy: It’s like sheila is still pulling the strings, beyond the grave, and deacon is helping.

Liam: I– I know it feels that way, but sooner or later, deacon is gonna realize that this crazy woman he was integrating into his life is actually gone. It’s just– in the meantime…

Steffy: In the meantime, we can’t get back to normal. Something I want so badly.

Liam: I know, I know, I want that for you too. God knows you’ve been through enough because of sheila, and it just needs to be over.

Steffy: I thought it was, liam. I mean, they pronounced her dead. I thought that sheila could no longer harm me or my family.

Liam: Steffy, hey, she can’T. She actually can’T. No matter how much deacon rants and raves about her still being alive, which is weird.

Steffy: See, that’s– that’s what’s still so frustrating. Like, he’s not able to let her go.

Liam: Well, I– I would say cut the guy some slack, because he’s grieving, except… you know, his actions are hurting you, and that’s not acceptable. And by the way, you know this applies to finn too, right?

Sheila: My husband is just as concerned. But he doesn’t have any more sway over deacon than I do.

Liam: Really? Even though he’s her son?

Steffy: Okay, even though finn is sheila’s biological son, that’s all it’s ever gonna be. She’s never gonna touch finn’s life, or our lives, ever again.

Deacon: I realize this isn’t easy for you, reliving everything sheila put you through.

Lauren: You have no idea.

Deacon: I think I do. Yeah, I love sheila. I mean, as crazy as it sounds to everyone, but… I’m aware of a lot of the awful things she’s done.

Lauren: Just not all of them.

Deacon: Clearly. Especially not the sugar-sheila connection. She never said a word about it.

Lauren: Let’s just say… I don’t know why you let a woman like sheila into your life.

Deacon: I’m not sure either. Not entirely, anyway. But it happened. And now, I’m left trying to figure out something else about sheila.

Lauren: Whether she’s really dead or not.

Deacon: Or if something else is going on. And based on everything you’ve told me, I’m starting to think there is. All right, so… so sheila befriended sugar, who was her warden.

Lauren: Right. And sugar helped her escape. They somehow made it to south america. And sheila promised sugar some plastic surgery. But sheila had the plastic surgeon make sugar identical to sheila. I found out about it when sheila and I were held captive. And that is when–

Deacon: And that’s when she confessed that she made sugar look like her.

Lauren: Confessed? More like bragged. She was so proud of herself that she was able to pull that off. Just another in the long list of crimes by sheila carter.

Deacon: You know, I was really starting to think that I was going crazy. I mean… you know, now that I think about this, I’m more and more convinced that the body that I saw getting torched, that was sugar, not sheila. With cascade platinum plus,

Finn: Does that sound crazy?

Hope: Not wanting your birth mother to be dead? No.

Finn: She did terrible, hurtful things.

Hope: You’ve never made excuses for her, finn. You always knew who sheila was, what she was capable of.

Finn: Exactly. So why aren’t I just glad she’s out of my life forever?

Hope: Well, I don’t want to tell a doctor, but, you know, feelings are complicated. They don’t always make sense.

Finn: Well, in this case, though, it’s not like sheila was part of my world for my entire life. And the fact of the matter is, I was raised by two very loving and amazing adoptive parents who wanted nothing but the best for me. And then, when sheila finally did appear… on my wedding day, no less… for those few moments before I introduced her to steffy and the family, completely unaware of the history that they shared, uh, I– I was thrilled. I mean, I finally had a face and a name to the woman who had carried me for nine months. It was like having all the pieces to the puzzle finally completed, making a picture. You know? At least most of it. Does that make any sense?

Hope: Absolutely.

Finn: You know what doesn’t make any sense, though? How I could still feel something. Or anything for sheila. When she almost took everything that ever mattered to me. My wife, my mom… I mean, my little boy was almost an orphan because of her. And just that should’ve made me want nothing to do with her. Ever. So, I didn’T. At least I know this. Whatever my feelings for sheila, now or then… they aren’t important. Not compared to my feelings for steffy and the kids’ safety and happiness.

Liam: It’s gotta feel good being able to say that.

Steffy: Well, it’s true. Sheila can’t touch our lives ever again.

Liam: Which means that you get to breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Steffy: I do. Feels good that sheila’s not here doing her worst.

Liam: I mean, her worst almost cost you your life, so…

Steffy: My husband’s, too. For months, I thought he was dead. Our lives were turned upside down. And somehow, she got out of her crimes. She, like… she avoided justice. ‘Til the night I grabbed the knife and I defended myself.

Liam: And now, for the first time in ages, you can just relax, right? You don’t have to constantly look over your shoulder and worry about the kids.

Steffy: Yeah, that’s– that’s such a relief. Countless times I stood up to her. And the last time–

Liam: Was fatal. For her.

Steffy: Deacon is an idiot if he actually thinks that sheila is alive.

Deacon: So, I’m guessing this happened quite a while ago. Sugar busting out of the mental facility and posing as sheila.

Lauren: Yes. She attacked my son, scotty. And framed sheila. And she almost got away with it.

Deacon: How did she get busted? You know, it didn’t make sense to me that sheila would attack scott. She loved him too much. But that’s a whole other story. I went to go pay her a visit after she was arrested. And that’s when I noticed it.

Deacon: Noticed what?

Lauren: Sheila had severely hurt her ankle. And was walking with a limp. But when they led this sheila away… there was no limp. She was walking perfectly. The police confirmed it and the fingerprints didn’t match.

Deacon: This is– this is unbelievable.

Lauren: And that’s when the floodgates opened up. Sugar confessed everything. She said she did it to– to get back at sheila. She gave up everything for sheila. Her face. Her freedom. So, I mean, honestly, van you even blame her?

Deacon: For– for what? For hating her? For turning her back on her? I mean, that is what you’re saying, right? That sugar had it out for sheila, right?

Lauren: That’s exactly what I’m saying. (Chef vo) fancy feast.

Hope: You do realize you are way overdue, right?

Finn: For what?

Hope: Oh, just… husband and father of the year nomination. I mean, no, really. It’s your unwavering commitment to the kids and your wife. You’re always putting them first.

Finn: You don’t think liam deserves a nom?

Hope: Ah, I think he deserves father of the year, absolutely. He is a great dad. But I do believe your category was husband and father of the year.

Finn: So, we’re not in direct competition for that.

Hope: No, I think you can rest easy on that one. But you really do love it, don’t you?

Finn: Being married to steffy? Yeah. And being the father of two of the most splendiferous kids.

Hope: Oh, splendiferous?

Finn: Yeah. Yes, splendiferous. It’s– it’s kelly’s new favorite word. She’s been using it all the time. Steffy and I have no idea where she picked it up, but she’s been using it constantly. I think it’s wearing off on– on hayes, too. Well, maybe not. I don’t know.

Hope: See, this is what I’m talking about. It’s just– it’s the way you delight in your kids and– and being a husband and your devotion to them. Finn, you’re a good man. And steffy should know how lucky she is to have you.

Steffy: Well, I know you’re in the building to talk business with carter, so I’m assuming that you need to get back to spencer.

Liam: You giving me the heave-ho?

Steffy: I’m not doing that. I just don’t want to waste your time talking about sheila.

Liam: I don’t care. I’ll talk to you anytime, about anything.

Steffy: I know but you have a life, too.

Liam: Well, as it happens, the two biggest priorities in the aforementioned life happen to be my two beautiful, sweet daughters, and you happen to be one of their mothers. Which is kind of why I’m doing all this soul-searching lately, just trying to be the best man and father I can be right now.

Steffy: I think you’re pretty terrific as you are.

Liam: Aw, shucks, thanks. But you’re a little biased. We spent a long time together. We were extremely close and we were fiercely in love. And that– that kind of love, it doesn’t just die.

Deacon: So, you really think sugar could be looking for some payback against of sheila?

Lauren: You’re getting ahead of yourself.

Deacon: How?

Lauren: Sugar is still in prison for her own crimes.

Deacon: What?

Lauren: I just told you. She attacked my son. She tried to kill him.

Deacon: I hope she didn’t succeed.

Lauren: No, no, no, thank god. But if you’re asking me if sugar despises sheila, one hundred percent. Sheila changed her face to look like her own. She set her up to go to prison for her crimes. So, if you think that she has been dreaming about getting revenge on sheila, absolutely.

Deacon: Right.

Lauren: But remember…

Deacon: She’s locked up. She’s not a threat. Unless…

Lauren: Unless what?

Deacon: What– what was sugar’s real name?

Lauren: It was janet webber. Why?

Deacon: I’ve got to find out everything I can about her.

Lauren: Oh, I was so hoping that my decades-long war with sheila was over, and that she was dead. Now, it seems that that may not be the case. Okay, look, I, uh, I’ve gotta get back to genoa city. But deacon, I hope you’re wrong. I hope your eyes were playing tricks on you and that it was sheila that was cremated.

Deacon: Sheila, what happened to you?

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B&B Short Recap Monday, April 22, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Lauren tells Deacon all about Sheila and Sugar, and why Sugar would have it out for Sheila. However, she lets him know that Sugar is still in prison. Deacon learns that Sugar’s real name is Janet Webber (nice nod to Sugar’s original portrayer, Robin Mattson, who also played Janet on “All My Children” and Heather Webber on “General Hospital!”); he’s determined to find out more.

Steffy tells Liam that Deacon is delusional for thinking that Sheila is still alive. They discuss this. Liam flirts with Steffy as he leaves.

Hope asks Finn how he’s doing (dealing with Sheila beind dead). They, too, discuss Deacon’s belief that Sheila might still be alive. Finn pours out his feelings about what meeting Sheila for the first time meant to him. She praises him for being such a great father and husband.


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B&B Transcript Friday, April 19, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Deacon: Answer me, lauren. What do you know about sugar? Does that name mean anything to you? Sheila was texting with her before she went to steffy’S. Lauren, answer me! Who the hell is sugar?

[ Knock on door ]

Finn: Oh, hey.

Hope: Uh, did I catch you at a bad time?

Finn: No, no, no. I just, um, I just got back from a swim, actually.

Hope: Oh, well, funny you should say that. Speaking of, kelly’s goggles.

Finn: Oh, nice. She forgot these, huh?

Hope: Yeah, and I just– you know, things are still a little tense with steffy at work and I just happened to be driving by, so…

Finn: Hm.

Hope: Plus, I just– I wanted to check on you and see how you were doing after…

Finn: You know deacon’s eccentric and quirky?

Steffy: Yeah, clearly. He dated sheila.

Finn: Right, well, now you can add paranoid and delusional to the list. Because get this. Deacon is questioning whether or not sheila is actually dead.

Steffy: What?

Finn: Deacon’s convinced himself sheila may still be alive.

[ Knock on door ]

Liam: Yo, steffy.

Steffy: Liam, hi. What?

Liam: Good, she is alive.

Steffy: What?

Liam: Well, I’ve texted you, like, four times.

Steffy: Oh, you did? Oh. Oh, my phone’s on silent. God, for a second I– I thought you meant, um…

Liam: Meant what? Hey, are you okay? What’s going on with you?

Finn: Yeah, well I appreciate you checking in on me. Especially when I know you’re not a fan of sheila’S.

Hope: Well, even though i might not exactly be sad about sheila’s death, I– I can still be sympathetic to you. I know you’re going through a lot. She’s still your birth mother and, uh, how it all happened is…

Finn: I mean, has it been easy? No. But sheila only had herself to blame.

Hope: Well, when she was alive, she certainly posed a threat to your marriage. She put a strain on it.

Finn: Yeah, wondering if and when she would snap again. And, well, she finally did.

Hope: Well, I guess maybe that’s the silver lining, then? You and steffy, you don’t ever have to worry about sheila carter ever again.

Steffy: Actually, you’re here for the meeting, right? How did it go with the ad budget?

Liam: Yes. Yeah, uh… no, carter and I, we hammered it all out. We even talked about online presence and it’s good. It’s all good. I just figured I’d pop in to update you after. But, uh, clearly, it’s not a great time.

[ Steffy sighs ]

Steffy: You know, just when you think you’re able to, like, move on, close a chapter, some idiot just chimes in and yanks you back to where you were.

Liam: Ooh. Who’s the idiot?

Steffy: Deacon. I think you know how hard this has been. And I’m still just trying to process killing someone. You know, my husband’s biological mother, and I’m really trying to come to terms with that. But it’s, uh–

Liam: And deacon is interfering with that process? Or…

Steffy: Deacon thinks… deacon thinks sheila still may be alive.

Deacon: How did sheila know this sugar person? Lauren, tell me, please! You know exactly who she is.

Lauren: The sugar that I know couldn’t possibly be texting sheila. Or anyone else, for that matter. Because she’s in jail.

Deacon: Why?

Lauren: That is ancient history. And you know what? I do not want to talk about sheila or sugar ever again. And I strongly advise you to forget about sheila and anyone that she could be texting.

Deacon: Wait, lauren, please. I’m sorry. Look, I can see this is upsetting you. I am not trying to stress you out here with bad memories, but I’ve got serious reason to believe that sheila is still alive, as crazy as that might sound.

Lauren: It is extremely crazy, and I’m not listening to it.

Deacon: Please, lauren. No one has history with sheila like you. You may be the one person who can help me figure this out.

Lauren: Oh, because I’m the resident sheila expert? How I hate that title. And I hate knowing what I know about that psychopath!

Deacon: You might not know everything. There’s something sheila did, it was an act of desperation. Something she did recently to stay out of jail. To stay alive. Sheila has nine toes.

Lauren: Yes, I know she cut one off. So, what does some fake bear attack have anything to do with sheila being dead? My celebrity colorist?

Hope: Wait, wait, wait. What– what, um… so, are you– are you seriously telling me that–

Finn: Yeah. Yeah, and your dad is convinced. And like this was seconds before the body was engulfed in flames. And so, there’s no way for him to actually confirm how many toes were on the body.

Hope: Well, then, I mean, obviously, he’s mistaken.

Finn: Obviously.

Hope: Yeah, I mean, there’s no way that he could be… no. No. No. Like sheila, she came here that night. She tried to attack steffy. Steffy had to defend herself, so I don’t know what my dad thinks he saw, but, uh, clearly, he’s wrong. I mean, we all know the person that steffy killed that night was sheila.

Steffy: It is ridiculous that deacon’s telling people this.

Liam: So, like, what’s going on? I mean, is he just losing his mind or something?

Steffy: The man lost his mind when he fell for sheila.

Liam: Uh, that’s fair. But it is weird, right? Like, ’cause he knows exactly what happened. Sheila broke into your place, and she refused to leave, and she came after you, and you–

Steffy: I stabbed her. In self-defense. Deacon knows exactly what went down. Sheila died in my house. There’s no questioning that.

Liam: Well, clearly, in deacon’s mind, there is questioning. Because, uh, apparently he thinks he saw ten toes.

[ Steffy sighs ]

Steffy: Okay, liam, there could be so many explanations.

Liam: I–

Steffy: One being, he saw wrong. He was stressed out in the moment, he saw her body go in, and– I mean, can you really trust your eyes in that situation? Like, deacon is wrong. He is dead wrong. And I say that literally, because I know sheila’s not alive.

Lauren: Sheila faked her own death. Doesn’t that show you how truly insane she was?

Deacon: Or maybe still is. Insane enough to cheat death again. Look, I went to the crematorium, okay? I didn’t want her to be alone.

Lauren: Faithful and misled ’til the very end.

Deacon: It was important to me, all right? I wanted to be by her side one last time. Just to say goodbye. And so I pulled the sheet back to look at her beautiful face, and I said goodbye.

Lauren: I’m sure it was a very special moment for you. Now I need to–

Deacon: Wait, wait, listen. Just as she was about to go into the flames, the sheet fell, exposing her feet. And that’s when I saw it, lauren. I saw ten toes.

Lauren: It’s not possible sheila cut one off.

Deacon: No, it isn’t possible, is it? Because the body that i mourned, the one that I had a– a service for, that wasn’t sheila.

Lauren: Deacon, you’ve got to stop doing this. The body was identified. You saw her.

Deacon: Yes, yes. Once at the morgue, and like I’m trying to tell you, right before she went into the cremator.

Lauren: Then how can you even question that sheila’s alive?

Deacon: The ten toes!

Lauren: You must’ve been seeing things.

Deacon: Don’t you think that I’ve been wondering that too? I’ve been playing this back in my mind again and again. Lauren, I thought I was going insane. I’m telling you, I saw ten toes. That was not sheila.

Lauren: Oh, my god.

Deacon: What?

Lauren: Sugar. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd

Hope: Okay, well, now I’m– I’m certainly more concerned about my dad if he’s having these delusions.

Finn: Look, I think it’s– I think it’s all part of the grieving process. At least that’s what I tried to tell him. I mean, the power of grief can take the mind to some odd places, sometimes. And this is the way his mind is choosing to cope with the loss.

