Days of Our Lives Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
[dramatic music]
Mom, what brings you by?
Lemon bars. Homemade.
Ooh, delicious.
I thought it would boost morale around here. Everyone seems to be so worried…
About the hospital closing. OK. [coffeepot rattling] What happened to the coffee?
Oh, it’s a victim of budget cuts.
My dear, it’s more dire than I thought.
Mm-hmm. Why is it whenever there’s a financial crisis, the coffee and bagels are first to go, like that’s gonna solve everything? Might as well be telling everybody to find a new job.
And speaking of new jobs, I heard your husband has hired Alex back at Titan. 2
Yes. Yes, today is his first day back.
Well, I’m very happy. I know Victor would have loved knowing that he’s returned to the family business.
Unless it ends in disaster.
And why would it? What do you mean?
That’s the thing. They’re actually acting like brothers. Xander even asked Philip to move back into the mansion.
He did?
OK, yeah, so it was to make it seem like they were a united front, but still. Everything is working out the way I’d hoped.
That’s great, Sarah. I just hope nothing happens to change that, for your sake and mine. Things are going really well with Alex. I doubt that he would be too happy to know that I kept quiet about all this.
So then we’re in agreement.
For the greater good.
Yeah. For the greater good.
Sarah? What makes you think that Alex working at Titan is a bad idea?
[light music]
Stephanie. Hey.
Thank you so much. Yeah, it was just dropped off. A pregnancy test. Patient name: Wesley, Joy.
Something on your mind?
I–I just wanted to see how your first day went. You and Alex started at Titan today, right?
Right. Right, yeah. Good. Mostly onboarding. Lots of paperwork, orientation seminars. Once I was finished with all that, Philip sent me home, so…
That was nice of him.
Yeah, well, he didn’t really need me to stick around. He was headed back to the mansion with Alex and Xander for some top secret meeting, so… [dramatic music]
It’s good to have you back in the fold, Alex. I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye, but the family’s stronger together.
Case in point, my brother and me.
Mm, welcome back to Titan, cousin. Cheers, fellas.
That’s a 25-year Macallan?
Very nice. Didn’t realize you knew your way around a bottle of scotch.
Oh, I know the stuff ain’t cheap. And as much as I’d like to think it’s about celebrating my first day, I know something’s up, because you would not insist on an off-site meeting unless something big was on the horizon.
Kid’s good. 9
I guess it is about time Philip and I pulled back the curtains and told you what we’ve been working on.
Is this something to do with the big plans for Titan you had mentioned?
The biggest.
We’re taking over DiMera.
Is that your article about the DiMeras? I thought you turned that in yesterday.
I did, but alas, Chadwick forced me to have legal review it.
And the verdict?
Apparently some of my sourcing is thin. [scoffs] Ridiculous. How is anybody supposed to get any clicks when every single detail needs to be verified? I never had to worry about any of this when I was Lady Whistleblower. 11
Except now you’re a respectable journalist, which I find very sexy, by the way. [both chuckle]
Don’t tempt me just yet. I still have a few more “I”s to dot before I finish, but then I am all yours.
Oh, you might be a little longer. I have some information you’ll want to add to your article.
A boyfriend and a source. Go on.
Well, Gabi called me while I was on my way over. And we all know that EJ is behind Rafe’s kidnapping, so it sounds like that he’ll probably get away with everything.
[upbeat rock music playing over headphones]
[knock at door]
Felicity, can you get that? [knock at door]
Did you say something?
Oh. Never mind. [sighs] [gasps] [quirky music]
Is it a bad time?
[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
[sultry music]
I’m sorry, am I early?
No, no, I’m late. [laughs] I got stuck in this long conversation with my mother’s lawyer, and then I thought I could squeeze in, like, a little yoga session, and I completely lost track of time. Anyway, I’ll–I’ll go throw some clothes on, and we can talk about the fundraiser. Come on in.
OK. Yeah, no rush. I’m just gonna–I’ll just hang out here with Felicity.
OK. Yeah. I’ll be right back.
You don’t think I embarrassed her too bad, do you, making her answer the door in her towel?
That’s not why she’s embarrassed.
