B&B Short Recap Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy and Luna continue to argue about Luna locking Steffy in a cage and her whole evil plan. Luna complains about her terrible upbringing with Poppy and how she plans to get with Bill. Steffy is disgusted with how callously Luna talks about murder and the rest. Luna says that RJ is sweet but not as rich and powerful as Bill. They show flashbacks of how she killed poor and Hollis.

Finn has a flashback to Steffy leaving. Liam arrives to give Finn a hard time about the kiss with Hope and how he let Steffy down. Finn stands up for himself. He’s just worried about where Steffy is.

Hope also has a flashback, to the kiss (and especially to Finn’s look of horror). Brooke comes in, so they talk about how Hope is trying to get over her feelings for Finn. Brooke isn’t too happy when Hope mentions that Steffy doesn’t appreciate Finn.


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