Hope: By hoping that he hasn’t lost her at all. Is that what you’re trying to say? That he’s just telling himself that he saw what he saw in order to keep some shred of sheila alive?

Steffy: Look, if deacon wants to believe that sheila is alive, fine, but he needs to keep it to himself.

Liam: Yeah, I mean, is he actually going around telling people this?

Steffy: Yes!

Liam: Oof.

Steffy: And it’s so annoying! And it’s really disturbing. I mean, we are all just trying to move on with our lives.

Liam: We all have moved on with our lives, except deacon. I mean, clearly he’s just stuck on it.

Steffy: He’s enamored with sheila. He can’t let her go. He can’t accept that she is gone. I mean, when I think about everything that woman has done to us, just– it’s just–

Liam: Yeah, I mean, I get it. The last thing you need right now is somebody just gaslighting you into thinking she’s still alive.

Deacon: Okay, um, just tell me what you know about sugar.

Lauren: I’ve tried so, so hard to get her out of my mind. It was, uh, so long ago.

Deacon: So, you do know her? Is she from genoa city?

Lauren: Los angeles. Sheila met her in prison.

Deacon: What, was she like her cellmate or something?

Lauren: She was her warden. And it wasn’t long until sheila worked her magic and convinced sugar to help her escape.

Deacon: Oh, my god.

Lauren: And that’s when they resurfaced in genoa city.

Deacon: So sheila and sugar, they were pretty tight-knit. Sheila never said a word about that.

Lauren: Tight? They were one and the same.

Deacon: One and the same?

Lauren: Sheila was in the mental ward, where she belonged. And I went to go see her because I had to make sure it was her for my own peace of mind.

Deacon: Okay, wait, wait. So, what does this have to do with sugar?

Lauren: Everything, deacon. Everything.

Deacon: How? I– I don’t get it. Make me understand.

Lauren: Okay, stop asking questions and start listening. Because you are gonna be as blown away as I was.

Hope: My poor dad. I wish he could just let sheila go instead of trying to convince himself that, what, she’s out there somewhere? I mean, who– who does he think they cremated, then?

Finn: I don’t know. But your father obviously loved sheila very much. You know, there was one thing that he asked me when he was trying to convince me that sheila was still alive.

Hope: What?

Finn: He asked me if part of me still wishes my birth mother was still alive.

Hope: What did you say to that?

Finn: I told him it doesn’t matter how I feel. My birth mother’s gone. Sheila carter’s dead.

Liam: Well, look, deacon’s obviously wrong about this. And if anybody knows that, it’s you.

Steffy: Right. What’s more plausible here? Either deacon didn’t see the toes correctly, or I, I don’t know, I just killed a stranger in my house and told everyone that it’s sheila.

Liam: Also, not to mention, there was a full-on investigation, right? Like, they identified the body. What– what’s he got to say about that?

Steffy: I don’t know. He’s just not living in this reality. I think he’d be saying things differently if he were in my shoes.

[ Steffy gasps ]

Steffy: Sheila, I know it’s you. You stay– you stay away from me. You stay the hell away from me. Get out.

Sheila: No!

Steffy: I’m never gonna forget it. It still haunts me. But deacon is wrong. I killed sheila. She’s dead and gone and she’s never coming back.

Deacon: Figured you for a whiskey gal. So, sheila was in the nut house.

Lauren: For the criminally insane. Or so I thought.

Deacon: Wait, thought? What do you mean thought? Either she was or she wasn’T.

Lauren: Okay, just listen. It will all start to make sense. A few months later, sheila and I were stuck in this–

Deacon: Wait, stuck?

Lauren: Oh, long story. The point is, all that time, I thought she was locked up. And then, I learned…

Sheila: That wasn’t me in the mental institution.

Lauren: But I saw your face.

Sheila: Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase extreme makeover, doesn’t it?

Lauren: Who was it?

Sheila: Very good friend of mine, sugar.

Lauren: Sugar? Who’s that?

Sheila: She was my warden. I convinced her that I was being treated unjustly and she helped me escape.

Lauren: Treated unjustly? After all the horrible things–

Sheila: Do you wanna hear this or not?

Sheila: We– we fled down to south america and that is where sugar sacrificed her face for the cause.

Lauren: How’d you get her to do it?

Sheila: She thought she was going in for a little lift.

Lauren: But instead she came out looking just like you.

Sheila: Well, fortunately, the plastic surgeons down in south america, they’re not quite as honest as the ones up here, lauren.

Lauren: So, you bribed them?

Sheila: Everyone lived happily ever after. Except for sugar. She took my place in hemet.

Lauren: I’m sure she told them she wasn’t you.

Sheila: She’s in a mental institution for the criminally insane. She tells people she’s not sheila carter and they think she’s delusional.

Lauren: My god.

Deacon: What are you telling me, lauren?

Lauren: That there’s someone out there that looks exactly like sheila. Someone with ten toes.

Deacon: Sugar. I was right. It wasn’t sheila that got cremated. She’s– she’s alive. My god, sheila’s alive.

Luna: Here’s a look ahead. I broke his heart.

Brooke: She is not to blame. It was her mother’s drugs.

Finn: You have me thinking.

Deacon: Good, ’cause I’m right. We need to find her right now.

Steffy: Deacon is an idiot if he actually thinks that sheila’s alive.

Deacon: You recognize her, don’t you?

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B&B Short Recap Friday, April 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope drops by the beach house to bring Kelly’s swim goggles and to check on how Finn is doing since Sheila’s memorial. He has just had a swim and tells her about how Deacon thinks that Sheila is still alive. Liam visits Steffy, who’s a bit on edge because of what Deacon has been saying. She and Liam discuss that. Meanwhile, Lauren fills Deacon in on who Sugar is – an ex-warden of Sheila’s that helped her escape from prison. Sheila tricked her into having plastic surgery to look just like her, down in South America. Deacon realizes that Sugar is the one who died and that Sheila is still alive.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, April 18, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At home, Finn tells Steffy that he already picked up dinner, so they can just heat it up for a romantic evening when she gets home late from work. When Steffy realizes he got the food from Deacon, she guesses that he’s still saying that Sheila might still be alive. Finn tells her that Deacon is still struggling with Sheila’s death. After some discussion, he assures her that he’s focused on her and the kids now, not Sheila or her death. They kiss and say, “I love you.” He tells her that he’ll give her a back rub later, and then they go back to talk about Deacon and Sheila.

Lauren is in town again, visiting Eric. She asks about his health, so he tells her that he’s doing well. She mentions once more that they’re so lucky not to have to worry about Sheila again. She lets him know that she saw Steffy last time she was visiting. They discuss her and Finn, and then Eric mentions that Deacon is not celebrating Sheila’s death. She can’t believe that he fell for her. Eric reminds her that he once did, too. Lauren reminds him that he was conned by Sheila, not knowing she was a psycho (unlike Deacon). They both agree that they beat Sheila by surviving her.

Deacon keeps wondering who Sugar is. He does a search online but doesn’t find anything. He wonders again if he’s going crazy, but he’s sure that he saw ten toes, so he vows not to give up looking for her. Later, Lauren finds him look at Sheila’s picture on her computer while he thinks. She tells him to detail that photo and any reminders of Sheila. He knows that she had a bad history with Sheila, but he knew her differently. She’s glad Sheila’s gone, but he wonders if Sheila could still be alive. They go through what happened (with Steffy stabbing Sheila). Lauren is walking out when Deacon asks her if she knows someone named, “Sugar.” She stops, shocked, and looks at him. It’s clear that she knows the name.

Zende keeps arguing with RJ to forgive Luna for sleeping with him. RJ gets annoyed and tells RJ that he stabbed him in the back. Zende says that he’s sorry that he betrayed his cousin, and he hopes that he forgives him one day. He urges RJ not to blow his relationship with Luna. RJ also blasts Poppy for her drug use. Zende and Poppy leave Luna and RJ alone to talk. He asks her why she didn’t tell him right after it happened. She wishes she had, but she explains that she didn’t want to ruin his relationship with Zende. He tells her that he needs some time. Luna agrees, looking miserable.


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B&B Transcript Thursday, April 18, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Finn: I, um, I know you’re working late, so… dinner’s already handled.

Steffy: Oh?

Finn: Yeah, just tell me when you’re on your way home and I’ll start heating it up.

Steffy: Takeout?

Finn: Mm-hmm. Yeah, il giardino. In retrospect, I probably should’ve ordered from that thai place we like.

Steffy: Why? Let me guess, you ran into deacon.

Finn: Yeah.

Steffy: And I’m sure he won’t let it go about sheila.

Eric: Lauren fenmore. You’re spoiling me, you know? Two trips to la in one month.

Lauren: Ah, you’re spoiling me. You made time for me both times.

Eric: Oh, yeah. It’s practically impossible to get you into my busy schedule.

Lauren: Well, it won’t be long. That is gonna be true. I mean, I think you look stronger and healthier than even the last trip.

Eric: Thank you.

Lauren: What are the doctors saying?

Eric: They’re pleased. I mean, nobody’s saying that I’m gonna be back to 100% anytime soon, but I’m gaining on it every day.

Lauren: I love it. I’m so happy for you. I mean, there’s so much to celebrate. There’s your good health. There’s your new marriage. And to top it all off, we don’t have to worry about sheila carter anymore.

Deacon: Who were you texting, sheila? Who the hell is sugar?

Zende: I know that you are frustrated and hurt, but don’t take it out on luna.

Poppy: The only reason that luna was in that guest house, the only reason that she confused zende for you, was because of my mints.

Zende: Luna would never willingly cheat on you. If I hadn’t been so caught up in the moment, the excitement of thinking that she chose me… there’s plenty of blame to go around, but not on her. Don’t you dare blame luna.

Rj: I don’t need you telling me what to do, zende.

Zende: I realize that. I just know that you feel–

Rj: No, you have no idea how I feel, ’cause you stabbed me in the back.

Zende: Not intentionally.

Rj: Yes, intentionally. Even if you thought she wanted you, you stabbed me in the back.

Zende: She was in my bed, saying that she was happy to see me. Or so I thought. I didn’t know that she was high on drugs, picturing you instead of me.

Rj: What did you do? Did you forget? Did you forget that she’s my girlfriend? No! You knew exactly what you were doing. And who you were doing it to. Your cousin!

Zende: I am sorry for that. And I hope that one day you can forgive me. I’ll understand if you can’T. Because you are right, it was a betrayal. On my part, not on luna’S. She’d never do that to you. You are so lucky, rj. Don’t blow this.

Lauren: You know, I saw steffy the last time I was here. And I told her she did us all a great favor by eliminating that monster. And she shouldn’t feel an ounce of guilt for it.

Eric: Yeah, well, that’s– that’s easy for you and me to say. But considering that sheila was her husband’s birth mother, um, I really have to wonder how finn is handling this death.

Lauren: Well, if he is mourning her in any way whatsoever, he’s most likely the only one in the world who is.

Eric: There is one other. One person who’s just not celebrating the demise of sheila carter. And it’s deacon sharpe.

Finn: Deacon’s in a bad place, and he’s struggling with sheila’s death.

Steffy: Okay, he’s still struggling. It’s like, the way this guy chooses to grieve, spouting off these crackpot theories. Like, he needs to stop this. He needs to stop spreading this nonsense that sheila is still alive.

Deacon: That face. It was you. I never left the room. I– I never left. It was you. Till it wasn’T. How did you suddenly have ten toes? Maybe finn’s right. Or maybe you are still out there. I’m not gonna give up, baby. I promise. Beyond covering grays my color needs to suit me.

Lauren: You know, it’s hard to wrap my head around someone actually falling for sheila.

Eric: All right, hang on there. You’re talking to someone who actually did.

Lauren: There’s no comparison. You were completely conned. You didn’t know the evil that she was capable of. You just– you saw a pretty nurse. Deacon, on the other hand, went willingly into a relationship with a psychopath.

Eric: Yeah.

Lauren: I don’t know what he was thinking. He risked his business and his family for sheila.

Eric: It’s hard to comprehend, I’ll grant you that.

Lauren: I mean, maybe one day he will realize how lucky he was that she died when she did before she completely upended his whole life. We did it, eric. We outlasted sheila. And there were times when I thought it was gonna go the other way.

Eric: But the good guys always win.

Lauren: Because we survived sheila carter.

Luna: I appreciate your support, zende. And I know that you’re coming from a good place. But… I don’t want rj to feel pressured.

Poppy: And I certainly don’t want to put any pressure on you either, rj. But you have to admit, if– if I had been more careful, then that night would never have happened. But that is on me. That is not on luna.

Rj: You’re right. You’re right, poppy. If it weren’t for your drugs, my world, our world, wouldn’t have been flipped upside down. I don’t want to hear another word from either of you.

Zende: Rj, if you listen for a second, we–

Rj: Shut up. Get out. I want to be alone with luna.

Poppy: Come on, zende. Let’s– let’s give them some time.

Zende: Rj. I know that your world has been rocked. It was a big misunderstanding. But don’t break luna’s heart over something that wasn’t even her fault.

Steffy: Do you think you got through to deacon at all?

Finn: [ Chuckles ] Uh, no. I think, if anything, he’s more convinced. He just– he can’t let go of the fact that he thinks he saw ten toes right before sheila was cremated.

Steffy: Look, I– I get that this has been hard for you. You know, picturing and… I’m just really trying to be understanding of the connection that you had to sheila.

Finn: No, look, I can tell. All right? And I appreciate it, yeah.

Steffy: Like you said, it’s– it is easier knowing that we don’t have to worry about sheila anymore.

Finn: Well, you know what else you don’t have to worry about? Are my focuses. Yeah, the death of my birth mother was a shock, and it’s disturbing to think about the details, but… I’m not gonna let that distract me. And I’m not gonna let deacon distract me, either. My focus is on you. And your happiness. And our kids’ happiness. And our life. And our family. And I just– I love you so much, sweetheart.

Steffy: I love you. I love you.

Lauren: You might wanna delete that. And any other awful reminder that she was ever in your life. Trust me. You are better off without sheila.

(“Three little birds” by bob marley & the wailers)

Luna: Will you ever be able to look at me the same? I know I’m not the honest woman that you once thought I was.

Rj: Stop, it’s not– that’s not what I think.

Luna: Are you sure? Because from how you were speaking with zende, I assumed that–

Rj: No, I– I don’t need him to tell me who you are. I know who you are. And I– I hate what happened. And I understand how it did. You didn’t knowingly cheat on me. But it doesn’t make it any less shocking or hurt any less. I don’t know where to go from here.

Finn: Okay, um… I should let you get back to it.

Steffy: You’ll be fine picking up the kids? I wish I could, but I have that conference call.

Finn: I got it, I got it. It’s not a problem. I mean, I think I might even have time for a swim beforehand. But I’m gonna get them fed. And bathed. And down. And then you and i can have a romantic dinner. Maybe open a bottle of wine. Get the fire going. A back rub…

Steffy: Oh, I would love a back rub. You’re making all my wishes come true.

Finn: Well, your wishes are pretty simple, aren’t they?

Steffy: Where’d you go?

Finn: No, um… uh, just speaking of wishes, something deacon said. He asked if part of me wished that my birth mother was still alive.

Steffy: How’d you respond?

Steffy: I told him it doesn’t matter how I feel. Sheila’s– sheila’s gone. And he needs to accept that. And get over it.

Steffy: Well, hopefully you got through to him.

Finn: I think it’s just too soon. He’s– he’s having a hard time accepting.

Steffy: Okay, look. Part of me, you know, I– I would understand where deacon is coming from. Because sheila’s history. She faked her death before. I get that. Part of me would listen to deacon. But I was there, finn. I lived it. Unlike deacon, I know exactly what happened.

Deacon: Well, well. Lauren fenmore, in the flesh.

Lauren: Deacon sharpe. This is long overdue.

Deacon: So, how are things in genoa city?

Lauren: Lately? Very calm. Just like in los angeles. You can feel this collective sigh of relief now that sheila’s dead. You don’t think I should be celebrating? Well, I do. And I’m not apologizing for it.

Deacon: Look, I know that your history with sheila was bad.

Lauren: Ugh, that’s putting it mildly.

Deacon: Okay, look. That might be what you remember her for, but there was a lot more to her than that.

Lauren: You know what? I don’t know how or why you fell for her. But there is one thing that I know for sure. Your life is better, safer, and healthier without her in it.

Deacon: You know what, you keep jumping for joy with everyone else who’s so thrilled that she’s gone. But what if she isn’t?

Lauren: Excuse me?

Deacon: What if sheila’s still alive? Try killing bugs the worry-free way.

Rj: I know that’s not what you’re hoping I’d say I just– I want to be honest with you. Just wish you would have told me right after it happened. Why didn’t you tell me?