It’s not?
No. Because she likes you. [dramatic music]
I don’t get it. If Rafe remembers coming face-to-face with his doppelganger– on the DiMera estate, no less– how does that not implicate EJ?
He could argue that Arnold broke in without his knowledge.
That is a crock.
No, that is probable cause. So unless Rafael suddenly gets all of his memories back, EJ will probably walk away scot-free.
I’m so sorry.
Don’t be. You can help instead. If you put all of this into your article, we can pressure Belle into bringing charges against EJ.
Would your cousin be willing to go on the record?
Are you kidding? He would do anything to nail those DiMeras to a wall.
You want to take control of DiMera? How many of those have you had, cuz?
He’s not joking. This is our moment to strike.
Oh, your moment to strike? What is this, a hostile takeover? It’s not gonna happen without the support of the family.
We don’t need the support of the family. We have Wei Shin in our corner. 19
You got Wei Shin to agree to join forces with you?
He sees the writing on the wall. Tony and Stefan are gone. EJ and Kristen are too busy trying to stay out of prison. They’re neglecting their duty to the shareholders. Our timing is never gonna get better than this.
It’s now or never. So what do you think?
I think it’s a hell of a swing. Not to mention incredibly risky.
But something tells me Uncle Vic would approve. So who am I to disagree with the best there ever was? Let’s bring down the DiMeras. [glasses clink]
Top secret meeting. News to me.
I’m just as in the dark as you are. I mean, Alex may be inner circle, but I am a mere assistant.
Oh, still–still, it must be like déjà vu in a way, you and Alex coworkers again.
Yeah. Yeah, except at Titan, we’re not jumping into bed together, pretending to make out.
I don’t know why I just said that. The more I try not to be awkward around you, the more I word vomit. I’m sorry.
No, I get it. I get it. And I don’t want things to be weird between us either.
Great, then let’s make a pact that it won’t be. I’m really happy for you and Alex, and whatever relationship we had, it’s–it’s completely in the past.
We both know that’s not true.
What’s that supposed to mean? Alex and I are just friends. Nothing more.
Unless you’re pregnant with his baby.
[sighs] What did you just say?
Nothing. Forget it. I–
Yeah, too late for that. Why would you think I’m pregnant?
[sighs] I was at the hospital doing some PR work, and I overheard Sarah talking about your pregnancy test to the lab.
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me! What, was she saying it over the loudspeaker?
No, nothing like that. I–I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yeah, well, that tracks with my luck lately. [dramatic music] I guess this means that you told Alex? 25
No. No, I realized it wasn’t my place to violate your privacy like that.
[sighs] But you’ve thought about it?
Honestly, it’s all I’ve been thinking about since yesterday.
Join the club.
So at the risk of sticking my nose further into your business, what was the verdict? Are you pregnant or not? 26
It’s an honor to go into battle with both of you.
But before we do, I should clear the air. With you in particular. I know when I first got back to town, there was some… friction between us.
Yeah, you could say that, Philip, yeah. I’ll admit I was a little jealous about you being with Stephanie.
But we’re all good now?
Yeah, we’re good. Just don’t try and win her back.
Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about that.
Did it never occur to you, Philip, that had people found out that you were committing fraud that they might think that I was in on it, that–that maybe I was helping to deceive the public into thinking that you were this poor victim who was wrongly deprived of his birthright?
But I was. If I had overcome my demons just a few months sooner, it would have changed everything. My dad would have left me in charge–
That is pure speculation, and you know that will is solid. Meaning you stole half the company from Xander.
Well, he deserved to have it stolen from him. I mean, it’s not like Xander is some upstanding guy either.
That is irrelevant. Damn it, Philip, I never would have done PR for you had I known that you were trying to pull this scheme.
You used me. [sighs]
No, no, Steph.
Look. [sighs] Let’s talk about this over dinner.
Oh, there is no dinner. In fact, you and I are through, Philip. Professionally and personally.
When Stephanie and I broke up, she made it pretty clear that what we had was over for good.
Don’t listen to me, Mom. I’m sure Alex is gonna be great. 31
But you have reservations.