Luna: I should’ve. Yeah, and I hope you know how much I regret not coming to you and trusting in you and in us. But, I don’t know. Keeping this secret was like literally making me sick. But I– I– I just– I wanted to protect your relationship with zende. I mean, you guys are cousins.

Rj: Any relationship I had with my cousin is history, I’ll tolerate him. I don’t want to talk about zende. I don’t care about him. I care about you and us and where we’re gonna go from here.

Luna: That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering.

Rj: This would be a lot easier if I didn’t love you so much. I don’t blame you. Actually, no, I’m still trying to make sense of all this. It’s just every time I look at you, I see you in zende’s bed, in his arms. I just– I need time.

Luna: Yeah, um, I understand. You know, I mean, I’ve– I’ve been living with this for a while now, and it’s still hard for me to even process. So, I can’t imagine how you… look, just know that I love you so much. I always will, no matter what you decide on.

Steffy: Deacon can create whatever imaginary story he wants in his head. But I was there. I had the knife in my hand. I saw sheila’s face. Look, finn, I– I know what I did. I defended myself. And if deacon were in my shoes, he would understand that. He wouldn’t question this. He would be as certain as I am. Because there is no doubt in my mind that sheila carter is dead.

Lauren: What did you say?

Deacon: What if sheila’s still alive.

Lauren: That’s ridiculous. Steffy killed her. There was no question. I talked to steffy. I heard what happened. She stabbed her in the heart. She saw her. She identified her. And from what I hear, so did you. Didn’t you go to the morgue?

Deacon: I did, yeah. I also went to the crematorium, and that’s where I saw her.

Lauren: So why do you have these stories in your head that she’s still alive, when you saw for yourself that she wasn’t? Look… I know you had feelings for her, and that’s why you’re holding out this false hope that she could possibly be alive. But deacon, what you had with her wasn’t real. And you should be so thankful that you never saw the monster that she was. If you even knew a fraction of what she did to me, the decades of torment…

[ Sighs ] Sheila is gone. She is out of our lives, and I never want to hear her name again.

Deacon: Does the name sugar mean anything to you?

Lauren: Sugar?

Deacon: Yes. What do you know about sugar? I need to know.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At Forrester, Zende tries to explain to RJ what happened with Luna, mostly sticking up for Luna. RJ is still very angry after punching him.

Back at the beach house, Luna and Poppy talk about how hurt RJ is. Poppy is worried about her. Luna tries to text RJ, but he doesn’t answer. She runs out to find RJ. Her mom tries to talk her out of it, but she goes, anyway.

Also at Forrester, Hope and Liam continue to discuss their trip to the zoo with Beth. They exchange photos and discuss Deacon and Sheila a little. They also talk about how Deacon was really hung up on Brooke, even though she and Sheila are very different. They’re very glad Sheila is gone forever.

At Il Giardino, Deacon is still wondering whether Sheila is alive or not. He’s drinking heavily. Finn arrives to get some takeout and asks about how Deacon is doing. He tries to make Deacon see that Sheila can’t be alive. Deacon wonders if he ever heard Sheila mention someone named Sugar. Finn doesn’t think she did, and he advises Deacon to stop obsessing over this (as he gets his food).


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B&B Transcript Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Rj: Who the hell do you think you are sleeping with my girlfriend?

Zende: You deserve to be angry, but I did not, I did not take advantage of luna.

Luna: Rj’s gonna kill zende.

Poppy: Let’s try to take a deep breath.

Luna: No, rj won’t pick up. I– I keep trying, but he won’t, he won’t text me back or answer my calls.

Poppy: Honey, I am sure he’s really upset.

Luna: They’re cousins, mom. They’re family. I just– I don’t want him to do anything that he’ll regret.

Poppy: The night that you spent with zende, the misunderstanding, I understand you needed to tell rj. You had to tell him the truth.

Luna: Rj deserved to know.

Poppy: I just wish… well, maybe I can explain to him.

Luna: No, mom, I– I told him exactly what happened and… I’ve never seen him so hurt.

Hope: I just sent the one of you and beth at the gorilla exhibit.

Liam: Oh, good, with my eyes closed. That’s great. Look, see, it looks like I’m trying to take a nap, standing up. Why? And of course, beth is the cutest she’s ever looked in her entire life, so that’s perfect.

Hope: Well, I mean, she is very photogenic, so.

Liam: Yeah. You know, it’s funny, I was gonna say she gets that from her mother, except check out that disaster.

Hope: Oh, no. I mean, what– I– I think I was trying to impersonate a wombat here, maybe, just a little.

Liam: You were, because we would literally do anything to make our daughter laugh. There it is.

Hope: And beth was smiling the entire time.

Liam: So, success. There you go. We made a good one, didn’t we?

Hope: Yeah, the best. It was nice having the three of us together. Although, she does miss douglas. And her grandpa deacon.

Deacon: Are you alive or are you in trouble? And who the hell is sugar?

Finn: Deacon.

Deacon: Finn. Uh, were we supposed to meet?

Finn: No, I’m just– I’m picking up some takeout.

Deacon: Oh.

Finn: Well, has it hit you yet? Have you finally accepted sheila’s gone?

Poppy: Well, what did he say when you told him?

Luna: He was in shock. He felt so betrayed by me, zende, you. I mean, he accused zende of taking advantage of me, and i told him that that wasn’t the case, but…

Poppy: You’re worried he didn’t listen.

Luna: Yeah, I mean, he ran out of here so fast. I’m afraid he’s gonna go confront zende.

Zende: I know you’re pissed, rj.

Rj: You can’t even begin to know how I feel, zende.

Zende: I just need to know that luna’s okay.

Rj: Shut up. I don’t wanna hear you say her name.

Zende: Look, man, it’s my fault. It’s not hers. Don’t blame luna. Yes, it’s your fault, ’cause you’re family. And I trusted you.

Zende: I’m sorry, rj.

Rj: Stabbed in the back by my own cousin.

Liam: Well, you had to put some distance between the two of you, right?

Hope: Yeah, but it wasn’t easy. But as soon as I realized that my dad was involved with sheila, I mean, it just– it felt like the responsible thing to do.

Liam: No, it was. I mean, I’m– I’m glad that you kept beth away from deacon as long as sheila was around, but now she’s not. So, where does your relationship with deacon stand?

Finn: Obviously, you really cared about sheila.

Deacon: You know I did, finn, and so did you, even if you can’t admit it to yourself.

Finn: You’re having a hard time letting go of her. Why else would you think you saw ten toes at the crematorium? My dry eye’s made me a burning,

Poppy: Still no word from rj?

Luna: He doesn’t wanna talk to me.

Poppy: I feel horrible. I hate seeing my baby hurting so much. How could I be so irresponsible? But if I could only go back, none of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for me, and those– those damn mints. The drugs are gone now, sweetie. I threw them all away. They caused too much damage. I’m never buying them again.

Luna: What’s done is done, mom. I mean, there’s no going back.

Poppy: I am so sorry. Your heart is breaking, and all I wanna do is fix it. I wanna make everything better. Now, I know that’s not possible, but I can talk to rj. I can try to make him understand.

Luna: Oh, my god, I can’t– I can’t take it. I– I– I need to head over to forrester.

Zende: What? Do you think I’m proud of what I did?

Rj: You got what you wanted. That’s all you’ve ever cared about, zende.

Zende: No, no. I thought that she was into it. I thought she was into me.

Rj: She was high.

Zende: I clearly didn’t know that at the time.

Rj: Yeah, right.

Zende: No, I swear. She didn’t either. It was a huge misunderstanding.

Rj: Shut up!

Zende: Please, man, let me explain.

Rj: No, I told you to shut up. I don’t want your– I don’t want your excuses.

Zende: Listen.

Rj: What?

Zende: For a second, okay? When I got back to the guesthouse, she was in my bed. I never expected her to be waiting for me.

Rj: She wasn’t!

Zende: I didn’t know that! I didn’t know that!

Rj: She thought it was me. She was out of her mind on her mother’s drugs! What the hell were you doing?

Zende: There was no, no indication that she was stoned or impaired at all. If there had been, then I would have never–

Rj: You would’ve never what? You would’ve never what, zende? You would have never slept with the woman I love? The woman I’m in a committed relationship with! You wouldn’t have done that!

Zende: I’m sorry, rj. I’m so sorry.

Liam: Listen, no offense to your dad, but I really question his judgment sometimes.

Hope: No, I– I do hear you. My father does have a tendency to make some troubling decisions.

Liam: Yeah, like falling for a psychopath.

Hope: To put it lightly. But I did hate shutting him out of my life.

Liam: I know, but your hands were tied. I mean, you were just trying to keep beth safe.

Hope: Boundaries had to be established, and I wasn’t about to put her at risk.

Liam: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.

Hope: Yeah. Well, I’m just glad we can put that ugly chapter behind us, and now my dad and I have a chance to start over.

Liam: Yeah, I mean, how possible is that, given everything that’s transpired?

Hope: I like to think that we have a good chance, especially now that sheila is out of the picture.

Finn: You haven’t been yourself lately.

Deacon: I lost the woman I love.

Finn: Well, there’s typical grief, but then there’s this.

Deacon: There’s this. And people like me, right? You know, we’re nuts, off the rocker. Yeah, I get it.

Finn: Look– look, sometimes, it’s normal to think that we’ve seen someone that we’ve lost. It’s a fleeting moment of hope, but it quickly fades once our brain realizes it’s impossible.

Deacon: You know what? My brain isn’t exactly getting the message, doc, because I am more and more convinced about what I saw at the crematorium.

Finn: Deacon, the way that you were talking, implying that sheila isn’t dead, it’s– it’s–

Deacon: Listen, okay, enough talk about the ten toes. All right, fine. All right, you can think I’m crazy for all I care. Let me ask you a question. Did sheila ever mention anyone else?

Finn: What do you mean?

Deacon: Like friends or, uh, I don’t know, family?

Finn: No.

Deacon: Enemies?

Finn: No, I– I mean, not anyone that you wouldn’t already know.

Deacon: Did she ever mention someone named sugar?

Poppy: Okay, just slow down.

Luna: I have no idea what could be happening between rj and zende right now.

Poppy: Hey, I get it. It is tough to sit back and wait. Your first instinct is to head over to forrester–

Luna: We didn’t even get to finish our conversation, mom. He just– he ran off and he probably won’t ever want to speak to me again.

Poppy: No. No. Rj loves you. He will realize that this was not a conscious decision, that you would never intentionally betray him or hurt him.

Luna: I can’t lose rj, mom. I– I have to get through to him.

Poppy: And you will. You will have another opportunity. But is heading over to forrester the best idea? Rj needs a little time.

Luna: I can’t just sit here and do nothing.

Poppy: Be patient. Rj will come back eventually. But if you walk in on them together, your being there could upset him even more.

Luna: I need to take that chance, mom. I have to tell him how much I love him.

Zende: I had no idea luna wasn’t herself that night. She was already in my bed. I thought she was making the first move.

Rj: She thought it was me, her boyfriend. You don’t have an excuse. Because you, you knew damn well what you were doing. ‘Cause you’ve never respected me or her or our relationship. You cannot stand here and justify to me sleeping with my girlfriend.

Hope: I don’t think I’ll ever really be able to understand what drew my father to sheila.

Liam: Not for nothing, he still seems pretty drawn to her, even after the fact.

Hope: Yeah. I think he’s just struggling to let her go, you know? I think he’s just lonely.

Liam: She must have, like, filled a void for him or something.

Hope: Well, let’s hope that’s all it was. I might have a little more sympathy for that, maybe. I mean, my mom did turn him down.

Liam: Yeah, a bunch of times. Sorry.

Hope: She always was the one that got away.

Liam: That’s what– that’s what’s so funny is like, ’cause you’ve got– you’ve got brooke logan, it’s like, up here, right? And then you’ve got sheila carter, who’s all the way, oh look, six feet under.

Hope: Okay, fine, yes. I just– all I wish is for my dad to move on. I mean, he could do so, so much better.

Liam: Yeah, like literally anyone without a 10-page rap sheet.

Hope: Yeah, that would be a nice change of pace. That would. And I– I get it. I– I– he thought they had something in common. But he couldn’t be more wrong. I mean, yes, my dad has messed up. But nowhere near the horrible things that sheila’s done.

Liam: You know, I told him the exact same thing. It’s not even close.

Hope: Thank you. But also, why are we wasting our time talking about this?

Liam: Good point.

Hope: Thanks. Yes, she’s dead. Sheila is buried. And hopefully, she will never be an issue in our lives ever again, so…

Finn: Sugar? That’s quite a name. I think I’d remember that. Why?

Deacon: All right, a while back, I was looking at sheila’s text messages. I wanted to see if there was anything unusual.

Finn: Deacon, geez. You, listen, sheila, she’s gone. You have got to start coming to terms with it.

Deacon: Just please hear me out, all right? Look, I get it. You think I got a screw loose.

Finn: No, I just think you’re wasting your time looking for signs of life. Steffy killed sheila. I mean, I saw her blood on the floor with my own eyes.

Deacon: I don’t need to hear all the gory details. Just listen to me. So a while back, sheila, she kept sneaking off, right? And when I called her on it, she said she was meeting someone from her past. And now, I find this text conversation from sugar.

Finn: Okay, what– what did they say?

Deacon: It didn’t sound friendly.

Finn: I don’t know anything about anyone named sugar. And frankly, deacon, it doesn’t matter. Sheila is dead.

Hey! Asthma’s

got you going through it?

Zende: Yes, I admit that. What I did was wrong.

Rj: If it was wrong, then why did you do it? What, was it because of me? Because you were jealous of me?

Zende: No, no, man. I didn’t do it to get back at you or anything like that. Like I said, I care about luna. If you two weren’t involved–

Rj: I know. I’ve seen you trying to flirt with her for months. I– I see you, zende.

Zende: It’s my bad.

Rj: Oh, your bad? It’s– it’s your bad now?

Zende: Luna never reciprocated. We’ve just been friends.

Rj: Exactly! You both have been keeping this secret behind my back.

Zende: She was afraid of hurting you, man. You know luna. She’s the sweetest, kindest, most honest person there is. She didn’t want to lose you. Dude. Hey.

Rj: What?

Zende: She thought she was with you. I know this must be messing with your head right now. But you’ve forgiven luna, haven’t you?

Luna: Rj, we need to talk. Okay, there’s– there’s so much more that I need to say. And I– I don’t want what I did to affect your relationship. Okay, I don’t want you two fighting.

Rj: It’s too– too late.

Luna: Oh, my god.

Poppy: Zende, are you okay?

Zende: I’m fine. I was just telling rj that everything that happened was my fault.

Poppy: No, and mine.

Rj: How could you drug your own daughter?

Poppy: It was an accident. My mints got mixed up with luna’S. I had no idea she took them.

Zende: None of us did. Rj, it was a huge, huge misunderstanding. And things got out of hand. But you can’t blame luna. Look at her. Can’t you see how much she loves you? Can’t you see how lucky you are? Tell her, rj. Tell luna you forgive her.

Liam: Yes, yes, exactly. Why are we even uttering her name?

Hope: It’s because sheila’s still haunting us from the grave.

Liam: Oh, my god, I hope not. And if she is, clearly we’re not the only ones. How about we make a deal? We just never speak of her again?

Deacon: Had chef throw in an extra order of meatballs.

Finn: Oh, well, thanks.

Deacon: Look, man, I’m really sorry about talking your ear off. I just– I thought maybe you could help me.

Finn: Okay, look, I have no idea who this mysterious sugar is. And frankly, it sounds like a dog’s name.

Deacon: Dogs don’t text.

Finn: Look, you’re gonna be doing your health a favor if you let this go. Stop obsessing over sheila and going through her text messages and her emails and playing private investigator. For what? Deacon, it’s pointless. You’re never gonna see sheila again, ever.

Deacon: Isn’t there just like a little part of you that wishes your birth mother was still alive?

Finn: It doesn’t matter how I feel. Just enjoy the memories. Miss her all you want. Think of her fondly, whatever. But get on with your life. I’m serious, deacon. It’s time. It’s over.

Deacon: What the hell? I saw your face. Your face and ten toes. Are you out there, sheila? Baby, are you still alive?

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Luna: It was a mistake, rj. I swear, and I’m just so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or betray you. I mean, I love you more than anything.

Rj: You and zende.

Zende: This has to stay between us. I don’t want anyone to question luna’s integrity. She didn’t mean for any of this to happen.

Carter: Well, you said she’s with rj now. It might not be a secret for much longer.

Zende: Luna has to be honest. She’s telling rj the truth.

Liam: Yeah, who knew hippos could stay under water so long, huh?

Hope: It felt like we were standing there forever, though.

Liam: We were.

Hope: Beth was so patient.

Liam: Yeah, that’s not a virtue she inherited from her father, ’cause I was ready to get a snow cone.

Hope: Well, if you had, you would’ve missed the expression on beth’s face when the hippo finally arose for air. It was like… it was so adorable. Thank you. Us gonna the zoo together was a good idea.

Liam: Yeah, well, it wasn’t even my idea, really. It was– it was beth’S.

Hope: Well, yes, but I just thank you for making the time to make it happen with me.

Liam: No, of course, anything for that kid. I’ve, uh… I’ve taken a lot of good things in my life for granted. Beth is never gonna be one.

Liam: I should, uh, yeah, I should probably let you get back to work.

Hope: I mean, there’s– there’s no rush today, really.

Liam: No? Really? I get, well, okay, yeah, I guess things have gotten a little less, uh, chaotic ever since…

Hope: Oh, you mean since thomas left?

Liam: Yeah, well, I figured just ’cause he was, you know, he was your lead designer that, um…

Hope: Yeah. You know he was a lot more to me than just that.

Carter: It’s obvious how much you care about luna.

Zende: Carter, I hate what this has done to her. What she has to deal with. And what she can lose. I never meant to hurt her like that. I didn’t mean to turn her world upside down. I really thought that we shared something special. And if things had happened differently, that maybe someday we could have. If it weren’t for poppy and her damn mints.

Carter: Poppy.

Poppy: Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Is luna here?

Zende: No. She’s with rj, telling him that we spent the night together.

Luna: You have to believe me, rj. Okay, I wasn’t myself, I– look, I’m not trying to make excuses for myself.

Rj: No, it sounds like you are.

Luna: No, no, I– I told you about the mints and what they did to me.

Rj: You were drugged.

Luna: Accidentally, yes, by my mother. And that’s why I left eric’s party early, and I went outside, and I– I ended up in one of the guest houses with water because I was so thirsty. And when zende came in, it was like– like I was hallucinating. Because of the drugs and the champagne. I mean, rj, I seriously, i really thought that it was you. It was him, but I saw you.

Rj: He didn’t realize that. You’re telling me that he didn’t realize that you were that out of it. And he saw you laying there, and he saw his chance, and he took it.

Luna: No.

Rj: Zende found you in his guest house and he took advantage of you?

At dot’s an ordinary pretzel

just isn’t enough.

Hope: I, uh, I have been thinking a lot lately about the evolution of my relationship with thomas. What drew us together, what we meant to each other.

Liam: Um, I don’t know. Do I need to hear the details on this? Unless you’ve got some new perspective?

Hope: Well, I am trying to look at the bigger picture now that I am a little more removed from it. How we got from point a to point b, and everything in between, and in my relationship with thomas before, you know, before he changed, when everything was different.

Liam: His involvement in what happened with beth?

Hope: No. Liam, I will never deny the fact that thomas lied to us. That he tried to keep our daughter from us. But he regrets that decision. It haunts him. And liam, I understand that you may never be able to forgive him for it, but I did. I believed that he was capable of changing for the better. And he did. And so, when he proposed, I just– I– I am asking myself why I couldn’t say yes. So now, I’m not sure. I don’t know what the future holds for thomas and me.

Poppy: You told him?

Zende: Everything. And soon, rj will know too.

Poppy: Luna’s been wanting to go to rj with the truth for a while now. I encouraged her to do it.

Zende: Yeah, after weeks of telling her not to.

Poppy: I know. And that was a mistake. One of many I’ve made in this situation.

Carter: Why the 180?

Poppy: Because I love my daughter. And keeping this secret is causing her too much pain. Luna is an honest and principled person. And lying to the man she loves, it’s eating her up inside.

Zende: It was luna’s first instinct to be honest. Tell the truth, face the consequences. We tried to talk her out of it because we knew what those consequences might be. What they would do to her.

Carter: It’s not her fault and rj can’t blame her.

Zende: She can hope he doesn’T. She can try to make him understand. But even if rj’s head gets it, his heart might not. Rj is gonna be blindsided by this. I’m not sure that he’ll be able to forgive her.

Luna: No, it wasn’t like that.

Rj: It wasn’t like that. So either you knew what was happening or you didn’T. Which is it, luna?

Luna: I– I didn’T.

Rj: But so you passed out on zende’s bed and he took advantage of you?

Luna: No, I wasn’t passed out. I was just– I was confused.

Rj: And he used that. He used that to get what he’s wanted. What he’s wanted for a really long time.

Luna: No, I wasn’t myself, okay? But zende didn’t know that. Zende didn’t realize that I was drugged. And you didn’t either. I mean, if you would’ve known, you would’ve never let me go home by myself.

Rj: You didn’t go home. You went to the guest house. Why?

Luna: Not to go find zende! Zende misunderstood why I was there. I mean, this is all that this is. It’s just a big misunderstanding.

Rj: It’s not a misunderstanding, luna. He’s been hitting on you for months. He’s never respected us. Or me. Or our relationship. Or you. Or any of this!

Luna: No, that’s not what happened.

Rj: Do not tell me that this was an accident. Don’t lie to me and tell me that it was an accident right now, luna.

Luna: I know you don’t want to hear that. I know, but it’s the truth. And that’s why I’m here, to be honest with you. And look, you’re– you’re heartbroken and I am too. And I’m sorry. It’s horrible and it kills me to see you in pain. But zende did not take advantage of me. Okay, you need to know that, rj. Please, you have to hear me out. It was those mints that messed me up. I saw– I saw you. I thought it was you. I mean, you’re my boyfriend. You’re the– you’re the person that I love.


Hope: Yeah, I’ve been questioning everything lately.

Liam: Oh, yeah. I mean, the guy whose stability you’ve been defending for months just skipped town ’cause he wouldn’t commit fast enough.

Hope: Yeah, I’ve– I’ve been asking myself why. You know, why I– i couldn’t make that kind of commitment. And I don’t know. Things were going so well. Up until the point, like right until it ended, we were– we were clicking. You know, I remembered my mom. Um… she said something insightful when she saw the ring around the necklace for the first time and she wasn’t too pleased about it. She said that my involvement with thomas was a reaction. And at the time, I denied it and I didn’t think much of it until recently. Finn also mentioned that it might’ve been a bit of a rebellion on my part.

Liam: Against what?

Hope: Liam, you know my mother’s history and what she has been labeled as in the past. And I swore to myself that i would never, ever be like that. So that when I did start to feel a pull to someone else, someone who was steadfast, supportive, a one-woman man. Liam, just know I wasn’t trying to hurt you.

Liam: For what it’s worth, I– I know that. I know you weren’t deliberately trying to hurt me.

Hope: Well, I’ve had a lot of time on my hands lately to do some soul-searching and I am, uh, not afraid to admit when I was wrong. Have I turned into my mother? No. But was I maybe daring to walk on the wild side a bit? Yes. But I was playing with fire. But did I intend to hurt you? Did I set out to hurt you? No. Was I toying with thomas? No. Was I purposely trying to use him? Absolutely not. There is one thing that I am certain of. It is my feelings for him.

Poppy: I’m the one who should be paying for this. Not my daughter.

Zende: Your special mints ruined a lot.

Poppy: Well, I’m not taking them anymore. I threw them all away.

Zende: Good, but how does that help luna? It doesn’t change what happened.

Poppy: No. But… it might help us reconnect as mother and daughter.

Carter: But are you quitting for yourself or just to win your daughter back?

Poppy: Luna’s gonna need me. If zende is right and rj can’t forgive her, I have to be completely present for her.

Carter: I think that’s wise, for luna’s sake and for yourself.

Poppy: I have devoted my entire life to luna’s safety, her security, and her happiness. Every decision I made has been for her. You know, as a parent, nothing is more important than the well-being of your child. And luna has found a man that she truly loves. And she could be losing him. Because of me.

Luna: I never meant to betray you, rj. I’m so sorry. I should– I should have come to you right away. That next morning, I should’ve told you exactly what happened.

Rj: You didn’t, luna. You’ve been hiding it from me this whole time. Every moment that we’ve been together, here at the office.

Luna: I’m sorry. I was afraid of what it could do to your relationship with zende. You guys are cousins. You’re family. And you guys work together. It’s just– it’s all just a terrible misunderstanding.

Rj: No, maybe for you. Because you thought he was me. Yes?

Luna: Yes, I swear. I saw your face.

Rj: He saw yours, luna. He knew exactly what he was doing and who he was with.

Luna: Rj, wait, please. Don’t go right now. You’re too upset. Rj! Rj. Life, diabetes, there’s no slowing down. but I do love thomas.

Hope: I know you don’t want to hear it, liam. But I do love thomas. But now I’m at a point in my life, though, where I just want to focus on beth. You know, focus on her, and then myself, and the line.

Liam: You know, what’s funny is I– I feel like I’m going through the exact same thing. Kids, family, work. Of course, beth and kelly are my highest priorities, but…

Hope: So that’s it, then? That’s– that’s the whole list?

Liam: Well, I am a spencer, so there’s always world domination. Although that’s, uh, fairly low on the list at the moment. I think I know what you’re implying. And I think I have to get over this thing where I feel like I don’t have an identity unless I’m with someone. And maybe I do. Maybe I– maybe my identity is dad. Just being the best– best dad I can be.

Hope: Sounds like we are going through the same thing at the same time.

Liam: Well, look at us. Finding our way.

Hope: Who knows what the future will bring us.

Luna: Rj, I’m– I’m gonna keep calling until you answer or text me back. I just– I need to know if you’re okay.

[ Knock on door ]

Luna: Rj? Mom.

Poppy: I didn’t see rj’s car.

Luna: He left.

Poppy: You told him.

Luna: I had to. He deserved to know. I mean, I should’ve told him that day. I should’ve told him the second I realized what happened.

Poppy: How did he… wait, you said he left. Oh, honey.

Luna: He was so upset, mom. I broke his heart. And it– and it kills me to see him in so much pain. And knowing that I’m the one that caused it.

Poppy: It wasn’t your fault. It was mine.

Luna: No. I made the decision to lie to him. And I– I deceived him. And– and that’s what hurts him the most. And now, he’s so angry and upset. And I’m afraid that he went to go confront zende. I mean, I don’t know what could happen.

Rj: You, you son of a bitch.

Zende: Rj, whoa, listen.

Rj: You knew that we were together and happy.

Zende: Fine, blame me. Don’t blame her, okay?

Rj: Damn right, I blame you!

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At his beach house, RJ is rocked by the news that Luna slept with Zende. She’s very sorry and tells him how much she loves him. At first, RJ assumes that Zende took advantage of her, but she assures him that wasn’t the case. RJ gives her a little bit of a hard time for lying to him all this time, but it appears that he mostly blames Zende. He rushes out. She calls after him, upset.

Carter and Zende continue to discuss the situation at Forrester. Poppy walks in and is shocked that Zende told Carter about it.

Also at Forrester, Liam and Hope return from the zoo with Beth. They talk about the fun time they had. They talk about Thomas a little bit. She tells him how Thomas did change and get better, but she can’t understand why she couldn’t say yes to his proposal. She tries to explain to Liam about why she was attracted to Thomas but didn’t meant to hurt either of them. Now she just wants to focus on Beth. He agrees and feels the same way. He’s done with trying to find his identity through a woman.

Poppy visits Luna and is surprised that RJ isn’t there. Luna tells her how upset he was.

RJ walks in to the office and punches Zende. Zende says to blame him, not Luna, but RJ retorts that he does blame him.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, April 15, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

After Finn has explained it to her, Steffy can’t believe that Deacon thinks Sheila’s still alive. The discuss it.

Deacon looks at Sheila’s computer and wonders who Sugar is (that she was chatting with). He still wonders if he’s going crazy and keeps having flashbacks to the crematorium. Steffy confronts him and yells at him about his crazy theory that Sheila is still alive. She insists that she’s dead.

Zende tells Carter what happened between him and Luna, while Luna tells RJ the same thing.


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B&B Transcript Monday, April 15, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Steffy: This is so crazy! This is insane! Wait, deacon actually thinks that sheila’s alive?

Finn: Yeah, because of what happened at the crematorium. He thinks the body that went into the crematorium had ten toes and sheila only had nine.

Steffy: I don’t care how many toes she has or didn’t have. That was sheila. If anyone knows that, it should be me.

Deacon: “Stay away from me, sugar.” Stay away from me, sugar?

Carter: Be straight with me, zende. Did something happen between you and luna the night of eric’s wedding?

Zende: Yeah.

Carter: And it’s something you’re both keeping from rj?

Zende: We didn’t want to hurt him.

Carter: And this will? What exactly did you two do, zende?

Zende: Luna and i slept together.

Rj: So, your mom’s mints are actually drugs?

Luna: I had no idea, though.

Rj: And you accidentally took them the night of my granddad and donna’s wedding?

Luna: Yeah. Somehow, my regular breath mints got mixed up with my mom’s special mints and… oh, my god, I’m so sorry, rj. If I could do it all over again–

Rj: Do– do what? Do what over again? Luna, tell me what happened to you that night. Please.

Carter: So you and luna, you… you slept together?

Zende: Well, I mean, I thought we did–

Carter: You thought? What does that mean, you thought?

Zende: Something happened to luna that night. Something that explains why she was in my bed when I got home.

Carter: Hold on, hold on. She was in your bed, so she came to your place and she what, she came on to you?

Zende: No, no, no. It wasn’t like that. It wasn’t her fault at all. She didn’t mean for this to happen. Neither of us did.

Carter: You didn’t?

Zende: No.

Carter: You just admitted you have feelings for her.

Zende: Having feelings is one thing, but I never would’ve acted on them knowing how much luna loves rj.

Carter: Dude, I’m so confused right now. If she didn’t want this, and you didn’t want this, then how did you two sleep together?

Rj: Luna, whatever happened to you, it’s obviously still really upsetting you.

Luna: You have no idea the regrets I have. I mean, if– if I had just stayed with you and never left eric’s, if I had, none of this would be happening. Please know that I– I’d give anything to not have hurt you.

Rj: Luna, I love you. You haven’t hurt me.

Luna: I love you too. So much. And the thought of betraying you is… but that’s exactly what I did. I betrayed you that night.

Steffy: I– I was standing there when the medics pronounced sheila dead. I– I heard them say the time of death. Like, it’s not something that I imagined. It’s how it happened.

Finn: No, I know that. And you know that. But deacon, he–

Steffy: Deacon is what? Going around telling people that sheila’s alive because of her toes? What?

Finn: He thinks he saw ten toes. That just before sheila’s feet went into the flames that–

Steffy: Oh, my gosh, it’s impossible. It’s impossible. Either deacon is lying or it’s– it’s wishful thinking on his part because it is not real. Sheila was in our home, finn. It was definitely sheila.

Deacon: Maybe finn’s right. I am losing it.

[ Mechanical whirring ]

[ Fire roaring ]

Deacon: Piggies in a blanket underneath the sheet. Sheila had nine toes, but I saw ten on those feet. Yeah, you’re definitely losing it. You wanna know how I get this glow?

Carter: So, you and luna, you sleep together, but she thought she was with rj?

Zende: Because of her mother’s mints, yeah.

Carter: Her mints?

Zende: It’s a long story, but poppy, luna’s mom, she takes these special mints to help her chill out. Only somehow, her mints got mixed up with luna’s regular breath mints, so every time luna thought that she was taking a regular mint, she was–

Carter: She was drugging herself, and that’s why she thought she made love to rj.

Zende: I know how crazy it sounds that it could’ve even happened the way that it did.

Carter: Zende, look at me. You sure it happened that way?

Zende: Wait a minute, you think I’m lying to you?

Carter: No. I don’t think you’re lying. I know who you are, the kind of man you are.

Zende: Thank you. Still though, I… wish that I had realized that she wasn’t herself. That something was off with her. But I didn’T. I didn’t, man. And I’m still mad at myself for it. I’m mad because of what’s happened to her, what she’s been through, but also because of what rj’s gonna go through when he finds out what happened.

Rj: What do you mean you betrayed me?

Luna: I didn’t mean to. Okay, I swear. It’s just– it’s like what I said, okay? I accidentally took my mom’s mints, and– and they did something to me, okay? I wasn’t myself, rj. I wasn’T.

Rj: Okay, okay. Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath, okay? I want you to start at the beginning and tell me exactly what happened because right now you’re not making any sense to me, okay?

Luna: Okay. Um, you know how I left the party early and I kissed you goodnight?

Rj: Yes.

Luna: Well, I was so tired and so thirsty. And, um, I went outside to wait for my ride share and i happened to see some water bottles in one of the guest houses. So, um, I went up inside to drink it, and I don’t know, I must’ve laid down in the bed ’cause I was so exhausted. Or at least that’s what I think happened. I mean, I’m not entirely sure.