Well, it’s only just, you know, because he used to be CEO, and now he has to report to Xander and Philip. I just–I don’t want it to cause any conflict.
That happened a long time ago. I mean, Alex has had a whole new career since he found out that he wasn’t Victor’s son. I mean, Xander doesn’t blame Alex for what happened last year, does he? 32
No, no, no, no, no. No, Xander knows that Alex was fooled by Theresa, just like everyone else.
Yeah, I still don’t understand how she could be so cruel to someone she cared about, forging a letter and lying to him about his birthright.
Yeah, well, I’m guessing that she just never thought her secret would come out.
Then she’s an idiot. A secret like that, it always comes out.
Of course. No problem, primo. No, no, no, I think we got everything we need. I will. All right, bye. Rafael says thank you.
Mm, I should be the one thanking him. His interview has made my article all the more scintillating. Ah, and now it is in the hands of my editor. I wonder if “The Spectator” is gonna hire protection for me.
Yeah, pretty sure the DiMeras are gonna come after me after they read that or send creepy Dr. Rolf.
Mm. Don’t worry. I’ll be your bodyguard.
That’s very sweet, but have you seen the biceps on EJ? Or Kristen, for that matter?
Hey, my biceps aren’t half bad either. 35
Well, maybe I need a reminder.
Yeah? [quirky music] [grunts]
You think I can take him on now?
How about you go a few rounds with me first?
So your sister said she likes me, huh?
She told me you can’t like her back. 36
Mm. Well, that’s because of what she had to do to save your mom. I was pretty angry at first. But I’ve– I’ve come to understand why she did what she did. [dramatic music]
Good. Then you can be together now, right? [door clicks open]
[dramatic music]
What’d I miss?
[chuckles] Felicity was just telling me that you kind of liked me.
Then I said that… because I understand better why you did what you had to do to save your mom that maybe I could like you too.
[laughs] Well, I really wish you hadn’t discussed that with Chad, Felicity.
No, I’m very glad she did. You’re very direct, and as a newsman, I admire that.
And you’re also behind the times. She’s behind the times. Because remember, I told you I am– I’m over Chad, the little silly crush that I had. We’re just friends now. Remember that part?
You could be such a good couple.
You’re so funny. [laughs] You’re so funny. OK. You’re gonna go to your room and do your homework there, and Chad and I are going to work on the fundraiser details.
I could help.
Oh, I think you have helped so much. So very much. This way, lady. This way, lady. Come on. Come on. Are you good? OK. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Felicity.
Yeah, you’re welcome. [door clicks shut]
[sighs] [knock at door]
It’s EJ. See, I was only half kidding about taking him on.
Room service. I ordered us an early dinner.
You’re so thoughtful.
What can I say? I’m a catch.
Thank you.
You have got to try the fried chicken. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve had it twice this week.
Looks a little dry.
What is this?
The Salem Inn called in my tab.
I still can’t believe that you got Wei Shin to agree to this DiMera takeover. You sure we can trust this guy? 43
As long as we carve him out a big enough piece of the pie, I believe we can. Plus, Philip very shrewdly reminded him of how Gabi destroyed Li’s life and EJ sullied his memory.
Well, it wasn’t a hard sell at that point. I can’t take too much credit. Something funny?
No, no. It’s just, couple months ago, you were at each other’s throats. Now look at you guys. If you would have known you would have made such a good team, you could have saved us a hell of a lot of trouble, that’s all.
You got me half believing we can actually pull this off.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
On that note, why don’t we call it a half day? We’ll have to regroup bright and early to plan our next move.
Oh, fine by me. Gentlemen, have yourselves a great one. Let’s do this.
What was all that about?
[sighs] What was all what about?
You pulled the brakes on what was shaping up to be a rather nice little family moment. Are you having second thoughts about working with Alex? Do you not trust him?
No, it’s not that. Actually, I’m more concerned about Alex trusting me.
What do you mean?
I’m worried what Stephanie might say about me behind my back.
Look, I understand if you don’t want to answer my question. It’s obviously none of my business. 47
No, it’s not. Anyways, there is no answer yet. I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not. I haven’t gotten the results back yet, so…
I see.