Rj: That’s it? That’s all you remember?

Luna: No. Um, the last thing I remember is you coming into the room and me saying that I was waiting for you.

Deacon: Why, sheila, why did you go to steffy’s that night? And who the hell is sugar?

Steffy: I can’t believe deacon is doing this.

Finn: Well, look, grief can do strange things.

Steffy: Well, what it can’t do is change the facts. Sheila broke into our home, she lunged at me, and if I didn’t grab that knife, like, I don’t know what would’ve happened.

Finn: Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. Look, honey, you don’t have to go there, all right? Everyone knows that you acted in self-defense, including the police. Your name has been cleared. This whole nightmare can be over.

Steffy: But it’s not over, finn. That nightmare is seared into my brain. God, deacon needs to just get a grip. He can’t be telling people that sheila is alive. This is crazy. Oh, god.

Finn: What are you gonna do?

Steffy: I’m gonna confront deacon. No, this needs to stop. Sheila’s dead. She’s not coming back. And once deacon gets that through his thick skull, he’ll be better off. We’ll all be better off. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too.

Zende: You can’t say anything about this, carter. To anyone.

Carter: I won’t, but rj deserves to know the truth.

Zende: I agree.

Carter: Does luna? Because she’s the one who should tell him.

Zende: The secret has been killing her. And she’s only kept quiet to protect my relationship with rj.

Carter: Still, you both have to know, the longer you keep this from rj, the harder it’s gonna be for him when he finds out. Man, the guy’s head over heels in love with her.

Zende: Yeah. That’s why she’s telling him the whole story right now. I mean, this has been tearing her apart. I just hope that rj can understand.

Rj: Luna, I wasn’t with you when you left the party that night.

Luna: I know. And I know that now, but I– I didn’t know it then. Rj, I swear, I thought I was with you.

Rj: Okay, so this is what you’re telling me. You accidentally took your mother’s drugs, and then you stumbled into one of the guest houses on my granddad’s property?

Luna: Yeah.

Rj: Which guest house was it? I wasn’t there, but someone was, right? Who was it? Luna, answer me. I need to know.

Luna: It was zende. I spent the night with zende.

Deacon: Finn filled you in on what I said.

Steffy: We’re here to set you straight.

Deacon: Oh, really, okay. Well, let me tell you what’s going–

Steffy: No, you need to hear this. I thought this memorial service for sheila was gonna give you some kind of closure. Why won’t you just let sheila be dead?

Deacon: It’s not that I won’t let her be dead. I accepted the fact that she’s gone, but then I saw that–

Steffy: I don’t want to hear it, deacon. I don’t want to hear it. You’re wrong. Dead wrong. I killed sheila. Hellmann’s real mayonnaise.

Carter: I hate that this happened.

Zende: I hate it, too. Especially for luna. She is a good, sweet, beautiful person. She never would’ve cheated on rj, if not for her mother’s mints.

Carter: Look, don’t take this the wrong way. I feel for luna, I do, but I can only imagine the guilt her mother’s going through, knowing what she did to her daughter’s life.

Zende: Yeah, well, she should feel guilty. Luna did not deserve for this to happen to her. And no, it was not intentional on poppy’s part. She loves luna very much, but to be so irresponsible and reckless just to leave your stash hanging out like that–

Carter: Irresponsible and reckless? What about your guilt, zende? Are you taking responsibility? Yeah, I know you didn’t realize what was going on–

Zende: I didn’t! I didn’t! Had I even had a hint that luna had been drugged that night, would’ve never gone down the way it did. I would’ve taken her home myself. Or I would have called rj and had him drive her home and make sure that she was okay. But, I just– it never occurred to me that luna might’ve been on something. I mean, why would it? It was my granddad’s wedding! I didn’t even know that her mom was into that stuff. I mean, neither did luna. We were both equally shocked to find out.

Carter: What about taking accountability? Shocked or not, bottom line is, rj is with luna. He is your cousin. That should’ve been enough for you to pump the brakes. I’m sorry, man. You don’t need to lecture from me. It’s just– I hate this for all three of you.

Zende: I, um, I’m just worried that luna’s whole world is about to blow sky high.

Carter: You really do care about her, huh?

Luna: Listen, I’m not– I’m not trying to make excuses, okay? It– it never, ever, ever should’ve happened. But I– I was drugged, okay? I– I thought that I was with you, that I had slept with you. It wasn’t until the next morning that I realized it was zende.

Rj: Stop.

Luna: Rj, please.

Rj: My cousin. You two?

Luna: I’m sorry, okay? I’m so, so, so sorry. Rj, please.

Deacon: Look what you think happened was not–

Steffy: Not think, deacon, I know. I killed sheila. I saw her face.

Deacon: So did I. I saw her at the morgue, and then I saw her again at the crematorium.

Steffy: Okay, you saw her at the morgue because she’s dead. You saw her at the crematorium because she is dead.

Steffy: Steffy, listen to me, please. I pulled back the sheet at the crematorium, and it was definitely sheila. But right before the crematorium doors closed, I saw ten toes. I definitely saw ten toes.

Finn: Deacon, you were emotional. And it’s understandable you might think you saw something that you didn’T. I mean, grief can manifest in all kinds of ways.

Deacon: What– what do you want me to do? Just drop this?

Steffy: Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do. Have you forgotten all the terrible things sheila has done to us? Sheila got exactly what she deserved. Now you need to stop this. You need to stop spreading these lies, okay? I don’t want to think about sheila anymore. I don’t want to talk about her anymore. She is out of our lives forever. Do you hear me? Forever.

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B&B Short Recap Friday, April 12, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy and Finn keep talking about how ridiculous Deacon is for thinking that Sheila is still alive. Ridge feels the same way and tells Deacon to forget about Sheila and let everyone move on.

Zende hints to Carter that something happened between him and Luna.

Luna starts to tell RJ the truth about what happened with Zende.

Deacon investigates Sheila’s computer and finds some chats with someone name “Sugar.”


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B&B Transcript Friday, April 12, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Steffy: Finn, this makes no sense.

Finn: No, I know. It’s completely insane, but you should have seen deacon. He’s really shaken up about it. He– he believes it.

Steffy: Wait, he seriously thinks… deacon thinks that sheila might be alive?

Ridge: You really are losing it, aren’t you?

Deacon: Wait a second. Listen. Ridge, I know it sounds impossible.

Ridge: Because it is impossible. Look at you, you’re still cleaning up after the service you had.

Deacon: I know, but–

Ridge: But what? What’s going on with you? What are you talking about?

Deacon: I–

Carter: Zende, I’ve been picking up on vibes for quite some time that something’s wrong and I’m sorry. I should have been a better friend. I should have asked you about it sooner.

Zende: No, no, no, man. Come on. I probably would have just denied it anyway.

Carter: But you’re not denying now? You’re ready to talk about it?

Zende: I think I need to.

Carter: Okay, so whatever’s going on, it has something to do with luna?

Luna: I know that you’ve noticed I haven’t been acting like myself lately.

Rj: Yeah, I can tell, you– you’ve been kind of off for a while. Ever since my granddad’s wedding. Luna, whatever it is, I promise you, you can trust me. Anything.

Zende: It’s no secret, is it? How much I respect luna.

Carter: I think we all do around here.

Zende: She’s just, she’s so beautiful and smart and creative.

Carter: Yeah, yeah, she’s all those things. She’s also rj’s girlfriend. You don’t need a reminder about that, do you, zende? Zende, please tell me you understand that rj is with luna.

Luna: You’re so caring, rj. And so understanding. I mean, you’re everything that I ever dreamed of in a guy.

Rj: I’m not going anywhere. That’s more reality and less dream.

Luna: Okay. I– I really hope that that’s true.

Ridge: I gotta say, it’s not much of a memorial if the person that you’re talking about and honoring is not– if I’m– hey, you went down to the crematorium. You saw the–

Deacon: Yes, yes, I did. Yes, that’s true.

Ridge: Okay, so what? What are you talking about? What is this nonsense about her still being in our lives?

Steffy: Some of sheila’s crazy must have rubbed off on deacon if he is going around telling people that he doesn’t think that sheila’s dead.

Finn: I don’t know. He’s probably just processing grief, I guess.

Steffy: Yeah, he must be. I mean, I– I was there. I saw sheila. I mean, I’m the one who…

Finn: He’s not– he’s not thinking straight.

Steffy: Yeah, I mean, what a weird thing to say. Deacon saw her body. Unless he doesn’t trust his own eyes.

Finn: Well, no, that’s just the thing. That’s– that’s why he’s questioning it.

Steffy: What?

Finn: Her toes.

Steffy: Her toes? What? Hey! It’s your dry skin.

Carter: Look, zende, if you have feelings for luna, what am I talking about if? Of course you do. It’s written all over your face. Rj is your cousin, okay? You can’t act… hey, what’s that look? You’ve already acted on them?

Zende: Luna is totally committed to rj.

Carter: That doesn’t answer my question. You can be committed and still make a very bad decision.

Zende: It wasn’t her fault.

Carter: So something did happen.

Zende: Yeah. The night of my granddad’s wedding.

Luna: Before I tell you what’s been going on with me and why I haven’t been acting like myself, I just, I want to make it clear how much I love you, okay? And how much I treasure this relationship. It’s so important to me that you know that.

Rj: I do.

Luna: I mean, the thought of someone or something coming between us, like, it horrifies me. I’d never want that. Ever.

Rj: Do you– do you think that’s happened? Because I don’T. No one could come between us.

Luna: I want to believe that. I really do.

Rj: Luna, whatever this is, you are going to feel better if you tell me.

Luna: No, you’re right. You’re right. I– I need to open up to you. You deserve to know what happened.

Ridge: I get what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to keep her memory alive. But just know that for everybody else, she’s dead. And that includes finn. And I know you’re trying to get in his ear. I get all that.

Deacon: No.

Ridge: Well, no, you were trying to guilt him into coming to this memorial–

Deacon: I wasn’t guilting him. I just invited him to come. It’s not the same thing.

Ridge: Either way, he came. He was here and dead mommy was happy. Everyone was happy. But that’s the end of it. ‘Cause steffy, finn, they got a lot of things to worry about. A lot of things to work out. And they don’t need you walking around saying that sheila’s still with us. Deacon, come on, man. I like you. In your apartment, you should have a little corner with a candle, incense. And on her birthday every year, you can sacrifice a frog or a garden snake or something and do that. But for everyone else, she’s gone. Out of our lives. You may be wrong, ridge.

Steffy: Sheila’s toes? What about them?

Finn: All nine of them. You remember the fake bear attack?

Steffy: Oh, yeah. Yeah, when she cut off her own toe and convinced everyone that she was dead. Yeah, I remember. Why are we bringing this up? It’s disgusting.

Finn: It’s deranged.

Steffy: Okay, so what does this ridiculous bear attack have to do with deacon’s deranged syndrome?

Finn: Because deacon saw ten.

Steffy: Huh?

Finn: Ten toes.

Steffy: Wha– (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma

Carter: Okay, so let me get this straight. Luna cheated on rj with you?

Zende: Not in the way that you’re thinking. Do you remember that night? It wasn’t long after the ceremony. Luna took off.

Carter: Vaguely? She was tired or something?

Zende: Tired enough to want to go home. Only… she didn’t make it home. She only made it as far as across the courtyard.

Carter: You mean to the guest house?

Zende: Yeah. Carter, she ended up in my place.

Luna: You mentioned your grandfather’s wedding earlier.

Rj: Yeah, it was– it was after that that I just noticed something was different with you. I mean, you told me that you weren’t feeling well, so I just assumed that was the explanation.

Luna: Yeah, I definitely did not feel well the next day.

Rj: I mean, you said you were just tired at the wedding and you went home early.

Luna: I couldn’T… I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I mean, I’d never felt that way before in my entire life.

Rj: What way?

Luna: Like– like not just tired, but also, like, woozy. Kind of like being drunk, but on a whole different level.

Rj: I mean, you couldn’t have been drunk, though. You had two or three glasses, small glasses of champagne. It couldn’t have been that.

Luna: Yeah, I barely drank.

Rj: I mean, you didn’t have much to eat before. It could have been that.

Luna: That’s true, but, um, that’s not the reason why I felt the way that I did.

Rj: So, you know the reason? You know what happened to you?

Luna: I do now.

Rj: Okay.

Luna: Um… my mother happened. My mother and her mints.

Steffy: Ten toes?

Finn: Yeah.

Steffy: What does that even mean? Is that something that deacon saw? Like, was he having hallucinations? Was he on something? This is crazy.

Finn: I don’t know. Like, after sheila’s memorial, deacon wanted to go with her to the crematorium.

Steffy: Oh, that’s weird.

Finn: Yeah, I know. I guess he just– he didn’t want her to be alone.

Steffy: Okay, faithful to the end.

Finn: Truly. So, but he went and watched the whole process, but that’s when it happened.

Steffy: What happened?

Finn: At some point, you know, when the body was being pushed in, the sheet slipped off a little bit. And, like, this can’t be true, so you don’t need to worry, but what deacon thinks he saw, just as the door closed, he noticed her feet. And if it was sheila, there should have been nine toes, right?

Steffy: Right.

Finn: Well, according to deacon, the body that was cremated had ten.

Deacon: Ridge was right. I’m going crazy. Rest in peace, beautiful girl. I saw you. I saw you with my own eyes. There’s no doubt about it. Then how could it…

[ Mechanical whirring ]

[ Fire roaring ] Ten toes. I saw them. Maybe I’m not going crazy. Maybe that wasn’t you. And if that wasn’t you, then maybe you’re out there. Maybe you need my help. It was one thing when my mom got alzheimer’s,

Carter: So luna, she kisses rj good night, says her goodbyes and ends up at your place? And when you get home, I’m assuming she’s still there, and that’S… that’s when you two… zende, look at me. What happened? Tell me.

Rj: Your mother’s mints? What…

Luna: Um, my mom takes these special mints to help soothe her anxiety. Or at least, she did. She claims that she doesn’t take them anymore, but…

Rj: They’re special and, like, they have drugs in them? For…

Luna: Exactly.

Rj: Okay.

Luna: And she kept these special mints in this tin. Um, it was a tin that looked enough like the tin that I put my mints in. My regular, everyday breath mints.

Rj: Oh, no.

Luna: And somehow, I still don’t know when or where, but on the day of the wedding, her tin ended up in my bag.

Rj: Oh, my god.

Luna: And… I don’t know if you remember, but that night I was feeling a little self-conscious about my breath, so I took quite a few.

Rj: You did. Oh, that– well, that explains why you were so tired and you wanted to go home early. You accidentally took drugs?

Luna: Yeah, and it’s something that I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I mean, I wish I never took any of my mom’s damn mints. Everything would be so different.

Rj: Diff– different how? Luna, did something happen after the party because you took those mints?

Luna: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

Steffy: Deacon’s losing it. Because there is no way that could happen. Like, no– wait, what did you say? You said her sheet slipped off?

Finn: Yeah, as the body was moving towards the flames, I guess there was some sort of little bump and the box that she was in dropped a little bit.

Steffy: And that’s when the sheet fell.

Finn: And revealed her feet.

Steffy: All ten toes.

Finn: He seemed pretty sure.

Steffy: Well, he’s wrong. Finn, you have to agree with me, right?

Finn: I’m just telling you what he told me, but he was right there. He watched her body going.

Steffy: I don’t care what deacon thinks. That was sheila.

Deacon: Let’s see what was going on, sheila. Check your emails. Work. Work. Pilates. Work. Spam. Let’s check your text messages. Who’s this? “How’d you get this number?” “Doesn’t matter.” “I’m gonna find you.” “Stay away from me, sugar!”

Finn: He’s pretty sure that he saw ten toes.

Steffy: Oh, god.

Finn: And that’s why he thinks that sheila may still be alive and that she could still be out there.

Deacon: Sugar… who the hell is sugar?

Announcer: Here’s a look ahead.

Lauren: I never wanna hear her name again.

Finn: Deacon’s in a bad place.

Steffy: He needs to stop this.

Rj: My cousin, you two…

Luna: I’m sorry! Rj, please.

Zende: Blame me. Don’t blame her.

Rj: I do blame you!

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B&B Short Recap Thursday, April 11, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Deacon continues to tell Finn that Sheila might be alive. Finn goes home and tells Steffy what Deacon said. They both think Deacon has gone crazy. Meanwhile, Ridge visits Deacon, and Deacon tells him the same thing. Ridge gets annoyed and tells him that he’s losing it.

Luna prepares to tell RJ the truth about what happened with Zende. He is very supportive. Later, Carter chats with Zende. He can tell that something has been on his mind lately.

Steffy admires RJ’s designs, and they talk about his working for HFTF with Luna and Zende.


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B&B Transcript Thursday, April 11, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Finn: There’s just no way.

Deacon: Listen to me. I’m telling you that I think sheila might be alive.

Finn: Deacon, you’re grieving, and grief takes many forms.

Deacon: No, I’d accepted it, okay? I even had the memorial service. But then, when I was at the crematorium, you–

Finn: You saw her face.

Deacon: Yes, I saw her face, and then I saw ten toes.

Finn: You saw what you wanted to see.

Deacon: No, I saw a woman’s pair of feet with a full set of digits.

Finn: I know it’s hard to accept losing her, and you are under a lot of strain.

Deacon: Listen to me. Sheila had nine toes. I saw ten. Explain that to me.

Finn: I’m afraid that your mind is playing tricks on you, deacon. Sheila is dead. Steffy killed her.

Steffy: Rj, this is great.

Rj: Really?

Steffy: Yeah. Has hope seen this?

Rj: Uh, no. No, I was just playing around.

Steffy: I’m– wow, I am really impressed. I mean, you have– you’ve come a long way. Really improved.

Rj: Thank you. Oh, hey, that’s high praise coming from my big sis/co-ceo.

Steffy: Aha, don’t you forget it.

Rj: Oh, come on, I know who’s running things around here.

Steffy: Hey, now that thomas is gone, and hope is revamping her line, I mean, this is a great opportunity for you to work on hope for the future.

Rj: Yeah, I know. Zende and I met with hope, and we talked about stepping up. Luna, too.

Steffy: I’m glad to hear it.

Rj: Yeah, I think the three of us are gonna– we’re gonna work well together.

Luna: I have to tell rj the truth.

Zende: I understand.

Luna: I mean, I have no other choice.

Zende: No, it’s totally up to you. I just wish I could forget about that night.

Luna: Yeah, well, I can’t, zende. I mean, I’ve tried, but every time I look at rj, it’s like– it’s like I’m– I’m– I’m betraying him all over again.

Zende: It was a complete misunderstanding. Neither of us knew that you were under the influence.

Luna: But I’ve been lying to him every day since. I’m just– I’m terrified of how he’s gonna react.

Zende: You’re worried that he’s gonna end your relationship? Listen, I hope that you’re wrong, but whether rj does or doesn’t, I will always be here for you.

Luna: Um, you’re nice to say that, zende. And I know that you didn’t realize what was going on with me the, uh, the night that we spent together.

Zende: Neither did you. We had no idea that you were under the influence of your mom’s laced mints.

Luna: I don’t blame you, okay? But I still feel horrible about what happened. I mean, the last thing I expected was to be involved with two men. Two incredible guys, part of this amazing family who have so much love for me. And now I’m bringing drama and anxiety into everyone’s lives.

Zende: Don’t worry about that.

Luna: But I mean, I know how tight your family is. And I know how important it is that all of you get along. And I don’t wanna disrupt that. But I’m sorry, I just– I can’t live like this anymore.

Rj: Hey, um, I know you’ve been dealing with a lot lately. How– how are you holding up?

Steffy: Just doing my best to keep busy.

Rj: Okay, yeah. I heard about the memorial at il giardino. That was weird.

Ridge: Yeah, it was weird. Hey.

[ Phone dinging ]

Steffy: Hi.

Rj: That’s luna, she wants to talk to me at my place.

Ridge: All right, go.

Steffy: Yeah, we’ll call you if we need you.

Rj: Yeah? Okay.

Ridge: So we’re still talking about this memorial, huh? What was deacon thinking?

Deacon: Yeah, I know. I’m nuts, I’m insane. I’m as crazy as sheila is. But what if I’m right?

Finn: It’s not plausible.

Deacon: No, what if it is? What if I did see ten toes? What if your mother’s alive? File 100% free with turbotax free edition.

Luna: All right, it’s done. I’m– I’m gonna go meet rj at his house.

Zende: So, you’re really doing this?

Luna: Yeah, I have to. Listen, I know that this might damage your relationship with him. So, I just– I hope that you don’t think I’m being selfish.

Zende: No. Of course not. Rj and I will always be cousins. We’ll figure it out. I’m just concerned about you.

Luna: Yeah, um, keeping this secret is killing me. Every time rj asks me if something’s wrong, I mean, I’m just flat out lying to him whenever I tell him no. And I can’t do it. It just— it’s not me.

Zende: No. You’re a good person. You’d never intentionally hurt someone.

Luna: You wouldn’t either.

Zende: Thank you. If you think telling rj is the only way to give you some peace, the only way to free you from this guilt and this shame that you’re feeling, then you gotta do it. I know it’s scary. I know that rj is going to be hurt. But look at you. You’re torturing yourself. I hate to see you like this.

Luna: Yeah, I– I can’t wait another day. That’s not fair to him.

Zende: No. No, it’s not. Rj deserves to know about our night together.

Ridge: I know they had their fling, but deacon thinks that they were in love.

Steffy: Oh, gosh. Whatever their twisted version of love is.

Ridge: How did I not get invited to this? It hurts me to the core.

Steffy: Oh, yeah, I’m sure. You know it was just finn and– and hope.

Ridge: I know. And I get why hope was there. She was there to support her dad. But what was finn trying to get out of this?

Steffy: He wanted to say goodbye.

Ridge: Say goodbye to the woman that almost killed him? Almost killed you, twice?

Steffy: Okay, dad, I’m still struggling to wrap my head around it.

Ridge: So am I. She was coming after you for months.

Steffy: I know that, but dad, you have to understand, like, I don’t want finn to resent me. Like I don’t wanna seem that way.

Ridge: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Resent you? For what?

Steffy: I– I’m his wife, and I stabbed his birth mother.

Ridge: She had it coming. She came after you. You had no choice.

Steffy: Yeah, logically, finn knows that.

Ridge: Okay, then, emotionally, he needs to be there for you. He needs to support you.

Steffy: Yeah.

Finn: Look, you’ll never forget about sheila. And she will always live on in your memories.

Deacon: I know what I saw.

Finn: Listen, deacon, our brains have a unique way of protecting us from trauma sometimes.

Deacon: Exactly. Save all the doctor stuff, man. Listen, if I’m wrong, go buy me a book on neuroscience. Just listen to me. Please. Guy to guy. Listen to me as her son. What if your birth mother is still alive. What if we didn’t lose her?

Finn: Well, then where is she, deacon? Why isn’t she reaching out to you?

Deacon: Maybe she’s in hiding.

Finn: Hiding? You saw her at the morgue. You saw her face.

Deacon: I saw her after she died, and I saw her before she went into the cremation chamber.

Finn: Exactly. Her body has been identified by multiple people. The coroner confirmed her death. Sheila died in my home at the hands of my wife, and you need to stay rooted in reality. It is the only way to heal from this.

Deacon: You tell me where that extra toe came from.

Finn: It’s wishful thinking. That’s all it is. And I know that you wanna go there, but you really shouldn’t, because it’s only gonna hurt more. The only way to heal from this is to accept the fact that you are never gonna see sheila again.

Rj: Hi.

Luna: Hey.

Rj: I am so sorry I was late, but it was for good reason. I got you something special. Pretty flowers for my pretty lady. Hi.

Luna: Hey.

Rj: So how are you? What do you wanna talk about? Uhhh.

Carter: Zende.

Zende: Hey, carter. What’s up?

Carter: Why do I get the feeling that your mind was a million miles away just now?

Zende: I guess it was. I’m having trouble focusing.

Carter: Well, you better get focused. I mean you have some big opportunities on hope for the future. New lead designer. Mentoring rj and luna.

Zende: That’s the plan.

Carter: How are you not more excited?

Zende: I am. I am, it’S… I just got a lot on my plate.

Carter: Okay. Well, you got this, zende. Don’t let the pressure overwhelm you. You can handle it. And it’s different than last time. You’ve grown so much, and you picked up a lot from hope and thomas.

Zende: It’s not that.

Carter: Then, what is it? What’s gotten you so distracted lately?

Zende: It’s that obvious?

Carter: Don’t think anyone else has picked up on it, as far as I can tell, but I know you. You’ve been off your game. Something’s definitely bothering you. So, what’s going on?

Rj: I was happy to get your text. Glad you found the spare key, let yourself in.

Luna: Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you drive all the way out here.

Rj: No, no, it’S… hey, any excuse I can get to miss charlie’s weekly safety briefing, I’ll take it.

Luna: I don’t know. I just thought that it’d be nice to, um, talk here, away from the office and everyone else. I mean, this place has such wonderful memories for us.

Rj: Yeah. Some of our best memories have been in this house. You know, it’s really starting to feel like a home now. Especially when I see you. It’d be great if you were out here more often.

Luna: Yeah. I’d like that more than anything.

Rj: Okay, all right. Well, then, well starting today. You know, we’ve both been so busy lately. We’ll make more of a point to spend more time together, okay? You know, I got you those flowers to surprise you, but you’re always the one that’s full of surprises. I love that about you. Hey, are you okay? Hey, luna, what’s wrong?

Steffy: Hi, baby. Hm. I wasn’t expecting this kind of sexy greeting.

Finn: What can I say? I can’t get enough of my beautiful wife.

Steffy: Well, I can’t get enough of you.

Finn: I wanna take you right here.

Steffy: Babe, you’re in my office right now.

Finn: Okay, I can’t wait ’til later tonight when you’re home.

Steffy: Okay.

Finn: Yeah.

Steffy: So, how’d it go, uh, with deacon at il giardino? Let me guess, it was about sheila.

Finn: Yeah, how’d you guess?

Steffy: Well, deacon is sheila’s number one cheerleader, so… what, did he give you her ashes or something?

Finn: No, no. But, uh, you’re in the ballpark. No, it was odd. Deacon’s really losing it. He’s saying some crazy stuff about sheila.

Steffy: What?

Deacon: I don’t know exactly how I’m gonna solve this. If that wasn’t you, then maybe you’re still alive. I don’t know why the hell this is happening.

Ridge: What’s going on here, sharpie? Talking to yourself?

Deacon: Do me a favor, go away. Not today, please.

Ridge: See, that’s what happens. You hang out with a lunatic, you start losing it yourself. Try killing bugs the worry-free way.

Carter: Something happen? Zende, man, trust me, whatever’s bothering you is not as bad as you think it is.

Zende: Brother, I wish I could say you were right.

Carter: Okay, well, I’m not gonna push you to open up, but–

Zende: No. Actually, this is– I really need to talk to someone, carter.

Carter: Talk about what?

Zende: It’s about luna.

Rj: Luna, talk to me. Listen, I’ve– I’ve noticed that you just haven’t, you know, really been yourself for a while.

Luna: I know.

Rj: It’s okay. I mean, it’s just that normally we’re really connected, and, you know, it’s fun, and we’re vibing, and… it just seems like lately, one second, you’re here, and the next you’ve drifted off someplace else.

Luna: Yeah, I’ve, um… I’ve been really stressed out lately.

Rj: Stressed? Stressed about what? Is it– is it about us? Did I do something?

Luna: No, no, rj, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just…

Rj: We’re okay? Does this have to do with your mom? Are– are you guys good?

Luna: Yeah, she’s part of it.

Rj: Okay. Well, let me– let me help. Hey, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.

Luna: You are. I mean, you’re the most wonderful guy, rj.

Rj: So, you– you’d tell me if you were upset with me, right? ‘Cause when I think about it, this all started the day after my granddad got married to donna, after that party. Ever since then, you’ve seemed really distant.

Luna: I’m sorry.

Rj: No, you have no reason to be sorry.

Luna: Yeah, I do.

Rj: What is it? Tell me. Tell me anything.

Deacon: What are you doing here?

Ridge: Well, I was talking to steffy, and you know, this girl is tough as nails, but she’s having a tough time. I mean, sheila breaking into her house, coming after her, and steffy having to put her down. So, tell me about this memorial.

Deacon: It’s not really any of your business.

Ridge: I know, but as a friend, I should tell you it’s a big waste of time and money.

Deacon: Well, it’s my time, my money. She meant something to me.

Ridge: Yeah. We both know that there was something wrong in her head. And her being gone, being out of our lives, it’s good for everybody.

Deacon: What if she isn’t gone, ridge? What if sheila isn’t out of our lives?

Steffy: I’m not surprised deacon’s saying crazy things about sheila. I mean, he’s the one who fell in love with that monster.

Finn: It was more than that. Deacon was freaking out when I got to the restaurant. Like, out of his mind, going on and on with strange ideas.

Steffy: Like what?

Finn: Nothing that made any sense.

Steffy: Okay, what did he say specifically?

Finn: Well, you know, deacon’s eccentric and quirky.

Steffy: Yeah, clearly. He dated sheila.

Finn: Well, now you can add paranoid and delusional to the list. Because get this, deacon is questioning whether or not sheila is actually dead.

Steffy: What?

Finn: Deacon’s convinced himself sheila may still be alive.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Finn: What are you talking about, sheila isn’t dead?

Deacon: I know this sounds crazy, but what if, what if it were true?

Liam: So kelly left this guy at my place. I’m not sure bedtime would go as smoothly without it.

Steffy: Thank you. How could she forget this little guy? Oh, wait. Oh, it’s when you took her on a shopping spree and got her every single stuffed animal she could possibly want.

Liam: Not that she could possibly want. Just that she could carry. I have trouble saying no.

Steffy: Yeah, she has you wrapped around her finger.

Liam: Yeah. It’s a good finger to be wrapped around, though. You know something? This is, um… it’s kind of nice.

Steffy: What?

Liam: Just… not worrying that you and the kids are safe. Not having to leave here with a pit in my stomach. Life sure got easier with sheila gone for good.

Rj: So, sis, on a scale of one to ten, how stressed are you about hope for the future?

Hope: Are you kidding? I mean, I have surrounded myself with talent. My vision is clear. Yeah, I would be at about a ten.

Rj: Why? Why are you like that? We’re good. Everything’s good.

Hope: Look, I am appreciative, you know, that you and zende and luna, that you’re really going to step up.

Rj: But I feel like there’s a but coming.

Hope: Oh. Because I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. I mean, the last time thomas was off the line, it almost got shelved.

Rj: That’s not going to happen this time. Look, zende, luna, and I, we’re gonna have your back, and we’re a team, and we’re gonna look out for each other.

Zende: You wanna tell rj what happened between us?

Luna: I have to, okay? Keeping this secret from the man I love is killing me.

[ Knocking on door ]

Poppy: Luna, what’s wrong? What’s going on?

Luna: I’ve made up my mind, mom. I’m telling rj about my night with zende.

Hope: I really appreciate the support and concern.

Rj: That’s what family’s for. Plus, I totally believe in your vision.

Hope: While I’m not going to lie, thomas leaving is a bit concerning for the line. But I also think we have a good game plan. I mean, I have my super talented little bro helping out on the designs. Not to mention, zende already knows my vision and my style. And he’s worked very closely with thomas. And now, luna will be working closely with him. I think it would be a great experience for her. I mean, zende has so much to offer.

Poppy: I thought you agreed you were going to keep that night a secret.

Luna: I’ve been trying, okay? I mean, I hate the thought of messing up rj and zende’s relationship.

Poppy: Well, what about messing up your relationship with rj?

Luna: I’ve been basically lying to him, mom, and it’s killing me. I mean, this is not who I am. This is not the woman that you raised me to be.

Poppy: Luna, just– just think about this.

Luna: No, mom, please stop. You can’t talk me out of this, okay? Neither of you can. I mean, rj deserves to know the truth, and I’m– I’m gonna tell him. And there is nothing that either of you can say to stop me.

Liam: Thank you.

Steffy: Yeah.

Liam: So, how’s finn? I’m playing nice. I’m just, uh… I don’t know, curious if going to this memorial got sheila out of his system.

Steffy: You know he’s had some kind of, like, primal connection to sheila. That, I’ll never understand.

Liam: ‘Cause it’s not logical.

Steffy: You already know that I wasn’t happy about finn going to sheila’s memorial.

Liam: I do know. And why would you be? It’s kind of silly. He should have been here with his wife and his family.

Steffy: Well, he needed to be there. Liam, he got closure. It’s finally over. And you’re right. We don’t have to worry about sheila anymore.

Finn: Deacon, what are you talking about?

Deacon: Listen, I know– I know this sounds crazy, okay? But what if… what if she’s still alive?

Finn: You hear yourself right now, deacon? Okay, sheila, she died in my home. There was paramedics. There was police. We just had her memorial service. You went to the crematorium.

Deacon: I know.

Finn: Then how could you possibly think that sheila’s alive?

Deacon: It doesn’t make sense. I saw her face myself. I said goodbye. The person who was being cremated… had ten toes. Ten toes, finn.

Rj: It’s no secret. Um, there’s been tension between zende and me, but it was because, you know, he thought it was unfair that I got to work on granddad’s line. But it’s okay. We’re fine. That’s in the past now.