[sighs] You’re probably gonna hate this next question that I ask you, but…
Are you sure the baby is Alex’s– if there is a baby?
Excuse me?
No! No judgment. I–I–I just want to get a full picture.
Right, well, sorry to dash your hopes, Stephanie, but Alex is the only person I’ve been with lately, so…
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t–
I shouldn’t have asked. I just–I just wanted to be sure.
[sighs] I get it. You and Alex are finally together, and me being pregnant could ruin your happily ever after.
Look, I’m just anxious. Clearly not as anxious as you.
You’ll probably feel better once you get the results back. Test could still be negative, right?
Only one way to find out. [sighs]
Well, perhaps I should donate to the Caffeinate the Doctors and the Nurses Fund.
I mean, you don’t have to do that, but…
Consider it done. [both laugh] I love you. 51
I love you.
Love you more
No, I love you more, Mom. [both smooch] [laughs] [phone ringing]
Dr. Kiriakis, it’s Joy Wesley.
Oh, hey, Joy. How are you feeling? 52
Physically, much better than yesterday. Emotionally, not–not so much. Did my results come in yet?
I put a rush on them, so let me check.
Yeah. Actually, yeah, they just came in a few minutes ago.
Great, then would I be able to come in and look at them? – Of course. I’ll see you soon. 53
Great. Thank you. Results are in.
If they’re positive, will you tell Alex?
I honestly have not even thought that far ahead, but I suppose it would be much too messy now to ask you to keep this from him.
Look, this is– this is your life. You don’t need to factor me into any of this.
Well, I appreciate that. I am gonna stop by his place afterwards to talk this over with him, regardless of what the results are. Could you do me a favor, please?
After how I’ve handled this conversation, you can ask me just about anything.
I don’t have the bandwidth to start from the beginning with Alex. Can you catch him up to speed for me?
Of course.
Wish me luck.
OK. [sighs, clears throat] Where are we on auction items?
I’ve gotten a pretty good response from the local businesses. Lots of fun packages to–to bid on. I can–I can send you a list of what I got so far. 56
Oh, perfect. Thank you. I have already ordered carnival games, including the dunk tank.
Mm. Any volunteers yet?
Well, I have a wish list. I have a feeling that if EJ and Leo sign up, we will endow the hospital for years to come.
[laughs] That’s probably true. And–and where did we land on the– on the bachelor-bachelorette auction? 57
Oh, I love it. Especially if you sign up.
[blows raspberry] No way.
Oh, come on.
People would bid a lot of money to snag a handsome, successful guy like you…
For a little date action.
Oh, we’re not trying to marry you off. It’s just a date. And it’s for a very good cause, Mr. DiMera. So come on. It’s in good fun. [dramatic music]
[clears throat] OK, fine. One condition, though.
Name it.
If I’m gonna be the eligible bachelor, you’re gonna be the eligible bachelorette.
This is your bill? How much did you spend this week?
Don’t be ridiculous. That’s a list of all my unpaid bills since “Body & Soul” sacked me.
Leo, that was weeks ago.
Look, Suze Orman says there is good debt and there’s bad debt.
And this is?
Bad debt.
Yeah, well, the message is noted. So when are you gonna plan on paying for this? You–you can pay this, right?
Mm, if I drain my entire life savings, yeah. Look, journalism doesn’t pay the same as an aggregate minimum of five episodes minus script fees.
Well, don’t you think it’s a little extravagant, living in a hotel?
But I like living here. They make my bed. They clean my room. Those little bottles of alcohol magically replenish themselves. 61
I was paying for those?
Did you think it was included in the rent?
Phyllis was never clear about that. I swear that woman has it out for me.
I mean, all the reason for you to find a new place to live.
Easier said than done. Where am I gonna go?
You could move in with me.
What are you worried that Stephanie might say about you?
She’s an ex. We didn’t end on good terms. She could say any number of things.
Look, I don’t know Stephanie very well, but she and Sarah are friendly enough. She doesn’t seem like the type to hold a grudge.
[sighs] Yeah, that’s true.
Then please stop looking for problems where there aren’t any. Trust me, if our plans for the family go up in flames, it won’t be because of Stephanie.
Oh. Mm. Mwah.
[laughs] I was just thinking about you.
Oh, yeah?
Wondering how the first day went.
Oh, my God, it was actually fantastic. Both Xander and Philip were very welcoming to me.
Oh, that’s great.
How did the secret meeting go?
How did you know about the–
I ran into Joy earlier.
Ah. OK, well, I can’t talk too much about it, but let’s just say that Titan has some very ambitious plans, and I am extremely excited to be a part of them. 65
Oh. I’m really happy for you.
Steph, it’s thanks to you. It was your idea to go back to Titan, so let me take you out to dinner and properly thank you.
Did I say something wrong?
No. No, no, no, not at all. I–I–I just need to talk to you about something. It’s pretty serious.
OK, now you’re scaring me. [chuckles] What’s going on?
[exhales heavily]
Joy Wesley might be pregnant… with your baby.
Ah, good timing. The lab just brought these.
Have you–have you checked the results?
No, I haven’t had a chance to yet. So do you want to go in my office and we can look at them together?
OK. [phone beeps]
Oh, damn it. 68
Is everything all right?
There’s an emergency downstairs. I–I would say wait in my office, but I just– I don’t know how long I’m gonna be.
Could I just see my results for myself?
I mean, they do belong to you, so if you want to go over them yourself, that’s your decision.
Thank you.
Well, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate. I’m here for you. [suspenseful music]
[scoffs] You play dirty!
What do you mean? Fair’s fair. If you’re gonna auction off a date with me, then we’re gonna auction off a date with you. 70
OK, yeah, but exactly how is that gonna go, huh? The auctioneer is like, step right up! Someone bid on the imposter who duped half of Salem. Oh, going once, going twice. Sold for $1, Bob!
See, you’re gonna start it off with an auction bit, and then you’re gonna turn it into a “Price is Right” bit? That’s awful.
OK, I’m not the writer. You’re the writer. But that’s not the point. The point is, I’m not gonna bring in any money. Certainly not the big bucks.
What are you talking about? Of course you will. You’re smart, beautiful, and–and you’re single. [soft music] So, you know–and it’s for a great cause.
OK, use my words against me. Fine. Add my name to the list.
Oh, God. 72
[dramatic music]
You want us to cohabitate?
You make it sound so clinical. Yeah, that’s the idea.
Isn’t it a little soon?
I mean, what other choice do you have?
Also, is it your call to make? You live with Rafe and Gabi. 73
They won’t have a problem with it.
Are you forgetting that Gabi hates me?
Well, good thing that you won’t be sharing a room with her.
No, just a kitchen, a living room, access to a bathroom mirror.
OK, my cousins keep saying mi casa es su casa, so it’s time for them to put their money where their mouths are. And this is important to me.
Are you sure about this?
I am. But I don’t want to pressure you or anything, so I won’t be offended if you think it’s too fast.
We’ve only been dating, like, a month or two.
Yeah, but we’ve known each other longer. So what do you say? Are we gonna do this?
[dramatic music]
It’s from Wei.
What did he say?
That he’s presenting our plan to his associates later today. He’ll keep us posted.
This is really happening. By this time next week, we could be in charge of– [babbles]
My, my.
I guess I can still make them tongue-tied. [chuckles] Don’t mind me, boys. I’m here to fetch Victoria’s stuffed bunny. I’m not interested in your secret business plans.
You’re more than welcome to sit in, Maggie. You are still a part of this company.
Well, that’s very sweet of you to say, but I stepped back to give you brothers a chance to take the reins. And I’m very proud of it, because I think it’s wonderful seeing you working side by side. I’m very proud of you both. And I think Victor would be very proud of you too.
I can’t believe this is happening.
I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I just didn’t think it was my place.
I don’t blame you, Steph, at all. And I’m sorry that you’re even in this position at all. I–I just– it’s a lot to think about, actually the possibility of me being a father.
Joy and I didn’t talk about what would happen if she really was pregnant, whether she was going to keep the baby or– that’s a discussion for the two of you, obviously.
Steph, this– this affects you too. 79
Don’t worry about me.