Hope: Well, I’m sure he feels the same way.

Rj: Yeah. I think he’s a very talented designer, and I think I can learn a lot from him.

Hope: Okay. So then, how do you feel about zende and luna working together?

Rj: I– I think learning from zende is really good for luna right now.

Luna: Do you know what it’s like to lie to the person that you love? Mom, it’s torture. And I can’t do it anymore.

Poppy: Honey–

Luna: No, mom, please stop trying to talk me out of doing what you know is right.

Poppy: I won’T. I let you down, sweetheart. And it breaks my heart. I’m giving up the mints. I’m not taking them anymore. And I’m also done pressuring you into not following your heart. So, if you want to tell rj about what happened, then you should. I am so sorry, sweetheart.

Liam: Well, as the mother of my child and someone I… happen to care about, I just hope you don’t feel like you’re going through this alone.

Steffy: Thank you for caring about me, but I’m– I’m not alone, liam.

Liam: Good. Still think finn going to that memorial’s kind of messed up, but okay.

Steffy: Okay. Well, I think finn is just trying to process everything the best he can, and he is determined to put sheila behind us. And honestly, I feel as though I’m more patient with him, knowing that sheila is gone. That she is never coming back.

Finn: Deacon, I know it’s hard to say goodbye. And look, on– on some level, I feel the same way, but… what you’re saying and what you think you saw, you most likely–

Deacon: I didn’t think. I know what I saw, finn. I was there. I know what I saw. I asked to witness the cremation. I didn’t want to leave sheila alone. And frankly, I wasn’t ready to say my final goodbyes. I looked at her. I looked at her, and it was sheila. And then the attendant, he asked me if I wanted to press the button. And, man, that was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. And the cremator doors, they opened, and the box started moving in. But it got jostled and the sheet that was covering her body, it slipped off and it exposed her feet and that’s when I saw it. That’s when I saw that she had ten toes. Skin-carving next level hydration?

Hope: Well, I am glad to hear that you and zende are on better terms. Rj, I mean, you two, you’re the future of this company. You are the next generation of forrester.

Rj: And we are going to continue to make sure that hope for the future is a success.

Hope: Thank you. Honestly, I was a little nervous to do this without thomas again, but with your support, I am feeling much more at ease.

Rj: Good.

Hope: And I’m excited for luna. I think she’s going to be a big part of this collaboration.

Rj: You think so? I mean, she’s– she’s one of a kind. I mean, she has a mind for business, and she has an eye for fashion. Not only that, she has an insane amount of work ethic. Those are her bad points. I swear. She’s got a great heart, and she’s incredibly honest. I think you’ll love that about her. And… she’s been a light in my life and I’M… we are now very lucky to have her.

[ Luna sighing ]

Zende: Your mom loves you very much.

Luna: Yeah, and I love her, too. And, um, I’m really grateful that she stopped trying to talk me out of telling rj the truth. Listen, I… I realized that this could have a serious impact on your relationship with rj, and I hate that. I– listen, I– I tried to keep this secret for as long as I could, for both of your sakes.

Zende: And I appreciate that so much, but… I agree with poppy. You should tell rj the truth. I can see how much the secret is eating at you, and I don’t want that. I care about you too much.

Liam: Still feels surreal, you know? Sheila carter, gone forever.

Steffy: Yeah, it’s still gonna take some, uh, time to process for both finn and me.

Liam: Where is the good doctor?

Steffy: Oh, yeah, he ran out to meet up with deacon. Deacon called him. He sounded really upset. I guess he’S… I don’t know, struggling with sheila’s death.

Liam: Wow.

Steffy: Yeah.

Liam: I don’t really get how someone like deacon could come to find anything redeemable about sheila. Like, deacon and I, we’ve had our issues in the past, but I always admired his… his street smarts, his ability to read people, and yet…

Steffy: Yeah, I have no sympathy for that man, so…

Liam: Well, apparently, finn does.

Steffy: Finn is a doctor through and through. He cares about people, even when they don’t deserve it. Look, he’s gonna go see deacon, and that’s it. Hey, finn already told me. He said we’re done talking about sheila once and for all.

Finn: Okay, deacon, listen to me, okay? As a doctor, I experience death a lot. And for some families who are present when they have their loved ones take their last breath, it’s not uncommon for them to think they saw something, like an eye flutter or a finger twitch. One time, a wife thought her deceased husband had a smile. Okay? It’s sometimes a way of our mind processing.

Deacon: I know what I saw. I saw ten toes. I saw it. I saw it with my own eyes. And then I– I– I tried to get the guy to stop the process.

Finn: Yeah, you need to get ahold of yourself. You’re freaking out.

Deacon: Yeah, I am freaking out, ’cause I cannot explain this. Do you understand? I looked at her. It was sheila. I looked with my own two eyes. There were ten toes. What if it wasn’t sheila that was cremated?

This is not just a stop

for allergy meds.

Rj: It’s kind of wild, isn’t it? You know, when I first got back to L.A., I was like, I don’t want anything to do with the family business. I want to do my own thing.

Hope: Any regrets?

Rj: No. I’m lucky. I mean, look at me. I get to work with my talented sister, you.

[ Both chuckle ] I get to design with my cousin. I get to build something I love with the woman I love. I’m excited. I think– I think we’re gonna make hope for the future even better now because of what we all share. Transparency and trust.

Zende: I’m so sorry this is happening to you.

Luna: Yeah, me too.

Zende: You’re a good person. There’s nothing you could do to change that. Rj knows this. You won’t lose him.

Luna: God, everything was so perfect. From working at forrester to falling in love with rj and your family accepting me.

Zende: Now, it’s a nightmare.

Luna: Yeah, because of my mom’s mints.

Zende: Regardless of whatever was happening, I shouldn’t have come onto my cousin’s girl. And I never would have allowed what happened between us that night, had I known that you weren’t yourself. And… if I didn’t have these feelings I have for you…

Luna: Zende.

Zende: I’m not coming onto you, I swear. I’m just being honest. I guess what I’m trying to say is, if… rj doesn’t handle it well when you tell him what happened between us, and I truly hope he does. But if for some reason he blames you, I’m here.

Steffy: Baker stopped by forrester the other day. He confirmed sheila’s death was an act of self defense.

Liam: I mean, no surprise there, but… it’s gotta be a relief. Help you heal, help you move on.

Steffy: Yeah, it is. I just wanted to tell you. Okay, we need to really stop talking about sheila. So, how are you? And don’t deflect, okay? Be real with me.

Liam: I’m good. I’m hanging in there. I’m, uh… um, focusing on beth and kelly and work. Actually, I don’t know. I think maybe, uh… maybe I’m doing… some soul searching. I’m asking myself some… kind of uncomfortable questions.

Steffy: Like what?

Liam: Like, am I the kind of man that I would ever want to see either of them with? Not really. I was accused of waffling over the years, you know? And I’m guilty as charged, the way that i went back and forth between you and hope over and over and over again. I gotta figure out who the hell I am. And maybe… maybe I just want to be dad for a little while, you know? Be the best– be the best dad that I can be for my daughters.

Steffy: Liam, you are a great father. I’ve seen your growth, your self-awareness. You should be proud of yourself.

Liam: Thank you. That means a lot, coming from you.

Deacon: I am not making this up. When I saw her feet, I saw ten toes. That image is burned inside my brain. Now, you tell me, how there could be ten.

Finn: Because there weren’T. None of this is real. Ten toes? Deacon, your mind is playing tricks on you.

Deacon: It keeps popping into my head again and again and again and I can’t get it out.

Finn: Yeah, you’re upset. You’re obviously grieving. Deacon, you and sheila, you had planned this whole life together. Some people saw her as a monster. You saw her as someone worthy of love. And you’re devastated. But you have got to let this go. There is no way that sheila wasn’t at the crematorium. You said you saw her yourself. It’s time to say goodbye. I know it’s hard to accept, but sheila, she’s dead.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At Il Giordino, Deacon tries to convince Finn that Sheila might still be alive, since the corpse he saw go into the crematorium had ten toes…even though he saw Sheila’s face and knew it to be her. Finn thinks that Deacon is just grief-stricken.

At Forrester Creations, Hope and RJ discuss the future of HFTF, and Luna working with Zende.

Meanwhile, Luna vents to Poppy and Zende about how hard it’s been to lie to Zende. They’re reluctant at first, but both tell her that they support her decision to tell RJ the truth.

At the beach house, Liam and Steffy chat about what’s going on with Finn, Deacon, and their dealing with Sheila’s death. They’re both glad to have her gone. Liam is glad to hear that Steffy’s been cleared of Sheila’s death. Liam confesses that he’s been doing some reflection and realizes that he isn’t the kind of person he should be. He talks about how he’s waffled for years between Steffy and Hope. He wants to just concentrate on his kids for now. She’s proud of him.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy and Finn chat about how they can move on now that Sheila’s dead. She knows that Hope was at the memorial, so he fills her in on what happened, which they discuss. Steffy is perturbed when Deacon phone Finn.

At Il Giardino, Deacon is still upset at seeing ten toes on the corpse and wonders if he really saw it. Hollings asks him if he’s okay because he’s clearly distraught. He has a flashback to Sheila tell him about how she cut off her toe because she knew that the Forresters would never except her death otherwise (the last time she faked her death). He phones Finn to come see him, so he does. Finn urges him to move on from Sheila’s death. Deacon poses the disturbing question, “What if she’s not really dead?”

Hope has a meeting with Zende, Luna and RJ about the future of her line. She tells them briefly that Thomas has gone back to Paris, so they have to move on without him. She tells them that Zende will be taking Thomas’ place, and she wants Luna to work with him and learn from him. Later, Luna tells Zende how she’s wracked with guilt and needs to tell RJ the truth.


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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Deacon: Stop! Stop! Ten toes! It can’t be. There’s no way.

[ Groaning ]

Finn: Morning.

Steffy: Morning. Here.

Finn: Thank you.

Steffy: Hey. Should’ve woken me up when you got in.

Finn: Well, it was a late shift.

Steffy: Yeah. But we still haven’t talked about, you know, sheila’s memorial. So how was it? Did you feel like you got some closure?

Finn: Yeah. And thanks again for being so understanding.

Steffy: Well, I wasn’t gonna stand in the way. So now it’s finally over, huh?

Finn: You’re amazing. You know that?

Steffy: I love hearing you say that. So you and deacon weren’t the only ones at the memorial? Hope was there too?

Zende: You sure you don’t wanna reschedule the meeting?

Rj: Yeah, it’d be understandable considering you went to sheila’s memorial yesterday.

Hope: I think it will be fine. I was there to support my dad.

Rj: And how is he?

Hope: Grieving. Losing her the way that he did, the way that sheila died, was difficult for him to process. I think he really believed that sheila had changed.

Zende: Too bad she didn’T. But at least we don’t have to worry about sheila being a threat anymore.

Hope: While I appreciate the concern, I didn’t ask you here to discuss sheila’s memorial. I assume that you have heard that thomas has relocated to paris for the time being?

Zende: We did.

Luna: Yeah, just tell us what you need.

Rj: We’re here for you.

Hope: Thank you. Um, as you may or may not know, thomas proposed again and I did not accept. So he has left. And I don’t exactly know what that means quite yet, both personally and professionally. But his absence is quite a bit of a loss. So I am counting on you all to really step up. We’re gonna have to rally together and work as a team.

Finn: Yeah, hope was there to support her father.

Steffy: So it was just you two and deacon?

Finn: Yeah. Yeah, it was a pretty simple ceremony. It was actually pretty eye-opening. I didn’t think I realized how much deacon really cared about sheila. She was important to him and he misses her. He’s just– he’s having difficulty accepting that she’s really gone.

Hollis: Uh, boss? You okay?

Deacon: What?

Hollis: You hanging in there after the memorial yesterday? I mean, I know that’s pretty overwhelming stuff, saying goodbye to someone you care so much about.

Deacon: No. No, I’m not all right, hollis. I’m not all right at all. (Vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma

Zende: Thomas was the lead designer, but… you’re the heart and soul of this line, hope.

Rj: You always have been, sis.

Hope: Well, I’ll need your help to put out a new collection.

Luna: I’m happy to pitch in whatever you need.

Hope: Well, hope for the future is this company’s youngest line, and you are the youngest generation of forrester creations. You are all brilliant and talented, and I am very excited about what we can achieve together. But in order to do so, we’re really, really going to have to step up. You ready for that?

Rj: Absolutely.

Zende: Hope for the future is my number one priority.

Luna: I mean, I know I still have a lot to learn, but I’m super thrilled to be on the team.

Hope: Oh, no, no, no, actually, luna, you are going to be a very big part of this. I mean, after you worked so closely with rj on eric’s collection, you impressed a lot of people, and so I think it’s time to give you a little more responsibility. Look, I don’t see this as a setback. I see it as an opportunity. A chance to try something new. And luna, I envision you working very closely with zende.

Steffy: Yeah, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for deacon. I mean, this is the man who harbored the woman who tried to kill us.

Finn: Hmm.

Steffy: And I get sheila’s death has taken a toll on deacon. And you too, but, um…

Finn: Hey, it’s– it’s been rough on all of us.

Steffy: Yeah. But now we can finally move on.

Finn: I am. And I’m sorry I can’t explain it. This tie to sheila was deeper than I realized. Hey, thank you for giving me the space to… not exactly grieve her, but just to acknowledge what I lost.

Steffy: Well, you’re my husband and I’m gonna support you. No matter what, okay? Hey, sheila didn’t come between us when she was alive. She’s not gonna come between us now.

Hollis: What happened? Did the memorial not go as you had hoped? Did anyone show?

Deacon: Finn and hope.

Hollis: That’s great. That’s what you wanted, right? To have family there?

Deacon: Yeah.

Hollis: It’s hard to believe she’s really gone.

Deacon: You’re telling me.

Deacon: How did you convince everyone that you’re dead?

Sheila: When it comes to faking my own death, I take it very seriously. Yeah, I may have had to rip out some of my hair, tear my clothes. And a pint of my blood, but I had to make it look like a bear really did maul me. You know, I– I knew that… that none of that was gonna be enough. Especially not for ridge and the forresters. I knew that they would need more, so I– I gave it to them. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

Deacon: You cut off your own toe.

[ Sheila laughs ] Are you seeing things? Or did you really see ten toes? Because if you saw ten toes, then that cannot be sheila. Breathing claritin clear

Luna: Uh, you want me working with zende?

Hope: Yes. While you and rj are a great team, I mean, what you did for eric was extraordinary. Um, what we do here is a little different from couture. It’s more about self expression.

Zende: In couture, you make an entrance, in hope for the future you make an impact.

Hope: Exactly. And zende already has his finger on the pulse of our collection, what makes it work. I mean, his designs have been very important for our success. And rj, while I’m looking forward to what you bring to the table, zende just has a little more experience and seasoned talent to take over for thomas.

Zende: Uh, thank you for the opportunity. Wow.

Hope: I know you, uh, you’ll make the most of it. I– I don’t exactly know how things are going to work out. There is a lot of– there are a lot of things up in the air in my life right now. But I do know that hope for the future is in good hands. I mean, we have fresh faces, some new talent, and I believe that we will make the most of this opportunity. And I know you’ll bring out the best in each other. So luna, like I was saying before, I would really love it if you could work closely with zende. You know, stay by his side, absorb all of his knowledge. I mean, zende pretty much grew up in this industry. He learned from the best of the best, so I’m sure he has plenty of secrets to share.

Zende: I brought you some coffee.

Luna: Zende? Wait, what are you doing here?

Zende: I live here.

Luna: Wait, where’s rj?

Zende: I– I don’t know, luna, but he’s definitely not here.

Luna: Rj and I are in love. And I waited, and it was perfect, and what now I wake up here in this bed with you? I mean, what have I done?

Zende: Are you still considering telling rj?

Luna: Yeah, I mean, I think about it every day. Every second that I don’t say anything feels like a lie. And look, I’m not doing this to protect myself. I’m doing it to protect you and your relationship with your cousin.

Finn: Thank you for your patience and your understanding. Sheila has put a strain on us and our marriage.

Steffy: Yeah, I despise that woman. Everything she did to us, what she made me do. But I’m not gonna let anything or anyone come between us, okay?

Finn: Yeah, okay. It never will.

Steffy: We proved it again.

Finn: Yeah, yeah, we did. And I wish we didn’t have to face these challenges over and over. Sheila’s death has been difficult, but hey, we don’t have to worry about her anymore.

Steffy: I know. We can finally put sheila behind us and move on.

[ Cell phone rings ]

Finn: Hmm, deacon? Deacon, hey, uh, what’s up?

Deacon: Finn, where are you?

Finn: I’m– I’m with steffy.

Deacon: Um, listen, I need to see you. It’s urgent.