No, no. I need you to understand something, that no matter what happens with this, no matter what, if Joy is pregnant or if she decides to keep this baby, I am committed to you. And–and nothing is gonna change that.
If–if that is the case, then I will do whatever they both need, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re the person I want to be with. I promise you, I will not let anything else come between us.
[knock at door]
Alex. 81
I– I told him everything.
Joy, I am sorry. [sighs]
Did you get the results back?
I did, yeah.
And? Are you pregnant?
OK, we have a few more things to cover, and then we’ll be finished. What are your thoughts on clowns?
Hard veto.
What, you don’t find clowns creepy?
Well, yeah, maybe they’re a little creepy, but I like that they’re creepy.
Shut up. Seriously?
Yeah, like, zombies, vampires, ghosts, I love all that stuff.
What are you– aren’t you the person who was scared of “Scream” as a kid?
Oh, OK. You remembered that?
It’s not the same thing. It’s completely different. That’s a– that’s a real-life threat, whereas clowns are, like, you know, supernatural-y vibes. I like all that stuff. 84
And killer clowns?
That’s totally fictional.
What do you mean? There’s a–there’s a whole genre of true crime docs that you are apparently missing out on.
OK, do not ruin clowns for me.
Oh, my God, I’m so sorry.
Look at him. Look at him. Look. He would be a huge hit.
Oh, my God. He’s gonna give everybody a heart attack.
Oh, that’s more revenue for the hospital.
Aha. You think I’m funny.
Mm-mm. No, I don’t.
[laughs] [dramatic music] 86
What are you doing? You’re so twisted.
[laughs] You’re laughing.
Please, Chad, let me come to the fundraiser…
OK, OK, stop.
Or I will haunt your dreams!
Stop! No! [laughter] No. Oh, uh-oh.
Oh, God. Hi. [laughs] I thought– you scared me.
Wow, you two laugh a lot.
Oh, I’m so sorry. I literally had you go do your homework, and we were being so loud. We will be quiet, I promise.
[scoffs] [gentle music]
What? What are you thinking?
I guess you two are so happy together. You should be boyfriend and girlfriend.
So do you want to move in with me, or– [quirky music]
OK, yes. But we are gonna call this a trial run, because I don’t want this to preclude us from moving in together at a later, more appropriate time.
Whatever you say.
No, I’m serious. I can be a lot to handle sometimes, and I want this to work out. I want us to work out.
Me too. So do you want me to help you pack, or–
You might as well. Although there is something I need to take care of first.
What’s that? 90
Well, I should take this to Victoria. Someone is in dire need of a cuddle and a story.
Well, why don’t I come with you?
OK. Oh, hi, sweetie. [dramatic music]
Darling, you’re home early. We were just about to head up to see our little girl. 91
Yeah, I–I will– I will meet you up there. I just–I need a minute to catch my breath.
Rough day, honey?
Yeah, yeah. Well, we were understaffed. But we saved some lives, so that’s what counts, right?
[chuckles] Mm. [chuckles]
OK, me next. [laughs]
Love you, Mommy.
The hospital is lucky to have you.
Thanks. How’d things go with Alex?
Went really well, actually. But it’ll all come crashing down if Stephanie decides to tell him that I forged Victor’s letter.
I don’t– I wouldn’t worry about that. She and Alex are finally happy. And she wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that.
Well… what do the results say?
False alarm! I’m not pregnant.
Oh, thank God. Oh, my God.
Yeah, really dodged a bullet there. 94
No, no. I just mean for all of us…
It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s OK.
Really, Joy.
Look, I’m relieved too, OK? Let’s be real. If I were pregnant, this wouldn’t just be a burden on me. It’d be one on both of you too. Nobody wanted that.
Right. Yeah.
Well, there’s really nothing left to say, so… 95
Well, are you sure you’re all right?
No, really, Joy, I mean, you’ve been dealing with this all alone this whole time and–
Yeah, if you want company, stay. We could–we could order a pizza or something.
Don’t you think I’ve been third wheel long enough? No, it’s time for a clean break, so…
But thank you.
Take care, Joy. [door clicks shut]
[somber music]
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