Finn: Why, what’s wrong?

Deacon: I can’t tell you on the phone.

Finn: You can’t tell me what this is about?

Deacon: It’s about your birth mother. It’s about sheila. I’m at the restaurant. Please get down here as quick as you can.

Finn: Yeah, I’ll be over there as soon as I can.

Steffy: What’s going on?

Finn: I don’t know. Deacon sounds upset.

Steffy: About what? Let me guess, sheila.

Finn: I don’t know, um… he wants me to go down to il giardino, and… no, look, hey, I don’t– just– let me deal with this as fast as I can. But look, hey, there’s no need to worry anymore, right? There’s no more fear. This might be the last time we ever have to talk about sheila. I’ll be right back.

Steffy: Okay.

[ Steffy sighs ]

Deacon: It can’t be… it can’t be. It can’t be. It can’t be.

Bother the bugs.

Hope: I hope I didn’t, uh, catch you too off guard with that.

Rj: You’re the boss, sis. It’s your call.

Hope: All right. Look, I know you enjoy working with luna, and you will be, I promise. I just think her spending time with zende will be very beneficial for her and her future.

Zende: You okay? I had no idea that hope was gonna have us working so closely together.

Luna: Yeah. No, I mean, um, I meant what I said. You know, I’m happy to pitch in and help out in thomas’ absence, but… look, it’s– it’s nothing personal, okay? You’re a great guy and a super talented designer, but it’s complicated. The night that we shared together?

Zende: There’s no reason for it to interfere with our work.

Luna: But I’m lying to rj. He doesn’t even know that we slept together, and keeping this secret is absolutely killing me. And the guilt is worse and worse every day, and working together is just gonna make that even harder.

Zende: I hate to see you struggle like this. It’s a messed up situation, but it’s not your fault.

Luna: I didn’t know what I was doing that night, but I do now. And I decided to lie to him, and I can’t do it. I mean, how am I supposed to show up to work every single day with this secret that’s eating me up inside? I can’t do it, okay? Rj needs to know what happened. He deserves to know the truth.

Finn: Sheila’s death’s been difficult, but hey, we don’t have to worry about her anymore.

[Breathing heavily]

Finn: Hey.

Deacon: Hey. Thanks for getting here so fast.

Finn: What’s going on?

Deacon: This is– it’s crazy. It doesn’t make any sense.

Finn: Okay. Well, you said it was urgent. Was it something to do with sheila?

Deacon: Um, man, I don’t know.

Finn: Okay, okay. Let’s just take a breath here. You’re all– you’re all wound up.

Deacon: You have no idea.

Finn: Okay, well, look, this is– this is normal, okay? The memorial service, it was… no, it got me too, you know? ‘Cause a lot of things came up. It’s been an emotional time. But, look, you— I’ve got to put this behind me, okay? Do you understand that? Steffy, she– she has been just incredible through all of this, but we can’t forget about the shooting. Trying to destroy our family. Every time sheila’s name comes up, it takes a toll on her. And I’m not gonna burden my wife with that, deacon, okay? I love her too much. So whatever– whatever this is, you need to just tell me so I can put sheila in the past once and for all. For steffy’s sake and for mine.

Deacon: Look, I get it. I get it. I want that for you, finn.

Finn: Okay, well, I think it would be good for you too. Okay? You– deacon. You need to let this go. Now. You cared about my mother. You were there for her. You gave her a respectful send-off. Even went to the crematorium.

Deacon: Yeah. Yeah, I wanted to stay with her as long as I could.

Finn: Yeah, you did everything that you could. More than most people would. Deacon, it’s— it’s over, okay? I know it’s hard to accept, but sheila’s dead.

Deacon: What if she’s not, finn? What if the person that I saw being cremated wasn’t sheila?

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B&B Transcript Monday, April 8, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Deacon: Stop! Stop! Ten toes! There’s ten toes! Do something! Ten toes!

Carl: Please, that’s very hot!

Steffy: It is the end of sheila carter. I mean, now that the memorial service is over, we can finally return to our normal lives. At least, I hope.

Ridge: You went to hell and back because of that deranged woman.

Steffy: Yeah, just the terror that sheila spread. And not just here in L.A. In genoa city, too.

Ridge: Genoa city. I was getting– did I miss lauren fenmore? Because I was gonna talk to her about how relieved she must be about the whole sheila thing.

Steffy: I know she is relieved, we’re all relieved. She just never thought that we’d be rid of sheila. But it happened.

Ridge: We can all take a deep breath now, right?

Steffy: Yeah, we can.

Ridge: All of us.

Steffy: All of us.

Ridge: Does that include finn? Why would he go to that memorial? Why did hope go? I thought it was just gonna be deacon.

Steffy: Well, supposedly hope went because of deacon. And finn… I don’t know, dad. It’s complicated.

Ridge: Is it?

Steffy: Yeah.

Ridge: Are you okay with him going and saying a final goodbye? It’S…

Steffy: I really don’t know–

Ridge: You don’t know?

Steffy: How I feel right now.

Ridge: So there’s more?

Steffy: I just think that sheila messed with my husband’s head. And he’s just dealing with a lot. But now that sheila’s gone, I hope his connection to sheila is gone, too.

Hope: I mean, you know you’re nothing like her.

Finn: Yeah, I know that. I do. I could never do the things that sheila did. Cause that much pain and suffering.

Hope: Oh, you’re kind of the complete opposite. You are kind, you are caring, you are compassionate.

Finn: Yeah, yeah, but yet here I am. I’m trying to make sense of my conflicted emotions. Right, thanks for being here, hope, and letting me open up to you about all this.

Hope: Well, you said you’d never judge me, so I’m not about to start judging you.

Finn: No, you’re one of the least judgmental people I know. In fact, I think you’re one of the nicest people I know.

Hope: Well, you better not let your wife hear you say that, because I’m pretty sure steffy wants to run me out of town for ruining her brother’s life.

Finn: Ah, you didn’t ruin thomas’ life. He’ll bounce back from this.

Hope: I hope so. He deserves to be happy.

Finn: Yeah, but so do you. I’m serious, hope. You did the right thing not accepting thomas’ proposal.

Hope: Well, I– I couldn’T. Don’t get me wrong, I care about him deeply, and I always will. I just, I couldn’T… I didn’t want to get married again. I mean, so soon. Especially with…

Finn: With what?

Hope: Look, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but my mother has been married more times than I have fingers to count on, I’m pretty sure. And I just– I didn’t want that for myself.

Finn: So, you’re saying there’s no chance for you and thomas?

Hope: I can’t really say. I don’t know. I– I’m not sure. All I know is that right now, I am concentrating on my line, myself, and my little girl.

Finn: That– that sounds like good medicine to me.

Steffy: Yeah, dad, the truth is I– I am upset that finn went to sheila’s memorial service. But I told him that I wasn’t gonna stand in his way. I just– I don’t want any more things coming between us.

Ridge: I get that. The two of you have been through a lot.

Steffy: Yeah. I just wanna be able to concentrate on my marriage. My husband, our family. There’s been so much drama lately. It’s time to move on with our lives.

Ridge: Without the psycho birth mother.

Steffy: Yeah. That’s when I think about all the things she’s done. She showed up at my wedding reception, and then she shot us, and then she breaks into my home. I mean, it goes on and on.

Ridge: All right, don’t do that. You did the only thing you could’ve done. Everyone knows that. Even finn.

Steffy: Even though I– you know how much I hated sheila. But it is really hard for me to know that like I did– I killed–

Baker: Well, I’m glad the both of you are here together. We need to talk about sheila carter.

Deacon: This– this can’t be. This– this, this can’t be.

Carl: Sharpe, what is it?

Deacon: No, no, no, no, no. I– I’m freaking out, man. No, my eyes are playing tricks on me. I saw–

Carl: Okay, okay. Why don’t you have seat?

Deacon: No, I don’t wanna sit down, I–

Carl: Okay, okay. I’ll bring you some water.

Deacon: No, I– I swear I saw ten toes in there! What the– what the? (Vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn’s disease

Finn: So how’s, um, beth handling douglas not being around?

Hope: She misses him. Almost as much as I do.

Finn: Ah, he’s a terrific kid.

Hope: He really is. But now he is with his dad in paris, a million miles away. At least it feels that way.

Finn: You worried about him?

Hope: Well, I am a mother, after all. I mean, that’s what I do best. I will always worry about him, but he has an awesome dad. And I know that he will take care of him, and they will both take care of each other.

Finn: Well, douglas, you know, he’s always been an extremely mature kid for his age. He’s honest to a fault. I think he gets that from you.

Hope: No. Well, that’s sweet of you to say.

Finn: I’m serious, hope. I mean, you set an extraordinary example for douglas. You know, for any kid.

Hope: I just want him to come home. It hasn’t really been the same since he left, uh… but I’m not going to put any pressure on him or thomas. I am going to give them as much time as they need. I’m not going to contest this situation just yet.

Finn: And you don’t want douglas getting caught in the middle?

Hope: No, and he– he asked for that, he… look, he’s– he’s mature. I have to trust that he knows what’s best for him right now, and he knows I’m just a phone call or text away.

Finn: Well, you’ve always been a guardian angel for him, right? Whenever he’s needed it, even when he hasn’t, so. And in my book, I think that makes douglas a truly lucky kid.

Hope: Thank you. I– I, uh, needed to hear that.

Finn: So, I, um, I have something I wanna ask you.

Hope: Okay.

Finn: And it’s very important to me. I want you to promise me something.

Steffy: You’re here about sheila.

Baker: Yes.

Steffy: What about her?

Baker: Are you aware that deacon sharpe had a memorial service for her at his restaurant? I take it neither of you attended?

Ridge: No. Why would we do that?

Baker: Well, I doubt many others did either, considering her reputation.

Steffy: Chief baker, could you just tell us what’s– what’s going on?

Baker: Oh, yes, of course, um… I want to go back to that night for a moment, when sheila broke into your home.

Ridge: Can we not do that?

Steffy: Dad, just let him say what he has to say.

Ridge: No, I don’t want him upsetting you.

Baker: That’s not my intention. Quite the opposite, actually.

Steffy: What do you mean, opposite?

Baker: Yes, I just got the word. The position of the state of california and the city of los angeles is that you were acting in self-defense that night. Especially considering your history with sheila.

Steffy: So, no charges have been brought?

Baker: That’s exactly what it means.

Ridge: So– so everything that happened, this whole chapter, everything’s behind us?

Baker: Yes. As far as the authorities are concerned, steffy is not liable for sheila carter’s death.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Deacon: I know what I saw. I know what I saw. I know what I saw. She had ten toes. She had ten toes. She had ten toes and that wasn’t sheila. There were ten toes in there. There were ten.

Carl: I brought you some water.

Deacon: Look, I…

Carl: I thought, I’m sorry that you reacted this way. Sometimes, it’s not great to have the family participate–

Deacon: No, that’s not it. I saw ten toes in there!

Carl: It’s best if you go home. You seem very agitated and upset.

Deacon: I am agitated and upset because I think I’m losing my mind!

Carl: Okay. What can I do? How can I help you?

Deacon: Okay, you’re the one who did this, right?

Carl: Did what?

Deacon: You embalmed sheila. You’re responsible, right?

Carl: Yes, but–

Deacon: Okay, I need you to give me some answers because I think I’m losing my mind! I need your help, please! Please help me! Before my doctor and I chose breztri

Hope: You want me to promise you something?

Finn: It’s not as ominous as it seems, okay? Trust me. It’s just– look, we’re friends, right?

Hope: Of course.

Finn: And we want what’s best for each other. We care for each other, and whatever that might turn out to be.

Hope: Where are you going with this, finn?

Finn: It actually has to do with what happened with you and thomas, and the way steffy reacted.

Hope: You mean, uh, steffy not wanting me to be with her brother because she thinks I’m not good enough for him?

Finn: Well, the truth is– is I mean, I didn’t want you with him either. Not because you weren’t good enough for thomas, but because thomas wasn’t good enough for you.

Hope: Okay, so…

Finn: Okay, look, I guess what I’m saying is… our families are interconnected. We need to get along. And you and steffy especially. I mean, you guys work together, you practically see each other every day at forrester.

Hope: Yeah, we have a bit of a problematic history.

Finn: Well, that’s mainly because of liam, right? And people wanna make you guys out to be rivals because of that. It’s the same way your mom and taylor were for all those years. But you and steffy, you don’t need to fall into that same pattern. You are two strong, amazing women who should be supporting each other. Look, what I’m asking is just don’t hold a grudge against steffy for what went down with thomas. Things happen for a reason. Thomas is gone. Who knows who you’re gonna share your life with.

Hope: So, you just want me to promise you to be open to any possibility.

Finn: Exactly. Look, mr. Right, he might be waiting in the wings as we speak. Maybe someone unexpected, but maybe someone you know. I mean, look, that’s the beauty of life. It’s the mystery and the surprises that await us. I mean, look at steffy and me. I mean, she’s so different than any woman that I’d ever met. But one look at her, and I just knew. And the same thing can happen for you, if you let it.

Steffy: I’ve been cleared. I’ve been cleared.

Ridge: We all knew you would be. It’s all in your past now.

Steffy: Oh, god, you have no idea how much I wanted this. I never want to go through something like that ever again.

Ridge: You don’t have to. Sheila’s dead, never to return.

Sheila: Yeah, she’s dead, but in my mind she’s still there. Like, she still haunts me and i think about all the things that she’s done to me.

Ridge: Well, the only good thing she’s ever done was give birth to your husband.

Steffy: Yeah, a son that she’s never deserved.

Ridge: And you know what? It would’ve been better for him not to find out that that was his mother. What’s the good in that? He finds out that she pretended she was killed by bears, she cuts off her own toe. Who does that?

Deacon: I need some answers.

Carl: I’ll do what I can, but I need you to calm down first. I can’t have you grabbing me.

Deacon: Okay. I’m calm. I’m calm, okay? I need you to tell me what is going on.

Carl: I’ve explained this several times. The cremation process is–

Deacon: No, I get– get all of that! That’s not what I’m talking about! I need you to tell me what is going on. What is going on here, man? Tell me! (Clapping)

Finn: I just– I hate seeing you and steffy at odds. You’re better than that. And if it sounds like I’m looking out for my wife, yes, you bet I am. But I’m also looking out for you, hope.

Hope: Steffy is fortunate to have you.

Finn: Well, I’m fortunate to have her. She’s everything I could ever want.

Hope: Well, I’m sure she says the same about you, finn. I mean, look at you. You’re the total package. You’re a doctor, you’re smart, you’re charming, you’re handsome, you’re stable, you’re compassionate, you’re stable. People can rely on you. I mean, your actions would never hurt steffy or the kids.

Finn: No, of course, not. I mean, they’re my life. They’re the best part of my life.

Hope: Okay. I heard you. I will take what you have asked of me into consideration. I mean, in a perfect world, I would love not to be at odds with steffy or dredge up old animosities. But she did stick her nose in my business, just saying. But, um, yeah. I do want everyone to get along, too.

Finn: Good, see, I had a feeling you’d say that.

Hope: Gosh, you really did find the perfect profession, didn’t you? I mean, you just– you heal people. I– I myself feel much better after this unexpected doctor’s appointment, so… thank you.

Finn: You’re welcome.

Steffy: Oh, god, I just remember seeing sheila’s toe in that evidence container. It was just so disgusting. Like, the length that lunatic was willing to go. My god.

Ridge: Hey, we don’t have to worry about nine-toed sheila ever again.

Carl: I realize this is a difficult time and how upsetting the cremation process is.

Deacon: That’s not what I’m talking about. Yes, I mean, of course, the thought of sheila going through that creeps me out. But listen to me, what if it wasn’t her?

Carl: What?

Deacon: What if that wasn’t sheila that you were doing that to?

Carl: I don’t know what you’re saying, mr. Sharpe. It doesn’t make any sense!

Deacon: Okay, listen to me. My fiancée, sheila carter, you worked on her, right?

Carl: Yes.

Deacon: You did repairs to her, right?

Carl: Repairs?

Deacon: Yes, I mean, didn’t you do little enhancements, you know? Okay, I know you guys doll them up, right? You know, you put makeup on them and you fix their hair to make them more presentable, right?

Carl: Yes, but I still don’t know what you’re getting at.

Deacon: Would you ever, you know, add an appendage if one was missing?

Carl: An appendage?

Deacon: Yes, like a digit, you know?

Carl: A digit?

Deacon: Yes. Specifically, a right middle toe. Sheila was missing her right middle toe. Did you?

Carl: Absolutely not. We would never do anything like that.

[ Cell phone rings ]

Carl: I’m sorry. I need to take this.

Deacon: My eyes have gotta be playing tricks on me. Ten toes. Ten toes. I don’t care what you say. I saw ten toes.

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